#but i think of the night island whenever i see those loves you island/hates you island/whatever island posts
lestatslestits · 2 years
Hey Daniel I’m on the Night Island when are you coming back (of your own accord, through no influence of mine btw)? I’m watching Blade Runner and blending things
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rippersz · 7 months
𝙰𝚕𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞 + 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙰𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜) (SLIGHTLY NSFW):
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They are busy busy business ladies. Alcina runs the Dimitrescu Vineyard and often encounters all of the complexities that come with owning a company, while Larissa runs Nevermore and deals with her own pile of tasks each day. They’re fiercely independent like that, but even the strongest, tallest, most intelligent businesswomen have to find solace somewhere. In this case, it’s found in each other… and in you.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Quality Time. Physical Touch is a close third. She hates not spending time with both of you and does whatever she can to free up her schedule. It’s difficult, but she manages because you two are worth it. And date nights, vacations, even little trips to town are the things that keep her happy and smiling. She’s always the first to suggest you all go somewhere, and even if you or Alcina are especially tired, you fall prey to her big glittering blue eyes. As soon as her face falls and she starts to pout, Alcina makes a show of covering your eyes and her own with her hands.
“Oh draga (darling in Romanian) don’t look now. She’ll tempt us. Drag us off to Hell. She’s utterly insatiable.” And you’ll giggle while Larissa’s expression falls sharp and her eyebrow ticks up. “Hell? You don’t think I’m an angel?” And Alcina can only roll her eyes before pushing you off to grab your jersey while she swipes an arm around Larissa’s waist and brings her into a kiss. “You are an angel. Sometimes.” “And other times?” They both grin. “The most wicked devil I know.”
Her gifts are also always from the heart. Very sentimental, like a well-written card, or a niche thing from the Jericho antique shop that she thinks you’d like. For Alcina, it could be a very ornate wine opener, and for you it could be an old broach or a locket big enough to put a picture of your family in.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s top two love languages are Gift Giving and Physical Touch. Acts of Service is a close third. The truth is, she has a lot of money. A lot. Like a lot. And she is eager to show it off and spoil you two. Now Larissa is just as proud a woman, and enjoys her freedom and independence to pick out her own wardrobe, but Alcina can’t help herself. Larissa returned home one time and Alcina instantly rushed in to wrap a beautiful Parisian fur coat around her shoulders. It was the perfect size, the perfect length. Larissa wears it every winter, even if she told Alcina that she didn’t have to. It came with matching gloves, but Larissa slips those onto your hands so you two can match when you go out together. And as for yourself, her special little darling, she’ll seek out the things you’ve mentioned (even in very brief passing) that you liked. Oh that cute little trinket you saw in an Instagram advertisement? Suddenly it’s on the kitchen island waiting for you with a little note from ‘Yours, ~ A. D.’ - She signs her initials like that every time. You and Larissa keep them in a hidden box. It’s nearly full.
And I don’t think it really comes as a surprise when I say Alcina is a big admirer of physical touch with her loved ones. She is fiercely protective and vain, so she adores showing you off as the two women on her arm, but if someone stares for a little two long, her gaze burns her through sunglasses. The bright gold always startles normies. So this usually means she walks in the middle of you two whenever you’re out, with both of you on each arm. But if Larissa’s the one who is treating you all, she walks in the middle and struts around proudly.
ʚ♡ɞ You wanted to do it one time, just to see what it was like, and you looked like a young woman with your lesbian mothers. It was very embarrassing. They teased you HEAVILY. Every shop you went into, it was always “Oh what about this sweetheart? Do you want this for your room? Right next to your diploma?” Or “Oh this frame would be perfect. We could put it with your school pictures love, what do you think?” - You got so frustrated and flustered that you walked right off and it took them 5 minutes to realize you had literally walked away further down the street. Alcina scented you out and came to find you in a perfume store, trying to hide your smell. When they got there, you glared until they agreed they’d never do it again (but sometimes it slips in when they’re feeling wicked).
ʚ♡ɞ Now of course that does lead to power dynamics- which are very much a thing in this relationship. When it comes to Alcina Dimitrescu’s involvement, there will always be power dynamics. She is very not normal about her control issues, but that’s okay. You love her anyway. And Larissa learns to accept that it is both a blessing and a curse. She has to spend a lot of her own days in control, but it’s not necessarily by choice all the time. Before you two, she was very lonely and had to compensate with work, but now that she is with you, she has the opportunity to relinquish some of the control and responsibility that comes with the job. Thank goodness Alcina is all too eager to pick up the slack.
ʚ♡ɞ In terms of personality dominance, those two definitely take the cake. It is, to an extent, a good cop bad cop dynamic, but they do agree on a lot of things. Like they agree you’re adorable. And beautiful and handsome. And that they want you. In many more ways than one. And also they agree that giving you your privacy is just as important as having their own. The last thing they want to do, especially Alcina, is to infantilize you. In the beginning, Larissa had to sit Alcina down for a very difficult discussion to explain her own behavior to herself. She pointed out that Alcina sort of suffocated you a bit, which was true. She was quite controlling—always wanting to be by your side, always preparing you for the worst. CLEARLY she has some trauma, but you get through it. Alcina is eternally grateful that Larissa felt confident enough to speak to her. Past partners have been forced into submissive silence by their own fear because Alcina is such a strong force of a woman. She is very loving, but can be harsh.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa, on the other hand, is a doting lover. She texts your group chat every free second she gets. Sends you a picture of her meal in the privacy of her office to thank you for making lunch. You always respond with hearts or suggest the three of you call while you go about your lunch hour. She suggested you three try syncing up the time so you could see each other and spend a bit more time together - seeing as you all get home rather late sometimes. Alcina joins the call a bit later but greets you with warm hellos and asks how her “Sweet girls” are doing. Larissa is also the type to buy flowers. She adores them. Some people think it’s silly because they’ll just die if not taken care of, but she doesn’t think so. She comes home with bouquets in hand to make up for a stressful week or a particular stretch of time in which you three can’t see each other often. If Alcina goes away on a business trip, she’ll welcome her back with black roses and so many red kisses that the poor woman almost falls over. If you’re stumbling through the door at midnight after a long day doing whatever it is you do (I’m thinking business analyst or perhaps even owning your own shop), then she waits up and gives you a little single rainbow rose still in the plastic because she knows you like the novelty of it. Oh and kisses too of course.
ʚ♡ɞ That being said, you’re sort of the morally grey cop in the cop dynamic. Rarely do any of you do something to truly piss each other off or upset each other, but it does happen. If you somehow upset Alcina, Larissa sits you down for a chat while Alcina rants in the background. Alci is very passionate and does have a temper, but for all of her bluster and bark, a quick “Alcina, sit” from Larissa has her growling, rubbing her temples, and taking a seat in the living room with you two. From that point on, it’s only a matter of discussion. Alcina has a habit of keeping her feelings to herself until she blows up, but Larissa is very preemptive. She KNOWS such habits amongst you all could possibly ruin your relationship, so she tries her hardest to keep the peace. You and Alcina argue, but Larissa talks you through it until the calm is restored.
ʚ♡ɞ If they piss you off or upset you, you have a very difficult time talking to them about it. You’re a soft-hearted person for them and the last thing you want is to cause a rift, but if you don’t come to them about it first, they WILL find out. Your two lovers are extremely intelligent and very observant. Alcina can tell something is off by the slightest falter in your beating heart and Larissa can tell something is off if you speak a single word in a different tone. To them, you are an open book. And they know that they’re intimidating at times. Larissa is a sweetheart, yes, but her irritation is brutal. And Alcina is… Alcina. So it can be (understandably) quite hard. That’s why you’ve taken to texting them before they get home, asking them to chat in the living room or the bedroom. And if not that, then you speak to them separately. You go to their offices, sit and sort it out as best you can, and then the three of you regroup later. It’s the healthiest option…… but it doesn’t always work. You can get very insecure being with these two literal otherworldly women, so sometimes you just shut down instead. Hide within your thoughts and occupy yourself until you can’t anymore. It happened once where you were so upset and anxious that you stayed at your office and fell asleep. Larissa and Alcina were shit scared. They went searching for you there of course, and Alcina carried you to the car before Larissa drove you three home. It was a stressful experience but after you all talked it out in the morning, you promised to try and be more open - but only if they did the same.
ʚ♡ɞ HOWEVER, if you two somehow manage to piss off or upset Larissa Weems, it is Hell for you both. All three of you have a distinct bond that can’t be broken even with the sharpest of scissors. You’re all linked in some individual way, and it’s lovely, but it also means that you’re very soft on each other. And you and Alcina have a silent understanding that although Larissa can take care of herself, she is also highly deserving of all of the protection and love you give her. Meaning you don’t want to add to her stress. But when you do—she is a slow simmering ball of emotions. She may be loud at Nevermore when faced with Wednesday, but when it comes to her lovers, she just gets a bit disappointed. And that is something you and Alcina can’t handle. So when that happens, and she isn’t the one to put it back together or demand you all sit down and talk, that means you and Alci have to do the heavy lifting. So you do. Alcina pours glasses of wine, you put on some music, and the three of you sit in silence either working on your laptops or indulging in some hobbies until Larissa finally speaks up. She just needs to be in your presence, to recognize your quiet understanding that something is wrong, before she really gets into it. And after that, you of course make it a point to never repeat whatever it is you did to make her upset. And Alcina pulls her into her arms while you hug her from the back because you know Larissa appreciates the attention, the affection, and the warmth. Then you kiss. A lot. A lot a lot. Smooch smooch smooch muah muah muah.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Larissa, she answers with a “Hello, darling” because she always checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ When you call Alcina, she answers with an “Alcina speaking.” because she never checks the caller ID before picking up.
ʚ♡ɞ You and Larissa called her once in the past and she answered with her usual, hard-toned greeting. When you and Larissa mocked her with a high-pitched “aLciNa sPeaKing”, she hung up and blocked your number for five minutes. Sometimes, you’re still tempted to do it.
ʚ♡ɞ You steal their perfumes and shampoos. One time, Alcina used Larissa’s conditioner and ever since, Larissa asks her if she should order two bottles of her hair care instead of one. Alcina just rolls her eyes and reaches out to grab her. Larissa goes scurrying away, letting out a yelp and a laugh. 
When they cuddle you and smell their products, they only grin and pull you closer. They want you to share their things. And also you’re just too lazy to keep your own stocked.
ʚ♡ɞ Your kisses with Larissa, just you two, are sweet and slow. They last a long time and usually lead to wandering hands and a lot of lipstick marks. Larissa happily leaves marks and hickies on you, but the three of you understand that she can’t have the same. If someone at her job saw that, they’d probably complain. But below the clothes, she’s painted to high heaven. Alcina does, after all, have a very voracious appetite. She spends a lot of time kissing and marking because it soothes the dragon in her. And Larissa is just the same when it comes to you specifically. The marks never take to Alcina’s skin, so Rissa usually uses her teeth and tries to leave marks anyway. But on you, she takes full advantage. Teases you with hickies and bites until you’re begging her to move. To treat you. It’s unfortunate then that she’s just so busy and has to return to work and absolutely must leave you high and dry until you’re nearly crawling all over her when she returns home later.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina’s kisses, on the other hand, are always mean and rough. She pushes your faces together, grabs your hair, clutches your jaw in one large hand. She’s eager to overpower - it’s just in her nature. And she’s not scared to lean down and reach you, pull you up into her arms, and shove you against a wall. She uses her teeth to nip, and her tongue to fill your mouth and take you completely. Safe to say, she never leaves her kisses without you stumbling away–breathless and smiley. And there’s no escaping her until she’s done with you. Never ever. You will only push away from her when she wants you to. And you rarely want to of course, but when you’re busy and late to a meeting, you’re under a time crunch.
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa and Alcina kissing, though… whew. Dear god, whew. Dear LORD, whew. Larissa’s hands go sliding around Alcina’s waist and she has to lean up on the tips of her toes to meet Alcina halfway. And when they get there, they smile first before kissing roughly. Alcina knows not to put her hands in Larissa’s perfect hair, so she settles for gripping the back of her neck and pulling her close. Close close close until Larissa lets out a squeak and Alcina has to lean and pick her up bridal-style so they both don’t go tumbling to the ground. It doesn’t happen often, but when she does, Larissa can only giggle giddy and happy. She doesn’t often feel petite and girlish, but Alcina has a way of making her feel like a woman worth caring for. You do too, of course, but it’s different. Not any less or any better, just different. And they kiss until they both run out of breath and Larissa pushes Alcina away. The taller woman grumbles and steals another kiss before they finally go their separate ways.
ʚ♡ɞ There’s so much more to this little poly relationship. From kinks to flaws to business work and all that. Let me know if you wanna see more <3
I love them :3 Yes I doooooo - Rip x
Tags: @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @bellatrixsbrat @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @hasthebaconinhispants @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @hopelessly-sapphic @barbarasstar @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @h-doodles @zillahofviolets-bayolet @weemssapphic @the-bearr @amateurwritescm
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kungfubarbie101 · 2 years
Be mine - Lo’ak x Reader
content: light smut, fluff, aged up 18+
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Lo’ak and you have been friends for a couple of years now, meeting him was the best thing that happened in your life. You where in a depressed state and needed someone to talk to and understand how you feel, that’s when Lo’ak came around and changed that frown into a happy face. You felt amazing when you where around him, you felt like there was thousands of butterflies in your stomach when it came to seeing him. That’s when those butterflies went into your heart and you started falling for the boy. His laugh and small smiles he gave you here and there just made the crush grow bigger and bigger by the clock.
You hoped Lo’ak felt the same. You do see some signs that he might be interested in you but don’t want to push it to thinking it was real or if he was just pulling on your love strings. You have seen him hang around Tsireya and thought something was going on between the two since you see her laughing and getting touchy feeling with him, but even if they where together you where going to tough it out and be grateful your friend having a girlfriend even if it wish it was you standing next to him.
But it start to feel different being around him besides having a crush on him but he was going out of his way to find you and hang out. Even if it was just you sitting in front of his housing, dangling your feet into the water and making small talk. He was just wanting to hear your voice, your laugh, and you wanting to listen to him about his problems and you working them out with him. He wanted to smell your aroma that raided off of you when you where near him like you where trying to get him to explode. How small touching became more intimate with you. Small grazing of fingers to his became fingers to interlock or even you snaking your tail around his or even his waist.
He also felt like he was getting mixed signals from you also. You would be hanging out with Neteyam and laughing along at his corny jokes or even Neteyam being near you felt like a arrow going through his chest. So whenever he saw you even around him he’d get pissy and not want to talk to you for a whole week, but obviously couldn’t since he needed to be right up on you. He didn’t claim he was protective of you or even jealous since he hated that word but he just wants you by his side just you. Lo’ak then realized how stupidly in love he was in with you.
Even if he didn’t show that affection to you like how you show him he hope you saw something in him and want to be together. His ‘love’ language to him was to get your attention, to try to impress you so your not looking at his ‘stupid’ older brother. Lo’ak was showing off his skills in the water of getting fish and showing you beautiful places in the water to find shells and rocks, since your into making jewelry out of whatever. He was trying to compete with Neteyam even though Neteyam didn’t even know what the hell was even going on and didn’t really take a big interest of ‘stealing’ Lo’ak’s girl since he knew how much of a boner he has for you.
One late night came around and things got a little to close with you two, you started having a weird wrestling match with him because you found fruit on the island and he wanted it (but in reality he just wanted to play around and get close) so he was going to try and take it from you. One thing led to another and you had him pinned to the sand and the fruit being no where in either of your guys hands. You leaned in slowly to his face. His eyes growing and skin becoming hot, his heart quicken and felt like he was going to loose it, having your face so close to his felt some what like a dream. You felt confident right then and there so you broke the silence:
“Can I kiss you?” You said to him, he looked up at you completely shocked. You slowly realized what you had just said, but shook it off, you where done hiding these feelings. If he says no, take it like a champ.
“Yes, please” Lo’ak set out a small chuckle sigh and grabbed the back of your head and smushed your lips to his. His lips where rough but soft. You wanted more from the kiss, so you decided to tease him by pulling at his hair a bit. His mouth slip open enough for you to slip your tounge into his mouth. He was surprised at your actions and followed along to see how far you’d go.
His lanky arms wrapped around your waist pulling you more onto him, craving the touch he wants from you. Boths of your guys tongues collided with one another’s, him being the “tough” guy he ‘thinks’ he is, he fights for dominance in the kiss, trying to get you to melt so he can flip you down so your the “submissive” one. But oh boy how you won that battle by using your teasing skills and raked you nails in his scalp to his long braid this time and gave it a small tug. He let out a whimpering moan, which shocked you in your spine giving you a hot sensation. You smile at yourself as he squeezes your waist tighter and pushing his hands down just a bit further to toy with you.
You pull away from the kiss only to kiss his jawline and down his neck, grabbing both of his hands pushing them down farther till they where on your ass, grinding a bit down on him. He was a mess, your witty ass was fucking with him at this point. His skin was on fire, the kissing down his neck where making him go crazy, tingling going up his spine, making him arch his lower back, creating more friction between the two of you.
He was drunk on your kisses, his eyes fluttering shut as you kiss his chest, licking a sucking small places, just slightly not to leave a bit mark but just enough where it looks like a small blue/ light purple bruise. Your nails graced his skin making his eyebrows knit up together. His hands left your ass as you travel lower to his pelvis, giving him sweet wet kisses along his pelvis line. His head was going crazy with thoughts that what yours do to him if you’d just go down farther to where he pleading to be touched, your hand roamed in his inner thigh up to his penis and rubbed him causing a small moan from the boys mouth.
