#but have another edited screenshot. i can't make gifs but i can do these
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/05/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Rhys Cameos; Samba BTS; Samba & Rhys Goofyness; Wee John Wednesday + surprise Leslie; UK Launch; Watch Party Reminders; What We Do In The Shadows; New Watch parties: Love Birds; Articles; Fundraisers; Schadenfreude; Trends; Morale/LoveNotes/MORE RHYS CAMEOS; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika;
Jeez Louise fam today was a seriously jam packed day! Once again Im worried I'm gonna miss something because there was just so much so please feel free to let me know!
== Cast & Crew ==
The Crew section is a hefty one today, so buckle up buttercup it's gonna be a chaotic and heartwarming ride.
Okay so, yesterday we had that lovely message that was edited from our beloved captain. But then our dear friend @meowzawowaza_ over on twitter released yet another part of the video that specifically went over Rhys' frustrations with the cancellation. Now it's less positive, but as she says, it adds another layer that is helping rally the troops to keep fighting. Here's the thread with the videos. Apologies if you don't have twitter... I don't have a link outside of there at the moment. If I find one, I'll update it here.
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THEN because she's awesome, our lovely @lucyrosebutler decided to share the cameo she had gotten previously. Which he ended with, "Yeah, you be you, keep rock'n, and yeah, you be you, and do it loudly."
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Before continuing with the cast & crew...
== Kudosboard! ==
Wanna send our lovely captain, Rhys, some kudos and love after all he's given us, especially the last two days? You can do so over on kudoboard.com! Thank you @madzilla84 for making this happen! Get on over there and send our sunshine man some love!
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Alright! On to more Cast & Crew.
= Samba =
Samba, our favorite BTS buddy posted a new BTS picture + was making sure to shout out the new S2 out on BBCIplayer today!
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= Samba & Rhys =
Then because our entire cast and crew is a pile of goofballs, Rhys and Samba shared this little exchange on twitter:
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= Wee John Wednesday Monday! =
And well, then there was Wee John Wednesdays Monday! Where we not only got to see the expected three cast members: Kristian Nairn, Vico Ortiz, and Madeleine Sami, but a SURPRISE guest, Leslie Jones who crashed the Instagram live party.
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You can watch the whole thing on Kristian Nairn's IG Here. WHICH I highly recommend because it was an absolute blast and got so many of us pumped and ready for more. Some highlights that absolutely cannot describe the pure and wonderful chaos were:
Rocket Jousting
Leslie fucking every alien in space
Leslie wants to come to a convention
Horny pickle ball
Jenkins is on board for s3 if it happens
They see how hard we're working on SaveOFMD and they said "they deserve it" (s3) and "so do we!"
Mads just randomly runs into Taika on the beach
Gypsy made a chest binder for all Vico's outfits @edscuntyeyeshadow ty for the screenshots here on tumblr
Oh and David Fane popped in because he's a gem of a human being. Thanks @madzilla84 for catching that!
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= Leslie Jones + Convention =
PSSSST: Wanna help get Leslie to a con? Go request her on the Galaxy Con Websites! Thanks @insane_foliage on twitter for the suggestions!
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= Vico Ortiz =
Upcoming cast events! Sunday Feb 11, 4PM PST, Vico will be interviewing with the lovely Samantha Rei on Instagram Live
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= Erroll Shand =
I just, can't get over how amazing Erroll's IG Stories are, and how much he interacts with the goofy fan memes. I love this guy.
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== Uk Launch ==
So many people logged in for the UK Launch of S2!!! Thank you everyone! The data teams over at @saveofmdcrewmates are still crunching numbers to show how things went the first day, but we can definitely see #OurFlagBBC trending for a bit!
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Also Pink News was tweeting about the launch, and Wee John Wednesday!
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Great job everyone-- please keep it up if you have the spoons! Wanna watch OFMD again? You can help support the UK Launch by watching it on BBCIplayer! Once again, if you are outside the US you can get instructions on how to here on @reallygoodplants page, or from this article.
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
= What We Do In The Shadows Watch Party! =
Tuesday February 6th, 9PM GMT, 1 PM PST, 4PM EST
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== New Watch Parties! ==
FINALLYYYYY we have a Love Birds Watch Party! Feb 9th - 9 pm GMT, 4 pm EST, 1pm PST.
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Watch Party Hashtags:
So many articles today with the UK launch, including the Guardian again!
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What’s On TV This Week: 5th February – 11th February
TV Tonight: It's the Final Series of Curb Your Enthusiasm
Our Flags Means Death fans get TV licence just to watch pirate show
The Best Romantic TV Series to Get into the Valentine’s Day Spirit
8 TV Shows Were Canceled in January 2024, Including 4 From HBO
Why won’t there be a Our Flag Means Death season 3?
= Fundraiser Status =
eSIMs and Sanitary Products for Gaza by Our Flag Makes A Difference is currently at 27% of their goal. If you're looking for a good cause to donate to, these folks have been incredibly transparent about all funds.
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@One of the crew, @mcstuffiesphd is selling Jeff stickers as well as other SaveOFMD merch and donating 50% to the Our Flag Makes A Difference group for the above fundraiser.
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== SchadenFreude / Trends Time ==
Thank you @btweenhisteeth on twitter for capturing this metric! Looks like WB Discovery is still having a bit of trouble with their stocks. Wonder why that could be?
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Other fun trends that popped up today: Thank you @merryfinches catching a shot of the pile of royalty below.
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== Morale / Love Notes ==
So normally I just want to say all the things about how lovely you all are, but Rhys posted YET ANOTHER video on cameo tonight, and I feel like his voice is the sunshine we all need. The longer one up, is dedicated to LGBTQIA+ folks with some anecdotes from Rhys' childhood, and another specific to the crew for this show (it's about 3 mins 10 seconds long). Please take a few minutes to go watch them, you don't need a log in or anything for them. It's just worth it to hear our lovely captain say nice things.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
And to end the night, just some silly gifs that maybe sort of but don't quite go together for tonight. Goodnight lovelies, it was a LOOONG day today, please go get some rest. Love you.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
Hmm I'm thinking I'm thinking. Gotta make money one way or another am I right? Anyway, animation commissions?
Animations ain't easy so I'm trying to set prices correctly in a way were people get what they pay for but also where I'm not offering in a way that burns me out over something stupid..
Animations would include well of course the animation and the panels that I'll draw either in comic form or separate parts so you could have them.
I'm open to certain ships ((GIVE ME RADIOSTATIC AND ADAMS APPLE 😩)) but I'm more comfortable doing OCS right now. Things like holding hands, kissing, snuggling, etc and unlike this animation wip:
You'll get: FULL lineart and maybe after I see how colors work on Flipaclip and add those in for now but for now expect something like this.
Actually I'm thinking about it more and maybe coloring it won't be bad but I hate coloring in other cases so I you the Wips and the videos and color I think $100 dollars is fair right?? (Comms are used to help support me as I recover, find more info on that HERE on my writing commissions post. Obviously writing is a bit different from art so that why prices are what they are, prices can not be negotiable here because I don't want to accidentally sell myself short and then burn out knowing good and well I need to make funds somehow 🤦🏾)
Honestly this is a work in progress. I've done writing commissions, art and animation but it's just making sure I set things up correctly so hopefully I don't regret anything later. Like I know I can do it I just need the right customers to find me.
Customers of Value: if you are willing to be patient, checking in with me here and there while also not rushing me (because I'll literally send screenshots whenever you need them as I work on your art. Rushing me literally stressed me out so pls don't ^^')
Hm, I'm thinking of how I can explain this better.
