#but its bc ive got a party to go to in less than 2 weeks and im back in the 150s
atthebell · 9 months
this may become a sort of rant but i realised after reading your post about qcellbit that I kinda wish purgatory wasn't canon to the events of the qsmp ... like I thought purgatory would be The Event that brings everyone's individual lore together by forcing them to work together to save the eggs while also making them confront each characters association with the federation... which is why its called purgatory.
but the purgatory we got was lowkey minecraft punishment for 2 weeks. It was fun to watch! I just wish none of it was canon/had anything to do with the disappearance of the eggs
who are the eye workers? hows this relevant to everything we previously knew about the island? i wanna know if the eggs are real and alive outside the island but instead we got egg attacks with these eye fuckers which was happening with the codes anyway. sooo many unanswered questions and purgatory brought even more confusion
you are preaching to the choir nonnie lmao i don't want to be overly negative on here so ive tried to keep my complaining to a minimum but narratively i hated purgatory and yes it felt like two weeks of pure punishment. there were little to no rp opportunities, the lack of player agency was exhausting, and it felt like they were playtesting an event on server members rather than creating an event that would work for lore and be a fun event itself. two weeks was far too long, what does this have to do with the regular island, why did it have to interrupt so many people's lore, why the actual hell did cucurucho save the eggs and not the players (this one ill give some grace to bc so many people were on break and frankly i just needed the eggs back period. but it is one of the most disappointing story choices for me). i liked people getting to play together in new ways, but i wish it hadn't been so long and had been a non-canonical event in the first place. similar to the eggs going missing, i think the rp that has come out of it has been brilliant, but i think it did not need to happen this way.
for a while now it feels like players are no longer the main characters and in an attempt to make overarching lore make more sense and be more cohesive, there's been too much focus on federation npcs and the eye and cucurevil-- there's too many parties at play, and none of them should be the actual focus of the story. this is livestreamed roleplay. the server members should be the main characters. it is less entertaining and less meaningful narratively otherwise. i wish players had more agency again and there were more small, character focused bits of lore going on that weren't so focused on making sure everything is interconnected. i DO have faith that this could be the case again, i there's just been a rough patch for a bit that hopefully gets better.
also listen i do not call myself a cellbit main for a reason i watch a lot of different people and i think that's a better way to go at this type of medium. however, i think im allowed to acknowledge that for my preferred POV, which is cellbit, this has been torture. ive been avoiding talking about it because it felt like idk selfish or whatever or like I'm whining on his behalf which i don't need to do, but i think it's fair to be upset by how much this has fucked his lore because as a viewer it's been disappointing as hell (and not just for him but for other RP & investigation focused people). they helped him plan out the whole murder spree arc that was going somewhere before purgatory and then interrupted it entirely, they took away his best friend who he, atp, spends most of his time either building or investigating with and doesn't really want to play without, they did not provide any clues for finding the eggs nor any kind of investigation (until the minimes which. i don't need to tell you how that went but i can assure you it was the most negative cellbit has ever been about the server and he was still very polite about it).
i know he talked about the server moving from investigation centered storytelling to more pvp/conflict-centered storytelling, but, frankly, i don't think that's working out, especially not for him. and considering the break he's been on in part due to fatigue from purgatory i think this whole period of time has just not worked for what he wants to do with his character. i have faith he'll make it work, and i think the admin team is really good at addressing players' needs (especially cellbit who will just tell them all the stuff he wants), so i have faith in them as well. it's just frustrating considering how much it has sucked to be a qcellbit viewer for the last. idk two months if im being generous four if im not. it's hard bc im not a person who deals in idealism so i don't want to be like "i wish it all had never happened from this exact point" and i do like some of things that have come from rp post-eggs disappearing and even during and post-purgatory. so idk where im going with this anymore anyway i think there are ways to go about fixing this and making the narrative less clunky and focused on players again and allow for individual lore again, i just wish that that had remained the case continuously. sorry for the rant ill try to tag this appropriately
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rakishhellion · 9 months
i just got all the achievements on neo twewy after weeks and heres some stuff i learned (no spoilers btw)
lets see
the one for being a frequent customer you get when that repeat option shows up on their menu
at tokyu hands you can trade 2 gem pins for another one, the pairs are rare metal and tektite, adamantite and orichalcum, and shadow and dark matter scarletite is an ultimate drop only
if you want to grind stats:
style - 300 cap (you only need 222) - air in a can (vegelovers - tower records)
attack - 500 cap - that spicy black ramen i forgot the name (suzu slurps - dogenzaka)
hp and defense - 999 and 500 cap respectively - tuna head (sby bbq - tipsy tose hall)
scramble slam sucks but heres how you get the rewards:
put the game on ultimate and reduce your level, you get more points this way
the way you get points is by doing beatdrop combos which means you need a lot of enemies that last
also theres a multiplier that goes up by 0,4x everytime you do a combo in battle up to a max 5x, save the enemy with the 3x until you max the multiplier
make the biggest chain you can with JUST ONE slam noise, thats enough to make the whole chain track points, also you can do chain battles with rival players too just let the noise get you then walk up to the player, once youre done, leave the area then come back so the noise respawn
anyways, equip the basic shockwave and force rounds pins so you slowly kill enemies, equip the rest of your party members with pins you want to grind just make sure they dont have x or y inputs
start attacking with shockwave, once the beatdrop circle shows up switch to force rounds only when its past half (delaying a pin gives it a bit of time to regen, enough to give you one extra full use), repeat the process with force rounds, you can make the most of the pins this way, its like, 5 uses of shock and 4 of rounds, a lot of combos
youre gonna make a fuckton of points this BUT chains are gonna be LONG AS FUCK, 40 minutes up to an hour, be warned
second slam is going to be a massive pain in the ass it took me 8 chains to do it (would be less if i remembered to reduce level)
theres a limited amount of the ion trade pins, theres a few you can miss, look it on gamefaqs i dont remember them, youre gonna need all of them for all the pins and threads
you cant get all the fp you need to complete the network by just doing quests and gold dives on regular days, youre gonna need some extra 15 points you get from a LONG dive in another day, its 10 rounds long and kinda hard, the last round is the worst, its two angry bears and a t rex noise (also angry) save a killer remix for this round, the t rex deals a fuckton of damage and if it eats one party member you wont survive the roar that comes next, watch out
hog healer and affinity weaknesses are your best friends for tough fights remember this
for the love of god grind pp on easy on another day, difficulty doesnt change the pp you get (i think the same applies to xp)
the noisepedia completion gives you a graffiti when you hit 80% but youre gonna need 100% for it to count on the save file complete percentage
ive seen ultimate shibuya hikarie w3d5 and ultimate cat street another day be recommended for money grinding but for the most part i disagree (bc i died often, you need high drop rates for these methods)
the way i do it is ultimate o-east w1d5, the chains last less than a minute and only give like 180 to 200 thousand yen, a lot less than the other methods but the short chains make up for it, this method is also good for grinding food (you do need to take the longest route for the tuna heads which can be infuriating considering the load times)
most secret reports are unlocked by defearting boss noise, 3 of them unlock by network completion, the last one only when you get all others, also boss noise respawn if you come back to the area so you dont have to redo the day like in og twewy
its safer to increase drop rate by threads than decreasing level remember that for annoying fights dont worry most abilities arent that good anyway (I NEVER GOT THAT ONE THAT SAVES YOU FROM A FATAL ATTACK TO WORK FUCK THIS GAME)
plague noise only show up on story fights so you cant chain them, go in with high drop rates, you fight almost all of them in quick succession in the day you have to go after that guy, w3d6 i think?
the last boss is the only boss noise you cant chain also for some reason you can soundsurf when it starts throwing balls at you, use that to get groove
for the superboss on another day i recommend using hog healer (to heal), fang defender (to protect yourself from its HIGHLY damaging dash attack wich you can also dodge, but i found it harder and using this pin fully heals you if you get it right), and a lot of pins you can use at once in an all out attack, if one party member gets attacked the other ones will keep going, i recommend using darkness pins since they can stun and pins with easy beatdrop conditions, use killer remixes only when the armor is up, most of the fight is dodging
just do the time trial on easy no one cares anyway
for the remind graffiti theres like one or two you can miss, again, look it up on gamefaqs bc i forgor💀
you dont need to get 100% drop for the worst fights, thats what killer remix is for, 75% is fine, its worse to make a long ass chain than it is to just do another fight
i need to explain how the killer remix drop rates work so heres how:
thats why youre probably wondering why it isnt always 3x
the way it works is that you get a 0,5 per pin that has that little ready above it (thats what its for, i always wondered that) to get that ready you need to use that pin in a beatdrop combo either as the one that starts or the one that ends it
synergy abilities apply for the whole party strangely enough
theres a thread that gives you more time with pig noise, anyway brute forcing with killer remixes usually work no matter what
shiba is a toxic bottom
anyway thats all
as for what i think abt the game now that im DONE with it, love it honestly, and despite the fact it didnt meet sales expectations i think, im still hopeful for it, twewy survived bc it was so beloved by the devs i guess so theres that, also imagine if next games were on other cities famous for their urban culture that would be so fashion like
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my brain be like “hey u know what would be funny? lets hit him where it hurts right when he is vulnerable (asleep)” fr like what is with my dreams coming for my throat lately lmao goddamn please chill. i do not need a refresher course on the fact that my biofuck does not love me thanks can we please just dream about obama or smth like a normal person
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
6 Anti LO Asks
1. i would actually get the idea people look down on the underworld gods bc like yeah theyre scary and unwelcomed, but like its undercut by rachel making them the most desirable and most powerful for?? reasons?? like she wants them to be underdogs while at the same time being the best at everything, which is her issue with persephone too, she also has to be powerless and humble but also the most unique and powerful. she wants us to root for them when they have no actual struggles.
2. i dont take reviews for anything, tbh. the "professional" reviews LO got were all by people who are also at the same printing house, so theyre literally paid to say something nice for marketing even if they dont like it (i work in publishing, we do this all the time), and amazon reviews arent regulated, so of course LO stans will flood it to fluff it up. thats what let's play fans have been doing too for years now too, despite it being wattpad markipiler fanfic.
3. I know comparing characters isn’t right but honestly LO has enough wrong going on I won’t feel bad. Persphone isn’t interesting on her own in LO. A lot of her character is having things happen to her except for flirting with Hades and killing mortals (and maybe running away as a reaction to Zeus). Persphone we are told she is smart, naive, powerful but powerless. Her character literally is whatever RS thinks fits the chapter the best. Persphone has no clear goals other than wanting Hades, what’s her major? What was the next step after college? Do the other gods go to college? Why doesn’t she know what sleeping to the top means but knows so much about flirting with a man who has a gf? What was she suppose to be doing if she never met hades?
Although the other female cast may not be likeable, they do actually do stuff that drives their own character
Minthe may have fallen into a shitty relationship with Hades, but she feels sick about the ring and treats Hades because he doesn’t listen to her. She leads Persphone to the wrong location cause she doesn’t like her. She fights hades (not a good thing but does something to the plot)
Daphne has Persphones background, grew up in the mortal realm. However she’s a lot more interesting. Demeter probably isn’t strict with Daphne, but Daphne is now and influencer with business deals and when forced to Dave Apollo bits and threatens him. And even before with Apollo wanted to find out her own opinions on the guy.
