#but I now know Scott's daughter is apparently super
littlerosetrove · 2 years
Haven’t seen Ant-Man 3 yet, but I’ve watched a spoiler review on it, and it truly confirms something I already knew: the MCU is just doing a “find and replace” for beloved/established characters. 
Ant-Man is now --> his daughter  Natasha/Black Widow is now --> Yelena Clint/Hawkeye is now --> Kate Bishop Loki is now --> Sylvie Tony Stark/Iron Man is now --> Iron Heart  Steve Rogers/Captain America is now --> Sam Wilson (don’t come for me, I love Sam, but they handled him weirdly in TFATWS. the same can be said for Bucky) Thor --> was very briefly Jane Foster, but they killed her off in the same movie
I may be missing a few, but you get the idea. I’m personally not a fan of this. Marvel comics has a shit ton of characters to choose from. The MCU has already used lesser known characters to great success. I wish they’d keep doing that rather than, again, this “find and replace” method. 
I may not be keeping up with the MCU anymore (there’s very little from them I want to even see. phase 4 was super disappointing.), but I can still be annoyed/frustrated/disappointed with how they’re continuing to handle things. 
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Mike Luckovich
* * * *
Defying the odds, Trump steals spotlight from JD Vance (and not in a good way)
August 1, 2024
Robert B. Hubbell
Trump's interview at the National Association of Black Journalists convention was an unmitigated disaster of campaign-altering dimensions. The only person in the US happy with Trump's miserable performance was JD Vance—who will enjoy a few minutes out of the spotlight.
It is easy to mock Trump for his calamitous interview—and we should. Taking Trump down a few notches by making clear that he is a cringe-worthy, awkward, bloviating narcissist is a good development. But he is also filled with rage, prejudice, and hate, as his answers make clear. Both aspects of Trump's 32-minute interview deserve to be highlighted—because both demonstrate that he is unfit for office (or even for polite company).
Aaron Rupar has compiled a ten-minute “super-cut” of the interview that is worth watching in its entirety. See YouTube, Trump self-immolates at National Association Black Journalists convention: a supercut.
Rachel Scott of ABC began the interview by asking Trump a tough question about Trump's prior statements about minorities, which sent Trump into a black hole of rage. Scott asked,
You have pushed false claims about people like President Barack Obama, saying he was not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswomen, women of color who were American citizens, to go back to where they came from. You have used words like ‘animal’ to describe Black district attorneys. You've attacked Black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are quote, ‘stupid and racist.’ You've had dinner with a white supremacist at Mar-a-Lago. So my question, sir, now that you are asking Black supporters to vote for you, why should Black voters trust you after you have used language like that?
Trump never recovered from that question, immediately pivoting to attacking Rachel Scott as “rude,” “nasty,” and “horrible,” saying that she worked for “fake news ABC.”
Among the many horrible things Trump said during the interview was to question Kamala Harris’s identification as a Black woman and an Indian woman. Mother Jones covered Trump's challenge to Kamala Harris’s identity with this headline: White Man Tells Black Journalists His Black Opponent Is Not Black. Trump said,
She was always of Indian heritage. She was only promoting Indian heritage, I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?
After offending Black Americans, Indian Americans, and all multi-racial Americans, Trump doubled-down on his insensitive comments by posting on Truth Social the following statement:
Crazy Kamala is saying she's Indian, not Black. This is a big deal. Stone cold phony. She uses everybody, including her racial identity!
Racial identity is a sensitive and personal issue. Trump not only failed to show any sensitivity or understanding, but he also tried to shame Kamala Harris for her identity as a daughter of a Black father and an Indian mother. Based on social media posts and statements by Trump surrogates, it is clear the campaign believes that focusing on Kamala Harris’s racial identity is a winning strategy. Only a white billionaire living in a bubble of sycophants would believe that strategy will increase his chances of election.
Trump also said he would pardon January 6 insurrectionists convicted of beating police officers and that he would give immunity to police officers charged with killing citizens.
None of the above captures Trump's boorish, insulting, aggressive behavior toward the three Black female journalists who attempted to interview him. You should watch the video to see that behavior. At one point, Trump reached over to take the bottle of water belonging to Rachel Scott, appearing to screw the lid tightly—apparently to make it difficult for Scott to open the bottle (?). Whatever the reason, it was a weird, aggressive way to act out Trump's anger toward Scott.
Most importantly, the event reminded us of the daily chaos and ugly confrontations that typified life during the Trump administration. The Harris campaign issued a statement that made that point:
Statement on Donald Trump Showing Exactly Who He Is at NABJ
The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people. Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency-while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us. Today's tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump's MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It's also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10.
Trump and Vance are both stumbling as Kamala Harris projects confidence and inspires enthusiasm. That does not guarantee that we will win, but it certainly places Democrats in a strong position for the last 97 days of the campaign.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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pluckyredhead · 4 months
I am still reading my way through the Fourth World! Last time I talked about all the stuff published in the 70s; now let's talk about the 80s.
New Gods #12: In 1984, DC reprinted Kirby's original New Gods run and threw in an extra issue (not to be confused with Gerry Conway's New Gods #12) so that Kirby could finish the story. This was partially DC being nice and trying to give an aging Kirby money, and partially not because they refused to let him produce the ending he wanted, which was Orion and Darkseid both dying. After a couple scrapped versions, we got this, in which Orion goes down in a hail of laser fire. It's a real bummer, but at least he's extremely homoerotic with his best buddy Lightray first? (Oh, they're getting a whole separate post, just you wait.)
The Hunger Dogs: This "graphic novel" (it's only 64 pages but back then that counted) came out a year later and was the "conclusion" to the Fourth World saga. Once again DC and Kirby butted heads because Kirby really wanted to kill everyone and DC was like "But our IP!!!" In the final version, only supporting characters Himon and Esak die, which is sad but not going to do any damage to DC's bottom line.
It turns out Orion is not dead despite being riddled with holes (there's an intriguing suggestion that he has some kind of healing ability because he possesses the Life Equation, which like everything else in this book is presented with zero context or explanation), which is great because it gives him an opportunity to be homoerotic with Lightray again, although he has also been given an Obligatory Heterosexual Love Interest, Himon's daughter Bekka.
Anyway this book is baffling. Highfather blows up New Genesis (everyone survives) to taunt Darkseid, who is overthrown by the downtrodden masses of Apokalips. There's some shouting about the dangers of technology and maybe some anti-Cold War rhetoric about stockpiling weapons, but it's all so hysterically overblown - Kirby at his most grandiose - that it's nearly impossible to parse beyond "war bad." I do appreciate that Orion is able to break free of his rage and death wish and just...leave Darkseid behind, but the fact that he's emotionally mature enough to do that now comes pretty much out of nowhere. The art is extremely powerful, at least.
My final thought is that Kirby clearly gleefully ignored everything Englehart, Conway, et al. did and I love that for him.
Super Powers: Darkseid fights the Justice League. This was a comic created to sell a toy line and you can really, really tell.
Legends: I've read this before, but it's great. If you like pre-Flashpoint DC, you should definitely read this, which introduces Amanda Waller and the Suicide Squad, sets up the JLI, and brings Wonder Woman into the post-Crisis DCU. Neither Orion nor Scott are present but this (along with the Happyland issue of the original Forever People) really makes the case for why Glorious Godfrey is one of Kirby's best and scariest Fourth World creations. And I will never complain about John Byrne art.
Forever People (1988): Blecch. It's definitely arrogant to read something and think "I know for certain that Jack Kirby, a man I never met who died when I was a child, would have hated this" but like. I'm right. And it's obvious from the very first page.
Basically, at the end of Kirby's series, the FP were marooned on a random, idyllic planet somewhere with no hope of getting home, so they embraced it as their new, hopeful future. This catches up with them years later, with Serifan (the sweet young kid) drooling and raving alone in the woods, Vykin (the only Black character) dead (he gets better), and the rest of them...living in yuppie paradise? Apparently the planet they ended up on was populated (missing the point) with "primitive" people (racist) so they decided to use Mother Box to forcibly "evolve" the people (SO RACIST) and were able to create...modern-day America? Literally why would they even do that, they're from New Genesis. Mark is mayor and married with kids, and Big Bear and Beautiful Dreamer are married to each other with a baby on the way.
Anyway a nebulous villain/evil force called "the Dark" undoes everything which brings Vykin back to life but takes away Mark's wife and kids (she's alive but still "primitive" and the kids were never born) and Bear and Dreamer's unborn child, which means the only female protagonist spends the whole rest of the miniseries clutching her stomach and going "my baby!" I absolutely don't mean to make light of pregnancy loss but this doesn't feel like a story about a three-dimensional woman experiencing pregnancy loss. It feels like a story that reduces a woman to a) whether or not she's having a baby, which is the only thing she cares about and b) the central point on a vague love triangle with Mark and Bear. SIGH.
Meanwhile they all go to Earth for...some reason...and then Mark gets possessed by the Dark and is evil for a while but then they manage to summon Infinity Man and Mark isn't evil anymore. And it's bafflingly revealed that they're all from Earth in the first place from random different historical time periods and Highfather kidnapped them as babies. Okay???
The Forever People are perhaps Kirby's purest and most optimistic characters, and this cynical take on them actively angered me even though I don't actually care about them at all. I've also basically never cared for J. M. DeMatteis's writing outside of JLI, and I don't like Paris Cullins's art, so this book just had absolutely nothing going for it for me.
Cosmic Odyssey: I do not trust Jim Starlin with the New Gods since I know he's going to kill them all off in 2007. This is...fine, I guess? Starlin really does not like Orion, who he has slaughter a bunch of innocent, brainwashed Thanagarians, and also be deeply bigoted against Forager. Everything else is...fine? It's basically all action. The only character who has an emotional arc is John Stewart because this is the story where he fails to save Xanshi because he's being an overconfident moron, but the moral at the end of the comic is like "Get over it already" so...that happens. It's fine.
But man, that Mike Mignola artwork is worth the price of admission alone. That guy's great at drawing.
Mister Miracle Special: The plot of this is that Barda doesn't want Scott to be an escape artist anymore because it's too dangerous, even though a) she's a warrior of Apokalips and b) he's an active Justice League member and she seems fine with that. So okay.
Mister Miracle (1989): Okay, so the basic premise here - Scott and Barda try to adjust to normal life in the suburbs - is good. And it's a spiritual spinoff of JLI, which is of course one of my favorite books of all time. But this book is like...imagine someone screaming "Iiiiiiit's WACKY!" over your shoulder constantly while you're reading. That's what reading Mister Miracle (1989) is like. Highfather wears a tuxedo! Funky Flashman shows up a lot! Scott fights a giant alien noodle! Some of it is actually funny, but most of it is trying so hard to be funny that it's just exhausting.
There are some interesting character moments in there. Scott, Barda, and Orion all get to call Highfather out. Orion mentions wishing he was closer to Scott. There are hints at Scott's depression and suicidal tendencies, which I find really fascinating. But all of it is always immediately overshadowed by ZANINESS.
Anyway, I think we as DC fans deserve a do-over with a new Scott and Barda book about their lovingly domestic (kinky) life together on Earth that is funny but not desperately mugging for laughs in every panel. And I think it should be set in Vegas where Scott has a residency. Call me, DC!
New Gods (1989): This book was mostly written by Mark Evanier (a couple issues were by Starlin), who was one of Kirby's assistants back when he was originally creating the Fourth World, so you might think it would feel the closest to a continuation of Kirby's vision. Instead, I am making it Exhibit A in my argument for why a character should never be assigned to a writer who obviously fucking hates their guts.
I mean, I don't know that Evanier hates Orion. But boy does he write him like he does. Starlin's Orion (who again, we get a couple issues of here) is a monster, but Evanier's Orion is just an incompetent idiot, forever slamming himself against the brick wall of his inevitably becoming his father. Almost every single issue has at least one character, often multiple characters, bemoaning Orion's absolutely unproductive violence and inability to learn or comprehend basic concepts that should not be at all new to him after living most of his life on New Genesis (i.e. justice, mercy, compassion). Even fucking Kalibak is like "Wow, you're a useless idiot." Kalibak! The king of useless idiots!
The comic is so into hating on Orion that it hates on him when he's not actually doing anything bad; at one point he walks into a nuclear reaction that's melting down in a desperate attempt to stop it before it kills everyone, and Big Bear is like "Wow, he's just like his father." REALLY, BIG BEAR? Show me the comic where Darkseid risks his life to save thousands of strangers. I'll wait.
This series also features:
a hawkish, bloodthirsty New Genesis military leader who keeps trying to overthrow Highfather, which both seems to undercut the whole point of New Genesis as well as Orion's uniqueness as The Angry Guy;
an Earth woman with the worst gaydar in the universe repeatedly failing to fuck an increasingly uncomfortable Lightray;
but then Lightray falls in love with a dead woman he never met?;
also Orion gets a crush on a bug lady and learns to stop being racist against bugs (she's not impressed and good for her)
and Lightray and Orion parade around Earth in the WORST fashions of the late 80s/early 90s, which is about all this book has going for it.
Anyway it was bad and I'm glad I'm done with it. Next up: the 90s!
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
I'm still suffering from cold influenced writer's block so sorry about a lack of actual posts. For now, I'll drop what I might do once I clear my drafts a bit. This is Leon Scott Kennedy flavor since I want to practice writing him soon. Only NSFW thing I write is graphic injuries such as gore and body horror.
So many of you need to go to horny jail when it comes to this man./hj
Of Bug Cults and Living Stone
Leon comes across a living legend on his search for the president's daughter: a beastly troll. Stone like hide, razor sharp teeth, thick scruffy fur and sturdy horns to a powerful frame. Apparently Saddler's cult had stolen something very important to them. They want it back so badly that they'll serve as the agent's familiar. A pact which grants the troll immunity to sunlight in exchange for their power and services. The kind of dangerous deal right up Leon's alley. Troll!Reader
(Anyone can try this idea. In various folklore and mythology, trolls turn to inanimate stone if caught in sunlight. Basically Leon better not try anything funny as that fatal weakness will be voided so they can tear him to shreds without issue.)
Wondrous Place To Rest
After escaping Raccoon City, a lone Sherry and Leon take shelter in a mysterious theatre. What was thought to be an abandoned building isn't as empty as it seems for they wondered into Wonderworld Theatre. The two meet the three sibling maestros that run this enchanted show: Balan, Lance and Chimeris. Guess laying low for a while got completely strange. (Involves my Balan Wonderworld OC Chimeris!)
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Operation: Magnify
Apparently Umbrella Corp had decide to meddle with more than viruses in Raccoon City. Operation: Magnify, a project built from mysterious blueprints that could create a monstrous supersoldier two-three times the size of the average person and aggression to match. Leon didn't expect the ugly side of his potential job to save him from the undead hordes aiming to tear everyone apart. MAG!Reader
(Any writers can take a swing at this one too. MAGs come from Madness Combat and are quite destructive without a handler. Abilities include: insane pain tolerance to the point they can shrug bullets to the head, super strength, enhanced durability, enhanced senses such as sight, smell n hearing. Random abilities like as electrokinesis or geokinesis can manifest. Limb discoloration and extra traits such as spikes, tail, etc can manifest. MAG!Spirit Tracks Link alongside Consternation OC for examples.)
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Bullets and Sweets
The Sweet Healing bakery is a unique shop that recently opened up in Washington DC. A place which offers delicious pastries alongside therapy for whoever needs it. Leon decides to check it out under Chris' recommendation and meets the shop owner Tikki Cho. A very kind woman who becomes a great friend capable of driving off the cold trauma his job brings. Though Leon doesn't know that the shop owner is actually a Chinese Rabbit demon or yaoguai. (Involves my OC Glitch Yaoguai Tikki Cho!)
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I see Leon having a thing for monsters or is a monster lover.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the wake of Raccoon City!
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themculibrary · 11 months
Fics Including Cassie Lang Masterlist
5 things Cassie Lang learned about Morgan Potts-Stark while babysitting. (ao3) - KingoftheUzbeks G, 1k
Summary: ...and one thing Morgan learned.
Beckoning from Beyond the Mirror (ao3) - ParanoidInPink G, 29k
Summary: It's Halloween night. Cassie Lang is getting ready for the evening when she's met with an apparition and tragedy strikes. She is the first of many to fall into a fatal, comatose-like state that doctors can't explain. Scott is desperate and turns to the only man he knows who could possibly cure the supernatural scourge. Little did he know of the adversary he'd soon have to face.
Cassie & Peter Being Buds (ao3) - whumphoarder G, 8k
Summary: The adventures of Peter babysitting 10-year-old Cassie Lang.
Cassie Lang and the Super Serum Best Friend Squad (ao3) - forzandopod, reena_jenkins steve/bucky T, 2k
Summary: So the thing is, when your dad can shrink to the size of an atom, and you have a dog sized ant as a family pet, and also your dad was on house arrest for 2 years because he tried to help his friends plus he saved the whole world and now is officially a superhero and Avenger, is that it's kinda hard to relate to other kids your age.
Or, Cassie Lang and the adventures of having two over a hundred year old super soldiers as best friends.
Cassie Lang: Matchmaker (ao3) - f_romanoff_13 scott/hope G, 3k
Summary: Cassie Lang was six years old when she notices her Dad has fallen in love...
Or, five times Cassie Lang played matchmaker. And one time Scott asked for her help.
Children, Bikes and Rainbows (ao3) - SilverMyfanwy G, 2k
Summary: In which Peter babysits Clint's kids and Cassie and ends up in fairy wings, Steve teaches him how to ride a motorbike and Nat takes him to Pride.
Every Inch, Every Scar (ao3) - ChangeTheCircumstances maggie/jimmy M, 52k
Summary: Trying to provide for is daughter, Scott Lang attempts to look for alternative forms of employment but with no college degree, a criminal record, and his longest running job being that of a prostitute, he's not getting anywhere. However, by pure chance, a new client soon changes his life and chances of being the father Cassie deserves.
Complications of course arise as Scott soon learns what his new connections mean for him and even those he loves.
