#but he got so comfortable that he simply continued with he/him even after the reveal and the marriage
minawritesfanfic · 3 days
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You are who you eat
Dexter Morgan x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: You continue sending dexter treats as he tries (and fails) to find out your identity.
Part 3
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Dexter never could’ve imagined things in his life getting any worse than they already had, but life was cruel so of course it did. Rita had ended things with him after finding out about the overnight trip he took with Lila, just as he thought maybe there was a better future for him with Lila she went absolutely psycho and nearly got him killed by the same man who killed his mother, Lundy and his team were far too close to catching him than he was comfortable with, and Dexter still had no clue who this secret admirer who knew too much was that had continued to send him baked goods and notes. Despite all that the admirer that knew too much was likely the only thing that hadn’t been stressing him out as of late, surprisingly that is. Unlike everyone else they weren’t prying into his life or trying to control him, as far as he knew at least, rather it seemed they were simply interested in learning more and forming a friendship of sorts. One of mutual understanding as in one of their notes he had come to learn they also had unique after-hour hobbies, and from what they were letting on they had a code similar to his own. All of this only made Dexter even more curious about who this admirer was, unconsciously he craved to be understood by someone after what happened with his brother. It was all too perfect, especially if this admirer followed similar rules as he did maybe he would have a true friend that could understand him entirely. Dexter hadn’t realized it yet but he grew obsessed with the idea and spent each day eagerly waiting for another note and baked good, he had to admit that whoever this admirer was they were a damn good baker. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the attention, especially with the thrill of it being from someone like-minded. Even though it made his heart race when he received a note revealing they knew he was the Bay Harbor Butcher, Dexter nearly collapsed when he read it but it gave him an odd thrill that someone had so easily found him out and despite that continued to admire him from afar. Not to mention they flirted with him as well, Dexter would give anything to find out who this was but for now, he had hit a wall and could only wait for them to reveal themselves.
Admittedly, Dexter was a bit hesitant about this new love interest but considering how easy things were with them compared to the complex mess he had to deal with when it came to Lila and Rita. It wasn’t hard for him to warm up to the idea. Things with Rita were awkward and she kept pushing him away despite his explanations, and Lila had proven to be outright psychotic her actions only growing more and more outrageous. He needed someone mentally stable and less emotionally demanding, but also someone who understands him like this admirer. Something neither Lila nor Rita could do for him. Speaking of the devil, as Dexter starts to leave the department he frowns upon hearing Lila’s voice. He turns to see her surrounded by his coworkers laughing happily, if she couldn’t get through to him apparently she would go through to his friends.
“Ahah! Looks who’s come out of his cave?”
“Lila, what are you doing here?”
“She came to see me, bro.” Angel butted in with a proud grin on his face.
“Angel mentioned that he needed a decorator and well, a slot just opened up so I gave him a call.”
“I’ve always wanted a decorator,” Angel said with a grin his eyes glued onto Lila, Dexter pulled him off to the side away from the group, trying to warn him.
“Angel come here… she’s not really a decorator.”
“It’s not really my apartment that I want decorated.” Before Dexter could continue Lila came up behind them wrapping her arms over their shoulders.
“So hey, the boys here have persuaded me to go for a drink.”
“Or ten,” Angel playfully added and Dexter just stared back at him.
“Oh god, should I be worried?”
“Yes, you should,” Dexter said flatly as his eyes met Lilas but she only grinned and rubbed his nose with hers.
“Then maybe you should come with us, because who knows what secrets will come pouring out of me once the drinks start flowing.” She said as she entered the elevator but at the same time, an officer from another department stepped out, her brows furrowing slightly when she saw Dexter.
“Dexter Morgan? This is for you, and you better not break her heart got it?” The officer said narrowing her eyes as she handed him a cute mini drawstring bag of cookies with a note inside the bag rather than in one of the cookies, which was new.
No matter how complex the dessert they’d always managed to place it inside the goodie so maybe this note was something different. Dexter tucked the cookies into his pocket as he entered the elevator, which was when he realized Lila saw all of that. Dexter didn’t like the fact she had, because with the unstable behavior she was already showing who knows how she would react to more competition. Dexter glanced over at her and he could see the anger in her eyes and knew that this wasn’t going to end well.
★ ✮ ★
I was in the lobby just chatting with Jackie before she left work for the day, our idle small talk was just a cover so that I could maybe catch a glimpse of Dexter. To my surprise, he seemed less on guard about my notes, and I had a few guesses as to why. Primarily I assumed he finally realized I wasn’t a threat and had grown impartial to my notes, which meant it wasn’t fun for me anymore. It’s a tiny bit of a shame but I guess it is time to bring our game to an end, certainly glad I did something different with my note today. I had given him a note with a time, date, and place. We’d both had enough of the games and it was about time that we finally met.
Speaking of Dexter I watch as he and his team from homicide exit the elevator with a certain ‘skanky vampire’, according to Debra at least. The whole group was magnetized towards her, except Dexter who kept a very noticeable distance between them, pretty privilege is real but I guess there’s more to that pretty face from how he’s acting. Again our eyes met briefly for a moment and I just politely smiled and returned to my conversation, no need to raise any suspicion from him just yet. I watch out the corner of my eye as they leave the building, and of course, Jackie has to butt in.
“So how long are you going to do this secret admirer act, tits up and ask him out already!”
“Well you’re in luck I just did, I gave him some cookies and a note asking him to meet me somewhere.”
“Hooray! Oh my god please call me afterward and tell me all about it, don’t you dare leave out a single detail!” She said with an eager grin clapping her hands.
“I promise will, anyways I should probably get back to work. Drive home safely okay?”
She nodded and waved me off and we parted ways, I headed back into our office as I had been called in to do overtime. The system had been semi-frequently going haywire and they needed all computers working for whatever case they had begun to crack, though from the FBI agents lingering in the building much later than usual it wasn’t hard to guess which department had a breakthrough. I headed down to where the servers were to check on them, it was a short walk and I said a few goodbyes as others turned in for the night. Once I got to the room everything seemed to be in place but I double-checked anyway, and unfortunately for me, it seemed like a critter or two had gotten inside and had been nibbling away at the wires. I wrapped some electrical tape over the exposed parts of the wires as a temporary fix until I could call for pest control, but this meant I would have to replace some of the wires and disconnect some departments from the system. It wasn’t urgent though, the wires were still working as needed and as long as they didn’t chew through any wires things should be fine.
After handling the mess downstairs I started on a few miscellaneous tasks around the building, there wasn’t much for me to do which is why I hated being called in for overtime just in case something happened. I sighed as I spun around in my desk chair bored out of my mind, I had done literally everything I could at this hour. I even filed the paperwork for all the requests I’ve completed, even though doing so had made me drowsier than I already was. I decided to get some coffee to wake myself up, I stood and left the office and decided to head up to homicide. The FBI had been staying late so it was likely that they would have some fresh coffee I could ‘borrow’. I rode the elevator up to the next floor and casually walked into the department which was currently a ghost town minus the few agents and deputy chief conversing in the debriefing room, I just walked past them into the kitchen where thankfully there was a little bit of coffee left in the pot. I made myself a cup and leaned against the counter drinking it quietly, I hate when the station was like this. The silence always made me uncomfortable as it left me alone with my thoughts for too long, I could overthink and criticize all my actions up until this very moment with no distractions. I hated dwelling on them and always having someone I could chat with or have a conversation to eavesdrop on so that I could escape all the thoughts floating around in my head.
A welcome distraction came from Dexter Morgan and what appeared to be his FBI escorts, I watched as they brought him into the debriefing room. Thankfully the curtains were open and I could peek inside, they had Dexter sit down and were talking to him. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but it was likely about whatever was on the table in front of him, I decided to get out of there while they were still talking. I’d hate to get in trouble for snooping where I shouldn’t be, besides I think it’s almost time for me to go home anyway. As I walked out of the kitchen and passed the debriefing room I took one last glance inside, the thing they were talking about was some storage box with slides of blood inside.
“So those are your trophies….”
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
fem reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader gets into a fight, this fits into the weirdo! shouto ficlet i wrote, older bro touya au, shouto's scar, kindaaa non neurotypical shouto hinted if you squint lol, shouto n reader are lil misfits, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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"can i help you, young man ?"
"i hurt my knee."
you're laying in the nurses office when a familiar voice hits your ears.
"oh really ?" no verbal response but you assume there's a nod because the nurse continues "what happened ?" she sounds skeptical.
"i fell." the person, a boy, replies. the nurse sighs, complaining to herself about kids these days coming to the nurses office for every little thing. you're still pretending to be asleep, not wanting to go back to class yet because you know your classmates won't leave you alone. your face is turned away as you hear the office door shut and soon after there's shuffling in the bed next to you.
your eyes snap open and you turn to see a scarred boy looking right at you, blinking slowly.
"shouto !"
"hi." he answers simply. unmoving, he lays on his stomach. after getting over your shock you copy him. "what're you doing here ?" you ask. your friend blinks in response.
"i hurt my knee."
you look at him incredulously "what are you really doing here ?"
shouto lays quietly simply staring at you. he has a habit of doing that, you've heard your classmates call it weird, but you like when he looks at you. his eyes are pretty. his gaze trails off towards the sheets, "i wanted to come see you." he admits. your eyes widen and you feel your ears burn. shouto doesn't seem affected by his confession, his face as deadpan as it usually is.
"everyone is talking about you in class." your nose scrunches up at his words, huffing with a scowl. "what're they saying ?"
"that you won."
that makes your scowl shrink a bit. your eyebrows raise and you shuffle a bit on the bed and hum. shouto only stares. he isn't much of a talker. you've noticed it's because he just doesn't realise that you're supposed to keep making conversation when you're talking with someone. your classmate mahoro says it makes things awkward, but shouto has such kind eyes when he looks at you, you don't mind. and sometimes, you don't really feel like talking either.
"you didn't have to do that you know." is what he says after a while, you blink at him like you'd already forgotten and he continues. "you didn't have to push tanaka like that, it wasn't a big deal."
tanaka, just the mention of the boy's name is enough to make your scowl return full force.
he's one of your classmates that keeps making jokes that all his other friends laugh at that aren't even funny. he doesn't bother you much, but he's kind of a bully and he makes a face whenever you end up on his team for dodgeball. he makes sure you see it too.
you don't care about him much, because he doesn't bother you. but he bothers shouto. you think he does so because shouto doesn't care to confront him about it so he thinks he's stupid. but shouto's the smartest in your class. today though, he went too far and it made you mad, so you shoved him and he'd shoved you back and suddenly you were surrounded by a group of kids screaming in your ears. your face stung from where he'd hit you and then a teacher was pulling you away from him. then you'd ended up here.
shouto hadn't been coming to school for a bit a while ago and when he did come back he had a huge bandage over his left eye. you'd tried to ask him about it but he never told you. so you never pried, but you heard the (not so quiet) whispers from your classmates and shouto who never seemed like he cared, furrowed his brows and slightly clenched his fists underneath your shared desk whenever he'd hear them. and it got worse when he took the bandage off, revealing a big red blotchy scar.
shouto doesn't usually mind what people think, but he'd asked you if he looked ugly and you assured him that you thought he looked super cool. (you'd never seen his eyes so wide and shiny, so pretty.)
tanaka had disagreed with you though. he opened his big mouth and told shouto he looked better with his bandage on. and you'd snapped. you hated that stupid bandage because it'd make his usual face so gloomy. because you only got to see one of his kind eyes and you loved looking at both.
and so, here you were.
"he had it comin', he made fun of you !" you scowl, shouto's brows furrow the slightest bit as well, mildly irritated. "but you got in trouble."
"well, he made fun of you !" you repeat. you both stay unmoving, laying on your stomach while the nurse is out on lunch break. shouto's lips move up into a pout and for the first time ever you hear him huff.
"i wasn't mad about it. i was fine." he insists, his eyes drift towards his fingers picking at his sheets. "you got hurt because of me, and i don't like that." he mumbles sadly. his cheek smushed against the hard pillow makes him look like a little puppy. you hear your heart in your ears.
"well, i didn't just do it for you," you try, "tanaka's always pickin' on everyone, so i taught him a lesson." you huff. you believed you sounded convincing, but shouto looks anything but convinced. others can't see it well, but you can.
"but everyone's gonna think you did it for me. and they're gonna call you weird again," shouto grips and pulls at the white sheets, you're worried they'll rip off and he'll get in trouble. "even though you're not."
you don't care, you'd been called weird plenty of times at your old school. but shouto's bothered for you and your heart beats in your ears "do you think i'm weird ?" shouto quickly shakes his head, as best he can in the position he's in. your chest feels warm and you smile.
"then i don't care what everyone thinks."
the sound of sheets crinkling stops, and shouto stares at you again. he sits up to instead go sit down on your bed. you bring your legs closer to yourself to make space for him.
"i still don't want you to get hurt, even if it's not just for me." his pretty eyes, one surrounded by red zero on you " i don't like it."
shouto never seemed picky to you. except when it came to his lunch (which was always cold soba) and the order in which he started his day at school (first he changes his shoes, then he takes off his jacket and then went to sit in his seat. exactly like this every day.)
he never told you he particularly liked or disliked anything, usually always shrugging. but he said he doesn't like seeing you hurt. it had made him panic when people started pushing him away to see the fight and he couldn't see you anymore. your classmates were talking about you and he didn't like it. the nurse stood in his way and he didn't like it because she kept him away from you for longer.
he does not like tanaka because he'd punched you in the cheek, your cheek that rises up like the sun when you smile at him.
i don't like when you get hurt, he says. i don't want you to hurt because of me, he thinks. you've got a bandaid on your cheek where you'd gotten punched, but you grin and your cheek rises like the sun, shouto hears his heart in his ears.
you hold out your pinky and promise him you won't do it anymore. holding onto your pinky is comfortable and even after promising he doesn't let go. not even when the nurse checks up on you and scolds you when you shamelessly tell her why you'd landed in her office. he doesn't let go in the hallways even when others are looking. they'll think you're weird for hanging out with him, but you told him you didn't care, and shouto feels like he's floating.
( he only lets go when you get to the principal's office. but he ignores the teacher who passed by and told him to get to class and wraps his pinky right back around yours when you walk back out. your smile is pretty like the sun.)
one time, touya-nii had called you weird, and touya-nii is always right. but this time shouto knows he's wrong. because your smile doesn't dim despite the bandaid on your cheek and you only look at him when you get back to class, despite the people calling for you, your pinky stays tightly wrapped around his, only moving so you can readjust and hold it better.
touya is clearly wrong, and shouto knows you're the nicest person in the world.
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bumblesimagines · 3 months
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Overwhelmed and distraught by his duties and the death of his child, King Aegon decides to indulge in his favorite pastime: visiting the Street of Silk. However, he decides this time, he wants to seek comfort in the one person he's always been curious about.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
TW/CW: Typical GoT warnings, Aegon being Aegon, mentions/implications of child exploitation, mentions of teen-adult relationships, mentions of Targcest/incest, death of a child, sexual content dontttlookatme, (Y/N)/Reader is a brothel worker, potential spoilers for S2, mentioned/implied homophobia (the Faith)
Aegon is a pathetic wet cat of a man (derogatory) but Tom is so pretty
Aegon hardly remembered the first time he'd visited a brothel.
Perhaps it was the mixture of drinks in his system preventing him from recalling the first time he'd stepped foot in a brothel. He'd been a teenager, he knew that much, and he'd likely paid for the prettiest woman in there. He'd had enough experience messing with the maids around the castle to know what to do and he'd ensured to pay well for the service. But despite not recalling the act itself or even the woman he'd done it with, he vividly recalled the worker who'd caught his eye the second visit. 
It'd been a week or so after the first visit and he'd gone in sober, willing to drink whatever the brothel had in stock until he passed out or was kicked out. He sauntered in with his typical confidence. He was a prince; everyone wanted a taste of him. The other customers in the brothel regarded him with smug smirks and nods of acknowledgment, to which he returned with the same smugness. He'd taken a seat at one of the tables and savored the way workers glided toward him in revealing clothing - or no clothing at all - with coy smiles and flirty coos. His eyes, however, failed to lock on the women flocking to him. 
Across the way, he noticed one of the rooms with the curtains drawn back by a few inches, giving view to the worker and customer inside. A boy around his age, perhaps a year or two older, sat on the bed with his rope drawn back and hanging loosely from his shoulders. A woman had her head on his chest, her eyes shut tight and cheeks stained with tears while her red-colored lips formed words.
The sight would've made him laugh, it was utterly pathetic for a grown woman to cry on the chest of a boy, but his heart lurched longingly when the boy raked his fingers through her hair and gently rocked her. The act looked so... sweet.
"Who is that?" Aegon questioned one of the women settled at his side, hardly paying any mind to the soft stroking of his chest. She tilted her head over her shoulder, searching for what'd caught his attention before she spotted the two. She gave a soft hum and looked back at him, her lips delicately dragging over his cheek and stopping at his ear. 
"That would be (Y/N)," She told him softly, her voice velvety. Her long lashes tickled his skin. "Poor Nora lost her husband to a horrible fever not long ago, My Prince. I hear he looked like (Y/N) in his youth. She seeks comfort, not pleasure." 
"I see," Aegon murmured and finally took a swing of the wine offered to him, waiting for it to settle into his veins before he gave in to the ladies around him. His eyes continued to drag toward (Y/N) throughout his stay. 
Men in brothels were no surprise, not to frequent customers, at least. Some enjoyed the company of men without facing scrutiny, some needed the money, and others were simply raised in the brothel. Throughout his visits to the brothel, Aegon learned it'd been the latter for (Y/N); a boy born in a brothel who simply never left. He found his curiosity spiked with each visit, each time he caught sight of him serving wine or slipping behind the curtain to entertain someone new.
Aegon never approached. It was completely new territory, territory he'd been told by septas and maesters he should never enter. 
It'd only been when his little son and heir died at the order of his older half-sister that he decided he couldn't give a rat's ass about what the Seven thought of him. They'd never given him a time of day, even as the King of Westeros, so why should he care? His son was dead, his sister-wife was a mess, and the Council acted as if it were all a mere inconvenience. 
When he staggered into the brothel that night, everyone stopped their doings to stare at him wide-eyed and silent. Each of them bowed, whether dipping their heads or bending at the waist and watched him as if waiting for him to crack. Aegon hated it. He hated how everyone seemingly viewed him as weak. He was the King, for fuck's sake! The wine and ale swimming through his veins made his senses and emotions heighten, forcing tears to spring to his eyes. 
"Drinks on me!" He hollered into the room, and the crowd within erupted in cheers and whoops, the energy returning to the room tenfold. A laugh tumbled out of his lips and his shoulders straightened, soaking in the gleeful looks and nods sent his way. They loved him now, even if they believed him to be a usurper or not. They loved him.
Aegon took a goblet from a table and drank its contents, feeling the liquid burn his throat and send a shudder up his spine. He set the goblet aside and wiped his lips with the sleeve of his shirt, vibrant eyes searching the room until they spotted the object of his desire. He made a beeline for him, ignoring the ladies who attempted to catch his eye until he stopped by him and grasped his arm a tad roughly. 
"Your Grace?" (Y/N) stumbled slightly with the tug, his grip on the pitcher tightening to avoid spilling any wine. He stared at him, brows lifting and eyes blinking owlishly. Aegon had never seen him up close before, and regret settled in his belly at the realization. What a fool he'd been, letting time pass him by. 
"You're mine for the night," Aegon told him, taking the pitcher from his hands and setting it down at the table he'd been serving. The men there shifted uncomfortably under Aegon's stare, none of them uttering a single word of protest and instead turning their attention onto the other workers around. 
Brothels had unspoken rules. Everything that happened in a brothel, stayed in the brothel. No one spoke a word of what went down or whom they saw within the walls of one, unless they wished for their own secrets and pleasures to be spilled to the public. Of course, Aegon expected his new Master of Whisperers to hear of it by the time he returned to the Red Keep, but he trusted Lord Larys to keep it to himself. 
