#but i never had one!! it confused me so much that people couldnt comprehend that!
anotherpapercut · 2 years
unrelated to anything at all but as a kid I was soo so appreciative of shows about kids where at least one of them only had 1 parent. I wish every show with parents would add at least one single parent
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nyx-is-missing · 9 months
Hi! Can I request a Clarissa × Fem!reader, where reader is spending a lot of time talking to someone from Athena's cabin and she gets jealous. you can decide what cabin reader is in :)
Jealous jealous girl
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader (apollo's kid)
Summary: when the girl she likes is being friendly to someone, Clarisse might see red.
Warnings: no major fights actually, fluff (a bit) kissing (yes today no clickbait) medíocre writting and im sorry.
(I didn't review it, don't sue me, English isn't my native language, that's probably why it's mediocre, love ya
"Have you actually read that book? Oh my gods really? I felt like i was the only one who knew it"
Clarisse watched with red eyes as (Y/n) got excited and laughed togheter with some kid from Athena's cabin.
They werent exactly...togheter yet, but they WERE something, everyone was sure of that.
Clarisse mind couldnt comprehend then, how even though EVERYONE knew they had something, that particular girl would not back off of her.
(Y/n) laughed togheter with the girl at some book reference she had made, and the final straw for Clarisse was when the girl had the courage to touch her girl's knee.
Her sunshine?
The disrespect, was she not seeing Clarrise looking at them? Like 10 steps behind?
Oh that will end right now.
Walking over to the girls with a fake smile who people would perceive of normal happiness, however, if you did knew her, her eyes had a hint of red rage in them.
"Love? Would you come with me for a second yes?"
She took (Y/n) by the hands but before she could even get up the Athena kid made herself seen.
"Excuse me? Cant you see we're talking? So rude."
"Oh yes, excuse you really, i dont think a need a cue to talk to my girlfriend, now shut up before I make you eat that book for dinner."
Not waiting for any more words Clarisse took reader by the hand again.
"Clarisse that was not nice, she was my friend- dont even start to speak right now, we'll talk in my cabin, it must be empity right now, we dont need the camp seeing something they dont need"
Letting (Y/n) guide her, still holding her hand, Clarisse had a confused look on her face.
"But we are not going to fight, not today"
"Says who?"
They got inside the cabin and bingo, empity empity, all the Apollo kids must be doing its activities, or getting ready for dinner, as always.
"Me, Love. We wont fight, we'll talk."
Clarisse sat down at the bed she knew it was (y/n)'s waiting for her to do the same.
Choosing to stand, she had a blank look on her face.
"You said we would talk, talk to me, why be mean to my friend clari?"
"Because im jealous. Im not made of steel, love, i cant see a girl from a rival cabin flirting with my sunshine and go around skipping like a kid, you know me"
"We were not flirting clari, she is my friend!"
"YOU were not flirting, she wants to be more than that"
Clarisse corrected
"And you have a right to do something about it since when? Everytime you talk about me to your friends im a friend too, but suddently when its convenient i turn into your girlfriend? Oh please"
Clarisse looked at her, and extended her hands to grab (y/n) hands, when they finally touched Clarisse got (y/n) to get closer and closer to her, now she was standing in between Clarisse's legs and had to look down to see her.
"I never said i was right love, im sorry for hurting you, i swear.....i was insecure about that, im so sorry really..."
"Clari you dont needed to-"
"Date me"
Clarisse interrupted her mid speech.
"Date me, let me introduce you to everyone as my girlfriend, i wont make you hurt anymore, date me....-"
That was the word missing, would it make clarisse apear as desperate if she used it?
Fuck it, she was inside the Apollo cabin, that gave her enough poetic justice to be as luvestruck as she could
She found herself resting her hands on (y/n) hips, looking up to her with heart eyes.
"Please... date me"
"Say something, please"
Whoever first said that acts spoke words was very much right, because the kiss Clarisse received was nothing short of a love letter.
Clarisse felt hands on her cheek and neck, caressing her.
The kiss was slow and carefull at first, like the first time they kissed, so very sweet, until it wasn't.
When the kiss deepened, Clarisse's hands sunk more onto (y/n) hips, and then started to pull her down, to sit on her lap.
It was the very first time both felt like this, the absolute need to just become a fusion, hug so tightly a loved one that they would just morph into one.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you"
Clarisse said, breathing in her girlfriend's neck when they separated to breath.
When (y/n) was going to speak, she felt a small bite on her lower neck.
"Clarisse- ah"
Clarissed giggled before she went back kissing her mouth, when did she became one of the girls that giggled?
They heard the cabin door opening and then a
"Oh fuck sorry i just...ill come back later, and you (y/n) will tell me everything about later or ill change my name, bye lovebirds"
They looked at each other resisting the urge to laugh.
"Well i guess we wont need to introduce ourselfs to anybody, by tomorrow morning they'll know"
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ghostbbii · 2 years
released from my prison mind
At times i want to hate you god!! but at the end you have your reasons!! but this one its unexplainable, to me. im confused on that calling!! WHAT HAPPEN TO TALKING TO US through SIGNS!!
       Fck i want to scream out every day but instead i been doing it in my head for last 17&18 yrs now!!                                                   (1.15.04) & (1.26.03) 
i release you guys from being IN-PRISON in my mind
. see i couldn't find it in myself to accpet death!! stood in denial for all those years!! i didnt understand how i was never going to see you again. i already had to put your mom up in california state; in my mind. and i couldnt think of which state to put you once you got locked in my prison mind. i couldnt comprehend it.  how you guys would never have the chance to eat again, laugh, talk, sleep, go see events with the family or friends. do things in genral that you guys enjoy to do.. i didnt want to believe that it was the truth!!
i know i need to stop blaming myself about your DEATH nephew. but the truth for me would of been and  is you probably would really be alive. breathing with us ; walking this damn hell we call earth!! i know you felt that feeling just like i did that very night. we knew some thing was going to happen that day;  we knew we needed to find each other, it was meant for us to say sorry to each other.BUT  that time never came to happen. it never became a moment in our time line.. our last words to us were hateful words said outta of anger.. . if i can go back in time i would of went to school that morning, i regret not going.  for never getting up to just going against my gut. to just saying fck it; to showing up that day! . i never meant those words to you when we got into it that saturday afternoon. i was just standing up for my  mom like i always have man. but i should of never brought your mom into it and that lead us to really saying words that we let our anger get the best of us..just when we were finally learning to speak to each other, get along. you, aaron and me. still had a while until all 6 of us did get along.  but  you ran away from home that day. 3 months later, the day you decided to come back home!! i wish, i did go to school. oh how much it hurts to just want to hug you nephew, to laugh and joke around,, to go tagging on shit again, the bond we grew through art. its how we learned to speak. anger managment did help like you said. just had to accept it and be okay with it steph is what you would say to me! when liz and steph told me you went to the school looking for me it killed me more,, i died that day nephew! a part of me really left. i went cold and empty mentally i grew hate towards myself.. they dont lie that words can hurt..    Especially knowing i would never be able to say sorry in person to you. i  never meant those words  and i know you knew and know that now, its been killing me for holding on and not letting you guys go, to accept the truth, i wish i did said my peace to you that day at your wake. i wish i did go see you when we were doing your burial. instead i held on. i didn't want to have my last imagine of you dead man.. mainly beaucse my last interaction with you was us arguing!! i wasnt able to to find it in me to come and face you.  it wasnt the right way ;for that it's been eating me alive, for all these years.. i  cant remember how you or my sis sound like when  laughing. what your voice is when words come out of it. i dont know how it feels to embrace you nephew. or your voice lisette when you used to yell at us all. i cant recall how it feels to give your body a massage sis. i hate giving people a massage when they ask for it because it brings back memories. Fighting through the day with a weak body after treatment.  hate drawing shit it to much of a strong feeling having you next to me. i finally went to go say my peace Jan 2022. time to let ya fly
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mydekuacademia · 3 years
I saw that you did an s/o where their parents abandoned them and their sibling so I was wondering if you could do something similar for bakugo or maybe a student for Aizawa? And Aizawa found out when they were convincing parents to let their kid go to the dorms?
I did Aizawa and a student, hope thats okay!
Warnings: child abandonment and homelessness
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Aizawa always knew there was something going on with you
Every time he brought up a new after school activity, your expression dropped. If it was short notice, you always immediately asked to make a phone call
Your uniform was always just a tad wrinkled and your shoes just a bit more beat up than your peers
You frequently showed up to class with dark circles under your eyes and an audibly growling stomach
Needless to say, he was worried. He even went to far as to give you his personal number should you ever need anything. You never used it, but he felt better knowing you had it
His worry came to a head when he informed the class of the new dorms and how he and some other teachers would be going around getting permission from everyone's parents. Your face instantly dropped and your eyes filled with tears.
He wanted to ask you about your reaction at the end of the day, but you were out the door before he had the chance to stop you
The following day, he and All Might made the rounds to all his students' homes and obtained permission from their parents to have the students stay in the dorms. You were the last on the list, and he was certainly anxious to see what your home life was like. He left All Might with the Midoriyas and went to your house
However, when he arrived at the address listed on your file, he was confused to find that you didnt live there
Luckily, the person who answered the door knew of the previous owners and told him everything.
How your parents didnt want kids in the first place, but they dealt with you for 14 years. How they found out they were having another child and planned on leaving the baby with you as much as possible. How you were a child yourself, so you couldnt possibly take care of a baby on your own. How your parents were sick of you asking for help with your baby brother.
How they sold the house without telling you, moved while you were at school, and left you and your brother for dead.
Aizawa was seeing red. He couldnt comprehend how anybody could be that cruel to their own children. He asked the individual if they knew where you were, and thank god, they thought they spotted you near a local homeless shelter. Aizawa's protective instincts clouded his mind the whole drive over.
When he finally found you, you were leaning on the grimy brick wall of an apartment building and cradling a small child in your arms
You jolted and jerked your head side to side in search of the one to say your name. When your tired eyes landed on your teacher, you sagged back against the bricks again and hugged your brother tighter to your chest
"Aizawa-sensei..." Your voice was weary
"Why didnt you tell me?"
"I didnt know what to say. I felt like it would make me weak"
"You're not weak," Aizawa said firmly. "You're one of the strongest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing"
He looked down to your brother asleep in your arms. He couldnt have been more than a year and a half old. "Can I hold him?" Your eyes widened in shock and you paused for a moment before nodding and carefully passing your baby brother off
"Will he be joining you at the dorms?" Aizawa said while adjusting his hold. "He's more than welcome"
"If- if it's really okay," you mumbled
From that day forward, your brother was the resident entertainment in the dorms. The girls squealed over his cuteness, and the boys all tried in their own way to teach him how to be a good man
Yaoyorozu was notorious for making him any toy he wanted. Kirishima always made a show of hardening his skin and pretending to still be hurt when your brother punched him. Satou fed into your brother's massive sweet tooth. Kaminari and Mina started daily games of tag with him and lost every time.
Aizawa ocassionally showed up to class with your brother on his hip or sitting in his scarf on his shoulder (like nezu in that one episode). When your brother wasnt with him, he was with one of the several pros in the school.
You never had to worry for your or your brother's safety and security again
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orphicrose · 3 years
The Only One
Rick x Reader Fanfiction
Summary : life is strange in the rick and morty universe, as we all know. But things get just that little bit weirder when Rick meets you. Something seems oddly familiar with you, but for once In his life he has no idea why. So he searches from reality to reality to try and see if he had met another version of you, only to realise there where none. You where the only one. That’s when it finally hit him…
This is inspired by a song from Rick and morty that I think is beautiful https://youtu.be/epiOcz3HXNo
I accidentally got carried away and wrote too much, so I will probably just do a part 2 so it’s not to much to read if anyone is interested <3
Humans are such fragile creatures, always have been and always will be. You knew that, but you refused to surrender down to it. Not wanting to be included In whatever earth had to offer, so you ran away. And not like how a silly fourteen years old runs away from home, Hah… no.
You left the fucking planet, not leaving behind a single trail or speck of dust for someone to follow you with. Your intelligence and ambition was all you needed to carry yourself through life. Travelling the infinite void of space, soon making a name for yourself. For good and for bad. An ordinary person couldnt even dream nor comprehend the things you’ve experienced or seen. And that’s just how you liked it. Being different. It was truly a gift to be intelligent.
And then there was rick, high IQ and normally not happy about it. Seeing his intelligence as a curse. Rick hadn’t seen it all, it was impossible, but he thought he had seen enough to make a valid opinion on life.
It’s pointless.
Such a bitter man with a bitter view on everything, including himself. You see, when you have an overwhelming amount of knowledge weighing down on your mind, you can go two ways. The first being ricks way, not caring about anything since he has seen how big the universe is and doesn’t see a point.
Then there’s your way, feeling blessed to be able to see things that no one else can, and finding a new reason to live every single day.
You two where polar opposites, but also the same. You where both alone in a universe you felt didn’t need you anymore.
The day both of your worlds collided should have been written down in the history books. It was the day both of your beliefs where almost questioned. Wondering whether fate really does exist.
Out of the many things you have done, you’ve never visited the same place twice. Making everyday an adventure, as much of a cliche as that sounds it’s true. Not only that, but you seem to have people after you almost everywhere. For your intelligence, or for revenge. But there is one particular spot you cannot get enough of. Finding yourself there when you lose yourself.
It’s an isolated planet in the middle of the andromeda galaxy. It’s a newly ‘emerging moon’ as you like to call it. In fact, you pretty much founded this planet, since its a recent creation. This also means there is no intelligent life yet evolved, so it is safe for you to do what you please.
You go there often, to watch the two suns set over its small horizon and the thousands of stars come into view. Giving you time to reflect on your life. To appreciate it, but not to regret anything. The stars are far to beautiful to bring your mind to anything negative. The planet itself seems to project the meaning of peace and tranquillity even without life. Maybe that’s why it’s so comforting.
Your thoughts where leaving your mind, as you held your eyes closed. Feeling the breeze brush through your hair gently. That beautiful, genuine smile found its way to your face without you noticing. You where to lost in the feeling of relaxation.
