#but i seriously love like all of these lmao. they're Cute.
genshin-obsessed · 6 months
Helloooo~!! Could I request the men in honkai star rail with an s/o who makes various different plushies for themselves and the men?
Just imagine Dan Heng getting a chonky dragon plushie version of himself.
✩ ‒ You guys have the most creative ideas sometimes lmao I would’ve never thought of this and it is such a cute idea!!
✩ ‒ I wasn't going to do everyone but they came out really short so I made it up by adding more characters ^w^
✩ ‒ Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, Welt, Gepard, Sampo, Luocha, Jing Yuan, Blade
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✩ ‒ Caelus
He’s not the biggest plushie guy out there, but come on. You made it so cute and all.
He keeps it safe in his room and does a pretty good job at keeping it clean. Like dust free and all.
Caelus isn’t ashamed of it by any means, everyone knows about it. He just doesn’t want to end up tearing it or something which is why it's always in his room.
Big fan. You made a couple of yourself and he keeps them together. They're together like the two of you are. He’s debating on getting a dedicated shelf.
✩ ‒ Dan Heng
He originally received two. One of his normal self and then his Vidyadhara half. It’s so accurate, too. He definitely spent a few hours analyzing them both.
He wasn’t sure at first but the longer he had it, the more he began to like it. He kinda sleeps with it now. I mean... they're just on his bed and that's where he sleeps...
You’re welcome to make more but he doesn’t have room to place them. Besides… how many could you possibly make?
He actually likes the little dragon one. It’s so cute, the details are well done, and you seem to really like it too.
✩ ‒ Welt
Aww, a plushie for him? It was so cute! It even had his lil cane and all. Honestly, Welt loves it.
He keeps it with him all the time. When you often go off on missions, he likes to hold it for comfort.
When you made one of yourself, he decided the plushies could never be separated- much like you two. So, basically now he carries two plushies with him at all times.
Pom Pom and Himeko gush over the cuteness of the plushie. You’re really talented, why not start a business at this point? You'll definitely get March or Stelle asking for one too.
✩ ‒ Gepard
He was confused at first. Why did you make a plushie of him? But he really liked it. You even got the shield right.
He prefers it to stay at home where his fellow guards can’t see it because it’s a little embarrassing. He’s a grown man and all.
Ok, but it’s so cute. The little hair, the outfit- the shield! Come on? How is he supposed to remain composed? He will stare at it sadly when he has to go to work.
He had to admit, when you made one of yourself it felt complete. The plushies are always sitting together on his bed. Sometimes, he'll even put a blanket over them to keep them warm.
✩ ‒ Sampo
Omg once he gets one, it's on his person permanently. He loves seeing you work on them, too. It gives him a perspective on how much work you put into them
He’ll give suggestions all the time and you do make most of them. You often make yourself as well and it leads to lots of matching plushies.
Sampo did try to make one himself but it looked horrendous. He tried to throw it away but you wouldn’t let him!
That thing haunts his dreams but you like it for whatever reason. Honestly, Sampo takes that thing everywhere and even learned how to wash it properly.
✩ ‒ Luocha
The accuracy. His hair, eyes, outfit, the coffin- it even opens! Like, the effort that went into that was phenomenal.
Luocha is a big fan and does keep the plushie with him during his travels but keeps it hidden. It's something that reminds him of you (ironic since it looks like him).
He’s rather protective of the plushie. Someone once tried to take it and well… he almost stuffed them in the coffin. Lmao jk.
… ok, he did it once and never again, you can’t judge him, that’s his plushie. You gave it to him, not that rando. And no, it wasn't a kid! Why do people keep asking him that?
✩ ‒ Jing Yuan
Mind blown. Seriously, the talent that took was incredible! You even made a Lightning Lord plushie which attaches to the Jing Yuan one.
He keeps them on his desk at work and no one is allowed to touch them. He's worried others might damage them, but he wants to show them off at the same time.
He keeps the one you made of yourself with him though. It’s his good luck charm. Much like you.
Secretly hates tearing apart the plushie version of you and him. Heartbreaking when they have to see each other go. Sniff.
✩ ‒ Blade
Ok, listen. This is Blade we’re talking about. He can’t just be seen carrying a plushie- and of himself, no less. It’s embarrassing.
Is what he thought until he saw how sad you got when you found out he left it in a drawer. On the pain in his heart…
Now he keeps it on his person all the time. He even learned how to wash it because it’ll get dirty sometimes. No blood gets on it though, don't worry. Just some minor dirt or something.
For tougher missions, he puts the plushie in a plastic bag to keep it safe. It’s like a good luck charm of his. He lost it once and he almost had a heart attack.
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rene-darling · 20 days
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Listen I saw this fanart and now I had an idea. So like sub!Idol Xiao x dom reader (fem prefered but u can choose) and so basically Xiao's taking some mirror selfies for his social media in this outfit and yk like showing off those lacy panties (like they're pulled up, but he still has his jeans on) and like reader (their partnwrcomes home and sees him doing that. So they like sneak up behind him and hug him from behind. Like he becomes all flustered all of the sudden and readers like:"Oh so you're showing this to millions of people, but get embarassed when I see it?" What happens afterwards is up to u lmao
IDOL!- Xiao x reader
OML THIS IS SO- HOT. I love this concept. I'm drooling.
Possessive reader! A lil toxic I guess, but it's pretty tame.
Also! The readers gender nor pronouns are not mentioned anywhere, so feel free to assume. And if they are please feel free to tell me!
Talk to me on insta [r3xni3]😞🙏
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He's been at it for hours. Different angles, different poses- all to get a good photo of himself flaunting his panties and the tight straps attached to them on his waist,
They hug his body so tightly pushing at his skin, if they move even a little bit you'd definitely see the red marks under them, they push up against his skin, it hurts but, he's doing it cause his agency asked him.
"mhm..." Groans leaving his throat, the photos- they're just not good enough. Scrolling through the endless amounts of them that he took, finally landing on one that pleases him.
He decides to shoot it one more time, same angle and stuff, just better lighting. He wants to show off his toned body as much as possible. And as he does this, it- quite frankly skips his mind that he has a loving partner returning from work soon. And that soon happens to be around- now.
"Ah-!" His body freezes up. Goosebumps trace along his skin- god your hands are cold. His eyes flash down, seeing as your hands slowly trace down the side of his waist, fidgeting with the straps they came across, grabbing one and pulling it away from his body only to watch in amusement as it snaps back in place once you let go,
He reaches out to grab your hand instinctively, mewling- until you finally reach, and play with the hem of his panties.
"y/n- s-...mh, stop." He tries sounding serious, but he curses at how squeaky and pitched his voice came out.
"hm..? What's the problem darl', you can show off your panties to millions of people, but you're getting embarrassed when I see? Hmpf, I'm one of your fans too y'know?."
"i-its not the same-" he's stammering over his words "y/n- hah..-" slipping your hands in between them, but not quite touching him just yet, simply tracing the sides of his hip "and how so..? I'm your biggest fan, shouldn't I get a reward for that. I deserve more than a picture. Don't'cha think?"
Tracing down the side of his hip, he can feel your eyes peering over his shoulder, watching him. His every movement, his every shudder. And the way his panties start bulging in a specific area
"y/n-" his voice is cut off by his own whine. You're so mean, suddenly jerking his cock, tapping its tip just for your own amusement. "Aw- darlin that was too cute!..do that again? Hm? For me?..you take so many photos for those stupid fans of yours, you can make that cute sound for me again can't you..?"
Huffing, he's leaning back into your body. His head falling back with each increase in movement, resting it on your shoulder, whining back into your ear. "Hah- you- you're so mean..!"
It's not your fault he's decided to make you jealous. Seriously, why the hell should he post his body for all his perverted fans to see.
Picking up his phone and pressing record on it, angling it right at his face. "Look here baby, I'm sure your perverted fans would love to see their favorite lil idol losing his head over a few touches." His eyes widen in shock "n-no..!"
He tries grabbing the phone, but to no avail. You pull it further, and jerk his lil dick harder, he stumbles, falling forward before you grab his waist pulling him back into you, he's leaning his whole body weight against you, he just hopes you won't let go.
Snickering to yourself you decide to stop recording, and go into the photos, clicking on the video you just took, you bring it to his ears and make him listen "Aw- darling don't you just sound so cute when you're desperate."
That's when it all spills. A shameful feeling, and an ever more shame worthy whine leave him as he comes all in his lacy little panties, getting them all dirty.
