#but god GOD i know i really need to try and get that puppy finished
searidings · 2 years
hi ms. ridings is it possible we could get a status update on the last chapter of same old blues? absolutely love the fic legend, and no rush 😫
bro honestly all i can say is i'm so sorry for the delay, my life has turned upside down in the past few months and writing time/motivation has been few and far between
the good news is that the final chap plot is all mapped out, which for me is like half the work. if the universe decides to be gentle with me it will be done soon, i've not forgotten it!! here have some bratty lena in return for your lovely patience <3
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creekfiend · 2 years
What would you say your farm goals are rn? And do you still have eventual dog breeding goals?
Rn, getting the downsized herd settled and figuring out splitting the daily workload with my mom and such. We have no breeding plans this season, will probably look into a fainter cross buck next season for hardiness but I doubt I'll keep back many kids. There's a couple we are raising up rn from last season that i might sell to a friend who wants to start her own hobby herd this year.
My long term goals are still hearty and hardy animals who don't need too much medical intervention too often and who can kid easily, have good mothering skills, etc. Next generation I want better parasite resistance. But right now we are just figuring out how daily upkeep husbandry and maintenance is going to work going forward!
For dogs I don't have immediate plans bc all my dogs are spayed. I still co-own Mari, Dandelion, Pixie and Bao, so if any of them are bred I will have some input there. And if Mari is bred I will hopefully be able to spend some time with and help out with puppy raising!!! But, for now, no immediate plans myself :) getting things settled around the house and yard and in my own life/with my health before I think about dipping my toes back into dog breeding as a concept.
I am PROBABLY getting a goldador service prospect next year or the year after, out of a Lab I really like who is a working SD and a sweet golden who his handler thinks is a good match. And if that dog turns out nicely and passes health checks I might breed it. But that's so far in the future it doesn't make sense to make any actual plans around!
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haikyuuhoo · 7 months
if i could bring you anything, i swear to god i'd bring you peace
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pairing: suguru x reader
wc: 811
a/n: had a sad girl moment yesterday, so enjoy this fluff i dredged up from the depths of my drafts <3
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The muffled sound of your music goes quiet, and you wait a few beats before pushing yourself up to check what’s wrong. You take a deep breath as you breach the surface of the water, lungs burning at the intake of air, and your eyebrows pinch together almost immediately in annoyance at the sight in front of you.
“What are you doing?” Suguru isn’t even trying to hide the amused, albeit slightly concerned, look on his face. He’s sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, spinning your phone between his fingers.
“Having a sad girl bathtub moment, what does it look like?” you huff, leaning forward to grab the device—he really had the nerve to stop the music in the middle of such a good song—but he holds it above his head and out of your reach.
“Like you’re trying to see how long you can hold your breath. Like you dropped your ring but it fell down the drain when you were trying to get it and you don't know how to tell me so now you’ve given up. Like maybe I should be more worried. Should I be more worried?” He raises an eyebrow and you let out a quiet sigh, your shoulders sagging slightly with the motion, and the sight makes it feel like a weight has settled on his chest.
“No, I’m fine, can I please just have my music back?” You stick your bottom lip out in a pout, giving him the puppy dog eyes you know usually make him fold.
But Suguru still doesn’t hand over your phone and instead sets it on the counter. He leans forward, elbows on his knees. “Rough day?”
His voice is so soft it threatens to break down the walls you’ve been holding up since you got out of bed that morning.
“Yeah,” you whisper, “I just didn’t know when you’d be home, and—”
“You could have texted me.” Suguru frowns, but you wave him off.
“It’s not that big of a deal, I wasn’t gonna bother you.”
Suguru lets out an almost exasperated laugh, and the sound makes your belly warm. “Anything that makes you want to do this is a big enough deal to me.” He grabs your phone off the counter. “Tell you what. You have until I’m done making dinner to finish sad girl bathtub hours. You can still be sad, and we can talk about your day if you want to, or we can do something else. But what I’m not going to let you do is turn into a human-sized prune in our bathtub.” He sets your phone on the edge of the tub and leans down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Okay?”
You nod slowly, relaxing at the lingering feeling of his lips on your skin before tilting your head up to urge him into a kiss.
Suguru hums into your mouth, pulling back for a fleeting moment to nudge his nose against your cheek. “Say okay,” he whispers.
 “Okay,” you breathe, and you lean closer to capture his lips again and deepen the kiss. You pull one hand out from under the water and cup his jaw before pushing your fingers into his hair, your teeth flashing in the briefest glimpse of a grin at the way he jumps when water trickles down his neck.
He pulls away and you have to fight off a laugh as he wipes at the back of his head and noticeably shivers. “I’ll call for you when dinner’s ready.”
“Or…” You tilt your head to the side and give him a sweet smile. “You could join me?”
Suguru huffs out a ‘no-fucking-way’ laugh and shakes his head. “Absolutely not. That water is way too cold.” You pout, but he’s already standing up and turning toward the door. “I mean it. We can have sad girl blanket burrito hours or sad girl movie marathon hours, but we’re not going to have sad-girl-getting-hypothermia-in-the-bath hours.”
And this time you do laugh, and in that moment you both know he’s made the breakthrough you needed from him. “Okay, okay. I’ll see you at dinner.”
He nods, and he begins making his way back out of the bathroom when you call for him.
He turns back around and raises an eyebrow in a silent question.
“I love you,” you murmur with a voice so soft it makes his heart swell. “And thank you.”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “I love you too.”
You watch him leave the bathroom and then close your eyes, letting yourself take what feels like the first deep breath you’ve been able to manage all day. And then you look at where your phone is still resting on the side of the tub, waiting for you to press play, and you reach forward and pull the drain.
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fun fact i felt like i needed to title this some phoebe bridgers lyric but i'm sadly not a phoebe girlie and i couldn't lie to y'all like that
reblogs & comments always appreciated <3
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pickingupmymercedes · 4 months
Lewis Hamilton - NSFW Alphabet
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a/n: It's a NSFW Alphabet, you guys know the drill. Haven't really seen these around for a while, and that photo with the body hair got me in a mood.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Clingy. He needs to feel your touch somewhere and needs to have his hands on you. He particularly likes when you run your fingers through his hair, soothing any bad thought away. He may put on a tough façade for the world but when he lowers his walls, he loves the reassurance of your skin on his.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He takes great pride in his arms and shoulders, they’re not the biggest because of f1, but they do a great part of his job. Also, they hold you and everyone he loves close.
On you he loves your collarbones, it’s the first place he goes in any given circumstance. It’s where he feels your perfume when you’re fresh out of the shower, your smell when he’s holding you close while thrusting up at your most intimate place, where he buries his face when he needs to hide from the world and where he leaves his mark for the same world to see.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Before being officially and seriously a couple, he would finish in the condom, the moment you were his though, marking you was a thought that drove him wild. Since that first time going raw there was no turning back, he needed to feel and fill you every time since.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You and him sneaked out, while still being “only friends”, during an end of year party in Brackley. You had had a bit too much to drink and so had him, you stumbled out to the third floor for a breather, after being surrounded by his perfume all night long, and he followed you like a lost puppy, too scared that if he let you out of his sight you’d run and never come back. It was messy and led to radio silence from both of you for weeks, but the sexual tension only grew after that. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He sure as hell knows what he’s doing. He likes when you’re curious about his experience too, and is always up to let you experience and try new things as a couple.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Cowgirl, he likes to pretend to be the one in charge but in the privacy of the bed he you’re the boss, plus he gets to watch you and the pleasure he gives you. He’ll flip you if you get too fucked out to ride him all the way, but you’re usually on top.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Depends on the mood. In the morning it’s usually lighthearted, lazy and sloppy, giggles thrown in the air left and right. Nights tend to be a bit more serious, locked stares, purposeful movements and overall, nastier. 
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Extremely well taken care of. Not all bare though, you both like a bit of something there, but groomed and tidy for sure. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s a thoughtful guy, and you can’t help but imagine even with the hock ups he was probably like that too.
But something changes for him when you two finally commit. From that moment, his favorite part wasn’t the sex but how close you felt to him, how vulnerable you let yourself be around him, how in those moments your world and his are nothing but each other.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He’ll take matter into his own hands (literally) if needed, but he’ll much rather wait for you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise was one you found out pretty early on, but the main one was breeding, and God did it drive you two into the most unexpected situations.  
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Ideally somewhere you can both take your time, before, during and after. But he’s an adrenaline junkie, and adventurous locations would spark something and things would happen in a rooftop, driver’s room, secluded parking lot, desert beach.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, not much was needed to get him uncomfortable in his pants, a look you gave him from behind his computer and he was done with whatever work he had to get done. But what truly drove him wild was seeing you smirk at him as you did the most mundane of chores knowing he would get riddle up.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Cause pain if it’s not closely interlinked with pleasure.
Withholding your orgasm so you when you cum it’s a star-seeing, numbing-body one is a big yes. But using you so he gets his release after a frustrating situation but not getting you there in the end is a huge No for him. 
He cares too much about your wellbeing to get his needs met if it does nothing for you. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
His thing is going down on you, and he certainly has the skill to match his preferences, but you can’t resist his bulge and how the weight feels wrapped around your hands. He wasn’t too keen on having someone give him head just for the fun of it, but eventually you got him there, even if he won’t admit you can have him quite literally wrapped around your fingers.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and deep is his thing, each thrust sends a message and it’s intoxicating how easily he claims your body.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t care too much for them in a daily basis, and would much rather take your time, but racing weekends are busy and sometimes things have to be taken care of in less than 10 minutes, in a dark corridor somewhere.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s down to try anything you suggest and eventually suggests a few things latter in the relationship as well, when he feels you’re comfortable about his past experiences.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go for as long as you want him to go and a bit more. His pace also helps him last longer, and although the same probably can’t be said for you, he likes to take it as a challenge to see how many times, for how long and with how much effort he can get you to cum.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t mind new friends, but they’re not frequent and he prides himself that your best times were only using his fingers, tongue and dick.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves it, but you’re impatient so it usually doesn’t last too long, just enough to get you riddled and panting.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Lewis could never be loud, but jesus is he vocal. The dirty talking in your ears is through the roof. But your favorite are his grunts, he gets so tunnel focused with his thrusts his mouth always falls open and he lets out the most guttural ones, them alone kept you panting.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
It was risky, so incredibly risky and stupid from both of you to be in that badly lit corridor, hands all over each other, breathless and rushed kisses all over your skins.
The season had started on a bad foot and for the past 2 races everyone had been working the extra night hours trying to get something out of the car. Lewis had just gotten out of a debrief while you were using his side of the garage as a backdrop for a meeting. He walked right in front of your laptop and stared at you for a while before walking out into the pitlane, taking a second lingering look, left eyebrow raised, tongue slightly brushing the corner of his lips.
You were looking for him as soon as you could get away with the excuse of poor internet, going about the pitlane and taking a moment to actually appreciate the warm Australian weather.
As you looked and tried to find something in the darkness you felt strong arms wrapping you from behind, and kisses in your shoulders that left you highly aware you were in public.
“Someone could see us Lew” you whispered, turning in his embrace to lace your fingers behind his neck. “You look so damn hot when you boss those guys around” he muttered into your collarbone, after unbuttoning the first couple buttons on your blouse, leaving kisses all over your chest.
“Let’s just find somewhere better hidden then” you offered, hands already under his shirt, feeling the heat and firmness of his muscles. “Already did” he said while easily picking a giggling version of you up and kissing your lips to shush you.
The dark alley-type corridor was but a dead space in between fia’s garage and where the safety cars were, no lights there and the only speck of glow coming from two garages away. He sat you down somewhere soft, never once leaving your neck while one hand groped your bra covered breasts and the other held you close by your waist.
Through the fabric in his briefs, you felt his bulge in your tummy when he positioned his body in between your spread legs. A low and husky “we can’t make a sound babe” in your ear before he bucked your hips upwards and pushed your pants down just beneath your knees, pooling his own underwear at his feet with his jeans.
