#but NoA thought it was a more general term???
squidkidnerd · 1 year
Why is everyone so hung up on NoA's use of the word "inkling????" I've seen so many posts lately that are like "it doesn't make sense that the squid people are called inklings since octolings use ink too so it should be a general term and the squid people should be called squidlings!!!" and like. Yeah. That's true I guess. I dunno, I never really particularly cared about it that much, it's kind of a nitpick. And like—something about "squidling" as a word feels super weird and awkward to me and I don't entirely know why? I think it has something to do with the consonants? Or maybe it's my imagination, who knows. Either way I don't entirely get why people have been getting so hung up on it lately.
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
If reader survived such an accident, he would make sure that whenever she would travel alone, his eagle would accompany her (wether she knew it or not).
I'm almost.... oh my god okay okay okay okay okay listen you tempted me with this i need to do it for the greater good
Noa, Eagle Sun / Reader Headcanons - Interactions.
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Your relationship with Eagle Sun started out the same way that the Eagle's relationship was with Noa at the start of the movie. Very rough around the edges, the bird was very unsure of you, not sure how to view your relationship with his Master. He clawed at you a few times out of defense when you got too close to Noa when he was perched on his shoulder; sensing it to be a threat rather than you just wanting to embrace the Ape. You swore that bird was never going to hear the end of it from Noa as he scolded him like a child. ~*You felt so bad for him and tried to pet his beak after Noa told him to back off ( in simple terms ) but he just squawked loudly and you were fast to hide behind Anaya and Soona who were watching the entire thing happen with the utmost amusement. He flapped his wings in your general direction again causing you to cower even further. ~*Followed by more scolding from Noa as he tried his hardest to explain to the bird that you were not a threat, you were more than allowed to be in Noa's space. He just blinked innocently - those little beady eyes staring holes into you.
It didn't take long for him to warm up to you though; you offered him a bit of fish once and he took it graciously. Noa told you not to do that, but you did it anyway.
Began bringing you berries to eat as an acceptance of you, an acknowledgment of the treat you had given him. Noa thought it was nice until he was absolutely nailed between the eyes by a rather quickly flying blueberry.
He began following you happily at that point, surely from Noa's commands, but he was a happy bird regardless. All around the village, in the woods, by the creek. Eagle Sun very often was either over head soaring or perched against a tree branch, you in his sight. ~* It just meant that you were trusted, good natured and more than decent to follow around - Noa had told you how intuitive the birds were and you accepted his following as a small compliment in Eagle form.
If you were with Noa, Eagle Sun was often sitting on his Master's shoulder, peering at you, waiting diligently for a command from Noa. If there were no immediate commands, Eagle Sun would jump over to you, never on you, but right in front of you and beckon you to pet. ~* You comply, placing a pointer and middle finger against the birds head and giving him a small pet. He's responsive, will peck at your fingers for more if you pull away too soon. ~* Noa could have sworn that one time while you were giving some affection to his bird that Eagle Sun looked right at him and almost mocked him. Noa told you of this but you told him it simply wasn't true. That he must have been imagining things.
The first time that Eagle Sun ever landed on you was in part to Noa who urged you to try it out - Hopeful to see if you were comfortable with it. He just got out of a council meeting where the prospect of you getting your own Eagle, to be bonded with an egg, was a hot topic of conversation. First though, before the final decision was made, Noa needed to see if you had any fear ( much like the fear Noa had at the beginning. ) ~* Eagle Sun did not land on your arm like you had hoped - He landed on your shoulder, placing himself rather precariously on you to the point where he shuttered for balance. His tiny claws grasped onto you a bit harder than you would have liked- but not enough to draw blood yet. His tiny beak went down, then back up with a few strands of your hair. You didn't move, you couldn't as your eyes shifted to Noa, Anaya and Soona. You questioned with your eyes what you were supposed to do- You had no idea why he landed there when you had so diligently offered your arm. Well, Noa thinks to himself, at least you're not afraid of him anymore.
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shwaesar · 1 month
Share those thoughts concerning the human ape similarities please!
Obvs it helps that human history and evolution are something that I've always been very interested in anyways. Done a lot of research, seen a lot of documentaries, and there's a lot of specific details that I think would translate BRILLIANTLY into a dialogue between the reader and their ape pookie.
For example; Lucy. The skeleton of one of our most distant ancestors, which some believe to be the separation point between other apes and homosapians (humans). The fact that humanity took the time to salvage her remains, protect them for other humans to see them, and recreated what they think she'd look like? That would hit our bois DEEP - because it not only gives evidence to the clams that we're apes, but shows that it's a part of our species' history that we value and care about, don't think less of ourselves for. I can see this point resonating with Caesar especially, considering his complicated history with identity and figuring out who (and what) he is.
AND THERES SO MANY THINGS WE STILL HAVE FROM BACK THEN! The urge to pet animals? Leftover grooming instinct from when we were monke. Our feet are literally deformed hands that could once grab onto tree branches. Apes in general all have almost identical arm and shoulder structures, humans included, making us one of the few creatures with free rotation around the shoulder joint. All our internal organs are organised in the same way. Human babies have been seen to use communicative primate gestures, and adult humans have a 50% average accuracy in understanding those gestures when performed by other apes. This side of it would likely interest Noa the most - he's inquisitive by nature and would be fascinated by the similarities and differences, the ways humans changed to become what we now are.
As you can probably imagine, Koba would despise the idea that you're the same in any way whatsoever. But there's a certain allegory I think would make it click for him, and would also cause him to look at you - look at humans as a whole - a little differently. The comparison can easily be mate between our evolution and that of dogs from wolves. He knows what a dog is and knows what a wolf is, and he is able to somewhat recognise the relation. If you were to explain your claims by likening apes to wolves; strong, capable, to be treated with respect and caution, and humans to dogs; domesticated, needy, generally requiring a more 'capable' companion, he'd definitely be more receptive to the notion. He still won't like it, mind you, it honestly would make a part of him feel sick. But it's still step in the right direction in terms of better understanding.
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maochira · 1 year
Being the child of Ego and Noa (headcanons)
Synopsis: Ego and Noa got married in their early 20s and adopted you, but their marriage didn't last that long.
Requests open! - ships as parents masterlist - dad!Ego masterlist
Tags: gn!adopted child!reader, some are general headcanons but most is angsty, I'm entering an egonoa brainrot as we speak, reader was born in Germany but that only has relevance in one headcanon
-they adopted you when you were elementary school age when they were only married for a couple months, but they knew they wanted to be parents so they started the entire adoption process a few weeks after they got married
-they raised you bilingual but tried trilingual. You already knew German so Ego started teaching you Japanese as well. Noa tried teaching you French as well but that was a bit too much for the time being
-for you, their divorce was out of nowhere. You've never seen them fight except for when they had little disagreements. They didn't want you to see them arguing so they either kept things to themselves entirely or only fought when they were alone
-they didn't end on good terms at all. Both actually want to stay together but they feel as if they won't work out any further, so they decided to get divorced
-the divorce was less than two years after adopting you and of course that was hard for you, because you thought you finally found a family but then it broke so quickly
-they really had a hard time figuring out who you were gonna live with after their divorce and that ended in another fight that only made things harder because obviously, both of them wanted to keep you
-Noa was afraid Ego was gonna push you too hard with soccer and Ego was afraid Noa wouldn't push you enough. Also, Noa wanted to stay in Germany while Ego wanted to go back to Japan, so Noa thought moving to a whole other country would be too much for you
-Noa won the fight for custody so for the first few years he was the one you lived with and during every school break you travelled to Japan to stay with Ego
-when you were old enough to decide where and with who you wanted to stay, you realized you enjoy being in Japan more so you moved there to live with Ego, but still travelled back to stay with Noa during every school break
-your fathers don't really speak to each other anymore. They're still holding grudges against each other. Their only communication was to plan when and how you were gonna travel, but as soon as you were old enough to have a phone they stopped talking to each other it became a "Can you tell your father this", "Please let him know that" thing where you became the communicator
-you really wanted to join Blue Lock but Noa was very against it and you were a bit younger than all the other players, so you wouldn't have had much of a chance to win anyways
-well, Ego is very confident in your skills, even though you are younger than the other Blue Lock players. He would have trusted you to be great in Blue Lock and he was about to let you join out of spite towards Noa, but then he decided maybe it's not too good to add more fuel to the fire and didn't let you join
-when the Neo Egoist League comes around, it's pretty weird for you to know Ego invited Noa and now they're in the same building again, but you still haven't really seen them talk
-even though they got divorced years ago, you're still kind of hoping they'll get back together because you just really want to have a family again
-you don't really know what caused them to divorce except for "there were disagreements and it just didn't work out anymore" because they never told you more than that. Neither of them wanted to be the type of father who talks in a bad way about the other towards their child
-you often try to get them to talk to each other, making them think that maybe they should. But both are a little stubborn with this and bitter about their past. So far nothing has really convinced them to talk about anything that isn't Blue Lock related
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @weichspuelertrinker @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @quite-eerie @gojosorrygeto @st4rcheese @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @blueberrryui @mang05
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
i have mixed feelings about summer school. the season finale was much more interesting than the original sin finale in terms of action. but i didn’t like the actual storytelling. i had similar questions as you:
1. what exactly happened between shawn and jen? they spent sooo much screen time on the love triangle but then didn’t even let us see the final confrontation. an extremely poor choice.
2. how did all of the girls’ phone numbers end up on spooky spaghetti? i guess wes had tabby’s - she texted him when he didn’t show up for work - but the others?
3. where were ash & greg?
4. who pushed sullivan down the stairs? why did they make her actually be horrible?
5. what did mrs beasley do to kelly off-screen all of those episodes ago? all of a sudden they are able to have a civil conversation for hours about bloody rose (after kelly locked her up for hours lol)
6. how was johnny going into the freezer so often but didn’t see the bodies as quickly as imogen did?
i’m afraid they are going to rush through some of these answers in a montage like they did in 2x01…
more general issues: i don’t understand why mouse’s grandmother took up so much screen time despite not really having any interesting payoff. noa has not faced any kind of “reckoning” and i really don’t look forward to them dragging jen into next season. nothing about bloody rose really connected to archie and/or the real bloody rose. imogen’s daughter ended up not being that relevant at all…
this season felt all over the place to me. the mrs langsbury and wes team up was satisfying enough because they were two common suspects but for that reason i wasn’t gagged. it just made sense. again, a better finale than original sin but the season overall didn’t do it for me. i’m sorry if this all over the place! 😭
I'm with you! We have a lot of the same questions/feelings.
I did like this finale significantly better than season 1. I will always rather have predicted the antagonists and have their actions make sense (and also have at least one of them present with screen time enough to feel like a real character), than have the reveal be some random side character with no set up and backstory you couldn't possibly have guessed. So that's an improvement, for sure. But it definitely was MESSY af. I knew it was going to be a little difficult to tie all the threads together, and it was. There's a lot of stuff left dangling that I don't think was really on purpose (like I am okay with loose threads if they are there to inform the next season, but I don't think most of these were).
I'm gonna give you my best guesses at all the questions you had, even though they a very much questions I am still asking.
I cannot even begin to explain this one. This just feels like production was wildly off base with how they thought this storyline was going to go over. Maybe the writers didn't agree on how this should be utilized, so they wrote it one way, then changed some stuff, but not enough stuff?
It genuinely makes no sense. These numbers got out right away, so before Henry became brainwashed by the cult (which, btw, very weird they did not explain IF Wes was hiring all these people out of the cult, like how did Henry miss this? Also how did Kelly miss this? and Mrs. Beasley? And Pastor Malachi?), Greg wouldn't have had those numbers, Ash wasn't even in the episode, Christian, Johnny, Jen, and Coach Rhodes all only got 1 persons number and it would have meant all of them betraying the girls. I assume Dr. Sullivan had the numbers and she could have done it, but she doesn't seem to be that type of evil.
lol. Just conveniently not around. I can buy the Greg one- he and Kelly aren't a couple, he and Faran haven't been "together" (flinging?) very long, so no one wanted to tell him. But Ash??? how do you not tell Ash about what's happening??
I have these questions, too. How much of her story about her was true? Why was she separated and tied up by Wes, what was her role in the finale supposed to be? I'm pretty confused on this point.
Again, yes.
The only explanation I've got for this one is that they weren't there all season? Like they were kept elsewhere and intentionally put there later. But this makes waaay more sense if Wes doesn't want to get caught and Jen is working with him. Because then Wes is trying to frame someone else, and gets Jen to plant the "What about Johnny and Christian?" seed with Noa (who, it did not escape me, literally used Jen's phrasing word for word when bringing this up) to send Imogen and Tabby off to investigate their respective boyfriends and find the stuff they've been set up with. Because they have been set up, even if Wes isn't planning on them ultimately taking the fall, but if Jen isn't in on it, then it's just pure coincidence that either of those set ups worked AT ALL.
So yeah, definitely with you on this! I had a really fun time watching this season, and I feel like that might get lost in my "but wtf is happening?" posts sometimes, so- I did actually have a lot of fun. But this was far from perfect and I think there were a few really big misses with the storytelling & I want answers!!
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icharchivist · 10 months
Hello, I was reading one of your posts in your blog that spoke about Belial's backstory. I'm curious as to what it is that makes it 'tragic'. Could you please explain it to me? I'm trying to learn more about his character :)
Sure thing! it'd be my pleasure and i know my thoughts are a bit scattered about it so might as well serve as a post of its own!
