#but also we're winners and you're losers
sophsicle · 2 years
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gguk-n · 30 days
Chapter 5- Racing for Love
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen x Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N spends her time in Netherland with Max while his girlfriend no where to be seen. They spend Christmas and New Year together. Y/N can't get over Max; maybe it's for the best. Max realised he loves her.
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{Reader's POV}
I headed back to the hotel after the race to get dressed and meet up with Max. Every one was going to be celebrating Max's win at the club. All the drivers were also joining, making it the perfect opportunity for us to meet. I was so excited. I wore a navy blue body con midi dress, it made me look and feel hot. I had told Max I'd meet him there, yet he insisted on picking me up. I was almost done getting ready when Max knocked on my door. I opened it to a much cleaner Max. I grabbed my purse and headed out with Max. "Is your girlfriend in the car?" I asked walking along with him. "No" he answered and then we walked in silence to the car. On the way there I asked again, "Is she meeting us there?" "No" he replied shortly. "Why?" I asked again. "She went back home" Max said in a tone that meant he didn't wanna talk about it anymore.
At the party, I had a lot of fun. I got to meet everyone who were very kind, welcoming and funny. They were all shocked that Max had a friend for so long that no one knew about, Charles and Lando included. We laughed, we drank, Max was pretty sober, not having touched a drink since we got there. "Why aren't you drinking?" I slurred having gulped down my previous shot of vodka, I'd lost the count of how much I had to drink since I got handed a glass as soon as one finished. "I drove here, we need to drive back to the hotel" he replied. "OHHHHH, LET'S DANCE" I shouted over the loud music. "You should go, I'm good here." Max replied while preventing Lando from toppling over. I sauntered my way to the dance floor, a guy had made my acquaintance as soon as I started dancing and we were having a lot of fun until, Max came dragging me back to where we were sat. "Max, I'm having fun. Lemme go" I whined trying to pull my hand away from his but drunk me wasn't very strong. "Drink some water and then we're leaving." he stated. "What? But we just got here. Look at all those bottle" I pointed at the bottles behind the bartender, "I need to sample those" I cried. "You can sample the alcohol later. We don't want you to get alcohol poisoning." he said shaking his head. "I have a good tolerance. SEE" I said while finally breaking free from him to try to walk in a straight line only to fail miserably and almost fall. I was only saved by Max's crazy fast reflexes, who caught me at the right moment and carried me over his shoulder back to his car, all the while I was screaming. "PUT ME DOWN....MAXIE.....YOU'RE MAKING ME DIZZY....PLEASE....I THINK I'M GONNA puke" I puked as soon as he put me down next to his car; thankfully having the brain to stop myself from puking all over his expensive car. I brushed the back of my right hand against my lips after puking, "Thank god I didn't puke on your car. haha. I don't think I can afford to clean it" I laughed. He handed me a bottle of water and got me in the car after that. The hang over wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be; maybe because Max got me medicines to help.
I spent the next few days in Zandvoort going to some of the very few places Max was allowed to go and have fun as a kid. We even went go karting. It was a shitty feeling racing against a World Champion since that idiot can't just enjoy the race. He had to make everything a competition. How did he expect me to win when this was the first time I was karting while he did this as a living for many years. We had bet on the fact that the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted; in all my confidence I had said yes, I had forgotten that my opponent was Max Verstappen. Yet, when he won after one pout, Max forgot he's the winner and let me get what I wanted since it was technically cheating since this wasn't his first time and it was mine. So, that's how we ended up watching Barbie at the end of the day. As I wiped away tears, I saw that Max was also wiping away tears. I'm never gonna let him hear the end of this.
The next few days were a blur, I tried to make the best of the situation since I wasn't sure when I would get to meet Max again. I packed up my stuff, a question still lingered on my mind; where the fuck was his girlfriend?. So, I decided to have this conversation in the car where he wouldn't be able to escape me like he did the last few days. Max carried my stuff to his car and loaded it in the car. I sat down on the passenger seat waiting for Max to come. We drove off towards the airport when I said, "Maxie, I haven't seen your girlfriend since the race. I was really looking forward to getting to know her" "Oh, umm" he sighed, "Actually, we broke up" he said while looking straight ahead. "What? Why? Is it because you hugged me first at the race. Fuck, should I apologise?" I rambled. "Schat, nonsense. We hadn't been getting along for a while. I'd been thinking about breaking up with her for a while, it just happened when you were there. It's not your fault" he clarified. My shoulders sank while I waited to get to the airport. I bid Max a good bye and he promised to come visit or have me visit during the off season. I promised to meet him soon. With a heavy heart, Max disappeared in the crowd as I walked into the airport.
We went back to our previous routine of talking on video calls. I ended being spoiled a lot more now that he knew where I lived because I would come home to a new package I didn't remember ordering at my front door when I returned from work. If I asked him why, and he'd just shrug it off and say that it was something that reminded him of me when he was in that country for the race. After a few packages, it was overwhelming me. I felt like I was using my rich friend for financial gain. We were on call after I had opened up a package I got from Brazil. Y/N- Max, you can't keep sending me so much stuff. There was a box full of trinkets and snacks from Brazil. Max- It was nothing, did you like it? Y/N- No Max- oh ok, what do you want? I can get that for you? Y/N- Maaaaxxxxx, that's not what I meant. You have to stop sending me stuff now. It's getting over whelming. Max- But...I just wanted to bring a little something back from every race. Y/N- Yes, do that for yourself. Not me Max- I've always wanted to take you along to races and bring you stuff back from races since I've known you. Now that I can, let me make up for all the lost time. Y/N- I get the sentiment Max, I do, but no. It's making me feel crappy since I'm not able to get you anything. I enjoy our friendship, I do not want to feel like I'm using you. Max- You're not using me. I'm using myself, honestly. Y/N- I don't want to come home to anymore packages any more. If you really want to get me something, think about it for a couple time. One or two items that you would like to get for me, is perfectly fine. Max- Ok...I really wanted to get you things though. Y/N- You can tell me about your weekend. I'll listen but this is overbearing to me. Finally he got what I meant.
We ended up making a plan for the off season. Max had won the season with the amount of points he had scored. It was a given that he was gonna be the World Drivers Champion for 2023. So, I wanted to celebrate it with him. He offered to fly me out to Abu Dhabi for the race which would not be possible since I had work. That's why we planned to spend the Christmas break together. I did suggest leaving a few days before Christmas so he can spend it with his family but he was vehemently against it. I had started Christmas shopping in November, could've done it earlier. I got Max an ugly Christmas sweater with the grinch and a matching one for myself. It would be like a friendship bracelet. We would be spending the holiday in Monaco because of the privacy and I wanted to get away from here for a few days at least. I kind of wanted to clear my feeling for Max during this trip too. Being on the receiving end of Max's affection with gifts or the phone calls wasn't easy when you were in love with him. He made it so difficult to try and get over him when he would sweet talk his way back into my heart whenever I thought I didn't like him in that way.
I had sent my collection to the author I was editing for currently since she wanted to read it ever since I mentioned that I wrote. I sent her the email a couple days after going over the collection one last time. It was exciting and nerve wrecking. Maybe getting the opinion of a fellow author would help me make it better and improve it, if need be.
The last race of the season was upon us. Max was crowned the World Driver's Champion for the third time. I texted him as soon as the race ended and congratulated him. I couldn't believe that I got to witness a Max win. The day couldn't get any better when I got a call from the author I was editing for who said that she loved the collection of poems I sent her and she wanted to help me get it published under the publication she worked for. She had been working for that publication for so long and was the biggest earner that they couldn't deny her request. In her defence, she said that the poems were so good that any one stupid would only reject it. I was asked to edit it and the author was an angel to help me out. Her reasoning was that this was a mutually beneficial relationship since she hadn't enjoyed working with someone as much as she enjoyed working with me.
Winter break couldn't come any sooner. I had packed my bags; no work, done with my editing side gig. I couldn't wait to hang out with Max. The flight there felt so long, maybe it was the excitement of wanting to see him. Max was waiting for me at the airport when I got there. A big smile on his face as I walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I hugged him. He twirled me around a little before putting me down. We walked back to the car with my bag in Max's hand. The ride there was filled with a lot of talking on Max's part. Hearing him go on about what he loved was the warmest feeling. "The cats are so excited to see you" he said. "So, you aren't?" I joked. "What no" he was flustered. "I'm excited to." he mumbled a tint of red visible on his cheeks. My heart leapt in my chest as I watched him blush. What if I wasn't delusional? What if he liked me? I thought.
At his home, the cats were a little cautious of the stranger that had entered their space but recognised me quickly by my voice and a few hours later I was sat with both of them sat on either side of me; petting the two with both of my hands. Max snapped a picture of us sat on the couch. "Can't believe this is the life you live" I said petting his cats, a soft purring exuding from both. "Having cats is the best thing ever" I almost screamed from excitement. Max laughed. "I might kidnap them" I suggested. Max shook his head, "You will do no such thing"
The next few days leading up to Christmas were a a blur, we spent time around the city, walking around and site seeing. Max was a great tour guide since he stored the most random information in his head. He gave me a quick history lesson on a lot of the places we went to. We walked along the track in Monaco since I wanted to. We went hiking; I was very out of shape is the conclusion I've come too. We spent the day leading up to Christmas cooking at home and decorating the place. This was the first time since I moved out from my parents place did I end up celebrating Christmas.
We ended up sleeping on the couch as we watched Christmas movies after tiring our self out with the decoration. I woke up in Max's arms, a warm fuzzy feeling erupted in my stomach as I watched soft snores emit from Max's lips. I carefully pried myself out of Max's grasp. When I returned, I found a disheveled Max sat on the couch. "where did you go?" he asked while rubbing his eyes. "I had to pee" I said, now sitting down on the couch beside him. "Should we open presents?" I asked. "Lemme freshen up" Max mumbled while getting up. He came back, much more awake and with 2 cups of coffee for us. We drank in silence until Max brought his present for me from under the tree and handed it to me. There were a few actually; a book on Formula One with Max's face on it, a pendent with a sapphire stone and a stupid coffee cup saying 'best friends forever'. I smiled as I held the cup against my lips acting like I was sipping coffee. "Thank you Maxie" I said. He just smile. "Now, it's your turn." I said. He grabbed the other presents; which included an ugly sweater, a Sid from Ice Age plushy and a perfume from Max's favourite brand. "These are a lot of things" he said. "Yeah, I wanted to spoil you" I smiled. "I feel spoilt" he smiled back. "I got us matching ugly sweater" I said while going to grab mine. We ended up putting our sweaters on. "I didn't tell you but I got signed by a publication" I said while Max inspected his sweater. He looked up with shock and happiness in his eyes. He quickly hugged me, "I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it" he said while hugging me. I hugged back, "Thank you for believing in me" I said with tears in my eyes.
