#but how tf do you do that. that sounds so simple but it’s not ‘just be there’ means fucking nothing
dxckgrxsonx · 1 year
Just be Quiet
Pairing - Dick Grayson x (F) Reader
Words - 0.6k
Warnings - SMUT 18+ - Graphic Sexual Content - Mean!Dick - Forced Quiet Sex - Kinda Public Sex - A little bit of Name Calling (Disgusting, Pathetic, Crybaby) - Crying - Swearing
Notes - Um hi. Let's ignore the fact I was supposed to post this last week. I drank a little too much wine, passed tf out, and then work kicked my whole ass. I simply do not vibe with being employed smh.
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“Be quiet.” Dick snaps, his voice bordering on the lethal edge of an order and not a request. Your skin positively bristles when he shoves his hand over your mouth to muffle the desperate, involuntary noises escaping from between your chattering teeth and he growls, thoroughly fed up with your shit. “Shut your fucking mouth.”
Your thighs tremble, trapped between Dick’s firm, unyielding body and the wall. He snaps his hips forwards, forcing the full length of him into your weeping cunt with one stroke and your eyes roll straight back into your skull, body shuddering through the stretch.
“Don’t you make a fuckin’ sound.” He demands when you inhale, words vibrating in your throat, chest aching with how much you want to moan and whimper. Forcing your thighs wider with his knee he drags his cock almost all the way out before sinking back into your soaked pussy. “You just can’t help yourself, can you? I tell you not to make a sound and here you are, whining through my fingers like a brat.”
You didn't even notice you were moaning and keening and whimpering loud enough for him to hear–but you are–and it makes Dick ground out your name in a low, dangerous snarl.
It's a warning.
“I can’t fuck–I can’t help it!” You try, nearly in tears from the effort it takes to stay quiet for him. Your words are muffled against his palm and a particularly harsh thrust has you gasping his name, a long, drawn out whine chasing. “S’too good.”
Dick kisses the back of your neck then moves so he can speak directly into your ear.
“Yes you can. You’re just doing this on purpose to piss me off. Why won’t you be fucking quiet?!” Fucking into you at a rougher pace you can’t stop the desperate little noises from slipping through his fingers. “It’s almost like you want people to know I’m fucking you. Is that what it is? You want everyone to know you’re a desperate whore who likes being fucked where anyone could see you? You’re disgusting.”
Your body tries to flinch away from his punishing pace but Dick tuts disapprovingly and presses you even more firmly against the wall with his strong hips; forcing you to take every rough stroke and scathing comment from his smart mouth. He nudges your thighs apart again when you try to close them and your pussy throbs and creams against the base of his cock in desperation.
Dick scrapes the blunt edges of his teeth against your neck and you can feel the smirk pressing at his lips.
“I can feel you squeezin’ at me.” He says, sinking balls deep into your cunt and stopping just to feel you convulse around him. “You like being fucked by your Team Leader, huh? With the way you act, it’s no surprise you like this. What? You think I don’t notice. You’re more pathetic than I thought.”
Moaning into his hand you blink against the onslaught of tears and Dick feels them slide warm over the backs of his knuckles.
Your pussy is aching.
“Oh fuck. Are you crying right now?” He grunts, cock swelling and twitching inside you. “I can’t believe how sensitive you are.”
“Please!” You beg, sniffling and trying to stop yourself from crying. “Dick–plea–stop being so mean to me.”
“No.” He replies, pressing his hand over your mouth even harder so every word is barely audible. “We’re not stopping until you’re dripping with my come. And you better be fucking silent, do you hear me? My poor little crybaby. I want you to be a good girl for once and shut the fuck up because if you think I'm being mean to you now, you're in for a shock if you can't follow simple orders.”
The post that inspired this is -
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honestlywynter · 8 months
Stop Obsessing Over The Void And Subliminals (kinda rude rant)
as a person who started interest in the loa in late 2020 discovering subliminals. LOA is simple, idk why it took me 4 years to understand. manifesting is easy.
if you have struggles with manifesting. don't panic imma help you from being like me 😜.
1. Realize you are in control
Stop STOP and i mean fucking STOP. Giving the void and subliminals so much fucking power and bitching about it " OH MY GOSH i didnt enter the void wtf am i gonna doooo 😪 " or " THE SUBLIMINAL SAID 5 Seconds and it would work where is my SP? "
like gorl u sound desperate as fuckkkkk lol
but heres how we change this. first the problem is YOU. why the fuck you depending on some tool? thats like me depending on my feet to make my decisions and getting mad when my feet dont say shit back to me. LOL
but no you just need to strengthen your self concept. you can do this BYYYYY
- repeating affirmations during the day
- changing your thoughts
- Rampages
- &&&& Drumroll pleaaaaseeeee .... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Sleep affirmations. they slip into your consciousness at night :)....At the end i will link my FAVORITE VIDEOS, for the self concept.
oh shit you thought this was gon be long huh? no bookie its just two things. better your self concept and start manifesting. NOW i am gonna some tips.
stop giving the 3d power when you make the 3d...
you start your day saying " oh i have my ideal body im soooo freaking happy i finally did it, like i been x pounds for everrr and i love my body "
and then the second you look in the mirror you like " damn bruh i wish i had my ideal body "
cause like why tf did you just ruin your fucking manifestation, why did you fucking react????
When you look in that mirror this is what they mean by " old story ".
Instead, look in the mirror and close your eyes and imagine your ideal body, or just deny it. " who the fuck is that in the mirror, gorll ik thats not me cause i got my ideal body ive had it since 1823 "
dont let your thoughts rule u, u rule them. if you are in public and think " omg they looking at me cause think im big" NO dont do that...
instead say
" Girl they looking at me bc i got my ideal body, and i been had it since a baby in da tummy ahh"
exactly change that mindset. thats it. all you have to do is catch yourself, improve your thoughts and your self concept will be thru the mf roof. So den you can manifest in a snap of a fingerrr. period thats the magic 🪄 sauce bookie. also dont say will say have cause you already have it bookie bear ;)
im open for questions and i am open to telling what ive manifested WITHOUT some dumb ass void or subliminal lol.
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diejager · 1 year
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Pairing: Monster TF 141 + Horangi & König x Eldritch horror!reader
Cw: blood, gore, canon-typical violence, injury, mutilation, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 1.9k
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They hadn’t expected to have another specialist join them, none of them even knew what Price had in mind when he brought you in. You were normal in every way - as normal as a soldier could be - and unassuming under your dark clothes and gear. You smiled and waved when greeted, you took orders well and you spoke when spoken. You were like a ghost, there but also not there, invincible unless you made a sound or movement. Excluding all they saw in you, you were simply uncanny, with weird mannerisms and habits that made you seem inhuman - as inhuman as you could be to hybrids. 
The only words Price had given them before you landed were: “They’re good at what they do, just don’t cause any trouble, understood?”
They were vague and as unassuming as you first seemed, like any warning for any person that could easily become annoyed or mad. Ghost certainly hadn’t put much thought into it as he should. Gaz had elbowed Soap in an attempt at reminding the werewolf to heed their captain’s words. Rudy and Alejandro wouldn’t have to worry, they knew and learned the limits of any man’s patience, smart and intuitive. Horangi was as weary as he would with any new addition, eyes narrowed in annoyance and curiosity. Unlike any of them, König hid any emotions from his stoic face, shoulders broad and back ramrod that emphasised his height and broadness, he couldn’t be sure if you would be easy to ignore or irritable.
Granted, they all had expectations for you since Price seemed so proud and confident when you first joined them, acting like a child given his dream, famished to have you by his side as professionals as possible. Yet here you were, normal looking, of average height and average weight, and simply there. Although there wasn’t anything inherently abnormal to you, the simple presence of your being made their hair stand on end. There wasn’t any reason to be so frightened or chilled about you, you hadn’t done anything deserving of such fear and suspicion, and Price trusted you with his life. If he trusted you, then the rest could, no? After all, dragons are the most protective of monsters. 
As Price promised, you were good at what you did, never a flinch, never any hesitation, never a moment of weakness. You were too normal and good to be a human, especially not with the way corvids flocked to you. Ravens, crows, magpies and jackdaws followed you everywhere you went, simply standing or cawing around you as if you were a memener of their murder. Going to London would be dreadful with how many corvids called the British Isles their home, which - coincidentally - was where you lived. 
All but Price had a hard time forming a bond with you, your eerie presence made it difficult to relax, and apparently, you knew it as well, since they had an equally difficult time finding you on the base. If you weren’t beating a sand-filled punching bag, you would be at the shooting range, and if you weren’t there, then you’d be somewhere on the roof of a structure, taking in the cool, stormy air of the UK with your bird friends. 
You only smiled when they all blew up in cackles and jokes, never laughing with them or cracking your own jokes. Your voice never raised over a certain point, a murmur or a raspy growl. It was either human or inhuman to you. If Soap, Gaz and Rudy were having a hard time making you open up to them, then the rest would have an even harder time doing so. They were failing miserably. 
That was until Soap caught an airy chuckle from you when he passed Price’s office, the older man having probably said something amusing to you which had you laughing. And as loud and rowdy the werewolf was, he couldn’t stop himself from telling the others, his excitement and enthusiasm bleeding into the rest. It had somehow made them more determined to bond with you, you were, after months of work, a permanent member of Task Force 141. 
