#but i always forget which colour means which xD
haltijakapala · 1 year
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Doing some self-indulgent elf arts, because I need more elves in my life...
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tyrannosaurusrexxi · 24 days
Furries I Need Help!
Wild starting phrase I'm aware! But I come to you in despreate Need of help to expand as an artist! If you don't know me (which fair, I'm not a big artist xD) I draw mostly mech, monsters/humanoids/aliens and human adjacent characters! It is my forte if you will!
I have little to no experience drawing furries! Am I a furry myself? I don't beleive so, BUT that doesn't mean I don't want to expand my artist skills! I love drawing and I love talking with people so what I'm here to do is ask if there is anyone who would love to help me out either sending me tips and tricks on drawing anthro characters or even want to commission me for an art peice! Since I draw mostly mech I want to branch out and expand as an artist!
If you arw interested in commissioning me! Fantastic! I'm only Offering my PFP/Icon commisions at a discounted rate! Again, I got no furry art so here are examples of my style and if you think your fursona might look cool in my style feel free to reach out!
sketch (coloured/rendered) : $15USD
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finished (coloured/rendered): $25USD
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(Offering these at a discounted rate since I am learning! And please excuse my only examples are humanoid/alien)
1 open
2 open
3 open
4 open
All prices are listed in USD and PayPal only!
How will the commission work?
Send me a dm and explain what it is you are after! I will reply ASAP! your requests matter to me! When we discuss the commission I will request payment up front This is to ensure I am not being scammed, a lot of artists including myself have been there and I promise you it is nothing personal. Once i have completed the sketch/first concept I will send through an image to you via DMs. Once the sketch had your approval I wlill work to finish the peice and once finished 1 will send through the finished peice via DMs and if you are compl happy l'I send through a HD emailed version!
I am a full time student and work rather often so please note I may take time on commissions but do not worry! Inever forget. I always estimate anywhere from 3 days (if1 am very quiet/free) to 2 weeks if I'm for example, in exams!
• I have the right to deny a request I have the right to post the art on my socials so please send me an @ if you'd like me to @ you in the posts! I will not draw nsfw
• will not draw obscene amounts of gore/blood only take PayPal -
• feel free to post the art! Just make sure to credit/tag me!
• please do not sell my art for more than it was worth/ originally priced. This includes seling OCs and please do not use my art to sell prints. merch ECT unless we discuss this previous and then prices may differ.
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the-infinite-hole · 11 months
hi my ~realistic~ narry/reader broken marriage thoughts turned into a 3k word fanfic about trying to reconnect with him.
you're in the shower but you don't do anything xD
tentatively tagging @caltverkeys because i probably wouldn't have thought about it for so long if they hadn't expressed interest in my initial thoughts. :)
not that i expect ANYONE to actually read all 3k words of this silliness lol.
(*i wouldn't normally post whole fics to tumblr except this one probably wouldn't exist WITHOUT tumblr.)
sooo here ya go
When you hear the faucet squeak to life and smell his soap beginning to waft down the stairs, you smile because you know it means he's had a good day— or, at the very least, that he hasn't had a bad one, which is sometimes all you really need.
Saying his name quietly to yourself (you know he can't hear you over the din of the water, but you feel like saying it anyway), you creep up the stairs, heading toward the bathroom at the end of the hall. The door is half-open, and through the noise you think you can detect him muttering something to himself.
His muttering doesn't bother you, though; it never has: Thinking out loud is something he's always done, and anyway, it's actually quite nice to hear his voice— especially when he's been flat-out ignoring you in favour of his own pursuits, which lately he's been doing quite a bit.
For days and days now, your Narrator (actually, he's your husband; however, he just as often insists upon being addressed by his own chosen title) has been holed up in his dark, smoky little office, working on his very own video game: His 'parable' as he likes to call it. He's been building it privately on his computer for as long as you've known him, adding dialogue and settings and characters and concepts at what most people would describe as his leisure.
At first, you were charmed by the strength of his creative drive— however, having been married to him for as many years as you have, you now know first-hand that there isn't actually anything 'leisurely' about the way your husband works on his game.
How long has it been, you think, since he last had a job— real job; a job that actually made him real-life money? How long has it been since the two of you last went out to dinner together...? Or entertained company, or took a trip—?
...You shake your head as you step into the bathroom, banishing both the thoughts and the hard, sticky bitterness clinging to them like old barnacles.
Not right now.
He's already standing under the water when you arrive, hidden safely behind the curtain: A mere silhouette, although over the years you've grown sadly accustomed to him being somewhat of a shadow to you. He spends so much time holed up with his game in that little office of his that sometimes you worry you're going to forget what he even looks like.
His glasses (at least those haven't changed) are resting on the edge of the sink; his pants are balled up on the floor with his socks. His shirt is hooked on the doorknob, its sleeves hanging just low enough to brush up against the worn linoleum tile peeling up from the edges of the floor. Even over the soap, you can smell the sweat on it; see the coffee stains, too. It feels like a long time since you've seen him undressed, and maybe even longer than that since you've seen him without his glasses.
It's embarrassing— you certainly wouldn't admit it out loud— but the god's honest truth is that you can hardly even recall what colour his eyes are anymore.
You bite down on your lip as your stomach ties itself in knots. You've been married to him for longer than you haven't been, but all of a sudden— right here and right now— you feel nervous: Like you're intruding, or crossing a boundary.
...Like you shouldn't even be here.
He's probably busy, you scold yourself. Busy trying not to get soap in his eyes; busy thinking about his game. Busy spending time in his head with Stanley.
'Stanley' isn't real, though, and neither is the game, no matter how much your Narrator seems to wish they were. You don't resent his inclination to retreat into himself so much as you wish you understood it; you knew he was prone to bouts of depression when you married him, and you would never begrudge him his feelings. But to witness him running headlong into a set of digital arms when you've been there for him in real-life all along...
Shh, quit it. Not right now.
No, you think, it isn't the right time to indulge your own misplaced jealously and pent-up bitterness any more than it's the right time to contemplate your husband's chronic lack of employment or unwillingness to join you for dinner. You didn't trail him in here to scold him; you can do that any time. No, you came in here to...
Wait, what did you come in here for, anyway...?
He coughs from behind the shower curtain, maybe to let you know he's detected you; maybe just because he smokes too much. The sharpness of the scent of his soap and the headiness of the humidity in the air are what coax you back to reality; you're still frightened, but before you know it, you're peeling your own clothes off and discarding them to the floor right alongside his anyhow.
Could this be it, you ask yourself—? The thing you came for? Joining your husband (or your 'Narrator', or whoever the hell he thinks he is these days) for a shower is something you haven't done in years. What could possibly be possessing you to do it tonight?
What do you think you're going to gain from it— do you really think it's going to help?
Now less-than-sure of yourself, you almost give up right then: Put on a towel and scurry out of the bathroom; maybe to go and make some tea, or even just pretend to go to bed. But then— then— you think better of retreating, because what does it really matter whether or not it 'helps'? Running away is something he does; something he does, in fact, that you loathe. What kind of message would it send to him, if you went and did the very same thing...?
Whatever precipitated that well-timed cough of his, he already knows you're here: Quite simply, you can feel it. You don't need to ask.
Goosebumps pepper your skin as your throat seems to close in on itself; without meaning to, necessarily, you start taking steps: First one; then two, and three, and then finally (it feels like it takes a lot longer than it does), you're standing at the edge of the bathtub with your hand on the curtain, trying not to breathe too fast.
Perhaps in spite of yourself, you shoot a quick glance back in the direction of the mirror, just to make sure you're still smiling. If you're here because you love him, you reason, then shouldn't you greet him as though you're happy to see him?
Next, you pull back the curtain, letting out a hot puff of steam; after that, you lift a foot, stepping high over the lip of the tub and into the shower. He isn't facing you, but the source of the water instead; he also isn't washing his hair or his face, or anything else, for that matter. He isn't moving or talking, and he certainly isn't singing to himself the way he used to when you first got married. Really, all he seems to be doing is standing there: Stiffly, beneath the water, like a pillar of something soluble— something that wishes it would melt.
You place a hand on his shoulder from behind, and his back tenses beneath your touch. Your smile fades before he's even had a chance to see it; your breath catches, and already you're terrified you've made an awful mistake.
"I'm sorry," you start...
But then, he turns around.
Nearly choking on your own words, you stop as quickly as you started: Again, it's been practically forever since you last law his eyes.
They're green.
A beautiful, sparkling emerald green; as bright and brilliant as ever, almost as if in direct and deliberate defiance of all the things that so often seem to conspire to take him away from you. They're so lovely (and so lovely on him) that you're ashamed to have so flagrantly forgotten them. Then again, you think, maybe you were meant to forget them: Maybe he wanted you to.
"Don't be sorry," he says. "I'm almost finished."
Calm and cordial (entirely too cordial, actually) his spoken words come near-devoid of any particular intonation— betraying very little of the pain or confusion swirling about behind those pretty eyes of his. It's been like that for a long time; again, you sorely miss the sound of his voice, but he just doesn't seem to have it in him to use it the way he once did.
Not unless he's narrating for Stanley, anyway.
"I wasn't waiting for you to be finished," you tell him— trying as best you can to tamp down both your long-standing bitterness and your hope, lest either of them get the better of you.
His eyes dart to the side, as if he doesn't know what to say. He doesn't try to hide himself from you, and hasn't since you joined him; however, you know that's less because he's comfortable and more because he simply doesn't give a shit— about the way he looks; about the way you feel about him. The Narrator hardly seems to care about anything anymore.
Shut up. You're here because you love him anyway, remember?
"...You aren't?" he asks, voice creaking like an old door as he places a single hand on the slick tile wall beside him and keeps on refusing to look up at you.
"I'm not," you promise... tentatively reaching back out toward him, only to stop just short of actually touching his chest.
"Then why are you—"
"I just wanted to—"
"Just wanted to what?"
Clearly off to a less-than-stellar start, you bite your lip again. "...Let's not interrupt each other," you suggest, as gently as you can. Your hand is still hanging there between the two of you, resting in the air like a spectre. His body is shielding it from the water, and therefore the rest of you, too. You shiver— cold, now, in spite of the steam.
"...I'm sorry," he says, only barely audible over the insistent pattering of the water. Venturing to lift his head, he looks first at your hand; then, eventually, up at your face.
If nothing else, you suppose, his apology is at least sincere.
"You don't need to be sorry," you tell him... and (for now, anyway) it's the truth.
"...I wasn't lying when I said I was nearly finished," he mutters, shoulders shifting as though he's about to try and move past you. In desperation (desperation you hope to god he can't sense), you let that floating hand of yours finally make its landing: A gentle one, in the very centre of his chest, warm little rivulets of water flowing over and around it.
"Wait," you plead... pressing the tips of your fingers insistently into his skin.
"What for?" he asks back, having apparently grown uncomfortable enough with your presence that it's actually beginning to annoy him. You try not to let your heart sink; how many of your fights with him have started out precisely this way—?
"...Do you remember our first apartment?" you ask him, irreverent and hopeful and still not to be deterred. "The one with the leaky toilet and the irritable landlord?"
He sighs, pursing his lips. "...I do remember," he admits, if reluctantly. "He was always complaining about—"
"The water bill!" you blurt out— unable to resist finishing for him as an entirely unintentional grin flashes across your face.
Apparently unmoved, your Narrator shifts his weight from leg to leg. "I thought we were going to quit interrupting each other," he huffs... averting his gaze yet again, this time in favour of staring intently down at the water swirling around his own feet and down into the drain.
You hate admitting it, even to yourself, but you miss when he used to stare at you.
"...I'm sorry," you say, kicking yourself internally because you should have known better than to get excited.
"Anyway," he goes on tersely, "we haven't needed to share showers to save water for years— and so unless you're here to deliver some sort of unfavourable news with regard to our financial situation, I quite frankly don't see any reason for you to have joined me."
You almost wish you'd gone ahead and interrupted him again. Nonetheless, you curl your toes hard into the ceramic beneath your feet; having come this far, you aren't giving up on him.
Not yet.
Not tonight.
"If I told you that I just wanted to join you," you start, "then would that be a good enough reason?" Gazing down at your own hand as it rests on his chest, it dawns on you that you don't exactly have a whole lot of room to criticize his reluctance to make eye contact.
Looking up, you catch his gaze and hold it— maybe for as long as you've held it in years.
It isn't easy, but it's worth the effort... isn't it?
Already flush from the steam, you can't quite tell whether his cheeks have gone red, or whether he's merely grown too warm. "I— w-well, I suppose it would be," he spits out, "but... but, well, I... I..."
Mindful of his having chided you for it earlier, you refrain from cutting in, giving him a moment to try and finish. Only when it becomes evident that he isn't going to finish do you dare to prompt him.
"You what?" you ask— emphatically, yes, but also kindly; more curious, now, than impatient.
Your thumb begins to stroke gently at a damp tuft of hair on his chest. It's familiar, but in a way that feels distant, too: Like something you're remembering from a whole other life.
He focuses his gaze somewhere behind you, then: Past the shower curtain, in the direction of the bathroom door. He could very well be thinking about pushing right past you and bolting though it; in fact, it's more likely than not that he is— but if he's thinking about running, he must also be thinking about not running in equal measure, because (it'll seem almost miraculous, when you look back on it later), he doesn't so much as move a muscle.
He does cough again— maybe just clearing his throat.
You don't stop stroking that little wet tuft on his chest.
"I... well, I suppose I thought you didn't want to," he reveals, as earnestly as it feels like he's revealed anything to you in years.
For a moment, you feel newly ashamed... but then, of course, you feel frustrated: He thinks you're the one who didn't want to be with him—?!
You're aren't the one who spends every waking moment holed up in an office with their pixilated boyfriend.
...No, you remind yourself: Now isn't the time to bring up Stanley.
"Of course I want to!" you tell him back, and once more, it's the truth: Again, you didn't join him in the shower to berate him; you joined him because you love him— you always have, and even through everything, you've never stopped. You don't think you ever will. "We're still married, aren't we?" you ask, as your feet shift forward and a nervous, playful little lilt infiltrates your tone.
He blushes. There's no question about it this time, steam or no steam. He's always been prone to it, and (for better or worse) you've always loved making him turn red.
"I— I... w-well—"
As careful as ever, you close the remainder of the distance between the two of you— snaking a trembling arm around his waist in the process. His back seems to straighten out, but he doesn't try to pull away; you look into his eyes, and (maybe because he doesn't have anywhere else to look), he stares back into yours.
You don't say anything to him, but you do smile: Not bold enough to expect, perhaps... but certainly brave enough to hope.
He pauses, drawing a breath.
"...Y-yes," he finally manages. "Yes— yes, of course we're still married; it's just that— th-that—"
In lieu of interrupting him with words, you take yet another chance... this time by tilting your head (once again, in a way you haven't done in years), and shutting him up with a kiss.
