#but i haven't gone to bed yet so it counts as one day
ilovetheriddler · 3 days
yandere riddler of your choice with a reader whos into the whole stalking thing? thank you and have a good one!
Thank you! Oh, this is an interesting idea! It took me a bit to decide which Riddler would work best with this.... but then I decided that Edward Nashton would be a fun choice since I haven't written for him yet! I hope this is what you wanted! 💚
(2022 Batman) Edward Nashton/The Riddler x F!Reader.
(Declaimer: I don't condone or approve of the actions taken in this story. It is purely a work of fiction.)
Word Count: 682.
Contents: Stalking, Obsessive Behavior.
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Edward could still perfectly recall in exact detail the first day he met you. It was a memory that had burned itself into his mind, and that made his very heart race whenever he thought of it. You had walked into KTMJ, looking for someone to help look over the accounting for your place of employment.
The moment his eyes landed on you, he nearly felt his heart stop. You were perfect, ethereal even, to him. The way your hair framed your face, the brilliant shine in your eyes, the sweet and caring smile you always had, all things he absolutely adored and obsessed over.
"Hello there! Um.. I'm looking for whoever I need to speak with... the place I work at needs someone to look over our finances and our profit records?"
He just simply stared at you silently for a few moments until it finally dawned on him that you were actually speaking to him. He nervously adjusted his glasses slightly.
"...Um... I C-could take a look at that... for you... if you wanted?"
"Thank you! I'd really appreciate it!"
You sat down near his desk. Over the next hour, he looked through the reports and informed you of any discrepancies that your place of employment should be aware of and concerned about. He kept stealing longing glances at you while he worked.
Soon enough, you thanked him for his assistance and left. He felt a mixture of things once you had left. Frustration, disappointment, and an overwhelming need to bask in the warm glow of your presence again.
So, of course, that's why he's currently following you home, staying a decent distance behind you so that you don't notice him, He wouldn't be able to handle it if you found out what he was doing and were disgusted with him, no. He just couldn't risk it. So he always took extra care to not be seen.
Unbeknownst to him, you were actually already aware of the fact that he has been following you home every day. You knew that you should have probably either reported him or confronted him about his behavior. But strangely enough, a part of you didn't really mind.
Maybe he was just shy? At least, that's what you told yourself to justify your bizarre comfort with the situation. You were kind of hoping that he'd eventually work up the nerve to just ask you out. You thought he was quite cute, and he seemed fairly nice, outside of the whole stalking you thing. So you wouldn't mind going out to eat with him or perhaps just seeing a movie even.
But it went further than just him following you home every day. Late at night, you could almost swear that you heard a clicking sound, like what a camera would make. It made your skin crawl slightly, but you kind of liked it for some reason that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
That same clicking was currently going on just outside your window, Edward knew that it was wrong and really creepy of him to be taking pictures of you, which, as far as he was aware, was without your consent. Even though you honestly didn't mind that much, however, he didn't know that. He truly believed that you were none the wiser of his stalking and photo taking.
Eventually, a few hours after you had gone to bed for the evening, Edward slowly made his way back to his apartment, he needed to get these photos printed off so he could put them in the album he had made that was just entirely pictures of you. He loved to stare at them whenever he wasn't able to follow you. They brought him such comfort and joy. There was finally something outside of his riddles that he found joy in within this city.
He printed the pictures out and put them nice and neatly in the album. Before changing and laying down in his bed, he cradled the photo album to his chest, hoping to dream of the one who had stolen his heart so effortlessly.
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lyxchen · 5 months
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David Tennant with a child is one of the most beloved things <3
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myname-isnia · 4 months
It's that "spend hours sobbing my eyes out in bed for several reasons, including but not limited to the fact tomorrow is Monday, the fact my social battery has been completely drained and won't recover anytime soon, the fact my landlady is due to show up tomorrow evening and will likely piss me off again, the fact I've had the urge to write since Friday and ended up not writing even a single fucking word, the fact exam pressure keeps rising and I still don't know what to do with my life after I'm done with school, and the fact I'm both completely overwhelmed and so terribly lonely at the same time" kind of Sunday evenings
#I'm so fucking exhausted. both mentally and emotionally#I spent the night at my grandma's and then my friend came over and spent the night the following day#and I don't count it as a day off unless I don't go anywhere or see anyone#so you could say I didn't really have a weekend#idk how I'll go to school tomorrow. I think even one person talking to me would make me fucking explode#and yet. despite all that. I feel completely alone#because no one I know irl can provide me with the comfort I so desperately need#spending time with people is all a big distraction from my depressive thoughts#and the second everyone leaves.. I feel more alone than ever. so completely and utterly lonely#I try to fill the void with my imagination. lose myself in my oc verse. and it helps sometimes#but when I'm not feeling particularly inspired or can't some up with anything good... I just end up feeling worse than I did before#everything I do is to distract myself from my mind because the second I'm left alone with my thoughts..#they go to a very dark place very quickly#like now. when my wrists itch and I can't stop crying and know full well that I'll go to bed in a few hours wishing to never wake up#and I'm left with nothing but a gaping hole in my chest. aching for arms to fall into and a shoulder to cry on#despite knowing it's not something I'll ever have#so I grit my teeth and bear it and hold on. for whatever reason#I don't know why I haven't give up yet. it's all arbitrary reasons like 'my friends would be sad if I was gone'#even in matters like these all I end up worrying about is what other people would think. not my own feelings#well. nobody has anything to worry about concerning me anyway. I'm too much of a coward to do anything#if I wasn't I wouldn't have lived to see my 14th birthday#and yet 4 years later I'm still here. wishing for an instantaneous way out that didn't involve me raising a hand against myself#because I really don't know how long I'll be able to take all this for. I don't have much left in me#I'm holding on by a thread. one too close to snapping. I'm scared of how few reasons I can come up with to keep going#I don't see a future ahead of myself. no college or uni or job or relationship or anything that might be worth staying around for#any attempts to imagine what life would be like after graduation are just.. dark and bleak and empty#I haven't got a single clue what I'm going to end up doing. maybe that's why I see so little worth in trying to figure it out#nothing in this world will make me truly happy. I don't have a future#and if I don't have a future... I don't have any reasons to stick around any further#if only I wasn't so much of a coward
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ridingthatd · 5 months
𝜗𝜚 ˖ ◜𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 ◜˖𝜗𝜚
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˖𝜗𝜚 chosoxfem!reader, nsfw, heavy smut, masturbation, breastfeeding, squirting, filthy, kinky, horny ˖𝜗𝜚
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you have always managed to make choso feel stuff he has never felt before, and by now he isn't surprised by the way you always manage to get him turned on by the smallest things you do.
choso wasn't the type to be sexually active, he never had any interest in any sexual activities, it got to the point where he thought he might be asexual not until he met you.
now every god damn second he's near you he's hard. it's concerning at this point the way his dick squeeze up his pants trying to get out free.
you smile at him. he's hard. you simply say his name. he's hard. you innocently wave at him. he's hard. you try to help him with his wounds. he's hard. just one touch from you and he thinks he could cum in his pants, it's driving him crazy why, how and when did he become like this, acting like a teenage pervert who never felt a touch of a woman. he hates himself no he despise himself for feeling like this, for feeling so helpless that he can't just have you, choso lost count from how many times he had dirty thoughts about you, daydreaming about ways he can make you whine his name, ways he can make you squirt all over his face, ways he can make his, fuck you, breed you, he wanna stuff you with his cum, he wanna see his cum squirting out of your pussy from being to stuffed, he wanna-
" choso?.." choso was snapped out of his thoughts by the one and only, the girl that has been driving him crazy, the girl that has him hard 24/7, the girl that is so innocent that she has no idea about how dirty choso was, about how dirty her boyfriends brother was- yes you were yujis little girlfriend, and this is what makes it more dirty.
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"I'm sorry the door was slightly opened, I didn't mean to interrupt your privacy" you said in the sweet angelic voice of yours, the voice that always manage to make him whimper from how close it has him cumming in his pants.
he takes a look at you from his desk, and oh god he wish he didn't, here you are in causal clothes, a long skirt that reachs your knees and a buttoned up shirt- no a half buttoned up shirt since you decided to leave the upper half open to bless him with the view of your cleavage, full and round, he bets they would be warm and heavy around his mouth, lash on your nipples they would be so soft, his spit coating them, sucking and gripping on them after an exhausting day.
he snaps out of it and scoff "what brings you here..?" he says in a cold, stern voice lazily moving his eyes from you to the book he was readin- he was supposed to read. "uh.. well.. um yuji said that you haven't been to the hospital after your injury since you hate the place and.." you take a deep breath while fidgeting around with the medical box you have in your hands "i.. i thought maybe i could help you treat your wounds here instead" you nervously say while chewing on your lips avoiding his eyes, choso is speechless how do you always manage to make him feel this way tug on his heart
you start getting anxious by his silence maybe you over stepped his boundaries after all even if you are the girlfriend of his brother that doesn't mean you can act this way, "forget about this-" you were interrupted by choso standing up and making his way toward his bed just to have a seat on it while staring at you with his cold eyes that never failed to have you on your knees "get in and close the door behind you" says choso, yet you still remind standing, speechless "what? weren't you the one who suggested this? don't make me regret my decision." choso said in a soft voice scared that you will change your mind and leave, scared that he won't be able to feel your touch, treating his wounds, hes gone crazy he wants you to treat him just to feel your soft hands on his back where his wound laid, his hard on is already pressing on the zipper of his pants, plusing and waiting for your response luckily he had a blanket on his lap to hide his pervert side from you.
"i- okay." you said softly closing the door behind you, for some reason the idea of having you on his bed with him and you only, door closed, makes him even harder he wouldn't be surprised if his dick sprung out of his pants from how hard he is right now. you take a seat behind him "may I?..." you ask referring to his shirt that you're about to take off, he slowly nodes breathing hard he can feel his whole body getting hot just at the thought of you touching his skin, you slowly take off his shirt brushing your finger against his skin every so slightly, choso fight off the whimper he wanna let out from how good it feels to have your cold fingers brush against his warm body, once the shirt is off you start rubbing a cotton on his wound "does it hurt?.. " you softly whisper sadness filled in your voice, but choso was to drunk off being needy and horny to listen all he can think about right now is the feeling of your hands on him, so good so good he thought, he can feel the percum on his dick, he thinks he might go crazy, his mind is blank as you start gazing your finger tips against his wound whispering so sweetly against his ear he can feel your hot breath " choso? is this okay?" and he lost it he let's out a loud whine that throws you off you quickly push your hands off scared that the sound that left him was out of pain "I.. Im sorry I didn't mean to hurt-"
your words were cut off by choso hissing through his teeth "don't stop." he groaned out, placing your hand where it was you freeze you didn't realize what's happening not until you saw chosos hands under the blanket tugging on what seems like a hard on- no no there's no way choso, your boyfriends brother- you were cut off your thoughts when you hear choso stumbling over his words "I'm sorry shit- im sorry, please don't stop please please" he whines out hips buckling up to meet his hands, he's basically humping his dick in front you while pushing your hand into his back, choso never been the selfish type but this time he can be selfish when it comes to you.
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golden-cherry · 7 months
deal - cl16 (18/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Canned soup always works wonders.
Warnings: cliffhanger (whoopsie), angst (duh), Lando is a cutie, swear words
Word Count: 3.6k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: not 10k words, but I did my absolute best. thanks for always having my back. I love you.
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 "Fuck!" You cross your arms in front of your face and exhale deeply. "FUCK!"
How hard can it be to find an apartment in the south of France? An apartment that has a shower, a bed, and a stove top? A window would be ideal, too, but you have to cut back somewhere, after all. But even a single room in a shared apartment costs almost 2,000€ - how much do you have to pay for an apartment where your privacy is not disturbed?
Although that didn't bother you much in this apartment either. After all, you even shared the only bed with Charles. Voluntarily. The longer you think about it, the worse your headache gets.
After slamming the door in his face yesterday and then wallowing in your misery for hours, you decided to tackle the apartment hunt this morning. You don't want to spend a second longer than necessary in these four walls, which is why you briefly considered asking Kika if you could move in with her and Pierre at short notice and only for a short period of time.
But then you would also have to explain what happened. And since both of them are Charles' friends first and foremost, you don't want to get in the way, even though he's been acting like a huge asshole.
Meanwhile, you're neither sad nor angry - you're just disappointed.
Of him, because he's gone to so much lengths in the last few days to make you feel at home in his company and presence. He showed you the place that is most important to him, told you about his father and showed you his vulnerable side. He has indirectly supported you financially by getting Joris to pay you back and waiving the accruing rent. By God, he even took you to dinner with his friends so you could meet them because he thought "you'd fit in quite well."
And then he ditches you, showing his coldest, rudest, nastiest side by using what your last relationship failed at against you.
But you are even more disappointed in yourself. There has been absolutely no reason why you should trust Charles so much after such a short time. You told him about Raphael, that he left you because you wouldn't sleep with him, and that he cheated on you. You took his compliments without even a thought as to whether he meant them. You had even had a fucking - hot - sex dream with him. 
You trusted him blindly. And that's getting back at you now.
Lounging lazily on the couch and looking at apartments that are definitely beyond your budget isn't an approach to making you feel better either, so you decide to pack your suitcase already.
If you can't find a place to stay in a hurry, you'd move to a hotel first. Or a hostel. You wouldn't have any privacy there, but at least they are so cheap that you could stay there longer and thus have more time to look for something reasonable.
And anything is better than staying here.
You open the suitcase you've kept in the closet for months, spread it out on the bed, and start putting your clothes in it. Sweaters, jeans, gym clothes, underwear - the stuff you don't want to leave home without. When it's filled and locked, you put it next to the door of your room. But only to realize that your whole life doesn't fit into one suitcase.
You put your hands on your hips. 
You still have a few days before Charles returns. Theoretically, you would still have enough time to get another suitcase, because you haven't packed your shoes or bathroom utensils yet. And you can only fit a few things into your gym bag.
A ping sounds from the living room, and as you poke your head into the room, you see your cell phone light up on the coffee table. You pick it up to read the message.
Lando: Hi. I wanted to check in and see if you're feeling a little better today. Been worried about you all night.
You're chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Yesterday at noon you sent a message to Lando saying that you were feeling unwell and so unfortunately you couldn't go out with him. Aside from the fact that your eyes were swollen from crying and no ice cube in the world could have helped you with that, it didn't feel right to have dinner with him.
Charles had thrown it at you that Lando only wanted to go out with you to get you into bed. How much truth there was to that, you don't know. After all, Charles said some things that hurt you. But whether you can take them at face value is another matter.
Charles has known the Brit for much longer and, above all, better than you. And the way he has courted and flirted with you since you first met, there may be some truth in Charles' words.
But even if there were, Charles has no right to judge. To judge how you handle the matter, whether you like going out with Lando or not. And if you were to go out with him, it could be on a purely friendly basis. Maybe you would have dated and immediately realized that you would be better off as friends. 
But you can't find that out now without worry. Now that Charles has hurt you so much and pushed you away. His words are burned into your mind, which is why you answer Lando carefully.
You: I'm feeling better already, thank you. I'm sorry I had to cancel our dinner.
His reply comes immediately.
Lando: You don't need to apologize. I'm just relieved that you're feeling better. Have you eaten anything today?
As if on cue, your stomach is growling. Yesterday your mood was so low that you lost your appetite and, apart from a few cornflakes, you couldn't choke down anything. And that's exactly what you answer him. 
Lando: All right. Give me half an hour and then I'll be with you, okay?
Indecisive, you type a reply, delete it, and start again. Does it make sense to let Lando into the apartment while you're in the process of packing your bags? If that's exactly what Charles was addressing?
Charles can go to hell.
You merely give Lando a thumbs-up in response before putting your phone aside and going to the bathroom to get ready for a bit. You may not care how you look right now, but you still don't want Lando to think the worst of you. You comb your hair, wash your face, and slip into more appropriate clothes than your sleeping clothes before cleaning up the living room a bit.
When the doorbell rings, you flinch. 
You open the apartment door and a smiling Lando stands in front of it. He is wearing a black sweater with a zipper on the collar and black sweatpants. In his hand he holds a white bag.
"I didn't know which canned soup was your favorite. And that's why," he raises the bag next to his face, "I brought a selection." Grinning, he pushes past you and enters. 
You close the door behind him. "You didn't have to do that."
As if it were a matter of course and as if he were here every day, he takes off his white sneakers and heads toward the kitchen, which of course he finds immediately because of the size of the apartment, and takes the cans out of the bag. "I know," he replies to you, setting the soups side by side before turning to you and resting his hands behind him on the edge of the counter. "But I'm someone who cares about his friends when they're miserable. So," he rubs his hands together. "which soup do you want to try first?"
The selection the Brit brought with him is limited to chicken, beef or vegetables, with the picture on the can of the former looking the most appealing. While he heats the soup in a small pot on the stove, you sit at the dining table and watch him. 
"May I ask why you weren't feeling well yesterday?" he asks, wooden spoon in hand, stirring the soup.
Indecisively, you look at him. 
Lando is Charles' friend. And you don't want to tell him about how Charles treated you yesterday any more than you want to tell Kika or Pierre. Because even though he hurt you so much, you don't want his friends to think badly of him. 
Lando hands you a bowl of soup before sitting down across from you in the seat that actually belongs to Charles. An image flashes before your eyes of you eating croissants for breakfast with your roommate. Sitting across from each other, eating pasta, even though you've only known each other for half an hour.
You barely noticeably shake your head to get rid of the image. A movement that Lando takes as an answer to his question. 
"Okay. But if you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you."
You smile at him. It's the exact same phrase Charles said to you in the most beautiful place in Monaco when you were feeling so bad about Raphael's call. It feels like a lifetime ago. 
"Thank you," you reply to Lando. "I really appreciate that."
As you comfortably spoon up your soup in a slightly better mood, the Brit tells you about his plans for the coming Christmas. He wants to fly back to England to be with his parents and siblings. He shows you pictures of his niece Mila, who steals the show in every photo, but you can't blame her with the chubby cheeks. 
"I can't wait to see everyone again," Lando says as he puts his phone in his back pocket. "Are you spending Christmas with your family, too?"
You shake your head. "Nope, I'm staying here." 
Lando looks at you, confused. "Alone? What about Charles? He'd take you to see his family for sure."
He would. In fact, he offered when the two of you sat at Jori's dinner table a few days ago. You remember how the two of them joked around, even though Charles had been busting his best friend's chops just minutes before. You thought that you wouldn't do anything that would risk that friendship. 
A thought you had often. 
"Where is he, anyway?" asks Lando, stretching to be able to see the rest of the apartment from where he's sitting, which isn't difficult when the apartment itself isn't particularly much bigger than a shoebox. 
You look into the empty bowl you're clutching tightly. "He has meetings in Italy," you reply curtly, setting it on the table in front of you before pulling your knees up to your chest. 
Your friend raises an eyebrow. "Are you going there too?" As you shake your head in confusion, he points to a spot behind you with a nod of his head. "I'm just asking because there's a suitcase there."
As you turn around, you immediately realize what Lando means. You've left the bedroom door open, and from where he's sitting, he has a perfect view of the doorstep. Right to where your suitcase is. 
"It's not for that," you reply. 
"What for then?"
You stand up to stall some time, and to avoid looking Lando in the eye. You rinse the bowl slowly, hoping you'll think of another good excuse to give him. But you don't want to lie to him either. After all, Lando doesn't deserve that. 