You took his already rock-hard length in hand and used your thumb to get the precum from his tip to the rest of the sensitive head. His grunts filling the now muffed air and you couldn’t help but sneer a “shush there, big guy” while smirking at his pleasure-contorted face. You gave it a few pumps, trying your everything not to give in and show him who’s boss, you had no time to prolong any foreplay, your own desire well visible in your soaked cunt.
He pulled you in for a sloppy kiss, biting on your lower lip, trying to distract you with the sharp pain in your month from the stretch his member was giving your core while he slowly thrusted into you, picking up speed as your walls adjusted to his girth, the sound of skin on skin joining the sounds you both tried to keep low.
The scene was truly obscene if anyone found you two. Your hair wild in a makeshift bun he had mustered, seated in a wobbly stack of tires as his hips thrusted forward and you held onto him by his biceps and his butt. He tried muffling his grunts in the soft skin of your exposed collarbone and the faster his movements got the more certain you were he was leaving a mark there.
You knew he was close when his thrusts got deeper, lowly growling “cum for me” in his ears and instantly feeling his hand in between your bodies until his fingers circled your clit. It only took a few seconds for the already present knot in your lower stomach to snap with the added stimulation, and the aftershocks in your inner walls squeezed his own orgasm, his last thrusts making sure his seed was deep inside you.
You embraced his neck and lied your head on his shoulders to catch your breath and stop the world from spinning, his hands caressing your tights and waist. You only moved when you felt him soften inside you, his features contorting at the sensitiveness of his member as he pulled out, his hands always finding your body, even while you both dressed back up.
As you both sneaked around the garages back to hospitality you heard two Williams crew members loudly talking to each other.
“Can you believe those new Fia interns? They can’t keep their hands off of each other, but getting it on in the garage is a new level of stupid, I’m pretty sure we weren’t the only ones to hear them”.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
We have all seen it through his pants that he is big. The first time you held it in your hand (and mouth) you questioned how on earth it would fit, but the moment you felt his girth in you it was game over for anyone else.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High. He keep things civil when other people are around, but the moment you’re alone it gets hot and heavy pretty quick. He’s intense in all matters of life, and with you it wouldn’t be any different.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It’s the one thing that for sure knocks him out, even when the stress is sky rocketing. As soon as you’re both comfortably tangled in each other and he feels you relax he’s out. He had a no sex on run night’s policy, but agreed it made no sense with how well he slept after with you in his arms.
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itsbecomeblue · 4 months
glue 001 ellie williams imagine
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don't dare forget about palestine
sinopse: you might have a crush on your friend, college!au
cw: swearing, basically fluff, ellie plays soccer, puppy love again because that's my thing, slightly nerdy loser!ellie, reader and ellie are oblivious, not explicit if reader is fem or masc, not exactly proofread.
it was a nice day, the sun gently hitting your face after a week of chilly wind and winter complaints from everyone. you were leaving your last morning class. you walked happily towards the college cafeteria, a thing that no one was ever happy to do. you feel hot on your back, your black jacket heating from the sun but you refuse to take it off and feel the chilly wind.
everything was going as smoothly as it could today. you had worries but the sun was nice and warm on your skin… as you walked you saw her. you saw ellie williams, and like this day, she was golden. a golden soccer player, the best player in your opinion, that's for sure. she walked over to you, that wasn't unusual.
“hey, sup?” she nudged your shoulder to catch your attention, unaware she already had all of it.
she had big green piercing eyes below her eyebrow slit and. you stared for a bit, that wasn't unusual either. she had a mid-sleeve blue shirt that left her tattoo slightly covered. she just waited for you to talk, as she always did, looking down and fidgeting with her fingers. you walked side by side.
“cafeteria?” you point towards the way to the cafeteria, the one you and ellie had been taking for a month now . she hums in agreement.
you met ellie in this same situation, her in front of you, the last ones in the line at the cafeteria. a guy, jesse, walked over to her, jumping the line. she called him out with a few chuckles and he apologized, telling you he just wanted to talk to her. she asked you to sit with her that day.
now, you're in the same line. her in front of you and no jesse to jump the line, but you're gonna sit with her again. the food was not appealing, but the company was great. that was something you and ellie agreed on but kept unspoken.
she's waiting for you to finish putting your food on the tray, so you can walk to the table. ellie looks at you over her shoulder and as soon as you're next to her she's sticking her hand out to your arm, you flinch slightly. ellie was more touchy than you.
“you're quiet.” she fixes your school bag's strap on your shoulder, her tattoo peeking out of her navy sleeve. her cold fingers touch a little of your collar.
“yeah?” you shrugged. “so are you anyway.” she took a breath and shrugged too, sitting down at the right corner table. that wasn't unusual at all.
“do you have any projects coming up?” ellie says as she sits down, she brushes a strand of her hair out of her face. you nod and she hums. “knew it. ya need any help?”
ellie was always the friend to help out in any way, she felt good doing it and she wanted her friends to succeed so if she could help, she would in a heartbeat.
“you wanna help me?” your pupils dilated and ellie noticed.
“no…i mean, yeah i do. you know i do.” she shook her head no, then nodded yes. she's a rambling mess and you just stare and it's making her stumble over her words. “come over after my practice.”
“‘kay.” you try to hold back a smile and you look at your food, the sun is warm and so are you. you thanked god she asked you to come over for a study sesh. you'd take any opportunity to see her and she'd always ask.
ellie was somewhat popular for playing on the soccer team. you had a separate friend group but sometimes people meet randomly and they just click. like you and ellie. you had met jesse when you met ellie, and you eventually met dina and ellie met your roommate but you never really hung out with other people.
you had been friends for a while, lunches in the cafeteria, study sessions, and dorm visits were what your friendship was about and you took every opportunity to see each other. you were getting ready to leave when niyah, your roommate and closest friend spoke out.
“you going to ellie's?” you smile in that certain way and niyah doesn't need an answer anymore.
“she's gonna help me with my project.” you sit down to put on your shoes, checking the time on your phone.
“again? you say she's a nerd and i'm starting to believe you.” and you're nodding.
“she is.” you chuckle. “so smart and a fucking geek!”
“alright, have fun studying i guess…”
“stop, i will. it's fun with her.” niyah mocks you, you throw a hat from the wall hooks at her and leave the room.
you walk a little bit until you get to ellie's dorm. the door is unlocked, as usual when you're coming over and you want to scare her.
“aaaaa…ha!” you yell as you go in, only to find out she isn't inside. you feel stupid and you giggle to yourself.
you sit on her neatly done bed, next to her dinosaur plushie and you text her ‘where are you’ ‘i was finna jumpscare you and no one was here… mad embarrassing’. you sighted, she was never late to see you.
ping! ellie replied ‘omw coach had us doing an extra today” you smile and ping! “i even left without a shower so i wouldn't be so late 💔” you replied “ig it didn't work”. you're waiting for a reply but soon enough you see a sweaty ellie coming into the room, soccer jersey still on.
“oh my god, intruder!” she faked a scare and you furrowed your eyebrows as in ‘you're not funny’. “what? you said you were gonna scare me so…”
“whatever.” you stay on your phone replying to some of your friends’ texts and she pulls it away, wearing a childish smile on her dumb face. some hair stuck sweaty on her forehead and her cheeks were flushed.
“you came here to work, not play on your phone!” she laughs and you cross your arms over you chest. you don't even bother reaching out for your phone.
“you still have to take a shower so…”
“do i?” she shrugs and you look disturbed, furrowing your eyebrows.
“ewwwwww, yes you do smelly ellie.” you laugh and she furrowed her eyebrows in that same ‘you're not funny’ way. the truth is, you find each other hilarious.
“fine, wait here.” she says before grabbing some clothes from her drawers and her towel. “gonna shower real quick, and… and we can start.” you hum and nod.
she goes to the bathroom and you stay on your phone texting niyah and some other friends while she's not back. you get anxious at the image of her in her sweaty jersey for some reason and if you took your eyes off your phone you'd stare. but now it isn't any better, she's coming in with fresh clothes, smelling as good as ever and with water drops on her hair.
“hey… you didn't take out your stuff yet?” she coughs, sitting on the bed too. you shake your head and she hums negatively as to scold you.
you don't take them out and she stays quiet while you stay completely still. when you decide to reach for your bag that you had previously thrown next to the bed, you knee nudges hers. she retracts instantly, making you lift your head to face her. book and laptop in hand.
you stare, as you feared you would before. she knows she's gonna stutter so she decides to stay silent. she blinks softly, eyes still piercing yours.
“it's a questionnaire about a documentary. so maybe this wasn't a good idea.” you hold your book and laptop closer to your lap.
“w-why is it not?” she stuttered and she wanted to leave, but it's her dorm room.
“because… you'd have to have watched it to help me reply so it's dumb.”
“we can watch it, and then we reply.” she reaches for the laptop you had in your lap.
“uhh… it's 3 hours long.” you chuckle and she scoffs in disbelief. “yeah…”
“why did you want help then?” she moves further onto the bed, turning her body to face you, holding your shoulder so you do the same, you comply.
“dunno. i just… i didn't think of what project it was, to be honest. i just wanted… this i think.” you look around, emphasizing the ‘this’ as you do.
“to come over?” you shrug before nodding. “could've just said that. ya know? not your tutor, i'm your friend.”
“i know… but i dunno, i like hearing you talk and you talk and talk when you're helping me and…” you stop yourself and she's beet-red.
“you ask for my help because you… you wanna hear me talk? sorry wait…?” she's convinced she misheard you or just misunderstood what you said. you're scared she might think you're weird or something.
“i guess so, but you're also really smart.” you try to hold back a smile again, and you look down. ellie wants to see you but she doesn't want you to see her blushed cheeks.
“makes sense, sorry if it seemed like that was the only way we could hang. ‘cause that's not true…. we can just hang out y'know?” you listen to her rambling, keeping your head down. she's done talking and you're silent. “can… can you look at me for a sec?”
and you do. what are those? are those your eyes? where's your iris? big ass dilated pupils. ellie chuckles.
“what?” you lean to put your laptop and book back in your bag and as soon as you do ellie holds your chin.
“you like it when i talk?” you blink a few times. “hm?” she insists and you nod. she stays quiet so you feel like you have to say it.
“i do. why?” you breathe so heavily that she feels your body alive against her fingers that she holds against your chin. her stomach twisted, she lost her words.
both were silent, her hand on your chin dropped and you were going to look away but she spoke again.
“‘cause… i like it when you look at me.” she's now fidgeting with her fingers against her lap again, eyes trying to not leave yours, she wouldn't wanna miss any expression of yours.
“sorry.” you try not to look away too. “i know i should look-”
“yeah, keep them on me.” she interrupts with a chuckle and your heart skips a beat. hers is fast. you chuckle back. “wh-what do you wanna do then?”
“just hang, like you said?” you finally move your body again, moving one of your legs onto the bed. she nods, and she notices you kept eye contact.
“yes.” she vocalized. “course.” a strand of wet hair is stuck on her forehead and you itch to move it around.
“why did the coach have you guys doing extra today?” you remember to ask.
“it was just me and dina, we were late.” she laughs and another strand of hair falls forward as she lowers her head. your hand trails off but you hesitate. “what?” she noticed you didn't laugh and your hand's movement.
“you have hair here.” she laughs and you sigh. “here…” you brush the strands away from her forehead, she's choked up.
your eyes go down to hers and as soon as they pierce yours you're choked up too. she breathed out a “thanks.” and she accidentally touched your nose with hers because of the proximity.
“that was a kunik.” you smile and she pulls away softly.
“what do you mean?” she curled her lips up in a sweet smile.
“your nose on mine.”
“nose kiss is cute.” she adds.
“mhm, i think so too.” you agree, palming your jeans. your hands were clammy and you wanted to take off your jacket and ellie seemed to read your mind.
“you're hot?” you furrow your eyebrows at first until you nod and take off your jacket. “glad you know.” now she's holding back a smile when you do too.
“uhm… today's warm.”
“are you really talking about the weather right now?” she laughs at your conversation attempt and you slap her arm.