You grinned and then started kissing back up to his chest, sucking lightly on his neck and jawline. He softly moaned from being touched in a way he hasn’t, you where the first to touch him in such a ‘inappropriate’ manner but that didn’t matter to him at all. You raise your head to look at his face, legs now straddling his hips. His eyes slowly fluttering open to look up at you in the moonlight sky, your white dots on your body glowing. Your hands on his chest as his hands rest upon your thighs. You caressed his cheek giving him soft mouth kisses.
“Be mine” He let out. You smile at him cradling your body next to his figure.
“I would love to be yours, Lo’ak”
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Headcanons for Killian Jones falling in love for Mermaid!Reader...
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He's a pirate. He's taught to hate mermaids, to hate sirens. The amount of men they'd killed over the years - good men, good friends of his - that got dragged down to their deaths in the icy waters is like a kick in the guts every time he sees the flash of moonlight on the scales.
When he meets you, he's angry and he wants revenge for all those men and all those friends you and your kind have killed over the years. He tries to capture you, trying to bring you onto the boat to skin you alive and keep your tail as a prize. His plan doesn't go well though, he injures your tail but you manage to escape.
He loses track of you for a few days but he doesn't stop searching. You don't know why he's after you but you try your best to evade you.
He hears something one night, a sad song carried along on the calm waters, he leaves bed to find the source and sees the injured tail sitting upon some rocks with you sitting singing to the moon. He's angry and goes to shout on his men but he realises that you're not enchanting him, he's not being lured to his own death right now and so he stops and just listens.
Your song ends and you notice the Jolly Rancher sitting there, stagnant in the water. You realise Captain Hook is standing there just watching and listening. You don't find yourself scared like you had been whenever you saw that ship, instead you just find yourself watching him back.
For the next few days, he keeps up the guise that he's hunting you but actually he just wants to hear you sing. There's something about you, something he cannot shake and he needs to know more.
He docks the ships at a small island that he's tracked you to and late at night, he ventures out into the woods to go and find you by the coast.
Again, your song is sad and soft and Killian needs to hear it up close and personal. He breaks out from the trees to a clearing where you're sitting upon some rocks. He doesn't speak yet. He looks at the way your tail shimmers in the moonlight, the injury healing nicely. He's never really appreciated what mermaids look like up close and personal.
He steps forwards and breaks a tree branch causing you to freak out thinking that he's sneaking up on you to kill you. You leap it the water but he's shouting out that he doesn't want to hurt you, he just wanted to hear you.
So begins the start of something.
It's slow and uneasy at the beginning, the two of you unsure how to deal with whatever's happening here, as he docks late at night and the two of you share timid conversation.
He doesn't tell anyone. For two reasons. 1 - he's a pirate. He's supposed to hate you, to kill you and if anyone found out then he may have to do that. 2 - he simply doesn't want to. He likes whatever the hell this is. It's exciting.
The first time he leans in to kiss you, you pull away and dive under the water. You know that you have feelings for him but you can't. A mermaid and a pirate? That's just unheard of. It's an oxymoron in itself. Killian sits there, sucking his teeth, for a minute before getting up and going back to the ship.
You don't see him for a couple of nights, the two of you let you get your pride in the way and you're too embarrassed to see the other. The unsaid feelings, the almost kiss lingers in the air like a bad stench.
It's around a week later, he sees the flick of your tail, moonlight bouncing off of it as you lounge by some rocks. He docks the ship and comes to see you.
At first it's awkward but soon, he breaks the ice with a flirty joke.
He doesn't try to kiss you again but as the two of you sit side by side on the rocks, he asks you something much more intimate than a kiss.
"Can I... Would you let me touch your tail? I'll be gentle, love."
No one, no human, has ever touched your tail before and as he does, it makes your cheeks flush. It's entirely too intimate for friends and when he's finished, he looks at you deeply before... the two of you kiss.
Since then, he makes an excuse to dock each night so that he can spend time with you. Whenever he sets sail, he always looks to the West and sees that familiar flash of that tail.
The two of you don't really know what's going to happen or how it's all going to work out but you don't focus too much on that. You just focus on the way he smiles at you before kissing you, the way his hand delicately touches your tail... the way he whispers how much he cares for you under the moonlight.
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galamalion · 1 year
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˚ ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ cupid’s revolver
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⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ summary﹕you confess your feelings to a certain lipstick-wearing gunslinger.
⋆ * ˖ ⋆ notes﹕hello! this is a request by @lady-winter13​ for an izou x reader! hope you enjoy!
⤷ ⋆ * ˖ ౨ৎ ⋆ pairing﹕izou x gn!reader
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when you first joined the whitebeard pirates, you knew from stories what to expect. you prepared yourself to be pushed around as the runt of the litter or suffer through a humiliating ‘initiation.’ what you weren’t expecting was the kindness and love they showed you. your fellow pirates greeted you as an equal despite your lack of experience, gladly showing you the ropes.
thatch taught you how to cook, sharing family recipes and the favorite meals of each member. marco showed you the proper way to clean a wound, having you memorize the steps before going on to the next topic. jozu coached you on correct punch formation, contorting your body in uncomfortable ways to reach optimal punch velocity, though you got more bruises than knowledge from those lessons.
however, your favorite lesson by far was weapons training. firearms, to be exact. not because you were particularly interested in guns, no, you hated them. they were your favorite because they allowed you to spend one-on-one time with izou.
you’d wake up bright and early to finish your chores, swabbing the deck, doing laundry, sorting through marco’s supplies, and taking inventory for thatch. and finally, when you completed everything, you’d run up to izou, waiting for his acknowledgment. he’d always turn to you and give a curt nod, causing the butterflies that had been waiting all day to emerge, fluttering about in your stomach.
to say you had a crush on izou was the understatement of the century. whenever you saw him, your heart soared to unimaginable heights, piercing the clouds until it hit the sun, burning alongside the star with passion. there was no way to pick a favorite part of the man, but you had a list. the strands that escaped his hair tie and framed his face, the lipstick he carefully applied every morning, or the mix of his perfume and body wash that fused to create a flowery-citrus scent that lingered around him.
you could write enough things about izou to fill a short novel, but you’d never dare write them down on paper lest another crewmate finds it. while the crew was tight-knit, you knew they could be ruthless snitches, specifically marco and thatch. those two were eager to get in on any gossip they could, like reporters snooping around for the next juicy scoop. you had no intention of ever letting them know your true feelings.
the moby dick had just docked on an island, allowing the crew to make light purchases and restock any necessary supplies. you, however, were forced to serve thatch in his kitchen, grabbing whatever spice or vegetable he barked at you. only tuning into every third word he screamed, you instead thought about the gun practice you’d be having with izou tonight.
“hey hey hey!” thatch shouted, “i said three cloves of garlic, not three bulbs! are you trying to poison everyone on board!” 
you jumped, dropping the garlic onto the counter, narrowly missing the pot where thatch’s masterpiece was cooking. “sorry! i got lost in my thoughts, but I’ll be more careful, i swear!”
thatch looked at you incredulously, determining whether or not you would be a further nuisance to his culinary craft. “and what was so important that caused you to forget what a clove was?”
“well, i was…” you froze in your tracks, desperately thinking of a clever lie. you couldn’t tell thatch just anything. he’d see through you in an instant.
“...i was so hungry that i couldn’t think straight! tonight is pizza night, after all. i just couldn’t get it out of my head.”
“well, we’re not making pizza right now, so throw that pie out of your noggin and start dreaming about soup!” thatch yelled back.
internally you let out a sigh of relief. everyone on the ship eagerly anticipated pizza night, so it wasn’t too outlandish to suggest you might be excited.
“my my, is teach in here? all this talk about pies…” 
you jerked your head towards the door, looking at the new voice. but you knew who it was, even without turning your head. how could you not? that sweet dulcet voice plagued your dreams every night, not that you opposed its intrusion.
“you think i’d let that fool in my kitchen? he’d eat everything in here!” thatch shot back.
izou gave a hearty laugh before turning to you. “are we still on for practice tonight? you might miss out on pizza if we go.”
there was a lump in your throat, connecting down to your heart, resounding in your ears. all you could do was pitifully nod at the question, doing your best to give a reassuring smile.
he gave you one in kind, then turned and walked out the door, leaving you and thatch alone.
thatch slowly turned his head, eyeing you suspiciously. “...i thought you couldn’t get pizza night out of your head. you’re telling me you’d sacrifice one of my north blue-famous pies to shoot guns?”
you didn’t give thatch an answer. instead, you sprinted out of the kitchen, hearing him shouting after you. you knew he couldn’t give chase, not with his soup still cooking on the stove.
upon reaching the ship deck, you crashed by the railings, taking deep breaths. while desperately gasping for air, you felt a hand rest on your shoulder, seeing izou standing above you with a genial smile.
“done with the chef so soon? i know thatch can be pretty demanding, but this is only the second time i’ve seen someone get chased out.”
you quickly brushed your clothes, standing up. “i wasn’t chased out! i was just so excited for practice that he let me leave early!”
izou smirked at your hasty response. “well, if you’re that stoked, perhaps we should leave now?”
nodding eagerly, you followed closely behind as he left the ship, searching for a spot on the island to begin practice. he led you to a small clearing, placing a few bottles on various rocks and high points.
“now, remember what i’ve taught you. aim just a smidge above the target, not directly at it.”
you carefully pointed the pistol at one of the bottles, taking a deep breath and preparing yourself to fire.
“your stance is off,” he spoke suddenly, “feet apart, and your hand is too shaky.” izou stepped behind you, pressing his foot between yours, forcing them apart. he laid his hand on top of yours, steadying and straightening your posture.
“deep breaths now; calm yourself.” how could he ask something so unreasonable after doing something like that!? every nerve in your body worked overtime to calm down from his actions, demanding you flee immediately to stop your body from imploding. 
however, you refused to let your body ruin this opportunity of one-sided intimacy. taking a deep breath, you held the pistol up, aiming at the bottle, pulling the trigger, and letting the bullet fly.
much to your dismay, it didn’t hit the target, only scraping the rock it was sitting on. you angrily threw the gun to the ground, stomping toward the bottle and kicking it, letting out a long frustrated groan. izou reached a hand out to console you, but you stopped him.
“i hate guns!” you shouted. “i don’t like shooting them, and they’re insufferable to use!” you continued your impassioned rant, much to the shock of izou, shouting for the next couple of minutes about your distaste for firearms.
once you finished and were entirely out of breath, izou chimed in.
“then why shoot with me so often? it’s not mandatory, you know,” he said wryly.
“because of you!” you yelled back.
“i don’t force—”
“i come because I want to shoot with you! to spend time with you, because i like being with you! i like hanging out with you, listening to your bad jokes, and when you offer to do my makeup, all of it! i like you a lot, so i’ll hang around you, even if it means i have to shoot dumb guns.”
izou just stared at you, eyes wide at your heartfelt assertion. after realizing the weight of your words, you felt your entire body heat up with embarrassment and shame.
“n-not that i think guns are dumb! i just don’t like them personally! they’re very pretty, especially the ones that—”
“you…like me?”
his words barely registered in your ears as your hammering heart overpowered any outside noise. 
“well, i mean, yes— but if you don’t feel the same, we can pretend this never happened!”
silence permeated the air as you stared at each other, letting your proclamation sink in. embarrassment didn’t begin to describe your feelings, and you felt sick to your stomach.
disheartened by his lack of words and wide-eyed stare, you turned around and began walking toward the ship. it’s alright if izou couldn’t pretend, you already planned on doing your best to erase this interaction from your memory.
before you could return, you felt a tug on your hand. izou stood behind you, grasping your hand tightly and pulling you close. his expression was completely different, now sporting a determined look, eyebrows knit tightly together as he spoke.
“your declaration of love was inspiring, though i’d keep your comments on firearms to yourself, ” he shifted onto one knee, kneeling before you. “i apologize for my lackluster reaction, and i ask for your forgiveness, as you…caught me off guard. i would be honored to share my heart with you, now and forever.”
this time it was your turn to stare stupidly. you had prepared to never speak to izou again, to stomp to the boat and cry your eyes out, lamenting your big mouth. but for izou to declare that he returned your sentiments? if it weren’t for his tight grip on your hand, you’d pinch yourself to check if you were dreaming.
“...you really mean it?” you whispered, praying he was being truthful.
he stared into your eyes, unblinking. “if i am a liar, may i be struck down.”
tears of joy gently pricked your eyes as you squeezed his hands in response, beaming down at the gunslinger. izou stood, offering you his arm, which you gladly took. the two of you walked side-by-side, preparing for the cheers and jeers of your fellow pirates as you boarded the moby dick. 
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a caramel pompadour peeked out from a nearby shrub, watching as you and izou walked away from the clearing.
“well, there goes 1,000 beri…you win, marco!” thatch groaned, tossing the money into the trees above.
from within the trees, a blonde man caught the sack of cash. “izou would’ve never confessed first; you know how proper he is!” marco cackled, counting his newly earned capital.
thatch sighed. “you know, you might be right,” he said, crossing his arms. “but i think we have those shooting lessons to thank. the straw that broke the samurai’s back!” thatch let out a boisterous laugh, only to be knocked over by marco.
“shaddup! they’re still close by, and i’m not going to be the one explaining why we were creeping.” marco hissed.
the doctor swiftly grabbed thatch with his talons, flying away from the island and towards the ship, all while the chef hung on for dear life. he knew he had to be fast, as he planned to be the first to congratulate you two on your budding romance.
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“did you hear that?” you whispered, turning around to the fluttering bushes. izou  spun you back around, giving you a reassuring smile.
“i’m sure it was nothing, just some lousy birds, that’s all.” he chuckled, giving a quick glance towards the greenery.
izou pulled you closer, stretching his arm around your shoulder, giving you an extra layer of safety. it was something you’d dreamed of for far too long, but now you knew he’d always be by your side, no matter the trials you faced. you smiled at the thought, leaning against your newfound lover as you anticipated the new chapter of your life.
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undead-supernova · 6 months
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Island Breeze in the Dead of Night / Masterlist
Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
plot: you're on vacation and you desperately want to tell Eddie you love him…and how much fear can you swallow before it overflows?
Pairings: modernrockstar!Eddie x fem!popstar!Reader (curvy!reader, bisexual!reader)
Warnings: brief discussion about eating/media body shaming, drinking, Eddie saying some spicy words
wc: 4.3k
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“How’s it going over there on fuck island?”
You snorted at Este’s words, trying to pick up some speed on the treadmill. Luckily there’d been a gym on the island, a must for the tour you’d be preparing for in the next year. You’d been trying to build stamina, tired of wanting to drop dead while onstage. 
Not that there was an album to be toured. You had a few songs, sure. But how the fuck were you supposed to keep writing happy songs? And how were you supposed to do that within the next six months?
Nonetheless, you hated the treadmill. So you called Este. 
“It’s not fuck island,” you corrected. “But, to answer your question, it’s going great.”
It’d only been two days, but it had been blissful. You and Eddie spent most of the days together, lounging by the beach or sleeping. Eating whenever you wanted to. Meeting the rest of the band at the end of the night, one person assigned to cook for every day that you were there. Play board games. Make some drinks. 
And, yes, a lot of fucking. A lot.
Regardless, it was a very laid-back vacation.  
“I’m sure you’re all over each other like sick puppies being like, ‘I love you.’ ‘No, I love you more.’”
You kept quiet.
“You have said I love you, right?” Este asked, her voice slow and deliberate.
“I mean,” you started, trying to think of what to say. “He hasn’t said anything, so I haven’t.”
“You know that someone has to say it first, right? Like, you can just say it and see what he says.”
“I don’t know…”
“You are in love!” she exclaimed. “What else is there to know! If you don’t tell him six months in, then what are you doing?”
There were some things you didn’t like to think about. Especially on vacation in the British Virgin Islands where you spent most of your time sitting in the shade on top of your boyfriend. Why ruin a perfectly good time with talks of those kind of feelings? Why ruin the restoration of your bodies that never seemed to slow down? Why not allow everything to freeze in time for a little bit?
“You’re literally on an island right now,” Este huffed, as if she could read your mind. “How is that not the perfect time to say I love you while snorkeling with dolphins?”
“Under the water?”
“Okay, but what if you end up stepping on a sea urchin and it gets infected and then you die?”
You laughed but had to catch your breath as you sped up again. Beads of sweat dripped down your neck and disappeared into the fabric of your t-shirt. But you could tell some of that sweat was from something else entirely.
“Couldn’t he just pee on it?” you teased.
“Tell him you love him while he pees on your foot."
“Why am I friends with you again?”
“Because you loooove me.”
Before you could respond, there was a knock on the wall. Eddie walked in, startling you. You almost tripped but caught yourself, turning down the speed immediately. 
“Hey, how’s it going in here?” he asked.
“Is that him now?” Este teased.
“Uh, hey, Este, I gotta go,” you said quickly.
“Don’t let me stand in the way of true—”
You ended the call before giving him a nervous smile. 
Eddie was looking…well, he was looking good. He was in a Metallica tank top (a t-shirt he tore to shreds no doubt), black swim trunks, and, shockingly, black flipflops. His tattoos were littered over his arms and legs, the hint of one on his chest popping out. A wild bun thrown to hold his hair back, sunglasses perched on his head.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he replied, walking over to give you a soft kiss.
You wanted to jump back, to keep him away from how bad you probably smelled but Eddie didn’t seem to mind. Though, he did pat your back instead of giving you a hug. You couldn’t blame him.  
“Wanna get some lunch before we hit the sand?” he asked, holding out his hand.
You nodded, maybe a little enthusiastically, happy to press your palm against his.
“Are you gonna let me shower first?”
“Maybe,” he whispered, leaning into your neck to lick up some of your sweat. “Stinky.”
Despite the small whimper that left your lips at the stimulation, you murmured, “You’re so gross.”
“Didn’t sound like you found it gross,” he teased, already tugging you towards the door.
You rolled your eyes, unable to deny the accusation. 
“Shut up.”