His legs collapse completely as you're forced to pick him up off the floor, not that you mind.
Resting him on the bed, letting him catch his breath, you take a hold of his phone and- delete every photo he took showing off those panties.
Scoffing you throw his phone down next to him and crash onto the bed right near him, wrapping your hands around his pretty waist you hear him huff. "You got them dirty..." He could only mumble under his breath.
"I'll buy you some new ones, on one condition." Turning his head around with a slightly amused expression on his breathless face "and..that is...?"
"you can only take those photos for me. I get to see them. No one else."
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 months
To Call You Mine
Chapter 11
Authors note: don't ask me how you'd determine a babys birth gender in an Omegaverse, just pretend with me lmao
Word count: 1564
Nat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist TCYM Masterlist
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4 months
   You lazily stretch as you sit up in the nest, trying your best to not wake the sleeping Omega by your side just yet. One free from your still slumbering mates hold, you tiptoe off to the bathroom to take care of your business before you head to make breakfast.
   Now in the kitchen, you pull a package of bacon and the carton of eggs out of the fridge and bring them over to the counter next to the stove. You grab a couple of pans and turn on the burners, waiting for them to warm up before you lay a few slices of meat in one and crack a few eggs in the other. You add a pinch of spices and some minced veggies to them before mixing up the yolks and whites, getting everything well and scrambled as they cook.
   The delicious aromas make their way back to the bedroom, which causes Natasha to stir from her slumber. She groggily blinks away the remainder of sleep before checking in on Dima on the monitor. Satisfied that he's still asleep she tosses her blanket aside and makes her way to the kitchen.
   A smile spreads across her face as she sees you at the stove, cooking a meal for your family. Getting to witness and experience what she never thought she’d get with you, always elicits a warmth within her, like all the love and safety you've ever shown her has just made a home there within her. And she really hopes that never goes away. A meow pulls her from her thoughts and she stifles a giggle when she sees the small black furball pawing at your ankle, looking up at you as if she’d not had a meal all month.
   “Don’t give me that look, little miss” you coo at her, though all it gets you is another pitiful meow, “Oh fine, even though you don’t need it, I can’t say no when you look at me like that.”
   Liho patiently waits as you cut up a small piece of bacon for her, and you can’t believe how the feline has both you and Nat wrapped around her paw already. If this is how bad you both are with a cat, you worry what it'll be like once the pups are all talking properly. They're all going to be so spoiled, not that you truly minded. Afterall, you’d have spoiled Natasha much more than you already had if it didn’t surpass her comfort levels. 
   “Here, eat up you little menace” you tell her, placing the bacon in front of her before patting her head
   “That better not be my bacon you just gave away”
   You turn around and smile at your adorable Omega, who still has sleep tousled hair, “I don’t have a death wish, baby. I know not to touch your bacon”
   “Good” she affirms, but the smile on her lips confirms she's only teasing, “I wouldn’t want you to have to sleep on the couch”
   You laugh, “Wow, not only banned from the nest, but the bed too”
   She shrugs, “I take my bacon very seriously” 
   “You know what I take seriously?” you ask, not waiting for a reply, “My morning kisses”
   She smiles and shakes her head at your antics, but doesn’t hesitate to step forward into your awaiting arms. Your hands rest on her hips protectively as she leans forward to connect her lips to yours in a gentle kiss.
   “Better?” she teases, pulling back from you slightly
   You lean in to peck her lips a second time, “Now it is”
   A cute blush settles across her cheeks and she decides she wants to distract you so you don’t comment on it, “Are you excited for today?”
   “Of course I am!” you reply, eyes lighting up as you look at her, “I can’t wait to see how many you're carrying! And so long as they're healthy, I’ll be happy!”
  Nats smile widens almost impossibly. Bruce hadn’t cared one way or the other how many she was with, all he cared about was the fact that he had succeeded in getting her knocked up after how much resistance she had given him. And he was also adamant that it had better be a son. He needed to have one so badly that she was actually scared of what he'd do if she ended up having just a girl. But thankfully the universe had been kind enough to appease him, and now it had finally been kind to her.
    “What about you, detka(baby)?”
   Your voice brings her back to the present and she nods, “I am too, and as much as I’ll love them regardless, I really do want a little girl”
   You adoringly watch on as she brings a hand up to caress her bump, and you know then that if you haven’t been successful with getting a girl this time, you would happily try again and again if necessary.
   “3 o'clock really can’t come soon enough”
   She chuckles, “I was just thinking the same thing. But let's eat breakfast and maybe time will pass by a bit quicker once I get Dima up”
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   Time does indeed move faster once your pup is awake and fed, and before you even know it you and your mate are greeting Yelena at the door. You exchange quick pleasantries with her as well as thanking her for coming over to watch her nephew. She of course only waves you off
   “It's no trouble. He is my nephew afterall. Besides, he and I get along like a house on fire!”
   Nat turns her gaze away from her sister beaming smile and to you, “That's what worries me”
   Yelena pouts a bit, obviously having heard but she remains quiet, at a loss for what to say just yet. And you shrug, “I think it's safe enough for now. When he gets older though and can walk and talk properly, we may have a problem then” 
   “Hey! I am right here!” the blonde speaks up with a dramatic flair of her hands
   You and your mate both chuckle, and your Omega moves to embrace her sister once more, “And we thank you so much for being her and being the brunt of our jokes.”
   “Yeah yeah” she mumbles, hugging Nat back regardless, “Now go on, I know how excited you both are so stop tormenting me and get to your appointment”
   Your Omega eagerly nods and removes herself to say another quick goodbye to Dima which you join her in. As the two of you went to the garage you can hear the Beta call out, “I expect a phone call as soon as you leave the doctors!”
   You chuckle at how excited she is, knowing you both feel the same way, “We’ll call you!”
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   Once at the doctor's office the two of you can hardly contain your excitement. Sitting next to you, Natasha is practically vibrating. If someone didn’t know better they'd think she was overly jittery due to too many cups of coffee. But you knew that wasn’t the case, and so her actions were quite adorable.
   You were about to offer up some words to help ease her nerves and calm her a bit, but before you get the chance a nurse opens the door to the waiting room and calls her name. The two of you follow her back down the hallway until you get to the room she's chosen for you both. She takes your Omegas blood pressure and listens to her heart beat before helping her get settled on the bed. She gets the ultrasound machine ready and then leaves to get the doctor.
   “You okay, Omega?” you ask, reaching out to grab her hand
   She nods, “Just a little nervous. I don’t want anything to be wrong”
   “I know detka(baby)” you offer her a reassuring smile, “Just remember that I’m right here”
   She nods just as the doctor enters. She exchanges greetings with the two of you before getting settled at the ultrasound machine. She lifts up your mate's shirt and slides her pants waistband down a bit to fully expose her bump, followed by her squeezing some of the cold gel onto her skin there. Natasha shudders a bit at its temperature and the doctor apologizes. She slowly moves the wand around while studying the screen in front of her. Though you know it's less than a minute, it feels like she's silent for an hour before she finally speaks
   “Everything is looking really good. Both mom and pups look healthy”
   “Pups?” Nats asks, her eyes lighting up as she smiles at you
   The doctor smiles and turns the screen towards the two of you and you both watch as a fuzzy black and white image takes shape, “Right there you can see them both”
    Natashas eyes begin to water as she sees the pups outlines, “We’re having twins, Alpha”
  “Yeah we are” you respond, a few tears of your own building, “Can you tell what they are?”
   The doctor looks back at the screen for a few moments before answering, “Congrats, looks like you're having two little girls”
   Natashas hand tightens its grip on yours and you offer her a brilliant smile, “Hear that Omega? Girls.”
   She matches your smile with one of her own, “I can’t wait to tell Yelena”
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Taglist:@wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming  @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @that-one-gay-mosquito @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink @whitewidowsbite @smromanoff
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deathbxnny · 2 months
omg bxnny I saw that your requests are open!!
I love your writing and I've been WAITING to request something (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
so I'm a sucker for platonic pairings, and was wondering if you could do something like Aventurine having a child sibling (fem if possible) and she's like his lucky charm and stuck to his side 24/7. Literally, he goes playing poker? they're sitting beside him and he ALWAYS wins with her there and things like that (and obviously he spoils her absolutely rotten and everyone who is willing to listen to him for more than 5 minutes knows about his baby sister), I hope it's not too detailed! 🩷🩷
love you and take care!!