“it's not like that… it's actually nice and warm today.” you giggle. “i was thinking about it.”
“right… right… it's true, it is warm.” she surrenders to your true statement. “it's nicer to practice like this, makes you feel more energetic.”
“plus made you sweat so hard.” you laugh, remembering the state she was in.
“naaah, it's always like that, but coming back here speeding wasn't as refreshing as the walks when it's colder” she emphasizes speeding and glares harder at you with a grin.
“hey! i didn't ask you to speed here!” you smile, she mirrors that. your smiles fade away with the silence that settles again. you were about to speak again when ellie beat you to it.
“i don't like being late.” she moves around to lie down next to your sat figure.
“you were just laughing about being late.” you start laughing, looking at her almost over your shoulder.
“about being late for practice, not about being late to see you.” she chuckles and you grin. she rolls her eyes, knowing what to expect from you.
“oooh because i'm just sooo more important.” you turn to her, leaning on the bed with your hands, closer to her face now.
“yeah right… you're just scarier than the coach.” she laughs but she stops drastically, serious expression. “it's your face. scary as shit i swear to god.”
“ooooh really?” you chant coming even closer.
“yeah keep that face away…” she acts frightened, one hand on top of her head and the other between your faces to keep you away. you lean even closer and you're both giggling “help!” even closer, giggles and chuckles alive.
“you're done for!” you come closer, face hitting her hand, that just holds your cheek.
you're still laughing and she's grabbing your face with both hands, pretending to scream in fear as you laugh into her face. you're almost on top of her and as soon as you touch, her eyes soften and you stiffen. the laughter is gone and long forgotten.
“nose kiss again?” she blurted out incoherently and you shifted, her hand slid to your neck, you felt hot again but now you didn't have a jacket to strip out of.
“what?” you crawl closer to settle where you were. your heart raced just like ellie's, even if you didn't know hers did. “ellie…” you start, not moving an inch away or closer, her head already lifted off the bed. her hand on your neck pulls you closer until your noses touch again.
“there, nose kissed.” she smiles. you let go of the breath you didn't realize you were holding. she moves her nose against yours. breathing against each other's faces.
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dinogoofymutated · 23 days
may i pretty please request a wolverine x reader where he gets super clingy when he’s tired and he’s just so soft with the reader following her around like a little puppy until she agrees to go to finally go to bed so they can cuddle and sleep and it’s just 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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Wolverine/GN!Reader THIS!!! I absolutely love soft Logan and having this big, rageing machine of a man turn into an absolute puppy when he's sleepy and in love UGH. I need him to be real RN so we can go get married and live happily ever after in the mountains I stg Sorry that this one is kinda short. It's really fluffy and I hope yall enjoy! TWs: None! Reader is written pictuing fem but no pronouns mentioned.
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    You woke up a little while ago with the striking revelation that you had completely forgotten to finish grading exams. Sure, you could have waited till the morning, but you had become restless. At this point, the only thing that was gonna help you fall back asleep was to just get it over with. 
   You let out a sigh as you finish another exam, moving on to the next one in the stack. You remember when you had first joined the X-men, expecting it to all be adventures and saving people from immediate threats- you never would have expected to be where you are now. The thought makes you laugh a little bit. You, a teacher? Oh, how times have changed. For the better, but changed nonetheless. The door to your classroom creaks open slowly, and you look over to see Logan. His eyes are half closed as he shuffles over to you, leaning over the back of your chair to wrap his arms around your shoulders and set his chin atop your head.
    “Come back to bed, baby.” Logan rumbles. You rub one of his arms back and forth with one of your hands as you continue to write with the other.
    “Sorry, did I wake you up?” You ask. Logan only hums from above you, adjusting his head to press his cheek against your hair. You know what he means, even if he won't admit it.
    “Okay, well just give me a moment and I’ll get back in bed with you, okay?” You tell him, admittedly feeling a little guilty for disturbing his sleep. Logan doesn’t respond, and instead begins to move to the other side of your chair.
    “Logan?” You call his name curiously as he begins to sit down on the floor next to you. He huffs as he leans his head against your thighs, practically using your lap as a pillow.
    “I’ll stay here, thanks.” He says, and you can't help but laugh a little.
    “Logan, There is no way that’s comfortable.” You protest, but he simply shrugs, closing his eyes as he nuzzles into your lap.
    “ ‘ve been through worse.” Logan sighs, and you swear you’re smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. You can’t help but shake your head at him anyway, writing a graded letter on the latest exam before moving it over again.
    “You’re actually ridiculous, you know that?” Logan only hums in response to you, his breathing beginning to slow as you run a hand through his hair. The two of you sit like that for a while, and although you do feel bad about how uncomfortable it must be for him to sit down there like that, Logan doesn’t complain. You rub your eyes when you’ve finally finished grading the last exam, setting it neatly on your desk with the others. You’re ready to finally get up from that god-forsaken seat, but the weight in your lap is keeping you from doing so. When you look down, it’s clear to see that Logan has fully fallen asleep in your lap. You try to keep yourself from smiling too hard as you brush your hand across his shoulders and try to wake him up. 
    “Logan.” You call for him gently, and all he does is grunt in a sleepy way. “Come on, I’m gonna get a glass of water and then I’ll meet you in bed.” You shake him just a tad bit rougher, and Logan grunts again, slowly blinking his eyes open as he sits up. You run your hand through his hair one more time before standing. You wait for him at the door of the classroom, giving him a kiss on his cheek before you turn in the opposite direction, headed towards the kitchen. At first, you think you’re hearing things, but after a few more heavy steps from behind you, you turn around and are face to face with a sleepy, grumpy, Logan. You look at him in disbelief. 
    “I’m not going far. I’m just getting a drink and I’ll meet you in bed?” You can’t believe that he’s still trailing behind you, looking like a lost puppy. He almost pouts at you. Logan Howlett, the one and only Wolverine, pouting at you over something so silly.
     “Lo. You cannot be serious.” You say, once again trying your best not to laugh. Logan huffs at you, walking forward to take your hand before he’s leading you to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
     “You’ll get over it.” He grumbles. The walk to the kitchen to get water is just as quick as you thought it would be, if not a little longer due to Logan being stuck to your side the whole time, being built wide like a fridge and being in the way no matter what with how close he was. He’s got his arm draped over you on the way back to bed, refusing to be less than three inches away from you at all times. You hardly have time to lock the door to your shared room before he’s grabbing you by the waist and tugging you under the covers. God, he was so ridiculous like this and you love him so much for it. It takes a moment for you to get settled under the covers, Logan’s hold on you being equivalent to being held in a steel cage and leaving very little room for movement. 
    When you turn to tell him goodnight, he’s already fast asleep. You lean in and kiss him goodnight anyway, and you swear that you see him smile unconsciously before you tuck yourself into his chest, finally resting in his comforting and secure arms.
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josibunn · 9 months
“All mine, right?”
fem!Reader x possessive!Euronymous ^_^
Warning!!! This is NOT about the real, teen girl edge lord Euronymous. This is about Rory Culkin’s portrayal of him in Lords of Chaos, because he just looks too scrumptious :)
heavy(?) smut, euronymous being so mean, noticing Varg trying to flirty with you, making him blow up on you, you getting the bigger first :( hitting (spanking, slapping), fingering, orgasm denial, name-calling (slut, dirty girl, dirty pussy, sir, pretty thing, good girl etc.), dacryphilia&breeding if you squint, use of ‘pussy’, semi-public sex, you’re in his office, a bit fluffy in the end :33
a/n: my first fic here! reposts r really appreciated :3 minors dni
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* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
you sat pretty on the couch of Øysteins band den, a drink in hand. You were here to support him since he just released his newest album with his band, but he was hosting a party, so he was nowhere to be seen.
he knew this wasn’t your usual scene, you didn’t really know anybody but his band mates, but he told you it'd be fun, and he needed you there. that’s what drew you in, he was never really affectionate with you, always keeping up his edgy, dark hearted attitude. so when he said it you knew he meant it.
you messed with your skirt you wore for him, you stuck out too, probably the only outlier here. pretty in pink with your cute little purse, skirt and cropped shirt, which so happened to be his merch. he loved it, and he loved how opposite you two looked when you went out.
and everyone knew you were his, I mean, he never expressed that you were his girlfriend to anyone that wasn’t you or his family, but everyone knew. you followed him around like a puppy, and he wasn’t one for pda, but you always held the sleeve of his leather to keep up with him.
he was possessive. you could feel yourself getting wetter as you reminisced, making you rub your thighs together. there would be times where he’d go off on someone for talking to you, and then you for giving them the time of day. he was obsessed with you. he couldn’t help it.
he especially didn’t want you talking to his band mates. It’s not that he thought you’d cheat on him, god no. but he knew why they acted how they acted around you, he hated it. a pretty, dolled up thing like you? they can’t be civil, making crude jokes at you when you turned your back or left the room, it made him clench his jaw.
so when he slipped through the crowd of people in his den, seeing Varg suddenly sitting closely next to you, whispering something in your ear, he thought back to all the times Varg had said he’d take you from him straight to his face, talking about the nasty, awful things he’d do to you if you were his. Euronymous never told you about the things they said about you, he just told you to stay away from them.
Varg always said it was a joke, but they both knew it wasn’t. and Euronymous could see it now that he wasn’t joking as he watched his hand trail up your thigh. he finished his beer before throwing it to the ground, standing tall in front of you two.
you felt relieved, you never liked Varg, he made you uneasy, especially with the way he was touching you just now before Euronymous showed up. even then his hand was still going higher, rubbing your flesh in circles, making you blush uncomfortably.
“hi baby,” you sighed softly, thankful he was here to save you. but he looked at you with a nasty glare, a look he only gave you when he was really angry. What’d I do? You thought.
“the fuck are you doing??” he pulled you up by your arm and next to him, and you didn’t know if he was talking to you or Varg.
“we were just talking, she looked bored.” said Varg, Euronymous gripping your arm more tightly now. “oh yeah? talking, with your hand up her fuckin’ skirt? do you think I’m fuckin’ stupid??” he called him something as he walked off with you, dragging you through the crowd.
“we-we really we’re just talking, I swear.” you plead your case, seeing and feeling just how angry he was as he pushed through people.
“i bet you were, so what were you talking about? with Christian?” He threw you onto the floor of his office, making you land on your knees. you whimpered at the sting of hitting the floor, standing yourself to the best of your abilities.
“I..I don’t know he was just talking, I wasn’t even paying attention, I swear. I-i was waiting for you, I didn’t do anything..” you propped yourself up on his desk, watching him take off his jacket, throwing it onto his couch and walked you behind his desk, moving the chair. He scanned your body, watching you fiddle with your shirt nervously.
“turn around.” he demanded, and you wasted no time, facing the door as you waited for his next command or move, but it was quiet.
before you could look back he bent you over by the back of your neck, his boot kicking your legs open with ease. “it just had to be Christian, huh? what, you fucking like him or something? is he better than me??”
“no! n-no, he just came up to me, I didn’t know what to do,” you frowned, he bent you further onto the desk as you looked back at him, hoping he could see some truth in your pouty, scared face as he hiked your skirt up.
he didn’t care, though. he was only focused on that wet spot pooling in your panties, it only made him angrier, his jaw clenching and his brows raising slightly. “you’re a dirty fuckin’ girl, you know that?” he slapped your ass, making you yelp.
“does getting touched by another man turn you on? huh slut?” he rubbed where your wetness pooled, making you snatch back your breath and let out a tiny moan, pushing back onto his thick fingers.
“n-no baby it wasn’t like tha-” “so now you’re lyin’ to me? you’re fuckin’ soaking.” you heard the snap of the delicate panties you wore before feeling him throw them down to the ground, pushing a finger into you quickly.
“Euronymous!” you moaned out, fingertips gripping his desk and your lips perched against one of the stack of papers on his desk. “were you hoping he’d do this to you? sneak you off somewhere, fuck you in the bathroom? my bathroom?” he shoved his other finger into you, making you choke out a moan at the stretch.
in all honesty the thought alone made you cringe, you didn’t know why he was acting like this over Varg, you’d expressed many times about how he grossed you out.
