#but he pretty much always sits next to me during lunch and dinner
oneweirdbookaddict · 2 months
Are you still doing fic requests? I've always had this weird headcanon that Four eats four times as much as a normal person (cuz he's four people lol). What if he was too shy to tell the others that he eats the equivalent of half the team's food so he's starving himself? What if he and Wild were buffet buddies? The possibilities are endless! Feel free to go angst or fluff or humour, or to ignore my ask altogether! Love your work~
Hey fun fact this was supposed to be fluff 😂
I’m always doing requests! I love doing them, so if anyone has any I’d be thrilled to write it!
Thank you, lovely anon! I hope you like it!
1695 words, warnings for malnutrition? Kinda? Accidental but not really starving yourself? Eating issues? And one (1) very brief, undescribed mention of vomiting. Let me know if anyone wants me to add something!
Four hides it well, in the beginning.
When they’re still fresh in supplies, coming across towns on a regular basis, they’re in the woods where he can sneak off and find some berries or fruit if he’s lucky.
The others catch him snacking, and he shrugs it off as a personal preference to snack during the day instead of having full meals.
And it works.
For a while.
Until they stop coming across towns, they leave the safety of the woods, and they’re running low on supplies.
At first, he tries saving the food Wild makes from breakfast, stretching it and eating on the road until lunch, doing the same with his lunch, and then stretching out dinner until he goes to bed.
But then he’s aching with hunger all day.
So he tries eating the full meal, which… well, helps for a little bit. Then he’s starving again.
Either way, he’s practically starving himself.
He didn’t think the effects would be… this bad.
But he gets lightheaded, dizzy, any time he moves quickly he’s convinced he’s going to either pass out or throw up for a second.
Once, in the middle of the night, he woke up shaking uncontrollably. Blankets did nothing- he was shaking until his muscles ached and he was so nauseous.
Somehow, he’d managed to crawl out of his bedroll, stagger far enough away from camp to throw up his dinner, swear Hyrule to secrecy, and go back to sleep.
The others notice, of course. He must look terrible, he feels terrible, he’s so hungry, all the time, and the lack of proper nutrients to his body makes him exhausted.
They’re convinced he's sick- which… maybe he is. Technically. He’s not… healthy.
Wars always looks at him with an understanding glance when it comes up, never arguing with him.
Just always finds a way to sneak him an apple, or even an orange if they find a tree across the massive plains of Wild’s Hyrule.
So he’s not surprised, that when the awful shakiness comes back again, this time in the evening as they’re getting ready for bed, Wars knows what’s going on.
He’s leaning against a tree, ignoring the rumbling of his stomach, fighting to focus on the book in front of him.
His head keeps drooping, though, eyes falling shut, until he dips too much and jolts right back awake.
“Goddess, Smithy, just go to sleep. You’re clearly exhausted.” Legend jokes softly, sitting next to him.
His stomach growls. Loudly.
He doesn’t feel well.
“Hey, you hungry? Four?” Legend feels his forehead, arm wrapping around him when he groans softly.
Wars glances up at them, standing.
The veteran digs in his bag for a moment before sighing. “I’ve got nothing to eat.
Wars produces an orange from out of nowhere, peeling it and handing him a slice. “You alright? Just hungry?”
He accepts the orange, popping into his mouth with a shrug. “I… just feel… weird.”
Wars nods, handing him another couple slices. “I get that too. Low blood sugar- your body isn’t able to release enough glucose into your bloodstream, causing all sorts of adverse effects.”
He nods, finishing up the orange.
“Sugary foods help. Pretty much any fruit, juices, honey. Oranges are my go to.” The captain smiles gently, handing him a cup of water.
“Thank you.” He says quietly, already feeling a ton better.
Wars nods, patting his shoulder before moving away again. “I’m off to sleep, need anything else?”
He shakes his head, getting another smile.
“Alrighty, if you need anything, you can wake me up. I got another orange or two in my bag, too, if you need.”
“Thank you.” He says again, and gets a salute from his friend, making him smile.
He’s a nauseous, shaking mess the entire next day.
He manages a few bites of breakfast, giving up when he feels like puking and gives the rest to Legend.
When the shaking starts right before lunch is served, his heart sinks.
But he hands Wind his lunch with hopefully unnoticed shaking hands, the sailor accepting it without too much questioning.
They continue walking, after their lunch break, and he’s shaking so much he keeps stumbling.
The sun bears down on them, the day warm though there’s a nice breeze.
“Wild?” He manages, drawing unwanted attention to himself. Wars is already making his way toward him. “How long until we reach that stable?”
“If we go fast, we can make it tonight.” The champion says confidently.
“Are you alright?” Time asks, voice ever so steady.
“Just a bit lightheaded. I’m alright. We can keep going.”
Everyone just stares at him.
“I’m alright. I’m fine- not even dizzy. I swear. Wild said we needed to get going, let’s go.”
Though they’re concerned, the thought of a real bed and maybe a warm meal pushes them to accept his request and continue down the road.
“Do you need to eat something?” Wars asks softly, hand reaching out.
He bats it away, stomach growling as if on cue.
He feels his cheeks flush up to his ears, not meeting Wars’ eyes.
“He didn’t eat lunch.” Wind rats him out, frowning at him. He throws the sailor a scowl.
“Why not?” The captain asks immediately,
“He’s been shaking all day, too.” Hyrule points out softly.
“I’m fine. Really. Just-”
“Smithy, I need you to be honest.”
“Hungry. I’m hungry.” He sighs, fidgeting with his hands.
“Well… yeah, you skipped lunch, Four. Why’d you do that?”
“We don’t have enough to feed us all.” He mumbles, not looking at the captain. “I wanted Wind to eat.”
“And breakfast?” Legend asks with a raised eyebrow.
He doesn’t answer that one.
Wars gives him an oddly gentle look, reaching into his bag and sighing slowly. “I’m out of oranges.”
“I’m fine. Really.”
“Four, you’re really pale. You sure you’re just lightheaded?”
His feet drag, Legend gently wrapping an arm around him. “Easy, Smithy, you need to sit?”
“No- no, I’m fine-”
“I think your blood sugar is low again, buddy.” Wars says gently, taking his hand.
Feeling his pulse, he realizes.
He frowns up at the captain, pulling his hand back. “I’m fine.” He repeats for what feels like the hundredth time.
He gently pushes away from Legend, stumbling immediately, both the veteran and the captain jumping to steady him, and he sees the twin looks of concern before he hits the ground and passes out.
“Four, time to wake up, bud.”
Pain. Throbbing behind his eyes, skull pounding.
“You need to eat something, or the medic is gonna shove a tube up your nose to feed you. That’s going to be very unpleasant, Four.”
“Speaking from personal experience, yes. Very uncomfortable.”
Even with his eyes closed, he can tell it’s bright.
Painfully bright.
“Link, kiddo, we need you to open your eyes.”
A gentle hand in his hair.
He squints in the harsh light, eyes watering immediately.
“Hey… there ya are, you scared us pretty good, kid.”
He blinks, still squinting.
Eyes finally finding the rancher, who looks worried.
“ ‘m’nota kid.” He slurs out, hearing a small laugh.
“Yeah, he’s alright.”
“We’re gonna prop you up, can you drink some water for me? Wild’s making some food, we managed to find a deer to hunt for some stew.”
He obediently sips the cool water, the light slowly turning less painful.
“Small sips.” Wars reminds him gently, taking the cup away for a moment. “Eyes on me? Good.”
The captain eyes him, looking for something that he doesn’t care enough about to find it odd. He’s hungry and he’d like the water back.
“Four. Where are we, do you know?”
He blinks, wondering if this is a trick. “Wild’s world?”
A nod. “Remember what happened?”
“I… erm. Passed out.” He does remember that. Oops.
He tries to reach for the water Wars is still denying him, though the limb feels much too heavy to lift.
“Water?” He asks weakly, getting awarded another drink.
“Four, don’t chug it, you’re gonna make yourself sick.” Wars chastises him softly, taking the water again.
He makes a protesting noise that makes him sound like a child.
“Food’s almost ready, bud, can you wait a minute?”
His eyes flick to Twi, nodding.
Which makes his headache worse, slowly rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“How you feeling, Smithy?”
“Tired.” He mumbles honestly, leaning back against Twi’s chest. “Head hurts.”
“Hungry?” Wars asks gently. “When’s the last time you’ve eaten enough food to be sufficient?”
His eyes flick away despite himself.
“I need… more food to… suffice.”
Wars frowns.
“That’s why I had snacks all the time.” He explains, still looking at his knees. “Then… I ran out. And we got low on… everything, so-”
“You haven’t had enough food to suffice you in weeks?” Wars interrupts, giving him the water back when he reaches for it. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He sighs slowly as the group all glances up at him.
“I didn’t… want to cause problems. We’re all hungry, making sacrifices.”
Wars nods understandingly, patting his knee awkwardly. “I understand.”
“He does.” Time agrees, shooting a glance at the captain with a small smile. “And you’re a hypocrite, Captain. You’ve skipped more meals than he has.”
“That was different!” Wars defends himself. “We were feeding an army, not nine people!”
Time raises an eyebrow.
Wars looks away, ears flushing.
“Ignore him. He’s lying.” The captain mutters, and he manages a shaky laugh.
“He’s not!” Wind calls, making the group laugh.
“Here, this is ready.” Wild says gently, approaching him with a bowl of stew. The look he gives is all too understanding.
“I had to eat a lot more than your average person after I woke up. Guess it was a side effect of not eating for a hundred years.” The champion says, though, pressing a bowl into his hands.
He nods, looking down at the food. “Thanks, Champion.”
“Anytime, Smithy. Now eat- you need it, man.”
“Goddess knows that right- there’s no way you weigh any more than forty five kilograms.” Wars chimes back in with a grin.
He has to smile, rolling his eyes as he takes a bite.
Thanks for reading! Any interaction is appreciated :)
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Toji and His Plus-Size Baby
Headcanons!! (NSFW MDNI, mentions of body image issues 💕)
... For my babes with a lil xtra meat on 'em... me too, sweetheart, you fine as hell! 😘🤭)
During his "young and dumb days," Toji almost always dated and slept around with size 0 girls. He never really considered being with a bigger girl, only sweet talking the girls that moved in packs during 'ladies' night' at the bar he would frequent.
Toji just assumed they were what he preferred... why not? They're beautiful and young, but it doesn't really matter their build, as long as he's getting his dick sucked at the end of the night.
He didn't realize how much he loved bigger women until he met you. After spending his younger years fucking and flirting with teensy-tiny girls, he met you.
You're young, beautiful, and smoking fucking hot. Just his type.
Toji doesn't mind the size of your body at all. He doesn't even think twice. He knows you're the most gorgeous girl he's ever seen, and as far as he's concerned, your body only adds to that.
He was so confused the first time he saw you visibly insecure about the way your body looked.
"Doll, you've been gettin' ready for over an hour... just pick any dress, it'll look fine. I'm surprised they haven't given our reservations away." Toji sassed as he cracks open your bedroom door slightly, nosey to see what you're even up to, bending down to peek his head in.
"Aw, Jesus Christ, sweets..." The sight that meets Toji causes him to be slightly taken aback and mildly concerned. Dresses, pants, and shirts alike have been carelessly tossed about, the clutter tarnishing the previously spotless room. In the middle of the mess, the eye of the storm, there you sit on your knees, hand covering your pouty mouth.
"What happened, bub?" Toji sits down next to you, immediately moving to pull you onto his lap.
His muscles tense, heart panging as he feels you push him away, tears cascading down your round cheeks.
"Nothin' -hiccup - nothing looks good on me." You mutter out oh so quietly, embarrassed that a man as stoic and built as Toji is seeing you in one of your most personal fits.
Sharply inhaling, you quickly stand up, aggressively wiping your tears, stalking around your messied room almost maniacally. The anger of not feeling beautiful over takes your body, blood boiling inside your pulsing veins. You pick up and put down shirts, tugging them from their place, before angrily folding them.
"This makes me look fat... this dress gives me the figure of a fucking refrigerator. Oh my god, are you fucking kidding me, none of this shit looks good. Fucking hate it. Hate my body so fucking much." You huff and puff, fist clenching at your sides. You rush around your room, picking articles of clothing up, briefly displaying them to your beefy boyfriend, before throwing them right back on the ground. Speaking through gritted teeth, you're unsure if you're rambling to Toji or yourself.
"Hey, hey, pretty. Calm down okay, let's just take a deep breath." Toji's thick worker hands grab at your shoulders, forcing you to stop your anxious outburst. He rubs up and down your broader shoulders as you feel a nip of embarrassment, and disgust reach your system. Staring at your feet in shame, you let yourself regulate, closing your eyes as you grab onto the soft fabric of Toji's shirt.
"For the record, that dress is beautiful on you. It brings out your curves."
This man and your thighs. Unbreakable bond, let me tell you. His hands are always on the thickest part of your upper thigh. He loves the way his fingers leave small indents in the soft flesh. While you two are laying in bed, he always props one of your legs over his hip, pulling you as close as possible to him .
The extra bit of chub on your hips is something he could eat for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Toji loves doggy and missionary for this exact reason. He loves pulling on your hips, engulfing as much of your side in his hands as humanly possible.
Cuddling. Cuddling. Cuddling. Holy shit, he can't get enough. He thinks you were made for snuggling and being held at night. He loves to squish the fat on your thighs, hips and tummy, praising you when you whine for him to stop.
"C'mere pretty, get on top of me." Toji grabs for you body, rolling his eyes when you put up a fight.
"I'm gonna flatten you." You giggle out, settling on resting your head on his chest.
"Tch, yeah, right... You sayin' I'm not strong? Think I can't handle my girl?"
You sigh moving half of your body to rest on his. Toji's hand immediately flies to the dough of your ass, rubbing circles into the skin.
"Mmm, much better. Fuckin' perfect, sweets."
As much as he loves all of your body, his favorite part is the little pudgy part of your lower stomach. Whenever he's hugging you from behind, his hand's designated spot is your tummy. Thinks you're cutest when you're wearing a little cropped shirt and your tummy is just peaking out... my goodness 🥰
Is a little suspicious when you ask him to take you to the gym with him, but happily obliges. It's so much fun when you take an interest in his likings, but...
"This isn't because of that damn Victoria's Secret Angels comeback, right?" Toji glances at you through his peripheral vision as one of his hands commands the steering wheel, the other resting on your yoga-pant clad thigh.
"Huh?" You snort out, tilting your head in confusion.
"I like ya' goin' to the gym with me, just hope you know what a pretty girl you are. My pretty girl."
This man makes sure you're eating your meals. The two of you have a date night where you stay in and cook a recipe you picked together.
Toji often fantasizes about how your soft body would only get softer while pregnant. Your plump tits swelling up, your belly rounding. So beautiful.
He loves your body, whether you gain or lose weight, because he loves you. Plain and simple.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 7
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The days leading up to Christmas pass in a blur. I work almost constantly either in the cafe or at home helping Stella with Wedding plans. My contact with Jensen falls back to sporadic texts during lunch breaks. It feels impossible to build any connection with so little contact, but he’s been so understanding, claiming he’s also busy now that he’s home.