Without another word, he turned toward the nearest empty room and tugged the curtain open far enough for the two to step inside before tugging it close again. Aegon's heart raced in his chest, be it from the drinks or genuine excitement, he couldn't be sure. He turned to face (Y/N), finding the young man already seated at the edge of the bed watching him. 
"What do you want, Your Grace?" He asked gently, his head tilting to the side while Aegon fumbled to get his clothes off fast enough. He looked enticing in the soft candleglow with his rope pulled apart to show his chest and stomach. It made heat spread throughout Aegon's body. 
Discarding his layers of clothing, he stumbled forward and grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s face, lips slamming against his clumsily. "You." He exhaled and pressed their lips back together, pushing (Y/N) flat against the bed with ease and digging his knees into the mattress. His hands forced the silky robe further apart, undoing the belt and pushing it further down (Y/N)'s shoulders until he could grab a fistful of it and yank it off the bed. 
"What is it you want from me?" (Y/N) asked next, breathless and head tilting back to allow Aegon more access to his neck. Aegon suckled and nipped whatever skin he could reach, littering his skin with red and purple marks that'd surely vex the Madam who owned the brothel, but he was a king. He could do as he pleased. 
Aegon laughed airly in return, leaning back to admire his work and pressing his thumb into one of the bruises. "What everyone else wants." He responded, eyes slowly raking over the rest of his body; from his rising and falling chest down to his thighs. Irritation flared in him at the fading mark of fingers and he placed his hand over his thighs, squeezing until he ensured the only mark left was by him. 
"Your Grace," (Y/N) reached out to cup the nape of his neck, and in one swift move, Aegon found himself lying beneath him. He blinked up at him and then laughed giddily, hands flying to (Y/N)'s hips and squeezing the flesh there. (Y/N) leaned back on his thighs and took him by the shoulders, pulling him up into a sitting position so they were face to face. "What do you really want?"
"Yo-" The word died in his throat when (Y/N)'s fingertips brushed back his messy silver hair behind his ear. His lips pressed together tightly, eyes jumping away from the worker to focus on the lewd mural painted over the wall. (Y/N)'s palm pressed against his cheek, his thumb stroking his skin.
The gentleness of it, the sweetness, the comfort. It was all foreign to Aegon. He was used to being slapped, pushed, screamed at, ignored. Nobody had ever touched him with genuine kindness, not even Ser Criston who seemingly preferred his brother over him, or his mother who spent most of her time staring at him in exasperation or disappointment. The only people who ever looked at him with pure love and adoration... were his children. Little Jaehaerys.. 
Tears sprung to his eyes immediately, a sob threatening to rise in his throat. His teeth clamped down on his bottom lip as his vision blurred, fingers curling around the sheets in a desperate attempt to stop the tears from falling. He couldn't cry in front of someone else, much less a stranger. He was a king. He had to be strong. Crying showed weakness. Aegon wasn't weak. No, no, they were all wrong. He was strong. He-
"I'm here, Your Grace." (Y/N) cooed softly, and Aegon's eyes snapped back to him. He smiled kindly at him and pulled him closer, his fingers tangling themselves in Aegon's hair. They ran through the silver locks sweetly, comfortingly, detangling the knots that'd formed and scratching gently at his scalp. "I'll take care of you."
With that, the wall he'd so desperately built crumbled, his arms slinging around (Y/N)'s waist as his lips parted to release whimpers and muffled wails. (Y/N)'s arms curled around his shoulder, cradling his head and humming gentle lullabies Aegon vaguely recognized. His body trembled and shook with each sob and cry, arms pulling and tugging him closer; seeking out the warmth and comfort he'd been deprived of since his childhood. A father who ignored him, a mother who begrudgingly cared for him, siblings who hardly liked him... a dead son. 
(Y/N) only moved to lean back into the countless pillows, bringing Aegon along with him and letting the king rest his head over his chest. His skin had long grown wet with tears and saliva but he remained silent, focused on rubbing circles along Aegon's back and brushing back his hair until the hiccups and sobs subsided, quieting down into sniffles and tired sighs. Part of him wanted to feel embarrassed but he felt too exhausted to allow the emotion to take hold of him. 
"I'm sorry this happened to you, Your Grace." (Y/N) told him softly, and Aegon's face scrunched up again, the last few tears spilling down his cheeks. Nobody had bothered to comfort him, and he'd been too overwhelmed by everything to seek it from his sister-wife. They hardly understood each other. Her with her odd riddles and sayings, him with his drinking and affairs. 
(Y/N) shifted underneath him, reaching over to the nightstand and retrieving a handkerchief. He dipped his fingers under Aegon's chin and tilted his head toward him, gently dapping at his cheeks and under his nose, drying and cleaning the evidence of his weeping. Nothing in his face changed, no disgust or boredom in his eyes. Only the kind smile and soft eyes. It made Aegon relax fully and completely. 
His fingers tightened on Aegon's chin, tugging on it gently and pulling the king up before connecting their lips again. Aegon slumped against him, his clear mind focused on the softness of his lips and the hint of wine still on his tongue. The back of (Y/N)'s ankles met Aegon's bare thighs, carefully pushing against them until their hips were pressed together. He swallowed the breathy whine that escaped Aegon, a brief teasing smile appearing on his face before Aegon began rocking needily against him, the smile vanishing. His parted lips allowed Aegon to venture into his mouth, tongues colliding on occasion. 
The hand along Aegon's back began exploring, running over the muscles he'd developed despite spending most of his time lazying about. His hand dipped downward and playfully squeezed the mound of flesh there, a low groan escaping Aegon. He pressed his forehead against (Y/N)'s, his lips curling into a smirk at the innocent look that (Y/N) gave him. Cheeky bastard. It was expected from a brothel worker, though. 
The clumsy rocking of his hips increased and the fingers that retangled in his hair gave a tug, gentle enough to not create any real pain but hard enough to get his attention. Aegon whined and dropped his head down to (Y/N)'s shoulder but he eased his rocking, his fingers digging tightly into the pillows and sheets beneath him. At his easy submission, (Y/N) smiled again and pressed a chaste kiss to his temple. 
"Good," He breathed and Aegon flushed at the way heat rushed to his lower belly. (Y/N)'s hand left Aegon's backside and reached for the nightstand again, pulling out a small round cup and bringing it closer. Despite his trembling thighs, Aegon managed to peel himself away from (Y/N), the loss of contact making his hips buck. 
"What is..." Aegon trailed off, (Y/N)'s hand taking his wrist. His thumb swiped over Aegon's fingers, pressing each down until one remained uncurled. The realization dawned on him fairly quickly, the way his features brightened making (Y/N) laugh softly before he dipped the finger into the liquid Aegon assumed to be some sort of oil. 
"I'll guide you, Your Grace." (Y/N) told him softly, setting the cup aside and guiding his hand down between their bodies. Aegon's eyes flickered between (Y/N)'s face and his hand, a strangled curse escaping him when warmth greeted his digit. His free hand tightened further around a pillow, the designs threaded into it imprinting in his palm. The way (Y/N) held eye contact hardly helped with his attempt at self-restraint. 
His mind ran wild, promptly forgetting about politics or the fact they were nearing a war for the first time in decades in order to focus on (Y/N)'s face. The darkening bruises along his neck only made Aegon's mouth water and heart flutter with pride, every gentle gasp and quiet whine that left him only made his veins burn with desire, something he found more addictive than the intoxication of wine. His head swooped down, burying itself in his neck to drag his tongue over the bruises and darken them even further with more suckling.
His hand began moving, slowly and experimental at first. Aegon hardly considered himself a gentle lover, for he preferred the joy of rough and fast fucking, only ever being considerate when it came to his sister-wife. Even then, even with Helaena, he often chased after his own high and pleasure over everyone else's, but he'd been desiring (Y/N) for far too long to make a fool of himself. When he curled his finger and heard (Y/N)'s breath hitch, he smirked and slipped in a second digit. 
Aegon humbly believed himself a quick learner when it came to things he enjoyed, so by the time he added a third digit, he'd already ensured (Y/N) had turned into a panting and whining mess. (Y/N)'s heels dug into his calves roughly enough to turn his pale skin red, the subtle hint of pain only fueling him to quicken his pace. He'd left (Y/N)'s collarbone and part of his chest covered in markings, ensuring any other patrons (Y/N) took for the following days knew who'd taken him to bed. 
The hand tightly gripping his bicep flew down to Aegon's wrist, squeezing around it and pulling his fingers out. His lips formed a pout immediately but he savored the gasp and light huff that escaped (Y/N). He swallowed and leaned up, capturing Aegon's lips again before pushing back against him, toppling Aegon onto his back once again and straddling his hips. Aegon's eyes brightened, his hands digging into (Y/N)'s thighs in anticipation. 
"Shit," A guttural groan left the king, his blunt nails leaving imprints in (Y/N)'s skin when he wrapped his fingers around Aegon's length, his thumb pressing over the slit. Aegon's hips bucked and he threw his head back, his adams apple bobbing with a harsh swallow. His chest heaved and a mixture of a whine and a plead fell from his lips like a prayer. 
"Easy, Your Grace." (Y/N) cooed, his free hand moving to Aegon's chest and pressing against it, fingers gently massaging into the muscle. The hint of mischief in his words didn't go over Aegon's head. His heels dug into the crinkling sheets and his nostrils flared with the deep breath he took, his grip on (Y/N) loosening and thumbs rubbing over the areas apologetically. (Y/N) nodded approvingly and Aegon gave a lopsided grin. 
His composure lasted a whole three seconds before it crumbled with a few pumps from (Y/N)'s hand, though he only continued with a chuckle instead of scolding him. Aegon's eyes turned glassy again from the sensations, his breath hitching every few minutes while the knot in his stomach tightened. He let out a whiny noise when (Y/N) paused his movements, his bottom lip jutting out. However, when he caught the way (Y/N) pushed himself further on his knees and hovered over him, he clamped his mouth shut. 
Aegon's breath hitched again followed by a sharp curse as (Y/N) lowered himself at an agonizingly slow pace. A dribble of drool slipped out from the corner of his parted lips and trailed down his cheek. His mind had long gone blank, the only thing he focused on being the sensation of (Y/N) taking him with only soft pants and the occasional hiss. He desperately wished to move, to flip them over and ensure (Y/N) wouldn't be able to walk for at least a day but he wanted to be good, he wanted the praise he rarely ever got. So he remained still, hands moving to (Y/N)'s hips and clawing lightly at him. 
"You're doing-" (Y/N) cut himself off with a soft grunt, the hand at the base of Aegon's length leaving to plant itself on his other shoulder. Aegon swore he saw stars when (Y/N) fully settled on him. (Y/N) breathlessly laughed at the awestruck, hazy look on Aegon's face, his hand gently cupping his cheek and kissing him. "-so well, my sweet Aegon." Aegon whined softly at that. 
"Please," Aegon whispered and (Y/N) gave him a thoughtful look despite the teasing curl of his lips. "I'll be good." He murmured, words slurred but he hardly felt the effects of everything he'd taken that night. 
"Will you?" (Y/N) still sounded breathless, the candlelight showing off the gleam of sweat on his skin. His hands moved from his shoulders to wander over Aegon's chest and stomach, trailing over his biceps and arms until they reached his hands and laced their fingers together. Aegon nodded hurriedly, so desperate and wanting but the feeling of their hands together made his stomach flutter with a newfound emotion. 
"I-" Aegon had little time to finish his sentence before (Y/N) rose to the tip and then slipped back down to the base, the action knocking the air out of both of them and further tightening the knot threatening to break loose at any moment. One of (Y/N)'s hands untangled itself from Aegon's to slam beside Aegon's hand, a half-hearted attempt at balancing and grounding himself. Aegon held onto the other hand tightly, refusing to let him go for even a second. 
(Y/N) leaned down and pulled him into a heated kiss full of all tongue and muffled cries, Aegon's restraint chipping fully away when (Y/N) grinded down on him a few times. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s waist tightly, his thighs beginning to ache and burn deliciously.
"Go ahead," (Y/N) exhaled on his lips and Aegon lost himself. 
Much time passed, the sound of pained groaning and grumpy muttering from the other side of the window telling them the sun would soon be rising. The thumping footsteps of patrons nursing hangovers echoed through the brothel as they shuffled out, the jingling of coins and such mixing in. The quiet chatter of brothel workers followed, cups and chairs clinking as they began cleaning up. 
"Your Grace," (Y/N) sighed sleepily, his eyelids visibly heavy and lip slightly jutted out. Aegon felt equally as exhausted but the sight of him rubbing tiredly at his eyes made his heart swell, finding himself unable to resist kissing his semi-swollen lips. (Y/N) hummed softly, his fingers slipping between their faces to push Aegon back. "You must head home. Your-" He cut himself off with a yawn. "Your kingdom requires you." 
"I'd much prefer staying here forever," Aegon responded, coiling his arms tightly around (Y/N)'s body and dragging him closer against him. His whole body ached, his muscles sore and head spinning from the beginning of a hangover. (Y/N) breathed out a snort and rubbed his cheek into the soft satin pillow, eyes beginning to droop. 
"You mustn't. They'll come looking for you, Your Grace." 
"Aegon." He groaned. "Call me Aegon."
"Aegon." (Y/N) repeated softly. "Go home."
"Come with me, then," Aegon told him quietly. At his words, (Y/N)'s eyes snapped open, the sleep jerked away from his body and replaced with surprise. Aegon chuckled at his wide-eyed expression. "Come with me to- to the Red Keep. Come... be my paramour. You'll have your own room near mine... and- and you'll receive whatever you wish for. No one will dare say a thing."
(Y/N) stared at him for a long moment before he cupped Aegon's cheek and pressed a fleeting kiss to the tip of his nose. "You're exhausted, Your Grace. You do not understand what you're saying. You'll come to once you properly rest. You must go now before the sun rises and others see you." He said, slithering out of Aegon's hold to retrieve their clothes. He slipped his robe on with ease and offered Aegon his tunic. 
"I'll get dressed," Aegon took his wrist and dragged his lips over the back of his hand. "If you agree to become my paramour and live in the Red Keep." 
"We're only allowed in the Red Keep to entertain, Your Grace. You'll never be allowed to have a brothel worker as a paramour, much less a man. The Faith will never allow it. The Dowager Queen and- and-" 
"I do not care what they think. I am King. I can do whatever I want, and I want you to be mine."
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batsythoughts · 4 months
hiii, can we have a second part for the yandere! bruce with baby trapping 🥹 maybe some pregnancy kink
Of course you all can! I'm always willing to do continuations of any works I do or requests if you all ask nicely and I feel comfortable with it! And sorry this took so long to write. A lot of family stuff came up and I needed to take a step back for a while.
Part 2 of Yandere! Bruce Wayne and baby trapping!
As stated in the request, there is smut under the cut. Minors please do not interact with the post.
It had barely been a week since Bruce and you found out you were pregnant
Alfred had been discreetly informed so he could go buy your prenatal vitamins without any of the kids finding out
You all had agreed to do a reveal to them fairly quickly so they didn't find out themselves by accident
After some consideration, the both of you decided on a cake with a simple message
Bruce even got you to agree to let the message say 'It wasn't Jason'
"It's a bet the kids have on who would have a baby next. It's a family joke we have that's been going on."
You simply smiled at the explanation while saying it was okay as long as it was in a certain color
The next night a dinner, before anyone could get up from the table, Bruce said that Alfred made a special dessert for everyone
They all looked at one another in confusion as they tried to think of what the occasion was for a 'special dessert' to be made
When Alfred came in and set the cake in the center of the table, the kids stared at the written frosting with blank expressions
Jason was the first to react while throwing his hands up with a cheer
Dick started out with a huge grin before his eyes widen as he stared at Jason with disbelief all over his face
Tim and Damian shared a look for a moment before giving their congratulations
Cass smiled while looking between you and Bruce while asking multiple questions regarding the baby
Bruce smiled at the sight of all the people he loved celebrating the surprise of a new addition to the family
He gently took your hand in his while watching you happily eating the slice of cake Alfred cut for you
The first trimester was definitely interesting for the whole family with the random nausea, food cravings, and mood swings
Everyone worked together to help you deal with it as best as they were able to
Got a craving for something in the middle of the night that's not in the manor? Alfred told everyone and now Red Hood is in the store grabbing two of everything.
Your back hurting a little after getting off work? Tim has the heating pad on the couch for you as Cass gets a scented bath bomb that you might like so you can relax after dinner.
Randomly started crying? Dick and Alfred both stand nearby to hear you let out cries of whatever caused it
Damian would even offer to make you drinks that he had been taught were beneficial to both you and the fetus
Bruce was pleased that they were being so accepting of the situation instead of thinking you had been the one to cause the situation
The best thing though was a weekly ritual that only Bruce got to be apart of
An hour before he would go on patrol every Friday, you both would sit on the bed as his hands lightly caressed your stomach to carefully feel your body change over time
Even in the beginning when there wasn't anything to feel, Bruce enjoyed reliving the fact that he had gotten you pregnant successfully to keep you around
But he was still felt like you could do a bit more to be committed to the family
He wanted you to quit your job so you could be focused on him, the kids, and the baby with all your energy
Besides, he had more than enough money that you wouldn't have to worry about providing for yourself ever again
At first Bruce suggested going part time so you weren't straining your body too much while the baby was developing
You were hesitant at first, but relented and said you would ask your boss if it would be possible
It wasn't entirely what he wanted, it was just the start until you gave birth
You were beginning to tell the difference in your body after the two month mark with a slight firmness in your stomach
Bruce felt ecstatic as the days got closer to your due date
He did become concerned about the fact that you were showing a bit more than what was normal with all that he read
He even brought it up with the doctor at one of your appointments to ask if everything was alright
As they got the machine ready for the ultrasound, the doctor and nurse assured Bruce that everything should be alright with your hormone levels
The doctor began asking questions on how you were feeling and any issues you were experiencing
As they moved the wand over your stomach, the nurse stopped to look at the screen with a concerned look before her expression shifted to surprise
You became worried while asking what was wrong as the doctor focused on the screen before she got a similar look
"There's, um... there's two."
The screen was turned to face you both better as she pointed out the very close, but individual little blobs
You and Bruce stare in shock before you squeeze his hand with a soft coo
The doctor made sure to give you plenty of copies of the pictures before you left and made the next appointment
Bruce felt proud that you were giving him not one, but two children that would bind you to him for the rest of your lives
You told everyone that evening the news and they were thrilled by the prospect as well
Bruce had even signed up for a 'Baby and Me' class that meet up weekly
Of course that meant that everyone went and sat around you to retain any and all information that was being said to the class
A few of the other participants were judgemental and would whisper about how it should only be the expecting mother and father in the class
All the kids were quick to speak up and shut that down real quick with the woman who started it
"Wow Debra, that's really great advice. I'm sure your husband is proud of how outspoken you are."
"Speaking of husbands, where's your husband Debra?"
"Oh, he's working late like he always does? He must be worried about providing for you and the baby."
"I'm sure it's a very happy and loving marriage you have with him."
"But how long will it last, Debra?"
You quickly told the kids to behave while Bruce held back his smirk as the class finally began
Everyone paid attention to everything that was told, even asking questions about how to assist you through the whole process
Bruce was very proud of all his kids for being so willing to learn along with you during this stage in your life
As the weeks passed, the twins were growing healthy and making themselves known to the world
Their kicks profound enough that Bruce could sit on the other side of the couch and see the bumps they would make
He loved it most went you put headphones on your stomach while playing a small list of songs you made for the twins
"They can feel the vibrations! It is proven to be beneficial for development."
