#but I wanted the yellow of the tail to still pop
spittyfishy · 1 year
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Finally had the time to do an Angie for Mermay! She was one of the ones I knew I really wanted to do this time around, she’s based off a Racoon Butterfly fish!
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elsweetheart · 1 year
cats cradle
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synopsis: ellie and her failed lab experiment bestie navigate her first ever heat.
♪ lana del rey, the weeknd — stargirl interlude ♪
cw: whew, this is gonna be a lot. fem reader, reader is a failed lab experiment which gives her cat like appearance in a few ways (ears, tail, claws etc) not furry porn, reader is mentioned to be 20 purely just for detail purposes but you can just change to whatever in your head idk, readers tail touches ellie in the night without knowing really lol, smut / strap on sex / foreplay / dry humping, overstimulation, small blood kink feature but nothing crazy at all, reader is just crazy and horny and primal, cockwarming. lmk if i missed any !
an: alrighty, here it is. i cannot stress this enough — if this isn’t your kind of thing, please just don’t read it. i won’t be offended if you don’t, i just don’t wanna hear any bs in my inbox please! this was experimental and i don’t even know if i like this fic or not so please be gentle. to the people who have been so sweet and encouraging throughout my up and downs of writing this, thank you and i love you! as usual, minors and ageless blogs do not interact you aren’t welcome here. enjoy! 🐈‍⬛ 🤍
Spring would be here soon. That was all you could think of, a dull anxiety thrumming in the pit of your stomach at the thought. You stared at the solitary bright yellow flower peeking through its blanket of snow, the downfall of ice from the blizzard outside the window beating it mercilessly against the wind— and yet it stood, continuing to pop back up, almost like it was taunting you. You wished you could love spring. The thing about seasons changing was that they happened without permission and whether you liked it or not. Truthfully, you loved the idea of flowers and dresses and warmth on your skin, but it made it all the more difficult to hide the…elements of you that people wouldn’t understand. You weren’t talking about scars, or hair or bumps, no. You were talking about —
“What’cha lookin’ at.” The mellow voice of your best friend Ellie Williams broke you out of your thoughts, traipsing up behind you to sit with you on the window seat, tucked into an alcove below rotting bay windows in the abandoned house the two of you were holed up in on patrol, whilst the blizzard outside came down hard. She gets comfortable, drawing her knees up as she leant against the chipped paint, accommodating to make more room for you. Your head snapped towards her, towards her grey hoodie that — wasn’t you wearing that last night? shutup, and her khaki green jacket zipped up over it, jeans and Converse and messy bun tucked into the nape of her neck. Pretty. Always pretty. Always just a friend you couldn’t touch. Not how you wanted to, anyway.
“Nothing? Just watching the snow fall.” You sigh out wistfully, knowing you’d both rather be in bed on this early, freezing cold morning.
“Yeah? Y’looked worried about something.” She rasps, toeing you with the dirtied white tip of her maroon chucks and tilting her head. You dart your eyes back to the yellow flower springing up to see it finally get pummelled down by a huge globe of powdery snow. Hah.
“Just scared the snow will cover up the door and lock us in here.” You nibble your lip, tugging your pink wooly hat tighter over your head, ensuring it was still in place. She shook her head, casually, and her blasé attitude to most things often eased any anxieties that dwelled within you.
“There’s a smashed window in one of the rooms I checked, can climb out if we need to. S’why it’s so fuckin’ freezing in here.” She rubbed her arms in tribute to this statement, puffing out her cheeks for a moment. “You not cold?”
“Oh, I’m cold.” You flit your eyes over her with faux judgement. “Just not being a baby about it.” She huffs out a laugh, folding her arms.
“Fuck you, dude.”
Dude. You roll your eyes. Always dude, but ‘baby’ in your late night daydreams. You scrub the thought away.
An hour passes, and the snow is still coming down hard. 8:54AM.
“Okay, I’m sorry — what do you mean you’ve never played truth or dare before. Have you like, never met someone your age?” She’s smirking, always relishing in your lack of general knowledge because honestly, it made her feel like she had more to offer and teach you. You’re drawing a palm tree on the window’s condensation, the tropical sight doing nothing to mask the dreary weather outside of it.
“Okay first of all, we aren’t the same age — you’re twenty-two. That’s a few more years of experience to learn stuff that I haven’t.”
“And how old are you again? Eighteen?” She pretends to think.
“Twenty. And you knew that, idiot.”
She snickers, muttering a teasing “Baby face.” under her breath, drawing a comical penis shape with her finger beside your palm tree making you tsk and swat her away.
“Secondly, no— my old camp were all like, old people. I was the youngest there. Didn’t have anyone to teach me any of your weird games.”
It took you about twelve years of your life to realise that normal preteen girls didn’t have pointed ears atop their head, or a tail, or retractable claws and fangs. You knew you were different, yes. No one else in your small camp had features quite like yours, and you really knew you were different because you spent your life in hiding. Under protection. Ears shoved under hats and tail bunched beneath tight jeans. Hence, you know — the fear of warmer weather approaching.
You didn’t quite know where you came from and you were okay with that. Whispers between the couple that raised you, talks of your real dad being a scientist before this all went down which explains things… enough. You didn’t really want to know how you ended up this way, because it couldn’t have been good — or ethical for you to grow up part girl part animal.
19 years old, and you had moved into Jackson. Found at the gate. No more camp. No more found family. Just a girl who survived, stood in the snow. You’d met Ellie, a friend of Jesse who’d found you — and the two of you had hit it off instantly, as friends of course. Ellie liked how different you are to her, pretty naive with lots to learn in comparison to her hard edges and weathered attitude. When you weren’t biting back playfully at her sarcasm you were the ray of sunshine she’d needed in the snow globe that she lived in. She’d even stepped up to take you with her on patrol and ease you into learning how to fend for yourself a little, a skill you never acquired with your old group. That brings you here, sat on a window seat, trapped by a blizzard, doing very little learning. Okay, back to you Ellie.
“Truth or dare is not weird, I swear. Look, we can play it. Pass the time whilst we wait for the blizzard to chill out. You in?”
“So,” She crosses her legs now. “You can pick, truth or dare. If you don’t answer your truth, I get to pick a dare. And uh, vice versa. Yeah. It’s simple.”
You nod, and she continues — rambling in typical Ellie style.
“Like, okay. Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” You grin happily.
“Alright, I dare you to run into the blizzard naked.”
“Uh — truth! Truth!” You change your answer, making her laugh.
“Alright… tell me about your first kiss.” She’s giddy, on the precipice of a laugh, dying to make fun of whatever story you come out with and you falter, dragging your eyes back to the window. The palm tree you drew in the condensation is starting to drip and create long clear lines down the window.
“I already told you, never met people around my age so… haven’t had one.” You shrug, peeling a bit of old paint off the windowsill. You glance up and she’s nodding with her lips turned down, trying really hard not to look judgy because she wasn’t, she swears and she didn’t want you to feel bad. She tucked away the thought that she found it cute. Found you cute. The thought of being your first kiss flashed through her mind as quickly as she erased it.
“Alright. No shame in the game. We’ll get you there.” She pats your foot reassuringly and you tense up in embarrassment slightly, a claw spiking through the knit of your glove making you close your palm into a fist on your lap. Ellie had heaps of experience, which kind of made your confession more embarrassing.
“Your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Her answer is almost instant.
“Boring.” You giggle.
You sigh… eyes wandering around the room, over the dusty canvases on the wall with paintings of mountains, perhaps the very mountains that surrounded your town— you couldn’t tell. What could you ask her? What did you actually want to know? What didn’t you already know? You bite your lip, eyes flickering around.
“Take your time.” She raises an eyebrow and you huff at her impatience.
“Okay, tell me something you’ve never told anyone else before. A secret that’ll literally bind us for life.” Your eyes twinkle and now it’s her turn to falter. She doesn’t want to glance at her covered arm, but she does anyway. Not that you’d ever be able to guess her big secret. No one could, you probably wouldn’t even believe her.
“Good question, see you’re getting the hang of it.” She raises her eyebrows, impressed and you bask in the sound of the icy winds outside, head slowly tilting to the side as you watch her grow a little uneasy. Ellie Williams, your best friend had a big secret. And you knew all of her secrets, so you were doubly intrigued. You knew about the time her and Dina got too drunk and kissed before practically yelling at eachother that it felt too wrong and they’d never do it again, you knew about the time she didn’t wanna trade any items at the little store for food so she selfishly shoved a can of tomato soup in her pocket and ducked out, knew all the rest of them because you remember her drunkenly shoving her hand over your giggling mouth and whispering “You actually can’t tell anyone, okay? Shit, why do I tell you these things?”
“Okay. I’m immune.”
“To being slapped? Answer my truth or face your forfeit.” You were grinning ear to ear, like she thought you would and — she nearly wanted to just leave it there. Let you believe she was joking. But oh, your perceptive self. You saw the falter of her bashful expression, the way honesty coloured her face and for once she couldn’t make eye contact. Surely not? “Immune?” You repeat, more like a statement but you’re confused nonetheless.
“Uh, yeah.” There’s no humour in her tone and yet you’re still smiling, waiting on her still to smirk or chuckle or something. When you just stare at her, she starts to undo her jacket. “I can uh, I can kind of prove it, I guess?” She pushes her hoodie sleeve up, and you’re faced with the tattoo you’ve stared at many times before. The pink pad of her finger traces along the inside of her arm, and your eyes focus — honing in on the faint scar curtained behind the dark blue ink. “There… was a bite here. Me and my friend were together when we were kids and we both got bit. She turned and… yeah, guess I’m still waiting.” Her eyes were distant, and yeah — Ellie played jokes on you sometimes. You were gullible and naive, not having faced the usual prankish behaviour of people similar in age to you before but this? She wasn’t that great of an actor. There was actual, real life pain behind her avoidant gaze.
“You’re serious?” You furrow your brows and she purses her lips, a pinkie-finger of gesture held in the air.
You stare at her arm, and she reaches for her jacket again — feeling the chill of the house again despite an uncertain heat creeping up her neck. “How do you know it wasn’t just a one off?”
She shrugs. “Guess we’ll know if I get bitten again.” She chuckles dismissively. You go to speak, tell her how life changing her secret was but she’s quicker. “Alright, your turn. Now I’ve told you something no one else knows you gotta do the same. Biggest secret, go.” She exhales, and it feels like the room is alleviated of some of the pressure.
“Excuse me, what if I wanted to pick dare?”
“Do you?”
“Well then.”
Your ears twitched and you brought your knees to your chin. Ellie was just so vulnerable with you, but you’d always been told — under every single circumstance not to tell anyone about your…rarity. It was something that not even you understood, so sharing it with others could put you in danger. People often lashed out at what they didn’t understand, you were told it was that way in the old world too— though you’re sure people weren’t quite dealing with being a hybrid with a literal animal.
“I’m not sure you’re ready for my secret.”
“Dude, I just fucking told you I can’t get infected, you’re not gonna top that.” She exasperated, prodding your leg with her knuckles. She didn’t beat around the bush with her secret, or make you beg for the reveal — so you figured you’d cut straight to the chase. You pulled your hat off your head, ears standing to attention — hearing just that tiny bit clearer. Ellie raised an eyebrow, not sure what she was looking at, about to make some kind of comment like ‘Uh, your secret is that you have hair?’ — until her eyes darted up and stayed there. You pulled off your gloves too and held your hand between the two of you, sharp claws extending. Ellie jumped, and you pulled back shamefully.
“What is… what am I… what am I looking at?” She gawked breathlessly, eyes widening at the way your ears twitched shyly, the outside of them coated by fur the same colour as your hair, the inside of your ears pink, sprouting wispy white hair from it. Ellie could barely keep her mouth closed.
“Yeah, so… I’m like a girl who is also a cat who is also just a girl— nothing weird I swear — apparently my dad was a scientist and he made some fucked up combination DNA and — ah, it doesn’t matter. I’m a freak. Laugh it up.” You ramble, waving your hand in a way you hoped was dismissive and in that moment a gun to your head wouldn’t have made you make eye contact with the auburn haired friend parallel to you.
“Hey, wait — I’m just trying to… holy shit?” She furrows her brows before chuckling. “I feel like I’m having a weird ass dream right now, dude.”
You reach for your hat to shove it back on, and her heavy hand lays on top of yours. She watched the way your ears flattened like aeroplane wings and you frowned a little. “I’m sorry… I’m not laughing at you. That’s… fucking awesome. You’re like a comic book character, man.”
Your eyes lifted from her hand, heart thundering in your chest both from her reaction to your big reveal and her hand laying on yours. “So, a freak.” You go to move your hand but she grips it.
“No, just… cool… don’t… put your hat back on yet. I’ve got questions.”
A pause sat between the two of you, and she broke out into a smile again. “Fuck you, your thing totally beats my thing.”
“Thats not a question, Els.”
“So does this mean you’re immune too? Pretty sure animals can’t get infected.”
The window had fogged over completely now, view of beyond the window obstructed but you didn’t mind. It felt more enclosed, in a good way. The outside world didn’t exist anymore.
“I’m not fully an animal though. Don’t wanna risk finding out.”
She sat back, looking at you incredulously. Not like you were a spectacle, or a circus performer from the old world — but like you were something magnificent. Like a unicorn, or a fairy.
“This is gonna… take me some time to get used to. You sure you’re not fuckin’ with me?” She turns her head suspiciously.
“Oh I’m pretty sure. Had to live my whole life with cat ears and a tail, would be a awfully sick prank.” You huff, focusing your attention on scraping off the shimmery pink nail polish you had acquired on a previous patrol. You’d painted them to distract from the subtle claw-like appearance they had even when they weren’t extended.
“You have a tail? Show me.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll just pull down my pants.”
“Oh shit, yeah. My bad.”
You sat together, and you shifted under her gaze, palms itching to pull your hat back over your ears, shielding yourself from her prying gaze. This was… out of your comfort zone. You trusted Ellie with your life, sure. But this was a lot. You’d been hiding this element to your self your whole life and suddenly you’re practically hollering it from the mountain tops all because you were enticed to share a secret during a silly little game? Who else would you tell just because they’d given you positive attention?
“You wanna touch my ears?” You blurt out. What the fuck?
Ellie’s smile grew, telling you her answer and it was too late to take it back now. She slid her ass forward a little, knees pressing directly against yours now and lifted her hand slowly, carefully, almost as though you’d spook like a real cat if she moved too quickly. You seemed to blink, and then she was right there, her face so close to yours that her warm breath fanned over your face making your eyelashes tickle at the breeze she created. She clears her throat, eyes just floating up above your hairline and you feel the pads of her fingers gently trail down the backs of your ears.
She lets her knuckles gently smooth back the velvety fur coating, before getting more comfortable — short blunt nails scratching right in that sweet spot behind them. With the ball of her hand gently pressed to your temple as she scratched, you melted. The best way to describe it would be the feeling of sinking into a hot bath after being out in the cold wind, rain and snow. A sheet of goosebumps lined up across your arms and up your spine, your tail struggling in your jeans to curl up in pleasure. There was a gentle humming sound, like an engine maybe… a low rickety wind passing through a wooden floor board…
“Are you purring?” She cooed, and your eyes fluttered open. You don’t even remember closing them. The ghost of an alarmed bullet shot through your body but it just… felt too nice to react. Your pupils were dilated to fuck, it was almost startling to see.
“I guess.” You chuckle, a shudder flying through you, the warm purring sound continuing on. “Sorry.” You offer, but it’s half hearted.
“No, don’t.” She whispers with an impressed smile, eyes pinned by your intense gaze — voice gentle, as if not wanting to break the intimate force field she’d created around the two of you. “You’re so… cute.” She grins enough to show her teeth now, you rest the weight of your head more into her hand, pushing for more scratches now that her fingers slowed down, distracted. Your eyes flutter closed, sleepy and euphoric— and then open once more, a constant battle between wanting to just melt away, and also wanting to look at Ellies beautiful face so close up. She seemed to get closer each time you opened them, eyes drifting from your blackened gaze… to your lips…
Maria’s voice was the last thing you expected to hear in that moment and you both jumped. It was static-y, buzzing, making your head snap towards the radio Ellie had let clatter to the floor beneath the window seat. “Blizzards gone and cleared up now, two of you can start headin’ back now before it decides to pick up again.”
You swipe at the fogged window creating a viewing hole through the condensation, snow settling now instead of batting down hard against the ground. You sigh out, and you’re not sure if it’s in relief of the weather clearing up or the tension breaking — but Ellie seems to be shaking herself out of it too.
“Alright, uh — y’ready to head back out there kitty-cat?” She’s back to her usual self, hopping off the window seat and scooping her backpack and radio off the ground, securing them back onto her person.
“Ready as ever. Can’t wait to go home and nap.” You stretch, now standing beside her waiting for instruction. She sways in your direction with a smirk, raising a brow.
“A cat nap?”
“Are you gonna do this from now on?” You hide your amusement, leaning on your hip. She chuckled to herself, pulling her gloves back on before nodding her head for you to follow — taking off in a casual stride.
“Sorry. Let’s go get Shimmer from the garage.”
You pout, padding along behind her as you think of her stood there alone. “I hope she wasn’t too cold. She was shut in there for ages.”
“She’ll be fine. Old girl’s a trooper.”
You didn’t regret telling Ellie, infact you were so glad.
It seemed to have brought you closer, the two of you against the world. The weather had finally cleared of snow by mid April, the green returning to all of nature. She’d helped you accommodate, coming to your home in the mornings and helping you pin your ears down to your head, gently manoeuvring your hair to sit on top of them, inconspicuous. Asking you “Does that hurt?” and “Can you hear?” in a sleepy morning voice. You, on the other hand would sit there trying not to pur at her touch. There was still some bite in the air, especially around evening time so you could still get away with stuffing your tail into your jeans, but the two of you often walked around in the sunshine on the days one or both of you weren’t outside the gate on patrol. Nights were spent having sleepovers, falling asleep cuddling because you know — it was convenient and cold at night time, especially convenient if you were getting up early for a patrol together. Definitely not because you wanted to spend every waking moment together.
You had been curled up reading, relaxed, ready to head to bed in an hour or so when there was a knock at your door. Your ears perked up, and you scuttled out of bed and looked through your peep hole, relieved to find the wind bitten, pink cheeked face of your best friend. You figured she’d just gotten back from patrol, swaddled in a khaki green windbreaker and jeans, hair in your favourite style — half up half down. You swing the door open, ushering her in.
She doesn’t mean to ogle you, but it happens anyway — eyes drawn to your bushy tail shyly curling round your thigh, a hole cut in the back of your pyjama shorts specifically for that reason when you turned around. “Hey you, couldn’t be bothered to walk all the way back to my house. Plus, I got somethin’ to show you.” She wiggles her brows, heading to your room.