Hecate isn’t a main character but enjoys to be in the plot and leaves the plot as she pleases, she’s support but also seems like there more to her than shown. She likes chaos, gardening, and expanding her knowledge.
Aphrodite, drove the plot with the drugs and car thing, NOT A GOOD THING but actually did something. Was looking for her husband, testing her son may not be the best character but actually leaves marks on the story telling despite not showing up a lot.
Artemis, invites Persphone into her home, has always been this sliver footed hunter, was doing fine before persphone, but also has her own family issues
Demeter fought in a war, has her own morals and ethics when raising a daughter, may have messed up but again actually contributes to the plot
Hera pushes HXP together and apart, has her own interesting drama, seduced Kronos and paid for it gravely, DID have an affair with hades. Not good things but contributions.
Thetis manipulates people
Persphone just doesn’t do much herself in the comic. She didn’t want to go to the party, she didn’t want the job, a lot of the plot is having her having something happen to her. The drugging, the Apollo the offers, Meg offering her clothes even. She doesn’t drive the plot other than flirting with Hades even knowing about Minthe, killing those mortals, and turning Minthe into a plant, but none of those things are even framed as wrong. It’s like even when she does make a “mistake” it doesn’t “count”
5. Since we’re talking about self-inserts, hell, I have like 3 characters in my book that can be argued to be my self inserts. But the difference is that while I project onto them plenty, I still remember they are my CHARACTERS, not me. I give them flaws, I write them how I would any other, and I make them suffer consequences when needed. There’s a difference between that and whatever the hell RS is doing with Persephone
-----FP Spoilers-----
6. Not to beat a dead horse but even with Hades saying he misspoke in calling Persephone his wife - considering they arent dating and have only known each other for a short time period, it still sounds weird, right? Like in the newer chapters (I think) Hades and Persephone discuss going on a "first date" after the trial is over which would be fine - except A). It sounds as though even if Persephone gets a punishment (like lets say its a Prometheus treatment kinda thing) that they'll just go behind Zeus' back + authority to go on dates anyway, regardless of punishment or not, and B). Hades calling Persephone his wife indicates that despite not even being on a proper date or even knowing her all that well that he already thinks of her as such, which seems a bit presumptuous considering everything thats been happening.
Also ive seen claims far and between that months have passed if not a year since Persephone went on the run / the beginning of the comic - does anyone have a source for that? (The timeline makes everything confusing).
Also, I was told that the trial doesnt take place in the underworld - that it actually takes place in Olympus?? Anyone got a source? Pls and thanks. 
From OP, not Anon: From the episodes currently on FP, the trial does take place on Olympus. The underworld is in a constant state of darkness and the place where the trial is being held shows it's visibly daytime. Also, it hasn't been months or a time skip. Some people were confused by Hades's wording because he said 'months'. Saying weeks would've been way better and less confusing.
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halogen2 · 3 years
okay i havent done a life + writing update on here in a hot minute so here we go
hello! things r okay. i am almost halfway done with senior year which is horrifying but also rlly exciting. theres some bad news with my debut novel that i will have to release sometime soon (nothing too bad -- just stuff on my publishers side bc everyone is overworked and the whole paper shortage thing and etc etc etc ... will talk more abt this when i know if i can). butttt im getting my FINAL line edits back sometime this month, including notes from an authenticity reader, so im excited to c an outside perspective on my book (meaning, like, not just my agent or my editor or my friends). also hopefully cover things will rlly get going soon lol.
while im waiting for all of that, ive decided to do nanowrimo for the first time in my entire life. so far its been fun and a lot less stressful than i expected! i think mainly b/c ive decided that my daily goal is 1k and not 1.5-2k, b/c my goal is NOT to completely finish a novel at the end of this month (altho maybe that will happen considering how ive been going so far!), but instead to get back in the habit of writing for an hour every day. its only be a week obvs but ive felt. rejuvenated, honestly. i missed writing new words and just letting myself be In the writing instead of editing, revising, worrying about publishing stuff, etc.....
with school, ive been rlly stressed tho b/c im taking an asl class and altho i rlly like learning the language, my teacher. sucks. she is Not teaching us and she doesnt seem to understand why every single student is failing, so it just makes going to class and taking the exams miserable, even tho i want to learn. also, ive been stressed bc im the editor-in-chief of my schools lit mag, which has been dead for the past 2 years (partially cuz of the pandemic), so im having to revive it almost entirely on my own.... we're at crunch time now where i have to teach myself adobe indesign and make sure it all gets done in time to print so we can have a launch party at the end of the semester. so thats been stressful, altho i am rlly excited to have a finished project and stuff.
also last week was my bfs and my anniversary ! which was rlly nice. i got him a cute star chart of the day we started dating as a present (dont tell him) and thatll come in the mail this week so :). and my 22nd birthday is this upcoming saturday! which im excited abt mainly b/c my bf and i are driving to philly so i can meet his friends for the first time, and then we're going to DC on sunday for a half waif concert!! im so so soooo excited to see her live. she is definitely my top artist of the year and mythopoetics meant so much to me this summer. so overall next weekend will be fun i hope!!
anyway thats abt it probably <3
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gontagokuhara · 4 years
Now that you’re a good way into the game, what are your thoughts on the Phantom Thieves so far?
i could go on FOREVER abt these kids but i’ll just give like. a general-ish ranking for now. two caveats tho!
a) im not including goro or akira. despite knowing Quite A Lot about goro, its all secondhand and not lived yet. i could not definitively say whether i love him or hate him if i tried. also no akira bc hes Me. let it be known that i adore him and his design is mad sexy doe
b) i love ALL of the thieves. theres not a single one i dont adore. last place i still very much love!! but the others r just. big faves
ok rank time
makoto. my girl. the absolute TANK of my main party. has one of the more badass personas. i love love love her arc and her growth so far, and i just love her design!! i think she contrasts her sister very compellingly and i love the struggles she has to go through in turning from an unassuming, dilligent, almost subservient student into rebelling against authority she finds unjust in a way that is very Makoto. i fucking love her. my go-to to romance i think (along w hifumi but shhhh)
yusuke. he has not braincells but acrylic paint and homosexual thoughts rolling around in his head and i love him for it. he’s pretentious to the point its goofy and he takes both everything and nothing seriously BUT he also has a really compelling arc and he isn’t just comic relief fodder. he strikes a really good balance between being a valuable asset to the team and a more cautious voice of reason, while also being completely and utterly ridiculous to the point where i’m absolutely rolling whenever he’s around. that man is GAY he is TRANS and he has two pet lobsters named akira 2 and yusuke 2 that he makes kiss. king.
futaba. gonna be real i was TERRIFIED of being introduced to this character because i can just tell based on appearance what fandom incels and hentai addicts do to her. however she is INCREDIBLY compelling, her emotional beats hit HARD, and her relationships with sojiro and akira are just. super super good. i love the way her s-link is playing out thus far and i cant wait to get to know her more. people complain about her as navi being annoying but i dont get it?? she’s way less grating than morgana LMAO. in conclusion futaba queen i wuv you
ann. i feel like she gets left behind past kamoshida’s palace because we’re introduced to someone new each time, but i totally love ann! her relationship with shiho is really good, and im glad its not forgotten once her arc is done. she has fantastic chemistry with the whole group and shes just genuinely good. i have a soft spot bc she shares a va with kaede from dr<3, but i just. love ann. i want more forced interactions between her and akira bc their chemistry as friends is just SO good. stan ann for clear skin
haru. she is a SWEETIE and i love love love her. however i’ve barely unlocked her confidant and havent rly talked to her much outside of the okumura arc. she’s another stable member of my party and her persona FUCKS milady is so cool. she isnt Super fleshed out quite yet (but like. her dad literally did just die like 2 weeks ago in game we got time to grow) and i just love her!
ryuji. i LOOOOOVED ryuji in the first two palaces but he fucking SUCKS now the writers nerfed him HARD. misogyny isnt a cute personality trait, nor is only ever yelling all of your dialogue and arguing with people. the drop in quality from the first part of the game til now is staggering and it pisses me off because ryuji is SOOOOO good. he used to be a solid member of my party til i got haru but at this point ive made him backup out if spite. u all were not lying when u said this game treats ryuji like Shit. bring back gay respecter of women king ryuji 2020
morgana. hes just not as compelling as the other thieves. also how he acted during the okumura arc was so forced and contrived and OBNOXIOUS im still angry about it. hes fine normally and i know he isnt that bad before or after okumura but seriously. the contrived jealousy bullshit had me wanting to put down the game and not come back LMAO. hes only a stable member of my party bc ive spent all my time developing him into my stacked healer so<3 he stays i guess
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chu-ni · 6 years
miscommunication – ljn.
pairing: jeno x reader
genre: fluff, angst, royalty!au
word count: 19.6k (uff the most ive EVER written...)
warnings: jeno is a lil bit of a dickhead, sorry if the ending is a lil rushed bc i just wanted this fic GONE, hope its not as tedious for you to read as it was for me to write! this whole fic was inspired by this post! happy reading!
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In a bid to preserve the future safety of their neighbouring kingdoms from the growing dangers of the northern empire, your parents, rulers of the southern isles, had you betrothed to the immediate heir of the southern mainland, Lee Jeno. You were 8 years old, and quite frankly didn't even know how to spell betrothal, let alone define it. True to tradition, Jeno, with his glasses, bowl cut, and stuffed cat toy came to stay with you for the next four years before he'd have to return to take up responsibilities as future ruler.