He only smiled while kissing the side of your head
Bruce had even made sure to have the baby room ready for the birth long before they were due
It did take a bit more time to keep the room neutral with the fact it was agreed to be a surprise of what you were having
But he made it work terrifically for whatever combination of twins you were carrying
With the help of Dick and Jason, of course. They refused to let Bruce try to put together the cribs and changing table that would hold their little siblings
It was always so adorable how you would go in to see the progress and coo at how everything was coming along
You of course gave an opinion on where you wanted things to go and the boys would move them without question or complaint
There was already two dressers full of baby clothes that all of them had picked out when going out shopping for any reason
Bruce adored it most that you had gotten a few maternity dresses that were elegant enough to wear to any galas he would attend
The looks that you would get from most of the people there didn't bother him
Despite the different reasons for the stares, he felt proud of the fact that everyone knew that you would always be his no matter who would try to change it
It became even better when he got a message from Alfred one day saying you had returned to the manor not long after you had went to work one day
He was worried when he finally returned that night to find you sulking in your shared room eating a bowl of fruit while wrapped in multiple blankets
Bruce hated the sight of you upset, but he hated that you seemed to be purposely hiding away the bump he was loving more every day
He sat down beside you as he waited for you to tell him what had happened at your job that morning
It took a few minutes before you finally mumbled out that you had impulsively quit your job
While he felt overjoyed, Bruce played the part of being concerned while asking what had occurred to cause it
You took another bite of your fruit while leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder
"One of the guys put his hand on the upper part of my stomach despite me telling them all not to do that. Then he asked me if... if my milk had come in."
Bruce clenched his jaw before apologizing for what happened, but gentle assured you that everything would be okay with him still providing for all of you
It took a few minutes of Bruce reassuring you that your actions were valid to preserve your self respect from the unsavory coworker you had
You gave a weak nod after a couple minutes before leaning further against for comfort
He held you to his chest while softly kissing your head and whispering affirmations to lift your spirits
That evening everyone noticed that you were feeling upset, but didn't push for an explanation so you could tell them if you felt comfortable
You gave a tired smile to the whole table while saying it was just a bad day at work and they shouldn't worry themselves
They all let you have a quiet night without arguments over anything until they went down to the cave to get ready for patrol
Bruce watched you prepare for bed with worry as you absent-mindedly went through your routine without a word
Before you could get into the bed, Bruce gently lead you over to the full length mirror he got for you that stood in one corner
He stood behind you as he rested his hands at the swell of your stomach while swaying back and forth
He placed kisses along your neck as his fingers danced over the bump while whispering against your skin
"You're such a good momma." "Doing your best for them already." "Providing me with the greatest gift."
Bruce continued with his praise as he watched the reflection until you finally cracked a smile
He carefully turned you around before connecting his lips to yours before guiding you over to the bed
He made sure you were completely settled in for the night before giving you a kiss and promising to return safely
The night had went by with only a few attempted muggings and a failed robbery of a gas station before the whole family returned
Bruce took a shower in the locker room and changed like every night so you wouldn't wake up from the noise
Bruce had tried to remain as quiet to not disturb you as he entered the room, but he saw that you were turning around under the comforter with soft whines
He thought you were just having a weird dream until you pushed up from the bed with a groan before meeting his gaze
He almost asked what was wrong as he walked towards the bed, but the words didn't need to be said with the way you bite your lip to keep back a pout
Now, you and Bruce had sex a few times since the pregnancy had started, but after you began showing he didn't want to potentially cause you any discomfort
He wouldn't deny the fact that he thought you were beautiful during the day doing any little thing
However, staring at you in the his bed with the light of the moon streaming in through the window and accentuating your features while one of the straps of your nightgown sliding of as you give him that pleading look
Bruce couldn't get in the bed quick enough after taking a moment to admire how breathtaking you were in that moment
He gently pushed you back to lay down on the mattress before lifting up the lower part of your sleepwear
He couldn't bother to remove your underwear as he pulled it to the side and immediately latched onto your clit
The startled moan you let out was a melody Bruce never wanted to forget as he passionately worked his tongue over the small nub
Wasting no time, he moved one hand to rest on your hip while the other went to prepare you
You laced your fingers in his hair the moment he pushed a finger into you for the first time in months
He slowly moved his hand as he listened to the way your breath hitched with each whine you gave before pushing a second finger in
He had only been at it for a minute before you gave a small cry and came undone by his fingers and tongue
Bruce smiled to himself as he worked you through the spasms before trailing kisses up your stomach, leaving a few attentive one underneath your breasts, until finally reaching your mouth
He didn't even give you time to protest the kiss as his abdomen pressed against you while lining up at your entrance
He made sure to go slow as he felt you shake slightly under him with your nails softly digging into his back
He kept his thrusts shallow as he pulled away to watched your expression as you let out small whines of pleasure
He moved one hand to rest on the side of your stomach as the other held your chin to keep you looking at him
He groaned at the way you tightened around him as he felt a small kick come from your lower stomach
He sweetly kissed you again before pulling away enough to speak with a smirk spread across his face
"Oh, aren't you just a beautiful momma?" "Still able to take me so well after so long." "I should just keep you like this for the rest of our lives."
Bruce gave a small laugh at the last thought as he gave one final thrust before you tightened around his cock
He almost let a small taunt out about you enjoying the idea of him already keeping you there, but just smiled as he trailed a finger over your cheek
It didn't take much longer for Bruce to find his own release with a deep groan
He waited a moment before pulling out and going to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth
He affectionately shook his head when he saw you had already fallen back to sleep with a calm grin on your face
He gently wiped the mess between you thighs away before tracing his fingers over you stomach for a a few moments
He quickly got rid of the cloth before putting on a fresh pair of boxers and slipping under the covers
Bruce moved his arms around you while laying down to get a few hours sleep himself
The next couple weeks, Bruce made sure to shower you with as much affection as he thought you deserved
You and the others simply assumed it was because you were steadily getting closer to your due date
But he did it to help build the emotional vulnerability you would ultimately go through after giving birth
He knew you would go through a strong surge of hormones that would cause you to rely on him even more
It all going to be for the best in the end because Bruce just needs you to realize how much he truly loves you and will always be there for you
What better way is there to convince someone to agree to marry you?
Bruce already had a ring picked out and the speech he would give on what each of the kids would do to be included in the wedding
He would still have you pick out all the important things that you wanted like the flowers, dress, location and every other aspect you wanted
But he had to be patient until after the twins had been born for at least a few months before asking you
But to get you to be apart of the family more than you already were? Oh, Bruce was nothing but determined.
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marvelsmylife · 7 months
Jealous mate
Pairing: Azriel x reader
Plot: Azriel doesn’t like that you’re spending all your time with Cassian, even though you haven’t spoken since he revealed that you were mates.
Part two
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Azriel was seething as he watched you and Cassian messing around in the kitchen while you taught him how to bake. It took every once in him not to storm over and beat the living shit out of his brother for even flicking flour in your direction.
He was so focused on you and Cassian he didn’t notice when Elain came up next to him and patted his shoulder: “If you keep scowling like that, it’s going to stay like that permanently,” Elain joked but pulled her hand away when she noticed Azriel’s face growing angrier. “Geez, I was kidding. You do know they’re just friends, right?” Elain added when she saw he was still staring at you and Cassian.
“Of course I do,” Azriel grumbled back: “I just don’t like that he’s having such an easy time talking to her.”
Elain couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the clearly jealous male: “Maybe if you had continued to talk to her after you admitted that you were mates, you wouldn’t be in this situation. Y/n is very easy to talk to. She’s even got Nesta to open up to her, and you know how difficult Nesta is.”
Azriel knew Elain was right. You gave him so many opportunities to get to know you, but instead of taking them, he decided to avoid you. That in turn caused Cassian to step up and started asking you if you would like to spend time with him. “Do you think she’d give me another chance?”
“Of course she would,” Elain looked up at Azriel: “Don’t tell her I told you this, but she asks about you constantly. Because you two don’t interact, she’s been asking all of us about you and what you like. She’s actually the one who made you your birthday cake last month.”
“Wait, what? You said that you made my birthday cake,” Azriel looked at the middle Archeron sister in disbelief.
Feeling guilty, Elain finally confessed: “Y/n told me to take credit for making it.” Azriel felt his heart pounding in his chest at the revaluation. “Because you’ve been avoiding her, she didn’t want you to think she was pushing you to acknowledge her existence. I kept insisting that she should take credit because she was the one who made the cake, but she refused.”
Azriel felt like an asshole because he kept singing Elain praises for the cake he thought she made him, but in reality, you were the one that made it. 
Just as Azriel was about to ask Elain to help him think of a way to talk to you, he heard your voice: “Elain! Azriel, would you like some bread? I promise it tastes good.”
“Of course !” Elain exclaimed before turning to Azriel: “It smells good, doesn’t it Azriel?”
Instead of replying, Azriel turned around and walked back to his room. He was about to reach his door when he could faintly hear your voice: “I told you guys that he hates me. I’m so close to giving up and moving out. I’m clearly just a burden to him.”
Every part of Azriel’s body was telling Azriel to go back and comfort you. To tell you that you weren’t a burden to him and that he thinks about you every second of every day. Instead, he simply wandered back to his room like he always did.
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neptuneiris · 10 months
Behind the Scenes (02/05)
Behind the Revelation
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: after running away for second time, the past returns and you force yourself to remember as Aemond demands explanations.
word counter: 9.3k
previous part • next part • series masterlist
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warnings: language, angst, discussion, mention of abortion, aemond being a dick.
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Aemond remembers perfectly well the moment you disappeared from his life without warning.
It was precisely after his manager and all his team left your apartment once everything was clear and somehow "solved", on the same day you let him know that you were expecting his child.
He stayed a moment longer with you, comforting you and wanting to be there for you, to make you understand that you were not alone and that despite everything, he would be there supporting you and would not leave your side, ever.
But unfortunately he never knew what was really tormenting your mind. He didn't realize how hurt you were when you both made the decision.
And he didn't realize at the time what an idiot he was to you and the bad decisions he made. He only realized after you left, without warning and without a trace, as if you never existed in his life.
Stress, frustration, worry and anguish clung to him, thinking he would go mad, and he quickly turned to Criston and his entire team for help.
At first, worry gripped him. He thought something bad had happened to you when messages didn't reach you and when you called, your number was forwarded straight to the mailbox.
He asked your makeup partners about you, but none of them had any relevant information. They had only seen you the same day you told him the news.
Your disappearance, however, was not convenient for Criston, who needed to know your condition, to know about the baby.
However, when you were reported missing to the police, it was only a matter of time before they discovered that you had, in fact, run away.
He learned that you had spoken to the owner of your apartment to inform him that you would no longer be living there and also that you had quit your job. You never revealed your reasons, you simply handed in your resignation and left.
As the pieces fell into place, Aemond realized that he could not ignore reality. Your expression, described by everyone who had seen you one last time, was the same: deep circles under your eyes, a face marked by fatigue, eyes swollen with tears and sadness.
And Aemond, try as he might, could not accept it.
After you left, he pushed his entire team to find some clue to your whereabouts. He used all the resources his celebrity status afforded him, keeping a small police back-up, hiring private detectives and even trying to locate your parents, but it was all to no avail.
You simply vanished along with his child in your womb.
And Aemond could do little more than immerse himself in his thoughts, in despair and worry as he found nothing of you.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, while Aemond persisted in his search without success. In those moments he didn't care about his work, he only fulfilled the filming time of some projects, avoiding interviews, red carpets and any other public activity.
Until it was only a matter of time before in the midst of his misery, he was forced to return to the recording studios and face the cameras, continue with his work, but all the time his mind was focused on you.
Between takes and script lines, you were always on his mind and what you had once been.
He wanted nothing more than to see you, to touch you and hold you tight against him, not wanting to let you go, to apologize for his behavior and beg you not to leave him, regretting over and over again that he had kept you hidden, that he had allowed so much of his work to affect you both.
And every time someone did his makeup and fixed his wardrobe, he couldn't stop thinking about you, wishing, longing for it to be you and no one else.
His one nights were only worse, he couldn't sleep and got caught in a whirlwind of his own mind, questioning himself over and over again:
Why did you run away?
He knows his behavior wasn't the best but why? Why not give him an explanation?
He could only continue to stare at a spot on his ceiling while guilt and remorse invaded him, recognizing his own mistakes, the decision he made and the one he convinced you too carry out, a selfish decision for his own benefit that now takes its toll on him.
And there in the restlessness of his luxurious apartment on Visenya Hill, Aemond is alone with his thoughts.
And he couldn't help but imagine you in scenarios you never shared, of both of you holding a little person you both created in your most intimate moments, probably with his characteristics or yours as well.
But every time he imagined it, he could see a little boy or girl with silver hair and blue eyes, making him smile softly with sadness and with his eye full of tears.
But he didn't even know if his child was still in your womb or if you had made the decision you refused to make at first. And he couldn't help but wonder, among the same questions that always torment his mind:
Where are you?
Are you all right?
Why did you run away?
Did you decide to have the baby?
Did you find support somewhere?
He just didn't know and that frustrated him too much, not knowing if you were even okay, staying in uncertainty and worry, longing to find you, to see you and know what happened.
And those same questions haunt his mind when he sees you again after almost two years. The face he desperately searched for so long is finally there, a few steps away from him, watching him with the same surprise and disbelief he feels, unable to assimilate reality.
But when you decide to escape for the second time, it is as if he receives a blow to the stomach, stripping him of all the air in his lungs.
He is paralyzed, unable to move, as he faces the reality that you are finally there, in front of him, after almost two years of searching without success.
His heart beats with overwhelming intensity and a persistent echo of confusion and surprise resounds in his mind. It is a moment when reality and emotions intertwine in a way that is almost unbearable for him.
Why did you run away?
I'm sorry!
I miss you!
But he remains motionless, as his brain tries to process the wave of emotions that threaten to drown him.
But not just from seeing you again, but from remembering every moment he shared with you, every laugh, every caress, every one night they spent together, all overwhelming him.
The need to understand, to discover the truth, engulfs him completely. And without hesitation, an inner voice screams in his head, "Move, you idiot!"
Everything seemed to crumble around him, with questions echoing back into his mind, unanswered questions. And thanks to that, a spark ignites, pulling him out of his paralysis: despair.
And that is the call to action that drives you to react immediately, determined not to let you escape again.
Every step he takes is charged with urgency, an urgency to get answers, to know what happened with a tight lump in his throat, especially at the thought of the baby.
Everything at that moment seems overwhelming, but his desire to know, or rather his need to understand your escape and to know what happened to his child, eclipses all other considerations, filling him with worry and longing.
The thought of that little being that would have been a fusion of the two of them envelops him in desperate confusion.
The vision of a part of him and you floating in the air like a faded dream haunts his mind, asking himself questions about whether you decided to go through with the pregnancy or not.
Aemond advances through the corridors of the studio with a totally worried look on his face, desperately looking everywhere to find you. And in the distance, he spots your running figure and instantly rushes after you, determined not to let you out of his sight.
You both plunge into a busy atmosphere, where you hear the subtle sound of indicator lights and the distant hum of electronic equipment.
And there you were, trying to run away from it all, with your trembling figure, having an emotional breakdown and tears streaming down your cheeks, while Aemond with desperation in his eyes, tries to catch up with you.
"Y/N, wait!"
His voice, piercing and close, only manages to increase your anxiety. You try to move away from him, desperate to evade him, willing him to lose sight of you while you don't stop.
"Wait!" he shouts in desperation, pleading.
But you can't. You don't want to and you can't face this. Not now. Not when you thought you'd never see him again.
Aemond rushes towards you, reaching for you, grabbing your arm tightly and stopping your steps, scaring you. He turns your body towards him, watching you with desperation and need, instantly catching the tears and suffering on your face.
"No!" you exclaim with concern, trying to free yourself, "No, please, let me go!"
"Y/N—" he begins to say, confused and worried, breathing agitatedly.
"Let go of me, Aemond!" you demand.
You manage to wriggle free of his grip, straining to keep your distance from each other, avoiding any contact, but he grabs your arm again, stopping you and showing irritation.
"Can't you wait a fucking minute!?" he hisses at you, annoyed, though the pain lingers in his gaze, "How do you expect me to let you go like this!? After everything that happened—
"I don't want to talk to you!" you sentence, the pain palpable in every word.
"Y/N, please," he begs you, his voice taking on a sad melody.
Her eyes search yours, desperately seeking understanding in the midst of the emotional storm you both face.
Your chest pounds with a mixture of pain and confusion, where again you try to break free from his grip, but he gives your arm a firmer grip, preventing you from pulling away, firm and resistant to your efforts.
"I told you to let me go!" you shout angrily, crying.
"Why do you keep running away!?" he demands to know, his voice annoyed, full of confusion and pain, "We need to talk and you know it! I need to understand!"
You remain silent, your gaze fixed on his face and your eyes filled with tears, as Aemond feels all his emotions threatening to boil over.
"What happened?" he demands to know, hurt, without letting go, looking for an answer in your gaze, "Where did you go?"
Again you remain silent, feeling the lump in your throat, as the tension between the two of you is palpable and the held breath of both of you is in anticipation, waiting.
"Why did you disappear?"
He insists, completely frustrated and insistent.
"I've been looking for you all this time and I could never find you. I never knew who to ask where you were or where to try to find you."
You say absolutely nothing.
Aemond's hand trembles slightly as he gently releases you from one of your arms, but his determination and insistence did not waver.
"Talk to me, please," he pleads, "I need to know."
And the whole moment only becomes more intense when he mentions your son.
"W-what… what happened to our child?"
A silent pain crosses your face, but your lips remain sealed, trembling slightly. Frustration increased in Aemond's chest as he receives no response from you and it also makes his anger increase.
"What happened to him, Y/N?" he snaps, his patience reaching its limit.
And you, still trembling from all this, find yourself caught in the vortex of it all, your eyes reddened, your gaze hard and hurt, where you couldn't find the courage to answer the questions accusing you.
And Aemond, for his part, let the anger and resentment flow like a raging tide against you.
"How could you just walk away? Disappear without a word?" he says, his voice carrying with it the weight of betrayal he feels, "I was willing to help you. I-I thought we could get through this together, but you just took off, left me and vanished as if you never existed."
His every word echoes around you, the accusation hangs heavy in the air, and you, feeling the courage flowing through your veins, decide to answer him with the same intensity.
"Help me?" you repeat, earnest and hurt, "Oh, right, you mean that 'help' you were planning to offer by not acknowledging your own child publicly and legally so as not to ruin your career?"
The words leave your lips with a cutting tone, like a sharp blade aimed straight at his heart, where surprise flashes all over Aemond's face, as if that revelation had come as an unexpected blow, even though he already knew.
And before he can articulate a response, you continue, your voice echoing with pain, annoyance and defiance.
"I left so I wouldn't ruin your career, whether I had the baby or not. Because if I had an abortion, eventually the media would know, right?" you inquire regretfully, "But that's not exactly why I left," you clarify, "What other choice did I have if I decided to have it? Hide with my child until you decided the time was right? Live in the shadows while you enjoyed the spotlight?"
The recording set, even with its cinematic sounds and the frenetic activity of those working on it, now resonates with the clash of arguments and emotional charge unleashed between him and you.
And he, still processing the raw truth being revealed to him, tries to defend himself, but you don't give him a chance.
"I stand by my decisions, Aemond. I wasn't going to be a prisoner to anyone's expectations, even if it was you," you spit, your gaze still pained but defiant. "You weren't going to acknowledge your child for the sake of your career, at least not in his early years or who knows after how long. And what was the benefit if you did it later? We would finally see the light after all we would have gone through with your manager and your whole team to keep saving your reputation?"
Your words float in the air, creating a dense silence that fills the space between the two of you.
Despite the raw, exposed emotional wounds, Aemond desperately searches for words that might calm the intensity of the moment somewhat. However, neither you nor he can deny the truth, as it becomes clear that you are right.
But still, with a lump in his throat, he tries to defend himself with a vulnerability you haven't seen in him in a long time, exactly since you let him know of your pregnancy.