And that's why you don't say anything as you reach for the kitchen towel to dry the bowl. You rub over each spot at least three times, and even though it's already completely dry, you keep wiping over it. 
When you suddenly feel a warm hand on your shoulder, you wince. 
"What did he do?" Lando's voice is calm and gentle as he takes the bowl and cloth from your hand and sets both down on the countertop. 
"Nothing," you reply curtly, and are about to grab a glass from the cabinet when his large hand clasps yours and stops you in your tracks. 
"Come on, Y/N." Lando pulls lightly on your hand to make you turn in his direction. You keep your head lowered, however. 
If you were looking at him right now - you just can't lie to him.
"I know Charles," he says softly, before placing his index finger under your chin and lifting it to make you look at him. When you look into his worried blue eyes, you've lost the fight. "What did he do?"
You can't stop the tears that gather in the corners of your eyes. Nor can you stop them from rolling down your cheeks as you try to blink them away. Lando thinking badly of his monegasque friend is the last thing you want. 
But if you move away from here, you certainly won't see Lando again either. And then, theoretically, you may as well not care what he thinks of his friend. And after all, it's not like Charles didn't deserve it, the way he treated you. Charles brought it on himself. 
You tell Lando everything. 
You start with the fact that Raphael cheated on you and dumped you. That you lost your job a few days ago and Charles was suddenly standing in your - his - apartment. You tell him about your agreement to share the apartment because he still lets his ex-girlfriend live in his first apartment and that after four days he grew so close to your heart that it made you dizzy. 
You tell him about Raphael waiting for you in front of the apartment on the day of the dinner with your friends, and that's why you had to spend the night at Kika's, and that Charles called you in a panic and after that you shared the bed for the first time. How you were so unsure about your feelings, because Charles is Charles, and that he had you completely wrapped around his little finger, even though you've only known each other for a few days. 
You tell him about yesterday morning. What he threw at you, even though he knew exactly how much it would hurt you. How he talked about his own friend to make you feel even more insecure. And you tell him that you told Charles that you were going to move out. 
Lando stays silent the whole time, but doesn't take his eyes off you. His eyes follow every tear that drips from your chin onto your sweater, and in between he gently squeezes your hand as a sign that he's following your story. 
When you fall silent, he says nothing at first, but pulls you toward the living room, where he places you both on the couch. You worry that you've told him too much, gone a giant step too far, but it all just poured out of you and you couldn't stop the torrent of words. 
But Lando doesn't seem to be angry with you. Quite the opposite. His gaze seems softer as you look at him. "I'd like to offer you the guest room in my apartment," he finally says. "But I don't think you'd accept the offer."
You tighten your mouth into a thin line. "I think it would be best if I just moved away. There's nothing keeping me here. No job, no responsibilities. I can go anywhere." You wrench your arms in the air. "Maybe I'll get a job in the United States. Or in Australia. Just really far away from here."
"That would be a possibility, of course," Lando replies. "But that can't be what you really want, can it?"
Puzzled, you tilt your head. "Why not?"
Lando leans against the back of the sofa. "You could have moved away when you were fired. Or when Raphael dumped you. But you stayed."
You shrug helplessly. "But now I have a reason to leave."
"Do you?" he asks. 
"Then why didn't you tell me everything yesterday? Or when I was just outside your door? Or warming up your soup?" he counters. You don't like the direction this conversation is taking. "You could have told me all about it right away. But you didn't, because you didn't want me to think badly of Charles."
You shrug, trying to express your indifference towards your still-roommate. But Lando isn't buying it. Not one bit of it. 
"Come on, Y/N. You can't tell me you don't care about him at all. If you did, you wouldn't be so upset by all this that you'd want to leave the country. And then you wouldn't have tried to protect him in the first place."
You hate that he's right.
"I didn't realize you were so emotionally mature," you reply to him, slightly flippantly, and no sooner have you said it than you're sorry. "Sorry. You're not the person I'm mad at." You pucker your mouth into a thin line. "Are you mad at him? At Charles?"
Lando shrugs. "I'm not thrilled, of course, that a friend of mine would talk about me that way. Especially since he knows none of it is true," he explains. "Charles is good at pushing people away who mean something to him. I just don't know if he's doing it to protect the person or himself."
"Definitely himself." You shake your head. "You don't do something like that to protect someone! That's complete bullshit!"
"Are you sure about that?" Lando rubs his palm over his cheek. "Weren't you planning on sleeping on the couch and breaking your deal?"
You raise your index finger. "Nuh-uh. That was to protect myself."
"So you haven't been telling yourself the last few days that a friendship between you is better? After all, your ex cheated on you and left you because you wouldn't sleep with him. You got fired, Y/N. Your emotional baggage is higher than the Eiffel Tower." He puts a hand on your shoulder. "You know I don't mean that in a bad way, or to hurt you. But I'm sure you're trying to protect not only your heart, but Charles' heart as well."
You feel tears welling up in your eyes again. But this time you don't even try to stop them. "He deserves someone better. Someone who won't lie to him. Someone who doesn't carry around so much baggage." You shake your head slightly and wrinkle your nose. "He deserves someone great."
Lando's hand moves from your shoulder down their arm until he can intertwine his fingers with yours. He squeezes them gently. "I know someone who's been hurt so much, but still sees the good in people." He smiles at you. "I don't know anyone more great than you."
Lando stays with you for the rest of the evening, trying to distract you, which he clearly succeeds at with the miserable rounds of Uno in which he cheated at least twelve times. As you part with a tight, friendly hug, he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"You're still allowed to be mad at Charles. What he did is absolute bullshit," he says as he slips on his shoes. "But wait a little while before you move out. Maybe he'll come crawling back and apologize. Besides, for selfish reasons, I don't want you to move to the United States. Or Australia. Or anywhere else." He gives you one last squeeze. "If you need anything, call me. I'll be right over."
"I know," you smile, "and thanks again for the soups." 
He raises his index and middle fingers to his temple, a joking goodbye. "You're always welcome. See you around. Here in Monaco."
You close the door behind him and actually feel a lot better. Lando's presence was comforting and warm, and he's someone you definitely wouldn't want to miss as a friend. 
After brushing your teeth and combing your hair, you settle into bed. Your suitcase is still at your bedroom door, but the decision to move out isn't as set in stone as it was just a few hours ago. Perhaps you would look for a hotel for the time being to gain some distance. And then seek a conversation with Charles to have his behavior explained to you. 
Friends don't treat each other like that. And he's definitely going to have some work to do to straighten that out. But there needs to be distance between you to make it work, which is why you're looking for hotels in the area to check into tomorrow. 
A violent knock on the front door startles you. It's the middle of the night and you're not expecting anyone, so you carefully tiptoe towards the door. Maybe it's Lando, who left the rest of his soups here, or maybe he left his cell phone and can't call you to let you know he's coming by. Or maybe it's just a neighbor who got the wrong door. 
It could have been all of these possibilities. But it's none of them when you open the door. 
And you immediately regret that you didn't move out yesterday.
next part
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kultofkorii · 14 days
− Tired
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✎ your fav x reader
♦︎summary: your boyfriend is tired after a long day, and tries to convince you to come to bed
♦︎word count: 300+
♦︎warnings: none, short
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Men who like to hug you from behind while you're busy. Their scent overwhelming you and simultaneously calming you. You can feel their chest against you back, rising and falling with each breath they take. Their warm arms wrapped around your waist, snugly, as if they were make to be placed there. Your face shifts to an expression of amusement, mind being taken off of your current task.
,,and just what do you think you're doing, Sir?,,
,,mmm... just seeing what you're up to, was getting lonely without you,, His husky voice sending vibrations through your upper back and chest. From the low pitch of his voice alone, you could tell he was about five minutes from collapsing in exhaustion.
,,you sound tired baby, why haven't you gone to bed yet?,, You questioned him, but continued with your task at hand. You felt him squeeze lightly at your waist, rubbing small circles where one of his hands rest on your stomach. You release a content hum, relaxing every more into his hold.
,,come t' bed with me, please?,, He rasps out, anyone who didn't know him well, wouldn't be able to notice the whine in his voice. You take pride in how much you know your man, quirks, ambitions and all, there was nothing he could do that would get past you.
Not even his light manipulation; he knew the affect his voice laced with sleep had on you. Knew you couldn't resist him, especially when he was in the mood for cuddles which was few and far between.
,,okay, just let me finish this and I'll be right with you-,, he cut you off, pulling you impossibly closer to his body, as if trying to fuse you into becoming one.
,,you can finish t'morrow, you always over work 'ya self,, His words began to slur together, his tiredness getting the better of him. You supposed it would be better to abide by his wishes, before he falls asleep where you both stand and traps you here; a common occurrence.
,,alright big guy, come on, you win,, Your hand intertwines with his as you pull him with you to your shared bedroom. Your eyes growing heavy as you make your way to that sweet mattress where you could bundle up with your love under warm comforters.
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♦︎note: This is really me just testing out the waters before I really start writing. I haven't written in a long time, so I'd really love if you all would send me any requests you have! 😊
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wonderlandwalker · 1 month
Adventure Unlocked | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: You unexpectedly figure out a new kink Eddie has and plan the perfect moment to test it out
Content Warnings / Tags: Smut, 18+, porn with very little plot, PnV
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Once again not proofread but I haven't had much time to write recently so still wanted to post this. Got the idea from a request @urhoneycombwitch read and couldn't get it out of my head so here's my take on it.
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It was supposed to be just another day at Eddie's trailer, a study date like the two of you regularly had, where you would try and catch up on reading and Eddie would do anything but. Except dates with Eddie were rarely like they were supposed to be, and today wasnt an exception. He was sitting at his desk, working on a new campaign while you sat at the bed with your books spread out, trying to concentrate but inevitably reading the same paragraph over and over again.
“Can you hand me the folder from the nightstand please?” You weren’t listening, not really anyway, only humming in respone, causing him to call out once more.
“Sweetheart, hand me the notes.” He was more assertive now, his tone of voice deeper in order to capture your attention, and it worked. 
“Yes sir.” It was meant as a quip, as banter the two of you were so used to, but Eddie’s head shot up the moment you said it. You noticed the blush creeping up on his neck as his mouth was slightly opened, eyes staring into yours. And just as quickly as it had happened, it was gone. A small cough to recover his composure and his focus back on his writing, but you still caught his glance everytime he looked in your direction, still noticed the manner in which he fidgeting wirh his pen. You had noticed, and there was no turning back now.
"Eddie" he only hummed in response to your inquiry, not daring to make eye contact just yet
"Eddie, look at me" he was slow to comply, nervous about your response, because Eddie wasn't stupid, the cat was out of the bag now.
"Does that turn you on?" Still hesitant, he moved his head up once more, not realising how much closer You had gotten to him by now, but the moment he looked at you, all his worries disappeared, because your expression was soft, there was a twinkle in your eyes that he could only describe as exited, and the way your pupils were dilated told him he wasn't the only one into this.
"Yeah" it was barely a whisper, a confession he didn't think he'd be making, so delicately given because he knew you would never crush it. 
Just as you were leaning in to connect his lips with yours, the front door opened, and Wayne shouted to inform you he had gotten home from work, having picked up dinner for the three of you on his way, so you decided to put a pin in your new discovery. 
The next days came and went as the both of you were busy trying to keep up with life, and Eddie didnt push the subject, perhaps worried it was not something you were comfortable with, but little did he know he only needed to wait a little bit longer, because you had been planning. Planning the perfect moment to continue where the two of you had left off, and right now while you were at the hellfire club is where it all came together, 
He looked at the clock above the door and back to you, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
“Where is everyone else?” They were never late, always so eager to get started they wouldn’t dare miss anything.
“I told them we’re starting a bit later today” Your tone was nonchalant, and it threw him off further.
“Why would you tell them that?” He looked so cute while thinking so hard, trying to trace back the day to figure out what had warrented this.
“Because I have some other plans first.” You had pushed your chair back, walking over to where he was sitting.
“What are you talking about” He was still very much in the dark, not quite catching on to pitch in your voice dropping ever so slightly.
“Don’t you have a quest for me?” You were standing in front of him now, supporting yourself on the arm rests of his throne, he was getting flustered with how close you were, fidgeting from his clueless nature. 
“I didn’t prepare any new adventures.” He looked up into your eyes as you leaned down closer to whisper in his ear.
“I’m sure you can think of one, dungeon master.” You could feel his body shudder from how close you were, and as you leaned back you saw his pupils dilate. 
“Do you mean-”
“Yeah” That’s all it took for him to understand, because he immediately took the opportunity to capture your face in his hands and kiss you with all the might he had. You’re sure he could have simply kept doing that all night, but you had other plans. So you started to trail kisses down his neck, paying extra attention to the pulse point right underneath his ear that you knew made him grow weak every single time, he was putty in your hands, and that’s exactly how you liked it. 
After a little while you lowered yourself to your knees in front of him, looking up at him through your lashes. You could see him struggling to keep his eyes open as you palmed him through his trousers, already hard from the idea alone. He wasted no time in shimmying out of them as you tugged at the fabric, letting it pool around his ankles. 
You didnt waste any more time taking his dick into your hands, stroking him slowly as you watched his head fall back and hit the back of the chair, but that was the last thing on his mind right now.
“Baby please” it was closer to a whine then it was to a question, and it turned you on just the same. You looked up at him once more, the tension causing him to catch your gaze before you spoke.
“Why don’t you make me?” It was a challenge, one he wasnt about to turn down. It only took one more look into your eyes, seeing the calmth behind them, before he complied. He raked his hand through your hair, twisting it in order to get a grip as he pushed your head down towards where he needed you the most. You were more than happy to comply, using your tongue in a sloppy attempt to keep up with the rhythm in which he was pushing down your throat. Eddie’s size had always been hard to take, but with practise and patience you had gotten better at it, breathing through your nose now as he hit the back of your throat, causing a slight gag from you which in turn made him realised a loud moan of your name as he leaned back into his throne. 
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” It was sweet, how he could be so out of his mind and still remind you, still praising you.
His grip faltered and you took it as a sign to double your effort, taking him deeper until your nose nestled against his pelvic bone, making you gag against him. A borderline sinful moan left him at the feeling, and as you were about to prepare yourself for the feeling of his cum sliding down your throat, he pulled you off him. For a split second you wondered if something was wrong, but the moment you met his eyes and saw the raw lust radiating in them, you knew what was about to happen.
“I need to be inside of you sweetheart, sit on my lap” This was the Eddie you had been trying to lure out, and you wouldnt dare let him ask twice. 
So you got off your knees and as you stood up his hands found the backs of your thighs, pulling you into his lap. His mouth attached itself feverishly to your neck, sucking bruises you’re sure would be visible for days, not that you’d mind. His hands were everywhere now, roaming over your ass and finding their way underneath your shirt as he took your nipples between his fingers and tugged at them, causing you to arch your back, leaning further into him.
“Does that feel good baby” His tongue was still hot on your skin, and the question was muffled by your own body, not daring to lean away from him. All you could do was moan out his name, desperate for him to continue. But right after you did you felt a sting on your ass as one of Eddie’s hands was now massasiging the flesh and his other found its way under your chin, tilting your head to look at him.
“That’s not what you call me now is it.” His tone had dropped an octave, and it was driving you insanel. “I’m sorry.. sir” Immediatly a grin appeared on his face.
“Much better sweetheart.” he moved his head in order to be able to attach his lips to the upper part of your breasts, every once in a while using his teeth to nip at the flesh there. In the meantime his hands made their way back under your skirt, kneading your inner thighs as he inched closer and closer to where you needed him the most. 
“Tell me what you want.” 
“I want you to touch me.” He looked up from where his mouth had made its home, a gleam in his eye that you werent sure you should feel worried or excited, but it sent a thrill down your spine nonetheless.
“I’m already touching you.” 
“That’s not what I mean.”
“Then what do you mean, hm” His fingers trailed closer to your core as they slipped your underwear to the side, sliding over your folds, teasing you.
“You’re so wet for me already, is this where you need me honey” 
“Please-” He kissed you as one of his fingers entered you, his thumb tracing slow circles on your clit as he swallowed your moans.
“That’s it princess, think you can handle another?” You wanted to answer him, but all you could do was nod as he looked at you expextingly, reconnecting your lips in a searing kiss the moment he added another finger, crooking them and causing you to cling onto him, your nails leaving faint scratch marks on his shoulders.
But as the feeling started to build he removed his fingers from inside of you, not leaving you empty for long as you could feel his hard dick at your entrance, pushing all the way inside with one thrust. It always made you feel so full to have him inside of you, and this time was no exception, the way he was stretching you feeling so good.
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well, perfect for me.” His breathing had become laboured, and the way he was already ruthlessly thrusting up in you you figured he wouldn’t be lasting long either. 
“Need you to cum for me sweetheart, think you can do that?” Once again all you could do was whine as your head rested on his shoulder, hoping he knew you well enough to know what you needed.
“Fucking you so good you can’t even talk anymore. Don’t you worry, I’ll take good care of you.” He found your mouth in a slow kiss, much different than the ones before, now he took his time, exploring with his tongue and silencing all the pleas that left you. The moment his long fingers found your clit you were a goner, all that built up tension and pleasure toppeling over as you came undone around him, your walls spasming and gripping him even tighter, etching Eddie towards his orgasm as well.
“Shit baby, where do you want me-”
“Inside, need you to cum inside of me” That’s what did him in, he didnt waste another second as he pushed his hips into you, his cum painting your walls as he let out more profanities. 
For a minute the two of you sat there, with him still inside of you as he traced gentle patterns onto your back with his fingertips, his face nestling into your hair as he basked in your presence.
“We’re definitely doing that again.” His matter of fact tone made you giggling, causing him to squeeze his arms around you in a tight hug
“Whatever you say, dungeon master” His eyes immediately grew dark again at the title, looking down at you with that glimmer you loved to see.
“Careful what you say sweetheart, I can go another round right now” Just as he was about to prove it to you, a series of loud knocks came from the door. “Why is the door locked, are you guys in there?” Dustins voice rang from the hallway, and Eddie started to get up in order to let them in.
You got up in order to move to the chair next to him, but just as you were about to sit down Eddie grabbed you by the hips as he sat down in his throne, positioning you to sit on his lap as you got started on today's session. As you were playing his cum started to drip out of you and onto his leg underneath your skirt, and from the way he started squirming you knew he noticed as well, telling you this definitely wasn’t over yet.
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cantdothis-nomore · 1 year
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Tengen Uzui + wives x swordsmith reader
The inspo for this fic was from @zoyatoshi one named ten minutes! Please go check out their blog they are one of my FAV writers and I would love if you took a look at their blog! ^^
Content : Imagine being the fourth wife that basically nobody knows about because of your trade as a swordsmith making tengens swords
A/N : I don't know why I wrote this I just really like Tengen lol :')
You moved quickly around your forge collecting things as you mutter at a pace others would find hard to make out. Your hands were torn up and your face had sweat beads rolling down it as you went back to your original project. Your husbands new sword. You had leapt out of bed a week earlier remembering the unfinished sword and shut out everyone in place of finishing the sword.
You closed your eyes with a groan as you heard furious footsteps approaching and your forge door was once again thrown open with a bang revealing a fuming Makio with Suma not far behind.
"You are coming with us NOW!" Makio yelled as she grabbed you by the collar of your kimono trying to drag you out of your forge. You adamantly held on to the side of a table and wiggled out of Makio's grip.