Hey there, dear moot!! Thank you so much for the cute request!! I'm sick rn, so I hope this is okay and coherent lmao-
Content: Vague gambling, the IPC is it's own warning, angst, fluff, sfw
Reader is afab!
((Not proofread))
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His little sister is his most important person in the world, and he makes that crystal clear to everyone and especially her, for that matter. He doesn't take any slight against her lightly in any way and protects her with his life. He would stop at nothing for her to be happy, which is why he works so hard to free her from the IPC one day, even if he has to take the fall in the process. She is all he has left after all.
He wears a golden necklace of her initials around his neck and even proudly displays the brightly colored bracelets she made him on his wrists, despite them not fitting his lavish attire at all. He let's her play with his hair, apply makeup on his face even if it looks silly, and also definitely has grand tea parties with her that he takes very seriously.
With that said, as his little sister, she's absolutely spoiled rotten. She couldn't ask for more if she tried, and even if she did, he'd try even harder for her. It's a way to compensate for all they went through together, and whilst he knows it may never repair the mental damage she went through, he hopes it can distract her from the reality she's living for just a little longer.
His baby sister being his "lucky charm" is definitely something everyone knows about. He'd have her sitting on his lap or next to him whilst he plays, slyly showing her his cards with a knowing grin. He never lost a singular bet with her around and knows that his final plan would only succeed through the light of motivation she shone down on him every day.
Whenever he has moments of self-doubt and guilt, he reminds himself of what he's still living for, and it's her. His sister deserves a good life, one free from all troubles, and he's glad that she is still young enough to have a chance at it. And as much as it hurts, that future would be one without him once his plans proceed. He hopes that she can live on and remember him through the freedom he gave her, even when she one day inevitably forgets his face, voice, and name.
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Alright... I hope this was okay!! I'm not feeling the best at the moment, so writing is a real struggle. But either way, thank you again for the request!!<33
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dunmeshistash · 1 month
do you have any thoughts about Kabru kissing Rin as a way to make her notice they're in a illusion? why would he go with that lmao, at first I was like "oh they're a couple! she recognized her bf's kiss and understood the situation, how cute!" but they're not a couple, Rin has a crush on him ofc but he sees her kinda like a sister canonically. why Kabru with all his understanding of humans and all that would make the poor girl think she was being kissed by a fucking giant fish at first 😭
maybe in the anime it's more clear? I finished the manga already but I'm a little behind on the episodes
It's exactly because he understands that he did that!
That was the first time we saw how powerful Kabru can be, because his great understanding of his teammates allowed him to recognize them thru the Illusion.
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He did this because he knows her, he says himself it's "the best non violent way to stop a mage from casting a spell" like, he could knock her out or use force to cover her mouth but he wanted to shock her into stopping so she wouldn't get hurt.
He thinks of her a sister but she isn't actually his sister and he for sure knows she's in love with him.
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He even teases her after while apologizing. She also knows Kabru tho so she doesn't take the kiss seriously either, she probably knows he didn't mean anything by it. (I think it's kinda sweet she still likes him even tho she has seen past his charms. His whole party kinda understand him past the surface charm and know how he acts and still stick with him I love them.)
Kabru understands people but he also uses people, so it's not so strange he did something that was uncomfortable for Rinsha because it was what he deemed the best way to deal with the situation if you ask me. He loves people but he's also a nuanced character like the others that does questionable things, in the grand scheme of things making Rin kiss a fish wasn't so bad tho.
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jacesvelaryons · 2 months
Can I get uh…. A social media au of Tom Blyth x fem!rockstar!reader? Just a tad bit of self indulgence, I guess lmao.
Tom Blyth x Fem!Rockstar!Reader
social media au
sorry this took some time but hope you like it! 🥺i’ll try to post more now that i’m feeling better and have some time. please continue to request, as always, my inbox is open.
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liked by tomblyth, hunterschafer and 500k others
my life nowadays
hunterschafer my angel
↪️ yourusername love of my life when I kiss you again
lilygladstone are you blonde or brunette? 🤔
↪️ yourusername both 🤭I change my mind
paulmescal 🙏
↪️ yourusername glad to see you today brother
gigihadid a rockstar as always
↪️ yourusername love youuu 😘
nuriaavegaa had the time of my life tonight girl!
↪️ yourusername so glad to meet you finally!
↪️ user wait if yn and nuria met..it has to be through tom right 👀she was with him in btk
harrycollettactor awesome show!
↪️ yourusername thanks bud! invite me to your next rave soon
callumhood rock on! 🤘
↪️ yourusername always!
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liked by userfan76 and others
tom spotted at a restaurant in la yesterday
user he looks so good
randomfan wasn't yn on tour in la yesterday
↪️ ynfan yes she was 👀
user I saw him at this restaurant yesterday and I think he was sitting next to a blonde
↪️user that has to be yn omg
ynfans this has to be taken on a microwave lmao
user y'all better leave them alone if they're having a date if they want you to know they're together they will
↪️ynfan exactly
yourusername posted a story
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liked by mayahawke and others
russelltovey hope you had the time of your life mate!
↪️ tomblyth sure did thanks man! 🩷
carmenenemmi well deserved rest after a long strenuous shoot!
↪️ tomblyth absolutely! had the best time with you and the crew
nicholasgalitzine ☀️
jonathan.anderson my darlings
↪️ yourusername love you jonathan! had to wear your newest pieces you sent me
lukehemmings have fun!
liked by tomblyth
↪️ user wait yourusername had a song with him last year there’s got to be a coincidence how they know each other
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liked by ellefanning and others
rachelzegler girl i want you and imma have you 😍
↪️ yourusername oh girl stop it 🙈
↪️ joshandresgarcia excuse me?
↪️ rachelzegler look away 😗
user damn yn your bobbies
↪️ yourusername you like my necklace baby? 🥵
↪️ user always
conangray okay beach girl!
↪️ yourusername missed you so much, you should’ve come! we should hang soon
↪️ conangray wanted to give you two lovebirds privacy dw 😝
user that’s got to be tom blyth her new man
↪️ user yn single era over
↪️ user hot girl summer!
lilyrose_depp my angel
↪️ yourusername that’s you honey
sydneysweeney she’s glowing!!
↪️ yourusername my sunshine twin i love you
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liked by user and others
a now deleted story by yourusername with tom earlier today
user theyre so cute
user before anyone calls them a cheater they’ve both been single for a while; y/n broke up with her ex last year while tom has been single for several months
↪️ user thank you
user how adorable for him to come out for her shows
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liked by billieeilish and others
just got home from vacation but here’s my treat…new single out friday. get him back.
↪️ yourusername i love you so much so thankful for you my love
hannahfkdodd 🩷
liked by yourusername
jbayleaf going to be amazing as always!
↪️ yourusername jonathan, oh my god!! ty
tomblyth my angel of music
↪️ yourusername my muse my inspiration
↪️user im so single 😭
charithra17 you’re so talented
↪️ yourusername and so are you!
159 notes · View notes
stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
The impulsive thoughts won
-Aiden keeps buying them ugly matching couples shirts ("If lost return to owner"/"Owner", "Stupid"/"I'm with stupid") which Ash will only wear as pajamas or if she needs to "wear something she doesn't mind getting dirty"
-Steals his hoodies when she's at his house cuz it's always cold there. One time when she was upset she kinda just. Wriggled into his hoodie while he was still wearing it. Aiden pretty much went to heaven.
-Ash helps dye his hair because oh my god his hair is SO DAMAGED. She actually knows a lot about haircare since hers is so long and she needs to take care of it well :)
-hes rich so. If Ash mentions something off handedly that she wants something or to do something he'll get her it. Oh her coffee maker broke? Espresso machine on the counter literally the next day. Ash is (usually) put off by this but she doesn't really say anything because the gifts are very practical (like these super good noise canceling headphones)
-aiden: my girl mad at me
Aiden: I hope I die
Ash: 1) all I said was for you to put your socks away and 2) I'm literally in the room next to you come here.
-He thinks she's so awesome. Like she could just be stretching and he's like "I'm so lucky fr God sent me a little red haired angel who could whoop my ass ❤️". Deeeeeep down she's flattered.
-will ALWAYS offer her some of his food if they're going out together. For Ash it's 50/50 lol
-His favourite thing ever is just. Pushing her bangs back and giving her a little forehead kiss. :). It's one of the things that makes Ash implode and get flustered so that's a bonus.
