#but also the first 3 because I haven't watched it in 4 god damn years
black-rose-writings · 11 months
I am terrible at life choices.
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Five ultimate signs that a guy is into you❤Revising Phum's pining era
A Phum appreciation post as i haven't seen one. Personally simp Phum was what got me really hooked in the first place. Watching ep 16 makes me really sad so I need to relive the series.
I read the novel other day and it was nice that the script dragged out a bit before PhumPeem became exclusive which I totally loved.
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I know Phum had shown nothing but interest on Peem. But it kept reminding me of this chapter. I'll skip the part that they made out on the first unofficial date and focus on the subtle signs LOL
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1. He's always, always up in your business.
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It was on the verge of stalking actually.
To the point that he'll be wherever Peem is.
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He's like I won't hesitate to ditch my year long friends for a boy I knew for like a month who I still am not sure I have a crush or not.
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2. He'll never run out of excuses to touch you.
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Hand grabbing was his love language before he even realize it himself.
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You can turn pillow fight into gay so you can ACCIDENTLY smooch the boy you enslaved just to be close to him.
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3. He might laugh a little harder than he probably should whenever you open your mouth.
All he does was smile around Peem.
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Not sponsored by colgate.
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When the sight of a common soda cup reminds you of BABE.
And this is his default RBF btw.
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4. He would sometimes look at you... like he's silently asking for a kiss, but is too proud to actually say it.
The way I see it, it's damn close.
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GOSH, the amount of butterflies I got watching those episodes. 🤒
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That lips staring tho. It could be Phum, it could be Pond who knows.
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5. He'll say it to you. In more ways than one.
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The fact that he also never forgets to appreciate Peem.
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I love that their dynamic includes lots of verbal reassurances.
Finally the I LOVE YOUs.
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This scene OMG.😥
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(They say it doesn't count if it was before or immediately after s*x) but well...
What I also like is that Phum's fixation didn't turn into toxic and overbearing. But rather about being insecure, attention seeking and touch starved sorts. It was balanced out because Peem's character is someone who is well loved and has plenty of affection to share in return and it makes them great together. I need to read the book a bit more the said drama came which i still haven't reached yet.
In conclusion, I definitely can relate Phum.
I mean look at this boy, just look at him. (He's so angelic in this shot)💗
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God, I'm gonna miss we are and Wednesdays so much.
We are the series (2024)
Quotes are from one of my fav bxb books on wattpad "On my way to you" by @apparentlyelle which you definitely need to check it out! There's link on the name. 💗💗💗
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saltydkdan · 9 months
Are the JoJo's icebergs fun to work on? They look like a blast to edit and write! (If a bit of a large workload)
The Jojo Iceberg has been... interesting. On one hand yes! It has been a blast to work on in some senses! It taught me a lot about writing, and research, while also allowing me the freedom to experiment with editing and injecting my humor into scripted stuff in a more organic way. I feel like with each chunk of the series I've posted thus far, I've shown more and more confidence over time.
Plus you are right!! Once the audio editing is done, working on visual edits and gags is a blast. Sure it takes time, but I have a weird love for making smooth video edits for people to watch (even though like 50% of the people that view those videos probably just listen to em like a podcast without looking at it haha).
So that sort of stuff, yes! That's been a blast, and I've learned a TON that I'd never take back for the world!
However on the flipside, logistically this project was a nightmare from day one LOL. And this is the part where I try to dissuade anyone from EVER working on a longer project like this because god damn it's been a pain at times.
Keep in mind, the script (as it stands) is nearly 200 pages. That is the longest scripted work I've ever helped write in my entire life, and when I started I was NOT that experienced as a writer whatsoever. I'm a bit better now, but at times I still struggle.
I made the horrible decision to never put a cap on the script. For every new fact I learned, even if it wasn't a part of the original plans for the video, I would add it to the pile. No matter what it was. I was committed to making it as long as I thought it needed to be, not as long as it probably SHOULD have been to get done in a reasonable amount of time.
I did all this for a deep passion for the source material, and even after the final part comes out early this year, I plan on going back and correcting the very few mistakes or miswordings I had in the original videos when I put them all together in one MEGA video.
But that passion for Jojo is a blessing and a curse, and I hadn't realized how long a project like this would take me amidst all the other big projects like Friendlocke and HYHA.
Full disclosure, the script was first started in December of 2020. That's nearly 3-4 YEARS AGO by now. If I knew that putting all this together would take that long, I probably wouldn't have committed to it in the way that I did. In that time, I probably could have put out a TON of shorter stuff, but I was so committed to this that I just didn't and that very much hurt my channel in the long term.
Though to be real, I haven't worked on it consistently, I tend to jump on and off between projects to avoid burnout. However still, by the time it's all done, the Jojo Iceberg combined together will most likely be the longest piece of content on my channel (yes, potentially longer than Friendlocke Season 3, I estimate that it'll probably come out to around 6 hours in length if I don't cut anything down).
It's because of this that after this is all out there? I plan to NEVER tackle something this long ever again. Friendlocke and Jojo have drained my bones, and all I wanna do these days is work on shorter stuff. Though I guess in that sense, this project has really helped teach me a lot about the sort of stuff I want to make. So in a way, even the negatives have positives! There's always something you can take away with, even if your experience had some downsides.
Looking at such a long script and doing some math, it's made me realize that like... damn. I could DEFINITELY do shorter videos way more consistently in the future. And so that's what I plan to do :)
So yeah! Some positives and negatives. But overall, I learned a lot and that's all I could ever ask for.
Thanks for your question! Have a good one!
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kaelidascope · 10 months
Dude, I love this fanfic so much! I just wanted to ask where you got the idea from. Did you have any inspiration from anyone? Also, what's your favorite fanfic? And want do you recommend ?
AWE bless!! Thank you so much I'm glad you're enjoying it <33
So actually a good 80% of this is written from personal experience LOL I used to dance and was into drift building/racing in my late teens/early twenties! Most of the references or scenes in Midnight Menagerie are references to things I've seen or done in real life, OR stories friends have told me within the same field. (Nora is literally just a rebranding of this one mutual friend we had who just. Absolutely fucking unhinged) Like for example, the anticipated Hangover Chapter is just a retelling of an insane Summer weekend I had in 2017 ☠️ it's a personal delight being able to translate things into the narrative, even more so knowing people find my stupid, terrible decisions as amusing as I do in current times lol
My general rule of thumb is to write from experience. Things I understand either on a technical point or emotional connection. So, if you've read it in my work, it's probably something I've done LOL
Another reason I find drive in writing this type of narrative is that MM!Blake's type of dissociative PTSD is something I haven't seen much in media in general. I've seen people depict her in various ways (some of them good!), but none of them ever really apply directly to me, so I wanted to make something that I could relate to and how to properly navigate life, given the environmental circumstances. Plus some us need better examples on how to juggle mental illness as adults and also be in healthy long term relationships because damn I have zero reference LOL
For the fic recs, oh boy I have so many LOL time to be a pathetic fangirl on main but okay here's the ones that immediately jump to mind (also heads up most of these are mature or explicit rating);
Certified Kaeli Fresh Fics
Let You See My Wilder Side (If I Can See Your Bones)
We all know this one but it is, hands down, my favorite piece of literature of all time. Masterfully crafted and a timeless classic worth several rereads (and I have. Embarrassingly so)
Written by @/lucytara on tumblr || @/explosive_sky on twitter
honestly all her works are immaculate and beyond compare. Also a major fan of I Have A Bullet With Your Mouth On It (That was first RWBY fanfic I ever read LMAO a friend recommended it to me before I even watched the show) I aspire to write like her some day. It's what got me writing fanfiction in the first place. So, credit goes to Erin for inspiring me to post my manuscripts at all. Words cannot express my gratitude and appreciation. I have two book series in the process of being published now and I wouldn't have had the nerve to do it had it not been for this specific fic.
2. One Day At A Time
Also one of the earlier fics I read before getting into the show LOL I love all of @/Frenchsoda 's work, the full list is also worth checking out. I'm a fan of disgruntled Blake who doesn't understand her attraction to Yang but it's so god damn sweet ugh
3. Fucking In Love
Written by @/Set_WingedWarrior and @/Softlight
This one circulates a lot in my social circles. Everyone I know LOVES this one and after reading it earlier this year, now I see why. As someone who worked in the sex industry for a brief period of time, this one's not only accurate but also A DELIGHT to read. The premise is fun, captivating, and worth the wait. I actually discovered a chapter update earlier this year and sent the gc into hysterics because we thought the fic was dead LMAO props to these authors!! They're doing an amazing job and deserve praise
4. You're A Mountain, Full Of Glory
written by champion author @/lescousinsdangereux
I should just preface already that every book Blake reads in MM is a fanfiction that exists because I love Easter eggs. Everyone knows I had Blake reference this in chapter 3 LOL but it's equally as immaculate as Erin's work. I LOVED especially the dynamic between Weiss, Yang, and Ruby in this one. Baby, we're complicated fucking murdered me 😭 also that fuckass Christmas scene, that's my favorite Christmas song LMAO
5. The Home Inside Your Head
Written by the ever skilled @/writeriguess . I found this fic by accident by seeing fanart for it floating around on this site. Got curious, picked at it, and. Oh, my god. It's not very often my brain gets scratched in the right way, but boy this one does it. This author does something specifically unique I haven't seen many do before, and I applaud them for it. There's great detail on the scenes that matter, and the fucking organic build up between Blake and Yang is just. God. Chef's kiss. Truly. It feels so god damn natural and healthy and it's already crossing off several of my agendas already. Give this one a read and give the author some love. SENSUAL FACE TOUCHING? CHAPTER 13????? BOOOOOOOYYYYYYY I'm normal about it
6. You'd Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out To Get You)
Written by @/WabaJaba_ on twitter
Okay so this one's completely different than what I've previously listed but HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS IT A THRILLER. It doesn't nearly have the amount of love and attention it truly deserves. A friend of mine recommended it to me because it shook them so fucking hard they were in total brainrot hell for a MONTH. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY LMAO God I was obsessed with this for weeks myself. It obviously lives up to it's rating, horror fics aren't for everyone. But if you're able to read it, good lord you should. It's chilling, captivating, and had me on the edge of my fucking seat the entire time. Both endings are good, I still can't decide which one I prefer but RAH I will make sure this is seen god dammit
and last but certainly not least
7. You And Me and This Temptation
written by talented author @/ProfessorSpork
Okay this one was an accidental find as well. A friend sent it to me because THEY found it by accident, I clicked on it for later, went looking for a completely different fic that I mistook for this one, started skimming and realized 'wait a minute LMAO I don't recognize this'. But the thing you have to understand is I hate reading. I'm not a reader, I'm picky and it needs to be worth sitting down for long periods of time. This is one of the rare instances where I was so captivated by it I kept reading more and more from the middle where I landed, and eventually just said ykw let me just start from the beginning cus LMAO context.
This one is, by far, one the healthiest and loveliest depictions of first times I have ever seen. This shit was so inspiring to me that it literally kickstarted an essay in someone's DMs why depictions like this are so important. I didn't have this experience irl, and why MM is written the way it is is because its meant to serve as a lighthouse for those who, like me, haven't. This fic however I feel like should be a required read for anyone getting into relationships for the first time because if it's not like how these two interact, LEAVE IT. This is the standard. This is amazingly written, it's the closest I've ever seen canon Yang and Blake be written to date. The fucking souvenir bit 😭 NJKFGNFJKGNGJ killed me, I was kicking my feet laughing for a good minute. This is the kind of standard everyone should look at and go 'yeah, I want what they have' BECAUSE IT'S CORRECT. LOUD CORRECT BUZZER NOISES
Honestly everything in my bookmarks is certified Kaeli Fresh but these 7 are my top faves. They're probably also really commonly known I'm sure but LMAO like I said I don't read much 😭 which is heavily ironic considering I write myself. Anyway this ended up way longer than I intended but LOL <3 <3 go give these incredible authors love!!
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Tell me about Dean falling in love with a girl who has long covid - maybe they met when he saved her from a monster and they became friends, she occasionally helps him with research or patches him up if he gets hurt. He doesn’t hear from her for a while, and when he goes to check on her, he finds out she’s in the hospital with Covid - a monster he can’t save her from. He realizes he loves her, but may lose her. After she gets out he keeps coming to check on her because he knows she tires easily/has trouble breathing at times.
@deans-spinster-witch thank you for this ask. Actually thank you all that submit asks or sent me story prompts, I am going to get to them all, but I thought this one would be a good place to start.
First let me start off with my disclaimers:
1) I haven't see the last few seasons of SPN, so I don't know how they addressed COVID, if they did at all. So think of it as alternative timeline, not really canon.
2) My COVID representation is probably not 100% accurate, either by the reader symptoms or that I don't mention Dean wearing a mask or that he was able to be in the hospital with the reader.
3) I just POV and I think I may have jump from 2nd to 3rd person writing? I did my best to correct it, but sometimes I can't seem to correct it. Also did my best with editing, but I am sure I missed something. Flashbacks are bold italic and internal thoughts are just italic.