Unfortunately, the most they got were snorts and huffs, snorts from Ghost’s dark humour and huffs from Soap and Gaz’s poorly made-up jokes, theatrical performances of failures and defeat in the face of an unflinching and unusual being. Questions started piling up on Price’s desk, wanting to know if you were human, if you were a hybrid, if you were a monster, if you were even a living being seeing as you hadn’t taken a single breath or eaten (not that they’d seen you eat.). 
“That’s classified, ” Price stopped their musing with two simple words. “Unless they tell you themselves, I don’t think it’s any of my business divulging that to anyone.”
Price’s secrecy and respect for you only sowed the seeds of curiosity and intrigue deeper. What had you hidden from them that was so classified that Price couldn’t tell them? Even Alejandro didn’t have the clearance to dive into your files - not that there were any. The question lingered in their minds, unanswered and famished for one: What were you?
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Somehow they’d gotten separated from you, being caught under heavy fire from Russian ultranationalists and backed into a building with most exits blocked or surrounded by the enemy. They worried about you, being left to yourself in a situation like this one was dangerous for even the most skilled and wary soldier. Whereas they all had their backs, one watching for the other, you were alone. And whereas you had the possibility of using your powers of shifting - if you were a hybrid or monster, they still hadn’t found the answer to that question - they were in the confines of a restricted building, letting loose would either damage the already-damaged-building or become a danger to their own teammates. 
Ghost’s fog was deadly. Soap could come under fire from them shooting. Gaz couldn’t fly freely in a tight place. Price’s fire could be devastating. Rudy couldn’t risk getting tired. Alejandro could be unknowingly shot by them. König was uncontrollable and unpredictable. Horangi was a danger to himself in the secret of darkness.  
They were fucked, caught in a dire situation that could mean the end of them, but regret and panic wouldn’t be of any use to them, they had to concentrate and wait for backup. 
“Backup from what, Price?!” 
What could possibly reach them in time to support them? They were too far in for any help to arrive quickly enough. The closest naval ship was thousands of miles away, the closest ocean was hundreds of miles away and any military support even farther. What would they even be waiting for?
“Cap! We can’t-”
A scream shattered the skies, howls of pain and panic filling the once booming sound of foreign guns. The sound of bodies being broken and bones cracking brought their attention elsewhere. The Russians weren’t aiming at them anymore, shooting at something bigger and more dangerous than any of them. They were looking at a creature that picked them off one by one, the shadow of a monster covering the white snow. The fear in their eyes tainted the sky as their blood sullied the fresh snow, turning white into red and pink.
Whatever that was was dangerous. The ability to rip men apart and incite terror into well-trained and hardened soldiers was anything but amiable, safe and good. Their bodies were tense, muscles contracted to move at the flicker of movement from the monster outside the building. Their weapons aimed towards the entrance, fingers laying restlessly on the trigger and shoulder screwed with suspense as the screams and cries slowly died down to howling winds in the night. 
Price raised a hand, holding them back from firing at the entity, they lowered their guns, following the captain as he walked towards the door. He hadn’t flinched or froze when clawed fingers gripped the wide opening, a giant, black hand cloaked with feathers. Another landed on the ground farther away, letting them see the blood staining the show, seeping from its fingers and dirty feathers. With a low rumble from the beast, it lowered its head to the doorway, where Price had stopped. 
He smiled at the gigantic head of a crown, its black beak sharpened with pointed teeth, as black as its skin and feathers. An oval eye blinked at them, white as the snow and piercing as the cold. It sent chills down their spines, ready to jump away if it attacked, but Price patted the skin under its eye.
“Thank you,” Price spoke your name so reverently, thanking it - you - with a grateful smile and proud eyes.
That monster - it - was you, the unassuming, perfect and eerie human. You, who was always around corvids, were one yourself, albeit a gigantic, crooked version of a crow. You crooned at Price’s touch, soft and loving like he was. You moved away from the entrance and they left. It was as if they walked into another world, blood, bones and guts littered the ground, as if a cat had had its fun with something breakable. Ghost and König thrived in this scene, the blood and gore feeding them. Unlike the rest that either recoiled or stared off, preferring to look at your bird-like form than the ground. 
In all your glory, you stood high and mightily, toppling over the trees by hundreds of metres. Covered head to toe in black skin and black, glistening feathers, you held your head high to look at the Russian field. Four horns curled over your head, sprouting from your crown and curling at the tip, they mimicked a crown of bone. Bones also grew from your back, the protrusion of your vertebrae growing along your back like a ridge, sharp and deadly, like the sharp-looking feathers that protected your back. If any of that were shocking then your second pair of wings would be frightening, an equally big pair of wings help support your weight on the ground, besides two legs, clawed perfectly to inflict lethal damage. And at the end of your back, a flared, serpentine tail with feathers curled upwards.
While Price acted with such ease and comfort around you, the rest simply couldn’t. If they were bothered by your presence before, now, after having shifted and showed your true skin, it grew tenfold, becoming unbearable and suffocating. You saw their discomfort, cooing at them before you shrunk, bone and feathers sinking back under your skin, your beak turning into the face they knew, but your white eyes remained. It was all knowing and powerful.
You were an Eldritch being, an all-knowing and powerful creature, perhaps one of the last horrors that lived. It made sense why Price was so trusting of you, believing you to be unable to betray them. Why he warned all of them to never stray into your hate and annoyance. Eldritch horrors, after all, were the strongest beings alive (if they could be called alive), old as aeons and unmoving by time. Dragons were second to them, the proud and respectable monsters knowing the worth of Eldritch creatures and respecting them. 
Everything fell into place. It clicked, why everything was simply so. Perhaps, after knowing your secret, you’d open up to them, let them in your colossal and dark and unbeating heart.
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Taglist: @saelkie @yeoldedumbslut
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anon-sect · 5 months
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As requested by @gangesqueen for a Part Two
Lial was in a sweaty prison around Trey, the team captain's waist. He could hear the team celebrate their victory on the bus ride home. He could even hear their coach joining in on the celebration. He so wanted to scream for help for the coach to convince the team captain to let him go. But as an article of clothing, he couldn't do anything but cradle the waistline of who wore him. The sweaty prison was a nightmare. He was completely saturated by Trey's sweat and started to smell like the musky odor he was attached to.
After a two hour drive back, Trey got to his car and drove home. It was then he realized the sentient underwear he was wearing. They were enjoying the celebration so much he had forgotten about the special trophy the losing team gifted them. "Sorry to say, but your old life is over, buddy. My team and I get to have all the fun with you." He gloated over his transformed underwear.
Once home, Trey decided to let his transformed underwear know just how much of an object he was. He got undressed with just only his underwear on. He went to his computer desk and put on a porn video. As the action in the video intensified, so did his dick. He stroke and stroked it through his underwear until his load spilled on the inside. The release felt so wonderful. He gained a sense of superiority as he saw the underwear front wet with hot cum. The thought that he just did that to a former human actually felt great to him.
Lial felt so disgusted at his face being rubbed around Trey's dick. Feeling the warm cum wet his face made his feelings even worse. The guy literally ejaculated in him as though he was a simple object, a simple article of clothing on his body. He no longer felt human anymore. "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, underwear bitch. I think I will sleep in you as well. You need to truly realize what your teammates did to you." He heard Trey laugh at him. Trey took a shower and put him back on his body, much to his disagreement.
The next day, Lial found himself turned back human again. He still smelled horrible from the musk from being Trey's underwear. He looked up at another of Trey's teammates. "I want a pair of bitch socks, Trey" Antoine spoke to his team captain. Lial thought being underwear was bad enough, but being socks on the jock's feet didn't sound pleasant. "Please, just let me go, I promise I won't say a word about what you have done to me" Lial pleaded, only to see Trey flash a light at him from his TF phone. He didn't have a chance to say another word.
Antoine picked up the Nike socks off the floor. "You have him for one day, then another person gets to play with him next." Trey spoke as he left Lial with Antoine to use as he pleased. He really was looking forward to this. He quickly slips him on his feet. It felt wonderful on feet, unlike normal socks. The former human was super comfortable to wear. Antoine decided to go on a five-mile jog for good measure on the transformed human. He didn't even get the guy's name, but that really didn't matter. He was socks now and socks don't need to have a name.
Lial saw this new experience was far worse than being wrapped around Trey's waist. Each step brought on levels of pain he never thought was possible. He mentally screamed in agony as Antoine started his jog. The pain seemed never ending. The pain wasn't the only thing he had to contend with. The sneakers he was shoved in smelled so bad, he wished he could have passed out just so that he didn't have to smell the foul stench. He mentally begged that he was having a bad nightmare and could wake up from it. After twenty minutes, he saw his nightmarish hell go from bad to worse. He was now tasting the foot sweat that was saturating his sock bodies. Being a transformed object heighted his senses 500% beyond normal. Every smell, touch and taste made his hell a place of torment. The jog seemed never ending.
Antoine returned from his jog to relax. His feet didn't hurt one bit. In fact, they have never felt better. He knew it was all due to his current socks. He wanted to thank his socks for doing such a good job. He knew one special way to do just that. He took off one sock and placed it over his dick. While watching porn, he ejaculated in it for good pleasure. With the other sock, he used that to clean his dick off. He didn't formally thank his socks, because who really speaks to their socks as though it's a person.
For the next several months, Lial was treated to being an object for each member of the team as something that person wanted him to be. He had been shoes, socks, underwear, a dildo, a condom, insoles, boots. He just wanted his nightmare to end. He was finally given back to the team captain after everyone had their fun with him. He was so hoping he would at last be free. He found himself human once again, not sure what was going to happen next.