When I finally flip the sign on the door to ‘closed’ at six o’clock on Christmas Eve I’m utterly exhausted. I check my phone on the walk back to my apartment.
Hey Darlin’, About to get on the road. It’s a long trip, if you’re not too tired after work, I’d love to chat
I pass a packed restaurant and glance through the large windows at the couples and families sharing a lovely pre-Christmas meal. Knowing I’m going back to an empty apartment, the loneliness wins out and I decide to call him. 
“Hey, Darlin’.”
“I knew that would sound so much better in your Texan drawl.”
“Sorry ‘bout that. It tends to come out more when I’m at home.”
“Don’t apologise. How’s the drive?”
“Been on the road ‘bout an hour and a half, still got two to go. Been a little lonely so far, but it just got a little better. How long you free for?”
“Three and a half hours? That’s not really a long trip…But I’m almost home now so I guess I can keep you company for a while.”
“In a car by myself on my way to see my family…yeah, it’s a long trip.”
“I guess I can understand that. I bet there are a few thoughts going around your head at the moment. I know I’d be spiraling…”
“I don’t know about spiraling…But yeah…My sister’s bringing her husband, as expected and my brother’s bringing his latest flame, so I’ll be the awkward seventh wheel turning up alone. Can’t wait for Mom’s twenty questions about when I’m finally gonna settle down. It’s not enough to just be famous, she wants grandkids…”
“That actually makes me feel better about spending Christmas alone.”
“Sorry…My family’s great and I’m glad I won’t be alone. I shouldn’t complain.”
“No, it’s okay. I get it. Vent away. Plus, we haven’t really had a chance to get to know each other, and I’ve already learnt a few more things about you. Tell me more.”
“Well, it might give you a little more context if I tell you I’m the middle child. Wait. You’re not taking notes, are you? Gonna sell my sad story to some journalist for a pretty penny?”
As I listen, I put a tray of frozen butter chicken and rice in the microwave to cook before kicking off my shoes and collapsing on the couch. “They’d pay for that? Maybe I should. Pay off some student debt while I’m at it, or maybe just something that’s not ramen and frozen dinners.” 
“Don’t tell me that’s gonna be your Christmas dinner.”
“You get used to it. The frozen meals are getting better. Roast beef, shepherd's pie, al la Chef Ramsay.”
“Gordon Ramsay sells frozen meals?”
“I’m still taking you out for a proper meal sometime. No, you know what. I’m gonna send you some money. Go out for a proper Christmas dinner, on me. Please.”
“And sit amongst all the happy couples and families like the loner I am. No thanks.”
“At least buy yourself something nicer to eat alone then?”
“Don’t worry, Nick’ll cook something. Stella won’t let me wallow here alone.”
“Good. Buy yourself something nice then. Treat yourself to a new dress or jewelry or…”
“Jensen, stop. I’m not taking your money, okay? I’m not a gold digger. I’ll stumble through on my own. I always have. Plus, I’m the one that owes you a shirt.”
“You’re eating ramen and frozen meals and you want to replace a shirt that cost more than your monthly salary? Forget it.”
“You shirt cost-Wait! Are you trying to figure out how poor I am?”
“We all start somewhere, Darlin’. When I first moved out to LA I had nothing. I was mucking out horse stables to get from one audition to the next.”
“Yeah, but I bet you did that right out of high school…not after taking a gap year to follow around a dropkick and then trying to get your life back on track after being cheated on, only to fall for the same shit again with a different guy. Thus putting your study and life on hold again. Only to then find yourself quickly approaching your 30th birthday with nothing to show for it…”
“Wait…Wait. I’m pulling over. I can’t process that while driving.”
“Sorry, no. Keep driving. We will talk about it some other time…or not at all.” You hang your head and mentally chastise yourself for divulging so much information at once. You blame the loneliness and exhaustion. 
“I should get gas anyway. Just hang on, Darlin’.” I sigh and pull out my tight ponytail so I can run my hands through my greasy hair. “Alright. I’m parked now. Let’s talk. Cause yeah, you’re right, I did go straight out of high school. But I wanna hear more about these dropkicks.”
“There’s nothing to tell. It’s my fault really. I should’ve been better, stronger.”
“Hey, hey, no. Don’t blame yourself. Did they? Did they blame you? Tell you it was your fault?”
“Don’t all guys? But they didn’t have to…If I had satisfied them they wouldn’t have brought other women into our bed…” I sigh, “Who am I kidding? Why are you still talking to me? I could never satisfy the likes of you. You’ve probably been with all sorts of supermodels and actresses…”
“Y/N. Darlin’. That is not on you. And no, not all guys. Those boys didn’t deserve you. You deserve a real man who would treat you right. Also, never compare yourself to supermodels or other actresses. ‘Cause yeah, maybe I have slept around a bit, but where the fuck are they now? They wouldn’t spend hours talking me through a road trip. You’ve satisfied me more than anyone else ever has, in just the last few days.”
“Jensen…You know how that sounds right?”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m a gentleman. I promise, there’s been no hand-to-dick contact to thoughts of you.”
“That’s reassuring. Same here, just so you know…no hand-to-…You know what I mean.”
His low chuckle reverberates through the phone, warming me and alleviating a little of my anxiety. “Yeah. I know what you mean. So, uh, back to the point…Who are these guys that I need to ruin?”
“They’re nobody. I don’t want to talk about them anymore. Can we go back to your problems? They’re less…they’re just less.”
“You know what I mean!” Feeling a little better, I drag myself up and bring the now-cooled dinner from the microwave back to the couch. “Middle child problems are less heavy than a string of douchebag exes.”
“At least we can agree they’re douchebags.”
“Jensen!��� I chastise. 
He chuckles and then sighs. “Let me actually get gas and snacks and get back on the road. Then you can hear more of my life story, seeing as you just divulged a big chunk of yours, which we will talk about more in the future by the way. I won’t force you to dwell on it tonight, but I want to know all about you. I know there’s more interesting stories there.”
I eat while the line is silent. Part of me feels like a fool for sharing the story of my exes with Jensen, even if it was only one tiny part.
When Jensen finally comes back to the phone we continue talking until he pulls into Richardson. He shares stories about himself and his siblings growing up and his plans for Christmas, which he doubts will be white, considering the mild temperatures in Texas. I enjoy getting to know him more intimately and as a person, more than just his career. But he also tells me all about his passion for music and how it’s similar to his passion for acting. He tries to get me to open up more but reluctantly accepts when I say I’m tired and more interested in hearing his stories. Undeterred, chills run down my spine when he says, “Someday, Darlin’. Someday you’re gonna return the favour. I’m gonna know everything there is to know about you.” He reluctantly cuts the night short when he pulls into his parent’s driveway. “Thanks for the company, Darlin’. Merry Christmas Eve.” I argue that Christmas Eve is still three hours away, but wish him a Merry Christmas anyway before the line goes silent. 
As I stare at my cracked home screen I decide to come up with a nickname for him. If he’s going to insist on melting my heart with that delicious, deep, drawl, “Darlin’”, then I intend to come up with something that causes a similar effect.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never
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seattlesolace · 2 years
at the cinemas with enhypen
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Heeseung - Wakanda Forever
He’s been watching all the Marvel movies with his friends before he started dating you.
Since then, you’re always his first choice to take to watch any new release.
You ask him about “the second Black Panther movie” and he corrected you by saying “it’s called Wakanda Forever” /eyeroll
“Okay, King,” you replied.
Doesn’t even let you get snacks or drinks because he wants you to focus.
Questions your loyalty when you start falling for the fishman.
Gets choked up during the scenes when it’s silent and a tribute to Chadwick Boseman.
You hold his hand in an effort to comfort him and he squeezes your hand.
Not even five minutes after the movie, he’s already asking you to watch it again next week.
Embarrassingly says goodbye to you by doing the Wakanda forever gesture.
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Jay – The Menu
You’ve mentioned repeatedly how you wanted to watch The Menu because you saw the trailer.
Hesitates at first, but then agrees once he sees that Anya Taylor-Joy starts in it.
The beginning of the movie got you both questioning your comprehension skills.
“Oh, are those her parents?” “Are they actually dating?” “What’s with those three dudes?” are some of the questions he would carefully mumble to you.
Gets immersed whenever the scene shows the details of each dish since he loves cooking so much.
Flinches whenever the chef claps his hands for attention. (You flinched too.)
“What genre is this movie actually?” He asks when you begin closing both your ears and slowly facing away from the screen, afraid of a jump scare.
You were both in awe and left speechless once the movie ends.
You go to a café after to sit and have a drink and discuss all the symbolisms and plot of the movie.
“I don’t remember what they ate, Jay.” / “You have to remember, Y/N! I even remembered that the fish was halibut and NOT cod!”
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Sunghoon – Glass Onion
You made Sunghoon watch Knives Out on Netflix before actually going to the cinemas to watch the sequel.
Initially seemed disinterested but became amused once he heard Daniel Craig’s accent.
Attempts to imitate the accent as soon as he meets up with you at the cinema.
“My God, Y/N, this dress on you---” / “Stop it.”
Before the movie even starts, he makes a bet with you and whoever guesses the murderer right gets treated to dinner.
Changes his answer three times throughout the movie.
Gasps at the exact same time as you do once you both realize something.
Synchronized gasps again when the movie reveals a plot twist.
Both of you end up guessing the wrong culprit.
You then have fun discussing the movie while having dinner, splitting the bill at the end.
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Jake – The Greatest Showman
You knew you wanted to go on a date at the cinemas, but neither of you knew what you wanted to see yet.
Once he sees the poster, he becomes excited and asks you to just watch this movie “because Hugh Jackman is in it and he's an Aussie like me.”
He holds the popcorn the whole time, almost hogging it and not letting you eat.
Bops his head whenever any of the characters break into a song.
“Zendaya is so pretty.” / “Yeah, you wish you were Zac.”
Holds a hand over his chest during This is Me because of how touching it was.
When Jenny Lind appears, he says he doesn’t trust her because she wears red lipstick and all villains wear red lipstick.
Catches you tearing up during Never Enough, so he coos at you and intertwines his fingers with yours.
Both of you remain immersed throughout the rest of the movie.
You walk out of the cinemas with a huge grin on your face, excited to look up the soundtrack so you can listen to them together.
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Sunoo – Avatar: The Way of Water
He has been actually, genuinely waiting for this moment.
“Y/N, you don’t know how excited I am for this sequel!” / “You were 6 when the first movie came out.”
Initially wants to watch it in 4D, but he knows how much you hate the glasses, so he gives in and says he can rewatch it later.
Because you both took too long having lunch, you missed the first few minutes of the movie.
“Wait, Kiri is adopted?” / “I know as much as you do, Sunoo.”
Lets you put the popcorn on his lap and cutely uses the lid to get some for himself.
Forgets to chew whenever the scene shows something breathtaking.
Sympathizes with the alienated whale, holds his breath whenever there is an underwater scene.
His lips tremble when it shows someone dying towards the end.
“Promise to watch the next sequels with me again, Y/N!”
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Jungwon - Zootopia
Watching animated movies with him is like a routine for the two of you.
When Zootopia came out, you both texted each other at the same time.
Immediately chooses the fox’s side while you sympathize with the bunny.
“Wait, you kinda look like Judy Hopps, Won.” / “Ha-ha-ha.”
Keeps his laughter to small giggles and chuckles while you cackle.
Loses it when it came to the DMV sloth scene.
Mentions that the song sung by Gazelle sounds like Shakira. (it is Shakira)
Comments on how all the voices suit the animals really well.
Is not fazed at the huge plot twist in the movie.
Completely loses it again at the last scene with the sloth (again).
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Ni-ki – Jumanji: The Next Level
Has an odd admiration for Dwayne Johnson, will watch anything with him in it.
Claims he enjoyed the first movie, so he was happy when you asked him to watch the sequel.
Immediately asks you what happens in the first movie, mentioning how he has forgotten about it already.
Completely amused at how The Rock was possessed by an old man.
“I’d actually play Jumanji if I had the game.” / “Riki, no. What would I do without you?”
Cackles when Spencer shows up in Awkwafina’s body.
“Look, he can talk to animals, like you.” / “Riki, I swear to God…”
Says how the villain in this sequel looks familiar but can’t seem to know from where.
Almost yelled out Jumanjiiii! at the climax if you did not hold him back.
“OH, HE’S THE HOUND FROM GAME OF THRONES.” / “You watch Game of Thrones???”
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© seattlesolace 2022
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a/n: hope you like this third installation of ...with ENHYPEN! most of these are based on my experience and some spoil a bit of the plot of the movies, so I'm sorry about that 😭 do let me know if you end up watching any of the movies above and what you think of it!
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btskitten7 · 1 year
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Silent Grace| ix : "Reunion" p. i
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 2.4k (4.8k total)
Chapter warnings: MAJOR FIGHT AND BLOOD MENTIONS if there is anything else I will come back and put it:(
summary: Yoongi continues to open up little by little with you, one of the hardest things he has done to date. You decided to trust Yoongi and quit your job. You have a nice dinner date but it's rudely interrupted.
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast
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“Your dad is pretty hard on you because of that night?” you asked gently, understanding that this is still a touchy subject. Yoongi hummed. 
“Yeah. I could hardly go anywhere and when I could, on the rare occasion, my father had his men follow me everywhere. I didn’t have much of a life after that. I understand why he did it but that and that night took a mental toll on me. It pushed me not to pursue this lifestyle. It’s one of the reasons I took up music. Producing and writing are something I love. I wish I had time to work on it a little more.” 
You nodded taking the time to think about the next question you were about to ask, unsure if you should even ask. 
“So this why you locked your office? I couldn’t go in there because of this?” you asked. “Not because of a secret business idea?” 
Yoongi nodded. 
“A lot goes on in that office, more than just files and meetings. Sometimes things happen, I just…” Yoongi starts, “I just rather you not walk in on them.” 
The dimly lit home office of Min Yoongi, once grand and beautiful was cloaked in an eerie silence, with only the soft hum of an antique desk fan pervading the stifling air. The room exuded an aura of power, adorned with expensive blank marble furniture and walls lined with frames displaying Min Yoong's achievements within the ranks of organized crime. In this fortress of darkness, Yoong's two trusted confidants, Seokjin and Namjoon, stood sentinel, awaiting their boss's entrance.
Crisp footsteps reverberated through the room as Min Yoongi, an imposing figure in an impeccably tailored suit, finally emerged from behind the intricately carved door. Yoongi was called while on a date with you.
From time to time, Yoongi likes to visit you when you work the night shift. He’ll sit with you for your lunch and just soak up every ounce of you he could. He always orders everyone not to call him during this time, but it seems this was just too important to ignore, even if he was with you. His piercing gaze swept over Seokjin and Namjoon, who stood at attention, their faces masked in determination.
"I hear someone thought it would be wise to steal from me,"
Yoongi's voice crooned, as he leaned against the edge of his desk, exuding an unsettling charm. His eyes flickered with a dangerous gleam as he regarded his lieutenants. Both Seokjin and Namjoon exchanged glances, each mirroring the other's resolve. They had sworn a blood oath to protect their boss and preserve the integrity of his empire but more importantly, their best friend.
