#but i need to rest. there's nothing urgent for me to do right now anyways. i should draw because i want to
arcaneyouth · 2 years
small vent art thing below the cut. just getting thoughts out
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osaemu · 11 months
hii could i please request watching n sitting under sakura trees as the blossoms fall w gojo ! missing him 😓
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the gojo estate is a beautiful residence, but even with all its fountains and antiques, your favorite part is the courtyard. countless sakura trees line the massive courtyard, each fully grown with thousands of pink blossoms fluttering in the wind.
as you rest in the shade of your particular favorite, a picnic blanket spread out underneath you, you hear the soft crunch of heavy shoes on the leaf-ridden ground.
"took you long enough," you say playfully, not bothering to turn and look over at satoru. he sits by you with a soft exhale and rests his back against the tree.
"sorry, darling, got hung up with some of my dad's associates," satoru sighs, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his lap. he hardly has to exert any effort to do so—after all, he's the strongest. but when it comes to you, he feels just a little bit weaker than he ought to. especially when you tilt your head like a puppy and smile at him, cherry blossoms fluttering around you in the wind.
satoru can't help but smile when a pink petal nestles itself in your hair, and he uses it as an excuse to run his calloused hands through your hair. you say something about not wanting to get your hair tangled, but as usual, satoru pays no heed to your words.
"satoru," you whine, flicking at his arm in a feeble effort to get him to remove his hand from your hair. "it's just a petal, stop tangling my hair!" you swat at satoru's hand again, but he only hums in response. "satoru!"
"okay, okay," he grumbles, extracting his hand from your hair and resting it on your thigh instead. "happy?"
you nod and lean against his chest, breathing in the cool, floral air of the gojo estate's courtyard. a couple moments pass in silence as you take some time to just admire the view, but of course, satoru has to interrupt.
"oh, by the way," satoru starts casually. "my parents want us to get married."
satoru's tone is awfully nonchalant for a topic like this, and because of that, it takes a second for his words to sink in. you blink a couple times before turning your head and meeting his soft blue eyes. "wait, what?"
"you heard me," satoru shrugs, wrapping his arms around you tighter. "it's nothing urgent, but they think i'm too old to still be unmarried. heh, like i'd have any trouble gettin' myself a wife anyways." he pauses and studies your face. "but really, i just want you. and my parents know that, so they thankfully dropped all of that arranged marriage bullshit."
your mouth falls open a little as a flood of information sweeps through your head. one second, you're just sitting under sakura trees with your boyfriend, and the next, he's casually bringing up marriage?
"satoru, this is . . . a lot to just dump on me right now," you say slowly. "i—"
his eyes widen and a small laugh slips out of his lips. "oh, i didn't mean it that way!" satoru says quickly. "i was just tellin' you what we were talking about in there," he clarifies, vaguely gesturing to the main building in the gojo estate. "there's nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, m'kay? i'll actually have this talk with you when i think we're ready, not when a bunch of old geezers want us to."
you smile at that, shaking your head endearingly at satoru's words. "you need to start watching your mouth, sweetheart. it'll get you in trouble someday," you tsk.
satoru scoffs lightheartedly and grabs your chin, pulling you onto his lips for a soft, floral kiss. "and you'll be there to drag me out of it, won't ya?"
yeah, you probably will be.
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cryinglightning64 · 12 days
Hope Is Lost
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Summary: You left home to get away from the normalcy, only to end up in a foreign country not knowing that the world was beginning to end.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female (sorta nun) reader
A/N: this is my first attempt at writing a fanfic bc i cant seem to find any about him in france and if you have found any tag me plss 😭 i had to resort to making my own instead. lmk if anyone is even interested in a part 2 this is basically just a teaser i promise it will have smut if 1 person interacts with this. even if nobody interacts ima still post part 2 bc wtf am i doing hoarding this in my notes app.
The first time you saw him you had a strange feeling about him. As if you knew who he was. As he floated on top of the boat that seemed to be capsized, a measly tied rope that hardly held his body to the boat, you weren't sure what his name was, but you had a gut feeling, you knew it had to be him. You thought back at the drawing that Laurent had made, two weeks ago.
You followed him, watched as the man washed up on the shore, confused, but seemingly determined.
The sisters might be right, you thought to yourself. Isabelle might be right.
You met Isabelle after the world began decaying, finding refuge at the convent. It wasn't really your first choice, staying at the convent, but in this world, beggars can't be choosers. You thought maybe immersing yourself into religion might help take your mind off everything that happened to you, everything going on outside.
Many of the nuns at the abbey didn't see you as one of them, despite you being there longer than some of them. You never were religious like the rest of them, which made everyone turn their heads away from you. Religion came easy to them, meanwhile with you, well, you hadn't given it much thought.
To this day it's still in the back of your mind, chipping away at you, the guilt of not being a big enough believer in God. How could you believe in a higher power if this is what the world has succumbed to? How could anything good let all the people you loved, cared about, die such gruesome deaths? Always a constant back and forth battle you had going on in your mind.
Sister Isabelle confided in you, telling you about Laurent, and how she needed to find someone to deliver him to Paris. The whole messiah thing seemed like such a crazy thing to wrap your head around, but you still offered your help in anyway you could. After all, you knew she would do anything for you and the rest of the nuns. That and you needed to get out of France. It was your one chance, you finally had a good enough reason to leave the abbey and try to
find your way back home.
Hanging up the small poster of the Union Isabelle made, you watched as the man with the wings on his back took an abandoned boat as his shelter for the night. Hopefully he would still be there by the time you got back tomorrow.
"Isabelle, I am telling you, I saw him." you pleaded. The drawing sat in front you two on the table, barely visible due to the small lantern you held up.
"Je t'ai dit de ne pas y aller seul," Isabelle whispered, "I told you not to go alone out there, what if he had seen you? Or followed you?"
"He didn't, okay? Please Isabelle, I know what everyone here thinks about me and my faith, but I know it, he's the one that can help us take Laurent." you spoke quietly but urgently, as to not wake up the rest of the sisters.
"No, we know nothing of this man, maybe he is already out there walking amongst the dead, or worse, he might just be here to steal from us and kill us all. You will not go back out there, especially alone, do you understand?" Isabelle spoke, her hand coming to rub her forehead, smoothing the frown lines forming.
Sighing, you nod your head, peering down at the drawing.
"Good, now get some sleep." Isabelle turned away, heading back to sleep.
Even if deep down, you didn't believe that Laurent was the messiah, and that the man in the boat was the man from the drawing, you still had the need to find out more about this man.
The next morning you came back to where you had last seen the man, hoping he was still out there.
You watched and followed as he got up and began packing his things, setting out to wander the land.
You also saw how he had got himself into trouble with the young woman and older man, seeing how he fought off the men from the Pouvoir des Vivants, as best as he could. You watched from a distance until you saw how they robbed him blind, injuring him long enough for them to get away.
You ran up to him, kneeling before watching him pass out from the blows to the head and quite probably the dehydration.
You carried, or more so, dragged his limp body to your small carriage you brought with you, hoping he wouldn't be what Isabelle said he might be.
You were dreading having to explain to Isabelle why you had brought this man to the abbey after she so explicitly told you not to engage with him, let alone bring him into your homes.
"Qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit? Why did you have to bring him back here?" Isabelle raised her eyebrows at you as she held the hot poker towards his arm.
"Perdóname, no supe que hacer, I had no choice he was injured" you said and you rounded to the opposite side of the bed.
"Hold his arm down, and cover his mouth." Isabelle said as she looked at you with a glare you were sure was the maddest you have ever seen her.
He screamed and writhed and she held the hot metal to his arm where the undead had burned him with acid.
His grunts and pained yelling made something inside you feel horrible, the pain he was in almost made you feel as terrible as it seemed to pain him.
His anguished face combined with the peaceful singing of the nuns down the hall swarmed your senses, until he coughed and passed out once more.
"Listen to me, I know you didn't mean for all this to happen, I get that, and I understand he was hurt. But you better pray that he will be able to deliver Laurent, it's what he needs, deserves." Isabelle said after she wrapped the man's arm, who you had come to learn his name was Daryl Dixon.
"I will, Isabelle. I'll make it my life's mission to get that boy to Paris." you said quietly as to not wake up Daryl, who had begun to snore softly in the bed below you.
"Very well. Now help me prepare the bath for him, he's going to need it once he wakes up." Isabelle walked away to fetch a kettle of water to fill up the bath.
a/n: yall pls dont be mad i tried my best i know its shitty writing but i dont have anything to lose.
also im open to suggestions or if you guys wanna see a certain trope or scene play along u tell me ill do my best to make it come true on paper 😪
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dragonmurray · 1 year
Poisoned Truth
Loki x female reader
Triggers - smut, 18+, mild angst
Description - hydra had poisoned the team with a love drug. What will you do when you’re the only one without a lover?
You were screwed. No two ways about it. Death was coming for you. The irony in that phrase.
A simple mission with the Avengers turned out to be a trap set by Hydra. Tony, Nat, Clint and you headed over to a warehouse thinking you would be collecting some valuable intel on the latest leader to step up in Hydra. It was too late when Tony detected the gas in the building, you were all infected.
The flight back in the jet was spent scanning, researching, testing everything possible to work out what they had poisoned you with, but 5 minutes in to the flight you were starting to realise.
Tony was desperate to get to Pepper, Nat to Bruce, and Clint to his wife. Desperate with need. Overwhelming, soul crushing need. From the little Tony could gather the Hydra drug would drive them to madness, boil them from the inside out unless they found their completion with the one they love.
Hydra were placing their bets on no Avenger being able to find true love. They would lose that bet, for the most part.
You however? Agent y/n l/n? You had no such love. Not that anyone knew anyway. You made it back to the tower, the others running to their loved ones for some life saving alone time. You slowly stumbled back to your room, a thin veil of sweat starting to cover your body. Alone.
You closed the door to your room and sank down to the floor. A weird kind of acceptance seeping in to your brain. So this is how it would end. Thwarted by the one enemy you could never defeat, love and orgasms. How poetic. You weren’t a virgin, you’d had your share of partners, but every one a disappointment. No man had ever taken the time to learn your body, to relish in your pleasure instead of their own. You’d never known pleasure from another.
An ache in your core starter and your mind drifted to the man you had dared to hope would have changed that. A secret hope he could never know of. He, a God, could never lower himself to the standards of a mortal. Sure you spent most of your free time together. Reading, playing tricks on each other to pass the time. You were one of the few to get him to open up and on some occasions, laugh. But he was also quick to tell you of his lineage, his power, his birthright.
You were just y/n. A basic mortal with some killer fighting skills. Nothing more.
A knock on your door had you jumping and groaning at the same time as the heat flared in your body.
“Agent?” Loki called “agent you need to let me in”
“Go away Loki, you can’t be near me. You can’t see this. It’s fine just go” you replied. Keeping your voice as flat as possible in the hope he wouldn’t care enough to stay.
“We both know that’s not true. I’ve seen, and heard the other return. I know something is very wrong now let me in” Loki sounded aggravated. So he wanted to know what happened, good for him, he can read about it later you thought.
Shivers were starting to run down your spine. His proximity not helping your situation. You may not be ready to admit your feelings for the god, but clearly your body knew. It was getting harder to form coherent thoughts so you didn’t bother to respond to him. Resting your head back on the door you closed your eyes as pain started to deep in to your limbs.
“Agent!” An urgent voice right in front of you. You open your eyes to see Loki knelt in front of you, his eyes taking in the sight of you. Dazed, hot, your breathing increased.
“How, how are you here Loki?” Tony restricted his magic in the compound while he earned his place in society.
“My dear y/n. If you think there is anywhere in the nine realms I couldn’t reach to get to you, you are so very mistaken” he reached a hand forward to cup your face.
“NO!” You shot up and tried to back across your room, anywhere to get some distance from him. His proximity was sending your body into overdrive. Your mind couldn’t comprehend his words. Was this the drug? Making you see and hear things? “Loki you can’t be here. The mission went wrong. Hydra, drugged us. It’s bad. I can’t… you can’t…” your eyes fluttered and your legs faltered as a wave of heat came from your core.
In a second Loki was beside you, catching you as you fell. You cried out as his body made contact with yours. Part pain, part desperate need. Loki couldn’t wait any longer, his palm touched your forehead and he dove in to your memories. A sigh escaped him as he realised why you were trying to escape him.
“Y/n, I am here. You have nothing to fear. It would be my honour to stay with you, foolish mortal” a smile tugged his lips “I will not stop until you are cured, and I can’t guarantee I will after that either”
Your eyes fluttered open as you tried to take in his words. “I…” that was all he allowed before his lips crashed in to yours. I’m an instant heat burned through you with the power of a thousand suns. No pain, just need and fulfilment. This is what you needed. He is what you needed.
A moan escaped your lips as fingers caress your scalp, tugging your head to align you more perfectly with his mouth. His sinful, achingly beautiful mouth. You could come apart right now. A tiny voice in the back of your barely functioning mind started to whisper dark thoughts, telling you this wouldn’t work. No one else has managed to pleasure you fully, you’re broken.
Loki couldn’t sense your hesitation. He needed to silence it. After months of yearning, never daring to risk their treasured friendship, he finally had you. Upon seeing the state of the other avengers on their return he knew he had to find you. He couldn’t lose you.
His mouth left yours and blazed a trail down your neck, stopping to nip and suck at your pulse point, pulling a ragged moan from your throat and silencing all voices in your head. Your fingers dove in to his hair and pulled him closer. Still half collapsed in to each other on the floor he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and ground in to him as moans spilled from your lips. Loki intended to lay you on the bed but it was too much for him. He slammed you in to the wall, teeth latching on to your neck as his hand found your hardened nipple beneath your suit and rolled it between his thumb and finger.
You cried out, core tightening as you felt yourself close to cumming already. Gods how you wanted him, needed him. You had never felt like this before. He groaned as his hips rocked in to you. “Gods y/n, you feel perfect against me. I need to touch every part of you, taste all of you” with a wave of his hand your clothes melted from your body. “Perfection” he said as he looked down at you, still wrapped round his waist. Your head back and eyes closed in pure bliss. The pink tint to your skin brought him back to reality, he needed to save you.
His hands gripped you tightly as he spun round and placed you on the edge of the bed. With no time to think about your new position he dove between your thighs, mouth latching on to your clit and sucking hard. The force of it slammed in to your nerves and had you screaming out, back arched in pure pleasure. You had never felt anything close to this before, even from your own hands. His attack on your clit didn’t let up as he slid 2 fingers into your pussy, curling to find your spot and pumping relentlessly. You couldn’t think, couldn’t breath, not enough air in your lungs to even scream out as an orgasm ripped through your body with enough force to bend your backwards.
When you finally came down you gasped for air. Your foggy brain trying to work out what happened, how it happened. Blinking back to reality you looked down at Loki still sat between your legs looking at you with awe in his eyes.
“How… how did you do that? Is it the drug?” You asked.
He looked at you confused. “I’m unsure what you mean Y/n. Has no one done this to you before?”.
You shook your head. “Not like that, no one’s ever made me cum Loki” you looked away and started to try to cover yourself from embarrassment. He took your hands to stop you. As he did another wave of heat started to build, the drug wasn’t done with you yet. You whimpered and Loki realised your pain.
“Mortal men cannot comprehend the goddess that you are Agent. It seems you have been waiting for me for far too long…”. He climbed up your body, his hand sliding into your hair and…..
And I’m a really mean writer! Do I carry on?!
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kumezyzo · 11 months
hey bff i’m going thru it can i pls request fluffy smut with sap 😢
i think we should all just come to terms with how inconsistent i am with these asks... btw fem!reader smut if you didn't get that already...
anyway, enjoy! or dont... :) m.list
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"hey, peaches," your boyfriend greeted you when he saw you sitting on the couch. it was one in the afternoon and he was just waking up.
"hey," you said back, not looking up from your laptop. "how did you sleep?"
he grumbled a little as he shuffled over to you. you glanced to your right when you felt the couch dip next to you. then you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and snuggle his face into your side.
"i would've slept better with you there," he said slyly. you scoffed and shook your head. you reached down and ran your hand through his hair lightly massaging his scalp. then you went back to typing on your laptop.
"im sorry, i have to work during the day," you say playfully, feeling his breathing through your shirt. "i cant just work when i want to."
"you can do anything you want," he responded, lifting your shirt slightly to place his hands on your skin. if he was being honest, he wasn't even sure of what he was saying. he just wanted to touch you.
"baby, im working," you tell him in a warning tone. he hummed in agreement, lifting your shirt more. when he saw the skin underneath slowly revealing itself, he started planting little kisses on it. "okay, thats enough baby."
he grunted and pulled away, looking up to pout at you. you glanced down at him, glaring at his before you sent the email you were typing up.
you sighed and opened up the email you were sent while typing the past one. groaning at the name of the sender. then groaning again by the subject line: URGENT! NEEDS IMMEDIATE APPROVAL
as you read the email, you rolled your eyes. 'sorry yn, this isnt urgent but-'
you shut your laptop harshly and set it aside, rubbing at your eyes tiredly. your boyfriend just looked up at you with concerned puppydog eyes. you threw your head back and sighed.
you looked down when you felt him poke your stomach softly. "what was that?"
"nothing," you sigh. "im gonna go get water."
he peels himself away from you and watches you walk into the kitchen to get yourself water. he scoots to the other end of the couch and rests his head on the arm rest. he closes his eyes and waits for to get back.
as you drink your water, you notice how his shirt rode up slighty. it revealed the patch of hair leading down past the elastic of his boxers. his arms resting behind his head, flexing slightly.
you set down your empty glass and walked over to the couch. you slowly crawled over your boyfriend and sitting right over his crotch. he peeked up at you with one eye and without a second thought, set his hands on your hips.
"so now you have time for me?" he asked smugly, smirking as he kept his eyes closed. the content look on his face making your roll your eyes.
then you lean down and softly kiss his lips, taking him by surpise. but he moaned softly and gladly accepted it. he then slipped his hands under the waistband of the sleep shorts you didnt bother changing out of when you woke up.
he pulled away for a moment, "take these off for me, peaches?"
you nodded and got off him, slipping off your shorts and panties easily. he did the same, taking off his boxers and bringing you back to him quickly. when you were over him, you positioned yourself right over his hardening shaft and slowly began grinding down on him.
you leaned down again, kissing him softly as you kept your hips at a slow pace. he squeezed your hips and thighs, throbbing between your legs. he lost his mind when the sound of you two grinding bare against eachother started getting louder and louder. you would also let out a particularly heavy breath every time your clit caught on his tip.
when he couldnt take it anymore, he pulled away and lined himself up with your soaked entrance. "youre so wet, peach," he said as he let you sink down on him slowly. he threw his head back and you sighed as you felt him fill you up slowly.
"fuck..." you moan out fully sat on his lap again. then, you started grinding on him again. you kept the same pace as before, moaning when your clit dragged against him.
you leaned back down, desperately needing to feel his lips against yours. his hands traveled down to your ass, giving you a light smack. he groaned when you clenched around him in response.
he pulled away, making you bury your head in his neck. "better than answering emails. isn't it, peach?"
you rolled your eyes and started sucking on his neck. he groaned at the way you nibbled at his reddening skin. smacked your ass again, needing to feel you clench around him again.
you moaned at the way his right hand traveled between you two, starting to rub your clit. he used the hand on your hip to help you start bouncing on him.
"you close yet- fuck," he moaned. "you close peach?"
"mm-mm," you hummed, breathing heavily against his ear. he grunted, throwing his head back and trying his hardest to hold out cumming.
"fuck!" he cried out, moaning pathetically as he began shooting ropes of cum into you. you moaned when you felt it slowly start seeping out of you as you kept grinding on him, trying to reach your own high. "please, baby, cum for me?"
you moaned as you felt yourself fall over the edge, cumming all over his softening dick. he sighed happily, feeling how you involuntarily squeezed down on him.
"you never answered my question," he told you, smirking.
you hummed questioningly, trying to catch your breath. "what?"