"I give you the option, I turn you into a permanent pair of Nike Air Jordans for my feet forever, or you can suck my cock and be set free afterwards. Your choice." Trey told Lial. What Lial didn't know was that Trey had a devious plan if he chose to suck his cock.
Lial saw this as his opportunity to return back to normal life, even if that meant he had to suck the jock's sausage to get it. He quickly put Trey's dick in his mouth and started sucking it. He wasn't paying any attention to what Trey was doing above him.
Trey had the setting on the TF phone and snapped his picture. Lial vanished before him. All that was left was an extra six inches to his dick. He laughed as he realized that the guy was permanently his cock now. There was no way to reverse what he had done to him. Yet, he didn't want to reverse it. The loser was given to his team, so they got to do whatever they wanted with him. He pulled up his underwear and pants, trapping his new cock in darkness. He promised he would give the guy some action soon enough. There would be plenty who would want to suck his new dick or an ass he could be shoved in. The thought of subjecting the former human to that made him laugh
Lial realized that Trey had lied to him as he now found himself as the man's dick. His fate was sealed; his humanity was permanently gone forever. He was now the jocks sex tool for the rest of his life. He could only weep and feel contempt for his former teammates, who put him in this predicament.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Genshin Sagau (?) Isekai Brainrot - Language
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I've seen like ONE small kinda related Genshin Sagau/isekai idea for this but I wanted more of it so BAD
It’s not the most interesting thing in the world, it’s about our modern vernacular vs. Teyvat's flowery speech
Pls feel free to expand on or add to this pLEASE TAG ME IF U DO IM STARVING OUT HERE :)))
So I saw someone write like one sentence abt this (can’t remember who :( sorry I’ll update if I find them ) or like a brutally honest version??
But I also took inspo from how fucking wordy and long conversations that are in Genshin, even with ppl like Xiao (the rude boy that he is) or even Tighnari who gets to the point pretty quickly
It goes smth like:
So, all of Teyvet, (esp ppl like Zhongli 💀 u know the ones) talk,, flowery.
Like, the whole Pride and Prejudice style speaking, euphemisms, metaphors, for some characters (or Npcs) its full on POETRY. 
Lookin’ at you Kazuha.
And going off of any variation of you being the Creator, (or otherwise an older mythical being?), they could have this thing where the older a deity/mythical thingy is, the simpler the speech. 
Kinda makes sense to them y’know? The older beings are serious, commanding, intimidating
And nothing says "I'm ancient as fuck and powerful as fuck" like simple blunt speech.
And being closer to the literal creation of the world, language would understandably be less complex (I’m assuming it’s the same as in human cultures in our world's history)
Like literally look at our fantasy typical stories, plenty of them have a dragon or ancient god that speaks in extremes, like so flowery its a metaphor, or so bluntly its startling (ie, "Be not afraid." "I am all powerful." etc etc)
And so, ancient powerful being = direct/blunt speech
...Y'know,, almost like our modern vernacular.
Like, part of some of our modern day comedy is purely based on a sentence being delivered bluntly for impact
Hell our ads and videos and content in general we always want to get to the point, to say things simply
So with this in mind, even if you try to deny being the Creator, they might still think you are, or at least a more minor ancient deity/creature
(like the Seven Sovereigns/Phanes/Shades/etc. for example would sound eerily modern or at least easy for you to understand bc of this trait lol)
(Also I'm just assuming u know Genshin lore enough to know what I meant by that ^)
So, I love the AU where you just,, hitch a ride with the traveler like Paimon bc u start at the "beginning of the game",
And with every person you meet, you're like, "Ok, no, I promise this is just how my country/world speaks, it's not like that, I'm not some ancient deity…" 
And They're all like 🤨🤨🤨 "Well, fine traveler and companions, why does your speech sound so simplistic and sharp? Surely, you do not expect me to truly believe you.."
You: "Please I just talk like this, I'm a regular human."
Them: "Alright, if it is as you say,, you wish to not experience being "known" yes? Fear not, I will keep your secrets close to my chest."
You: "No, for the last time, that's not-" 
And it just keeps happening, lol
(srry I tried my best at emulate Genshin language + flowery speech idk how to do it)
Like maybe you would just sound weird or like a foreigner speaking y’know in simpler sentences bc they don't know the language as well as native speakers, at least that could be how you sound to NPCs and ppl who don’t know abt simpler speech meaning
...But the Adepti? Zhongli?? Barbatos maybe??? Even the Aranara??? Those who are old enough to maybe have heard how older beings speak or at least have knowledge of how they should speak/sound??
You couldn’t have predicted how shocked their faces were the second you opened you’re mouth… 
Sumeru scholars would freak tf out i stg, as soon as you meet Haypasia, she's already losing it, first the Irminsul progress, now this ancient being/Creator?? Girlie thinks its a sign lmao
(I’m an Aether lover, and also bc I think Lumine looks badass as Abyss ruler, so I’m gonna go with Aether for traveler sorry Lumine mains love yall T-T)
You, and Aether being equally confused at first pLEASE 😭 
lets say he speaks a little more fluffy than you at least, after all I’m assuming bc of the outfit that he’s from a fantasy-like place, and his replies can be a little fluffy like Teyvat’s residents, so he kinda fits in, kinda like everybody assumes he's just from another country when he gets to a new nation (at least that’s what I think happens??)
Like after (maybe Diluc?) Lisa, Kaeya, Venti, and Jean (who I think would all be knowledgeable, thru diff means, about this enough to maybe recognize the simpler speech = ancient god thing)
ALL reacted shocked as hell at hearing you talk, and would probably explain (or Paimon before then?) in that infuriatingly roundabout way, that you would usually skip a couple dialogue boxes just to avoid bc yOU ALREADY GOT THE POINT or alternatively WHATS THE POINT HERE?? JUST SAY IT, WHATS THE COMMISSION/QUEST FOR/WHAT DO I DO??
(Those blue highlights be savin my impatient life, and i actually like lore stuff 💀)
Oh that’s also another frustration. For you.
It would drive me crazy if I had to wait like,, 2-3 minutes for ppl to explain what they ate for dinner or sm shit
Like, now imagine that’s everyone, about everything.
You don’t know how anything gets done in battles or wars, like you need faster communication for that right??💀
Anyway, you, Aether and Paimon decide you just gotta not talk when you first meet people or like,, make sure you're gonna be around that person for a while so you don’t have to possibly get someone over the shock of your speech every time you guys talk to people 😭 that'd be so miserable I can already tell,,
Like at first, every convo ya’ll have had with people who recognize that direct speech trait as a thing, would take at least 10 minutes to finish talking about it/being shocked,,
It got so old so fast.
(Like I already can’t communicate that good with ppl irl bc I misunderstand them, or they do me, or they just dont get what I mean, and as my friends put it, which I think would fit here for any language shenanigans we go thru in Teyvat, "A Shakespearean level of misunderstanding, hilarious but such a downward spiral to watch, it just gets more and more ridiculous as it goes on...")
On another note, making fun of someone would be so fucking funny,
I’d like to give myself the benefit of the doubt that many characters, after getting used to your speech, would generally understand you (even if they always notice it, like an accent) and would actually rlly love hearing insults or even just generally how you would put things
(like maybe treating this almost like those vids of ppl with non-native english speaknig relatives/parents and its the most hilarious thing to watch them, usually get pissed 😭, at their kid, if u dont know what I mean look up on tiktok or smth)
And You just come off like those insults where you dont even use cuss words, you just like, drag queen read them into never showing their face again, and you did it in so few words!! 
They're amazed and oh, 
you've become the John Mulaney of Teyvat 
(Bad examples include:
Fontaine inventor: "...And I shall call my invention, crocks!"
You: "I wouldn't even be cremated in those." ) 
*Aether crying laughing in the background bc he never knows what you’re gonna say next, and Paimon's jaw dropped so hard
JFC this post is so long sorry, I probably will spam with a Part 2 but let me know if you’re interested in hearing more anyway!!
Thanks for reading this rambling!!
Or send in asks abt this 👀
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bihanspookies · 8 months
If you’re willing to do requests: MK1 Earthrealm Champions with a reader who’s a vigilante assassin?
Helll yeah bruudddeerrr, let’s get it
I’m writing it as them finding out what you do 🧐
Johnny Cage
• You saw how he reacted to Liu Kang, Bi Han and Kuai Liang showing up at his front step. He didn’t believe diddly squat until he saw magical shit up close and personal. You think he’d be a little more open to finding out you’re a vigilante assassin but—
• When he first finds out of course he’s in disbelief, he’s standing there with his hands on his hips and looking at you like 🤨
• He’s known you for YEARS how could he have not known this?
• Honestly though he finds it hot.
• Brains, beauty AND deadly?? Sign him tf up.
• Now he knows for sure to not mess with you.
“Wait wait wait so you’re saying that was you who took that guy out? Get outta here.” He waves a hand dismissively at you, using his other hand to take a sip of his drink. You both had been drinking the night away casually, swapping random stories when you had let it slip about your little ‘side job’.
“It’s true Johnny, not quite sure how I can prove it you but,” You shrug, downing the rest of your drink and popping one of the table snacks into your mouth. Johnny can only look at you, lips parted in suspicion as he tries to process the information you just told him.
“So the—?”
“And the guy—?”
“….Fucking amazing.”
• He isn’t quite sure how to handle it tbh. One on hand he understands wanting to punish those that deserve it but on the other he doesn’t like that you’re putting yourself in danger, no matter how good you say you are.