How to Save Your Soon to Be Boyfriend and His Daughter From Scary Monsters (ao3) - DreamersEclipse scott/sam G, 3k
Summary: (Alternatively: How Your Daughter Incidentally Calls the Guy You’ve Been Pining For and He Shows Up)
During a weekend with her dad, Cassie and Scott watch a scary movie. She steals his phone and calls the one hero Avernger guy her dad is always going on about that could surely save them from the malicious shadows under the bed. Sam of course thinks they’re in real danger…so not awkward for Scott at all when he does show up in full gear.
let's stay together (ao3) - bevioletskies scott/hope, hank/janet T, 3k
Summary: For all his missteps and mishaps, Scott has been on pretty good terms with the Pym-Van Dyne family lately. That is, until Cassie started calling Hank "Grandpa".
Out Of The Sky, Into The Flow (ao3) - Dorasolo scott/hope M, 13k
Summary: Scott is about to promise Cassie the world, but Hope is still shaking her head and Luis is mouthing no, and with this A+ parenting team in his pocket, he chews his words thoughtfully instead.
Or, the Ant-Fam is having some post-Snap growing pains.
sometimes it can weigh a ton (ao3) - CallicoKitten scott/hope N/R, 2k
Summary: Anyway, the point is: Hope is awful with kids. Always has been, always will be and she's apparently picked the worst time ever to drop in on her not-boyfriend at his brand new Avenger-approved apartment.
in which hope ends up babysitting cassie and turns out to not be all that terrible at it
So you're thinking of defying the government (ao3) - defcontwo, Dorasolo scott/hope G, 6k
Summary: “Are you here because I sexually harassed you in 2012?" Cassie is friends with Captain America, Hope can do literally anything except cook, and Scott just wants to make sure everyone has enough enchiladas to eat.
Or: the one where Steve visits Cassie in San Francisco & shenanigans ensue.
The Heart of a Young Avenger (ao3) - revenger1223 scott/hope G, 4k
Summary: Cassie had grown up the child of divorced parents, and after spending years loving geniuses, she was confident she could put what she knew to the test. With the loss of Iron Man, Black Widow, and Captain America, Cassie realized the world needed others willing to take up the responsibilities they left behind. She was the daughter of Ant-Man, the as-good-as step-daughter of the Wasp, and the honorary grand-daughter of the pair that originally held the mantels.
Or, Cassie Lang is ready to step into the superhero role and she knows just the people she needs to get the job done, even if she has to trick them into it.
The Prince's Bride (ao3) - phoenix_173 darcy/johnny T, 18k
Summary: “Daddy, tell me a story!”
“Hmmm… A story, you say? A story? I know! I’ll tell you my favorite story.”
“Does it have action in it?”
“Of course, pumpkin. It’s packed full of action. Adventure. Pirates. Giants. Princes. Bad Men. Good Men. True love. Hate. Revenge. Beasts of all natures and descriptions. Sword fights. Chases. Escapes. Lies. Truths. Miracles.”
“Oh, Daddy. Just get on with it already!”
“Alright, alright!,” Scott grins down at Cassie. “Chapter One. The Bride.”
uncle sammy (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor G, 1k
Summary: “I asked you to babysit one time and now my child keeps asking when you will spend time with them again” AU
+ an innocent comment from a waitress kind of reveals a secret crush Scott has on Sam.
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Unofficial Fathers
Avengers x Teen!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5,450ish
Requests: I put two requests together for this one. I hope that it’s okay.
1-What about one with the Avengers and reader (maybe they have super speed???) where the reader is a teenager and super stressed out for whatever reason so the Avengers decide to get them moving by doing something with water (like water guns, balloons, slide, etc) with them. Just like fluff, I think it’d be kinda cute 
2-Can you write an avengers x teen!reader, where she lost function in both of her legs, which makes her really sad and depressed? The others have to help her with everything and she feels bad, so she ends up trying to do things herself, but gets hurt. Maybe steve and tony play a more significant role. Thanks!
Warnings: angst / fluff / paralysis / wishing to have died 
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“Hey Speedy!” Tony called over the comms. “You’re up!”
“Finally!” You exclaimed.
The mission had started almost an hour ago, and the plan had been for you to hang out in the quinjet until you were deemed needed. Which annoyed you. Even though you were barely 17, you had been a part of the Avengers for almost 3 years. Longer than even Peter Parker.
Due to some freak accident during the Battle of New York, you somehow ended up with super speed abilities. That’s how Steve and Tony found you almost 3 years old. The two were in the city for meetings and you were zooming around helping people and playing pranks. You thought it would be fun to do something to those two. But before you could do something, Tony and Steve had you pinned to the wall with part of the Iron Man suit. Apparently, their ‘meeting’ was to actually find you and bring you in.
The whole Team was interested in getting to know you very quickly and get you properly trained. Natasha, Clint, Bucky, and Steve handled your combat training personally, while Tony and Bruce tested your abilities and created gear that would help you.
Steve and Tony, though definitely not a couple, took on the role of your parents. You even had begun calling them as such. Steve was Pa and Tony was Dad. They didn’t always agree on exactly how to handle you. But they loved you and that was a step above your real parents, who you didn’t even know.
“Y/N! I need you to get in the building and get anyone and everyone out!” Steve instructed. “As fast as you can! I think the building is going down!”
“You got it Cap!” You responded.
Using your super speed you rushed out of the quinjet and into the building. You zig-zagged through each floor. The first few were empty, but eventually you ran into some people. You quickly helped them out of the building to continue your search. You were almost done with you sweep when you felt the building tremble. You paused, glancing around.
“Kid!” Tony shouted in the comms. “The building is going down. Where are you?”
“Uh… I don’t think you want to know,” you responded.
“Please tell me you’re not still in the building, Y/N,” Steve said.
“I’m sorry, Pa. I’m almost done with my sweep. Just one last floor.”
“No, Y/N! Get out of there now!”
“Just one more floor!” You sped away to get to the last floor.
“I’m on my way to you, Y/N,” Tony said. “Meet me at the Northwest window.”
“Alright. I’m almost—“ 
You suddenly heard a loud cry. You turned to see a little girl huddled up in the corner as the building’s tremor’s worsened. Rushing to the little girl, you barely missed the ceiling caving down and breaking the floor.
“I’m outside the window, kid!” Tony exclaimed. “You need to get here, now!”
“There’s a kid in here!” You retorted, grabbing the little girl. You sped to the window. “You need to take her.” You held her out to Tony. 
“Not without you!”
“Just take her, Dad! Please!”
He quickly took her from your arms. “Don’t do anything! I’ll be right back!”
He flew off and the floor began to crack worse beneath your feet. You knew, even with your super speed, that you wouldn’t be able to make it out of the building without Tony coming for you. When another section of floor collapsed, you knew you needed to get out of there.
“Dad!” You shouted.
“I’m almost there, honey!” He responded. “Just hang on!”
The floor cracked beneath you, sending you falling. You grasped onto the ledge.
“Dad!” You screamed.
“Almost, there—“
The building’s roof collapsed, with the rest of the building following. You were pushed down with the debris, screaming.
“Y/N!!!” A multitude of voices screamed over the comms.
But you didn’t hear anything else, because you landed with a thud, hitting your head and blacking out before the rest of the building landed on you.
“Tony, come take a rest,” Clint urged. “At least drink something.”
You had been stuck under the building for hours at this point, with Tony working non-stop to try and get to you. 
“I can’t,” Tony responded. “My kid’s down there.”
“Scott’s almost here, he’ll shrink down and see what’s going on.”
“I can’t afford to waste a second.”
“Stark, we don’t know if moving any of this will make it worse for her,” Bucky said. “We could just be killing her faster.”
“You don’t think I know that!” Tony spun around. “But she’s the closest thing I have to a daughter! And I’ve already let her down once today.”
“You didn’t let her down.”
“I’m the one who told her to go into the building,” Steve said, everyone able to feel the self blame in his words. “I did this to her.”
“Stop with the blame game here, guys,” Clint interrupted. “Y/N wouldn’t want that. Now, we need—"
“I’m here! I’m here!” Scott yelled, running up with Hope. “Romanoff and Banner got us hooked up to cameras and we brought extra Pym particles so that we can get her out of there.” He briefly made eye contact with Tony and Steve. “We’re going to get her out of there.”
“We’ve got this,” Hope confirmed.
Shrinking, the two quickly got into the rubble. The others rushed over to the screens so that they could hear and see what was going on. It was dusty, that much was clear. But the couple were quick to follow FRIDAY’s leads on where to go. The AI was trying to to its best to sense were you were by heat signatures.
“Miss Y/N should be just below,” the AI informed the two in the debris.
“There she is,” Steve breathed out, seeing your head on the screen. It was clear that blood had been, or still was, coming from somewhere on your head. “Tell us what’s going on guys. What’s her status?”
“She’s breathing,” Hope confirmed. “She’s scratched up, but it looks like the bleeding as stopped.”
“She’s lost quite a bit of blood,” Scott added. He turned, revealing her bottom half, squished under a large piece of cement. “That’s not good.”
“Shit,” Tony whispered. “No.”
“We need to shrink her before the damage gets worse,” Hope said. “Get on the other side of her, Scott.”
“On it,” Scott replied.
“You ready?”
“Shrink her in 3, 2, 1.” 
Your body was quickly shrunk. Hope and Scott quickly worked together to secure you to Hope.
“Okay, she’s secure,” Scott said. “We’re on our way up.”
“You’re going to want to get everything ready,” Hope warned. “We aren’t going to want to bring her back to normal size without being ready to work.”
“Helen Cho is waiting back at the compound with her team,” Bruce informed. “Natasha and I have the quinjet ready to stabilize her as much as we can on the way.”
“Steve, Tony, you may want to stay away. It’s worse than the camera’s probably caught.”
“Not a chance.” / “Like hell!”
“Hope is right,” Clint said. “Bruce needs to be able to check her out with out you two hovering.” He looked at Bucky, the two seemingly having a silent conversation. They both took a step towards the two other men. “When they bring her out, we can’t have you two going all papa bears.”
“We’re in the quinjet,” Scott informed.
Clint and Bucky were quick. Bucky went for Steve, fighting with him to slow him down. Clint quickly shot an arrow at Tony’s arc reactor, shutting down the suit and effectively locking Tony in it. While that was happening, the others raced to the quinjet, getting it off the ground before the four men could get there.
Scott normalized himself first before helping Hope with herself and Y/N. Natasha and Bruce were waiting, ready to grab you as soon as they could. You were limp in Bruce’s arms, so incredibly so that it scared even the Hulk to his core. He and Natasha worked quickly and efficiently together to do everything they could before getting to the compound.
Back at the site, the four men had slowed down their fighting.
“How could you do that Clint?” Tony asked, clearly hurt as he was able to get his helmet off. “You have kids. You should understand the need to be with them when they’re injured.”
“I do,” Clint replied. “That’s why we knew we needed to stop  the two of you.”
“Whatever happens, it’s going to be hard,” Bucky said. “And they need to be able to fully evaluate her. It was either this or sedation… We’re sorry. We want to be there for her too."
It was two hours before Cho had finished running all the tests and an hour after that before Tony and Steve could wait at your bedside. You were all bandaged, bruised, and scrapped, but you were alive. That’s all that really matter. The test results had yet to come back, so the men had to try and be patient. You sucked in a breath, alerting the men to the possibility of you waking up.
“Y/N?” Steve softly called. “You there, doll?”
“Pa?” You rasped, head turning towards the sound of his voice while your eyes crept open.
“Hey.” He smiled.
“Hi, kid,” Tony said. 
You turned to look at him. “Dad.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I feel a hundred feet and then a building landed on me.”
“We’re not surprised there,” Steve commented.
“Hey, Y/N,” Helen Cho greeted as she walked into the room with her tablet. “How are you doing? Any unusual pain?”
“Well the drugs you’ve given me are trippy,” you replied.
“Drugs?” She repeated concerned, glancing at Tony and Steve.
“Yeah. I can feel my upper half, but my waist and below are completely numb. What did you give me, doc?”
Helen immediately went to work. She tore off the blankets covering your feet and immediately began running her pen up and down them.
“What’s going on?” You asked, trying to sit up.
“Steve, go get Bruce,” Helen ordered. Steve nodded and rushed out.
You looked at Tony. “Dad? What’s going on?”
“I-I— oh my gosh,” Tony stammered, hand covering his mouth. 
“We didn’t give you any pain meds, Y/N,” Helen stated.
“We wanted to see if there was any damage done, so we didn’t want the pain meds getting in the way.”
“So… I—I… I can’t…” You began hyperventilating. “I…”
“Honey, lay down,” Tony urged, gently pushing you onto the bed. “Breathe.”
“I’m here!” Bruce said, hurrying in with Steve. “We need to get her into the scanner and compare it to the other tests we’ve taken.” 
Helen quickly went to the head of your bed, unlocking the wheels. All of this was scaring you.
“Dad?” You looked at Tony, teary eyed, before looking at Steve. “Pa?” They both grasped one of your hands.
“We’re right here,” Steve said, bringing your hand up for a kiss as Helen and Bruce began to wheel you away.
“You both need to stay here, while we run the scans,” Bruce said.
“No! Please!” You pled, crying.
“I’ll be with you, Y/N. Tony and Steve just need to stay here.”
Bruce and Helen pushed you away as you begged and cried out for Steve and Tony. The rest of the Team rushed into the hallway to see what was happening. They witnessed you being pushed down the hall.
“What the hell is going on?” Sam asked, looking into the room where Tony and Steve had been left. Both men looked distraught, and absolutely heartbroken.
“Steve?” Bucky questioned.
“She… She… I…” Steve couldn’t pull his thoughts together.
“Tony?” Natasha questioned. 
The man fell back into a chair, burying his head in his hands. “She couldn’t feel her legs,” Tony whispered. “She couldn’t feel her legs.”
“She thought they had given her pain killers,” Steve continued, whispering as well.
“Steve, sit down,” Bucky said, moving to help his friend. “You look like you could pass out.”
“I might… she couldn’t feel her legs…”
“She’s going to be alright,” Sam said. “Y/N’s a fighter.”
“Yeah, but… she couldn’t feel her legs…”
After getting you into the scanner, Bruce and Helen actually gave you drugs to help you calm down. You were asleep almost as soon as they were injected. The two doctors worked together to look over each scan and previously done test. Only to reach the same conclusion each time. You were paralyzed. This brought on a multitude of worries, but the biggest one had to do with your abilities. Would you ever be able to use them again? 
After finding out about the diagnosis, it was the first question to leave Tony’s lips. Tony and Steve were standing outside your med-bay room, Helen and Bruce in front of them. The two doctors sighed, glancing at one another.
“No,” Bruce answered. “She wouldn’t be able to use her abilities again.”
What they didn’t know was that you had woken up just in time to hear Tony ask the question and Bruce answer it. Covering your mouth, you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to stop from sobbing.
“She’s going to need help with everything, especially right now,” Helen continued for Bruce. “She’s going to need to be looked after. And I—“
“We’ll do it,” Steve replied, firmly. “We’re her family, we’ll take care of her.”
“I know that you two—this whole team, sees her as family. But this is going to be a long, hard road.”
“What are you saying?” Tony asked. “That we send her away? She’s almost 17! Who would be willing to adopt her at that age? Especially when we are her family!” He motioned between himself and Steve. “We are her fathers!”
“I understand, Tony. But you need to be prepared. She’s going to need help with the little everyday things. Bathing, getting changed, going to the bathroom. Somebody’s going to need to help her with it.”
“We will,” Steve repeated, still as firm as before. “Whatever she needs, for as long as she needs it. Whether it’s officially legal or not, she is our daughter and we will help her through it all.”
“I can make her braces,” Tony said. “Just like I did with Rhodes.”
“We actually believe that it would be more valuable if she learns to live with a wheelchair first,” Bruce responded. “Just in case anything were to happen with the braces, that she wouldn’t be completely helpless.”
“I agree with Bruce on this one,” Steve said. “She needs to be able to live in a wheelchair before she tries braces.” 
“We will have her in physical and occupational therapy such, so she doesn’t lose all the muscles in her legs.”
Just then, Wanda rushed passed them, heading for your door. “Wanda?” Steve questioned. “What’s going on?”
“The pain,” Wanda replied. “She’s in so much pain.”
Following Wanda into the room, they witnessed you trying to control your emotions. Though it was clear you were upset. Tony and Steve rushed to either side of you.
“It’s okay, honey,” Tony whispered, wiping tears off your cheeks. “It’s okay.”
“N-no…” you rasped, shaking your head. “It’s… n-not…”
“Did you hear what we were talking about?” Steve asked. You nodded. “I’m so sorry, doll. You shouldn’t have had to find out that way.”
You couldn’t stop the sobs at this point. You had just gotten the worse news you could have imagined. You were paralyzed and know unable to use your abilities. In your mind, you were basically useless. 
Steve quickly got into bed with you, pulling you into his arms. As he cradled you, he tried to get you to calm down. He glanced around worriedly at everyone else in the room, who didn’t know how to help.
“You need to eat, Y/N,” Tony pressed, trying to hand you a plate again. 
“I’m not hungry,” you replied, voice void of all emotion.
You had fallen asleep in Steve’s arms, where the two of you stayed until morning. Tony brought in breakfast while Steve went to get ready for the day.
“You need to eat,” he said again.
“I said, I’m not hungry,” you repeated.
Tony sighed, seating the plate down. “Do you not like waffles? I can have Happy go get something else. A burger? Fries? Ice cream?”
“I want my legs back.”
“Don’t try to make me feel better about this. You have no understanding about how I am feeling.”
“I wasn’t trying to. I just—“
“Can you leave me alone? I want to be alone.”
Tony knew that you just needed a moment. So without responding, he got up and left, closing the door behind him. He leaned against the wall next to it, running a hand down his face. The guilt he was feeling was real. If only he had grabbed you and the kid, or if he had just flown faster.
“You’re going there too?” Steve asked, coming up to lean on the wall across from Tony. 
“The guilt is real,” Tony responded.
