#but i didnt wanna just do an entire new drawing so i just finished this even though it was weird looking
sc3n3kitt3h · 9 months
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clutchpowers · 9 months
Sooooo... i wanted to stick this little rambly thing at the bottom of the redraw but it would have made it look UGLY so im doing this separately... just wanna talk about the whole thing and What Not.
TLDR: its been a slash positive ride thats been worth it to try "something new" every year and my favorite piece out of all of them is the 9th. also for the curious heres the comparison of the 5th anni piece to the recent one (2018 -> 2023)
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anyway. personal post time.
oh where to begin *rocks on my rocking chair* i guess it would be with the 5th anniversary piece...at the time it had been a long while since i did lineless art and i thought it would be cool to try it again for that one so i did by redrawing an old piece from 2014... that was the first "finished piece" i made of Them. i think i even made it into a wallpaper for myself lmao. anyway after i posted it i was like "aw man i should draw something every year until the 10th" but i thought yeah right. im going to forget next year like the idiot i am. but i Some How managed to do one every year... th worms got me... i honestly didnt think id make it all the way to the 10th but i did!! AND WITHOUT MISSING A DAY EXCEPT FOR THE 7TH WHERE I WAS A WEEK LATE???? UNREAL especially when fun fact! every year i had no idea what i wanted to do! all i knew for sure is that i wanted each piece to be out of my comfot zone to push me to do something a little different. unfortunately the subjects tm where always the same so it feels a little. samey. but these are my celebratory posts I GET TO ONLY POST ABOUT THE OTP SUPER BLORBOS OF ALL TIME
the 6th anniversary was a redraw of that one scene. you know the one. the helicopter one. fucking hate that scene btw it actually causes me psychic damage i cant watch with the audio or ill scream. but it is my favorite scene of mine despite all the horrors it causes <3 and i wanted to redraw it as if it was a cartoon... like i had taken screencaps from the lcu cartoon in my head. i still remember the backgrounds being such a pain in the ass. honestly id like to go back and redo this one one day too or do something similar to the concept because its a fun one that i always saw done growing up and i wanted to try it myself.
for the 7th anniversary you can see the turn.. no more humans... return to lego... i was getting a little more confident in drawing them in the lego form so i did another redraw this time with the ending!! honestly i still like this one and how it looks even with how late it was but i wanted to test my confidence and do a real True and Finished piece with COLORED LINES and EVERYTHING!!!!! im glad i ended up taking the turn because for the LONGEST TIME i wanted to try and draw them as lego so bad because all i did was draw them as humans and its funny because now its the exact opposite. glad this piece was kinda the solidification in my head that yeah okay im a bit better at drawing the stylized lego toy now i can keep drawing them like this without feeling like im going to want to delete this in 2 weeks.
the 8th anniversary one is so weird. somewhere toward the beginning of the year it got into my head that i wanted to do a comic of them but time/school would have gotten in the way so i ended up opting for a page. another redraw of the ending scene which honestly out of all of them this is my least favorite one and its solely because its all so off. i def could have formated it better so the background shot doesnt take up the entire fucking page but then again im not a comic guy and this was my first time so the layout was bound to look HORRID but this is something id like to come back to ive had the idea of making like a genuine short comic about them since FOREVER and now that im a bit more experienced (lying) i would like to make one day!!!! just gotta stop getting caught up in my scripts!! and going in circles!! Because im obviously not a writer and i keep getting first-hand embarrassment from these!! but ill get over it one day lol.
OH THE 9TH ANNIVERSARY PIECE MY BELOVED. ONE OF MY FAVORITE PIECES ACTUALLY i love this stupid thing so much you have no idea.i know its re-using lineless but i just loved the idea of what it would look like lineless AND IT CAME OUT SO PERFECT I LOVE IT SO MUCH obv it needs a few touch-ups so the main issues dont stand out to me but god. i love this piece so much. idk what came out of me to make this but its so good ill never get over it. and the little lego them as a cake topper ITS JUST SO CUTE I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY OTHER THAN I LOVE THIS SO MUCH SORRY
finally. the 10th anniversary piece. oh my god. okay. i need everyone to understand this. i had woken up with this fucking Unbearable pounding headache that was trying to kill me. my body the entire day wanted me to stop and lie down, but last night i was already done with a good chunk of it and all i had to do that day was finish some lines and the coloring?? i literally don't remember all i remember is my body actively trying to shut down and force me to stop and sleep which i took a nap? didnt help. so i said fuck it im finishing this. i was. an entire goddamn corpse arched over my laptop. i was so delirious the entire time its a fucking miracle it even came out as good as it did but honestly. i still hate how it fucking looks. like you can TELL when i gave up (the shading) and it sticks out like a sore fucking thumb to me and it pisses me off because i knew i could have done so much better if i wasnt being stricken down by gods hand and his every attempt to get me to rest. idk like im generally proud ot it, with this one i wanted to go out with a bang tm so i tried to draw every important and relevant character instead of ALL of them like I was originally planning LMAO but ah well. maybe one day when im faster at drawing. this one i defiantly wanna go back and touch up but i everytime i open the file i can see 40 more things wrong with it and it drives me nuts. so ill just have to wait for when im ready. i guess.
can i just say though. the improvement is crazy. it always catches me off guard because tbh i uh. dont like my own art. im getting better at not fucking hating it because i can pinpoint everything wrong with it but whenever i see the side by sides it always surprises me. i always dont think im improving but then i see it and its like wow i really am getting better! i still suck at 3000 things but im getting better! and its overall just a nice thing to see after having drawn them for as long as i have... the power of the worms is strong and has ruined my brain...... speaking of i know ive said a few times that i fucking hate certain pieces, not just LCU related ones but almost anything i post, but if you love them and are able to look at them with a twinkle in your eye then thank you. genuinely. i honestly love looking over the tags of people exploding and saying nice things. it warms my cold little heart and im glad there are people out there that genuinely love some of the things what i do! even if its just fanart and its just their blorbo. thank you for sticking around even tho all i do is draw my otp super blorbos :'^) this game means the world to me and im glad like more than 2 people wanna spread it around.
to wrap back around to the anniversary stuff and speaking of big love to the people out there THE FREAKING EPIC ZINE i was just a small thing but it came out amazing even for how small it was thank you to the contributors and thank you to everyone whos downloaded it!! its still getting the occasional and i love getting the notif in my email about it. i love that there are still people out there who wanna see it and all the hard work everyone put into it to celebrate the games 10th just thank you again i really does mean alot to me ALSO IF YOU HAVENT CHECKED IT OUT PLEASE DO IT IS 100% WORK YOUR TIME AND ITS DIGITAL WITH PRINT AT HOME STICKERS AND YOU CAN KEEP IT AND LOOK AT IT FOREVER
uh to end this off....would I like to do this again..... I mean I kinda am? by that i mean ill do the big numbers (15, 20, 25, 30, 40, etc) till the day i freaking die!!!! but yeah no countdown stuff ever again!!!!! sorry :^( it was super fun to do though!!!! and im glad i did it that piece is the conclusion to the whole thing but that doesnt mean ill stop drawing them. duh. theyre my characters now! but heres to many more anniversaries and to hopefully another game! or to just see them again in any other lego media! or even better... a mischaracterized cameo in ninjago!
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spearheadrampancy · 5 months
So... if you don't mind me asking how've you been?
hoo boy. yeah. tldr: alive!
quite a fair chunk of shit happened i think. when i redownloaded the app i weighed up if i was gonna make a post abt what's happened, but ultimately decided against it bc i wasnt sure how active i was gonna be. looks like the answer is very, so i might as well for anyone who's curious (:
on with the details in no particular order!
just before we stopped posting, we mentioned how the company we worked for announced big profits, an expenses-paid trip for the top employees, and also the tiny small news that the team we were on was getting downsized from 20 ppl total to about 3 (6 to 1 for my role specifically). well, we did end up losing our job completely because the company was unwilling to make reasonable adjustments so we could move to the same role in a different team (we don't have any legal grounds to take action unfortunately). but this was fine for us bc we grew jaded with how management was doing shit anyway. they also laid off about 700 people from across the company a few months later.
we spent months trying to find a job, and eventually applied to university on a whim. we got in! we're studying game design and are currently in foundation year (level 0) of the course. we were pretty worried about "fitting in" and suff but honestly we made friends instantly and it turns out a lot of lgbt autistic folks are studying game design foundation year. strange! (/s). its a little weird being part of the popular clique now.
we built a site. a real one! with colours and scripts and all that! a couple sites, actually, but only one is what we're comfortable sharing publicly (other site is sys member info for friends to reference). the site is on neocities, available here. we got really into coding for realsies around the time that we stopped posting. we also got into something called choicescript, but the site took priority as we use it as a digital portfolio. we also started practicing API work by making little tools for the discord bot pluralkit, but they are. uh. far from finished
we got an rgb bulb that actually works with shortcuts, so it inspired us to actually code shortcuts again. they're pretty advanced now; we have a series of them dedicated to forcing us to sleep (it obviously isnt working given i'm still awake at 4am !!), but they're really smooth and helpful
we started drawing properly again (i know we've posted a lot of art on here but most of it is low effort memes. and also none of it was trad art, which we got back into), in order to prep for being asked for a portfolio for uni. which we eventually didnt even get asked for. we opened an instagram account to post it to while we work on getting our art on our actual site, and recently a deviantart account for crossposting.
i stopped writing. i also largely stopped building on my ideas for games and comics and such. this was more because i had More Pressing Things to be writing about, like our CV, and our applications, but i havent really picked it back up. in a bit of a plateau of inspiration rn. wanna fix that though.
we started playing hotline miami, which we'd been meaning to do for years. completed the first, got halfway into the second before a TERRIBLE AWFUL THUMB INJURY (dramatic. didnt even need glue) rendered us entirely unable to use a controller. it healed but we havent finished the second yet. today's actually the first time since august that we've even touched a controller, let alone played any games.
we got back into making music. we decided the system was going to start releasing music as a collective, so we set up a whole youtube channel and stuff for it. videos'll start january 1st, we hope.
i convinced two people to watch red vs blue. my token cishet guy friend who was my colleague at Shitty Workplace (i sent him slutty locus from earlier and his only response was "amazing") and one of my new uni friends (very autistic i think they will go feral for it). token cishet just finished season 8 and uni friend is in season 3 i believe.
health wise has been. a ride... our normal gp stopped practicing entirely, and we dont trust the other gp's at our clinic, so we've been entirely unmedicated and unchecked since november of last year, barring OTC stuff. except for the part where at the end of october we finally saw a rheumatologist (after being referred in 2019!) who said we probably had fibromyalgia. earlier this month we also caught some Mystery Illness that lasted two weeks and nobody knew what it was. our voice still hasnt recovered fully and the whole experience was weird, but the hospital nurse wasnt concerned and it didnt come back as positive for That One Illness That Got Really Popular In The Last Three Years so its honestly likely that it was just the regular old flu, which we werent used to after only really suffering from Disabled Person Sicknesses for the best part of the last 15 years.
we met steve downes and jen taylor, the voice actors of halo's master chief and cortana! got photos & signatures (: steve complimented my jacket and jen Really Wanted A Nap.
WE GOT THE GRIFBALL PLUSH (: i would make this bigger if i could. it's just one of those Material Gains that has a lot of sentimental value to us. and i found my glow in the dark ring which i cried about. again: material gains of high personal significance.
so yeah! a lot. im probably missing something because i have the brain of a sieve. but we're alive and thats the important part.
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maewiiweam · 10 months
Gᴏᴏᴅ ɢɪʀʟ
pairing: Strenger x Y/N
CW: obviously teacherxstudent, implied spanking bcs i didnt finish the fic (izzy’s wish), strenger’s “good girl” era,
Mary’s note: pls forgive me, no this is not self indulged i do not want to get spanked by strenger. I will never finish this but better than never posting it, ig. I will not be paying for you therapy <3
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It was friday, last period. Basically only 20 minutes left until it was weekend. You had maths, your worst subject. Right now, you were doing geometry, or trying to. It didnt make sense to you at all, the calculation part at least, drawing was easy to you. But without getting the missing length there’s no way to get this triangle to look right. At this point you were ready to cry, but had to keep it together for your own sake. For now.
13:47 pm
“Before the lesson ends I want somebody to do the excecise upfront real quick....”He started looking through the class room to find someone to do the exercise, and of course he picked you. Lucky me.
How do you tell this meance of a man now that you’re too dumb to calculate this?
“Y/N come up front to the tablet, please” He pointed at you with the big board ruler. Well it’s now or embarassement for the rest of the school year. Your hesitation was adorable to him, it made you seem so submissve. His shy girl.
“Actually, Professor, I uh...I didn’t do it. I don’t...really understand the topic...” You trail off, pulling your shoulders in to hide in shame.
„S’not good.” He says in his disapoinnted voice, letting his shoulders slack „Why didn’t you say anything?” Unsure yourself you just shrugged, dismissivly and then...
riiing riiing
Saved by the bell, like everyone else you start packing your things ready to go home and enjoy your weekend. Weirdly enough, Mr. Strenger
„Y/n, I need you to stay behind, please.” The entire room let loose collective „ooh”s. You started getting nervous, what could he need now from you? Does he want to scold you for being an idiot? 
Once everyone left he closed the door, returning to his old seat.
„Please, take a chair, sit there. I just wanna talk” He gestures towards the empty space infront of the teacher table, continuing to scibble in his notebook. You take the closest chair and sit on it, nervously fiddeling with your hands.
„No need to be nervous, I just wanna try and help. Tell me what did you not understand?”
„I just can‘t remember the formula, that‘s all. No big deal I‘ll just learn it when i get home.“ He nods understandingly, a low hum escaping his throat.
„How about we try something new, something different.“ He closes his notebook and puts his pen back into his pencil case, zipping it closed. „Something that will help you remember, I‘m sure.“
He slowly puts his things into his bag and stands up, shoving everything that isn‘t his to his right on the table. He goes around the table and stands right behind me, I feel him out his hands on the chair and suddenly there‘s a strong pull that almost has me falling of off my chair.
„Stand up.“ He demands into my ear. He‘s so close. So close you can feel his breath on your cheek and ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your entire body.
You oblige and stand up on shaking legs, he takes a step back and hands you a piece of chalk. You give him a confused look.
„Look, I‘m going to ask you a few questions regarding our topic at the moment. You don‘t have to get them right, if you don‘t though, we‘ll do a little exercise to help you remember. Alright?“ You give him a small nod, avoiding eye contact.
„I asked if it‘s alright.“ He repeats in a very demanding tone.
„Yes, professor, it‘s alright.“ You say the loudest you can which still comes out a little squeaky due to the fear you‘re feeling.
„Good girl.“ He gives you a gentle smile.
You stand in front of the board and wait for his instructions. Soon you‘re solving exercise after exercise with ease, until you get to a formula.
„Uuum…fuck…stupid formula.“ You whisper to yourself trying your hardest to remember the damn formula, but it just wouldn‘t click in your brain.
„Having trouble?“ You hear your teacher ask, again remembering that he‘s here. He‘s here. You quickly turn to look at him.
„No…I know this one…just one second.“ You turn back to the board in lightning speed trying to think of the formula. Fuck, it was going so well. You feel tears starting to swell in your eyes.
„Y/N, please don‘t stress yourself for not knowing it. I told you, I‘ll help you remember.“ He reassures, which helps because you turn around to look at him not even trying to hide the tears in your eyes.
„It‘s okay, no need to cry.“ He steps closer to you, standing right in front of you making you look up to see his face.
