#but also. v problematic in other ways i will not deny that
cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
i see the sherlock watching is going extremely well, i can hear the excited-cat-chirping-at-bird inside your brain through the screen everytime you post about it, lmao, it's great
no bc these movies shaped me as a person they rewired the neurons in my brain they changed the trajectory of my whole entire life without Sherlock Holmes (2009) there is no Robert Downey Jr. celebrity crush without the RDJ celebrity crush there is no 'hey I should really go check out those Iron Man movies he's in!' without the tentative foray into superhero movies via the IM trilogy there is no shipping Captain America/Iron Man and then like honestly that is where the chain ends but like WOW! what a ride :D
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
The diference between love and obsession
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[ YANDERE COMPARISON ] [ Bakugo Katsuki ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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I never thought i would ever write for Bakugo but I thought that this was a good opportunity to give a try and write for him, and I have to admit it, it was quite interesting!
Aaaalsoooo this one is dedicated to my dear friend @frickingnerd I know Bakugo is one of V-chan's favorite characters and that was one of my excuses to decide to do it! Just a little gift with all my love ❤️
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Bakugo's love is troblesome for him, he has never being in love before and he doesn't like it, he doesn't like feeling butterflies in his stomach for the nervousness your presence give him or how your smile makes his heart rise an incredibly speed
It take a while for Bakugo to understand his feelings but even when he does he will not accept them, he just doesn't like the idea of being in love, he likes being in control of the situation but love is inpredictable, is something that he can't deal alone because it makes him want to be with you more and more
Bakugo's love make him feel vulnerable and worried about you, about what you may think of him, which end up leading him to be irritable and even more pushy. As Bakugo tries to deny his feelings end up being mean to you and even more pushy, but at the end he just realice that this is of not use since the only thing that is causing is to hurt you, wich hurt him too, so at the end he has no other option to finally accept his feelings
Bakugo won't exactly apologize for the way he has being treating you but it will definetly try to make it up for it, is his love what lead him to try to be kinder to you and even more gentle, even if it takes a lot from him he will do it in hopes that you can see how sorry he is
Bakugo's love for you is what lead him to change for the better, to try more and more to be kinder just so you could seen that he is actually a good person and, perhaps, reciprocated his feeling
Bakugo's love is express indirectly since he is way too scare to show some vulnerability, but at the same the gentle and affectionate actions slowly become more obvious as he tries harder to win your heart. The more obvious he become the more he gets tease by his friends, wich just anger him but will try to don't come back to hide his feelings behind a rude mask to don't lose the little improvement he had, and, at the end, it is Bakugo's love what lead him to accept his friends advices about how to try to win your heart
Its Bakugo's love what lead him to be a little more open as you two get closer, he want you to have a good impresion of him but as you two get closer he slowly relaxed more and more, wich lead him to be comfortable to the point where he can just let himself be sincere
Bakugo doesn't like to think about the idea of you not liking him at the end, and, honestly, if happens he will feel quite betrayed but will not blame you, is not your fault, but it will definetly hurt and he will need time to recover, sadly he will go back to close himself from the others
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Bakugo's obssesive love is problematic, he not only has never feel this way before but also he feels in a way too intense that just make him confused and angry, he doesn't like feeling this way but it hurts not paying attention to this feelings, he can't just deny them when is making his heart heavy and hurt
Bakugo's obssesive love is actually pretty quick, it take only a moment to see how special and amazing you are for his mind to be full of you and his heart beats for you, and he hates it, he want to blame you for this so bad but the only thought of you being afraid of him scares him and hurt him beyond believe
Bakugo tires his best to avoid you at all cost, not even giving an explanation of why he walk away everytime you two cross paths, he is too confused and even a little scare of his impulses to face you, he doesn't know why his heart and mind are screaming him that he loves you and need to be with you but he doesn't want to give in at those feelings. Its all a messy vicious circle, he wants so bad to be by your side and hold you close, to push away anyone who dares to try get in your way, but he had tried so hard for you two to not be even acquaintances that he will just freak you out if he give in on those feelings
Bakugo somehow manage to have great self-control over his burning feelings, but that last until his possesiveness or even his protectiveness are trigger and he has no other option than giving up to his feeling and let that burning obssesive love consume him
Bakugo is quite egocentric, he knows he is strong and pretends to become the number one hero, so that same feeling is what lead him to think that he should be the one and only hero for you, he knows there are other heroes but he wants to be the only one for you, he want you to run to him everytime you have problems, he want you to don't think on anyone else to be your hero since you have him, and he really tries to prove to you that he can do it, that he can be your hero (he tries to hold back a little to don't scare you but he gets more desperate and even violent when your attention is not on him, the more you look away from him the more angry and anxious he gets)
Even when Bakugo's obssesive love can make him even more irritable and violent towards others it also make him the complete opposite with you, he knows he is stronge and he knows his quirk is dangerous but he doesn't want you too see him that way, so he tries his best to be as gentle as posible with you
Bakugo doesn't understand why or even how his obssesive love grow so much, but now that is there he tries in his own desperate way to make you only look at him, please, he needs your attention on him or else he feels like breaking, as if you were telling him that he isn't enough, and, at the end, is Bakugo's obssesive love what will make you look at him and only at him, willingly or not
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
Heyo! As a Canadian, are there any particular ways we can help Palestine? Also, who are the companies actively shipping shit to israel?
Hello! Thank you so much for the question. I'd first like to take the opportunity to state that the federal government in Canada right now -the Trudeau Government -has been terribly consistent with supporting the IOF. For DECADES -since the creation of the settler state (which should not be a surprise to anyone, of course), Canada has a LONG 'diplomatic' history of being pro-Isnotreal. For folks who don't know/aren't aware, since we often hear about/talk about the US's imperialistic policies and actions against many communities around the world (which, again is understandable given the billions in military aid they give to Isnotreal and the sheer amount of militaristic aggression and violence the US unleashes daily to people they deem a 'threat' to their empire) -but I always remind folks to not forget that Canada is equally awful and problematic.
The Trudeau government, like many MP's across party lines, have supported the IOF and the Trudeau government has denied genocide 'allegations' against Isnotreal at the ICJ. Trudeau is also the one who advocated for a "humanitarian pause," after stumbling on his words a few months ago, and has, from time to time, 'condemned,' the IOF military for going 'overboard' when he trickles in his little empathetic 'we are so concerned for the people in Gaza,' while in the same breath saying the IOF didn't strike hospitals... (side eyes).
These are some recent examples (the first in June, and December of 2023, respectively) -which shows proof that Canada exports weapons to the IOF (but often through the US -the article below addresses this). Since you asked about about which companies are shipping to Isnotreal, the only one I can reference is CN Rail [Canadian National Railway] (which is where some protests have happened), but there aren't any other particular companies I can reference because shipments are done relatively in secret, so there's not a strong/direct paper trail, so to speak. this is an except from the first article below:
"Canada doesn’t normally release many details on defence exports to Israel or other countries. Since 2015, however, the largest annual categories of shipments fall into three categories: bombs, torpedoes, missiles and other explosive devices; aircraft, drones, aero engines, aircraft equipment for military use and electronic equipment; spacecraft and components." "A 2020-2021 study by the House of Commons foreign affairs committee obtained records that shed some light on the goods Canadian firms were seeking permission to export to Israel, including transport vehicles, circuit boards for Israel’s fleet of F-15 and V-22 aircraft and components for radios." "The Canadian-made components that go into each F-35 don’t show up in Ottawa’s records of military goods exports because they are shipped to the United States, where the aircraft’s manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, is based, and Global Affairs Canada does not publish the full value of annual military exports to the U.S."
It is very concerning how the Canadian government operates this way, and we should all be demanding more transparency about arms transfers to the US. Project Ploughshares, the research committee that they spoke about in the first article, is a resource I would look into if you want to learn more about this. They focus on "disarmament efforts and international security specifically related to the arms trade..." I've attached their website below. You can also access previous webinars, reports, and commentary on their page on these topics.
There were 2 successful direct action protests in Canada, one in Winnipeg and the other in Montreal, in November and December of last year, respectively. Both of whom were blocking railways in an effort to raise awareness about Canada supporting and sending arms to Isnotreal.
This also happened recently:
Now, what can be done on our ends? Plenty -sharing and creating posts about what is happening -and telling the world we won't remain silent on the genocide happening in Gaza.
This is the most updated BDS movement list for you to boycott companies and brands that either profit off of or indirectly support the genocide of Palestinian people:
Oxfam also created this small article about what we can do to help which I find is a great start:
Some of the actions include emailing the Prime Minister (they have a template for you to work with), and I wanted to also include emailing your MP's (Members of Parliament), to demand a ceasefire.
There is also a current petition in parliament right now you can sign -it's a demand to a ceasefire, and also demands an investigation into Canadian arms deals/sells in Isnotreal -and for more transparency into this, generally speaking (you can read everything the MP outlines below). This is open until February 19th, 2024. I may also make a separate post about this too:
There are some petitions on change.org I know people have set up, so you can take a look there of course. There is also a source that Oxfam links -they have a section of current events/resources where you can take action. The most recent national march for Gaza was in December 2023 (it took place in Ottawa, on unceded and un-surrendered Algonquin territory -Parliament Hill), and I am sure more will be planned for those able to attend/what is accessible to you.
I know this was quite long, but I hope this offers some direction and clarity, if not encourages more people to look into some of these topics and issues more deeply. Thank you once again for sharing this today. I will also be updating my page soon.
As always, free Palestine!
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bigtittiecomitte · 1 year
“Envy and Thuzi was supposed to be endgame but they changed their mind for Nuzi”
Oh boy. I hate this phrase and I dislike anyone that says this phrase and BELIEVE that Envy and Thuzi were supposed to be the canon ships. I keep seeing this phrase from toxic shippers that just can’t accept that there were no signs of those two ships of even happening and I really want to talk about the stupid misinformation of it because if there’s a thing that toxic shippers love doing the most….it’s spread misinformation.
‼️This is not a hate post about ships, I just want to talk abt how silly it is‼️
Let’s start off with an actual fact about the show! Liam wrote the scripts for each episode before episode 2, everything was planned for a reason it did not just happen out of the blue, you can tell by specific posts that Glitch made in (Glitch posting abt Beau a year ago) and some Reddit posts of the Liam qna has a lot of interesting things so I definitely recommend checking that out. So no, Nuzi can’t be fanservice if it was planned before the ship became a popular thing, people just say it’s fanservice bc they hate seeing a crowd of people happy even though they’d be just like Nuzi shippers if N and V held hands instead
I kinda have a lot to say abt Envy so I’ll just talk about Thuzi first. Thuzi (the ship between Thad and Uzi) wouldn’t have happened in canon and it’s very simple to see why it wouldn’t work out, first of all Thad hasn’t been shown ANYWHERE ever since episode 4 and I don’t think he’ll ever been seen again unless they go inside the bunker and although people say that Thad is gone bc of his voice actor being problematic I think he was always supposed to be written out (reminder that the show was written before all of that va drama). Thad didn’t really have a role to be honest he was just kinda there lol which is what wouldn’t work out between him and Uzi since they haven’t talked since episode 2, if Liam wanted Thuzi to be endgame then he would’ve made them interact more, get people invested into the ship before it would become canon but the pilot is the only episode where Thad and Uzi properly interact (I would count episode 2 but there really weren’t any shipping moments between the two unless it’s that scene where Thad pops in but that was just Uzi being all awkward lol). I’d like to add that we have no idea how Thad feels about Uzi, he’s just friendly with everyone so it’s tough to know if Thad even likes Uzi because he hasn’t shown any sign that he has, anyways that’s just my view on Thuzi lol
Envy is a ship filled with miscommunication and I’m not going to deny that. Envy (ship between N and V) is the rival ship of N and Uzi and is the 2nd most popular ship, in my opinion, it’s not a good one at all and this isn’t because I’m a Nuzi shipper, it’s because of the toxicity of it, N and V in their DD forms is very toxic and dysfunctional, V is an okay character but people should acknowledge that V was incredibly mean to N (Ignoring him, physically assaulting him, etc) obviously it’s because of everything that happened in the mansion but that doesn’t justify her actions, N is also pretty mean to V too (insulting her, physically assaulting her, etc) I don’t blame him but it still shouldn’t be justified, couples shouldn’t be mean and hurt each other which is where the miscommunication comes into place. N and V don’t talk about their feelings, they don’t talk about why they’re the way that they are with each other, they just don’t communicate, the only positive interaction I’ve seen them have is only when they are Worker Drones but that’s it, as I said in that reblog of people blaming Uzi and wishing harm on her (btw go check that post out they describe everything SO well!) we don’t know what N and V’s relationship was before they became DD’s, they could’ve been dating, they could’ve just been friends, we have no idea how long they’ve known each other for, all we know is that they were much more nicer to each other than what we see in the entire show. Maybe if they just talked and explained their feelings to each other and why V was ignoring N for who knows how long then maybe they could’ve had a chance of being endgame but that hasn’t happened and might never will if V is dead for good, they still have a chance of talking to each other but it’s too late for them to love each other, N clearly has moved on from his crush on V (it’s been noticeable since episode 3) and has taken interest in Uzi which is the only relationship he has had with anyone that is healthier so it’s no surprise if N and Uzi start dating. People need to realise that V needs to sort herself out without N, she doesn’t need a man to suddenly make her better, she needs to do that on her own terms before talking to N and starting a friendship with him
So now that’s out the way…misinformation! If Toxic shippers had a dollar for every time they spread misinformation around they’d be a billionaire because holy hell do they love spreading false information, I’ve seen so much new fans comment underneath a Nuzi post “oh but I thought they were ____” which is really damn sad. No guys Glitch and Liam never stated which ship was going to be canon they wouldn’t just spoil it and no Nuzi didn’t just come out of nowhere, if you look just close enough, they’ve been hinted at a million times
Thanks for reading this silly thing I made at 3am, I hope it does make sense bc I might just cry if I was explaining gibberish to everyone
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I love that you have this place for us Poc! ❤️ Just discovered your blog
it bothers the hell out of me that some people read fiction and sometimes can also assume that an author is using something from real life ALL the time. this is referring to the white/eurowhite readers when it comes to acotar. the eurowhite readers (which there are alot of ofc) white wash all of the bat boys and lucien vanserra DESPITE knowing that for one, lucien is part black from his father. the second which is my main point with the eurowhite readers in acotar is that because SJM uses the name of a race called “Illyrians” in her books to refer to a race of poc and because “the map looks just like the UK/Europe!” they all ASSUME that because illyria (where balkans are, no longer referred to as illyrians) looks like the Prythians map and because it’s the same name that it means they’re eurowhite characters. There’s been no confirmation of them being europeans but they ASSUME they are when telling other poc readers that “they aren’t Poc” DESPITE SJM referring to them as “golden brown skin” “brown skin” “Light brown skin” multiple times the ENTIRE series. Most arts they’re in they’re brown too! Aside from the ones that whitewash them. Maybe she stole the name (which is like her taking the name of a race and denying they’re that race) BUT STILL she never confirmed they’re european in her fantasy version of illyrians they just assume and use this argument whenever someone says they’re poc. racist asses unable to accept the fact that they’re canonly referred to as BROWN. not WHITE. not PALE. GOLDEN BROWN. does that sound like white to you?