“Yeah… I shouldn’t have had her go into the building. What was I thinking?”
“I shouldn’t have let her convince me to take the kid… but, I guess, feeling this way won’t do her any good now, will it?”
“No, unfortunately, it won’t.” Steve looked at the closed door. “How is she?”
“She refused to eat… I’m thinking about having Happy get all her favorite foods for lunch.”
“Good idea. Maybe we could even try the wheelchair out and bring her to the common area.”
“I like it.”
“I’ll let everyone know about it.”
“Yeah, I—“
“Excuse me, Boss, Captain,” FRIDAY interrupted. “But Y/N is in need of immediate assistance.”
After Tony left, you huffed. This was miserable. You didn’t want to be stuck in this bed. And, honestly, the longer you sat there, the more you needed to go to the bathroom. You just didn’t want to ask for help, you didn’t want that to be your life. Studying the distance between your bed and the toilet for a few moments, you decided to get there yourself. Besides, they hadn’t tried to stand you up and get you to walk, maybe this was all one big cruel joke.
Taking a deep breath, you flung your covers off. You pushed yourself towards the edge of the bed, helping your legs to rest over it. Other deep breath in and you pushed yourself off the bed, trying to stand. You immediately fell. Trying to brace yourself, you landed on your hands. One of your wrists cracked, failing to break your fall. In the midst of the struggle, your bladder decided to let loose, causing you to lay in a pool of your own pee. You clutched your wrist close to your chest as your door burst open, revealing two extremely worried men. You looked at them, with tears cascading down your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” you said. “I just wanted to do something by myself.” They looked at you with complete pity, which you absolutely hated.
“It’s okay,” Steve said, getting on the floor beside you, minding the puddle. He noticed your wrist. “Did you hurt yourself?”
You nodded. “I’m sorry.”
“I’ll go run and get you clothes, sweetheart,” Tony said. “Steve will help you into the shower. It’s all going to be okay.” He rushed out.
“No it won’t,” you whispered as Steve scooped you up into his arms. “It will never be again.”
And Steve thought his heart couldn’t shatter more than it already had. As he lifted you, he could practically feel the weight that this was having on you. You wouldn’t look at him as he took you into the bathroom and set you on the shower floor.
“Can I help you undress?” Steve asked.
You inhaled sharply, closing your eyes. This was your life now. Though you could undress yourself, you would always need help, basically be waited on all the time.
“If you want, I can go grab Natasha,” Steve suggested. “Or Wanda. Or, Pepper might even be in today. You love Pepper.”
“I want to be alone,” you mumbled.
“Y/N, I just want to help. Just let me help.”
“And I just want to be alone.” Tears were still falling, though you couldn’t understand how.
“Just leave me alone!” You shouted, pushing yourself into the corner.
“What’s going on in here?” Tony asked, bringing in the clothes with Pepper following.
“Leave me alone!”
“Why don’t you guys wait outside?” Pepper suggested. “I’ll help Y/N.”
Steve sighed, straightened up from his kneeled position and hurrying out of there. Tony looked at you sadly before taking his leave. Pepper shut the door and came to your side.
“What do you want me to do?” She asked softly.
“I want to be left alone,” you responded, frustrated and not willing to look her way.
“That’s not going to happen and you know it, Tony and Steve won’t allow it. Those men out there care about you and are so extremely worried. All they want to do is help.”
“I don’t care.”
She let out a small sigh. “Will you at least let me help? We need to get you out of those clothes and washed up. Especially since that wrist needs to get checked out.”
After a moment, you gave in and looked at her. “Okay.”
Pepper smiled at you briefly. “Okay.”
Apparently, there was already a hairline fracture in your wrist because of the accident. Your fall off the bed didn’t do anything to help it. You had willingly let Pepper help you clean up, but other than that you were still fighting asking for help.
The Team had tried to lift your spirits at lunch out in the common area, but to no avail. After that, you were taken to your regular room, where a twin bed had been added.
“What’s that?” You asked, you hadn’t spoken since the bathroom. 
“Someone is going to stay in here with you until things start becoming normal again,” Steve replied, pushing the wheelchair further into the room. 
“Normal,” you scoffed.
“Buck and I were thinking we could have a movie night today. Maybe try and watch all of the—“
“I just want to sleep.”
“That’s okay too.”
“I would be here too kid,” Tony added, “but Pep and I are working out somethings with the physical therapist.”
“What’s the point of physical therapy? My legs don’t work.”
“It’s to keep your muscles, so that one day you can get braces.”
You nodded, glancing around until you were staring at your tennis shoes on the floor. They were brand new, Stark designed shoes. They were meant to not wear as fast because of your speeding abilities. Your speeding abilities that you could no longer access.
“Can you do something with those?” You asked, pointing at them. 
Both Tony and Steve looked over. They got a tad deflated after remembering how excited you had been about those shoes.
“Yeah, sure, kid,” Tony responded, grabbing them. “I’ll just put them up in your closet. We can—“
“No,” you interrupted. “I want them gone.”
“I don’t need any reminders of what I’m now unable to do.”
“Sweetheart,” Tony got down in front of you, “you can still, or will be able to, do a lot. You got lucky.” He immediately regretted his last sentence, even Steve flinch.
“I got lucky? I. Got. Lucky?”
“Y/N, that’s not what—“
“Get the hell out!”
“Hey, that’s not how you talk to your—“
“My what? Father?! Cause you aren’t, remember? Maybe you should take Helen’s advice and give me away! Might make it easier on everyone!”
“You are my daughter, damn it! Whether it’s official or not, or by blood!”
“Y/N, Tony—“ Steve tried to interrupt. 
“No! I actually will say that you got lucky. You did because you have people willing to help you, willing to support you.”
“Well stop!” You shouted back. “Have you ever thought that I don’t want any of your help?! Maybe I think that you should have just left me down there to die! It would have been better that way! I’m basically useless like this!”
“Enough!” Bucky yelled, barging in with Nat. “Steve, Tony, out.”
With a glare sent their way from Nat, the two men didn’t even argue. You were refusing to look at Bucky and Nat. Half embarrassed that you said those things to the men you considered your dads, and half embarrassed that you were believing the terrible thoughts your mind was taunting you with.
Bucky and Natasha looked at each other, unsure of what exactly to do. You let them help you into bed before they left you alone, leaving with a promise to bring food later. 
In the loneliness of your bedroom, you let your thoughts consume you. How you were now useless as an Avenger without being able to have super speed. How you wished they would have just let you die. How you wish they wouldn’t be so helpful, it was driving you crazy. How you really didn’t have any family, you were all alone.
To respect your boundaries, Tony and Steve decided to let the others help them. No matter how hard it was. It hurt them to see you struggling through everything and not rush to your side. Not that you would let them help, you weren’t letting anyone without putting up a fight.
Steve and Tony had had many talks since they realized you were wishing that you had just died. Tony had made sure that FRIDAY had surveillance on you 24/7 and the Team, besides Tony and Steve, were switching sleeping in your room every night. 
It wasn’t easy on anyone, especially since you were having nightmares about being stuck down in the debris. Someone would wake you from the dream, only to be quickly shut out. The terrors would leave you trembling, sweating, and in a state of panic. But, with you not willing to let people help, the others were forced to watch you struggle with this.
Physical and occupational therapy was a whole other issue. You were rude to the therapists and unwilling to do anything. As the weeks went by, the Team could see the affect it was happening on your legs and they were concerned. Steve and Tony would watch each session from above, angry at the whole situation.
It had been two months since the whole incident, and you still weren’t showing any signs of changing your attitude any time soon.
“Come on, Y/N,” your therapist sighed. “What I’m asking you to do isn’t all that hard. I’m going to do all the work.”
“No,” you stated, determined.
“Why don’t you go help someone who’s more able to do things? Maybe someone who will actually get better. I’m sure they’d love your help."
“I can’t watch this anymore,” Tony said to Steve, watching from above. “She’s hurting herself.”
“You know we can’t force her to do anything, Tony,” Steve replied. “We have to let her do this on her own.”
“No, we don’t.” Tony turned around and headed for the room you were currently in.
“Tony! What are you going to do?”
“Use the hate she is harboring towards what happened, towards us, for her benefit.”
Tony burst into the room, causing you and the therapist to jump. You furrowed your brows, confused at what Tony and Steve could possibly be doing here.
“Hand me your leg, Y/N,” Tony demanded.
“What? No,” you responded.
“Hand me your damn leg!”
“Fine!” Tony marched over and picked you up from your wheelchair.
“Put me down!” You tried to push off Tony. “Let me go!”
“Tony!” Steve called. “What are you doing?”
“It’s time for some tough love,” Tony responded. He set you down, not gently, on a therapy table. He grabbed your leg and began doing the exercises.
“Let go of me!” You demanded, trying to reach and pry him away, but failing. 
“No! Don’t you see what you are doing to yourself? What you’re doing to those around you?! You are miserable and you are making others miserable! Yes, what happened to you was absolute shit. Trust me, Steve and I will have that guilt with us for the rest of our lives. But it’s up to you to decide how to come out of this. You ever fight to live, fight to find the new normal, or you let yourself whither away. And I’m not about to let that last one happen.”
“You may think you’re alone in this, but you aren’t,” Tony continued. “Steve and I, the Team, we all want to help you through this. Even if that means sticking with you for life.”
During Tony’s whole thing, you had began crying. He was right, you were making yourself and everyone around you miserable.
“I’m sorry,” you cried out. “I’m so sorry… I just… I just wish…”
“I know, honey, I know,” Tony said, moving to pull you into his chest. You melted into him, crying. He placed a kiss on your head. “I’ve got you… I’ve got you.”
“Don’t leave me, Dad.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve came over and grabbed one of your hands, gently kissing it. You gave his hand a squeeze.
“I’m sorry, Pa,” you croaked.
“It’s okay,” Steve replied with a tiny smile. “No need to apologize. Just please don’t say that you would have rather died again. I don’t think I could take it if you did.”
“If I died or said it again?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
“Will you guys… uh, will you guys help me with my exercises?”
“Of course, honey,” Tony replied. “But maybe Steve should do the other leg, because I think I wore myself out.”
Steve stood. “I’ll exercise that leg better than you could, Stark,” he commented.
“Oh, you’re on, Rogers.” Tony swiftly stood up.
“Great,” you muttered. “Now this is going to be a thing.”
Now that you were accepting help, things were beginning to look up again. Not that things weren’t hard, but they were better and you could handle it all better. The Team had decided to celebrate, but wouldn’t tell you how. Wheeling your wheelchair into the common area, you found it pitch black.
“FRIDAY,” you called out to the AI, “can I get some lights?”
“Of course,” the AI responded.
The lights came on and suddenly you were being pelted with water from squirt guns. The Team came out of their hiding spots, laughing, as they continued to fire at you.
“Guys!” You squealed, trying to shield yourself. “Guys! St-stop!”
“Never!” Sam exclaimed as he made his way closer to you.
“Here,” Peter said, lowering himself from the ceiling. “Take this.” He offered you a large gun. “Save yourself.”
You laughed as you began to fight back. Suddenly, you were pulled backwards by both Steve and Tony, who were trying to use you and the chair as protection.
“They’ve turned against us!” Tony exclaimed.
“Help us, Y/N!” Steve added.
You couldn’t stop laughing as you, Tony and Steve worked together to try and defeat the others. The Team couldn’t stop smiling as they watched you act so happy. It was so refreshing. After the common room was all but turned into a pool, the Team decided to change and then meet down in the movie room to relax for the night. When Y/N had arrived down there, Tony and Steve had saved a place between them.
“Can I help you onto the couch?” Steve asked.
You responded with a nod and let Steve pick you up, wrapping your arms around his neck. He carefully guided you through the maze of lodging teammates to the spot him and Tony had chosen on the couch.
“Thanks Pa,” you said as he set you down. You pulled your legs up close to you.
“Not a problem,” he smiled, sitting down beside you.
Tony spread a blanket over you guys. “Thanks, Dad.”
“Of course,” Tony responded, leaving a little kiss on your forehead.
You curled up against Tony as Steve moved your legs to rest over his lap, allowing him to massage them. FRIDAY quickly turned on your favorite movie. You glanced around, taking in everyone around you, and you couldn’t be more grateful. Though your life was going to continue to have its challenges, you were glad you had found this family.
Part 2
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Hey there😄😄I hope you are doing well...You did my last request so fabulously🤩🤩So I'm back with another request😅😅It's another arranged marriage request and I think its the most bizarre request I ever had so please be patient with me😂😂 and you can decline the request if you don't feel so😅😅...Ok so here it goes..
*Steve and y/n are required to get married under the marriage law, he doesn't wants to but being the good soldier he obeys the government....they get married but steve is cold towards his wife...his teammates tell him to give his marriage a chance but he ignores them...Then the accords happen and without a care he leaves his wife behind who is heartbroken seeing all this..Then after 2 years he sees her but again he feels nothing but after the snap when he saw losses around him and he gives his marriage a second chance, he starts being civil to his wife and cares for her but they never consumated their marriage...When the time heist becomes successful Steve consumates his marriage with the reader out of happiness and she thinks all is well...Everyone returns from snap and no one dies...But steve returns the stones and stays in the past and old steve comes back.... Heartbroken Y/n refuses to meet him and leaves the compound...turns out she was pregnant with Steve's baby and doesn't wants the old steve to know so...One day old steve sees pregnant y/n who is around 7 months pregnant and realises its his baby, he apologizes but she ignores and turn away from him... He goes to get help from Scott bcz he wants to be with his wife and son now bcz he and Peggy couldn't have kids, everyone thought steve was selfish...But then he tells the truth that he never wanted to stay in past, but when he went to say goodbye to peggy, she abducted him and broke the timetravel apparatus and forced him to stay in the past...Young Steve comes back and now his son is born who is around 8 months old...He attempts to get back with his family but his wife still ignores him and doesn't let him come near her or her son...Steve regrets for not loving his wife in the past and also volunteering for returning the stones...Then one day powerbroker (Sharon) blasts the house where steve's family lived thus killing his family, in way to revenge her aunty peggy...Steve is left with nothing but pain and regret....*
Regretting His Decisions (S.R)
A/N: Thank you so much lovely and I loved the plot line. I loved writing about it and I made a few additions to the story. Hope you like it.
Steve Rogers Fanfiction (Fanfiction Master List)
Summary: You and Steve get married and he is really rude to you. Then he leaves you behind and goes back to Peggy but he doesn’t realise that you are pregnant. However, Sharon kills you and the baby to avenge her Aunt Peggy and Steve is left with nothing but pain and regret.
Warnings: Angst all the way.
Steve never wanted to marry you or anyone else for that matter. But the government wanted it and like a good Captain, he listened to them. It was the stupid law and he wanted to wring the neck of those who made it. The protectors of the world had to get married so that the world sees them as fellow citizens instead of humans with super powers.
All the Avengers knew that Steve was hesitant to get married and he was doing out of duty. They knew that it was unfair but they all had met you. They all loved you instantly and knew that you and Steve would hit it off. However, the only problem was that he refused to meet you. The only thing that he knew about you was your name and your job occupation. Apparently, it wasn’t worth his time to get to know his to be wife.
“You need to give it a proper chance before you form an opinion.” It was the night of your bachelor party and while everyone is blackout drunk, Steve and Tony just sat on the side couch. For a person who was getting married tomorrow, Steve looked miserable and Tony couldn’t help but interfere.
“I am doing my job and that’s all that matters.” Taking a quick sip from his glass, he didn’t even wince at the liquid burning his throat.
Sighing, Tony filled up his glass again. A drunk Steve was better than a sober one, in his opinion. “A marriage is not a job and you need to try harder.”
“You don’t get to have an opinion, Tony. You got the perfect girl and the perfect wedding.” Jealousy coursed through his veins when he realised that everyone got to be with the love of their loves while he was stuck with someone who he barely knew.
Tony was left speechless and before he could come up with a response, Steve got up from his place and made his way towards his room. Calling it a night, he dreaded the next morning. He was happy for all of his friends but he also wanted to fall in love over first coffee dates, first movie nights, the first kiss and the moment he proposed because he loved you. Not because he was obligated too.
“You ready, Stevie?” Bucky was trying to be supportive but the headache was killing him. The tequila was literally seeping out of his pores. “How are you not hungover right now?”
“I didn’t drink like a maniac last night.” Adjusting his bow tie, he took a deep breath. This was the most difficult thing that he was going to do in his life and he just wanted to be left alone for sometime. “Can I have a moment alone?”
“Are you going to run if we leave you alone?”
“I am not a quitter and you all know that.” They all filed out of the room and he just sat down on the sofa and gave himself a prep talk.
You were no better on the other hand but you were ready to give it a try. Captain America was a good man and he would make a good husband. At least, that’s what you thought. You understood that the marriage was not happening under the best of circumstances but you could give it a fair chance. Taking a deep breath, you went to join your father on the doorway. He gave you a tearful smile and linked his hands with you.
“Do you take Steve Rogers as your lawfully wedded husband?” The minister asked the much awaited question and you quietly responded with an ‘I do’. During the whole ceremony, you wanted him to look at you but his eyes kept wandering. You passed it off as nerves but little did you know that he was so repulsed by the idea of this marriage that he refused to look at his wife to be.
“You guys are finally married. Treat her well, Rogers.” Fury took you both in a bear hug while your husband just hummed in response. You were like a daughter to Fury and that is why he recommended you as Steve’s spouse. He knew that Steve was an honorable man so he would fulfill all his duties as a husband.
The whole night was spent with you both smiling and engaging in conversations with the guests. However, you both made minimum effort to talk to each other except a few stolen glances. Your feet were killing you by the end of the event but you were never the one to complain. A look of relief appeared on your face when Steve announced an end to the event and thanked everyone for coming.
“Come on.” Hurriedly meeting his steps, you sat in to the passenger seat and those were the last words that were exchanged between you. When you entered the house, he took you straight to a guest room and then left. Whatever expectations that you had for tonight were crushed and so you went to bed with tears in your eyes and your wedding dress still on you.