4) I am not sure if this is 100% what you were looking for. It does end on a cliffhanger, so I will be posting a second part. It was getting hella long coming in at 7,500 words. 😬 sorry.
5) swearing, hints of past trauma that we may get more in the second part. Self doubt/hate. Angst heavy!
Okay think that's it. It's a Y/N x Dean focus story with Sam making an appearance via phone. Characters are not mine but the work is. So please don't post as your own.
Feel free to like, reblog, send me feedback in the comments. And if you have a story idea, send it my way via asks or message. Or if you want me to tag you on my work let me know.
Okay think I have stalled long enough. Here it is, my first story back from 3 year break.
"Excuse me, sir, you can't be up here." A female voice, strong, laced with exhaustion, mixes with the sounds of the hospital. Doctors are being paged, staff are going in and out of rooms, and machines are monitoring patients. All of it, white noise, too, Dean. Because he can't look away or tear his eyes from what is in front of him. Y/N is lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to a ventilator. What happened? How did it come on so strong and so fast? He had just seen you last week when he came through town on his way to his next hunt. Picking up research that you had done for him since Sam was working on another case in California. You were the best…no, are, you are the best researcher he knows…you have to get better; you can't…
"Sir! I will have to ask you to leave if you're not family. The ICU is only for families." The female voce, insistent on getting him to pay attention to her. Tired, she was just so damn tired of no one listing to her today; she had better things to do than police people about.
"How long has she been here?" Dean asks, his voice firm but slightly wavering. He can't look away, watching as the vent goes up and down, breathing for you. Y/N, come on, you have to pull through; I can't lose you, Dean thinks, trying his best not to break. He prayed to God if he thought it would help if he thought the ass would be listing.
"Sir, I can't give that information if you're not family." Dean looks away from you for a moment, noticing the nurse standing beside him. She is dressed in blue scrubs, her hair pulled back, and a mask on. He can tell she is on her last nerve with him, and he has to win her over. He can't leave you, not now. "So, are you family?" she asks again.
"Umm…" He knew he needed to lie. If he told her that you were just a friend, he would never get answers and would never get back to this floor again. It was dumb luck that he could get your room number out of the receptionist downstairs. He pulled himself together to give her his winning smile and wink. "She's my sister." Clearing his throat, he looked back to you.
The nurse looks down at the chart in her hand. "Miss. Moore didn't have a brother listed as next of kin, but then again, a neighbor brought her in." Looking back up to Dean, he doesn't respond. "How about we go somewhere a little more private to discuss your sister's condition?" She lightly grabs Dean by the shoulder and turns him away from the window and you.
Dean did his best to listen to the nurse, but all he really wanted to do was get back to you. It was driving him crazy that he couldn't do anything; this wasn't caused by a demon, monster, or anything in his wheelhouse. You were brought in about a day or two after he had seen you. Your neighbor had come over to borrow something and saw you in the window, passed out on the floor. COVID had hit you hard, and you just couldn't shake it; your lungs filled up so fast with fluids that you passed out.
That was a week ago; you had been in the hospital for a week and on a ventilator. The doctors feel that your body just needs time to fight off the infection.
"She seemed fine when I saw her last; how could this happen?" Dean questions, trying to be as respectful as possible without raising his voice and getting kicked out.
"COVID hits everyone differently; we really don't know why. Some people may never get it, and some…" Not finishing her statement, the nurse looks away from Dean.
"Can I go back and sit with her?" Dean asks, more like pleading with her. He just wants to ensure you're doing alright and stand watch until you wake up. He doesn't know what else to do.
"I am sorry, but no," the nurse replies as kindly as possible. Seeing that he will protest this, she quickly adds, "But, you can come back during visiting hours. You won't be able to go in the room; we have to keep it clean because of COVID, but you can see her from the window." Hoping this will be a compromise he can live with. She doesn't want him to get upset and have to call security and have him escorted out. She can tell he cares for her and is scared.
Dean will take it; he knows he has to. You're the strongest person he knows. You will get through this; you have to. "Alright, I guess I will come back then," Dean says, getting up from the table.
Walking out of the hospital, Dean calls Sam to tell him what is happening and that he wasn't leaving until you were back home. Screw the world, let the monsters run amuck, and let demons rain hell on earth; he had more important things to do. "I don't care, Sammy, I am not leaving again. This is the only number you can reach me at, and only you," he says, getting into the Impala and firing it up.
"Alright, Dean. I hear you. Do you want me to come? I am almost done here." Sam offers, knowing that Dean won't take him up on it.
"No, I am good, but thanks. You stay on the West Coast until the world calms itself down." Letting the engine run for a bit, Dean takes a second. This has been the longest they have been working apart. It's been hard on both of them, but at least Dean has you to talk to. He has been leaning on you more since Sam was in California. Could Dean have caused this? Was he asking too much of you?
"Dean, hey, you still there?" Sam breaks through his intrusive thoughts.
Clearing his voice, "Yeah."
"You know, she will get through this. She's going to be okay," Sam says, trying his best to reassure him and get him out of his head because even if they are miles apart, he knows his brother. Dean is blaming himself right now for something that he can't control.
“Yeah, I know… I just… what if I…..”
"No, don't think like that, and don't think you had anything to do with this happening." Sam quips back, knowing where his brother's thoughts are going, and he will not have him spiraling out.
"But I ask so much of her. You know she will never say no. Even when she has other things to do, she always drops everything when I ask for a favor. God, I am such a user…"
"No, you're not. Y/N is strong, and she said she would tell you if she didn't want to do something. She wants to help; she thrives on researching this stuff, and you know it." Sam states, "Come on, you know she would rather research lore or listen to one of your 'tales from the front lines,' as she likes to call them, any day of the week."
The thought of you saying these words to him as you patch him up, 'Alright, Dean, what tales to do we have this time?' or how your voice would be giddy when he called you about a case he found. "Yeah, you're right, Sam," Dean replies. Feeling a bit better after talking with Sam, he always knows how to keep him from spiraling too much.
"I know I am; now go get some rest. She's going to need you when she wakes up."
"Night brother"
After hanging up the phone, Dean didn't want to go to a hotel or bar, but he was now wired and needed to do something. Pulling out of the parking lot was second nature, and he found his way to your driveway.
Sitting there, looking at the modest, two-bedroom, two-bath house, he would consider a second home for as much time as he has spent there. It was odd to think about walking through that door and you not being there. When getting out of the car, the sound of the door opening and closing is the only noise that breaks up the silence of the night. Taking a few steps, Dean stops himself from knocking like he usually does. Habit, he thinks. Pulling his keys out, he flips until he finds the one for your house.
It was an argument you had won, not that he didn't want a key. Of course, he did, but he didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands should something happen.
"No, I don't need a key, Y/N," Dean protest, not wanting to have this conversation right now.
"Yes, you do; now take it." You say, holding out the key for him to take.
"I don't need it; you're always here. Why would I need to get into your place when you're not here?" he questions. Finishing off his beer, he gets up from the couch and heads toward the kitchen. "You want another one?" he asks, trying to change the subject.
You get up and follow him. "Don't change the subject, Winchester," you say, following him and sitting on a kitchen stool. What if I wasn't home tonight?"
Tossing the empty bottle in the recycle bin and turning to face her, he can tell by the severe look on your face that this is an argument that he won't win. But why make it easy on you. "But you were," giving you a smirk, he opens the fridge to pull out two more bottles. "Besides, where would you be on a Friday night? You have a hot date I don't know about?" he questions. Handing one of the bottles to you.
He struggles slightly to open the bottle with his left hand since his right is currently in a sling. After putting his shoulder back into place and stitching him up, you open the beer in your hand, hand it to him, and take the other one from him. "Maybe," you say cryptically, a twinkle in your eyes.
"Really? Didn't know you were dating anyone?" Dean is slightly put off by this. It's not that someone would want to date you; it's the opposite. You're beautiful, and he always wonders how you were still single after all this time. Intelligent and funny, any guy would be lucky to call you his. Heck, he would like to call you his.
"I am not," you say, putting him out of his misery and his slight spiral of another guy touching her, kissing her… But I could still be out. Do you want to be sitting out in your car waiting for me to get home?" you question, pushing the key towards him. "Just take the dam key. It's only a key. I am not asking you to move in with me."
If you asked him that, he would say yes in a heartbeat. But the reality of his life, what he and Sam do for a living, gives him pause to take the key. "I just don't want anyone else to get their hands on it."
"Who, like Sam? Of course, you can give a copy to Sam." You joke, knowing what he's getting at but trying your best to keep this conversation light.
"No, not Sam. I am thinking Crowley, another demon or monster, or worse, Lucifer. I would hate for anyone other than Sam or me to get their hands on this and come after you."
"Dean, that's not going to happen."
"But it could, you know it could."
Letting out a sigh, you decide to pull out the big guns to get him to take this damn key. "A key is not their first choice to get in. You have put up all the wards you could think of." You say, proving that you are as safe as possible. "Heck, you made me even get this thing." Snapping off your leather bracelet to show off the anti-possession tattoo. "and you know how much I hate needles." The black tattoo shows nicely against your light skin and hides the other barely visible scars.
"Yeah, I found out real quick that day. I think I still have scars on my arm from you digging your nails in," he jokes, bringing his hand up to his wrist to run his fingers around the tattoo and the scars he knows are there.
"Haha, that's real funny." You fake laugh. " Just take it, please. It will make me feel better if you have it." You do your best puppy dog eyes as you push the key closer to him.
Dean takes a moment before caving. "Alright, but I am only going to use it for emergencies." he conceits, taking his keys out and putting your house key on the ring with the rest.
Getting up from the stool, you smile at him, "Thank you, Dean," you say sweetly and hug him.
Dean shakes his head, trying to shake the thoughts from that night, as he shuts the door behind him. He stood in the entryway, just taking in the quietness of the house, holding his breath, waiting for you to come down the hallway, saying, ‘Dean, you look like shit; what were you up against this time? Let me get you patched up, and you can tell me all about it.’ Guiding him to the kitchen, you would pull the first aid kit and a beer from the fridge.
Watching these memories play out in front of him, it's not until he lets out a shaky breath that he had been holding that he feels the tears run down his face, "Fuck! Y/N, you got to get better, okay…." choking back, "I can't lose you." The thought of losing another important person in his life. Someone who should have a happy and long life and who, without them, Dean wouldn't be standing here today. He owes everything to you.
Dean can't bring himself to step past the entryway, feeling like an intruder. "I can't…" feeling pressure in his chest, he turns and walks out the door. Locking the door and making the short walk to his car, the pressure subsides once he is in the driving seat. Knowing he can't stay in the house. Too many memories of you and his dark thoughts will keep him up. He also can't put the car in drive and go to the motel just outside of town. It's like his body won't let him leave.
You were in the hospital for two weeks, and Dean was by your side, or somewhat outside your hospital room, every day, every hour he could be. At least that is what the nurse told you once you were awake. Your 'brother' Dean has been by your side. The first time they told you this, you looked confused, which caused concern from the staff.
"Your brother, Dean," the nurse says again, her voice laced with concern as she points to the window that looks into your room from the hallway.
You turn your head slightly, your body stiff from being in bed for so long, and the breathing tube just being taken out. There you see him, Dean Winchester, raising his hand to give you a short wave, and a look of relief washes over his face, which is covered with a slightly heavy five-clock shadow. You give him a smile and look back at the nurse. "Yeah, sorry, of course, he's my brother. Just didn't know anyone called him?" you reply, "Can I have some water?" you ask, you're throat feeling like sandpaper.
"Sure," the nurse says, filling a cup and handing it to you. "Well, the doctor will be in soon," she says, giving you a short smile and walking towards the door.
"Umm, can my brother come in?" you ask. Knowing that no matter what she says, Dean will make it in here one way or the other. The nurse hesitates. "It's just that I would like him to hear what the doctor says. I am still groggy, not sure I am going to remember everything he tells me," you add, hoping this will pull on her heartstrings just a bit.
Which does work, "Sure." she replies, giving you a smile and then walking out the door. She briefly talks to Dean before walking away, and Dean enters the room.
"Hey, sweetheart," Dean says, shutting the door behind him and walking towards you.
"Hey yourself," you reply. You try to sit up a bit more, but you struggle a bit.
Dean quickly gets to you. " Here, let me," he says, finding the remote for the bed, setting you upright, and then readjusting your pillows. "Good?" he asks once it looks like you're settled.
Feeling slightly embarrassed that he saw you like this, you’re sure you're a mess, bed hair, hospital gowns, and oh man…your breath has got to stink by now, right? Trying your best not to breathe out, "Yeah, thanks." you quickly reply. Dean sits in the chair next to your bed but doesn't say anything. Okay, guess you will start. "So brother, hum?" you quip.
He smiles at this and looks away from you to the bedding. "Yeah, I had to say something; otherwise, they would never let me back in." Then, looking back at you, a slight panic sets in that you might be mad at him for this small lie. " You're not mad, are you?" he asks.
"No, of course not," you reply, wanting to reassure him that everything is fine. This does, as relief washes over him a second time. You hold out your hand for him to take. "Just wonder what Sam will say about having a little sister, that's all. I am sure he will hate being the middle child," you joke.