But that soon came to an end. That euphoric state was snapped out of you when you noticed a bright light coming towards you. Getting bigger and bigger in just seconds. Until it became more clear, it was a spacecraft of some sort. A poorly built one to say the least. You sat and watched, mesmerised, as the flames from the object slowly engulfed it. Burning in the atmosphere. Finally hitting the ground, you shook your head and sighed. Being brought back into reality.
The flames took a second to fade after the ship had crashed. And it was clearer to see, it was the stereotypical UFO. The type you’d see in cheesy ski-fi films. But it had encryptions written in English. Which was very unusual, especially for it to be in this part of the galaxy.
What was even stranger was that it didn’t have even the slightest burn mark to it’s metal. Your vision of it became clearer and clearer the closer you got, slowly creeping past the incredibly green trees towards it. But just before you got too close, a figure fell out of the vehicle. Swearing like a drunken sailor.
This is what really messed with you, it was a human. You gasped quietly, not being able to remember the last time you saw one. A mix of feelings rushed over you; confusion, fear, excitement? You couldn’t help but stare, his unique blue hair bounced as he picked himself up, not even bothering to dust off the dirt on his lab coat.
“Fuck! You fucking piece of shit spacecraft. You’ve really done it this time Rick you fucking…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as he kicked the lump of metal. Screaming at the top of his voice.
You caught a small glimpse of his face, and recognised him. But you weren’t sure where from. You had met millions of people over the years so he could really be anyone. But there was something so compelling about his character. Something that felt like you where being pushed towards him. Or pulled, by a red string perhaps. Something that was just telling you to interact with him.
You stayed hidden behind a rather tall tree, still collecting your thoughts and questioning whether you should help him. Rick had slumped himself against the ship, putting his hands to his face and grunting. Pausing his breakdown for a second to take a sip from his flask, then proceeding to carry on.
He stayed like this for a good few minutes, before you had decided to approach him. Your curiosity and questions where burning at the edge of your mind. You just had to investigate. Keeping a hand on your weapon tucked neatly in a pocket behind your back. You slowly walked towards him, not even being able to speak before he noticed you.
A gun had been pulled to you, aiming directly between your eyes
“What do you want? I’m not in the mood so just tell me in advance if I should shoot you or not..” his eyebrows furrowed, looking at the hand tucked behind your back.
You rolled your eyes, putting your hands up in surrender. Just how you remembered humans to be. Aggressive and impulsive.
“Calm down, I saw your ship crash. Thought you where in need of some assistance. And put that gun down, god…” to your surprise, he did. With a loud grunt he put his gun back into his pocket and turned away. Usually, he probably would’ve shot on site. And who’s to say he still won’t, but right in this moment he is too preoccupied to care.
“God doesn’t fucking exist…” he mumbled “and I definitely don’t need any assistance!”
You raised an eyebrow at him, watching him as he attempted to fix his broken ship. Opening the lid to the engine and being greeted by a storm of smoke. Now Seconds away from another breakdown.
“Are you… okay?” You hesitantly asked, daring to inch closer to him. Probably was the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. He threw the wrench down at the engine as he exploded.
“No, I’m not fucking okay. I lost my grandson, the entire galactic government is after me, I broke my portal gun and I just crashed my ship into a planet with no helpful resources to fix it.!” His speech sped up, and he went dead silent when he stopped talking. Clearly regretting telling you anything. He is usually good at keeping his mind together and keeping his problems to himself. But he had so much adrenaline pumping through his blood, he could barely concentrate.
“I’m, i’m sorry for your loss” is all you managed to get out
“What? Oh no, my grandsons not dead. I just left him somewhere and forgot exactly where…” he spoke slightly softer, still grunting as he tried to analyse his engine.
There was a small silence while you processed everything he had just said. Moving closer to get a look at his engine, you shook your head.
“You’ve burnt it out…”
“Yeah, no shit smart ass” he bit at you
You rolled your eyes and snatched the spanner from the place he had dropped it. Not using it to fix his engine, but you pulled out a small metal box from your pocket instead. Fixing a few pieces together. Rick stood there and watched with a puzzled look on his face. Moving his eyes from the gadget, then up to get a look at you.
His eyebrows softened as he took in your features, the creases in his forehead disappeared. A rush of a strange feeling replaced the adrenaline, not being able to pinpoint what it was but he didn’t like it. He could only describe it as his heart softening, and getting lost in a place that was familiar to him. Thats what he felt when he looked at your eyes, reflecting off of his.
“Hav-have we met before?” He said in a much calmer tone
You placed the gadget on the engine and pressed a small red button on the top, looking up at him.
“I don’t think so?” The box moved around the engine, like a shield. Fixing it effortlessly, Ricks eyes darted from you, to the engine, then back to you. Now with amazement written all over his face.
Deja vu was the only state good enough to describe what he was experiencing. You broke the silence by holding a hand out to introduce yourself.
“I’m y/n”
It took a quick second for him to respond, still trying to process your face and remember how he knows you.
“I’m… Rick” he finally shook your hand.
“Rick Sanchez..”
That name was oddly familiar to you. Like you’d heard it in a dream. Or it was a loved ones name in a past life. You felt like you had heard it before, in a very distant memory. But no recollection of the connection.
“That seems…familiar” you tilted your head, squinting your eyes at the old man who gave you the same look.
“Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew me. I am the smartest man In the universe”
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It is sad that John couldnt find a person to make him happy in the end, he had that burst of joy with Cyn, Paul, Yoko but it didnt last. Cyn seems the least in denial too, Paul and Yoko both like to tell themselves 'John was happy with me!' Yoko is a bit more obnoxious about it sure but still. Thats a lot of pressure for one person though, I mean its impossible to make someone happy 24/7, we've all hurt our lovec ones before. John seeked the perfect angel partner and no one could live up to it
Absolutely ^^^ and we can’t forget Stuart too! (Id throw Pete Shotton in there too, but as far as im aware John had a pretty happy and healthy relationship with Pete most his life - though I haven’t read Petes book yet cause its expensive okkkkk)
ps thats me hinting for someone to let me borrow their copy of petes book
What I find to be a real shame as well is the state of confusion John left a lot of people in. I think even to this day, Paul is somewhat vexed by John, because John was so inconsistent and emotionally abusive. It seems like John could’ve had dinner with Paul one week and made polite conversation with him and everything’s normal - and then a week later Paul might see, “JOHN SAYS PAULS AN ASSHOLE AND HE HATES HIM AND NEVER WANTS TO SEE HIM AGAIN” splashed across every paper! (<< although obviously that headline is hyperbolised). And so, due to the way John was so inconsistent (swinging between expressions of love and hate so frequently), I wouldn’t be surprised if Paul, even to this day, struggles to comprehend and recognise that John loved him - and I don’t even mean “love” there strictly in a mclennon sense, because regardless of what you believe, I think we can all appreciate that they did love each other in some way; be it romantic or platonic, they loved one another.
But its just sad thinking how Paul might still think to himself: “could I have been better to John?” - and maybe he could have, but I personally think that Paul had an enormous amount of care and patience with John, and to some extent, I don’t think that there was anything Paul could’ve done to save his relationship with John. Once John started to turn on Paul and vilify him, that was the end for them; although thats not to say that their relationship couldn’t have been mended had John lived past 40, its more so to say that I think John’s mental well-being was deteriorating so badly in the late 60s, that there was no way Paul could have salvaged the relationship at that time, because John seemed determined to push him away (but also at the same time, he seemed to want to stay bound to Paul; the classic “I hate you, don’t leave me” pattern). Like you said, John was seeking a perfect partner - someone to make him feel whole, and to remove the void within him, expelling the isolation he’d known so well throughout his lifetime. And I think to some degree relationships did make him feel whole, but the problem is that the isolation is still there, underpinning your everyday life. I think also another issue with John is that he might have met someone, and they made him happy and he felt like nothing could ever spoil this feeling - until something did. Until his new “favourite person” said or did something that brought about an uncomfortable, “bad” feeling - and once his “favourite person” had done that, I think Johns mind was prone to completely vilifying and rejecting the person he had loved and idolised so much just moments ago.
I think that Cynthia was able to recognise Johns unhappiness in a way that Paul and Yoko don’t appear to be able to comprehend (although I think that they do at least understand that John was troubled), because Johns abuse towards her was more clear-cut. Anyone whose been emotionally abused knows the struggle of never really being able to accept that it was abuse, because its like, where is the line with emotional abuse? Whereas, whilst ive never been physically abused, I can imagine that it is probably easier to accept it as abuse because the line is clearer. So Cynthia I think could see that John was not happy in their relationship, but also, I think she could also infer that John was mentally unstable, and so she could recognise that this unhappiness was not her fault (<<< or at least I hope she recognised that!)
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angelicmichael · 4 years
Oohh, could you please write the nonsexual prompt sharing a dessert for Outpost Michael and reader? Who wouldn't want to share a dessert with him? Thank you so much. You really are an angel 😇
A/N: anon you are too fucking sweet omg 🥺💖 I hope I didnt dissapoint with this, I'm sorry it's so late and unnecessarily long!! Lmfao. The dessert eating is at the end if anyone wants to just skip to that part hehe. I wanted to write some mutual pining so.. that's why this fic is so fucking long lol
Warnings: eating, food, lil bit of sexual tension, very brief mentions of Millory and also Gallant x Michael 👉🏻👈🏻
Living in Outpost three was beyond miserable. Constantly being treated as a second class citizen, as a gray, was definetly doing its number on you.. Every day that you continued to stay alive in this hellhole you swore you slowly descended further and further into madness. Eating gelatin cubes.. being around the same exact people, day in and day out.. with nothing else to do but to clean, with no end in sight was only a recipe for disaster.
And disaster seemed to come with a name; Langdon.
You didnt believe him when he announced that he was going to pick a select few to take with him to the sanctuary; you knew that was fucking bullshit.. but you had to admit - it was amusing watching the other outpost residents finally get a spark of excitament in their eyes. A reason to be alive.
You watched him take interest in mainly Gallant and Mallory; and that's when you felt something.. distant yet familar. Yearning; attraction, and maybe even jealousy.
It reminded and made you nostalgic of old emotions that you used to feel regularly; which now only visited you vaguely whenever you caught Michael stare for a second too long at either of them.. but it wasnt your job to monitor the relationships that were allegedly occurring.
You kept your head down until you begrudgingly got an interview; honestly surprised at first that Langdon seemed to be giving you a shot at salvation at all.
You were even more surprised at how the actual interview seemed to unfold; how disgustingly touch starved you were and the way in which you reacted to him. You were praying that Langdon didnt notice how your entire body was littered with goosebumps the second he touched you - a harmless gesture with his hand lightly touching your back when he walked by. Or the pure exhilaration you felt when he brushed a tear away from your cheek.. It was honestly embarrassing.
Even more embarrassing was how much you craved to see Langdon again as soon as you left the first interview.
The days following the first initial interview were torturous for you. Your days and even nights became infested with thoughts of Langdon; his blonde locks and light blue eyes even started to follow you and become familar in dreams..
You couldnt stop thinking about him.
You knew it was stupid to crave romance; it was utterly irrational. For one, if Venable were to even catch you looking at Langdon for a couple seconds too long - you knew she would want your head on a stick. That's not even to mention how jealous Gallant and the other residents would possibly be, if anything were to happen.
These thoughts were not realistic though  because you knew Langdon never viewed you like that. He treated you just as he did anyone else.. maybe even worse. He always kept his words short with you and rarely made eye contact most days.
For those reasons; you wrote off your newfound romantic thoughts about Langdon as nothing more but dumb daydreams. Just something to keep you occupied in the day while you tried to make the outpost look spotless. You figured it was a result of being beyond bored; your mind trying to find something to make life interesting once more. Anything. 
That was.. until Langdon invited you for another interview. One interview quickly turned into another.. and another.. and another until seeing Langdon privately was nearly the new normal.
The more you two continued to meet; the more your feelings for him only grew but you still chose to conceal them - well, to the best of your abilities anyway.. there was only much you could hide. However; if you didnt know Langdon prematurely, you wouldve thought he was a idiot or just purely naive for not picking up on the obvious crush you had.
It had been a couple nights now since you had last seen him.. And yet here you were; having another sleepless night that consisted of thinking of dumbass Langdon.
You stayed awake sleepless in your bed. Or.. the bed that was meant to be yours anyway. Nothing like felt home or like it was truly yours at Outpost Three though. You stared at the ceiling hopelessly; wishing you would be so lucky to feel a wave of drowsiness that could hit you and carry you off to your dreams.
You immeadietly sat up and nearly jolted out of bed when you heard three loud knocks rattle your door. The sound was distinct but haunting.. your immediate thought was Venable.. you could only help but to think what the fuck you had recently done to piss her off.
You swiftly walked through the nearly pitch black room and opened the door absentmindedly; trying to not let your paranoid thoughts control your actions and let you hesitate.. just in case it happened to be Langdon.
You would be lying if you were to say that you werent dissapointed when you found no one there; only a letter lay folded neatly on the floor.. directly in front of you.
Snatching it and opening it within the safety of your room; you had to hold back laughter when it was from Langdon - another invitation to go see him.. but it was marked urgent.
You nearly dropped the letter on the floor immeadietly; it wasnt as if you had anything else to do - you already knew you werent going to be able to sleep tonight anyway. You immeadietly took off, albeit as quietly as possible, off to Langdons office. Trying to keep your thoughts of what the hell he wanted to see you so badly for, at bay.
When you reached his room, you didnt bother knocking. You slipped right inside - knowing that knocking would only possibly wake Venable up or alert other residents of your whereabouts. Shutting the door behind you, you slowly approached him.
He sat at his desk; quickly turning around to face you as you entered. His light, ocean colored eyes were wide in what you could only guess was surprise that you came so soon. His mouth was slightly curved into a subtle smile.
"Hi". You uttered with a airy, soft laugh.
You first stood, knowing he would most likely want you to take a seat but you would rather wait for instructions than to just.. assume. You knew Michael had little to no tolerance but surely enough, he nodded at the seat that was directly across from his at the desk.