„I‘ll need you to trust me here.“ He whispers while wiping the tears of off your cheeks. „Really trust me. If you have any bit if doubt leave now.“ The look in his eyes is telling you how serious is right now, making you fear him a bit more. But the tension, oh the sweet, sweet tension. It‘s pulling you closer to him and making you want to submit yourself to him like a doll. To please him is all you can think about.
„I trust you.“ You give him a nod and wipe the remaining tears from your eyes. „I want to learn and remember.“ You stand up straight before him, like you‘re a soldier who is about to go to war.
„Good girl.“
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Carrots and Whiskers (JJK x Reader) 💜🔞🐾
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🥕 Pairing: Rabbit!Jungkook x Wolf!Reader
🥕 Genre: Hybrid AU, fluff, smut because why not amirite-
🥕 Warnings: stereotyping, mild mentions of past bullying, fluff, oh god they’re so cute, Dom!Jungkook despite being technically food for Sub!Reader, Dirty talk, it’s sweet though he ain’t calling his baby a hoe don’t worry, unprotected sex because in this hybrid universe they’re unable to conceive due to their different species, please keep that in mind thank you, sweet sweet lovemaking, aftercare, buff boi JK, Big dick JK but what’s new I guess, yeah I’m done now
🥕 Summary: He’s the prey and she’s the predator. So why does she feel like the roles are reversed?
This is a oneshot! If you have any ideas for future content in this universe, feel free to send in asks or requests!
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A reputation could easily define your entire life it it was bad enough.
Both sides knew this; Jeon Jungkook, being depicted as the cowardly prey hybrid he was, and Y/N, the bad bad wolf with always malicious intentions. However, none of these depictions were actually true.
Jeon Jungkook was an actually pretty rough and brave young man, never really backing down from a challenge, uncaring on who was in front of him. He got into trouble often as a kid, as a teenager, and now as a young adult.
Y/N was soft spoken, a caring yet quiet hybrid who liked to stay hidden, the spotlight being more of a fear than a goal for her. She loved the simple things in life, liked to be by herself or surrounded by people she trusted and loved.
And she also got a major crush on the bunny in her art and music class.
It was quite cliche really, yet it also wasn't- it was as if she was stuck in a bad joke, never to make it to the punchline. She knew for a fact that he probably didn't even knew who she was, and the worst part about it was that she couldn't even blame him. She loved to not be seen, after all.
"Uhm, excuse me?" Said the voice, forcefully hitting her as she looked up, her own eyes meeting the big brown orbs of-
"I eh, we're supposed to choose partners for this project, and I know for a fact that you can draw so eh, wanna be partners?" He asked, and she simply stared. Was he- talking to her? "I mean, Its okay if you don't want to-" He started, the squirrel hybrid girl behind him already perking up at her chance, making her swallow a bit.
"N-no, I uhm.. I'd like that." She squeezed out, voice quiet, but he thankfully still heard her. He smiled, brightly and so awfully cliche as his bunny-like teeth showed, sitting down next to her as he pulled out his sketches. "So uh, what did you have in mind.?" She quietly asked, and he talked away, as if he'd always known her.
"Well since we weren't given much other than the theme and colors, I made some small sketches. You know, I get Ideas that are pretty neat sometimes but then I forget them easily, so I have to draw or write them down right away, otherwise I'll wanna bite my own ass later on." He rambled on, gently moving the rough sketches towards her, his eyes watching her as she looked at them, carefully studying his lines.
"This- this one would fit, I think.." She mumbled, tapping on one of his more detailed drawings. He grinned again, nodding, seemingly in agreement. He attempted to say something as the bell rang, students around them both scrambling up to get out as soon as possible, either to catch a bus or to drive home on their bikes.
"Hey do you-" He stumbled, his foot catching on a stray chair as he almost fell. "Do you wanna meet up on the weekend? That way we can finish faster, you know, time to sleep in class." He said, and she simply nodded, until he held his hand out. Her head tilted to the side, ears flopping a bit as he chuckled, mumbling. "cute. Your phone, so I can give you my number?" He explained, and she blushed, stepping back a bit as she placed her bag down on the table next to her, pulling out her phone, charms on the device dangling, making him smile. She really was adorable. "Alright." He said as he took it after she'd opened the phone app, his fingers typing away, before he gave it back to her. "Do you take the bus home?" He asked, and she nodded. "Oh really? I thought the pink bike outside was yours actually." He chatted away as she walked next to him, now a bit shy.
"I actually.. well, I can't, you know, ride a bike, so.." She mumbled, and he laughed for a moment, until he went quiet, sensing that she was serious.
"I eh, I could you know, teach you, if you want?" He asked as he unlocked his own bike. "I mean, not now but like, this weekend?" He asked, and she looked a bit hesitant. "I mean, you don't have to. But I promise I won't let you get hurt." It seemed odd maybe, for a prey hybrid to say that to a predator, but for her, it seemed like the most cheesy and romantic thing she'd ever heard. So she smiled, and nodded. "I uhm.. I think your bus left-" He pointed out, making her ears droop as she watched the vehicle drive off without her. "I can bring you home. It's kind of my fault you missed it, after all." He said, scratching the back of his neck as he suddenly rumbled in his backpack, pulling out a zip hoodie, before folding it, and placing it on the bag of his bike. "My'lady." He offered, and she giggled, making his ears flinch in excitement.
She'd been unaware of him for long enough, and after a talk with his fellow friend Taehyung, he'd decided to finally act on his interest in her. Even though he did get some odd looks from his classmate Jimin, he didn't care about what she was- he cared more about who. Her drawings were always so detailed in a way that would show exactly what she'd though while creating each line, something he always found remarkable. She also had a talent for photography, a hobby he had for himself as well.
"Hold on tight okay?" He said, and she nodded, her arms moving around his waist, redness creeping onto her cheeks as she felt his toned body underneath his thin shirt and loose jean jacket. She held a bit tighter as he finally pushed the bike forward, paddling at a decent pace that made her hair flow a bit with the wind. She couldn't help but enjoy the moment; the way his smell calmed her, the scenery around her, and the fact that it seemed like everything was finally working out for her.
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"I'm gonna let go now and you'll just-" He started, but she suddenly grew anxious, her wide eyes immediately finding his.
"no no don't let go I'm gonna fall-" She scrambled out, scared as he simply laughed, one hand on her back as he kept the other on the bike for now.
"I promised, didnt I?" He hummed into her ear, and she blushed at the gentle tone of his voice. He was everything she never thought a prey hybrid would be; he was cunning, brave, and confident in himself. He wasn't after attention at all, simply trying to live his life yet he pulled everyones gaze on himself wherever he went simply by nature. His ears seemed too soft to be legal in her opinion, black and white tuft of fur that was his tail seemingly completely out of place; the rest of his body was toned. It showed that he knew how to take care of himself, it underlined the way he held himself wherever he went.
He was the complete opposite of her it seemed.
She liked to hide in oversized clothing, hybrid features the only thing really giving away that she wasn't just a mouse in disguise.
To him however, it was an entirely different story.
She was so sweet, always trying to help, and always trying to not be a burden. She had so much talent, a unique way of seeing the world, and a gentle way of always looking out for others. It also didn't ease his crush on her that she was absolutely beautiful in his eyes; shorter in statue than him, surprisingly, but he was pretty tall for a rabbit hybrid, he had to admit. His mother had once told him about the different subspecies of wolves when she'd noticed his crush on the girl; her best friend having been a wolf hybrid as well when she'd still been in school. Apparently there were different subtypes for them; alphas, betas and omegas. He guessed that the girl on his bike was an omega, maybe, as it would explain all her characteristics.
"You're doing so great!" He said, bunny smile making her feel more confident as she noticed he only held her by her back; she was actually riding a bike. "See? You can do it!" He happily exclaimed as he helped her off, seat a bit high for her to get down herself. "Lets sit down there and exchange some sketches, yeah?" He offered, and she nodded with a smile, walking next to him as they both sat down on the grass, after Jungkook had put down a small blanket he'd taken with him. "Okay, hit me." He playfully shot her way, as she pulled out her sketchbook, simply sliding it towards him as he opened it, looking through the pages she'd opened for him. "Uah, these are great! I'd use a bit more color on these ones, but the rest is awesome!" He mumbled in thought as he proceeded to change the page, his eyes widening at a familiar pair of eyes, when two delicate hands held his wrist in place.
"Pl-Please uh, that's not for the project eh-" She stuttered, panic evident in her voice as her red face and tilted ears gave away her embarrassment. He simply stared for a moment, before his other hand simply loosened her grip on his wrist, freeing himself without much force. He slowly turned the page, revealing multiple rough sketches of..
It was him, not very detailed, but clearly visible. Small scenarios were drawn on the page, him staring out the open window of the classroom as he talked to friends, him at the sidelines of his basketball game as he'd taken a break, or him asleep on his desk during class. He studied the drawings, noticing how she'd not cared much about his clothing, or the background; even the desk or the window weren't really drawn very realistically, simply a fast sketch. What did stand out was.. well, his face. The way the sun reflected in his eyes, how his ears had been slightly damp from the slight rain outside, or the tiny things he would've never thought she'd notice about him, like the tiny beauty mark under his lower lip, the slight scar just above his cheek, or how the sides of his eyes crinkled when he laughed, nose scrunched up.
As he looked up she was looking down, hair hiding her eyes as her ears were flat against her skull, tail in her hands, which nervously fiddled with the fur. "I-" He started, before he began to open his own bag, ruffling around in it as his own ears lowered themselves while he tried to find something. "Hah!" He exclaimed in victory, hands sliding off the rubber band of his own folder which kept his messily organized sketches and finished works. He rummaged through them, before he started to lay some of them out in front of her, one by one. Slowly, her ears turned, attention on what he'd put down in front of her.
He always had a different way of drawing things, not really putting a lot of effort into the outlines or sketches themselves; but he had a way of coloring things, a unique style that made things feel almost alive. In every picture, he'd dedicated most of his effort to color the fur of her hybrid features almost perfectly- he also payed special attention to her postures in every picture. He never drew her eyes however- which she noticed. "I uhm.. I've never got the chance to see them up close, so I had a bit of trouble with them.." He explained. "I've noticed you pretty early when we shared our first classes together.. But I never really got around to talk to you. You and Namjoon-Hyung always seemed so close, I thought.." He revealed, scratching behind his own ear as he suddenly felt a bit bashful.
"You.. I mean, Joonie is a good friend but we uh.." She started, voice a bit low as she laughed a bit.
"I know, I know, he told me-" Jungkook answered, now chuckling. "Thats why I immediately took my chance when they'd announced the group project." He said. "It gave me a chance to you know, get to know you better. Get closer, you know?" He explained, and she nodded. "So uh.." He mumbled, before he smiled at her hopefully. "Wanna uh- get cake together today? Like a date?" He asked, and she nodded, making him suddenly jump up as he fist bumped the air, making a passerby elderly couple laugh. "Yes!"
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"Carrot cake?" She asked, an almost teasing smile on her lips as he looked at her.
"What? Don't judge puppy!" He said, making her scoff scandalized.
"Hey, I'm a wolf, not a dog!" She explained as she stirred her milkshake with her pink straw before grabbing the spoon from her small metal plate.
"And I'm a rabbit, not a bunny. So guess we're even." He said, before his smile faded a bit, eyes stuck to the spoonful of whipped cream which made its way inside her mouth, tongue darting out to lick her lips clean before she noticed his gaze. He snapped out of it, suddenly the one growing a bit shy. "You uh.. wait, lemme just-" He mumbled, hand moving to wipe the corner of her mouth as he licked his finger clean himself, making her eyes widen before she mumbled a 'thanks' under her breath. He grinned.
"So uh-" He asked, pushing down his small cake fork to pick up a piece of cake, holding it out towards her. "open up?" He asked, and she hesitated a bit, before leaning forward a bit, lips parting. He placed the piece into her mouth, watching as she closed her lips, accepting his offering of food before she nodded her head approvingly. "See? Don't judge before you try!" He exclaimed, and she giggled at that.
He was right.
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"I'm absolutely beat." He suddenly exclaimed, falling down onto the mattress laying on the ground in the corner of the new, unfurnished bedroom. The wolf hybrid sat down next to his sprawled out form, gently moving his blonde tipped hair away from his eyes. He'd dyed it months ago, his roots more than visible at this point, yet he'd simply decided to let it grow. "Come here~!" He playfully demanded, hands reaching out for her as he pulled her down with him, happily humming when she was laying on his chest. "Can you believe we're actually gonna live together from now on?" He asked, and she shook her head, moving around a bit so she straddled him, sat on his thighs as he suddenly watches her with hooded eyes, hands on her hips as his thumbs move in circles over the skin underneath her sweater- his sweater. "Hm.. I mean.." He offered, suddenly moving to sit up, changing position as she's now underneath him, his hair tickling her face slightly when he begins to kiss against her pulse. "I was about to ask if we should at least put up the bedframe, but having a mattress on the floor.." He started, hands wandering underneath the clothing of his she wore as he continued in a low voice. "..means I can't break the bed this time." He said, and she giggled at that, remembering the time their time together had been roughly interrupted by the weak frame of his old bed breaking. "Oh, my puppy thinks that's funny?" He wonders, making her grin as he kissed her deeply.
Moments like these made her almost forget the stereotypes she'd grown up with during her live- since Jungkook was nothing like the typically depicted rabbit hybrids. Because right now the roles seemed completely reversed, as he mouthed at her neck, feeling her pulse race as he continued to map out her body with just his hands, no need to watch where they were, able to seemingly paint a picture of her by touch at this point. Clothes suddenly seemed to tight, itchy, as if bitten by a mosquito. She whined as he chuckled darkly, helping her out of his sweater as he immediately grabbed her breasts, kneading them before he continued to undress her, making quick work of her shorts as he pulled down her underwear as well- her already glistening center clinging to the damp fabric of her underwear as she squirmed, making him humm in appreciation. He pulled his own shirt over his head as well, revealing his body to her as the sun outside painted glowing stripes onto it, the blinds drawing patterns on her skin as well. He finally freed himself from the confines of his own underwear as well, standing proud and ready as she became restless.
"Hm, puppy wants to be filled up yeah?" He asked with a teasing undertone, proudly making use of the privilege to be able to call her that- since she hated it when others did it. It was the same the other way around however; typically, being called a 'bunny' was an absolute insult to him, but for some reason it seemed like a cute nickname coming from her. Maybe he was just whipped. Or maybe she was just privileged as well.
He entered her slowly as he sighed alongside her, not wasting any time as he fell into rhythm, hips thrusting forwards as her hands reached for his, intertwining their fingers as he felt his soul warm up at the gesture. He felt so loved, so cherished, it made him fear for his heart, as he swore it stopped every time he was close to her like this. He felt complete, like he'd found his soulmate, his other half- it didn't matter to him what she was. Sure, his parents were a bit dissapointed since they couldn't have kids naturally because of this, but they both could always adopt in the future. Thinking about it made his heart swell as he thought about her, caring for their kids, making this small apartment into a family home one day. Maybe it was instinct, but he'd already been driven nuts by the way she'd helped him choose furniture and wallpaper for the small living space they'd be sharing; the simple fact that she wanted to make their apartment into a home feeding his inner instincts to build a home to keep her safe in.
