#but i always delete them once they stop making sense
littleeyesofpallas · 10 months
I always really liked, in Death Note, that when they introduces M and N as L's two competing protégée, they just took a list of L's traits and quirks and split them down the middle: L was both logical and intuitive, passionate about justice and personally enraptured by solving puzzles, sat like a child, played with his food, and had an insatiable sweet tooth? Mellow gets the passion, the justice bordering on vengeance, the intuition, and the sweet tooth. Near gets the childlike demeanor, the play habits, the cold logic, and personal investment in puzzles for puzzles sake. And together they make one functional L.
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I want that for the Batfam. Bruce has his giant obnoxious hyper competent repertoire, but instead of every Batkid being just a mini version of Bruce, give them each a SUPER distinct specialty. Something actually discernably different from their peers, rather than just slapping the same onesize fit all batbrand competency on all of them. The martial arts expert, the ace parkour/acrobat, the detective, the gadgeteer, the batcomputer data analyst, the criminal profiler, the vigilante, the master of disguise, the urban legend, the avenger, the ninja/assassin, etc... Obviously theyre each well rounded and versed in all these archetypes, but each one ought to have a specialized category where if it ever really came down to its, they could beat Bruce in a contest of that one set of skills. (Except Damian. Damian should just be a tiny Bruce with maybe a bit of an ethics problem, and the promise of being better than Bruce at EVERYTHING, just given a bit of time to grow into it while Bruce loses a bit of edge to old age)
(and frankly i really just want this for a bunch of hero families -the WWfam could have different fields of specialty from diplomacy to archeology and magic artifacts, to mythological beast tamer, to proper soldier and commander, etc...; the Flashfam could have radically different approaches to what elements of how they approach processing at superhuman speed and their atomic level of finite control; the Arrowfam could have a whole spread of survivalist vs hunter/tracker vs sport archer vs esoteric historical martial arts, etc skills to set one another apart.- but that's several whole other cans of worms...)
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Dick is far and apart the best in the air, fastest maneuvering both around obstacles and on the run, in and out of the fray, sheer 0 to 60 from ground to air on a grappling line, fastest all around reaction time, and contender for most well honed raw athleticism right next to Cass.
Babs has the information network, the batcomputer sciences, and organizational and tactical perspective that comes uniquely from not just being a bat kid but from being so closely acquainted with GCPD's structures and systems. When it comes to cross referencing and pinpointing precise information, Babs is unmatched by a substantial margin.
Jason has the I Am Vengeance, I Am The Night down. The raw passion for crime fighting, and indeed the fixation on crime specifically. He and Steph are the most personally acquainted and invested in Gotham's underworld and the actual humans working, living, struggling and thriving in it.
Ill be honest I m actually never quite sure where the hell either Helena fits into this structure... Bertinelli feels like she should fit a niche almost too similar to Jason's, but lacking in the fanfavorite melodrama of being a dead robin. And Wayne ought rightly to fit a role not dissimilar to Damian or just Bruce himself... Consider this one unresolved...
Tim is of course is everyones favorite ace boy detective. I feel like theres always a temptation to make him Babs' equal in the tech department but outside of the laughable 90s hackerkid aesthetic I just dont see it. He's great at trivia and detective's intuition, and of course his near shamanic level of insight into Gotham itself.... He does strike me as one of the family's top gadgeteers; not a full blown engineer like Luke, but quick to pick up and make unconventional use of existing tech and hardware, matched and even surpassed in that respect only by...
Steph, who as Cluemaster's kid and one time potential protégée has had a thorough talent for tinkering and sabotage from and early age. Maybe she cant tap into the same depth of trivia or strictest logical deductions that some of the more thorough bred bats can, but no one can pinpoint the most vital areas, or dismantle a deathtrap more quickly than Steph, both by way of knowing the mechanics, but also by way of intimating a super villain's psychology and behavior. Where someone like Tim or even Bruce might fixate on knowing the exact layout or schematics or logistics of a hideout, a machine, or a plan before taking action to dismantle it, Steph knows at a glance where the most volatile parts of a machine or a plan are so that even if she doesn't have the time or the specific knowledge to work out every detail of what it does and how, she can figure out how to break a mechanism or topple a plan at its most central pillar(s) of support. I've always wanted her to be essentially the family's espionage expert, right next to Catwoman's breaking and entering expertise.(Ric Grayson eat your dman heartout)
Then there's Cass, and obviously, at her peak she's the family's (and frankly the world's) top martial artist. But even with her first language of combat fluency stripped down/away she's more than a match for anyone else in the family.
Luke kind of predictably taking his dads role as engineer, utilizing the full extent of the high end bat arsenal unlike really anyone else. People joke about comparing batman and Ironman but really if anyone should have a shtick comparable to Ironman it's Batwing. The rest of the bat fam can operate and maybe maintain the vehicles and hardware fine, but no one can design, upgrade, and see through the actual fabrication process of the tech better than Luke...
...Runner up in this same category is Harper, who is lacking in the straight up manufacturing department but built her whole vigilante arsenal by juryrigging salvaged battech.
Ill be honest, a bit like Huntress, I dont fully known what to make of Kate. Her background is unique among the batfamily as having been strictly military. She has a penchant for the noirsy side of the detective shtick, but thats more of a genre thing than a skill set; what does it really mean for her shtick inworld? I dont really have an answer...
Duke is a bit of a weird case in that the obvious answers are all baked right into his existing profile: he's the meta, he works in the light, he's supposedly more above board and less broody. And that all feels fine, but it also feels like he doesn't actually fit into the whole schema of batskills at all as a result. I would like to see him use his experience with We Are Robin to create a kind of PR or outreach branch of the bat fam. Like, a bat that Gotham can actually sort of get to know and learn to trust, beyond believing in a boogeyman or not. Like, i dunno, give him some airtime with Vicky Vale or Jack Ryder...
And I already mention Damian is just small Bruce waiting to grow into his dad's shoes. The whole benefit of being ras' heir is that he's the one kid who doesnt need Batman to train him. He can fight and think and ostensibly even gadget without Bruce, what Bruce gives him is what Ras and Talia cant: A moral compass. Plus it's a fun change of pace for Bruce to have a protégé where he isn't filling the time with teaching combat and shit to, so that he really has no choice but to learn to connect with Damian emotionally, for both Damian's sake and his own.
I'm not touching Gotham Girl with a 20ft pole...
Did I forget anyone??
People like Owlman, and Ghostmaker are all just the same shtick... Bruce's same character build stats but without the ethics. The Talons are cool but skillswise still just sort of amount to Nightwing knockoffs, ala the whole Owlman origins of the Court of Owls plot in the first place. Similarly the Batman Inc crew are just discount batmen; same basic skill tree but lower point values, so to speak. Not really worth investigating. (unrelated but has Catman fought Green Arrow before? I feel like they could have a really cool survivalist rivalry thing going on)
Not counting people like Clown hunter, or Harley, or Scarlet, or Raptor as parts of the family...
OH! Jace! Boy what a weird case. I wish we got more of an actual motive from him. It honestly doesn't feel like he has a particularly good reason to even be a vigilante, least of all a direct successor to Batman of all things. And I wish they hadn't just shipped him off to NYC... Other than that his shtick feels super weird in the scope of the general bat repertoire. Like Kate, it's weird that his background is really just (para)military rather than the more eclectic spread that Bruce has made the standard bat regimen.
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trevuorzegras · 4 months
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jealous by nick jonas
summary: In which famous actress y/n y/l/n was seen at a Canucks game, which sparks rumors. (part 1/4)
pairings: quinn hughes x actress!reader.
platonic!jack hughes x reader. social media au
faceclaim: dove cameron
next part
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newestupdates: Actress y/n y/l/n spotted at the lastest Canuck’s vs Ducks game wearing an old Quinn Hughes jersey! Opinions?
tagged: yourusername
liked by canucks, njdevils, and more
user1: i say we i don’t know, leave her alone and let her live her life?? 😭
liked by yourusername.
yourusername: i was invited to the game, so i attended, i was also PROVIDED with the jersey. don’t stretch it.
↳ canucks: thank you for attending! we are sorry this got out of hand!
↳ yourusername: not your fault what’s so ever! things are always blown out of proportion. canucks
user2: wait her and quinn would be cute??
↳ user3: he plays hockey, and she acts 💀 they’d never have time to themselves.
user4: you guys post anything at this point. y/n can’t even go to a hockey game in PEACE ☹️
user5: puck bunny
↳ yourusername: i’ve watched hockey since i was a kid, i am not a puck bunny, and can 100% guarantee i know more about the sport than you do. thank you for your input though, johnathan!
↳ user6: she ate i fear. (i do not fear. we all knew she would) yourusername
user7: _quinnhughes
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yourusername: thank you @canucks for the amazing opportunity! i loved every minute of this game. and we won 8-3?? 🤔 #gocanucks
liked by canucks, lhughes_06, and more
njdevils: come to a devils game next? 🫣
↳ yourusername: lmk when and where & im there!
user8: i know you guys see luke lurking in her likes. i cannot be the only one 😭😭
↳ user9: thought i was going INSANE STOP
↳ _quinnhughes: i have no idea who this is luke
↳ yourusername: slightly offended, quinnifer _quinnhughes
jackhughes: yeah come on over to a devils game, we’ll actually acknowledge you
↳ yourusername: like i said, when & where and i’m there jack (:
user11: how does quinn NOT know y/n
↳ lhughes_06: my thoughts exactly
user12: lukey boy is LURKING 👀
canucks: we loved having you! hope to see you again very soon, y/n!!
↳ yourusername: i love whoever runs this account
user13: the way she didn’t tag anyone in these pictures 😭
↳ yourusername: they don’t need tags (:
liked by yourusername.
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njdevils: since q. hughes didn’t appreciate ms. y/l/n. these hughes’ will 😈 #GONJDEVILS
tagged: l_hughes, yourusername, jackhughes
liked by jackhughes, yourusername, and others
↳ user16: more like jack & luke vs quinn beef 😭
yourusername: was an honor! i absolutely adore the jacket, thank you guys so much. <3
↳ canucks: the betrayal.
↳ yourusername: quinn didn’t even know who i was, do you guys even love me 💔 canucks
user17: the picture of her and jack GUYS STOP
↳ user18: why do i ship them.. 🙃
↳ user19: no i completely get it. user18
↳ user20: no?? they make no sense.. user19
jackhughes: YUP WE LOVE AND APPRECIATE Y/N OVER HERE canucks _quinnhughes can you guys relate?? 🤔 didn’t think so
↳ canucks: you are EVIL jack hughes.
_quinnhughes: i didn’t know a girl once now my team is beefing with my brothers’ team. great.