The thief would be made an example of, a testament to the ruthlessness that awaited any who dared challenge the reign of Min Yoongi."Yes, boss," Seokjin replied, honing in on the coldness in his voice, ready to fulfill his duty. "We've gathered information about him and his whereabouts. The insolent rat is currently holed up in a rundown apartment not far from here. It seems his wife and daughter haven’t seen him in weeks."
“Wasn’t he supposed to be on watch at the hospital with Jungkook?” Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow before looking down at the Sliver picture frame that held his favorite picture of you and him. “Yes, tonight was his night” Seokjin added. 
“Hmm, so not only did he steal from me and he also put my Blossom’s life in danger, but he neglected his daughter? Isn’t she three or four?” Yoongi asked pouring him a shot of the brown liquor that sat in his small bar. “ All because of what exactly?” 
“It seems he has a gambling addiction. He owes quite a few people money.” Namjoon answered. “Does he at least win?” Yoongi asked Namjoon and Seokjin laughed before shaking their head. Yoongi kissed his teeth and shook his head. “That’s quite sad. I was hoping for a better explanation than that and he would have at least won something for his efforts” 
Namjoon, his eyes alight with unwavering loyalty, added, "We have a team stationed outside, ready to move in and apprehend the criminal at any moment just in case he feels a little froggy."
A sinister smile danced across Yoongi's lips as he straightened, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the polished surface of his desk. "Good. Let’s show him the consequences of crossing the one who graciously feeds him."
The trio moved with silent precision, their steps punctuated by anticipation as they made their way toward the car parked discreetly outside Yoongi's lavish mansion. Seokjin took the wheel, his hands gripping the leather steering wheel with unyielding determination, while Namjoon sat in the passenger seat, his mind calculating the steps needed to extract every ounce of information from their victim. As the engine roared to life, dark energy permeated the vehicle, an unspoken alliance forged in the fires of loyalty. No words were necessary between the men; their shared mission spoke clearly through the intensity etched in their features. Their journey was marred by an eerie silence, the quiet anticipation of a confrontation looming large in the confined space. The scent of blood and retribution filled their nostrils, fueling their resolve as they prepared to take matters into their own hands. 
Only one thing was troubling Namjoon and he was going to voice it. “Yoongi” 
Yoongi turned from the window and met Namjoon’s gaze in the rearview mirror. 
“Why didn’t you do the same to Jungkook? He’s proven himself useful, of course, but the only difference is, that he didn’t steal money.” Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded. “There is a difference though, my friend.”
The man frowns slightly as he tries to understand. ‘I’m not following” 
“Jungkook stole for a cause. He wanted to see his mother smile. This man did not have a cause. He stole for his mishap. He tried to cover his ass. Jungkook didn’t know who I was. Quite frankly, I would have done the same.”
The run-down apartment came into view, a hovel nestled amidst a sea of towering buildings. Its deteriorating walls mirrored the consequences that awaited its inhabitants. Yoongi, Seokjin, and Namjoon emerged from the vehicle, stepping into the shadows with the grace of predators aware of their prey.
The air was thick with tension as they approached the door, their every step calculated and deliberate. In one swift motion, Seokjin kicked the door open, a thunderous crash splintering the silence, effectively obliterating any semblance of security the thief might have had.
The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the flickering light of a moth-eaten table lamp. The thief, trembling with fear, staggered backward, his eyes wide with terror as he caught a glimpse of Min Yoong, Seokjin, and Namjoon advancing upon him like vengeful spirits.
“As much money you’ve taken from me and this is the best you can do?” Yoongi looked around the “humble” apartment. The stench of mold, old food, and cigarettes poured from the dingy walls. “This is was you have your wife and daughter sleep in? I expected more from a new father” 
The trio looked at the man with pure disgust. The man stood there trembling with his hand in front of him. “S-Sir! I wasn’t excepting you-” 
“Of course not, they never do” Yoogni started as he walked around the apartment looking at the filth surrounding him. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Yoongi's voice cut through the stillness, icy words taunting the trembling figure before him.The man's voice quaked, "I-I... I didn't mean to steal, boss. It was a mistake. Please, spare me.""How does one ‘not mean’ to steal? I do not understand. What about you guys?” Yoongi asked Namjoon and Seokjin. 
“I’ve never heard of that.” 
“Neither have I” 
A devilish smirk curled at the corner of Yoongi's lips as he advanced, his steely gaze locking with the man's fearful eyes. Seokjin and Namjoon flanked Yoongi, their presence choking the thief's feeble attempts at escape.  Yoongi nodded towards the man. The room crackled with an almost tangible electricity, in this den of shadows, the thief's screams would echo through eternity, a cautionary tale whispered in hushed tones among those who dared to cross the line. “Come, let’s take a trip.”
As the three men forcefully dragged the struggling thief through the dimly lit corridors of Yoongi's headquarters, the atmosphere grew heavy with tension. Each step echoed off the cold, concrete walls, emphasizing the thief's vulnerability against the backdrop of ruthless power.
Yoongi led the way with a calculating air of authority. The people who worked in his home avoided him as they walked through. His intimidating presence exuded an icy confidence that sent shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned criminals. Kai watched on in fear.
She knew whatever the man did, it was enough to cause Yoongi to act in this way. She didn’t like to see him upset. Namjoon and Seokjin flanked either side of the trembling thief. Namjoon's tall and muscular frame towered over the thief—a stoic figure radiating an air of intelligence. Seokjin, on the other hand, was adorned in an impeccably tailored suit, his handsome features masked behind a mask of unreadable calmness.
The thief's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing to make sense of the dire situation he had found himself in. He had foolishly underestimated the power that Yoongi wielded, thinking he could outsmart the mob boss and make a quick getaway. But now, caught in the clutches of the criminal underworld, he knew there would be no escaping the consequences of his actions.
They finally arrived at Yoongi's office, an imposing room filled with luxurious furnishings that contrasted starkly with the unsavory nature of their surroundings. As the thief was ushered inside, the heavy black door creaked ominously behind him, sealing his fate.
Yoongi settled into the sumptuous leather chair behind his grand black desk, his piercing gaze never leaving the thief. His eyes bore into the man like a predator seeking its next meal, his expression unreadable yet merciless."Sit," Yoongi commanded, his voice cutting through the heavy silence of the room.
The thief shuffled towards the chair opposite Yoongi's desk, his limbs trembling with a combination of fear and anticipation. Namjoon and Seokjin positioned themselves strategically behind the thief, a silent reminder that there would be no escape from the punishment that awaited him.
With deliberate slowness, Yoongi leaned forward, placing his palms on the desk as he fixated his gaze on the trembling thief. "Why did you steal from me?"The thief's voice wavered as he stammered, "I-I-I made a terrible mistake, Mr. Min."
Yoongi’s face scrunched up. “Don’t ever call me that. I am not my father.” His voice was cold and laced with irritation. “Now answer my question.” 
“I-I just needed to pay some people back. That’s all” he stuttered “I wanted to pay off my debt at once.” 
“So you decided to pay off a debt with money that did not belong to you?” 
The man’s mouth fell open but he couldn’t come up with any reason. 
“Please, please sir. Have mercy on me. I will never do this again and I will pay you back everything I took!  I beg for your mercy.” 
“That’s cute,” Yoongi's lips curled into a predatory smirk, his voice dripping with icy disdain.
"Mercy? In my line of business, mercy is a luxury reserved for the innocent, weak, and foolish. You, my friend, fall into more of the weak and foolish categories. But sadly, I haven’t got mercy for you tonight. You see you were meant to be on patrol at Yn’s workplace with Jungkook until he learned her routine and got the security job but you, from my understanding haven’t been going and left Jungkook to figure things out on his own. Thank God the kid is fucking smart and doesn’t need a fool like you to do his job. That’s your first strike. You’ve interrupted my time with my blossom with your selfish acts. That’s your second strike. And on top of that, you steal from me. I don’t care about what you do to my father but you stole from me and you have the balls to come into my home, smoke my cigars, drink my liquor? That’s your third strike. And to put the icing on the cake for a bonus strike, you left your wife to take care of your child alone without the funds to do so. Do you really think I’d have any mercy for you?"
“You ask God for mercy, not me.”
The thief's heart plummeted, knowing his fate had been sealed. He had crossed a line he should have never dared to cross, and now he had to face the consequences.
“I’ve done a lot of things in that office that I’m not so proud of and I wouldn’t want you to see that,” Yoongi said softly. You looked over at the window. “I don’t want you to think of me as I monster.” 
You turned back to him and sighed softly. “I can never think of you like that. It’s just all a little overwhelming for me. I don’t think I could be like that.” You admitted. 
“You don’t have to. Baby, I’m not asking you to join me. I do not want that. I just need you to at least for now, understand.” Yoongi grabbed your hands and pulled you onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around your waist to hold you tight. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder as you looked down at him. He lays his head on your chest, holding you as close as he possibly could. You ran your finger through his hair and sighed softly. 
Yoongi slept with you close by his side. Although you didn’t leave, Yoongi felt your relationship shift. He loved you with everything he had and hoped it alone was enough. 
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wwinterwitch · 2 years
middle ground — moon boys x fem!reader
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summary: you had the pleasure of meeting jake a while back and you can't deny he's...interesting (part one here)
pairing: marc spector x fem!reader, steven grant x fem!reader, jake lockley x fem!reader
word count: 6.3k
warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI), dom/sub dynamic, fluff, dom!marc, sub!steven, dom!jake, established relationship (with marc and steven), dirty talk, grinding, oral (m and f receiving), face sitting, p in v sex, unprotected sex (don't do this!), riding, pegging, various kinks (daddy/mommy, hair pulling, choking).
note: part 1 is not really a requirement before reading this one but since I wrote this thinking of it as a part 2 maybe you'd like to read that one as well
a reblog and/or comment on my posts really help me out as a content creator so thank you in advance if you take the time to do either!
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You just recently had the pleasure of meeting Jake Lockley for the first time. You already knew he existed, but never got the chance to actually be around him. At first, you absolutely hated the guy. He was nothing like your two boyfriends. He was mean, hostile, and cold. Whenever he was around, you would pretty much try your best to stay as far away from him as possible and not talk to him at all. You were certain that, if you decided to talk to him, he most likely won't have anything nice to say.
But during the last few weeks things have begun to change between you two. He was still talking like he didn't care about you in the slightest, but when you eventually stopped paying attention to the words coming out of your mouth, you started to notice the way he was acting.
Not talking to him actually gave you a whole lot of time to observe him. It was hard for you to ignore the silent glances around the apartment. How he would stay that extra second close to you whenever the two of you would bump into each other when one is trying to leave the room and the other wants to enter it. How he eyes you up and down whenever he thinks you're not looking.
It has become clear to you that, even when he tries to act like he doesn't care about you, he does. It's clear he wants you. And sure, you thought he was the meanest guy ever, but you couldn't deny that deep down you were enjoying having his silent devotion.
It's fun to know you've made quite the impression on him when he used to present himself as this unreachable guy, too busy with other things to care about his love life.
Still, you're not quite sure what to do about it. It's not like you're not worried about Steven and Marc because you know they'll be okay about it if you talk to them, but it's still...unexpected. They know you're having a difficult time warming up to Jake, so to go to this so quickly will be a bit strange for them to hear. Would Jake even act on it? Would you? It was all too confusing.
Even when you try not to think about it, Jake is always at the back of your mind. It's confusing because you don't know what or how to feel towards him. It's infuriating because he insists on acting like you don't matter to him when his body language tells a completely different story. And it's also extremely frustrating because you have absolutely no idea what to do or say anymore when it comes to Jake.
It was almost embarrassing to admit you were glad he hadn't shown up today. Marc had breakfast with you this morning and around lunch time Steven gave you a call to check how you were doing. Now that you're back home, Steven was fronting.
And perhaps Steven noticed your inner struggle at that very moment because he walked away from the food he was making to sit next to you, immediately grabbing your hand and giving you the sweetest of smiles. "You okay there, love?"
"Yeah, of course," you reassured him.
"You know you can talk to me."
"Honestly, if we go there we'll be talking for a while and I don't want dinner to be ruined."
"That– no, it can wait," he quickly replied, standing up to check everything before sitting back down. "We have time. Don't worry."
You considered whether to tell him or not one last time before leaning back on your chair, Steven waiting for you to tell him whatever was on your mind. That has got to be Steven's biggest talent. He can read you like no other person has ever been able to. Of course he'll notice something was wrong.
"What did he do now?" he asks, frowning with worry.
"Well, that's actually the problem," you say sarcastically, but of course Steven didn't understand what you meant by that. "Look, I think I might– potentially..."
Steven looked as lost as ever. "...yes?"
"Steven," you muttered, a bit shy to confess what was going on.
"What? I don't– Oh...oh! I see," he chuckles a bit. "Well, this is news to me. How did this even happen?"
"Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. I just...I need time to see where it goes. I might just have mixed feelings or something."
"Well, he does look like your boyfriends," he comments jokingly, letting out a quick chuckle. "Listen, I think it's great. No need to rush things. You have all the time in the world to get to know him a bit more to figure out what those feelings mean."
"I guess. He scares me a lot, though."
"I'm sure you can handle it," he says reassuringly, leaning closer to you for a quick kiss before he has to stand up again. "Have you told Marc yet?"
"No, but I will. I just wasn't counting on you asking."
"I'm offended. How could you possibly think I wouldn't notice something was wrong?"
You roll your eyes at his comment, failing to hold back a giggle. "I know, I know," was your reply as you stood up from your chair, walking towards Steven.
He was by the stove cooking. He got back from the museum carrying a bunch of groceries and saying he wanted to cook for you tonight, despite cooking not being his strongest suit. Still, he loved spoiling you in different ways and you appreciated the gesture.
You couldn't hide your smile as you wrapped your arms around him from behind, noticing the way he kept glancing at the cooking book next to him while he continued to stir the food in the pan.
"Everything looks good," you say as a way to calm him down. He was always a bit stressed out when he decided to cook something, afraid he's going to mess it up.
"Thanks, love," Steven replied. "I don't know how Marc does this so easily. Cooking is positively stressful!"
"The fact that you still offer to cook dinner for me despite it being difficult already means the world to me, Steven," you say reassuringly, gently kissing his cheek. "I should be the one thanking you."
"Yes. Me not burning the flat down is something to be grateful for, 'innit?" he remarks, making you laugh again.
Marc was fronting when it was time to go to bed. You got out of the bathroom just in time to see him get under the covers to wait for you. As soon as you join him, he wraps his arms around you and leaves a kiss on your forehead.
"How was your day?" he asks right after the kiss.
Cuddles and night talks are a must before going to bed with Marc. You could stay hours talking and he'll stay hours listening. He wasn't much of a talker after all, so he always enjoyed hearing about what you have to say. Still, he has learned it's safe to open up to you, so it wouldn't be weird that some nights it's you the one hearing him talk until he's falling asleep in your arms.
"Pretty good, actually," you replied. "It was a co-worker's birthday today so I had cake after lunch. That was fun."
"Important detail you forgot to mention," he does a quick pause as you wait for him to continue. "Flavor."
"Chocolate fudge."
"Good choice," he nodded. "Was it good?"
