#but crying on the inside
starlightseraph · 3 months
house interview clips that explain a lot about the cast
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
btw when you're being mean to aziraphale this is who you're being mean to. hope this helps
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metianull · 2 months
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its ok to cry
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demigod-of-the-agni · 11 months
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The pishacha are manifestations of evil itself, locked within a cursed amulet. The wearer of the amulet is at the mercy of the demon, known for possessing humans and feeding off their host's chakra energy. However, if symbiosis is achieved, the pishacha can grant its host a myriad of powerful abilities.
I just needed to draw something cool okay. I needed to draw some cool goop and some cool looks okay. okay. if I didn't post this I would have exploded okay
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#They Grow Up So Fast
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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It is a shame children such as yourselves had to endure such hardships
You all did not deserve to have the weight of the world fall on your shoulders
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folie-a-deux · 1 month
Mads, while signing a Hannigram fanart:
"They make a beautiful couple." [x]
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celestialowlryx · 3 days
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Inside Out 2 | Final Trailer
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So many takes on "Astarion kills himself when Tav dies of old age"
And I Hate it
Let me present to you the more likely: Astarion knew the whole time that he is immortal and you are not
He willingly engages in a relationship with you, and spends *your entire life* with you
When you die, he knew it was coming the whole time. He enjoyed every moment of it with you. He is ready to say farewell when you are gone.
He then, with your blessing, because you ALSO KNEW HES IMMORTAL AND WANT THE BEST FOR HIM, continues living.
Continues living, and exploring life, and doing whatever he wants, and if he wants to have another relationship he has it. And if he doesn't he doesn't. And that's okay. He gets to be free, alone and free, for the first time now.
It's not better or worse than being with you. It's the inevitable and expected outcome. It's the time where he gets to explore the things he didn't while he was with you, because when he was with you he didn't feel the need to.
We need to get past the idea that his entire being and identity hinges on Tav, because it absolutely destroys the entire point of his Spawn Ending- character arc. And I know some of you are.... Inexperienced, in love and romance. In relationships, or at least, truly healthy ones.
But let me tell you now
"I'd die for you" is shit
"I'd live FOR you" is .... Best left for the beginning of a healing journey
'I live for myself, and I loved the time I had with you, every moment of it'
That's where it's at. I choose you, I chose you, and when the time comes, I will let you go. Thank you, for everything. You can rest now. I'll be alright.
That's where it's AT, guys.
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amaranthdahlia · 11 months
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inkskinned · 9 months
it mattered because when my brother asked me what if this is the happiest you'll ever be? the best you'll ever get? the thing i felt was fear, not peace. everybody thought you were so perfect for me. even i thought you were "helping me grow". i had to challenge every internal clock. make myself more thoughtful, more kind, more beautiful.
i told my therapist it was good because i like the changes i made and there's something so strong about saying i did that. the problem is that i can like the difference all i want, but i changed for you. something akin to getting your name tattooed, all my progress is stamped with fuck you.
it was the happiest i'd ever been and also the best i'd ever gotten. i would still get in the car and think what the fuck just happened.
#warm up#writeblr#i spent a lot of time picturing our future#how funny to think: in each version of our future#i was never myself#i was someone smarter kinder braver#better adept.#who could navigate the way you shouted and got angry at small things and never fucking believed the best of me#i would never be needy and you'd never get tired of me#people usually talk about how we picture people as being “fixable”. but i assumed i was the problem. my idyllic picture wasn't of you.#it was a version of me that wasn't ill. that needed no extra help. that could be your wife and happy#the fact i wasn't happy was because there is something so wrong inside me. it's always been that way. i convinced myself:#if i stay i can change. if i stay i can make it worth it. i can apologize and fix this. and make us both okay.#for the last year i've been thinking about how you blamed our whole breakup on me. how it was my fault for whatever thing.#and i agreed with you. because of course i did. you'd trained me to believe everything was my fault . that you wanted to love me and i made#it far too hard. that i was always finding ways to ''set you off'.#a few days ago while i was doing something else#i realized that while i was in crisis you told me to fuck off and find someone else to get help. and you never fucking apologized .#you said i made you do that because i wasn't being sensible. i had been crying too hard to speak clearly.#you said: you're doing this to manipulate me.#you forgave yourself for that. i had to forgive you without apology. you said you were right to react that way. and then you were SO#SO annoyed. any time i said: i feel like you aren't nice to me. it is hard to trust that you love me.#i don't think about you that much anymore. but these days when i do: all i can think is that im not sure u ever really understood kindness#you were the cruelest to the people closest to you. and most of the time. that meant it fell to me.
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ehatnow · 4 months
Shadow Milk deserves better. I say we chop the tree down and let them all loose
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Also can i just say his sprites are so expressive??? I love it and also the wisps bc like hes not completely there
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mykaeba · 1 year
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…he was just here so he could watch me.
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solifelessblog · 1 year
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What if the siblings being doll
Please reblog, don’t repost :)
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maturiin · 1 year
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