"Sit". Michael instructed, his gaze followed you as you steadfastly did as you were told.
You realized how carefully Michael was studying you as you walked over and took your seat.. and maybe it was because of the absolutely horrible lighting but you could swear you could almost see blood rushing to his cheeks..
Was he.. blushing??
You sat, completely puzzled as you watched Michael suddenly act flustered.. His motions changing from smooth and calculated to nearly awkward.. and.. just rather odd in a instant. He looked as if he wanted to say something but no words were spoken, that is - until you made the first move.
"Is something.. wrong"? You asked, trying your hardest to bite back laughter.
Seeing Langdon act so.. not like himself was basically pure comedy to you.  Although you would never admit that outloud of course.
He now looked uncomfortable; licking his lips and clasping his hands together at the table before speaking.
"(Y/n), I have to talk to you about something". Michael admitted.
His expression changed from looking rather nervous to serious again; his mouth in a straight line and the muscles in his face relaxed.
You were quite literally sitting on the edge of your seat, your stomach started to do somersaults as you desperately tried to rationally think of what he wanted to say..
"Yeah, of course. What's wrong"? You prompted, your voice coming across as unsteady.
You tried your hardest to not let your voice shake as you spoke, although you were more than certain it showcased exactly how you felt.
Langdon unfolded his hands; appearing to study his rings momentarily before his blue eyes pierced yours - looking as if they were staring right past you.. Not necessarily at you at all.
"Look; theres nothing wrong. You just need to know that theres no need to be nervous around me anymore". Langdon stated matter of factly.
He maintained eye contact with you; diligently waiting for a response as you actually tried to comprehend what he was saying.. Was he implying that you were going to the sanctuary?? Or.. possibly even something else?? Something more?
Your confusion must've been apparent on your face because before you could say anything, Langdon cut in.
"That's not why I asked you to be here with me tonight though. I wanted to.. reward you". He said.
You felt as if your heart had skipped a beat; nearly feeling woozy as your cheeks heated up. A reward?? Saying you felt speechless was a incredible understatement.
"A reward"?? You echoed your thoughts aloud.
Your words came out slow and strained with pure anticipation for what was to perhaps happen. You thought for a split second this had to be some kind of sick joke, or some kind of sick manipulation game. You wouldnt really be surprised; you overheard from the others he was famous for pulling that kind of shit.
"Yes, For giving me company. Close your eyes". Michael answered.
You immeadietly, and dumbly followed orders. However; as soon as you closed your eyes you felt fear pierce your heart. The uncertainty and possibilities of what could happen was jarring - but you had to admit it was also thrilling.
The past few months had been so fucking predictable and boring, a bit of excitement was well over due and actually.. probably healthy. Even if it was fucking terrifying.
You could hear him moving, and then something being placed on his desk in front of you. You first felt your eyebrows furrow as you opened your eyes unwillingly. Pure surprise forcing you to do so and to disobey Langdon.. oh fuck.
You opened your mouth to utter an apology but.. your gaze first caught onto the object in front of you.. leaving you speechless and with your mouth agape.
You marveled at the small slice of cheesecake was that put in front of you.. It looked entirely to good to be true; this had to be a dream.. or maybe a nightmare??
This last time you had eaten anything with any kind of remote flavour had been eons ago. Those memories served you well and made your horrifically boring days a little less painful.
You continued to blankly stare at it; not daring to move, or breathe but.. to just enjoy the view. You were half expecting for this to be some of torture again; for him to rip it away from you but a part of you reassured you that.. this was different. This was him trying, and being genuine.
You looked up to meet Langdons eyes as they intently studied you. A faint smile gracing the corner of his lips. A beautiful sight you rarely got the priviledge of admiring.
"Have some". Michael said, nodding down in direction of the dessert. "I thought you would appreciate the gesture. I cant imagine the shit Venable gives you is enjoyable". Michael sneered with a hint of laughter.
You couldnt help but to let out a giggle as well, looking down once more and noticing that the plate was also embellished with two forks.
"Thank you, Michael. You should have some too though, I dont want to be selfish-" You started, unfolding your hands from your lap and beginning to push the plate towards him.
He quickly stood up and walked up to you, stopping until he was beside you. He grabbed your wrist, tight enough to make you wince but not enough to cause any actual pain - making eye contact again.
"No.. I want to watch you have the first bite". Langdon said.
In a split second, the chair that was once behind his desk materialized right next to you, directly behind him. He sat down, watching you intently as you started to feel stupidly nervous again.
Your hands trembled a bit as you reached to grab the fork, swiftly taking a piece and then  quickly consuming it. You figured the faster you took the first bite - the less nervous you would be.. but his gaze continued to linger on you; intensely watching.
The pleasure you were momentarily wrapped in was insurmountable to anything you had previously felt in months. You had to ground yourself in order to not let a moan escape your mouth.. The rich flavor tasting so unreal; almost too good to be true.
To be completely honest, you forgot that Langdon was there at all until you noticed him grab a fork as well. Also taking a bite and continuing to watch you - clearly amused with your reaction.
You two continued to eat in silence; meanwhile you momentarily began to get lost in your own thoughts yet again. You knew he didnt have to do this; he very well could've just.. had the dessert with someone else, like Mallory, or even enjoyed it by himself, but he purposefully chose you...
Your cheeks grew hot at the thought of how he seemed to subtly state that he returned your affection. You knew there was no way that he didnt know that you harbored feelings for him; the way in which you acted flustered in his prescience had to be a dead give away.
An hour or so later you walked back to your room; the night slowly cutting into the early hours of the morning but you really couldnt care less. You really didnt care about anything, even if Venable found you. The last thought you had before you took a very shortlived nap, was how much of a sneaky bastard Langdon truly was.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @beyond-repentance
94 notes · View notes
Paring - Loki x Reader
Word count - 2,124
Warnings - None
This is my first fanfic so please don't be too harsh, but I would greatly appreciate some of your opinions on how i can improve my writing. Thank you.
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It had been three days since you came to Asgard. Thor had offered to take you after hearing that your thesis was on Asgusrdian History. He had explained that the library was full of ancient knowledge. Of course it was mostly in Old Norse, but he showed you the section you would be able to read and understand.
Being an unofficial member of the Avengers came in handy when it came to your University papers. Of course you helped them when the time came but you weren't a true Avenger, you were neither trained in combat nor held any special gifts. But you were a tactician. And a good one at that. You already knew Tony and when he had asked for your help on a mission, you had to accept. Of course school came first but you could never refuse Tony of the help he needed. Especially when his life was on the line. And you helped save his life. On many occasions. He had asked you so move into Stark tower after that. Of course then the Avengers came and you became friends with them all.
Steve was easy to get along with, he didnt understand most of the references you made but he's always there for you. It was easy to tell Natasha anything and everything, her being the only other girl on the team made it easy for you to open up ro her. Bruce was smart, you didn't understand most of the things he said but being around Tony so much made you understand a little more than the others. Clint was a father figure to you. You knew about his family already, so you always went to him for advice Steve couldnt give you. But you never really understood Thor, after all he came from a different realm. And after witnessing first-hand what his brother did in new york you had found it difficult to trust him, thinking if Loki was capable of doing that then the other god could obviously do so much more.
But these past three days have been very helpful, you have been stuck in the Library reading non stop. The history of Asgard was a lot more than you expected. Thousands of years worth of wars, protests, evolution. It wasn't much different from the history on earth. The development was the same. The first war was about taking land and Asgard had claimed it. The second was about beliefs and claiming the opposing opinion was always wrong. The third was about a king who couldnt rule. So the Asgardians fought against him until his son took over the throne and ruled over Asgard better than his father ever did. It intrigued you greatly to find that you weren't that much different.
But it was today that you found out Loki was in Asgard. It scared you of course. After seeing the genocide in New York you never wanted to face him again. But Thor had pleaded about Loki's change of heart, explaining that he wouldnt hurt you or anyone again. He gave his word. So you trusted him. But when Loki entered the Library, you couldnt deny the fear that had crawled its way up your back. He sat down across the room facing you but his eyes were focused on the book in his hands.
Looking at him, seeing him again. It brought back the memories of new york, the way his eyes darkened whdn he found you in Stark tower. Powerless and scared. You heard Tony speaking to you in the earpiece, asking for your next move. But you couldnt speak, Loki had his eyes on you. You knew you had to tell Tony somehow. So when he came close enough you muttered to yourself.
"L-loki." He heard the fear in you voice, saw it in your eyes. And he grinned. He enjoyed placimg fear into peoples hearts. And you despised him. You heard Tony yelling at Thor to try and get eyes on you from outside. You hears the panic in his voice. But Loki didnt do anything to you. He went back to the portal device to talk the professor he had under his control. You told Tony quietly where in the tower you were and that is what gave them the upperhand.
But looking at Loki right now. It shocked you, he looked so peaceful. Like New York never happened. You didnt understand. But Loki felt your gaze om him and looked up, his eyes meeting your own. Your eyes widened and you shot your head down to resume your reading, trying to hide away.
His gaze lingered trying to recall why he recognized you, and when he remembered he felt remorse. You were the only human he didnt try to hurt in New York. He didnt know why he couldn't, maybe it was the look on your face. Or the knowledge that you couldnt move in fear he would do something. He knew you wanted nothing to do with him. He could tell you were struggling to be in the same room as him so he took his book and left to his chambers so he wouldnt bother you. That action put many questions in your head. Why did he leave? Did he recognize me? Was he trying to be kind? You couldnt comprehend his actions, but were thankful none the less.
It had been a week and you had read most of the books you used to help with your thesis but the last one you needed you couldn't understand. It was in English but it was very confusing to you. You knew Thor couldnt help because he had other things to do. And the only people you really spoke to during your time here were the servants who Thor had sent to give you meals and remind you to sleep.
That gave you one more option that you dreaded to even think about. Loki. He obviously loves reading, he came in daily to change his book and left immediately after, and he was Asgardian so he knew the history. But you just didnt want to face him. Your history wasnt a good one. But you knew you needed help. And he was academically smarter than Thor. You knew which room was his, you asked just so you could avoid it. He had avoided you to make you feel safer - or that's what you presumed at least. It was the last bit of information you needed for your paper so you had to do it. The sooner you did, the sooner you could go back home.
So you bravely got up and headed to the side of the palace you avoided at all costs. The layout was almost mirrored so it was easy to get around. Then you found his door. You hesitated for a moment. Contemplating if you should even do this. You hand was balled into a fist ready to knock, before the door opened by itself. You looked up to see Loki's radient blue eyes looking down at you in confusion with a raised brow. You dropped your hand to your side. There was a silence between you before you spoke.
"I need your help." An amused grin appeared on his face his eyes never leaving your own.
"Oh? And what could i possibly help you with that my dear brother cannot" His voice was dripping with sarcasm, obviously amused at your request for assistance.
"I need help learning Asgardian history and no one i know is academically smarter than you. You-you come to the library daily to change your books, so- its obvious you like to read" You were surprised you could form a sentence, let alone two. He broke you away from your thoughts with a chuckle.
"Yes i enjoy reading, it would be a pleasure to help you darling" Darling? The way he said it made your heart skip a beat. Was it the intimating tone? Or the fact he gave you a nickname. You couldnt tell. But for the first time ever you gave him a genuine smile.
"Thank you very much. I left my stuff in the Library, i didnt think you would accept my request." This time it was a lot easier to talk. His eyes weren't as dark as they were that day in New York. They were calmer, at peace. They were bright and full of hidden stories you wanted to read.
"Why would i refuse the request of such a beautiful midgardian" Your breath got stuck in your throat. He complimented the very woman he had frightened years prior. That fear that had been knawing at you for years suddenly disappeared. He felt lile a different person entirely. Thor was right, he has changed. Tony wouldn't believe it though. He would never trust Loki, you knew him well enough to know that. But your opinion of him has completely changed.
"Lets go then, i only have two more days to complete my paper." He nodded and closed his door leading the way even if you already knew where you were going, you didnt mind. You stayed by his side holding a small conversation until you made it to the Library. You sat down and explained what you didnt understand, he simplified the context so I would be able to gather the information I needed. You were just about finished when Thor came to check up on you. He was shocked to see you not just near Loki but speaking to him. He knew of your dislike for him so he didnt know what to do. You were facing the pages of the book so you didn't see him enter. He made his presence known by closing the door he had previously left open. You looked up and smiled as you saw him. You hand automatically gave him a snall wave before returning to your notebook.
"What are you doing here brother?" Thor obviously wanted answers so you didnt give Loki a chance to.
"He's helping me learn about Asgardian history! He simplified it so I was able to understand much better. Plus hes very knowledgeable."
"So you're okay? Being with him after last time i thought-"
"Yeah I mean I hesitated to even ask for help but I'm glad I did. Plus he has some very funny stories fron your childhood too. The stabby snake one is my favourite." You saw Thor's frown deepen knowing that Loki shared embarrassing stories of himself. But he was happy nonetheless. You were able to talk to his brother without the fear if getting hurt.
"How long do until your research is complete? Tony has asked me to escort you home once your done with your studies." You shrugged in response.
"Not long, about two hours or so." A smile made its way to your lips knowing youll be able to go home. But you heart ached at the thought of leaving Loki after befriending him so suddenly.
"But will Loki be able to come with us? He taught me so much about Asgard I want to show him earths history. I can take him to the museum I took you to when you were first curious." Thor was pondering your request to take his brother to the avengers tower alongside you. How would Tony react knowing you feared his brother? Would the rest of the avengers be okay with it.
"Theres a spare room across from mine he could stay in durin his visit. C'mon Thor. Please, its not very often that i get over my fears." You're eyes pleaded to him. Begging for him to say yes. You needed to talk to Loki about the modern literature on earth. You had plenty of books in your own room you could let him borrow. And it seemed like Thor knew he couldnt win this fight.
"Alright, Loki can you escort her home once you're done?" Thor had put every ounce of trust he had into his brother. He knew you weren't capable of combat but he also knew how similar the two of you were.