Christmas was a weird day, we had Turkish kabab because Max wanted to. I wasn't one to say no to delicious food. The days between Christmas and New Year were a bit of a blur honestly. On new year's eve, we went out with a couple of his friends. I had decided not to drink my weight in alcohol. As we all counted down the time to new year, the excitement palpable. When the clock struck 12, I was pulled towards the guy next to me who had made acquaintance much to Max's dismay. He pressed his lips against my lips, easing me into a kiss. When I pulled away to look at Max, who's eyes flashed hurt. I hugged Max wishing him a happy new year. We left a little while later. Max was uncharacteristically quite as we drove home.
We never spoke about the silent treatment Max gave me on the way back from the club. I left Monaco a few days after. Our friendship returning to it's long distance status. With Max having to train for the next season and me having to prepare for school and my book.
The next few months were a blur with both of us quite busy. Max kept is his streak of winning the races and watching him win was a proud feeling. He would call me at the end of the day to discuss what happened and I enjoyed listening to him even though I didn't know shit about cars.
I spent the entirety of my spring break and summer break with Max, travelling to his races; which he insisted I joined. The feelings I had for him only grew. I tried to keep myself in check but all the small things he would do made it impossible. He was caring and sweet and kind, and most of all my first love that I had a hard time moving on from.
His summer break was spent lounging around my house. He accompanied me to the launch of my book; going as far as to promote it on his socials. People had started to speculate that there was something going on in between us. Max didn't really answer those questions or even try to kill the rumours. He got me a big bouquet of my favourite flowers when he came to the book launch. We went out for dinner to celebrate; ending up on all the tabloids the next day. I apologised to Max about the mess but he was unbothered, a little smile played on his face after he read the articles but nothing more.
After the summer break, Max was flying out to Netherland, for his home race. I couldn't join him due to there being a few tests I needed to grade but promised to be there for the race. I flew in the morning of the race, Max showing up at the airport to pick me up. He wouldn't let me be on my own, if he was there. We caught up on the stuff that happened in the 2 days we didn't speak. It felt like routine talking to Max. If we didn't, it felt like my day had gone my horribly and everything that could go wrong would go wrong. There was comfort in Max's voice and his arms whenever he hugged me.
I accompanied Max to the paddock, the cheers loud. Last year, was the first time I was here, this year it felt so familiar even though it was only my second time. Max wasn't starting pole but he could still finish first since he was in the front row. The race started off with Max over taking Lando at turn 1. The chance of Max wining his home race for the fourth time seemed more likely. But as the race went on, Max lost his P1 to Lando who kept the distance between him and Max a constant. Making Max finish P2, the way he started. He got out of the car to find me and his team waiting for him. I mouthed a congratulations as he walked towards me. He had tears in his eyes, "I wanted to ask you out as a race winner." he said wiping his tears. My heart skipped a beat; "You can still ask me out" I suggested. "But I'm scared of what you'll say" he muttered. "My answer would be the same, whether you were P1 or P2" I said. "And what's that?" he asked expectantly. "I would love to go out with you, Maxie" I said with a smile and tears in my eyes. Max almost jumped when he heard me, "Go on and finish up. We have a lot to talk about" I said pushing him towards the media pen.
I was waiting in his driver's room just like last year. But this time it was different, there were butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop smiling. I found myself pacing around the room, imagining what we would say. I was pulled out of my thought by Max now standing at the door. "Hi" he greeted shyly. "Hey" I replied, sitting on the sofa followed by Max. We sat facing each other, he took my hands in his, "Lifde, I can't believe this" he began. "me neither" I chimed in. "I've liked you for so long, I don't remember a time I didn't like you since I've known you" I continued. Max couldn't help but smile. "I didn't think you felt the same" I said. "I didn't think you felt the same either." He added. "Y/N I really wanted to win this race and ask you out as a race winner." He sulked. "You're already a race winner and a three time champion at that. I couldn't ask for more. Plus I couldn't care less; to me you'll always be a winner" I said. He took my face in his hands, "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly. I nodded. His lips inched closer to mine before they touched, our eyes fluttered close, his lips dry and chapped against my soft shiny glossed lips. Our lips moved in synchrony, tilting our head as we deepened the kiss. His hand trailing down from my cheek to my waist to pull me closer, I was now sat on his lap. I pulled away breathless, our foreheads touching, breaths intermingling, eyes locked; "I love you Y/N" he stated. "I have for a while. I didn't know how to say it. I'm glad not winning pushed me over the edge" "I love you too, Maxie. Can't wait to celebrate your fourth championship" I said. "You think?" he asked. "I know" I said, cupping his cheeks to kiss him again. His hands on my waist pulled me closer, as if it was even possible. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked in between kisses. "Yes" I breathed out as we continued to kiss.
When god sends blessings, it becomes hard to count. I got the man of my dreams and the stepping stone to my career goals.
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sahisan · 11 months
ik this is a very very basic troupe but
harbinger scara x harbinger reader and they spar and whoever wins gets to do whatever they want to the loser !!
★ summary: harbinger!scaramouche x harbinger!fem!reader. you owe him a wish after losing at a spar. what has he got for you?...
☆ cw: nsfw. cowgirl (riding). use of 'whore', 'pretty thing', 'fuck'. reader is the 3rd harbinger (yes i love this au sm). scara turns his superior into a mess (yes again). lmk if i missed anything. 1616 words.
☾ a/n: yes this is a continuation of the fics about scara x superior harbinger reader bc im a sucker for this au. first fic here. also inspired by this azeru asmr(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
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"i can't let this get serious. can't lose either..." you think, before launching another powerful - but not really - hit with your infused weapon to scaramouche's side.
yes, you're missing on purpose - but not to concede, just to not kill him by accident. "the top-ranked harbingers, up to no. 3, possess powers which can rival the gods." you remind yourself in your own head that you're 3rd, and he's just 6th. if you won't hold back, something very, very bad might happen. so you hold back, fighting not at full strength, throwing infused hits here and there, but mostly just dodging scaramouche's attacks.
the rule is simple: the first one who falls to the ground with either their front or back loses, and the loser owns the winner a wish.
it's not like you want to come off a loser and owe him that shitty wish - you don't want to lose, but you don't want to kill him or seriously injure him too. so, it's either you're fighting carefully, controlling your powers, or either he-
"ah!" you yelp, thoughts interrupting when the handle of his katana hits your back, sending you stumbling over your feet and falling on the white, snow covered ground with your front, your weapon falling off somewhere to the side. it's not long until you feel scaramouche's boot pressing onto your back to keep you pinned to the ground. "what a bastard." a thought crosses your mind, before you lift your head off of the snow just enough to breathe.
"well, well, well... if it isn't the third who owes me a wish now." he taunts, making you huff in frustration.
"i was holding back!" you protest, but he quickly interrupts your further complaints with applying now much more pressure with his foot on your back. you barely hold back an audible gasp, a grunt leaving your lips as you try to keep quiet. scaramouche smirks.
"what a petty excuse." he mocks, his boot leaving your back and letting you properly sit up, grumbling about how "not petty" it really is. "you just wanted me to win, didn't you?" he laughs right after, dissolving his own katana in the air as he stares down at you.
if it weren't for the ranks, anybody could've thought that he's just sparring with another lowly fatui soldier.
"so... a wish." scaramouche taunts, walking slowly around you, snow making a slight sound each time he makes a step. "care to know what my wish is?" he smirks.
"i always knew that you were a bastard." you mumble before shaking your head while standing up. when finished with shaking the snow off your clothes, you cross your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow at him. "so?"
he grins. devilishly. it looks so devilish that you shiver involuntarily, but blame it all on the harsh cold instead.
"let's say... it's a challenge." he laughs yet again, then sighing softly as he finishes, and looks up at you - eyes full of amusement and anticipation.
"we're heading to my chambers, and who cums first - loses. this is my wish, dear [name]."
scaramouche's hands are in a bruising grip on each of your hips, pushing you up and down on his cock as he watches your eyes roll to the back of your head. "t-that's it, fuck... ride me like the heated whore you are." he mumbles, helping you with the pace.
you fail to make a normal response, the only sounds coming from your mouth being small whimpers and moans which you fail to muffle by biting on your lower lip. scaramouche watches as your breasts sway up and down under your almost translucent shirt - how considerate of you to wear this exact one for a meeting with him.
one of his hands, not even trying to fight the temptation, goes up right underneath your shirt, squeezing one of your breasts a few times and rubbing your nipple. you whine and let out another quiet moan, this time a bit longer than the previous one. he smirks, but it's not long before you squeeze the walls of your cunt around him in revenge for his little doings. your eyes open to look down at him as you do so, and you watch as he grits his teeth and his breathing hitches.
"f-fuck- don't do that..." scaramouche mutters quietly, exhaling shakily. you grin at him, grinding your hips up and down on his length, and then your walls clench around him once again, to make him cum first. he breathes out once more, his eyes looking up at you, completely dazed as he looks at your bouncing upper body. your legs and hips are probably sore from moving so much, but he doesn't care - not when you looked so fucked out, with your hair messy, lips swollen while biting your lip again, and even slightly teary eyes.
he knew you did your best to make him cum first - to see him finally lose.
you knew he did his best to make you cum first - to see you finally break down under his influence, letting him have his way with you.
"look at that pretty expression." scaramouche chuckles as his hand slides back to your hip. to prevent you from stopping, he sets the pace of your movements himself - or, at least, fixes it to be a bit more quick. "the mighty third harbinger trying her best not to lose again... what a pathetic sight."
"s-shit... slow down, please, scara..." you mutter, head tilted towards the ceiling as you feel him pushing your hips down on his cock in a fast pace, trying to make you lose control first.
"oh, what, are you about to cum, pretty thing?" he taunts mockingly and immediately feels you clenching around him as he calls you that. "what was that, pretty thing? you like that?" he raises an eyebrow up at you expectantly, chin prodded up as he keeps pushing your cunt down on his length.
"n-no!.." you quickly reply, trying so bad to prove him wrong, yet your voice is too weak and high-pitched due to - you can't keep denying it - how good you feel and how close you are. not too close, but close nevertheless. "i-i won't- a-ah!.."
your head throws back in pleasure as the tip of his cock proceeds to kiss your cervix, and scaramouche nearly moans himself. there's no denying that he feels just as good as you do - but he will definitely not lose. he'll do everything in his power to make you cum first.
even if it means to resort to cheating methods.
one of scaramouche's hands slides from your hip to your clit, his thumb starting to rub it in slow, circle motions, as he watches you stutter, writhe and whimper, your unsteady and shaky hand coming to grab his wrist in a futile attempt to stop him. his cock still sliding in and out of your hole, hitting all the right spots makes it even better worse.