-Chronically staring at her. If she falls asleep at school he will be staring at her too because he's a weirdo like that 💖 She looks so cute all the time, it's not his fault >:0
-first time she said "I love you" was when she was mad at him lmao 🤡 He did some shit and got seriously injured so she was just yelling at him asking if he thought she didn't care about him or love him. LITERALLY slapped her hand over her mouth. Tried to get up to hug her and he messed up his ribs even more lol
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azulsluver · 1 year
I just want to ramble a little bit but- My personal scenario/headcanon for Bully au (which by the way, I love your writing) is that maybe one day reader decides to disappear, even if for a little while, maybe they just hide in some place for a long period of time (or hilariously and sneakily find a way to avoid their bullies throughout an entire day, or even crazier a whole week!!). They're so emotionally destroyed that they start to actually believe their insults and awful treatment they endured, and so they decide to just isolate themselves further somewhere no one can "be burdened by me"- Which in turn causes everyone else to at first get pissed off and then more and more (slightly, very slightly) worried that their punching bag is missing.... Perhaps, even have escaped them? 👀 I would love to see who loses their composure first, even if they don't admit their obsession at all lmao
Anon you don’t know what you’re doing to me //0//
tw. Bully!characters, no one takes you seriously kinda, yandere, stalking, baby tantrums.
This was more crack than anything serious…idk what happened but rants bellow!
They genuinely start tweakin:
Riddle, Deuce, Kalim, Malleus, Jack, Silver, Ruggie, Idia, Vil
They’re the ones that usually have their eyes on you, to find out that you’re missing and not at a place they SPECIFICALLY told you to be/stay flares their attention. Sure they can last a couple of days without you but a week? Nuh uh, they think they’re responsible for whatever you do, once they find you you’re getting a whole lecture. Telling you they’d get in trouble if they hadn’t found you sooner but let’s be real here.
But if you hid in a place far far away from them (which is impressive and impossible tbh) they’re already having a meltdown. Biting fingernails, aggressively running their fingers through their hair. All of that, and the ones who usually stay composed in situations like these (Ruggie/Riddle/Malleus) start to overthink so bad that they look beyond stress. It’s the thought that maybe you ran away from them or worse got kidnapped or lost. Which makes them have more of a reason to keep a tighter leash on you.
Ok but Kalim, Idia and Deuce cry like babies and throw tantrums.
Let the imagination work so think of Vil sitting on the kitchen table with his hair tied up and a face mask on while wearing a robe, a cup of coffee in his hands as he stares off into the distance that looks like he’s about to stab someone. He deadass thinks he’s growing grey hairs and has eyebags because his favorite punching bag is missing after two weeks. Who is he gonna step on now..
Gets pissed off:
Leona, Ace, Azul, Sebek, Epel, Jamil
“But why?” Is what they said when they perfectly understand the problem. Do they feel bad? No. In fact people like Leona and Azul can go through days without you because they’re always busy with something rather than terrorizing you. BUT you have to understand that as much as they pretend to not care they aren’t willing to clean up the mess after your pity party.
Jamil and Sebek are only mad about you disappearing is because of Malleus and Kalim’s whining. Please save them.
Ace and Epel are the ones who are mega mad as in a corny way. “How dare my punching bag run away from me and disappear for days!!” Typa stuff. Unbeknownst to them they double the insults and it makes you even more depressed lmaoo.
Ehhh Jamil may actually panic as well, because when Kalim isn’t happy no one is. And he does misses you personally, worries when he finds you (which is really scary to [Name’s] pov bc why is he so caring??) he’s all over you to make sure you aren’t injured or anything. Still pissed so he might slap the back of your head a couple of times and lecture you + same thing goes when Sebek finds you except he doesn’t comfort you.
Thinks it’s amusing:
Rook, Jade, Floyd, Trey, Cater, Lilia,
“Ohoho did I go overboard?” Yea you did. Anyways little shits don’t feel bad in fact they think it’s funny and cute that you disappeared because you couldn’t handle the insults and took it for granted. Lilia and Jade giving you false comfort just to do it all over again when you make a mistake. They probably already know your hiding spots and camp there to experiment how long it’ll take for you to come crawling back.
Maybe, just a little bit that Trey feels bad. He coddles you for a while then goes right back to gaslighting because he’s always right and when he says these things to you it’s because you’re wrong!! The type to restrict his affections if you decide to go into another episode of running away and crying. Cater knows where ya at bc you have location on.
At first Floyd was pissed because his resting place is missing, like bae where you go? But eventually he understands where you went because for some reason he’s bullying everyone around him and stalking your location to see where ya at. Mocks you once he finds you, really mean but it wasn’t “entirely” intentional. Like he knows he’s at fault and is trying to cheer you up by mocking your “problems”. Ok but don’t do that again or he’s going on the genuinely tweakin box.
We all saw Rook being in this section no surprise. Knows every little place you could be right now, has his eyes on you 24/7. “My love I didn’t mean to say your lips are chapped and you can use some Vaseline but the whole thing would be gone isa joke :(“ it’s not. Purposely picks out your insecurities so you can do another runaway.
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Cherry Magic Episode 12
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MY HEART IS FO FULL. This adaptation has exceeded my wildest expectations to become one of my favorite bls of all time. They really put their backs into it and gave us everything we could want for these characters, and I will always be grateful. This show managed to be a faithful manga adaptation, a loving homage to the jbl, and a fresh take on the story all at once. An amazing feat to pull off and this creative team deserves so much love and kudos.
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The way Achi and Karan have grown together over the course of this show has been fantastic to witness. I love how seriously the show took their growth, and that we got to see them put in the work to improve their communication and become a great team. Meeting the parents was a big step for them, especially because they were uncertain how their respective families would react, but I loved that they were so open with each other throughout about how they were feeling. I loved, too, that we got a contrast, with Achi's mom being so warm and loving (but still managing to get a dig in on her son, lmao) and Karan's being more avoidant and passive aggressive and needing a talking to her from her eldest child to get her shit together. I love that the drama created space for things to not go perfectly with the parents, and to show us that people can be moved to acceptance.
We got a bit of a parallel with that message in Jinta and Min's story this week, with Min's fans initially attacking Jinta, but backing off once Min named him as his faen and asked them to respect his relationship. I like the choice to model positive fan behavior, and it felt a bit pointed from this production company. Both with Pai and now with this new group of fans, the show has said consistently that being a fan should be about love and support, not control. That you can admire your idols but you also need to give them privacy. That it's not your place to judge who they love. I just love that message.
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Of course, I have to talk about the mutual proposal and the wedding. I am pretty sure Karan has been carrying that ring around in his pocket since the second day of dating, but it was such a welcome surprise to see that Achi had already made his own plans, too. The show really succeeded in taking this relationship from something that felt a little one-sided to a very mutual partnership I can believe in. I teared up when right along with Karan when Achi followed Karan's proposal with his own, and you could see how much it meant to him to know that Achi is really truly on the same page. Getting to see their wedding and the love surrounding them on their special day was the cherry (lol) on top of this fantastic love story. I also absolutely loved the wink to the jbl elevator non-kiss in the way they framed their final married couple kiss and then cut away from the bed.
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Continuing the love fest, I also love the changes this version made to the side couple's story. Min getting to fulfill his dream, Jinta being an excellent supportive partner, their agreement that they will marry someday when they're ready--it was all just lovely. The nod to the jbl pen proposal was cute, and I love that they took it a step further by drawing rings on each other. The flip in the sexual relationships was also quite welcome, with that triumphant arc reserved for the main couple in this version. Jinta ended the show with his magical powers still intact, but it didn't seem like that would be the case for long.
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As for Rock and Pai, I am happy with how the show handled their story. To the end, Pai stayed true to herself, and Rock came to know her better and understand what kind of romantic relationship he could reasonably expect from her. She will always have her head more on her ships than on her own love life, and he seems okay with it. I think you can still take an aroace read on this Pai if you choose, and I appreciate that the show made space for that. I like, too, that Pai helped Rock reconnect with his own passion for dancing and find a fun outlet for his creativity. They were another reinforcement of this show's overarching themes about the importance of kindness, support, and clear communication in relationships.
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This show left me with such a warm feeling. I'm so glad they stuck the landing, that episode 8 never happened, and that we can rewatch and remember this Cherry Magic so fondly. I never expected Thailand to go so above and beyond the original live action drama, but they have undoubtedly delivered my favorite version of this story.