"It was incredible. We should get one from that same bakery to surprise Steven– oh, and speaking of Steven, we had a pretty interesting chat when he got back from work."
You nodded. "I want to ask you something." He looked confused as he waited to hear whatever you wanted to ask him. "It's about Jake."
"What about Jake?" he asked, still looking confused. You stared at him for a few seconds until it finally hit him. "Really?"
"Maybe?" you say nervously.
"I mean, that's a new one. I thought you two didn't get along?"
"It's not like we don't get along. We just don't talk that much, and...I don't know, I was thinking maybe–"
"Hey," Marc quickly cuts you off, grabbing one of your hands in his. "I appreciate you telling me this, but you really don't have to explain yourself. Whatever you want to do, I'm okay with it. I just want to see you happy."
"I am very happy," you reply, snuggling closer to him. Of course Marc didn't complain, holding you close to his body. "And I'm incredibly lucky to have you."
"Oh, is that so? I would love to hear more about it," Marc comments jokingly.
"Or I can just show you."
"That sounds much better."
You giggle after his last comment, managing to climb on top of him with ease. Marc's hands rest on each of your hips as you lean down to kiss him, body fully pressed against his. It didn't take long for the kiss to deepen, tongues meeting as you slowly began rocking your hips on top of him. You can feel his grip tightening with each movement, starting to feel his erection growing underneath you while you continue to make out and grind against him.
Eventually, you pull away and sit up, adjusting yourself on top of him so you could move just a little faster, enjoying the way he would look down to see the spot where you're rubbing against him, eyes dark with desire.
"I want you in my mouth, Marc," you say. "Please?"
"Get on your knees, darling," he says in a rushed voice, feeling impatient already.
You quickly do as told, waiting for him. Marc stood up from the bed to remove his boxers, standing at the edge of the bed where you were patiently waiting to taste him. It was only when he grabbed your chin to force you to look up, capturing your lips in his, that you finally touched him. His audible reaction to your hand stroking him was completely muffled by your mouth as you two continued to kiss.
Marc eventually pulls away from you, so you quickly focus back on his cock. After stroking him a few more times, you waste no time before putting him inside your mouth. You look up just in time to catch his reaction, feeling insanely proud of yourself for being able to make him look like that when you're pleasing him. One of his hands is messily grabbing your hair as you continue bobbing your head, looking up at him at all times.
"Making me feel so fucking good," he praises. "Keep going just like that, baby...don't you fucking dare to stop."
You continued moving your head up and down, tongue swirling around his cock in the process. Despite feeling the saliva coating your chin and the burning sensation of tears, it never crossed your mind to stop or slow down. The speed of it was a little too much for your body to handle, but you didn't care in the slightest. If anything, it made it that much better. You didn't care about your throat hurting, or the tears rolling down your cheeks and the drool on your chin. All you really want is to make Marc cum. Whatever it takes, you need to feel him cum in your mouth.
You'd eventually take him out of your mouth so you could lick him instead, tracing all across the vein visible from near the base of his cock and up the length of him. Pre-cum coated your tongue as you focus on the tip, using your hand to stroke him in the meantime before putting him back in your mouth, starting to form a pattern he clearly seemed to enjoy.
As you were switching the ways you'd play with him, he held onto your hair and used that to guide your head, his hips meeting you halfway. A series of moans would leave his mouth, his sounds being intoxicating, making you crave his release that much more.
"You're doing so good...'gonna make me cum so hard inside that pretty mouth of yours..." he continues. "You're gonna swallow everything I give you like the good girl you are? Fuck, you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth."
You had no other option but to rub your legs together after his comment. The fact that he could sound so sweet while saying the filthiest things drove you completely insane. And the way he makes you feel so loved and cared for when he's roughly fucking your mouth? Oh, that's just a few of the many things you love about Marc Spector.
His sounds are becoming louder, occasional praises and curses would slip past his lips in between moans as he's reaching his orgasm. You tease his tip with your tongue one last time before he's practically shoving his cock down your throat, a series of grunts escaping his lips as his cum leaks inside your mouth.
Your movements slowed just enough to let him climb down from his climax, making sure to swallow everything he's giving you. It's hard not to rub your legs together again at the scene in front of you right now: Marc staring down at you, brows slightly furrowed and his lips parted as he continues panting, hair messy from all the times he ran his fingers through it while you continued to suck him off. He looked completely satisfied by your work and you couldn't be more proud of yourself because, again, you are the reason he looks like this.
Marc barely gives you any time to contemplate him after he orgasmed, kissing you again just as intensely as before, tasting himself on your lips, which inevitably encouraged him to kiss you even more passionately– if that was even possible at this point.
His lips move from yours to your jaw, trailing down to your neck. He never lets go of you, not even when you're gently moving back to lay on the bed, him immediately mimicking your movements so he could still be kissing your neck while positioning on top of you. A moan escaped your lips when you felt his tongue trace across the skin there.
"Is it okay if Steven has his fun with you now?" he asked in between kisses. "I'm sure you won't hear the end of it if he knows we left him out," he added as a little joke, which immediately made you giggle at the thought of Steven's pouting and complaining you guys didn't include him.
All you could do besides laughing at his comment was nodding, enjoying the way he continued to kiss all over the sensitive skin of your neck and gripping your sides with his hands to keep you still underneath him. It only took a few seconds before Steven was fronting, pulling back from your neck so he could look at you.
"Well, hello," he says a bit shyly, realizing he's completely naked and topping you.
You smile at him, your hand cupping his face affectionately as you recognize him. "Hi," you replied.
He leans into your touch, eyes trailing down your body until he was met with one of their shirts, quickly looking back up. "Should we– can we take this off?"
You knew with Steven you'd always be in charge no matter what. Unlike Marc, Steven absolutely adores following your every instruction while you two have sex. He enjoys being told what to do, wanting to please you in any way he could.
"Now, where did your manners go, Stevie?" you asked back, smirking when you saw Steven's mortified gaze as he quickly panics.
"Please," he says almost too quickly. "Sorry. Can we please take this off?" Steven added shortly after, looking like a sad little puppy that knew exactly what he did was wrong. He's just too cute to handle.
"Don't look so frightened, baby. I just wanted to remind you to be nice."
"I know. I'm just...ashamed."
"It's okay," you reassure him in a soft voice, pulling him closer for a kiss he immediately returned. It didn't last that long though, as you pulled away shortly after. "Of course you can take my clothes off."
Steven's eyes light up with excitement after you allow him to undress you. He quickly got rid of the shirt you were wearing, his eyes immediately landing on your breasts. He looked up at you first, his eyes so innocent and gentle you swore he was doing that on purpose. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you gently pull him towards your chest, hinting he could do whatever he wanted.
His mouth practically waters at the sight in front of him, his tongue tracing circles around your nipple before capturing it with his mouth while his hand makes sure the other is being taken care of too, gently massaging it and occasionally teasing your nipple with his thumb in sync with the way his tongue would tease the other.
Moans leave your mouth as you hold onto his hair. You could feel yourself getting even more wet at the feeling of his mouth and hands worshiping your breasts with a devotion only Steven could bring you. It was like he was in a complete trance, enjoying every second of it, so thankful that you allowed him to play with your tits in any way he wanted.
Your hand sneaks underneath your underwear to attend to the ache in between your legs, starting to rub your clit while Steven continued. As soon as he noticed you were masturbating, he pulled away from your chest. "Can I help you with that? Please, mommy?"
Fuck. You love when he calls you that.
"Mmh, you want to help mommy, baby?"
Steven nods eagerly, his puppy-like eyes shining brighter than ever at the possibility that lies ahead of him. "Y-yes, please!"
"So eager," you tease. Steven instantly felt embarrassed, but he loved it. "How about...I ride your gorgeous face until your mouth makes me cum?"
Steven looked like he just got offered the most amazing treat ever, almost as if his biggest wish had come true at that very instant. If he could, he'll be thanking you for hours after this.
He moved back from your body to give you enough space to stand up, him quickly laying on the side of the bed to wait for you. It was impossible not to smirk when you noticed how excited he was about this.
With your legs at each side of his face, you began to sink down closer to his face. You practically gasped when his tongue was finally in contact with your folds, tasting every inch of you he could possibly reach.
Your hips rock slowly, allowing you to treasure every second of his tongue against you, his nose occasionally hitting your clit. It was evident from the way his arm wrapped around you that he didn't care that you suffocated him in that very moment.
The rhythm increased, Steven making sure to suck on your clit and tease your entrance whenever he got the chance. He's determined to be messy, apparently. That would explain why he's being so loud while eating you out. You bet his face is covered in the mixture of your juices and his saliva too. He's making a complete mess underneath you, which only helped to turn you on even more.
"Feels so fucking good," you moaned, looking down at him with a big grin on your face. "It's a shame you can't look at yourself now, darling. It's like you were meant to be underneath me...so pretty, Stevie...so pretty..."
Steven's eyes soften, looking up at you, almost pleading with you before he increases the speed of his mouth, starting a vicious attack on your pussy as you continue to grind your hips.
One of your hands grabs his hair, fingers tangling in it to roughly pull his hair. The gesture makes his dick twitch, moans significantly louder as they vibrate against your core sach time you pull.
"You're making mommy feel so good," you praise once again. It was evident Steven was enjoying your words just by looking at his eyes. "You're– oh, fuck! Right there, keep– keep your tongue out just like that, baby boy," you instructed.
Steven does as told, sticking his tongue out and holding still while you grind against it as fast as you possibly could, your eyes closing shut as your moaning increases.
You were barely able to hold onto the headboard of the bed as you cum all over Steven's face. He begins to lap at your folds viciously, drinking you up like a thirsty man. He lets you take your time until you're ready to climb off him.
As soon as you're standing up you're connecting your lips with his, tasting you on his lips and feeling how wet his chin and cheeks are as you begin to make out. His hands rest at your back, pulling you impossibly closer to his chest as he's kissing you back, the honesty and vulnerability of his kiss making your head spin.
You're so wet already, it's no problem for you to grind against him. Your hand travels down to straighten his erect cock against his stomach, allowing you to move up and down the length, repeating the movement a few times just to see him practically tremble beneath you.
"You want to be inside me already, don't you?" you ask, smirking when you notice his reaction to you speaking to him.
"Please," he mutters desperately. "Don't get me wrong, love. You feel amazing while you're grinding against me, but I need to be buried deep inside mommy's pretty cunt now."
You practically moaned after his statement. "Such a filthy mouth."
"I know how much you like it when I talk like that," he replies innocently. "I just want to be good."
"And you are," you agree with him, catching the excitement in his eyes when he feels your hand wrapping around his cock, helping to align himself with your entrance. "Such a good– perfect," you add as you're slowly sinking down, Steve's gaze mesmerized as he contemplates every inch disappearing inside of you, "little boy."
"You're so tight..." he groans.
You stay still on top of him for a second. "Feel it, Stevie. I won't move so you can feel how deep you are...filling me up so good."
"That– that feels so fucking good," he let out, visibly desperate. "It feels fantastic but I need you to move, love. Please?"
His breath got caught in his throat when you lean down so your face could be closer to his own, the movement making you shift just slightly, causing some friction Steven highly needed at that moment. "Want me to move, darling? You so badly want it you could beg for it?"
"Y-yes, mommy. I'll do anything...I'll– shit," he rambles, interrupted by the way you suddenly began riding him, hands instantly placed at each hip. "You feels so good..."
He's already a complete mess underneath you, his hands squeezing your ass as he tries to speed up your already quick moves. It's evident by the way he looks back into your eyes the second your hand wraps around his neck that he's enjoying this just ten times more now that you began choking him.
Steven made sure to grab your ass at all times, trying his best to practically make you jump on top of his cock. You continued to choke him, praises eventually falling from your lips before he returned your kind words with a slightly louder grunt.
Your movements didn't slow down, continuing to ride him at a speed that had both of you a mumbling mess. The way he kept sliding in and out of you with such ease, your juices coating his cock, the wet sounds caused by your moves and the sound of your skin crashing against his...it was all too good to handle. Not to mention the way his cock would repeatedly hit that sweet spot inside of you, or the faces he would make as you ride him.
Steven looks entirely at your mercy. Like a poor man who has absolutely nothing to offer but his undying fidelity, swearing he'll stay by your side and worship the ground you walk upon. All that, he's willing to do for you if you continue to jump up and down his cock. If you cum on top of him right now, he's entirely yours forever.
A series of pleas would leave his mouth, practically imploring you to cum as hard as you possibly can. His words are having the desired effect as you cry his name out loud, eyes shut and the grip around his neck tightening just enough. It was evident you'll cum in no time.
"Please give it to me," he continued relentlessly, eyes almost watering as he looked at you with the biggest puppy eyes. "I need to feel that tight cunt all around me when you cum. Fuck– please mommy, haven't I been good to you?"
You almost wanted to punch him because this was definitely too much to handle all at once. "So good," was all you were able to say. "My best boy, about to make me cum so...so fucking hard, I–" you mumbled right before you lost it, your sentence cutting off short as your eyes roll to the back of your head before you're screaming out in pleasure.
Your orgasm hits you hard, back completely arched as you try to stay as still as possible, each sudden move making you shudder as you climb off the high of it all. Just when your senses were coming back, you could feel the last few twitches of his cock inside you, as he came just seconds after you did.
Steven didn't want you to move at first, his cock still buried deep inside you while you collapsed on top of him, your body as sweaty as him. You feel him kiss the top of your neck by the time one of his hands begins softly moving up and down your spine, the contact making you feel goosebumps.
"Are you okay, love?" he asks gently, wanting to make sure you had enjoyed what just happened just as much as he did.
"I feel incredible," you reply, making him chuckle.
"Good. That's good," he mutters. "You want to sleep now? Can I get you anything?"
"Sleep sounds nice."
Steven nodded, finally allowing you to roll over so you could lay on the bed next to him. Almost immediately, his arms wrap around you as he's kissing your head again, this time making sure to give you a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away entirely.
"Goodnight, love."
"Goodnight, Stevie."
"Looks like someone had fun," you hear as soon as you're fully awake, head turning towards the bathroom door. Jake was looking at you while you were still laying in bed. Instantly, your hands grab the sheets to cover your body as much as possible. "Relax, I wasn't looking."
Yeah, right.
You didn't say anything back to him and he didn't stand there waiting for a reply. Instead, Jake walked towards the wardrobe to look for a jacket, his back facing you now. As you laid there, only a pair of sheets separating your naked body from him, something took over you as you kept staring at him.
Maybe it was your previous night with the boys still clouding your mind. Maybe you're still thinking about all that happened, you can't help but wonder how it would feel to do all of that with Jake.
Would he be tougher than Marc? Is it all just a facade and he's actually an even sweeter lover than Steven? Is he a mixture of them or nothing like them at all? It was both intriguing and exciting to think about.
Oh, how you'd love to rip that shirt apart, kiss all over his neck, have your legs wrapped around him, scratch that gorgeous back of his...hell, you'd like to know how it is to fuck Jake Lockley.
And perhaps it was finally time to do something about it. If he's not going to make a move, it's up to you to do something. Otherwise, you fear you might never get a chance to drop that bomb in the middle of a conversation with him.