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Lunch was peaceful, with Eddie ordering you whatever you desired. He told you to enjoy yourself, enjoy your time on the island. He was sweet like that, always encouraging you to eat what you wanted, whenever you wanted. It was something he never shied away from being made known.
“Why do you do that?” you asked him when a second piña colada was placed in front of you.
He gave you a grin, slipping another French fry between his teeth before responding. 
“I just like seeing you do what you want to do.” He leaned in further. “And, if I’m being honest, you always do what everyone else wants you to. ‘Oh, do this. Do that. Eat this. Don’t eat that!’ Fuck that. I hate that shit. You're not some clay pot they can mold or whatever. It's ridiculous.”
You couldn’t disagree. “And you think me eating all this food will change that?” you half-joked.
“I think you eating whatever the fuck you want and not worrying about what anyone else thinks is a good start.” He took a sip of his frozen margarita, one with a little umbrella, before adding, “And when you’re with me, sweetheart, you don’t have to compromise a damn thing. I’ll make sure of that.”
His words affected you more than you wanted them to. It wasn’t like he was wrong. Months and months ago, you’d let it slip that you ate extra healthy in public so tabloids couldn’t have “evidence” to slam you for your looks. That the sheer idea of eating bread or pasta was unheard of if anyone could see. (Not to mention having to order dessert to go, in secret in order to throw off the scent of fatphobic headlines.) You never won when it came to the media, even if you were content with how you looked.
By the time you and Eddie left the restaurant, well-fed and slightly tipsy, Eddie had you pinned up against any wall he could, lips attached to yours. Whispers of how pretty you looked, murmurs of things he wanted to do to you later. It left you in a fit of giggles that were quickly swallowed by his mouth.
It was a scene to behold, out in plain sight, but it was addictive. It was exactly what you’d wanted as a teenager who dreamed of true love. A love to call yours without hindrance from the opinions of others. 
You would stay forever if this was what the rest of your life looked like. Just the two of you, lovestruck on an island that seemed to leave you alone. 
When you set your stuff down at the beach, you couldn’t help but stare at Eddie removing his top. It was something else to see Eddie nearly undressed in public, sprinkled with dappled sunlight. Face risking the promise of sunburn, all rosy-cheeked and red-nosed. The scent of sunscreen wafting off him, sand somehow littering his hair. It was everything.
Under your sundress was that turquoise bikini Eddie had gotten you months before. You’d been wary about wearing it in public for the first time, but he promised you that people weren’t privy to taking photos here. That you were just as safe as you’d been in his pool. That you deserved to feel good.
And when you took the dress off, you could feel Eddie’s eyes raking over you. Because you turned, watching him stare at you through his sunglasses. He did that thing from the movies, pulling them down to the bridge of his nose, brown eyes dilating.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you chided.
“Mm, I’d rather take a Polaroid,” he said, making grabbing motions with his hands so you’d come closer. His hands found your hips before giving them a light squeeze. “And then, you know, cum all over it later.”
His words had you flustered, looking around as you hoped no one else could hear him. The others on the beach were too far away, but you couldn’t help but feel exposed. Some part of you knew it was because of your swimsuit, but you tried not to let it eat at your brain.
“I’d like that,” you said back, quieter than before. “But you better shut that pretty mouth of yours before I drag you back to our place.”
“Our place?” he questioned, a cheeky grin popping out. You rolled your eyes as his face got closer. “You wanna call it ours?”
Too bashful to respond, you kissed his shoulder before stepping back and walking towards the water. He was right behind you, hands finding purchase on your waist. It was as if he was stuck to you, making sure he followed wherever you strayed. 
You couldn’t cope with how much you liked it.
You couldn’t cope with how much you loved him.
“Don’t like my teasing?” he asked as your feet touched the water. 
Shaking your head, you took a tentative step forward. It was hard to tell the full truth, no matter how much you’d already shared. For some reason, everything still felt so delicate. Even six months in, it felt like it could all slip from your fingers at any moment. Why call something “ours” when there was no promise that it would be there tomorrow?
And why the hell were you thinking like that right now?         
“I like it a little too much,” you admitted despite your reluctancy. Forcing yourself to make eye contact, you added, “The idea of something being ours.”
“Does it now?” he asked. His voice was playful, but you could see that it made him feel soft when he pursed his lips, dimples deepening. 
“Mhm,” you responded, feeling a bit more confident.
Eddie kissed your cheek. “I’ll keep that in mind, fair maiden.”
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The squeal of a child is what awoke you. Eyes fluttering open, your eyes adjusted to the light behind your sunglasses. And the ache of them sitting on the bridge of your nose had you tearing them off. Which, yeah, was a mistake. 
The umbrella seemed larger than before, cocooning you from the rest of the beach. A little paradise in public, all warm and cozy. It wasn’t shocking to find that you’d fallen asleep. 
“What time is it?” Eddie asked from under you.
“We fell asleep. Again,” you said with a yawn, sitting up. “I think it’s two? Maybe?”
Eddie was already wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back on top of him. Nuzzling himself back into you. Keeping you hostage.
“Good thing we napped, ‘cause we’re partying tonight,” he said with a mischievous grin. “It’s Emo Night over at one of the clubs.”
Raising an eyebrow, you looked down at him. “Thought you guys didn’t party anymore, old man.”
Throwing his free hand over his chest, he said, “We’re on vacation and you wound me.” Your shared laughter mixed seamlessly before he planted a kiss on your collarbone. “Come on, what do you say?”
You let out a huff. “I already said yes two minutes ago in my mind.”
Eddie looked up, grinning like a devil before pulling you down to connect your lips. 
You really could just stay there forever. 
You really, really could.
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When you went to get ready for the night, your embarrassment set in as you stared down at your suitcase. You hadn’t brought anything black because you never really wore anything black. But you refused to say anything to Eddie or the others, too nervous you’d sound insecure. 
But the thing was that you were insecure. And if you did say something, Eddie would offer his clothes that you couldn’t fit into. So, instead, you sucked it up and made yourself look damn good in what you already had: a tight baby pink tank top and a short white pleated skirt with some wedges. The outfit complemented your curves, hitting your waistline just right. You were a beauty queen to behold, no matter how out of place you’d look tonight. 
When he got out of the bath, Eddie was there to shower you in compliments as he ate you out, skyrocketing your confidence like never before. And if you so happened to give him head before having to redo your makeup, well, it was worth it.
The two of you were rushing out the door, trying desperately to make it to the others in time before you had to leave. As you sped walked through the winding streets, you couldn’t help but look over at Eddie. He’d stayed in a black wife-beater and a pair of fitted black shorts. Kept his signature rings and beat-up black Converse. Hair in a low bun, eyes shadowed in sparkly charcoal, and his guitar pick choker. Your pretty boy, your gorgeous boyfriend. 
A chorus of greetings sounded the moment Grant opened the door. Everyone was decked in their usual ensembles, only altered slightly to accommodate the weather. Gareth, Jeff, and Grant even complimented you on your outfit, lowering your insecurities just enough to breathe momentarily.
But something you noticed was Ronnie eyeing you. It wasn’t obvious at first, just catching her gaze every now and then. By the sixth time you caught her looking you up and down, you were fully aware. Not to mention extremely confused by the behavior.
And it wasn’t something neutral. No, her eyes seemed to narrow bit by bit as Eddie held onto you. As he laughed with Grant over an inside joke. As he handed you another shot with a kiss.
Giving you this look that bordered on a warning. Like you were doing something wrong. Or, rather, she still expected you to make a mistake. Trip up and prove her right.
All you wanted to ask her was what could prove her wrong. What could you do to possibly give her the impression that you were worthy of Eddie’s affections?
But that was something you still wondered for yourself.
It was a chilling thought that you held the same questions. 
After pre-gaming with a round of shots and a shared joint, the six of you headed out to the club. Slightly cross-faded, the journey into the club was a little hazy. Because there were bodies upon bodies, all dressed like your boyfriend and the four others in your group. And you stood out for the most part, noticing glances from strangers.
But there was Eddie, arm snug around your waist as you made your way over to what seemed to be a private area overlooking the rest of the crowd on the dance floor. A shot was put in your hand and before you could think, the six of you were throwing them back like it was nothing. And judging by how drunk you already were, it sure tasted like nothing.
Right after slamming the glasses on the table, “If You Can’t Hang” by Sleeping With Sirens started, causing the crowd to cheer. You were one of them, looking at Eddie with a wide grin as he smiled at you.
“Ready to dance, pretty girl?” he asked.
You giggled. “Oh, I was born ready, pretty boy.”
The entire group moved to the dance floor, dangerously close to the growing pit. But you felt a surge of impulse, winking at Eddie and nodding over at the circle. A grin stretched across his face before you pulled him into the whirlpool. He howled in hysterical laughter as you went round and round, arms locked together as you moved around the pit. 
You yelled the lyrics with him, giggling at the way Eddie was straining to sound just like Kellin Quinn. Stomping your aching feet through a circle, stabilized by the people on the outside. Round and round you went, a carousel of sweaty bodies colliding, all blissful in the shared comradery. An adoration for music and human connection.
This was better than any after party you’d been to.
         “I met a girl talking away!
         She found a boy she knew she’d change!
         I changed my hair, my clothes, my face
         To watch us go our separate ways!”
What a gorgeous rush it was to be there with him. To be people for once, not just celebrities. It was just you and those around you, all able to enjoy this moment together. You were normal. You were human. 
And when Eddie grabbed you and swung you both out of the pit, he kept a grip on you. Kissed your temple before pulling you back towards the others. Swayed and let the people around you move you towards your destination.
“You’re fucking crazy for going in blind!” Jeff screamed as you neared, stabling you when the crowd jostled again. “Fucking crazy.”
You merely laughed, shrugging at him. “What can I say? I’m having a good time.”
“Have you ever been in a pit before?”
You turned at the sound of Ronnie’s voice, your smile starting to falter just a little bit. Just enough for her to catch.
Because no. No, you hadn’t. And you didn’t realize that that mattered to her. Or to anyone for that matter.
“Uh, no,” you responded.
“I think it’s hot,” Eddie said into your ear before looking over your shoulder. “She was great for her first time, right?”
You turned back around to meet his wild eyes, more interested in him than whatever the fuck Ronnie had to say about your behavior. He started singing again, attention now on you and only you.
It was addicting, gesturing with your hands as you screamed with your boyfriend at the top of your lungs. There was a certain form of catharsis that came from moments like these, fueled with the release of every negative emotion once associated with the lyrics. Now they were transformed into joy, a shred of light at the end of whatever tunnel that song had once held you in.
As the final verse kicked in, you pulled Eddie’s mouth to yours. Gasped at the way his fingers dug into your waist. Basked in the love that was overflowing from your heart. Your fingertips. Your eyes. Your mouth. Every piece of you was mesmerized by this moment, this little pocket of perfection that couldn’t be replaced. And, God, you truly believed for a moment that it was going to last forever.
         “Would you please stay and come inside, baby?
         Would you please stay and please be mine?”
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To say that you were drunker than you’d been in months was an understatement. 
Shot after shot, one drink after another, you were filling up with a bubbly kind of adrenaline. You rotated in jumping into the pit, all of you ending up there at some point. What was left of a voice in your head kept you out of Ronnie’s way, her cold shoulder always too close for comfort. 
But Eddie suggested you get a final round. And who were you to pass up on that offer?
As you and Eddie headed towards the bar, you could hear the faint sound of someone calling both of your names. You didn’t want to turn, didn’t want to give attention to a stranger, but you couldn’t help it. And when you did turn, you saw a woman make direct eye contact with you.
All green eyes and wavy blonde hair, looking like a rock star’s girlfriend. Short denim skirt and even shorter crop top, smiling with mauve lipstick. She was really pretty. And then she looked at you, practically scoffing at your appearance. 
“Oh my god, Eddie?” the girl squealed, turning her face into something more innocent. “I’m a huge C-C fan.”
And Eddie being cross-faded, all open and smiley, gave her a high five. 
“Hell yeah!” he exclaimed, chuckling.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked.
“A quick getaway with the band and my pretty girl over here.”
That’s when she finally acknowledged you. “Nice to meet you… You are?”
There was that little cut in your chest. You’d heard her say your name. She knew who you were. And she was making it very clear what your place was.
“Can I get a selfie with you?” she asked Eddie when you didn’t respond.
Here was a stranger. A fucking stranger trying to put you in your place.
Eddie nodded. “Fuck yeah, no problem.”
And Eddie wasn’t even aware. He couldn’t understand.
The girl turned to you, giving you a once over like Ronnie had earlier. “Actually, would you take the picture?”
And it was like a punch in the gut, her tight-lipped smile so different than the one given to your boyfriend. She was playing a game behind Eddie’s back, making her disdain for your presence known.
As you took the photo, some part of you couldn’t help but agree with her. Maybe your presence wasn’t as welcome as you once thought. Maybe you didn’t have a place here. Eddie just might not have seen it yet. Maybe he would soon.
When the girl walked away, bumping your shoulder on her way out, Eddie planted a sloppy kiss to your cheek and wiggled his fingers under yours before tugging slightly.
“C’mere,” he said, voice nearly overshadowed by the music. “Screw the next round. Lemme dance with my gorgeous girl. Hm?” You merely shrugged. “This reminds me of the night we met. Remember?”
That brought a smile back to your face. “How could I forget?”
He grinned, kissing your forehead. “Favorite Beatles song?”
“’Ticket To Ride’.”
“Excellent choice off of Help!”
You rolled your eyes. “Why thank you.”
“Just come here, baby.” How he was able to pull you closer was beyond you. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
You sighed and nodded, letting him turn you around before heading back to the pit for another round of revelry and chaos.
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“Did I stand out tonight?” you asked, the last of the alcohol turning you into a secret sharer. “Like, did I embarrass you?”
“What? No, baby. Never. Why would you think that?”
You and Eddie had sobered up by the time you fell into bed. But neither of you were quite tired yet, still buzzing off the energy of the nightlife. You caught each other’s eyes, heads on pillows turned towards one another. Moonlight dripping through the curtains. Eddie there, all porcelain and blue. All beauty and grace.
“’Cause I wasn’t dressed like you and Gareth and Grant and Jeff and Ronnie and—”
Eddie’s lips cut you off, all gentle and lovely.
“I like you just the way you are,” he said. “Would you want me to be someone else?”
You shook your head. “Never.”
 “Exactly.” Huffing, his eyelids drooped before they fluttered back open. A soft smile adorned his lips. “You called me a pretty boy in your song.”
You chuckled. “Yes, Eddie. Yes, I did.”
“You think I’m a pretty boy?”
“The prettiest.”
“I like that. Pretty boy. People think I’m all mean and scary.”
“In reality, you’re just a soft, pretty boy.”
“The softest,” he agreed. “And the prettiest.”
“I won’t tell anyone, don’t worry.”
“You already did, silly girl.”
You said nothing.
Eddie took your hand, holding it against his chest. 
“Wanna ask you something true.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“What do you miss the most from before?”
You thought about it, fiddling with his tank top all the while. 
There was a lot about life before fame that still held value to you. The simplicity of going grocery shopping or to the farmer’s market. Writing in a coffee shop for hours while strangers flitted around you. Walking around thrift shops. Taking your time doing literally anything. 
But there was one place you could always stay invisible. A place that transported you to a different time, a different dimension. Come out a different person than before. You could almost taste the buttered popcorn and your favorite soft drink combo. You could almost taste that kind of anonymity again.
You smiled. “Probably going to the movies.”
“You could probably rent out a theater for a matinee showing. No one goes to those.”
“I did,” you said, smiling. “It was my favorite thing to do. Get a few dollars off, have the theater with one or two people who also had a day off. It was fun. I’d save up just to go see a movie.”
Eddie’s grasp on your hand tightened. “I think that’s cool. I always went to the movies and now I just pay for streaming. It’s actually pretty shit.”
“It sucks,” you agreed.
He let out a hum. “You’re making me miss it. Fuck.”
“Do you ever want to go back to that?” you asked softly. “You know, just being a person and not a celebrity.”
“If you asked me six months ago, I might’ve said yes.” The smallest smile reached his tired face. “But I never would’ve met you if I hadn’t gotten famous.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” you breathed.
“I wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
“I never want to be with anyone else ever again,” you confessed, closing your eyes. “I think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. It’s just scary.”
“Don’t be scared, sweetheart,” he said, voice seemingly farther away than before. “You have me.”
And as sleep began to wash over you, you were left with one last sentence.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
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A special thank you to @strangergraphics for her help with these cool dividers!!! Always in love with what you come up with.
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
AU Bot Plots: Cooking Contest
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I saw this and I was so excited because it's an idea I've had already, and part of a scene I'd already drafted for a fic I'm probably never going to get to. Then I looked at the prompt again, and I realized it's Chopped... My idea is Worst Cooks in America. In my defense, they're on the same channel. Anyway! I'm going rogue...again...
Katara and Zuko are world class chefs who have been rivals for nearly their entire careers. Now, a TV station devoted to food (a "food network" if you will) has turned their rivalry into must see TV (for housewives and hungover college students). In a battle to see who can take one of the worst cooks in the country and turn them into a five star chef in just a few weeks. This is The Worst Cooks in the Nation.
"Hey, Zuko," Katara taunted her opponent. "Are you mincing that garlic or liquifying it."
"Don't ever come at my knife skills, sweetheart," Zuko quipped. He looked at his team and directed their attention to the carrot next. "What I want you to focus on is making each of these carrot sticks the same size. Otherwise they won't all cook down the same. Then you'll have some carrots mushy and some that aren't done enough. Like Chef Katara's seaprune stew."
"Oh please!" Katara scoffed. "My seaprunes kill your ocean kumquats. You're just mad I won't share my recipe."
"I'll get it out of you, one way or another," Zuko promised with a wolfish grin. Katara's cheeks flushed slightly as she rolled her eyes and moved on to her next demonstration.
Confessional Booth:
Red Contestant 1: Is something going on between them?