"s-scara, nghh... 's unfair, wait, d-don't- ah!.. you- cheater..." you squeak at him, but, already now chasing your building up orgasm, can't do anything to stop him and yourself. your up-and-down moves become grinding partially, and then his hand pushes your hips down, making it thrusts again.
scaramouche won't lie - he too wants to cum, he needs to cum, but before he does he needs to see how you'll break.
and he himself won't last long.
"t-that's it, fuck- come on, cum, pretty thing, i know you want to cum..." he murmurs, hearing you whine out loud at the petname again, walls clenching around his girth once more. he notices your bouncing has become slow, showing that you don't want to lose despite how bad you want to finish, and the hand that rests on your hip starts to set up the pace itself for you, and you're barely able (read as: not able at all) to hold back a long, weak mewl that slowly becomes a moan and a shaky breath, as he continues to rub your sensitive clit.
"s-shitshitshitshit- scara, scara, scara, i'm c'mming, i- g'nna- ah-"
you cum with a trembling, long lasting whimper, head throwing back as you subconsciously continue to move your hips slightly up and down and forward to ride out the aftermath. your lips part and you pant, chest moving when you do.
scaramouche looks completely mesmerized by your fucked out expression - you even have little drops of tears in the corners of your pretty eyes. he finishes right after you with a shaky exhale, spilling ropes of his warm cum inside you, watching as it drips out of your hole while he's still inside you, creating a white ring around his cock. he pushes your hips completely down onto him to stop your movements and to not let any more of his seed spill out of you.
"[n-name]..." he breathes out, eyelids closing as he tries to calm his unsteady whiffs down. he then chuckles, eyes opening and looking at you. "you lost though. again."
"s-shut up..." you whisper, muttering a few more curses about what a bastard he is.
scaramouche laughs once more. "care to repeat that, pretty thing?" he coos, and then hear you mewl, your cunt clenching around him again.
"no. just shut up already." you mumble, falling on top of him, not caring about that you lost, or that you both need to clean up after this little... competition of yours.
"alright then..." he snickers, letting out a deep breath and putting his hands on your back as if soothingly, rubbing your skin through your shirt in circles. "didn't know you could become such a mess.."
"shut up!"
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beepboopkek · 8 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (F!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AFAB!Reader amab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , afab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, pu$$y eating, 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also amab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you've cheated!”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't really reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it definitely restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day.
“Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your sticky folds, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan buried his face into your pussy, moaning at the tangy taste as he dipped his tongue inside you. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air on your clit made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
Jing Yuan spoke in a low voice, right against your pussy, which was, to your annoyance, visibly wet.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your folds, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on your clit. 
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically eating you out, dipping only the tip of his tongue inside you before pulling his mouth back up to stimulate your clit.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your pussy clench around his thick fingers at 
A warning. 
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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organizationhimself · 8 months
i actually can't believe I'm only just now understanding the sick burn of the WINNER stick in the year of our lord 2024.
i always assumed roxas gave this to axel based on some kind of childish logic i didn't really understand. you know, like he's giving up something important while he's running away from home, or he's rejecting the whole ritual of the ice cream thing and making it a fuck you, axel, hope you feel like you won something. (idk, i played kingdom hearts before all my baby brains fell out so i didn't really question these things.)
but here's the thing, and it's unique to the game (the manga has a different take). roxas finds that WINNER stick towards the beginning of the game, when axel's not around to explain it. so he just kinda forgets to mention, and as a result has this thing that axel is totally unaware he has for months and months.
it's not till much later that axel thinks to mention, oh hey, if you find WINNER written on one of your ice cream sticks, that's good or something, and the kiddos are like why?? and axel goes good question i don't got a fuckin clue, I've never found one, but you must win something cool right??
FRIENDS. i need you to understand something about this man's ice cream consumption.
we know FOR A FACT that axel has been eating an average of one (1) sea salt ice cream bar for nearly an entire year. bbs proves there is an outstanding chance that he has been eating it for multiple years before that, yes alone, yes still sitting on the clock tower (or equivalent), pathetic wet cat of a man, you might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like. so even if we're more generous than I'm inclined to be and say that between twilight town's discovery, castle oblivion, skipping days because of interpersonal drama or missions running late, etc., axel has only had 1-2 ice creams per day for about eight out of twelve months, friends that is AT LEAST 240 fucking ice creams in a row?? comrades HE HAS TO BE GOING TO THE SAME STORE SOMETIMES. we're not even talking about roxas, who is there on the clock tower EVERY DAY, rain or shine, ice cream in hand, and has never found a second winner stick. who decided this ratio of winners to losers, willy wonka?? what the fuck is this marketing campaign?? no wonder axel doesn't know what you win when these things are rarer than ethers in kh1 and roxas should be mailing that thing to a museum. how does axel even know the WINNER sticks exist?? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
anyway, the point I'm getting to is that there's this other seemingly valuable thing that axel can't explain the purpose or use case of to roxas and xion's satisfaction. and it's also something roxas has had for months without axel's (or tbh his own) knowledge, never once realizing the significance of it.
that thing is of course, hearts.
so when roxas leaves that stick behind, yeah he's probably saying "i don't need your friendship anymore." yeah he's probably saying "screw this, screw you, i quit."
but he's also saying "here's this thing you wanted that has value i don't understand, and i know you don't get it either. pursuing things like this is obviously more important to you than we are, or you wouldn't still be here in the organization's stronghold to find this. i didn't need to have this thing to make those days with you guys worthwhile, but since you're still looking for one, here it is. i hope it was worth it."
like jesus kid. here i thought he was supposed to be the fire guy.
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octuscle · 11 months
Id love to become a hot Asian bodybuilder. if its not too much trouble?
Mate, that's a no-brainer. I have a pretty cool preset that I'll send you.
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Yeah, that's smoking hot, isn't it? I think you can be very happy with it. If you want to make some adjustments, you can adjust the attributes in the "Active Preset" menu item.
Yes, you are satisfied. You can hardly get enough of your reflection. But somehow you are jealous of the big lads in the gym. So you reach for the Chronivac and set the muscle mass to "Like the biggest lad in the gym". And "Less fluffy" for hairstyle. And "More body hair".
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An Asian hunk, as it is written in the book. A few side effects are already showing. You start to smell like sweat and musk. And your cock is also the biggest in the room. Fuck yeah, we're getting close…. You go to Mindset and change it to "Addicted to the Gym". Your head empties. And for that you know everything about nutrition and training cycles. About the right supplements. And about the winners of the big tournaments of the last 20 years. Your hairstyle is self-cut. Visits to the hairdresser only cost unnecessarily precious training time. And tops are only worn by losers who can't afford to show off their upper body.
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Your Korean has already become very simple in structure. But your foreign language skills are even worse. You start to have problems with the menu navigation. With muscles you enter "big much much big". Your muscles swell. You start having problems washing all over your body. You smell like a locker room. And you are as dumb as toast. But you are much much big.
You need to go to the bathroom urgently. Shit and fart. The problem because you eat all the time. You take off your pants and see the reflection of your back in the all-round mirrored anteroom of the toilets. You let your pants down. Shit, you have legs like a beanpole, you think. Where is the Chronivac? And how does this damn thing work again? You can no longer cope with the menu in the foreign language. You're so angry, Hulk would turn green now. But you are bigger than Hulk. And you crush your cell phone.
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The supervisor must point out to you that you have forgotten your pants. Hehehe. This happens to you more often. But you are much, much bigger! Enjoy it!
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Not A Relationship Guy
Tristan Flynn x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Requeted by Anon! This is the Tristan Flynn part of "Az or Flynn" lol. Thanks again for enabling me to write about my faves! Hope you like it! Also, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Bryce's good friend from Nidaros has moved to Crescent City with her, and quickly made an impression on a certain fae lord. But she's not interested in a one-night stand, and Flynn has made it clear before that he's not really a relationship guy.
Word Count: 5,252
Category: Angst, Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
When I'd first come to Crescent City, I hadn't known anyone other than Bryce. We'd grown up together in Nidaros, and now as adults, we'd maintained our close friendship even after she moved away. About a month ago, I'd joined her, following her move to the big city. I'd been terrified and out of my depth, with Bryce as my only connection in the massive metropolis. Now, I stood shoulder to shoulder with the top ranking members of the Fae Aux, screaming as we spectated the end of a beer pong game in the middle of a massive house party.
Things had certainly changed.
Declan and his boyfriend Marc stood on one side of the table, competing against a few people I didn't know. I was still relatively new, although my circle had expanded thanks to Bryce. Dec and Marc only had one cup left on their opponent's side, and then the game would be theirs.
The whole room screamed, a mix of heckling and encouragement, as Dec lined up his shot. Bryce hung off my neck, stone cold sober but shouting like the drunkest one in the crowd, which made me smile. Finally, after an extra moment's pause, Dec let the ball fly.
A moment later, it splashed into the cup, making Marc and Dec the winners.
The room erupted into cheers, no matter if people were rooting for or against Dec. A shot like that had to be appreciated.
The other team got a chance at redemption, but couldn't manage to get all of Marc and Dec's cups without missing. The game officially ended, with Marc and Dec's ten game win streak remaining unbroken.
"Boo!" came a loud voice, stepping through the crowd to the side of the table the losers had just vacated. Tristan Flynn stood tall, heckling his best friend across the table. "Somebody needs to take you two down!"
"Somebody just tried, Flynn!" Dec called back. "And you tried a few rounds ago, too. We're untouchable."
He and Marc did a little celebration, and Flynn rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that was with Ruhn as my partner. I just need a better partner, and then you two are done." His eyes turned to scan the crowd, landing immediately on Brcye.
"Nope. No interest in being your teammate, Flynn."
He put a hand to his chest, mock hurt. "You wound me, Quinlan."
Bryce rolled her eyes. "You'll live. Besides, you're in luck. I happen to have the perfect partner for you."
Flynn raised an eyebrow in question at the same time Bryce gave me a hard shove forward. I turned to glare at her, but she just grinned back and gave me a little 'shoo' gesture. I narrowed my eyes at her even further, but turned back to Flynn anyway.
He watched me with a skeptical gaze. We'd gotten to know each other a little since I'd come to Lunathion, and we generally got along. That didn't make him trust me as a beer pong partner, though.
"Are you any good at pong, sweetheart?" he asked. I shrugged.
"I guess you're gonna find out."
