#but it didnt work so i gave her the cover off the chair in my room (matches the sofa)
memser · 9 months
i feel things as my mothers child when she is upset with me in 3 different ways
kid: confused sadness
teen: angry hurt
adult: irritated apathy
none of these are good. especially around holidays when all three resurface and mix so terribly
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rookiesbookies · 9 months
The Assistant pt 1
Masterlist is pinned as always and please leave requests!
So I was blasting Government Hooker by Lady Gaga when picking up a friend and it gave me an excellent idea for a prompt I may use on some other characters but for now im doing Konig. I wanted to do this as a single part piece but I didnt get enough time in one it and wanted to post today, so here yall go!
When KorTac hired her, it was half a joke. The higher ups watched him get a bit war crime-y. Truth be told, it was partially a joke.
Did he need an assistant? Yes, he did. He was doing more desk work and they needed him to be efficient.
Konig was definitely concerned when there was a second smaller desk in his room. He assumed they were shuffling furniture around.
What he did not expect was a sweet little lady in a pencil skirt and a clipboard to skitter in.
“I'm so sorry, sir! I would have been on time and there’s no excuse, the boys were a bit… interested in my presence.” The young woman shuffled in, placing a tote, her clipboard, and the purse down.
She quickly shuffled over, “i apologize I forgot to introduce myself,” she held out her hand and gave her name. “I'm your new assistant, here to help with any need! It’s explicitly stated in my contract,” she giggled. Seemingly not understanding the meaning of ‘everything’ by those who hired her.
“Ah.” Konig said, gingerly shaking her hand. Uninterested.
“Hey, lady! There’s a package for you! From the top!” Horangi said, holding a box, chuckling. He set it in her desk and sauntered over Konig and tapped his chest. Whispering, “you’re gonna want to watch this.”
She raised an eyebrow then carefully started to open it. A small notecard on top, “contract says everything. Nothing but the best for the Colonel,” she mumbled as she read it. Opening the pink box, that was in the cardboard one.
Her face flushed and a scream that crackled up from her chest as she dropped the box to the floor.
She quickly skittered, crossing her sweater over her body and pulling her pencil skirt to try to hide, out the door. She mumbled while passing the two men, “pardon me I'm sorry. I need to go collect myself.”
Konig walked over to her desk, peaking at the plastic box on the floor. He bent down to pick through the items.
Bottle after bottle of lube, boxes of condoms, the note, a rechargeable bullet vibrator and cock ring.
“They sent this to a lady?” Konig scoffed.
“It was actually some of the recruits. Once they heard about how explicit her contract was.” Horangi said, picking it up. “Higher ups did mention that you didn’t have a partner.”
Konig groaned, “abusing a woman for her contract is no way to handle anything.”
“Is it abusing it if it's in her contact?”
“I will not be playing this game.”
“Suit yourself, she only takes orders from you.”
“Move the box somewhere. Anywhere but here.”
“You’re barracks it is.”
Konig sighed.
When the poor girl came back her hair was in a messy bun, slowing off her neck, and her sweater was crudely crossed over her skin. Her eyes were watery, but she didn’t appear to have cried. She stood in front of where Konig sat, gently set down a cup of coffee, and bowed her head a bit.
“Let me know if there’s any way I can assist you. You have three things on the agenda today. The first is drills with you recruits, happening in approximately 30 minutes. The second being a meeting at 1300 hours with your lieutenants. And the third a phone call from the general at 1600 hours. I’m going to prepare some notes for each of things I recommend you should cover, its up to you if you wish to use them.” She said before walking over and plopping herself on her chair. She opened up a small laptop and began typing things out.
The soft noises of her keyboard filled the room like a white noise. She didn’t even give him the opportunity to respond really.
He took a sip of the coffee, before humming with amusement. It was just how he liked it. Medium roast, a splash of half & half, and a bit of splenda. He had quit using sugar a while ago, but appreciated something to cut the bitter taste. She has put possibly a packet more of splenda than he would, but he didn’t complain, it was good coffee. It also wasn’t scalding hot, it was perfectly just beyond warm.
He glanced over at her and watched a small smile appear on the lady’s face.
He looked at the mug and gawked.
It’s pattern was that of the famous Austrian art piece, The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.
He would admit, this young woman had started to impress him. Good taste in art, great taste in mugs, and an excellent understanding of something as small as how he likes his coffee.
She also happily carried all his papers to mail boxes and such, refilling his coffee, and letting officers in to talk. She reminded him of his meeting, handing him half a page of notes with a small smiley face with a ‘Go get ‘em’ on it.
He would admit, he could get used to this.
Sadly the harassment from the recruits didn’t stop on the second day. There was a metal name plate on her desk with the words ‘Colonel’s Personal Whore’ on it, which almost made her faint. Konig watched carefully as she paled, smiling through it as she went to the bathroom. Konig chuckled at the terrible sign with bitter in his voice before throwing it in the bottom drawer of his desk.
She didn’t dare ask where the sign went. Konig was going to shove it up the ass of whoever dared to do it.
The sign did make him curious about her contract, he hoped it was an exaggeration.
He learned, however, actually why she hadn’t quit on the first day when the harassment started.
She was being paid a fuck ton and the wording as just as explicit as her joke and the harassment made it seem. It was clear she hadn’t read the whole contract. It stated things like how the company would take liability for any bodily injury so long as it only came from the Colonel, how they would pay for any abortion so long as she could prove it was the Colonel’s, and other horrible things. She had effectively signed away her body under some of the wording.
Wording like this is why Konig didn’t believe women should be in the workforce. This horrible objectivization of this woman was staring him in the face and he wanted to gag. This was a woman, not a fleshlight.
Poor thing was too simple to recognize what she had signed. A simple woman, which aroused him a bit.
On the fourth and fifth days he was growing more tired of the harassment than anyone. On the sixth day he decided to make a move.
He highlighted a section of the file on his computer. The contract was like seven pages long, but he only took snips of it to print. He stapled them together and put them on your desk when you were getting the notes you had printed for a meeting. You caught him walking out the door and he pressed a mask-covered kiss to her cheek.
“Thank you, I left something I want you to read through for me on your desk.” He said before heading to the board room with the notes in hand.
Her face went pale and her cheeks flushed as she read through it, the lingo finally clicking in her head. When he came back, her head was in her palms and her fingers were tangled in her hair.
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not-a-big-slay · 1 year
Until it doesn't hurt
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kaz brekker x fem!reader
warnings: talks of murder, slavery,
a/n: long ahh chapter, but thats what you get as an apology for waiting. i didnt forget about this series and id be damned if i ever would. there are only two chapters left- part 12 and the epilogue, so please stick around and i will try to get them out sooner than this chapter. it was almost half a fuckin year??!!! oh i need a wake up call goddamn. anyway, thank you for reading it and the positive comments here and on wattpad! enjoy this chapter :)
part 11/13:
previous part: part 10
next part: part 12
taglist (sorry to bother everyone, i know it has been 5 months..):
comment to be added, two chapters left
"Sounds risky."
"It is."
"And suicidal."
"Also impossible."
"Very much so."
Jesper was amused by the conversation between Inej and Y/N. He has learned his poker partner had only a day left to finish her job. Killing Pekka Rollins couldn't be easy, so when she knocked on the door of Inej's old room, he could see just how anxious Y/N was and how desperate her voice rang when she proposed teaming up with his old friend. Their shared feeling of duty may help them cooperate and increase chances of ending the monster's life. However Inej's former enlightment that came from the hitman's good idea now seemed lost as Y/N shared her deadly plan.
Jesper was just happy to be in the same room, he didn't feel included, nor should he. It wasn't like he would join them, but even men living from the adrenaline of risks would doubt this scheme. It included too many holes that would serve trouble to sneek in "I don't know, Y/N." voiced her uncertanty Inej, "I understand you have limited time, but I'd rather be late than dead." Jesper agreed silently by nodding as they watched the girl think with furrowed eyebrows, not realizing she already is one of those choices. Jesper cleared his throat, he really didn't want to speak, but he couldn't allow Y/N to drag his friend to provoke death herself. "It's not exactly... bulletproof, is it?"
The plan goes as this: Y/N would send a message to Rollins, preferably not a dreg messenger, to meet him somewhere yet not disclosed where. First hole: the Dime Lions' leader will not listen to a mysterious note and probably will not come. Y/N reassured them he will, but didn't gave them a reason to believe that. After the target arrives at the place that's, again, still non-existent, he comes to face Y/N and some 'old friend', as the girl said. Second hole: Y/N won't tell them many key details to the plan, they are just supposed to
"Trust me, it will work."
Inej sighed loudly, clearly trying to find trust in this girl within her. "Are you sure he'll come alone?" she pointed out a part of the plan where they will meet Rollins alone. Third hole, for obvious reasons. "He won't have a reason not to. Our only leverage is that he doesn't suspect I know you, he still thinks I'm on my own." the hitman cleared up and ran a hand through her hair. At least she briefly explained to them that she had met Rollins before, that her job was sort of a revenge, but didn't tell them for what, nor they expected her to. Jesper wanted to keep his mouth shut, but it seemed he was the only one that saw another problem with her statement. "Remind me then, Y/N." the person mentioned turned her gaze away from the table covered under the map of Ketterdam and pleaded him to continue, "What did Rollins do exactly when he found out you were on your own? Kidnapped you is what." he didn't give her time to answer, because it wasn't a question. Finding her bloodied and strapped to a chair with Kaz pointing a gun at her was an unpleasant sight, more unpleasant was Y/N's story about how she got there. The image of the night appeared as if on cue in his mind and made him add: "And who was robbing him on the night you escaped?" Y/N's hands pushed themselves off the table before her legs started to slowly pace the room, hopefully thinking about Jesper's words.
"That's true. His guards saw us all escaping, there is no way you are considered to be alone." Inej supported his doubts and made the girl stop in tracks, her back facing them. Candles lit the room brightly and they flickered when Jesper thought about his utter confusion after finding out Kaz and Y/N knew each other since childhood. He assumed Kaz was born a teenager with insanity inside his genes, the thought of him being a demon that crawled out from hell also crossed his mind. No one knew exactly about his past, no one except maybe for Y/N, but since they seem to hate each other now, it's probably for their own good to not posses the knowledge of Kaz as a child. It was silence for a while until Y/N's words cut through it. "Well, he might be stupid enough to come alone," she let out a sigh and Jesper swore he saw goosebumps on her neck as she finished the sentence, "but not naïve enough to think Kaz would help me."
After Rollins arrives, Inej- present in the skies- will make sure he is indeed alone, or she gets rid of any other presence. Y/N aspires for the place of meeting to be dark, so Inej is not seen while working. After doing so, the spider will stand in the dark behind Pekka, waiting for her cue to put a knife on his throat. Jesper assumes there will be some dialogue between Y/N and Rollins before the two kill him, he fancies it as some sort of drama play they often held on Eil Komedie in a theater. He'd definitely took Wylan to see this play with him, but would rather avoid the same scenario in real life. And how they kill him: the hitman will shoot him, somewhere fatal but where he won't die instantly. Then, she will hit him until only a toe is left touching the alive side of border between life and death. Inej will then 'keep her promise'. or simply put, carve his heart out. Brutal, but poetic in Jesper's opinion. He will die a painful death, Y/N gets her money and revenge and Inej finishes a long undone job, everybody wins.
The girl turned to them, she saw the hesitation in their eyes and walked closer. "I know it's dangerous, but if we won't do it, someone else will." Jesper sinked into confusion and let it show on his face freely, Y/N for his sake quickly explained. "Someone, who holds grudges, will come for him. And they might do it in a more stupid and unprepared way. And then we will hate ourselves for not taking the risk." She looked at Inej and finished: "There's not enough Pekkas for everyone's revenge" Inej stared at her as the mastermind opened her mouth with one last question to ask: "Are you in?" Her eyes digged in Inej as they awaited for answer. She looked at Jesper first, as though he would somehow help. The boy just shrugged, what else to do, he is not part of it. She turned to Y/N again and a simple movement of her head made her understand and walk towards the door.
As she opened it, she turned to Inej and said: "Tomorrow night, after 4 bells until midnight, east stave, just behind Smeet Residence. You'll know." and left. Jesper watched Inej dragging her finger along the map and stopping at the possible building Y/N mentioned. She examined it, the boy could almost hear her mind as she thought about the route she'll take, her eyes caressing the paper streets and houses. Smeet residence belongs to Cornelis Smeet, he played cards with him before when they tried to save Inej from Van Eck. The feeling of nostalgia and warmth hit him. Oh, to go back as things were.
"Do you really trust her?"
"Did you trust she won't hurt you when you brought her to Wylan's house?"
He smiled, he really shouldn't have done that. Even when the question was probably rhetorical, he answered with a serious face. "Yes." Y/N seemed like anything but a liar. Sure, she didn't tell them much about her or the plan, but she didn't feed them lies so they would agree. And he did felt safe with her on that night. He didn't know her for long, but a trace of trust began in him. Inej, as if his thoughts written themselves on his eyes, knew what he was thinking about and smiled.
"Then yes, I trust her."
Oh, how he missed Inej.
She cursed herself with every step she took.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
It rang in her head every time her lungs ate the air.
Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad idea.
Yet everything stopped when she was staring at the tall bulding present at the very end of 5th Harbor. After Y/N spat out her trauma on Kaz, she sent a letter to her employer, who unfortunetely happened to be Deln. She never wanted to see him again and after meeting him in the church, she somehow got over the fact that she has to take her payment from him, so encoutering that man twice was unavoidable. Yet she almost puked when she wrote the letter that was begging him to see her. The letter didn't say much, she wanted to tell him about the plan personally, so feelings could be voiced and maybe even manipulate him to cooperate. Y/N also chose to tell him right before the plan starts, so he wouldn't have a choice or time to make up his mind. She has yet to admit Deln is crucial to her plan though, Rollins won't go alone without him present and will run if he won't see him there, a bussiness partner, a person that sold her to him all those years ago,
an old friend.
A chill ran down her back, even though it was quite a warm evening, no wind at the sea either. She looked at the watchtower again. The Council of Tides was supposed to look out for the sea and harbors, but one hardly saw them. As far as Y/N knew, the stadwatch was patroling the harbors. She wondered if anyone is up there, if the council even existed. They could have just built many watchtowers and manipulate a feeling of safety into people. Trust is a powerful tool. At that moment, Y/N felt uncertain that Deln will arrive. She chose to meet with a slaver at the council's feet. Not that they would care about some barrel rats, but he could play a scaredy cat.
The sound of heavy boots on the cobblestone, that decorated almost the whole Ketterdam, and the feeling of the world closing in on her while a heavy stone crashed her chest, the feeling she only gets around one person, were the signs Deln wasn't afraid. Y/N listened to him creeping closer, the old urge to run fighting with her, before she finally turned around and faced him again after 11 days.
"Snowflake" he exclaimed happily, the word shooting Y/N in her throat, drying it up. She hated how afraid he made her feel. It's been years, she was supposed to move on. Hopefully, she will after this is over. Maybe the afterlife exists and will forgive her for her sins after all. That gave her hope and courage to form a fake smile for the show. "Deln." she greeted him with a nod. The man stopped before her and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head with a smile. He seemed very pleased to see her, what a disturbing thing to notice. "Oh, it has been far too long."
As much as she needed to play nice, Y/N didn't resist rolling her eyes at that. "Could we not?" she tried to not let the harsh tone into her voice, but expected failuire. Deln just chuckled upon her response, but his smile disappeared shortly after, the friendly tone nowhere to be found when he asked: "What do you want? Job's done?" Y/N quietly sighed in relief he was finally himself before answering. "Almost. I came here to offer you a first row view at the murder of Pekka Rollins. The price? I get to use you as a distraction." the hitman smiled and tried to sell it to him as traders on the streets taught her. As much as he loved a good advertisement, Deln shook his head and scoffed.
"Still too proud to ask me for help?"
If I was proud, you'd drown in your blood 10 days ago.
"You will just stand around, doing nothing, watching your enemy to die." she said instead, "I'd even say I'm helping you."
Deln smiled and turned around to walk in circles, he always did that when thinking. The waves crashed as the sun almost fell asleep behind horizont, first and only stars slowly lit their light in the deep blue sky. Y/N wished Ketterdam was clearer, so the stars could shine brightly as they deserved. The slavery she lived in had always a hole in the roof in the back. When she couldn't sleep, she used to look at the night heavens above, naming the few little planets present. There were always only five she could see. First was named Fala, it was the smallest star out of all of them, easy to remember. Second got the name Nerezza, that happened to be the first star that appeared and the last to go away. For the third star Y/N came up with Lilith, named after a child that died by the cruel hand of Deln, she was the brightest. She didn't named the last one for a long time, it wasn't special, just lonely and always the farthest away from the rest. Yet after Rollins took her and then she returned to the place she hoped to never see again, the fifth star shined brighter than ever, still alone, but the four seemed to bow to it. Just then, full of anger and spite, she named them all.
"Oh, Y/N." his voice woke her up and the girl saw him stop. His back faced her and she could fully see the hump in it, his spine visible in the plain shirt he wore. Deln suddenly turned around, his brows furrowed, eyes darted in her, deep in thought. He realized.
"I'm already a part of this, huh?"
Y/N thought of the messanger that patiently waited for the 7th bell to ring through the city. "Rollins will expect you, he is only coming because of you," she inhaled the salt wind from the sea,
"he will die tonight because of you."
Deln's eyes showed he finally got the full importance of his part. Y/N knew she wouldn't have to bother with retelling her plan, she just needed to let him know Rollins will be alone and in the streets. And all of that depends on him, he cannot back out if he wants Pekka dead, because he is already involved.
"Everything fails without me."