"As soon as this is finished I promise you I will come back to the house I swear." You pleased with her "Y-You said that 2 days ago n/n!" Screeched Suma, big fat tear blobs starting to roll down her cheeks as she yet again realised that no matter the push they put on you, you were not going to return to the house until your project was finished, but Makio was not so easily convinced.
"You haven't slept in nearly a full week now Y/N," a soft voice spoke from the doorway, Hinatsuru stood at the door her tone and face firm but her eyes gave away the stress she felt. "I know but I really really really need to get this sword done before Lord Tengen gets back, please Hina!" You pleaded.
Being a demon slayer, Tengen was away a lot God knows where at the most unfortunate of times, counting this one. He didn't let anyone else make his swords apart from you after you joined the family, you loved doing it but god did it stress your wives out so. You would stay in your forge for days at a time not eating, not sleeping, not drinking and come out a complete mess, looking like a demon.
'No Y/N, this has gone on long enough. That is a perfectly good sword for Lord Tengen!" Makio butted in just as Hina opened her mouth to speak, even so, just by her expression you could tell she was going to say exactly what Makio did for her. "I promise I will be back tonight ok? I promise all I need to do are these last bits" You begged.
Hina heaved a sigh placing her head in her hands not even bothering to tell Makio off for hitting Suma for whining constantly. She looked you in the eyes searching for any type of truth, "Fine." She said sternly, "but you are coming back tomorrow morning at the max no matter what."
You managed a weak smile to her and a rib crunching hug off of Suma as she bustled a fuming Makio and wailing Suma out your forge. The moment they were halfway down the hill you collected the plate of food Hina left for you and shoved it in your food stash as you made a run for the door pushing the bolt over and moving into the very back of your place as not to be disturbed.
You can imagine the fury of your wives the next day when they woke without you next to them, now nearing the sixth time this week. In a storm of rage Makio came tearing up the hill Suma and Hina hot on her heels. She slammed her fist into the forge door banging on it at a fast rate.
"Y/N! LET US IN YOU KNOW YOU ARE BREAKING YOUR PROMISE TO US AGAIN!" But again, there was no answer from you.
Even from the back of your forge you could hear Sumas screeching and see Hinas stressed and almost given up face which made you feel guilty, but you couldn't just leave this project here! You worked harder as you felt your guilt eating away at you and the noise of your wives slowly became quieter and quieter. Your brow furrowed as the sword continued to leave gashes on your hands and your vision became blurry. You shook it off and glanced out the window double taking as you saw the inky black sky. You gritted your teeth and continued to work ignoring the darkening sky outside.
Your head snapped up with a start as your forge doors were kicked in and there stood your husband. Back from his mission. Early.
'Shit' was your only thought as your eyes flicked round him and spied your wives all outside the door looking a mixture of sad and angry.
'So,' Tengens voice boomed round your forge and things started to rattle on your shelves as he continued to speak, 'Hinatsuru tells me you've been in here a week and haven't been looking after yourself at all! How unflashy!" He said with a sharp look. You winced knowing Hina probably told him everything and Makio probably didn't spare any details in her fury either.
Tengen strode into your forge carefully avoiding the mess as he stood infront of you. Keeping eye contact with you he bent slightly to reach your eye level. "And exactly how long have you not eaten for little mouse?" He said softly but within his tone there was a sharp edge that hit you the most. You didn't answer as your eyes strapped themselves to the floor. He grunted as he returned to stand up straight.
"Makio, check her food stash please" He said watching you carefully. Your eyes immediatley snapped to Makios as you silently pleaded with her not to tell him. Her eyes narrowed at you as her pace quickened and she disappeared out of sight just before her voice echoed around the room,
"It's full!" She called out, her glare resting on you in disappointment. Your eyes widened as you quickly darted round a table to stop Tengen from getting you.
"N/N that full food stash is almost as unflashy as your purple eye bags and dirty kimono you continue to wear, just come back to the house you have stressed the girls out enough." He said a determined glint in his eye. His hands rested on the table as his eyes tracked you like a predator waiting for its preys next move.
"I just need to finish it and then I'll come back to the house! I'm serious!" You quickly said as you watched Tengen quickly take a run for you. You once again ran around the table but not fast enough this time. He wrapped an arm around your waist before you could go any further and hoisted you onto his shoulder.
He walked out your forge and down the hill with Suma, Makio and Hina close behind him all heading towards the house. You felt your body on the verge of sleeping but you were determined not to give in.
You began to thrash and screech as loudly as you could like that would make them take you back to the forge. Tengen raised his hand smacked your ass to shut you up and finally you gave up. Flopping against him you let yourself give in and veered on the line of unconsciousness, as much as you didnt want to admit it you were exhausted. You knew what you were doing to your body was bad but you really needed to complete the project even if it cost you your sanity.
After what seemed like an age you were put down on a chair. Too tired to fight back anymore you let yourself be fed and bathed as you fell unconscious, the last thing you remember being you and tengen getting squished between your wives all of you thankful to be back together again.
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d10nyx · 6 months
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are you lonely?
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, incest, dad leon, 18+ reader(obviously), p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dubcon??(just to be safe), a lot of self-loathing and guilt on leon's part
a/n: i apologise wholeheartedly if i tagged anything incorrectly, this is my first time ever posting something i've written(and one of my first times finishing an idea), but i will try my hardest. THIS IS DARK CONTENT, so please be careful reading and scroll if you don't like it!! also genuinely please tell me if i missed any tags! hope you like it :)
word count: 2.4k words
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It never gets easier. Every single mission manages to drain Leon more than the last. He almost just gave up on it all a long time ago - he would have if it wasn't for one thing.
As he opens the door from another exhausting mission, he's hit with the smell of home cooked food that has his mouth watering. The house is spotless, as always. Floors completely polished, the sound of music coming from the kitchen has him dragging his feet there on autopilot, eyes settling on you.
His sweet daughter is at the stove, stirring something in a pot. You haven't even noticed he's home yet, humming along to the music coming from your phone softly as you cook. He leans against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, just gazing at you for a few moments.
God, he missed you.
“Hey, honey.” He hums, the corner of his mouth twitching in a close approximation of a smile, about all he can manage after the shit he's seen this past week. Your movements pause, and then you're tilting your head over your shoulder to look at him.
“Dad! You're home!” You exclaim, shooting him a smile that lights up your whole face. He barely has time to react before your arms are wrapped around his torso, giving him a tight hug. He never feels like he deserves your affection. He's barely even around, but you're always clinging to him like a needy puppy when he is. 
“Mhm. Managed to finish up a little early.” He mumbles, a hand coming to your head to press it against his chest, giving your waist a little squeeze with his other one. Doesn't bother telling you about what he was doing. Doesn't want you worrying. “You miss me?”
“Course I did.” You reply without hesitation, giving him a squeeze in return before pulling away from him. “Gotta keep cooking before it burns, though. You hungry?” You ask softly, returning to the stove.
He hums softly, eyes lingering on you as he walks away. He finds himself looking at you for a little too long, blinking his eyes to snap himself out of it. “Yeah, I could eat.”
His gaze finds you again before long. His eyes flick over your form, hovering on your curves for a moment before he frowns. Jesus. Since when did he look at his daughter like that? Since when did his daughter look like that? Must of been a while, but he's only really noticing it now
He's only been gone for a week, but it feels like a lifetime. You're always so happy to see him, always acting so domestic. You cook for him, clean for him and cuddle up to him after he's had a particularly tough day.
You'd make a good wife for someone one day.
His frown deepens as his brain supplies that thought to him. Is this what's happening to him now? He's so sick that he's attracted to his own damn daughter? Is that really how fucked up his life has got? 
He gets a little weird after that, eating dinner with you in silence when it's done before rushing off to the bedroom. You ask him about 100 times what's wrong, but he always gives you the same ‘it's nothing, honey, just tired.’ You don't believe a word of it, naturally. You know your dad better than that, know when something’s bothering him
And you're a sweet girl. Too sweet for him, if he's being honest. So he shouldn't be surprised when you go to check on him after you clean up the dishes before you go to bed. But he wasn't thinking right, and you walk in on him right as he's pumping his dick to the thought of you.
“Shit…” He breathes out as he sees you in the doorway. He thinks he's going to be sick when the sight of your surprised face is what tips him over the edge, your pretty lips parted in shock as he cums harder than he has in years.
Post-nut clarity hits him like a train, guilt clawing its way up his chest, nausea setting in. “Fuck, baby. I'm so sorry.” He says quickly, too stunned to move. His hand is still gripping his cock, still hard and leaking, his hand coated in his release.
And you're just staring, unable to take your eyes away. Makes your stomach flip and your heart beat faster. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. He quickly seems to snap out of his daze and yanks the cover over himself, his jaw tightening as he refuses to meet your eyes.
You find yourself disappointed that you can't see him like that anymore, a frown tugging at your face. “It's okay, dad.” You manage to say, voice a little strained. Heat pools in your stomach, and you fidget a little as you stand in the doorway, your common sense warring with what you wanted.
“I just wanted to check on you.” You say after a moment of silence, Leon still not looking at you. “You seemed… weird at dinner. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You continue to stand awkwardly in the doorway before you shift further into the room. Against your better judgement, you sit on the edge of his bed, trying to catch his eye.
“It's okay, dad. Really.” You tell him, reaching a hand out to touch his cheek. He lets out a stifled groan, his eyes squeezing shut. You're too good for him. “My fault for not knocking.”
His eyes crack open to meet yours, and he slowly realises he's found you beautiful for a long time - more than what's considered acceptable as a father. Ever since you came back from college during one of your breaks, filling out your clothes in a way you never had before, looking up at him with those pretty eyes…
Fuck. He's sick. He deserves to rot in hell. He'd noticed long ago, pushed the thoughts away so he could be the father you deserved. And you're perfect. So goddamn beautiful, like you were made for him. Your hand is so warm and soft where it cups his cheek, your touch so gentle.
He's been so, so lonely. And you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen, brows furrowed in concern as he refuses to answer you. Knows if he opens his mouth, he's gonna say some shit he regrets.
He ends up doing something he's gonna regret, anyway. Can't help himself when you're giving him those eyes. He's grabbing you by the cheeks, pulling you into a kiss without even thinking about it.
You pull away, and he whimpers. He tugs you back in again, kissing you with more fervour this time. Your body freezes up, then you find yourself kissing back, and he's not sure if that's worse or not. Guilt is eating him alive, but he can't help himself.
“I'm so sorry, baby.” He murmurs between kisses, desperately tugging you closer to him. His tongue slips into your mouth, and he moans softly as your own prods against his. “Can't help it. You're so pretty.”
This time, you're the one deepening the kiss. His hands find your waist, his grip tightening. He didn't realise how badly he needed this. Needed you. He can feel how badly you want him, the way you're pressing up against him as he kisses you.
It's so wrong. He wants to do so many things to you. You want him in a way no one has ever wanted him before, even more than your mom ever did. It's intoxicating, makes him dizzy. He feels so pathetic. What kind of sicko wants to fuck his own daughter? He's your dad. He should be protecting you from creeps like this, not making a move on you.
“Baby…” He breathes out, pulling away from your mouth, his heart hammering in his chest at the disappointed look that spreads across your face. “We can't do this. Y'know that, yeah?”
But his hands move to settle on your hips, tugging you into his lap, the duvet the only thing separating you from sitting on his bare cock that he never had a chance to shiver back into his pants after you caught him. He's not strong enough, needs you to be the one to bring him to his senses. You just needed to say no, and he'd be able to stop. But you don't, and he's too weak to do it himself. Far too weak.
“Daddy…” You breathe out, frown tugging at your lips. “Please? Just this once?”
How is he meant to say no to that? He buries the guilt, buries the self-loathing. He's good at that - pushing away his feelings and pretending that everything's okay. He can't deny his pretty girl of anything, especially not when she asks so sweetly.
So he kisses you again. It's a messy, sloppy kiss, one that has him groaning and rocking his hips up to get some kind of friction on his aching cock. It twitches, already leaking pre-cum. He can't even remember the last time he fucked someone. Can't believe he's about to fuck you. He's tempted to cut his dick off after this. Doesn't deserve it.
It's not long before his hands are pawing desperately at your pants, tugging them off along with your panties. He keeps your shirt on, pretends that makes him better, even if he wants to see how your tits bounce. Hey, he thinks, at least I had some self-control.
You moan so prettily when his thumb brushes your clit, rubbing slow circles into it. You're already so wet, his cock jumping with interest. Even Hell is too good for him.
Your hands slip down to tug at the fabric separating the two of you, your hips only hovering long enough to pull the duvet down and expose him, a low whine spilling from your lips.
“Want it, daddy. Please?” You murmur, dipping your head down to kiss his neck, making him suppress a groan.
“Yeah, baby. Anything you want.” He breathes out, his free hand reaching for the base to make his cock stand tall, offering it up like some kind of treat while his other hand still rubs lazy circles onto your clit.
You both moan in sync as you lower yourself onto his length. His hand slips to your hip, gripping it to guide your movements. His hips buck up into you, his tip brushing your cervix whenever you sink down fully onto him.
You're so wet, and you squeeze him just right. He's going to go insane. There's no way he can help himself now. He's never gonna stop thinking about how good you feel wrapped around him.
“Fuck, honey. Pussy's made just for me,” he groans, cringing as he says the words. He's never been a fan of dirty talk, feels awkward. Worse when he thinks about who he's fucking. But you feel so good, he really can't stop himself. His brain isn't working anymore.
“You're so big.” You whine, grinding your hips down against him more than actually riding him, like you don't want his dick to leave you for even a moment. Cute. He almost cums just at the way your face twists as he fucks up into you.
“S’all yours, baby. C'mon,” he coos, thumb slipping away from your clit and making you whimper, just so he can grab your waist with both hands. “Ride daddy.”
He lifts you up and down, helping you ride him. You rock your hips desperately, moaning as he presses up against your sweet spot with every thrust, picking up the pace as he fucks into you. He's able to manhandle you so easily, which only has you moaning louder, your eyes fluttering shut.
With his hands occupied with gripping your waist as he helps you fuck yourself on his dick, you bring your own hand down to rub at your clit, making the heat in your stomach build rapidly.
The bed creaks as he picks up the pace again, rutting deeper into you than before, your pussy making the most obscene squelching noises. It's downright sinful, Leon has to use all of his focus to stop himself from cumming right then and there. Fuck, if it wasn't for him jerking off right before you came in, he'd have cum as soon as he saw your pretty pussy.
You're close, biting your lip to sniffle your moans as they grow louder, fingers moving faster against your clit. Your dad notices, shifting his hips until he's pounding relentlessly into your sweet spot, making you see stars.
He feels his chest swell with pride when he feels you tense up, pussy clenching around his cock deliciously as your orgasm hits, juices gushing past his cock and coating his balls. He didn't even know he still had it in him, thought his dick game died in his 20s. This was a pleasant surprise.
His balls tighten, and he knows he's about to cum. He grunts and goes to pull you off of him, but you whine and shake your head, pushing yourself down. “S'okay, daddy. I'm on birth control. Wanna feel it, please.”
He frowns a little at that. He doesn't like thinking about other guys fucking you. You're his princess, a sweet girl. Your daddy will take care of you, not these other losers. God, he's fucked up.
“Yeah, baby? Want daddy to fill you up?” He grunts, flipping you over with ease so your back's pressed to the bed, him hovering over you. He pounds into you with renewed vigor, head hanging and bangs covering his eyes.
“Fuck.” He hisses as he buries himself balls deep in you, cock kicking inside your pussy as he cums. He pants a little as he fills you, he's not quite as young as he used to be. Takes it out of him sometimes.
He pulls out and slumps next to you. You cuddle up to him instantly, and that guilt and shame comes to the surface again. He pulls you close to him, pets your hair and kisses your forehead like he always does.
“Love you, baby girl.” He murmurs, his free hand pulling the covers up and over your body, his fingertips scratching your scalp lightly.
“I love you more, dad.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
JJK men sharing a bed with (y/n) part lll
In case you haven't read the other parts yet, here they are: JJK men sharing a bed with (y/n) part l Satoru Gojo sharing a bed with (y/n) at a love hotel (part ll)
This is the first time ever that I'm writing for Yu and Choso, so please let me know what you think<3
Pairing: Toji x reader; Geto x reader; Yu Haibara x reader; Choso x reader
Word Count: 3,7k
Warnings: Some language, a loooot of fluff in every part!
Toji Fushiguro
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You blink against your heavy lids, head pounding the second you are greeted the dim light of the room. Immediately, your body starts shivering from the cold that prevails wherever you are. What happened? How did you end up here? It looks like you’re in a basement, a stony and dirty one. Your trembling figure lays on top of a bed as it seems, feet chained to the frame. Fuck, how did you end up here?
“Oh, look who’s awake. Did take you quite some time, sweetheart.”
His voice sounds distant and unpromising, the cheeky tone vibrating in it sending shivers down your spine immediately
“Where am I?”, you question with surprisingly firm voice.
“Hm, to be honest I’m not sure. Are you comfy or do you need company?”
He steps into your sight and your breath hitches for a split second. Yes, the man standing in front of you is extremely handsome, with shoulders built like cannonballs and his tight shirt that shows every trained muscle of his body. And that face…oh, what a lovely face. But the darkness that radiates from his eyes makes your stomach drop. This man means nothing but trouble.
“Touch me once with your filthy hands and I’ll slice it off”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Desperately, your worn out body fights against the chains on your ankles as his frame draws closer, but there’s absolutely no chance for you to escape.
“I wonder how long it will take Jujutsu High to get that you’re gone”, he comments, hand gripping your chin firmly so you are forced to stare into his cold eyes.
“Huh, you’re quite handsome. No wonder that Gojo boy likes to spend time with you. You’re quite feisty though.”
You forcefully pull away from him and stare down at your shivering figure. They will find you, right? They just have to…
“Comfy, huh? I’m actually a little worn out myself, would you mind to scoot over a bit?”
“Stay. Away. From. Me.”
Your words are like venom, eyes so dangerously flashing at him that Toji escapes a chuckle.
“Your cold, bet I can warm you up a little.”
He doesn’t give a fuck about your little protest. Instead, he pushes you against the wall and lays besides you, body’s forced to touch inside the small bed.
You can’t help it. Before you get a grip of yourself, your cheeks turn dark red while you gaze at him through glittering eyes. Fuck, why does he have to smell so absolutely delicious? And the heat that radiates from his body seems to warm you through skin and bone.
“Hehe, I knew you’d like that. First time lying next to a real man I guess.”
“No, your just stinky”, you blurt out.
His face drops immediately, as well as what’s left of your sense of humor and spirit. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was a bad idea. A really really bad idea.
“You aren’t really in the position to have a big mouth, sweetheart.”
With a swift motion, he lays on top of you, gaze piercing through you as all you can do is to writhe underneath him. Fuck, this feels so good…What? You shake your head, try to calm your hammering heart down. What the hell has gotten into you?
His hand cups your face with a tenderness that you wouldn’t have believed he’s capable of while he eyes you up and down.
“You should be glad. Not many women end up in bed with me on top of them. Today is your lucky day”, he breathes out.
“That I don’t laugh”, you hush.
Your mind and heart are all over your place. Suddenly you aren’t cold anymore but burning hot, the sheer weight of his immense body seems to crush you.
But why on earth does it have to feel so good? This man kidnapped and chained you to this tiny bed. It is obvious that he only causes trouble, not even a gorgeous face can change that.  But the way he looks down at you, his firm body pressed against yours makes it harder second by second to not stretch out your arms to investigate the valleys of his tight muscles.