"I didn't mean to… I-I… I didn't know how to handle it," he mumbles, his expression reflecting confusion and remorse.
You sniffle and let a couple more tears fall down your cheeks, your eyes full of pain but also determination.
"That's the thing. You always thought about your career, your image, but what about us?" you ask him in your broken voice, "What truly mattered most?"
The question echoes between the two of you, leaving Aemond without a convincing answer.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, looking at you with regret, "I shouldn't have done that, I know," he tells you honestly, "I shouldn't have let Criston and the others interfere too much. But…" he sighs, "I-it wasn't easy for me."
And you, undeterred, feel disbelief wash over you and reply bitterly.
"It wasn't easy for you?" you repeat, "And what about me?" you inquire, "Did you ever think about what it would be like to put yourself in my shoes?"
"You only thought about yourself, just like everyone else, while I also had to think about everyone else but me," you say hurt, "And I didn't want to cause you any more trouble. I had to have, raise and care for my son all by myself."
The revelation hits Aemond like a bolt of lightning, his eyes widen in shock and disbelief, staring at you in disbelief.
"A son?" he repeats in a whisper, taking it in.
You stare at him for a moment, not understanding, but after you realize that in all this time you have told him nothing concrete about your son, you see the realization all over his gaze, that regret and longing.
You let out a long breath as you look away from him for a moment and bring one of your hands to wipe away your tears, feeling that sharp pain in your chest.
While Aemond, he really couldn't say a single word that could ease the pain he has caused you.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice barely audible, "I was selfish, I didn't think correctly."
"No, because you only thought of yourself and I faced everything alone. I didn't want to cause you trouble or be a burden, I decided it was better not to drag you into this for your career, so as not to affect your life, so I decided to leave. And I don't want to affect you now either."
You say as you begin to back away and Aemond, feeling the ground crumble beneath him, again stops you.
"Y/N, please, we can fix this, just… don't leave, not again," he pleads with you, his gaze full of anguish as he urges you to stay.
"There is nothing to fix," you tell him with hopelessness in your voice, completely broken, "Your life remains the same and my only priority is my son."
"He's my son too!" he exclaims, frustration and annoyance creeping into his voice. "You think I don't want to know him, take care of him and do the right thing? Of course I do!"
He, glassy-eyed, tries to make you understand by looking at your face, but you can't.
You can't and you don't want to.
"But, Aemond, it's not just that," you whisper, your voice cracking. "Your career, your life, it's still the same. And I don't want my son to live under the gaze of the entire press, making speculations about you and me. Nor do I want you to feel obligated to be a part of his life out of guilt."
He, feeling helpless, tries to hug you, but you pull away, but he again with his worried look full of determination, holds you again.
"No Y/N, I swear it's not like that, I promise," he clarifies to you, sad, "And this is not only for our son, but also for you. I want to be a part of your life, his life."
The dilemma hung in the air, the tension between the two of you forming an invisible barrier. And you, with tear-filled eyes, know this is not possible.
"I can't," you whisper to him in your broken voice.
And despite this, he doesn't give up, rather he persists with words laden with pain and determination.
"I know I made mistakes and that I failed you, but I'm not going to let this go and you must know that."
His words send a shiver down your spine and you feel the urge to scream at him to leave you alone, that everything is already done, that he can't just come and change something that is already built between you and your son.
And before you can respond, a production assistant rushes over.
You understand that you made the mistake of running away and not informing him absolutely nothing about what happened with you and his son.
But at least you're right about one thing now: you don't want your son to become the next entertainment in magazines and all the media, in case Aemond decides to publicly acknowledge him just to make amends.
"Mr. Targaryen, we need you to finalize your makeup and wardrobe. The producer is upset because the scenes are about to shoot," the concerned man announces, interrupting the intensity of the moment.
Aemond, without taking his eye off you, nods with a mechanical gesture.
"I'll be there in a second," he replies, but his attention remains anchored on you.
The man persists, trying to make him understand the urgency of the situation, but Aemond is unwilling to let you go. His gaze, full of pleading and determination, watches you intently.
"Please don't go. Wait for me to finish rolling so we can go somewhere else and talk," he pleads in his voice laden with urgency.
And you feeling caught between the intensity of the situation, you inhale deeply, feeling the man's annoyed and desperate gaze on you as well as on him.
"Fine," you say without emotion.
"Fine?" he repeats, thinking maybe he has misheard.
"Fine," you affirm.
He nods gratefully and his gaze reflects both relief and gratitude.
"I promise I'll try to finish soon," he states softly, his voice with determination.
You don't say anything back, only he finally turns away from you but his eye continues to watch you longingly and intently, as if he fears you're going to vanish again right there.
And as he begins to walk away, you inevitably dive into memories of the past, reliving both the good times and the bad times you shared with him, as Aemond wishes today's shooting would come to an end so he could get close to you again.
However, once he is no longer in your sight, nor you in his, the weight of remorse becomes evident in your chest.
Although you told him to stay and talk to him later, you find yourself unable to do so. And you quickly make your way to the nursery, take your son in your arms and leave the film set without wasting another second.
You are truly sorry for him, but this is necessary. All you want at this moment is to protect your son and also your broken heart.
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"We need to approach this with caution."
Criston Cole speaks, completely serious and as he paces around the living room of your apartment, you sitting on the couch and Aemond standing with an attentive and anxious look to him.
"And there's no need for us all to make fools of ourselves, we know the most viable option at this point is an abortion."
This immediately grabs your attention, watching Criston with your eyes wide as Aemond beside him frowns and stares at him in confused disbelief.
"An abortion?"
"I'm sorry, Aemond, but your image is everything," he tells him seriously, "A pregnancy at this time will affect your career," he explains, "Right now you are supposed to be in a relationship with Cerelle Lannister and how do you think people are going to react when they find out about this?"
"We would have to make confidentiality agreements if you decide to accompany her to the clinic," his publicist speaks, "Deny rumors and manage your public image."
"But if she decides to go into the clinic on her own, it won't be so complicated," speaks a man on her PR team.
"And an abortion at home?" suggests Criston, as if it's the easiest and most normal thing in the world.
"An abortion at home is not the best, it will be more difficult and anything can go wrong. The safest thing is the clinic."
You all start talking about different techniques to preserve Aemond's reputation, which is his job, while you stand there among everyone in silence, horrified at the thought of an abortion and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the decisions they are suggesting around you.
You look at Aemond completely panicked and looking for his support, but he is completely focused on his team.
"And how could we hide it? I mean, how exactly would that be handled if I decided to accompany her to the clinic?"
Disbelief washes over you completely, watching him confused and hurt.
He can't seriously consider—
"We'll implement a diversionary strategy on your behalf, like a charity event with attention-diverting photo shoots where we can work with some media to make sure the news prevails," the woman explains, "All while she goes through the process and you accompany her."
"If you are going with her to the clinic you must be completely covered," Criston tells him, "I will form a security team for you, we will lock down the entire clinic so that only she is attended to and so no one can recognize you."
"The best thing to do would be to create confidentiality contracts," suggests the same guy from before.
"Yeah, do that," Criston points out, "No one can know about this, not even the production company or your family, Aemond, you know what I mean?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he asks annoyed, "How do you expect me not to tell my mother about this? Y/N's parents don't live here, she doesn't even talk to them and we need that kind of support," he says incredulously.
"Do you want this to come to light by accident?" he asks between his teeth, "It doesn't matter that it's your family, no one can know, besides all this could have been avoided if both of you and especially you had been more responsible," he reproaches him.
You listen as Aemond speaks again, but you don't pay attention anymore, you just keep silent, observing the emptiness with tears falling down your cheeks.
All while around you they keep talking about more strategies, while you, you feel that you are the spectator of your own life, feeling hopeless, sad and scared.
And that's when Aemond finally notices your state and his gaze changes, looking at you with concern and understanding, feeling like an idiot for not knowing what you want to do. You haven't even been given the option to abort, just everyone and he has already decided for you.
"No, wait," he says serious and firm, stopping his entire team, to quickly turn to you, kneeling down and taking your hands in his, "Hey, darling," he looks at you worriedly, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, "Are you okay?"
You blink softly as you lower your gaze, trying to chase away your tears but it is impossible, while the eyes of the others also watch you, where finally your voice has space in the conversation, but you look at him hurt and worried.
"Do you really want me to do this?" you ask him with your voice completely broken.
"You need to think about what's best for both of you," Criston answers you instead, "This is an accident, it's not planned, neither you nor he wanted this to happen, so the best option is an abortion."
"B-but I'm scared," you say weakly.
"And you must not only think of yourself, you must also think of him and his career."
"That's enough," he says annoyed turning to Criston rudely and annoyed, "Didn't you hear her? She's scared and she's not having a voice here. She has as much right to decide what to do as I do."
"Aemond," he warns him, "We're here to protect your career."
Aemond clenches his jaw, tension beginning to emerge throughout the room.
"Yes, I understand that, but this isn't just about me, it's about both of us and especially her. We can't make a decision without considering what she thinks."
Criston folds his arms and lets out a frustrated sigh.
"Aemond, I understand your point but the reality is different. The press can be ruthless–
"Sometimes, Criston, there are more important things than the press," he replies in his firm tone. "And this is one of those times. I'm not going to sacrifice Y/N's happiness and decision for the sake of my career. We need to find a solution that works for both of us."
Criston shakes his head as he purses his lips.
"Fine," he says seriously and looking at him expectantly, then looks at you, "So tell us, Y/N, what do you want to do? Have the baby?" he asks clearly incredulous.
And you, feeling everyone's piercing gaze, making you feel nervous and scared, respond with all the fear in the world but not being unwilling to not let them know what you think is best.
"Yes," you reply quietly and with a completely vulnerable tone.
The expression on Criston's face worsens, not believing it, as well as the woman publicist and the entire PR team look shocked and annoyed.
And Criston, frustrated, can't contain his anger.
"Y/N," he calls you in a serious voice and wanting to make you understand, "This baby was not planned and all of us can help you handle this correctly and privately. We simply cannot let this affect Aemond's career."
His words echo throughout your living room, feeling the tension, as you feel the weight of all the expectant stares, feeling completely vulnerable and helpless.
"B-but I'm afraid of going through an abortion and I don't think that's—
The anger in Criston's eyes increases, while some of the team members exchanged serious and uneasy looks with the atmosphere becoming increasingly tense.
"This baby wasn't planned, Y/N," he repeats to you seriously and with a firm tone, "You can't ignore reality."
"Look, we understand that this is a complicated situation and a difficult decision," the publicist tells you, "But you must consider the impact it will have on Aemond's career if you decide to have him."
"Besides the fact that the news of an unplanned pregnancy could generate a negative narrative in the media," the PR man says.
"And it will affect his career, definitely," adds another woman.
"But I—
You try to speak, with desperation in your tone of voice completely broken and tears still streaming down your cheeks.
"Y/N, our job is to protect Aemond's reputation at all costs. And that's exactly what we're going to do."
Criston tells you as a final answer and you can only look at him completely bewildered, sad and hopeless, while in an attempt to seek support in all this, as they are deciding everything for you, you look at Aemond with clear despair in your eyes.
And he watches you with tight lips and a look of sadness, frustration and resignation, and then turns his gaze away from yours and immerses himself in his own internal struggle between his feelings and the reality of his career as he lets out a sigh.
Until finally he breaks the silence.
"Okay," he looks at everyone with a tired but determined look, then looks at you, "We'll have the baby."
Disbelief and surprise wash over you, watching him with relief beginning to reflect in your eyes, as Criston and his entire team, look on in complete bewilderment and alarm.
Criston tries to speak, with clear dissatisfaction all over his eyes, but he won't let him.
"This is my responsibility too," he tells him firmly, "But it's her body and she decides."
"You're not thinking clearly—
"Listen," he interrupts again, serious, then looks at you again and turns to you, "Y/N," he says softly and with some caution, "We'll have the baby, okay? You will stay in my apartment, I will settle all the necessary expenses and I will be by your side always, making sure that you and the baby have everything you need, as it should be," he assures you.
That relief and that little spark of hope and happiness persists, until all that was beginning to bloom vanishes in a second when Aemond says the following words:
"But I cannot recognize the baby publicly or legally."
Then, everything around you stops.
His words echo continuously in your mind like a distant echo and you watch him completely bewildered, confused, hurt and even with some betrayal as your breath catches.
"Actually that might work," says his publicist, "Up to a certain time but it might work."
"Really?" asks Criston seriously but thoughtfully.
"Recognizing the baby legally and giving him his last name will be a public record and document, anyone could access it and it would be too much of a risk to Aemond's career. But by not doing so, it gives us more time and an advantage."
"You'll still be able to take care of him and be there for him, privately. And when the time comes, giving him your last name won't be a problem, you could even set a date."
Aemond listens carefully, then turns his gaze back to you, while you can't take your eyes off him and ask him silently, completely hurt: why? Why do something like this?
You understand perfectly well his job and what is at stake but what about you? The baby? Does his career really matter more?
But you can't formulate words, you just continue to watch him, until there is simply nothing more inside you, only pain and betrayal, unable to believe that he said those words and it breaks your heart even more when he says to you with remorse and seriousness.
"Y/N, please understand that I want to do the right thing, but I also need to protect my career. And this is the best I can offer you right now."
You watch him in complete silence, your eyes relieving your sadness, disappointment and sense of abandonment.
"We need to make sure that during the pregnancy Y/N and the baby are well taken care of, postpartum as well, preventing either of them from appearing in public until the time is right, keeping the news from leaking out."
"Or Y/N can go out publicly but she can't be seen with you," the man says to Aemond, "And the baby must be in cover all the time, especially if his hair is silver like yours afterwards."
And you again stand in the middle of it all, silent and resisting the urge to just cry louder. Your heart is beating too hard, where your emotions are tangled in confusion and pain.
"So it could work? For a while?" asks Aemond, hopeful, but with clear frustration and worry in his eyes, realizing that he really doesn't want to do this.
"Sure. As long as she's not seen with you during and after the pregnancy and the baby is fully protected, everything will be fine."
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@imaegonstargaryenswife0 @bellstwd @gibbsgirl7 @toodlesxcuddles @imsoshygirl @croatianprincess @gemini-mama @a-little-roony-mara @mysteris-things @zenka69 @at-a-rax-ia @fan-goddess @duds31 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @eternally-passionate @bellaisasleep @ttkttt @aemshaircare @mellowdreamlandpost-blog @noodle81937 @mooncalvin @queenofshinigamis @n4tforlife @vexladin @dixie-elocin @wotcherpeak
there were some of you that I could not tag:(
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imwetforyourmom · 4 months
lights gone
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you ran across the beach, the wet sand attempting to sink your feet in—yet your rushed footsteps beat it. panicked breathing flowed in and out of your lungs, everything was crashing down at once.
your chest felt hallow, as you got closer to the oh so familiar lighthouse, where memories of your and matt’s shared laughter echoed throughout, where the sloppy noises of lips smacking against eachother was and where.. just, where your and matts situationship lived.
he’d been the only man in your life who’d treated you like you actually mattered, like he actually liked loved you. you didnt want this to end, but it had to. he was the only man that actually treated you as someone he was interested in and not just for sex.
“this isnt fair, this isnt fucking fair.” your shaky voice rung throughout the lighthouse as you opened and closed the door behind you. you blinked back the tears that threatened to flow, to flow and only make you feel worse.
you walked up the stairs to where matt was—the highest level where he watched the ocean, watched the waves crash down onto one another, the air fogged and the wind aggressively pushing and shoving, announcing its presence.
“matt- I- I need to talk to you” you spoke, taking your turn from the wind to announce your own presence, your fingers fidgeting with eachother, your nerves taking over.
your familar voice warmed matt, a small grin forming on his face. he turned around to look at you, ready to see your overbearing grin and and fidgety hands (that were fidgeting cause you were so full with happiness), yet when he saw your appearance his grin died down to an unsure, small smile.
he stood from his chair, making his way over to you, the clicking of his boots thumming against the wood mirroring the same thrumming of your heart against your ribcage.
“whats wrong sweetheart?” he asked, his eyes trailing your face to capture more of your distressedness, to see what the cause of it was.
“I-“—you couldnt look at him while saying it, so instead you threw yourself in his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso and shoving your face into the nape of his neck, where your shaky, muffled voice continued—“I have to leave, matty, and I cant come back.” you revealed what the cause of your distressedness was.
matts arms returned the same wrap around you, holding you in his comforting body heat, warming your shivering frame. his hands rubbed your back assuringly.
he took a small breath in, to calm his own composure from crying, he didnt want you to hear his vulnerabilty. “y/n, baby, its okay- you’re okay, im okay, we’re gonna be okay.” he mumbled into your hair, trying his best to comfort you with his words.
“but its not okay, matt! I love you, and I cant see you anymore!” a sob ripped from your throat, you wanted the first time you tell him you love him to be special, but it wasnt anywhere near special and it probably never would be.
matt knew long before you did that you’d leave after summer was nearing an end, he knew but refused to believe it. he didnt want his special girl leaving him.
“dont do that to yourself, sweetheart, dont say those words.” his own words took a toll on him, how badly he wanted to return them, yet he didnt want to hurt you even more, knowing that you shared feelings, but couldnt pursue them.
your stomach crumbled with rejection, and even more tears and sobs flowed from your throat and eyes, your tears imiatading the largeness of the ocean and how persistent it was with the water, the water holding such great amounts of sadness, one couldnt dare put themselves in its place, yet you had no choice but to experience it.
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns @wh0resstuff @mattsmad @sturn-bugz @e1ias3 @sunsetsturniolos @strniolo @sturnssmuts @simply-a-simper @stunza @meerkatzthings @joemamaaa42069 @norr1ssturni0lo
@maryx2xx @mattsmad @dollyspsychoxo @mels22lunchbox @riasturns @chrissturniolosworld @ariqolyx @dollyspsychoxo
@aliceloveschris @starsturni
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darylmydix · 1 month
THE SCARS WE SHARE | daryl dixon [teaser]
summary: you were the only good thing daryl had in his life. bonded by similar trauma, you suffered abuse at the hands of your stepmother, just as daryl had suffered from his own father. when you finally decide to escape your abusive home life, you're forced to leave behind your best friend in the process. now with the world in an apocalyptic state, you're left wondering if daryl was even alive.
pairings: daryl dixon x f!reader.
warnings: smut, violence, blood and gore, unrequited love, best friends to lovers, mentions of s/a, mentions of abuse, mention of suicidal thoughts/attempts, mention of drug use, use of deadly weapons, fluff, angst, slow burn, strong language, kidnapping, coercion, seasons 5-11, 18+, minors dni.
word count: 1k.
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The knock on your front door was gentle; almost as though the person on the other side of it was at odds on whether they should bother you or not. You sigh, figuring it was probably Aiden coming to apologize for the confrontation he had caused with Rick and his group earlier.
You sat the book you were reading down on your coffee table, getting up from the couch as you shuffled to the door. You freeze, not even needing to open it, the glass revealing that it wasn’t Aiden, but in fact Daryl. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling your heart pound against your chest. You close your eyes, letting out a heavy exhale.
You continue towards your door, opening it. The cool, crisp night air tickled your exposed skin. “It’s late, what’re you doing here?” you question. “Came to talk.” he replies simply in his gruff voice. You pause for a moment, contemplating on whether or not you should let him in. You really weren’t in the right headspace to talk, but at the same time you didn’t want to just turn him away. “Come in.” You pull the door open wider for the brunette to step inside before shutting it close.
“So…” you cross your arms, staring up at him. “What did you come to talk about?” Daryl’s picking at his fingernails; a coping mechanism that you always remembered him doing when he struggled to find the right words. Even after all these years he still had a hard time expressing himself. “Look, m’sorry ‘bout what went down with Aiden today.”