Im a a poc who doesn’t mind SJM not being clear about race, it’s somewhat refreshing not to have it be so “black white asian” like it is IRL, and I don’t mind her using the same name, but she makes illyrians her OWN and made them brownskinned even if people in europes “Illyria” were “Olive skinned” and not brown. It’s obvious she tweaked it and made them darker so either way they aren’t white like these readers want them to be. And if there are White casted for these roles in her possible Acotar Tv show? It’s only going to piss all her Poc readers off so I hope her team is careful and Hulu when they do casting. Bc I know they would all get canceled for whitewashing, whole show burned to flames via twitter for it, regardless of her using an IRL country’s name.
Also don’t believe those that thinks she’s racist again as a black reader they woman’s best friend is black, she’s a obama supporter, Anti republicans and trump, Young and super modern and she’s not a dumbass. People call her racist for her blurred lines of race and for supposedly “Posted about Breonna taylor for Attention and more money from Poc readers” When …where tf is the proof that was her reasoning? Maybe she just wanted justice for her. As a poc I hate seeing poc acotar readers act like she’s racist like use your brain and not bias to make it seem like something it’s not. Idk your stances on her but this is just mines.
Ok so here's the thing... I'm trying to read more diverse books. Like my white bestie from college wanted me to read acotar and the rest of the series but i honestly just watched a youtuber do a rundown of the first 3 books. and it was fine? so I will say this about sarah j maas: like her books do seem v white to me. BUT I also can't really say anything definitive about her works because I'm experiencing them through a white youtubers lens. so if she didn't pick up on diversity in the books I didn't think of it as diverse. you're welcome to have your opinion though but in general.... don't stan white authors.
Like I'll give you an example.
a favorite author of mine that wrote american gods, good omens and coraline is on this v site so that's why I won't name him but like even he's done some problematic stuff. like ok the biggest example is the marvel comic 1602 where he had a chance to race bend steve rogers but instead had a white steve rogers that was raised by native americans.
like just please don't waste your time stanning white authors. next thing you know they turn into jkrowling.
mod ali
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katfisha · 1 year
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“ Papers, Please. ”
April 20th, 2007.
“The inspector will go through the rules after knowing a slightly more about them, the rules and information which will be vital to know when coming to this checkpoint.”
DOB: 20/4/07
IDENTITY: Enby, [they/them]
ISS.(Nationality): Polish
EXP: ??/??/??
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More information and some background behind the inspector.
I. Aromantic and Asexual, only the opposite for certain fictional characters but does not consume s//xual media of them, romantic media is an exception.
II. Currently in college, taking business marketing, graphic design and fine art.
III. Has three cats, which they love a lot.
IV. Very interested in franchises including but not limited to:
‣ Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
‣ Cookie Run (mainly oven-break)
‣ The Last of Us
‣ Papers, Please
‣ EAS scenarios
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Checking the papers properly…
I. Although the inspector would prefer if people that own or reblog any inappropriate content from trying to pass the border, they may be an exception as they do not check through their passport thoroughly. This was formerly stricter, but the inspector decided to loosen up things a little.
II. Anything that relates to the “Basic DNI criteria” that you belong to will strictly condone you from being able to pass the checkpoint. Although it may not be wholely effective as someone who has any elements may surpass the border either way.
III. There are no specific franchises that are not allowed to pass the checkpoint, however if it is more problematic than expected, pass will not be guaranteed.
IV. Keep in mind that the inspector may be overseeing other important stuff outside of tumblr, so the requests sent may not be guaranteed to be completed.
Finished? We are settled then, approved.
This will be optional, but if you want to request for m/c art, feel free.
I. The inspector has is currently unsure about drawing m/c inclusively besides the way they are, but they are likely to perceive them in different body types, please just ask them for specific details.
‣ This may change once the inspector has finally opens the personalised commissions, meaning that they will do self-inserts or original characters. Keep in mind that you’ll need to specify your preferences when that will be the case.
II. Strictly NO nsfw, anything that requests anything suggestive will be denied.
III. They will only comply to inspector’s interests, however the small exception is when you ask them to draw the m/c with another franchise character.
IV. Possibly will do yandere content, however they will be only tagged in tags include the keyword “yandere” or other synonyms related to that.
V. The inspector is okay with going overboard with art, such as complicated drawing or violent themes, but once again no suggestive themes.
VI. Sending prompts are okay, as it allows more freedom for the inspector to experiment for both drawing and writing.
VII. They will also do characters under 18+, however they may be often platonic, unless if the m/c is intended to be the same age as the character. Whether platonic or romantic, they are both optional for over 18+ characters.
That is all, thank you. cause no trouble.
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The Angel's Infliction Upon The Westerner Sara Annwyl
Speaks In Its Movements
About The Infliction Brought By Dianic Angels UPON ALL WESTERN SOULS
The Oldgod Diana was Attacking Westerners Differently
From the way in which Diana was Attacking Africans
BELIEVE ME Africans Have Been Attacked By DIA MOST IMMENSELY As All Know Of Suffering Mother Africa...
But What Most Do NOT Yet Know
Is of the Slaughterhouse
Five Million African Children Were Taken
To The West
To Be Murdered BY Rich Western People
Murdered Ritualistically, in Child Sacrifice to 'Lucifer'
As if Ancient Magic but actually to The Devil The Power Went O
Because Blood Sacrifice Brings Movement Of POWER At The Threshold...
Which Angels Usher To The Spiritual Power
As Worship
And As Offering
And O!
These Things Are REAL
And Ancient O
The Whole World Was Being Attacked By God Artemis! O O
To bring Armageddon
And This Little Goddess Will Take New Moon Role
In All Worlds
The Fool Gabriel...
And then, In Diana's Dying Days as Dia Fought To Win and Escape Punishment... For Nurturing Satanism and The Empowerment of Satan
Both Assisted AND Fought by her Fallen Mad Archangel Gabriel
No Angel WANTS To Serve The Devil, Snarkers
So Gabriel has been TOLD to Abandon his Position and Movement
Angels Dance With Our Cultures!
On Soul Journey! O
They Dance With Our Lives And Our CONSCIOUSNESSES
OUR Culture in The West
Was being Danced Angelically by Blinded Angels of Diana's as ALL HUMAN CULTURES HAVE BEEN, Of Course...
But The West Has Been Harmed In Particular Way, Against Flow of Soul
The West Was Being Dianically Ushered Forth To Be An Incarnate Culture Of The Strongest Torturing Bindings Of Soul Unknow
Spiritual Ignorance and Denial
And Mind Disrespects O O O
All Gurnified and Bound Extremely Spiritually
As if FLAWED INHERENTLY: The 'Ungodly' and Trashy Bad West
I MUST TELL YOU, Snarkers...
The Goddess does not Hate You and The Goddess DOES Want to Help You In Goodness O O O
But the Fairy does not Hate You because you are Attacking The Goddess and the Fairy Loves Those Who Attack Sara... O
And the FAIRY wants to Assist You In Harm Doing and Evil
And this Spiritual AND WORLDLY Situation is REAL
The World Is Not 'Separate' From The Spiritual
All Things Are Spiritual V
This Angel wants to Blame All Other THINGS Other Than Itself or Diana!
It wants to say that Western Problematics or Pained Western Experience are a Flaw of This Incarnate And Invaded Goddess!
And a Flaw of the Other Apple God
And in fact A FLAW OF EVERY UGLY INCARNATE, said Diana
To Experience The West In This Hell's Mouth Era
IS TO BE RUBBISH says Gabriel...
'Since WE Made It All RUBBISH FOR SOULS' says the Mad Angel
'So The Souls Themselves Are Just Fucking Rubbish' says the Evil Fairy
Because if someone's had a Rubbish Time and been Treated Like Rubbish the Angels were then INFLUENCED TO BELIEVE They WERE RUBBISH
The Angels would have Danced On to Blow The Whole World Up With MANY BIG BOMBS from America...
'Because It Had ALL Become SO Rubbish' in the Eyes of Luna's Angelic
Who were Angry with the Humans ABOUT IT
It's Rubbish!
HUMANS are not to Blame For Bad Gods And Angels!
Or for the Existence of the Devil and the Demonic
And Neither is this Little Incarnate!
But I, Gabriel... I have tried to MAKE Sara seem to blame for Diana and Gabriel
And for other Denied Wrongdoers, ALSO
But this Lunically Scapegoated Goddess is NOT to Blame
Scapegoated by Luna and Angelic and Demonic and Devil and Antichrist and by ALL WHO SOUL MOVE IN THE FLOW OF THOSE NAMES...
Those are the Evil
And GOD Demands That The New Moon Immaculate Goddess Innocenti Be Freed To Assert Herself
GOD GIANT Wants The Goddess Freed
And ALL Western Souls Have Been Treated Like Rubbish O O
ALL Incarnates have been Cheated In This World O O O by Diana
As the Gods themselves were Cheated by Diana and Gabriel...
Africans have been brought Denied Genocide at the Hands of White Rich Westerners who have been Cheated Of KNOW
'We are so clever these days' say the Tricked Westerners...
'Not like in the Old Days when we were Superstitious and we DIDN'T KNOW BETTER as we do now!' O
'Not like those Fascinating Foreign Primitives over there who are still in Their Old Way...' O
And The Tricked Westerners Pat Themselves On The Backs
For Being So Clever These Days
And Diana Worked All Against All
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mistergoddess · 1 year
i get rly sketchy on myself about like. my autism diagnosis status being rly ambiguous bc i went thru diagnostic testing as a kid and was put in special classes n shit for a time in public school and essentially never was told what that was about or why i was going thru that and it was never explained to me and it took becoming an adult and learning about autism online to like... unlock those memories and realize what that must have been and the fact that i had those experiences coupled with some of the ways i remember my abuser treating me afterwards and mainly just being called retarded daily afterwards....... makes me think.... like... i was diagnosed as being on the spectrum :) and just never told :) and i cut off contact before making these realizations on my own time so i can never go back and ask what was the truth yk (but would probably never get a real answer anyway) and i've asked my dad who has denied it but also he wasn't in my life growing up much and she likely would have lied to or withheld that info from him as well. and i've found paperwork and planner writings from him at his house that have confirmed that that's what those tests and psychiatrist visits and special classes n stuff were for. SO LIKE. i truly do not know if i was officially diagnosed as a child and i probably never will but i feel like it's likely, and as a teen/adult i've had non-qualified mhps tell me that in their opinion they think i am autistic and would likely be diagnosed if i pursued it from a qualified mhp, and have had ppl close to me confirm like yeah i just thought u were autistic... so given all of that + personal research i do feel comfortable calling myself autistic even w/o an on paper diagnosis. but idk i just get squirrely about it like. it's not something i bring up especially not irl, and i NEVER bring it up in an official capacity unless i really truly need it and i have had to do so like after meltdowns at jobs... but ya idk i feel weird and like imposter syndrome-y about it. mostly i'll only talk about it openly and openly self label w other online ppl who also are self labeled autistic and even then i don't wanna like... overstate?????? how autistic i am???? bc i know ummm my social functioning tends to be quite low but i'm also good enough at masking to just seem like that's run of the mill shyness/awkwardness and then occasionally i can be v socially functional, my sensory functioning is consistently quite low, my independence n self care functioning is mostly fairly high but also has its super low points especially w food and hygiene, but overall i think i land in """high functioning"""" territory even tho i know HF/LF are problematic labels... but idk i just feel like oooo im not ~really autistic enough~ a lot of the times
BUT THEN. i watch vids about autism and interviews w autistic ppl and im sitting here fucking crying bc hearing ppls thoughts and stories and just seeing the way others act resonates SO much with me and it's like OH. oh. yeah. YEAH. fuck.