With that, I turned from Flynn to quickly rerack the cups before picking up one of the balls on the table. I turned to Dec and Marc, waiting for one of them to do the same so we could shoot for who went first. They shared a look, then Dec stepped up, grinning at me as he prepared. I could feel Flynn hovering over my shoulder, but I ignored him as Dec and I locked eyes.
"Eye... to... eye," we said in sync, not looking away from each others' eyes as we let our first shots fly. I sank mine, but unfortunately, so did Dec.
I turned to Flynn. He didn't look impressed, exactly, but the wary skepticism had been replaced by a small, crooked smile.
"You're up," I said simply. Flynn didn't hesitate before stepping up to the table and going through the same procedure Dec and I had just done, but with Marc shooting opposite him. Like me, Flynn splashed his into a cup, but Marc's shot narrowly missed and bounced off into the crowd.
I let up a whooping cheer and high-fived Flynn, who was full-on grinning now. Marc and Dec just shook their heads.
"That means nothing," Dec called across the table. "You're both still toast."
"Yeah yeah, talk is cheap," I shot back. "Toss the other ball over here and let's get this upset on the road."
The game was truly a battle for the ages. The majority of the crowd had quickly rallied behind Flynn and I, since Dec and Marc had been dominating for far too long. They continued to sink shot after shot, but so did we. We held our own, using trash talk and head games and anything else we could think of to our advantage as the game went on.
I wasn't normally a super quiet person or anything, but since I'd been new to town and not in any party scenarios with Bryce's friends before this, I hadn't been ridiculously loud either. Now, however, I screamed, cheered, and jeered at the top of my lungs. With every celebration of success and mocking of the other team's misfortune, I caught Flynn staring at me more and more, an appraising look in his eye. I mostly ignored him, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a warm feeling in my chest when he grinned at me.
We both stayed focused and at the top of our games until, finally, each team only had one cup left. Marc and Dec had briefly pulled ahead, but Flynn had knocked out one of their cups to tie it. Now, the game rested on me.
"C'mon, you can do this!" shouted Flynn, putting his hands on my shoulders and jumping around a little to hype me up. I nodded, then turned to line up my shot as Flynn stepped back.
Marc and Dec were screaming, waving their hands everywhere to try and throw me off. The crowd screamed and the music blared, but I blocked it all out. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, my eyes laser-focused on the cup ahead.
Without giving myself time to second guess, I brought my arm forward and let the ball fly. A second later, it landed with a splash in the final cup of Marc and Dec.
"YES!" roared Flynn, and a moment later my feet had left the ground. He'd wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up in celebration. I laughed, absolutely beaming as Flynn set me down again.
"Alright, alright, it's not over yet!" Marc reminded us, bringing us out of the moment. "We get redemption shots."
"Even if you drag us into overtime, we're untouchable now," Flynn called. Our opponents ignored him, even as I joined Flynn's heckling and the two of us did everything we could think of to distract or psych out our opponents.
Marc shot first, and he missed. Me, Flynn, and apparently everyone else in the room held our breaths as Dec shook out his arm, then lined up his shot. Flynn and I waved our hands around, jumped up and down, and shouted things we thought might distract Dec, moving perfectly in sync like we'd been a team our whole life. Finally, Dec let the ball fly.
Flynn and I ripped our hands back to avoid any accidental interference that would cost us the game, and a split second later, Dec's ball bounced off the rim of our last cup. I reacted like lightning. According to the rules, once it hit the cup, it was fair game. I smacked it out of the way, off the table and into the crowd, before it could fall one way or the other.
"NO!" wailed Dec, sinking to his knees dramatically across the table.
"YES!" Flynn and I screamed in sync, and he picked me up again and spun me around. He put me down a moment later, still beaming, hands still around my waist. Our eyes locked, both caught up in the moment of euphoria, and he leaned towards me just a bit. I smiled, squeezing his arm but turning away to where Marc and Dec were still going through the stages of grief across the table.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Flynn. But I also knew he wasn't a relationship kind of guy. The three different females I'd seen him make out with throughout the party tonight were testament to that. I didn't want to just kiss him and then try to pretend to go back to normal as friends the next day, so instead, I focused on the euphoria of our win.
Flynn let the moment pass, too, as we gloated over Marc and Dec's defeat. Finally, after significant whining and complaining, they wandered off and another pair stepped up to challenge me and Flynn. We ran the table for the better part of an hour before stepping away to do other things, our win streak still intact.
I stayed at the party with Bryce for a little while longer, dancing and laughing the night away. Flynn joined us for basically all of it, making a point of paying attention to me, talking and laughing with me. He toed the line of flirting more often than not, and never wandered to other parts of the party even though Bryce spent significant time roasting him every chance she got. When she and I finally left the party just after two in the morning, we only got a few steps from the frat house before she turned to me.
"Alright, spill. What's going on with you and Flynn?"
I laughed, gently bumping my shoulder into hers as we walked. "Nothing's going on, Bryce. He's a friend, that's it."
"I've seen how he acts around his friends, and that's not it. I know you're new, but you must've noticed the difference too."
I sighed. "Yeah, I have. And I won't lie, Bryce, he's great. He's funny, I like talking to him and spending time with him. Obviously he's gorgeous. But based on everything I've seen from him, he's not interested in an actual relationship with somebody. Likewise, I'm not interested in making out with somebody at a party and having that be the end of it. So I think it's best if we just stay friends."
Bryce nodded thoughtfully, letting a comfortable silence rest over us for a few blocks as we walked side by side. I thought that was the end of it, but then she chimed in again.
"I've never seen him keep flirting with somebody as long as he did with you tonight. Normally if he hasn't gotten what he wanted in about twenty minutes, he moves on."
I didn't respond. I mean, what was I supposed to say? I wasn't sure Bryce really knew what she was trying to say either, and a second later, she moved on with a curse. I looked at her in question, and she sighed.
"I just got a text from Jesiba. I have to go into work in the morning."
I winced in sympathy, then let Bryce complain to me the rest of the way home. I fell into bed after promising her some kind of baked good when she got home tomorrow to help her get through the work day, and figured that would be the last of the discussion on things with Flynn.
I was very, very wrong.
For the next few weeks, whenever I did any activity that included Flynn, he took every opportunity he got to flirt with me. I never reciprocated, but I didn't totally shut him down either. More than a few of my friends other than Bryce had mentioned it, but I usually brushed their questions off. Flynn and I got on like a wild fire, there was no denying it. But just staying friends, hopefully good friends, still seemed like the best choice to me.
Around a month after Flynn had first started flirting, our whole extended group had decided to go out to the White Raven together to dance the night away and do whatever the hell we wanted to do. Bryce shot me a look on our way out the door, and I raised an eyebrow after locking the door behind us.
"You look good. Are you going to keep ignoring Flynn, or are you finally planning to do something about him tonight?"
I waved her off. "I already told you, Bryce, I'm not-"
"Interested in a one-time thing, yeah, I know. And that's fine. But he's been chasing you for a month. I think you should talk to him, let him know you're not interested."
"I'm sure he'll lose interest soon enough, B. Probably tonight, when he finally gets a break from work to the point that he notices some pretty thing dancing next to him and forgets he ever had a thing for me."
She gave me a skeptical look, but I ignored it. Flynn had become my best friend other than Bryce over the last month, but I wasn't about to start kidding myself that I might be the exception to his lack of interest in relationships.
Bryce and I were the last to arrive, and we found the rest of the group already posted up at a table, the first round of drinks ready to go. Flynn was already out on the dancefloor, and after saying a quick hello to the rest of our friends, I decided to go join him.
"Bryce? You in?"
She grinned and shook her head at me. "Nope. Have fun."
I narrowed my eyes at her, making sure she knew she wasn't being slick and that her implication wasn't appreciated. She blew me a kiss, and I rolled my eyes before turning from the table to go find Flynn on the dancefloor.
"Hey!" he cried, lighting up as soon as he saw me. "Finally!"
He grabbed my hands without hesitation, twirling me around him in the middle of the dancefloor. I smiled and laughed, then fell forward as he pulled me to his chest. I rested my hands on his shoulders, swaying to the beat with him, his beautiful eyes and devilish smile making my heart race. His hands drifted down my waist to rest low on my hips, and it was enough to shake me out of the moment.
I smiled, but put a little more space between us, and Flynn took the hint. He twirled me out and away from him again, and when he pulled me back this time, he dropped my hands. The two of us danced our hearts out, leaving a bit of space between us, letting the music completely take us over. Flynn's eyes still raked over me, but I just grinned back at him as I moved to the beat.
We spent a long, long time out there, dancing our hearts out without caring if we were good, making absolute fools of ourselves. Flynn's eyes stayed locked on me the whole time, that stupid grin never leaving his face. I tried my best to ignore it and just enjoy the moment with the frat boy I'd somehow become best friends with.
Finally, after the song switched again and Flynn showed no signs of slowing down, I had to take a break. I stopped dancing and stepped forward into his space, and Flynn mirrored the move, even leaning down a little so it'd be easier for me to shout into his ear.
"I'm gonna run to the restroom!" I called, still barely able to be heard over the noise. I leaned back and Flynn nodded at me, shooting me one more grin before I turned and headed off through the crowd.
I ducked past all the drunk patrons, and luckily for me, found no line at the bathroom. I paused at the sinks before heading back into the fray to splash some cold water under my eyes, waking me up a little and removing any misbehaving mascara. Then I sighed, gave myself a giant smile in the mirror, and headed for the door back to the rest of the club.
When I stepped into the hallway, to my surprise, I found Flynn standing a few feet from me. He smiled when he caught sight of me, and I came to a stop just in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the wall.
"What are you doing?" I called over the pounding music still coming from the dancefloor. Flynn's grin just widened and he pushed off the wall, moving to stand in front of me. He braced one arm on the wall over my head and leaned in, crowding me and bringing his face down to within inches of mine.
"What I've been wanting to do since we kicked Dec's ass at pool," he responded, his voice low and throaty, just loud enough to be heard over the music. His eyes darted to my lips, and then he was leaning in, intention clear.
My mind went blank as I stared back at him. He was one of the most handsome males I'd ever met, and I really did love talking to him and spending time with him. My heart raced at his proximity, and I'd never admit it to Bryce, but I wanted to kiss him, bad-
But then I thought better of it, as a group of female shifters passed us, staring and giggling into their hands. How many others had Flynn cornered in the hallway like this, for a physical release before he never called them again? How many females in this club had stood in the same place I did now, with the same male?
I pulled away at the last second, ducking under Flynn's arm to get some space from him. He whirled around to look at me with a frown, arms held out at his sides, clearly wondering what the hell I was doing. He took a step towards me and I took one back, which made him freeze on the spot.
"Sweetheart... what's wrong?" he asked, voice laced with confusion and concern. I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head.