"isn't this better than answering emails?"
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*insert matthew mcconaugheys "alright alright alright" here* -nony
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lorre-verie · 1 year
₊˚ʚ ᗢ. ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴛ. ꜰɪᴠᴇ ₊˚✧ ゚.
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aka, my favourite chapter (may Eywa bless these two pour souls)
the unfortunate pair: ao’nung x fem! sully! reader
chapter summary: going on your first date with a pompous ass-frog! aren’t you excited? absolutely nothing wrong could happen today. 
warnings: sudden thoughts of death (giving barbie), two idiots realising they’re in love
word count: 2.9k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
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You screwed up big time.
“Did you take drugs or something?” Kiri looked at you incredulously as you sat there sheepishly on the hammock of the marui, echoing your thoughts and putting them out for the world to hear.
You paused before answering, “No, but thank you." to which Kiri rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. 
It was the day after the sleepover, which meant…your date was today. It was seriously happening. You chose to confide in your one and only sister (that wouldn’t tattletale to your parents) about the events that conspired while you and Ao’nung were out of the tent last night.
“You kissed Ao’nung? Seriously? Him?” Kiri bent her body forwards, as if expecting you to tell her she heard wrong. “You must’ve hit your head.”
“...I don’t feel very comfortable right now, guys.” Norm half-whispered from right beside you with tweezers in his hands, about to take your DNA for processing in the lab.
“It’s all good Norm, just, keep on doing your thing- OW! Shit! What was that??” you jumped, feeling a sharp stab on your finger.
“What? You told me to do my thing.” Norm shrugged, placing a vial of your blood into a neat tray by his feet. 
“I thought you were going to take hair, or something, with the tweezers???”
Apparently, Norm and Max were trying out remedies using the flora of Pandora. They suspected that if there was going to be a cure for anything, it would have to come from the Great Mother herself. 
“Anyways, Norm, buddy,” Kiri smiled a little too widely, making him slow his movements. “We appreciate you keeping our little talk a secret.”
“Little talk? You mean..all that about…” he lowered his voice to a hushed tone, “the kiss?”
You both nodded at the same time. 
“Mhm, I really appreciate you not telling our parents anything about that,” you smiled, tilting your head to the side. It was a perfectly genuine smile, but your tone? His lips were sealed.
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“Attaboy!” Tonowari slapped Ao’nung on the back harshly, making him choke on his food. 
Tsireya had spilled the beans to their parents about Ao’nung’s date with you that was happening within the next hour, despite his insistence to keep her mouth shut. 
Luckily for Ao’nung, Ronal wasn’t present, as she had more pressing matters to attend to. 
“But remember, I do not permit you kissing her on the first date. It’s much too early for that, son.” Tonowari said while preoccupied with his food, unnoticing how Ao’nung nearly spewed his drink all over the floor at his words. 
Tsireya narrowed her eyes at her brother’s reaction, slapping her hand over her now agape mouth as she realised what was going on. 
Slowly, she looked up at Ao’nung, who was looking back at his little sister with an equally horrified expression. 
“I..have something urgent I need to take care of, please excuse me-” she stood up, scurrying away and out of the marui, turning into a full sprint into the direction of the Sully’s marui.
“Sorry dad, I also have something to do- which I completely forgot about, but as long as I get to it now I’ll be fine, so sorry again dad have a great rest of your day!” Ao’nung quickly followed Tsireya in fear of what she was going to do and who she was going to tell, leaving their father in the marui alone.
He sighed and shook his head, taking their food and dumping it into his own bowl. 
“Kids these days..”
Ao’nung raced to the seashore, looking for any sign of his little sister gone rogue, feet kicking the sand wildly into the air. In the far distance of the sea, he only saw various other metkayina going on about their day, and Neteyam and Lo’ak on their ilus. 
They were talking to someone who wasn’t on an ilu, it seemed. 
His heart skipped a beat as he wondered if it was you, and he craned his head upwards, shielding his eyes from the light to take a look at the na’vi submerged in the water. 
Curly hair….definitely a girl…teal skin???
Hold on. 
That wasn’t you, that was Tsireya. 
He was about to go swim towards them, taking a few steps into the warm water. 
…But that was before he saw Neteyam racing towards the shore on his ilu, eyes wide but he was scowling like Ao’nung had just cut all his hair off.
If looks could kill, Ao’nung would’ve dropped dead at that moment, and there would be none of him left to mourn. 
Now, he was sprinting as fast as he could in the opposite direction, Neteyam and Lo’ak hot on his tail. 
“I’M GOING TO INVERT YOUR RIBCAGE!” were the last words Ao’nung heard before his world went black. (jk he’s fine) 
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“Hey ugly frogboy!” you smirked, waving the frogboy in question over to the rock you sat on. 
You watched as he swam through the surface of the water, rolling his eyes to signify his clear irritation. You couldn’t help but look at the small droplets of water still retained in his curls from being in the water all day. Then your mind slowly turned to focus on his…everything. 
Then it wandered off into entirely different places, like how humans covered themselves up entirely with cloth. Why did they do that? Perhaps it was a thing of religion. But did they not feel hot during the summers they talked about so much in the novels you read?
“You are aware I don’t know what that word means, right?” he said gruffly, hoisting himself onto the rock, water pooling by his feet with each step he took towards you. 
You were half expecting him to sit down next to you, but of course he wouldn’t. His pride was too great for that. His shadow was cast over you, protecting you from the shining daylight that was making your face flush. 
“Yeah, I just don’t really care,” you pushed yourself up, not willing to have him look down on you any longer. It didn’t really help though, as you still had to look up at him because of the painful height difference. 
But this time was different. Instead of his looking down on you like you were the bane of his existence, eyes squinting and lips pushed up into a scowl, he let his head hang down low to meet the angle of yours. He usually looked up and past you, acting as if you weren’t there. 
But this time, this time his irises were fixed on yours, combined with a smile you never usually saw on his face before made your stomach pit. It wasn’t in a bad way, though. 
Why was he looking at you like that? What’s up with that smile? Why is his body language so..open, now? What changed? You weren't sentimental, but there was something about the way he looked at you that made a spongy tenderness push down on your chest, knocking the air out of it. 
You didn’t entirely understand it at the time, but that was the only word your mind came up with. You didn’t want this. You can’t get attached. He’s just here to help you complete your silly little bucket list before you die. Not another person to be sad about when you’re crying on your deathbed.
You ripped your eyes away from his, walking past him and into the cold ocean, getting ready to swim whenever. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” he voiced out from behind you. Involuntarily, you froze. The bastard probably wasn’t aware of the shivers sent down your spine as he said those words, shivers which you desperately tried to ignore. 
Perhaps this whole date thing was a big mistake. You could’ve asked Rotxo out in front of everyone instead of him, couldn’t you? The horrified look on Ao’nung’s face would be equally as satisfying to see as the look on his face when you asked him, would it not? 
“You can’t be swimming anywhere. I won’t allow you to. We can’t have you passing out on me again like last time, princess.” 
The words spilled out of him like he’d said it to dozens of other girls in the past. 
You turned around when he said that, eyes wide, staring straight at him, but he made no move. 
“I’m not weak.” 
He shrugged. “I know. But you wouldn’t want anything getting in the way of our lovely date that you so desperately begged me for, right?”
You deadpanned, turning your head back around and attempting to walk deeper into the water, ignoring the goosebumps spread throughout your body as the cold engulfed your thighs. Dammit, why’d it have to be windy? 
Your eyes rolled on their own out of pure reflex hearing him walk towards you, his footsteps emphasised by the sound of splashing water. 
“There’s nothing you can do to stop m–” 
His arms were wrapped around your abdomen, right below your chest. He bent down and laid his head sideways on the spot on your back between the shoulders, as if he were begging you not to leave. His body wasn’t pressing up against yours, rather a quite a bit of space was placed between you two.
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(haha u thought i was gonna continue that scene? in ur dreams)
“So all you have to do is try and get three of those symbols in a row, and the first one to do that wins,” you gestured towards the grid you marked out in the sand, sitting cross legged in front of a confused Ao’nung.
“..Seems easy enough.” he squinted as he peered at the grid, no doubt in his mind he was wondering how sky people invented these sorts of games.
You drew your first circle.
Then he crossed out an X.
The pattern repeated, until you trapped him skillfully, leaving him no choice but to let you win.
“What the- How’d you do that?” he frowned, much to your pleasure.
“Well, a master tic-tac-toer doesn’t share their secrets!” you grinned, secretly uncertain how this buffoon was the next chief of the Metkayina. 
To you, this was child’s play. To him, it’s like he’d started learning new war tactics from a space alien (not entirely false).
“I demand a rematch!” he huffed, redrawing the grid on the sand with his finger.
“Fine, but don’t get all sulky when I keep winning.”
You’ve probably played tic-tac-toe like, 50 times in a row by now. It was getting boring, but the look on his face after you managed to win again and again and again was so worth it.
He groaned after he saw he’d been defeated for the umpteenth time, covering his face in absolute shame. “I’m a disappointment to my family.” he muttered between his hands.
“Pff–” you slapped your hand over your mouth to prevent yourself from plundering his ego further, but it was too late, he was now glaring at your expression. 
“I demand a rema–”
“Oh my goodness, just stop it!” you complained, but your playful smirk never left your face. “You lost like a hundred times, get over it! Why do you keep insisting on replaying even though you know you’re gonna keep losing?”
He shut his mouth, looking sideways downcast at the sand. Because I like seeing your smile whenever you win.
But over his dead body would he tell you that. Or admit to himself he just thought that.
Tell her something, anything! Just stop looking so depressed! She’s gonna think you’re lame! A sore loser! Shit, shit come up with something you stupid idiot!
You stared at him with your eyebrows furrowed. He was fidgeting with his fingers, still staring at that particular patch of sand. The gentle breeze was blowing to your left, towards the village, and you kind of considered taking him there to his mother’s tent in case they had treatment for the crisis he looked like he was having.
Had you not been staring at other things during the awkward moment of silence that fell over you two, you would’ve noticed the slight blush of purple tingeing the tips of his ears as he looked down at your fingers absentmindedly tracing over the sand.
How would your fingers feel tracing the stripes on his back?
Wait, what?
No because that’s like the most embarrassing and weird and totally nasty thing he’s ever thought of. WHAT.
You- He- You both- what- WHAT-
He took a deep breath in to steady himself, silently praying to Eywa so that you wouldn’t notice how purple he was in the face. 
He liked you.
He liked you a lot.
I mean, that was obvious. He kissed you. But like, kissing someone doesn’t mean you AUTOMATICALLY like them right. 
As he made up a million excuses for his behaviour inside his mind, you were having thoughts the total opposite to his.
You wondered how he’d react to the news of your death. 
Tsireya knew, Lo’ak told her while he was being all emo (rightfully though).
Ronal knew.
Tonowari was to know..maybe today? You didn’t bother about the details; whatever was to happen would happen.
But the problem is, you were having second thoughts about…this whole situation.
You got your date. That’s the only thing you wanted right?
Could this count as…manipulation???
Okay, it totally does. Kissing some guy and then taking him out on a date when your life is in great peril and not letting him know that your life is in great peril totally counts as manipulation.
Oh my god. What if he actually catches feelings for you??
Oh my god. What if YOU catch feelings for HIM??
You looked at him again as he stared deeply into nothing, his eyes looking past you. Or rather, perhaps they were looking at you before, but he looked away once you looked at him.
“...cute.” you whispered absent-mindedly.
“What?” he responded, making your eyes go half an inch wider.
“I said you look like a sack of shit.” 
“Oh.” he huffed, looking down at the sand.
You looked at him incredulously. What? No comeback? No insult? No ‘screw you’?
Suddenly, you felt something weigh down on your chest. 
Everything around you felt so much more real.
The millions of grains of sand beneath your legs, some caught in between your toes, and the crisp breeze blowing softly around your neck like a wisp. 
You, sitting here with him. 
The countdown on your life.
You clenched your right hand as you reached out your left, drawing a new tic-tac-toe board on the dry, soft particles of sand. 
As the two of you resumed playing, you struggled to actually accept the reality of it all. 
You were going to die. (if Norm and Max didn’t find a cure).
How would it feel?
How would your family do without you?
You were in some sort of state of denial before this moment. 
And now you had the unsuppressable urge you supposed your human ancestors did.
To forget.
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As the morning light spilled into the marui of the olo’eyktan’s family, one boy in particular hadn’t been able to sleep peacefully.
His mind raced with the flashes of the memories of the date you two had, his face and ears shade of deep periwinkle.
He turned on his side to face the woven walls of his home, one hand clasped over the other as he laid deep in thought.
The look on your face when you two danced in tandem.
The creases of your smile when you played truth or dare.
The tenderness in your voice when you had conversations with your family.
Forget a ‘crush’.
The man was, undeniably, irrevocably, undoubtedly, indubitably, 
in love with you.
And he struggled to figure out why.
“Brother! Get up!” Tsireya’s voice suddenly connected through his brain, causing him to fall off his hammock with a large thud.
“Eywa, recently you’ve been so much harder to wake up.” she sighed to herself, crossing her arms as she looked down at the amusing sight of her older brother on the floor.
To her surprise, he didn’t respond, instead slowly rising from the floor, subtly trying to hide the blush on his face from his sister (who can read him like a children’s book).
She gasped dramatically, causing him to take a few groggy steps back in fright. “You looooveee her, don’t you!” she teased, her eyes, usually big and sweet, now narrowed into those of a mischievous cat.
He looked at her in horror. HOW DID SHE KNOW. (bro the whole village knows atp its not like ur trying 2 hide it)
“You must be delusional.” he said after taking a few seconds to compose himself. He put on this air of.. “superiority.”
“There’s no way I’d like someone like her.” he sneered, trying to convince himself that you were super ugly and totally not his type and totally doesn’t make him kick his feet giggling silently in the middle of the night whenever he thinks about you and the banter you share.
She rolled her eyes, seeing straight through his…can you even call those ‘lies’? “Right…well she definitely likes you, you know. You should be more considerate,” her voice dropped into a soft whisper, “...with her situation.”
At that, he blinked away his morning sleepiness. “What? What situation?” he asked genuinely, looking into Tsireya’s now widened eyes.
She froze, realising what she just said. 
The marui was empty, just them two. In that moment, it felt like the winds stopped moving, everything remaining static except for the two siblings.
The slightly horrified look on her face made his heart drop.
He stepped towards her, putting his hands on her shoulders.
“What situation?”
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | masterlist
omfg, feels so good to be back writing, idk why it took so long since my announcement probs just because things have been really busy in my life lately, but i hope u guys enjoy <3 sorry if the story seems a little disconnected, its just been a while since i’ve written this whole thing haha
as always, (i love writing this part), I appreciate you all so muchh, tysm for the support on the series both on this account and my wattpad account. Please stay tuned for the rest 💗
much loved, lorre.
Taglist: @eywas-heir @elegantkidfansoul @yeosxxx @whoreforpomegranates @fanboyluvr @thecrazyswamp @shkudss @stvrligghtt @ratchetprime211 @dearstell @littlecrisisworld @itssomeonereading @goodiesinthecloset21 @ilovejakesullysdick @larkkyoris @opalescentblog @lovedbychoi @plzfeedmebread @holysaladapricothero @arminsgfloll @lovekeeh @evans-bitch @seashelldom @quest-for-pluto @bananasplits-world @ken-zah @anxietydrogz @inluvwithneteyam @www-interludeshadow-com @anonmously-anonomous @ancientbeing10 @aonungmyaddiction @ahsatan785 @fangzy @writinganything @mistyheart @mushy-mushroom04 @aaonungslover @scentedstrawberryenemy
note: names in red are the ones i've added to the taglist but i couldn’t tag!
184 notes · View notes
sgiandubh · 10 months
Gleberman's podcast, take 2: the video edition
I volunteered to take one for the team, again, this time watching (or trying to, at least) the video version of Gleberman's infamous podcast on Youtube (if you are a masochist, like me, feel free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_md73Ws2O4&t=303s). You see, I was so intrigued by the OTT praise that I wanted to see the live reactions. To do so, I even watched it at a 0,25 reduced speed ratio, just to catch up those pesky, spontaneous facial expressions he couldn't possibly hide.
Let's start with what we all know: in 10 years, S is much, much better at hiding his game and almost proficient at mastering the poker face. But if you really pay attention (and I did), you might still notice some interesting things: after all, we aren't robots and we can't calibrate or control everything. So, here's my take on what I saw, with screencaps, and covering only the bits I quoted in my first post (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/733285180488450048/and-kia-ora-to-new-zealand-like-youve )- the rest was really beyond my patience and goodwill abilities, to be honest.
A word and a question on the staging of this podcast, before anything else. I am always paying great attention to the outfits of the people who participate, because I believe they are an integral part of the show itself. While Gleberman's was, to be honest, unacceptably sloppy, S was right on point the message he wanted to convey, with the short-sleeved (?) khaki shirt that spelled three things: Bachelor. Traveler/Explorer. Tropical Chic. As a side note, I wish he'd been dressed like that in the Nevis resort suite snippet: not the usual Peter Panesque/Marty McFly/boyz in da hood outfit. But hey, that's just me, what do I know, after all, maybe the boy really feels more relaxed in those. Brand-wise, however, I will never cease to drum up the urgent need to step up the outfit game and start aligning it with the real age.
The other thing that intrigued me is common to S and C: their love of cupboards and hallways when it comes to playing the show/not show game on podcasts 'from home'. Because they know we watch and because they know, by now, we are probably worse than the MI-6, we're left with... eh... nothing. He apparently found the perfect solution with that sort of a connecting space he is always showing us, lately. Seriously, though, who the hell places himself in front of an opening (sliding door?) to a bigger room, except when wanting to block both the view and any other interpretation? Heh. Things that make one go 🤔.
Anyways. Let's have a look at some reactions I have screencapped:
Gleberman: 'same sweetest person and like an amazing human being'.
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Translation: I am pursing my lips and bracing myself for the rest of the #silly compliment. I can't possibly express how much this annoys and embarrasses the bejesus out of me. But hey, Monica, have at it and let's be done already with this circus.
Gleberman: '...and friend to talk to and I just love you.'
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Translation: I close my eyes because I don't want to hear the OTT crap this woman is shamelessly peddling around. I cross my arms defensively, because this is the best I can do. I really pray internally she'd immediately stop it, somehow (though I am fully aware she won't and this is just the beginning). She definitely overstepped a red line and I don't want to be a part of it.
S: '.I think there's...there's a lot of smoke and mirrors, this is ALL fake.'
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Translation: I am talking with my hands to make a point (and also to show off the damn rings - oh, Lord, let them talk about these to oblivion, on socials). I am also covering my face with a gesture evocative of a smoke curtain, because ultimately I feel the need to protect myself from the smiling entity on the other side of my screen and because, at the same time, I know exactly what I did here. Oops, I just unleashed another half-in-jest zeppelin, that people could pretzel exactly how they see fit. However, it's true: my public persona is a carefully curated lie. Peekaboo, underneath I know very well what my committed truth is.
S: ' I am the double'.
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Translation: I am opening my arms and I am puffing out my chest. There, I've said it. Ha! I am in full defiant mode, now. I meant every single word I just said and damn the consequences.
I wish I'd had the patience to watch it all. But I think I've managed to analyze the most interesting part of it. Overall, there was quite a bit of stress involved on S's side (lots of chin grabbing, etc), the only one I was interested in. She was simply not worth my attention and I doubt she, unlike many other people in the media, 'knows stuff'. If anything, that only served to validate my first impressions.
And yes, always look for the presence of the teeny-tiny abnormal detail. Sometimes (not always) it can prove rewarding.
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Ohhh boy it’s been a Wild three weeks. Life kept throwing train wreck after train wreck at me to keep me from writing (during skkbb…just like last year…it’s a curse I fear) but I’m almost out the other side so!! Some more Timberkon drabbles!