During the next few weeks, Steve didn’t even glance at you but whenever you made an effort to do something nice for him, he shot you off. He was not willing to give it a chance and for the first few times that you made him dinner, he just picked it up and threw it in to the trash. You were never allowed in to his room and you learned it the hard way.
One day, you just wanted to put his laundry in to his room because he was not home yet. What was the harm? But boy, were you wrong. He came home early that day and he bursted at you the moment he saw you in his room. He called you some very mean things that you do not even want to recall. That night, you cried so much that your entire pillow was soaked but you didn’t want to leave him. You were in love with him way before you were married. He was the guy who saved the world and he was a good and an ethical man. Maybe he wasn’t nice to you but he was a good man and you couldn’t disagree with that.
It wasn’t that you needed a man in your life or you were dependent on him. It was that you had feelings for the man and your parents never raised you to be a quitter. You were still hoping that it all may be alright in a few days or weeks and you could have a family together. She knew that she had to be realistic but sometimes a girl wanted hope.
“I won’t be coming home for a few days.” At least he had the courtesy to tell you this time that he was going. "I have asked some of the agents to check up on you daily so if you need anything, just ask them."
"Okay." You quickly dismissed his questioning stare because he thought that you would ask questions. However, you knew that he would be rude and you would snap at him this time. A girl could only handle so much.
A week had passed and you got daily updates from Liam and Noah regarding the civil war. You still couldn’t believe that Tony and Steve were fighting because you witnessed their friendship firsthand. They had just informed you that Steve and his team were arrested by the government and shipped off to a black sight. You wanted to go to Fury and ask him to release all of them but Liam told you that it wouldn’t work. It was out of his hands.
“What do you mean?” You couldn’t believe your ears right now. Fury came by your house instead of Liam and Noah. He informed you that Chris and the other Avengers escaped from the prison and no one knows their location. Hurt was one of the most evident feeling running through your body and you didn’t know how to respond. How could he leave without telling you anything? How could he just leave?
“There will be some investigations on you but it would be nothing serious.”
“Why?” You exclaimed.
“The government is convinced that you know their location. It will blow over in sometime.”
“I am not going to sacrifice my freedom for someone who wasn’t even bothered to tell me about all this.” The hurt quickly turned into rage.
“But (Y/N)-”
“Tell all of them that I will not be doing anything and that you all should leave me alone.” You stood up and Fury took it as his cue.
Closing the door, you don’t let yourself ponder over the throbbing ache in your chest and instead get to packing. You were going to move out of this house and leave this life in the past. You moved into your parents house and immediately shot down their questions about Steve. There was a bookstore across from a studio apartment that Tony helped you find in the next few days. You loved books and the job paid pretty well. Soon, you forgot all about Steve and your failed marriage. Of course, there were feelings that you had to bury deep inside of you but you successfully managed to move on with your life.
“Have you heard, munchkin? Cap is back.” Tony shuffled your hair as he entered the library.. Pausing for a minute to absorb his words, you got right back into arranging the magazine section. It was the last thing that you had to do before you got off for the night.
“I don’t care. Are we still on for the night?”
“Yes. Pepper is cooking for the first time. Just say that you like the food.” From the past two years, Tony has been your person. He was the one who ordered you food when you were feeling too low or who massaged your feet when you had feet sores from lugging around books all day. You were thankful to have him in your life because he was not there to support you financially, he was there to support you emotionally. Sometimes, you felt so alone that you thought you might go into depression. But he was there to pull you back and so was Pepper. They were your family.
“Okay, Tony. I already know.” Quite a few things have changed over the years such as you changing your hair color to low lights and getting bangs. You changed your sense of style and. now you were pretty much unrecognizable. It was all in hope of leaving the past and turning over a new leaf. And you were somewhat successful.
“So how was the food?”
“Awesome!” The fake, shrill voice was hard to recognise, even for you but you didn’t want to hurt Pepper’s feelings.
“I know it was not good so I ordered some pizza as a back up.”
“I love you.” A chorus sounded from Tony and you as you both hugged her and kissed her on either cheek.
“Yeah, yeah.” She quickly dismissed you both but the cheeky grin on her face was hard to hide. You called it a night when you started feeling sleepy and you said your goodbyes. Your apartment was only two blocks away so you decided to take a walk to clear your head. Steve had been on your mind since the time Tony mentioned that he was back. As much as you wanted to believe that his arrival didn’t effect you, you couldn’t deny all the feelings that came rushing back in.
“Robbins Library, how may I help you?” Without looking up, you asked the question in a fake, chirpy voice.
“Why are you not at the house?” The voice startled you from your receipt checking and you gave him a confused look. As you had time to process the question, you looked over his appearance. More muscular and a fully grown beard was an interesting look and definitely suited him.
“Well, it was not mine to begin with.”
“I left you that house so you would be comfortable.”
“I am doing just fine without it. You know, I didn’t need anything from you but love and respect.”
Steve was trying to do something nice for you but he didn’t understand you. He felt nothing towards you even if he tried. Guilt coursed through him when he saw the look of hurt on your face but he couldn’t do anything about it. “That is too much.”
“Well, I deserve it and I am not going to settle for anything less.” This time, the brain won the battle and you were secretly glad. You resumed your work and he left without saying another word.
The city was in chaos in a few days because there was an alien invasion in place. The Avengers were all over the problem but Pepper and you were panicked. However, the only difference was that she could ask about Tony’s whereabouts and you couldn’t do that for your husband. There were no updates for you and when Noah came to get you both with a battered suit, you were worried.
Walking towards the tower, you realised that many people were crying but the most important thing was that it looked like half of the population was gone. There were a lot of things that you didn’t understand right now but only one thing mattered. One person. Steve. You ran towards the tower and when you saw him sitting on a chair with his head in his hands.
“What happened?” The logical part of your brain started working right on time.
“We couldn’t prevent the snap and Thor escaped.”
You didn’t know what it all meant but it was definitely something bad. “So what does it mean?”
“It means that half of the human population have disappeared. It means that half of our friends, families, loved ones have disappeared. It means that I have failed!”
“Why are you getting angry at me?”
“Just leave me alone.”
“Do not speak to me like that. I do not deserve it. When you are in the right frame of mind, come talk to me.” You were not the person that suffered silently. You were the person who knew. what she wanted and how she should be treated.
Going outside, you called your parents but it just went to voicemail. However, busy they might have been, they always picked up their phone. So you knew that they were gone too. You were alone in this world and you didn’t know what to do. In the far distance, you saw Tony and Pepper hugging and you were happy to see that your best friend was not gone.
With tears running down your eyes, you turned back and collided into a firm chest. Looking up, you saw Steve and you just wanted someone to be with you right now. That’s what Steve also wanted because he felt like a failure right now. He wanted to give the marriage another chance as he thought that it was a miracle that you both were still here after the snap. It was not fair on you but he just needed someone and so did you. It was a fair trade.
“I just don’t want to be alone right now, Steve.”
“Me too. Let’s go upstairs.” You both just silently hugged each other and kept staring out into the Manhattan skyline. You knew that he didn’t have any feelings towards you and you cared about that. But not today. Today, you wanted to just lie down and soak up in his presence because he was the only one left for you.
He brought you breakfast in bed the next morning and he took you to all the meetings. You were confused as to why he was doing all of it and when you asked him, his answer was ‘I am trying’. You didn’t get your hopes high because you knew that it would be pathetic. This was going to be temporary and you just knew it. However, you just wanted a companion so you rolled with the situation.
“We can work around quantum physics and get all of our friends back.” He informed you over the ice cream that you were sharing. A Netflix movie ran in the background because it was a Saturday and it was a routine for you both.
“That’s a really good thing.”
“We are going to do it tomorrow.”
“Nice. I am going to bed. Are you coming?” He mumbled out a small yes and picked up all the dishes to put them in the sink.
The whole day tomorrow you clinged by your phone and called your parent’s number after every fifteen minutes. You looked crazy by the end of the day but when they finally picked up, you couldn’t explain the joy that coursed through your whole body. Talking to them for hours, you promised that you would visit them and you cancelled the call.
Steve came back with a bottle of wine in his hands to celebrate. “We were successful. The world is saved. Cheers!”
“Cheers!” Both your happiness knew no bounds and after a few many glasses, you both were dancing to Taylor Swift songs. By the end of the night, you two were truly drunk and one thing led to another. You woke up the next morning with sheets wrapped around your frame and the pillow beside you crumpled but cold. You regretted the night so much because you knew that he did not have the same feelings for you.
The whole day, you spent cleaning the apartment as there were empty bottles of alcohol laying around. Then you went to the library and today was a busy day because many people wanted an update for the past five years of their lives. It kept you distracted from everything and when Tony came in, it was like the past repeating itself. He told you that Steve went to place the stones back but he came back as old.
You stopped listening to him after sometime as your mind tried to process what was happening. He betrayed you. Again. You were preparing yourself for the hurt whole day but this was totally unexpected. You knew what to do so it was a good thing. Detach yourself from the situation and do damage control. That was your motto for the next seven months and you refused to meet him even after you found out you were pregnant.
“You are in the mood of some ice cream with pickles, hmm little bean?” Rubbing your round belly, you walked towards the snacks aisle. The flavored pickle was on the top shelf but it was out of your reach. A wrinkly hand from behind picked up the jar and when you turned around to thank him, your voice was stuck in your throat. There stood your husband but the older version. The wrinkled face still held some similarities to the young captain but he had a slight hunch and grey hair.
“(Y/N), is that you? Are you- You are pregnant?” The question in his eyes was pretty evident.
“Seven months.” You curtly spoke and wheeled the trolly towards the check out. He quickly figured out the timeline and felt guilty. It was his baby and he left you alone. He caught up to you when you were bagging the groceries.
“I am sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t know. If I could change everything, I would. Please give me another chance.”
“You chose Peggy so you don’t get to come back in my life. Leave us alone. It would be a favor for this child if he never gets to know you.” Telling him off made you feel a whole lot better and you went towards your car.
Seeing you leave, Steve knew that he had to make things right. He went to the compound where all the Avengers were lounging around.
“I thought you had retired, Cap.” Peter called out from playing his video game with Bucky.
“I want your help, Scott. I want to go back to my old self.”
“Why, Captain? Got bored of the grandfather look?” Tony asked while stuffing his mouth with buttered popcorn.
“No. I just found out that my wife is pregnant and I want to be there for them.”
“That’s sweet but why? You already had your chance with Peggy.” Natasha wasn’t very happy with Steve right now but they all had the same question running through their minds.
“Peggy and I couldn’t have kids.”
“So you are using (Y/N) and this kid as a replacement. That’s just selfish, Steve.” Everyone gave him a disgusted look because they couldn’t believe that he was just using you and the child to fill a hole in his life. Not because he loved you both.
“That’s not true. I didn’t want to stay in the past with Peggy but she forced me to. She broke the time machine apparatus and I had no other choice but to accept that life.” He looked at all of them and saw that they all were listening to him. “I made a time machine the whole time I was there and when it was complete, I got the hell out of there.”
“Oh, Steve. We are so sorry. Of course, we will all help you.” Hugging him tight, Nat spoke on behalf of all the others. The machine was all ready to go so Steve stood in the middle of it with Scott. They had to go back and fixed the machine’s timing and it would take some months to do all that.
Meanwhile, you got back home and unpacked all the groceries. Your hormones were running wild at the moment as you sat on the sofa with your swollen feet on the coffee table. You wanted a companion sometimes who would massage your back or who would call you pretty when you were feeling insecure about yourself or who would bring you food at four a.m. But this was a dream and you gave up on it a long time ago. You were enough for your baby and that was a fact.
When Steve came back, 10 months had passed by. You had given birth to a beautiful baby boy after a 21 hour labour. You cried and even though you had your mom with you, you still called out for Steve. You wanted him with you and afterwards, when you held that boy in your hand, you wanted Steve to be there with you to enjoy the moment. However, it was the last time his name even came out of your month.
“Oliver, you need to eat, bubba.” The last 8 months have been a rollercoaster ride for you and you knew through Tony and Pepper that Steve had gone back in time. You didn’t bother with the details because you had another human being to worry about.
“Nooooo.” This one word was the kid’s favorite and everyone of his sentence started with it. You were interrupted in the middle by the doorbell. Picking up your child from the high chair, you made your way through the house towards the door.
“What are you doing here?” Steve looked the same age as you so you knew that the time machine trip was successful. But you saw red. He didn’t deserve you or Oliver.
“(Y/N), is- is that him?” The blubbering baby did not even pay attention to his father and kept on pulling your hair. He was an exact replica of Steve from the dirty blonde hair to the charming smile. A literal reminder for you but you loved this little boy to death.
“Yes and now go away. We don’t need you.” Looking at the baby, he regretted the day he made the decision to be the one to return the stones. He regretted the fact that he did not allow himself to love you. He regretted everything. “Do not come near us. Goodbye.”
You went on with your week as per usual with feeding Ollie in the morning and taking him to the library with you where he had his own play pen. Then getting light lunch across the street and coming back home to take a nap for a few hours. Afterwards, you both ate dinner while Oliver’s favorite cartoons played on the tv. Except for the fact that Steve was at your house, your job and your cafe from the day he came back. He tried to apologize but the years that you spent in agony was too much. It was too little, too late.
It was a Sunday afternoon and by some miracle, Steve had left you alone. He had a meeting with the other Avengers regarding Asgard today. You were just playing with Oliver on his mat as he tried to crawl towards the stuffed toys in your hands. Before you picked him up, you thought that you smelt gas. However, a loud explosion threw you in to the nearest wall and you knew that your time was here. During the last few breaths, you tried to find Oliver but you couldn’t move. Mentally calling out for Steve, your gaze became unfocused and you lost conscious.
“Wha-What happened?” Steve knew that there was a bomb blast and he wanted to hope against all hope that you both were safe. However, the two body bags wheeled out of the burnt down house had him fall to his knees.
“There was an explosion and we caught Agent Sharon fleeing the scene.”
Sharon had confessed that she wanted to have revenge on Steve for cheating on her aunt Peggy. The new family that Steve had was a disgrace to her Aunt’s memories so she murdered them. She had gone a little crazy because Peggy was the one who take care of her when she was a child and she felt that Steve betrayed her.
Steve didn’t know what to do with his life at the moment. He was left all alone and his family was snatched away from him. He didn’t get a chance to be with them and now he was left with nothing but pain and regret. Trying to convince Fury to let him go back in time and prevent the explosion was futile because Fury just told him that this would upset the balance of nature. He didn’t understand it at first but then as time passed, he did. All the toys and photos that were salvaged from the house now decorated Steve’s very lonely apartment and he never let himself forget.
This was his punishment and he was not going to run away from it. Not this time.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I loved writing about Steve but I am no longer taking requests for some days. I actually have some of my drafts that I want to complete. You can send in requests but it will take some days for me to get to them:) Love you guys and do tell me if you want to be added to my taglist.
Taglist: @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile
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Ghost of You — Chapter 5
Masterpage <last next>
Pietro Maximoff x fem!Mutant!reader
Warnings: mention of needles and electric chairs, language, neglect by parent, brief mentions of dead, some angst.
Word Count: 1283
If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know :)
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It's been 14 days, seven hours and 13 minutes since the last time I saw him. After I bolted out of my room after waiting for an answer that never came I figured if he wasn't going to leave the room I would and when I came back in the morning he was no longer there. I stood in the doorways and thanked God we had only been there for like a day or two, because that way we had no time to make memories that would hunt me the way some already did.
It's been 14 days, seven hours and 13 minutes since the last time I had a proper night sleep. His absence made the nightmares worst, now I don't dream with faceless doctors who stick needles on me or chain me to an electric chair, now the doctors have faces and they belong to Pietro. Some have his face in the morning when he's smirking that signature smirk of him, some look like him when he was laughing so hard he feel off the bed and some look the same way he did the day I figured everything out.
"Hello? Earth to Y/n" Sam said waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked.
"You okay kid?" He asked. These last two weeks Sam had taken it upon himself to show me around the compound and fill me in on all the gossip. He had practically adopted me for the time being. And I couldn't be more grateful, he was the only thing keeping me half-sane since...
"Yeah, sorry" I apologized while shaking my head. "What were you saying?" He eyed me suspiciously and I smiled at him to ease his suspicion. Guess it worked. Pietro would never have fallen for that. I regretted it the moment I allowed myself to think that. Since that day I can't help but compare everyone to him and I always come to the same conclusion, no one could ever replace him. I'm screwed.
"My friend Scott is coming today. You're gonna love him. He's cool, not cooler than me, but still cool though." Sam announced trying to appear disinterested.
"Is he 'normal' cool or 'I can turn green' type of cool?"
"You'll see" The mischief glint in his eyes told me this was going to be interesting.
"That's amazing!" I said excitedly as Scott Lang shrunk into the size of a freaking ant. Apparently his superhero name is Ant-man, he could've been more creative if you ask me, but whatever, it's still pretty cool. I gaped at him in wonder when he returned to his normal size.
"What else can you do?" I asked delightfully.
"Grow, like the 'big as a building' type of grow."
"No way! Do it."
"No one's growing. You'll ruin the ceiling." Steve said as he and Natasha and Wanda made their way to the living room where Scott, Sam and I lay on the couch.
"You're no fun"
"Party pooper"
"Go to sleep old man"
He turned to us in surprise and laughed raising his hands in defeat while shaking his head in amusement.
"So what's your deal?" Scott asked glancing my way.
"My deal?"
"Yeah, I mean, the Avengers live here, so like, what's your super power?"
"Ohh, I- I don't have one." I lied blatantly pushing my hair back from my forehead. He looked at the others questingly but was met with the same question in their eyes. The may have accept me here but they didn't know the whole truth, or anything for that matter. "I just live here. I'm Happy's umm- daughter and well he wanted to spend more time with me 'cause it's been 12 years since we saw each other so yeah" I laughed nervously searching their expressions for skepticism but was only met with comprehension, damn they're too nice, I almost felt guilty 'till I remembered what would happen if I ever told them the truth.
