#but hopefully it'll all be worth the wait
middlingmay · 1 day
Update on That Ol' Devil Called Love
This fic has gotten so much longer and bigger than I ever thought. So, I have an update for you under the cut ❤
You're getting a double update!!
Bet you thought it was something bad, didn't you? 😁
Chapter 6 is racking in at 26K. But chapter 7 is much shorter, and it'll only take me a couple of days to finish. So instead of posting ch 6 today, I'm going to post chapters 6 and 7 next week.
Figured you've all waited enough for the Buckies to get their shit together. And I was tired of waiting too. Moron twins, I swear.
So be patient with me just a little longer, and hopefully it'll al be worth it.
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
Do you have a rough idea on when you might post the next part of the stargazers au?
I'm hoping to get it done by next week. But realistically, I'm getting behind on my other irl commitments so even that is uncertain. Still, the next part is VERY important for my AU, thus, even now it's under constant editing. But I assure you, it's being made! According to my list, "Meet The Magnes" is next and some of it are key information for my world building. So if you enjoy lore and that kind of stuff, please look forward to it and thank you again for all your patience so far! 🙏🙏🙏✨
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Christians: Nothing should be over the Lord! You should give your money to the church because it belongs to Him!
Me, deciding I love my cat more than Jesus:
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
so I guess I'm gonna have to start the class on Monday a little later so that I can get that Nokia Arena show ticket lol
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itsbrucey · 8 months
I took melatonin and dreamt of being fucking followed by a massive spider that locked onto me like a heat seeking missile. And the next dream was just me looking at Normal Oak fanart. And then I bolted awake and I had 15 minutes to get ready for work.
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vegancas · 2 years
i have to get 4 fillings 😫😫😫
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orcelito · 2 years
Finished reading thru the entirety of the side thing in one go and. Ow. Ow ow ow ow. So many parts of that thing HURT...
I can't WAIT to post it
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imaginespazzi · 12 days
Part 9: These Moments Of Ours
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
Just crash, it's our time now (to make this work second time around)
(In which a people-pleasing author gives the people what they've been begging for)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff with a little bit Angst
Words: 7.2K Words
TW: Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 Thank you for being oh so patient with me because I know I really made y'all wait and hopefully it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna keep this pretty short and sweet today so onto the usual. Please keep sending me your thoughts and theories; they're the best motivation a girl could ask for. I did edit but feel free to point out the inevitable typos/mistakes. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see going forward. Have a lovely rest of your week my loves :)
April 2030 
UConn 84   Notre Dame 82 
The blue and white section of the Moda Center crowd erupts in cheers as the final buzzer rings through the stadium. Confetti rains down on the court as the UConn Huskies are crowned national champions once again. Paige’s scream is drowned out by KK’s louder whoop as the two of them excitedly wrap their arms around each other, jumping up and down like they’re college students all over again. 
“Oh okay, love the inclusion,” Ice rolls her eyes but it morphs into a grin as her former teammates pull her into their group hug, all three of them making a ruckus that’s drowned out by the crowd around them roaring in excitement. 
“Can y’all be a little quieter. I’m tryna mourn my Irish in peace,” Sonia says lousily, glaring at them in irritation as she fiddles with her clover bracelet. 
“Oh cheer up Citron,” Paige teases her Wings teammate, “at least y’all finally made it back to the Final Four.”
“Fuck all the way off Bueckers-”
“GO HUSKIES,” a loud voice interrupts Sonia’s grumbling as Jana rushes into their section, the Valkyries center smiling vibrantly as she crashes into her old friends, “BLEED BLUE BABY!”
“Bleed blue!” the three UConn faithful chorus back as Sonia glumly saunters over to Maddy Westbeld who had come over with Jana, the two Fighting Irish alum sharing a commiserating hug. 
“This is why everyone finds you Huskies insufferable,” Maddy says with disgust. 
“Because we just keep winning? There, there little leprechauns,” Ice taunts, light-heartedly patting Maddy and Sonia’s heads as both of them bristle and flash the Wings forward with a synchronized middle finger, “I’m sure you’ll catch up to us never.”
Paige is about to join in on the ribbing when KK turns to Jana with a frown, “where’s Azzi? I thought all of y’all came together.”
She shouldn’t care this much anymore. It’s been five years and Paige thinks it’s a little ridiculous how quickly her ears perks up at the mention of her girlfriend, thinks it’s a little pathetic how she leans in closer to Jana, embarrassingly eager to hear the answer to KK’s question. 
“We did. She wanted to go call her parents to check on Stephie,” Jana explains. 
KK rolls her eyes, her face as disappointed as Paige feels, “of course she did.”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Jana narrows her eyes at the shorter woman, a protective edge to her tone.  
“It means that this avoidance bullshit Azzi’s on is pretty fucking tired,” KK sneers. 
“KK bro chill,” Ice steps in immediately, looking worriedly between her two friends as Jana’s eyes flash with fire. 
“She’s checking on her daughter KK. She’s not trying to avoid anything,” Jana’s quietness is in stark contrast with the loud cheers around them and Paige swallows the guilt clawing at her throat. This is their fault. Her and Azzi’s. They’d caused an earthquake in their own lives and the aftershocks had rippled throughout their friends and families, creating rubble where there had once been solid foundations. 
KK laughs bitterly, “she had to check on her daughter right now? The game ended like three fucking seconds ago and she couldn’t just wait?”
“You’re being unfair.”
“Why are you always defending her?”
“Because she’s my teammate and it’s not all her fault,” Jana spits out, eyes briefly darting towards Paige who digs her fingernails into her palm, “it’s not her fault that she doesn’t always feel welcome around certain people.”
“And how about the rest of us people who’d really like to see her once in a while?” hurt tinges in KK’s words, “she can’t put the other shit aside for one fucking second?”
Jana opens her mouth, ready to defend her Azzi again but before she can speak, a calm voice cuts in, “hi guys.”
Goosebumps rush up Paige’s arms as she takes in the sight of the ex-girlfriend. There’s nothing extravagant to Azzi’s outfit, a simple UConn sweatshirt paired with black ripped jeans and minimal jewelry but she looks as radiant as always. There’s an awkward tension in the air as Azzi warily takes in the way KK and Jana are still glaring at each other. Her eyes accidentally lock with Paige and the blonde can see the same guilt of this is our collateral damage reflected back in those dark brown orbs. 
“Hi Azzi,” Ice is the first one to break the silence, wrapping the Valkyries shooting guard in a hug, “how’s Stephanie?”
Paige watches as Azzi’s eyes light up at the mention of her daughter's name, all of her previous apprehension gone as she begins to gush about the little girl, “she’s good. Somehow manipulated my dad into letting her stay up past her bedtime but good. She’s only two years old but already such a damn menace,” the brunette’s gaze wanders over to KK, “I guess that was to be expected huh? Any child of mine was bound to be one.”
KK cracks a half smile, bumping her shoulder against Jana’s as a truce sign, “you call it being menace, we call it being smart as hell right El Alfy?”
“Dude that’s what I tell her every time,” Jana immediately accepts the white flag, slinging an arm around the shorter woman, “Azzi just has genius children. Me, you, Nés and now Stephie.”
Ice gawks at the two of them, “seriously?”
“Well you see Ice, statistically she can’t have all genius children. Someone needed to be average,” KK mocks, high-fiving a giggling Jana. 
“Are y’all seeing this bullying?” Ice rounds on Paige and Azzi, hands on her hips with dramatically wide eyes, “are y’all really gonna let them bully your favorite child like this?”
“We don’t have favorites,” Paige and Azzi say at the same, pausing abruptly at the resurgence of familiar synchronicity between them. They glance briefly at each other, shuffling nervously, before immediately looking away. 
“I hate all of y’all,” Ice pouts, petulantly folding her arms against her chest. 
“Aw cheer up Icey,” Jana pats the top of Ice’s head, “how about a round of shots at the hotel bar to cheer you up?” she turns to Maddy and Sonia, who’d been having their own conversation, with a devilish grin, “losing team’s paying.”
“Y’all are sore winners,” Maddy huffs. 
Paige’s eyes dart towards Azzi, waiting for the younger woman to come up with a shallow excuse like she usually does to get out of having to spend more time with the blonde than necessary. And she knows that it’s unfair of her, knows that it’s only natural for someone to actively avoid being stuck in the same place as their past -thinks only a fool like her could want to be in their ex’s presence- but every time Azzi escapes being around her, Paige can’t help the disappointment that curls in her stomach. 
“Y’all coming,” KK asks, a slight edge to her voice as she twists to look at Paige and Azzi. 
“Of course,” Paige grins, locking arms with Sonia who immediately groans, “I’m not passing up free drinks. Especially not when the Irish are paying.”
“Az?” KK’s eyes are hopeful. 
Azzi bites her lip and Paige can almost see the cogs turning in her brain before she schools her features into a soft smile, “yeah. I’ll come.”
Paige isn’t sure how it happens. Well actually, that’s not quite right. She definitely has an idea of how it happened. She’s not quite sure when KK, Ice and Jana had had time to devise the plan but she’s certain that’s how it happened. Because really, there’s no other reasonable explanation for how she and Azzi have ended up being the only two people, from their previous party of seven, that are still sitting at the bar. Maddy and Sonia had left first, muttering under their breaths about not wanting to be around insufferable winners. Ice had been the next to leave, making up an excuse about how she wanted to call her boyfriend. Then Jana had apparently needed the bathroom. When she hadn’t returned in a solid 15 minutes, it was KK’s turn. A barely disguised grin and a hard-to-believe lie of  I think Jana got lost, I should go help her on her lips as she’d excused herself to the sound of Paige and Azzi’s protests. 
The two of them sit in awkward silence for a bit until Azzi suddenly bursts out laughing, the corner of her eyes crinkling. Paige regards her with amusement, trying to ignore the way the sound of the younger woman laughing feels like hearing her favorite song come on in the car on a warm summer road trip. 
“You’re a little young to be going crazy,” she remarks. 
“Shut up,” Azzi rolls her eyes, lightly punching Paige’s shoulder, “it’s just- they’re still all really shitty liars.”
Paige laughs, “and they still come up with the dumbest plans.”
“Do you remember when they locked us in the Werth changing rooms when we had that stupid fight-”
“Hey,” Paige interrupts indignantly, “it wasn’t stupid-”
“It was definitely stupid-”
“You asked Carol to drive you to rehab instead of me.”
“Because you had practice at the same time.”
“I wouldn’t have minded being five minutes late to practice.”
Azzi snorts, “more like half an hour and you sure as shit wouldn’t have been fine when coach would have yelled at you and made you run suicides after.”
“I wouldn’t have cared,” Paige shrugs, “running suicides would have been worth it for an extra hour with you.”
Azzi stares at her, mouth opening and closing several times before she finally looks away, a soft sigh falling from her lips, “you’re doing it again.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Paige says, unable to keep the defensiveness from creeping into her words. 
“You are,” Azzi slips off the barstool, “you are and you don’t even know it.”
“Azzi,” Paige curls her hand around the other woman’s bicep, pulling her in to stop her from leaving and it’s a bad idea because now they’re too close and her heartbeat quickens immediately at the fact that if she leaned in just a little bit more, there would be no more space left between them, “what am I doing?”
“You’re- you-” Azzi stutters, gulping as her eyes briefly flicker down to Paige’s lips, “you’re making me feel.”
“Making you feel what?” Paige presses. 
For a second, Paige thinks Azzi might just give in to her heart, might just tell the truth but then something hardens in her face, and the next word that slips out of her mouth has both of them going rigid, “how’s your wife Paige?”
“I should go to bed,” Azzi says firmly, trying to wriggle out of Paige’s tightening grip. 
“I have an early flight and I should probably wake up a little earlier than I normally would cause you know Jana’s gonna need me to wake her up,” Azzi rambles still trying to twist her arm out of Paige’s hold. 
“Hold on-”
“Can you just let go of me-”
“I’m trying to tell-”
“I really need to get to bed-’
“I have to go-”
“Azzi I’m getting a divorce,” Paige bursts out; the admission feels light a heavy weight off her chest.
Azzi stops fighting against the blonde’s grip, “oh.”
“We’ve- um-” Paige’s throat feels dry as Azzi’s eyes continue to bore into her, “we’ve been separated for a while and I finally-uh- finally filed the papers a little while ago. So um- to your question- I uh- I don’t know how she is because I- I don’t- there uh- there isn’t- there isn’t a wife.”
There’s silence for a bit as Azzi’s head bops up and down as she processes Paige’s revelation, “I’m um-” she clears her throat, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like it’s your fault,” and that’s not completely true -not when Olivia had repeatedly thrown the past back in Paige’s face- but she doesn’t think Azzi needs to know that, doesn’t want the younger woman to feel guilty for things beyond her control. She’s confused when Azzi flinches, like a memory has just pinched her nerves. 
“Right,” Azzi bites, “I really should- I really should be going to bed.”
Something gloomy settles across Paige’s heart as she nods at the brunette’s words, slipping out of her own chair as they start walking towards the elevator in the lobby. She feels antsy, like she’s leaving something incomplete. The silence rings loud between them as they wait for the elevator doors to open, keeping as much distance as they can from each other. It feels like ages before the familiar ding! finally rings out around them. Despite the abundance of room inside, the doorway into the elevator is rather condensed and their shoulders brush against each other as they make their way inside. Audible sighs involuntarily roll off of their tongues at the brief second of contact as they both shiver from each other’s familiar touch. There’s enough space now that they could easily move away -they probably should move away- but instead they stay pressed together. The sound of their uneven breathing fills the elevator as the doors close in front of them.
“I’m uh- I’m on the third floor,” Azzi says as she presses the #3 button, “you?”
“Fifth,” Paige breathes out, eyes fixated on the goosebumps that appear on the back of Azzi’s neck as her hands shake while pushing the #5 button. 
The elevator jolts up and Paige immediately reaches for Azzi’s hips to steady her, eliciting a small gasp from the other woman. She waits for Azzi to move away but the brunette stays put and Paige doesn’t move her hands. 
The doors open on the third floor. Both of them suck in a sharp breath. 