“dirty fuckin’ pussy,” he watched you suck him in, moaning and clenching around him as he drilled his fingers into you, your slick coating his fingers. “you don’t even know what he’d do to you, do you? he’d treat you like a real whore, he wouldn’t even think about being as nice as I’m being.” he pulled you back up, biting and sucking on your neck, his other hand pulling up your shirt and grabbing at your nipple.
“doesn’t even know how to handle a pretty thing like you, wouldn’t know how to make this pussy feel as good as I do.” he huffed, teeth grazing your jaw, and he could tell you were close in the way your moans got airier, the way you grabbed onto his wrist and the way you bounced back onto his fingers, even though you knew you couldn’t take the overstimulation you got when you did.
your legs shook as you moaned out, throwing your head back against his chest, mumbling curses as you felt your release creep onto you. “he probably wouldn’t even make you cum,” he pulled his fingers out and pushed you back onto the desk. “like that.”
you gasped and whined, feeling your release fade away. “Euronymous! Øystein, baby, please,” you whined, grinding on his jeans, feeling his bulge pressing against your wet heat. “please I-I wanna cum, wan’ you to make me cum,” you pleaded, but he held your back down, stopping your grinding.
“oh now you want me? thought you were all wet for Christian,” he taunted, watching at how your ass wriggled under his grip, trying to find some relief again, a small smirk on his face.
“no baby, no, just you, jus’ you I promise,” you slurred, looking back at him, and this time he kept the eye contact, his eyes low and his head tilted slightly. “just me?” he repeated with faux sympathy, still pressing down on your back.
you nodded, “only you Øystein, not him, never, please baby please..” you whimpered, spreading your legs further. he groaned, seeing your pretty, soaking pussy on display for him like that, begging him to be used, claimed.
“you promise?” he smirked, unlatching his belt quickly, pulling his pants down to his knees. you gasp, nodding frantically. “yes! yes I-I promise, I promise,” you watched his dick spring free from his boxers, god you loved how pretty it was. he had a nice great length on him, probably why he was so short, girthy, beautiful bulging veins and a pretty red mushroom tip oozing with pre cum as he held it at the base, teasing your hole that clenched around air, waiting for him.
you gasped when he pushed his tip in you, holding you down so you wouldn’t push back on him like you usually would. no, he wanted you to work for it, even though he knew he couldn’t resist you in your needy, whiny state for too long. he was already over his breaking point. “you gonna be my good girl?” he cooed, sliding his tip in and out teasingly, hearing you gasp and moan each time he glided out.
“uh huh, yes sir I-i’ll be good for you,” you nodded, swallowing back the drool pooling in your mouth. “you’re all mine, right? not that poser?”
“no, never, never ever. m’all yours Øystein-aah!!” he pushed all of himself in you with one smooth glide, the stretch of his cock making you let out an almost pornographic moan, arching your ass up to him, his hands still holding your back down, gliding down your hips.
“Fuck baby,” he moaned, bowing his head as he gripped your hips, his thumbs making deeper imprints on your back dimples. Euronymous was never one to be slow and gentle, but he’d usually give you time to adjust to his size.
he didn’t do that this time, no :( he wasted no time, slamming his hips into yours recklessly, each blow hitting deep inside you, making you moan out, your face flushed hot at how loud you were being. anyone that walked by could definitely hear how much of slut he’s making of you. if anything, the thought got you wetter.
“that’s right baby, all mine, huh, pretty girl?” he huffed, pulling you further back onto him, hitting even deeper, knocking wind right out of you. your moans toppled each others, though you knew you were much louder.
he grunted and pulled you up against his chest, his right hand snaked around your neck. you yelped when he smacked you across the face, “baby. m’talkin’ to you.”
“s-sorry, m’sorry,” you apologized quickly, and god he loved when you got like this, all cock drunk and sloppy, barely able to hold yourself up, your legs shaking under him as he fucked you remorselessly, so eager to cum. it just sent him more and more over his own edge.
“yes, yes i’m all yours, only you—f-fuck—baby all yours, yoursyoursyours,” you fucked back, trying to messily match his thrusts as your orgasm approached, sharp whines and moans leaving your mouth. the paperwork on his desk was long discarded because of how rough he had been with you, Euronymous grunting above you, bending you back over with your head pressed against the desk, angling his thrusts to hit that spongy spot that always had you falling apart under him.
“that’s it baby, who do you fuckin’ belong to? huh?” he slapped your ass again, definitely leaving marks to pair with the other bruises on your body.
“you, all you Eur-ah-onymous, only yours I swEar,” your voice cracked as you moaned brokenly, hiccuping and sobbing with each deep thrust.
“yeah you fuckin.do.” he groaned, punctuating his words with a sharp deep thrust, making you cry out. and then the damn broke. your orgasm ran you over as he abused your sweet, spongy spot, your moans high pitched and airy.
nobody knew your body like he did, and he wanted to you know that, remember that, just in case something like earlier happened again. “oh fuck baby, o-oh! oh!!” you moaned, gripping the desk, clenching down on him.
he groaned, “I know baby, I know. you still think anyone could make you feel as good as this?” he grunted, though he knew you couldn’t pay attention as you shook below him.
he listened to your sobs, they egged him on, fucked up his rhythm, making his thrusts sloppy and unkept as he grew closer, digging his nails into your skin. “that’s it baby, cum on this fucking dick,” he leaned over, toying with your clit, drawing fat circles.
you were so overwhelmed with pleasure you almost forgot where you were as you squirted all over his floor and thighs, pornographic moans flying off your tongue as you squirmed under him, trying to collect yourself but he just kept toying with you, overstimulating you, pushing you over your limit.
he knew you couldn’t handle it when he played with you like this, but he loved hearing you cry, as nasty as it was. “Øystein it-it’s too much, too much!” you’d cry, cheeks puffy and stained, lips swollen, tears sitting pretty on your lashes, and he revelled in it.
“fuck baby, gonna ruin this pussy for anyone else, no one’s gonna have you,” he gripped your body as he chased his release, fucking you faster, his eyes glued to where your bodies connected, watching you suck him in each time, the squelching of your fluids and your own moans flying through his head.
“all mine, all mine, you got that? not his, oh fuck, oh fuckfuckfuck,” he kept slamming into you before you felt the hot ropes of cum shoot into you, shaky whimpers being heard from above you, his breath heavy as he tried to calm himself down with you.
he sighed, rubbing a hand down your back affectionately. “talk to me, you ok?” he whispered, pulling out of you gently, trying not to hurt you. you whined, feeling empty as he watched the globs of cum seep out of you. you nodded, flipping on your back, your legs open on the side of him as he put himself away.
“you were so good, my good, good girl,” he kissed your face and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the corners of your mouth, making you smile weakly. “you’re not gonna talk to him anymore, yeah? I know you didn’t mean to make me angry,” he cooed, rubbing your back.
you nodded, resting your head on his shoulder. “that’s my girl, sit tight,” he grabbed a old shirt and your underwear off the floor, realizing he ripped it. he cleaned you up and slid your underwear back on, tying the side that was ripped until you guys could get home for a new pair, he promised to replace them anyway.
to your surprise he walked out holding you close, his hand around your arm, people coming up to him asking where he was, and you know you two smelt like hot sex and sweat, but he didn’t seem to care, eyeing everyone down that looked at you.
a/n: i’m so sorry that was so long!! I got so carried away, but you guys don’t put in for R!euronymous like you should bc he’s SOOOOO hot!! but thank u for reading :3 dm for tag list or moots &lt;;33
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hollowdeath · 5 months
some personal n s f w headcanons about harry <3
CW: fem!reader, mentions of rough/aggressive sex, breeding, & public sex
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switch. literally the definition of a switch. some days he's completely stressed out and can't seem to catch a break so he takes it out on you. needy, sloppy, rushed kisses leading to aggressive groping and clothes coming off, sometimes ripped off, before roughly using you for his own pleasure. other days he's completely overwhelmed with his responsibilities and just needs to be taken care of. puppy dog eyes and shy gestures leading to soft kisses, breathy moans, and dry humping. harry begging "please, please touch me, need you so bad", whining, pleading, just so so needy and soft with you. loves when you're on top. secretly kinky: being choked, being tied up, anything to give you the control.
oral fixation. i mean, i think we can all agree that harry loves, and i mean loves, eating pussy. you might have to beg him to stop due to the overstimulation, otherwise he would be there for hours if you let him. from soft, firm kisses down your stomach to eager, loving bites on your thighs to full on making out with your pussy, he quite literally lives for the experience. and dont even get him started on face sitting...the way you look down at him and use his mouth for your own pleasure could easily send him over the edge multiple times.
breeding kink!!! this boy loves nothing more than the risk of finishing inside you, it just makes it that much more enjoyable. of course the physical sensation itself feels incredible on its own, but the intimacy it creates between the two of you is what makes it so, so hot. the trust you have in each other makes you only more attracted to the other. whether it's you begging for it or harry telling you to "take it, baby, you take me so well", its almost an unspoken agreement that it's the preferred way to finish things off for both of you. he loves stepping back and watching his cum spill out of you, though most of the time it feels so good he just stays inside of you until he catches his breath.
nudes. oh, how he cherishes his collection of dirty photos of you. like i've said before, i think harry would be really into film photography, and that would include taking photos of you in his favorite poses and positions, developing them, and keeping them in a safe place to look at when he misses you. he keeps his favorite one in his wallet; nothing too vulgar, just something sexy for when he needs a smile. sometimes he stops in the middle of foreplay and politely asks for your consent to get his camera and take a picture of you because, "you just look so lovely from right here". he'll spend the next few minutes taking photos, complimenting you between them as he gets all the right angles. "so, so beautiful. just like that. god, you're amazing."
voyeurism. not a lot of people would think harry is into public displays of affection because he's a bit shy and reserved around other people, but that only makes it more tempting for him. he's always trying to subtly touch you whenever he can get away with it. alone in an aisle of a store? he's already grabbing a handful of your ass. waiting for dinner in a crowded restaurant? his hand's halfway up your skirt. nobody's around in the forbidden forest? he's sure the creatures in there would love to see you put on a show for him. he just can't help himself sometimes, something about letting everyone know that you're his girl and that he isn't afraid of showing them really gets him going.
dirty talk. harry seems like the type of guy to talk you through it, if you know what i mean. he really takes pride in his ability to make you cum just from his words. he knows exactly what turns you on, whether its praise or degradation, and uses it to his advantage often. from "you look so pretty taking me so well, sweetheart" to "just take it like a good little slut" real quick. LOVES nicknames and titles in bed; absolutely loses his mind if you reply "yes, sir" to anything he says. again, he's a switch, so he loves when you take control and talk dirty with him too. he has a particularly soft spot for being praised because all he wants is to be a good boy for you.
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ghostsbaby · 2 years
pairing - ghost x fem!babygirl reader
word count - 742
warnings - just some thigh riding, name calling, bad plotting and daddy kink!
a/n - got you baby! hope it’s okay. it’s not a complete fic but had to whip something up. let me know if you want something different. not proof read so if things don’t make sense oops I apologize 🖤🖤🖤
You weren’t facing him. Weren’t witnessing the change in his eyes when he felt your cunts heartbeat against his thigh. Weren’t seeing the amusement in his grin when you didn’t make a sound about it.
So he only did what felt natural. Tease.
He knew how to get your attention while you just sat there in his lap solving a puzzle with your holes untouched and pussy dancing on his thigh. Ghost knew how to fuck with you.
You had just finished the border, putting the last piece in place before moving onto the next section of the 1000 piece puzzle that had a picture of a cute puppy on it with pretty pink flowers. How cute he thought, gonna ruin it.
Of course at this time you weren’t alone. The rest of 141 already joined in the same room while Ghost had plans of turning you into putty. Gaz and Soap were watching a movie while Price began to softly snore on the couch. Perfect.