It always used to work before.
You close your eyes, partly because you're scared; but also partly because of the fine spray misting out from behind him. The water pelting his back trickles over and around your hand; he breaths in, lungs expanding against your body in a way you never quite realized until just this moment how very much you missed.
...Maybe he misses it too, because the next thing you know, he's kissing you back.
He's really, actually kissing you back.
It's been so long since he last put his arms around you that you almost flinch when he does. He tastes, as always, like his favourite cigarettes; his lips are exactly as warm as you remember them. More grateful than ever to be surrounded by water, your eyes fill with tears; you know you shouldn't cry, but your body doesn't seem to care.
The pipes, old and lime-encrusted, whine from above you. Droplets tap-tap-tap against the plastic shower curtain; the drain gurgles from under your feet; and— somehow, suddenly— you're quite positive that you can hear the far-off droning of someone's car alarm, blaring faintly from outside.
Your Narrator himself, however, doesn't make a sound. He doesn't move, either... except to part his lips, and pull you even closer to him.
...Maybe, you think sadly to yourself, he really does need 'Stanley' as much as he seems to believe he does. Maybe he's depressed; maybe he's angry— maybe he's been touched by something he hasn't yet gathered the courage to reveal to you, and it's eating him up from the inside-out. You still don't know, any more than you know how to pull him out of his head and back into real life.
Right here, though— right here, in this very moment, steeping together like human tea in the warm, fragrant steam— your Narrator seems just as content to need you as he does to need his office, or his computer, or his best digital friend.
A kiss in the shower might not seem like a lot to some people, no... but to you it's something: A lot of something, in what often feels like a sad and lonesome sea of even more nothing.
It may not be able to singularly mend everything that's wrong with him (or with your marriage, or with you yourself), no: But tonight, it feels like enough.
Maybe— for now; from him— 'enough' really is all you need.
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anime-grimmy-art · 1 year
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Day 10 – Food
Zet – Zet is no picky eater at all, she’ll eat anything from stale to spicy. But she found that whatever the Granmeowster cooks for her, she eats with a bit more gusto.
Mei – Mei is an absolute glutton, she looooves eating a lot, but she can’t handle too fatty things, even if she enjoys the taste a lot. Her fav have to be fresh, cool, juicy fruits though. She just associates them with home and her childhood, so they have extra meaning on top of the delicious taste.
Chidori – As good as Yomogi’s dangos are, Chidori doesn’t see them as her favourite food (she will never tell Yomogi that though.) Chidori loves sour foods, so she often purchases sour rock candy from Rondine. And yes, Chidori is the kind to just crunch that kind of candy between her teeth.
Day 11 – Inventory
Zet – Efficiency is the name of the game. Zet’s pouch is almost empty, she only has the essentials for anything. Mega Potions, armour and demon drug, and anything necessary for the specific quest, be that nullberries, antidotes or traps.
Mei – Mei is a bit chaotic when it comes to her inventory, she tries to always carry basics like potions and paint balls with her, but she often gets so excited to get going that she forgets a lot.
Chidori – Girl has no idea what she’s even doing, so she just has everything at hand at all times. Potions? Check. Enhancing potions/berries? Check. Traps? Check. Ammo even though she doesn’t use bowguns? Check.
Day 12 – Symbolism
Zet – The Guild had always stamped Zet as the “bringer of calamity”. While she was the hunter that always brought peace to any community she found herself in, it was always like the monsters flocked to her and made even simple quests a lot more dangerous. In the New World, however, she’d become the Sapphire Star, light shining bright even amongst the most hopeless chaos. Instead of being seen as something that attracts calamity, she’d be the one that brings hope and motivates people to hold up their heads high and fight on.
Mei – If I had to associate anything with Mei, it probably would be the colour red and the sun. Mei has reddish pink hair, she always wears her red Mahana dress and she has to follow in the footsteps of her grandfather Red. She’s also a very passionate and loving person.
As for the sun, I don’t call her sunshine incarnate for nothing. She has a very sunny disposition and a smile as bright as the midday sun. But she also has this small, calm smile that is very disarming and comforting, quiet and calming like the sun setting at dawn.
Chidori – I don’t really have any symbolism for Chidori, which is maybe also cos she’s too young of an OC for now. As said in the monster section, I do associate her with Gargwas, which means she has kind of a danger sense. She feels when something isn’t quite right, like when Narwa fell through the floor or when they beat Malzeno. She has like a Spidey-sense, just MH edition. Gargwa-sense?
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Day 13 – Music
Zet – Hmm, I personally just associate the World/Iceborne soundtrack with her, though more the mellow or building music. My fav Monster Hunter song is “Succession of Light” (the Iceborne main theme) and I think it parallels Zet’s character growth in it’s music a lot, so if I had to pick one song for her, it would be this one.
Mei – Man, this music question is really hard, cos I really have never thought beyond the game’s soundtrack if I’m honest XD Though, if just going music based on personality, I’d say upbeat summer music fits her well. Not like, beach party music but just chill, fun music with ocean sounds. Kinda like, beach vibe bossanova. If shit hits the fan though, lets switch to chaotic jazz ahhahaha
Chidori – Again, I associate Chidori with the MH soundtrack, specifically the MH Rise soundtrack. Though, her nervous nature somehow also makes me think of meme music, like, acoustic versions of meme songs. Example would be the acoustic version of All Star by annapantsu, sth in that vein.
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Day 14 – Habits
Zet – If she actively listens to you, she will stare directly into your eyes and barely blink. She doesn’t know she does it, but it freaks everyone out. She also has the tendency to knead things with her fingers when she’s concentrated or lost in thought. That mostly shows itself with her petting either Cry or Rev, but if you’re close by you can bet you’re getting some head scratches.
Mei – Personal space is a suggestion. People from Mahana are very touchy-feely, heck, their greeting is grabbing you by the cheeks and rubbing them, so Mei has the tendency to be way too close to people. Growing up so closely with monsties also makes her forget that not everyone is as comfortable being close to monsters, and especially not being chewed on by them, so she has to react quickly when, say, Asparagus keeps trying to gnaw on Kyle’s arm.
Chidori – Chidori has a bit of a hiding instinct. When she’s flustered, she always tugs her collar over her lips, or when she gets berated with someone she tends to hide behind that person. She also hides herself in a ball when she gets too anxious or exhausted. So, knees tucked, arms around and face buried in them, she finds herself a nice corner and doesn’t move for a while. With ppl she's close with she also rubs her face into or against them. Ya know, the kinda person who'd press their face into your shoulder when they're tired.
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Day 15 – Half-way Free Space!
Zet – Zet actually underwent heavy character rewriting. Before World I always played as her, i.e. I always designed the same character and named her the same way, but I never really gave her a proper story or nailed down her personality. As you can see in the picture, at the start of world she was way more jovial XDD (btw. I already linked her to Fatalis before Iceborne even came out so the fact it ended with Fatalis was just fucking great on my end)
Mei – It shows that friends have only one braincell, because both @kathuman and I created our MH Stories 2 characters separately and they legit look like sisters, but like, down to a T. So Kitkat and Mei are sisters in some universe XD
Chidori – Her name is kinda a joke. I almost called her Niwa (garden) or Tori (bird), as Niwatori is the Japanese word for chicken, but I already have so many OCs with such short names, so I tried digging a bit more. I tried to find Japanese names that meant “being scared”, “scaredy-cat” or “chicken” or sth along those lines, until it came to mind that hey, I could just look up what Japanese Chicken breeds there are. Many breeds end with -dori or -jidori, and Jidori is just another way to write Chidori (if I understand correctly, it’s the same Japanese symbol and that’s just how it can be written with our alphabet), so I thought Chidori was perfect. It’s also kinda ironic, cos the name itself can mean “thousand birds”, with the first Kanji being “Thousand” or “Many”, and the second Kanji meaning either “Bird”, “Freedom” or even “Intelligence” or “Beauty”. So, people always think she was called that cos her parents wanted her to be a free spirit, and be intelligent, all the while she’s a scaredy cat that doesn’t want to leave her home and she’s dumb as bricks, not to mention she’s just called that cos she’s a chicken.
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaive eating habits and food preferences? Who cooks and who eats what and when?
Ooo, sure sure anonie! (even though my eating habits aren´t great either) This will also serve as reminder to everyone to not ditch food and water!
Again, so sorry for the delay on your ask. But lots of you had such intricated and complex questions. Hope you will like it, I tried to answer it in some kind of order, but then my ADHD kicked in so it´s little chaotic!
(Libertus possessed me so he could nag on all his idiots for not eating on this ask)
Just for some clarification Galadh cuisine is in my humble opinion mashed asia/mediterranean dishes. Which means lot of meat (seafood and fish especially), heavy spices, vegetables, noodles, rice etc.
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Luche has only two moods the normal and workaholic. In workaholic mood he neglects food and water (And gets scolded for that)
Purely fuctions on coffeine when in working mood
Sweet tooth, usually has in his pocket some chocolate or anything similiar (In Galadh is chocolate pricey stuff, and Luche was on cloud 9 when he bought some from his first paycheck)
Luche´s good cook when he´s got time for it (his chocolate mousse is a hit! anything he does with a chocolate is great actually)
when everything is hectic or Luche is just drained, some good galadhian take out or Yamachang saves the day
I am telling on Luche ... Again when in workaholic mood (after he gets scolded and Lib brings him some food) he tends to eat fast and on the move
You see, Luche´s got some refined taste buds. Which means caviar, red wine, oysters, and any other fancy food, you could think of (I once read a fic where Luche was being expert at red wine and mayyybeee little bit of snob, and it stuck with me)
Luche and his eating schedule ... it´s complicated. Like on day off he would have three full meals with a snacks. But with how he´s busy it´s hardly one meal a day
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Tredd is in my personal headcanon a gym rat
so naturally he´s got some cooking skills (Tredd can be creative when he wants to be)
always has some protein bar as a snack or some protein shake
Tredd learned how to make a homemade jerky, it´s pretty tasty (even Libertus said so!)
He speaks with his mouth full of food (it irritates me, because I sometimes do that too, when I am telling some story)
Tredd loves meat! Protein for his muscles is important. So steaks, or ribs covered in barbeque sauce are quite guilty pleasure.
as almost every galadhian he loves flavourful food with tons of spices
strikes me as person who doesn´t like broccoli (probably ain´t that fond of most vegetable in general)
I didn´t forget of Tredd´s fondness of hot chocolate with chilli ( still denies he likes that stuff )
has planner on his phone when he should eat (it helps him a lot)
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THE MAIN COOK OUT THERE! (No, seriously without him would half the glaives starved to death or eat only a junk food )
Libertus strikes me as a stress and emotional eater (me too Lib)
apart from being great cook, Lib mixes drink like no other (okay, Nyx is very close on that scale)
it´s probably not a eating habbit, but I can see Libertus having a nap after a good food
I support opinion that Lib is connossier (that man can say if it´s authentical galadhian dish from across the room)
"Everything can be good, as long as it´s properly cooked and salted." - Libertus Ostium
on completely different note: He threatens people to eat, because nourishment is important for your body to be strong and healthy. Once threatened Nyx that he would spoon feed him that food, if he doesn't comply. And Libertus really did spoon feed him.
obvi eats whenever he wants at least three meals a day
Libertus taste pallete is pretty colourful (Lib is like Gordon Ramsay of Eos XD)
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I believe Pelna likes to eat his food with a company ( a nice habit from his home that prevailed)
He loves fruit and nuts! For example papaya, apples, bananas, melons and grapes are his favourites. As for nuts definitively macadamia nuts and coconut.
Pescetarian - so fish and seafood, and other animal products such as eggs and milk or honey
He often brings the dryed mix as a snacks that he shares with everyone ( Luche´s the one who eats all the chocolate if it´s in there)
dear Pelna skips breakfast, just hates eat in the morning (feels too heavy and full)
boy is ice-cream lover! Pistacio is his favourite!
Pelna´s having bigger lunch, dinner and probably some drink with friends, I may add that through whole day he snacks
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Nyx drinks lots of beer or alcohol in general (I mean he was a bartender with Lib. Yet I can´t help but think that maybe drinking is his bad coping mechanism )
very proficient at mixing drinks
another troublemaker who Lib needs to yell at to get some food ( And Lib is 100% done with all of them. He started to cook more food and divides it into lunch boxes, which shares among them)
Like Nyx in kitchen is not bad at all, he owned bar with Lib for god sake! (isn´t probably one for the most complicated dishes, but whatever he cooks is good and edible)
was born and raised on galadhian dishes, so naturally those he cooks pretty well
but Nyx never says no to good pepperoni pizza that has some kick or burger with crispy fries and homemade sauce
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Crowe can eat the most griesiest food ever and not gaining a gram of fat ( her metabolism is too fast + being a mage is tiring and requires a lot of energy to burn)
and because of it she eats all the time, be it snacks or full meal
she isn´t fond of any vegetable salat (it makes her more hungry)
Crowe bakes and she´s dam good at it! We don´t talk about her cooking ... safety reasons
most definitively obssessed with cheese of any kind
green tea with lemon is SACRED!
hates black coffee like plague (is fond of hazelnut cappuccino tho)
has secret stash of snacks (chips, chocolate, bonbons, ...) no one knows where she hides it
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Axis as a right parent doesn´t waste food, so if his children leave any leftovers, he eats it after them
he´s trying to set good example for his children with right eating habits (but his night raids on the fridge are hard to miss )
every morning drinks black coffee with lots of sugar ( it could kill a man)
I do believe that Axis grew every vegetable and fruit on their farm (so he literally uses anything as cooking ingredient)
Axis actually does the cooking in their family. (he had to take care of himself) Those dishes may be simple, but delicious
Axis loves green pea! When he was younger Axis often sneaked out to the garden to pick some
was taught canning (pickles, blumes,..) and how to made marmelade (let´s just said that glaives are obssessed with that)
usually eats breakfast and dinner with his family, lunch spents at HQ with comrades
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Soni over there is also gym rat like Tredd
he puts protein powder almost everywhere
Sonitus loves soups! Especially fish soup, his dad used to make
eats fish and seafood frequently (he lived near the sea coast so), mostly with vegetables and rice
enjoys pudding too much to be healthy (he´s not much into sweet things)
Soni sometimes takes too big bites of food and hardly chews them (then almost chokes)
strikes me as a person of few perfectly mastered dishes, then anything else is just average or disaster
enjoyes fresh juices (orange or ananas ones) or smoothies
he may be busy with glaive duties, but tries to maintain some order in eating habits like breakfast is at 8 am, lunch around 1-2 pm, dinner at 7 pm
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if you though Luche and Nyx non-eating was bad, think again because Drautos takes the crown (hehe, quite literally)
Man survives on coffee and bourbon alone
his cooking ain´t the worst but not the best, he knows the basic at least (but mostly orders something cuz busy captain and all that jazz )
Titus + barbecue = The best experience in your existence!