“Y’want a drink?” You call after her to which she promptly replies with “Please!” already disappearing into the warm comfort that was your bedroom. Your bedroom, a God damn hassle for Ellie to construct. You had… a vision, and that vision became Ellie’s problem when you’d started to build your little home space. “Els if you see any pink blankets on your patrol today please please please grab me one?” “Ellieeee I need a picture frame, like — a cute one.” “If I don’t get a fluffy throw cushion for my bed soon, I might die.” The list goes on. Her patrols were ever-filled with heavy backpacks, trinkets carefully balanced on top of eachother or stuffed into pockets. She smiles warmly at the memory, walking around your room — taking in each item along with its memory of finding it and smuggling it back into Jackson. Her eyes are glazing over your bed sheets now, thinking about you curled up in the you-spaced shape you’d left on the blankets, thinking about you fast asleep in the night beautiful as ever, thinking about you writhing on them with less clothes on — gross, Ellie — shake it off.
A matted tuft of darkened hair peeped from your mass of bed covers and Ellie squinted, bending over to get a closer look before pinching it with her fingers and lifting it. A clump of hair sat in her palm and she raised her eyebrows. Was that a —
“What you lookin’ at?” Your voice is sudden, lighthearted, right behind her— and she jumps, turning her head over her shoulder to glance at you guiltily. You stand wide eyed and innocent, a glass of water for her clutched in your hand.
“Jesus, fuck — we gonna have to get you a collar with a bell on it or what?” She rolls her eyes, clutching her chest before recovering, taking her glass and sipping as she holds up her findings. For a moment, something twitches in you down below at the thought of wearing a bell around your neck for Ellie. The feeling is warm and homely and disgustingly horny and you feel a little shame. She swallows her water an ‘ah’ and explains “Was just uh— I found a fur ball.”
You look at the clump of hair in her hand, then up at her, then back to the clump — and then you’re moving past her. You straighten out your blankets, revealing a hair brush and hold it up— plucking the ‘hairball’ from her hand and grasping it side by side. “From my hairbrush… doofus.”
Ellie makes an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and chuckles, scratching her arm awkwardly after placing down her glass — feeling maybe she’d jumped to a conclusion. This feeling is unfortunately confirmed when she sees your brows furrow, softening in stature ever so slightly.
“Do you really think I’m like… dirty and animalistic? I don’t get fur balls, Ellie.” You sound defeated and just a smidgen whiny, but she’s a sucker for it and grasps your arms gently either side with two strong hands.
“No! I’m an idiot! I’m sorry. Total jackass.” She reassures and you tilt your head, pout turning into a gentle smile. This gives her the green light to move things along. “However, I did get you a little something that might help us understand your… condition a little better.” The auburn haired girl is already shucking off her black beaten up backpack, struggling with the zip for a moment before sliding out a thick hard back book, a manual of some kind. Her eyes are on you, searching for any sign of offence and you catch the title when she spins it around proudly — ‘Caring for your kitty’.
She’s off like a race car with an excited explanation before you even get the chance to breathe, opening it up and flicking through it. “Stopped at that old library today, you know the one we thought the entrance was blocked off and we couldn’t go inside? Well — Jesse found another way in — so I was just lookin’ around, seeing if there was anything interesting and I found this bad boy. It tells you everything you need to know about caring for a cat and well… don’t wanna be a dick but… I’m caring for a cat, kind of.”
As she spoke, your grin only widened — pathetically, and totally embarrassingly so, because it was going against everything you had taught your self. You’d wanted to push this side of you down for what, your whole life? And then Ellie comes along, with her pretty green eyes and her tattoo and her hand veins and her — whatever, and suddenly you’re completely and utterly embracing the fact you’re like, absolutely fucked up, genetically? Crushing on your best friend makes you do crazy, stupid things. You bat your eyelashes at her, regardless.
“You care for me?” It was kind of a joke, but your voice came out softly anyway and Ellie couldn’t look at you because of it, continuing to thumb through the pages, very concentrated, what was that one page again?
“Why’d you think I brought this big ass manual back? Wanna look after you.” She mutters. You soften completely, and she realises that she said that out loud. You look at her, and she looks at you — and then she looks away because God damn, she’s falling in love. “Anyways. Thought we could go through it together. You got those sweatpants I left here? My jeans are like, damp.” She rambles, and you let it slide — though you’re positively floating when you point her to your dresser, pressing the neatly folded grey pants into her arms with a hazed out smile. “Thanks.”
You turn around when she changes. You’re not sure why, she’s wearing boxers — and you have some skirts stashed away that are probably shorter and more revealing (which you unfortunately couldn’t wear due to having a tail) but you look away anyways, out of respect. You clamber back onto your bed waiting for her, and soon she’s sliding up beside you in just her black tshirt and sweatpants, comfy and warm. Ellie clears her throat, sitting up against the headboard and opens the manual for the two of you to check out. “Ahem, caring for your kitty. With special thanks to Juliana.” She reads formally and you giggle, scooching closer until your cheek is pressed to her arm so that you could see the book. “Shout out to Juliana.” She comments, flipping the page.
You snuggle in closer to her, because well — it feels natural. The two of you had always been affectionate since becoming friends and since you’d shared your secrets it had only become more binding. When Joel had comment that you two were literally attached at the hip, it was by no exaggeration. The fat of your cheek pushed up enough to shut one eye as you practically tried to merge with her bicep, warm breath tickling her light arm hair.
“Y’always smell like oatmeal.” You comment, voice sleepy from her warmth and she’d barely even gotten the chance to read anything yet.
Her hand freezes on the page for a millisecond as she acknowledges your statement. “So— wait, oatmeal? That’s gross dude. I don’t wanna smell like oatmeal.” She complains, causing you to lift your head having busted out into a giggle fit. She lifts her hand and sniffs it, looking at you with a displeased expression trying to decipher your observation.
“No! It’s a good thing I like it. It’s just… Ellie smell.” You rub your eye tiredly and she’s fighting every urge not to kiss all over your cheeks at how God damn adorable you are.
“Oatmeal. Great.” She chuckles, shaking her head before nudging you with her elbow — a silent command for you to lay back down on her so that she could read.
And the two of you did, for a little while anyway. The manual was more helpful than the both of you had originally thought, and you came to realise that you had a lot more in common with the animal than you’d had believed. Between each paragraph, the two of you would launch off into conversations and comparisons, Ellie asking you questions about your behaviours and habits. It made your heart swell at how much she truly cared. “Kitten will feel attached to her owner when being scratched behind the ears.” Ellie reads out monotonously, thinking, before reaching up and scratching behind your ears. “To say I’m your owner would be a little crazy, I must admit. Can’t deny you some good old scratches though.” She chides in amusement, watching your happy smile melt into a dozed pur. You can own me, Ellie — God you can —
She read and read and read until you were nodding off, eyes fluttering shut and disappearing off into a dream land as Ellie’s raspy voice trails off, fondly watching you as your lips parted a little, more of your warm weight sinking into her side. “Okay.” She whispered, to no one in particular— and closed the book quietly, stretching to reach behind her and place it on your bedside table, turning off your lamp too.
Ellie was always a light sleeper, maybe she was paranoid or just protective — because she seemed to wake up constantly when she’d stay with you. Not that you didn’t make her feel more relaxed than anyone ever had, because you certainly did. She just… fuck, she didn’t know. She needed to be alert at all times. Just in case.
Tonight was like any other time, stirring at the cooing of a heavy wind outside the rattling windows. Her eyes found the back of your head immediately and settled a little, comfortable and dozed with the feeling of your ass grazing her front and the warmth of your back blanketing her. You slept like two people in love and if she were more awake she’d probably mourn the relationship that was out of her grasp. Too much of a pussy, too much of a risk to ruin things. But this, this she could enjoy in her half awake consciousness.
She was about to drift back off, perhaps a deeper sleep this time knowing that everything is alright and you’re safe from the harsh winds of Spring. Until, she felt a prodding. That was the best way to describe it. Like you were poking her, despite both of your arms being curled at your front visibly. She panicked for a moment, which woke her enough to open her eyes and gaze down at whatever the hell was poking her in the stomach. Your tail.
It curled at the end like a question mark, curious and wandering. She watches, fascinated at how you could be sound asleep and yet your tail had a mind of its own. It knocked on her, like it was asking for entry before it poked lower, lower, Jesus, lower. Without time for her to respond, your tail slots itself between her thighs, curling around and cupping her cunt. She gasps, bringing a hand up that was originally going to cover her mouth, but ran over her own head instead, frozen and unsure of what to do in this situation.
Why was your tail touching her up whilst you slept innocently on the other end of it? She knew you were sleeping for sure because of the quiet snores and the even quieter hum of your pur — making her wonder how she never noticed it before you’d told her about your rarity. Your tail slithered like a snake as if trying to get comfortable, which made Ellie’s mouth hang open as it practically moulded itself to the shape of her. The agile tip of your tail curled around, brushing against the material of her sweatpants all the way up to her clit and she winced, enough to stir you a little. Your tail seemed to go a little limp as you groan quietly, your sleep disturbed. God, what if she wakes up and finds me like this? Her fucking tail getting me off. That’s weird, oh god — you’re a creep Ellie. Move, move now. Jesus.
She spins around so the two of you are back to back, staring at the wall. Ellie clenches her thighs so that your tail can’t slip through them and grope her again, frowning as she squeezes her eyes closed in shame at how good it felt. It was wrong. Wrong and creepy and awful and she hated herself for letting it go on for that long. She willed herself to sleep, repeating those words like a mantra.
The next day you plant flowers together in the community garden. She doesn’t bring it up.
There were certain pages in the manual that the two of you would skip. It was too awkward, too intrusive — pages you would separately read in your own time.
If you don’t get your female cat spayed, they’re going to go into heat. How exciting! And if you’re experiencing kitty in heat for the first time, you’re probably wondering: how do I cope with this? Dealing with a restless, frisky kitty may seem like a challenging task, but it’s not nearly as difficult as you may think. We’ve outlined plenty of quick tips and suggestions to help calm your cat down in the short term, as well as some solutions to prevent heat in the long term. In just a few minutes, you’ll be able to give your loving furball the support and respite she needs during this tough time.
Ellie snickered when she read it the first time, a night where you’d fallen asleep at her house, curled up on the end of the bed by her feet. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep there, it just happened — trying to give yourself space on the particularly warm evening. Not everything in this manual applied to you, like you’d insisted plenty of times — you’re mainly all human. Despite the purring, you hadn’t felt you’d demonstrated any feline-like behaviours (Ellie disagrees strongly, but can’t bring herself to argue.) That night she had sat up later, reading about cats in heat — wondering if… you’d ever… what would she do… no, Ellie. Stop.
When summer had approached, something had flipped. Things were normal until they weren’t— and at first you could blame it on the weather, the serotonin flooding everyone’s systems from the influx of Vitamin D, being able to wear less and enjoy more. Days seeming longer. Life seeming better. You’d grown more affectionate with Ellie, not fighting the urge anymore to be touching her at all times. Gently sinking your teeth into her freckled skin when you felt the urge, wrapping your tail around her leg when you’d stand side by side in your kitchen, clambering onto her lap with the manual and urging her to read some more so you could get sleepy and comfortable and fall asleep on top of her. You saw the way people would look at the two of you around Jackson together, they thought you were together — and you didn’t mind — even though you weren’t. Just two super close best friends.
When the calendar had rolled over to July, things seemed to intensify by ten. Things were changing, urges growing stronger. You couldn’t control yourself purring when Ellie would simply enter the room, kneading your claws into your seat of the canteen area pulling up threads, needing to be near her. Practically vibrating the floorboards in total bliss when she’s give you a friendly, subtle ear scratch in public being careful not to unpin your ears. Saliva pooling inside your mouth with the urge to lick her all over when she’d arrive to your home late at night after a rough patrol, ready to crawl into bed beside you and surrender herself to your grabby paws hands. Wanting to pounce on her when she’d greet you by the gardens, knuckle knocking gently beneath your chin with a friendly “Mornin’ kitty-cat.” Worst of all, the growing neediness you’d succumb to each night you weren’t together, mewling as you’d grind against a pillow pretending it was her thigh, soaking the sheets. You were starting to accept that you were experiencing your first ever heat.
You particularly enjoyed summer evenings in Jackson. The air was was balmy and warm without the scalding, overwhelming sunshine like there was in the day. Most if not all citizens would be in the town centre at movie night or the bar — which created a perfectly calm and empty landscape for walks. It was one that day, the one that’s about to unfold — that you were particularly dazed. You felt high, sensitive, walking on air. You wear a bell around your neck now, a giggly patrol gift from Ellie — something that tinkles quietly and could be confused with simple jewellery to the untrained eye. It sounds each step you take, a comforting noise that was special to you and your best friend. Your summer dress grazed above your knees, and due to no one being around, you didn’t quite care that your tail would occasionally peak out when a warm breeze would pass through.
You stroll past the flowers you and Ellie had planted in spring, stroll past the empty playground with the wooden climbing equipment that you had to continue walking on from to not give into the urge to dig your aching claws into. Your mind was set on finding Ellie — Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, who’d supposedly just be returning home from patrol. As expected, nothing quite getting past your astute cat wisdom — there she stood, facing away from you in just her adorable oversized white tshirt, greenish brownish greenish flannel and long baggy denim shorts. Your whole body felt hot and the sight of her, heart pumping and palms tingling. Approaching slowly, you hear her quietly talking to Shimmer as she undresses her of her equipment, occasionally stopping to give her affectionate pats and love. Ellie was always good with animals.
You step closer, alerting Ellie of your presence. “Here kitty.” She smirks, continuing to remove Shimmer’s saddle before turning over her shoulder, eyeing you briefly.
“How’d you know I was here?” You swoon, dumb smile on your face as you step up to her. Probably too close, but something inside of you was clawing to be able to smell her, be able to feel the warmth radiating off her body. She doesn’t react to the proximity, just lifting a finger and jingling the bell at your neck. You fight a shudder when her coarse fingertip grazes the soft skin of your neck.
“Hard to miss you. That bell was definitely a good investment, you’re not sneakin’ up on me anymore, huh.”
She continues tending to Shimmer as you watch, a fond smile on your face.
“How was patrol? ‘Missed you.” You tug at her flannel sleeve for attention and she chuckles good naturedly, rolling her eyes.
“Wasn’t gone for that long, was I? You’re always missing me lately. Is somethin’ up?” She turns her head to you again inquisitively, concern flashing through her eyes — as well as the stream of bright light from the sunset through the crack in the barn wall. She squints.
“Uh…” You sigh out softly. Yes. I need you. I want you. Come here. Fuck me. “No. I dunno.” You shrug, forcing yourself to look away, defeated. No, you’re here for a reason. “Can you come over tonight? Sleepover?” You realise you’re still clinging to her sleeve and she’s letting you, her eyes drifting to the way your hand slides downwards and catches her hand, intertwining your fingers. You know, just best friend things.
“Jesse asked me to hang out but…” She started, but trailed off when you became all fluttery lashes and bambi-eyed. “Fuck it,” She breathes. “I’m too tired for his shit today anyway.”
You grin, successful and tilt your head. “Not too tired for my shit?” and she scoffs, squeezing your hand.
She steps back, your joined hands bridging the two of you still. Her eyes are trailing down again. That little sundress, she hadn’t seen that before. Maybe hanging in your closet, but not out of the house. Her eyes dip lower and she sees a flash of fur swinging behind you, jostling your dress. Her eyes widen a little. “Hey.” She emphasises, nodding her head down. You’re still staring at her, at her freckles and the way they’re shaded from the sun — a halo of bronze and natural flush.
“Hm?” You sing. She furrows her brows.
“Your dress is short.”
“Don’t you like it?”
“What? Uh— fuck, I mean, yeah — but I’m saying other people might see your…” She nods again in gesture, nervous.
“Tail?” Your fingers trail up her flannel sleeve a little.
“Yeah. People might not be as… open to all that, babe.” Babe. A slip up, usually — usually said when she wanted to soften the blow, or when she physically couldn’t stop the affection from meeting her lips. You preened at the word anyway, didn’t even bother to hide it.
“No one’s around.”
Your claw traces the blue green vein on her pale wrist. You don’t remember it coming out, these days it seemed they just did it on their own. She winces at the light scratch, but she lets you anyway. Just ogling, wide eyed, a little confused and a little turned on — which confused her all the more. She silently begged herself, get a grip.
She tore her hand away, hoisting her backpack off her back and swinging it around — damn near smacking you in the face with it. “Got you a present. Know you like those.” She rushes out, sounding a little out of breath like she’d been running. You liked it, liked that you did that to her. You’re smiling and she’s like, ignoring it — because she knows you know you flustered her and that’s not like Ellie. Not like calm and collected Ellie Williams.
“For me? You shouldn’t have.”
She digs around, pulling out a black rectangular VHS tape. Hard to come by, but always a delight seeing as you had a TV facing your bed in your room that refused CD discs and would only play grainy tapes. Ellie turned it in her hands, displaying the white tape across the front that read in someone unknowns Sharpie’d handwriting ‘Disney Aristocats’
“Think it’s about cats. Thought it would be funny.” She chuckles humbly, her ‘you hate it. fuck my life.’ thoughts kicking in as expected.
“We can watch it tonight!” You grin, gently taking it from her — clutching it proudly in your hands. She relaxes, shoulders unstiffening.
“Cool. Uh, yeah.” She nods, scratching her scalp which made the half-up-bun bob at the back of her head. She looks at you, and then looks around, and then back at you. Always back at you. “Alright. Let me go home and shower, you go set everything up and I’ll be round soon. Just… get outta here, before anyone sees you. Yeah?” Ellie exasperates, softly clapping two hands down on your shoulders and spinning you around, carefully nudging you to start walking away.
“M’kay. See you then, Els.”
“See ya, trouble.” Eye roll. Or maybe her eyes just rolled back at the sight of you swishing away in your little sundress. She’s not sure.
You were stood in front of the mirror when the door knocked. Your heart jumped — like you weren’t expecting Ellie to even come for some reason — but more so because you wasn’t sure you could get away with pyjamas this skimpy. You wanted to seduce her, sure. But this was just obscene. You wore, what essentially was just a long tank top. It fell mid thigh, flimsy and thin, showing every curve and dip and plumpness to you. You didn’t ever feel insecure around Ellie, no — but she might just call you a slut.