↳ yourusername: i apologize, i tried to tell them to be nice ☹️
↳ _quinnhughes: not your fault my brothers are evil yourusername
user21: okay but the jacket is fire
↳ yourusername: exactly! never taking it off
↳ canucks: traitor! yourusername
user22: jack and luke look so GOOD
user24: jack and y/n, quinn and y/n that, WHAT ABOUT LUKE AND Y/N GUYS HEAR ME OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
↳ _quinnhughes: she’s too pretty for either of them
*this comment has been deleted.*
↳ user26: ARE WE TRIPPING????????
next part
turning this into a story, how we feel? 🫣 it’s definitely going to be a short one, i’ll possibly go longer ones in the near future, but not right now! feel free to request anything!
check out my navigation, here!
check out my nhl masterlist, here!
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hitomisuzuya · 5 months
MY BELOVED (ur work is my absolute favorite u always have me on my hands and knees!!) I’m actually very serious the fire in my stomach when u post is <333
Dressing ur pretty boy Scara up as a maid! The outfits rather tight.. rather revealing and while he hates it and gives u quite the stinky eye all day, you can’t help but ride him to make him feel better! How sweet of you
Though his dominance starts to shine through as your “dominance” starts fading into submission when riding him, he calls you mommy while growling over how your walls clench around him, maybe if we ride him right after his orgasm he’ll get overstimulated and really see who’s really trying to be in charge here <3
“Wait.. wait! Wait oh fuck~” vibes <33
Scaramouche x fem!reader Smut. Riding. Overstimulation. Degradation. Dom!Scara.
This made perfect sense 😳 Thank you, everyone for all your support and patience❤️ Be careful in class now😌 I may write a second part for this.
Dressing Scaramouche up in a maid outfit was supposed to be joke at first. You'd told him that he had the perfect legs for a maid outfit, and after some hissing and grumbling, he'd indulged you in your silly whim.
He was resolved to also get a hold of your phone to delete the picture you'd taken of him.
The sour expression he'd worn on his face had long since fallen away. In an attempt to placate him, you were bouncing on his cock, making him feel nearly limp from pleasure as he twitched and rutted up inside of you.
Scaramouche's arms were around you, clutching you against him, his eyes hypnotized by the white ring that glossed his cock. He let out a volley of incoherent curses, his eyes flicking to watch your breasts bounce before leaning his head down towards them.
He let out a wanton whimper as your hand found the back of his head to push his mouth towards your breasts. "What's the matter, my sweet Scara?" You cooed, stroking his hair, "is this too much for you too take?"
One of his hands travelled down to grope your ass, growling as he latched his lips onto one of your nipples. "You are clenching around my cock like a total slut, Mommy," He groaned feeling you clench harder around his cock, a high pitched cry keening from your throat.
His tongue swirling around your nipple send jolts of pleasure to your throbbing clit. You arched your back, crying out again as his grip started to tighten a little around you.
You didn't think too much about it at first, figuring he was close to cumming. He had the sweetest, high pitched whimpers and moans. You completely missed the glare in his eyes as yours roll closed, enjoying the feeling of his cock kissing into your sweet spot.
"Cum for me like a good boy," You cooed, making him growl again. Your walls squeezed just right on his cock. It pulsed strong as cum roped inside of you.
Scaramouche writhed underneath you when you didn't stop bouncing. He spat a string of incoherent Japanese curses, overwhelmed by the pleasure of overstimulation.
He could do nothing but moan at your mercy. That is until something snapped in him. Your eyes suddenly open as his hand flew to roughly grasp your chin. "I'm fucking fed up with your feeble display of dominance," His fingers dug into your hips before he lifted you off his cock and fling you onto the bed.
Your eyes widened as he flipped you over onto your stomach. He'd stolen control so fast it stunned you. It made you wonder if you had ever really been in control at all.
"Ass up, slut," Scaramouche snapped, smacking a hand on your ass. You blushed, yelping as you did you were told. It was time for him to put you in your place, especially for making him wear a maid outfit.
A whimper of your own keened from your throat, making him laugh as his fingers found your clit to rub it before lining his cock up with your entrance. His hand pushed your face down onto the pillows as he thrust his cock inside of you all at once, smirking when you gasped loudly from the burst of pleasure.
You whimpered again behind broken moans, his cock slamming into you, his fingers digging bruises into your hips. "Fuck, how are you still so tight after I already rearranged your insides?" He smacked a hand on your ass again, smirking when he heard you choke back a broken cry of bliss.
"Awwa, my bad. I took you off my cock before you could cum," The condescending tone he used made your cheeks flush, drool pooling around your cheeks onto the pillow.
He grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking your head off the pillows so your moans wouldn't be muffled. He wanted to hear you scream while you creamed hard on his cock, crumbling underneath the sheer weight of his dominance.
And it sounded so fucking sweet to Scaramouche.
"My compliments to you for not ripping the maid uniform off of me earlier," He pulled out only to slam himself back inside of you, groaning when you came screaming on his cock. "I think it's time for you to put it on instead. You'll be the most delicate little maid fuck toy for me."
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calicoheartz · 2 months
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Embracing Truth ; Paige Bueckers ┈﹒
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꣑୧ — summary | paige helps her gf come out of the closet 💐💌❤️
wc ; 870
— warnings | smalll hints of homophobia , anxiety related topics , mainly fluff + established relationship
my master list ㇀♡
1) i am sooo sorry for not responding to ur request anon! I accidentally deleted it from my drafts :(
a/n : this was so sweet and cute to write 🥰 this definitely healed something in me. Enjoy ◡̈
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Paige sat on the edge of the bed, watching as her girlfriend, y/n, paced nervously back and forth between the blondes dorm. She could tell something was weighing heavily on your mind, and her instincts told her it was something serious. 
You and Paige had been dating since your second year of college, meeting during one of your shared classes. You knew you had always been into girls, often experimenting with them in highschool. But there was one problem, your parents didn't know.
They weren't necessarily homophobic per say, but to be fair the conversation of you being gay never was a topic of conversation. But the idea of one day having to tell them terrified you, especially since you knew the relationship with your girlfriend was becoming serious.
“Y/n, what's wrong?” Paige asks, snapping you out of your thoughts as she stood up and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder to stop your pacing.
You took a deep breath, looking up at your girlfriend with tears welled in your eyes managing to croak out , “I don't know Paige, I really need to tell my parents… I need to tell them about us. But I'm just afraid that they won't accept me, accept us. What if they kick me out? Disown me??”
Paige’s heart ached at the sudden fear that lingered in your voice,  as she pulled you into a warm, comforting hug, holding you tightly. “Hey, it’s going to be okay. I’ll be right by your side every step of the way. We’ll get through this together, I promise.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that Paige would be there for you, and be by your side. “Okay,” you whispered, “Okay, let’s do this.”
A few days had passed since you had the conversation with your girlfriend, part of you wanted to procrastinate for as long as possible, because they would eventually find out regardless of when they were told. But your subconscious knew that now was the time, especially since you were serious about the blonde. You had to embrace the truth, your truth.
You and Paige drove over to your parents house one Friday evening, in the hopes of possibly sharing this important news over dinner. You were a bundle of nerves, but the blonde held your hand reassuringly as the two of you began to walk towards the front door. You took a pause, hesitating to ring the doorbell , after gathering your thoughts, you gently pressed on the round button in front of you, revealing a small chime in reply. You were soon greeted by your parents, who were surprised but happy to see them. 
“y/n, Paige, what brings you here?” your mother chirps. Hugging the both of you before inviting you two inside.
As you walked through your house, skimming past the dining room and making your way towards the living room, you plopped down on the couch before breaking the silence, “We have something we need to talk to you both about” your voice trembling slightly.
Once the rest of them had joined you on the couch and surrounding seats, you took a deep breath and began to speak again. “Mom, Dad, you know how I’ve known Paige since freshman year of highschool? And how we’ve spent a lot of time with each other since then..” the two of them nodded in response before you continued, “well.. I realized that I like her  more than a friend way. What I’m trying to say- I’m saying is that I’m with Paige. Like we’re dating..” your voice trailing off before facing them both in the eye, as your eyes had been previously wandering and focusing on different objects in the area. “Im gay.”
There was a brief moment of silence as your parents processed the information. You feared the absolute worst as the seconds of silence passed by, but then you mom spoke up, her voice filled with love and acceptance. “Sweetheart, we love you no matter what. We just want you to be happy.”
You couldn't hold back your tears as you hugged them both, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. Paige wrapped her arms around them all, feeling grateful to be a part of such a loving and accepting family.
After the initial shock wore off, your parents welcomed Paige with open arms, eager to get to know her now officially as their daughter's girlfriend. You all spent the evening talking and laughing, and you couldn't have felt more loved and accepted. 
As the night came to a close, and as the both of you drove back to the blondes dorm, you couldn't stop smiling. Your heart was full of love for Paige and your family, as you squeezed her hand as a way to silently say I love you.
“I love you, P,” you whispered quietly, your voice filled with emotion. “I love you too, y/n” Paige replied, squeezing your hand back gently. “I'm so proud of you.”
And in that moment, that's when you knew that no matter what challenges you both faced in the future, as long as you had your girlfriend by your side, you could handle anything.
as always, thank you guys so much for reading!! don't forget to leave reqs :)
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pwinkprincess · 1 month
Girl, your writing is so freaking good!!!
I was Wondering how fratboy!gojo would react to reader pulling a TikTok prank on him like paying for „premium air“ or playing the sound „shawty, your man still around?“, would he get angry, thinking that she is cheating on him even though he is the King of cheating?
Thank you so much for your stories, they always highlight my day ❤️
thank u sm for reading babi 💗💗🎀🎀💞
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after a session of toe curling sex, sensual kisses, and words of affirmation as part of aftercare, you and satoru finally untangled limbs and relaxed. usually, he puts you straight to sleep but today you felt restless and wanted to just run around. satoru’s breathing tingles your ear as he breathes shallowly.
his lips are pressed into an adorable pout, while his long white lashes flutter against his eye lids. he’s on his respective side, but he still made sure to keep his arm outstretched and touching you in some way.
you don’t usually play pranks on satoru, but you’re bored and you have been watching too many tiktok couples. with a sigh, you prepare yourself to get into character.
“gojo.” saying his last name felt extremely weird. that word is foreign on your tongue and you make a face as if it has an actual taste.
satoru stirs in his sleep but doesn’t wake up. you roll your eyes and say his name again, but louder. “gojo!” you say while patting his side.
he jumps up, looking at you in worry. “what?!”
you clench your teeth together for a few seconds to keep yourself from laughing. you force out a sigh and jump up from your bed. you begin rapidly pacing around your room, pretending to pick up things and put them in their respective places.
“you gotta go! he’s on his way!” you exclaim. you pick up his discarded clothing and throw it at his face. “hurry!”
“who is he?!” satoru frowns. he’s freshly awakened and nothing you’re saying is making sense at the moment.
“my boyfriend!” you have to turn your back to him so that he can’t see the smile that made its way onto your lips.
the room goes extremely quiet, a pen could drop and echo throughout the room. you pretend to busy yourself by picking up your own disregarded clothing and putting them on. once you’re dressed, you look over at satoru who’s staring at you with a look in his eyes. your heart almost drops from his death stare.