• He knew something was up with you the more he got to know you. How you’d seem more tired on certain days, bruises that were way too severe from just a simple sparring session, or how you’d suddenly take interest in someone from Kenshi’s past.
• He got extra worried when he saw you snooping through his office one day, filing through some old papers before claiming that you were ‘looking for something else’.
• He followed you one night, using Sento to guide him with ease throughout the city. It was late, raining, and he was starting to get frustrated the longer he tailed you.
• Finally he feels you stop, slipping quietly into a building from the fire escape. He’s not too far behind, climbing up and through the window just in time to see you slice open the neck of some poor unsuspecting man.
• He jumps down and makes his way to you, ready to tear you a new one until he sees that it’s someone from his yazuka days.
“The hell are you doing??” He hisses your name, Sento clutched tight in his tattooed hands as he approaches. He glances down at the bloody body on the floor, muffled gurgled sounds of his former enemy choking on his blood.
“The hell are you doing here?” You retort back, wiping your blade clean with your shirt and tucking it back into its sheath.
Kenshi doesn’t know what to say, too stunned at just witnessing you murder someone without even batting an eye. You can see the gears turning in his head and decide to let him in on your secret other life. You’ve known him for years, you can trust him.
“Vigilante… assassin?” He doesn’t like how the words taste on his tongue, grimacing at he tries to connect them and you together despite what he just witnessed.
You had walked and talked, disposing of the body as you did so and soon you find yourselves sitting on top of another building.
For the first time in a while you feel nervous, fiddling with your nails as you watch him soak in this new information.
“I just… be careful alright? I don’t like it but I can’t stop you.”
Kung Lao
• Like Johnny he also doesn’t believe you at first, claiming that you’re just making shit up to have a one up on him.
• You know that scene in the incredibles when Helen spins around in the chair waiting for Bob and she’s like “is this rubble 🤨.” That’s Kung Lao when you come home late one night covered in blood and debris.
• He’s immediately on you, asking where the hell you’ve been while also questioning why you look like you just came out of the Koliseum.
• Usually you’re so careful when coming back, slipping in and out like a snake but this particular job had nearly gone wrong so you’d been a little reckless when coming back inside your home.
• Knowing there was no way out of this one, you sat him down and started to explain everything. It’s a good thing Kung Lao didn’t play poker because his poker face was absolutely awful. His facial features showing exactly what he was feeling in the moment.
• When you finished, he was silent for a few moments before letting out a chuckle. He gave a look of ‘really?’ And you could only sit there and watch him try to soak up everything you said.
“So you’re a sort of crime fighting assassin? Please, you insult me.” He crosses his arms over his chest, eyebrow raised and a bit of a smug smirk on his lips. You can only huff, rolling your eyes and shaking your head at him.
“Lao it’s true, I don’t know what else you want me to tell you.”
His smile slowly dies off his lips, noticing your posture and the lack of humor in your voice. You’ve never been one to lie to him so why start now? It starts to lock into place when previous instances start to pop into head and suddenly he’s sitting up straighter in his chair.
“You’re… really going out and doing these things?”
Instead of answering you turn and lift your shirt up, showcasing the gash on your lower back that was caked with dry blood. He hisses, running his fingertips across the top before pulling back and lowering your shirt.
“Not quite sure I believe you yet but let’s get you cleaned up first.”
When he finally does accept what you do, he’s very excited to have you fight along his side, wanting to low key turn any fight you do into a competition even more now.
• You know that face he did when Kitana said that she heard he has a crush on her. Yeah that’s him when he finds out.
• At first he’s stuck processing it, because he never thought that you of all people would do that.
• But the more he thinks about it the more he’s impressed and although he wishes that you would leave that stuff to the law, he knows what it’s like to having to take matters into your own hands.
• He admires you for being able to go out and just take someone out with no thoughts about it whatsoever.
• But also he can’t help but worry every time you disappear because now he knows what you’re truly up to. He knows you can take care of yourself but still.
• It’s late at night when he catches you slipping out, softly calling out your name to stop you.
“Another job?”
You nod, no expression whatsoever as you linger by the window. Your gloved hand taps silently against the frame, wanting to reassure Raiden that you’d be fine but truthfully these things could go either way and you didn’t want to give him the false hope.
He only gives a singular nod, crossing his arms over his chest as he takes in your appearance.
“May the Elder Gods protect you.”
And he bows and smiles, a barely noticeable one but it’s enough to have you feeling confident and excited to come back home to him.
“I will.”
He watches as you hop out the window, feeling a sense of odd pride swirl in his heart.
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lovemyromance · 2 months
How tf are there still antis saying they don't know how Elriel counts as a forbidden romance??
1. Rhys literally forbade Azriel from seeing Elain
2. Elain is mated to someone else. She and Lucien may not even want each other, but that bond is something that is highly regarded by many and rejecting the bond could come with political consequences
That is the definition of forbidden romance. When you have external factors preventing you from being with another 🙄
And I know the antis go around saying " Well, it's just Rhys nobody cares what he thinks" and "if Elriel got together it would be fine"
Rhys is a HL. He rules over the NC, including Azriel and Elain. I suspect they will disobey him, but their romance isn't just as cut and dry as if they simply decide to be together so there are zero consequences.
There is an explicit order, mating bond, and politics / blood duel at play here. All are consequences from their potential relationship.
You know who actually has zero consequences and the world would probably rejoice (minus Elain and Azriel... and Nesta) if they got together? Elucien.
Then there's the antis who go on to say "well forbidden romance is gross! If they aren't doing something wrong, then why hide it! It means Elain is cheating on Lucien!"
They're hiding it because, again .... Rhys explicitly forbade Azriel.
Elain is not cheating on Lucien because they are not in a relationship, nor have made any commitment to each other out of their own free will.
"oh but Azriel deserves to be loved and not have to hide it! He deserves a love he doesn't need to hide away"
Yes, he does. And one day, he and Elain will be together in broad daylight (in front of sunshine hehe) because they're endgame.
But right now, let me introduce you to my friend Angst. I'm sure you've met them before, when you make your headcanons about Elucien & Gwynriel experiencing obstacles because they actually have nothing preventing them from getting together! It's rude to pretend you don't know someone, especially Angst in a capital-Love Story.
"SJM doesn't write forbidden romance!"
Too late, she already did when she had Elriel almost kiss in the hallway and then had Rhys explicitly forbid them.
"Well I think forbidden romance is a childish trope and -"
Bp-bp-bpp imma stop you there ma'am. 🖐️😌
If you don't like it... don't read it! It's as simple as that.
I'm sorry to inform you that your personal opinions on tropes you like/dislike did not make it into SJM's editing room 😩. She's set up Elriel for 3 books now and until the BC, we didn't know what trope they'd fall under but after the BC, it's clear: Forbidden Romance is happening.
Don't believe me?
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Read that again. Sounds like Rhys is forbidding Azriel from getting with Elain isn't he?
Now, just based on what we know about the Spymaster of the NC - do we think this man's is about to follow orders? Especially when he's disobeyed them before?
Show of hands please 😌 Anyone genuinely believe Azriel will tuck his tail between his legs and scamper off, following Rhys's order to the T and refusing to even speak to Elain forever until death?
Didn't think so.
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zombii-ships · 4 months
sorry if these are ooc i was just brainstorming and bein a horny nerd
-World’s biggest breeding kink. Dude’s absolutely got a huge thing for claiming his partner, and he loves to watch his cum spill back out of them.
-Praise. PRAISE HIM. PLEASE. Tell him how good he makes you feel and he’s over the fucking moon. He’s so motivated by praise, the simplest “you’re making me feel so good” is gonna flip such a switch in his head.
-Makeup/Body Paint. Whether it’s seeing his partner in clown paint, painting their body and feeling them up, his own makeup smearing on them, or theirs running on their face, he loves it. Jack’s immediately down for round two if he catches a glimpse of his partner’s liner/lipstick on his chest.
-Foodplay. You thought whipped cream was just for the pancakes? Surprise surprise!
-Size Difference. Loves feeling big compared to his partner, whether he’s topping or bottoming, he loves the difference. Loves seeing his partner in his clothes, especially his jackets and pajama pants. Put on something of his and its gonna ignite something in him.
-Voice Kink. He LOVES getting to hear his partner, if they make a noise while they stretch? He’s horny. Moan? Horny. Whisper in his ear? Horny. So so easily stirred if he’s the one who gets you to make noise for him, too~
-Hickies. MARK. HIM. UP. PLEASE. Dude absolutely loves getting to show off what his partner did to him, he wears them like badges of honor.
-Bonus, I know he’s an absolute FIEND for giving head and he loves just knowing that he’s pleasuring his partner. Dude’s a total pleasure top.
-A nut for roleplay. Pet/Owner, Slasher/Final Survivor, Vampire/Prey, whatever, dude LOVES playing a little horny pretend with his partner.
-Masks. Ghostface, leatherface, pyramid head, gas masks, he loves the mystery there and he finds it really hot. Goes along with his roleplay kink, but either way, he’s super into it.
-Exhibitionism. Give him the go to make porn of yall and he’s gonna go nuts. Something about filming the deed or just you getting off turns him tf ON. Plus if he can go back and show you the footage?? “Look how pretty you looked here. Fuck- lemme rewind so I can hear that sound again~”
-Monster/Abnormal Toys. What’s a horror junkie without some monster dildos??
-Begging. Beg HIM. Beg him for whatever, doesn’t even have to be sexual, he just loves it. He just wants to hear you pleading with him, asking for his permission.
