#but i will for real have to get a good sunscreen before then at least
carcarrot · 6 months
preparing for one (1) day at disneyland in september as if its a month long journey into the wilderness
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chaotic-starlight24 · 3 months
Darry Curtis General Headcanons
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Here he is! Darry needs a break for real though. Let this man take a nap or something.
Warnings: Spoilers, Angst, Mentions of blood if your squeamish about that stuff
When Pony and Johnny ran Darry felt that everything was his fault. In his eyes, since he smacked Pony and made him run away he was the partial cause of Bob’s death and eventually Johnny and Dally’s. It took a while before he was convinced otherwise.
He is one of the youngest guys in the roofing group. Most of them are 30-45 year old guys. Their names are Bart, Eddie, Jeff, and Rich. There are also 2 sixteen year olds who work occasionally and are more of interns of sorts. Darry likes the guys he works with, he just doesn’t like his job so much. It can throw him off that the older guys are talking to him since they call him kid and son most of the time. But they’re really nice.
He gets extremely sunburned when he’s roofing houses so Soda and Ponyboy bought him some sunscreen. He just about fell to his knees. It meant a lot to him that they listened to him whenever he mentioned things at dinner.
I stand with the headcanon that Soda accidentally named Ponyboy but I would also like to add to it. When a 3 year old Soda was running around saying that his mom was going to have a pony, a 6 year old Darry told his dad that would be a cool name to have. Which is when the lightbulb went off in Mr. Curtis’ mind. Darry does not remember this.
Him and Paul were best friends from their childhood and Paul really wanted to be there for Darry. But they were pulled apart and also under pressure from Paul’s parents. They felt he would be held back if he tried to help Darry out. So they eventually put it in his head that Darry was what he would become if he didn’t succeed.
The Curtis family was/is good friends with the Matthews so Darry and Two-Bit knew each other ever since they were little. Their duo was kind of the original gang. Paul was also friends with them and would join them when he could. But his parents didn’t like him being with “The lower class”. Two-Bit was always there for him and ofc still is.
Continuing with the Darry and Two-Bit friendship, on days when Darry has work off Two-Bit will drag him over to Buck’s or another party just to see Darry lose those years of tiredness.
Darry loves Elvis like the rest of the Greasers but there is one band that he likes the songs a lot of but will never show it. He really likes The Beach Boys. He heard it for the first time when he was 16 at Paul’s. His older sister was playing some of their songs as they were relatively new and he discreetly asked who they were. The only person who knows is Two-Bit as he caught him once jamming out to their songs. (If we are allowing my ocs in this, Rosemary also knows)
His least favorite chore to do is mowing the lawn. So he usually forces Soda to do it. He hates how the grass always ends up on him no matter what he does. And it’s really annoying to try and wash out of clothes or off the side of the house.
He has several times where he will be in the middle of roofing houses and just get lost in thought about everything that has happened that led him here and end up just staring at the ground. Until Eddie clanks a tool and tells him to “get his head out of the clouds”. Which is what he started to tell Pony.
He hit his main growth spurt and everything when he was 13 and ended up just looking like an almost grown man. But his voice didn’t deepen till he was about 14-15. It made him self-conscious. 
He wanted to buy a present for Pony and Soda for their birthdays, so he decided to try babysitting for a while. He was pretty good at it and ended up making bank. Two-Bit also joined him so he could make some cash.
He has the most prominent southern accent. He’s still understandable but whenever he’s upset it really comes out.
He broke his arm when he fell off a roof. He apologized to the couple whose house he and Bart were working on and they told him it was no problem. The wife was actually a nurse at the hospital so she quickly told him he needed to get over there and she would pay for it all. Bart finished the job and told him he needed to rest and he better not see him back to roofing until he’s healed up. Pony and Soda helped him out a lot with everyday things and Pony didn’t tell him but he held a garage sale of sorts to help pay for stuff.
Once Pony and Soda move out Darry would probably take up coaching at the school. He remembered how much he does actually enjoy working with kids and athletics. He also holds some training sessions for newer football players and such.
The night Pony ran away Darry sat on his knees at the door, tears streaming down his face but with just a stunned expression on his face. No sounds besides his heavy breathing. Soda called Two-Bit and Steve over while he was also sobbing. No one could get through to Darry. But after 2 hours of him like this he slowly got up and went to his room. And all they could hear was yelling, things being thrown, and then loud sobbing afterwards.
He hated how violent he acted after Pony left. He never hurt anyone else but he would throw things around his room. Then just sob afterwards because it was because of his anger that Pony was gone. And after he found out about the murder he just sat on the couch and stared at the ground. 
While Pony was gone, he would flinch whenever anyone would touch him. He never went out of his way to hug anyone or anything. Sometimes the roofing guys would pat him on the back and he would have to stop himself from snapping at them.
He would also be walking around and suddenly think he saw Pony or Johnny. But it would always just be some random kid or a weirdly shaped tree. It was mainly from his lack of sleep.
When he was in school a lot of girls had crushes on him. But he never really was interested in anyone. He dated one or two people but overall he was more focused on school itself. It was also because he thought the main reason anyone was interested in him was because he was popular instead of him as a person. 
He doesn’t really like his name. Not just because it is his dad’s but he thinks it makes him sound old. 
He has a really high pain tolerance but also gets injured a lot. Smaller ones. Like he’ll cut his knee open and be bleeding a lot and just say something like “I’ll just wait for it to stop on its own.” (If we are counting ocs Rosemary always scolds him whenever he does this and cleans and bandages him up. She also tells him to be more careful.)
He was always an older brother of sorts to Dallas whenever he first came to Tulsa. But they grew apart once Dallas got back into being a JD. Darry didn't like the example Dally was setting for Pony and Soda. But he would still help him out when needed. They eventually became closer again once the Curtis parents died and Dally would help Darry out with Ponyboy.
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lynnbanks · 4 months
It was the first real day out on the lake for the summer with all the boys and a few of the girlfriends including y/n. The sun was high and so was the energy so much so that she had forgotten to re-apply sunscreen leaving her as red as a tomato after her post-lake shower.
Getting sunburnt was never really a problem for her because of her skin type her mother was Caucasian and her father was Micronesian so she was fairly tan most of the year and would turn 3 shades darker in the summer; so sunscreen was never her main priority when having fun on the boat even though she would usually tell her boyfriend to re-apply every chance she got. Today it had just slipped her mind.
And she was left to deal with the consequences looking in the mirror and frowning at what she saw; making quick work to get the aloe vera and applying head to toe or at least what she could reach.
“ LUKE” she yelled out to her boyfriend sitting on the bed “Can you help me real quick?” Luke walked in and before he could agree “What the fuck baby that is bad.” he said looking at her back “I know I need help” she wines “Can you put some of this on my back please” handing him the bottle of aloe.
“This is why you need to put on sunscreen my love this is going to take like a week to heal,” he said in a voice of pity and y/n just frowned at him in the mirror. After thoroughly applying letting it dry and then applying it again.
“There is no way I am going to be able to wear a bra” she said as she pulled a shirt over her head trying to be as careful as possible. “ maybe it's not so bad you got burnt after all,” Luke said with a smirk causing y/n to hit him with her towel “ that is not nice Luke,” she said with a pout “I'm sorry baby I was joking,” he said pulling her to his chest “ we need to get some food in you and some water you will feel better then hmm?” she shook her head yes but didn't pull away just yet.
Down in the kitchen, Luke started preparing a plate for her full of the chicken Jack had just grilled on the new grill he got for his birthday now that he had learned how to cook and all the other sides. Before setting it down in front of y/n “thank you lukey you are very sweet” Leaning up for a kiss he gladly reciprocated “You are very welcome baby”
It wasn't until the next morning that the whole no-bra thing started messing with his head. Y/n was feeling much better and was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when Luke walked in greeting her with a lopsided smile “Good morning baby” “Good morning handsome” she said before rinsing her mouth.
Luke was about to grab his toothbrush before something In the mirror caught his attention; his girlfriend's perfect boobs staring right at him as she started her skincare. Good God that was a direction he thought before continuing his morning routine.
Not even 30 minutes later did it happen again this time in the middle of the conversation he was having with her about breakfast “Lu are you listening” she asked “I-um yeah I'm listening” That was a lie.
And again about an hour later when they had made their way out to the hammock they sat in every day at least once. When she had laid down on his chest and he could feel her boob press to his chest in a way they couldn't when she had a bra on; causing a groan to slip out of his throat.
“Sorry Lu I didn't mean to hurt you” y/n said trying to sit up but before she could Luke pulled her down to where she was “It's not that it's these,” he said slipping a hand up into her shirt, and giving her a hard squeeze “ oh” she moans slightly “ my boobs are the problem?” “ they might be if we don't do something about it right now,” he said voice low even though they were the only ones outside “Well we aren't doing anything about it out here that is for sure.”
And I will leave the rest for y'all to imagine <3
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nagito-kissmaeda · 8 months
If it isn't real why does the sun still burn?
Chapter masterlist
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Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don’t go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns, some mild sexual themes
Read on Ao3
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The beach is bustling when the two of you arrive. Pekoyama quickly gives you a farewell nod as she heads off to accompany Kuzuryu where he is sitting in the shallows and trying to make it look like he isn't having a good time. 
You can see Mioda already in the water, chasing Souda around and attempting to throw a handful of seaweed at him. He is screaming. Owari is sitting at the shoreline with her legs in the water, she’s halfway through an ice cream, but still manages to grin widely when she waves in your direction. You return the wave and make plans to head over to her before you notice Tsumiki and Sonia sitting together in the sand. 
Tsumiki’s hands shake as she attempts to round the edges of the sandcastle that the two of them are currently working on. Sonia’s tongue sticks out of her mouth as she, opposite Tsumiki, continues adding a set of perfect flying buttresses to the castle; you are unsure how she has managed this, but have learned not to question these sorts of things.
“You’ve made it!” Sonia says with a wide smile, now beginning to sculpt a collection of tiny gargoyles around the top level of the castle, “I hope you were not too disappointed by my early departure, I just think Mioda-san is often in need of supervision.” You peer up at where she is now trying to toss a starfish onto the top of Souda’s head, “Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s okay, I had a nice conversation with Pekoyama-san.” Tsumiki looks up at you, she’s wearing a wide brimmed hat and a loose fitting white shirt over her bathing suit. It makes sense that a nurse would care about sun safely, the hat suits her, she looks very cute, “I-I’m glad you came. I hope you have a good time” She smiles softly, hands now shakily building a drawbridge, “Just be sure not to get burnt this time, I have more sunscreen if you need it, please take care of yourself.” She huffs, “I’ve already had this discussion with Komaeda-san, but I-I think he’s just going to ig-ignore my advice.”
You hadn't noticed Komaeda, which is very out of character for you. He’s in the water, but far enough away from everyone else that he seems excluded. His own doing, you assume. 
“Would you like to help us?” Sonia asks, abruptly tearing your attention away from Komaeda.
You blink, “Sorry?” She laughs, though not unkindly, “Help to build our sandcastle, of course!” 
You look briefly at the perfect replication of gothic architecture somehow sculpted out of sand alone, “Thanks but uh, I might work on expanding the royal empire and build my own castle, if it’s all the same.” Sonia claps her hands together in glee, “Expansionism! How delightful!”
“I-I might swim now, actually.” Tsumiki starts, “I-If that’s okay, Sonia-san?” “You don’t need my permission.” Sonia replies, waving a dismissive hand, “You’ve done a brilliant job, Tsumiki-san, and all castle architects are owed at least one day of allocated time off per castle built, so by all means! You are free to go.” Tsumiki nods gratefully, and rises a little shakily from the sand before heading to the water. 
You turn to Sonia, “Only one day of leave per castle?” She nods seriously, “Oh yes, my father always said ‘any less than that and they start getting rambunctious’. We tried only half a day some years ago, the riots were very bloody.” “Uh-huh…” 
“Anyway! I might go ask Tanaka-san if I can hold one of his Dark Devas.” She stands with utter grace and poise, giving you a brief curtsey before walking away. You are briefly stunned by the utterly dismal working conditions in Novoselic, but shake your head and sit in the sand before you start thinking about it too much. 
You start building the only kind of sandcastle you have experience with, a big pile of sand that is vaguely pyramid shaped. It’s nice to have something to do with your hands, a monotonous task to keep you occupied while the ever turning cogs in your head crunch and grind. You have to assume that Monokuma will bring out a new motive soon, and at this point you can only assume that it will be the despair disease. It’s hard to tell if access to the third island will make everything better or worse, Tsumiki having access to the hospital is a net good, only so long as she doesn’t catch the disease itself, and boy is that disease catching. 
Peering out at the ocean you see that Tsumiki is swimming with Mioda now, more accurately, Tsumiki is treading water while Mioda quite literally swims circles around her. Tsumiki deserves better than she got in the game, so does Mioda. 