You sigh, shrugging your shoulders. You knew he really didn’t mean it. Anything Daryl did he did it with pride, standing on whatever decision he made. “Aiden can be an asshole sometimes, I know. But you and your group need to understand that things like that don’t happen in Alexandria. If you guys continue to disrupt the peace I don’t know what Deanna will do.” You inform him honestly. The people in Alexandria had lived in tranquility for so long, they weren’t used to sudden anarchy. Most of them hadn’t even dealt with walkers.
Daryl nods in response, still picking at his nails. An awkward silence had fallen between you two, neither knowing what to say next. It was crazy to think there could ever come a time where you didn’t find comfort in his silence. Daryl was never the most talkative person, you knew this. But regardless, back then it didn’t bother you. You just enjoyed being around him. He was home.
Used to be at least.
It was time to face the reality that you weren’t the same girl you were before the world ended. In fact, you stopped being that girl the moment you escaped your stepmother’s tyranny. You were happy to know Daryl survived so long in this fucked up dystopia, but all his presence has done since his group got to Alexandria was bring back memories you wanted to erase, and cause a rift between you and Aiden.
“He treat you good?” Daryl finally filled the silence. You knew he was talking about Aiden. “He does.” You nod, which Daryl does too. “You love him?” The question catches you off guard, and you’re not sure how to answer because the truth was, you weren’t sure if you loved Aiden. You knew you cared about him though. “Doesn’t matter.”
“To me it does.”
“Well, it shouldn’t. My love life, and life isn’t your concern anymore.” You snap, agitatedly. “You should just go before Aiden comes by. You can let yourself out.” You walk past him, heading back to your couch, mentally cursing yourself for not pretending to be asleep instead of answering the door.
Daryl could feel the disconnection between you and him; he couldn’t understand why, but it was truly starting to frustrate him how you had been writing him off lately. Like he wasn’t an important part of your life once. “Man, what happened to you? Ever since I got here you been distant, and actin’ like you barely know me. I don’t understand why.”
You shake your head. “You don’t need to understand. We’re not having this conversation right now. Just go.” You speak sternly, pointing to the door. Daryl scoffs. “Ain’t goin’ nowhere ‘til you tell me why,” he wasn’t letting up, and you could feel your nerves taking over the more he prodded. “All these years, all that searchin’ just for you to act like it meant nothing. Hell was it for?”
“I’m not doing this.” You turn once more to walk away, but his strong grip on your wrist prevents it, and you’re spun back around to face him.
“Tell me why!”
You snatch your wrist away. “Because you’re a constant reminder, and I hate it, okay?!” You spat. “I fucking hate it! It didn’t mean anything. You didn’t mean anything. We were trauma bonded. We shared the same scars, that’s it. Once I found my courage to run, I threw away the crutches that held me back. I buried my past and everything that came with it.” Hearing your own words fly out of your mouth breaks your heart in two.
Daryl stares at you. His eyes are a bit watery, but he doesn’t shed a tear. He fights it, the way he always has. “S’all I was, huh? A crutch that held you back?” You swallow the lump at the back of your throat, not responding out of fear of breaking down. He nods his head. “I get it.” Is all he says before he’s finally about to exit your home.
The brunette only opens the door halfway before halting. “Y’know… after you left, I regretted not going with you like you wanted me to. I regretted it everyday.” He finally leaves with those being his last words, slamming the door behind him.
You flinch at the slam, eyes squeezing shut. Your bottom lip quivered and chest tightened in pain. You wanted to run after him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. Tears fall now that you were left alone in your own space. Your hand flies over your mouth to muffle the uncontrollable sobs that were starting to slip through.
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mahtharula · 1 year
✧・゚— nailtech!connie headcanons
starring: nail tech!connie x black!fem!reader wc: 627 cw: purely fluff 🫶🏾
nailtech!connie was the tech all of the girls wanted to book with. yeah, he knew how to get your hands right, but everyone wanted to book simply to get a closer look of the man. from his dyed buzz cut head that always had a different design every time you came into the shop, to his tall, to the tattoos that decorated his arms and hands perfectly and his eyes. oh his hazel eyes is what gets them.. but most importantly, his nails! 
nailtech!connie is both a great listener and conversationalist! Honestly, he should add being a therapist to his qualifications because the amount of advice he has given his clients is insane. most of the time, they complain about their man and his line is, “you too pretty to be dealing with that.” (which have the girls swooning out of their minds).
nailtech!connie who definitely plays music during his appointments. of course, he caters to his clients preference of music and rocks from there, but baby if you give him the aux you will be far from disappointed. his music is so diverse, it ranges from partynextdoor to bossa nova, depending on his mood. his main goal is to make the client comfortable, so when booking with him he has a section where he asks if you want a talkative or silent session.
nailtech!connie who learned to do nails after watching his aunt  do it for some time. at first, he only learned to expand his creativity as an artist since he dabbled in many mediums, but once he got the hang of it he was hooked. as he continued  perfecting the craft  and posting his work, two  years and a half later he had enough money to rent out a studio and widen his client intake.
nailtech!connie because of the overwhelming number of clients who began booking with him since the opening, trying to squeeze in new clients was a tricky task. most times, connie would be booked for weeks making it hard to even get a taste of his talent on your nails. so when his homegirl was begging for him to do her best friend's nails, all he had to say was that she was lucky one of his regulars canceled. 
nailtech!connie was absolutely floored when you walked into his studio. of course, he catered to many women due to his career, but something about you just had him stuck. from your smooth, dark skin to your locs that ended at the middle of your back, your plump lips that revealed a pearly white, gem decorated smile. you were like a dream personified. As you were explaining your vision for your nails to connie, he was trying his very best to focus but your scent of shea butter and florals was distracting him, “you paying attention, con?” “huh? yeah, yeah, i am!”
nailtech!connie trying to learn everything about you. from your favorite foods to what you do as a career, all of it. when he found out you were a rapper, he only wanted to go harder pulling out some exclusive charms he was saving. something he did love was how despite giving him an idea of what you wanted, you basically gave him freedom to present your idea into his vision, which he absolutely loved.
nailtech!connie who kept refusing to take the full payment and insisted on giving you a discount (because he can). after a few times, you finally convinced him to take the payment, but asked if you could become a regular because his work was so good. it only took a flutter of your lashed extensions for the man to fold,  but he only had one rule: don’t cheat on him.
✧・゚— author’s note • hey y’all!! i hope this was good, i’m super proud of it but please give me feedback 🙏🏾. do y’all want more nailtech!connie? do ya’ll want more connie & y/n 😗? let me know and i appreciate y’all, until next time 🖤
tags : @yourrfavzxri , @theemrsjaeger , @hqkalon , @1h3artm3
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k2ssland · 1 year
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connie springer found himself crushing on one of his pretty little college girl clients . . . it started when you discovered him through a mutual on campus who deemed he produced the best quality weed in the area and in addition, he was undeniably sexy. curiosity swarmed your mind to see if the weed he was really all that.
even though you rarely indulged in smoking—the only times being for anxiety relief, you got his number and worked up the courage to text. agreeing on a time for his delivery, you sat on your porch, heart pounding through your chest while anticipating his arrival. and he pulled up a little after twelve-thirty am blasting xavier wulf, disturbing all your poor sleeping neighbors. nervously approaching his coupe as he rolled his five percent tinted window down simultaneously lowering the music to a normal level.
"yo, what you doin' buyin' from me, lil' college girl?" was the first thing the brunette-headed beauty said to you. connie's hazel eyes shamelessly trace your plush brown skin body from your fresh goddess braids to the white painted toes in your christian dior sandals.
immediately, his masculine musk mixed with marijuana swarmed your nose and overstimulated your senses making you dizzy. connie leaned back comfortably in his seat and no seat belt in sight, he now tucked his hands into his grey nike sweats, revealing the inseam of his red psds and a glimpse of his perfectly sculpted abdomen. tattoo sleeves ran up both of his muscular arms all the way to his chest.
"the others at yo school usually want rocks, but it's only green ova here." he spoke in a deep tone with a slightly foreign accent, licking his plump cotton candy lips after speaking and slightly showing the blinged-out grills secured to his teeth.
"boy, what the hell? i'm not here for cocaine, that's not what my people do." distraught and snapped out of your daydream by his reply, you painted an almost disgusted look on your face and his laughter erupted throughout the car.
between his laughter, he subtly apologized and continued on with the deal. you apprehensively played it off as you had a big test the following day and simply needed something to calm your nerves, knowing damn well you just wanted to see the infamous sexy dealer in your college town up close.
"oh, word? that's wassup mami. te deseo buena suerte."
he slid an extra ounce in your bag and shrugged it off as a miscount, but the real reason simply being that he was enticed by your beauty. a few days later, before you even finished what you already had, you called him up for another eighth just so you could see his gorgeous face again.
after delivering to you numerous times, he finally asked you out on his version of a date, which was matching in front of a breathtaking view, talking about aliens n conspiracy theories, and after, treating you to whatever munchies craving you possessed.
eventually, connie cautiously opened you up to his world, sometimes allowing you to accompany him on his late-night deliveries whenever you had insomnia. it was definitely different from what you'd known, you wondered to yourself how you, the girl who completely devoted herself to her school, producing top-of-the-line grades, came from a supportive and loving family, ended up skipping class to ride passenger princess in a sexy drug dealer's bmw who knew nothing but the streets.
you knew it was bad and so did he, you two had no business being together, but it was just something about you—something about him.
from you being so oblivious to his street slang and always following up with, "um connie . . . what does that mean?" and vice versa, the way you articulated words only captivated him more, asking you to educate him on their meanings and slowly applying them to his lingo. he admired how you spoke properly regardless of your black friends accusing you of being white-washed because of your pwi.
eventually, he taught you how to weigh his loads, putting your own touch on them by packaging them into pink plastic baggies with their name, amount, and a heart around it.
"mami, they gon' think i went all soft and shit now," is what he told you every time regardless of him finding it adorable.
he thought your innocence and intelligence were alluring and for your sake, he knew he should've kept it strictly professional business, but he wanted to ruin you.
his aspiration only grew larger after one night, participating in a mini competition amongst yourselves to see who would tap out first while smoking as many blunts as possible.
your deep brown eyes were low n red after two, ready to quit due to the feeling of immense drowsiness. feeling as if you were on another planet, you brazenly confessed a few secrets of yours before falling asleep in his arms—one being that you had never had sex before. the thought of connie popping your sweet cherry made him brick up instantly. he would’ve took you right then and there in the backseat of his car, but he wanted you to be completely conscious for it.
teaching you his ways was only the beginning, not only did he want to corrupt your mind, he desired to take over your entire body like a vicious plague.
you sheepishly admitted that being in his scene terrified you but he assured you, "i promise nothin' will happen to you as long as you wit me, mamacita."
he later conceded to you that he was always strapped with his glock-19 and in a way, that made him even sexier. he pulled the weapon out of his baggy sweats and laid it on his lap for you to comprehend. you blurted out asking if he had ever used it on someone.
"ignorance is bliss, ain’t that right, bae?” giving you a small smile alongside a chuckle, continuing on with his delivery route as if nothing happened.
he dropped you home later that night and it was spent under your baby pink silk sheets, one hand tightly resting on your breast, the other rubbing over your aching clit. soft mewls of his name escaped your lips while fantasizing about him holding his loaded gun to your head, finger just shy of the trigger as he fucked you dumb. you messily came undone all over yourself and from that day on, your worries about safety never resumed.
the next thing you knew, connie's plan had you exactly where he wanted you to be. his big body hovering over your adorably small one in comparison and looking down upon you hungrily with low bloodshot eyes, making you indecisive of if the sight was sexy or terrifying, or both.
legs spread onto the dip of his buff shoulders, gold anklet dangling in his face and his precum-soaked tip aimed at your entrance. it was everything you had fantasized about; thick, circumcised, and pretty. veins protruding from the base to his baby pink tip, the same color as your thong he pulled aside.
"wait! wait—connie, before you continue, i need to tell you something.” the fear was evident in your eyes, shakily placing your small chubby hand on his toned lower stomach to avoid him proceeding further.
"oh, that you're a virgin?"
"wait, wait what?" eyes widening, your brows lowering with confusion.
"you do lots of talkin' when you're high, but even without you tellin' it was obvious." his copper eyes briefly shifted towards the chastity ring that never left your finger.
"fuck you, connie."
"oh yea? fuck me, baby? nah, fuck you."
audibly gasping at the sudden aggressive shift into your slit and taking in all of his inches. a smug grin painting his face once he watches the pretty virgin trying to adjust to his length, the stretch embarrassingly being nearly unbearable for you.
"t'hurts," your brown irises rolling to the depths of your skull and he needily bucked his hips against you, balls deep inside of your pussy, slapping against the fat of your ass with no remorse.
“c–connie it’s t’much . . . i can’t.” while gripping onto the sheets as if your life depended on it, light tears swell your sweet doe eyes and your eyelashes meeting with your flushed cheeks from tightly clenching your eyes shut. your pussy crying for him as well, coating his cock with sticky cream ring.
"awn you can't take it, baby? i thought it was fuck me though, right?" he purred in a condescending tone, his russet eyes narrowing before increasing his pace, watching the way your pussy swallowed his dick whole.
"m'sorry . . . connie, m'so so sorry, please."
"m'so sorry," connie embarrassingly mocks your tone creating nearly the same pitch as your shaky voice. his veiny hand wrapped around your neck restricting your breath to a minimum and making you dizzy while soft mewls slithered out of your lips, pain mixing with a foreign feeling of pleasure.
"actin' so innocent all the damn time n yet here you are, pretty pussy creamin' all over my dick." his words spilling from his lips like an addictive poison to your brain.
"ease up f'me princesa, with you clenchin' like that m'not gonna last long." connie's voice coos in your ear as he positions your legs all the way over his shoulders to allow him to plant harsh kisses on your bruised cervix to where you couldn't think straight. gripping your plush thick body in the sweaty palms of his hand and squirming underneath his weight. the room filled with lewd sloppy squelching noises from your pussy suctioned onto the length of his shaft.
your short french tip nails dug into his sweat-glistened skin leaving crescent moons behind and you weren't even fighting back anymore, you embraced it. nuzzling into his chest and wrapping your hands around his neck as he thrusts inside of your tummy.
"oo my gosh, connie. m'gonna cum." your arch faltering, yearning for the sweet release that doing it yourself could never fulfill. his hips angled directly at your sweet spot sending warm n fuzzy shocks through your body.
his dick twitched inside of you and you knew he was close as well based off of his sloppier thrusts. so pussy drunk from your sopping cunt he didn't even hear you talking, he just continued with his pace.
your core tightened and the utmost sensational orgasm ripped out of you. it only took a few more weak strokes to lead to his thick sticky ribbons of goo shooting inside of you and painting your walls completely white.
"connie . . . do drug dealers have hookups to plan b's too?"
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© 𝐊𝟐𝐒𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 ─ all rights reserved. do not translate. plagiarize, or repost any of my works to alternative sites, tumblr included.
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eddieandbird · 3 months
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Your neighbor, Eddie, introduces you to his cat.
tags/warnings: fluff | 1.4k words | genderless reader | cat/pet mention
With a flick of your keys in the ignition, you switch off your car, continuing to hum the song that was recently played on the radio. You got out, then shut the car door with your hip. You were going to head inside the house, but your steps were halted by the sound of a high-pitched whistle.
“Hey, kid!” A low voice called out to you from across the street.
Eddie stood there in his driveway leaning up against his van. He slowly waved and clapped his hands together as he pushed himself off the van door.
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” His head gestured toward his trailer, beckoning you to come over.
You raised a brow and then approached him, your arms folded across your chest. You had been Eddie’s neighbor for a couple of years and you’d hardly said a thing to each other, even in the hallway at school.
“Yeah, sure. What’s up, Munson?” You nodded, shoving your hands in your pockets.
“Is that orange cat yours?” Eddie pointed back to your porch.
Sure enough there your cat was, stretched out and laying on the front steps. You pouted at the little guy, thinking he looked so sweet taking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun.
“Oh yeah, that’s Arthur,” You chuckled. “Why?”
“I got something you might wanna see,”
You followed Eddie up to the trailer door and waited at the bottom step. He quickly dipped inside and returned with a cat in his arms, its body mostly tucked into his denim vest.
“This little girl is Scarlet,” He smiled wryly as he showed her off.
“Hi Scarlet,” You gasped softly as you leaned in to pet her head. You could feel your heart melting as you looked at her, the black ball of fluff she was with two giant green eyes peering from out of the fur. Eddie chuckled as he watched you interact with Scarlet, her tail flicking happily from the attention. He hadn’t seen her be this responsive in a couple of days, but he chopped it up to her seeing someone other than him and Wayne.
“She’s a real sweetheart,” he murmured, giving her head scratches. The cat glanced at you with big curious eyes then returned to her owner.
“She looks like trouble,”
“More like a headache,” Eddie smirked. “She keeps me up at night, I tell ya.”
“Yeah, Arthur is quite the menace too. As you can see, he prefers patrolling the house rather than staying inside in his comfy cat bed I spent way too much money on,” You shook your head, pointing back to him with your thumb.
“Yeah about that…” Eddie’s words were hesitant and elongated. “That’s actually why I wanted you to meet Scarlet. She likes wandering outside a lot too, but recently I noticed she’s been all weird and clinging to my side and well-”
Eddie held Scarlet up before him, letting her feet dangle underneath her. The position of the animal revealed that she wasn’t simply abnormally fluffy as you thought, but her belly was also extended.
“Oh, no fucking way,” Your voice was strained with shock.
Eddie awkwardly nodded, his gaze shifting between you and Scarlet. He gently pushed her belly to show how just round it was. You pinched the bridge of your nose in response.
“Yep,” He beamed, a hint of amusement in his voice. “She’s pregnant.” He then shifted her in his arms so she could lay back down comfortably.
“She hasn’t been eating as much lately either,” he went on. “I think she’s due any day now.”
“Jesus Christ,” You scoffed, shaking your head.
Your head whipped back to glare at your cat who was peacefully snoozing away, his head resting on the stair railing. It was ridiculous to be annoyed with him for this, but you found yourself a bit disgruntled anyway.
“Arthur, you slut!” You yelled as if he was able to feel shame. You sighed after your fit of laughter died down. “Listen, I really apologize for my irresponsible cat,”
A light flush dusted your cheeks as you held them in shock and horror. You knew this was a thing that all animals did, but you still could not believe that this had happened to you and a neighbor. Eddie smirked at your flustered state, his eyes crinkling with amusement.
“Hey, it takes two, you know,” he lifted Scarlet to his face and kissed the top of her head.
“It’s not just your cat that’s an irresponsible dumbass.”
He set Scarlet back down on the ground and she quickly sauntered over to rub against your legs, purring softly. You crouched down to run your fingers through her dark hair, a wry smile playing on your lips.
“What are we going to do, Scarlet, huh? We can’t have a dozen mini black and orange devils running around here. You guys will take over the whole trailer park,” You babbled, sighing when you felt her rubbing up against your calf.
“We can’t keep them all, right?” You asked him with a suspicious squint. You needed him to agree with you.
Eddie seemed like a guy with a good head on his shoulders, but you also knew he had a reputation for creating trouble himself. It was almost concerning how many times you would peek out your front window and see him stomping out a fire or falling off of his roof.
To your relief, Eddie gave a disapproving look, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
“Hell no, we can’t keep them all,” he declared.
He leaned back against the wall of the trailer, rocking his cat back and forth.
“As much as I love my little demon-” He began with a huff. “The idea of having a bunch of kittens running around? Sounds like a nightmare. That’s way too much chaos, even for me.”
He scratched the back of his neck. It was as if Scarlet knew she was being talked about as she trotted her way back inside the trailer.
“You got that right. We barely have a grip on the cats we have now,” You zoned out for a moment, picturing the scene and shivering at the thought. “I guess we gotta figure out what to do with the kittens before Scarlet pops. What do people even do when their cats are pregnant?”
