#but i like hanging out with hercules and stuff more
pumpkingeorge · 11 months
I only play Kingdom Hearts for the Disney shit ngl. I don't know what's going on with the anime characters and I'm far too afraid and disinterested to ask.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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I kissed a girl and liked it
Pairings - teenage Abby anderson X lesbian! Fem! reader
An - abby and reader Are 16/17, this is around a year after Jerry’s death and Owen n abby r still together
Tw - reader smokes, making out, cheating (again don’t cheat on your partners)
Synopsis- Abby is a confused young queer girl who doesn’t know if she likes women or not and you being a good friend help her out
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Abby was currently hanging out at owens place. He shared an apartment with a few other rookie soldiers but Abby didn’t mind just as long as she got to hangout with him.
At this point it was 2am and Owen was passed out asleep, Abby however was awake. She just silently walked in circles until she heard a nock at the window.
She moved to the sound and opened it where she found you standing. “Hey hot stuff” You teased which made the blonde blush.
“What are You doing here so late” she chuckled and tucked some hair behind her ear. You hardly saw her with her hair down but when you did you made sure to pay attention.
“What are You doing up so late hm?” You asked Back with a teasing grin. “Well I couldnt Sleep” Abby leaned forward on the window.
“Then I couldnt Sleep either” Abby just rolled her eyes at your response. She then noticed you had your backpack on. “What’s with the bag? Are you going out or something?”
You just shook your head. “Nah I’m going to go smoke”
“Smoke? Y/n isn’t it to early for that” she slightly criticized but you just gave her a sarcastic look. “Really? I’m 16 abs I think infected or a scar will kill me before smoking some weed”
“I meant its 2am”
There was some awkward silence before you just rolled your eyes. “So are you gonna come with me or not”
Abby shook her head “not unfortunately, owens asleep and I’d feel bad leaving him”
“Fuck Owen dude, come hang out with me it’ll be a hundred times better I swear” you spoke with a clear distaste for Owen, abby could never figure out why you hated him so much.
After a few moments abby looked back at her sleeping boyfriend before nodding. “Allright you win” You jumped excited and helped the blonde out of the window and onto the stair case.
Normally Both of you walked down and into the city bellow, it helped that the rookies homes was stationed in an old apartment complex inside the WLF QZ and super close to the stadium so whenever you felt like skipping out you were able to just explore the abandoned city.
This time however you started to go up the fire escape. “Where are you going” Abby yelled after you while pulling her hair back into a braid.
“You’ll see!” You shouted back and continued to climb, Abby of course had no choice but to follow.
Soon you two were up at the roof. You set your bag down and laid out a few blankets some snacks you stole and two rolled joints as-well as your water canister.
Abby took a seat beside you, enjoying the cold breeze the light from the full moon and just the comfortable silence.. the starts were bright and Abby couldn’t help but stare at them wondering if old world had ever gotten to see the stars like this.
You leaned over and pointed to a constellation. “See that constellation there, that’s Hercules and there riiighhhht above it that’s Lyra” looking over you saw Abby’s smile and you gave a content sigh before moving back.
“So.. how’s that book about greek myths you found going?” She asked as you light the blunt. You nodded excitedly and smiled. “Great actually! I can’t believe people were able to think of stories like these”
The two of you continued to talk and pass the blunt around. Abby loved being around you, she would even think more than she liked being around Owen but she would never admit it. She studied how you looked under the moonlight with your cute pj pants sports bra and jacket, the way your hair complimented your face and skin tone and your lips… she looked away embarrassed but you took note.
You softly stopped laughing and put up a face of concern wondering if you had said something wrong “What’s wrong abs?” her cheeks were a soft red. There was some silence and you grew more worried, leaning forward more towards her. “Hey, you can talk to me” you touched her hand with a certain comfort that Abby couldn’t take it anymore
She breathed out gently and leaned on her arm. “Your like into women right”
Confused and taken back you nodded “uh yeah I’m really only into women men just don’t do it for me” Abby took in the information.
“Right.. well I mean I’m with Owen so I wouldn’t know but what’s it like, being with a girl?” She finally looked over at you. You were still confused but decided to humor Her, you moved your hand away and placed it on your thigh. “Uh it’s nice… I mean there’s this certian understanding between both of you that you could never find with a guy, I mean girls are soft gentle you both just want to be loved unconditionally so it’s easier to show that with them… plus it’s funner to kiss them” You threw in the final joke but Abby just nodded.
“Ok..” was all she spoke, Abby looked back to the scenery down bellow.. you gave her a suspicious look before chuckling.
“Abby do you want to kiss a girl?” You teased but Abby shook her head a little to quickly. You laughed and moved to face her better. “It’s ok, your pretty cute so if you really really wanted to someone would”
She just rolled her eyes but eventually made eye contact with you. There was silence.. neither of you made a move but it was clear both wanted to. After a moment both reached forward and kissed each other.
You stood in your knees with your hands in Abby hair. Inhaling she took in your subtle perfume and the cherry chapstick you always wore. Abby grabbed your waist and pulled you into her as you both kissed.
It was different from when she kissed Owen, you followed Abby’s lead and worked with her to make the entire kiss enjoyable. The way your hands ran through her braided hair and caressed her cheek. Abby ran her hands up and down your back with subtle shy touches to your butt which made you laugh in the kiss.
She hated how wrong it was but shit did it feel right. Your soft lips on hers, the way you started to kiss down her jaw and eventually landing on her neck.
Abby gasped once you started to lightly suck on her neck, your new position was laying in-between Abby’s legs with your hands tracing her body. She gently tucked some hair behind your ear while you kissed her and leaned back to give you more room.
You two laid on your backs, your head was laying on Abby’s chest and her arm was around you. Neither daring to speak of what you two had just done. Would owen be mad if he found out you two made out yes, yes he would but if he didn’t know then there’s no way he would mind right.. right.
You felt Abby pull you closer and you just chuckled.. sitting up you kissed her cheek before her lips softly. “Common, let’s get you back before your sucky boyfriend wakes up” you joked and started to pack up, mainly you wanted to leave because you knew you loved Abby but there was no way she would love you back.
You dropped Abby back off and helped her into the window.. silently looking at each-other you finally turned and left to go back to your place, Abby gripped the window seal and watched as you walked away, she wished she could regret what you two had done but deep down she knew that was the best kiss she ever had..
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The following day at training you avoided Abby not wanting to make things awkward even though you knew that was the last thing to do to not make shit awakard.
Abby sat down exhausted and Owen followed. He tried to lean over and kiss her but she just pulled back putting a hand on his chest and giving a small smile. Owen rolled his eyes playfully and looked down confused.
“Where’d you get that” he touched her neck gently rubbing the hickey you accidently left.. Abby paniced and cleared her throat.
“Oh uh it’s just a bruise, some kid was throwing rocks and it hit me in the throat” Abby lied, Owen however put on a more serious look. “Damn.. just be more careful ok”
“Yeah ok” Abby reassured him. He kissed her cheek but little did he know she was looking behind him and at you.
A week later Abby broke up with Owen.
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Abby - *kisses y/n*
Abby -I’m a homosexual.. IM A HOMOSEXUAL😢
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cloudcountry · 1 year
meet him halfway
Genre/Tropes: Unestablished relationship. No notable ones!!
Summary: Kalim catches onto Jamil's little crush on you (it's more than that) and Jamil denies it because there's no way the two of you could ever end together (even though you want to.)
Author's Comments: This is loosely based on the song "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Hercules. I stared with the intention of Kalim being more insistent (and taking the role of the muses) but then it turned into this.
“Are you packing extra food for the Prefect again?”
Jamil winced at the loud voice as Kalim popped up over his shoulder, watching as he chopped up the meat he was using for Kalim’s lunch.