There was no time to change, so you ran and got the door, feigning confidence. Something was… different about the way she was stood there. Her hands were in her jean pockets awkwardly, like she didn’t know what to do with them. She’d actually cleaned up surprisingly, wearing her jeans and off white wifebeater. She somewhat looked like she was trying, but maybe that was all in your head. She didn’t look you in the eye either, thick brown lashes fluttered slightly as her eyes jumped down you in segments. Tits, then tummy, then hips, and then tail. The sight of it flapping about freely made her usher you inside quickly, always aware of the risks.
“Hey furball, y’ready to watch the movie?” She clears her throat, looking around your house like she’d never seen it before. Nervous? Something else?
“Told you not to call me that, doofus. But yes, follow me.” You giggle, and that’s all you seem to do around her these days if not purring — constant girlish giggles tumbling past your lips at the slightest joke. It bordered on pathetic.
She enters your room with a chuckle, like — the type that says ‘you’re so fucking cute.’ in Ellie’s voice, if you can imagine. You’d set the movie up, the screen buzzing with static playing old timey music with the start up screen for the movie awaiting the two of you. You’d rustled together every blanket and cushion you could get your hands on to create some kind of nest for the two of you to get all cuddled up in, and even more than that if your plans went how they should. It smells like you in the room, and Ellie wants to stand there and breathe in so hard her ribs crack from the expansion just to inhale you in completely. There’s no time for that, because you’re ushering her down on the bed. It’s almost horny just from the way you push her down, both hands on the warm skin of her freckled shoulders — your smooth and grabbable thighs between her legs. “Get comfy. But not too comfy. You always fall asleep when we watch movies.”
But how could she fall asleep when you’re dressed like that? In your natural form, wearing so little and showing so much. Her palms felt like little ants were inside her skin, running around like their tiny heads were on fire — or maybe it was just the hand static from not being able to touch your electric skin, to graze her coarseness over your smoothness and hear the sizzle of you up against fingertips. She wanted to hold you by the back of the head, take all your weight, all your thoughts, all of you.
But she was here to watch a movie, like a good best friend. And if that’s what you needed that’s what she’d be.
Turns out trying to seduce someone into scratching the itch that’s been aching you for weeks was harder than expected. How were you supposed to initiate this again? Hadn’t you thought about this time and time again, written about your dream scenarios of getting down and dirty with Ellie in the middle of your diary where no one would look if they’d found it and opened it up? You’d practised this, time and time again whilst you fall asleep — or whilst you’re fucking your hand, or whilst you’re staring at her profile idly whilst she sits and draws. God, how do you make the first move?
You’re staring at her whilst this rackets your brain, and you don’t realise how shamelessly you’re gawking at her until she side-eyes you, a fond little smirk daring to grace her features — it was audacious how cute she was. “Somethin’ on your mind?”
She’s practically handing you the opportunity. Your skin burns, body pressed to hers. Her arm is wrapped around your shoulder, the two of you propped up laying back on your bed and it’s all set up perfectly. You could say a million things, you could push your weight up on your elbow and reach up and kiss the side of her rubied lips. You want to slot a hand right between your thighs there and then, relieve yourself, show her what she’s done to you. The mess she’s made out of you.
You squeak out a “Nope.” despite all of this.
You keep planning and rehearsing, not concentrating on the cat movie anymore, that’s for damn sure. Who was that old lady again? What was that cats name? Who cares. You’re staring, syncing your breath to hers. You think yourself to sleep, cheek pressed to her collar bone and soft snores. Completely unsuccessful, but there’s always next time right?
When you wake up a few hours later things feel different. You’re not touching Ellie anymore — Hell, she could be gone for all you know. But you’re feverish, throat dry and prickly. Your skin is broken out into goosebumps despite the heat, your thin tank top dress completely stuck to your skin and sheering from the pure amount of sweat drenching you. What the fuck? Were you sick? You’re panting, aching but not all over — only in your… you reach down, half awake and feel your slick coating your inner thighs, pooling your cunt. You felt feral.
Your eyes shoot open now, because — well, you can’t be doing that. Can’t be touching yourself like that with Ellie right there. The room is glowing blue, and you locate the TV screen causing it. The movie is gone, finished, and the screen is on a standby channel, quiet and staticy as it alights the bedroom. You turn to Ellie, because you need her suddenly, feeling like you’ll burst into tears or cum without touch, whichever comes first and you don’t know why. Any shyness has left you when you turn, spinning onto your hands and knees to touch her and shake her awake.
She’s laying on her front, her wifebeater having ridden up a little to display some of her back. Her arm hugs her pillow, and you don’t remember her being that sculpted — her arms, the ones that hold you when you hug and lift the heavy gates on patrol. You reach out and touch, and then grab, and then you shake her awake. “Els, Ellie please.”
It doesn’t take her much, she’s a light sleeper as mentioned before. She panics a little, flipping onto her back when she hears your trembling, whiney tone. What’s wrong? What happened? She’s reaching for you before her eyes are fully open.
“Hey, wha’samatter?” She croaks, one eye squinting shut in the bright blue glow. You go to tell her but you just whisper her name again, and again and you just need her to touch. Your hand grabs her arm again and she sits up fully, eyes widening a little as she wakes up properly. “Hey, talk t’me.”
“Look at me I’m—” You whine quietly, gesturing to your fevered appearance but you feel like you don’t have time to explain. You have no sense of patience or shame when you scooch closer, hands sliding over her shoulders so your foreheads are nearly touching. You look deranged and her cunt twitches.
“I need you Els. Somethin’ is going on with me and I just... I don’t know but I need you.” You beg. Jesus, she must be having some kind of wet dream.
“What? Uh— you — need me how?” She stutters, and she feels like a fuckin’ idiot because where was the suave flirting skills and pizazz she promised herself she’d have when the day came that you finally asked her to touch you? Let her have you? Her stomach clenches in cringe but she barely has time to overthink it because you’re moving impossibly closer. Your tits are practically spilling out and Ellie’s palms are sweating so much that it makes her insecure.
“Think somethings wrong with me, think I’m in—”
“You’re in heat.” Your words overlap and the two of you are whispering like there’s anyone else in the house that might overhear you. “Yeah, uh — shit man, I read about it in the book, you know? I didn’t know if you’d… if you’d be able to… whatever. What do you need? You need some water?” She’s rambling, needing to think carefully about her actions. She didn’t wanna take advantage of you when you were so vulnerable… was this like, weird? Not because you’re her best friend — no, this has been Ellie’s long game since you met — but because of the whole… feline thing.
“No I don’t need water Ellie, I just want you to help me. It… it aches.” You cry miserably, dropping your face into her shoulder defeatedly. She smells so good, just like her — like Ellie, but so much stronger than usual, your senses heightened by ten. It weakened you, feeling this out of control. You sniffle, rubbing your nose into her top and she rubs your drenched back — sympathetic.
“Is it because it’s like… a full moon or something?” She asks quietly and your brows furrow in annoyance, pushing yourself off her to be face to face again.
“M’not a werewolf Ellie.” You pout, and her lips twitch up into a nervous half chuckle, relaxing a little as she reaches up and smoothes her thumb between your brows. She sighs. And then laughs quietly.
“I know that.”
The two of you look at eachother for a moment, a silent conversation in the place of what should be confessing feelings. You feel like you take the first step when you glance at her lips, and she returns it by glancing at yours. The looks get more eager, and your bodies thrust closer, and you kiss.
You wished it was romantic, like you’d planned for months. But it’s needy and eager and you’re panting and whining within thirty seconds of having her tongue glide against yours. You’re lucky that Ellie is just eagerly going with it, happy to be there. You didn’t wanna make her uncomfortable or come across as forceful — but that didn’t seem to be the case at all, especially not when she let out a little groan at the feeling of of you sinking down pointed teeth into her bottom lip.
She topples back when you lean into her more and you’re clambering onto her lap, thighs shaking. You hear yourself before you realise you’re not kissing anymore, instead whispering “Please, please, please.” against her lips with your eyes screwed shut as you grind your soaked cunt onto her jean covered one. Where you’d usually make a comment about her sleeping in jeans, you pant — and she lets out an embarrassingly loud, wide eyed groan at the feeling. The zipper digs into both of your clits from either side.
“Fuck, fuck okay.” Her hands hover, and she doesn’t know where to grab first. This is happening, God this is really fucking happening. She blushes at the thought of her dorkishly pinching herself, just to check it’s not some super torturous vivid dream as her hands float before just pawing at your back, pulling you closer. Closer. Need her closer.
You shuffle back in the dark, hands fumbling for that zipper that you’d made warm and wet through your cotton underwear and tug it down so harshly you think it’s gonna come off. Buttons get unpopped, and fingers get tucked into a waistband before you’re yanking down. Ellie’s getting whiplash at the speed you’re moving, eyes flickering across your desperate and pained expression. Fat tears sit beneath your eyes as you mutter the word ‘closer’ again, an inkling of relief when you pull her jeans down to her mid thighs revealing soft black boxers.
You sit on her again, and — that’s it, that’s the friction you wanted. You can feel the raised, round mould of her pussy through the material and she gasps when you grind down onto her, forcing herself up onto her elbows, eyes rolling back a little, hands gripping your thigh creases as she stared down at your white underwear smushing itself into hers in the dim light. You’re whimpering (and so is she for a moment), hips jerking forward and Ellie genuinely doesn’t know what to do with you. It feels so fucking good, but she feels like she’s not stepping up the way she should. She wants to take control, make it all better for you like she always does.
“Fuck, okay babe. Chill, okay? Mhpm, I got you. Let me help you. S’what I’m here for right? Lay back.” She whispers, and leans forward again to ease you backwards and like she can’t help it, presses another kiss to your lips. You both freeze, because this time it has feeling behind it. That’s also what you needed, you needed her to take control. You relax for a moment, letting her roll you onto your back barely breaking apart the kiss.
When she pulls back, she strokes your hot cheek with her thumb — staring into each others eyes. Hers are still beautiful and vibrant even in the feverish blue light, glancing all across your face with concern and fondness etched into her features. “Kay?” she speaks, tapping her thumb to your cheek for a response and you nod, huffing out a breath. Okay. Try to calm down.
She kisses the corner of your mouth, which trails inevitably into the crook of your neck, her swollen lips sucking the slippery skin with a hum. Your fingers are bunched tightly into her shirt and her jeans are still below her ass from your dry humping craze. You take some deep breaths, and she hears you — outwardly appreciating your efforts to be calm. “Thats good, keep doin’ that.” She whispers when you push air out of your mouth shakily, and the praise makes your legs fall open limply.
“You gonna let me help you out, pretty girl?” She kisses the centre of your chest and you mewl, body vibrating with purs as you nod. “Tell me, please. I’ve uh, I’ve waited so long to hear it.” She sounds nervous in the sweetest way possible, making you even in your haze reach out to comfort her, pushing her auburn strands out her face as she looks up at you pleadingly.
“Please help me Ellie, want you to touch me.” Your voice is jumpy from your shudders, and it transfers to her — your eyes just catching the way she trembles a little from adrenaline in the dark.
“Alright baby, I got you.”
Hearing her call you baby like you’d always hoped she would makes you heave out a sigh, pushing your hips up into her body weight trying to relieve yourself somehow. She shushes you, distracted by the feel of you beneath her palms now as she drags them down your body. Her thumbs swipe across your hard nipples through the thin material of your pyjamas and you mewl again, arching into her hands.
“Gonna make you feel better, promise.” She whispers but it feels more like she’s talking about you and not to you so you try to keep quiet so that you can just observe. She’s sliding down the bed ‘til she’s practically half off it, pushing your dress up to press fond kisses to your tummy. It feels right, like it’s something she’s been doing for months despite it being her first time down there. It’s Ellie, your Ellie. You can’t think of anyone you’d be in better hands with.
“Never,” kiss. “Had,” kiss. “Someone down here,” kiss. “Before have you?” She drags her lips downwards this time, gripping the meat of your thighs and spreading them. You sigh out a whimper and shake your head, embarrassed by how needy you were for a flash of a second before getting lost in your lust again. She whispers out an ‘Th’sokay’ against your hipbone as she pushes your thighs open before pulling back — taking a look. Her tongue wets her lips at the sight before her, eyes adjusted into the low light now to see how you’ve completely soaked through your underwear — lips fat and wanting through the material. Ellie let’s out a breath she was unaware to be holding, forefinger stroking through your covered folds with a glance upwards to make sure it was all still okay.
“God damn.” She comments, and you know what she means — she probably didn’t know it was possible to get this wet.
“Take’m off, please.” You whimper, writhing your hips around growing impatient once more and she nods frantically, peeling the cotton down your body making you hide your face in your arm when your centre clings to the fabric.
“So ready, huh.” She whispers, hot breath fanning over your bare cunt now. She breathes out a barely audible chuckle as she strokes the side of her finger across the small curled tuft of pubic hair that sat on your skin.
“Yeah, b—been ready for you Els. Wanted this for so l—ong.” You can’t stop trembling, and perhaps it was your feverish chills or the fact you were so excited to finally have your best friend in the way you’d wanted her.
“Yeah?” She cooes, but she’s barely listening — both thumbs pushing the fat of your lips outward, spreading you for her viewing pleasure. “Been hiding all this from me? But it’s so pretty…”
You sniffle, and she takes that as her sign to dive straight in — tongue flattening against your exposed clit and flicking upwards before dragging her lips down through your quantity of arousal. You moan, barely able to hear yourself through the loud purs emitting from you and buck your hips against her face.
You knew Ellie had experience, from the gutwrenching stories she’d tell you about her escapades with her ex girlfriend Cat (Funnily enough, actually her name — a foreshadowing all things considered.) But you’d figured it was just fooling around behind the barn, or maybe when Joel wasn’t home as the two of them used to share a residence. You didn’t expect her to be so… ravenous. If you knew that the girl sat beside you for so long could eat like this, you might have felt more inclined to approach her for help a little sooner.
The room was filled with obscene sounds, the sound of Ellie’s mouth ministrations which can only be compared to noise that belonged to stirring buttery pasta — mixed with her low moans against you because apparently you tasted that good. This was also mixed with, but not overshadowed by your desperate cries and purs as you pull her head further down into your crotch, panting up against the ceiling praying for release.
You hear yourself cry for “More!” and as if the thought had already sprouted for your best friend, her middle finger immediately pressed in against your hole — applying pressure and massaging that warm spot — a challenge for it not to slip right in given how wet you were for her.
“Can give you more. Lemme in, babe.” She murmurs against you when she finally sinks it in, sucking on your clit as means to get you to loosen up around her — which in hindsight wasn’t her most clear-minded idea as you only clenched harder. Ellie, much to your dismay removes her mouth for a moment to sit up on her elbow a little higher. She blows over your clit, smacking a wet kiss to it before looking up at you seriously — finger frozen only a little way in. Her free hand comes up, wide palm stroking across your lower stomach soothingly. “Gotta relax. Don’t wanna hurt you and you’re tight, babe. Relax.”
This side of Ellie made it difficult to not challenge this by clenching even harder. You could tell there was still an element of nerves to her, not wanting to fuck it up — but it just came so naturally to her to look after you. You push a shaky breath out through your mouth in a small ‘o’ shape, eager to make her proud again like before and focus on unclenching, her thumb on the connecting hand softly stroking your clit up and down to assumably aid you in this. “Good job, that’s it.”
She smiles when she returns her mouth to your folds, absolutely ecstatic to get back in there. You would have giggled at this if you weren’t so worked up, placing all your concentration into keeping loose for her and letting her press her finger up into a delicate spot you hadn’t discovered before. You jerk, briefly clenching again as her gaze snaps up to you— free hand coming back to smooth down your hip and ass, calming you. “C’mon babe, this is gonna get y’there. Help me out here.” She whispers and you try for her again, letting her press up into that toe curling devastating place. The bed rocks with movement, the same feeling you get when you’re half awake in the back of a moving car — and you glance down to realise it’s Ellie, and she’s fucking humping the bed, grunting against your pussy with her nose smushed to your clit. You feel the tears welling, and something turning like cogs in your stomach. Your orgasm approaches, but it’s only at the precipice of your cunt— the ache reaching much deeper and you panic at the idea of being left unsatisfied despite your deep lust, Ellie’s touches only making you ache more.
“Els, Ellie w—wait I’m gonna, let — wait I can’t it’s not — s’not deep enough I need more, need more it’s too —” You’re suddenly crying out, pushing yourself up with a look of absolute devastation on your face which is so sobering that she pulls her fingers out of you completely — pushing her self up at crazy speeds to meet you half way and cup your face.
“Babe, you’re panicking. Just talk to me, tell me what you need I — I can give it to you. Breathe.” She whispers, lips brushing your own as she attempts to comfort you, swiping away the tears leaking down your cheeks still. Your lip curls over, puffing out and wobbling as you suck in a quivering breath.
“More— just need to be… fucked, need you to fuck me, need it deeper.” You wail and she shushes you again, her slender hand coming back down to just cup your cunt in a way that made you dizzy, an attempt for her to comfort you and hold you in a way that you needed. Your eyes squeeze shut and tears moisten your lashes, feeling guilty for asking for such things, unsure if she can really give it to you. You didn’t want her to feel bad.
Ellie bites her lip in thought and tastes you. She did have that one thing… though she hadn’t actually used it before. It was a harness, a thick purple dildo lodged into the centre of it — stashed in a shoebox and shoved under her bed with crimson cheeks and clammy hands. She’d found it on patrol, and figured it could be useful one day maybe — a vision of you taking her with an arched back and her hips slamming against your plush ass making her wince and cup her cunt through her jeans in that very sex store. She had something that could help, and she had to push her pride aside to offer.
“Got something I can fuck you with. It’s… literally for that purpose but uh, it’s back at my place.” When she see’s the way your eyes light up with hope she’s jumping up, yanking her jeans up back around her waist, fumbling to do up her zipper as she continues to stare at you for permission. “I can run, be back in literally five minutes — do you want it babe? I’ll be so fucking fast you won’t even know I’m gone.” She’s not sure who’s begging who anymore, because since handed the opportunity Ellie has become obsessed with the idea of finally getting to fuck you good and proper.
“Yes j—just be fast, Ellie please be fast.” You mewl weakly, dropping back against the bed. She gives you a once over as she stumbles for her shoes, pulling her Converse on at a speed you didn’t think was possible and roughly tying laces. She’s out the door before you know it, leaving you to your own devices.
It feels like hours when she’s gone and you slip further into that dream-like, hazy space you’ve been fighting since she’d laid hands on you. Without her touch, the ache began to settle deep into your centre again — skin on fire and sensitive to the touch. You felt like you were being burned from the inside out without her there, rolling around on your sheets attempting to find comfort and coming up unsuccessful. The arch in your back only opened your cunt wider to the balmy air, and your nipples grew sore quickly from rubbing up against your bedsheet. A bead of sweat rolls between your tits.