"I don't... I don't want this, Flynn. I don't want to make out with you in a dark club or hookup at the frat house. I don't care that you like to do that, it's your choice and you clearly enjoy it, but I don't. I don't want to be another fling or hookup or whatever before you move onto the next pretty thing that moves."
Flynn scowled. "What? That's not-"
"You've said yourself that you're not a relationship guy, Flynn. I've heard it a dozen times hanging out at the frat house. And that's okay. But I am a relationship person, and I care about you, a lot. Staying friends with you is more important to me than making out with you one time in a club hallway, only for you to turn around and grind with one of the shifters staring you down half an hour later."
Flynn's whole posture deflated, his expression dropping as he looked at me. I pursed my lips together and tried to give him a sympathetic look.
"Sorry, Flynn. I just... I really think this is for the best."
I didn't wait for a response before turning on my heel and heading back out to the dancefloor. I hadn't expected to care so much, but I could feel my heart threatening to shatter in my chest, and I wanted to get out of here before its resolve totally crumpled.
I reached our table to find my friends laughing and talking, Bryce mercifully on one end of the booth. I leaned in when I reached her, and her demeanor immediately became serious when she heard the tone of my voice.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna head home."
She pulled back and whirled around to look at me.
"What? Why?" Her eyes narrowed. "What happened?"
"Nothing happened. I just... I'm ready to go. You don't have to come, I just thought I should let you know."
She scoffed at me, turning away just long enough to scoop up her purse before standing with me.
"Let's go."
I shot her a grateful look, and she linked arms with me without a second look over her shoulder to the males at our table as we headed for the door. I didn't follow her lead, and when I looked back, I saw Flynn up against the wall again, some gorgeous female in front of him and leaning in with obvious intent in her eyes. That little piece of my heart I'd been trying to hold together finally splintered and broke away.
I hadn't wanted to talk about it, but Bryce managed to get the full story out of me before I went to bed. She looked thoughtful, and clearly had some opinions she wanted to share, but I was exhausted and hurting and didn't want to talk about it. Thankfully, that must've shown clearly enough on my face that she let it go.
At least, until I wandered into the kitchen the next morning.
"You look like shit," Bryce said in lieu of good morning, sliding a cup of coffee across the counter towards me. I narrowed my eyes at her, but took the coffee anyway.
"Thanks. That's about how I feel."
"So... do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay, then I will. Why are you pretending you don't have a thing for him?"
"Who said I was, Bryce? He's absolutely gorgeous and I love spending time with him. He's funny, and chaotic in a good way, and I love talking to him. He's become my best friend here, other than you. But I want to date him, not hookup with him. So there's no point talking about it."
"Are you sure he doesn't want to date you, though?"
I fixed her with a look that communicated clearly how stupid I thought that question was. She shot right back with a fierce look of her own.
"I'm just saying, I haven't seen him with anyone else since you two started hanging out. And he hasn't talked about the single lifestyle since then, either, or even joke-flirted with me."
I sighed and shook my head. "I saw him with somebody as we were leaving the club last night, after I officially shut him down."
Bryce just hummed, eyes narrowed in thought as she sipped her own mug of coffee. I didn't like one thing about that look, so I quickly picked up my mug and headed back to my bedroom.
"I'm getting dressed, and then I'm probably gonna head to the gym. I'll see you tonight!"
I shut the bedroom door behind me before Bryce had a chance to say anything, heaving a sigh of relief the minute it was closed.
I changed quickly, but waited to leave my room until I heard Bryce go into her own. I didn't want to be ambushed and forced into another talk, hence why I was going to the gym in the first place. It would be a good way to lose myself in my music, and to be distracted from feelings by the pain in the rest of my body.
I stayed at the gym for an hour, then took my time showering and getting dressed in the locker room. I stayed under the hot water for a lot longer than usual, trying to wash away the hurt feeling still curled in the center of my chest. It was my own fault, catching feelings for somebody who I knew didn't want a relationship. But that didn't make it any less terrible to try and recover.
When I finally left the gym, the sun was high in the sky, which gave me hope that Bryce might be at work when I got home. I knew I'd have to face her and that thoughtful look she'd had sooner or later, but my preference was later, and I wanted to do everything I could to push that conversation off.
Luckily, our apartment was empty when I pushed back through the door. I sighed, throwing on the first thing that looked good on the tv and heading to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. I'd just settled into the couch and taken the first bite of my sandwich when a knock on the door disturbed me.
Not many people could make it up to our apartment from the lobby, so I knew I couldn't ignore the knock. I set my sandwich down with a huff and crossed the room, not bothering to check the peephole before flinging the door open.
I immediately regretted my decision when I found Tristan Flynn standing before me, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I frowned, glancing over his shoulder for any sign of the rest of the frat pack, but he was the only one in the hallway.
"Flynn, what- ACHOO!"
My head flung forward violently at the smell of the flowers in Flynn's hands, and I groaned as I straightened up on the other side of the sneezing fit. I looked up at him again, this time through slightly bleary eyes. He looked a little panicked.
"Fuck. Are you allergic to flowers? I told Ruhn it was a stupid idea-"
"Wait, did you bring those for me? Did Ruhn tell you to bring those for me?"
Flynn grimaced. "Yeah. It's a long- hold on."
He cut himself off when he noticed me scrunching my nose, trying to fend off another sneezing fit. He took a few steps back to a pot down the hallway, then with a wave of his hand and a little of his magic, he buried the bouquet in the dirt of the fern.
"Fertilizer," he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he returned to stand before me. "Sorry about that."
"That's okay..." I still sounded a little stuffy, but hopefully that would stop soon now that the flowers were out of nose-range. "What... what are you doing here?"
He sighed, staring at the ground for a few beats before abruptly looking up at me. His warm eyes met my own, and that little shard that had broken off last night dug itself in a little harder, almost making me wince in pain.
"I needed to talk to you. I... came to ask you out."
I laughed. When Flynn's face stayed just as grave and serious as it had been, more serious than I'd ever seen him look, I stopped laughing.
"Wait... are you serious?"
"Yeah, I am. Thanks for laughing, by the way."
"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know. Bringing flowers to my door to ask me on a date doesn't really seem like your thing."
"No shit. I almost killed you with those stupid flowers a minute ago." I cracked a smile again, and finally, a smile made its way onto Flynn's face too. He blew out a long breath, then shook his head. "Look, I know I'm not good at this. I've had a lot of practice and time to get good at other things, but... not this. But I don't want you to be a hookup. I've never had more fun in my life than whenever I spend time with you. You're funny and smart and gorgeous, and I haven't given a shit about other females since you sank that first shot in eye-to-eye. So I'm here to ask you on a real date. For... a real relationship."
His face scrunched up a little at the word, and my eyebrows shot into my hairline.
"You know people are usually excited when they talk about a relationship, right?"
"I am," he said, pinning me with the intense stare he normally reserved for Aux business. "This is just... new to me. I'm figuring it out. But I know that I want you, and no one else. I made fun of Quinlan and Athalar for being so sappy about all that 'dating your best friend' shit, but... having met you, it actually sounds kind of nice."
A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, especially as Flynn fidgeted in front of me. I'd never seen him nervous like this, probably because he didn't usually fear rejection for meaningless make outs. But that thought brought another image to my mind.
"What about the female in the club last night?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. I failed, emotion breaking through, but at least I'd tried.
Flynn raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"The one you were getting hot and heavy with when Bryce and I left," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Flynn just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Please. She was drunk as hell and throwing herself at the first male she found attractive. Not that I would've minded before, but..." He rested one arm on the doorway above me, leaning into my space with a confident smirk that made my heart race. "Last night I had other things on my mind."
I fought and failed to keep a smile off my face, my gaze dropping from Flynn's. My heart raced at his words and his proximity, and I knew he could hear it. I expected him to rub it in, but instead, he let out a long breath.
"Look, you shot me down last night, and I don't want to put pressure on you and ruin our friendship or whatever. So it's not an issue if you say no, alright? But if you give me a chance..." I looked up, just in time to see that insufferable smirk on his face. "I plan to make the most of it."
This time, I didn't bother fighting the smile as it spread across my face. I rested a hand on Flynn's shoulder and leaned in closer, until I could place a soft kiss on his cheek. His hand immediately dropped from the doorframe to my waist, pulling me tight against him, but I just smirked and leaned back.
"I'm up for a date, Flynn. What did you have in mind?"
He practically growled as his eyes roved my face, down the rest of me, and back up to meet my eyes. More than a small part of my brain wanted to take advantage of the empty apartment behind me, but the rest of me won out. I wasn't about to make it that easy on him.
"I was thinking dinner. Drinks. And then... whatever else we feel like doing, after that."
Everything about Flynn's tone and body language made it clear exactly what he had in mind for "after that". I smiled, leaning into him a little further, bringing one hand up to run it through his hair. Flynn's eyelids fluttered.
"That sounds like a great plan, Flynn. What time do you want to pick me up?"
"Perfect. I'll see you then."
With that, I slipped out of Flynn's grip, shooting him a wicked smirk and wave before shutting the door on him.
"What the fuck?" I heard him yell from outside. I just laughed.
"I've got things to do before our date tonight, Flynn!" I called back, knowing he could hear me just fine through the door with his fae hearing. "If you seriously waited a month, I think you can handle a couple more hours."
I could hear him grumbling on the other side of the door, but I just returned to the couch and my waiting sandwich. After a moment, he called out again, loud enough to still be heard.
"Fine! I'll see you tonight then, sweetheart. Get ready for the night of your life."
I didn't respond, not least of all because I didn't trust myself to. If Flynn was all in, then so was I. And I absolutely couldn't wait for our date tonight, from the dinner to the drinks to whatever might come after.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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We're looking for some batjokes creators (that are also comfortable with writing brudick and jayroy) who would want to help with writing the promised fanfic for the winning ship. It'll be a fun collaboration organized by the mods of this account.
For now, the general idea of the fic is: humor & hurt/comfort, smut, soulmate au & undercover as a couple and a happy ending. Brudick (as the second place winner) and jayroy (as the losers bracket winner) will be the background ships.
If you're interested, please message us or reply under this post and we'll reach out to you.
All creators must be 18+ years old!
In the meantime, we're happy to announce that we'll be posting more polls soon.