Blue Contestant 1: I feel like I'm interrupting a date...or a fight? I don't know, but the tension is weird, right? (To the camera crew) You see it, right?
Blue Contestant 2: Whew! The steaks weren't the only thing sizzling in that kitchen. You feel me?
Red Contestant 2: Chef Zuko moves so fast. I get terrified whenever I see him chopping up all those vegetables without even looking. I can be staring dead at my thumb and still manage to cut it instead of the carrot.
Red Contestant 3: RC2 is the least observant person on the team. They almost chopped their own thumb off. And I asked them last night what they thought was happening between Chef Katara and Chef Zuko, and they just looked at me like I was the crazy one. I hope RC2 goes home next.
Chef Katara: Zuko and I have a little side bet going. The loser of this season of Worst Cooks has to take the winner wherever they choose. I'm going to have him take me to see the Ember Island Players performance of Love Amongst the Dragons....A date (laughing). No, it's not a date, I just know Zuko hates the Ember Island Players.
Chef Zuko: Oh, yeah! We do have a side bet. When I win, Katara has to take me ice skating. She keeps bragging about how good the skating rinks in the Southern Water Tribe are, so I'm finally going to have her show me what's so special about them...What do you mean? There's nothing romantic about that. She thinks she's a better ice skater than me, and she gets this funny little wrinkle over her nose when I prove I can do something as well as she can...Flirting? Of course I'm not flirting with her!
There's now a Part 2...sorta.
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 3x7 Dark Hollow--part 2
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Summary:  A series of 100-500 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 3 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 827
Other Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Note: I got an ao3 comment from Polkie2 on Chapter 7 of this fic that was as follows: “Oh, I would love a part 2 where he realized whose name she called when the shadows had him and Neal pushed up against the trees. Also realizing how panicked her voice was.”  After making the….possibly unwise…choice to share the comment on Discord, several of the enablers there demanded–not asked, literally demanded–that I agree to this request.  So here you go!  Your wish (or demand, as the case may be) is my command.
Killian tossed and turned a few hours later.  How he despised this bloody island at night!  Oh, to be sure, he despised it during the day as well, but the nights held a special kind of torture.
The nights were when the cries of the Lost Ones began.  Killian had never considered himself to be overly sentimental (although those who knew him tended to smirk whenever he mentioned that fact, damn them), and ordinarily, while he wouldn’t have enjoyed the crying of homesick children, anywhere but on Neverland, the sound would have been merely unpleasant.  Here…well, here, it seemed to reach right into his chest, to the deepest part of his being where he held close his worst memories of loss and abandonment.
He had to think of something else. Anything else.
And so he’d glanced around the clearing at their motley group lying here or there, wrapped in blankets.  The prince and princess lay sleeping peacefully, arms around each other.  Neal slept several paces away, his back turned to the group.  He’d clearly wished to join Swan under her blanket, much as the Charmings lay, but she’d gently but firmly insisted she needed her space.  A small smile graced Killian’s lips at the memory.
A smile, which quickly turned to a scowl as he realized the pettiness of the sentiment.  Hadn’t he just vowed to himself to dispense with this jealous nonsense?
Swan, herself, slept fitfully, tossing and turning as he had done, but he was pleased to see she at least slept.  She’d need the rest to prepare for their day ahead. The day when they executed their plan to storm Pan’s camp and rescue the lad.
What a day it had been!  Killian thought back over the events of the day, trying desperately not to get swept up in his own self-loathing over what Swan referred to as “the lighter incident”.  Aye, he’d acted like a child, but as she’d reminded him, what was important now was saving her son, and wallowing in self-hatred would do nothing to further that aim.
His mind flitted back to their time in Dark Hollow, to the moments immediately following the childish debacle.  The next few moments were a bit hazy, his memory capturing sensations more than crisp details.  The sudden cold as the shadows swooped in.  The icy, incorporeal fingers grabbing him, picking him up as though he were no heavier than one of the dead leaves that swirled around his feet.  The way his breath was knocked from him temporarily as his back slammed against the tree.  The red-hot agony as his tormenter began ripping his shadow from his body.  The agonized cry from Bae across the clearing as the same fate met him.
He’d shouted at Emma to leave, to save herself, just as he’d heard her own panicked scream.
Killian shuddered, hating the desperation in her voice.
But suddenly he realized…she hadn’t merely screamed.  She’d shouted a name.  His name.  She’d turned toward him as he was taken, cutlass out, fear on her face.  It wasn’t fear for herself; it was fear for him.
She’d channeled that emotion, used it to fuel her magic, used it to trap the shadow and save them all.  She was bloody magnificent.
A sudden warmth that had nothing to do with the oppressive humidity of the jungle washed over him.  In moments of crisis, in moments of great emotion, one tended to let their true feelings show, no matter how strong and fortified their walls, and it was clear she was not indifferent to him.  
Far from it.  That one, panicked shout of his name had spoken more to his place in her heart than a soliloquy could have.
She may not love him yet; he still couldn’t delude himself on that point, but she did care for him.  He was important to her, and it made all the difference in the world.
Killian settled himself in, wrapping his duster around him and closing his eyes as the warmth of that reality settled around him.
When I win your heart, Emma, and I will win it, it won’t be because of any trickery.  It’ll be because you want me.  
As the cries around him slowly melted away, he slipped into beautiful dreams of returning triumphant to Storybrooke, a successfully rescued Henry in tow, and of, as he’d promised her, the fun that was then to begin.
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tartarusknight · 2 years
King of the Freaks | Part 11
Ao3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Steve was exhausted from swimming… from everything. From the look of panic on Eddie’s face every time he flirted with Steve. It felt like a slap in the face every time Eddie backpedaled. He tried to tell himself that it was because it was not safe to be out and proud. But it never seemed to sink in. So, as he gets to his house and sees the light on, something they always did whenever he was getting there after them. He just sat in his car.
It was going to be the first time in a long time that he’s had a group of friends over. Spending the night… “Fuck,” he whispered to himself. Thinking of the nail bat under his bed. The machete he bought and secured under the couch in the basement. The fire pokers that he brought out of storage even though they never used the fireplace. The gun he got and hid in the kitchen. The hunting knives that are hidden all over the house. Or the ax and metal bat in the trunk of his car. He thinks about waking up screaming and knows it’s a mistake.
But he’s got a game plan. He cleaned and made sure everything was ready for them. He didn’t get a bunch of sleep but it would be worth it.
Then the door to his house swings open and it’s Jeff waving at him. He gives a little wave back and grabs his bag before getting out of the car. “Hey, thought I heard your car,” Jeff grinned and Steve smiled back. This was definitely a mistake but it didn’t mean he didn’t want them here.
“You mean you could hear anything over the noise they make?” He joked and as he got in, the house was loud. It wasn’t the overwhelming quiet that choked Steve but filled with laughter and yelling.
Jeff threw his arm around Steve and Steve tried not to show how much he loved it. “We were taking 15,” he explains and Steve looks to see them around his kitchen.
The door to the pool was right behind them and he was reminded of how much he wanted to board it up, never to be opened again. “Steve!” The other three cheer breaking him out of his thoughts. And it’s weird like they are actually happy to see him. It’s overwhelming and he glances away. He looks at Jeff but it only makes him realize Steve’s shorter than him. By a few inches even.
“Have you ever thought about playing basketball?” Comes out of his mouth before he can even think about it. Jeff’s brows furrow but Steve doesn’t give him a chance to be offended or anything, “Just because you're tall. I mean, taller than me. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed. But you are- uh tall.” Steve chokes out, feeling like an idiot.
Jeff laughs, “I’m more of a watcher than a player.”
“Kinky,” Gareth and Eddie chorus from their spots on Steve’s island.
Steve can’t help but laugh as Jeff says, “fuck off.”
Steve looks these people over and they seem so much more comfortable than they had all those times before. “Alright, alright, well I’m going to go shower. Which isn’t something you can watch,” he winks at Jeff and gets shoved away with a laugh in response. It makes his heart happy like he could be friends with these people. So, he heads up to the shower.
By the time he’s done with his shower, he’s ready to relax. The hot water made his muscles untense and he remembers his game plan. All he has to do is stay on a separate floor from the others and then everything should be fine. That way he hopefully won't wake anyone up by screaming. He’s more sure of himself as he heads into the kitchen. The boys are back downstairs and Steve opens up his fridge to see the different foods he got in preparation.
He sighs and shuts the door, leaning on the counter of the kitchen. Steve doesn’t understand why food has gotten so hard. Why, even when he’s hungry, he can't picture actually being able to eat anything. He hates how everything seems unappealing. Sure, Jeff’s suggestion for leaving meat out of his diet has helped, but it hasn’t fixed everything. He still doesn’t want to eat even when he knows he should. Especially when the swimming couch is telling him that he’s losing steam. Steve doesn’t want to admit that he’s had more dizzy spells because of the lack of food.
He pushes away from the counter and heads downstairs. Everyone’s listening as Eddie paints the picture. It makes Steve want to stay right there and watch until Eddie runs out of words. It makes him think of his Grandpa or Boppa, which is what Steve had called him. Because Boppa would tell all these stories of his late wife that died giving birth or stories of his time at war. He always wrapped Steve in words until Steve felt safe and Eddie does the same thing. He weaves his words into magic for those around him.
Steve blinks and shakes his head. “I’m going to cook up dinner. Are there any preferences?” He forces himself to say. If he tells them, they’ll rely on him and then he’ll have to make something.
They all look over at him with a smile but it’s Eddie who speaks, “whatever sounds good to you. We’ll eat just about anything.” He grins and Steve nods even if he doesn’t quite believe him.
Jeff sits up straighter, like he’s about to stand, “do you want any help?”
Steve chokes back a yes and shakes his head. “I’ve got it, you guys just keep on going.” He waves his hand dismissively and heads back up.
Then he’s back in front of the fridge. He doesn’t even open the door, just stands there wondering. He wants something to jump out at him, he wants to want food but he just doesn’t. “Hey,” Jeff says and Steve jumps from the fridge. “I know you said you didn’t need help but my character is almost dead and needs to rest.” Steve doesn’t know the game; he doesn’t know if it’s a lie. He just nods and lets Jeff open the fridge doors.
“Okay, does anything sound good?” Jeff questions and Steve shakes his head. He doesn’t feel like he needs to lie to Jeff which is a new feeling. He lies often, sometimes he doesn’t even need to lie, it just comes out anyways. “Okay, how about Chili? I know this good recipe for black bean and lentil chili. My sister loves it,” Jeff offers and Steve grimaces. “Or how about grilled sandwiches? I know this one with avocado, tomato, cheese, and spinach.”
Steve’s stomach doesn’t instantly rebel at the idea of it. “Yeah, okay.” He nods and goes to get out what they needed.
It’s quiet for a little while until Jeff hums, “so how was swimming?”
Steve glances over at him, the knife in his hand pausing. “Fine, nothing worth noting,” He shrugs. The last thing he wants to do is bore them with his hobbies. “Um, so, you guys have a band, right?” At Jeff’s nod, Steve continues, “so what kind of instrument do you play?”
“Bass,” Jeff does a little air guitar using the spatula like it’s the neck of the guitar. “You should come to watch us. We practice in Gareth’s garage.” He grins over at Steve and Steve nods easily. Pathetically clinging onto whatever they throw his way.
“Do you play any instruments?” Jeff asks and Steve thinks about his parents having him play the piano, and how he dropped it just to start a fight. How his parents had gotten him to play it before they started leaving him alone for months at a time. Before his dad was sleeping around so much that Steve's mom felt the need to go with him, to keep an eye on her husband. How at first, they had come to watch him. But eventually, they stopped coming. Steve worked hard to get so good that they’d want to come back, but it never helped. So, Steve stopped playing, he wanted the fight… His parents hadn’t even known he had still been playing.
“I noticed the piano in the main room, do you play?” Jeff asked and Steve gave a jerky nod.
He cleared his throat, “I used to. Not anymore,” He goes back to slicing up the tomato. It was quiet for a moment before Steve cleared his throat, “When do you guys prac-” He started to say.
But Jeff started to apologize at the same time. “Sorry if I-” They went back to silence and Jeff cleared his throat, “I’m sorry if it’s something you don’t want to talk about. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Steve finished up the tomatoes, “it’s fine. Uh, no one really knows, I guess. I played for a long- a really long time but-” I was too much of an attention whore to continue. Is what he didn’t say. He just shrugged, “no reason to continue.”
Jeff was quiet for a moment. “Well, I’d love to listen if you wanted to dust off those skills.” He grinned and it looked honest. Steve wanted to hug him he really wanted to hug him but he just smiled. 
He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the tears starting to well up. “Um, yeah it sounds like a plan. If I want to play, I’ll tell you.” Jeff’s smile is blinding and it makes Steve slump a little. They put the sandwiches together before heading down and giving them out.
Steve watched Eddie pick at the vegetables but once Eddie noticed Steve’s gaze, he quickly took a bite. Humming like it was the best thing he’s ever had. It made Steve grin and take a bite of his own. Steve was next to Gareth today, somehow always able to be on the couch with the hidden machete. Not that the guys knew it was there, they probably just noticed how often Steve tended to stick to this couch. They were like that, doing small things Steve normally wouldn’t notice if he wasn’t watching them so closely.
After they finished, they started back up the game. Jeff slipped back in easily. Too easy for his reason to leave, to be the truth. But Steve didn’t mind that Jeff had gone up to help him. Steve sat by Gareth, letting the younger boy show him a few things as they played until 9. At 9, he stood and headed up to his room. Grabbing the walkie and waiting for the first one to speak. One by one they checked in. All but Nancy and Jonathan, who weren’t home yet. Steve pushed back the nerves and said good night before heading back down.
The game was still going strong and Steve enjoyed watching. However, he still found himself falling asleep. Blinking in and out as they play around him. Eventually, Gareth shakes him awake from where he’s leaning against the younger boy. “Mm, sorry,” he mumbles and shifts away.
“It’s all good, it’s just- uh, we were wondering where we can sleep.” Gareth is soft but he sounds awkward. Steve nods and gets to his feet.
“Right,” he nods for them to follow him and they head up and up. The house has 3 guest rooms so with his room they’re covered. He passes his parents' room, leaving it closed like always. He opens each door as he passes and lastly opens the door to his room. “You guys can take a room,” he says and gestures at the opened doors.
“That’s your room,” Eddie points out and Steve straightens.
He raises one eyebrow, daring him to fight him on this. “And? Pick a room, gentlemen.” He states and heads back downstairs.
He gets to the kitchen and pours himself a cup of water as he hears them talking above him. If they refused to take his room, he still wouldn’t sleep up there. They needed at least a floor difference. “Steve,” Eddie hops the last few steps and stops in front of him. “We’re not going to sleep in your room.” He states and Steve huffs, swallowing a large gulp of water.
Then stares dead at Eddie, “Well then no one will. I never sleep in there, so I don’t get the problem.” His voice is slipping into the tone he used around Tommy and Carol but he can’t stop it.
Eddie looks at him, truly looks at him, “why?”
Steve doesn’t break eye contact. “Because I always sleep on the couch when my parents aren’t here.”
Steve’s stare is turning more into a glare, he can feel it. But he doesn’t stop it. “Why can’t I? I’m alone in this house, I can sleep where I want. Are you saying that I can’t sleep-”
“Steve, I’m just wondering why you don’t sleep on a bed. I don’t understand why you’d rather sleep on the couches that are really firm.” Eddie says and his tone says calm, patient.
Steve just shakes his head, “please drop it, Eddie.”
Eddie moves forwards like he’s going to hug Steve but he stops himself. “I will… but I really want you to- um, I hope one day we’ll be close enough you’ll tell me.” He says softly and Steve nods setting down his cup. “Do you want company on the couches?”
Steve blinks and Eddie goes beat red but Steve doesn’t let him get worked up. “Nah, I’m just gonna sleep. Why don’t you go take my bed?” Eddie gives a sharp nod and gives Steve’s shoulder a squeeze before he heads back upstairs. “Night, Eds.”
Eddie looks back and smiles softly, “night, Stevie.”
@zerokrox-blog @cyranx @adaed5 @the-redthread @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @bisexualdisastersworld @deadlydodos @anythingyouwanttobe @nburkhardtt @bestwifehaver @thehumblefigtree @megzdoodle @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep @bxlthazar @autumnal-dawn @chillichats @nonbinary-eddie-munson @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @a-little-unsteddie @sharingisntkaren @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @0o-queendean-o0 @beckkthewreck @vi-an-te @vampireinthesun @newtstabber @dinosareawesome2137  @spicemallow @hellomynameismoo  @luthienstormblessed @briceslayed @angeldreamsoffanfic @dbquills @prideandsensibility @iwouldsail @ponfarrtimeatthevulcannightclub @spectrum-spectre @the-chilly-kat @yearningagain @loopsmd @starlight-archer @sleepy-time @goodolefashionedloverboi  @crazyshipper67  @sherrylyn628  @bidisastersworld  @v3lnys  @n0connections @pyrohonk  @cherixxx69 @theotalksalot @tailsfromthecrypt @ledleaf @grimmfitzz
(I can’t tag any more people I’m sorry!!! If you want to stay updated pls follow me or go onto Ao3 and subscribe to the story!)
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tinukis · 4 months
i think about trans sanji a lot... mtf or ftm he's transgender (or genderfluid ♥️)
but i think about ftm sanji and his struggles with his identity. his self hatred, self esteem, and toxic masculinity... i think about ftm sanji a lot...
i have stuff from my notes app. one was meant to be written as a fic but i gave up so it's incomplete. this takes place after wci and before wano. warnings are below the cut and in the tags, please read with caution.
trigger warning - gender dysphoria, child abuse (may be graphic.), misgendering, self-harm
Sanji wishes he was never a man. Let alone be born with the genital of a woman's.