What you will get:
at LEAST ten slides on your animation (pricing varies but not heavily so)
'manga' panels of how the animation is basically formed or came to be. (Four panels each page. 2 pages in total with no extra fees)
Screenshots of work whenever you feel you actually need it
A little writing blurb either of what happened prior to the animation or after it. 2k words minimum.
Bundle Example (reposted my own art lolol):
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+ the animation!
(screenshot from a RP I was in but I'm using it as an example of my writing for y'all to see.)
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I think the highest I'd make anyone pay is $150 at a minimum because it feels fair after all that. ^^'
What y'all think? Oh and did I mention I'll even do the lineart for the manga panels? I will.
Examples of my line art (reposted art of mine):
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Now we wait 🫡👀
I think I covered everything I need to but I'll make edits if I have to at any point in case I didn't! If you've made it to this part of the post I thank you for reading! ❤️
Payment methods for me, I will only take:
Current (but on hold for now because I'm still getting used to current ^^')
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vendettasfanfictioning · 11 months
Sam-coded: Analyzing the parallels between Destiel and Sam's arcs with his love interests.
With a fan community as enormous as Supernatural's, it is fair to assume that most, if not everything, stated here has already been pointed out or dissected multiple times before—especially considering the long span of time that the show has aired and the three years thereafter. The goal of this post is not to claim these ideas as my own but rather to compile and expand on them.
I also want to add that regarding Jessica, specifically, the canon facts about her are incredibly limited what with her only "real" appearance being at the Pilot episode (though she is referenced and alluded to in multiple episodes all throughout).
That said, she had a critical role in shaping Sam's goals, with emphasis on earlier seasons' Sam's development so it felt fitting to start this series off with her.
There are many instances that the fandom has pointed out cinematic parallels between Sam and Jessica & Dean and Castiel. In this post, I would be elaborating on all of the key points I have found, namely: 1. The scripted meeting, 2. Grieving a lover, and other random findings.
To start, both Sam/Jess and Dean/Cas were fated to meet to serve a higher narrative purpose.
Frankly, I think that is fucking beautiful, but not only that; it can be argued that, if we were to speculate that Sam met Jessica right after he ran away from Dean and John, then Jessica and Castiel did the same thing. They pulled their respective Winchester brother out of hell/a dark place. (That may just be me talking out of my ass, but it's such a poetic concept, isn't it?)
Most importantly though, both parties were doomed by the narrative, but in polar opposite ways.
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(Screenshots taken from 5x20)
Sam was destined to love and then lose Jessica for two reasons: to start the story, and to make Sam go down the "dark" path i.e. adjacent to Lucifer, demon blood, evil. Their story was scripted from the get-go, even before Supernatural decided to go metatextual with God.
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(Screenshots taken from 15x17)
On the other hand, Dean and Castiel were never meant to be anything more. God himself says that Castiel was supposed to continue obeying heaven, do what he was told, and it is one of (if not the one) that completely separated the Supernatural storyline from any of Chuck's other drafts.
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(GIFs from 15x18 and 15x19)
Furthermore, Castiel's love for Dean and Dean's loss of him marks the end of the story and makes Dean defy the role that God made for him. Admittedly, it's a flawed parallel, as Dean has already moved on from being Michael's Sword and the Righteous Man. To that, I say it only further proves the point; their unscripted "profound bond" directly opposed God's word. It was what should have broken the cycle.
And still, both ended in tragedy. It's just that one was written to end that way and the other wrote itself.
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(GIFs are from 1x01 and 12x23)
This segment can't start any other way than with these iconic shots of the Winchesters holding their brother back from running towards the love of their life (as the lover, in question, dies/walks to their death). These shots are the very reason I started this whole analysis, and they speak for themselves.
Even their clothes are inverted here, because Sam and Dean are experiencing the exact same thing. The grief, pain, and helplessness that comes with losing a partner.
(While compiling these, I stumbled upon the eerie realization that the shots attached above and the ones below have swapped color palettes in a way? Granted, that may just be some editing thing. Technology and video quality aside though, you can't deny that the vibrance of the fire vs. the bleakness of Apocalypse World juxtapose aesthetically well with the shots below. Just another one of those, "is it intentional or did Supernatural just run out of options from the sheer breadth of it?")
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(Screenshots taken from 1x05 and 8x07)
This parallel in particular is what makes me believe that Supernatural either has amazing writing or just a terrible retention for continuity and reflection. Because, again, Sam and Dean are going through the same damn thing here: guilt. Specifically, the guilt of their lover's death—how both had reasons to believe they could've prevented it.
Also, these are cinematically shot the same way: Jessica and Castiel by the road, a deadpan stare at the Impala as the brothers drive by, then disappearing from sight at a second glance. How else are we to take this other than Dean grieving a lover the same way Sam grieved for his girlfriend? Did they just forget this scene from 1x05 when they filmed 8x07? (Most likely, yeah, but that doesn't disprove its contribution to the narrative.)
The premise is also similar, damningly so, the only notable difference being the formatting, with season 1's monster-of-the-week almost-standalones and season 8's continuous, over-arcing conflict with hell and the tablets.
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(Screenshots taken from 1x05 and 8x07)
At the very core, though, is Sam and Dean with their, "I could have—" statements. Sam had visions about Jessica dying, he could have warned her. Dean had Castiel right there at the portal to exit Purgatory, he could have pulled him out. It is that guilt they must carry around and that burden they must bear.
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(Screenshots taken from 1x05 and 8x07)
They even give one another the same damn pep talk. Dean saw that Jessica's death was slowly killing Sam, the same way Sam saw that Dean's return from Purgatory without Castiel was tearing Dean apart.
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(Screenshots taken from 1x05 and 8x07)
Lastly, here are the verbal acknowledgements of their grief. Because hey, who am I to try to explain subtext and nonverbatim connections.
In this segment, I would like to point out two of the instances that Sam and Dean accepted being compared to John Winchester, both in regards to losing Jessica and Castiel respectively.
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(Screenshots taken from 1x20)
Again, this is what the story was all about. Sam and John could or at least find solidarity in this, as was intended for the plot. (They even mirror God and Lucifer here, which is an entirely different can of worms I am not opening today.)
Keep in mind, Sam's always hated how John raised them, but it is evident that he found some comfort with John given their undeniably specific situations.
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(Screenshots taken from 13x04 I talked a little more about this arc here)
Sam openly calls Dean out on his John-esque behavior; an irony in itself given that the brothers have long since established that Sam was the one who resembled John the most whereas Dean was always, "yes, sir!" until the very end.
In this very same arc, there is a concerning increase Dean's alcohol consumption—and the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism in itself, rather than the leisurely treat it recurringly was in the show—which are telling signs for the headspace Dean was in.
They both lashed out in John Winchester ways they've internalized over the years growing up. Sam went down the path of self-destructive revenge-seeking, while Dean lashed out by rejecting being a father role to Jack, becoming the "drill sergeant," instead. These traits were what hurt them as children and were the crux of John's grief over Mary's murder. Round and round the cycle goes.
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(GIFs from 5x03 (a) and (b))
Again, another iconic parallel considering Lucifer's go-to trick to getting what he wants was to pose as the person his victims want the most. Another example of this exact same scenario is when Lucifer appears to rock star Vince Vicente as his dead girlfriend (and Vince ended up saying yes.)
In the earlier seasons, the most obvious choice for Sam was of course Jessica, as Lucifer was desperate to get ahold of Sam as a vessel. That was narratively sound, right? Even though 5 seasons (so about 5 years in canon) have passed since Jessica died, Sam hadn't forgotten her and she remained his greatest weakness.