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funsized-panda · 7 months
Because we're best friends and you've made now one post in the cars fandom, I'm going to force you to make another/hj
HEHDIKQXJENF you're gonna make my blog become entirely cars and I honestly don't mind it
forewarning: I base all these headcannons off of things my siblings/friends and I do :)
Mater and Lightning fight like siblings
they also call each other names (i.e. slut, whore, bitch, cunt. you name it, it's being thrown out)
during the off season, Mater will drag Lightning around to mess with the tractors like they did originally when they first met (THATS MY FAVORITE FUCKING SCENE FOR NO REASON)
they info dump with one another ALL the time
Lightning never shuts up ab dinos they just so kewl :3
if they're playing a game, it's immediately a competition on who can come in first
doesn't matter what game it is or if there really will be a winner for it, they're at each other's heads trying to be first
except Mater is a sore loser
he has youngest siblings syndrome
Lightning is the oldest with middle child energy
they shit talk ab ppl they hate ALL the time
"did you see what they were wearing?" "call the fashion police, this guy is NOT it"
yk how sometimes your siblings will walk into your room for no reason? yeah they do that
except Lightning is the one who never closes the door when he leaves
Mater gets on him for it all the time
they'll tease each other when the gfs/bfs are around
depending on who you ship them with, Mater will see Lightning with his partner and just "awww so you do have a heart"
cue Lightning just tackling Mater
Lightning does the same thing right back to Mater tho
no one's safe
remember Mater eating wasabi?
bc of that incident, Lightning becomes OBSESSED with trying to figure out where Mater's limit is
unfortunately Mater is extremely white 💀
Lightning also can't cook
anytime Mater sees thay mf in the kitchen he's scrambling to get him out or find Doc
bc wHO LET HIM COOK?????
they do that "I'm not touching you" thing
Lightning always instigates it
"DOC!!" "Lightning, by all things burnin' in hell if you don't stop messin' with Mater"
Mater isn't innocent either tho
yk how younger siblings always act like the world is ending if you touch them?
Lightning accidentally tapped elbows with Mater and the reaction was SO dramatic
Mater flung himself into the wall, fell to the floor, crying so hard he almost made himself throw up
Lightning was so confused
Doc turned the corner and didn't even know how to react or respond
Anytime Lightning has an issue with his car he can't figure out, Mater is the first one on the case
they're both car nerds, but sometimes Lightning gets too overwhelmed
yk they're always causing chaos around RS
but if ANYONE touches a hair on one of their heads?
the other is behind you already
you're done
anyway there are my headcannons. do with them as you please :]
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glysraya · 8 months
Alex: You know, you're a pretty good teacher. Either that, or you're just showing off
George: I have no need for showing off, Alex. My extraordinary abilities speak for themselves
Alex, crossing his arms: You're not good at everything, you know
George, scoffing: Name one thing I don't excel at
Alex: Monopoly
George: How dare you! I am an excellent monopoly player when I'm not playing with two cheats
Alex: You're also a sore loser. And a sore winner, if we're being honest
George: Yes, well, nobody's perfect. Of course, some of us are more perfect than others. And I think it's clear I'm as close to perfection as they come
Alex, dryly: You can add humility to the list
George: I said name one thing, Alex, no need to go overboard and make a whole list
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So I've seen a couple posts on my dash that are like "after Kamala got the nomination, people are fucked, she's bad, Palestine will be destroyed, immunocompromised people will die, trans people will be completely stripped of rights, etc." Respectfully, that's kind of a weird statement to make.
Like, I admit that Kamala Harris isn't perfect. The Venn diagrams of "candidates that Tumblr leftists will support" and "candidates that will make it anywhere near the White House" are, at the moment, two circles that don't overlap. I'm not saying that there are third party people who have tried to make it into that circle. There are! It's just that, mathematically speaking, winner-takes-all races don't allow anything but the two-party system. That's pretty common knowledge.
"Kamala Harris doesn't like trans people." That is a major [citation needed]. I haven't looked into her policy much, but I honestly think that almost anything is better than Donald "This man is a bioessentialist and has explicitly said in interviews that cisgender people are the only real genders, trans and nonbinary people are delusional and also that intersex people don't exist" Trump. I mean, the bar is in the ninth circle of hell. Even if she says "human beings are allowed to exist and express themselves however they want and we shouldn't restrict that" it would be better than Trump.
As for Palestine, immunocompromised people, housing, and any other issue you can use to justify not voting for her, I don't need to emphasize how bad Trump is. We know that. If any of those issues would be your breaking point, I have some advice for you: grit your teeth, vote blue, and use the next four years lobbying national, state, and local governments for election reform, specifically ranked choice voting. I know the energy as of late is "have fun and we're going to party," but it doesn't change the fact that our choices are a party that is at least willing to reform and listen, and fascists led by an old white man with narcissistic personality disorder who has no desire to change. You're not in heaven. You're on Earth, and you have to work for what you want. If you want candidates who better represent you, work for that change. If you want to stop a genocide, work so that people can escape it and for an end to the violence. If you want queer people to live and keep living, band together and make sure that happens.
And because I'm a Whovian, I need to quote the Twelfth Doctor right here: "And what will happen after your glorious revolution?" If you decide to burn it down and kill millions, how will you make sure that this won't happen again? Because last I checked, we forgot about the Holocaust (policy-wise) pretty quickly. We have backtracked with feminism in the past thirty years. If you want a revolution, have it be a quiet one. Have it be a revolution of words and laws, not one of weapons and blood. If you want your gold stars and moral superiority to stay intact, you're not going to get it by assassinating billionaires or overthrowing the government. Those are not tactics of progress. Why? Because progress has a way of lasting. That's why we call it progress. We are moving forward.
So get on the bus, losers. We're going voting.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
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Fuck it, can't hold myself back anymore, posting early! We're finally on the finals! Winner here wins the Loser's bracket, and will get a free shot at the winner of the main tournament. Fun fact, I never actually saved the edited worg separately. I didn't think it'd make it this far. I remade it like 4 times. ANYWAY! On the left, Barlgura! a 5-8 foot tall (1.5-2.5 m) demon. They're telepathic, change their fur color to show thier mood, and turn invisible if you're into that. They're also surprisingly chill unless provoked. Unlike most demons they don't really get much pleasure in bullying the weak without reason, and would rather just be left alone to do their thing and draft dodge. Mostly just hates authority figures, which I thought that most of us could get behind.
The Worg (right) is a wolf-like creature, knows 2 or 3 languages, and are known for turning on thier riders if mistreated! Last they bothered listing the size they were 3 ft (91 cm) at the shoulder, 5 ft (1.5 m) long. But the picture shows it at nearly twice that, around 5 ft (1.5m) tall and 8 ft (2.4 m) long. Whichever works for you I suppose, maybe it's regional.
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cloveswifey · 1 year
Laser Tag
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Parings: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Type: Fluff
Words: 1.2k
The Pouges were all gathered in the chateau, discussing who would win their game of laser tag. They were all excited to play, but they were also competitive and each of them thought they had what it takes to win.
Their school had announced a trip of laser tag and who were the Pouges to unattended.
Y/n was the first to speak up. "Alright, who do you guys think is going to win this thing?"
John b chuckled. "Obviously, it's going to be me. I've got the skills and the reflexes to take down anyone who comes my way."
Kiara rolled her eyes. "Please, you're not the only one with skills. I'm going to take you all down and come out on top."
Pope chimed in. "I don't know about that. I think I'm going to surprise you all and come out as the winner."
"Let’s be honest now, we all know who’s gonna win," says JJ with a laugh, pointing to himself.
John B humorously challenges him, "Are you certain about that, JJ? Don't forget you'll be going up against y/n."
Cleo chimes in in agreement, "That's right."
Kiara joins in and teases JJ, "Looks like he's whipped, isn't he?"
JJ retorts, "Oh, please. Don't be ridiculous," causing y/n to blush in response.
Sarah smiled. "I don't know who's going to win, but I know we're all going to have a great time. And that's what really matters."
“All I know is that I wanna beat Rafe.” Pope chuckled.
They all laughed and continued to joke around, each of them confident that they would be the one to come out on top.
JJ looked at his watch. "Alright, it's time to go. Let's see who's really got what it takes."
As they left the basement and headed to the laser tag arena, they were all still laughing and joking around, but there was an underlying sense of competitiveness.
A man greeted the group and led them into a room filled with equipment. He pressed a button.
A screen lights up as a voice booms, "Welcome, tributes." The audio continues, "your teams have been randomly selected: strongest against strongest, weakest against weakest. These are your team leaders." The screen displays the team leaders' names.
"Team one's captain is John B," the voice declares. John B cheers and smirks in response.
Pope jumps up with excitement as the speaker declares, "The captain of team two will be Pope", raising his fist up high in celebration.
"Our tributes of team one are: John B, y/n, Cleo, Kelce, Rafe." the audio continues.
"And the tributes on team two are: pope, topper, kiara, sarah, JJ." The names echo through the room.
"Ugh, I'm stuck with these losers," Topper complains.
"Hey, don't be rude," Sarah retorts.
"Shut up sarah," Rafe adds.
"Once you hear the speakers call your name, please exit the arena and head to the waiting area to hear the scores," the audio instructs.
"Are you ready to lose, love?" I tease JJ with a smirk.
"What makes you so sure your team will win, princess?" JJ smirks back.
"Okay team one, if you could follow me.” the man instructs.
Cleo and I step through the doors, entering a dense jungle. "Come on, let's find a hiding spot," Cleo smirks, and we run into the foliage with our guns at the ready. As an alarm blares, indicating the start of the game, we split up and bolt in opposing directions.
As I turn the corner, I'm met with a sight of dirty blonde hair - it's topper. "Hey, lover boy," I smirk, shooting him in the stomach.
"Topper, you are dead," a voice echoes through the speakers.
“Dirty Pouge.” He mumbles before making his way out of the arena.
As I continue running and turning corners, I collide with a sturdy chest - it's John B. My eyes widen momentarily until I realize he's on my team.
"Let's team up and go after Sarah and JJ. I spotted them together while shooting at topper," I suggest, and he nods in agreement. Together, we speed off on our mission to find them.
I leap over the fake plastic rocks and spot someone with straight blonde hair peering out from behind a tree. I nudge John B and nod in the direction, and he grins.
I quickly seek refuge behind a rock to catch a better glimpse of Sarah. Meanwhile, John B approaches the girl from behind and wraps his arms round her waist.
But where is JJ?
Sarah pov
I'm startled by my boyfriend's hot voice as his arms wrap around my waist, and he plants a kiss on my temple. Instantly, butterflies fill my stomach.
"No, Sarah. Distract and shoot!" Kiaras wise words echo in my mind.
I turn around, unable to resist my boyfriend's charms, and press my lips to his. As the kiss intensifies, an idea forms in my mind. I quickly lift my gun to his back.
"Sarah and John B, you're out," the speaker announces.
"I guess we both had the same idea, babe," John B smirks, making me giggle. He then drapes his arm over my shoulders as we both walk out of the doors and wait for the game to end.