Upon first meeting, you thought Jeno was probably the nicest person you'd ever met, if a little boring. He was quiet, soft-spoken, giggly, and a little shy; you'd realised after he'd barely said more than 2 words to you that it would take you a while to bring him out of his shell. You dragged him on various mini adventures as kids (stealing cookies from the palace kitchens, watching the knights train from a bush just beyond the sparring grounds, playing in throne room and impersonating your parents when nobody else was there), and although at first he was reluctant, he became almost as bubbly and loud as you were -- while you preferred to live in the moment, saying and doing whatever you wanted, you were kids after all, he tended to think before he did things, always thinking about what could happen later on. In that sense, despite your differences, he became your moral compass of sorts, stopping you from being too reckless and bailing you out whenever you got into too much trouble. Did Jeno think he'd probably go bald before he turned 20 because of all the stress you put on him, whether that be you ditching tutoring to go climb trees and him reluctantly tagging along, or him having to practically drag you away from the stables before your parents found out and scolded you for the fourth time that week, or even that one time the two of you got locked in the kitchens at 3am with flour everywhere and the two of you had to clean it up and find somewhere to hide until the morning? Yes, and despite his constant state of anxiety and his frequent joking expression of his wish to go home already so he could finally get some peace and quiet, he still cared about you. Would probably jump in front of a carriage for you. Still considered you his best friend above all. Still appreciated you for bringing him out of his shell and changing him for the better. You and Jeno, as best friends would, spent all your time together. Getting married, the betrothal… it was in the backs of your minds, but at 11 ("Almost 12!!" "Shut up, Jeno,") years old, you liked to pretend you at least had the freedom to explore your romantic options (even if you both always managed to find flaws in every girl and boy. "His hair's too long," "She's too short!" "He looks mean," "She looks too nice,"), that you lived a different life, where royalty and alliances and all that jazz didn't exist for the pair of you. Where you were just two kids, two best friends who could do whatever they wanted and never have to worry about the consequences.  As much as you liked to pretend, however, it was just that. Pretend. An imaginary scenario that only went on for a limited amount of time before you inevitably had to return to reality. The two of you returned to reality 3 days before Jeno's 12th birthday, when your parents received a letter dating his return to the mainland. It was less than a week before he left you for,  well, ever. You had 5 days to say goodbye to your best friend, your closest confidant, your reluctant partner in crime. And you had no idea what to do. Jeno didn't like talking about leaving, so the two of you avoided the topic and hung out just as you'd always done.You were both in the library, his last day before he left, helping Jeno find a book he wanted when you brought up the topic. "Jeno." You murmur, stopping your search to look at him. At first glance, he seemed fine, but you knew he wasn't really. At least, you hoped he wasn't. Not in a bad way, no, never; but you hoped you'd made a strong enough bond as friends for him to feel something about leaving you for whoever knew how long. He replies with a nonchalant "Hm?", eyes still focused on the rows upon rows of literature in front of him. "Do you-" you clear your throat, trying to build confidence. "Do you think we'll see each other again?" He's silent for a moment, lips pouting and eyes to the ceiling, as if in thought, before stating, with confidence: "I know we will." You're not fully convinced, and it must show because the way Jeno smiles as brightly as possible calms your worrying heart. Jeno leaves the next morning, and you say goodbye with a tight hug that Jeno is 53% sure is the reason he wouldn't stop coughing on the boat home, and a pinky promise to write to each other every day, week, month, and so forth. He makes you promise not to cry. You break it as soon as he boards. You keep breaking it every night he's gone for the next 3 weeks, after which your parents are basically forcing you to make new friends. They've arranged playdates, tea parties, dances, balls; but absolutely nobody was going to replace Jeno, which is exactly what you thought your parents were trying to do and as such you made every effort not to let that happen. Did you deliberately cause trouble? Yes. Did you think Jeno would agree with what you were doing? No, but you were doing it for him and you were sure he'd understand anyway. So the next 2 months are littered with failed playdates, ruined tea parties, messy dances, and disgraceful balls, and even though you felt a little bad when you overheard your parents relentlessly apologising to the other adults, a bigger part of you was happy you wouldn't have to talk to any more stuffy noble children. At least not for the foreseeable future. It was only when your parents gave up trying to make you make friends that you, ironically, made one. You met Haechan while exploring ("Trespassing, more like," "Shut up, Haechan!") the knights' quarters one day. You'd overheard shouting and insults, so you peeked through one of the doors to see a kid who looked around your age, eyes pinned to the floor and fists clenched at his sides as the imposing man who stood in front of him spewed swear words and other things  you weren't sure you could repeat anywhere else. At that, you immediately stepped in to defend the boy, using your status to take Haechan back up to your own quarters in the palace, where the two of you properly spoke, or at least tried to before a handmaid had burst into your room, panting slightly, saying you'd both been summoned by your parents to the throne room, at which point your heart had leapt into your throat. The throne room, much like the rest of the palace, was lined with windows to let as much light in as possible. The walls were a pastel yellow, with paintings of previous rulers across the walls, and the floor was covered with rugs various shades of verdant green. The thrones themselves were nothing special; the only thing that denoted their specialty was the engraving of your family crest at the top of them. Seated upon them were, of course, your parents. Your mother was tall, lithe, and with an imposing gaze she often intimidated those she came into contact with. Behind all that, however, she was the goofy mother who'd sung made up lullabies to you as a child, who'd laughed when you stamped everything in your parents study with the royal seal, who'd nearly jumped out of her skin when you used flour to 'teleport' in front of her at the age of 6; she just hid it very well. Your mother had always taught you the importance of controlling your emotions, given you irreplaceable advice on the topic, advice you rarely ever put to use, but took in anyway. Your father, by contrast, was short -- well, not that short, but most people looked short when put next to your mother -- on the heavier side, with a trimmed beard and an open smile. Contrary to your mother, he was often the stricter, more disciplined one of the two. He nagged you often, something you didn't think you'd ever not find annoying, but he had your best interests at heart. The two of them, with their almost opposing personalities, made a good match for each other, and you saw the love they had for one another every day; with the way they looked into one another's eyes, the way your father, even with his short stature, would step in front of your mother at the first sign of her feeling threatened, the way they worked together to solve every problem that ever appeared like magic, and you wished someone would look at you like that one day. You and Haechan, gazes fixed to the floor and hearts beating so fast you were sure anyone in a 50 mile radius could hear them, both trembled slightly as your father, who you'd hoped wouldn't be the one scolding you today, let his voice, low and commanding, travel across the room. "Y/N," His tone is expectant, quiet in volume, and you know what that means. You look up at him, and although he appears straight faced, the slight scowl and squint of his eyes betrays his annoyance. You could tell this was going to be another long-winded lecture. "Do you know why you've been summoned here?" He continues, re-adjusting himself to be more comfortable. You mumbled a reply, hating the fact that Haechan would be witnessing what was basically a daily occurrence. He says your name again in warning, and you speak up this time. "….My insolence," At that, he descends into a tirade that you stopped taking seriously once he mispronounced one of his words, at which you and Haechan made amused eye contact and hadn't stopped doing since. You tuned in and out of his rant catching bits of the same old same old story about "Fixing your manners!" And staying out of "Knightly affairs," until  your father couldn't be bothered to speak any more and simply brought in the knight you'd scolded yourself earlier. At much pressure from your father and mother, you apologised, not without gritting your teeth and sending an icy glare your father's way. Seeing as your father had summoned both you and Haechan to the throne, you'd naturally assumed he'd also be scolded, but you had to fight your jaw dropped when your father simply apologised to Haechan for the whole affair and sent him on his way. He was midway through opening the door to exit when you interrupted, "But father--" he'd raised a hand to cut you off, already being done with the conversation. "Who is the princess here, Y/N?" You snarled a "Me," under your breath, a part of you knowing you'd lost the argument before it'd even started. "So that makes it your responsibility to control yourself around others." He turned to go, before whirling back around, a finger pointed directly at you. "Especially the knights, damn it!" At that, he left, your mother following behind him, leaving you alone in the throne room. You waited till they were out of sight before releasing a frustrated groan, trudging back to your room, desperate for some alone time to sulk in your own emotions. You groan again when you find Haechan reading through one of your books on economic development (not like you'd ever read it anyways), not even bothering to acknowledge you until you stamp over to him and snatch the damn thing out of his hands, "Don't touch my stuff." You hiss. He pouts, disappointed, before rolling his eyes. "Thanks," he sighs, blasé. "For earlier." You open your mouth to reply, but judging by how he gingerly sits at the edge of your bed, you wait for him to continue. "If you hadn't come in then I probably would've said something I'd regret, and then my parents would be super mad, and then I'd probably have to start something stupid, like alchemy or something. God, I hate alchemy--" As bad of a mood as you were in, you couldn't help but to laugh. His deadpan yet relatable way of expressing himself reminded you of yourself a little, and you smiled softly to yourself. The sound of him whispering an accomplished "Yes!" under his breath causes you to look up at him in question. "That's what I wanted." His gaze softens as his eyes fall on yours, "You looked a lot worse before. I didn't think it was fair, given what you did for me. So that was my way of saying thanks." The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, you also noticing that Haechan's gotten more comfortable on your bed, as you both stare at the ceiling. You break the silence a little while later. "You're welcome." You'd originally planned to end the conversation there and go back to staring at the increasingly mundane ceiling of your room so you could seem cool and aloof, but you had a feeling Haechan wasn't the kind of person to care about things like that. "And….thank you, also." The tables turn. This time, it's Haechan who's looking at you, brows furrowed, lips curled, in question. "I'm not very good at knowing when to shut up, which you've probably noticed," he visibly scoffs at that, and you playfully glare at him in return. "I'm not very good at acting like a princess, either, so I find it hard to relate to other people in my, um, circle?" You question, mainly asking yourself, but he interjects anyway.  "Don't you have any friends?" You swallow, gritting your teeth. "I was getting to that," Embarrassed, Haechan slowly turns to face the window to his left. You sigh before continuing, "Anyway, I had a friend, but he moved away. And I hate the other noble kids; they're all the same, with their ugly clothes and weird hairstyles and the fact  that they're only nice to me when their parents are around--which is barely, by the way-- and how stupid they all are--" Haechan has turned back to look at you at some point during your rant, and there's a mysterious glint in his eyes as he smirks at you. "You're funny. Like me," he studies you for a second, his smirk growing into a grin. "We should talk more sometime," He sighs, then stretches as he stands from his position on your bed. He says nothing as he opens the door, turns to wave at you, and then disappears, closing the door behind him. To say you were a little confused was an understatement. Not only had you inadvertently revealed more about yourself than you'd learned from him in an attempt to get him to open up, your kind-of acquaintance had also simply up and left in the middle of your conversation. Haechan kept to his word of talking more to you, though, as he'd come to find you whenever his assigned knight (who'd been switched to someone nicer after the incident) gave him a break. Over time you'd managed to find out more about him; that he was born and raised a noble, but had always wanted to be a knight, so had begun his squire training this year in the palace -- it was why you'd never seen him before then, that he  was actually a lot like you but a little more ("A lot," "Shut up, Y/N!") sharper-tongued. He liked to express himself through jokes and humour, which was a plus as all the time you spent  shedding tears of laughter helped take your mind off of Jeno's departure. Like you, Haechan liked to talk about anything and everything-- sometimes this led to irritation between the two of you because you both always had something important to say and you were both the only people who'd listen -- but you liked hearing what he'd talk about as you knew you'd learn something new from him every time. You meet your second new friend at your 13th birthday ball, something you vehemently opposed the second you heard the idea…except you didn't hear the idea, you were just told it was happening 2 hours before it was supposed to start. To make matters worse, you didn't even have the energy or the time to try and sabotage it given the fact that your parents had someone watching over you at all times, be it a handmaid, a guard, a servant; practically anyone your parents could get their hands on. The ball itself wasn't even that bad, even though you'd never say that out loud. The ballroom was decorated to look like the sun your people worshipped so much; fabrics of yellow and gold were draped across the room in every hue; tables were filled to the brim with fruits, confectionery, and other foods you couldn't pronounce the name of. Musicians were seated in the corner of the room, playing pieces you recognised from your lessons but never really remembered all that well. Did you appreciate the effort? Yes. Did you care for it all, though? Absolutely not. To make matters worse, there was no sign of your current confidant, Haechan, anywhere -- the whole place seemed to have been populated with the same noble children you hated and their equally as annoying parents. Leaving clearly wasn't an option, given the servant currently offering drinks was doing a really bad job at subtly watching you from their position within the group of noble parents. Sighing, you left the buffet table and all of its tasty comforts to explore the floor, taking great care to avoid the group of obnoxious 13 year olds in the centre of the room.  