Azzi doesn’t get out. 
Paige wakes up to the dreadful sound of her alarm clock blaring around her room. It takes a second before the memories of last night start pounding against her skull. Her body aches in the best way possible. The room is still dark -just like it had been last night- and she closes her eyes, trying to revisit the feeling of Azzi’s lips pressed against her forehead, right before the younger woman -with her hair disheveled and bitemarks littered across her jawline-  had left Paige’s room. 
Paige hadn’t asked Azzi to stay. She wonders if she should have; wonders if Azzi would have agreed if she’d asked. But she hadn’t asked and Azzi hadn’t stayed. She regrets it a little bit. She wonders if Azzi does too. And Paige thinks that maybe that’s just the melancholic truth about their tragic story. 
Maybe they’re destined to always regret. 
April 2033
Paige thinks Azzi’s guest room air conditioning must be broken or something. There’s no other explanation for why, despite having kicked off every single blanket, she feels like she’s tossing and turning in red hot lava. She feels restless, like she has a purpose that she’s leaving unfulfilled. All the different scenes from tonight are rushing through her head, but her heart keeps stuttering on the last one; an image of the way Azzi had looked at her before they’d kissed good night. 
Azzi had asked her to stay even if she’d hidden it under a lame disguise of it being too late and Paige being too angry to drive home alone. And it’s not completely false that her blood is still boiling, their little encounter with fucking asshole still dangerously lingering in her mind as she thinks of the 101 ways she would have liked to murder him. But they both know that the minute Azzi had run her hand down Paige’s back, the moment she’d called her baby, the moment she’d given her the reassurance she was too scared to ask for but needed desperately, Paige had felt all the anger in her body replaced by that familiar sense of calm only Azzi had ever been able to provide. 
And after that had been decided, they’d both hesitated in the hallway, looking back and forth between Azzi’s master bedroom and the guestroom. Paige doesn’t know what had possessed her, why she’d decided tonight of all nights to play this false chivalrous rule-abiding good girl persona when it was the last thing she wanted to do. Because the last couple of weeks had been hell. The stupid rules had been hell. Going slow had been hell. Having to pull away from Azzi and walk out the door every night when all she wanted to was to lose herself in the brunette’s arms had been hell. But she’d done it for Azzi. She’d done it because there isn’t a thing in the world that she wouldn’t do for Azzi. Except tonight had been different. There had been that look on Azzi’s face -the way the younger woman had bitten her lips, the way her eyes had been hooded over, the way her cheeks had been flushed as her gaze roamed over Paige’s body- and  it had morphed into one of pure disappointment when Paige had said she’d take the guestroom. 
You’re a fucking idiot Paige Bueckers, she thinks to herself as she bolts right up, the image finally burning a little too bright behind her eyelids to continue this façade of trying to sleep. Perhaps it’s pointless. It’s late and Azzi loves her sleep; there’s no way she’s awake. But Paige slides out of bed anyways, breathing unevenly as she turns on the nightlight and walks towards her door. She doesn’t have a plan, doesn’t have any idea what she’d even say if Azzi is, by some miracle of god, even awake. But fuck it, Paige needs to see this through. She pauses at the door, hands wrapping around the cold handle as she gives herself one more chance to back out. Really, she doesn’t even know why she’s so nervous. It’s Azzi. Her Azzi. 
Paige twists the handle to tug the door open. 
Azzi’s eyes widen in surprise, her fisted hand -that had clearly been raised to knock on the mahogany door- freezing in place as she swallows and Paige is mesmerized by the way it highlights the veins in her neck. Her eyes move downwards, fixating on where Azzi’s oversized t-shirt hangs looser on one-side, leaving her right shoulder and collarbone on display. The shirt right above her thighs, giving Paige the perfect display of Azzi’s toned long legs looming beneath and the blonde gulps at the sight. 
“Hi,” Azzi speaks first, the low graveliness in her tone causing a coil of want to wrap itself around Paige’s stomach. 
“Hey,” Paige whispers back, “couldn’t sleep?”
Azzi bites her lip, “no- I just uh-, people always say- like when Jana sleeps over or something- she always says that- that the guest room is um- it’s too cold so I just- I wanted to make sure- wanted to ask-” she clears her throat, taking a step forward as she look earnestly at Paige, “are you cold?”
“So cold,” Paige confirms, moving closer to Azzi so their chests are almost touching. 
“You could um-” Azzi licks her teeth, “you could stay in Stephie’s room-” 
“I could?” Paige asks, pressing herself flush against the younger woman, hands wrapping around her waist. There’s barely space for air between them but she wants to get closer, wants to stitch herself into Azzi’s skin and keep them intertwined forever. 
“You could but,” Azzi’s hand trails Paige’s biceps, causing the blonde to shiver, before finally interlocking around her neck, “I think- I think her bed might be a little small for you.”
“Way too small,” Paige breathes against Azzi’s skin as she nips at the brunette’s jawline, before ghosting her lips against her neck, leaving a trail of mine mine mine down her throat.
“Paige,” Azzi’s voice is breathless as she tilts her head, hissing when Paige bites harshly right above her collarbone, immediately soothing it with her tongue, “I think- I think-fuck” she cuts herself with a moan as Paige turns them around, maneuvering them back towards the bed that suddenly looks far more inviting then it had before,  “I just think-”
“You think too much,” Paige says softly, finally removing her lips from Azzi’s skin -she misses the taste of it immediately- so she can smile teasingly at the brunette. 
“Do I?” Azzi grins dopily. 
Paige rolls her eyes, continuing to walk them backwards, “way, way too much.”
They’re forced to a halt when the back of Azzi’s thighs collide against the backframe of the bed. It feels like a turning point, like they could unlock a new chapter or keep themselves on the one they’re already on. And while Paige would really to skip forward, she’ll be okay with whatever happens next as long as the story being written is still theirs, still about her and Azzi. 
“Paige,” Azzi whispers again -and Paige loves the way Azzi’s lips curl around the syllable of her name- as she bunches the blonde’s shirt in her hands, “make me stop thinking.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Paige promises before they both go tumbling into the mattress, their lips colliding in a heated kiss. It feels like they’re trying to meld themselves into each other, like their bodies are carving out an indent of you and i just always feel right against the bedsheets. 
“I want this off,” Azzi breathes out between kisses, hands lifting the edge of Paige’s shirt, “off, off, off.”
“So bossy,” Paige smirks, leaning up off of Azzi to take off her shirt in a tantalizingly slow manner, enjoying the way the brunette’s eyes darken as they glide across her abs first and then her breasts, “enjoying the sho- fuck Az.”
The words are stolen from her mouth as Azzi swirls her tongue around one erect nipple, her hands cupping Paige’s ass to balance the blonde on top of her. She’s always known exactly how to get Paige to shut the fuck up. Paige groans as Azzi flips them over, shifting herself to press her thigh in between Paige’s legs and the blonde can’t help but grind up against it, desperate for some much needed friction, as Azzi sucks a possessive bruise against her jaw. 
“Missed this,” Azzi whispers, as she kisses down Paige’s neck, “and this,” a kiss pressed against her collarbone, “and these,” Azzi presses her lips softly to each breast, “and this,” against Paige’s stomach, “and these,” two featherlight kisses are peppered against her hip bones, “and I really missed these.”
“Azzi,” Paige moans as the brunette’s lips glide across the inside of her thighs, taking her sweet time marking only i could ever make you feel like this against every inch of Paige’s skin. 
Azzi stops right above the edge of Paige’s boxers before slowly peeling them off as sparkling brown eyes staring up at her with a myriad of unspoken emotions that Paige could spend a lifetime trying to memorize, “missed all of this. Missed everything about you. Missed you so much baby.”
Vulnerability echoes in Azzi’s voice as she slowly moves herself back up, hands coming to cup Paige’s face as they press their foreheads together. And it’s not like she hadn’t known that Azzi must have missed her in these last couple of years. But there’s a part of Paige that had thought that there was no way Azzi could have missed her as much as she missed Azzi. Because missing Azzi had felt all consuming, like there was a constant noose around her neck that got tighter and tighter with every day that passed by. But there’s something about the way the words reverberate around the room, something about the way Azzi looks like she can finally breathe again after saying it out loud that it hits Paige; it hits her that they’ve both been suffocating without each other. 
“I missed you too,” she breathes out, tears pooling at the edge of her eyes, “missed you so fucking much Azzi.”
“Yeah?” Azzi whispers, lips catching the lone tear that falls from Paige’s eyes, “how much?”
Paige shudders as Azzi’s fingers teasingly ghost over her wet folds, “s-so much. Azzi please. Need it so bad. Need you so bad.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Azzi repeats Paige’s own words back to her before she finally gives her what she’s desperately been craving, two fingers rhythmically pumping in and out of her pussy as her thumb rubs circles against Paige’s clit. 
“Fuck, fuck, just like that-” a litany of curses waterfall from Paige’s lips as she bucks her hips up against Azzi’s hand, “fuck please.”
“Please what?” Azzi asks coyly, fingers moving at a faster face as she hides a grin against Paige’s neck, “gotta tell me what you want baby.”
“W-want your mouth please- please Azzi-baby please,” Paige begs, writhing underneath her when Azzi immediately complies, lips attaching to her clit as she adds another finger, “fuck Azzi- I’m so close.”
“I know baby,” the words vibrate against Paige’s core, sending another bout of ecstasy shooting up her spine as she feels that familiar buildup in her stomach.
“Azz I’m gonna-”
“I know. Let go baby. I’ve got you. I’m gonna catch you I promise,” Azzi whispers. 
And it’s those words, that promise, that sends Paige over the edge, a cry of Azzi’s name falling from her lips. Because she knows Azzi means them for a lot more than just this moment, that those words -the promise- are born out of something deeper than lust. And maybe neither of them are quite ready to acknowledge that yet, not ready to make vows that teeter dangerously close to the ones they watched themselves break in the past, but it lingers between them, like a string made of we’ve always been inevitable connecting their hearts to each other. 
Azzi slowly eases her fingers out of Paige, pressing open-mouthed kisses against the older woman’s stomach as she recovers from her high, before looking up at her with a smirk. Never breaking eye contact, Azzi slips her fingers into her own mouth, leisurely sucking at them as she watches Paige’s face contort with desire. 
“Was I good?” she asks teasingly and Paige growls. 
“How have you gotten better at that? Actually you know what never mind,” Paige shakes her head, “I don’t want to know that.”
Azzi laughs, hiding her face against Paige’s neck, “only that good for you.”
“Good,” Paige tightens her arms around the woman on top of her and then scrunches her face as she feels the material of Azzi’s shirt itch against her wrists, “well this is unfair.”
“What is?” Azzi hum backs. 
“I’m fully fucking naked and you haven’t taken a single thing off,” Paige grumbles as she coaxes Azzi’s face out of her neck, hands gripping the edge of her shit, “take this off.”
Azzi stills, her previous serene expression replaced by something more nervous, as she lifts herself up so she’s straddling the older woman’s hips, “Paige-”
“What’s wrong?” Paige’s senses are on high alert immediately as she rises up herself, maneuvering them so Azzi’s fully on her lap. 
“I just-,” Azzi draws in a deep breath, looking downwards as she chews her lips.
“Hey,” Paige whispers, lifting the younger woman’s chin back up before pressing their foreheads together, “talk to me baby.”
“Can we just-” Azzi plays with the end of Paige’s hair, “can we maybe just-” she cocks her head towards the nightlight on the desk, “do you think we could turn the light off?”
“What?” Paige asks confusedly, “Azzi I’ve seen you naked-”
“Not since- not since I had Stephie,” Azzi interrupts, cowering under Paige’s intense stare, “the lights- the lights were off that one time and the other time I don't think- I don’t think we were sober enough for me to care or for you to remember so can we just-”
“Azzi,” Paige cups the younger woman’s face, “baby there is no amount of alcohol in the world that could make me forget you. Trust me I’ve tried,” she slips her hand under Azzi’s shirt, caressing the skin underneath, “but every time I see you baby, I memorize every little part of you,” she dances her fingertips across where she remembers those stretch marks -the ones Azzi is so afraid of her seeing again- are littered across her stomach, “and whether I’m sober or drunk or something in between, I always think every little bit of you is perfect.”
“Paige,” Azzi says softly, something akin to awe coating her voice. 
“Just wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel baby. Please,” Paige wraps her fingers around the edge of Azzi’s shirt again, “can I?”
“Okay,” Azzi concedes quietly, lifting her arms so Paige can finally tug the offending shirt off. 
Paige gives herself a moment to look at the woman in front of her, the woman whose body she’s seen countless times yet she swears that it feels like a different adventure every time. And then she lets herself have a taste, running her tongue lazily across Azzi’s skin, as she slowly maneuvers them so she can hover above the younger woman. A soft smile flitter across her face as she rubs her fingers over the tattoo printed across Azzi’s ribcage. It’s a purple S tattoo, with butterfly wings fanning out on either side. For Stephie. 
Keeping her eyes trained on the darker-skinned , she brushes her lips across the stretch marks on the darker-skinned woman’s abdomen and she hopes that Azzi can read the all of your imperfections are still made for me that Paige is spelling out against her skin. She uses her teeth to pull down Azzi’s panties, smirking to herself when she hears the younger woman's breath hitch above her. Eyes still interlocked with Azzi’s, Paige is purposefully slow as she licks a stripe up Azzi’s folds, relishing the way the other woman’s eyes roll back into her head. 
“So fucking wet,” she hums, “all for me?”
“You know-” Azzi shudders when Paige’s lips brush against her clit, still teasing, “you know it is.”
Paige smirks, “only for me.”
“Please,” Azzi begs as Paige continues to lazily lap at her pussy, giving her something but not quite enough. 
“Say it,” Paige demands, harshly biting against Azzi’s inner thigh as she brings up a hand to rub infinity signs around Azzi’s clit, “say it’s only for me.”
“It’s only for you-” Azzi cuts herself off with a scream as Paige plunges her tongue deep inside her, setting a tempo she knows will have Azzi seeing stars. 