Y/n pov
As the speaker declares, "Four tributes left," I think to myself, "John B, you're pussy whipped."
Determined to win, I continue running until I spot the looming figure of Rafe slowly prowling through the trees. With a quick burst of energy, I run up behind Rafe and leap onto his back.
"Hey," I greet him with a smile as my arms wrap around his neck.
"Hi," he responds, glancing over his shoulder, his smirk growing wider.
Rafe and I had always been friends, our fathers were in business together despite my mother being a Pouge and my father being a kook.
"It's just you and me. Let's go show these Pouges how it's done," he declares, and I climb off his back as we begin searching for opponents from the opposite team.
Rafe and I carefully make our way around the corner and come face to face with JJ and Pope. The four of us stand with our guns pointed at each other - Rafe aiming at Pope, Pope aiming at me, JJ on Rafe, and I have my gun trained on JJ.
Without a moment's hesitation, Rafe takes a shot at Pope.
"Pope, you're out," the speaker declares.
But before he can react, JJ fires a shot at him. "Rafe, you're out," the speaker announces, and he glares at JJ before making his way out of the room.
JJ points her gun at me. "JJ, I don't want to get you out. So just go ahead and shoot me. I'll be out, and you win," I say, attempting to guilt trip him.
I lower my gun and wait for him to make his move.
Suddenly, JJ puts her gun away, pulls me into his embrace, and suggests calling it a tie. "Princess, why don't we just call it a tie?" He murmurs.
Feeling suspicious, I raise my gun and point it at his back. "Hmm, I'd rather not," I say, pulling the trigger and shooting him in the back.
"JJ, you're out," the speaker booms.
"Better luck next time, pretty boy," I say, kissing his cheek before making my way out, grinning.
He follows, pouting, and I can't help but giggle before planting another kiss on his lips, bringing a smile to his face.
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anime-fan-05 · 3 months
Sorry if this request sounds a bit sillybut can you do headcanons of Endou, Kidou, Goenji, Kazemaru and Shiro with Roxy! Reader (Roxy from Winx Club) Reader tells them that she is a fairy, and at first they think she was making a joke, but then she proves that she is a fairy by showing off her powers. What would their reaction be?
Inazuma Eleven ~With a reader like Roxy~
Manga/anime: Inazuma Eleven
Warnings: light spoilers of seasons 1 and 2
Endou M.
At first he'll be really shocked and remain still for a few seconds
Then you'll literally be able to see stars in his eyes
From that moment on, he'll always ask you for help even for the most trivial things, like cooking or making the bed or cleaning (once he'll also ask you to do his homework with magic)
He'll love your wings: he'll always want to touch them, to see you fly and, if you can carry him, to fly with you
He'll also really enjoy your connection with animals and certainly ask you both to enable them to speak and to help him understand them better
Gouenji S.
He'll be very surprised, but he won't show it as clearly as Endou: his eyes will widen slightly, as will his mouth, and he'll stare at you motionless for a few seconds
Afterwards, his reaction will vary depending on the moment of the story we're in
In fact, if Yuuka hasn't woken up yet, he'll ask you if you're able to heal her; he'll be very sad to find out it won't be possible, but he'll understand your powers have limits
If she has already woken up, he'll ask you to play with her and show her some magic; if you don't accept, he'll understand you anyway
If instead you agree to show Yuuka your powers, he'll love seeing you play together and look at you two from afar with affection
Kidou Y.
He's very good at hiding his emotions: you won't even notice he'll be upset (also because you won't be able to see his eyes because of his glasses)
The first thing he'll do after recovering from the mild shock will be to thank you for trusting him
Afterwards, he'll also promise you he'll never tell your secret to anyone, not even to his sister
He'll want to know more about the magic world, especially its culture and history
He won't ask you to help him with your powers, but he'll appreciate it if you decide to use them in front of him: for him it'll be a demonstration of trust from you
Kazemaru I.
His surprise will be seen very clearly: his mouth will be so wide open it'll almost touch the ground and his pupils will be tiny in his eyes
However, he'll still recover quite quickly
He'll be very interested in the magic world: he'll want to know what and how you study, to see you fly and do magic, especially making animals able to talk, and to learn about its culture
He'll love if, while you two are walking together, you stop to play with an animal, and his eyes will be turned towards you full of love
He'll definitely want to race with you: you'll fly, he'll run, and the loser will have to grant the winner a wish (usually a kiss)
Fubuki S.
Once the initial shock has passed, he'll hug you tightly and thank you for trusting him to tell him your secret
He'll think about it for many days and be a little shy in asking you something, but then he'll take courage and ask you the fateful question
"Couldn't you... bring... Atsuya back to... life?"
He'll be really sad when you respond negatively to his request, but he'll never blame you for your inability to satisfy it
He'll still appreciate you and adore when you do your magic, even the simplest ones; sometimes he'll even try to help you study the theory regarding your magic
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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beepboopkek · 8 months
— Strip Starchess Part 2 (M!Reader)
Including: Jing Yuan x AMAB!Reader afab version has been posted! cw: !! NSFW !! , amab!reader, pwp but barely, Jing Yuan is a little bastard (affectionate), stripping (who would've guessed), possible grammatical errors(I tried), Jing Yuan calls you pet names (dear), no use of y/n, kind of . left at a cliffhanger, blowjob but 0rga$m denial (only one time), edging, possessive jing yuan, he goes a little feral, safe sane and consensual w/c: 2.2k a/n: hello I'm back with my jing yuan word vomit I hope u guys like this... i forgot anon's name but they gave me the idea so I went with it but after some time it was getting too much so I'm jus leaving it at this.. don't need to make full-fledged smut drabbles anyway :D thank u anon u a real one fr fr also afab version is also posted !!!!! hope u guys like this :3
The conditions for this game of Strip Starchess were different.
Way too different.
You had established a few rules between the both of you, the main one being that— accessories or anything removable on your or the general’s body were officially counted as an article of clothing and,
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
Jing Yuan's smug suggestion, much to your annoyance.
Yet, you reluctantly ended up agreeing.
You sat comfortably on the floor cushion as you waited for your husband to come home, excitement bubbling through you as you thought of your little plan.
You're going to win this time.
To start the plan, the first thing you did was to wear as many accessories as possible, you're sure you'll one-up him this way. 
The second phase of your plan, however, would begin during the game.
You busied yourself on your phone when you heard the door to your house shutting close and the rustle of clothes.
Jing Yuan rounded the corner and smiled at you, noticing the anticipation on your face and the impatient tapping of your hand.
“Well, someone's excited to lose.” 
“You bet! Wait, who said I'm losing? We're on equal footing this time, you're not getting out of this one.”
You folded your arms and huffed proudly, so sure of your upcoming victory.
“I'm not going to go easy on you.”
“You said that last time, dear, do you need a reminder of how that ended up for you?” 
The game hadn't even started and he was already pulling out his tricks.
You were not going to lose.
Jing Yuan quickly settled down, listening patiently as you stated all the rules this time, not wanting to repeat the mistake you made in the previous game.
There were only 2 matches this time, a third only if there's a tie which made it a bit … difficult for your husband.
Not because he thought he would lose but more so because he loved your enthusiasm to beat him in the very game he had mastered since a young age.
… He'll go easy this time, that's decided.
The first match started with vigour, both of you moving your pawns back and forth to avoid losses.
Eventually, the match ended with you as the loser, even though Jing Yuan tried to leave obvious spots for you, he still got you in a checkmate.
You were down a few accessories, nothing too bad,
The second phase of your plan to win begins soon.
With the second match starting, you decided to be more aggressive while playing, granting you a few of Jing Yuan's pawns and of course, the sight of a-few-trinkets-less General.
Your luck ran out just as fast as it came, though.
In Jing Yuan's words, time for the Masterstroke.
“Oh, looks like I have to remove another accessory, that's a shame.” 
You looked at your hand, excitement bubbling in your chest as you tried not to giggle at what you were about to do next.
You raised your dominant hand where your husband could see it and slipped off your wedding ring, before looking him right in the eye.
“Is it my turn?”
Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes.
“ …Yes.”
You played excitedly, this is going just as planned.
You knew that if you took off the ring, his attention would immediately be drawn to why you took it off and leave him more susceptible to losing.
Turns out, you were very wrong.
Jing Yuan straightened up, his once pleasant smile drawn into a frown now, he looked at the board for a second and before you could blink, he played his move.
You were taken aback, definitely, you hadn't expected him to be paying more attention to the game now.
Not a problem, though. You had a few other tricks up your sleeve.
You took a while to play your move as Jing Yuan stared at you silently.
He lost a pawn. 
Jing Yuan removed his hair ribbon and played his move before you could even process the fact that he had his hair loose.
This being the last game, you played as cleverly as you could, dodging his attacks to the best of your ability. However, when you lost a pawn you would deliberately remove the specific accessories that your dear husband had lovingly gifted you.
But, somehow— your plan was working against you.
Jing Yuan had barely spoken a word since you took off the wedding ring, only giving you a tight-lipped smile when you made a joke, nodding or replying in hums when you talked.
The second match ended just as quickly as it had started and to no one's surprise, you lost.
Is it too late to start rethinking your decision?
You glanced at the board and back at Jing Yuan, who finally smiled at you warmly.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
You paused.
“Those are the rules, yes, but! You forget that the winner is decided by how many accessories or clothes they have on.” 
You began tapping the few garments and trinkets around your body, silently counting them in your mind.
“ … There's six in total.”
“You've lost.”
“No way! Count everything in front of me right now, I know you're lying.”
You were exasperated, there's no way you lost, Jing Yuan looked empty enough.
“Nine in total.”
The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.
You sighed as Jing Yuan only smiled back at you in pure amusement. Damnit. You can't be a sore loser.
You raised your hands in defeat, pouting as you saw his face light up.
“Do as you please, general.”
Jing Yuan chuckled at that, moving across the floor and picking you up, standing as he slung your body over his sturdy shoulder and moved towards your shared bedroom.
“Oh, wow! Do I get the privilege of a bed this time? I am most grateful, general.”
You teased playfully, grabbing at his loose hair and gently tugging a few strands.
There was a light slap to your ass, you squeaked in surprise— just about to start voicing your complaints when Jing Yuan spoke first.
“Trying to butter me up, hm? I'm afraid you won't get anywhere with that. You've invited more than enough trouble for yourself already.”
You huffed, he saw through all of your tactics.
“By doing what, exactly? Losing? Shouldn't you be happy about that?”
Jing Yuan gently dropped you onto the large bed, your soft body sinking into the mattress as your legs dangled off the edge.
He towered over you, placing his hand in his pocket, digging for something.
You folded your arms to your chest and raised an eyebrow– probing him to speak more.