“You don’t seem to mind sharing a bed with me the way you press your legs together.”
Caught. You hold your breath and look at the ceiling. This will end horrible if you don’t start keeping your composure and stop acting like a horny teenager. This man is evil, he kidnapped you, you are his hostage-
Your hands hold onto his broad shoulder tightly, roaming all over his black shirt.
“Maybe just for a minute or two…”, you mumble.
Geto Suguru
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Your heart skips a beat when you catch a glimpse of him and he perfectly made man bun through which you recognize him from miles away.
Geto Suguru is back. Finally, after days, he made it back to Jujutsu High. Your feet start running on their own, too impatient to wait another second.
“Woah, easy there (y/n)”, he laughs as you lung yourself at him and burry your face in the crook of his neck.
It was so easy to fall in love with Suguru, especially when the two of you spent so much time together.
“I missed you so much”, you mumble against his uniform, arms tightening around his chest as if your life depends on it.
“I missed you too, (y/n). Heard that Satoru wants to throw a party, do you know anything about it?”
With furrowed brows, you let go of him. A party? Satoru didn’t mention the slightest about it.
“No, I’m completely clueless. But I’m set on an important mission tomorrow anyway, so no alcohol for me”, you reply.
“Fair enough. Let’s get something to eat, okay. I’m starving.”
For the rest of the day, Gojo makes no secret out of the party he will throw that evening in his (and Suguru’s) dorm.
“I really hope you’ll catch some sleep tonight”, you comment while smiling at Gojo, who desperately tries to convince Nanami to come.
“If not, I’ll just sleep at your dorm. Be prepared”, Suguru jokingly remarks.
Your heart skips a beat. Suguru sleeping at your place? The thought alone makes your stomach flutter in excitement and your cheeks go red. Way too many nights you dreamed of this to happen, to experience what it’s like to rest your head against his chest while he wraps an arm around your shoulder while his even breaths brush over face gently. Gojo really doesn’t know how lucky he is to share a room with Suguru.
“I’ll be ready. Just knock on the door twice”, you giggle.
“Check. I have to get going now. See you tomorrow before your mission. Or tonight, who knows.”
Yeah, who knows?
- Later that evening –
Knock knock.
Your eyes snap open immediately. Did you dream that? Your still sleep drunken eyes dart towards the door. Oh, please let it be real. Let it be him.
“Suguru?”, you whisper into the darkness of the room.
No response. Maybe you just desperately hoped it to be him. It’s nothing new that Suguru haunts you even when you sleep after all. Your heart sinks, while you turn to the side. Hopefully he has a great night.
Knock knock.
Instantly, you sit bolt upright in bed. No, this wasn’t a dream. You heard it loud and clearly. Before thinking twice you get up and open the door only to get greeted by his smile.
Oh, that gorgeous smile.
“Is your offer still valid?”, he whispers into the peace of the night.
“Sure, come in…”
You didn’t get the chance to see him like that often, dressed in an oversized grey shirt, shorts and his messy hair let down. But he sure does look breathtaking. So breathtaking that you forget how to move for a moment.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Do I look this bed?”, he asks while scratching the back of his head.
“No, not at all. You look absolutely handsome”, you blurt out.
Screw your fast mouth, why can’t you think and then speak?
“Oh, don’t flatter me (y/n). Not when you’re the one that’s looking absolutely gorgeous at the moment.”
Your knees threaten to give in any minute, sleep-drunken eyes just staring at him in disbelieve. This has to be a wonderful dream, right? Like the ones you try to rewatch over and over again. But no, Suguru is standing right in front of you, his soft smell radiating from his stunning figure. This is very real.
He clears his throat.
“Looks like the party won’t end anytime soon and I’m just too worn out to be awake another minute. Would you mind going to sleep? I’ll take the floor.”
“No, absolutely not”, you protest.
No way in hell is Suguru sleeping on your floor after a difficult mission.
“I’ll sleep on the chair”, you suggest.
“No way in hell, (y/n). I’m your guest and you’re leaving for an important mission tomorrow.”
“Then we’ll have to share my bed I guess”, you say your thoughts out loud.
Thick silence hangs in the air. God, you wish the floor would swallow you whole. What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you suggest something so dumb? There is no way that Suguru wants to share a bed with you-
“If you don’t mind, I’m in”, he replies.
You have to blink a few times, did he really just say yes?
“Do you like sleeping on the wall?”
“Y-Yes…”, you stutter.
“Then get in.”
Your feet follow his instruction on their own, carrying you back into bed. The mattress gives in under his weight, causing your arm to slightly brush against his.
“Oh, I’m sorry”, you mutter awkwardly.
“Don’t be. I always liked to be touched by you”, he admits.
Your heart stops.
“(y/n), what I want to say is that…No bed is as comforting as spending my time with you. I just feel like I like you a little more than just as a friend…”
“I love you”, you breathe out without thinking twice.
God, how much you love Suguru Geto. No matter how long he’s gone, no matter how often you told yourself that there will never be more between both of you than a friendship, you always craved more.
You always graved him. Completely, everything from him.
He wraps his arms around you so tightly that you just know this has to be real. No more dreaming, no more imagining. Suguru is laying right by your side, holding you close to his body.
“Thank god Gojo throws that stupid party tonight”, he comments, hand gently caressing your face.
“Thank god this dream became real…”
Yu Haibara
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You jump up and down in joy, giggling loudly at the sight in front of you. Finally, it is this time of the week again. The time of your movie night with Yu.
“I knew you’d love some sushi, so I thought I’d surprise you!”, he announces, smiling widely.
You don’t know how or when it started. Since you’re both in first class of Jujutsu High, you always spent a lot of time together. Right at the beginning you both discovered your passion for good films. One thing lead to another and now you’re having a movie night each Friday.
It’s way more than that for you, though.
“You’re the best!”, you yell in excitement, embracing him in a tight hug.
“No, you’re the best. Come on, let’s waste no time.”
He grabs your hand and pulls you with him into his dorm.
You can’t believe your eyes.
“Oh my”, you breathe out.
This is way too cute. Yu decorated his room with candles and a fairy light, windows completely darkened. His bed is turned into a blanket castle, tv directed towards it. Your heart flutters, tears start stinging in your eyes.
“You didn’t have to do that”, you hush, absolutely mesmerized by how magical the room looks.
“I wanted to do something special for you tonight, (y/n).  Since you are so special to me”, he explains briefly.
His chocolate brown eyes stare down at you with nothing but affection in them. If you could, you would melt away in an instant. What a sweet and caring boy he is. Always there for others, careful about putting a smile on the faces of those around him. You can’t help but admire him for his beautiful soul and character. God, you truly don’t deserve this amount of kindness.
“Oh Yu, I think I need to cry.”
Tenderly, you wrap your arms around him once more, take in his soft scent that sticks to his white shirt that you love on him so much.
“Come on, no need to cry. Let’s get into bed instead!”
Gently, he pushes you into the mattress and hands you a pair of chopsticks.
“As it’s my turn to choose a film, I decided on something Ghibli”, he proudly announces.
All you can do is stare at him in awe. He is so breathtakingly gorgeous that you can’t believe you sit next to him on his bed. Every Friday, your heart skips a beat when gazing upon his features. He makes it look so easy to smile in a world that seems hopeless most of the time, always optimistic.
“Are you okay, (y/n)?”
You shake your thoughts away, cheeks redden. Damn, he caught you staring. He smiles softly at you, hand gently brushing against your arm. Oh, you see stars.
“Yeah, just a little overwhelmed I guess…”, you mumble.
“No need to be overwhelmed. You deserve the world! This is a small gesture compared to how great you are!”
By the way his eyes light up you can tell that he truly believes in his own words.
“Hey (y/n), would you mind cuddling a little? I guess I just really love your hugs.”
Time stands still, you fumble for words. If you mind to cuddle, with him? Absolutely not. No, this is what your dreams are made of.
“Not at all.”
Gently, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and positions the blanket on top of both of you, sushi placed on his lap. You let your head sink against his shoulder, closing your eyes for a moment. Oh, how much you longed for that Friday nights, how much you adore his touch. The unusual sensation of him asking for cuddles sends a shiver down your spine and makes your heart flutter in excitement.
“You know, I love it when we lay in my bed and watch movies. It’s my highlight every week”, he confesses casually between eating some sushi.
“Of course! Your great company and your taste in movies is exquisite.”
You let out a cute little giggle at the way he dramatically pronounces the last word of his sentence, index finger stretched out in front of his nose. Yu never failed to make you smile.
“I just hope this never ends. I really like you, Yu…”
Your confession sounds so strange coming out of your mouth, but you can’t hold it back any longer.
“Well, I really hope you do considering you are my girlfriend!”
Girlfriend!? Your eyes dart at him in shock, mouth hanging open while your mind fumbles for the right words.
Girlfriend? He never mentioned that he’s in a relationship before, especially not with you.
“I mean, you are my girlfriend, right? After all we’re spending so much time together and it’s clear that you like me and I like you”, he adds, confused by the way your expression changed.
“You know that normally, people ask each other out, right?”, you enquire, still staring at him like an idiot.
Yu simply shrugs his shoulders while gifting you with another of his breathtaking smiles.
“Why asking if I already know that we like each other? Seems pretty unnecessary to me. Or do you not want to?”
You can see the way his grin slightly drops at this possibility. No, no, no, this is absolutely not what you wanted.
“Yes, yes, yes. I absolutely want to”, you blabber out.
He lets out a laughter, arms wrapping themselves around you tightly while your heart hammers against his chest. You’ve been imagining a relationship with him for so long while he’s been living in it for what seems like weeks? You giggle into yourself, shaking your head in disbelief. Somehow, this is absolutely typically for him.
“I’m glad you’re with me in this relationship now”, he notes.
“Yeah, me too…”
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“Oh my god, this is just way too exciting!”, you blabber, eyes darting around the dark hallway to soak the moment in.
“You know you’re getting kidnapped, right?”, Choso questions.
“But this is my first time getting kidnapped!”, you clarify.
Wow, this is unusual. You seem so unbothered by the fact that your life is in danger than even Choso himself is too stunned to speak.
“Are you gonna torture me too!?”
“What the hell is wrong with you, woman?”
The enjoyment that lights up your eyes, your hands not even trying to fight against the chains and how you roam around in pure pleasure. This was supposed to be a blackmail attempt in order to tease Satoru Gojo out. After all, you are one of his precious students. But it seems like it doesn’t work out like that at all.
“You aren’t human, right? Hm, let me guess…”
“I’m incarnated, dumbass.”
“Oh, that’s really interesting! Would you mind telling me more about yourself?”
“Can I touch you?”
“What a bummer…”
You sign as you look up to his tall figure.
“You’re actually quite handsome”, you comment casually.
Irritated, Choso grabs your shoulder and pushes you against a nearby wall, absolutely thrown off course by your sudden compliment.
“Aren’t you at least a little scared of me?”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“I mean, the others told me that you are a special grade and I’m a grade 2, so I’m no match. But you don’t seem like a bad guy to me at all, more like quiet and introverted”, you explain briefly.
Urgh, that spark of innocence in your doe eyes makes it hard for Choso to seem unpromising. Maybe it would have been better to send Mahito after you…
No. Something inside him resists this idea. No way in hell will Mahito get is dirty hands on you.
Choso shakes his head and lets go of your shoulders, continuing to escort you. He has a mission to finish, after all.
“May I ask why you brought me here?”
He stops in his tracks while side-eyeing your frame.
“You’re here to attract Satoru Gojo.”
Even from afar, he can’t help but admire your features. Yes, you are very easy on his eyes, the way you stare at him in nothing but admiration, as if he’s something special apart from his outstanding abilities…
What the hell has gotten into him? He is a half cursed spirit, feelings like affection have no place in his world. You are nothing more than an annoying mission to him.
“I’m sorry about what has happened to your brothers”, you suddenly blurt out.
He can’t believe his ears. Slowly, he turns around to face you, features completely twisted in anger until he looks in your eyes.
Your eyes of innocence that are filled with nothing but sadness and sincerity.
“That’s none of your business”, he spits at you.
“Oh, but it is. My people are responsible for you being miserable and you seem like a genuinely nice guy”, you remark.
How ironically, he thinks to himself. To be called nice by a jujutsu sorcerer. You two couldn’t be more different. It’s your job to exorcise curses like him, curses that threaten humanity.
“Get in there”, he instructs you.
You follow the direction of his stretched out finger without thinking twice into the small room on the end of the hallway.
“Pretty nice for a prison, wow, there’s even a bed!”, you cry out and jump on the mattress.
It’s pretty hard, you have to admit. But better than what you’d imagined being held hostage would be like.
“Are you staying here with me?”
“I have no other choice. You’re my mission and I’m in no mood for trouble.”
“Oh, that’s cool! I’d love to chit chat with you!”
He can’t help but roll his eyes at you. After talking non-sense for half an hour, you now lay passed out on bed, snoring softly. How are you even able to close an eye when your life is in danger? If he wanted to, he could kill you without blinking. He signs to himself.
He wouldn’t do that though. Not when something about you seems so mesmerizing. Is it the way your hair falls so perfectly and frames your face? Or how you carry yourself with so much confidence that not even a cursed spirit can break your optimism? Maybe your effortless beauty is the source of all evil.
It’s just…you. He allows himself to get closer, sitting next to your passed out body on the bed. You look so peaceful, as if you’re just lying in bed, waiting for another day to arrive. He wished he could be so carefree, so cheerful.
Gently, his hand caresses your cheek. Why do you have to look so damn lovely, even to him?
“Can you hold me?”, you mumble sleep drunken.
He holds his breath. Fuck, did you just catch him stroking you? No, your eyes are still closed and a few seconds after those words escaped your lips, a soft snoring is heard again. You talked in your sleep. You asked him to…cuddle you.
Carefully, he places himself besides you on this way too small bed, arm hesitantly wrapping itself around your waist. Oh, you feel so warm, your sweet perfume tingling in his nose. What a truly lovely human being you are, so different from all the other people he has met yet.  Maybe…Maybe you are indeed different. Maybe not all humans have to be killed.
“Can you scratch my head?”, your acquitted voice requests.
“Don’t get greedy”, Choso warns you, before massaging your head.
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 month
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Happy Little Family
📖"Taking Back What's His"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6170
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, rape, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the man who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
This chapter: You try one last, desperate ploy to escape, but it doesn't exactly work out. And James hasn't come alone. The next time you wake up, you're a long way from home.
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Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one" pchelka = "little bee"
2. Taking Back What's His
(Wait! I haven't read part 1 yet!)
He says something to you, after. Words that might as well be in his native Russian, for how well you take them in. But they're soft, and reassuring—he’s pleased. His body weight moves off the bed.
When you finally open your eyes and blink up at the ceiling, it’s the softest baby pink all around the edges, like smoke curling into your vision. It’s nice, peaceful. Feels good-all-over in that way that painkillers do. You haven’t experienced it since the last time you had sex with an alpha.
Which James unfortunately seems to have figured out was with him, almost two years ago. 
“Oh, kotenok, You haven’t been fucking anybody.” 
You’re still in the afterglow, mind muzzy, all of your previous panic and fear blunted near to the point of erasure with how nice it feels to float, when you hear James’ pleased chuckle from where he’s getting dressed. He comes back and leans over you. “Hey Sweetheart. Feeling good?” 
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You frown at him, though it takes a concerted effort to make any expression of displeasure. You want him to know you aren’t happy, that this state he’s fucked you into isn’t real. You want to slap that smug fucking look right off his face. All you manage to come up with is a pouty little “no" that makes James laugh.
“Come here.” He fixes your dress, then helps you up off the bed. He seems to be checking to make sure you’re steady on your feet before he lets you stand on your own. “You good?”
“M’fine.” He knows you too well, knows how intense it can be for you, how strongly you react to him. You avoid his knowing gaze. You’re not completely useless like this. You can still remember everything that’s going on, can still remember June. “Please,” you say again, trying to change the tone of your voice. “Let me give her to Hilde.”
James rolls his eyes. “Right, right. Your friend across the street.”
“Please James?” You look up at him, pink edges all around his face, so pretty. Goddamn him. “She’ll be safe there.”
Again, something passes through his eyes too quickly for you to identify. It might be annoyance. He sighs, and the look, whatever it was, is gone. “Sure thing, Doll. Babies need a lot of stuff. You might as well pack up what she needs.”
You nod tearfully, going to your closet to grab a bag. He follows close behind, sending a clear message that he’s not planning on letting you out of his sights while you do this. James isn’t stupid, you’ll give him that.
In the nursery, June is happy to see you and wants you to pick her up. You talk to her in a sweet, placating voice as you go around the room grabbing different things that she’ll need and stuffing them in the bag. At this point you know to be grateful for the haze. Even as it tapers off, it’s blunting the sorrow that you know would otherwise have you sobbing and your voice clogging with tears. This way at least, you’re able to keep June thinking everything is alright. This way she isn’t scared. 
It’s when you’re crouched beside the changing table, stuffing diapers into the bag with James behind you that you get the idea: Downstairs: the kitchen: in the drawer. Your gun.
You stop moving long enough that James notices. “What’re you doing? Come on.”
You stand back up. Yes. You have to do it. This is the only chance you have at getting out of this and not losing June. You lick your lips nervously before turning back around to face him. “I … have to get her bottles and stuff from downstairs,” you say, hoping that the lingering post-coital haze is enough to keep your true intentions off your face. Your eyes flick up to James, who’s squinting at your tits.
“Bottle?” He starts to smirk, and you glare at him.
“Yes. Asshole. I won’t exactly be around to feed her, now will I?” 
His face softens at that and he gives you an apologetic look. “Right. Well go on, then.” 
You move for the hallway, realize he’s not following you, and turn back in confusion. He’s beside the crib, holding his hand out for June to touch. Your heart leaps from your spot in the doorway. “What are you doing?”
He arches an eyebrow. “I’m waiting right here until you come back upstairs,” he says, his message clear. 
Your pulse picks up, but you force yourself to nod. You’re useless without that gun. You have to get to it. He narrows his eyes at you while June giggles and reaches for his wiggling fingers. “No games.”
“Yeah,” you whisper, and turn and head for the stairs. 
It’s pure torture to move at a casual speed, especially as your mind is clearing and the fearful emotions returning. In the downstairs hallway, you check once over your shoulder that James hasn’t followed you, then pick up your pace, hurrying into the kitchen and heading straight for the drawer where you keep the gun.
Your eyes tear up as you maneuver past the digital lock that you installed for nothing. June’s still crawling. She never even got old enough to toddle over here. You press the code into the keypad, cringing when it does its quiet little two-tone ‘beep’ at being unlocked. You wait, heart in your throat until you hear the mechanism moving, then rip open the drawer. 
Your heart stops and your brain freezes and all you can think is: No. No, no no— 
“Looking for this?” 
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You whirl around, and there he is: standing on the other side of the kitchen, leaning against the sink as he holds your only weapon in his hands.
His face is relaxed, Goddamn him, as he pretends to ignore your horror and instead holds the gun up to flippantly inspect it. “I have to say, Doll, I’m impressed. I would’ve expected some puny girl gun. Ruger, Derringer. But this?” He turns the Skorpion in his hands, and chuckles softly when he sees the cartridge. “Jesus. You really wanted to blow a hole in somebody, didn’t you?” His eyes finally drag up to you, the hand he’s holding the gun with dropping down by his side as he starts walking over, slowly, step by step, eyes boring into you with a growing anger.