He made himself sound important, which he was, but Y/N still cringed. He won't even move a finger and still praised himself for helping. She put it past her though, the 7th bell rang. The message is on it's way. "In a few minutes," the hitman started to walk slowly to Deln, "Pekka Rollins will get a message from you, saying you want to discuss your affairs. You told him to come alone, a conversation between 4 eyes. You also mentioned me being there, as a ransom in your favor." She wanted to continue, but the man stopped her. "Hold on, why do you think Rollins wants to do anything with you?" Y/N stopped as he interrupted and swalllowed when she was reminded of the night they kindapped her.
"If you wouldn't have left me, there wouldn't be a point of kidnapping."
"There is nothing sweeter than a family reunion."
"He hates leaving traces behind." Deln's eyes were pinned on her, but he was thinking behind them. There was no turning back. The messanger had to be close to Rollins now. If he won't be there, Y/N won't kill him and Rollins will probably come after the slaver. Not that she cared about Deln's life, Rollins killing him before she kills Rollins was her insane fantasy no amount of stolen luck could grant her. Not even the freedom papers could pride themselves as the main reason. Kaz was why she needs to finish this job. Only he deserved the revenge and she had to be the one to gift it to him. She was obssesed with the possibility of his forgiveness if she does this. It would lift up the heaviest stone on her consciousness before her deserved death.
The girl watched him as his face lit up. "How will he know it's me. There is no proof that I have sent the letter." Yet his face slowly darkened in confusion again when he saw Y/N furrow her eyebrows and smile a little.
"Because you've signed it, Deln."
He opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out as everything connected. "The release papers." he sighed, still in awe. Y/N sighed in relief, she loved the feeling of the dominos falling perefectly on time. "You couldn't have remembered my signature. You couldn't have." it was more of a wish than a fact, he tried to convince himself there was a backdoor to this all, Y/N sealed them all though. She actually only focused on his signature, the distant feeling of an official freedom made her remember every single curve of his handwriting. When Rollins' guards were hitting her, the pain flashed it in her mind, keeping her going. Deln found her eyes and for the first time she saw fear in them. Not disgust or mockery, nor peace and happiness.
Fear. Of her.
"You little bitch." he whispered. He couldn't run, he couldn't deny anything. He was cornered. Messanger already delivered Deln's worst fear. Y/N knew he didn't want to be involved with Rollins' murder, that's why she was hired after all. His slave empire would fall if he would be accused of murdering the king of the Barrel, but if she was supposed to kill her past, she was going to kill everything.
A bell rang through the city. Quarter past seven.
Y/N looked up at the sky, a star right above her has shined her way through the mist. She recognized it immediately. "We have to go, can't leave him waiting." she stood before Deln, not moving until he does. He laughed silently, hiding behind his easy-going personality, fearing to accept his faith. After taking in a deep breath, he nodded to the side: "Lead the way."
Before they disappeared into the centre of the city, Y/N looked at her fifth star for the last time. In an hour, Rollins might be dead, Deln will take the blame and Y/N might get her peace in hell. The realization pained her, but she also saw the warm embrace of closure behind it.
A name of the star ran through her head. Little Y/N's whispered it into her ear as the wind picked up.
Karma. Coming for them all.
Kaz coughed when the water reached his nose, filling it up so he couldn't breathe, even though air was all around him and the hallways of the Emerald Palace were dry. Everytime they rounded a corner, one of the two Dime Lions that dragged him along moved his hand across his biceps, causing the waters wetting new parts of his body.
People say Kaz always has a plan and a backup plan for everything, and they are right. However, that was before Y/N appeared and claimed the spot in his heart and mind that he thought was either abandoned or dead. When the frustration he had on himself fizzled out, his cane was already carrying him to the steps of Pekka's place, knitting a quick plan on the way. Kaz thought the deed was done, when he ordered Rollins to say his brother's name and made him believe he buried his son, but apparently it wasn't enough. It will never be, Jakob Hertzoon had hurt many people, not just them. There could be other fools with dead siblings or parents, begging for revenge every night. Stupid kids, as he was once. He couldn't help them, but Dirtyhands will feel enough joy for all of them once the only thing functioning will be Rollins' heart.
That is for Y/N to take.
As he was slowly getting closer to Pekka's office, he didn't doubt the guards will be the easiest part. An old flame in him was ignited and it won't be put down 'till the blood paints every wall of this place. The guards stopped and tightened their grip as one of them opened a door to the office. Kaz thought of just throwing up on them, but kept it in until they pushed him on the floor and released their touch. He coughed again and the water disappeared once he took in the hard wooden floor. His ears picked up voices and the sight of his cane being handed to Rollins, then the men left and he was left alone with the lion.
Kaz pushed his face off the ground into a seated position. His cane hit the floor once before Rollins started talking: "Let's not waste our time Brekker. What do you want?" His accent rolling down his tongue as Kaz tried to stand up. The office looked smaller than his, but it gained one advantage on him once he saw the part of the room that served Y/N as backround when she said his name for the first time in a long time. Her voice still echoed somewhere in his mind and he could never find it and catch it. He never wanted to see her again, in all honesty he just wanted to put her in Hellgate, so she would never be anywhere without his knowledge again, but the R on his shoulder urged him to do this, to get their revenge and to see her at peace.
He cursed that R everyday.
When he was on the way up from his knees, a crow head digged into his shoulder, making him to look at the disgusting face the other person wore. His eyes yelled an answer into Pekka's and he frowned in annoyance once he understood. "Why do you all suddenly hunger for blood, eh? You had to plan this with her, ain't a chance you didn't." he complained while releasing a tension in Kaz's shoulder, letting him to stand up. The boy hated the mention of Y/N, even though he didn't say the girl's name, the knowledge about her could be heard. It only pour gasoline in the fire his eyes flashed. But Kaz wouldn't let him see, Rollins still had no idea Y/N visited the bastard and that they already caught up on the lost time. There was chance he knew, yet he would deny it even if she confessed into Rollins' face.
"Who are you talking about." It wasn't a question, he challenged him to talk about Y/N. However Kaz's fears became true when the man laughed exaggeratedly. "Oh come on! I know you broke her out of my house boy, don't pretend to be dumber than you are." Rollins sat down the cane by his table and reached a hand out for a bottle of whiskey. The sound of liquid knocking on the glass was followed by Pekka's hand that flipped the cup's contents inside his mouth. He'd let him have his last drink, after Dirtyhands is through with him, he'll probably throw it back out. Fingers tapped on the wooden table, disturbing the silence Kaz couldn't handle. "So, why are you doing it. For her?" The last sentence was mocking and rhetorical, quite ironic that it's the only right reason. Kaz limped slowly closer to his table, if he could get to the right spot, he should be able to pick his cane up.
With the 7th bell ringing in the distance, Rollins swallowed his second drink before he started to speak again: "She's not worth it son." Kaz noticed his eyes wandered into afar, making it a good oppurturnity to knock him out. Only if the sudden pain in his stomach caused by the petname disappeared. "You don't even know her, the things she's done." Wrong, thought immediately Kaz. She told him her entire life, leaving out only her birth maybe. But he tied his tongue and imprisoned it behind his teeth due to the concatration he fixed on his only weapon. Rollins didn't mind, he continued gladly to think about the old days.
Kaz's heartbeat fastened everytime he mentioned her, that Nina could be able to pick it up. This moment was one of the many recent, when he desired to go reverse time. Hell, delete it if needed, he just wished to be the 17 year old boy again, planning heists with his Crows, rolling his eyes at the overly-sweet endless pining between Jesper and Wylan, hearing Matthias call him numerous demonic and cursed names, entertaining himself by watching Nina and Inej silent-laugh at something stupid when he was bored. He's glad everyone is safe and that they persued their life callings, but some changes are hard to swallow and this one was still hot to eat. This crave of his heart made itself known before, last time when he saw Y/N in this very office, but now it altered a little, bringing him shame and joy at the same time.
Kaz could see a new person in the picture, laughing along side with the girls, learning Fjerdan solely for the purpose of mocking him, teasing Jesper and Wylan for being so corny. The person didn't fit the timeline, but that was besides the point. He could see her with him, by his side. It squeezed his heart and he didn't know if it's a hug or an attempt to crush it.
The door creaking turned his head around, stopping his hand just mere inches before his cane. A messanger. Rollins walked past Kaz and without a word, the newly present man handed him a letter and left. As the door shut, Kaz's hand made contact with the cane. Rollins' low and weak laugh called to his attention and once his eyes settled on him, the man brought his own pair up. The smile should've already warn him, but his ears waited to hear the conformation. Pekka lifted the letter to Kaz's eye level, as if he would see the small letters from their distance. Yet he knew what it was for sure once the receiver said:
"Speaking of the devil."
Moments after, the man whistled and within a second his guards busted the room, handling Kaz again. The boy tried to fight the hands off, he leaned back and then forth quickly, swinging his cane right after they let go a little, striking one in the stomache. The other got hit in the neck, but before he could finish either of them, a back- up came to aid, trapping him with their arms. He threw himself to sides, trying to loosen up their grip, however it seemed to seal him closer every move. Rollins' hearted laughter played to this scene and his voice continued with the same attitude after Kaz gave up. "Should've brought a gun on me son!" he laughed as he delivered his advice.
He could bring a gun, he could bring his whole crew, but the urge to kill him with his bare hands and stained his clothes with Hertzoon's blood was a virus that have spread all over him, controlling his doings and feelings. If holy water isn't enough to kill the devil, gun would be useless against Pekka Rollins.
The man wiped off tears from laughter and looked at the helpless boy. His hand stretched out to him with the letter between his fingers, his feet erasing the rest of the space. Kaz tried to avoid reading the letter, knowing it won't bring nothing else but additional pain. He often wondered how much of it can still fit in his heart. Of course when his view was filled with Y/N's handwriting and he had no other sight to see, he studied every line. Her signature writing didn't change much, it was still horrible. For a slave, it was a miracle to write at all though. He remembered having trouble to read the love note she'd written him, Jordie wasn't as helpful as he thought he would be, but Kaz lost the need to understand it. He could always find the little heart on every single one of those, that was plenty for him.
This note lacked hearts though, it also was readable and no love was expressed. It was signed by the slavor, Deln she named him. When the letter mentioned Y/N his heart fell. This was the plan to kill him.
"I mean," Pekka began to move his mouth again as he freed Kaz's eyes of the paper, "I'm told to go alone. But I won't mind the company."
He damned his pride for not bringing the gun after all.
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apersons-stuff · 2 months
Naughty (an alternate perspective)
"Is this seat taken?" I asked even though I wasn't really looking for an answer. I set my stuff down next to you as you looked up, awkwardly adjusting the mess you made with all the things you'd brought with you to the meeting.
There was definitely a lack of space, so much so that when I had settled in our chairs pressed up against one another, and at some point our knees and legs ended up touching. Nothing sexual, just some brief contact here and there.
"This is such a waste of time." I groaned as the previous speaker ended her presentation.
"Dont worry, I'm up next and I'll be quick." You said nonchalantly.
And quick you were. Ending just as the timer for your segment went off as you returned to your seat. As you settled in this time however, I found your lower leg brushing against the back of my calf. Lingering slightly longer than what one would consider normal.
I didn't think much of it at first, well, at least until you started moving up and down slowly along the back of my calf. Tentatively at first, but then measuredly as how one would soothe a baby to sleep. Admittedly, it felt good, and made me perk up from what was another boring Friday afternoon meeting. The side effect however was me finding that it was causing a damp spot in the panties I was wearing.
You must have felt my leg tense up, and when i didnt pull away, you put your hand on my thigh, just above my knee...and squeezed. I looked over at you incredulously, as your gaze was still locked intently at the presenter as if nothing was happening under the table.
I had no idea what the person was saying however, as I was focused on the point on my upper thigh now where your hand had ventured and was now massaging. It continued up, and before long found their way to my panties. My now very wet panties.
You slipped one finger up and down the flimsy lace covering my slit and I had to hold my breath when you slipped one finger under the edge of black lace and ran the tip along my pussy. Did I just let out a moan? I glanced around but thankfully noone seemed to notice.
I wanted more. And spread my leg a little further apart to let your hand up even further. Thankfully noone seemed to be paying attention to our corner of the room as I felt your fingers slip inside me. Filling me. But still nothing like how you filled me during our last encounter in the meeting room. I bit my lower lip as I felt my nipples hardening beneath the tank top that I was wearing.
I slid my hips forward to the edge of the chair to take you in even deeper, feeling you slide your finger in and out of me, occasionally rubbing against my clit. I started to tense, and your finger quickened your minstrations. One last quick, hard flick of my clit broke my resolve and the orgasm which had been building up washed over me.
Your fingers never stopped working their magic as I clenched my hands and lowered my head to hide my face from the room, allowing the pleasure to wash over me. Anyone who was looking in our direction would surely have known I thought to myself.
I looked up to see you holding your fingers, still glistening wet, up to against your lips. "Shhhh... Meetings almost over." you uttered as you gave me a naughty wink of the eye...
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emphistic · 5 months
hi emm! Since it’s prom season could u make basketball sukuna reacting to someone from the team asking you out for prom?
A/N: hii! i actually received a vv similar request a long time ago and i deleted it because i didnt know how to write it, so maybe this is a sign from God — my redemption time, LMAO
PS: sorry to all my readers who are actually jelly lovers, i am not one of you
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“So,” Gojo started, while shoving fries into his mouth, “have you got a date yet? Prom’s comin’ up real quick, y’know?”
The basketball team had just won their last game of the season, and all the players were eating out together in celebration. Sukuna was planning on just spending the rest of the night celebrating with you, like usual, but Gojo dragged him away and you only gave a thumbs up in encouragement. What a girlfriend you were, Sukuna scoffed, handing off your dear boyfriend to Gojo Satoru.
“Why do you care?” Sukuna grimaced at Gojo’s messy eating habits. How could one dare to speak while stuffing their face? Sukuna thought Gojo grew up wealthy, and, hey, aren’t rich people supposed to be, like, super into decorum? Where is this man’s etiquette?
“Sheesh, sorry for asking. I just wanted to know if my friend here,” he nudged Sukuna with his elbow, “needed some help getting a date. No need to be ashamed, Captain. I could hook you up with one of Utahime’s friends.”
“Yeah, no. But since you’re so curious, Satoru, I do have a date, actually.”
“No way, seriously? The big, bad, captain of the basketball team, has a date? For prom? I have to tell Suguru this.” Gojo whipped out his phone and, with his sauce-covered fingers, started typing like a madman.
Sukuna cringed, looking away and biting into his burger. This did not taste as good as your cooking. Why oh why did you let Satoru take him away? he thought. Sukuna would much rather be with you right now, even if it meant having to sit through one of your godawful rom-coms. Any of those would be better than Gojo fucking Satoru.
“I cannot believe he is missing this because he’s sick. Sick! That’s actually sick of him. Haha, get it?” Gojo leaned back in his chair, and Sukuna wished he would slip and fall backwards.
“There’s nothing shocking about me having a date, Satoru. I’m not some kind of loser.”
“Yeah, well. Yorozu’s not attached to your arm right now, so I thought—”
“I told you, I don’t like her like that. I don’t like her at all, matter of fact.”
“She’s, like, obsessed with you, dude.”
“I know,” Sukuna ran a hand down his face. “Just wish she would leave me alone, I’ve been trying my best to avoid her. And I haven’t seen her as often, so I think it’s working.” If Yorozu didn’t take the hint sooner or later, Sukuna would make your guys’ relationship known to the whole campus if he had to. Hell, Gojo didn’t even know yet. No one did, actually.
“Damn, so cold. You just gonna ignore her and break her heart?” Gojo laughed, but that quickly came back to kick him in the butt when he started choking on a fry.
“If you’re not joking, that fry will be the last thing you eat. I swear on your life, I do not want anything to do with that bitch.”
Gojo continued coughing and choking and shaking, but when all subsided and the white-haired man regained most of his posture, he posed the question, “So, you’re not gonna, like, ask me?”
“Ask you what? Ask you to prom? The fuck?”
“No, no, no. I mean, unless you wanted to,” Gojo tucked an overgrown strand of hair behind his ear, a stupid expression on his stupid face. “But, I’m talking about what I asked you. So, you gonna ask me if I have a prom date?”
“I don’t give a fuck if your lame ass has a date or not,” Sukuna spat out.
“Have you any idea how hurt I am now, because of you? Ehuhwaaa,” Gojo let out the fakest ugliest cry Sukuna had ever heard. “You think my ass is lame? Do you know how many would pay to see even a glimpse of my tush?”
“No. And I hope it stays that way.”
“I—how dare you.”
That night, Sukuna had to run away from Gojo in the parking lot of an In-n-Out. Otherwise, Gojo would’ve probably never left him alone. And, you might be thinking, Gojo is a fast runner. How did Sukuna get away? Well, it may or may not have been because Gojo had scarfed down three double-doubles prior. And he could barely stand upright without having to lean against Sukuna.
But, fear not, Sukuna did make it home, into your arms. And even though he did have to sit through your stupid rom-coms, he was so fucking glad to finally be away from that white-haired idiot.
Unfortunately for Sukuna, that peace and tranquility was short-lived. The next morning, he was woken up by your overly obnoxious doorbell. Seriously, when were you going to replace it?
Sukuna groaned, whispering into your hair, “Didn’t know you were expecting visitors, babe.”
“Hm?” Your voice was muffled; your face pressed impossibly close into Sukuna’s bare chest.
“Visitor, sweetheart. Someone’s at your door.”
“Huh?” You stuck your head up from your human pillow, and though missing the warmth, you were quite confused. Visitor? Since when?
It’s safe to say you were even more surprised to see Gojo Satoru outside when you opened your door. But you weren’t the only confused one, not for long, at least. Gojo raised his brow when he saw Sukuna emerge from behind you in all his glory: shirt nowhere to be found, hair unruly, and sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
“Captain? What are you—?” Gojo cleared his throat, “Whatever. Anyway, will you, Y/N, do me the honor of being the jelly to my peanut butter and going to prom with me?” Gojo flashed a smile so bright Sukuna almost fell backwards.