For the fanfiction library discord daily drabbles/advent calendar:
Prompt: Snowed in
Ship: Timberkon
“Baby, it’s cold outside,” Kon sang. Kind of. He was trying, and it was the effort that made Bernard smile more than anything.
“No, he’s right,” Tim said. “It’s way too cold for you to go out right now. And anyway, I’m 90% sure that if I open this door right now it’ll be completely snowed shut. Why don’t you spare me the effort and just stay for today?”
Bernard sighed. “I have things to do.”
“Uh huh. Your classes are cancelled—if not then online—today, and I’m pretty sure you’re not working right now. So. What’s so urgent you can’t spend a day in with your boyfriends. We barely see you these days.”
“I have to go to the library! Research! I have finals coming up, and—”
Kon shushed him with a finger to his lips. “And nothing. You do realize Tim can access like, any file or book you request, right? Hell, I’m sure he could hack his way past paywalls in his sleep. Everything you could need is right here. You need a chance to rest, Bern. Just chill with us for today.”
Tim nodded. “Yup. I can get any resources you need. Stay?”
Bernard looked between the two of them. They sure made a pretty convincing argument.
“Well…fine. But I’d better be getting an ungodly amount of cuddles and a cup of Alfred’s hot chocolate I know you’ve been hiding.”
They grinned. “Deal.”
Tags: @yeetus-feetus
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
any time, any place
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title: any time, any place | part of christmas must be something more
pairing: suh johhny x lee taeyong x nakamoto yuta x jeong jaehyun x oc
genre: smut, non-idol au, established relationship, polyamorous relationship, smutmas
summary: the hectic rhythm before the holidays is stressful, but nothing that a lot of sex can’t fix.
warnings: free use | sex with multiple partners, with yuta (somnophilia, fingering, sex), with johhny (minor' knife play', orgasm denial, rough oral sex, sex), with taeyong (oral sex, dry humping, cmnf, mirror), with jaehyun (rough anal, tied up, multiple orgasms), praise, degradation, mentioned 3some, a lot of touching. * the scenes are in this order so if you want to skip one, you can. all the kinks are consensual but there are still implied cnc elements in the kinks so if you feel uncomfortable don't read it.
words: 9.233k
taglist: @webscreams @multislut @roxyvogue @dullparadisewithtxt @yutas-princess02 @seongwhaffels @cosmiczen | couldn't tag: @yutascoffee127
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Taeyong’s idea had brought back to the surface a few things Jade wanted to try, but one thing was filling her mind more than the others. It wasn’t even a want, at this point it was a need; the holiday season was the worst on her mental health and she needed to arrive on the 24th with her brain not in shambles. 
And usually, she had no problems bringing kinks up, but this felt so taboo she had no idea how to confront them. What if they found this weird? What if they found her weird?
“Why is this so urgent?” Johnny asked when Jade pushed him and Yuta into her bedroom in a rush, dragging them from the conversation they were having with Taeyong about how to set up the lights this year. 
“Because I want to tell you something, but I don’t know how to bring it up to all of you at the same time,” she confessed, making them sit on the bed while she walked in circles, biting her nails nervously. Maybe if only two out of four rejected her absurd proposal it would’ve felt less humiliating. 
“Are you pregnant?” Yuta asked, making her stop and glare at him. 
“What the hell, no,” she replied, shaking her head. “It’s about Taeyong’s idea.” 
“Uhm,” Johnny hummed, rubbing his thigh. “I thought we agreed with that, right? Did you change your mind?” 
“No, I didn’t. I want to try something but I — you promise you won’t judge me?” 
They looked at her and then at each other with a furrow but nodded anyway. “Why would we?” 
“Because we have never done anything of that kind and it’s… potentially embarrassing, but I want to try and I also need to just turn my brain off.” 
“Okay, isn’t this all about doing something new? Just tell us,” Yuta encouraged her, resting his elbows on his knees without dragging his eyes away from her. 
She took a deep breath, scratching her neck nervously, and then whispered, “I want to try free use.” 
“What?” Johnny asked.
“See! You said you wouldn’t judge!” 
“We barely heard you,” he defended. 
“Oh come on, you heard that right.” 
“Free use?” Yuta asked to make sure, and she hummed, torturing her nails. 
“Yeah… and for the whole weekend...for now…” 
“Oh, wow, you are stressed,” Johnny chuckled, making her sigh and sit between them, hiding her face into Yuta’s chest. 
“Hey, it’s fine,” her older boyfriend reassured her, caressing her back, “I think that’s kind of hot, never truly thought about it but why not, we can try. But we need to set some rules first.” 
“Are you sure you don’t think I’m weird?” She pulled away, this time playing with Yuta’s fingers to ease the tension.
“Yes, we will never find you weird. And you’re right, I think it can help all of us destress a little,” Johnny said. “Now, can we talk with the others?” 
She hummed, standing up, still without letting go of Yuta’s hands, and walked out of the room with them at her sides.  
“What happened?” Taeyong asked, lifting his gaze from the book he was reading, and stopping for a second of caressing Jaehyun’s hair while the younger was laying on his lap. 
“Nothing, she needs to tell us something,” Johnny explained, sitting on the other end of the couch, dragging her on top of him, while Yuta sat right beside him. 
“It’s not what you’re thinking,” Jade stopped them as soon as Jaehyun resurrected from slumber to stare at her with wide eyes and Taeyong’s jaw almost fell on the floor. “I wouldn’t give that news splitting you.” 
“Oh, you worried me for a second,” Taeyong whispered. 
“You gave me hope for a second,” Jaehyun joked. 
“I think this will make you happy just as much,” Yuta kidded, caressing her thigh, rubbing his thumb on her covered skin. 
“So?” Taeyong asked, tilting his head, eyes moving back and forth on his partners with curiosity. 
“It’s about the whole exploring new things, you know?” 
They hummed, eager to hear where this was going.  
“Well, I want to try free use…” she whispered, not knowing how to feel not able to read their reactions. “Are you disgusted or you don’t know what it is?” 
 “I’m not sure it’s what I think it is,” Taeyong confessed. 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“It’s pretty much what the name says, you can fuck me any time you want.” 
“Any time?” 
“Well, we have to set some rules but considering how horny and stressed I am, I think it would be weird for me not to be the one jumping on you.” 
“But like… without asking?” 
She nodded, “you already have my consent,” she explained, “and you are even free to don’t go all the way.” 
“Oh,” Jaehyun whispered, “like… like a doll?” 
She chuckled, “Yeah. You really didn’t know about it?” 
“No? Do I look like I would be into it?” Maybe, that sounded tempting, and he surely had heard something before, he just didn’t know it was a kink, and he didn’t know it worked like that. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to be this shy about this,” she replied with a chuckle on her lips. 
“Yeah, as if you wouldn’t have her anywhere and anytime always,” Johnny joked. 
“Shut up, I never thought of just starting without asking.” 
“To make it safer people usually pick other things that signal consent,” Yuta explained. “For example, a given shirt could mean completely free use, while another one to check-in before doing anything, and another one would mean that she doesn’t want to. As horny as she can be, going at it for so long might be exhausting, so it’s a safer way to still keep the exciting parts of the whole free-use thing without crossing lines.” 
“Yeah, that’s great,” Taeyong spoke after a while, mind already running imagining things. 
“So, are you okay with this?” She asked, looking at her other two boyfriends, waiting for their consent with anticipation. 
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At the start, they were all too hesitant for Jade’s liking, it wasn’t even about the thrill of wanting to try it out, it was cause she was scared they were forcing themselves into it when they didn’t find it hot at all. The most they did were shy touches and some more heated kisses, but all the fun stopped there. 
Yuta was the first one to make a real move. He didn’t even intend to try it out that way, and that day, but when he came downstairs after finishing writing an article and saw her sleeping on the couch he couldn’t help but stop and stare in awe. White long socks covering her until her knees, a skimpy short skirt barely hiding her ass, and a warm sweater as a top. He found the contrast quite absurd but it was such a typical thing of her, even when they were outside she almost never wore tights under her skirt — at least they were longer than this sexy trap she pulled out when she wanted to act too shy to explicitly beg for a good fuck. ‘I’m not cold on my legs, my feet, yes, my feet are always cold, and my nipples get hard at the slightest blow of a breeze but my legs are fine,’ she had explained to him when he asked one time, and he had tried to dissertated how at night when she pulled all the covers on her, leaving him freezing she was cold, but now, cold or warm, it didn’t really matter. 
“Is she really sleeping?” Yuta muttered to himself, studying her expression, flushed face against the mattress, curls covering most of it to truly understand if she was asleep or not. But then his eyes landed on the bracelet on her wrist, the silver one they decided signaled free consent, and trying to hold back became harder. This was part of the play, right? 
“Every time, I mean it, even when I’m sleeping if I have this on.” Her words resonated in his brain, but he still felt there was something wrong, she was sleeping, and he felt weird about it, so he decided that maybe he could try it out later. But when she moved around, skirt rising up and bare ass in full display, it got harder to contain himself. 
So one of his hands slipped on her leg, brushing her through her socks before meeting the naked skin that was, weirdly enough, warm before creeping up on her ass. But one more movement brought him out of his trance, hand retracting as if he had been caught stealing, and he got up again, walking back and forth like a madman. 
And while he was so torn between his doubts and morals, a voice distracted him. 
“Hi,” she whispered, voice hoarse because of the sleep, and face signed with the marks of the sofa. 
“Hi,” Yuta said back, waiting for her to talk, to invite him, but she didn’t, of course, not, that was the point of it, no words spoken, not at the moment at least. But she did something before turning around and giving him his back, the tingling of the bracelet hanging from her wrist dangling out of the couch was the sign he was waiting for. 
So with less hesitant steps, Yuta moved closer to her, legs trapping her under him, seeing her eyes were open, partially at least, she still had the fucked out sleepy look on her face but also a victory smirk on her lips.
That was what she was waiting for. 
And while he found himself there, Yuta thought that maybe that was what he was waiting for too. There was something about watching her sleep, not only now, but always. The way she was totally relaxed, the way her lips puffed slightly and her lashes rested on her cheeks. Yuta couldn’t deny he had found himself staring more than once. But this, her skin so exposed and her body so vulnerable for something so delicate to happen, sparked a new flame inside him. 
Yuta pushed the skirt up, folding it on her back, revealing that nothing else was covering her, and traced his fingers on her soft ass, eliciting soft, muffled whimpers already and making her hips shift side to side once. He got she wasn’t totally asleep, but tired enough to don’t even try to take an active role in it. Yuta didn’t mind, he actually loved that she trusted them enough to try something like this. 
He moved back a bit, standing over her knees, while his hands cupped her ass, pulling the cheeks apart. “Fuck,” he murmured when her wetness glistened, slowly dripping down her folds. “You’re so wet.” 
He had no idea how he could fight the urge to pull out his hard cock and push into her right away, but for some reason, he did. It was probably because he wanted to feel her more, to don’t risk fucking her awake with strong thrusts he couldn’t control. So he easily slipped two fingers inside her, pussy welcoming him as if she had been waiting just for that. A low moan breathed out of her lips, and he could barely see her nails scratch against the couch under her but no other reaction came from her, except her walls squeezing around his digits. 
His head rolled back at the sight of his fingers stretching her out and the cum coating them white. He should’ve been used to it but he gave up by now, accepting that this love-haze was going to last forever. His other hand wrapped around her waist, kneading the flesh, just like he was used to doing always, knowing how much she loved physical contact, and as a clear answer, another sound of approval rolled out of her lips.
Yuta kept pumping his fingers in and out, maintaining a slow rhythm, and casually moving his thumb on her clit, watching with a grin on his face as her ass arched back. He didn’t even care at this point as if she was truly sleeping or just pretending, it didn’t matter as long as her body reacted that well. 
At the start, she planned on staying in that blurred state between sleep and wake, but somehow the small touches were lulling her back into a deep state of slumber. It surely was all caused by all the stress that weighed on her shoulders, but this felt especially nice and sleep-inducing. And when the first orgasm hit, she could only feel a striking sensation under her skin, making her tremble in his hold. 
Yuta moaned, pumping his fingers a few more times before getting up to leave his pants and underwear on the floor, sitting on top of her in a second. He wasted no seconds pushing into her, reaching down until his abs pressed against the soft flesh of her ass. But he didn’t start moving, he leaned down, moving her hair to the side, finally fully seeing her beautiful, relaxed face, leaving kisses all over it, on her cheeks, on her lips, until he reached her neck, moving the top to the side to nibble between her neck and shoulder. He stayed still for a while, enjoying the sensation of intimacy this moment emanated. Oddly enough the house was also pretty quiet, even if they were all home, except for Jaehyun. 
But his mind got swiftly brought back to her when her walls clenched around him, he let out a deep groan, forehead falling against her shoulders, inhaling her scent while he started moving, dragging his hips back and forth slowly. When he glimpsed at her, he was sure she was fully back to sleep, eyes completely shut and breath steady. That thought made something inside him click, moving back to envelop her waist with his hands, squeezing tight. 
Yuta was enjoying it much more than he expected just twenty minutes before. He felt like his head was clouded by desire, there was something about the way she looked right now. He loved her usual outburst of energy, especially in bed, she was a lot, always, so he had no idea what part of his brain was turning him on so much seeing her like that. 
Her small movements, barely perceptible, were driving him insane; her mumbled whimpers, her ass pushing back against him every now and then, her hands scratching against the couch. He still tried to keep his rhythm steady and slow cause there was something romantic in all of this and he didn’t want that magic to disappear. 
Yuta loved fucking her like this, he loved it even when she laid prone bone and didn’t stand on her knees, but right now it wasn’t what he wanted, and he cursed her for picking the worst sleeping position possible. He wanted to see her, to watch her chest move up and down, maybe even open her top to reveal her breast, but he didn’t know if it was worth the risk. 
“Oh, fuck it,” he murmured after thinking about it for a few moments, pulling out slowly, and gently trying to turn her over. 
“Yuta…” she mumbled, blinking her eyes before rubbing them with the back of her hands. 
“Shh, it’s me. Are you tired?” 
She hummed, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. “I… Yuta,” she breathed out, eyes closing again and hips lifting up against him. 
“Go to sleep, babe. You’re exhausted,” he shushed, caressing the hair that stuck to her forehead back, kissing her lips, and sinking into her again. “Let me fuck you back to sleep, would you?” He hummed, caressing her cheek with circular motions and doing the same on her hip, it always worked when she needed to relax and it was working even now. Only a faint ‘yes, please,’ rolled on her tongue before her eyes closed again. 
Yuta held back the loud moans, shaky hand moving to unbutton the first button of the sweater, the material soft enough that her boobs were visible with no need to undress her more, they weren’t even completely exposed, but Yuta liked the desperation of this, of clothed sex. He liked that he could only partially see her skin while her soft tits bounced with his slow strokes, and his brain spun just seeing how hard her nipples were, peeking against the midnight blue of her cardigan.
Yuta truly wanted to take it slow and don’t rush things up and wake her up, he was already surprised by the fact that she didn’t do it, yet. Jade had never been a heavy sleeper, actually, she was one that got up at the lightest of sounds. And the only logical thought that she was so stressed that she needed to relax so much actually made him sad for a brief moment until he realized he was helping with that and his thrusts picked back up where they had stopped. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore, if she was stressed they were all just as much, and that was all he needed to distress. He didn’t even know how much she could feel of this, but now that her pussy was clenching around him tighter, and her chest was panting while her lips were parted to let out moans, he imagined she felt everything. And everything mixed together was what pushed him over the edge, coming inside of her with harder thrusts that finally woke her up again. 
Yuta stared at her, trying to calm his breath, still buried inside of her, watching her rub her nose and stretch, legs still shaking from the orgasm that must’ve woken her up. 
“Hi,” Jade mumbled, a sleepy, small smile on her face as she looked back at him. 
Yuta chuckled, caressing her hair, and kissing her. “Hi. Less tired?”
She shook her head, “Not really, maybe you can make me fall asleep another time.”  
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The day after it was Johnny the one that made another move. Jade was in the kitchen, a vinyl playing in the living room while she hummed to the songs and sorted all the ingredients to bake a cake. The house was empty except for her and Johnny, but she had no idea where he was, after breakfast and a shower, she didn’t see him anymore. 
But he was there, leaning against the doorframe, silently watching her swing her hips to the tune. He loved when she wore these types of dresses that highlighted her curves, hugging her body perfectly, and that was one of his favorites, antique pink, short sleeves reaching mid-shoulder, bottoms on the front, and a queen Anne neckline. 
When she turned around, she screamed, bowl almost falling to the floor. “You scared m —” 
“Shh,” Johnny whispered, placing a finger on her mouth, a brief moment of hesitation glinting in her eyes before it clicked. Things weren’t as hectic as she expected them to be, so the whole free-use thing was starting to slip out of her mind too. “Keep baking,” he ordered, turning her around again, his big hands placed on her hips. “I love this dress,” he whispered, starting to kiss her neck while he pulled it up with slow tugs at the hip height, “makes you look like a milf.” 
“Johnny,” she lamented, even if she found that compliment hot. “Hey,” she said when he slapped her ass. 
“You’re forgetting too often it’s daddy for you, mommy,” he groaned before biting her earlobe, “but anyway, I don’t want to hear you talk. Bake.” 
She nodded swiftly, luckily for her she had everything she needed within easy reach, and only had to add the ingredients in the Thermomix, but Johnny was distracting, too much for her to do her tasks without shaking and already dripping between her legs. 
“I was watching you for so long, and you didn’t even notice…” he whispered, cupping her breast, smiling when he didn’t feel a bra. “Are you that naïve? So unaware of your surroundings? Do you have any idea of how hot you are?” 
She didn’t reply, breath faltering in her throat, and ass pushing back as the only response, a groan trapping in her mouth when she felt his hard cock press against her. 
“Of course, you do, pretty doll knows exactly how to get us hard for her,” he teased, fingers lingering on her skin, making her shiver. 
The way he was talking about her in the third person shouldn’t have turned her on as it did, but well, she shouldn’t have even been surprised anymore. 
“Let’s see if this doll is only pretty or if she can do something,” he whispered before she could feel him struggle with his pants, only pulling his cock out after pushing her dress up, fixing it on her hip. 
She bit back a moan when his tip rubbed against her slick hole, teasing her clit, and making her knees buckle as she tried to read the process to finish preparing the cake. The worst idea she ever had. 
“Fuck,” Johnny groaned when he pushed into her, pussy opening so nicely to welcome him in, big cock filling her so well she couldn’t help but moan. “Told you to keep baking, doll.” 
She nodded, biting her thumb before trying to concentrate. 
“Oh, and keep singing, I love your voice.” 
She cursed him mentally but tried not to lose her focus. After all, she wanted this, and she had no intention of backing up, it was hot, but it was so impractical for someone like her that wasn’t the best at not being desperate, and always got what she wanted with the snap of a finger. 
“Look at you,” he taunted with a sharp laugh, “shaking, already?”
“It’s — it’s hard to con —” she gagged when his hand wrapped around her mouth, keeping her quiet. 
“Dolls don’t talk,” he whispered in a growl, deep voice hitting straight to her core. “All my teasing, all my degradation, you take it and don’t say a word, got it?” 
Jade nodded, nails running against the counter, and pussy clenching around him at which Johnny let out a mocking laugh. “Pathetic.” 
“Gotta make sure you keep quiet,” he said, looking around to find something he could stuff in her mouth, looking for a towel until his eyes caught a glimpse of a knife. “Open up,” he ordered, humming when her lips parted. “And now careful,” he placed the handle of the knife on her lips, “keep it in place, and keep baking.” 
Her heart skipped a beat, adrenaline rushing wildly in her bones as soon as the handle met her lower lip, the thrill of the situation getting to her head. 
“Are you turned on by this?” He asked, but it was more of a surprised annotation for him, he considered she would safe-word out of it, but from the way her body was reacting, he doubted that. “Oh, pretty doll is nasty. What if you get hurt? You know it’s dangerous, right? Gotta be careful, doll.” But his actions were the total opposite of his caring words, his hips slammed hard against her, fucking her with force, and it was basically impossible to keep quiet and especially keep baking. But she tried anyway, shaky hands moving to mix the ingredients, and eyes skimming to read the instructions as she kept the knife still in her mouth. 