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violetscanfly · 5 months
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It's been a while huh? How about a long ass trolls au post? Would that be anything?
Ok but seriously I'm obsessed with them and wrecked my sleep schedule for two nights in a row because I was having so much fun drawing them. I haven't seen any crossovers yet and I have many thoughts about how the mdzs/trolls lore works.
I was thinking about making each clan a different type of troll (the lans would fit classical so well etc but I wasn't really into the cupid aesthetic lmao) but the point of this at the beginning was just to get rid of major art block by drawing cute trolls so I just did whatever :'D
The gist of it is Wei Wuxian is a rock troll adopted into the pop troll society by the jiangs and in his yiling laozu era he fully leans into the rock side of himself that he used to suppress to fit in. I had to make Chenqing into an electric guitar, obviously, (rip wangxian duet) and he uses it to control rock zombies. As usual he gets resurrected by Mo Xuanyu (Did he die by being eaten? Maybe.) and his final form reflects both his love for pop while embracing his rock side as well. Also yes, the Jin trolls are yellow, so.
Since the Lan clan are not really classical trolls I thought they're instead more of the love ballad type of pop, (fits the lans only love once thing too!) so, very sentimental. Which makes Lan Wangji stand out by being cold and seemingly closed off while he's secretly composing love songs for Wei Wuxian. Design-wise I felt the lans would wear more layers and keep their hair tied but I wanted to differentiate the style from Wei Wuxian's ponytail so it's either a half tied up (down? since troll hair goes up??) or a bun. I thought it was funny to give Lan Wangji a huge hairpiece to keep the high hair thing going even when it's tied. Also it kinda marks his age, the taller it is the older he is. Maybe it's a status symbol as well.
I didn't really put too much though into A-Yuan since I just randomly decided to add him cause baby trolls are adorable but basically just Wen colours and the pigtails are homage to manhua A-Yuan whom I love.
Overall I tried to mix design elements from both ips and I really like how they turned out. I think that's all for now. :'D
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
auston leaving the arena and noticing you and your friends waiting outside to meet the players or sum and he’s literally like love at first sight and starts flirting and gets ur number 😭 lmao for us realistic toronto girlies obvs - ⛽️
hehe obvs😋❤️ thanks for feeding into my delusions🥰 Auston Matthews x f!reader
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You stood next to your friends, your hands in your jacket pocket as you shivered from the cold. It was near the start of the season and the weather in Toronto was getting colder by the day--fitting for the sport, but not for you as you stood outside the arena in hopes of meeting the players.
"Guys--I don't know if it's worth it anymore--"
"Y/N I don't think you get it," your friend Emily started. "If I don't meet Mitch Marner before I go back to BC--I'm gonna dig my own grave," she said with such seriousness in her voice--yet her teeth were also chattering from the cold. Emily had moved to BC soon after she got her masters and she was only back in town for a little bit for her mom's birthday and to watch the game.
She was a huge fan to say the least. Growing up watching the NHL and even playing for her local girls team. Unlike you--you had only got into it recently, never having that same influence while growing up.
"You can't reason with a girl in love," your other friend Olivia mused with a laugh. You merely roll your eyes and dig your hands further into your pocket.
"I just don't think they're gonna come ou--oh my god," you breath our, your jaw dropping as you see two men resembling Mitch and Auston in the distance coming out of a back door.
"Oh my God!!" Emily screeched, jumping up and down. "Miiiitchhh!"
Mitch being the ever sweet golden retriever he is, excitedly walked over while Auston begrudgingly dragged behind him with a sigh. He was tired, his body aching from a harsh slam he took and all he wanted was to grab dinner with Mitch at their favourite restaurant before going home and collapsing into his bed with Felix by his side.
Mitch with a wide smile, approached Emily, feeding off of her excitement as he spoke to her and entertained her with a selfie.
Meanwhile, Auston was about to let out an annoyed breath when his eyes wandered over to you, unable to tear his gaze away. He was captivated by your beauty, your warmth radiating even in the chilly evening air. As Mitch continued chatting with Emily, Auston excused himself, making his way toward you where you stood off to the side watching your friends interact.
"So you're not a fan of Mitchy's?" he teased in question playfully, causing your eyes to widen in panic.
"Oh no I--I am!" you stutter in defence, your cheeks burning up at the accusation. "I'm just a new fan and didn't wanna seem like...a fake one," you admit bashfully, looking away.
Auston smirked, his confidence radiating off of him as he watched you squirm. If he was honest, he thought it was adorable and he loved how sincere you sounded.
"You didn't grow up with the game I'm assuming?" he asked, wanting to know more about you.
"Yeah...my parents are from a hot country...hockey is probably the last sport they'd be interested in," you say with a laugh. "So that's why my knowledge is limited."
He laughed and gave you a slight nod. "Well, you don't have to worry about that with me," Auston replied, leaning casually against the wall next to you. "I won't judge you for being a new fan. In fact, I think it's great that you're getting into the sport."
You couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement as Auston continued to flirt with you. His charming smile and the way he effortlessly carried himself made it hard for you to resist his charm.
"Thanks," you replied, trying to hide your growing smile. "You're a lot more cute in person," you breathed out, your cheeks heating up immensely at your admission.
Auston's smirk widened, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, so now we're moving on to compliments, huh?" he teased, his voice laced with playful sarcasm. "Well, I have to say, you're not so bad yourself. Actually, you're more than just cute. You're downright stunning."
Your heart fluttered at his words, a blush spreading across your cheeks. You had never expected Auston Matthews, a professional hockey player and known heartthrob, to flirt with you so openly. It was an exhilarating feeling, and you found yourself getting caught up in the moment.
As you go to respond, Mitch walks over and interrupts. "Hey--I made the rounds. We can go now."
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from Auston, feeling a mix of disappointment and anticipation for what could have been. Mitch's interruption reminded you that this encounter was likely just a fleeting moment, and you had to make the most of it.
"It was nice meeting you," you smiled.
Mitch looked between the two of you with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow, catching on to the flirty tension. "Wait--aren't you gonna introduce me to your new friend?" he teased.
At that, Auston's eyes widened. "Shit--I never caught your name," he pointed out with a bashful smile. Mitch rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Y/N," you giggled in response.
"Did you at least get her number?" Mitch asked, Auston shaking his head no. "Dude! It's like you have no game!"
"I was working on it!" Auston exclaimed.
Mitch scoffed and shook his head in feign disappointment as he snatched Auston's phone out of his hand, unlocking it and opening up his contacts. "No clearly you've lost your skills and I gotta be your dating coach now," he continued to tease, before he handed the phone to you to put in your information.
You continued to giggle as you did just that while Auston blushed madly.
As you entered your name and number into Auston's phone, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Mitch's playful teasing added to the lighthearted atmosphere, and you found yourself growing more comfortable in their presence.
"There you go, Auston," you said with a mischievous smile as you handed the phone back to him. "Now you can call or text me anytime."
Auston's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, but he flashed you a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. I'll definitely be in touch."
Mitch raised an eyebrow and nudged Auston. "See, buddy? It's not that hard."
Auston rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in his expression. "Yeah, yeah, Coach Marner. I'll try to step up my game."
You looked off to the side, noticing your friends were now the ones waiting for you. "I think I've gotta go...like I said, it was nice meeting you," you smiled, taking the courage to step forward and press a light kiss to his cheek. "You guys played amazing tonight," you say softly and with sincerity.
As you pulled away from the gentle kiss on Auston's cheek, you noticed a flicker of surprise in his eyes, followed by a genuine smile. "I'll text you."
"I'll hold you to it, Matthews."