“Doing so good for me baby,” Paige coos as she adds two fingers with her tongue, “always so good for me.”
“Fuck,” Azzi fists the bedsheets, trying to gain some semblance of control as she writhes under Paige’s touch, “feels so good. Paige please.”
“I know,” Paige whispers, “I know what you need baby.”
And that’s the thing about them. That’s why it’s good every single time. Because Paige knows every little crevice of Azzi’s body like it’s her own, knows exactly where to touch and how to touch to elicit those little gasps of pleasure that she wishes she could record and listen to on loop. And it doesn’t matter how long they go without each other in between, coming back always feels like home. But as much as she loves the feeling of coming back, Paige never wants to feel it again. Because this time, she hopes there is no in between without each other. She hopes that this time, they both stay. 
“Paige,” Azzi moans again, her name falling from her mouth like a prayer. 
“I’ve got you,” Paige whispers, capturing Azzi’s lips with her own as she continues her ministrations with her hand, “fall apart for me baby. I swear I’ll put you back together.”
There’s nothing quite like watching Azzi come undone and Paige drinks in the sight of the other woman quivering as she grabs the blonde’s bicep so tight that it’s bound to leave a victory mark. Paige coaxes her through it, nibbling at Azzi’s jawline as the younger woman slowly climbs down from her peak, going limp in Paige’s arms. 
They’re quiet for a while, languorously pressing delicate kisses against each other's skin, soft hands exploring all over each other’s familiar bodies as they tangle their legs together; close not being close enough. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Paige whines when Azzi starts to move out of her grasp. 
“I got what I came for,” Azzi teases, “so I’m going back to my own bed.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Paige scowls, pulling the younger woman back into her chest. 
Azzi laughs, kissing away Paige’s pout as she wriggles out of her grip and slips out of the bed, “relax. I’m just getting something to clean us up with.”
“Well hurry up. I’m already cold,” Paige mewls before letting out a wolf-whistle as her eyes drift over Azzi’s naked retreating form, appreciating the tautness of the brunette’s back muscles down to her perfectly curved ass. 
“You’re 31 years old Paige Bueckers,” Azzi chides as she walks into the ensuite bathroom but Paige can hear the blush in her voice. 
“And you’re hot as fuck Azzi Fudd,” Paige calls out with a smirk, keeping the and you’re all mine as a secret in her own thoughts. 
“You’re not bad yourself Bueckers,” Azzi returns from the bathroom with a smile and a damp cloth as she hops back onto the bed, gently dabbing it between Paige’s thighs. 
It’s a simple act but Paige feels tears prickle at the corner of the eyes. Because it signifies so much more than just this moment. For most of her life, Paige had grown accustomed to the idea that no one would take care of her unless she took care of them first. She didn't know it was possible that someone could reach out first, that they could hold her first without any expectation of anything else in return. Until Azzi. 
“Baby?” Azzi’s voice is wrapped in concern as she takes notice of Paige’s tears, immediately rising up to brush them away, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just-” Paige loops her arms around Azzi’s neck, shuddering slightly at how earnest the younger woman’s face is, “I really fucking missed you.”
Azzi’s eyes soften as she caresses Paige’s cheek before pressing her lips against her forehead, “I really fucking missed you too.”
Paige’s eyes flutter awake to sunlight peeking through the blue curtains of Azzi’s guest bedroom. She groans, shifting to bury her face further into the brunette’s stomach, pinching it when Azzi laughs above her. Lifting her head slightly, Paige can’t help but smile at the woman above her. Azzi’s got her glasses on, a book in her hands as she peers down at Paige with nothing but pure fondness. Something aches in Paige’s chest as countless visions of mornings just like this fill her head. She’d resigned herself to believing that she’d never get this back again, that she’d have to rely on memories of the past to fill the empty void that rattled hollowly against her chest every time she’d woken up without Azzi by her side. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Azzi says softly, putting her book down to brush her fingers through Paige’s hair, “assuming you slept well considering you didn’t even notice when I left to grab my glasses and a book from my room.”
Paige frowns, “you left me?”
“I was bored,” Azzi defends herself, “you were fast asleep and I had nothing to occupy myself with.”
“I can believe you left me,” Paige petulantly accuses again. 
“I didn’t leave-”
“You left me!”
“Okay fine,” Azzi concedes with an eyeroll, “but I came back.”
“Yeah you did,” a soft smile takes over Paige’s features as she leans up to brush her lips against Azzi’s, “you came back.”
“I did,” Azzi whispers against Paige’s mouth, cupping the older woman’s face with her hands. 
Paige is about to deepen the kiss, her hands beginning to slip lower, when the sound of a doorbell ruins any chances of putting in motion any of the uncordial ideas that had taken birth in her mind. She groans as Azzi immediately pulls away.
“Shit, I didn’t realize they’d be here so early.” the younger woman curses, hurriedly tossing Paige’s discarded clothes at her, “here, put your clothes on. I’ll go down first while you change.”
“I- I can come down?” Paige asks slowly. 
Azzi crinkles her eyes in confusion, “what do you mean? What else would you do?”
“I just. I dunno-” Paige shrugs, “I just assumed you uh- you wouldn’t want Stephie to know I stayed the night. I figured I’d sneak out of the window or something.”
“Paige,” Azzi whispers, walking over to grip the older girl’s hands, “you’re not- you’re not my dirty little secret or anything. I’m not- I’m not quite ready to tell Stephie about us- hell I’m not even really sure what we are yet but I know- I know that I don’t want to hide you from her. Besides,” she nudges Paige humorously, “we’re on the 2nd floor babe. I don’t need you trying to climb out the window and breaking your knee before the season even starts.”
Paige watches quietly as Azzi walks out the door. She doesn’t think the younger woman quite understands how much she had needed to hear those words, how much she had needed to not feel like a secret again. It fills Paige with a sense of hope, hope that maybe things would be different this time. Maybe things would be better this time. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie squeals from Azzi’s arms as she spots Paige descending down the stairs, “you’re already here!”
Paige smiles at the little girl, tapping her nose over Azzi’s shoulder, “I promised you I’d be here bright and early didn’t I?”
“Very bright and early,” Katie cocks an eyebrow as she smirks at Paige and Azzi, “how did you get here so early Paige?”
“Don’t be silly Nanna. She drove of course,” Stephie says matter-of-factly before scrunching up her nose, “but Miss Buecks. How come your car isn’t outside then?”
“That’s a great question Stephie,” Katie says and Paige thinks the woman’s a little bit too peppy for a grandmother, “why isn’t your car outside Paige?”
“Because-” Azzi gives her mother an exasperated look before fixing her eyes on her daughter, “because Paige slept over last night.”
“Miss Buecks slept over last night?” Stephie repeats. 
“I did,” Paige confirms, glaring at Katie as she snickers in the corner. 
“Mama can you please put me down,” Stephie says finally. 
The little girl looks upset and Paige feels her heart constrict with fear. In general, she doesn’t really do well with people being mad at her. But she definitely doesn't think she can take Stephie of all people being mad at her. The little girl has chiseled herself into Paige’s heart and if she ever left, Paige thinks she’d leave a hole so big, her entire heart would cease working. 
Azzi shares a nervous look with Paige as she sets her daughter down before crouching down to Stephie’s level, “what’s wrong Stephie-bean?”
Stephie’s bottom lip trembles as she looks between her mother and Paige, “you let Miss Buecks sleepover.”
“I-” Azzi looks helplessly between her own mother and Paige, both of whom look just as tense, “I did but sweetheart why is that upsetting you? You like Miss Buecks.”
“I love Miss Buecks,” Stephie wails and Paige lets out a sigh of relief, the little girl's words wrapping themselves around her like a warm blanket. 
Azzi blanches for a second, “I don’t understand then what’s the problem-”
 “YOU GUYS HAD A SLEEPOVER WITHOUT ME,” Stephie yells, stomping her tiny feet.  
“Stephie-” Azzi says softly, unable to keep the smile off of her face. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me Mama,” Stephie sniffs as she turns to Paige with a betrayed expression, “and you Miss Buecks. How could you guys have a sleepover without me?”
“Oh sweetheart,” Paige falls to her knees beside Azzi, trying not to smile when Stephie dramatically turns her face away from them, “we didn’t mean to. It was just really late when we got back from the party-”
“The party,” Stephie cries out, “first you went to a party without me and then you had a sleepover without me. I can’t bel-ieve you guys would do that to me. Don’t you guys love me at all?”
“We’re really sorry Stephie,” Paige says as seriously as she can, reaching out to fold Stephie’s tiny hands into her much larger one. 
“Very, very, sorry,” Azzi echoes. 
“I don’t know,” Katie supplies unhelpfully from where she’s watching the whole situation with pure amusement, “they don’t seem that sorry Stephie.”
“Mom!” “Katie!”
Katie raises her hands in mock surrender as both Paige and Azzi glare at her, “just looking out for my granddaughter’s best interest.”
“Stephie-bean,” Paige says again, maneuvering the little girl’s body to face her, “your Mama and I are very, very, sorry for having a sleepover without you. Please forgive us.”
Stephie looks at the adults kneeling in front of her with a contemplative expression, “you promise you’ll never do it again?”
“Never,” Azzi promises as Paige nods along.
“And when we go to the park today I can get three scoops of ice cream?” the little girl asks, the hint of a smile starting to breakthrough her lips. 
“I don’t know about that one sweetheart. That’s a lot of ice-”
“Of course you can!”
“Paige!” Azzi hisses. 
“And you’ll push me on the swing at the park for twenty minutes?”
“I’ll even push you for thirty minutes if you want,” Paige says and Azzi rolls her eyes. 
“Just had to one-up it didn’t you Bueckers,” she mutters under her breath. 
“And even though Miss Buecks said she’d get me fries at the park, I can get In-N-Out for dinner too?”
“You’re pushing it Stephie-bean-”
“In-N-Out for dinner sounds perfect,” Paige winks at Stephie as a full smile finally overtakes the little girl’s face. 
“You’re hopeless,” Azzi chides the blonde, throwing her hands up exasperatedly but there’s no denying the grin on her face as she looks back at Stephie, “is that all your highness? Are we finally forgiven or did you want to ask us for more unhealthy things?”
“Just one more thing,” Stephie’s eyes twinkle with mischief, “Miss Buecks has to sleepover tonight too.”
Paige and Azzi share a toothy smile with each other before turning to the little girl. 
“I think that could be arranged.”
The words are barely out of Paige’s mouth before Stephie goes tumbling into her and Azzi, tiny arms somehow wrapping around both of their necks as she pulls them into a group hug. The two adults laugh, cocooning the little girl in between them as she rambles on about how excited she is.  And Paige thinks that when all is said and done, when she looks back on her life, she’ll remember this moment as the one where everything started to finally come together. Right now, with Stephie's arms wrapped around her neck and Azzi’s hands curling around the little girl’s back to intertwine their fingers together, this moment here feels perfect. This moment feels like it belongs to Paige.
358 notes · View notes
Drabble Roulette: Rafe - cheater won't let go
Hey hey! This weekend (July 6 -7) I’m going to be playing drabble roulette! I’ve curated a list of characters, tropes, AUs, and kinks and I’m spinning the wheel! Hopefully I can do this once a month as a little writing exercise.
Character: Rafe Cameron
Warnings: this drabble includes noncom, cheating, drug use, and violence. Please mind these warnings and take care.
Explicit, 18+.
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Not again.
Pfft. Isn't that ridiculous? You should've been done with him the first time.
You can't do this anymore. The lies, the tears, the denial. You're done ignoring the red flags waving in your face. It's not worth it. He'll never love you.
So you wait.
It takes a while for the chance to come. It doesn't help that all Rafe does is sit around and get high. You have a few pills to keep from cracking but they hardly soften the edge.
It's only when his phone vibrates and he lies that you see your out. Business he tells you. If he isn't buying more hits off his dealer, he doesn't have any business. You let him go with a fake smile and a kiss on the cheek he barely seems to notice.
Your bag is packed. He didn't notice because you're not taking everything. Just the basics.
You wait an hour before you move. Then there's no looking back. The trailer you hole up in to smoke and fuck won't be missed.
Your feet mulch in the gravel. There's a girl you know, a pogue. She'll let you crash in her shed. It'll do for the time. Not like you have anyone else.
You don't even make it to the trees. He's waiting. How did he know? The answer is unimportant. You're already on your back.
"I fucking knew it," Rafe lunges on you, straddling you as his hands close around your neck. "Who the fuck you sneaking off to?"
"No--" you gurgle and slap his forearms.
"No one? Then where the fuck are you going?"
You dig your heels into the ground and peel back his thumbs, "you... you’re sneaking around--"
"I come back to you, babe," he snarls, "so why are you whining?"
"I can't--"
"Who else is gonna put up with you, huh?" His hands close around your neck again as he overpowers you. "Not your fucking mommy and daddy." He bends to laugh in your face, "they called it. No one wants a slut. You're used goods. You think anyone else will pit up with your shit?"
You don't want anyone else. You want him but not the way he is. You shake your head and wheeze.
"Let me show you where you belong without me," he snarls as he grabs a chunk of your hair.
He flips you over as you gasp to catch your breath. Your throw your arms out as pebbles and sticks poke at your bare legs. He rips down your shorts as you try to drag yourself from under him.
You're too dizzy and week. He crawls over you, pushing your knees open with his. He wiggles and snickers meanly against your ear.
You can't stop him. He's inside you, like acid it burns. He's impatient, spiteful. He bites your ear lobe and growls.
"Just where your belong," he thrusts so you cry out, "down in the dirt."
189 notes · View notes
starrywriting · 2 months
for a swim
james potter
summary: sent away to Beauxbatons Academy, you return after a few years and join Sirius when he moves in with the Potters'. Even after all these years, you realize that your feelings for James weren't just a childhood infatuation, but rather, love so deeply anchored you fear it'll drown you
chapter 1
contains: (start of a series) sirius black sister! reader, brothers best friend trope, childhood best friends to lovers, unrequited love, slow-burn
an: hello my darlings! long time no see<3 I've missed you all so much. know that I've been lurking on this account for years now, silently admiring all your guys' writings and work. I'm glad to be back, hopefully it's not temporary. I've always wanted to write about the marauders, and most importantly my favorite boy, james potter! enjoy the start of this series! words: 2.5k
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“Oh my god! You’re in love!” Sirius gaped, watching James squirm under his inquisitive gaze. “You’re in love with Lily!” Sirius proclaimed loudly, the boisterous noise rousing you out of your room down the hall from the boys’.