“No. And don’t say again, I never have. They can feed themselves.” he hissed, brow furrowing as he continued chopping.
“Aww, okay. You just always end up giving them the second box so I thought-”
“I make one for myself, too. Don’t think too much of it.” he said, “I’m only required to make your meals. I do not do such things for the Prefect.”
“Really? Because I thought you liked them!” Kalim responded.
Jamil jumped, whirling around to face him. He couldn’t wipe the annoyed glare off his face as Kalim blinked at him innocently.
How did he figure it out?!
“It’s nothing like that.” he sighed, shaking his head, “I have to make lunch for myself, you know. It has nothing to do with them.”
“Are you sure?” Kalim asked, looking very puzzled, “Because you smile a lot when you talk to them and they’re always in the kitchen with you during our parties instead of hanging out with everyone else. They’ve even told me about how you taught them to cook stuff from our home- Mmph!”
Jamil placed a hand over Kalim’s mouth, effectively cutting off his train of thought. This was bad. If Kalim knew about his feelings for you, there was no telling who else knew. If that annoying octopus from Octavinelle figured it out Jamil would be in a world of trouble.
How irritating.
“Don’t say such senseless things.” he hissed, releasing Kalim, “I have no feelings for the Prefect whatsoever. Has anyone else been talking about this baseless rumor?”
“No…I just thought you might like someone.” Kalim pouted, “I got excited because I like the Prefect and I wanted an excuse to throw parties for them-”
“Well, I don’t. Now go away. I won’t get your lunch prepared at this point.” Jamil shooed him away, knowing full well he would have had his lunch ready regardless.
“Okay! But I invited them over, so if you want to say hi you can!” Kalim beamed, scurrying out of the kitchen before Jamil could yell at him.
Was he serious?! Ugh, now he had to deal with you too.
Jamil rolled his eyes before getting back to work, hoping he could finish his duties before you arrived. If he could get Kalim his lunch and make sure he had all his things and walk Kalim to his class and then get to his without running into you, it would be the ideal morning.
With the way he talked about you, one would think he hated you.
That conclusion would be better than thinking he liked you.
He sped up his pace, not missing a beat as he finished up the two lunchboxes (one of which was totally for him. Giving it to you didn’t even cross his mind, because why in the world would he do that?)
“Jamil?” you called his name, opening the door to the kitchen, “Are you in here?”
“Yes.” he responded, mentally kicking himself for letting you know where he was even though it’d be suspicious to hide from you.
“Hey!” you caught his gaze, beaming as you shut the door behind you, “Is Kalim giving you trouble again? I can get his stuff together for you.”
“It’s fine. I can handle it.” he shot you a smile, hoping that would be enough to end the conversation.
It was you, though. Of course you kept talking.
“Of course you can. I just don’t want to get too stressed out.” you sighed, sounding upset that he hadn’t let you help.
“...If you could help walk Kalim to his next class, that would be a big help.” he mumbled, turning his head towards you for the first time since you came in.
Your face was so happy, the smile on your lips brighter than the overhead lights of the kitchen. Jamil swallowed thickly, face warming at the sight of you.
“Of course I can! I’ll make sure he gets there safe and sound, so you can count on me!” you cheered.
Jamil sighed again, stacking the two boxes. At least this way, both you and Kalim would be out of his hair shortly. He’d be able to fulfill his duties of watching Kalim and get to his class without a headache today because of you.
Besides, it’s not like he wanted to walk around with Kalim.
“Here, take these. They’re for Kalim’s lunch.” Jamil shoved the boxes into your hands, turning away quickly.
“Thank you! I’ll tell him that you’re almost ready to go!” you tucked the boxes into your chest like they were precious gems before exiting the kitchen.
He breathed a sigh of relief, resting against the counter. He didn’t have time for you or your smiles or laughs. He had a duty to Kalim, and he just partially gave that up to get away from you. He wasn’t in his right mind right now at all. Shaking his head, he wrinkled his nose at the feelings swarming around in his chest.
Whatever these feelings were, he couldn’t act on them. He was in no position to devote himself to another when his entire life was to be spent in service of Kalim.
It would be unfair to you to expect you to take his hand if he could only extend it halfway.
(Unbeknownst to him, you’d always been trying to meet him halfway.)
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Just thought up the other potential reactions from the g7 counterparts:
Alice would be curious, as always, of yuu because she’s never seen the queen of hearts just being patient-ish with someone. Also yuu is definitely much more normal (somewhat) unlike the rest of wonderland’s residents. She asks a lot of questions like child simba but because she just wants to know how and why this happened? Depending on the yuu, she might look up to them? Although that depends on who someone wants to characterize them.
Like you said, Ursula would try to keep yuu away from ariel but I think the same goes for king triton. So either they meet up by accident or one of them sneaks away to meet the other. Once they do finally meet, ariel wants to know all about yuu and but also probably asks them about human stuff (depending on how old she is). Yuu and ariel end up sharing stories for the whole time till they’re found. She might try to introduce them to the rest of the family, but probably doesn’t really go far intimately. They might eventually open up, but it either takes a lot of time and they don’t really have full trust or it just doesn’t happen at all. Is that cousin that you only see every other holiday at grandma’s house but despite that you guys are like best friends.
Like Snow, don’t got a lot of thoughts on aurora. I think she would just kinda neutral meeting yuu, honestly the whole interaction is her being just chill while talking to them. Depending on the relationship between she and maleficent is, Maleficent might introduce yuu to aurora herself or just kinda keeps an eye on them while they interact. The fairies absolutely distrust yuu and don’t want them anywhere near aurora.
Aladdin doesn’t trust yuu at all 100%, same goes with jasmine. He won’t be outright rude, but definitely goes out of his way to avoid them or keep any interactions short. Although does keep an eye on them to see how they interact with jafar. He would probably one of the last people they interact with and is either formally introduced to them through Hercules, Snow, or Aurora. He joins in on any antics that might happen but when alone with yuu, both are just sitting there awkwardly. Kinda like a going out friend and their friend you don’t really know and your friend left so you’re both waiting in silence for them to get back. If yuu and aladdin eventually get along, he’s that friend thats message you or you message to see if they want to go on a 3am mcdonalds run and than hang out in a walmarts parking lot afterwards.
And completely fair on misreading the first ask, I probably would’ve if I didn’t send it. Also sorry if I don’t got the characterizations right, it’s been a long time since I watched any classic Disney movie that wasn’t aristocats or robin hood.
I love Aladdin and Jasmin having beef with like 13 year old and is like "we don't trust you!!" "Damn what did I do???"
I feel like Ariels would be the most interesting. The two sneak out together realize who each other are and have conversations comparing things.
"You're never allowed to go to the surface?"
"It's dangerous, father says."
"Humans aren't so bad... besides doesn't your father also say I'm dangerous cause of my mother?"
"I guess so yeah..."
"Mom says to stay away from your side of the family, cause women there are only ever seen and not heard and he did bad stuff to my mom too. Maybe, you should start questioning him"
Hercules is just "don't you fucking try anything" and Meg is like "OK that's valid but after working with Hades I can tell you the kid is cool" and now Hades is trying to be the cool cousin
Aurora and Yuu should be like siblings change my mind.
Also rip Alice. "How are you the queens child??" "Idk bro I fell from the sky and she was like "oh cool" and now I'm royalty.
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moonlight-tmd · 5 months
Oh? God Bee?? Please tell us more.
SO- In this AU, Bumblebee is secretly a lesser deity (more known as celestial lords). One of many that guard and sometimes interact with the mortal world for fun. Nobody knows about the lesser gods anymore because their cults have died out and worship was forgotten long ago and the knowledge about religions is only kept in deep archives for the sake of keeping track of history. The only knowledge about gods that survived to this day is about Primus and Unicron- the "good" and the "evil" halves that function and fight with each other to maintain balance, kind of like Yin Yang.