Eddie shrugged, his mind suddenly blank.
“Dunno,” he said, then gave himself a small whack to the head. “I knew I should’ve picked up a book from the vet or something. All I’ve done is feed her extra and give her extra cuddles.”
He frowned, clearly frustrated. You found it kind of endearing that he joined you in your turmoil. The situation was as humorous as it was vexing.
“What about you, kid?” He raised a curious brow. “Any suggestions?”
You shrugged back, a frown creeping up on your mouth. “Well first, I’m taking Arthur to get fixed. I had no idea he wasn’t. He was a stray I took in at my last place,”
Guilt fell heavy on your mind as you recalled lying to your parents about where you actually found Arthur. You had told them it was given to you by an old friend, but really you found him sniffing around some dumpsters at the mall.
“Maybe we can ask around town if anyone is interested in newborn kittens?” You looked up at him, scratching your forehead.
Eddie nodded along as you spoke, mulling over the idea of giving away the kittens. He had a soft spot for animals but knew that keeping them all just wasn’t an option.
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed. “Let’s put up some flyers or something. See if we can find good homes for them.”
“Sounds good to me,” You nodded.
“Awesome. I’ll grab some supplies tomorrow. You wanna come over and make the flyers with me?” Eddie asked, looking hopeful with his wide eyes and raised brows.
Your mouth hung open in shock for a second. “Yeah? Yeah. Tomorrow. I’ll definitely stop by,”
Your voice was breathy, sounding completely foreign to you. You cleared your throat. Eddie perked up at your agreement, a boyish grin slowly spreading across his face.
“Cool,” he said in a tone that tried to mask his excitement. “Just come over whenever. I’m pretty much free all day after school.”
He tilted his head, observing you closely. Your sudden change in demeanor didn’t go unnoticed, but he chose not to comment on it. Instead, he smiled slyly.
“Looking forward to it, kid.”
“Me too,”
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emelinstriker · 10 months
Shockwave ♤ Kiss The Spark
Might be my last TFP X Reader one-shot I'm dropping for now. I've got several other one-shots and even a full book that was in the works, but whenever I'll finish any, I have no idea.
[TL;DR] You really do be worrying your beloved cyclops scientist with the risks you take. And he finds it illogical.
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
It was a lazy day for the two of you. Megatron was busy leading the Decepticon cause, as usual, and left Shockwave to his tools. Said mech was trying to work on basically recreating a predacon while you were watching him. It did make him a little uncomfortable with how you were basically staring at him, but he would never out right say it.
You were just supposed to be a random human he could study and experiment on after you were kidnapped by Knockout months ago. But now you were the lover of the warship's scientist. Basically his Conjunx Endura, and he did show some affection towards you while feeling some sort of emotion despite having undergone shadowplay. At first it felt like you were treated like a pet, which you technically were in the Decepticon's optic, but it was obvious he was lying to himself over time as you began to worm your way into his spark.
Despite the months of love and care, he slowly started neglecting you due to the cause being his main priority. Sure, he did give you food and your own box corner that felt like a small apartment, but his affection towards you decreased and you were missing it. You were missing the freetime you had and spent simply roaming around the Nevada desert whenever you landed. You wanted to relive that.
"Hey, Shocky?" He didn't bother turning around to face you as he continued working, not answering. But you knew he was listening. "When do you have time to hang out again?" You asked with a hopeful gaze at the back of his helm.
He ceased his movements for a moment, turned his optic toward you and said, "Most likely when I am finished with this project. I do not know how long it will take. It would be most logical of you to simply wait."
You frowned at his response and started to make your way towards the door. "Oh, okay... I'll leave you to it then..." The giant metal doors slid opened for you and closed once you passed the threshold. Shockwave knew you left but didn't bother stopping you as the project took priority. However, that doesn't mean he didn't feel more empty when you were out of the room.
And it finally seemed too much after two agonizing hours of not having you around him. He told himself he would do a quick check-up on you to ensure you were all fine. So, he left the project on his table before making his way to the bridge where he knew Soundwave would possibly still be with you.
Unsurprisingly, he was right. Well, half right. Soundwave was at the bridge, but you were nowhere to be found. Of course there had to be a reason for it, and who would know better than the slender mech himself. "Soundwave," the cyclops started as he approached the other working Decepticon, "where is (Y/N)?"
The TIC ceased his movements before typing away again, revealing groundbridge coordinates on the screen. The coordinates seemed to lead into town, close to a few stores but far away enough for a small groundbridge to go undetected. Soundwave turned his helm towards the mech behind him as he slightly lifted a servo at the screen to point at it. Shockwave gave him a puzzled look- Or at least as puzzled as one could look with a single optic for a faceplate. "Why did you send them there?"
Instead of answering with more movements, Soundwave decided to simply play a voice clip he recorded of you in your own words. "Hey, Sounders, could I maybe go to town? I need to see if I can buy some material for [...]. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out-" The audio abruptly cut of before you could explain any further. And there was information missing, most likely to keep whatever you were planning a secret from the scientist. It seemed illogical for you to be plotting something behind his back however. Thus he didn't question the TIC any further about the audio.
"When will they return?" Soundwave played another clip in response, "I'll call you when I got everything, alright? Shouldn't take more than two hours max."
And as if on cue, a sudden personalized ringtone rang out on the bridge with an image of you on the screen. Their optics glanced at the screen before Soundwave answered the call. You sounded like you were out of breath. And Shockwave was able to feel your anxiety through your bond.
"H-Heya, Sounders!" You dramatically exhaled a large portion of air before continuing in a rather quick way. "Please don't tell Shocky, but I kinda ran into some trouble and am being chased by a gang with weapons. I managed to escape unscathed, but I sadly didn't get some other things." You took another deep breath. "And as much as I wanna grab some extras, I don't think I'd be alive on my way back if I did that. At least I got enough for one."
As both mechs became concerned, Shockwave decided to speak up. "(Y/N), are you in a safe location? Do you require a groundbridge immediately?"
The voice caught you by surprise, but you were also a little relieved to hear him. "I-I'm not far enough from people yet. I'm across the street from the gang right now and they seem to have lost me. But there's an alleyway here." You then proceeded to walk down the dark alley. "I don't think there's a second gang in here so I should be-" You cut yourself off as you looked behind you with wide eyes. The fear you gave off reached the scientist instantly.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright? What happened?" Your sudden silence made them even more worried. The silence wasn't there for long though as harsh winds clashed with your phone, indicating that you were running.
"They found me! I-I can't run any longer! My bags are- are slowing me down! And they want my bags and my money! But I need them! And whAT THE FUCK- WHY?!"
Turns out the alley had a deadend.
The two mechs could faintly hear one guy say something, but it was inaudible. But they could hear one who was closer. "You're right. Why should we just take their belongings if we could have some fun with them as extra?"
While the cyclops was able to feel your hopeless anxiety already, the call managed to catch the sounds of your sniffles. You hiccuped as you whispered into your phone, "I need you, Shockwave." You usually weren't scared of most things- Hell, you made a giant alien robot fall in love with you and managed to befriend others on the warship, deeming them as family! And they wanted to cyberform the earth! But being in this situation, alone, far away from your family, with just some useless things you bought... It scared you.
And this was something that truly angered Shockwave for once. The fact that you used his actual name instead of a nickname told him how trapped you truly felt.
It sent him over the edge.
"Soundwave. Groundbridge to their coordinates. Now", he commanded firmly.
The masked mech, despite being kind of surprised by the taller mech's sudden show of emotions, did as he was told. The scientist didn't waste time in running towards the now open swirly green portal. He didn't even bother transforming and using his holoform.
These humans deserved to suffer.
By his true form's servos.
You were backed up into the deadend when you noticed a familiar green light pop up behind you. Out of instinct you moved aside as the gang stared at it, not knowing if this were special effects to scare them off. That's when you saw Shockwave step out of the portal. He took a moment to take in his surroundings before spotting you next to his pedes, shivering from shock, but still smiling up at him with teary eyes. "H-Hi, hun..."
"Go home, sweetspark. I'll meet you there."
He said. Then he watched as you somewhat clumsily sprinted through the groundbridge, two bags in hand, before he turned back towards the group of humans.
"It would be illogical of me not to dispose of lifeforms that pose a threat to my sparkmate."
What was mercy? In that moment, he couldn't recall.
While waiting, you were next to Soundwave, being comforted by his tendrils as you held onto one like a big teddy bear. Your bags were sitting behind you. Shockwave finally returned a few minutes later, groundbridge closing behind him. His servo and pedes were completely bloody. You also spotted a bit of blood on the rest of his frame- even a tiny bit on the side of his helm. He walked up to your still slightly shaken form. "Did they harm them in any way?" He asked the other mech, who previously ran a scan on you as safety precaution.
Soundwave responded with a simple "Negative" audio as he retracted his tendrils from you, now that your biggest comfort was here. You reluctantly let go of the tendril when a servo gently wrapped itself around you instead, picking you up. The purple mech didn't say another word to the shorter mech and simply walked off, all the while placing you on his shoulder pad. Sure, you were now a little bloody too, but you could just wash your clothes. While Shockwave felt the comforting relief through your bond, he still was upset about your reckless logic.
"You left the ship without my authorization or knowledge." Most would view his monotone yet commanding voice as a sign of pure anger, but you knew that he was actually worried sick.
"B-But I-" "You could have been hurt and I would not have been able to protect you. From now on, you are to stay on the warship if I'm.not accompanying you", he stated firmly, placing you on the table and coldly turning away towards his project.
Now that you were finally back in the lab, he wouldn't need to worry about you being hurt anymore, despite his spark not wanting to shut up about the slight bit of worry. However, due to you still being upset about the previous situation, you couldn't help but tear up again. You honestly didn't mean to make him mad and worried. He could feel it.
"I-I'm so s-sorry", you whispered as you hiccuped. "I-I just w-wanted to make y-you a gift..."
This caught the scientist's attention as his ear fins moved. A gift... for him? You went through the lengths of sneaking out(, despite Soundwave's knowledge of course), going to town alone, and running away from a street gang... just to make him a gift? So, naturally he demanded for an explanation for this stunt you tried to do.
You pulled your bags closer to your body as you sniffled, rummaging through one of them. "I-I bought materials f-for a self-made gift..." You then pulled out some purple fabric from the bag. Almost the same shade of purple as his frame. "I-It was supposed to be a plush toy version... of you..." A small, sheepish smile made its way onto your lips. The tears may have stopped flowing, but you still didn't feel quite comfortable in what you were presenting him. It wasn't even finished, after all. And you weren't even sure if he would like it.
"Giving me a toy version of myself is illogical." For a second, a frown replaced your smile. Thinking he didn't like the idea, you slowly starting lowering your arm in disappointment, wanting to put the fabric away again so he wouldn't have to see it.
"O-Oh, sorry... I thought-" "But, I appreciate the sentiment", Shockwave quickly added as he approached you with his servo. One digit gently trailed up and down your arm in a comforting manner. "You may still continue creating it. I am not stopping you." Him using a gentler, lower tone made you smile again. You wrapped your arms around his digit and lightly cuddled into it, saying a small "Thanks" in return.
You swore your Conjunx's optic was glowing brighter than usual.
You managed to craft a rather big plush version of Shockwave. You were able to wrap both of your arms around it and cuddle with it like a big stuffed animal. It was still severely small in the scientist's optic, but he refused to handle it any less gentle than you when picking it up. It was so much softer than you, which amazed him.
A few days after you finished up the plushie, Shockwave asked you to wait for him in his habsuite.
Turns out he wanted you to touch his spark again. It's been a long time since you've last done so, which was when you became Conjunx Endura just a couple of months ago. And due to the bond mostly being a one-sided receiving one, he wanted to show you how much he appreciated you in his life. And touching his spark was the only way for you to receive his side of the bond.
You're the only one he's ever shown his spark to in such an intimate light. And you could feel how much he adored having you be this close to him, touching the very culmination of his being ever so gently. You even gave his spark some light kisses, making him ex-vent.
Content with your moment together, he gently positioned his servo against your small back, pulling you a little closer down onto his chassis.
He wouldn't trade you for anything, not even his loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticon cause.
[ Masterlist ]
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spicerackofblorbos · 5 months
Sapphire | Leon Kennedy x bartender!fem!reader
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☾ summary ➼ part II to Amethyst, you invited Leon to stay the night after he kindly drove you home in the dead of night. Long-hidden feelings finally reveal themselves in a passionate heated exchange.
☾ content/warnings ➼ fluff, canon world, mutual pining, SMUT (18+), p in v, oral (m and f recieving), unprotected sex, afab!reader, adult language
☾ wc ➼ 6.5k
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After making sure his car was locked, Leon follows close behind you as you step up the few stairs to your front door. Luckily you were smart enough to turn the porch lights on before leaving – though that seemed like where your luck had run out for the day.
You are quick to insert your key and turn, pressing down on the handle at the same time so that the old door opens with a groan. You are instantly hit with a burst of warmth from the dimly lit interior, creating goosebumps down your arms.
"Do you live by yourself?” Leon asks behind you, his blue eyes trailing around the small area of your house he can see.
"Yes and no." You say simply as you carefully tug your keys from the door handle. A large yawn escapes you as you step over the threshold, Leon on your heels. He makes sure to close and lock it securely for you with a few clicks.
"What does that mean? You don't have any family members hiding so they can get the jump on me and chop me up, do you?" Leon watches you slide your work shoes off before tucking them neatly into a shoe rack at the base of the stairs leading up to who knows where.
He makes sure to do the same, placing them by the rack as there wasn't any room. From what he could tell, every pair of shoes was the same size, so either you lived alone, or your family had the same size shoe.
"Nah, that's a few houses down." You joke from down the hall. Leon follows your voice to find you digging into a small closet full of spare bedding and towels. The way you had bent down gave Leon a full view of your curves, and he forces himself to look away.
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When you find what you were looking for, you clutch them to your chest and turn around. Leon is a lot closer than you thought he’d be, causing you to squeak in surprise. Your face heats up in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry.”
Both of your statements come out in unison, followed by some light laughter. You remember in the beginning of your friendship with him, he rarely laughed or even cracked a smile. The day he did both was a small victory that you hold onto even now.
And you never got tired of hearing and seeing them. The way Leon laughs is so endearing to you. His sapphire eyes half close, the creases by his eyes scrunching. The laughs were always deep and rumbling, a soothing sound to your ears.
“No one here but me… and Matilda.” You say, looking past Leon to the small black cat that sat on her haunches at the end of the hall. Her pale-yellow eyes watch Leon, half with curiosity and the other half with caution.
You don’t catch the way Leon’s eyes widen at the name, a familiar one to him that he hasn’t heard in a while. He turns around to face the little creature, giving her a small wave and smile.
“Well, at least you have someone to keep you safe.” Leon says, twisting back to face you again.
“She’s the most ferocious guard cat you’ll ever see.” You chuckle as you brush past Leon towards Matilda and the base of the stairs. The subtle hint of aftershave and sandalwood tickles your nose as you do, and you find yourself breathing in a little deeper to hold on to the scent before it inevitably disappears.
“I have a couch down here, but honestly, you’ll be more comfortable in my living space up here.” You continue. You watch as your shy cat runs off towards the kitchen as you approach.
When you make it to the top of the stairs, you’re faced with your little living space. The previous owners had originally used this as an upstairs studio but since you were the only human in the house, you turned it into an office and living space. Your own personal haven.
On the left of the room is a lush L-shaped sofa, littered with various soft blankets and pillows – your favorite napping spot. A small coffee table separates that side and the other where a mid-sized flat screen sits on top of a little media center. On the back wall is a small window overlooking the backyard, curtains and blinds closed as they always were when you were gone for work. And right next to the couch is a full bathroom, the door half open and decorated with your favorite colors.
Considering this is the room you spend the most time in, it’s very personalized to you. Leon couldn’t help but trail his eyes over every part of this room, noting every piece of your personality splayed out. His gaze finally lands on the bookshelf next to the media center, full of the trinkets and gifts he’s given you. He smirks as he makes his way over to them, eyeballing the glittering prizes and remembering exactly when and where he retrieved them for you.
“This shelf will be worth a fortune one day if you keep this up.” Leon teases.
After placing the bedding and towels down on to the coffee table, you turn to watch Leon as he leans towards the shelf to take a closer look. The way his back muscles ripple in his moistened shirt sends tingles through your body.
It’s not like you’ve never seen his muscles, but without the low lighting of the bar and closer proximity than usual, you can’t help but marvel at his whole physique. With every shift in weight, the thin cloth of his shirt tightens and loosens around his strong shoulders. You avert your eyes quickly when you notice he's about to turn around.
“Well, that’s if I decide to sell them. But I could never. They’re gifts, after all.” You walk back over to the top of the stairs and turn to face him before stepping down, your palm lightly placed on the half wall separating the stairs and the upper floor.
“That bathroom is all yours. I think I have some clothes that might fit you, I just need to find them first.” You purse your lips then start for the bottom floor, leaving Leon to his devices.
Leon watches as you descend until you’re out of sight, then sighs through his nose. He grips onto the towels and heads into the bathroom you had pointed out, shaking his head of the thoughts that swirl in his mind as if that would do anything to help.
It doesn’t take him long to strip out of his wet clothes and step into the shower, shivering from the sudden change of temperature on his skin. As the warm water cascades down his sore and worn-out body, he mentally kicks himself.
He shouldn’t have taken you up on your offer. He’s crossing a boundary he had long promised himself after the first month of being your regular – letting himself get close to you. It’s not like he didn’t want to be close to you, far from it, actually.
What he feared the most was getting you into danger because of the nature of his job.
Leon didn’t know if his next mission would be his last. Not to mention, if he were to finally indulge you with information of what he did on his ‘business trips’, it could put you under the government’s spotlight. That was something he couldn’t dare let happen, not to someone as precious to him as you were.
While stepping out to dry off, his mind stays clouded with those negatives, but even so. Thoughts of you break through like rays of sunshine and he finds it increasingly harder to talk himself out of the what ifs of a real relationship. What would it mean to not only kiss you softly but to also grocery shop with you? Every single mundane thing he could think of would be miles better having you by his side.
A soft knock brings him back to the present.
You watch as the bathroom door slowly opens in front of you, a little bit of steam escaping through the crack. Leon stands in the doorway, half covered with a towel wrapped around his lower body. Droplets from his dark blonde hair fall onto his bare shoulders and chest. You knew he was muscular but this…
You blink a few times as you gather yourself and meet his eyes, feeling the heat of not only the steamy bathroom but from shyness radiating into your cheeks. In your arms are some clothes you had struggled to dig out, about Leon’s size you hoped.
“Uh, here.” You say quickly, shoving them in his chest before stepping back a few feet. “Let me know if you need something else or they don’t fit. I’m sure there is some of my grandfather’s stuff around here. I just didn’t think you’d want to dress like an old man.” You ramble and laugh nervously, averting your gaze from his figure.
“Thank you, I appreciate this.” Leon says with a grin, pretending he didn’t notice your reactions for your sake. A few witty lines dance around his mind, but he bites his tongue.
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” You say quickly before awkwardly turning and heading down the stairs.
Despite it edging towards six A.M., you find yourself brewing a pot of coffee after a quick shower of your own, now wearing an oversized sweater and sleep shorts in place of your work ‘uniform'. While the bubbling sound of the coffee maker fills the kitchen space, you find yourself leaning against the kitchen island facing the backyard. The sky is starting to turn a dark navy blue, signaling the oncoming morning.
“Coffee at this time of night?” The sudden voice startles you, your body standing up straight and spinning around quickly.
Leon stands in the archway that connects the kitchen to the hallway, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows raised. At first glance, the clothes you had provided him with were a size or two too small. The band t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and chest, sitting flush like his wet shirt had in the car. The joggers were a few inches above his ankles and hugged tightly around his thighs and…
You turn to face the coffee pot and watch as the last few blackened drops fall, pinching your lips tightly at the sight of the subtle outline of his lower body.