He felt her legs shake a bit as he shifted a bit, making her whine as he suddenly picked up his pace, sweat already slowly beginning to coat his skin as he didn't seem to notice how the sound of skin against skin still echoed in the almost empty room since it lacked furniture- but it didn't matter for now anyways. They'd both fill it with things and memories of the both of them, and he couldn't wait for it. He huffed a bit as he moved, leaning down a bit to rest his forehead against her neck as she bared it for him, a natural instinct of hers to submit to him even if he was of another species with no need of such gestures. He'd adapted to it however, gently biting the skin as he felt her shiver underneath him, a sign that she was getting close. "Hm my baby wanna cum?" He asked, gently beginning to tease her as she nodded, eyes closed in bliss. "You want a knot huh?" He asked, and she shook her head no, as he chuckled. He'd felt a bit insecure the first few times around as he knew how things worked for canine hybrids, worried that he maybe couldn't give her what she wanted or needed, yet she'd always reassured him. Now it was more like a teasing thing for him, and a way to tickle a praise out of her- a way of reminding himself that she loved him just as much as she did her. "No? You don't?" She shook her head again, her fingers holding his hands tighter. "What do you want then, huh?" He asked with a grin as she whined.
"You- you, only want ngh.. only need Kookie-!" She pressed out, and he hummed approvingly, his thrusts beginning to grow sloppy as he neared his end.
"That's right, only me, only mine, yeah?" He asked, and she nodded, suddenly opening mouth as her head buried itself into the mattress below her, clenching around him as he groaned out, burying himself deep inside her as he spilled. "Thats it, take it like a puppy- good girl!" He praised, making her whine as he leaned his body down, kissing her neck, her throat, and then her lips as they both calmed down from their highs, breathing slowly growing more and more even as he moved a bit to grab a box as he slid it towards him, rummaging through it before he took out a roll of kitchen towels, grabbing a few as he slipped out of her, carefully catching his release and her own juices as to not make a mess. He had a gentle smile on his face as he carefully cleaned her up before he stood, walking towards another box where he pulled out a large pillow and a few blankets, instincts taking over as he began to cover her now rapidly cooling body in soft fabrics before cuddling up next to her, pulling another blanket over his own form as he made sure his partner was comfortable. She slipped out of her makeshift blanket burrito to invite him in, making him grin his signature bunny smile as he held her close, skin on skin as he closed his eyes, the only light in the room the streetlamps outside.
This already felt like home.
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ronpatrash · 3 years
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oh boy i am gonna talk about my experience with danganronpa v3 and the ending. tldr i loved it and am incredibly haunted by it! now where do i begin
First off, if you wanna get your friends into danganronpa, stream the game on sporadic discord/zoom calls with everyone (my friends and i were a group of 5), and get everyone to narrate the characters. trust me. It may take you guys months but prolonging it makes the brainrot last longer! It's crazy how quickly we formed attachments to the students too because we're all having fun with these destructive teenage characters, and we all get to hang out and goof around again like we did in college irl before early 2020 went down
did i also mention drv3 is my introduction into this bonkers series? yea. what a great way to start! I was really rooting for kaede from the start....after class trial 1 i was hooked on the series and then prozd and jay started their dr1 playthrough, so it was a great time to get started on hyperfixating on this series in may.
also after class trial 1, i went on the danganronpa wiki page so i could read more about kaede. No new fan...should do what i did. i read like one sentence about everyone's memories being fabricated and i just. stopped and tried to purge it from memory cause i really didnt want to get spoiled further ahjfjdjfdkj
also do not look up their sprites on the wiki page, or google i guess. i looked up tsumugi and.
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right there. it was unavoidable. i knew tsumugi was the mastermind and had to try purging that memory too. fortunately, it happened to most of my friends too while they were looking for refs of tsumugi to draw hAHA
so. by the time we finished class trial 5 (and ho fucking boy. class trial 5 took us till 3am on a weekday cause we all desperately wanted to know who the fuck was in that exisal and what really happened), I had known these spoilers:
- everyone's backstories are fake, flashback lights created false memories
- rantaro's title is the ultimate survivor (idk. what it really meant. i just thought he was like bear grylls or smth)
- tsumugi is the mastermind
we were all already playing along that tsumugi was the mastermind and calling her out on her pretend bullshit during investigation for chapter 6, it was very fun
class trial 6...we were all already unsurprised when tsumugi revealed herself to be junko. but we didnt expect that she was still,,, cosplaying. we didnt expect the entire thing to be cosplay, or the previous dr games to be fictional within this fictional universe...or that everyone pregame were volunteering themselves for this truman show killing game.....or the whole undertale-esque breaking the 4th wall gameplay. that was siiiick all of that was so fucking cool
anyway. danganronpa v3.......what a nice send-off. I feel like the ending was a warning for fans who get too immersed in any form of media, but it kinda makes it funnier to think about pregame characters now. they were all huge weebs!!!!! they might've been wanting to throw away their lives cause they needed an escape! the ending leaves a lot to think about too, like how shuichi, maki and himiko are gonna cope with the knowledge that everything they thought they knew and were was a lie. i wanna draw...so much fanart. i get why people love this series now.
cant believe i thought danganronpa series was a meme cause of all the komaeda x sans memes my friends were sending. this series is great. drag more of your friends into it tbh, but uh. make sure everyone's like college-age lmao be safe with this heavy stuff
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otomegema · 3 years
Title: Convergence Theory, ch. 3 summary: Transitional chapter GET. Aka, the one where reader meets Gojo's students a little more and I show off some of her powers and set up some future uh-- issues. That might effect the would-be couple. I'm just rolling with it. pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader rating: mature Ao3 Link (We are uh-- up to ch. 11 on Ao3 just fyi)
Weird did not even begin to describe the feeling that went through your chest and flipped in your stomach as you closed the door on your hotel room, bags in hand, and went downstairs to meet your new roommate in the lobby.
New fiancé.
A fact Gojo was delighting in explaining to the hotel staff, animatedly conjuring from the depths of his mind some new bullshit on how you met. How he proposed. Some of the girls at the station were near puddles of envy. Others, happily told you how “lucky” you were as you handed off your keycard and checked out.
You had managed not to scowl the entire time, but just barely.
“You’re gonna have to send me a spreadsheet of all these lies just so I can keep up.” You muttered, swinging your bag into the open trunk of the car that had arrived to pick you both up. Oddly, the driver was not the same as the one from the other night. The man in question looked nervously in his rear view mirror, but also with an intense amount of curiosity.
“I already forgot um. Besides, not like we need one for the Gojo clan. They already know how we met.”
Gojo didn’t bother to get the door for you this time, sliding into the back seat without waiting for you to finish loading the car. You took your own spot, mirroring him in taking out your phone to check your latest messages. The driver would occasionally exchange looks with you in the mirror. You gave him a polite smile.
“Principal will wanna meet with you,” Gojo said abruptly, “I had my guys put in your rec already. Just let him know you want me as your mentor and when he brings me the request I’ll sign off.” Gojo didn’t even look up from his phone, “Old man will probably faint. I haven’t agreed to babysit anyone in—“
He paused, but only for a second.
“Too busy?” You asked.
“Too much of a pain in the ass. And after, you can unpack your stuff at my place. I have a room on campus too, probably will spend the majority of my time there when I’m not on mission.”
“When we are not on mission.” You added with a smirk. Gojo sighed.
“Yeah, yeah. You enjoy this while it lasts, I’m already planning our next ‘date’ and you can bet before I’m done with planning the third one the family will demand a visit.” Gojo grinned, “When was the last time you’ve been?”
You groaned, the sound drawing a chuckle from Gojo. He knew damn well when the last time you were invited was.
“Do I get to plan any dates?”
He scoffed, “Why would you wanna?”
It was a fair point. You shrugged and turned to look out the window, admiring the view of trees and the greenery that surrounded Jujutsu Tech. Your days as a student were long over, but there was still so much protocol, so many hoops and tests and missions to jump through. If they had warned you being a sorcerer was like being a forever-student… maybe some of the others had it right. Ditching the school and the rules and wandering as independents. There was an allure to just throwing in the towel— but how would anything ever change if you just left?
You wondered if Gojo felt the same way, his personality not exactly meshing with the idea of a dutiful and obedient Jujutsu sorcerer. He was smiling lazily to himself as he typed on his phone and you found yourself content to just enjoy the silence.
The campus was not foreign to you and so you rebuffed Gojo’s offer to walk you in. Besides, if they came in together it might be too much of a tip off. There was no rule about the relation between a potential first-grade and their mentor, but given his tendency to rub the higher ups the wrong way, you didn’t want to risk any bumps. It was bad enough whoever that driver was had clearly heard you both talking. He seemed to be a staff member.
Passing through the halls though, you had the distinct feeling you were being watched— and definitely not by Gojo. If he was keeping tabs on you, you’d never know.
The cursed energy signatures were familiar, young and new, yet strong. You slid around a corner, barely flexing your Limitless to teleport around behind your spies, hiding out of sight.
“Wha— did we lose her?” The young boy with the pink hair gaped, rushing around the corner and then back, “I don’t see her!”
“Dummy, she probably heard you mouth breathing a mile away.” The girl muttered, slapping her fist into her hand with a disappointed grunt.
The other tall young man said nothing, his eyes drawn down into almost apathetic sleepiness.
“Why were we following her anyway?”
“Didnt you hear, Megumi? She is Gojo-sensei’s wife!”
“Fiancé, Yuji. Not wife.” The girl corrected.
“Fiancé, wife, girlfriend— whatever! Point is, how did we not know about her?! Who marries a guy like that anyway, she has to be crazy strong!!”
“She didn’t do so well on that last mission.” Megumi added, his voice flat. You winced slightly at his assessment. That was your cue. Shifting your energy, you appeared behind Megumi, forcing a tense, but still sufficiently bright smile unto your lips.
“That’s because my rat future-husband was busy showing off for his students!”
Megumi, to his credit, only stiffened. The other two openly shrieked at your arrival, the boy Yuji swiftly switching to an expression of awe.
“She moves like Gojo-sensei! I didn’t know she could do that!”
“Lots of people can do this… can’t believe he gets away with acting all high and mighty…” you grumbled.
You swore you heard a muffled sneeze from somewhere behind you, but your attention was suddenly wholly on Gojo’s two more animated students as they crowded into your space. Nobara Kugisaki— that was the girls name. And Itadori Yuji. The other boy you knew even before the mission was Megumi Fushiguro. Gojo’s longest running student and “ward” of a sort. Plus, he had affiliation with the Zenin. The Gojo clan liked to pretend it was as important, but even with the Six Eyes, there was no contest over which clan held the most power.
“Aren’t you a Gojo too? You have the Limitless right?” Yuji continued, smiling. This was Sukuna’s vessel? He seemed far too simple and far too sweet.
“Distantly. And yes.”
“That is so cool. You must be super strong.”
“I’m— I do okay.” You said, finding the praise a bit hard to accept. Sure in comparison to other third, fourth and even some of your fellow second-grade sorcerers you were notably talented— but how could anyone even judge such a thing when your true comparison was Gojo Satoru?
“When that curse hit ya? I thought— yikes. She is done for. But you barely had a mark on you!”
“Yeah, how did you dodge it? Oh! Can you do the thing?!” Nobara extended her hand, pressing her palm outward in what took you a minute to understand was a mimic of Gojo’s barrier technique.
You smiled faintly and lifted up your own hand. Nobara grinned as she tried to reach out and touch her fingertips to your own and she was stopped just short, hovering and wavering slightly in infinitely slowed movement.
“I wanna try!” Yuji exclaimed and you happily demonstrated for the young man as well. Shockingly, you had to increase your output a little to repel him.
“I can’t have it up all the time, but it does help in a pinch.” You said and were surprised when Megumi finally spoke up.
“You make it sound like that somehow makes it less powerful.”
Had you? Your tone when talking about your abilities was always reserved. Cautious. You had no reason to gloat— no right to it. You masked your inner reflection behind a terse smile and offered your hand to Megumi.
“You wanna turn?”
The boy flushed.
“I’m… I’m good.”
“Are you going to be around campus today? Are you coming to our lesson?” Yuji asked, Nobara perking at the idea too.
“Maybe. I have to meet with the principal, but I’m sure I’ll see you all later.”
Satisfied with that, they wished you luck and departed, Nobara and Yuji falling again into animated conversation as Megumi steadily followed behind. It would be nice maybe to take part in a lesson or two… you hadn’t given the idea of teaching much thought, but just working with Gojo’s students you were starting to think you were getting the appeal of it.
Especially if you were one who loved to be adored, you thought with a scoff, wondering where Gojo had run off to if his students had been following you.
Dealing with principal Masamichi was a short affair. You accepted the recommendation news with humble gratitude and made your intention of being mentored by Gojo known. You were prepared to ignore the tension that seemed to permeate the atmosphere the moment you did so.
Masamichi simply stated he would let Yoshinobu know of the transfer. There would be no objections from Tokyo.
You could only imagine that your former principal would have something to say about all this— but he and the higher ups had done little to assist you in achieving first-grade status. Perhaps now they would realize they did not hold the keys to every door forward in their world.
Feeling strangely smug and self-satisfied, you left the office and set out to find the three students. It wasn’t difficult. Barely expanding your awareness of energy brought the familiar bright ray of Gojo into your mind. He was easy enough for you to find, you’d been doing it unwillingly all your life.
Near the outskirts of the woods that surrounded Jujutsu Tech you found Gojo shockingly studentless, sitting on the ground and playing what you could only imagine was an extremely high level of Candy Crush.
“Aren’t you suppose to be teaching?”
“I am! Kids are chasing a couple of third grade curses around the woods!”
“… and what are they learning?”
“Optimistically? How to dodge. Those things shoot out some kind of energy thing that definitely looks like it would sting.”
Gojo rapidly tapped across the screen, ending the level in record time before stashing his phone and leaning back on his palms. He tilted his head back at you with his usual smirk.
“You get your semi-grade one status?”
You nodded.
“Perfect!” He stood, brushing off his pants, “Now we can start your lesson! But first, I wanna see your baseline.”
He cracked his knuckles and then lazily stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“Hit me with your strongest technique.”
“…what, like right now? Now, now?” You shouldn’t have been surprised honestly, Gojo was a loose cannon in every sense of the word.
“Now, now, babe.”
You scowled, the furrowing of your brow only seeming to make him smile brighter.
“C’mon. You won’t get me and you know it. Just hit me with your best Limitless technique.”
“My best Limitless technique is non-combative.” You said wryly, wishing you had chosen to wear slacks that day instead of a skirt. Your own uniform was a modified version of the Jujutsu Tech one from your time spent as a sort of “adjunct” instructor. This was definitely not your practice outfit.
“Is it?” Gojo asked, humming thoughtfully. Was he being purposefully obtuse? Most likely, yes.
“Show me your best combative technique.”
You knew what he was getting at. Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue. It was, without utilizing reversals, the strongest technique a Limitless user could achieve— or at least Gojo had made it so. You could do it, sure, but you were not sure on how long you’d be standing upright after you did. All your previous attempts to master the technique usually ended in you taking a sudden and unplanned nap. At best, the output was a little weaker, but sometimes you could hold unto consciousness and only be tapped for the rest of the day.
“I’ll faint.” You said quietly and Gojo lifted his hand to cup his ear, grinning.
“What was that?”
You huffed, “I’ll faint.”
“I don’t think you will.”
“I’m sorry, is this your technique or mine?”
Gojo gave a small shrug, “Obviously mine. You're just a knock-off.”
“Ya know, I activated my Limitless abilities before you.”
“I mighta heard something like that once— Now hit me.” Gojo took a few steps back, crooking his finger at you, “Come on, come one. Don’t be so boring. I have to know what your capable of it you are going to come on missions with me.”
“This is a terrible idea.” You grumbled, but swung out your shoulders, breathing out slowly to mentally prepare yourself if anything.
“Maybe! But like I said, I gotta know just how weak you are.” Gojo said, mirth in his voice— and mocking.
“I’m not weak.” You snapped out before you could real in your tongue, feeling your neck flush.
“You just said you can’t even do the base technique of our ability without fainting.” Gojo gestured his hand out as he gave another little shrug, “Kinda seems super weak to me.”
“I’m not you.”
“Not with that attitude you aren’t."