Oh shit. Dread curls in your gut but you’re frozen. Bolting now wouldn’t even get you to the staircase. He presses in close, pinning you against the countertop. He brings the gun up and nudges your jaw with it, leaning in and breathing in your face, “Did you really think I wouldn’t find it, vorishka?”[little thief]
He’s taunting you with your own failure, and you can’t stop the whimper that breaks from your throat at having your one and only plan foiled so pathetically easily. “James,” you plead, “I didn’t—”
“Shh sh sh. None of that, now.”  He’s speaking softly, sweetly, but he’s furious. He drags his lips over your cheek and the barrel of the gun you stole from him over the other. “So what was the plan? How were you going to kill me with my own gun? Pop upstairs and shoot up the nursery?”
“Ah. Right. You’re smarter than that. You would’ve waited for me to come down and see what the fuck was taking you so long, or put it in the duffle and waited until we dropped the whelp off at the neighbors. Is that it?"
You sniffle and nod, angry at him for being such an all-knowing asshole. “You can’t hold that against me,” you say, trying to defend yourself.
He nods thoughtfully. “Hmm. Yes, I suppose you’re right. I can’t blame you for that.” Your shoulders start to relax, that is until he pulls back to glare at you and holds the gun to you again, this time pointing it right underneath your chin. He looks angrier than you’ve ever seen him. “But do you know what I can hold against you, Little thief?” Your face pinches in fear, sure that you’re about to be shot, and he digs the muzzle cruelly into your skin, forcing you to look at him. “The fact that that pup up there is ten months old, and I’ve never even fucking seen her.” 
Your eyes widen as you realize: he knows. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but he beats you to it.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell she’s mine?” 
“All this time!” he hisses, hurt lancing through his features. “You kept her from me! What gives you the right?” 
“I—I didn’t—”
He growls and pushes away from you, several steps back, glaring. “Nothing, is the answer you’re looking for. You had no right to do that.” 
You try to edge to the side, but freeze when he straightens his arm and points the gun right at you. “James, wait …”
He aims it at your face, but then lowers it for a center mass shot, which is what really convinces you you’re about to die. “Say goodbye, mamochka,” he says, with steely eyes and his finger curling over the trigger. 
It’s a submachine gun that fires in three shot bursts, or fully automatic. Either way, you know you’re about to be riddled with bullets, so you start to hyperventilate. It’s an embarrassing reaction, but at least you have the dignity of knowing what your last words on this earth would’ve been. “Don’t hurt her,” you gasp.
His eyes fill with rage and he pulls the trigger. 
… Nothing happens, but you’re bracing so hard that it takes you a full two or three seconds to realize it. Then, when you do realize it, and you see James standing there looking grim but completely unsurprised that you haven’t been shot, all of the breath rushes out of your lungs. You feel like you’re about to faint, which is apparently what he’s waiting for. 
He ejects the empty magazine, shaking his head in disbelief. “You really thought I’d do it, didn’t you?” He takes a step forward, but pauses when you flinch back. “What the hell have you convinced yourself that I am?” 
You step back again when he moves. “Don’t,” you whisper. “Don’t.”
“Don’t, don’t,” he whispers, mocking you. “Don’t what? Don’t take back what’s mine? The mother of my pup? A pup I didn’t get to see grow or come into this world?” Your breath hitches with emotion and he doesn’t miss it, the bastard. “Yeah,” he says darkly. “You robbed me of that. But I’ll get over it, don’t worry.”  He leers up and down your body in its flimsy sundress. “I’ll be putting another one in you real soon.”
You see red. Fury sweeps through you and stings your eyes, roars in your ears. You grab the nearest thing to you, which is the edge of the utensils crock on the counter. It spills over and your hand closes around the handle of the meat mallet. You cry out and swing at him, wanting to smash his smug fucking face to smithereens. 
“Woah-ho, easy there.” He laughs and takes a surprised step back, as though you’re nothing but a tantruming child. “Stop being so dramatic.”
You growl and lunge for him again, but cut off in a shriek as someone suddenly grabs you from behind. The meat mallet clatters to the floor as you’re hauled back against the hard body of another man. One big arm wraps around your middle, and the other holds a cloth up at your face, pressing it over your mouth. “Mmph!” you yell out, muffled, and get a huge inhale of chlorine-like smell into your lungs for your trouble. You hold your breath and thrash, but it’s less than useless. The person holding you is large and strong. When you try to headbutt him, it doesn't even clip his chin. You bring your hands up to try and claw at the hand holding the cloth over your mouth, but your nails meet metal instead of skin, and you gasp in another inhale of chemicals as you realize who it is. “Mmph!”  
James steps up close, smirking fondly as he watches you fighting the urge to inhale. Eventually he tuts and reaches up to cup your cheek. “Shhh, omegechka. Stop. Stop fighting now. It’s all over.” 
“Just take a deep breath and go to sleep. Everything’ll be alright, I promise. Just relax.” You whimper as you feel yourself running out of air, knowing that your body’s going to force you to draw breath in a second. James leans in and kisses your forehead tenderly. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispers, just as your vision starts to fade out, “or our daughter.”
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The smell of professionally scented, circulating air hits you first, and then the taste of old pennies in your mouth. Then, a gradually increasing sense of awareness of your body in space and time. At first you think you're somewhere very bright, as colors and rainbows dance through your lashes, but the more you blink your eyes open, the more the brightness fades and your vision comes into focus.
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And there he is: holding a crystal tumbler and looking like he's been waiting for you to come round. "Well hello there, Sleepyhead,” he says. “Welcome back." He takes a sip of whatever it is he’s drinking, the ice cubes clinking softly against the sides of the glass. He looks totally relaxed.
You sit up straighter in the seat where you’d been slumped, moving your tongue around inside of your dry mouth and trying to remember what happened. And then reality hits you in waves, each one more devastating than the last:
James—He found you. 
June—She's not there.
"How're you feeling? Thirsty?"
You blink, dazed, a few lingering specks still floating at the edges of your vision. You look around the room you’re in, clocking your surroundings. Windows, cabin—Shit. You're already on a plane. Pressure builds rapidly at the backs of your eyes as you fight not to cry, thinking of your baby girl left behind, never getting to see her again.
You didn’t even get to say goodbye. 
Bucky’s eyes sharpen on you when your stifled sob breaks out and you throw a hand over your mouth. "Steve,” he says, still watching you in concern. “Get her a bottle of water."
“Sure thing, boss.”
And then the worst realization of all: You look over and see the winter fucking soldier walking down the aisle, holding your baby.
They've got June.
Your eyes widen and you make a distressed little ‘meep’ of a sound. “Steve!” you blurt, and he turns to face you. He looks surprised that you’ve spoken directly to him. He’s not wearing his usual black mask, but he still looks huge and intimidating, and it’s like seeing a wild animal right next to your baby—dangerous, wrong. Your mouth works uselessly as you stare at his hands on June’s body: one supporting her head, and the metal one scooped under her butt. You see her back rise and fall steadily through her bumblebee onesie and you realize that she’s asleep. “I-is she okay?” you ask, heart in your throat. 
Steve’s eyes narrow at you, but he nods curtly. “She’s fine.” 
Across from you, James scoffs, drawing your attention back to him. “He’s going to put her down. There’s a crib in the back. She’ll be fine,” he says, when he sees you stiffen in protest. “You and I have some catching up to do, vorishka.”
“I thought we did that back in my bedroom,” you snap.
“You still want the water?” Steve asks.
“That’s okay.” Bucky keeps his eyes on you. “I’ll take care of her. You just stay back there with pchelka while she sleeps.” 
Steve nods, and you can’t help yourself. “Wait! Please. Please give her to me. Steve?” You sit forward with your arms outstretched, but can only watch helplessly as the other man obeys Bucky and ignores you, disappearing back into the next section of the plane. Bastard never did like you. 
“She’ll be fine,” Bucky assures you. “Just sit back and relax. We won’t be in the air for too long.”
You hate it, but you do sit back in the chair. James won’t hurt her. You know that. Especially now that you know he knows. You look around the cabin, taking in the wide, leather seats and gleaming wood finishes. There’s a couch, tv, a bar. A fucking electric fireplace. It's the sort of luxury you used to go starry-eyed over; incredibly rich men, fat or old or ugly, tripping all over themselves to spoil you.
… Only, James was never any of those things.
“This is your plane?” you ask, dragging your hand over the arm of your seat.
James smirks. “What? You thought I’d kidnap you and then fly commercial?” 
You purse your lips at his joke. “I guess not.” You relax back, trying to get your bearings. It is bad news that you’re already on a plane with him. You’ll be landing at his private airstrip at the Siberia compound, which gives you no middle ground to run. You bite your lip as your thoughts race and you try to think of anything you might be able to do once you get to—
“Stop it,” James says quietly, drawing your attention back to him. He’s giving you a stern look. “You barely got away before, and that was on your own. Now we’ve got our daughter. Anything you try will put her in unnecessary danger and you know that.” He shakes his head, some of that sadness from before creeping back into his eyes. “You’re not leaving me again, omegechka.”
“I’m not?” you echo, stuck in place by his stare, by the memories you share with him, and the fear you have of what he’s planning for your punishment. “What are you going to do?”
“I’m just taking back what’s mine, Sweetheart. You do realize that?” You fail to answer him and his gaze hardens just a little bit. “That’s okay. You’ll see it eventually. This isn’t a bad thing. If you had just stuck around a little longer instead of lying to me and running off, then you would’ve seen it before, and we wouldn’t have to be going through this right now.” He raises his drink to you in a little salute. “You, me, and pchelka? We’re going to be a family.”
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You don’t refuse the water he gives you, or the drink that he mixes for you, after. If James wanted to keep you drugged up until reaching Siberia, he certainly could’ve done so without allowing you to wake up on the plane. You’re only conscious right now because he wants you to be. And because you know that, you don’t protest the drink he prepares for you over at the bar. To be honest, a stiff one actually sounds really good right about now.
“Thank you,” you murmur as he hands it over, still unmoored by this drastic shift in circumstances. A few hours ago you’d been safe in your cottage, then suddenly you weren’t. One minute you’re sure you’re about to get a bullet in the face from this man, and the next, he’s got you sipping thousand dollar vodka on his private jet, calmly explaining how he intends to keep you and force you into some twisted form of domestic bliss. 
“I had a whole renovation done for her,” he tells you. “Pchelka will have plenty of room to play and grow.”
You frown, hating the idea of your daughter growing up in that cold, Siberian fortress. You don’t care if he’s bought her an indoor waterslide and a herd of ponies. It’s no place for a child. “What does that mean?” you ask grumpily. “That word: chelk—? You keep using it. You can’t just rename my daughter.”
Hurt flashes in his eyes, but he wipes it away fast. “Pchelka means little bee. The outfit you put her in has bees on it.”
“Oh … Right.” You love that set. It’d been another gift at the shower, from Hilde.
“And she’s my daughter too,” James says tightly.
You gulp at the bitterness in his tone, at his eyes boring into you with reproach. It’s silly, but you do feel bad about hurting him in this one way, at least. “Her name is June,” you offer quietly.
His face draws tight with emotion that’s impossible for you to decipher. Mostly you just sense hurt coming off of him, tingeing his scent and making it into something mournful and awful. He stares at you for a long time. “You made me think you’d lost it,” he eventually whispers. “How could you do that to me?”
You shake your head. “I’m sorry.” 
“No you’re not. You’re just sorry that I found you.”
“I saw you kill people, James!” you cry. “I saw who you really are. I couldn’t stay. Not after that.”
His mouth ticks up at the corners. “Oh, Sweetheart. You’ve got no idea who I am, or what I’ve done for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
His eyes gleam and he lifts his drink, tipping back the last of it. “Do you even remember where we met?” 
You frown. “Of course.” You’d met him on a yacht, off the coast of Greece. At a party you’d been paid to attend as one of a flock of similarly hired ‘pretty girls’. Five hundred bucks just to sit around and drink cocktails for a few hours and make whoever owned the yacht look like a successful playboy. James had taken one look at you and made it his mission to charm you off of that boat with him. And you’d fallen for it, hook line and sinker. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“You don’t know as much as you think you do,” he says disdainfully. “Don’t know how lucky you really are. I saved you.”
You scoff. “You’re no different from those boat guys. You think you’re so special, God’s gift to omegas, I get it.”
“No,” he grits. “You really don’t.”
“Don’t tell me what I don’t know! I know what I saw. All over the floor of your goddamn office. I slipped in it for Christ’s sake!”
“Right, right. The men you saw me kill,” he says, referencing the scene you’d walked in on just before you’d faked your miscarriage and fled. “You were eavesdropping outside the door, weren’t you, Little thief?”
You jut your chin out. “Yes. So what?” 
“You know, I’d always assumed you heard the entire conversation. Now I realize I was wrong.” 
He laughs under his breath—at your expense, you suspect. “Who exactly do you think they were?”
“Your business associates. The same sort of underworld, black market scum as you. Only they didn't work for you. You screwed them over and they were there to collect what you owed them, and you murdered them instead.”
James scoffs and smiles angrily, sticking his tongue into his cheek as he looks away in frustration. "Figures," he mutters.
“What?” you snap. “You’re gonna deny it?”
“I’m not denying anything. But I killed them for you.”
“Oh please. Just stop it. Stop lying! I know what you do for work.” 
Granted, you'd been a little slow on the uptake back then, too enamored and swept up in the whirlwind romance with your first Alpha that you hadn’t ever stopped to wonder where his money came from, or where it was he jetted off to “on business” every few days. It’d taken a year for you to piece it together, to see the true magnitude of the enterprise he ran, and how dark it really was.
Sitting in front of you now, he doesn’t deny it, which only bolsters your disdain for him. “I don’t want that in my life,” you hiss. “Arms dealing, drugs, smuggling, mercenaries. And apparently human trafficking as well.”
His eyes flash. “They don’t call it that, you know. It’s called the ‘skin trade’.”
“I don’t care.”
He gets up to go pour himself another drink at the bar. “Right,” he snaps, like you’re an idiot. “You’re so fucking naïve, krasotka [pretty (n.)]. So convinced that I’m the devil. But you have no idea how much worse it could’ve been for you.”
“You threatened to sell your own daughter before you figured out she was yours!”
Refusing to be provoked, he returns to stand right in front of you, forcing you to look up at him towering over you. “I knew she was mine from the second I walked in that house,” he says, making your breath catch. 
He smiles nastily and takes a sip from his drink, then sets it aside. He leans over you with his hands on the back of your seat, caging you in. You can smell the expensive alcohol on his breath as he gets in your face and tells you, “I put that baby in you, moya omegya. She’s a part of me. You think I wouldn’t be able to figure that out? Think an Alpha doesn’t know the scent of his own flesh and blood?”
You tense, fighting not to shrink away. “You’re making that up.”
He chuckles lowly and puts his face right next to yours, cheek to cheek, savoring your reaction. “Sweetheart,” he purrs, “I may not have forced a mating bite on you back then like I should have, but there are other ways to leave your mark on someone.” He dips in to kiss your neck, right over your unbitten glands. “I found you by your scent,” he whispers. “Sniffed you out.”
You shiver at his hot breath on your skin and the deadly soft tone of his voice. The way your body responds to him isn’t anything you can control, and he knows that, but it still makes you flush with embarrassment when he takes a deep inhale in the bend of your neck and hums with satisfaction when he smells the effect he’s had on you. “I wouldn’t have sold her anyway,” he tells you, pulling back and picking up his drink. “I want you to know that. I don’t participate in the skin trade.”
You swallow thickly, watching him watch you as he waits for you to react to him in some way. You don’t know why you believe him about this one thing, but you do. “But you’re aware of it,” you say. “You know it happens, and you don’t do anything to stop it.”
His jaw works in frustration. “I’ve interfered a time or two, when I could get away with it.”
“Well, aren't you a hero.”
“I didn’t say that,” he snaps. “I said I’ve done what little I could. These men make a lot of money dealing in omegas, and they don’t take kindly to being stolen from.”
“I can imagine.”
“No,” he mutters into his drink. “You really can’t.”
There’s something oddly bitter in his tone, like he's working hard not to tell you something. You bite your lip and watch him for a minute. “... How much?” you ask.
“What?” His eyes darken when he figures out what you’re asking. “No.”
“Tell me.”
“It depends,” he grits, glaring at you. "Now cut it out."
Sober, you might have; but half a vodka spritzer after nineteen months of no alcohol has you bolder than you usually would be. You look down at yourself, feigning flippancy. “Well what about me? How much would I go for?”
“Kotenok,” he warns lowly, growling when you continue to press him with a snotty little, 
“Come on, I thought you were such a dangerous criminal? You can’t even discuss a little human trafficking with the weak omega you just trafficked?” 
He probably knows you’re trying to antagonize him, but he still rises to the bait. He sits back and lets his eyes drag over your body in a way that makes your pulse pick up. “Well,” he drawls, “you just had a baby. So that’s less right there.” Your nostrils flare angrily and he gives you a look. “You’re the one who asked,” he reminds, waiting until you give him a nod to continue. He gives you another onceover, this time lingering in certain places longer, a softer look in his eyes for the softer parts of your body. He almost seems to get distracted. He catches himself overindulging and looks away, like it’s hurting him to consider you this way. “Most people want their omegas untouched,” he says quietly. “Especially if the buyer's alpha, which they usually are. It’s an instinctual thing for us. We’re very driven to possess. We don’t like to share.”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” you mutter.
His gaze snaps back to you, a painful amount of familiarity in his eyes. “You’dve been a couple million, back when we first met.”
Your eyes widen. You weren't expecting that. “But … I wasn’t even a virgin.”
He arches an eyebrow. “I said untouched, not virginal. Not in that way. Alpha buyers want unbonded and never bred, first and foremost.” He leers at you. “Not that there aren’t some who’ll pay a little extra to pop a girl’s cherry. But that’s not the main thing they’re looking for, when they buy.” 
You scowl. “Right. So I guess I’m damaged goods now."
“Oh no, mamochka,” he says seriously. “You’ve only gone up in value in my eyes. Though believe me when I say I’m more than happy to contribute to the depletion of your market value." He raises his glass to his lips, looking darkly pleased. “You’re not for sale, and you never will be. You’re mine.”
You're embarrassed to be the one to break eye contact first, but you can’t keep listening to him talk about how much he likes you and watching him look at you like you’re his most prized possession. With any other man you’d just be disgusted, but James has always had a knack for getting you flustered, and he knows it. There’s always been an inexplicable pull between the two of you, and he knows that, too. It’s the main reason why you've always refused his attempts to bond you. You're terrified of what it’ll be like after, since you already know how pathetically helpless you are around him without a bond.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you mumble quietly. “Where is it?” 
“Just down there.” He nods in the direction behind you, opposite from where Steve had gone with June.
You press your lips together and get up without looking at him, but you can feel his eyes on you the entire time you’re walking away.
“Don’t take too long in there, kotenok,” he purrs from back in his seat. “Or I’ll have to come in after you.”
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In the bathroom, you splash water on your face and lean against the sink, looking at the girl staring back at you in the mirror. You blink, and she blinks, but it feels like you’re looking at another person, someone you don’t know. She looks fragile. Tired, and dazed. June’s been sleeping through the night for months, but it’s been a hell of a day.