You'd be lying if you said you discovered some amazing secret that would change your life forever in between the designated tables and their vases filled with flowers, the overwhelmingly sweet smell of which was beginning to give you more than a headache. Almost the entirety of the ballroom was the same no matter where you went-- the same old stuffy adults in one corner, the  same stuffy disrespectful kids your age in another, the member of staff assigned to you changing every quarter of an hour the only constant, ironically. If anything, you'd say the only thing you'd discovered during the increasingly painful amount of time you'd been here was the fact that you hated birthday balls, and you would be all too happy if someone told you you never had to have one again. Uncaring for whoever it was that was watching you this time, you storm towards the exit, a scowl marring your features. Someone's arm slinging itself over your shoulder and a slightly terrified whisper of "Keep walking, please," spurs you on for the moment, but when you successfully get out of the ballroom (to your own surprise), you fling the arm off your shoulder, stop walking and whirl to face your temporary escapee. Judging by the boyish timbre of his voice earlier, you'd expected someone a little different than whatever the kid currently sheepishly grinning at you was. He was dressed in robes that looked like they'd come from somewhere far away; his face was both adorable and yet belied almost the same air of mischief you'd noticed around Haechan upon your first meeting with him, but there was something different about this one. Unconsciously, your eyes narrowed as you studied him some more, failing to notice the fact that his previous grin had dropped, been replaced by a concerned gaze. You also failed to notice that his mouth had been moving for quite some time now; it's his hand, again on your shoulder, that breaks you out of your trance. "Hello? Are you okay?" He shakes you slightly and you nod before he can cause too much of a fuss. This time, you didn't really care to know who the unnamed boy was or why he'd even snuck out with you in the first place, thoughts of finding Haechan and ranting to him the at the forefront of your mind, but the boy decided to tell you anyway. You'd begun walking, hoping he'd get the hint that you had somewhere to be, but he simply fell into step beside you, continuing his life story. When you bothered to tune in, your mind still set on finding Haechan, and giving little hums here and there to at least give off the vibe you were listening to your unwanted guest, you'd found out a multitude of things. One, that he'd come from the Eastern continent, somewhere you'd only read about in the few books you liked reading, and that he was rich enough to practically be royalty. Two, that the succession crisis over there and the accession of the new ruler caused his family to move to the southern isles to avoid persecution. Three, that his parents own a "nice restaurant in town. You should visit sometime!" Oh, and four. The kid just wouldn't shut up. But you could've guessed that from the moment he started talking anyway. You also found out he was younger than you  "Wait," you're cut off by Haechan, eyes widened in recognition. "You're Zhong Chenle? That kid with the huge house?" You look over to Chenle, analysing his reaction "It's not that huge, I mean--" Haechan cuts him off again, and you tune out of the conversation as soon as they start talking about Chenle's apparent neighborhood popularity. You never do find out why Chenle wanted to leave that party so badly, and the thought of asking always slips your mind. What you do know, is that you see Chenle around a lot more often, but that's only cause after trying some of his mom's restaurant's food you haven't been able to stop making orders to the palace for it. There had to be something in that braised beef of hers that made it so addictive, and Chenle delivering it was a plus, cause it meant the three of you could talk and do whatever for as long as you wanted. So you had friends, at long last. The three of you grow up and mature together, Chenle, offering knowledge far beyond his years despite him being the youngest of the three of you, Haechan, getting a lot better at holding his tongue and being less mischievous, and you, though still a little rebellious at times, have managed to ultimately, tone it down. You still stress out your tutor, Taeyong though-- every time you trick him into letting you go early from your lessons and he finds you in the midst of climbing some tree with Chenle, or beginning to mount a horse with Haechan when you really should be studying he swears he loses more and more years off his life. You're less outspoken, more articulate when you speak; You choose your battles more carefully now, instead of blowing up whenever you disagree with someone -- by around a year or so, and called Chenle. During the course of your one sided conversation, punctuated by monotonous hums of agreement from you here and there, you found yourself in front of Haechan's quarters at long last. Unsurprisingly, Chenle followed after you, even as you opened the door to find him half dressed. "Oh my-- Do you know how much I hate it when you do that!?" Startled, Haechan drops to a crouch, trying to salvage some modesty. "You're acting like I haven't seen it before," you sigh, dragging your tired feet over to his bed, flinging yourself down onto it and closing your eyes. Pulling his tunic over his shorts, dragging a palm down his face, he snaps, "That's when it's just you, idiot," he nods at Chenle to come further in (the poor boy had been awkwardly standing in the doorway throughout your exchange,) "At least let me know if you're going to bring guests." He whines, sitting directly on your stomach, using as much force as possible. "Haechan you-- Ow!" You wheeze, the breath knocked out of you. Struggling against the fabrics of your dress, you finally manage to shove him off, kicking him in the process, and not missing the red tinge to Chenle's face and his extremely poor attempt at hiding his laughter. You look to Haechan, glaring, and see him smirking back at you; you make a note to beat him up properly for it later. You take a deep breath, willing your annoyance away, and introduce the two. "Haechan, this is Chenle, Chenle, this is--"  that doesn't mean you don't still rip people to shreds if they have a wrong opinion, though (Your parents are still apologising to the western continent's representative after you cursed him out over his 'inflammatory comments', ( "He said women were inferior beings and that it was amazing I could read, given my smaller brain, mother!" "I don't care what he said, Y/N. he is a guest of ours and you will respect his beliefs!" "….") Jeno, while back home, matured as well. He chilled out (he's still a little weird, but only around his friends) in the sense that he's kind to everyone, respectful to everyone, the epitome of the perfect prince; because he has to be. His parents were stricter than yours were, exponentially so due to the growing threat of the northern continent. And although he finds the continuous prim and proper prince act a little tiring at times, and wishes he could be himself (A goofy, weird, sometimes airheaded, huge cat-lover) all the time, he knows his parents would never allow it ( "That's not how a prince should behave, Jeno."). As a result,  he's secretly irritated a lot of the time, anger bubbling beneath the surface. No-one would ever know, though; he's just that good at hiding it (Until, of course, he meets you again 6 years later and snaps at you by accident). As the years went past, you'd never really forgotten Jeno; in fact, you still thought of him from time to time-- but it was a lot less than when he first left. You'd first exchanged letters every week, but as time passed and the two of you became busier and busier, him with his preparations to be king and you with your own preparations to take over, the letters went from weekly, to monthly, to barely any at all. Sometimes he'd cross your mind and you'd wonder how he was doing, what he looked like, whether he'd grown even taller, if he was still the same old giggly boy you'd dragged around the palace 6 years ago -- but then Chenle or Haechan would be doing something that you just had to see -- and the thought would be gone. You didn't think Jeno would be returning to your corner of the southern isles any time soon, anyway. Life on the southern mainland, for Jeno, at least was hopelessly, mind-numbingly, boring. Those 4 years he'd spent in the southern isles had gone too fast for him, for now he was stuck back with his controlling parents that never let him just be, and it only got a little better the older he got. Jeno had returned home, to his bland room with its white walls and paintings of old men the only decoration his parents would allow. He'd been practically thrown in the deep end when it came to his royal duties; he was supposed to greet this lady, bow to this lord, smile at this diplomat, pretend, pretend, pretend -- because emotions were never becoming of a prince, of a 'future king'. He'd come to hate those 2 words in coming years. -- Seoyoung was the closest thing to a replacement version of you that Jeno could get. It had been a year since he'd forced himself back into the perfect box his parents had always  pressured him to fit into, a year since his unwanted goodbye to freedom and the Southern Isles. The letters exchanged with you had slowly but surely died out, and being left with your own company in a palace as big as the one he lived in was like his own personal hell. Being forced to be a certain way all the time, never being allowed to truly express emotion, along with a clear lack of understanding from his already closed off parents had led to him slipping away from the high walls of the palace and out into the bustle of the local towns beyond. It was there, after running away from some moody teenagers he'd unwittingly bumped into, hiding in the nearest open door available to him, that he'd met her. "Hey!" Jeno whips round, chest still heaving, back pressed into the wooden ridges of the door he'd just shut. "Who the hell are you," she growls, advancing towards him with a pan that looked more and more threatening by the second, "And what are you doing in my house?" Soon enough,  he can feel the cool edge of the pan pressed into his neck, and, grimacing, he pleads, "Please, please don't kill me," and he hates how he very loudly whimpers as the girl presses the pan deeper. Her laugh, a tiny giggle that sounds like addictive music to his ears, changes the mood. “Relax,” she snickers, a sly tear coming out of her eye, “I’m not gonna kill you! What kind of person do you think I am?” She’s thrown her head back now, laughing louder, and Jeno can’t find it in himself to get angry. “I wouldn’t know?” he probes, "We just met, so.." Jeno peels himself off the door, standing awkwardly as the girl drags a chair, flinging herself onto it. Rubbing her eyes, trying to calm down, she asks, "Seriously. Why are you in my house." "Oh, I just, like, bumped into the wrong group of people.... I guess I got on their bad side, cause they chased me through town. This was the nearest open door to hide." She starts laughing again, and Jeno's confused once more. His explanation wasn't *that* funny, was it?  And the longer she laughed, the more he was beginning to suspect Seoyo was laughing *at* him, not at what he said. He didn't know how that made him feel, but it wasn't good. "I can't believe," she wheezes, "You got chased...by Minho's gang!" she sputters. "Are you new here or something? Everyone knows Minho and his crew are a bunch of boneheads, they were probably just playing with you," Upon reflection, perhaps the smiles those 'moody teenagers' were sporting as they followed him were less menacing and more...welcoming. But he wasn't going to take his chances either way. "So what if I am new here?" He retorts, "They didn't look very friendly when they starting running after me down the street!" She looks at him for a long moment, before mocking his words and laughing again. "Hey!"  he snaps, but his voice breaks as he says it and it sounds more like a childish whine.
Pushing herself off the chair, she begins rummaging through cupboards and drawers, pulling out various ingredients as she goes. "You must be hungry," she snickers, but she can tell that any more of her incessant mockery would genuinely offend him, so keeps it to a minimum. "Sit down, and I'll make you something to eat." Tentatively, Jeno sits at the table, round, chipped at the edges, and worn from years of use. An aroma soon fills the air, drifting to his nose. Whatever it was, it smelled better than any of the stuff from the palace kitchens- and when she placed the bowl of soup and vegetables in front of him, it tasted much better, too. "So, where are you from?" He chokes on a carrot. "You said you moved here recently, right? Where from?" Now, it was at this point where Jeno hated the fact that he was never that great at lying, because he now needed to come up with a believable backstory and actually stick to it without giving  himself away as the freaking crown prince, for goodness sake. "An island." He states, and hopes she'll be satisfied with that.
"Near the, uh," he downs a spoonful of soup to buy thinking time, "the Southern Isles?" Sounding confused was definitely not going to look believable, but he still prayed to all the gods in the universe, even the ones he didn't believe in, to help him out here. Just this once.  "Okay," she sounds suspicious, he notices, but he's thankful enough she doesn't press further and leaves the thought at that. "I'm Seoyoung," and Jeno inwardly screams as he knows what question is coming next, "What's your name?" What was his name? Meaning, what was his fake name going to be? Like an idiot, he almost gives himself away, "I'm Jen-- Jen. Yeah, Jen." He can practically feel the disbelief in her expression, and quickly goes back to the soup to avoid her gaze. "What about your surname?" 'Are you serious?' Is what he wants to say, but plays along for the sake of hiding his identity. "Uh," he notices the material of the table, and blurts out a "Wood. Jen Wood."
"So your name is Jen...Wood." "Yes." She sighs, gets up to wash her own bowl, and shakes her head. "I didn't think you'd lie for that long." Yeah, he's busted. "I know you're the prince, by the way. Nobody eats soup with a spoon around here unless they're a noble, and you gave yourself away when you basically said your name, Prince Jeno."