You turn back to your castle, attempting to make it any sort of shape other than a vague lump. It feels weird to just be hanging around like this when so much is at stake, but there isnt much that you can do other than socialise and socialising is more useful than doing nothing. Trust is valuable, especially here, even if it’s something you aren’t all that used to garnering.
“Nice pile of sand.” 
You look up to see Komaeda standing above you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He’s still wet from the ocean, his hair clings flat to his head and it makes him look much less intimidating.
“Thanks.” You say, gesturing to your attempt at a sandcastle, “It’s my magnum opus.”
He peers down at it appraisingly and then says, “Could use a moat.”
You laugh, “You’re right.” feeling mischievous, you add, “Your hair looks nice, very drowned rat-esque.”
Komaeda bursts out laughing, hiding his face in his hands. When he looks back up at you again, his smile is so warm, and genuine that it feels like a shard of the sun has lodged in your chest.
“You’re funny.” He says
His expression is too intensely bright, you have to avert your eyes, “Thanks. I try.” you return to working on your sandcastle, anything to keep yourself from staring at him.
“Why aren't you swimming?” Komaeda asks. You peer back up at him, you were honestly expecting him to walk away when he was done mocking you, “Oh um, I just don't really want to?” He gives you a sly grin, “You can swim, can’t you?” That bristles you a little, “I’m a great swimmer actually! I love swimming!” you gesture halfheartedly to where the waves turn to foam against the sand, “I just don’t like the ocean. It’s spooky. There’s stuff in there, and the salt really hurts my eyes.”
His expression turns uncharacteristically soft and he drops to a crouch beside you. You shuffle back from him instinctively, not expecting him to get so close so quickly. For a moment, Komaeda just blinks at you slowly but then his brow creases with contemplation before he finally says, “Swim with me.”
Your heart feels like it come to a stop in your chest, “Uh- I, um-“
He laughs a little, cocking his head to the side, “That would help, wouldn’t it?”
“Um.” You wring your hands together, “I would feel better with company, but that doesn’t mean that you-”
He stands back up and holds his hand out to you, it stuns you into silence mid-sentence, you just stare up at him, utterly dumbfounded. “Come on.” Komaeda says, reaching further forward with his hand, asking you to take it. 
You barely manage to swallow around the lump in your throat as you tentatively take his hand in your own. If the contact is anywhere near as momentous, electric and world shattering for him as it is for you, it doesn't show on his face, but you do catch a near imperceptible bob in his throat that you try not to read too hard into.
His hand is cold, even in the heat of the sun and you can feel just how fragile his fingers are, like if you clenched your hand too hard they would all break. He doesn’t really pull you up from the ground, but holding onto him like this does make it easier to regain your balance on the uneven sand.
The water is warm when you take your first step in, more pleasant than you ever remember the ocean actually being. Neo World Program benefits, you suppose. Komaeda walks in front of you, still tugging on your hand. The back of his head eclipses the sun, its light catching in the white strands of his hair and causing them to shimmer like folded glass. 
“H-How deep are you planning to go?” You ask once the water reaches your shoulders, voice tinged with growing anxiety.
Komaeda looks back at you over his shoulder, “Not much further.”
You notice that the two of you are much deeper out than the rest of the class, barring only Nidai who is off in the distance swimming laps. There is an intimacy to it, the separation from everyone else on the beach. The second you can’t touch the ground with your toes anymore you can feel a nervous churning in your stomach. Komaeda is still walking, head and shoulders well above the water. When an admittedly small wave knocks you off balance, you panic and lurch forward to grab onto his arm. 
Komaeda laughs, but it’s good natured and warm “Aha, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
You want to kiss him. 
That thought is not so alarming. You have grown quite familiar with it these past few days, but the panicked and aching desperation of it is completely new. You begin to fear that you no longer have feelings for Nagito Komaeda the videogame character, but instead for Nagito Komaeda the real person. Which is somehow much more complicated and insurmountably harder to reconcile. Now that the water is deep enough, only Komaeda’s head bobs up above the water, and since you are floating in the water yourself, you actually meet his eye line for once instead of staring up at him. He watches you intently, staring so hard that it feels like he can see right through you. “Is there…something on my face?” You say quickly, trying desperately to diffuse some of the tension. He smirks, “Nope.”
Your eyes follow a droplet of water sliding down the length of his nose. Komaeda chuckles, “have I got something on my face?”
You quickly avert your gaze, “No! It’s just, uh-“ you suck in a breath, “Why are you even spending time with me? I’m not exactly working towards ending the killing game right at this moment, so there’s really no reason for you to be talking to me.” Komaeda’s brow furrows, “There’s something about you,” he says, “Ah, I'm not sure what it is, but it interests me.”
You close your eyes, feeling the cold dread filling your chest cavity, “What if I’m not interesting?” You say desperately, “What if it only seems like I am?”
“Hm, I don’t understand what you mean.” He smiles, “Whether or not I find you interesting is entirely up to me.”
“But I’m not . I'm not worth your time, or your effort, I need your help so I’m trying desperately to keep you around but the second you realise who I really am, what I really am, you’re going to hate me. I just know it.”
Komaeda hums aloud, “I suppose, the others are right.”
He laughs, “it is uncomfortable being on the receiving end of this kind of talk. I suppose I owe everyone an apology.”
You are suddenly forced to wrestle with the fact that Nagito Komaeda thinks you are laying on the self depreciation a little too thick, “Sorry.” You say quickly, shaking your head “I didn’t mean to just say all of that at you.” 
Komaeda goes quiet for a moment, staring at you intimidatingly, “You would do anything to help the Ultimates defeat this despair, wouldn't you?”
“I uh-” You swallow thickly, “I think the both of us have a very different definition of help , but I will do all that I can to make sure everyone gets out alive, yes.”
“You promised to die for my cause, if your own method fails.” He cocks his head to the side, “Why?”
Your breath grows uneven, and you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears, “Because I won’t fail.” Komaeda chuckles, “Ha. You're confident.” You shake your head, “I’m really not, but I’m the only one who can do it, so I have to.” you sigh to yourself, remembering that even if you manage to keep everyone alive, they will still need to grapple with their identities as the Remnants and the destruction of the world they once knew, “What I do isn’t what’s important though, the hard part comes after and how that resolves is entirely up to you and the other Ultimates. I’m just doing what I can to make sure everyone survives until then.” “How can you say things like that and expect me not to find you interesting.” His eyes are half lidded, and his grin is loose, “We aren’t so different, you and I. We are both working towards bringing the Ultimates to their next exuberant victory, over a despair even greater than the last.” He sighs, “But I have to admit, I’m still just a little curious about how you know all of this, and what comes after.”
You frown, “I can’t tell you. I can hardly expect you to behave yourself if I did.” Komaeda barks a laugh, “Behave myself?”
“Yes. You’ve promised to help me, and if you’re going to, then I need you to behave . So no spoilers.”
“You have a lot of nerve speaking to your superiors that way.” He says, but his expression holds none of the malice that his words convey.
Feeling brave, you reply, “Good thing it’s just you here, then, isn't it?” If anything, his eyes grow brighter at your answer. He floats a little closer to you, and you suck a breath in through your teeth, "If the talentless nobody promises to give me her due reverence, maybe I can promise to behave myself.”
“What, do you want me to get on my knees and beg?”
A visible shiver runs through him, and his smile turns wide and syrupy, “Maybe.” "O-oh.” You reply, swallowing thickly as you rub your thighs together. You had been joking, but the deep heat in your belly makes it clear that neither of you is joking anymore, "As long as you can make time for me in your busy schedule, I’m sure that I can manage something.” The next exhale of his breath is dangerously close to being a moan, “Aha…I’ll make sure to pencil you in.”
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ririnya7 · 7 days
Tyme in Time
So I wanted to do a mini analysis on Tyme's 4M because I did one for Great so I needed to complete the set!
So without further ado here it is!
So right off the bat we see a completely different side of Tyme in his 4M. He's kind and considerate to his patients and their struggles, no longer emotionally detached from their problems. He seems to have a healthy relationship with his ex and they split amicably. He also gets offered a job as a lecturer a great honour indeed for a doctor his age. He seems to have everything under control, his calm demeanour seems to be one of his strongest characteristics.
Which makes sense if you consider all the stress and sacrifices he has to endure and take to avenge his family.
And after his life is stable he introduces Great in his mind palace in the most mundane yet probable way. With a doctor's appointment. Tyme's mind remembered his intolerance to spicy food so his brain conjured both an ailment and a cure which I find very doctor like of him and cute.
I also find it interesting how his hair is parted differently, a stylistic choice to perhaps point out the fact that he's not reality Tyme. He looks good in every universe but alas.
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After that he seems to build a relationship with Great naturally.
They go on strangely athletic dates? I guess he likes exercising and kissing your homie at the same time? (to each their own)
They swim and put on sunscreen in an indoor swimming pool (go ad kings) and kiss underwater cause you're not a real couple if you don't at least once
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His perfect dream sequence seems to be hanging out with your boyfriend's spoiled cat (which goals tbh)
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And kissing said boyfriend while you pretend to teach him how to play your guitar (Tyme is a huge flirt so are we surprised)
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But the most heartbreaking scene (to me) is the date at his house. Tyme brings Great to meet his Grandma and they have a lovely, homely again mundane time together.
The scene is so domestic and heartwarming it hurts. Grandma is just standing there letting them destroy her kitchen 🥹
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This what if seems to be especially excruciating considering how immediately before getting shot Tyme saw his grandma get murdered right before his eyes.
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He wanted his life to be normal, a bit boring yet full of smiles and filled with so much love. And Great is in it despite everything he'd been through and what he did to Great.
And that's the biggest tragedy. In the end Tyme and Great want the same life but life is not always what we wanted it to be.
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moonsgemini · 1 year
seeking arrangements- iii
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summary: Jealousy is an ugly color on everyone except for Thomas. As Lola and Rafe spend more time together the more they feel like it’s becoming too real, and the boat rides and cocktail parties don’t help.
warnings: escort!rafe x oc, fem reader, shitty family, kissing, alcohol, bad descriptions of a yacht, fluff, mentions of cheating
wc: 4.7k
an: ahhhh we’re getting into the more fun stuff, I hope you all are enjoying <3 there’s about 3 more parts left if I’ve planned correctly. Honestly this part was hard for me to write, but I did it. Also I don’t know shit about boats okay so don’t come for me.
series masterlist - previous part
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“Uh Rafe?” Lola called from the bathroom. She was finishing getting ready for their boat day.
“Yeah?” He called from the room as he placed his hat on his head.
“Can you help tie my bikini please?” She asked with slightly pink cheeks.
They had spent the night together, Lola insisting on creating a pillow wall. But when they woke up the pillow wall was gone and Lola’s legs were tangled with Rafe’s. She had woken up before him so she quickly untwisted herself from him.
He walked into the bathroom and she had her back to him. The strings of the floral bikini hanging behind her as she held the front up. He cleared his throat and began tying the strings. His fingers brushing against her soft skin making them burn.
“All done.”
“Thankyou,” She said softly turning around to face him. She lifted the straps of her overalls to clip them to the front.
“You ready for today?” Rafe asked her as he leaned against the sink.
She shrugged, “I guess so. Being trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean with all these people that think I’m a loser? so ready.”
“I don’t think you’re a loser, and I’ll make sure they know you’re not a loser.” He smiled.
“Thanks Rafe, are you ready to go?” She asked.
“Mhmm I even packed the bag like you asked,” He walked into the room motioning to the trader joes bag she had instructed him to fill with sunscreen her sunglasses and other essentials.
She laughed, “What a good listener, so we’re meeting everyone at the dock. Is it okay if Tabitha rides with us?”
“Yeah of course. I think she might also be the one person I like here.”
Lola laughed and grabbed the bag before walking out the door. Rafe couldn’t help but think she looked so cute in her overalls. He had to admit he was looking forward to making Thomas jealous.
“Tabi, are you ready?” Lola called as they walked down the hall.
Tabitha opened the door to her room all dressed and ready to go, “Of course I’ve just been waiting for you two love birds. I know the morning is the most sensual time of day so I didn’t want to rush you,” she winked.
Rafe chuckled following the women. Lola rolled her eyes and blushed, “Please we’re at my parents house.”
“So? That’s never stopped anyone.” She laughed. They walked out to Rafe’s car where he placed their bags in the trunk. He placed his sunglasses over his eyes as he got into the car.
“Very nice car Rafe,” Tabitha commented from the back seat, “So what do you do?” Lola couldn’t help but feel nervous now. Last night when they went back out withe everyone they were all a bit tipsy so no one gave him the third degree. She had also excused them from the night early, she had felt too overwhelmed with everyone and needed time to decompress. So when her and Rafe went back to the room they just watched Pitch Perfect together.
“Thanks, I have a real estate developing company in North Carolina.” He said as he backed out of the drive way. Lola giving him directions towards the dock.
“Wow that’s fancy. But you live in New York? How did you guys meet?” She asked leaning forward to look between them.