“can you get up? i have to change the sheets.”
“boyfriend?” he parrots.
“yes. my boyfriend. now, get up and go. please, he said he’ll be here in twenty minutes.”
satoru just stares at you. you have a stare off with him, not saying anything to each other. satoru breaks the contest first. he chuckles to himself as he slides off of the bed and begins dressing himself.
“i hope he knows how to fight.” satoru tells you while stomping his foot into his shoe.
“huh?! you’re not gonna fight my boyfriend, gojo.” you watch as his head snaps towards you when you say his last name.
“you’re full of shit. y’know that? does he know that you break down when i don’t give you enough attention throughout the day? does he know that i took your virginity? you’ve never said shi—” he cuts himself off by just sighing and running his hands down his face.
“we can argue later, jus’ go.” you dismiss him.
“delete my number.” he says as he walks towards your dorm room door.
you realize he’s serious and you quickly break character.
“toru! wait! i was playing!” you’re grabbing at his wrist to stop him from walking away for good.
he looks down at you. his skin is flushed from how angry he had gotten. his breathing is harsh and he has this faraway look in his eyes.
“you lying?”
“there’s no other guy. jus’ you toru. jus’ you.” you reason with him. you’re pulling him back into your room, and standing on your tippy toes to place your lips against his. as the kiss begins, he doesn’t immediately kiss back. not until you whimper out a weak “daddy, please.”.
once he calms down and he’s absolutely sure no other guy is coming, he sits back down on your bed.
“you play too much.” he lectures bitterly.
“you were sooo mad.” you giggle, kissing on his jaw.
“was not.” he argues, knowing very well that he was in fact mad.
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2rats1gogh · 3 months
Same anon here with more- people need to stop conflating Aegon with Joffrey Baratheon.
Aegon has done some despicable things that I won’t make excuses for but he’s not the rabid dog that Joffrey was. Cersei, Tyrion and Tywin struggled to rein him in at 13 years old and once that crown was on his head a monster was let loose. Alicent can actually reason and get through to Aegon at pivotal times. Cersei could not do that with Joffrey.
Aegon above all craves Alicent’s approval and affection, he turns into a sniveling mess at Alicent’s scolding at his big age. Alicent is not afraid to tell Aegon exactly what she’s thinking. She doesn’t placate, pacify or coddle like everyone had to do with Joffrey because he was out of control, cruel AND stupid at the same time. Helaena is the most important person in the world to Alicent and Aegon is not going to harm the most precious thing in the world to Alicent. Helaena doesn’t have to fear Aegon bashing her head in with a rock or choking her after she has just had a stillbirth….
He called her an idiot at 14, yes it wasn’t nice but it was completely normal. At 14 I called my sister a cunt right across the dinner table, but I've also fought for that same sister. They are siblings and that interaction that made them seem more human as opposed to their 2 dimensional team black counterparts who always just smile and have kind words for each other- except when Jacaerys was beating the shit out of Luke on the beach, but no one is saying how miserable Luke was despite Luke actually seeming unhappy with parts of his life. He was even vocal about these things. Whereas Heleana who is a blunt speaker, has not said anything like that.
Helaena doesn’t look afraid of Aegon, she doesn’t look afraid of anyone in her immediate family (including Criston) as much as team black would like her to be. At the most Aegon ignores her, like she said. Honestly ignoring her is preferable to what Viserys was doing to Alicent. She had 3 children before she even reached 20. Aemond and Helaena are almost Irish twins. In the show Helaena and Aegon just have the twins who are maybe 4-5 years old, so Aegon is not forcing himself on Helaena.
We don’t know much about Helaena in the show because they decide to delete certain scenes and include other stupid filler scenes when they contain fan favorites…but Helaena in the book was happy. Her input towards the war was valued. She loved her children and everyone could agree she was a wonderful mother.
Her life isn’t perfect, there is no woman in that time period whose life is. Her husband is so far from perfect but that doesn’t mean Helaena lived a life of misery.
The book even says basically that Helaena died with Jaehaerys that night and Alicent didn’t kill Jaehaerys. That was Daemon Targaryen.
And when pointing the finger at Alicent, remember that she didn’t make Helaena on her own. She had a useless father who ignored her and her siblings her entire life. Viserys withheld his love from them out of some twisted loyalty to his first wife that he killed and his oldest child by this wife. These things would have a deep emotional impact on a person, it certainly has on her brothers. Stop letting Viserys off the hook.
(the way you called Joffrey a rabid dog omg I’m cryingggg😭😭😭😭 shxjskkzkvzlclwgzjpf)
but yeah, you are so so so right.
I hate it when people, mostly TB, compare Aegon to Joffrey. Like the ONLY two things they have in common is an ambitious (?) widow mother queen and also the fact that both aren’t very nice people. But that’s about it. Aegon at his worst doesn’t even come close to how horrendous Joffrey was on a regular day. Aegon never killed people for fun, he didn’t publicly humiliate Helaena like Joffey did with Sansa. And as I say, I am ignoring the fact that he’s a rapist because it was literally added out of nowhere, makes no sense, and has no relevance to the plot whatsoever. It was added purely to make Aegon and TG look bad. Canonically he is literally just a lazy alcoholic.
And I absolutely agree with what you said about Helaena. TB often say that “aLiCeNt MaDe HeR LiFe HeLl” but she literally didn’t? She would NEVER have her marry Aegon if Aegon was like Joffrey Baratheon. You can call Aegon every insult in the book, he was neglectful, he ignored her, he wasn’t really present in the lives of their kids, but he was NOT an abusive husband or father. And as you said, unlike Viserys, he never forced himself on Helaena. He wasn’t obsessed with the idea of having as many children as possible with her. Literally not at any point his nonexistent “abusive” behavior is shown, not even in the show. During the dinner scene Helaena literally jokes about her relationship with him, she seems comfortable and chill.
Sure, as you said, her life was far from perfect. In the books she does give birth at 14, in the show, since everyone is slightly older, she most likely was 16? Not that uncommon actually. She still had her mother, and her brothers, she has sir Criston. Aegon’s behavior was controlled by Alicent, so he would NEVER hurt her. If you remember how Alicent reacted to Aegon forcing himself upon Dyana (dumb scene overall but still) you can only imagine how she would react if he treated Helaena the same way.
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sinsinsininning · 5 months
First time sending a request😭 could I get a post time skip strawhat crews reaction to a reader who’s late to reunite with them, and turns out they were in Impel down but escaped?
Like they’re wondering where they are and Nami busts in showing an article in the newspaper about reader escaping?
Srry if this is confusing💀
Ay yo! My first request, Tumblr deleted my first draft of this so it’s a little rushed now sorry. I wrote this as more platonic but tbh it could be viewed as romantic with some characters if you really want to. I also wrote this with a gender neutral reader in mind and they/them pronouns. I made the reader kind of an explosion person just to justify some parts of the story.
This is very different from what I normally write so it was a great exercise! I hope you enjoy! ✨✨✨
You were late.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary, just like Zoro was guaranteed to get lost and Luffy to eat all the food in sight, you were the perpetually late straw hat. It was basically your title at this point.
This was different though, the crew was gathering after being separated for 2 years and with the marines and enemy pirates closing in, it wasn’t the day for you to be behind schedule. Still the crew awaited you until the last moment, as they set off the allies they’d made while training came through to clear a path.
And you still weren’t here.
“Where are they?” Nami glared at the horizen, willing you to appear, the anger in her tone barely hid her worry.
“I’m not surprised, they’re always showing up last minute.” Ussop groused, folding his arms haughtily. “This time it’s gonna bite them in the ass and they’ll be left behind!”
“Don’t say that!” Chopper cried, trying to pull on Ussop’s arms to uncross them. As if that’d make you magically appear. “They’ll be here! They’re always here when it counts!” His tears fluster the sniper who turned away from him to hide it.
Nami and Chopper started arguing, slowly dividing the crew into two teams. Team ‘They’ll be here, have Faith’ and Team ‘They’ll get left out, get over it’. Sanji sided with Ussop and Nami because of course he’d side with her. While Brook and Franky sided with the optimistic Chopper, certain you’d arrive.
It was loud and a little annoying, but it kept the crew occupied for a while. At least enough to stop them from over hearing their Captain and First Mate.
“Captain.” Zoro said lowly, watching the others argue about your absence. “We have to keep going. We can’t wait much longer.” Luffy had a serious face for once, odd for Zoro to see.
“I’m not waiting, they’ll get here. I have no doubts they’ll be back.” He said with finality, his voice had gotten much deeper over the 2 year break. Zoro frowned, his faith in you not as solid as his Captain’s.
Robin approached her leaders, holding some papers out for Zoro to read.
“I only just had a moment to read these,” She said. “Shaky and Rayleigh gave them to me as we departed. I’m afraid our friend may be out of luck.”
Zoro gasped as he read, Luffy snatched the papers away to scan them quickly. The startled cry he let out was stifled by one of Robin’s many hands, appearing at the right time. The top page was your mugshot, grinning wildly at the camera while holding your inmate card. Other pages contain your latest bounty, some newspaper clippings of your crimes and capture, as well as some convoluted court documents. Zoro snatched the papers back, trying to make sense of everything.
“They’re in Impel Down? When?” He hissed.
“I’m not sure, it looks like they’ve been there nearly the entire 2 years we’ve been gone.”
“I was there though!” Luffy stretches his mouth from behind Robin’s hand. “I could’ve helped them!”
“It’s a large prison, Luffy. Plus who knows they may have been arrested after your jail break.” Robin tried to comfort him. “I’m sorry, but we can’t turn back now. The way back is blocked by the marines, we should go forward and figure out a plan when we arrive in the New World.” Luffy shook his head with a glare.
“No way, we can’t leave them for a second longer!” His shouting catches the crew’s attention, Robin and Zoro sigh before the green haired man tosses them the papers. “I’ve escaped the Impel Down once and I’ll do it again.”
As the crew root through the papers, crying out in worry at the contents. Luffy turns back towards Saboady, tips his hat back slightly to evaluate the scene behind him. The shouting of his crew and Zoro’s begs for practicality become background noise as he focuses on the carnage they’ll be returning to.
A glimmer on the horizen catches his eye, it’s an explosion. But unlike the others raging on, it seems to glow. He watches it for a moment, distracted by the unusual colors, it reminds him of what you usually wear, the same hue and intensity. He points to the spot, just as it fades another one just like it replaces it, only closer.
“Hey look.” He laughs, Zoro growls and whaps him on the head.
“Hey were you even listening?”
“Nah.” Luffy is at least honest, but his pointing has caught Robin’s attention as well.
“That’s strange, who could be causing that?” She asks and the rest of the crew gather as the dazzling explosions grow closer and closer. Like condensed fireworks.
“I bet it’s them!” Chopper cries out, gripping Robin’s skirt to dry his tears.
“No way, they’re in the worst prison ever! Even Luffy needed help escaping it and he has devil fruit powers!” Ussop argued, but his grip on the railing tightened.