Dean gives a short laugh: "Oh, Sammy will be all right with it. He will be happy to hear you're awake, is all." Dean's fingers rubbing your hand back and forth are nice.
"How did you know I was here?" you ask, trying to remember the day before you were brought in, but it's all a blur. Was he coming to see you? Was he working on a case?
"I was coming back through, and you had helped me with the case in North Carolina…" lowering his voice, even though you're in a private room," that Dinji." Dean recounts, seeing you not remember. He continues, "I stopped by your place, and your neighbor was out and said you were in the hospital."
None of that is registering at all, like last month, which is a blank slate. Fuck, what else are you not remembering? "And you have been here this whole time?" you ask, wondering what the state of the world must be like if he has taken himself out of saving the world for two weeks! Is Sam okay?
Dean's eyes, bright green, lock with yours, cocking his head slightly to the side, with slight confusion at your shock that he was here the whole time. "Of course, where else would I be? I wasn't going to leave you alone here," he says, a matter of fact.
You're about to reply to this, ask more questions, ask how Sam is, but before you can, the doctor enters the room. "Miss. Moore, welcome back," he says, looking at your chart and then at you and Dean. And this must be your brother?" he asks, holding his hand for Dean to shake.
Dean does, letting go of yours, the loss of him, his touch is apparent. "Hey, doc, when can I take my sister home?" Dean asks.
The doctor starts to talk, but you're not listening; your mind drifts to Dean. He put his life on pause for you? Wow, that's something, but you're sure he would do it for Charlie, Jody, Claire, or Alex, right? Yeah, of course. Dean sees you as family, which is what you are to him; that's what you will always be. Yes, you were close. He and Sam saved you from the vampire nest, explained everything about their world, and gave you a purpose.
You feel a slight pressure in your chest. Now that you're awake, how long will he stay before he leaves again?
"So I will get the nurse to start the discharge paperwork, and you guys should be out of there in a few hours," the doctor says. Giving you a smile.
Not hearing anything but that, you just smile back and look towards the window. You hear Dean thank the doctor, and he leaves the room. "nice guy," Dean says, filling up the silence.
"Yeah," you reply. You’re not sure what you are feeling; it's almost like a weight on your chest, pressure. Maybe it is COVID; it will be better once you get home. It has to, right?
You didn't know Dean could fuss over you more if he tried. He insisted that he be the one to wheel you out of the hospital, only after he made sure the car was pulled up as close to the door as possible so you didn't have to walk too far. Then, when he pulled into your driveway, he insisted he carry you the short walk to the front door.
"No, Dean, I can walk. My legs aren't broken; I had COVID, that's all." you quip back as he comes over to your side of the car to pick you up.
"The doctor said you shouldn’t over-exaggerate yourself, that's all," he replies, trying again to wrap his arms around your waist and pick you up from standing against the closed car door.
You block his hands again. As much as you would like his arms around you, have him cradle you; where is this coming from? You also don't want him to hurt himself, or God forbid the neighbors see him carrying you bridle style. "Yeah, walking the three feet to my front door is not going to kill me." This comment is like a punch in the gut for Dean; it's written on his face. Shit, was my COVID scare that much of an effect on him? But why? Trying to write your wrong, you try to play it off. "Come on, man, I have been on my back for two weeks and must move a little bit." You quip back. Playfully pushing him aside and walking towards the door.
You get to the door but realize you don't have your keys, you didn't have those, or your phone when you were brought into the hospital. You wait for Dean to come up behind you. He doesn't say anything, pulling out his keys; he opens the door and lets you walk in first. You shuck off your jacket and shoes and go to the living room. Sitting on the couch, you try to hide the sigh of exhaustions that you feel from the small activities you just did; but it slips past your lips and is not lost on Dean.
"Want me to make you some tea? You hungry?" Dean asks.
"No, I want you to tell me what's happened since I was in the hospital. Did all the evil in the world decide to take a break while I was out, and that's how you got to have some time off?" you question, motioning him to sit next to you on the couch.
Dean shrugs at this, "No. I just told Sam I was taking myself off the board, is all." he says casually.
"Taking yourself off the board? Hum, I didn't know you guys could do that," you ask, Giving him an intuitive look.
Dean is giving you nothing back, shaking his head, looking around the room, and clapping his hands together. He points towards the kitchen, "I am going to make that tea for you." He walks away before you can stop him, leaving you to your thoughts. Something else is happening, and you know who to call to get the truth out.
Making that call seem more complicated than usual since Dean didn't leave your side for anything. Three days, three days of hovering and mothering you, and as much as you care for Dean, and possibly secretly loved him. Let's face it, those chest tightening pains at the hospital, the loss of his touch was not COVID symptoms, it was your heart telling you what you already knew. You were in love with Dean Winchester, and the fact that he dropped everything for you made your head spin and feel like the most important girl in the world. But you are a realist, and Dean Winchester is out of your league. He sees you as the little sister he got settled with, not the girl he wants to kiss and do other things with.
On top of that, you are sure his opinions of you drop a few points since you found out really quick that to pass the time while he waited for you to wake up, he decided to clean your house from top to bottom. The sheer embarrassment when you found out had you want the couch to swallow you up right there. "Excuse me, you did what?" you ask, thinking you didn't hear him right when you ask; the following day, a book you usually had on your coffee table was now on the bookshelf that it was never on.
"I did some cleaning while you were…" Dean says, not finishing that statement while he grabs the few dishes off the coffee table and heads towards the kitchen. He never finishes that statement. Whenever he says it, he never says 'when you were in the hospital' or 'when you were sick.' After three days of the hanging statement, you get frustrated over that.
But knowing he cleaned your house, how clean is clean? Did he do your laundry? Yep! Did he clean under your bed and put stuff away on your nightstand? God forbid he did a deep clean in your closet—oh, the embarrassment. "Why?" you ask, now following him, waiting for an answer that you sure won't come.
Dean has his back to you, rinsing off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. "What? It's not a big deal. I had time, plus the nurse thought it was a good idea for you to come home to a clean hose." He says while wiping down the counter.
You try your best to breathe and calm down. Yes, all that is true, a clean house to come home too make sense. But having him go through your personal and private things, fuck, him cleaning your underwear. He will never look at you as desirable again, not like he did before. You look up from the floor to see him watching you, waiting for a reply. "thanks, I guess," you say, defeated. "I am going to go take a shower." You say, needing just a few minutes by yourself, shake off this feeling of rejection you know he doesn't realize he caused.
"You need some help?" he asks, approaching you and walking a step behind you.
You take a second, knowing again that he just wants to help, but God treats you like an old woman. Because you know that his offer of 'helping you out' in the shower does not imply sexy times; it's he saying he thinks you are weak and that you're going to get tired, fall, and hurt yourself. You get to the bathroom door. "No, I got it, thanks," you say, opening the door and shutting it before he can say anything.
Dean POV
I know I am being overprotective, maybe even going overboard with not letting her do anything, and perhaps the deep clean was an overreach. But in my defense, I thought I could lose her, and if she was going to, no, when she was going to come home, I wanted it to be in a clean, COVID-free house.
I turn away from the bathroom door and walk towards the living room. I start to clean up, picking up the discarded blanket from my makeshift bed; even though she has a spare room, it's on the second floor away from her, and I want to be close in case she needs me in the night.
The rigging of my phone pulls me from my thoughts of her. Picking up, I see it's Sam. "Hey, what's up?" I ask, dropping the blanket and myself onto the couch.
"Just checking in, how's Y/N?"
"Good, still low energy, but I am just happy she’s walking and talking, even if I am annoying her."
"You, annoying her, I can't believe it," Sam says, with fake shock. "You know she can take care of herself; she has been doing that for some time now." Sam reminds me. Knowing that my hovering is coming for a place of love for Y/N, but it could be doing more damage than good.
"I know, it's just…" I pause briefly, looking back to see the closed bathroom door. "Sam, she just looked so helpless there lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to those machines…and there was nothing I could do…nothing that could save her…I just had to wait."
Sam knows that's not my strong suit, "I know, I get it, but maybe just ease off a little. I am sure it's making her feel like a burden, you doing everything for her."
"Yeah, you're probably right. I will try."
"I know I am." He clears his throat and paused briefly before asking what he knew I would not want to answer: "So when are you heading back to the bunker?"
I pause momentarily; the idea of leaving you hadn't crossed his mind. "Umm…" Hearing the door open, he looks to see you walking out of the bathroom and down the hallway to your room, wrapped in your navy-blue plaid robe, hair slightly damp from the shower. "Not sure yet, but I will keep you posted. I got to go." I say quickly, hanging up the phone. I know that she can take care of herself, but at the same time, I don't want to leave her again; what if I do and something happens, and there is no one here to save her again. Sam's right, though; I have to back off, or I am liable to smother her.
Y/N POV (about a week later)
Something seems to have changed in Dean in the last few days. It was like the old carefree Dean was back. He hovered less, not watching my every move, and even went on a quick day trip to the bunker to pick up more books for me to read since I had read everything in my place twice, and if I was going to be stuck inside I wanted to do something productive. Granted, I had to ride shotgun on this trip, so although we got out of the house, I was still under his protective eye. But he wasn't babying me anymore; he cracked jokes, smiled, and even complained when I made him watch the same movie repeatedly.
Dean was going on a food run, and this was one outing he didn't let me go on. Too many people, could possibly get sick again, so he didn't want to risk it. But he also hated doing it, leaving you alone. "You're sure you're going to be fine," he asks again, standing in the doorway, you on the other side, trying your best not to push him out and lock the door.
"Yes, Dean, you'll be gone for an hour. I think I can survive." you quip, pushing him playfully, "Go, I promise, no running around the house with scissors or jumping on the bed. I will keep my butt on the couch until you get back."
Dean's worried face slightly softens, knowing that you will be fine, but that pit in his stomach—the thought of him walking out that door again and not having you in his sight—will never go away. "Okay, but call me if you feel off," he reminds you again.
"Yes, now go." You reply with a smile. Yes, he was getting on your nerves slightly, but you still loved the guy for it.
You watch as he pulls out of the driveway and down the road before you head inside. Walking to your room, you find your cell phone charging, and you quickly make the call you've been waiting to make since you got home.
He picked up on the second ring: "Y/N, everything alright? Dean texted me to say he was going on a food run. Do you need him? Are you not feeling well?…" Sam blurts out, a lengthy, run-on statement that has you slightly spinning.
Trying your best not to laugh at him. "Sam, calm down; I am good. I just wanted to talk to my friend. How are you?" you ask, wanting to ease into this discussion. Plus, you really did want to know how he was doing; ever since you came home, you only talked to Sam when Dean would call him and have him on speakerphone. Even then, Sam was instructed not to speak about cases he was working on. Dean had a theory that possibly COVID was stress-induced, but you know it wasn't.
"I am good, making my way back to the bunker. I have a case in Wisconsin, so I'm in your area. I was thinking of seeing you guys once it's done."
"Oh yes, please do, Sam. It's been ages since we've hung out together. I feel like a movie marathon is needed."
"Yeah, if you're up for it. Dean tells me you get tired easily. Is anything else not the same?"
"Umm…brain fog for sure; I lost all memory of the week before I went into the hospital. Some things don't taste the same. But honestly, Sam, can we not talk about me for a bit. Tell me about the case in Wisconsin; what are you hunting this time." You inquire, done talking about yourself, need a distraction, and avoid asking Sam what you want to know.
Sam, being the best friend, a girl could ask for, knew that a distraction from your symptoms was what you needed, and although it would be breaking his promise to Dean, he could hear it in your voice, the need for some kind of normalcy, at least what normal is considered for us. Giving you all the details, you can come to the same conclusion that it was a vengeful spirit and a simple salt and burn job is in order.
Once Sam is done talking about Wisconsin, a lull in the conversation forms, and you look at the clock to see Dean should be home soon. "Sam, can I ask you something?" You feel slightly nervous and try to figure out how to phrase your question.
"Of course, you can ask me anything."
Taking a breath, you wait a second before asking, "How was Dean when he found out I was sick? He said he 'took himself off the board' and has been hovering since I got home. He's gotten better, but those first few days, it was like he was a different person."
Sam can tell by the last statement that you're trying to bring some levity to an otherwise heavy question, a question that he is surprised you have to ask. taking a breath, he thinks about how to say, ‘You idiot, he loves you! and you love him!'
"I am glad to hear that he's lost up the reins a bit," giving a chuckle, "but honestly, Y/N, he was devastated. I know he's my big brother, and he tries his best to hide his emotions, but I could tell that night when he called to tell me what happened, he was scared. Scared that he was going to lose you, scared that he might have caused this to happen to you."
"How could he have caused COVID? I mean, I get he sometimes can have a big ego, but, come on, he can't cause an infection."
"No, but he thinks he has been asking too much of you, wearing you down. I can't say whether he's right or wrong. You and I know you occasionally burn the candle at both ends."
"Yeah, I am trying to get better at that. But Sam, he was treating me like I was 90 years old. He wouldn't let me do a thing around here. And did he tell you he cleaned my house—my whole house—before I got home? I mean everything."