“Yeah I go back and forth a lot. It’s a family company,” He looked over at Lola, “we met at a bar in Manhattan. I saw Lola and couldn’t leave without talking to her, she caught my eye from across the room.” He smiled thinking of a memory that didn’t exist. At least that’s what Lola thought but he was thinking of the first time he met her. She looked like a lost puppy and he couldn’t help the attraction he felt towards her then. If she was just a girl at a bar he definitely would have gone up to her.
“You’re love story is so cute, Lola you have to tell me more later. In private,” she winked at her cousin.
“Tabi you’re insnae,” Lola laughed.
Rafe had his arm wrapped around Lola as they sat on the boat, Harry drove the boat out into the ocean more looking for a good place to anchor. Ever since they had met up with everyone Thomas hadn’t stopped eyeing Lola and Rafe. He watched as Rafe held Lola’s hand helping her onto the boat. Even now whenever he glanced at them it was with a hateful stare. Lola leaned into Rafe, she felt relaxed.
The sun felt good on her skin she closed her eyes resting her head on his shoulder, it was the perfect day. That was until her sister plopped down next to them, reminding her that it wasn’t just her and Rafe here.
“You guys have to tell me everything,” Penny exclaimed facing the couple, “How’d you meet? How long have you been dating?” Rafe placed his hand in between Lola’s shoulder and neck giving her a comforting squeeze.
“We met at a bar, Lucy’s. Rafe came up to me and we just hit it off. We went on a few dates and well here we are. We’ve been seeing each other for almost uh five months now?” Lola said almost like she was asking.
“Mhmm yeah babe five months,” Rafe iterated.
“How come you’ve kept him away from us sis?” Penny asked, almost in a condescending way.
Lola shrugged, “I guess I just wanted him all to myself.”
“I don’t blame you,” Penny glanced at Rafe with a mischievous look in her eyes to which he just grabbed Lola’s thigh with his other hand and placed her legs over his.
“Who wants drinks!” Harry shouted as he finally stopped the boat.
“Me!” Penny yelled and ran towards the coolers to hand them out. Rafe took a beer and Lola settled for a seltzer.
“Are you good?” Rafe asked her.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Of course, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable,” He smiled leaning closer, “Also he’s been glaring at us since we got here.”
Lola smirked, “Good. I hope he feels even just slightly as bad as he made me feel when I caught him.”
“Can I do something?” Rafe asked, his hand on her shoulder rubbing soothing circles.
“Can I kiss you?” He looked down at her lips that looked so inviting, “To make it look real of course.”
Lola felt her whole body tingle at his question. Rafe was so different from Thomas, which was the last guy that she was with, and he made her feel things in the last 48 hours that Thomas never could in the two years they were together. She wanted him to kiss her whenever he pleased. Lola had to remind herself that this wasn’t real, but for now she would enjoy it. She would enjoy the feeling of being wanted even if she thought it was all an act.
“Yes please,” she murmured. Rafe could have died then and there just at her response.
He grabbed her chin gently and brought her face closer to his. Their lips brushing against each other with hesitancy at first but then Rafe leaned forward more pressing his lips firmly against hers. They were soft and she tasted like cherry’s. Her sticky lipgloss getting all over his mouth but he couldn’t care less. The way he held her made her want to melt. His lips were so soft and full, it felt so natural with him the way their lips moved against each other.
“Ugh get a room you two!” Penny shouted throwing a bag of chips at the couple. They pulled a part remembering where they were. Lola rolled her eyes and threw the bag back, Penny just laughed.
Harry walked over and stood in front of the pair, “Dude let me give you a tour of the boat,” he said to Rafe.
“Uh sure man,” He turned to Lola, “I’ll be back baby.”
The two guys walked towards the inside where the wheel was, the other guys following suit. When they were gone all the girls came flocking over to Lola.
Tabitha sat next to her, “Tell us babe how is he in bed? I can’t believe he’s so sexy.”
Lola blushed, “Tabi! You guys are insane.”
“Come on Lola, you have like the hottest boyfriend you need to tell us everything,” Riley the other bridesmaid said.
Lola knew she was going to have to make up stuff because they were like vultures who needed to be fed, “It’s really good. He’s really good. He knows what to do, like I don’t have to tell him what I need or like he just knows. And he makes me feel so comfortable.”
“God that sounds like a dream,” Olivia sighed, “I bet you don’t even have to ask him to go down on you?”
Lola shook her head, “Never. It’s his favorite thing to do.” At this point she was just saying things to impress them, but she had a feeling that if she did have a chance to sleep with him he would be exactly how she described.
“And he makes you finish?” Tabitha asked almost on the edge of her seat.
“Always more than once,” She smirked.
Tabitha sat back dramatically, “You have the perfect man. I’m jealous.”
“Thomas is sooo jealous. He’s been asking me so many questions since last night,” Penny smirked. At least Lola’s plan was working.
Riley rolled her eyes, “Good, he cheated on you right? So he has no right to be jealous.”
“Exactly. But the revenge must feel good huh?” Tabitha asked.
Lola shrugged, “I guess so. I haven’t paid much attention to him. Especially not when I have Rafe with me,” she wasn’t fully lying. She did forget that he existed for a second until Rafe brought it up.
“Does Rafe have any hot friends you guys can introduce me to?” Tabitha said sighing.
Lola laughed, “Probably. I haven’t met many of his friends.”
In the cockpit where all the guys had congregated they were also giving Rafe the third degree. Not about Lola but just about himself since they didn’t know him.
“So Rafe where you from?” Harry asked as they all sat around in different areas of the cockpit. Rafe knew that he was about to be grilled by the games, and he was more than happy to answer their questions. Especially Thomas’.
“North Carolina, the outer banks,” He took a sip of his beer.
He nodded his head, “What are you doing in New York?”
“I wanted to get away from home and from here I’m still able to run the business,” He shrugged.
“Dude so you’re like rich?” Mateo said with a smirk.
Rafe laughed, “Uh not having a house and a yacht in the Hampton’s rich.”
Thomas cleared his throat, “So what’s up with you and Lola?” He asked completely changing the subject.
Rafe’s brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“Well like are you guys serious?” Thomas rolled his eyes as if it was an obvious question.
“I guess we are, I mean we’ve been seeing each other for a few months now. She’s great, I really like her so I hope it’s something serious,” The words were so easy for him to say because part of him wished they were true.
“She seems happy with you man. Every time Lola’s come around us she always seemed so like depressed and super fidgety. She seems relaxed. So whatever you’re doing dude keep doing it,” Harry laughed. He cared about Lola, she was about to be his sister in law. But he cared about her like a sister and when Thomas cheated on her he was angry but not angry enough to drop him.
Thomas scoffed, “Please dude she seems miserable. I bet she hasn’t even put out yet. It took like weeks for her to even touch my dick. You know we dated right?”
Rafe stood up straighter, “She did mention there’d be some prick who cheated on her here, just didn’t think she went low enough to date you. Also I respect what Lola wants to do, I don’t force her to touch my dick like a horny teenager.”
“Okay guys,” Mateo began to speak before he was interrupted by Thomas.
“She just wasn’t good in bed, I had urges. What am I supposed to do just be unsatisfied.”
Rafe laughed bitterly, “That’s funny because I remember her telling me that you were the worst and smallest dick she’s ever had,” he took a step closer to the shorter man, “she doesn’t even remember her own name when I’m fucking her brains out. I bet you couldn’t ever make her finish huh? Now never talk about my girlfriend that way again or we’ll actually have problems. If you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go check on my girlfriend.” Rafe walked out not wanting to be a part of the sausage fest anymore.
As he walked back out onto the deck he saw Lola laying out on the chairs, she had taken her overalls off to soak up the sun. He smiled to himself as he watched her nod her head along to the music. The other girls were also laying around getting a tan. He stood over her creating a shadow.
She opened her eyes squinting at his tall figure, “Hey, everything good?”
He nodded, “Perfect.” He couldn’t help his wandering eyes as they took her in. The bikini she picked looked good against her skin and it left little to the imagination. He was so attracted to her he couldn’t deny it anymore, especially now looking at her half naked he just wanted to touch her.
“Wanna go for a swim? I’ve been waiting for you,” She smiled taking the last sip of her second drink now.
“That sounds great actually it’s hot as fuck,” He set his drink down on the floor to take his shirt off. He threw it onto the end of the chair along with his sunglasses. Lola just about melted then and there. She could tell he definitely worked out, his arms were so muscular she wanted nothing more than to be tossed around by him. This is definitely the drinks talking, she thought.
Rafe held his hand out to her and she took it gladly. She felt like he was too good at this boyfriend act, it was making her feel things she shouldn’t. Especially for someone she paid to pretend to like her. They walked to the edge of the boat hand in hand.
“Ready?” He asked with a smirk. She nodded her head mimicking his smirk. They jumped into the ocean hand in hand. The cool water feeling good against her skin after being in the sun.
Once they surfaced she started laughing, “God I haven’t had this much fun here in so long.”
Rafe brushed his wet hair back swimming towards her, “Good. You deserve to have fun.”
“So uh how was it with Thomas?” She asked a bit hesitant.
Rafe shrugged, “He’s a fucking prick that’s forsure. Nothing I can’t handle tho,” he smirked.
“We’re coming!” Tabitha yelled from the boat as they began also jumping into the ocean. Lola laughed and swam closer to Rafe wrapping her arms around his neck. He grabbed the backs of her thighs to wrap her legs around his waist. Lola’s skin felt like it was on fire despite being in the water.
“God this feels so good!” Tabitha exclaimed as she resurfaced joining the couple.
Olivia smiled swimming up to the group, “Remember that summer we got stranded out here because we ran out of gas and went skinny dipping.”
“Oh god,” Lola mumbled, “We were like 20 and then when the coast guard showed up we were all naked in the ocean.”
Rafe laughed, “There’s still a lot I don’t know about you huh?”
“Oh so much, she used to be a bit of a firecracker,” Tabitha said.
After a few more dives into the ocean and a few more drinks Lola and Rafe were back on the chair soaking up the sun before they had to head back and get ready for the late engagement party. Rafe was sitting in the chair and Lola was sitting in between his legs, her back resting against his chest. It was to make sure they looked like a real couple. It was all part of the plan, at least that’s what they said. Rafe may have been enjoying the feeling of her skin on his a little too much. Lola may have been enjoying the way Rafe’s arm wrapped around her chest and played with her hair a little too much.
She felt so comfortable around him. The voice in the back of her head telling her this was all going to end in a few days was getting quieter to let her enjoy these moments she had with him. Soon she’d be alone again, just her and Sailor in her apartment and Rafe would be a fond memory. The thought alone made her squeeze his thigh gently to remind herself she’s there now with him and to enjoy it.
Thomas had been glaring at them the whole afternoon. It made her happy to know he was bothered by them. The group had just been sitting around and exchanging stories, a few games on uno had been played as well. Lola felt so content, it was the first time in a few years she liked being with this group of people. She felt like herself again.
“Babe our song!” Tabitha exclaimed as everywhere by fleetwood mac came on the speakers.
Lola’s eyes lit up. She turned to Rafe, “On spring break a few years ago we were in Greece and this song came on at the club and it was the best night ever!”
She got up and joined Tabitha as they started dancing to the song. Singing along to the words, Rafe watched with curious eyes. A grin spreading across his lips. The other girls getting up and joining them as they started singing to the chorus. The drinks she had that day had definitely made Lola a lot bolder than she’d usually be. As Lola danced with Tabitha she tilted her head back laughing. Rafe took a mental picture wanting to remember her like that forever. He had a feeling in his gut that Lola couldn’t just be a temporary fixture in his life. Not after the way she’s made him feel.
She ran towards Rafe grabbing his hands and pulling him up to dance with her. He gladly obliged, the other guys joining as well. When she sang the lyrics to Rafe as if she truly meant them, and she kind of did. She wanted to be with him everywhere. As they danced together the world around them faded and it was just them to, he spun her around and she giggled furiously. The song ended and they all cheered and clapped.
“You guys are the best bridal party a girl could have!” Penny exclaimed with teary eyes, she definitely had too much to drink.
Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulder and he kissed her cheek, “I think it’s time we head back.”
They headed back to the benches to be safer. Lola rested against Rafe’s chest as his arm wrapped around her. She felt a bold so she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“You’re the best Rafey,” She smiled at him.
Rafe smiled, he couldn’t help himself. The nickname she had given him made his chest turn a light shade of pink. He cupped her face and brought her up for a kiss. It felt just as good as the first one. Lola sighed as they moved against each other, only pulling away because she remembered there were other people around. She would kiss him all day if she could.
Once they got back to the house they had taken and showers and began getting ready for the cocktail party. The bride and groom decided to have a late engagement party so that everyone could attend and it’d add to the wedding week festivities. Lola felt like she was on cloud nine and it was all because of the man laying on her bed scrolling on his phone.