"You could've joined us," you say, much to yours and Jake's surprise. Despite not seeing his face, it was evident from his body language that the comment had an effect on him.
Turning to face you, he asked, "What?"
"You can join...if you want to," you insist. "None of us mind."
"Oh, nice to know none of you care," Jake remarks ironically.
"No, it's not– I didn't mean it like that," you quickly explain, embarrassed. "I want you to join us."
Jake was quiet– quieter than usual, if that was even possible. It felt like ages. He was staring at you without saying a word and you didn't know exactly what to do. Is he going to do something? The uncertainty of the moment had you almost regretting ever opening your mouth, not knowing if Jake is about to join you, reject you, or reject you and humiliate you.
You still don't know what the fuck you're doing as you pull down the sheets to uncover your naked body. His eyes immediately travel down your body, admiring every inch of skin that was appearing from underneath the sheets. You notice his inner struggle, debating on what to do next.
He eventually walks to the edge of the bed you're laying in, and you feel completely defenseless when you watch him climb onto it, movements impossibly slow as if he was waiting for you to tell him to stop. The eye contact was making you nervous, his stare so intense you felt like he was staring at your soul.
It happened in an instant. One second he was looking– staring deeply into your eyes. The next, he's hungrily devouring your mouth, his tongue passing past your lips. One hand holds your side tightly, the other cups one of your tits, the roughness of his kiss matching the way he starts massaging it.
You moan into his mouth as you hold onto him, quickly tugging at his shirt so he can take it off. He understood your gesture, moving away from you just so he could take that piece of clothing off, throwing it to the floor.
"I've been waiting so long for this," he confesses in a rushed voice, lips capturing yours again just as fiercely. "I'm going to take my sweet time with you, hermosa."
You manage to move the sheet off your body completely before unbuckling his belt. Jake helps you with getting rid of his pants in no time. Both of you let out a sound of pure ecstasy and pleasure when he rocked his hips down, his still clothed erection rubbing against your pussy.  The sound that came out of you was enough to let the other know how badly you wanted this moment to arrive.
"Ah, fuck!" you let out as he begins rubbing himself on you, your juices coating his boxers.
"Bet you'd love to feel my cock rubbing your clit without these on," he says, never breaking eye contact. You nodded eagerly, licking your lips. "Want me to masturbate you with my cock?"
"Please..." you gasp.
Jake doesn't keep you waiting. Instead, he takes his boxers off in a rushed move, kneeling on the bed. You open your legs wider for him, watching as he grabs his cock before his tip starts rubbing your clit. The scene was so erotic, so hot, you could barely keep it together.
His cock moves up and down your folds, staying an extra time teasing your clit. "Pleasure yourself with it, doll," he instructed. A series of moans continue to leave your mouth as you begin moving your hips like your life depended on it, him standing still while you rub on his tip. "Good girl. Juuust like that."
"Feels so good, Jake," you let out in between moans.
"I know it does," he says in the sweetest voice you've ever heard coming from him. His tone alone was enough to drive you even more insane...if that was even possible at this point. "I wonder, can you do something for me?"
"Yes, yes! Anything."
"How about you use that strap-on you like to use with Steven so much to fuck me?" Jake proposes, smirking when he sees your reaction. "Fuck my ass nice and hard, princesa. Can you do that for me?"
The proposition alone would've been enough to make you cum. Your head was spinning still, even after Jake moved away from you, but you managed to get your strap on while he patiently waited for you.
When you're back on the bed, you don't know exactly what to do at first. You're the one about to fuck Jake, but still needed him to give you all the instructions. Somehow he was still very much in control, and you didn't care in the slightest. You enjoyed knowing he'll guide you through it so you can fuck him exactly the way he needs you to.
He smiles at you when you join him again, starting to gently stroke your cock before he gets on all fours to put it inside his mouth. You run a hand through his hair as he sucks on it, using his saliva to lubricate it before you can fuck him.
"You look so pretty," you compliment him, which only encourages him to continue sucking you more eagerly.
Jake stops what he was doing, capturing your lips in a quick yet passionate kiss before he gets on his back, legs open for you to position yourself in between them. He takes his legs up and close to his body, knees resting close to his chest so he can give you a better access to his ass.
"Make sure to look at me with those pretty eyes of yours at all times, you got it? Don't you dare look away from me, doll."
You nod at his instruction, using your hand to help you guide your purple-colored dildo so it could align with Jake's entrance. As soon as you pressed the tip against his hole, he grabs your ass and forces you in almost immediately, a loud moan escaping his lips as you stare at him.
"Fuck me as hard as you possibly can," he instructs further. "Make me a fucking mess with your cock."
You moan in response, beggining to fuck him as fast as this position allowed you to. Jake's body was practically pressed to yours as you made sure not to break eye contact. The intimacy of the moment encouraged you to slow down just a little, needing to truly enjoy the moment with Jake for at least just a second before you resumed the fast rhythm like he ordered before.
Jake responds beautifully to your body. His moans increased with each few movements of your hips. His hands would squeeze your ass and occasionally spank it to encourage you to continue. His cheeks were flushed and his body tensed underneath you as he's getting closer. Overall, you could just tell he's enjoying the way you continue to fuck the living shit out of him.
At one point he's grabbing a fistful of your hair, the roughness of it making you tilt your head just slightly, but made sure to keep eye contact no matter what. You whine as he's still pulling your hair, hips still rocking down with as much force and speed as you could create.
"You're doing great, princesa," he grunts. "Such a good little girl for me, fucking my ass exactly the way I ordered."
"Are– Are you close?"
"Mmhm, yeah. I'm so close. Your cock feels so good, I'd let you fuck me all day if I could," he pants in between moans. "Keep going, baby. Keep fucking going."
Sweat coats your body as you do as told, not wanting to slow down now. You moved just slightly as you desperately wanted to kiss him, and he immediately understood what you wanted. His head falls back into the pillow as soon as the kiss is over, letting out the longest and loudest moan yet as he's reaching his orgasm.
You slow down your movements with each thrust before pulling out of him entirely. His legs fall back to the bed, visibly exhausted now as he tries to catch his breath.
The ropes of cum adorning his belly get your attention almost immediately, wasting no time to clean him off using your tongue. After you are down, you look up at him to catch him already looking at you.
Jake stares at you for a few seconds before a hand moves to the back of your neck to pull you close, giving you a gentle yet passionate kiss before he's pulling away so he could contemplate you a little more. He's been doing that in silence for months now, why should he stop now?
"Good luck getting rid of me now," Jake says in a soft whisper, examining your face as he speaks. "People say I am quite intense...and kind of a handful."
You chuckle at his little joke before shaking your head. "I have no problem with that. Bother me all you want."
He smiles. The type of smile you never thought you'd see on Jake's face. "Good. I intend to."
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mcuamerica · 2 years
Like Vines (One)
Pairings: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings: language (maybe), mention of violence, awkward Peter
Word Count: 1587
Requested by anon: “Peter parker is in love with nerdy and bookish type girl, reader who is tend to be in the library during break. but she is also secretly vigilante who ivy (powers of plants)”
A/N: I'm going to put out a part 2 to this, but after that I think it'll be done. It was getting pretty long for me, so I wanted to split it. Part 2 should be out by Friday, October 7.
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The bell rang through your ears as you finished the last of your notes. Pushing your hair out of your face, you leaned down and grabbed your bag to stuff all your books and pens back in the bag. On your way down, you ended up knocking off one of your pens without noticing. 
“You dropped this,” you heard a voice say. You glanced up, meeting the brown eyes of the boy who sat next to you in nearly every class. You didn’t like talking to many people, so you hadn’t introduced yourself yet. 
“Oh… uh… thanks.” You muttered, giving a tight smile before you took the pen and shoved it in your bag. Before he could say another word, you were out of the room in a flash. Making your way to the library, you said a quick hello to the librarian before settling in your normal corner. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes for a few moments to relish the quiet before taking out a book. You took an apple from your backpack, something to hold you over until dinner, and started to read. 
Peter noticed little moments like this from you over the next couple weeks. You never talked to anyone, and he meant anyone. You weren’t in any clubs. You did good on your tests and homework from what he could tell, but you barely spoke in class. He tried talking to you, getting to know who you were. But he couldn’t even begin. He stumbled over his words so often it was as if he wasn’t a crime fighting hero at night. He was a nervous teenager who couldn’t even talk to a girl.
Then he saw you in the library during homeroom. He needed to grab a book and saw you sitting in the corner reading by yourself. He decided now would be a good time to say something, because he could always just leave. 
“Hey… it’s (Y/N), right?” He asked, book in his hand. 
You examined the book for a couple seconds before nodding your head in response.
“I’m Peter… mind if I join you?” He asked and motioned to the small space open next to you. 
You replied with a shrug, not really expecting anyone to want to join you. Midtown was a school of geniuses but who wanted to sit in the library with some quiet girl when they could be working on the next gen Iron Man repulsers… or something. 
So you sat like that for the rest of the homeroom period. In silence as both of you read your books. It became something you did every day, you would sit in your corner and Peter would join you. You wondered where his friends were, but figured he just sat with them at lunch since he never came to the library at that time. 
Eventually, you decided to ask him about his book, and he told you a small description before asking about yours. He loved the way your eyes lit but when you spoke about it, going into much more detail than he did. He didn’t care; he could see how happy you were like this. It took a lot for you to speak up and ask, and when you got talking about it, you didn’t want to stop. 
That small interaction turned into more and more. Passing by each other in the hall, you would say hi. You even introduced yourself to Ned and MJ. Peter asked you to lunch and you started to sit with him and Ned, still only eating an apple and reading your book. 
Of course, you didn’t give up the quiet time during homeroom. You would sit in the library still with Peter, quiet as you read. Small conversations would happen here and there, but nothing huge. 
Peter couldn’t stop thinking about you. The way you crinkled your nose when you didn’t like a sentence (or found an issue with the grammar) of a book. The way you stared daggers at anyone who dared bend the corner of a book page. How your tongue slightly stuck out of the corner of your mouth when you underlined or highlighted anything in your notes. He noticed the small things, and that’s what made him fall for you. 
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At the same time this was happening, Peter still had his Spider-Man duties at night. He patrolled, coming across another masked figure who was (oddly) always around some sort of greenery. Peter didn’t see what her powers were, but he knew she was good. She would always help whoever was in need, but never spoke to him. She was you, you were the other vigilante going around Queens to help. You would never admit it, but you actually were inspired by Spider-Man. Seeing him help the neighborhood was cool, and you wanted to do your part. Especially when you found out about your powers. 
Peter didn’t make any connections to you being the other vigilante at all, and you were oblivious to him being Spider-Man as well. 
“Hey! Ivy!” Spider-Man called out one day, hoping down from one of his webs. “What are your superpowers anyway? I haven’t seen you use them.” He asked curiously, tilting his head ever so slightly.
You turn to face him, uncrossing your arms. “What does a spider like you need to know that for?” You asked. You always had this new found confidence when you were Ivy. It was so easy for you to go around and beat up bad guys, take down mafia rings, and so much more. You had little quips here and there. When you could use your powers, you felt like a different person.  
“Well… you and I have helped each other-“ He started. 
You let out a puff of air. “Help? I think you just get in my way.” You said. “Hey, how do you know my name?” You asked. 
“Oh uh… you’re kind of plastered all over the Daily Bugle. They think we’re in cahoots.” He said and laughed a bit. “But your powers…” 
“I can grow plants.” You deadpanned. You could tell his confusion by the slight narrowing of his eyes. “Like… vines.” You said and held out your hand, making the vine from the side of the building grow. “See? That’s why my name is Ivy.” 
“Oh that’s so cool! Were you born with it or did you gain those powers later? How did you figure it out?” He asked, coming closer to you. 
“I’ve gotta go.” I said quickly, not wanting to get close to him. You jumped down the fire escape and ran away.
Peter was going to get you to talk eventually. He couldn’t not be friends with the one of the only other superheroes in Queens.
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“(Y/N), have you seen the stuff about that new vigliante in the news?” Ned pulled you into his and Peter’s conversation. You looked up from your book, shrugging your shoulders. 
“There’s a new vigilante every day… you’ll have to be more specific.” You said and looked back down to your book. 
“Ivy, the one who uh… wrapped vines around that cartel boss the other night? Or when she threw one of those venus fly traps to those robbers?” Peter chipped in. 
You looked over to him and shrugged. “I’ve seen it.” 
“Do you know who she is?” He asked and raised his eyebrows. 
You scoffed, pursing your lips to hold back a laugh. You never showed this much emotion. “Yes, Parker. Because I would know who a secret vigilante, with a hidden identity, is.” You said, more sarcasm laced in your words than Peter or Ned had ever heard before. 
Peter eyed you for a few seconds before you added, “That’s like asking me if I know who Spider-Man is. It’s ridiculous.” You said. 
“Yeah, completely ridiculous. We don’t know who Spider-Man is.” Ned said quickly, wincing when Peter elbowed his side.
“Alright, you two are being weird. I’m going back to reading.” You said, looking back to your book so you could keep reading. Peter and Ned continued talking with her… well, you. You kept glancing over to them, unable to focus on your book. You couldn’t let them find out who you were. “She’s probably just a random woman, why do you care so much?” You asked. 
“She’s a girl,” he said and you furrowed your eyebrows. “I- I met her once.” He said and shrugged. “Well.. I’ve seen her a lot. I’ve only talked to her once. But she’s our age.” He said. 
“You met Ivy?” You asked, pretty sure that you never met or talked to Peter as Ivy before. 
“Uh… well, Spider-Man did.” He said and shrugged. “And I know Spider-Man.” 
“Sure you do,” you said and laughed a bit, grabbing your book and getting up. “You’re both too loud for me today, I’m going to the library.” You said. 
“I’ll join you!” Peter said quickly, bolting out of his seat. 
“Pete… you don’t have to keep me company all the time.” You said and smiled over at him. “Plus, who would Ned sit with then?” I asked. 
Peter practically melted when you said his nickname. “Uh.. right.” He muttered and sat back down. “I’ll see you in Chem!” He said and smiled. 
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That night, you were patrolling around Queens when you heard some commotion in an alley. You grabbed onto one of your vines and slide down in stealth, eyes widening when you saw Peter changing into a Spider-Man suit.
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Part 2 Coming Soon
Main Masterlist
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Oh I really like this meme! UMMMM I am interested in every answer for every character!
4. Driving headcanon - Ichigo
4. Driving headcanon - Hitsugaya (I don’t think he can drive and I don’t think he’s ever considered needing to, but IF HE DID--)
20. Relationship with - Hisagi and Hinamori (from either’s POV)
14. Dancing headcanon - Matsumoto
I’ll stop myself now because 4 is a lot for one post but if you want more later do let me know! XDD
Send me a character and number for a headcanon
4. Driving headcanons - Ichigo and Hitsugaya
Ichigo: you bet this guy is the designated chauffeur for the Sereitei in Karakura Town. The Shinigami want to go to the beach? Ichigo's gonna take them there! Need to get to the town next door and don't want to take the train? Ichigo is there! Hopelessly lost and somehow ended up three towns away from Karakura? Ichigo to the rescue! Most times it's just an unspoken rule (for the Shinigami at least...Ichigo needs some convincing before he decides to give anyone a lift).