"Oh man, I am sure you were not happy to hear about that."
"Your damn right. I wasn't."
"Look, it's not my place to say, but I will tell you this, remember that night when you and I got a little tipsy, and you might have let slip your feelings for a certain green eye hunter?"
Fuck, of course, he remembers that night; that was right after you had helped him and Dean take down a wraith, and Dean was out on a beer run. "Yeah, you asked me why I never seem to be dating anyone, and I said I can't be with the one guy I want, so why be with the wrong guy at all."
Sam waits for you to connect the dots, and although you're not sitting in front of him, Sam has a feeling you're making the connections: "Let's just say Dean has the same idea, and he has his eye on a hazel eye researcher that he thinks he can't have."
You're about to protest Sam's statement that Dean has no feelings for you other than sibling love, but before you can, you hear the front door open and Dean yelling, "Honey, I am home," sweetly.
"I've Got to go, Sam. Talk soon," you say, and hang up before he can reply.
Sam's words kept rolling around in your mind all night, distracting you from Dean. During dinner, you were quiet, letting him lead the conversation and not making it known when he mentioned Sam might be stopping by in a day or two that you two had talked earlier. "Oh, okay, sounds good." you responded, still thinking, 'He has his eye on a hazel-eye researcher that he thinks he can't have.'
Dean went for girls that were the complete opposite of you, blonde, curves in all the right places without an ounce of fat to be seen, the girl that guys walk across fire for, not the girl that they run into fire to get away from. Not the girl who is socially awkward around strangers, who can put her foot in her mouth easier than anyone, and who has more of a backstory than is worth mentioning. No, Dean goes for simple, noncomplex girls, which makes sense, given his life is entirely of danger and complexity. Why go for a girl to add to it.
Dean can tell your mind is elsewhere, and he is slightly worried that you're lost in your head or that this might be another symptom. "Hey, space cadet, you with me? Because if you're not watching the movie, I will gladly turn it to something we haven't seen twice this week," he jokes, hoping to make fun of the situation.
His voice shakes you from your thoughts, and you look over at him; his eyes have just a hint of worry to them. The blanket across both of you, him in a simple white t-shirt and sleep bottoms, you in gray leggings, tank top, and open cardigan. Perfection, you and Dean cozy up on the couch, not a care in the world, him teasing you about your love of disaster movies, and you forcing him to watch the same one repeatedly, and he does; why? Because he loves you. He loves you like a sister, a friend, someone he cares for, just not someone he’s IN love with.
"yeah, sorry, I think I am just going to go to bed." You shake off that last statement: he's not IN love with you. God, you really know how to cut yourself deep, don't you? Getting up from the couch, you grab your water glass and head towards your room.
Dean gets up with you, "here, let me help you," he says, walking around the couch and placing a hand on your lower back.
This is the last straw, the final statement of his wanting to help you, again treating you like you're helpless. "Stop! Just stop!" you yell, feeling yourself boil with rage you knew you had been keeping at bay. You know his hovering is with the best intentions, but for you, it's blurring the lines between what you want from him and what you know he can give you. Your mind won't let it be accurate even after what Sam told you today.
Dean stops his hands from touching you, standing still like he is frozen in time. "Y/N, hey, I just want to help. You look tired, is all." His voice is soft and sweet.
He’s trying to placate you, like he would a child or grandparent, "Dean, I am fine; I can walk ten feet to my room on my own and not get lost or fall down, okay!" You lock eyes with him and see his face fall, and in that moment, you know that he's hurt; you've only ever yelled at him when you were injured and need him to find you. But that was screaming for him, not at him. You know that you should feel bad for your outburst, you do, but you know that this is not real, that this ideal version of him and you playing house can't last.
"What is wrong? Is this another symptom? Did something happen while I was out?" he asks, wanting to understand your sudden change since this morning. You start walking away from him, wanting to get into your room and away from him, knowing he will get the truth out of you. You don't want to hear his excuses or him placate you even more about why he and you will never be a thing.
You turn halfway down the hall to look back at him, standing there watching you. "No! It's not! I am a capable woman who can take care of herself. Stop treating me like I am dying, Dean! You saved me once; that should be enough for you." Turning back, you reach your door, hand on the handle to open it, when you hear Dean.
"What does that mean?" Dean questions, his footsteps pad against the hardwood floors, standing right behind you; you can feel his breath on your neck, "I know you are capable; you are the strongest woman I know." his voice low, sending shivers down your body, you feel his hand on your arm, turning you around to face him. He sees your tear-stain cheek, "Fuck, Y/N, talk to me; what is going on? Why would you say saving you once was enough?"
Your eyes, trying and failing to hold back the tears, are now on the brink of spilling out. He needs to just let you go. You lean back against the door, knowing he took that little movement as exhaustion, and you are. You are exhausted by talking about this repeatedly, tired that he just can't let you leave, won't give up, and will go back to seeing you only when he needs something. He needs to go back to his life and let you put him back into the box of things that you don't let yourself have. Taking a breath, you run your hands over your face, wiping the tears and pushing them back inside. Putting on your brave face, "You know, Sam will be here in two days. I think you should go back with him. Go back to the bunker, and 'put yourself back on the board.'"
Throwing his line back at him, telling him he needed to return to work and that you would be fine without him. Will you, though? In time, maybe? You turned the door handle and stepped into the room, never breaking your eye contact with him. He shut the door in his face and flipped the lock, not giving him a chance to speak, knowing that he would not force his way in.
To be continued
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zepskies · 2 months
Hey Lovely! For the ask game, I'm requesting #4, #7, and #24.
Thanks!! ❤️
Well hello there, friend! 🥰
Oh my, good questions...
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Hahaa oh lord. I mean, how much time do you have? 🤣 I have entire files worth of ideas from different fandoms that I've even gone so far as to outline, but have never gotten around to writing.
I think the first ones that come to my head are two series ideas in the Smallville fandom:
Hanging By a Moment - Clark Kent x OC
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Summary: The path of Clark Kent’s life changed drastically after he turned sixteen. It was choice, it was happenstance, it was destiny—all in one. He didn’t know it yet, but it was always going to be her.
(Yes, title is based on the song by Lifehouse. 😂)
Keep Holding On - Jason Teague x OC
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Summary: Try as Jason might, he just couldn’t compare to Clark Kent. Not in Lana’s eyes at least. Elena is the casualty of war, caught in between.
Both sound very melodramatic now that I read the summaries next to one another. 😂 The main reason why I haven't written these, I guess, is because I feel like the Smallville fandom has mostly died out. Tumblr especially doesn't really support OCs as much as reader inserts, and these stories both needed to be OCs to give me the freedom to create as much backstory and character as I wanted to.
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Oh a DEEP CUT you say? 🤣 Oh God, I've been writing since I was about 10 or 11 years old (and let me tell you, it was heinous).
I think my very first fanfic was for an anime called Rurouni Kenshin. It was an AU set in present time. It was that cliché thing where the heroine is sitting at a bar and is getting hit on, but she doesn't give the guy the time of day until her boyfriend (the main male lead of the show) shows up.
That character was known for being a spitfire, so she was good at putting people in their place lol. Her boyfriend is the more mild-mannered of the two, but still very protective, so I guess that's where the idea came from in my kid brain. I've long ago deleted that story off FF.net because it was so damn bad.
My first SPN fanfic, however, can be found here on Ao3. It's also pretty rough because I wrote it back in high school when I was first watching the show, first on FF.net, then transferred it over later to Ao3.
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Another interesting question... 🤔
It can take me a bit to get myself into that creative headspace, but when I'm working on a one-shot, I tend to power through the draft until I finish it in a day, maybe two if it's long (5,000+ words let's say).
If we're talking about a series, I try to knock out at least a chapter at a time in one writing session, which could take me a couple hours or several more, depending on length and how detailed my outline is, if I need to do additional research, etc.
If I really have a good flow going, sometimes I can knock out 2-3 chapters in a day. I'll have a solid 1-3 hour writing session towards the beginning of the day, take a break for a few hours, run some errands, go on a walk, have a meal, and come back to it later. I tend to do the bulk of my writing in the afternoon and throughout the night.
Thanks again for asking these questions, lovely!! 😘💜 Always happy to answer.
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nihoneshi · 6 months
Welcome to Aqua Rambles on about KFP
I just finished binging Kung Fu Panda 1-3 (not 4 yet) and man outside of a few secondhand embarrassment scenes, because there are a couple of them still for my brain, What I will say is this
god I do miss KFP fandom so so much but I also was REALLY young when I first found myself in that fandom, so like, It's only a matter of time before I found myself brainrotting the movies again and even shorter of time before I re-entered Fandom Space.
So let's get the obvious ones out of the way. God I love Tragedies and the whole prophecy that was laid out hundreds of years ago, I love how cohesive the Trilogy is (I think we all agree that KFP3 was the true end of the Series, since not even the VAs liked KFP4 and it was a glorified corporate cash grab, but don't worry, AUs exist (: )
Tai Lung and General Kai are definitely by far the two MAIN villains I vibe with the most given their situations (Tragedy Affliction & Bond Brother Give-Take disagreement) I do love Shen but my love for him is extremely nuanced on the fact he's a diabolical genocidal sociopath but he's also oddly fucking dramatic, theatrical and comedic of a villain DESPITE the 3 words I JUST called him.
But also the Wolf Boss.. God he's a bastard (affectionate) but EVERY TIME HE "INSULTS" PO HE JUST GOES OFF ON NON-THREATENING TERMS homie please stop being bisexual on the battlefield lmaO /pos.
The Will to write Tai Lung just like 13yo me wanted to has not changed outside of the fact that after a decade more of writing with extremely intricate and nuanced characters with complex tragedies and traumas, I feel like I could finally do justice with this Snow Leopard (especially with Redemption Arcs, because hee-ho I write Saren Arterius, you know. Mass Effect 1's big bad villain that is just as much as a tragedy as Tai Lung but unlike Tai Lung this idiot decided to try to get parasitical genocide machines to spare them and ended up getting indoctrinated against his will)
Now onto Main Cast. Just like kid me, Viper and Mantis were my two go-to idols for KFP1, my love for Crane's realism-centric attitude and Tigress' having second thoughts and a much more intricate wake-up call in KFP2 and on became so much more apparent, like, trust me I haven't watched any of the other animated content but you can tell like, these 6 have gotten so attached to one another (Monkey and Po, especially, literally best buds love that for them)
But the SHEER amount of times I have said this phrase "Viper, Please rephrase yourself" has been in the nearly every thing she has ever said she is so upfront and has misread the room every single damn time. and don't even GET ME Started on KFP2/3 Tigress, the sheer amount of character development she gets is insane
she goes from an asshole to deep down realizing that Po has fallen still due to mental turmoil SEVERAL times and isn't keeping Po down there with Ox and Croc because she doesn't want him getting in the way but BECAUSE She doesn't want him to get hurt like him freezing up both times has gotten him. And then further more watching Po teach everyone their own ways of Kung-Fu all the WHILE TIGRESS IS HOLDING ON TO A BABY PANDA THE WHOLE TIME, EVEN FIGHTING WITH THE KID. AND THEN SHE CARRIES THEM AROUND EVEN AT THE JADE PALACE AT THE END OF THE MOVIE.
And please I can't fucking believe it took Crane several MOVIES TO GET HIS FUCKING NECK FIXED AFTER WHAT TAI LUNG DID TO HIM, HOMIE HAD A CROOKED NECK FOR MONTHS. There were scenes in KFP2 and Early KFP3 where this man's neck was still partially FUCKED. Dude shrugs it off like it's nothing and then proceeds to heal his wing in merely a few damn days max.
The Theatrics, all of the animations, the voice work.. god damn I adore these three movies so so much. But there is one thing I was not expecting and honestly I should've seen it coming.
My eventual brainrot and emotional attachment to side characters and characters with very minimal screen time (I should've seen this with me Writing Volteer from The Legend of Spyro, Nihlus Kryik from Mass Effect 1, and many more)
Dude I LOVE Master Croc, I don't know why SPECIFICALLY him but like. I like how he looks so cocky wanted to kick Shen's shit in, even laughing to himself, how he's so so loyal to Ox after Rhino's (supposed death), like you KNOW these three were inseparable and it LOOKS like Rhino reunites with Master Ox and Master Croc at the end of KFP3 that's what I hope if it was even only for a couple of minutes following what was probably Rhino heading back to the Spirit Realm.
I really love Master Croc, it is not even funny he's such a character, a silly, perhaps.
but now my rambles go to something else, since it takes place in the era that it does.. and like.. my hoard of Dragon OCs and Dragon Characters (literally all the guys on this blog ARE dragons!~ ) Like.. what would be the general consensus of a Dragon popping up in universe? Since back then they're still hailed as deities (Like the Dragon Kings, and all the dragon deities in both Chinese and Japanese mythology)
I am so so curious. But maybe I should add more to my rambles later when I am not so tired but god I have ideas and WILL enact on them.