“Rafe, can I ask you something?” She asked from the bathroom as she applied her makeup.
“What’s up?”
“Can you tell me more about yourself?” She asked with a hopeful voice. She really wanted to know more about him.
Rafe smiled to himself and got up to walk into the bathroom. She watched as he put the toilet seat lid down and sat down watching her do her eyebrows, “What do you want to know?”
“Anything,” She shrugged.
“Well I’ve told you the truth. I have two sisters, I’m from North Carolina, and that developing company is actually my other job.”
She nodded her hair, “What about your parents? Your childhood?”
He looked away finding the towel rack more interesting, “Uh my mom she died when I was 10. My dad’s very much a hard ass. We don’t really have a relationship other than a business one. In my late teens I didn’t really have a relationship with my sisters. Especially Sarah, she’s a few years younger than me.”
Lola looked over at him with curiosity, “Why’s that?”
“I did a lot of um dumb stuff,” he cleared his throat, “I got mixed up with the wrong people and made terrible choices. I treated the people around me like shit. But I cleaned up my act after my freshman year of college. I got sober and I started going to therapy.”
“Wow Rafe, that’s really good. You should be proud of yourself.” She said looking over at him with a warm smile.
He smiled back, “Yeah I’ve come a long way. I’ve burned some bridges that I can’t fix but I don’t dwell on it anymore. I just focus on what I have now. Sarah and I are close now. Same with my other sister Wheezie. I go back home every couple of weeks to see them and have meetings with my dad.” He didn’t really know why he was telling her this. Rafe felt like he could actually open up to her and feel vulnerable. He’s never told anyone this much before, let alone someone that was supposed to be a client.
“Why do you still this other job on the side?” She asked a bit hesitant.
He thought for a second, why did he do this? “I guess I like helping people not feel alone like I felt for a long time. Even if it’s just for one night for a stupid christmas party or something like that. I guess I like feeling needed.”
Lola smiled, “You’re too good to be true. You’re very selfless Rafe. That’s a hard quality to find, especially in a guy.”
He chuckled, “I’m not perfect, I just hide my flaws better. But I’m working on it.”
“And that’s what counts.”
There was a moment of silence as Lola applied blush before she paused not looking over at him, “Rafe, can we still be friends after this?” She asked softly. Afraid if she used her real voice she’d be too loud and scare him away. Lola didn’t want to lose Rafe even if it meant just having him as a friend.
His heart was beating loudly in his chest. She was so extraordinary to him, how could she want to be friends with him after he just told her that he used to be a wreck. Rafe felt like a ticking time bomb, at any minute he could become the old Rafe again. But when he was with her it felt like that Rafe was completely gone, “Of course sweetheart.” That nickname he first called her made her insides stir with something sickly sweet.
They had arrived at the restaurant that the party was being held at, already filled with friends and family. Rafe had been introduced to a a handful of people now. He couldn’t focus on anything other than Lola in the dress she was wearing. It was tight in all the right places, he felt like she outshined everyone in the room. Her makeup looked flawless and her hair just as perfect. He wanted to ruin it all, kiss her until her makeup was all over the place and her lips were swollen. Run his hands through her hair messing up the perfect strands.
He was leaning against the bar drinking his vodka soda as Lola talked amongst her mom and some of her mom’s friends. He watched making sure she didn’t need him to come in and save her from painful conversation. Tabitha came up and ordered herself a drink, before turning to him. She watched him watch her cousin with that look in his eyes.
“She’s been through a lot,” She said speaking up, “She’s not the same Lola that I used to know.”
Rafe looked over at her, “How so?”
“The last few months she was with Thomas she started changing. It was partly because he had become distant but it was also because her mom and her had a huge fight about her mom’s drinking.” She scoffed as she looked towards her aunt, “Clearly nothing has changed. But it was because her mom got hammered at Christmas and she made out with Thomas who was also hammered. They probably would have had sex if she hadn’t walked in on them.” Tabitha rolled her eyes.
“What the fuck? She never told me that.” Rafe said with furrowed brows, he wasn’t upset at Lola but upset at how everyone just walked all over her.
“It’s not something she talked about. She doesn’t come around as much anymore since then because after that incident she started getting suspicious but brushed it off. Then clearly she gets proven wrong when she walks in on him again. I hate that little fucker,” Tabitha seethed, “Lola shut down. She already didn’t have many friends and she lost the ones she did have. She kept to herself and her light dimmed. I haven’t seen her so carefree and full of life like this is so long. You’re really good for her.” She put a hand on his arm and smiled genuinely at him.
Rafe gave her a lopsided grin, “I’m trying my best for her. She deserves to be happy, I think she’s helping me more than I’m helping her though.”
“She has that effect on people. She has a good heart, maybe too good sometimes.”
He looked over at her just as Lola looked at him with a tight lipped smile and pleading eyes, “That’s my queue to save her.” He excused himself from Tabitha as she jokingly saluted him.
He walked up to the group of women and wrapped his arm around Lola’s waist, “Excuse me ladies would you mind if I steal my beautiful girlfriend away?” He gave them a charming smile.
“Speaking of there he is! Isn’t he just so handsome,” Lola’s mom said speaking to the other women. Completely ignoring Rafe.
“You are one very lucky lady Lola,” One of the woman said to her while winking.
Lola laughed awkwardly not really sure what to say but Rafe saved her, “Oh I think I’m the lucky one. Lola truly is something special.
Her mom hummed, “I guess so sweetie, she’s always been a bit unique.” The comment came more as condescending than a compliment.
“Lola actually rejected me the first time I asked her out but I couldn’t give up on her. Women as beautiful, smart, kind, and extraordinary like her don’t come around much.” He gave her waist a gentle squeeze. Lola wanted to die then and there because he was actually a dream come true.
“We’re going to go get a drink,” Lola smiled before dragging Rafe away. Once they were farther away she burst into a fit of giggles.
Rafe smiled widely, “What are you laughing about?”
She smiled up at him, “Like I said, you’re too good to be true.”
“I just sleak the truth,” He shrugged, “and I’m not gonna let anyone subtly bash my girl.”
My girl. Lola was so screwed. She was in deep deep shit because that warm tingly feeling in her stomach was starting to feel a lot like love.
tags: @rosal1nd @magicwithaknife , @f4ll-for-you , @hotch-meeeeeuppppp , @loveu-always
(if you'd like to be removed or tagged let me know!)
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pinkskytwst · 2 months
***Race for the Cookie Cup!***
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"No matter whether you win or lose, what's most important is to have fun!"
* Team Bluepuff *
"Good luck everybody! Do your best!"
When Summoned: "All my 'Special People' make my life sweeter than candy! Well...Saya-chan is more like sour candy but that's okay! There's still lots of sugar in those too!"
Summoned Line: "Everything is so cute and sweet here! I love it!"
Groovy!!: "I don't really think people have flaws. They're just things that make them special and interesting and wonderful! Like how Sai-chan tries to smother me for bringing up Vil-senpai! Or when she lies about not reading my books! They're just things that make her special! You're special to me too, so don't let anyone make you feel bad about what makes you, you!"
Home Idle:
"It's so nice to have everyone here with me. It's like we're having an adventure in a candyland!"
"Don't worry! Sai-chan won't actually run everyone off the track...probably."
"I know Tsunotarou doesn't like cake but maybe I can get him an icecream cake instead!"
"I've never driven anything before but I'm sure it can't be that hard!"
Home Tap:
"These outfits are super cute! Maybe I can ask Crewel-sensei to make me one like it once we get home!"
"It's a good thing there aren't any, like, licorice spiders here or something! ...There aren't any, right?"
[Ro]: "As long as we have fun, we're the real winners, Sai-chan!"
[Saya]: *sigh* "...Whatever you say Ro."
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*Team Redpop *
"If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?"
When Summoned: "If I'm here, you know we're going to win this thing. No matter what. So don't hold me back, alright?"
Home Idle:
"I've never really been into racing before, but I'll eat my goggles before I let any of these idiots beat me at anything, so I guess I am now."
"Everything's too sweet here. God, I wish there was a river of black coffee. But nope. All frosting." *sigh*
"Ro was wandering around a field of candy canes earlier, and he almost blended right in. Red and white camouflage. It was pretty funny, actually… I should get him some sunscreen, before he starts to blend in with some lobsters instead."
Home Idle - Groovy!!: "I'm not usually someone who gives out a lot of compliments, but you'd do well on my team here."
Home Tap:
"You think this outfit looks nice? Well, if Vil was here he'd blow us all away. I wonder what he's up to…"
"This place is better than Ramshackle, I guess. I don't have to kill spiders for Ro every other second at least. But I do miss Pomefiore. …Don't tell anyone I said that."
Duo: [SAYA]: "Hold on tight, Ro!" [RO]: "Get em, Sai-chan!"
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consistencynevermether · 11 months
Astarion x Wizard! Tav reader
A/N: part 3 of my Astarion with different Tav classes. its magic time baby
summary- 1.1k words, SFW, gn reader
Astarion x Wizard! Tav 
No seriously, that's Astarions reaction to you being a wizard. You choose to base your entire life around studying? You two are basically like oil and water in a lot of ways. 
Ok but in all seriousness, Astarion does admire your dedication to your craft. He sees how much work you put into learning new spells and is genuinely excited when you get it right 
It doesn’t mean he’s gonna stop making fun of you though. You're telling him you belong to a SCHOOL of magic??? Need for Academic validation much? Oh and please, if you're gonna wear wizard robes try to make them a little stylish, or he’ll come for your sense of fashion too.
Actually, I bet he’d help you spice up your outfits a little. A thigh slit here, a tasteful gold embroidery there, your not completely beyond hope
Dw tho, you can absolutely get him back. Oh, you need some magical assistance? Maybe help figuring out how a magical item works? Uh oh, looks like the rouge needs the wizard's help after all dontcha astarion? 
It’s definitely the highlight of your day when he has to ask for help. Unfortunately, it goes both ways. His speed and skills have definitely saved your ass in battle before 
Honestly, it’s giving annoyances to lovers. Plus I’m convinced at least 40% of Astarions love language is sass and knife cat energy. 
He enjoys the banter definitely, but it’s never meant to cut too deep. He’s good at reading people, so say you're having trouble learning this one spell and you're starting to get frustrated. He can definitely tell and knows not to make jokes about your magic today. He can’t exactly help, because this man is NOT magically inclined. But he’ll pull you away from the spell scroll long enough for you to take a deep breath and have a break. It helps in its own way because now you can come back to it with a more calm mindset. 
You can’t tell me this man isn’t laughing (a little manically) when you cast fireball. I mean come on that’s one of the most entertaining things he’s seen in 200 years let him have some fun
But also-  
He secretly finds your powers very cool. I mean there’s something beautiful about magic at its core, he can’t help but be just a little entranced. And you’ve definitely used magic to show off to him just a lil (make a rose out of magic blue light or somethin he’ll scoff but find it endearing) 
Honestly, I imagine you two are a slight hoarder couple. I mean you need to have all these ingredients for spells on you, and Astarions a rouge he definitely has like at least 5 knives on him at all times. Also the magic items. You both love to hoard those, just in case they’re useful 
If you actually do have some sort of wizard's tower, layer, study, or something Astarion wants to see it
He’ll make a joking excuse as to why he wants to see your lair. And he’s DEFINITELY gonna grab a random cloak in there and do a bad wizard impersonation 
The real reason he wants to see it is because it’s an integral part of you. It’s basically your home, where you store everything you find valuable, where the pantry is always stocked with the food you like, and where the bed has the exact number of pillows you want it to have. Astarion wants to know these things about you. 
I imagine after you finally defeat the mindflayers and everyone goes off to find their own way (or maybe you all stick together and keep adventuring while also occasionally having individual adventures, who am I to break up your found family) you immediately take Astarion to your tower and start working on methods to help him walk in the sun. magic sunscreen? Enchanted daylight ring? Charmed circlet? You've got options and you're not afraid to use them. Anything to make it so that Astarion doesn’t have to live his life in darkness anymore. You jest and say it would be a true tragedy if you couldn't see his beautiful silver hair kissed by the sunrise, but in reality, you were immediately tearing through every tome you owned looking for a solution. After all, who wouldn't do anything for the man that held their heart? 
Ok now imagine. You and Astarion just completed a mission, saving some people in the grove with Halsin. And you already had received a message from Wyll and Karlach asking for assistance smoking out a group of assasins that had settled in Baldurs gate. But gods you were so tired. It was nearly midnight when you both decided to crash at your liar instead of heading straight to the location Wyll had given you. You were both covered in mud, twigs, and other “gifts of nature” as Astarion had described them in a voice mocking Halsins. You were so tired your eyelids stung, and everything was hazy. You both more or less stumbled into your study, already half asleep. 