Looking for matching pieces you were playing oblivious to Ghosts intentions, not even noticing his growing cock under you until you felt the first bounce and heard the light tap of his boot hit the ground.
Your eyes zeroed in on one of the pieces in your hand, coming back from your little princess world of everything perfect now that you know what Ghosts really doing. You were sitting in his lap and occasionally, but purposely fluttering your pussy all over his thigh. You knew he could feel it.
The bouncing of his leg continued and it only made you weaker, starting to lose focus on the puzzle in front of you while the only thing Ghost is paying attention to is your cunt bouncing against him. It wasn’t the first time.
It didn’t take long for your panties to soak. The fabric thin and rubbing against you, his pants having all sorts of pockets and buttons that you find one and press your sensitive bud into it. Fuck he was going to have so much fun with you.
Ghost sat lazily in the chair, watching and waiting your every move while he bounced his leg. Starting off slow before going into a continuous rhythm of trying to get you to come while the boys were in the same room, almost all of them awake. Ghost knows how fucking loud you are and is going to use it against you.
You roll your hips impatiently and deeper. Your feet hanging off the floor under you, only bracing on Ghosts thigh as the puzzle doesn’t exist to you anymore. All hope of you being silent and not giving into your boyfriends shenanigans was thrown out the door.
“Look at you baby. Fuck.”
Low growling in your ear, his pace slightly quickening to see what noises he could get away with. You squeaked, hands bracing against the table while you started to hump Ghosts thigh and he fucking loved it. Ghost didn’t need to look over to notice the shift in Soap’s body and it drove him mad.
Ghost wasn’t even fucking touching you and you were melting all over his leg, riding his thigh like it was his cock you were gonna cum all over. His cock stretched his pants tighter and tighter while you desperately dry humped the Lieutenant.
“Do you want them to see you? Fucking slut.”
His hands finally made contact with your hips as he brought you down even harder against his thigh, making you hump against him vigorously until he could feel your body start to go limp. He held you up effortlessly, pushing his knee up so your clit presses against the buttons on his pocket and rolls your hips in circular motions.
You’re panting, letting out a string of moans before Ghost starts to bring you to orgasm from words you never wanna repeat.
“Come on baby. Ride Daddy’s thigh until you’re making a mess.”
The puzzle pieces scattered on the table started to fall off the table while you whined and whimpered out moans, hitting the ground with just enough noise that Price opens his eyes while you’re shaking against Ghost and he holds you down harder, leaving bruises where he dug his fingers into your sides.
You dared yourself to look in the captain’s direction, turning your head ever so slightly until it’s brought back to the puzzle in front of you by a hand closing your throat.
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20-th-centurygirl · 1 year
jude bellingham x fem!reader
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warnings: smut, fluff
a/n: another fic inspired by the beloved hey jude tag on @judeswhore 's account because it means the world to me <333 inspired by this ask. i used a gif for the first time and i'm really liking it so far 🤭 also the ending for this is very very rushed and i'm abit :/ about it so i can only apologise if it's cringe
Jude let out a rather frustrated groan as you led him into yet another store. You'd dragged him out shopping, he had the day off and you wanted to spend time together so you decided to take him out to get advice on new clothes. "babe seriously? another one?" He'd stopped dead in his tracks and consequently stopped you as you were holding his hand. "this is the last one i promise jude" you tried your best puppy dog eyes at him and jude hated the fact they worked. "You said that like 5 shops ago" he grumbled under his breath. you said nothing, instead taking his hand and pulling him in.
jude had wondered off and found somewhere to sit down with the multitude of bags while you carried on looking around. You'd eventually made your way back to him. "need you to come with me so you can tell me what you think of them all" you said, nodding towards the changing rooms. "i'm sure you'll look stunning in all of them, and i love you but please please be quick so we can leave" He'd tried to sound nice but you detected the slight annoyance in his tone. "Oh stop pouting. I need to grab a bottle of perfume after this and then we can go" jude groaned loudly and threw his head back. "Promise?" He mumbled, holding out his pinky finger and you bit back a laugh. "Pinky promise baby" you linked your fingers together and your favourite smile adorned judes face.
"Right, I'm gonna go pay for these then we'll go and get my perfume, okay?" You asked sweetly. "no, I'll pay" jude said, putting emphasis on the "i'll". you shot him a glare. Of course you were incredibly grateful to have jude in your life but you also treasured your independence. "Jude, I know you mean well and I'm always insanely grateful but-" He put his index finger on your lips "nope, princess treatment only for you" He tapped your lips a few times before walking over to the till.
"so what we doing now?" Judes mood had improved at the promise of going home. "Need to grab some perfume and we can go home yeah?" He nodded as you both walked in. What was supposed to be a quick dash in and out instead ended up in you begging jude to hold his arm out so you could swatch makeup and perfumes. "baby you said we'd be quick" He whined, glancing down at his arm that had multiple colours of lipstick on it. His other smelt strongly of at least 5 different perfumes. "jude, if i promise to give you head when we get back will you stop pouting?" You groaned and his eyes lit up. He nodded feverishly and held his arms further so you could carry on testing.
Once you were finished jude practically dragged you back to the car. "babe hurryyyy" he groaned, half hard already just at the thought of getting head. "God you're so needy." You teased but you couldn't deny the butterflies you got knowing just how much jude wanted you at the drop of a hat. "And what about it? Not my fault you're so good" you rolled your eyes as you both got in the car. His hand immediately gravitating to your thigh, his thumb stroking it gently. His leg bobbed up and down and his eagerness both made you want to laugh and scream.
The moment you got home jude basically dragged you over to the sofa where he sat down, his legs spread wide and his bottom lip caught between his lip. You decided to keep up the irritating just a little longer "you want something?" You questioned, trying desperately to keep up the facade that you knew nothing about what he wanted. "I think you made me a promise babe" He said, convinced you were just teasing. "Huh?" You tried your best to sound as confused as possible and it seemed to be working. "You said that I'd get head if I was patient and I think I have been so" you rasied your eyebrow at him "hm, well you can stop being so vulgar first before I even think about it" "but it was a pinky promise" jude sounded absolutely betrayed and you burst out laughing. "Stop laughing and come here" He grumbled, pulling you into his lap by the backs of your thighs and you swiftly straddled him.
One of his hands trailed to the back of your neck, pulling your face impossibly closer to his as his other pulled your hips down, grinding softly against him. He let out a small moan on one roll of your hips, the pent up desperation getting to him. "Please" He mumbled against your lips. "Please what?" "Please just keep your promise baby"
You said nothing, instead shuffling off his lap and sitting on your knees, jude handing to a pillow to rest on. You stroked your hands up and down his thighs agonisingly slow, letting out a groan of frustration. You brought your fingers to delicately unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans. Jude lifted his hips up so you could pull his jeans down but you left his boxers on, choosing to lightly stroke him through them instead. "You've put up with alot today jude. Think you deserve this hm?" Jude nodded rapidly, letting out a deep grunt when you squeezed him lightly. You smirked at the sight of a wet patch already forming and you pulled his boxers down lightly.
You took him in your hand, slowly rubbing up and down a few times and placing faint kisses just to his tip, dragging out small, barely audible moans. You stopped your hand movements and just took his tip into your mouth as he pulled your hair into a messy makeshift ponytail. Jude let out a deep groan when you swirled your tongue around him, one of your free hands squeezing his thigh. "Oh fuck. So good at this angel". You gradually took him deeper into his mouth until your nose reached his abdomen. Your other free hand moved to roll his balls in your palm and the way judes head fell to the back of the sofa gave you butterflies. His mouth fell open, a string of moans falling from his mouth.
The grip his fingers had on your scalp was getting tighter. Tears began to pool in the corners of your eyes and the gagging noises were outright pornographic. You pulled off to catch your breath, instead choosing to stroke him quickly whilst maintaining eye contact with him. "I love you baby. Don't know what I did to deserve you" He moaned out, his head falling back again when you took him back in your mouth. You knew from the way he was gripping your hair and the way his moans had gotten more high pitched that he was close and you were determined to get him there. You allowed him to start bucking his hips up into your mouth "fuck i love it when you met me use your mouth like this. So good for me aren't you?" He whimpered, his head back facing you. His mouth was wide open as a string of curses and your name fell out snd his eyes rolled back. "im nearly there" you just smirked around his cock, fondling his balls and teasing shapes on his inner thigh with your nails. His breath hitched suddenly "fuck fuck fuck" and you felt him release in your mouth.
You pulled away slowly, sticking your tongue out to show jude you'd swallowed everything. His pupils were blown and he had small beads of sweat on his forehead. You helped him to pull his clothes back up. "You okay?" You giggled at his still mind blown expression. "Yeah. That was the best head I've ever had" He chuckled, his breath still slightly uneven. "So was me dragging you round shopping worth it?" You smirked. "If I get that again everytime then yes" He breathed out, helping you back up and grabbing you by the chin to pull your lips back to his.
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alicanta77 · 1 year
NCT Dream Reaction: You sitting in their lap
this boy gets stressed
like properly stressed
he needs you often after a long day at work
and that comes in the form of cuddles
just place yourself on top of his and hold him tight
extra points if you play with his hair
you’ll probably hear some happy grumbles from him he purrs like a cat
as he feels like all the weight he carries around is completely lifted
and the relaxation suddenly takes over his being
another of his favourite times for this
is if you visit him at practice
just settle yourself in his lap during a break
and mark will curl up into you
relishing his short break
before you know it he suddenly has more energy to finish his practice
motivated by spending time with you once he’s done
you better have more cuddles ready for later
he likes hugs and moments like this
but probably not for a prolonged time
he’d rather you cuddled into his side if you were going to stay in that position
even with that being said
every now and then he will just wordlessly reach over and pull your onto his lap
just needs comfort
and that means he needs you as close as you could possibly be
so squeeze him tight
and definitely loves it if you pair it with a kiss on his forehead
one of the positions where he will just dissolve his “tough guy” act
and let you take care of him and baby him as much as you like
you could squish his cheeks together and kiss the pout that forms and he’d love it
something about this just makes him all mushy
definitely one of the ones who likes this the most
happens most often when he’s gaming
he really loves it when he’s gaming and you just come in and sit on him
that way he can cuddle you as well as play his game
like both of his favourites ways to relax at the same time
video games and you
you’ve accepted his love for games by now
in the habit of placing soft kisses on your temple in between levels/rounds
likes how protective it makes him feel about you
you just curl up into him as he holds you close
though jeno would never admit it
he adores moments like that
feelings as though you trust him enough to fall asleep on him
leaving it to him to care for you
he would do it willingly for the rest of his life
if you sit on his lap he will not be letting go part 1
this makes him so smug
10000000% will wrap his arms around you and bury his face into you and swing you from side to side
honestly you think he’s gonna accidentally throw you off him
but he never does
and whenever you bring it up he always says the same thing
“i would never let you go”
like jeno
loves when you sit on his lap when he’s gaming
it stops him from raging out if he loses or dies so that’s a plus
as are the unlimited kissed and cuddles he gets to give you
and by god he takes advantage of that
peppering kisses all over your face in between levels and stopping just as suddenly
but when he’s done gaming he’ll just sit there cuddling you
you’ve fallen asleep like this many times before
if you sit on his lap he will not be letting go part 2
sit on his lap and you’re stuck there until he says so
and no you are not allowed to disagree or complain
and if you try you better be prepared cause you will get hit with the BIGGEST puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen this boy produce
jaemin needs physical contact of some kind at all times
preferably he would be completely stuck to you but that’s not possible
so he adores the moments when he can be close to you
so having you sit in his lap allows him to wrap his arms around you and pull you into him
it doesn’t matter if you’re facing him or facing away from him
he just wants you sat in his lap so that he can hold you
will probably make sure all the other seats around you have something or someone on them
just so he can say:
“don’t worry y/n you can sit here”
and pull you onto his lap with a smile and kiss
this would probably be very playful between the two of you
like he’ll pull you onto his lap and tickle your sides
he just loves to hear the genuine laughter that it pulls out of you
like the snorts and voice breaks kind of laughter
and he loves that he’s the reason for that
or he’ll pull you in then nuzzle into your neck
moving his nose around and holding you tight so you can’t escape
once again to hear your laughter
chenle is very fond of affection but he rarely takes it serious
he fully believes that laughter is the best medicine
so all his cuddles will result in you laughing in some way or another
whether that’s through corny jokes or tickles he will make you laugh
it’s through these giggles though that you’ll catch him whisper his affections of “i love you”
and it makes the moment even more perfect
he would prefer it if this only happened in private
mostly because you both know you would be subjected to an enormous amount of teasing if it happened around the boys
but he loves cuddles like this
he’ll be sat on the edge of the bed and just pull you onto him
wants you to be facing him so that he can look at your face as well
wrap your legs around him as well and he will just melt
i mean this boy will become putty in your hands
he also tends to completely lose track of time
i mean he could probably live like this if it was possible
he would give literally anything for moments like this to last forever
while he can struggle with physical affection at times
this comes so easily to him
it’s almost become second nature to reach for you and pull you close to him
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Clothes Shopping, Spencer Reid
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Word count: 1.6k~
I have never felt more award in a store. Looking around me, I find myself a bit weirded out by the store I'm currently in while waiting for Spencer. Mannequins dressed in fancy suits litter the male clothing store while shelves hold the same pairs of oxfords, each pair barely changing with the shades of black and brown they possess. The men at the front registers wear what the store advertises, and their posture is so straight and unchanging that they could be mannequins as well. When Spencer said he needed to shop for some new work clothes, this place wasn't exactly what came to mind.