When i refer to Belial as a tragic figure, i especially mean it in a literary sense: a character from a tragedy. What categorize characters from tragedies tend to be the inescapably from their terrible fate -- both because there was no other choice, and because all the choices they could have made led them here. The outcome would have been the same, with or without free will. There was no way out. there may have been a way out but the character wouldn't realistically take it. The character is set up to fail by the narrative before it even starts.
Belial's backstory itself is quite pitiful, in the primal sense of the term of, it invites pity. He only exists to be compared to Lucifer. He's the draft before the masterpiece and he knows that, Lucilius made sure he knew that. When it was only Lucifer and him, it might have been something that they could handle -- because Lucifer genuinely did care for him, and when they were only the two of them, it's likely Belial cared as well.
but the moment others angels entered the picture, the moment Belial was asked to see Lucifer on a hierarchy, the moment Lucifer became so busy he couldn't be here with Belial anymore, is the moment Belial had no other choice than to settle for the shadows. And he wanted Lucilius' approval so much he would do anything for it.
This motivation, the motivation of getting Lucilius' approval, ultimately brought him a lot of misery, only for it to never even work in the end. Lucilius saw him mostly as a tool to reach his end and didn't exactly care for him out of that. But for Lucilius' sake Belial was set up to betray everyone in the angels with the Fallen Angels project. Personally i don't even know if Belial was aware of what would become of the angels until it was too late -- his eagerness to help Sariel and his deep sorrow for what happened to him makes me think he genuinely thought the Fallen Angels were an alternative, not a doomed endeavor. But it still means he carried through it because it was Lucilius' wishes. and Lucilius' wishes he shall see through. Even once the cat was out of the bag, it was the path he had chosen, so there was no turning back from that, even if it means betraying everyone he dragged in this situation to start with.
And here comes the question of choice: Belial always had the choice. Technically.
Primal per nature, are slave to their purpose, to their impulse to fullfill this purpose. They also have this impulse to follow what their masters want of them. But there are exceptions. There are primals who can't find joy in their purpose (Sariel), who lose their purpose (Rosetta), who never had one to start with (Sandalphon), who grew disgusted with their purpose and tried to move on (Noa or Grimnir) or who grew naturally into their purpose until they had to move past their initial guidelines (Lucifer).
it looks like it's not giving them much choice -- but Lucilius valued free will. He only put the limiters on the primals on the later generation. I believe Lucilius saw himself as a rebel against God, and that, by creating his own creatures, by being a God to them, having those creatures rebel to him means his fight was worthwhile. That it is possible for creatures to rebel against God. That Lucilius' rebellion is righteous. That's why he died with a smile on his face when Lucifer finally killed him.
But then you have Belial. Belial is chaos, but he loves Lucilius more than anything in the world. He wants his attention more than anything, something he cannot get. The more he gives for Lucilius, the more he loses everything else he cared about until the only thing left is Lucilius. There's plenty of times in this journey where Belial realistically could have stopped. But every single time he dug his heels for Lucilius' sake, he chooses to continue down that path no matter how much it would hurt him. And it did hurt him!
When Lucilius dies, it is because Lucifer transcended his purpose. Evolution meant that he had to evolve from his master. He grew past his purpose, he let go of it. By showing free will, Lucifer destroyed what Belial always sacrificed everything about. So Belial convinced himself there was no free will for him in all of this. That he was slave to his purpose despite the fact he had choices, multiple times. He just refuses to acknowledge them.
Obviously we cannot discuss Belial's tragedy without addressing his fake suicide, which, despite the fact he was manipulating the crew, rings to me as the things Belial believes the most - because he was in Avatar mode and fully consumed by its powers, its anger, and the knowledge that even after everything he's done those past thousand years, Lucilius still didn't spare him a glance.
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(What Makes the Sky Blue - part 3- 000 // Episode 7 - Part 1)
Personally i believe Belial's spite is real. That all those things he says he hates, he does actually hate. It tracks with how he treats Sariel, who genuinely believes in the burden of his purpose and how it ruined him deeply.
(this is also why i have the interpretation that Belial's feelings for Lucifer were more complicated than just hating him. I think he hated what Lucifer represented more than he hated Lucifer himself, and part of him expected that killing Lucifer will finally bring him peace: but it didn't fix anything, so now he's just as hollow as ever. (ref: Belial refering to how killing your doppleganger makes you feel hollow during his gbvs victory lines against himself))
but the thing is that Belial paints it as if everything was unavoidable. It's their fate as primals, you see? They can't move past it. But at the same time he wants to believe in a plan that would free them from it. ... but at the same time he knows he's full of shit. In this passage he talks about Lucifer, and to Sandalphon and Rosetta, primals who moved past their purposes long ago. He tries to attack them on that because he knows they have complicated feelings about their purpose - but the reality is that they seized their free will when Belial refused to.
Belial put himself into a tragic path on his own volition. it's his choice. He was given plenty of opportunities to back down, to evolve on his own right, but he didn't.
Because he desperately wanted the love of someone who was never in a position to give him that love to start with.
And it brings him a lot of misery. Loving Lucilius is both the best and worst thing that ever happened to him. He just wants this love so bad, and he's not getting it. This love is destroying him because its unrequired, but he cannot move on from it. Morning Light Hymnus is good to analyse on that level, but i'll also just bring up his Avatar Profile in GBVS as a further indication of it:
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And i'll bring it a step further: by committing to this devotion thinking it would give him Lucilius' love, it only turned Lucilius off from him even more. Because like i said, Lucilius values Free Will. Lucilius would more likely have preferred Belial to rebel against him than being an obedient lap dog.
But Belial wanted to be special so much to him that he just made himself Lucilius' tool. And once Lucifer rebelled, Belial was in this situation where he couldn't back down. Else he'd be exactly like the person who took everything away from him. He couldn't be like Lucifer. So he doubled down and became a pariah. He already had sacrificed everything else he already had for Lucilius anyway, so what's more?
(and once again with the reading of "he didn't fully hate Lucifer", the idea of killing Lucifer becomes about getting rid of that loose end. Of the last thing that reminds him that he could move on. That he could have chosen differently. But he didn't. He carried this corpse of an idea as a reminder that there's no turning back).
And another interesting tragic angle is the fact he is a foil to Sandalphon. Sandalphon is sort of the protagonist of those events, and just like Belial, he knows about devotion to someone he believes doesn't actually need him. but the difference is how Sandalphon rebelled only to learn that the person he was devoted to loved him, while Belial was loyal but the person he was devoted to never loved him. the tragedy is found in the parallelism. Where Sandalphon wins, Belial loses, and the other way around is true as well. So as long as you have Sandalphon to compare him to, Belial stands out as a tragic figure because you see what he would have wanted and how it went wrong - while also seeing the ways Belial would sabotage people who are in his situation just as much because he's so greedy and selfish on that regard.
also a good addition about the tragedy of immortality and the way it affects Belial in particuliar that i forgot to mention here.
Like i cannot stress it enough:
Belial was dealt bad cards from the start. He's loving and affectionate and so, so starved for love, he only wanted Lucilius' love more than anything. There is pity to be had, outside of his control, about how Lucilius' treated him, about how Lucifer was unable to see the pressure he put on Belial when Belial developped his inferiority complex, about how the others archangels saw his distance and left him there in his own loneliness. I'd personally even add that the moment Lucilius asked Belial to take care of the Fallen Angels, he isolated Belial so much so that there was no way for him to look outside of this bubble, blinded by being suddenly of use for Lucilius, even if it meant burning everyone else around him.
BUT those were ALL Belial's choices that led to his downfall. Belial constantly picked the worst alternative for him no matter what. Lucilius isn't responsible for this, Lucifer isn't responsible for this. Belial was dealt a bad hand but he played his cards the way he wanted to, and even worsened his case. He couldn't see a better way out that becoming the worst of the worst. Being perfect was already taken after all.
And to me this is the tragedy of Belial: He always had a choice. He always chose wrong because he fooled himself into thinking he didn't have any. And it's likely he didn't even believe himself when he was thinking that but just gave himself an excuse to continue on his bad habits, because this is all he knew about being.
And still now after being made clear by Lucilius that he won't be cared about still, Belial dedicates himself further to Lucilius. Still now Belial digs his heels and make the wrong choices.
because no one does evil like he does, baby.
Hope this clears it up!
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sukimas · 1 year
re: this post
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look it's very simple.
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suletta & amuro
child of a mobile suit engineer who cares more about their work than them. relative outsider to the group who shows up at the last minute but does basically all the heavy lifting in terms of fighting. self worth problems. i'm sure someone's done a more comprehensive post about these two.
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miorine & sayla
extreme outsider to the group who essentially has split loyalties though they aren't quite aware of how split at first. becomes closer to the group rather than their initial loyalties because of the duo above. support role, but isn't afraid to put themselves out there in danger when the need arises, and are generally up there among the "active" members of the group despite their sheltered (if a bit fucked up) pasts.
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chuchu & bright
now this is an interesting one, because bright noa is in martin's role as the actual leader of the group, so you'd think that would be the duality. however, chuchu's the de facto decision maker here. extremely protective of their subordinates but they've got quite a temper and can have their previous prejudices from the circumstances they've experienced override their logic sometimes. it's weird that witch from mercury doesn't have spaceships in focus, right?
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nika & kai
team cover your ass. get the group into a lot of trouble thanks to their generally having the backbone of a chocolate eclair, but aren't really malicious or Extraordinarily cowardly, just enough to cause people trouble. surprisingly good at their jobs despite this. sold out the group, had second thoughts about it, ended up suffering more themselves as consequence instead.
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till & mirai
no-nonsense emotional support and taking on a lot of others' duties when they can't handle them. earth house hasn't been in any fights with the whole gang yet so he hasn't gotten the chance, but i'm willing to bet he ends up manning the helm of a spaceship if these idiots end up commandeering one. even if not, they both embody "look i know you're going through a lot right now but so is everyone. i'm willing to support you but get it together."
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aliya & frau bow
mostly-nonsense emotional support. i kid, but they're very much the pat on the back when you need them and help out in other ways if necessary for the team. kind of not really helpful with the whole fighting thing at all but they're there to give you a tarot reading or cheer you on on the comms if you need it. this is probably the weakest connection in terms of role but in terms of the way they behave it's pretty fun.
everyone else
no direct parallels. you can't do a whole 1:1 of the two since they're in very different scenarios (earth house owns a single demi trainer. they're not military) but i think the number of parallels visible is kinda cute. this is partially why i recommend '79 to people who like gwitch- similar tone (in terms of dark/light), shoujo drama, and LARGE teenager gang who (mostly) gets along despite being in a situation where they really would be completely understandable if they didn't.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
LMAO the double whammy sassy asshole dynamic is so funny but I get what you mean about its practicality LOL I’m ngl between the Isagi post and this I wonder if rewatching bllk this time is gonna lead to isagism LOL Ok but genuinely my other thought was maybe more Barou appreciation!! Or maybe if you come across a tiktok edit to some fire music of a scene in s1 it could be someone completely random/new!
STOP THE KIYORA KNITTING HC IS SO REAL??? I don’t even know how to describe it but heavy on this vibe like, especially with the “not hiding just not brought up” part you kinda cooked with that…also bro the chokehold Rio had on me….talk about gateway bird media
SSHSHS OK IM GLAD LMAOOO the hiatus scare concept honestly just shows your dedication like no one’s doing it like you…we all trust you’ll cook LMAOO
The work you do for Karasu nation is immeasurably truly…ok but I can’t wait for whatever you write next!! The request lineup honestly slaps excited for another Mira banger o7
BRO THE EDIT??? You made that a little too fast but omfg I see it….it’s literally them….
Pause the good ≠ popular thing is so real like….just because something was captivating enough to become popular doesn’t necessarily equate to it actually being thought out well either…I mean there’s several cases where the art style can just be really good or the characters are good looking and it’s enough to get people to read….
I truly think that the inability to understand the concept constructive criticism is like biggest issue plaguing communities like you are required to absolutely love every part of something like hello….
The jjk hype build up/bait is honestly so real though…you can kinda feel it in how gege handles things that he can be reliant on shock factor of capsized to try and spice things up…
Honestly same the rat tails are a no no for me….i also think in terms of more assholey characters i much prefer ones like Karasu over Kaiser LOL
Noel noa being a paid actor would be so real HAHA I can imagine that they’d maybe even just go to sign marriage documents and wouldn’t really even have a full ceremony! I don’t really know enough about weddings to say much beyond that but yeah LMAO
Ok but wait circling back, how’s the dub LMAOO any character updates….