Titus was almost whole life in military, so he isn´t picky eater either
his eating schedule is non - existent If Libertus woudn´t bring often some food to his office ( Lib puts harshly full plate of heavenly smelling food before him. " Sir, there´s a deal because I am this close to murder someone in this house for not taking care of themselves properly. So I will sit quietly in this chair and you will eat all this food on the plate. If not ..." *angry galadhian stare)
that man can eat whole chicken alone and still would want add a second
Titus loves homemade food + points if there is meat in it (those military food packs they get makes him sick, almost forgets how good food taste)
guilty pleasure is strawberry cake with whipped cream (his older sister made him always one on his birthday)
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
Taking Control
Read on AO3!
A/N: I wanted to see how writing Mad in control would work, but turns out we both chickened out by the end XD
Warnings: Smut.
Let me take control.
Mad had seemed so confident when he asked, and Mare could never deny Mad’s requests, which led to him laying naked on the bed, hands behind his head as Mad stretched himself open in front of him.
“Do you need any help, love?” Mare asked, breathing already irregular as he watched Mad spread his legs a little wider apart while adding a third finger.
“N-no,” Mad gasped, pulling his fingers out and wiping them on the sheets. “I-I’d like you to do something else, though. Could you make… handcuffs?” His face was bright red as he asked, shuffling forward to sit on Mare’s thighs, keeping away from his cock.
“Handcuffs? I mean, sure, but what for?” Mare conjured the cuffs as he spoke, holding them out to Mad with a furrowed brow. “Oh, I think I see the plan here,” he commented as Mad clicked the cuffs onto one of Mare’s wrists, looping it around the headboard before clasping the other wrist, effectively locking his arms there.
“I want to experiment,” Mad began, raising himself to his knees and shuffling forward to line himself up with Mare’s cock. “Your magic is linked to your emotions, right?” His question ended with a soft groan as he lowered himself down, digging his nails into Mare’s stomach.
“Y-yes, fuck, yeah, but what does that have to do with—” His question cut off as Mad slowly lifted himself up again, sinking back down before slowly rolling his hips in small circles against Mare. “God, Mad, starshine, is this your plan?”
Mad nodded, eyes closing as he shifted his position before bouncing again, letting out the most beautiful sounds as his movement got Mare to hit the good spot inside him every time he lowered back down. He slid his hands up Mare’s stomach to squeeze at his chest, moving further to feel the way Mare’s muscles moved under his skin as he struggled against the cuffs.
“M-Mare, you feel so good inside me, god, I could sit like this forever,” Mad moaned, opening his eyes to reveal pupils blown wide, dark pools bordered by honey-coloured amber. Biting his lip, he sped up his movements, practically bouncing on Mare’s cock and grinning when Mare groaned in frustration at not being able to hold Mad.
“S-so, what’s the conclusion you’re looking for?” Mare managed through gritted teeth, trying in vain to buck his hips to meet Mad’s downward motion. “H-How long I can last? Tryin’ to edge me until I beg?”
“Shh.” Mad leaned forward to kiss Mare deeply, slipping his tongue into Mare’s mouth and smiling against his lips. “How about a bet?” Stopping his movements, Mad leaned back to sit upright, ignoring Mare’s grunt of frustration at the lack of friction on him.
“W-What’s the bet?”
“I want to know how long you can keep those cuffs restraining you,” Mad started, glancing up to see the cuffs were slightly opaque. “If you can come without dissolving the cuffs, then you can fuck me until I forget my name.”
Mare swallowed thickly, licking his lips as he flexed his hands. “If I can’t?”
“I-I wanna see how you taste,” Mad mumbled, face flushing bright red as he avoided Mare’s gaze. “I-It always feels s-so good when you do that to me, and I want to-I wanna try it.” He chewed on his lip as he waited for Mare to answer, breath hitching as he felt Mare’s cock twitch inside him, and his shaky breathing almost blocked out Mare’s whispered response.
“Deal.” Balling his hands into fists and pulling against the cuffs, Mare moaned as Mad began to bounce again, hands squeezing almost every inch of his chest as he arched his back, looking an absolute sight to Mare’s eyes. “Fuck, dear heart,” he breathed, struggling against his restraints as he bucked his hips to meet Mad’s, eyes rolling at each sound that punched out of Mad’s mouth.
Mad moved one hand behind him to grip Mare’s thigh, digging his nails into the flesh as the arch in his back changed the angle of Mare’s cock inside him, and he gasped as Mare came almost immediately. Scratching his nails down Mare’s stomach, Mad curled forward as he came, too, the feeling of Mare inside him too good to resist.
“Mare…” he panted, a smile tugging at his lips as Mare ran his hands down Mad’s sides, squeezing at his hips. “Y-You made the cuffs disappear.” Looking down, his cheeks flushed at the hungry look in Mare’s eyes, whimpering slightly as Mare lifted him off his cock.
“Still taking control?” Mare checked, hand resting on Mad’s inner thigh and gently kneading the flesh there. He shifted Mad slightly so he could sit up, pressing his lips to Mad’s collarbone as he waited for an answer. “I’m good for whatever you want.”
“I-I want…” Mad trailed off as Mare started sucking a dark mark into his neck, squeezing at the musician’s arms to make him stop. “I’m nervous to do what-what I said. Can… can you use your fingers, please?” He hummed into the kiss Mare pressed to his lips, closing his eyes when Mare gently flipped them so he was lying on the bed.
“Of course, darling,” Mare whispered, uncapping the bottle of lube and pecking Mad’s lips when he made a sound of protest. “I know you’re stretched, but I want to make sure you’re comfortable.” Leaning back down to kiss Mad again, he slipped two fingers into him, swallowing his moans as he angled his hand just right to make Mad see stars.
“Mh, Mare, please,” Mad managed between kisses, squirming to rock onto Mare’s fingers. “A-against me, please…” his whine turned into a moan when Mare pulled his fingers out to lift Mad, setting him into his lap and snaking his hand back to slip his fingers into him again. “Mare!”
Holding onto Mare’s shoulders, Mad struggled between rocking back onto Mare’s fingers or forward into his hand, where Mare had grasped both their cocks and was stroking them in time with the movements of his fingers. Gently, he nibbled on Mad’s jaw, adoring the sounds Mad let out before tilting his head to whisper into his ear.
“You look amazing like this, holding onto me like a lifeline. I want you like this forever. I want to keep you in my bed all the time, blissed out beyond belief.” He paused when Mad came, kissing his cheek as he followed soon after. “Let me clean us up, then we can cuddle.”
Mad was almost asleep when Mare returned with a damp cloth, cleaning him carefully and getting him under the covers. Crawling into bed behind him, Mare pulled Mad against his chest and nosed at his hair, smiling when Mad nuzzled into his chest.
“You did perfectly, darling, but I think you enjoy me taking control more.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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castle-dominion · 1 year
5x5 probable cause
plot heavy one, idk if I want to watch it rn. Maybe I'll use the extra 20 minutes I won, even tho the dvd set is due soon.
(also just remembered a song: hey dom hey what show me how you buffalo I'll show you how I buffalo with my hands up high & my feet down low, this is how I buffalo buff-alo bu buff-alo, buff-alo, buf buff alo hey next person)
Ok so I did indeed spend some of my minutes reading a fic idea to my brother for his opinion bc he's smart but he gave no thoughts.
Why wouldn't tess pick up the mail? She's dead that's why Oh no blood oh it's still dripping Oh yo that is gross af
lmao castle comes out with a sword Oh yeah. College. Laundry. Oh yeah. College. Visiting home & eating food. RC: what abt your laundry? My lil bro: What about your lung water? love how the guitar sound plays while he toys with the orange juice
Lanie won't sleep for weeks? doctor parish? who works with the dead? who has been to countless murder scenes? probs more than a hundred even Would you need a second person to help you put up the body
it WAS the roommate!
Why is ryan standing facing more to castle than the murder board? ig bc castle is speaking but... Make a copy of the symbol & run it through the internet
saturday, what day is it today? I like how the body is not super fresh like it usually is drugged? yep I was right!
ryan's outfit ooh so so nice. It is nicely woven & I might grab a pic. surgically wiped?
RC: Jewelry. I never would've thought of that. [for the crime finger prints] KB: I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up. [telling rick to think of that in a different context] Esposito looks nice & all but he is just wearing a tshirt
Yeah, ok, tons of ppl forget to wipe their fingerprints off the outside of the apartment they just murdered in.
Lol he IS in the system, he has been arrested too much
Interesting editing & stuff. v nice. oh right, dun dun dun it's castle & all that csu got them first? I mean good... they always mess up the crime scenes
I had smth to say but forgot it bc I am not pausing the ep as much as I have in the past. espt has his gun
Not that you KNOW of first name? JE: Contaminated crime scene is not a joke. I'll square this away with CSU. You watch your hands next time, okay?
Looks enough like Someone We Know... Ok but isn't the juvvie file sealed until they actually commit a crime as an adult? This guy has not been proven to have done any crimes yet
Hm. Man has curlier hair than I expected. friday morning, friday evening... Hm I like his shirt. Kind of pink but faint squares patterned on it.
True, he would probably not be flustered
Ah good, they have a diagram of the sigil thing
KB: A diamond earring? KR: We found it in the couch. CSU couldn't pull a print off it, but you see the design? That's custom - Erica Courtney. JE: And you know this how? KR: I recognized it from when Jenny and I went ring shopping. [Esposito gives Ryan a teasingly dubious look.] KR: Anyway,
Looks like Someone We Know you can't see the hair colour there bro. Also othe nose is too long
first names & stuff.
*closes the door after becks leaves but before espt can, right in front of his face* Javi, there's something you need to know
Cut to the shock at finding out abt their relationship He looks ahocked af lmao Normally I'd be happy for them! Also neat to see his financials. Mostly car & cab stuff. A radio donation tho which sounds fun. So many first names this episode
Did I throw a party & forget again? XD At least he is seeing the warrant The way he waited for her to say who bought it for her implies he didn't know LT holding him back THE MUSIC WHEN HER EYES GO TO HIM DANG
If the killer was THAT meticulous, then he would not have left evidence like that in his own apartment
Find evidence. That is your job
When you look through castle's phone records we know well you only learned of it this day my dude reminds me of the "we're detectives" 'called your dad' scene
Yeah. Gates is probs the best for this interrogation His scalp moved lol RC: I'm flattered but it wasn't me! castle it is not best to point fingers away from yourself for the sake of getting them away from you. I mean it is, it is important that they investigate all avenues, but still. How does a burner cell send a messag efrom tess's phone? Paid companion is a nice way to put it
Girl you can check his word count, teachers use that technology to check how students are doing tests. It shows when the changed were made.
love martha's gloves the music is great saying "nobody could have gotten in" is not helpful
Remember back in like s2 or smth when becks said "don't worry castle I'd break you out" it was the galaxy of greg episode, the prison break episode yeah 3x5
the same way as tessa's? But the affair? Seriously? That was included in the details? Oof the music
sitting on the floor hhhh crying hhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he was already writing the dry run & killed her in strangling passion & then he used the written murder (which he as not planning on committing) to hide it & deleted the file to hide that fact
like a little boy so scared sdjdskhfjsh sad sad sad "fun?"
Oooh nice angle babes!
FREAKIN J ROOK? I DID NOT GET A CHANCE TO SEE THAT THE FIRST TIME HOLY CROWS 3XK??? but i don't think human noses can tho... do you legit prefer to go by 3xk? not the triple killer not jerry tyson not any other names you had? (btw, marcus gates killed two women & attempted killing another, NOT jerry tyson. I don't think we have actually seen 3xk kill anyone on the show yet. (I noticed that she was strangled with a scarf or rope when dr parish mentioned it earlier this episode but I didn't want to spoil it)
Yeah he really is thorough isn't he He's right, I did think that while he strangled her she is not blonde. Yeah was the writing style castle's? He already said that he prefers 3xk, ricky four years in prison. He was going to pin it on marcus gates, give his brother the surgery, & marcus would go to prison & then he could go killing again. That was his vanishing act. I thought u said u could smell fear not taste it I can see that. Destroy.. ..you,, better than kill not the daughter, not the making love, this is freaking horrifying, & I kind of love it lies of a desperate man, esp one who writes fiction Wait so you WILL kill him? or get him killed? Look into the guys he hired then! Look into the hitmen! lil bro: Scratch him! Get his DNA under your nails!
I wonder how ryan is reacting to this. castle's blue eyes are colourless in this lighting, I love it.
3xk targeted women to kill, he is not killing castle tho Ooh I always like ryan's square patterned shirts
"not at this time" is a great response
Been to central as a cop or as a prisoner esposito? & I like beckett's turtleneck too
I think Dever's acting is the only thing here,
who the heck is "jav"? That's like if a "P.J." was to go by "Peej" or "P" when PJ is already a nickname for peter jacob or paul james or whatever. lil bro: jav you found any evidence yet?
Oh wait... she is not thinking of holding's security for keeping him, she is thinking of it for breaking him out!! WHO got out of holding? Tyson? No, when? Wasn't it the CIA guy who also took a body? gates was like "how did he walk out the front door?" When was tyson ever in holding? He appeared in 3x6, then his gun in 4x14, & now in 5x5, but he was never in holding. 4x15 pandora thomas gage left holding. OH WAIT TYSON DID IT NOW, TODAY I love him too <3 <3 <3
castle still making jokes That flashback <3 Velasquez & LT! We know both their names! Oof he's just walking thry there, everyone sees him, look at that, also look at those boobs on that man. OH NO WHO TOOK HIM!?!?!?
OH NO 3XK KILLED HIM He IS well connected, he is well connected, has resources, & knows procedure, you're correct So what's our next *turns & becks is gone* ...Move?
Like ryan pretending to be a kid in the library in kick the ballistics man still needs to change his look the less you know DEFINITELY the better
Right! He really is the son of a broadway star
Wow lol weirdos there
wow it IS richard castle See? I said the nose is not right
I have not paused enough & I keep not writing things down but I am running out of my allotted time. Anyway I remember what I forgot: ryan doesn't get a lot of screen time, he is wading thru paperwork, he is messed up with this case, he is hurt & angry & doing everything he can to help castle & get 3xk.
looks "a bit" like the show's producer? yeah no
becks maybe don't reveal that you're with a fugitive...
lmao french serial killer Most ppl don't use initials. Calls them "kev" & "espo" & a little earlier "jav" <3
It is not going to be a person it will be a rotating fan or smth wearing their vests but not castle lol remember when ben conrad who wasn't ben conrad shot someone & then disappeared into the closet or smth? What if 3xk did that & he's still here?
Why is castle still here?
He should become a murder mystery writer then, if he likes the pageantry of killing but death only takes a moment.
VG: For this, at least. There's still the matter of your escape from custody. I like gates' looks right now. rly pretty, nice hair, nice red coat girl he escaped before, I'm sure he can do it again.