Of course, you had become a bit more coherent when you realized that there was only one bed. And two of you. Now this might seem a bit ridiculous to care about things like that considering how close the two of you are and how much you have been through and done together, but now hear me out. This man has spent the last 200 years either not having a bed or being forced to share one. You had both decided he needed some time to just be able to have his own space to sleep, after all, you had all of your lifetime together, and you wanted him to be comfortable, so whenever he had come to your study, he slept on the couch. You had wanted to get him a cot or something of his own at the place, buuut it had kinda slipped your mind entirely. And the couch he slept on was currently covered in about 50 books stacked across the couch, another thing you had forgotten about. Whoops. 
You and Astarion both looked at the pile of books on the couch and then at each other. You felt like you were about to pass out where you stood and he didn't look much better. There was an instant understanding between the both of you, that understanding being “fuck it” as you both collapse onto your bed, neither taking off your filthy armor and robes, simply passing out on the spot.
You awoke to a certain vampires face buried in the crook of your neck, trying to block out the sun now shining in his eyes. Eventually, you both dragged yourself out of the small bed and cleaned yourselves up before heading off to Wyll's location, but after this situation you both unspokenly began to sleep in the same bed alot more often.
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Beach Day
Idea: the Sides have a beach day. Remus is up to his usual chaos and messing with his brother. Virgil is a little reluctant but has fun anyway. Roman is being chased by his brother (think funny cartoon moments when someone's getting chased in the background of a 'calmer' scene upfront). Maybe transfemme Janus? Idk, just spit-balling an idea :3 – oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none!
Pairings: DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic, you decide
Word Count: 4220
By and large, just due to their nature, the Sides are predictable. Patton will be bubbly and excitable, Roman will be passionate and dramatic, Logan will be tempered and reasonable, Virgil will be cautious and skeptical, Janus will be cynical and sarcastic, and Remus will be…Remus. As such, there are a few occasions where the expected reaction will be exactly what plays out. Case in point, when the six of them decide to have a beach day in the Imagination.
Stepping through the large door in the middle of the hallway, sun shining out of the cornflower blue sky onto soft white sand and azure water lapping against the shore, Patton lets out a squeal and claps his hands together. “Oh, this looks amazing! It’s like something out of a picture book!”
“That is where we got the idea.”
“Even the sea monsters!”
Logan rolls his eyes. “I presume those are too far out to pose any real danger to us, yes?”
“Oh, yeah, and Ollie will keep the worst of them away.” Remus skitters across the sand before anyone else can say another word. “Come on! Daylight’s burning here!”
“Let me,” Logan says quietly, reaching for the massive bag resting at Patton’s side, “Janus, could you get the—“
“Already got it.” Sure enough, the yellow umbrella slung over Janus’s shoulder provides a welcome reprieve as they walk out to join Remus. “Here good?”
“Yeah, this seems fine. Virgil?”
Virgil hunches his shoulder and sinks deeper into his hoodie. “Yeah. It’s fine.”
“Oh, come on, you shadowy spirit,” Roman says, elbowing him lightly, “you can’t be all doom and gloom when it’s such a nice day out!”
“Watch me.”
“Now, Virgil, we agreed you would at least try to have a good time today, right?”
Virgil sighs, trudging under the umbrella and putting down his towel. Sitting cross-legged square in the middle, he takes a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on.
“That’s the spirit!” Patton shrugs off his light-blue shirt and reaches for the bag. “Did everyone put on sunscreen?”
“Before we left.”
“Hmph,” which is Virgil for yes.
“Remus? What about you?” Patton turns around. “Remus?”
Gleeful cackling comes from the shoreline and they all turn to see Remus splashing about in the surf, some sort of seaweed or kelp already tangled around his neck.
“He put some on before we left too,” Janus sighs, shrugging off the shimmery gold coverup and setting up her beach chair, “I made sure of it.”
“Thanks, Janus.” Logan shields his eyes and sighs, watching the shimmering droplets in Remus’s wake. “Well, I had wanted to ask if anyone else wanted to play volleyball, but—“
“Ooh, that sounds fun!”
“—I do need Remus to help with the set-up.”
Roman rolls his eyes, setting down his own bag and taking off his sunglasses. “I’ll get him.”
“Oh, it’s no rush, we have all day—“
“I know.”
And before anyone can say another word, Roman’s off after Remus. Remus barely glances up before there’s a wad of kelp being hurled at Roman’s face.
“…I didn’t know the two of them were so enthusiastic about beach day,” Patton mumbles, watching the two of them start to roughhouse in the shallows.
“Roman’s just wearing Remus out a bit.” Janus looks up from under the brim of her hat. “Would you rather they get all that energy out now or when we’re playing volleyball?”
Patton takes a moment to think, then shudders. “Good point.”
”Well, while they wear themselves out, I believe I’m going to go investigate the tide pools. Patton, would you like to come with me?”
“Oh, sure! That sounds fun!”
The two of them begin to walk off, Logan explaining the cycle of the tides and how it affects the creatures that live within the pool, as Janus tilts her head back to look at Virgil. He’s still staring at the towel, hands buried in his hoodie pockets.
“Aren’t you overheating in that thing?”
“What’s it to you?”
“I’m the only one allowed to pass out from overheating, remember?”
Virgil snorts. “You’re part snake, that doesn’t count.”
“It absolutely counts. There’s no one else around right now, it’s just me.” Her voice softens slightly when Virgil just hunches deeper. “What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“The sun makes my head hurt.”
“Right now?”
“No. When I’m out in it for too long.” He pulls his knees closer to his chest. “I don’t like being hot either. And I don’t like sand.”
“Because it’s coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere?”
“Shut up.”
Janus laughs, turning onto her side to look at him properly. “I don’t mean to make fun. But then why did you agree to this if you hate the beach so much?”
Virgil shuffles, muttering something under his breath.
“A little louder?”
“Everyone else was really excited. And we haven’t…done anything like this in a while. Where’s it’s all of us…y’know, hanging out.” He hunches over himself. “Felt wrong to say no.”
“Oh, sweetie…”
“It’s fine. I’ll just deal with it.”
“It’s not going to be fun if not all of us are having fun.” She glances back toward the shoreline, where the trees and cliffs stretch up to meet the sky. “Do you want to go sit further back? The shade might be better.”
“Then who would keep an eye on all the stuff when you fall asleep?”
“I—wha—I do not fall asleep!”
“Uh huh, tell that to the recordings Remus has of you sawing logs under your heat lamp.”
Janus splutters a bit more and Virgil manages a laugh. He shifts again and slowly reaches for the zipper on his hoodie. Glancing around to really make sure no one but Janus is watching, he slowly pulls it over his head and quickly stuffs it to the bottom of a bag to make sure there won’t be any chance of sand on it later. He snaps himself into a dark rash guard and swim shorts as Janus shakes her head once more. She smiles softly when she sees the change and reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“Can I talk you into listening to a podcast with me?”
Virgil rolls his eyes, feigning annoyance as he pulls out his headphones. “Only if I get to pick the episode.”
Remus picks Roman up and hurls him out into the water.
“Should we be worried about them hurting each other?” Patton glances between the two of them, even as Roman swims back and tackles Remus. “They’re not exactly being very safe.”
“The two of them are like rubber balls,” Logan chuckles, looking up from his small notebook, “and they’ve both been doing things like that for years. They know what they can get away with at this point.”
Patton watches them for a little longer, just to make sure, before he turns his attention back to the glistening surface of the tide pool. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
Logan indicates a small rock just below the surface. “See this, here? When the night comes some of these little creatures will crawl up here to poke their heads above the water.”
“To watch for predators, or something?”
“The opposite, in fact.”
“To get away from predators?”
”In a sense. You know that creatures that live underwater still need oxygen, correct?”
“Don’t they just get it from the water?”
“That’s right, they do, but in the same way that oxygen in the air can run out, so can oxygen in the water.” Logan trails his hand lightly through the tide pool, sending shimmering ripples across the surface. Beneath, little crabs and fish dart about at the disturbance. “Especially with so many creatures needing it at night.”
“But then shouldn’t they all…run out?” Patton looks around at the other tide pools. Everything seems pretty much alive. “How are they all still getting it if they’re using it all?”
“When the tides come in, the water covers the pools. So it joins the massive repository that is the ocean. But when the tide goes out…”
“It just becomes the pool. So then what do they do?”
“The issue for most creatures is that they don’t want to be trapped in the pool. Some of them, like this starfish—“ Logan indicates a big purple starfish just near Patton’s foot— “stay here all the time. Others, like this little shrimp here, don’t, necessarily. So they need to make sure they get enough oxygen overnight when the supplies are limited.”
“How do they do that?”
“By taking it in from the air.” Logan points to the small rock again. “That’s also why you’ll see them around on land as well—look, there’s one just behind you.”
Patton turns. Sure enough, a little shrimp scuttles across the rocks from one pool to another, pausing to grab something out of the sand and scarf it down. It pauses again when it notices Patton, probably wondering why there’s a new bit of land here when it wasn’t there before, eventually deciding that it isn’t something to worry about and vanishing back into another pool.
”So long as its gills are wet, it can absorb oxygen from the air without difficulty.”
“That’s really cool.” Patton sits on the edge, watching the fish dart about inside the clear pool. “I didn’t know these could…change. Does that make sense?”
“It makes perfect sense. I believe it’s a side effect of their size and relative isolation.” Logan adjusts his glasses, looking at the ocean with a small smile. “Then again, I suppose it’s difficult to truly conceive that it’s the moon that causes the tides in the first place.”
“Yeah. It is.”
In the distance, Remus shrieks as Roman smothers him in the seaweed.
“Do you think we should check on them?”
“They’ll wear themselves out eventually.”
The hours pass. The sun moves slowly across the sky until the six of them are called back to the umbrella by the songs of their stomachs. Logan and Patton quickly set up the picnic as Janus picks up the twins’ towels and throws them at the two as they stumble up from the surf.
“Absolutely not! Get all of that sand and stuff off you before you come anywhere near the food.”
“Don’t even think about it,” Roman warns lowly as Remus starts winding up the towel with a manic grin, “or else I’ll get Ollie to hide all the jellyfish swarms from you.”
“You’re no fun.”
Roman scrubs at his hair and skin until most of the sand is gone. Patton looks over and yelps when he sees Roman’s bright red skin.
“Roman! You said you put on sunscreen!”
“It’s from the sand, Padre, I just scrubbed it off a little too roughly. I’m not burned, I’m okay.”
“Oh. Well, you should be more careful. And put more sunscreen on right after lunch!”
”I will, I will.” Roman spreads his towel out a little ways away from the umbrella—and the food, and Virgil—and drags Remus down next to him. Remus goes with a chuckle and a thud, smile softening when he sees Virgil out of his hoodie. Roman follows his gaze, giving Virgil a little wink and chuckling when he looks away. “What’s wrong, shadow-ling?”
”Shut up, both of you.”
”Boys,” Janus warns, taking her sandwich, “be civil over lunch, won’t you?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Remus yelps when Janus smacks him upside the head. “Ow! What was that for?”
“The shaving cream in my sunscreen this morning.”
“Oh. Yeah, that’s fair.”
“How were the tide pools?”
“Really cool! Logan taught me about these creatures that will go up and take in oxygen from the air at night when it runs out in the pool, and how the ocean will switch out the oxygen when the tide comes in…”
Patton rambles on about it to Virgil for a while, Logan chiming in with gentle corrections or answering Virgil’s questions if he has any. The twins sit remarkably composed, eating their lunch and just watching the others. After a while, Janus reaches for the sunscreen and starts reapplying hers.
“Who’s next?”
“I’ll take it.” Logan takes the bottle and sets his glasses aside. “Patton, do you have the stick for our faces?”
“Yes, I should—Remus!”
“No, no, I got it,” Roman says quickly as Patton throws away the half-eaten stick of deodorant in disgust, taking it from another bag, “I moved it over here.”
“Must you spoil all of my best pranks?”
Roman snorts, taking the sunscreen from Logan. “If that’s what you think of as one of your best pranks, then—no, no, that is not a challenge, don’t look at me like that.”
”Don’t threaten me with a good time, Ro-bro.” Remus rubs his hands together. “I heard something about volleyball?”
”Yes, I was wondering if you would help me set it up?”
“Sure! Only if you’re on my team first, though.”
“Of course,” Logan chuckles as Roman holds a hand to his chest, offended.
“Aw, don’t worry, Roman, I’ll be on your team!”
“Well, then how could we lose?” Patton giggles as Roman glances over his shoulder. “Virgil? Janus? You two in?”
“We’ll keep score,” Virgil says as Janus hums. “That way you can’t accuse each other of being biased.”
“Suit yourselves.”
“You’re going down, Roro.”
“How did you get that up so quickly?”
Remus grins from the other side of the volleyball net, carefully set up to ensure Virgil and Janus are as much out of the line of fire as they can be while still being able to see. “Skills, Roro! Now come on!”
“First to nine points, have to win by at least two,” Janus calls out at the four of them take their positions, “and no powers!”
“Spoilsport.” Remus glances at Logan. “Ready?”