“Whatever it is, it’s coming straight for us!” Sanji warns, shoving himself in front of Nami and Robin.
“He’s right!” Robin shouts as the explosions get closer, becoming larger and more deafening. “Everyone brace for a hit!”
As the crew tense for a strike, Zoro drawing 2 of his swords, Sanji preparing to jump, Chopper growing in size. The spectacular colors sail over them in a chaotic arc.
“Did…did it miss?” Zoro asked, stunned at the blooming display of colors and glitter fallout.
Just as he spoke, the crackling ball of hues lands on the lion head of the Sunny. Several crew members leap forward to strike the intruder, but as the illuminations die away, you stand up.
“You’re here!” Chopper cries again, rushing forward to hug you tightly. Franky and Nami rush to join him.
“Aw don’t tell me y’all were worried!” You grin.
You get passed around from crewmate to crewmate as everyone gets their greeting in. Nami holds your face to her chest as she exclaims her relief. Franky tries to show off his new hair before you’re yanked away. Sanji holds you to his chest as he tells you not to creep on his Nami-Swan. Brook cries out tears -somehow?- and begins strumming his guitar for you. Robin gently cradles your red face as she expresses her gratitude for your arrival. Ussop shakes you vigorously for scaring him both by your lateness and your latest -loudest- entrance. Chopper holds tightly to your back the entire time.
Finally you get deposited in front of Zoro and Luffy, who both grin down at you. Chopper is pulled off your back by Robin, finally. You leap up and hold onto both men’s necks as you cheer.
“Did you miss me?”
Luffy hugs you back even tighter and Zoro doesn’t struggle out of your affection for once.
“What the hell happened for you to end up at Impel Down?” Zoro asked as you let go of him to hold a sniffling Chopper once more.
“The warlord guy sent me to a small jail somewhere off the coast of Thriller Bark. I escaped and attempted to return to Saboady, but along the way I got captured by some human traffickers.” You began, rocking Chopper gently now as the crew gathered around you to listen. “On the boat in my cell I managed to make some bombs and break free.”
“Of course you did, you could make bombs outta toothpaste and sunflower seeds.” Ussop interrupted, a little jealous at your longstanding demolition prowess.
“Anyways, me and the other prisons staged a mutiny of the ship, but the captain intentionally crashed it so that we’d be trapped. The idiot didn’t realize it was on the shores of the worlds securest prison. So I got arrested with them since they recognized me and knew I had a bounty.” You laughed despite how horrified your crew seemed.
“When were you there?” Luffy asked, eyes intense as he watched you.
“Sorry Cap’.” You grin. “I was there a few weeks after you’d already escaped. Wish we could’ve busted out together, it would’ve been cool as hell.” He relaxed a bit, feeling less guilty about your imprisonment.
“Why didn’t you escape then?” Nami asked.
“It’s not so simple, honestly it takes a lot of luck and teamwork to manage that. After Luffy broke out, security increased a lot, at least from what I was told. I tried to stage an escape, but I’m not as charming as our captain so I didn’t get a lot of traction.” You continued.
“Heh sorry bout that.” Luffy grinned sheepishly.
“Not your fault, I guess I’m not a people person.”
“I could’ve told you that.” Ussop threw a loose screw at you, until Nami smacked his head with a scowl.
“Leave them alone!”
“So how did you manage to escape?” Robin asked. “And how were you able to fly in those explosions?”
“After my failed escape attempts, I got sent lower and lower in the jail until I was in level 5. Then I met up with Bentham!” You shouted.
“That guy was in Impel Down?”
You basked in their reactions for moment until you glanced at your captain.
“He’s alive?” Luffy asked.
“Yup, told me to tell you hi.” You smirked, Luffy looked so relieved. “I’d gotten your message by then and was desperate to get stronger. He took me in as my mentor and trained with me. As for my escape, it’s a long story, but let’s just say I managed to make friends with the Jailer Beasts.”
“Woah! Really?!” Luffy was shocked, he’d never thought to try.
“Yup they and Bentham helped me escape. He stayed behind since he’s the new Queen after Ivan left, but he certainly helped me learn how to make a grand entrance.” You posed goofily, while your crew laughed.
“And the flying in sparkles?” Sanji asked.
“Technically not flying,” You said as you unbuckled your belt and thigh harness. There were several pouches there that were filled with sparkling little orbs, the same color as your explosions. “These are something I made by accident, I call them Star Tracers! If you crack the outer coating it creates a large explosion, but in the center it becomes very dense almost like a small stepping stone before it disintegrates completely. So I crack one, then throw it and jump into the cloud of sparkles and land on the step before repeating the process.”
“Wooooooah,” Ussop’s eyes sparkled at your invention. “How’d you manage that?”
“Not sure honestly, I think it’s a chemical reaction to the materials I use, but they’re all pretty common so it was easy to make a bunch. The steps are only tangible for a few moments, so I had to improve my speed, that’s why it looks like I’m flying.” You shrug and let Ussop look over the marbles as the crew starts excitedly speaking.
As the day starts to end and you’re sitting on the head of the Sunny, watching the water around you. Luffy slowly walks up to join you, sitting practically on top of you. The two of you sit for a while in silence, comforting silence after such a crazy day.
“Thanks for waiting for me.” You say sincerely, smiling as he starts to protest, then quiets himself.
“How’d you know I did?” Luffy asked, he’d tried to be subtle, but his worry for you had made him slow their escape.
“Come on, like you’d leave me behind.” You give him a side hug, letting him rest his head on your shoulder. “Plus I remember when you literally launched us out to sea once, you were waaaaaay to slow making your escape today. It was obvious.”
You both laugh as the water grows dark around you, ready for the next day.
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glassrowboat · 2 months
Curled Gloves. Dottore.
Summary: At work, everything seems the same, the same monotony, the same red eyes on you, the same - seriously though, Dottore, can you stop staring?
Authors note: Just me trying to do a character study. Need to learn how to write for this man <(_ _)> Will probably delete later.
Oh, and for those curious, the type of welding reader is doing is called TIG
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Let the puddle build and pull back, keep the nozzle in place for steady gas flow, feed the filler through your fingers with every passing second as you once again dip the rod into the bright orange and red pool the was forming under your hands. Your handiwork.
Don't weave.
Don't press down too much and accidentally increase the heat.
Keep your hands steady.
All something you've done time and time again that this action is so ingrained in your brain it has become second nature. As they say, one can never forget how to ride a bike. Welding is much the same.
So why were you struggling so much today? Well the answer was right there as you moved your foot off the pedal, looming over the work that wasn't even fully done up with a half finished bead as, through your hood, you looked up at the man who was staring you down this entire time.
Dottore. Or Prime. Or whatever you wanted to call him, really. That mask he always donned an unwelcome sight.
He always wore it around the lab, hiding his face away like it was some grand secret that only those must trusted could possibly bear witness to; yet you've seen it all the same. An accident, of course. A bad habit of yours was to forget your keys basically everywhere. Desk? Check. Lunch table? Check. The lab? An unfortunate check that meant coming face to face with a pair of red eyes glaring at you as you quickly ran out.
You never did get your keys then, having to beg the apartment management to let you in.
“You're staring.”
Dottore's head cocked ever so slightly to the side as he asked “is that a problem?”
Oh how you wanted to pop his blueberry head for lingering over you for so long, much alike to when a teacher passes you by during an exam and they make a remark about the test right after staring at your paper. But, it's not like you could. Even if imagining it did help get through the work day as he flitted about. A fly you couldn't wave off buzzing in your ear.
“It is, so stop it.”
“Ordering a harbinger around won't do anything for you, welder. Remember your station as you speak to me.”
That card again. It was enough to have you placing the filler rod down to keep yourself from being tempted to jam it into his ear. Its pointed tip, from being melted down, truly was a tempting sight. And it was like he could read your thoughts, or maybe the twitch of your fingers, as he picked it up. Toying with it between his fingers.
“Your gloves are too big for you. I didn't know you felt the need to use a man’s equipment.”
Your eyes shot down to those yellow gloves, curled from both heat and lack of anything properly filling them out.
“It's all I have.”
“What of the pair you had when you first came here?”
“Caught on fire.”
Dottore's mouth opened only for him to pinch his lips closed.
“I suggest you try and tell me about a lack of equipment. I don't need your work coming out as anything less than I know you're capable of because of something easily fixed.”
Well, he did order you to ‘help’ with building the prototype to that false God project, so it does make sense he trusts what you can do. The project was a pain trying to understand his scribbled notes in the margins; the blueprint itself was readable. He deserves credit for that, at least.
And those yellow gloves, they weren't the ones you used when building the Shiki- No- That's not it. Shouki no Kami baby version.
“Fine, I need smaller gloves.”
There was no ‘now was that so hard’ like you were expecting, no snark (the younger versions of him would have), not even a curl of his lip in satisfaction of winning out this bickering tournament. Just a nod. Just a: “I'll be sure to tack them on to next week's orders.”
“Thank you.”
Plucking the filler rod from his pinched fingers you held it close to the piece you were currently working on, just about to get back to work as he started to make his way to the door. Most likely to head back to the lab proper where all the researchers keep themselves locked away with bottles of chemicals and things of the like.
“And one last thing.” The clicking of his boots stopped, no longer clicking against the tile as he stood before the door to leave. One hand pressed to the handle yet refusing to turn it. “Simply come to me if this incident occurs again. I don't need to find out days or weeks later.”
“Of course, sir.”
“In the meantime, I think it would be best for you to take something else. You can record the stock for me, or there's holes that need to be drilled in the base plate for that project Alpha was never able to finish.”
“Drilling holes with gloves too big for me? That's a good way to get them trapped in the rotary and my finger snapped like a pencil.”
You have heard occasions of it happening to others before, and oh boy, does that not sound fun. Hard pass on that one.
“I will not have you standing around doing nothing when there is work to be done. Time is a valuable asset, welder.”
The door was pushed open as he looked back at you, the faintest sound of the heating from the hallway buzzing in your ears. In here there wasn't really a need for that, not when you could prop the door open and get to work. The job warmed you up well enough.
“Just simply do without them.”
“Do without my gloves?”
That's a good way to get your hands all scratched up. Metal shavings flying in the air weren't exactly screaming ‘this is safe’ to anyone. If anything, that seemed like a great spin on a weapon, something akin to a gun just blasting out bits of sharp metal.
Best to keep that thought in your mind unless you want Dottore getting hyper fixated on something again only to forget about it in a week.
“It is within regulations.”
His boot was already crossing the threshold of the door, leaving you as you threw the gloves off to the side. Useless things they were.
‘Never thought I'd complain about going at it raw, but here we are.’
“And one last thing.”
Taking your hood off you let it fall down to the table before you with a clatter. Your hair is probably a mess, but it mattered little in a place like this when everyone else around you is covered in ash and dirt. Well, besides Dottore of course.
“Next time you come back to the lab late at night without first getting permission, I won't let you simply walk away. Remember that for the next time you leave your keys behind.”