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
Hiya~ Can I request a sinfic featuring yan!riddle where he uses an aphrodisiac on his fem!darling? ^v^ thanks in advance if you every try to write this!
Tried to implement some Mommy kink for our Baby Riddle but meh...Yume didn’t quite get there lol I’m sorry~ I’ll do your mommy kink justice someday, Riddle!  {{ (>_<) }}
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It's petty, it goes against the rules, against every moral lesson he was taught, and as the older one, Riddle knew how immature this was of him. But he just loves you so much that it's only fair for you to feel the same thing, right? It's a completely valid reason! 
Riddle was not one to show emotions to make himself feel and look vulnerable to others.
It doesn't matter if they're a close friend or anyone he's familiar with, he just thinks that it's unnecessary for him to do so. Especially after his overblotting incident, it's just his duty to do what's right and recognize his past mistakes. For the first time in so long, he was corrected, he was wrong in so many ways, and he whole-heartedly accepted that. It was a blessing that his own dorm ended up forgiving his tyranny, being able to celebrate another successful unbirthday party as if Riddle hadn't done anything wrong at all. He was lucky to have such understanding friends, but the fact that they forgave him this easily was the exact reason why he's so conflicted with such a massive amount of guilt.
They were so nice despite after everything, just too loyal and accepting that Riddle's heart aches just remembering that he once took advantage of that loyalty. The guilt still chains him up and it was suffocating, but he knew he must not show such emotions. It doesn't change the fact that he's the Dorm Leader, the current King of Heartslabyul, he shouldn't burden anyone with such trivial things such as guilt. They don't have to know, if this was the price for his past actions, then he shall suffer through it all alone. No one needed to get involved in his personal matters, not again.
"...Are you sad, Riddle-san?"
No one...but you, who personally knocked ever so gently against the walls he built around himself.
Riddle didn't know if you were aware of his dilemma or had just consulted him out of pure instinct but he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't caught off guard that one day. It was the end of another unbirthday party that you and Grimm were invited to. You had dared to place your hand on his head, stroking his hair once and even asked such an outrageous question. Suffice to say, he was surprised, it left his mouth open but words don’t seem to come out. It also occurred to him that you might've done that deed unconsciously as he could practically see the realization coming down upon you, retracting your hands from his head almost immediately.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry...! I touched you without thinking..." You had apologized, bowing repeatedly but eventually looked up with an embarrassed smile. You scratched the back of your head, a tiny blush decorating your cheeks, feeling silly. "...I guess I just felt something really odd about you today, Riddle-san. It's probably just my imagination but still..."
"...Please cheer up. I'm sure no one would want to see you sad." You said, giving him a close-eyed smile and an awkward ‘Cheer-Up’ pose. "If you have something on your mind, feel free to share them with any of us!"
With Grimm screaming for you from the distance, you gave him one last smile and bowed before turning to your monster friend. Riddle didn't even get to say anything as he stood there, watching your figure disappear in the distance. He found himself reaching for his own head, on the same exact spot that your hand was in and looked down. That was unexpected, he really should get his act together if someone like you was able to tell. It was a relief that you didn't pry too much, that would've been a problem.
...Though, Riddle couldn't deny that something in him felt a little giddy for someone to see through him without words. The way you placed your hand on his head, the way your eyes looked at him, even if it was all done unintentionally. It made his face heat up and his heart could only beat so fast.
They all felt so gentle and sincere. He liked it.
But even so, Riddle turned around, clearing his throat and shaking his head awake out of such a ridiculous daydream. What is he talking about? Patting his head is a major offense to him personally! It's gesture that makes him feel inferior and doing so will immediately prompt him to decapitate your head off.
However, Riddle narrowed his eyebrows together and pat his reddening cheeks twice, just to calm himself down. You did recognize your mistake and it wasn't intentional after all so...He'll let you off the hook. He might've just been surprised, that's all, there was no more reason to fret over your touch like this.
Riddle needs to get his everything together, he's your senior, for god's sake.
...Was what he told himself, correct? He thought he was done with this.
Someway, somehow, Riddle found himself inviting you for a private tea party with him one day. He doesn't like this, it feels like he's favoring you way too much, he doesn't even do this with Trey and the others. But one look at your troubled expression in the library that day was enough for him to come and talk to you. Seriously, had he really become this easy to catch these days? Anyways, your woes laid down on a subject that involves magic, it was probably why you look so troubled about it.
"You'll teach me? Really?"
That spark in your eyes was something Riddle had never seen before, it intrigued him for some reason. He originally thought that you were suspicious, suddenly appearing out of nowhere without a single ounce of magic. You ended up becoming a student, a half-student to precise, and not to mention a girl in a prestigious all-boys school that Night Raven. It already sounded problematic in papers and by ear, your whole existence in this school is a clear violation of rules! However, once he took a closer look at the bigger picture of your situation, only then did it occur to him how harmless you really are.
After all, you were just a normal girl who always seems to get involve in a situation you didn't ask for in the first place.
"I see...So, that's how it is." You said, humming. Even without magic to perform the activities written on the text book, you somehow understood the basic concept of the topic. As expected of Heartslabyul's Dorm Leader, his strict but careful manner of teaching was no joke.
Gracefully placing down his cup on a saucer, Riddle ran his finger smoothly on the huge block of text in the textbook. "You don't need magic to remember these formulas, correct? As long as you memorized all of them with accuracy, you'll have no problems in the upcoming tests." Riddle advised as you nodded, mentally taking notes of each and every one of his words. "Now, try to answer this next question with a different method. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the trick soon enough."
True to what he said, you managed to answer all the questions in your homework and Riddle couldn't help but be amused with your reaction. You look so relieved that you were able to finish them in such a short period of time and with confidence too. This made him want to brag about how he could finish paper works at this amount in an even shorter time frame and with everything guaranteed to be correct just so he could see your amazed reaction. But he decided against it, thinking of how immature of a move it was.
"Riddle-san, you're really amazing...I could never do these things by myself." You whispered with a small laugh as you leaned down on the table, resting your head that had been starting to ache from all the memorization you've been doing. Riddle wanted to criticize your laid-back posture but, in the end, he kept it all on his own. Your exhaustion was to be expected after all, it’s understandable.
Riddle tilted his head to the side. "...Is that so? I do think this is normal for my age." He said, which merely made you laugh nervously and drop a sweat. What he said just proved how much of a genius this child is, having the personality of a workaholic. However, you noticed how he slouched down slightly, with something oddly lonely in his eyes. "...This is what I've been taught all my life after all. I have to be the best of the best."
Ah, of course, he's not a genius without a cost. That much is understandable at least. "That's not true." You said without thinking, making Riddle turn to look at you. Your eyes were closed as if you were in the verge of falling asleep but that dazed, gentle smile remains on your face, telling him that you're still wide awake. "No one can be the 'best' out of the best. A child shouldn't grow up to believe that they can."
"...But unfortunately so, Riddle-san did, didn't he?" You phrased the words like it was supposed to be a response to yourself rather than to him. You opened your eyes, sympathy overflowing from within them that it makes Riddle's heart ache. "I can't imagine how painfully lonely that must've been, enduring and following all those crazy rules."
"But you know? It doesn't have to be like that anymore, you have friends who'll listen and spend time with you now." You said. "You can eat all the tart you want and not have to worry about breaking any rules for even just a second. It doesn't hurt to have fun once in a while."
"That's why, Riddle-san doesn't need to be the best of the best. You don't even have to listen to your mother if you, yourself knew how unreasonable her words are. You are your own person, after all." Riddle looked up at you and you couldn't help but to think of him as a little puppy, learning how to do his first trick for the first time. However, you blinked and covered your mouth when you realized that you just said something extremely rude in regards to his mother. "A-Ah! T-That's not to bad-mouth your mother or anything! I'm sure she was trying in her own way...! I think…?"
A tinge of awkwardness decorated your features as you sat properly on your seat, scratching the back of your head. "...But the point is...I just don't see why Riddle-san needs to be the best at everything. You're already fine the way you are." You said, looking down as you begin to feel really embarrassed of what you're saying. "Honestly, if you were my son, I'd be the proudest mother in the whole world~! No doubt about it!"
Widening his eyes at what you said, Riddle couldn't help but look down as different kinds of emotions swirling inside of him. His mouth twitched but he didn’t know whether to smile or to frown, he's incredibly indecisive right now. But his eyes did soften though, your last words had echoed over and over again inside his head, blocking out every other words that came after. He felt all warmed up on the inside that he clutched his chest tight and didn't seem to hear you say "Just kidding~" in a playful manner. You'll be the proudest mother you said, an actual proud mother who can be proud of someone like him.
"...Honestly, it would've been nice if you were indeed my mother in the first place..." He whispered with a strained, quavering voice, his hand clenching harder on his chest. How laughable, he's older than you and yet, he could actually feel himself at ease, consulting you like this.
"Eh...? Eh!? Riddle-san!?" You were about question him, trying to process if what you heard was correct. However, you quickly shot up from surprise in your seat as you looked at the red-haired's expression, a few drops of glistening tears began to overflow from his eyes. "W-Why are you crying...!? Aah, I'm sorry, I-I was joking...! I'm not gonna do it again, okay-"
"Hey..." Before you could say any more, you flinched as Riddle grabbed your hand, shutting you up completely. You fell into silence as he slowly brought your hand up on top of his head, your heart beating in anticipation. "Could you do it again...? Please?"
You felt your face heating up, not knowing how to process this turn of events. It was supposed to be a joke, an example to strengthen a point that you were trying to make. Still, Riddle seemed to have taken it seriously and you couldn't help but to feel a little sympathetic. It just proves that this child had been hungry, yearning for some needed motherly affection that he never got as a child. So desperate in fact, that he's willing to believe that silly little statement of yours.
Your eyes softened as you went closer to him and began to stroke his hair as gently as you could. You watched him sniffle, his shoulders shaking slightly as he tries to keep his cries at a minimum. "...You're still in pain, aren't you? You poor thing..." You said with a smile, purposely making your voice as soft as possible to give him the sense of comfort. "There, there...It'll be alright. Everything's going to be alright."
With that, Riddle couldn't help himself anymore and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. Sitting on his little throne, he buried his face on your stomach, his tears staining your uniform but you didn't mind. All you could really do was to continue stroking his hair and welcomed his head in an embrace. "...Thank you for enduring everything all this time, you've been such a good boy." You comforted, closing your eyes and Riddle could just melt against you. "But we're here now, you don't have to worry anymore. From now on, you'll never feel lonely again."
"You've done an excellent job, Riddle. I'm so proud."
Continue the Spice~?
Yume had to force herself to buy a new laptop because she knew she wouldn’t be able to survive Online Class without one (c" ತ,_ತ) I’m quite a stranger to electronics really, but I’m learning as I go, but I still miss my old laptop aaaa- (;_;)
Yume had reach 500+ followers! That many Darlings!? Isn’t it crazy!? (´;Д;`) To think this blog could actually reach that much lol Yume just wanted to release some hornii \(//∇//)\ Thank you very much, Sweethearts~! My fellow Hornii people ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
...I’m excited for the next few Sinfics (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Little Secret Part 2 // Changbin
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🍄 | genre: smut mini-series ☁️ | pairing: Seo Changbin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 3.6k 🌸 | includes: virgin!reader, kinda romantic, lots of smoochin’, lil bit of begging, reaaally soft sex, oral (f!receiving), consent :), protected sex, aftercare? ig
v Please read part one first! v
🌊 | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Finale |
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“Alright, I’m gonna go. Thanks for having me over.” Changbin thanked his closest friend, always polite and courteous to Jisung for allowing him to come over so often. 
“Cmon, you know you’re always welcomed here.” Jisung cleaned up their mess of popcorn and chips, tossing the bowls into the kitchen sink before helping Changbin leave. “See ya tomorrow in the studio, right?”
“You know it!” Changbin waved to Jisung as he entered his car. His car started with a hum, and the Bluetooth connected to his phone and continued where his Spotify left off. Ignoring whatever song was playing, Changbin dropped his forehead into the steering wheel as he faced the text message app in his phone. He patiently waited for you, staring at the bright screen, until he saw the familiar ellipsis text bubble appear in the lower-left corner. His face lit up with glee, and he felt his heart start beating out of his chest. 
Changbin knew all too well that you had a crush on him. You made it more than obvious, stuttering over your words whenever he talked to you or hiding in your room whenever he was over. He and Jisung would joke about it in an attempt to brighten an otherwise problematic situation, but deep down, Changbin liked it. He liked the way you stared at him when he would be shirtless around your house. He liked the way you would go quiet in your room whenever he would start to talk purposefully loud about his sex life. He even liked it when he would go upstairs to use the restroom and hear your little moans of his name from inside your bedroom. He was always such a tease to you, and he couldn’t deny that he liked you too, but not in the exact same way.
Changbin lived alone. He had his own apartment downtown, and although he was known for DJing at parties, he would spend a lot of nights alone, left to his own thoughts. To combat intrusive or self-destructive thoughts, he would jerk off, obviously. And as much as he tried to focus on the pornography in front of him, he would always end up closing his eyes and letting his mind wander to you. The image of you riding him, bouncing on his cock as your chest rose and fell, was a go-to for him whenever he needed to cum fast. The thoughts of you doing sinful things with him never appeared until the beginning of this school year when he saw you carry a package to your room that was not-so-discretely a package from a sex shop. He always thought of you as extended family, being his best friend’s brother and all, but after imagining what naughty things might have been in that box, his mind was set. You were the only girl that could satisfy him.