Remus serves the ball. Patton gets under it and Roman—
“Hey!” Logan calls as the ball slams into the ground where he’d been standing a few seconds ago. “Janus said no powers!”
Roman lands from his acrobatic leap, dusting himself off. “No powers, not no skills.”
“Oh, you’re on.”
Luckily, the twins have an agreement that they’ll only do their ridiculous acrobatic nonsense with each other, and not with the normal people they’re playing with. Logan and Patton each have their own moments of frantically dodging a rapidly spinning twin, but the score stays remarkably close until it’s 6-8.
“Match point,” Virgil says, “Logan’s serve.”
The ball flies over the net. Patton returns it, Remus spikes it hard in Roman’s direction, Roman manages to get it up, Patton goes to spike—
—and it bounces right off Remus’s face, over the net, to the ground at Roman’s feet.
“Oh my goodness!” Patton rushes around the net and crouches next to Remus. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
Remus blinks up at the crowd of concerned faces. “Did…did we win?”
“He’s fine,” Roman grumbles, “he probably did it on purpose.”
“I mean…it did go over the net.”
“And he didn’t catch it or carry it,” Janus agrees as Virgil shrugs, “Logan and Remus win.”
“Good game,” Logan says, chuckling as Remus bounces to his feet like nothing happened, “anyone up for a rematch?”
“I’ll sit this one out,” Patton says, out of breath, collapsing onto the towel, “someone—someone else go.”
“J? You want in?”
“Oh, alright,” Janus sighs, heaving herself to her feet, “but I want Remus.”
“Works for me.” Roman high-fives Logan as he comes around. “Ready?”
“Let’s do it.”
The game isn’t necessarily any closer than it was last time, but they do spend considerably more time debating whether or not each point counts. Namely that Janus is far more of a stickler for the ‘bounds’ of the game and which side gets the new serve, whereas Roman and Remus will just hit whatever ball they see until they miss.
“Refs? What do you think?”
Virgil rolls his eyes. “Look, if you keep asking us instead of just playing the game, I’m gonna start saying L and Princey get all the points.”
“No, we won’t,” Patton says quickly, “but it is less fun if you stop after every little thing.”
"Speak for yourself, I’m having a lot of fun.”
“Is your strategy to make us irritated and thus more likely to make mistakes?”
Roman chuckles at Logan’s expression. “Let’s just play, Specs. It’s not like it’s making much of a difference anyway.”
“Hey!” Remus points at him. “I’m gonna make you eat those words.”
“Bring it on.”
The score ends up being 9-4, Logan and Roman winning, even though Janus insists that one point didn’t count since it was technically on her side even though Remus returned the serve.
“Oh, shush,” Virgil says, “we all saw it.”
Janus laughs and ruffles his hair as Patton hugs Logan. “Undefeated champion!”
“It’s only been two games, Patton, but thank you.”
“You wanna go for three?”
“Oh, no,” Janus sighs, sitting back down, “that’s enough for me.”
“Virgil?” Remus holds out a hand. “You wanna give it a try?”
“And be on the other end of you two trying to murder me with a volleyball? No, thanks.”
“We’ll be nice.”
“Yeah, you say that,” he says, eyeing Remus warily as he cackles, “I’m not so sure about the other one.”
“We’ll go on the same team, how about that?”
“That sounds worse.”
“No, they’re pretty good about keeping their shenanigans aimed at each other,” Logan says, “which will probably mean they’ll cost themselves more points than they can score.”
“You know what? Sure, I’m in.”
“Left Brain Boys versus Right Brain Boys,” Patton says as they get into position, “good luck, everyone!”
Roman tosses the ball to himself, getting into his stance. “Ready?”
“Let’s go, Princey.”
Logan‘s prediction turns out to be half correct. The twins certainly don’t try anything too absurd over the net, but that doesn’t stop them being ridiculous on their side. Remus starts jumping off of Roman to reach the ball, Roman slides under Remus’s legs to hit it, Remus throws Roman up to spike the ball, it’s a mess.
They end up winning 10-8.
“Good job,” Logan says, patting Virgil’s shoulder as he pants, “I think we did about as well as we could expect to when confronted with…whatever that was.”
“You did great!” Patton claps as Virgil slinks back to his safe spot under the umbrella. “All of you!”
“Thanks, Padre.” Roman takes a long drink of water. “Anyone else still hungry?”
“Ooh, me. Gimme my snacks.”
“Here, here, calm down, don’t tear apart the bag.”
“Don’t tell me what to do with my snacks.”
“Remus, will you make a sandcastle with me?” Patton scoots out of the shade just a little. “Roman says you’re the best at them.”
“Damn right I am. Do you have the buckets and stuff?”
“I think so, are they in—?”
”Here,” Roman tosses the bag to them. “Go nuts.”
“What sort of sand castle do we want to make?”
“What about a big one with a moat around it?”
“Okay! What should I do?”
“Whatever you want,” Remus says gleefully, already digging in the soft sand. “I’m gonna make the moat so we have the good wet sand for things later.”
“Okay. Um, what if I fill one of the buckets to start the base?”
“Sure! Here, use the trowel, it’s easier.”
Patton gets three bucketfuls of sand in a triangle, carefully balancing one on top. He takes some of the wetter sand and packs it in between to keep it sturdy. Remus manages to dig a channel to the ocean, letting the waves begin to fill the moat. He scurries back and stops at the sight of Patton putting little windows into the main part of the castle.
“Whoa. That looks cool.”
“Yeah, Pat-Pat, that’s great. Do you want one of the smaller tools to scrape out the extra?”
“Yeah, I’ll take it. Are you gonna make more of the moat?”
“I’m gonna try the drip thing around the edges.”
“What’s the drip thing?”
“Here, I’ll show you.” He takes a bucket and fills it partway with water, carrying it back and setting it in the sand. “Here, help me put some sand in.”
“Like this?”
“A bit more…bit more…yeah, that’s good. Now watch.” He reaches in and scoops up some of the sand and water, holding his hand near the edge of the moat. The mixture drips off of the his fingers and makes a strange, almost cavelike tower on the sand. “See?”
“Whoa! That’s so cool! Can we do some of that on the main tower too?”
“Whatever you want, Pat-Pat.”
Logan sits next to Janus with a soft grunt, watching the two of them work. “They work well together, don’t they?”
“Mm.” Janus adjusts her hat. “It certainly seems so. Good for them.”
“Indeed. Did you finish the book?”
“Yes, I did. Dreadfully endearing—the descriptions of the house and the gardens were so peaceful.”
“And the cat driving the plot, I thought that was a clever way to get around the narrative question of time.”
“Well, we all know cats keep their own time.”
“Quite. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
”If you have any other recommendations, please let me know.”
As the sun begins to hang low in the sky, the sandcastle growing ever more elaborate, Roman gets to his feet and shrugs on a thin white button-up, leaving it open. He turns to Virgil and holds out a hand.
“What? Where are we going?”
“Just come on a walk with me? We don’t have to go far, but the sun’s not nearly as bad right now.”
Virgil hesitates a moment longer before taking Roman’s hand and letting him pull him to his feet. The two of them walk out past the sandcastle—still growing—and start walking along the shore. Between the soft dunes and the lapping waves is a small strip of harder sand, perfect for leaving footprints, Just above it lies the belt of shells and other things washed up from the ocean. As the sky begins to spill red and pinks across the beach, Virgil glances over at Roman.
“Did you…want something?”
“Hm? No, not really.” He knocks their elbows together. “We just haven’t really hung out today, ‘s all.”
“Oh. Uh—“
“Relax,” Roman chuckles when panic crosses Virgil’s expression, “it’s nothing bad. I just wanted to walk with you.”
”Is that really so surprising?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just—“ he trails off when Roman starts laughing— “oh, you’re a dick.”
“Guilty as charged. Hey, hey,” he laughs when Virgil shoves him toward the water, “don’t start a fight you won’t win, shadow-ling.”
“I miss my hoodie.”
“Aww, don’t hide from me, Virgil, you’re so—okay, okay, I’m done, I promise,” he says quickly when Virgil goes to turn around, catching him and pulling him back, “I’ll stop, that was mean.”
”Stop being such a jerk, Princey,” he says, trying and failing to make it not a whine.
”I know, I’m sorry.” Roman takes Virgil’s hand and brushes his lips against his knuckles. “I really did just wanna walk with you.”
Virgil sighs, letting Roman hold onto his hand as they keep walking. The temperature begins to cool off as the sun sinks lower and lower, the air still warm but the breeze sending a shiver down Virgil’s arms.
“You cold?”
“A little.”
“Let’s head back, then. Or we can move up, but that might be harder to walk on.”
“Let’s just move up.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” He tugs Roman up by the hand. “This is fine.”
Roman smiles and Virgil quickly looks away, the tips of his ears turning red. Judging by Roman’s chuckle, he notices, but he doesn’t say anything about it. They make it to the curve in the shore and turn back, spotting the umbrella in the distance still casting a shadow behind it. The sandcastle rises up in front, the silhouettes of Patton and Remus joining Janus and Logan on their towels.
”Thank you,” Roman says suddenly.
“Huh? For what?”
“I know you’re not the biggest fan of beaches, so thanks for agreeing to this.”
“Eh, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Yeah.” He stares pointedly at the ground. “I…I had fun.”
“I’m glad,” Roman says softly as they near the others, “I’m really glad, Virgil.”
“Hey, you two,” Patton calls, “good walk?”
“Yep. Do we want to stay and watch the sunset?”
“Ooh, yes please.”
“Here, Emo, here’s your hoodie.”
“Thanks, Remus.”
“Come have a seat over here, Roman, there’s room on the towel.”
“Don’t you dare get sand on me.”
“I won’t, I won’t.”
The sun sets over the six of them, the waves crashing gently in the background as night falls.
Yes, sometimes things can go just as well as predicted, and we can have just a nice day at the beach.
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20 notes · View notes
yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Tobi’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Sasori
What exactly do you expect me to say to that?
Donuts outside your door. Peace offering.
I’m sure it’s just as scared of you as you are of it.
No it’s three. THREE leaves are bad.
I’ll have Deidara give it to you but from now on if you idiots choose to keep going out without sunscreen I’m no longer treating the burn.
I noticed. But we all have secrets. That one is yours.
I’ve long forgotten the taste of food but if you think you can do a better job than Konan, by all means tell her. I’m sure she’ll take it well.
From Zetsu
What would he even be to you? Uncle? Grandpa? Great-grandpa? 
Patience, sunshine and a lottttttt of sugar.
He wouldn’t be very pleased that you’re letting one immature blonde ruin your focus this way …
No I HAD to eat him. His screaming would have attracted the enemy.
Your eyes look atrocious have you been using the drops??
Don’t kill it until I get there! They make great snacks 😋
I get that but sleep is important too kid.
Pls tell me you’re not the one who ate it all. Please. Please.
From Hidan
I mean maybe if you had a bigger dick but I’m not even sure the puppet has one at all so idk man 🤷‍♂️
Geez I wasn’t that drunk was I? 
You’ve got some balls on you bastard but fuck yes I’m in!! 😈 Funniest shit ever.
So get out of bed and come hang out. Just laying there all day ain’t helping shit.
It’s rated R but only for the sex shit. Don’t worry I know what a little bitch you are about scary movies 🙄
You snitch on me and tomorrow you wake up with your severed hand shoved up your ass 😇
Stop being such a stingy mf you don’t even like ribs asshole!
Not as weird as you think. He’s very flexible for a geezer 
No you’d be perfect for it. Nobody could read your face bc of that fucking mask!
Don’t let Konan see she’d kill both of us and then dig us up to fuck us up again 😓
From Kisame
Itachi insists I ask you to join us, so please come.
There isn’t one in your closet and even if there was, why would you send ME after it?!
God are you and Itachi related or something?! I can’t get either one of you to stop with the damn sweets!
PLEASE stop jumping on the bed I gotta get up in 3 hours I need SLEEP 😡
Stop asking me 1000 questions every time you watch the Discovery Channel 😑
From Nagato
I’m tired of speaking to you three about the same damn issues every single week. You are all grown men and I should not have to babysit you.
If I’m getting complaints from people OUTSIDE of this group? Then, yes, it is a problem.
Do as you see fit but remember your missions take precedence above all.
I’d advise you to keep in mind that he’s only 19 years old, and he already has that hair-trigger temper.
At least on this one point we can agree: white-haired “mentors” are the worst. 
What makes you think Sasori would make a good Pein-body for me? 
From Kakuzu 
You realize every cloak you tear up I’M the one hand sewing the replacement??
You Deidara Hidan all need to clean your rooms you’re making the house smell like a public toilet 😡
Only if YOU want to be the one to go out and catch the bounty to afford that.
I would suggest you stay focused on your missions. This is a serious organization, not a highschool.
I doubt that. I’m rarely surprised, brat.
Be a lot easier to treat it if you took that damn mask off and let me SEE it, kid.