Ellie’s feet hurt from the speed her Converse would slap the concrete of Jackson’s town— sprinting her way through the 4AM streets on a mission to bring you the equipment to satisfy your urges. Her heart thunders when she reaches her place, dropping her keys and swearing to herself as she fumbled to get the door open. She doesn’t bother closing it behind her when she runs inside, wood creaking beneath her heavy steps to sliding down on her knees beside her bed, reaching her hand along the dusty floor to find that shoe box. She finds it, muttering a borderline deranged ‘There you are’ before sliding it out, popping it open just to check it’s still there before slamming the lid back on and tucking the box under her arm, heading back to you.
You know she’s back because through your daze you hear the door shut and her loud high-pitched grunt of exertion, the image of her doubling over in your hallway to catch her breath coming to you almost like a prophetic vision. The ache worsens as her footsteps draw closer, her voice strained and out of breath as she calls out to you. “I almost — Fuck, almost ran into Jesse on the way to his early patrol. Saw him and, had to take a detour behind someone’s house cos’ he would have asked what was in the box and like — I can’t just get it out and show him…” Her panted words trail off when she re enters the bedroom, eyes falling on your desperate state once more.
It was a blow to her heart, seeing you so worked up. You were completely naked now in just your collar, brow slick with sweat and body practically glowing. Your tail curls around your thigh self soothingly, ears pointed high and alert. Your back arches painfully as you drag your hands down your thighs. You sniffle, defeated.
“Can’t even touch myself n’make it better cos my claws won’t go back in.” You shake, dragging your hands down your thighs desperately. Your sharp claws catch the delicate skin leaving long thin marks but you don’t even seem to notice. Ellie’s brows furrow and she rushes to you, sitting beside you on the bed and taking your hand in hers, looking at your clawed fingertips.
“Hey, don’t… don’t do that. M’here now. Can look after you yeah? Let me just…” She struggles for the box and pulls out the clattering harness and toy. You’re distracted for a moment as you watch, intrigued by the contraption that she’s pulling up her jeans and fastening at her hips. When she’s done, a purple plastic cock stands proud in the centre of her crotch, and your mouth practically waters.
It was animalistic, truly — and a little embarrassing the way you grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed. She even had the nerve to stumble a little bit, her back bouncing against the sheets as she scrambled to get comfortable and you crawled onto her lap. You press your lips to hers again like she’s your life line, letting out a muffled moan because you missed her. She’d been gone for five minutes and you’d missed her. You knew she’d tease you for that if it were any other time, but this time was like no other. She groans against you too, her hand cupping up to cup the back of your head and hold you there. You couldn’t get enough of eachother, all this waiting was finally paying off.
Your thighs shake around her as you wrap your hand around the dildo, sitting back as you can rub it up and down your slick a few times, collecting it’s juice. Ellie sits up a little, watching with wide eyes. “Jesus. Y’look so fuckin’ pretty.”
Her words send a surge of need through you again and you push the fat tip against your hole, adjusting so you can sit straight down on it. She winces for you, hands hovering above your hips. “Careful you haven’t taken anything bigger than my fingers before it’s gonna—”
You groan, melting into her as you sink down all the way. She’s right, it does hurt — and you’re frozen, laying against her shoulder hiccuping and quietly sobbing at the stretch. It’s way too much, but — it scratches the itch. Dulls the ache inside. You could power through this.
Her voice is gentle when she speaks, hands slowly coming down on your back to rub soothing circles on your clammy skin. “Hey.” She leans back a little, tilting her head trying to get a look at you. “Look at me, baby.”
You do, because how could you not — blinking big wet, eyes at her in the dark. She wipes away some tears with her knuckle, brows frowned and concerned. “You gotta be careful. Okay? I don’t… I’m not going to hurt you. I can’t.” She admits, and it seems to carry more meaning than what she’s letting off in the moment. Your doe eyes well again, fist curling in her wifebeater and then loosening as you try and calm your jerky breaths. She slowly reaches down until the pads of her fingers meet your clit, engorged and pushed out from the way your cunt is stretched open around her. She rubs it in light circles, softly — making you preen into her touch. The pain of the stretch lessens and you can’t help but grind down.
With each grind, you become more frenzied — picking up the pace as you chase the feeling you’d been after. You’re moaning over the sound of your pussy squelching around her and all she can do is grab onto your ass and help you, eyes all over you. “Fffffuck, babe — look at you, takin’ it so well. Who taught you how to fuck like this huh? Thought I was your first?” She chuckles, breathless from your incessant bouncing and grinding.
“You are, Els — m—my first and my only, don’t wanna fuck anyone else ever again.” You whine, so loudly it can probably be heard from outside but who cares — not when she’s got you like this. This worked up and needy for her. It was something from her wildest dreams.
“Yeah? Wanna be my girl?” She grunts, your grinding aiding the harness in hitting her clit just right with each movement. With all this time spent helping you, Ellie hadn’t realised how pent up she was.
“Yes, m’your girl Ellie, m’your girl you — you own me!” You admit, and it seems things go a little quiet at the confession. You clench hard, burrowing into her shoulder as she processes the words. Ellie hears an incoherent ‘More’ again, and her body goes on autopilot — feet sliding up to press flat against the bed. She holds you still, arm across your lower back and pins you to her whilst she fucks up into you fast. She grunts at the feeling, and you cry. With each bounce she forces out of you, your bell collar jingles humiliatingly.
Ellie can’t seem to keep her hands in one place, leaving your back to feel the way your tits jump with each movement caging them under her hands. “Yeah, baby? Like that?” She cooes and feels you nod frantically into her, nothing but mewls and moans able to leave you. You’re gushing over her strap, walls spasming trying to suck her back in each time she draws back — Ellie feels like she can feel it herself.
“Y’own me. M’all yours forever Els.” You babble like you’re trying to keep yourself awake, alive, conscious whilst Ellie fucks up into you like it’s the last chance she’ll ever get.
“Yeah? This all mine, sweet girl?” She cooes, and finally you feel it — the hint of a knot in your stomach, the orgasm you’ve been chasing — one that resides deep inside you, the ache that felt like it could kill you, soon to be soothed by Ellie herself.
“Yes! Yes! Mphm, g’nna cum on your dick!”
Her dick. She’d never thought of it like that before. The words leaving your mouth sparked something in her, and suddenly she was the feral one. Her jaw clenches, strong hands pushing and tugging and rolling you onto your back. You gasp at the feeling of her cock sliding right out to the tip at the jostling, tits bouncing as you lay back on the bed. You looked vulgar and improper and so far from your innocent self, and Ellie couldn’t help but feel that maybe this was all on her. Maybe you wouldn’t have gone into heat if the sexual tension between you wasn’t so strong. What had she done to her sweet best friend?
You stare up at her with doe eyes, and she stares back for a moment — lips parted, jaw squared and eyes dark. This was the Ellie you’d needed.
Her hands slide up the backs of your thighs and push your knees up to your chest, pressing her strap deep inside of you. Her breathing is erratic, hair falling into her face as she thrusts in and out at a punishing pace, the tip of her cock nudging your cervix just right. It’s almost too much to take and you turn your head with a weak mewl, sound punched out of your lungs. She doesn’t let you, grabbing you by the jaw so that fucked out your eyes stayed on her own glossy ones.
“Yeah that’s right, look at me. Stay right here with me.”
“You can. Be good, c’mon, j’st keep taking it, angel.” She moans and your toes curl. Needing her as close as humanely possible, your hand curled around the back of her head tugging her to your lips. You feel her arm pressed between the two of you, giving herself just enough space to toy with your clit as she groaned against your mouth.
You detached, unable to keep up with the kissing as you wrapped your arms around Ellie’s neck — and she was okay with that, focusing on her thrusting to get you where you needed. You squeeze extra hard with a pained mewl, every one of your moans met with a cooed ‘Yeah?’ or ‘That right?’ until you were actually finally cumming.
You’re not aware of yourself when you actually do, feeling like water was being thrown over the fire that was your body all whilst igniting another at the same time. The sounds coming from you were…a lot. Purs and squeals and moans and squelching, nothing left to do but to let Ellie ride it out for you, telling you how good you are for letting go. You hear her wince and it brings you back a little, realising you’d been scraping your fangs along Ellie’s bare shoulder — drawing thick beads of blood.
You pant, and she stares down at you with a clenched jaw as you calm your self, recuperating after that Earth shattering orgasm given by your best f— you couldn’t surely still be calling her that right? After all that?
Your eyes focus, puffy lips smeared slightly with the blood you’d drawn from Ellie’s skin and you heave out a whispered apology, trying to blink back your concentration which was proven difficult with her strap still seated deep inside you the way it was.
“S—orry, got carried away I didn’t mean to.”
She goes to shrug, but the air is then punched out of her lungs as you lean forward a little, looking at her with pensive, wide submissive eyes before flattening your tongue against the wound and cleaning it up. She watches, still not having said a word before she’s gently grabbing your shoulders and pushing you to lay flat again. Her hips shift, a slow experimental grind rolling out from her hips as she watches you. Your brows furrow, jaw gaping at the sensitivity as you grab at her strong arms in a slight panic. She takes your hands and pins them down in a soft and loving way.
“What’you doin’ Els?” You sigh out almost in one breath, and that’s when she leans down and presses soft kisses to your cheek once more, her hair tickling your nose, wanting you to feel the love radiating off her.
“Makin’ sure it’s all out your system. You’ll let me do that, yeah?” She mutters, still breathless and you whine in response with a vicious nod. “Good girl.”
Your thighs, which you hadn’t realised had tightened around her hips loosened and fell open, your tail pushing out from under you to absentmindedly tickle your own skin. Maybe it was for comfort, self soothing you through the pleasurable pain of your overstimulation.
Ellie picked up her pace a little, her movements different from before— long and lengthy rolls of her hips making sure to graze every wall inside of you. “How’s that? That make you feel good?” It’s an earnest and honest question, genuinely wanting to know but you tip your head back, controlling everything in you not to hurt her when you dig her claws into the fat beneath her ass now — trying to pull her deeper inside since she’d let your arms out of her pin.
“Feels so good, Ellie. Y’look after me so well.” You whimper, one hand reaching up to push her hair out of her face and she blinks at you a little off guard— preening at the praise a little. “My strong, clever Ellie. Always doin’ what’s right f’me.” You whine, and it seems the praising is turning the both of you on as her brows knit, lips parting just a little as she grinds harder in a way that rubs her good down below.
“Okay, okay fuck.” She chuckles when she catches herself, which only makes you bite your lip and spread yourself wider for her. The angle hits your gummy insides yet again in a way that you just couldn’t handle and your legs are jerking, eyes squeezing shut as you ride out another soft orgasm — letting her pleasure herself inside of you.
She keeps going, and keeps going, and keeps fucking going until you’re all fucked out — Ellie’s boxers soaked and the strap shiny all over from your releases. The sun is starting to come up through the blinds making Ellie squint tiredly when she rolls you over back on top of her, your thighs splayed either side of her body — plastic dick still burrowed inside of you.
She lets out a sigh of exertion and a gentle ‘Alright’ when she tries to carefully lift her hips, trying to get a good grip on the base of the dildo so she could pull it out of you but you whine, clenching around it selfishly as you smush your cheek against her — fucked out and senseless, already half asleep. “J’st keep it… keep it inside, please. Just for a little while.”
The sentence makes her heart tighten a little and she just nods, letting herself fall back and relax into the soft pillows more, hand opting to instead lazily trail up and down your back until the movements were halting with her journey into sleep— drifting off to the visions of your beautiful face, and the memory of your kisses against her lips.
She’ll ask you out officially tomorrow. For now, she could just enjoy the peace that you brought her.
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naffeclipse · 3 months
Ocean Lover
Reader x Mermaid!Sun
Commission Info
This fic is perfect for summer and I'm so grateful to @baby-bloos for commissioning me to write some fluffy mer!Sun with a Y/N who loves swimming! Your mer!Sun design is so pretty and it was a treat to incorporate his aspects into the story.
You kick your feet gently and stroke your arms through the water steadily. The ocean laps against you, salty and crystalline. Through the deep aquamarine, you swim from shore and watch the white sandy bottom glimmer with ripples of light dancing across the surface. Just below you, a slick brush of a fin tickles your leg. You snort against the gentle waves touching your cheek before you stop and float, working your hands and feet to keep your head above water. A brush of exhaustion washes over you after a day of treading this beautiful sea but you remain effortlessly afloat.
“I know you’re here, Sunny,” you call out. Your words curl around your smile as you survey the brine you tread. “What game are we playing?”
Chase? Tag? Sharks and minnows? You watch closely, studying the quiet ripples of the waves as they roll upon themselves before spilling over the beach a short distance away—a flash of yellow touches the corner of your vision. You twist, kicking your feet, but a large, slick hand seizes your ankle. You inhale deeply and close your eyes before the creature tugs you down below. 
The world becomes bubbles and cool, silk water surrounding you. Large hands glide along your edges, up your legs, and around your waist, until they cup your cheeks. You hold very still just as a ripple of water speaks to a presence nearing, and just before a wide smile can touch your own, you blow bubbles directly into the merman’s face.
A sharp flick below speaks to the indignation the mer suffers, but in one swift movement, you’re lifted back to the surface. The water cascades down your face and you gasp gently, clearing away what saltwater you can before opening your eyes.
“You’re not playing fair,” Sun chitters at you. He clicks his tongue. His wide white eyes, however, share a hint of mirth while he holds you along the surface.
You laugh gently. Sun tugs you closer and allows you to wrap your legs around his sleek body, clinging to him in the crystalline ocean. Your toes briefly brush against the red frills wrapping around the top of his tail, popping with the beautiful yellow and off-white colors of his body. His tail flicks to gently keep you afloat, a brilliant red fin with dots of white that flare out in a flower-like blossom. He’s so bright and bubbly, and the yellow frills framing his head remind you of the sun. It’s only fitting that that’s his name.
“I think I win,” you titter.
“I caught you,” he recalls with a chiding stroke of his fingers along your shoulder, lingering on your collarbone. “And you broke the rules. I could sink you to the bottom of the sea and keep you all to myself, but I won’t cheat, unlike someone.”
You bite back your smile before nodding. Blowing bubbles and breaking rules. You did much the same when you first encountered him in the beautiful waters. You love the ocean.
Now you find your love has grown tenfold.
“I’ll be good,” you promise solemnly, and he narrows your eyes at your cheeky innocence. “Really! Please, let’s keep playing. Let’s swim out to the deep!”
“You’ve been swimming all day, goldfish,” he reminds. He softly boops your nose, causing it to wrinkle. “You need a break.”
When you pout, he promptly kisses your pursed lips. You want to make a face, to resist, but a smile cracks through your defense and he laughs a hearty, echoing sound that spells your defeat.
“Fine,” you grumble and lay your cheek against his shoulder. He lies gently on his back and cradles you on his chest. The waves and the flick of his tail guide you back to the white sand shore.
It almost breaks your heart to leave the depths where your feet can endlessly kick and all around you is pure blue, but Sun doesn’t leave you. While you find purchase on the sand, he sinks his claws into the ground and drags himself upshore until the water is only the slightest brush against his tailfins. You fall back beside him. 
Without a word, he leans onto his side while the striking array of red frills around his throat lie flat and lifeless in the dry air, and opens his arms. Slick with sea salt, hair dripping wet, you enter his embrace. Your legs hardly stretch farther than the midpoint of his tail which deepens into a rich red at the very end. 
The bright sunshine makes quick work of your ocean-soaked skin and begins to dry you and your swimsuit off. Tucked under Sun’s chin, he begins to hum softly. His fingertips trail down the top of your spine and drift over your legs. You tuck one leg on his side, allowing him to reach the curve of your knee then fall back down to the top of your feet. 
“Thank you for swimming me to shore,” you whisper and press a kiss to his slick collarbone.
“Of course,” he clicks his tongue and looks down at you. “How could I let you swim by yourself?”
You think of reminding him that you have swam plenty by yourself, but you don’t enjoy those days nearly as much as when Sun appeared with a flick of his red fins and his bright, cheery face. You close your eyes and feel your wrinkled fingertips begin to recover from your salty ordeal.
Idly, you gaze up at him. A grin gently tugs on the corner of your lips while he watches you, his eyes wide and impossibly aware of how close you lie to his heart.
You love the ocean, but you love Sun more. Both touch you, washing up your legs and holding you gently in a warm, secure embrace.
You’re grateful to have so much of what you love close.
“Can I kiss you properly?” you ask, slightly breathless, as if you've been underwater for far too long. 
His gentle smile widens.
His answer is to softly meet your lips and hold you, cradling the back of your head while his sweet-salty lips remind you why you can’t resist the ocean.
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missterious-figure · 3 months
Part 1
(Just a little scenario I thought up. This takes place a little after y/n first gets Sun and Moon)
You groaned as you heard your phone vibrate with each blaring sound. What in your right mind were you thinking when you made this your ringtone? You opened one eye, looking to the window to gage the time. There was no light streaming through the curtains, so you could tell it was still dark outside. Lazily sitting up, you slapped at the dresser next to your bed a few times, catching nothing but an empty palm, before your hand landed on your phone. Just as you did, the ringing fell silent.
Giving a sleepy yawn, you used your thumb to tap the screen, and it turned on. You weren't prepared for the sudden flash of light in your eyes and, with a startled growl, you almost dropped your phone onto your lap. Squinting through the glaring light, you swipped down the brightness level. Good, now you could actually see. You pressed the missed calls icon on your phone. Who was calling so early in the morning? You froze at the number. Your dad.
You immediately put your phone back on the dresser and tucked yourself back into bed. You didn't have the energy to deal with him right now. He and your mom had always been so controlling, and were probably only calling to try to guilt trip you into abandoning your fish store and coming home to work at the family business. This business was a restaurant, and a shabby one at that. And they would probably try to pawn you off as a spouse to one of their friends' kids as well. You hated that they had literally already been thinking of ideas for your wedding when you were like, what, ten?
Anyway, enough about that. You didn't want to think about them anymore. Just knowing they were trying to contact you again made you tired. You conked out only a few minutes later, eager to let sleep take you back.
Later that morning, after you had gotten ready and eaten, you went down stairs to the floor bellow your home. Your fish shop. A while back, you had bought a cheap two story building that had been for sale on a small shopping district in town. Sure, there wasn't much space inside either floor, but you could make it work. You lived om the top floor and set up your store on the bottom one.
Rows of small to medium sized fish tanks lined the walls. There was a long island in the middle of the floor, and it also had its own row of tanks. A few bar lights hung from the ceiling, ready to be turned on. Your shop brightened up and you grabbed a few different shakers of fish food from behind the checkout counter near the front of the store. This was almost your favorite part of the day. Feeding the fish. You made sure to give the right type of food to the right type of fish. You just loved to see how excited they would get as you walked to each tank.