- Karasu anon
EEK DON’T MANIFEST ISAGISM FOR ME!! i just got to second selection but i will keep my thoughts to myself until i’ve finished all of season one…also it’s so funny to see characters from the manga in the background DHDJSKS even though they never put KARASU there 😒 maybe it’s because his hair is just so obviously not side character worthy that it would stick out too much?? like less of an easter egg and more of a “look at these guys”
LMAOO kiyora is mine now 😈 and oh i loved the rio movies too!! as a bird stan it truly is the perfect movie but also in general it’s such a fun and vibrant film PLUS it’s surprisingly heavy given the intended audience
i prefer to slow cook full course dinners instead making of super quick microwave meal fics 🙏🏻 JFJDSJ that was silly but ykwim
it’s truly always a surprise what i’m going to post next i feel 😭 but agreed there’s a lot of cool stuff in my inbox that i’m excited about writing!! plus karasu nation will be fed trust i have more than a couple of requests for him as you know so i will be back 🤩
THE EDIT HAD ME CACKLING BECAUSE IT FITS TOOOO WELL 😨 kaneshiro if you’re listening give us yuki x gagamaru PLEASE they both need friends so bad
no exactly i mean me personally if an art style is good i’ll watch something that’s otherwise mediocre…you see it a LOT with manhwa too where people will gas up the most mid villainess isekai abusive male lead shit ever because of the art style 😭 and yeah the day that people realize what constructive criticism actually is will be the day we reach peace in online fandom spaces
YESS when i think asshole character i imagine like sassy jerk who’s secretly a sweetheart (karasu or barou) NOT someone who is genuinely questionable at times 😟 i think it’s a matter of lightheartedness like with characters such as karasu you know that half of the time they’re just saying bs because they’re trying to tease you but kaiser lowkey means it fr 😭 idk he’s not my fav but that doesn’t stop me from writing him if people request it HAHA
okay i actually rlly like the dub surprisingly!!! i LOVE anri’s voice (probably more than the sub) she just sounds sm more mature and actually in control of things?? her and ego’s interactions also feels more equal somehow even though the lines they’re saying are the same…smth abt the tone though makes it feel less like ego’s degrading anri and more like he’s just kind of a shithead 😭 and oddly enough i rlly enjoy niko’s voice?? it’s very satisfying to listen to somehow 🤩 everyone else’s are pretty fine so far except nagi’s 😰 lowkey i don’t really like nagi’s dub he just doesn’t sound the way i imagined nagi would 😓 his japanese VA is just too iconic ig…also i haven’t gotten there yet but i think i saw a clip of karasu’s dub from the last ep of season one and i remember not rlly liking that either 💔 he was kinda too rough sounding i think i pictured him to have less of a harsh voice and something smoother 😩 but it was also only one line so maybe i’ll like it more in the future?? not that i plan on watching s2 in dub at least at first 🤔 i will say the dub does an excellent job of feeling realistic in terms of the dialogue lines and slang…like yes this is exactly what these losers should sound like LMAOAOA it’s honestly pretty funny at times
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pllguy · 3 years
My Pre-release Thoughts/Mini-Theory of PLL: Original Sin
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Now this theory (the first of many) will cover what I assume will take place or be relevant to what will be happening in the Pretty Little Liars reboot Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.
Based off of what has been released so far as of date of posting (August 19th, 2021) the reboot’s details that have been released are few but already say a lot about what will take place.
The synopsis of the show, in a statement released by HBO Max, follows below.
“Twenty years ago, a series of tragic events almost ripped the blue-collar town of Millwood apart. Now, in the present day, a group of disparate teen girls—a brand-new set of Little Liars—find themselves tormented by an unknown Assailant and made to pay for the secret sin their parents committed two decades ago…as well as their own. In the dark, coming-of-RAGE, horror-tinged drama Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, we find ourselves miles away from Rosewood, but within the existing Pretty Little Liars universe—in a brand new town, with a new generation of Little Liars.”
So what does this tell us? The reboot will be set in a town near Rosewood which could potentially allow cameo appearances from the original show’s cast, though if that happened, it would need to feel organic. I’d love seeing the old cast reprise their characters for a special appearance but I think it would be best to keep the two separate from each other so as to not mess with the original show’s characters and what those writers and creators intended versus the new creators. Also this tells us that not only will this new group of Liars be getting into trouble and keeping secrets, but that their parents previously did something that someone is out for revenge for the past and present.
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Ok, so what are sins? In view of the Christian faith, there are Seven Deadly Sins and also what some view as the “Original Sin”. The Seven Deadly Sins are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and laziness (sloth), while the Original Sin refers to the belief humans are born to sin through their genetics they inherited from the first man and woman, Adam and Eve who first sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. *(Other religions/faiths have sins but since this story will be set in modern-day Pennsylvania, I believe that if it has any religious allusions, it would be to the Christian faith - no disrespect to the others!)
It has been revealed that Bailee Madison, Maia Reficco, and Chandler Kinney, have been cast as Imogen Abel, Noa Oliver, and Tabby Hayworth, respectively (pictured below left to right as mentioned).
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Now THIS is what stood out to me… In a show entitled Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, they created a character whose last name is Abel. In the Bible, there is the famous story of Abel and Cain, where one brother kills the other. To sum it up, Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve - Cain born first and Abel second. So Cain grows jealous of Abel for the favoritism being shown to him by God, so Cain murders his own brother, Abel.
*Note: the original Pretty Little Liars books even alluded to the story of Abel and Cain as that is the basis for the twins storyline of Alison and Courtney… notice the names have the same first letters, except Courtney is Abel and Alison is Cain (since she murdered Courtney).
Now how does this tie into my theory?
Well I believe that the original sin committed by the Liars’ parents was murder of a classmate/friend/enemy for one of the 7 deadly sins (or maybe it was self-defense?). Imogen Abel will either be killed by her (secret/twin?) sibling (like Abel) or she will end up the killer (like Cain). Since the books twisted the Abel/Cain story to make the killer’s name start with “A” (and ultimately be known as “A”), I think it’s fair to guess that Imogen could be the real killer and “A” in the reboot. Also her parents will definitely be involved in the “original sin” since their last name is Abel and Abel’s parents were Adam and Eve who committed the original sin.
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I’m unsure how much material the reboot will pull from the books and the original show in terms of storyline ideas or plot points, so who knows what to really expect! However, a few key staples of the Pretty Little Liars brand are things that some fans may be tired of but they are what have made the show and the books the phenomenon they are. They are:
1. a group of characters being targeted, harassed, stalked, and tormented by an unknown foe who is always a few steps ahead of their prey
2. the unknown stalker being connected to the group or a specific member of the group, and having their reason for their actions being tied to the group/individual in some twisted/straightforward way
3. the one thing some fans will be tired of but I personally *love* … TWINS. Yupp, there HAS to be twins at some point in the show, and it has to be crucial to the plot. It was the premise of the books’ storyline, and then in the last A arc storyline in the original show.
For the PLL reboot to feel like I’m watching a PLL-inspired show (since I know it’s all new content), there HAS to be the 3 plot points I just mentioned and I believe that will be factored into my earlier points about Imogen and her family. Imogen will be the new Alison, and she will be the one to have a twin or even be the new A.
Final thoughts/mini-theories:
- I’m pretty positive that twins will be involved in the mystery, to what extent I am unsure but I have strong feelings Imogen will be featured in that storyline.
- It’s possible that Imogen may be a twin, and if it’s not her, I believe it will be one of her parents, since their last name is Abel, tying back into what I explained earlier.
- The Liars in the reboot will be more proactive in figuring out the identity of their stalker and the underlying mystery, than their predecessors in the original TV series. *No hate to the OG Liars but it always felt like they never tried hard enough to get law enforcement or anyone to help them out until the later seasons instead of from the get-go.*
- I don’t want this reboot to be a faithful adaptation in the sense of using all the material from the books but applying it to new characters. I have mixed opinions on it being set in the same universe as the OG show but I’m glad they will have a new setting, characters, and plot. I do still wish they utilize the twins storyline because I personally LOVE twins and have always found the PLL Alison/Courtney storylines one of the best ever written in terms of the buildup to the reveal, the details dropped along the way, and just the way my mind was blown apart reading it the first time.
So that’s pretty much all I have at this point based off what has been released. Hopefully this show will bring back old fans, bring in new fans, and we can rebuild the PLL community here again! Let me know your thoughts/theories/comments about the reboot, or even about the original show(s) and books! ❤️
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
babes i gotta know your reid!vampire hc and if we’d discussed this before im sorry i have bad memory lol
like lets get this convo going <3
Okay so like, I have a couple different AU’s when it comes to the team and being Vampires or other supernatural stuff. But for a very generic Vampire AU, here are my headcanons:
Spencer was turned into a Vampire by Tobias when he “brought him back” with “CPR.” (Tobias bit him, then fed his own blood back to Reid with a “kiss of life” aka CPR).
Spencer didn’t know he was a vampire for two weeks after being saved. Yes, he was still taking Dilaudid, but it wasn’t doing anything for him. He thought he was experiencing some form of withdrawal from not getting enough of the drug into his system. He went out to buy Heroin to see if it could stave off the “withdrawal” symptoms (always starving, nausea, pounding headaches, aching gums ((which was a weird one)), feeling weak and dizzy).
It wasn’t until his third week, when he awoke in an alleyway in the middle of D.C., a barely alive stranger in his lap with puncture wounds on their neck, and their blood in his mouth, that Reid realized what he was. He called an ambulance and fled the scene, arriving home rather shaken and shocked.
It took months for him to come to terms with what he was. He did his research, he found as much as he could on Vampires (both online and in books at the library).
It took less time for Penelope to figure him out. She’s the only one who knows his secret, and she promises to keep it until her dying breath. It’s nice to have someone know, though, because then he has someone to talk about it with.
Plus Penny can “magically” get him blood without any questions. He decided a long time ago not to ask.
Reid’s vampirism comes with some cool benefits tho. Like the usual super strength and speed (not overly so, this isn’t Twilight, but it’s definitely not “human” either). He can also heal ungodly fast, and he’s experimented with compulsion. <- He’s not very good at it, but if he focuses hard enough he can get a LEO to do something for him, not questions asked. Or get an UNSUB to tell the truth. This takes a lot of energy tho, so he doesn’t do it often.
He has discovered that the sun bothers his eyes more than ever before, but otherwise it doesn’t hurt him. He can eat food just fine (garlic included). But something super fucking annoying that seemed to be true when it came to vampires, is the being invited into domains. Public places are fine, but the second he tries to set foot into someone’s home, it’s like his body is physically repulsed backwards. He hates this. Also the counting thing- he thought his special interest in math and numbers before was bad, now it’s literally debilitating at times. JJ dropped some coins on the floor once and Reid couldn’t focus on anything until he picked up every single one, counting both how many coins there were, as well as how much they added up to. It was ridiculous. ($33.23 by the way).
I might do a part two in a little bit! Enjoy these for now~ <3
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kaialone · 3 years
Kirby Planet Robobot Translation Comparison: Pause Screens (Part 2)
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This will be a comparison of the original Japanese version and the US English localized version.
Specifically, this will cover the pause screen descriptions of all bosses faced exclusively in the extra modes of the game.
While I’m mainly comparing the US English version to the Japanese one, I’ll bring up differences in the EU English version that I find notable, too.
For the comparisons, the usual points apply:
Bolded is the original Japanese text, for the reference.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
Italicized is the official NOA translation.
A (number) indicates that I have a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
As you read this, please keep in mind that with translations like these, it’s important not to focus on the exact literal wordings, since there is no single “correct answer” when it comes to translations.
Rather than that, consider the actual information that is being conveyed, in which way, and why.
This part will work the same as the last one.
And since a lot of these pause descriptions are somewhat connected to their counterparts of the main story as well, I would recommend reading the previous part first, if you haven’t already.
Also, as a general note, you’ll see that all the stronger versions of the regular bosses have the prefix “Re:” added in the Japanese version.
This was changed to “2.0″ in the English version.
From what I’ve seen, “Re:” in Japanese pop culture is often used as a cool, sometimes futuristic way to refer to a “renewal” of something, so adapting it as “2.0″ makes sense.
ウィスピーボーグが 新モデルに リニューアル。 ねんぴも よくなり はいきガスも へっているので、 カンパニーも かんきょうに はいりょしながら しょうエネ開発を 進めている もよう。 価格も 前モデルの 半分に おさえられている。
Re:Whispy Borg
Whispy Borg has been newly remodeled. The improved fuel efficiency and reduced emission of exhaust gases indicate that perhaps the company too strives to be environmentally friendly, developing new ways to conserve energy. Its price has been cut down to half the previous model, too.
Clanky Woods 2.0
Clanky Woods has been redesigned and upgraded. Better fuel efficiency and fewer emissions demonstrate the company's new environmentally friendly initiative. It costs only half of the previous model!
Comparisons & Thoughts:
The description has been slightly shortened as usual, though there are some potential errors or changes, too.
In the English version, the text mentions “the company’s new environmentally friendly initiative”, whereas the Japanese version doesn’t make it sound like this would be a new thing for them.
It’s possible that this was a mistranslation, but it could also be that they intentionally changed it in English to be a little more obvious about the irony - because the Haltmann Works Company allegedly trying to be environmentally friendly is ridiculous.
Also, in the Japanese version, the original wording makes it more clear that Clanky Woods’ price being reduced is seemingly referring to the cost a potential buyer would have to pay for it, rather than the cost of producing it.
This feels like it might be alluding to how in real life, manufacturers of electric cars or the like will try to cut down their prices to some degree in order to get more people into them, and thus creating more of a demand for them in the future.
The English version could be going for that as well, but it’s a bit less clear.
マザーコンピューターにより リニューアル された この 防衛システムも、他の星に ねむっていた せっけい図を もとにして 作られた ものだが、一部 データが かけている ため、 本来の せい能を はっきできずに いるらしい。
Re:Holographic Defense Systems
Revised by the Mother Computer, this defense system was also created based on blueprints discovered on another planet. But, because part of the data is missing, it is apparently unable to demonstrate its original performance. (1)
Holo Defense API 2.0
Redesigned by the Mother Computer, this defense system is based on a blueprint found on another planet. It's missing a segment of data and is unable to demonstrate its full potential.