He loves women. He admires them. Their beauty, their bodies, their smile, their femininity, everything. He wishes he could be just like them, that was his assigned sex, after all. Yet as a child, every time he stared at himself in the mirror, he would be staring at someone else. He did see a girl, but it wasn't him.
It's his turn on night watch. As everyone exchanges their goodnights and enter the cabin, Sanji climbs into the crow's nest and leaned against the window where the moonlight shined. His hand over his heart and crumpling his shirt into his fist. They just left Whole Cake Island but now that half his crew learned about the Vinsmokes, he was only filled with dread and anxiety.
They knew too much and there was nothing he can do about it but fill his lungs with tobacco. He knew they wouldn't pry further and he was relieved that they still see him the same but... It was being confronted by his Captain he dreaded the most. He didn't care about anyone's past nor does he try to look into them, but after everything Sanji did to Luffy and what Luffy did for him, he doesn't know what the hell to expect anymore.
Sanji knows Luffy would notice something's wrong and he couldn't avoid him forever. What was he supposed to tell him anyway?
Oh everything's fine, Luffy. Just you know, I've been reminded what sex I was born as and how I grew up hating myself because I'm actually a man. And I hated being a man because of how all the men in my life raised and treated me. I feel like I have betrayed all the women in my life. But other than that, I'm fine, Captain.
He puffs out a trail of smoke with a long exhale, clutching his head and pulling his hair that covered his right eye. He only wishes for silence but the calm waves below. Not his shitty thoughts about his identity or what lessons he'd been taught on Kamabakka Kingdom. With little to nonexistent self-worth, it was fucking hard to accept who he is. He needed no one elses approval but his own.
"Mother... is it wrong to feel like a boy?" Sanji fiddled with his thumbs, sitting on the edge of his mother's bed. His back was turned towards her, but he could hear her smile.
"What makes you feel that, Sanji?"
"... I don't know. My heart feels bad and heavy when I am a girl," Sanji hugged himself tight, gritting his teeth to hold back his tears. His brothers told him a man doesn't cry, otherwise he'd never be considered or respected as one.
"Sanji, look at me," his mother's voice was soft and full with kindness.
Sanji slowly turned his head, sniffling his red nose with his tearful eyes. His mother gently cupped over his cheek and wiped away the teardrops overflowing from the corner of his eye.
"Follow what your heart feels, Sanji. Despite what your father says, you continue seeing me, right? Continue with what your heart desires."
If only it were that easy.
"I was born wrong," said Sanji.
"Clearly," responded father. Unsure what he had meant by that, Sanji was overjoyed to be treated as a boy going forward.
A man was not who he wanted to be, yet those feelings of euphoria when dressed alike to his brothers and referred to as a "son" or "he" were undeniable.
It was a bit of surprise that even his brothers were forced to comply. But that doesn't stop their bullying and abuse whenever left alone with them.
"We're only wrestling! It's what boys do!" Yonji exclaimed with his arm strangled around Sanji's neck. Sanji tugged and tugged, attempting to escape his grasp only for Yonji to flex tighter.
"You're a boy, right, Sanji? Then act like one! Reiju is more of a man than you are!" Niji laughed, swinging a harsh kick into Sanji's shin.
Sanji was gasping between breaths, his skin turning from a shade of red to blue. For once, Yonji obliged but that moment of refreshing release was cut short by Ichiji's foot to Sanji's mouth.
"If you're a man, then stand up!" Ichiji yelled, kicking Sanji again by his stomach, not giving him a single chance for a breath of air. Coughed up blood splattered over the red carpet and Ichiji's white pants.
"Eww! She spat out blood!" Yonji exaggerated his gagging with his tongue lolled out his mouth and pointing into it.
Sanji shakily forced himself up, bloodied and bruised. His brothers smirked at him, intrigued that he was even capable of standing up after a beating.
"I'm... I'm not a she!!!" Sanji shouted and panted heavily. He knelt over, clutching onto his growling stomach that was building up his throat.
"Oh yeah? If you're not a girl, then," without warning, Niji swung his leg across Sanji's head, forcing a crack into the castle's walls. "Try not to pass out!"
His brothers waited for their useless brother to even breathe one shallow breath. Sanji couldn't move a single muscle, yet he was still conscious. When he heard heavy footsteps, his eyes widened and his heart beat grew steady. Sanji cried out for his father, but his throat felt clogged and not a word was heard.
"H-hel...p... me..." Sanji sputtered with quivering lips. His brothers laughed aloud, every time their mouths opened their words would never be positive.
The heavy footsteps got closer and Sanji turned his head towards that direction, staring at his father's unchanged expression. The burning sensation from his stomach rose. It ached terribly and he couldn't do anything but cry.
"F-fath— MGH—!" Sanji vomited on the carpet, his brothers expressed their disgust and laughed. When Sanji's eyes met with Judge, he was stared down at with revulsion. He bit back the bottom of his lip, trying to prevent tears or vomiting again, he couldn't tell what was happening anymore. It was like the room started to spin, the laughter dissipating in the background before everything turned to black.
The only people in Sanji's life that even treated him with kindness were women. His bedridden mother, his bystander sister, and the maids. But his mother was long gone for months. All he became accustomed to was the gray brick walls, steel bars caging him in, and a heavy iron helmet upon his head. The only people that ever kept him company were the Germa soldiers. But of course, they never bothered with conversations and only responded to Sanji's needs. He was even lucky that his requests for books were allowed.
Being kept alive, rotting in this dungeon was a fate worse than Hell. His hair grew longer and it felt so damn itchy. But with the stupid mask over his head, he couldn't satisfy the itch. Sanji had to resort to scratching his arms until they burnt and glowed red. Sometimes he'd scratch hard enough that it'd draw blood. He'd only stop once his arms started to bleed.
Sometimes Sanji refused baths. He wasn't comfortable with either a man or even a woman scrubbing him clean. He didn't want to do it all himself. He didn't want to look at the bare body he couldn't stand to look at. He wanted his mother. He wanted Reiju.
Since Sanji refused to have a bath because of the growing pit in his stomach grew each time he had to strip down, reminded of the body that shouldn't be his. The Germa soldiers resorted to soaking him with a hose and drop off his preferred choice of clothing.
That was all these past months of hell Sanji lived through alone in the dark and dank dungeon. The isolated loneliness was more agonizing than being beaten like a worn out punching bag by his brothers. Despite the amount of bruises and broken bones they may have caused, he missed them.
But maybe he thought too soon. Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji found him, surprised that he was still alive. They purposely spoke aloud how killing Sanji would likely make their father happy. His heart began to race like it was about to burst right out of his chest. Once they got the gate unlocked, they approached Sanji slowly, making him backed against the cold brick wall.
It was the same cycle as previously. Maybe even worse now as they were beneath the palace so no one would hear Sanji scream and cry for help.
Liquid rolls down Sanji's forearm and his cigarette burnt out. His nails dug into his skin deep enough to draw blood. Shit. No matter the pain he's given himself, it will never get rid of the filthy hands that bruised his body.
Sanji tosses his cigarette into the ashtray and lights another.
Why couldn't the good people in his life just leave him to rot?
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kaijuree · 1 year
Alrighty y'know what time it is heheh
TRR [Team Rainbow Rocket] Headcanons!!
[keep in mind this is just my AU you can have your own, this is just how I see these idiots]
[Also- yes I ship Lysandre & Cyrus, because I have my AU & my opinions, so don't like demonetize me saying some other ship is better stfu-]
Pansexual. Always been a little fruity, especially since he was a teen, & kinda crushes on Nanu- that's unrelated tho <3
Short as fuck. Like I mean this dude is 5 foot tall, whenever you see like photos of him with the rest of Team Rocket, he's usually standing on a fucking step-stool
Has rlly bad anxiety & shit like that, also takes antidepressants & medication because his mental health used to be rlly rlly bad [because of Ariana & just stressing out about managing Team Rocket] & he'll get like that bad if he goes long enough without them
Actually a decent father unlike his canon counterparts. Took care of Silver instead of putting him up for adoption after Ariana left, basically had to juggle trying not to be a deadbeat dad & managing a big mafia lmao. Silver turned out decent- he doesn't hate Giovanni so yippee!! [they actually get along whoa]
Absolutely fucking hates Professor Oak, due to some *personal* issues in the past.
Can cook rlly good. He actually wanted to get into culinary classes & shit but he got expelled out of highschool & then disowned so that was crushed along with his will to live
Trans [FTM] Archie is rlly the only one who knows, because he's a nosy fucker lmao. Still has rlly bad body dysphoria- explaining all the layers & oversized jacket [didn't get top surgery because he's a chicken shit so he just wears a binder 24/7]
Not actually from Hoenn [surprise surprise!!]- originally from Orre but moved to Hoenn because it was transphobic as fuck & it genuinely just sucked lolz
One of the only sane ones in TRR, also actually smart [like he didn't wanna like dry up all the water he just wanted to make more islands in Hoenn- still a dangerous method haha]
Salty as fuck. Will find something annoying or unlikable about you, he doesn't care who the hell you are he will do it. Also, he fucking hates Archie- probably cuz he screws up his damn research & drags him along lmao
Overworks himself all the damn time, & has a bad habit of putting himself in uncomfortable situations- such as choosing his admins. Maybe he should've gotten to know Courtney & Tabitha more before making them the Team Magma admins [oki oki but Tabitha gives off the vibes that he streams League of Legends in a damn maid outfit every night. Also I don't like Courtney because she just gives off those creep vibes eugh]
Gay & polyamorous. All the surfer guys in Alola are NOT fucking safe because he's there lmao. Also him & Matt are exes, but since no hard feelings they're still friends
Aggressive wholesomeness 24/7- also THE ultimate extrovert who tries to be on good terms with everyone except if you're Ghetsis because if you're Ghetsis fuck you [he's an absolute sweetheart but also a dumbass]
Dumb as fuck. Half the shit he pulls he just did because he felt like it or he was bored- he doesn't have a goddamn reason he just fucking did it
His Sharpedo's name is Grace. This is very important because Grace is love Grace is life
Gives everyone stupid nicknames & makes horrible jokes & puns. Sometimes it's fucking unbearable because they're so damn cheesy & Maxie is yelling from across the room telling him to shut the fuck up but he thinks he's goddamn hilarious
Greysexual. Attracted to his opposite [sweet cute guys aka Lysandre]
He's emo guys!!! Omg real!!! If he's not wearing his Galactic uniform he's wearing oversized grunge style clothing- you will never see him wearing anything with colour. Also yes he wears eyeliner & people assume he wears eyeshadow but nah that's just his dark ass eyebags
He's a fucking empath & it's hilarious. He hates it because he tries so damn hard to ignore his emotions which only makes his already rapidly declining mental health worse
Horrible sleep schedule & just terrible at taking care of himself in general. He's running off of goddamn energy drinks & coffee- he won't sleep unless he passes out from exhaustion lmao. Also he only rlly eats like popcorn [which is usually like he's up at 2 in the morning watching a space documentary & he just binge eats it because he hasn't eaten in two weeks or something]
THE ultimate space nerd. If you even mention something space related he will give you a detailed explanation or description about said space thing- also he's got Team Galactic's base is all space themed & they have millions of dollars worth of stolen space tech lmao [autism moment yes Cyrus is autistic]
Has an engineering degree, also graduated highschool when he was 16 & got into college early. Moved out of his parents' house the second he had enough money
Aroace. The most hardcore aroace guy out there. He has trouble with love & shit due to trauma, which also kinda makes it hard for him to admit that he does fucking care about N [he doesn't deserve N]
Do I really have to explain that this guy is fucking insane? Do I? [He's got actual BPD & he's narcissistic as hell but he's just gotten worse. Also autistic but that's not rlly- bad]
He looks like he'd be homophobic- but he's not. He just hates everyone. Also he's not like sexist or anything like that too
The most stylish & extra person you'll meet. He has a giant wardrobe & has all his clothes custom tailored- he has outfits for certain occasions & times, & he absolutely HAS to have the finest of jewelry & has to get himself all dolled up too. Bro is also feminine as hell sometimes. He knows he's fucking pretty
Has the most random talents & hobbies. I mean, he can swordfight- & also knows gardening?? Wha??? Also very musically talented- he plays 'elegant' instruments like the piano & harp
A goddamn drama queen. If his temper wasn't bad enough don't even get started on how damn overdramatic this asshole is. I swear Colress is so done with his shit
Asexual/Demiromantic. Attracted to everyone but preferably men, also will only be attracted to someone if he feels like he has an emotional bond with someone lol
Kinda on the dumber side. Also slow on things, like figuring out what he's actually doing. Genuinely a very sweet & kind person, also a bit of a crybaby but that's unimportant [undiagnosed ADHD]
He's a goddamn baker. He has a degree in business & finances or something- only because his parents made him. He's just an idiot lion baker man. That's also the only reason he took over Team Flare, the old leader kinda just appeared in an alley & told him he could have a bakery if he took up the offer lmaoo
Actually from another universe where he got shot by the Ultimate Weapon, but got swip swapped by Colress because why not!! Because it was a blast full of Xerneas's power [the whimsical deer fairy Pokemon of fucking life] he's immortal. He also can't get like injured- he'll just regenerate
He looks so goddamn intimidating- & he's oblivious to it. Half the time it's because he partially has a resting bitch face or he's squinting because he's kinda far-sighted. Whenever someone says something about it he just gets so fucking confused lmaoo
Thats all for now! I'll do a part 2 & maybe some extras for other characters like Colress- but yeah this is all for now lolzies
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alwaysmychoices · 2 years
What's your HC for Ethan's personal time, away from MC? Like, do you see him going out with friends? On his own? Does he ever do things that doesn't involve her?
Other than MC, Ethan’s one true love is his work, so it’s not surprising that a lot of his personal time involves independent research on medicine. Judging by the amount of hours he logs at Edenbrook, you’d never know he had a hobby, but Ethan actually a very enthusiastic hobbyist.
In his free times, he’s learning new recipes, auditing cooking classes, and making strong ties at the farmers market so he always gets the best produce. He’s very passionate about the opera, and as a prominent donor, he has a standing reservation to attend a show whenever he can. He’s also increasingly becoming a wine connoisseur (read: wine snob) and desperately wants to take a week to drink his way through Napa with MC at his side. Ethan hates all the pompous galas and fundraisers, but he’s a significant donor to several philanthropic efforts through town, including a STEM education program making such studies more accessible to first-generation students like him.
Now, no one would dare call Ethan a social butterfly, but he’s not a complete hermit. Admittedly, it might take some prodding from MC, but he sees friends (and he makes more of an effort to do so when he decides he wants more than just an empty office to greet him every night). Casually, he maintains friendships with his favorite butchers, chefs, grocers, old classmates, and fellow dog park patrons. On a slightly deeper level, he meets up with Tobias and Bryce, but Ethan’s discomfort with their unique brand of chaos keeps those outings pre-planned and contained. Then, there’s Ethan’s true inner circle — MC, Naveen, Harper, and Alan. He has a standing coffee date with Naveen that morphed into weekly dinners once he settled down with MC, and Harper is a frequent participant. Despite initial unease, Harper becomes a member of their found family and is as welcome as anyone else. She and Ethan often get lunch together or commiserate at fundraising events. Alan is also a frequent visitor, with him coming to Boston and Ethan going to Rhode Island. Though not as close to MC’s old roommates as she is, Ethan considers them friends and has a particular attachment to Sienna as they both share a protective instinct toward MC. Their shared culinary interest mean that Sienna is frequently invited to join Ethan on his newest experiment.
Having MC around encouraged Ethan to get out there, but honestly, I don’t think he was nearly as much of a hermit as he pretends to be.
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axvwriter · 5 months
Random Late Night Rambling
Do any of you think Neige would be the type to fall in love with someone who doesn’t go crazy over him? Like the trope of super popular person pines for the person who doesn’t know them/isn’t impressed/hates them?
I think it would be funny to have Neige develop a crush on Bobo, someone who holds a grudge against him for winning VDC but can’t bring herself to act outright nasty to him because he’s so genuinely nice.
I just have the idea of Neige running into Bobo on her birthday or well a day she’s able to celebrate her birthday in her own way on. Usually she spends her birthdays alone, but I bet her NRC friends wouldn’t allow that. So she agrees to party with them and takes the next available weekend for herself.
She does what she usually does, leave home to explore and find a safe spot to be alone. Bobo finds a secluded spot on Sage Island’s beach. She tries to settle down and get lost in her thoughts but is interrupted by Neige. Neige who’s trying to avoid fans. Why? Because even as grateful as he is for having fans, had just wanted to spend some time enjoying the island.
So he finds Bobo by herself just as he’s escaped a rowdy group of fans. Bobo recognizes him and instantly her mood sours. She wanted to be alone, but she can distantly hear people asking where Neige went. Bobo doesn’t greet him, trying to decide what to do.
Then Neige apologizes. Saying he didn’t mean to disrupt her. He even asks if he could join her, which causes Bobo to stand up. Bobo tells him he can have the spot and goes to find another secluded area. Neige tries to protest, worrying she feels forced to leave.
“You want to be alone, don’t you?” Bobo cuts him off. “I want to be alone. I have fun finding new spots anyway.” She corrects herself, leaving. She understands how overwhelming it can get to give crowds wanting your attention. Even if you’re grateful that the crowds love you.
Neige misinterprets Bobo’s selfish desire to get away and not have to interact with him in any way as Bobo being kind and understanding towards him. Thus he develops a crush.
Oh imagine Neige trying to visit NRC to see Bobo just to have Rook plastered to his side. I bet Rook could sense him approaching the campus. Though while Rook may actually observe from a distance, Bobo’s texting him to run interference.
Poor Neige wants to get to know the Ramshackle Prefect but instead keeps having to entertain Pomefiore’s Vice Housewarden. I want to think Neige would be a bit of a doormat and be unable to bring himself to ask Rook to leave.