Okay. Fine. He wanted you to hit him? You’d hit him. Your cursed energy had already flared up, irritation giving way to anger as you opened that channel within your memory and your emotions— focusing it until all that bitterness, all that rage was nothing more than a battery for you to use to fuel your own jujutsu.
You knew Gojo would be fine, but for a moment, you nearly faltered. Having someone ask you to basically collapse them apart with the cursed equivalent of a black hole? Not exactly a normal every day occurrence.
“C’mon! Stop thinking about hitting me and hit me! Unless you wanna renegotiate our deal… hell, maybe it would be easier for both of us if I just paid your rent instead. I don’t know how I’m gonna manage to get someone so pathetic to first-grade.”
You were going to kill him.
You were going to rip the eyes from his skull and spit them out at the dinner table of the main family, teeth and gums bloody.
“Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.”
The cursed energy ripped not out from your body, but in. Focusing around Gojo as it manipulated space, dividing it down to the negative and seeking out to rend him apart. The area of effect was like a circle, but you pinpointed at his eyes regardless. Targeting what excess energy was left to his face.
The blast of blue sent clouds of dirt and grass into the air— or what was once dirt and grass. Having been nearly crushed into nothing, the debris shot around in fine powdered ash. When the air cleared, Gojo was standing where he had been before, entirely untouched.
Except for his blindfold.
One end had twisted, the fabric swirling up so tightly it was risen up against his forehead and revealing one bright, blue eye. It had gotten caught in part in the curling shrinking energy of the technique, but not enough to destroy it.
You let out a breath, stunned to find you were still standing.
“See?” Gojo said cheerfully, “Just a little motivation and you—“
The last thing you saw before everything went black was the ground suddenly rushing up to your face.
The low painful rumble of your stomach woke you, awareness of your body coming back in small waves. There was something soft tucked under your head… and your legs were elevated, knees curled around something.
You opened your eyes to the bright, unforgiving sky above and groaned loudly.
“Rise and shine, honeybun.”
His very voice made you wanna faint again just to get away from him.
“Really. Honey bun. Here, eat.”
A packaged sweet was tossed unto your stomach and you sat up enough to recognize the thing your legs were swung over was Gojo’s own lap. His phone was in one hand, the familiar blips and tones of a game audible. His other was rested on your knee, pressing down to help support your efforts to sit up.
He had taken off his jacket and put it behind your head, the white sleeves of his shirt beneath rolled up around his elbows. Judging by the absence of his blindfold and the return of his sunglasses, he hadn’t been able to save the item from your rending.
You flushed, attempting to pull your legs away and recognizing with a sharp sound that he could easily have seen up your skirt at that angle. Gojo’s hand tightened on your knee, keeping you in place.
“You should let your blood settle back before you try squirmin’ so much.”
If he had looked he did not make mention of it, focus fully on his game. Your stomach grumbled again and you tore open the honey bun packet and into the soft, sweet bread in short time.
“You really did faint.” Gojo said lowly, “Not the greatest. We’ll need to start with getting your cursed energy output higher. You can call on it in a pinch, sure, but it’d be better to have an ongoing source rather than relying on me teasing you into snapping off something halfway decent.”
“Ya know, anyone else and that move would have turned them into soup.” You said, not in the habit of defending yourself, but something about Gojo making the assessment set off your nerves. Why would he compare you to a level only he could achieve? It wasn’t fair.
“I know! I mean— it was good! Don’t get me wrong. Just not good. Blowing shit up is great and all but not if it blows you up with it. Leaves you vulnerable to reprisal if the curse isn’t alone.”
You shrugged, “I guess I just always figure if I take something out with that, if there is anything left the other sorcerers will get it.”
“… so it’s a sacrificial play, for you?”
You nodded. Gojo switched off his phone and shoved your legs off his lap, standing up. He didn’t offer you any help as you wobbled unto your own two feet.
“You got some serious hang ups.” Gojo said and you couldn’t very well argue.
He tugged his blindfold from his pocket, holding up the tattered piece of fabric for your inspection— as evidence. Your eyes widened. You didn’t realize until now the full extent of the damage, the way the cloth was shredded in the center as if a wild animal had tried to claw his eyes out. You had been so focused, so preoccupied… no wonder the damage wasn’t fully resembling of the true Lapse: Blue technique.
“Here. A souvenir.”
“… sorry.” You mumbled, reaching out to take it. Gojo quickly moved, pulling the blindfold from your reach at the last moment with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes and went to take it again only for him to repeat the same trick, earning a wary smile from you as you snatched at his hand and he allowed you to take it the third time.
“I never—“ Gojo began and stopped, humming to himself as he seemed to reconsider his words.
“Well, I was just thinking I picked the best possible choice for this charade!” Gojo began, “It may really take you the whole year to fall for me.”
You smacked him with the torn piece of fabric, earning a startled “ow” from him and the satisfaction you must have caught him off guard to get through his barrier. You seemed to be able to do that a lot. Showed what he knew letting his powers wane around you.
“In the meanwhile, there is no time like the present! Let’s go!” Gojo reached out, grabbing your arm by the elbow before you could recoil away.
The forest disappeared, the world refocusing in the middle of Tokyo. The sounds of birds and wind replaced with the sound of tire treads on wet pavement and the faint, constant roar of the city scape.
Ah— yes.
To an abandoned apartment building.
That radiated cursed energy.
Of course.
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tobebugjewce · 3 years
THE WALTEN FILES: my jumbled notes on my blind run-in with this web series
first off this is gonna be long and unorganized, also this is my second time writing this as i had lost literally half of my progress and im This (imagine two fingers almost touching with a 0.0000000001mm distance between them) close to ripping all of the fucking hair out of my goddamn head. but now this will be extra long and yes, i will lose some accuracy to my first writing but thats okay ill probably edit this a kajillion times over
which brings me to my next tangent; im literally braindumping here. so to have a smidge of organization all afterthoughts, edits and corrections will be boldened, i forgot what im gonna do with italicized text but ill probably bolden it here yeah im pretty sure its for side tangents, separate from Corrections, which are in bold. also theyre for emphasis too.
so in general, this post right here is all of my notes i wrote down on my grid-patterned sticky notes (which i used WAYYYY too much of) about the first 3 uploaded walten files youtube videos transferred onto my handy dandy digital notebook, this b(l)og. yeppers peppers. you know im serious about this shit when i typed probably over like a thousand fucking words including boldened shit, italicized shit and motherfucking links, lost it ALL, and im sitting here re-typing it again.
i feel bad about this but im not gonna trigger warn right here, but this is technically a warning. if you want a list of triggers as to what this post (and the walten files in general) i will link a little list to that here
without further a doo doo, (mama mia) here the fucking fuck we go again.
clarifying this now, im gonna put some useless shit which i thought was code onto this because even though it was useless it was part of my notes and im physically going to combust if i dont put down every single thing i wrote on my papers. so what i thought was code was in the closed captions, i started writing it down when i got to the second video but came back to my first videos notes to include them. i wrote down the first letter to every word that was capitalized in the closed captions, which i had on as a default because number one i knew going into this id need them because most web horror things like args and cryptic shit like that has some of the most crucial shits in the closed captions. number two i am autistic and have auditory processing issues and have most closed captioning on as a default if theyre available.
the numbers in parenthesis are there because i wasnt sure they should be included in the “code” or not. i also thought of this with the BSI - bunny smiles incorporated and also the years 1978 and 1979. the shits in asterisks are coughs and light coughs, which were capitalized in the closed captions so i included them too just in case
i then jotted, in parenthesis of course, the names of the animatronics when they were listed in the animation section of the video; bon aka the blue bunny, sha aka the sheep one, boozoo aka the clown<3 honk<33, and banny aka the purpled eyelashed up one who is also a bunny btw. also i got boozoo the clown and boozoo the mustache guy confused because apparently the clowns name is billy???? but they named “boozoo” in bons sleepover and showed the clown? idk maybe im an idiot and theyre the same or just an idiot and theyre different or a super mega (matt and ryan?!?!??) idiot in general which is probably the case
i started drawing little stars to write down things i thought would be super important or to 100% look at again. the first subject of this pointy torture was the part of the video where at 3:00, i marked it down to make sure to reverse the audio as it was most definitely a weird audio that has that signature warp-y effect that makes sure you KNOW its in reverse. i then listened back to it Very carefully (still got it wrong) and got this: “you finally start to remember. that old doll. they will look out for you soon” im also pretty sure i heard “sophie” at the end of that audio but im not entirely sure and dont remember and i dont wanna go back to check lmfao but anyways it didnt matter because i was wrong anyway. after i had finished all 3 walten files i watched the film theory video on the walten files (which didnt cover all 3 but was dece.) out of curiosity and to hear matpats signature silly little voice explain some stuff i already knew, and click some shit in my brain that i couldve thought up of if i was a bit more... i dont know honestly. anyways yeah so the actual audio is “you finally start to remember. that old day. they will look out for you soon.” so yeah. day, not doll.
i then wrote down “sarah evelyn”, the name on the bons sleepover animation (i dont remember if she created it or animated it or whatnot) and scribbled will she matter? under her name. turns out no, as i didnt see her name in the rest of the series, let alone the first video. this is also a great time to mention how matpat theory helped me realize that the walten files are collections of videos, uploaded onto youtube by anthony. (i already knew about anthony as he signed his name in the descriptions of the youtube videos, making me categorize this overall web series more into an arg type genre.) but yes, the tapes, recorded “irl” footage, animated clips, vhs tape recordings and other audio-visual content is all collected and labeled the walten files, as i had mistaken each video to be a tape. stupid me. alrighty, onward!
i starred this one, good for me; MISSING: Jack Walten LAST SEEN: 06/11/1974
i jotted down with an arrow that; sophie was a nightguard? she was wearing the uniform explained in tape 2 i dont know why but i went back into my video 1 notes after i had watched video 2. organization purposes. i guess.?? 
i then paused the video when the screen flickered a date, the beginning of video footage dated 10/10/1982 (Brian Stells?) god my little genius ass assuming the videographer was brian stells, based on the id card i saw earlier.
i then wrote down what text i saw on the dead, mangled, bloody body in the purple security suit; “i cant feel anything” “he thought i was her” then drew a little arrow pointing to; thought brian was sophie? or ashley? i also starred the name Brian Stells this is totally out of order LMFAOOOOOOOO also i wrote down ashley because, again, my little pea brain went back on my video 1 notes after watching video 2. but yep thats all i wrote for The Walten Files 1 - Company Introductory Tape
Tape #1 - created 07/02/1978
awesome how thats first and foremost in the captions. god. so sexy of you martin walls. /j /nsx
this pack of notes is chunkier because again, like i have mentioned before i am an absolute goober and thought the capitalized letters of the words would actually mean something. I MEAN MAYBE THEY DO AND IM JUST DOING IT WRONG but i stopped doing it after this video because holy shit it was exhausting and my stupid little fingers couldnt take the writing anymore becasue i am WEAK. 
so write off the bat (squeak) i wrote down 197[] the blacked out rectangle over the last digit of that year and everything im also now assuming its probably 1978 or 1974 because lore reasons but whos to say but yeah i also wrote down this;
Tape #2 - created 08/13/1978
then, straight up in the beginning of the video i caught it, the flash of text, as i had by now realized i gotta be SUPER stupid focused on the screen in case i miss anything, i wanted to be crazy precise on my theorizing and mental notes, among other things. but yes i saw it, the first half of a youtube link;  “https://youtu” 
claps hands together and rubs them evilly. oh yeah baby. thats the hot lunch. this shit right here? the cats pajamas. lets fucking go.
i wrote down this goofy shit i pasued to inspect when i saw bon sorting through a file cabinet and naturally scribbled down the labels and other written things i could see on the files; 
relocate X/X/75 felix
storage K-9 07/23/1975 felix k(ranken)
Bons Burgers 06/28/1974 Jack Walten
Shipping Service 1975
New Location -> 1982
i also wrote down more goofy shit, like when banny was created for some reason; in 1974
starred, i noted to go back and reverse the audio at 5:09, when played back, i didnt write it down so i dont remember. lmao.
i also marked to screenshot and brighten the darkened image i saw at 5:20, i was going to do it on my phone then realized i can just do it on my computer so i quickly took a screenshot, brightened it and wrote down what i saw; a missing person poster that read MISSING: SUSAN WOODINGS(?) Last seen: 1974 i was very unsure of the spelling of her last name because the image was so goddamn low quality and grainy but its what i saw. this is where tape #3 gets thrown in, which im gonna type again because i like how the formatting looks;
Tape #3 - created 07/09/1978 (BEFORE tape 2?!//1/1??? its more likely than you think)
i wrote down more dates, any dates i saw, i jotted down. i wrote; 
Technical Support 1978 
Brian Stells (for some reason i dont remember right now)
alrighty this is where the stupid capitalized letters come in, but before it looks like i vomit a keysmash time infinity on this, ill put down the little inbetween things i wrote in the midst of the caps lockalypse like timestamps and stuff, so here you go;
- Reverse at 8:16 which i did but of course didnt write down what i heard. i think it was too warbled to hear anything clear out of it, or it was just the good ol auditory processing issues fucking me over yet again. WAIT yep yes i did here it is: “rosemary would go to the restaurant every night hoping that [her] beloved husband would reappear after being missing for weeks but no response until one day [s]he heard a voice [saying] ‘i know where he is rosie’ coming from the back stage” the bracketed stuff is the corrections, i misheard the audio and thought the audio said “his”, “he” and “singing” like a nimrod
- Brighten at 10:14 which was another missing person poster, but i dont think it had any information on it because i didnt write it down, just;
- Sophie again (pic at 9:08?) (dismemberd and put in Sha) i was stupid and wrong haha idiot it was rosemary who was put in sha but anywho
i starred and underlined a huge thing i discovered which was;
- Walten had 3 kids which i dont remember how i found out but it doesnt matter, its good important info i uncovered.
- Tape #4 - Unkown Date
- recorded 07/12-07/14 1978 
- Hilary B, Ashley P & Kevin W i made sure to get these names down as soon as i saw them on screen but then realized shortly after i wouldnt really need to have it as the closed captions made sure i knew which person was talking by using their first initial (capitalized of course) before each line of text. this is the perfect time to announce the arrival of the clusterfuck of capital letters, which is going to include colons which will indicate that the letter before it is the initial of the person talking. without further aedue, here comes another chinese earthquake;
holy shit its finally over okay now onto some MORE of what i wrote down in between and also after that keysmash attack;
12 doors? (backrooms) 27? 26? i was unsure because ashley was unsure too lmfao
found cassette (6/11/78) <- says “discard”? yeah it did
Tape in clown audio, speaking voice; jack, susan, charles(?), rosemary, sophie, last word sounds like “walrus” it was walten lmfao
Ashley died? yeah she did lmfao OR AT LEAST I THINK SO??
starred this one, Reverse @ 17:06, then got this;
“they left the next day, they thought ashley left early, but she was in the backdoors, screaming as much as she could, but no one heard the screams, the following days the caretakers would complain about an awful smell coming from the backdoors, company decided to shut down facility until new advice, the relocate project was unsuccessful. ashley is still there, but she is not screaming anymore, she saw something she wasnt supposed to see and now shes beautiful” the phrase “shes beautiful” was repeating like a bajillion times in that wall of text. then, god motherfuckng bless: 
at 17:23 i found the other half of the youtube link, “.be/k07QqEDOfQ” i pieced that bad boy together as instant as i think any form of ramen could never be, but remained ever patient. because i made sure to jot down this before moving onto my next segment;
@ end of vid 2, “shadow man sees* me when lights go off” im an idiot *it was actually “feeds” not “sees”, which AGAIN, i only found out after watching the stupid little film theory video *begins snarling and foaming at the mouth*
okay im not proud to admit im editing this to post it and realized ive lost my notes. well. 
might as well post what ive got! if i find my shit ill add onto this, i suppose.