“Wait, in love with who?” You asked, peeking your head around the doorframe of James’s bedroom, eyes blinking at the two boys sitting on the bed, facing each other. You watched as James’s face blanched further. You snickered under your breath at Sirius’s smirk.
“I said, he’s in love with Lily. It’s so obvious!” Sirius grabbed James’s shoulders, shaking him obnoxiously.
“I’m not in love with her…” James grumbled, standing from his spot on his bed to cross his arms and face you. “My dog thinks I’m in love with Lily,” James sneered, eyes narrowing when he caught sight of Sirius flicking him off as he leaned back and starfished on James' bed, unmaking his freshly washed linens. “No matter how much I deny it, he won't shut up. He’s insufferable!”
“But aren’t you in love with Lily?” You asked, stepping away from the doorframe and into the room. “I thought that was like, common knowledge to all of us?” You tilted your head, your smirk matching Sirius’s. “Sirius said that was all you would talk about last year. And Remus claimed you were so obsessed with her that it would literally make him sick to his stomach.”
“Oh! So I see I’m a hot topic of conversation,” James grumbled again, throwing a pillow at Sirius who laughed loudly, mocking James’s pout. “I’m not in love with Lily! I got over her last year!”
“Yeah! Only took you like ten months!” Sirius howled out a laugh, catching the pillow and throwing it back at James’s face.
You laughed, sitting at James’s desk and watching as the boys began to wrestle. You had no idea if it was true– James being in love with Lily and all that. Outside of the letters you received from the group, your window into their lives at Hogwarts was minimal. After all, you had been living your own life, secluded from it all at Beauxbatons Academy. Though in retrospect, as much as being away from your brother and your lifelong friends sucked, being away from your family made the distance all worth it.
When you received the letter from Sirius saying he was staying with James from now on and that he wished for you to come and join him, the sadness you felt leaving your friends and life in France behind was palpable, but Sirius was always your priority, just like you were his. If it wasn’t for him, you would have been primped and groomed into the perfect little Black, married off to pure blood, and expected to serve. Sirius had always protected you from all that, regardless of how steep the cost was for him.
Despite it all, your welcome at the Potter’s was unbeatable. James especially beamed with affection when he saw you walk through the front door of his home, luggage in hand. Before you left for France, you and James were practically inseparable. Since you were little, James was always ensuring you were included in whatever fiasco he would get into with the rest of the boys; always first to volunteer when you’d want to go read by the tree in his backyard or swim in the creek all day even though Sirius would get bored after an hour. James never left you behind.
“What else did the guys tell you, hm?!” James puffed, chest heaving slightly as he pushed Sirius back down on the bed with finality and approached you with a gleam in his eye; winner of the wrestling match.
“Don’t you dare,” You warned, putting a hand up to stop him. “I’ll kill you!” You laughed, leaning back in the desk chair.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” James feigned innocence, only stopping once your hand rested on his chest.
“Get her Padfoot!” Sirius’s boyish grin twinged with sinister intentions as he clambered up from James’s bed, abandoning you. He raced out of James’s room, laughing as his socks slid on the hardwood floor.
“You’re a coward!” You called out to Sirius, glowering when you heard Sirius’s door slam shut. “James, please! Mercy! Have mercy!” You laughed up at him, now placing both your hands on his chest to try and push him away.
“Hmm… I don't think so. Apparently, I’m so lovesick I can’t think straight.” James easily removed your hands, reaching down for your waist and hoisting you up and over his shoulder. “My inhibitions are so blinded by my love for Lily Evans,” He joked, ignoring you as you kicked and screamed for Sirius’s help; both your and James' laugh mingling as he ran out of his bedroom.
“Please! I’m only the messenger!” You pleaded, crying out when he raced down the stairs quickly. “I swear— if you drop me James!” You cried out, gripping the back of his shirt.
“When have I ever let you fall?” He laughed, purposefully feigning tripping on the living room carpet.
“Where are you taking me?” You slammed at his back, crying out as he ran out the back door of his house and into the gardens.
“For a swim.”
“You wouldn’t!” You kicked and screamed again, crying out for Sirius, who was sitting out his bedroom window, waving triumphantly down at you both from the third floor.
“Good luck!” Sirius yelled, grabbing the window and shutting it as James walked further into the gardens, following the stone path down to the creek.
“These things happen,” James lectured playfully, continuing his trek with minimal effort. “You should remember. Sirius and I are ruthless and just ‘cause you’ve been gone for a few years doesn’t mean you suddenly develop immunity to our antics, love.”
“James, please! I didn’t mean it! You’re not in love! You’re not in love with Lily!” You laughed, trying to wiggle out of his grip as he approached the dock.
“Hm, that’s not entirely true.” James tsked, his grip on you tightening.
“What does that even mean!?” You shrieked, trying to tickle your way out of his grip. “James! No! Please!” You laughed, screaming as he ran for the end of the dock, his grip on you never faltering as you both splashed into the water.
The water felt nice in the blistering late summer heat, but as you reemerged from the water, you shrieked again. “You idiot!” You splashed his face, giving him no time to recover as he laughed, swatting you and the water away. “You’re the worst.”
“We both know that isn’t true,” James grinned, treading water. “I’m your favorite.”
“Not anymore!” You splashed him again, escaping for shore as quickly as you could before he could splash you back again. “I hate you!” You lied, amping up the dramatics as you emerged from the water, clothes dripping.
“You act like we can’t instantaneously dry our clothes,” James snickered, following suit and emerging from the water. “Just a flick of my wand and your dilemma is solved.” James stood next to you, glancing up at the sky and basking in the sun for a few seconds, a bright grin on his face.
He reached behind himself, pulling his shirt up and over his head. “Lay with me?” He asked suddenly, undoing his pants and making himself comfortable on the sand bar alongside the creek and dock. He was clad in just his soaked boxers. “The sun feels too good to pass up.” He sighed, arms behind his head as he peered up at you.
“Who said I wanted to be anywhere near you,” You sneered, glaring down at him as you let your wet hair drip onto his face. “You almost just killed me!” You ranted playfully, already kicking your shoes off as you undid the buttons on your shirt. “I could’ve died and then you guys would’ve mourned me and my lovely personality for the rest of your lives…” You stepped out of your skirt, throwing your clothes on the same log James did his. The sun on your bare skin felt like a summer's kiss.
“Yeah… we would sure miss you…” James agreed distractedly, and you laughed, shaking your head at him.
“Never seen a girl in a bra and underwear before?” You teased, knowing fully well that James would never think of you as a prospect. Not ever. Before leaving for France, that thought would’ve crippled you with self-doubt and the sting of rejection, but the distance between you and him all these years served to remind you that James’s feelings, or lack thereof, weren’t because you lacked in any way, but because you were the sister of one of his best friends– and also his very best friend. There was no way his perception of you could ever be more than platonic. Though even after all these years, you couldn’t help the sliver in your heart still stashed away for James; hoping for a miracle.
“Ha ha very funny,” He mocked dryly, clearing his throat and looking away as you spread out next to him, sighing contently. You basked in the moment. In the warm summer breeze that lifted the treetops above you. The smell of the creek— the gurgling, bubbling noise it made. You looked over at James, startled to find him already looking at you, a small smile on his lips. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” He admitted after a few beats of silence. His eyes were committing your features to memory. “I’ve missed you more than I’d like to admit.”
“You have no idea,” You volleyed back, reaching out to move a curl out of his face. “I could’ve been having the best day of my life back at Beauxbatons and I’d still be wishing to have you– and the other guys,” You quickly added bashfully, “by my side, experiencing it all with me.”
“Now we can be.” He beamed, turning away from you once more and soaking in the afternoon sunbeams filtering through the leaves. The sunlight danced on his face, his features even more striking than before. You couldn’t understand how someone could be so effortlessly beautiful. “You’ll love Hogwarts.”
You hummed in agreement, sitting in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Your hands fidgeted with the soft sand under your palms. You giggled when James’s hands met yours, playing with the sand too. You peeked over at him, but his eyes were still closed, a lopsided grin plastered across his lips.
“So you like Lily Evans?” You asked softly after a few more beats of silence. “Did you guys date last year?” You couldn’t help but ask, filling in the holes in your knowledge of the boys’ lives while you were gone.
“Pfft…” James sighed, eyes still closed. “Something like that.” He admitted lips now downturned. “I liked her until I realized that—” He stopped himself, opening his eyes and sitting up. “We just hung out occasionally. And we liked each other– snogged a few times.” He wiggled his brows down at you and you rolled your eyes with a laugh. 
“Very classy, James.”
“Kidding, kidding,” He scrunched his nose, grinning. “No really though, it was just lighthearted. And anyway, my feelings changed after a while.”
“You fell in love and she didn’t?” You sat up on your elbows, blinking up at him. He did admit that his not being in love wasn’t the whole truth before plummeting the both of you into the creek. 
“Hmm? What? No,” He laughed, shaking his head down at you. “Nothing like that.”
“But you said— Earlier–” You paused, collecting your thoughts. “When you jumped in the water you said it wasn’t entirely true. I just assumed that meant you were in love with Lily and it was unrequited.” You shrugged, laying back down.
“No, that wasn’t what I meant by that,” He sighed, looking away from you. Silence blanketed over the both of you again. You opened your mouth after a few beats, trying to pry once more. “I meant that I was in love, just not with Lily.” He clarified, interrupting you. You closed your mouth quickly, eyes wide.
“Oh,” you sucked in a disbelieving laugh, blinking a few times in shock. “Did she– how did…” Your brows furrowed, and James laughed at your lack of response.
“Yeah. A bit of a sticky situation,” He hummed, lulling his head from side to side. “It’s all gnawing at my subconscious. It’s all I think about.” He grumbled, rubbing a pebble in between his thumb and forefinger. “She’s all I think about, really.”
“Was Lily heartbroken when she found out? Why haven’t you told the others?” You sat up again, this time turning to face him.
“Nah. She understood once I explained it to her. Lily’s like that,” He chuckled lightly. “Told me I’d be an idiot if I didn’t do something about my feelings for this person soon.” He sighed, shaking his head. “It's never that easy though, is it?” He glanced over at you, a small smile on his lips.
“I wouldn’t know,” You admitted, swirling a finger in the sand. “I’ve only loved one person in my entire life— and now I’ve reached the point where it's better to just shut up about it than admit my feelings, I think.” You laughed pitifully, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s like that quote, ‘Is it better to speak or to die?’”
James watched you carefully, and you couldn’t help the twinge of a blush on your cheeks under his deep, pensive gaze. “Speak, one hundred percent.” He nodded, blowing out a breath. “Although speaking sometimes feels like dying all the same.”
“Tell me about it,” You grumbled, throwing a rock into the creek. “Do I get to know who this mystery person is that you’re in love with?”
James paused for a moment, and you swore you could read the conflict in his eyes. The secret was swimming towards the surface, on the tip of his tongue. “Hmm, how about no?” He teased, laughing at your frown. “Her name won’t slip past these lips.” He smiled, tapping his lips with his pointer finger.
“You suck.” You laughed, pushing at his shoulder lightly.
“So I’ve been told,” He grinned, pushing you back gently. “Wanna jump in again?”
“Obviously.” You grinned, standing up and reaching a hand down to him. He grinned back, grabbing your hand to hoist himself up. He didn’t let go, instead placing a chaste ‘thank you’ kiss on your knuckles as he led you up onto the dock.
“Bet I can do a better dive than you can!” He challenged, completely unaware of the blooming blush on your cheeks and the butterflies in your stomach. Even after all these years, this boy— he still was the only one that made your heart sing and your breath catch. No matter how hard you tried, you could never not be in love with James Potter. 
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vbecker10 · 2 years
Hi I was jw if you could do a Loki x reader where they have a huge fight and then reader leaves for a mission to only come back injured. Loki is given a note from her apologizing to him and when she wakes up he takes care of her apologizing as well? Super duper fluffy ending?
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Hey anon!! I have two asks that have very similar ideas so I'm doing them together. I'm sorry if it took me so long to get to it that you sent it again but I really do love this idea. I changed a little bit of it and kinda combined both asks. Hopefully it was worth the wait 💚
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That's Not What I Meant
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: arguing, angst, injury, lots of fluff
Summary: You and Loki have an argument but before the two of you can resolve it, you are called away on a mission for a few days. You return from the mission injured and still hurt by what Loki said before you left but he is determined to show you how much you truly mean to him.
A/N: I threw in Halloween stuff cause it's October so why not right 🎃 lol... also, as usual this got away from me and is way longer then I intended 🤷‍♀️
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"Its October first!" you say as you flip the calendar on your kitchen wall excitedly. "Do you know what that means?" you turn towards Loki.
He looks up from the coffee maker, "I would say its Saturday but I imagine that's not the answer you are looking for."
"Its Halloween!" you answer with a wide smile. He rolls his eyes but you catch a glimpse of him smiling before he turns back to face the counter. You move to stand behind him and put your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his back.
He shakes his head and chuckles softly while he pours the fresh coffee into two mugs. "I was under the impression that Halloween was on the last day of the month, not the first," he says.
You groan, letting go of him so you can lean your back against the counter next to him. You look up at him, crossing your arms and say, "Technically yes but... we can do Halloween stuff all month."
He takes a sip of his coffee, "A whole month seems a bit unnecessary. Surely one day is enough."
"It absolutely is necessary!" you tell him, a bit louder than you expected to.
He raises an eyebrow then waves his hand for you to continue. "Very well. What did you have in mind, darling?" he asks.
"Everything... Some of the parks here do hayrides, corn mazes and apple picking. I've always wanted to go apple picking, maybe Wanda could teach me how she makes those mini apple crumbles," you say and Loki smiles, you know how much he loves any type of dessert he can get his hands on. "There are tons of haunted houses we can visit of course," you add.