Poor Neige who whenever he tries to see Bobo, she suddenly has plans. Whether those plans be to garden with Jade, which she refuses to let anyone else join. Or she has to go to an unbirthday party and she keeps forgetting to ask if she can bring guests. Or Bobo is meeting with the Savanaclaw Housewarden in the botonacial garden.
Then perhaps rip Bobo, Rook has betrayed his loyalty to NRC again to trick her onto a date with Neige. Instead of Rook being at there usual tea meetup spot where Bobo fills Rook’s insatiable curiosity about her and her world, Neige is there. Looking innocently confused because Rook tricked him there too.
Oh how Bobo is going to hunt Rook down after this. Oh wait she can’t leave because Rook has joined them. Rook will keep Bobo from leaving and Neige’s niceness will keep Bobo from actually being mean. Why does he have to be nice and not fake?! Bobo hates this. Neige now thinks she’s shy.
Neige asks Bobo over to RSA and now she’s torn. She likes seeing new places. Bobo doesn’t want to go alone though as she will likely be given a tour by Neige.
Oh what if I had Bobo meet all of the main villain boys’ rivals in RSA? What if twst Hercules name is Chad? How many of them are hopeless romantics and would it be funny if all of them fell for her? All she did was restrain herself from scoffing and talking trash because she’s feeling rather petty against all of RSA. Yet they all think she’s reserved and shy.
Quick roll call of main villains and heroes
Queen of Hearts - Alice
Scar - Simba
Ursula - Ariel
Jafar - Alladin
Evil Queen - Snow White
Hades - Hercules
Maleficint - Aurora
Uhmm out of those the hopeless romantics may be Ariel, Snow White, Aurora…. Would Alladdin and Hercules count? Gah I need to rewatch stuff and take notes.
Anyways imagine RSA boys thinking they’re Bobo’s friends after one meeting. NRC boys are not happy with all the RSA students coming by to try seeing the Ramshackle Prefect. Bobo can’t use studying as an excuse not to see them as they’d all offer to help.
Though how satisfied and/or surprised would the NRC boys be to witness Bobo telling all the RSA boys to their faces that she doesn’t see them as friends, has no interest in being friends, and wants them all to stop dropping by.
When push comes to shove, Bobo will stare impassively into those broken faces. They’re nice but that’s not enough to make Bobo feel strong-armed into keeping up niceties with them.
Though would RSA even have an aurora-like considering that’s basically Silver?
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Post #60: NM issues 26-28
After 2 years of foreshadowing, we're finally getting our introduction to Xavier's son, David Haller, in the Legion story arc. It opens on Muir Island with Tom and Sharon, the people that Demon Bear enslaved and then turned into Native Americans. Again, this is a very strange storyline and really would not fly today, but at the very least I'm eternally thankful that the transformation didn't change their personalities to be obsessed with tribe honor or something, which has been a very frequent issue with Claremont's Native Americans. They're discussing how their lives have changed; Sharon is still mourning her old life, but Tom is excited by the borderline superhuman physiques that the Demon Bear also gave them. They see a strange astral projection of a young man and then an alarm sounds and there's a telekinetic storm. They find the source is in David's room. He's flailing around screaming for help, apparently completely out of control, until he starts grinning and laughing in a completely different voice. Cut to the next morning, where the Blackbird arrives with Sean, Xavier, Dani, Rahne, Doug, and Warlock. Moira is overjoyed to see Sean alive again after the events of the last Uncanny storyline. When Rahne sees her greet him first, she begins to cry, assuming her mother has abandoned her, but Moira comes up and hugs her. It's sad to see Rahne hate herself so much that she assumes her own mother would forget about her, and I'm glad Moira is being supportive and loving. We really don't see a lot of their relationship, but whenever we do it's a lovely side of Moira and a great moment for Rahne. Meanwhile, Dani and Doug watch in astonishment as Warlock attempts to flirt with the Blackbird. Doug tells Dani how excited he is to be a New Mutant and live in the world of superheroes. Doug hasn't really been strongly defined as a person yet, but we're starting to get an idea of him as an outgoing people person who can also be a bit of an awkward nerd. Unlike the rest of the team, he's always had a stable life and has yet to develop any sort of tragic backstory, and the brutal realities of life as a superhero haven't sunken in yet. Moira finally gets to the reason she called- an explosion occured last night that leveled a building and apparently wiped the minds of Tom and Sharon, leaving them as vegetables. Xavier is shocked to see Gaby Haller, his old therapy patient/lover (in case you forgot he's kinda a creep) who's now an Israeli ambassador. She tells him that her son, David, is schizophrenic (he actually has DID, but at the time people, including Claremont, referred to having multiple personalities as schizophrenia) and withdrew from reality when he was ten, but she doesn't tell him that he's Xavier's son. Meanwhile, at the Massachusetts Academy, Emma yells at Empath for how he treated Firestar and telepathically turns off his powers as punishment. Emma is still kinda a conundrum. Under Claremont's pen, she's basically completely evil, and the Hellions are tools she uses in her grand plans. But at the same time, it sometimes seems like she truly cares about to kids under her care. With a few exceptions, most notably Magneto, Claremont prefers to make his villains reflections of the worst parts of his heroes rather than morally complex people in their own right, so he would probably say she doesn't care about them. She's one of the characters who I think gets noticably more interesting when Claremont leaves and she starts her redemption arc, but that redemption is built on the idea that she always cared for her children on some level. When you read these old stories in retrospect, keeping in mind where she ends up adds a interesting new dimension to Emma's character, even if Claremont didn't have that in mind. I also have a lot more thoughts on Empath, but I'll save those for later. Back to our main cast: while Xavier talks to Gaby, the kids go to the nearby town to hang out. Warlock eats a bird, and Dani is upset with him for risking their cover in public. Warlock's another character who hasn't gotten much panel time yet, although he's more defined than Doug. He's naive like Doug, but he's also been through as much horror as any of them. Usually with a tragic backstory like Warlock's, the character end up distrustful of everyone they meet. But when Warlock met the New Mutants and the my weren't like his father, he assumed they must be the exact opposite and trusts them completely. His main challenges as a person will be learning about the shades of grey that exist between happiness and torment. The idea of an alien with the mutant ability to feel compassion is such an interesting one for the book to tackle. The New Mutants run into Reverend Craig, the man who raised Rahne and then tried to kill her. She's legally under Moira's protection, so he can't attack her but heells at her for being the spawn of Satan and she doesn't fight back, just bows her head and leaves, asking her friends to let it go. Back on the island, Xavier tries to enter David's mind and help him the way he did Gaby 20 years ago. Like his mother, David has a wall around his psyche, but unlike his mother, an astral form comes out to meet Xavier. It doesn't look like David, but a young Arabic man, the same one Tom and Sharon saw, who seems to be about to communicate Suddenly Xavier hears laughing and is blasted out of the room, both psychically and physically. Thousands of miles away, Lee wakes up to find Magneto having a nightmare and shaking the island. She wakes him up before he hurts himself and he thanks her and they start kissing. Back on the island, Xavier talks to Gaby, and says he was wrong to start a relationship with her all those years ago. He's absolutely right and I'm glad that at the very least he recognizes it. She begins to tell him about the trauma that sent David into his shell, but we don't get to see that because we cut away to Rahne. Seeing Craig again has just made her self doubt and hatred even worse, and she goes to Moria to ask for guidance. She begins to offer it when the astral form of the mysterious man appears and tells them to flee just before an explosion decimates the building.
Xavier finds Rahne and Moira in the same state as Tom and Sharon- physically fine but with no psyche, similar to people who Anna uses her powers on. Notably, Rahne is still in werewolf form, even though knocking her out usually makes her revert to human. Xavier realizes that David had several powers and each seems to be linked to a different personality. He believes that the catatonic people may have had their psyches absorbed, so Dani volunteers to try to follow her mindlink with Rahne. Xavier accompanies her astral form, but it's a trap, and both of their minds, along with Gaby's and Doug's, are pulled into David's head. Warlock is spared because his alien brain works differently, but without his friends he quickly falls into a pit of despair. Xavier, still weakened from his mugging, is struggling to defend himself and his friends from the battle he's fighting inside David's mind. Although David's wall wraps around threatens to crush them, Xavier finds the strength to tear a hole in. Through it, the heroes see a whole city in David's mind, and Dani senses Rahne's presence in it. David appears and cries out for Xavier to help him. He's ready Gaby's thoughts and calls Xavier father, which shocks him and makes him lose his grip on Doug and Gaby, who are pulled into the psychic storm. Xavier sees three giant heads in the sky. One of them is a man who says the dilemma can't be helped and introduced them as Legion. The second is the guy who's been astral projecting, who tries to warn Xavier he's in danger. The third is a younger girl who says he should give up, and it'll be nice to have new personalities stuck in the mind. Off to the side, he sees the true David, a tiny child begging his father to save him. Xavier could flee and save himself and Dani, but he can't abandon the son he just discovered, so he flies into the storm towards the city. It's a combination of Paris and Beirut, filled with war and people screaming in agony. It seems to be a combination of David's childhood in Paris and the memories of the one helpful alternate personality, with both of their worst experiences magnified into a hellscape. Horrified at the thought of David growing up in this mental reality, he tries to figure out where to start searching. First, he mindscans for all his friends and students that were pulled into this city. Dani, Doug, and Gaby are together, and so are Rahne and Moira. Both groups are fighting for their lives against the monstrous tanks and planes that are attacking the city. Dani tells him they'll find each other and Tom and Sharon while Xavier goes to put an end to the chaos. He sees the guy who's been astral projecting, who runs off as Xavier is hit by a strafing plane. He's saved by the telekinetic personality, a charming adventurer named Jack Wayne. He says that the other guy is the telepathic personality, and he's imprisoned David in a giant done and is feeding him these nightmares to make them a reality. The telepath isn't a natural personality, he's an invader into the mind, and Jack and Xavier set off to take him down. Elsewhere, the telepath approaches Dani, Doug, and Gaby, who tries to attack him, saying he's a terrorist who killed David's godfather and tried to kill him. Rahne and Moira find Cyndi, the pyrokinetic personality, who helps them save the others from a group of demonic soldiers. Gaby and Moira figure out the truth, which Cyndi confirms: when the terrorist tried to kill David as a child, David's powers manifested and killed him, bringing his consciousness into his own mind. The invading personality ended up in control of David's natural telepathy. Jack tells Xavier the only way to save David is to kill the other personality, and Xavier takes the knife Jack offers and prepares to enter the dome and end things.
The team catches up with the duo as they try to climb the mountain to the dome at the top, where they'll find David. Although Xavier loves Jack, who reminds him of his own fantasies as a child, Dani and Rahne don't trust him. Across the ocean, Lee and Magneto have been living together on the island for a few weeks now, but she can't stop thinking of all the things he's done in the past. She tells him she can't forgive or trust him, and that their relationship is over. Magneto is reminded of his first wife Magda, who ran in terror when he uses his powers for the first time and never saw him again. He tells Lee he's changing as a person, and he needs her help, but she refuses to take his hand and he walks away, heartbroken. Back in the brain, our heroes are approaching the peak of the mountain. Cyndi has been flirting with Doug the whole journey, which is creepy but also kinda funny. When they reach the peak, they find the invading personality, who we finally learn is named Jemail Karami. They attack him, and the whole mountain disappears, revealed to be an illusion all along. Jemail flees into the wall of the dome of darkness, but that's also an illusion, and the group follows him in. They find a room full of floating crystals with images of memories, and Xavier says this is David's soul. Each crystal represents a memory or another small part of what adds together to form David the person. Some of the crystals are shattered, which Jack says is Jemail's doing. But Xavier says that these bits were shattered during David's original trauma, and some of them have been repaired by Jemail. Suddenly, another cluster of crystals comes flying out of the darkness with Jemail flailing at it's center and crashes into everyone, wounding Cyndi. As memories fly everywhere, Gaby finds herself face to face with the day David's godfather Daniel was murdered and David merged minds with all the terrorists and then killed them. The trauma was what sent David back into his own mind, accidentally pulling one of his victims in with him. Gaby tries to kill Jemail, but Xavier has a change of heart and stops her, saying nobody else dies. Jack chooses that moment to reveal his treachery and attack. Before Xavier can react, he's hit with an external psychic wave that puts him into a coma within his coma. For some reason, the book cuts away from the climax for half a page to give a scene of Empath. He tells a mysterious woman who represents "the Gladiators" that the New Mutants would be perfect combatants for her arena. Back at the soul battle, Dani summons Jack's greatest fear, a healthy young David living with Xavier as a loving father. It sends Jack catatonic, and Dani then moves over to Jemail. He was knocked unconscious, but she wakes him up by nudging the good memories in his head. He wakes up and reads Doug's mind, finally giving himself the ability to speak English and communicate with Dani. He explains the story: when he was first pulled into David's mind, he hated the boy, but when he read his mind, he saw what a gentle and kind soul he was. It was an epiphany that led him to decide to undo the damage he did and fix David's broken psyche. The task became increasingly difficult as Jack and Cyndi manifested and began to fight him, knowing that if he succeeded they would cease to exist. He had almost finished with the repairs when Jack smashed the two crystal clusters together, undoing all his work. He says that now that David's powers have manifested in the real world, he has no time to start over, and must take permanent control to avoid collateral damage, but Dani has another plan. She wakes up Jack and, by threatening him with another taste of her powers, coerces him to help Jemail. When Xavier wakes up two weeks later, he hears this whole story. He commends Dani on her heroism and leadership in saving everyone, including Tom and Sharon, who Jemail had been taking care of. Xavier goes to see David. To his surprise, David switches rapidly between the angry voices of Jack and Cyndi and Jemail, who apologizes tells him that Jack manipulated the process so that they would all share control with David.  When control reverts to David, Xavier hugs him and swears he'll never leave again. He tells Gaby that David may never be fully healed, but he'll never stop trying to help him. Privately, he wonders if it's worth it, because the weird external psychic blast he felt earlier was the return of the Beyonder.
I've always loved David, but I haven't read much stuff with him. This was my first time reading his origin story, and it did not disappoint. This might be X-Men art at its peak, with Sienkiewicz going absolutely insane on the hellscape of David's mind. It's perfectly paced, except for the weird thing at the end where it cut to Empath for like four panels, the mysteries and twists are all masterfully set up, and instead of fading into the background during the climax, Dani gets to be the MVP of the ending for the first time in a while. As for David himself, he's one of the best characters this book has introduced since the initial roster. His main personality doesn't show up much, but through Jack and Cyndi we get insight into his subconscious. Jack is the man he wanted to grow up to be, a swaggering adventurer who can defend himself from any attack. But beneath the surface, he's actually the asshole David could have become if he'd grown up with all his power but no moral guidance. He wants control, and is willing to sacrifice anyone to get it. Cyndi has less panel time, but I think is even more interesting. She's David's most cynical side, a child who lashes out with fire to destroy things that threaten her. She's the part of David that feels abandoned by his parents and can't trust anyone. I might be reading into this part too much, but I think her crush on Doug reflects how she really just wants to be understood. This is probably even more reading too far in, but I think Jemail kinda parallels Magneto. He attacked David for being Israeli, but when he failed to kill him he was forced to confront David's innocence and the monster that he had become, kinda similar to Magneto and Kitty in issue 150, although with some of the motivations different. Jemail decides redeem himself by helping David grow and keep his other selves in check, and Magneto will soon find redemption in teaching the New Mutants. David's dominant personality doesn't really appear until the very end, but he'll return in future stories and get a lot of development himself. I don't know if I'd rate this story or Demon Bear higher, but this is definitely in the top two that the series has had so far, and is overall one of my favorite stories in the X-canon.
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yikesitskennawrites · 2 years
Transitions- Chapter Seventeen: Annoying Jake Lockley
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Pairings: Steven Grant x (platonic) Reader, Marc Spector x (platonic) Reader, Jake Lockley x (platonic) Reader, Layla El-Faouly x (platonic) Reader  
“How was your weekend?” Lauren asks as you open your locker and put away your belongings before tying your apron around your waist. You groaned as you shut the small metal door and walked the couple of feet to where she was slicing cucumber. 
“Too short.” You state. “I just napped all weekend and ate chicken and rice, while binge watching shitty rom-coms.” Really, you made your weekend not sound as terrible as it actually was. You did nap, but you didn’t sleep well. You tossed and turned on your couch well into the early morning hours after waking from a nightmare as you did every night for the past month. It was nice to try to relax but it didn’t work out so well. You did recover some by eating more than you have been, but you still felt tired; and you were sure that part of the reason was your worry for Marc and Steven. 
You know that Jake would protect the body at all costs, but it’s still a body that Marc and Steven share. You began to get anxious whenever Jake was away for too long simply because you didn’t know if they would come back alive. It’s odd worrying for someone that you only knew for nearly three months. Back when you were fourteen and fifteen and you made friends, you didn’t worry this much or become this anxious for them. Perhaps the rooted fact that a cult and an Egyptian god are thrown into the mix is a major factor in how much you care. Also, you hate to think this, but you haven’t been close with anyone for a little over a year, so you understood why you were feeling nervous about the men's return. You were becoming soft for your neighbors.
“How was yours?” You ask while stifling a yawn.
“Kris and I went with the kids over to Canvey Island for the weekend.” She says as she reaches for another cucumber and puts into the slicer before turning the handle. You make an O shape with your mouth. Right, she took over your shift Friday. 
“Oh shit.” You state with a wince. “I’m so sorry that Kris and you had to cancel date night.”
“It’s alright,” She waves away your apology. “It’s more memories for the kids and us to share. Besides, you can babysit next time if you’re up for it.” You lean against the sink and cross your arms over your chest. 
“I never babysat anyone before.” You admit. 
“Not even your siblings?”
“I don’t have any brothers or sisters. Didn’t even babysit the neighbors kids.” 