“Uhh, I’m sorry—”
“She doesn’t even like jelly, dumbass. And what’s with this horrendous sign? That’s seriously the best you’ve got?” Sukuna gestured with his chin at the poorly drawn and colored peanut butter jar and jelly. Not to mention, Gojo was also dressed as a sandwich, with two slices of bread on either side of his body.
“What the hell? How would you know if she liked jelly or not?”
“Because I’m her prom date.”
“And—and, what are you doing at her house?”
“I’m her boyfriend.” Sukuna glared at the white male, and slung an arm around your shoulder, out of spite.
Gojo paused, finally putting the puzzle pieces together. “Ohhh. So that’s why you didn’t want to come eat with us yesterday. And that’s why you were so desperate to go home. And that’s why I haven’t seen you with another girl in months.”
“Uh huh.”
“Anywho,” Gojo turned back to you, shoving his sign all up in your face. “Will you go to prom with me?”
Taglist: @beyond-your-stars @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @taiyakii @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside @kelerina-ballerina @emikokomura
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bloodycassian · 3 years
anon asked:
ok hear me out, azriel x reader where reader can hear thoughts or something along those lines and she doesn’t know how to control it so she’s constantly hearing or feeling thoughts/emotions and it’s heats super overwhelming and az helps her through it <3
The headaches hadn't stopped for weeks. Rhys had even called over a medwitch from the continent to help, but there was nothing she could see that was wrong. They were all worried, but their worries just somehow made your head hurt even more. The whispers you could hear from them down the stairs of the townhouse were the worst part. 'Do they need a cleansing?' 'What happened to cause it?' 'Their body is doing this for a reason.' they went on and on and on, never answering each other. Each voice different through the muffling of the walls.  You were ready to scream. Pillow over your head wouldnt even block them out. You rocked in bed, hands over your ears. Nothing, no more silence ever. Just the ringing in your head of all the voices. Mor had tried asking her father if he knew anything about such subjects. Anything for help. Azriel swooped into the city streets, nodding at a few shopkeeps as he went. After being gone for the last few weeks, the welcome faces of his home were a sight for sore eyes. He held the bag of various salts and salves gently, just as he had his whole trip back. He landed with precision at the front gate of the town home. The familiar wrought iron fence squeaking slightly when he opened it. You felt his presence before he even opened the front door. The coolness of his essence seeping through the walls. The curling shadows that darkened everything ever so slightly. "Your condition seems to have...developed since I left." He set the tote down on the chair by the door, then closed it softly. The whispering became more intense, a pounding in your head that drowned out almost everything else.  "Oh-" He breathed as he walked in. A shocked look then he was grinning. "Leave us." He dismissed Rhys, who gave him a look before obeying. He took off his jacket, leaving him in a dark tunic that made his eyes look brighter. He cocked his head when staring at you, then took a breath. The shadows seemed to summon around him, making him look even more intimidating than normal. They slunk around his ankles like a fog. Then they covered the walls of the room, blocking off the light from the window entirely. The relief in your mind was overwhelming.  You choked out a sob, looking at him with wide eyes. The silence, the weight taken from your brain was like breathing for the first time. "H-how?" You panted, getting up from the bed. Sickness did not weigh you down any longer. The pounding ceased completely, alleviating your too warm temples. He came close to you, only too close because of the thin nightgown you wore. Really it was one of Cassian's old shirts that just fitted you like a dress. When you had taken his room due to your apparent illness you had found a few 'interesting' items of his that were left. "It seems your condition has...evolved since I saw you last." He reached a hand out to you, the siphons atop thrumming with a warm dark blue. You took it tentatively, your eyes slid shut -then there he was. His scent, his thoughts, his everything was in your mind. You scrambled away from it mentally, your heart slamming in your chest. He stroked a thumb over your hand. His mental voice was warm, yet rough and commanding. "Slow. Think, but slowly. I'm here, you're okay." The voice said.  His darkness seemed to follow him to your mind, coating it in a coolness that was much appreciated. "What do I do? What am I?" You took a breath, trying to center yourself. Your entire being was roaring at you to fight back against the intrusion, but he shushed you into not trying it. "You...are new. You're like me, in a way." He whispered softly, his essence drifting over you comfortingly. Like a soft blanket, cold but still comforting.  "How do I get it ito stop?" You sighed, wanting to bury your head in your hands again. He touched you then, slowly at first. Dragging a soft, textured hand up to your wrist, then pulling you in for a hug. His warmth was the opposite of everything else about him, those shadows did nothing against the core of him, his heat.  "You dont, you learn how to make it work with you." He said aloud, his presence rolling out of your mind like a thundercloud. He pulled out of the embrace, "You need to make the thoughts blend like street noise- like a crowd. Learn to select what you want to hear. "  "You make it sound so easy." You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest. Azriel may or may not have glanced at how it hitched up the oversized t shirt. Hunger opened up in the pit of his stomach at the filthy thoughts. He knew it was Cassian's shirt, recognized and scented it. It made him want to put his own scent on you in several different, creative ways. He cracked a grin and shrugged slightly, "It'll be like reading a new language. But you need to learn to speak it first." He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and lead you to the balcony, the shadows following you in a close bubble the whole way.  "All these people have their thoughts, their words and actions. My shadows tell me all about their outfits, their scents, their hair. Unnecessary unless they have a weapon." He gestured to a few fae males outside a townhome a few houses down. One threw their arms up in the air and stormed back inside." I can't keep them from giving me this information, but I do let it go. I dont even listen unless I detect a threat."  You let out a long breath, feeling the anxiety of him leaving already. "Please stay." His stomach dropped at the words. You grabbed for his hand. As if the open sky was demanding he take off that second. " I cant-" You kept your voice from trembling. "It's too much. Why me? Why now?" Tears threatened and you looked away. He couldnt bear to see you in such pain. He wanted - he needed to give you relief from it. He squared his shoulders and squeezed your hand back. "Are you afraid to fly?" he asked, flexing his wings. The shadows answered with their own wave. "I'm not the biggest fan-" Before you could give your list of excused you'd rather not fly, he was shooting into the air, the backs of your thighs rubbing over his deliciously warm skin. Your yelp of surprise was left behind you. You held on to his shoulders for dear life. "If you would open your eyes you might not be so scared." He laughed, his siphons glaring a bright shield around you that protected you from the wind. He flew fast, and far. His presence was the only one you felt, like a cool rain on your still reeling mind. He had sent Rhys an advisory thought before he took you, letting him know you needed some 'fun'. "If I open my eyes I'm going to vomit all over you." You said, squeezing your eyes tighter. You felt the laugh through his chest. His thumb circled the back of your knee, giving you goosebumps that had nothing to do with the slight chill running through the shield. The shirt was not nearly enough for an outing, and you doubted he was taking you anywhere with anyone who would mind. The thought sent a thrill through you. Alone. He wanted to be alone with you.  As if in approval, his essence drifted happily into your mind, caressing you as his thumb did. He flew lower slowly, enjoying your scent mixed with the cool smell of the lake below. The way the sun at this angle made your hair shine. He landed softly, setting you down only after you'd made him promise you were no longer flying.  "We're done...for now." He winked when you opened, marveling at his wind tosseld hair for a second before collecting yourself and brushing your shirt absently. He grinned wider, and the coolness you'd felt since he showed up in the town home receded. You felt...like you. Normal again, weightless in comparison after the weeks of buzzing in your head. And the view beyond his goofy grin was marvelous. A snowcapped mountain towered above, sloping to create the lake. Mixes of different rock lay everywhere. The scattered pines seemed like giants whispering in the breeze. "Listen to the birds, enjoy the silence for a while." He said, then began walking to the bank of the bright blue water. You stood in shock for a while, letting the sound of the wind and nothing else seep into you. You reveled in it, joying in the simplicity of it. Everything seemed so much louder than you remembered.  You sat on a boulder and watched him skip rocks, the short splats of them echoing off the mountainside. He skipped one after another, occasionally picking up smaller ones and pocketing them. You let your mind wander, trying to regain the feeling he had shrouded you with in the townhome. The solid wall he had put up around your mind for you. But he had said you needed to learn to let it blend in, to deal with it and not shut it out. It was an asset, not a hinderance. You shuddered at using the gift for much. You didnt care to know peoples ins and outs in normal conversation, let alone without them knowing. You attempted to summon that wall. It was like grasping at water, thick and heavy and impossible. The lingering remnants of control slipped away like sand through your fingers. You buried your face in your hands, letting the tears fall.  When he approached, you didn't bother hiding. He had been in your head, he knew what it was like. He said nothing, just wrapped an arm around you and let you cry into his shoulder. Holding you tighter on the bigger sobs that ripped out of you. 
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marauder-exe · 3 years
Sick- Wilbur Soot x Reader
Sick- Wilbur Soot x Reader
Word count: 1k
Request: hey gurlllll!
I was hoping for a Wilbur x reader imagine where reader is behind the camera on one of Wilbur streams bc there Ill so he is keeping an eye on her, but something happens so they pass out and Wilbur panics and end stream nd stuff love your. Work !!!
A/N: this has some sickening fluff
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Ah, Anaemia- a great plague to your existence. You'd had anaemia since you were young, you'd always been pale and fatigued, but everyone assumed it was from your lack of sleep, nobody thought something deeper was going on. Until your mum took you to the doctor. It was a manageable condition, of course it was, but if you're as forgetful as you are, it's often hard to keep track of your iron intake. You were prone to fainting- it wasn’t very often, but it was enough for Will to keep a watchful eye on you, especially if you hadn't eaten all day.
You were sat on his bed, soaking up the warmth of the covers. You'd gotten sick recently, nothing too bad but enough to keep you in Wilburs bed indefinitely. He was streaming Geoguessr, and insisted on keeping an eye on you due to your sickness. It was hitting about 1 am, the usual for you two, night owls. You hadn't been able to stomach much all day except some terrible mushroom soup Will made, you appreciated the effort though. You decided you could probably stomach some toast. You'd just heard Will guess correctly in Geoguessr and he yelled in excitement. You rolled your eyes with a smile on your lips before throwing the covers from yourself. Immediately the cold hit, your body not being used to it after spending all day curled up in the blanket. You broke out in goosebumps as you shivered a little bit. You still saw Will's gleeful face as you threw your legs over the side of the bed. That seemed to be the last thing you saw though, because as soon as you stood up, your vision started to go spotty and static, and you could practically feel your legs crumble underneath you. Without being able to get a word out to Will, your body hit the wooden surface of the bedroom with a thud.
Wilburs head shot in your direction as he heard the thud of the floorboards.
“(Y/N)!” He immediately threw his headset off and ran over to you, kneeling down instantly. In classic Wilbur fashion, like he does every time, he completely overreacted to your fainting spell. Within seconds you had regained consciousness and could hear Wilbur freaking out. Your head throbbed, you fell hard. You lay your hand on Wilburs arm to calm him, and at the sight of movement, he immediately ceased talking. He lay a soft hand on your cheek, staring at you like you were a doll. You'd told him multiple times that this happens sometimes and your usually fine, but it always scares him. He just couldn’t bare the thought of losing you. And he knew he wasn’t being rational, because you were fine every time, but he couldn’t help but worry. You gave him a soft smile as you sat up with your arms.
“What were you trying to do? You know you're sick right now and I could've just gotten whatever you just RISKED your life for” He definitely emphasized that bit. It made you giggle.
“Becauseeee, you were streaming and I didn’t want to disturb you” Simultaneously both your eyes went wide. He was still streaming. You burst out laughing as Will asked one last time if you were alright, to which you gave a nod, before rushing to his stream. The chat was going absolutely wild because, what the fuck just happened?? He put his headset back on and looked into the camera, he was red and flushed.
“I am so sorry for the sudden leave chat, my... girlfriend is sick right now, and she thought it would be a good idea to overexert herself” He was very hesitant to mention his girlfriend to the stream, as they didn’t even know he had one. He preferred his private life private, but he absolutely couldn’t think of a good explanation for what had just happened.
“I DIDNT OVEREXERT MYSELF I JUST STOOD UP” You shouted, laughing, from your position on the bed. His chat, which about 5 minutes ago was filled with stans on the verge of calling 999, was now incredibly relieved, but also thoroughly surprised. His chat instantly filled up with requests to see his elusive girlfriend. To be honest, he thought they'd give a much worse reaction to the fact he had a girlfriend. It made him smile a little.
“You guys wanna see her?” He smiled, looking in your direction to check if it was okay. You smiled back, which was all he needed. He immediately ran over to the bed and grabbed you bridal style to show the stream. He couldn’t resist a chance to show you off to anyone. You giggled so loudly before shouting,
“No please I'm sick” in a dramatic manner whilst throwing your hand atop your head. He held you like you were his prized possession and looked at you admiringly.
“She's still gorgeous even if she is sick, right chat?” He glanced towards his screen before looking back at you. He carefully put your feet to the floor and let you sit on his gaming chair. “My deepest apologies chat but I am going to have to end this stream, no way am I letting them pass out again” He smiled whilst reading some of the nice comments from his stream. He closed StreamLabs and stopped his stream before looking at you with such a dad look.
“What?” You said adorably before you both laughed. He picked you up again bridal style, eliciting a small scream from you.
“You are getting back in bed, and I am getting you some food” He said sternly, and you knew there was no point arguing.
“Can you get snacks and we can cuddle my sickness away?” You pouted. He broke out in a smile of adoration as he lay you onto the bed.
“Of course” He kissed your forehead gently and started walking to the kitchen. You couldn’t help feeling bad that you interrupted Wilbur's stream, but at least you didn’t have to keep hiding your relationship. You smiled and turned on your favourite show, impatiently waiting for Will's return.
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mqnasluvr · 4 years
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skinship headcanons | genshin impact
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pairings; jean x gn!reader, amber x gn!reader, albedo x gn!reader
mentioned; kaeya, lisa, huffman, sucrose
warnings; suggestive themes ( jean ), all lowercase, not proofread
word count; 1.7k but half of it is albedo
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jean is not the touchiest person out there, but she does enjoy holding you. not too big on pda either; the most you’ll get out of her in public is maybe a quick smooch on the cheek and hand holding🛐 other than that, shes quite reserved.
her hugs are very comforting, but the first couple of times it was awkward on her part. she was used to giving barbara and klee hugs, but this was different. she wasn’t sure where to put her arms, and if anything she got more frustrated the more she hesitated.
once she grows accustomed to it, she’ll be fine. she enjoys the warmth and innocence of hugs, especially if you’re taller than her.
like i said, in public she isnt very touchy. while running errands she does keep you close though, and enjoys holding your hand more and anything.
behind closed doors shes a little bit bolder, but still shy overall. she’s not sure if she’s moving too fast for you so she waits until you initiate any type of physical contact, then takes it from there herself. it took her a long time before she managed to get the courage to kiss you tbh
one time when you two were in her office, amber walked in on you “distracting” jean from her work.
“y/n, i have to get back to work, please,” jean adverted her eyes from your gaze, embarrassed. she kept looking at the door, mentally asking herself if the door was locked or not and getting more nervous as the seconds passed.
you sat straddled on the young womans lap, her hands loosely placed on your hips. holding her face in your hands, you guided her face back to yours. “you work for way too long,” you frowned. “and i’m bored. there’s nothing to do in here.”
“the library is just across the hall—“
“if i read another book my brain will implode.” jean sighed and shook her head.
“please indulge in me just this once? please jean?” she stared at you blankly, her resolve quickly deteriorating. a couple of kisses couldn’t hurt, could it? she looked up at the clock in the corner of the room, then back at you.
sighing for the umpteenth time that day, she nodded. “just for a little while-“
before she could finish speaking, you pressed your lips to hers hurriedly, not wanting to waste any time. jean barely ever separated herself from her work, and refused to accept help from anyone else. you almost never had time alone with the acting grand master— you weren’t going to miss your chance now.
the kiss was not heated whatsoever, just very.. clumsy. and needy. on your part, at least. jean tried her best to slow you down, gripping your hips as her face heated up.
“jean, lisa needs you for somethi- oh,” amber nearly dropped the papers in her hands, immediately covering her eyes with it instead. you whipped your head around and stared at the girl wide-eyed before she spoke up again. “d-did i come at a bad time? i am so sorry, i’ll um. i’ll go now.”
jean couldnt look her in the eyes for WEEKS
it was painful
but overall, she likes physical affection, shes just nervous :,)
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amber LOVES touching you!! she’s 100% okay with pda. she isnt as forward as maybe kaeya or lisa, but she’s still rather bold. sometimes she forgets youre in public too, which ends up drawing a lot of attention to the both of you.
when you two go out on dates she is always touching you. hand in hand, arm around waist, whatever. theres always some type of physical contact, no matter what.
it’s so PAINFULLY obvious that you two are dating but for some reason she didn’t think that anyone knew ?? one time huffman saw yall kissing in an alleyway u really aren’t slick🤨
she loves cheek and forehead kisses, but likes receiving them more than giving really. shes a hyper one, and these kisses fluster her enough to make her quiet down. ( it’s so cute )
she often picks you up to hug you, spinning you both around in circles in an almost bone crushing hug. other than those times her hugs are really soft, but the energy is still there. ^^
have i mentioned that she is affectionate?? because she really is. she does respect your boundaries though, but if you feel uncomfortable you’re going to have to speak up on it because she won’t notice.
in private her clinginess is amplified by 10.
“i’m trying to cook, amber,” you mumbled, struggling to stir the paste sauce in the pot. all you were trying to do was make dinner for the two of you, but around 5 minutes ago she came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your arms and torso. you could feel her bury her face further into your back.
“mhm, and it smells really good too,” she hummed. you groaned, and she just giggled.
“i’ll be done in like, 20 minutes, amber. you can hug barron bunny in the meantime,” you tried to pry her arms off of you but she started whining.
“that’s too long.”
“no, it isnt,” you turned around with a spoonful of pasta sauce, motioning for her to open her mouth. she slurped the sauce and gave you a thumbs up.
“see? its good, right? well it wont get much better if you keep clinging to me so much,” she stayed quiet, but at least loosened her arms around you so that it was easier to move. you lightly patted her hand. “thank you.”