"Spence, you almost finished?" I ask from behind the blue curtain of the changing stall. The clanking of a belt against the floor sounds through the dressing rooms before the constant thump of Spencer's jumping feet follows it. "Need any help?" I ask him with a smirk, gaining an odd and almost annoyed look from the worker at the changing room desk. These people are really stuck-up.
"I'm almost done, (Y/n)," I hear him say, his voice showing mild frustration. A little concerned, I pull back the curtain to see my husband having trouble getting his pants on, my eyes quickly catching the error in his ways.
"Spencer, honey," I state, walking into the small room with him and placing my hand on his shoulder. Spencer doesn't stop in his movements, however.
"It's okay, I got it," He assures me, making me smile and shake my head. I probably shouldn't be so amused at Spencer being so uncoordinated, but who wouldn't at least be a little tickled by their husband putting on his pants backward?
"Spencer, you really don't," I tell him, sliding my hands over his. He stops in his actions before looking up at me with pleading eyes. No matter what, he will never audibly ask for help, but the pitiful puppy eyes I get from him sells him out every time without fail.
"You kind of..." I begin, only to cover my mouth with a hand as I try to conceal my oncoming laughter. "You have them on backward," I quickly explain to him in a whisper, his eyes immediately shooting wide open before he turns in the mirror to see himself.
"Oh my God," He mutters, finally smiling in amusement. Turning back toward me, he sighs before looking down at the front of his pants that are technically the back. "That explains why this," He gestures to the middle seam line fighting for its life. "Felt weird."
Laughing again, I shake my head before handing him his original ones. "I think this is a sign," I note, gaining a quizzical look from Spencer as he begins to take off the pants.
"Why do you say that?" He asks, sliding the ugly pants off before putting on his original pair, meeting my eyes once he's pulling his zipper back up.
"Because these clothes," I start, gesturing to the area around me. "Are not you," I point out, earning a slight nod from Spencer. "You are sweater vests and black converse, not... tight-ass jackets with leather shoes that need more care than a small child."
He smiles at me before nodding in agreeance. "Rossi recommended the place," He explains, "I didn't say anything when we came in, but..." He leans in closer, beginning to whisper. "I hate everything I picked out."
Shaking my head, I stifle a laugh before gathering the unbought clothes together over my arm and hanging them up on the rack by the dressing room doorway. With Spencer back in his original clothes, we head out of the store, but not before gaining a few pointed glares from the mannequins at the front desk, of course. Hand in hand, we head across the mall to another clothing shop, one that I think will be better for us.
Last time I came here to the mall, I noticed the mannequins in the windows were wearing outfits that Spencer would wear - you know, clothes for a mid-century banker. Without hesitation, I went into the store and found a few things for him, to which I purchased and brought home. When I gave the sweaters to him, I didn't know if he liked them or not, but whenever I noticed he started to only wear the three jumpers I got him without switching back to the other ones he already owned, I knew he liked them.
"Go crazy," I tell him, gesturing to the men's clothes section. Watching as Spencer's eyes scan over the many shelves and racks of his type of clothing, I smile. "I'll be looking at the dresses," I inform him, pecking his cheek before heading over to the women's section.
A few minutes pass, leaving me to myself while Spencer fills his arms up with clothes he likes. I'm glad he's finding a lot of things he deems wearable and his style. He hasn't gone clothes shopping since he first joined the BAU, and even then, I was the one to find everything for him since most of it was from magazine catalogs sent through the mail. Now those clothes are so old and worn out that everything either has holes in them or the color has faded a few shades.
Only finding one dress and a pair of heels, I head back to the dressing rooms where Spencer's trying on his clothes. I knock on the wall beside his stall before pulling back the curtain and walking in. Spencer stands in the mirror, smiling proudly at himself and his new clothes. A dark brown wool coat sits on his shoulders while a black, soft-looking button-up lies beneath it followed by a matching pair of dark brown pants.
Turning toward me, he smiles with a light laugh that shows his happiness. His innocent smile is like that of a child's smile on Christmas. I guess finding clothes that he genuinely likes feels like a blessing to him, and for me, it truly is a blessing.
"Do you like it?" Spencer asks, making my smile turn into a grin. Walking forward, I adjust a few things before smoothing down the fabric of the blazer.
"I do," I tell him. "It looks very nice on you; it's sharp," Turning my eyes up to his, I furrow my eyebrows together. "This isn't all you found, right?" I ask him.
Turning toward to the chair beside the mirror, he points at the gigantic stack of clothes. "No, this just happens to be my favorite," He sheepishly admits, making me laugh. Kissing the handsome man, I rest my hand on his chest before looking back at the mirror.
"It looks nice on you," I repeat myself from earlier. "I hope you're getting it," I tell Spencer, his eyes going down to the dress over my arm as he nods.
"What did you find?" He asks. Smiling, I pull the dress from my arm and hold it up for him to see. "I like that," He notes. "You should try it on."
Agreeing with him, I begin to pull my shirt off as Spencer moves his news clothes onto his lap while sitting down in the armchair. Moving onto my pants, I unbutton my jeans and slide them down, giving Spencer a small show at the same time. Peering back at him, I see his eyes watching me intently while resting his chin on his hand.
"Enjoying the view?" I ask him with a smirk, his smile reappearing above his perched arm.
"I'll never stop loving my wife's amazing body," He answers proudly, making me blush. Four years of marriage, and he still manages to make me feel the same way I did when we were dating.
Pulling the dress over my head, I push it down the rest of my body and watch as it nicely conforms to my legs and waist. Grazing my hands over my clothed curves, I smile at my reflection in the mirror just as Spencer had done with his. The dress is long-sleeved and made of a black, silky material that clings and spans down to the space above my knee. The neckline is a little low too, showing the tops of my shoulders which makes it appear seductive, yet sweet. Sliding on the silver pumps only add to the seduction of the look, making me smile. It's not a bad look for me.
Turning my eyes to the new reflection behind me, I feel Spencer slide his arm around my waist before tugging me close to him. "You look..." He begins, his eyes lingering on his grasp on my hips in the mirror. "Absolutely gorgeous... and sexy."
Smiling even more now, I turn toward him fully and wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his other arm around my waist to match the other. Looking back at the mirror with me, Spencer smiles. "We look like we're ready to jump back in time," he points out, making me giggle.
He's not too far off, we do look as if we're trying to recreate a picture of Marilyn Monroe and Marlon Brando, and I love it. What I don't love is the sweater that my eyes catch peeking out of Spencer's stack of clothes.
"Spence, honey, why'd you pick out a sweater with armadillos all over it?"
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mvybanks · 4 months
LAST KISS (taylor’s version) — bradley “rooster” bradshaw
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summary: When Bradley gets deployed, he can’t bare the thought of leaving you chained to him for he only wishes for you to be loved like you deserve. You recall every moment spent with him and you wish to have never shared a last kiss.
a/n: not my best work but i really loved the idea! hope you guys like it! <3
warnings: angst!!! poor writing and not proof read🧍🏼‍♀️ and that’s it i think?
word count: 2.7k
pairing: bradley “rooster” bradshaw x reader
add yourself to my taglist <3
“I love you.” He whispered, the sweetest secret he could’ve ever confessed. His face was only lit by the moonlight, almost impossible to see in the darkness, and yet you were able to tell the genuine expression on his face, each freckle that adorned it and the raw honesty swimming in his puppy-like eyes, autumn leaves staring into your soul as he waited for you to say something. Your heart pounded loudly in your chest, happiness radiating through your body before you decided that the best answer was to raise your head and connect your lips to his. Kissing him had become such a wonderful habit; how were you supposed to know that there would’ve been only a handful more of those, compared to the lifetime of kisses that you had wished for?
Now, your fingers brush lightly against the pictures in your hands, trying to go back in time and relive those moments once again — one last time. Tears desperately run down your neck as your gaze falls on another picture. His lips are on yours, like they always were, attempting to kiss you as you can’t stop smiling. God, how much you wish he were here, talking with you, interrupting your conversation by kissing you without giving you any notice like he used to do all the time.
“C’mon, babe! I’ve told you a thousand of times, for god’s sake! How can you forget about it every—“ You didn’t have time to finish your outrage because his lips captured yours in a soft kiss. Having been caught off guard, you kissed him back for a couple of seconds before you placed your hands on his chest to push him slightly away. “I was talking!” You said, but you knew that, although you wanted to, you didn’t sound mad at all this time.
“‘M sorry, princess. You just look so beautiful when you’re mad.” He mumbled against your mouth. “…And hot.” Finally he smirked, then he went back to devouring your lips again. Your cheeks burned at his words and your stomach tingled — your anger completely dissipated and exchanged with love and desire.
If you close your eyes, you can still feel his arms wrapped around you, protecting you from everything and anyone; you can smell his perfume, the same one your bedsheets were soaked in, and the sweater of his that is currently hanging from your body isn’t helping you to forget about the comforting and familiar scent either.
Why did he have to go away? Why did he have to break your heart? He had promised. He had promised to love you forever, to never stop taking care of you and that his heart belonged to you. Then, how come he’s the one that put an end to this? How come he left? And how could have he fallen out of love with you after all?
Oh, how wrong you are, though.
Bradley is madly, out of his mind, hopelessly in love with you, which is why he had to let you go. He believed it would’ve been selfish of him if he had kept you chained to him as he is away. You don’t know how much it’s eating him inside not being able to be with you, how many sleepless nights he has been through, thinking about you. He needs to know how you’ve been without him, if you are mad at him, who you’re talking to, who you’ve been hanging out with, and it’s tearing him apart not knowing. However, he’s aware that he can’t ask anyone, because once he does, he’s not sure he’ll be able to stay away from you, because what if he finds out that you’re seeing someone else? He wants you to be happy, to live your life to the fullest, however, he could never bear the thought of you being with someone that it’s not him. Therefore, he tries to stay focused on his mission, to spend the days so occupied that he won’t have time to think about you — but he always fails doing so.
You, on the other hand, have kept in touch with his friends — actually, you used to keep in touch with them at first, until you realized how much even looking and talking to them was hurting you.
“You can ask, y’know?” Bob, one of your ex-boyfriend’s friends, told you as you sat on the barstools of your favorite bar — or, the bar where you had met him. You both knew what he was talking about and silence had fallen as soon as the words had left his mouth.
Finally, you sighed. “It’s — Is he okay?” Was all you managed to ask, the pain of having to remember him, of tasting his name on your lips was too much for you to be able to say anything else.