This is NOT just a place for a stationary conversation for the point of an interesting director's/writer's choice
running em off the bridge? Haven't we seen that already?
He fell back & she kept shooting, which, good, double tap, but she has decently good aim Is that blood on his face? WHERE did he throw away the gun? don't telegraph your location idiot
that is a lot of bubbling water
just like james gillies. He is NOT that careless you are correct. But then why was he meticulous enough in other places? Because either way he would win? either castle dies & beckett lives knowing he was innocent, or castle escapes but 3xk fakes his death?
Just like derrick storm! It has to be public & it has to be final
For now
Ooh interesting outro music! I freaking love it! I should grab my fiddle! Holy moly! They wree right when they wrote this, it can be groovy spy music, it can be sexy 40s music, it can be silly little silly guy music, it can be tragic romantic music... It is a good little riff
Ok now that was incredible. I also wish we got more ryan time in this ep but they couldn't include it bc if they did they would have to include more of him to explain & resolve it. Or you know, maybe I'll be forced to write an episode tag fanfic.
I got off at 15.30, perfect timing!
but now I've spent a whole hour working on a fanfic with my little bro. a casefic dw.
0 notes
xgardensinspace · 3 years
Harringrove for Ukraine
Hello! I’m participating in Harringrove for Ukraine! That means I’ll be writing fanfiction and drawing fanart in exchange for donations to an organisation that supports the Ukrainian people in this crisis.
I’m asking that you donate money to one of the following organisations in exchange for me posting my work:
The Ukrainian Army
The Ukrainian Red Cross, which does loads of humanitarian stuff, from aiding refugees to training doctors.
Revived Soldiers Ukraine, which funds medication and medical supplies for army hospitals on the front line.
The UN Refugee Agency, which provides life-saving protection to families forced to flee their homes.
NGO Insight, and KYIV PRIDE which provide funds for LGBTQ+ folks in crisis.
The Fund of Ukraine Armed Forces.
Follow these steps if you’re interested!
- Reblog this post and/or the master post both here and on Twitter if you have it so that we can get as much traction as possible as quickly as we can.
- Send me an ask to let me know what you'd like me to write for you and how much you'd like to donate.
- Wait until I reply to your ask, then you need to make your donation to one of the organisations listed above.
- Donate!! Remember PLEASE to screencap your receipt – you need to send me this to show you’ve donated so we can all track how much we’ve raised as a group
- Don’t forget to block out any private contact details you don’t want me to see!
- Once I’ve seen your receipt, I’ll start work on your project.
What I have to offer: Fanfiction and fanart for donations! Art and fic tagged :) Tho a couple tagged stories are not written by me so just beware xD I couldn’t get the “My writing” tag to work.
What I Like to Write and draw: I am super tender, so fluffy fics and lovely art is always my jam :b However, don’t hesitate to share kinky ideas with me and we can create stuff together that pleases the masses :) I also have lists of writing and art prompts in case you need some helps :)
Accepting prompts? Yes yes! Always :)
Additional Info: Share your fave tropes and dislikes with me.
My fave tropes are SoulmateAUs, Friends to Lovers, Hanahaki, Hurt/Comfort and Patching up wounds xD Naturally, lol. Also any like...coffee, flower, tattoo shop...college combo stuff is fun c:
Dislikes are preggy and baby stuff :b I’m really not a motherly being xD
Suggested Donation Amount:  $1 per 100 words of a fic. Obviously the more the better - this is such an important cause.
And for art...All bust or waist pieces. $5 can get you one character in black and white. $10 for two in black and white. $15 one character in colour, and thus $20 gets two characters in colour :) An extra $5 for full body? xD We could also go for a $25 donation getting you a REALISM portrait :) But one character only :’D Soz for that.
Please reblog and donate as soon as you can - I know it's not in everyone's budget right now but this is a really precarious situation and the faster we can get donations the better! Let's do this!
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gilly-bj · 4 years
Why the “Eremika kiss” doesn’t affect Rivamika at all
In the new chapter, we saw for the first time something that we didn’t expect to happen in the manga: a kiss, between Mikasa and (dead)Eren, probably not like we all imagined. This kiss hit everyone hard, also the Eremika shippers, who weren’t very happy with the fact that Eren was already dead when Mikasa kissed him. Eremikas unfortunately weren’t the only ones sad, also lots of Rivamikas had this feeling and, I was one of them.
When the chapter came out and I saw Mikasa kissing Eren, I literally crashed (windows.exe stopped working); my whole body stopped working and the only sensible thought I could elaborate was: “Wait, WTF!”. After I scraped together that quantity of calm that could make me, at least, sit down, I started to write posts that I’ve already eliminated, so don’t look for them because I made them disappear, because my opinions changed radically.
Quick note for you guys from your G: in these cases, don’t write immediately what you’re thinking in that exact moment. I was incredibly frustrated, so the posts I wrote were full of complaints. I didn’t analyzed the kiss from other prospectives, because for me it was only the “eremika kiss”. Remember to wait at least the traduction of the chapter, official or not; you’ll have enough time to reflect on it and elaborate opinions lucidly.
Anyway, in this post I’ll talk about three things:
Eremika’s conversation and Mikasa’s dream
The kiss and why it doesn’t affect Rivamika
Final considerations about RM
The subheadings are written in their own special colour, so if you’re not interested in one of them, it will be easier to find the other.
Let’s start!
• Eremika’s conversation and Mikasa’s dream.
Mikasa has an headache and she wake up in her ideal world, where she lives with Eren in a isolated cabin in the woods. This chapter is from Mikasa’s pov, and note that her perfect image of home is again showed, probably for the last time. I think that Mikasa’s feelings for Eren were kinda obvious, apart from the fact that I never liked or supported them, they are here and we can’t do anything against them.
But I’ve never imagined to see that kind of selfish dream from Mikasa; she is the girl who always cares for everyone, the one who is ready to sacrifice herself for the well-being of her friends, the one who loves them and support them independently from the situation. To be honest, it hurts to see that in her dream, Armin isn’t with them; if there wasn’t Levi, my shipper heart would have hurt but I’d understand, they aren’t so close yet, but Armin, they’ve grown together.
But I’m not mad at Mikasa, each of us has a selfish dream deep inside, where we’d rather sacrifice others to save our special person; it doesn’t mean that we don’t love them, it’s just, if we’d have to choose, we’d prefer to keep safe only him or her. Let me explain better my point with an example: imagine a man who lives in a country at war; he has the possibility to save just two people and he has to choose between his wife and daughter or his parents. He would probably save his wife and daughter, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his parents. Choosing between the people we love is the most painful thing in the world, but sometimes we just have to do it, and in Mikasa’s case, she’d choose Eren.
Anyway, before talking about the conversation, I want to analyze a little detail: during her all dream, Mikasa and Eren are in their teen form, why? Well, my interpretation is that Mikasa is still in love with the old Eren and she can’t understand the new one, indeed, one she said: “I’ll bring the old Eren back”. Even if she doesn’t completely understand him, she still loves him, and that’s why I adore Mikasa.
Anyway, let’s analyze better their conversation:
Eren wakes Mika up and he states their situation in that moment, how they ran away leaving the others to their cruel destiny. Now, do we all agree how that doesn’t fit Eren’s character, at all. His most famous line is “Fight if you want to win”, which it shows how brave he is; if he’d run away with Mikasa, he would act like a coward, and he can’t accept cowardice.
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And here, Mikasa’s biggest regret: the answer she gave to Eren; remeber when she said: “If only I gave him another answer”, and in her dream she probably did: thanks to Eren’s words, we can assume that Mikasa told him to run away with her, to leave everything, probably what she wanted to answer in the reality. I interpreted that scene from chapter 123 like a Mikasa who couldn’t answer because taken by surprise, and then came up with a thing she didn’t mean who is still harassing her.
Let’s say that the Eren in the previous panels was Mikasa’s idealized version, but then something changes. Look at Eren’s face:
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The marks. And why did they appear casually? Because, this is the true Eren, the one they are going to kill, the one who wanted to give his probably last message to Mikasa, and in fact the most important part of the conversation: “Please...Mikasa, forget about me”. At this point, I really don’t understand what the Eremika shippers found romantic in this chapter, the fact that the last thing Eren said to Mikasa is “forget about me” made things clear enough. We can notice that Eren entered her dream by the falcon here, funny that Mikasa is actually flying on Falco right now.
I really started to appreciate Mikasa and Eren’s relationship thanks to this chapter; even if I wasn’t, and I am not, a big fan of the Eremika ship, thinking about their relationship made me a bit sad. Anyway, I love the fact that Eren wanted to tell this to Mikasa, I think he deeply want her to live a life without him, because he’s already understood that they have different life goals, different way of thinking, different natures.
Before skipping to the next point, I noticed that many Rivamika shippers’ve already talked about the similarity between Eren and Levi in some of the panels, I’m not going to dwell because I‘ll write a different post about it, but I wanted to say that it can’t be just a coincidence, Levi and Eren’s haircuts are very different and there’s no way to confuse them. I don’t know why Isayama did this; maybe it’s a foreshadowing, or maybe he just wanted to trol us (it’s always him), I’ll just wait patiently April to see if my assumptions are right 😌
• The kiss and why it doesn’t affect Rivamika at all
Ah this kiss, this damn kiss. Uff, let me sit down and let’s talk about it.
So, Mikasa decides to kill Eren and she enters his mouth thanks to Levi’s help. The first thing she sees is Eren’s head, and I think we should already stop and analyze better this moment.
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Look at his expression: he seems kinda... happy and, maybe also proud. Why? Because Mikasa finally decided to do the right thing, she chose Humanity, she sacrificed him, the person she loves the most, for the others. That’s her development. Even if she’ll never forget him, she chose to be selfless over selfish, and I’m glad she decided to remember Eren; it’s awful to forget to ones we loved in the past, we shouldn’t forget them, after all, they made us feel beautiful things, thanks to them we gained fantastic memories, why should we completely remove them from our life? Feelings can change, they will change, and Mikasa will change her romantic feelings towards Eren, it’s simply natural, but asking her to forget him is cruel; Levi won’t forget his dead friends, Armin won’t forget his grandfather, Eren won’t forget his mum, and it’s beautiful this way.
Now, let’s get into the spicy of this post: the kiss. Let me the transform in a love specialist (I’m nobody XD). I really don’t see anything romantic in it. Really, is probably the most tragic and sad among Eremika’s interactions because it shows how Mikasa’s feelings have never been reciprocated; she already tried to kiss him, in season 2, and he “rejected” her (that wasn’t a explicit reject but, if I’m not wrong, he didn’t try the Coordinate before so he didn’t know if it worked, he preferred to risk his life instead of kissing her. Actually, that’s also Eren’s personality), and now, yeah she managed to kiss him, but he was dead, he couldn’t kiss her back, couldn’t say anything, couldn’t reject her. I think that at this point, Mikasa already knew Eren wasn’t in love with her, she isn’t stupid, and she saw that kiss as a way to set herself free completely, to close a chapter of her life.
Another thing: I really don’t understand how can EM shippers say that Eremika is canon just because they kissed, sorry, Mikasa kissed him?? A simple kiss doesn’t make a couple canon, you have to analyze the feelings behind it. Why many of them can’t simply analyze a bit the story? Just, a bit...
• Final considerations and Rivamika
When I saw many Rivamika shippers being so happy about this chapter I really couldn’t understand, like “why are they happy if Mikasa literally kissed Eren?”. Well, at first I was very confused, the posts I read made me feel relieved, but... I wasn’t 100% convinced yet, because I was listening only to what the others said, I didn’t have my own opinion. I could see only the kiss (as a negative thing), and not all the foreshadowings we got in this chapter.
I have a certain theory but I will write a separated post about it, here, let’s discuss why that kiss isn’t a problem for us RM shippers. So, my biggest fear was that Mikasa’d live her all life mourning Eren and wouldn’t open herself to someone new, not necessarily Levi lying. Anyway, like I said before, please don’t stress yourself with rushed considerations, it’s just useless. I think that the kiss acted like as a springboard for Rivamika; like I said before, I interpreted it as a way to set herself free completely, to not have regrets because obviously, it was a thing that Mika wanted to do. Levi’s extreme care for her in this chapter, his determination when he saw that she ready to do this such painful thing made me... fly. They fought together until the end showing for the last time their chemistry and fantastic dynamic. Their interactions in this chapter were really special and I hope that there’ll be more in the future, maybe not only as a team;)
In conclusion, I loved this chapter so much, I can consider it as my favorite because, it gave me chills, for real.
I’ll start to work on my theory so yeah, this post isn’t ended yet lol. Stay tuned because there, I’ll talk only about RM so it will be... maybe more interesting from a shipper’s view. Tell me what you think about this in the comments 💜!
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paper-chain-queen · 4 years
The Bake Sale * Yuki Soma X Reader
I know I’ve been kind of MIA. Just been caught up in a lot but I do want to get back to posting one shots and short stories now and then. I’ve had this sitting around, practically finished since early Summer. Just got distracted and kind of forgot about it... whoops XD
This is just a little something I thought would be cute :) hope you enjoy
Summary: Kakeru decided that he needs to be a good wingman and his best plan? Lie to the girl that Yuki keeps staring at about a bake sale that’s in need of cookies.
Also a huge thank you to @bubblegumnnebula​ for reaching out to me with such kind words of encouragement and reading this one over before I posted <3
Rating: Teen
Words: 5,000+
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The first week of the new school year and soft pink petals fell like snow in the courtyard. First-year student Sohma Yuki was finally able to find some space from groups of giggling girls as he carried his lunch in one hand, looking for a spot. 
“That’s not much of a lunch.” A matter-of-fact voice spoke out, and it made Yuki slightly jump as he looked over and saw a cute girl looking at the single rice ball he had bought for the convenience store last night. 
“Oh. Um. I guess I never really learned how to make myself lunch.” Yuki admitted, slightly embarrassed, but the girl just smiled, and Yuki felt his heart skip a beat. 
“Well I’ve got lots! Come on.” The girl took him by the hand and started heading to a tree were a few other students were hanging out. 
“By the way. I’m (l/n) (f/n). From class 1-B. Nice to meet you.” 
“Sohma Yuki. It’s nice to meet you too.” 
“Where is Nabe-Kun?” Another student asked as he raised a brow at Yuki, who clearly wasn’t ‘Nabe-Kun.’ 
“He stole my pudding cup and ran off! But look, a fellow first year!” (y/n) cheered as if she made some great discovery. 
It was a group of people he had never seen, but he looked over at the girl who had all but pulled him over was smiling at him. She wasn’t blushing and giggling like all the other girls. 
(l/n) (y/n) was just treating him like he was just another student, welcoming him into her group of friends like it was the simplest thing in the world. 