You scrutinize your reflection, smoothing your dress and tucking your hair behind your ears, thinking about how you have zero makeup on. Then you scoff at yourself for caring what you look like in front of him. You think about how much you’ve changed in the seventeen months since you ran away. Not just physically, but mentally. You’ve had to be so strong. For June, for yourself. It’s been awful, and lonely, and you’ve hated yourself for not being able to stop missing him. 
You sniffle and splash more water on your face, grumpily thinking that postpartum hormones are so much worse than the pregnancy ones. You grab the towel off the wall, but freeze when you bring it up to pat your face dry and get a smell of it.
You whimper, unable to keep from pressing it harder to your mouth and nose and inhaling deeply. It’s James’ scent, and it smells so good. It smells like Safety and Love and Alpha. You hear the sound of your own, needy mewl and you gasp, yanking the towel away from your face and tossing it into the sink, trying to keep your shit together. You brace your hands on the counter and glare at your reflection to tell her to stop it, stop it, stop it, but all it takes is seeing your lower lip quiver, and soon your entire face is collapsing in long-repressed sadness. You turn away from the mirror with a pathetic noise, throat aching from the urge to keen. 
Why does this have to be happening?! You’ve tried so hard, for so long. To be strong for June, to get over him, to move on! You bury your face in your hands and choke on a wrenching sob. You know you have to be quiet, have to stop, have to pull yourself together before he—
A soft knock comes from outside the bathroom. “Doll?”
You whine and hastily search for a lock on the door, but there is none, and James hears your crying and pulls the door open. “Honey,” he mourns when he sees you. “What’s wrong?” 
You push past him, hurrying in the direction he isn’t blocking. “Leave me alone!” you cry, hating the blubbering in your voice that makes you sound just as weak as James thinks you are. You arrive in a perfectly made up bedroom with no point of egress other than the one you arrived through. You whine in distress, circle around helplessly, and then throw yourself onto the bed when he arrives at the doorway looking worried. “Leave me alone!” you cry, curling onto your side and pulling one of the pillows down to bury your face in. At least it isn’t suffused with James’ scent. You still cry though, unable to keep it in anymore now that you’ve started.
He tuts sadly from the doorway and comes into the room slowly. He stands there for a long minute, silent, before he sighs and his weight comes onto the bed. “Sweetheart,” he says.
“Just leave me alone,” you whine miserably. “Go away!”
“Shh sh sh.” He curls up behind you, arms around your waist and legs pushing in behind yours. He kisses your shoulder and hugs you, but it only makes you cry harder at how achingly familiar it is. “It’s okay,” he murmurs between kisses. He doesn’t try to get you to stop crying, or ask you what’s wrong. He seems to know exactly why you’re breaking down, and he simply devotes all his efforts to helping you calm down in your own time. “S’okay, s’okay. Everything’s gonna be okay,” he keeps saying, soothing you with a deep rumble in his chest. “I’ve got you, Sweetheart. I’ve got you now. It’s all gonna be okay. Shhh.”
At first, his placating makes you angry, but not enough to stop your crying, and once that tapers off from sobs to quiet, sniffling tears, you can’t seem to dredge up the anger anymore. It isn’t there. 
“You feeling a little better?” he asks kindly, gently tucking your hair behind your ear and then hugging you again.
You whine when you feel his lips against your neck. “I’m fine,” you rasp, voice coming out scratchy from all of the crying. You cringe and scrub your face into the pillow in embarrassment. “Just got a little sad.”
“Yeah,” he agrees quietly, giving you a supportive squeeze. “That’s okay.”
You hate how he says it, because it’s obvious that he knows why you were crying: Poor, sad little omega, bawling her eyes out over how much she’s missed her Alpha. He nuzzles into your neck, telling you it’s okay and that you’re allowed to cry. As much as you hate him being able to see into you so easily, you’re just grateful that he isn’t rubbing your face in it right now. The way he's holding you and comforting you feels good. You don’t fight to get away from him.
The two of you lie there together for what feels like a long time. Once you’ve stopped crying and are only giving the occasional sniffle for your runny nose, he goes back to running his hand over your side. It’s a gesture of comfort. He’s not groping you, but even still, you blush at the vulnerability of it. You find yourself glad that you’re facing away from him. 
The plane shifts noticeably, and James’ hand pauses on your hip. “Pilot said we’re landing soon,” he murmurs. “Should probably go and get pchelka up.”
You sniffle and fight off the urge of resurfacing tears at hearing him reference June. One day of knowing his daughter and already he’s got a nickname for her. You should be annoyed by that, but instead it just makes your heart squeeze with emotion. “Pchelka,” you whisper, trying out the word. 
“Yeah.” He hums happily and kisses your shoulder one last time. “Little bee. Come on. Let’s go.”
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You don’t think about how it’s far too soon to have arrived at your destination, until you’re back in the main room of the cabin on the way to where Steve disappeared with June, earlier. You pause at the windows, peering out at the landscape. “This isn’t Russia,” you say, confused. The plane is definitely descending, but you’ve only been in the air for a few hours at most. “James?” you ask, as he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. Together, you both look out at the looming mountains and turquoise waters below. “Where are we?” you breathe.
James rests his chin on your shoulder and sighs happily. “Home,” he says. “We’re home.”
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A.N.: See? Much less Rapey! Plenty more mega-dub con to come though, so don't you angst-lovers worry. Thanks for reading!💖Sarah
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Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square B3: Accidental Scent Bonding
Event: @steverogersbingo
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Event: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarahyellow / sarah-writes-stucky
Square B5: Home Invasion
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asdfghjklmals · 8 months
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, angst. hurt and comfort. mentions of blood and injury. WORD COUNT: 4.1k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc. high school lovers.
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SYNOPSIS: oc gojo girlfriend thought that satoru gojo's infinity was impenetrable... oc gojo girlfriend tries her best to heal satoru after a grueling fight, but will her best be enough? AUTHOR'S NOTE: this fic follows 'fated to love you' click here to read. i cut toji and satoru's fight scenes pretty short beause i really don't do well writing fight scenes. would it really be a mals angst without ending on a somewhat good note? literally oc gojo girlfriend's au is me inputting her into the actual jjk manga where i can. 😂 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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tokyo jujutsu high school: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
“have you heard from idiot #1 and idiot #2?” shoko asked as you twiddled with your pencil. you were spending the afternoon studying with your bestfriend while satoru and suguru were on a mission.
you frowned, realizing that you actually haven't heard from satoru since he left. all he sent you was a good morning text saying that he made coffee for you in the dining hall before he left for his mission.
“no… yaga-sensei sent them off on a really important mission regarding the star plasma vessel for master tengen, but that’s all i know about it.”
“the last i heard from satoru was that they were going to okinawa to kill time. why don’t we try calling them?” shoko suggested.
you smiled back at her, "it’s okay, i’ll call satoru later. i try not to bug him while he’s on missions."
deep down, you really just wanted to know if he was okay. suguru had mentioned to you earlier this morning that satoru hadn’t slept yet. he had kept his infinity on ever since they left and it hasn’t been turned off. he was probably exhausted.
okinawa aquarium: satoru's pov
“are you going to get a souvenir for (y/n)? you know she loves aquariums.” suguru reminded satoru as they watched riko gaze at the large tank full of exotic fish.
“i already did. it was the first thing i did when i got here.” satoru smiled softly. it was the one thing he was actually looking forward to doing during this mission instead of babysitting a middle schooler.
“what did you get her?” suguru asked curiously.
satoru smiled cheekily, “i got her a small glass full of sand and seashells from the gift shop.”
suguru started to laugh at the mention of the bottle of sand, “you’re not going to put a love note in there again are you?”
“for the millionth time, it wasn’t a love note!” satoru defended himself. (read ‘souvenirs’ here)
"hey! bangs!" riko called out to suguru, "can we go to the reptile exhibit?!"
suguru closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "i wish she wouldn't call me that."
satoru patted suguru on the back and laughed. he was glad that suguru was here with him on this mission.
later that night: oc gojo girlfriend's pov
after a long day of studying, you laid in satoru’s bed. whenever he was gone for an overnight mission, you would sleep in his dorm room.
it totally wasn’t because you missed him immensely when he’s gone, but because you looked forward to how he would always greet you in the morning by plopping down on top of you and hugging you so tightly to the point you couldn't breathe. and not to mention, he never failed to pepper kisses on your forehead in the mornings. it was a very wholesome way to be woken up.
‘i wonder what he’s doing right now’, you thought to yourself. hesitating to press the call button on your flip phone. you laid there, flipping your phone shut, opening it back up, and flipping it shut again.
“i’ll just call him to say goodnight…” you mumbled, dialing satoru’s phone number. he answered immediately after the first ring.
“are you okay?” you heard him ask you. he sounded worried but tired, you could hear it in his voice.
“wow, not even a ‘hi sweetheart’ to your girlfriend? i should be asking you that mr. no-sleep-and-infinity-always-on.”
satoru sighed, “suguru told you, huh? he’s such a snitch.”
"he's not a snitch." you muttered, "he cares about you, just like i do. why don’t you get some sleep, babe?"
“i have to stay up to protect everyone, sweetheart.”
you bit back, “someone else can be on star plasma vessel protection duty while you sleep.”
satoru laughed at your statement, “who’s gonna protect me when i’m the strongest?”
“i will.” you said confidently, “—or suguru will. he promised me he would take care of you for me.”
“oh, my sweet little girlfriend is going to come all the way to okinawa to protect me?” he teased.
you grumbled, and rolled over onto your stomach. “you know i would if you wanted me to…”
satoru was quiet for a moment. you could hear his breathing through the receiver before he let out another loud sigh. “it’s late, sweetheart. you should get some sleep. we’ll be back tomorrow at 3pm.”
“promise me you’ll rest when you come home?”
“yes, i promise. maybe i’ll nap in your room.” satoru said.
you giggled because you knew he would end up sleeping in your room. that was a given after every mission. it was a hot shower first, then cuddles later. that was satoru's post mission routine.
“goodnight, satoru. i love you.”
“i love you too, (y/n).”
the next day: tokyo jujutsu high 3pm
you felt satoru’s presence enter the jujutsu high barrier. you sighed in relief. there was no way you couldn't detect his cursed energy because it was so strong, and his residuals felt like they were a part of you. you could sense that guy anywhere.
you called out to shoko, “shoko! i’m going to head out to the gates to see satoru and suguru.”
“okay, i’ll catch up with you guys later!” she waved as you left the classroom.
you walked slowly, appreciating the warm spring air and the smell of fresh cut grass. while you were on the way to the courtyard, you heard loud demolition sounds almost as if a building was being torn to pieces. heavy gusts of wind started to pick up, quickly.
you sensed a very familiar cursed energy, it was satoru’s cursed technique lapse: blue… but it was maximum output. you jumped up onto the roofs of the jujutsu high buildings, dashing towards the courtyard's front gates.
‘what the hell is happening? why is he using maximum output here?’, you thought as you sprinted and jumped from building to building. you had a horizontal view of the school, debris was floating in the air. as you were running, you saw suguru running the opposite way towards master tengen’s location. he was with two girls. ‘was that the star plasma vessel?’
“(y/n)!” suguru called out to you, “don’t get any closer to satoru! the opponent he’s facing is dangerous! he doesn’t have any cursed energy! he has a heavenly pact! you won’t be able to sense him!”
“—but i can help satoru!” you yelled back.
“trust me, satoru wouldn’t want you to get hurt. just stay hidden.”
you pursed your lips in hesitation. you wanted to help satoru, but you knew suguru wouldn’t have warned you if he didn’t think the situation was dangerous. and you would probably get in satoru’s way… you were always satoru’s achilles’ heel.
satoru gojo fought at his very best when he was alone. he could go all out and not have to worry about anyone getting caught in his techniques or in his domain expansion. any other sorcerer next to him would be a hindrance to him, even you.
“fine, i’ll stay hidden.” you called out to him, “—hurry and get to master tengen.”
you watched as suguru nodded back at you. he and the two girls started running again. you picked up the pace to get closer to where satoru was, until you saw a swarm of fly heads circling around the center of the courtyard. ‘where did those fly heads come from…?’
you stopped running. it was at that moment where your heart dropped. you couldn’t sense satoru’s cursed energy anymore.
you didn’t know whether or not the threat was still present or if satoru was masking his cursed energy using some sort of barrier technique.
there was no way something happened to him... right?
he was untouchable with infinity… right?
he was the strongest… right?
you jumped down onto the cobblestone pathway and hid behind one of the buildings several meters away. a man with dark hair in a black shirt, white pants, and a scar on his face started walking towards suguru's location.
you looked over to where the fly heads were. you quickly put your hands over your mouth to stop from screaming out satoru's name.
satoru’s body was sprawled on the concrete, blood and debris pooled around him. you summoned a protective barrier of water around satoru and sent a large pressured tidal wave towards all the fly heads, exorcising all of them at once.
“satoru!!!” you screamed, “—satoru, oh my god…”
you ran to his side, throwing ice shards at the remaining fly heads crawling all over his body. he had stab wounds on his head, his neck, multiple gashes on his right thigh, and a large slash through his chest all the way down to and through his abdomen.
a small ripple of cursed energy from his hand danced across his pool of blood. was that the last of satoru’s cursed energy? how could this happen to the untouchable satoru gojo? never in your life would you believe satoru could be defeated like this. there was just no way. he was the strongest.
"babe, please wake up!" you screamed as you shakily lifted his lifeless body onto your lap. you had to get it together if you wanted to heal him your with reversed cursed energy… and you had to do it fast. you focused all of your reversed cursed energy onto his largest wound, his chest. water left your hand to surround his wound, but it didn’t heal him at all. you wished your reversed cursed technique was more refined at this moment. you had been working so hard with shoko to master this healing technique of yours...
“damn it!” you screamed in frustration, tears streaming down your face. your vision was blurred by all the tears. you were so distraught that you couldn’t even focus. were you really so weak that you couldn’t even focus to heal the person you loved most?
you tried it again. water surrounded his wound, but stayed stagnant. you started to break down. catching your sobbing breaths, you hiccuped as you held satoru’s body in your arms. his blood drenched your uniform, but you didn’t care. you were about to lose the love of your life and you couldn't do anything about it. you cradled his head, moving his stray hairs out of his face. if this was the last time he would be in your arms, then so be it.
“please, just let me heal him…” you cried to yourself, begging to all the gods you could, with a small sliver of hope that you could maintain control of your cursed energy for even just a second to heal him.
as you held him, you noticed that satoru’s wounds were starting to slowly heal… but it wasn’t from your reversed cursed technique.
you closed your eyes, thanking all gods above for whatever it was that was healing him.
“satoru… please come back to me. you promised you wouldn’t leave me here alone… you promised to protect me.” you sobbed as you held him closer to you. your tears drenching his cheek.
“wow, (y/n) (l/n) crying over silly ol’ me?” a weak and quiet voice said in awe, “—i never thought i’d live to see the day.”
you wiped your tears with your sleeve. you couldn’t believe what you were seeing… or hearing. satoru gave you a meek smile.
“how are you even talking to me right now?” you scoffed as you continued to cry. “you are literally dead in my arms.”
satoru groaned, “reversed cursed technique, babe.”
“but i thought you didn’t know how to do that yet…”
you held him tighter. refusing to let go of him in fear that he’d disappear from your arms. this must be your imagination. you probably went insane after satoru died. and now you were starting to see and hear things.
as much as satoru would have loved to stay in your embrace forever, he sat up and pushed your arms away from him, “that’s another conversation for later. i have to take care of something.”
you snapped out of it and panicked when he tried to leave your side, “no! don’t go! i don't want to lose you again…” you clung onto his arm, shaking your head to wake you up from this nightmare. you knew he was going to go back and try to dispose of the man who did this to him. the man you saw earlier.
“you’re not going to lose me.” satoru reassured you. “—i’m the strongest, remember?”
tears streamed down your cheek as you sobbed. it was satoru’s turn to comfort you now. he held your frantically shaking body, using his thumb to brush away tears from your cheek.
“i’ll come back to you.” satoru said confidently, “(y/n), i promise that i’m going to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. i told you that i was going to protect you. i love you, you know that?”
you tried to catch your breath through your sobbing, “y-you pinky promise?”
“i pinky promise.” satoru said as he intertwined your pinkies before pressing a kiss on your quivering lips. “i have to go. can't have the man who made my baby cry roam free, can i now?”
he teleported off before he could hear you weakly say, “i love you, satoru…”
satoru gojo vs. toji fushiguro round 2
enlightenment. the action or state of attaining knowledge or insight.
satoru. a masculine japanese name meaning ‘to know’ or ‘to understand’. if you write satoru’s name in a different way, it could mean ‘to be spiritually awakened’.
and in that moment, on the verge of death, satoru gojo had finally understood the core of cursed energy.
he felt the positive cursed energy from his reversed cursed technique flow into limitless.
cursed technique reversal: red.
it was the first time that satoru had successfully unleashed red. and it was right into the man who spiritually awakened him, toji fushiguro.
“heh, what a monster.” toji muttered as he got up from the rubbish and debris around him after being hit by satoru's cursed technique.
‘sorry, amanai…’ satoru thought to himself, ‘i’m not angry about your death anymore, nor do i feel any resentment towards anyone. right now, everything just feels right.’
“throughout heaven and earth, i alone am the honored one.”
satoru swiftly dodged all of toji’s attempted attacks with the inverted spear of heaven as the sorcerer killer kept his strikes coming.
toji was from the zen'nin clan. growing up, he was taught about the gojo clan's techniques such as limitless, blue, and red. but the cursed technique that satoru was about to attempt for the first time, was only known to a select few people of the gojo clan. (read ‘meet the gojos’ here)
motion and reversal. positive and negative. born by combining both infinities of blue and red. a powerful, imaginary mass that rushes forward, obliterating all matter in it's path… one of the strongest techniques in the gojo clan.
hollow purple.
"so, any last words?" satoru asked the sorcerer killer as he bled from his torso. an entire chunk of his body and arm was gone from the hit from hollow purple.
"nope... in two or three years, my kid will be sold off to the zen'nin clan. do what you will with that information." toji told the white haired sorcerer as he fell to the ground.
inside the star plasma vessel association hideout
"you're late, suguru." satoru called out to his bestfriend without any emotion in his voice. his tone was flat. it was like he was lifeless, yet he was still alive.
"satoru?! what happened to you?" suguru asked, surprised to see satoru standing in front of him with riko’s dead body in his arms.
satoru ignored him, noticing that suguru was healed up. he sensed yours and shoko’s residuals. "looks like you saw (y/n) and shoko."
"yeah, they fixed me up." suguru started to say, he saw riko's hand fall from her deceased body. "actually... it doesn't matter if i'm fine. i—"
satoru interrupted him, "it's not your fault, suguru. i'm the one that messed up and let my guard down."
suguru took a moment to read the room before he waved towards satoru, "let's get out of here."
"suguru... do you... want to… kill them all...?" satoru asked his bestfriend coldly, referring to all the people applauding the death of the star plasma vessel, "—the me right now probably wouldn't even feel a thing if we killed them."
suguru knew that nothing good would happen if he were to kill all of these people who had different ideals than him and satoru. he shut his eyes and sighed, "forget it. it's pointless and pointless killing is futile. plus, what would (y/n) think of you?"
satoru stayed quiet for a moment before scoffing. "pointless, huh? does there need to be a reason to kill these people?"
"of course. it's important to have a reason. especially as jujutsu sorcerers. jujutsu sorcerers exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers."
suguru geto was and always will be satoru gojo's moral compass. adding onto his morality, an image of you appeared in satoru's newly enlightened mind.