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moraxrkive · 6 months
ƞsʄw ɑlpɦɑbet witɦ: ɱiƙɑsɑ
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cw: this whole post is nsfw, so yeah... title is self-explanatory, lol. canon!universe, post-war mikasa, sapphic mikasa, female!reader, feeding kink (?) (not really confirmed, but it is mentioned so...). MINORS AND NON-WLW DNI. a/n: i'm not from the US, so i had to search how to convert bra sizes, so i'm sorry if it's wrong, i'm not used to this way of measuring chest.
mikasa is really good at aftercare, always making sure to take care of you with whatever you need: water, snacks, a massage, and even a bath. you name it, she does it. her personal favorite is massages: she loves both massaging you and receiving massages, she loves the contrast between the previous sexual touches and these softer ones.
i personally believe her favorite body part on herself is her arms. after years of fighting (not to mention her ability to carry those thunder spears), her arms are pretty big. she secretly loves that it’s so easy to swoop you directly into her arms, and how easy it is to just pick you up whenever she feels like it.
when it comes to you, her favorite body part of yours is your thighs. i can 100% see her being a thighs person. she loves them, she loves to kiss, bite and grab them. dare i say, she has wet dreams specifically about your thighs, but she’ll never admit it out loud. she’s obsessed.
our dear mikasa is a little shy when it comes to cumming. she doesn't like to cum on your face, even if you say 100x it's ok, she just doesn't feel like it. she feels as if it would make you dirty, and, to her, sex is something to make you feel good. she only cums either against your pussy or on your fingers (curiously, she doesn't complain if you make her suck your cum-stained fingers. huh)
i'm sorry to the fans of dirty talk out there, but our dear mikasa is not a fan of it. like i said, she thinks sex is something to make you feel good, to make you feel loved. she's not wrong, of course. that's why she absolutely refuses to call you anything degrading. the maximum she can do is something along the lines of "you look cute when you're desperate". do not expect more from here.
dear mikasa is not experienced. with all the stress and trauma from the war, eren's death and just the overwhelming discover of how the world really is (consequently, how her whole life was a lie), her libido was pratically nonexistent. pratically. once in a blue moon, she would engage in some private time for herself, touching herself silently in the dark of the night, but still a virgin. you were her first and, honestly, she hopes you'll also be her last.
100% scissoring. she loves the eye contact you two make during it. to mikasa, intimacy and romance are the most important parts of sex, so expect her to be clingy during it. also expect a lot of eye contact, she loves looking at you, seeing that she's the one making you feel good.
not goofy at all. mikasa takes sex very seriously, it's a very important part of your relationship. but i can't deny if you made a joke or two, she would let out a chuckle. only a chuckle, though.
canonically speaking, i think none of the women in aot shave lmao. they have better priorities honestly. therefore, expect mikasa to have a black bush of hairs down there. they're relativately thin, comparing to how most pubic hairs are, but still there.
mikasa LOVES intimacy. after killing the boy she had been loving for years, she started to prioritize intimacy in her life and, of course, that means total investment in her relationship with you. even when it comes to things not sex-related, she just wants to feel your love and show you how much she loves you. mikasa is a woman with a heart full of love, and how lucky you are for being the one she loves.
previously, she didn't have the habit, like i mentioned before. after you two started dating, and the terrors of the war started to wear off, tiny bit by tiny bit, mikasa allowed herself to feel sexual desire again. so she rediscovered masturbation, and she doesn't regret it: it allows her to discover new spots on her body that send shivers down her spine, and she's happy to share her discoveries with you.
i don't really think mikasa is a kinky person. that doesn't mean she's not open to try new things with you, though. one thing she discovered she likes, for example, is overstimulation. she likes to see you begging for her to let you cum. she likes to know she's the one in control of your pleasure.
another thing i believe mikasa enjoys a lot is mirror sex. you're the first woman she's ever been with, don't blame her for being curious! she likes to see her fingers going in and out of you. she also enjoys to see you eating her out in the mirror. (she also secretly likes to see herself lost in pleasure. it reminds her of how all the nightmare is over now, and she can lower her guard and indulge herself in this but, hey, you'll never see her admiting this out loud.)
sex is for the house and the house only. mikasa is against doing it in public, or in any circumstance that might get you two caught. your sexual lives are for your eyes only, mikasa prefers to die than let anyone see you in such an intimate state.
that doesn't mean some hands here and there don't happen. when she's in a particular good mood, she can give your ass a squeeze or two, but nothing beyond that.
mikasa is still rediscovering her libido and her sexuality, so that's why she doesn't really have a specific reason to have sex with you. sure, sometimes you might wear something sexy to tease her, or bend down a little too much near her, but most of the time... perhaps just your presence is enough to get her going. she just wants to be with you in the most intimate way possible, so give her some love, will you?
N - NO
mikasa will never degrade you nor be rough with you. her life has been filled with violence since her childhood, demanding aggressiveness from her to simply survive. ever since the end of the rumbling, mikasa promised to herself she would never be violent again, only if she deemed extremely necessary, and you are the last person in the whole world she ever wants to do something violent with.
mikasa LOVES oral!!! both receiving and giving. she was a little bit intimated at first, not only because she was a virgin, but also because she was performing oral on another woman! she felt like she needed to know what to do, since she's also a woman, but you calmed her down and guided her. since then, mikasa got hooked.
when she's giving, she loves the way you squirm under her, it makes her feel proud of herself, since she's the one making you feel so good. she likes seeing you so relaxed and letting go.
when she's receiving, she likes to hold your hand. it's a reminder that you are the one making her feel good. it's also a reminder to herself, how she can allow herself to let go and break free from all the mental strains she has.
mikasa likes long-duration sex, so she's not rushing anything. dear mikasa takes her time taking off your clothes, kissing your body and caressing it. to her, you're a work of art, and she's glad she's the one who has the privilege to appreciate you with eyes, hands and mouth. you can bet she'll take her sweet time going through your body.
with that being said... she hates quickies. you two tried doing it once, and she hated it. she hated how rushed and messy it was, not to mention she didn't get to appreciate your body the way it deserves to be. so, no, mikasa doesn't tolerate quickies.
not taking any risk. mikasa is a very private and quiet person, but she's also very jealous. the mix of all these 3 traits are the reason you two won't do anything outside the house, not even on your backyard. sex belongs only inside the house, more specifically in your bed.
mikasa is an ex-soldier, you know she has stamina. even if the war has worn off of her and her belly is a little chubbier rather than the hard abs she had in the past, her stamina is still there. she can easily handle 4, maybe 5 rounds before she needs to stop to catch a breath, but, of course, if you can't handle all of those, she's not going to force you.
toys are not her priority in the bedroom, but I can't see why she wouldn't enjoy them. you are the one who brings toys to sex, and she's not opposed to it. she likes seeing their different features, and also the different reactions they can get out of you.
she wouldn't be opposed to you using some toys on her, of course. just don't expect it to happen frequently.
out of the two of you, you're the one who teases her honestly. 99% of the time, it's your doing, but that 1%... that 1% it's when mikasa is feeling really needy. it's when she puts on revealing clothes and bends down in front of you, making sure you can see her boobs perfectly. she also sits on your lap and innocently grinds against you.
she doesn't tease you often, but when she does... you're in for a long ride.
mikasa is pretty vocal in bed. she doesn't moan loudly, she's vocal in the meaning of always telling you that "you fell so good, love" or letting you know that you're doing something she's enjoying a lot. poor girl can't keep her mouth shut, she'll always be praising you, telling you how much she loves you and how good she feels.
"m-mikasa..." you moan as you feel her featherlight touches on your neck, just the tip of her fingers. she purposely scratches your neck with her trimmed nails, just to see you shiver.
"shh, my love, take another one" she says, pushing a grape against your lips. she watches as your eyes get half lidded, taking the grape inside and grazing your teeth against the tip of her fingers.
mikasa has you sitting down on a chair. she's sitting on your lap, feeding you grapes. oh, and you're both naked. and she also has your hands tied behind your back.
"that's it... you're doing good, such a good girl for me" she whispers against your ear, kissing right under it, on that spot she knows it's so sensitive and makes you gasp and arch your body towards her.
you're breathless. you have no idea how long it has been since this little teasing game of hers began, all you know is how frustrated you feel right now. you can feel your neglected pussy aching between your legs, begging for attention.
you never took her as the type to have a feeding kink.
eh, maybe she doesn't even have it. maybe she's just in the mood to tease you.
"mika..." you whine once she puts another grape against your lips, silently demanding you to open them up. "p-please..." at this point, you don't even know what you're begging for. you just need her to do anything, anything at all.