"Of course brother. I shall take good care if her, you need not worry." And then Thor took his leave. It was a good idea to bring Loki with you. Once you got home Tony was less than pleased at the sight of Loki, he begged you to hate him again and make him leave. But you wouldn't. You had to many things to show him. You had so much in common plus, in the short amount of time that you trusted him, he may have found his way into your heart.
84 notes · View notes
midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
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 Idol!Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Summary: Strangers brought together by music, fueling each others dream. You truly were living the life.
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: Day 30 of the Izumonth Collab!
P.S. I have a very small grasp on what an idol truly is so ples kpop stans dont come for me ahhh,,,, i tried fdgbhhj
Just To Clarify:
Reader and Izu meet in a cafe years prior!
They built themselves from the ground up!
Lord help me i dunno what’s going on
Perm. Tag List:
@coupsieddori​ @desia2​ @strwbrry-lia​
The roaring of screaming fans, the inconsistent flashing of blinding lights, music making the ground shake and heart jump, stealing your breath away and intoxicating your being with every lyric sung from the bottom of their hearts.
To some, every concert could be classified as the same, the pattern repeating itself until it becomes nothing but a chore instead of a passion.
To some, music becomes something to pass time with, something to hug yourself with in the early hours of the morning after a night filled with tears and no sleep, eyes burning with exhaustion.
Every person has a different answer to the same question, 
“What is music to you?”
A question asked to you one calm, summer night in a run-down cafe by a handsome stranger with green hair, eyes unforgettably curious and brimming with fascination, sparkling with moon dust as their silver beams shine down on him through that freshly polished window.
He stood there, an enigma to you and all those present in the place at the time.
It was unexpected, not something you would count on being asked by someone you didnt even know.
But yet, your heart had lurched forward, captivated by the determination and child-like curiosity resting on his soft, freckled face.
The words slipped from your lips parted by astonishment before you had the chance to think as if they were being dragged from the dream buried deep within yourself.
“My life..” you had whispered so quietly you had sworn he couldn’t hear you, but a smile lit up his face, the first of many you’d unknowingly see on him in your lifetime.
“So live it.” Such a cheery response had caught you off guard back then, making confusion swirl in your gut as to just what he meant, dreams resurfacing to hopeful fingertips.
Ever since then, a day in the back of your head but never one you forgot, you gave your dream your all once more, letting lyrics fly across the page as you scribbled them down in the heat of passion, inspired by random things and editing until the words flowed smoothly enough for him to sing.
And by God could he sing.
He had told you at the time he was nothing but a mere hopeful kid, fighting his way to the top with some friends, wanting to make a difference in the world with his own words and his own voice, but it was a true miracle that your minds intertwined similarly to the way your hands often did, finishing thoughts before the words even slipped out, conversations from addictingly familiar eye contact alone.
A match made in heaven as some had described it, two peas in a pod, yin and yang, Complimenting each other and yet being polar opposites, swimming harmoniously together in the vast sea of life.
One who shined brightest in a crowd, and the other who thrived on the sidelines.
But perhaps that’s just what made your bond stronger, for together, you were grey. Not suffocatingly bright, and not depressingly blue.
Just yourselves, the truest form of love there could be.
It didn’t take long for their group to be known, emerging from the dark waves like water crashing on a rock breaching the oceans stormy surface, a breath of fresh air as lyrics and ideology comforted thousands.
Evermore was their name, bred from the desire to inspire people, remind all who listen that there was more to life than what they can see alone.
Everyday you were blessed to have met that man when you did, lucky that he was willing to embrace your flaws and help you step over your self-doubt and thrive where you thrived best, smiling happily backstage as you watched the people you adore sing songs you helped create and continue to encourage all who listened.
It was your dream come true, to create music.
A dream you often feared you would one day wake from, blinking through tear-filled eyes at that old red booth sitting across from you at that cafe.
Those were the nights you would always awake in your lover’s arms, him fast asleep with drool running down the opened corner of his mouth, but yet somehow providing reassurance in that relaxed face of his, messy green curls hugging his cheeks in the sweetest way possible.
You’d always kiss his chin in those moments, letting yourself melt like ice on a hot, sunny day all over again.
Years had passed since your first encounter with him, years you would always treasure, for how could you not?
He was a ray of light in the darkest years of your life, and you never would have succeeded if it hadnt been for his firm, helping hand.
Together, you were whole.
Even now, as he’s on stage, singing his heart out in the way he always had with that same look of enthusiasm and boyish glee.
The stage boomed with each beat drop or thump of the drums, the screaming fans a mere buzz from the soundproofed backroom where you and a few others watched the performance from a flat-screen television.
Cameras never fully captured his true beauty, despite being in HD.
No, though they captured the glow of his soft skin under the shifting lights, they never could quite catch the aura of enthusiasm he gave off or the twinkle of hope in those deep green eyes you always found yourself getting hopelessly lost in. An endless forest, no, a jungle of harmonious greens. Dewy, doe-like eyes always providing comfort to all those who are able to peer into them.
Its almost as if that’s why people are entranced with him the moment they meet them beyond the screen concealing his soul.
Some could easily say he was open to the world, large arms ready to embrace its flaws wholly, but in truth, he already has. Accepting the world as it is and seeking change little by little in ways he prays could help aid in making a difference, but one human could only ever do so much. That’s the part that wasn’t easy for him to understand about all of this, about his life and others.
He can’t always help everyone, and even he has limits. But no one wants to accept the boundaries put in place by something you cannot comprehend.
It would anger him sometimes, and inspire a new song of heartbreak he would write alone in the back of the tour bus or his office at the home you shared, mindlessly chewing his pen out of frustration until the ink would splatter on his cheek.
He always tried so hard, and most people could see that.
They admired him, wanted to be like him, singing the very essence of his being out loud every chance he could.
He and his group members made music that provided the saying ‘it’ll be okay, one day. Until then, I’ll hold your hand,’ even despite it at times being aggressive and borderline rock instead of pop.
They all worked hard, and it paid off.
You were just lucky to be able to help in any way you could, simultaneously living your dream and aiding others in their own.
It truly was a blissful life you now experienced, all thanks to him, Izuku Midoriya, the man you swore held your heart oh-so gentle in the palms of his scarred hands.
Little do most know, but you held his heart just as gently.
“Looks like they’re finishing up.” Tenya Iida, their manager, pointed out whilst adjusting his glasses in that way he always did when the hours of music streaming through speakers was coming to a close.
He was right, they had just performed their last number for the night. You smiled automatically, knowing just what was to come next.
At the end of every concert, Izuku would always give a passionate speech composed entirely on the spot after observations he made throughout the show in the back of his mind. His fans knew this, and they all immediately quieted down to the point where you couldnt even hear them.
Most of the time he would say the same things at the shows because most crowds are the same- but sometimes something strange and completely unique would catch his perceptive eye, and he would always point it out with a cheery laugh as sweat poured down his face.
It would always cause a roar of screams and laughter before he and his friends signed off for the night, leaving blissful memories in those who watched the performance.
As they all bowed on the television, you were quick to hop up, waiting in front of the couch for them to file into the place.
And soon enough, he came in, sighing happily as he wiped at his face with a towel given to him before entering.
His eyes easily found your own in the suddenly crowded room, almost as if they were pulled together by magnetism, and just like it, your feet began to move on instinct.
Arms wrapping around his torso, your lips brushed over his own parted ones before molding together in a sweet, congratulatory kiss.
A tradition, if you will.
One that you had skipped once and ended up with a pouty Izuku all night.
But you typically remembered, seeing as you usually wanted a kiss as well.
He always smiled against you during these, one hand resting on your hip as the other cupped your jaw, the pad of his thumb brushing against your cheek.
Ignoring the chorus of disgusted ‘ew’s’, you repeatedly kissed his addicting mouth with a smile of your own.
Pulling away, you slowly opened your eyes just in time to see him swipe a tongue over his reddened lips.
“Cotton candy lip gloss?” he guessed the flavor you wore breathlessly, voice hoarse from exaggerated use as his eyes met yours once more, relaxed and filled with nothing but unyielding love for you and you alone.
“Mm~ not quite.” you teased, moving your arms up so they wrapped around his neck instead, not caring that he was sweaty and warm.
You knew he loved these games, though. He enjoyed figuring out things on his own, putting puzzle pieces together in that mind that of his ran at ninety miles per hour.
Leaning in, he pecked your lips once more, smacking his lips together as he tried to figure out the taste.
“Yep!” you giggled as his arms dropped to wrap around your own waist, his forehead coming down to rest on your readily awaiting shoulder.
His dampened green curls tickled at your cheeks, the delirious smell of honey from his shampoo and natural musky scent of sweat overtaking your senses for a mere moment as your fingers combed through his locks.
You were hooked on having him in your arms.
You wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped up in your own worlds as the love you held for each other sparkled around you like stardust.
It was just you and him, no one else.
You sighed contently, his own hum of approval immediately following as he pulled your body flushed against his own.
“This is highly unprofessional!”
You were slowly brought out of your world as the words reached your ears, not bothering to look behind you to see a fuming Iida.
Izuku, on the other hand, shot his head up, frantically waving his arms around as you clung to him like a sloth, “S-sorry!” He apologized, knowing full well this would happen again at the next concert, just as it always does.
Truly, you couldnt help it.
It was hard not to be wrapped up in his strong arms at all points of the day.
A loud sigh sounded behind you, the tapping of what could only be Iida’s pen on his clipboard whilst thinking.
“I’ll get everything wrapped up, you all look exhausted.”
“You could say that again.” Todoroki huffed, the thump of him scuffing his boots against the carpeted floor just barely reaching your ears.
“That crowd sure was enthusiastic, but matching it definitely drained me… ahh..” Uraraka murmured, the distinguishable sound of someone plopping onto a couch being heard with the squeak of leather.
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad, you guys!” Came Izuku’s signature enthusiastic reply, grip on you tightening as his own adrenaline began to pump in his veins again, “There were so many coordinated groups wearing the same thing! And, and those dances they kept doing! I’ve never seen an entire crowd successfully do the wave before! I mean, did you guys see that! They did it!! All for us no less.. I’m so happy~” Izukus cheek rubbed against your own as he sighed blissfully, no doubt amazed by the dedication of his fans.
“I guess that was.. kinda awesome.” Ochaco giggles tiredly.
“Well, I’ve set up four-star hotel rooms nearby for you all. Two to a room. You all may choose who you bunk with, of course, but try not to wreck the rooms.. Again.” He was more than likely glaring at Kaminari who was in the back of the room, considering he did have a little after party of sorts last time and ended up destroying a dresser.
Thank goodness for the shared rooms, though, you knew with complete certainty that the other bed in your room would go unused. It’s gotten to the point where it was impossible to sleep without Izuku’s arms wrapped around you, and you him, as he relented one night over a phone call. Hell, it was the entire reason you were even brought along on the world tour, which he tried to convince wasnt the only reason.
‘You’re apart of the team!’, ‘We can’t function without you!’, ‘You make better soba than they do.’
Supposedly there were more reasons, but for now, you just wanted to indulge in reason number one. 
A chorus of thanks followed, and suddenly you were being dragged out of the room by a hyper Midoriya.
That adrenaline typically ran through his body for a short ten minutes after a show, so you had no doubts that he would be crashing soon, but it was adorable to see him so energetic like a little puppy.
You lived for this, to see him smile at his well-earned success.
The walk to the tour bus out back was frantic, rushed, and definitely panic-driven as all the members not only tried to blend in with the shadows but also avoid fans that could easily start a rampage, especially since the bodyguards were lagging a bit behind.
But it was the fault of the lively and desperate twenty-year-olds, and not their own.
It certainly did bring a hint of rebellious glee thrumming in your soul, making you nearly choke on a laugh.
After successfully avoiding the press and fans after getting off the bus at the hotel, you were quick to retrieve the key from the front desk to your two-bed hotel room four floors up, stepping into the elevator with relieved hums.
“Good show tonight, guys!” Izuku pumped his fist in the air, other hand holding your own as he gave his exhausted team members his signature, award-winning smile.
They returned the gesture with significantly less enthusiasm, but it still made the skin around his brilliant eyes crinkle with joy.
With a final ‘goodnight’, he swiftly opened the door for you both, shutting and double locking it- a slight paranoid habit he had, before glancing over at you with tired eyes.
It was always so strange to you how he could always feign energy until completely alone with you.
It was nice to see him let his guard down in a way he didnt typically do, even if they were all his best friends.
He trudged over to you, having sat yourself down on the bed, just to collapse beside you with a thwump, his legs giving out beneath him as he slumped down onto his knees.
“Tired?” you questioned playfully, petting at his head and untangling locks here and there.
He hummed in contentment, voice muffled by the bed as he spoke, “nah..”
He clearly was, but you could only roll your eyes half-heartedly.
“I need to bathe.. I stink..”
“You stink.” you agreed with a nod, despite not truly believing it, only for him to whine loudly.
“How about a bath, stinky boy? You seem too tired for a shower.” You feared he would collapse in a shower from standing for hours already, and no doubt his feet were killing him, even if he didn’t audibly say so, which he never really did.
Perhaps it was a downfall of sorts, how he never let the attention go on him for too long, or ever really talked about problems unless brought up and forced out.
He certainly was stubborn from a childhood of being forced to keep quiet, but luckily enough, you could always see through that mask he wore.
It was a blessing he trusted you enough to do so, and you could say with complete certainty that that thought only made your heart yearn for him even more.
“A bath sounds good..” he flopped his head on its side so he could stare up at you, “Do you think they have bubble bath?”
“If not, a regular one will do you just fine. Either way, you’ll get clean.”
“Just me? Oh no. You’re joining me!” he shot back, not giving you time to protest, not that you would have, as he pounced on your being, shoving you down to the bed as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“S-stop it~ that tickles!” you giggled, squirming beneath him as he purposefully began to blow on your ticklish neck, fingers even coming up to tickle at your sides. You couldnt help but squeal out as he tickled you relentlessly with a mischievous smile on his handsome face.