“Look at you, the perfect wife, aren’t you?” His hand left her hip to reach her clit and started rubbing it with slower moves. She nodded, humming around the knife, shaking when she felt the grip loosen, lowering her head and clenching her hands on the counter before she grabbed the last bowl and poured it into the mixer. “Baking something for us and letting me use you just like a perfect fuck doll.” 
Her head rolled back and Johnny slapped her ass. 
“Careful, I said. You don’t want to hurt me with that blade, right?” 
She looked to the side, trying to glimpse at the utensil trapped between her lips to see that he placed it so the cutting part was facing him, and her eyes widened. “Sorry,” she mumbled around it. 
“Just be careful, doll. Don’t make me regret getting you,” he whispered against her ear and she had to force her head straight, about to roll back once again, this time surely cutting him. 
She tried to grab a plate and move on with the preparation but there weren’t many coherent thoughts in her mind and her hands were shaking too much, causing the plate to slip and crash on the ground, fortunately without breaking.
“Fuck, you are useless, come here,” he groaned, grabbing her wrists and pushing them behind her back in a rough movement. She wanted to look back, hating not seeing him, but she couldn’t, and only let out muffled apologies as she tried to conceal the other moans. 
“Stop apologizing, you just have to feel good, can you at least do that?” Johnny asked, another slap landing on her ass, making her twitch and nod repeatedly. “Good, take it all like a good doll.” 
She closed her eyes, a furrow on her forehead with every rough thrust that pushed her hip bone against the hard surface, surely leaving marks for days to come. Moans growing louder when one hand reached forward to grope her boobs, tugging and squeezing. 
“Feel so good, doll, just what I needed,” he groaned, hips moving even deeper and faster, and she could tell he was about to come, cock twitching and moans getting deeper. “You’re so fucking wet, fuck, the wettest you’ve ever been, fuck. Can’t believe you like this so much.”
She didn’t even reply with a mumble, too lost in the pleasure of feeling the orgasm so close now. Her ass pushed back against him, back arching, and pussy clenching, but when Johnny pulled out, she let out a whine, forgetting of the knife that fell and bounced a few times on the counter. 
The tsk sound of disappointment coming from behind made her freeze, hands now free again since Johnny wasn’t holding them in place anymore. 
“Bad doll,” he mocked, open wide hand colliding against her ass, making her flinch, and moan. Johnny chuckled, turning her around and pushing her on her knees. 
“Johnny, please no,” she begged before groaning when he tugged her hair back with a harsh grip. “Daddy, daddy, I’m sorry.” 
“I don’t think you are,” he said, tapping her lips with his cock. “You were such a good girl, what happened?” He cooed gently, but he started fucking her mouth immediately, grinning when he met her pleading eyes. “Oh, you wanted to come, didn’t you? Wanted me to fill you full of my cum?” 
She nodded, choking on him, barely having time to adjust to his size, it was impossible every time no matter that it had been years. 
“I don’t think it’s part of the deal, doll. But I would’ve, you know daddy is so nice to you... if you act well. You were a mess, doll. You don’t get pleasure,” he said through moans, facefucking her just to reach his climax. His head rolled back after their eyes met, the way she was staring up at him enough to push him closer to the edge. His fingers wrapped harder in her hair, keeping her in place until he knew it was a matter of seconds. “Come here, turn around,” he ordered, jerking her up on her legs again and bending her on the counter roughly, never letting go of the hold while he pushed the tip inside and emptied himself into her, barely fucking into her entrance, just enough to get off and make a dripping mess between her legs. 
She muttered a curse under her breath, trying to squeeze her thighs to come but by now her orgasms slipped out too far to reach it, and only turned around, meeting Johnny’s face, a grin on his lips while he pushed his hair back. 
“So, knives?” He hummed, hugging her, pushing the dress back in place, and leaving small kisses on her shoulder. 
Jade rolled her eyes, pushing him away with a push of her ass, and then said, “stuck in your throat if you don’t help me finish the cake.” 
Johnny laughed, kissing her again on the lips before nodding. “Of course, I’ll help my wife, if I feel generous I might even eat you out after.” 
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Taeyong couldn’t deny he found that hot, knowing she was walking around the house with no underwear on — not that it was different than usual, to be honest, he knew Jade liked being free more than she confessed — to watching the others touch her more than usual, tease her, push her on her knees or bend her over. But that was it, he liked to watch. A bit because he had no idea how that would work, he wasn’t the active one, he liked when she had control, and a bit because something about the whole thing was turning him on. 
But right now that he was going crazy over an essay he had assigned to his students, he thought that maybe this whole free-use thing could’ve been useful. 
“You needed me?” Jade’s voice rang cheerfully in his ears as her head peeked from the door, staring at him with a big smile on her face. 
He hummed, signaling her to get inside with two fingers, and pushing his glasses back on his nose. 
“Oh, you’re grading. Need help with the essays?” 
Taeyong shook his head, moving the chair behind before his head pointed under the desk. “Need help to relieve the stress they give me.” 
A wide smile crossed her face before she kneeled on the floor, luckily for her the desk was high and she could comfortably stay underneath it. She pulled his pants and underwear down as soon as he got back in place and she could hear the sound of the keyboard. 
“You’re not hard,” she whispered.
“Nothing hot about terribly copied and pasted essays about the ’50 fashion.” 
She chuckled, imagining his face while he said that; she couldn’t lie, Taeyong was very hot when he was pissed off, he was also quite scary, but as long as that wasn’t directed at her, she could only think he was hot. 
She swiftly leaned closer, grabbing his soft dick with one hand before licking the tip. She didn’t take it all in, taking her time to pump it in her hand and occasionally suck the tip, she knew Taeyong was incredibly sensitive and loved it, he wasn’t one for messy blowjobs, always liked things clean — except when it was time to eat her pussy — and he lived for attention, small touches, long kisses — wherever they were aimed at. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, fingers tapping on the keyboard aggressively and she couldn’t get if it was referring to her or whatever atrocity one of his students wrote in the paper. 
And those essays must’ve been really fucking terrible because Taeyong did something he would never do. She gagged around him, eyes wide in surprise when, after a while, one of his hands reached down and shoved her down. Her nose pressed against his skin, making it harder to breathe while she coughed hard around his size. Not only Taeyong didn’t like it messy, and now it was getting messy with all the spit she couldn’t swallow and inevitably spilled out of the corners of her mouth, but also he was never this rough. His hold on her was fierce, keeping her in place with no chance of pulling away. 
Her ass moved side to side, squirming desperately as she tried to adjust to his intrusion and breathe somehow, but she couldn’t pretend she wasn’t getting turned on. 
“Past their twenties and this is how they write?” Taeyong huffed, and she would’ve giggled if that was another situation, but now she could only gag, an embarrassing amount of drool rolling down his thighs and smearing on her chin when he started moving her head up and down, still keeping her pressed down every time she reached the base. It shouldn’t have been this turning on, it should’ve felt embarrassing, but the way her cunt throbbed between her panties was a clear sign it was driving her insane. 
She was also losing count of how much time had passed, feeling her brain spinning as the air in her lungs dimmed more and more, and only a louder, lewdest gag made him let go of her head, finally letting her take a deep breath that pushed some fresh oxygen in her brain. 
It didn’t last long, though, Taeyong was seriously losing his patience, not only the errors were getting on his nerves but it was also clear as the sky how they did it just because they had to, putting no interest or care in it. And if he didn’t have all that pent-up stress on his shoulders he wouldn’t have taken it upon her, but right at the moment, he was seeing red. 
When Taeyong pushed her down, she took a deeper breath, eyes rolling back as the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, and low grunts started rolling out of his mouth. Those sounds were so rare to hear, always used to the submissive, breathy and high-pitched whimpers and whines he let out. And the amount of cum drooling between her legs was pathetic, but it was even more what she did after. Luckily his feet were in front of him, the left one positioned right between her legs, she didn’t even do it on purpose, her body lowered just a bit and when she met it, covered with a sock, her body started moving on its own. It wasn’t her proudest moment, but she needed to find relief somewhere. 
Taeyong didn’t get it immediately, he only quirked a brow when he started to feel the cloth wet and stick to his skin. He looked down with a smirk on his face even if he could only see the top of her head, and grinned. “Getting off on my feet like a horny puppy? Really?” 
She hummed, gargling around him, another river of spit running down her chin. 
“So fucking desperate you don’t even have a bit of shame, have you?” 
The harsh comment only made her grind on him harder and faster, clit rubbing aggressively the textured fabric increasing the sensation of pleasure. 
And Taeyong would’ve liked to act unfazed and focus on his screen but unfortunately, she was distracting, and the more he looked at those words on the paper the more he lost his temper. He lifted her head up, moving back with the chair, watching as she crawled out of the desk, face stained with tears and spit smashed all over her lower half and cheeks, some even connecting her lashes. The view was enough to make him groan and throw his head back. 
Jade didn’t move closer right away, she took her time to stare at him too. He was wearing normal house clothes, his black pants at his knees and the black sweater covering his chest, and yet he looked so powerful with his legs spread, hard cock staining the shirt with pre-cum and spit, and neck in perfect view, his jaw so sharp she could cut her fingers. 
“Come here, pup, you’re not done.” Something about his sudden dominant switch made her brain spin and her clit throb, pushing her knees on the cold ground to sit between his legs again. “Keep your mouth open, okay? I’ll fuck it nice and rough and all you can do is hump my feet like a desperate puppy. Got it?” 
She nodded enthusiastically before her lips parted and her eyes stared at him, eyelids falling shut as soon as the head of his cock hit the back of her throat when he started thrusting up with controlled, fast moves. He really was stressed to act like this. But she didn’t mind, even if his balls slapped with roughness against her chin, the spit that fell on them before creating dirty wet sounds resonating loudly, filling her brain along with the gagging sounds coming from the back of her throat. 
Taeyong didn’t think he was going this hard, and he was quite surprised at how messily she was taking him, considering how ten times harder the others used to go on her and how well she took it anyway, but he didn’t mind if she wanted to be messier this time. Something in the way her wet eyes were looking at him and how he could feel her throat clench around his tip was enough to set him off. 
She gasped loudly when he tugged her away, coughing and sputtering messily, ass pressing down to grind with force against him, eyes dropping as she concentrated only on her pleasure and Taeyong only stared for a while. 
“Take your clothes off,” he ordered, letting go of her hair. 
“All of them?” 
He hummed, rubbing his chin, and resting his arm on the armrest. 
“But I’ll be cold,” she complained, still rolling her hips around, yelping when Taeyong slipped his feet away, leaving her unsatisfied. 
“I don’t really care. Undress, now.” 
No more words of complaint came out of her lips as she swiftly pulled up her sweater — Yuta’s sweater — before her hands moved to pull out of the way the skirt that was already half rolled up on her ass anyway, and then the panties met the same fate. 
“Keep your socks on,” he said, stopping her from reaching down. “You look good in them. Move the mirror, wanna look at you as you get off on me that desperately.” 
Shame set her body on fire but she still crawled toward the standing mirror and angled so he could see her in the reflection. 
“You’re so pretty when you crawl, you know?” He whispered, biting his lips, hungry eyes following her get back between his legs. “But you look even better buried deep between my legs.” 
He groaned when her lips wrapped around him again, throwing his head against the chair before he looked down, grabbing her head with a firm hold. 
“Gonna use that pretty mouth until I come,” he moaned, hips picking up the fast speed of before, ass lifting from the chair to aim better strokes, the lewd sounds of smacking and choking filling the four walls again. His eyes fell on the mirror, fixated on her ass grinding on his foot, the plump flesh bouncing up and down with every grind, feeling the sock get even wetter now that her panties weren’t getting in the way. His nails grazed her neck, shoving her down completely, her nose pressing against his lower stomach again, leaving no space to breathe, but this time his cock throbbed inside her, ass clenching and balls tightening as his orgasm hit, filling her mouth with so much cum she felt like choking on it, too concentrated on his pleasure to even keep grinding on him. 
When Taeyong pulled out she coughed, cleaning her face and pouting in disappointment at another ruined orgasm. 
“Clean yourself with Yuta’s sweater and then take my clean shirt,” he said after kissing her, fixing his clothes and running a hand in his hair. “You can stay here next to me.” He pointed at the floor and she giggled, feeling a bit of shame creep up but still got up to throw Yuta’s stained sweater in the laundry, hoping to don’t meet anybody on the way out — or maybe yes, since she longed an orgasm. But before she could go out, Taeyong stopped her. 
“You’ll ride me later, I’ll need it to let go of the stress they’re putting me through.” 
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She didn’t expect Jaehyun to last that long, especially since the others never stopped teasing her and fucking her after the first time — the whole thing prolonged more than just the weekend, obviously. The only free time she got was when she was working and had the silver bracelet off, which was on at the first break, and pretty much anytime she even went downstairs to drink some water, praying that whoever was home was going to make her waste some time. And when her boyfriends weren’t at work it went smoothly, exactly how she wanted. 
They couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Even when they weren’t fucking her, they were so touchy, cupping, squeezing, and pulling her body just for fun. 
And she couldn’t quite get why Jaehyun still didn’t make a move. He rarely resisted her when they weren’t doing this, so why was he holding back now? 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Johnny asked after leaving a peck on her lips. They were all ready for bed, Yuta and Taeyong already disappeared upstairs, probably to watch a movie they wouldn’t have finished, fast asleep before even reaching half of it.   
Jade hummed, kissing him again. “Yeah, I’m not tired, I’ll wait for Jaehyun up.” 
“Fine, night.” 
She glanced at the clock, it was quite late, and even if Jaehyun warned he had an unforeseen and would’ve come home later than usual, she couldn’t help but be worried. It was almost midnight and he still wasn’t home, yet. 
Jaehyun didn’t want that to be the first time either, it wasn’t that he was waiting, it was that he was never home, and when he was, he was too tired to barely do vital things like eating and cleaning himself that sex was the last thing that crossed his mind. 
But that night was the last straw. He was so tired that he was mad, he had so much pent-up stress he felt he could explode and he probably would’ve taken it off of something else if she was sleeping, maybe a quick jack-off under the burning hot shower, but when he reached his bedroom and saw her there, silver bracelet visible on her wrist, and only his white shirt on, he lost it. 
Jade was giving him her back, and she didn’t even notice him, too concentrated on her phone, mumbling curses while she texted him to ask where the hell he was, seriously scared for him until she started being afraid for herself when one hand wrapped around her mouth and another on her waist, lifting her up. 
She let out a strangled scream, kicking her legs in the air until she finally heard that familiar voice. “It’s me.” 
“You scared me,” she whispered when his hand moved away and she could breathe again. “I was worried for —” 
“Just shut up,” he ordered, lying her on the bed not so delicately. “I need you.” She was a bit taken aback, not that he didn’t usually like rough stuff but she was still in her paranoid worried girlfriend state and was more concerned if something bad happened rather than focusing on what was finally happening. “I love when you wear my shirts, they look so good on you,” he groaned, running his hands over her body, squeezing the soft flesh. “Wanna fuck you in it,” he leaned down, kissing her hard, groaning when her hands reached for his hair. She mistook it for a pleasured groan but she got he was annoyed as soon as he removed his tie and wrapped her wrists around the bedrest. 
Oh, he was pissed. 
But something about that was already making her dripping wet, her heart pumping loudly in her chest with excitement. His furrowed concentrated face, his dark eyes, and the greediness in which his hands were touching her, all reminded her of their first fucks together, when they hated each other and reversed all their hatred in the sex. How much she missed them, so raw and needy. But now it was similar, sure, he didn’t hate her anymore, but she felt like thanking whatever thing was driving him crazy right now, she could’ve saved the worried-sick-girlfriend-talks for later. 
When he spread her legs open like butterfly’s wigs, she moaned, her lower body exposed to the cold air and his burning eyes. 
“Is that a plug, baby?” He asked, pushing two fingers against the head of the toy coming out of her rim. “Oh, how did you know I wanted to fuck your ass tonight?” 
Well, if you paid any attention to me in the last few days you would know I’m wearing it for some time now, she thought but she kept that in her mind. Just like she kept in her mind how excited she was that he was going to fuck her ass. The others were always way too reluctant to do it even if they liked it, but they didn’t love it as she and Jaehyun did. And yes, nobody of her boyfriend fucked her ass like him; no fear, no intention of being too careful, knowing she could take it. 
“Maybe we are connected, or maybe your little brain knew I would’ve had zero patient to prep you,” Jaehyun whispered, watching her body react to those words. No, he would’ve never fucked her without prepping her, but he needed to send across the message of how desperate he was to have her. And either way, she liked it, even if she was letting out zero words like he ordered. He could see the cum oozing out of her cunt and meeting the toy. “Dripping already,” he teased, pushing two fingers inside her, before tsking, “how many times did they fuck you today, uh?” 
She shook her head, pretending nothing had happened. Blatantly lying as if before dinner they didn’t have a threesome while Taeyong watched in a corner — unlike what he believed, she saw him. 
“They always use your pretty pussy but never your tight ass, right? Maybe we should give her a rest and leave you gaping from another hole.” 
Jade nodded, eyes glistening in excitement. 
“I know, love, I know. You love getting your ass destroyed, can’t wait to make your dreams come true.” His fingers pulled out, wiping them swiftly on her leg before they fumbled with his clothes. When he came back to the bed he pulled the plug out, admiring how stretched out she was already. He tapped her lips with his fingers, and she immediately opened up. “Good girl, suck them well so I can lube my cock. That’s all your getting tonight, I hope you poured enough inside before.” 
She nodded, messily sucking the two fingers to coat them with spit, not even caring if it hurt a bit more when he pushed in without more lube. Jaehyun pulled out with a loud pop before wrapping the same hand on his cock, wetting it with her saliva and the pre-cum that already dripped out of his tip. He didn’t ask if she was ready, he knew she was, he only spread her legs and pushed inside. This time she couldn’t hold in the scream of pleasure, head rolling back and eyes squeezing shut while her jaw tensed up. 
“Fuck, feel so good, baby,” he groaned, his hips were still for a while, just the time to place her ankles on his shoulders and start moving right away. “Wanted this for so long.” 
Yeah, me too, she thought but that only crossed her mind while she let go to pleasure, hips rolling against him as a spontaneous response, begging him to fuck her even harder. And Jaehyun did, hands moving to grip her waist, letting her keep her legs in place, and bouncing her against him with forceful strokes. She tried to conceal the moans but it was impossible, it felt too good and she needed it so much she felt so close to coming even if he barely just started. She didn’t know if it was for the several orgasms of a few hours before, maybe she was ovulating, or probably it had just been too long since she had been fucked like that, whatever it was, she couldn’t hold it in. 
“Oh, honey, came already? How desperate are you?” He groaned, slapping her ass. “Didn’t they fuck you enough?” He cooed, tilting his head, hissing in a curse when she squeezed him more, and more cum dripped out of her cunt. “They didn’t?” He mimicked her when she shook her head. “Insatiable, aren’t you? Need to be fucked so badly that you offered — fuck — for us to take any time and any place as if you weren’t crawling on your knees anyway.” 
“Please,” she whimpered, struggling against the tie, trying to break free from it. Jaehyun only chuckled gutturally watching her struggle. 
“Keep struggling, love. If you want to mark your wrist you’re doing an amazing job,” he mocked, smirking. 
Jade huffed, throwing her head back, and giving a few other tugs at the fabric before giving up. 
“See,” he hummed, leaning down to bite her collarbone, “it’s so much easier when you listen.” 
“But —” 
“Shut up,” he ordered, cupping her chin before pushing two fingers into her mouth. “I told you I don’t want to listen, just let me fuck you like you wanted to.” 
She hummed around his fingers, nodding her head before her eyes closed again, trying to don’t come for the second time before him, it would’ve been too embarrassing how easily she was coming that night. But Jaehyun knew her too well to don’t notice, and as much as he was focused on his pleasure he would’ve never lost the chance to tease her. 