“whateverrr,” she drawled, and you couldnt help but laugh.
the pasta was in fact very good
in the end, shes the exact opposite of jean, and youll need to slow her down a lot :,)
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as far as physical contact goes, it’s literally the last thing you will ever find on his mind. he’s too caught up with other things to think about physical affection
he does love you yes, but he doesnt show it through physical means. he does more gift giving, like when he sees a pretty flower that reminds him of you while going out to find starsilver shards.
if you want a hug or anything out of him you’re going to have to initiate it first— it’s foreign territory, and it’s not something he’s particularly interested in, so he doesnt feel the need to indulge in it
however the first time you two cuddle you can tell that he’s hooked. and he does a terrible job at hiding it.
now, he insists that you sit in his lap while he is taking notes because it “helps him focus better” and because “he’s so lonely”
we all know that aint true lmfao
he also really likes it when you play with his hair. please play with his hair, especially when you want him to get away from his studies. physical contact is completely foreign to him so something as simple as a scalp massage will make him melt 🛐
whenever he refuses to get away from his work, sucrose always asks you to step in because he wont listen to her
“y/n,” sucrose quietly approached you as you conversed with kaeya. you turned to her and nodded, albiet a bit concerned. sucrose never really needed you for anything, what did she need now that she couldn’t do herself?
kaeya took this as his sign to leave, but not before giving you a quick pat on the head. “yes, sucrose?” you said. “did something happen?”
she nodded meekly, watching kaeya walk off. a little bubble of guilt formed in her stomach from interrupting. “ah, i need your help with something. you see, mr albedo has been doing research non-stop on a new thing that has caught his eye since yesterday afternoon. i’ve tried to get him to put his research on pause, but,” she adjusted her glasses. “he doesn’t listen to me. i was hoping if you could maybe convince him to take care of himself?”
you pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. he was doing it again. but you couldnt really blame him, he was terrible at keeping his hyperfixations under control. “i’ll take care of him, sucrose. don’t worry.”
she visibly relaxed at your words. sucrose flashed you a smile of gratitude, then waved and walked off to finish her errands in mondstadt.
it didn’t take him very long to notice your presence behind him. you were practically glaring at him, but there was no true anger behind it. wordlessly, albedo turned around in his chair and looked up at you.
you crossed your arms. “albedo,” you started, and it took everything in him not to sigh at the inevitable lecture.
“sucrose sent you, did she not?” he propped his arm up on the armrest of his chair, leaning his face into his hand as he gazed at you nonchalantly.
“of course she did. why aren’t you taking breaks?” he turned his chair back around, but you sat on the desk he was working at. you placed your hand on top of his papers and he shot a glare at you. it didnt phase you in the slightest.
“i have work to do. it’s much easier to do it all at once than stop inbetween.”
“have you at least been taking care of your basic needs? when was the last time you ate, or drank water?”
your eyes softened when he looked away.
hopping off of the desk, you grabbed his hand and pulled him away from his work ( gently, of course ). he barely protested.
you started muttering about how he needs to take better care of himself while pouring him a cup of water and making him a simple sandwich. he was a bit disappointed in himself for making you worry, and ate the food you gave him guiltily.
you pinched his cheek as he ate, giving it a light tug. he slapped your hand away playfully and a bit of the guilt he felt lifted when he heard your laugh. “i’m sorry you have to go through this for me.”
you shook your head. “you just need to learn how to stop yourself. you’re smart albedo, i’m sure you’ll figure it out in no time.”
he finished eating his food and, uncharacteristically, pulled you in for a hug. albedo rested his forehead against your shoulder, relaxing even further when you weaved your fingers through his hair.
“...i’m sorry, y/n.”
“stop apologizing.”
“okay. sorry. oh-”
you laughed.
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The Talk
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Gif by me. It sucks.
Eyeball and you were doing home work at the kitchen table when Chris walked into the house. A girl followed but didnt stay just for a kiss on the cheek and she left. Chris stood there with a grin.
Eyeball scoffed. "You call that a kiss"? Eyeball motioned for Chris to come sit down. "Sit down".
"This should be good". You giggled getting comfortable in your chair.
"You hush". He pointed to you with a laugh. You playfully bit his finger. "Not in front of my brother". He eyed you sideways, mumbling. You nodded biting your lip. Eyeball groaned.
"What do you call that"? Eyeball motioned with his hand to the front door to Chris.
"A kiss"?
"A kiss? The mouth, on the mouth. You put your lips to her lips and hold. Breathe through your nose. Got it"? Eyeball was explaining dramatically waving his hands around.
"Come on, Eyeball. That was Jen". Chris pointed to the door. Chris wasnt like his brother. He liked to take things slow.
"I think it's cute". You smiled at Chris who blushed. Eyeball cocked his head.
"Hey. Well excuse me for being a guy but I thought she was your girlfriend"?
"What does being your girlfriend have to do with what you want"? You hit Eyeballs arm.
Eyeball cocked his head once again. "It means I can get a kiss whenever I want to. Got it, babe"?
"Oh I got it alright". You scoffed and Eyeball turned his attention back to Chris.."So, is she"?
"She is".
"Well then you outa be getting more than a mouth full of cheek, shouldn't ya"? Eyeball raised his eyebrows as he was talking to Chris.
"What's wrong with some cheek action? Eyeball you go for the neck ". You squealed when Eyeball placed his hand on your thigh and squeezed.
"I'm not talking to you. So pipe down, princess". Eyeball whispered sternly.
"Chris, youre 13, you're a man. Better yet you're a Chambers. Since dads not around to help you, I have to guide you through your dorky adolescent years. When do you have a date with Jen"?
"Tomorrow. Maybe the movies. If she gets permission from her parents".
"Alright, then we'll go with you. I'm gonna be there to make sure you're not watching the movie". Eyeball smirked to his little brother. Chris's eyes grew big, he definitely knew what Eyeball meant and he didnt know if he was prepared for that just yet.
"Chris, three minutes into the movie, Eyeballs tongue will be down my throat or attached to my neck. So just enjoy your time. Dont listen to anything your brother says. Be yourself. This girl doesnt want your tongue in her mouth. She wants to sit with you and watch a movie. Maybe a kiss goodnight if you're okay with that. But if you're not than do what you want. Not what your horny teenage brother wants". You roll your eyes at the advice Eyeball gave Chris.
"Really? Every girl wants a tongue down their throat. Especially if its mine". Eyeball chuckled, cockiness laced his face as he folded his hands behind his head, leaning back in the chair .
"No they don't". You shook your head.
Eyeball slammed his chair down. "Did you want that on our first date"? Eyeball turned in his seat. He looked so confused. It was so cute.
"Well. Yeah. I mean, I had been crushing on your for two years before you asked me out. So I was  more than ready for your tongue". You giggled when Eyeball perked up with a smirk.
"What about the other stuff"? Eyeball asked.
"I wanted that too. But Chris, make sure you ask before you feel up a girl. Dont do anything she isn't comfortable with. Cause you'll have to deal with her father or her older brother. Eyeball wont be there to save you".
"Yeah. I'll be to busy....getting busy". Eyeball husky laugh echoed through the house. You covered your face with your hands. You couldn't believe that this was your boyfriend.
"What a weirdo". Chris shook his head.
"Just enjoy your date. And leave Eyeball to me". You laugh, leaning up and rubbing Chris's head.
"Will do". Chris smiled and jetted off to his room.
"Are you done"? You asked Eyeball who was still laughing.
"Yeah". He quieted down.
"Good. Come here". You pulled Eyeball by his shirt collar and smashed your lips to his. It was a good talk. Good talk.
Eyeball wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you into his lap. "This okay"?
"Why are you asking me if it's okay, all of sudden"? You ran your thumb over his lips.
"Consent is key. That's what I was just telling Chris". Eyeball kissed your cheek.
"Right? Now who's getting mouthful of cheek"? You giggled, when Eyeball squeezed your backside.
"Oh, come here you". Eyeball growled, going straight for your neck.
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xavvia · 3 years
Dirty Secret
(Armin x reader)
Warnings -> dark content, sub armin manipulation, guilt tripping, oral (male receiving), humiliation, degradation, dubcon, slut shaming, boot humping, pussy slapping, yandere -ish
Summary ->  Armin who you have a crush on finds out you’ve been fucking his friends behind his back and demands you show him some love
a little long because I got carried away
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You have had a crush on Armin for as long as you could remember, even when he still had that awful bowl cut. Of course you would date guys here and there but they never measure up to Armin.
He would always offer to pay for your coffee or pull out your chair even going as far as to study with you just so he could have a chance at being alone with you. Armin wasn’t part of the basketball team but he organised all the games they played and was in charge of handling money and booking transportation since the team didn’t have a coach. He quickly became a part of the team and you would always see Eren, Armin and the others sitting together at lunch even though he looked a bit odd.
His scrawny and meek apperance was juxtaposed by the team’s obnoxious bufoonery and macho personas. He was gentle and kind not anything like Eren and his cronies. He was different and that’s what you liked about him. Eren and Armin become almost inseparable, they did everything together and it always confused you to see their polar opposite personalities get along
After fucking Eren and Reiner you were sure that Armin had heard all of what there was to know about you. You could just imagine Reiner boasting about how easily you gave your virginity to him and Eren showing off that photo like a trophy. The thought of sweet Armin seeing the picture of you cock drunk and face covered in cum was a different type of humiliation.
You avoided him at every turn which made you feel guilty. It would make you feel even worse if Armin pretended that he didn’t know anything to protect your dignity.
Sociology was hell because you and Armin sat beside each other and you had no way if escaping conversation without seeming rude ."Hey y/n you still coming over for studying today, my mom is making peanut butter cookies" he said brightly, smiling showing off the dimples in his cheeks.
"yeah of course" you said absentmindendly while analyzing his face seeing if there was any sign of disgust or contempt, but you found nothing.
Maybe he didn't know, maybe they left Armin out on all this and you could still have Armin all to yourself.
Your rapidly beating heart slowed down a little after the interaction and your racing mind steadied itself. He would have definitely avoided you if he knew everything you did. There was nothing to worry about and for the next few hours of the day your mind was at ease
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Armin was sitting on his bed while you sat at his desk. You were both going through practice questions for your final sociology exam
Everything was going great, both of you were laughing and getting side tracked but still managed to get a substantial amount of study done. Yes everything was going great until Armin gets a notification from the groupchat.
You were working away with your practice problems completely oblivious to the blush on Armins face and the widening of his eyes when he opened up the message.
There you were on his screen in all your glory. Fucked out and cock drunk, you looked abseloutley depraved. Armin didnt even have a second to process what he was looking at, his crush was covered in cum and tears and still in uniform as well.
"wow 2/5 of us already she's fast" texted Reiner
"Im just mad that fucking Reiner got first chance at her tbh" texted Jean
"dw you can't feel the stretch" replied Eren.
Armin just watched as they all made disgusting comments about how tight your pussy was and how they wanted to fuck your cunt again. Both Reiner and Eren were patting each other on the back for their conquest while Jean and Connie complained about getting sloppy seconds.
Armin blushed violently, the tips of his ears were a deep vermillion and his mouth was slightly agape as he stared intently at your picture. He always would imagine your fucked out expression in the depths of night when he fisted his cock in shameful lust but seeing it in real life was a different story.
"you okay there Min" you ask. This jolts Armin back to you.
"Did you fuck Eren, -and Reiner " he blurted out suddenly. He looked away in regret of what he just said. Seeing Armins grip on his phone you pieced together the puzzle and realised what had just happened.
"It wasn't like that Min . . . I can explain . . ." you start pathetically but the words die in your mouth as quickly as they started as you had no excuse to give to him.
" After all I've done for you and how I treated you, you went and chose them" he said. He couldnt bear look at you anymore he was too disgusted.
Your eyes widen in shock at this confession but say nothing in response. "After all those times I helped you study and bought you presents and made you soup when you were sick. And you choose to fuck Eren and Reiner. Do you flirt like that with every guy" he said exasperated. His time wasn't even angry it was disappointed, frustrated even.
"Armin I like you. I really do. It didn't mean anything with them" you sniffle with pleasing eyes.
"Prove it then. Prove you aren't just using me like all those other guys. Like I mean something"
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Your head bobbed around Armin cock expertly as you looked him straight in the eyes. Armin had a hard time keeping eye contact with you, his lashes were already filled with tears and his chest was slowly rising and falling. You lick circles around his sensitive tip and he bucks into your hands.
The way Armins body reacted to your touch was beautiful to watch. He had high whiny moans and his thighs quivered with every stroke. It felt as if every time you touched him he was going to fall apart. His mouth was open and his shiny lips formed an o and there was a sheen of sweat on his abs.
Armin placed a hand on your head and aggressively pushed you further down his cock. His fingers intertwined in your hair and pulled harshly. You gagged around his cock but kept rhythmically spreading your lips around him.
"Been used the whole time" he babbled between pants as he shoved your head back onto him when you moaned around him. At this point he was just using your face as a fleshlight. You didn't even need to move your face anymore because Armins hips just fucked your face while you sat back and let him use your hole.
His needy thrusts kept getting sloppier and you could see on that his brows were furrowed and arched, his chest was dusted in red and his grip on your hair was ever tighter.
"dirty fucking slut" he cried. "Chose Eren instead of me. Would fuck anything that walks" he mumbled to himself.
You felt a familiar uncomfortable ache between your thighs. You squeeze them together in hope of creating some friction but it was no use. You feel you slick gather in your panties and all you wanted to do was reach down and play with your needy cunt. You whined softly against Armins cock which caught his attention. Armins head whipped back in pleasure as his hips faltered and twitched.
"Need someone to touch your cunnie don't you" he smiled darkly. You bat your eyelashes in response and pout slightly around him. "Don't want to touch your filthy cunt after you've been used"
He moves his boot in between your thighs and nudges them apart. You pliantly let him without any hesitation. He smiles at this and gently presses the tip of his boot to your clit through your drenched panties. You whine again at this minimal amount of contact. "If you want to cum the only way you’ll do it is on my boot, got it whore".
You nod and stand up to take off your panties. Armin watches you like an animal as your knees buckle from the stress being put on them. Armin motions you forward with his fingers and you shyly step forward rubbing your legs together in attempt to hide the slick coating your inner thighs.
Armin pushes apart your legs and inspects your cunt, he pushes your lips apart and watches you tremble in his touch. He purposely avoids your clit and hole because messy sluts don't get his fingers. You get lost in the small relief you're getting from Armin manhandling your cunnie but then he pulls you back and lands a harsh wet slap on your cunt. The sloppy juices make a loud wet noise that makes Armins cock twitch missing the comfort of your mouth. You yelped at the sting but more so because you’re clit throbbed for another slap.
He commands you back onto the ground and your mouth is back on his cock, now your naked pussy shamelessly humping the top of his boot. You clinged tightly onto his leg for support because you felt like you were going to collapse over yourself.
Armin thrusted himself into your mouth once again, his moans got louder and louder, his Adam's apple bobbed with his attempts at keeping himself quiet. You joined him this time as you mewled around his length as spit dribbled from your chin as you sloppily sucked him off.
Your hips rutted faster onto his boot like a bitch in heat, nothing mattered as much to you anymore than reaching your high. You desperately lap your tongue lewdly against his cock, licking long stripes on is underside and spitting globs of drool that roll onto the tip.
"Such a desperate little whore, don't even need cock to get you off, my boot is enough. How did it feel to let Eren violate your little cunnie" he asked his voice dangerously sweet.
"How did it feel to be fucked in school where anyone could have seen your sloppily little pussy". “Dumb fucking bitch in heat” he would scowl occasionally between his own needy pants
Armin didn't even need a response he was too consumed in the wet warmth of your mouth to care about that. He was fucking you faster and faster causing him to make you choke on him. Your throat convulsed around him which just made you tighter for him. The disgusting sounds of your clenching throat and soaked pussy mixed with the relentless whininess of Armins moans filled the room.
It was all becoming too much for him. He tugs your hair by the fucking roots and abused your mouth, he animalistically thrusted into you so you could feel all of him deep inside your throat.
Drool ran down your chin and tears streamed your face. Armins face was contorted in pleasure and he too had tears running along his cheeks, His body wasn't equipped with dealing with pleasure like this. Armin couldn’t hold it in much longer and with one final thrust he came without warming deep in your throat. He flung his head back and forced your face to press fully against his blonde tuft with your nose in the plush of his navel. His whimpers and curses rang loud and unabashed.
His cum dripped from the corner of your mouth as you struggled to swallow it all. Armin was still coming down from his high but your rutting never stopped.
Armin leaned back a bit and just took you in. Desperate little bitch he thought to himself as he brushed your hair out of your face and caressed your face lovingly.
You feel a strange pressure build up inside you. Nothing like you had felt before. You nails dug into the flesh of Armins thighs as you rode him pathetically. You hang on desperately to Armins calf and your head lolls to the side as you were a dumb fucked out grin on your face. You were so close
"Its okay darling you can cum" he whispers. With that the knot in your stomach is released and your vision goes white for just a second and you squirt all around his boot. You squirt making a mess on his his floor and staining the bottom of his pants, leaving you thighs sticky and white. You body twitches and shakes violently against his calf and you rest your head against his knee. Your tongue lolled out as you try and catch your breathe. Armin looks pleased watching the remains of his cum drip from the corner of your mouth as you sat mindlessly in a pool of your own filth.
Armin rubbed his boot against you and you winced sharply at the contact with your swollen and sensitive clit.
He picked up your discarded skirt and began polishing the top of his boot with it. He pushed your legs apart gently and mopped the floor clean as well staining the fabric with your cum. “There now when you walk home everyone will know what a slut you’ve been. Dirty girl squirting all over the floor. Should be glad I didn’t make you lick it clean”.
Too fucked out to respond you just nod and attempt to stand up but your knees give in and you pathetically slide back down onto the floor. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up” hooking an arm around your waist while your face nuzzles against his chest.