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(GIFs from 15x19)
Then on the flip side, during a time the story's well past the Script and God's most definitely free-styling, Lucifer appears again—and it is on God's orders. The devil chose Dean's weakness (Castiel) to blindside him, so Dean ends up running on emotions instead of questioning it.
This happened right after the episode Castiel confessed, and before the episode that Should Not Be Named... That also speaks for itself, doesn't it? Insane, absolute insanity to me.
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(Screenshots taken from 1x01 and 14x12)
This is where I might be reaching, but it's a small observation I noticed while bingeing the Pilot episode. Of course, at the time, production likely didn't even put much thought into Jessica's costume, but it's a funny thing to point out all the same. (I screamed a little about Cas' healer motifs here in comparison to Cesar/Jesse if you're interested.)
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(Screenshots taken from 1x01 and 10x09)
They both have the same Look when their boyfriend is talking down on himself, I can't even make this shit up.
+ I'm so frickin' tired I cannot look for screenshots anymore but Jessica's cookies plus Castiel's "you don't understand, I need pie," moment in the convenience store resonate with me.
+ Might edit and add more to this later, for now I sleepge.
1x01: Pilot 1x05: Bloody Mary 1x20: Dead Man's Blood 5x03: Free to be You and Me 5x20: The Devil You Know 8x07: A Little Slice of Kevin 10x09: The Things We Left Behind 12x23: All Along the Watchtower 13x04: The Big Empty 14x12: Prophet and Loss 15x17: Unity 15x18: Despair 15x19: Inherit the Earth
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🌟🦒 Starling School Announcement! 🦝 🌟
Weekly Question, Coloring Sheets and Worksheets included!
Pet-names used: Little starling(s)
Good morning, my little starlings and friends! ^w^ I hope we're all doing well!
This one's another longer post, I'll be talking about the app Sandbox below the cut!
Maybe I should start making a tag for these... ^^;
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I've decided to start taking one day of the week to post a question, a coloring page and/or a worksheet (or maybe a few!) for you all to do if you'd like! I'll try to make them themed!! :D
If you have any you'd like me to ask or send in, please feel free to tell me! :D
You can send them to my inbox or reblog or- however you choose to send them to me, but you don't have to!
If you need help finding sites to fill these out in or can't print them out, or just have trouble completing them, let me know!! I'll try to edit them to make them easier to fill in if you're doing so digitally, I typically do so through a pixel art site called Piskel.
You can send these to me whenever you'd like if you'd like to, they don't have to be completed within the week, I'll just be posting new ones each week!
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Weekly Question!
What is or are some of your favorite animals?
Where do they live?
What would it be like to keep them as a pet? :0
(And whatever else you want to add in, feel free to ramble and babble away!! I LOVE animals!! :D)
You can answer as many or as few of these as you'd like! ^w^
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Coloring Sheets!
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This one might be better suited for bigger kiddos depending on how complicated the pictures are.
There's a free app I use called Sandbox which is basically a mobile coloring book! You can find all sorts of coloring apps and sites online, but I've really liked using Sandbox.
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Unfortunately, I don't think I can share the pages I do, but I'd be happy to screenshot and share them with you all if you want to try and find them to do them with me!
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It's free to download, and there's also a premium option.
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This is what it looks like when you open the menu! You can scroll up or down, try the pictures at the top, or tap the circles in the bottom left of each picture to show you more pictures of that type! If I find a cat picture, but I want to find an easier one/one that will take less time to make, I can tap the circle and find more cat pictures!
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To fill the squares, you tap the color you want to start with, zoom in to find the square with that color's number (it will be shaded when selected!) and tap to color each square, or double-tap to fill a whole space.
If you go into the settings, you can set it so double-tapping also fills squares/spaces diagonal to the one you tap.
Once a color at the bottom has the stripes over it, that means you've filled all the squares of that color.
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You can share the pictures or download them once you're done, and if you tap the green checkmark up in the top right, it'll show you a quick version of you coloring it!
Once you're back on the home menu, you can swipe right to see the pages you've made, or swipe left to make pixel art of your own!
One thing I didn't picture here was that little gray bar above the colors when you're working on a drawing- if you drag that up, it'll pull up a menu of a color wheel/array you can use to pick custom colors for each number!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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"Fluttershy protects this blog! SFW interaction only, please and thank you! ^w^"
"Wouldn't show a kid? Doesn't belong here!"
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lonicera-edulis · 7 months
do u have any advice for someone downloading lotro for the first time??? u make it look so cool!!! 🌸
Well, I am not very sure I am playing right. I can't speak to people nor offline nor online somehow, so I am missing a lot.
• First, you will have to type password everytime you go to play.
• Then, choosing a server to play on. Each one has their own purpose, there are American and European, some are RP oriented, some are for raids, etc. Although I've heard people there are insufferable with particular rules. (I play on Landroval and I like it so far).
• There are lots of setup to prepare. For graphic options there are videos and articles.
In Options you will find UI settings, where you will be able to change size of various elements (map radar, quest tracker, etc.)
• For a good time I didn't know how to change size of a text in quest dialogue.
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• You can look up how to set up chat as well, and text there can be colored for you to notice stuff easier.
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• And once you set everything for your use, you can save it by typing /ui layout save [name] in chat. If you change something accidentely, you can make it look like before with /ui layout load [name] command.
• Then there are useful plugins to help with better game experience:
I have Deed Tracker, Emotes Helper (to have all emotes automatically in a separate window) and Lotropad (very useful for saving commands so you can just copy/paste them, other game details; and you can upload images (maps with specific locations for example, but I put funny backgrounds for my text xD)
I also have Opaque Quest Tracker and MoorMap.
And SongBook for those who want to be musicians. But I only play My Little Pony and TF2 Soldier Theme xD
• Another things I was unaware for a good time are cosmetic outfits (I don't remember why but I couldn't slot anything there so I assumed it's a pay-for-thing, there happened this funny screenshot though) and one bag instead of 3 separate ones (opening one bag is more comfortable for me, and to make one you just need to drag slots from other bags to the first one while in edit mode).
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• There is also a Filter Panel, to filter out some loot, quests and sounds. For items you need to drag it into a panel (I put lootboxes there).
• There are things like LOTRO points you can get through doing deeds in game rather than transfering your money (I spent my first good bunch on making steeds faster for the whole account, but you can also save some for buying a game content expansion).
• Folks in chat also remind of codes sometimes that give you useful stuff (to redeem a code you will need to go to the LOTRO store).
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• Yeah, since I am a f2p player, I have to write down destinations to navigate easier in Middle Earth. I am writting them down to not forget:
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• Finally, there is also https://lotro-wiki.com/, quite useful. And if something is unclear for me, I go to search for answers in websearch or on YouTube.
• And, I see people do play the game differently, you can skip quests and do whatever, but I am personally here for going through LOTR story and watching the stories of LOTRO characters too (even if I am mostly interested in dwarves and hobbits, but oh well). There are also seasonal Festivals in game, they are fun! You will be able to get a good looking outfit and a beautiful steed.
I think I wrote down most of what brought confusion to me first time. For sure I forgot something important, but I hope you will be able to find answers. Good luck.
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chiarrara · 7 months
More music!!!!