-Shibari. Let him make your body into art. The more intricate the better. Whether it’s simple ties or a whole full body production, it’s the artistry and the restraint that really gets him, plus seeing you wrapped up for the taking isn’t half bad either. Bonus points if he gets to do pretty harnesses and collars ✨
- Waxplay/Temperature Play. You or him, but mainly you I think. You’re the canvas and he’s the painter, and he’s obsessed with how you let him paint you. Whether it be pretty dark colored wax, gently touching you with ice, or just warm hands against your skin, he loves your reactions, watching you squirm between the different sensations.
-Oral Fixation. Don’t suck on his fingers unless you wanna rile his ass up
-Cosplay/Costumes. IF YOU LET HIM DRESS YOU UP he’s going to go absolutely feral. Ian’s a fashion fan, so seeing you in something he specifically coordinated to look good on you and to his personal tastes would have him going over the deep end. He’s literally obsessed.
-Blindfolds. Now I know he’s scared of being left alone, but I think he’d enjoy the rush of giving up control to you like that, letting you touch and trail over his body without knowing what’s next would have him super sensitive and needy in seconds. Plus if you let him blindly roam his hands over you?? He’s about to get SO handsy.
-Also a roleplay guy. He’s an actor, let him get into a role! Not only is he excited to make the bit convincing, but he might slip pretty deep into it, local man gets horny from improv.
-Body Writing. Write all your favorite things about him on his body, and let him put his signature on you?? Dude would be over the moon going about his day with your words of praise written on his chest, tummy and hips.
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slavghoul · 11 months
Want to know what weird? Henrik Palm was in a band called In Solitude and they sound like pre-lawsuit Ghost. Why can’t Tobias Forge come clean about the ghouls involvement with Ghost?
Just of curiosity, how do you expect me to respond if you come here making statements like this? Like are you trying to shake me up? Do you think I'm gritting my teeth here typing this out? Well boo hoo, unfortunately for you I am a very patient person :-)
Yes, I guess there are some similarities between In Solitude and early Ghost (and a dozen other bands, duh) but they cannot possibly stem from Henrik because he simply wasn't yet involved with Ghost during the time Opus Eponymous or Infestissumam were made. He joined in March 2015 during the recording of Meliora at the recommendation of Klas Åhlund, so I'm not sure if he and Tobias even knew each other prior to that. He was in the band for a little over a year. If you happen to hear any similarities on Meliora, it most likely comes from the fact that Henrik laid all of the lead guitars and bass on that album, and every guitarist has their own unique way of playing. The extent of his involvement isn't a secret, it's not forbidden knowledge guarded by the evil Tobias Forge. He was a valued member of the band, literally so - he had the highest salary from all the ghouls, probably because Tobias knew what an asset to the band he was. He is a very skilled musician and there is also no denying that Meliora would not have sounded the way it does if it hadn't been for his contributions in the studio as the guitarist. But he did not write any of the songs. He played them according to the demos prepared by Tobias and Martin, and based on Tobias's instructions, which he made very clear had to be followed exactly the way he explained them, and no diversion was allowed. As a matter of fact, there was an instance during the recordings when Tobias got pissed about someone changing something, and it had to be re-recorded the way he intended. It was a minor thing and if such a minor thing put him off balance, how do you imagine he'd allow actual significant changes to his work?
How come none of the lawsuit-ghouls' claims pertained to music ownership and royalties? How come none of them came forward with a claim or evidence that they are the rightful creators of song X, Y, or Z? Simple, because they did not create them. Those who were involved, anyone who actually collaborated with TF on the writing of the music, had been properly credited and is getting their royalties every month. By the way, does it not speak volumes that Martin Persner, the only ghoul who had an actual, palpable impact on the band (musical, visual, and other), did not sue Tobias and speaks of him highly to this day, despite their personal differences?
Listen, I actually have no issue discussing the lawsuit as it is part of the band's history and I understand it piques people's curiosity, but man, it's been almost 7 years. It's over, the case was settled meaning they reached some kind of an agreement. So let's move on maybe.
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Yall why tf I forgot to schedule this post. I just woke up and was like wtf. Anyways a year later yall gettin the finished version of this.
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The waitress, innocent in her unawareness, made her way over far quicker than Barbatos wished.
Your fingers didn't stutter once in their rhythm as she approached. When she spoke, "Yes? How may I help you?", you felt his cunt squeeze around you, arousal drizzling down the thoroughly-soaked digits.
From where the waitress stood, all she saw was your hand in your boyfriend's lap. He was tomato red, a strange glazed look in his eyes that suggested illness of some sort. Oh dear, was there a problem with the tea?
"Ah, was the tea not to your liking? Our deepest apologies–"
You slide your thumb across his clit, making him jump. Cold tea sloshed over the side onto the table.
You and the waitress both gasp, hers coming out significantly more genuine.
"Please, let me clean that for you!"
In the second it takes to retrieve a towel from her uniform pocket, your thumb moves to his clit in true, rubbing mind numbingly slow circles as your fingers sped up.
Barbatos wasn't sure he could breathe. The woman was bent over the table, dutifully cleaning up his mess, occasional glancing up in confusion at the forced stoicism on his face. She was so close. Close enough that if she looked down right now, she'd see you. Close enough that if she listened in, the bustle of the busy Cafe would fade to the wet gush of arousal leaking into his (thankfully dark) pants, forced from his cunt by your skilled fingers.
God, why was it taking so long to clean such a small spill?
"Once again, um, our apologies sir. May we help you with anything else? A refill, perhaps?"
He hoped he didn't sound too breathy. "It’s f-f…" he closes his eyes against beading tears as you switch your pace again, nails digging into the soft skin of his palms as his hands fisted in his lap. "Fine. May I… hah, may I please have a refill?" He shoves the words out, fighting the urge to fuck himself on your fingers the whole time.
Wearing a slightly befuddled expression, she nods, absentmindedly scribbling on her little notepad and backing away.
Barbatos pants, relaxing onto your fingers and allowing them just a little farther inside. The squelch of his own arousal meets his ears and manages to further warm his face.
"You're amazing," You lean in, whispering into his ear and basking in the shiver that ran through him. The sun was going down, and it's rays were hitting him perfectly, making his hair and eyes glow with a special sorta brilliance that drove you insane. His lips, bitten raw by this point, were red and puffy, begging to be kissed. Hot, flushed skin looked soft to the touch, was soft to the touch, begging to be caressed and cared for.
You smile, your own lust like a beast that'd caught its prey in your eyes. Barbatos was quick to catch the change in mood; quick to realize he was extremely fucked.
To outsiders, you look like a couple on a rather awkward first date, or perhaps like one on their umpteenth. A teasing lover and a shy one.
Oh, how Barbatos wishes it was that simple.
"Do you wanna cum?" There was a barely leashed excitement in your voice. Never had a whispering seemed so loud, loud enough to drown out everything else all at once.
There was only one answer, really.
Your smirk was devilish. "Then beg the waitress for it."
Pretty green eyes filled with tears as they widened to saucers. Beg... the waitress?
The last woman he wanted to see at the moment appeared behind the counter, chatting it up with a coworker as his drink cooled on its platter. He had a few minutes at most.
"What do you mean? How can I... what would I say?"
Your smile gets no less evil, a dark chuckle leaving you as your fingers stopped all movement. He whines automatically at the loss, just managing to stop his hips from grinding down when he catches your look.
"You of all people are acting like you don't know how to beg?" How he managed to blush even more, only the devil knows.
You roll your eyes at the helplessness on his face. "Figure out, and quickly, she's coming back."
In one fluid movement you retrieve your hand, earning a gasp as you wrap your arm around his waist, slide back into his pants and pose your middle finger right over his clit.
"Anything else?" The lady says, setting down the tray and dutifully moving the cup and it's little plate infront of Barbatos.
You smiled, nodding your head to Barbatos. He inhaled, hoping his expression was polite and simple, despite the watery eyes and rosey cheeks.
"Yes, please..." You tap his clit, making his eyes flutter. "Please, may I– fuck– I mean, please can," Steady breathes began to break as your tantalizingly slow circles broke his focus. He was almost there, so sensitive, so close. Please, please, please...
She smiled, but it was... different, this time. She leaned down, hugging her notepad and pen to her chest.
"Go ahead and cum, pretty boy."
And he did. He came hard as you pinched his clit, jaw dropping open as nothing but a shocked exhale left him, a single, thankful tear falling down his cheek as his orgasm shook him to his soul.
When it was over, two sets of hands were upon him. One was yours, the other was the waitress'. You both smirk at him, twin whispers of "Good Boy," meeting his ears.