"I know my love, I know" she kisses your neck "but you've been acting so good, you can handle more for me, can't you? you're my good girl, aren't you?"
just between us, you have no idea if you can handle more teasing, but hey, you'll never know if you never try.
mikasa has big breasts, easily 42C. she's very neutral about them, but you? oh, you make up for it. always buring your head on her chest and lapping at them. it makes her flustrered and shy but, hey, it's her fault for having such big boobs, right? how can you act normally when it looks like they are staring at you and begging you to suck them! as for her pussy, it's hairy, like i mentioned. it has a pretty pink color, lips not too big or too small, just the perfect size. her clit is on the bigger side, which makes things more interesting for the both of you, giving how easy it is to stimulate her.
you two have a healthy sex life, and have sex surprisingly frequently. 3x a week, even 5x a week if one of you is feeling needy. the best thing is when both of you get needy at the same time: you'll have sex literally everyday. the only time things die down a little is when mikasa or you get a period. she used to be embarassed to have sex when she was on her period, saying "it's disgusting" or "i'll get the bed dirty". but, once you tried it, she saw how it soothed her cramps, and - since she was sensible - how the sensations were enhanced. so now, you two are not against having sex while on your periods anymore.
our pretty girl falls asleep easily after sex lol. do not be fooled, she's not trying to avoid pillow talk (she loves them), her body is just asking her to find comfort in your cuddle. mikasa likes to fall asleep right after sex because she enjoys feeling the warmth of your body pressed against hers. she truly thinks your arms are her real home, and who are you to say they aren't?
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
HeadCanons for DogDay x CatNap,
No seriously- PLEASE have mercy on me there are SO MANY COMMISSIONS-
I absolutely adore the Sleepyday ship name.
I think we can all agree on why the fandom took this ship by storm. I mean, come on, it's literally opposites attract. I may not personally like or even come as close to agreeing to the in-game Dogday and Catnap (since it's either fucked up or even more fucked up in every sense) BUT THE CARTOON VERSIONS? OH MY GOSH. CUTIES. ABSOLUTE CUTIES.
Literally extrovert x introvert.
They are like gay without knowing what gay means. They just think that whenever someone brings it up they mean "happy". As in "happy friends".
Call me crazy but I LOVE my headcanon of Catnap knowing ASL either just because of knowledge OR because this man is so quiet people think he is a mute, which for him is good, and saves him a bunch of time. And besides, why talk when you happy go-happy Dogday to come along and talk for you?
They're so boyfriends I LOVE THEM! I'm pretty sure they'd be completely confused if they ever got to hear the myth that "cats and dogs hate each other"
PDA?... EEeeeh.. depends, on whether Catnap is awake at the moment?
I heavily am basing myself off from AO3 fanfic I read and absolutely adore, but CATNAP AS A NOCTORNAL GUY IS THE BEST HEADCANON EVER!!!
They outta have a picnic date someday where Catnap is trying out vanilla cupcakes and Dogday lavender tea.
I'd say that Catnap, on rare occasions, of course, likes to show very subtle and rather gentle affections like holding hands, intertwining fingers, locking arms or wrapping a tail around Dogday's leg. Meanwhile, Dogday is just: "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭😭😭" on the inside.
Dogday when asked if he likes Catnap: "W-what? OOOoooh! OH! Uh-.. that! Heheh, well it DEPENDS you know? I mean... As in, like like or like liking like? BECAUSE- don't get me wrong! I LIKE Catnap! I like ALL of you! But I kind of.. like... like... like-" and that just goes on and on for hours.
Catnap when asked if he likes Dogday: "I love him. Why do you wanna know?" ever so casually. No hesitation.
Ngl the way I worded that last headcanon now sounds like that one line of Jessica Rabbit saying "he makes me laugh" LMAO.
OH MY GOSH. HEAR ME OUT YA'LL. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. WOULDN'T CATNAP LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS IN A DRESS? Okay. Yeah, no, I changed my mind, he would be all sassy throughout it. Yup... but at least Dogday is content.
They adore astrology, wanna know why? Because that's the one thing they commonly love. While everyone else has no idea what they're talking about.
I'm so normal for them. BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THEM AH-
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Curious about MCYT with a partner that's usually calm and collected, suddenly being super angry at someone bothering them, maybe almost fighting the person brothering them? (Btw i really love your writing, it's super fun to read!!)
ooooo okay !! I see the vision, hopefully I pulled it off LMAO ; also thank you so much!! that means so much to me, I feel like my writings really corny and dumb sometimes and too boring so thank you, it means a lot to me 🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; fire in the twilight
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, & quackity
warnings ; language, talk about SA/perverts/men being weird
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you're a very calm person
but when you get mad you get maddddd
he's surprised you haven't beaten the shit out of him yet
someone was being kinda weird at a meet and greet at vidcon and you were already stressed and overstimulated from taking pictures with everyone and signing merch and youtooz (guys should I try buying the slimecicle plushie? I don't wanna support a bad company but he's so cute :()
someone took a picture of you stretching where your shirt lifted a bit and showed off your midsection
Tommy saw and immediately called them out while you were taking a solo pic w a fan
when you heard him you just froze and nearly yelled
"Hey, please delete that. out of your trash too, seriously"
"Dude, fucking delete that shit. that's not okay, actually."
you end up nearly beating the shit out of the person....
then comes the Twitch apology 😭😭
you nearly went into a spiral explaining that it's never okay to take photos of ppl without them knowing, no matter when or where
he feels really bad for you but you're able to sit down and calm down to your usual self 🫶🫶🫶
you got really heated while you got matched up with a bigot random on valorant
you were playing with Tommy and Tubbo on squads
this mf set you OFF
they were talking some homophobic, transphobic, racist ass shit and you just lost it
you were READY for this bitch bro
Tommy and tubbo just sat back in silence because they knew you were gonna go off
"one, why do you trust your fuckass government so much?? two, your statements are completely wrong, it takes one google search. three, you're a bitch edge lord, four, no, I don't think I'm cool because I'm a streamer with a platform. five, you're completely wrong about gay people in general, you're doing the exact same thing being a Bible thumper right now. six, shut up! who fucking cares? how much of a loser do you have to be to hate people so much?"
the random just left out of embarrassment and you have to sit afk for a moment and catch your breath
"You okay, y/n?" tubbo asks
dude them and all your chats are worried about you bro
"yeah, sorry. that just... fuck, like, how are people so hateful?"
he reposts a clip of it on tik tok afterward LMAO
genuinley thanks you a little while after you properly calm down because it would've gotten bad if you didn't go off
gives you a little hug and stuff
"thanks for being my little guard dog"
you were getting fed up with how people were treating you and them online and just kinda lost it on stream
your chat was filled with assholes wondering where people were and why you hadn't publicly talked to them in over 12 hours and what your plans with everything were etc etc
"Dude, please stop. all of you. for weeks this has been going on, stop putting me and ranboo on these pedestals and expecting shit from us. seriously, it's horrible for both of us and our health. if you wanna see Tubbo or Tommy, go watch them! they're both live right now. Seriously, it's not funny and it's not gonna make us pump out more content and do what you want. we're people too, we get sad and burned out and tired. eventually content creation gets unfun and you won't get what you want. behave yourselves and do better. we don't owe you anything"
ranboo literally tears up a bit because he was watching the stream in the other room and could hear you, and you were visibly tearing up
you could feel your hands shaking and you just kind of ended the stream because you were so worked up and didn't wanna do it anymore
he immediately wrapped you in a hug because you were just so angry
gave you a pillow to punch and left you be for a while
you're usually very calm but your emotions exploded when you were bottling it up too much
they understood that but their heart bled for you after that, especially w all the hate that came from it :/
people were throwing things at you on stage during Tommy's live show
you played it off as jokes and were fine with jt because they were doing it sneakily in a fun way, roses, kandi bracelets, plushies etc, until someone threw their bra at you
"Okay, can we not?" You scrunch your eyebrows, looking into the crowd as you throw the bra back into the crowd. "That's fucked, don't ever do that again, learn event etiquette. never throw your bras on a fucking stage, it's weird and disgusting"
Freddie looks over at you, standing next to Tommy, giving you a "Holy shit are you okay?" look while also looking for the culprit trying to get their bra back
Tommy instantly stopped the show to reprimand the person
meanwhile Freddie was whispering to you to make sure you were okay
you were pissed but put your big kid pants on and continued the show
you apologized on Twitter after the show because you were really loud and kind of humiliated the people but you were justified with the situation
the people (and the girl who owned the bra) apologized and the situation was over
Freddie feels so bad bc you're so calm and laid back but ppl always have to test your limits :(
people were filming you two out in public and taking pictures and you kinda lost it that they weren't listening to niki, telling them to kindly stop
"can you stop taking pictures? she's uncomfortable, please stop." you speak in a stern voice
the fans just like stare at you in shock because you're usually very calm and chill and you basically yelled at them (you reprimanded them because one it's the law two you both didn't want to be disturbed on your walk)
you're in a miserable mood the whole way home because yk how twitters gonna act when they see that
you quickly make a statement before any video leaks or anything, addressing the situation and apologizing to the strangers
ppl got ur back tho and showed support considering they were filming you on a nice walk without consent
she feels so bad seeing you get upset about it and feels like it's her fault
lots of reassuring her that it's never her fault and you're always happy to defend her and you don't mind getting a little loud to defend her
you got really upset with someone harassing a bunch of creators during the qsmp Brazil meetup
"Dude, leave them alone. they don't want to take a picture with you and they don't owe you anything! you're being creepy to all those women right now, do you not realize that or something?"