Since we mentioned Gojos music taste i think he would absolutely love this song. Alternatively, Gojo being stupidly into Geto
Listen before we start I know the lyrics have some undertones of unreciprocated love but it’s also very sweet. Idk I just like to imagine this as stsg right before they confessed to each other. (Side note: Geto would love The Police)(another side note: he’d also love Sting)
1. Gojo would love Kate Bush 2. Gojo would also love Take On Me by A-Ha 3. This is satosugu in a way that makes me wanna cry
90’s itafushi! When I mentioned goth Gumi teaching Yuji how to dance, I meant the sort of strange but very simple and elegant sort of gothic dancing. Like smooth hand movements and shit. This song is perfect for that and perfect for them.
I think this one is a given but especially the “That season when I cried right in front of your eyes, sttay with me, saying our favourite words, holding on to our little moment (Ooh), I'll never forget how warm it felt” what if I died right now huh
I have typed out replies to this post two times now and tumblr has destroyed both of them. I am a shell of my former self. Here we go again:
(1980s SatoSugu AU + 1990s Megumi AU Playlists)
1. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) - Dead or Alive
totally agree. i think every time this came on the radio Gojo would blast it and dance so hard the car shakes lol. plus i think he would sing along and tease/flirt with geto like leaning over and singing it to him, which would make Geto smile :)
2. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The Police
love Geto being into the Police, absolutely integrating this, added a few Police songs (do you think Sting was Geto's sexual awakening lol)
Yeah it's got unrequited undertones but it's also so positive I could definitely see this song being a confession song that turns into a love song for them after
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ahhhhhhh Akari visuals 😭 rain and umbrellas being visual motifs for them
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i think geto just feels this way sometimes lol. he's a little troubled. Also added:
this one came out in '83 so I feel like gojo would hear it on the radio and really like it, which would make geto super happy :)
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yeeeeee foreshadowing 😬
3. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - Kate Bush
I don't know Kate Bush that well so I'll take your word for it! also if i think about this song in a stsg context for too long i will become very sad 🥲
BONUS: Take On Me - a-ha
abso-fucking-lutely. another blasting and dancing and flirting song except geto is also singing along and play flirting. you just can't listen to this song and not sing along at the top of your lungs in the most dramatic way possible. especially in a car
4. Lets Go To Bed - The Cure
I hadn't heard this one before!! I was mostly joking with that gif before lol. more like:
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i get you, i can totally see it.
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i love me a mutual pining slowburn lmaoo
5. Mayonaka no Door / Stay With Me - Miki Matsubara
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ouch ouch ouch ouch (really beautiful song tysm 😢)
i decided gojo loves Supertramp (I love Supertramp) like he doesn't actually own too many records, but he owns Breakfast in America. So, here you go :)
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it's the satosugu fix-it song of my dreams 🥲
If this doesn't post again, you're getting screenshots I'm so sorry.
BONUS BONUS: I drove home (after the FIRST TIME this didn't post) and listened to Pink Floyd since we already determined Geto has TWO pink floyd tapes in his glove compartment, and
god this one is really fucking me up
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posting w/out the playlists attached in case too many audio links is the problem will edit again if i can
too many audio links is the problem. check the first two tags if you want them lol
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mrhowells · 1 year
Smallville 4x14
I love this episode a lot🥹
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"You're gonna be fine. I know you're gonna be fine. Everyone I've ever hit was alright."
Lois -everyone I've ever hit was alright- Lane:
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Clark really sleeps on the couch now that Lois lives there? LMAOOOO
the way he immediately smiles when he sees the dog I can't🥹🥹
"You hit him? With your car?" "No, with my fist🙄🙄"
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"Actually, I think it might be fun to have a dog around."
I'm crying
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"I don't know. It's just kind of hard to be myself with her around."
that's so ironic though because apart from hiding his powers he is VERY himself around her
I need Tom Welling to stop smiling on my screen please and thank you, I'm not strong enough for this😭
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Chloe helping Clark with his excuses, love to see it🥹 He's so bad at them he needs all the help he can get💀
Let me introduce you to my parents who have been married for about 30 years now:
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"Let's see. He's annoying, and I can't get within ten feet of him without getting sick. I think we should call him Clarkie."
have I mentioned how much I love them before?
"I spent all morning on these."
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they're both so cute🥹🥹
LMAOOOOOO he finds her so annoying
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No because if I keep going like this I'll screenshot every single time they say something or even look at each other💀
Lois: You could be Skipper😇
Clark: *fake ass smile* anyway-
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he's about to throw hands💀
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This is so confusing, I thought Jason's mom orchestrated the entire meeting with Lana but now she wants him away from her?
"Paranoia is not a very attractive quality in a woman."
Umm okay, AND? I mean I don't give a shit about Genevieve but this is such a dumb statement, as if she's supposed to give a fuck about what's "attractive" to Lex or others, like what?
Sometimes he sounds like one of those "pick up artists" that the internet makes fun of all the time, I'm sorry💀💀
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That's the way someone talks to their own kid, not their guest and I love that because Lois clearly lacks parental love. Martha & Lois will always be so special to me😭😭
"Remember when Clark did that? He was only... three." LMAOOOO
Lex is clearly losing patience with Clark😬
Can I join this family pls look at themmmm
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Martha is such a badass actually
I'm glad Lana overheard that whole conversation between Jason and his mother, now I'm just hoping they'll give her more agency instead of making her a passive character and her own storyline.
(edit: so she did NOT hear what they were talking about🤡🤡 At least she saw it)
Clark is such a little shit😭
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Still arguing about dog names🤡
"Hold on there Forrest Gump, what are you gonna do, run?" LOL
She's like nuh uh, get in the car dude AND HE LISTENS💀💀💀
How are they acting like they're been married for decades???
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NOT AN ACTUAL QUESTION BC I KNOW HOW AND I'LL TELL YOU: they're comfortable around each other even if they don't realize it
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let's move on
"What is this, another one of your famous hunches or are we just on a little scenic route?"
"Okay, stop here."
"Wha- where??"
"HERE. Stop here."
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they sound like my grandparents💀
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I need to know where Clark gets his clothes bc that stuff withstands literally anything💀
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"He (the dog) saved my life. I'll take my chances on his loyalty." Ooof, is he calling out Lex👀
what is Lionel trying to do?🧐
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Clark is happy = I'm happy, it's really that simple
this episode is premium, top tier chef's kiss EXCELLENT
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cidthesquid · 4 months
More New Features/Update - Style Savvy : Styling Star #02
[Previous Post]              [First Post]              [Next Post] Aaaand we're back! Last time, All we really got to do was the prologue, restocking and setting up our starting outfit, So let's see what comes next:
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So first I ended up using mods to edit my character a bit, Inital Design: | New Design:
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The most obvious change is the skin tone, I'm not the biggest fan, of how darker skin tones work in the new art style, I would have preferred something in the middle, Or a slight tweak to the lighting, as the color of both can vary quite a bit in various conditions:
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But I still think both look good overall, (emulator could be Affecting) So I haven't decided what I'll stick with long term. (I don't really believe that our avatar's need to look like us IRL, so I encourage everyone to try whatever you want, even other skin tones!) I also adjusted the eyes a bit:
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I really like the 'cat eye' design from before, but I did not like that it was 'baked' into the eye shape. This really restricted some designs, and make eyelashes look a little weird imo. The lipstick is new for post 2 as well, and I think it's a nice addition, without being too flashy, but I may change it later. Any ways, even after all these blogs, it's still a little uncomfortable talking about physical appearance, even for my own fictional avatar, So I'll even the design choices at that, let's hop back into the game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright, so another new feature for Styling Star is:
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They actually announce when new people show up in town! It's another small change, that really helps add to the feeling of the town growing! If only they made it a little easier to find and talk to people, maybe the social aspect was a little over done in fashion forward, But it's a little weird to have a new entries that shows a bunch of people walkign around, with no option to talk to most of them.