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ghostlypawn · 3 years
Hey, did you have any coloring tutorials regarding your pride headcanon gifsets? The coloring looks so nice and I wanted to try and attempt to use some coloring for my gifs but I dont know how
thank you !! its usually kinda specific to each gif but i can try! theres usually 2 ways i go about it
using the color overlay feature:
this is probably the easier one as it can be used with more scenes
you need to find a scene where the person you're giffing/the camera moves very little (here she moves a bit but its fine enough for me)
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colour and sharpen the gif as you normally would
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then create a new layer and simply colour the background in the colour you want
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it will look ridiculous at first but then u wanna change the overlay setting from normal to color (the drop-down next to the opacity)
and it should look something like this:
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and then sometimes i add a gradient (pink to transparent) on a new layer on each side if i want a bit pinker (i mess around with the opacity of this layer to whatever i think fits this is around 70% opacity)
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it doesnt make a ton of difference here but i tend to use it more when there are things happening on the far left that i want to draw attention away from as it makes those areas more opaque
and thats basically it for this way!
the cons to this way are sometimes you can see gaps/overlap where the character moves at certain points of the gif
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im usually pedantic about these things but its honestly not as noticable as you think it is and ive uploaded gifs that have overlap (i tend to think overlap is better than a gap but thats personal preference)
using selective colour:
this is harder to do as you need the background to be a specific colour (but i think it tends to look better)
this colour can be the colour you want the gif to be but from my experience blue backgrounds tend to be most easily manipulated
red/yellow/pink backgrounds are hardest to change as they affect the skin colour of the character (but it can sometimes work if the character doesnt move much as you can use a layer mask and erase your colouring from the person)
im gonna try and colour this gif (idk if it will work yet as the background is a greyish blue rather than a brighter blue like the sky would be but it should do)
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colour and sharpen as normal (i also recommend using a blue/cool photo filter layer to really get rid of the yellow undertones the later cm seasons have it makes a world of difference for me but its up to you/how you colour things)
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then from here honestly its a lot of trial and error; im gonna try and make it pinky purple
this is gonna be different for each gif but for reference i added 2 selective colour layers (as the bg is blue im only gonna change the cyan/blue and maybe black/green) and one hue/saturation
1st selective colour: GREEN (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -100) CYAN (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -23) BLUE (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -91) BLACK (C = +1, M = +13)
2nd selective colour: GREEN (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -100) CYAN (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -23) BLUE (C = -100, M = +100, Y = -91)
hue/saturation: (the background is now pinky/purple) MAGENTA (hue = +1, saturation = +32, lightness = +19)
this is my result:
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as you can see their skin tone hasnt changed as i didnt touch the red/yellow selective colour options. if your background is one of these colour you could add a layer mask to that selective colour layer and erase the area of the person but this might cause effects similar to first version i showed you (gaps or overlap)
im still not entirely happy with it as firstly, luke is in the picture as we want to draw attention away from him and secondly, there are still some non-purple colours in the background
to fix this is once again use the color overlay feature from the first version to touch up some of the areas (i colourdrop a colour from the background) there shouldnt be much overlap/gapping as im not colouring precisely around their skin (and if there is it wont be as noticable as the background/shirt is the same colour)
and then to get rid of luke i simply draw over him in a colour from the background and then add a gradient and move it so the opaque side of the gradient is near the edge of where i stopped drawing over luke (i also transform it and mush it inwards so the more transparent side doesnt go all the way over to matt just next to him)
this is what it looks like finished!
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it turned out pretty well considering it was a random video i had on hand !!
also dont be scared to experiment with overlays/opacity etc and its okay to realise that it’s just not working for this gif and scrapping (ive lost many gifs </3)
im not the best at explaining things but i hope this somewhat helped!! if you have anymore questions feel free to ask <3
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fluffyglass · 3 years
you may be asking "Oh dear god what has Finn gotten up to this time?" well, that my friend, is a very valid question! The answer to which is as follows: He's rewatched every single TMMS segment with Mr. Rude in it to prove that he's done nothing wrong!
After many many hours of rewatching, I've come to some conclusions on the depressed tomato man. I'll give a quick rundown here, then throw my episode by episode analysis under the cut.
Season 1
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 1.
In only 3 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 4 of the episodes where he's innocent, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
Season 2
Mr. Rude is in 30 episodes in Season 2.
In only 6 of these episodes does he do anything wrong.
In 1 of the episodes where he's innocent, as well as one where he did do something wrong, Mr. Fussy yells at him for no reason.
In total, Mr. Rude only actually did anything wrong in 9 out of the 60 segments he's in, which is 15%. That's less than a quarter of the time. Even counting the three episodes I was unsure about, that's only 12/60. 20%. Still less than a quarter.
Why have I been bringing up Mr. Fussy? Because this experience genuinely made me not like him anymore. In only one out of Mr. Fussy's 7 appearances with Mr. Rude does he not yell at him, and in five of the times he does - it was completely unjustified.
Now, onto the episode by episode section!
Ah, you wanna see my episode by episode analysis? Well, I'll give you a quick color legend first.
Yellow - Mr. Rude does nothing wrong
Red - Mr. Rude does something wrong
Blue - Mr. Fussy yells at Mr. Rude for no reason
Pink - I have no idea what to put for this one lmao
Also, there's a ton of cursing in here because I wrote these notes as I went along and I don't feel like editing them to be more professional. You get what you get when it comes to Mr. Rude apologism.
Flying - He does nothing wrong, he just asked Mr. Grumpy to do his fucking job. Though, I will admit, he was a dick about it.
Music - He does nothing wrong, Miss Naughty is a fucking bitch and Mr. Fussy targeted him for no got damn reason even though he has fucking ears and should have heard Miss Naughty going off on her fucking cymbals. Miss Naughty also tried to poison him so
Farm - He does nothing wrong, those bitch ass crows broke his fucking robot I cant believe this.
Booboos - He does nothing wrong, he literally just wants some decent service while he is in the fucking hospital and Mr. Scatterbrain is a fucking moron about it
Mall - He's barely in it and I will admit he is a bit of an asshole in this one but he doesn't do anything explicitly wrong
Birthday - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to buy a birthday present for his homie Mr. Grumpy. In fact, he shows that he cares about his friend because he knows what he would want (and gets something he wouldnt like, presumably as a joke). Hes a caring friend but also a troll.
Superstore - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to return his shitty toaster. It ends up well for everyone involved :)
Books - He does nothing wrong, he is literally just neurodivergent and cannot read social situations
Camping - He does nothing wrong, he tried to warn everyone that they were going the wrong way, and then called out Miss Whoops on her fucking bullshit and putting everyone in danger. He then proceeded to fucking die. Miss Daredevil doesnt even give a shit about two of the raft riders fucking dying what the fuck.
Paint - He does nothing wrong, he just wants to finish his painting commission.
Jobs - This is the one I time I'll admit he does something really wrong. He commits multiple driving related crimes, as well as throwing his sandwich at Mr. Quiet, splashing Mr. Nosey and Mr. Small, and taking advantage of Mr. Scatterbrain's stupidity. He also crumpled up Mr. Scatterbrain's drawing of a hamster.
Trains - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy's a bitch ass motherfucker, and he did more good than bad because he rescued Mr. Messy at the end.
Fair - He does nothing wrong, he got a fucking pie yeeted at him of course he wouldn't like it. He does put the pie in Mr. Scatterbrain's face though but he already got it in his face so it's just even now. He then proceeds to be pelted with pies. But thankfully it seems like they're both having fun by the end.
Movies - Yeah he's a bit of an asshole in this one. He puts too much cheese on Mr. Happy's nachos (and then throws them at him). He does get his karma though cause he gets fucking trapped in the popcorn machine someone please save him oh my god.
Dance - He does nothing wrong, he just has taste.
Inventions - He does nothing wrong, Miss Chatterbox just doesnt like him for the way he is which is super fucked up of her. What the fuck, man. He accepts Miss Chatterbox's invention regardless. He then proceeds to be abused by everyone around him. Hes totally justified in being mean at the end.
Amusement Park - Okay yeah he was an asshole in this one, cause he was rude to Miss Calamity about her supposed grooming habits. However, he was also abused a lot during multiple of the bumpers, which I guess counts as karma.
Adventure - He literally doesnt even do anything in this one
Rainy Day - Dude, his entire fucking family died. Give him a break.
Games - He did nothing wrong, he won the fucking game but Mr. Scatterbrain took the credit what the fuck he only had 3 POINTS MR RUDE HAD 4 MR. HAPPY YOU DUMB YELLOW FUCK LEARN HOW TO COUNT
Restaurants - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Fussy is so fucking mean to him I will never get over this he deserves so much better what the fuck
Cars - he's just vibin man
Canned Goods - He does nothing wrong, he just ate some beans man
Collecting - he's barely in it and just kinda vibes
Full Moon - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got kidnapped by some fucking aliens with his alien husband
Heatwave - He does nothing wrong, 6 gay men just casually committed acts of Home Invasion and are going to be arrested for their crimes against him.
Sleep - He does nothing wrong, and I doubt anyone would have even noticed he was asleep if Miss Chatterbox kept her fucking mouth shut. He cant control what hes doing if hes fucking asleep. Even after all that he still clapped for Mr. Fussy, who hates him, at the end. What a champ.
Carwash - He does nothing wrong, Miss Calamity technically fucking kidnapped him what the fuck.
Lawns - He does nothing wrong, he didn't want to take his lawn to begin with and then got his lawn ruined for literally no reason, even after warning Me. Nosey and Mr. Small that their invention was gonna explode. He even gave Miss Chatterbox the joy in knowing she "won".
Parade - He does nothing wrong, he legit just made a float and Mr. Fussy fucking bullied him for it. What the fuck.
Clean Teeth - Yeah hes a bitch in this one but Mr. Fussy was also a bitch so it evens out.
Airports - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted to go on his flight. Of anything, Miss Scary was more rude than he was.
Game Shows - He does nothing wrong like. Genuinely nothing, and then gets physically assaulted.
Hats - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Grumpy's just a fucking bitch and took credit for both his and Mr. Tickles hats. What the fuck, man.
Robots - He does nothing wrong, he legit just got his baguette burnt wtf
Up and Down - He's fine for the first bit but I will admit hes an asshole in the second one
Gifts - He does nothing wrong, he's just trying to keep Mr. Tickle from fucking assaulting people. Then his entire store is destroyed for no reason.
Sun and Moon - He does nothing wrong, he barely did anything at all
Telephone - I refused to watch this one I just know hes a bitch in it
Washing and Drying - He does nothing wrong, he just wanted his laundry done and he got assaulted at the end. Why is this a trend.
Fruit - He stole Miss Sunshines fucking fruit and then proceeded to endanger everyone around him by driving recklessly. What the fuck, man.
Radio - He does nothing wrong, Mr. Scatterbrain is just a moron, and Miss Whoops is a dumbass.
Supermarket - ???
Cinema - He doesn't do anything wrong, and he looks very nice in his new hat.
Post Office - He doesn't do anything wrong, hes trying his best okay (he also gets covered in stamps at the end)
Pets - He doesn't do anything wrong, he doesn't do anything at all
Dance Dance Dance - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Fussy's a fucking bitch
Trees - He doesn't do anything wrong, someone free him
Library - He didnt even do anything man
Pirates - He doesn't do anything wrong, in fact he is the first to jump in and protect his crewmates from the aliens. He also saves the entire space crew in the end.
Trains and Planes - He doesn't do anything wrong, he barely does anything to begin with
Out to Sea - He doesn't do anything wrong, it makes sense for him to act in his own self interest because he was stuck on a deserted island with those three morons for 30 fucking days. He didn't intend to take the boat, because the tide rolled him out. He is now inevitably going to die.
Next Door - Yeah hes a bitch in this one, but he didnt deserve to get his fucking car crushed.
Lunch - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn drew first blood.
Machines - This is a weird one. Is he really in the wrong for wanting to go home? I mean, it's safe to assume Miss Giggles is fucking dead if she was taken by a dinosaur. He even vows not to doubt Miss Daredevil at the end and is happy to see Miss Giggles okay
Fairies and Gnomes - even though he thinks it's silly that Mr. Nervous is scared of a garden gnome, he still "arrests" it to make him happy :)
Home Improvement - He doesn't do anything wrong, Mr. Stubborn is just a moron.
Birds - He doesn't do anything wrong, he was even nice enough to invite Mr. Nervous along for the birdwatching trip. He's totally justified in not giving a shit about Mr. Fussy because Mr. Fussy has been nothing bit horrible to him the entire show.
Parks - He does nothing wrong he just wanted a burger
Surprises - Refused to watch this one again, I just know hes a bitch
Wow, that's a lot. Anyways, as a proud Mr. Rude apologist, I conclude that he's an innocent man and doesn't deserve the shit he gets. I can get taking his drivers license though that man cannot drive for the life of him
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
quirkless? as if
(requested by @silver-the-rat-royalty, hope you enjoy it even though its not everything you envisioned)
young izuku midoriya was quirkless, he didnt mind it that much. he never took all that much interest in being a hero, but he did do research and take notes on all of them for future ref if they turned rogue against humanity. he enjoyed a lot of things, drawing, gaming, writing and going on walks to enjoy the sunset and rise, or the sakura blossoms falling from the trees. nature intrigued him the most, the passing seasons, horticulture and agriculture, mammals, reptiles, birs and their biology, but the seas where his favorite of all something about aquatic life had him entranced. he had given himself a goal to clean the entire beach that had been covered in rubbish over the years, he had until the end of summer to do so. that catches us up on the story so lets go!
izuku walked down the beach, currently shoving an empty fridge along the shore to the pile he had made until he heard a muffled cry for help and ran over to the pile of rubbish he heard it from seeing someones arms. "people sure are getting stupid these days..." he muttered as he started to yank out the garbage around the person ruining his pile, but through his eyes a human life is worth much more than his goals. "lets hope this works out just fine..." he muttered starting to pull them from the washing machines and dryers until finished, the person had pink hair and a few gadgets on their person as she sat their dazed on a tire. "um, are you ok?" izuku asked as the person started to come to.
"yeah im fine, just a little dazed from the garbage fumes." she said with a light chuckle. "my name is mei hatsume, quirk is zoom helps me see better." she explained putting out her hand to shake. "whats yours?"
"m-my name is izuku midoriya, i can walk on water leaving a trail of ice and my fishing skills are really good." izuku said as he rubbed the back of his neck while shaking hands with mei who grinned.
"give me a demonstration of your frost walker ability." she said having izuku nod his head before tightening his shoe straps and walking a few feet on the water leaving a trail of ice in his wake, mei taking close observation and notes. "interesting..." she muttered as izuku walked back. "try it without the boots izuku." she said.
"uh, ok...?" izuku said as he pulled off his red shoes and walked into the water, no frost and his feet where under the water. "see, without boots on i cant use my ability." he said as he waked back and put on his shoess once more.
"very interesting indeed..." mei muttered under her breath as she paced around a bit before coming to a conclusion. "its the shoes! it has to be it only makes sense!" she exclaimed, feeling dumb for not figuring it out before. "let me try." mei said having izuku hand her his shoes before she slid them on and walked out to the water just barely staying above, the ice much weaker when she used them. "huh, i'll have to do more research later." she said handing the shoes back to izuku who put them on and stood up.
"wanna go get a drink from the new café in town?" izuku offered as the two started to walk back to the road by the beach, traffic had calmed down enough for them to walk through the road with no worry of getting hit. "i heard they serve really good food."