Bumblebee's god name is Beisilan, he's a Celestial Lord of Dreams and Wishes, Patron of misfits and all things out-of-place. His domain is Dream Realm and his duty is to make and keep guard of dreams and nightmares. He is also the one the mortals summon to make their wishes come true- signing pacts, deals, etc. He's the most social of the deities, per se.
He's known to be mischevious, curious and playful (and deranged) but also dangerous- he's the one that tugs at the strings of luck and steers the wind that pushes you in certain directions in life.
I've allowed myself to sketch a little something for the reference-
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In his god form he's a tad bigger than his mortal frame (although he can change size at will), he has additional arms and 5 eyes cuz as stated previously, he's with misfits (plus he likes to be the odd one out). He also has 6 glowing ribbons that he can control like tentacles sticking from his back. He's levitating most of the time because why should he be restricted to ground. He also has that godly glow to him, you ever seen Disney's Hercules? Kind of like the gods there have.
So- I imagine he comes down to mortal realm and gives himself a mortal frame to posses until it dies. And this continues on, with some neons of breaktime between each lifetime, and currently he's Bumblebee-
The way he met Team Prime is very much different from the original events- it was Optimus, Ratchet, Bulkhead and freshly picked up and intergrated Prowl on the team. Their ship was drifting in space so theu could do some stuff and something hit the wing, Bulk and Prowl were send to check and maybe fix the damage but instead of an asteroid they saw a little yellow bot, frosted over and greyish in color limply hanging from the wing. Of course they pulled it into the ship and got it to the ship's medbay immediately. When the bot woke up few joors later they got to learn his name was Bumblebee. He didn't remember what happened, only that he was thrown out of the ship and left to die. The team kept him, Bee was very adamant on staying with them and from what he said his skills could come in handy for them.
They become closer and end up on Earth afterwards. Everything is quite normal no once but them is on the planet yet,... until one day Team Prime goes to investigate some strange activity and find a group of stray mechs trying to do a ritual of some sorts- turns out they weren't the only ones on the planet, just the area. And that group is seemingly trying to do some cult stuff. They have few encounters before the cult group captured Team Prime to use in the sacrifice to summon something. And so coincidentally, the leader chose Bee to sacrifice. (Inspired by Bad Feeling by Jagwar Twin)
They place him in the ritual circle with all the sigils n stuff and do the rites. Team Prime tries their best to get themselves free while Bee seems more awkward than scared- then teh whole area inside the circle dills with white fire... nothing happens. The leader glances at the other cult folks and tries to figure something out. In the meantime- Bee pokes his helm up from the fire and stands up while shaking his wrist free off molten metal that used to be stasis cuffs. "Yeah, this sacrificial ritual really lacks the 'sacrificial' part..."
He bickers with the leader who tries to go near and grab him, thinking the fire is safe. But the moment he sticks his servo inside the circle the flames burn and melt half of it off. Everyone just stares shocked and quite alarmed as to why the fire harmed the cult folk and is not harming Bee- a minute later Bee snickers and burst out laughing... but then the laugh glitches a bit and he sounds like he's laughing his insanity out. He throws his servos up and falls back, after he submerged in fire there is just silence. The same leader cult folk that tried to grab him goes near, carefully looking if the bot is dead already- but the moment he gets too close some yellow figure launches out, grabs him and pulls him into the fire with it.
The fire that was once white turns vibrant yellow and with a small explosion, a figure emerges... at brief glance it looked normal but no... the figue stretched, its 4 arms making sure they were seen. Then 2 of its eyes blink open before the other 3 open as well. Its mouth forms a big almost-painful-to-look-at grin, sharp teeth glaring at them. The thing's build was odd, almost resembling a build of someone starving. But most noticable detail- the one that told them this somehow was Bee- was the voice; it was choir-like, few tones of similar voices speaking at once but one tone prominent the most, the tone of Bumblebee's voice. "It feels good~... Been a long while since I done this."
The creature didn't introduce itself, only seemed curious and kept guessing what the summoners might want- which resulted in a rather annoying and disappointed moment when the summoners had no idea who they summoned instead of whoever they tried to summon. So obviously, it had to explain. And what a better way to explain that a musical! (Alastor's Game by The Living Tombstone. The song is exactly the same with exception of few words; "-give mr. Alastor Beisilan a call."-be your sweet, radio mischevious demon.")
As the song goes on Beisilan show different aspect of himself- from proposing a pact scroll to the cultist folks to making everyone delve into the odd nightmareish plane for brief seconds before pulling them to a side and showing them all the things they want. Team Prime has a brief moment of seeing their perfect world before it turns to dust and flees to the cultist who do their things and then they see them 'get posessed'. ("did i mention that you're cursed?")
Then they have a brief flashes of places that match the lyrics and at the end, Team Prime is not chained up near the ritual site but instead standing free some distance away from the summoning ring and watches as the mindless cultists stand around the circle and have stringst wrapped around their necks as to show they are bound. The creature finished singing and bows and then just like it appeared, it disappeared in a burst of flames along with the cultists...
Team Prime had a short moment to recollect and try to think what happened before, even when it said its leaving, the same creature that sang comments something from behind them. The reactions are amusing to it. After a bit of wordplay and insane giggles, the creature introduces itself as Beisilan. He explains that he's Bee and not Bee and all that confusing stuff but he does like the bunch so he is their friend and they are stuck with him. He doesn't say what happened to the cultists, only that "they paid the price a little early" and that they shouldn't worry about them. Team Primes leaves as told so Bei can 'clean up' the ritual site, he also tells them to not speak of it again. They only see Bee again next morning.
Sari wasn't there so she never knew. Or at least until some other events in the future that i will save for another post cuz this one is fucking long. I still kept it as short and on point as possible.
Hope you enjoyed reading my nonsense. Expect it to be added to the AU list now that you made me write about it.
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blizzardstarx · 5 months
oh heres aura lore + Angel and Taqqiq rp lore + Raptor and Jack rp prequel lore @castiels-destiny
Aura was born as Storm (?) in the Mountain Pack, and he had a best friend named Lightning. Long story short, his friend betrayed him and framed him of a murder, and Aura kills him, but then gets killed by another wolf in his pack.
They become a spirit wandering around the spirit world, seeking revenge on Lightning, and meets a group of powerful spirits that take him as their apprentice, and he gets more and more powerful, and leaves once his apprenticeship is done, tracking down Lightning and fighting and killing him.