Soon your little task was done. It was almost time to open. You needed to do one last thing: check on the "fish" outside. You walked to the back of the store and out a door to your backyard. Three large ponds resided at the right side of your yard, a shed and a few potted plants taking up the left side. A tall wooden fence bordered it all the way around. Large bushes poked up from outside the fence.
A loud splash caught your attention. From the pond closest to you, two familiar eyes peeked out. You ran to the ponds edge and kneeled down. The eyes had disappeared. You peered into the water, excitedly calling out,
"Come on, Sunny! I know you're in there!"
As you finished your sentence, a large creature popped out of the water. It's yellow top half resembled a human with a circular face, pointed teeth and sharp claws. Instead of hair, it had seven white rays adorning it's face and orange, veil-like fins that flopped all the way to it's back. It also flopped over it's face. Even stranger, it had a white and blue fish tail starting from it's hips down.
"Sunny! There you are, boy!"
You giggled as the creature chattered, confused, as he looked in vain to find you. Reaching a hand out, you gently swept his fins up and out of his face. He squeaked excitedly, now that he finally could see you. He pulls his chest out of the water and onto the edge of the pond next to you, folding his arms underneath him as support. Moving into a sitting position, you cup his round face in you hands. In a friendly response, he purrs and leans into you soft touch.
"Hey, Sunny! Couldn't wait to see ya! You like getting pets, right buddy?"
He nudges your hands with his cheeks, as if asking for cheek rubs. Which, of course, you generously give. This is your favorite part of the day. Even though you haven't known him long, it feels like he is your very best friend. He seems to understand you, and even tries to comfort you when he notices you look sad. He warbles and gurgles at you, and you like to believe, personally, he's trying to really talk to you. He has even sung to you a handful of times. He always tries to do things specifically to make you smile and you know it. Nobody has ever been this kind to you. Not like Sun.
Sun suddenly jerked away from your hands, interrupting your thoughts. You pulled them back towards your chest, startled by Sun's odd behavior. He's looking towards the fence, a low growling emitting from his throat. You hope maybe he just heard a raccoon or stray cat. You nervously ask, as if you would get an answer,
"What is it, Sunny?"
Of course, there's no response as he keeps growling, eyes lazer-focused on the direction of whatever he heard.
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Link to part 2 below!
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ataraxiaspainting · 6 months
Russian Roulette.
Yan L x GN Reader.
Synopsis: You decide to test your luck while it still lasts, as small as it is. 
Warnings: Yandere themes, past stalking, kidnapping, and manipulation.
Word Count: 1.1k.
“Hmm… why do you want me to do that, exactly?” The response is much longer than a simple okay or sure or no, but the question was what you expected to be in the realm of absolute possibility. You have given L too little credit in the past, when you first woke up here, thinking that he can shut himself up and go back to whatever he usually does, like eating cake or watching the same footage of you in your home for the tenth time that week. 
You can work with this.
“It’s not like you have given me much else to do.” You say, not biting your tongue this time around, the bitterness in your voice coinciding with the box of sour fruit gummies on the other side of the table, with the artificial sweetness in L’s tone. “Plus if you want to treat me as well as you say you want to, you would oblige the simple request of playing a game with your favorite captive.”
His eyebrow raises at the last word that slipped out of your mouth, not out of guilt or shame or fear that your reality has punched him straight in the face, but out of just… curiosity.
“What if I don’t?” He smirks, looking up at you. “You did just rudely rush in here stomping and making demands… not exactly the behavior I would think of when I hear the word captive.”
“I’m going insane.” You say, glaring down at him, your fists curled so deeply into your pajama pants that you swore that they would break. 
He chuckles, and it feels like the messy hair covering your angry face has just gotten even more disheveled. 
“I jest, I jest… fine… I’ll play with my favorite captive.”
It feels like this weight has just been lifted off of your head, but the one in your heart remains.
“No need to be so… tangled up.” He says the pun naturally, popping in a few more pieces of the neon candy. 
You start grumbling curses under your breath as if he did reject your proposal. He didn’t though. He didn’t, so you’ll play by his much longer game for a bit more before you struggle yet again.
“Not funny.”
There are only six pieces of candy left in the yellow box, each one a different color.
“What are you waiting for?” He asks, slouching forward instead of backward this time around and crossing his legs. “Go get your… game.”
You scoff and race off to L’s bedroom, putting your knees next to the mattress that is on the opposite side of L’s bed. Under your pillow are the six red plastic cups you stole from the cupboard last night, along with a chocolate egg still in its packaging, something you got from L after threatening to jump on your mattress until the few trinkets he got for you would fall on the floor and break. You won for once, in the end, but that condescending look he had while giving it to you makes you want to kick him in the groin again. 
It is the same look he has when you return to him, tail tucked between your legs as you set up the cups and the chocolate egg on the table. The box of candy is empty now. How in the hell does he not get so many cavities?
“Alright then, explain the rules.” He raises his arms to the ceiling and yawns loudly, obnoxiously. 
You sit down on the opposite side of the table. Your posture is much more restrained than his, he notes. Your hands are on your lap and your back is straight. You still don’t know how to relax. A symptom of being raised in high society.
“It’s a game I used to play with the younger servants when I was little.” You explain. Thinking of the past brings back unwanted feelings, but thinking of the present does the same. You have never experienced true freedom, but at least here you can speak your mind and your emotions. God, maybe you are going insane, being… thankful to him, your captor. “Someone guesses which cup has the object underneath. If they win, they get to ask a question to the person who scrambled the cups. If they lose, the person who scrambled the cups gets to ask the question.”
The image of a smaller you playing with porcelain cups and a ring, perhaps your mother’s, as the servants look confused makes L laugh softly. How cute.
“I’ll go first.” You insist, putting the chocolate egg under one of the cups and swiftly moving them around. “Okay. Go on. Don’t take your time.”
L’s pointed finger moves slowly to the cup in the middle.
“If I remember correctly, it is this one, isn’t it?” He asks. “Right?”
That smile of yours makes choosing the wrong cup on purpose makes it worth it in L’s eyes. 
“Nope.” You lift the one farthest to L’s left and your right. The chocolate egg is there, untouched.
He doesn’t pretend to be surprised, instead still smiling. You do the same, albeit unknowingly.
“Alright, my turn now.” You didn’t even get to ask him a question, but you are too deep in your pride to care about it right now. You won against L for once. You’re proud. It’s cute.
One by one, you slide the cups and the chocolate egg over. You’re confident, it would appear. 
How cute.
He puts one cup over the chocolate egg and moves all of them around, much faster than you did your turn. Your eyebrows furrow as you try to concentrate. 
He stops moving them, and it feels like the weight on your heart becomes even heavier.
Your pointer finger shakes as you move it to the cup in the center, silent.
L shakes his head.
“Nope.” He says, the word mocking yours.
His right elbow rests on the corner of the table, his palm cradling his chin as he looks on, to the shakingness of your breath, to the way your folded hands tremble. 
The air feels thick, and you don’t even know why. Or do you?
“You already know what I am going to ask you, aren’t you?” The question is longer than anticipated. 
“N-No.” You stutter.
“Oh?” The sound feels like a stab to the heart or a punch in the face. “That’s fine, I guess.”
He leans in. Closer and closer. You back away, but not enough to not smell how sugary his breath is. 
“There is a knife missing from the knife drawer. Where is it?” 
You didn’t win against L, you say to yourself. He won.
“...Underneath my pillow.”
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httpscomexe · 9 days
Runaway 2
Summary: He’s told to take care of you, and he’s entirely willing.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Hybrid!Reader
Warnings: Innocent reader, controlling Logan, manipulation of emotions, Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett, mentions of sex. (Individual warnings per chapter)
Tags: @shybluebirdninja @atomicheartbroken
Word Count: 4090 (Find all chapters here) CH3
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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“Wade would love her.” You’re hiding behind Logan. Your tail tucked between your legs, ears pinned down to your head. Honestly, you had every fucking right to be scared. Standing in front of Logan was a man, almost 8 foot tall, and he was built out of steel, his voice thick with a Russian accent. But he was wearing a tutu.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” Logan asks, pulling a cigar out of the pocket on his flannel.
“We made the mistake of inviting Wade for a sleepover. This is the consequence.”
“He didn’t even let me take off my uniform.” Eloise walks by Colossus, a pink tutu around her waist, but she was still wearing her yellow suit. “Who’s that?” She nods her head towards you. You looked ridiculous. Hiding behind Logan, hands on his back, forehead leaning on him.
“This is the parasite I’ve been talking about.” He says, turning around, trying to ease you in front.
“She’s a hybrid?” Colossus asks, stepping forward, and you freak out, squeezing Logan from behind.
“Hey come on Bambi…” Logan groans, using the name he’s given you. “You’re okay… Piotr isn’t going to hurt you.” You loosen your grip on him slightly, and look at the large man from behind Logan.
“Hi little one. My name is Piotr.” He holds out his large hand, and you hesitantly move beside Logan, one of your hands still gripping his shirt, while your other hand meets Piotrs cold metal hand, and he shakes your hand gently, but you don’t tell him your name. You’ve settled on Bambi being your new one.
“I’m Eloise.” The girl tells you, but doesn’t shake your hand, instead only giving you a little wave.
“What the fuck?” You quickly scrambled back behind Logan. “And here I thought Negosonic teenage warhead was your first middle and last!” Another man comes into view, wearing a read suit with black eye patches.
“This is Wade, he won’t bite.” Piotr assures you.
“Not unless she asks.” His eyes land on you, and he removes his mask. “Hey there.” He comes a little close, but you feel Logan’s hand instinctively come in front of you, keeping you behind him. “My name is Wade. But with a face like that, you can me whatever you want. Wade, dipshit, fucker, motherfucker, Hal, Jesus, Ryan.” He stops talking, suddenly looking to his left before back at you. “Actually don’t call me Hal, that’s my biggest regret.” You ears twitches, and you tilt your head in confusion before looking up at Logan.
“You need to be tested.” He says.
“For what.”
“Everything.” Logan’s hand is still on you, keeping you behind him, but you’re more relaxed now.
“Well, Bambi is certainly welcome to join our tutu party.”
“Absolutely not.” You’re slightly disappointed. This Wade guy seemed funny.
“Jealous? You can come if you wear one.” He offers and you giggle at the thought of him wearing a pink tutu.
“We’re not coming.”
“Honey, do you let this honey badger make every decision for you?” You nod. “That was supposed to be a joke.” He adds, then turns back towards Logan. “It’ll be fun, we can actually get to know her instead of you hoarding her like she’s your belonging.”
“She is…” he pauses for a moment and looks down at you, “not my belonging. She’s a living being just like everyone here.”
“Then why can’t she hang out?” Eloise wonders, popping a piece of gum into her mouth.
“She said she’s tired. We were going to bed.” He tells them, wrapping his arm around you. “Right?” He looks down at you, and you nod.
“Well does she want a tutu?” Wade asks.
“Why don’t you ask her?” Logan questions.
“Oh sorry. I just thought you were her ultimate decision maker.” Wade reaches for an extra tutu sitting on the table. “Do you want one?” You nod, and he holds it out for you. Then he notices your ears, but doesn’t say anything. “Sleep well, Logan gets hot at night.” You giggle at his comments, and watch as the three walk away to continue their little party, you and Logan making your way back up to his room. The one he was letting you stay in.
He wasn’t lying of course. You were absolutely the most tired being on the planet. And it was because you couldn’t sleep. Logan tried everything to help you, but even when you did sleep, you squirmed and twisted like you were having nightmares. But you were simply uncomfortable. Eventually you both found you had better nights when you slept on the bed with him instead of alone on the couch. But only with his body against yours. So after some careful thinking, he realised it was because you couldn’t sleep in open places. You needed to feel cramped, like you were constantly being held. It made you feel safer when something was against you. Which led to Logan buying you a kennel.
Most nights it sat in the corner of his room. Thick white comforters and a big red heart pillow inside for the utmost comfort. It even had a nice white blanket over top to make it more comfortable, and little fairy lights on the inside in case it got dark.
“You sleeping in the cage tonight?”
“Are you leaving somewhere?” You were already crawling onto his bed. Dressed in you night shorts and a white tank top, a little hole cut in the shorts for your tail to peak out.
“No, I’m staying here tonight, leaving early though.” Your ears pin down a little as you hug one of his pillows, his scent clouding your senses as you lie there.
“When will you be back?”
“I won’t be back until late.” He tells you, sitting next to you on his bed. His fingers gently comb through your hair. “But you’ll be okay, just stay in here and study a little.” Study.
Years of being locked up of course had a toll on your education. You didn’t have a natural instinct for certain things like reproduction or affection. It took forever to get used to eating. So Xavier has you learning that sort of stuff instead of how to use your morph effectively.
“Okay…” You groan, rolling onto your back, his pillow under your chin.
“What’s wrong Bambi?” You groan and shove your face into the pillow.
“Can you braid my hair?”
“Of course, but you’ll have to get up.”
“I don’t wanna move…” You speak into the pillow, and sigh. He sighs in return.
“Alright, I’ll get some ties.” He tells you, and you feel the bed shift as his weight leaves the mattress, the bathroom door opening and closing before you feel his weight on the bed again, and his knees straddle your waist. “How many braids?”
“Just two.” You tell him, and you feel your hairbrush move through your hair, Logan gently pulling out any tangles as he strokes your hair with his fingers, careful not to touch your ears.
He’s learnt the hard way that your ears are sensitive. Just like a bird's wings are their most intimate part, your ears and tails were your most intimate part. It wasn’t that it turned you on, it was because they were sensitive. The slightest pull would hurt. But the smallest pet drove something into you. Something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. But whenever he scratched you behind your ear, or ruffled your tail to help you dry it after a shower, it felt like euphoria.
You were both quiet as he began tying your hair. Looping one strand over another until they were in long braids. “What are you gonna study while I’m gone?” He asks, trying to make conversation as he pulls the first braid together and ties it.
“I guess I’ll look at the health book.” He hums a nod, and his finger gently moves over the back of your neck as he grabs for one of the bundles of your hair, and your tags wags a little under him. One of your ears twitching slightly.
“Just remember to text me if you need anything. Or Jean.”
“Jean is mean to me.” He sighs. He didn’t believe you whenever you said she was mean. Constantly taunting you or bullying you for your ears and tail.
“Well then there’s Ororo when she isn’t busy. Last resort is Xavier.” You sigh, and his fingers continue looping through your hair. He’s careful not to catch your ear between any of them.
“Why is he last?”
“Because he’s always busy, he doesn’t have time for questions.” He takes another tie and wraps it around the end of your braid to keep it together. Then you feel his index finger behind your ear, gently scratching the same place he knows you love, but he’s careful not to touch your actual ear. A sort of purring noise comes from your throat. And he chuckles. “I think you got more of the animal-like part than the human part Bambi.” He tells you, leaning down to whisper it in your ear and you turn your head to face him. He was still straddling your waist, and his fists were now on each side of your head as he leaned down, both of you staring into eachothers eyes. “Still cute though.”
“I’m not cute…!” You groan. And he finds it adorable.
“You absolutely are.” He tells you, sitting back up but still straddling your waist, his fingers moving back to scratch behind your ear, and he feels your tail moving under him.
“Am not!” You shout, and try to sit up, but his hands move to your waist just in time, his legs now straddling yours to keep you still.
“You so are…” He whispers, keeping you in place as you look over your shoulder at him, your large ear hitting him in the face. “Rude.”
“You’re rude!” Your tail was wagging faster now, working against you to show your excitement to his teasing.
“Such a feisty cute little girl.”
“Stop!” You begin to shout just before his fingers begin moving over your waist and stomach, your hands trying to catch his as he tickles you. “Lo-” You giggle, tail wagging quickly as you try to pry his hands off of you.
“Admit it…” He tells you, fingers still quickly moving over your skin.
“Say it!” He chuckles, pushing you back down to your stomach with his body, his hands never stop moving.
“Never!” You giggle, struggling under him as it becomes hard to breathe from laughing.
“Say you’re my feisty cute little girl…” He whispers in your ear, still tickling you.
Of course, you’re too innocent to understand what he’s asking you to say.
“Fine!” You shout, and he pauses so you can catch your breath. “I’m feisty and cute.”
“Nuh uh…”
“MY feisty cute little girl.”
“Hmph…” You slump a little, and the feeling of his fingers ghosting over your skin is enough to make you say it. “I’m your feisty cute little girl.” You say finally, and he’s satisfied, slowly getting up off you to sit next to you on the bed.
“Good girl.” Your tail begins wagging again, the smallest praise affecting you as you crawl next to him just in time for him to turn off his bedside lamp. “Are you ready to sleep, Bambi?” You nod, leaning your weight against his side. “Okay.” He groans as he moves, his hips bucking up slightly which causes the tilt of your head.
“Love you Lo.” You tell him as the both of you begin to settle under the blankets.
“Love you too Bambi, get some sleep tonight.” You lie under the covers, scrunched up against him as his arms hold you as close as you can get against him. One of his hands rests on your tail, gently stroking the fur as he holds you, making your own hips buck forward against his and he groans quietly before both of his hands wrap around you.
She’s too fucking young for you Logan. He tells himself.
“And don’t talk to Wade.”
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You wake up early, the feeling of Logan's warmth missing from your side as you sit up, and he’s not there. The sound of students moving through the halls makes your ears perk up, and you hop out of bed, deciding to throw on a tiny black skirt and one of Logan's hoodies, the smell of him would be enough to get you through the day.
You reach into his fridge, taking out one of the bottles of starbucks coffee that he bought for you, then you tie on your sneakers before leaving the room, heading straight towards the library.
Once you get to the library, you find the same health book you’ve been reading through, hiding your drink from the librarian when your eyes find the ‘no food or drinks’ sign in the front of the large room, then you find your spot on a couch in your favourite corner.
Except someone was sitting on one of the couches. Normally, that wouldn’t bother you. But it was Wade. Dressed in his red suit with one leg over the other, a book with a unicorn wearing a tutu in his hands and he flips through the pages.
“Hi Wade.” You say shyly, and he looks up from his book.
“Oh, Bambi. Didn’t see you there. Lose your owner?” He asks, setting the book in his lap before straightening his posture.
“Very funny.” You chuckle, sitting on the other couch. “He’s busy.”
“What’re you reading?”
“Some weird health book. Xavier said I need to.”
“Like a book about sex or a book about how to wipe properly?”
“Oh that’s why Logan likes you…” He says quietly, leaning forward to place his book on the table in front of the two of you.
“What do you mean?”
“I could give you a hands-on lesson. If you’d like.” You shake your head.