Not complaining about the money but … how did you get it so fast 🤨
Konan says it was you, you say it was Itachi. Wonder what Itachi’s going to tell me.
No. And anyway you’re old enough to know that “love potions” aren’t real.
From Konan
Dinner’s ready!
You know that’s a completely inappropriate question to ask a woman, right?
Come see me later I’ll use the good shampoo and then give you a trim 😊
The other things I don’t mind but everyone is responsible for their own underwear.
Just go play with the one that Itachi absolutely does not have in his room.
Okay but FIVE SEPARATE PEOPLE came to me and told me they saw you playing with it right before it “mysteriously broke”. 😒
Not saying the muscles are impressive. But. 🫣
From Itachi
I’ve found that massaging the lids for half an hour and then resting with a cold cloth over them really helps.
I saw. I couldn’t believe how tall he’s gotten 😢
I’ll let you read it when I’m done. It helps with a lot of the overwhelming feelings.
I’m not scared at all. I just don’t want Kisame to be around to see it happen.
Honestly? I don’t trust that old man and I don’t think you should either, cousin.
A few bad teeth is probably the least of my health concerns, ha ha 🙃
Come walk with me. Give you a chance to breathe for a while.
Yeah but the thing about dreams is at some point, you’ve got to wake up. 
We’re both young and strong. Together with Sasuke we could do it. And be free.
Are you kidding? That movie would have BOTH of them pissing their pants. 🤣
No matter what he’s just going to find an excuse to fine you for it and take it out of your pay.
Ugh I tried but the way he eats everything super rare? And then licks the blood off the plate?? 🤢
From Deidara
Well you know he’s immortal so, never.
A big box of dangos and like half a cherry pie. You can have it but do NOT let me catch you eating everything at once.
We leave in 20 min. Don’t forget your pack this time.
No Kakuzu thinks Hidan did it and I’m not gonna correct him, and NEITHER ARE YOU.
That’s … pretty gay, ngl
Socks first, then shoes. Not sock shoe sock shoe. If there was a fire you’d be running out with one foot naked. Who tf raised you?!
Yeah I made it for you. I know you like turtles. And no it doesn’t explode.
I dare you to say that to him
Heyyyy you got $30 I can borrow 😅
No really DID you hide my clay?!
Me, Hidan and Uchiha. You’re coming too.
The way one loves a *friend*, yes
Did the salmon give you the shits too?? God my asshole feels like it’s melting 😫
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purecommemasolitude · 1 month
Curtis gang and the ocean: a series of thoughts
Aka I went into the ocean today and thought about the outsiders
If you thought normal roughhousing was bad, get ready for roughhousing: water edition
Everyone becomes a menace but Soda & Steve especially almost drown each other a few times
Two-Bit and Dally compete to see who can drink the most seawater without getting sick. This ends when Two-Bit accidentally chokes on a seashell or some such small item (Dally considers this a victory for him, Two-Bit absolutely does not but the seashell experience was too harrowing to challenge him to a rematch)
Johnny loves the ocean, literally every part of it. Oklahoma’s landlocked so in the unrealistic universe where they all get to the coast to have a beach day it’s in another state, meaning he’s with his buddies far away from any (many) hypothetical tormentors, and it’s just an environment he really likes, plus the novelty factor (that man does not travel or camp)
So much so that every other member resolves separately to try and get him to the ocean or at least similar places more often
Ponyboy is lowkey unsettled by the size and general vibe of the ocean (not the beach they’re at but he starts thinking about shipwrecks and the swirling depths etc etc) but will Not admit it
He will spend hours in a shallow area or on the beach sitting staring at the breaking waves though. It starts off as morbid fascination then once he gets used to the ocean and is more at ease he starts really enjoying the sight and wishes he lived closer to it
Darry stays where he can see Soda & Pony but his real goal for the day is mastering ocean swimming so he goes out a bit further than everyone else (Two-Bit also goes out there for a bit to “swim” (swim a little, harass Darry a lot) after the choking)
He knew it would be different from the Y but it’s harder than he expects and what was going to be a brief excursion before going back to everyone else turns into a most of the day-long mission
He ends up getting the hang of it eventually, and enjoys it so much that Soda also resolves to try and get him down more often even though he knows it probably won’t happen
Both him & Johnny are just a lot more carefree that day. Honestly Dally too
Soda finds a ledge that’s somewhat high up and jumps into the water repeatedly for fun. Think cannonball, belly flop, etc.
They play a game of beach volleyball (really just elaborate hot potato), an initiative spearheaded by Steve and Two-Bit upon seeing Ponyboy sitting by himself for a while (he was watching the ocean and having a fine time, but they wouldn’t understand how he could find it a good time even if he told them and he’s also fine doing shenanigans with everyone else so he joins willingly)
They have an underwater breath-holding competition. Stealing from someone else’s beach HCs that Johnny wins (unfortunately I no longer remember who)
Steve & Soda race, eventually Darry joins (& wins but only barely because while he has been practicing it also means he’s now tired)
Not a single one of these competitions or races started in any kind of organized manner. Someone makes a bragging statement which gets contested and before you know it Two-Bit is hacking up a lung
Half of them get water up their nose at some point or another. It especially keeps happening to Dally and it infuriates him every time
Speaking of infuriating Dally, he is decidedly Not a fan of how hard it is to get rid of sand. A week later he’s still having grains fall from the shirt he wore that day
Now getting into stuff that may be more inaccurate depending on time period factors that I don’t know enough about
Darry, Soda, and Johnny put on sunscreen willingly. Darry and Soda make Ponyboy put it on unwillingly
The rest of them don’t (Two-Bit puts on a little but it’s very haphazardly applied) and pay for it the next day
(Darry pretends the reason he’s so careful about sunscreen is that he has common sense but really it’s because one of his first days roofing he didn’t put it on and deeply regretted it for the next week or so)
After all is said and done, someone (Two-Bit) forgets/doesn’t want to wash his swimwear and hang it up so he keeps it balled up in a corner or on a table until, a week later, it is actively growing mould
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some-name-in-progress · 2 months
Alright, it's been a week since I started trying to catch up with Project Sekai, and I've read 7 stories already since I've read one every day. This pace is okay, but I wanna catch up by 4th anni since it seems like everything is gonna be wrapped up then, so I'm probably gonna bump it up to 2 stories per day.
Anyways I wanted to put down my thoughts, starting with Connected Through SEKAI's Cherry Blossoms and ending with Wishing to the Blue Sky for Your Happiness.
Connected Through SEKAI's Cherry Blossoms:
Imma be real, this event was a slog to get through just because of how repetitive and slow it was. That being said, I liked how it gave us more insight about the Sekais, but that's about it.
On the Stage of Dazzling Light:
I remember that Tsukasa himself seemed to take somewhat of a backseat to the Phoenix Wonderland plot in his first focus, so I'm glad his backstory was fleshed out more here. I'm surprised Toya had that little screen time because I thought he was more important to Tsukasa’s backstory, but that's just fandom influence, I guess.
Live with Memories:
I'll be honest, I didn't have the fondest opinion of Ichika before this event, but this event really solidified why I dislike her character. In my opinion, she just doesn't feel like as fleshed out of a character compared to the rest Leo/need. For example, every other member has something that makes them unique and shines through their focus events, but Ichika feels like she's just characterized enough to not be a blank slate. Yes, I know that she's going to be like that because she's the "MC," but it just serves as a detriment to her character. Maybe she gets better, or maybe I don't get it, but I just don't like her for now. Also, that Miku V4 ad was WAY too obvious. I know the whole game is an ad, but at least it's subtle.
Tied By Painful Hope:
Hasegawa seems like a nice character, so I'm excited to see how she develops. I like that this event went also went more in-depth about Haruka's backstory. Overall, this event feels like a good stepping point for the future.
The Climax! Kamiyama Cheer Squad!:
I don't really have much to say about this event, but I'm glad that we get to see a lot of good interactions between the Kamiyama students. Also, Rui's characterization here feels really nice.
I like that VBS' story is putting more emphasis on the NPCs and their interactions with the main cast because it definitely makes everything seem a lot more full. The foreshadowing here is foul, though. "Take a look at this town" is absolutely evil knowing what happens in rotation 4. Anyways, the event felt like a nice way to way to end their first arc.
Wishing to the Blue Sky for Your Happiness!:
It's nice to see An struggle outside of her relationship with Kohane, and it really shows just how much Vivid Street and the people around her mean to her. Also:
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(Is this appropriate to say now that I'm an adult? Oh well, lol.)
Other thoughts:
I'm sorry, I'm looking at the PRSK cast, and I can't stop thinking of this video:
Like, do these guys eat sunscreen??? (This is a bit hypocritical for me to say as a Milgram fan, lol.)
Closing thoughts:
I've honestly been having a good time with this. Yes, it takes a while to get through (I'm dreading getting to the 2+ hour ones), and I didn't like Ichika's focus, but I'm love seeing why I fell in love with this game again. Anyways, I'll probably do this again next week, until then. Also, HOLY HELL THERE’S A MOVIE.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
sooo i'm on a seminar for the whole week and i bring you kny modern au characters going on a six hour canoe trip because that's what i'll be forced to do tomorrow
hi hello btw how's life :D
super excited for the trip: mitsuri (it's all she talks about for days), kyojuro (has never been canoeing before and is really eager to learn it), douma (hopes to see boats capsize), akaza (his gymbro brain is trained to be excited about every sporty thingy ever), nezuko (she's an otter she's a mermaid, the real challenge is keeping her out of the water and inside the boat)
prepared to the point of paranoid: aoi (aggressively reminds everyone to put on suncream at least ten times), tanjiro (brings water for the whole group and then some), shinobu (a first aid kit for you! and a first aid kit for you! first aid kits for everybody!)
lowkey scared of the trip: zenitsu (i'm lying, he's highkey scared of the trip), sanemi (deep water be kinda sus okay), senjuro (kyojuro talks him through it tho), kanae ("something will go wrong i can feel it")
capsizes ten minutes into the trip: muichiro (wasn't paying attention and paddled right into the reed), genya (had the great misfortune to share a boat with muichiro), sabito (was too busy laughing at genya and muichiro to pay attention to where he was paddling), makomo (saw the obstacle coming and gladly let sabito paddle into it just to wipe that grin off his face), inosuke (it's a miracle he didn't take the whole fleet down with him)
chilling at the beach: tengen (if you think he's getting his hair wet for this you're out of your mind), gyomei (some risks shouldn't be taken), kanao (busy preparing the picnic for when the others return), giyuu (going into a tiny shaky boat when you can't swim is just. not a great idea.)
fakes a migraine and stays home: obanai (thank you but no thank you)
KJRKJEKJRJEK REY I LOVE THESE! (Oh goodness canoeing! Hope that's going well/gone well for you friend! Here's to you being a pro and not ending up like Sabito and co akjrkjearjke)
Oh gosh team all in makes me laugh akjrekajrje Mitsuri's absolutely delighted- she's got a waterproof camera so they can take pictures for her scrapbook; Kyojuro's a fast learner and ends up helping Akaza after the redhead struggles with it (gymbro brain ajkrekrjej I love it!) Douma's got his own waterproof camera so he can make a powerpoint presentation of everytime someone capsized over but ends up taking lots of pictures of Nezuko just living her little mermaid life cause she's so freaking cute! (Granted things get a little messy when she almosts gets into a fist fight with a tuna but that is neither here or there)
KJRJERJE THE BUTTERFLY GIRLS KJERKJEKJ Aoi's got that industrial sized can of spray on sunscreen and just coats everyone like it's a game of Splatoon- meanwhile Shinobu's forces them all to watch a CPR/First aid video so they're all informed on what to do if someone goes down (does it accidentally turn into that scene from the office? Yeah. It does) Tanjiro on water duty with his aggressive kindness being all "TAKE THE WATER!" and then sweetly saying "Thank you!" when they do is EVERYTHING KREJRJKERKJ
Oh God I feel Sanemi on that kjarkaejrkej He's seen all the deep sea scary movies and documentaries to know he doesn't mess with deep water- that plus Kanae having her sixth sense that something will go wrong is enough to have him almost back out of the trip altogether. I like to think the only thing keeping him in is Genya- the idea of him getting snatched away by the Kraken makes him sick ("Sanemi the Kraken isn't real-" "I SAW IT! I saw it at the aquarium! It was huge!" "Sanemi that was squid- and a statue of one at that.")
ERJEJKRJE SABITO! He's such a dork- he'd go "HAHA!" before absolutely capsizing himself. Poor Genya gets Muichiro's hair on him and is all "THE KRAKEN!" while said boy is just trying to untangle it from the paddle. They're not even five feet from the beach and still on shallow water so they all just kinda sitting in chest high water panicking while Makomo laughs. Inosuke's likely just floating by on his back like a castaway, someone has to tie a rope on his ankle so he doesn't drift out to open sea.