They fight Angel in the spirit world, and they fight for some reason? It was dumb, but Angel beats him and gets another chance at life, as Aura and Angel were like the top two most powerful spirits, eventually starting at the house where Taqqiq met Angel
However, Aura has to face the Trials of Death (lmao it was kinda based on the Hercules myth) and through one of his trials, they help Talon escape his eventual doom in the lab, of which Harpy had a vision of. Aura gets to return to his pack in the mortal realm, but time has passed and he doesn’t know anyone, leaving to help other wolves, and defeat his rival, Angel, whenever they would meet. (they meet again (aura talon and harpy were together and met them) in the Angel and Taqqiq rp first part, but this is wayyy later)
Aura adopts a pup named Blizzard! And he also hangs out with Talon and Harpy sometimes, im pretty sure they live together
They find Taqqiq (when she was a young fox pup) I think? but she runs from them cause she has trauma with wolves, as a pack had killed her parents and was on her tail, and she escapes to Angel’s house, which she didn’t know he was there
LOTS of stuff happened in the Angel and Taqqiq rp and 90% of it was on my old account sadly and in the server i met my friend in, which the channel got deleted (other than auras backstory)
pretty sure my friends oc Angel’s lore has changed a lot but in the recent Raptor and Jack rp there were the Holy Three, Jack, Angel, and Ghale (all my friend’s ocs) that were basically demigods, but Angel disappeared because he was fighting Aura
damn this timeline confusing asf
okay so Creature School rp (few years later) -> Raptor and Jack rp (few years later) -> Angel & Taqqiq + DWW Part Ones -> DWW Part 2 -> Angel & Taqqiq Part 2
angel mentions to taqqiq once about the DWW after he returned from giving Quint redemption and Wildcat resurrecting him (angel had left taqqiq for a while)
oh also i forgot to say why Halfmask was with Raptor and Quint, he wanted a new job other than being a spy lmao but he was still technically spying for the Light Tribe as the job had suspicious activity
also heres my power list lol from most powerful to least
uh. move Lux to above or alongside Halfmask, it would be quite embarrassing if the leader of the Light Tribe was weaker 😭😭
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oh btw axel from creature school featured in the angel and taqqiq rp
there was a crimson cult or some shit in the raptor and jack rp
angel bursts theough the ceiling to execute jack LMFAOOOO because of the holy three code but raptor stops him
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s10127470 · 3 months
The Disney Heroes Franchise: Slight Revision and Meet the Heroes (Part 1)
As I'm sure many of know, I made a post a little over a year ago about my idea on how I would revival the forgotten Disney franchise, Disney Heroes.
To this day, it's undoubtedly my biggest and most popular post.
If you want to check it out for yourselves.
At the end of that post, I promised to go more in-depth on my idea.
But for a long time, I've had trouble trying to continue the idea.
Largely thanks to stuff like focusing on my writing, college, etc.
But now since I'm free for the summer, I'm in a franchise mood.
So I'm back to continue my idea!
To start this off, I wanted to mention that although my original concept and idea for the franchise still stands, there is one change I decided to make.
And that's to the roster.
Essentially, the roster now is both bigger and smaller.
Basically, similar to other franchises, Disney Heroes will have Waves, with each one introducing new characters and locations to its brand.
Essentially, these next few posts about Disney Heroes will be focused on the hypothetical First Wave.
As for the movies that would be represented in the first wave, this would include all the films that were represented in the original franchise.
Those films being:
-Peter Pan
-The Sword in the Stone
-Robin Hood
-Sleeping Beauty
-Atlantis: The Lost Empire
As for our roster of heroes specifically, we have Merlin, Li Shang, Fa Mulan, Mushu, Yao, Ling and Chien Po, Hercules, Megara, Philoctetes, Pegasus, Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, Iago, Magic Carpet, Genie, Tarzan, Jane Porter, Professor Porter, Terk, Tantor, Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy, Michael and John Darling, The Lost Boys, Arthur, Archimedes, Robin Hood, Little John, Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, Princess Aurora, Prince Phillip, Flora, Fauna and Merryweather, Milo Thatch, Kida Nedakh, Dr. Sweet, Vinny, Audrey, Moliere, Cookie and Ms. Packard.
As I mentioned in my initial post, they were all brought together by Merlin after he found out about their respective villains deciding to team up together to further their goals. So now it’s up to the Disney Heroes to thwart their the villains’ plans and protect their respective realms.
Their headquarters is in Merlin, Arthur and Archimedes’ home-realm of Camelot, specifically in their castle they acquired at the end of their film.
But now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about the actual heroes themselves, starting off with....
The founder of the Disney Heroes, the ever-wise powerful wizard of Camelot, and frequent time traveler.
Merlin is basically the guy in the chair, similar to Oracle and Professor Xavier (though not literally as those two).
He’s the one who sends our heroes on their missions and keeps in touch with them while on said mission to inform them what they’re up against.
But despite that, Merlin is one of the most powerful members of the team, being a master sorcerer.
As for his outfit, it would look like this...
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You can't have Merlin around without his trusty owl!
He's usually hangs with Merlin and helps out with keeping in touch with the heroes.
And by keeping in touch, I mean he'll usually be throwing shade at them, much to Merlin's dismay.
As for his looks, he pretty much looks exactly the same as he usually does.
Li Shang:
Next we come to leader of the Disney Heroes since let's be real, out of this group, Shang is undoubtedly the most qualified to lead.
He's a skilled strategist and tactician, skilled in various martial arts, and fights with a gun (a type of staff used in ancient China) and a bow and arrows.
As for his outfit, Shang would wearing the exact same thing he had from the D23 Folktale Figurines Series, but with the addition of his father's helmet.
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Next we come to one of the four heroes that start off the original franchise.
Hercules is the muscle of the team, thanks to his god-like strength.
In addition to being skilled in hand-to-hand combat and wrestling, he also fights with the Lightning Sword and Lion Shield.
Both of which were forged by Hephaestus, the former is a sword with a lightning bolt-shaped blade that can emit powerful electricity, and the latter is a golden shield with the face of a lion.
As for his looks, Hercules would be wearing the same outfit from the short-lived revamp during the original franchise's run.
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And what's a demi-god without his trusty flying steed?
Pegasus is able to fly at incredible speeds, allowing his rider to get to their desired location in the nick of time.
He's also decently strong, since he is, ya know, a horse.
As for his looks, they would be pulled from his Lorcana card.
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Here we have another member of the original four!
Aladdin is essentially one of the speed fighters of the team, thanks to his impressive speed and agility.
Plus the fact that he’s incredibly stealthy doesn’t hurt either.
In addition to that, Aladdin is also a skilled swordsman, fighting with a huge magical scimitar that given to him by Genie that can cut through just about anything.
He also carries a dagger with him for back-up just in case he can’t use his scimitar at the moment.
As for his looks, Aladdin would be wearing the same outfit he was suppose to wear for for the short-lived revamp.
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And what’s a street rat without his trusty monkey.
Abu essentially wears the same type of fez, vest and waist cloth like Aladdin, with the first two having the same color scheme as his usual outfit.
As you expect from a monkey, he’s incredibly quick, agile and nimble.
But that’s not all, because just like his buddy, Abu’s got…
(This was the best one I could find….)
Peter Pan:
We've come to the third member of the original four.
Peter is another one of the team's speed fighters, thanks to his ability of flight.
He also carries a variety of weapons on him, including a bow and arrows, a tomahawk, and of course, his trusty dagger.
Peter also utilizes his living shadow in battle, which he'll have as a tag-team of sorts.
As for his looks, Peter would be wearing the same outfit from the short-lived revamp as well.
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Tinker Bell:
And you can't have Peter Pan without his trusty fairy companion.
Tinker Bell is the pure definition of small but mighty.
In spite of how small she is, she's strong enough to pick up a full grown human and throw them.
But in addition to her power of flight and producing pixie dust, Tinker Bell's true power lies in her mind.
Being carried over from her solo films, she's a tinkerer, creating a variety of weapons and gadgets to help her in battle.
Her most prominent weapon is a crossbow that she shoots stuff like nails and thorns with.
As for her looks, they'll be pulled from this Lorcana card.
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We've finally come to the final member of the original four!
Tarzan is one of the most well-rounded members of the team.
He possesses above-average strength, speed, agility and endurance.
Tarzan also utilizes a variety of weapons, including his bare hands, a spear, a knife, a bow and arrow, and even a vine lasso.
As for his looks, Tarzan would be wearing the same outfit he was suppose to wear for for the short-lived revamp.
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Coming to The Sword in the Stone characters, we've arrived to the main protagonist of that film and one of the main heroes to start off the second wave of the original franchise.
Arthur may be one of the newbies of the team (since he's one of the youngest members), but he's notslouch in combat.
Thanks to some training from his foster father Sir Ector and the some of the other Heroes, Arthur has become a decently skilled swordman, wielding the legendary sword of Excalibur alongside a trusty shield in battle.
As for his looks, they would be pulled from this Lorcana card.