“Logan said I’m not supposed to talk to you.”
“But here we are. What’s he gonna do about it?” You think about it, trying to find an answer, but you aren’t exactly sure what Logan would do to either you or Wade. “How about we do something fun?” He asks, reaching up and pulling off his mask. “We could watch a movie, I can show you around town or maybe we could go shopping for new clothes for you?” He throws a bunch of ideas at you, hoping something would hit. “I have a pet dog?” He mentions, and the sound of your tail wagging slowly is enough for him to smile. “Wanna meet her?”
“Where is she?”
“She’s at my house, my maid is taking care of her.” He tells you, standing up and reaching his hand out to help you up as well.
“Okay… Let me just let Logan know-” He stops your hand from texting Logan.
“Or, hear me out. You do something without Logan watching you like you’re his meal.” You think about it. You know Logan won’t be happy that you aren’t listening to him. But you figure there was no harm in hanging out with Wade. He seemed fun.
“Okay, yea. I won’t text him.”
“Good, I’ll call my cab guy, let’s go wait up front.” He begins to pull you by the hand, dragging you to the front doors. “Hey Dopinder, come pick me up at the freak house.”
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He opens the door to his little home, it smelt surprisingly good considering the mess of empty bottles, forgotten plates, and dirty laundry. On the couch was a woman, her hair looked like a cloud on her head and she was folding clean laundry, humming a song to herself as Wade stumbled in, you following behind him. Then he slams the door, fist pumping the air as your ears go down from the loud sounds.
“UH!” He pumps his fist excitedly, knee joining in the air. “Knew I could get you to do my laundry, I’m home by the way.” He walks past you, and your ears come back up.
“I could fucking tell.” She looks towards Wade, but not exactly.
“Hey, language, we have company.”
“Last time we had company, he went through every fucking measure to make sure you were dead. There was blood everywhere, and I swear to fucking-”
“This company is a girl, and she’s young, like 20.”
“18. “ You correct him, and he looks surprised.
“Well hi sweetie.” Her tone changes completely and she stands up, using furniture around her to stay standing. “I’m Althea.” She holds her hand out, and you take a few steps forward so you can take her hand and shake it.
“I’m Bambi.”
“Like the deer?”
“Yes?” You tilt your head, unsure of how she knows you’re a hybrid if she’s blind.”
“There’s no way that Wade made a normal friend.” She grumbles. “Do you have really long claws?”
“Do you have blue skin?”
“Mind control or 7 foot tall?” You giggle a little.
“No… I do not.”
“Well that’s a relief, but I’m still confused. How’d you meet?”
“Through Logan.” You and Wade speak at the same time, and you watch as Wade stuffs an entire cupcake into his mouth.
“Oh see now that makes sense.” She tells you, moving back to do the laundry on the couch.
“Wade said there’s a dog?” You step forward, eyes on Wade.
“Oh yea…” He hums as he takes another cake, and he calls the dog's name. “Dogpool? Mary? Little puppins? Where are you girl?” Suddenly, a little dog comes through an open door, and you move to stand next to Wade as he picks the dog up, showing her to you.
“Aww, she’s cute!” You tell him, putting your hands out so he would hand her to you.
“You can call her Mary. She’s got a licking problem.”
“I like the suit.” You tell him, looking at the dog's red suit that matched Wades almost perfectly.
“Thanks, I made it myself.” He pauses for a moment. “Or at least one of me did, but we don’t talk about him.” You exchange looks, Althea scoffing behind you. “How about a movie? I think I know one you’d like. The title is the same as your name.”
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The movie named ‘The Lion King’ plays in the background of you and Wade baking cookies. He at some point changed when the movie Bambi had ended, so he was now dressed in sleeping pants, covered in little unicorn designs, his shirt earlier tossed off after you had accidentally dumped flour on it.
“Okay, does it taste any good?” Wade comes back into the kitchen, wiping his hands as he walks back up to you, picking up a cookie.
“I don’t know, you try it first.”
“No, you try it first.” He tells you, chuckling.
“No you.”
“How about we both try it at the same time?” He suggests, walking closer to you as he breaks the cookie in half, handing you the bigger side.
“Fine.” You’re about to take a bite out of your cookie, then his half is near your lips as he attempts to feed you, so you do the same with your half.
You both take a bite out of the cookie halves, and Wade's eyes roll as he chews his bite.
“Fuck that is amazing.” He says, a mouthful of chocolate in his mouth, then your phone buzzes in your pocket. “Who’s that?” He asks, and you pull your phone out, Logan's name on the screen, and you mentally prepare yourself before opening it.
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You sigh a little as you read the last message. You should’ve known better than to disobey him, so now you’d have to deal with the arguing, and you’d have to hope he would forgive you.
“Everything okay?” You look back up from your phone to see Wade stuffing his third cookie down his throat.
“Hey!” You laugh. “Save one for Althea and one for Logan, Wade.” You tell him, grabbing three cookies and walking over to Al. “Here Al.” You hand her a cookie, and she blindly takes it.
“Thank you, hun.”
“Of course.”
“Logan isn’t gonna eat it, he hates sweets.” Wade tells you, trying to get you to hand him Logan's cookie, but you refuse.
“I’ll make him eat it.” You tell him, and open your phone when it buzzes again. “Logan is here, I’ll see you Wade! Bye, Al.” You tell them, blowing a kiss to Mary before walking out.
Logan is staring ahead, not bothering to look at you as you walk to the truck, crawling into the high passenger seat.
“Hey Lo!” You say excitedly, acting as if you weren’t in trouble.
“Hey.” He pulls out of park, and begins to drive.
It’s silent. And you don’t like it. He notices the way your ears fall down after a few minutes of driving, and he sighs heavily.
“I asked you not to talk to Wade. But you’re hanging out with him?” He asks, more of a clarification as he pulls up to a red light.
“I was bored…” You tell him, looking down in your lap at the cookie you brought for him, wrapped in a paper towel.
“What’s that?” He looks down at your lap and you unwrap it a little.
“A cookie… Wade taught me the recipe.” You say quietly, and Logan feels his heart break at your quietness.
“Is it any good?” He asks, pressing on the gas as the light turns green and the mansion comes into view. You nod, but he doesn’t see it and he sighs, assuming you’ve decided to ignore him.
“Want some?” You ask, and he shakes his head, making you look back down.
“Not in the car Bambi. I’ll try it in my room.” He tells you, and the ghost of a smile appears on your face as he parks where he normally does and turns off the truck.
“Will you teach me to drive?” You ask as pulls his keys out.
“Maybe. But let's focus on more important things first.” He tells you, stepping out of the truck and he watches as you get out on the other side, locking the truck before walking beside you, his hand quickly grabbing yours as he leads the way to his room.
Once you’re both inside, he takes off his flannel, draping it over his chair before he sits on the bed, sighing as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Logan?” You say his name quietly, the wrapped up cookie still in your hand as Logan sits on the bed, and you sit beside him.
“Yes?” He looks at you as you sit on your knees, not wanting to sit on your tail.
“I’m sorry.” He doesn’t answer you, only shaking his head in annoyance and sighing. After a few minutes of him not responding, you speak again. “Do you… Wanna try still?” You hold up the cookie, still warmly wrapped up in the paper towel. Your tail was tucked between your legs, barely hidden by your skirt, and your ears were down on your head.
He chuckles. “Sure.” A bright smile appears on your lips, and you open the paper towel, breaking off a small piece of the cookie and bringing it to his lips, tilting your head when he takes it with his teeth, awaiting an answer. Awaiting approval.
“Tastes amazing.” He tells you, chewing the piece of cookie you fed him.
“Wade's recipe…” You sing a little, breaking off another piece, only singing his name in hopes to encourage Logan to like Wade.
“Good thing he taught it to you then, right? Won’t have to see him again.” He tells you, his eyes staring into yours and you sigh.
“He’s fun…”
“He’s annoying.”
“Why do you hate him?”
“I don’t hate him. He’s just a bad influence for you.” You sigh again, looking away from him in annoyance. “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?”
“Don’t sigh and give me the attitude.” There’s a growl in his voice as he speaks to you, and his comes up to cup your face.
“I’m sorry Logan…” You apologise. Again.
“It’s okay, Bambi.” He tells you, turning on the bed so his entire body was facing you. “Just don’t do it again.” His fingers brush some loose hair from your braids behind your ears.
“I won’t.”
“Good.” He tells you. “Now let's get these braids out, and I’ll brush your hair before bed…”
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cherry-bomb-00 · 7 months
Headcanos- Obey me Brothers
It's just the brothers' silly little headcanos, I did it because I had some ideas out there, I hope you like it.
-Lucifer uses makeup to hide dark circles or other imperfections. Although Luci is not a narcissist like our dear Asmo, he still cares about his appearance and since he is working all the time and with a lot of stress, it is obvious that it shows on his face, but as the proud man that he is, he is not going to let that they see him with the look of not sleeping for a week, besides come on, his representative animal is a peacock, it is not strange that he wants to look dazzling (and even more so with Mc).
-Mammo has myopia. I think It is likely that the second oldest suffers from myopia, and the glasses he uses are for seeing, only he put yellow glass in them so that it is similar to gold, and if he does not use glasses, he uses contact lenses (the most Lucifer probably also wears glasses.)
-Asmodeous insecure of himself. I know, I know, Asmo, the most narcissistic with low self-esteem?! I'll explain my point to you, this little bitch- I mean, I mean, this pretty boy feels insecure because he knows he has beauty, but only that, and he feels that he only has beauty but he's not good at other things, he's not as smart as Satan. or very strong like Beel, then he only has beauty but superficial, since he feels that inside he is rotten… and not as beautiful as his appearance.
-Belphegor with sleepwalking. Maybe not all the time, but it wouldn't be strange if Belphie sometimes walks around asleep at night. It's not strange to see that Beelzebub goes to look for his sleepwalking brother in the middle of the night, when he notices that his twin is missing (Or sometimes because he is hungry).
-Santa watches Latin American novels. I think that apart from the fact that he likes to read a lot, he has a guilty taste, he loves Latin novels, he may sometimes watch those novels, who knows how many times he saw "Betty, La fea", perhaps many. The only one who knows about this is Mammon, since he sometimes accompanies his little brother Satan to watch Latin novels.
-Levi is known to have social anxiety, but he also suffers from insomnia, so he plays late at night and may take sleeping pills (others don't know about that), and he has nervous habits, like biting his nails, scratching his skin, playing with his fingers, among others, and it is not uncommon for him to have an anxiety attack if something bothers him too much, poor child, he deserves more love.
-Beelzebub, apart from going to the Gym, also practices pole dancing, this because Asmodeous asked him to accompany him to those classes with him, and Beel accepted, now the sixth brother apart from being muscular, very flexible, he does very well in the classes and Asmo gives him food every time they finish training.
-Lucifer has a collection of vinyl records, this is not unusual, but he not only has vinyl records from the Devildom, but also from the human world, he likes to listen to music from vinyl records while he works.
-Mammon keeps it a secret, but he still remembers how to cook some foods that are from the Celestian realm, but he doesn't tell his brothers, but sometimes he sneaks out to cook those dishes with Simeon (It's not strange that he feel a little more comfortable with Simeon, since he does not insult him like his brothers)
-Leviathan is cold-blooded. I say this more because he is somewhat reptilian, so it is not unusual for him to avoid cold climates or cold things, and in certain seasons he sheds his skin, but the skin on his tail and his horns fall off when he sheds. of horns and his skin is very sensitive to cold things like ice (Mc once put ice on his back as a joke, it burned Levi's back and left a mark on his sensitive pale skin, obviously Mc I apologize for that).
-Asmodeous secretly listens to metal and rock. He like pop and he is a pop boy (maybe also k-pop) but he cannot deny that he enjoys listening to metal or rock when he is getting ready, it makes him feel alive.
-Satan may have identity problems, although he seems sure of who he is, the truth is that he doubts a lot about his identity and being compared to his older brother does not help, so Satan does not know what his identity is and He is still building it, sometimes crying with frustration and anger when he sees himself in the mirror, because he does not see himself, but instead sees Lucifer in the reflection.
-Belfegor has created his own torture for him, let me explain, do you know that in MLP, Princess Luna creates a nightmare to punish herself for the evils she did? It is very similar to what Belphie did, he still feels guilty about killing MC and that is why he created a nightmare that reminds him of what a horrible thing he did, killing MC, one of the people he loves the most and also earning the look of disappointment of his brothers, that nightmare, that little torture he suffers every time he sleeps, he does not forgive himself.
-Beelzebub suffers for his gluttony, we all see that Beel eats a lot and a lot for his sin, but the truth is, he suffers a lot, his stomach is like a black hole, he is never full or satisfied, and although he enjoys eating, it really is something torturous for our himbo, since he never fills up, and that consumes him, he feels how his insides eat away at him if he doesn't eat enough, it's horrible.
I hope do you like it
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Heyo! First off I gotta say your last post *chef kiss* lol I've really enjoyed reading all your fics!
May I request y/n giving Gorou, Tighnari, and Scaramouche and maybe Xiao forehead kisses?
Thank you<3
Eeeee thank you so much!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed them all! I hope you like this! <3
Genshin Men Headcanons:
~You giving them forehead kisses~
(Includes: Gorou, Tighnari, Xiao, and Scaramouche!)
You smiled at Gorou, laying next to him on the soft ground, his arms wrapped around you holding you close to him. Above you the sakura tree showered you both with its silky light pink leaves, the gentle breeze shaking its branches and the sun slightly peeping through, making you feel warm in its rays.
He leaned in closer to you, your noses touching slightly as he looked into your eyes, his tail wagging gently behind him, letting you know he was enjoying the moment just as much as you were. Your face heated up a little as you moved, placing a soft kiss on your boyfriends forehead and watching lovingly as his cheeks turned a soft pink before he returned the favour, kissing your lips softly.
Tighnari was deep into his paperwork, studying some plants you had never heard of before, while you organised a couple of his shelves and tidied up some of his loose sketches, taking your time to look at each one of them. It still amazed you how close to life he could make them look, even with just a few swipes of his pen.
Suddenly a small note caught your attention, your name being printed in his handwriting as well as a checklist. The checklist wasn't like any one he had written before or at least none that you had seen as you read each one of the goals:
⊡ Tell them they are beautiful at least once a day.
⊡ Bring them flowers for every date.
⊡ Say I love you more often.
⊡ Make sure to take a break from work to spend time with them.
By the time you had finished reading you had a dark blush on your face, noticing how he had marked them all and remembering just how loving he had been towards you recently. Your heart swelled and as he shifted in his seat you decided to hide the note back where it was, making your way over to him.
As soon as he looked up at you, his eyes filled with curiousity, you placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before hugging him, a large smile on your face. "What's gotten into you hm? You didn't eat any aphrodisiacs did you?" He chuckled teasingly his face turning a slight pink as his arms wrapped around you tightening the embrace.
(Went a little crazy with this one! Hope that's okay! >w<)
You looked at Xiao who had taken to resting his head in your lap, looking up at you as you gently ran your fingers through his dark teal hair and hummed a quiet melody. This time with him felt so peaceful and calming, not a worry in the world, just the wish of wanting to stay like this with him forever.
You glanced down at him, his eyelids looking heavy like he was about to fall asleep and his normally threatening yellow eyes looking gentle, you couldn't help but wonder just how long it had been since he had last relaxed like this. You smiled leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his forehead, watching as his eyes widen for a second and his cheeks turned slightly pink, before he could say a word sleep got the better of him, his eyes slowly closing as he rested on you.
Scaramouche smirked, looking at your blushing face like he had won a medal, his teasing had worked on you and despite calling you pathetic he actually enjoyed watching your cheeks turn red. "This isn't even a challenge anymore, just a simply victory like taking candy from a baby. Honestly I'm starting to think you'll never get me to blush." He gloated, each word full of self confidence and overwhelming pride.
For a second you considered giving up on ever making him feel flustered, wondering if it was actually impossible...till a idea popped into your head. It would be a last resort but it was all you could think of. You stepped closer to him tipping his hat backwards, he made a annoyed noise but you didn't take the time to care as you kissed his forehead gently.
You watched, savouring the moment as his face turned slightly pink and his smirk fell into a frown. He attempted to hide away behind his hat but you wouldn't let him get away so easily, as you ducked under the brim, your face inches from his. "What were you saying again?" You couldn't help but giggle at him as he groaned in annoyance.
~Requests open!~
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Obey Me Next Generation Idea(aka-My au)
What about poly Au with the bros? I assume with demon culture, MC having kids and the bros all being the dad wouldn't be too surprising as I think monogamous relationships are seen just the same as polyamorous. Like neither really matter honestly in a "oh this is a big deal/drama!" Sense.
Plus its the 7 lords, they can do whatever the fuck they want
I know MC is mostly human but I think having kids is still possible as they got magic plus their pacts with the bros might make them stronger. Plus, historically, woman have been able to have multiple pregnancies, like more than 4 at least, so still- not impossible.
Just let me have my next gen shenanigans
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Varya (1st Born) (she/her)-25
Daughter of Mammon
Is more demon than human, possibly the most demon out of the kids.
Holds a very smiley but deadly aura around her.
Seems the opposite of Mammon in behavior but you can tell by her subtle acts towards her family, shes his kid alright.
Is the type of person to shake a person's hand but hold a knife in the other.
"Looks like a cinnamon roll, can kill you"
Lights up at the mentions of crocheting, dogs, and weird but oddly alluring creatures around Devildom.
She does have a small habit of gambling when out with Mammon, but is actually able to keep her wins because no one expects it through her gold-winning smile.
Mess with her family and its on sight.
Lilith the 2nd (3rd born-1st triplet) (she/her)-21
I headcannon Lucifer to at least be the only one to name their daughter after their sister. Not to replace, never, but to honor her.
Is in a strange middle between Half demon-mostly demon
Sweetheart by default
That big sister you can always talk to and she wont judge.
Will make passive agressive remarks when peeved off.
Definitely denies acting like Lucifer yet can do the stance-arms crossed and glare- exactly like him.
Even does the whole hand chest like him too. Shocked look and all.
Calls all the brothers papa but Lucifer father, not as a distance way but thats just how she's always been.
Theatre kid- almost always lead.
Anna from Frozen vibes at times.
Hopeless romantic too.
Basically Lucifer if he actually showed more emotions.
Daddy's girl 100%
May or may not be in a secret relationship with Diavolo's heir👀
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Rhomb(2nd Born) (he/him)-23
Son of Leviathan
Named after the Loch ness Monster
A nice balance between human and demon
But has "mutations" that make him have scaly patches on his body, his tail out almost 24/7, and bad eyesight.
Stern attitude most of the time.