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It kinda feels like we've reverted back to the first 3ds game where you only have fixed NPC's in specific locations:
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...and they only cycle through a small handful of lines. Maybe this will improve overtime, it's not a huge deal though. I also learned that you can change you can change your phone's wallpaper and background picture, that's pretty fun:
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Yup, I'm pretty broke again! Time to go to work! And we just had a customer walk in and ask for a full outfit!
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I guess that mean's we're near the end of the tutorial, And the dialogue choices even let us Savvy veterans skip the explanation! Again, they really nailed the prologue in this game! It's really good at giving players freedom in how to approach the start, while still keeping them from getting lost. So now it's time to make our first real outfit of the game:
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I think it turned out well given out limitations, but maybe the hat as a bit too much,haha. There's also a neat little option to style from any outfit you've saved in your scrapbook. But for some reason, you can't save the outfit you're currently making So you'll have to design them in your apartment first, then you can suggest your custom design for customers. Any way, they were the only customer today, so on to the next... ----- The new girl from the prior day shows up at our shop:
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(I guess they wanted to give us a days advance notice, or it overlapped with an event?) Anyway, she asks for a rock skirt, literarily the one item I did not yet buy in that style! XD So I head to the exhibition hall, buy way more than I need, and head back.
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I completely forgot what she was wearing, despite having the other screenshot literary showing on my second monitor. (as I write this while playing) But it all turned out ok, as I picked up a really nice match:
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And that was it, she bought the skirt, and left. I was expecting this to be more of an 'event' like explaining, if a customer 'really likes' an item, they can ask for a full outfit, but nope. They did have a cute little epilogue though, after they bought the outfit, her normally Stoic boyfriend complements her look:
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A bit of an seemly fluffy ending, but kinda directly tied into a comment I made in my bonus post about not really being comfortable delivering complements, especially in regard to one's appearance, (outfit or otherwise) It may seem like a simple thing for some, and I don't really think it's worth going off-topic enough to explain why it's difficult for me, but it is interesting seeing some version of that shown in-game! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The rest of the day was also mostly filled with people asking for a single item, so a bit on the slow side, So I decided to work on a few pre-made (scrapbook) outfits to offer to customers, It was a little weird having to build them all on my avatar, as the hair and makeup don't really match the styles I was going for:
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And once there were no more customers to help, I changed back into my standard outfit and decided to turn in for the night:
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This game must have been a huge 180 for people playing right after fashion forward. No real time clock is a nice change, but with the limited customers and lack of npc's to talk to, (so far) it really feels like the days have a fixed end point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Day, and a new brand unlocked!
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Also, I think I forgot to mention the 'daily results' screen, I believe it's a replacement for the 'happiness gauge' From trendsetters, but improved to show a numerical rank rather than just resting with no trackable progression. This is the last day we'll cover in this post, it both seems like a good stopping point, (And I'm kinda hungry, and my ADHD's hyperfocus is forcing me to finish this haha)
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I guess this game has achievements, that's pretty nice! So, I wake up and see another "new person has arrived in town" notification. So, I leave my apartment ready to run into them at my shop, and on the way, I literally run into them:
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(Oh hey, an actual event!) They fell over, so after making sure they were okay, I'm introduced to Rosie and We're given the chance to name the city:
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Oh, gees, I was not prepared for this, and I probably can't change it later, ahhh.
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Sorry, I panicked, and just typed stuff unto Google Translate until something with a nice sound came out. XD Sorry to anyone who's french, I just think your words sound nice. google says "nouvelle vie" means "New Life", that sound like a reasonable enough city name. Anyways we learn she's from out in the country, and a little lost, She complements our clothes and mentions only ever seeing fashionable people on tv. She also mentions that she's interested in getting some new clothes, so we invite here to visit our Boutique! And now we've opened a few new events, But I've just been informed that I have already used up my 30 photos for this post, so I guess the rest will have to wait till next time! <Next Post> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun making this, so I hope you had fun reading it as well.
As always, all comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome! (I'm also looking for feedback on this new style, how's the formatting, too many Gifs?)
You literally can't bother me, (unless you go out of your way to be a jerk), so post whatever you need to say!
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kyomunosaki · 1 year
I started Hypnospace Outlaw
...and I've noticed a few small things that are super interesting, mostly with the idea of tutorialization.
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I didn't plan to do a writeup on this, so I don't have any of my own gameplay's screenshots. I remember most of the gist, so I can probably write a few sentences on this topic that really stuck with me. I would've gone back for more screens but I'm feeling very lazy and I might repost this with editing/photos in the future lol
So Hypnospace Outlaw is basically a pre-2K "internet janitor simulator" except that you don't do it for free. You're like a free contractor/PMC janitor, where you get comissions to hunt down certain infringement of internet/Hypnospace law.
The first case is to find instances where the copyright for a 1968 of a cartoon character named Gumshoe Gooper is being infringed upon. I found this case to be a phenomenal tutorial for both the game mechanics and the philosophical(?) questions the game wants to ask.
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Gumshoe Gooper (Hypnospace Outlaw)
At first upon getting this case, I was still grappling with the game mechanics, exploring the Windows 98-ass interface with the skill of an old man in a nursing home. At the time I entirely forgot about the search function, so I just explored by going through various web portals and webrings, a la Geocities.
I found a lot of interesting sites that I don't really have the time (nor screenshots) to talk about and do justice with, but there's a lot of awesome things to find in Hypnospace if you're willing to just take time and look around. I do want to possibly talk about that later if there's interest.
After just stumbling around the internet and remembering how hard it is to find stuff through web portals, I remembered the search function existed thanks to one of the sites I ended up on having tags that open up the search window. So I searched for "gooper"
You find 3 sites from that search, two from AbbyWrites58 and another from another woman who's name I can't recall right now. The first site is a typical late 90s personal site you might find, for a first-grade teacher. It contains mentions of memorials to dead lost ones, a Hypnospace Heaven or something, and is part of a "Spirituality" web ring, but otherwise not much to note. The first link however, is a link to "Drawings of Gumshoe Gooper by my first graders"
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Webrings on Abby's World (Hypnospace Outlaw)
On the link, its filled with pencil/crayon sketches of Gumshoe Gooper by a bunch of children, but also 2 gifs that seem like legitimate copyright infringement. I still felt apprehensive about reporting this page to the Hypnospace Enforcers, because it felt like a teacher just wanting to share the work of her students and I was hoping to find other violations to fit my quota. Regardless, even if I were to fill out my quota there were only 2 very clear examples of copyright infringement on the page.
So, I went back and checked out the other site by AbbyWrites58, and this one was... a political support website for a local politician? Who was seemingly a politician that had different views than, I, the player did? And she was using a GIF of Gumshoe Gooper saying that he supported her? I didn't have much hesitation just hitting her with the copyright violation on this page.
The third page was just another site but with an official Gumshoe Gooper strip posted on it. As you can tell the rest of this essay is lazily thrown together and just a retelling of events, but I do not remember the exact details of the page. I just remember still feeling apprehensive about reporting stuff on the page with children's art, so I think I reported that strip.
I still hadn't reached my quota of 3 violations reported, so I begrudgingly made my way back to the initial site I had landed on in my search. I decided to report one of the GIFs, and didn't feel too bad about it since while she did teach first graders I did find her political views somewhat, off-putting. I was going to make my way back to the case page to finalize it, but I got a notification on the not!Clippy software, telling me that if I find more violations I could get a bonus on closing the case?