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Robin Hood:
Here we have another main hero of the original second wave.
Robin Hood specializes in attacking enemies from afar with his trusty longbow and arrows.
But can also get close and personal with his sword.
As for his looks, Robin would be wearing the same outfit from the Folktale Figurines Series as well.
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Prince Phillip:
Now we've come to the final member of the second wave.
Prince Phillip is one of best close-range fighters, being a skilled swordman and all.
In battle, he utilizes the enchanted Shield of Virtue (which can block and deflect just about any kind of magical attack) and Sword of Truth (which can slice through just about anything).
As for his looks, Phillip would be wearing the same outfit from the short-lived revamp as well.
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Milo Thatch:
Here we have the final member to be introduced to the original franchise.
Milo is a perfect mix-between a ranged and physical fighter.
He'll fight from afar with a pair of mystical Atlantean boomerangs (with one being able to emit fire, while the other emits ice), but he'll also fight up-close with an Atlantean spear.
As for his looks, they would be pulled from this Lorcana card.
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Well that's all for now.
I know some of you are wondering why I didn't cover everybody else.
Well I figured since there are so many members, it would be better to split this into parts so it doesn't become too long.
But for the heroes I did cover, you're probably wondering why I didn't got into their characters. Well that's because they're pretty much the same as they were in their respective films, so there isn't really a whole lot to go over in that department.
But I am planning on doing a post where I discuss some of the relationships among the team.
I hope you guys enjoy this post and let me know what you guys think about it!
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on-partiality · 7 months
Hi, I’ve been curious about Hercules Mulligan’s inclusion in the Rev Set ever since I have seen posts saying that one of the other aids like Meade and Tilgman or Tallmadge (if Herc was added solely for spy stuff) would have been a better choice. Id love to hear your thoughts on this.
Also, (terribly sorry if this insults any Mullette shippers) but do you know why people ship Mullette? (Correct me if I’m wrong) but these two have had zero historical relations. In addition, I don’t remember from the last time I saw musical but if you do, what was Laf and Herc’s relationship onstage?
So sorry about this super long ask. I just felt like you would be the best person to ask. Tysm and I hope you have a wonderful day!😊
Aw, this is such a cool question! And you're really nice, anon! I wish you the best! I would also like to make it very clear right now to anyone else who wants to send me a long ask. I love long asks. They give me more to ramble about!
When I was first getting into studying the real history behind the musical two years ago, this same thing confused me heaps. Mainly because we have no proof that Lafayette or Laurens ever even met Mulligan, let alone became good friends with him and he wasn't particularly close to Hamilton either for most of the war (I mean, in the continental army, he would've barely seen Hamilton, and the other aides would have been around him all day). Hamilton lived with him when he was in college, and they got along really well, had fun late-night conversations, just overall were great friends who influenced eachother in positive ways and Mulligan's chats with him definitely made young Hamilton more enthusiastic about the revolutionary cause. Additionally, Hercules Mulligan was part of his artillery company, The Hearts Of Oak or the Corsicans - Mulligan's the whole reason why we know the story of 18 year old Hamilton stealing British cannons with his volunteers is because of the recount of that night that Mulligan later wrote - however, for the rest of the war they just didn't interact with one another much.
They had their separate jobs, and they did them well. Hamilton was confined to his own quaters and the aide-de-camp tent, Mulligan was hanging around British camps and the battlefield doing exactly what Hamilton wanted to do. The relationship between the two was completely different from how Hamilton, Laurens, and Lafayette were through most of the war. Working together, seeing each other just about every other day, creating the same drafts and plans; Especially Laurens and Hamilton as Lafayette got some more 'exciting' jobs because of his rank as a Major General. But out of the bunch, Mulligan really sticks out like a sore thumb, historically the group was called the gay trio and for a good 3 quaters of the war it was just them all together. So why on earth would Lin Manuel Miranda add a fourth to the trio? It very well could be that like you said, he wanted everyone in the main group to have a different role that was integral to how the Continental army ran (Lafayette commanding, Hamilton writing, Laurens battling (?) and Mulligan spying) but I ended up reaching the conclusion that because the musical starts in 1776 while Hamilton was still in college - in the musical at least, presumably, but because of the way events are swapped around with eachother and happen at all the wrong times it's a bit difficult to tell what time things happened in the musical like I believe that when it starts Hamilton's meant to be in college and not yet a soldier however Hamilton left college to make his militia thing in 1775 and he stole the cannons in 1775 however the musical shows this happening after Aaron Burr, Sir and at the start if that song they make it very clear that it's meant to be 1776 which also means that Hamilton and Mulligan should've already known each other, I digress, I could ramble about how the way the musical timeline is makes no sense for years - , they wanted to show someone who was really important to him at that age, and they just kept him with the group for the rest of the show to avoid confusion as to why he disappeared or so that they wouldn't have to introduce another character (like why they used Jefferson instead of Monroe for the Reynolds pamphlet).
I don't know about using Tallmadge as a substitute though, given that I haven't read of any interactions between him and Hamilton or him and Laurens historically, I haven't read of any between him and Lafayette either, but it seems more likely that they would've spoken given Lafayette's position as a major general. It's entirely possible that the trio had heard of him but never actually met him given that I believe that I read somewhere that the whole trio knew of the Culper Spy Ring and a lot of what they would've heard to do with the Culper Spy Ring would have related to Benjamin Tallmadge in some way or other because he was the co-founder of the group. Meade and Tilghman would be good to swap Mulligan for, but then it doesn't make sense that he was talking to them in college (although Laurens and Lafayette didn't meet Hamilton when he was 19 either and like I mentioned earlier, Mulligan should have already known him so with the logic of the Hamilton musical they could be in the main group, yes). If my theory is correct then it would make sense why none of the more historically accurate quadrios were chosen, if they wanted someone who was close to Hamilton in his college years who still fought in the revolutionary war; then Mulligan would've been a great fit.
I'm going to guess that Mullette is one of those ships where people went, 'Hmm, I have ships for every other character but these too, and they seem close enough (in the musical that is), so I'll pair them together!'. Y'know, one of those pair-the-spares kind of things that people who are really into shipping do. Additionally. I believe you're correct; it has to have been an 100% musical fandom ship originally because if there was even just a little bit of historical evidence to back it up, then we'd know for a fact that Lafayette and Mulligan knew each other. Oh, and as someone who has seen the musical rather recently (late may last year) in the show, Lafayette and Mulligan didn't interact much, but they did come across as good friends and for some very creative people, those crumbs of interactions are enough to develop whole stories and relationships and I applaud those people, the way they create so much out of so little is amazing. Personally, I don't like any ships that don't have even a semblance of historical backing because I'm definitely an amrev fan before I'm a Hamilton musical fan (I still love the musical, I just value the real history more). People can like what they like though; I won't judge.
I'll always think Mullette's funny because here in Australia recently it's become a trend again for young boys and men to get mullets and I can't read the name without thinking of some crazy looking mullets that I've seen. Thanks for the ask, Anon! It was super fun to answer :D
(I apologise if I come across as rude, I've struggled with tones my whole life)
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MFA Dionysos Photo Dump + Chat!
As was promised so many days ago, here's a photo dump from my trip to the MFA Boston last Thursday! The amount of stuff they have on Dionysos is actually incredible, and as I said in my initial post, I would really recommend visiting if you ever find yourself in New England/near Boston :)
Also, just a fair warning, this is going to be a pretty long post - prepare thy selves!
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To start, I would like to let everyone know that they did put Dionysos on a coin, in case you were worried (coins aren't a big thing for me, but I thought this was kind of cool)
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Next, we have this vase featuring Dionysos and two satyrs! I love the relaxed pose of Dionysos, who's holding a drinking horn in His hand
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This vase here features Dionysos in a vineyard. I find it pretty interesting that He seems to be depicted with a beard more on the vases than on His statues, although that seems to be a maybe more common theme with all the Gods? Would love if someone knew why this happens!