His shoulders sag, half in relief, and half in an apathetic resignation to the fact that now that she knew who he was, so would everyone else. And then word would reach his parents that he'd snuck out of the palace and he'd have to say goodbye to any sliver of a chance at freedom until he either ascended the throne or died before then.  "Do you think, you could, like, maybe, not tell anyone?" Being unsure of yourself and not even putting up a fight was not how his mother had taught him to negotiate, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Please?" He begs. "I won't say a word. In fact, you were never here," Oh, yes! Freedom was still a possibility- "On one condition." Never mind. "You keep coming here. To see me." Honestly speaking, there was no true reason why Jeno would have to go see Seoyoung on a regular basis, aside from avoiding the wrath of his parents, but even so, hanging out with her more often seemed like an attractive concept on its own. So he agreed. "It's a deal," and it was. From that point on, Seoyoung became his, well, your, replacement. He finally had a friend he could pour out his emotions to, one that wasn't handpicked by his parents to make worthwhile connections with, who he could be the same Jeno from the Southern Isles with, not the uptight prince from the Mainland. The addition of Jaemin, the son of rich merchants who sometimes made Jeno question why he was a prince when Jaemin seemed so much better suited, and Renjun, a noble who understood Jeno's struggles even if he was a little too blunt for his liking,  altogether made Jeno, for the first time in a long time, feel at home in his own home. And so life continued like that; going out with Jaemin and Renjun to meet with Seoyoung. Games of tag and hide and seek in the woods soon turned into intense chess battles, mock swordfights, in depth discussions about literature, learning more about the subjects Jeno would soon rule over - there wasn't a single way life could get any better. It's the end of a day spent just with Seoyoung for Jeno. They're sat in their usual spot, across from each other on the same wooden table they had their first meeting on. A candle, mid-burnt, sits in the middle, its wavering light hitting all the right points on her face. Her eyes, a warm brown, are illuminated, her hair, a deep burgundy, looking so silken Jeno's afraid to even breathe in its direction so as not to disturb it, and the curve of her lips, forever locked in a halfway point between the smirk he's grown to love so much and a simple pout, look more appealing now than they ever have done. Locking eyes with her, he moves the candle to one side and leans in, asking for consent. There's a nod of her head and a coy wink and suddenly his lips are on hers and it feels so, so amazing- and then she pushes him away.
"You're a prince, Jeno. We can't do this," she whispers. "What if someone sees you?" He looks at her for a long moment, throwing all thoughts of you out of his mind. Who knew when he'd see you again anyways?  "I don't care," he grins, "I'm here with you now, and that's all that matters." He leaves Seoyoung's house that night with swollen lips and a heart so light it could float off into the distance and Jeno wouldn't even notice. He arrives home, cheeks hurting from smiling so wide, parading around his chambers like a lovesick fool, when he sees it. Sealed with the usual blue wax stamp of his parents, resting on his desk, lies an envelope. Tentatively, he opens it, skim reading the contents until he finds the sentence that shocks him so much he has to read it twice: 'You shall be returning to the Southern Isles within the next 3 days. Prepare accordingly.' After removing all thoughts of you from his mind, the memories he has with you return like opened floodgates. The heaviest thing on his mind is how to tell you about  Seoyoung- the right thing, the noble thing to do would be to break up with her - but that would break her heart, and telling you about her would break yours. He could always not say anything and spare both of you the pain...Yes. Yes, he could do that. He was going to do that. -- When you got the news that Jeno would be returning to your kingdom, you were, not to sound like a cheesy young adult novel or anything, beside yourself with excitement. You'd rushed to your chambers upon hearing the news, penning letter after letter while also throwing letter after letter away,  just until you could find exactly the right words to greet him with. When you received your first letter back from him - your first letter back from him in a long time - you could practically feel through his familiar and yet different messy scrawl just how much he'd changed. Personality wise, that was. You had to admit that the only image you had of Jeno was the bright eyed, quiet little 12 year old you'd waved goodbye to 6 years prior, so you'd envisioned that image when writing to him. When you formally greeted him in the throne room of your palace,  though, you were most definitely surprised, to say the least. 
Gone was the Jeno whose height you'd always make fun of - now he was taller, had grown into his features - which had gone from rounded cheeks and a soft profile to harsher lines, a defined jawline and an aura that gave off the feeling that he was now more royal than anything else.  He was lean yet built, his previous bowl cut, now changed into straight black locks, strands of which fell across his forehead in the best way you could imagine. You were sure that if you looked up the definition of 'prince' in a dictionary, a picture of Lee Jeno would be right beneath it. The fact that you were betrothed to him had never been an important aspect of your thoughts, never something you even deigned to think about, but when he looked like that, you were beginning to enjoy the prospect of seeing him every day in your near future. You walk up to him and curtsey, trying your best to fight the grin arising on your face. "Your Highness," you breathe, eyes sparkling. "Princess," he nods, one corner of his mouth turning up into a half smile, while you try your hardest to ignore the sudden increase in your heart rate. His eyes, a warm chocolate brown, were so intoxicating  could stare into them forever, and for what felt like it, you did. You took a step forward, but a quick eyebrow raise from Jeno and a nudge to your side by your mother soon reminds you of your apparent duties as a host, guiding your betrothed to his rooms being one of them. On the way there, you ask him as many questions as you can; how he's been, what he's been up to, what friends he made - but his answers are all short sentences and one worded, a haughty mix of 'yeses', 'no's' and 'I don't know's'. Sneaking a sideways glance at him, you wondered when he'd become so closed off. His expression looks downcast and yet apathetic; like he'd rather be anywhere else than here. You ask him if he received your last letter, and he barely replies with anything more than a noncommittal "Mm." The walk continues, silent and uncomfortable, and when you do finally arrive at his chambers he storms in without a thanks or a goodbye. You're left confused, unsettled, and more than a little hurt. After all, this was supposed to be 2 best friends reuniting at last, not two strangers meeting for the first time. Dinner goes worse.  Multiple times you try to make conversation and multiple times he letter away,  just until you could find exactly the right words to greet him with. When you received your first letter back from him - your first letter back from him in a long time - you could practically feel through his familiar and yet different messy scrawl just how much he'd changed. Personality wise, that was. You had to admit that the only image you had of Jeno was the bright eyed, quiet little 12 year old you'd waved goodbye to 6 years prior, so you'd envisioned that image when writing to him. When you formally greeted him in the throne room of your palace,  though, you were most definitely surprised, to say the least.  completely ignores you. You look at your parents, who are engaged in their own conversation, and you roll your eyes - at how oblivious they are not to notice their own 'son-in-law's actions, and how frustrated you are at said son-in-law as well. You go to sleep that night even more confused, and you wake up disgruntled and unimpressed. At breakfast, you attempt to make eye contact with him sat directly across from you only for him to, again, blatantly ignore you. Clearly irritated, you stab at your food, making your emotions (however childish) known. "Y/N, do you have something to say?" Your intense eating caught the attention of your parents, while the one person's attention you wanted was still engrossed in his meal. Great. "No, Father. Just hungry." You try your best to control your tone, not in the mood for another lecture about your attitude at dinner. While they had become less frequent over the years as you matured, times like these, where your temper got the best of you, still arose. "It doesn't look as though you are just hungry. What have I told you about your attitude when eating, Y/N?" ...This couldn't be serious. Much to your distaste, your mother decides to join the conversation, "You should really try to be a little more considerate, Y/N. It's not polite to be so... aggressive around your betrothed." Knowing your mother to be the more relaxed one of your parents, it's hard to say you don't feel a little betrayed at her taking your father's side. Luckily, your father changes the subject and you hold back sighing in relief. "Speaking of aggression, have you heard about the Northern Empire's movements lately?" "Ah- yes, I did hear from one of my advisers - their leader is claiming one of the western border towns as their own - troops are already stationed there, apparently," You look between your parents as your mother shakes her head, running her fingers through her perfectly styled hair, the crease in your father's brow deepening as he frowns in worry. "It seems the the threat of the Northern Empire is manifesting sooner than we thought, dear." The Empire's occupation of the Western border towns meant it would only be a matter of time before they invaded the Southern Mainland, and soon enough the Isles - bad news for you, and even worse for Jeno. "The question is now, what to do before we find them at our doorstep - Y/N, what are your thoughts?" You clear your throat before speaking. "Wouldn't the obvious thing be to send diplomats to work out a deal, but prepare troops at home for when they do arrive?" It made sense in your mind; you had the best of both worlds - peaceful talks with protection if worst came to worst.  Your father shakes his head, pursing his lips. "That would take money, resources, and most importantly, time." Looking towards you, he adds, "Time we don't have!" For emphasis. Your lips curl, annoyed at his blatant shutdown of what you thought was a great plan, but school your features into neutrality when he glares at you briefly. "What do you think, Jeno? This is a matter that concerns you the most, after all." Your ears prick up at the mention  of his name, mildly intrigued to hear his take - if he even bothered to reply. "I actually agree with Y/N," he says. You hear your mother squeal in joy and fight to keep the cringe off your face. "Darling, how cute," she whispers, "Husband and wife agreeing with each other!" Your father coos along with her, while you look on, unimpressed. You look across to see Jeno blush, and are pleasantly surprised to see that even after 6 years, he still blushes just the same as he used to -- eyes cast down, lips turned up in a shy smile, hand reaching to run through his hair before it stops mid air and falls down again, anxious not to ruin it. Breakfast finishes with no further interruption- that is, until your parents stop the two of you as you're leaving to recommend (read: force) you both to take a walk through the gardens to see how things have changed. -- He's ignoring you. Again. Why you thought there'd be a sudden change in the pattern of Jeno blatantly blindsiding you every time you were alone was beyond you, but the feeling doesn't get any less uncomfortable every time he does it. Having had enough, you pull to one side, the force almost throwing the two of you off balance and into some bushes, but you ask - no, demand - just what exactly his problem is, and his reply isn't what you expect. "I don't have a problem, Y/N." Oh, please. "Someone who doesn't have a problem wouldn't pretend their childhood friend doesn't exist after not seeing them for 6 years, Jano," You hiss, "So I'll ask again. What is your problem with me? What have I done?" You hate the pleading lilt that infects the tone of your voice in the second question, and you hate that you can't help it when he still looks so stoic. His expression breaks though, shoulders sagging for what you notice is the first time since his arrival, a defeated sigh leaving his lips. "You didn’t do anything, Y/N,". "I- I guess I'm just used to acting a certain way back home-- it's hard to adjust," "You were never like this before," "That was then. This is now."