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A child's drawing of Gumshoe Gooper (Hypnospace Outlaw)
So, I decide to report the other GIF on the page as well, and look at that: more money. And then I have a dark urge to test something out. What about this first grader's art? What if I file it for copyright infringement, what would happen? Would the kid get in trouble? Will the teacher get the blame? Did the teacher even deserve any blame? Well, I hit the report. It works. So I go through the page, filing every crude drawing of Gumshoe Gooper by children as a violation of copyright law.
I get a lot of money, and I don't feel too bad after learning more about AbbyWrites58. Besides, the other members of her webring were openly fascists! That sort of association makes you liable to uh, getting in serious trouble over copyright infringement of a 1968 cartoon character right? It's just my job! I needed to hit the quota! And what if I flag her account to the authorities, her account with her location and other personal information tied to it?! What is the worst that could happen, and maybe I would feel a bit more bad about it if her political views weren't so, wrong?
This sort of self-justification I found myself doing just felt fascinating. It was some of the most engaged I felt with a game's narrative in so long, and it's only been made more fascinating by later cases like even the one just following this with ZANE_ROCKS_14. If you liked this post, maybe I'll actually try to edit this one down properly and actually take screenshots too. Regardless, if you got this far thanks for reading!
Edit: I can see how this makes me look like kind of a dumbass but I guess what's more accurate is "what her political views were being signalled as" is more accurate for some of the stuff I say above lol, but I'm too lazy to edit the post more than this
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eldrai · 1 year
I’ve been reading lots of stuff about autistic Hotch. How do you think Hotch stims? Are there any gifs/examples from episodes?
OKAY so this is going to be a long list because I just went back through the episodes I've seen up to specifically looking for examples! But thank you for asking. I've been meaning to collect examples somewhere.
(I'll preface this with saying that everyone stims and just because I mention something here doesn't mean anyone is automatically autistic because they do that too.)
The main thing I can think of is what I very descriptively call "the hand thing" he does.
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This is probably the clearest example of it in a gif I could find. What I mean is the way he rubs his thumb over the ends of his fingers. I see it as a fairly subtle way to stim and it tends to come up mostly when he's either thinking or stressed. That's the main thing I've picked up on because he does it quite a lot; I haven't gone over the earlier episodes specifically yet - only skimmed certain parts based on the incidences of it I found going through screencaps from @masterwords - it seems most prevalent in the earlier seasons.
A few more examples - they don't all have the actual motion in them but you can see his fingers curled up like that. He also brings his hand up near his face somewhat often, again usually when he's thinking.
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He also does it a ton while walking and standing in general. Some more screenshots (thanks again @masterwords)
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Two occasions stick out to me, both when he was distressed or highly worried at least. First is in Omnivore (4x18). It isn't strictly the thumb-over-the-fingers but it is similar, with his hand balled up and almost hiding his face at first.
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And the second I really like because we get the hand stim very clearly but also rocking! It's in 2x08, when Derek refuses to step away from the lady with a bomb under her car. Please ignore the choppy editing and audio lol I just needed to show this:
Here we also see the same thing he does in the above gif of 4x18 - the teeth grinding. I think that's only when he's under a fair bit of distress though.
I've been keeping track of it from now on partly because one day I'm going to compile everything into one absurdly long meta. So I've undoubtedly missed many times and my timings might be a little off but here's some if you want to see examples:
LDSK - 11:23
3x15 - 3:00
1x08 - bomb + rocking
2x15 -
5x03 - start + middle
7x07 - tapping
3x12 - 6min
3x11 - 22min
2x23 - 6min + 30min
2x19 - 39min
2x08 - 31min + earlier
2x05 - 29min
2x02 - 37min
1x21 - 30min
1x16 - 17min
4x18 - after bus
9x06 - 24min with pen
9x08 - 8min 10s
9x09 -5min 30s, 7:57, 22:40
9x11 - 29:46
9x13 - 6:55
9x14 - 4:40, 29:50
As you can see, it's the most noticeable for me in the early seasons. 9x06 was around when I started keeping track as I watch, not retrospectively, for context.
Not all of these are the hand thing! Some are things like when he picks up a pen he tends to keep it in hand even when he's not actually writing anything, just slightly fiddling with it constantly. And again that's nowhere near JUST an autistic thing but I notice it in addition to the main hand thing.
Another thing is, mostly when he's anxious and holding something like a phone, he'll tap his fingers lightly against it. I have a clip of him somewhere on my blog doing it in 7x07.
There's also what he does with his hands when he isn't stimming that's interesting to me.
Hotch spends a lot of time with his arms either crossed or his hands in his pockets. Often the hand thing and the crossed arms happen at the same, where he'll have his right arm across his chest and with his left running his thumb over his fingers.
I find it really interesting because I read that as trying not to stim. Because if his hands are in his pocket, he can't. If he's got his arms folded, he can't. I'd imagine it fits well with him and his backstory. He's quite reserved in general so it makes sense he wouldn't want to stim very openly even if it's a subtle thing, and then you add in the implications from 1x08 and it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine he was discouraged, whether consciously or not, not to.
Then again, it could also simply be a comfort thing to do something with his hands rather than not stimming. Could be counted as stimming itself - something like pressure.
But in order of most to least frequent, the canon stimming I see from him is
The hand thing
Fidgeting with pens, etc.
Teeth grinding
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
It's Fridayyyyy
s1 ep11 Promise
oh shit I remember this one it's a heartbreaker
(good stuff for my fic though)
Hey remember when I swore up and down I wasn't going to liveblog my entire rewatch? Good times.
Part of me is like: I would get through these so much faster if I didn't insist on screenshotting them and commenting and making jokes
But the rest of me knows damn well I probably just wouldn't bother watching them?? This way feels a bit like watching it *with* someone, which I always prefer to watching things alone.
Also tbh if I did just marathon them while knitting or something I wouldn't remember anything!! Which would defeat the point!! So here I am.
If you're new to these posts: I am doing a rewatch of She-Ra with the specific purpose of taking notes for a fic I'm working on--but because this is me we're talking about, I also post a ton of screenshots with the purposes of commentary, squeeing at specific scenes, and making jokes. Because it's a rewatch, I don't comment on every plot point and I often mention things that happen later in the show--in other words, these might be confusing if you haven't seen the show yet.
EDIT: yeah this was another one where I hit the image limit, will have to reblog to finish it
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I know people have figured out the "alphabet" of the first ones what does this sayyyyy
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I mean wouldn't they all be portable in some sense? The one that recharges Glimmer could be taken down and moved somewhere, couldn't it? We know the one from Scorpia's kingdom was taken and moved to the Fright Zone, for instance.
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"Query not recognized."
Adora's frustration here is exactly why I don't use Siri, like, ever.
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Light Hope reminds me of a specific model? actress? from the 1980's but I can never remember who and it drives me CRAZY
*does some googling*
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Grace Jones also did disco music, TIL
back to cartoon lesbians
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yeah that couldn't have been important for anything no worries it's fine
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you didn't notice anyone else there until She-Ra destroyed something lolol
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Look I know it's the point of the whole show but I grin every time they're supposed to be on opposite sides and one saves the other's life (Does Adora do it more than Catra does? surely someone kept count)
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don't mind me
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little shit
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"how many times are you going to make that joke" well how many times does Catra say it lolll
"where are your friends?" "you mean the ones you KIDNAPPED and CURSED???" "uh, yeah?"