The door closed behind him, leaving you as it suddenly fell quiet. Hum cut off mid cycle of its usual pattern.
In the end, you still wanted to pop his blueberry head, even when the proper sized gloves were there for you to use at the beginning of the next work day.
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littleplantfreak · 7 days
Run my hands through - Umemiya Hajime
Made a post about how much i loved Ume with his hair down yesterday and ended up writing something entirely self indulgent //gestures at this official art too
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-SFW (but almost wasn't I almost got super carried away but deleted it cause I leave smut to the professionals) so uhhh marking/hickeys, hair pulling, makin' out with Umemiya and slightly possessive behavior on readers part but in a silly way if that makes sense just in case anyone has problems with that stuff.
You're looking at him more than usual. Umemiya can feel your eyes boring into the back of his head while he's re-potting plants on the roof. He asked you about it before but all you do is hum and say you think you're staring a normal amount. Of course he doesn't mind, but it feels like he's under a microscope. When he asked Kotoha if she knew why you were acting weird, she shrugged and said you'd were looking at some old pictures at the children's home so maybe you'd just been noting how different he looked in his childhood pictures. She ended it with a look and tone that conveyed you'd already asked her to keep something secret.
It's his hair again. The hair that's always gelled back in a slight wave keeping it out of his face completely. It's not hard to break it free from the glassy prison he molds it into though. There have been plenty of times strands fell forward from sweating, working or fighting, but you've never seen it fully down in person. That's why, when you saw a semi-recent picture of him with his siblings, long hair falling in his face, trimmed neatly with ends blunt, you started to feel a certain way about it. You innocently asked Kotoha if she had any more pictures of Ume like that.
"Like what?"
"Like with his hair down."
"Oho you have a thing for his hair now?" She teases and although you know she won't tell him if you ask her not to, you're still embarrassed at being found out so easily.
"He's my boyfriend! I have a thing for nearly everything about him."
"But anyone can tell you're kinda obsessed with it with how much you fix and touch it throughout the day. Just ask him to wear it down for you."
It's not that you hadn't thought about it, but the more you thought, the more you started getting frustrated. Why didn't he wear it down more often? It seems like he did in old pictures. If he hated it now you didn't wanna force him to change it
Your self control was pretty good, but once you'd started really looking it was impossible to stop. His most recent fight with Shishitoren had haphazard strands in his face dislodged by sweat and aggressive movement. Of course you were concerned with the wounds spanning across his face and body, but another part of you wanted to eat him alive with how good he looked. You're not quite sure you'd be able to stop yourself from jumping him if you saw him with his hair fully down. Sitting in a chair on the roof, you watch him and think about the feeling of running your fingers through his white locks unhindered by that damn tough gel he puts in.
"Pumpkin can you hand me the small pruning sheers to your left?" he calls over without looking over at you.
"Mhmmm," you barely reply still stuck in a daze.
Pruning sheers...
You snap out of the daydreams that'd been haunting you to stand and grab them. Just as you're about to hand them over, Umemiya grasps the wrist with the sheers and pulls gently but firmly to drag you down on the ground with him. He sets the sheers down before taking both your hands in his.
"Something on my face? You've been starin' an awful lot."
"Ahh dirt, if I had to guess," a halfhearted excuse while your brain continued to process things slower than usual.
"Sweetheart baby love of mine," he is all dramatics now stringing pet names together in a silly amalgamation. Once he starts making direct eye contact it's hard to look anywhere else, "you have got to tell me whats going on in that beautiful head of yours. I love the attention but if something's bothering you-"
"It's your hair!" You spit out in a panic, drawing your hands away to cover your face in embarrassment. You can tell he's a little worried and it makes you feel even worse for making a big deal about it.
"My hair bothers you?" He's confused. Of course he is. It isn't something you've brought up in the past after all. He thought you liked his hair since you were always fixing it for him and you do. Your voice is muffled by your hands but he can still understand to a point.
"It looks great and I love it, but I reaaallly wanna see it down," you can hear yourself whining the words instead of saying them normally. "You always have it up when you're at school," taking a deep breath as your hands come off your face to speak more clearly. "I was looking at pictures with Kotoha and they're pretty much all of you with your hair down." Taking a second you twirl one of his loose strands around your finger in lieu of staring again, sincerely embarrassed you let it get to you this bad. He finally puts the pieces together from his conversation with Kotoha earlier.
"Our date night's tomorrow right? I'll wear it down then," he says, letting you mess with his hair. He can see a jolt go through you at his words and you lock eyes with him immediately.
"Really? Really really?" You're just about vibrating in place, grabbing his face with both hands and squishing his cheeks.
"Rweawy rweawy rweawy!" His breath is coming out of his nose in amused puffs due to the quick shift in enthusiasm and your hold on his face.
"I'VE GOTTA GO PICK MY OUTFIT OUT OH MY GOD ILOVEYOUBYE!" A small peck on the nose and you're gone like the wind throwing open the door and running past Sugishita who was on his way up the stairs. The long haired boy looks back at Umemiya with wide, questioning eyes before letting the moment pass, his head dips in the usual greeting before he walks over to do the daily gardening tasks.
“I changed my mind we can’t go out tonight.”
“Babe you’re all dressed up and you were so excited to check out that new restaurant near the park,” Hajime sighs exasperated. You’re in the foyer of his home, hands on both sides of the door frame blocking his escape.
“Not looking like that you aren’t! Do you want every girl in a 20 mile radius to fall for you? The men too? I’ll have to fight every single one of them and of course I’d win but imagine the casualties! The collateral damage!” you cry hanging your head in fake hysterics. Both Kotoha and their other siblings have been watching this two-part comedy special for about 10 minutes now, two minutes of which you just STARED at him. Then you began circling like a hawk looking at him from any and all angles as if to commit it to memory. Then you started laying on the compliments and pick up lines but he could tell you meant every one of them. “Who is this absolute knock out in front of me? Is my boyfriend a model now? Did it hurt when you fell because I’m staring at an angel.”
Which brought you both to the current scene and while you were (for the most part) joking, you also…weren’t. You could and probably are just extremely biased but GOD you think no one could pull off that hair quite so well. Usually it takes a lot to make Umemiya blush, but his face is currently stained red by how brazen you are at the moment. He’s smiling and trying to take it in stride but even Kotoha can tell he’s affected by your display and she's relishing it.
“No more arguing,” he picks you up by the waist and hoists you to him in a hug that leaves your face in his chest and feet off the floor. “We’re heading out now.” He sends a farewell back to your amused audience and the kids yell back a cacophony of teases and calls for their onee-san and onii-san to come back soon. You start muffling unrecognizable words into his shirt before he puts you down as he gets further down the street.
“It would’ve been one of the best ways to die if i’d stayed there a little longer,” you breathe and stumble back a bit.
“You are shameless today,” he laughs and goes to hold your hand. Anyone watching you both can tell you're grossly in love by the dreamy look on your face as you watch him while you walk down the street. You realize now that this is the first time in about two weeks you have him to yourself, which may be why you've been clingier than normal. Every time either of you tried to schedule date night with the other, someone or something came up and made you push date night back.
Going two weeks without any prolonged physical contact (save for hello and goodbye hugs or kisses) with your boyfriend has made you starved for him in every way your brain can fathom, which is why it isn't surprising that you end up dragging him through the park to an alcove you know isn't traveled to often. It also isn't surprising when you sit him down on the bench bracing a knee next to him, and pinning him loosely in place. He doesn't say a word, but tilts his head up slightly angled in favor of you closing the distance, daring you with those stormy grey eyes.
Your hands find their way easily to the soft ivory of his hair, delving deeper to twist and pull him in. Caught between a sigh and a moan, Umemiya Hajime is melting into you, lines blurring and nerves on fire. His hands fumble to grab the thigh closest to him as he moves you to straddle him. You haven't let up on your assault on his senses, fingers loosening their hold to rub small circles into his scalp.
Is this how you feel when he goes all out after stress starts to take it's toll on him? Now that he thinks about it he's always been the one to initiate this kind of thing, but god he would've asked you to take the lead sooner if he knew it felt this good. Heartbeat thrumming through his hands, he runs them in a soothing pattern from the top of your hip to you knee giving your legs the occasional extra squeeze.
A wave of calm shifts the clouds filling your head out as you have an idea. Parting from him briefly you start kissing and mouthing your way down to the collar of his shirt. He squeezes your thighs harder as your breath ghosts his neck and you give it a few experimental nips before cooling the spot with your tongue. He's trying to stifle a high pitched noise in the back his throat but once you hear it you latch on biting and sucking a single bright red mark. A soft breath over your work before you sit back to admire it. The mark peeks out just enough for you to see it right now but low enough that when he's wearing his furin jacket, he'll be able to hide it.
"That was-," you start, still breathless.
"Wow," he voice cracks at the same time. His eyes are a little wild but his hair is even wilder, sticking up in some directions and falling flat in others. Giving a small tap on his arm he releases the deathgrip he had on you before his eyes stick right to where he had been holding. Blue bruises are scattered over both legs where his fingers were, but they're just barely hidden once you fix your dress.
"Guess we're uh...even?" you're suddenly bashful at what was probably the same type of stare you've been giving him for a week straight now. Umemiya runs his own hands through his hair trying to catch his breath and make himself a little more presentable too.
"No way are we close to being even you little monster. After dinner I'm getting you back," and you can tell he's not bluffing.
"I'm shaking in my shoes Haji," you shot back feeling a bit more like yourself as you go to grab his hand. He moves towards you but you end up spun around and he picks you up for the second time that night, this time settled on carrying you bridal style.
"Put me down," you squeak in warning, the skirt of your dress no longer hiding the fresh bruises.
"This is part of your punishment sweetheart. Also, no one's coming after me if I carry you around like a princess right?" It was hard to argue with that logic and to be fair, despite your earlier boldness your legs ended up weak. He had probably seen the shaky steps you took towards him a second ago.
Both of you got to the restaurant in time despite the detour and the next day you were sporting a hoodie to hide the payback you took happily after.
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eggyrocks · 1 month
bruised bonus -> seven years back
♪ now playing: sheet city by mannequin pussy ♪
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Her phone buzzes, and she groans.
Iwaizumi sits crossed-legged on the floor of his bedroom, homework spread out in front of him. She is lying upside down on his bed, head hanging over the edge, tips of her hair touching his bedroom floor. "He won't stop fucking texting me," she complains, holding the small black phone above her head, scowling at the screen.
"Yeah," says Iwaizumi, his attention split between her and his trigonometry. "Well he is your boyfriend, so makes sense."
This does nothing but illicit a further groan from her. "Dating is so embarrassing," she mumbles, thumbs pressing down against the keys of her phone rapidly. "I wish he'd just break up with me already."
Inexplicably, Iwaizumi feels nauseous. "Why don't you just break up with him instead?"
"Spite," she replies, and then the small phone slips between her fingers and plummets down to smack her directly in the face. "Oh fuck!"