He still felt anxious about the new school and worried about by mistake exposing the curse in a school full of girls. But there seemed to be kind people who only wanted to sit and enjoy the sunshine and good company. Even with all of Yuki’s fears about the new experience, he looked over at the girl who had befriended, and she was happily chatting away with her friend before turning back to him. 
She was just smiling at him, offering him a tart pastry from her yellow bento and saying that he was free to take whatever he wanted. A smile as warm the sun, and Yuki felt his heartbeat quicken as he joined the small group and took part in their lunch.  
Yuki brought the desert to his mouth and timidly bit into it. He was with a burst of flavour and quickly devoured the treat that was a hundred times better than anything that could be bought in a store. 
The boy was looking forward to spending more time at school, with people who were kind and shared their lunches. Perhaps even make friends with people with warm smiles. 
 * year and a half later*
“Have a good weekend!” A cheery voice called out to a few girls who were on their way out. 
“You too (y/n)-chan!”  
2nd-year student (l/n) (y/n) waved to the girls before checking her phone. Something made her giggle to herself before pressing a few buttons and slipping the phone into her school bag. 
“What are you looking at, Yun-Yun?” Vice student council president Kakeru Manabe asked as he tried to follow the popular boy’s eye line. 
“Huh, oh um, nothing.” 
Kakeru looked over to where the school’s Prince had been looking, and there stood a fellow classmate. (L/n) (Y/n) from Kakeru’s class slipped on her shoes while putting away her school slippers. 
“YO! (l/n)-Chan!” The energetic boy yelled out to the girl who looked over at the boys. 
“What are-” Yuki tried to stop his VP, but he’d already skipped over to the girl and started up a conversation, throwing his arm casually over her shoulder, and they seemed to be close. Yuki battled with himself on whether to walk over and smack the boy upside his head. 
Kakeru said something which made the girl laugh sweetly, and Yuki couldn’t help but glare. 
What are they talking about? 
The Vice President looked back over at Yuki and waved him over, and the grey-haired boy suddenly felt very nervous. Yuki let out a sigh and walked over, hoping that no one would notice his sweaty palms. 
“This is our president, Sohma Yun-Yun.” This earned Kakeru a cold glare from Yuki, but his eyes widened when he heard the girl’s light giggling.  
“Ah, we’ve actually met before. But nice to see you, Sohma-San. I’m from 2-A’s class with Nabe-Kun (l/n) (y/n).” She bowed, and Yuki mimicked, trying to fight back the urge to deck the Vice President for dragging him into this. 
“Prez and I were just talking about a fundraiser for the cultural festival, and we thought maybe a bake sale.” 
“Wait No-” Yuki was about to correct him, but Kakeru brought him into a headlock and covered his mouth. 
“AND I know that your parents have the best bakery in town, and I thought maybe you could whip up some treats. With the Prez and my help, of course!” Kakeru proposed a broad grin on his face. 
“Sure, I would love to help. I’m working today and tomorrow, but I’m free Sunday if you guys want to come bake. Ah, speaking of work, I’m late. I gotta go, later!” The girl was off, waving to the boys as she speed-walked away before disappearing around the corner. 
Yuki was finally able to break free and brought a fist to the top of Kareku’s head. 
“Why would you do something like that?” Yuki scolded him, but he just gave him a cheesy grin before raising his arms and resting them behind his head. 
“Aww don’t be like that, Yun-Yun, I just thought I would help move things along. You’re always looking at (l/n)-chan.” Kakeru wiggled his eyebrows, and Yuki felt his face go hot. 
“I do NOT!” 
“You do” 
“Do too.” 
“DO NOT! Enough I’m outta here.” Yuki angrily put away his school slippers and marched off. 
“Don’t forget about Sunday! I’ll text you her address.” The energetic vice president waved vigorously at the blushing Yuki, who tried to block him out as he marched home. 
The Prince stood in front of a baby blue and white two-story building. It looked like something out of a small European town, a wooded sign in the shape of a bird reading - ‘blue whisk bakery.’ The display window was full of baked goods, from loaves of bread to glazed donuts. 
Just looking at the delicious display made his mouth water. 
“Need something?” A tall man who looked to be in his early twenties, a large crate in one arm, glared down at Yuki, and suddenly, he felt like he was the size of a mouse. 
“I’m... I’m here to see (L/n)-San?” Yuki told him, a little nervous with the way he was looking at him. 
“I’m (L/Y). What do you want?” Yuki was now able to see the slight resemblance between this man and the girl from his school. It was subtle, but it was there. 
The colour of their eyes.... but (y/n) ’s are more...welcoming
“(L/N) (Y/N).” Yuki corrected, feeling smaller and smaller the longer he stood there. 
“She’s not here. Go Away.” 
“Nii-san!” A voice broke through, causing the two boys looked over, and there stood (l/n) (y/n), hands on her hips wearing a baby blue apron with daisies over her simple t-shirt and jeans, her hair up in a ponytail. 
“I don’t remember saying you could have a boyfriend?” The older boy scolded, but the slightly annoyed girl just rolled her eyes. 
“Okay, first of all. Where do you get off telling me that I can’t have a boyfriend? Secondly, He’s not my boyfriend. He’s the student council president, and he’s here to do baking. Remember? I talked about it at dinner last night?” (y/n) explained to him as she put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.  
The tall man then scoffed and turned away, muttering something incoherent. 
“Fine, whatever. Figured he’s not your boyfriend, he’s almost prettier than you are.” The brother smirked as he kicked her behind the knee lightly, just enough to make her stumble.  
“Just go make your deliveries already, or I’m gonna tell Mom that you’ve been hiding a pet tarantula in your room.” (y/n) threatened, sticking her tongue out at the tall man. Yuki had to slightly turn his head to try and hide a laugh. 
“Alright, alright. I’m out.” the man scoffed before adjusting the crate in his arm before putting it in the back of the bike and driving off. 
“Sorry about him, he’s kind of annoying, but he’s my brother.” The girl apologized as she smiled at Yuki and invited him in. 
Before the two could step in, Yuki’s phone went off, and he excused himself to check it. 
A text from Kakeru -  
‘Can’t make it, sorry! Enjoy your date Yun-Yun. Oh and don’t worry (l/n)-Chan isn’t one of your fangirls XD’-  
“Is something wrong?” (y/n) asked as she noticed that Yuki had stopped dead in his tracks. 
“Kakeru-San can’t make it.” Yuki said through gritted teeth. 
“Oh, is he okay?” She brought her phone to check her texts and seemed to roll her eyes at something. 
He won’t be when I’m done with him 
“He’s fine.” 
“We can do this another day if you want?” (y/n) offered, worrying that maybe it would be uncomfortable with just the two of them. 
“No!” Yuki yelled out a lot louder than he meant to as he reached out and (y/n) widened her eyes a bit. 
“.. I mean.. Um. I wouldn’t want to put you out anymore. We should get on with it.” Yuki quickly rushed out awkwardly. 
“Okay?” (y/n) seemed unsure, and Yuki cursed himself for his poor word choice; his nerves felt like they were all over the place. 
Stepping into the cute bakery, his senses were met with the smell of freshly baked goods. 
“Oh is this the boy?” The woman from behind the counter had just finished helping a customer and turned to the two teens. 
“Sohma-San this is my mother, (mother’s name). Mom, this is Sohma Yuki, my school’s student president.” (y/n) made the introductions while her Mother fixed something on (y/n) ’s apron, fussing as he supposed good mothers did. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you (l/n)-San, thank you for having me in your shop.” Yuki was sure to be polite and bowed to the kind-looking woman who certainly shared many similarities with her daughter. 
“Hello sweetheart, nice to meet you. So exciting that you asked our honey bun for help with a bake sale. She’s been so excited, she was basically vibrating when she told us.” Her Mother teased as she gave the two teens a knowing smile. (y/n) only smiled back, a slight blush on her cheeks. 
“We’ll be in the back. Come get me if you need a hand with anything.” (y/n) told her 
“No need, enjoy yourselves.” 
“Oh, and Yuki-Kun. These cheese and jalapeño scones are delicious. She made them fresh this morning.” The woman grabbed one from under the counter and put it in a small bag before handing it to Yuki. 
“(l/n)-San I couldn’t possibl-” 
“Please, it’s on the house.” she winked; Yuki bowed his head and tucked the baked good in his bag before continuing to the back of the store. 
(y/n) was running around, grabbing containers and placing them at a station in the corner. The back of the bakery was bustling with a few other people working, baking, mixing ingredients and checking the oven for their baked goods. 
It smelt amazing, Yuki felt like he could practically taste the air if he just stuck out his tongue. 
“So what would you like to make?” (y/n) asked as she washed her hands at the sink and gestured for Yuki to do the same. 
Yuki wasn’t actually very familiar with sweets and (y/n) had might as been speaking another language because after cookies and cakes, what else was there? 
“We could do cupcakes or cookies? Cream puffs? Eclairs? Macarons? Macaroons? Or maybe even strudel? Oh, how about tarts!?” 
Yuki noticed she sounded a little more excited about the final suggestion. 
“I’m in charge of the pastry shells, so we already have a lot in stock. We would just have to make a filling. Maybe a lemon meringue tart, they’re pretty easy to sell.” 
“You’re not very familiar with sweets, are you?” The girl noticed the clearly bewildered look on the Yuki’s face and worried that she had overwhelmed him. 
Yuki just shyly shook his head, feeling like a fish out of water. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
(y/n) returned with a plate of various cookies cut in half and a few different tarts. 
“I figure we should have a little variety, and cookies would be simple enough to make alongside the tarts.” 
“Now, here is a small tart sample, and then these are a few cookies types.” She gestured for Yuki to try them, and he polity thanked her for the desserts. 
“The chocolate chip is a classic, but the oatmeal raisin sells well along with the molasses sugar, or we have delicious peanut butter cookies, and then there is the bird-nest, and we have sugar cookies with blueberry glaze. Those are a specialty.” (y/n) spoke with such enthusiasm that Yuki could hardly pay attention to anything but enjoy the beautiful smile on her face or the excited look in her eyes as she explained each cookie. 
“But my favourite is the macadamia nut cookie with white chocolate chips.” 
(y/n) was about to hand the cookie to Yuki, but it was snatched right out of her hands. 
“Thank’s for the cookies.” 
“We’ll take those too.” 
“WAIT, we were using those!” Yuki’s schoolmate raged, fire in her eyes as she looked at the cookie thieves. 
The identical-looking boys just stuck their tongue out at (y/n) before running off. 
“Sorry, my brothers are a bit of a pain.” She laughed while shaking her head. 
“How many brothers do you have?” The grey-haired boy was still in shock over how quick the two boys came and went. 
“Five?!” Yuki’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as his jaw dropped, and this caused (y/n) to giggle. She had seen the infamous Prince around the school but never imagined him, such as an expression. 
She liked it. 
On the other hand, Yuki was still having trouble imagining having 5 brothers, he only had one brother, and he was a handful, sounded like some sort of nightmare. 
“Yep, and I’m the youngest, my parents REALLY wanted a girl.” She laughed while rubbing the back of her head, a small blush on her cheeks. 
The two got back to trying to decide what they would bake, but the answer seemed obvious to Yuki. 
“Let’s do your favourites.” 
“Are you sure?” She asked, but it was hard to hide her grin, excited to share her recipe with the boy. Yuki nodded, and she rushed to grab him a plain blue apron for him to throw over and even tied it for him as she rambled on about what she had to grab from the pantry. 
The counter was soon filled with various sheet and mixing bowls, and lots of different ingredients. Yuki could only recognize one or two. The flour and sugar. 
 (y/n) learned that Yuki is very much useless in the kitchen, but she helped him with everything. Patiently teaching him to properly whisk ingredients and roll out dough.  
The brother that been out on deliveries was back and was now working in the kitchen, he made sure to keep his eyes on Yuki, and the boy could feel his stare. Looking over his shoulder as (y/n) was busying and measuring something out, he caught the brother’s eyes as he took two large trays down with perfect balance. Even spinning them one-handed as he was trying to assert dominance over the workplace. 
It was slightly impressive to see a big guy so delicate with the baked goods; Yuki would give him that. 
“Soo, how long have you been baking?” 
“Probably since the moment I could stand up on a chair and reach the counter.” Yuki watched her soften as she thought back on the happy memories. He could just picture it, her as a little girl excitedly helping her mom make cookies in the kitchen, laughing and making a mess. 
“You seem to really enjoy it.” Yuki’s small smile made (y/n) ’s heart race. 
“I do. I always feel happy when I’m in the kitchen, like everything in the world is right. I get to create something that many people can enjoy, and I get to experiment with things to make something new every now and then.” 
“Sorry, I must sound so silly.” 
“It’s not. It’s... I think I understand, actually.” 
While Yuki wasn’t a cook or a baker, he was a gardener. It was something he did that made him happy, something that needed him, and he felt he could make the world maybe just a little greener. 
The two we’re placing their finished creations on the cooling rack when the bakery’s back door was pushed open, and a booming voice filled the work kitchen. 
“We’re home!” 
“Hey Pops!! (y/n) has a boy in the kitchen!” The twins piped up and (y/n) let out a sign while muttering that she was never gonna do anything nice for the twins ever again. 
“WHAT?!” Yuki heard heavy footsteps rushing through the room, and a part of him felt the need to run. 
Yuki was now looking up at two tall men, one was clearly (y/n) ’s father, and the other just seemed like a younger, male version of her Mother. 
Another one of her brothers? 
“And you are?” The tall man stared down at Yuki as if sizing him as he crossed his arms. 
“Dad! I told you-” 
“Sohma Yuki, I’m the student council president at our school.” Yuki subconsciously put on polite prince act, hoping it would be enough to get him by. 
“And you’re here because?” 
“....” This man’s stare was something else, and Yuki wished Kakeru was here to help. Or at least there to suffer with him at the mercy of the tall, intimidating man. 
“Dad, I told you! There’s a bake sale.” 
“And they couldn’t do it themselves?” The man didn’t take his eyes off Yuki, and the teenager had to gulp a bit. 
“Dad!” (y/n) whined, embarrassed over her father’s attitude, and that’s when an angel must have been listening to Yuki’s prayer because a saviour appeared. 
“Okay dear, that’s enough out of you. How about you go get started on closing up, and I’ll get started on dinner.” (y/n) ’s Mother came to the rescue as she dragged off her husband and what had to be another one of (y/n) ’s brothers. 
The Mother sent a wink Yuki’s way, and he covered his face, exhausted by everything. 
“I’m so sorry. They’re just... well protective, I guess.” (y/n) sighed as she continued topping the lemon tarts with the meringue. 
“I should tell you the truth..” Yuki decided to come clean. 
“There is no bake sale.” 
“What?! Then... why?” (y/n) looked at him, and Yuki really wished there was a bake sale, so he didn’t have to come clean right now. 
“Kakeru-San was trying to help me, I guess..” Yuki admitted, and it made (y/n) freeze in her actions and turn to face him. 