You do this all while not realising that Armins laptop was open with a black screen and there was a little green light right beside the webcam. When you were cleaning up in his bathroom Armin stopped the recording and saved the video, he titled it in your name. Hitting the send button into the groupchat he just sat back for the influx of messages he was about to receive
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fawad-khan · 3 years
Public sex with fuckboy!Peter pls omg I beg you
your wish is granted nonnie! also pls dont mind i didnt make it full on sex kajsdoajd also sorry for being late whoops. also pls lemme know how this was haha
Out In Public
Pairing- fuckboy!peter parker x reader
Word Count- 1039
Warning- smut, semi-public smut (in a library), fingering, remember to wrap it before you tap it!
You had no idea that you would end up in this situation, with Peter Parker, of all the people. Normally, you would be accompanied by your best friend for prep. Sadly, she was somewhere with her boyfriend, and you did not want to disturb her. Hence here you were, in the library, trying to revise. You were now so engrossed that you forgot the time and around you.
Well, at least until you got disturbed by a certain someone.Peter always loved to nag you in some way or the other whenever you were working on something or studying. It wasn’t that you had a sort of hatred towards each other, it was just that he always seemed to love to get girls’ attention on him, particularly yours.
Today was no different. He sneaked up behind you and suddenly snatched your textbook from above, making you yelp quietly.
“Peter, idiot, give it back! I need to study!” you whisper-yelled, not wanting to end up in trouble for speaking loudly.
“Who studies that much, (y/n)? You’re gonna ace the test anyway, so why this extra work?” he chuckled as you tried to take your book from him, failing of course, for he held it in such an angle that you couldn’t get it no matter what.
“Whatever, idiot. It's none of your business. Just give it back!” you tried yet again to grab your book, but failed.
“Well, I’ll give it back but on one condition.” he said, suddenly smirking. He pulled a chair and sat beside you. His hands hovered lightly on your thighs, fingers grazing on your legs.
“Yeah? What is it?” you tried not to stutter at his actions, which made your heart beat fast. His fingers made contact with your skin. What a perfect day to wear a skirt, you thought, as his fingers slowly travelled to your inner thighs, your skin tingling at the contact.
“Well, how about I show you, hm?” his eyes gaze lustfully into yours, as he licks his lips.
He pulled you closer by the chin and gave you a deep kiss on your lips, cupping your cheek. You kissed him back instantly, lips moulding with his. His tongue swiped on yours, while he cupped your thigh and came closer to reduce the distance between you.
His fingers travelled to the inner part of your thigh and travelled slowly under your skirt, touching your clothed core gently, sending little vibrations of pleasure in you.
“Come, let’s go to a corner. We won’t get caught.” he whispered in your ear and you nodded, he smirked and took you to a corner in the library. He pushed your back to the wall gently and crashed his lips on yours. His hands went to hold you firmly by the waist, squeezing them slightly. Your arms wrapped around his neck gently, slowly pulling him closer towards you as you began to make out.
His hand slowly went under the hem of your t-shirt. His fingers made contact with your skin and began moving upwards, grazing your chest with his touch. His hand landed on your bra. He cupped your breast as he swiped his tongue into the kiss, making you groan. You ran your fingers through his curls, tugging at them gently.
His lips left yours and moved down, pressing kisses on your jawline and neck. He began to suck on the skin of your neck, sucking light hickeys. His hand went down from your breast to under your skirt, touching your clothed core. You arched your head back slightly in pleasure, biting your lips to prevent from moaning out loudly in the library.
His fingers teased you through your underwear. You could feel yourself getting a little wet at his touch. He pulled away from your neck and just smirked as he watched your face slowly contort on pleasure. 
“Mm Peter don’t be a tease.” you spoke in a low voice, biting a moan, making him smirk.
“If that’s what you want.” with that he smoothly slid two fingers inside your panties. He slowly began to pump his finger in and out of you, making you let out a gasp of pleasure. He quickened his pace gradually, his fingers thrusting in and out of you smoothly.
"Oh Peter." You moaned a little. His other hand reached to cover your mouth to prevent the moans from being heard.
"Gotta be quiet now, babe? Don't want anyone to hear you being fucked by me in a library now, hm?" You just nodded in response and clutched at his shoulders as he increased his pace. You could feel your legs getting weak as he thrusted in and out, curling his fingers inside you. 
"Fuck you're so wet, darling." He whispered in your ear, making you moan in his hand. He could feel your nails digging inside his shirt as a third finger inside you.
He removed his hand from your mouth and pressed a sloppy and heated kiss on your lips. Your lips moved with his as he curled his fingers a little inside you, making you groan into the kiss as you came undone on his fingers. He groaned at the feeling of your juices on his fingers as he fingered you through your orgasm.
He slowed the pace of his fingers and slowly, he pulled his fingers out, now glistening with your juices. He separated his lips from yours. You panted heavily, fazed from the sense of pleasure running through your body. He brought his fingers to his lips and licked your juices clean from his fingers, a pop sound coming out as he removed his fingers from his mouth.
“You know what, let's get outta here. Continue where we left off in my dorm or yours.” he said, winking at you, making you smirk at him. He finally gave you your book back, which he had kept on the table. You quickly packed your stuff into your bag and fixed yourself a bit.
“Come to my dorm? It's currently empty.” you asked him, smirking at him a little.
“Hell yes, let’s go.” with that you went back to your dorm and picked up with where you had left off at the library.
The end
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Warnings (18+): Fingering, natasha Romanoff (yes she is a literal warning 🙃) degradation, edging, spanking, breeding kink (feel free to tell me if I missed any. I'm half asleep writing this)
Pairings: natasha Romanoff x Female reader
Notes: So this is my first time writing something like this so yeah. Ummm. You dont have the right to copy, translate it steal any of my work to post anywhere. Feel free to send in requests I'm going to try sorting the account out properly as it currently sucks. It has not been proofread as I'm half asleep writing this so yeah. Any feedback is appreciated
Natasha had left for a meeting and to complete some important paperwork at the compound over 2 hours ago. You were growing impatient and extremely horny waiting for her. The only noise throughout the whole house was the tv in the room which is playing in the background which you turned to trying to distract yourself from the growing wetness in your panties.
That's it you thought. You pushed yourself back on the bed, taking your clothes off and placing one hand on your breasts. You began palming at your breasts and pinching and pulling at your hardened nipples. Your other hand wandering to your core. Your juices already beginning to leak. Your breathing becomes heavier and you you insert a finger deep into yourself quickly adding another finger. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. Being caught up in your own pleasure you didn't hear the front door open and that your girlfriend was standing at the door to your bedroom.
Adding another finger making the 'come hire' motion touching that special place inside you. Your moans get louder and your head is so clouded by pleasure that your cant think or hear anything else. The coil in the pit of your stomach tightens and your pussy clenched around your fingers. With your other hand you continue playing with your breasts and that's all it takes to throw you over the edge. Your moans fill the room as your juices squirt out of you.
"You dirty fucking slut" Natasha husked as she stepped closer to you sitting against headboard. Heat travelled to your cheeks in embarrassment, you attempt to close your legs but Nat forces them back open. The one rule was broken 'Dont touch yourself or cum without permission'.  Nat turned around and walked over to the set of drawers.
She turned around holding silk rope, a vibrator and your favourite strap on. She gently pulled you down the bed and tied your legs and arms to the bed post and then began to tear her own clothes off. Her wetness glistening in the light you opened your mouth to speak but was cut off by Nat shoving her panties which she was just wearing. The taste of her juices from her panties making you grow wetter.
"I did have a suprise for you, for being such a good girl but then you do this and mess it all up like the little slut you are" Nat says as she places the vibrater into you on the lowest setting. "Please mommy" you muffle which didnt come out as anything but nat knew. All of a sudden she slapped your tits hard surely going to leave a mark. Your juices begin to spill around the toy as nat ups the speed on the vibration to almost maximum. Nat positions herself on top of you and starts sucking on your neck, collarbone and moving down you your breasts. With one of her hands she rubs her fingers through your folds to collect your slick and rubs them over your breasts before sucking your tits. A trail of hickeys covering your neck, collarbone and your breasts.
The coil in your stomach tightening, you try thrusting your hips upwards to get any friction possible but your hips were pushed firmly onto the bed by nat. Your moans becoming louder but muffled by nats panties in your mouth. Drool was dripping down your chin. "Mommy m'close" you tried saying. Nat took the panties out of your mouth "I want to hear your sweet moans slut" she turns the vibrator to the maximum setting and continues sucking and gently biting your nipples. "Fuck mommy" is all you could get out before moans took over. "This is what you wanted wasn't it you stupid fucking slut. You wanted me to come home and see you playing with yourself just so I would punish you"
"Fuck mommy I'm going to cum" you moaned. Just then nat removed the vibrator. You groaned needing the release. "Don't complain slut" nat husked before spanking your pussy. Natasha dragged her fingers through your folds collecting your juices before placing her fingers in her mouth "fuck your so sweet"
She turned away and placed the strap on, on. It was the newest one that Nat had brought, it's the biggest one you own and has a cum reservoir in due to nats breeding kink which you recently discovered. Nat untied you and you automatically got into position. Nat positioned the cock at your entrance and teased before harshly bottoming out into you, tears ran down your face from the pain caused by being stretched out. Nat gave you as few seconds to adjust to the size of it before you gave her a sign to say you were ready. She removed the cock before roughly bottoming out again, she finished this process after at least 10 times. Tears were spilling down your face and both of your moans were filling the room "fuck your so tight slut" nat groaned. Nats hand sneaked to your slightly sensitive bud and rolled it in her fingers causing your moans to become louder. "Fuck mommy m'close" you whispered as nat continued thrusting deep into you with the cock.
Nat could feel you tightening around the fake cock you trying moving against the cock but natasha has a firm grip on you to stop you from moving. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and close to snapping. You could sense nats smirk as your sewing incoherent sentences and pleasure was overriding your senses. The fake cock fully bottoming out with every thrust which hitting that sweet spot inside you. "Fuck mommy I'm going to cum" you sorta screamed. "Cum for me slut" that was all it took before a wave of pleasure overtook you. Your juices heavily spilling out of you, screaming and moaning in pleasure. "Fuck, that's it slut. I'm going to give you pups of our own" with that Nat released a load of fake cum into you. Nat continued thrusting the cock into you throughout your orgasm as well as flicking your sensative bud.
As you came down from your high natasha filled you with another shot of cum "you look so fucking good being filled with my cock and my cum inside you" your hips thrust upwards. Nat whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you were coming back to reality. Nat removed the cock and took the strap on somewhere to be cleaned later. The mixture of your release and the fake cum spilling out from your pusdy while your painting trying to catch your breath.
Nat disappeared into the bathroom and filled the bath up with your favourite body wash as you was drifting into sleep. "C'mon kotenok we need to get you cleaned up" You felt nat carry you into the bathroom and placed you gently in the bath. She helped you clean up gently washing your body as you sat there almost asleep. Nat helped you out of the bath and into a pair of comfy clothes. You sat on the chair while nat quickly changed the bedding. Once she was done you slumped into the bed as nat disappeared once again into the bathroom.
About half an hour later you stirred awake with nat climbing into bed behind you. The smell of her clean hair instantly relaxing you. She put her arm around you pulling you closer while kissing your neck. "I love you kotenok" "mhm love you too natty" you mumbled as your drifted back to sleep feeling safe in her arms.
Note: wait wtf did I just write its so bad lmfaoooo. Any and all feedback is appreciated. My dyslexia really came out to play while writing this. Anyway I'm knackered so I'm going bed
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cherri-cherri · 4 years
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Pairings - Yuuji Itadori x Reader x Ryomen Sukuna
Synopsis - Ever since Yuuji moved away to Tokyo, you've been noticing some odd changes from him, it's almost as if...he was becoming another person all together.
Theme - Monster by Imagine Dragons
A/N - An idea hit me in the head while I was working and I wanted to try this out so badly with both Yuuji and Sukuna! A concept of 'What if the vessel wasn't just the vessel?'. The vessel would eventually merged with the being to become something new altogether, and I thought...yes. why the heck not. This is gonna be a long one, So let's hop right it! Because I really like this idea, theres a good chance this is going to be either split up into parts or I'm gonna keep visiting this every now and then.
Warning - The characters in this story will be aged up due to NSFW content here. Dirty NSFW scenes sprinkled in, Gore Warning, Abuse, Etc.
He didnt want this...
All he wanted was to keep those he cared about safe. Lying to you at the time seemed like a good idea, especially since you weren't tied into the mystical world he was now tied to, and he didn't want you too. But now, perhaps he should've told you everything.
About the finger, about the school, and...
About Sukuna.
You couldn't exactly remember why you originally said yes to the pink haired boy when he asked you to join his occult club activities that night. Maybe it was because of the fact you have nothing really better to do, or maybe because traveling through a forest of possible gruesome death seemed the most attractive thing to you at the time, yet you an Yuuji grew close together that night. Truth be told, walking through those woods during the dead of night was actually creepier than you thought but he was there by your side to comfort you the entire time, holding your hand while cracking a few jokes every now and then to calm your nerves.
"You're not scared? You seem so..well calm?" You asked, looking up at Yuuji with furrowed brows as he just smiled down at you. "Nah, not really. It's just darker and a few trees are around. Not really anything scary, right?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck while chuckling.
Maybe it was because of the warmth of his hands wrapped around your own or how comforting the presence he gave off was to you but it was probably then that your feelings for Yuuji began to grow.
"What you're going to Tokyo?" You questioned, watching Yuuji prepared a few boxes to pack his things. "Yeah, transferring schools. I'm, um .. I'm recieving a sports scholarship at a school there." Placing a few more of things away was when he finally turned to see you, clearly upset over just now being told this. Sure, you should've been happy to see your best friend be able to leave to accomplish more out of his life but it was the thought of him leaving you here that hurt the most. When he saw your face and the conflicted look on it, Yuuji stepped over towards you before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in your embrace.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I just—" before he could finish his sentence, you stood up on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck and simply smiled to him. "You don't have to say a thing, Yuuji, I'm happy for you. Just promise me that you'll stay safe out there for me, 'kay?"
Your words alone reminded him why he had to leave, why he had to go and leave you here. It was to keep you safe, safe from curses and safe from the curse lying dormant inside of him now. "R-right...Thank you, Y/N"
The school days were quiet once when Yuuji transferred schools. Sadly enough, the occult club had to disband after he left due to them not having enough members with Iguchi still hospitalized. Now it just seemed..boring without him there but he still seemed to have brighten your day with the photos he would send you every day of the bright city lights and bustling streets. His little messages and calls always well timed to reassure you that just because you aren't blocks away from each other anymore doesn't mean you won't still be friends.
So far, you've became pretty happy with Yuuji and how he's able to come so far in Tokyo. He speaks greatly about his sensei and his new classmates known as Fushiguro and Kugasaki, who from the sound of it, are a bit of a handle but great friends who still treat him well. Every week when he had his day off, he would spend time on video call to talk to you and even show you cool things that he either found around the city or around the school's campus.
Tonight however..he was late. Sure, it didn't bother you really if he was punctual or on time since this was Yuuji we were talking about here but there was a tad bit of worry lingering in your head. Soon enough, as soon as that ugly feeling of worry and doubt began to surface, Yuuji's icon appeared on the screen on the laptop as it began to ring to which you quickly opened.
"Yuuji, hey— oh my god, your face." You said right away, gasping a little at the cuts and bruises littered not only on his face but from the looks of it, his arms and shoulders too. Has he been fighting? "What? Oh, oh! These! Yeah, Fushiguro and Gojou-Sensei kinda roughen me up a little today during training but it's no sweat, really! Barely feel a thing," Yuuji tried to give you a reassuring smile while patting his right shoulder only to wince a little in pain from the impact of the pat.
"First the weird scars on your face, now bruises? Dude, I get that this is a sports thing but don't you think it's a little extreme?"
Hearing the worry in your voice, Yuuji rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand nervously as he tried to think of a way to reassure you until a deep voice came from that same hand, chuckling softly.
"What's this? A woman talking to the brat...? How amusing." Sukuna.
Hearing the voice, Yuuji instantly flinched and lowered his arms out of the camera's view. Panic shot through his body as you stared at the screen with a raised brow. "Oh, is someone there with you now? Didn't know you had a roommate."
Oh good, you didn't see him. It wasn't as if he was afraid of you meeting Sukuna, he was afraid of telling you the truth about everything. About how he was now a vessel for ancient being, how he was studying cursed energy and jujutsu, how he died yet came back to life..dumping so much on you with the chance that you might never speak to him again out of fear, out of disgust. That you stop being his friend, and that he would never..he would never—
"Yuuji?" Tapping the screen a little on your laptop as it shook the camera, he soon stared back at you and laughed nervously. "O-oh right, he's only here for a little bit of time, so I figured what's really the point in telling you"
"Really now? Could've swore I was here to stay with you forever. You could at least introduce me to your friend here." Sukuna felt a great amusement watching Yuuji squirm just to keep you in the dark. Yuuji quickly began stammering on his words, throwing you off as he made a quick excuse to leave the call early. Before you could even say a single word, he clicked ended the facetime before sighing to himself and leaning back against his chair.
"...What is the point in keeping me hidden? We are practically one now, me as you and you as me, Brat." Sukuna said, his mouth now appearing on the left side of his cheek with the eyelid opening to stare up at the boy. "Are you scared of me paying your little toy a visit? Young and no doubt a virgin, I could have some fun with her—" Yuuji quickly slapped a hand against the mouth in attempt to hush the curse only for Sukuna to migrate to the hand.
"I won't let that happen, Sukuna." Yuuji said, frowning as he heard the curse chuckle. He didn't like the sound of how he described his bond to the soul sleeping inside of him, how they were one in the same. Shaking his head, the boy tried to reassure himself that he was nothing like Sukuna and simply went to turn off the lights and sleep on it. The last thing he heard before slumber took him were the ominous words of Sukuna,
"You'll see I was right soon enough, brat..."