“Well, I was just teasing you about it.” She says with a small smile on her face. You let out a relieved sigh. “I would be willing to help you learn how to take care of small children if you want to.”
“Really?” You say with an arched brow. You were a bit surprised that Lauren would let you trial run with her children. Well, it's under her supervision, so you guess you could understand her proposition. “I know the gist is to make sure that they stay alive.”
“That’s the most important part.” She agrees and laughs a bit. You smile and watch her pick up another cucumber and put it into the slicer before continuing turning the handle.
“So, how was Canvey Island?” 
“It was good!” Lauren excitedly says. She briefly pauses in turning the handle and shooting you a grin. The sight of her eyes crinkling in the corners and the twinkles shining in her eyes made you force out a laugh from your tightening chest. She reminded you of your own mom whenever she used to get hyped about something or reminisce about her youth. Your own mother would get a similar expression on her face and tell you all about her past and excitement. You missed her. 
Lauren doesn’t seem to notice your faltering smile as she says, “It was low-tide. So we were able to go out a bit and check out the tidepools. Molly loved seeing the starfish and barnacles while Jaime tried to catch fish in those small pools.” You look down at your shoes which looked like they barely had any scuff marks or dirt to signal the two years of use since you scrubbed them clean of blood the day after you were attacked. 
Your hands gripped the edge of the sink as you asked, “Did you and Kris have fun?” You shifted your eyes to her and the sight of her eyebrows wiggling a suggestive look in her eyes made you snort and the tightness in your chest loosen a small fraction.
“Oh we sure did.” She grins. “The kids fell asleep in the hotel room and Kris and I went out to the hot-tub.” You stand up straight and begin to mess with the strings of your apron before you walk over to the time clock and punch in to begin your shift. 
Lauren peaks around the shelf supplies of mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings towards you as she asks, “Have you been to Canvey Island?” You shake your head as you adjust the nametag on your cap.
“Nah, but I do want to travel around England.” You say as you walk back to the sink and drain the remaining water.
“Just England?” She gives you a look. “You don’t want to visit anywhere else?”
“Traveling outside of the country doesn’t seem like it's in the cards for me now and I don’t want to get my hopes up.” You shrug. “I do want to do more with my life than just move from America over to the United Kingdom. But, uh, I just don’t know.” You can’t exactly tell her that you don’t want people squinting at your passport and other documents. 
“Even with the holiday pay we get?” She pushes as she begins to take apart the slicer and put the metal components in the sink next to you. The loud banging of the metal against the sink causes you to wince from the noise. You nod. 
“I kind of want to focus more on saving money and traveling around England.” You say. It wasn’t a lie, you did want to travel around the country. Lauren hums and begins to fill up the sink with warm water. “I have yet to see Big Ben and the London Eye, and I’ve been living here for over a year. I also hear that Manchester is a good place to visit.” She stares at you with an expression of disbelief. You shrug and turn your attention to filling up the sink. 
“You lived here for over a year and you haven’t traveled around London?”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m serious, Lauren.” You tell her. You run your hand underneath the running water to check if it's the right temperature before nodding to yourself. You turn back around and she gives you an incredulous look. “It’s not like I didn’t want to. I was just too busy.”
“You get two days off and paid holidays. I know that you’re a workaholic since you ask for shifts on your days off; but, love, it’s rubbish that you haven’t even seen Big Ben. Have you seen Buckingham Palace?”
“Only on television and social media.”
“Only on the telly?”
“Yeah,” You say. “It’s a building.”
“It’s the Queen's Palace.” She empathizes with the word and you shrug.
“Well, when you go to America would you want to see the White House?”
“No, it’s just a building.” She says. You shut off the water and watch a small frown tug at her lips. “I would want to see the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, maybe try out some New York pizza.” You nod slowly and she bumps her shoulder into yours lightly as she places the cutting board into the new soapy water. 
“I think you might know a few places to recommend.” She adds. You push yourself off of the sink and raise your arms above your head to stretch your back. You may be sixteen but sleeping on a couch for a year, excluding the few weeks you robbed your neighbors of their bed, hurts your back. 
“I can tell you right off the bat that American life is better in the movies and shows than it is in real life.” You tell her and she nods in agreement.
“I know. I saw the Tiktoks of how the American government is handling the blip is like watching a dumpster fire.” Lauren sympathizes.
 “The best sights to visit in New York are the subway system to see rats bigger than your size nine shoes.” 
“Oh sod off.” She says and you laugh despite the honesty of it. “Are you joking?”
“I’m deadass.” You answer. “Y’know how bad the seagulls are here in London? The rats are worse.” You once saw someone eating some fries and a seagull swooped down and took them right from in between their fingers. You swore that they nearly lost their digits that day. The rats were worse in your opinion. They were all over the platforms in the subway station and you thought you saw one give birth in between some garbage cans in an alley. It was gross watching them scurry across the cement or in between the tracks as you waited for the subway. Lauren scrunches her nose. 
“There is a good restaurant I recommend,” You say after a moment. “It’s not a pizza place but Shawarma Palace is really good.”
“Shawarma.” She says. You hum and grab a food service wiper from the box on the shelves with seasonings.
“Yeah, it became a popular joint after the battle of New York in 2012.” You turn around and begin to wash the dishes. Lauren hums. 
“How was that?”
“Shawarma? It was good. It’s kind of like what we do here but just the wraps and they have their own dipping sauce.”
“No, the battle. Although, it does sound good.” She says and you nod in agreement. Man, you would enjoy it now. It became a tourist spot once the Avengers visited the restaurant and the owners posted the pictures of them eating online. But, you visited it a couple of times with your parents.
“Oh, the battle was terrifying. Loki was trying to take over New York and he was doing some weird mind control shit.” You shrug, “Aliens invaded the city and the Avengers took care of it.” 
“Are you hearing yourself?” Lauren asks. You look up from the knife you were washing and towards her. 
“I can hear myself just fine.”
“You sound mad.” She says while she saran wraps the cucumber container. “I just can’t believe you lived in New York.”
“I wouldn’t have if it was up to me.” You tell her. You return your attention back to the knife you were washing. You don’t know how true the statement was because if you didn’t live in New York you wouldn’t have met your best friend and you probably wouldn’t have the same interests as you do today. But, if you didn’t live in the state, there's the highest possibility that your parents could be alive. They wouldn’t have gotten hit by the car after they came back from the blip. 
“The insurance was high but some of the housing was cheap.” You add.
“Did your home ever get destroyed in fights?”
“No, but some of the people I went to high-school with did.” The sound of a bell rigging made you look up at the monitor hanging from the ceiling that shows the lobby and see a customer waiting in line to order. 
“I got it.” Lauren says as she picks up the container of cucumbers and begins to walk into the front. You busy yourself with washing the dishes so the pre-closer wouldn’t have a stack of them to work on after the lunch rush hits. You carefully scrub the slicer and spray it with the nozzle before dipping it into the sanitizer and hanging it on the shelf above the sink to dry. From where you were standing, you could hear Lauren asking the customer what they wanted and laughing at something they said. You dry your hands with a paper towel as you gaze at the monitor for a moment. 
For as long as you knew Lauren she always managed to stay upbeat and positive. For a while you thought she was putting drugs into her morning tea since you knew a handful of people at your old high-school who did drugs and acted similarly. Lauren never seemed to have a terrible day, she always found the good in something. It took you a long time to come to the conclusion that it’s just the type of person she is. 
You toss the paper towels into the garbage can before opening up the fridge door to do your daily task of counting the vegetables and meats to determine how much you have left until delivery day. The sight of a small plastic container filled with red sauce and something else caught your attention. It was decorated with green scribbles on the surface of the container, it was hard to figure out what it was but you could tell that it was a child's drawing. 
Lauren passed the open fridge door and so you poked your head out and held up the container while asking, “What’s this?” She stops in her tracks and looks at you and the small box you held. 
“I brought you leftovers from last night's lasagna.” She says with a small shrug. Your mouth parts a bit and you feel your chest tighten a little once more. 
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t tell-”
“The manager you kept in the fridge. She wouldn’t like it because of the cross-contamination. I know.” You share a smile with her before you gesture to the green markings. “So, what’s with the scribbles?” Lauren eyes it with a frown.
“Molly thought the containers were too boring so she decided to spice it up.” 
“Oh no.”
“Oh yeah. She took the liberty of decorating the containers. The one you’re holding right now is a spaceship.” She says. You hold it up a little higher so you could see the art piece. It was a lumpy oval with another circle inside of it. Lines were diagonally pointing down, you assumed that part was supposed to be beams of the ship. She adds, “The others have flowers and stars and princesses.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Jamie once thought it was a perfect idea to paint the wall with Molly’s finger paint. We’re renting the apartment.” Your mouth drops open as you put the container back onto the shelf and make a mental note to take it back to your place later.
“All it takes is less than thirty seconds with my eyes off of them and they’re up to no good.” Lauren says. Just from listening to her stories about her children you were glad you didn’t have any mini humans to take care of. You crouch down and begin your count of the tomatoes as you listen to your friend ramble about other things Molly did when she was younger. The longer you listen, the less you want children. You don’t know how your parents decided to try for a baby and raise you. Looking back on it, you were kind of a problem child. Your mother told you countless times how you painted your nursery walls with the paint they were going to use for the living room. 
She told you how you snuck off to the bathroom and flushed your toys down the toilet and that it caused the apartment building to have pipe issues for days. Your father told you how he brought you to work one day because the babysitter couldn’t watch you and you scribbled on his boss's desk during an important meeting. You don’t remember any of the events that they said you did, but your parents always found it amusing to recount them to you.
“How many tomatoes do we have?” Lauren asks as you finish up your count and stand back up. You try to shake the numbness out of your legs from crouching for so long as you let out a yawn.
“Enough to last us until delivery day on Wednesday.”
“Good.” She replies and you both look up at the monitor as you hear another bell ring. 
“I got it.” You tell her. You walk around her and into the front. You shoot a smile at the customer before washing your hands in the small sink on the back counter and drying them with the paper towels as you approach the first station to begin the task of making them a sandwich. The customer was a woman with brown hair and matching eyes. She stared at the menu directly above you as you tossed the towels into the trash can and pulled out the correct size gloves from underneath the first station. 
“What can I get started for you?” You ask as you struggle to pull on the plastic gloves onto your wet hands. Your tone was a little friendlier than it would be if you weren’t talking to anyone who wasn’t a customer. The smile you had on your face falters as you lifted the cover and stared at the women. You recognize her, she was the same person from the bus stop last month, your eyes glanced down to her arm and sure enough she had the scale tattoo.
“I don’t know. What do you recommend?” She asks. Her eyes trailed away from the menu and to you. Your hands trembled as you tried to keep calm by placing them onto the white boards in front of you. Your throat tightened and you swore you felt droplets hit your arms and soak the front of your uniform. You felt the blood rush out of your face as you shared eye contact with the women. You knew that if anything would happen it would be on camera and Lauren would be a witness to the crime if she were to survive. She’s probably staring at the monitor right now as both of the women wait to hear your response. 
“Number twelve.” You say, your voice cracking halfway through the sentence. “It’s bologna, pepperoni, and bacon with shredded mozzarella.” It was the worst sandwich in your opinion but she didn’t need to know that. She doesn’t look away from you to gaze back at the menu. You shift anxiously from foot to foot as you wait for her to say something.
“You look tired.” She says and tilts her head to the side a bit. Her baby hairs brush against her face. “Rough night?” Your hands grip one another harshly. 
“Something like that.” You reply stiffly and she lets a small smile spread across her face. 
“I would like a number seven.” She says after a moment. You pull out the deli paper from underneath the line and place it on the white board before turning around and grabbing a loaf of white bread from the cabinet. You reach for the pink handled knife from underneath the line and cut open the bread swiftly before returning it to its slot and reaching for the turkey and ham to place it onto the loaf. She says your name gently as if you were a wild animal. You look up at her with wide eyes. How the fuck did she know your name? Your heart skips a beat in your chest and you feel the room begin to sway. 
You swallowed roughly as she says, “I would like cheddar cheese and for it to be toasted.” Your tongue darts out to wet your dry lips and you nod before shakily placing down the remaining amount of meat and reach for the shredded cheddar. You grab the toaster pan and pick up the deli paper with both hands and pop it into the toaster oven. She says your name quietly, you would have been surprised that you heard it since the blood pounding in your ears made it difficult to hear. 
“I want cucumbers, tomatoes…” She lists off the vegetables, and usually you would be attentive and be able to memorize the customers order before the timer for the toaster oven would go off. But, with the swaying room and the feeling like you were drowning was a challenge that you were losing to. How the fuck did she know your name? Your trembling hands pulled the sandwich from the oven with the spatula and placed it on the whiteboards before reaching for the vegetables you thought she asked for. 
“Can you-?” You clear your throat and try to give her an apologetic smile, but you were sure that it was a fearful grimace instead. “Can you repeat that, ma’am?” You carefully put on the vegetables as she listed them and the appropriate sauce she requested to top it off. 
“I would like it to-go.” She says as you cut the sandwich in half. You nod as you struggle to not look like you weren’t failing at not showing your panic. It took you two times to wrap the sandwich and put in your passcode for the tablet to ring her out. It took you a little longer to give her the appropriate amount of change back. Her fingers brushes against yours as you drop the quarters and bills into her hand and you try not to show your cringe at the contact. 
“Thank you.” She smiles and places the bills into her pockets before picking up her sandwich. “See you around.” She adds your name as she leaves the restaurant. Your legs shook and you clutched onto the counter as Lauren passed next to you with arms full of stainless steel banes with food to restock before the lunch rush hits. You close your eyes and try to feel like air was filling your lungs and you were above the water rather than below it. 
“Are you okay?” Lauren asks. She sounded like she was at the other end of a tunnel. You open your eyes and stare at her, she looked like she was moving slightly from side to side but you knew she was standing still. You couldn’t let her send you home. You already lost a few hours last week for your paycheck. 
“How did she know my name?” The question didn’t sound like it came from you despite the vibrations of your voice in your throat.. 
“Your nametag?” She says incredulously and points to the tag on your cap. “Are you okay? You’re really pale and- are you sweating?” You didn’t know, honestly you didn’t care enough about your well-being at the moment. You swallow dryly and shrug in her direction. The movement caused your tense shoulders to feel more heavy. Your mouth felt dry and stuffed full of cotton. 
“Go sit down.” Lauren demands as the bell chimes once again. You nod and the movement itself causes the room to sway even more. It was a mistake to move your head and it was an even greater mistake to walk to the break-chair in the back. You held onto the walls as you struggled to get the room to stop spinning and swaying, but you failed to make it stop like you were on the tea-cup ride at Disney World Amusement Park. You did stumble into the shelves and sink, you hit your hips and arms into the metal surface. You knew bruises will be forming on your body tomorrow but you didn’t care enough about it, you just wanted the world to stop spinning. You reached the break-chair and slid into the seat before placing your elbows on the small table in front of you and supporting your head with your hands. 
You knew that the cult members were aware of where you worked and lived and what bus route you took, but for some reason you didn’t think they would have the audacity to walk into the establishment of where you were employed. Perhaps you thought that because of the cameras and the constant flow of people around you, of course you were wrong. You breathe a shuddering breath as tears threaten to spill out of your eyes and drop down onto the table-top. You refused to let the tears fall instead you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, the air filling your lungs helped ground you as you counted to ten and slowly released it before repeating the process. 
You only opened your eyes when you heard footsteps approaching you. Lauren looked upset and concerned, it wasn’t a good look for her. The thought made a snort leave you as you wiped your eyes away from any tears with the back of your hand. 
“Eat some lasagna and take your lunch early. I don’t want to hear any ifs or buts.” Lauren glares at you as she stops next to the table you sat at. She placed a hand on her hip and gave you a stern, motherly look. “I’m serious, darling.” You didn’t want to go through the process of explaining to her that it wasn’t your lack of eating that caused you to panic but rather that women from a cult that attacked you and your friend who's your neighbor.
“Okay,” You say instead. She walks over to the fridge and grabs the container of the food and a plastic fork from the box of utensils on the shelf before setting both things in front of you. 
“Eat. I want to see all of that gone by the time your lunch is over with. I’ll clock you out.” She says and points her two fingers at her eyes and back to you before she walks away to do what she promised and to finish up prepping for the day. You peeled open the plastic lid and set it onto the surface of the table before removing the plastic wrap from around the fork and stabbing the utensil into the pasta. You brought the noodle up to your mouth and chewed on it slowly. It tasted good but you bet that it  would taste even better warmed up, but despite that you sat still and chewed on your cold meal. 
You leaned back in your seat as you ate quietly, trying not to let yourself become overwhelmed with remembering what just happened a few minutes ago. A noise to your right caught your attention, it was loud and obnoxious. It was coming from one of the lockers. You stood up on wobbling legs and pulled open your locker door to see if it was coming from yours and sure enough your phone was vibrating with Marc's caller ID. You stared at it for a moment, wondering if you were somehow hallucinating this enough to imagine that Marc was calling your phone after a month of not being able to speak with him. Maybe you really were going insane and this was just your brain trying to comfort you. You picked up your phone as soon as the vibrations ended, you stared at your lock-screen of your parents until the screen went black and the phone began to vibrate in your hands. Your thumb hit the accept call button and you brought the device up to your ear.
“Hello?” You answer. You heard soft music in the background and the sound of cars honking at one another.
“It’s Jake,” He tells you. “Come outside.” 
“I can’t just go outside.” You tell him, your voice was shaky. “I’m eating my lunch.” The excuse was weak, but you didn’t care, you just didn’t want to go outside and get ambushed by the cult again; and honestly, you didn’t know how brave you could be with facing Jake after what happened with the woman.
“Then why are you answering your phone?”
“Because I thought it was important.” You say with a roll of your eyes.