"isnt it one of those new maid cafés?" mei asked as the two made their way to the café.
"either way we should give it a try, i have a ranking board of the best cafés in town back at home." izuku said as he pushed open the door, face turning bright red seeing as how it was a maid café.
"looks like i was right..." mei said as she sat down at one of the free chairs izuku joining her and looking around trying to find if their where any servers. "how come theirs no servers?" she questioned.
"theirs one, near kachan." izuku said pointing to a golden blonde with a lightning bolt in her hair balancing at least three platters in her hands and arms.
"whos kachan?" mei asked watching what was going to happen.
"his real name is katsuki bakugo, the ash blonde..." izuku said joining mei. "lets see what happens next, itll be like theater."
"oi! sparky!" bakugo called out catching the blondes attention seeing as how she walked over after serving someone who was pulling out their phone to snap a picture. "get over here!"
"y-yes master?" the blonde stuttered out trying to stay composed under all the weight on her shoulders. "what can i do for you?" she asked keeping eye contact with bakugo who scoffed at her.
"you better have enough spare juice." bakugo said as he shoved his phone charger in her mouth, his friends doing the same to her not realizing it over stimulated her and put her on the fritz. "only half charge, not nearly enough." bakugo said before slapping her across the face knocking her to the ground, ruining all the dishes she had in her arms.
"kachan! stop being such a jackass to the girl!" izuku shouted as he walked over and helped her up.
"the boss is gonna kill me for this..." she muttered under her breath.
"who gives a shit about a maid like this?" bakugo asked. "no one thats who, cmon guys let get out of here." bakugo said before taking his leave.
"are you ok?" mei asked as she checked the blonde for wounds or injuries.
"yeah im fine, ive gotten used to it." the blonde said with a sigh. "the master is always right." she pressed her hand against the patch where bakugo slapped her flinching slightly. "just a small burn thats all, i need to finish my shift." she started to clean up the dishes on the ground, multiple shattered and food unsalvageable according to the restaurant business.
"are you kidding me?!" izuku shouted. "where talking to your boss and your coming with me, right mei?" izuku said as he dragged the blonde to the back room.
"yeah, you deserve more than this horrible work place." mei said as she followed izuku promptly, being met with the task master of the joint.
"what seems to be the problem with my kitten?" the boss asked having the blonde cringe at the nickname. "did he bother you in any way? if so punishment is only a word away." the boss said having the blonde shake slightly in fear of the next punishment.
"your customers are abusing her!" izuku exclaimed. "your lucky she hasnt called the police on you!"
"its fine i swear, i can handle it boss." the blonde said before darting off to the back exit and leaning out and yakking up a worrying amount blood on the sidewalk from being over stimulated.
"shes hurling blood!" mei shouted from the back exit at izuku and the blondes boss. "now we really have a problem." mei growled.
"well i can kindly ask the ruffians to stop, but thats about it if i want this café to stay afloat." the boss said. "but it would be much easier to just fire him."
"i can change, i can handle it until im dead if i must to keep my job, just please dont fire me boss." the blonde said as she walked back shakily clenching her stomach in pain, mei rubbing her back. "im fine, i swear."
"no your not fine, your taking a day off!" izuku shouted in rage. "you are a disgrace to the market." izuku growled towards the boss.
"sometimes drastic measures must be made to stay afloat." the boss said with a smug grin. "besides as a quirkless i need to take risks to stay afloat."
"you make me sick of being quirkless." izuku said. "your worse than what i can remember of my father." izuku growled as he backed away from the bastard sitting behind the desk.
"guys, just let me finish my shift and i can talk to you later." the blonde said before leaving back to finish her shift but was halted by meis hand around the blondes wrist. "its only an hour." the blonde said zapping mei weakly having her let go so the blonde could finish her shift.
izuku sighed before leaving out the back and leaning against the wall with a sigh having mei join him. "i wish the world wasnt such a horrible place..." he sighed as mei put an arm around his shoulders. "i miss being a little kid, i could live in ignorance so much easier than now, i want to go back..." izuku said sniffling a little bit and wrapping his arms around each other and sliding down the wall.
"i know, but at leats we got each other now!" mei said with a grin as she patted izukus back in a comforting manner. "i can assure itll be fine, so long as we keep in touch and dont lose sight of our goals!" she said determined.
"i know, i just want the world to not be so shitty..." izuku said as he wiped away his tears upon hearing the door open and a different blonde walk out of it.
"hi, by any chance do you know if the cute blonde chick is still working her ass off in their?" mei asked having the blonde sigh.
"nope, shes not in their working her ass off." he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"then where is she?" izuku asked hearing a sigh from the blonde. "she said she would meet up with us out here." izuku explained.
"your looking at 'em." the blonde said as he sat down on the ground.
"what?!" mei exclaimed standing straight up in shock and confusion. "but your a guy!" mei exclaimed trying to wrap her pretty little head around it all.
"yep, desperate measures had to be taken on my end to keep eating food." he said with a sigh. "i really didnt want to drop to this level, but it was my last resort." he explained. "no one else wanted to work twelve hour days five days a week for minimum wage, so it was perfect for a guy like me in trying times like these." he sighed before standing up and pulling on his hoodie putting up the hood.
"we never caught your name." mei said as she grabbed onto his wrist feeling him flinch slightly. "mine i smei hatsume, his is izuku midoriya, whats yours?" she asked with a grin.
"d-denki kaminari..." denki answered as the other two got. "do either of you guys like video games?" he asked as they walked down the streets together.
"my entire life has been dedicated to them." izuku said with a grin and sheepish chuckle. "after my dad was brutally murdered me and my mom started gaming and treating ourselves." izuku explained as he reminisced at the memories.
"i played a few with my uncle when i was younger." mei said.
"alright, i got a few pre-quirk games and the systems." denki said as he walked into the elevator of his apartment building followed by mei and izuku. "ride up is a little bit long." denki said with a sigh as he sat down and gestured for the others to join him on the floor.
"which floor is your apartment on?" izuku asked as he leaned against the wall, feeling the ground below him move making mei slightly seasick without the sea.
"top floor, right beside the stairwell to the roof." denki said.
"why would you choose the top floor?" mei asked sounding kind of queasy and sick.
"you get some nice sunsets up their if you can make it in time." denki explained looking over to mei. "its also fun to hurl blood off a rooftop and watch the civilians reaction." he chuckled lightly.
"lets hope we reach the top soon, my gut is churning." mei groaned as she stood up, holding onto the rail tightly.
"where at the top now." denki said as he stood up with izuku.
"how can you tell?" izuku asked.
"i just do." denki explained as he walked out of the elevator to his room mei and izuku following close behind him. "bathroom is to your left." denki said opening the door having mei rush in and make a dash to the bathroom so she wouldnt yak on the floor.
"nice home..." izuku said as he looked around the place, it was barren except for a pullout couch, a hoard of pre-quirk video game systems with their respective games stacked beside them and a cork board with parchment paper on it with stickers over top the parchment.
"thanks, its the best i got." denki said as he poured himself a bowl of dry rice krispies and started crunching them. "what game do you want to play first?" denki asked as he pulled out a few of them after mei returned, none of them catching izukus attention except for one of them.
"that one." izuku said grabbing a case and looking at it.
"minecraft ey? makes enough sense for me." denki said as he put the disk in his xbox360 and started the old girl up. "cant promise itll play, the disk is scratched from how much i played it as a stress reliever." denki said entering the game handing his spare controllers to mei and izuku who signed in.
"wow, its so blocky..." mei said as she ran around the world jumping around a bit already sure of what to do and excuting her plan.
"dont mind the random arms that i created with different blocks running down them from the palms." denki said as he started to enchant some items for the newbs.
"bro... they look real damn cool..." izuku said as he looked at the one with gold bricks only looking over at denkis screen once reading over most of the enchantment names. "frostwalker?" izuku muttered denki catching it.
"yeah, its one of my favorites." denki said as he threw the boots to izuku and teleported him to the middle of the ocean. "just walk." denki instructed before izuku could yell at him.
"alright." izuku said as he started to walk along the waters surface, ice developing under his feet with each block shocking him.
"cool, right?" denki asked as he teleported izuku back. "want to try another one?" denki asked with a grin, mei taking close note of similarities.
"sure!" izuku said with a grin having denki toss him a bow and arrow, only one arrow. "cool..."
"shoot it!" denki instructed as izuku shot one arrow after another never running out.
"interesting..." mei commented as she pulled out her fishing rod and started to fish in the lake, no bite for at least five days in game time.
"hey izuku." denki said with a smirk. "want to try fishing with an enchanted rod?" izuku nodded at the offer and had denki hand the broco boy a fishing rod. "cast and wait for a bite, then you reel it in."
"just like what i do every weekend." izuku said as he reeled one in, not even an hour had passed in game time grabbing meis interest.
"very interesting..." mei said before getting an idea. "we should go to the lake guys, maybe try and catch you some food denki." mei offered grabbing denkis attention. "you arent looking the best."
"sure fishing sounds great with me!" denki said as he stood up and shut down the game. "i can bring along my bow and arrows." denki said as he grabbed his bow and satchel of arrows.
"we can play some more minecraft another day right?" izuku asked as they sat in the elevator.
"course we can." denki said ruffling izukus hair while mei sat on the other side going over her notes once more and writing a few fresh ones to her collection.
"before we go to the lake, we need to get my fishing rods." izuku said as he stood up and walked out of the elevator followed by mei and denki.
"how close by do you live?" mei asked as the trio walked through the building to the exit.
"i live here with my mom." izuku said as he unlocked the door to an apartment his mom walking over an apron on. "hey mom, im back."
"h-hi, my name is inko nice to meet you two." inko said as she shook hands with mei and denki.
"where just picking up my fishing stuff and then where gonna go try and catch some dinner." izuku said as he walked in grabbing his tackle box and three rods. "we'll be back by nine thirty, bye mom." izuku said as he left with his friends.
"bro, where practically neighbors!" denki said with a grin as they walked down the sidewalk making their way to the lake.
"that means you have to take good care of yourself, or else youll turn into my moms second kid." izuku said with a light laugh as they scaled the fences surrounding the forest area.
"looks the same as it did when i was younger." mei said as she sat on a rock next to the lake enjoying the mist the waterfall above them gave off.
"cast it, but dont cast to far or else the hook will get stuck in the rocks." izuku said as he casted denki doing the same and sitting on the sandy area.
"you got one!" denki exclaimed catching izukus attention seeing as how he instantly started to reel it in.
"this ones a fighter..." izuku growled as he finished reeling it in. "gutting knife." izuku demanded as he put out his hand denki rummaging through his tackle box handing the knife to izuku who used the handle to bash in the back of the fishes neck before gutting it, denki gagging at the actions. "aw, this ones female." izuku said triggering denkis hurl reflex.
"how did you catch it so fast? its just like my fishing enchantment luck of the sea in minecraft." denki said wiping at his mouth with his sleeve izuku thinking about it for a second.
"just a coincidence." izuku said catching denki off guard. "is what i would say if i didnt have frostwalker on my shoes." izuku said before running across the lake ice coming into existence below his feet with each stride and leap, leaving denki in awe.
"damn..." denki said.
"but im not sure, can i try archery?" izuku asked having denki hand him one arrow and the bow, mei taking an interest in what was happening, watching as she reeled in a big one.
"pull back until and then take aim at... that." denki said pointing to a target on a pine tree having izuku aim for it and shoot an arrow, then another and a third.
"your quirk is minecraft enchantments confirmed." mei said as she walked over to them holding onto a twenty pound chinook salmon in hand. "can i have some help gutting this one?" she asked handing the fish over to izuku who pulled out a much larger knife and did the same with the salmon as the last one.
"we got another female." izuku said holding the fish up and chopping off its head tossing it into the lake. "looks like we caught ourselves dinner." he said as he started to walk back with the others, fish in arms, denki carrying a rod and the tackle box and mei carrying the other two rods.
"is your mom used to this size of a catch?" mei asked as she started to scale the fence.
"i usually catch better than what you caught mei, that is what we consider a light meal." izuku said as he walked in through the apartment doors followed by his friends.
"a light meal? how much do you usually eat bro?" denki asked.
"quite a bit to sustain my ability to exist." izuku said opening the door. "where back!" izuku called out having his mom rush out from the kitchen.
"did you guys catch us dinner?" inko asked as she redid her hair, izuku handing over the fish. "give me up to an hour and itll be cooked." inko said with a light grin.
"mom, could you season this one for denki to cook sometime later?" izuku asked. "hes been down on his luck lately and needs some extra support." izuku said handing over the relatively smaller fish to his mom who nodded before starting to prep the fish.
"why dont you show them some of our games izu." inko said as she sliced a line down the spine of the fish to fillet it.
"we dont have all that many, but we are a fan of sega." izuku said as he pulled out his copy of sonic riders zero gravity and slid it into the wii starting up the system.
"can i play silver?" denki asked as he checked the stats of every character, mei choosing wave.
"course you can." izuku said as he started up a race on gigan rocks, playing as tails.
"alright!" denki said with a grin as he took a shortcut passing mei who was in fourth place, izuku being in first.
"c'mon, c'mon, c'mon... yes!" mei exclaimed as she passed into second denki growling slightly at the advancement she made.
"and just like that, one more victory for my pristine record." izuku said smirking as he shut down the system.
"foods on!" inko shouted from the kitchen as she walked out to the living room area and placed down the platter with the fish and a large bowl of ceaser salad. "just take your serving from the platter and enjoy." inko said as she tore off one of the fins and crunched on it like it was a potato chip.
"thanks mom." izuku said with a smile as he took a chunk of fish near the tail.
"inko, you need to teach me how to cook fish like this." denki said scarfing down a few pieces and a fork of salad.
"denkis right, this is the best fish ive had in a long time." mei said as she relished in the flakey sensation of the perfectly cooked fish practically melting as it entered her mouth.
"thank you for the compliment, only took me twenty years to master my technique." inko said with a light laugh as she picked up the platter after getting the ok from everyone that they where full.
"i dont know if i have that much patience." denki whined snapping from his state of glass half empty when a small container hit his head. "what was that for?" he questioned rubbing his head.
"prepared fish for when you need it." inko said from the kitchen as she washed down the platter and bowl of salad. "also, did you hear the news izuku?"
"not yet, what happened?" izuku asked as he stood up and pulled out the couch to a bed.
"dabi killed someone by the name of minoru mineta... and their planning on giving him a chance at redemption." inki said.
"mineta wasnt that bad, a decent friend of mine as well." denki said with a light sigh. "but now i got you guys." he grinned as he latched onto mei.
"hey! i want a hug to!" izuku whined agressively having denki jump him from behind still holding onto mei, catching the broco boy off guard hearing him meep weakly as he tried to stay standing under the weight on his shoulders.
"happy now?" denki asked before the three toppled to the floor laughing lightly.
"yes, im happy now." izuku said as he tried to get out from underneath denki who practically was purring, mei on top of him. "let me up now."
"no." mei said.
"i agree with mei." denki said as he picked up the two and dropped them onto the couch and sat down pulling them into a hug.
"please get off of me, other moms going to be here soon." izuku growled hearing inko laugh nervously.
"i know you hate her, but its not in your control zuku." inko said as she finished off the dishes.
"i would have killed her and her son if you didnt love her." izuku growled murderously, spooking both mei and denki who backed away a little bit.
"you gotta learn to adept to change." inko said as someone knocked on the door, inko going to get it. "mitsu! you made it!" inko said with a smile as she hugged the taller, denki looking over and freezing in his spot when he saw bakugo at the door behind her.
"of course i made it inky." mitsuki said as she gave inko a small kiss bakugo waltzing in, glaring daggers at izuku and growling, izuku returning the gesture to the pineapple.