"Of course," he nods dramatically in agreement which causes you to laugh.
"Oh and I feel like you would like pumpkin carving," you say and he tilts his head curiously. "Because you know..." you make a stabbing motion, "Knives and such."
"That seems acceptable," he laughs then leans forward to kiss you briefly. "Anything else, love?"
"Can't forget watching horror movies with lots of junk food and cuddles or scaring everyone on the team," you tell him.
"How could I say no to either of those?" he smiles as he puts his coffee mug on the counter and moves closer to you. He slips one arm around you and you lean against his chest, looking up at him. "It'll be hard to pick a favorite activity but I don't think you can beat scaring the others," he says with a mischievous grin.
You hit his chest lightly, "Want to try picking a favorite again?"
He kisses the top of your head, "Pumpkin carving?"
"You're the worst," you giggle as you pull free. "The correct answer is horror movies and cuddles, obviously. Just for that, I'm picking out our costumes for Stark's party."
His mood shifts suddenly as the playful smile leaves his lips. He picks up his coffee mug and takes another sip. "There's no need for you to do that," he says in a serious tone, "I won't be attending the party." With that, he turns and walks out of the kitchen.
"You don't want to go?" you ask as you follow him into the living room.
He sits on one end of the couch and sets his mug on the coffee table. "Y/N, you know I don't go to Stark's parties. I never have and I see no reason to start now," he says without looking at you.
"I thought we could go together," you say with a hopeful smile.
He picks up his book from the side table and open its, "Why would you think that?"
"Because it would be fun?" you ask, feeling more unsure of yourself with every passing moment.
He looks up at you briefly and then back to his book. "I doubt very much it would be," he says.
You stand across from him in silence, hurt by the thought that Loki didn't even want to consider going with you. Loki has never been one to socialize with the team voluntarily but you had been excited about the idea of finally having a date to one of Stark's parties.
"I know we've only been dating a few months but... I guess I just assumed you would want to go with me," you say quietly.
"Don't Midgardians have a saying about assuming things?" he asks as he turns the page of his book.
"Well, yea..." you put your mug on the coffee table. "Can you not read while we're talking?"
"You know I'm perfectly capable of holding a conversation and reading at the same time," he says without looking up, you wrap your arms around yourself and don't respond. He finally looks up and slides his bookmark between the pages before setting it on the table. "Better?" he asks in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh, is it rude of me to want you to pay attention to me when I'm talking?" you ask, unable to hide your growing annoyance.
"There is nothing to talk about. I have told you I'm not going," he says. "You're more then welcome to go to that ridiculous event alone." He sits back and opens his book again.
"Its not ridiculous," you argue back but he doesn't acknowledge you as he turns the page.
"And I don't... I don't want to go alone. I want to go with my boyfriend. What's wrong with that?" you ask.
"Are you really going to just ignore me now?" you ask when he continues to read silently.
"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just done with this conversation," he says as he flips the page.
"That's not how conversations work-" you say, rolling your eye sarcastically.
"I don't want to be with you Y/N," Loki says in a harsh tone as he slams the book closed.
You instantly take a step back as his words hit you. He stands up quickly, dropping his book as moves towards you. "Go, I meant I don't want to go with you," he tries to correct himself but your mind has already latched onto those words.
"You... don't..." you whisper as you stand in front of him in disbelief, shaking your head slowly.
"No, no. That's not what I meant," he repeats. "Y/N, I didn't mean that."
He reaches for your arm and you pull away from him. "But you said it," you say, you feel as if you're heart is physically breaking. "Why would you say that?" you ask, close to tears.
"Y/N, I-" Loki starts to explain but is cut off by the sound of your phone ringing from the other room.
You turn from him and walk back to the kitchen to answer it. Loki follows you and tries to take your hand but you turn from him. You purposefully stare at your feet while on the phone to avoid looking at Loki who is growing increasingly upset and nervous.
When you hang up from your call with Agent Hill you ask, "Can you please leave? I have to be ready to take off for a mission in twenty minutes and I-"
"Y/N, I'm not leaving until we talk," he shakes his head. He attempts to close the distance between the two of you again and this time you don't move away. You keep your eyes fixed on the ground as tears begin to surface. He touches your cheek lightly but you still don't look up.
"That's not what I meant," he says again and you nod slowly, your heart believes him but your mind won't let go of this words so easily. "Please look at me," he pleads but you can’t.
"I have to get ready," you tell him again in a hushed voice.
"Can we talk when you get back?" he asks and you mumble ok in response. He kisses the top of your head lightly and says, "Be safe, Y/N."
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(Three days later)
You limp slowly down the long corridor and find yourself standing in front of Loki's door. You can tell he's awake, most likely reading, when you see the light creeping out from under the door even though it's just past one in the morning.
You stand there frozen for a moment. All you want to do is feel his arms wrap around you but every time you picture him, you hear his voice echo. He said he didn't want to be with you and although he quickly took it back you just couldn't shake it. His words had burned themselves into your thoughts and refused to leave.
You try to take a deep breath and feel a searing pain spread through your left side. You look down at the brace on your left knee and rub your left arm, just above where the cast was set. Shaking your head, you turn to drag yourself the rest of the way down the hall to your room to sleep.
You get a few feet away when you hear Loki's door open and you stop but don't turn. "Y/N, welcome back," he says quietly.
You can feel your heartbeat picking up at the sound of his voice and you can't help but smile a bit. "I've missed you, love," he says, you can hear he's stepped out into the hall.
"I missed you too," you tell him as you turn to face him. You watch as his eyes move up and down your body, filling with concern.
"Y/N, are you alright? What happened?" he asks, standing close to you. You shrug and tell him that the mission was ultimately successful but you were thrown during an explosion at the Hydra base. You had broken your arm and sprained your knee, in addition to being covered in bruises. You tell him you're exhausted and just want to lay down.
He reaches out and takes your hand, "I know you're tired darling, but come with me." You look up at him quietly, he gently strokes your cheek. "Let me take care of you," he says in a soothing voice.
You smile sleepily and nod, absolutely nothing could sound better then letting Loki look after you right now. No matter what he said before you left, you were still completely in love with him, although you had never been brave enough to say it. You squeeze his hand lightly and he leads you back to his room.
Once inside, he closes the door quietly and picks you up careful not to hurt your side or leg. You let out a small laugh in surprise as he carries you bridal style into the living room. "I can walk," you tell him but you make no attempt to be put down.
"Not without being in pain it seems," he answers in a caring tone.
You wrap your good arm around his neck a bit tighter and kiss his cheek lightly without thinking. He smiles when he looks down at you but you can see it doesn't quite reach his eyes. His eyes are red and glassy, his normally silky smooth hair appears slightly tangled and you've never seen his clothing wrinkled before.
You look around as he carries you through his apartment. His space is usually meticulously neat but there are books messily piled on the end table and floor. You notice a pillow and blanket from his bed have been moved to the couch and there are several empty mugs on the coffee table. He walks through the living room and into his bedroom where the bed you've shared is made perfectly, expect for the missing pillow. You realize its the pillow from your side of the bed that's been moved to the couch.
As if he is reading your thoughts he says, "I haven't been able to sleep without you."
You close your eyes, hold him tighter and whisper, "I'm sorry, Loki." You knew how hard the last few days had been for you but you are quickly seeing how badly it had affected Loki as well.
He kisses your forehead as he gently opens the bathroom door with his foot. He sets you down on the countertop next to the sink.
"I understand you're tired but... I just need you to know I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't mean what I said before you left, you know that right? I was frustrated about the party and it just came out wrong. I-" he tells you and you pull him closer to you. You put your good arm around his waist and move your legs to be on either side of him as they dangle over the edge.
You had spent the last three days replaying what Loki said and you can tell he had been too. "I know Loki," you interrupt him. "I know you didn't mean it," you tell him and he breaths a sigh of relief. He strokes your cheek lightly then leans down to kiss you.
When he breaks the kiss, you hide your face against his chest. "Y/N...?" he asks, running his hand up and down your back lightly.
"I'm sorry I pushed you about going to the party. I know you don't enjoy going to them and it wasn't fair that I got upset instead of listening to you," you tell him.
He puts his fingers under your chin and tilts your head so you are looking up at him again. "I will go to the party, I just want to make you happy Y/N," he offers but you shake your head no and he looks confused.
"I don't want to go anymore," you tell him.
"You should go. I know how much fun you thought his last party was," he says.
You smile at him and run your fingers through his hair gently, "I would rather spend time with you, doing something we both like."
He cups your cheek and brings your lips to his. You kiss him back as his hand slides down your back, holding you close to his chest. You giggle when you pull away to breath, "I meant something like going to a museum... but that works too."
He laughs at your response than says, "Well we still have all the things on your Halloween list to get through."
You nod happily as you yawn then groan in pain when your stretching aggravates your sore muscles. His smile fades and he looks concerned again.
"Let's get you more comfortable, darling," he says and you agree.
You rest against Loki with your eyes closed as you listen to the tub full with water. After a few minutes, Loki carefully helps you out of your dirty, bloodied uniform and places you into the warm water. You let out a sigh as your muscles begin to relax from the oils Loki had added. Resting your broken arm on the edge of the tub, you let yourself sink completely under the bubbles.
Loki's kneels behind you and begins to gently unbraid your hair. He runs his long fingers through your hair and then down your neck to your shoulders, massaging all the tension from your muscles. When he finishes, he kisses you softly. "Just rest now, I'll be back in a moment," he says as he gets up.
You nod with a smile, struggling to keep your eyes open. Just as you are about to drift off completely, Loki returns to being you to bed. After drying off, Loki conjures you a soft pair of green shorts and a black tank top to sleep in.
You giggle, half asleep when he picks you up again and carries you into the bedroom. He lays you on the bed and then gets in next to you. At soon as he pulls the covers over the two of you, you curl up against his side.
Loki wraps his arms tightly around you and whispers, "I love you, Y/N."
For a moment, you aren't sure if you dreamed hearing this words or if he actually said he loved you for the first time. You look up at him and when you see his smile, you know you weren't dreaming.
"I love you too, Loki," you confess happily, right before you slip into a sound sleep.
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@michelleleewise @ace-of-gay @high-functioning-lokipath @poetic-fiasco @soubi001 @lokisninerealms @lulubelle814 @lovingchoices14 @justasecretwriter @theaudacitytowrite @klaushargreeves420 @coffeeorsomething-irl @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @avoliax @talesofadragon @lokiandbuckysdoll @animnerd @juulle987 @lokiprompts21 @javagirl328 @kats72 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @mochie85 @princess-asgard @holdmytesseract @lokixryss @peaches1958 @lokidbadguy @highkeysimpingforloki
Let me know if you want to be taken off or added to this list! 💚
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mackeydoodledoo · 29 days
She Wears Short Skirts, I Wear T-Shirts: Chapter 3
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Pairing: Bridget (Cheerleader AU) x (Fem!)Reader
Chapter Summary: Continuing on hanging out with Bridget, she invites you to one of her Cheer competitions, however, you have a band competition the same day...
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, Swearing
Chapter Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, F/n = Friend's name, B/n = Band Name, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Chapter Theme: Aftertaste - Katie Gavin
A/n: n/a
*Y/n's POV* You walk into school Monday, everything going back to its bleak, bland self...
"Hi Y/n," Bridget comes up to greet you
"Hey you," You smile
The both of you walk around the school...
"Your Sunday go okay?" She asks
"Yeah, I just went to work and finished any homework I had yet to get to," You say, "You?"
"Yeah, I got to sleep in," She says
"That must be nice," You say
"Hey so I have a question," She says
"Yeah?" You ask back, "Shoot."
"This Saturday, I have a cheer competition with the town's independent competitive cheer team," She begins, "It'd mean a lot to me if you came."
"This... Saturday?" You ask
"Yeah, why?" She asks
"Band has a competition," You explain, "The competition that determines whether our and goes to State Finals..."
"Oh," Bridget puts on a smile, trying to hide that she was sad
But, she was terrible at hiding her sadness emotion.
"I'll try," You say
"You will?" She asks
"Of course," You smile, "I've never been to a cheer competition before. So it's bound to be an interesting time."
The both of you stop at her first period.
"Okay, I'll text you the details in like... the next few days," She says, "Hopefully I'll see you there..."
She disappears into the classroom.
You sit at the front desk at the record store...
Man.... Working some weeknights sucks...
But, you were able to make a few extra bucks whilst being in high school.
But the entire place was dead, other than your manager who was in the back, doing god-knows-what.
Hey whatcha doing? I'm at work... So bored... You? Laying in bed, where do you work? The local record store. Oh! I didn't know you worked there. Guess I'll have to come visit ;) It would sure beat being in here by myself. Don't you have a manager with you? I do, but he's always in the office. Part of me believes he only goes back there to sleep and let me do all of the work. Do you want me to come in and keep you company? I'm off soon, so it wouldn't be worth it. 'Preciate it though :) Always. Anyway, I just wanted to text you the information
You watch as your phone dings with the address to the high school Bridget was going to compete at.
Epic, well, I'm going to head out of here and then to bed. Goodnight Pinky. Night Emo ;)
You walk into the band room, coffee in hand.. You couldn't wait to be done with outdoor band...
"Captain! There she is!" Your bass 5 member greets you
You sigh as you go grab your drum for a sectional.
"You're lucky your drumline instructor likes you all enough to get breakfast," He says, gesturing to boxed up food behind him
"I can take over until you're done eating Y/n," f/n says
*Bridget's POV* You wake up to your alarm and get changed into some simple sweats, but packing your independent cheer team outfit into your backpack.
"I'm heading out," You say to your parents who were at the table
"Okay, we'll see you there," Your dad says
You exit the door and plug in your music as you approach the car parked at the curb of your house.
"Morning Bridge," F/n greets you
"Morning," You yawn
"Want to get coffee before we head to practice?" She asks
"Sure," You sigh
"Hey, you're not your usual chipper self in the morning, spill," She says
"I invited someone I like... And she said she had something very important to do," You begin, "I'm worried she'll miss it."