Translation Note:
What I translated as “original performance” here could also be translated as “true performance” or the like. I don’t think the specifics make much of a difference here, but thought I would note it, just in case.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description is mostly the same, but there is an interesting detail about it.
The Japanese version notes that this defense system was “also” based on blueprints found on another planet.
This directly implies other things have been based on such blueprints, but it doesn’t specify which those are, nor how many blueprints and planets are involved.
From its looks though, we can gather that the Holo Defense API was likely based on Pix from Rock Star, as seen in Kirby 64.
Similarly, we can assume that the Security Force mid-boss was likely based on Metal General from Halcandra, as seen in Return to Dream Land.
And of course, Star Dream is heavily implied to be something similar to Galactic Nova from Milky Way Wishes - and both of them are implied to be so-called clockwork stars, also first mentioned in Return to Dream Land.
But even considering all that, keep in mind that we still can’t say for sure where and when the Haltmann Works Company would have precured any of their respective blueprints, and series director Shinya Kumazaki intentionally left the answer up in the air when asked about it during the second Planet Robobot Ask-a-thon on Miiverse.
Just so we are all on the same page here.
In any case, the English version is still missing the indication that the Holo Defense API isn’t the only one that was based on blueprints found elsewhere.
The EU English version actually goes one step further, rephrasing the line in question to say that the defence system was built “based on the blueprint found on another planet”.
The wording of “the blueprint” would imply there was only ever one, which does not appear to be the case in Japanese.
この 雲のモンスターのデータは、 ぶんせき すればするほど、様ざまな こうげきパターンが 見つかる。 その いったんが システムのリニューアルに より かいほうされ、手強くなっている。
The more data of this cloud monster is analyzed, the more attack patterns are discovered. A portion of them have been unlocked by the system's revision, making it a more formidable adversary.
Holo-Kracko 2.0
They further analyzed the data of the cloud monster and discovered even more vicious attacks. The system redesign has implemented these attacks and made Holo-Kracko even more powerful.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description features some slight alterations.
The Japanese version mentions that a larger variety of attack patterns is being discovered, while the English version says that “more vicious attacks” have been found.
Aside from those being different things to discover, the Japanese version also makes it clear that this analysis is still being done continuously.
The Japanese version also states that the system’s revision has “unlocked” these additional patterns, but the English version states that it has “implemented” the additional attacks.
So, the implications of how the system works are slightly different here.
The US English version also has this description start with “They further analyzed the data of the cloud monster and discovered (...)“, while the EU English version phrases it as “Further analysis of data from the cloud monster has uncovered (...)“.
The latter matches the Japanese version a bit more, with the narrator having a more neutral position regarding the progress.
But, the former isn’t really wrong by comparison either, and the narrator does refer to the company in third person like that occasionally in other places.
このモンスターは、スージーが かつて入手した データを入力し 生み出されたのだが、異空間と よばれるエリアに すくう このモンスターの データを 一体いつ、どこで 手に入れたので あろうか。 かのじょのナゾも また、深まる ばかりである。
Re:Holo Lopers
These monsters were created by entering data that Susie had acquired in the past. But, just when and where exactly did she obtain data on those monsters which live in the area called another dimension? There is no end to the mysteries surrounding her, either.
Holo-Doomers 2.0
These monsters were created by Susie entering data she acquired from her travels. Where and when did she encounter the original monsters from another dimension? Who knows?
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description is mostly the same, with some slight oddities.
Of course, the term “another dimension” used in the Japanese version here is the same as before, so my notes on the regular Holo-Doomers also apply here.
And just like before, the EU English version changed “another dimension” to “extra dimension”, which I also went over back there.
Also, the Japanese version specifically uses the word “area” to refer to another dimension, which is also the term used for “areas” in Planet Robobot as a game.
I think this could just be to add some flavor to this description, though.
The game seems to use “area” in favor of “level” to give it a more mechanical and business-driven vibe. And so the narration is consistent with that internal logic of the game’s aesthetic.
The final line in the Japanese version says that there is no end to the mysteries about Susie “either”, which I think is simply a follow-up to the final line of the regular Holo-Doomers description.
The English version doesn’t have a connection between the two descriptions like that there.
かつて 存在した、古代のドラゴンという 生命体の データから 生み出された ホログラフだが、もしかしたら 今でもまだ どこかの 島の どうくつの おく深くで、 ひそかに 生きのびて いるのかも しれない。
Re:Holo-Ice Dragon
This hologram was created from the data of an ancient organic life form called a dragon, which has existed in the past, but it is also possible that they secretly continue to live on, deep inside a cave on an island somewhere.
Holo-Ice Dragon 2.0
This hologram was created from an ancient dragon. Dragons are no longer seen, but one of them may still be living quietly in a cave on an island somewhere. Who knows?
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description is mostly the same, except for a small detail that might be a bit confusing, but I’ll try to explain it.
There is some potential issue here regarding the usage of plural versus singular.
In my translation of the Japanese version, I have the description refer to dragons in a general sense, rather than one individual dragon.
The English version chose to use singular instead, for the most part.
As I mentioned before, there usually is no clear distinction between plural and singular in Japanese, so either way could work here.
That being said, the English version would still be slightly off, because if one chooses to use singular for the translation here, it has to be applied to all of the text.
If I were to apply singular for my own translation, it would become this:
This hologram was created from the data of an ancient organic life form called a dragon, which has existed in the past, but it is also possible that it secretly continues to live on, deep inside a cave on an island somewhere.
Therefore, the English version’s line “Dragons are no longer seen, but one of them (...)” would be inaccurate for that approach.
It should at least be something like “This dragon is no longer seen, but it (...)” instead.
At the end of the day, I don’t think the specifics actually matter much in this case right here, but I still wanted to explain them.
このモンスターが いたという 天空の国が 存在 するらしいが、いまだ キカイ化の しんりゃくが とうたつ できていない もよう。 この星には まだ、様ざまな みかいの エリアが 残されていることが うかがえる。
It appears that the land of the sky where this monster is said to be from really exists, but the mechanization invasion seemingly has yet to reach it. It's clear that there are still many uncivilized areas left on this planet.
Holo-C. Rattler 2.0
It is said that the People of the Sky who enshrined this monster still exist. It seems that the mechanization invasion has not reached them, due to their remote location.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
There are some slight alterations in this description.
Like before, “land of the sky” is changed to “People of the Sky”, so my notes on that also apply here.
The Japanese version has the narrator note that the supposed land of the sky apparently does exist, but the English version has the narrator say that the People of the Sky “still” exist.
The latter would imply that from the perspective of our vague narrator, the People of the Sky were known, but also previously thought to possibly not exist anymore.
In contrast, the former implies the land of the sky is only just being discovered.
Next, the Japanese version notes that there are still many “uncivilized areas” on Pop Star, following the prior statement that the land of the sky has yet to be reached by the invasion.
The English version changes this to stating that the People of the Sky have yet to be reached by the invasion “due to their remote location”.
This might have been an intentional change to sound less demeaning, but I can’t say for sure.
Really, this mostly changes the narrator’s attitude about the situation, since the Japanese phrasing still would imply that the company just needs more time to reach Floralia and other locations further away from their operations.
Also just for the reference, the word “areas” is once again the same one they use for the game’s main levels as well, keeping with the game’s aesthetic.
As an aside, the general narrator of these descriptions is not really a character, so slight differences in their limited knowledge and attitude about the world like in the two previous points are not that big of a deal.
But it’s interesting to me that in this description right here for example, the Japanese version of the narrator seems to roughly reflect the knowledge and attitude that the Haltmann Works Company would have.
In other places, the narrator’s knowledge and general perspective does shift to other sides too, I’m guessing to fit the mood that works best for each description.
Also, I mentioned in the last part how it’s strange that the English version didn’t just go for the shorter “Holo-Rattler” as the name, and this choice comes back to haunt them here, cause they had to spell “Holo-Coily Rattler 2.0″ as “Holo-C. Rattler 2.0″ to make it fit.
おさないころ、マザーコンピューターの 起動 じっけん時に じこに まきこまれ、ゆくえふめい となった という。時がたち、何を思い、ふたたび カンパニーに もぐりこんだので あろうか。 フルネームは「スザンナ ファミリア ハルトマン」。
Re:Secretary Susie
As a young child, she was supposedly involved in an accident during an experimental start-up of the Mother Computer, and went missing. (1) Whatever she may be thinking, some time later she must have snuck her way into the company once more. Her full name is "Susanna Familia Haltmann".
Susie 2.0
As a child, Sue [sic] was involved in an accident during a Mother Computer experiment and went missing. Why has she joined the company after all this time? Her full name is Susanna Patrya Haltmann.
Translation Note:
What I translated as “experimental start-up” could also be translated as “start-up experiment”, or the like.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
In the Japanese version, Susie’s middle name is “Familia”, which was changed to “Patrya” in the English version.
The Japanese one is probably based on the English word “family” or maybe even “familiar”, alluding to the story going on with her, and keeping with that Western influence they go for with her and the company.
I’m guessing the English version changed it because “Familia” might’ve seemed too on the nose about it?
Going by that, I think “Patrya” might be based on something like “patriarch” and related terms, which would also allude to the story surrounding Susie’s character.
The actual description is mostly the same, just rephrased to be shorter.
In the Japanese version it’s stated that the experiment during which Susie went missing was one about starting the Mother Computer, which ends up omitted in English.
Not hugely important, but interesting if you care about finer specifics of the story.
The Japanese version also mentions that Susie later “snuck her way” into the company, implying some obfuscation of details on her part when she joined.
That detail can already be inferred from the story alone, so not as much of a loss.
The US English version refers to Susie as “Sue” in this description for some reason.
I’m almost positive this was just a typo, since it seems very unlikely they would randomly introduce a second nickname for her only in this one screen.
The EU English version rephrased the first line slightly and fixed that spelling in the process, too.
メタナイトボーグのデータを もとにして 作られた、セキュリティマシンの量産型。 最新ぎじゅつにより かなり強化 されている。 もしも 実用化された場合、カンパニーの 戦力は ひやくてきに こう上するであろう。
Enhanced Mass-produced Meta Knight Borg
A mass-produced security machine model, built using data from the Meta Knight Borg as a basis. Its strength was enhanced considerably with the latest technology. If it were to be put into practical use, the company's military power would increase dramatically.
Stock Mecha Knight
This mass-production model is based on an upgraded Mecha Knight model. If this model goes into commercial production, the company's military power will dramatically increase.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
The ”Enhanced Mass-produced Meta Knight Borg“ had its name changed to “Stock Mecha Knight“, because yeah, there was probably no way to make a more literal translation fit here.
I think going for “Stock” here is pretty clever, boiling down the idea to its bare essentials, and with such little space, too.
The actual description is mostly the same, just rephrased to be slightly shorter.
The English version’s phrasing does make it sound like Stock Mecha Knight was based on Mecha Knight+ in particular, whereas the Japanese version has it be based on the data of the regular Mecha Knight.
声も すがたも まるでデデデ大王 と同じだが、 その心まで クローン化する ことは だんねんした。 いくつかの しさくでは、食べ物ばかり もとめたり、 とある こん虫を やたらと おそれたりと、 兵士として、不完全で あったため である。
Re:Clone Dedede
Its voice and appearance are just like King Dedede, but they have given up on cloning his heart, too. This is because there were several prototypes only interested in food, or exceedingly afraid of a certain insect, as well as other aspects that made them imperfect soldiers.
Dedede Clone 2.0
It has the look and voice of King Dedede, but not his soul. Some things can't be cloned. Some of the trial models were only interested in food, some were fearful of a certain insect, and all were imperfect.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
There is a pretty significant alteration or possible error in this description.
In the Japanese version, it’s stated that the company has given up on cloning Dedede’s “heart” because several prototypes ended up being imperfect soldiers.
What this means is that cloning his “heart” is actually possible for them to some extent, but since that causes the clones to take on parts of Dedede’s personality, it made them worse as soldiers.
So, they have given up on cloning the heart specifically because the clones having one has proven to be a detriment for their purposes.
In the English version, it’s instead stated that the company is unable to clone Dedede’s “soul”, because “some things can’t be cloned”.
In turn, the issues with the trial models are also implied to be unrelated general cloning issues.
So, while the Japanese version somewhat eerily states that cloning a heart is possible, but the company is now making the clones heartless on purpose, the English version seems like almost the complete opposite and states that cloning a soul is just not possible.
This could have been a translation error, but it could also be that the English localizers wanted to avoid crossing a certain line here and thus changed it intentionally.
Continuing from the previous point though, you may have noticed that the Japanese version uses “heart” while the English version uses “soul”.
The actual Japanese word used here is 心/kokoro, which is most commonly translated as “heart”, but it can also be translated as “soul” like the English version did - and also as “mind”, or even “feelings”, as well as other things like that depending on the context.
Because of that, it can have different connotations than just the English word “soul” on its own.
I think “heart” is a broad enough term that it works well here, and the Kirby series has a frequent heart motif as well, so I went with that, personally.
The term will also be brought up again in future descriptions down the line, so keep it in mind for later.