"hello, quirkless." bakugo said scoffing, still not noticing denki as the maid from the cafe.
"you wanna fucking go?!" izuku exclaimed as he got up handing bakugo the death stare as he engaged a fighting stance.
"the hags are gonna ground us if we fight, remember?" bakugo said with a sigh.
"you two are brothers?" denki asked flinching slightly when bakugo turned his gaze to the jolteon on the couch.
"these two boys are something im proud of, so you better believe that their brothers!" mitsuki claimed passionately having inko smile softly.
"r-right..." denki said defeated mitsuki nuzzling her head into his shoulder to comfort him.
"i think i should start heading home now, my dads going to kill me if im not home on time." mei said as she stood up. "meet up tomorrow in the elevator?" mei asked having denki and izuku nod in agreement. "perfect." mei said as she left the five to their devices.
"denki, would you like to stay the night?" inko asked.
"im good, maybe next time." denki said as he stood up and made his way to leave.
"can i stay at your place the night?" izuku asked.
"if its chill with the misses, then its chill with me." denki said. "come on up if you can." he said before taking his leave.
"can i go mom, and mitsuki." izuku growled mitsukis name.
"of course you can zuku, have fun." inko said.
"dont have to much fun though." mitsuki teased with a smirk on her face as izuku made his way to the elevator and sat down on the floor of it with denki beside him.
"so you can stay the night i assume?" denki asked having izuku nod before leaning on the blondes shoulder. "awesome bro!" denki said with a grin before ruffling up izukus hair playfully noticing it sent shivers down izukus spine.
"y-yeah, lets just hope the top floor will be high enough up to create a sound barrier." izuku said with a light laugh in cringe.
"they like getting rowdy?" denki questioned izuku nodding and shaking slightly at the memories of the one time he and bakugo walked in on their moms. "yeah, sounds tough, but where at the top floor now!" denki said as he stood up picking up izuku and carrying him over.
"put me down denki..." izuku whined having denki drop him down on the couch before joining the broco and cuddling him to death.
"sleep?" denki asked yawning.
"sure." izuku said as he drifted off to sleep with denki.
a knock on the window sounded waking denki who shot up waking izuku. "w-whose their?" denki asked as he looked around eyes landing on mei who was at the window just barely keeping balance, izuku rushing over and letting her in.
"cold..." mei said as she rubbed her arms izuku tossing a blanket over her. "thanks..." she said sitting on the couch.
"how did you climb up twenty seven floors, from the outside?" denki asked with a yawn brandishing a look of great confusion.
"i almost fell down various times, but here i am!" mei said with a nervous chuckle.
"why did you come here?" izuku asked handing mei a cup of water.
"dad was being a jackass and needed somewhere to stay the night." mei explained.
"that makes sense." izuku said with a yawn.
"im kind of tired, you good if i take the floor?" mei asked as she yawned and stretched her arms.
"nope, dogpile." denki said pulling them both into a hug and starting to drift off to sleep, mei pulling a blanket over the three.
(this was longer than originally intended)
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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penzyroamin · 3 years
Food and sharing food continues to be a recurring motif in “tied together”. What was your thought process around that? How do you see that connecting to some of the central themes and concepts in the story as a whole? (And, if you would like to go into this, how do you see food and sharing food playing out in the messy au where David will also be cooking but in a completely different context/power dynamic?)
okay. im calm now.
so for a couple years now i have deeply and secretly loved the concept of food as a symbol for community. i didnt use it in fic for a long time for a variety of reasons. one, it just never really felt right. two, my love of this symbol is very much connected to my southern-ness, and while im sure many people have just as strong, if not stronger connections between food and community, i didnt really know if people reading my stuff would Get It or connect w it.
i finally decided to use it for tied together for two reasons. first, this is my most definitively southern fic. ive written other fics with Humid Small Town Energy but this is my first that i really let myself go “fuck it. crawfish boils. hurricanes. middle aged women with crushes on jim cantore.” as such, it felt like if i was going to go for this symbol at any point, it needed to be with this fic. the second is that due to Pandemic and also living across the country from the majority of the family i grew up with, i have been kind of starved of community experiences as of late. i wrote tied together entirely during a period when i havent spent time with anyone besides my immediate family, so i was really thinking about community and the nature of it and how fucking badly i wanna have a massive meal with people and hence... this symbol
with the background of my decision to include it covered, let’s get into how it appears in tied together!!
in chapter one, the majority of food’s appearances are... impersonal, if that makes sense? its all premade, whether its drive-through stuff, tv dinners, etc etc, and he doesnt know the person who made it. its also worth pointing out that around the time jack and his mom stop sharing meals is the point they become disconnected from each other. essentially, that’s the disconnect from community throughout jack’s early life
davey comes around and it. is pretty obvious from the start that, through this symbol, he is the Literal Embodiment Of Connection To The People Around Him. food was a really key way for me to show just how connected he is to his community-- he’s constantly cooking for other people, working for battalion, helping people get good food, contributing recipes to little cookbooks. the end chapter also nods to this in the scene w his family where esther mentions he made her teach him to cook for a group, and the conversation afterwards where he mentions that he wouldn’t be comfortable with people paying him to make them food or making food for strangers. cooking for other people is essentially davey’s way of nurturing the community around him and becoming closer with people, so to make food in an impersonal way goes against everything he knows about food and sharing it. the interactions he has through food represent the larger relationships and interactions he has within his community. juxtaposed to jack, he’s built this little world around him filled with people that he loves and cares for, even if that does lay a heavy burden on him at points. if i ever write something delving deeper into davey in this au, i’ll elaborate further-- but, essentially, davey’s role as The Provider of food for the people around him was a real stand-in for the way that he feels both within his family and his larger community.
think of it this way-- in all the scenes we see with davey cooking at a large event-- i.e., the crawfish boil-- he’s always pushed off to the side by that. there’s usually someone talking to him or checking in on the food, but he’s not able to be engaged in the larger hubbub and discussion of the party because he’s busy. it’s in providing food for people and sharing that with him that he gets fulfillment out of the experience. in his family, we see that davey is a little bit isolated. he was growing up at the exact time when mayer’s alcoholism was getting worse and hitting its peak, and he left before mayer ever really managed to get very far into recovery. his time in their house, essentially, was a lot of heavy lifting and few moments of solidarity and joy. he loves his family, of course, it’s just a very labor-intensive process. and then, of course, he has a similar experience to what a lot of southern marginalized people feel-- this intense need to care for and better your community when your community very frequently doesn’t care for you. davey has absolutely zero capacity for apathy in this au, and it definitely shines through with this whole dynamic. he works SO HARD to care for people, even if he isnt always able to fully enjoy being around them and being loved by them
and then, of course, you have the way davey and jack interact through this motif-- davey teaches jack how to cook, gives him a cookbook, invites him over for meals, etc etc. sharing that with him essentially represents welcoming jack into his community as a whole, and giving him a place there. jack mentions davey “clearing a spot at the table” for him, and that’s both literal and figurative.
additionally, while davey uses food as a way to bring jack into his community, jack also makes davey a little less isolated. in a lot of the scenes in chapter 5, theyre cooking together, in a very domestic, symbiotic sort of way. i wanted this to demonstrate how jack relieves some of the burden davey puts on himself and exists sort of Within davey’s bubble rather than just reaping the benefits
i also wanted to illustrate with this how jack repairing his relationship w food keys into this. obviously we have the disconnect that he has early on where his unfamiliarity w what he eats and who makes it represents a larger disconnect between him and the people around him, but jack does also absolutely use food as a coping mechanism and a crutch. not to get, again, TOTALLY gatsby here, but he’s chasing that sense of community and belonging and understanding in the wrong places. it’s once he begins to actually make food for himself and understand the process of it and be able to carry something through to completion that he’s able to actually Enjoy food, yknow? i wanted that to mirror the way throughout the earlier parts of his life that he tried to kind of slap up temporary relationships and make do with that. 
side note about jack and food: jack has undiagnosed adhd (and some vague comorbidities rip) in this au, and his experiences with it i preeeetttty heavily lifted from my life and my special brand of fucked in the head. (for those of you who don’t know, carb and sugar cravings are a symptom of adhd, hence why food is often a coping mechanism for us fhskdhs). cooking and baking are processes that have REALLY helped me get a handle on myself-- it gives me an outlet for movement and stimulation, and its something that i can carry through till the end and get an actual end product that i can recognize and benefit from. plus, real time consequences if i let something do whatever for ten more minutes! so thats another element i added to the way that jack builds healthier coping mechanisms over time-- he moves away from food as a crutch and instead develops a new form of CREATING that gives him an outlet and a feeling of productivity
those are some Vague thoughts. i will probably elaborate in the future!
now, for the messy au, rather than food symbolizing community, i chose to have it represent vulnerability.
a quick review: jack married rich, and davey is jack’s new wife’s cook. on his wife, dorothy’s part, i wanted this to shine through in this squeaky clean, pristine image that a lot of rich people try to craft. she never cooks for herself, never pays much attention to davey, never draws attention to him. in essence, she is creating as few weak spots as possible-- she refuses to be vulnerable to the people and the society around her.
with davey, however, his and his family’s livelihood depends on him cooking for this woman, and later for her and her husband. he’s forced into this position of extreme vulnerability and weakness by his financial situation, and cant really regain his sense of privacy or self because of that. its also a point in this story that he has very little time or wherewithal to cook for his FAMILY. so, his job forces him into a vulnerable situation with complete strangers who hold an upper hand over him but denies him the opportunity to be vulnerable with his own family, only reinforcing this idea that he is the protector and the provider and as such cannot have weak spots and cannot, under any circumstances, break
it also really highlights the difference between jack’s relationship with his wife vs with davey and smalls-- all the scenes of he and dorothy eating together are in grand, fancy rooms, with a certain amount of pomp and circumstance and dignity attached. with davey and smalls, though, he’s usually in the kitchen, having conversation, enjoying their company, helping them with menial things. that’s an environment that he’s used to and comfortable with, the kind of relationships and interactions he grew up with, while the stuffiness of his life and interactions with dorothy are entirely less vulnerable and close
that’s just a brief overview, but its something to look for when i finally finish the fic! it definitely started as a very soapy sort of thing, but my damn instincts pushed me to delve deeper into the characters and their relationships and the fucked-up-ness of it all. so, here we are
i really hope this helped!!!! this is not organized AT ALL so please tell me if there’s anything else you wanted to know or any details you noticed
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igotbiaswrecked · 4 years
Pairings: idol!fem!reader x idol!jinyoung
Word count: 1,159
This is a possible introduction to a full story if anyone wants it to be. Let me know.
"Y/N! Run the rap on verse two again." The vocal coach ordered. You and your group had been rehearsing your new comeback title track for hours. So far in the process your vocal coach and choreographer were watching the performance in tiny sections over and over again, fine tuning anything that may impact either aspect live.
You nodded and took your place in your formation again. You started, focusing more on the rap and pronunciation than doing the choreography full out.
"More attitude y/n." The choreographer uttered. You listened and quickly switched into a more 'stage persona' version. More attitude, more arrogance, more confidence. Your groups style was always a little darker and hard hitting. More of a sexy, badass concept than the soft and girly one a lot of girl groups had been sticking to that comeback season.
"Not bad. Okay girls if you wanna go full out, full song twice for us we can let you go." Your manager announced, seemingly happy with your hard work so far.
As you finished the second run through all the staff in the room applauded. You and your six other members all collapsed to the floor, exhausted. And although gasping for air and feeling every muscle in your bodys aching, you all laughed and smiled as you knew the fine tuning was complete.
One by one members and staff got up and collected their things, leaving the dance studio and heading back to the dorm. You however, decided to hang back and rehearse your parts one more time.
You grabbed your water bottle from the floor in the corner of the room and chugged the entire thing, focusing on getting every single drop and you tried to cool down a little more before going again.
"You must be thirsty." Someone laughed from the doorway. You jumped spinning to look at whom it could be, you hadn't even heard the door open.
Standing before you was another idol on your company, Park Jinyoung, famously known from the group Got7. You bowed politely, an action that he returned, and put the empty bottle away.
"Yeah, a little. You know comeback season and all." You laughed a little awkwardly. You quickly took in his outfit in the small silence that followed. Black jeans, a dress shirt and sneakers that looked hardly worn never mind danced in. Surely he wasnt here to practice. Deciding to mind your business you headed over to the storage shelves that your bag was placed on.
"Well I'm sorry I'll get out of your way. My rehearsal time finished a few minutes ago anyways." You stated fumbling trying to get your bag zipped up. Were you nervous? Surely not, you're THAT bitch. You dont get nervous around boys. But maybe it's different when its Park Jinyoung...
"No, I'm not here to force you out." He laughed lightly. "I actually just forgot my phone charger here yesterday, I just thought I'd swing by and get it." He explained reaching to the shelf above your head to grab the wire. He was very close. He smelt good.
"Why are you still here if your group have left?" He asked.
"I just feel like I'm not serving the choreo and song as well as I could. I know its stupid, but I don't want to let my team down." You sighed lightly, pulling your bag over your shoulder. Jinyoung stopped and looked you directly in your eyes.
"I feel that." He said sincerely "but if there is something I have learnt over the past few years of comebacks it's this: no matter how much you rehearse, how bad you think you are or how much you think you are holding back. THEY will bring it out of you." He smiled softly as he took a moment.
"The fans I mean. You can run it a million times in here, but once you feel their energy and excitement to see you it will draw out more than you even thought you had." You looked down slightly, knowing he was right. "Listen. Y/N. I have seen you perform, you're insanely good. Like if I hadn't seen you around the buildings, or spoken to you like this I'd be a lil scared of you. You're a badass, really. And I am, admittedly, a little intimidated and intrigued by you. But one thing I know by watch ing you perform and hearing how hard you work here, you have so much passion for what you do. And that's what's gonna make you top of your game."
Hearing Jinyoung speak to you and give you his pep talk made your chest tight. He knew exactly how you were feeling and knew exactly what to say to relax you but also hype you up. You looked at him again and saw him still smiling softly at you.
"You're intimidated?" You laughed lightly, cocking your eyebrow.
"Hey, dont blame me. You definitely give off the vibe that you could make me cry in four sentences or less." He laughed in response. "But no, more interested I guess. Your stage persona and what I have grasped of the real you seem very different." You smiled happily, knowing that you were on terms to tease eachother was comforting.
"Well, Mr. Park Jinyoung, I'm sure you have a very busy day and have many places to be. So thank you for your pep talk, if you ever need one from a less experienced person then feel free to find me. But I will let you go." You thanked him, although playfully he knew you were sincere.
He nodded lightly, holding is charger up as if to say he had what he needed, he smiled at you again and turned to walk towards the door. You turned back to face the shelves, picking up your phone.
"Y/N." You heard him say from behind you. You turned to show he had your attention.
"You know, you're right I do have somewhere to be. But I don't tomorrow. If you, I dont know, wanted to get a coffee or something? Maybe I could do with a pep talk from you." He scratched the back of his neck almost nervously. "No worries if not. Or if you're busy or..." you cut him off.
"That sounds great. I can meet you in the lobby here tomorrow at 12pm?" You replied, somehow keeping your cool. He nodded quickly.
"Perfect." He grinned. "I'll see you tomorrow then." And with that he exited the room. You let out a you let breath that you didnt even know you were holding. You looked down at your phone to see the other girls in your group had been messaging the group chat to see where you were as they were waiting on you for dinner.
You typed a single message in response: 'girls... I'm on my way. You're not gonna believe what I have to tell you though.'