Because of this, Ichigo will ask for payment for the fuel, though what this payment is varies as most Shinigami don't exactly carry Yen with them (it ranges from paying for lunches and dinners all the way to buying Kazui and/or Orihime gifts). There's been some interesting moments during these lifts, such as:
Byakuya (visiting because he knows Karakura means a lot to Rukia and Renji) needing a lift to a particular store and just getting into the back seat without any prompting, and Ichigo wondering why the heck he chose to sit there rather than in the front seat with him ('It just felt like the natural choice' Byakuya would reason).
Mayuri, visiting the World of the Living for god knows what reason, studying the heck out of the car and wondering how he can turn into a weapon or something terrible back in the Seireitei. Ichigo just gives him the car manual to read rather than tear his car apart.
That one time he gave a lift to Nel because she wanted to go somewhere and didn't realise Grimmjow had come along too. Grimmjow chased down the car and Ichigo thought he was looking for a fight and stepped on the gas to get away, until Nel told him he was looking for a lift too...or maybe a fight, actually.
The regulars: Renji, Rukia, and Ichika, with Kazui and Orihime usually tagging along, going on touristy trips or to the beach. Sometimes Orihime has to take over for driving because Ichigo and Rukia argue too much.
Hitsugaya (IF he needed to drive and he is of the physical age to do so ie. a situation where the driving instructor wouldn't wonder why a mother (Rangiku) is asking her 'son' to learn how to drive so young): in this case, there's a roadtrip coming up, and at least two of the three people need to learn how to drive. Hitsugaya didn't necessarily volunteer, but he somehow finds himself in this situation when Rangiku signed them up for World of the Living driving lessons. Before he came, he became knowledgeable about what exactly a car is. Well, he's good with the theory part, but the actually practice...yeah, he's not a prodigy at everything.
20. Relationship headcanon - Hisagi and Hinamori
Ah, a relationship that needs to be explored more in general! I've always headcanoned that Hisagi visited Momo in the time between her recovering in the Arrancar arc and her arrival at Fake Karakura Town. She was resting up at Fifth Division, and having not seen her since Aizen's betrayal, Hisagi (perhaps along with Izuru) goes to visit her. He may have even been pushed a little to do so due to his share experience of being betrayed. Their conversation starts off pleasant, Hisagi telling her what he's been up to and the two recounting memories from the Academy and some lieutenant-related ones. Eventually Momo, still in denial about Aizen's betrayal, focuses on how Hisagi feels, asking him how he felt after what Tosen did. Hisagi gives his pretty honest feelings, trying to understand why Tosen left them; Momo eventually admits to feeling the same for Aizen, even comes on the brink of admitting she knows he betrayed them. This conversation helped her come to terms with Aizen's true self before she went to Karakura Town.
14. Dancing headcanon - Matsumoto
Well, it's canon that Rangiku does traditional Japanese dancing, but where did she learn it? Growing up in the lower districts, it's unlikely she saw anything that would've inspired her to take ti up. Maybe she snuck into a higher district somehow and saw some women perform a dance? I think the more likely answer was when she entered the Academy and was introduced to a bunch of things she never had in her district; one of those things was a dance performance done at a festival she visited with academy friends. At first she just loved watching it, but in her spare time found herself mimicing the movements. Most of her friends didn't think she could do lessons, she had a hard time sticking to any hobby she picked up as is, but a few encouraged her, including Gin (because he wanted her to finally have something she truly wanted and made her happy, somethign she could never have in the district they grew up in). After graduating from the Academy, she used most of her saving to get lessons from a teacher in one of the high districts. She rarely spoke about the lessons to anyone, in part because she feared she would drop the lessons and prove the nah sayers right, but also because it became a personal hobby for her. Because of this, the only people who knows she can perform traditional dancing are Gin, Toshiro, and a few members of the Women's Association.
Thanks for sending this in! :D Feel free to send in more, these are fun to do!!
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ghost-in-my-backyard · 8 months
tw: extreme indecisiveness, inner monologue, absence of self worth and extreme overthinking.
11:45 am on a saturday morning, i just woke up and the first thing i did was check the views of my instagram story. over 200 people but none of the is him. why? i have no idea. he used to view all my stories instantly, once upon a time. i sometimes even found that creepy but oh well, here we are. sometimes i wonder if he even knows who am i.... like yk my name, or even my face? you'd think he does, the way he and his friends ALWAYS sit next to you and your friends during lunch and dinner even when the entire mess is empty. coincidence, i suppose? i mean, i do tend to over think a lot. like A LOT. maybe it's just a bunch of coincidences lining up on each other and me being the delulu bitch that i am, connect them all together like a stupid puzzle? cuz the last time i checked, he's so high all time, he can't even spell his own name right sometimes, let alone, remember mine. GOD what's wrong with me. i deserve someone so much better. atp, there's no point in even pretending he's into me, cuz he's just not. it's common knowledge. however my brain isn't ready to accept that. it need something to fixate on. Someone. plenty fish in the sea, i suppose? lmao. one of the downsides of going to a fashion college are that there are very limited men (if you can even call them that) here and as sexist as it sounds, it's quite true. and unfortunately that means, less options for us women, who get played again and again by drug addicts or andrew tate followers. GOD, we deserve so much better. how to these gorgeous gorgeous creations of God called women fall for the same trash in different font again and again? (don't get me wrong, not trying to slander men, just the trash that they've turned into in my college.) funny coming from me for i am no exception.
i didn't even like to guy to begin with. he was the one who used to smile at me across the corridors, or ViEw mY sToRiEs within minutes of posting it. or like literally be everywhere i go. HE FUCKING CAME INTO MY DREAM!!! this sounds so stupid even as i type it. am i that desperate? if you're reading this, you're probably think he's at least pretty for me to act like this. but i am a 101% sure you're gonna go "behen wo gunja hai-" the moment i show you a picture of him. but in my defence, he's 6'1. SIX FEET ONE- nvm. can't defend myself with this one. you have all the right to slander me for this one it's that embarrassing. like yes, he has a sharp symmetrical face, but BRO KEEPS SHAVING HIS HAIR OFF, yes he's 6'1 but HE'S A DRUG ADDICT, he has a good fashion sense and a good humour, HE'S A FUCKING DRUG ADDICT FOR FUCKS SAKE HAVE SOME SELF RESPECT MILLI FFS- i need a better fixation to keep myself occupied in my free time, any and all suggestions are welcomed. fictional, obviously. or celebrities would be just fine. and yeah. i'm gonna go have lunch. see ya later, hope you still love me after reading this lmao it's so embarassing i'm gonna go byee
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callgespenst · 2 years
My Ohayocon 2k23 Writeup
Every time I go to a con and I think “wow, so much happened, that was fun” and then it all blends together with every other con I’ve ever been to after a few weeks. This will be the first of hopefully many convention diaries/life updates so I can look back in a few years and -not- wonder where the time has gone.
THURSDAY: while the con had events (mostly badge pickup, really) on Thursday, we elected to skip out to go see the Reincarnated as a Slime movie before the weekend really got started. Good movie! Got cash out for the con and some last minute supplies (more E6000 glue for my boot covers).
FRIDAY: My wife and I both had to work in the morning but as soon as that was done we got our costumes on and got out the door! I wore my Paptimus Scirocco cosplay, which I haven’t taken the chance to do since ANYC 2019. (There haven’t been a whole lot of anime cons since then, or at least, not ones I’ve felt safe going to). Got in, bought our badges at the door (almost glad we didn’t pre-reg, the line for that was much longer) and went straight to the dealer’s room. Ran into a few friends, went to our long time favorite vendors of Otaku Joseph and Megaroad, and didn’t actually spend a whole lot of money because our collections are already massive and out of control. I got a lot of small stuff (my last daily photo) going through some dealer’s bins and chatted with a guy who was also looking through for cool robots. After that was dinner with friends at the local pizzeria, and a panel, and then we left early.
THE PANEL: Went to a guest panel for Shin Kurokawa, who worked on the AnimEigo Macross release in the early aughts. I’ve learned a lot about early anime fan culture (exchanging raw VHS tapes, some of the first cons, etc), but never really heard anything about working from an official perspective at that point, so that was fascinating. Used to be a lot harder to make DVDs, that’s for damn sure. Kurokawa revealed that the release of the DVD set got pushed up, after being delayed for a while, because 9/11 happened, a lot of people cancelled their preorders, and they wanted to cut their losses. So then someone at the end of the panel, starts to ask “So, if 9/11 hadn’t happened...” and everyone starts laughing because, what a way to open a question about anime.
SATURDAY: Our friend Koji came up for the day so a lot of our Saturday was showing them around the dealer’s hall, artist’s alley, and taking photos (I was Gamlin on Saturday, and my wife was dressed as Nekki Basara all weekend). We got lunch at North Market during the only lull in the ramen place’s line, and managed to show Koji around and have a good time. Took those two back early and then went back to the con center on my own.
KARAOKE: Fumbled my way through Totsugeki Love Heart, I usually do a lot better but I felt weirdly self-conscious at the time. The funny part was before karaoke, when we were sitting outside the room in line. The hosts were doing a sound test, and it sounded suspiciously like “The Borderline” by Sharon Apple. So I turn to my buddy next to me in line and say “Hey, isn’t that The Borderline?” and he says “I don’t think it is”. So I go up and open the door just to confirm, and I was right! And in my con-powered enthusiasm I turn around and shout “IT -IS- THE BORDERLINE, FUCK YOU ANTHONY!” to the confusion of most of the other people around us.
SATURDAY EVENING: Went to go get pizza again with a slightly different group of friends. Met a Quattro cosplayer who seemed pretty cool. Ended up sitting around for three or four hours just bullshitting, which is always good. Got tired and left just before midnight.
SUNDAY: Designated Mahjong Day. Most of the rest of my usual group didn’t show up until one, so I played some DDR (did awful) and some Initial D (did alright). I think that was the exact motivation I needed to get back into playing DDR more seriously, accidentally put on a ten-footer (on basic mode!) and got most of the way through it even though it wasn’t a song I was familiar with. Just gotta build my stamina back up. Then I helped with a mahjong teaching session, which was a nice confidence booster, I felt like I was doing pretty well with three players who were mostly unfamiliar with the game. We had -both- genders of Americans interested in riichi mahjong, “played it via Yakuza”, and “played it via FFXIV”. The game room closed early due to snow, and then we went home.
OTHER HIGHLIGHTS: the literal, honest to god barbershop quartet that was there on Sunday. I don’t think they were there as attendees, they just went to entertain a crowd, and they were pretty damn good. Their group name was “The Fourskins”, and you can “follow them on nowhere”.
All in all, I had a great convention! No drama, no bullshit. Fewer of the lads made it this year than usual, but those who did come, I got to have a good time with, which is what counts. For my next convention I really need to submit some panels, cons don’t quite feel right without them.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Phone Calls
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*Warning Adult Content*
Wednesday evening I make it over to Emmett's.
I need a good dinner... great sex and heaps and heaps of snuggles.
I strip as soon as I enter and he kisses me for what feels like ten minutes, pinning me back against the door and kissing me hard until I'm glad there's something behind me to hold me up.
"I missed you," he tells me, then he kisses me again.
"Missed you too, Emmett. I love coming home to you."
'Too much? I need to be careful.'
"Good. Now, I need to go and check on dinner, so you can go and get comfy. Spread a blanket out on the couch if you think we might need it."
'I'd really, really need it.'
"How was your day, Babe?"
It's so nice to have someone ask me that.
"Pretty good. Actually have an accounting candidate and I negotiated a big contract today, just have to get legal to finalize it."
"Sounds like you kicked ass, darling."
"I did. What about you?"
"Finnegan, I fix cars. It was a day. I didn't hurt myself so it was fine."
He comes back out and sits next to me.
"Dinner just has to simmer... we have a few minutes until it's ready to serve. Are you feeling okay after last night?"
"Yep. I'm fine. Are YOU?" I can't help but smile at him and at the lovely memory.
"Better than okay."
"I'd really like to see that sometime. Could I play with you during a blow job?"
"Of course... Heck yeah. Feel free, darling. Cute boxers, by the way. What's on the back?"
I'm siting down so I sort of roll to my side and present my ass to him.
"A flamingo. You crack me up, Finnegan."
I don't expect him to pull them down but I am NOT arguing.
He uses his hands to spread my cheeks and then darts his tongue up against my bud.
"You were so hot last night, teasing yourself. You like when I play with your slit... don't you?"
I'm going to scream and then die and then rise from the dead, release and then die again.
"Oh fuck, Emmett. Yes."
"Stay right there and let me at you."
I end up with my head buried in a pillow and he is making me froth at the mouth.
When he pushes his tongue inside I can't help but squeal.
He laps at my balls, then strokes me from behind as he continues his assault.
"That feels so good."
"I've been wanting to spoil you for weeks now. I'm going to enjoy you tonight, darling. All of you. Thoroughly."
The timer alarm goes off in the kitchen and he pulls back, the lifts my boxers in to place.
"You'll have to wait for the rest. Eat a good dinner and we can have ice cream."
Stopping right now is torture but the promise of later and ice cream... makes it easier.
I haven't seen the new fridge and smile when I do.
"It looks good in here."
"It's amazing, really. Bigger than my old one and holds a ton. I got an extra carton of ice cream. Oh, the fruit and healthy snacks are all in this drawer," he says, sliding the small one open.
He loves it even though he was upset about it.
It was so worth it, even if it did make him a little mad at first.
"I can hook you up with a stove, too, Emmett. I know a guy," I tease.
"No. Thank you but no. It's tempting, honestly but this was plenty. Okay?"
Dinner is scrumptious and I eat more than I probably should but I skipped lunch so that I could make it tonight so it evens out, right?
"This is so good."
"I'm glad you like it."
"I liked last night too... a lot."
He smiles.
"Good. Same. You're a lot of fun, Finnegan."
"Speaking of fun... any chance you wanna test that theory of last night helping me take you easier today? Because I'm in... well you'd be in..." I joke, laughing at myself.
"You're awful. No, no rough tonight Finnegan... tonight I spoil you rotten."
"That IS spoiling me."
"No, it's not. I love it and worry a little bit that we're both starting to need it but that's not what I have in mind for tonight. You can be little if that's what you need... no worries about that."
If it's what he wants, who am I to argue?
If he wants to eat my ass all night I'm more than happy to let him.
There's always the weekend.
"You can do whatever you want, your call."
"I know," he says it so assuredly that it makes me swallow hard.
He's so sexy and I'd let him do anything to me... at least once.
He spends... no lie... two hours working me over.
He kisses me from head to toe, gives me a massage, teases me till I'm writhing, begging and desperate and then finally, with that heavenly little vibrator up my ass and my cock in his mouth, he lets me come.
I feel like I'm about to pass out... I'm exhausted from the attention even though that makes no sense.
He's done all the work.
"Thank you, Emmett."
"I want you to try something on for me but you need a quick shower first. Come upstairs, Finnegan."
I follow him up dutifully and gets the water warming up for me.
"I should get you some fun towels for bath-time."
That sounds awesome but he's bought me too much.
"I'll get some. Can I bring them here?"
"Of course. Bring anything you want... this is your safe space."