He pauses and awkward silence falls between you before he says, “When do you get off of work?” You glance at the time on your phone. You had about three hours left of your shift since the assistant of the morning opener always gets about five hours of work. You usually work eight hours since you needed money and your co-workers needed help; but, you decided that you were going to leave at the assigned time because of the creepy lady. 
“I get off at two.” You answer. “Why?”
“You’re not riding the bus.”
“What?” You ask and stare in confusion at the wall in front of you. The soft call of your name made you turn your head. Lauren stood next to the freezer and the bread making counter with a look of concern. You hold up your finger to signal to give you a minute. The bell above the door rings and it momentarily distracts both of you before Lauren calls out a greeting to the customer and disappears to head into the front of the store. “What do you mean?” 
“I’m waiting outside.” He says. You scrunch your brows and walk into the lobby while gazing out the front windows of the restaurant. All you saw was parked cars along the narrow street and people and traffic passing by. 
“I don’t see you.” You say. You lean a little further towards the window to peek down the sidewalk for him to be leaning against the neighboring shops but you still didn’t see him. “Besides, you don’t have a car and I’m not walking to my apartment.” 
You were lucky enough to not have to walk the hour and a half long stride to your building. You only goggled the maps to it because you were curious how long it would take for you if you missed the bus and didn’t have enough money to call a taxi or uber. You never missed the bus unless it was on one of your days off because you were more relaxed about taking your time; and even that was pretty rare.
“Si, and Marc and Steven didn’t know I existed until a while ago.” He replies. You shoot a reassuring smile at Lauren as you walk back into the employees only area. 
“You really have a car?” You ask. He hums his answer, you can see him rolling his eyes in your mind. “And you’ve been letting Steven take the bus.”
“Well, he doesn’t have his permit.”
“I’ll be waiting outside.” He says. The beeping coming from the phone made you pull away your device and stare at the black end call screen. Your reflection stared back until the phone Lauren rounds the corner and you glance up at the monitor when the bell rings just to see the customer leaving. 
“Is everything okay?” She asks. You breathe out slowly and put your phone back into your locker. 
“Everything is good.” You manage to lie. “Just my uncle telling me he was going to pick me up as a surprise so I don’t have to fight for a seat on the bus ride to the apartments.”
“Oh, that's nice of him.” She smiles. “You really need that after what just happened a while ago.”
“Yeah.” You return her smile. “Who’s the pre-closer today?”
“Emily, I think.” Lauren says before walking backwards to the corkboard and reading the schedule. “She gets here at two.” You sigh and nod slowly at Lauren before sitting back down and eating the remaining pasta. God, you just hoped the car Jake had wasn’t a creepy white van and he wasn’t going to kidnap you and kill you and dump your body into the Thames river. Your stomach churned and you breathed out another shuddering breath as you fought your body to hold down your food. It took several minutes just for your stomach to settle down before you were able to take another bite. Maybe you could spend your break with Jake if you feel brave enough to leave the building. That’s only if it slows down enough after the lunch-rush that you won’t feel too guilty about leaving Lauren and Emily alone.
By the time your lunch was over, you only had a small portion left which you didn’t feel too guilty about throwing it away since it was only a small bit. You clocked in and tightened the straps of your cap as the bell rings once more and you put on a smile and greeted the recent customer as cheerfully as you can. 
You didn’t get to spend your fifteen minute break with Jake, although you did spend at least five minutes hiding in the bathroom just to be able to get a small amount of time to yourself. Your feet were aching by the end of your shift and you were ready to go to your flat and kick up your feet onto your sofa and relax. You shoot a text to Marc's phone stating that you were leaving the building and to watch for anyone who may try to kidnap you. 
“Have a good night, Lauren and Emily.” You say over your shoulder and you pat your pockets for your key to your flat, the Eye of Horus paper, and your phone that was vibrating once again. You pick it up as you push open the door and look both ways down the street. 
“I’m in the white limo.” Jake says. You blink and turn your head to your right to find the exact vehicle he described parked a little further down the street. A limo. Jake Lockley owns a limo. 
“At least it’s not a white van.” You say as you walk towards the car. 
“What?” You scrunch your brows. You don’t understand much Spanish.
“What did you just say?”
“Oh, you heard me.” You reply. Your eyes catch the license plate and you couldn’t help  but breathe out a short laugh at the sight. Jake Lockley owns a limo and the plate had Marc's last name, you weren’t sure if Marc was aware of the purchase or not. Either way, you sure as hell was going to talk Jakes ear off about the purchase. You watch the passenger side window roll down and you hang up the phone and place it in your pocket. You stood a couple of feet away from the car as you bent down a bit to look into it. Jake Lockley sat behind the wheel with his flat cap and his frog-like expression resting on his face. You didn’t know what exactly gave you the impression that he looked like a frog but the more you squint at him you begin to think that it's his cheeks and glaring brown eyes. 
“Get in.” He says. You pull open the door and slide onto the leather seat before shutting it behind you. The sound of the car being locked made you turn your head to see the small button pressed down and the window now rolled up completely. 
“Why are you picking me up?” You ask as you buckle yourself in. 
“The bus isn’t safe.”
“Did you run into that lady too?”
“The one with the scale tattoo.” You say. “She came into my work.” He stares at you for a moment and you wait for his answer. 
“Did she do anything?” He asks, his eyes quickly looking you up and down. If you blinked you probably would have missed it. 
“No. Just ordered a turkey and ham sandwich.” You tell him and he nods once before turning the car into traffic while looking out the side mirror. You didn’t even hear the purr of the engine as he pressed down on the accelerator gently. “It was still creepy. She didn’t threaten me or tell me to watch my back or to praise Ammit. She just ordered a sandwich.”
“Her being there is the threat.” Jake states. You shift uncomfortably in your seat and his grip tightens on the steering-wheel. “They’re getting too comfortable being out in the open. They’re not even bothering to pretend that they aren’t trying to get to us. At least with Steven and Marc they pretended to be cops with a search warrant after Marc broke the toilets at the museum.”
“Why do you think that is?” You ask. “Why are they deciding to be comfortable now?”
“To get underneath our skin and because they don’t care anymore.” Jake says while staring ahead through the windshield. 
“But why?”
“I don’t have all the answers.” 
“Okay, but you’re gone all the time so surely you must know something.” You say while staring at him. He doesn’t reply and his silence becomes an answer for you. He does know something, he just doesn’t want to share with you. “Fine.” You huff out. “The less I know the better, right? Or whatever goddamn bullshit you tell me. But if your lack of answer sharing gets me killed. I’ll wring your neck as a ghost. I’ll haunt your ass, Lockley. You will never know a moment of peace once I’m dead.”
“It would be the same as now.” He says and rolls his eyes. “I don’t know a moment of peace with you.”
“Fuck you, Jake.” You hiss. “I’m fucking scared and you won’t tell me shit.”
“For your own safety.” He didn’t sound angry but rather frustrated at your pressure for him to tell you what he knows. You were frustrated because of how long you’ve been kept in the dark and continue to be even though you were nearly kidnapped and you had a guy's arm spray blood onto you and that you have to watch your back every time you go out in public.
“You look like a frog.” You tell him as you cross your arms and lean back in your seat.
“You heard me. You look like a frog.” You say. “Ribbit.”
“You’re calling Steven and Marc a frog?”
“No just you.”
“We share the same body.” He deadpans.
“But you specifically look like a frog. Steven looks like a cinnamon roll and Marc looks like he has a stick up his ass half of the time.” You reply and he barks out a laugh. You didn’t want him to find your jabs humorous, you wanted to hurt him just because of how stressed and anxious his lack of sharing has made you. “You don’t even look like the kissable type of frog from Disney movies.”
“What type of frog do I look like then?” Jake asks. You could tell from his tone that he wasn’t hurt or angry at your jabs but deciding to play along.
“A toad.” You say. Honestly, he doesn’t look like a toad, you just said that in hopes of getting him to be upset about his looks. He laughs loudly, the noise hurts your ears in the small confined space the two of you were in. You frown at the noise and glare at him. 
“You’re funny.” He admits and grins at you. The sight of his smile made the next insult in your brain disappear, you knew Jake for a month and your conversations were never this long and you never saw him smile. You let your anger and hurt slowly calm down into a simmer as you did a couple of breathing exercises. The sound of soft mariachi band music plays in the silence between you two.
“So, you have a limo.” You say once you felt calm enough to not take your fear and anger out on him.
“No shit.”
“Why a limo?”
“I’m a limo driver.” He answered and you were surprised that he told you.
You try not to show your surprise on your face as you ask, “For who?”
“Why do you ask so many questions?” He replies. You shrug. 
“I’m bored and you’re the only person outside of work who I get to talk to.”
“What about Lauren?” He asks. “Didn’t you go over to her apartment last month?” Your mouth falls open and you turn your head towards him. You weren’t sure what expression you were showing but whatever it was, it didn’t seem to faze him.
“How do you know about Lauren?”
“I know every person who you work with and their history.” He admits and you blink once. “Part of the job of keeping tabs for your safety and Marcs and Stevens.”
“Did you suddenly go deaf or something?”
“No,” You shake your head. “I just- you looked up my friends and co-workers history just to keep me safe, but you won’t tell me what you know to keep me safe.”
“If I found something threatening to your life, I would have taken care of it by now.” Jake says. You didn’t need to guess that ‘by take care of’ means killed. You swallow. At least that means any criminal history your co-workers may have wouldn’t be detrimental to you.
“But the cult obviously wants something. They’re stalking and they feel comfortable enough to go into my work place to order food after, you know, you killed six of their members. So, why aren’t they taken care of?” You state at him and watch the subtle tightening of his grip on the steering-wheel. He’s not going to tell you the answer because he claims that it would keep you safe. The less you know the safer you are and whatever bullshit he says. You run your tongue over your teeth as you think about how he’s Khonshus avatar, a god's avatar, and he disappears for days to weeks without telling you where he’s going and yet the cult is still active and wanting something. Maybe there's a reason Jake hasn’t destroyed Harrow's followers.
“You’re doing this for Marc and Steven. The whole… making sure I stay alive.” You wave around with your hand. “Because you want to keep them safe.”
“You got it.” He says. You nod slowly and knit your hands together in your lap. You didn’t know what to say anymore. You were tired of how much you had to fight him for answers. You leaned your head against the window and watched the scenery go by. 
 “A client of mine pays me to chauffeur them to parties and the airport and their home.” Jake says. The answer surprised you, you lifted your head from the window and turned towards him he didn't add onto it, which you didn’t expect him to, instead he says, “I’m going to be gone for a while.” You give him a look. “Longer than I have been before.”
“You’re going to be gone for more than a week.” You state. “And you’re not going to tell me where you’re going.”
“I think you already know why.” He replies. You huff out a breath before he adds, “I have a friend who is going to stay with you until then.”
“In my apartment?”
“No. You’re staying in the dumbasses flat.” 
“Who’s?” You furrowed your brows at him in confusion.
“Stevens and Marcs.”
“I don’t understand.” You shake your head and turn your body towards him. You slightly lean against the car door and pull the seat belt away from your throat. “You’re going to be gone for a while and you have a friend who’s staying with me?”
He ignores your question by saying, “Here.” He digs into his pants pockets before he hands you a silver key with an orange lanyard attached to it. “The spare key to the apartment. Don’t lose it.” You grasp the thin lanyard in your hands, the thread of it was soft and a little warm from his body heat. The apartment complex you both live in doesn’t give extra keys to the tenants when you sign up as a safety precaution, but they do make spares if you were to ask. So that means Jake had to either go to the hardware store to make a spare key or request a spare key for you. 
“Attach your apartment key to it so you don’t lose that too.” Jake adds. “It’s a miracle you haven’t lost that one yet.” You don’t bother to tell him the time that you searched your apartment for hours looking for that key only to find it underneath the couch. After that you decided to make the counter next to your door the spot you place it whenever you walk into your apartment. You bite your cheek as you turn your face to look out the window at the passing scenery. It was scary having Jake pick you up from work and suddenly drop the news that he’s going to be gone longer than a few days and that a friend of his is staying with you in Marcs’ and Stevens flat rather than your own. 
That friend better not be Khonshu. Whatever has shaken Jake up enough to wait for a few hours outside of your work place just so you wouldn’t be alone on the bus was bad. This whole situation was horrible but it was terrifying in itself for a god's avatar to be taking these measures.
“Jake.” You say, your tone being pleading and firm. He glances away from the road and to you. “It’s bad isn’t it?”
“That’s for me to worry about.” He answers. His hands gripping the steering wheel a little more tighter. “You’re just a kid.” Any hope that you may have allowed yourself to have, wilted with that statement. Of course you shouldn’t have hoped that Jake-the-secretist would tell you shit.
You decided to ignore that last statement by asking, “Who’s the friend?”
“You met her before.” He says. You rack your brain for someone who you met that may have connections to Jake. The only woman you could think of was Marc's ex-wife who you only met once when Marc and Steven suddenly disappeared off of the planet.
“Bingo.” Jake states. You look out the windshield to see the familiar street with your apartment building.
“Does she know where you’re going?” You ask. He glances away from the road and towards you with a raised brow. “I’m gonna guess you’re keeping her in the dark as much as I am.”
“Why even bother to ask then?” 
“I don’t know.” You shrug, a small smile spreading across your face. You hoped the sight would annoy him. “Just to irritate you, I suppose.”
@letugulus , @only-roaches , @jvdethirlwall , @xennityxen , @astrobuzzsstuff , @nub-the-stub , @em-asian , @yawn0-0 , @80pairsofcrocs
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onetrickjeffrey · 2 years
Jaythony commission + "Struggle" short story
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Absolutely in love with this commission from @cherryrollarts of Jaythony and Wiggle. Working with artists in the Bugsnax community has been such an amazing and inspirational experience for me. I love seeing my little grumpus interpreted in so many different styles, and I'll definitely be getting to more artists in the fandom soon! Please check out her page and consider a commission from her!
I intended this piece to accompany a short story I wrote out, showing a moment between Wiggle and Jaythony after her own experience with the Megamaki, but right before the Point of No Return. It's a short read and intended to be understandable with only canon game context, but a look at Jaythony's Bio wouldn't hurt. Find it below the cutoff!
"Slower with the chord shifts, darling. It's okay to let the rhythm lag a little. Focus on getting those strings to sing with each other, even if it takes time."
Jaythony clenched his fingers as they stretched across the neck, then slid the pick down the banjo's crescent body. After a few stuttered swipes of his hand, he slowly shifted down to the next chord. The instrument sang in mild dissonance to the sound that preceded it, after which Wiggle smiled humorously.
"Don't sweat it too hard. You can at least tell your friends that you've played on the very banjo 'Do the Wiggle' was born from."
Jaythony managed a chuckle. "The very one?"
Wiggle nodded, and Jaythony conceded, "That's something I guess," but fatigue slowly overpowered his smile.
Wiggle relaxed down on the bench, giving an interested smile. "You've been catching my curiosity, darling. Whenever I need to stretch my legs in the middle of the night, you're still here, long after the rest of the town is out cold. And you're lost in the music. I think I even heard one of my little numbers flowing from those tin cans around your neck…but you look so despondent through it all. Maybe try singing your woes to me?"
Jaythony turned away in passive refusal. However, a moment passed, and his desperation overpowered him. He looked down at the banjo and replied:
"I took a direction in life, Wiggle, and I don't like where it's taking me. I thought I was okay on the sidelines, appreciating the creations of others while I stayed a…footnote. But now I'm in the spot I was preparing for all my life…and I hate it. I abandoned every passion I had because I thought it was the 'smart' thing to do for my future…I want to create again."
Wiggle tilted her head in confusion. "Then create again, darling. Who says you can't?"
"There's no room for me in that world anymore," Jaythony insisted. "I could've tried to be something when I was younger - an artist or musician or anything - and stuck with it like you did. How could I go back to that? That world…it would chew me up and spit me back out if I tried to catch up."
Wiggle stared solemnly, searching for the words to bring the dejected grumpus back to reality. Despite how distant Jaythony believed their outlooks were, she couldn't help but find familiarity in his woes. The words came to her, and she asked:
"Jaythony…what do you think I've been doing on this island?"
"Finding your muse. You said something like that, right?"
"I mean what I've really been doing, darling."
He shrugged. "What do you mean?"
"I've been going on a nonsense chase over these ridiculous snax. I almost got our little journalist friend devoured by an ancient seafood colossus…" Wiggle paused; her stare melded to the campfire as it crackled in the silence. "I took advantage of the few people who actually cared for my work, all because I was desperate for some magic inspiration to strike me again and put me back on top."
She turned her gaze back to him and continued with a comforting smile, "The ones at the top, the ones you think got it all figured out…they're still struggling as hard as the day they started. That's all it is: just struggle. Nobody forgets how to struggle. You just gotta give yourself the chance to express it again."
Jaythony stared at his paw as it wrapped around the banjo's neck. He almost rejected her words on impulse, but the toxicity that plagued his head began to subside. He looked to Wiggle and asked, "You really think, after all this time, I still have a chance to make something out of this?"
Wiggle chuckled, "Don't ask me, darling. Search for that answer yourself." She rose from the log. "Maybe get some sleep first though. You could use some."
"I will, but I just need a bit more time out here…" He held the banjo out to her and smiled. "Better not leave without this."
Wiggle reached her hand out, but stopped midway. "Why don't you watch over it for me tonight?" She requested, and began her saunter back to her bed. "Leave it in my hut in the morning."
Jaythony gave a confused glance, but before he could muster a question, it was back to solitude. He stared at the oversized banjo as he anchored it back on his lap, then planted his fingers as Wiggle showed him before. He gave a few muted strums, wary not to awaken a sleepwalking Gramble or an impatient Wambus. The strings were scratchy and dissonant as he shifted from chord to chord, which disappointed him, but he managed to find solace in the fact that it made any noise at all.
thank you so much if you actually read this far, I've been out of the OC game for so long I forgot how fun it was to think about these things
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