'what would (y/n) think of me if she could see me right now?' satoru thought to himself. he had to be better than this, he knew he was better than this. you always saw the good in satoru, he couldn't disappoint you today, not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
"okay then, let's go home." satoru motioned. he paused after a thought, “actually, you head back with amanai first. there’s something i need to do.”
suguru took riko’s body from him as he watched satoru teleport off.
before returning to jujutsu high, satoru gojo went to dispose of the inverted spear of heaven. he didn't give a damn about the history of this tool and where it came from. there was no way a cursed tool that could nullify his cursed technique was going to stay on this earth. there was no way he was going to take his chances of dying again. and there was no way he was going to let that cursed tool exist given the possibility of losing you.
later that night
after a very long and hot shower, satoru laid in your bed, absentmindedly staring at the popcorn ceiling above. his fingers subconsciously rubbing soft circles into your lower back. it was a habit of his that he picked up ever since he started sleeping in your dorm room.
you couldn’t help but think about how you weren’t able to help satoru earlier today when he was bleeding out in your arms. were you really that weak and not in control of your own powers? you hated yourself for not being able to get your cursed energy under control. you couldn’t even save the one person you loved most in this god forsaken world. you couldn’t imagine your life without satoru and you almost lost him... and you couldn’t do a damn thing.
you felt satoru’s arm dive under your torso, pulling you closer to him. you closed your eyes and pursed your lips, afraid you might start crying in front of him. you didn’t have the heart to face him.
“what’s on your mind?” he asked, peppering soft kisses on your temple.
you scoffed in disbelief, “i should be asking you that. you’re the one that almost died. what happened to you, satoru? who that hell was that man?”
“i got caught slipping,” satoru sighed, “remember that tool that went missing when we went to visit your family?”
you remembered the uproar it caused when you went back with satoru to visit your clan. the inverted spear of heaven was stolen from your clan’s collection of cursed objects that day. that tool came from the last known water cursed technique user from your clan and the six eyes user from the gojo clan 400 years ago. (read ‘fated to love you’ here)
it hurt you to ask, “did that man use that tool on you…?”
“yeah. it broke through infinity.”
tears started to form in your eyes. guilt filling every ounce of your body. a cursed tool from your clan’s collection that the gojo clan entrusted to your clan ended up being the reason why satoru almost died.
“it’s funny, don’t you think?” satoru started to say, “a six eyes gojo ancestor gave that cursed tool to the love of their life, a (l/n) water cursed technique user to keep safe so that no one could ever use it against the gojo clan... and the tool almost killed me. my ancestor would be rolling in her grave right now.”
you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, “it’s not funny, satoru. i don’t care what the legend has to say. i’m not losing you. not in this lifetime.”
satoru wished things could go back to normal... before this whole mess with the star plasma vessel, before the inverted spear of heaven was stolen. today was life changing for satoru, as he was sure it was for you too. he unlocked a side of him that he didn’t know existed. after tapping into the core of cursed energy, everything inside him changed. he felt a new high that he thought would never go away. would he be able to live his life freely with these new abilities?
“well, i’m still here kicking and breathing. someone has to be the strongest and live to protect the weak.” he said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. “—but really though, what’re you thinking about?”
“i’m thinking about how i almost lost the love of my life.” frowning at the nightmare you experienced today. "and this life for us was just getting started..."
you thought back to yours and satoru's visit to your clan's estate. the memory of you and him confirming your feelings for one another at the lily pad pagoda. you wanted to be with him in this lifetime, and all the lifetimes after that. satoru was end game for you.
he grinned, whispering in your ear, “damn, this guy named satoru gojo must be lucky to have a girlfriend like you.”
“satoruuu—” you whined, hitting his chest softly with your tiny fist, “i was so scared seeing you like that. and i couldn’t even get my shit together to heal you.” tears started to form on your dark eyelashes again, the guilt was still eating you up inside.
satoru cupped your cheek with his hand, wiping your tears away with his thumb just like he did earlier today. the palm of his hand on your cheek was a perfect fit. it was like he was made just for you, to hold and to love for the rest of your life.
“it’s okay, babe. you did everything you could.” he whispered.
“and it wasn’t enough, satoru! i couldn’t even protect you like i promised...” you cried as more tears streamed down your cheek. satoru's thumb wiping away the tears again.
“it's not your job to protect me.” satoru said sternly.
“then what is my job?”
“just to sit here and look pretty for me.” satoru joked as you glared at him through damp tears.
before you could interject with another whine, he hushed you by putting his index finger on your lips, “—your job, babe, is to love this guy named satoru gojo for the rest of your life.”
“now that… i think i can do.” you hiccuped, “—don’t ever scare me like that again, satoru gojo.”
there was a silence between the two of you after you said that. satoru knew he probably couldn’t promise you that something like this wouldn’t happen again, but he knew that he could promise you that he would do everything in his power to protect you for the rest of your lives. it was the very same promise he gave to you, your brother, and the both of your grandparents.
two eyes as blue as the ocean yearned for you to tell him the three words he’s been waiting to hear all day. he stared into your eyes as you gently stroked his cheek with your hand.
“i love you, satoru gojo. so much.” you leaned into him, kissing him with a little more need than usual. satoru tilted his head back, admiring the view of the beautiful you before he leaned back down press a kiss on your forehead.
“i love you too, (y/n). it’s an honor to be loved by you...”
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salbei-141 · 2 months
My girl (Wanda x reader)
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word count: 1.2k
warnings: 18+, fluff, comfort, friends to lovers, trauma, death, love confession, etc.
a/n: woah, first post of the year...almost 5 months into the year...wbk a schedule doesn't exist here.
So, there were a few things that made me realise I was bi and Elizabeth Olsen was one of them - can you blame me? So I propose this!
Also, y'all please if I get any lore incorrect do not come for me, I haven't watched Marvel in a while, and nor can I be bothered to rewatch them either, SUE ME.
You and Wanda were best friends and had grown up together in Sokovia - your home country destroyed by the supposed American hero Tony Stark himself. You remember it as clear as day - being huddled between Wanda and Pietro. None of you moved, still as day, and terrified - it was a kind of fear you'd hope you'd never have to experience again. You remember the cries of Wanda as you held onto each other - you were just children at the time, it was a diabolical event to be forced to endure.
To this day you were unsure of what happened to your parents - you could only assume the same had happened to them as had happened to the Maximoff's parents, but you couldn't say for definite, and it weirdly gave you some sort of peace not knowing the brutality of how they had died - although you'd hoped it was quick and succinct in nature.
You were all in your 20s now, and yet not a year had gone by since that day where you'd forgotten the trauma of it all - it weighed upon your shoulders day in and day out like a parasite. What followed the bombing wasn't any better…you were mutants - or at least that's how some people had described you. You felt stronger now though - it felt freeing almost, there was little to fear now. However, nothing could save you from the memories…you, Wanda and Pietro still fell victim to your childhood trauma - especially Wanda.
"Wanda?" you walked into her room tentatively after hearing the soft sounds of her cries - it tore your heart into two, knowing the pain she was in, and more so that she was enduring it alone was hurting you in an indescribable manner that you always felt upon seeing her in any severity of distress.
She was led on her bed curled up like a child clutching onto a teddy you'd got for her Christmas several years ago - it warmed your heart that she still held it so closely and for comfort. You watched as her head turned slightly - her eyes were red and slightly puffy, but she said nothing to you as you stood at the door.
You closed her door silently and moved towards her tentatively as you sat on the side of her bed staring down at her with soft eyes. Moving your hand, you gently carded your fingers through her auburn locks, watching as tears silently rolled down her reddened cheeks.
You remained sat at the edge of her bed, and gently beckoned her into your arms, "Come here, I got you". Instead, she pulled you further onto her bed, so the both of you could get comfortable before she then sunk into the comfort of your arms as she continued to cry into your chest. You moved slightly to adjust to a more comfortable position with her in your arms, and felt as her grip tightened, "I'm not going anywhere…I'll never leave you Wanda". She looked up at you with desperate eyes, "Never?". "Never", you confirmed and kissed her on the forehead as you pulled her against your chest again, holding her with a conviction that you'd only ever designate to her.
You don't know how long had gone by, but Wanda still lay in your arms, having calmed down now. You had been gently running your fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp, feeling as she'd occasionally shiver from your touch.
She looked up from your chest with those round, soft eyes that made you cave to her every request.
You looked back down meeting her gaze, watching as she searched your eyes.
"Thank you."
Tucking a strand of her hair that had fallen across her face back behind her ear, you smiled softly, speaking in a whisper almost, "I'd do anything for you".
"I know", and she stared at you just adoringly as you had been staring at her - neither of you quite aware of the emotions that had transgressed the platonic relationship you both maintained - fearful of losing one another over the looming prospect of an unrequited love. How naive you both were.
You let your hand linger on the side of her face - never having drawn back once her hair had been tucked. Your fingers delicately caressed her cheek - feeling the way it warmed under your touch.
You watched intently as her eyes flickered between your eyes and lips. Should you? You didn't know, scared to ruin things and lose your best friend, but she was also the woman you'd grown to love - she was more than your friend, and she knew that too - you'd both been yearning for this for years – too naïve to notice one another’s loving gazes.
"please", her voice was quiet, meek almost, but you could hear the plead in her voice.
Her eyes looked into your own – begging for your attention, and that's when you'd had enough, you leaned forward – teasingly stopping just before her lips.
“Promise me…promise me we won’t go back to just friends after this…please Wanda”, you searched her eyes for any doubt, and you couldn’t identify anything – her pupils were dilated as she stared into your eyes.
Wanda closed the gap between the both of you, catching you off guard while you’d awaited an answer, but this was the best way she could’ve answered you. Her lips were soft and you were quick to respond to her. You could still taste the remnants of salt from her tears, which had been long forgotten as the both of you were entrenched in one another.
It was euphoric - the way her lips moved along with yours - it was better than any dream you'd ever had about her; the days you’d deafly listen to her as she’d speak in front of you, only for you to have been too busy watching the way her lips moved as she spoke, before turning into a grin as she’d realise you’d been in a word of your own.
You let your hand drift from her face down her arm – feeling the way her skin goose-bumped as your supple touch passed over the exposed skin of her arm until you rested it on her waist as she kept herself steady with her hands wrapped in your shirt.
A soft moan reverberated in her throat as you lightly gripped her waist more – a smirk plastering your face as you continued kissing her.
The both of you slowly pulled away fluttering yours open. Nothing was said as you both smiled at each other before falling into a fit of giggles as she buried her face in your chest and you in the nape of her neck.
“We’re idiots”, she mumbled against you, as she gently lifted her face to meet yours again – both laying against her pillows with little space separating you.
“I love you”, you couldn’t hold it in any longer as it blurted out of you. She knew you meant it – you’d never looked so serious about anything as you did now.
She leaned forward pressing her lips to yours again, “I love you too…I love you so much Y/N”.
You both stared into each other’s eyes – soft gazes lingering as you gently stroked her waist with your thumb.
“Now you can really never leave me”, she smiled at you – referencing your earlier comment back to you.
“I never planned on it anyway”, you pressed a kiss to her forehead, bringing her close to your chest as her arms wrapped around you. "My girl", you whispered into her ear hearing her hum in content as you proceeded to lay in each other’s hold in silence with the occasional kiss – the reality a surreal eutopia that you’d both thought unlikely.
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yayakoishii · 9 months
Hello, I’ve loved seeing all of your One Piece content recently! Could I request a Sanji and a fellow straw hat reader who recently got married? I saw something recently about how once Sanji gets married, there would come a moment where someone would call ‘Vinsmoke’ and both would turn their heads and it would just cause Sanji to get emotional because he finally shares a last name with someone who doesn’t see him as worthless. Someone who instead looks at him like he single-handedly placed every star in the sky. If you don’t end up writing this that’s alright, I at least wanted to share this little scenario.
Vinsmoke | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 600
Genre: Fluff, minor angst?
A/n: *laughs in still haven't read past Ch. 526* Hey there requester <3 Firstly, I'm happy to hear you enjoy my writing! Thank you so much for this absolutely lovely request. You actually requested it when they were closed but I found it too cute and wanted to write it– even though I haven't reached that part in the manga yet. But, I wrote based on the things I learnt from fanfics (and whatever I got spoiled about, lol) so this might be inaccurate? I would have loved to expand but I need to know the entire backstory properly before I could do that TT Still, I had a fun time writing this cute drabble! Hope you enjoy it ♡
also available on ao3!
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Sanji woke up to the most beautiful sight in his entire life– you lying next to him, curled up against his chest from where he could see your hair spilling over the pillow and your relaxed face. This was the sight he was going to wake up every day to, from now on, and the thought of it made him feel like the most blessed man on Earth.
You shifted a little, burrowing closer into him, as if you two were already sticking to each other. He could feel your skin on his own, reminders of the night before but all he could feel at the moment was overwhelming love. He couldn't hold back when he saw your hand with a ring come up to lie above his heart. The choked off sound he let out woke you up, and you looked up at him with sleepy puffy eyes.
"Sanji…?" You mumbled, humming in contentment when he wrapped you up in his arms. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, my love," he said quietly, gathering you into his arms, his own wedding band grazing your back as he did so. You shivered at the sudden cold touch but looked at him with dopey eyes full of so much love that he felt blinded. "Just thinking of how lucky I am."
The two of you eventually rolled out of the hotel bed and got ready to leave for your trip. You were on your honeymoon, a week long trip to a famous vacation island that had a lot of fun activities. Sanji had gotten ready first and gone down to the lobby to discuss something with the staff. You hurried up and joined him there after you had made sure that all the marks he left on you were hidden well under your clothes. You were not embarrassed by them – but you were also a private person who preferred to keep certain things to yourself. The love Sanji made to you was something no one else has to see or know. It was something just for you to experience.
You checked out at the reception since you had the room key and were about to make your way to Sanji when the hotel staff behind you suddenly called out, "Vinsmoke-san?"
"Yes?" You turned around automatically, feeling a little giddy. You had been preparing for this ever since Sanji proposed to you. To be called by his name, to be called his…
You didn't notice Sanji's reaction because of your own thoughts. The blonde had turned to answer the call only to be left dumbfounded when he realised the staff had called for you. You, who were now Vinsmoke (Y/n), had replied back with so much ease, like you had been answering to it your whole life.
And it was like someone had pulled his heart out of his chest and clenched it– it was both painful and pleasing to him that you were a Vinsmoke now. The first one to always be by his side, the first one to protect him even though he was clearly no longer the weak boy he once was. The first one to look at him like he hung the stars in the sky, the first one to love and accept him for who he was– you were now his first, real family. The family he had chosen and started. The family who loved him.
"Sanji?" Your concerned voice jolted him out of his thoughts and he blinked, feeling his eyes wet suddenly. His face was cradled gently in your soft hands as you looked up at him, silently asking him why he was about to cry. "What got you like this?"
Sanji swallowed the heavy lump he could feel in his throat, like his emotions had turned into a ball and were trying to come up his throat. He blinked away the last vestiges of his tears, instead wrapping you up in his arms again.
"You being mine now," he whispered, knocking his forehead gently against yours. His clear blue eyes looked straight into yours as he added, "In heart, mind, name and life."
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b0xerdancer-writes · 3 months
It Wasn't Supposed To Happen Like This Part 6
Eris x Rhy's Sister! Reader
Summary: Eris used to be attached at the hip to Rhysand’s younger sister. Now that he has taken over as High Lord of the Autumn Court, his father’s old high table have been pressuring him to take a wife, he comes up with the brilliant lie that he's already courting someone and has been for several years now. Eris asks Rhysand’s little sister, the best way to get away with it and make it believable, to fake court her.
Warnings: Elain and Mor slander, cussing 18+, some nsfw lean but no sex scenes yet, alcohol, parental abuse, death, murder, arguing. Not proofread.
Trope/Prompt: Fake Dating
Word Count: 4,644
Notes: Let the ball begin.
A few weeks later I awoke to a soft knock on my bedroom door. I had been sleeping soundly with the small hound curled into my side, however the small knock was enough to wake her up. I had named her Brandy like the drink my mate was so fond of, she stretched and licked my face to wake me further just as the door squeaked open. Lucien laughed as I groaned and picked Brandy up off of me.
Lucien had been out in Autumn Court helping Eris with preparations for the festival for about a week and a half now. His return was a surprise to me and I shot up from the comfy spot I had created.
“Lucien! What the fuck? When did you get back? You arse! You could have told me you’d be back today, I would have had breakfast made!” I growled at him, had he not had Brandy tucked into his arms I would have chucked a pillow at his face.
He laughed back at me and smiled brightly, his hair pulled up in a messy bun and dressed in  a cream colored sweater, some comfy loose flowy  pants that poofed around his knees from his riding boots, a small tabard for the dagger i had gifted him the first birthday he had that I had seen him since he had escaped to the Spring court. He smiled brightly and looked around my room where gift bag upon gift bag was piled up. 
“We finished preparations a day earlier so Eris sent me back here to make sure everything was good and you were ready for tomorrow, He just got his suit last week and didn't need to get it altered by the way. I see he got a bit carried away with his little gifts.” He scratched brandy behind her floppy little ears and let out a small chuckle as she whined whenever he stopped.
“Honestly these are all from throughout the week you've been gone. I just haven't had a chance to go through all of them yet. I mean do we have anything to do today? You could help me, Luc!” I tilted my head at him and he sat Brandy on the floor.
“Well then let's get to it we have a lot to go through, I’ll go get us some coffee and some breakfast sweets from that bakery you like down the road, while you get dressed and ready for the day.” He dismissed himself from the room and I could hear the click of his boots on the floor as he made his way back to the front of the house. 
“Hey Luc? Can you take Brandy on her morning walk since you're going out?” I yelled down after him and Brandy barked excitedly. 
“Yep! I got you sister!” He whistled for Brandy who raced out of the room after the ginger male. 
I heard the jingle of him clipping her leash followed by the click of the door shut. I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen up for the lazy day, I moved my hair from my face and slipped into my closet. Once I had changed into some comfy clothes I sat criss-cross on the floor and began  digging into one of the bags, the dress I would be wearing tomorrow was neatly hung on my closet door and was a looming reminder of what tomorrow could mean for me and Eris. Lucien returned just as I was beginning to sink into my own thoughts, Brandy was the first to greet me as she climbed her way into my lap.  Lucien sat our two cups of coffee on my vanity table and joined me criss-cross on the floor.
The three of us went through bag after bag of gifts, Brandy helping the best she could by being our clean-up team: Her job? To tear up every loose scrap of tissue or wrapping paper that didn't stay in the distinct pile me and Lucien had created. The gifts were unpredictable, the variety too large to guess, still Lucien and I tried our best. So far it had ranged everything from a bottle of wine and nice glasses to drink from and small pieces of jewelry to toys for Brandy, decor pieces to make the small apartment more obviously themed like the Autumn Court, and some very obviously expensive pieces like the last bag I had just opened. Wrapped in shimmery copper paper and tied with a dark green bow, the box was light and Lucien hummed loudly.
“What do you think it is?” He chirped
“Hmmmm, my guess is going to be something for the dance tomorrow, it's the newest present that just came in yesterday.” I hummed back in response.
Pulling the large bow, it untied itself effortlessly, I removed the lid. Just as quickly as I had peaked inside I slammed the lid closed. Lucien looked up at me startled.