“Well, technically it’s the morning.” You reply simply, fighting to keep your voice steady.
You hear Leon’s heavy-set footsteps as he walks into the kitchen, then the squeak of wood on the wooden floor as he pulls out a chair at your island, settling into it. You busy yourself by opening the cupboard above you and grabbing two mugs.
“How do you like your coffee?” You ask, your back still turned towards him. You pull down your sugar container then step to the fridge to grab your creamer.
“Black, please.”
You take a moment to pour the steaming liquid into each mug, doctoring yours up the way you like it first. With both in hand, you turn towards where Leon sat and place his coffee in front of him.
“It's not the greatest coffee.” You warn before taking a careful sip. The cream smoothed out the bitterness.
“It'll suffice.” Leon says, picking up his own.
The house is quiet now, awkwardly so. When you had suggested him to stay for the night (morning?), you didn't really think past that. Here you two were – one sitting and the other standing, on opposite sides of the island. A few birds chirp morning greetings outside the window, and the sky looks a little brighter.
Your eyes slowly trail around Leon's face as he stares out the window. You're only given a side profile, but it's enough to marvel at his handsome features. His sharp jaw, dimpled chin, long eyelashes.
He gives you a side eye as he takes another sip.
“Your eyes are glazing over.” Leon says with a small amused huff.
“It's been a long twenty hours.” You shrug, peeling your eyes away.
“We should probably go to bed, then.” He lightly suggests. Leon leans back and stretches in his chair, the small shirt riding up his stomach and showing a trail of light brown hair disappearing under the jogger's waistline. You didn't mean to look, but you did.
“Y-yeah. We probably should, huh?” You say, setting your cup down. That's as far as your body moves, though.
You watch Leon stand up, grab his mug, then walk over to your sink to set it down. His shoulder brushes against yours on his way back, and the sudden sensation sends a shiver down your spine. Just like in the car earlier, your mouth opens before thinking.
“Leon?” You call to him just as he's about to pass under the archway. He turns around to face you, eyebrows raised.
You take a few steps closer to him, your heart beating so strong in your chest that you worry Leon could hear it. When you're a foot away from him, you falter with your lips parted as if you were about to say something.
“Everything okay?” He looks down at you with softened eyes, his now damp hair falling into his face.
“I just… um. Look, there’s something I want to tell you but I-"
You're cut off by Leon leaning down to close the already small gap between you two, his warm lips pressing against yours. It takes you a moment to register the sensation of it all, even less time to melt into it. Your eyes flutter closed, unconsciously closing the rest of the distance. Leon's arm snakes around your waist and pulls you into his warm chest while his tongue slides along your bottom lip before parting them.
Your head spins as you grip onto his shirt, your senses overloading from how he feels to how your body reacts to him. The kiss grow hungrier, and the heat in your stomach grows hotter. It only takes until you’re fighting for air that you have to pull away. Leon's cheeks are bright red, his wide blue eyes contrasting against them. Both of your chests rise and fall rapidly in attempt to catch your breaths.
“I'm sorry.” Leon whispers, pulling away a little. He arm doesn't release you though, and you don't fight to leave.
“N-no, that was..” You’re a little dizzy but focusing on Leon’s body helps you from losing grip.
“You were in the middle of saying something and I cut you off.”
It could have been the shot nerves, or the look that Leon gives you, but you can't help but laugh. Your body shakes in his arms as you do, your head thrown back. You've been crushing on him for so long, but you still could never read the stoic faced, dry commenting Leon Kennedy. To have him kiss you first was like someone had cut the ropes that restrained you for so long.
“I don't know what I was going to say.” You say, your laughs dying down to small giggles.
“Can I do that again?” Leon asks softly. That impassive, hardened face of his transformed into that of a puppy in such a short time span, how could you say no?
Nodding your head yes, he leans down again, slower this time. As his lips meet yours again, you're more than ready this time. As your lips moved against each other, that heat in your core burns again, radiating warmth throughout your entire body.
The kiss turns as hot as your body. You feel Leon pushing up against you, and before you know it, you're backed into the archway. The light impact elicits a small gasp from you, escaping into Leon's open mouth. Your hands rest against his chest with your nails daring to dig straight into his covered skin.
Leon's large hands travel down from your waist to your hips, his fingers squeezing into your plush skin gently. You're practically sandwiched between his stone-like body and the wood behind you, but you don't care. Your hands slide up his muscular chest so that your arms can wrap around Leon's neck. Shaking fingers slide up into his dirty blonde hair and you can't help but tangle them into the strands and tug gently.
A soft whine comes out of him when you do that, the quick jerk pulling his lips away from you. Those ocean eyes of his open and look down at you with a dark expression. Despite that though, when he speaks, his voice comes out soft.
“Is this okay?”
“I'm not complaining.” As you grin, your fingers tug on his hair again, reveling in the reaction you get from him as you do.
“Careful.” Leon warns, his tone dropping slightly.
“Or what?” You tug again.
Leon doesn't even respond, he just steps back and effortlessly picks you up by the waist with both hands. He throws you over his shoulder and starts for the hallway, you squirming and laughing against his back.
“Which door?” He asks, stopping at the end of the hall where he's faced with two doors.
“The left one.” You say through choked giggles.
Leon pushes your door open with ease, one of his arms holding tight around your thighs to keep you safely in place. The light switch flips on with a click and your cozy bedroom illuminates in front of him. He doesn't take a moment to look around though, he's more focused on something else. Someone else. You.
He flips you down on the bed onto your back, a few of your decorative pillows and plushies falling to the floor from the impact. The way you look up at Leon with warm cheeks and a shy smile is enough to make him crack his own lopsided grin.
“You’re breathtaking.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, handsome.”  
Sitting up, you reach over to grab Leon by his shirt and start pulling him down with you. He crawls into the bed, his lips meeting yours once again as you both slowly fall into the bed together. He has both hands propped up on each side of your head, holding himself up so he doesn’t crush you with his weight.
Your fingers tighten in the thin cloth while kissing back, savoring every bit of him in your mouth. Leon’s lips break away and slowly start to trail kisses down your jawline and neck. Your head tilts back into the soft sheets so he has better access and as you do, a soft sigh escapes you.
As Leon's lips reach your collar bones, he runs one of his hands under your sweater and squeezes your side softly, appreciating the warmth and softness of your skin. His hand continues upward, your sweater pulling up with it. The blatant absence of your bra lets Leon's big hand cup your breast easily, filling his calloused palm.
Your hands were just as busy, both of them under his too small shirt and feeling the ridges and dimples that came with his muscular torso and stomach. His body seems to be burning just as hot as your own. As your hands travel down, your fingertips find the waistband of his pants. You tug gently, getting a small chuckle out Leon.
Leon breaks away to look at you, his face hovering over yours and his blonde hair tickling your forehead.
“Impatient, are we?” He teases, moving his hand away from your chest and back down to the soft part of your stomach. Before you can answer, he slides off the bed and stands at the end of it, towering over you. In one swift move, Leon's strong hands grip you by the waist and pull you to the edge of the bed as well, your ass barely on the mattress. The movement makes you gasp, your eyes no doubt full of surprise as well.
His fingers trail light touches down your legs and thighs before slowing at the hem of your shorts. He looks down at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to stop him. You don't, instead you hook your thumbs at the hem of your sweater and tug it up over your chest. It takes you a moment, but you're able to pull it all the way over your head and off completely, tossing it on to the floor.
Leon chuckles above you, an eyebrow raised but he's no doubt staring at your plush chest and curves.
“Oh shut it, Kennedy.” You say before flopping on your back again, arms raised above your head.
“I didn't say anything.” Leon pulls your legs up to where your ass is flush to him now, and you can feel how hard he is for you. He places a soft kiss on your ankle before slowly going down your leg. With each kiss, he slides down to the floor so that he's kneeling and at eye level with your clothed heat. Your thighs now sit on top of his shoulders and you can see Leon's mischievous stare aimed at you.  
He doesn't hesitate to lean forward and nose into you gently, feeling how warm you are. Leon inhales a bit as he squeezes your soft thighs in tight fingers, your sweet scent nearly driving him crazy. After pulling away slightly, one of his hands gently palms over your sensitive core. Your hips reflexively buck up, pressing yourself more into his hand. The quick friction of it causes a soft moan to leave you.
It had been a while since you’ve been touched like this. That and the addition of it being someone you had vied after for so long makes you want to come undone on the spot.
A huff escapes Leon while watching you, pleased by how you react so easily to him. With a long finger, he hooks it around the thin cloth of your shorts and panties and pulls it to the side. Leon groans at the sight of your pretty pussy, glistening with your arousal, ready just for him.
Leon likes to tease. You feel his hot breath pat against your exposed heat, and you let out a small whine in frustration. However, out of shyness, you hide your face by crossing your arms over your head.
“Hey now,” Leon says softly, reaching up to grab your forearm and tugging it down gently so that he can see your face. “don't hide. I want to see your pretty face while I taste you.” He gives you another lopsided grin and you flush even more. You nod and remove your arms, opting to prop yourself up on your elbows so you both had a better visual on each other.
He places his lips on the soft inside of your thigh, lightly nipping at your skin. Slowly, he trails his tongue down until finally, his lips just barely ghosts on your already swollen clit. A few seconds pass and then his warm mouth envelopes you entirely, the tip of his tongue slowly lapping at your folds. He can't help but moan softly, the vibrations of it resonating to your core. You taste just as addictive as he thought.
Leon pulls away which causes you to whimper, and you eye him with a pout as he looks up at you. He just meets you with a sly smile.
“You're still wearing way too much.” He says before grabbing the waistline of your shorts and pulls them down roughly, taking your panties with them. In a single fluid movement, he slides them down your legs and over your feet, tossing them to the floor behind him. His rough hands grip your thighs and push them down onto the bed, gentle yet firm enough that you couldn't move them even if you tried.
You watch as he doesn't hesitate this time to dive in, his tongue dipping into your slick, the tip of his nose pressing against your clit. As his tongue moves, your head is thrown back in bliss as soft mewls escape from your lips. Instinctually, your hips buck but that's as far as you can go. Your legs strain against Leon's strength.
Your fingers make their way into his soft hair, tangling and tugging. Groans vibrate against you once again, adding to the friction against your most sensitive spot. It doesn't take long for the sensations to overwhelm you, your toes curling into the sheets just as your fingertips did in his scalp.
Suddenly, Leon pulls away slightly only to insert a finger into your tight warmth. As he slowly pumps his finger in and out of you, his mouth envelopes your clit once more, sucking ever so slightly. He doesn't stop there, the tip of his tongue making kitten licks as he does.
“Le-Leon I'm gonna..” You can't even get your words out, the rest of your words coming out in choking syllables. Instead, you tighten your fingers into his soft locks, tugging and pushing yourself more into his mouth as you chase your high.
Leon doesn't stop, not after you're moaning his name with your head thrown back and your nails digging into his scalp nor even when you're gushing hard into his mouth as your orgasm hits you like raging waves on ocean rocks.
You fall back onto the mattress with heavy pants and closed eyes as you feel your ecstasy fading away. From the front of the bed, you hear a low chuckle from Leon. Your left eye peeks open and you peer down to see Leon watching you with a smug smile.
“I bet you're pretty proud of yourself, huh?” You laugh, raising a hand for Leon to take.
“As a matter of fact, I am. You did so well.” Leon takes your hand and pulls you up into a sitting position right in front of him. The words he used sends shivers down your spine, and you can't help but smile up at him.
“Well, it's my turn.” Without hesitating, you reach over and palm over Leon's not-so-subtle erection, tucked in so tight under the cloth that it must hurt. The moment you make contact, Leon sucks in a bit of air, already so sensitive from what he just did to you and the noises he got out of you.
Moving your hand up his length, you reach the waistline of his joggers and tuck in a few fingers before gently yanking down the thick fabric, taking his boxers with it too. His cock springs free, the tip angry red and glistening with sheer pre-cum, all because of you.
“Christ, Leon…” You mutter softly. With one hand, you're pulling his pants down while the other wraps around Leon's girth, feeling the heat and ridged veins against your soft palm.
You don't miss the way Leon's soft sighs come out of his parted lips as he stares down at you, his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly and his gaze intent on your pretty face.
Slowly, you scoot towards the edge of the bed so that you’re sitting with your legs dangling and Leon standing right in the middle. You lean forward and flick your tongue up the little slit, gathering the drop of pre-cum in your mouth and then wrapping your lips around his head, savoring him.
The slight gasp from Leon sends a wave of arousal from your head down to your toes and you can't help but smile around him, your eyes meeting his darkened gaze. His hand reaches up and gently grabs a fistful of your hair then guides you up and down his cock, unconsciously bucking his hips so that you take in even more of him. It doesn't take long for your jaw to get tired from his size, but even still you take him all.
When you look up with watering eyes, you note how Leon has his own eyes closed from bliss, with his lips parted allowing soft pants to escape. The way his cheeks flush bright pink to the thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, you love it all. It fuels your need to suckle on him even harder, your tongue swirling around him at every chance you can.
Before you know it, Leon pushes your head away, a trail of saliva connecting your tongue to his throbbing cock. You look up at him curiously but before you can really get a good look, he's leaning down and effortlessly picks you up by the thighs so that you're pressed up against his chest lest you want to fall backwards.
In one fluid motion, he's twisting so that his back is facing the bed and then sitting on the edge of it in the spot you just were. You get the hint quickly and find yourself sitting on your knees on either side of his thighs, your arms wrapped around his neck and his large hands holding you up by your ass.
There's a moment where he just looks at you, making sure that you're okay with this. You answer the only way you know you can, by lining his hard cock with your slick entrance and slowly sliding down on him.
The way your warm walls hug around him is almost too much for the both of you. With this position, he's deep inside, his tip almost kissing your cervix. You don't move for a moment, letting yourself stretch to his size. Leon doesn't hesitate to capture your swollen lips in another kiss, his tongue sliding into your mouth and tangling with your tongue.
One of his arms wraps around your back while the other sits on your plush hip, his well manicured nails digging straight into your flesh. With that, he helps you move up and down on his length, and from there rapidly building moans escape you both.
Using the leverage from your knees, you're able to bounce up and down on him. He helps as he continues to kiss you hard, holding you up so that you can keep riding him easily. Breathy moans make you break away from his mouth, more trails of saliva connecting you both before splitting.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Leon moans out, resting his hot forehead on your shoulder as you gyrate your hips on him. Every roll creates friction on your clit and you can already feel a massive wave of pleasure about to wash over you.
Leon can tell too just by the way your breathing comes out ragged, how your moans pitch higher, and how your movements become sloppier as you chase that high once again.
“Cum for me.” Leon grunts out, his arm that wraps around your waist tightens as he holds himself up with his other arm, giving him leverage to thrust up into you hard. That was it for you.
The dam that welled now broke and you came hard on top of him. As your body spasmed in his hold, your teeth find his shoulder and bite down as you moan his name, muffled and broken up.
He doesn't cum yet, because he's not done. He's waited so long for this, and he wants one more orgasm from you.
There's not a moment to breathe as he stands up, his hard cock popping out of you, and quickly he twists back facing the bed. He gives you a long, lingering kiss before tossing you onto the bed again.
Despite the post-orgasm dizziness, you can't help but laugh out loud on impact, staring up at him with a bright grin and wild eyes. He gets on the bed and crawls over to you, the bed frame groaning from the shifts in weight.
Leon leans over you, his blonde hair tickling your face once more. He lowers himself down to kiss you again, this time slower and sensually. As he moves his lips against yours, he spreads your legs under him and hooks your leg in his elbow so that he can push your knee closer to your chest.
Your lips are locked in his when he pushes his way into your dripping pussy, filling you up once again. As he does that, a sharp gasp escapes into his mouth from the sudden change, only to transform into a low moan.
Leon's lips trail down your jaw and neck as he slowly snaps his hips against you, the smacking of skin and breathy moans filling the empty spaces of your house. His teeth find purchase against your sensitive skin, eliciting the sweetest noises Leon's ever heard in his life.
His lips trail down further, nipping at your collarbone then down to your breasts. He licks one of your hardened nipples before taking it into his mouth and sucking gently. His teeth bite down a little making you gasp from the mixed pleasure and pain. He releases it before going back up your shoulder, grunts of effort escaping his parted lips.  
“God, you're perfect.” He moans against your neck before going in to suck on it, no doubt leaving a mark there for later.
Your hands slide up his sweaty chest and around his back, digging your nails straight into those back muscles you loved so much. You don't know if you're drawing red, but you certainly felt like you were by how tight you were holding on to him. As if your life depended on it.
He continues to fuck you into the bed, his grunts and moans coming out broken. You could have sworn you heard a little whine in there too, which only pushed you closer to the edge of your climax.
Leon releases your leg and lets it fall to the bed so that he can unwrap your arms around him and in one hand, he takes your wrists and flips them up above your head, holding you down as he pushes himself into you more, groaning as he picks up his pace.
“Fu-fuck I'm not going to last any longer..” He groans out as he rests his forehead on yours, both of your sweat mixing as his hot breath fans on your face.
“P-please cum in me.” You moan, wrapping your legs around his waist to hold him closer.
“Are you sure?” The look of hesitation flickers across his face before he notices how desperate you were for him. Then it turns into a wicked grin, loving the sight of you taking him so well and wanting more.
“Say it again.” That sweet begging voice of yours, he needs it. He snaps into you roughly, his fingers tightening around your wrists as he does.
“Please cum in me, L-Leon!” At this point, your words are slurring from being love-drunk, tired and fatigued but you don't want to stop until you're both finished.
Leon doesn't ask again, and as he feels that winding string about to break in him, he leans down and catches your mouth again, moving his lips against yours heatedly and just like that, you both let go.
Your legs tighten around his waist as ropes of his hot cum spill into you, his movements not stilling one bit as he finishes inside your pulsating walls. He can't help but groan your name as he does, feeling every ounce of energy draining from him with every last drop he shoots into you.
For a moment, there's a silence bar the heavy panting from the both of you. Then suddenly, you burst into a fit of laughter, him soon following. It’s contagious, and he leans down to kiss you again, chaste and sweet.
Leon pulls out slowly, and you can feel his cum already starting to leak out and onto the sheets. He releases your wrists then flops over next to you and sprawls out, his joints and bones popping as he stretches. Between this passionate session and his recent mission, he just knows his body will be mad at him later.
As you both lie there, staring at the now sunrise lit ceiling, sated grins sit on your faces. You both turn to face each other, staring into each other's eyes. He reaches over to move some of your hair off your face that had gotten stuck there from sweat, his fingers lightly caressing your skin.
“How long have you been waiting to do that, Kennedy?” You smirk, raising an eyebrow.
“How long have you been waiting for me to do that, is the better question.” He counters, chuckling lowly.
“Far too long, that's for sure.” You mutter softly, giving him a small smile.
“Does this mean I'm definitely your favorite regular now?”
You smack his chest lightly and laugh, rolling your eyes at him. You sit up carefully, noting how racked your body feels from the heated exchange. Slowly, you slide off the bed and stand up on wobbly knees. It takes you a moment to gather your bearings as you stretch yourself, feeling the warmth of the sunrays peering through your sheer curtains on your skin.
“You've always been my favorite, dummy. No one else brings me fun trinkets from their dangerous business trips.” You joke lightly, turning around to face him. He’s lying on his side, propped up on an arm as he stares at you. God, he's so perfect.
“Good, because I'll fight anyone that comes close to that title.”
“I’m sure you will, Kennedy. I'm gonna go clean up in the shower, wanna join?”
“But, showering means I'll see you naked.” He feigns shyness, but his smirk tells something different. He’s so dumb, you laugh to yourself.
“Your loss.” You purse your lips and start for the bathroom. The thud of Leon landing on the floor behind you is instantaneous, his heavy footsteps following quickly behind.