"Wait, Happy has a daughter!? There's no way, you don't look nothing alike." Scott exclaimed in surprise.
"That's exactly what I thought! She looks way more like Tony. If I didn't know better I would think she's his lost daughter." Sam joked and at that moment Tony entered the room. We locked eyes for a second but quickly looked away. We haven't spoken since he introduced me to the team and that's fine for me.
"Whose lost daughter?" He asked intrigued.
"We were just saying how Y/n looks nothing like Happy and that she looks a lot more like you, it's like she's your mini clone." Steve explained laughing. Tony scanned me quickly and looked back at the team.
"That's ridiculous, why would you even say that?" At his chilly tone everyone fell silent and glanced at him confused. Natasha was the one to break the silence.
"Chill out, they were just joking."
"Well don't, it's in bad taste." I tried to mask that his words pained me but I didn't do a good job since Steve noticed.
"Hey, don't say that, anyone would be proud to have her as a daughter." Steve defended me outraged by his behavior. I opened my mouth to calm the situation down but out of nowhere I felt that familiar sensation behind me. I turned quickly but found myself disappointed when there was no one there. I sighed. As the seconds passed the tension between Steve and Tony grew. And ultimately Tony just turned around and left.
"Soo, anyone wanna play?"
"Okay, so I'll throw things in the air and you gotta hit 'em with whatever power you have, understood?" Sam asked Wanda as he signaled me to look for things to throw. Scott and Sam had already taken the pillows and books that were in the couch, so I approached the bookcase behind the glass wall that was a few meters away from the game that had just started. I smiled when I heard them laugh over something Scott had said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the perfect object to throw. I stood on my tiptoes and stretched out my arm to take it, but it was too high. I sighed in surrender and when I was about to ask someones help a yell stopped me. I quickly turned around and saw it, a big red psychic ball was heading my direction. Wanda screamed. Everything seemed in slow motion. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the impact but before I could phantom what was going on, a pair of muscular arms picked me up and raced me out of there. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what had just happened. One second I was on my feet waiting for my imminent dead and the other someone was embracing me on the floor of the other end of the living room. I first felt the weight and warm of someone over me, their hand on my head as if they were protecting it, then I opened my eyes and was met with the most beautiful man.
For the first time I could finally see him clearly, all this time it felt as if I had been seeing him through glass but at that moment it was as if a fog had lifted. I could see the color of his eyes, I always thought they were gray but being so close I realized they were blue, the most beautiful blue I had ever seen. He smelled as something familiar but yet so foreign, he smelled like home, the realization almost brought me to tears. We locked eyes and his were as teary as mine. What was happening?
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evendeadlmthehero · 5 years
The Five Year Promise: The Outcome (10/10)
Summary: Y/N Stark, a 20 year old superhero, makes a promise to a 16 year old Peter Parker that if five years pass and she still hasn’t found love, that they’d go on their first date. And then, the snap happens; Y/N’s gone and Peter isn’t.
Warnings: angst, violence, swearing
The Five Year Promise Masterlist
Based on the events of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home (2023)
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The black fabric of your clothing caressed your skin as you sat against the cold couch. This was your home, apparently. A place you were unfamiliar with due to your five year absence. You felt a vacant void within your mind, a feeling of anguish everytime someone had smiled at you in pity.
So many heroes who you have not met. Some of them with powers beyond compare. Some of them were able to fly, shoot lightning, have super strength, telekinetic abilities, alterfication in size and other powers you have not seen yet. But somehow, the cruel and momentous villian that the Universe has ever been exposed to was defeated by your father; a human.
It had not made sense to you. You tried to make it make sense when you had spoken with Dr Strange. But the man looked at you in guilt and sadness, repeating the same thing everytime you asked him why.
“It was the only way.”
It didn’t make sense. Surely Wanda could have defeated him. Surely Strange could have defeated him. But maybe your grief and anguish clouded your perception. The perception that this was the only way. When will accept this? Only time will tell.
“When I told people I was finally moving on,” your father spoke, as you watched him with Morgan on your lap. You looked at your father in adoration and desperation, wishing he was really standing there. Wishing it wasn’t an AI. “From the d-dea- the disappearance of my daughter, I lied.”
A tear escaped your eye as your father’s figure stood up and walked towards the three of you. Thor, Peter, Steve, Rhoudey and Happy all stood behind as the video was playing. “I could never move on. She’s my daughter. My first daughter. And Morgan needs her. What we’re doing is damn near impossible so I made this video in case I didn’t make it. Maybe- maybe I’m just overthinking. This will work out perfectly.”
He then looked at both you and Morgan, bending down. You reached out to touch him, but was left with a hollow feeling as you realised it wasn’t real. He was really gone. “I love you all 3000.”
Your back was against an old oak tree. You can feel the bark piercing your back, surely leaving red marks. The garden was soundless, an occasional sound escaping from an Alpaca nearby. Leaves rustled against the ground as the sunset down.
You heard footsteps coming towards you, looking up to see Peter’s face. He gave you a small smile, one that was not out of pity. One that told you that he was checking up. To let you know you were not alone. That in the five years that you, May and Ned were gone, he understood what you were going through.
He sat down near you, breathing in the fresh air. You glanced down, looking at the tattoos coming out of his suit. You moved your hand up, carefully placing it on his arm. Peter glances at your hand, unsure at what you were doing.
You traced his tattoos. It seemed every each one had a meaning. One was a Star Wars quote about hope, which you knew was a reference to Ned. You rolled his sleeve up to investigate further.
You saw an image of Mary holding her son, Jesus. You smiled to yourself, knowing that Peter’s motherly figure was of course his mother and May. You then went to look at the tattoos on his neck. Goosebumps arose on Peter’s skin when you delicate fingers skimmed across his neck.
At there it was; a date. The date that was 5 years after you made the promise. The promise that you’d go in a date with him, that you’d finally give Peter a chance. It was almost a month ago that the date was meant to happen, and here Peter had it tattooed on his neck.
Peter looked down at you, his fingers gently pushing your hair back. He then gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, looking at you with love and gratitude in his eyes. Gratitude that fate had finally brought you back to him. “Tell me exactly what’s on your mind right now.”
“We never got to bury her,” your voice still hoarse from the funeral service that was hours ago. Peter knew who you were talking about when you had said ‘Her’. “She died alone. Without anyone to hold her. Without anyone to talk to her till she took her final breath. She died in a place she’s never been to and on a cold, hard surface. All she ever wanted to do was wipe the red off her ledger. But- but what she didn’t know is that she didn’t need to. She wiped it a long time ago. She- she didn’t need to do that- I don’t understand why she did that, why my dad did that- I just don’t understand why-“
Peter grabbed you as you fell into a fit of sobs, rubbing your back gently. “When you, May, Ned and My Uncle left me, I felt the same. I felt hurt and betrayed by the universe. But the worst thing I did?”
You moved away from the hug to look at him, waiting for him to continue. “The worst thing I did is leave everyone who was trying to help me. Especially your Father and Nat. They tried to keep in contact with me but- but I felt like I didn’t need anyone. That I’m always going to be on my own. And I don’t want you to feel like that.”
“I’m just scared,” you whispered, sniffing as the cool wind blew your hair back. “Scared of the unknown. The Avengers lost half its members in the Battle. What if we can’t protect it anymore? What if my father’s and Nat’s sacrifice was for nothing?”
Peter sighed, scratching his beard. “No one knows anything about the future. And if the battle showed anything, it just showed that we have allies all around the galaxy. Captain Marvel, Guardians of The Galaxy and all those armies from all around the planets. We might not know what’s in store for the future, but there are Avengers everywhere willing to bet their lives for freedom.”
Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest. You were nervous. More then you’ve ever been in your life. You looked at yourself in the mirror, letting out a breath. Your hair was straightened, you wore a dark rose lip gloss and had a golden eyeshadow look.
You wore a white milkmaid dress, one that was off the shoulder. You never felt as beautiful, yet terrified, as you did at this very secound moment. Every minute that passed by was another minute that you over thought.
And then there was a knock on the door. You froze, your breath slightly faltering. It was now or never.
“C’mon, get a grip,” you told yourself as you grabbed your purse. You then walked over to the door of your room before opening it. There, you saw Peter holding a bouquet of red roses, donning an all black suit.
“Wow,” Peter whispered, looking at you amazed. You blushed, looking down at your feet. “You make the five years of waiting totally worth it.”
“Shut up Parker,” you laughed, rolling your eyes at him. Butterflies were occupying your stomach and you knew that they weren’t leaving anytime soon when you made eye contact with the spider boy.
“These are for you,” Peter spoke, giving you the flowers. You smiled, taking it from him before sniffing it. The flowery, magical smell hit you, making you close your eyes.
“They smell amazing,” you told him, before placing them into a vase near your door. “Thank you Peter.”
“No worries Princess,” He spoke, before extending his arm. “How about we head to our 7 o’clock dinner reservation?”
You grabbed his hand, a smile on your face that wouldn’t leave. “Let’s do it Mr Parker.”
“I still can’t believe we’re having our first date in London,” Peter spoke, as he ate his spaghetti. It was a gorgeous resturant, one that gave you the view of the London Bridge. “I always thought it was going to be at the Thai place near my house.”
“Well I have business matters to attend here for the week,” you spoke, taking a bite from your ravioli. “I need to do a press conference today about some pressing matters.”
“Like what?” Peter asked curiously. You took a sip from your wine, before placing it down. You then looked outside where the river of Thames was. A dark cloud started to form over the famous river. “Y/N?”
“Oh sorry,” you shook your head, now paying attention to him. “Basically the state of the Avengers. The new members like Carol and Scott. And what to do with the children who are still homeless after the decimation.”
“Are you sure you’re up for it Y/N?” Peter spoke, now putting away his fork and knife to grab your hand. “You can always get Sam or Happy to speak on your behalf-“
“I have to,” you cut him off. You nodded to yourself, biting your lower lip. “I have to. Because if I don’t, I’m not a Stark.”
“If you feel like you have to, I will be standing right beside you,” Peter spoke, caressing your hand. You smiled at him, feeling less anxious about this week’s press conference. “No matter what.”
“Peter?” Your voice slightly wavered. You were now glad you rented out the whole resturant, giving you and Peter both some privacy. It meant you could be more open with him without having the public know every detail.
“Yes Y/N?” Peter asked, his face more serious at the tone of your voice.
“Will you be my boyfriend?” You asked him. Peter smiled so widely, he could feel the muscles of his cheeks hurt. This is it. This is what he wanted. This was the ending he wanted in the five years of pain he endured.
“Yes I will,” he replied back. He leaned forward, capturing your lips in his. It was a short, sweet kiss. One that made sure you remember this moment for the rest of your life.
You pulled back, suppressing the huge smirk that wanted to escape. Your eyes then unintentionally went back outside to the River of Thames, before they widened at the sight.
“Well as our first act of boyfriend and girlfriend, do you want to fight some elemental monster with me?” You asked, as you stared at the giant creature that emerged from the river, lightening coming out of it.
You saw a man flying around the beast, throwing green mist towards it. Peter looked outside the window, lifting up his eyebrows as you both got up from your seats. “Yeah, I mean sure why not.”
You pressed the button on your necklace before a now black suit enveloping your body. It was to commemorate Natasha Romanoff. Peter too pressed the button on his necklace, one that you created for him, before his spider suit came alive.
“Well come on Quasar, hop on,” Peter told you. You put your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck as he put his hand below your bum. He then ran up to the window, which you blasted down with the Quantum energy.
He then jumped out of the window before you let go, flying towards the source with your now boyfriend beside you.
“This is a great first date!” You spoke from the comms. You heard Peter chuckle at that. “Us fighting monsters together.”
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Peter replied back. You smiled before charging full speed towards the creature.
Maybe everything was going to turn out just fine.
Post Credit Scene
One Week Ago
“You know I tried,” Bruce spoke to you and Steve as Steve begun readying up to put the stones back in their respective timelines. “I tried to bring her back, when I snapped my fingers, I tried to bring her back.”
“We know,” you spoke softly, rubbing his now huge green arms. “We know Bruce. But I think we just have to move on, rebuild the Avengers. It’s what she would have wanted.”
Bruce nodded, a sad look in his face. He loved the women. He wanted to run away with her, start a new life. But it was never meant to be. He knew that now. Their jobs, their duties prevented them from ever trialing their love.
But in a different timeline, in particularly 2014 Vormir, a certain Black Widow laid soundlessly on the ground. Her own blood surrounded her as her eyes were shut; no pulse heard.
‘Bring everyone back,’ Bruce thought, as he brought his thumb and index together, ready to snap. ‘Bring her back.’
And as soon as his thumb and index swiped, there was a thunder. The Black Widow still laid on the floor soundlessly, her chest unmoving, her face pale and her blood getting cold.
One second passed.
Two seconds passed.
Ten secounds passed.
A minute passed.
A deep breath was heard and echoed through the walls of Vormir.
“That’s weird,” you spoke, feeling the absence of an item on your wrist. Bruce looked at you, a confused look in his eyes.
“What’s weird?”
“The charm bracelet that Nat gave me,” you spoke, rubbing your wrist as you grabbed the jewellery item from the the ground.
“It- it just broke. Out of nowhere.”
Taglist will be added tomorrow
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avionvadion · 4 years
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Since I’m now obsessed with X-Men Evolution and my sister was throwing ideas at me, and mentioned a really weird dream she had- I’m gonna be making a fanfic about that sometime. (Twins and Athena were designed by me. Shylo was made by my sister) I’m currently working on a goofy comic about Teen Athena/Kurt and Shylo being ridiculous and somehow ending up in a dogpile on the floor while Scott and Logan are just like “why are you guys like this” because MOOD. 
Based off the dream my sister had, Kitty died during the Apocalypse arc and everything just went WRONG after, and about 28 or so years later the daughter of Logan and Rogue (because they were apparently a thing in the comics? I dunno) Shylo ends up doing the same thing Kitty did to try and stop everything, tapping the unconscious Kurt and teleporting to the machine where she ends up getting zapped into the past instead.
So then Shylo’s goal is to prevent Kitty’s death. Lo and behold, she meets Auntie A (Athena Munroe, who gets adopted by Storm/Ororo Munroe after Xavier finds her when her mutation is revealed) and Uncle Kurt, and is in a constant state of panic because OH GODS what if Shylo does something and then her best friends just never get born? What if Kurt and Athena just never get together? Kurt keeps flirting with Kitty... FRICK! Why is Auntie A so freaking shy as a teen!? AGHHHH!!!
Because Shylo knows who is with who in her timeline, but she has no idea if they ever dated anyone else or had crushes on other people back when they were younger, so she’s constantly pushing teen Athena to confess to teen Kurt. It’s kinda hilarious. Just so much awkwardness. She was super close to them growing up, as they often watched over her when Rogue and Logan were busy, and became besties with the twins as a result.
Athena Munroe/Forceshield. Power: Aegis- she can make a shield from her hands and expand it from there to wrap around herself, or around someone else. She can also push the shields out to form a sphere that can she use to throw at the enemy.  Within the barrier, a golden energy radiates and heals those within (think ambrosia and nectar, but airborne) though only WHILE within the barrier.
No one can penetrate the barrier, save for Kitty (with her phasing through objects/people) and Kurt (who can teleport inside and save her when she gets trapped because Blob or someone is just WAILING on the shield. The more weight on the shield, the more stress on Athena and the harder it gets to keep it up- so the shield starts to shrink around her until she just “lets go” and it vanishes.  
Ada Wagner, twin of Giselle. Power: Agility and Wandering Aegis. Same agility as her father due to her physical appearance, but can teleport shields around the vicinity. Gives her some more advantage compared to her mother and sister. 
Giselle Wagner, twin of Ada. Power: Agility and Aegis. Same agility as her father due to her physical appearance, but can create shields the same way as her mother. Prefers hand-to-hand combat, excelling in martial arts. 
Shylo Logan/Time Bomb. Power: Tap (just like her mother, though much weaker in comparison and only works for a few seconds depending on how long she touches the person) and a Healing Factor similar to her father. Before Shy was born, Rogue was captured by the Weapon-X program and while within the womb Shylo had been experimented on. (I don’t remember all the full details at the moment) but she has a kinetic charge that lets her put energy into objects and explode them, and can block Xavier from her mind as a result. Wears gloves to hide her “tap” ability from the institute while in the past. 
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fiftymilehighclub · 4 years
Crash Course: Billy and Tommy
For the uninitiated who just found out about these two via WandaVision, here is the sequence of events that leads to a) why the boys have different last names and b) why Tommy has white hair:
   Vision and the Scarlet Witch, 1985: Billy and Tommy are born while Wanda and Vision are living a ‘normal’ life in New Jersey. It is later established that Wanda’s pregnancy was, initially, only a psychosomatic ‘hysterical’ pregnancy due to jealousy over her brother’s marriage to Crystal Amaquelin (Inhuman) and birth of their daughter Luna.
   It is also later established (in Young Avengers Presents: Wiccan and Speed) that Billy and Tommy were actually created by Wanda, using her reality-warping powers and the power of an eldritch god which had inhabited her body, using fragments of the soul of Mephisto, lord of Hell.
  During a battle, Wanda momentarily loses the focus which keeps the souls attached to the twins’ bodies, and they vanish. However, the fragments of soul which created them were purified by her love, and instead of returning to Mephisto, were instead reborn in the bodies of two boys living in separate parts of New England: Billy Kaplan, in the Upper West Side (later Chelsea), New York, and Tommy Shepherd, in Springfield, New Jersey.
Though it has been considered dubiously canon now, early on it was hinted that both boys were adopted at the same time; Billy also mentions having two brothers who are never named and only mentioned once.