'It is, it really is.'
Fifteen minutes later I'm slipping into 'Angry-Birds' undies and he gives me a little tank top that matches.
"This is cute."
"You can take it off when you sleep, of course, I just saw it and thought of you.  Want some ice cream?"
I lean over and kiss his stubbly cheek.
It's still scratchy but it's getting longer.
"Thank you."
"Alright, we should still have time for a chapter."
My cellphone blares a sound that I've never heard it make.
I know what it means even in my sleep addled brain... it's bad.
It's the emergency line, all of top managements phones are linked and we have a special ring tone.
What the hell is happening?
I fumble for it in the dark but Emmett puts the light on.
"Sorry," I whisper.
"Finnegan Walker the fourth," I answer and my dad joins the call a second later.
"This is Finnegan."
"Mr. Walker. It's Megan. There's a fire."
My Megan, shit.
"Baltimore?" my dad asks.
She's running and I can barely pick out what she's saying.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not sure how this line works. I was told to use it for an emergency."
Two more folk pop on. 
"Charles," he announces right before...
"Julie here."
"I've got it guys, I'll handle it."
"Fire at the Baltimore plant," my father says, filling them in. 
"Call me in as soon as you know anything, Finnegan."
My dad hangs up and Charles and Julie click off as well.
"Megan, how bad is it? Are you there?"
I'm struggling into my pants and I put her on speaker and throw it on the bed.
"My brother is on the scene. He knows I work there and called. Four alarms already... he says it's huge."
"I'm on my way, thanks."
"Should I come?" she asks.
She has a sleeping kid and she can't do anything.
"No, I'll call you later."
"Finnegan? What can I do?" Emmett asks sweetly.
"Nothing. I've gotta go, sorry."
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thesearch-continues · 9 months
004: Turks, Toronto & Texas
It's been a while! I hope you ain’t forget the kid! Life has been life-ing but we still here and the search continues.
So after graduation I started off my travels with a long overdue family vacation. This was MOST of the fam so just imagine 30 Jamaican's trying to navigate a cruise. It was with Carnival, which wasn't the best but I was there for the drinks and laughs! My first cruise ever was with Royal Caribbean and my standards were up. The ship went from Ft Lauderdale to carnivals private island in Bahamas, Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic, and Grand Turk in Turks and Caicos.I enjoyed the time, but I honestly wished I did something like this with my friends I feel like family cruising has it's limits. But overall I had a great time and got to see a few things. 
More importantly I had PEOPLE TO SEE AND THINGS TO DO ON LAND!!! On my search I got an opportunity to work with an American heritage brand. they were looking for someone to shoot a visual campaign for a classic cent that was made specifically for a hotel in NYC that winter. So I went to work. I connected with my friend Vinny Seda, he was the perfect look for what the ad called for. the city was pretty cold and gloomy, so we tried to wrap filming on Lexington Ave early. Right before this shot Vinny says to me "bro you know it's supposed to snow tonight right? and it did. I hit roll and we film this walk on Lexington, and the snow falls on que! Still one of my favorite moments filming. Vinny and I have made some great stuff since. Give him a look that's my guy! So we finished the campaign the company loved it and I was off to my next adventure!
I arrive to Austin, Texas. The music festival season in the spring is always a great time. I'd visited Texas before, so as soon as I landed I grabbed me some Whataburger and connected with my guys Henny Retro and Prince-to get the adventure started. Austin during SXSW is always a place to see some of your future favorites and genuinely have run ins with some of your favorite people. From after parties to- smaller intimate shows. You never know what or where you'll end up. Now I was only there for three days before my next trip, so I had to make use of time. After sitting down with the guys and planning out a content capture schedule I sat down to think up some cool locations to film at. Years back A friend of mine and I had our car break down on the road when we went out for lunch and while we awaited the roadside, She brought me to a nearby Creek that was so beautiful, I promised I'd return. So I did! So now years later Here I am Trying to find my way back to this spot, honestly retracing my steps and I do find it. This time I save it in my index and we film a music video called "Hate or Shine" for Retroi$awesome. It looked like something out of Nat Geo haha! Following that we shot a nice Music Video for Henny Blanco. A memorable time with my brothas man I'm so glad that my last time in Texas was that much fun. But let's continue!
Before Heading home to Jersey I decided that I needed to Visit the six, a friend of mine was staying there and she invited me to come se the city! So hey why not? 
I arrive In Ontario sometime the next day and I'm excited, I haven't been in Canada for over 4 years and would love to see what they got going on. After getting in and settled I met with a old friend and I hit the town, we visit the Ripley's believe it or not aquarium, the Rec room in downtown Toronto. It was a lot of fun, tthe first time really exploring downtown Toronto with someone from home felt refreshing. I was only there for 2 days so She surprised me with a dinner at the CN tower. The restaurant is still one of the coolest experiences ever. You take a huge elevator to the top and then when you walk in you see the counterclockwise rotation of the restaurant. I was so lost when I first walked in. I had to look at the floor. To recalibrate ahaha! We had so much fun and it was a blast but it was now time for me to take that trip back to Newark international for a nice tall glass of EWR blues.
To finish up my mini north American tour I reconnect with Retro and some of the MENTIS homies to visit the Brooklyn museum. One of my favorite Music artists Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) was debuting a new album that could only be heard in an art exhibit, Once played all the way through. No phones where allowed just you other fans and art lovers. Heck there was even a newborn baby was there! Everyone listening to the album and viewing the artwork. As Bey touched on life, death, and time. in the center of the exhibit was a huge moral tribute to the late Nipsey Hustle. Where he was immortalized in paint and beautiful tapestry. One thing I loved about the entire experience was that when you leave you feel apart of something larger than yourself and if you want to re-listen to the album you must look inward and recall the memory of sound. A real spiritual journey accessed by memory. "Negus" 5/5 stars.
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June 10- Kinkakuji & Daitokuji
Today we visited the Golden Temple (Kinkakuji) and it was so beautiful. I was so glad that I brought my good camera since I got tons of photos (that I still haven’t uploaded the photos lol). The bus system to get there was a NIGHTMARE, and made me miss Tokyo haha. After visiting the Temple, I ate lunch with Jordan, Bianca and Leina. I wasn’t able to eat anything since it wasn’t vegetarian, so I got a crepe instead. It was actually pretty good despite not having any ice cream! During the day, I was even more anxious than usual since I rushed to finish an application on my phone for an organization I want to be a part of. I decided last minute to join because I was originally too scared. I submitted just in time. We walked to go to a Zen garden. It was a very solemn experience (like Professor Smith said it would be), where it was very quiet. We took off our shoes before entering, and we were not allowed to take pictures within the first Zen temple. The 91 year old priest was there and sold autographs. We had a tour which was really nice and informative. The woman leading the tour was kind and very proficient in English. We were allowed to take photos in the second Zen temple but not allowed to post (I’m sorry to the fans back home, you will not be able to see them on here for legal reasons). I really had to pee at this Zen garden but someone took 15 minutes in the bathroom and I wasn’t able to do Jordan and I hunted down a bathroom nearby afterwards. We couldn’t take a train back since there’s less of them in Kyoto so we took the bus. The bus is just as crowded as the subway with people standing holding onto bars, but it’s bumpier. It was kind of funny because an old man hit me with his cane to get me to move spots, even though I was already in the process of moving for him. When we got back, I decided to take a nap since I wasn’t feeling well. After waking up, Jordan and I decided to go out to dinner. We went to a vegan restaurant with THE BEST FOOD IVE EVER HAD. It was called Tu Casa and it was SO GOOD. I had Korean BBQ “chicken” and seaweed soup. The employees spoke completely perfect English. Jordan didn’t eat much since the rice had beans and he’s allergic. He’s been so sweet to go with me to these restaurants and I always feel both grateful and guilty for how accommodating he is. He was really happy that I enjoyed my food which was sweet. I wanted to make sure he ate so we walked more around Kyoto to find somewhere. The steakhouses he wanted were crazy expensive or closed, so after a few attempts, we found this Italian/French place. There were cats within the restaurant sitting at the tables and they were adorable. The restaurant owner was kind of mean to me, but honestly if I was the trilingual owner of a nice cat-filled restaurant on a river in Kyoto, I would also do whatever I want. I ended up ordering pizza even after eating earlier that day just because it looked so good when Jordan ate it. It was genuinely really tasty. It was such a nice time since we got to see even more of the city and explore the unique places within it. We saw some stunning hotels as well next to restaurant that we took photos of. When I got back to the hotel, my food was bleeding a lot from walking but Professor Smith gave me a bandaid. It was a great day of exploring and learning.
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
had a good day overall and everyone here is really nice but a guy made me very uncomfortable so uh. eh.
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hyeque · 2 years
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better than the aliens [kuroo tetsurō]
Notes: wrote this while on zoom in class, but it’s okay I swear I was still paying attention to what was being said. Please be gentle, this is the first thing I’m writing in like almost a month of not posting anything substantial. Kuroo brain rot is always on my mind. Anyways, I’m picking up writing and content again so I’ll be working away on stuff again soon. Thanks to everyone who has supported me even when I was feeling extremely insecure and down about my writing.
**Reposting, sorry for those who are tagged, tumblr is being difficult atm**
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5:45 p.m.
“You know I can’t cook if you don’t let me move.”
This is what you tell your husband, Kuroo Tetsurō, as you cook dinner for both of you. The man had just gotten home from a long, grueling day of work. The minute that he stepped foot into your shared home, the 6’5 mass of muscle clung to the back of you, professing how much he missed you. While you appreciate the sentiment, your arms were tied down by his hold.
“That’s okay, I can starve.” He mumbles into your shoulder, nuzzling the skin of your neck with his nose. You can smell the subtle scent of his cologne and aftershave, a fragrance mixed with mint and sandalwood. Something you became used to not long after dating him and something you associated with comfort and home.
You sigh, clicking your tongue. “So you want me to starve, too? You don’t sound like a good husband if you let that happen.” A smirk appears on your face when the teasing statement leaves your lips and you feel Kuroo push back and let you go out of protest.
“‘Don’t sound like a “Good husband” my ass, I’m the world’s best husband and you know it.” He puffs out his chest, a cute pout on his face as his eyes follow you.
“I’m glad that worked.” You say, resuming your cooking activities in peace.
But if you know anything about your husband, it’s that once he’s riled up, it takes a while for him to calm down. “I’d walk through fire for you, yanno?” He’s leaning over you again, but not completely immobilizing your space. “If you told me to hide a dead body for you, I’d do that too.”
“You’d throw your safety and morals out the window for me? That’s a bit concerning, Tetsurō.” You continue fixing dinner and act unfazed just to see what he’ll say next.
His left eye twitches. “Are you just going to ignore my first statement? You’re not even going to agree? Hey.” He gently pulls you away from the stove, turning it off (because safety first, folks!) before turning you towards him.
You blink. “Kuroo, seriously?”
“Yes, Kuroo. Seriously.” He challenges.
Pulling him into you by his waist, you push back his disheveled fringe so you can look directly into his golden eyes—your favorite feature of his.
“Are you the world’s best husband?” You hummed, your thumb tracing over his cheek. He closes his eyes once feeling your touch and leans down slightly into you. He can feel the discomfort from stretching his joints and neck, but he doesn’t care. He’ll do anything to be closer to you.
“The world’s best husband answers my calls during a work meeting—even when he shouldn’t. He’s the same person who always makes sure I eat breakfast and lunch since I tend to skip out on one of those meals. The same person who massages my feet when I wear heels after a long night of attending a gala that he has for work—“
“It’s fair compensation. I know you don’t like heels.” He says, playing with your left hand where your wedding band sits. He always begged you to wear heels—ones that he bought you, of course—because he claims he ‘likes to show off his pretty wife’.
You laugh, shaking your head. “I keep telling you to stop wasting your money on them, but you don’t listen.”
Kuroo makes a noise of disagreement. “Anything I spend on you isn’t a waste. I like spending my money on you.”
“And I appreciate that. But you should at least be responsible about it. Sometimes you get carried away.” It’s true that you feel like the luckiest person in the world, but you didn’t consider that because of Kuroo’s money. The two of you had been dating since high school. You’d seen him at his worst, the two of you persevered through college and survived on instant ramen while getting three hours asleep at night because of homework and classes. After all, you have been through, it was no mistake that you two would get married. With Kuroo, you have made many brilliant and beautiful memories, and that alone is more valuable than anything else.
“But as I was saying, Tetsu, you’re the greatest husband in the universe. I couldn’t be any luckier than with someone else.” The smile you give him almost easily relieves him of his day’s stress.
He lifts his head off your shoulder. “Better than the aliens, then?”
“Yes Tets, better than the aliens.” You giggle, the sound making the man swoon.
His shoulders relax and he hums a soft ‘thank you’. You let him hold you some more in silence.
Realization hits you and you can’t help but ask. “Was that all just a way for you to just hear about yourself?”
“N-No! I—“ A faint blush appears on his face and he looks away. “I just thought that—“
“You thought you did something wrong.” You finish.
You know of Kuroo’s past with his parents. While for the most part, it seemed like he was never really affected by it, he admitted before the two of you were married that he didn’t have any good examples of healthy relationships besides the one that his grandparents had. But then, that was different. You know he does everything he can to be good, to please you, but you don’t want that to come at the cost of his own happiness.
“You know I was just teasing you, right?” You remind him gently. Usually, Kuroo could pick up on the social cues of your joking demeanor, it’s how the two of you functioned. But whenever he has a stressful, exhausting day, he doesn’t always catch it. Today must’ve been especially hard for him.
You continue, “I’m very lucky to have you. And I’m reminded every day that I wake up, and every time I go to sleep because you’re the very first and very last thing that I see.”
“I know.” He responds, voice uncharacteristically small. “I didn’t mean to get so upset, I just—“
“You don’t have to apologize for having feelings. I understand what you mean, Tets.” You hug him tightly, your head resting over his chest where you can feel his beating heart.
“How do you do that?” He says.
You look up at him. “Do what?”
“Know what I'm thinking without me having to say.”
You hum before running your fingers over his back in a soothing manner. “If I didn’t, that would make me a terrible wife, wouldn’t it? It’s the same way you do it with me. I call it our spouse senses.”
“I see. I guess you would be a terrible wife then.” He tries to hide his smirk but you catch it easily.
“Hey!” You jab your finger into his rib and he feigns pain as a way of pity.
“Your words not mine, sweetheart.” He argues.
“Sure.” You sigh, pulling away from him fully. You walk back into the kitchen and he follows you, not wanting to be far from you.
Kuroo perks up. “Can I help you cook the rest of dinner?” He asks.
“You’re tired, Tetsu. Just sit down and I’ll be done in a minute.” You reply, kissing him on the cheek. Before he can protest anymore, you pull him towards the dining room and sit him down. “Now stay.”
He scoffs. “I’m not a dog.”
“I know, but what you are is stubborn.” You remind him, and luckily he grows silent as to not prove your point.
Before you know it, you've finished dinner and bring over two plates to the table. Kuroo holds out his arms, inviting you to sit on his lap. The two of you share how your days have gone.
“You’re better than all the aliens too, you know.” He says, leaning down when you go to feed him food.