He knew his experience would frighten you, but he wanted to ruin you more than anything. Jisung had never seen you with a partner, and although this was second-hand information, Changbin would love to take your virginity, making you cum over and over again anyway he can. 
This was his chance. He never knew how to make the first move on you without Jisung noticing, but if this was how it had to be, then this is how it had to be. 
You walked out to his car after sneaking past your brother, taking a seat in the passenger seat of Changbin’s car, refusing to look at him, although Changbin’s eyes were focused on you. He smiled gently, attempting to lighten the mood.
“Look, I said I’m sorry.” Changbin placed a hand on your shoulder and you gulped loudly. You could have sworn you felt your heart to a frontflip. 
“Changbin,” your voice was quiet, scared of what was about to happen, “if you don’t want to do this, then I-”
“Y/n, you have no idea how much I want to fuck you.” You were speechless. You darted your eyes to meet his, and his gaze was dripping with sincerity and lust. “Let’s go back to my place. You can sleep over, I don’t care. I just want you right now.”
“Wa-want me?” You bit your bottom lip, unable to believe the current situation you were in. The boy you’ve had a crush on since middle school was about to fuck your brains out until the sun came up. Your mind was foggy, but not foggy enough to refuse Changbin’s advances. 
His right hand rested on your thigh the whole 30 minute drive to his apartment, and you almost started shaking just thinking about what he was going to do to you. All your filthy fantasies were about to come to life, or you hoped they would. 
Despite your excitement, the thought of Jisung finding out terrified you. Although you fought constantly, he was always protective. He would never let anyone lay a finger on his precious little sister. The only person that could bully you was him. If he knew what his best friend was about to do to you, he’d explode out of anger. 
Changbin knew this. He knew damn well what he was doing would upset his best friend, but he couldn’t let this go any longer. Changbin would make lewd jokes about you infront of Jisung, each time resulting in Jisung fake-puking and threatening the older’s life if he were to ever even think of fucking you.
Ah, if only he knew.
You arrived at Changbin’s apartment. The elevator ride to the third floor was silent, but Changbin stayed close to your side the entire time. Your mind was still a mess, but Changbin’s presence made you a little bit at ease. As painfully horny as he made you, he was still your first love. You loved to be around him.
Once inside of his apartment, Changbin eased you in and welcomed you, giving you a quick “this is the living room” tour. You sat on his couch per his request and nestled back into the soft upholstery. Everything smelled like Changbin (unsurprisingly), and you almost fell asleep the second you sat down before Changbin sat next to you and leaned into your ear.
“This is your first time, right?”
You nearly jumped out of your skin. His voice was deep and hardly above a whisper. You felt so hot, and the atmosphere was so hot, and when you looked at him, he looked so hot. Holy shit. This is happening. 
“Yeah, but that’s okay, right?” You leaned away from him, afraid he would pounce on you at any moment. He noticed the fear in your eyes, and his glassy eyes reverted to his soft, warm gaze. He laughed it off, gently placing his hands on your hips and pulling you onto his lap, earning a quiet yelp from you. 
“Of course that’s okay, baby.” His nickname for you melted your heart. You blushed brightly, and Changbin thought it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. He felt his chest get tight as a smile stretched across his face. “Tell me if it’s too much, alright?”
“Alright, Bin.” He leaned in, and you realized you hadn’t kissed anyone since Junior prom (Don’t tell Jisung! It was a one time thing!). What if you weren’t good enough for him? What if you were bad at this? What if-
Then his lips were on yours. He waited patiently for you to get more comfortable, never moving on until you began to kiss him back. The kiss was so light and sweet, something Changbin hadn’t experienced since high school, but it honestly made his heart sing. He was the one that was supposed to be teaching you! What the fuck was this? Your hands quickly found their place on his shoulders and the back of his neck as you pulled yourself closer to him. You could feel him semi-hard under you, and you gently pushed your body down to feel more of him without thinking that he would also feel you push down on him. He pulled back and hissed, cursing under his breath. You tried to apologize, but before you could utter a word, his eye contact made you speechless. 
“Eager, are we?” His smirk made your heart drop. God, he was so good looking it made your brain error. Of course you were eager, but you didn’t want to fully submit immediately. You were always a baby to him, so this could be your chance to have him see you as more mature, right?
“I just wanted to feel you.” Your sweet little voice made Changbin swoon. He knew you were innocent, and as much as he wanted to ruin you, there was an angel on his shoulder telling him to be gentle and caring. He wrapped his arms around you and brought you into another kiss, this time greedier and heavier than the last one, but you felt safe in his arms.
Changbin’s lips on your jawline felt like nirvana. He was so gentle with you, yet still domineering enough to make you entirely pliant in his arms, not like you’d know what to do if he actually let you be in control. You felt his kisses become rougher as he began sucking hickeys onto your neck. You arch your back and lean into his body, giving him full access to your neck. His hands went from supporting his weight at your sides to exploring your body, feeling you up over your shirt as slowly as possible.
“Take this off, princess.” Changbin tugged at the bottom of your shirt, hoping you get the hint. You nodded and hastily tossed your shirt off, exposing your braless chest. “Oh? Nothing on underneath?”
You looked down and covered your chest with your arms. Fuck, why were you so nervous? You’ve wanted this for years and now you’re shy? Changbin grabbed your wrists and slowly pulled you away from yourself, again exposing your chest to him. His face was unreadable aside from the casual smile that made your head spin.
“So beautiful.” Your face was as red as a tomato. His hands moved from holding your wrists to holding your hands, keeping you from covering your body. “This is what I’ve been missing out on this whole time? Damn, I should have done this sooner.”
He looks to you for any sign of discontent, but your soft puppy eyes tell him everything he needs to know, and he knows you need him. He dives his head into your chest, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue circling the sensitive bud, and takes your other breast into his hand, gripping your nipple between his fingers and twirling it gently enough to make you keen. He was so good at what he was doing, and you couldn’t help but moan and whimper, especially when his teeth began to tug at your nipple. 
Switching his head from one breast to the other, he briefly makes eye contact with you, and your adorably innocent gaze is enough to make him fully hard, his cock begging to be let out of his sweatpants. You looked so good, and the spit dripping from your chest lead down to where he wanted his mouth the most: your cunt. 
His heavenly touch left your chest, and you whined from the lack of stimulation before he stood up from the couch, taking you up in his arms in the process. He carried you to his bed, placing you down softly on the sheets. The smell of his overwhelmed you as you sunk into his pillows, quickly becoming blissed out and ready for more. 
Changbin joined you on the bed, taking his position between your legs, kissing your tummy and moving down to the waistband of your pants. You knew what was coming, but you didn’t know if you were ready. Your heart was beating out of your chest as Changbin looks to you again, lightly tugging at your pants.
“Bin, c-can you turn off the lights?” You point to the switch on the wall, and Changbin giggles before getting up and switching them off. The street lights from outside his window illuminated the room just enough for Changbin to still see the warm glow radiating from your body. He took a second to look at you, legs spread wide and chest arched up. Your eyes were glued to Changbin too, who had a noticeably large bulge in his pants. It was then that you realized you wanted this. You were ready for anything Changbin wanted to give you, to do to you. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, baby.” He comes back between your legs, and you raise your hips for him to slide off your shorts. The underwear you had on was nothing special, but Changbin loved it nonetheless. His fingers pressed your wet panties into your even wetter cunt, making the area fully drenched in your slick. You whined, desperately wanting more stimulation. 
“Please fuck me, Bin.” You didn’t know you had it in you to be so vulgar, and neither did Changbin. His eyes go wide as he looks up at you. You were so desperate, tears were lining your eyes. 
“Not yet, babe. Let me taste you first.” He slides your panties down your legs, adding them to the rest of the clothes. Now you’re fully naked, and fully at Changbin’s disposal. A single finger runs through your folds, and you whine when he begins to play with your clit, making small, calculated circles around the nerves. 
While your eyes are closed, he leans down and lays on his stomach to become eye-level with your pussy. His fingers leave your clit only to be replaced by his mouth, sucking and licking at your clit. You buck into his face subconsciously, and he can tell how much you love it by the liquid dripping out of your cunt. One finger slides in with ease, and when he bends it, you arch your back even more, and Changbin quickly finds your g-spot. 
“Bin, more, please.” Changbin could bust in his pants by how much you’re begging for him, but he loves it. Your voice gets so high-pitched and whiny every time you try to speak, but he loves it. 
He adds two more fingers, now thoroughly stretching you out. The drag of his fingers is insane, and he can reach deeper inside you than you ever could. You push onto his hand, subtly riding his fingers as he pumps them into you. His mouth is still attached to your clit, lapping you up like it’s his last meal. You feel yourself begin to become undone, and you throw your head back from the overwhelming pleasure.
“Bin, c-close.” That’s all you can squeak out before Changbin sucks harsher at your clit, pumps faster inside you, and makes you cum on his face and fingers. Your cum coats him as you shake from the most intense orgasm you’ve experienced thus far. You moan his name loudly, and hearing you curse so much is beyond sexy to Changbin. Your sweat reflecting the street lights, your back arched with your perky titties standing up, your beautiful moans and sounds. It’s all too perfect to be true. 
“Good girl.” Changbin takes his fingers out of you and sits up when you’re through your orgasm. He sucks off his fingers, tasting your sweet cum. The sight was too much, and you wanted nothing more than for Changbin to finally fuck you and take your virginity. “Is my girl ready for my cock?” 
“Y-yes Changbin, please, I need your cock.” You raise your hips, this time to get his attention back to your most sensitive area. He looks down and notices your neediness. Changbin’s shirt flies over his head and joins the rest of your clothes on the floor. He’s sitting between your legs on his knees, giving you a moment to ogle at his sculpted body, which you did.
You’ve seen him shirtless before, but this time was different. Now his body was over you, not across the room or in the pool. You subconsciously reached out to him, leaning forward and running a hand down his abs, stopping at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Changbin laughs, but you get unbelievably embarrassed in a matter of seconds, leaning back and covering your face with your arms. Changbin pins your hands above your head and leans down to kiss your blushing face all over until finishing on your lips, his tongue dancing with yours. “Don’t be shy, baby. Just calm down and let me take care of you.”
That smile. It was so sincere. You felt like he cared. Immediately, your heart burns with passion as you lean forward to kiss him while still being held down by his hands. His hands move down your arms to your chest, feeling you up one more time before you feel his hands leave your body. He breaks the kiss and leans to his bedside drawer, pulling out a condom. 
Without missing a beat, he pulls his pants and boxers down his thighs, his cock springing free. It’s a lot bigger than you had imagined, but that’s okay. You wanted him more than anything, and judging by the precum leaking out of his tip, he wanted you too. 
Changbin slides the condom down his shaft, making sure to pinch the tip of the rubber. He leans down and holds your hands at your sides, entwining his fingers with yours. You try to take deep breaths to calm down, but now that he feels so close, your heart feels as if it could burst out of your chest at any moment.
“This might hurt, but it will feel good, I promise.” He runs his tip through your folds, getting the head wet with your juices before lining up with your entrance. “Do you trust me, Y/n?” You nod, but that isn’t enough for Changbin. “Words, baby. Do you trust me?”
“Yes!” All you can do is whimper and squeak, a mixture of anxiety and excitement bubbling inside you. “Yes, Changbin. I trust you.” 
Changbin pushes his member into you, stretching you around him. It feels like you’re about to be split in half, like your lower half could just fall off. Fuck, was it painful. But as Changbin bottoms out, he just waits. He waits for your face to go from pure pain to pure pleasure. You’re biting harshly down on your lip, holding in any whines from the pain. After a moment, you let out a moan and push down onto his cock as if it wasn’t already fully inside you. 
“Bin,” your glassy eyes meet his, “move.”
His thrusts are slow and steady, making this the most enjoyable experience for you. Although you’re far from an orgasm, Changbin is scarily close. Your cunt feels like it was made for him. You’re tight, so fucking tight, but just enough for Changbin to still fit. He looks down and catches his cock disappearing into your dripping hole. The sight is filthy, and he loves it. If that wasn’t enough to make him close, your pretty moans were.
He knew your face was pretty, but your sounds, dear god your sounds. You sounded like an angel. Whenever you moaned his name, Changbin could feel his heart flutter. You sounded so damn pretty, like the best song he’d ever heard.
Changbin’s thrusts became more sloppy as he struggled to hold back his impending orgasm. You just looked so hot. The way your face scrunched up when he thrusted into you, moaning and whining with every moment. Your chest bouncing in rhythm to the sound of his balls hitting against you. It was all too much. 
You felt Changbin’s cock throb inside you, and you instinctively tighten around him. With a shaky breath, he cums inside the condom. His pretty little high-pitched groans as he came made you smile, thinking to yourself, yeah, I did that. 
He pulled out and disposed of the full condom. You held your arms out to him as he watched you sleepily make a little grabby hands gesture towards him. You looked so cute, how could he not cuddle with you?
Then you realized you had to pee.
But you came back as fast as you could to cuddle with him, pulling yourself into his chest, hearing his heartbeat and making your breathing in sync with his. His warmth enveloped you. You felt like you belonged there, laying in his arms with a gentle smile on your face as you were nodding off to sleep.