   Young Avengers v1 issue 1-6, April 2005: After the events of Disassembled. The Avengers are defunct, due to Wanda’s mental breakdown over the loss of her children caused a causality chain-reaction that led to the deaths of several Avengers (including Jack of Hearts and Ant-Man, Scott Lang). A group of boys, led by a time-displaced youthful version of Kang the Conqueror (Nathaniel Richards, a distant descendant of both Tony Stark and Reed Richards) is determined to change his destiny as a supervillain by reforming the Avengers and being a hero called Iron Lad and leading a team consisting of Patriot (Eli Bradley, nephew of Captain America/Josiah X, America: Red, White and Black), Hulkling (Teddy Altman, son of Captain Marvel [Mar-Vell] and Princess Anelle of the Skrull Empire, who is unaware of his heritage at the start and believes himself to be a mutant), and Asgardian (Billy Kaplan, who aside from being a massive Avengers fanboy doesn’t have an immediately recognized connection to the Avengers). Cassie Lang, daughter of the late Ant-Man, demands to join the team, calling herself Stature (she has stolen Pym particles and can grow and shrink at will) and later, after rescuing her family from a hostage situation, Kate Bishop insinuates herself into the team as well and is, at the end, simply called Hawkeye.
House of M, August 2005: The Young Avengers are too new to be ‘involved’ in the event, but the twins (and their creepy ‘brother’ Tyler) are present as small children in Wanda’s delusion. She re-lives their birth, and re-traumatizes herself in their loss. It’s a whole thing. Her daughter with Nightcrawler (TJ) from another reality shows up. (Nocturne is an actual bean please read up on her).
Decimation, January 2006: “No More Mutants.” 198 mutants out of millions are all that remain after Wanda’s proclamation. Fortuitously, two of those who remain are Billy and Tommy (and TJ)
Young Avengers v1 issue 7-12: Teddy is caught in the middle of an intergalactic power struggle: both the Kree and Skrulls want him, as he has significant positions of power with both races, and his mother (who he discovers was really his nursemaid who spirited him away from the Skrull homeworld to protect him) is murdered by the Super-Skrull. In order to rescue him, the Young Avengers use the Vision’s programming (now stored in Iron Lad’s old suit, now named Jonas) to track down another potential linked mutant. They break Tommy out of a mutant-research facility his mother had remanded him to after a run-in with the law. Tommy is unstable and violent, but it’s immediately clear he and Billy are twins and there is More To The Story. Billy drops the Asgardian name, starts calling himself Wiccan, and accidentally outs himself as gay (and dating Teddy) to his parents.
Young Avengers Special: Wiccan and Speed: Billy and Tommy go back to Vision and Wanda’s home in New Jersey to look for clues to their past. The Mephisto connection is established and it is confirmed that they are, in fact, Wanda’s children.
Civil War, 2006: After the New Warriors cause Nitro to detonate in front of an elementary school, killing hundreds of innocents in the process (known as the Stamford Incident), the government pushes through the Mutant Registration Act, forcing all superpowered individuals to either register with the federal government or else be deemed a risk and placed under arrest. This divides the Young Avengers -- Cassie, Kate and Jonas believe it is for the greater good, since they could still work as superheroes, just with government oversight, but Billy, Tommy, Teddy and Eli join the faction led by Captain America, which deems it unconstitutional and just plain wrong. They have a run-in with the Runaways, where they are captured by a mad scientist using Noh-Varr (Marvel Boy) as a mind-controlled soldier. Wiccan’s ears are covered with sound-dampening devices to prevent him using his powers, and he is forced to watch as the scientist attempts to study Teddy via surgical means. (it’s a little gruesome, fair warning) Later, during a night patrol these four are caught, and though they are quickly rescued, after Wiccan and Cloak transport them to another location, it turns out to be a trap, and Billy is captured and imprisoned in an extra-dimensional prison called 42.
It is speculated that he was imprisoned for anywhere from one to six months. It is also speculated that during this time, due to the verbal component of his powers (he must speak his will into being, at this point) that he was either comatose or muzzled during this time.
After being freed, Billy spends several months in shock, sitting at a window in a near-catatonic state, unable to react as his friends and family try to bring him out of it. Eventually, Teddy approaches him, and lays down an ultimatum. He proposes marriage, on the condition that Billy gets out of that window. In the issue’s last panel, they share their first on-panel kiss.
Tiny queers all over the world rejoiced.
The Children’s Crusade, 2010: The Young Avengers work on the sidelines for a while, until Wiccan accidentally overloads his powers during a fight with the terrorist group Sons of the Serpent. The Avengers want to put him on lockdown until he can control his powers, but he knows that if he can find Wanda, she can teach him all he needs to know. After busting him out of his ‘suite’ at the Tower, the rest of the Young Avengers accompany him to Wanda’s last known location -- Latveria, specifically its capital Doomstadt, ruled by Dr. Doom. There, they meet Magneto, and learn that Wanda has no memory of her past, and is a guest of Dr. Doom in his palace -- in fact, she is his fiance, and they are due to be married! Billy can’t let this rest -- he knows there’s more to it, and sneaks out of the inn they are staying at, leaving an apology note for Teddy and striking out on his own to break her free. It is revealed that Doom was taking advantage of Wanda’s amnesia in order to get access to the Cthonic power she still possessed, but after taking it for himself, Wanda’s memories return, and with the help of Billy, the rest of the Young Avengers (and absolutely no help from the Avengers or X-Men, who both show up to try and fight it out). In the end, Wanda embraces her two sons, promising to be a greater presence in their lives.
Sometime during this time, both Tommy and Teddy have begun permanently residing with the Kaplan household in Chelsea, NY.
Young Avengers, vol2, 2013: In an attempt to bring Teddy some happiness, Billy browses all possible realities to find a version of his mother who had not been murdered by the Super-Skrull. He appears to find one, but she turns out to be an extradimensional parasite called Mother, who can influence adults (here meaning anyone over the age of 21). Loki (still in his 10-year-old form due to having died and been reborn it’s a long story) appears, claiming he can help them vanquish Mother if they trust him, but America Chavez also arrives to try to discourage them. Kate and Noh-Varr have some sort of friends-with-benefits thing going and arrive with a spaceship. Tommy works at a tech-assembly company as a temp, where David Alleyne (formerly Prodigy, who lost his powers on M-day) also works. I admit my memory of this series is spotty since I wasn’t a huge fan, but it establishes that Billy is an entity known as the Demiurge, who created the reality America Chavez was born from and may, possibly, be the most powerful entity in the Marvel universe.
New Avengers vol4, 2016: Post-Secret Wars, in which a Cosmic Cube broke the Marvel multiverse and Dr. Doom attempted to put it back together again, with varying degrees of success.  Bobby Da Costa (Sunspot, formerly of the New Mutants) has inherited the vast wealth and criminal empire of the organization formerly called Advanced Idea Mechanics -- A.I.M. Now calling it Avengers Idea Mechanics, he gathers a team to protect the Earth from extradimensional foes who are, apparently, spawned from a hyperfuturistic alternate version of Reed Richards. Chimeras with floating crystals for heads are nullifying magic all over the globe, but Wiccan and Songbird figure out how to use her scream to shatter them. Then, a Cthulhu-like entity called Moridun infects Billy, and a future version of the Avengers arrive in the past to kill him, including a beardly, barbarian-looking version of Hulkling. Eventually, Billy figures out that Moridun feeds on negative emotions -- and well, I’ll let Billy’s words speak for him:
“”I know what poisoned thoughts are like, Moridun. I always have. I get anxiety. I don’t think I’m good enough. I don’t like myself, even though I know -- rationally -- I know -- doesn’t matter. I have bad days, bad thoughts. And sometimes... sometimes, yeah, they’re hard to fight. But I don’t let them win every day. And I’m damn sure not going to let you win today. You’re just a cheap little bully who likes breaking toys, Moridun --
and you shouldn’t have let me see you! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!”
I freaking love this comic okay you get to see future Teddy go back home to his husband who’s standing at the sink washing dishes and talking about their daughter Katie and I cried when I first read it.
At this point, there is also a Scarlet Witch solo series, which I highly recommend reading. She is shown owning her mental illness, cutting Pietro out of her life in order to maintain it, and coming to grips with the loss of Vision and reconnecting with her sons.
There is also the Death of Magic run, which establishes a lot of lore about Billy as the Demiurge. Unfortunately, during a lot of this era Tommy is nowhere to be seen.
However, at the start of the latest event, Empyre, we find out why: He’s moved out of the Kaplans’ and in with David, who he has been dating since the events of YAv2. He seems genuinely happy, which makes me happy.
Now: Billy and Teddy have finally gotten married. Billy is still working toward becoming the best damn sorcerer and potential pseudodeity he can be, Teddy has put down his destiny as the Great Unifier, and everybody’s just happy.
I don’t care what Marvel does in the comics anymore my sons are happy.
I’m sure I missed some details but this got WAY LONGER THAN I INTENDED IT TO.
I don’t like 616 Vision he’s kind of a selfish prick
Viv Vision is a Gift though she doesn’t deserve half of what’s happened to her
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stcviescott · 3 years
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✨ phoebe tonkin, cis female, she/her   —   agnes street wouldn’t be the same today if it wasn’t for sounds of strings. do you know that stevie scott works there as the owner ? they are thirty-two and they look like the kind of person who might bite you if you get too close, whenever i see them, dreams by fleetwood mac starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off, the electric moment before the storm; seventies music played on acoustic guitars; flower crowns and bare feet; you know?
guys, I'm mia and this is my punk rock mama stevie. below you'll find two section: bio points and cool facts. some plotting ideas in the cool facts section might catch your eye! I've highlighted some keywords <3 I'll be working on her wanted connections page throughout the day!
bio points
stevie's life is pretty much a museum — a shrine to the past. she is a collector of sorts, of memories, of trinkets, of nostalgia itself. She misses her family, misses what could have been, misses the general feeling of the past. she wouldn't trade her present for anything, though.
born and raised in islebury to a wealthy family, she was commonly known as their very own black sheep — only being allowed to study music at juilliard because of its prestige and her apparent intention to work with classical music. needless to say, she was more of a rockstar.
she rose to fame like a comet, then descended out of it like a shooting star: during her junior year at juilliard, her band was signed by a major record label — and she left the school to tour with them. their record label dropped them one year later, however, and they were doomed to become a one hit wonder.
luckily, she was allowed to return to the school after her two-semester leave of absence, acquiring her bachelor of music degree. without the help of her now estranged family, she had to work twice as hard to provide for herself and maintain her academic scholarship.
after juilliard, she lived in a shoebox in nyc for a few years, working mainly with production and teaching music.
when her grandmother died, she made her way back to islebury. despite her mother's disapproval and her father's quiet affection, she inherited a substantial amount. working as a freelance music curator, she had no idea what to do with it.
while in town she ended up reconnecting with an old flame, the type of teenage country club love affair you get one summer in high school. a few weeks later, when she found out she was pregnant, he was announcing his engagement.
with a baby coming and NYC prices, she decided that maybe it was time to move back home and figure her life out.
she managed to rent a corner store on agnes street and started selling her old instruments, along with some handcrafted, one-of-a-kind instruments made by a friend in the hudson valley. it wasn't much, but with her freelance income, it was enough to make ends meet.
after her daughter was born, she got a teaching certificate. a few years later, it got her the music teacher position at the local middle school. though they seem to insist her class is called introduction to music, she prefers her own title: "how to rock 101". (yes, she is pretty much jack black in school of rock. that's the whole inspo.)
one step at a time, she was able to make a life for her little family. when the owner of the corner store offered to sell, she took money out of her inheritance to buy the place. she spent weekends working on it with loving friends, painting each wall and turning it into the beginning of a new dream. then they build the gig room, where a corner stage lit up the town every weekend.
now, she hopes to achieve one more: turn the basement into an independent record label for local artists.
the cool stuff
if lorelai gilmore, joni mitchell, donna sheridan and DEWEY FINN had a child, it would be stevie.
if you have (middle-aged) middle-school-age children living in islebury, she's their SUPER COOL MUSIC TEACHER who's letting them create a rock band.
wants to start THE BASEMENT LABEL, a record label for independent artists under her instrument store/live music place, SOUNDS OF STRINGS. (*this is a plot development for her, if anyone is a musician we have a connection lmao, she'll sign you)
has a six-year-old named ODESSA "OZZY" SCOTT, whose father is unaware of her existence. if you're feeling the bio points up there, basically the day she found out she was pregnant he was announcing his ENGAGEMENT TO SOMEONE ELSE. (*also a very much wanted plot because drama)
can seem very tough because she had to figure out how to do things by herself, raise a kid on her own and all that rock n roll, but she's a SOFTY.
her family is old rhode island money, but she was cut off when she decided to DROP OUT of juilliard to tour with her rock band. 
hates the taste of coffee but can't live without it.
misses MAKING MUSIC so much that it hurts.
will pet you and offer you a piece of LAST NIGHT'S PIZZA if provoked.
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crystxlclear · 4 years
sudden desire
chapter two: coffee times ten
part three of sudden desire
prologue / one / masterlist
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in which two best friends won’t admit they’re in love so decide to have a baby together instead.
pairing: marcus pike x original female character
summary: coffee, coffee and more coffee. coraline ropes marcus into babysitting duties.
word count: 4.4k
warnings: the slightest smidge of angst? boyfriend material marcus (needs his own warning because he’s soft af), mentions of divorce? mentions of pregnancy? two idiots being domestic af without realising it. honestly i’m just pulling these warnings out of my ass idk what counts anymore
author’s note: sorry if there’s any errors, i’m honestly the world’s worst proofreader (last time i went to post this, there were still passages from when this wasn’t fanfiction and marcus was an actor like cora, cause that would have made total sense!) but also i get super hypercritical so it’s best if i just don’t read and reread my work oops... anyway, enjoy!
Monday morning comes and she’s wearing the dress that he likes. It's the yellow one she wore the day they met, the reason he calls her sunshine, and she smiles as she sweeps effortlessly into the coffee shop. Coraline pushes the sunglasses she's wearing up onto her head and greets him with a hug and a small 'hello' muffled against his shoulder. 
It's only January but the sun still seeps in too brightly through the shop's thatched windows; it casts her in a halo of gold as she sits in the armchair across from him. Even despite the warmth pooling in the air, he can tell she's still cold, from the way her shoulders shrink inwards and she wraps her arms around herself. If she is cold, she doesn't let him know, just takes a moment to run her hands up her arms before wrapping them around the mug of coffee he'd ordered her. He'd told her to go see someone about it — constant chills aren't exactly normal — but she'd refused, brushing off his concern with a simple shrug of her shoulders and an insistence that she'd be fine. She'd also pointed out that it was, in fact, January and it was meant to be cold, even if it wasn't. It still hasn't stopped him from worrying, though. 
"You left early last night." He points out. Last night, some high-end gallery opening in downtown D.C., too many cameras and far too many people. He’d invited her as his plus one, purely platonically, of course, and because he knew she was the only friend he had that liked art just as much as he did, though she hadn't wanted to go. He hadn't blamed her, especially when they’d got there; Coraline's ex, Scott, and his new girlfriend had shown up, apparently friends with the gallery owner, their hands a little too wandering. If his ex and their new partner showed up, flouting their relationship in front of him, he'd be pretty upset and reluctant to go, too. He’d managed to persuade her to come the night before, albeit through incessant nagging, so much so that he thinks she probably only relented to shut him up. Though, looking back at it now, he wishes they had just stayed at home.
Coraline hums into her coffee cup. Her brown hair still falls in loose, half-styled curls around her face; she tucks a little behind her ear. "I was tired. My bed was calling," she insists with a bright smile. 
He doesn't entirely believe her, even though she's a pretty great actress and, consequently, just as good at hiding how she really feels. Because he knows she saw them last night. It was hard not to; a cramped room like that gave you no place to hide, and they weren't exactly being subtle. He saw the way she'd shuffle uncomfortably then their laughter would filter through the quiet space, soft but still piercing. Marcus was convinced that they were doing it on purpose, especially when he caught Scott stealing glances from across the room whenever he thought no one was looking. He was trying to get a reaction and, being as graceful as she was, she hadn't given him that, even if she had spent the entire night with her brows furrowed and wearing a smile he could tell was fake.
He watches her curiously; the way she sips her coffee slowly, how her hair curls softly against her neck, the gentle curve of her pink lips that seems permenant around him. But he’s never been the most subtle, at least, not around her. She notices him staring, gaze lingering for far too long over the gentle contours of her face, and their eyes meet for a second; they're immediately lit by another even brighter smile that pulls across her glossed lips. "What?" She questions. Her cheeks always flush pink whenever he looks at her for longer than a moment. 
He shakes his head, returning her smile, perhaps a little too enthusiastically when his teeth peak through a little. "Nothing, I just-" I just want you to be happy, he thinks. But he doesn't say it, because she must know that already, and just shakes his head. "Nothing." He repeats. 
"You're staring."
"I am not."
"Yes, you are." She chuckles, poking his leg with the toe of her boot. “Why are you staring?”
"Cora, I'm not staring."
He is staring. He can't help it. Especially when she smiles. 
She regards him for a second. Sometimes, he wonders if she can read his mind, given the way her eyes trace over his face like she's reading a book. Truthfully, he wouldn’t mind if she did read his mind. "I'm fine." She answers the unspoken question lingering thick in the air. The real reason he's looking at her like he is. A laugh lilts at the edges of her insistence and he can tell that she's lying; there's a furrow pulling at her eyebrows that gives her away. He’s learned to look for it. "Why wouldn't I be?" She knows exactly why. But it seems like that's all they talk about, how she is. And she doesn't want to anymore. She's fine. 
Because your ex-husband spent the entire night trying to make you jealous, he wants to say. But he doesn't. He leaves it alone.
Marcus leant back in his chair. He doesn't push it. "No reason." 
Coraline peers at him over the top of her coffee cup — it's almost too big for her hands — but she doesn't press it further, even if she does raise her eyebrows a little. Or, at least, she doesn't get a chance too, because someone is calling out to her from across the coffee shop. "No reason." She repeats with a soft hum. 
She peels her eyes away from Marcus, almost like it's some great hardship to stop looking at him, and turns her smile towards whoever had called her name. He recognises her as Loren Hull, Coraline's childhood best friend, struggling to push through the door with a stroller, even as someone holds the door open for her and another helps her inside. 