“Help you with what?” (y/n) truly had no idea what he was getting at. She was honestly surprised that Yuki, the most handsome boy in school, even knew who she was. The brief meeting in the first week of school was most likely forgotten by the popular boy. 
Why would Yuki need help from her friend Kakeru with anything concerning her? 
“…. what happened?” Yuki asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
Yuki had been racking his brain, wondering what had made (y/n) stay away. He had seen her around the school; she had a warm laugh and always seemed to be a kind and friendly person. 
He couldn’t help but notice that she would smile at him when he passed her by, but it wasn’t like the other girls. She wouldn’t blush and get all fluttery and call him prince Yuki or anything, just smile like a passing hello and then return to her friends. 
“Did I do something to offend you, maybe?” Yuki asked, and (y/n) let out a sigh, and Yuki decided to push forward, knowing he probably wouldn’t have another chance. 
“No that’s” Yuki had stepped too forward and somehow pushed the bowl of the whipped meringue into the air, and it flew before landing. 
Right on top of Yuki’s head. 
I want the ground to swallow me up 
Yuki stood there with the silver bowl on top of his head, the white froth of the meringue and a gentle hand lifted the edge, peeking under while trying not to giggle. 
“I imagined none of your fangirls have ever seen you this side of you. I feel a little bad for them.” (y/n) giggled cutely as she lifted off the bowl and handed him a towel. 
Yuki looked over at her and the soft look on her face, her cheeks’ gentle flush, and warm, inviting eyes. Yuki felt his heart race as she reached out and wiped away some of the sweet froth from his face with a wet cloth. It was done so tenderly, and he found himself wanting to lean into her touch. 
“Back at the beginning of first year. You invited me to eat lunch with you but then..” 
“Oh..... well... um.” 
“You’re… fangirls made it pretty clear that I was to stay away.” (y/n) remembered that day like it was yesterday. She had been cornered the day after she had lunch with Yuki. One of the girls was even in his class and insisted that she had bothered Yuki with her presence. 
It had hurt. 
Because she was interested in getting to know the quiet boy with the small convenience store lunch. Yuki had been a little awkward at lunch, but there was something aloof and awkward about him, something that made (y/n) want to know more. But there was never a chance to talk to him, and the Prince Yuki Fan Club was more like an army then it was a fan club. 
So, she stuck to just giving him friendly smiles whenever they would pass each other in the hallway, which she doubted he noticed. 
“And then you never seemed to... always feel so far away. I figured that you just didn’t want to be friends-” (y/n) was cut off by Yuki, who had reached forward and grabbed her hand and (y/n) felt a jolt of electricity from the skin on skin contact. Both looked a little taken back, but Yuki continued on, wanting to be heard. 
“I really wanted to spend... More lunches together.” Yuki admitted, and it felt like some sort of mysterious weight had been lifted from (y/n) ’s shoulders. 
“I’ll get the bath ready.” 
“And... maybe you wouldn’t mind staying for dinner? I know my family is a bit much, but my mom is a great cook.” 
“I’d love to stay.” 
Yuki was now wearing some of (y/n) ’s brothers’ clothes, the second oldest who was away for college. He was studying business and was supposed to be graduating come the spring. He even came in for video chat for a bit while the Mother fussed over how he was eating and if she needed to go pay him a visit to restock his fridge. 
This was a close family, and Yuki felt like it was something that he wanted so bad that it almost hurt. 
Yuki was properly introduced to all of (y/n) ’s five older brothers, and while a few poked fun at (y/n) for having a boy over, it seemed she wasn’t afraid to sick her father on them. A glare from him was enough to shut them up. 
Yuki couldn’t help but notice that throughout dinner (y/n) would give the best things on her plate, which led to the brother who had come in with her father earlier, cutting his portion in half and sneaking it onto her plate. It was a sleight of hand, but he caught it. 
Conversations flowed with ease; Yuki had worried that he would feel like an odd man out, but somehow the family made room for him. 
The food was delicious, and the company was warm, and they made him feel like he had been simply part of their family for years. He could see where (y/n) seemed to get her cheerfulness and confidence; how else would one survive in a family with 5 older brothers. 
There was a bit of a break between dinner and dessert which (y/n) had made, and there was time for some sort of game that Yuki had never played, but (y/n) ’s father was actually quite patient in telling him the rules of ‘Cheat.’ 
Turns out the best player in the house was the Mother who came in for one last round and wiped the floor. The woman had a powerful poker face, which was surprising coming from the seemingly innocent woman. 
The strawberry shortcake that (y/n) made was the best thing that Yuki had ever eaten, and he even got dragged into an arm-wrestling contest for the final piece. He lost, but the other brother just laughed and split the last piece in two while saying ‘no hard feelings, pretty boy.’ 
Maybe it should have bothered him, but it also felt like he could fit in, just a little. 
A spot for him in that large warm family. Where the siblings looked out for one another, where the parents fussed over their kids’ eating habits, where everyone laughed together as they shared a meal. 
“Thank you for having me.” Yuki bowed to the family, and the Mother gushed over how polite he was while the father said he was welcome to come back. 
Y/n walked him to the door downstairs. 
The two teens stood on the sidewalk; the display window of the family baker way now empty. A ‘Closed’ sign hanging off the door. It had gotten so late, but Yuki had barely noticed as the time really had flown by. 
“Here, the cookies we made together and a few tarts to share with your family.” (y/n) handed him a nice blue bag paper bag that had some weight to it. They had certainly made a lot of goodies. Okay, (y/n) had done most of the work, but she would insist that they had shared the work. 
“I’m sorry about lying to you... about the bake sale” While Yuki hadn’t been the one to tell her about the bake sale, he had still gone along with it. 
“Don’t be, I know how Nabe-Kun can be. I’ve known him since middle school, should have known. I hope you had fun, though. I’m sorry about my family. They can be... a little much.” (y/n) loved her family but they had undoubtedly given Yuki a hard time it seemed, she worried that they had scared him away.
“Your family is very kind. I enjoyed getting to know them.” (y/n) let out a sigh of relief and gave Yuki a smile that could have lit up the darkest nights. 
“But I was really happy.... that you wanted to bake with me... And that you spent time with my family and me, Sohma-San.” 
“Please... call me Yuki... And It... It made me happy too.” Yuki admitted, and he wondered if only he had been braver, then maybe they could have been making cookies and having dinners together a long time ago. 
“See you at school tomorrow?” 
“Let’s have lunch.” She smiled, and Yuki couldn’t help but stare at cupid’s bow of her lips. 
“oooooh are they gonna kiss?” The twins called from the upstairs window, and the teens both erupted into red. 
His heart was hammering in his chest, still not believing he had been so close that maybe if he just leaned down a little, they would have connected. 
And soon, the entire family was popping their heads out the windows of their second-story apartment and peeping on the two teens. 
“Aww he’s so cute, honey bear, you better catch him before someone else digs in.” (y/n) ’s Mother teased, and she called out to her family to please stop. 
“Wait, no! No one’s touching my baby sister!” The 1st most protective brother called out, waving his fist at Yuki. 
“Wait I’m not-!” Yuki shook his hands and stepped away from (y/n) as if to give her space, but this started a whole new argument with the brother. 
“Are you saying she’s not good enough!” 
“NO! I-” 
“Then, What?! Do you not like her!? I OUTTA-” The older brother was practically hanging out the window with the middle brother holding the back of his shirt to make sure he didn’t actually fall. 
“I DO LIKE HER!” Yuki snapped under all the pressure as he clenched his fists. 
Silence.... dead silence, except for maybe the sound of his heart beating so fast that it wanted to jump out his chest and get out of there. 
“I like you too.” (y/n) broke the silence, and everyone watching from the balcony above laughed and started goading the two teenagers on. 
“Just kiss already!” The twins called out, laughing as they taunted, and Yuki could hear the parents scolding them and trying to get all their kids to leave their only daughter in peace. 
Both of the teens were bright red, but Yuki’s chest somehow felt so light. This family was certainly... loud and a little out there. But there was nothing but love and joy to be felt all around. (y/n) smiled up at him, her cheeks still dusted with pink, but her eyes kept looking up at him and then averting to the ground shyly. 
Yuki wasn’t sure what came over him. He certainly didn’t want the large audience of her family’s hooting and hollering, but how could he resist when she was finally within reach? 
The teen leaned down, careful to keep the distance between them, even using his hand as some sort of force to hold her back and slowly, gently met her lips with his. 
As he expected, she tasted so sweet, but with a slight tang, a tartness from the strawberries they had been eating earlier. 
He wanted to lean down again, but an angry voice brought him back to earth. 
“Thats IT!!! I’M GONNA KILL HIM!!” 
“You better run.” (y/n) advised, unable to hide her giant smile and her pink cheeks, even in the dim lighting. 
“Lunch tomorrow?” Yuki asked, feeling confident that they would no longer just share brief smiles in the school hallways. 
“It’s a date.” And she leaned up and placed a quick kiss to Yuki’s cheek before he ran off before (y/n) ’s brother could lay his hands on him. 
As he walked home, Yuki felt like he walked on clouds and never looked so forward to school. Yuki could barely wait for the lunch hour where he could look upon that bright smile and perhaps even sneak a sweet kiss. 
His phone beeped, and Yuki checked the phone to see another text from Kakeru. 
- How did it go, Yun-Yun????????? I GOTS TO KNOW?!?!?!- 
Yuki never thought he would find himself doing this, but he was in such a good that he figured it would be fine. 
 - Thank you - 
Yuki also made a note NOT to share any of the tarts or the cookies he and (y/n) had made together. 
Okay, maybe just one, but that’s it. 
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asinglemagpie · 2 years
Music, thrill, you <3
🌸🌼🌻Spring Asks🌻🌼🌸
                                Music - What’s been on repeat lately? Oddly enough… Nothing. I have my music on random and leave it to it's thing, unless it tries to play something it's already played. I haven't really had an ear-worm of late. Which is weird for me, actually…
                                 Thrill - What is one thing you’re looking forward to? Getting my Cerberus cat tattoo finished happy wiggles I was just bleeding like a stuck pig so we had to call quits early, and then life happened so it's taken approx. 5 months to get on track lol. It's always nice to see my tattoo artist, and I always feel better when I've had a tattoo so… hopefully it'll be done and I'll be able to show it off to @azulmagpie who did the original art!
                             You - What’s one thing you like about yourself? One thing you dislike about yourself? I like that I'm funny. And I don't mean in a "I crack myself up" way (though I do…) but I can get Mum laughing even when she's really far from even cracking a smile for anything else. I'm definitely not "go out and be a stand up comedian" kind of funny, but I'm entertaining, and that's nice XD
I don't like my memory issues. I seem to have a lot of trouble retaining knowledge about things I want to learn about, but I will remember absolutely unimportant facts about things no one asked me about. I forget birthdays, I forget holidays, I forget people's favourite colours and animals and what I should get them for X present. I try to remember, I try to write things down but invariably lose the thing I wrote it on. I will forget what I'm doing as I do it, I'll go to do something and forget what that is, and without timers I forget everything that I'm cooking and nearly burn the place down (the main reason that I eat a lot of ready meals, though I have proven that I can absolutely murder a microwave…). I forget how to read music as I'm playing an instrument, I forget how to play the flute as I'm playing the flute! It's absolutely bonkers!
I feel like it's my biggest obstacle. It makes me feel like an asshole. It makes me feel helpless. I feel like so many of the paths I want to walk just don't… work… with a memory that is at best faulty and at worst completely gone.
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dorki-c · 4 years
Ms. Cheshire Cat
Characters: Dabi and Reader  
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A/N: Thanks for all of the support I’ve been getting! This one-shot was HEAVILY inspired by the song called ‘Feeling Good’ by Michael Buble- anyways Happy Christmas (or if you don’t celebrate Christmas, then happy holidays)! Btw, prepare yourselves for a lil bit of spice in this one-shot and remember to like, reblog, and follow me for more content!
Edit: I accidently didnt realise I spelt the title wrong XD Anyways hope you guys enjoy it otherwise!
Important note: Reader has cat ears and a teleportation quirk :D
It was the same boring day when the raven-haired man noticed his client had decided to hire another villain to work with him and the blonde gremlin- or as most people dubbed her ‘Toga’.
And if he ever said that this new recruit had made the day seem more interesting, that wouldn’t be a lie.
From that point onwards, neither of you realised that this sort of encounter would ensue many more meetings or as Toga likes to say, “lots of cheesy and gross flirting” because of the numerous times she’s walked into a room in the place of operation where either Dabi or (y/n) were roaming their lust-entranced eyes over the other person’s body.
Though once this normal day to day thing had ended when the client had no use for the crummy place. It was upsetting to say the least.
From each corner of the villain’s hideout, everyone had noticed Dabi’s change of behaviour after the mission was done and dusted. In the male’s head, he wasn’t annoyed that the job wasn’t thoroughly complete- that was Shigaraki’s reaction- but instead, with a shallow gaze down into the small shot glass swirling with the deep hazy golden-brown liquid, Dabi had thought of the many possibilities on when he could see you again.
Or how he could see you. But let’s leave those thoughts at the back of his head for now.
Throwing his head back, the burning liquid ran down his throat like the change of scenery around him.
He was no longer in the league’s hideout but instead in a largely owned villain nightclub- one that he hasn’t been to yet- although, it was only for a small errand of getting a folder of information because Twice couldn’t be bothered to get his lazy ass off the couch and additionally it would be good for him to “find other fish in the sea.”- quoted by that one marble guy (which Dabi can’t be asked to remember his name).
As minutes licked past in a slow languid fashion, the dangling golden dimmed lights strung up above the bartending station as the rambunctious gathering hole blared with music and the heavy smog of cigarette smoke.
Gripping the folder in his hand, Dabi thought to stay for a little bit. Maybe it will help him gain information on your whereabouts were, though it was difficult. Ever since Giran had informed the villain of your ‘in and out of existence’ behaviour being a normal occurrence for assassins, that still spurred him to the brink of exhaustion.
Closing his eyes when cocking his head backwards in an attempt to feel an exasperated sense of serenity in this unknown environment, when Dabi’s eyes circled in confusion at the appearance of another glass of vodka sitting cutely on top of the glossy lacquered redwood bar. It dawned upon him when the sticky warm breath of somebody’s breath tickling his pierced ear had angelically whispered “Aren’t you going to drink it?” that it was actually your voice.
“Is there poison?” Dabi muttered as two of his ten fingers grasped the clear shot glass that could’ve been mistaken to be empty if not for the reflection of the liquid inside of it. “No, baby.” Murmured (y/n) as two (e/c) cat ears flickered in anxious need for his hands to caress you once more.
“Good kitten.” He took his drink of victory, placed the glass down and leaned upwards to feel the pressure of your chest squeezing so right against taut shoulders. He didn’t care if those dangling illuminations had shined straight into his eyes because he had you locked in his grasp.