It's well into the morning when you find yourself snuggled up lazily into Leon's arms, both freshly showered and satisfied. He helped you strip your sheets and put new ones on before you grabbed him by the arm and tugged him into bed with you – something he definitely did not try to fight.
With his big arm wrapped around you protectively, him lying on his back, you nuzzle into his ribs as you splay your arm across his broad chest. He's already in and out of sleep, soft snores escaping him. His arm around you just tightens in response, his fingers curling into your soft side as he mumbles softly. As the morning birds continue their melody, you drift off easily. Already is your mind busy dreaming of the man whose scent permeates every part of your senses, making this rest the easiest one you've had in a while.
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taglist: @lucysarah-c @leafydahbeafy @eddsthemunsonif you would like to be a part of my taglist so you can be notified of more of my content, please go here and fill out my google docs! your email is not shared with me nor anyone else!
please do not copy, repost, or translate. everything but the characters and world belong to me, @spicerackofblorbos . if you liked it, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!!
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thewickedjazzy · 27 days
Could u do dazai x reader with ocd?
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Featuring: Osamu Dazai x gn! ocd reader
Content: sfw, fluff, slightly angst, mention of some swearing words, I believe that's it?,
Author's note: hiiii anon, so sorry for the late response, I swear I was working on it since I received it. I'm also working on all of yall's requests - I'm not sure if you wanted a fic, drabble, or headcanon so I just did a rock paper scissors.
Word count: 1k
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❥ Dazai is a smartass, quick witted even, and don't forget that he works at the agency as a detective so of course he will quickly notice how you constantly worry about things going wrong—whether it’s leaving your water bottle uncapped or making a mistake at work. He sees you zoning out at the office, caught in a loop of anxious thoughts, and quickly deduces that it’s more than just everyday stress.
❥ At first, before really getting to know you, he was just a quiet observer. But he never judged, not even once. He’s got his own mental shit to deal with, so he knows how fucked up minds can be. He’d make mental notes of your quirks, just in case he needed to handle them during a mission or whatever.
❥ As he gets to know you better, he figures out how sweet and lovely you are—unlike the twisted side of your mind. It’s like an addiction for him; he craves that balance. He enjoys being friends with someone who has their own dark side, just like he does. Maybe you’ll understand where he's coming from, push him to be a better version of himself.
❥ It’s only after your relationship becomes official that he feels entitled to meddle in your problems. He believes that getting involved in such matters is only appropriate once there’s a solid, established connection between you. Until then, he's just an observer.
❥ You were the one who approached him first, explaining that you have OCD. You felt more anxious than you’d anticipated, having considered telling him many times before but never managing to do so because your mind held you back. He remained calm, and it was only when he revealed that he had known all along that you felt embarrassed. In his typically laid-back manner, Dazai might say, “Oh, I’ve known about your OCD for a while now. You don’t need to be embarrassed—it's actually quite endearing. It doesn’t change a thing between us. We’ll work through it together, and honestly, it’s no big deal.”
❥ One day, while on a mission with him and Atsushi, you were deeply focused on analyzing the crime scene. You managed to uncover evidence that even Dazai had missed, piecing together how the victim was killed with remarkable accuracy.
❥ Needless to say that dazai was surprised by how quickly you cracked the complex case. Even after the murderer was arrested, you continued to ramble about additional details, anxiously checking the file in your hand and worrying about missing something, though there was nothing left to find. Eventually he stopped you, gently holding both your wrists. As you looked up, apologising profusely, he simply shushed you, saying, "It's fine. The case is solved, and we’ve caught the murderer."
❥ Atsushi the poor kid he is watched the exchange between you and Dazai with curiosity. When you reluctantly handed him the file with a nod, Atsushi leaned in and whispered to Dazai, asking if you were alright. Dazai simply smiled and replied, "They're just the perfect detective, doing their job flawlessly."
❥ Dazai is surprisingly attentive to your needs when it comes to your OCD. If you’re stuck in a loop of checking something multiple times, he’ll gently steer you away from it by engaging you in conversation or distracting you with a task. He might even playfully mock himself to make you laugh, using humor to ease your anxiety. “Looks like I’ve accidentally left my keys at home for the fifth time this week. Isn’t that a catastrophe?”
❥ If you’re particularly anxious about a big case or an important event, Dazai might surprise you with a comforting gesture. He could leave little notes or small tokens of reassurance in places you’d find them, like a hidden message in your desk drawer or a comforting snack in your bag.
❥ When you’re feeling overwhelmed, Dazai has a knack for knowing when you need space and when you need company. He might give you space to deal with your thoughts but always makes sure you’re not alone. He could show up with your favorite coffee or a calming playlist, knowing just when to intervene.
❥ Dazai might not always express it directly, but he has a deep understanding of how your OCD affects you and often subtly adapts his behavior to support you. He might avoid making sudden movements or loud noises if he knows it could trigger your anxiety. His sensitivity to your needs shows how much he cares.
❥ Dazai would likely offer reassurances in his own, less conventional way. Dazai might not be that sentimental boyfriend but he makes casual but heartfelt statements that affirm his love, such as “You’re the only one who can put up with my nonsense,” or “I can truly be myself with you, without a second thought.”
❥ Dazai would be more mindful of his humor, staying away from jokes or comments that might trigger your OCD. He might use humor in a way that’s supportive and aligns with your sense of comfort rather than distress.
❥ If someone makes fun of you, Dazai would likely handle it with a blend of nonchalance and protective instinct. He might casually brush off the mockery with a witty comment, like, “Oh, they’re just jealous of your intellect,” showing his confidence in you. If needed, he would also step in to defend you.
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➵Want more of Osamu Dazai ?
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fleur-a-whump · 2 months
Overloaded (#2)
late night sparks
guys guess what!! little villain guy has a name!! it’s Jasper and we love him dearly. also team leader’s got a name too, it’s Miguel, but we don’t really care about him because he’s a bitch. plus new character reveal: Chase, a teammate. he is also, unsurprisingly, a bitch.
Content: ex-villain whumpee, hero/leader whumper, manipulative whumper, collars, electrocution (for realsies this time), implied referenced abuse of a minor, referenced bullying, bad team dynamics, adult language
in which Miguel gets worse. takes place probably a few months after "preventative measures"
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Jasper's back was sore. And his arms. And his everything.
He sat kneeling on the kitchen floor, determinately ignoring the pins and needles that pricked at his calves. He couldn't stop, couldn't take a break till the floor was spotless. Chase had once again threatened some mixture of violence and telling on him to Miguel for insubordination if he didn't do the man's chores. 
Big man-child, Jasper thought bitterly.
So, here he was, scrubbing well past midnight, after having spent the day straining his powers in the lab and doing his own chores. 
Jasper sat back to indulge a long, dramatic yawn. He nearly jumps out of his skin when an impatient ahem cuts through the previously dead silent kitchen. His bleary eyes take several long moments to focus on Miguel, leaning against the doorway. The hero would look casual if it weren’t for the peeved look on his face. Jasper’s stomach does a somersault.
Sheepish, Jasper drawls, “Heyyy, Miguel…”
Miguel is not amused. “What the fuck are you doing out here,” he snaps.
Jasper squeezes his hands into fists to quell the tremors. He stutters, “J-just cleaning.”
The villain can hardly finish the statement before the unsettling and painful electricity of the collar arcs through him. His muscles seize and ache and burn and it feels like death and he can't breathe—
Just as quickly as it began, the electricity stops. He gasps and collapses to the side, just barely able to catch himself on his forearm. Small, choked-off whimpers escape him as he tries to catch his breath and keep his volume to a minimum. His father never liked to hear him whine.
Jasper continues to shudder as his powers go haywire. The typically comforting restless skittering of his own electricity under his skin now burns as it travels across the newly fried neurons. More than that, it feels wrong for such a core part of his being to cause him pain. The feeling is everywhere, from the tip of his nose to his toes, and it is everything. Little sparks and crackles of energy fly from his shaking hands as it becomes too painful to completely contain his powers. Simply existing—not to mention actually using his powers—will be painful while his body tries to recover from the unnaturally strong current, engineered just for him.
As his body gradually backs down from its state of panic, ire at the punishment surges within him. The hero didn’t even let him explain. It was Chase who ordered him to do his chores; ordered him to not leave this room until it was spotless.
“I was just following orders!” he bursts.
Oh shit.
A quick glance at Miguel and his quirked eyebrow lets him know just how badly he just fucked up. And even if it didn't, the second burst of electricity from the collar definitely spells it out for him.
A guttural groan escapes his clenched teeth as he feels the current worm its way through his neurons, igniting them. The burning, all-encompassing pain is all he knows. Spots cloud his vision. Seconds feel like minutes, feel like hours, feel like eternity, until he wonders if that's all he'll ever feel. Nothing but the gut-wrenching pain of his greatest gift, so deeply intertwined with his being, turned against him and ripping him apart from the inside out. 
And then, it stops.
Jasper’s body fully gives out this time, his chin bouncing off the tile and teeth clacking painfully. He's a pitiful mess of useless limbs. His muscles feel like jelly and yet are still forced to endure the waves of aftershock, twitching and spasming irregularly. Each movement is agony.
He gulps oxygen, having still been out of breath from the first shock. He can hardly hear his own moans and whimpers bouncing around the kitchen with each breath over the ringing in his ears, and he has zero energy to control them this time.
A hand lands on his shoulder, and he can't help the delayed but violent flinch that ripples through him. But the hand is soft, gentle, as it pulls him to lie on his back. It guides his hand to rest on someone's chest, to follow as it rises and falls rhythmically. He latches onto it, using it as a guide to breathe and bring himself back to reality. Another hand gently cards through his loose curls as he works to steady his breathing and his vision clears. If he eagerly leans into the gentle touch, well, he can blame it on his delirious state.
When Miguel's face finally comes into focus above him, a shiver runs through him, and he averts his gaze. He'll blame that on his still-spasming muscles.
Miguel’s soft voice calls for his attention again. He focuses back on his leader’s face, haloed above him by the bright kitchen lights.
“There you are. You're alright, it's okay,” he soothes.
The hero lets Jasper relish the contact a moment longer before gently returning his hand to his own chest.
Jasper swallows the whimper at the loss.
Miguel lets out a long-suffering sigh. It gives Jasper whiplash how suddenly the familiar weight of anxiety settles back in his chest.
“I don't like doing that, man. You know better than to be in the common areas after your curfew, and you definitely know better than to talk back, bud. I don't wanna have to punish you, but the rules are rules for a reason. Yeah, they're to protect the team, but they're also to protect you. What if you'd had another episode with your powers?”
He decidedly doesn’t think about the ‘episodes’ Miguel is referring to. Still, the disappointment in his savior's voice hurt almost as much as the electricity. His eyes flood with tears as guilt settles like a rock in his stomach. The hero was right. He knew the rules, and he agreed to them. Anything to stay. Anything to be good.
His voice breaks, small and shaky, as he says, “I-I'm really s-sorry, Mig-guel.”
The villain’s not one hundred percent sure what exactly he's sorry for, but, fuck, is he sorry.
“Okay, that's alright, don't cry. I think you've learned your lesson. You're fine.” 
The words should be comforting. The edge to his tone, however, is not. Jasper blinks hard to clear the tears, not wanting to annoy him. That was another thing his father didn't like.
Miguel brings him back to the present, asking, “Why are you cleaning the floor anyways? That's not on your list for this week.”
Jasper swallows hard past the lump still in his throat. He’s afraid of what Chase will do to him if he tells Miguel and Miguel decides he doesn’t like that. However, he’s more “Chase s-said I should be busy all the t-time to k-keep me out of trouble…”
Miguel hums in thought, ever casual as Jasper trembles on the floor below of him. 
“I actually like that idea. We wouldn't want you getting bored. You'd be helping the team out a lot too, taking some work off our plates so we can train more. I'll work on the new chore schedule in the morning.”
Jasper bit his lip. He could read between the lines.
“A-and, my training?”
“We can reduce it some,” Miguel says, thoughtful. “I know you've been struggling to keep up.”
He makes it sound like a kindness, voice full of sympathy. No matter how gentle the tone, Jasper has to blink the tears from his eyes again. He knew he wasn't the strongest or the most capable, but that was the point of training. He'd never be good enough to redeem himself without the chance to train.
Miguel sighs again and stands. He suddenly reaches towards him. Jasper has to carefully control the urge to flinch, not knowing what to expect from the movement. He never knows what to expect.
Miguel simply holds it out towards him, however, expectantly. It takes Jasper a moment to realize he's trying to help him up. He takes the hand after that moment's hesitation and wavers on unsteady feet as the blood finally rushes back into his legs. He blinks spots from his vision, gripping Miguel for dear life until he's sure he's not going to pass out.
The hero gives him an easy smile, clapping a hand on his shoulder just a bit too hard. He nudges him in the direction of the bedrooms.
“You look tired, man. I think it's time for bed,” he all but coos.
It sounds like a caring gesture, or at the very least a joke. Jasper knows it's an order.
He dutifully mumbles, “Goodnight,” before making his way to the door slowly. He knows he probably looks like a newborn fawn as his jittery body tries to carry him to his bed.
“And Jasper?”
A slight jolt of anxiety stops him as he turns back to his leader.
“If I catch you out past curfew again, we're going to have an issue worth more than a little jolt, understand?”
“Yes, sir,” the villain says, too tired to bite back the honorific once totally engrained in him.
He doesn't notice the way Miguel preens at the submission.
“Attaboy, Jasper. Goodnight.”
The praise rings hollow after the night's events, but as he makes his way back to his room, dead on his feet, he allows the praise to warm him. 
He'll take what he can get.
jasper doesn't deserve this :( but he will get more >:)
tags!! lmk if you wanna be added (or removed, I added some extra people)!!
@sergeant-jasper (yo i didn't even realize lol)
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whiskersz · 7 months
Heyy! I hope you're having a good day. My fav hazbin character is Husk. Could you please do a ficlet where he and the reader have feelings for each other but are both nervous to admit it. Husk is having a bad day and maybe really stressed and the reader tries to comfort him? Maybe says something like "you're always a great listener for everyone one else, but you need someone to listen to you too". Lots of comfort, fluff, confessions, and love please! ♡♡ my heart aches for this sweet grumpy kitty!
Hey to you! This turned out a bit long, and maybe I did rush the end because I'm just...still not used to writing short fics, ahah. But hey, it's finished and I hope you enjoy it at least a bit!
Text divider by : cafekitsune
Husk x Reader - We found love in Hell
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“I’m back!”
You announced, closing the entrance door of the Hotel behind you. You had gone out to run a few errands earlier in the day, and now that it was night the only thing on your mind was lying in bed and falling asleep.
Angel, already back from work and concentrated on his phone, waved at you tiredly; you decided to sit next to him on the couch after shooting a smile at Husk, who seemed grumpier than usual.
Albeit a bit lazily, you and Angel Dust started chatting for a bit, telling each other about how your day went and what you did. When the topic of the other residents of the Hotel came up, the spider demon lowered his voice to a whisper.
“I’ve got to say toots; Whiskers over there is in a bad mood today.” He revealed to you, making you perk up immediately.
“Oh, I did notice he didn’t seem up to a conversation, that’s why I didn’t bother him...” your gaze fell on his figure, all you could see was his back; he seemed to be busying himself with something. “You know if anything happened?”
Angel shrugged, then smirked at you slyly.
“Not sure, but I know of a few things you could try to cheer him up.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully before shaking your head.
“No thanks, I’ll pass. I’ll talk to him though, thank you for telling me.”
Angel knew very well of you and Husk’s crushes on each other, so he didn’t mind playing matchmaker sometimes. He guessed the best thing to do would’ve been to leave the two of you alone, so he stretched a bit before getting up and announcing that he was off to bed.
You told him goodnight, while Husk simply gave him a nod.
In all honesty, you felt a little bad going up to him for conversation now that you knew he wasn’t in the best mood, but you still did so in hopes of comforting him at least a little. When you sat at the counter, he finally turned around.
“Good evening Husk, how are you?” you faked ignorance and asked, resting your face on your hand. He fluttered his wings and nodded at you as a greeting, putting aside the cloth he had been using to clean the sink.
“Can’t complain. How about you? Want me to pour you somethin’?” he asked despite looking particularly beat, as Angel had warned you.
You shook your head.
“No, just wanted to, y’know... talk to you for a bit before going to bed. Are you sure you’re okay?” your warm smile admittedly made his cheek flush. He was glad that his fur could cover that up at least partially.
Concentrating on your question though, he gave you a deep sigh.
“Yeah, yeah. Just a couple things on my mind today, but who doesn’t go through that.” He took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair; it was your turn to blush.
However you weren’t a fan of how vague he was being. You sighed, which made him turn towards you once again.
“It is common I guess. But even this morning you seemed troubled, so you know...you always listen to others, but it’s fine if sometimes you need to be listened to, too.”
Husk wasn’t one to have big reactions but, having been close for some time, you did notice his eyebrows raising a little at your statement. Still, you hoped he’d say something. When he didn’t, you continued to fill the silence.
“...Not to push you, of course. Maybe you want distractions, I can talk about my day or something...just, let me know how I can help now that I’m here, yeah?”
He took a deep breath, then leaned on the bar’s counter so he could be closer to you, copying your position with his head resting on his hand.
“Ya worry too much, really, I’m fine. Just had way too many interactions with...” he let out a sigh; Alastor, you guessed. It wasn’t surprising that he would be distraught after interacting with the demon he had lost his soul to.
He was pretty vague in his explanations of what happened too, but if he didn’t want to go too in depth about how he felt you were going to respect that. Eventually, the two of you noticed that it was getting late, so you decided to turn off the big lights in favour of smaller, dimmer ones that set a cosy atmosphere.
You sat comfortably on the couch, legs crossed as you listened to Husk speak about a lighter topic now; how everyone had been asking to mix way too complicated cocktails lately while he was already in a bad mood. You knew this wasn’t aimed at you as you either always asked for the same one or didn’t even order one at all, too busy dealing with errands for Charlie or yourself.
“...Thanks for listenin’, by the way.” He said suddenly, and you smiled at him.
“It’s not a problem, that’s what...friends are for.” You said hesitantly.
“Yeah, I s’ppose.”
Friends, you both thought, unbeknownst to each other. You and Husk had been friends for a while, always relying on each other when things got bad. Always managed to break through each other’s walls and get the other to talk about their deepest troubles.
It was clear to everyone at the Hotel that you two were very close, and saw the other in a very positive light, one that outshined the definition of ‘friend’; there was something more that you both wanted, but were too scared, perhaps because of past experiences, to go through with.
“Been a while since I sat with someone to talk about something until late at night.” Husk confessed, breaking your train of thoughts.
“It’s just because it’s me, I bet.” You said jokingly, yet boldly. He chuckled.
“Usually it’s the other way around. They talk, I listen. Feels nice to be listened to.”
Even though you were the listener in this case, he made sure to make you feel appreciated by basically confessing that there was nobody else he’d open up to. You admittedly felt too tired to conjure any insightful thought or answer, so you simply leaned against him; the sudden contact made his ears perk up, but he slowly got comfortable with it and cuddled closer to you himself.
“I’ll always listen to you, Husk.”
“I thought I lost the ability to love long ago;” you thought he was about to start another rant, so you slightly looked up at him to let him know he had your full attention; “Turns out my old heart was jus’ waiting for you to come along.” He finished, looking away.
You felt his wing tentatively reach to hug your side, so you shifted a bit to allow it to. It was warm, comfortable. Exactly how you felt around Husk.
Registering his words, the blush on your cheeks spread. This was his own way of confessing to you.
“I love you, too.” He let his head rest on the top of yours as you muttered those words nervously, as if it was a gesture meant to comfort you.
The next morning, Charlie had to contain a squeal as her and the rest of the residents of the Hotel found you cuddled up next to each other on the cough, sleeping soundly, wrapped in Husk’s wings as if they were a blanket.
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