you were furious seeing that many on your friends, even while on a trip, couldn't just not be harassed by men
the weirdo scurried off but you were literally this close to fighting the fucker
you were seething dude, like, shaking because you were so astonished someone could actually be that pushy and that much of a dick over a picture
Alex wrapped you in a tight hug and just squeezed you until you calmed down while the poor people who were harassed had reassured you that they were okay and that they appreciated and thanked you for standing up for them
Alex genuinley apologizes because the way you reacted just proved to him that you definitely are calm and laid back but when you got angry, you got angry
he feels so bad because you had to stand up for your friends and watch them be harassed and shit
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duckchu · 7 months
Duckyyyy, I seriously need a change from the KDA!reader stuff going around, could I mayhaps beg of you for anything romantic with whatever heartsteel boy you feel like writing for with a Pentakill reader?
(I seriously recommend listening to Pentakill if you like old metal, I can also help give a brief description of Pentakill if you need it)
While Pentakill is (musically) my least favourite band from lol, I'm a Sona main and a Mordekaiser simp, I know them by heart, 🎃 (this sounds way more threating than it was meant to lmao) (and I do not know them by heart, I just love Sona and Mordekaiser and would very much enjoy being stuffing to a sandwich if they're the bread if you know what I mean
And you know what? I'm feeling like writing them all so enjoy my lovely pumpkin
Also sorry for kinda insterting Battle Academia Yone in there but I couldn't stop myself
Enjoy 🖤
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(mmm wife gif)
You're a hottie AND you're in THE Pentakill? He was instantly hooked on you when you two met
Though you weren't as keen on him, thinking of him as just another fanboy
After some time of him bugging you and trying to impress you as much as he can, you warmed up to him
Eventually landing yourself into a relationship with him
Everyone in both bands thought you two were just a short phase
But then the public learned about you
And my god, was it a storm
Especially since everyone suspected you were dating someone...more like you
But you two are still going strong
He loves your style, especially if your outfits include some chains (he's a kinky man what can I say)
Though he also enjoys your style outside of the stage, no matter how much it differs from your metal queen image
Honestly he just loves when you look happy
Probably wrote a few songs about you, which he will never show you, since he thinks you're too cool for love songs
Honestly? Wasn't interested at the beginning
You're from Pentakill? Ok, don't care
Honestly you were the one who fell first
He had no idea, untill he noticied you telling Sona you thought he was cute using sing language
After that he started noticing you in his surroundings more often
Especially if you wore tight clothes
I mean he's not a pervert, but you look really good
Finally Alune made him realise he's in love
Oh shit he is
So after some time to gather courage he goes in an confesses
Thought it wouldn't be a problem to do it in front of Kayle, since why would she know sing language
He may be stupid but you still love him
But rumours spread fast
So next day the press was on the asses of both of you
Honestly doesn't care. He loves you and that's what matters
Though the rest of Heartsteel might care
Oh well
You two met before Pentakill was even a thing
So he isn't intimated by you being in the band
He's actually very happy for you
Though he does miss the days when you two were just teenagers and could hang out more frequently
Especially since now you usually were with the band or touring
I mean he was happy with you
But he might not have gotten past his little high school crush on you
Ah, the old days, when he thought dying his hair pink would impress you
Now he knew he just had to tell you that he liked you in that special way
You two might have lost some time, but now you have plenty of it to make up for it~
Him? With you? Nooo, this had to be joke
A joke so good Karthus spilled his morning coffe out laughing
Oh wait, you actually were? Oh shit
No one ever thought the intimidating metal diva would be with someone like him
Everyone was sure he would be dating another popstar to break up after a week
But it's been half a year since the news broke out and you two are still going strong
He loves seeing you on stage
You're so...
He secretly wants you to step on him and call you mommy
But he can hold back
For now
Holy shit
The hottie from Pentakill
And him
It's like a dream come true
Although he is worried what his mom will think
She doesn't care
As long as you treat him well, she will welcome you with open arms
Sett loves how ferocious you are
He finds it so hot how intimidating you look on stage
Especially since you have such an effect, even against Mordekaiser and Yorick, who look...well scary
Won't tell you that, but you inspired him so much
He just loves when you mix up your stage style and home style
Like wearing just a normal blouse with that gorset belt? You look great!
He of course loves you for so much more
For example how you always take care of him
Turning into a big softie whenever he needs your help
Or the way your eyes light up when you see in the crowd at a concert
Though the music is not his taste, he will do anything for his partner
He won't admit it, but in the depths of his files there's a whole set of outfits he designed for Pentakill, inspired by you of course
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genericpuff · 3 months
Genuinely I would give anything to hear your thoughts or read more critical analysis of yours on other webcomics writing (*slides you Marionetta* I like the webtoon but there are some things in the writing that I'd like to see be discussed critically more often but the fandom focuses way too much on shipping. sighs..)
Anyway, you probably have been asked this before but are there any webtoons in particular you would recommend? :D
Oh lord, you don't know how many times a week I get asks in my inbox asking for my opinions on webtoons they're reading. It's really sweet that people wanna hear me talk about other works outside of LO, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read as much as I used to, even keeping up on LO lately is getting really difficult 😅 I'm definitely keeping a list though of works to check out!
That said, I try not to read series on the basis of criticizing them because frankly I just... don't want to spend time reading something if people are only looking for me to rag on it? 😆 Of course I know that's not the only reason, I know there's also just the element of seeing me talk extensively about other works the way that I do with LO, but it's not really something I can turn on and off like that, I have to get really into a series to want to talk about it to that extent. So it often comes down to just luck of the draw :'0
Right now the series I'm keeping up the most on (or have completed and would absolutely 100% re-read):
Alfie (18+, it's porn with plot but the plot is REALLY GOOD , I SWEAR LMAO the art is gorgeous, the characterization is IMMACULATE, and it ironically tackles the subject of purity culture way better than LO ever has lol)
Theia Mania (the creator is often in my comment section / neck of the woods, she's been working on an Abduction of Persephone retelling for a long while now and has also tackled other myth retellings in her style! I always love seeing new pages of her work in my feed :' ) <3)
Tales from Alderwood (if you like fantasy and comedy, this one's great, the plot's really starting to get interesting and it's just got this really great sense of humor about it)
The Black Parade (this one's REALLY interesting, it's a comic-stylized version of My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade, using the songs as narration and sometimes even dialogue to tell a visual story, it's really cool and the art matches beautifully with the lyrics and style of MCR!)
A Tale of Two Rulers (this is a Legend of Zelda fancomic that poses the question, "What if Zelda and Ganondorf got married to solve their political crisis?" It updates a lot slower than most of the other comics I follow but the art and writing is so worth it <3)
Dogs of Future Past (and p much all of Lynx's Undertale comics which can be found in the link, seriously, THESE are the comics you wanna read if you wanna get into Undertale fanworks, they are PEAK)
Tamberlane (this one's an anthro comic, I normally don't read anthro but this one actually gripped me by the throat, the art is gorgeous and the character arcs so far have been great!)
The Mafia Nanny (okay it's legit so funny that I'm including this one here but I've been reading it the last couple days after seeing it basically beat out LO at the top of the trending tab for a couple days, so I figured I'd give it a shot, at first I was like "great more tropey shit" but the more I read it the more it's actually started to get pretty good, I'm holding out and hoping to god it stays that way LOL it's not especially deep or anything like that, but it's really fun and cute to read and the shipping of the main character within the narrative isn't too self-absorbed which I can always appreciate, I'd honestly be 100% fine with it if it didn't turn into a romance)
City of Blank (I talk about this one a lot here, but it's one of my favorite Originals right now, the art is super polished and the writing has gotten INTENSE, go check it out if you want some fun action / sci-fi storytelling!)
Time and Time Again (a time-travelling vampire and his werewolf boyfriend get into all kinds of misadventures, what more could you ask for?)
Touch of Divinity (like the Mafia Nanny, this is one I just started reading, it's got a very interesting premise so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes!)
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