Big bro protector
Tallest of all the kids
Softer on the younger kids but will smack a bitch if they act up.
Cant play video games much cause eyes so turns to more physical games that include puzzles.
Likes games with strategy to follow like War tanks, or chess. Is the type to make a DnD game the best cause he makes amazing stories too despite not reading much.
Likes mystery shows too and tries to figure it out before the answer is revealed, could go on rants about why. Gets it right 11/10 times.
If Leviathan wasnt his biological dad, people would believe he was Satan's kid.
Doesnt like cats tho.
Quinn (4th Born- 2nd Triplet) (He/they/doesnt care) (21)
Asmo just thought Quinn was a pretty name so picked it lol.
Also a nice balance between human/demon. Tho his wings stay out constantly.
Very much vibes from that yellow bird in Rio.
Laid back personality but is an outgoing dude.
Also very protective of their siblings, and will not hesitate to cut a bitch.
Isnt as flamboyant as Asmo but does have a just as great fashion sense.
Has a hard time dating as people automatically assume hes just like Asmo so will try to date him for that reason only.
Love his dad but hates the reputation he gets because of being said son.
So he resorts to just sticking to his siblings or the few friends he trusts.
Besides MC, is the second most popular face to pop up on Asmo's Devilgram
Fucking adores axolotls for no particular reason, just loves them to no end which Asmo makes sure to get many axolotl themed plushes, shirts, etc. for him.
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Libbey(Liberty) (5th Born- 3rd triplet)(she/her)-21
Another balance between human/demon, maybe a tad more on the demon side.
Tho, also has "mutations" like very enhanced hearing.
Bookworm to the max
Loves reading dramas and fantasies, but seems to enjoy multiseries more than stand alone.
Very quiet and shy kid of the group.
Sometimes cant even talk so signs instead because earaches or headaches.
Likes cats but perfers reptiles more.
Has a small turtle in her room from the human realm, set it up beside her bed and everything. Their name is Casey after one of her favorite human novels she read.
But despite all this, isnt called the daughter of wrath just for nothing beside biology reasons.
Is like Satan 2.0 when pissed, she wont yell or scream but you can just tell from the drop of room temperature and the subtle tilt of her head.
Her eyes glow an electric green when shes pissed.
Had more anger issues when younger, but cause Satan knew how to handle his better now, taught her how to aswell.
Satan is probably the main one to understand her issues with such a problem, despite being more mellowed out now that shes older.
Is definitely a cryer when really angry tho.
Ryder(6th Born) (1st twin)- 19
Ngl, everyone was surprised that they had twins. Including Belphie himself.
But then again, they did have triplets before them so....eh?
Ryder is a tad more human than demon, but still powerful enough to have his own demon form like his older siblings.
His tail is seen smaller than Belphie's, and a bit thinner too.
The sloth genes affact him only so much, making him more likely just want to procrastinate then outright not do anything.
He honestly enjoys the human world more than Devildom, mainly cause everything is less..hectic per say.
Hes the type of brother/older friend that will cover for ya if you have to hide something but will subtly suggest how to fix whatever their doing.
Like one time Quinn came home slightly tipsy and past curfew, and he snuck them into his room. Though he scolded them in the morning, he covered for Quinn at breakfast, saying they ate too much sugar last night, thats why hes queasy and has a headache.
Quinn did fix that habit up quick after Ryder threatened to leave him on his own next time it happened.
Calls everyone bro or dude, no matter their gender.
Gen z vibes too in most areas.
Has a fixation with cow bells for some reason, likes the noise is all he can say.
If he were told what Belphie did to their mom/human parent way before they were born, he says "Cowabummer" while screaming inside.
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River(7th born-2nd twin)(they/them)-19
How is this Belphie's kid?
Too hyper, tad crazy
Probably has ADHD, who knows.
While Ryder is the slightly responsible twin, their the reason why Ryder needs to be said twin.
Their just about the same range of human/demon as Ryder, can have a demon form, but only uses it to fuck with people than to actually be scary with it.
They may have alot of power, but their personality alone can kill people.
Is the type of kid to crawl on the ceiling when they were 2.
Is also the type to hop outta window to get to the lower floor faster. Thank Belphie for their demon powers otherwise we'd have another Lillith situation.
Has scared even Lucifer at one point, has made him yelp out of surprise. Will not go on how, no matter how much Papa Satan and Belphie ask them. Just has a toothy grin when they ask.
When calm, is actually a pretty chill dude. They like odd patterns and get fixated on the most random things.
MC gave them one of those sand timers that you flip to restart and when she came down to tell them food was done about 2 hours later, she found them sitting on the table, holding it while watching the sand go down. They use it now to relax and focus on when overstimultated or just having too much of a fuzzy head.
Has spent nearly a how week with Leviathan because they got hooked on one anime with him. Now has frequent solo movie nights with him cause.
"They're tad confused, but got the spirit"
Literally had to have someone (Rhomb) explain to them what the LGBTQ+ letters meant. Legit thought it was just new alphabet pattern, was still happy to find out what it all means.
If you told them what Belphie did to their mom before they were born, they'd think it as a joke. Dont tell them otherwise or they will cry.
Frankie(8th Born)(She/her)-16
Everyone thought that she would be the biggest child when MC was pregnant with her, since y'know, it was confirmed Beel's kid.
Yeah, she came out small. Like scary small for a baby.
It was then everyone knew she would be the most human. Has a little demon in her, but clearly not enough to have a demon form nor mark.
Lucifer's wallet cried in relief.
She does eat a good bit more than the average human but overall, nothing compared to Beel.
She does adore sweets to the max, especially gummies. Give her some and she'll love you forever.
Sweetest little sunshine in the world, everyone adores her. If they dont, then they will soon.
Shes like Mirabel in encanto, kinda wishes she had more demon powers but is still overall happy with who she is.
Like big papa Beel and his sweet little girl all smiley and pure. Best father-daughter relationship out of all the siblings and fathers.
Shes kinda like pinkie pie from MLP but like more hyper as fuck. Can and will speak so fast when excited that it just comes out as squeaks at that point.
Since her more human side, shes more likely to stay in human world when their mom is on Buisness there, so she has alot of human friends.
Shes in gymnastics, which definitely helps keep her figure more smaller despite all the sweets she eats. Does work out with Beel too.
Mess with her and you have a whole army on yer ass.
"Bounce to the beat of my own drum!"
You can just tell how much I love this dear. HA
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tj-dragonblade · 5 months
popping my head in to ask about Mer Hob 👀 from the WIP title ask game
Finally popping my head back up to answer, my apologies for the wait! Mer-Hob came out of server conversations about mer-Dreamling fish assignments and aquatic mating displays, but he kind of fizzled out with the scene I tried to write. Dusting him off for this, though, I think I can breathe the spark back into it. Take it past where I meant to before, so it will have a more satisfactory conclusion. I have scrapped the lackluster 'how did they meet' that was stalling me out and given them new backstory and now I'm unsure how exactly I want to structure this. Start where I've started and then jump back to the meeting, then bring them back to the present? Make the backstory a separate fic? Rearrange the whole thing chronologically, which would require a lot of rework and shortening of the current opening bit? IDK but I'll figure it out. In the meantime, here is a chunky chunk of drafting for their meet-cute (sfw but cut for length):
Dream is not surprised to find a waterline-level cave out on the rock formation in the bay, on the side not visible from shore. Nor is he overly surprised to find someone stretched out in the handsbreadth of water covering the floor with their eyes closed, as the morning light fills the first several feet of the cave brightly in a way that is conducive to sunbathing.
The fact that the sunbather has a bright orange tail with brilliant yellow fins and blue-black leopard-like spots is rather less expected, however, and Dream gasps his surprise.
The sound startles the man—the merman—surely not?—who sits bolt upright, eyes wide and panicking as he locks gazes with Dream not an arm's length away.
Dream's heart skips a beat. He's beautiful—
"Oh, fuck!" The merman—there is no other explanation, no mistaking the flurry of fins and scales as he moves—the merman twists and flops and dives past Dream, a less-than-graceful plunge off the rock and into the sea and then he is gone.
"Wait!" Dream cries, to the bright flick of yellow vanishing into the depths, but of course it is no use.
He could swim back to the boat, could don his diving gear and follow—but no. The merman is already gone, and will be more so by the time Dream could be equipped to give chase.
He swallows back his disappointment, his disbelief, and tells himself resolutely that he surely imagined the entire thing.
But he did not imagine it, he knows this; the knowledge lodges in his mind, burrows down into his consciousness and curls around his common sense, stokes his curiosity.
He saw a merman.
Merpeople do not exist.
But he saw one.
He returns the next day, hoping perhaps to repeat the discovery, but he is the only visitor to the cave in the hours that he spends there. When the tide has gone out and come back in, high enough once more to cover the floor of the cave, when he has spent all day waiting with nothing to show for it, he admits defeat and swims back to his boat.
He returns again, and again, later each day with the drift of the tide, diving to explore beneath the surface when the cave remains empty. He finds nothing of note, nothing to hint at the existence of merfolk, nothing at all out of the ordinary; by day six, he is trying to convince himself to make peace with the likelihood that he will never find any trace of the merman he knows he had seen.
On day seven, the merman is back, sunbathing at the front of the cave again.
Only this time, he has human legs, is wearing swim trunks, is sitting further away from where Dream is treading water, stunned.
"…Hello," Dream manages.
"Hi," the man says, warmly polite. He is cross-legged with his knees drawn up and his arms wrapped around them, one hand holding the other wrist; he is meant to look casual and relaxed, Dream is certain, but the tension and the nervousness coming off of him are palpable.
He is still beautiful.
"You're. I saw you here, before?" His thoughts are still trying to catch up; he hoists himself into the cave, doesn't move closer.
The man's shoulders drop a tiny fraction. "Yeah, yep! Startled me good, you did!" He chuckles lightly, a carefree and casual sound; the fingers of his dangling hand wriggle, a nervous and distracted sort of gesture that draws Dream's attention to the profusion of hair on his bare legs, and arms, and what Dream can see of his chest.
"You had a. A tail, last time," Dream says, somewhat awkwardly, tearing his gaze from the sprinkling of hair on the man's bare toes.
"Oh, that, yes!" The man grins, bright and disarming. "I'm a mermaid performer, with the, ah, the local carnival."
Dream is convinced this is a lie even as the logical part of his brain points out that this explanation makes far more sense than believing in merfolk. He knows what he saw, the flexing of muscle and the fanning of fins, the bending and twisting that did not match up to the way that human legs would move in that configuration. The merman speaks with casual confidence, but the tension in his frame and the nervous fidget of his clasped hand are easy to read.
"…No, I don't think you are," Dream says, and the man's bright smile dips before returning to full wattage.
"Calling me a liar, are you?" He laughs, a light and enchanting sound that Dream immediately wants to hear more of. "Merfolk, they don't actually exist, I'll have you know."
~ The wip tag has a tiiiny bit more of this one, also.
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sunk-1sssed · 2 years
Neteyam x reader
Synopsis : The Sully’s return to the forests after a few years, all being greeted with a warm welcome, all but but 3 new family members.
a/n- idk why but i loved how Tonowari and Jake reacted to the way they’re wives interacted when they first got to the reefs. I wanted to recreate smthg similar to that but w/ neteyam😫🤞.
Aged up, Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Warnings: non-canon compliant, mentions of pregnancy, very boring ngl, a little fluff. Probably doesnt make sense but im sleepy so sorry!!
The Forests of Pandora were a sight to behold. The dark veil of night and the constant glowing of both flora and fuana left an ethereal essence on the world. A gasp of wonder leaving your throat, Neteyam turning back at you with a bright grin that put the sun, moon and stars to shame.
This was his home,
And he was proud of it.
For the past 7 or so years while the Sullys had lived in the Metkayina reefs, during that time many things had changed. There were numerous attacks on the Sully name, some nearly life threatening, but luckily, never lead to death. The family was grateful for the never ending brushes of luck, it seems that Ewya has her favourites.
Not only has the family grown mentally, they all had grown physically too, 3 new members joining them to the Omatikayan regions.
Your sister, Tsireya’s laugh was heard from the backs of her mate Lo’ak, turning to look at her, the same wonder filled her eyes as she watches the unfamiliar Territory from above.
The sounds of foreign yipping and cheering made your ears twitch, looking above you catch sight of the floating mountain’s, littered with unfamiliar blue figures, a wave of shock, fear and curiosity corse through your bones.
The feeling of Neteyam’s ikran tilting up begins to nerve you. “Hold on tight,love.” he exclaims, grabbing onto your thigh with his free hand. Your arms wrapping around him tighter, as the pack of ikrans begin to climb.
The atmosphere feels awfully familiar to the deep trenches of Metkayina, the deep heavy, almost suffocating feeling. Although in the sky, you can still breathe, albeit short due to the thinner air and atmosphere. The leather woven coat neteyam lend you, flapping erratically leaving your back exposed, a shiver making its way down your spine.
The rise to the mountains made your ears pop, an uncomfortable feeling and you pull at your ears, attempting to get the back to normal. Neteyam notices this. He lets out a soft chuckle at your confusion.
The ikrans landed with a thud, the hundreds of yellow eyes watching your figure as Neteyam reaches a hand out to help you down the animal. The curious eyes, and some what insulting mutters lead you back to the day the Sullys first arrive.
An esteemed woman making her way through the crowd, meeting you before anyone else. You immediately assume she is the Tsahik, or atleast Tsakarem from the way she carries herself.
You greet her, “Oel ngati kameie”, instead of returning the gesture, she scoffs, almost offended you are in her presence. “Who are you. You are not of here.”
Eyebrows raising in surprise, her tone sparking a challenge in you.
you reply, “Y/N (IDK THE FAMILY NAME) Tonowari’Ite. Tsakarem and eldest daughter of the Metkayina tribe.” Your head tilted high, eyes sharp and observating.
Behind you your sister nervously grabbing onto her Lo’ak’s arm for comfort as the whispers begin to fill the room. Neteyam watching the interacting from his peripheral vision, caution filling his bones.
“Ahh, daughter of the cheif? We are not searching for an alliance between the water people of wherever you come from.” She says, grabbing at your arm, curiosity quickly turning into disgust as her sees your finned hands.
“You and your people are not needed nor wanted here.” Circling around you and pulling at your tail, clothes then finally, your hair. You hiss at her actions. Teeth bearing on display, ear tilted.
The woman challenging you with her own hiss, you swore she spat on you midway.
A tug at your waist pulls you away from her, Neteyam quickly de-escalating the tense situation. “I apologise for my mate.” He says quickly, eyes flashing at you for a moment. Your face falling to one of disbelief, “its been a long ride, and-“
“‘Teyam!” You whisper shout at him, still shocked.
He sends an soft scolding look over as he continues, but with a firmer voice. “She has been exhausted and is with child, so she has been especially moody.”
Your ears tilt slight down, freckles glowing in embarrassment as you look away. You knew you got snappy, you were your mother’s daughter of course.
‘Skxwang, telling the whole clan of your pregnancy was not needed, especially this early.’ You thought.
A gasps and mutters heard from the room. His eyes firm, his hand still sat on your waist unwavering, rubbing soft patterns with his thumb. You could practically feel the eyes on you and your clothed bump.
An arm from the woman’s shoulder moves her back, Neteyam is met with apologetic eyes of who seemed to be the woman’s mate, and Olo’eyktan. The woman steps back, albeit shocked, she moves from her spot, allowing an opening.
Two people make their way to the front, in your eyes, they seem to the Olo’eyktan and the actual Tsahik. Whom seemed to be much older than you had expected.
Their eyes pausing against you and Neteyam, “Oel ngati kameie” you motion despite the ordeal. They continue to flicker to everyone else in the centre of the cave system.
Their eyes finally stopping at Neytiri and Jake, who had already made their way to the front.
“Tarsem.” Jake greets him, with a curt nod.
“Jake sully..” the man begins, “Toruk Makto, Our former Olo’eyktan. Has returned!” The man exclaims, any ounce of seriousness leaving his face.
Cheers erupting from all corners of the room, the mountain cave system giving it a deafening echo, parents, teens and children, cheering for the family.
You couldn’t help but let the contagious joy reach you too.
You turn to your mate, a grin adorning your face, your dimples creasing as his eyes crinkle from smiling. The sight lets your heart ablaze, knowing this war-torn family, your war-torn family, has a welcome to their home was heartwarming.
It was late at night, laying in your darkened tent with Neteyam’s arms around you, and your nose nuzzled against his neck, inhaling his scent.
“Announcing our pregnancy first day here was unnecessary ‘Teyam.” You tiredly scold.
A soft chuckle leaving his chest to emit vibrations, “challenging the first person you saw was also unnecessary (N/N).” He pauses, for a brisk moment. “Honestly, seeing that reminded me of when we first got to Awa’atlu.”
The memories leaving you to laugh at the similarities, your mother and Neytiri having conflict from the start, yet still things worked out in the end. You hoped it was the same for you.
Luckily for you, this family seemed to be Ewya’s favourite.
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iloveavatar · 2 years
dynamic duo!
lo’ak x reader
yes. i’m writing for lo’ak bc my baby is so underrated for some reason☹️IM BACK!
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lo’ak never once thought that he was lucky to get his fathers hands. he never once likes the thought of being different. he never once looked at his hands and thought that he was blessed.
until he met her.
y/n showed him that his hands made him unique. she showed him that his extra finger was just an extra part for her to love and embrace.
he remembers the first time they met and saw how she reacted to his hand.
they were about 7 years old. lo’ak had just been scolded by jake for pissing off kiri.
so naturally, he ran to his “secret” spot to cool down.
except his secret spot wasn’t that secret since there was another navi there when he arrived.
“uh.. excuse me? who’s there?” he asked hesitantly.
the young na’vi whipped her head around to the foreign voice.
“uh i’m… im y/n… who are you?” she sniffled with little tears in her eyes
he took notice how her eyes weren’t the normal solid yellow as everyone else. her eyes were yellow but had blue spots in them.(don’t ask me how it’s for the plot.)
he thought they were pretty.
but he also thought they would look even prettier if she wasn’t crying.
“i’m lo’ak!… if you don’t mind me asking.. uh why are you crying… and why are you in my spot?” he questioned
what a gentleman.
“oh uh sorry!” she sniffled while wiping tears off her cheeks. “i didn’t know this was your spot i swear! i-i just wanted somewhere to be alone. away from the other kids…” she softly said
“why are you avoiding the other kids?” he asked with his brows furrowed
“t-they pick on my because of my eyes. they’re not the same like everyone else’s. i hate them.” she said.
lo’ak looked at her eyes for a brief moment. walked closer to her as if he couldn’t see them from where he was previously standing.