You felt a sense of regret at not sending more letters after Jeno left - as his best friend, you should've done more to let him confide in you. Then, at least, you wouldn't have this uneasy feeling in your chest that you needed to get to know him all over again. "Sorry, though." He continues, "For acting so cold towards you - I guess I was taking out my frustration at always having to be a certain way out on you - you didn't deserve that." "I know we haven't really spoken for a long while, but I'm still your best friend. You can tell me anything." There's a look shared between you both, and you get the feeling that Jeno understands. "You're in my kingdom, now, not yours. Things are different here, remember?" You tease, lightly nudging him with your elbow. The two of you chuckle at that and continue walking, simultaneously falling into step and into the easy, free flowing conversation you'd wanted to have since he'd arrived, It's dotted with reminiscing and head thrown back laughs at old inside jokes - and it's finally like nothing had changed. You listen in rapt wonder as he goes into depth about the adventures him and 2 other boys named Jaemin and Renjun go on, you smile in adoration as he describes his 3 favourite cats he's forced to keep in the servants quarters due to his allergies and the wrath of his parents if they discovered 'vermin' in the palace, as they described it, and you heave a sigh of nostalgia as he complains about not being able to have intense flour battles in the palace kitchens in the early hours of the morning, like the 2 of you used to, when he was here. He listens in content as you tell him about the situations that led you to meet Chenle and Haechan, as you giggle to yourself while describing them, watches the way your expression lights up as you tell him about all the new hobbies you'd picked up, the new places you'd discovered and had quickly marked as yours, and jumps as you grab his wrist and drag him along, through winding paths and bushes of flowers sculpted into arches, into an open spot, surrounded by flora. The vibrance of them almost blinds him, their beauty enough to render anyone speechless. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" You smile at him, pleased at the astonished look in his eyes. "I come here when I want to relax," you continue, understanding his silence. "It's amazing," he breathes, before looking at you with a smile so bright it throws you a little. When you grab his wrist a second time to lead him to other places, the slip of his hand into yours doesn't go unnoticed. -- Jeno was only meant to be staying for a few months this time before it was your turn to visit his lands for the impending wedding. The past 2 months of his stay, although awkward at first, had been just like old times, with the exception of various instances that were more reminiscent of a couple and less of 2 best friends. 
It was one instance in particular, though, that signified a shift in the air between the two of you. It was humid in the city - the air hot and sticky and the typical royal wear the two of you wore, although thin, seemed to exacerbate the uncomfortable feeling that dominated you both. You'd been sent on an outing through the town to greet the people and make a good impression, as your father had put it, for once leaving his study to speak to the both of you. The humidity you felt wasn't just because of the weather, though - for the entirety of your walk, every face you smiled at, every conversation you made, every cat you'd be forced to stop and pet - Jeno's hand had been firmly clasped in yours. The only time you were apart was when Jeno had left to 'get something'. What it was, you didn't know. Walls painted a pure white to reflect as much sunlight as possible, Shelves around the shop filled with touches of domesticity - a picture here, a souvenir there - and the slightly irritating smell of the flowers, displayed around the room in bouquets of varying sizes are what welcomed Jeno as he stepped into the flower shop. The florist, a middle aged lady with a twinkle in her eye and a knowing smile, waves as Jeno walks in, him nodding in return as the two make small conversation before she turns to work. "Take good care of her," she calls, busying herself with various bits and bobs here and there, shaking Jeno out of his brief gaze around the store. "I swear to," He replies, running his fingers over the petals of the various bouquets. "Are you sure? The people would have your head if you didn't." He turns to face the florist. Her back is towards him, but her tone of voice commands his attention. It's a beat too long before he replies. "Of course I'm sure!" He smiles, as wide as his cheeks sill let him - the florist turns to face him, her expression mimicking his. He hopes her eyes, seemingly searching for something in his gaze, don't notice the guilty pang in his chest. She seems satisfied with whatever she finds there, breaking the stare and taking a weight off Jeno's shoulders as a result. Busying herself compiling flowers together,  a bouquet, she speaks again. "Y/N..." she begins  forming a bouquet , picking flowers here and there to add to it. "She's like a beacon to us, you know? She's our princess," the florist pauses for a second, looking nostalgic. "When she was born, the country celebrated for 3 days and nights. I still remember it like it was yesterday." He can see her eyes getting glassy, and he hesitates whether he should make an effort to comfort her or leave her alone. He chooses the latter. "And now... now she's all grown up! Betrothed, to be married! So take care of her," she leans forward, near-pleading. The bouquet is done, and she hands it to him. "I- I will. I promise," Jeno declares, his clasp on the bouquet tightening with his words. The guilty pang returns as he leaves, and increases in intensity as you come into view.  The promise he made in there sounded as real as ever - because he'd forgotten about Seoyoung for a second. The closer he got to you, however, the better he saw your eyes light up at his presence, your features breaking into a relieved smile, widening further once you noticed the bouquet in his hands, the clearer it became that he was playing you for a damned fool. -- There's a comfortable silence in your carriage home. Feeling tired from walking around so much, you find your head leaning towards, and then resting on, Jeno's shoulder. It was less than comfortable considering the texture of the road caused your head to bump his shoulder a little too hard every now and again, but you didn't mind. He calls your name, breaking the quiet. "Y/N." You grunt a reply, flitting in and out of consciousness. "Y/N," he calls again, a whine to his voice this time. You grunt again, wanting to stay in your reverie just a little longer. "Y/N~" You look up at him, exasperated. "What?"  You cry out, before his lips are on yours and then suddenly gone. It was a quick peck, a mere meeting of the lips, for lack of a better phrase.  Short, sweet, but oh-so meaningful. He says nothing for the rest of the ride, but the strawberry flush across his cheeks tells you everything you wanted to know anyway. Yes, Jeno kissed you - just to get his mind off Seoyoung. But the heat he felt bloom across his face and the sharp increase in his pulse made him question if his feelings for Seoyoung were as intense as he thought they were if just one kiss with you made him feel this way.
-- You have to hide the obvious shock in your expression when he starts sitting next to you at breakfast the next morning. "Jeno." "Hm?" "What are you- Why are you here. On this side." "Am I not allowed to sit next to you?" "No, it's just- never mind." You have to hide the embarrassment when he asks himself when you'd become so breathtaking loud enough for you to hear. "You're so beautiful,"  He breathes. He's sitting a table away from you, in the palace library. "What? What did you say?"    "Nothing! Nothing," You have to force yourself not to bury your head in the nearest pillow, fabric, hell, cloth - when he starts sneaking kisses from you at every opportunity. "Y/N, my leg hurts." He's draped himself over the chaise longue in your chambers, preferring to spend most of his time there rather than anywhere else. You’re stood over him, hands on your hips. You found his presence a welcome occurrence, happy to get closer with him. "...Okay, let's go to the infirmary together. I'll walk you," "No, no! Not the infirmary." You frown, suspicious. "I think I need a different kind of treatment..." He looks at you expectantly, batting his lashes. "I don't understand." You hear him grumble under his breath, before his hand snakes around your waist and drags you so close your nose s are touching. "Do you understand now?" He whispers, eyes locking yours into place. His lips brush yours, still holding that gaze, and you almost lose the strength to stand as he kisses you properly, smoothly, before pulling away with a cursed wink. You start as a servant bursts through the doors, chest heaving, running towards Jeno and pressing an envelope, sealed with the familiar blue wax stamp of his kingdom, into his hands before running right back out again. The two of you share a look, then focus on the letter as Jeno opens the envelope and you lean over to read it's contents. The Northern Empire has invaded. Return at once. Concise. Clear. Just like the king and queen of the Southern Mainland. At the news, he immediately turns to leave your room, you following, but struggling to keep up. "Where are you going?" he asks. "I'm coming with you, obviously," you say, a little breathless. You stumble, bumping into him as he abruptly stops. "No, you're not," he says, looking confused. "Yes, I am," you reply, daring him to challenge you on the matter. "If you think I'm going to let you put your life at risk-" "I won't be putting anything at risk, because we'll be together." You caress his jaw, a thumb rubbing circles onto the skin. "I can't protect you all the time. You're safer here," he presses, frowning in worry. "Stay," he begs. "Please?" You take a deep breath, looking directly at him. "Jeno. I'm going with you." You shake your head at his open mouth, stopping him from saying the words he so desperately wants to say. "We're going," your hands move to his shoulders, squeezing them lightly, "to solve this, together. Because that's what a future king," you say, raising your eyebrows at him for emphasis, " and queen do." You continue, still holding his gaze. "And as my future husband," Neither of you can deny the increase in the pace of your hearts at that phrase, "You should have faith in me to defend myself. Okay?"  He releases a breath through his nose, eyes fluttering shut in frustration. "Okay," He whispers. "Okay." He says, louder, as if confirming something within himself. -- The first thing you noticed when you stepped off the boat was how fundamentally different everything was. Where the Isles had streets, although a little less than clean, filled with housing that never looked alike, due to the owners having free reign in how they built it, the Mainland had rows upon rows of identical houses, streets so pristine the suns rays practically reflected off of them. Where the Isles had a mixture of well established shops and stalls that the city's residents would set up and put away each working day, the Mainland had stores  on every corner. The whole city was organised, like everything and everyone had a place to be. It was mesmerising, to say the least. The palace, and its inhabitants, gave ample reason as to why the city looked the way it did. Matching the overall aesthetic of the city, the Mainland Palace was tall, angular in shape, with white, grey, and blue dominating the overall colour scheme - not a hair out of place - a stark contrast to the golds and greens of the palace back home. The people, especially Jeno's parents, were exactly as Jeno had described in the short months you'd  been together and gotten to know each other even better than you did as kids - uptight, stiff, and closed off, even more so now there were northern empire troops; the same troops your parents had betrothed the two of you together to avoid, now stationed further out in the country. You didn’t know whether to feel offended or not when they simply nodded in return to your greeting of them, but an explanation from Jeno as he guided you to your chambers soon let you know that the nodding were his parents actually being nice, for once. Your heart sank as you wondered if this was the kind of atmosphere Jeno had to deal with when he’d returned here 6 years ago, and how he’d even managed to survive it that long. “I know what you’re thinking,” he states, a smirk in his voice. He’s looking directly ahead, but he sensed the change in your mood the second you went silent. You look at him, studying his profile, the same profile you adored looking at so much; studying the length of his eyelashes, the slight to-and-fro sway of his fringe, the natural pout of his lips, and wonder again how a boy so perfect could’ve been subjected to somewhere like this. A place that looked perfect, but seemed far from it. “Don’t feel bad for me,” he warns, turning the handle to your chambers as he stops outside of it. “I’m fine now. I have you, don’t I?” you look at him a beat longer, studying his face for any sign of restraint, of sadness, and slump in relief as there is none.  You nod, half-smiling, "Yes. You do," and walk in.
-- It was amazing, you thought, just how fast the Northern Empire had managed to take a quaint little town on the edge of Jeno's kingdom, once filled with the typical repeated angular structure of housing commonly seen in the Mainland, and turn it into a home of their own - every roof of every house was plastered with the angry and intimidating red and black flags of the Empire, a reminder who had control, who would gain more of it if you and Jeno didn't get them out by today. The first thing you noticed, as the two of you trekked up the hill to the Empire's camp, were the fire-lit torches. The smoke they emitted smelled vulgar, the wind that blew never once affected their flame. You could see the opening of the town they'd invaded the closer you came, managed to get a glimpse of a citizen being roughed up by one of the guards, before a figure clothed in red and black, wearing a mask disguising their face, appears. "Royalty," they murmur, their voice travelling along the wind, barely noticeable yet just loud enough to understand. You feel the visible shiver running down your spine, the strangeness to their voice making you uncomfortable. Jeno's clasp on your hand, pulling you backwards behind him doesn't go unnoticed by the figure. "Cute." They chuckle, before lightly beckoning the two of you to follow,  heading further into their camp with an unnatural smoothness to their gait. Jeno tilts his head, sure some notes to that quiet whisper of the stranger's voice were familiar to him, that he'd heard them before - a different time, a different place, perhaps. He's so engrossed in his thoughts he barely notices you dragging him along, trying to keep up with the stranger while simultaneously avoiding the harsh gazes of the Empire's guards stationed everywhere. He bumps into your back, and you stumble as you stop in front of what you assumed to be the captain's tent, the stranger who greeted you at the gates clapping twice outside the flaps before disappearing. Mystery seemed a recurring theme amongst the soldiers of the Northern Empire, all including the Captain, hiding every feature but their gaze with the same red and black mask. Personality wise, the Captain spoke in circles, sometimes cryptic, sometimes misleading - but it was worth it when you and Jeno left the tent with a stamped agreement that would soon get the Northern soldiers out of Jeno's lands. "I'm proud of you, you know."  You're the first to break the silence, beaming at him as you get nearer to the carriage. "You did really well in there - like a king," you add, elbowing him for emphasis. He scoffs and smiles, a slight tinge to his cheeks at the compliment. "I couldn't have done it without you, though," he steps aside to let you board the carriage first, climbing in after you, "Queen," he teases, mimicking your movements from earlier.  The ride back to the castle was uneventful, and neither of you failed to notice the gradual steady slump in each others shoulders the further away you got from the unsettling loom of the Empire's camp.