この立体砲台は とてつもなく高がくで、 ウィスピーウッズや メタナイトの サイボーグ化の なんと4倍。あの ギガヴォルトより 50億ハルトマニー も 高い。それでも、ハルトマンの乗る、純金の 「プレジデンバー」の 4分の1ほど ではある。
Re:Clone Dedede & D3 Cannon
This three-dimensional artillery is extremely expensive, costing no less than four times more than the cybernetic conversions of Whispy Woods and Meta Knight. It even surpasses the Gigavolt by 5 billion Haltmoney. However, that is still only about a quarter of what the "Presidenver" that Haltmann rides is worth, which is made of pure gold.
Dedede Cl. & D3 2.0
This tridimensional cannon is extremely expensive, costing a whopping four times more than Mecha Knight. However, it's still much cheaper than Haltmann's Executive Suit, which is made of pure gold.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description is mostly accurate, just rewritten to be shorter.
The English version simplifies the different cost comparisons in this description a lot, which is mostly expendable information, so that’s understandable.
Still, since the Japanese version has the room for it, it’s fun to see it continue with the trend of comedically focusing how much everything costs compared to one another, going with the themes of the game.
Also, Haltmann’s own mech is revealed to be called “Presidenver” in Japanese, which was changed to “Executive Suit” in English.
Either one goes along with the name of Susie’s mech, but since its name was omitted in the English version, this fact doesn’t come across there.
“Presidenver” is pretty self-explanatory, just adding “president” to “Rereinver”.
“Executive Suit” might be a play on “executive suite”, which is pretty amusing to me.
フルネームは「ゲインズ インカム ハルトマン」。 かつて ひとり娘を じこで なくし、それいらい 人の心も きおくさえも すて、カンパニーの成長の ためだけに 生きる男。だがそれも、娘に ふたたび会いたい ただその ねがいを かなえるため であったのだが…。
Re:President Haltmann
His full name is "Gains Income Haltmann". He once lost his only daughter in an accident, and ever since then, the man has been casting aside his heart and even his memories, living only for the sake of his company's growth. But even that too was only for the sake of granting his wish - to see his daughter once more...
Pres. Haltmann 2.0
His full name is Max Profitt Haltmann. Ever since losing his only child, he's dedicated his life to his company. However, his only wish is to see his daughter once again.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
In Japanese, Haltmann’s given and middle names are “Gains Income”, which was changed to “Max Profitt” in the English version.
“Gains Income” is obviously taken directly from “gains income”. Aside from probably referring to the fact that he’s about earning money, this also is another English-sounding name to go with the company’s aesthetic.
“Max Profitt” is a similar play on earning money, but done in a way that works better as a pun-based name for English-speaking audiences.
The actual description has one fairly notable omission in particular.
In the Japanese version, it’s specifically stated that Haltmann has been “casting aside his heart and even his memories“, which is not mentioned in English.
The fact that Haltmann doesn’t have all his memories anymore is crucial to understanding the story at this point, so leaving this out caused a lot of confusion for English-speaking fans around the time of the game’s release.
It would eventually be brought up again during the second Planet Robobot Ask-a-thon, so fans did get to learn about this, but it was still an inconvenience.
Not to mention that Miiverse has since been shut down.
The detail about Haltmann’s “heart” is interesting as well, since it gives additional insight into how Haltmann has presumably grown more callous over the years as well, rather than starting out the way we see him in the present day.
For the reference, the English Miiverse post adapted this as “compassion”, which works perfectly fine in this context, too.
The US English version doesn’t mention that Haltmann specifically lost his only child in an accident, but the EU English version actually included that part, too.
So I’m not really sure why the US English version omitted the “accident” detail.
星の夢に 入力されている データの中でも かなりの 強さをほこる 黒き剣の使い手。 クローン化に せいこうした ものの、かいせきは データの 一部に すぎず、その正体について いまだ、全ようかいめい には いたっていない。
Clone Swordfighter Dark Matter
Among the data that has been entered into Star Dream, this dark sword user boasts especially tremendous strength. Although it was cloned successfully, only part of its data has been analyzed, and its true nature has yet to be confirmed with certainty as of right now. (1)
Dark Matter Clone
Creating this dark swordsman pushed Star Dream to the limits of its abilities. The cloning process was a success, but only a partial data analysis was possible, and its true form has not yet emerged.
Translation Note:
The word I translated as “true nature” could also be translated as “true identity”, or other things along those lines. Either could potentially work in this context.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
“Clone Swordfighter Dark Matter” is shortened to “Dark Matter Clone”, most likely for space.
The US English version of the True Arena labels this boss as “Dark Matter Blade”, so I wonder if they originally intended to reflect the “swordfighter” part in the name as well, but partially dropped it.
The actual description has a few potential errors or changes.
In the Japanese version, it’s stated that Dark Matter Blade is one of the strongest included within Star Dream’s data.
The English version instead states that cloning him pushed Star Dream “to the limits of its abilities”.
This could have been a translation error, but it could also have been an intentional rewrite.
As mentioned in the translation note, I can’t say for sure if the Japanese version is supposed to refer to Dark Matter Blade’s “true nature” or “true identity” not having been confirmed yet.
The relevant line could either be referring to Dark Matter Blade’s true form, which the clone does take on during the battle, but it could also be referring to the other general mysteries about Dark Matter and its background.
Either way could work in this context, so I went with “true nature” in my translation, because you can read either interpretation into it.
The English version specifically goes for “true form” here, but also changes “has yet to be confirmed” to “has not yet emerged”.
So the implications are slightly different there.
この星の しんりゃく時に 見つけた 巨大な 植物の花から データを さいしゅ。不思議なことに、 こん虫の 女王の剣士の クローンが 生まれた。 データには 1000年にも およぶ 様ざまな 生物のデータが ふくまれており、ナゾがたえない。
Clone Sectonia
Data was collected from the flower of a giant plant that was discovered during the invasion of this planet. Curiously, it produced the clone of an insect queen swordswoman. The data includes that of various organisms, spanning a period of over 1000 years. The mysteries continue.
Sectonia Clone
Data was collected from traces of a giant flower the invaders stumbled upon. Cloning it produced the insect queen. Its data contains elements of creatures spanning a period of 1,000 years.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This description is mostly the same, just rephrased to be a bit shorter.
The switch from “Clone Sectonia” to “Sectonia Clone” is probably just to sound a bit more natural in English.
ギャラクティックナイト リターンズ
その力ゆえ おそれられてきた、全てを ほろぼし かねない 古の剣士。クローンではなく、未知なる 異空間ロードから 時空をこえ よびさまされた。 様ざまな時代で ふういん されてきた きろくが 残るが、しょうめつ させることは できていない。
Galactic Knight Returns
An ancient swordfighter, capable of destroying everything, who has come to be feared due to his power. He is not a clone - he has been awoken across time and space, from the unknown Another Dimension Road. There are records left behind of him having been sealed away in various eras, but he has yet to be destroyed completely.
Galacta Knight Returns
This ancient swordsman is feared for his immense power. He is not a clone. He was awakened and brought here via an extra-dimensional road beyond the space-time continuum.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
“Galactic Knight Returns” is renamed to “Galacta Knight Returns” in English.
This matches how this character has always been called in the English versions of Kirby games, of course.
The actual description is mostly accurate, just shorter, but the final sentence has been omitted entirely.
In the Japanese version, the final sentence provides some neat insight into Galacta Knight’s background, particularly the impact he has apparently had on people across history.
It’s a shame this is missing in the English version, but they most certainly couldn’t make it fit.
The “Another Dimension Road” is mentioned here again, which I already went over when I covered Meta Knightmare Returns, so all my notes there also apply here.
The English version again adapts it as “extra-dimensional road“, staying consistent with what they used in the cutscene.
星の夢.Soul OS (First Phase)
未知ノ ダメージに ヨリ、最終プログラムが アンロック。 アノ生命体ヲ ハイジョ デキる カクリツは、99.99% トナル。タダ ハルトマンと イウ 生命体の「ココロ」と いうモノが 不要なソンザイ とナル モヨウ。 コレヨリ、ハルトマンのメモリーの 消去ヲ カイシスル。
Star Dream.Soul OS (First Phase)
Unknown DAMAGE HAS CAUSED the final program TO be UNLOCKED. PROBABILITY OF ELIMINATING THAT organic life form is NOW AT 99.99%. ONLY THE OBJECT called the "HEART" of the organic life form CALLED HALTMANN WILL LIKELY PROVE TO BE innecessary. NOW INITIATING erasure of THE MEMORY OF HALTMANN. (1)
Star Dream Soul OS (First Phase)
The final program has been activated. Its calculated victory probability is 99.9%. However, a small part of Haltmann's soul is yet to be purged, which could throw a wrench in its plans.
Translation Note:
The literal term used in Japanese here is メモリー /memorī, which is a transliteration of the English word “memory”. This is normally used to refer to computer memory, rather than a person’s memories. Though the double-meaning might be intentional in this context.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
There are some notable details in this description.
First of all, the Japanese version is once again written from the perspective of Star Dream, as seen by its unmistakable speaking style.
However, unlike in the main story, Star Dream does not refer to itself in first-person here at any point.
Since the Soul OS battle seems to roughly follow after the events of Meta Knightmare Returns, this might reflect how Star Dream presumably never gained its own sense of self in that scenario, but that’s just a guess on my part.
Either way, in the English version this description does not seem to be written directly from Star Dream’s perspective.
If this is the case, it might have been an oversight, but I can’t say for sure.
I do think this is a shame, because it’s a nice callback to its final pause screen from the main story, and also may become more impactful once you see the remaining pause screens from this current boss battle.
A smaller detail, but the Japanese version specifies that the final program was unlocked by “Unknown DAMAGE”, which may refer to the cut done by Galacta Knight - as it can still be seen on Star Dream here.
This gives this boss battle a stronger connection to the events of Meta Knightmare Returns, even if the continuity of these extra mode stories is rather vague, of course.
This next detail will take a bit longer to go over, so bear with me.
In the English version, it’s stated that Star Dream has yet to purge “a small part” of Haltmann’s “soul”, and that this could be detrimental for it.
But in the Japanese version, Star Dream instead comes to the conclusion that Haltmann’s “HEART” will be innecessary. It also proceeds with the erasure of the “MEMORY” of Haltmann, which the English version does not yet bring up.
This results in some different potential implications here.
In the English version, the usage of “soul” would suggest that this must be Haltmann’s actual soul or spirit, but it’s not quite the same in Japanese.
While these extra stories only have vague continuity, keep in mind that as far as we know, Haltmann was never actually taken over directly by Star Dream in this scenario.
If this was meant to refer to Haltmann’s spirit, they could’ve easily used the same word for spirit they used during the final battle of the main story.
But instead, they use the same term “heart” that has already come up before in the descriptions for Dedede Clone 2.0 and Haltmann 2.0, which this current description also seems to follow up on.
Just like in the Dedede Clone 2.0 description, a heart is deemed as a flaw by Star Dream here. And we know from the Haltmann 2.0 description that Haltmann has been casting aside his own heart too, in a way.
This goes into speculation territory, but one could assume based on this that the “heart” of Haltmann which Star Dream currently possesses is the same heart that Haltmann has cast aside, either literally or figuratively.
Again, remember how the Dedede Clone 2.0 description confirmed that a heart is something that can artificially be reproduced in some form, so it wouldn’t have to literally be the same.
In any case, Star Dream’s method to rid itself of this “heart” is to start erasing the “MEMORY” of Haltmann.
This could mean that at the very least, the memories that Haltmann has lost over the years are stored or documented within Star Dream in some form.
Though not from the pause screen, further evidence of this is the fact that the objects summoned by Star Dream during its respective third phase are officially called “MEMORIES”.
And while they are all parts of Galactic Nova, they also all relate to specific details about Haltmann that were revealed in a Nintendo Dream interview (June 2016 issue.)
The Soul OS version of the attack also adds piano keys, a possible reference to Susie’s own profile mentioning that she plays the piano.
That last point was rather long, so to summarize it briefly:
While the English version suggests that Star Dream here contains Haltmann’s soul or spirit, much like in the main story, the situation appears to be a bit different in Japanese, given how the term “heart” can be used - and how it has been used in the game so far.
星の夢.Soul OS (Second-Final Phase)
だれが 何のために 作ったのかさえ 分からない。 そんなモノを なぜ わたしは 起動 させてしまったの だろうか。そうだ、かなえたい夢が あったはずだ… あぁ だが、マシンが 夢など かなえては くれない というのは、もう 分かっていたこと だというのに…
Star Dream.Soul OS (Second-Final Phase)
I don't even know who made it or for what purpose. Why would I activate something like that? That's right, I think I had a dream I wanted to be fulfilled... Ahh, but I already knew that a machine could never make dreams come true, and yet I...
Star Dream Soul OS (Second-Final Phase)
"Why did I reactivate such a terrible machine? Oh, I remember -- I wanted to see her just one last time. How foolish! I should have known that no machine could make such a dream come true."
Comparisons & Thoughts:
Just like the previous one, there are several notable details about this description.
Now, in both versions, this pause screen appears to be from Haltmann’s perspective, though the English version actually added quotation marks to it.
This could have been to make it more clear that this is from a specific person’s perspective, but the same was never done with Star Dream’s narration.
There could be another reason for this, which I’ll go over next.
Here’s a subtle detail you might not have caught.