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Another interesting vase, this one depicting the worship of Dionysos. This is probably one of the reasons that I love art history so much - we can get a much more precise picture of what the past was like through the art than the writing, IMO. If ever I find myself either A. immensely rich or B. with a group of super talented friends, I would love to recreate this. I forget which festival this was, although my guess is Anthesteria.
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Moving on to the statuary - this depicts Dionysos and a Maenad, in the act of sharing wine (specifically from the Maenad to Dionysos). Although the arm is broken off, the jug "hanging" from the Maenad's hip is a wine jug, which it seems is actually being prepared to be poured into Dionysos' drinking cup. This is definitely a scene I'm planning on keeping in mind for future ritual - the idea of giving to Dionysos as if He were standing in the room, holding His cup out for wine.
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This is one of my favorites - a head of Dionysos (called Bacchus, because it's of Roman make). When you're there in person, His eyes are just about at eye level, and there's something incredibly powerful about looking almost directly into the eyes of your God. This is usually where I stop and do my prayers to Dionysos, since the statue gives such a feeling of connection!
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This is a Roman sarcophagus depicting Dionysos' triumphal return from India. I feel like He gets a bit lost in the chaos, but the vibes on this coffin are immaculate! The chaos on the coffin is really fun, with Hercules is at the front, drunk after having lost to Dionysos in a drinking contest. This whole thing definitely fits the mythological timeline's vibes well, since, if I remember correctly, this is the starting point of His conquest that leads Him to the kingdom of Thebes in the Bacchae.
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This ceiling painting by John Singer Sargeant is definitely a different depiction of Dionysos than how I see Him, but it's meant to be an homage to Dionysos as the God of the theater (I believe), and it definitely gives off those vibes. Also, the pose that He's making is really fitting!
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This one's a bit blurry, my apologies! This depicts the moment that Dionysos finds Ariadne on the shores of Naxos, and just before He throws Her crown into the sky. I'm not the biggest fan of this particular style of painting, and as far as I can tell, there's no real reason for me to dislike it. But to give credit where credit is due, I feel like Dionysos finding Ariadne is a severely underrepresented theme in art, and I do appreciate the artist for actually making a piece on it. The story of the two of Them is probably one of my favorites, and I think about it at least once a day :)
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Final one! This statue is actually a lot smaller than it looks, and a 17th or 18th century recarving of a different Roman work. This is Dionysos and Ariadne, originally a satyr and a maenad. I love how there seems to be a sense that They both see each other as equals - both in the similar position of the hands in front, the looks on Their faces, and also (not pictured here) Ariadne's hand on the back, which is resting pretty close to Dionysos' butt, in a playfully loving manner. Everything about this seems to speak to a relationship founded on love, equality, and ease. It definitely captures at least Dionysos' vibes - I haven't prayed to Ariadne much, but I feel that it must capture Her vibes as well :)
TL;DR: Art is cool, museums are cool, go while you're still a student and getting into places for free, and praise Dionysos (obviously)!
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donnedulac · 10 months
Tagged by @coughdrop80. Thank you! ♥️
Three fictional friendships: [actually found this quite hard… I have a bad memory and quite frankly just don’t “consume” that much “media”, as the millennials like to say. Also tried to avoid relationships overtly framed as sibling-like.]
-Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey;
-the raven cycle peeps;
-Zack & Kunsel from ff7 compilation (exists beautifully as more than just a tutorial mechanic inside our heads, in fanon, and in fanfic).
First blorbo: Meg from Disney’s Hercules. I wanted to be her, and also kinda wanted to have her.
Last song: 1973 by James blunt ✨
Last film: Chaplin’s city lights
Currently reading: embarrassing the amount of stuff currently hanging by the wayside. Calvino’s le città invisibili, Baricco’s novecento (which isn’t even a book but a teeny tiny novella), h.g. Wells complete works, Katherine Mansfield’s complete works, d. H. Lawrence’s complete poetry and the banana fish manga. I read a lot of non-fiction academic-sort stuff on the reg tho.
Currently watching: haunting of hill house, ergo proxy, six feet under
Currently consuming: does this mean food? Nothing then
Currently craving: husband, stable career, house, 3 children (lmao)
Tagging @the--s--laughterhouse @animalcuckllective @bakudo4 @intenziteti @wifestre
If there’s any chronic overshares out there I didn’t tag please feel free to do this and I’ll know to tag you next time!
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
Stuff I think would happen if TOH characters were in the House of Mouse
Mickey, while trying to make the more recent Disney shows/movies feel more welcome in the club, seats Belos with Frollo. Little does he know, the seating arrangement works out TOO well
“Mickey, I’m starting to think those arrangements worked out a little too well…”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, Claude Frollo and Emperor Belos are planning to destroy all magic-kind.”
“O h.”
I think I said this before, but it’s just too damn funny so I’ll do it again: Eda, being Eda, somehow pissing off the Queen of Hearts and when the Queen orders “OFF WITH HER HEAD”, Eda says “Bet” and detaches her head cuz of her curse. Cue a very confused Queen looking at her like “What”
Like how do you respond to that? Someone just detaching their head WHILE THEY’RE STILL ALIVE. I don’t think even she would know what to do
Mortimer tries to flirt with all the adult female characters and the following happens:
- He hits on Eda, but turns over to Lilith when she says she’s taken. When Mortimer fails to take the hint, Lilith sics Hooty on him….and then he eats him
- He tries his luck with Terra and he legit almost dies. I don’t think I need to explain that one
- Camila tries to be as polite as possible but the second he puts an arm around her, she beats him with her chancla
- He’d probably stoop as low as flirting with Odalia and Kikimora and when he does, I’ll be on their side for once
Eberwolf hanging out with all the animal sidekicks
I wanna see the characters in Hercules reacting to King being a titan, since titans are basically enemies to the Greek Gods. I feel like they all would be alarmed and ready to fight (except Hades, Pain, and Panic who are excited) until they actually see him and they’re like “That’s your Titan?….The dog-thing is your Titan…..what-”
Mickey and the gang unwillingly getting help from the Collector and he takes it too far
Terra hanging out with all the Disney Villainesses
Hunter and Gepetto bonding over the fact that their wooden creations come to life
Hunter fawning over the Big Bad Wolf cuz you know…it’s a wolf
Magic duel? Magic duel
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the-hourglass83 · 3 months
I'm finally getting the hang of this Tumblr thing so how about an intro post:
Hi, I'm Lindsay 👋 she/her
Then: I was a kid in the '80s and a teen in the '90s. I watched Nickelodeon, the Disney Afternoon and Cartoon Network, and wrote fanfiction and RPGs about it with my friends in a spiral notebook. 😆 I studied English and art in college and love to write and draw.
Now: I do communications and social media for a Fortune 500 company. Wish I had more free time to write and create for fun. My goal is to carve some time out soon to start making and posting my own stuff again. Until then, exploring your creations brings me lots of joy.
First fandom: Mystery Science Theater 3000
Current obsession: Discworld! I finally read my first of The Watch series and now going down a huuuge rabbit hole. #VetinariforPresident2024
Other favorites: 
-Star Wars
-The Muppets
-Hanna Barbera
-Classic '60s toons like Rocky & Bullwinkle, Total Television and Batfink
-Obscure '80s toons like Danger Mouse, Count Duckula, Maple Town, Willy Fog, The Little Koala and The Mysterious Cities of Gold
-Detectives, especially Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Nero Wolfe and Benoit Blanc
-Jeeves & Wooster
-Matt Groening's Disenchantment
-Asterix and Obelix
-The Adventures of Tintin
Tell me about you? 👇
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So based on a Modern AU of Hercules, what kind of Girly-Girl Media would Persephone be into?