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I just like the art style here
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Okay so I can't screenshot audio, but that little moment of Catra saying "Adora? Adora???" where the tone goes from "hey look at this" to that almost-panic and then she turns around and it's kid!Catra is just so, SO well done.
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ugh these scenes are such a punch in the gut
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I'm not getting emotional at cartoon characters remembering the happier bits of their shitty traumatic childhood together, YOU ARE
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man this shot is just good, ugh, you can see so much of their characters on display: Adora's self-righteousness vs Catra's sullen defensiveness
anyway they should've made out
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they're 1:1 so far this episode
(even though this cliff probably isn't even real)
"Did you really think I'd just let Shadow Weaver erase your memory like that?" oh so she DID know
Adora: "I don't know, probably" I mean I thought she would
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I've been CALLED OUT lol
Adora: "Can you blame me? Catra: "*scoffs* Not really"
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John Cena.gif
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BABIES (okay a little older like maybe 13)
(still babies)
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I mean, true
gonna post and reblog
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Hello! Thank you for sharing your PingXie fic recs! Since you post a lot of fics on Weibo, I don't know if you're a Chinese speaker, but if you're not, I was wondering how you read Weibo fics since a lot of them are in image format, and sometimes the Google Translate app doesn't work very well for them. I'd really love to read them, so if you have any tips on apps or translators to use I'd be grateful!
Hi! It's my pleasure to share! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I'm not a Chinese speaker, I use machine translator. Since I always use my phone to read them, I'm not sure how it works on computer.
I assume that what you mean is the super long images, because normal images work fine on Google Translate. For long images, the Chinese characters are so tiny that they can't be detected properly and thus failed to translate. To solve this problem, I need to either crop the images using a photo/image editor or screenshot them. I usually do the latter, so I don't have to go back and forth editing them. For flipped/mirrored images I still have to use a photo/image editor though. For scribbled images, I have to resign to my fate and hope that the app would recognize them >.<
Other than Google Translate, I'm also using 2 translation apps in which all of them can also translate text from images; Microsoft Translator and DeepL. The former, I use it for comparison and the latter, the quality is pretty good but it has limited usage. If you don't mind spending more money then you can consider it.
I usually don't directly use Google Translate app though, I use Google Lens in my file manager. It's more convenient for me, here is what I usually do:
1. Download the image (it's optional, but I decided to download it just in case that it's suddenly gone) → go to File Manager and find the image → zoom it → screenshot it (one image needs many screenshots, I did it in one go to avoid getting the same image)
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It's a gif, Tumblr didn't let me post more than 1 video :(
2. Find the screenshot image → scan it with Google Lens (make sure that every sentence is in white line which means it's detected by the app)
If the result is too tiny, you can choose to open it on Google Translate app.
It's a bit tricky, but I haven't found another way.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for asking! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
hey harper!! sorry if this is a little random but i was wondering if you could share what kind of settings you import your gifs from photoshop with (if you use it?). :-) i'm getting into gif making myself but i'm kind of a newbie and since your edits always look rly good, i figured i'd ask. tysm. <3
Sorry this took a little bit to get to - I was really Going Through It yesterday. So I'm really bad at explaining things properly, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. I've pretty much been using the exact same method since 2017 so it might very well be outdated for most people but it works for me. I'm using a cracked version of Adobe 2020.
For the purpose of this, I'm making a gif of a Hawke I might potentially play with if I find myself wanting to play DA2 (usually pretty unlikely - a lot of my attempts at DA2 these days die in the prologue or act 1) and finally see Carver content + do the Merrill romance. I'm going to put this under a cut because it includes screenshots.
After importing the video, first thing I do is work on cropping it down to both the dimension I want and what parts of the footage I want to do (that little middle bit in this case on the TL in this case.)
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Then once I've done that, I right-click on the bit I want and chop the duration down to 2 seconds (or occasionally 2.25) and slow down the speed of which that part of the video plays to 60% - my ideal speed but I sometimes will go 55% if it ends weirdly at 60% or has a hard cut to another angle. Do this as many times as needed for however many gifs there are going to be in the set.
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Delete the bits of the footage from the timeline that you aren't going to use, trim it down to the dimension you want (in my case, I like it to be 540px in width.)
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Now I think this might be where I differ from others, because I think this is where people export it - but I prefer to colour it here rather than do each layer individually. I tend to use the same few actions which have turned into my bread and butter: colour balance, selective colour, brightness/contrast, vibrance and curves. Sometimes exposure if it's needed. Colour balance is the real MVP, especially for games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect where lighting is all over the place or very predominantly one colour (e.g. Orzammar being very Yellow). (Don't ask me how to sharpen - I don't know how to do it and at this point I'm too set in my ways to learn how.) Generally speaking with colouring I prefer to keep it as close to the original as possible but Nicer. Just play around with it and see what you think looks nice.
After that, I go to File -> Export -> Save for Web (Legacy). Make sure the looping option is set to forever. Let it run through a few times to make sure it isn't wonky (also, see all those colours you see on the side? I tend to colour pick from those for gradient text so matches the gifset - I use this HTML text colouriser to generate the gradient.)
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If you're happy with it, hit the save and send it to the appropriate folder.
Generally speaking, I try to keep it under 5MB a gif but certain games really dislike that, especially since I tend to prefer 540px ones as it allows me to use bigger font sizes - I can't do small font any more on gifsets - especially on text heavy ones like my Pathfinder gifs; I'm so prone to missing typos.
Speaking of subtitles, actually - I then open the gif into Photoshop so I can access each frame individually and then make sure I have the top layer selected on the sidebar, not on the timeline. Then add a new layer with the font option with the dialogue for the gif. My subtitles now tend to be around the 16-20pt, Calibri + bold and italic with outer stroke in black for the outline to make it more visible (to access Stroke: right click on the subtitle itself -> blending options)
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Once I'm done with that (including proofread for typos, making sure it's aligned properly), same thing: File -> Export -> Save for Web (legacy). I'm fairly sure this isn't how others do it, but it worked for me and this is how I taught myself back in 2017.
Also - this is Florence (Flora), I guess.
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milkplusvn · 2 years
Three Lilies — Delay, Progress, Talking About Direction
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:pensive: :face_holding_back_tears: Three Lilies is now being pushed to December. I’ve been having little bouts of illness that have been hindering my progress as well as sleep issues. Don’t worry about it, it’ll be okay. It’s not COVID, at least!
As it stands, because of those bouts of illness, I’ve only gotten halfway through scene one of Suburb. I do want to make Three Lilies a fun experience throughout the whole visual novel, so I don’t want Countryside to be great in terms of direction and then have the other two stories fall flat.
So, let’s look at the breakdown now!
Writing — 100% written and edited
Artwork — 100% complete
Programming — 90% complete, needs an accessibility pass
Writing — 100% written and edited
Artwork — 98% complete, need to add an expression to a CG
Programming — 5% complete, scene 1 of 7. All stories have 7 scenes each and are at least 10k words.
Writing — 100% written and edited
Artwork — 100%(?) complete. Another background is being floated, but this might have to be included in an update.
Programming — 0% complete (on standby)
Game Overall (AKA the things that (mostly) aren’t the script itself like the game screens)
Programming — 92% complete, gallery’s almost done! Still need to create one more screen for liner notes, need to finalize first time setup screen. I’m probably going to finish these things today—I’ve been doing lots of setup for them when I’m too sick to be particularly creative.
UI — 98% complete, need to finish City chapter select button.
Accessibility — All of the groundwork is implemented like functions, dictionaries etc. Chapter staging must be completed before I do a second sweep where I add image descriptions, screenshake and photosensitivity safety, etc.