KJREKJRJKEKJ Tengen is all out in a speedo on the beach getting a tan- someone draws a dick on his chest with sunscreen that he doesn't realize is there until the next day (it was Sabito. Giyu might have helped.) Gyomei's the guy who walks along the water in a big sun hat like a traveler from another world- just enjoying himself but ever confused when people come up to him asking what world he's from. Kanao's making lunch with Shinobu and Kanae while Senjuro's pulling Inosuke back to shore via the rope, etc. etc. They're all just so cute AH!
Obanai is me akjreakjreakjkjre I love the beach but put me in a group that big and I'd fake a migraine too and stay curled up in my bed kjarkjekjreakj He'd absolutely love the pictures Mitsuri sends him though- they plan a little one on one vacation to the beach together down the road.
Thanks for sharing friend! I'm doing alright! Life's good, I'm good- it's storming as I type this (yay!) and I'm feeling my best self! I hope you're doing alright!
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wormstacheangel · 8 months
hi this was totally inspired by @archervale birthday post [x]
happy late birthday to my best friend, babygirl, and all-time favorite character who is totally real and alive thanks
They’ve been asking him for weeks now what he wanted to do for his birthday. He always answered with, “Let me think about it.”
It wasn’t the first birthday they celebrated as retired old fucks but now they’re more comfortable owning that title. At least he is. Sam kept asking him to stop. Plus, Sam’s not retired. He’s missing out on the good life. 
Still, Dean wasn’t sure what to do for his birthday. 
There was a time in his life when he refused to acknowledge it. Every passing minute he’d be surprised he was alive, while other times, he’d wish he wasn’t. It was confusing and definitely not something an ice cream cake and balloons could fix. 
But now, oh, he fucking celebrates. 
One year they tried to go out to a nice dinner like in the movies but the big group became too loud and their stories weren’t very family-friendly. They have done bowling for Sam’s birthday, a BBQ at a park for Eileen’s, and even an escape room for Jack’s birthday but that one didn’t go well at all. Cas even got to celebrate some birthdays. Went to Disneyland one year for it and now there’s a video of Dean crying while Chewbacca hugged him.
The point is they’re making up for all the missed birthdays. And this one is a big one for him. 
“I’m 45!” Dean entered the water park with a big grin and sticky from the layers of sunscreen Cas smothered him in. “Point me to the lazy river!”
He decided on a waterpark last week when he saw a video of some dude just floating away with a coconut drink in hand. It became his new life mission to become that man. So they all booked a plane, bought a shit ton of sunscreen—it’s an indoor park but Cas insisted—, and are now marching with their flip-flops to get a good spot to put their things down. 
Everyone went their separate ways as soon as they set their things down. They’ll meet up for lunch and dinner plans were already reserved at a Mexican place across the street. 
Life couldn’t get better than this. 
“Dean? You want to get a drink before we float all day?” Cas took his hand, leading him toward the juice bar. No alcohol is served here. 
Dean let Cas lead the way. Holding his hand securely as he looked around the place. Still pretty empty—it was a Wednesday morning— and it smelled like clean chlorine mixed with some artificial tropical scent. He liked it. 
A few minutes later they were floating down the lazy river together. Drinks in one hand and his husband’s hand in the other. Dean would happily get used to this. 
“Happy birthday, Dean.” Cas kissed him during lunch, giving Dean a slice of apple pie with a candle on top. 
Jack took pictures and started singing Happy Birthday while the rest of them joined in. Dean looked around at his little family, a bunch of weirdos who just found each other even though the story told them otherwise, and blew out his candle. 
“What did you wish for?” His husband asked while everyone else dug into the sandwiches. 
Dean smiled at him. Watching as Cas’s loving expression mirrored his. “Nothing else I need, sweetheart. I already have you.”
This made his husband roll his eyes but it got him a kiss too. A win is a win.
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spankingwishes2 · 2 months
The Sunburn
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I know, right?  Look at me!  Talk about ouch!
I was going to say that my first mistake was… well, by now there have been so many it’s hard to make a list!  I still like to think that the cute little bikini was a good idea, even though I knew my mom would go through the roof if she ever found out.  Does using baby oil instead of sunscreen come after laying out in it, or before laying out in it for too long?  Laying out at Taylor’s pool party wasn’t so much a mistake – since I couldn’t very well at home! – but I did pay for it…
The real mistake was falling asleep… I had to be on my stomach, cooling gel trying to soothe the burning, no sheets, fan blowing on me.  If I hadn’t fallen asleep I might have – probably would have – gotten away with it, as long as I tiptoed around for a few days and made sure I didn’t give Mama any reason to spank me!  But no, I had to fall asleep!
I was right – she walked in and hit the roof (she really needs to knock louder!).  I mean hollerin’ ‘What in the name of!’ at the top of her lungs – not a nice way to wake someone up!  But I knew that’d be the least of my complaints in a minute!
“Chloe Melissa _____!” she yelled as I scrambled to cover up (ouch ouch ouch!), “Where did you get that?”
“What?” was all I said – not that I was still sleepy, oh no, I was very wide awake, thank you!  But what was I supposed to say?
“You know darn well what, young lady – that sunburn in places that should not be seeing the sun!”
“Oh… ah… I guess I laid out to long,” I offered.
“In what?  It had better not be that swimsuit that I forbid you to buy!” she roared – and I felt the tears coming already.
“Now, Mama…”
“Don’t you ‘now, Mama’ me, young lady!” she mocked.  “Get out of those sheets – that you’re getting all greasy, for me to try to get clean – and let me have a look at you!”
Well, what else could I do?  I sort of got out of bed and stood up and she immediately turned me around.  “Don’t, Mama – please!” I begged, thinking she was going to slap me (knowing, really) – even though I knew it wouldn’t help.
Sllappp! landed her hand on my sorest spot.  “Look at this, you tramp!  Half your butt must’ve been hanging out of that thing.
“Yeowwwww! Oh, God!” I screamed, even as I braced for another slap – one that never came, or at least not right away.
“What did you do, lay out in the sun?”
“Uh huh…”
“Where?  Where was this?  The lake?  The park?  Who saw you?”
“At Taylor’s…”
“Oh, ‘At Taylor’s’… and who was there?”
“Well, her…”
Slap!  “Don’t you lie to me, young lady – you know I’ll check!”
“Owww!  Cripes, that hurts!” I whined, nearly collapsing to the floor.  “And a bunch of girls…”  She raised her hand again.  “Wait, wait!  Um, maybe some guys… OWW!  Mama!  Please!  AUGH!”
“Where is it?  Where’s this slut suit of yours?”
“In my hamper…”  Damn!  Only got to wear it one time! (well, at least everybody saw me in it!)
So my mom dumps out my hamper and under the beach towel is the bikini and the baby oil… thank God I didn’t have a pack of cigarettes in there.  Even so, I’m going to have to find a new hiding place…
“C’mon,” she says, dragging me by the elbow.
“Mama!  I’m practically naked!”
“That’s not going to matter in a minute,” she promises.  I kind of crouch down, trying to stop her (and protect my butt) but it’s no use.  She drags me into the bathroom, puts her foot up on the tub, and throws me across her leg.  By now I’m crying and begging and apologizing like crazy, saying I’m sorry.
“Sorry you’re a tramp?” she asks and I immediately say ‘Yes!’ because I’m sorry about anything she wants me to be sorry about.  She picks up a washcloth and starts scrubbing my cheeks and thighs.  “First off, we’re going to get this goop off of you!  I want you to feel every bit of this!  And that’s the last you’ll be seeing of it for a long while, too!”
The washcloth hurts – worse than the slaps?  I don’t even know – they both hurt so much I can’t even think!  But the scrubbing hurts the whole time, crazy hurts!  I’m crying and just saying ‘please’…
When she’s happy with that she stands me up and barks ‘back to your room’ and I know better than to disobey – plus all I’m wearing is a thong!
She marches into the kitchen and comes back with some paper towels and the red silicone spatula-flipper.  She stands blocking the door but I’m backing into a corner, hands on my poor bottom.  She picks up the baby oil and says ‘Now we’re going to have a lesson.”
I’m still begging – not crying at the moment – and she’s still ignoring my pleading.  Truthfully, I don’t know what to say…
“I know I shouldn’t have…”
“If you knew, why’d you do it?  I told you not to buy that swimsuit!” she says, closing in on me.
I try to fight her but, even though we’re the same size, she’s a lot stronger – plus she has a weight advantage… pretty soon she has me pinned down over her knee.
“I do not intend to have my daughter flashing her fanny at any boy who wants to look!” she roars.
“I won’t!  I won’t!” I promise.
“Oh, you most certainly won’t!  I intend to see to that!”  With this she picks up the baby oil and starts spreading it on my bottom!
“Nooooo!  Mama!  Please, not that!  I don’t need that!  I’ll be good!  I promise!  I swear!”
“Oh, you’re going to learn what else this is good for, little missy!  Just you wait!”
“Mama… it hurts!  It already hurts!”
“Yes, I bet it does!” she says, picking up the spatula.  “Now you’re going to have a good long think!”  That’s what she thinks I’m doing while she’s spanking me – when really I can’t think at all!  I’m crying again, almost hysterical, squirming all I can without the least effect.
Whap! she begins, and I scream. Whap whap whap!
The sting is beyond… thinking.  In my head it’s just one long howl, while on my butt it’s a steady whap whap whap.
“We’ll see who you want to show this backside off to!” she proclaims.  “I’ll bet you’ll want to keep this covered for awhile now!”
The spatula is what she uses for her longest – and usually fastest – spankings, and this one is no exception – except that it hurts a hundred times as much.  I can’t even beg because I’m crying so hard.
“Let’s see what your friends all think of this!” comes before a new attack is launched.
“While you’re living under my roof, you will not be a tramp!” is the last thing I remember her saying – and it sounds like a really good idea!
Afterwards, I’m once again lying in my bed, on top of the covers, bottom oh-so-red (especially in those two spots), cheeks and thighs still greasy from that evil baby oil, trying to figure out where I’ll get the money for a new bikini.
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abcwordsurge · 7 months
so! I just finished with the 1st draft of my Houston / Miami / New Orleans story that I'm writing for @kaz-playz (yes I'm still working on it, even after all these months, it's long and I'm slow, sorry, but I promise I'll get it to you someday)
I usually only edit my stories before posting, but I want nothing but the best for Kaz, so I'll probably do a full rewrite of this one. in the meantime, allow me to share with you some hcs for the trio that I stumbled across while writing the first draft
I've already talked about this, but just to establish a baseline, I hc Miami as pan, and using they/she pronouns
they're the biggest flirt ever, of course
they're light sensitive, and I think I've said this before, but just in case those in the back missed it: she wears her sunglasses (a gift from New Orleans) almost everywhere, and can't stand fluorescent lighting
they love the beach and cruises of course (cruise capital of the world, you know)
naturally quite pale, but you wouldn't know it- they're always tanned from so much time in the sun because she forgets sunscreen way too often :( (unless Nora and/or Houston are there to remind her)
she likes to go diving to explore the shipwrecks (but can't convince Nora to go with her)
shockingly, they're a Shakespeare fan. this isn't based on anything except, uh, plot convenience, and I like Shakespeare, so shut up /lh. (also she's a huge believer in "Shakespeare should be watched, not read")
Nora (New Orleans):
she/her, bi
literally the most gorgeous girl you will ever meet
not very flirty, but very kind, and there is often confusion regarding whether she's flirting or just, y'know, being a decent person
notably, has a realistic impression of how serious problems are (Miami has a tendency to be too mellow and not realize that something is a problem, while Houston is prone to dramatics- but not Nora, Nora's ~reasonable~)
not opposed to breaking the rules, and doesn't seem to respect authority figures very much (they're just people, after all, who are they to order her around?)
plays clarinet at a low-key jazz club, and is quite proud of it
very good at poker (Las Vegas is her frenemy)
she practices Vodouism (which, admittedly, I don't know too much about, so I'm hesitant to write a lot about it- I don't want to accidentally resort to stereotypes, y'know?- but it stands to reason that she would)
and finally, the star of the show, our girl!
she/her, raging lesbian
very prideful and stubborn, and a lot of people find her attitude "disagreeable," but her confidence and passion is actually quite endearing
gets bored easily, especially during meetings, and starts drama for fun
she thinks she's socially awkward because she has a hard time figuring out what people want from her, but most people don't notice when she feels awkward
also has sensory issues, though she mostly combats hers with being very particular about the clothes she wears, and avoiding crowds
had a bit of a sheltered childhood (cough Texas cough) but part of her rebellious phase was learning more about other cultures and people with different experiences from hers
she's found her place in the LGBTQ+ community (as the L) and likes to throw it in Texas's face during arguments (even though he has technically "accepted" her, he isn't exactly thrilled about it, and she knows it)
admittedly, she doesn't know much about polyamorous relationships (at least, at the start of my story *wink wink*)
so that's what I've got for now. to hold y'all over till I finish up the real story. have a good day :3
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