“He says he is, but he doesn’t really sound like it.” You nodded at his words, knowing full well what having to lie to your friends about your feelings is like. “It’s not true. None of us thinks he’s saying the truth about…” He seemed to take a pause, as if he was trying to find the right words, “…about how he feels about you.”
“Can we talk about something else?” You attempted at putting an end to the conversation. Perhaps you would’ve rather heard him saying that Bradley was okay and that they never talked about you. Would it have made a difference, then? Knowing that he actually doesn’t love you, would it have made your broken heart start to heal a bit?
“All I’m saying is that he’s an idiot and I don’t know what’s going on in that stupid head of his, but what I do know is that he still loves you. He talked about you as if you were his wife, he always did. You —“
“I have to go.” You announced, your throat constricted from having to keep your sobs in, as you got up from your seat and ignored Bob for he attempted at calling your name in order to stop you. But you couldn’t. The tears you were trying to maintain inside were spilling freely from your eyes and you were not able to do anything about it anymore, except just let them out.
Three months. Three months he’s been away and you’re still not over him. You’ve tried so hard to move on, to think about someone else, but it’s so hard when you already know who you want to spend the rest of your life with. And you really wish you could forget about him, even for only a second, to give your mind some peace, but everything reminds you of him. You didn’t want to find the box that sits beside you right now, however, once you did, it was impossible to stop. That’s how you ended up sitting on the floor and going through his pictures, the ones you begged him to print out because you love having printed photos rather than keeping them locked away somewhere on your phone. Right now, you almost regret your decision because you can’t just press a button to delete these forever.
So, yes, it’s been three months since your break-up, two since you stopped talking to his friends, and all you can think about is if he’s still thinking about you. All you wanted to do today was to do anything but think about him, especially today: the day he comes home.
As Bradley arrives, his eyes only search for you. Oh, how much he wishes to see you through this crowd of people that are coming to greet their loved ones. He dreams of holding you and telling you that he wants to take it all back, that he’s been a fool — a tremendous and in love fool.
Instead, he finds his friends at the airport, ready to bring him home. Mav is the first to hug him, patting his back in the process, and he’s soon followed by Jake and Bob.
“God, I can’t wait to go home!” Bradley groans, “I’ve been dreaming about my bed.” And her. Although he doesn’t say it, they all know what he’s thinking.
“Damn, I guess no celebration tonight, then huh?” Jake asks as they enter the car.
“We’ll hangout tomorrow, I promise.”
Bradley sits in the front passenger seat as Bob drives, and they’re all aware that he’s not going to his apartment tonight. He barely notices it, too tired and distracted by the conversation he’s having with Jake, until he begins to recognize the road.
“You missed the exit.” He warns his friend, concerned as to how he did that when he knows how to get to Bradley’s address by heart.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yea, you did.”
“Road works.” Finally Jake says in order to shut his friend up.
However, Bradley can tell where this street leads to, after all he knows it like the back of his hand, and his stomach drops at the realization. “Stop.”
“God, Rooster calm down. We’re almost there —“
“I know where we’re going and I said stop.” He now sounds almost angry, except that he isn’t — not at his friends anyway. Thankfully, Bob doesn’t listen to him and pulls up right outside your house.
Bradley can feel his heart pumping loudly, his hands start to get clammy and his vision impaired by the incoming tears. He’s not sure if he wants to kill his friends or thank them.
“Listen, man, whatever it is, I’m sure she’ll hear you out—“ Jake begins, but it’s too much for Bradley.
“I told her I don’t love her.” He whispers, “I looked her in the eyes and told her I don’t love her. And as much as I know that I did that to protect her, I’m dying to see her and to get out of this fucking car and run to her.” Throwing his head back against the headrest, he groans in frustration as he tries to hold himself back as much as he can.
“Protect her from what? She’s been hurting and missing you while you were gone. What’s the point?” Pete inquires, exasperated from this behavior.
“From this! From this life! From having to miss me and wonder if I’m okay every time I’m gone. I just —“
“It didn’t stop her from missing you anyway! Damn it, Rooster! Just go in there and apologize for being an idiot.” Bob talks this time, and he knows better than anyone how much it’s been hard for the both of you.
Throwing his bag at him, “Get out of this car before I kick you out,” Jake says.
It seems to have done the trick because Bradley wordlessly and slowly leaves the car, but his friends don’t give him the time to change his mind as Bob hits the gas and drives away. He takes a deep breath, a million thoughts going through his head while he approaches the front door of your building. Lucky for him, an old man is exiting the building at the same time and he lets him inside, causing Bradley to softly thank him.
Alright, at least I’m inside.
That’s what he thinks as he nears your apartment.
Three months. That’s how long he hasn’t seen you, heard from you; how long he hasn’t touched you and felt your lips against his. Three months since he’s heard your laugh, your smile on his mouth; since he’s had you in his arms. Any period of time without you was too long after all.
Finally, he decides to ring the doorbell and hope for the best. What’s the worst that could happen, right? Maybe you’re not home or you can’t answer the door at the moment, or perhaps you’ve got guests…what if there’s another man over?
He doesn’t have a lot of time to think about this because the door opens suddenly, without any warning. And there you are. The tingling sensation in his stomach and the heart palpitations have officially increased.
“Bradley.” Is all you say, breathless, as if you can’t comprehend what your eyes are seeing.
He tries to say something, anything, but his gaze is focused on the sweater that’s covering your body — his sweater — and he sure as hell wasn’t expecting that. How do you manage to look breathtaking so effortlessly?
“Hi.” He chokes out.
A whole afternoon you’ve spent looking at pictures of the two of you and to be completely honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if this were your imagination playing tricks on you. And God, what a hot imagination that would be. Did he really have to come here in his uniform? Looking like the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life?
“What —“ You clear your throat, hoping to stop the train of words that threatens to come out, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m back.”
“I can see that.”
He misses you. And he loves you. He loves you. He loves—
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“This is the part where I have to explain, right?” He chuckles humorlessly as he stares at the ground for a second, as if he’s trying to find the words that have been haunting him for months. Raising his head again, he continues, “I’m an idiot. I’m the biggest idiot in the world, really. You wanna know why that is? Because I thought that I could live without you and go on with my life so that you could be happy and not have to worry about me. But I was wrong — about me, I mean.” As he takes a deep breath, his feet make him step closer to you, slowly, waiting for a rejection that never comes. “I can’t go on with my life when I know that I can’t spend it with you. It’s tearing me apart. I — I just…I love you. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before and I’m sorry if I made you believe that I didn’t. All I want is for you to be happy. That’s all I ever wanted. God, baby, all I’ve been able to think about these past three months is you. I never thought we’d have a last kiss, you know? And if I knew that our last kiss would’ve been our last, I would’ve never stopped kissing you, I would’ve never stopped touching you, and if I knew that our last time —“ He holds back a sob, although the sight of the tears that are threatening to spill from your eyes makes him want to wrap you in his arms and never let go. “— that our last time would’ve been our last, I would’ve held you until my last breath—“
“You’re a stupid, stupid man, Bradley Bradshaw, you know that?” Finally, you interrupt him. Your voice is shaking, just like his, and salty tears are already running down your cheeks, but that doesn’t stop you from closing the distance between you and pointing an accusing finger at him. “You’re infuriating! Coming here and telling me that you love me after three months of silence, and to top it off, you had to show up in your uniform? You’re cruel, Lieutenant.” He can tell from the small smile that has started to grow on your lips that you’re playing with him, which is why he responded with a shy smirk himself.
He lets his forehead gently fall on yours as his aching hands go to grab your waist with need.“Please, tell me you’re not seeing anyone.” He rasps, causing his breath to hit your needy mouth.
“Did you think I was going to wait for you forever?” You whisper while making eye contact with him.
His eyes widen and his head raises, putting a new distance between you that neither of you wished for. “No! I just — I mean, I thought —“
Grabbing the collar of his uniform you bring him back to you, not being ready to have him so far away again, and you lightly chuckle, “I’m messing with you, big man. Just shut up and kiss me, Lieutenant.”
And one thing about Bradley is that he always respects the orders he’s been given.
The moment his lips touch yours, every piece of the puzzle fall back together, and as sappy as it sounds, you can feel your broken heart heal itself, because you’re finally in your lover’s arms — because he loves you and he’s not letting go this time.
Because this isn’t your last kiss and Bradley will make sure of it.
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@hotchsstuff @callsigns-haze @alexxavicry @mygyn @nykie-love-anime @chassy21 @angelbabyange @sgt-barnesveins @strkeys @seasonofthenerd @callsignyourmom @camsdriver @lets-turn-and-burn @unhinged-btch @scenesofobx @pudyrankow
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pokegalla · 1 year
Bestie- I need this ok?!
Bad sanses with an S/O that absolutely DEVOURS energy drinks, like, 3+ a day- and they are still tired-
(I just described me fr-)
Ok gotchu✨
Sorry about late response! I thought I had finished your request…..
Then I look at drafts 🙃
I hope you enjoy!!!
The Bad Sanses (+ Cross) with an tired S/o who always drinks energy drinks!
* How are you alive man? Like not radioactive and shit-? That is a LOT of energy drinks. And you can’t fool this guy. He’s very observant so he’ll immediately notice that you still get tired.
* He honestly might just teach you the bad causes of drinking too many. Nah really he will sit you down with all the research he did to explain everything. (Quite endearing really. He really wants to make sure you’re ok❤️)
* Now he’s not gonna force you to stop. It’s really up to you in the end. But he will still be making sure you are ok. And he suggests healthier options too! See? Now you can enjoy what you love but in a much healthier way!
* He’s not very talkative but the way he shows how much he cares for you is very sweet. Don’t worry your skellie too much! He’s quite the Worrywart!
* Boyo is always trying to take a sip from your can. He’s just curious on why you love it so much. So much that he is literally giving you puppy eyes so that you’ll give him a sip (which I know you succumbed to the cuteness-). He found it pretty cool!
* And yet…..you still cannot get away with saying “Oh I’m not tired! Just waiting for it to kick in! 👀💦” yeah sweetie Horror is also very observant. He’ll make you get sleep. And you can ONLY get an energy drink if you get proper sleep in!
* He knows you love the drinks but he’d rather you get proper sleep first! Then you can have any you like! Why drink to get energy when you can just sleep Y’know? That’s what he thinks anyway. But he wants you happy too so you always wake up with an energy drink ready for you! ☺️
* He just wants you to be happy and healthy!
* Bruh. You know DAMN well he’s probably the one supplying you the damn drinks- if you thought you was bad? Think again- he literally has an unlimited supply in god knows where in that room of his…..
* Let’s be honest: He drinks WITH you. Both of you happily drinking together on the couch watching anime or playing games. But he’ll drop a few hints about “Heh might wanna slow down…”
* Now just because he kind of (is) a bad influence, doesn’t mean he won’t keep an eye on you. If he sees how it affects you, he’ll try to moderate how much to give you. Because he may be a lil shit….but he cares about you a lot.
* You can always be guaranteed to have fun with this guy but also taken care of no matter what!
* Glitchy boi would be a straight up dick talking about you have an addiction meanwhile he’s on his 15th chocolate bar himself- I’m pretty sure he steals your drinks too-
* And you can bet he’s taking those drinks away if you’re overdoing it. He’ll have multiple excuses for keeping it from you…..but really he just wuvs you and doesn’t want you feeling all sluggish because he worries for you 🥺. Will he admit that? HA! No-
* Though he will easily give in with a little….convincing. Puppy eyes and promising more chocolates? He’ll eventually give in. But he also makes you promise to at least take it easy with the drinks.
* Grumpy hobo man may be a lil sassy but he means well!
* He’s probably the only one who doesn’t see why the hell you like these drinks. It tastes like battery acid…..(says the guy drinking black coffee-). He didn’t really care at first but the MOMENT he sees how groggy you get? Oh you fucked up-
* He’s immediately hiding your stash and you WILL be scolded if you ask about it. And he’s dragging your ass to bed to make sure you get proper sleep. Right after he makes sure you are properly hydrated first.