Slightly shaking hands reached up to feel the smooth texture of your ears resulting in your lungs releasing an unsteady puff of air when the atmosphere had stagnantly crumbled away in the wake of their minds resulting in (y/n) becoming lightheaded, causing the female to dip her head forward allowing her lover to please her more.
“Do you like that kitten?” She knew Dabi had a shit-eating grin on his face and she didn’t give a flying fuck. “Y-yes…” With the impossibly soft tug of the male’s fingers, when he sneakily pulled one of his hands away from your ears, he led you to a room. “Where are we going?” If it weren’t for your body being held close to his, Dabi wouldn’t have heard you.
Though he didn’t answer you.
Instead, your vision had given you the answer you needed.
Throwing yourself down onto the nightclub’s private bed, Dabi had closed and locked the door behind him.
It wasn’t long for two calloused hands to feel the familiar bumps of your pure untattered skin or have them crawl up against the smooth mesh fabric covering the majority of your body, only being held up by two thick but light weight chains of gold, where Dabi satisfyingly rests his fingers and glides his thumbs slowly down the buds of your body.
“I’m surprised,” He spoke first as (y/n)’s eyes hesitantly snapped up to meet his, “usually your feistier—” Let’s not forget how Dabi caught the narrowing of your eyes “Not like this is any bad, kitten…” Spending no time for you to give a response, he shoved his lips onto yours. Locking them in with the help of salvia, the villain spent not even a millisecond in taking those golden chains and moving them down your arms to reveal the jutted-out bones that shaped the collarbone.
Your skin was always tantalising for him to bite and mark. “T-that’s not fair…” Peeking your eyes open, the male’s outfit still remained on him as untouched as ever whereas he was slowly- most annoyingly- removing the scandalous dress that left nothing for the mind to think about.
“What’s not fair, kitten?” Under this dimmed lighting, you noted how his bright blue orbs seemed to emit some sort of glow to use as a tactic of submission. “Y-your t-teasing me…” Raising your arms upwards to wrap around the warm mounds, the slick sensation of a warm slippery organ ran itself along the thin helix of her ear where in that moment, a low chuckle bellowed out of Dabi’s throat.
“I thought you liked being teased?” All you needed to do is grab that folder and escape your lover’s grasp. Though that was proving more difficult than it was thought out to be.
The money that came with this incognito mission was something you desperately needed, but even then, what should you choose? Dabi or money? Love or wealth?
Maybe you could pick both? That’s what (y/n) thought, as she felt a warm digit press harshly against the nether regions of her body. Sure, the entrance to the forbidden cavern was blocked by expensive fishnet tights and soft cotton panties, but it doesn’t stop the slithering finger of the villain above her.
Dabi eyed the twitching ears and the flooding blood to (y/n)’s cheeks, “Kitten, you haven’t answered my question…” He also eyed the sporadic squirming of wanting some sort of release from a singular digit pressing against your body. Leaning forward to only allow your eyes to stare dead centre into his own with a hint of sobriety lingering. “Com’ on kitten,” It was only his voice that lured you into a true sense of serenity, “you don’t want to be a bad kitty, do you?”
“No, no, no, I don’t—" The words had squeaked through babbling curses as an advantage to him. “Then answer my question.” As harsh as before the separation, his actions further proved his meaning, though with that crazed pearly white smile, you weren’t sure what signal he was sending.
“I-I think. I d-do…” He simply shook his head.
“I need a clear answer—" She didn’t know at the time, but when the music in the nightclub had a bass drop hit from the band preforming as Dabi dipped his finger near her nether region- after wriggling under the cloth barrier- that was when (y/n) snapped out of her intoxicated state and teleported across the room with the folder sitting snug in her fingers grasp.
It was a surprise to Dabi. Darting his head towards the folder that was left unadministered on the side of the bed, it wasn’t there.
Instead, in the corner of his vision, there you stood; fully dressed before you entered this room and wearing a wide grin.
Jumping off the bed to get the folder out of your grasp, Dabi swiped at your illusions body. “Wrong move, baby.” Snapping his head towards the direction of Chester cat grinning lady dangling from the window by only her arms.
In a second, she was there. In another second, she disappeared.
(Y/n) was called Ms. Chester cat, for a reason.
God fucking damnit. How could he have let his horniness get the better of himself?
The next morning was another surprise.
With the throbbing of his head echoing like a traditional drum being banged against, the excuse he made to Shigaraki had been half-assed- considering he was cockblocked by his beloved kitten.
So, here he was sitting short-fused and tired. When Giran had opened the door to his working place room waving a very familiar coloured folder paired with a red stained kiss on it- Dabi may or may not have jumped to conclusions that you were playing with him.
“The fuck? You better not be playing with me, Giran.” Looming over the broker, he wasn’t impressed with whatever the fuck is going on.
Through the expression that he was receiving didn’t give him all the answers, the next sentence he heard was an impressively bold one.
“What?” Giran shrugged at Dabi, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Say thanks to your little lady next time.”
Huffing in response, Dabi gave Giran a dismissive wave.
 “Well, she is a Cheshire cat, after all.” 
  @orenjineki, @haredabi, @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku​, @glitterfreezed​
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 6
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (best friend) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 2075
Warnings: Slow Start, Language, Tiny bit of Fluff
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change
As Promised, here’s Chapter 6. I really enjoyed writing this one, heck I even laughed at one bit XD Also I’d like to thank you all for supporting my work so far, It really means the world to me that people are enjoying my work. As always Enjoy! :)
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-Third Person POV
The minutes turned to hours, the hours turned into days, concern over the young girl was increasing day by day. Every single day Bucky and Steve were there, telling her how their days went and what was happening in the world all while holding y/ns hand, each day the boys watched her progress, the memory of her skin slowly regaining its colour giving them a new sense of hope.
Day by day the boys stayed as long as they could, only leaving when Mr and Mrs Barnes appeared at the door to bring them home, each time Mrs Barnes placed a small kiss on the young girl’s head before leaving. All of them taking the opportunity to show small sings of affection towards the girl, hoping that it gave her the strength to recover.
Later that night, when everyone was in bed and resting, a sharp ring disturbed the silence surrounding the house, half asleep Mr Barnes answered the phone, a wide smile appeared on his face as the news the family had been waiting for all week arrived.  Quickly the parents rushed to the boys, the pair sharing a smile as they frantically ran around the room to get ready, a few tears of happiness sliding down their faces. A huge sense of relief flowed through Bucky’s veins, all the guilt he felt throughout the week lessened, at least now he knew that he didn’t cause y/n’s death.
-Back at the Hospital
Readers POV
My eyes felt like they’d been welded shut and my head was poundin’ like nobody’s business, what the hell happened to me? Finally, I managed to open my eyes and I was immediately blinded by the bright lights shining in my goddamn face, can I not catch a break for once in my life?! A loud groan accidently slid past my lips, why is it every time I wake up some part of my body is aching? You’d think I was a pro wrestler or somethin’!
I gazed around the room, distant voices could be heard from the corridor, hang on where the hell am I? the room was decorated plain white, with a few pictures hanging on the wall and a small sofa was tucked into the back corner. Another door, presumably for the bathroom, was to the right of the window, the curtains were drawn but the steady tapping on the other side told me it was raining. What a way to come back into reality, absolutely chucking it down with rain, my dumbass soon realised that the nurses might not know I was awake, which is kind of important information.
Slowly I raised myself up, the ache on my midriff increasing much to my displeasure, as I slowly moved my legs off the edge of the bed, both were shaking with the effort of holding my body up and I hoped to god that I didn’t land on my ass anytime soon. Hang on, that might be becoming a very bad habit of mine, I’m gonna need to work on that later… finally my legs stopped shaking, taking VERY cautious steps I started making my way to the door. You’d think walking 5 feet would be easy, wouldn’t you? apparently not.
After about 3 minutes of moving like a bloody snail, I could finally reach the door handle, now for the hard part… turning the door handle, a high-pitched squeak met my ears as the door slowly flung open, the voices outside my room stopped and foot steps came towards my room. Two nurses came around the corner and stopped when the spotted me, a few seconds passed before I started to feel awkward, so I decided to wave at them to try and break the tension. Which in hindsight was one of the dumbest things I could have done in that moment, but it did seem to break them outta their trance, they both came towards me and started fussing over me, “Miss you shouldn’t have gotten out of bed! Why didn’t you just press the call button on the bed side table? how long have you been awake?” There was a bloody call button?! For the love of god!
“I woke up about 5 minutes ago, I’m sorry but could you tell me what happened to me? All I remember is fainting near the bank” The nurses shared a look, both of them ignored my question for the moment and focused on getting me into the bed and calling for the doctor, they gave me strict instructions not to move till the doctor arrived. Well, at least I know I’m in a hospital but what the hell did I do to land in here in the first place? All I remember is getting ready for the war and setting up in the dinner before it all went wrong. Shooting happened, I was taken hostage, shooting happened again, Alexi punched me and broke my nose, I was held at ransom before till I got bored and ran outta the line of fire, Bucky and Steve were pinned behind a wall, I fought with a մոխրագույն օրխիդ and got shot…wait a second…
I got bloody shot! How the hell did I forget that?! It’s not like I stubbed my toe, an actual bullet went inside me! Oh god are Bucky and Steve okay?! Where are they? Did they get hurt? My mind was going crazy with worry, I hoped to god that this bloody doctor got here soon, or I’d be out of here looking for those pair of numpties! A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts as a team of doctors and nurses filled the room, a few carried important looking equipment with them, a man with a clipboard approached me with a reassuring smile.
“Good Evening Miss y/n, my names Doctor Miller, you’ve been unconscious for a week or so, due to a gunshot wound to your midriff, the bullet shattered on impact and we had to operate to stop any internal bleeding. Now don’t worry too much about that, it’s in the past and there’s no lasting damage done, but we’re going to have to keep you in the hospital for one more night to monitor your vitals but after that you’ll be free to go. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me.”
Okay, all I heard was “unconscious for a week” and “no lasting damage”, I really hope that I don’t smell too bad, my pride’s been damaged enough for one week.
“Dr. Miller, do you know what happened to the two boys that were with me at the bank? Did they get hurt at all?” I could hear the fear in my voice, I dreaded the answer and prayed to god that nothing happened to them. He took a moment to reply, my worry increasing by the second, “No, none of the boys got hurt, but I can’t say the same for some of the members of the Црни лабуд, some were killed during the fight and a few passed away in their sleep. I believe that someone called Damien is still alive though, he gave a statement that completely cleared your name in court today”
What? I can’t believe it, why would he do that? One by one everyone started to leave the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I don’t understand it at all, why would Damien go out of his way to protect me? All that’d of done was increase his jail time for human trafficking. It doesn’t make sense…
-Time Skip
At some point I fell asleep, the sound of faint whispering disturbed me from my sleep as I slowly opened my eyes, sat next to me was Bucky’s mother, his father stood behind her as they both offered me a gentle smile. A few tears slid down Mrs Barnes cheeks when she realised I was fully awake, her arms immediately enveloped me into a warm hug, “Oh my Goodness sweetheart, please don’t ever scare me like that again, I was so worried about you” I didn’t reply to her, instead I chose to hug her tighter as confusion began to cloud my mind. Why would she be worried about me? Me? Other people would have been over joyed at the news of me being shot.
Slowly she pulled away from me, choosing to look me in the eyes as carefully stroked my cheek, inspecting the few bruises littered on my face, a small sniffle grabbed my attention as I turned away from her, my eyes glanced over in the direction of the sound. There stood in the corner of the room were the boys, both of their eyes red and puffy as they cautiously made their way towards me, none of us said anything when they reached my side. My eyes scanned over Steve checking for any injuries and damage before I pulled him into a hug, his body tensed up in shock before he relaxed and returned the embrace.  “I’m so sorry y/n I never wanted you to get hurt, neither of us did we just wanted to help you” even with his voice muffled, I could tell that the poor lad was crying and I couldn’t blame him, bloody Niagara falls was streaming down my cheeks, I pulled away from him and turned to Bucky, he was looking at the floor and completely avoiding my gaze.
Oh, hell no, no sad boys allowed here! Carefully I leaned forward and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together as I pulled him closer, something inside me hurt when his eyes met mine, they held so much guilt, so much pain and sadness and I hated seeing him like this. No words were exchanged as he wrapped his arms around me, a sigh of relief escaped him, my arms automatically tightened around him when a single tear fell onto my neck. His silent sobs cut me down to my core, behind him Steve stood to the side, his eye meeting mine as I grabbed his hand in reassurance, once Bucky calmed down we both drew back, and I pulled both boys in front of me.  
“I want both of you boys to listen to me, none of this was your fault, this is all on me. I pushed you both away to protect you and I’m sorry for that, I should have been more honest with you, me getting shot has nothing to do with anything either of you did.” My voice was firm and assertive, but of course that didn’t stop either of them trying to argue with me. Not much of a surprise there.
“But we went in the middle of it, we tried to play the hero’s and we ended up being the villains, you should be mad, not forgivin’ our stupid asses” this is probably not the best time to notice this, but Steve just swore for the first time in his life, I couldn’t be prouder! Wait, where was I?
Goddamn it y/n, concentrate for once in your bloody life! “Okay, stop that crap right now Rodgers, none of this had anything to do with you, although I would like to ask the both of what THE HELL YOU WERE THINKING DIVIN’ INTO THE MIDDLE OF A BLOODY GANG WAR?!” it was safe to say that they weren’t excepting that.
It was actually quite funny, Bucky went completely pale and started stuttering while Steve actually jumped up in surprise and fell down, admittedly I felt a bit bad about that bit. Neither of the boys could form a coherent sentence, both completely panicking as they tried to explain the reason behind their complete stupidity. Slowly my eyebrows started to raise as a small smirk made its way onto my face, the pair of them making no sense as Bucky pointed to Steve and said something about justice. I know I shouldn’t be finding this funny, but I couldn’t help it, they were babbling like a bunch of school girls!
Eventually, they both shut up once they noticed me failing to stifle a giggle, their expression turning from ones of panic to amusement, and eventually I couldn’t contain it, “I’m sorry but your faces were bloody brilliant! Oh my god I’m dying” both of the boys rolled their eyes at me, shaking their heads as Bucky’s parents started laughing with me.
Another Chapter down, as always feel free to leave some tips on how I can improve my writing for you all, Requests and tags are open :) Thanks for Reading!
Rose xx
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tsubaki3192 · 4 years
250+ Followers HC! Artist!MC Draws a Portrait of Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Mitsuhide
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Requested by: @puffpuff300​
Note: Thank you so much! Haha this sounds like so much fun… So here we go!
Haha… Not all of these are portraits or are they drawn, but…
Edit: I’m so sorry it took so long! But now I think I’m back in business! 
Please let me know if you’d like to be (un)tagged!
Honestly? You just loved the way the paint seems to splatter itself on the page.