"First, it'll be her loss," f/n chuckles, "Second, don't let it get to your head today. It's another big day."
You nod.
You sit with your girls as you all much on catered food.
Hey you, rehearsals going good? Yeah, how about you? We finished, we're packing our equipment into our truck, and then heading to the competition site.
"Okay girls, let's run the routine one more time before heading out!" Your coach yells
You all get up and follow each other to the padded floor for another routine run.
Good luck at your competition. Good luck at yours :)
You board the bus and sit in your own seat as you drive to the competition.
You step off the bus and follow the coach to check-in. You look at your phone, hoping to see a text from Y/n...
Must be at her competition by now... Or even out on that field...
You set your belongings in the designated area and begin to stretch your body.
*Y/n's POV* You quickly, but efficiently put your drum away and quickly change into presentable sweats and quickly make your way to your car.
*Bridget's POV* Anxiety runs through you as you travel throughout the school, heading to warm up areas and then to the competition floor.
You've competed in the little Regional class competitions before, and finally earned your wya up to Independent class....
Why am I so nervous?...
As you get into place you look up one more time, hoping to see Y/n in the crowd. Last second, you see someone rushing to the stands. You weren't able to wait any second longer before the music began.
Your friends split off after they hand you the first place trophy.
"Oh Sweety that was amazing!" Your mom hugs you
"Thanks mom," You sigh into a smile, "I just wish Y/n was able to make it..."
"Oh, you didn't see her as you walked off the floor?" She asks
You blink at your parents in confusion... However, your dad points over your shoulder. Y/n leans against the wall.
"If you're going to hang out with her, go on," Your mom tells you
"We'll see you at home," Your dad says
Without a second thought, you run down the hall.
"You made it!" You practically jump into Y/n's arms
"I said I'd try," She says, "I made it just before you started performing."
So... That person running to the stands was her...
"Do you want to grab a bite to eat?" She offers, "I drove straight here as soon as we got back to the school and I'm kinda starving, and with a routine like that, I'm sure you are too."
Your stomach grumbles...
"You read my mind," You smile
"Come on," She says, "By the way, where's the rest of your team?"
"They all left," You say
"What a shame," She sighs, "I'd wonder if your independent cheer girls would have liked me too..."
"Do you wish for every girl to gawk over you?" You ask
"No!" She says, "Not at all. But, it'd be nice if your friends I have yet to meet would like me."
"I didn't know you cared about first impressions," You smile
"I don't but... Your prized drummer shows up at a Cheer competition," She chuckles, "She's out of her element here!"
You giggle, "Come on, let's get you out of it then."
Y/n drives to the same diner, and the both of you sit in a booth.
"What's it with you and this place?" You ask
"Could never go wrong with a good burger," They say, "And it's basically the only place I know how to get to by heart."
"Also, how did the band do?" You ask
"We're going to state finals," She smiles
"That's amazing!" You smile back, "I didn't have ant doubts the band wouldn't. They have the greatest drumline."
"Well, not to toot my own horn but we did win the award for best percussion," She says, sounding full of herself
"The town's united Cheer team also took first," You brag
"With a cheer routine like that, I wouldn't doubt it a single second," She says
"When's state finals?" You ask
"Next week," She answers
"That soon?!" You ask
*Y/n's POV* "Well, yeah," You say, "It's beginning to get too cold to do band things. Even if the state finals venue is indoors."
"How will you be able to revise the show on time?" Bridget asks
"You underestimate the ability to change a show with less than a week," You chuckle
"I'm serious!" She says
"I am too," You say, nonchalantly, "There have been times where we have changed a drill set the day before a competition. We all had it nailed in like... Thirty minutes."
"Thirty?!" Her eyes widen
You nod, "You know, if you joined marching band, you'd fit right in with the color guard."
"Really?" She looks at you
You nod again, "They're graceful, badass, and beautiful. They're also scary at times, but that's mostly when we're crossing between them as they spin their props. Did I tell you that they also spin more than just flags."
"I've seen it," She says, "They're awesome."
"Maybe, you should consider giving winter guard a try," You suggest, "I won't force you, but I'll send you some videos from my guard friends. I do winter percussion... As the drum set player."
"Oh, I wonder how you got that part," She smiles
"Well, I started out doing auxiliary percussion, then moved my way up to drum set," You explain, "Drumset is simply an extension of percussion."
"I'd totally come to one of your winter shows," She says
"Well... The ensemble I'm with is out of state...." You sigh, "One of the top 5 groups in the entire country."
"I'll make the drive," She says
"There's a lot of car mileage and gas involved," You attempt to deter her away from making the drive you do
"I don't care, I want to see whatever show you do," She says
"Well then I will keep you updated on my indoor drumline endeavors," You chuckle
After dinner, you drive her home...
"Hope I didn't take you from family stuff," You say
"They didn't mind," Bridget says, "As always, thank you for driving me home."
"Anytime pinky," You reply, "I shall see you on Monday."
Chapter 4
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
Hypno Handyman Inc.
So I got this idea about a week ago: what if I used some hypnosis to help my failing repair business. See, all of today's young men are afraid of getting their hands dirty, and it's been impossible to hire any of those pansies. So I thought, 'Why not hypnotize them instead?'
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This is Tim and Jim. They're identical twins, but I made Jim shave his head so I could tell them apart. Wait, maybe that was Tim. I don't remember, but it doesn't matter anymore! What's important is that they've been thoroughly hypnotized. Just look at the dopey grins they always have on!
These brothers were once my neighbors, back when they were influencers or something. I'm not really sure what they did for work, but now they are actually contributing members of society. I did them some good, bringing them under my control. Now they actually enjoy all the long hours and hard menial labor.
"Go ahead and tell 'em what your doing, boys!"
"Sure, boss," Tim answers brightly, "Jim and I are just grabbing some tools for a job. Mrs. Jones has a leaky pipe again."
"This is the third time this month." Jim explains with a blank smile.
I chuckle and shake my head. Mrs. Jones, the retired widow, was almost definitely just calling so she could oggle these young men as they tinker with a problem she made up. She's definitely wasting my employees' time, but I don't mind as long as she keeps paying.
"Just remember your new mantra, boys," I check.
Their bodies stiffen as they robotically relay what I taught them, "We work for you. We are your handymen. We work hard, stay humble, and always respect our client and our boss."
"That's right," I beam with pride, "Go ahead and unbutton your uniforms, boys. If Mrs. Jones wants a show, you're gonna give her one."
"Yes, boss!" they declare, smiling as they loosen their shirts before packing their tools in the truck.
They used to have a real attitude problem: thought awfully highly of themselves since they were 'TickTock famous' or whatever. Obviously, that was the first thing I corrected in their personalities. Tim and Jim are now just the perfect humble and eager-to-please workers they should be. I don't think I've seen them drop those stupid smiles in weeks!
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This here is Rodrigo. He used to be a model or something, which meant he had practically no skills or common sense to begin with. At least his simple mind was super easy to hypnotize. I tried programming a bunch of common knowledge about plumbing or mechanics in that head of his, but it never stuck. That's why I always have him doing the simple heavy lifting.
"What's up, Rigo! Working hard?"
"Yes, boss," he reports with a heavy breath, "I'm just hauling the fresh supplies into the garage."
"Glad, I can count on you, boy," I clap him on his shoulder, pleased to find his hard work soaking into his uniform, "It's hard work, but someone's gotta do it!"
"Yes, boss," he agrees, and turns his head to the floor as he gets back to it.
I doubt that boy ever had a hard day of work before he met me. He didn't have a shred of real muscle on him when I found him. The only thing his pretty arms could carry were a bunch of shopping bags from the mall.
He threw all that fancy attire away after I had him under trance. I think those clothes on his back are the only thing he owns now. It's not like any of my guys need something nice to wear. They're just my handymen, after all, and I intend to milk their hard-working asses for all their worth.
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This last guy is my newest recruit. He came crawling to me when he got fired at his last job. His name is Cameron, and he's been quite a handful. Out of all the idiots I've hypnotized so far, he's been able to resist the most.
He's still thoroughly under my control, but I can't seem to control his thoughts like I can with the other guys. That's why I have him doing all the nastiest jobs. Hopefully it'll break that strong will of his!
"Hey, Cammy," I call.
"Don't call me that!" he snaps, "I'm not your damn puppet like those other freaks!"
His words have venom in them, but his body doesn't seem to agree. His head stays bowed in a mock of submission as he diligently searches the supply closet.
"What you lookin' for, Cammy?" I ask.
"The fucking plunger! You've got me on clogged toilet duty, remember?" he growled in frustration, "How long are you going to keep me doing this?"
"There's a lot of people who aren't willing to clean their shitters," I explain, "And you'll keep doing it as long as people will pay!"
I let out a sigh as Cameron continues to get more and more frustrated. Despite his radical glare, his body can't stop searching for that plunger.
"It's in the bathroom," I finally admit, "Go ahead and kiss each of our shitters while your in their."
Cameron's face twists in disgust as his body obediently marches past me, carrying him to our company restroom. He's clearly angry beyond words for being made to degrade himself once again. One day I'll get him to see me as a respectable employer just like the rest of the guys do. It's only a matter of time.
"Hey Cammy!" I call before he leaves, "Don't forget about tonight. You remember what we discussed yesterday, right?"
Despite all his internalized rage, his eyes glaze over as my hypnotic instructions kick in, "I'm on house duty. I will cook, serve, and clean up dinner for you and the rest of the men. I will be ready to give massages and showers to you and the rest of the men. I will not let myself relax until you and the rest of the men have no need of me. I will be on house duty every night forever, until you say otherwise."
"That's right," I smile in amusement, "Carry on!"
His vacant stare melts away, and he quickly adopts his trademark glare. His hands ball into fists like he's about to fight back, but he just turns and walks down the hallway. I chuckle at the idea of him in that empty bathroom, angrily kissing each of our toilet seats.
I put aside Cameron's defiance and relish just how far my repair business has gone. Not only am I making a ton more money than when it was just me, but I also have a whole flock of guys to keep me company. Even though they are all products of a weaker generation, I am well on my way towards turning each of them into real men like myself.
Already, I have Tim, Jim, and Rodrigo sipping beers and watching football with me after work everyday. I'll tell you that none of those boys enjoyed either of those things before they met me. Eventually, I'll have them genuinely laughing at all my jokes too!
Whether or not Malcolm comes around, is honestly unimportant. As long as he keeps up the disrespect, I'll keep him in the worst jobs and the longest hours.
I'm telling you, hypnotizing your employees is the way to go! So, let me know if you need any help getting your workers under your control. Or just let me know if you need a good old-fashioned handyman to fix something for you!
My boys will do anything as long as you fork over some cash...
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cinnamonroll-anon · 10 months
Soft Confessions: Sun Wukong x Reader
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a/n:This is from a Pov I did for a Sun Wukong playlist. This will hopefully be the start of me writing for more characters on fandoms that I enjoy!
Warnings: First time writing, Fluff, Comfort, Gender Neutral, Nicknames, (he calls you Peaches and Baby). After having a particularly long day you find yourself extremely tired, unbeknownst to you, a certain monkey king has grown worried for you and he has a plan to cheer you up.
Today had been a long day. You were exhausted and your whole body ached. You wanted to finally get home and collapse, but fate had different plans. A certain monkey king had missed you the entire day. The day had kept you so occupied that you had to ignore all of Wukong's texts. With his growing emotions for you, and your sudden disappearance, made him grow anxious.
Did you find out? How could you have found out? Was he too obvious? Did you think it was too weird? Did you suddenly grow tired of him? Were you angry at him?
He finally got up from flower fruit mountain and decided that he was going to do something about this. He went to get food from Pigsy's and not so subtly asked if anyone had seen or heard from you.
"I saw them on their way home, but they didn't look so good. They barely waved at me and they looked a bit down" Mei pitched in.
This won't do, not at all in this monkeys head. He had a mission. You, his most precious friend, feeling down in the dumps and not telling him? Unacceptable. He's supposed to be there for you! Luckily for you he already had a plan.
So here you are in your room about to take your shoes off when your phone springs to life. You wearily find your phone and look at the screen. It was Wukong, he was calling you. You quickly answered
"Um hello?", You meekly answered.
"Hey Peaches! Whats the matter? You haven't answered me all day." His energetic voice rang through the phone.
"Um I've just been really busy and tired today. Can you call me later? I'm gonna take a nap." You said as you were just about to hang up.
"NO NO NO! PLEASE DON'T HANG UP!" He practically screeched.
"Okay, okay, I'm listening!"
"Its just that, I've missed you all day and was wondering if you could make some time to hang out with me? Please, I promise you it'll be worth it!" he begged.
"Yeah, I'll hangout with you" you said as you let out a sigh.
"Great I'll be over to pick you up!"
"Wait, pick me up? Where are we going? Um Sun? Hello?" It was too late, he had already hung up the phone. You were okay if he was coming over to chill out with you, but he's taking you out. You weren't sure if you were gonna have the energy to last through whatever shenanigans he had in store for you. A couple of knocks at your door snapped you from your thoughts. You sluggishly opened the door to reveal the one and only Monkie King.
"Hey Peaches, you ready to go?" He beamed with a bright smile.
"Actually, I didn't get time to get changed, I'll quickly get ready-" you replied, just about to go back inside of your house until an arm yanked you backwards.
"Don't worry you look great, now lets go!" He dragged you and pulled you close to his chest. Before you can even process what was going on you were already on a cloud, flying over the city. The sight was beautiful, it was around noon and the sun getting ready to set. You also took in the fact that you were pressed so close to Sun Wukong. He was so warm and comforting, you felt your face heat up at the thought.
"So, is this your plan for hanging out?" You spoke, trying to occupy yourself on anything other than the overwhelming heat on your face.
"You kidding, this is only the beginning. You just sit tight and let me do the rest, okay Peaches?" He leaned down and replied with a mischievous grin. If you weren't burning up before now you were on fire, you quickly pressed your head to his chest in hopes of him not spotting your embarrassed face. Meanwhile Sun Wukong looked down at your antics and allowed a light blush to dust his face, you were just too cute! He quickly looked up, praying to any deity that you didn't see his slip up.