A week later, Yuuji came back home to visit you. It was one of the days where the school allowed their students a break from their studies and classes and so he wanted to spend it with you as a surprise. And indeed you were surprised. When you had rushed downstairs, you did so wearing only a red sleeved t-shirt that the pink haired male might have left behind with a pair of gray shorts, and so when you opened the door to see the cheery face of your best friend well...it may have left you a bit flustered.
"Hey, Y/—" you quickly shut the door in his face, collapsing on your knees as you felt your cheeks beginning to burn. 'Why of all days, Itadori?!' You thought to yourself as she slowly stood back up and cracked the door open to see Yuuji's baffled face. He looked like a puppy..a sad puppy who was just kicked off his owner's bed and it broke you. Before long, he was now in your house and sitting in the living room couch while you were in the kitchen preparing tea. Your father was currently away on business while god knows what your mother was..it was just the two of you.
And it was awkward.
As you prepared tea on the kettle, Yuuji couldn't help but look at the shirt you were wearing as a small pink blush was lightly spreading on his cheeks. In a way, it filled him with a strange feeling seeing you walking around in something of his, seeing you wearing his shirt made him..prideful. didn't help with how short your shorts were either, it was practically hugging onto your as—
"So, it's just you? Dude, you should've told me you were coming! I would've been more prepared..I barely have any snacks or anything here right now." You grumbled, snapping his attention away to listen to what you were saying. "Hey, no worries, Y/N. Honestly, I'm just hungry for something else..." that last part through him off as he covered his mouth. That wasn't his voice. No, it was but that wasn't him speaking.
As he turned his head to the side to the balcony door, there the boy saw it in his reflection. The eye of Sukuna staring right back at him, causing him to quickly cover the eye.
"Huh? Alright, well what are you hungry for? Theres probably some ramen around here someone or we could just go out to a place to eat if you want.." you questioned, back turned away from him as you began to take the now whistling kettle off the stove. No, he couldn't deal with this now, not while you were only feet away from him. Yet the more he watched you in the reflection, the more he saw your curves in those pretty little shorts or your braless breasts bounce with ease under his stolen shirt...
Shaking his head, Yuuji soon stood up from the couch and placed on his jacket. "I'm sorry, N/N, But I have to go—"
"Wait what but–"
"Sorry, u-um, Gojou-Sensei said something came up and I have to go back! I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you— I promise!" Before you could even protest, he was already out of the door and gone. As he left, you could've swore you saw an eye on his cheek where one of his scars were but that was impossible, right?
He honestly had no idea where he was going to run off to but the boy knew that if Sukuna had a chance to take over and you were in front of him, would've hurt you or worse. Seeing your disappointed face yet again almost shattered his heart completely and when Yuuji finally came to a halt, he found himself beside a small stream and sighed. This was all for the best. It was to keep you safe, or so he kept telling himself.
"Damn, to think you would actually run away when she was begging for you to take her there. What a wimp.." Sukuka said, mouth manifesting on Yuuji's neck as his eye looks up at frowning boy. "Its not often you get an open invitation from a woman. If I was in control, I would've taken her then and there and ram my co‐" Yuuji quickly slapped a hand over the mouth as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, him now thinking back to you and how pretty you looked wearing his shirt. "S-shut up. Don't go saying such gross crap."
"You know you feel the same. I can see that she affects you even now judging by the sight of your pants. You wanted to stuff her with your seed just as much as I did." Sukuna said, the mouth now on his hand. Much to Yuuji's surprise, his dark brown eyes quickly shot down to his pants and just as Sukuna said, there was a raging boner standing up at attention. Swallowing his guilt, he tried to cover it only for his pinky finger to slowly graze the fabric and giving his cock a small jolt. The boy hissed a little and quickly placed his hands to his side.
"I-i..I just.." "No need to be embarrassed. That girl isn't anything typically special but just seeing her, seeing her ass in such revealing clothing. Women of this era must be extremely dirty~" Sukuna chuckled "and hearing your thoughts, you certainly surprised me, Brat..." the more Sukuna spoke, the more Yuuji thought back to you. Seeing your breasts and ass was truthfully hot, even if you weren't exactly his type, he still found you beautiful. Slowly without him even noticing, his hand slowly motioned for his cock once more and in the silence of the forest, Yuuji Itadori thought only of you during his time in pleasure.
It wasn't until later on into the night that Yuuji had finally texted you back, saying he would back tomorrow to make things up with you. Sure, it did cheer you up that he would be back but the way he was acting lately made you feel like something was wrong. If you ever asked, he would change the subject or just smile at you awkwardly as if admitting to hiding something but you won't force him tell you what was wrong. When He was ready, he would tell you for sure and you'll wait for however long he wanted.
"N/N, Everything alright?" Yuuji asked, gaining your attention as you snapped back to the present and out of your thoughts. Looking around, you found yourself staring ahead at a bag of popcorn and the large bright ights of a ferris wheel constantly in motion. That's right, the local fairgrounds, Yuuji had wanted to go one more time before he returned back to Tokyo and since you always liked the food here, you of course said yes. "O-oh, yeah! I'm fine. Just looking ahead at the wheel. Remember last time we were here some kid ended up puking on Sasaki from a cart above us?"
"Haha! Yeah, she smelled of salty tuna for weeks afterwards and it left a stain on her uniform" He laughed, staring at the wheel as he thought about the memory. As you stared at him and watch his smile, it had then reassured you that this was still your best friend and you smiled back. For a moment, the two of you were having a blast at the small fair, playing some of the games set up by the booths (and being turned away after Yuuji broke a few with his strength..) it felt like old times all over again. "Wanna play another game or play at bumper carts? We still have some time to kill before you gotta go back?" You asked, carrying some of the plushie prizes the two of you (mainly Yuuji) earned, you looked over to your side and saw a cotton candy display before your attention turns back to Yuuji, The two of you decided just for a moment to sit down at a small metal bench to rest your feet for a moment
Seeing the display, an idea popped up in his head and the words of Gojou appeared in his mind. 'You want advice on how to swoon a girl? Well take small hints when she gives them to you, if her eyes are lingering on something then that's probably a sign she wants it—'. Seeing as how you kept looking up at the cotton candy, he thought this might have been his chance and sat down his own plushies. Without saying a word, Yuuji got up and walked over to the stand, leaving you there by the table alone with your horde of plush creatures.
Seeing you seating there at the bench by yourself, a group of punks who looked to be close to your age strolled up to you, two of them taking a seat on each side of you while the third one was standing right behind you. "Fine evening, isn't it, love. What's a sweet little thing like you doing here by yourself, you looking for some fun?" The purple haired male said on your left side, lowering his shades as he stared noticeably at your chest. "Actually, I'm here with a friend and this seat is for him so if you could jus—" "oh a 'friend'? But I don't see this friend now, so maybe you could tag along with us back to our place and we'll show you a fun time." The punk behind you said, his hands now pressed firmly on both of your shoulders as he leaned in a bit closer to you, causing you to flinch at his touch. "I, um.."
Turning your head back to in front of you, you saw Yuuji there holding a blue and pink cotton candy stick and face emotionles. "N/N, huh? That's a cute name. This your friend, N/N?" The purple haired punk said, chuckling while rising from his seat "....." Yuuji remained silent for a bit as he stared off at the hands touching you, gripping onto your shoulder and clearly making you uncomfortable. He was typically known for being a calm guy but see this angered him beyond words.
'You see what they're doing to your woman, brat? You're just going to let it happen..?' Yuuji heard the inner words of Sukuna in his head, his eyes dart away from you to the guy standing in front of him, smirking as he touch the cotton candy from the pink haired boy's hand and taking a large bite of the webby treat. "This doesnt have to get rough, all you need to do is walk away and we'll show N/N-chan here a good time she'll never forget." He said, licking his tongue over his lips.
As Yuuji's lips parted, he heard a groan coming from you as you squirmed in the other guys hold with the second punk was now leaning into your neck. Seeing your frown of discomfort, they way they were touching what was rightful his , All he needed to hear were those small words from Sukuna.
'They're touching your woman, they're hurting her. Finish.. them.. off.'
Yuuji stood there for a moment, remaining silent as he lowered his hand, a shadow now cast over his face. Opening one of your eyes as you squirm in the punk's hold, you saw something that made your heart almost stop beating altogether. That smile on his face, that malevolent smile and empty eyes as he held onto the purple haired Male's now broken arm.
The next thing was a blur. The screams of your harassers echoed around you and you heard a wet sound looping over and over again as well as hard thuds. Opening your eyes, you saw it. Two of the thugs bloodied and bruised as their limbs were bent in ways you couldn't imagine, one of them dangling up above you on a tree branch while the other one was limp inside of the cotton candy stand. Looking around for the third one, you saw him behind held against one of the food stands while Yuuji was there gripping his hand over the punk's neck. You couldn't exactly show him any mercy and yet Yuuji was clearly taking things too far, even when the guy tried to beg for mercy and claw his way out of your friend's hold, all Yuuji did was stand there with a grin you've never seen before. It wasnt one of his innocent smiles or mischievous grins, no, it was one of pure sadism. "P-please stop, I'm sorry..I'm sorry.." "you didn't stop when she wanted you too, So why should I?" Yuuji tilted his head to the side a little, chuckling a little as his grip tightened and the man gasped out for air "you'll pay for what you did. You'll all fucking pay..."
The air in your chest almost stopped filling your lungs completely as you watch this. That wasn't the Yuuji you knew, he would've never went this far just to prove a point! Slowly taking a step forward and then another and then slowly speeding up, you reached out and held onto the arm Yuuji was holding the punk up with. "Yuuji, stop it! You'll kill him if you keep this up!" You yelled only to feel a blow strike your face and send you tumbling back a few feet, causing you to scream out in pain. "Stay out of this." Was all he said until freezing and slowly turning back to see what he had done.
Crimson was spilling from your nose onto your shirt and it was gushing out by the bucket to which you quickly covered as you stared up at Yuuji with teary eyes. Regret instantly overwhelmed him as he dropped the thug and slowly reached over to you, his senses coming back to him. "N/N?" He questioned, almost checking to see if you were alright but you backed away as he stepped over to you. What has he done..? Why did he..? He watched you slowly back away with each step, fear in your bright (E/C) eyes and it broke him. "Hey, w-what's wrong? I was only trying to protect them from you, you don't have to be scared."
As people began to crowd in, brought in by the noise of fighting and your scream, Yuuji hand ghosted over the skin of yourself shoulder and you flinched. You flinched at his touch..So many feelings began to overwhelm him that he didn't notice the look of horror in your eyes as you watched what thought were scars slowly twitch and open up, revealing bright red eyes staring directly at you.
"They were going to hurt you," 'She's scared of you now after all you've done' "I saved you! They won't touch you like that again!" 'She sees you for what you are, brat.' "I just wanted to keep you safe!" With each yell, Yuuji watched as you grew more and more scared, the people around all of you terrified as they watched and some even grabbing whatever they could that could be a weapon. Gripping his head as he felt an intense pain through his skull, it was then he noticed..how small you looked as he towered over you. When did you get so small? He thought to himself, bending down to grab you when he saw his arm.
His nails were a dark purple shade, sharper and three black markings were on his wrist. Turning his head a little to one of the booth's and staring into the window was when the truth hit Yuuji hard. His body was different and taller now for some reason and Sukuna's markings were slowly appearing over his face. He was..slipping?
"Y-yuuji, what the hell is happening to you.." he heard you whisper yet before he could respond, there was the sharp pain of something blunt hitting his shoulder. Looking to his feet, he saw a medium sized rock and there another and another. The people were launching what they could at him, yelling at him to leave the girl alone and to leave. Yelling for his death, calling him a monster, calling him a curse. He stared at you for a moment, seeing how now tears leaking from your eyes and Yuuji stepped away before fleeing.
"Yuuji, wait!!" He heard your frantic yell from behind him but it didn't slow him down as he kept running further into the distance and leaving you behind. Your yells becoming drowned out by the mad laughter of Sukuna echoing in his mind.
No, he didn't want this at all. The day was meant to go differently, it was meant to be just the two of you having fun together and end with the ferris wheel and him finally telling you that he...
Thunder crackled outside of the decrepit shrine the boy had taken shelter in, rain pouring outside by the gallons. As he watched the raindrops in silence, Yuuji saw how the scenery slowly began to shift around him as the sky became more malevolent and the cold concrete he was sitting on now a pool of crimson water with piles on top of piles of bones surrounded him. The memories of the fairground echoed in his mind over and over again on loop of him hitting you and your look of fear haunting him, causing his eyes to water.
"Aw, are you going to cry, brat..?"
Yuuji remained silent as he waited for Sukuna to appear at any moment, yet he never came, only his voice lingered around him. "This is all of your fault.." Yuuji whispered, staring off into the rain. "My fault? I don't understand. If I recall, you were to one who eat my finger. You were the one who signed up for being my vessel, everything that has been done was all you..I merely watched from here."
"Bullshit! You made me hurt her..you made me like this!" Yuuji screamed out, flashes of who he did to those thugs showing through his mind, "You made me hurt them!"
"...No, that was all you. You can blame me all you want but I felt what you felt, saw what you saw and you loved every second of that fight. Whipping those who displease you in place, kicking the asses of the men who touched what was yours. Gotta say, made me tear up watching everything unfold" Hear the curse's chuckle echo around in the shrine, Yuuji quickly stood up and yelled out for Sukuna to show himself, only for him to collapse on his knees when feeling an sharp pain in his torso.
"No need to show myself, I'm already with you as close as I can."
Gritting his teeth in pain it was then that Yuuji saw his reflection staring back at him in the water, grinning ear to ear with malice in those sharp fangs.
"You see , Brat, becoming my vessel didn't just mean I was trapped inside of you..no no..You would slowly become me. Your small soul means shit compared to mine and it will be swallowed whole by me. I just needed us to be bound for some time and you would be mine..."
As the reflection spoke to him, Yuuji screamed out in pain as he felt his bones inside of him crack and twist as if they were rearranging themselves. His stomach felt as if it was being cut open entirely as the flesh began to slowly pull apart while tearing open the yellow hoodie in the process, the meat of his torso was forced open as a tongue lulled out and licked his abs like they were lips. The sides of his waist felt as if someone was taking a pair of axes and were merely swinging it down as flesh began to bubble through and bones formed one by one until two new pair of arms were fully shaped. Taking a deep breath, Yuuji slowly chuckled as one of his hands reached up to his head and gripped it and the others wrapped around his waist.
"You should be honoured, Yuuji. You get the privilege of becoming one with me, my power is now yours and yours mine." His lips, against his will, began to speak the words of Sukuna as they formed into a forced grin. "N-no..I haven't told her yet. I haven't told N/N that I love—"
Once when he blinked, Yuuji found himself no longer in the shrine but sitting inside of his desk in his old desk with you standing beside him. Seeing you before him, safe and smiling at him, the boy quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around you which took you for surprise in the process but you simply allowed him to let it all out when you hugged him back. "Well hello to you too, welcome back to earth, how was your trip to space..?" You said, chuckling before feeling something wet on your shoulders. His tears.
"Y/N..I..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything, I should've told you everything. I should'nt have hit you. I just wanted to protect you because...because...I love you!" His words surprised you but you simply smile. "I love you too, Yuuji."
Staring back down at the reflection before him of the boy hugging onto you tightly as he weeped, dark brown eyes shift to that of a bright velvet shade. Sukuna chuckled while stretching out his newly formed body. How good it felt to be back in control, to have actual flesh again and to see this brand new world all to himself. Sure, his power was not what it used to be but he would regain all of his fingers soon enough. As his domain faded away and he found himself back in the decrepit old shrine, he smirked to himself while debating his next order of business.
"Y/N L/N...Maybe I should do this body a favor and seize you for my own."
He wouldn't answer any of your calls or texts. No one has heard or seen of him but now there was a witch hunt for your best friend. As you laid in your dimly lit bedroom with bandages over your nose, you stared down at your phone anxiously awaiting something from Yuuji.
Hearing the sound of your phone vibrating, you quickly shot up from the covers an grabbed the phone, unlocking it right away and placing it to your ear.
"Hello?" There was nothing but silence on the other end, the soft howling of the wind being the other thing you could really make out. "Hello..?"
"N/N.." your heart practically stopped for a moment but you felt almost a wave of relief hearing his voice on the other line. "Oh thank god, Yuuji..Are you ok—" "N/N, open the window." Was all he said before then line went dead and you were left sitting there baffled. Did he make it back to your house? Slowly crawling out of the bed and slipping on your bedroom slippers, you walked over towards the window and moved the blinds down only a little to peep outside. Standing there in your backyard, shirtless and with his hands in his pockets was Yuuji, seemingly back to normal and everything. There were not increased height, no weird markings, he looked fine and apart of you wondered if it was just the force of his punch that made you see him change. No..because everyone else saw his appearance too.
Taking a deep breath, you lifted up the blinds and unlatched the window. The second that it was free and opened up, Yuuji had jumped above onto the roof and crawled inside to your room. "Y-yuuji, you have a lot of explaining to do— Whoa, whoa!" You took a step back cautiously but he soon grabbed ahold of your wrist and pulled you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head in the crook of your neck. "I know I do, but first I just want to say I'm sorry to you, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you.." he said, whispering in a soft tone as his hold on you tighten a bit.
"I'm leaving here after tonight but I just had to see you to tell you that I..I love you. I love you, Y/N" Taken back by his words, you felt yourself being pushed onto your bed and watched as the boy loomed over you before crawling onto the mattress.
He loved you. Those words practically made your heart skipped over so many times that you were positive that you had stopped breathing. "Let me come with you, Yuuji." You said, reaching up to his face and caressing his cheeks, "I don't know what's happening but you can trust me. I won't let you go through this alone and I'll always be here with you."