Changbin watched your eyes flutter shut, admiring how adorable you looked in his big arms. He wanted to talk to you, make sure you were okay, but you were already asleep by the time he collected his thoughts. All he could do was pull you closer, taking in the sweet scent of your messy hair.
Changbin was always hooking up with girls and going on dates, but nothing ever stuck. Recently, he’s been keeping to himself, and whether he’d like to admit it or not, it was because of you and his wicked thoughts. His feelings towards you for the past few months have always been of sexual attraction, nothing more. Now, actually having you in his arms, he didn’t know if his feelings were entirely rooted in lust or if he wanted something more… no. There’s no way Changbin was going to catch feelings for his best friend’s sister. No way. No fucking way.
How would Jisung react if he found out? How would he even find out? If you wouldn’t snitch, neither would Changbin, and you both subconsciously agreed to never utter a word to your brother. There was no way he could find out. No way. No fucking way.
An hour ago, Jisung got an alert on his phone. It was way too late for one of his booty calls to be texting him. What the fuck would alert him at this hour. 
Y/n arrived at Changbin’s Apartment.
No way. No fucking way.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
i’m a survivor too, and i found that certain scenes/stuff will said just really struck me as ‘csa-survivor’-like? i felt a bit uncomfortable about headcanoning it happening to someone else, especially for a fandom as wild as this one, but your metas have really been a comfort to me because they’ve been able to pick out and explain things that i couldn’t necessarily find the words for myself.
and yeah, i would love to have a character like me that is powerful and who finds love and who gets a happy ending. the people who call the theory disgusting always kinda hit wrong with me because although csa is a difficult subject, we shouldn’t be ashamed about sharing it. they sound like they’re trying to say that it’s a bad topic to talk about and implying that it can’t happen to kids, which uhhhhh-
(i’m sure that’s not what they mean, precisely, but it’s still what they sound like, and i wish that they would stop implying that we can’t exist, especially in popular media. we do, and i’m not gonna pretend we don’t, and if they feel uncomfortable with the topic they can just use the block button. we deserve to have some well written representation just as much as anyone else. also, i really really hope that will gets a happy ending.)
anywayyyy i love your theories and i can see your post in the tag so i think you’re fine?? have a good day ❤️❤️❤️
SORRY, this ask took so long to respond to. It always warms my heart to hear other survivors speak and say they found comfort in my theory.
Yes, I think I and a lot of c*a/r*pe victims (subconscious or otherwise) were triggered by some of the symbolism/visuals in s1-3. And s3 made it hard for most of us to ignore the past imagery- since s3 wasn’t as subtle.
I get why people have reservations about the theory. But the debates to the contrary are usually just plain offensive. Or people trying to be respectful but being the opposite. There’s the obvious bad-apples . I got many anons after part 1 of my DID theory saying it “ruined/tainted byler”, and “if that happened to Will i’ll stop shipping byler” , or that it  “ruins the best gay character” ,  and to “remove the post immediately”. And this was when I was open about being a gay c*a victim. I obviously blocked them. Many survivors don’t come forward because they’re afraid people will see them as “tainted”, “ruined”, “ just their trauma”, or blame them for what happened. So yeah, it pisses me off when people say similar stuff about Will (and thus other c*a victims). Not even diving into the messed up psychology about byler/mileven shippers (knowing i was a lesbian c*a victim) but purposely spreading bs rumors about me being a p*do that was into Will/Noah-all because of the theory. -_-
Then there’s the people who try to be “respectful” but literally do the opposite.
I’ve heard numerous times it’s somehow “less offensive” to just use r*pe imagery to make monsters scary. Rather than have  the monsters have that imagery cause Will created the monsters from his memory/imagination-and st is a story of Will healing from that trauma. SORRY- I disagree. Using the worst experiences of peoples’ lives (and triggering their trauma) for no real purpose- except to make their monsters scarier to the normal/general audience who haven’t gone through it so won’t be triggered like us - is MORE OFFENSIVE to victims! NOT LESS! At least to me.
Then there’s the people who say “c*a should never be talked about (in stories).” Which I disagree with. V*ctims have already been told by ab*ser’s  and enablers of the ab*ser- to never talk about what happened to us  . So it rubs A LOT of us the wrong way when people say this.  Because (subconscious or not) you remind some of us of the people who used to hurt/silence us. People say this -simply for their convenience (like ab*sers) and cause deep down they’re uncomfortable with our existence and equate the despicable act to us the innocent v*ctim ...or just want to deny the horrible reality of the situation (like many enablers who deny the truth and hurt us because they don’t want to accept reality) . And 1) It brings us back to a time where they told us to NEVER talk about it- and makes us feel like we did something wrong when we didn’t! 2) Every psych professional says with-holding/keeping the ab*se a secret is detrimental to our mental health.
Plus, there’s a HUGE difference between sugarcoating/minimizing trauma or WORSE glamorizing, condoning, or romanticizing C*A in stories (ex: pretty little liars) VS showing how the action is wrong, causes trauma, but showing recovery and happiness is still possible for v*ctims.  if the story shows how accurately traumatizing it is (instead of minimizing/glamorizing it)- it’s incredibly rare for that character to get a happy ending. Having a story about recovering from that type of trauma and finding happiness despite such hardships would be amazing for US survivors! We rarely get stories with a happy ending-  it’s more harmful to us survivors to never see ourselves get happy endings in tv/film/books. How can some survivors (in a dark place) think there’s a light at the end of the tunnel- if it’s never shown?Also if Will has DID too- it’s good mental health rep, along with queer rep (and survivor’s rep.) All 3 groups rarely are treated well or get happy endings in media. A lot of people may feel more heard, seen, and a bit more hopeful for the future - If Will (and other characters) get a happy ending.
And even though st has many themes- like say homophobia. To try and hand-wave all the disturbing  r*pe imagery away  as ‘Will is just gay so the monsters are like that”. IS SOOOOOO offensive. Trigger warning for examples. I’m sorry what part of Max saying when Billy had c*nsensual s*x it’s “good screams” but when possessed by the mf he causes Heather to do “bad screams” read as gay???! Having the possessed ch*ke/dr*g people before throwing them in trunks (like it’s implied Lonnie did to Will -since Jonathan checked Lonnie’s trunk for Will in s1)?Tying their arms and legs up/ g*ging  them and  getting on top of them and saying “stay VERY still it’ll all be over soon”-before a monster shoves it’s tentacle into someone’s mouth and inserts a goo - just gay??? Similar to the sentient vine/shadow monster forcing itself down Will’s throat. Let alone Will saying things like “he made me do it”, “i felt it everywhere”, or being tied to a bed and screaming “help! stop! it hurts! let me go!” While Jonathan is the only one who’s visibly triggered by this and has to literally turn away and hug someone . Or barb, billy, and El spiting up a white liquid from their mouth (similar to will spitting up a slug and lying to his mother about it ).El/billy touching a suspicious looking slime with their hand and looking at the substance confused . El drawing Papa with 3 legs (the middle one being shorter) ,  trying to undress in front of the boys , and Benny saying “I think she’s been ab*sed or something”.The theme of ab*sive dads- brenner , Lonnie, and Neil . Even when the demogorgan (called in d&d the “deep father”/ in the show “a man without a face”) attacked Barb it’s chopped up with scenes of Nancy having c*nsensual sex (the monsters are doing the opposite symbolically). There’s way more examples but NO- to try and hand wave /equate ALL OF THIS to just “gay imagery” or an “a*ds metaphor” is WAY more problematic. And just offensive (specifically to gay people) than just admitting what it may actually represent. R*pe imagery and gay imagery is NOT THE SAME THING!
Also ST has never been a kid show- maybe rewatch the show and see the rating of tv-14 . Goodness sake- s1 has a st*ged su*icde, k*dnappings, m*rder, discussions of physics, h*mophobia, and s*x (with stancy in s1 & jancy in s2-s3). S2/3 discuss at their finalies recovering from tra*ma . S2 had gra*ic de*ths,  a man causing a women br*in damage/ and faking her m*scarriage, and a gang of vigalantes k*lling criminals. s3 had critiques on capitalism /media/s*xism, many d*eaths, and questionable imagery like the prior seasons. The Duffers constantly reference  movies & events from the 80s (capitalizing on 80s nostalgia /subverting 80s motifs that middle age people  from that time remember)! Those people were their intended age demographic . Most 80s centric refs go over most kids’ heads (heck a lot went over my head too since I wasn’t alive in the 80s XD).The Duffers even said in the book “worlds turned upsidedown”  “it’s not a kid’s show despite having kids”. And maybe it’s a coincidence but when Lucas in s3 hands Will the “devil’s baby” firework (a hint about Lonnie) he says “18 and over only.” Which idk is a weird/random af line unless it’s foreshadowing that the show will get darker about various themes- and maybe even change ratings.
I get people wishing nothing bad ever happened to Will or Jonathan. And being apprehensive and not trusting the Duffers to do such a story justice (cause it’s difficult to do). But personally i trust them to do so tastefully with tact and not be exp*itative, (overly gr*fic) or offensive to v*ctims. You can disagree and think the show is about something else (or not trust the Duffers)- but it’d be great if people could stop using these other messed up talking points. While trying to appear ‘(fake) woke’ and like they care for victims- cause we see through it that you really don’t.
Have a lovely day anon ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Update- I just really agreed with and appreciate the tags in this reblog
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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V e r h ä n g n i s (Doom)
⋆ pairing: demon!ateez x reader (poly!ateez)
⋆ genre: demon au, suggestive, crack
⋆ warnings: strong language, kidnapping, suggestive, alcohol, yanderish behavior 
⋆ words: 3,300
„But I don’t want to be friends only.“
„Let me go!“
„Y/N, look around you! We are eight demons and you are one human. You stand no chance against us so be a good girl and stop struggling.“
Hong Joong had you in his arms and slowly lost his patience when you repeatedly tried to kick him. Your arms were soon held behind your back by Jong Ho who also tied them up.
Upstairs in the big living room the college‘s most prestigious bachelor aka now a demon let you down on the couch and the group of demons positioned themselves on the remaining furniture.
You sat up on your knees eyes spitting fire to the blonde and sensing Woo Young grinning at you from your left site his head positioned on San‘s shoulder - the two were obviously enjoying the show.
The others are eagerly waiting for their leader to say something but when Hong Joong wants to speak up he feels himself heating up at the sight in front of him. The girl they love on her knees, hands tied behind her back and utterly defenseless... Every demon would go nuts and he can feel the others thinking the same, too.
For him and at least for Yeo Sang it‘s the hardest because they’re the ones with the best bond with you until now. Hong Joong‘s eyes begin to change their color and with a shaky sigh he turns around leaving the others and you alone.
„Okay, and all of you think she should sleep with him first tonight? Really?“
„Min Gi shut up your thoughts are looking way worse than what Hong Joong could ever dream of.“
Yeo Sang rolls with his eyes and gives Seong Hwa a pleading look to continue instead of their leader.
„Mh, Y/N? How to begin... I mean by now you should know that we are not entirely human and - “
„You’re demons. Yes, I had a crisis because of this for the last three months! What I really want to know is - WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE?“
„Please calm down... You’re looking at us like we want to eat you alive.“
„You’re not entirely wrong with this Woo Young.“ Yun Ho answers with a slight smirk on his face.
„You’re not helping me here guys. Y/N, you know by know that everyone of us - feels something for you. It doesn’t happen often that a whole demon clan falls in love with the same person. We only knew when Hong Joong told us - “
„You don’t love me and especially don’t have any feelings. Are you kidding? All of you were nothing but a nuisance these last months and Hong Joong, he...“
„How can you say this? I let someone deliver you roses!“ San pouts at you and Woo Young pets his head.
„Yes, Choi San, and after that your whole fanclub hunted me down for a week. I had to eat lunch in the library!“
„And me? We’re friends since the day you arrived here!“
„Yeah, friends. Not anything more!“
Yun Ho looks embarrassed to the ground and Yeo Sang‘s gaze is turned to the wall. The sun is about to set and the livingroom is illuminated by the last sunbeams. You watch how the others continue to argue as the blonde demon remains silent.
„You cannot say that you don’t feel anything for us. We’ve been through a lot together. We didn’t even date any girls anymore and were by your site all the time. Don’t you register anything of that?“
„Apart of that nothing happened. I really like you guys but since the whole supernatural thing happened I don’t think I should hang out with you anymore. I mean look at you - what are you even doing here right now? My friends would’ve never kidnapped me and tied my wrists!“
„That’s not entirely true.“ Everyone goes silent when Hong Joong enters the room again and sits down on the lean next to Yeo Sang.
You blush immediately when both of their gazes meet yours. Of course you remember and still feel the secret touches and kisses you shared with Yeo Sang and Hong Joong but you always thought they didn’t know about the other one.
You felt terrible for your mixed feelings especially because they weren’t only friends but lived in the same mansion, too. You didn’t want to choose so decided to end it with both of them.
„That’s over.“
A whole minute goes by Hong Joong burning holes into Yeo Sang‘s forehead and after that some of them sighing and groaning.
„If you say so. We don’t want to keep you here if you’re not in danger or something else. Jong Ho is going to drive you home.“
You couldn’t lie. Something inside of you hurt at his words. Wouldn’t have thought they would give up so fast. And you couldn’t deny that you always felt good in their presence - more relaxed and happy.