“Want to come again?” 
She denied, moving her head side to side, doing so causing some spit to drip out of her lips. 
“Lying to me, really? You’re making a mess between your legs, there’s so much cum and it’s not even mine.” 
She sniffled, trying to take a bigger breath from her nose and don’t choke on his digits when he kept hitting right where she felt him the most. 
“I’ll let you come, love. You know I always do,” he smirked when her eyes snapped open, shining with a hopeful light. “Later, once I’m done with you, maybe I’ll make you come again.” 
“Please,” she mumbled, voice muffled by his fingers that kept moving into her mouth. 
“No begging, this is not for you,” he groaned, pulling out of her mouth to grab her ankles and push them up almost bending her in half, both mentally thanking Taeyong for convincing her to take yoga classes with him, it always came in handy in the nastiest moments. “Don’t speak, don’t you dare let out a word, clear?” 
She nodded, breath cut short anyway by the position and the pleasure cutting right into her brain. 
His last thrusts were sloppier, with a less specific pattern, but not any less hard and breath-knocking. His low and ragged breaths came out of his mouth in puffs. 
“’m not done with you,” he hummed, pulling out and swiftly freeing her before he quickly shifted her around, positioning her exactly how he wanted; ass up and face down. “Need to fuck you until I forget about everything else.” 
She smiled, finding it cute how usually it was about her forgetting everything else. But her smile turned into a hazed-out grin as soon as his cock filled her again. She didn’t even try to hold the moans, Jaehyun was just too good and in this position, they both loved so much, he gave his best. 
“Shit, you’re dripping all against my balls, fuck, can feel how wet you are with every — shit — thrusts against your cunt.” 
“Feels good,” she whimpered, hoping he was going to let her talk, if she could talk back. 
“’ Course it does,” he groaned, before slipping a hand around her front and pushing her up against him. Her head rolled back, meeting his shoulder and he smirked. “Love this better, don’t you?” 
“Yes, fuck — fuck me harder, please.” 
“Harder? Can you take it?” 
She nodded, biting her lip, reaching forward to sink her nails into his forearm and hold herself onto something. Her back arched more as waves of pleasure ran through her body, Jaehyun was particularly loud that night, letting out groans and moans he usually kept inside, voice so hot and low it was getting to her head so easily. He sounded feral, pounding into her with harsh thrusts, their skins rubbing together, hips slamming against her ass adding to the lewd sounds of his cum squelching out of her with every move. 
“Fuck me so well,” she cried out, letting her head hang forward, mouth agape, some drool dripping in a thread without her even realizing it. 
Jaehyun groaned, eyes fixating on her ass, watching it bounce up against him, staring at his cock stretching her tight rim and pushing the cum outside while her moans played in his brain like a melody. Brain spinning with all the pleasure. It was everything he needed. 
He let go of his hold, pushing her face down on the mattress while he swiftly adjusted, one knee planting at her left while his feet kept his body up on the other side, the position allowing him to pound into her faster and deeper, forcing her back in a deep arch. 
She let out a whiny moan, eyes rolling in the back of her head, the white of her sclera the only thing Jaehyun could see as he stared down at her fucked out face. 
“Look at you taking it like a cock-drunk doll, you live to be fucked however we want, don’t you?” 
Jade could barely find the strength to move her neck in a nod of agreement, pussy clenching crazily around nothing, so much cum dripping out of her, adding to the mess of his, creating a pool on the sheets, clit throbbing as another orgasm menaced to ripple through her. 
“That’s it,” he groaned, hips moving faster, he was barely pulling out, just enough to hit her right where he needed to make her tremble under him. “Come around my cock, come on.” 
A long whine came out of her throat before her jaw tensed and her toes curled, chest heaving hard pressed between the mattress and Jaehyun’s hand keeping her in place. Some tears spilled out of her eyes as the second orgasm washed over her and Jaehyun at the same time, his thrusts coming to a stop while his cock rubbed in circles and throbbed inside her, coating her walls in white. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, lowering his head and rubbing her hips in soothing movements before he pulled out and laid at her side. 
“So, I guess today at work was stressful,” she chuckled when they both gained back some air, and Jaehyun chuckled, hiding in the crook of her neck. 
“Tragic,” he whispered, before pulling away, brushing her hair back. “Nothing that you won’t fix, though.” 
“Me and maybe a shower, you always make me sweat so much.”
Jaehyun chuckled, stretching before scooping her up to walk to the bathroom, “I have to make it up for all the times you don’t hit the gym with me.”
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I really loved writing this since I missed them a lot, so I hope you liked reading it! Please support me by letting me know your opinion with a comment, a reblog (even if you don't want to comment on it, they help reach more people), or even an ask. ♡
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francesminos-tt · 9 months
Do you think you can do one like the movie pride and prejudice? With Daeron being Mr. Darcy and Joff being Lizzie? I'd love you forever and ever if you could! If you want that's fine too! ABO!
I made a small summary of some things if you want something more explained, but I love your ideas so you can and should write whatever you want, the things I wrote are not a requirement.
Viserys is not king, but is considered an important Lord in Westeros society. Rhaenyra marries Harwin Strong, a man far below Nyra's social standing and this is outrageous and shameful for Alicent. Viserys dies (and you know, at that time women had no right to any inheritance) and obviously all his riches would go to Aegon (if it weren't for the fact that Aegon is running away at the exact moment he receives the news, he doesn't want to be Lord but to party and fuck as much as he can) Now all the properties are being looked after and maintained by Aemond. So as expected, Aemond urgently needs to marry some rich and well-educated noblewoman. Alicent has her favorite options - baratheon girls -, but Aemond denies. Aemond insists on leaving Kings Landing to try and find his wife and Alicent sends Daeron with him on this mission because she knows her third son has some shared thoughts with her.
Rhaenyra discovers that her brothers are in town and like the intelligent woman she is, sends her three oldest children to the grand ball that will feature all the single Omegas and Betas. Rhaenyra OBVIOUSLY doesn't regret marrying Harwin but she wants her children to have a good future, wants them to have a good life.
Jace is the oldest, most responsible and most mature. Rhaenyra considers Jace to be the ideal choice for this marriage.
Luke is sweet, smart and kind but Rhaenyra still remembers when Aemond lost his eye and looked at the boy with nothing but hatred.
Joffrey is a smart and cheeky omega and wants to have a broader life than just dedicating himself to marriage. He hates Aemond, but he hates snobbish Daeron even more.
To be honest, Joffrey is more Lydia to me than Lizzie, but I managed to adapt the plot according to their dynamics. Here is the result. I tried to write their first meeting. Daeron may seem snobbish, but in fact he’s just trying to flirt with Joff (and failed epically). I think Joff hates him more and more until Daeron goes to propose to him, which sends Joff into total shock and he refuses Daeron. You can imagine the rest🤣
“I think I should burn a hole in my dress, so that mother cannot force me to go to the ball with my boobs exposed.” Joffrey said, sprawling on the bed in his underclothes. The room was pleasantly warm, even in the early spring chill, as the lazy afternoon sun shone through the window. Joffrey would rather spend his day hiking in the sun, than preparing his outfit for the stupid ball.
“Stop using words so vulgar.” Jacaerys scolded, but only half-heartedly, “Where did you learn it from anyway?”
“The lads in the market.” Joffrey replied, flipping over to lie on his stomach and watching his brothers ironing their respective dress, a simple light green one with embroidered bodice for Jace, and a sea blue one lined with intricate lace for Luke. The dresses were not extravagant, but beautiful and well-maintained, a gift from their mother to celebrate their presentation.
“You are an omega now, Joff.” Jace said, sounding very much like their father Harwin, “You shouldn't spend too much time with them.”
“Why not?” Joffrey scoffed, blowing a strand of curls from his face, “I am still me. My omega status doesn't change anything.”
“Joff.” Jace sighed, looking up from his work, “You know what I mean. Mother will not be pleased to learn you hang out with lads from the market. You have duties to fulfill-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I need to sell myself to some rich alpha like a whore, right? Being myself only destroys my price.” Joffrey mocked, rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.
“Do you really think mother will sell you like a piece of meat on the marriage market?” Lucerys chimed in before Jace could scold their younger brother more, “Answer me, Joff. Do you not trust mother to want the best for us?”
Joffrey bit his lower lip. He loved his mother. Rhaenyra might not be considered a conventional good mother, running away with her lover and cutting off all the ties to her family, but she was the best mother Joffrey could ever wish for. She cared for her children. That was part of the reason why she remarried Daemon after Harwin had sadly passed away, because with her husband’s inheritance snatched away by her brother-in-law, Rhaenyra had no means to support her three sons on her own. She had suffered so much just trying to give her children a decent life. It was no surprise that she wanted to secure the best marriage deal for her three omega sons. Joffrey knew for a fact that Rhaenyra would never force him to marry. She was merely providing the brothers a chance to broaden their views so that they could make wiser choices in the future.
“Sorry, Luke,” Joffrey sagged, his thick brows turning downwards like a sad puppy, “and Jace. I shouldn't have let my frustration out on you and mother. I know you only mean good for me.”
“It’s ok, Joff.” Jace put down his dress and came to sit on the bed, “Come here.”
Joffrey placed his head on Jace’s lap as if he was still a little boy, innocent, young, and ignorant of the cruelty the world had to offer. Jace brushed Joffrey’s wild curls with his fingers, gently untangling the knots one by one. Joffrey’s hair was just like him, wild and unruly, but could be tamed with patience.
“I don't want you to change, omega or not.” Jace told him, “You are charming just as you are. If you decide to marry, your future husband should love and respect who you really are, not some obedient omega you pretend to be.”
“I don't think anyone will love an omega who says boobs all the time.” Joffrey joked, “But hey, no worries! I don't want to marry anyway. I can be an old maid and look after you and Luke’s children.”
“You never know until you meet someone.” Lucerys joined them too, squeezing himself on the bed and giving Joffrey’s butt a playful slap, “I wouldn't say no to a cute ass like that.”
“Luke!” Jace sighed heavily, “Stop encouraging him! Did you learn the words from the market lads as well?”
“I don't know.” Lucerys laughed, flipping his lush hair sassily, “Maybe it’s Joff’s bad influence.”
“God help me.” Jace murmured, but his voice was drowned out by the hysterical laughter of his two younger brothers.
The ball was boring. It was no surprise, for Joffrey never had the interest or the patience to exchange pleasantries and gossips with other omegas. Balls were boring. Boring Balls. It actually rhymed, which made Joffrey chuckle to himself as he settled down on an armchair and watched his brothers dancing. Jace and Luke looked ravishing with their respective dresses, each piece bringing out the best of their features. Jace’s long legs and slender figure, Luke’s beautiful eyes and plump body, like two shining stars among the sea of dancers.
Joffrey saw himself as undesirable compared to his brothers. He was too tall for an omega, his skin too tanned, his brows too thick, and he always made sure to hide his plump chest under the humble clothes he chose to wear. Today, he was wearing one of his mother’s old dresses, a black one with golden embroideries on the collar and waist. The dress had a low cut originally, aimed to showing off one’s cleavage, but Joffrey had it altered, putting some sheer black laces on the chest area to hide the only charm point of his body, his full breast.
A song ended, and the dancers all retired from the floor to catch their breaths and have a little drink. Lucerys glided gracefully to Joffrey, smiling at everyone who waved their hands at him but never stopping for anyone.
“Where is Jace?” Lucerys asked, taking a glass of wine from Joffrey.
“Too busy flirting with Mr. Stark.” Joffrey tilted his chin to the corner of the ball room, where Jace was having an animated chat with a man in soldier uniform almost a header taller than him.
“I danced with him for a song.” Lucerys said, looking in the direction of Joffrey’s faze, “Mr. Stark is very pleasant.”
“I doubt it.” Joffrey was skeptical about all alphas’ characters, “He’s an army man. It is a miracle that he actually knows how to dance.”
“Papa Harwin was an army man, too.” Lucerys chuckled. He knew Joffrey didn’t really mean it. His little brother was just very protective of Jace.
Joffrey shrugged, taking a sip of his wine. This was his third glass, the alcohol making his cheeks pink and his head pleasantly buzzed.
“I am sure Jace is having a good time with Mr. Stark, but I can’t say the same about you, Joff.” Lucerys changed the subject of the conversation, “You haven’t danced tonight. No one takes your fancy?”
“You know I don’t like alphas, especially the snobbish ones.” Joffrey scrunched his nose in disgust, “They think we are all gold diggers who want their fortune. I can’t stand someone treating me like some kind of a prize.”
“You are not going to find a partner if you keep drinking wine alone.” Lucerys shook his head, reaching out to wipe off a drop of sweat on Joffrey’s nose, “I am not forcing you to socialize, but sometimes you cannot judge one’s true nature only by their looks.”
Just when Joffrey was about to retort, the room went silent as two newcomers joined the crowd. Joffrey could hear some omegas, even betas, gasping at the two alphas who had just entered the room. At first look, Joffrey had to admit that those alphas were indeed eye-catching. They were both tall, clad in the finest clothes Joffrey had ever seen, the silky fabric of their clothes and the gems on their rings and belts showing off their fortune. Joffrey could tell that they must be related, because they both had silver hair and purple eyes, one of them with long, smooth hair that pulled back into a low ponytail, while the other kept his curls short and fluffy. Normally, Joffrey was a hard man to impress, but he found he couldn’t take his eyes off the newcomers now. His alcohol-infused mind had a hard time processing the fact that his two uncles from that side of the family showed up at the same ball that he and his brothers attended.
“Luke,” Joffrey turned to Lucerys abruptly, “let’s go.”
Joffrey’s first instinct was to take Lucerys as far away as possible from uncle Aemond. It was a logical reaction, for Lucerys and Aemond had a strained history, to put it lightly. Aemond had drawn the most attention from the crowd since his arrival, partly because he was rich, tall, mysterious and handsome, but another reason was undoubtedly, his eye-patch. A leather eye patch covered Aemond’s left eye, but unable to hide the twisted scar underneath completely. The eye-patch gave Aemond a somewhat dangerous vibe, but Joffrey knew the danger was real.
“Go where?” Lucerys said a bit nervously, wiping his hand on his dress, “We can’t flee, Joff.”
“Why not? Let’s get out of here before they see us.” Joffrey grabbed Lucerys’s wrist and tried to drag his brother away, but his back hit a warm body before he could take a step.
“I am afraid it’s too late, nephew.” A soft voice came from behind as a warm hand placed on Joffrey’s waist to keep the omega from stumbling, “We have already seen you, haven’t we, brother?”
Daeron smiled at his one-eyed brother, but Aemond didn’t reply, keeping his gaze on Lucerys the entire time. Lucerys swallowed, but held Aemond’s intense gaze bravely.
“Uncles, what a coincidence.” Lucerys said, his voice quivering a little.
“Nephew.” Aemond’s lips curled up dangerously, “It is a pleasure seeing you here. Will you honor me to a dance?”
Unlike Lucerys, Aemond didn’t address them both, choosing to address Lucerys alone instead. He bowed slightly and offered his hand to Lucerys. Joffrey could taste the jealousy in the air, the sweet scent of surrounding omegas turning pungent. It baffled Joffrey that why would Aemond invite the boy who had taken his eye to a dance, but to his surprise, Lucerys actually said yes.
“Of course, uncle.” Lucerys took a big inhale to steady himself before placing his hand in Aemond’s inviting palm. They headed to the floor and began to dance to the upbeat rhythm. Joffrey knew Lucerys was a good dancer, but he had never expected Aemond to be one, too. Aemond’s moves were graceful and precise. He swung Lucerys in his arms with incredible ease, not even a single strand hair out of place.
“They make a lovely couple, don’t they?” Daeron’s voice almost jolted Joffrey out of his skin. The omega had completely forgotten about his other uncle. Daeron had come so close at some point that Joffrey could feel the heat from the alpha’s body. A unique scent of incense invaded Joffrey’s personal space, causing Joffrey’s head to spin.
“They are no couple.” Joffrey bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from being carried away by Daeron’s alluring scent, “Why do you say that? Lucerys is just being polite.”
“Is he? Well, my brother certainly isn’t.” Daeron replied as he offered Joffrey a fresh glass of wine, “Wine? I see you have already finished yours.”
“No, thank you. I can get my own wine.” Joffrey said defensively.
“I just want to have a chat with you, nephew.” Daeron raised an eyebrow, his hand still reaching out, “I didn’t mean to insult you or anything. No need to be so offended.”
Joffrey knew he might have acted too defensively, so he took the glass from Daeron and murmured a quiet thank you to the alpha.
“We haven’t met for so long, nephew.” Daeron said, sipping his own drink, “Last time we met was like, almost ten years ago. I never expect you to present as an omega.”
“What do you mean, uncle?” Joffrey frowned, but he didn’t lash out, “I apologize if I am not coy enough to be an omega.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I am sure you are a very pleasant omega. I just need some time to process this wonderful surprise.” Daeron smiled, seemingly unaffected by Joffrey’s sarcastic words, “You were so…wild, as a boy. I always thought you would present as an alpha, or at least, a beta.”
Joffrey didn’t like Daeron’s attitude, at all. The way Daeron talked about his omega status made his skin prickle with frustration and anger. Daeron seemed to have no respect for omegas, as if they were somewhat inferior creatures. It was a common thought shared by most alphas, seeing omegas as weak, emotional, and had to depend on alphas to live. That was why Joffrey hated to interact with alphas. He might be an omega, but he was a person at first. He had his own thoughts and aspirations. He didn’t need an alpha to tell him what to do.
“I am satisfied with my status, uncle.” Joffrey said coldly.
“Really? Are you here today to socialize with other alphas? Have you found anyone to your liking so far?” Daeron looked around the room, “Is that Jacaerys? Who is the soldier he’s talking to? Are they engaged?”
Joffrey wanted to say none of your business, but that would be too rude. He didn’t mind to be rude, but he didn’t want Daeron to look down upon him more than the alpha already had.
“No. Mr. Stark is just a good friend.” So far, Joffrey added silently.
“Oh, I’ve known the Starks. They are from the North.” Daeron said dismissingly, “I imagine he will be blown by the social scene here in King’s Landing. I’ve heard that winters in the North are so harsh that people cannot stay outside for more than a few minutes. I presume there aren’t many social events to be held in that weather.”
“They can find a way to enjoy themselves, I am sure.” Joffrey said, taking a sip from wine Daeron had handed him before. He wasn’t planning to drink more, but Daeron’s attitude just antagonized him so much that he needed alcohol to hold himself together.
“The Starks don’t have much of a fortune. I’ve heard that their estate only provides a small income each year.” Daeron continued, “I think Jacaerys can do better.”
“If my brother gets married, he’s marrying for love and mutual respect, not yearly income.” Joffrey put the wine glass down on the small table next to him with a loud bang, “You seem to think a large fortune is the only thing that attracts omegas, but let me tell you that you are wrong.”
“Did I say something that offends you, Joff?” Daeron sounded genuinely surprised, the bastard, “If I did, I am terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.”
“You’ve said enough, uncle.” Joffrey said with gritted teeth, “You and your family have already taken what should belong to my mother. I suggest you find someone else who is actually interested in your stolen fortune, because I definitely am not.”
Joffrey turned to leave. He was so furious that if he didn’t leave now, he would punch Daeron in the face. He didn’t even have time to look for his brothers before he stepped into the bitter cold of the night.
Joffrey hated alphas, and he hated Daeron the most.
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nazukisser · 2 years
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➺✧ ┅ CHAPTER 04 | Dating
SYNOPSIS | “Duke, will you marry me?” You never thought you’d be saying these words until now, when you’ve realized you’ve been reincarnated as the first side character to be killed in a series of tragedies in a novel series called “Trails of Misfortune & Misery”. As a lady forced into an arranged marriage with the greedy son of Duke Drakos who aims to use your power as a sorceress to gain the Emperor’s favor and is eventually is killed as a sacrifice for his schemes, it seems the only one who can truly assist you is the Duke of Suou, Tsukasa Suou.