No, before I properly begin, you don’t necessarily do traditional painting. You like the abstract ones. Like Piccasso… but not quite his style xD
Piccasso’s style… Would confused the shit out of NObunaga if you drew him in that style- I swear if you don’t paint him like that at least once, I’ll smack you xD
Anyway, your paints are precious to you. You know that Nobunaga might be able to get some oil paints for you, but acrylic paint has always seemed to be better for you. That, and you’ve gotten used to it.
On the night you arrive at Honnoji, you’re carrying your art satchel, filled with paint, a couple of canvases, and your beloved brushes. You were in Japan to paint some of the blooming cherry blossoms and scenery at the time.
Dragged into this mess of a Princess and chatelaine duties made you miss painting so badly. Even picking up a calligraphy brush reminded you of the calligraphy-brush style paintings you had been studying before you had arrived.
So you grab the a4-sized canvas and wander the hallways for days, as you search for the best thing to draw. Honestly? You’ve had to white the canvas multiple times simply because nothing seemed right.
That sakura tree in the corner of the castle gardens? Nope.
The bustling streets of Azuchi town in the middle of the day? Hm...
The Ghost of Mitsuhide, smirking wildly as he wanders down the hallways? Not that either.
Not even the pretty Mitsunari seemed to capture your attention for long.
Ironically though, you didn’t even think of paining the lord of the castle at first, perhaps because his ego didn’t need to be brushed up further? 
At the end of the day, you’ve decided to retire to your room, having wasted the whole day wandering the town and castle, listlessly, tirelessly and unsuccessfully seeking the perfect scene to paint.
Weirdly enough, just after dinner, you somehow end up outside the tenshu, peering through the gap the raven-haired lord left in the doorway.
What a sight, though, to see Nobunaga hard at work, that frown finally focused on something other than yourself. You’re suddenly filled with inspiration, and you set down opposite the gap, sketching the outline of exactly what you’re seeing: the gap between the doorway, and Nobunaga seated at his desk.
You know he can see you: You’ve spotted that all-knowing smirk of his. But he doesn’t speak or move until you begin to leave, having finally marked out the correct colours in pencil. 
“Fireball, you may enter the room if you wish-?”
Unsurprisingly, you had jolted at the sound of his voice and bolted from the opening of his door, leaving a baffled Nobunaga staring at your empty postion.
2 days later, you leave the completed painting on his desk, covered by a square of leftover fabric you had used to make the kimono you wore that day. 
He unveils it curiously, only because you didn’t leave a note of any kind. 
Honestly? He just kinda stares at it- curiously- since the painting seemed even more realistic than the ones circling at that time.
And he just laughs, leaving it hanging against the wall beside the Kimono you had made for him.
Okay… So catching this one somewhere paintable is simply impossible. Believe yourself- You’ve tried.
In fact the only reason why you’re trying to paint Mitsuhide is: 1. You don’t have a camera, and 2, He’s just so ethereally beautiful and 3. He’s never lingered in somewhere pretty or ‘nice’ enough for a sufficient amount of time to even sketch him.
As for Mitsuhide, he, without a doubt, is teasing you. He’s seen the paint tubes you brought with you on that night you had first arrived in the Sengoku Era, and he’s seen that sketchbook- or rather paint-book- of yours, filled with random practice paintings of flowers you’ve spotted in the Azuchi gardens-
or Kyubei, which you had admittedly sketched multiple times. Why were both Lord and Vassal so pretty?
and has figured out their uses after stealing a blank page from your book and a couple of paint tubes. 
You’ve found that same torn page tucked within the pile of paperwork when he requested your assistance once.
It was kinda cute too: fingerprints and finger painting galore xD
You’ve also spotted paint residues of blue beneath his fingernails, much to your amusement.
Anyway… So you’ve been trying to paint an image of Mitsuhide with a parasol beneath a willow tree for awhile now… And it’s to the point where you’re tempted to just use your imagination bc he’s simply not letting you.
But you just snap at him, one day, after having had a VERY bad day. And he just… relents, standing statue-still despite you still grumbling beneath your breath with every glance towards him.
You stuff Kyubae into the image too bc he deserves to be immortalised in a painting with his lord….
It takes a week, on top of all your other duties, to complete the painting, and if that’s not the best painting you’ve ever painted, you’d be lying to yourself.
Honestly, even though he’s curious and teasing about it, Mitsuhide only finds out once you’ve completed the painting. Yes, he could’ve seen the painting at any time, but a part of him wanted to keep that as a reward for all his hard work.
He makes that adorable blushy pout when he later realises he simply could’ve asked you to see the painting: Kyubei’s seen it before he has.
You leave the painting on his desk under all the paperwork there is, knowing full well that his curiousity would get the better of him and he’d stop working-
It works, but only at the expense of your blush from his tease when he finds you in the kitchen with Masamune, rewarding yourself with Mochi.
He’s secretly proud of it, and it’s the only one he’ll willingly hang in his room.
Ehhhh…. This one’s kinda easy, okay?
So you’ve always wanted to paint Ieyasu with Wasabi. It’s been on your agenda ever since you first caught him playing with the baby deer 3 nights after your arrival in Sengoku Japan.
The only thing is, you’ll have to resort to using Traditional watercolour techniques, since you: 1. Had no paints on you, and 2, canvases didn’t exist back then. You could try to make one, but you swore it wouldn’t turn out as good as the store-bought ones.
So you do paint it. From your memory, and from whatever scenery you could draw from the Azuchi garden.
It’s pretty funny, actually: You know most of the Azuchi warlords are aware of what you’re up to. And by that, you mean all but Ieyasu, who claimed he couldn’t care less, and Mitsunari, that oblivious genius.
Nobunaga and Mitsuhide knows because they’ve been watching you, and Masamune and Ranmaru only knows because Hideyoshi found out.
Long story short, you’ve been neglecting yourself: forgetting meals and overall becoming a Mitsunari 2.0…. Hence the whole “Hideyoshi” thing.
Honestly, it’s a surprise the receiver of the painting doesn’t know. Usually Ieyasu would be the type to scold you with harsh words before you even get to painting him.
But not this time.
Actually, you’re certain he’s been avoiding you. For what reason? Who knows. But painting from memory was always a good mental exercise….
Ieyasu does find out eventually, but that’s simply because you purposely drag him out to the garden where you’ve hung the painted scene on a branch to allow it to dry.
He just sort of stands there surprised, before averting his gaze.
“This is what you’ve been doing the entire time?”
You don’t blame him for the blunt question since you rushed off to the location at any given time to continue the painting, pretty much neglecting anything but your sleep, chores and-
Honestly, being that tsundere-contrarian he is, he flicks you on the forehead while muttering a quiet “It’s good” with averted eyes.
You honestly should never have grinned that widely at his words, bc now he’s walking off while  blushing… and taking the painting with him :3
You know better than to go behind Kenshin’s back. And by that, you mean “Oh-god-he’s-etherally-beautiful-but-also-a-yandere-so-I-must-gain-permission-to-paint-him-otherwise-he-might-kill-me-help”.
But honestly, it takes you awhile, simply because you’re not sure how to approach him- He’s always given you that sensation of “don’t-touch-me” xD
If it weren’t for Sasuke, who you had known for years, given you went to the same university and assisted him with some artist renditions of the night sky, you honestly would never have had the courage.
The question comes off as awkward. Very much so, since you had been, well, stalking him for days on end before he calls you out and you reply to him, nervously stuttering in response.
Kenshin doesn’t disagree with your request, however, choosing to just call for you whenever he suddenly feels bored.
It’s honestly chaotic and stressful, since he keeps changing position every few minutes…. ^-^’’
In the end you enlist  the help of Shingen, who was only willing to pose for you so he could stare at your expression~ xD
The rest of the time you spend painting is holed up in your room, which, by the way, confuses Kenshin since usually artists would force him to sit agonising hours of stillness just to capture his appearance.
So he goes looking for you.
It’s at a pretty ironic time too, considering you were just adding the finishing touches to the painting. Just some background colouring and details….
But Kenshin’s hovering over your shoulder and-
He compliments you with some VERY sugary words, while you’re wrapped up in his arms. Honestly it puts Shingen’s flirting to shame xD 
You’re warm, but to be fair you’ve left him pretty much unattended for the past week thanks to your want to paint.
Just cross your fingers he never asks you how exactly you managed to accurately paint the position he, in the painting, sat in.
Shingen would most certainly die from spending hours with Kenshin’s princess and love of his life-
Tagging: @tsukiiiyo​​ @unstoppablelinda​ @zavannahmj​ @nad-zeta​ @thesirenwashere​ @ikemenoliver​​ @jiyuu-chan​ @nuttytani​ <3
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itakesurveys · 3 years
Survey 357
Do you have an alarm clock? What time is it set to wake you up? not yet, but i will and it will be set for 7:30am.
Do you like knock-knock jokes? nah. lol
Are you currently more hungry or thirsty? thirsty. 
Are you waiting on anything right now? not really, just normal things. when am i going to win the lottery? 
Do you prefer your singing voice or your talking voice more? neither. i hate my talking voice and wish my singer voice was better. but if i gotta pick one.. i pick talking. people do tell me that they like my laugh. that’s something.. 
The last person you met for the first time: What do you think of them? a customer and at work; and nothing. 
Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? yes, and no. i’m shy depending on the company.. 
Name the last awkward moment you encountered: hm.. i don’t even think there has been one. i work with the same people for 6+ years, like family -- and boyfriend and i been together for 10+ years. 
If I could make you anything to eat right now, what would you want? sushi. kthanks. 
Do you prefer earphones or the ear-muff style headphones? earphones for music; headphones for gaming. 
What colour are your jeans / trousers? (pants) black sweatpants. 
Do you type pretty quickly? sometimes. but yes. 
Do you remember when you first went on the internet? first time no. first time that i remember being exited about going on the internet was when my mom allowed me to make a myspace... even though i already had one XD -- myspace kid for lyfe. 
What do you smell of currently? nothing. air?
What was the last gift you received? um.. puff puff XD 
Are you religious? Is this something you were raised with or developed? nah. i’ll pass. 
When was the last time you saw rain? maybe last week? life’s a blur. 
How often do you forget important things? all the time. i’m braindead. 
What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? act aggressive, or on phone the entire time. 
What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? be gentle, funny and good smile/teeth. 
Do you enjoy going to gigs / festivals? yes. sometimes. depends on my mood. 
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? lol. i was watching britney spears music videos on youtube. #freebritney 
Times tables: Which one did you learn first? i presume the two times tables.
Do you ever buy people random gifts? (When it's not their birthday, etc) yes, i like giving random gifts more. 
Are you more prone to blackheads or spots / pimples? nah, if i get a pimple it means i’m run down. 
Do you fiddle with the phone cord when you talk on the phone? nah. 
Do you refuse to use public toilets? gotta go, gotta go. 
Do you save your online browsing history? nah. 
How many books have you read this year? 0. 
Are you good at guessing things and being correct? always. 
If you could have any colour as your natural hair, which would you choose? blonde hair.
Does your voice change when you talk to certain people? yes. i’m paris hilton. 
How often does your computer freeze up? it doesn’t, don’t curse me.
What do you do when you're nervous? clean, get quiet. self shame. 
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hypo-critic-al · 3 years
I got tagged by @the-gay-prometheus so here I am! Thanks for tagging, I am finally doing a tag for this once, I always forget to do them :D
So let’s begin:
1. Why did you choose your url?
Because I’m a hypocrite myself! I originally wanted to name myself a hypo.critical not only for my obvious characteristic but also because prefix ‘‘hypo’’ usually means low, and critical as a short for critical thinking so it means I’m not only a hypocrite but I also lack critical thinking which got me into troubles multiple times, heh.
I also considered to change it to something like ‘‘frankenstein’s sparrow’’ a first month I arrived here because I like the sparrow bird symbolicity in the Frankenstein musical but then I let it be :p
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since end of a January 2021. And I still consider myself a newbie :3
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I never queued up a post! I am scared to let this site to post my post when I don’t expect it, I find something nice in posting stuff myself, it just feels more personal for me I think.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Ooh, a long story. I’ve been a fan of Frankenstein musical and J&H musical and patiently waited on YouTube for any fandom activity, like animatics, videos and comments. After a while I noticed that many of those channels have their own Tumblr page. I think that @dragonheadskilax’es blog was the first one I found out about and I remember I went to Tumblr each day just to see if he posted something! I discovered other J&H musical blogs and also infamous brightgoat’s blog and after two months of visiting those blogs everyday without an account I decided to make one just to follow those people. So I did :)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I used to like pigeons and sparrows and I also wanted something small in my pfp to symbolize my faith and so I found this pic on Pinterest and that’s it! I had a very simmilar pic on my YouTube account and on my Wattpad account (now inactive!) so I took that picture, changed the colours a bit and ta-dah! 
7. Why did you choose your header?
It’s a quote from the script of Frankenstein musical and it’s not only funny seeing Victor not yelling but whispering the ‘’It’s alive!’’ quote. Plus, I can’t imagine Hunter Foster delivering this line xD
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
So apparently it’s a ‘’Rainy days in ingolstadt’’ pencil comic I did not very long ago. Which I’m delighted for but also: how can have a lazy clervalstein comic I did in like 20 minutes have most notes than those posts of talented and more skilled arists? Seriously, 107 notes is too much considered how beautifully can other people draw, much better than me! But thank you nevertheless, I’m glad you enjoy my art :3
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Lets see... 36! That’s plenty! :0
10. How many followers do you have?
114! That’s a lot, woah- THANK YOU! Big thanks for anyone willing to follow me :’D. 
The first one follower I can see was @literary-ly! And @the-gay-sailor followed soon after! So you are my oldest followers which I’m thankful for :)
11. How many people do you follow?
89! And I hope it will be more! Show me your Frankenstein and gothic lit content!! :D
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Well.. depends on a definition of what a shitpost is.
Anyway, Victor Frankenstein has lost his v-card on top of his mother’s grave-
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Too much for my own good.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
No! I did not and I hope I won’t have to get into an argument ever!
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this’ posts?
Depends on what is their purpose and message.
16. Do you like tag games?
I do! I always say I’ll do this and that tag but then I’m too lazy to actualy do it, heh.
17. Do you like ask games?
Sure! Why not :>
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Hmm... I am a mutual with some of more famous blogs but I never interacted with them beyond a comment or two so I’ll say that: @mist-the-mad-linguist,  @casual-owl, @corvidayyy and @silken-sails, and @the-gay-sailor, and @toringo , and uhh... everyone is famous here, really! And a plenty of Gravely Celebrators too! 
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No! I don’t hehe :)*
20. Tags:
Hm, everyone that comes into my mind has been tagged already besides my most beloved friend so I’ll say @the-gay-sailor! And @toringo! And everyone who sees this post and wants to do this! Only if you want :3
Thanks again for tagging me! It was fun :D
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