"You're gonna break your face if you're not careful," Iwaizumi warns, trying to sound concerned, but it comes off as disingenuous when his words are accompanied by light laughter.
She rubs the middle of her forehead with the palm of her hand. "My face is already broken, dick."
That's true. Iwaizumi has gotten used to the plethora of bruises and cuts and scabs and twisted bones and cartilage. It's almost hard to picture her without them. He can't recall her face unscathed. When he tries to remember it, he pictures a much younger version of her, grinning brightly to reveal a missing tooth and slipping bug's down Oikawa's shirt.
There's a buzz in his pocket, and Iwaizumi fishes out his own phone, sliding it open to see a new message from Kyotani: are you with my gf rn? He rolls his eyes. Iwaizumi hates when he calls her that. "Now your stupid boyfriend is texting me."
She gives him a light hum in response. "Yeah, we're arguing over you."
Iwaizumi flinches. "Why the hell are you arguing over me?" he questions, and his heart thumps erratically. He deletes the message and slides his phone back into his pocket. "Keep me out of your dumb relationship."
"Don't feel too special, we argue over everything," she grumbles, arms going limp on either side of her head. Her eyes trace over the spread of assignments he has on the floor. Iwaizumi hasn't made any real progress in the last thirty or so minutes, he keeps getting distracted. "Hey, can I copy that when you're done?"
Iwaizumi twists a chunk of eraser off the end of his pencil and flicks it towards her face. It bounces off her nose. "No, do your own homework for once."
She opens her mouth to respond, but is cut off by a knock on the door. Iwaizumi's mother doesn't wait for a response before she's pushing it open. The knock is always more of a courtesy than anything.
His mother is a small, compact woman who is able to command an entire room with a slight narrowing of her eyes. Iwaizumi blames her genetics for the reason he can't break one-eighty centimeters. He also blames her for his slight temperament issues.
She catches sight of the familiar form that's always somewhere in her house (holed up in Iwaizumi's room, sprawled out in the living room, eating from their fridge) and sighs. "What are you still doing here? It's late."
She just grins in response. "Yeah, but you guys just like me so much better here."
Iwaizumi's mother gives her son a look. He knows what it means, and in response, he just gives her a loose shrug. She rolls her eyes at him, and steps towards her perpetual house guest.
She reaches down and cups her face by the chin, using her fingers to squeeze her cheeks together. "I don't know why you have to ruin your pretty face with such a violent sport," she remarks, taking note of a particularly nasty bruise that makes her left eye harder to keep open. "When's your next match?"
"Next Saturday," she replies, words coming out muffled between her bunched up cheeks.
Iwaizumi's mother nods, and releases her face, lightly tapping the side of her cheek before she steps away. "Come over before, and I'll braid your hair for you," she instructs and as she's halfway out the door, says, "Be gone by midnight."
The door closes behind her. Iwaizumi scoffs, and returns his attention back to his incomplete homework. "She loves you way too much."
She flips over onto her stomach and crosses her arms beneath her. "Whatever. I'm glad someone does," she says, laying her cheek flat on her arm, watching him pretend to study.
Iwaizumi loves her. He's always loved her. He hasn't said it as much lately, but it hasn't changed. The new presence of Kyotani in her life has changed a few things, though, just a bit.
Iwaizumi has yet to voice just how much he hates this.
"Hey Haji," she says, and he looks up at her. "You'll come next Saturday, right?"
He nods. "Of course. I said I would, didn't I?"
"Just checking," she replies. "It's better for me, y'know. When you're around."
Iwaizumi doesn't say anything to this. He just shakes his head, trying to ignore the heat rising up his neck, and buries his face in his work.
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an: im so nostalgia pilled you can ripped haikyuu being set in the early 2010s from my cold dead hands ok yn was texting on a BLACKBERRY and iwaizumi had one of those little fuckers that would slide up and then also slide to the side whatever the fuck they were called ok fuck iphones !!!!!
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @hikikaimar @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @makkir0ll @cr4yolaas @k8nicole @cannibalsrider @bookworm-center @causenessus @frootloopscos @ekeio @michivrse @phoenix-eclipses @hermaeusmorax @milkwithspiceyicecubes @anonnreader777 @mehreya @kmwife @rrosiitas @riousluvs @zhonglism @ryeyeyer @faesix @milesmoralesluvs @bae-ashlynn @um-no-ok (complete form in masterlist to be added)
please note, if i have been unable to tag you the past few chapters, you were removed from the taglist. please double check ur settings and username and fill out form again
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sturnprime · 3 months
SOMETHING ABOUT YOU, chris sturniolo 🩵
from h ꨄ︎ ⎯
this is honestly a oneshot i had written on wattpad a long time ago but i deleted it and then thought why not post it here because i absolutely adore this song.
gonna make a taglist + masterlist soon !
i hope you love it 🩵
THE SOFT HUM of the music seemingly blurs into the conversation they are indulging in, with the specific words coating the air yet falling short to their ears as a result of their attentiveness towards one another. though quiet and in some cases missed, they never fail to provide a sense of tranquillity nevertheless. the windows surrounding them are decorated in the breath of winter, mist painting across the glass as though an intricate design across a canvas. the cold air appears to settle there perfectly, cosying into the gaps and making itself at home but in a way, overpowered by the radiance supplied by the heater of the car that engulfs them. the air smells of a breeze and when they breathe in, they can almost taste the lingering frost that ever so delicately wraps itself around the houses nearby. it is, all in all, a comforting scene to be ensnared in.
the sound of a laugh vibrates through the vehicle before it settles in the atmosphere in a minimal buzz of contentment. it's bright smiles and flushed cheeks all around and it's perfect. chris reaches his hand out slowly to tuck a stray hair from amara's face and when his fingertips brush against her skin, it's as though she's on fire. it's a clear contrast with the climate and in some cases considered dangerous but she allows the heat to slip into every crevice inside of her, running the course of her body flawlessly until the redness in her cheeks is no longer a friend of the coldness but rather, a greeter to the affection.
the traffic light ahead shifts from the glowing red to a shade of amber before at last turning green and chris begins driving once more, his fingers strumming against the steering wheel to the sound of the music filling his ears. as always, his eyes subconsciously drift to his girlfriend beside him and the mere sight of her is enough to plant a smile onto his face. once she spots the smile, it's as though her lips move against her own will as she too smiles, her plump lips meandering beautifully as she stares at his side profile. he looks like home and his presence feels like familiarity so she continues to stare as they continue to their destination.
the rest of the journey is silent but it's the sort of silence that feels like a dozen words are said through eyes and expressions. the seconds pass by and turn into minutes ever so quickly and before they know it, they have arrived at the valet. frankly, the drive is short but their occasional stops and exchanges make it appear much further, not that either of them minds anyway. the simple fact that they have one another through the twists and turns of the roads, through the bumps in the gravel; it is all enough to cast aside any doubt and exhaustion from the route.
small interactions with the valet owner pass and once chris is ensured his car is in safe hands for cleaning, he laces his fingers with amara's and allows the warmth to shoot through him. through the intertwining, there simply is no else around them. he pays no mind to anything, not a single individual that passes by nor the trees that hang tall and bare, he merely keeps his undivided attention on her as she continues to ramble about something or the other. he watches in admiration as her free hand gestures around as she speaks passionately, as her nose crinkles whenever she comes across a topic she dislikes and the way her smile sprouts widely when she is happy. she truly is nothing short of mesmerising and he easily allows himself to get soaked into the whirlwind that is her existence.
"i've been seeing it everywhere and madi said it was good so that counts for everything. it's literally five minutes from here so we have to go while we wait," she tells him as she stirs them in the correct direction and chris goes because of course he's going to follow her.
they go wherever one another goes and it's always been that way, long before their hearts had even come to the realisation that they longed for each other. and so, he follows and he doesn't for a second doubt where she is leading him as he's more than positive he's in safe hands. how can he not be when her thump swipes against the back of his hand continuously, albeit a small touch but enough to expand his heart over a dozen times in size? he meets her thumb halfway and their touches linger, connecting and merging until they're sure they won't ever come apart again. soft presses of assurance and gentle swipes of love; it is all showing each other they're not alone. it's a touch of i got you and i'm going with you.
he doesn't even have to think twice about where they're going, her excitement is enough for him to agree in an instance. their fingers remain knitted together as they walk, even the cold air unable to weave its way between them. it's this miniature, intimate bubble around them that they've created and no one or nothing is perforating it.
"what exactly is it?" he asks because he can tell she's euphoric and wants to speak more about it and well, her voice is a melody he can play forever and ever.
"it's like a little café that's open pretty much all the time and there's this really cute fireplace in the seating area and apparently they have best champagne that people have tried!" she smiles at him as she speaks and he smiles back, eyes squinting in the corner at the genuineness.
and before he can ask any more questions, he notes they have already arrived. there's something about the place that neither of them can quite place their finger on but it instantly feels welcoming, as though stepping into your home after a long, tiresome day and being able to sink into the comfort of your covers. the outside is decorated in snowflakes that fit with one another with no difficulty, the intricate designs so very clear and pointing at the deck just in front of the door. the deck houses fake flowers but the scent somehow smells real, the flora wafting up their noses in efficient waves. the door to the café is also painted in snowflakes with a blue OPEN sign staring straight at them, the border glowing in the babiest of blues.
the seats are like blankets, warm and fluffy and chris pulls amara's seat so it's closer to his. she pecks his cheek lightly as a means of response and suddenly he finds himself wanting to repeat his actions again and again. instead, he connects their hands because that's always been their thing hasn't it? it's for them and no one else and they adore it. the physical touch fills them up and it always has done so. it's a small action but means to them more than they can begin to explain in words. but then again, they don't need to explain it because it in fact belongs to them and that's what makes it so heartwarming.
"you were right, this place looks fucking amazing," chris comments as his eyes wander around, trying to take in absolutely everything because he doesn't want to miss anything, not even for a second.
"i told you and we even came when basically no one else is here; that's like the best experience," she nods her head as she watches him look around.
he looks so at ease with his surroundings and it in turn makes her feel at ease. his eyes are glimmering with this sense of pure captivation and she finds herself grinning to no one in particular. the tide in his eyes seems to swirl with each glance he takes and she strangely wants to jump into the water so she can be even closer to him. her thoughts lead to her pressing a kiss to his knuckles which then makes him snap out of his trance. he smiles widely at her and god, she is so in love with him, it almost hurts.
no more words can be exchanged because a waiter approaches them to take their order and well they aren't really hungry, having just eaten a bit ago, so they order champagne, interacting a little with the man who compliments them multiple times before at last departing.
there's something so easy about existing with each other. it's like being together is as easy as breathing and at times, their oxygen is being supplied by one another. they're breathing the oxygen in and not even for a moment does the supply seem to run out. it's love that suffocates them yet instead of attempting to get out, they let it close in on them. it's hauntingly bewitching because the love is indeed a lot but at the same time, a lot feels just right when it comes to their love.
as anticipated, the champagne doesn't take long at all to arrive. the champagne glasses have a golden rim and the bubbling fills their ears, deeply reflecting the bubbling feeling in their stomachs as they look to one another. the affect they have on one another never changes, despite how many months and years pass in their relationship. it's like the spark decides to keep burning brighter, the flame decides to grow and the heat just gets hotter. every little moment feeds into the fire until the element encases their entire beings.
chris sips on it and he can't deny how amazing it tastes and when he notices amara waiting for his reaction, he just enjoys it that much more, telling her about it instantly, "you've got good taste mara."
she smirks in response as she takes a sip for herself, "of course i do, i never doubted myself for even a second."