News of the agreement was music to everyone's' ears - especially those of the rulers of the Southern Mainland. Both you and Jeno have to force your jaws from dropping at the announcement of a ball to celebrate your combined success, but only one of you has to strategically hide his fingers curling into fists, taut with fear at the secret in danger of being revealed from the roving gaze of his parents. -- The palace did not look so different from its usual appearance when sculptures, fountains, and tables you hadn't seen before decorated areas around the ballroom floor. You'd spent the first few minutes of the ball with Jeno; you'd followed with him as he greeted nobles, nodded in his parents direction, and introduced you to his friends, the ones he'd told you about when you were in the humid heat of the Isles, before quickly disappearing off, summoned to his parents side to 'discuss courtly matters,' he'd said.  You had no issue; after all, a peck on the forehead from him was a sufficient goodbye until he found you later. Jeno was right in his description of Na Jaemin; the man was beautiful, truly no other way to describe him - and, for the son of merchants, exuded a royal air far stronger, far more used to, than any other royal you'd met prior. Where Na Jaemin was kind words bordering on a flirt, smiles bright enough to melt the coldest of hearts, Huang Renjun was, despite being born into nobility, as you'd learned, more rough around the edges than anything else. It was a wonder, you'd noted, that the two boys hadn't been switched at birth at some point long ago, given the stark difference in their personalities. A contrast to Jaemin, Renjun was blunt, had jokes that sometimes made you question whether he meant them maliciously or not, but overall carried himself with an adult sort of grace that you'd come to respect in your short conversation with him, before both him and Jaemin had been dragged off to dance with ladies neither of them knew of. Jaemin and Renjun seemed like good people - this you knew - but why did their eyebrows raise, why did a look of surprise - however fleeting - mar their faces as Jeno introduced you to them? It was that thought you pondered on, had your forehead lightly pulsing with pain as your brow became more and more creased the further into thought you went, when you found him. Found Jeno, or his silhouette, at least, dancing with a girl whose features you couldn't quite place. Well, dancing wasn't a crime - you could go and say hello, tell him how you were feeling about the ball, about his friends - in fact you'd even taken around 4 steps towards the two, hope rising in your chest, when you saw it. Jeno's forehead leaning against the girls, the two of them sharing a longing stare you'd never seen directed towards you, as they, in the presence of all on the ballroom floor, like they hadn't a care in the world, kissed. Kissed. There's a heaviness in your body, a visceral pang in your chest; you aren't sure if you can even take another step - but you carried on, pressed on, towards their dreaded spot, determined to confront the liar who had been your betrothed through all these months, weeks, years. The girl is the first to notice your presence, and you try not to get to caught up in the fact that  your own husband to be was so wrapped up in someone else that he couldn't even deign to notice you. "Oh, hi!" She waves. "Are you a friend of Jeno's?" She didn't even know who you were. Of course she wouldn't.  Why would he tell her he was betrothed to marry a girl from a different kingdom and had been for the past decade. You nodded in reply, swallowing to try and get the lump out of your throat. Glancing at Jeno, you noticed how he'd visible stiffness to his posture,  like he'd been caught doing something wrong. The problem was that he had. He had been caught doing something wrong, and that made it worse. Why? Because it confirmed that he knew. The whole time since he'd returned to you, he'd known. You didn't think the pain could get any worse. "Who are you, if I may ask?" You can barely get out more than a choked up whisper. Your eyes heat up as her perfect smile widens. "Oh, I'm Jeno's girlfriend!" Four words. Four excruciatingly painful words. Love was never a familiar concept to you, at least not in the romantic sense, but you felt that you'd begun to learn what it was during your time with Jeno. She introduced herself as Seoyoung. The longer you stood there, forcing yourself to act as though you weren't feeling your heart break into pieces, the more you saw the appeal. An angelic smile, a kind voice with an addictive country twang to it - safe to say it did wonders for your own self confidence. Introducing yourself afterward, you curtsied and left as quickly as you could, trying not to be rude but at the same time not really caring. You brushed past Renjun on the way out, eyes hot with tears, and the pitiful look on his face you saw -  albeit a little blurry - confirmed everything once more. Just how stupid could you be? How stupid did he think you could be? To lead you on, to make you fall for him, to feed you false dreams while he was living them with someone else the entire time? How could he? Not caring about where you went, just that you needed to be alone, opened the first door that seemed unlocked. What a coincidence, then, that the first door you opened led into the room of the last person you wanted to see. Forest green bed sheets, stark white walls, everything organized and in its place.  Vanilla and nutmeg permeated your nostrils-- of course the room would smell like him, it was his room after all. You walked around, finding paintings of him and his family on the walls, papers, organised into neat piles on his desk, a black leather-bound book on his dresser. You had an inkling of what it was, and against your better judgement, you opened it. You read line after line of somewhat mediocre poetry dedicated to Seoyoung, scattered journal entries about Seoyoung, drawings of Seoyoung. Everything was about Seoyoung. And if it wasn't about her, it was about everyone else but you. His parents, his servants, his tutors, his friends-- it was as though you didn't exist. Had you meant anything to him, at all? You hear footsteps, the door opening and closing, and freeze. A hand rests on your shoulder and you whip round, coming face to face with the last person you wanted to see.
"Y/N." he calls, tentative. You have to clench your hands into fists to avoid slapping him across the face. "Can we- Can we talk?" You've never felt more hurt, more saddened, but most of all, embarrassed - the last thing you'd ever want to look like is a fool and yet here he is, someone you thought you could trust more than anyone else, playing you for one. "Why." You reply, cold. As the two of you stand in uncomfortable silence, you begin  to connect the dots. "Because I need to explain. Listen, I-" "Was it a lie?" You cut him off, and Jeno hates how defeated, how quiet you are - like he's made you into a shell of the person you were. "What? Was what a lie?" "The explanation. Was it a lie." It made sense, when you thought about it. He wasn't closed off because of his parents, because of the life he had to lead - he was closed off, blunt, rude, every disrespectful name under the sun; because by not getting close to you, it would make it easier for him to go back to his little girlfriend back home and pretend his little stint with you in the Isles was nothing more than a trip for princely activities, if she ever asked. "No, of course not. I could never lie to you about that, Y/N." You scoff, rolling your eyes. "Oh please." You say, having had enough. "You didn't want me to come here because you were scared I'd see her. You only let me come here because you thought you could somehow keep her a secret, have your fun with her and then come back to me and lie to my face. You didn't leave me to talk to your parents. You left me to go and find her. Because you don't care about me, Jeno. You never did." You push past him at that, heading for the door, ignoring his cries after you. "Y/N, will you just wait! Please," He grabs your wrist, forcing you to a stop. "Jeno." You warn, "I want nothing to do with you." At that, he lets you go, and you storm off, through the hallways into your own room, wincing as you bark at a handmaid to begin packing your things, readying to leave. You were over the Southern Mainland. You just wanted to go home.
A crash and a scream break you out of your sombre mood. Opening the door a sliver, you peek out of your room to see absolute chaos - members of the royal guard shouting and yelling at people to be calm, gentry, nobility, and everyone else running to find an exit in panic, and men you don't recognize in familiar uniforms locked in battle with knights clad in the white and grey of the Southern Mainland. Creaking the door wider, as you watched more and more southern mainland knights fall one by one, you realised why the uniform seemed so familiar; because it belonged to the Empire. They'd disregarded your agreement and come to attack anyway - and there's a sinking feeling at the pit of your stomach as you consider the implications of it.
Opening the door wider, you break into a run, heading back to Jeno's room, despite your mind screaming at you not to. Irrespective of how much you hated him right now though, you needed to know if he was okay - if there was anyway you could both try and fix this mess. You find him before you get there, sword in hand, locked in battle with an Empire knight, and you wish you had a weapon of your own to fight with. There - peeking out amongst the mix of the fallen and injured, you grab a sword from a fallen enemy and slam it's pommel into the head of someone behind Jeno, the thud of their collapse alerting him to your presence. "…You saved me," he says, voice heavy with gratitude. "Don't mention it. Where are your parents?" You demand. "I don't know," he admits, "Haven't seen them since I left the ball." A pregnant silence falls. "…I haven't seen her either, if that's what you were gonna ask." "I wasn't." You grit out, picking up the sword again and swinging at another attacker with it. The knight meets the blow with a shield - he stumbles with the impact, but the blow isn't hard enough as he moves to attack again. This time it's Jeno who saves you, subduing the attacker permanently. He looks at you expectantly, but you brush him off, dropping the sword, and break into a light run, signalling him to come along. "We should keep moving. Find your parents and figure out what to do," He nods. You don't say anything else. He doesn't either. Both your minds are too preoccupied with the growing destruction around you - the yells and battle cries, the groans of pain, the screams of civilians -- it almost gets too much, but you shove those feelings away. You can't afford to be weak right now - you have people to protect damnit and you'd sooner die than let anything get in your way. The two of you check a multitude of places in the palace as you look for Jeno's parents - the ballroom, the study, the library- all empty. Its when you check the throne room, however, that you find what you seek. Surrounded by countless soldiers all bearing the northern empire  emblem, there Jeno's parents knelt, unable to move. Luckily, you hadn't been discovered just yet, but you could tell from the corner of your eye that Jeno was going to ruin it. Digging your nails into his wrist, you shoot him a look - his eyes burn with protest at first, but he submits as you strain your ears to listen in. The voice you do hear, spitting venom, sends a visible chill down Jeno's spine.  The previous bubbly lilt had gone, replaced with a hard, rough growl. Uncomfortable, in disgust, you watched as she kicked, pushed, and laughed at jeno's parents, and you felt Jeno himself shake in anger, ears getting red as he tried to hold it in. Angrier and angrier you felt him become; until he just... stopped shaking. Like a heavy calm overtook him, like he was on the border of extreme anger and extreme apathy. There was no question that you were a hair's breadth away from saying you despised Jeno right about now, but the sight of Seoyoung, someone he obviously trusted, blatantly disrespect his parents made your own blood boil - but so far you'd managed to stay composed. It was only when she asked - no - demanded the king and queen kiss her feet that you broke your silence. "That's enough." Your heart leaps into your throat as you say it, a sliver of regret already entering your mind, and you gulp as she languidly turns to look at you. "Oh? Looks like we have guests." She makes some kind of signal to her guards, you don't know what, but you do know it results in the king and queen being removed from the area, through doors and into a room you don't know the contents of. Your arm begins to ache with how hard you have to grip Jeno to stop him from going any closer to Seoyoung, and it gets worse as he speaks. "Lay a hand on them Seoyoung and I swear-" "-Oh I won't do anything to them," she grins, catlike. "As long as you do something for me." Eyes narrowing, you step back, apprehensive.  Seoyoung looks at Jeno stepping in front of you, hand on his hilt, and laughs - quite familiarly, you note, to the figure that greeted you when you went to the Empire's camp a few weeks prior. "Why so afraid? It's fairly simple…. I should hope." "All you have to do," she continues, voice lowering to an unsettling purr, the contrast to her earlier persona still throwing you off, "Is kneel before your queen," she preens, ascending the steps and positioning herself comfortably on the queen's throne. Jeno grunts in frustration, Seoyoung simply grins in satisfaction. "What is it that you want?" He pleads, strained. As slowly as she sat down, Seoyoung rises, making her way to and around Jeno, her movements serpentine. "Oh, I just want what every young girl wants," she sighs, dreamily, trailing a finger down his arm as she circles the room, "True love and a reckoning, blood, fire, a pony…" She stepped closer, lips brushing his ear, "the precious little crown you're going to inherit."