“I-Izuku!! S-stop! Gaha! Ahhhh! N-no nonon!” you could barely breathe you were laughing so much, tears spilling from the corner of your eyes as you fought to push his larger frame away.
Snorts began to tear through your nose, much to his own bemusement and your utter horror at the atrocious sounds, and yet he smiled so sincerely at you.
Having enough, and knowing you needed to get things done, you quickly put all your strength into your back and arms, successfully catching him off guard and flipping him over so that you straddled his waist and he stared up at you in shock.
A blush burned at his cheeks upon noticing your victorious smirk, his lips pressing into a thin line as he concealed the gasp he was sure to let out.
“Now now, baby, stop messing around. The stinky boy needs a bath.” and just like that, his head popped back onto the bed with a groan, cheeks still rosey.
“Alright, alright... I’ll run the bath.” He decided, already using his arms to try and push his upper body up, to which you quickly pushed him down again, hands against his chest.
“Ah, ah, ah~ I’m doing it. Rest here for a minute. I know your feet hurt, so let me, okay?” even if you could be tough and playful sometimes, or distant and cold, you always had a very warm, caring heart. And he definitely could see that in the way you interact with others and how you were so much more with him.
He treasured it in a way that could be hard to understand to some.
Was it so wrong to be completely and utterly in love?
It was hard not to be when at times it seemed like you were the only tame thing in his life these days.
He was sure he would struggle to find one, similar to his groupmates, had he not stumbled across you that one summer night.
You were certainly one to blend in, conveniently sitting under a light that didnt work, just to hide in the shadows with your dark hoodie as you lazily ate some greasy fries.
He was tempted to pass you, grab the food that he had ordered via phone call and get out and back to his training session, but there was something about you that made it feel as though he couldn’t leave without saying something. Almost as if his very being was being pulled towards you in a way he couldn’t understand.
And so, he walked past you again, glancing down at the notebook you had wide open and noticing the lyrics you had scribbled down, along with the messages beside them.
‘Thats stupid.’ ‘Oh what a failure you are,’ ‘What type of song even is this?’ and many more harsh words you had clearly written yourself, smudged with black ink and what could only be tears as you stared off out the window.
You were a songwriter, no doubt, and it seemed as if you were close to giving up on your dreams, if you hadn’t already.
Or perhaps he was making a huge mistake by guessing, but he couldn’t help but want to intervene, it was in his nature to be nosy, and he was forever grateful he did.
Because now, you’re by his side, stuck together like glue you made yourselves.
Time had passed so quickly as he laid there on the bed, letting his sore body relax as he listened to you fumble around and the water splashing into the tub.
To some, taking a bath in a hotel was a strange thing to do, but with a hotel as nice and clearly clean as this, there wasn’t too much to worry about. Besides, your own anxiety always made you wash the tub real quick yourself.
Which is why he wanted to run the bath, knowing full well you would do this. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing.
But alas, he was too tired to truly complain.
He just wanted to relax, get clean, and then snuggle with his beloved in a bed that was far too soft for him not to think about stealing if just for a moment.
Eventually, you emerged from the bathroom, only in a tank top and undies, and he couldn’t help but eye you up, too delicious not to. My, he was sure lucky.
“Bath’s ready! Fortunately, this place had some bubble bath. I think you’ll like the scent, Zuzuku.” Walking over to in front of his damn near lifeless body, you grabbed his hands, wheezing as you struggled to pull his muscular torso up.
His arms instantly wrapped around you again, face nuzzling itself on your chest, inhaling your sweet scent.
He was tempted to just pull you onto his lap and fall asleep, but alas..
“Up.” you sternly stated, gently pushing his head back just to lean down and peck his nose.
 Pulling away, you walked back to the bathroom, stopping just at the door.
Fingers gripping the hem of your shirt, you swiftly pulled it up and over, looking back to the flushed boy with an amused grin, “Come join me.”
Seeing him promptly jump up, you giggled to yourself as you waited for him, arms crossed over your bare chest.
He jumped into the bathroom on one foot, trying to pull his pants off whilst fumbling around like a headless chicken.
“Well aren’t you desperate.”
“I just want to hold you in my arms as soon as possible,” he admitted, looking over at you with a pouty face so innocent you couldn’t help but squeal on the inside.
You watched as he shed himself of all his clothes, not feeling the least bit shy at his nude self, having seen it enough times for it to not be sexual in such a domestic setting.
He hummed approvingly as foot stepped into the tub, hands gripping the sides as he lowered himself into the relaxing, warm waters filled with iridescent bubbles.
Looking over at you, he outstretched his hand, waiting.
And so, shedding your underwear, you grabbed his hand, him helping you not slip and fall as you settled in between his legs, back to chest as your head leaned on his broad shoulder, exhaling.
Kissing your cheek, he whispered “Thank you,” appreciatively.
“Mhm~” you hummed, letting your eyes slip closed as you took in this moment.
Him, the smell of the delicious vanilla cake bubble bath, and the soft lofi-hop you had playing from your phone on the counter wrapping the room in a sweet melody.
He too took this moment to relax again, letting the warm water soothe his aching joints and muscles, hands rubbing up and down your arm, the suds in the bath making you both slippery. He always enjoyed feeling your skin whenever given the chance, it was such an intimate act he cherished, seeing how he was the only one who could do it. 
Time was so easy to slip by whenever he was with you, soaking in the moment of feeling you against him.
It brought a sense of normality back to his life, despite it now being barely normal at all.
And so is the life of an idol as they call it, though he wasnt quite sure how that word sat in his stomach.
He always thought of it as a figure to worship, and not him by any means.
Apparently, it’s what they called Asian band members these days, or at least that’s what he presumed.
Even if he spent nights researching the word, he was still met with loopholes and gaps he couldnt fill in.
Such a confusing term.
Nonetheless, he didnt say he wasn’t one since he didn’t exactly have the best grasp on what it is.
Regardless, it felt nice to not have to keep a forced smile on his face, but instead a genuine and relaxed one.
He found that most days he could only relax fully around you.
You always had something about you that calmed his nerves and cured any storm built from stress raging in his head.
Who knew being an ‘idol’ could be so vexing?
Strict schedules, a fairly controlled life, tight budgets, always having to be on his feet, but he had to admit it, it wasn’t nearly as hard as he heard what most groups went through.
He was lucky his friend from high school was willing to invest in this group, and it truly did pay off, seeing as they were quite popular these days.
Though he technically was loaded with money, he never bothered to spend the majority of it on himself, always putting it back into the band or donating it to charities he believed in. The fraction he had left allowed him to buy just what he needed, and some gifts he buys throughout the year just to surprise you with on anniversaries or birthdays or holidays, much to your own dismay.
And though he may be this figure others look up to, you never thought of him in such a way, out of reach and someone to scream at with joy whenever you saw him. You saw him as an average joe, a regular human with emotions. It could have been because you met him before he became a sensation, but you never got blinded by his success like he had seen before on television.
There were so many things to love about you, but most of all, he adored how you grounded him.
Even now, as his arms hold you against him and water softens your skin, he feels at home in a way he didn’t feel very often before. Home was just.. always with you. He couldn’t have a home without you in it anymore.
“I love you..” he breathed out, lips pressing against the damp skin of your neck.
You turned to stare deeply into his intense eyes filled with nothing but love, nose brushing against his own, “I love you, too.”
And so, you finished up the relaxing bath, knowing if you stayed too long you’d both fall asleep and never wake until the morning with pruney skin. It wouldn’t be the first time.
You offered to wash him, and he offered to wash you, giving you both the excuse to run your hands over each other’s body in a sensual way without it being lewd. Besides, you adored feeling his muscles and warm skin, something seemingly common in modern-day bands, but he had always said it was for himself and not just to appeal to fans or any contracts.
It was never about that.
Just a personal goal to help love himself, though you always assured he would look handsome to you no matter what, you understood his need to do this for himself.
After rinsing off, you carefully stood from the tub, offering him a hand before drying the both of yourselves off just to use as an excuse to hug. Seeing as how you both had forgotten to get a change of clothes from the bus, rooky mistake, you were doomed to spend the night in hotel robes, which wasn’t too bad either. Waddling out the room, Izuku nose-dived headfirst into the sheets as you grabbed a glass of water.
Upon him deciding you were taking too long, despite it not even being a minute, he made grabby hands at you, pouting and whining for “(Y/N)’s famous cuddles” which only brought another blush to your face that never seemed to stop smiling when around this absolute angel of a man.
Sipping at the glass of cold water, you slowly made your way to the bed, just to tease him.
“Can’t you move faster.” Izuku groaned, tossing an arm dramatically over his eyes as if watching you move so slowly was killing him
A knife to his frail heart.
He is dead
R.I.P. famous singer and songwriter, Izuku Midoriya.
Killed because his girlfriend was being too slow.
A tragedy in four parts-
His breath was suddenly squeezed from his lungs as you flopped down on him like a fish, his arm flying off his face just to be met with your damp hair tickling his nose, causing the poor fellow to sneeze.
“Ewww! Izukuuuu!” you whined, pulling your head back to mess with your hair with a look of dissatisfaction etched on your features as he just breathily chuckles.
“Aww~ Don’t be mad at me, princess! That was your own fault, you know my nose is ticklish!” though his argument did outweigh your own, you refused to accept it with a humph as you turned your head, puffing your cheeks up and crossing your arms over your robe covered chest.
Surprisingly, the robes were quite comfortable, almost like sleepwear themselves despite being meant for something different than sleeping in. They were white and prone to stains, but they sure were fuzzy and warm.
You had no doubts they would be gone in the morning from the downfall of two humans who are both personal body heaters sleeping together.
Oh, if only you had brought your light sleepwear. Nothing wrong with waking up naked, is there?
“I’ve waited long enough, cuddle me!” Izuku’s arms were outstretched, waiting for you to collapse in his arms instead of sitting on top of his belly, far too far away!
Amused, you nodded, reaching over to the nightstand, switching off the light. The room would’ve fallen into complete darkness had the moon not been shining through a sliver of a crack in the curtains on the far side of the quiet room.
Settling down, you rested your body on top of his own, letting his arms wrap loosely around your waist as he nuzzled his cheek against your own once more. Such a cuddle bug.
It only took a minute before you decided this was uncomfortable and shifted so you were both facing eachother on your sides, your own body close to the curtains, and his close to the door.
He always liked to be closest to the door, so in case of a break-in, he could protect you.
It was endearing in the sweetest of ways, though it made you wonder what went on inside his head sometimes.
Though you prided yourself on being able to understand him completely, you accepted the fact that some things you will never know about him, and some things he will never know about you.
But then again, everyone is entitled to their own secrets, right?
“I’m so glad I met you..” he sighed out dreamily, voice growing husky as drowsiness seeped in. His warm fingers traced over your cheek as the lights of the moon reflected in his eyes, giving you just enough brightness that you could see his content smile.
“I’m really glad you decided to stalk me.”
“I- I didnt-!”
“Hahaha!” you cut him off with laughter, his own following suit.
His breath was suddenly fanning across your lips, and you felt his own soft pair brush against your own, lip-gloss free ones before fully connecting them.
Kissing him had to be one of the best parts about dating him because boy did he know how to make you swoon by his lips alone.
“Goodnight.” you pulled away, pecking his nose as he giggled.
“Goodnight.” he repeated, arms wound around your body and head tucked under his chin.
Oh how sweet life could be if you took a chance.
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alltheselights · 3 years
Hi. I have seen someone ask somewhat related to the topic question i want to discuss. I am too afraid right now to actually talk about it to people near me, but i am in nagging pain right now for what could be true or what not.
I am married, but i fear this one close friend of my spouse to be more than just a friend.He didnt introduce her to me just recently, i know her from pretty much ever since i moved with him. I've never had suspicions on my partner before ever,we've been married for 7 years. But now from past month, i am being suspicious. And i am too scared to confront worrying what if its just a suspicion and how asking it might affect our relationship or my spouse might think i dont trust him. But also what if its true?How do i get my peace of mind?
So whats making me suspicious is, there is one bracelet this friend owns, it has initial of her and my partner's first name.(I also have a bracelet with mine and my partners initials which he gifted me) . I asked my partner about the name of this friend's boyfriend (about whom he mentioned to me long ago). So i ve come to know her bf's name has different initial. Then i considered her full name, which also doesn't have common initials as my spouse. I wonder if the initials are common with anyone else close in her life, a parent maybe? I don't know. But its not just a bracelet which is worrying me. Also our new house is under construction. It is going to be a big house, so we have assigned rooms to each his family member living back in our home country (We are abroad), but he also asigned one room which is supposed to be a guest room as this friends room which even his sister found weird(his family have also met her already) . . Since we are abroad, i dont know the language here. He often picks up her calls (they also work together so) and talks just casually which(her calls) has never been an issue for me, until it started to bother me. Just recently she was with her little niece when my spouse called her on phone. She seemed preoccupied with her at that moment and also ofcourse was talking in her language with my husband and her niece since she doesnt know english much. And then i ve heard these three words which are just stuck in my mind. Those words mean 'this is my husband' which i assume she was answering to her niece. i dont know the language very well(but i know these words) , i quickly confirmed through google and one native speaker if thats what it meant. But since i dont know the whole context, i couldnt confront or ask them.
Since language is always a barrier between us so i am always confuse what she says, but this one time my child was playing with her, like jumping on her etc and she made a comment like 'strong like daddy/just like his dad', which i found weird. Another day, my kid has this habit of running towards a person and hugs them. Consider a a little kid's and grown person's height and he/she just run towards you basically hugging your legs. She said something which also includes 'Papa' and i just could not comprehend.
What would you advice me in this situation?
My advice for things like this is always to talk to them. It’s not like you’re being paranoid out of nowhere, which is often related to a person’s own past or trauma rather than their partner’s behavior. You’re feeling this way because of things you’ve actually seen or heard. If there is no explanation or he reacts in a way that you find suspicious, it might be time to consider getting out of your current situation, as difficult as that might be. Always protect yourself and your child first. Sending you love and wishing you the best, bub!
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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I didn't see my little brother until late the next morning. I was sitting in the kitchen finishing off some grapes when he came speed walking in.