He didn't say much after that. All he did was lower his head a little until your lips were merely inches away from each other before he pressed them together. The sensation you felt was one like fireworks. Those butterflies in your stomach exploding and multiplying over and over again as you felt his tongue licking your bottom lip but you pulled away before he could fully explore your mouth.
"Always..? So you will always stay with me, N/N?" He whispered, head dipping down to your neck as he left a trail of kisses down your warm skin until he kissed the base of your throat. "Yeah..I will." "Do you swear..?" His hands began to grip your hips, running the tips of his fingers against your clothed thighs while he began to press his own hips to your own.
"I-I swear.." you said, staring up at Yuuji with a small smile. He stared at you for a moment, smiling down at you before sitting up, his large hand covering the upper half of his face.
"That's all I need to make you mine." Sliding his hand upwards was when you saw it. Those spare eyes once again on Yuuji's cheeks, staring at you as if it you were nothing but glass. That sincere smile that calmed your soul became a mischievous grin, showing the sharpened fangs he now had. You watched as those pitch blackp markings began to spread over his skin and yet the moment you sat up, two fully grown arms pinned you down onto the mattress. "Almost as naive as the brat himself but I suppose there is some charm to the naivete of a woman. Makes it easier to influence, to change.." 'Yuuji' said, dipping his head down to your ear before biting down on the lobe of it. You gasped out, squirming in his hold.
"Let me go, Yuuji! I don't know what's going on but I want to help! Just let me help you!" You yelled out to him but soon silenced yourself as you noticed the scenery of your bedroom changing. All of your furniture began to disappear one by one as a red hue began to spread around the two of you
In the blink of an eye, you were taken to Sukuna's innate domain. The water that replaced the softness of your bed now causing your back to soaked and your hair now spread out and floating in the depths. "Yell all you want but that brat can't hear you anymore. Gone forever in a dream that will never come true, but I promise I will keep you company in his stead. By the time I am done with you, will forget all about him. All you'll want is me, all you'll ever need is me. The name Ryomen Sukuna will burned into your soul and you'll learn to worship me, N/N..."
With a single swing, the soft yet wet cotton fabric of your shirt and shorts was torn off of you with ease and revealed your now exposed flesh to the cold. Sukuna stared down at them, his tongue licked over his long and sharp fangs as his eyes motioned down to your folds. His hand traveled down your thighs before his finger swiped against the outer circle of your lips yet he looked displeased from what he felt. "Dry as a drought but that's fine. I'll be fucking you regardless" he said, his index finger slowly pushing inside of your virgin cunt causing you to gasp out for air and arch your back. "You tighten just now, dirty whore...Did you often fantasise Yuuji stuffing his cock inside of you...?" he whispered into your ear intimately, he kissed the bottom of your ear and moved onto your neck, sucking until he found the soft spot that made you inhale deeply. 
Sukuna sucked on your neck while constantly kept inserting his finger in you, pumping in and out, eventually adding a second digit. He curled his fingers and caused you let out a faint moan as his finger crept closer to your sweet spot over and over. It was too much, you thought as he bit down onto your soft skin, and you were feeling so good from it so far and it made you ashamed. this demon, this thing was in your best friend's body and now he was using it to currently assault your body but the feeling of it all was too good. You had to keep your eyes shut for looking up at Sukuna tugged at your heart as all you saw was Yuuji.
"Oh you are loving this..." parting from your neck,he looked pleased seeing the angry red hickey left behind.
"I-im not...I'm not..." A moan escaped your lips, feeling something wet replace his fingers. Lifting your head, you saw a mouth on the palm of his hand and its tongue gently licking the nub of your clit almost like a lollipop. "Feels good, doesn't it, N/N..?" His tone was nothing less than mocking, the mouth taking ahold of one of your lips with its teeth causing you to scream out. "I said, it feels good doesnt it? Speak when your master is speaking to you. "
"Y-yes! It feels amazing!" You tasted so sweet on his tongue, circling your clit, lapping at your clenching entrance, kissing your folds. "A-Ah~" You whimper when he folds your legs to your chest, He takes another nip at your clit, as he listened to your hushed whines. Your moans were music to his ears, yet what he wanted from you was his name. The thought of his former vessel's love screaming his name turned him on, the thought of keeping you only fueling the flames. It was harder and harder for him to contain hisself when you're drowning in the pleasure of his mouth licking and sucking at your sloppy pussy.
"I'll take you as mine. You'd like that wouldn't you? Being the woman of the king of curses, waiting for me to return to fill you to the brim." sweat felt like it was pooling out of your body from the attention he was giving to on your clit. Your bucking hips were a clear sign that you were close and so, he pulled his hand away.
"You don't get to come yet. You're only allowed to when you're milking my cock."
The things he did to were things no man has ever done before. Scratches and cuts littered your flesh and bruises were on your sore ass and stomach. There a few times to where you had even blacked out from the amount of pleasure he had given you..
Now you found yourself with you riding his swollen cock as he stared up at you with satisfied eyes, grunting while large hands were pressed against your abused breasts as his hips pumped up into your leaking cunt. Your head felt like it was spinning as you screamed out, orgasm crashing hard as your cunt tightened around his shaft.
As you felt his throbbing cock inside of you, his hand grabbed ahold of your chin and your lips made contact. Sukuna only pulled away when he silently cursed, his seed releasing inside of you for what felt like the billionth time. Taking a deep breath, he stayed inside of your warm hole, not wanting a single drop to spill and kissed your cheek.
Fucking you only assured his choice of keeping you as he own. Sukuna was going to original kill you while taking Yuuji's appearance after taking you but holding you close like this as you soon became limp (no doubt exhausted), your warmth against his own and staring down at your cum stained face..it made something inside him feel strange.
A weakness no doubt, but one at the moment that could keep him entertained. Combing a loose strand of hair behind your ears, Sukuna chuckled.
"From this day forth, you will be my bride. Consider yourself lucky..."
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Gun kink - read on ao3
I wrote this for fifi. They helped me come up with this idea.
"Oh, hello Mr. Stark, I got your coffee!"
Tony glances up from his folder with lab results to see the gangly young man walking over excitedly.
He's wearing his usual outfit -a pair of brown tweed trousers and a cream button down long sleeve. His outfit is never complete without a sweater vest, and today's is tan with brown edges and stripes across his torso in blues, purples and oranges.
The poor thing has a stack of folders in his arms, balancing a four coffees on the top -which wobbles precariously as Peter makes his way through the busy lab.
"You know you can make multiple trips?" Tony asked, smirking pulling at his lips as he sets his own folder down to grab the coffees.
Peter blushes, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, but then the coffee would get cold, and I might forget which folders to get," he says.
Tony reaches forward without thought, pressing his forefinger into the frame of Peter's glasses, right over his nose, and pushing it up.
Peter's cheeks turn dusky pink and he mutters an embarrassed "thank you."
Tony takes a step back, clearing his throat before setting the coffees on the table before offering his hand for the folders.
"What do you have for me?"
Peter blinks, processing Tony's question before he jolts into movement. "Oh, yeah, this one here is for the Extremis test trials."
A folder is handed to Tony. The older barely has any time to flip through it before Peter's pulling out another folder -almost losing them all in the process- and slapping it over the one Tony has.
"This one is for the new arc reactor power station, tech said they found a bug in the coding and wants you to look into it before bringing it to the board."
A third folder is handed over. Tony can't help but chuckle lowly at how awkward and frantic Peter is as he flips through his stack, looking for which folder he needs.
"These need to be signed or Mrs. Pepper said she was going to shove her heel up your -ahem- uh, your butt."
His cheeks burn redder and Tony's smile widens. Damn the kjd sure was cute.
"And these ones are all internships, job applications and test subject forms," Peter concluded, adding the rest of the folders into Tony's arms.
"Thank you, Peter," Tony hummed, looking down at the folders. "I'll take a look at these when I get a moment-"
"Oh, yeah, I can take them to your office," Peter rushed.
"Thats alright- oh, okay, uh, thank you," Tony grunts as Peter grabs the stack of folders again, holding them to his sweater vest and using his shoulder to push his glasses up his nose again.
"You're welcome, Mr. Stark," Peter grinned before making his way to Tony's office.
Tony returns to his lab results, frowning down at the graphs.
"We're going to have to fix these numbers," Tony muttered to Bruce in passing, pointing to the red jagged line ascending up the front page.
"If we want to start human trials with this new vaccine we're going to need to figure out what's happening with-"
"Oh, yeah, I'll take a look at it and get back to you," Bruce hummed, tapping his finger on the page. "I didn't realize those numbers were so high."
"Me neither," Tony scowled, snapping the folder closed and dropping it on the desk.
He goes back to work with the other employees, checking over progress and fiddling with his own projects.
He's lost in his own world when the lab door opens, the doorknob slamming into the wall behind him.
"Tony Stark!"
Tony scowls and lifts his head, only to blink at the man standing in the door.
He's wearing a bomb jacket, rigged with what looks like enough explosives to take down this half of the building.
The lab employees are all out of their chairs, some on the floor, others pressed into the wall. Tony can't move. His throat closes -he can't breathe.
"You murdered my wife," the man growls. The hand holding the detonator wavers, his grip white knuckled.
"I-" he can't get his words out. He knows he's got to. He knows he needs to de-escalate the situation so security has time to grab him, but Tony can't.
He can't do anything but stand there with wide eyes.
"Drop the detonator."
Both Tony and the man turn to the voice, and Tony's eyes widen when he sees Peter.
His ever present grin is replaced with a scowl, eyebrows furrowed and there's a glint to his eyes that make Tony shiver.
"If you shoot me I'll blow this whole place up," the man snapped, crazed eyes turned towards Peter.
Peter -the goofy intern who tripped over his untied shoelaces and stuttered and blushed. Who was standing there, calm, cool and collected.
Tony hears one of his employees let out a whimper.
"You don't want to do this," Peter said, all playful lilt gone from his voice. "Its not worth it."
The man's thumb moves towards the red button and Tony feels his breath catch.
"My wife died because that man-" the man waves the detonator at Tony, making his heart drop with how careless he's being with it. "Refused to treat her."
Tony takes a small step back, heart in his throat.
"Put the detonator down," Peter ordered again.
"No," the man sneered.
It happened in slow motion. Tony watched as the man's thumb lifts, hovering over the red button.
He hears the shot ring out, hears his employees scream in fear. Tony watches as the man's head snaps back -he didnt even see the bullet.
Blood dots his forehead, and then his knees are buckling and he drops like a rock.
Peter's the first to move, gun still aimed at the bomber. The detonator is taken from his hand as carefully as Peter can.
Seconds later, security shows up. Employees rush out of the room using the service door to the staircase.
Tony's stuck in place, still trying to process it all. Peter's talking with the security team while they wait for someone to take care of the body.
He doesn't know how long he stands there, but he jolts when a hand presses to his arm. He turns his head to see Peter looking up at him with concern.
"You okay, Mr. Stark?" He asked, not removing his hand. Tony blinks and gives a nod, mouth dry. "Lets go to your office," Peter suggests.
Tony nods again, managing to unstick his feet from the floor and following Peter to his office across the floor.
"Who gave you a gun?" Tony manages once they're safely in the office.
Peter glances at his waist -where Tony can see the gun peaking out under his sweater vest- and then up to Tony.
"Oh, uh, no one, its mine."
"You just- carry a gun?" Tony asked, dropping into his office chair with a huff.
"Its my job," Peter shrugged. He leans against the desk, thighs brushing against Tony's knee. "I was hired to be your personal detail."
Tony blinks. "What?"
"Yeah," Peter shrugs again, pushing his glasses up his nose again. "Mrs. Pepper was worried someone might be after Extremis so she hired me to keep an eye on you when you weren't out and about with Happy."
"You're a bodyguard," Tony deadpanned.
Peter grimaced a little, ducking his head. "Yeah," he winces, running fingers through his hair.  "I'm sorry I lied to you. Its just that Mrs. Pepper said it would be better if you didn't know, and she's kind of scary."
Tony huffs a laugh at that. Peter's been a little afraid of Pepper since he got hired on.
"I just-" he starts, taking a deep breath. "I can't see you as part of a detail."
Peter gives a rueful half smile, crossing his arms over his chest. "Is it because I wear glasses?"
Tony can't help the bark of laughter that shakes his shoulders. He shakes his head before waving his hand at Peter.
"No- its all of you," he said. "You're dorky and you trip on air and fumble everything. I don't exactly picture you as a gun weilding bodyguard. No offense."
Peter shrugs, pushing his glasses up his nose again. "What do you picture me as?" He asked, leaning further back against the desk.
"A dork, honestly," he huffs. Peter laughs this time, sharp and light all at once. "Is this all a cover? The clothes and the awkwardness?"
Peter's cheeks turn red and he ducks his chin in embarrassment.
"Would I be cooler if it were?"
Tony blinks, then huffs a laugh and grabs Peter by the front of his sweater vest.
"You've got a gun in your pants, I don't think you could be more cooler," he confessed, pulling Peter off the desk.
The boy goes easily, allowing Tony to tug him onto his lap, cheeks turning redder and redder.
"I could wear a leather jacket," Peter offered, voice breathy as he settles on Tony's thighs.
"No, I like the sweater vests," Tony hummed, brushing his nose against Peter's cheek. His hands grip Peter's sides, one brushing against the gun at his hip.
"Are you gonna kiss me?" Peter asked, voice a low murmur.
Tony shivers, squeezing Peter's hips as his lips ghost over the younger's.
"Are you going to use that gun on me if I do?" Tony questioned, cock hardening against his slacks. Peter whimpers, hands sliding under Tony's lab coat to grip his shoulders.
"I might," Peter breathed. Tony surged forward at that, kissing Peter filthy and feeling the gun digging into his side as Peter melted against him.
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oakleaf--bearer · 3 years
@jonmartinweek day two - injury!
also on ao3
When dealing with matters of the heart, Jon was about the furthest from a natural that there could be. 
He was... rusty to say the least. Awkward was a generous way to put it. Completely and utterly useless was far more accurate. 
So when Georgie had laughed and asked when he and Martin had started dating, he had been understandably taken aback and politely asked her what she meant by that. ("Georgie, what the fuck?" had been his exact wording). She'd shrugged and patted his knee, telling him that he should probably talk to Martin as soon as he got back to the Institute. 
He stared down at the ring sat on the table, a frown creasing his forehead. It had been something of a whim purchase. He had bought it several years ago after reading about the concept online, and he'd just....not taken it off. Every time it left his hand, he'd itched to put it back on as soon as possible. 
And now, a blistering burn mark on his hand was stopping him from putting it back on. A small, mostly insignificant piece of his identity stripped back and taken away from him. 
A gentle knock at the door startled him out of his quiet contemplation. 
"Hello." Martin poked his head around the door. "Tea?"
"Thank you, Martin."
Martin smiled, and Jon remembered Georgie's assumption. Would he? It wasn't the most unimaginable thing in the world. Martin was friendly. Charming, comfortable, welcoming. But dating? Maybe... But Jon had done dating before. He'd explained what the ring in the table meant to enough people that he was tired. Tired of the assumptions, the questions, the idea that there was one person out there who would change his mind, all he needed was a good- 
Martin wasn't that person. When Jon ran through the mental 'relationship checklist', he could imagine so many different aspects with Martin. Holding hands, going on dates, even waking up next to each other, but that particular facet of a relationship was completely unimaginable. It wasn't that Martin was unattractive, simply that Jon just didn't see the attractiveness like that. 
"What's that?" Martin gestured to the ring. 
"Oh, uh, nothing." Jon covered it with his good hand. "Just a- nothing."
"Riiight." Martin placed the tea on his desk, in easy reach. "Keep your secrets then."
"Hmm." Jon hummed, still examining Martin's face. 
"Jon? You alright?" 
"Oh!" Jon realised he was staring and quickly looked away. "Sorry." 
"It's okay." Martin said with an audible smile that made Jon's heart do something ridiculous. 
"Martin..." Jon didn't really know what he was going to say. "Are you- I- Hmm." 
"Take your time."
"Have lunch with me. That is, if you want to, please don't feel like I'm pressuring you, you can say no if you-"
"Jon." Martin put a hand on his desk, gentle, a calming reminder of a calming man. "I'd love to." 
Jon stared at the hand. It was larger than his own. When he'd arrived back in the archives, trailing blood and exhaustion behind him, Martin had sat and re-wrapped the clumsy bandages he had put on it, patiently telling him off for not going to a doctor and getting it checked. Jon hadn't been able to look away from his hands then either, just gazing at them with sleepy eyes, his mind fixed on the image of Martin taking care of him. Carefully picking up the pieces he had left flung about the place and putting them back together, gently slotting them back into place.
Martin took him to a sandwich place around the corner from the institute. Jon stared at the menu, trying to decipher the swirling font. The letters swam slightly as he read them, the words jumbling together. 
“Jon?” Martin bumped their shoulders together lightly, bending down to Jon's height to compensate for the difference. “What are you going to order?”
 “I-  What do you recommend?” 
Martin smiled. “Hmm. How about the tuna and sweetcorn? It’s a classic, you know?”
Martin ordered for them and nudged Jon towards a table in the corner. Jon went willingly, content to listen to Martin chatter away about the wait times and the various bouts of  people-watching he had gotten up to in this cafe. Despite Jon’s lack of contributions, Martin seemed to be fine carrying the conversation on his own. A couple of people gave them odd glances, no doubt wondering what Martin, kind, gentle-looking Martin, was doing with a grumpy sack of exhaustion. Externally, they didn't match. They were diametrically opposed, two entities that shouldn't exist in the same space without causing some kind of epoch changing event. 
But the more Jon pondered it, the more he realised that he wanted to be here, sat opposite Martin, listening to him talk, letting him order his sandwiches and hold his hand-
Jon’s brain skipped a beat. 
Martin had placed his hand over Jon’s where it rested on the table and was staring at him, concern across his face. “Jon? You okay?”
‘I care about him’, Jon realised with a start. ‘This is my friend.’