CHAPTER WARNINGS | attempted murder
PAIRING | Suou Tsukasa x fem!reader
LINKS | series masterlist | taglist form | prev chapter
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You didn’t know when it started, but you could feel the sensation of being alive- the feeling of breathing, the sound of breaths, your head against the pillow, the blankets against your body. You were stiff, and it was bright- perfect reason to get up. Yet, it was difficult to- moving was hard, and going back to sleep sounded absolutely perfect. Yes, you’d stay in, even if you couldn’t sleep. There was nothing to do anyways, and Callie would keep you alive (bringing you food). 
“My lady, you have a guest,” Callie walked in, abrupt as usual. A groan escaped your lips before you could decide to pretend to still be asleep. It would’ve been nice if you could. Before being asked, she added, “It’s Duke Suou.” 
You bolted up. The Duke of Suou was here? Unprompted? You hadn’t set the day to today, right? No, you hadn’t. You’d set it to the end of this week; it was Monday today, and if you remembered correctly, the day had been set to Thursday. What could possibly bring the Duke of Suou, probably one of the busiest men in the entire world, here to your home on such a day, without an apparent reason? He was coming in completely unannounced, and to be frank, it was a bit rude. 
“He sent a letter,” Callie said, as if she read your mind. That was both a little scary and useful at the same time. But when did he send it? That was the question.
“At 5 in the morning,” she looked you right in the eyes. She wasn’t lying or joking. What kind of guy was up at 5 in the morning? Did he even sleep at all?
Well, technically, he didn’t break etiquette- since it was an unspoken rule that a letter be delivered hours before arrival- but it made the point of the etiquette completely useless if you didn’t read it before his arrival. You sighed. This guy was surprisingly dumb in all the cutest ways. 
He was already there, what could you do? You just had to meet him right? But he was waiting, and it was totally rude to keep a guest waiting for long. Before you knew it, you found yourself stepping into the one of the waiting rooms, the one where Tsukasa was waiting. You greeted him with a bow, as all the noble ladies do, and he made the effort to kiss your hand. Ah, yes, like how fiances should be. The two of you were fiances now, as per the contract that had yet to be written… 
He had a bit of a blush on his face, some hesitation. What was wrong? Was it hot? 
You asked what brought him to your estate this morning, and he simply answered, “I wished to see my wonderful fiancee,” A bouquet of flowers fell into your hand, red camellias. He came here… just to see you? Was he not busy? There was nothing urgent for you to handle? He simply wished to see you? 
You looked at his eyes. Somehow, they sparkled- somewhat starstruck. The currently romanceless Duke, in love with you? Perhaps he was simply stuck in the act. He didn’t need to try this hard; all you needed was to borrow his name. 
He looked at you for a moment a little too long, long enough for you to wonder what he was staring at you for. Was there something on your face? He swallowed.
“Uhm, I was thinking… if it isn’t too much, would you like to visit the shops in the Capital today?” Your eyes widened a little. He went through all this effort? To take you out on a date? 
Well, first off, were you free? Technically, you’d set it as a rest day, but it wasn’t work. You could rest tomorrow, and knowing him, he would allow you to rest whenever you needed… and surprisingly, as much as you wanted to sleep, you were surprisingly energetic. Perhaps, was there leftover adrenaline from last night, or were you unaware of your own excitement for today’s proposed plan? 
Whatever the case, Callie urged you to go. She looked at you with such intense eyes, which seemed to say “It’s better if you go.” Wow, Callie. Was she that desperate to go to the stores? Did she have something to buy? You sighed.
Sure, you’d go along with him. You were about to tell him to start going, until you realized- you were still in your nightgown. Ah, no wonder he was blushing. Though, the dress just looked like a dress, something you could wear outside into society in the 21st century, nobody ever wore just one layer here, sadly. You sighed, as you asked Callie to come with you to get dressed. 
Oh, he’d been waiting for a while, right? Had he had breakfast yet? You asked, and he nodded his head “no”- and to be waiting there without anything to eat or to do, it was a good time for him to have something, wasn’t it? He was known for having a bit of a sweet tooth, and it would be a perfect time to ask him what his favorite sweet was; after all, he’d asked you yesterday, and it would be unbalanced if you didn’t know his, right? 
So, you asked, and he displayed a bit of hesitation- was it too out of the blue? Perhaps he just wasn’t expecting it- or maybe he doesn’t eat sweets in the morning? The rumors could always be wrong; but considering how he’d sent a letter at 5am, this could possibly be revenge- if he didn’t like it. Though if he did, revenge failed but information required- and mission accomplished (found something to keep him busy while you got ready). 
Parfaits- strawberry parfaits. It was oddly fitting- maybe it was that it was red, just like his hair, sweet like him, or maybe it was the vibes in general. It was hard to tell, but that didn’t really matter. What did matter was that you had now obtained that information- and of course, since you asked, the parfaits would be prepared as well. One thing about being a noble was that you could ask for anything and it’d be made. It was nice, having a chef work in the mansion. 
Tsukasa had a smile on his face as you left; it was surprisingly sweet, and it lingered in your mind for a while. Perhaps he was just cute; he may be the youngest Duke in the Empire, but at the end of the day, he was just Tsukasa Suou. 
Callie came with you upstairs, where you got ready. Especially because the Duke was here,  not just Callie worked on your appearance but multiple other maids as well. It was ridiculous how long it took to look decent enough to not get stares… especially when you were with the Duke. The higher your rank in society, which was pretty high at the moment, especially since the incident with Erebus and your involvement with Tsukasa, the more you were expected to dress up. Those trillionaires wearing sweatpants like normal people better be grateful they have the option to. 
The maids were awfully busy, one doing your hair while another was fixing up your dress, the other preparing the bath and another sorting through all sorts of fragrances and herbs and such. There was no use arguing with them. It gave you time to ponder about things, and they would “uphold their honors as maids of this house”. It was a sense of pride about their work, it seemed. It might be cruel to deny them of that. 
By the time you were done, you didn’t even want to look at the time. In what seemed like just a few minutes, Callie had changed herself into clothes for going outside, so quickly and efficiently. Working for a noble’s house was awful, but there were a couple of benefits in some areas- that being one of them. 
You arrived outside with Callie, meeting Tsukasa outside. The butler reported that he “ate the parfait to the last drop”- it seemed he was satisfied. Well, that was good. He offered his hand to help you into the carriage, and it would be a waste not to take it, especially since the step was quite high for the heels you were wearing. When will the era of comfortable fashion arrive?
You waited for Callie to arrive, but before you knew it, she was gone. You asked Tsukasa, and he promptly answered “Ah, I’ve prepared a separate carriage for everyone else who will be joining us.” Ah, so that was where she went. You could see her so clearly, bragging about having ridden the Duke’s carriage, one of the most luxurious in the Empire. No wonder she wanted to go so badly. 
How many people were there? Was there really that many accompanying you, or did he want to be alone with you? If so, was there something with the contract he wanted to discuss? 
You asked, starting with the amount of people he was bringing along. There were knights riding alongside the carriages, but he said that he was planning to use the other carriage as storage… was he planning on buying something big, so much so that one carriage was not enough? Perhaps he did have some things to buy for himself… after all, running a dukedom required the purchase of many items, though it was quite the mystery of what exactly he’d need. 
Once again, you asked why he visited today. There were no eyes to pry, no rumors to circulate. Over the horses, the carriage driver wouldn’t be able to hear you unless you yelled. He gave the same answer: he simply wanted to see you. Was he free? Was he not a busy man? No, he was very busy, he said. Then who was doing his work? His assistant? You asked if he was really here about the contract, and he shook his head “no”. There really was no reason for him to be here, then- to be spending money to bring you to places. The Duke of Suou was strangely irrational. 
The carriage ride there wasn’t far, at least, since your home was near the city. By near, it was like an hour, but it wasn’t like it was much longer than an hour drive back home- although it was a little bit more bumpy. Nonetheless, this was the technology of the day, and there was nothing better available. The lack of modern technology really highlighted how good it was when you had it. 
It wasn’t long before you’d arrived, Callie right behind the two of you. He got off first, and you took his hand as you stepped down from the carriage. It felt good to be walking again, after such a long time sitting on the bumpy road. 
You found yourself looking for Callie, who was always with you. She was strangely useful, always knowing what you needed, sometimes even before you knew. She exited the carriage later than you, surprisingly, laughing and talking with the knights and other people the Duke had brought with him. Nobility was like being lifted and getting all sorts of nice things, but really, what was the use if it was so lonely up there? 
It was a little less lonely when he asked for your hand again, and you put your hand on his arm as most noble ladies do. He was satisfied, a smile on his face had formed. Perhaps it was cute. Before long, Callie joined right behind you, along with the knights as they kept a little bit of distance. It seemed she was having a good time. Perhaps they had a lot of good stories to tell. Seemed like it too; Callie always enjoyed a good story.
You’d gone to the square, where boutiques and shops of the latest and upcoming fashion trends were, highly rated restaurants filled the air with the aroma of sought-after dishes, and the work of artisans on display for those passing by to see.  
“I have a place I would like to show you… do you mind going with me?” he asked. Callie smiled; it seemed she would know what was going on. The knights whispered with her. Ah, it seemed they knew what was going on. Callie better spill the beans about this later. 
You agree to going with him; after all, he was the one who wanted to take you there. It wasn’t like you had any plans. He knew the way, and Callie and the knights followed the two of you (somewhat closely). The shops were pretty, and once in a while you took a moment to see the window displays. They’re like something that could get you famous, if you posted a picture on social media.
Before long, you arrived at a place called “Lili Boutique”. Lili Boutique… as in, the famous dressmaker Lilianne de Rass? Her reputation was widely known, and if you were lucky enough, you’d have to wait months to even have an appointment with her.
You looked at him as if saying “Are you serious?”. He had a smug smile on his face, proud of himself that he was able to reserve this on such a short notice- literally, hours. That wasn’t really any notice, though. It was easy to imagine- if you were Lilianne, you’d be flipping out on such a short notice. Additionally, Lilianne’s brother in law, Kaysian de Rass, is a Marquess- only second in power to a Duke- literally, only a Duke could pull this off. 
“Ah, yes, reservation for Duke Suou, correct? Come right in. Lady Lilianne is in her work area. She’ll be with you in the display area shortly,” one of the employees greeted you, dressed in a design you’d never seen before. You asked about it, and she’d replied, “Yeah! The lady lets us wear new designs to test them. There are a lot of them, and we get to keep them. She’ll keep making new versions until she’s satisfied.” Ah, that was nice of her. By the looks of it, the girl really enjoyed working there. A bright smile shone on her face; it wasn’t hard to tell that this was where she found her happiness. 
Before long, you and Tsukasa had reached the waiting room, with dresses and suits on mannequins, displayed with jewelry from the partner store down the street and hats from the store Lilianne’s best friend was also selling in the same space. Really, no one went to Lilianne’s Boutique just to buy a dress- they went for a whole look. 
Lilianne didn’t follow the trends- she created them. Thanks to her house’s connections, she was able to start the trend of “more comfortable fashion”. By more comfortable, she meant that the corsets didn’t hurt as much, and flats rather than heels were becoming more preferred. The dresses were lighter, and sometimes, she made the “joke” of a suggestion of wearing pants under the dress- just in case something undesirable happened. Though, maybe, that wasn’t a joke on her part. 
Measurements in one hand, her bun almost falling apart, even wearing pants strangely similar to sweatpants and a shirt strikingly similar to a sweatshirt, Lilianne ran into the room. There was no other lady in high society who could be excused for looking like such a mess. She’s gained a reputation for being a hard worker, busy as always, and if she wasn’t busy with work, then something unimaginable would’ve happened. 
“Oh gosh, Tsukasa, you’re really too much,” she laughed. Tsukasa’s mother often went here to buy dresses, perhaps they were close. “I heard you got a girlf- fiancee like, last night? What are you, seriously.” she grumbled. 
“You’re still quite ahead of me, Mrs. de Rass,” Tsukasa laughed, and Lilianne laughed along with him.
“Well, Carsein and I definitely didn’t get engaged overnight… unlike you two,” she chuckled. “Anyways, what are you looking for?” 
You couldn’t answer that- after all, you were the one who was taken to this place- but Tsukasa did. 
“I’d like to have a few dresses made for her.”
“Anything you want specifically?”
He looked at you. Uh, whatever was trendy? Though, this really wasn’t the place for that, especially because this place was known to create the trends, not follow them.
“The best I have? Well, you have to give me something, girl. I don’t just whip up ideas like magic,” she sighed. She spoke so “modern”... rumors say she was found on a lake maybe she was reincarnated there. That wasn’t part of the novel… 
Well, perhaps it would be good to look at the practical side of it. You’d be wearing it with Tsukasa, who had always worn black, purple, or red. Those were his family colors, the ones on the Suou flag. He was praised from a young age for possessing those same colors, purple in his eyes and red in his hair. They believed he was born to be the true representative of the Duchy of Suou. 
If you were to match, perhaps red would be the choice. No matter what he wore, it’d match with him. Plus, you’d met in a field of Red Camellias. It would be good publicity if you had requested something to do with those… perhaps it was a little bit special. It wouldn’t be too much if you requested something meaningful from the Empire’s greatest dressmaker, would it? 
“Oh my gosh, y’all are literally so romantic,” Lilianne smiled. “Anything else?”
You turned to Tsukasa. At this point, that was all you had. He probably knew more about dresses than you; though, maybe the original owner of your body was more acquainted, but the Empire was far too complicated with matters like these. 
“I trust that you’ll be able to create a dress from that?” he asked Lilianne. Wouldn’t that translate to “Just work with it”? Lilianne sighed and gave up asking. 
“Alright, let’s get your measurements,” Lilianne got up to get the things she needed. Despite the amount she talked, she was incredibly quiet and focused on her work. Perhaps that was what passion did to someone. By the time she’d written everything down, you’d had enough time to look at the dresses available. Shopping was incredibly slow paced, but at least you weren’t rushed. You could take your time, and nobody would ever put blame on you. After all, the place was fully reserved. 
There were a few dresses that caught your eye by that time, and Tsukasa was fully prepared to pay for it. But you could pay for it yourself. You were of noble origin, and that did mean you had a thing called: money. You asked for Callie, and for a moment it seemed like she wasn't there. However, when she appeared, she was wearing an entirely new dress. It was gorgeous, actually. 
You asked if she had brought money for you, from your own allowance, and she said, “Yes, I knew you’d want me to bring it.” So, you made haste in telling Lilianne that you’d pay for your dresses, until Tsukasa started insisting to pay for it. As you were negotiating with the Duke, Callie butted in, “Can you pay for my dress, and he pays for yours?” 
You were done. You were done. You were done arguing. You were not going to deal with this any more. It was like talking to a wall, and then another wall showed up. Hands up, you agreed. Fine. Tsukasa objected with, “I’ll pay for yours as well-” until he was interrupted with Callie’s signature glare. 
He shut up pretty fast. That was the only way to describe it. Callie knew how to talk with eyes; she was pretty good at it. Maybe she could teach you, though she’d likely respond with “There are better things for you to learn, my lady.” 
You walked out with a sigh, and it had been hours that you were in Lilianne’s Boutique. After that argument, it was quite awkward, between you, Callie, and Tsukasa, but as soon as you left, he seemed like he remembered something. 
“My lady, would you like to visit Diamond Lotus Bakery? I heard they have wonderful sweets here,” he offered his arm for you to hold, which you took. It felt nice, actually. Diamond Lotus Bakery was quite a popular bakery, and many couples and families often went there to visit. There was a large variety of sweets not only from the Empire but sweets also from neighboring and far away nations. It was truly a one-of-a-kind place. You’d heard a lot about the person behind it all, Mio, who had moved to the Empire at a young age and pursued both baking and music, and every item sold and every piece played had been made by them. Yet, despite the popularity of this mysterious figure, no one had ever seen their face. Every note from Mio was signed off with a doodle of a cat, and all the people who worked there had simply begun saying their boss was a cat.
It was definitely a nice place to go to, and so you accepted, especially because you hadn’t eaten in hours, and after that “argument” with Callie and Tsukasa, putting something in that stomach of yours would help. 
You and Tsukasa sat down at your own table, while Callie got her own. You were given a menu, which listed all kinds of sweets and snacks. They all looked so good, and it was easy to tell that Tsukasa had decided on what he wanted quickly; it seemed that he was a frequent customer. 
Before even you and Tsukasa had managed to order something, you found yourself looking in Callie’s direction, ordering for herself. Huh, you didn’t know she was fond of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and marshmallows. It was surprising how little she let other people know about her. 
Before long, someone came to take your orders, and by the time that was done, Callie had taken out a book and started reading. You wondered what it was, and Tsukasa had read it aloud before you’d figured it out. That idiot- what if Callie had heard him and realized you were trying to figure out what she was reading? 
It wasn’t until the sun started to set that the thought about going home occurred to you. Being outside in the dark was dangerous, actually- bandits roamed the roads around that time, trying to get unsuspecting and tired travelers. It was hard to see, which made them harder to identify too. So, as much as it was fun being out now, it was better to head home before it got dark- and so, you, Tsukasa, and Callie headed out. 
Luckily, by the time you’d gotten back home, flopped onto your bed, you hadn’t been attacked and arrived home safely. Tsukasa’s “I’ll miss you” expression, which effectively doubled as a “please please please..?” expression, was strangely memorable. It’d taken almost all of your energy to change into pajamas, and before you knew it, you’d hit dreamland. 
You felt the bed move, something got on it. It was cold, and the moon shone in your eyes; it was hard to stay asleep, yet it was still hard to see. You just knew that something was wrong, and before you knew what was going on, your hand was over your throat, and your hand had been stabbed by a knife. 
Before you knew who it was, the person bounced off, managing to hit the plants by your balcony doors before leaving, yet as they left, their hood loosened and a necklace shown, and there was only one person who had that necklace- Mairi, the original protagonist of the story, and your “longtime friend”- who was supposed to be at the Academy.
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WORD COUNT | 3994 words
NOTES FROM QIAN | hi this series is extremely self indulgent. if you would like to join the taglist, please send an ask, thank you! [ tags in the reblogs ]
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achangeinreality · 2 months
Okay Part 4!! I’m struggling with links right now (they’re getting super messed up) so if you want to check out part 1, it’s pinned on my blog and that has the links to part 2&3. Thanks, enjoy!
Encounters Part 4
July 24, 2552
Ding. Ira groaned at the sound that woke her up so early. She wasn’t normally awake until 0600 hours and always cherished any little sleep she could get. After all, Ira could be in deep sleep and still be woken up by a fly on a wall. But as she rolled over to check her datapad for whatever the cause of her early wakefulness was, she felt a surge of energy course through her as she saw: S-058. Ira opened up the encrypted message which read, Good morning. Ira looked at the message and smiled. Then she looked at the top of her screen to see urgent notifications. She opened up her emails to find an encrypted email sent to all ODST team leaders notifying an emergency meeting to be set for that day at 0700 hours. She replied back to her: Good morning! I hope you slept well. A few minutes went by as Ira went through the rest of her emails and notifications. Ding. S-058: Yes, I slept fine. How are you? Ira replied with, I am happy to wake up to a message from you.
Ira giggled a little to herself after hitting send. The day that Linda had shipped out, Ira was devastated. She had spent the day moping around and finding comfort in the bullet that she now carried on herself at all times. Though, a message from the now Gunnery Sergeant Sila Gutierrez also helped. Sila had messaged her, Hey, Happy belated birthday! Sorry for the late message, I just got back today from the jungle. We had no damn connection other than local comms. Hope you had a good birthday! Sila had done exceedingly well in her career, having continued to climb the ranks throughout the years. She was often unavailable to talk however as she was often sent on lengthy operations. But Sila always responded to messages, even if it was a few weeks late sometimes. Ira considered calling Sila to vent about her romantic mishaps but did not want to bother her. After a few minutes, Ira decided she had no one else to vent to who could understand where she was coming from and initiated a video connection with her.