A tiny edit: I 100% support kaiway due to the context I now have from watching KFP3, homie you have spent all the time in the world holding up Oogway's Chi charm like you want him to see everything like, they def. had something going on pre-banishment
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Hi I don't have any friends that watch only friends so here I am screaming in your ask box about it
1. God something about First as Sand has me in a chokehold idk if it's the way he's styled in the show but I am NOT OKAY he's tooo damn fine
2. FirstKhao's chemistry is insane. It's at the point where I feel it kinda overtakes the whole ray is in love with mew storyline because the way ray looks at sand overshadows the way ray looks at mew? And it's probably just because khao has more chemistry with first than he does with book
3. People are probably gonna scream at me for this but I am NOT feeling topmew? They're so boring. And the thing is that I love forcebook and I think top and mew's characters are actually quite interesting. Unfortunately forcebooks acting just aren't good enough to bring out their characters. First, khaotung, neo and mark's acting has overshadowed their acting at this point. Forcebook has good chemistry off screen I just don't know why it doesn't translate on screen
4. We're finally going to get an insight on the whole topsand drama and I cannot wait. I did not expect to find out at ep 4 and since it's so quick I don't think it's anything to do with ray? Because sand still has his boundaries with ray so the whole "it's clear you just can't take care of what's yours" is leaning very closely to the theory that top slept with sand's ex and that prior to that top and sand were probably friends
5. I'm looking forward to seeing nick and sand scenes so much
Sorry for the thought dump, I hope I am making sense as English is not my main language and thank you for the only friends gifs I love them
hi there nonny!!!
my inbox exists for screaming so go ahead lmao.
Sand is doing things to me for sure like we still don't know much about him but just one look at Ray and you can tell he's already far gone djkghd truly no one is immune to First's doe eyes djhfd I'm a weak bitch for him 😩 can't wait for some of his secrets to come out 👀 .
The RayMew storyline is weak so far but I think it's more because they haven't given it a lot of screentime lol like we've seen a few jealous looks from Ray towards Top etc. but there has not been a single interaction between him and Mew that would make me think he's in love with him lmao. However after this week's episode I'm thinking they're telling this story in the past. I was surprised that this has been a non-issue in the present as Ray doesn't seem to have any trouble going all in with Sand but I think that might be why. It looks like it all peaked 2 years ago when the kiss happened etc. but we'll see about that next week I guess. But also regardless the FK chemistry I mean what can I say. my kings are slaying. I have no further comment. they have me screeching and kicking my feet 24/7 as it is but it's all peaking on Saturdays lmao. they're insane. literally nickboston who lmao. they can have all the steamy scenes they want but they will not be able to surpass the FK magic for me lol. no one does it like them. .
I feel the same about TopMew. I don't find them boring per se but compared the other 2 they lack something and it's not sex lol. I like Mew but I feel like his character is a bit inconclusive. It seems to me that he doesn't know what he wants. And it's strange to me how people worship him just because he refuses to sleep with Top lmao. that doesn't give a character a striking personality. I agree that ForceBook's acting is not as strong as the others' but so far it's not bothering me. It's noticeable but it's not the issue with their story imo. idk I just need to know about Mew's past with Ray and Top's past with Sand so I can sleep at night djhgd .
I'm very sure the top sleeping with sand's ex theory is correct like it has to be that. right??? I don't see any other possibility unless it's something boring like some business fraud or sth lmao. I don't think it has anything to do with Ray either. He might get involved once Sand finds out about his crush on Mew and maybe if the cheating theory is correct then it might have happened at the same time as the MewRay situation but I don't think he's connected to Sand's issue with Top. I just.... need to know asap lmao. .
I believe in SandNick roomies supremacy 🕯️🙏🏻🙏🏻🕯️ I really hope we get to see them live together, Sand seems so excited 🥺 And Nick is still a standalone character so it would be nice to see him with some friends around that aren't Boston's lol. thank you for liking my gifs!! 💜 can't wait for next week lol. have a nice day anon!! 💜
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cescalr · 1 year
New tag game: list ten of your childhood ships!
tagged by @babybeale <3... forever ago. Uh. Whoops!
[I will also state my current feelings regarding the ship, and I'll go into as little or as much detail as I feel like <3 I'm also. I have a sieve brain. I'm trying to remember what the fuck it was I shipped as a kid lmao. Anything I shipped, say, pre 2016, I think should count? ftr that means I was 14 or under when I shipped it.]
Nina/Fabian, from House of Anubis;
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They're still cute. Better than what they pulled in the last season ;-; fabian and mara...... why...........
2. Sam and Freddie, from iCarly;
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This show was just. Not good at writing romance. At all. It was bad at it. But I am very smart and know better than them (/joke) so I could do seddie justice. Er. Maybe trying to do that right now, actually. Shh.
[also, friend; jade and beck is so complicated, you're right. A fun mess, but still a mess lmao. Me and my rarepairs was always a fan of stuff that never ended up being canon though. Might as well put it next, I guess? Looking at your 3.... when it comes to icarly; we could not possibly have had more different opinions on the matter <3 lmao]
3. Tori Vega / André Harris;
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I haven't watched it in years so I do not remember why! But I do remember that I did. I think. Don't - don't quote me on anything ever.
4. Willoz - from buffy the vampire slayer;
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No gifs for them :( :( :( love them still so very much <3
5. Honestly, I'd steal your number 5 bestie, 6Teen was great. In the spirit of obscure animated TV shows, though - and It's been so damn long I forgot the names of some characters, had to look up the guy's name, lol - Zero and Vin from The Invisible Network of Kids. It left a profound impact on my psyche because they did something really fucked up in the last episode, plus left us on a cliffhanger, and then the show got cancelled </3 rip. Haven't watched it in a decade or so. No idea if it holds up, but I was super invested in these kids doing spy work and experiencing insane levels of trauma that would be ignored come each new episode </3. I was literally 8 years old <3. It has a TV tropes page and the entire show is availible on the Internet Archive, of all places, sooooooo I may browse. For nostalgia's sake. There are literally zero gifs available for this one, because. I mean. No shit.
7. Didn't watch any of that continuity - only got so far as Tracey Beaker Returns... alas. Anyway, my pic for 7..... hm. Sigh.
Stiles/Lydia, Teen Wolf.
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This ^ is NOT romantic! she slams her mouth onto his in the middle of a panic attack. Babe. No. No. Regardless; I don't like it </3. They really. Oh god they really fucked up this one. Like a lot. Plus, they both just ended up with much better canon ships (stalia, marrish) that then got shafted for this mess to be the endgame and then the movie breaks them up anyway!!! OFFSCREEN!!!! they didn't even last 2 weeks!!!! fuck!!!!!!!! I don't like them. But I used to. Playlist, for proof. I feel like this counts, because I shipped them when I first watched the show as it aired (I was 10 when the show started), but I did still ship the pairing until well into my teens (16 or so) before I wised up (the show made them very bad in a really boring way. Not that they weren't bad before. Love how they both do things that are otherwise reprehensible but the show frames them as romantic for some fucking reason </3 I was like 13 when I saw this kiss on screen. They're lucky I did research and didn't just take it at face value or I could've gotten some really bad ideas about what's healthy in a situation like this!).
8. Zikki (Zane/Rikki), H20: Just Add Water;
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Season 3 does not exist <3 [also, the way they wrote the 'cheating' plotline was fucked up. That woman planted one on him!!! he did not consent!!! Why are we supposed to be blaming him for being sexually harassed in the workplace!!! No!!!]. Still ship them fr fr.
8. maf;lkasjd;f yeahhh. Think if you watched friends as a kid, it was inevitable you'd ship rosschel, the damn thing was pushed so hard. Stand in regretful solidarity;
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For really obvious reasons (being that it is rosschel); hot damn no I do not!
9. Harry and Ginny, Harry Potter.
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Ignoring the horrendous movie adaptation, when I read the hp books I basically just defaulted to shipping whatever was canon. Luckily for me, the canon hp ships are actually pretty good ones! If you ignore the canaries in the room. (I. Do not. Famously. Well. Infamously.) As for Hinny, whilst its a garbage ship name, the pairing itself is pretty great <3
10. kaljdflkasdt thank god I don't remember jack shit about watching glee for the first time! the sieve brain is a blessing in this one occasion. I've already mentioned in another (tagged <3) post my vaguely-relevant hsm ships, though, so..... hmm. What should I pick.... let's think.... I'm kidding. I don't need to think.
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Shoker is a major missed opportunity in ME, and I've been mad about the choices for my fem!shep for YEARS because. Look. Kaiden she did not cheat on you. You left!! You accused her of being evil and fucked off after she was resurrected!! what else was she supposed to think other than 'guess he doesn't want to date me anymore. Rude.' And. You could have sex with Jack but not romance her, that was locked to male characters >:| biphobia [Jack can have sexual relations with women, but her only real connections are to men. Rude!]. And, Liara in my games always turned herself down for romance because she assumed my shep wanted to date Kaiden because she's not a total dick to him and there's no way for me to clarify otherwise, also people making assumptions :/ not great. Plus Li becomes the shadow broker and it's a whole thing, so that doesn't really work out narratively for me anyway. Can't romance Miranda. Can't romance Tali (wouldn't anyway - Tali/Garrus <3). Refuse to romance Garrus that is just so platonic a dynamic it's not even funny. Jacob cheats and dips, so fuck him. Like... all of the fem!shep romances are terrible (or Trainor, I guess, but she's... kind of. Nobody. She's Just There. Sorry. It's not narratively interesting enough for me.) and Joker was right there and augh. Augh! Still ship. Still mad about it. Hatboy Project is doing the lord's work! I salute thee soldier in thine endeavours. Waiting to replay LE until it's been finished <3.
If anyone wants to pick this up, go for it!
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adjit · 1 year
tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
Tagged by @misspickman thank you!!
Last song: When I first saw the tag post it was “I wanna know what love is” by Foreigner (shoutout to my baby boy Nova <3 it was on his playlist), but between seeing the tag and actually making this post I did watch that Bad Apple r/place video so technically it’s Bad Apple. I just felt that was too obvious.
Currently watching: Ummm… things I’m in the middle of… My Adventures With Superman. Gotham, technically (we dropped off somewhere in season 2 like a year ago), and also CW Supergirl, technically (I’m only about 4 episodes in and it’s been months).
And then my anime Tuesday watch party rotates through a whole list of them so I am in the middle of uh… Komi Can’t Communicate, To Your Eternity, Bocchi the Rock, Kaguya-sama Love Is War, Natsume Yuujinchou, Witch From Mercury, and Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Also Miraculous Ladybug. Back to watching that just bc I was too happy I guess and needed something to scream about.
Currently reading: I just finished both This Is How You Lose The Time War and The House in the Cerulean Sea (I liked both, would recommend) but haven’t picked up anything new on the novel front, though next up is These Are Not The Trinity Papers. Because it's sitting on my desk now so I guess it's next.
Comics front I’m still working my way through Young Justice ‘98 and Tim’s Robin run, plus currently keeping up with Poison Ivy, City Boy, Spirit World, Green Arrow, and Batman and Detective Comics. And SMOT. And actually haven't read the last TDR, which I was keeping up with (do not recommend, unless you're like me and just want to look at pretty pictures of Tim; it's not bad per se just so deeply middling). I’ve gotten a couple months behind because I’ve been busy with new job and travel and friends… OH ALSO I did just pick up Batman/Superman World's Finest Vol 1. from the library, so that's also On The List (the list is so god damn long).
Current obsession: DC for sure, for better or for worse. I’m sure you couldn’t tell from my other answers on this. (I didn’t even mention the DC video games I’ve been playing...)