"cough arrogant cough," he pretends to clear his throat and cough and she swats his arm playfully, shaking her head at his words.
"am i wrong though? did you doubt me christopher?" she continues, a teasing grin playing at her lips that chris honestly just wants to kiss more than ever.
"and what if i did doubt you amara?" he retorts in the same tone, making the two of them laugh briefly, the sound travelling straight to the heart and piling up alongside the other moments of laughter they have shared many times before.
"that doesn't answer my question idiot," she informs him matter-of-factly, shaking her head at him once more but never departing the satisfied expression from her face.
"of course i didn't doubt you stupid, i never do," he at last says and at that, she just can't help but connect their lips together.
it feels correct, just like everything else with them. it's a sweet kiss, not rushed or exactly passionate but filling them with the same feelings nonetheless. the butterflies still erupt inside of them and the feeling of their lips together makes their hearts soar, fast beating at the contact. they're thankful no one is around them to see but to be frank, even if there were, part of them knows they wouldn't care much anyway. it's never bothered them before because as established, when they are together, everyone else disappears. it's just them and no one else. when his hand moves to hold her face, she leans into it and their synchronised movements create a moment of serenity.
they pull away after a few moments, mirroring expressions with rosy tints ensnaring their faces and ears. chris nudges her side and she nudges him back and they settle there, drinking the champagne and talking about whatever comes to mind. the silence in the café around them should be alarming but it just makes them feel even greater because they can be themselves and they're always their greatest selves when they are together and alone.
they don't leave for a while, relishing in their solitude and the solace the café brings them for what it is but when they do eventually leave, it isn't with regrets or doubts. they do things without looking back because they tend to believe something forward could potentially be even greater. their hands are still linked, their strides match naturally and their laughter spills out of them as though it is second nature.
the car is ready for them at the valet and they linger there for a while, distracting themselves in their positions until they realise they are standing around in a place where that isn't exactly deemed normal. sheepishly making their way inside the car, a rush of adrenaline swipes through them as they drive around the city and at every red light, chris takes her in. his eyes roam her face and his ears swallow her laugh because he's unable to do anything but. she looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl he's ever seen. she's so effortless in the beauty she holds and even sitting near her makes his heart hammer in his chest. she looks like she's from the cover of a magazine, posing for a shot though truth is, she's only existing and so, he loves existing with her.
"are we going back to mine or yours?" she asks him after a while, fiddling with his hand that rests on her thigh as he drives mindlessly.
"well your bed is more comfortable," he beams at her and she laughs at him but it doesn't really matter to her, so long as they are together.
"you're just saying that because you want breakfast in bed again," she returns and he smirks at her.
"that wasn't even on my mind. i was just thinking about how it's so nice waking up next to you but if you're offering..." he trails off and she tugs on his finger roughly, making him yelp dramatically.
"okay okay, i'll make you breakfast in bed," he decides and now she's even more against the idea.
"yeah and then i'll get food poisoning and die and you'll have to live without me forever and regret the fact that you made breakfast and killed your girlfriend until the day you die," she goes on and he shakes his head at her, rubbing circles on her hand softly.
"god you have this all planned don't you?" he chuckles as they turn the street, parking in the driveway.
"mhm, it's going to make the news and everyone's going to remind you of it daily," she proceeds as she steps out the car, cuddling against his side as they walk and humming in satisfaction when he wraps his arm around her.
"well i'm gonna love you till i'm dead so that means i have to die first," he leads her inside, wrapping his arms around her waist and clinging onto her as they walk to the living room before collapsing onto the couch.
"woah so if i die first, you're going to stop loving me?" she gasps dramatically and he throws a cushion at her face with a small huff of disbelief.
and after that, it's continued playful conversations and acting as though they're offended when it's practically impossible to be as such. even with their little bickering, they still remain ever so closely together and there's just something about it that makes them feel so alive and free. this is forever, not temporary, more than a fling and they never want it to be anything but. so, as the hours of the night waste away and consume them, their contentment stays and it doesn't disappear when they drift off to sleep or when they wake up the next morning because all that's on their minds is the speciality that is the person beside them. it's something they can't comprehend in the slightest yet one look to the other ultimately screams something about you.
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echobx · 3 months
broken heart (2) - a JJ Maybank blurb
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summary: JJ gets confronted by his friends
warnings: swearing(?)
word count: 509
author's note: @immyowndefender asked for a pt2 and I honestly still don't know where this is going, but I'm happy to find out. still not really edited, only spell checked.
part 1
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“Where's y/n?” John B asked and JJ just shrugged.
“I don't know. We stopped talking after last time.”
It could be described like a shockwave that went through the group of friends. Y/n and JJ not talking to each other was unheard of. It never happened. Not once in all the years the seven of them had been friends.
“What do you mean you do talk anymore?” Kiara asked tentatively.
“We had a fight and now she doesn't wanna talk to me, that's it,” JJ rolled his eyes, uncertain why they were all so weird about it.
“What’you do?” John B was stern as he posed the question, more precisely, he demanded to know it because he knew his best friend too well.
“It’s not my fault she's so stuck up about it,” JJ muttered, not wanting to actually repeat the words he had thrown at you in a fit of rage.
“Stuck up about what, JJ?” Kie urged and he started to fidget with his lighter. For some reason he was fully aware of the fact that they wouldn't be on his side with this one, and he didn't want to see it actually happen. To see their heads turn and be against him, because that's how everyone always acted towards him. Everyone but them. And you.
But he had already fucked it up with you and he thought no matter what he would say, it wouldn't help. Drafting text after text at night when he couldn't find sleep and deleting all of them again.
He had never been good at owning up to his mistakes in an adult way, to say sorry and mean it, and not just to get someone to stop annoying him over it.
“JJ?” Pope's eyebrows were lifted to the sky as he stared his friend down. With a small scrunch of his nose, JJ sat up in his seat but his eyes were still fixed downward on the lighter in his hands.
“Told her to quit fussin’ and all, ‘cause she got no reason to. Is not like we're together or anything,” he mumbled and his heart squeezed a little at the confession.
“God, you're dumb,” Sarah exhaled a quick laugh before slapping her hand in front of her mouth as if she hadn't meant to say it at all.
“No, he is,” Pope shook his head. “Every guy she was ever interested in, you threatened them and then she stopped to look for anyone else because clearly there has to be a reason for it. And then you say shit like that to her?”
“None of them were good enough,” JJ replied subdued, his heart pounding heavily as he tried to piece it all together but it still didn't quite make sense to him.
“Just go an’ apologize to her, man,” Cleo sighed.
“And say what?” JJ snapped, a little harsher than he had intended to, but they didn't care about it much.
“The truth,” John B told him, slapping JJ’s shoulder and pulling him up to stand. “Go!”
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
part 3
taglist: @ijustwantttoread
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kaulitzhotel · 11 months
could i req tom x yn
so basically reader is apart of tokio hotel and they all go on a road trip somewhere, anyways tom and yn are sat together at the very back of the car and she falls asleep in his arms (if that makes sense) and tom js decides to fall asleep holding yn and the rest of the band takes pictures and doesn’t stop teasing them once they wake up and get there. sorry if it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense!!
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Synopsis: You and the band go on a road trip to San Francisco and all of you are exhausted from getting up so early. You and Tom sit in the back and fall asleep in each other arms. The other members take advantage... (2008 or 2013 your choice!)
Content: Fluff
Notes: Here you go!
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Tired of this road trip
“Noo!” I groaned as I lay in bed not wanting to get up. “We have to be there by 10, so let's go.” Tom pulled me off the bed by the leg.
“Please just a few more minutes.” I try gripping our bed.
“What is going on here?” Bill walked into the room. Tom and I froze in place and Bill had a puzzled face, “I'm not going to assume but we have to leave now. We can't be late!”
Bill left the room and Tom picked me up. “I'm tired.” I whined.
“We can sleep in the bus but we have to get ready first.”
After getting ready
I got on the bus and sloped down on the seat. This was going to be a long road trip. Tom came over looking fine as ever. “Hey, hot stuff,” I mumbled.
He winked at me and sat right next to me.
“You ready to see the fans?”
“Always.” I said.
The engine of the bus started and we were on our way to San Francisco. I leaned on Tom's shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me. I wrap mine tight around his torso. I took in his perfume it was light enough to not make my head hurt. I look up to peek at his face and his eyes were closed. I smile at his relaxed face and leaned against him with my head on his chest. I drifted off to my happy place.
3rd point of view
Georg crept up in the back and saw both of you guys snuggled up.
“Guys, check this out.” He called out to the other members.
Gustav laughed as soon as he saw you guys. Bill took out his phone and started taking selfies. They all started taking pictures and videos up close to your faces. They even did a little blog about you guys. There were some funny comments here and there and it was the perfect time to take advantage since you both are never close around them. They quietly left and went to go laugh about in the front.
When you made it to the destination - Your point of view
I woke up when I felt the bus not move on the bumpy ground. I was laid down completely on the seat but Tom was gone. I got over to the front to see where everyone had gone. Bill and Georg we're standing at the doorway outside the bus. Gustav stared at me and then at Tom. Tom's face was somewhat pink and he didn't look at me.
“Enjoyed your nap?” Bill asked me.
“What's going on.” I ignored Bill's question.
“What do you mean? We love our love birds being so cute!” Georg handed me his phone.
I blinked a few times and it was me and Tom in the video. Georg took his phone back before I could do anything.
“Delete that right now.” I stare at them wanting to rip their heads off.
“Never. Let's make a run for it.” Gustav said and they all started running away.
I look over to Tom, “You ready?”
“Hell yeah.”
And we went after them as they were laughing their asses off.
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voxaholic · 3 months
Character Info For My Bojack Inspired Human Au
Hollywood Losers Au
Val & Vox
-Hollywood’s messiest on and off couple of just about 20 years
-extremely codependent: Val makes messes, Vox cleans them up, that’s how they work
-Vox has a shit ton of spyware on all Val’s phones and a tracker on his car and it’s only partially out of insane possessiveness. Vox’s creepy bullshit has saved Val’s life on occasion 
-“Did you hide my fucking guns, Vox?” “Yes! And the fact that you’re even looking for them right now means I’m really glad I did!”