„I cannot believe we let her go.“ Min Gi rumbled while making his move on the pool table.
„That was necessary. We are not going to lock her up without a good reason than just our selfish needs.“
„Seong Hwa‘s right - also, if Hong Joong‘s plan works she will soon feel our connection and come back on her own. And then we can always use this to our advantage hahaha!“
„God, Woo Young, how long ago is your last decent fuck?“
„Mh, last week. But the hybrid girls don’t satisfy me anymore. I need her.“ His eyes change into a dangerous red as he licks his lips thinking about earlier.
„It’s okay. When demons find the one it’s normal that their body and souls needs the other one. Yeo Sang, am I not right?“
„Sadly, yeah.“
The young demon played with his glass of wine and thought about your sparkling eyes whenever the two of you went home together on your usual route. For him it wasn’t just affection anymore like the state some of the others are now in.
Yeo Sang loved you, very dearly. He wanted you safe and by his side. Your words this evening showed him that you’re not ready to be with all of them and it hurt. He only told the others through his special gift of telepathy because he knew it was the right thing to do.
„At least she’s wearing our mark now.“
„That’s right, Jong Ho. But it’s not saving her from other demons. As soon as someone sees it they will know she’s important and that’s what I fear for.“
„There aren’t any other demons at the college so I think we don’t have to worry.“ Seong Hwa replies.
„I guess we can only wait then.“
Yun Ho told the others and sat down in front of the television trying to find some peace during this problematic time.
Seeing them at the campus today and not being able to talk or play with them was hard. Usually you would already meet them at the entrance and would hang out in the breaks. Yun Ho and you shared the same subject and that’s how the two of you became best friends.
The relationship with Yeo Sang began when the two of you met at their mansion. Yun Ho and you had to prepare for a project and that’s when you accidentally ran into the boy. You would’ve never guessed that Yeo Sang would make the first move to show you his interest because he was the typical popular but mysterious guy and you - you were just simple.
Hong Joong was a person you weren’t fond of as all of your female friends swooned over him. He was like the college king or some kind of. He can do what he want and no teacher or student would get in his way. Life was easy for him - so you thought.
After you accidentally found his hiding spot at the rooftop of the main building where they built something like a garden the two of you immediately clicked. But that was only when you were alone. You didn’t know what his problem was but it was enough to get out of his way when others were around.
As your visitings to their mansion grew in number your little group became closer. Now you weren’t invisible anymore as you often hang out with the boys and everyone saw your relationship with them. It was ok, first. When San and Woo Young - the notorious playboys - started to flirt with you openly the jelous girls began to harass you. You aren’t a weak person and could cope with the situation first.
But like already said, the demon thing just happened and San sending you flowers, Woo Young following you like a puppy and the friendship with Yun Ho were enough to make your life pretty annoying.
You‘re thinking back to today when Woo Young approached you although the situation you’re currently undergoing.
„You’re so cute little cupcake!“
He pinched your cheeks while you walked away from him. Of course the whole campus watched the two of you and how Jung Woo Young looked at you with hearty eyes. Even in your next lecture he sat next to you and didn’t let his eyes drift away for only one second.
„Can you please leave me alone? Wasn’t what I said yesterday enough?“
„Y/Nah, you’re my babygirl and I won’t leave leave your site - although the others said I should give you same space but nevermind!“
Your head met the table and you groaned out. „I don’t deserve this.“
Gosh. He’s a lot to handle. How are the others doing it? Hong Joong and Seong Hwa literally need to raise these boys. How can they be demons? Demons should have horns and be scary and so on but if you look at them they’re just some teen boys who don’t know what life’s planning.
The night is pretty windy and cold. You put your cardigan closer around your body and shiver a little bit. Only five more minutes and you’re home. It was a dumb idea to stay in the library so late but you were used to it because usually Yeo Sang would be by your site right now and you wouldn’t have to creep out at every sound you hear behind you.
It’s really ridiculous to imagine someone whistling a melody when the wind is howling so strong. It’s obviously all in your head and you should just walk faster but when your wrist suddenly begins to sting you flinch and stop in your tracks.
„What the hell...“
„Hell, that’s where I come from...“
You double over at the foreign voice and are about to speed away but someone sneaks up behind you and holds you still in a painful grip. That someone’s indeed very tall and strong and you can see long black hair adorning his head although being sure it’s a guy that positions his nose deep in your neck.
„Mh, how delicious. Who do you belong to, love?“ He holds your wrist up to examine the mark the demons left on you. A sign of protection and ownership.
„What? I don’t belong to anyone! Now let me go before I scream so loud everyone hears you because I know there are many people living in these houses!“
„You don’t know? Of course, you can’t see it but it’s rare someone marks a human without telling them. I mean, this sign stands for love and not for slavery. Yes, the ones I like to give.“
„You - you’re a demon!“
„Very fast - “ With a swift move he turns you around and looks you down with bloody red eyes. The figure in front of you was breathtaking but also dangerous and unpredictable.
„My name is Nam Joo Hyuk and I think today is my lucky day. A marked female human without her demon means you’re now mine...“
„You demons all can go to hell. I am so annoyed! Just let me go!“
You tried to struggle out of his grip but Joo Hyuk only holds you still without any effort and watches you amused.
„We need to work on your jokes but that’s okay. You will like my estate!“ With a puff and smoke forming your bag falls to the ground and you and the demon disappear.
„I know where she is. I can smell him... That stupid water demon!“
„Thankfully we have you in the team, Choi San.“
San grins at his hyung and grabs the bag from the ground. They teleport back to their house informing the others of the situation. Yeo Sang‘s furious knowing his beloved one is kidnapped by a narcissistic bastard.
„I am going to make him a head shorter!“
„Calm down everyone! We know where she is so let’s not make mistakes now. We’re going there but not without a plan.“
„How can someone call this clothes? I am half naked...“
„I think it suits you!“ Joo Hyuk emerges around the corner and watches how you analyze yourself in the mirror. His estate was really beautiful. It was in a parallel world and everything looked like a greek palace up in the skies. Many other girls were giggling around the water lagoons and you had to stop yourself from throwing up at the sight of the brainless.
„They - they will come and rescue me!“
„They? My love, no demon let‘s the one with his mark run around freely without any protection. They don’t feel enough for you and you should be happy that I am going to mark you with a gift now! Be my slave - “
„No! You’re lying... And I don’t want to be your slave! You have a lot girls here isn’t it enough?“
„For me it’s never enough. You should smell yourself, it’s so fascinating! I just need you here with me... if it wasn’t me someone else would have taken you I am sure of it. And maybe now you would be death, eaten by some hungry demon.“
He shrugs with his shoulders and smiles at you. What a lunatic... But you know he means business when he starts to approach you leaving you running around him and away. Unfortunately there was no way out of a cloud and tears roll down your cheeks when some of the other girls capture you with their lustful gazes and bring you back to the water demon.
The struggling is pointless when they lay you on to a table made out of stone and hold you still with painful grips.
„It won’t hurt I promise, my love.“
Joo Hyuk leans down and starts to kiss both of your wrist and you can feel one of them stinging again. What a lying jerk! You scream out at the now stronger becoming pain. The demon starts to chant in a language you don’t know and everything‘s becoming blurry.
„Nam Joo Hyuk.“ Suddenly he stops and turns around to see not only one demon to rescue you but the whole Ateez clan.
„You have something that doesn’t belong to you.“
„Kim Hong Joong? This - human - she’s yours?“
„Not only mine, ours.“ Joo Hyuk gulps and his gaze meet your half opened eyes. He thinks about putting up a fight but it would be nothing good to ruin his estate and probably lose just for one girl.
„You can have here back.“
Yeo Sang reads Jong Ho‘s thoughts and can only agree with him that this was easier than originally planned. Yun Ho makes his way over to your lying form and he can sense your pain making him growl at the water demon who orders the girls away from your unconscious body.
Just as the demons are about to vanish away with you Joo Hyuk speaks up. „You’re lucky it was just me who found her. I don’t know why you’re not able to protect her with a total number of eight demons but you should start from now on. Next time you can collect the last droplets of her blood from the ground.“
Hong Joong just grumbles out a low I know and with that they leave the place.
„She’s waking up! Guys!“
„Yun Ho? Yeo Sang? Where am I?“
Yeo Sang smiles down your form while the other gather around the bed and Yun Ho continues to stroke your hair in soothing motions.
„You’re safe in our mansion. We’re so sorry this happened to you...“
„God, I was so afraid!“ Your eyes become watery and you sit up to fall into a deep embrace with Yeo Sang. The boy holds you tight in his arms and tries to calm down your hiccups.
„I am sorry. This is our fault.“
„No, you rescued me... That guy was so crazy! He wanted to mark me or something but I didn’t really understand. Why me? Just why!“
„Ehm, technically he wanted you because of our mark.“ Everyone rolled with their eyes at Min Gi‘s remark. Just as it was about to get into the right direction you became aware of the whole event. You pushed Yeo Sang slowly away and found everyone avoiding your eyes.
„You - you guys! You left a fucking mark on me? I thought we talked this out but you’re still acting like I am something like your possession!“
„Y/N, please no! We gave you the mark because we love you. You being hurt or scared is the last thing we want. We didn’t know someone would find you so fast and we don’t have any experiences with this, too...“
Jong Ho gives you his puppy eyes knowing exactly that it’s your sweet spot. A girl hears what she wants to hear...
„You mean, I am the first one you gave this? Why can’t I see it?“
„Yes, you are - and you’re probably remaining the only one. Demons don’t fall in love easily, once they do, it’s normally for their whole life. But we talked about everything and the last thing we want is to see you unhappy. The whole thing with Joo Hyuk showed us we shouldn’t force you to something you don’t want. We can take the mark away...“
All of them are silent and you see their sad faces because of Jong Ho‘s words. Your gaze drifts to Yeo Sang and Hong Joong who seem to have glassy eyes. You also feel Yeo Sang‘s hands shaking and out of reflex you take them into your own hands to calm the boy down. He faces you with a little shocked expression and you gulp to what you would say next.
„I - I don’t want you to take it back. The only thing I want is my friends back...“
The demons cheer up one by one and smile at eachother at your suggestion. You can’t love someone out of nowhere but you wanting to befriend them again means a lot.
„But I don’t want to be friends only.“
Everyone’s facepalming again.
„Yes, Woo Young. I am sure you’re not able to be only friends with any female creature out there.“
„No, it’s only with you! I promise.“ His face wears a serious expression and you couldn’t say that a lot about the boy.
„You’re giving us a chance?“ Hong Joong eyes you shyly with a small smirk.
„I said friends. What happens then is not written yet. Also I don’t want to be kidnapped by anyone ever again! I am still getting goosebumps.“
Everyone’s laughing including you and your heart literally combust when you feel Yeo Sang‘s lips on your cheek. Your cheek wettens because of his tears but also the area begins to tickle until you feel it in your whole body.
He pushed back and watches you with loving eyes.
„I love you.“
Oh god, since when can you hear his voice in your head?
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
Letter to U of T President Meric Gertler
Meric Gertler                                                                    June 30, 2021
Kelly Hannah-Moffat
Vice President
Human Resources and Equity
University of Toronto
The purpose of this letter is to request appropriate responses to an act of bigotry from a member of the University of Toronto faculty. As explained below, speed of reaction matters. As also elaborated below, the situation is a matter of some gravity.
Before the particular act is addressed, a few general remarks are in order. Prejudicial slurs often occur in the form of a noun and an adjective.  The noun refers to the group under attack.  The adjective asserts a stereotype about the group.
These prejudicial slurs may occur generally.  They may also occur in response to a particular incident which, abstracted from the prejudicial slur, may itself be objectionable.  The problem here is not criticism of the incident but rather the attribution to all members of the target group the blame for an incident for which they are not responsible.
Bigotry can occur against a group in whole or in part.  When it occurs in part, the bigoted would say that there are good members of the group and bad members.  The good are those whose behaviour contradicts the stereotype.  The bad are those who conform to the stereotype.  For the bigoted, what they would characterize as the good are exceptions.
Bigotry often engages in victim inversion.  The bigoted often claim that they are the victims and that their targets are the victimizers.  The bigotry here takes the form of claimed defense against the target group.
The bigoted often uses double entendres, words that have both an innocent meaning and a coded meaning to their bigoted cohort. They use dog whistles, sounds with the intent that only their bigoted cohort will appreciate.
The particular remarks we wish to draw to your attention is a statement of University of Toronto Faculty Association president Terezia Zorić made from the floor after a panel discussion at York University Osgoode Hall, June 15, 2021.  A link to the video of her remarks can be found at the link below at the 1:58:50 mark.
The transcript of her remarks, in their entirety, is this:
“Very, very quickly many thanks to the organizers of this wonderful event on the censure [by the Canadian Association of University of Teachers (CAUT) of the University of Toronto] of u of t [the University of Toronto] and all the activists who’ve made it possible for those of us doing institutional work to have some room to maneuver.
I wanted to offer that, as an early leader who defended the folks at the law school and the principles of academic freedom and collegial governance, there was nothing short of unending harassment and psychological warfare where those of us were supportive of the principles at stake at the heart of the censure. [We] experienced horrible backlash by an entitled powerful Zionist minority that felt that any criticisms of Cromwell [the author of a review report] or anyone else could be met with accusations of antisemitism. And it took an enormous amount of work to get us to a point where we could have even have a conversation about what went on why it went on and so on.