* I can imagine even as his S/o, these moments can be quite unexpected but he was like…..mother henning you. And the way he stays by your side to make sure you’re ok makes your heart melt❤️
* Even the king of negativity can have a sweet side!
Cross (Lil bonus boi✨):
* Well he does like a few energy drinks himself especially for a game night or during morning training. He can drink as much as you without really realizing it then feels guilty about it but laughs it off.
* But it’s definitely a different story when he notices how sleepy you still are especially after the amount you drank. He gets a little concerned and asks if you’re okay. When he learns the energy drinks don’t work on you, he thought of a few ideas…..
* He looked for alternatives that could help you wake up much better. Like working out with him and eating a few healthier meals! But you both do have days to splurge on your favorite drink. It’s only fair!
* He didn’t want you to miss out on what you loved! So he helped you find a balance! He just loves you so!❤️
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yukoii1 · 5 months
·˚ ༘ 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 ➪ fluffy!, kissing (slightly explicit?), sorcerer!reader black!reader
₊˚ෆ 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 he ls definitely the type to get nervous around eye contact with someone he likes or gets memorized by their eyes. It's a balance between the two.
ミ★ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆. hello my lovely's, I can't believe I’m almost at 1k followers 😧. when I first started I didn’t think I would get this far Into the community, we are so close! only 95 to go 😔.
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₊˚ෆ 𝑵𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊 - her pretty brown eyes.
whenever he would stare Into them..he would easily get lost Into them. those dark/light brown eyes, whenever he tried to conversate with you he would always stumble across his words getting lost Into them..which Is why he can never hold eye contact. your glasses made your eyes look more bigger and doe giving them more flare to your eyes. he was never able to focus on what he's trying to say or do without you staring at him. his cheeks would end up betraying him as they ran hot and bright, clearing his throat trying to move on from the embarrassing situation but couldn't. your giggles will go through his ears feeling his heart swell from the sound, your soft spoken voice and wording made his body run hot. you were oblivious to It all but God he wishes you knew what you were doing to him.
he was yet again staring at you as you were focused on working on another robot for a 'project' you've been stressing out about. his hand on his palm as a gentle gaze was set your way, you were so cute when you got irritated. weird thing to say I know but It was the truth. your eyebrows furrowed, forehead with small wrinkles as you did so with a bitten lip and small curses escaping Into whispers as something wasn't done right. nanami was supposed to be finishing his work but he got caught up with being with you by your request. he couldn't say no when you were giving him though puppy dog eyes, he always wondered why you wanted him by your side? maybe because you're alone? maybe because you get lonely? maybe you want company? he didn't question It even though he wanted to but he stayed In silence watching you work. he was so lost In a memorizing daze he didn't hear you call for him, "nanami."
"huh? yes?." he snapped out of his daze, sitting up straight looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. you sighed. "did you not hear me?." you asked with a raised brow. nanami thought back to his head but nothing came to mind, It was all foggy. he cleared his throat shaking his head, "no, I didn't. what do you need?." you shook your head with a small laugh pointing at the wrench beside him, "can you hand me that?." he looked at the side of him to see the wrench laying on Its side, picking It up to hand It to you. you gave him a small "thank you." turning your attention back to the robot, moving It side to side before- WACK!. "hope that worked." you said, setting It on the table, pressing the small button on top hearing It power up. you smiled widely with big eyes as you stood up with excitement rushing through your veins, "It worked!" nanami looked at the little robot then at you with a small smile.
he doesn't know why. but seeing you excited made him happy, you were doing a little dance with small giggles. after trying to get It to work for so long It finally turned on. "yuji Is gonna be so happy." you said excitedly stopping your dance, taking off your glasses to set It down on the table leaning forward to look at your work. nanami cleared his throat holding his head up high looking at the robot. "do you mind explaining how It works?." nanami asked, looking his way noticing his pink cheeks with a smile, "for starters, I- or yuji got this little guy from a junkyard when we had a mission assigned. he found him really interesting and asked me If I could fix him. and I did, after a few difficulties of course." you giggled, "but after some time and work Into him I found out how to make It thing work." you poked at It, "I thought It was powered by regular bolts and wires by how formal the model Is, but It's powered by curse energy. cool right?." you looked up at him, nodding his head keeping his eyes on you. "It's not an ordinary robot you would see regularly, I bet this was used to catch curses or something and someone tossed him after he broke down." he's never seen something like this before. he didn't find hardly anything fascinating but seeing you put so much work Into this made him Impress.
you sat down In your chair again, facing him with a teasing look on your face noticing his facial expression. "Is the all mighty kento nanami impressed?." you teased, gaining his attention. he rolled his eyes, "surprisingly yes. actually any of your work Impresses me." all though he said this bluntly and calmly not thinking too much Into It, It made your heart speed up feeling warmness In your body. your eyes widened, "oh! really? I didn't think any of my work Impressed people." you chuckled nervously looking down In embarrassment, he hummed feeling flustered at your nervous reaction. did he say the wrong thing? you became nervous all of sudden. he cleared his throat, "It's good work, y/n. you should be proud of what you're doing." butterflies. you nodded your head with a small smile looking at him again, "I've never been told that before." you chuckled, "I was always told that since I'm a jujutsu sorcerer I can't be anything else because this Is my job but..thanks nanami." you gave him a short smile before looking away again, staring at the robot.
nanami doesn't know where or why he has this confidence all of sudden. should he? should he not? you're right sin front of him..lip bitten, hand on your lap- shit. screw It. he took his advantage of this confidence bringing his hand towards yours l holding It with his gaining your attention again. you looked down at the interlock hands then at him with a confused face, he looked calm but Inside his heart was beating against his chest. he held your hand as he lifted his free one to push some of your braids back placing his hand on your cheek. "It's a first for everything right?." huh?. "what do you me-!." you felt soft lips onto of yours as you looked with wide eyes, your body went tensed and stiff looking for what to do. but the more he kept his lips on yours, your eyes started to relax and close on their own leaning more Into the kiss deepening It. your body relaxed, tilting your head to the side kissing him back at the same pace.
deep and hard breathes were the only thing being heard In the room as you both made out. his hands slid down to your waist pulling you close to his body as your hands unknowingly twent up to his blonde hair, softly gripping It hearing him groan Into your mouth. the kiss lasted a few more seconds before you pulled back first leaning your head with his staring Into his eyes. you panted, trying to catch your breath with a airy chuckle, "didn't expect that." you laughed, nanami blushed nodding his head In agreement trying to hold eye contact with you. your brown eyes shot Into sparks, practically feeling your heart beat on his own chest holding you close.
you noticed how hard he was staring Into your eyes keeping eye contact with almost like..he's getting lost In them. you raised a brow, "Is there something on my face.." you mumbled, he shook his head . "no. It's just..your eyes, they're pretty- beautiful." memorizing. you chuckled again, "do my eyes also make you nervous?." even If he did want to deny It, It was the truth. your eyes made him nervous. they were gorgeous. he loved them. "yes..they do." he mumbled back looking away In embarrassment but you only brought his face back up to face yours, "you're so cute kento.." you closed your eyes leaning In once more connecting lips with his as he kissed back with a heavy sigh. the kiss was gentle and slo-
"hey y/n did yo- OH MY GOD." In an Instsnt you and nanami pulled away with fast heart rates, looking at your open door to reveal a red face yuji looking anywhere but at you two, "u-uhm..I was just wondering If the robot was done! I'm so sorry, I should've knocked!." he bowed feeling embarrassment rush through his body. I mean- he just walked In seeing his teachers making out with you practically on his lap, you sighed pulling back from nanami walking over to the embarrassed yuji to reassure him It was okay but he only kept apologizing.
nanami ran a hand through his hair, he couldn't help but grin to himself.
he had to say, today wasn't all so bad.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Maybe Xavier with a reader who bakes/cooks really well
Ignore this if you'd like
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A/n: Slight projection on Xavier’s part as I am guilty of not keeping myself feed whilst doing stuff.
Xavier tends to forget to keep himself well fed when preoccupied by his artistic outlets down by the shed he had yet to step out of since earlier that afternoon as soon as school had finished.
Worried, you decided to put your culinary skills to work by utilising Nevermore’s kitchens and making a plethora of sweet treats, including some of his favourites, such as; white Chocolate chip and raspberry infused cookies, apricot shortbread bars, mini blueberry muffins, small portions of lemon cakes, Blackberry & Almond buckle.
All of which you had safely stored in tupperware boxes after they had cooled down and then placed in a bag that you kept on hand for when you baked an excessive amount for your own two arms to carry on their own. Plus you didn’t want to walk through the woods in the pitch black of night where you could potentially trip over an upturned root and ruin all your hard work on the basis that you weren’t spatially aware of your surroundings.
So when you made it safely to the shed, having not bothered to inform Xavier of your surprise visit, you knocked in a specific pattern that you had made prior to when you and Xavier had started to become close to signify to him that it was just you and not some teacher on night parole.
“I thought you would be asleep by now.” Xavier said as he lead you inside the shed, closing the door behind you though not before checking the perimeter first for certainty that you weren’t followed. “And here I thought you would’ve kept to your promise about keeping yourself fed whilst you were cooped up in here but I guess we’re both mistaken.” You retorted, arms crossed over your chest as you stared at him disapprovingly.
Xavier grimaced as he rubbed the back of his head, knowing that he had forgot to do something but lately he has found himself on an creative high that he completely ignored the fact that he has a stomach to satisfy. “Did you…by chance…” Xavier trails off, his eyes seemingly too shy to meet your own as a small smile crept on his face, making it extremely hard for you to stay mad at him.
“Yes”, you sigh but a smile broke out on your lips when Xavier dove for the bag and took it to his desk where he carefully pulled out the tupperware boxes. Opening the one containing the white chocolate and raspberry infused cookies, taking one out as he took a bite and heaved a heavenly sigh as he closed his eyes at the textures attacking his tastebuds. “God I fucking love your baking sweetheart.” He says, reaching over to press a kiss to your lips where you could taste the white chocolate and raspberry on them.
“I swear you do this just to get free treats out of me.” You said between bites of your blackberry and almond buckle. “Or maybe I just need an excuse to see you?” Xavier attempts to sweeten you up but is met with a scoff. “Don’t start flattering me, Thorpe because it’s not going to excuse you from the fact that you haven’t eaten all afternoon.” You replied, watching as the hopeful look in his green eyes were dashed to bits.
He was acting like a kicked puppy dog and you hated the internal struggle you were having about whether or not you should smother him in love or just smother his for making you worry. So instead you came up to hug him tightly, burying your face into his neck as his arms naturally came down to your waist. “Im just trying to look out for you Xavier, I know how you get sometimes and I don’t wanna risk you coming down with something that could’ve been easily avoided. I get that your passionate about your art projects but you can’t complete them if your running on an empty stomach.”
Xavier understood where you were coming from and he hates himself for making you worry but it was moments like this where his insecurities began to fade to the back of his mind as he was reminded of how much you did care about him. Putting him in the forefront of your mind as you made him your delicious treats that he could gorge on forever if he could and making sure that he was taking care of himself both mentally and physically. You were as sweet as your treats that he swore he was getting cavities just by being in your arms.
He presses his head against to top of your own, planting a plethora of kisses there as he held you tighter against him as you both stood in his art studio within the comfort of one another. “I can’t promise that I’ll take better care of myself.” He started, “but I can however promise that I’ll never allow you to worry about me this badly ever again. For I don’t know what I do without you sometimes and I’d rather like to stick around for the long run. If you’ll let me of course.”
You tightened your grip on him, “you fucking dumbass, of course I want you here with me for the long run because,” you pulled away just enough to stare him in the eyes, “who will be my lab rat for when I attempt new recipes?” Xavier deadpans as you laugh at his expression but he doesn’t let you go from his arms. Instead they tightened. “This is your prison now until feel as though you served your sentence for saying that shit.” He said as he waddles with you in his arms. “Good because I don’t plan on escaping anytime soon.” You chirped, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
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