Coraline watches with amusement as Loren teeters towards them. "How are you?" She asks as she hugs her. Her attention switches towards the gurgling baby in the stroller; she was chewing on a toy, far too preoccupied to pay attention to anything that was going on around her. That was until she catches sight of Coraline and cries out with glee. "And how's my favourite goddaughter?" She coos. 
Loren huffs out a groan. Her blonde hair is tied haphazardly on top of her head, curls spilling out at either side, falling into her face. There are dark circles beneath her green eyes. "She's great-" She grins down at her daughter for a moment before her head throws back. "But I'm exhausted." She's talking far too fast, the words falling from her mouth, in the same way, an almost nonsensical rambling might. It's almost like she thinks that, if she doesn't talk fast, she'll never be able to get the words out. "I can't stay long- oh, hey, Marcus-" It's like in her hurry and she hasn't noticed he's there until now. He doesn't blame her; Coraline has mentioned that she's still getting to grips with being a single mom. "-but I need coffee otherwise I'm going to pass out."
Coraline is grinning down at Loren's daughter, Maisie, whispering soft 'hello's at her, completely distracted by the baby who seemed just as captivated. The baby giggles and reaches for Cora's fingers, kicking her legs excitedly under the pink blanket. "I could look after her tonight if you need some rest." Her eyes don't leave Maisie, who's tiny fingers wrap tightly around Coraline's pointer finger. Half of him wonders if she'd actually meant to offer her help or if the whispers had come out before she had chance to think them through. 
"You could?" Loren's face lights up with relief. 
"Of course!" Cora's eyes come to rest on Marcus. "Would you mind?" 
"Not at all." He shoots her a smile. They're meant to be seeing a movie. It's some horror film he's never heard of; he isn't a massive fan of horror but Coraline had wanted to see it — it had something to do with her and her father watching horror films together when she was younger, even if they were terrible and laughably cheesy — and had managed to persuade him the night before at the gala, when they were both a little too tipsy and he was trying his best to distract her as Scott's lips dragged over his new girlfriend's neck. He'd glanced up every now and then, just to see if she was watching them. Luckily, she never was. 
"Oh, you're a lifesaver." Loren exhales, like she's been underwater for months and her head has only just poked above the surface. "Both of you." She turns to Marcus and flashes him a bright but exhausted smile. 
"What are best friend's for?" Cora chuckles as Loren pulls away to order her drink. "Drop her off later."
"I'll be by at seven," she announces as she grabs her drink, backing the stroller out of the coffee shop with decidedly more grace than when she'd entered. Patrons part the way for her and she murmurs a 'sorry' at everyone she passes or accidentally whacks with her nappy bag. 
Coraline's eyes linger on the baby for a few moments longer as they leave; her expression flickers, softening, like she's considering something, like she's plagued by conflict. Coraline taps her fingers on the table, perfect pale pink nails rapping a steady beat against the wood. Eventually, her eyebrows furrow and she draws back into herself, like realisation has hit and she's snapped herself back to reality. 
"Are you sure you don't mind? You can find something else to do, you don't have to become a pro bono babysitter with me." She wants him to help her out. She really does. She tries not to let the hopeful glint reach her eyes.
But she feels especially bad because Marcus rarely has days off. It's a rare Sunday when he's in between cases and hasn’t been dragged in on a weekend. And she's dragging him along to look after a baby he's never even met before. 
He shakes his head. "Why would I mind?" He gets to spend time with her. He enjoys her company too much to turn her down.
She shrugs and takes another sip of her drink. He can tell by the way that she scowls that it's gone a little cold. He doesn't know how she drinks it, anyway. There's too much caramel — it was far too sweet — but she seemed to like it and he'd seen her tired self go through three in an hour before. "Changing diapers isn't exactly a thrilling pastime."
"I'm sure I'll live."
Coraline pushes herself to her feet. A breeze ruffles the skirt of her dress, billowing the pale yellow fabric against her knees like it had a mind of its own. She finishes off the last drops of her drink and sighs. "Well, then, we’re going to need some more coffee."
Coraline has been rushing around her apartment for most of the day. She isn't sure if she's nervous or if she just has too much caffeine buzzing through her veins. Perhaps it's both. She's not even aware of her surroundings, only that Marcus has been sitting on the couch trying to get her to relax for the past hour and she's fussed meticulously over every square inch of her apartment at least three times. She just needs to keep her hands busy. 
"Cora, she's a baby." He chuckles as Coraline scowls at the magazines on the coffee table. She bends down to straighten them, huffing out an inpatient breath as she does so. "She's not going to care what your apartment looks like."
She ignores him, turning swiftly on her heels to straighten out the woollen throw draping over her couch. "Relax," Marcus insists. He watches her with concern as she pauses, sucks in a shallow breath and turns to slump down against the opposite end of the couch. Her head falls back against the cushions. "What's wrong?"
"It's just-" She doesn't even know what she means to say. She doesn't really have an explanation for it — why she's frantically rushing around her apartment trying to keep her mind off Maisie and the babysitting job she'd found herself — so she doesn't bother offering one. Maybe it's because all she can think about is how much she'd wanted a baby when she was with Scott and how she has no idea what she wants anymore, now that he's gone and she's alone again. Everything's so confusing now; she can barely bring herself to think about it. It just doesn't make sense. Coraline tells Marcus a lot of things (he probably knows more about her than Loren does, and they'd been best friends since they were six) but some things just weren't for sharing. Maybe he already knows. She hopes he does, it would make things much easier, and then she doesn’t have to bite back pointless tears when she eventually tells him. 
Coraline lets out an overly-dramatic sigh and turns her head towards Marcus. He's still watching her, brown eyes softer now. He smiles and she shakes her head to clear away the thoughts. "I'm glad you're here, you know," she admits. Her eyes drag back up to the ceiling. 
"Of course you are. You'd never survive without me." He quips. 
"Oh, sure. How I ever managed to live twenty-eight years without you, I'll never know."
Marcus' eyes crease at the corner as he laughs a little at his joke. "I know you'll be good at this whole baby thing." She lulls her head to the side to watch him; she shuffles against her hip, resting her cheek against the dimpled green couch cushion and watches him as his dark eyes light up. In the time that she's known him, barely even six months, though it seems like far longer, she can only think of a handful of times when she'd seen him without a smile. Even then, most of those were after a long day of paperwork, and she could usually make him smile after a few minutes of prodding at him to tell her what's wrong. 
"I have work early tomorrow." Coraline points out. "This was a bad idea. I should be sleeping."
"Well, you did offer.”
"I know, and it was a terrible idea." She sighs. "Y’know, I think Maisie hates me."
"Maisie is a baby, Cora."
"Babies still have feelings, Marcus."
He chuckles. "She loves you, don't be ridiculous."
His words are punctuated by a knock on the door. It's almost frantic, like whoever's on the other side's intentions are urgent. Coraline groans a little as she stands up; she knows exactly who it is and she drags her feet towards the door, trying her best to push past her concern. She lowers her head to the door's peephole before yanking it open. She has a wide grin on her face when she greets Loren and Maisie. "Good evening." Her voice is lilting, soft and bright and cheerful, like Marcus is used to hearing. It makes him smile, the way she's gone from a worry that seemed to be spreading rapidly through her back to her bright self. He's never seen her so panicked, even around her ex; she's normally so laid back and relaxed. 
Coraline pulls the door open a little further before sweeping Maisie and her stroller inside. Loren murmurs that she's asleep and Cora starts to rock the stroller back and forth, trying her best to keep the baby asleep for as long as she can. It gave her time to regain her scattered composure. Marcus pushes himself up from the armchair he'd been reclined in and sweeps over to take Maisie from Coraline and away from the entryway. 
"Oh-" It startles her a little, when his hands reach out and fingers accidentally brush over her wrist. "Thank you." She smiles at him softly as he backs the stroller out into the living room. 
"Marcus is here?" Loren's eyes light up and a grin pulls at her lips when he falls out of earshot. Her eyebrows raise playfully. 
Her grin only widens. "Are you on a date?"
"No." Coraline scoffs. 
Loren doesn't seem to be giving up and she certainly doesn't believe her. She never does, not usually. She seems to have convinced herself that Cora and Marcus are in love or secretly dating, or both. "This is a date, isn't it?"
"It's not a date, Loren." Cora rolls her eyes but she can't help but smile. She tried to conceal it but she can't stifle the way her corners quirk upwards. It's most definitely not a date — that had ever even crossed her mind — and it's just hilarious how Loren seems to be convinced that her oldest friend is harbouring a secret affection for her best friend. She looks between them both with a glint in her blue eyes, like she knows something they don't and she's just waiting for them to figure it out. Except there’s nothing to figure out. They’re friends. Just friends.
"Whatever you say.” She giggles. Loren smiles back at Marcus, who's stood back by the couch, rocking the stroller back and forth. Coraline follows her gaze and smiles fondly at him; he's not paying attention to them and he doesn't notice the way they're both watching him. 
"We're just friends," Coraline insists again as she turns back to Loren. 
"Sure you are." She smirks. ”I promise I won’t say ‘I told you so’.”
"Just go." Coraline takes her best friend by the shoulders and guides her back out of the door but she can't help the smile that spills onto her lips again. 
"Can I be your maid of honour?"
"Go home and sleep!" 
"I'm shutting the door now, goodbye."
"There are diapers in the bag and she's already been fed," Loren adds hastily as Coraline inched the door shut. "I'll be back in a few hours."
Maisie slept for a little while, but now she's wide awake, giggling and trying her best to grab Coraline's curls. The baby sits on Cora's lap, small fingers reaching out towards her insistently. She'd offer her one of the toys Loren had left for her but she only seems interested in them for a few seconds before Coraline's hair tumbles over her shoulder and she grows distracted again. 
She's torn between tying her hair up or just letting Maisie tug on it to her heart's content. But she doesn't; she just lightly whispers no with a shake of her head, a smile and a shake of whatever toy she reaches for first. And it's a never-ending cycle until finally, Maisie decides that hair isn't for her and she prefers the blue teething ring that Coraline reaches for last.
"You really are great with her,” Marcus comments. 
She chuckles, a breathy laugh through her nose. "I'm great with everyone." She pokes her tongue at the corner of her lip and grins. He notices, when she does that, says something about herself being great or that she's good at something, her cheeks flush pink a little. She only means it as a joke, he knows that, but it's almost like it embarrasses her to say or think anything like that. Her eyes betray the way she struggles with it. 
"I have nephews." She shrugs. "I was a great babysitter back in the day."
Maisie makes a gleeful noise, halfway between a squeal and a laugh, and drops the teething ring to the sofa, disinterested. She makes a grab for Coraline's hair again, reaching forward to try and swipe it between her fingers. But Cora's own fingers block her clutches. "No," she whispers quietly with a smile and a chuckle. She pushes her small hand away gently but Maisie delights in it, face illuminating in a grin, and reaches out for Coraline’s curls insistently. 
Marcus reaches down to pick up the toy as Coraline laughs, too distracted to even bother. His arm brushes hers as he does so. She's always struck by how warm he is. The first time she'd noticed it, the day they'd first met, she thought it was because of the sun streaming in through the briefing room’s glass windows. But she’d noticed it every single time he’d touched her since — even just the slightest touch or brush of a hand — until she thinks she’s used to it. She isn’t. His touch warms whatever bare skin it touches immediately and she shudders; Marcus doesn't seem to notice and she's glad because she doesn't want to explain that one fleeting touch from him warms up her entire, otherwise freezing, body.
It's a cliche, she knows that. The kind of cliche you read about in cheesy romance novels. It makes her cheeks burn — Coraline knows she's going bright red; she can feel it crawling slowly over her skin and she shivers like there's a cold breeze dancing it's way up the back of her neck — because she doesn't know what it means. She's never really felt it before she met him, this odd, confusing burn that started in her chest, then blooms out like flowers through her whole body. She usually just brushes it off because it happens whenever and wherever, without warning It just arrives out of the blue, triggered by a glance or a laugh or the briefest touch of a hand. It's ridiculous but she can't help but turn it over and over and over in her mind at night, when she tries to sleep, until she's restless and staring at the wooden beams that stretch across her bedroom ceiling. 
"Do you want kids?" Coraline asks. It’s out of the blue. Her expression almost makes it seem like she wants him to ask her the question, like she's desperate to talk about it with someone, anyone, before it bursts from her chest. Although, he can't help but wonder if she never meant to ask, or if she regrets asking, given the way her eyes fall back to Maisie who's resumed her chewing on the teething ring again. Though, Coraline barely realises she's given anything away. Then again, she doesn't even realise that there is anything to give away. She's so enchanted by the baby and the brush of Marcus' arm against hers that she's giving away maybe a little more than she intends. It's strange to see her like this given her flustered panic of just an hour earlier. 
Marcus takes a moment, a pause to figure out the right answer, then he nods a little. "I would, yes. Some day." He pauses for another second, watching the way her eyes glimmer as she looks at her goddaughter. He already knows her answer before he even asks the question. Or, at least, the real answer. "Do you?"
Coraline's eyes light up; her blue eyes look like the sky on a sunny day. "Maybe," she hums. When she looks up to meet his eyes, the small smile she gives betrays the truth. But she cuts it off like it's wrong or forbidden or downright ridiculous, like she shouldn't feel those things. He notices the way her lips falter like she's biting back the urge to say something, a secret on the tip of her tongue, and how she tugs her lower lip in between her teeth to stop her from smiling again. 
He thinks he knows what makes her so unsure about that. Why she cuts herself off and seems to tell herself it's wrong. She's mentioned it once before, when she was tired — she talks a lot when she's tired, but it's mostly incoherent mumblings that he has to admit, he finds adorable — that Scott didn't want kids. Marcus has never brought up what she’d told him (if she really wants him to know, she'd have told him by now, when she's completely coherent and conscious) but it tugs at the edge of his thoughts as her sentences go quiet when she sees a mother and their baby. They make her smile fondly. It's a smile that's been all-too-lacking since her divorce. 
He understands. It’s happened to him before, twice now. Twice he’s faced heartbreak, that horrible moment when things go sour. When you’re left with a million little ‘what ifs’, wondering where exactly things went so wrong. Wondering if there was anything you could have done, anything at all, to make things better. It’s a dull ache that sits deep in his chest. And it’s agonising. He hates how familiar the feeling has become. 
Marcus has never told her about his past relationships - about his first marriage and eventual divorce, about his last engagement and how it had ended almost as quickly as it had begun, how he’d found himself alone in D.C. without a soul in the world to talk to - and he also hasn’t told her that meeting her was like a fresh start, like the sun had finally peaked through the rain clouds that had hung over his head for so long. She’d helped him settle, finally, even after six months struggling to feel at home in a new, lonely city. She’d welcomed him, helped him find new friends, and stuck by him the entire time. She doesn’t have to be his friend; he’s sure she has much cooler, younger friends that don’t spend most of their days hunched over an ever-growing mountain of paperwork or hidden away inside some tiny downtown art gallery. Sure, he’d be upset if their weekly meetings came to a halt, but he wouldn’t blame her if she chose someone more like herself over him.
Mostly, Marcus just hadn't wanted to dredge up old feelings, not when she was in the thick of a divorce and clearly struggling, no matter how much she pretended she was okay. So he never told her what had happened. When she'd confided in him for the first time those few short months ago, spilling her deepest secrets, staying up until 3am just pouring her heart out to him over the phone, he'd wondered if it was best to tell her. To let her know that he knew how she felt, that he understood. But he still hasn't. She’s asked about his past before, nagging until he relented and revealed things he's never really had much trouble revealing before, and he has told her parts of it. But he usually skirts around the details, like there's nothing important to reveal. He isn't sure why he does it, especially when she opens up to him so easily. He guesses that the moment has never seemed right. 
Maisie's hand is twisted into the fabric of Coraline's dress. She shakes the teething ring in her hands like it's a rattle. "I've never had the chance," she admits, suddenly. "To have kids."
"You've still got time."
"Barely." She sighs. He raises an eyebrow, like he's asking her what she means, but she doesn't continue. She waves a hand and brushes off his concern. "It's not important," she insists. 
But it is important. He knows it is. And, if it matters to her, it matters to him.
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princeescaluswords · 4 years
Evil Deaton Rant #35
Sometimes, I subconsciously bristle when I see emotional reactions of oppressed minorities to white supremacy on this site.  In the end, I keep my mouth shut because while I don’t agree with all the policies they want, I recognize the validity of their experiences.  Arguing with them is the least productive thing I can do.
Especially when I can see that white supremacy infiltrates and corrupts even the most innocuous and trivial things, including -- and it seems, especially -- fandom.  Since I’ve chosen to focus my experience on this site on a particular fandom, I’m going to keep talking about it.  Here’s today’s experience: a blatant and disgusting white power fantasy in fanfiction.
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There’s a story that got past my filters, labeled with ‘fix-it’ and promising to heal what is broken with Teen Wolf.  It promised to correct what Jeff Davis screwed up.   And the way to do that seems to be a White Power Fantasy. I won’t provide a direct link in this post, but I’ll provide it to anyone who wants to contact me privately.
The first thing you have to realize when reading this story is that Deaton is Evil, because of course he is.  He’s jealous of Stiles’s power, criminally negligent, and he was an accomplice to Kate and Gerard when burning down the Hale House.  Why did he do this?  Because cutting down the tree would hurt Talia enough so that she couldn’t protect his family.  You mean his motivation?   Oh, well apparently he wanted magical power for himself.   Though eight years later -- the story picks up after Strange Frequencies (5x07) -- he still hasn’t gained any magical power.   It seems an ill-thought out plan.
So, having murdered the Hales out of animosity and intending to stifle Stiles’s superlative magical abilities -- as you do -- he decided to run an animal clinic for most of a decade. He didn’t bother to eliminate Peter in the hospital ward when he was helpless and in a coma for six years, he didn’t silence Derek when he had him at his mercy in Fury (2x10).   Why he risked his life to save Derek in Season 4 or Stiles in Season 3 is ... well ... not explained. He waited around to be discovered by the Druid’s Council (which is going to punish him for being cryptic and not doing enough) or by the Other Hale Branches.  (We’ll get to the Hales Are the Most Powerful Thing Ever in a bit, just remember that the Hale control of the Nemeton is important to the world.)   