"Whoa," I said with a small laugh, "where are you running to?"
He looked at me and hiked his backpack further up, "I'm not running?"
I rolled my eyes and plopped another grape in my mouth, "You're going faster than usual.
"Don't talk to me with your mouth full, it's gross," he told me with an eye roll.
I snorted, "Coming from you that doesn't hold a lot of weight," I said before tossing the final grape in my mouth.
He smiled briefly at me before turning and grabbing a cup from the cupboard.
"Where are you going anyways?" I asked, standing with my now empty bowl and walking to sink as he opened up the fridge.
He shrugged as he poured the orange juice into his cup, "Starcourt. Gonna see if Steve is there."
I rolled my eyes behind his back when he went to put the juice back in the fridge. I washed out the bowl in the sink quickly.
"Well doesn't that sound delightful," I told him before grabbing the dish towel and drying the bowl.
I went and put the bowl into the cupboard then turned to face my brother, who had his cup to his mouth and drinking steadily from it, watching me.
I tossed the dish towel over my shoulder and put my hands on my hips, waiting for whatever he was going to tell me.
He brought the cup back down with a small laugh and head shake.
"What's funny?" I asked.
He shook his head again before putting the cup in the sink, where it would sit until either me or my mom washed it for him.
"Nothing, just reminded me of...never mind. Listen, I'm gonna take the bus to the mall to see if Steve got that job at Scoops, do you think you could pick me up later?"
"I can save you the trip if you want, Steve got the job. Robin works there too, she told me," I informed him.
He scoffed at me, "Well I'm still gonna go."
I raised an eyebrow at him, "You're gonna spend your whole day at the mall with Steve? And do what? Sit there at Scoops and watch him sling some ice cream? Why don't you call Mike or one of them to hang out?"
"No, no way," he said forcefully, "they ditched me, they can come to me."
I grinned at his dramatic statement, "Whatever Dustin. Yeah that's fine, I guess. Maybe I'll come down with you, say hi to Robin then do some shopping," I said leaning against the countertop, "been thinking of getting some new shoes. Then we can call mom to get us when she's done work."
He went wide eyed, "No, you don't need to hang around with me when I'm there. You don't have to come with me."
I threw the dish towel at Dustin's face which he let hit him and fall to the ground.
"I dont need to, I want to. You're not the only one that wants to check out the new mall," I told him.
"You've been there!" he told me.
"To visit Robin on her first day," I said as I bent down to gran the dish towel and put it on the counter.
"Yeah so you don't need to watch me."
"I didn't say I was watching you, weirdo. I said I'd go to to see Robin then shop. Then we can either bus back home or wait for mom," he narrowed his eyes at my statement, "Relax, Dustin, I wont intruded on your oh so very important Steve Harrington time. I'll be in and out of Scoops to see Robin. Calm down."
He sighed, "Fine," he relented as if he had a choice.
I mock bowed to him, "Thank you so much m'Lord," I told him in a terribly inaccuract  British accent.
He nodded a couple times, "You'd think that would hurt my feelings, but I wouldn't say no if you decided to keep this up."
I smiled and smacked the brim of his hat down towards his face, "Shut it, let's go."
Dustin was clutching his backpack as if his life actually depended on it. We talked back and forth on the bus ride to the new Hawkins mall, but nothing too serious. I didnt mention anything about the previous night and about the foreign language that was being spoken on his radio. I needed to figure out a way to breach that topic when I thought he would open up about it.
We got to the mall finally, and I had to walk quickly to keep up with Dustin's eagerness to see Steve.
I wasnt lying to Dustin the night before. If having Steve as a friend made Dustin happy then...whatever. I didnt fully comprehend it but maybe Dustin looked at him as like...a big brother or something. Maybe he liked being friends with the one time King of Hawkins High.
We reached the lights of Scoops Ahoy and I saw my best friend standing behind the cash register in her sailor uniform and couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her absolutely unimpressed facial expression.
"At least try to fake it," I told her once I was a few steps in the door.
Her eyes focused over to me and Dustin and she smiled, "It's too painful to keep up the appearance."
I opened my mouth to talk to her again but Dustin pipped up, "Is he here?" 
She titled her head, "Is who here?"
"Steve," he insisted, as he walked up to the counter with me next to him.
She put a finger to her chin and tapped thoughtfully, "Hmm, Steve...Steve...not sure of a Steve but we do have someone named dingus here, maybe you're looking for him," she stated.
I bit down on my lip to stop the smile and laugh that would have otherwise slipped out because of Dustin's blank expression.
"Ha ha," he deadpanned.
The back door swung open, "Henderson? Henderson!" Steve shouted joyfully.
I took a step away from my brother so that I wasn't in the way of their little reunion.
He began jumping from the door, as he and my brother laughed the whole time.
"He's back! He's back!" he excitedly stated, pointing at my brother and looking over to Robin.
She looked at me with confused eyes and I shook my head and shrugged at her.
Robin obviously knew about my background with Steve. Neither of us were part of the popular kids, so we never had any sort of relationship with any of them. Unless we just happened to be who they would want to pick on for that moment. We learned how to keep to ourselves and avoid them as much as possible.
I did tell her about the bond that Dustin and Steve had made over the last few months. We were both extremely confused about it at the beginning and still were.
"You got the job!" Dustin cheered pointing above Robin to the Scoops Ahoy menu.
"I got the job!" Steve confirmed happily, before making a trumpet sound and pretending to play the trumpet with his fingers.
A small smile crossed over my face. This was the big bad popular mean boy from school?
Him and my brother then went into some sort of secret handshake that ended with them fighting with fake lightsabers and Dustin stabbing Steve in the stomach and Steve pretending to have blood shooting out of him.
The small smile had been replace with my mouth opening in confusion as I looked back to Robin.
She leaned against the counter, "So...how many children are you friends with?" she questioned.
Steve sighed and rubbed his nose with a sniffle, looking from Robin to my brother before motioning with his hand over to Robin, raising his eyebrows.
"Robin," I called between Steve and Dustin,
"I'm gonna go shop for a bit. I'll be back."
"You remember my sister, Louise, right?" Dustin asked his friend.
Steve looked over to me and a smile formed on his face.
"Yeah of course, Louise, yeah, no I remember. What's up?" he asked.
I gave him a closed lip smile, "Nothing," I remarked before looking back to Robin, "Dustin is gonna hang out here I think. Just...make sure he doesn't break anything," I said looking back to my brother with a grin before lightly pushing his shoulder which made Dustin jokingly stick his tongue out at me.
"Yeah, yeah I'll watch him don't worry," Steve told me, even though I had been talking to Robin.
I looked at Steve blankly before I shifted focus back to Robin, "Watch him, please. I'll be back. Dust...just stay here okay?"
"I'm fine, don't worry," Dustin told me.
I closed my eyes and shook my head slightly, "Alright, alright,"  I said opening my eyes and looking back at him with a smile, "I'll be back."
I turned away from them and walked out of the ice cream shop, eager to find a new pair of running shoes.
I walked around that mall alone for a few hours. I found some shoes and few items of clothing, I went to a pay phone and called my mom at work to let her know where we were, I said I would call her at home when we were ready.
The entire time I had been wandering though, I couldnt help but think about how happy Dustin and Steve were to see each other. Like I had told Dustin, I avoided everything to do with Steve. I knew what he was like in school. Not only what he did to me and Jonathan but he wrote that Nancy Wheeler was a slut on the movie theatre. And they kept dating afterwards for a year!
But the guy I saw today didn't seem like that guy...especially if Robin was able to tolerate him since they've been working together. Maybe Dustin wasn't totally lying about him not being the same kid he was in school.
But the big question was...how could this guy completely change his personality basically? Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. One time leader of his popular minions. How had he taken such a quick fall from grace? How did he became friends with my brother? What was going on in Hawkins?
Steve was a year older than me. I remember in elementary school having a crush on him, but I think just about every girl did. He was a good looking guy, obviously. But that was his fall back for everything. He was popular because he was good looking and because his family was well off. It was a cliche. He was a cliche. The cliche popular rich kid that picked on other people.
Basically after my incident with Tommy H, Carol and Steve I did everything I could to avoid them. Everything. It was a blessing being in the year below them so we didn't have any classes together. Didn't stop any of them from picking on whoever they wanted, though. Especially Jonathan.
Jonathan and I were brought together in friendship at first because of Dustin and Will being friends but it grew because of our mutual dislike of the popular kids (which did turn into trying out dating for about two weeks but that wasn't the route for us). Our friendship intensified after Will went missing, with the rumours that Jonathan had something to do with it. I defended him to anyone and everyone that said they thought Jonathan had something to do with it.
When I found out that Jonathan had punched Steve in the face...I wasnt exactly devastated by it.
I knew Steve and his friends had drifted apart their senior year, especially with the arrival of Billy. But I still didn't want anything to do with him, no matter how many times since November Dustin proclaimed that Steve was this great guy and whatever. Didn't matter. Didn't add up. You don't just become friends after helping someone with 'girl shit.' How would Dustin have even connected with Steve?  I asked Dustin and his response was always 'right place right time.'
Not a lot of it was adding up, but I was going to promise myself that I was going to get to the bottom of all of this before summer was over.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and GIF credit to owner!
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krlworld · 5 years
[3:21pm] walking to the back of the medicine building in your college, you couldnt quite understand why you kept doing it. the place wasnt unfamiliar to you, meeting up with jeno after your chemistry class was an habit at this point, you wouldnt say you were romantically interested in him but you wouldnt deny you loved his company either.
it started at the beginning of the semester, the first two weeks were pretty hectic, jeno was stressed and you needed a break, needless to say you decided to help each other out. meeting up everyday at a certain time just so his lips would make you forget about all the things you had to do, that was supposed to last for that week only, but both of you came back for more not being able to get enough of each other.
you met jeno in your literature class, he would always seat next to you, the first time you saw him you weren’t excited about it, you saw jeno as the annoying kid who would get late to class everyday because he decided that hanging out with his friends was better than learning about some old writers he didnt care about. how he always fell asleep during class, and even when the table was spacious enough for him to sleep he would always lay his head on your notes.
one day, on the second week, when you couldnt even stand your ownself you snapped at him. he looked at you with such surprise, you never talked to him and the fact that the first time you did was to yell at him left him speechless. jeno gave you a little smirk, “what’s so funny?” you asked him irritated.
“i dont know, you seem a little worked up, why is that baby?” you rolled your eyes at him not wanting to deal with his sarcastic attitude towards you.
the sound of everyone picking up their things and leaving the classroom called the attention of you both. quickly you took your bag ready to leave but jeno grabbed your wrist leaving you confused as to why he wouldnt let you go.
“do you have any classes now?” he asked, “no, i don’t” you said. curious of what was he planning.
“come with me then” you didnt have time to complain since he was already dragging you to somewhere, you were a pretty paranoic person, thinking about the many scenarios this could lead to.
you ended up in the little park the medicine building had, there were some tables for you to seat, a fountain and a bending machine, nothing much. the place was empty and honestly it surprised you because that was one of the most relaxing places in the whole university.
just like that, jeno explained to you that this was his getaway. everyday at that hour the park would be empty and that was enough for the boy to have some time to himself. jeno told you about his friends and how they had a band, he was the drummer and they played at jisung’s uncle’s cafe, you couldnt deny how taken aback you were. jeno didnt strike you as a person interested in music. he also told you about the little job he had in the animal shelter next to the supermarket down the street. that day you thought that maybe jeno was a lot more then he appeared out to be.
you couldnt stop meeting up with jeno, he was so fascinating. his mind and his thoughts were so comical yet so genuine. he made you laugh easily but he got your attention in a second when serious words left his mouth. but he also didnt fail on being the cutest person you had ever seen.
now walking to your usual spot you find jeno sitting next to the fountain throwing some coins in the water. “looking for some luck?” you asked sitting next to him finding the whole scene entertaining.
“people say if i do this my wishes would come true” he turned around now paying full attention to you, he looked so good under the sunlight. his hair was a mix between blue and black and he was wearing a big white sweater, jeno was pretty attractive if you asked.
“jeno, you need to stop missing your classes, your grades wont get better like that” you said, jeno didnt attend any of the classes you had together that week.
“i thought you were here to kiss me not to act like a school counselor” he laughed, standing up walking around away from you. “how was your day?” he then looked at you, a small smile on his face.
“since when are you so interested on what i do, sir?” you raised your eyebrow, its no like jeno didnt knew anything about you but he wasnt one to make small talk specially when at that point he would have his lips on your neck and his hands gripped on your hips. “sorry i asked then, butthead” he turned around walking towards to bending machine.
“johnny asked me on a date today” you said, surprisingly excited to see what kind of reaction he would have. he stopped on his feet and looked at you. “johnny? the obnoxious guy from your chemistry class?” you nodded. “im guessing you said no, right?” his atonished look called your attention.
“i told him i would think about it. why would i say no?” jeno didnt comprehend if he didnt want johnny around you like that because he would lose your pretty lips and nice words to him or because he was willing to be the one to take you on that date. but he was a coward.
“are you serious? come on, he’s annoying and he has a reputation with the girls if you know what i mean” you could tell how hard he was trying to convince you. “he’s not a good guy for you”.
“oh, really? who would be a good option then?”
“me” the word left his mouth on the speed of light, he didnt even hesitate. did jeno developed some interest in you? “what do you mean? you dont look interested in me.”
“you have to be fucking dumb, lord. why do you think i always slept on top of your notes? i was expecting you to say something or at least try to push me away, some kind of reaction, but you never did. why i always stared at you for long periods of time during class expecting you to look back at me, but you never did. when i finally got you to come here with me, why do you think i always bought the stupid strawberry cookies you like? how i always let you take my hoodies, play with your hair. i invited you to see me play but you never came because you were busy. i didnt want our relationship to look like i just called you to make me feel better, but that’s all you allowed me to do. does that make it clear or do i have to go on?” everything happened so fast, jeno was now infuriated, looking at you waiting for some kind of response. “you know what?, forget it” he was ready to leave but you catched him on time.
it was funny how this reminded you of you first encounter, but it was the opposite this time. “im sorry i never noticed any of those things, i really am. i just never thought you would want me that way you know” you said now hugging him.