-Met on a set when Vox was still an actor and have been making each other miserable ever sense
-Gossip rags love them. Every piece of info about them is insane
-There are at least three twitter accounts keeping track of whether they are on or off again
-Neither of them would classify the relationship as abusive but from the outside observer, it definitely is
-Val is under the assumption that Vox is happy with their status quo and Vox is, until he isn’t 
-Velvette thinks one of them is going to end up killing the other eventually 
-they get into a lot of very physical fights. Vox usually comes out worse for wear
-see when a person with a disorganized attachment style and someone with an anxious attachment style get into a situationship…
-43 but still lives and dresses like he’s in his early 20s
-semi washed-up actor that got his start on some sort of law and order-esque tv show
-has bleached and dyed his poor hair far beyond repair but it is still hanging in there somehow
-has had six PR managers quit on him over the last year and a half alone
-personal life goal is to do every drug once
-trying to fill the hole in his heart with hedonism. he thinks it’s working (it is not)
-self identified queer icon
-lots and lots of shallow acquaintances/fuck buddies, very few people he would consider close
-interested in the concept of a pet but every pet he’s ever had has either died of neglect or been taken in by Vox
-outward narcissism hides a deep yawning insecurity that he’s not even fully aware of
-self sabotages a lot
-likes to be taken care of and babied but only by Vox
-retweets his own callout posts on twitter (Vox deletes the retweets but screenshots exist)
-afraid of committing himself to anything
-45 and dresses like it
-greying early (he says it’s because of Val and Val thinks he’s joking. he isn’t)
-officially Val’s agent but also unofficially, his pr manager because every actual hired PR manager keeps quitting 
-a fake bitch who doesn’t give a shit about 99% of people
-unfortunately once he starts giving a shit about someone he can’t really stop giving a shit
-has run several financial scams
-has done so much white collar crime
-gotten Val off for so much shit, like really, so much fucking shit
-briefly a child actor. it ended badly 
-apathetic about most things outside of work but fakes it well enough 
-always has like 18 different side projects going
-wants to marry Val to finally get some sense of stability in their relationship
-a control freak who needs to know what Val is up to 24/7
-the one who cooks in the relationship. he’s not good at it and Val complains constantly about how bland his food is but he still eats it
-has a blue pitbull puppy named Vark who he loves like a son
-he’s THAT type of dog dad
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azulsluver · 11 months
HI i lovve ur writing and i saw that requests were open, so can u do hcs on an au where yandere azul falls in love with a siren and traps her in a cage or smth?i hope i was clear enough! Feel free to delete this if it didn't make sense or ir simply not in the mood to do it! That's all, have a great day/night!
Collecting you all like Pokémon(`皿´ ) Ty for the compliment!!!
Also I’m unsure on what AU you’re trying to specify so stop by my inbox after reading this.
tw. yandere, isolation/imprisonment, kidnapping, force feeding, stalking.
Authors note♛ requested fem!reader.
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Sirens are said to be beautiful creatures who allure their victims with songs. I can see Azul being one of them but he had a trick up his sleeve.
For Azul to fallen for a Siren is unlikely because he tends to stray away from them. Besides the old tales of their culture Sirens are naturally feared creatures in the sea. So you were most likely outcasted as much as Azul.
Another scenario could be you were one of the more popular kids that used to pick on him, you just so happen to be caught in his hands once he recognized who you were.
Azul has you locked up in a cage for a good reason, you’re very hostile and have a lot of fight in you. He’s sure to overpower you but he wouldn’t wanna risk it. Often times when he’s feeling mean he would request for you to sing him a song.
You are given proper meals everyday, to make sure you aren’t starving yourself he goes through interesting measures to make sure you’re well fed. He has no problem prying your mouth open as you’re secured around his tentacles. Shutting your mouth if you dare bite him or spit it out, his other tentacle will help you swallow by massaging your throat gently.
Sirens have powerful shrieks as much as their songs. Azul could have made a potion where he is immune to your magic, or worst case scenario—he takes away your voice.
Your cage is large enough to fit a shark in a aquarium. You have plenty of space to swim around yet restricted exploration. Azul placed you in a area where trinkets and coins he collected are decorated. His most prize possessions all safe and sound.
You don’t have anyone else to talk to. There are no fish or merpeople besides Azul. Everyday, sometimes since he does leave for important matters. But he always come back with new things for you. Expensive jewelry and even bras laced with silver.
If you ever wish to be free from the cage Azul needa see some progress in submission. That means no bitting him, he already had Floyd to deal with. And once you’ve gained Stockholm syndrome do you earn your freedom. Under close supervision, you’re a missing person after all and Azul wouldn’t dare slip up.
There is a possibility Azul had been stalking you since he was a child. At first it was out of revenge. Seeing what you did and how he can make you fail didn’t go as plan. Instead he’s stalked you even on land, school was important yes but he had people that owe him report back on what exactly you were doing. Having spend time up in land did he find the perfect cage for you<3
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
shiggy with a chubby partner | shigaraki tomura
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synopsis ↬ headcanons of shiggy's love for his chubby significant other
warnings ↬ swearing, 18+ suggestive themes, this is seperated into different section, use of 'girl' here and there, some mention of self-esteem issues but you can skip over it if you don't want to read it
pairing ↬ chubbychaser!shiggy x chubby!fem!reader
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hi, welcome to my tedtalk. today i will be presenting why shigaraki tomura would love to have a chubby/plus-size partner. this isn't to make up lies, shiggy likes his girls chubby and that's final. once i started thinking, it all made sense...
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Tomura has a thing for chubby girls who are immune to his quirk, you can't change my mind. I think he's someone who has always been cautious of touching other people because of his quirk and probably doesn't want to harm people he cares about.
So, if he learns he can't make you decay, he would go crazy over you. Feeling your skin against his fingertips becomes his drug, he'll do it all the time. I think he is someone who doesn't care about what his partner looks like because he has his own insecurities with his body. He follows the principle "don't judge a book by its cover".
Shiggy wouldn't care if you have acne, stretch marks, freckles, blemishes, or eczema — this guy does not care. He's very accepting of people regardless of their appearance. I think he would be a place of comfort if you ever had any insecurities. He knows the right words to say and make you feel better because of his own experiences.
Shiggy knows the feeling of not fitting in or having the world against him. Look at the people in the League of Villians. Although I'm not completely familiar with some of their backstories, I know that Toga had to repress part of her identity and quirk in order to appease her parents. Touya is similar to Shiggy in the sense that they both had fathers who neglected them emotionally in order to fulfill their own agendas. Jin was alone and rejected by society to the point where he turned to clones of himself in order to fill his void.
Shiggy invited them into a space where they wouldn't need to worry about the opinions of others. They were free to be whoever they wanted without worrying about judgment. There is no way that he wouldn't accept his partner or ostracize her insecurities as flaws.
He craves touch, physical communication, and being loved. Remember when All For One helped him during his origin story? Society rejected him solely based on his appearance, people ignored a helpless child. The first thing AFO offered him was a helping hand and a hug after being outcasted by everyone. This guy craves touch; he wants to touch and be touched by someone.
Let's return to my point about why he'll like chubby girls and people immune to his quirk. Shiggy does not care about your size; the more, the better. It's not even perverted, he just wants to feel your flesh between his fingers. Does he care that you're bigger than him? No, there's more for him to hold.
Being able to fully touch someone without worrying about his quirk is something that I think he would enjoy. He won't even need to wear his stupid gloves; he could get off on the feeling of his palm massaging your squishy thighs.
Shiggy is in love with your tummy and your arms. He doesn't know why you always insisted on wearing long-sleeves or baggy clothing when he was around, but he doesn't push too much. It's your body and your choice, he's okay with it as long as you are.
It wasn't until one summer day when he saw you with a dark hoodie on while you were sweating bullets. Now, he's concerned. He asks why you're wearing that when it's scorching outside and you confess to him about your insecurities. You're worried he might dislike your stretch marks and hate showing your arms too much. Shiggy's staring at you like "...have you seen my skin?"
When you two are alone, he manages to convince you to wear something lighter and show off your arms. Shiggy can't help but want to touch and caress your body, peppering kisses along your arms and shoulders until you relax. He gives you constant affirmations that your body is stunning; Shiggy will do anything to build up your confidence and teach you not to care about what others think. He'll dust anybody that says mean stuff to you, the most overprotective boyfriend.
You might be too scared to let him see your stretch marks but he's so infatuated by them, not in a bad way. He'll trace along the marks and lines before asking why you're insecure about them; Shiggy thinks they look like waves along your skin, each one is so unique.
Shiggy can't help but be the bigger spoon when you guys cuddle, he just loves having your body close to him. His arm is always safely wrapped around your tummy as he inhales your scent and drifts to sleep. Shiggy loves to knead your skin and sides whenever you cuddle, it always reminds him that you won't decay.
He always uses your chest as a pillow; in fact, you'll probably turn into his own personal pillow, he literally can't sleep without you. When he's playing games or watching TV, he loves to rest his head in your lap or chest while you braid his hair.
Shiggy loves to give and receive hugs. Whenever he hugs you, his arms will engulf you in his embrace as he plants kisses along your forehead, cheeks, and neck. Please give him lots of hugs back, his survival depends on physical affection. He loves your cheeks so much, it's his favorite place besides your lips. He'll give them so many pinches, although they sting. Nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck whenever he's sad or just wants attention.
Shiggy is so observant of your behavior and mood, it's scary. He might not act so considerate to others, but with you, he's your servant. This man depends on your love and affection so much that he'd sulk any time you were mad at him. He loves buying you gifts, especially clothes and things that go with any hobbies you have.
At first, you're a bit skeptical when you see him come home with bags from the mall. When you try them on, they fit perfect — this guy has been memorizing your sizes, where you buy clothes, and your favorite style.
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𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 is a chest man, you can't change my mind. Whether you have none or big ol' bitties, he doesn’t care. Somehow his hands always find themselves to your chest, they’re his stress relievers. He’s so heavy on nipple play; it doesn’t matter where he is, his hands always manage to slip under your shirt and graze along your hardened buds. Decays your bra and shirt because they’re always in the way — you’re immune to his quirk but not your clothes…
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 might not have experience — you were probably his first — but any position that gives him control and let’s him get a nice view of your body is best. Traditional missionary, c0wg1rl, mating press, divide and conquer.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 doesn’t care, he just wants to feel your flesh in his palms. Just wants something to wrap his fingers around, grab. Something tells me he would love choking, to be choked and to choke. Loves to grab your chest for support as he’s pounding on top of you. He will literally get off from watching your body jiggle with each of his thrusts.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 loves to hold down your thighs, pressing them firmly and close to your tummy while his tongue plays with your swollen clit. His hands glide upwards across your thick thighs, caressing your tummy as he moans into your heat at the taste.
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑!𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐘 is obsessed with you skin, simply because he can touch, feel, and grasp it — I know I’ve said this already, but I really NEED to emphasize. Shiggy is obsessed with fingering… just the feeling of your gummy tight walls clenching around his fingers drives him crazy.
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thank you for reading my presentation/rant. have a wonderful day
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