”Ira! You look good! What’s up? How was your birthday?”- Sila
”Hey Sergeant [insert salute] thank you, thank you. You look alright I guess. My birthday was good. How was the jungle?- Ira
”Hey take that slander elsewhere! But yeah no it was fucking awful. I’m covered in bites on every possible inch of my body.- Sila
”Oh god that sucks, I don’t envy you. But hey uh can I talk to you about something?”- Ira
”Yeah, what is it? What’d you do this time?”- Sila
”You can’t tell a soul. It’s nothing illegal, but it is super personal,”- Ira
”As long as it’s not court marshal worthy I won’t say a word,” -Sila
”No of course it’s not. But uh, well…. Do you remember Spartan 058… you know, the Spartan that saved us on Draco III?”
”You mean the one that you hit on while you were high and then tried again the next day and failed again?” -Sila
[Through gritted teeth] “Yes that one.”- Ira
”What did you do?” -Sila
”Uh…. I ran into her and tried again.” -Ira
”Dude are you actually numb? Like do you need a brain scan? Cuz I can’t believe what just came out of your mouth. Is this like a weird humiliation kink?” Sila
”EW no! No it was different this time, hear me out. I was on Sigma Octanus IV, came back, was standing around with my team, when all of a sudden I hear my name. I turn around and she’s right there! She remembered me! So then she asks to meet with me in the mess hall at 2100 hours and obviously I said yes. So-
“Wait wait wait wait, she saw you and recognized you? But you’ve gotten so old and ugly since the last time she saw you, how is that possible?” -Sila
”Hahaha very funny, jokes on you, you’re older! Anyway, I get there and she starts talking to me, tells me her name. It’s Linda by the way. And I’m trying to keep my chill but you know me, I kept embarrassing myself. Anyway, I invite her to my birthday and she says yes. Then she called me out on my big ass pupils and I thought, well the gig is up, fuck it. So I tell her I’m attracted to her and she did not respond well. But I called her out too and said, hey your pupils have been blown this whole time, what’s up with that? Obviously that also didn’t go well either and she said this wasn’t going to go anywhere and left. SO- Ira
”Oh my god you sly sick bitch. Damn you called out a Spartan? And accused her of having the hots for you on top of that? Let me take notes, damn. Anyway, continue- Sila
”Yeah I know I’m a little unhinged but anyways, get this. She comes to the party!! She actually shows up even after all of that!- Ira
”OOOOOO she came?? Girl she’s in trouble that’s all bad. Wow I’m so proud of you! So what’s the problem then?” -Sila
”Well, it was all good and she even gave me a present that she customized for me. It was so sweet I almost started crying. So then she says she wants to talk to me in private and here I was thinking I was about to win the universal lottery. But then we go to my room and she says, “My purpose is to be a Spartan so this isn’t something I can entertain. I want to stay as friends.”- Ira
”Ohhhh come onnn. No no no no, Ira no, that’s so bad! Wait, what was the present?”- Sila
”I’m not telling you it’s personal! But regardless, she tells me that-“ Ira
”No! What was the present? You’re already telling me the whole hoot and holler, what’s one more detail?” -Sila
”Don’t tell anyone about it,”- Ira
”I already said I’m not opening my mouth about any of this,” -Sila
Ira pulled the bullet out of her pocket and shined it with the cloth that it came wrapped in. She put it up to the screen and then put it close up to the camera so that the words were legible enough for Sila, despite showing up backwards through the video. Sila said nothing while deciphering it and then gasped.
”Oh honey. Oh lord. Oh my god she likes you too,”- Sila
”Do you think so?” -Ira
”No I don’t fucking think so, I know so. That’s such a genuine thing to do. Wow go Linda! Okay so what’s the current update on this?” -Sila
”That’s it. She shipped out this morning to Reach.” -Ira
”Oh you sad sop I bet you’ve just been moping around, woe is me-ing all day huh? Well let me tell you something. It sounds like if you keep pushing it, you’re gonna be entering a whole world of pain. Even if you did enter into a relationship, you would always be her 2nd priority. She clearly values her position very highly,” -Sila
Ira said nothing for a second. Just sat in silence until she nodded in agreement slowly.
”But I know you’re stubborn and your audacity knows no bounds so let me follow up with, if you’re going to push it, I can see a sliver of success.” -Sila
”Really? How?”- Ira
”Well she obviously likes you but she’s way up in the ranks so this is super unorthodox in the UNSC. If you can find a way to stay in contact, you might be too difficult to forget. But, don’t make the first move. You’ve already done the heavy lifting of a lifetime with this. Lay low for a few days and then throw a fishing line in if you’ve only gotten comm silence.” -Sila
“I guess I don’t really have anything else to go on. Thanks Sila, I knew you’d say something helpful.” -Ira
”Yeah well don’t say I didn’t warn you if it all goes tits up. But hey I gotta go, I’m getting summoned to debriefing. I hope it all goes well, keep me posted, bye!”- Sila. Ira waved goodbye as the video chat ended.
This conversation had taken place 3 days ago. It helped Ira feel infinitely less alone knowing that someone in the universe cared to hear her woes, a luxury that many people didn’t have. The next day came and went, and Ira focused on her team. They were excellent, but their newest recruit, Richard, had some difficulty collaborating with the team. Oftentimes, any mistakes or issues that they had encountered on the battlefield originated from a lack of communication and this was something that Ira hoped to tackle. Ira had come up with an exercise: Everyone one, except one person, would be blindfolded and tied to each other with a rope that allowed 3 ft in between. The person in the front would not be blindfolded but still tied. It would be their job to scout the room for hidden, but visually findable booby traps that Ira had asked an outside personnel to rig. The traps were lightly painful but non-lethal and the goal was to make it around the room without setting off one. The person in the front then had to pass down where and how to step around to the person behind. That person would then pass it down, until it reached the end. They would all take turns being the person in the front and Ira would give them 2 tries each to get it right once. The exercise had been going well, most of her team members succeeded at least once. Only Richard had failed twice. To say that he threw a fit was to put it lightly.
”This is fucking dumb Corporal, why did I even need to participate in this? Is this some sort of hazing ritual?”, he exclaimed. “We are doing this to improve our communication skills. Over the last few skirmishes that we’ve been in, there’s been mistakes left and right. It’s my job to make sure we improve,” Ira replied sternly but evenly. Richard continued. “But why this? Why can’t we just watch our tapes back and learn that way?”
“We tried that already and it didn’t work. It’s like all my pointers went in through one ear and out the other. I have talked to you about this before, you’re our weakest link. You’re impulsive on the battlefield and disregard every other order. That shit won’t fly much longer so I’m giving you the chance to improve,” Ira stated. The rest of the team did their best to look uninterested but Ira could tell they were all intently listening. “Oh okay communication is my issue then alright. Maybe I’ll take a little lesson from you and that Spartan that you’ve been fooling around with. You two sure seem to have plenty to talk about,” Richard shot back. Absolute silence filled the room. You could have heard a pin drop and locate its exact location after that comment.
“Excuse me? I don’t think you understand your position, trooper. My personal life is of no concern to you and if I ever hear you voicing any sort of comment on it, I will personally make sure that you never drop from a pod again. Do I make myself clear?” Ira’s tone could have cut glass. Her stare was cold, unwavering, and occupied with an empty, soulless void that threatened to consume him if he spoke anything other than “yes, sir”. Richard seemed to shrink in size and looked anywhere but back at her. “Yes, sir,” he replied quietly, still looking away. “Good. And unless you show improvement on our next mission, you will not remain on this team. Dismissed,” Ira barked. Everyone shuffled out of the room uncomfortably. Rachel stayed back after everyone had left to say, ”So… we’ve all been wondering something. This is probably not the best time but I’m gonna ask anyway,” Ira glared at Rachel, knowing exactly what the question was going to be. “I’m gonna stop you right there Datz. Go, that’s an order,” she seethed. Rachel put her hands up and scuffled out. Ira sighed, knowing damn well the topic of conversation amongst her team was going to be ‘what’s up with the corporal and that Spartan?’ And the answer was, nothing. Absolutely fuckig nothing, that’s the problem. Nothing was going on between her and the Spartan. She leaned against the wall and covered her eyes. Get a grip you idiot, she thought.
Ira was walking to the showers when she heard a Ding! Looking over at her data pad, her jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing the name of the recipient: S-058. She opened the message up and read, Hello, I am hoping you are well. Ira fervently typed back, Hi! I am now. And yourself?
This had been the beginning of their back and forth messaging which had now been going on for 2 days. It was only 5-6 messages a day, but they meant the world to her. So really, being woken up a little too early to the first one of the day wasn’t too bad at all. She was mostly surprised to have received any sort of communication. But for now, she had to start her day and see what this meeting was all about.
I am happy to wake up to a message from you.- Ira
Linda felt her eyes widen a little at the message and an increasingly more familiar warmth radiate in her chest. It had been 2 days since Linda gave into the nagging thoughts and decided to reach out to Ira. She knew it wasn’t necessarily a good idea but managed to convince herself that this was how to maintain a good friendship. Kelly was the only one who knew that Linda was in communication with Ira. She had given her an approving look at the news.
”Glad to know my advice is taken seriously around these parts,” Kelly touted. Linda rolled her eyes and replied, “Yeah alright settle down. We’re just friends.” Kelly huffed loudly but said nothing else. Later that day when they were finishing up at the shooting range, Kelly had asked, “So how’s the friendship going?” Linda looked around annoyed to make sure that no one was listening to them. She answered back, “It’s going fine. Do you need an hourly update?”
”I’m just saying, I’d support a partnership. I know some of the others wouldn’t approve but since when do you care what others think?,” Kelly pressed. Linda sat down at one of the tables nearby to take her sniper apart. Taking the weapon apart to clean it was incredibly soothing for her. Focusing on that made it easier to have this conversation. “Kelly I know you mean well but you can’t be serious. There are so many reasons to not go there with her. Not to mention I’m 13 years older than her. I don’t know much about this stuff but I know that’s weird,” Linda stated. Kelly snorted at the comment and said, “First off, we’re not ancient. Secondly, I don’t think that’s an issue she’s concerned over, otherwise she probably wouldn’t be all heart eyes over you. Fuck the rules anyway you’re both adults.”
”Exactly, I’m an adult and I’m making a responsible, adult decision to keep her at an arm’s length. It’s the best decision for the both of us,” Linda continued, firmly. Her tone was even but Kelly could tell that she was tense. Regardless, she pushed back, “Well she’s an adult too and I’m sure she knows what she wants.” At that, Kelly walked out of the room, leaving Linda to continue her cleaning. Click, click, click, snap, snap, click. The pieces all fit back together perfectly and cleanly. If only her current situation was so easily assembled.
She needed to meditate and there were too many people around. So, Linda made her way to the base’s quiet room. This was where soldiers and military personnel could go to pray, soak in silence, or meditate in Linda’s case. Not every station or base that she went to had one of these but when it did, Linda was grateful for it. Linda’s home base on Reach had everything she could want and this was one of her favorites. The room was different in more ways than one. It had a skylight that allowed sunlight to gleam through and illuminate the room softly during the day and moonlight during the night. The corners of the room however, remained in shadow. This was the only room on the base that did not have any artificial lighting and it brought a certain peace to the atmosphere, unlike any she had experienced before. Linda grabbed a mat off the shelf and sat in the back right corner of the room. She sat down and closed her eyes, breathing slowly, feeling her mind lifting off.
1200 hours
Kelly finished her run. These new headphones that she had gotten amazed her, as they had managed to stay on her head the entire time. Music was a joy that Kelly had discovered years ago. It allowed her to stay focused and pushed her to move faster and faster. According to John, her choice of ‘classic rock’ was archaic and noisy but she liked noisy! Better to have catchy lyrics blended with ‘noisy’ drums and guitar sounds as opposed to screaming, explosions, and death. The sounds of war. Though the sounds of gunfire weren’t necessarily ugly to her. They were, in a weird and sad way, comforting to her. Not comforting in a conventional way but rather, in a predictable way. In other words, Kelly knew where gunfire came from and what it did. She could distinguish the type of weapon that every gunshot came from and smell their differences. This was not necessarily an exceptional ability but rather one shared between many of her siblings. And right now, there were too many new and uncertain things happening that Kelly didn’t have explanations for.
In the last 24 hours, Kelly had grown concerned about Linda. Linda, it appeared, had grown oddly attached to Corporal Ira Hagan, ODST. Kelly had done some digging into Hagan’s file and found some impressive accomplishments. Upon further investigation (light hacking), she found a concerning detail about her. The Corporal had been subject to several psych evals. Not a good thing in their line of work, or probably in any. The cause for the several evals was…. REDACTED. How interesting, she thought. What could the Corporal have done to receive so many psych evals and then the reason for them be redacted? Moreover, should she tell Linda? Maybe not yet, after all, Kelly had encouraged Linda to reach out and embrace a ‘friendship’ with Hagan. She wanted to be on their side and support whatever this was, but Kelly couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off about Hagan. And here was the proof! But maybe it was a misunderstanding, maybe she was looking too much into it. And right now, she had nothing else to go on.
Kelly wandered into the mess hall, looking around for Fred-104. He was serving himself whatever horrible soup was getting served that day. Kelly always hated soup. She wandered over and sniffed it, feeling a nausea in her stomach.
“What do you want, soup hater?,” Fred inquired dryly. Kelly signed to him, need to talk. He lifted an eyebrow and looked at her, signing back, urgent? Kelly rolled her eyes and said out loud, “What do you think?” Fred sighed and asked, “I’ll eat, you talk.” They went over to the most secluded table in the mess hall that they could find. Regardless, it was full at the moment and so, it was improbable that others would hear their conversation. Kelly sat down and waited for Fred to start eating. She thought about how to phrase her question. Fred asked, “Well?” Kelly leaned back in her chair and asked, “Do you remember Margaret-053 and Otto-031?” Fred looked at her seriously but said nothing. He swallowed the next spoonful of soup and answered, “Of course, Black Team. Excellent Spartans.” Kelly’s face dropped and she looked at him in annoyment, “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” Fred sighed loudly and replied, “What’s your point? Why are you bringing that up?” Fred was of course talking about the incident when they were kids where the 2 aforementioned Spartans were found out to be entangled with one another. The rest of the Spartans did not take kindly to the news and well, essentially assaulted the pair. The fight had ended with Margaret losing an eye and retaliation on behalf of Black team which then ended in 2 more weeks of trouble for everyone.
The motivation behind the attack had been a misplaced belief that the Spartans had not been taking their training seriously. This of course came from the brainwashed idea they held at the time that any semblance of romance was a detriment to them all. That was until Kelly grew up and could see that the instilled belief had been a way to control them and further them away from their humanity. It was effective of course, for to be attached to someone else romantically was to be distracted from their missions partially. And as weapons, that just wouldn’t do. Still though, when Maria-062 retired to create a family of her own, it made Kelly stop and think. What could compel someone like her to turn away from their purpose and create her own? It seemed that love indeed was a powerful motivator, and their instructors were right to steer them clear of it. But instead of erasing Maria from her memory, Kelly felt an enormous amount of respect for her. For though the life of a Spartan was the only one Kelly could want, who was she to judge another for wanting more? She certainly had had her fair share of little crushes here and there but couldn’t ever act on those feelings. There just wasn’t ever any time for that. And people were too scared of her and the other Spartans to ever initiate conversation anyway. Kelly couldn’t blame them of course, but it got lonely at times. So when she heard Private Hagan admit to Linda that regardless of their circumstances or rank, she would have still called her pretty, Kelly was flabbergasted. Not only did this Private have the chutzpah to hit on a Spartan twice, but Linda’s lack of response had been very telling. If she truly had no interest in this woman, surely she would have reprimanded her or sent an official complaint to her new team lead. At least a write up or something. But instead, she was frazzled into silence. Linda wasn’t one to get cowed, the woman was incredibly scary. Kelly’s suspicions had only been reaffirmed when 8 years later, aka a few days ago, Linda had come to vent about a very personal meeting she had had with a certain Corporal.
“You don’t still feel that way about relationships right?,” Kelly finally responded. Fred looked even more confused now but replied, “No not entirely. I think we were immature at the time but- wait why are you asking me this stuff?”
”Humor me. Say hypothetically, this was happening now, and you found out that Otto had a lot of psych evals but the information on those were redacted, what would you do? Would you tell Margaret or dig deeper?,” Kelly inquired. Fred looked beyond annoyed at this point but rolled his eyes and answered back, “I wouldn’t get involved.” Kelly exhaled exasperatedly and said, “No you have to answer, just humor me.” Fred thought for a few seconds and replied, “Well, telling Margaret would only lead to her asking Otto about it and he can’t talk since the information is redacted so then he’d be compromised. I suppose I’d dig deeper then.” Kelly smiled at him, content with the answer. She stood up and said, “Enjoy your soup, I’m going on another run.” Fred frowned and yelled, “Wait no what’s going on?!” But it was too late. Kelly had already sped out of the room as quickly as she had come, leaving Fred to wonder, do I even wanna know?
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doevademe · 2 years
Sweet sappy prompt: it’s been a few years since Percy and Nico have seen each other, they talk sometimes via iris messages but haven’t actually seen each other face to face. Nico has been off doing whatever chore Hades makes him do and Per y has been trying(and failing) to live a semi normal life, including learning how to braid his now four year old sister’s hair. One day Nico pops in saying that he is going to need him for a quest in a few days and Sally and Paul force Nico to stay over in the mean time. Nico sees Estelle’s braids and compliments Sally, only for him to be surprised that it was Percy. Right before they go on their quest, Nico asks Percy if he can braid his hair since he has been so busy that he hasn’t cut it in a while and it got fairly long. They both don’t know why they are so embarrassed or why their hearts are racing so much over braiding hair.
It was strange how life worked out. When he was 16, he never thought he'd ever truly get close to Nico di Angelo, and that his friendships with other demigods would be forever. Yet, here he was, 22, a college dropout working as a cashier and still living with his parents and dealing with monster attacks every week or so. Most of his friends had moved on and had their own lives now (or in Annabeth's case, were too pissed by his dropping out and their break up to keep contact).
The only person from his past he talked regularly with was Nico.
He knew he was mostly a dead man switch, though. Nico would call twice a week. If he didn't, it meant he was in trouble and Percy would go rescue him (not that it had ever happened).
Speaking of, Nico was supposed to call that day, wasn't he? Percy wondered if something happened.
Well, nothing said he couldn't be the one to call for once, right?
Decided he opened the door to the apartment and almost had a heart attack.
Nico, in the flesh, was on the other side, looking serious.
"I need your help."
"Di Immortales!" Percy swore. "Give a heads up when you do that!"
"Nico, I'm done!" His younger sister called. "Come here!"
Nico sighed and turned around, putting on a soft smile as he sat by Estelle and her construction block tower.
"Impressive," he praised. Now that his back was to him, Percy noticed how long his hair had gotten. It reached below his shoulders. "It's almost as tall as you!"
Percy shook his head at his sister complaining about how tall she actually was and went to the kitchen, where his mother was finishing dinner.
"Hi, mom," he said and kissed his cheek. "How long has Nico been here?"
"Just an hour or so," she answered with a smile. "Said he needed to tell you something in person."
"Huh," he said. Now that was a surprise. "Need help with anything?"
"Just set the table, honey, I'm almost done."
Percy nodded and set to work. Nico was sitting at the table, resting while Paul took over playing with Estelle.
"She really knows hows how to tire people out, huh?" he teased. Nico grunted and opened an eye. "So, what do you need help with?"
"It's nothing dangerous," he said. "But it's a quest that kind of needs two people... I need to settle a dispute between two minor gods, but they won't speak directly to each other... Or to someone who spoke to the other. It's a mess."
"Couldn't you sent me an IM for it?" he asked. "Don't get me wrong, it's great to see you in person after so long, but this doesn't seem that urgent."