Tagging… @milfkon @loisinherlane @domokunrainbowkinz @lesbitchin if y’all wanna do it
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zayalive · 8 months
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*dated september 2023*
i am here to post more things individual to me! this time, it's my top 25 video games. i am honestly not remotely content with this list and will update it around september of this year, and make it a tradition going forward. i never realized how hard it actually is to put this out on a chart/list. i always knew what i held dearly to my heart, but god when it came down to it, i had to REALLY think. imagining how this list will look by the end of this year is currently challenging. this chart is in no order besides grouping series. certain games will ALWAYS be on this list, most definitely the red dead series, and grand theft auto series. those are masterpieces, or damn near. red dead redemption ii is 100% the best game i've ever touched. the first redemption game i still highly regard to be one to stand the test of time. i have a fondness for fallout, there are many things to love, and things to not love, and that's all i'll say there for now. grand theft auto iv has one of the best stories i've played, and it's so played out but the VIBE of that game, the darkness, grittiness, it's great. san andreas is one of my childhood games, i owned so many copies because i was a stupid child. moving onto guitar hero, i still remember my first experience with it at my sister's, i remember getting my first copy of the game from fred's of all places. i mainly play clone hero nowadays, and am mostly average. i play expert, still have never got past that ttfaf intro. i got into wwe pretty early on in my life like most of these games, being able to watch the show weekly and hop in the games after school was special. cozy survival crafting is definitely one of my favorite things ever, and it's funny to call terraria cozy but it is to me LOL. i will never EVER understand terraria hate, how can you hate something so good? i have fallen out of love with minecraft over the years to the (in my opinion) underwhelming updates and odd direction the game has taken. with that however, the new auto-crafter and trial chambers look so sick. i want to say i got into stardew valley in 2018 and have loved it ever since, still haven't gotten through the beginning of ginger island though, maybe someday. ever since extremely late 2017 or early 2018, my main game has been fortnite: battle royale. at one point, i wanted to go pro and make a living streaming, but sadly i am NOT built for that. i've always loved zombies, first experience was probably like season 2-3 twd, and been hooked ever since. project zomboid was such an insane experience in february of last year. such an eye-opener. easily the best zombie game ever made. 7 days to die is also a great game, the impending doom you feel every week is fun and refreshing from what i normally play while still have that survival crafting i love. i grew up on tony hawk games and wasn't sure which ones to put but these were the standouts, and i didn't want to load the list up with a ton from one series. i remember spending all my savings as a kid on saints row: the third and i still wonder if that was a good decision or not. i have played tons of call of duty in my day, although i stopped at ghosts, and have dabbled in and out ever since. black ops is easily my favorite, the campaign, and multiplayer, agh. zombies even. modern warfare 2 is a classic and one i cannot ignore. ghost looks cool. i have played HELLA sims 3 in my lifetime, yes i have played the sims 4 and i can confidently say the sims 3 clears with ease. i dumped crazy hours into the console ports and the pc as well. around this final stretch of the list is where i really struggled so i went for nostalgia with atv off-road fury 2. that series and mx vs atv were definitely a blast to 10 and below me, and might even be today. i'm not quite sure. if anyone actually finishes this, i am sorry, for i am the rambler.
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matbaynton · 1 year
tagged by @baynton thank you!! 💙
8 shows to get to know me better
copying nat here to say that this is also where the mat obsession started 😈 my friend hallie (who i will also be tagging to do this obviously) got me into it and i cannot thank them enough for giving me the brainrot! i've watched this show.... idk how many times now i'm constantly rewatching it but i still laugh (and/or cry) every time. don't think i needed to know how absolutely FERAL and UNHINGED and RABID i was capable of being, i swear i was normal before i saw thomas thorne. i WAS, and no one can disprove that so just believe me 🤡 he is my sopping wet babygirl pathetic chewtoy and i love him.... so much..... and i want to d*e on the button house property and become a ghost more than anything in the whole world. anyway this show is fantastic and it changed my life and there isn't a single bad main character!
not sure if it's because i watched this show the year it came out (and on the night before/night of my 18th birthday, so it ended up being the best birthday i've had in years which is. still true lmao) but it continues to hold such a special place in my heart, and i can't truly explain why. gonna be honest seeing that winona ryder was in it immediately made me want to watch (and i love joyce byers + jopper a normal amount) i'm also really into horror and gross shit and this show really delivers on that sometimes, it's fantastic 🫡
i don't think i can talk about this show for too long without crying lmao, but for a silly starter: THERE IS SO MUCH GOD DAMN FUCKING PURPLE IN THIS SHOW IT IS VERY PLEASING TO MY EYEBALLS!!!!! i'm a huge blubbering baby when it comes to the found family trope and this show has that! not to mention the incredible lgbt+ rep that truly shocked me to my core. i've also never related to a fictional character more than luz noceda, it's almost unsettling. still haven't watched the finale because i'm in denial about it being over and fuck disney channel for cancelling it.
besides glee and pretty little liars (that i'm surprisingly not putting on this list for reasons) this was one of the first real tv shows i've gotten into. my friend and i stumbled upon it on netflix (back in the ancient times of the early 2010's) she wasn't into it AT ALL but when i went home i immediately started watching the rest of it. i love all of the doctors/companions/eras in so many different ways, and every time i rewatch this show it feels like home <3
99% of the characters in this show are complete dumbasses and i'm truly here for it,. also seeing mat as so many different freaky sexy characters fixed me made me worse. HOWEVER.... the felt puppets still strike fear into my heart, i've gotten somewhat used to it but i still want to scream and poop my pants whenever i see them.
as we've established i'm a fan of the found family trope (even the FUCKED UP PROBABLY MENTALLY BAD FOR EACH OTHER kind of found family) besides how funny this show is (and how much i love troy and abed AND WANT WHAT THEY HAVE MORE THAN ANYTHING) it was also the first time i interpreted autism portrayed in a somewhat better way than i had ever seen before on television (of course abed being autistic isn't technically canon, hence "interpreted") but i really appreciated it and the fact that he IS canonically the most mentally stable in the group is incredible and i love it. will NEVER forgive them for making a felt puppet episode though, it haunts my nightmares.
drew barrymore plays a zombie milf and timothy olyphant plays her hot husband who helps her kill shitty people to eat. wtf else do i need to say? it's a masterpiece and i wake up every day hating netflix for cancelling it
YEAH THIS IS A SHOW! I'M COUNTING IT AS A SHOW! i knew i was going to put at least one watcher show on this list because i love these idiots so dearly. i chose too many spirits because the amount of times i've almost (😐) pissed myself from laughter watching these morons get drunk and tell stupid stories is TOO MANY..... spirits! like the name of the show! too many! too many times 🤡 anyway
tagging (no pressure to do it!) @larryrickard @reysorigins @softdavidrose @karura @captainsjack @jugheadscrowns @bejeweledantihero @hannamarins
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achilleslefttoe · 9 months
The Gods.
hihihihihihi, so basically this is mostly for @star-realities but im making it public cause yes. hope this is helpful so basically, im writing a book series, and my big idea was to make design gods for the world inspired by me and the friends i created the world for. there've been multiple versions of this series but the very first was based on me and 3 of my friends. I found it fitting to make us the gods of the world because if it weren't for us, the book nor the world it takes place in would exist.
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so these are us, i made the photos on picrew (@/hunbloom). but anyways here's the actual lore. basically Achaii woke up one day bored as hell and said "damn, this thing we live in is bland as hell. imma spice it up" and grabbed their paintbrush and made the sky. Legends say they still paint the sky every night and morning.
Evanitis saw this and joined in making greenery. The two enjoyed their freedom and the other two watched. Zacharaea and Maion never really liked each other but they both loved Ace and Evan. Then Zach wanted to join in, so he and Evan made fire by accident. Zach, overwhelmed by pride cried, and Ace stepped in to make the oceans and rivers to store the tears of Zach and later on the others. The tear thing is important later. Mae blew the fire out to keep it from spreading, they all knew the power that their creations had.
After Mae had blown out the fire, the earth parted. Evan fixed it to be somewhat uniform afterward. (goodbye Pangea) They called their island Te Etearia Isle, later changed to The Ethereal Isles. Located off the southern coast of France.
After this, Evan created an herb he was fond of and decided to burn it, after he burnt it, he began creating whatever the fuck he wanted (yes, i'm implying he made weed)
One night the deities came together to create the first humans. They loved each other in VARIOUS different ways but it got lonely when it was just the 4 of them. Mae worked out the fine tuning of humans. Two arms, two legs, two lungs, a head, brain, and heart. Of course and so on. Each one of their first humans had their own special features but i haven't worked them all out yet.
Anyways, back to the tears thing. In my story, on their side (there's their realm and our side aka the boring non magic side) there are four bodies of water that are considered Tears of a God, which is written in Latin but I don't have a perfect translation for it yet. These bodies of water have special properties that vary depending on which god cried into them. They're all salt water cause yk, they're tears.
I have one for everyone but Evan, the only thing I know about his is that it's like The Yellow River in China, it's rough and prone to flooding for a very specific reason. But that reason is written in my history notebook that i left in my locker at school.
Ace's (well mine) is called Mourner's Peak, where there's multiple little ponds (or maybe geysers idk yet) each one evokes a different emotion. Mostly negative, but some positive.
Zach's is the original pond Ace had made for him to cry into when they made fire for the first time. That is the main portal, his tears make it possible to travel from each realm easily.
Mae's in a deep deep saltwater pond, under it is the cave where she locked away the other three gods. They're stuck under there for thousands of years.
also, the star over bethlehem where people say jesus was born is where the big fight between Mae and the others happened. The star was Ace fighting cause yk they're the deity of the cosmos and celestial magic. Also toying with the idea I wrote the bible as a joke and someone found it after we locked away and then continued it lmao.
anyways, that's it for now. if anyone has questions or wants me to go into more detail on anything, I will gladly do so. Also if you wanna hear more about my series in general, i will gladly ramble about it
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
Do you like ciphers? I love a good hidden message and mysterious paintings, i really like how you set it up in deciphering, it's partially what drew me in to the comic, aside from your gorg art and funny&heartwrenching dialogue so. I was wondering if you liked mystery stories in general, what would be your favorite ones? Owo
Are you that mysterious person from DeviantArt who tried to decipher the canvas and Morse code sketches? If not, hi anyway! If yes, hello, dear!
The name of a last code type you asked about was really hard to track down because of some translation issue. I thought it was a cipher of the Knights of the Rose Croix, but Google was so confused it couldn't give me anything besides this next to the actual Rose Croix cipher, apparently.
And now I'm confused too, so let's make it easier and I'll show you the decoder. What is SPRC cipher Google doesn't know either.
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And yes, I like ciphers, but before writing Deciphering I couldn't thought where I can use them. Now I know I can implement them into drawings x)
It's a little bit funny how I found out about ciphers outside of adventure and mystery movies. It may not look like this now, but in 2012-2014 I was pretty devoted fan of My Little Pony G4. I was 20 and went to Czech Republic to attend the pony convention Czequestria 2014. There was a quest, we split into teams and a part of it was to decipher little texts. It looked some gibberish and I couldn't thought what to do with it, until my teammate, a local guy Vojtech, took the paper sheet - and god damn recognised every type of coding was used. He was mumbling under his nose: "Ah, it's Caesar's one. Alright, rotate 4?.. No, it's rotate the alphabet 3 times". I was mesmerized. And you know what? We were the only team who finished this part and got the first place winning the quest - and all thanks to Vojtech! :)
Only a year after I've watched Gravity Falls - and still haven't figured that out how and where could I use ciphers.
And oh hell yeah, I love detective and mystery stories! As much as I love good romance stories, mysteries are my favourite genre. Isn't that the first reason a lot of us played Ace Attorney? It was mine for sure, besides being bored and wanting to play something silly. I didn't know ANYTHING about gay lawyers until I've launched the game last year.
What are my favourites, uf, that's a tough question.
I absolutely loved Endeavour TV series, watched 3 seasons in a row, and I should return to it. The main character is also so sweet, his large translucent blue eyes inspired me to paint Pheenie's eyes that way.
I also love The Silence of the lambs movie.
In terms of books I really love Alan Bradley's series about Flavia de Luce, the first part is called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Flavia is a 12 years old genius chemist and the youngest daughter living in a manor with her father, two older sisters and several servants - and around her always happen murders. I like Flavia so much, I called my cat after her. She is so charming, funny and quick-witted, cynical and in love with chemistry, interested in poisons, graveyards, decomposition and, well, solving mysteries. It's really funny moments when adults are trying to hide her from corpses, but she leans in to investigate no matter what. She reminds me of Wednesday Addams, but still in a very fresh and entertaining way. I love a combination of sweet and jesus-fking-christ in one story, but it's mostly really sweet and wholesome. And, gosh, it's written so beautifully!
I also can recommend Daniel Pennac's La Saga Malaussene, first part is The Scapegoat. It might be not my favourite, but it is unforgettable experience for sure. The main character is an older brother of 10+ little siblings and the only adult, every one of his little ones are just a tiny bit magical, which makes the story a bit with magical realism. It also contains a combination of sweet and brutal, like Flavia, but here the contrast is even stronger. And the brutal murders, ouf, make the wholesomeness shine even brighter.
Woah, I feel like I should stop for now. Such topics make me really talkative, and I should go back to work. We can continue later, my inbox anywhere is open ;)
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
My School President Live Blogging
Wow, am I finally getting to this show? The last episode comes out in a week so this is perfect timing for me technically. I'm still pretty caught up on Beyond Evil and Lee Dongshik/Han Joo Won but I believe the show can hold my attention still.
I've seen so many gifsets of this and clips and GeminiFourth tweets/tiktoks as well and it's all been soooo adorable, so I'm expecting to really like this.