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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He'd be attracted to people who don't have that 'sick disease' also known as a quirk. He'd want someone who's pure and clean and the minute he sees you and your quirkless form, he thinks you're an innocent naive helpless little darling that he NEEDS to protect since the pro heroes suck at doing their job
The idea of him keeping you locked away and isolating you from the rest of the world so you can rely ONLY on him for everything is really tempting and appealing to him (Sadistic prick)
If you had a really strong and useful quirk, he'd still be attracted to you though. Just, he'll make sure to get rid of it and rob you of it by stealing it so he won't have to see you 'suffer'. And THEN, he might lock you up and leave you in isolation 
If you're someone he decided to protect from everyone else, oh man... I PRAY for ya. He'll try befriending you and worming his way into you life and pretty soon, he'll ask you to come live with him. You agree but when you start rebelling against him, you'll be restricted from using your favorite things and lose your freedom
He thinks that he'd doing everything for the sake of your 'best interests' and to be honest, he knows more about you than anyone, even YOURSELF, considering the amount of time he spent stalking you and asking his men to keep an eye on you. He's like a doctor, but a really creepy and short tempered one. He'll give you regular checkups so expect constant fussing by him over you since he thinks proper health, nutrition and hygiene are a TOP priority 
If you're behaving well, you'll get all sorts of things you want but you'll have to EARN them by gaining his trust and behave good around him since there's only so much fun one can have when they sit and stare at a wall for 24 hours everyday 
The WORST thing this sicko might do is try convincing you in his sick and twisted way that he's NOT treating you bad. And after a while, you'll fall into his trap and web of lies and you'll start believing him and start feeling guilty if you misbehave around him. Damn does this dude know how to pull out an UNO Manipulation card 
Punishments are simple if you try escaping or behaving badly. If you yell and scream at him and throw insults at him, he'll just ban you from using your favorite things and it'll be a really LOOONNGGG time after you get them back. You won't be getting them back till you apologize and admit that you were in the wrong. If you manage to hit him or kick him, you'll be denied of his attention for a while even after you cry out an apology
He isn't going to punish you physically but his punishments can take a really HUGE toll on your mental health and state of mind and so.... like I said, for the sake of your sanity just don't argue with Bird Face and agree to everything he says 
If you manage to attack him with a weapon (One, HOW TF did you manage to do THAT!? And 2, that's actually way cool Hehehe.... okay, I sound like an evil twin of Sangwoo,imma stop nowTvT) , you'll be isolated in a room with white walls and he'll only come by to give you your meals and THAT'S IT. No screen time, no favorite things, nothing. He'll isolate you till you're practically BEGGING him for forgiveness 
This dude ain't a Romeo so don't expect him to be all lovey-dovey with you. But occasionally when he feels like it, he might hold you and hug you from time to time and say how glad he is to have found you, his little pure angel to care for and protect. Who KNOWS what would have happened to you by now if you didn't come under his care?
He'll let you roam around the backyard ONLY (Not without you having at least a dozen of heavily armed bodyguards keeping a close eye on you) and if you still complain, he's gonna make sure you're grateful for letting you at least step out of the house 
He'll let you look after Eri and Eri just ADORES you. She sees you as a parental figure and I won't be surprised if she develops platonic yandere tendencies and feelings towards you. She'll be sad and pouting when you won't focus your attention and honestly, WHO can resist her CUTE adorable little face? I sure as heck can't....
So... Mr Bird Mask is really SCARY yandere who can haunt you in your dreams and become your WORST nightmare unless you abide by his rules and laws. And THAT children, is today's moral of the story UvU
"Angel.... I'm doing this for YOU now it's time for your daily checkup. Don't be a brat, I only want what's best for you~"
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peripaltepsy · 5 months
BEWARE OF "body mod advices" - they can be dangerous and LETHAL.
(this post was about a deactivated blog but extends to any possible future blog like it)
edit3 since he deactivated: Red told me in the DMs that he WILL be more careful about all this risk stuff, I believe he is going to do better. Im sure he's a good person and he also was extremely civil in the DMs. Since he's not here to defend himself anymore I'll gladly take his side and say that despite this mess, all Red wanted to do was indeed reduce harm and potentially save lives. Good luck on all your endeavors, Red, I wish you a beautiful and successful career and that you have a great positive impact in the atypical dysphoria community, both on and offline. I don't know how my post truly impacted you, I'm so sorry if you're feeling bad. You acted the best way you possibly could.
Second, if Red comes back, DO NOT HARASS HIM, let him be himself and don't let his past hold them down.
Third, all my points still stand for their deactivated blog and any potential body mod tips blogs in the future. Please everyone, take care, stay safe.
Past edit: DONT HARASS any possible blogs like hers, just REPORT and spread awareness, (also don't make the same mistakes as me: TALK TO THEM FIRST)
Past edit: minors please interact with this post, forget my bio for this one
Past edit: editing editing the post since I talked to Red and he isn't bait. I definitely should have talked to them in DMs first. I sincerely apologize. So sorry Red! To those reading, don't make the same mistake as me, ok? Always talk to people privately first, I genuinely fucked up bad. This mistake of assuming others intentions, can traumatize them. If I were in Red's shoes I'd be traumatized. So yeah, I fucked up bad.
Their intentions are genuine but my point still stands that its extremely dangerous and can't qualify as harm-reduction / end edit note
alright, I'm not transid/radqueer but you guys need to REPORT AND WARN OTHERS of these accounts as soon as they appear. Do not entertain them, no matter how desperate you are to transition. You can become a victim of dangerous charlatanism.
Archive to what i'm about to post
Red claimed to be "a non-professional surgeon, planning on getting better with practice." Bad move!
Red has told me he's pursuing a medical degree and won't actually do non-qualified surgery.
Red: "The blog is centered around an idea of "extreme" body mods that I would like to explore further, [...] things like breaking and re-mending bones, creating new joints, replacing skin, etc."
My point: the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and your blog was unsafe.
To any possible counterarguments: "But they (people following/asking advice) know the risks!" That's victim-blaming. Red gave himself the responsibility to give harm-reducing advice, but he didn't do a good job.
"But I know the risks!" You can't possibly know the risks because Red doesn't know either or "kinda knows" but has not properly informed his audience, it didnt give sources, oversimplified their advice and failed to provide accurate information about risk. Or gave plain misinformation.
Again I'm not transid, I can't possibly imagine what you're going through in order to try anything at all to feel better, including trying experimental surgery not legally available or not researched at all. However, please please please do not become a victim of medical deceit or whatever tf it's called. Even if the blog owner tries their best to be reliable.
They might sound confident, but they do not know what they are saying, what they're telling others to do.
Ask: "How would I make my skin gray without tattoos?" (DO NOT SHAME THIS USER BTW)
Red: "[...] I assume you want permanent grey. To do this, it's pretty simple, although it'll take a lot of time. Basically, what you want to do is to constantly be exposed to lots of silver. Any product with silver in it like specific lotions and skin creams. also fish, milk, mushrooms, and whole grains tend to have silver in them! So tldr, consume lots of silver!"
STOP!!! DONT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE!!! DONT OVER-EXPOSE YOURSELF TO SILVER!!! "Silver toxicity causes argyria. Silver toxicity occurs when too much silver is in your body." <- from a simple research on "too much silver in blood"
Yall. Anything in excess will fuck up your body, including iron, vitamins, and silver.
To whoever asked Red, I don't know your mind, but I'm sure you'd love to live a happy life with grey skin! You'd love to have a body you're comfortable with and looks rad as hell! But you wouldn't be able to enjoy it if you're deeply sick with ARGYRIA, WHICH IS WHAT RED'S ADVICE WILL GIVE YOU!
Ask: "How do I get darker skin without going too dark? I’m pale and burn easily, I just want a color similar to Lin Manuel Miranda" (AGAIN DONT HARASS THIS USER)
Red: [...] "expose yourself to the sun more! As you do this, you'll get tan which will protect you from future burns and make your skin slightly darker, do this enough and you can engineer your skin to be as dark as you want!"
THATS MISINFORMATION! Yes you may tan to get darker (Lin's tone may or may not be achievable to you) but one: it's not permanent unless you're constantly going out; two: SKIN CANCER!!!! DONT OVER-EXPOSE YOURSELF TO THE SUN!!!! USE SUNSCREEN!!
TO ANYONE SEEKING A MUCH DARKER TONE: YOU CAN'T "GO AS DARK AS YOU WANT TO" BY TANNING. Just look at people who have lived their whole lives outdoors like farmers! White people can't tan to black! There's a limit to how tan you may get! Are you seriously gonna risk skin cancer for an impossible thing???
Red: "Self amputation is really dangerous! You should learn how to use a tourniquet, that way, you can stop the bleeding! [...]" WHERE ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SOURCES, RED?
If anyone reading this is seriously thinking of amputating themselves, and will not change their minds no matter what, please just have someone immediately drive you to the hospital. I do not support such operation and you can still die or get horribly sick even with your best precautions, but you better receive actual medical attention and stay alive rather than trying to heal it yourself. Because what you'll most likely get from following Red's advice is DEATH FROM BLOOD LOSS. Again, if you absolutely cannot get rid of this dysphoria with therapy, or manage it at least, or have a doctor do it for you, I still would NEVER suggest you do it yourself, but IF you end up doing that then at least please go straight to the hospital instead of trying to heal it yourself.
Red: "do not try and break your own bones to make modifications! [...] Get another person (Like myself) to help you with the bone breakage instead."
Also, now that Red has clarified she won't perform surgery until having an actual degree, you can't really go to her XD
Red: "Some advice for surgery [...] This one's important, make sure your patient is strapped down and properly sedated, if they move, even slightly, you risk hitting a vital artery or organ, if you do hit an artery, don't panic, this is why you learned how to use a tourniquet! if you hit a vital organ though, odds are you won't know how to fix that, so be extra careful with abdomen and face surgery!"
Thats still promoting medical malpractice, mutilating and potentially killing friends, dangerously downplaying surgery so much, this is not harm-reduction
Ask: "I want to be blind in one eye, but more-so in the sense of extreme but not total vision loss. I want to do something permanent in the future!" (AGAIN DONT HARASS THIS USER)
Red: Well, a simple fix to your problem is just get some calcium hydroxide in your eye and wash it out a few minutes later, this should lead to permanent, extreme (but not total) vision loss in that eye. Keep it in too long and it can cause total vision loss so be careful!