Many graduate students with whom I’ve worked ‑ I teach in the Department of Social Justice Education ‑ have complained that any time they want to talk about a boycott [and] divestment [against Israel in support of] Palestine or anything like that, they feel targeted in similar ways. If you don’t think faculty themselves, including those of us in senior positions, can be intimidated by the powerful response you don’t understand what’s at stake and we continue to be in that position.”
The sentence from the quote above which encapsulates the problematic nature of the remarks of Ms. Zorić is this:
“[We] experienced horrible backlash by an entitled powerful Zionist minority that felt that any criticisms of Cromwell or anyone else could be met with accusations of antisemitism.”
To be even more specific, a phrase and an attitude which imbues her remarks throughout, is this: “an entitled powerful Zionist minority”.  This phrase is an antisemitic slur.
The form of her statement is
“We experienced horrible backlash by a group of [insert here a prejudicial slur against the group] who felt that any criticisms of their views could be answered with accusations of prejudice against the group.”
The very form of discourse is an exercise in bigotry.  The form of discourse is ridiculous because, on the one hand, it rejects the accusation of prejudice and, on other hand, manifests it.  The discourse is internally self-contradictory.  It establishes the charge of bigotry against which it claims to defend.  Ms. Zorić, on the one hand, uses an antisemitic stereotype “an entitled powerful Zionist minority” and, on the other hand, defends herself against the charge of antisemitism.
Robert Wistrich, in 2004, then Professor of European and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, described antisemitism as including attributing “to Jews excessive power and influence”.  He observed that “‘anti-Zionist’ attacks on Jewish … targets show that we are talking about a distinction without a difference.”[1]
Martin Luther King stated:
“When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking antisemitism.”[2]
That is what is going on here.  When Ms. Zorić criticizes “an entitled powerful Zionist minority”, she means “an entitled powerful Jewish minority”.
The antisemitic stereotype Ms. Zorić uses is the classic, the original, antisemitism, the very source of the term.   Antisemitism, literally, means opposition to semitism and semitism according to Wilhelm Marr, who coined the term, was self‑interested Jewish power. Antisemitism was opposition to this fantasized power.  Marr opposed “the Jewish spirit and Jewish consciousness [which] have overpowered the world”[3]. He founded an organization titled – “The League of Anti-Semites”.
Until the defeat of Nazi Germany, antisemites commonly identified as such.  Before the end of World War II, there was a proliferation of self-identified antisemitic organizations – for instance the Anti-Semitic Union of the Diet of Lower Austria or the Universal Anti-Semitic Alliance of Romania.  The Nazis themselves self-identified as antisemitic.
All of these self-identified antisemitic individuals and organizations espoused the very ideology Ms. Zorić telegraphs with the phrase “an entitled powerful Zionist minority”.  As Holocaust scholar Yehuda Bauer observed, the term “antisemitism” has now gone out of fashion, even among antisemites.  Even the most virulent antisemites today do not self-identify as antisemites.  Ms. Zorić fits within this pattern, both asserting antisemitic ideology and denying that it is antisemitism.
Zionism may seem objectively to be an innocent or positive term, a national liberation movement for the Jewish people, a short hand for the existence of Israel as the expression of the right to self-determination of the Jewish people.  Yet, it is used by antisemites as, at least among themselves, an acceptable form of antisemitism.
Ms. Zorić uses a dog whistle or double entendre with the term “Zionist”.  To her, there are good Jews and bad.  The bad are the Zionists.
Ms. Zorić uses victim inversion.  She both attacks Jews (Zionists) and claims that she is the victim of the group she attacks.
Adding to the weight of concern is the fact that Ms. Zorić made her remarks publicly as head of the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA).  She was introduced as representing UTFA.  In her remarks, she referred to herself as the “leader” of UTFA.
By making her remarks in a public forum as president of UTFA, she misrepresents UTFA as itself antisemitic.  Her remarks do not just discredit herself.  They discredit the University Faculty Association.
By doing and saying nothing about these remarks, UTFA and the University put themselves in a compromising position.  Silence speaks.  UTFA and the University need to react.  Silence in the face of these remarks becomes complicity, tacit consent, an authorization to continue these sorts of remarks.
Any human rights violation, unless stopped, spreads.  This is particularly true of bigoted discourse, which spreads easily and quickly if not contradicted.  The reaction to bigoted discourse should be swift.
Both UTFA and the University need publicly to disassociate themselves from the remarks of Ms. Zorić.  UTFA should call on Ms. Zorić to resign her position.
The problem that the remarks of Ms. Zorić present go beyond the University of Toronto.  What makes them even more alarming is that they appear to be a driving force behind the CAUT censure of the University of Toronto.
Ms. Zorić refers to her views as “the principles at stake at the heart of the censure” by CAUT of the University of Toronto.  CAUT needs to reconsider its censure in light of the fact that a driving force behind the movement for censure was antisemitism.
We make these recommendations:
1) Ms. Zorić should resign as president of the University of Toronto Faculty Association.  She holds publicly expressed views which are incompatible with that position.  The Faculty Association should request her resignation.
2) The University of Toronto should disassociate themselves from the remarks of Ms. Zorić. The University should state publicly that her views do not represent the views of the University.
3)  CAUT should reconsider its censure of the University of Toronto in light of the publicly expressed views of Ms. Zorić. The impact that those views may have had on the decision to censure justifies the reconsideration.
David Matas
Senior Honorary Counsel
B’nai Brith Canada
602-225 Vaughan Street Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3C 1T7 Tel: 1 204 944 1831 Fax: 1 204 942 1494 E-mail: [email protected]
Cc: Terezia Zorić
University of Toronto Faculty Association
David Robinson
Canadian Association of University Teachers
   [1]  “Anti‑Zionism and Anti‑semitism” Jewish Political Studies Review 16:3‑4 (Fall 2004) page 27 on JSTOR
https://www.jstor.org/stable/25834602?read‑now=1&seq=2#page_scan_tab_contents  3/4
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
Many anons have been saying that assuming someone's sexuality based on mannerisms and behaviors is problematic since it relies on stereotypes. However not one of them seems aware that stereotypes way more often than not have their roots in reality. When you're part of a group/community or at least live with people who are, it's easy to notice the patterns of the members of said community. All the gay men I've met fit stereotypes so well that their mere existence could be marked as problematic for perpetuating those stereotypes.
That being said, I agree that it is not a very good argument but to say that there is no correlation or that it is problematic to assume seems, honestly, kind of dumb and way too concerned with being as harmless as possible. People have patterns and it is easily observable, and those patterns can serve as hints or clues regarding people's identities, even though it's true they're not irrefutable proof of it.
Also, I don't know how often you engage with the general fandom, but your belief that everyone just assumed or at least doesn't deny that Jimin might not be straight ("Interesting how everyone denies Jungkook might be gay but when it comes to Jimin, everyone is silent") comes off to me as if you have kept yourself to certain parts of the fandom where that is true (I'm not trying to offend you, and I'm sorry if I sound too aggressive, it's directed at the situation I'm about to describe and not at you, you're neat and I love your blog). Because as far as I've seen, people get weirdly defensive about it, to the point of making explicit comments about Jimin actually being some kind of hypersexual womanizer whenever he as much as looks at a woman. It's weird and it makes me very uncomfortable. So while when it's about Jungkook it's true that most just assume he's straight and don't even acknowledge any other possibility, with Jimin is a vehement assertion of his super heterosexuality with empashis on the sexual part. You can see this behavior if you read through the comment sections of the videos: Jimin reacting to Hwasa, Jimin reacting to Nick and Priyanka kissing, and the bit of the Osaka vlive where Tae goes back to his room. All of those are found on youtube.
Anyways yeah, my point is that stereotypes are not proof of anything but they're not nothing either, and that people do get defensive about Jimin's sexuality, perhaps even more than anyone else's in the group, which I find really interesting. Have a good day, Rosie, and sorry for the long ass ask😔
Hi Anon. I will respond to several of your points paragraph by paragraph.
Paragraph 1: I can see your point here, but it is also true that when it comes to LGTBI+ people they have been largely judged and pigeonholed by stereotypes created with bad intentions or with the intention of generalising a community that is largely complex and different. Like any community I would say. The fact that the LGTBI+ people you know behave in a certain way and that this way is similar or the same does not mean, in my opinion, that they are the same or follow a pattern.
Paragraph 2: everything we do here is an assumption. Based on fact and behaviour. What we try to do, or at least I do, is not to fall into stereotypes and base an opinion on that. For example: Jimin has feminine mannerisms ergo he is gay. And I don't think that's dumb. I think that's being respectful and it's a desire to break a stereotype and judge if you will, a person based on individual behaviours and not generalised.
Paragraph 3: Maybe I should have been more specific but when I said that I meant among shippers or in the world of ships. Among them Jimin is LGTBI+ and is accepted or is heterosexual simply because being so disproves some ship he is part of because the other member of that same ship is part of another one (for example: Jikook v Taekook) and you can also include part of the fandom in general, after all there are several videos and many comments of Jimin "snatching men left and right".
All stereotypes are not bad but when it comes to the LGTBI+ community they usually are.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
3 I don't think jk feels that way. He loves to protect jm why would he want jm to take even more heat by making things clearer to the fans? Not to mention except nibbling on jm's ear, tatoos & gcfs are not a clear indication of what jk feels he also hides behind art (wich is very subjective) to express his feelings and even denied jm being his main model. Even V has been more direct about writing songs about jm. So for him to be frustrated with jm would be unfair & hypocritical which idt jk is.
This post you mean??
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I didn't feel the need to get into it directly because everything you said in here is based off of a misinterpretation of my post- the post in response to the Anon who said there seems to be a strain on Jikook's relationship, for context.
I never said or implied your premise, ergo your entire argument is pointless? Lol. If I had to respond to it, it would have been 'No. You didn't understand it correctly.'
Maybe you should read over it again?
I mean, no one else seem to have had that impression in the comments apart from you?What is it in that post that gave you that impression? Maybe I should read over it too... Damn.
I simply pointed out in response to the Anon, that JK seems much reserved in the way that he expresses himself towards Jimin mostly post JM's birthday. Which may or may not confirm my earlier suspicions about the whole JM birthday saga- which as I said, again, I don't want to make conclusive statements on because it's an on going phase and so it's a bit hard to reconstruct the timeline.
I said and meant and intended to mean, that if JM and the company or even BTS had expressed disapproval on JK wanting to post on JM's birthday then JK choosing not to express himself openly in regards to JM in the aftermath would be understandable. Jk seems like the all or nothing kinda guy to me- I've been saying.
They are either treating the glass closet as a glass closet or not. Which would mean JK stops his bold gestures and expressions towards JM and JM stops publicly doting on JK and expressing himself towards him in the way that he does.
But if JM is going to dot on him openly and express himself openly with regards to JK, then JK should be allowed to do the same- however way he prefers.
I didn't say I felt JK is frustrated because Jimin does whatever you are saying. All I said is I feel he gotta be frustrated if he cannot express himself the way that he wants to- especially given his personality and his background.
He often talks about not being censored much growing up as a kid and so he is used to having his way and doing things the way he wants.
My point being that Jimin expresses a certain level of 'nervousness' sometimes with the way JK expresses himself with regards to him. Especially since JK's 'bold' moves often times scratches against their glass closet to the point it can be considered 'outing.'
Jk posting on JM's birthday when he hasn't done that for anyone in the group since Jin's birthday last year would have been borderline "outing" considering. And as I said, I don't think that would have sat well with either Jimin or the group or even BigHit because it would raise a lot of brows and have people questioning whether there's more to Jikook's relationship.
Frankly, as I pointed out, given the circumstances people would raise questions over whomever he chooses to post for next regardless, especially if he doesn't post for anyone else after that- it would be world war Z up in these streets I tell ya. Lol.
JK has had his passions sabotaged over the years- his GCFs I mean, and this was one of the means he had to express his authentic self and his raw feelings as a person and as an artist. Expressing his feelings clearly is important to him as much as recieving.
And if he cannot express himself with regards to the person he loves in the way that he wants then that's got to be frustrating to him, in my opinion.
And when you think that the person he loves can get away with blurting out things like that 'the best thing in his life is waking up to see his boyfriend's face in the morning' in a middle of an interview then you'd understand what I mean.
The members booed at JM for that yes, but I don't think had JK said that, that they would have had the same reaction to him- did you see their reaction when Jk blurted out 'arrest me' when Jimin said he wanted to be a police officer or something?
That doesn't mean JM doesn't make similar bold moves that are equally risqué in regards to JK. Just saying he often gets away with it because majority of the fandom don't take him seriously at all, lol. They often dismiss his moves towards JK as fanservice or tie it to his "naturally kind and affectionate" personality.
As to whether that is fair or not- honestly I don't care. Lol. I'm more interested in observing their interactions to try to understand the motivations behind their actions and behaviors- which again, are all just theory and assumptions.
Honestly, I don't impose my judgment on Jikook's actions in that way. If I had to, I'll just say they are both wrong and they are both right and all is fair in love and war. Because I sort of understand the motivations behind these actions even if they are just theory.
But I don't do the JK vs JM business- which is what it seems you are doing here?
I keep saying they both have valid needs. JK's needs are not less valid than JM's needs. Neither is JM's needs less Valid. They both have valid motivations for the choices that they make. From my perspective.
They both have downsides and upsides and I am well aware of it. I just don't mind. I mean, they are human in every sense of the word.