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
“ My Reiki and Yoga New Free Soul Brother - Once an abuser manipulative thieve , money driven leach “
Well thats a big tittle to describe one person entirely. So my ( midle ) brother across my kid years and then teenager developing to adult, my brother was an interesting person. For example, in school my brother would pretend he didnt know me , and if i even dared to aproach him he would shame me in front of everyone, even thought they already knew i was his sister, i was bullied a lot in school so at the start i tried a few times reaching out to him , specially because i didnt have any friends and id always be alone. This motherfucker who was already a teenager completly dismissed me , BUT would actually seek me out or talk to me when he needed lunch money because he already “ spent his”, funny enough hed get mine to eat coz he didnt wanna use his, and if i didnt gave him even though i hadnt eaten , he would guilty me badly , and being the kid that i was , my brother was everything to me , even tho he didnt gave a shit about me.
So in consequence i started drawing a distance line between me and him, at home id start to distance myself and ignore him. And he started getting like a really attention whore, hed always annoye me , and force me to hangout, and i didnt he would threaten me or do some shit at the house and blame me for it , because my mother at the tinniest shit at home would beat the crap out of me , so me being the little kid that i was tired of getting beatings for no random reason , id play along. My brother would literally antagonzie me and scare the shit out of me while so. Everytime my family went anywhere , for example the beach, id try to go to the water alone for some peace this motherfucker would sneak behind me and try to drown me as a joke , like every 5 minutes, id yell in panic and my mom wouldnt do shit, eventually id end up actually chocking on water and  hit my head on the sand and cry the rest of the time. So yeah FUN ! Did my mom do anything ? ofc no , “ hes just playing around “. I had BD collections that id buy with my lunch money that sometimes id save up, disney movie cassettes and so on. Sometimes id have snacks in my room to eat when studying or something. My brother, being a full grown ass teenager that he was , would steal everything without me even catching a glimpse of it. My brother would “ borrow “ things without asking then hide them because he wanted. I had two final fantasy collectible caracters that i spent my leftover bday money on, and my brother would take it as his own. Yes because whatever birthday money i got wether it be 50 euros or even 20 from my grandma or aunt, my mom would take it “ borrowed” for herself with no justification, shed always say “ Ah lend me i need it  / or / I always buy you clothes and everythings, i buy you food , you owe me this , thats the minimum you could do / “ or / she would just take it without me knowing , she would inspect my bday gifts and take it before hand , the problem is that my grandma or aunt would always after if i was gonna save it up and id ask what and they would question what i did with the money and i would ask what money and blah blah , you get where this is going.
OH and if i didnt give my money the money she would beat me up ! wich is funny asf. My brother literally sold all my things behind my back, my original BDS, MY FUCKING POISON IVY STORYLINE BD, my disney cassetes , my collectibles, and my snacks he would steal and eat. If i had saved up money hidden, first he would try to borrow it and guilty me with the “ im such a good brother to you , you cant even lend me money ? i will pay you back, trust me “ ... ofc he never payed me back , but every two weeks he woul do this shit. And if i by any chance didnt gave him , hed just steal, or sell my things, wich regardless of me lending him , he would do it anyway. Fast forward to my early teenage years, i had to start working , i quit school because we entered that internet deth with my moms company, wich my brother also contributed to but let the blame to me ofc, i was already the punch bag of the family what is one more thing. My brothers were always my moms “ babies “ even tho one was already a full grown ass man and the other was already on his way. My brother did nothing at home , didnt take the dog outside, didnt take out the trash, didnt make food, didnt wash the dishes, didnt clean the house, basicly sit on his ass all day playing video games and eating, and selling my shit for money. My brother was unemployed for 3/4 years in between those i studied and worked at the same time , and did all the house chores, even if i had to walk the dog as 2/3 am after work i would have to, even tho my brother was in bed all day. My mom would literally yell at me and make my life a living hell and threaten to hit me if i didnt do it or even dared to complain. I would get home trying to study , trying to recorver at school ,and she would yell non stop until i didn every house chore, wich i would only manage to finish at midnight or later, and then id be too tired and unmotivated to do anything so id just sleep, and id always get late to class thanks to that. When my brothers started working, it was at my dads wearehouse, where i was forced to work too. Id work 8 to 10 hours , sometimes more, because we got payed by publicity stock packs, each pack was worth 1 euro, wich also 1 pack took 1 hour and 15/20 minutes to make. So if i wanted to make the day worth anything i had to rush , no eating breaks or pee breakes. My hands at the end of the day would literally be filled with newspaper and printed paper ink and dirk, and tons of cuts and sores , that would be leeched in paper ink, wich make it hurt even more at the end of the day, and was really hard to take it out. My brother would take breaks every 30 minutes to smoke , be on his phone or even go to bathroom or eat randomly, i wouldnt stop the 8 hours straight, and when i actually had to go to the bathroom or eat something because id get sick, my brother literally stole packs from me, or try to “ negociate my help for X “, the thing about my brother is that hed always try to negociate something , ofc it was always entangled for his own benefit and not both.
So it was like this my brother came up to me all excited and say “ oh if you do this to help me , ill split the profit that way we will make more and will be less exausting “ stupid like i was id always give in, specially because if i didnt  hed steal anyway.... Hed always change his methods and works, and guilty me if i didnt do it, so id always have to do so. If i didnt hed just change the pack registration list either way, without me even seeing it, and fake my signature, i only found out we had to sign an official paper a few months later when my dad asked, before that my brother would always tell me to note them on my phone then send the numbers by the end of the week, and since he was the bosses son , every one backed up that story ofc.  Eventually when i started to get older , i cut ties with my brothers and dad. And my ( midle ) brother was constantly trying to reach out and play nice and shit , also he was still working at the wearhouse . Anyway , fast forward when i got unemployed after the 5 star hotel due to rape attent and shit like that, i was unemplyoyed for 4 moths?! My brother tried to reach out , and even came home before my mother to try and persuade me to enter one of his schemes, i explained to my brother that i didnt have any money and that i wouldnt believe anymore of his stupid schemes and blah blah. He swore he was only trying to make up to me , and the plan was , i would pretend to work at my dads  wearehouse, but i would just be there 2 times a week and he would give me a cut of the protfit, coz if he didnt want my dad to hire some random slow guy, so he set up to do a two persons work, and give me 30 % of the monthy rate and all i had to do is show up a few times for my dad to see i was there, and then go home. That motherfucker insisted for 3 days straight promissing it wasnt a scheme and that he was serious this time. OBVIOUSLY THAT DIDNT HAPPEN OBVIOUSLY- with the last 10 euros i had, i bought train tickers to the wearhouse, the first week he actually stick to his word, a few days later the shit started, he actualy forced me to deliver shit and stuff. Wich for me was really difficult because its when i started to develop hernias, and the pain was too overwhealming, and that fucker didnt care and still forced me to, eventually i told him i was out , and found out he still used my name in his shit plan  and pretended i was still working there to my dad for two whole months , and then begged me to lie to my dad on the phone, hed literally call me before my dad trying to get me to lie, and promissing the money, and hed ask my mom to pressure my to help him. What could i do??!! what happend after you may ask? did my brother gave me the money? OFC NO ! NO! He gave me 115 euros of the cut , and he made 996 euros to himself. And told me it was only for the days “ i actually worked “  NEVER IN MY LIFE  I VERBALLY EVER SAID TO ANYONE , FAMILY OR NOT  “ I hope you die, you are shit , you are nothing to me , seriously i hope you die “ and acually meant it and wished it. For the first time in my life i actually wished so hard for my brother to just die. I was done, i was officialy done , i had never been so done with someone. I was officialy done with my family. I blocked my dad on everything, i told my dad to fuck off. I told my older brother to fuck off. I told my middle brother to go die. And the last person was my dying grandma who was a snob ass piece of shit who only gave a shit about me when i was a little girl ( because its only cute when they r kids  ), to stop trying to call me and told her to just go and die. She literally sent me a voice message of 5 minutes crying beggin me to see her, and i just told her to go and die, its not because she is dying that is gonna erase the fact that she didnt gave a shit about me after i actually grown. And the fact that i did this apparently scared the shit out my dad and brothes, specially because i did it so naturally. AND TO THIS DAY I DONT REGRET WHAT I SAID AND I STILL DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER. OH AND PLOT TWIST SHES NOT DEAD NOR WAS SHE DYING, LAST YEAR SHE TRIED TO SCHEME MONEY OUT OF MY MOM, AND BEFORE THAT SHE WOULD ALWAYS TREAT MY MOM LIKE SHIT AN CALL HER NAMES, FUNNY ! Now they try to sneak into my life really AGAIN ... ffs Since the end of last year, apparently my brother turned into reiki and yoga and shit and is now driving a motivational fuck page for people who wanna “ grow spiritually and open the third eye “ and is trying to reconnect with me again, obviously i cut him off before he could even talk to me. So he spent 3 months or so , coming here and trying, and since he didnt get anything since january and february hes trying to manipulate me behind my mother, my mother is venting to my brother about me being closed off to them , and my brother is DIAGNOSING ME AS A PROBLEM, BECAUSE HE IS SO WISE AND ENLIGHTED... WTF??? diagnosing me??? ur not a fucking therapist you asshole ! The other day i heard him tell my mother in the living room , that “ SHE CANT LIVE LIKE THIS ITS VERY TOXIC FOR HER, SHE HAS TO TALK TO YOU AND BE A BETTER SISTER AND DAUGHTER SHE NEEDS TO BLAH BLAH YOU NEED TO KICK HER OUT IF SHE IS LIVING OFF YOU  “ WHAT THE FUCK?? im living off my mother?? the woman that forced me to give her more than half of my paycheck, thats doesnt give me privacy or respect and that literally threatned me if i ever tried to leave that she would chase me down???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR SEND ME TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL????!!!! ... My older brother is doing the same, keeps trying to get me to go visit his kid, and to meet his kid, keeps trying to get my mother to see pictures of the kid or to call them. They keep trying to guilty me “ oh you cant take it out on the kid, its not the kids fault , he needs to know his aunt, you are his family “ BITCH FAMILY?????? FAMILY??? family doesnt mean shit. Yesterday even sent photos of his kid trought a new number LOL. I actually did went to the kids birthday, first time a few months ago, and guess what , my brother still the NO ONE ASKED- OPINIONATED asshole he was about my whole life, he literally takes one glimpse of me and judges my whole life and starts yelling shit at me ...ofc thats not gonna happend again. People dont change. People. dont. change. PEOPLE DONT CHANGE ! BITCH ?? WHAT? WHO THE FCK?? HOW THE FUCK??? In conclusion my brother is still the same piece of shit he was , and now even more narcisistic, and manipulative, he cant get what he wants from me , so now hes resourting to my mother again. I NEED TO LEAVE THIS HOUSE, I NEED TO LEAVE THIS FAMILY OMFG. Funny enough he does this shit then tries to get me to go to his house to celebrate his birthday because he “ MISSES ME AND THE OLD DAYS” ???? OLD DAYS OF YOU MENTALY ABUSING ME ? NOT TO MENTION THAT YOU ALMOST BROKE MY ARM BECAUSE I WOULDNT LEND YOU MY COMPUTER 3 YEARS AGO????? my mom literally told him we were gonna go there without even asking me if i wanted or even if i was gonna go. LOL, shes trying to emotionally manipulate me with older pictures of me and him , and games we would play together LOL. OMFG PLEASE SOME ONE, I DONT EVEN KNOW I NEED TO DIE OMFG... I CANT TAKE THIS FAMILY ANYMORE.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
✨💕💔 for mha!
(Thx so much for ask!) Get ready cuz this is gonna be long cuz idk how to do the lil line thing to make it short! kinda manga spoilers
The first one : what draws you towards it/ what's interesting about it?
Honestly I've been into mha for a few years and even after cycling through fandoms and interests I always keep coming back to it, to the new manga chapters, to check if any fiction I like are updated, I keep cosplaying characters from it even when I'm not actively in it. Idk why I enjoy it so much I think the world building is intersting, how since it's so superhero focused it doesn't have the weirdness of any other superhero thing like marvel or DC where there thir labeled the 'special ones' cuz they have powers or something, in mha nearly everyone has powers (but not everyone can use them, you're personal with is always gauged by how 'good' your quirk is) so the entire world is just continuously built on that and explores problems that type of world would only have. (The redesto arc for example, I've only seen stuff like that done in x men and not quite as welll)
The characters are really neato too (both in designs and personality)
Animation real noice
The second one : who is my favorite and why?
Hawks is my fave (saro, compress, and spinner are also some of my faves but not as much as hawks is) I just love his character and every single scene hes in idk I've written so much about him (never posted but that may change soon) I've got a half finished cosplay of him (the wings took like two weeks but they're amazing)
I think I like how unique he is (at least to me idk if there's another ch like him prob but I am no expert on the matter) hes like the prefect hero and the perfect spy all in one. Unfortunate for everyone his moral compass is 'follow orders, dont let civilians get hurt'. His personality is so wild like whenever hes in 'hero mode' (which is most of the time hes around other peoole) he seems so arrogant and assured and competent, funny and like a total weirdo, then there's his like secret agent spy mode (seen mostly in the second movie and ah more recent chapters of the manga) where hes just cold and merciless and calculating everything, terrifyingly smart. I honestly think he just chameleons to what ever role would suit the situation best cuz thats how he was trained to be. (You also never know how he truly is around other people because hes always on the guard and putting up a mask and has zero social life or true friends. Twice was right I think hes actually pretty lonely but only ever focuses on the 'mission' and hero work to not have to focus on that)
Hes such an anomaly in the hero world like the first ever to reach the top 10 the year he debuted at 18 his own hero agency, he got up to be the #2 hero in like a few years, like that's all impressive enough then they explain why hes an anomaly cuz the hero comission basically bought a promising child and trained him from that young to be the perfect hero. Charismatic, capable, the fastest, the most loyal to them. And the fact that he still basically works for the hero comission because he feels he owes them for that. (At his core hes a great hero, he wants to help people not for fame or glory or anything just because he wants to, but he was also created to do so much more so he always has to do more like the dirty work the public would never dream of)
Like I dont think he ever had a even had a childhood, or a real family, or any friends, like sure hes almost the best hero but at what cost? His own identity, name, life? At this point I don't even think he can choose for himself what he want to do because it doesn't matter. What matters more is the 'greater good' its all of hero society crumbling because he wasn't fast enough. What he wants doesn't matter because in the long run hes just a pawn in a losing game. Honestly I just want him to be free but that's not going to happen. At the end it's either a jail cell or a grave for him and I dont know which would be worse.
Hes such a tragedy in motion, too young, too fast for his own good, and the fact hes such a morally gray hero but not like publicly cuz that wont be any good for hero society if they find out the #2 hero has like killed actual people. Hes exactly who he was trained to be, the perfect hero, the perfect solider, following orders no matter what, that sort of thing. Like hes one of the only character I've seen that has been trained to be a hero at a super young age (the other being todoroki) and that it paid off in terms of him being a great hero, but not at all a good person.
ALSO THE FACT HIS NAME HAWKS MY LAST NAME HAWK IS SO FUNNY i lik funny chinkn man (if you didnt know I have so much to say abt him but I'll leave that for later)
And my least favorite and why I dont like them?
I would have to be generic and say endeavor. Cuz 'personal reasons' and his start of redemption arc is just too close to things for me. trying to turn things around but both 'redemtions' are because of inherintly just selfish reasons in that endeavor wants to be better now because hes the #1 and all and for he betterment if himself and not because he recognizes how his past actions affect his family and working to change that. Like I kinda agree with natsus thst he shouldn't just come back acting like everything fine and not owning up to all the stuff he did or not even recognizes the things he did were just wrong. Idk dont really wanna say much more making me mad I dont have the brain cells at 3am to think abt him
Thx again for the ask I had fun answering it!
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