Martin nudged his hand around so that he could properly take it in his own. The motion dislodged the ring that Jon still held clutched in his bandaged fingers. It clattered out, its black outline stark against the faded beige of the tabletop. 
“Oh, sorry.” Martin picked it up to hand it back to Jon. “You might want to be a bit more careful. You don't want to lose this.”
“What?” Jon stared down at Martin’s hand. It felt ridiculous to see Martin holding out his ring and for Jon to feel this weightless. The gentle curl of Martin’s fingers around the band set Jon’s mind whirling down avenues lined with graffiti reading ‘Just tell him’ and ‘Maybe it will go well’. 
Jon took a deep breath and took the plunge. 
“I’m sorry, Martin.”
Martin blinked. “R-right? What for?”
“All of it.” Jon reached out and covered Martin’s, still holding Jon’s ace ring up in front of them. “You were always- I’m glad you're here. With me.” He carefully took the ring and let go of Martin’s hand. It looked shockingly sad sitting in the palm of Jon’s bandaged hand. Another piece of who he was now associated with pain. An uncomfortably familiar reality that Jon was steadily becoming used to. 
Martin reached across the table and gave Jon’s hand a quick squeeze. Jon hissed at the jolt of pain lacing up his arm. 
“Oh god, Jon, I’m so sorry, I didnt- I didnt think, that was stupid of me-” Martin’s hands fluttered in the air around Jon’s. “God, that was awful of me, I’m really sorry-”
“It’s okay,” Jon said, grabbing at Martin with his uninjured hand. “It’s fine, it's already passed.” 
Martin gave him an apologetic smile, but didn’t argue. “That’s important to you, huh?”
“The ring. I’ve seen you wear it a lot. Does it mean something?”
“Oh.” Jon hadn't considered the possibility that Martin might be aware of the ring's existence. In his head, it existed in a bubble, separate from work and his colleagues. It made sense, he supposed, that Martin was able to see into that bubble, since its edges had been bumping against Jon’s perception of Martin for a little while now. “It, ah, its a- Its a sexuality thing.”
To Martin’s credit, he didn’t even blink at the idea that Jon might not be straight, just nodded and smiled encouragingly. “I thought so. Asexuality, right?” 
“Wha- Yes.” Jon had been gearing up to explain the intricacies of asexuality, not for Martin to already have that knowledge. 
“It came up when I was doing research trying to figure out my own sexuality.”
That caught Jon off guard. For some reason, throughout all of his deliberations trying to figure out where on Jon’s internal spectrum Martin sat, he had failed to consider the actual real life possibility of Martin’s queerness. “You’re-”
“Oh, I’m not ace.” Martin shook his head. “At least, I don't think so. Labels,” he chuckled. “Confusing stuff. I usually just go with gay and trans to sum me up.” 
A small, overlooked lightbulb in the back of Jon’s mind flickered to life as a couple of pieces of information fell into place with a quiet ‘oh!’
“I saw the ring but I didn't want to ask in case it was just a style thing. A lot of people don't know about this stuff and it's sometimes hard to tell, you know?”
“I guess the bandages stop you wearing it, right?” It was a non-sentence, a piece of idle observation that Martin was making. But it still stung. 
“It feels somewhat ridiculous to say but- I think I’m going to miss it. It’s just a ring, it's not my entire sexuality, I’ll still be ace without wearing it, but I’m still- It feels like I’m missing a piece of something that I was trying to hold onto, you know?”
Martin nodded. “I understand. Here-” he reached up and unclasped a thin chain that had been hanging around his neck. “You can borrow this. I’ll take these off for now.” He slipped off a couple of charms that had been hanging on it. Smiling, he held out the chain.
“You- You’re sure?”
“Yeah.” Martin wiggled the chain in the air between them slightly. “You can give it back when your hand is better.”
Wordlessly, Jon took the chain and looped the ring onto it. He lifted to try and fix the clasp around his neck, but he couldn't get the clasp open. Martin pushed his chair back, coming to stand behind Jon, taking the chain out of his hands and closing the clasp for Jon. 
“There.” Martin smoothed Jon’s collar down. “That looks nice!”
“Thank you.” Jon whispered, then louder, “Thank you, Martin. This- This means a lot.” 
Martin shrugged a little awkwardly, cheeks turning red. “No trouble. It means a lot to you, so, you know, you should be able to carry it with you.”
He smiled down at Jon, and once again Jon felt the small jolt of recognition, of comfort. The bubble in his mind fully merged with Martin, creating something new that, at least for a few more long, exhausting months, Jon didn't know to call love.
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baecvlt · 4 years
hi um.. this might be an odd request and ofc you dont have to do it but uh can i get a byakuya togami x reader (smut oneshot) in which the reader has a degradation kink and well, its byakuya, you can decided on the rest
The Same Deep Water as You
in which the reader is degraded by Byakuya Togami 
Byakuya Togami x Reader
(as stated in follow up dm) fem reader
requested by anon: first tike working with this kind of thing
warnings: degradation and slightly masochist actions to be aware of (not too severe). good ending tho so..
enjoy !
She was a quiet girl, never really spoke to anyone but Makoto and Kyoko. They weren’t so awful. While others weren’t awful, she didn’t think of them as approachable. She could talk to them, but she couldn’t be too trusting. Especially of—
“What did I tell you about looking in my direction, you cretin”
Byakuya Togami.
Makoto and Kyoko looked back at Byakuya, staring. “I wasn’t staring,” she argued,“Honestly, I wasn’t”. He approached her,“So, I’m a liar now?”. She shook her head frantically, hoping he’d go away. “Give it up, Togami,” Kyoko said,“Leave the poor girl alone. She’s having a rough day”. She looked away and put her head down on the table. “Whatever,” he said,“I’m not even half interested to know why. Just keep your distance”.
She had no idea what was wrong with him, why his cruelty shone on her and no one else. He was a dick to everyone, but most of all towards her. It was kind of starting to hurt, but mostly because being in this situation of a killing game was rather stressful. Byakuya’s unnecessary cruelty didn’t help. Still, she tried to keep a smile, if not, at least a friendly face.
“Well, Makoto and I have business to attend to with that whole next blackened bullshit. See you later. By the way, just stay out of Togami’s way. He’s a prick, it won’t do u any good to be near him. Okay?”
She nodded, taking his advice a little too literal.
She did exactly as Kyoko told her as she tried keeping a routine. She went to her room, grabbing her very little laundry. She walked to the laundry room, pusbing open the door. When she got a view of the room, she immediately turned back, for Byakuya was sitting there doing his laundry. She went to her room, set her clothes down, and waited for Byakuya to leave.
Finally, he was gone. This allowed for her to wash her clothes. After drying and folding, she decided it’d be a good idea to relax and enjoy what the school had to offer, such as the sauna. What? Who cares if this is a killing game? It was far more luxurious than anything she had in her day to day life. She has the right enjoy things. Wearing her bathing suit underneath, she walked her way to the sauna, but before that, she stripped down and put her normal clothes in a locker. Then, she was off.
As she sat in the heat, she thought to herself. All these thoughts were regarding Byakuya. It was things like “Why is he such a dick?” and “Why me? What did I do?”. They were all valid thoughts. At this point, he was treating her worse than he treats Toko. It’s got to he something he has against her. Then again, she couldn’t act like she didn’t like it. The sheer degradation of it all gave her a thrill, but Byakuya wasn’t fucking her so really he had no reason to act that way. Just as she wrapped up her thoughts, she decided it was a good time to leave before the sauna burned her skin right off. She walked right out of there. When alone, she was pretty confident about herself, her body. Its when she’s around others that she gets quiet. Judgement is a fear of hers, so she’s learned that the more you say/do, the more susceptible to judgement you are.
...but she was alone, she didnt worry.
Confidently, she walked out of the sauna. Despite the heat, it was refreshing. She opened her locker, getting her clothes out. She began to get dressed, realizing no one was around, then straight up stopped giving a fuck. She got her normal underwear on without interruptions, sliding on her pantyhose then skirt. Now it was time for her top. She took off her bikini top and replaced it with her bra. That was when she heard footsteps approaching, but they faded, so she ignored it. Putting on her long sleeve button up, her torso faced the entrance as her eyes focused on her buttons.
“Christ, screw me”
Without thinking, she replied,“Give me a time and place?”. She very slowly realized who the voice belonged to as she stopped buttoning up her shirt. Byakuya stared, she covered her mouth. “Eager, aren’t you?,” he scoffed. She finished her buttons as she walked right past him, ignoring his snide remark. That perv. Surely, he could’ve said something. He was there for a while. Was he judging her or did he like what he saw? Who knows?
What we know now is that the Togami’s raised a weirdo.
This only gave her a better reason to avoid him. Everytime she went somewhere, if she saw him there, regardless if he had seen her or not she’d walk out. Like when she wanted a snack, he was there. “Hey,” he said to her, but she was gone. This also happened in the Rec Room, where she was playing with Celeste. He walked in, looking for Makoto. Even still, and mid-game, she dismissed herself. If only there was one place where she wouldn’t have to see him. Then, she remembers she overheard Byakuya say he was in no need of the library.
She figured it’d be a good opportunity for her to go there and read something, be in solitude. She’d been there once and it was so quiet. She walked her way there, peeking first to make sure the coast was clear. She picked up a random book of poetry. It didn’t matter what book it was really, she just wanted to read. She was glad the library was unoccupied. It was quite peaceful. Unlike the sauna, it took her mind off Byakuya. God, he’d be perfect if he wasn’t a prick. Why was he so cute? So attractive? If given the chance, she would show him how she cares, but what’s it worth if he despises her for no reason? Oh, well. She had read enough pages, deciding to leave an hour later. Suddenly, she got the feeling that she wasn’t alone. She had a pretty good instinct when it came to these things.
She didn’t want to be the next victim of anything, so she ran out and hurried to her room.
Bing-bong, Bing-Bong!
Nighttime, how great. Well at least that night ended on a rather okay note, despite everything else. Just as she was headed to her bed, there was a note slipped underneath her door. It startled her, picking it up.
“Come to my room at once. Togami”
So not only did she have to endure his verbal abuse during the day, it seems it could also branch out at night. She knew she didn’t have to go, but maybe if she did as he said, he’d back off. She walked to his room, only a few doors down the hall. She knew, this was disobidience of the bed time rule, but in that moment, it was the least of her concern. She put on her clothes from earlier today, heading out. She knocked on the door, waiting for him to open the door, and it did after a few seconds. Her heart was pounding as the door opened, his blue eyes shining in the dim light. “Y/N,” he greeted casually. She noticed he still wore his suit and in no way looked like he was at all getting ready for bed. “Good evening, Mr. Togami”. She wanted to be as respectful as possible. “Come in”. She cautiously stepped in. He closed his door, going to sit on his bed afterward.
She sat down on his chair, still nervous. “You look so tense,” he said in a softer tone, much softer than his usual demanding tone,“Relax”. She nodded. He looked at her and got up. Walking behind her, he ran his fingers through her soft hair. “How does it feel to be the object of my lust?,” he whispered. A chill ran down her spine as she muttered,“What?”. “Do you want it?,” he asked,“Me, treating you like a stray dog, I see how it excites you. I’d be more than willing to give it to you”. Her breath hitched and her face was hot. “Y-Yes”. He raised a brow. “Use you words, Y/N,” he said, placing a hand on her throat. “Fuck me, please,” she groaned, craving him. That was enough for him to start putting her on edge. He wanted her to beg, he loved to hear it. “How long has it been since you’ve been touched this way”. 
“Too long”
His hands reached for her breasts, teasing them as he kissed her neck. “Oh my god!,” she cried. Her legs spread and he took note of this. “Go to bed,” he ordered,“I want you on your back”. She didn’t hesitate. She leapt to his bed and lay down. He immediately followed, hovering over her. He pinned her wrists down and began kissing her skillfully. She couldn’t help, but bite him and him flinching further increased her excitement. “What the hell?,” he cursed, she smirked. It angered him that she was having fun with this. He pulled off her skirt and ripped open her pantyhose, spreading her legs. “From now on, you are to call me master and nothing else,” he told her, moving her panties aside and licking her pussy. His tongue focused on her clit, but god, it felt good. She whined, reaching for his hair. While she was able to pull it a little, he grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her down again. His tongue began focusing on all other parts of her, rolling his thumb on her clit, softly. All she could do was squirm, but even that was hard to do. “Who’s pussy is this?,” he asked. 
“Yours, master”
“That’s my girl”
She was cumming, practically dripping the more he touched her. He let go of her wrists, allowing her to finally tease her breasts and play with his hair as he ate her out. He loved her taste; she was sweet. Without moving his mouth away, he carefully worked two fingers into her, allowing him to taste her even more. “How’s that making my little slut feel?,” he asked. “Really, really good. Please, m-master,” she whined, but other than that, it was all incoherent babbling. She was frantic at that point.
“Look at you,” he whispered as his mouth was really going into it,“You’re making quite the mess, you know?”. “I know, master”. Her apologetic tone begged a question. “Come here,” he ordered. She sat on the balls of her feet, waiting for his next words. His hand was soft as he put it on her cheek, caressing her.
“Has my little slut had enough?”
She shook her head, muttering,“I want more”. Her lust-filled eyes stared into his as she went for his belt buckle. “Not like this,” he said, sitting down properly. “Okay,” he assured,“Come here, doll”. She went for his belt buckle and undid it. Carefully, she took his cock out, spitting. “Master, you’re aching”. He twitched as she stroked his sex with those words falling from her mouth. His stomach sank as feeling of her hands touching him this way dawned on him. He needed her, so bad.
“Bend over for me”
Her stomach lay flag on the bed as her ass was in the air, waiting for him to fuck her. “Shit,” he exclaimed, that was the first time she’d hear him cuss. “What’s wrong?”. He sighed.
“I don’t have any protection on me”
Thats when she reached into her shirt and bra, handing him a condom. “What the hell? How long did you have that in there?”. “No more questions,” she said softly,“Come on, baby”. Slowly, he teased her entrance, rubbing his cock slowly and making her shiver before grabbing her hips, slamming into her. Upon impact, her pussy spasmed around his cock as she reached for the pillow in front of her. He gasped, his fingers digging into her soft skin. “I’m gonna stretch you out”. She whined into the pillow as he repeated that, slowly at first. As much as he wanted to pound into her, he knew knew if he did that, he wouldn’t last long. “Ah! master, that feels really good,” she cried,“I need more.. please!”. He could barely speak. “I go at whatever pace I want, slut!,” he managed.
“M-Master, is it because you know you’ll cum fast if you do? Even thinking about pounding me makes you go slower than you already are, doesn’t it?”
“Shut the fuck up!”
His hand slammed onto her ass. She winced, gripping the sheets as he picked up the pace. Her eyes then rolled back. “Is this what you wanted?,” he said with gritted teeth. She let out a shaky cry and said,“Master, it’s what I needed”. A mirror was in front of them, Byakuya using it to check how she reacted to certain things. Letting him hit all around her walls drove her insane, but he still wasn’t going so hard. She also used the mirror to her advantage. She saw how he was struggling to fuck her hard without cumming. She wanted to mess around too. She smiled with lustful eyes, putting two fingers in her mouth and drooling over them. “What the hell”. Her playfulness left him flustered. He grabbed and held her up by her hair and slammed into her repeatedly.
“Oh, master, don’t ever stop! Please, don’t stop!”
He held her up with his hands on her breasts, kissing her neck. Her stomach went crazy, finding new ways to make her sick every time he hit her sweet spots. He had no problem finding them, he must have them memorized by now. There was about her, something so fucking intoxicating. She was like a drug and he was addicted. At first, he despised her for it, but soon enough, he started love her for it and that was scary. It all hit him when he saw how this woman devoted herself to him, even before fucking. She always respected him and saw him for other than money or looks. Immediately, guilt struck him.
That’s when he wanted to take things slower and actually look at her as they fucked. He sat up as she straddled his lap, riding his cock slowly, rhythmically almost as they kissed. Their kisses were much more passionate. His lips let her win, allowing her to kiss him sweetly. His hands held her back, hers wrapped around his neck while one played with his hair and it all felt right. Melting onto one another, he admired her eyes and how satisfied she appeared to be and how angelic her face was when he hit just the right spots. They spoke in between kisses. “Master-”. He shushed her, softly, rather than abruptly. “You don’t need to call me that now,” he whispered as he caressed her cheek.
“Byakuya, fuck, I love you”
“I love you too; all of you,” he muttered, maneuvering her hips in a way that made her groan. She rolled her hips down and tightened around him. That was when he realized that he could no longer continue. “I think I’m-”, he grunted and gasped, digging his head into her chest. “Did you cum?,” she asked, Byakuya nodding. His head suddenly peeked up. He was flustered and asked,“Did you really mean all that? You love me?”. He spat the word as if it sickened him. She nodded and played with his hair.
“I knew you’d mock me for it. Falling in love during the killing game? Pathetic”
“So... am I also pathetic?”
“No, what?”
“I said it too. Does that make me pathetic?”
She shook her head. “No,” she whispered,“Of course not”. There was a moment of silence between the two, where they just lay there and waited till someone said something. “I’m gonna head to my room,” she said. He nodded, although deep down, he protested and wanted to ask her to stay. He couldn’t do that, though. So there, he watched her get dress and leave the room with a funny walk.
The next morning, she got dressed and on her way to meet with the others. Upon opening her door, she was greeted by Byakuya. “Oh, good morning, Togami,” she said,“I didn’t expect to see you-”. He suddenly kissed her, taking her by surprise. “I love you and I want you to be mine,” he blurted. It shocked her even more since this was extremely out of character for him. “What?”. He held her hands. “Ever since we made love the other night, it’s been impossible for me to stop thinking of you”. People stopped at the door, staring because for some reason he heavily emphasized that fact. “You what?,” Kyoko asked. Byakuya stood in front of her to block her.
“Come on, Y/N”
There was a twinkle in his eyes as he asked for your hand (in a way). He loves you? It was hard to believe, but the more you thought about it, the more it felt right. What are you to say?
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