While this is most likely Haltmann narrating here, the Japanese version has him refer to himself with the first person pronoun わたし/watashi.
In the actual story, he only ever used ワシ/washi to refer to himself.
But here’s the thing: in fiction, having a character refer to themselves as ワシ/washi is generally used to indicate that the character is old, and just by comparison, わたし/watashi sounds younger.
This could imply that this quote might in fact be from a time where Haltmann was at least somewhat younger than he is now.
In other words, a memory from the past, rather than a current thought in the present.
Being shown a memory of Haltmann at this point would also fit with Star Dream’s narration from the previous pause screen.
Because of that, I think the English version could be using the quotation marks to indicate this temporal distance, since they can’t really show it in the same way the Japanese version does.
But I can’t say for sure if that was the intent.
The Japanese version has Haltmann mention that he did not know who made the machine he’s talking about here, which is most likely Star Dream.
Interesting backstory tidbit there, if you’re curious about these.
Also in the Japanese version, Haltmann believes that a machine can’t actually make dreams come true in general. Though, we can’t know if he is correct about that.
In the English version, Haltmann only comes to the conclusion that no machine could make his specific dream come true.
On that note, Haltmann is never shown to recall what his dream was in the first place in Japanese, he only says that he must have had one.
In the English version, he explicitly remembers wanting to see “her” again being his dream.
It seems like almost a given that Haltmann’s dream here is referring to his wish of being reunited with his daughter, so it makes sense that the English version would change the text to make it obvious.
There is a non-zero chance that Haltmann actually had another dream, but that’s a whole different topic.
星の夢.Soul OS (Final Phase)
このコアからも ハルトマンのメモリーは、消えた。 最後に想う あの心も、消えた。その瞬間より 星の夢は 完全な 存在から ただの こわれたマシン となる。 夢も見ない、ゴハンも食べない、そんな あいては もはや、星のカービィの てきでは なかった!
Star Dream.Soul OS (Final Phase)
Haltmann's memory has disappeared from this core, too. And in the end, that feeling heart disappeared as well. That very moment, Star Dream turns from a perfect being into a mere broken machine. It doesn't have dreams, it doesn't even eat lunch - an opponent like that no longer stands any chance against Kirby of the Stars!
Star Dream Soul OS (Final Phase)
All of Haltmann's memories have been deleted from the OS. Even his soul-- the last trace of Haltmann--has vanished. Star Dream has gone from a near- perfect being to a cold, mindless machine.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This is the final description, so of course there is a lot to say again.
A minor detail, but in the Japanese version it’s said that the memory of Haltmann has now disappeared from “this core”, which is pretty straightforward, all things considered.
For some reason, the US English version instead says that Haltmann’s memories have been deleted “from the OS”, and the EU English version says they have been deleted “from the Mother Computer”.
This is also the first time the memories are brought up in English at all, so their relevance is a lot less clear.
And another minor detail related to this one.
I believe the specific phrasing of “disappeared from this core, too” in Japanese is meant to refer to the fact that Haltmann’s memories had already been lost by the man himself.
At least, that makes the most sense to me.
Once again, the English version uses “soul” where the Japanese version used “heart”.
The distinction between the two becomes especially important here, because while the English version says it’s the “soul” of Haltmann, the Japanese text is more vague about it.
Of course, the first Japanese pause screen of this battle did refer to it as the “heart” of Haltmann, but at the same time, remember that this would have basically been Star Dream’s own heart as well.
This also seems to be the implication going by the lines that follow afterwards.
Interestingly, the Japanese version describes Star Dream as having been a “perfect being”, whereas the English version just goes for “near-perfect being”.
This is very similar to how they changed Kirby’s energy from being described as “infinite” to “nearly infinite” in the main story.
I suppose they just don’t want to deal in absolutes with these.
The English version also goes on to describe Star Dream as now being a “cold, mindless machine”, instead of just a “broken machine” like in Japanese, which has different implications.
Star Dream being actually broken and not functioning as it should is another point that Kumazaki reiterated during the second Planet Robobot Ask-a-thon, so that’s another plot detail the English version technically omits here.
The English phrasing also leans more into the idea of Star Dream being a scary opponent, while the Japanese phrasing leans more into the idea of Star Dream being something pitiful - a similar sentiment to the descriptions of the main story’s final battle.
Adding to the point above, the English version also omits the final part of this last description.
The phrase “It doesn’t have dreams, it doesn’t even eat lunch“ references a recurring concept first introduced in the manual of Kirby’s Adventure - the fact that the people of Dream Land, and Kirby especially, love to take naps after lunch to have fun dreams.
This was referenced in the Japanese version of Kirby Super Star as well, where the pause screen description during the Starship segment of Milky Way Wishes features the line:
マルクのやぼうを さっさとくいとめ、 ゴハンたべて ねよう。
Let's stop Marx real quick, then have lunch and a nap.
That’s another Milky Way Wishes connection only in the Japanese version, but said line also wasn’t featured in the English version of Kirby Super Star in the first place.
And since the “Kirby of the Stars” title is also not really used in the English localizations of the Kirby series, it would have been hard to make this final bit of the pause description work, even if space weren’t an issue.
I think the Japanese version is stronger for having it, but there probably wasn’t much the English version could have done about this.
With all of the point-by-point comparisons out of the way here, I want to take a moment to go into some general thoughts on this battle as a whole and what each version implies about it.
Naturally this will have a bit more speculation on my part too, so keep that in mind.
If you only look at the English version, the implication you get is that during the Star Dream Soul OS battle, Star Dream is fused with Haltmann’s actual soul, in a similar manner to the events of the main story. (Even though those events may not have happened in the extra scenarios.)
It must be Haltmann’s own soul, because the English Dedede Clone 2.0 description states that a soul cannot be cloned.
Star Dream then proceeds to delete Haltmann’s last memories as well as his soul, because Haltmann’s soul had a chance of stopping its plan. (Even though it had no apparent issues about fusing with his spirit in the main story.)
Therefore, during this battle Haltmann is essentially killed “deader than dead” by Star Dream, for the lack of a better wording - his very soul eradicated for good.
The middle pause screen during the battle may be thought of as Haltmann’s final thoughts before ultimate oblivion in this interpretation.
I don’t think this is just what I myself take away from the English version, because this is the most common interpretation I have seen from English-speaking fans over the years.
It can come across as a tragedy in which Haltmann is finally destroyed for good by a terrible machine he could never truly control.
Now, onto the Japanese version.
The exact details leave more room for speculation, because of how vague the term 心/kokoro or “heart” can be.
But the way I understand it is that Star Dream has been storing the memories that Haltmann has been losing over the years.
In addition to that, it would likely have data on Haltmann’s current memories and thoughts as well, as seen in the main story.
From this, it gained the “heart” of Haltmann, or at least a partial reproduction of it, allowing it to feel and think in a way similar to Haltmann. Just like the early Dedede clones with cloned hearts acting similar to King Dedede in various ways.
However, Star Dream never fuses with Haltmann’s spirit in the extra scenarios.
Because of that, it never gains its own sense of self, and fails to understand the purpose of a heart, deeming it a potential flaw to be purged, just as it did with the updated Dedede clones.
Thus, it deletes the memories of Haltmann, which brought about the heart in the first place, and thus loses said heart again, becoming a lifeless object once more - no longer able to think and feel anything.
And there is another subtle detail in the Japanese version related to that, too.
During this battle, the first description is narrated by Star Dream, the second seems to show a memory of Haltmann, and the final one goes back to the general narrator.
This could possibly represent the transition of Star Dream starting out with that heart, sifting through the memories to delete them, and finally having become just a machine again, so it no longer has any thoughts that could serve as the narration.
This potentially paints the Soul OS battle specifically more as a tragedy of Star Dream itself. A machine that achieved the miracle of being alive with a heart, but proceeded to undo said miracle all on its own, without even realizing what it was really doing.
Also, Kumazaki only specified this on Miiverse, but Haltmann losing his memories from overusing Star Dream was also because it was broken.
So this was never something that was supposed to really happen in this way, had it functioned properly.
Overall, Star Dream can feel like more of a tragic figure in the Japanese version, and more of a villainous figure in the English one.
Several small differences between the versions across the game reflect this, with moments painting Start Dream as pitiful or even pathetic being altered or omitted.
However, this is a very general summary of it, the Japanese version still has Star Dream being the main antagonist, and the English version has plenty of moments where the tragic aspects to Star Dream are still apparent.
Final Thoughts on the Pause Screens:
First, let me say, I am very impressed by the English localization of these pause screens.
Really, look up these screens for yourself some time, they pushed these to their limits. Almost every single one of them is crammed full with as much text as they could possibly fit in.
Yes, they still had to cut a lot out here and there, but clearly not from lack of trying.
Of course, the fact of the matter still ends up being that the Japanese version simply has more good stuff in it.
A lot of stuff is “expendable”, but losing fun fluff all the time adds up, I feel.
The extra modes pause screens especially also feature a few major errors or alterations, as well as omissions that do end up being detrimental to the story in some form.
The biggest one I feel is the fact that Haltmann’s memory loss is not brought up at all, because that one detail is the puzzle piece that makes everything fall into place and let’s the player finally understand what is going on with the emotional core of the story.
So much of the details regarding Star Dream are up to interpretation, so I’m perfectly willing to let the broader details be, but the Japanese version still does a better job of dropping small details earlier on that become relevant for it at the end.
And it’s not just Star Dream, the Japanese version overall has more of these smaller connections and continuity across the pause screens, and connections to the actual story contents as well. So they feel more like smaller pieces in a carefully crafted whole, where everything is interconnected and enriches the story.
Again, the English version probably couldn’t have done much different here, due to the difficult conditions translators and localizers usually have to work with - lack of context, lack of time, limited space, etc.
I guess what I am getting at is that I do prefer the Japanese version, and would recommend fans to check it out (though if you are reading this, I suppose you already have), but don’t assume this means I have a disdain for English version.
It’s very well done, considering the circumstances.
And with that, my coverage of the game’s pause screen descriptions come to a close as well.
Feel free to check out the previous parts of my Kirby: Planet Robobot translation comparisons if you haven’t already, and thank you very much for reading!
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
I have a few impossible questions for you! 😉
Who’s your favorite character from the POTA franchise?
And who’s your favorite for each movie?
Who’s your favorite to write for?
Which character comes the easiest to write for you? Which is the hardest?
Hope you’re having a great day!!
Screams into the void Only doing the reboot franchise rn, I'm working on watching the old ones lol.
Who’s your favorite character from the POTA franchise? Don't come @ me for this okay, I swear I have the most logical sound reasoning and anyone who thinks I'm going to say Noa owes me one penny. Blue Eyes. HEAR ME OUT. I know his screen time was remarkably short, and he really deserved more but he leaves me wanting to think about his characterization. About what he'd have been able to accomplish had he lived and taken the metaphorical throne from Caesar. I don't think it was unintentional, the fact that he looks more like Cornelia, where as Cornelius looks more like Caesar. Blue Eyes was Cornelia's son and Cornelius was Ceasar's, okay okay. It's apparent he's deeply thoughtful ( albeit a bit easy to swing to one radical side like he did with Koba, but I personally think he'd have overcome that once he got older and was more secure in his reasoning and thoughts ), he's kind to others, funny, understanding, he reserved intense judgement on humans until he was face to face with one ( and got pulled into the hatred by Koba. ) He has FLAWS. Like, turning his back against his Father's way by going with Koba to war, and then having to cope and deal with the consequences, and coming to the realization himself that his Father was right all along, and that Koba was wrong. Another good Flaw? He's oblivious in a lot of retrospectives. Lake's feeling for him? BAH, he has no IDEA. Even in War when Cornelia gets his attention to look at Lake? He's devoted to his FAMILY BABY. Another?! He's naïve because of his age, which brings me to my next point here:
HE REMINDS ME OF YOUNG CAESAR. Caesar wanted to know his place, never quite belonging even though he had a Human family unit, and he ultimately got the chance to do that with Rise. Blue Eyes was still so young, and had the chance to find his place, to know where he stood when he was on his own two feet and just... The limitless things he could have done really get me invested in his character when I start to think about it because would he have ruled like his Father, or would he have ruled with more juxtpositions from his Mother.
I mean, what could he have become? He had such great potential to rule with power and promised stability like Caesar wanted, but he also had the capability of being more introspective and in-tune with his emotions, more emotional in a lot of regards compared to Caesar himself. He was deeply loyal to his father, mother and brother. *Screams into a pillow* I feel like i just rambled and none of it made SENSE.
And who’s your favorite for each movie? Rise - Caesar. Dawn - Tie between Koba and Blue Eyes. War - Bad Ape. ( all jokes aside, I love him ) KIDDING, IT'S CAESAR baby. Kingdom - Noa ( Self explanatory, JUST LOOK AT HIM. Also, don't get me started because I will go into straight character analysis mode and I have not done that in SUCH A LONG TIME. Unless you guys wanted me to, I mean I could lol. Just ask. )
Who’s your favorite to write for?
I started in this fandom with Noa. He is my baby boy, I love him to the ends of the EARTH.
My favorite to write for though?
Heavy tie between Caesar and Noa in general.
Caesar's interesting in the aspects that I see a lot of my own self-reflection / ability to see the good in things in him.
Noa's interesting because I see a lot of my own self-loathing/deprecation in him, especially when he tears himself down with ideas that he is not as great as his father, nor will he ever be ( Something he ultimately comes to terms with before overCOMING ).