He’s the most incompetent yet successful villain in history -- he knew that Stiles’s power would manifest but didn’t follow the correct rules and let other people know.  Stiles wouldn’t even know about his power if Deaton hadn’t told him in canon, but he must have had a reason for revealing it to him so he could stop it, however that works.  His complicity with the Argents could be sniffed out in days by a super Hale, yet he didn’t have any plans to counter it.  He was just a Sinister Black Man, who hated his benevolent white overlords, and desires their power, but he can’t actually take it ‘cause he’s bad.
Now, of course, there could be his side of the story, if he ever got to tell his side, but no, the Powerful Hale Alpha from White Europe is able to figure everything out without any investigation or interrogation. Deaton says two words in 35k of story.  They Just Know That The Black Man is Evil.   
And if you are wondering whether this animus extends to other black characters, it doesn’t!  You see, Braeden doesn’t exist.  Mason doesn’t exist.  They’re not important.   Boyd is only mentioned as a source of Derek’s manpain.  Isaac and Jackson and any number of Pearly White OCs do matter, because they all love and support Derek and Stiles and the Hale Supremacy.  
But don’t worry, it’s not just black people who are evil.  It’s Asians, too.   Noshiko is only referred to as “Kira’s Mother” and she is scolded for not training her daughter and getting her act together -- even though you might think that as a 900 year kitsune she perhaps might have more experience in kitsune, no, it’s Stiles and the Hale UberAlpha who know better how to take care of Kira.  Not that we get Kira or Noshiko’s point of view as they never even show up on the page, they’re dispatched off screen so as to not get in the way of the white people.  
You know what’s really interesting?  Even with -- as a dying Theo confesses after trying to take on the All-Powerful Hale Pack by himself -- “the Hale Territory is the ultimate power,” except we’re not sure why that is or why they haven’t driven Satomi Ito and her pack away, but she’s Asian so who cares?
And Scott, well Scott is a stupid, lazy, short-tempered, ignorant Latino who doesn’t know his place.   He should have only listened to Stiles, and not Theo or that Super Mysterious Evil Black Man.   Malia leaves (she’s not a Hale, of course, because she defiled Stiles’s pure virginal flesh and that’s for Derek) and Kira is sent packing, and Scott is a fool for caring for them instead of focusing on Stiles the Great.  He doesn’t train his betas (unless you count the physical training of lacrosse, which doesn’t seem to occur to the author ‘cause it’s not a Hale thing) and the Hale family are all happy and well-adjusted and Isaac and Jackson love each other and love Derek and love Stiles.  I mean, the first thing that Jackson says to Stiles is how handsome he is.   The first thing Isaac says to Scott is to scold him for not holding regular training sessions.  No explanation is given as to why neither Isaac nor Jackson informed the Hale Super Wolves about what was going on in Beacon Hills -- but it’s Deaton who is evil.
You get the point.  You see, the Hales are the most powerful werewolf pack in the world, and they are unstoppable -- even though it took eight years for them to figure out that the North American Hale Pack was destroyed.   They’re also capitalists, controlling industries all over the world.    Dalia Hale -- Talia’s cousin, get it? -- is going to fix everything, though no one bothers to ask her why Derek didn’t call her in 2011 or 2012.  There’s no mention of the Dead Pool and Scott being worth $25 million dollars, which might draw the attention of the Hale Corporation.   Only Deaton is the culprit here for not doing what a good house servant should.
And this story is super popular.   Really, really popular.   Scott and those ignorant teenagers are going to get taught by this woman who walks in and takes command even though she’s never been in Beacon Hills for any of the other shit, because well, you know Rich and White.   
I seethed at this story, and I can’t imagine what it is like to be a minority fan of this show and see everyone who looks like me treated like garbage, but Stiles is, to quote the story “like Gandalf” and Jackson is wonderful and Derek is a poor sad woobie, and that’s WHAT THIS PERSON SEES AS FIXING TEEN WOLF.  Latinos are stupid and unworthy; Asians (and I’m using the generic word on purpose) belong elsewhere; and Black People?  Well, evil.  Evil. Evil. Evil.  Or Dead.  Or gone.    
Which is why sometimes I know I need to keep my mouth shut.
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et-lesailes · 5 years
daddy daycare
pairing: steve rogers x reader
themes: fluff
word count: 1800
summary: you and steve certainly have your hands full with having one year old triplet daughters, but it’s a daddy daycare day when you suddenly get called into work last minute. deciding that the avengers can help him out with watching your naughty children, he brings them to the tower for an afternoon of fun and endless cute little giggles.
taglist: @viarogers, @evanstush, @chibi-crazy, @chalamet-evans, @world-of-losers,@songforhema
note: requested by anonymous // let me just say that i LOVE writing daddy!steve (i mean both kinds but especially this one) and i absolutely love babies so this was super fun to write :) my inbox is always open in general but it is ESPECIALLY open to requests like these hehe
** please send an ask if you would like to be added to my taglist of any chris evans related fics!
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"You're positive you're going to be okay."
"Babe, yes! We'll be fine!"
"Okay, okay-- wait, you know they get a bar each after they-"
"After they wake up, yes, baby-- I'm their parent too, you know. And I'm a little offended you think I don't know their daily routine by now," your husband commented as he playfully nudged your side, then leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Go, the office needs you. I can take it from here, beautiful." You laughed softly and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, murmuring, "Alright, alright. I know you'll be just fine. Love you."
"Love ya more." He winked and playfully shooed you out the door, waving as you drove off. Turning around to head up the stairs, he peeked into the nursery, a fond smile immediately crossing his lips upon seeing the sight of his three little angels sleeping. Triplets had definitely not been planned for when you and Steve had decided you were ready for a baby, and while it certainly proved to be challenging, he wouldn't have had it any other way. He loved watching his girls show more and more of their unique personalities each and everyday, and he especially loved watching you being a mother-- to him, it was a sexy look on you, and he felt all sorts of both endearment and arousal watching you nurture and love his babies. 
"Feel free to sleep for another couple hours, sweethearts," he whispered playfully, peeking into each crib. "Daddy would like some downtime too, you know."
Steve chuckled as he glanced at the ever talkative Brooklyn in the backseat through his mirror, nodding fondly. "Yeah, Brookie, that's a truck next to us! It's a pretty big one, isn't it?" 
To say the wake up process had been hectic was an understatement; it was difficult diapering and feeding three cranky babies, but they were all happy and smiling now as they bounced in their carseats, three sets of blue eyes all focused outside the window. "BIG CHUCK." Natalia declared seriously, pointing at it in case no one could see it-- the soldier couldn't help but laugh at how cute his children were. "Do you see the truck, Leigh? Do you know what color it is?" He questioned the oldest triplet, but she simply smiled as she gazed out the window; she always took a while to fully wake up after her naps, but Steve had always thought it was adorable. Brooklyn, however, took the opportunity to scream, "BOO!!" in response to his question, making the blond laugh loudly. "Not blue, Brooks, it's actually red. Can you say red?" 
"Alright, close enough. Look guys, we're almost there! Are you guys ready to see your aunties and uncles?"
Nat had called for a brief, casual meeting to go over a general state of the union, and considering how much the Avengers team loved the triplets, he figured it would be fun to take them. Besides, he wouldn't mind the extra sets of eyes watching them; three babies were definitely more than a handful, after all. "Weddy! Weddy!" Natalia cried out in excitement, then widened her eyes hopefully. "Toady there?" He chuckled in amusement upon her pronunciation of "Tony"-- she had taken a strong liking to the billionaire since she was practically an infant, and her face would practically light up every time she saw him. "Yes, Uncle Tony will be there. Uncle Tony, Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Sam, Aunt Nat--" He was cut off by an excited, "NAH!!!" shrieking in his direction, and he playfully flinched. "Brookie, ya gotta stop doing that while I'm driving!" he teasingly scolded, and the cheeky little girl looked at him with a giggle, clapping her hands. He could only laugh again, pulling up at the building and getting out of the car, ready to handle three very busy and toddling toddlers. 
"Natalia Margaret Rogers, what do you think you're doing?" Sam crossed his arms playfully as he raised an eyebrow at the little girl currently poking at his wings that rested in the corner, having recently been upgraded by Tony. "Well, Sam, she's sitting right over here, because that little scamp over there is actually Brooklyn Marie Rogers." Steve corrected him with amusement, gesturing to Tony holding Natalia on his lap. "Anytime you see one of them being naughty, you can assume it's Brookie." Natasha said with a laugh, coming over and scooping up the curious toddler, kissing her forehead. "Isn't that right, ya little cutie?" 
"You know, I'm having a perfectly good time chilling here with Leigh. She's so calm." Rhodey spoke up from his place at the conference table, playfully bouncing the triplet as he held her. "I bet you never have to use her middle name." Steve glanced towards the two with an amused smile, eyebrow raised. "That's what you think, Rhodey, but she's completely different at home. Isn't that right, Little Miss Leigh Fallon?" The little girl simply looked at Steve with innocent eyes and he scoffed playfully, retorting, "You definitely get that look from your mama, my little Cap." 
"Here, Nat Attack, want another donut?" Tony held out half of the mini powdered donut for her, and she immediately started munching, the white powder spreading all over her lips. "Tony, you know my wife's going to kill me if she knows the amount of sugar you've been feeding my kids." Steve chuckled, and the man smirked in response. "What? I'm just helping make sure you guys have a fun night tonight. I remember all the good times with Morgan on her sugar highs." 
The group continued to laugh and play with the kids for a decent amount of time before Natasha finally cleared her throat. "Alright guys, lets get this show on the road-- with all these parents in the room, I'm sure they're too old to be staying out past 4 PM," she teased, shooting a playful smirk towards Clint, Tony, and Steve. Your husband rolled his eyes amused but turned his chair towards the large monitor, though glancing towards the triplets every few minutes. They seemed content with the crayons Steve had brought for them, coloring on both the paper and the table; he made a mental note to clean that before he left. 
“Wait, guys-- what’s this?” Nat frowned, suddenly zooming in on an image in the news, pulling it up on the screen. “Should we be worried?” Steve immediately leaned in with furrowed brows, inspecting the possible threat showed in the photo; the entire team was so focused, no one noticed little Brooklyn slipping through the crack of the open door, her two sisters dutifully following her. It was only a few minutes later when everyone deemed the image as a false alarm that Steve’s eyes widened, realizing his children weren’t in the room. “Girls?? Girls! Where are you?” he called out, shooting up from his seat. “Damn it.” He ran out of the room, looking to both sides of the hallway as Nat quickly came out behind him. “There’s no way they could have gotten far, they just learned how to walk a few months ago. I’ll go left, you go right.” She assured him, even chuckling softly finding the situation quite amusing. Nodding his head, he turned to the right side of the hallway, peeking into every room. “Leigh! Brookie! Natalia, come on guys! I’ll buy you guys chocolate chip cookies if you come to Daddy!” He was starting to get a little worried now, still not seeing them; until he heard a loud shriek come from further down the hallway. With wide eyes, he practically sprinted towards the noise, bursting into the room it had come from.
“Oh. Hey there, Cap! Sir. Mr America… Rogers.”
Steve blinked as he looked down at Scott Lang, sitting on the floor with his three sixteen month old girls clambering over him, giggling and laughing in delight for no apparent reason. “I came because I wanted to talk to Tony about this new breakthrough Hank and I discovered in the lab-- and then I got lost, and then I was trying to find a better signal on my phone, and then I ran into these three cutie patooties!” A wide smile crossed his lips as he ruffled Leigh’s hair, earning a happy squeal from her lips. Exhaling relieved, Steve ran a hand through his blond hair and smiled tiredly at Scott, nodding in thanks. “They seem to like you a lot. It’s your first time meeting them, isn’t it?” Looking to Brooklyn, he raised an eyebrow as he scooped her up, mumbling playfully, “And let me guess. You orchestrated this, didn’t you?” The little girl simply giggled, lifting her hands up to touch her father’s cheeks. “Wawa?” Steve laughed, kissing his daughter’s nose. “Mmhm, I see you changing the subject. Alright, alright, I’ll get you girls some water and then we’ll head home. I bet Mommy’s back by now….”
You looked up and immediately smiled upon seeing Steve walk in, carrying Natalia and Brooklyn in each arm while Leigh sat upon his shoulders. “Hello, beautiful,” he greeted, a charming smile crossing his lips as he came over and carefully leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Mama!!! MAMA!” shrieked Natalia, reaching out for you; you giggled as you took her from your husband, kissing her head. “Hello, my pretty babies! And my handsome soldier,” you stood on your tiptoes to give Steve a peck on the lips. “Did you girls take good care of Daddy today?”
Leigh immediately nodded her head with a proud smile, reaching down to hug Steve’s head but only succeeding in somewhat choking his neck. Coughing slightly, he chuckled as he glanced up at her. “Thank you sweetheart, I love you too.” 
“They were good? Didn't give you too much trouble?” you asked with slight amusement, and he smiled somewhat sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Er…. I’ll just tell you about our day later tonight, baby doll. Come on, sit down, let me make you some tea or something.” He smiled and kissed you again before setting Brooklyn down, then playfully grabbed Leigh to hold in his arms. “Come on, my little chef, come help me get Mommy a yummy snack.” 
You smiled fondly as you watched your husband and daughter go into the kitchen, holding Nat while leaning down to hug Brooklyn. “Mm based on that answer, I’m going to guess you kept Daddy on his toes today.”
“Dada toes!” she exclaimed as if confirming, and you giggled softly, shaking your head. “Oh babies, Mommy and Daddy are never going to have a moment of peace with you three, are we?” 
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bonniebird · 5 years
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Theo x Reader
Requested by Anon
Part One
Klaus was glaring at you, while Elijah was simply stood in the corner with a blank expression. While Klaus had granted that Elijah was disappointed in you as well, you thought Elijah was just there to stop your father’s temper getting out of hand.
“I don’t think you realise how dangerous this boy is.” Klaus said as if he was trying to keep himself calm.
“No, I’m pretty sure I know.”
“He could kill you.”
“So could you.”
He sucked in a deep breath, glancing at Elijah who still said nothing but looked highly amused. “That is beside the point. We don’t know if we can trust the wolves. Why is there just one lurking around?”
“Because he doesn’t get along with the others.” You pointed out. You jumped a little when Klaus snapped his fingers.
“So they are other wolves who cannot get on with him, see this one is dangerous.”
“Perhaps if (Y/N) where to promise to be weary of the creature you’d be happy?” Elijah asked. Is the tone was sharp and he slowly turned from you to face Klaus who was pouring himself a drink.
“I suppose for now it will do. But we have to be wary of him.” Klaus said as if he was caving.
“(Y/N)?” Elijah said expectantly.
“I promise to be.. Weary of Theo.” You huffed.
“You should stay away from him too!” Klaus started again. Elijah motioned for you to leave the room.
“You really don’t trust him, he is… to some extent your kind. What good will it do to push them away?” Elijah questioned.
“If they had come to me, or even Hayley first I might understand his presence. But he came to (Y/N). If they aren’t up to something devious why would they go to her and not me.”
“Perhaps they’ve heard the tales of your exploits. Or perhaps they are closer in age and were hoping she could help them navigate how our world works? Or several other reasons.” Elijah raised an eyebrow and field his cuff when Klaus growled.
“It’s just this one thing I can’t figure out.” Theo complained.
He’d been explaining about Beacon Hills. How he was responsible for making sure Scott McCall was tested to see if he should be an alpha. None of the wolves in New Orleans had something so official.
You’d run it past Jackson and he said he’d never heard of anything similar to what Theo described.
“Well, I would use a witch, for it.” You offered as advice.
“No. WHat I need done would take one so powerful…” He sighed falornly, glancing away from the pile of books you’d been helping him read through.
“You said we were mates. Which means… I suppose I can tell you my secret.” You said thoughtfully.
“You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. But… if you think it could help… help me do my duty.” There was a look that filled Theo’s eyes as he spoke, it made the back of your neck prickle with warning. Ignoring it you sighed and leant back in your chair.
“My Father, he’s the first hybrid, like a super old on of you and the wolves in Beacon Hills. Because of that, and who my mother was, I happen to be a powerful witch. One of the most powerful.”
“You’d be willing to come with me and help?” Theo asked.
“Of course!” You said with a wide smile. The look in Theo’s eyes changed to something that made you uncomfortable, but after a second or two he relaxed and you were more confident in your choice to help him. “I’d have to leave and come with you though? There’s no way my dad would agree.”
“That doesn’t matter. Just tell him you’re staying with the wolves.”
“You’re right. I’m sure we wouldn’t be long?” When you look down at your hands and back up at Theo he smiled encouragingly.
“Where is she!” Klaus shouted as he marched past Elijah.
“We don’t know. She never came to the pack.” Hayley answered before Klaus could barrel down on Jackson who was shifting from foot to foot.
“We think that the wolf that’s been lurking around took her somewhere.” Jackson said quickly.
“Absolutely not. My daughter would not be foolish enough to go with some stranger!”
“No!” Klaus cut Elijah off before he could speak. He was more than furious and didn’t have the patience to listen to whatever Elijah had to say.
A few wolves approached the courtyard and muttered to Jackson who sighed. When he sent them away Hayley gave him a questioning look. “Apparently (Y/N) was looking for grimoires, though the wolf had more of an idea what they were looking for. They’ve headed back to Beacon Hills. He’s… convinced her that she’s his mate.”
“You can’t be serious?” Hayley snapped irritable. She hadn’t minded the younger wolf hanging about but this was too far.
“Well then, we’ll be going to get her back!” Klaus demanded. When he glanced at Elijah his brother gave a short nod.
“I’ll go and speak with Rebekah.” Elijah said as he left in a blur.
“I’ll leave Hope with Camille and join you.” Hayley offered, not waiting for Klaus to respond. She couldn’t imagine how worried she’d be if It was Hope out there.
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