"Looks like we're here" he said as the cloud lowered itself onto a little hill. The wind blew gently on the grass and there was a lonely tree. You felt like you could see the entire world from that hill, the sun letting its golden light swallow the view. As you were taking in the sight, Sun Wukong began walking towards the tree, you spotted him moving and followed behind. When you both arrived at the other side of the tree you saw spotted a picnic blanket, food from Pigsy's, a small bowl of fruit and a box of pastries.
"I heard that you weren't having a great day and decided 'hey why not surprise you", he spoke with a soft voice, scratching the back of his neck while looking away. You felt your heart flutter at his sentiment, so caught up in your head you entirely missed a lovely pink adorning his face.
You both spent the time eating, talking about your individual days and laughing at his jokes. After the laughter died down you both looked at the scene, the sun was now setting letting its most beautiful hues light up the sky. The nearby clouds also dressed in their finest pinks and oranges, all blending together to make a breathtaking sunset. Your attention snapped to Sun Wukong when he began to move around. He pulled up his phone and began to type on it, soon music came from it. He placed his phone on the blanket and got up. He then put his attention to you "May I have this dance?" he asked smugly while bowing and offering you his hand.
You felt that familiar heat engulf your face as you extended your hand into his. He gently pulled you up and you began dancing, at first it was formal but then you both lost each other to the music, simply enjoying the moment. You both had danced for a while before Wukong brought you in close to him.
"Peaches, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, and its that I love you. Just you existing in my life has made it so much better. I feel honored that you let me be your friend and let me learn more about you. I've lived through alot of things but, I know that if I had to live through it all just to see you, to see you smile, I would do it all over again. And I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me." He said his face turning a shade of red.
"Sun, yes, I'd love to go out with you. If I'm being honest I've had feelings for you as well, its just that I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I mean you're literally The Monkey King, and your a great person to be around." you responded.
He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief "Thank goodness I was scared that i would've ruined it and that we wouldn't be friends anymore" he said letting his shoulders relax.
You laughed at his response and you gave him a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug.
"Hey Sun?"
"Yes baby?"
"My feet are tired"
He then burst into laughter. "Wow, i thought I was gonna be the one to kill the mood". He said in between his laughter, then he grabbed your hand gently and led you back to the picnic blanket under the tree. You both sat down and watched how the sun was almost hidden under the horizon. You then felt a wave of drowsiness hit you and you found it harder to keep your eyes open. Feeling sleep slowly creeping over you, you tried to get as comfortable as you could. You leaned on Sun Wukong and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up before slowly relaxing. He then carefully wrapped and arm around you and gave you a gentle yet reassuring squeeze.
"Its okay peaches, I'll stay here with you" he gave you the softest smile. Soon you felt yourself gradually drift off to sleep. Before you could fully knock out you felt a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you peaches, get some rest."
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velvetfoxgames · 5 months
Infinite Blue - May 2024 Update
Hello everyone, we're at an interesting point in development where the art assets are nearly done, and all of the scripts are wrapping up. This means a focus is being put on the final stretch of finishing the game. They say that the last 10% of any work takes 90% of the time, and I think we'll find that to be true! On to the update...
The CGs are nearly complete!! Currently waiting on Rory's second half of illustrations. Here's a peek at a couple of them.
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Leo's route has been sent out for programming, and Milo's is scheduled to be done this month. It's a huge relief getting these finished one by one.
Curious about what an average day's worth of gameplay looks like? Here's Leo's day 5 scripts.
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We have a plan in place for voice acting! As each route is mostly programmed in, we'll be going over the writing and phone calls in-game to make sure the script is where we want it to be. After that, we'll send out scripts to the voice actors of that particular route, rather than recruiting all of the VAs at the same time. The first scripts will be sent hopefully this month for Tobias's route.
We've brought on a new programmer to handle the backend for the game. Particularly since it's a mobile game that will have a currency system, it'll be important to have a database to protect player's information and to keep the game safe from attacks and game manipulation.
We've had 'Fae Alexei' and 'LoFi City Rory' illustrations done over on Patreon, as well as free respective headcanons found HERE.
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Thanks for reading!
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eryiss · 22 days
Fraxus Week 2024 - Day 1: Transformation
Description: The hard part was meant to be asking Freed out on the date, but in the week between asking and the actual date, Laxus gets in his own head. Following the advice of his guildmates, he transforms himself into the man he thinks Freed deserves. Freed has other ideas, and utilises thievery, embarrassment, and an apple pie to show it.
Note: Fraxus Week 2024, as always hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. Hopefully I’ll have something for the main seven days. I’m sure there'll be lots of good stuff made. Have fun, hope you enjoy reading it.
Link: Ao3
In Defence Of Apple Pie
Laxus had been sitting in the corner of the guild for a little while, waiting for the bar to quieten down. He'd been playing with his beer tankard after downing it. Not nervous. Just… thinking.
He'd done the hard part, that was the main thing. He'd knocked on Freed's door, got over his stupid machismo and all the voices screaming not to put himself on the line like this, and asked Freed on a date. He'd said it plainly and clearly, leaving no room for doubt that he was interested in Freed, and had gotten the most beautiful smile and a quiet 'Yes, I think I'd quite enjoy that' in response.
So now he just had to plan a date. A date that would determine the future relationship he had with a man he'd been crushing on for over a year now. No pressure.
The second the bar looked empty, he pounced. He strode quickly, slid into the stool that was furthest from the throngs of the crowd, and beckoned Mirajane over with a jerk of his head. When she came, she gave him a questioning look.
"You know any good places to eat?" He demanded without preamble, voice low and quiet.
Mirajane, if she was affronted by his lack of a greeting, didn't show it. She hummed quietly to herself. "Of course. What type of place are you looking for? Fine dining? Quiet and undiscovered? Somewhere to show off about? Somewhere-"
"Need a place to take a date, that's all." He said it impassively, like it wasn't a big deal and didn't need commenting on. He had hoped that Mirajane would catch the energy he was giving and match it. Instead, her eyes shone, and she beamed an excited, gossip-starved grin at him. He was quick to cut it off. "Don't get weird about it."
"You're going on a date!" She exclaimed, though thankfully in a whisper. Laxus looked over his shoulder for listeners-in anyway. "Who with?"
"Doesn't matter."
"I'll find out if you don't tell me," She pushed on, leaning against the bar now. "Might as well get it over with."
Laxus managed to keep to his guns for about five seconds, before he huffed out a noise. "If you freak out on this, I'll kill ya," he grunted, and she nodded. "It's Freed."
She slapped the top of the bar, looked up to the roof with her neck straining, reached for a dishcloth and covered his mouth with it, then made a weird screeching noise. Once that was over, she looked back at Laxus, and in a whisper that might rival a teenage girl in irritation, said "It's finally happening!"
"Be quiet," Laxus demanded, once again looking for anyone who might have heard.
"No; I'm excited. Oh, this is so amazing. You're going to date and fall in love and get married-"
"Get ahold of yourself woman!" Laxus snapped. "It's a date. Just a date."
"Between you and Freed!"
"Not worth it," Laxus pushed himself back to leave the bar. "You tell anyone, the I'll-"
"Wait wait wait," Mirajane leant over and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back to sitting. Laxus let it happen. "I'll stop. I promise. And I will help you out with finding the perfect place to go. It's got to be somewhere fancy, obviously. Freed's basically the idea of elegance come to life, so it'll have to be somewhere high class. Candles and table clothes are a minimum. Oh, there's this amazing little place tucked away in the corner of Harrow Street. It's called the Thin Sparrow, have you heard of it?"
She went on to give an in depth and detailed recounting of all the local, and sometimes non-local eateries that it would be respectable for Freed to date in. They were all pricey, fancy, snobby places that Laxus wouldn't ever think of going to normal. But Mira was right; Freed was a high class kinda guy, and Laxus wasn't going to risk their first date going to a place that was beneath him.
It raised an issue, though. Because Freed really was a classy guy. Laxus wasn't. Laxus was meat and potatoes when Freed was champagne and caviar. There was more to Freed than that, obviously, but his fancy tastes were a part of him too. He liked to eat well, dressed in fancy clothes, and talked smart because that was who he was.
Freed contained multitudes. Could Laxus appeal to all of them?
"Oh, I've got the perfect place. How did I not think of it before?" Mira grinned at him. "It's called The Mirror. Super exclusive and with a really long wait list, but I know the owner and I can get you in. They do the best food, and I'm sure Freed'll know about it, so he'll be really impressed. And I bet he'll have been desperate to try the food. You know what he's like in the kitchen. It's perfect!"
"You can sort that?"
"Of course," she beamed. "So long as you promise me you tell me all about it the next morning."
"Not a fuckin' chance," Laxus grunted. "He's private; I ain't gossiping about him." She beamed at him, which was frankly a bit disturbing, so he huffed again. "What?"
"You know him so well; you're going to make such a good couple."
Well, there was no real response to that that didn't involve him blushing, so he pushed away from the bar, and walked out of the guildhall, deciding that he'd done enough sharing for the day.
But Mirajane had been right; Freed needed, and deserved, to be wowed and treated like a goddamn Prince. Maybe Laxus wasn't princely to most, but he wanted this thing with Freed to work out, and if he had any hope of that, he needed to brush up and be the guy that Freed deserved. Unfortunately, he had a sinking, horrible feeling that achieving that meant calling for help.
"Hideous. Awful. Revolting. Makes me judge you as a man."
This had been a mistake, but it was far too late to undo it now. All he could do was sit on the edge of his bed as Evergreen went through his closet, all the while Bickslow cracked stupid jokes and played the part of annoying fashion designer, the likes of which Laxus had only ever seen on TV.
"The fact that you still own this when I distinctly remember telling you to set it on fire," Evergreen huffed as she turned, holding out Laxus' leopard print shirt as if it were made of worms. "Is a travesty."
"It's one of my favourite shirts," Laxus defended himself. "I look good in it."
"I'm with the big guy here," Bickslow spoke up, and his agreement could only be a bad sign. "He should wear it on the date. It sends a message. It says, 'I'm a wild beast and I'm gonna pounce on you and get my teeth all up in your business.' I think Freed would go for that."
"I think you're both repressible men with no sense of style," Evergreen sniffed as she threw the shirt onto the ever-growing unacceptable pile. Laxus' irritation was also ever-growing. "You have a suit. I know you do. Where is it?"
"Under the bed," Laxus glanced down.
Ever gave him a look other people might have reserved for someone killing their firstborn, then got on her hands and knees and started to rummage under the bed. Laxus knew she'd found it when she made an aborted, angry squeak. Moments later, she was out from under his bed, holding his suit and looking furious, appalled and dusty all at once.
"A sleeping bag!" She exclaimed. "You keep your suit, the best piece of clothing you own, in a sleeping bag under your bed!"
"Barely ever wear it. Don't want it taking up space," he shrugged. "I take it to the dry cleaners if I need to use it."
"But it- You might- What if you-" She seemed genuinely lost for words. Then she found one. "Men!"
"Why're you bothering with any of that, we all know the real magic's in here," Bickslow taunted, tapping the set of drawers that housed all of Laxus' boxers. He reached for the handle. "Let's have a little-OW!"
Laxus, who had just shot off a bolt of lightning, glared at him. "You ain't rummaging through my underwear drawer."
"Why? You wear something weird? Thongs? Tighty whities?" He made a scandalised gasp. "Is it empty? Have you been going commando on us all this time? Because, if I were Freed and I found that out, I might just get on all fours and arch my back right there in the restaurant."
"Get out of my house," Laxus snapped, but Bickslow just laughed and collapsed onto the chair tucked in the corner of the room.
"Laxus, you can't go on a date with Freed wearing any of this," Evergreen sighed forlornly. "I expected it to be bad, of course, but not this bad. We'll have to go shopping. Right now. We'll have just enough time to find something perfect before dinner if we go now."
"I don't need new clothes."
"Laxus," She said it slowly, like she was talking to a child. "You're going on a date with Freed Justine. The same Freed Justine that only buys clothes with a designer label on them. You know he's going to show up looking like a million jewels. The first thing you do on a date is look at the other person. You check them out, you steal little glances, you drink them all in. Do you really want him doing that to you in something he's seen you wearing a hundred times before. In something that's been cut up and patched up after a mission. On something that, and let's be honest here Laxus, makes you look like you got lost in a charity bin."
That was quite hard not to take personally, but she was right about Freed's love of high fashion. Freed had once said he bought fancy clothes because they handled the wear and tear of a working wizards's lifestyle. But he was fashionable, too. His clothes worked with each other, matched colours and… well, Laxus didn't know enough about fashion to explain exactly why Freed's clothes looked good on him, but they did!
She was right about them looking at each other, too. Laxus was always looking at Freed. Couldn't help it. If Freed had agreed to date him, then maybe Freed did the same. On a date, the looking wouldn't have to be covert. It could be honest and brazen. If Freed were going to be doing that, then Laxus needed to look his best.
"Fine, we'll get something new," Laxus sniffed. "But nothing too weird. Something low key."
"Of course. Low key," Ever agreed.
"Low key fuckable," Bickslow grinned. "I say we get some jock straps in case it goes well. Frames that ass, hugs the crotch, and there's something about the snap of the elastic that just drives a guy wild. I know this place that does silk ones. It's mainly for porn, I think, but I'm sure they'll make an exception for you if we ask nice and you pop those pecs. Maybe do a body roll."
Laxus and Evergreen stared at him. Laxus spoke first. "He's not coming with us, right? Because if he does, I might kill him."
"Oh no, definitely not."
"You both suck," Bickslow pouted, then grinned. "Freed's a lucky guy."
He had a lightning bolt and a spray of fairy dust flying towards him before he could even think of defending himself.
Laxus was eating dinner in the guildhall when Loke took the seat opposite him, swivelled it around, and straddled it. He looked at Laxus. Laxus looked back at him. Neither spoke. Laxus wished that it was more socially acceptable to electrocute acquaintances to a point of unconsciousness.