Episode 1 (Feb 18)
damn not me having to see that random girl get harassed within the first 5 minutes
pls then just hitting each other on the head cuties
pls Gun so funny and annoying along with his friends
girl they nearly burnt down the school 4 times?! jk 3 times
agh Tinn ordering food for the music club and now I’m craving fried chicken so bad
Tinn always declaring something and looking off into the distance and his friends looking with him or wondering what he’s looking at
so cute Gun’s mom to the rescue and Gun being like “that’s my mom”
plss Gun speaking cutely with Tinn to get him to extend the deadline
The last name change during the prayer really was so early on ah Tinn
Why are they being so rude at the beginning when Chinzilla are playing smhhh
noo Tinn giving the garland to the other team
oh how did Chinzilla win then?
pls I saw this clip of Gun being like "Smile, Mr. School President. Good boy"
oh dumbass Tinn not giving Chinzilla his own garland but working triple the amount to make sure everybody else votes for them ah you fool
I haven't watched any BL since the start of this month and haven't watched any Thai BL this year except NLMG once a week, so it took a bit to get into the right mindset for this comedic high school BL after watching and being obsessed with Beyond Evil. This was really fun though, glad to see Fourth and Gemini's faces, as well as Chinzilla friend group
Ep 2 (Feb 19)
plssss Tinn's voice when speaking to Gun vs his squeaky voice when speaking to his mom
pls Tinn obsessed as fuck with Gun
I usually don't like the same scenes repeated with a different perspective but this is fun because Tinn's so ridiculous
as cute lil grade 10 Tinn with his glasses and Nobita-lite outfit
my god nerdass Tinn with the Love and Gentleness and Peace in his crossword (it's scrabble?) game
(Linguistics) Tinn referred to Gun as nai in this scene - what do they use now? I would think gu/meung
pls Tiw with the teasing Tinn and also poking fun at the dynamic "time to tell him that the cruel school president has a crush on you, baby boy" lmfao
noooo poor Tinn's confession ruined by the instruments being taken away and his rose getting stepped on
plsss Gun coming to beg Tinn similar to Tinn's dream
So silly, I love the "act as my servant/errand boy" trope
pls rascal Gun when giving the shaved ice to Tinn is so cute, I'm in love with Fourth's face
Tiw with the imaginary umbrella ah I love friendship
Tinn fr giving away his dad's guitar to silly kids for the time being
"not even a 4 year old would fall for that" and indeed Gun and friends fall for that
(Linguistics) Also fun that Tinn's pretending to be a nong and calling the music club members Phi as the lion
Tinn has become aware of the Hot Wave contest rule
plsss Tinn singing City to Gun to rescue him as Gun had done years ago and made him feel happy
the lyrics were translated when they were singing City and i can totally see why that song was chosen for Vice Versa and PuenTalay, sucks that it didn’t make much of an impression in me on the actual show as it did in the VV OG mock trailer
Gun grabbing Tinn's chin ah
Ep 3 (Feb 19)
pls Tinn lacking braincells momentarily while being like "no I'm not watching" and Gun and co. also not having even 1 braincell to pass around because they all fall for it. ah these kids
(Fave) plsss I've seen this tutoring scene so many times cuz I've replayed it to death. Tinn daydreaming about the love equation when tutoring Gun vs yelling at him by momentarily forgetting that's his boy bc Gun can't do 7th-grade math. Tinn threatening with the "I'm gonna smack you" lmfao
ohhh that's how they end up sleeping in the same bed or whatever. because of this safe house
"Don't you want to spend nights with me, Tinn?" lmfaooo and Tinn's face afterward so funny
Bye! as Gun disappears
plssssssss Tinn's father being like yo yeah let him go so that we can finally fuck <333 do you want a bro or a sis or a baseball team <3 dead ew
Tinn dying as he watches Gun do the homework
Tinn whining like I just wanna be his boyfrienddd
Gun seems fond as he's listening to Tinn go on about what'll be the consequences of Gun not sleeping on the bed lol he says that Tinn's annoying but it's a liee
Bad Buddy flashbacks with the way they're lying with Gun on the bed and Tinn on the floor
pls Tinn misinterpreting what being partners means
ahh Tinn's heartbeat and inability to dance when it's with Gun
a clear Bad Buddy reference and Mark Pakin lmfao along with the Bad Buddy intro music my beloved
pls daydreams with the printer ink refill ad
Tinn daydreaming of Gun teaching him to chop veggies and calling him cutie pie so cute only for Gun to make him move away and call him a Khun Nu spoiled prince
(Linguistics) It's fun how they keep referring to Gun as Phi and Tinn as Nong like first with Nong Lion and now when Gun's calling himself Phi cuz he's talented and better at cooking
yaas one of Tinn's daydreams coming true, though the other way around, with Gun cleaning the rice off his face but i doubt Tinn cares which way around his fantasies happen
wtf this chinzilla chant killed me
Tinn's soul leaving his body over Gun hugging him
beautiful Fourth
plsss Gun: have you ever used that line to hit on anyone? Tinn: You. uhhh wanna rehearse? you wanna do the dance rehearsal right now? because Tinn panicked but did Gun seem a bit disappointed that the answer wasn't actually Meung? did he hmm
honestly congrats to Tinn for managing to dance instead of bursting into flames considering he's also holding Gun's bare waist
Tinn brave as hell to lie there and ask Gun to make extended eye contact with him considering he can't even interact normally with the guy
ahhhh Gun being the one who lets go of the staring and turns around and curls up in bed with an excuse, my guy is feeling feelingsssss
(Fave) ahh Tinn's speedy stuttering heartbeat and him trying to convince himself to do well because Gun won't get to go to Hot Wave otherwise but then Gun telling him to close his eyes and him having the best, cutest, most beautiful daydream of ever ah Though I do wish they wouldn't do so many flashbacks like both here and with the staring moment, we got to see a lot of the past 3 ep moments again lmao
(Fave) ahhhhh the heartbeat thing coming back but this time for Gun!! Gun's racing heart after the eye contact with Tinn and the pencil case ahhhh it's so fucking good
also beautiful beautiful Fourth and his expression and Gun's blinking ah so good cute beautiful makes me so giddy
I'm gonna chew on glass, such a good episode. I'm so fond of all the characters and am so smiley and giddy while watching. We're getting Gun's POV again next ep I think
Fave Scenes:
Tinn's tutoring daydream vs reality
Tinn's daydream of the dance with the tuxedos and live music
Gun's racing heartbeat as we realize he's starting to catch feelings as well and his expression!!
Ep 4 (Feb 20)
4-1 and 4-2
i was eating so not many comments
at least Gun's friends were loyal to him but also Sound's not wrong. They probably could've come up with a solution that doesn't involve Gun quitting but yknow teenagers, so it makes sense and I'm assuming he'll be back in the band by the end of the ep
The humour for this show really works for me like Sound being like oh you want me to not join? I'll join or sure! and Sound making Win come around with the "P'win nalak" comment reading and our lovely cute Gun, esp at the Booth Checking
(Linguistics) Tinn calling Gun Khun Nu as the customer/waiter ah
I should also become thick-skinned
aw Tinn and Gun heart-to-heart cuteness
pls Sound trying so hard not to smile
the cute Chinzilla hat blankets ah
Sound learning to become softer through the power of Friendship
Gun getting some food for Tinnn and then we ofc get the Bad Buddy like makeup remover ad
The pinky hold! I don't quite like the editing of that scene but it's so cute T.T Tinn's shaking hand ah
Ep 5 (Feb 20)
I think this is the first ep where I started slightly avoiding spoilers, so idk much about this conflict about future plans
I did see this jealous little Gun in clips heh
damn Gun really going for the "Does the school president take care of all his friends this good?"
D: where is this show going? Why are we dealing with Gun having to skip school to look after their restaurant and them being behind on bills oh no and Gun considering giving up Hot Wave to study
Tinn getting Gun out of bed sooo cute
cute Tinn in his glasses + I really like Gemini's smile
bro Gun's father and his reason for wanting to do music why is this ep sad
loll Tinn managing to ask if Gun has found someone he wants to date after the contest but Gun escaping
pls Sound doing nothing and Win getting freaking worked up is so funny
aw Gun didn't get the job
do i feel like watching this rap battle... no. I'm watching just the talking bits
:< Gun sobbing while hugging Tinn
I want Gun's sweater
ah they all found their way back to the music club
does Gun know that the one in the music club that Tinn likes is himself... does he know?
D: This show was supposed to be pure joy and shenanigans but now there are sad touching parts :< with the parents and financial situations and future endeavous
I knew there were sad parts apaprently that made people cry but so early? I esp can't deal with uncertainties of the future and jobs and such
Ep 6 (Feb 21)
"Who in my club do you like? ... I can be your matchmaker" oh Gun
plsss last ep Gun had Tinn as Ai'Mr. Student President or something and Tinn has Gun has Chinzilla Baby
Tinn dying over wanting to tell Gun he likes him but then agonizing over his daydream gone wrong vs Gun wanting to hear Tinn say he likes him but being too nervous and having the most frantic call ahh
Gun's so funny "Friends are friends, what kind of friend wants to be a lover? >:(" and then smiling :D while listening to the lyrics and thinking of Tinn
oioioi keeping eye contact
also I love Fourth's smile that's like kinda frowny sometimes. upside down smile
lmfaooo does Tiw actually think Sound's tryna steal Gun or is he just tryna motivate Tinn
lmfao Tiw shipping king with TinnGun and SoundWin
pls going from SoundWin angry at each other to Tinn softly asking Gun the question
pls Tinn's best memory is Gun singing on his birthday when his parents weren't there
aw Gun :<
girl pls SoundWin is so funny what's going on
Satang so beautiful though and also Soung touching his lips and looking over at Win leaving ah he was so confident when in front of Win and everybody but mans is falling
oioioi poor 'friends'
lmfaooo dramatic Tinn
Gun making everything cuter and lovey dovey in the MV and Tinn going through it fr
oh noo Tinn getting upset and "friends don't do this" :<
Friendzone line cross and cheek kiss sooo cute
oh just being friendly MV
Ep 7 (Feb 22)
Tinn suddenly so confident in his flirting
Gun so silly getting jealous over this 1 far-away interaction
girl wtf Yo why are you a child on Tinder? and why are you catfishing with Tinn's face? They were clearly hinting at him being into somebody with his questions about the dating ban rule but I wasn't expecting this lol
pls Tinn being so dreamy about their first date
girl why tf are we even going through with this pretend date T.T Yo can't even date her after he confesses his lies even if she does like him back
pls Gun being so violent toward Yo is killing me
pls Jealous Sound?
what the fuck is this SoundWin pee situation this is killing me so bad what's going onnnnn why
yaas lesbians <333
aw TinnGun first date cuties
dumbass Yo fr
lmfao I'm dead leave Nook aloneeeee, she has him blocked
I think it's fun that Gun bought Tinn that QR code from their first date hangout and uploaded photos of Tinn on there; so his reciprocity and interest
This episode was so ridiculous like the SoundWin tied up and pee scene?! Yo's whole entire catfishing storyline?! and all the ridiculous things like the aquarium date + yard dance to help Yo?!
Ep 8 (Feb 22)
oh it's already Hotwave day? are we gonna flashback? or it's just the next round but not the final round right
plsssss Gun has Tinn so wrapped around his finger
no actually Tinn's horny little daydreams and expressions are killing me so bad ah cuteee
also Tinn saying he hasn't started studying for the exam whatever next month is a bit hmmm
ahhh Gun drinking all that sake
pls not Tiw witnessing a hand kiss between Sound and Gun
pls this Indian serial style editing of Tinn becoming aware of Sound and Gun killing me so bad
TinnGun cute swimming and cute convo :< and soooo cute when Tinn's jealous and Gun finds it endearing
ahh Win caring about Sound okay okay
"trying to bug me?" "yeah I am" that's really cute
(Linguistics) I loveee the way they say "really?" like "lohhh?" like I've noticed it each time and love the little whiny or indulgent way it's said
okie cheering on Gun for his competition and Tinn for his meeting with the doctor - each person doing what's best for their own future but supporting the other as well
noo Tinn why are you running to see them perform after you've already let Gun know that you won't be here T.T go introduce yourself to the doctor (or maybe he'll realize he really doesn't wanna be a doctor. then that's okay ig)
lol I think I'm just Going Through It in terms of school and career and internships but Tinn passing up that networking opportunity that other people don't even get is killing me so bad like why did you doooo that. though at least it's not like he actually missed an interview or something.
though I'm also still happy that TinnGun get to have a cute moment. cute teary Gun T.T
forehead kiss cute
Actually the fact that Hotwave is like so many rounds is killing me so bad bc the more rounds you pass, the more you anticipate actually winning. These fucking internship interviews with like OA -> phone interview -> 2 hour-long interviews is really fucking me up because the further you get into the chain, the more you hope you did well and will get the job but that doesn't mean shit :> you could still be 1 of 10 or 20 in that last step and you could just be not chosen
Ep 9 (Feb 23)
died when Tinn's mom started naming girls that Tinn might like
TinnGun soooo freaking cute my beloveds
I love Prom's face and also Ford's character's outfits
Yak has graduated bruh why is he haunting these kids
(Fave) pls this Gun and Sound convo killed me so bad
and then Gun escaping when Sound asks if he should confess to Win
(Fave) sooooo cute when Gun's tickling under Tinn's chin and promising to announce their relationship if they win the next step
SoundWin have also gotten so cute >.< Sound being like do you feel anything after reading that? And getting prissy when Win says it doesn't suit Sound at all
Sorry but Tinn's flinchy face when Gun's threatening to flick his forehead got to me so bad and then the end of the scene when he turns his face as Gun flicks him
i love whiny lil Tinn
oh yeah I'm worried something's very wrong with Gun's mom's health pls
Tinn and Gun's moms knowing each other is gonna be trouble maybe
oh Win teasing Sound with the oh why's your heart beating so fast
"Did you write that song?" "No, you wrote it in [my heart]. I just sang it out loud" is an insane line. good job Tinn
also this I need somebody to love song reminds me of a song from the True Beauty OST or is it 18 Again?