Ok so, it's great that you're trying to come up with alternative ways for users not to kill themselves by gouging their eyes out, but you've still failed to give them the full picture
From a quick search "calcium hydroxide in the eyes": Exposure to the skin can produce burns, painful irritation and necrosis, and exposure to the eyes may cause severe pain and vision loss that can be temporary or permanent. If calcium hydroxide is exposed to the skin, contaminated clothing should be removed, excess amounts of the chemical should be wiped off and the affected skin should be flushed repeatedly with water. Victims of calcium hydroxide exposure to the eyes should flush their eyes with water continuously for the first 15 minutes, but all cases of external exposure should receive immediate medical care. Inhaling calcium hydroxide through the nose or mouth can also cause immediate, painful and potentially life-threatening complications. Throat and nasal passages may become painful and swollen, and the swelling may restrict airways, making breathing difficult or impossible. If the calcium hydroxide particles are carried all the way to the lungs, this may further complicate breathing. Victims of this type of exposure should be taken immediately to a fresh air environment, and emergency services should be contacted right away. Administration of oxygen and emergency respiratory assistance may be required.
Red (answering an ask): "the question shouldn't be what DO people replace their skin with, it should be what CAN they, after all, just because it's never been practiced or very rarely practiced doesn't mean it's bad or impossible! Of course, my personal favorite skin substitutes are rubber and red velvet, I am also a big fan of stainless steel."
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Heyyy you probs already know who this is but could u pls do slashers reacting to their s/o (who is an age regressor) asking them to be their caregiver :3!!
Ty ur amazing🙏🙏🙏 - ur Agere follower 💗🙏
BRO IM SO SORRY FOR LONG WAIT😭 school gives me no free time! Anyways here's your request!
(Caregivers are basically people who take care of age regressing person (in this context) )
Info: they/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers being s/o's caregivers
Jason Voorhees
Dude already acts like you're a baby, so he wouldn't mind doing it more often
When s/o asked him about being their caregiver dude kinda didn't expect that? You trust him to take care of you? THE Jason Voorhees?? Yay💖
He enjoys taking care of s/o whether they are age regressing or no
He doesnt even need to know what is age regression and how it works. Jason just vibes
Will absolutely spoil them btw
9/10 sweet guy
Micheal Myers
Dude doesn't care
He is a bully and probably thinks that "You are already acting like a crybaby🥱 so whats the diffrence"
Tbh he always vibed more with kids than adults cuz they often judge him for all the 'killing innocent people' ugh. So he doest really mind s/o age regressing
The cons are that he is acting like old grandad who has no clue how to child
The pros are that he will throw hands if somone is rude (tbh they dont even need to be rude towards s/o they just have to look at them for too long)
He sometimes doodles with s/o! You guys have similar artystyles😭
4/10 evil
Brahms Heelshire
Funfact! I refuse to belive that name Brahms fucking exists, tf is that name, it doesn't sound like an acuall name but some made up shit
Dude is kinda worried that he will do something dumb while s/o is regressing. Like what if he sets kitchen on fire or something😭
Makes all schedule for little s/o😊 when there's nap time, when to eat, ect. Cuz he would get so lost without the plan
Picks s/o up like sack of potatos
6/10 pookie tried
Billy Lenz
Dude is simple minded, and childish and
Yeah he sucks at taking care of s/o, like how could he know that little humans need to be taken care off???? Like??? Why would he give them food? Dude bearly knows how to boil water
Exept all 'taking care of s/o' thingy he is a good at keeping company! He shares snacks and watches cartoons with s/o!
Sometimes he likes to pretend that he's a rat and he bites their legs during nap/sleep time (he doenst care if they are regressing or nah he just does that)
2/10 will hiss
Vincent Sinclair
Has siblings, hes knows how to child
Makes nice food and will spoon feed s/o if necessary
Very good at reading emotions so if s/o isn't very talkative... dude knows what's up
Infodumps them about pokemon games and lets s/o play on his old Nintendo DS
10/10 knows how to child
Bo Sinclair
Definitely dad vibes
Picks you up and goes 'ew a child' and after few days hes like 'if something happens to them I'm going to kill everyone in this room then myself'
Tbh he kinda lets himself be silly around little s/o cuz they won't judge or tease him for it
Dude absolutely picks them up and play-fights alot btw
6/10 b(r)o
All x reader tags are purley to reach bigger audience!! I used 's/o' cuz thats what anon wanted🥱
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starityslife · 6 months
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Quackity with a reader who drifts and stuff
Why do you do it? People ask this question all the time. Why do you risk your life and others? Simple answer, cause your a girl who things that cars and speed can mend her heart. But maybe it's not the answer...maybe theres a boy who can stop covering the hole and actually heal it♡
☆ Warnings: none really just life shit
☆ Genre: fluff, angsty? Idk
Another day of just mindlessly drifting around a circle while people jump infront of you and trap you in a circle, yeah it's the shit. But lately you've been feeling like even your coping method isn't bringing you the thrill anymore. You speed your drift so you can match the speed of your spinning mind.
When the show comes to an end you try to drive away but your stopped by the cars blocking the entrance, you speed around the place when you accept defeat and exit your car. Maybe if you just got out and chatted then the time would fly by.
You got out of your vehicle and people came up to you and said "that shits cool" "dope" just casual shit. But another boy and his friends come up to you. This may sound weird but it's like he just caught your eye.
His hair covered by a beanie while strands fly and raise at certain ends, his eyes dark in the smokey sky. "Hi" he said "h-hey" you said. God why did you have to stutter? Did he notice it? Lord help me. He smiles and says "that was really cool." You couldn't tell if it was him dragging his words or you wanting to savor the moment. "Thanks" you say awkwardly. His friends realized the awkward flirtatious tension(is that even a thing?) and leave the two of you. Out of the corner of your eye you realize that the exits clearing. But now you didn't want to leave. The boy was talking and you were mindlessly just staring at him when you blurt out, "do you wanna go for a ride?" "Um sure" he laughs. Great you felt like shit. He gets into your car and you exit the place. After an awkward silent car drive you find a remote spot that looks perfect for drifting.
You look over at the boy and ask, "you trust me?" "I-for what?" He looks at you, obviously with other intentions(might make a smut abt this lmk) "To drift" "After seeing you drive, anything" he says. You change the gear, place your foot on the gas and next thing you know your drifting to psycho dreams by kill eva(this is a bomb drifting song) he rolls down his window and smiles like a child. After a while you slow down and say,"guess I should get you back to your friends huh?" He frowns and says, "yeah,they might think I got murdered"
He picks up his phone to reveal 7 missed calls and 20 texts. Ranging from "ALEX WHERE TF ARE YOU" to "BRO ARE YOU OKAY?"
While you drive him back you actually have a nice conversation about how you got into drifting.
"So why'd you start"
"Start what?"
"Honestly as a way to cope"
"Sorry for asking but with what?"
"Parental issues" STOP BEING SO DRY GODDAMIT you thought to yourself. But it was a difficult topic. Even with the cute boy.
"Oh, I understand"
"I never got your name yk."
"I'm alex"
note: pretty boy = alex♡
the rest of the ride was just you two listening to music and occasionally cracking a joke.
When you got there he waved goodbye and left but came running back before you could pull out.
"HEY" he yells waving his arms
you roll down your window
"Hi?" God your so awkward
"Can I get your number?"
You exchange numbers with the pretty boy
He leaves with his friends and you decide to get some food and go back home
The next morning you wake up with a text
Hey dude,I met the most beautiful girl,her names y/n. She does like drifting and shit and she's so hot. She took me drifting and I think I'm in love bro.
This definitely was not meant for you.
Honestly this was shit but I needed to do something<3
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lume-nosity · 2 years
under the mistletoe
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characters: shenhe, yae miko, wanderer/scaramouche, kuki shinobu, kazuha
style: fluff
song inspo: mistletoe by justin bieber
an: i was originally going to finish this at the christmas party, but it was dreading and hard to focus since nobody wanted to go home till 1 in the morning.. (in addition to the loud noises) but here’s another christmas themed post i pushed out!! idc if it’s late by a few days, this idea’s been sitting in my head for a while. and bro i forgot how to use vocabulary and grammar in this one, because of the damn party that ruined my brain 😭
notes: not proofread, reader is gender neutral, written at a very crowded party but finished at home, swearing in scara’s/wanderer’s part, shinobu’s part is a little long, some crack, lowercase intended, kazuha calls you a sweet dove, i do not know much about mistletoes, how tf do you write kissing
reblogs are appreciated!!
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“are you alright? your face is heating up.”
“don’t you see what we’re under?” you pointed at the nice mistletoe dangling above you both
shenhe looks up at what you’re pointing at, but she’s still confused. she’s never seen such a thing within her years of mastering adepti art
“what is it?”
“it’s… a mistletoe. when two people are under it, they have to kiss.”
shenhe glances back at you with the same stoic face that’s been plastered on her face the whole conversation
“hm. sounds simple enough.”
your eyes just pop out of their sockets, literally. because not only was she nonchalant about your explanation, she said those words with a straight face.
before you’re able to respond, she pulled you close to her, placed a hand on your cheek, and kissed you. after she released you she went: “so, was that all we had to do?”
poor you, blinking your eyes, and your brain is loading. it didn’t help the sheer embarrassment clearly shown on your face as if it was never said before.
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yae miko
“ah, it seems we’ve gotten ourselves into quite the predicament.”
she was looking up at the mistletoe the whole time, while you were shifting uncomfortably in your shoes.
yae miko paused in observing the mistletoe to look at you, she sees your figure sweating bullets.