“just shut up already, would you?” he grabbed your cheek and kissed you, of course kissing jeno wasnt new to you, but this one was different. nothing rushed about it and you could feel all the love he claimed to have for you. pulling away he hugged you once again. “im playing tonight, would you like to come?” he looked at you with hope, and the dazzling smile on his face after you nodded had your hands shaking. pulling you close with his arm around your shoulders talking about how amazing tonight was going to be, you thought to yourself that maybe he wasnt so bad after all.
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lunarity2013 · 5 years
A young American woman's thoughts on 9/11 and the current state of the union:
I won't pretend I know or understand every detail of the attacks, or how my country has changed so drastically since then. But I do know what I saw, I know what I felt, and I know how it's affected me these past 18 years.
September 1, 2001: I was 6 years old, heading to my first grade classroom. I rode the bus back then, and usually zoned out until I could get somewhere to read or draw in peace. I don't remember stopping to get breakfast in the cafeteria, but I do remember heading to the classroom. I remember walking in to see my teacher staring in horror at the tv screen. My classmates and I were confused — "Mrs. Hicks, why are you crying?" "Mrs. Hicks, why are we watching the news?" "Can we change it to a cooler channel?". We didn't know any better.
Then we saw the second plane hit the tower.
I don't remember much about what happened after that — maybe the day passed in a daze, maybe we got sent home early for our safety (we're only about a half-hour away from Hartsfield-Jackson airport, and I know now that many people were worried we might be next). All I know is I remember being at home later, watching the news (and complaining about the news) with my parents, and eventually watching Mr. Rogers discuss the matter in a short tv message (not this one, but kinda close).
Things changed more than some people seem to know, for those of us too small and too young to understand much anything else.
My kindergarten and first grade classes, up until then, had never enforced the reciting of the pledge, and had never held a moment of silence before. Now the moment was compulsive, almost harshly enforced by many teachers, and if we didn't stand and recite the pledge, we sometimes had to stay standing until we did recite it. They threw the numbers in our faces — 3000 lives, countless unfound bodies, families broken apart — and expected us not to understand, I know now, but to fall in line anyway.
Far too many people took this event — one that was said to have brought our nation so close together — and used it to force complacency into our veins. I had classmates who lost loved ones to the attack — either working in the buildings, or helping the rescue effort. They were the first to fall silent. Then came those of us who simply couldnt comprehend the tragedy; we just didn't want to get in trouble, and just did what was asked anyway.
At that age, there were very few who fought back, even in the older classes. Those who did just wanted answers: why do we have to pledge our allegiance to a flag when it's humans who are fighting and suffering? How does a moment of no one talking show respect when we don't know what really happened? What happens to our country if we go to war over this? No one had any answers, and some teachers got so frustrated that they would simply get on to the kid and move on instead of addressing their concerns.
Then our soldiers flew to the Middle East, and we've lost so many more lives (and countless innocent civilians on the other side) than we ever did on that day. And look at how everything has changed.
Now, I'm almost 25, and look out to a world that frightens me so much more than the memory of collapsing towers and deadly debris. Our soldiers are considered infallible, looked to out of near-hero worship levels of admiration. We spend more money on defense and security in this country than multiple others combined. People protest things like police brutality during the pledge, and instead of discussing the actual issue, they discuss whether or not it was "disrespectful to veterans", without ever asking actual veterans. (Yes, racism was the biggest part of why the issue was ignored, but that doesn't change the fact that many people hold the pledge and the flag to a standard that rivals those of false idol gods). Students — kids, fucking kids — are shot in their schools, and people won't work to protect them because they're still so afraid of being unable to "protect" themselves.
Nazis walk in the streets, claiming they're being attacked, while all they preach is hate and violence. We once agreed we hated Nazis, that they were gone, but they never left. They just helped build this environment for them to thrive.
Veterans are living at a high rate of homelessness and unemployment, while people declare our soldiers and this fight to be more important than anything else. Some of these veterans say the war is wrong, and are scorned for it.
Black children are warned their entire lives never to trust a cop, but people think it's outrageous that cops should deescalate situations without using violence. A black boy gets shot in his backyard, and no one cries for him because no one hears about it.
A white man shoots up a synagogue, or a black church, or a mosque, and people will cry "mental illness" and "this isn't the time for gun control talks". Those who cry "terrorist" are swiftly silenced.
People are being torn from their families and shoved into small holding pens, like animals lined up for slaughter. Conditions are horrific. People have died. People are still dying.
And I walk into a classroom today, for work, and see the teacher discussing 9/11 using a video — a song — that asks people why they would disagree with the fight unless they'd forgotten the attack on our soil.
People like myself have to be sneaky now, when and where we criticize our home. I only feel safe to do so here, where the only people that know me IRL either agree with me on some level or don't follow my blog at all. I don't even feel safe to discuss these with my parents, even though I know they feel the same, because I won't ever be able to get them to understand my perspective; they're too easily blinded by their own.
I can't say that I'll never understand how we got here, from where we were. I can hope we never go through such an event again, though that hope is fading fast the longer I stay in this reality. I know too well now how the world has changed, how my world has changed. Mr. Rogers' words only do so much for me now, serving only to remind me how far we've fallen and how little I've done in my years of growing up to fight against it. And I know it's not my fault that I haven't done much — there's only so much a child with no means of doing anything or going anywhere on their own can do, and very little a child of left-leaning parents in a right-wing community can say without something going very wrong — but that doesn't change how I feel.
And I want to do more, now. I look back on that day, now, and can feel the hurt and pain so many did then at the loss of so much life, but also the fear and heartbreak at how many more lives have been ruined and destroyed in the years the followed. And I want to help make it right.
Mr. Rogers said he was proud of us. I want him to be right.
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dxlansdarling · 6 years
be there | e.d
Summary: You wanted to show your voice to the people you loved the most, but someone is missing.
Warning:  Kinda angst? But fluff at the end
Word count: 2.616
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 Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes. The microphone was in your hands, still turned off, but in a few minutes it wouldn’t be. You wanted this, you had spent the last week practicing and practicing every day for this moment. You have never sung for anyone else but yourself, and when you saw a huge paper on a music-bar, saying that they were looking for some voices; you couldn’t help but write your contact on it. This was your chance.
Knowing you were this nervous, you asked only a few people to come to see you: Grayson, your best friend, and his girl, which also happened to be your girl best friend. And of course, your beautiful boyfriend, Ethan. It was a huge surprise for him knowing that his girl could sing but never showed it, so of course he was excited to see you on the little stage. He was really tired and busy that week, but he said and promised he was going to make it.
The girl who was hosting the little show went up the stage as soon as the song that a band was playing ended. She smiled at the few people that where on the bar, and raised her microphone to her mouth so she could speak.
“So awesome!” she almost shouted, making the speaker creek because of her high sound. “It’s so sad that it’s coming to an end, but we have one more person that is going to take our breath away with her voice!”
She never heard me sing.
“Let’s welcome the beautiful and talented, Y/N!”
You took one last breath before showing yourself on the stage. You could hear some people clapping, other chattering, and suddenly, a little scream. Your cheeks instantly blushed. Grayson was hollering your name, and his girl was laughing beside him but clapping loudly. You would have smiled at them, you were really happy they were there. But when your eyes landed on the empty chair beside them, your heart stung.
He wasn’t there.
It seemed that your face showed your surprise and disappointment, because when you looked at Gray, he was looking at you too, but sadly. He shrugged his shoulders and mouthed an “I don’t know”. Swallowing your feelings as soon as you started to feel them trying to prick your eyes, you looked at the girl beside you.
“Thank you very much” you said, and clearing your throat, you showed your best smile “This song meant a lot to me when I was growing up, and as it is the first time I sing in public, I thought this was the chance to express myself with it”
You sat on the high chair that was on the middle of the stage, moving the microphone’s stick so it could be at your height while sitting. Looking at the guy that was waiting for your sign so the song could start, he nodded his head as soon as you looked at him and the song started playing.
  Me prendí fuego para despojarme (I set myself on fire to deprive myself)
Para desvestirme para desnudarme. ( To undress me, to undress me)
Me incendie toda para no quedarme (I set myself on fire so I couldn’t stay)
Ni aun ni en el viento podrás encontrarme. (Not even in the wind you will find me)
You felt betrayed. He promised he would be there. You understood the fact that he was busy and tired, but so were you every time you went with him everywhere. Recording his videos, editing them, making some videos with him and Gray; all that, knowing that sometimes there was no time to rest. You’d been dating for more than a year now, and in all that time, you have never asked for anything, because you didn’t need to. And the one time you asked him to be there for you, because you needed him to, he couldn’t do it.
  Y fui luz, fui destello (And I was light, I was flash)
Fui dolor, fui humana... (I was pain, I was human)
Cuando fuiste agua (When you were wáter)
Yo crecí en llamas (I grew up in flames)
Y cuando fuiste fuego (And when you were fire)
Me cayeron las lágrimas, lágrimas. (I cried tears, tears)
Y cuando fuiste sueño (And when you were a dream)
Yo estaba despierta (I was awake)
Y tú tan dormido (And you so asleep)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta. (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
  The tears were really trying to let themselves fall, but it was your first time on a stage, you didn’t want to cry, not even because of Ethan. You repeated yourself that, trying to soothe the pain inside your heart, while trying to continue with the song.
  Me prendí fuego para que me vieras ( I set myself on fire so you could see me)
Pero estabas ciego y ya no sentías (But you were blind and didn’t feel anything)
Y ahora qué quieres encontrarme toda (And now that you want to find me completely)
No hay fuego ni llama ni amor ni ceniza. (There is no fire, no flame, no love, no ashes)
  Y fui luz, fui destello (And I was light, I was flash)
Fui dolor, fui humana... (I was pain, I was human)
Cuando fuiste agua (When you were wáter)
Yo crecí en llamas (I grew up in flames)
Y cuando fuiste fuego (And when you were fire)
Me cayeron las lágrimas, lágrimas. (I cried tears, tears)
Y cuando fuiste sueño (And when you were a dream)
Yo estaba despierta (I was awake)
Y tú tan dormido (And you so asleep)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta. (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
  Soy el aire en ti, volando sin fin (I am the air on you, flying without end)
Soy la gota de amor volviendo a sumar (I am the drop of love added back again)
Soy tu alma sin luz que ya se olvidó (I am your sould without light that has already forgotten)
En ese corazón que ya se paró. (In that heart that has already stopped)
  You blinked so many times, you really did. You tried anything to stop the tears, but as soon as you felt the first one, then there was another, and another, and so it went. The people watching you probably thought you were emotional because of the song and the meaning it had for you, but only two of them that were looking at you intently knew the real reason behind your wet cheeks.
  Y fui luz, fui destello (And I was light, I was flash)
Fui dolor, fui humana... (I was pain, I was human)
Cuando fuiste agua (When you were water)
Yo crecí en llamas (I grew up in flames)
Y cuando fuiste fuego (And when you were fire)
Me cayeron las lágrimas, lágrimas. (I cried tears, tears)
Y cuando fuiste sueño (And when you were a dream)
Yo estaba despierta (I was awake)
Y tú tan dormido (And you so asleep)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta te diste. (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
  No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta. (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
No te diste cuenta, ni cuenta. (You didn’t even notice, even notice)
  A sob wanted to escape your mouth as soon as you stopped singing. You could hear people clapping again, others hollering, and other where whistling. You feel your heart proud of yourself, even though the pain, you felt proud of yourself. But the only person who you wanted to really be there, was somewhere else, not working because his brother was watching your perfomance, and forgot completely about your night.
You were more disappointed than proud.
The ride back home was silent. The only noise you could hear was the beat of the song that was played on a radio station. Neither Gray nor his girl said anything about Ethan, not only because you didn’t want to ask, but because they also were pissed off with him. Gray tried to contact him all afternoon, but his brother was nowhere to be seen or known.
The car stopped in front to the twins’ house, and even when the engine stopped under you, you didn’t get off the car. You were alone at the back; you wanted to be there so you could silently cry your heart out without having someone next to you, looking at you or trying to comfort you.
You were really hurt.
Gray’s eyes met yours when both of you looked at the rear-view mirror. He sighed.
“I am going to kill him, I promise”
Smirking a little bit, you tried to joke with him.
“We will take turns.”
If Ethan didn’t die after his brother’s turn.
Closing the car’s door after you got out, you froze on your place when you heard an angry scream and a curse, followed by some orders or something like that. Grayson could hear it to, and looking sideways at you, he lunged at the door. You and his girlfriend went right behind him, trying to stop him while he was walking to his brother’s room. He was fuming and he was going to kill his brother.
Almost breaking the door, Grayson glared at his brother, who had his eyes wide opened, with one of the headphones behind his ears and the joystick in his hands. He didn’t even saw you behind Grayson, he was much bigger than you and you were easily hidden behind his back.
“Grayson, what the--? What’s wrong?”
Oh no.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Ethan?! ‘What’s wrong’?!” he exploded, walking to Ethan who instantly let his headphones fall as soon as he stood up from his computer chair “Where the fuck were you all this time?”
Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.
“I was here playing some games, we didn’t have to work today, did we?” he asked confused, still not looking at your direction. Grayson’s girlfriend almost slapped her forehead with her palm after hearing Ethan’s question. “Did something happen?”
If you didn’t speak, Grayson was going to murder him. So clearing your throat, you make yourself notice.
“You didn’t come, Ethan.”
His hazel eyes landed on you the moment he heard your voice, and you could see the worry on his stare as soon as he noticed your tear stained cheeks. He looked confused too, still not comprehending the situation.
“What do you mean? What did I miss?”
Before you could answer, Grayson shoved his phone onto his brother’s chest. Ethan looked down, and when the video his brother opened on his phone started playing, he was speechless. As he listened to you singing that beautiful song, his heart stung with guilt and regret. You sang beautifully, but his heart completely broke when he saw the tears falling of your eyes when you were on the stage. And he knew, he knew he fucked up so bad.