He dug out a ring from his pocket, along with the long red ribbon he had taken out of his tied hair earlier and held up both items.
“You took off your wedding ring.” 
Jing Yuan got onto the bed on his knees, leaning down to cage you between his arms as he looked into your eyes.
“—and I will not let that pass.”
You laughed, throwing your head back on the bed as you struggled to breathe.
“So, that's what you're upset about?”
Jing Yuan pouted, his long hair pooling over his shoulders, almost touching you.
You giggled as you clasped your hands behind his neck, pulling his face down and stopping it right before your lips touched.
Jing Yuan’s breath hitched at the action, his face dusted with a light shade of red.
“What are you going to do about it, general?”
You smirked as you saw his eyes narrow, just about to give another snarky remark when he sealed your words with his mouth, kissing you passionately. You fisted his hair and kissed him back, heat simmering through your body as thoughts flooded your mind.
He pushed you further up the bed as he settled in between your legs and kissed you like he needed air, departing from your lips with heavy pants and creating some distance between the two of you to pull you to sit up.
“Hold out your hands and cup your palms together.”
You obeyed instantly, unsure of what he was about to do but not willing to test his patience further.
He placed the wedding ring in your hands before speaking again,
“Now, interlock your hands.”
You did as you were told again, the cold metal biting into your skin, you looked at him with confusion written all over your face. 
Before you could speak, though, Jing Yuan raised the hand holding his hair ribbon and wrapped it around your wrists.
“Jing Yuan!”
He ignored your exasperated voice as he continued to bind your forearms together. 
It didn't quite reach your elbows, it wasn't long enough for that but it still restricted your movement, especially with the tightness Jing Yuan had kept.
Satisfied with the makeshift arm bound he had made, he sat back on his knees and looked at you with amusement.
“If that ring slips out of your hands, we'll stop.” Jing Yuan sealed your lips with a devouring kiss again, pushing you back to lie down on the bed as he tore the few clothes you had of your body, throwing the shreds as they scattered around your room. He pushed your bound hands above you, kissing down your throat and sucking in all the places he knew you wouldn't be able to cover up the next day. “Jing Yuan— My clothes! They’re my favourite—fuck— why did you tear them off?” You could barely concentrate, your husband's hands roamed your body like they were almost destined to do so— touching, groping and feeling each part as you shuddered in his hold. “I’ll buy you new ones—”
He bit down on a nipple, eliciting a sharp cry from you. “—I’ll buy everything for you so that you can wear it and everyone knows you’re mine—mine and only mine.”Oh, you fucked up. Big time. You had never seen Jing Yuan this possessive over you. Over the wedding ring?
Your string of thoughts is cut off as you feel Jing Yuan grab the back of your thighs and curl his hands around them, proceeding to lick a wet stripe up your hardening shaft, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sudden contact.
When exactly did he get down there? Jing Yuan licked around the underside of your cock. Your bound hands came down towards his head, just about to release them from the firm hold you had kept them in for aeons-know-what reason when your husband pulled away completely.
“Watch the hands, dear.” You groaned in frustration this time, pouting at him as best as you could being completely at his expense. “C’mon, Yu! You weren’t serious about that, were you?” “Oh, very serious.” Jing Yuan dipped down again to kiss the inside of your thighs, moving his face closer. “If that ring slips out of your hold, I’ll leave you here.” A blow of cool air to the head of your now-wet cock made your body jerk in response.
“I'll untie your arms and bind them to the bed instead. So you'll be left here, dripping onto the sheets while I go cook us some dinner. How does that sound, hm?”
He knew exactly what he was doing.
You grumbled something back in response.
A nip to your thigh, granting him another jerk of your body.
“I didn't quite catch that, dear.”
You whined and clasped your interlocked hands tighter, feeling the metal of the ring that had now become warm from your heated skin. You moved them back to their original position– above your head. “I'll be careful— Just– don't stop, please.”
You could feel the general's smile before he placed a gentle kiss on the head of your cock.
“Good job.”
Jing Yuan went back to enthusiastically sucking you off, taking your entire length down his throat before taking it all out and licking around the head.
You were beyond embarrassed, having no way to cover your moans. You still tried to suppress the sounds, biting your bottom lip as you threw your head back.
Jing Yuan was having none of that, though. After being with you for so long he knew you had a habit of shying away from making noises.
Making noises for him.
He gripped one thigh harder in warning only to feel your dick pulsate in his mouth. A warning.
Your climax was building up rapidly, your ability to soften your moans reducing as you unabashedly whimpered out Jing Yuan's name.
“I'm about to—” 
and suddenly, it's like Jing Yuan never existed between your thighs, sucking you off like he’s never going to get the chance again.
Your body heaved as your ruined climax started simmering down.
“Jing Yuan!” 
“Yes, dear?” 
His sing-song voice came out above you, he was still seated on the bed, right beside your spread legs. The only difference? He had taken away all the stimulation right before you came.
You panicked for a second, thinking you lost the ring and opened up your palms a little to see if it was still there.
Yep, still there.
Jing Yuan laughed, moving to place a kiss on your head as you pouted at him.
“Such an obedient little thing, aren't you?”
“The ring is still there, why did you—”
Jing Yuan gave you a smug smile this time.
Oh dear.
“The winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.”
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tohwitchesduels · 9 days
GO WITCHES DUELS! - Semi-Finals and Finals
Had to make a new master post because there seemed to be too much information on the previous ones so I shall make a new one, including semi-final match-ups. There shall also be links to other master posts if you're interested. The previous posts.
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SEMI-FINALS - official:
Willow Park vs Viney - Winner:
Luz Noceda vs Hunter the Golden Guard - Winner:
(battles that shall proceed after the semi-finals in whatever order depending on the results):
Willow Park vs Luz Noceda - Winner:
Viney vs Hunter - Winner:
Luz Noceda vs Viney - Winner:
Willow Park vs Hunter The Golden Guard - Winner:
Boscha vs Gus Porter - Winner: Gus Porter
Amity Blight vs Bria - Winner:
Edric Blight vs Matt Tholomule - Winner:
Emira Blight vs Skara - Winner:
Gavin Deamonne vs Jerbo - Winner:
Edric Blight vs Barcus - Winner:
Boscha vs Bria - Winner:
Amity Blight vs Gus Porter - Winner:
Emira Blight vs Edric Blight - Winner:
Amity Blight vs Edric Blight - Winner:
Matt Tholomule vs Gus Porter - Winner:
Hunter vs Boscha - Winner:
Luz Noceda vs Boscha - Winner:
Hunter Noceda vs Edric Blight - Winner:
Gus Porter vs Willow Park - Winner:
Edric Blight vs Luz Noceda - Winner:
Hunter vs Emira Blight - Winner:
Gus Porter vs Hunter Deamonne - Winner:
Luz Noceda vs Emira Blight - Winner:
Hunter vs Angmar - Winner:
Viney vs Skara - Winner:
Amity Blight
August "Gus" Porter
Hunter The Golden Guard
Luz Noceda
Willow Park
The Blight Twins
The Detention Track
The Glandus Kids
The Mean Kids
PREVIOUS BATTLES: Links on different page
First Round
Amity Blight vs Emira Blight - Winner: Amity Blight
Edric Blight vs Willow Park - Winner: Willow Park
Jerbo vs Viney - Winner: Viney
Boscha vs Gavin Deamonne - Winner: Boscha
Angmar vs Gus Porter - Winner: Gus Porter
Luz Noceda vs Skara - Winner: Luz Noceda
Hunter Noceda vs Barcus - Winner: Hunter
Bria vs Matt Tholomule - Winner: Bria
The Fierce Battle Royale - Winner: Emira Blight
Second Round
10. Amity Blight vs Willow Park - Winner: Willow Park
11. Viney vs Boscha - Winner: Viney
12. Luz Noceda vs Gus Porter - Winner: Luz Noceda
13. Hunter vs Bria - Winner: Hunter The Golden Guard
14. Gavin vs Angmar - Winner: Gavin Deamonne
15. Emira Blight vs Matt Tholomule - Winner: Emira Blight
16. Edric Blight vs Jerbo vs Skara - Winner: Skara
17. Amity Blight vs Boscha - Winner: Amity Blight
18. Gus Porter vs Bria - Winner: Gus Porter
19. Boscha vs Willow Park - Winner: Willow Park
20. Gavin Deamonne vs Barcus - Winner: Barcus
21. Skara vs Matt Tholomule - Winner: Skara
22. Jerbo vs Barcus - Winner: Barcus
23. Gavin Deamonne vs Hunter - Winner: Hunter Deamonne
Emira Blight
Matt Tholomule
Edric Blight
Gavin Deamonne
The rules are the same as they used to be. The duels are 1v1 and the winner advances further while the loser stays behind. If the participants will tie, however, a battle royale shall proceed to settle down the score. The ask box will be open for potential battle requests in case some people would not meet each other in the tournament due to the ranking making it impossible for them to meet (like Gavin and Hunter perhaps, though I could be wrong for all I know, but it doesn't look well for Gavin to battle anyone who advances as far as I can tell). Over time this post will be also updated and expanded on and later replaced once the old news no longer fits. I hope I will wrap up most of the tournament before the university catches up to me.
DISCLAIMER: Do not vote under the pretext of liking some characters more, we're voting based on who is a better battler, not a more liked character. Otherwise off with your head!
@casualartisandeer @wren-writes-things @the-godofchaos-himself @violet-prism-creatively @watery-melon-baller
@thescarletdaffodil @akmonasyrk @lapluieellepleut @damianwaynelives @crushpunchh
@impact801 @evermorecatra @rosetyler42 @memory-overload @cwolfnerakagnome
@branmuffins22 @zyrafowe-sny @metalinjector95 @michaela-artist @goingtohellwithyou
@iheartleopards @thatwierdquietkidthatdraws @sophiesophsofia @tbonner2 @amity297
@itslilacmoon @egqwhites @fabseg-creator @blackblooms @allpplareequal
@ch3rrymotel666 @yourlastbraincell64 @amorphousprimordia @johannepetereric @21ack
@daisyheadmaizy @kathythepirateking @the-owl-house-blorbo-brawl @wolfspirit-12398 @awesomepopcan99
@oreostuffing41 @brenns125 @rosemaidenvixen @fashionablegoose @manglex5
@harthic @islelynn @autumn-crow13 @literal-ray-of-sunshine @mesaydumbshitwithfunnyvoice
@luzura-the-princess-witch @magidragon12 @throughthethornvine @aspenonpawzzz @wiverntiles @tsamired
@wildernesstorm @ilov3b00kss0much @gaypleasantview @sirpolygoner @acrylicsncandles
@zillybusiness @writerthatarts @whataspectaclebear
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