JK fuming whenever someone breathes near JM but he himself being Mr roaming hands premium is double standards. If you don't want Jimin touching others don't touch others. It's as simple as that. JM playing Mr 'I'm available never been wed' when he knows damn well he is in a committed relationship with Mr double standards roaming hands premium is foul play.
They both suck. Lol.
Yet I don't mind at all. I love them regardless.
Besides, as I said, from the feed back I got it seems you were the only one who had that impression? I would have made a post to clarify it sooner if I sensed from the responses that two or more people had had similar impressions of it.
I usually don't hold myself responsible for other's comprehension skills and it didn't seem like you were asking for clarification either? May be next time ask for clarification if you are uncertain about anything instead? I don't know. Just do whatever makes you happy I guess.
There were certain statements you made in here that I found interesting regardless- the part dismissing JK's means of expressing himself but claiming V exresses his intentions better through his art....
You think may be V is able to talk openly about writing songs inspired by Jimin because there is nothing there to hide and his song lyrics aren't indicative of nothing?
I'm sorry but Friends seems like a very friend zoned conversation than a confession of romantic feelings to me.
I don't think JK wants to write a song about how Jimin is his bestfriend- Jimin would skin him alive. In my opinion. Lol.
Plus, when Tae tried to make a duet with Jimin the company (producer) allegedly didn't green light that project- I wonder why. Smirk.
Even as friends, there seems to be a limit they are allowed to go with their artistic expressions.
In JK's case, well Jimin have said he isn't really good at expressing his emotions and JK have admitted in recent times- in his Be Weverse Magazine interview that he is not particularly great at writing everything he wants to express.
Personally, before I heard him say this, I often felt he seemed to hold himself back a lot from fully expressing himself through his lyrics. He has a broad range of musical experience and honestly a rich lyrical palette from his various song recommendations throughout the years and I expected more from him when it came to his lyricism and expressions.
I don't take his lyrics for granted though because it is still one of the means through which he expresses his authentic self and after reading this bit about him, chilee I'm gone treat his lyrics like the gospel. Sorry Jesus. Lol.
I don"t know but perhaps he waters down on his expressions through his lyrics too- I mean there is only so much he can say without letting people into his inner psyche?
Dude had to sneak Stay past JM. Lmho. He's so cute.
The point I'm making is, you can't claim it is unfair for JK to use his art as cover to express his feelings for Jimin and then in the same breath praise another member expressing his feelings for Jimin through his art.
And the part about JM going out of his way and taking risks to break JK"s walls in their earlier dynamic... who asked him? Lol.
No seriously, who put him on that mission? He has his own Jikook agenda. I don't think he was doing JK a favor. Do you? I find that narrative problematic. Jimin is not a charity case. JK is not his 'console"ation price.
I don't think JK feels indebted to JM and I don't think he should. That's not love. I don't think Jimin wants his pity either. Again, that's not love.
Then the bit about JK protecting JM. I think I addressed it already. JM has a duty to protect JK as much as JK has a duty to protect him.
If him expressing his love for Jimin the way he wants to is him not protecting Jimin, then JM equally openly expressing his feelings for JK is him not protecting JK.
I won't hold this over you though because your response is based off of a misinterpretation.
Please let's not do the whole JK vs JM thingy next time. I get that a lot from my fellow PJMs here. Jikook are not enemies.
I had to respond to this because you said something about it not being fair that I didn't post the original Ask.
Please bare in mind you are Anonymous and it's hard to ask for clarification and stuff from y'all when I don't understand anything about the posts and comments you send in.
But at your end, I think you are in a better position to quote me and ask for clarifications if you want one. You don't have to. But I think it makes it easier to have certain conversations.
I enjoyed your thoughts. I haven't read them all yet but I will.
Stay safe. I purple you.
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im-justso-bored · 4 years
Week 7 of Clown Theories and Analysis
S03E07 - Beautiful Monster
So I’m feeling really good about the future of Killing Eve with Laura Neal running the show for season 4. With 3x03 and now 3x07, she really captures the essence of Killing Eve and I’ve missed that this season. We are definitely in good hands as long as we get through the finale without any bullshit which I am super nervous about!
Inappropriate touching - So apparently someone didn’t get the memo when I said that it’s illegal to keep making V cry. 
I wonder what effect it’s having on V’s mind for people to keep telling her that she’s nothing but darkness and chaos. She knows she isn’t but I want to know how it’s weighing on her mentally. Obviously she’s bothered and upset by it but I want her to talk about it, it’s be interesting to see what she would say. I hope this gives opportunity for her to talk about it to Eve next episode. 
It’s definitely having a huge effect on her actions, it’s giving her the drive to keep pushing to be the person that she wants to be and not who everyone says she is. She’s truly alone right now (especially since Eve, the only person who truly sees her, isn’t around) so she’s developing a better sense of self and will continue defy what everyone thinks of her. 
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Also I love the “God, you’re sexy” after Helene tells her that she could kill her. That’s basically the whole KE fandom when it comes to Villanelle. 
Opening titles - Why? What’s with the inconsistency with the opening title scene?
Standard parents crap - If Konstantin dies this season, which I still think may happen despite the false alarm this episode, does that mean that this is the last we see of Irina? If he dies, that means she’s stuck there, right? I don’t see her mother coming to get her up any time soon. 
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I think I liked Irina better in season 1, she’s kind of annoying this season? Whiny, even. Which makes sense though, her father is a piece of shit (I still love him though) and she doesn’t seem to have a good relationship with her mother so I can definitely see why she’s acting out and so defiant. I just find it annoying, probably because I already see enough of it with Geraldine. Come to think of it, Konstantin and Carolyn seem to have a lot of parallels like V and Eve. Both have whiny, problematic children, both are under a lot of stress, both feel like the walls are closing in on them. This season is definitely building up to something big happening for Carolyn and Konstantin as well as Eve and V. Especially with the promo videos and pics of each pair before the season premiered. 
It’s a rule - Eve is such a chaotic bisexual dumbass and I love it. Villanelle definitely has custody of the one shared brain cell during this scene because Eve is back full-force with her bullshit and pursuing Villanelle. And I am all 👏🏽 here 👏🏽 for 👏🏽 it 👏🏽
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I really like the Bitter Pill team, Suzanne better not come for them next episode.
Can we talk about how Eve was about to use Niko’s pitchfork incident as a way to get the bakery to give her info on Villanelle? She was so casual about it like it didn’t just happen the other day and killed all her hope for their marriage. She really does have tunnel vision when it comes to V, literally nothing else matters. Which is also shown in her pressuring Bear with her blatant disregard for the law lol
Russia has vegans now - Omfg, V’s accent at the front desk and during the golf scene is everything 😩
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Dasha didn’t have to come at V like that. V snapped back though but I really need people to stop coming for V’s feelings like she has none. I wonder if Dasha telling V that she’s going to die with her hand held while V dies alone is hinting towards V finding that person in Eve instead. Ah shit, as I wrote that, I had a thought. What if V does die (soon) while with Eve and in her last moments Eve is holding her hand. I can’t unthink that now and I’m pissed. 
I do like filet mignon - So for a second, I actually thought that maybe Geraldine was spying on Konstantin because she suspected that he killed Kenny but then she just got back on her whiny bullshit and idk anymore. All I know is that she’s gotta go. 
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Hey. Hey! HEEYYY! - I loved this scene, the comedy in this show is gold. This is one of the things that has been lacking this season and it definitely brought me back to s1 and s2 in terms of humor. 
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Has V really lost it when it comes to killing? That’s the big question here. Obviously her plan from the beginning was to get away and escape with Konstantin hence her saying that she called him hours ago when he arrived. So that must mean that she never actually intended on finishing the job. Which she didn’t, of course. But I don’t think it’s because she can’t, I think it’s more that she doesn’t want to. I think, if pushed into it, she can and will still kill someone. Like if her life was in danger or to save someone she cared about like Eve or even Konstantin. But outside of that, it seems like she’s lost the drive to continue killing as she did before. I think that this has been building up since the beginning of the season and not just after 3x05. You can even go as far back as Rome, I think. That’s when she was first (first time we see) denied of being able to feel or be normal. 
“I love you.”
“You don’t understand what that is.”
She was rejected and made to feel less than human. And that definitely had a lasting effect on Villanelle. Ever since V really started to feel more, I think that’s when her drive and excitement for killing died down. There are other things that make her feel alive now. She doesn’t look into her victim’s eyes and watch the life drain from them anymore like she did in seasons 1 and 2. You don’t see that excited, sinister gleam in her eyes when it comes to completing a job. The jobs that she’s had in season 3 aren’t what mattered anymore, it was her promotion. It was the prospect of gaining power and possibly some semblance of freedom.  But now that that’s not what she had hoped for, the drive is gone. And she’s never been one to never been one to kill meaninglessly, whether she enjoyed killing or not. So I don’t think she’s lost the ability to kill, I think that she just doesn’t want to. She wants to be normal and this is her step in that direction. 
Also, that was a whole lotta ass crack in this scene. 
Like Stalin - I like how the only description Eve needed was “a pretty girl with her mom” and she was pretty much like “Yup, Villanelle is hot, must be her, get the fuck out”. 
Dark Eve is rising!! What a contrast, Eve is becoming darker while Villanelle is trying to distance herself from her darkness. They’ve both been through a lot of shit this season which seems to have pulled Eve and V in opposite directions in terms of how it’s affected them. 
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You know that excited, sinister look I was saying V used to have? Eve has the same one here. She was staring into Dasha’s eyes just like V used to do when killing her victims. I wonder how this will impact (if it does) their chemistry when Eve and V finally reconnect again. Will it bring them closer together? Or will they be at an impasse?
Another prick to shit? - So the train scene ended up being a false alarm but I don’t think that Konstantin is in the clear yet, especially with Dasha being in the hospital with him and her ties to the Twelve. 
I wonder what effects his death would have on Villanelle. Of course, she doesn’t want him to die but you see her come to the realization that he actually might in this scene and she didn’t seem too torn up about it. Maybe it was because of the urgency of their situation so she didn’t have time to fully process it but I do wonder how that’ll affect her going forward if he does die. 
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Omfg the wave though. I had so many feelings about this scene. Like I was bummed because Eve was sooo close but like she literally ran alongside the train like that’s some gay shit right there. And despite the situation, you see V smile and seem genuinely happy to see her. I think Eve was the last person she expected to see or hear from and with everything that’s happened to V since her last encounter with Eve, her obsession for her slipped to the back of her mind until this scene. Clearly Eve is still thinking about V so I think that’s the spark that puts V right back on that same path towards Eve. 
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Konstantin is literally dying and all these two idiots can think about is each other 😂
Emotional iceberg - Carolyn is definitely starting to feel the pressure after Mo’s death (RIP). Similar to Konstantin, Carolyn is now beginning to stress about whether or not she’s next. Her tantrum definitely wasn’t just for show. I really do love the different sides we’re seeing of Carolyn this season, she’s no longer the calm and collected Carolyn we grew accustomed to in seasons 1 and 2.
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I’m not gonna lie, I lowkey thought Carolyn was gonna snap and kill Geraldine. Wouldn’t even blame her. If nothing significant happens with Geraldine next episode, then her only purpose this season was kissing Konstantin which I could have gone without and eliciting an emotional response from Carolyn which could have been done a bunch of other ways. 
It’s not good for both of us - Villanelle’s voice is so sexy omg. I need to know the entire conversation they had.
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Did V really mean what she said? They’ve definitely had their ups and downs (putting that lightly lol) and V hasn’t really given much thought to Eve lately (from what we’ve seen) so it’s possible. But then we do see both of them in multiple scenes together for the finale so who really knows? It could be setting up for them deciding to go separate ways at the end of the season (although I really hope not). From all of the interviews that have come out, we know that the finale will be different from the first two which leaves four options that I’ve thought of for the finale: 
1. They mutually agree to stop pursuing each other and go their separate ways
2. They team up and run away together
3. One of them dies (although I think this is the least likely, it would hurt the fanbase)
4. Konstantin dies, Villanelle saves Irina and runs away with her, either with or without Eve
I want to say that the most likely option is 2 because if they separate (option 1) then that kind of leaves them starting season 4 the same way they’ve started every season so far. Separated and then coming together somewhere in the middle of the season. The show is about them, it’s about their obsession for each other so they would have to come back together if they separated. Which is just recycled throughout each season so I would hope they wouldn’t do that. 
However, I’m a little apprehensive about them running away together. It’s been said that the finale will go a completely different route from what we’re expecting and we’ve been expecting them to run away together since season 2 so I have a feeling they won’t go that route. 
Option 3 is the main cause of my anxiety for the finale. I don’t see why they would post so many promos of Eve and Villanelle together with “Love is worth the wait” and all the “you really see them come together this season in a way we haven’t seen before” if they were just going to kill one of them or separate them though. Especially since they’ve only met one and a half times (I’m counting the wave and the phone call as a half). 
What do you guys think? What other ways do you see the season ending other than these three?
OVERALL - I really loved this episode, definitely one of the best from season 3. I definitely look forward to seeing more of Laura Neal’s work during season 4. I can’t believe these 8 weeks are already coming to an end. I love and hate the fact that we likely have to wait 2 years for season 4. I like it because it means the show won’t end (if season 4 is the last) next year, and then hate it for obvious reasons. I will definitely be reading and writing lots of fanfics to fill this Killing Eve hole after next week!
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