"One of the gods is Iris so..." Nico shrugged. "Anyways, the actual parlay will be tomorrow, so I just came to ask if you would help. I'll be on my way soon."
"Tomorrow, you say?" Sally's voice made them jump a bit. "Then please, stay. You can sleep in Percy's room!"
"That's really not—"
"I insist," his mom said in her cheery voice that left no space to argue. "It seems like you haven't had a decent meal in a while."
Nico turned to glance at him, but he just nodded encouragingly. It would be nice to have Nico around.
"Sure," he said. "It'll be my pleasure."
"Your hair is so pretty and long," Estelle said in wonder while they ate. "Mommy keeps mine short."
"Well, yours is much better kept than mine," Nico said. Percy would have never guessed his friend knew how to deal with children. "Your mom braided your hair so nicely."
Estelle giggled and shook her head, while their parents chuckled. Percy could only blush as he hid behind his fork.
"What?" Nico asked, bemused.
"Mommy didn't do that! It was Percy!" She said loudly. Nico turned to look at him and he tried his best to avoid his gaze.
"I... picked it up after dropping out of college," he muttered.
"Percy watched around 80 videos on it," Paul piped, making Percy shrink in embarrassment. "Fashion influencers, how to videos, I think even a mom youtuber."
"Okay, so I looked it up!" Percy exclaimed loudly. "I wanted to pitch in with my sister in some way while I got a job, sue me!"
"I'm just kidding," Paul said, raising his hands. "We appreciate you helping us with Estelle."
"Yeah, I love my braids!" the little girl declared. "No one does them like Percy!"
"Yeah, it's cute," Nico said, giving one of his rare, small smiles.
Now Percy was blushing for a whole other reason. Did Nico mean Estelle's braids or...?
"So, Nico, you were telling us about Lisbon?" Sally asked, sensing Percy's discomfort.
He sighed in relief as Nico went back to explaining his last quest, tracking missing souls through Portugal.
"Percy?" Nico whispered so low the son of Poseidon might have missed it if not for the fact that the inflatable mattress was right by his bed. "You awake?"
"Yup," Percy whispered back. To be honest, something about Nico being in his room made him too alert. He had been awake for an hour already.
"I was thinking... I don't look the part to mediate in a godly conflict, do I?"
Percy wanted to reassure Nico, but he had to admit he looked like a cross between a hobo and an 80s metalhead.
"I've been busy, okay?" He snapped. "I haven't had time to cut my hair. That I shampoo at all is a miracle as it is!"
"You were the one to bring it up, not me."
"Well, since you seem to be an expert I was wondering if... if you could braid my hair like you did with Estelle..."
Percy coughed. The request somehow felt personal... intimate.
"You sure?" he asked. "My only experience is my little sister, so I don't know how good it'll turn out."
"Anything's better than this," he said, pointing at his hair.
"A-alright," Percy said, swallowing. "Just... sit with your back to me, I'll do my best."
Nico obeyed him wordlessly. Percy's hands were trembling as he took the first strand of Nico's hair and started combing it with his fingers. The son of Hades tensed for a second before relaxing.
As Percy worked, he couldn't help but think of how different this felt from when he did it to his sister. It felt like Nico was letting him inside in a way he never allowed anyone else.
It made him feel special. Like he was showing Nico how much he... cherished him, or something.
The seconds became minutes as Percy worked on Nico's hair, his heartbeat increasing every time Nico sighed or moved.
What was happening to him?
"There, done," he forced himself to say after a while. Nico stood up and saw himself on the mirror Percy had on his desk that he never used.
Nico reminded Percy of those statues of young, beautiful men from Ancient Greece, and Percy couldn't help but think no one would doubt the existence of demigods if they saw Nico right then.
"How do I look?" He asked uncertainly. And Percy could feel his heart pick up the pace like he was running the marathon.
Percy tried to shake his head, to get a clear head. It was still Nico, his friend, the guy who once said he was not his type. Even if he was feeling... something. This was something that had no future!.
"Perfect," he still said, because there was no other word to describe Nico.
The son of Hades smiled gratefully, and Percy knew he was lost.
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Masterpost | Read on Ao3
Elze'ith struggles to find equilibrium. His Lord helps him along.
Contains: Intimate whump, aftermath of noncon, manipulation, dissociation, mind control, implied drugging
“I wanted this to be good for you, my light. You know that, don’t you? That’s all I ever want.”
“No matter what happens, I will always be willing to make you feel just like this.”
“So good for me, so perfect, just like you were always meant to be.”
His Lord’s words swirled around his mind like phantoms in the night, dark and covetous and cloying. There was comfort in those beautiful, terrible words, and he clung to them as desperately as he clung to his Lord’s hand. They made more sense than the maelstrom in his mind, were easier to focus on than the defiled agony that wracked his body.
Maybe, if he soaked in his Lord’s promises for long enough, they would come true. Maybe he would believe them. Maybe he would be able to reconcile the love that his Lord professed, the care that he showed, with the hurt he inflicted, the way he used him like a toy, the dread and despair he still sometimes inspired. Nothing about this was good, nothing about this was right, but he needed to find peace with it anyway.
What else could he do? Altair was all but lost to him now after all he had done and all he had failed to do. He had nothing left but this.
Everything ached. The pain went deep, past his muscles and bones to his very being. It was inescapable; as much as he tried to sink into the sensation of gentle fingers carding through his hair, the agony didn’t fade. He didn't think it ever would. There was no ignoring what had been done to him, with how it was written in blood across his skin, carved so deliberately into his mind.
The cascading words in his mind were joined by voices in the air around him, blurry and indistinct. The air shifted with magic, and though he was likely imagining things, he could have sworn he felt a familiar presence. Summoning his strength was the most difficult thing in the world, but he tried anyway, anxious to see who was there, what was happening.
The hand in his hair carded through more earnestly, steady and calming. There might have been a low shushing sound, or there might not have been, but he felt the quiet wash across his consciousness nonetheless. He sank into it readily, eager for the peace it offered, even as his urgent thoughts of someone else were delicately teased away from him. Within moments, he was utterly relaxed again, all memory of what had been troubling him gone like smoke on the wind.
He drifted for a while, serene and suffering, all sense of time utterly beyond his grasp. It wasn’t quite restful, but something close to it; a chance to breathe, perhaps. Regardless, he was grateful for the fleeting moment of tranquility. Grateful enough that when he was jolted back to himself by firm hands gently pulling him upright, he barely flinched, only the softest of whines leaving his throat. The movement sent fresh agony rippling through him, made his heart leap with fear of new miseries and violations, but the last thing he wanted to do was protest too much.
Something pressed up against his lips. He parted them dutifully; he knew his role. “That’s it, my light. Drink.” His Lord’s voice washed over him, deep and rumbling and impossible to disobey. The liquid was warm and hearty, and he drank it slowly but readily. The warmth was a welcome solace, a balm as it spread through him and eased the eternal chill of the castle and his Lord’s hands. Such a simple gesture of care, and he was so wretchedly thankful for it. 
“There you go.” Affection permeated his Lord’s voice as the bowl was pulled away. “Isn’t that better?”
Somehow, he found the strength to nod. At least, he thought he did. The movement might have been too small to see, might not have been there at all.
“Good.” He could feel the rumble of his Lord’s voice in his chest as he spoke. “Would you like to sleep now, my light? You must be exhausted.”
And he was. Weariness weighed on him heavily, and all he wanted was to slip away into a restful oblivion. The pull only grew with each beat of his heart, as though the mere suggestion had made his body all the more susceptible to the call. He tried to nod, or make some sound of affirmation, but even that was impossibly difficult between the pain still flowing through him and the exhaustion that he wanted so desperately to yield to. 
He was so tired. 
He was always so tired.
But even without his words, without any sort of response at all, his Lord understood, just as he always did. Strong arms enveloped him in a steady, unyielding embrace that he sunk into easily. “Oh, I thought so. Sleep, my light. I will be right here with you.”
Somehow that reassurance still sent a slight chill down his spine. But there was no resisting his Lord’s request, especially when it was one he wanted so earnestly to follow. His last fleeting hope as oblivion took him was for everything to be less painful when he awoke.
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ayakamizu · 11 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 9 - Lend an Ear
Lend an ear: Idiom. To listen sympathetically or attentively. Characters: Wuk Lamat, Ayaka Mizushima (WoL) Expansion: Dawntrail Rating: G Notes: Takes place post-Dawntrail, so this is your spoiler warning! Nothing major is explicitly stated except for the end result of the contest for Tural's throne.
“Sorry for bothering you when you’re in the middle of practicing,” Wuk Lamat apologized, quite literally twiddling her thumbs and full of nervous energy. “If you want, I can come back another time—”
Ayaka huffed, amused by the other woman’s sudden shyness. Wiping her brow of the sweat that accumulated there and placing her lance against the training dummy, she turned to her friend. “Lamaty’i,” Ayaka interrupted gently, hands resting on her hips. “You know you can come to me about anything, right?”
Still refusing to meet Ayaka’s gaze, she heard Wuk Lamat protest, “Are you sure? You are on a vacation…”
“Just because I’m on vacation doesn’t mean I can’t listen to a friend in need.”
Ayaka watched as Wuk Lamat’s ears—and tail, though more obvious—perked up at her declaration, a broad grin starting to show. Despite being the Vow of Resolve now, she still had her moments of uncharacteristic nervousness. Not that Ayaka couldn’t relate. She remembered how long it took quite to really grow into the Warrior of Light title bestowed upon her. In many ways, Ayaka saw a great deal of her naive self in Wuk Lamat. She knew that’s where her desire to watch over her came from.
Even if Gulool Ja Ja never asked her to do so, Ayaka would’ve done it anyway. Wuk Lamat was her friend and Ayaka didn’t like abandoning her friends in their time of need. So she listened to Wuk Lamat’s latest plight—training schedules, Landsguard rotations, and something involving funding for Koana’s newest venture—with rapt attention. 
Two of those she could offer advice for (and perhaps call in some help with offering sparring partners to the newer recruits, but somehow she and Estinien seemed like unfair opponents to contend with). The last thing she could write to Tataru about; if anyone knew how to raise funds quickly, it would be her.
“None of this is urgent,” Wuk Lamat lied poorly, because Ayaka still thought she was a bad liar after all this time. Truly an endearing trait.
“I completely believe you,” Ayaka deadpanned.
Wuk Lamat groaned, dragging her hands across her face. It was a good thing they were in a secluded area—and that any nearby Landsguards were polite enough to ignore them—because it would be rather undignified to see the Vow of Resolve like this. “Okay, so some of this is urgent.”
“The training schedules are due next week, aren’t they?”
“How did you know?!” Wuk Lamat exclaimed, wide eyed and staring at her with a shocked expression. “Are you a mind reader?!”
“No,” Ayaka answered. Technically, the Echo didn’t let her read minds. She just saw people’s memories, so it wasn’t like she was lying. “I overheard one of the captains talking about it when I arrived here for lance practice.”
“That’s a relief,” she mumbled, shoulders slumping. Ayaka snorted, shaking her head in fond exasperation at the display. “So… if you have any ideas, I’d be happy to hear them.”
“I might have a few,” Ayaka answered, bringing her hand up to Wuk Lamat’s shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. 
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itsjustagoober · 11 months
So, uhhhhhhh.
Howdy y'all. Been a minute since I've really been around here. I mean, yes I've been reblogging and stuff, but like...that's roughly all the time I've had to do? Just pop in for a bit or so, reblog and head off again.
Gonna do my best to keep it short, but I'll also put it under the cut to keep the base post short to most. Here goes nothing, I guess?
TL;DR: A family emergency back in June literally caused my entire summer, which I had originally planned to be my most creative and focused time for projects and art and stuff, to be watching after and living with a family member up until the first week of October to make sure they would be okay. I then took a week vacation this past week to visit my girlfriend and I was so relaxed I didn't do anything else, either. I am gonna need time to get back into the groove on here as I process and reassess what I wanna do for my blogs for the rest of the year and from here out.
To start, I am very glad that I made sure my great uncle was fine for sure, the whole time I was living with him. I just also realized that, now that it's over, being his immediate caretaker for three-to-four months? Life really stole my summer and everything fun I wanted to do this year. It sucks. It's not entirely his fault, but hrrrrmgle.
So, June. I was hearing how wet and frequent his coughs were and was trying to get him to go to Urgent Care/go see his primary (which he assured me he didn't have one when I always am the one making his appointments for him), but he continued to refuse and fight me the entire way. He does this to everyone who tries to tell him how to do something he doesn't want to hear, so I just took it and knew he'd realize sooner or later this was a losing battle on his side.
That came the day he went for his dentist appointment and he ended up having a cardiac episode in the chair before they started. They called me right back and I took him to the hospital. They gave him so much stuff to bring his heart rate down, like holy shit. Thankfully, since the dentist didn't start with anything, there was nothing to worry about with drugs fighting with other drugs. I stayed there until his stepdaughter finally got off of work and I was allowed to go home after a pretty draining and traumatic day.
Oh, that reminds me. I said it wasn't wholly his fault about how this summer turned out. That's because there's another character here, his stepdaughter. She will be referred to as S from here out. While I'm at it, Great Uncle will also be R and S' daughter will be K. K is pretty cool, though, so you probably won't see her here as much as the other two, considering.
So, S is an interesting lady. She is about as old as my mother and acts like she's 22 still. Nothing against her wanting to be that way, but it made it very difficult to genuinely talk with her or see her at any point that wasn't on her time and when she was in town. Most of the summer, she barely came to visit despite everything. Every weekend, she went out partying or camping or out of town/state because she couldn't handle all the stuff with R. You can guess who that fell to, obviously. And the fact that S assumed I was gonna take care of him for her anyway, bleh. Yes, as he's family and I care about the people I care about, but assuming all that and I had to find this out later and from someone else? Not a great impression there.
Took a dinner break here, so where was I? I visited him in the hospital when I could, mostly. He was moved around so much and going through procedures and the like I barely caught him in passing. The day he was let out and moved to rehab, however, I was sure to go visit him ASAP. I made sure he was settled, met the nurses taking care of him and the schedules for medication.
He didn't have an amazing time there, according to him. However, this is because of two very important details: He didn't want to be there and wanted to be home already and that he needed to complete rehab to get home. You can probably imagine where this is going, yes. He refused to do his bare minimum of exercises and the like and then wondered why they were keeping him longer, even though they wanted to see him go and make a full recovery.
Another detail that's important is that one of the doctors in the hospital sent him to rehab with a defibrillator vest. This doctor apparently didn't explain it to him, any of his nurses at the hospital, none of them at the rehab center and most of all, me. So, this was a 6-pound burden for us all that reeeeally pissed him off especially. The damn thing would beep for any reason and while there was a book for each beep, every message shared the same beep! You wouldn't know the reason until you cross-checked the manual! And the damn battery pack kept nailing him in the shin, too. Augh.
Eventually, after a short time and a big tantrum from him that required S and I to be there for his patient review (in which S also had a breakdown because of this), he finally realized he couldn't get out until he kept the vest on and did the harder exercises to build up enough strength to be let go to go back home. And then he was, about the second to last week of August. And that's when I moved in to be his caretaker and help him with stuff around the house while he got used to it again.
The longest part came next, all his follow-ups with doctors he saw in the hospital to give him a clean bill of health to drop the defibrillator vest fully or drop it to get an internal one installed. All these follow-ups took end of August through to the end of September and his patience for everything was so worn thin. Every little thing agitated him and he never wanted to do anything extra outside of what he HAD to do. It was very frustrating for everyone involved trying to help him, myself included.
Finally, we came to October 2nd. The day he finds out about the vest and his medical stuff going forward. We go in and see the doctor. He's a very nice man and he's doing his best to do his job and let R know that, while he should be okay to take off the vest now, he needs to still be careful as he could plummet in health at any moment if he overdoes anything or even does super nothing (ya know, stagnant type nothing). Of course, R only heard that he could take the vest off and that's what he was waiting for. He was suddenly very energetic and headstrong that the doctor then quickly tried to let him know we'd still need to see him in a few months and make sure everything is okay. He even offered we come in later in the week for him to get a light defib shock to fix his heart rate from afib.
This, of course, is not what R wanted to hear. He was done, as far as he was concerned, and didn't want to do anything else. It started with a 'No.' and soon turned into a full screaming match, only from his side, to the doctor just trying to make sure he'd be alright going forward. Once the doctor realized there was nothing he could do to change R's mind, mostly from a motion from me that it wasn't worth the argument, he dismissed us as professionally as he could and everything. We left and I grabbed his card, just in case anything happens, ya know?
We're downstairs and he's so proud of himself for that outburst. He got what he wanted to hear and wasn't going to take anything else for anything he didn't want to hear or realize. We went to lunch and I just sort of clammed up for the rest of the day because it wasn't worth the effort. He didn't apologize after he calmed down or anything. He was just so proud of himself and it pretty much made me feel nauseated.
Since that was just a week or so ago from this, he started to get a big head. He was good to go and didn't need anymore doctors or meds and or anyone to help him. He started getting visibly and vocally frustrated with me, so I figured that was a good time for a short break from each other. Went back once or twice to get my stuff like clothes and food from living there for two-to-three months and then saw him off that last Saturday for October 7th. I was so anxious and everything, especially with hoping he'd be alright while I was gone.
I told S and K I'd be taking a week vacation and then go back to pre-cardiac episode (once a week every Wednesday or whatever day if he had appointments). Never heard back from S, but I thanked me for everything I had done all summer and said my kindness and love would be paid back in time. One of my great aunts, married to one of R's brothers, said the same thing. I believe them both when they said that too. I didn't need it, but I guess affirmation and validation that I did a good thing was worth it, after all it had taken out of me.
And then I went to Missouri to visit my girlfriend (@somechubbynerd ) for a week. I was so relaxed and so forced to not do anything I didn't have to that I sort of just existed in a time and limbo of bliss? I have high anxiety as it is and, not feeling it for the first time in years, I sort of didn't know what to do with myself?
My girlfriend helped loads with that, though, by guiding me through places she wanted to take me and spend time with me. We cuddled and watched YouTube together. We baked cookies and made a chicken fettuccine dinner together. We went to the zoo together and then to one of her favorite restaurants in the same day. She made me so at ease and helped me be myself for once that I sort of just was so mind-numbed into pure bliss and peace with myself.
It felt great, looking back, but I just genuinely didn't know what to do about it. I hadn't felt that in years and I am still feeling it as I write this now. It feels so nice and so calming. This is awesome, given that I actually went in to urgent care for a panic attack that was gonna put me out for a few days, back in June/July. It sucked so much, but I'm glad they helped me recover so quickly. I couldn't afford to be down for too long. I am so essential to everyone around me and to be there for them, even if I know that they all can't always be there for me.
My girlfriend, as well as a few others, made me realize I probably need to start saying no more. Not because it's to be a bastard, but I can't give myself away like this again and again and get so little in return or no time to recover from the last thing. Obviously, I should still do stuff on a basis I choose, but yeah. Maybe I should say no a little more. It also made me realize that, while not anyone's particular fault, my summer was stolen from me. This summer was planned between my girlfriend and I, as well as a few mutual friends, to work together on art, writing and projects we have been invested in for a year or more and have to keep putting off due to life and work stuff. This was gonna be the summer we were all available...and then we weren't.
I'm still processing these last three months and the year or more so far, since I finally had a break long enough to realize what's going on with myself and my life and someone to bounce my thoughts off of that I couldn't with family. It has opened my eyes a bit more about my circumstances and what the near future might hold for me. I miss my girlfriend so much already and I felt so bad I wasn't crying as much as she was when she had to drop me back off at the train station, but I guess I was still processing it too?
Yeah, still processing things. Probably for a bit, too. I'll probably need some time to ease back into things here. All my blogs and what I was doing before sort of disappearing for a long time and also being interrupted from a lot of threads I wanted to continue or even start. I hope you all can be patient and understanding with me and I'll do my best to do the same. I love y'all and nothing will ever change that, okay? I just need some time to figure myself out again. Yeah. Just need more time...
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