“You could never be a terrible wife. You’re the best in the universe. You’re it for me.” He explains, looking up at you with a look only reserved for you. The same one he’s been giving you for the past ten years.
“Really?” You slip your left hand into his larger one. “Even if I stole something?”
“Fuck capitalism.”
“Even if I hit someone?”
“You probably had a good reason for it.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You laugh before kissing him. His antsy nature calms down at your touch and his hands fall to your waist, squeezing gently.
“But you love me.” He says, resting his forehead against yours. He looks at you with a sleepy smile and your heart warms.
“Yeah,” you tip his chin back before leaning in to kiss him again, “I sure do.”
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taglist: @sabyss @boo-kugo @melianlmfao @ohtobiors @duckymcdoorknob @explicitlyfine @suckerforsugawara @little-nightowl @strqndedstones @tetsoda @jeansbabycake @lunaevangeline @pelicanpizza @cirigiri @ray-lol @oikawas-milk-bread
do not copy and or repost.  reblogs and comments are appreciated though! © 2022 hyque
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your college roommates who are head over heels in love with you
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, and xiao x gn! reader
ೃ 400-600 words per character!  ♡
ೃ warnings: mention of alcohol drinking ( but aside from that, just lots and lots of fluff!)
ೃ this is my very first writing contribution to the genshin fandom, so i hope everyone likes it!  after 5 months of playing genshin, i think it’s safe to say my brainrot for it has finally consumed me and i’m confident enough to brew something up! <3
ೃ genshin impact masterlist 
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– You and Childe are the perfect embodiment of the best friends to roommates trope. Whenever you wanna sleep in for 5 minutes more and you’re about to run late for your first class, Childe never fails to slowly drag you out of your bed, laughing as he does so. “Wake up sunshine!” is the first thing you always hear in the morning and you don’t complain if you get to hear his smexy voice anyway. He is a confident flirt and is not afraid to show you how much he cares or how much he pines over you. 
–  He’s always always there to save the day. There was a time when your classmates stood you up on the group project you were making, and guess who comes up to you with glitter, glue, and colored paper? Childe, of course! He stayed up until the wee hours of the night with you just so he can help you finish it. He even promises to set things in a “very civil way” with your absolute jerk groupmates the very next day. You practically hang out with him 24/7 as most of the time he just barges in your shared apartment with some amusement park tickets on hand or to some expensive yoga or judo class. There’s never a dull moment with him and with each passing day, the more you fall harder for him.
–  After a morning jog with him and seeing cute little dogs frolicking around with their married owners, Childe suddenly had the urge to adopt a dog with you.  But, due to a no pets rules established by the landlord, the two of you opt to owning hamsters instead! Childe named his hamster, narwhal (after his favorite animal of course!) whereas you named yours bunny, to match his irrelevant pet name picking. your hamsters both share the same house/cage and even they are pining over each other.
  –  His siblings visit a lot, especially Teucer. At this point, there was never a day the little boy didn’t ask when are you and Childe going to finally become “playground playmates” (a term for lovers that they use in second grade apparently) since the two of you are living with each other and seem so close. Childe is always able to successfully change the topic and shift away from talking about the shared feelings that the both of you have for each other. But, alas, the day had finally came to be and during your monthly trip to the amusement park, Childe confidently confesses to you on top of the ferris wheel.
“So... everyone in my life knows that you’re my best friend. Yea, that’s pretty cool and all but... Can we be more than just that (Y/N)? Is there hope if I think there could be something between us?”
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– Diluc is your posh and rich roommate who sounds and looks too good to be true. The fact that you’re roomies with the literal heir to the country’s biggest wine and beverage company sounds like something straight out of a fanfic. But, it was of his volition to decide to live in a penthouse near Teyvat University. It was the doings of his step-brother Kaeya who tricked him into getting a roommate so that he won’t be alone for the rest of his college years... aaand that’s where you come in. practically barged into his life, but, you were a blessing. an angel sent from the skies.
–  He’s quite cold and unapproachable at first, only greeting you whenever he sees you but never bothered to engage in small talk with you. Even if the both of you go to the same university. It wasn’t until your second month as roommates, when you accidentally had too much to drink after a friends’ night out. You come home to see him in the living room, drinking grape juice from a wine glass, and watching a rerun of Hannah Montana. You practically collapse at the front door, he rushes to you and helps you up as you drunkenly confess to him in tears how you wanted to become much closer to him especially since the  two of you are going to spend the rest of your college years together. That was when Diluc realized how distant and aloof he’s been and vows to make it up to you.
– Diluc is very talented. Albeit in very discreet way, he makes sure to make use of his talents especially if it’s an opportunity to make memories with you. He is an amazing cook as much as he tries to deny it, He’s a secret virtuoso caught in 4k when you impulsively bought a guitar one time and you asked if he knows how to play, and he does so well. He practically serenades you in the most non-obvious way possible. Lastly, He’s very athletic. You invited him to play tennis one time, betting that if he won, you would do his bidding for the rest of the week. Before you could even blink, he wins. His “punishment” for you was that you accompany him in binge-watching TV Dramas. Grey’s Anatomy and Downtown Abby are just some of the shows the two of you would watch. It is absolutely adorable seeing him so invested in these dramas. and since the next on Diluc’s list were sit-coms, you were preparing yourself to answer his questions on the context of jokes that he didn’t get. In a poor attempt to flirt with you, he calls out your name and recites in the most Joey Tribbiani voice he could muster, “How you doin?” You were laughing so so hard that night because his pick up line actually worked on you and suddenly your realizations came full circle: you were very much in love with him too.
–  His naturally cool yet shy nature had always gotten the best of him.  He’s always wanted to ask if you wanted to carpool with him to school. Riding with him in his Tesla sportscar that goes 150 Mph? Heck yeah. However, it took quite a while before he could muster up the courage to ask you (4 months of being roommates until he finally popped the question) Since then, the two of you go home to and from University whenever you had similar schedules. Ever since then, Diluc had began to soften. His cold and hard facade slowly melted. Asking if you could help tie his floofy red hair then he’d let you play with it and let you style it in different ways. He takes you out on café dates during lunch breaks and take you out to watch a movie after both of your late night lectures. Everyone in campus thinks the two of you are practically together at this point. All that was left was to bare your feelings with one another through a fumbling and awkward confession.
“Words cannot not suffice these feelings I’ve been harboring for you since the very beginning. I L-like you a lot. Do you feel the same way too?”
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- Everyone loves Kaeya. Your friends and family, The School Faculty, The owner of the Convenience Store from down the street, The old lady who lives next door, The little kids from down the hall, and even the angry brown poodles from the farthest apartment to your right absolutely loved him. it was hard to keep up with having a roommate that not only were you crushing so hard on, but also had such a vibrant social life. Kaeya interacts and socializes with a lot of people and he admits that it does tend to get tiring at times. But, if these sacrifices lead to coming home to his cute roommate who has captivated his heart since Day 1, then it’s all worth it.
— Despite how warm and friendly he may seem, Kaeya is a very private person. He’s brought two or three friends like Jean, Lisa, Albedo, or Rosaria. But, only to discuss school affairs. He wasn’t the kind of person who trusts others easily, even if he was giving off the impression that he was a trustworthy and reliable person himself. He’d much rather spend time with you on days off from school. He may be a party guy on the outside (he insists he does it for future connections when he graduates) but he’s quite a homebody. Kaeya is the type to watch korean dramas and anime with you, go on late night convenience store cravings, and these always resulted in a perfect evening spent with him. When the both of you are fully immersed into the anime and things get a bit cozy, you rest your head on his shoulder, huddling for warmth.
— Kaeya would always come home with a little something for you. May it be take-out food, A trinket, a board game, an accessory, and even skincare products. The indigo-haired man is very particular about self-care and you bet that he’s bought different kinds of face masks, ointments, and even matching cute headbands just for the two of you! He’s very flamboyant and flirts with you a lot. Trying to impress you with pick up lines and suggestive jokes, but you always thought that he was just joking around because that was always a part of his personality. It was always a part of him. For Kaeya on the other hand, it seems to him that you don’t take him seriously and it's possible that you don’t return his feelings at all. He had to set things straight and it didn’t take long until Kaeya found the perfect opportunity to do so.
— With the help of practically everyone in the apartment, Kaeya is about to surprise you with a candle-lit dinner up on the apartment rooftop. His sly smooth-talking quickly convinced you that the both of you were just going to go out on your nightly convenience store trips. Your curiosity grows when he takes you by the hand, covering you with a blindfold, and whispering to your ear, “Do you trust me?” Gripping onto his hand tightly, the both of you go up some stairs and you reply, “Yes Kaeya, I do.” He slowly uncovers the shield from your eyes and your eyes sparkle at the sight of the candle-lit dinner, complete with jazz music, and a romantic view of the city.
“(Y/N)... You are the most precious person to me. I hope you can take me seriously, especially my feelings. I am saying this with my heart in my hand and with nothing but genuine love in my soul.”
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— Zhongli is truly husband material. You’re saying this as his friend, as his roommate, and as someone who’s absolutely smitten over him. He’s a third year environmental archaeology student at Teyvat University. Gentle, kind, and has nothing but wise and intelligent things to say. your lovestruck self can’t help but just admire him from afar, not knowing that he too has been entranced by you ever since you moved in.
—He's always the first to wake up in the morning. The first thing he does is make you a cup of coffee. He's got your favorite memorized, (Coffee with cream. Not to sweet and not too bitter.) The both of you own matching mugs, (written in colored scribbled letters, “The Wise Roommate” for Zhongli and “The Cute Roommate” for you.) He always wants to spend his free mornings with you. Both of you have different schedules so you never see each other at Campus and this was the only blissful time of the day you can spend with one another. Once you get home for dinner, (Zhongli is always the first to get home if he doesn’t stay too long at the library or strolling around the city) If it’s your turn to cook or if it’s his, he never forgets to brew you oolong tea after dinner. A perfect chance for the two of you to just talk the night away and engage in deep and meaningful conversations.
—Zhongli fell in love with you because you just quietly listen to him. Sometimes, you would share your thoughts and insights, even sharing your own personal knowledge that Zhongli had not known prior. You were one of the very few people in his life whom he could talk about absolutely anything with. Well, who wouldn’t listen to a handsome man who has a voice as smooth as butter? He is very passionate about his studies. Taking a lot of extra courses and spending a lot of money on his research. and so, most of the time, he spends all of his Mora on his extra studies (excluding the money he needs to pay for rent) and other interesting antiques. You understood why though. So, instead, you ask him to accompany you to do mundane chores. Going grocery shopping, doing the laundry and cleaning the apartment. He always helps in any way he can. The prying eyes of people around you and the old lady fr next door boldly coming up to you to ask if you and Zhongli were a married couple. You blush profusely whereas Zhongli coolly denies the woman's claims. It hurt quite a little but who were you to complain?
— It was during one of your night strolls with Zhongli. He had invited you out after dinner under the guise of wanting to have some fresh air and find a clear spot for the fireworks from a nearby festival. Your heart was thumping loudly to a non-existent rhythm, blissfully unaware that Zhongli was feeling a burst in his chest too. He clears his throat and his shoulders straighten. Zhongli puts his hand on your shoulder and breathes deeply. His cool and gentlemanly aura still radiating off of him as always. A wonderful array of colors fill the sky as his lips began to form the words he's always wanted to say:
"Tonight is beautiful isn't it? I thought that this would be the perfect time to open my heart up to you... You are a diamond in the rough that few see the beauty of. My beloved– Will you accept my feelings?
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—  Having a popular twitch streamer as your roommate was a one in a million chance. Especially if you’re not even an influencer or internet figure yourself. But, how did this come to be? Why have you developed a crush on Xiao aka VigilantYaksha without knowing who he was? A gamer with over 6 million followers on different social media platforms? Simple, a high-end apartment near Teyvat University had a special discount if you were willing to be roommates with someone. It’s an amazing deal, near your school, cost-efficient, and you believed the 10% chance of scoring a hot roommate as seen on reality TV and romantic comedies. It was like rolling through a Gacha Game and getting a 5 star character. As that “character” is soon to be revealed as Xiao.
— Things started off rocky at first. On your first day, he flatly welcomed you by the door, introduced himself, then quickly retreated back to his room. As soon as you locked eyes with him, he gave off a certain cold and unfriendly aura. You wanted to get to know him better. Maybe with a little love and care, he could open up to you and you could become friends! That same day, you had mistakenly thought of your room as his and you walked in on him streaming a horror game. He wasn’t spooked by the jumpscares. But instead, he was looking at you in horror because you’ve just exposed yourself to thousands of people. You wave at the camera, apologize, and left. Since then, his fans, (called the Anemo Tofus) have been shipping the two of you together. Creating fanfiction and fanart of Xiao and the mysterious roommate that accidentally walked in on him. They practically begged Xiao to at least talk a little bit about you, to which, he declined. When you surprised him with dinner (as a little treat since this was your first week with him) He sits across the table from you, his eyes gazing deep into yours, as he pops the question, in a very tsundere tone: “Would you like to appear in my streams? T-the Anemo Tofus wanna learn more about you. B-but, if you don’t want to, it’s alright! You don’t have to-” You cut him off before he could continue his doubts, “Xiao! What are you saying? I’d love to!”
  —  There was something blossoming between the two of you after that particular dinner with him. Starting with your first “roommate video” that you had thought of when you were brainstorming for video ideas. It was an Almond and Mapo Tofu mukbang whilst the two of you answered questions from fans! The viewers noticed how visibly comfortable he was around you despite his usual reserved attitude. He was cracking up a lot more sarcastic and self-deprecating jokes whilst Tofu filled both of your mouths. Outside of the confines of social media and inside the comfortable space that was your apartment, you and Xiao grew closer. Wearing matching hoodies, going on midnight snack runs, playing in arcades, and stargazing with him up on the rooftop as you contemplate about life and talk about the mysteries of the universe. There were times when you would stay up late doing school works and would accidentally fall asleep on the sofa. Xiao would come out of room because he periodically had cases of insomnia. When he sees you on the sofa, he can’t help but smile at your sleeping figure and admire your beauty. First. he brings all your clutter back to your room then slowly picks you up from the couch, into his arms, and brings you back to your room. He places a blanket on top of you and your stuffed plushies next to you so you can hug them any time. 
— On a particular night, you fell asleep on the sofa once again and begun to  have recurring nightmares. Xiao was there to witness you whimpering, muttering to yourself, and shivering to a mental image that he could not see. (He wishes he could erase all the pain that these nightmares were giving you) You subconsciously grab onto his hand, murmuring to yourself: “Xiao, please don’t go.” He whispers back, “I won’t.” Your nerves slowly relax when you feel the Yaksha squeezing himself to lie next to you on the couch. Holding onto your arm, he continues to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You grab onto him, hugging him from behind. He feels your heartbeat revert back to it’s normal pace and you return back to your peaceful slumber. “I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). I’ll be here to protect you. Forever and always.”  Turning to you to plant a kiss on your forehead, you nestle your head on Xiao’s chest. He watches as you cling to him for love and warmth until he is slowly whisked away by his weariness, rewarded with a peaceful sleep he hasn’t felt in a while.
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“And they were roommates.”
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