"So this is how you act when you're eating, hm?" Loke tutted.
"The hell do you want?"
"You know, Freed and I have spent more time alone than you might think," Loke mused, leaning back from his straddled chair. "You're aware, I'm sure, that he and I have often been battling for dominance on the 'Wizards's I'd Like to Have Dirty Sex With' poll. We both make the top ten, of course, and those photoshoots are a long affair and it's inevitable that we'd get talking."
"That's not what the poll's called," Laxus grumbled.
"Might as well be," Loke waved off the argument. "I also got a little closer to him during your time with Blue Pegasus. He wanted advice on his flirting and, well, who better than me to test a man's charms."
"Good for you. Leave me alone."
"All of this is to say, I know what Freed is like when he's being charming and flirting," Loke leant forward again. "And I know that a man who's as silver tongued as him will want a bit of that flirty energy bouncing back at him. Rumour has it that you and he have a date, and I'd be simply remiss if I didn't give you a little advice on how to make the man squirm with just a few short words."
That rankled a little. "I think I know Freed better than you do."
"As a friend, and an ally, I've no doubt you know him better," Loke assured him. "But those photoshoots, we're expected to be as suave, debonair, and flirty as a man can be. And I'm sure you know what it's like to be in Blue Pegasus. You've seen him when he's trying to be platonic. I've seen him when he's romantic."
"You've seen him playing at being romantic," Laxus corrected. "He was pretending."
"Exactly," Loke sighed. "Laxus, when he's playing at being romantic, he's telling you what he wants in a partner. He thinks that his customers, or the photographers want him to be in a particular way. And he thinks that because that's what he wants when he's being charmed. He wants romance."
Laxus didn't say anything for a moment. "If he wanted that, why'd be say yes to dating me? Never gave him any reason to think I'm a romantic."
"Maybe he thinks it's just a part of you that isn't on the surface," Loke shrugged. "You don't need to worry. I'm sure he's not expecting you to be a totally different person. You might not even need to do any actual flirting at all, really. You've got this," he waved a hand in Laxus' direction, "awkward stud thing going on. A little flex, a stray wink, and maybe a little kiss to the knuckles will make all the difference."
Laxus couldn't do any of that! He couldn't wink without looking like he had something in his eye! He couldn't flex his arms for no reason without feeling like an idiot! Taking Freed's hand and kissing his knuckles would be humiliating! What would he do if Freed didn't want that, and took his hand away just as Laxus was lowering his head?
But, Laxus had spent months in Blue Pegasus, watching as Freed flirted with suave perfection. He could take anyone to his table and have them leave blushing and squirming. Surely Loke was right that Freed would want, and perhaps expect, a bit of flirting for himself.
"And you can teach me how to do that?" Laxus nearly whispered. "How to do it without making me feel like a jackass?"
"Oh Laxus, give me twenty minutes and I'll make a dandy out of you."
It felt like a mistake already, and the way Loke was looking at him had him more worried than a good deal of the monsters and dark mages who had actually tried to kill him. But Freed deserved a man who could make him blush, who could set his veins on fire with just a couple of words, and could make him feel flattered, charmed and adored all at once. If Loke could help him make Freed feel like that, then he'd deal with whatever awkwardness and embarrassment he needed to get over to do it.
"So," Cana said as she sidled herself next to him at the bar. "Little birdie told me you and Freed are going on a date, huh?"
"Your wife told you then," Laxus glared at Mirajane, who avoided his eye. "So?"
"Well, I know Freed gives off this whole stuffed shirt, reserved, prim and proper vibe, but something tells me that he's kinda freaky in bed and I thought I could give you some tips on how to handle a demon between the sheets. First hand experience of course. Now, what you wanna- where you going?"
Laxus stormed out of the guildhall, door slamming behind him as he went.
Laxus fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket, looking at his reflection with a small frown. He looked good. Really damn good, honestly.
Ever had eventually settled on him wearing a dark blue sweater, a darker blue jacket, and black jeans she said were slim fitting. The outfit was meant to show of his assets – Bix had cackled at that and made multiple jokes about what Freed would want to do with his assets – and it did that well. His thighs were hugged, pecs obvious, arms bulged, and waist emphasised. He looked sexy and knew it.
But he wasn't exactly comfortable. It was a summer's evening. It was hot. A sweater and a jacket were too warm, and kinda scratchy really. The jeans didn't leave much space for motion, which he was used to in his battle clothes.
Whatever. He looked good and would not look out of place on Freed's arm.
They were meeting at the restaurant, and Laxus had been sure to get there early. He wanted to get the lay of the land, scope out the other customers so he could see what they were like, and maybe get his heart to stop thumping quite so much. He quietly wished he could have taken Freed to one of the burger joints or ramen places he would get lunch from; maybe the home field advantage would calm him down.
"Laxus," Freed's voice had Laxus freezing, then slowly turning.
Freed had chosen to wear a simple black dress shirt, a jacket and black pants. The buttons on the shirt were open at the top, showing just a hint of his chest, in a way teasing and irresistible. He had his shirt tucked into his pants, and Laxus knew the second Freed turned away, his spectacular ass would be hugged perfectly. Did the guy really have to do so many squats in his workout routine? It was distracting!
Laxus started to sweat.
"Hey," he said awkwardly.
"Evening," Freed smiled. His eyes flickered over Laxus quickly, taking him in, and Laxus found himself shuffling to his full height. He felt his heart swell when Freed smiled. "Have you been shopping?"
"No," Laxus said a little too quickly.
"You look great."
"Thanks," Laxus ducked his head, then quickly added. "You too, obviously."
"Obviously?" Freed echoed with a question, and Laxus felt his cheeks bloom with heat. Freed didn't push the subject and walked to the door of The Mirror. Laxus had intended to hold the door for Freed, but Freed got there first and did it for him. That was fine. He could still pull Freed's chair out for him. "I have to say, I was surprised that you chose to come here."
"You were?" Concern bloomed. "You don't like it?"
"No, I've wanted to come here for quite some time. I just didn't think it was the kind of place you'd enjoy, is all," Freed looked around the small reception area, eyes flitting all over the place. It looked fancy and stylish, but Laxus clearly didn't see whatever had Freed so fascinated. He couldn't stop looking at Freed.
The host came up to them, and Laxus gave his name. She smiled brightly at them and guided them towards their table. About twenty or so tables, all with two occupants, were laid out. It was all romantic and sweet, with candles and flowers and glittering silverware. Again, Laxus found himself looking at Freed. His ass really did fill out those pants. Could Laxus think like that now? He'd stopped himself before, out of propriety and respect, but if they were on a date then…
What the hell was he thinking about? He was in a fancy ass restaurant, and all he could think about was how damn sexy his date was! That wasn't what you were meant to do, right?
How, in the week of unwanted advice, had nobody told him what was appropriate to think on a date?
As they got to their table, Laxus pulled out one of the chairs, and awkwardly motioned for Freed to take it. Freed did, a little slowly, and let Laxus sweep him up with it. Once Freed was properly settled, and Laxus had told himself a hundred times that Freed would see it as romantic and not painfully awkward, Laxus took a seat on the other side of the table. The host said that their server would be soon over, leaving them alone. Together. On a date.
"You look a little nervous," Freed said gently. "You don't need to be."
"I'm not," Laxus said quickly. Nerves weren't sexy. Confidence was sexy.
"Are you sure?" Freed asked. "Because if you are-"
"I'm not," he insisted. Thoughts of his painful hour with Loke rushed back. They'd discussed this very situation and how to deal with it. He reached over and took Freed's hand in his own, and dammit they were calloused and rough and perfect. Fawning wasn't the plan. Stroking Freed's knuckles was. "It's just that you're so beautiful, it left me breathless."
Laxus felt like an idiot for even saying it. Freed must have sensed it, because he slowly said, "Right."
There was an awkward silence, and Laxus had to fight the urge to pull at the neck hole of his sweater, which was really starting to itch. He'd fucked it up, hadn't he? Already. Any chance of this thing becoming real, and he's messed it up. God dammit!
"Might I posit a theory?" Freed asked, and Laxus frowned, then nodded. "You see, what you just said to me was exactly the same thing that Loke did to me the day he was teaching me how to flirt for Blue Pegasus. Down to the stroking of my knuckles. That, to me, suggests he's been giving you tips. Now, I can't for a second imagine that you approached him, so clearly, he's gotten involved on his own accord. That, combined with us being in a restaurant that nobody without an extensive knowledge of the Fiore culinary world knows about, and you wearing clothes that you don't seem to be all that comfortable in, suggest that maybe you've been given some advice," he shifted so that he had Laxus' hands in his now. "Did the guild get into your head, perhaps?"
Laxus panicked. "No."
"Yes," Laxus admitted. "Fine, they did. I really wanted this to go well, and I wanted you to see me as someone you could date. I mean, you're you and I'm me and I just got it in my head I needed to-"
"What do you mean I'm me and you're you?"
"Well, c'mon. You're this handsome, elegant, cool guy who tops the Wizard's I Want Drilling Me into the Mattress poll-"
"That's not what it's called."
"-and you can fit in with people and flirt and you know how to look cool and collected in pretty much any situation. You look good. You model. You make guys blush just by talking to them and you always bounce back no matter what you do. I'm just… some guy who you know."
Freed stayed silent for a moment, obviously considering, and he slowly removed his hands from Laxus. "Give me a second."
And then he stood and was walking away, and Laxus wanted the ground to swallow him up. Dumping what you thought about a guy then being self deprecating was not sexy and was a pretty surefire way to end a date. Even before he'd gotten all the advice, he could have figured that out. He'd royally fucked this up. The fact Freed wasn't running for the hills was a damn miracle.
What was Freed actually doing? Laxus watched him as he approached a couple two tables down. "May I have these?" He asked, reaching for their freshly served desserts. When they started to say that, no, obviously he couldn't, Freed didn't stop. He lifted them both and smirked. "Well, then stop me."
They didn't, and Freed walked over with two bowls filled with apple pie and custard. Laxus looked down at them. "If you wanna leave, just do. Don't need to rush to dessert."
"That's not what I'm doing."
Laxus wanted to ask what Freed was doing, but Freed did the most peculiar thing. He plunged his hand into one of the bowls, grabbed as push of the pie as he could, and smashed it on top of his head.
The restaurant fell silent, and everyone just looked at him. Laxus included.
Freed then reached into the other bowl and fished out the pie again, smearing it all over his face. He then hefted both bowls up and upturned them over his head, letting the custard drip down over his face and onto his pristine clothing. He messed it in, ruffling and staining the fabric with the sticky sweet mess.
"What the fuck?" Laxus asked, truly baffled.
"I don't think anyone would call me handsome, elegant or cool right now," Freed said, blinking away a blob of stewed apple. "I think if I tried to flirt, it would be unsuccessful, no self-respecting photographer would allow me to model for them, and I don't think there's a chance that I'll bounce back from this, if the look the manager is giving me is anything to go by."
"What the fuck?" Laxus repeated.
"I agreed to date you, Laxus. Not the odd, polished version of you you've been told you need to be," Freed spoke softly, and it might be romantic if he wasn't covered in pie. "Now, I've heard theres a fajita food truck in the east quarter. How about we get something to eat there, maybe a couple of beers, and we eat by the canal?"
"You-" Laxus felt his throat get dry. "You wanna do that?"
"More than anything," Freed smiled. "Although, even if you don't, we should leave. I think security might have been called."
Twenty minutes later, they were sitting on the edge of the canal, legs dangling over the edge as they ate their fajitas and sipped their beer. Their shoulders were just close enough to bump against each other from time to time, and since Laxus had his jacket resting beside him, he could feel Freed's warmth
"You know you really didn't have to do that," Laxus said at some point. "You got a lifetime ban."
"I'll cope. They seemed quite snobby anyway. And they made me pay for that couple's entire meal. I only ruined their dessert. Hardly fair at all."
"You probably scared them."
"If a little irrationality scares them, then they're weak," Freed huffed, and Laxus had to laugh.
"Are you not at least gonna clean some of the pie off ya. It can't feel good."
"Oh, it feels terrible, but I can't imagine those clothes are all that comfortable for you, so we suffer together," Freed nudged Laxus with his shoulder. "I do appreciate what you were trying to do. I do. But I'd much rather be on a date with the man I've known for ten years. He's quite wonderful, even if a little down on himself sometimes."
"Shut up."
"He cuts quite the figure. Can pull off leopard print like nobody else – I was hoping that's what you would wear, actually."
"Nearly did. Ever talked me out of it."
"Then she shall be decapitated on sight," Freed huffed, and Laxus somehow knew Freed's hand would be on his sword if he'd brought it, just to emphasise his farcical point. But he didn't. He just leant against Laxus as the sun set and looked at him. "I'm glad the night ended like this."
"Me too."
Freed kept looking at him, and Laxus found himself looking back.
In a quick movement, Freed leant up and pressed his lips against Laxus', soft and quick and a little tentative. Laxus' eyes blew wide, and he was brought back to every time he'd ever wondered what it would be like to kiss Freed. Even in that split second, it was better than any of the fantasied, and they'd always been quite wonderful.
"Sorry," Freed gasped. "I just felt-"
"Me too," Laxus quickly said. "That was… is it too much to say it was amazing?"
Freed smiled. "Not at all."
"Then it was amazing."
"It was," Freed grinned slyly. "Even if you had to face your irrational hatred of apple pie?"
Laxus paused. "How d'you know I hate apple pie?"
"The same reason that you knew to pass me the hot sauce when we were getting dinner," Freed shrugged. "We know each other. I also know that you don't like apple pie because you find it bitter, which is ridiculous because it's literally covered in sugar and-"
Laxus leant down, cupped Freed's slightly sticky cheek, and pulled him into a kiss. It was slow and lingering and perfect. All of Laxus' anxieties and doubting voices and worry bled away and were replaced by a total sense of utter rightness.
"Hey," Laxus whispered as he pulled back. He didn't know why.
"Hello," Freed whispered back.
They were kissing again moments later, as the sun set behind them.
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