“oh well i think they’re cool! they’re pretty too!” he said flustered a little bit
y/n dropped her jaw in disbelief. “you mean it?” she asked
she was scared he was going to pick on her too.
“yeah! they’re cool! they kind of remind me of the stars a little bit..” he trailed putting his hand to his chin in a thinking pose. he wanted to find something perfect to compare her eyes too.
y/n noticed his hand when he placed it on his chin. she then gently grabbed his hand and held it in hers.
“woah! your hand is cool!” she said while smiling, showing her missing tooth.
lo’ak was now the one with the dropped jaw. he always saw his hand as alien. something to hate. but here was y/n, someone who he never knew before, saying his hand was cool!
“w-what? you don’t think it’s freaky? weird? alien?” he quickly questioned, scared of the answer.
y/n dropped her ears a little bit towards her head. she was confused. ‘why is he asking that?’ she thought.
“no i don’t think it’s weird! and even if it was.. we can be weird together! me with my eyes and you with your hands. we could be like a… uhhhh” she trailed off as she put her hands on her hips to think of a name.
lo’ak was still confused as to why she wasn’t running away from him yet. in fact he was so confused that she was now thinking of a name for the two of them.
he wondered if they were friends now, but was still scared to ask.
y/n was still thinking of a name to call the two of them. she started pacing with her tail flicking bath and forth as she was in deep thought.
lo’ak realized this could take a while and decided to plop himself down on the soft grass and watch her walk back and forth in front of him. his head was on a swivel the more she walked.
suddenly her head popped up so fast it scared lo’ak. she had a bright smile on her face.
“i got it! we could be the deformed duo!” she exclaimed, but then took a pause.
“..wait that sounds bad. let me think some more.”
now she was pacing again.
lo’ak was now also trying to think of a name to call them. however, his mind was somewhere else. he finally realized that y/n didn’t care what his hands looked like. she was more excited that she found someone with a unique flaw like her.
“I GOT IT THIS TIME! we can be the ‘wonderful weirdos’ OOOOH or or ‘the dynamic duo’! because i think we would make a pretty great duo, don’t you think!” she asked with a grin that went from ear to ear.
lo’ak smiled and then stood up with her.
“yeah! yeah i think we would make pretty amazing duo! we’re gonna be great friends right?” he softly asked while tilting his head.
“of course! we’re gonna the best friends.” she excitedly stated.
the two of them then started running around and playing games in their secret spot.
that was the exact moment where lo’ak realized that it’s ok to be different.
y/n was the one who made him see his hands as a blessing, because if he didn’t have an extra finger.. he wouldn’t have met her.
and he has never been more grateful for being different.
GUESS WHOS OUT OF HER WRITING BLOCK! hopefully i start posting more and more bc i have so many ideas. and i’ve gotten a couple requests that i absolutely LOVE. if i ever slack off again without telling you guys just message me and start telling me to get my shit back together 😭
ALSO. THANK YOU SM FOR 600+ FOLLOWERS HELLO??? i took my break and came back and actually started screaming. i love every single one of you.
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jd07201990 · 8 months
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The Park rangers and staff all warned us not to go near the lake, as it’d been quarantined by the state, pending water testing. My best friend Lily and I had planned on having a girls’ night in the cabins by the lake. We decided to forgo the warnings, and stay anyway, both of us only had 3 days off, and we weren’t going to waste it.
It was late, or rather, early, the sun wasn’t yet rising, when Lilly said she was bored and couldn’t sleep, that she wanted to go out to the Lake, maybe see what they were hiding. I, stupidly, agreed. We trudged out to the Lake, a short walk from the cabins, then crossed the yellow “Danger – Do Not Cross” tape they’d surrounded the lake with. The water shimmered in the last of the moonlight.
We’d walked out to the dock, looking over the water, seeing absolutely nothing of interest, when the dock moved suddenly as if hit by something from underneath. Lily and I wobbled, and she bolted back to the sandy area, just as the dock was slammed from the side, and I tipped, arms waving, into the water.
The water was icy cold, a real shock to the system, but I’m Co-Captain of the Swim Team, and I’d be damned if a little cold water was going to take me out. I scrambled to catch my bearings, then froze, as I saw something terrifying in the blackness below me, I nearly gasped, before my brain realized it was still underwater.
Below me, slowly rising, was a stunning young lady, from the waist up, appearing to be about my age. From her hips down, she was a gleaming blue-green pattern of scales, with a large fluid tail. Her silvery white hair glimmered as it flowed behind her, the water above throwing the light. She swam up to me, stopping so that our eyes caught. Her eyes were green, like emeralds, and her pupils, slits. She looked me over, her eyes paused on my breasts, my t-shirt clinging in the water. Her eyes trailed over my torso, to my hips, then back. She looked almost disappointed.
Then, my lungs heaved, and I was sure I would drown. My mouth opened to take in a breath, and suddenly, her lips were on mine. I felt her tail moving as she blew air into my lungs, swimming upward. It felt like an eternity, and something in my body was on fire, my skin tingled, my bones creaked and popped, and I felt as if I was getting heavier. Then, suddenly, she let go, her arms propelling me upward past the water’s surface.
I reached up, gasping, and clung to the dock, which rocked with the force of the small wave. I clambered up as the sun began to rise, looking down to see that my T-shirt was gone, and my sweatpants were clinging to thicker, longer legs. I shouted, my voice a deep, youthful timbre, and my hands went to my chest, where my B-cups were now solid, wide pecs. I could see the unfamiliar bulge in my sweats, and gulped, my brain trying to catch up.
Lilly shouted, “Kara?! Oh my god! What happened?! What… What the hell?!”
She’d run up to me and skidded to a halt when she saw my body. From her point of view, she was standing in front of a half-naked, athletic young man bearing only a sliver of resemblance to me. Whatever the Mermaid had done, I was now a panting, shivering dude, and Lily’s cheeks flushed as she got closer. She laughed when I flinched as her hand came to my chest. And to shorten a long, drawn-out smutty diary entry, I quickly realized why all men are stupid, and that it’s actually not that bad… especially when your best friend is even more enthusiastic to break in your new body, and the new hormones tell you to shut up and go for it!
Later, when the rangers showed up to get our payment, they weren’t thrilled that we’d gone out to the lake, and then we had to talk to a lot of incredibly intimidating suited men, who explained that the creature known as “Mer-F-01” had flipped my chromosomes, effectively rendering me fully male down the last strand of DNA. They believed this was done for mating purposes, as they've yet to find a male mer-creature. They explained that was why the lake was closed, and made us sign non-disclosures, in exchange for a new ID for myself, my new name, Kyle, and enough money to pay for college.
Lilly and I are officially together, she’s quite happy with having a boyfriend who knows ALL the secret tricks to a good time, and I can���t deny, that being a dude isn’t so bad.
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aayakashii · 2 months
15 & 50 🔪🔪 Lyca TDB
🔪15 “Why do you think I’m stalking you? I’m only keeping you safe. You need me.”
🔪50 “If you’re with me. I don’t need anything else.”
Warnings: stalking, obsessive behavior, yandere!lyca
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You only needed to take a few steps outside of your dorm before you began to feel that annoying prickling sensation on your neck. Truth to be told, you’ve always prided yourself in having a very good instinct and on being extremely aware of your surroundings, so when you were being stalked that clumsily, it would never truly go unnoticed.
Sometimes you wish you could be unaware though, because this has been happening for the past weeks with no sign of stopping.
You turn on your heels after rolling your eyes.
“Lyca. I know you’re here again. Come out” you barked, irritation seeping into your voice.
A few leaves rustled to your right, and the dark gray-haired boy popped from behind a tree, an angry pout visible on his face as he made his way towards you.
He walked awkwardly in long strides, like a dog that had been caught doing something it shouldn’t, and avoided your gaze once he stopped in front of you. You knew that his tail would be curled down if it was out at that moment, for sure.
You sighed, picking out a few leaves that were stuck on his hair and his shoulders.
“Lyca, what did I tell you about stalking me? You can’t just follow me around everywhere I go, not only is it a breach of my privacy but you also have your own things to do.”
Lyca scoffed, still avoiding your eyes.
“Why do you think I’m stalking you? I’m only keeping you safe. You need me.”
You rolled your eyes again and slapped your forehead, exasperated at his stubbornness.
“Lyca, I need you to respect my boundaries. This isn’t okay. Not to mention you’re scaring my friends whenever you growl at them if they barely touch me.”
Lyca bared his teeth at the thought, his hands quickly grabbing yours in a tight hold.
“You're just a human and you’re surrounded by ghouls and other anomalies. Isn’t it obvious? I have to protect you! You’re weak and I’m strong.” he said, finally looking straight into your eyes, his yellow orbs glinting with worry as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“I know you have good intentions” you try to shake his hands off, to no avail “But this is too much. You can’t follow me everywhere. This isn’t normal. Don’t you want to be a human? You have to act normal and go to your classes too.”
Lyca closed his eyes tightly, and the crease between his brows deepened. He took deep, uneven breaths and seemed to be deeply conflicted by your words.
His hands moved to your arms, his grip still firmer than ever.
“I know. But that's the whole problem. I can’t help but feel worried about you. I think about you all the time and it makes me very nervous.” he opened his eyes and your breath hitched at the swirl of emotions in his gaze. “So I just- I just end up following you. Because if I can see you, I stop feeling nervous. I feel okay.”
“Lyca…” you began to talk, trying to console him, but you winced when his nails dug into your skin, as his inability to process his own feelings for you seemed to bring him great unease.
He shook his head furiously.
“I don’t know why I feel like this. It’s weird! When I don’t see you, I need to see you because it’s like I can’t breathe. And when I see you, things finally feel fine.” he looked to the ground, still in deep thought.
“And when someone touches you, I get so angry, I can’t control it.” he growled, squeezing your arms even more.
“L-Lyca! Please let go of my arms!” you yelped.
“I can’t control it because I… Because I think…” he licked his chapped lips, hands finally loosening their hold on you “I think I want to be the only one who can touch you…?”
As soon as the words left his lips, Lyca’s face visibly relaxed and he brightened, a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. His head snapped back at you and he nodded vigorously.
“Yeah, I think that’s it. It makes sense. I want you to be mine, so I can be the only one who can touch you.”
Your stomach dropped as he processed his feelings in a warped way that could only spell trouble for you. He gazed at you, pupils blown wide, determined and satisfied with his conclusion.
Lyca leaned forward, resting his forehead against yours, hands moving down to circle your waist and pull you flush against his body, fully intent on not letting you walk away.
“Because if you’re with me. I don’t need anything else.”
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dragonvhs · 5 months
I've been wanting to do this forever so why not now
RATING SPYRO'S MODELS IN EACH GAME (these are the models themselves, not like his designs outside of the games in like promotional materials and stuff. That may be a later post idk yet)
Spyro 1
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The classic Spyro design. The small line of blue scales. The little yellow gradient on his cheeks and snout in cutscenes. The brown horns and big, expressive eyes. Oh yeah, this is prime Spyro right here. Will take points because the wings are very small and awkwardly shaped, which to be fair it is 1998 playstation so like. What can you do.
Spyro 2/3
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Now this? This is perfection here. Takes everything the Spyro 1 model does and does it better. Still has the little blue scales I love so much and the brown horns, but with much better wing shape and size. Top tier Spyro model. Might be my favorite of all of them, even.
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
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I like how they decided to texture in more scales during the jump from ps1 to ps2. Sadly this may be the only thing i like about this model. It's not the worst thing i've ever seen, but it looks so... gummy? Some of the details look kind of odd to me, like the yellow claws and unevenly spaced lines along his chest. This also removed the blue scales lining around his underbelly and adds the yellow horns which I'm not crazy about. A few points for still trying to be mostly loyal to the ps1 designs shape wise.
Spyro: A Hero's Tail
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Now this is a pretty good improvement from the enter the dragonfly model. I'm not crazy about the snout shape, looks a bit too round and i think the nostrils are a bit too high on his face, but overall a good spyro! the introduction of the purple eyes is cool too (personally im a red eyed spyro truther but still)
Spyro: Shadow Legacy
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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA HOLY FUCK HAHAHHAHA. okay okay okay to be fair this one is a ds game and spyro himself is suuuuper small on the screen so like. of course he'd be low poly. does get some points for spyro having sharper and more mean features. though you probably wouldn't notice in the game
Legends Spyro New Beginning/Eternal Night
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Might be nostalgia talking but I actually still really like this design. I like his snout shape and more lightning bolt shaped horns, and i find his head and back spikes kinda cool, even if i like the classic shape of them better, it works for this design. His horns are a tad bit more brownish (it's more visible in the game), which you know I love. This spyro is overall very cute!! Maybe a bit too cute, but I enjoy him
Legends Spyro Dawn of the Dragon
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I don't. like him.
the back legs look fucked up, the wings are way too thick at the base by the shoulders and then they're so small but then get so long by the end. i like the little added scales along his underbelly. that's about it. you would think taking the previous model and making him older would be easy but i guess not. a point because you can tell he's older and if you only look at his head the model is nice. not the rest though. god.
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This might be controversial but i dont care. i actually like the skylanders spyro design. he leans more into the cool factor than cute, which i can appreciate, and he kinda reminds me of a pug a little bit and i really like pugs. he's got kind of a beast/monster factor i really like. i love love love the horn shape and the big claws, and the yellow claws dont even look awkward here!! the red eyes really pop too! i think he's really fun
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side note i also LOVE spyro's design in the skylanders show too ESPECIALLY HIS COLORING LOOK HOW NICE HE LOOKS it takes the best parts of the game model and improves it. i know this isn't from the game but it's too good not to include.
Spyro Reignited
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I do really really really love this model, it's near perfect. perfectly balances the cute/coolness factor. the shapes are all good, the wings are small but not too small. love the darker scales across his body. his little thumbs are so fun too. honestly this is the best they could have done for a remodel of the first 3 games. only taking off a point because im not crazy about the colors, i prefer the darker purples and brown horns.
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Im so torn on this one because on one hand the cartoony stylization really works in these models. i love the bigger snout, i think it's fun, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE taking his head spikes and kind of splitting them up like hair. that's so fun! but on the negative end I HATE THE WAY HIS FEET LOOK SO MUCH OH MY GOD. they're like wretched lumps of clay with little claws jammed into them. granted this was for a mobile app BUT STILL. the feet really just fuck me up a lot
Okay that is all thanks for reading <3 maybe next time i'll rate spyro renders or something <3
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edosianorchids901 · 5 months
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Deferred Momentum
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "out there"
“What do you ssssuppose is out there?” Crawly asked speculatively, resting his chin on Aziraphale’s knee.
Aziraphale absently petted him, then went back to peeling some sort of curved yellow fruit he’d found. He made a pleased little sound as the peel gave way, revealing a paler yellow.
“Oy.” Annoyed, Crawly nudged the angel’s arm. “Aziraphale.”
“What do you ssssuppose is out there?”
“Out where?”
Crawly sighed. He hadn’t known Aziraphale long. They’d been stuck in the Garden together for months now, watching the humans explore their new environment. Crawly had already run out of things to explore, and was bored out of his mind.
“Out there.” He flicked his tail towards Eden’s towering stone walls. “Y’know. The rest of Earth?”
“Oh yes, that.” Aziraphale, who had been occupying himself by sampling every single plant in the Garden, didn’t seem bored at all. “Well, I don’t know. I suppose I haven’t really thought about it. There’s so much to experience right here.”
“Fine. Fine.” Exasperated, Crawly piled himself into Aziraphale’s lap and flipped upside down. “But I have been thinking about it. I wanna ssssee everything else. Earth’s big, right? Right?”
“I suppose, yes.”
“Ssso, how long until we get to leave? Get to go check out the rest of the world?”
“Hmm.” Gently, Aziraphale stroked the underside of Crawly’s chin. Plump fingers traveled down his belly, another light stroke. “I don’t know. Have you tried one of these yet?”
Aziraphale wiggled the fruit at him. “It’s called a ‘banana’. I’m very curious about it. Do you want some?”
“Not really.” Crawly wasn’t that interested in food, unlike Aziraphale. “When are the humans gonna get around to inventing alcohol?”
“Soon, I imagine.” After breaking off a piece of the banana, Aziraphale popped it in his mouth. He chewed, expression contemplative, then swallowed. “Oh, that’s lovely. Here, Crawly. You really ought to try this.”
He broke off another piece and set it on his white robe near Crawly’s head. Crawly nudged it, curious, then snapped it up and gulped it down. “Not bad.”
“I quite like it.” Aziraphale petted him again, then ate more of the banana. He put another piece down for Crawly. “Why are you so eager to go out there anyway? I thought you said you’re just happy to be out of Hell.”
“I am.” Being on Earth was a billion times better than being in Hell, even if he still felt almost as trapped here as he had in Hell’s narrow stone hallways. Everything was wider here, and so much brighter, but just as surrounded by stone.
The sensation of being trapped sent a shudder through him. He coiled up and piled himself against Aziraphale’s soft stomach. The warmth was always soothing.
Aziraphale cooed a little and stroked him. “It’s quite all right, really. I’m sure that eventually, the Great Plan will include exploring the rest of Earth.”
Crawly was pretty sure that actually, the rest of the world was waiting on him to make some trouble. But he hadn’t actually been given the go ahead to make trouble yet, only to figure out ways that he could. He had to wait.
Granted, there were worse places to have to wait. He snapped up the second banana piece that Aziraphale had left for him, then slithered up onto the angel’s solid shoulders. After piling himself comfortably, he rested his chin in Aziraphale’s white curls. “Okay. Okay. But.”
“I sssstill wanna know what’s out there.” Crawly contemplated it. “And I bet there’s different food. New treesss with new fruit.”
Aziraphale ate the rest of his banana. “That’s quite likely true. I know there are different sorts of ‘climates’, I believe they’re called. No doubt they’re quite lovely. Although Eden, of course, is paradise.”
In Crawly’s opinion, paradise shouldn’t be surrounded by stone walls. “Don’t you wanna try new fruit?”
“Well, yes.” Chuckling, Aziraphale gently flicked the scaled coil dangling over his shoulder. “You naughty serpent, are you trying to tempt me?”
“Well, you needn’t bother. I’m an angel. I’m quite above being tempted.”
Crawly also had his doubts about that, but the warmth of his current basking position spread contentment through him. He did still want to know what was outside those walls. He wanted to know it almost more than anything.
But right now, he was comfortably full from all the bits of fruit that Aziraphale kept feeding him, and relaxed from snuggling against all that warmth. He dropped his head down to Aziraphale’s shoulder, nestled into the crook of his neck, and decided to take a nap.
Someday he, Aziraphale, and the humans would find out what was really out there, beyond Eden. For now, Crawly was content to dream about exploring the newly created world.
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