My Little Pony? Care Bears? Strawberry Shortcake? Barbie? or something else?
Also, I'm curious to know more about your Modern AU based on Lore Olympus (even though you're not into it) if you have any other headcanons but I would like to know how a Modern Disney! Hadephone would work in a Alternate Story.
AAAA I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! Thank you for asking lol!!! I love when people ask about my AUs and ocs and fics and stuff like that! Lol it just makes my day to know that people are actually interested in my dumb little ideas lol! 😁💕💕
But yeah! You are correct lol! The modern au is based slightly off of Lore Olympus, but only a little bit, not a lot lol 😊
Anyways, modern Persephone really likes Hello Kitty and the Sanrio brand. She does like Barbie, Care Bears, and My Little Pony a little bit (she thinks those brands are cute as well and she does love unicorns in this universe too lol), but not as much as she loves Sanrio. She loves anything pastel colored or cute honestly lol. I think Persephone would really love Build-A-Bear Workshop too and I like to think Hades takes her there whenever she sees a new plush she really wants (and yes I think Persephone is totally a plushie collector because I too am a plushie collector lol, she is a self insert oc after all lol!).
Persephone (just like Hades) also likes to play video games. Her favorite games are Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Stardew Valley, and Little Big Planet. She also likes to play Mario Kart, any of the Kirby games, Mario Party (with friends, of course, because it’s more fun that way lol), and Super Smash Bros. Hades will sometimes ask her to play first person shooter games with him like Borderlands or Call of Duty and she’s surprisingly pretty good at those, but it’s not her cup of tea.
As for headcanons, well, this modern AU (as I mentioned before) is pretty much an “office romance” sorta thing, so I guess I’ll give headcanons for that lol!
Hades drives a fancy, black sports car.
Cerberus does exist but he’s not gigantic like in the Hercules universe, he’s pretty much the size of a Great Dane lol.
Pain and Panic are his personal assistants.
Persephone drives a cute little pastel yellow sedan.
Hades mainly wears corporate or business casual clothes, but on the weekends or when he hangs out with friends he likes to wear more punk clothing like leather jackets and ripped jeans.
Persephone’s clothing style for work is kinda retro and similar to dresses or outfits from the 50s or 60s. Lots of knee length dresses and and skirts with little cardigans or sweaters and all pastel colored. Her casual wear is mainly just modern girly outfits. Denim jumpers or overalls with cute shirts or cute graphic tees with matching skirts or shorts.
Just like in Hercules and the original Greek lore, Hades is rich and has a really nice little townhouse bachelor pad.
Persephone lives in an apartment not too far from Hades’ townhouse (this is before they get married, of course lol).
Persephone doesn’t have any pets in this AU, but she does volunteer at the animal shelter sometimes when she’s not working.
Before working in the actual office, Persephone used to work part time in the daycare center of Olympus Inc. (the name of the company lol).
Hades and Persephone love going to little cafes. A lot of their dates are pretty much coffee dates lol.
Hades loves to have lunch with Persephone at work and will always take the opportunity to have lunch with her if she’s able.
Sometimes Hades will bring Persephone lunch or grab her favorite coffee for her just so he can see her.
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
♡⊰𝓐𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓽 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓼⊱♡
Based off Pain from Hercules
More info
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Name: Aikat Spanos
Age: 17
Date of birth: August 19
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hight: 160cm
Dorm: Ignihyde
Class: C1
Place of birth: Island of Woe
Mother: Penelope Spanos
Father: Ajax Spanos
Brother(Twins): Phobes Spanos
Aikat is 160cm. He has light brown skin with bruises all over from being an idiot. His his hair is dark raspberry colored with a dark turquoise streak. He has bandages over his arm and face because of the bruises and wears glasses. His eyes are a grey-ish yellow color.
⊱Sᴘᴇᴀᴄɪᴀʟ Mᴀɢɪᴄ⊰
Pain of the heart. The ability to cause severe pain to anyone is a 20 mile radius. The pain can go as far as causing someone to black out.
Idia. Ortho. Phobes. Several Ignihyde students. Vil. Epel. Tao(oc). Cater. Lilia. Kalim.
⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: he keeps collaring me and saying that I “need to follow the rules”. What is he the fun police?
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: have you tasted his cooking?? They are so good!!
𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛: Cater is great!! I like to hang out with him and the music club whenever I can!
𝙰𝚌𝚎: Doesn’t care what people think of him which I respect. He also doesn’t care if he says something that might sound mean. I feel like Phobes would like him.
𝙳𝚎𝚞𝚌𝚎: Haven’t met him. Phobes says he’s ok so ig he’s ok.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: Has too much of a temper in my opinio. But Phobes looks up to him so eh, he’s ok.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎: oh Phobes has the biggest crush on him. Don’t see the appeal in him though. But if he hurts my brother I’ll personally see that he dies :)
𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔: don’t know don’t care. Tao says he has too many morals though.
𝚃𝚊𝚘(𝙾𝙲): Is always up for some mischief, And always ready to talk or fight our way out of Trouble. But he’s also the 2nd highest student in terms of grades which honestly shocked me.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖: He’s super fun and his parties are awesome! I can talk to him for hours on end no problem!
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕: not my cup of tea. But he’s nice to Phobes so all’s well ends well.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: Idia says to stay away. So what will I do? Get on his nerves>:)
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: Phobes seems to dislike him a bit, so I dislike him a bit.
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍: Too tall in my opinion, he could use to loose a few inches. Other then that meh, don’t care.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: His royal highness is great!! He gave me tips to keep my skin and hair better and always looks out for me in practice.
𝙴𝚙𝚎𝚕: Phobes likes him a lot so he’s cool with me.
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: if you think I’m weird wait till you meet him. I don’t know why Vil keeps him around.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: Boss is, well, he’s boss! He gives me stuff to do and I have no problem doing them ever since we were kids and I’ve always looked up to him. All in all he’s awesome.
𝙾𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚘: Ortho is adorable!! He’s super nice and super cool.
𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚜(𝙾𝙲):My cute baby brother<3 I would die for him. He’s always there and never leaves me. I do tend to worry about him a lot but hey, what do you expect from me?
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: He’s alright, abbot stuck up but hey, what do you expect from a prince?
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: Lilia is amazing! He knows a lot and is super cool! Just don’t eat his cooking…. Please.
𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚛: Met him a few times. He sorta reminds me of fairy tale princesses
𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚔: He’s so loud!! And not in a good way>:(
Aikat is seen as the bold one of the twins. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants as long as his brother is cool with it. He has abandonment and trust issues so he’s prone to panic attacks when the people closest to him are away. He’s cheeky and a bit too honest at times but he means well and just doesn’t realize he’s being a jerk sometimes. He’s kind and generous and a bit of a genius when he wants to be. He’d also very reliable and dependable and Idia sees him as his no.1 go to guy. He’s quite brave and confident and likes to challenge himself. He’s also super cheerful and can always be seen with a smile on his face. He’s also easy going and open minded, and can be funny at times. He’s friendly charismatic and social.
But he can come off as rude and disrespectful because of how blunt he is at times. He can also be quiet clumsy with stuff. He’s impatient and doesn’t like to wait much for things. He can also be really naive and foolish at times and can be seen as childish.
He’s also energetic but has a calming demeanor to him. And as I mentioned is truthful(but can lie and will lie if he wants) and lighthearted.
⊱Fᴜɴ Fᴀᴄᴛs⊰
Aikat is the eldest of the two Spanos twins. He was born 20 minutes before his brother.
He has severe attachment issues and abandonment issues due to his parents disappearing when he was 8.
He’s been living with the Shrouds for so long he considers them family.
He tends to lie to get his way, especially if he was in trouble.