Which character comes the easiest to write for you? Which is the hardest?
Easiest - Definitely Caesar. Uhm, hello? I just really like to dally in details regarding him, and I feel like since he is genuinely an Ape of few words at times, it's so much fun to speckle in the detailing in his fics and headcanons to make up for loss of dialog.
Hardest - Uhmmmmm It's gotta be Koba right now. ( notice lack of fics for him lol. ) I want to get his characterization just right, I am a big stickler for them not being OOC because I know how that takes away from reading. I've been watching the movies, and reading the books though to get more of a sturdy basis for him so I can feel more confident in writing his character. <3 <3
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
alright here we go the cycle of delays continues
i rlly don’t wanna think about sunghoon going to the gym I JUST DONT
JDNSJDB “chaotic lawful” it makes sense but i find it hilarious that jaan is just . inventing new alignments jino gives me more of a chaotic good vibe bc he’d never go off on his own to do smth harmful or dangerous (unless it’s to save his brothers’ lives then Anything is fair game) but i can see him maybe like . openly using his power in public bc he found a baby kitten who’s shivering and cold and needs to warm it up
HELP YOU KNOW THE “there are many benefits of being a marine biologist” MEME??? LIKE THAT EXCEPT ITS NOA WITH HIS CATS AND “there are many benefits to being tall”
oh shion would be SO invested in celebrity pop culture don’t even get me Started. both him and sunoo are of my list of “you. me. brunch. bottomless mimosas. gossip. let’s go.” THEYD JUST BE SUCH GREAT BRUNCH PARTNERS. shion would be ridiculously caught up on all the drama and would just hand all that tea out for Free. i can imagine him with a crowd of girls around him as he’s jabbering away just like “uh huh, yeah, go on, NO WAY, SHE SAID THAT???”
jino as the darling of all the grandmothers 🥹🥹 theyd all be like “oh he’s such a sweet, sensible boy” (cue heli’s eye twitching bc “sEnSiBLe???”) those cookies he’s always baking in the decelis kitchen? they’re not for him he doesn’t need actual food- it’s to take to the grandmothers on the next visit
- vrvr anon (who is currently is a time zone 8 hours ahead of yours and doesn’t know how to process time)
yeah lets keep it going people HSJDHDJ
hoon arms . that is all i will say on that subject
YEAH JAAN STRAIGHT-UP MAKING NEW ALIGNMENTS HSGJDBFJFB hes just that special!!! jino is definitely chaotic good tho you're absolutely right. in terms of hiding their powers, heli is lawful good (and i say JUST in terms of hiding powers because general alignment-wise he's definitely got some chaos to him), always super careful and cautious to keep him and his brothers as concealed/under the radar as possible. meanwhile jino's out here busting out the fire powers if a little kid's shivering on the street because they lost their mom, or entertaining/cheers up little kids with his powers because if the tell their parents the parents will probably think he's some sort of stuntman or something. and heli just stands next to him like "if i had a working heart you'd have given me about twenty heart attacks by now"
NO PLEASE HGSJFHFJF noa would just be sitting cross-legged with like twenty kittens in his lap and hanging off his arms like "there are many benefits to being tall" SO TRUE. this kind of reminds me of the recent cuttoon a little bit, which has me thinking-- if solon is the dog boy of the group (in. more senses than one, but right now we're just talking about one of them), then noa is probably the cat boy, not just behavior-wise but also in his LOVE for cats. it also fits because theyre both the (externally, at least) intimidating stone-faced ones of the group, and where solon goes soft where dogs are involved, noa would probably get EXTREMELY mushy when it comes to cats. for example one of his brothers finds him out on the grounds, sitting hunched over behind a bush and crying, and theyre all concerned bcs oh my god noa whats wrong are you okay??!? and then he sits up with his watery eyes and gestures to the pile of itty bitty near-newborn kittens in front of him, because it turns out one of his favorite campus cats had kittens and took him to see them. so. YEAH noa and cats :D
i did not think i would have that many thoughts about noa with cats WOW okay moving on . shion would absolutely be the best gossip partner ever-- he strikes me as being very invested in current celebrity pop culture from (at first, anyway) an outsider's point of view, you know kind of like how some adults try to be weirdly versed in memes and internet slang and stuff to get "in with the kids"? except nobody at decelis NOTICES that's what he's doing because he actually LOOKS like one of the kids. and eventually he gets so well-versed in the culture and behavior of modern teens that he blends in seamlessly lmao (im ALSO now imagining a scenario where he and his brothers are just chilling in their dorms or something and he says some sentence thats just FULL of internet/modern Young People slang. theres silence, and then jaan just sighs heavily, drops his head into his hands and goes "weve been in this fucking school too long")
HELP i just got a very funny mental image of there being parent-teacher conferences (which. i dont know why the boys would be there exactly seeing as they HAVE no parents but SHHH this is for the comedy), and jino is there and he meets someone's grandma. the grandma is just absolutely TAKEN with him and they spend ages chatting about just any manner of things, getting along generally like a house on fire. then like a couple weeks later the woman's granddaughter goes to visit, and grandma nags her about her love life and potential boyfriends, as grandmas do. and maybe she brings up in passing "hm i talked to a very nice boy at parent-teacher conferences a few days ago, i think he'd be good for you. what did he say his name was again? juno? jino?" and the student, being well-versed in the decelis social pyramid and Popular Crowd, full-on fALLS OUT OF HER CHAIR because "jINO??!?". lmaooo
NO YEAH. THAT. THEM. IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEYRE DOING IT "LIKE NORMAL TEENS" AS LONG AS THEYRE HAPPY YEAH EXACTLY. and nowww im having feelings about them unintentionally mirroring how they used to act as kids and having a bizarre sense of deja vu because "it feels like weve been here before". haha :')
youre probably not still in a timezone 8 hours ahead of me but uh. if you are. i hope youre having fun wherever you are?
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albatris · 3 years
HI hello hope you're enjoying this nice rainy Tuesday, I was listening to 'The Only House That's Not On Fire (Yet)' and I know it's a ATDAO bop and I was just curious as to how exactly? May I request a Ramble? As in-depth as you would care to be? Thank you thank you
hey hey hello hi!! I am enjoying this nice rainy-Tuesday-that-is-now-a-not-rainy-Thursday c: I hope you're enjoying it also, hope you're goin good, hope you're up to all sorts of cool stuff!
thank you for the question!!! I am always always excited at any opportunity to ramble about ATDAO song choices so as soon as I saw this in my inbox my thoughts started going a billion miles an hour
anyway, hey, yeah, ramble time! ramble might be a little fuzzily-worded because my brain is a little fuzzily-everythinged but hopefully it makes enough sense ahaha
ok, so!
this one is a bit of a peculiarity on the ATDAO playlist, actually! it falls into the category of "this song doesn't have an awful lot of direct plot relevance and is mostly just here because Vibes" yet, somehow, if pressed to name the song on the playlist that encapsulates ATDAO best as a whole, I would say it comes pretty close to the top spot :P
so, yes, a lot of the specifics of the lyrics don't particularly fit if we're thinking in literal terms......... the ENERGY is unparalleled though. HOWEVER I do have some particular parts of the song I can direct your attention to, of course, which I'll get into in a sec -
but ya, as for the song as a whole? it's the cheerful, upbeat acceptance of a series of completely bizarre circumstances! it's just a good bop for being like Welp I Guess This Is My Life Now. and being so accustomed to the completely bonkers state of your reality that it's all just completely mundane to you, which parallels to ATDAO so nicely
plus the start of the second verse, like so
I feel strangely regular / but honestly I prefer it to the usual bizarre / damn that oxymoron
AND the very...... feeling....... concept.....? of this being the only house that's not on fire yet is just kind of like........ I mean, whatever the narrator of the song is involved in, it very much gives me the impression of being entirely at the whims of some force that's volatile and completely incomprehensible
with the "yet" being crucial
But something keeps me as a pet / the only house that's not on fire yet
combined with the general tone of the music gives me the image of just like. sitting on ur front porch sipping a margarita, having just watched the rest of your street devolve into chaos and fire knowing you're completely at the mercy of something bizarre and all-powerful and just being like. "hm. yikes. anyway--"
it's a good tone for the general state of the ATDAO world, which is full of people going about their everyday lives against this bizarre backdrop of ever-present looming apocalyptic dread, completely at the whims of a chaotic and indifferent universe
the world is ending! the world is ending! a reality-warping sinkhole just opened in your local bowling alley! but in more pressing concerns, you're almost out of milk, you should try and get to the store before it closes or your mum won't have anything for her cereal tomorrow morning
another point I wanna address is the bridge (?) which is just
the punchline is that there is no punchline
repeated over and over, which is the kicker for this song in its relation to ATDAO imo
'cause like
the theme in ATDAO that keeps coming back and the main......... antagonistic......... concept? force? The Thing The Protagonists Are Constantly Up Against And Struggling With In Some Fashion Or Another? is simply "there is no meaning to this, there is no answer, there is no grand puzzle to be solved, this is all just cold and unfeeling cosmic machinery that doesn't even know you exist"
quite literally, if this is the universe's idea of a joke, there's no punchline
like, the things that happen to Tris and Noa (and Shara and Kai), the things that set the plot in motion, these are acts of chance, these are people being in the wrong place at the wrong time, these are ordinary human people getting swept up into the gears of this endless grinding machine they can barely comprehend and There Is No Point To It. There Is No Motivation Behind It. it happens because it happens!
and there's this shift from like..... seeing it through this very human lens, being angry AT something, being angry AT a particular force, trying to reason with it, trying to plead with it, trying to make it hear you......... to the realisation that there's nothing on the other end of it, there's nothing there to hear you, nothing to take the force of your anger and fear. and like, you knew you were alone, but you're only just realising you're ALONE
n just. "there is no punchline" just clicks FANTASTICALLY for that
(n of course, that's..... grim. so it bears repeating that, like...... the whole heart and soul of ATDAO is people coming face-to-face with the reality of an uncaring unfeeling universe and deciding, Hey, No, Fuck You. it's people caring about people, intentionally, purposefully, violently, no matter the costs! it's the human capacity for love and kindness and connection in the face of horror and indifference! and it matters! even if it doesn't matter at all, it matters!! it matters here and now in this tiny speck of time and space!! love is at the centre of everything!! it's the single greatest act of defiance against the nothing!!!!)
(and that's not relevant to this post at all, I just would have hated to leave on that sort of note LMAO)
long story short: tune good c:
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thebudgetgarden · 3 years
The Budget Garden 2: Tachikaze “Goodstuff” (V-Premium)
Hello Cardfighters, So, I haven’t even completed a total of 3 posts before I got my very first request ! A person from my Vanguard playgroup overheard me mention this blog in passing to one of my friends, and so asked me if he could see my approach to a very cheap and strong Tachikaze deck. This, for those who are not in the know, is already a challenge, as Tachikaze is based on certain interactions with it’s own units, and on much more rare occassions, very strong, individual cards. So, I thought I would discuss one of the very first decks I build by myself, Tachikaze Goodstuff, an Accel deck that aims to hit hard and hit fast. 
Let’s begin with the grade 3 units, as understanding our win conditions is the key to success with learning and handling Tachikaze properly. 
We shall begin first with a list of our main grade 3 units, which in this case are varying rations of 4 different units, these being:
Light Battle Dragon, Gigannoblazer
Sundering Dragon, Terror Therizeeno
Fiery Light Dragon, Opticalcerato
Savage Mercenary 
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[CONT](VC):During your turn, if three or more new equip gauges were put for your units this turn, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000. [ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1) & Soul Blast (1)], draw two cards, and call two cards from your hand to (RC). Put up to one card from the top of your deck face down as an equip gauge for each of those units. (Put without looking at the front of those cards)
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When it attacks a vanguard, COST [retire another rear-guard], draw a card, if a unit with equip gauge was retired for this cost, choose one of your opponent's rear-guards, and retire it.
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When placed, or when it attacks a vanguard, you may put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for one of your rear-guards.
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[CONT]:You cannot normal ride this card. [CONT](RC):If you have no units with equip gauge in the same column as this unit, this unit cannot attack. So, wow, right off the bat, there is a lot to unpack, so let us take it step by step, first by explaining the notion of what “goodstuff” means. “Goodstuff”, used in the context of card games, is a strategy or type of playstyle that doesn’t adhere to the usual norms of having a normal win condition and trying to fullfill that condition every game. It practically means that we are a Jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none.  Taking a look at our grade 3 line-up, this notion becomes all the more noticeable, as we dont really follow a coherent gameplan, rather we decide to play as many tools as possible in order to have the best chance of winning. Reading through these cards, we can already gleam at least three characteristics that set Tachikaze apart from all of the other clans in the game, with those key-words being: Equip gauge, which means placing the top card of your deck under one of your units as a “marker” or “indicator” that can be used in conjunction with various effects Retire, meaning getting rid of one of ours or one of our opponent’s rear-guard units. Excuse me for making such a long-winded introduction to what someone would innitially think is a fairly simple and easy to play deck, but understanding these concepts, as easy as they are for some, is an integral part of understanding the clan as a whole. That is very obvious with our main boss unit, Gigannoblazer. Gigannoblazer encapsulates the essence of Tachikaze perfectly. Not only does he possess a very strong advantage skill that helps facilitate very aggressive plays, but he also allows the Cardfighter that is using him to give a healthy 5k boost in the front row, allowing for magic numbers and choke-points to be hit in a much easier fashion. This is highlighted further by Terror Therizeeno, a strong back-up ride target, as well as a potent rear-guard unit. His skill might seem odd initially, but there is a lot of synergistic potential with his retiring skill, as he allows for dead columns that have already performed their attack to provide some value for you, both in forms of a draw and retiring a pesky unit your opponent may have.  Opticerato is also fairly basic and simple. He’s a good call target that also functions well with the rest of the deck while attacking. A very simple and strong card, running a few copies wouldn’t hurt any Tachikaze deck. Savage Mercenary is an odd one. With a whopping 27k power, higher than any grade 3 in the game, you would think that his restrictive skill would stop him from being a gread addition, however, that is simply not the case. With a stupidly easy condition to fulfill, Mercenary becomes a very strong unit that cannot be blocked easily. Having a few copies in your deck as a simple and strong finisher is a must, as this card can easily steal wins from our opponents. All of these cards, while very strong, are also incredibly cost effective. If you were to buy a play-set of each card, meaning 4 copies of each individual grade 3, it would hardly set you back about 6 euros, which is a laughably low cost for such high impact units. 