When the video finished, the room fell silent. You didn’t want to speak, you thought that if you tried to, only mumbles and incoherent words would come out. That’s how you were; shy and awkward when it comes to trying to not to break in front of someone. So instead of saying something, you excused yourself and walked as fast as possible to the nearest bathroom, where you locked yourself, and finally, let the sob you were trying to hold since the second you noticed Ethan’s absence at the bar.
You felt stupid for crying. It was supposed to be the best night ever, where you should be proud instead of sad and disappointed, which made things worse, because it angered you that your night ended like shit. If it wasn’t because you were trying to be so loud with your crying, the slam of a door would have scared you. That was probably Grayson going to his room, and you confirmed it when you heard Gray’s girl say some loud stuff to Ethan before slamming the door again.
It wasn’t until some seconds later, or probably a minute, that you heard some heavy footsteps walk up to the other side of the door.
“Y/N? Baby?” you heard Ethan’s soft voice call “Can-Can you please open? I want to apologize, like, so bad. I-I have no excuses, I know, but-please, can you unlock the door?”
A part of you didn’t want to open the door. You still needed to calm or soothe the pain in your heart, and you had a little bit of pride when it came to betrayal. But it was your silly and cute boyfriend the one who was begging you not only to open the door, but to forgive him. Yes, you were still pretty mad, but he did have his right to explain himself or at least make a good apologize speech before you break his nose with a slam of the door.
Unlocking the door, you sighed before opening it. You had to look up to stare directly at his eyes, the height difference between you two was huge. He still had his brother’s phone in his hands, but his hazel eyes were on you, and when he opened his mouth to say something, he closed his eyes.
“You have no idea how fucking sorry I am. I-I don’t know what happened to me, I don’t know how I could forget a date so important to you. I just don’t know. But what I know is that you’re amazing, you’re so beautiful and so talented. And meanwhile, I’m a jerk that doesn’t deserves to be listened to right now but that needs to tell you how sorry he is and how much he loves you. With all his heart. And I’m really proud of you, baby, you fucking slayed up there.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the end of his speech, tilting your head backwards and shaking it while still laughing. He was good with words, not with dates, but he really mended all the pain with some words. And that was one of the many reasons you were in love with Ethan Dolan.
When he regretted something, he knew exactly what to say to make you believe he was sorry.
Your eyes landed on him again, and then on his hands that were playing with the corner of the phone’s case. That was his nervous habit, which made you smile a little bit, and looking at his eyes again, you sighed.
“I’m going to draw you a fucking calendar next time, okay?”
Ethan smiled.
“Big on my room’s wall please.”
Laughing again, you threw yourself into your boyfriend’s arms, that hugged you tightly and warmly against his chest. You felt his lips kiss the top of your head, and his chin rest on top of it after that. 
“I love you, baby, and I love your voice.”
Smiling against the soft material of his hoodie, you smelled his scent.
“I love you too, assclown.”
Not only he was good with his words, but also he was good when it comes to make ups. Because the next day, as soon as you woke up and walked to the kitchen to get your morning coffee, you felt you heart beat so fast at the sight of a little stage made up with some boxes and chairs, meanwhile Ethan was sitting with his legs crossed on the floor, with Grayson and his girl beside him.
He was there.
first imagine here♥ i really hope you like it!
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vellihor · 6 years
選擇 ° chpt 2.
genre 》 skz mafia!au
word count 》 1857
warning 》 angst, violence, gore, etc.
i knocked a few times on changbin's door. i roll my eyes as i hear loud rap music being blasted on the other side of the door. i slide the door open anyways. i see changbin punching furiously at the punching bag.
i walk over to the speaker to stop the blaring music, only to have my brother spin around to glare at me. seeing me, he hesitates before taking off his boxing gloves and hanging them up on the rack. i toss a towel at him, grossed out at the sweat dripping down his body. as he caught the towel in midair and cocked an eyebrow at me.
" we havent had sibling heart to heart talk in a long while changbin."
he motioned for me to sit down on his bed. which i graciously took up his offer on. i hugged his plushie, gyu, the only clean thing around the room. i watch as he pulls out a fresh shirt from his closet. he drags a chair from his desk to sit infront of me. then i decide to start the ball rolling.
" so whats your deal with minjung? hm? "  
i see him facepalm himself and groan into his palm. because changbin was older than me by two years, he always had trouble opening up to me. he felt as if he was not doing a good job as an older brother. thats why i started this heart to heart talk between the two of us. i waited as he lifted his head to look at me, thinking about how to put it in words.
" that woman simply ticks me off. shes single-handedly the most stubborn person i have met- "
" says you. "
i pressed my lips in a thin line as changbin gave me an unamused expression.
" i dont know we just dont work well together. i work well with anyone and everyone except her. she hates my guts, i hate her guts. we are even. then chan has to force us to work together. to be honest, i thought making the situation worse would make chan rethink about this shitty paring. guess i was wrong. "
" well from my point of view, i think the both of you should try to tolerate each other. i mean you have always been good at tolerating people. why not just tolerate each other. you guys cant jump at the first chance to kill each other. who knows maybe you guys will end up liking each other. "
he grabs a nearby soft toy and chucks it at me. probably from my last sentence. but i see him slowly consider my words.
" then whats with you and hyunjin trying to send each other to your respective graves huh? "
" thats a different situation! "
" mhmm tell me. how so? "
" ugh youre impossible. "
" lets make a deal then. if you try to get along with hyunjin, i promise to try to get along with minjung. "
i eyed him suspiciously and stuck out my pinky. he locked his pinky with mine. he shot me his goofy smile. i scoff at him as i lay down on his bed. he lies down next to me and we stay in a comfortable silence, staring at the ceiling. until i break the silence.
" do you ever miss mum and dad? "
he pauses before replying.
" all the time. i just wish they didnt leave so soon. maybe then we wouldnt have ended up like this. sure we have been through tougher things but i wonder how different things will be if they were still here. "
" remember that time we stole from the convenience store? we nearly ended up in jail. i still cant believe we survived by ourselves for so many years. "
he chuckles softly as he recalls the memories. ever since our parents died in a fire, changbin and i have always been relying on each other. i vaguely remember changbin sitting on the pavement and bawling his eyes out. his head was buried in his two hands as he sat there trying to comprehend the life-changing situation he had experienced. i remember twelve year old me being lost and clueless, wandering about in the crowd that had formed in front of the building. changbin shot up as soon as he heard my voice and engulfed me in a hug. the both of us had tried so hard to forget about that incident. but one of us would get a nightmare about it every now and then.
it has been five years since chan took us in and decided that we would have family members to look out for us. now we feel like SK is our family.
i watch as changbin stands up from the bed and looks at me in disdain before snatching gyu out of my hands. he strokes gyu before placing it down on the bed. changbin offers his hand to help me stand up. but i know better than to fall for that trick again. i push off the bed on my own. changbin looks offended that i didnt take his hand. i punched his left arm before walking towards the door. he gives me a look of pure pain and disbelief, while holding his left arm.
" did you just-? did you not hold back anything in that punch?"
" come on. dinner is about to be done. i bet you a hundred bucks that grandpa woojin is going to complain about how nobody helped him to prepare dinner. "
i chuckle as i slide the door open. i walked to living room, spotting hyunjin playing pool. changbin nudged me towards him. i scowled at my brother, only to have him flip me off. he shooed me off, mouthing "get along with him".
i walked to the pool table and picked up a cue stick. hyunjin pretended to not see me. i was going to give up being nice. but changbin was watching from the sofa. so i resorted to poking hyunjin in his ribs with the cue stick to get his attention. hyunjin saw it coming and dodged it before i even hit his ribcage. he sneered at me. i scoffed and threw my hands up.
changbin was still watching from the sofa. i took a deep breath before speaking.
" best out of three. loser treats the winner to a round of drinks. "
i sigh in relief as i see hyunjin consider my offer, nod and reset the pool table. i look towards changbin. he was giving me two thumbs up. i grin widely at him as i see him being awkward with minjung, who had just came out of the shower. he was trying so hard to start a conversation without being weird.
i turn my attention to hyunjin.
" ladies first. "
" wow hyunjin is being a gentleman for the first time. "
" hey take it or leave it. "
i say nothing as i rest my cue stick on my fingers.
i eye the woman infront of me suspiciously. her behaviour seemed too abnormal today. she was actually being nice to me. just to clarify, that has never happened. ever.
yubin clears her throat and gestures to the pool table.
"um.... so i won and drinks after dinner are on you,"
i shrug and continue staring at her unknowingly, watching her put the cuestick down and run to the kitchen to help woojin with dinner.
i snap out of it when woojin shouted for everyone to eat dinner. i walked over to the dining table with jisung. dinner was the usual. everybody was talking loudly and enjoying dinner.
i noticed that changbin and minjung were talking to each other. i scrunched my nose in confusion. i nudged seungmin.
"whats with changbin and minjung?"
"nobody realises that theyre being friendly to each other ????"
"yeah no dumbass. they are on a truce. they just said it just now. pay attention to the table conversation will you?"
"ouch, no need to snap at me like that. that hurt my feelings."
my mind wandered to yubin being not-so-hostile to me. she DID try to puncture my ribs with the cuestick.
after dinner, i brought two bottles of beer up to the roof. i looked around looking for yubin but i couldnt see her anywhere.
"did she just bail on me?" i thought.
just then, i spotted a dark ball snuggled into one of the many oversized beanbags that jisung bought. i walked over to see her looking up at the sky. i plopped myself on the beanbag next to hers.
"so whats up there that got you staring for so long?"
she doesnt even look at me. no acknowledgement of my presence whatsoever. i scoff at her.
"wow so youre not even going to reply me? even after i got you beer? come on you have got to be kidding me."
after a few minutes of silence, i hear soft snoring coming from my right. "no way. no fucking way. is she sleeping?" unsure of what i had just heard, i snapped my head to look at her. leaning in closer to check if she was indeed asleep. upon a closer look, i realise i have been sitting next to a sleeping yubin.
i sigh as i sink back into my beanbag while taking a swig out of the bottle in my hand. after a few minutes, she stretches and somehow manages to hit my eye in a state of half conciousness. my right hand presses against the injured part. she recoils in shock and grabs onto my arm. her face was full of worry and she was starting the panic.
"ohmygod ohmygod i am so sorry. fuck fuck fuck. you need ice. wait here im going to go get ice for you. do not move."
i chuckle at her and removed my right hand.
"im not injured you dumbass. that was payback for making me wait for you to wake up."
she freezes with an unreadable expression. i stiffen at her reaction. she then slowly sinks back down in her beanbag with an almost inaudible "oh".
the atmosphere becomes awkward again. yubin clears her throat and reaches for her bottle of beer.
"um yubin?"
"thats my bottle."
"yea i know. my bottle isnt open yet."
*awkward silence yet again*
*caw caw caw*
"so,, um hyunjin, do you have any siblings?"
*caw caw caw*
"uh....... sure yea of course i do. i have a twin sister and an older brother. my twin sister went missing when we were five and my older brother ran away from home when i was seven."
i looked over at yubin to see her mumbling to herself.
"hey dont worry its fine. really."
she looks at me with a forced smile.
"and your parents- ohmygod i just asked a stupid question didnt i? ah fuck sorry. im bad at this."
i let out a loud laugh as she facepalms herself. she gives me a questioning look.
"hey hey relax. no need to panic so much. just breathe okay? and yes to answer your question, i do have parents. both are healthy and fully alive."
"what about you, yubin? whats your story?"
"where do i even start?"
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animentality · 6 years
My white friends don't understand
That when I grew up, when I read endless books and watched movies and TV shows, I wanted desperately to be like the people I saw in my mind.
Beautiful. Funny. Talented. Destined for greatness.
But then I'd look in the mirror, and id see myself, and the realization was painful.
Because I didn't look like them.
My heroes were white. Skinny. Beautiful in a way I would never be.
I wanted to be a hero like any other kid but heroes didn't look like me.
They still don't.
I'm Asian.
How many leading Asian super heroes from the MCU do you know?
What about DC?
You could give me a list, but could you give me a movie?
A show?
Dedicated to an Asian super hero.
Not Iron Fist, adventures in China Town.
Not Doctor Strange learns from peaceful martial artist stereotypes to be...better than people who've dedicated their lives to studying this art he can magically, no pun intended, take to instantly.
A hero.
Who is Asian. But not defined purely by it.
I grew up without Asian heroes.
And I don't mean the racist stereotypes or the "ancient asian master who sits in a temple and teaches the white protagonist how to be better than them."
I mean Asian characters who're like me.
Who are assimilated to white culture.
Who grew up in America and act like normal people, not "ooh Asian guy."
I'm actually sort of tearing up writing this because all my life ive always been so in love with fiction.
I desperately clung to other realities because in my own reality, I felt estranged from my peers and confused by social interactions. I was loud mouthed and brassy and too aggressive for my own good when it came to challenging other people's beliefs or authority.
In fiction, I thought, I would be a hero. I'd be someone who fights for what's right even if other people try to stop me.
But id look in the mirror and be reminded that I'd never look like them. And it was such a crushing moment.
I remember the first time I thought I'd never be a hero.
I was six, I remember, because I had just learned to read after grueling extra reading lessons where I couldn't stand reading because I was slow to pick it up.
When it finally clicked, I was overjoyed to find millions of fictional worlds waiting for me.
But then, when I read them, fell in love with their characters, and wanted more than anything to live in their universe...
I dunno.
When you're six, you're not old enough to comprehend why you're being excluded from a narrative.
I had pig tails back then.
I didn't look in mirrors often because my mom did my hair.
I got tall enough to start seeing the mirror in the school bathroom.
Before then, I thought, I look like all the other girls with pigtails! I didn't feel so different. I looked down at myself and thought, I have white skin. I look just like them.
But then it clicked one day, in the school bathroom, and I just knew.
I don't.
I never will.
And God I hated that.
I hated that so much.
I couldnt stand it and I was too young to figure out what was wrong with the picture wasn't me.
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