He tends to be calm and nothing can tic him off, except when his brother is sad
He LOVES singing and dancing. So when Idia and Ortho heard he joined the film club they were confused.
While he likes playing video games he also enjoys doing calligraphy, something that a lot of people(including himself) find weird
He has ADHD
Likes to play pranks on people a lot.
Has gotten into trouble with teachers and the head wardens on several occasions.
He is so oblivious to relationships and romantic love it hurts
Loves loves LOVES sea food.
But hates spicy food.
Put him in a dark room with no light and he’ll just die, right then and there, on the spot.
Has sensory issues so he always has headphones on him.
Can’t see for shit but refuses to wear his glasses correctly
Calls Idia “Boss” and Vil “Your Majesty”
Has a weird hobby of trying to figure out if he sold someone how much will he get
Continuing the last point: has told people what they’re worth like talking about the weather.
The most reckless person ever. Safety? What is that an energy drink?
Has Fangs
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hamiltrash-thoughts · 2 years
Random vent here
Guys you don't u n d e r s t a n d what I'm craving for.
I don't know what you think about this, but I am really craving for some John Laurens/Lafayette/Hercules Mulligan content
Like, THEM AS A TRIO before they met Hamilton.
I think they hadn't known each other for long before that, but honestly, I look at those three together and can only think "Look how good friends they are!!! They probably exploded some place together before, and could possibly sink a ship if they wanted to."
Yep, purely and utterly c h a o s.
They most likely met because of the revolution, and bonded over their will of kicking some redcoats' asses.
I like to believe Lafayette was the one to introduce Laurens and Mulligan to each other, and honestly, I think even himself regrets this a little sometimes.
Most of their time together, they'll just hang around, cursing the British and talking about their plans to the future when the US becomes an independent nation. Other times, they'll just get drunk and talk a lot of shit and laugh like there's no tomorrow. At this point, people are just used to how loud they are.
Laurens probably proclaimed himself as the leader of their trio, and sometimes the other two will look at him like "John you are not our leader pls stop" but mostly they leave him be. Ah, and since I got cursed with the Workshop version of the musical, I just now got the headcanon that Laurens is the type of person that will say "shit" at every chance he gets.
Lafayette, you could say, is probably the most sensible one out of the three. I mean, yes, he loves to get into confusion with his friends, and will probably laugh at them if they or someone else do something really stupid. But if he knows when things will get serious, he's just like "hahaha non." He also curses a lot in French when he's irritated. Laurens and Mulligan get the poker face when this happens.
If you thought that Laurens and Hamilton were obnoxious, oh look who we have here, HERCULES MULLIGAN!!! The man likes some fight and confusion, since he's just tired of his life as a tailor's apprentice. He's that one friend who'll make fun of you if you give him the slightest chance, but if someone else even DARES to mess with you, he'll be like "YOU WANNA FIGHT, MAN?! YOU MESS WITH MY BROS, YOU MESS WITH ME!!!!". He basically calls himself the "bodyguard" of the gang. Oh, and since he's the oldest of the three, he also will say he has some authority over them. Laurens most of the time will fight him against it. Lafayette will either stand to the side watching them kill each other and make fun of them, or will join the fight (most of this stuff happens when they're way too drunk).
You can imagine at this point that, by the time Hamilton joins them, things will just get MESSIER. It's difficult to say if they corrupted the poor young man, or if it was him that made them even worse. And poor Burr a lot of times has to deal with these four together and he just wants to disappear.
• Alexander once bet with Lafayette who knew more curses in French. Again, Lafayette. A French native speaker. And Hamilton dared him anyway. Believe it or not, they got in this discussion for hours, and in the end, they decided it ended in a draw. But just because Hamilton was way too stubborn.
• In "Right Hand Man — Workshop ver.", Hamilton clearly says himself to be the "leader of the gang", and all the others answered "Yes, indeed". It was just seconds after that Laurens noticed it and turned to Mulligan and Lafayette saying "Why when he's the one declaring himself as leader, we just agree with it????" and they're like "We dunno, we just want to shoot some redcoats".
• I bet Lafayette and Herc noticed the sexual tension between Laurens and Hamilton even before they two.
• Mulligan must look intimidating, but really, he gives the best and strongest hugs. Once Hamilton got out of breath in a hug with him. Because, compared to Herc, Alex is t i n y.
• Oh, yeah, the three of them won't spare HamHam from the height jokes. Once, Laurens jokingly said he looked cute when angry, because he had a "baby face". Alexander proceeded to lecture, not only him, but Lafayette and Mulligan too, for the next three hours, saying that: 1 — Laurens was barely some centimeters taller than him; 2 — "Get some beard before you talk about 'baby face', bitch"; 3 — He points out that, it doesn't matter his height compared to them, it didn't stop him from fitting his shoe into their asses.
• When drunk, these four get very clingy. And when I say very, it's because it's VERY. It won't be uncommon to see them either hugging each other, singing a drinking song together, patting each other in the back, giving funny nicknames to each other, and stuff like this.
So... yes. Very chaotic group of friends.
I fucking love them.
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zonerobotnik · 2 years
So, you dislike Disney's new films with the villains having tragic stories and trying goad watchers by having people of color acting in controversial roles. What about the cartoon serieses that were made from the movies? "The legends of Tarzan", "Disney's the little mermaid", "Aladdin" or "Hercules"? Did you like those?
Honestly...no. I tried watching one or two of those, but I didn't really care much for them, because they took place in the past and so much got retconned because of it. Tangled took a different route by having the series take place before the wedding short but after the movie, and Eugene had said years had passed before they actually did the final proposal in the epilogue of the movie, so they had room to work without changing too much. The only thing that had people asking questions was why wasn't Varian there at the wedding, since Cassandra left the Kingdom. I personally think he was preparing some big surprise for the reception. Also, points to them for actually getting how many times Eugene and Rapunzel collectively tried to propose right. "After (3) years of asking (coronation), asking, (Rapunzel proposing in Cassandra's tower), and asking (the final proposal), I finally said yes. Oh, alright, I asked her." But, that is easily explained away, really. Ariel only hanging out with Flounder and Scuttle in the movie when she made other friends in the series cannot. I heard there's some nerd kid that turned villain at one point in the series, what happened to him? Is he still a villain? Did he get exiled? Is he alive? Is he a WORM-THING IN URSULA'S GROTTO? Hercules' series...don't know much about it, was it taking place during his training montage? But, did he ever actually leave that place in all those years? Is having him leave it a retcon? I don't know! Aladdin's series...actually, that one is okay, too. It takes place after the movie, and the sequel movies aren't too badly affected by what happened in the series, as far as I can tell. It certainly introduces a lot of interesting new characters. Haven't watched it fully myself, but I've seen a few clips and some fanart. I know nothing about Tarzan's, but the Lion King series was decent enough. Lion Pride, though, honestly retcons WAY more, and I'm SO iffy about that one. Where the hell was this guy when his sister was playing Romeo and Juliet? Apparently he had a thing with Vitani?! When did THIS happen? Why are they freely going in and out of the Pridelands?! Scar was doing WHAT when he was a kid?! It's a decent AU, but trying to fit into where it's supposed to be, between Lion King 1 and Lion King 2, it doesn't work. There's too many retcons, too many questions. This is like if someone decided to make a movie based on "Rapunzel and the Lost Lagoon" and say it canonly took place before the series! Except, hold on, I haven't fully read it myself, is Rapunzel's hair short or long in it? When is this supposed to take place?! When did Rapunzel and Cassandra secretly get married in the Lost Lagoon?! And don't get me STARTED on the Flynn Rider book! I do not like "canon" stuff being introduced that takes place before the original thing happens because 9/10 times it is COMPLETELY retconned. Can we please stop going back in time and changing history?!
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