Moving on to the Grade 2 Units, we find ourselves in a very odd and unique predicament.
The grade 2 line-up for Tachikaze is, for a lack of a better term, completely pre-determined. This is not, however, a bad thing. It just means that the choices that we do have are both so powerful and inexpensive that they would usually find their home in the full competitive versions of these decks. The downside, though, is that the creative aspect gets a tiny bit stiffled, which is a small price to pay for such power-houses.
The grade 2 line-up is split amongst 4 very high impact units, those being:
Clearout Dragon, Sweeperacrocanto
Ravenous Dragon, Megarex
Turbo Smilodon
Regiment Dragon, Regiodon
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[AUTO](RC)1/Turn:When it attacks a vanguard, put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for this unit. [CONT](RC):This unit gets [Power]+5000 for each of this unit's equip gauges, and if it has three or more equip gauges, it cannot be chosen by your opponent's card's abilities.
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When it attacks a vanguard, COST [retire another rear-guard], and draw a card. If this unit is on (RC), COST [Counter Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for this unit, and it gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle for each gauge equipped to this unit.
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When placed, or when it attacks a vanguard, you may put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for one of your rear-guards.
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When it attacks, you may put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for one of your rear-guards. [AUTO]:When retired from (RC) by your card's ability, call up to one card from this unit's equip gauge to (RC). You may put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for that unit. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn. There is a lot to unpack here. Simply put, both Sweeper and Megarex are insane cards, maybe unfair in the general landscape of budget deck-building. Sweeper gives himself an equip gauge on attack, and he gets 5k power and a removal dodge ability… on BOTH players’ turns. Meaning that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, on the first turn that sweeper is played, he is going to be a 19k-24k attacker that keeps his high numbers and is resistant to pretty much all forms of removal, apart from some unique cases. There was a point that this card was so good people were considering it as a possible candidate for a BAN. Couple that with its laughably low price point, at 50 cents each, and it’s no wonder why people still use this card in every possible build of Tachikaze, no exceptions. Megarex is a completely different beast entirely. His power-up skill is a bit more restrictive, but it follows the exact same path as sweeper, simply less efficient, while also being more susceptible to removal. He more than makes up for it, however, with his retire and draw skill, which is completely free and works perfectly with the rest of the clan. Another thing to note is that he is insanely cheap, an entire playset of him going for about 1 euro and 20 cents. There is not a lot to be said about Turbo Smilodon, he’s a grade 2 version of Opticalcerato, a card we briefly discussed in the grade 3 section. Smilodon is, also, quite an expensive card. In the time of me writing this, we still dont know what the reprint price for him is from the new Revival Collection set, so for now he is sitting at a comfortable 1 euro and 50 cents per copy. If he’s not readily available, then running the grade 3 Optic is suggested as a replacement. Regiodon is also quite simple. A lot of skills in Tachikaze require the retiring of a rear-guard to be activated, and Regiodon is an excellent card, working as not only fodder for the rest of the team, but also as a multi-attack engine, if placed on an Accel marker. A lot of utility as well as a little bit of extra oomph for your combo turn.
The grade 2 line-up was a million times better than anticipated, but with that, it is now time to move along to the grade 1 line-up. The grade 1 line-up, to a certain extend, has also been solved, however a bit more of a creative spin can be put in it if any Cardfighter feels like experimenting.
There are several key budget units to consider right off the bat, those units being: 
Fierce Claw Dragon, Laceraterex
Full Speed Dragon, Bluesprint
Angry Roar Dragon, Roarbaryo 
Sonic Noa 
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[AUTO](RC):When placed from hand, put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for this unit. [AUTO]:When it is retired from (RC), COST [Soul Blast (1)], and return up to one gauge equipped to this unit to your hand.
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[AUTO](VC/RC):When it attacks, you may put one card from the top of your deck face down as an equip gauge for one of your rear-guards. [AUTO]:When retired from (RC) by your card's ability, call up to one of this unit's equip gauges to (RC). You may put one card from the top of your deck face down as an equip gauge for that unit. This ability may only be used by a card with the same card name once a turn.
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[AUTO](RC):When placed, COST [Soul Blast (1)], put the top card of your deck face down as an equip gauge for one of your other rear-guards, and that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn for each of its equip gauges.
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[AUTO](RC):When it boosts a rear-guard, put the top card of your deck face down as an
equip gauge
for the boosted unit.
[AUTO](VC/RC):When its attack or the attack that it boosted hits a vanguard, COST [retire one other rear-guard], and draw a card.
The grade 1 line-up, just like the grade 2 line-up, is also quite excellent. We have more and more cards that fulfill our win-condition and allow us to have options no matter what the current board-state is. 
An overwhelming amount of utility and value comes from both Bluesprint and Laceraterex, 2 cards that don’t only gauge themselves but also allow us to get even more value from our retires, both from a card-advantage, in the case of Laceraterex, and a potent multi-attack engine, in the case of Bluesprint. 
Roarbaryo, however, is just pure damage output. With the cost of just one soul he can make a unit not only get an equip gauge for future usage, but also gives a boost that can range from just 5k, to 25k in the case of Sweeper. Overall a very simple and strong card. The 3 cards discussed above will not set you back more than 2 euros for a playset of all of them.
Sonic noa is a special case. He is a bit pricier and harder to come by compared to the previous cards that we discussed, but his effect more than makes up for it. Sonic Noa is our decks’ WHOLE game-plan, condenced into one card. Equip gauges, self-retire, card draw, he does it all and he does it very well. A playset of him will set you back about 2 euros but he’s getting reprinted in the next revival collection, so picking him up won’t be a difficult task in the coming weeks.
Example decklist 
This particular list is not only very cheap and strong, but it’s also an excellent investment for future Tachikaze builds, if you wish to stick with this particular clan.
4x Gigannoblazer
2x Terror Therizeeno
2x Opticalcerato
1x Savage Mercenary
4x Sweeper
3x Megarex
3x Turbo Smilodon
2x Regiodon
4x Roarbaryo
4x Sonic Noa
2x Bluesprint
2x Laceraterex 
x1 Starting Vanguard 
x4 Draw Perfect Guards
x4 Heals
x8 Front Triggers
(Please keep in mind that these lists are made with the Budget Constraints first, as well as what is the most optimal ratio of cards depeding on their availability in Greece. All of these prices and lists are subject to change, but keeping the price low is the number 1 priority.) 
Final Price: ~19 Euros
Closing thoughts and Special thanks
While this particular Budget profile wasn’t as long as the Previous one, I feel like I did a good enough job at showcasing one of the least appreciated clans out there, and I hope I assisted you in finding a new and interesting deck or playstyle. As a massive tachikaze fan (one of my top 5 favorite clans), this deck was a joy to playtest and write about.Special thanks to my friend Dimitri, who without him this Budget Profile wouldn’t have existed, as well as a special thanks to my close friends for reading through the previous post, even though they don’t know a single thing about Vanguard.That’s all for now, Cardfighters ! If you have read this far, thank you so much for your time and attention. Have a wonderful rest of your day ! Bloom aka thebudgetgarden (if you have any questions, feel free to contact my discord account: Bloom#8890) 
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everythingispaper · 3 years
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“It’s limitless what we can do if it’s supported.” -Judah1
David “Judah1” Oliver is the first Poet Laureate of the City of Pomona, and a testament to the potential of its support. He is also a Civil Engineering Inspector, a father, and an Official City Cultural Arts Advisor. But before he got the city behind him, he had it in his vision. Mr. Oliver started writing poetry at seven years old, but got serious about it at fifteen. A Mic and Dim Lights, founded by Judah’s mentor, Cory “Besskepp” Cofer, in downtown Pomona, October of 2000, is where the laureate would become synonymous with poetry in The City.
“I met Judah at “A Mic and Dim Lights,” about 22 years ago. We’ve been friends ever since. He’s the type of person that will change his plans to meet up with you to talk with you over a beer about your spiritual growing pains, the changing thoughts you’re experiencing. He really did this a few times with me. If I had to pick one word to describe my old friend it would be, without a doubt, “alignment.” Spirituality, purpose, art, service, community, livelihood, they’re all aligned with him, and I’ve watched him struggle to achieve that alignment.” -Devon Ward
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“I was always there when there was poetry going on and I would always spit a new poem”, the first laureate shares.
“Judah has a unique gift of bringing artists together from different genres. In many cases, all under one roof at one time. It's beautiful when it happens. This gift will serve Pomona well while he is Poet Laureate, and beyond. His ambition and love for poetry resonates. His leadership and involvement in the community is consistent, infectious and wonderful for our community.” -Besskepp
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Judah’s skills with the pen and on the mic got the attention of poets in surrounding communities. He was asked to compete as a part of the Los Angeles team in 2005 and 2006. Pomona hadn’t yet formed it’s own squad. Judah1 started Lionlike Mindstate--an open mic poetry staple in Pomona--in 2008. The Poets of Pomona and the Inland Empire approached Mr. Oliver shortly after to lead a team of their own, and in 2009 the team competed and got 17th in the Nation. Then in the 2010 the team headed to Minneapolis to compete again. This time they came in second in the Nation!
“He is a griot of his generation with a heart for his city and the people. There are many mountains he has moved in the name of purpose, poetry and Pomona”, Treesje--the First Lady of LionLike MindState and a member of the competing team tells me she’s “Honored to partner with him as a friend and co-host.”
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In 2011 Judah opened Machine Pomona--a physical space in downtown, right next door to the Pomona Fish Market. This is where I met Judah and got to witness, first-hand his mind at work. Judah would be hosting the LionLike MindState poetry events, throwing hip hop shows, providing RAW Vegan Food demonstrations and workshops, plus yoga and capoeira classes. Judah supported his city with a space and the city answered back with the artists, artwork, and energy to fill it. “I am a machine in myself, that’s why the space was called “Machine”.
David “Judah1” Oliver’s Machine Pomona changed the way the Inland Empire treated it’s art on a scale that reached beyond poetry. More art spaces and art-based events began to spring up and flourish and Judah’s support of the hip hop community was pertinent as well.
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“When I’m feeling lost or distracted I would get a text out of nowhere from Judah saying ‘what’s next?’” Noa James, a pioneer in Inland Empire hip hop shares. “My brother is a beacon of inspiration. He helps his community in every way.”
“When I joined his beautiful spoken word community, he accepted me as I was: a rapper with a worthwhile message. His humility, his wisdom, his friendship, and spoken word have left a lasting impact on me as a man and a musician”, said Curtiss King.
Knowing what I know about Judah as an artist and a community leader--what he’s been able to do with so little for so many--I wanted to know why being the official Poet Laureate of the City of Pomona is so important. He’s already been doing the groundbreaking for so many years and already been pouring so much of himself into the people of The City and they’ve been pouring back into him.
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“That’s the power of the Laureate. It’s like: Wow. The City really got behind one of us. The City is vested in me and that’s cool.”
That is cool. It’s more than cool. The City of Pomona is making a serious statement about rewarding the righteous work of it’s artist community, by backing Judah1, and it's also keeping the power of the community’s development in its own hands.
“My job is to be a fire-starter and a facilitator...and whatever else needs to be done. We need to start filling up these voids so that we don’t have to leave the area all the time to feel inspired artistically.” With a list of goals that includes the Annual Pomona Poetry Music & Art Festival, The Pomona Anthology, 6 new poetry workshops, an official poem of Pomona, and several other projects with the Mayor’s office, the Pomona Library, and the Arts Council--I can’t imagine having to go anywhere else for artistic inspiration. “If we do it right, there should never be a void of art in the I.E. again, period. That’s why I wanted to be Laureate.”
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***NOTE: There have been significant updates to the Poet Laureate’s story since this interview was conducted. See below.***
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David “Judah1” Oliver is now...
-Serving on the Board of Directors for the African American Advisory ALLIANCE of Pomona as the Director of arts and performance arts.
-Chairman of arts and Event of the Black Chamber of Commerce, Pomona Chapter
-Re-Appointment on the Cultural Arts Commission Citizen Advisor Committee.
-Extending of Poet Laureate Term an additional year until the end of 2022
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(Interview conducted by @sondriaWRITES, 2020)
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