Fun Direction Rambling Stuff
I thought I’d make this entry a little fun (for people who like to hear about technical stuff) to make up for the disappointment of the delay.
Three Lilies is a vast step up in quality compared to Soundless, which was intentionally designed to fake technical limitations. Now that I’m living in the present, I’m going all out with how it looks!
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My main source of inspiration has been the recent TYPE-MOON visual novels, Mahoutsukai no Yoru and Tsukihime Remake. By taking advantage of things like crop, motion, and zooms, I’m trying to create a somewhat dynamic, filmic experience. Of course, it’s nowhere near the level of Mahoyo and TsukiRe since I’m just one person, but I think I’m doing pretty well especially when it comes to engine limitations.
These are all effects that I’m accomplishing just using code known as Ren’Py’s ATL language. I’m not making entirely new assets just to do what I want to do. The above screenshot was accomplished like this:
(The code can't be copied and pasted to Tumblr—view it on Substack!)
You’ll also notice that I’ve been posting GIFs of little emote marks next to character heads. This is accomplished using a neat little system I’ve made where I pre-animate the mark, then supply arguments to its transform to make it go wherever I’d like on the screen at whatever size I want.
Here’s the code for the floating heart mark beside Najwa’s face at the top of this entry:
(The code can't be copied and pasted to Tumblr—view it on Substack!)
And here’s how I show it in-game:
(The code can't be copied and pasted to Tumblr—view it on Substack!)
The first two numbers in the parentheses let me position it. The third argument, myzoom, doesn’t always have to be supplied because I gave it a default value, but here I chose to make the heart smaller.
Feel free to use this code in your own game. It’s very useful…If you didn’t know you could supply arguments to transforms in Ren’Py, well, now you know!
(I was going to show a biiig GIF of some animation I did, but Substack said the image was too large and it’s too big for a trustworthy GIF compressor, too…)
By the way...
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I’ve been working on some promotional art. The pieces will be revealed closer to release.
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collei-flower · 10 months
How to use Tumblr (School Assignment)
Tumblr may not be the most popular web 2.0 tool, but it is a very fun site! It may be confusing to understand at first, so it would be good to go over things.
What is Tumblr?
Tumblr is a site that hosts 'blogs'. These are essentially profiles run by people online, and anyone can make a blog, or even several.
This blog for instance, was made by me just so I don't have to use my personal blogs for this assignment. Besides this blog, I have my main personal blog and a blog where I post my art.
How to make a post
Click the pen icon to enter the post making space.
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From there you can just add text, put in an image like I just did, or anything under the sun!
Adding Spice to the posts - Fonts
As you can see, I am very frequently changing font sizes. To modify your texts, you can go to the 'Aa' icon.
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This will open another menu that has several options
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So far I've only used regular, bigger, and biggest, but it wouldn't hurt to
Spice it up a bit.
Keep in mind you can't switch fonts unless you make a new line, or the whole sentence will be changed.
You can also change the color of text by selecting the intended words.
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Adding spice to your posts - Images, Gifs, Songs
To add images, simply click the photo icon to open your gallery and pick your desired image.
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These images will be added to whatever line you were editing, unlike certain sites that add all images to the bottom/top of the text.
For gifs, the icon is helpfully labeled - I don't think a screenshot is needed this time around.
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You can even add songs to your post!
They can be from either Spotify or Soundcloud, and you don't even have to add a link!
Adding Spice to your posts - polls and read more
Polls are a great way to get the verdict of a controversial question, or to host tournaments.
To add a poll to your post, click the checklist icon.
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From there, you can add the question, and put in answers for people to choose. You can choose if the poll is open for a day or for a week, and you can increase the amount of answers.
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Now, this post is getting rather lengthy. If you don't want to bombard people with a long post, you can section the rest of the post off with a 'read more' tab. This is done with the squiggly icon.
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And boom! Rest of the post hidden unless they want to continue reading.
Note that if you are already on this post, you won't be able to notice the section break.
Lastly, reblogs
Not directly related to making a post, but it is very important to Tumblr.
Since Tumblr does not have an algorithm, the way the site works is that posts are shared from what the people you are following post. Reblogs are basically putting someone else's post on your blog, letting your friends see a post they wouldn't otherwise see.
To do this, when you see a post you like, click the icon with arrows. You can add your own additions to the post, or just reblog it as is.
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And that's the basics! Hopefully you understand how to use Tumblr more now.
0 notes
insanelyadd · 3 years
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I posted 301 times in 2021
152 posts created (50%)
149 posts reblogged (50%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 744 tags in 2021
#undertale - 145 posts
#reblog - 144 posts
#papyrus - 137 posts
#letpapyrussayfuck - 57 posts
#swearing - 56 posts
#sans - 45 posts
#answears - 45 posts
#insanelyadd - 41 posts
#skelechara - 39 posts
#silly - 35 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#i just sit in my head thinking on a loop and breaking stories down into their base nutrients with my brain acids
My Top Posts in 2021
Wild as it is to imagine, I do go through my notes a few times a day and I always block any bots I see. Little bonus tip for those that may be knew to tumblr, if your blog looks like this then anyone paying attention to their notes for this reason will block you, so try to customize it, even if you make everything black and title your blog "just lurking".
Full post: 1346 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 19:51:15 GMT
explain the entire papyrus iceberg please i know like 2 things on it
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Papyrus' suit is a costume party outfit:
Papyrus' Battle Body is a costume made for a party he attended a few weeks before the game takes place, this is mentioned by Sans at the electric maze I believe.
Papyrus can't kill you:
Zarla made a post where they managed to screen record a fight with Papyrus where they were knocked down to 1HP and before they could heal they were hit with another bone and Papyrus immediately stopped the fight. In the GIF the bone makes contact and the soul flashes like it has been hit but NO HEALTH IS LOST. Papyrus is so against killing the human he can make attacks that do 0 damage.
Papyrus is the younger brother:
The official Japanese Localization of UT, for which Toby gave extensive notes for pretty much every line of dialog, has Papyrus refer to Sans as Nii-Chan. I would throw a screenshot as evidence but I cannot read any Japanese at all so I could accidentally put the wrong screencap, and unless you read it, it wouldn't really be helpful. If you do read it, get UT and change the language to Japanese. Another interesting thing is how Papyrus' speech is written in the traditional fashion which I don't think anyone else does.
Obsession with Spikes and Fire:
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Full post: 1540 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 06:33:19 GMT
Came up with an idea last night that all Papyrus fans should come together and draw picture(s) of Papyrus saying fuck or swearing and post it on the same day so the people who constantly leave comments about how "Sans is gonna be so mad when he finds out someone corrupted his brother" 🙄 will be killed by the sheer force of it all instantly.
So anyways I declare that June 16th is Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day, all you gotta do is draw Papyrus swearing, or if you want, doing other things that the fandom at large would lose their minds over. Like Papyrus gambling or committing arson. It doesn't have to be high art, it can be a shitposty little doodle. Post it on the 16th and tag it with #LetPapyrusSayFuck as well as Undertale and Papyurs so everyone else can find them. Reblog this post or send it to your Papyrus loving friends, the more participants the better.
Edit: Please also add the tag 'swearing' so those upset by profanity can filter it, as it is one of the most standard tags for doing so. :>
3464 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 16:38:19 GMT
Edit: it's still trending the next day so I'm immortalizing it with the related tag
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5096 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 18:03:10 GMT
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Oh you all know exactly what this post is.
Full post: 41911 notes • Posted 2021-09-15 09:04:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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