“oh? are you nervous little one? there’s no need to be afraid.”
you jumped when she was referring to you. snapping you of your countless thoughts plaguing your mind
“i’m sorry, i didn’t think we’d be here of all places. and i wasn’t sure if it’d be okay for-“
“wasn’t sure that i’d be okay for this? my, you amuse me.”
you tilted your head slightly, confused with what she said.
yae miko turned to your direction, her piercing gaze strikes your own. “it’s natural to be nervous over situations such as these, but,”
she leaned down to your level and planted a quick and light kiss on your nose, effectively rendering you speechless
“you should be glad it’s me you’re under this mistletoe with.”
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he finds it silly for you both to be under a little mistletoe and kiss under it. in his mind, he thinks ‘anywhere else is better than this cramped and narrowed hallway.’ because yk, bro would prefer if the environment is appealing to kiss in. he has standards.
“why the hell would i kiss you under a fucking plant?”
“because it’s tradition??”
“*scoff* a dumb one at that.”
you crossed your arms and looked away from him, not wanting to deal with his bullshit again for the night
he took notice of your behavior though
“huh? why the long face? what, did you think i was serious?”
your eyes shifted towards his direction. “yes..? because you’re always like this.”
“oh, i was serious about the first half.”
you raised your eyebrows. “what do you mean by ‘first half?’”
scaramouche quickly pulled you closer to him which almost made you lose balance, but with his firm hold on you, you didn’t fall.
and with that, he kissed you, for a short while (which felt like forever)
when he lets you of go you, albeit a light and gentle shove, you stumbled back a bit, and shook your head a little in an attempt to process what happened
“i just find it stupid to kiss here of all places. it’d be better if there were people around, so then they’d all know that you belong to me and me only.”
“…” (they were too stunned to speak)
“and if this place was more clean.”
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kuki shinobu
in all honesty, the arataki gang pushed her under the mistletoe with you while you were just eating a nice christmas snack and. you weren’t aware of being under it too. head empty just food type beat.
shinobu immediately knew what was going on after she saw the mistletoe. as she was gonna turn around and fist fight the gang, they’ve ran away and hid behind something. their heads were slightly peeking out of them and itto’s head stood out the most
shinobu groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose, and then heard distant cheering from the back, clearly from her gang.
when you swallowed your last bite, you didn’t notice shinobu until now
“oh, hey shinobu! i just finished my snack. what are you doing here?”
she opened her eyes and released her hand off of her nose and pointed above. you followed what she was pointing at and saw the obvious-looking mistletoe hanging above you both before reverting your attention back to her.
“before you say anything, my gang brought us into this mess. so for that, i apologize on their behalf.”
“oh no worries, they always get into some sort of trouble, so i don’t blame you.”
shinobu looked from the corner of her eye and saw her gang whispering the words: ‘go for it!’ ‘do it!’ ‘kiss them!!’
she sighed and then stood up straight, looking directly into your eyes. “well, now that we’re here, i think we should entertain them for a bit. if you’re okay with it of course.”
you turned your head into the direction she was previously looking at and saw her gang. they kept nodding vigorously and made gestures for you to turn back around.
you laughed a bit at them, and you turned back to shinobu. she nodded, you nodded, and then she made her move. shinobu removed her mask to shield her gang from seeing your kiss with her.
the arataki jumped from their spots to cheer and scream for their deputy leader. while a bunch of chaos was happening, that’s all but blind noise. because you’re melting in the kiss.
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he’d most likely compliment the mistletoe
something along the lines of “such an intricate and well-made mistletoe.” and “its little leaves compliment the red very well.”
like bro stfu and kiss them already, you know the rules. (and so do i)
as kazuha was admiring the mistletoe, he’s sensed you being impatient. (and jealous) so his eyes shifted to your own
“ah, my apologies [name]. i was too focused on this mistletoe hovering above us, that i forgot what we had to do.”
“took you long enough, you think staring up at that mistletoe is more important than me?”
kazuha strutted towards your direction, his scarlet eyes never breaking eye contact with you.
“now, who said that i find mistletoes important to gaze upon?”
he held your hands into his own, intertwining your fingers with his. “they are nothing compared to you, for you are the one i’d love to gaze upon for the rest of my days. my sweet dove.”
his lips pressed against your own, effectively catching you off guard by his boldness. but despite that, your shoulders relaxed, and you’ve let yourself go. to relax yourself in this shared warmth.
kazuha is known to be good with words, but through his current actions, they spoke louder than his flowery words.
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
i just need to vent ignore this pls
oh my GOODNESSCAN YOU JUST ADMIT YOURE WRONG AUGH HOW HARD IS IT??? I DIDNT FUCKING DO ANYTHING!!! im sorry i fucking misunderstood you, its not worth any argument. its the STUPIDEST ARGUMENT LITERALLY WHY ARE YOU MAD??? she said to try on the dress, so i tried on the dress. then she says its the wrong one. okay, fine, my mistake. no problem. apparently there is a problem because "didnt you hear me tell you the other one we ordered arrived?" NO I CLEARLY DIDNT OTHERWISE I WOULDVE PUT THAT ONE ON? so its like ok fine ill put on the other its no big deal. but apparently i used the wrong fucking tone? what tone am i supposed to use i just talked normally. and i do like the dress i fucking do i like the dress damn why are you so pressed about it. "if you dont like it why did you buy it then its a waste" I LIKE THE FUCKING DRESS SHUT TF UP. and then apparently when he agrees that i didnt use a tone, "doesnt the tone she's using sound just like a meltdown? do you not hear it? NO HE DOESNT HEAR IT OBVIOUSLY THERES NO FUCKING TONE TO HEAR OMG ITS LITERALLY NOT A PROBLEM THERES NO NEED TO ARGUE I TRIED ON THE WRONG FUCKING DRESS LET IT GO. but apparently fucking not so im like oh sorry i didnt know wheres the dress im supposed to wear and she fucking goes "ill show you" in the most demeaning, slow, talking to someone whos overracting type of tone. like excuse me? all i did was ask a question? im not doing anything? so then i just respond "okay" in the same fucking tone. and when she hears that tone now she gets mad? yeah its not very fun to hear is it huh. and then shes like "oh nevermind we dont have to try it on well do it later" AND WALKS AWAY LIKE BITCH THIS WAS YOUR IDEA DO YOU WANT ME TO WEAR IT OR NOT? how can you give me this stupid ass attitude, say i have attitude, then walk away like im the dramatic overreacter here?
then she decides to just leave. fully leave. like i go into my room thinking we're done because i wasnt even that mad she was the one who was pissed. and then she knocks on the door (wow i didnt know she could do that she always just opens it) and is like uh where r u? and im like im in here and apparently that upsets her that im not trying on the dress that i didnt fucking know existed until five minutes ago and she just WALKS AWAY?? JUST SAYS WHATEVER AND FULLLY LEAVES. GOES OUTSIDE TO TAKE A WALK? HELLO? YOU CANT JUST LEAVE AN ARGUMENT WHEN YOURE LOOSING??? YOU CANT JUST WALK THE FUCK AWAY??
so then later i feel fine im not mad anymore i left that post with a bunch of tags complaining. and then i go to say goodnight and shes all stiff and he tells me shes still mad. and then she decides to talk about how shes "invisible and it feels like everyone is ignoring her and invalidating her emotions and stuff" LIKE LITERALLY WHO DID THAT? WHERE- WHAT? WHO??? like she doesnt know how to admit shes wrong its actually a problem. sometimes youre wrong and sometimes you have to be the bigger person. but no she has the emotional maturity of a five year old and decides to just sit there and cross her arms and not fucking talk as we both try to apologize??? and neither of us even know what we did wrong. and then SHE TRIES TO TURN IT AROUND AND "APOLOGIZES" AND IS LIKE OH IM WRONG ITS FINE WHATEVER. LIKE NO LETS TALK ABOUT THIS BUT SHE DOESNT WANT TO?? HELLO? normally the morning after an argument ill go and apologize because ill be wrong but this time i dont even know what to say because im not even doing anything wrong. shes the one who got mad at me for a simple fucking misunderstanding. all because i put on the wrong dress?? oh my goodness its not that deep at all just apologize and move on.
and the worst part is i was crying. i started crying. i was crying. during this whole damn argument. and i couldnt get words out bc my fucking throat was all weird. and i sounded rediculous. its fucking humiliating. i was trying to tell her like im not sad im not upset but she just gave me this nasty ass glare so i guess im the problem and im still overreacting.
THIS IS THE STUPIDEST ARGUMENT ANYONES EVER HAD OH MY GOODNESS LITERALLY JUST BECAUSE I MISUNDERSTOOD WHEN YOU SAID "THE DRESS ARRIVED AND I WANT YOU TO TRY IT ON." like im not even that important at all its not worth it. like oh my goodness just say youre wrong and move on. but the problem is she cant apologize and say shes wrong without playing the victim and "omg you guys dont even care im just invisible im being ignored your invalidating me" NO WERE NOT STOP TALKING
whatever its fine i guess. shes still important to me. i love her. shes just an only child and i really think it shows in the way she argues.
this is stupid. what a way to end the night with me crying because i accidentally used the wrong tone apparently and "had a meltdown" by litreally just explaining a simple misunderstanding.
but i can listen to short and sweet tomorrow!! i was gonna tonight but my nights fucking ruined :)
if you for some reason decided to read this, no you didnt
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