“What is it?” He leaned forward trying to grab the box from me to peek inside himself. I swatted his hand and hissed.
He pulled his hand back with a faux-shocked look on his face as he gaped at me. I opened the box again and stared at the jewelry within it. Lucien stared at me expectantly and I tossed the lid into the trash pile, Brandy growling at it as it almost fell out.
“No… he didnt.”Lucien gasped and covered his mouth, the metal eye whirring as his eyes widened.
My eyes darted between the box and Lucien.
“Oh you have him hooked. Seriously hooked.” Lucien mumbled and grabbed a sip from his coffee. 
“What do you mean Lucien?” I hissed.
“That, sister, is from the vaults of the autumn court. I saw it earlier this week when I went down there with Eris looking for a piece of art he wanted hung up in the main hall for the dance.”
He murmured as he took another sip to be dramatic.
“Oh.”I mumbled, stunned.
“Oh is right, he's wrapped around your finger hun.” Brandy deposited one of her new toys in his lap and he threw it out in the hall for her.
In the box, nestled on a silky pillow the same color as the bow, was a gold diadem decorated in branches and leaves with a ruby in the center of the point that came between your brows and it somehow matched the cuffs and necklace he had bought me earlier. Beside it was a folded note, written in the familiar cursive scrawl I knew as Eris.
“All preparations have been completed for the festival, Lucien has been a major help in setting everything up while I've been in meeting after meeting. I’m sure you are able to recognize this piece is older, I spied it while in the vaults with Lucien, while I admit it was not my intention at the time to be in the vaults for this piece and I was in fact there for an ancient painting that has been passed down in my family. After I had left the vaults the piece you hold now refused to leave my mind, I imagined how well it would match the cuffs and necklace you will be wearing with your dress for the festival in two days time, I would be honored if you wore this with those accessories as well. It would send a message to all my advisors and those I wish to see replaced, I know it seems a lot and it will take everyone by surprise to see you wear a crown from autumn but my mother had it crafted as a gift for whatever female I decided I was going to court, so it will see its use in you. I will be forced to wear my own similar crown due to my duties as High Lord, so it will make us match even more and present a further unified front to the people of my court who doubt me and pressure me into taking a wife. I thank you in advance my dear. Love, Eris.” I read aloud.
Lucien stared back at me with wide eyes as he prompted my response.
I didn't give one, simply picked up the diadem and rose to my feet. I stood in front of the mirror on my vanity and placed the small gold band on my head, then looked at Lucien with tears in my eyes. He smiled sadly.
“You’ll look like a High Lady tomorrow. Mother save him, Eris will have you decorated and on display more than Rhys does with Feyre.” He huffed with the slightest smile.
I took the crown off and gently sat it on my vanity next to the other jewelry I would be dressed in tomorrow. “Honestly Luc… I think I’m okay with that. I mean it will get suspicion off of Eris, and show him the lengths I'm willing to go for him. Fuck, maybe it will even cause the bond to snap for him, a girl can hope right? If it doesn't go well then I still get to have my fun and imagine what it would be like, right Luc?” I mused at him, sadly at first but then excitedly as I processed the information myself.
He simply smirked at me. “Sure thing, Sister. All I’m saying is, I called it~”
We spent the rest of the evening in the living room burning the tissue paper in the fireplace, eventually Lucien stood and announced he was going to start making dinner. Our night stayed uneventful as we both took our places either side of the table to eat, Lucien eventually herding me to his room to show me the outfit he would be wearing and to show me the trinkets he had brought back himself. Brandy eventually stumbled into the room tripping on her own ears with a big yawn, I collected her from the floor and she whined softly, eagerly awaiting bed.
Lucien chuckled as I dismissed both Brandy and myself from the room, he wished us both a goodnight and closed the door behind us. I had installed steps for Brandy, courtesy of Lucien, so she could climb up and down from my bed as she wished; however due to her size and tendency to trip on her own ears from time to time, often enough I just picked her up to help her up and down. I had sat her in a faux-fur blanket and she began immediately curling into a ball. I couldn't blame her, tomorrow was going to be a long day and she would be joining me; Eris had gifted her an elegant collar that had been lined with fur padding, a deep wine red collar that had small maple leaves embroidered into it, and a little copper maple leaf tag hung from it. I changed into a night slip and joined her in the warm covers, the second I laid down she curled into my side and I dismissed the faelights. 
I awoke earlier than I normally did, the dark of the sky just beginning to dim, to find Lucien finishing up his hair in the mirror and he offered to take Brandy out for her morning walk while I got ready myself. Passing him the sleepy pup, he gave me a soft smile and disappeared down the dim hallway, only lit up by one small faelight we used to make sure we didn't trip on any of Brandy’s toys when it was dark inside the house. I  slipped into the bathroom around him and leaned down to draw a bath, only to find the bath freshly drawn and warmed to the perfect temperature. Lucien and I had this habit, since we knew the others daily routine so well, from small things like fresh cups of coffee prepared to the perfect temperature with all the fixings in it we had wanted to things such as this, all in favor of making the others day easier for them; it had come to us naturally being roommates for awhile now and even before that when he was small, we would exchange small trinkets like something he found in the gardens and I would bring him a treat from Night Court the next time I saw him. 
Lucien returned about half an hour later, a few minutes after I had decided to finally leave the warmth of the bath, now feeling clean and fresh enough to look like the soon-to-be high lady Eris was wanting me to play. I wrapped a fluffy towel around me  and slid into my room, slipping on my undergarments and finally stepping into the A-line skirt I had fallen in love with weeks ago. 
Lucien knocked softly at the door. “Will you need any help with fastening the dress closed Sister?” 
Lucien’s new nickname for me rarely caught me off guard anymore unless he was using it to tease me for what he claimed was Eris’s obvious affections.
“Yes please, actually I could use it now.” I chirpped over my shoulder.
The door clicked open and Lucien stepped in quietly and began fiddling with the clasps on the back. “You know all the high lords will be there tonight right? It's the first holiday or festival hosted in the court since Eris became High Lord. All eyes will be on you two.”
I could hear his genuine worry for me in his voice. “I know Luc, I’ll be okay, Eris will be okay. We’ve got this handled.” I smiled over my shoulder at him and he offered me a unsure smile back,
“I know,” he sighed “I just worry about you two, you two are some of the only family I have, save for Jurian and Vassa.”
I raised my brow at him, he hadn’t mentioned any dealings with the two recently, though I knew the affections he harbored for the two when they comforted after Tamlin sent all of his stuff to the manor south of the Spring Court. 
“Will they be there today or tonight as well?” I offered him the ability to further discuss them.
“They should be, during the day at least. That's why we expanded the festival partially, so Vassa could also enjoy it while it also making a statement about Eris’s dedication to the court.” he seemed to brighten up a bit as he got distracted talking about the two.
He sat on the bed and Brandy scrambled to try and climb up the stairs, but when she failed and tripped over her ears Lucien ultimately ended up moving her into his lap. He continued to ramble about some need to know stuff that was seen as customary in the Autumn Court, amongst other subjects, I slipped on the golden cuffs, clasped the necklace around my neck and straightened it out, followed by the ring Eris had gifted me. I slipped on some surprisingly comfortable yet stylish black pumps that had gold detailing on the heels. I grabbed the collar from my vanity and turned to where Lucien was holding Brandy, he unclasped her old collar with a loud gasp and she leapt from his lap, bounding across my bed we both laughed at her antics until she finally calmed and I was able to slip the new one on around her neck.
Lucien stood and ushered me into the vanity chair, he refused to let me do my own hair for events if he had any say in it. He lost himself in styling it before finally setting the golden diadem on my head with a nod, he picked up the container of kohl I had and began lining my eyes with it. Once he had finished, we clipped Brandy into her leash and I picked her up in my arms, she seemed so proud of her new collar. We slipped from our apartment and the wards of the locks clicked into place behind us, he helped me down the stairs slowly making sure none of the tulle or silk got caught.  Once we were on the sidewalk I realized the many citizens of Velaris that were out walking around, the sun now early in the sky still well before noon, had their eyes on me and were whispering back and forth with each other with eager smiles on their faces. I knew what they were thinking, Lucien had graciously pointed it out to me yesterday, Oh how I was going to enjoy the look on Rhys’s face when he saw me tucked into Eris’s side; Azriel would probably be told to take a breather by Rhys unless they brought Elain, she might be able to keep him calm. 
Lucien tucked me and Brandy into his side, though I could have winnowed us myself Lucien was adamant about me preserving my energy as I ‘have a long day ahead’. Much Like Eris’s winnowing Lucien’s was warm like the caress of heat you would get from sitting beside a bon-fire, but it was unique in itself as it felt like it glittered or shined, that instead of bending the world around him the light and sun rays bent to his whim. Before I could even blink we had appeared in the Autumn Court, the smell of spices and cider filled the air and filled me with a warm familiarity that made my chest ache for Eris. It was only after I stepped out of Lucien’s side that I realized where we stood, the small clearing where me and Eris had once called our sanctuary had been turned into a private garden, a large hedge lined the outer edge of the clearing and led towards the forest house a short distance away. 
Only then as I looked around did I realize Eris had the entire clearing decorated in soft fae lights, a sculpted bench sat in the place the old wooden log had, the sir had a soft chill to it and reminded me why I loved this place as much as I did. Lucien stiffened beside me as I sat Brandy on the forest floor, leash clipped neatly to the padded collar, she barked happily in the way of the opening in the hedge that led towards the house. 
When my attention drifted towards the gorgeously carved archway, there stood Eris wide-eyed in a suit that matched my dress: primarily black, with the same flame effect of my underskirt on his waist coat. I swallowed sharply and smiled at him, my chest pounded and the bond throbbed with how perfect he looked, with how obvious it would be to all others he was mine.
He gathered his composure and stepped forward, hugging Lucien who dismissed himself through the way Eris had just come, then turned to me and brought my hand to his lips and he bowed softly. 
“Cauldron save me, you look gorgeous, just the image I wished to present to my court. Thank you for doing this my lady.” 
I smiled softly, feeling heat begin to creep into my face and a throb in my chest. “Mother above Eris, you call me gorgeous yet have you looked in a mirror? You are the epitome of a High Lord!”
He smiled back at me softly, pulling me into a tight hug he sighed softly. “No I mean it Darling, Thank You, tonight would have been so much harder without you beside me. At least now I’ll avoid having to deal with my father’s advisors barking at me to keep my eyes peeled for a pretty female.”
I leaned my head against his chest and sighed, taking in his warm scent. “No worries Eris, like I promised, I’m here if you need me. No matter what. You need me to face every high lord in Prythian all at the same time while posing as your girl? So be it I’ll deal with their eyes on me, no prob.”
I heard him chuckle softly and relax in my arms, Brandy however was not pleased with the fact she was not getting any attention and was adamant about letting us know it. He released me from his hold and looked down at the small hound, with his hands on his hips.
“I hear you mam!”  He turned back to me again. “What did you end up naming her?” he kneeled down and scratched behind her long ears.
“Brandy.” I smiled gently watching the scene unfold in front of me.
He snorted as he giggled, Brandy moving to nibble at his hand. “Fitting, she's got the spice of a fire brandy. And it's good to see the collar fits her.”
He knelt there petting the small pup, while looking her over. “No health issues? No training issues?”
I shook my head. “No, I haven't had any issues with her at all. She's been well behaved.” 
He smiled and Brandy rolled over onto her belly. “Good, I figured she'd be a good blood line, her sire was Maple’s great-great grandpup.” 
I smiled brightly at the two on the forest floor. “I thought I recognized the spunk.” 
We both laughed and he rose from the floor, Brandy in his arms happily trying to get to his face, tongue lolling out and settling for just licking at the exposed skin of his arm. I took her from his arms and he offered me his arm, I linked mine and in unison we both took a deep breath. 
“To the promise we made all those years ago to never leave the other alone?” He looked down at me out of the corner of his eye.
I nodded. “To the leaves of Maple that were the only beings to hear our promise.” 
He nodded back at me and squared his shoulders. All those years ago, when we had made the deal that initially was just him  asking to never be left alone, I had extended it to be either way: that We would never leave the Other alone. It had been just us and the trees that day, and as we sealed the deal we had spoken those words to each other for the first time; a sharp sting followed by a dull throbbing on my ankle led me to discover the sight of two small maple leaves intertwined with eachother. Eris had grasped at his protruding hip bone just below where his belt was clasped around his waist, the location of his tattoo had caused my face to heat, just the thought of it today caused blood to rush to my face. 
In my dedication to Eris as my mate I had never chased after another male, had no interest in them either really. Of course I knew what would be asked of me as his wife, if had come to that at that time, but all I had ever really seen was my brothers after training, or the low slung pants of male’s at Rita’s that revealed just a little too much for my liking. It had often caused me to lose interest in the current objective that led to me seeing the other males, the bond aching in my chest reminding me of loyalty to Eris, often caused me to return to my room or apartment and escape into the books either within the library or in later years what Lucien and I had collected within our little apartment.  Every time we echoed the promise we had made back in the day, I was reminded very quickly of the tattoo on my ankle and the same one on his hip. I felt the heat in my face extended to my pointed ears as my eyes glanced over where the concealed tattoo would be before I straightened my back and looked forward.
Tonight would be hard, I decided. With Eris looking so perfect, the ache of want that had settled in my chest with a slow throb, and the heat in my face and chest that slowly moved lower and lower every time I glanced at Eris by my side.  The crunch of fallen leaves under my heels drew me back to reality as we neared the gardens of the first house, I could hear music and laughter from within the house. The halls had been closed off in a way Eris and I could make a grand entrance together through the second entrance into the grand ballroom. 
Our steps echoed against the halls as we walked in silence through the now warm halls of the Forest house, till we stopped right in front of a set of large wooden doors. The music and laughter was obvious on the other side of it, two guards looked back and forth between each other and then to Eris.
 Eris looked down at me with a worried smile. “Ready?”
“Ready.”I echoed.
 We both nodded at each other and then Eris nodded at the guards. Two finely dressed males with simple leathers on, a helmet in one arm and a sheathed blade at either side. They knocked firmly on the door once, the music and chatter from the other side becoming quiet as I heard a loud booming voice clear their throat.
“Introducing our High Lord of Autumn, Eris Vanserra,” soft cheering erupted but was quickly silenced again as the male continued, murmurs replaced the cheering. 
“And the female he has declared he will be courting: The Princess of Night Court herself!”  Whoops and hollers could be heard as the doors began opening slowly.
Eris and I took a deep breath, Brandy made herself comfortable yet regal looking in one of my arms. I let Eris lead us into the room of Prythian residents. Eris nodded and mouthed a thanks to the small male I now realized was the announcer.  We came to a stop a few steps in front of the announcer, and Eris  cleared his own throat unlinking his arm with mine. 
“Thank you all for being here, I simply wanted to start this celebration with a quick speech.” The way the light of the grand glass chandelier hit him I was breathless, he seemed like the only male in the room as he drew everyone's attention to him.
“As many of you know this is the first holiday I will be celebrating with you all as High Lord, but I would not have been able to do it if it wasn't for the female at my side and my dear brother Lucien, both of you helped me greatly even if you don’t know it. Secondly, I would like to thank the citizens of Autumn Court for believing in me as their new High Lord. My goal from the second I took over the throne has been to reform this court and with your help and dedication I have been able to begin working in that direction. Think tonight not only as a celebration of a holiday but also as a celebration for your hard work. Now please let me not continue to ramble on because I will with thanking you for every little thing that has made tonight possible, and continue your celebrations.” Cheers erupted and I smiled sweetly at Eris as I extended my hand to him which he took eagerly, Brandy cheering him on with her own little howls and bays.
A servant brought around small champagne flutes, both of us taking one as we clinked them together.
“To tonight?” I chirped.
“To us.” Eris echoed my tone, and we both took a sip from the glasses in our hands.
No, tonight wouldn’t be as difficult as I had thought, tonight would be fantastic. I had Eris at my side after all and if all the eyes on us had any indication how it was going so far, it was working.
@stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbatboydreams @abysshaven
@wallacewillow0773638 @azriels-mate2 @sassyslytherinshai
@sparksandstarss @pandabiiissh @saltedcoffeescotch @cirwin2013
@minnieoo @easchies @melsunshine
@sweetcarolina-24 @florenceivy @inloveallthetime
@azrielsmate3 @witchymomfrien @eternallyelvish
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
To Warm You Up
Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader
Summary: A snowy day means a good book, warm drinks, and cuddles
Word count: 704
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
A/N: I wrote this last night while my sleep meds kicked in. I used the prompt, 'bring you a hot drink'
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It was quiet. The snow fell outside, watching the flakes dance every so often as you looked up from your book. It had been snowing all morning, and so you felt it was the perfect day to stay curled up in bed. Finally, you got the chance to read through a book you'd recently purchased. Your Maine coon, Dumpling, curled up by your feet.
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You smiled content in how your day was going so far. The only thing missing was your girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, she had gotten up early this morning and had occupied herself in her office with work since the snow kept her from going to the office. You hadn't heard from her all morning and now as early afternoon was about to turn to late afternoon you heard movement. You assumed Natasha had gotten up to grab herself something to eat. Making you remember you hadn't eaten yet. Your stomach growling at the realization. You didn't want to move though. You had become invested in your book and Dumpling had moved himself to your thighs, sprawling out across them.
Just as you finished up a chapter Natasha came through the threshold of your bedroom, tray in hand. Her red hair loose, falling over her shoulders in waves. A smile on her face when your eyes met as she got up on the bed with the tray. She'd made you a sandwich; turkey and cheese, a small pile of chips next to it and your favorite mug filled with hot chocolate. You could smell the peppermint and the two cinnamon sticks poking out gave away that she made it exactly how you like it.
“Oh moya lyubov. You didn't have to do this.” You set your book down on the side table before cupping her cheek. She leans into your touch. The two of you had been together for years. You knew everything about the other.
The Natasha you had met years ago who had defected from Russia who was so closely guarded. The Russian who was cold and calculated in every move she made. The Russian who when you first met was assigned to you and Clint. The Russian who put every wall up, used every sweet little lie with you and you who called her bluff everytime. She'd been put with you for one reason. You could tell when people lie. So really in the end she had no choice, but to tell the truth which terrified the red head.
“I wanted to. I hadn't heard you move since your trip to the bathroom this morning.” She raised an eyebrow at you, making you smile.
“Yeah I haven't. I got engrossed in my book. I'm already a little more than half way through!” Natasha could hear the excitement oozing from your voice. How could she not love you who only ever showed her love and kindness? You who would listen to her ramblings after nightmares. You who when she needed to be handcuffed to the bed to sleep offered your hand instead. You who offered a place when she had nothing and noone.
Some might think Natasha couldn't possibly settle down, but here she was with you as the snow fell outside. You picked up the mug, giving it a few blows before taking the first sip. The hot liquid falling down your throat and warming you instantly. You can't help the small ‘Mmmm’ that pushes up your throat, eyes closed. The mug warming your hands that you hadn't realized had gone cold as they tended to do, especially in the winter.
You talked with Natasha as you ate, catching up on her day and how work was going. She'd been writing reports and working on Intel the young Avengers had picked up on. You moved the empty tray aside, pulling Natasha against you. She always clung so tightly as if you'd disappear if she didn't hold you that way. She'd always been like this. You tried breaking the habit early on, but it never worked. Now it is something you look forward to, like a weighted blanket or stuffed animal. Natasha brought you comfort on such a level and in such a way you know no one else could compare.
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