Ep 10 (Feb 23)
pls Gun getting Tinn to clean the classroom
oof Tinn witnessing Gun's mom in pain
bruh why'd she make Tinn stay T.T now he knows about how severe her migranes are and I think people said there's gonna be about Tinn knowing but Gun not being told
pls tutor P'Aof
pls TinnGun are sooo cute, I'm gonna be so sad when they have angst cuz of Tinn having to keep the mom thing a secret
loll Tiw's genius plan to introduce Chinchillaz to the school
a;kldfjs Sound getting so worked up at the possibility that Tiw could like Win
anyway is Tiw/Por a thingggg
aghhh Tinn's not wrong for keeping it from Gun because Gun's mom told him to and it's her responsibility to tell her son but Gun's not wrong for being mad that Tinn knew and kept it from him
my poor beloved Gun T.T he lost his dad without a chance to say goodbye and now his mom has a brain tumour T.T
okay well at least Gun's mom tells him to not be mad at Tinn and also tells him about things that Tinn has done for him in secret so far
awww the "I just bought some food and drinks for you. In case you're hungry" T.T I knew Tinn didn't leave but the way Gemini did his little acting really hit it
lovely Tinn getting to hear Gun say he's thankful for the things that he's done
broooo I thought Gun was gonna call and she was gonna see, not that Tinn's mom would actually go through his phone D:
oh i see she had 1 moment of resistance and then fucking Chinzhilla Baby with Gun's face comes up ahhhh
the parents are really making me go through it this ep
also you know something else haunting me is a gif from ep 11 probably of Gun being like "yeah! fine I'm the reason we lost" or something like ah fuck
ah okay at least his mother's okay, though of course they're making us wait for winner announcements but like is the "will you be disappointed if i don't win?" and tinn saying "not at all" foreshadowing
I like how Tinn and Gun switch being the nervous one and flirty one. like they're both into each other and want to hug and kiss cheeks/on the lips and want to make the other one be flustered but also they each can get shy or get flustered
Ep 11 (Feb 24)
ohhh it really goes to Chinzhilla interesting
wtf was that real or no
fucking fuckkkkkkkkk it was a bit dreamy but I was like hmmm
poor sad Gun :< my beloved
why is Tinn just going to the student council my guy
aw hopeful optimist Por. he doesn't even have a funky sweater on today to get through this
oh maybe TinnGun are just avoiding each other at school or something but are fine together at the hospital
sorry why is Tinn's dad kneeling on the ground beside the couch after getting his wife a drink like this is so the plot of the PWPs I've read
nooo poor Gun getting nervous
aw Win believes it's his fault that they lost Hot Wave
yes Por/Tiw but it wasn't a secret relationship the way everybody was hoping
pls Por's foot being broken because he didn't redeem his wish of making no mistakes during the Hot Wave performance. the whole group's coming together through this though
ahhh preview of Tinn's mom asking Gun something,- I thought it was her asking Tinn something at first cuz we could only see her but then Gun nodding...
oioioi Gun revealing so much about Tinn's help to his mother but he's so endearing pls Tinn's mom, love him pls <3
pls Tinn's face when he realizes his mother went to Gun's mom's milk bar
okayyyy Tinn told his mom it was Gun who invited him to the beach trip and le thim go
pls not this Oishii ad
TinnGun you silly goofs with the hugging
wait wtf what's going on D:
oh pls Win why is he saying that to Gun
scary Gun? I'd like to see him play smth angry again
damn who is making up so quickly after saying such harsh words and almost fighting physically
all their wishes came true but what did Tinn and Gun wish for?
bro Tinn seek help. he wished that whatever Gun wished for comes true?
pls Gun's cute little wish >.<
but so funny that not a single one of them wished to win Hot Wave
okayyyy we're getting hesitancy but now quite homophobia from Tinn's mom
TinnGun soooo cute
free Nook from Yo
these non-kiss things are a bit annoying like either kiss or stop eluding to it
TinnGun my beloveds soooooo cute
I love Gemini's little smile his toothy grin
I wish the friendship fights were either less intense or had more of a falling out that was fixed through some time and conversation. it gave me whiplash to get from such harsh words to hugging and cuteness
Ep 12 (Feb 24)
People have said it's the perfect ending, so I'm looking forward to it.
plss so cute T.T Tinn's mom wanting to talk to Tinn about him and Gun but backing off when she realizes how anxious and scared it was making Tinn. And Gun's cute convo with his mom who gives her full approval <3
aw Tinn saying his family isn't like Gun's :<
sorry Tinn and this girl doing a shooting as romantic partners so funny like first of all she has a gf and he has a bf
loll Gun finally aware of Tiw's help with Tinn. also lol I feel like Tiw's "nobody except me knows" is gonna be untrue
I love lesbians so bad
ah we're really getting into the societal acceptance of queerness
TINNGUN ARE SO FUCKING CUTE T.T I saw a clip on twitter of their kiss scene but it's still making me so giddy
these fucking showssss and their fucking photo spreading of 2 boys kissingggg first NLMG now this ahhh
pls everybody but Por knew about TinnGun but Pat didn't know about SoundWin
I mean Jorn's not wrong about him joining to help every club, not just help Tinn hit on Gun but also you could seem less homophobic
nooo my beloved Gun, trying not to cry by pinching his nose the way Tinn told him
my beloved Tinn so willing to tell everybody T.T and be beside Gun
I hate the students fangirling over the TinnGun hug aghh like we were just having a heartfelt moment wtf is this
lol Win calling Sound 'pumpkin' so cute and flustered Sound so cute
wtf 'this can make the school look bad?' these teachers need a kick. i hope the mom remains to be strongly supportive of Tinn
we will never be free of name position debates like even in this fucking show we getting TinnGun GunTinn discussions you're killing me
ah that's why we had the switch to hand held camera - showed the shakiness of overhearing your teachers be homophobic towards you
oh so true Jorn punched the teacher? Everybody was talking about Tinn punching him in the preview from ep 11 so this is more shocking
yay Tinn mum!
TinnGun cute as hell once again, the performance at Prom of the new song is also cute
pls this PDA and shipping comments making me die so bad like these are in-canon high school classmates but Tinn is dying at being so publicly loved on, so I'll let it slide
cute SoundWin. I'm not super into them because Win's too much and I skipped most of their kissing as I tend to do but their dynamic is fun and cute
aww my poor beloved Pat with no faen. not to worry my guy, you have a beautiful face
plsss so cute both Tinn's dad and Gun so nervous
D: Gun going straight to 'mae' and Tinn's mom being taken aback and being like let's start with 'Aunt' is killing me so bad, I'm so embarrassed
soooo cute TinnGun so cute
we will never be free from name position debates x2 though it's def interesting that GMMTV is going in a way where there's even debate now rather than clear cut answers. like FirstKhao vs KhaoFirst. TinnGun vs GunTinn. Nueng and Palm's dynamic is weird and flippy but not flippy.
Very good last episode. Gave us some angst and tied up some loose ends in the first half. Made me sooo giddy in the second half.
I really liked it, especially for what it was: a cute, endearing high school BL with really endearing leads and good acting and sometimes turning tropes on their head.
I didn't love it or obsess over it the way some people seemed to but it was enjoyable nonetheless. I also loved so many of their faces lol Fourth and Prom my favourite beautiful faces but Gemini and Satang are beautiful too, not to mention Gun's mother whew!
This made me giddy and the OSTs are great and there's clear effort from the cast and crew. I liked the dynamic between the characters, whether it be how Gun and Tinn took turns being bold and shy or the parent-child relationships or Chinzhilla band. I might increase the rating by 0.5 if the characters continue giving me brainrot.
Fave Ep: Probably Ep 3
Rating: 7 7.5/10 [April 4, 2023 Edit: The characters did indeed continue to give me brainrot, as well as actors, so +0.5]
Let's Talk BL video podcast: S3 EP23: Gemini & Fourth
Open House Open Heart - Behind Special
Posts I Made
Tinn, Gun, and Tinn's father in ep 12
Public Confession at Prom
Ep 1 Tinn manipulating the folk song contest to favour Gun's group
Ep 0 Open House Open Heart FourthGemini
[Fave] Ep 3 Gun falling in love (bg: Labyrinth - taylor swift)
Ep 3 Tinn getting frustrated tutoring Gun and momentarily forgetting that’s his boy lol
Ep 4 finger locking tinn hand shaking
Tinn not going who Gun likes and dying over it
Ep 7 girlfriends !
“I guess I’m the only one who’s whipped”
MSP Ep by Ep
Ep 11 Gun and the girl being jealous of Tinn and her gf acting
Edit: Can't Help Falling In Love With You
This was so funny because most of the tiktoks, I'd liked and tracked before having watched the series and I didn't know who Gun and Tinn were so I just guessed during every scene lmfao and sometimes I was referring to them with wrong names
Old Trailer: GMMTV 2022 | แฟ���ผมเป็นประธานนักเรียน [My School President]
Ah, it has certain of the same parts but the new story is so much better. The trailer showed some of the usual tropes of pitfalls of high school BL and I'm glad the final show managed to make them fresh and interesting. Also Fourth looks like a babyyy. I guess he was 17/18 during the final filming and so was probably 16/17 during the trailer but he looks more than just a year younger - aw child
New Trailer: [Official Trailer] แฟนผมเป็นประธานนักเรียน My School President
ehhhh it's an alright trailer. I wish instead of 4 minutes of showing way too much, they'd have a 2-minute snappy and succinct trailer that better showcased the silliness and endearing factors of the show. it's an okay trailer but not great.
Edit Mar 30: Episode 12 behind was released yesterday and me and twitter have been losing our entire heads over it. all the kisses and also fourth insisting said kisses 'are nothing' is so...
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void-dust-muffin · 1 year
called out by @egg-exe to list my favorite character from 10 different fandoms.
I. Do not remember names. And I refuse to look anything up. we'll see how this goes.
1) Kal'Tsit from arknights. I've been low key obsessing over the game for a while now, and Kal is definitely one of the coolest characters. Storied past, cold demeanor belying genuine care and kindness for everyone under her, Mon3tr, the team that made her did a good job and she really just exemplifies the strength of the game in general. But I can talk to the moon and back about how stupid good the writing for arknights is, especially considering it's a gacha mobile game, so ill move on
2) Neopolitan from rwby. I fell in love with rwby's setting all the way back when I first watched it. Its unique mix of fantasy and technopunk drew me in and its character concepts have kept me there ever since. Neo probably the most. A mute character being the wisecracking villain's muscle and making her shorter than literally the rest of the cast? Peak. If only they made a character to go with the cool moves.
3) Princess Zelda in Breath of the Wild. Sweetheart's trying her best and facing frustration at every turn. Somebody hug her I'm begging you. (it's me, the sweetheart is her but also me)
4) Jafar Fire Emblem 7. Played the game years ago, loved his character design and his class(crits go brrrrr), but his story is the real selling point. The way he interacts with Nino is so sweet and I have such a soft spot for both of them(technically illegal two faves from one fandom oops).
I had the next one and then I lost it uhhhhh not the one I had but we'll go with
5) I was going to say a different character from portal but then I remembered the boy: Space Core.
6) Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. Her relationship with the major is so heartfelt and the writer did them so well. If you've never watched it go and do that cuz it's just so well put together.
7) Padparadsha from Houseki no Kuni. God that manga is a train wreck. Phos you walking disaster. I love it. Anywho, pad is an interesting character in an already very interesting cast of characters. Their entire existence, teetering between waking and immobility is an exploration of how much of the gem is required for them to function. how much them can be removed before they just. cease.
8) Waymond from Everything Everywhere All At Once. First off, if you haven't watched the movie, go see it. Second, damn I didn't think anyone would actually read this far. Waymond is such a wholesome man he changes the way the woman going through the infinite possibilities of the multiverse thinks. He finds joy in everything he does and shares it with everyone around him. Not because he's ignorant of the struggles of life, because with happiness they become easier. And the man that played him is just as sweet. At the Oscar's when it was announced as best picture he went up on stage too and was hugging everyone. I would die for him.
9) Finn from the star wars sequel trilogy. As bad as they were, when the force awakens came out I remember seeing it and being excited to see what they would do with a stormtrooper main character. And then they didn't do anything, wasting all of his potential. But if there's one thing I learned from rwby, it's that someone else was just as disappointed and wrote a fanfiction exploring what canon didn't.
And now time for the niche reach.
10) Maven from the web novel Save the Demon King. Maven is the eponymous demon king, a near mythical figure in setting and the last demon alive. He is such a fun character in a fun setting that is very well written. I refuse to say more except for go read it. It's free on tapas and very good.
Honorable Mention:
I did think of Hades the game as a possible fandom but everyone in it is too good. I can't choose. the short list is half the hub area characters and at least three of the gods on top of that
fuckin hell theres an hour down the drain. gotta keep the chain going so uhhhhh @krindenium you're the only other human that I know on this site.
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