Eyes aflame with anger you shoved between them, "The people would never accept you as their queen." You spat, and with an unnerving tilt of her head, Seoyoung's gaze met yours, lips curved into a half smile. The next second, as she continued to stare, you saw a flash of something flare up in her gaze. You realised what it was as your legs were suddenly screaming in agony, a sharp pain forcing you to kneel and a dark aura radiated from her. Looking to Jeno for help, you tried to get his attention, only hearing his grunts of pain to tell you he was in the same boat. "With all due respect, darling," she purred, bending to your height, her half smile widening into a complacent simper, "I think they will." She nodded at her guards, and together they left with a flourish, the slam shut of the door you and Jeno had entered through finally allowing the pain to stop. Bodies exhausted, dregs of agony still refusing to leave your bones, you help each other up and set off to find Jeno's parents. The walk is rightfully silent, the clack of your shoes against the floor the only sound permeating the air. You find them, thankfully okay, just unconscious and tied up, and the two of get to work undoing the ties. "We should wake them up," you grunt, back towards Jeno, "Tell them to get somewhere safe." "I think we should leave them here. Let them rest and wake up in their own time." "There are people dying as we speak, Jeno, and you want to leave your parents here? To rest?" "At least I'll know where they are. I can send a guard to stay with them-" "Every guard is in battle with the Empire's forces right now! And if we leave them here, you forget that Seoyoung will know where they are as well." You pinch the bridge of your nose, progress to rubbing a thumb back and forth across your brow. "Do you- do you want her to find them?" Jeno is silent as you turn around, looking directly at him. "Are you working with her?" "Y/N, no. No, I would never do that, ever, not in a million years! You know me, Y/N," You give him a long look, taking a deep breath. "No, Jeno. I don't." A part of you feels like you shouldn't have doubted him that much, but a larger part of you knows you were right. You don't know Jeno. At least, not anymore. Once you get both parents awake, you give a brief summary of what went on and warn them to leave - and they do, albeit sceptically. Jeno's worry shows clear on his face, but you say nothing of it as the both of you continue to go through the palace, trying to find an exit that isn't barred by enemies, avoid Seoyoung and at the very least, find Jaemin and Renjun to regroup with all at the same time. Thankfully, you arrive at the palace courtyard in one piece, and find Jaemin and Renjun messily defending themselves against 4 other knights, who's swords kept dangerously close to Renjun's arm and Jaemin's neck. Exasperated, you huff, find another sword to use, and ram it into the nearest soldier - his choked out groans of pain combined with the coppery tang of his blood as it leaked out was enough to make bile rise in your throat, but you force it back down as you and Jeno join the battle to help take the weight off of Jaemin and Renjun. After subduing all of them, plus some extra who had appeared, the four of you leave the palace courtyard, running continuously until you're sure you're safe, and there's another awkward silence, everyone pointedly avoiding your gaze. You feel Jeno's hand still clasping yours, and shake it off, his touch uncomfortable. "So…where do we go from here?" Jaemin's the first to break the quietude. "We go home," you state. Renjun looks at you and then in the direction of the castle, confused. You huff, rubbing your temples. "My home." -- The four of you board a boat to the Isles early the next morning - after barely getting any sleep in the palace stables you'd had to take refuge in the night before - to avoid detection. You'd had no idea whether the Empire's forces had overrun the whole kingdom yet, and didn't want to take any chances by leaving later on when there was currently a bounty on the heads of those travelling with you. You all arrive home in one piece, and go your separate ways upon arrival; you and Jeno towards the palace, and Jaemin and Renjun towards the city to find a place to stay. You blatantly ignore Jeno for the first few days back -  you return to sitting across from him at breakfast, you barely reply to his questions most times, and generally act  like he doesn't exist. It works - but you know you can't keep it up for long. You conveniently hid the piece of information about Jeno practically cheating on you from your parents,so you knew you couldn't keep ignoring him forever without them noticing at some point and asking questions. It seemed that Jeno had come to this realisation also, as he cornered you in your room on one day that you'd been especially ignoring him, brushing him off whenever he even so much as breathed in your direction. "Jeno, get out of my--" "We need to talk. And I'm not leaving until you hear me out." You folded your arms. "There's nothing to talk about. You led me on, I fell for it, I found out, and now I hate you. What more is there to say?" His face fell. "You really hate me?" You sighed. Of course you didn't. But every time you closed your eyes, you saw the image of him kissing her again - so would it really be such a lie if you said you did? "…Just get out of my room, Jeno." He turned to leave, looking at you one last time, before going, shutting the door behind him as he went. Sighing, you threw yourself back onto your bed, staring at the ceiling, happy to be alone, when the door opened once more. It was Jeno again. "I'm sorry I just--I can't leave without telling you the truth,"
"What truth? That you loved her all along and now that she's shown herself to be some evil villain you think you can just come in here and- and use my feelings as some way to make yourself feel better?" Your voice began to shake, the lump in your throat appeared again, and your eyes watered and you hated that you were crying in front of him, that he'd made you like this because it wasn't fair, Goddamnit.
It wasn't fair that you still hurt so bad, while he didn't seem that hurt at all. If anything he seemed inconvenienced. Inconvenienced that everything had to come out like this. "I'm--I'm sorry, Y/N." His voice was a little rougher, a little choked up, and you could tell he was on the verge of breaking. He sat down at the edge of your bed, placing a hand on yours, tentatively. You don't pull away. "I met Seoyoung a year after I left. My parents didn't tell me when I would see you again; I didn't even think this would happen this soon," You nod, signalling him to continue. "I was lonely, and I found it hard to adjust to the way I used to be when you'd shown me so much more. Nobody but her really understood how I felt. She gave me an escape." A little smile graces his features, and your heart chips at the fact that if you weren't sure he loved you before, you could be certain he didn't love you now. Either way, you were finding this all a little hard to process - some girl he'd barely met when he moved home became his only friend due to his weird relationship with his parents. "I guess I just wanted to live as freely as I could before I was tied down forever." Tied down? Is that really what he thought being married to you would be like? Had he forgotten how close you were as children? "What about the ball," you whisper. "Huh?" his eyes flick over to yours and you meet his gaze. "I said. What about the ball. When I saw you," you struggle to get the final two words out, coming out as a reluctant mumble "….kissing her." He stiffens at that. "I didn't mean to kiss her," You cock a brow, heaving an exaggerated sigh. "Not in there, at least!" "So you meant to kiss her somewhere else? So I'd never find out?" You exclaim, scandalised. "No, no, that's not what I meant-- just listen to me--" "--I am, Jeno. And I'm struggling to see the point." He runs a hand through his hair, trying to find the right words. "I was going to tell her then. That we couldn't be together, that I was betrothed. But she kissed me and I--I don't know. I don't know anymore," "Then why lead me on? Why kiss me, why make me think that you wanted this, why use me?" "Because," he breathes, leaning towards you, "I love you, Y/N. I always have," For a moment you felt as though your heart could explode with joy. Your childhood friend-turned-crush-turned-lover confessing his love for you. If this was a different situation, it would've been everything you'd ever wanted. But you knew better. "Oh, save it. You're just saying that to make me feel better. You don't love me, Jeno. You just think you do." "I meant it, Y/N. I really do love--," You hold up a hand, cutting him off. "You love Seoyoung. Not me. We need to focus on stopping her anyways," The two of you make eye contact, Jeno's intense gaze meeting your stubborn one. Wordlessly, he goes to the door once more, saying one sentence before leaving. "I meant what I said. I'll prove it to you." You knew he didn't,at least you thought so.  You thought you knew him better than anyone and you were clearly wrong about that so maybe, just maybe, you were wrong about this. But you had enough faith in yourself to know you were right. You avoided Jeno for the rest of the day aside from dinner when you absolutely had to be around him, and all through that he'd smile at you and pretend everything was okay. It made you sick to smile back, but you pushed through, determined not to let your parents suspect anything. Events in the Mainland and the issue of trying to protect the Isles already commanded most of their attention - letting them know that the practically lifelong betrothal they'd arranged had gone horribly wrong wasn't something you wanted to disclose just yet. Besides, if staying with Jeno meant the safety of your people, a little sacrifice of your happiness wouldn't be too much of a price to pay, you thought. The knights quarters had always been a second home to you - it was where you first met Haechan, where you made friends with Chenle, where you gave advice, got advice, told stories, played pranks, shared secrets - and now you were going there to share the biggest secret of all. You find Haechan's door, and you're about to enter when you pause. You can hear Chenle's signature laugh, Haechan's teasing lilt; that was fine - but why were Renjun and Jaemin's voices mixed in with them? You wouldn't call yourself childish, and you wouldn't call yourself petty either, but hell, you couldn't care less if people called you those things and more because the idea of Jaemin and Renjun making friends with your best friends made you feel more than slightly ill. Your parents had insisted Renjun and Jaemin stay in the palace once you'd told them all that had happened back on the Mainland - at first you'd been somewhat indifferent about it, but seeing them through the crack of the door - heads thrown back in laughter, eyes turned into crescents from their wide smiles - makes you suddenly wish you hadn't told your parents about them at all. You stand at the doorway, swing the door fully open, and wait for them to notice your presence. It's almost laughable, really, how fast Haechan and Chenle brighten even more when they see you, and how fast Renjun and Jaemin lose the smiles and clear their throats, trying to make a quick exit as Chenle grabs your wrist and drags you further in. "Y/N!" He beams, his smile easing the suffering in your heart a little. "Come sit!" You stand, uncomfortable, as Renjun and Jaemin's eyes are both suddenly pinned to the stone tiles of the floor. The grin slowly falls off of Chenle's face as he notices the cooling of the room's mood. "...Uh, guys?" He says, hoping someone other than him breaks the silence and soon.  "I think we should go," Renjun suggests, sheepish, him and Jaemin both leaving before Chenle can even ask why. Throwing yourself onto Haechan's bed, just like you used to, you let out a defeated sigh. "Something you need to tell me about?" He jokes, lying next to you. "There are many things I need to talk to you about," you reply. "Hey, what about me?" Chenle chimes in, standing over the two of you. "The both of you," you correct, "There are many, many things I need to talk to the both of you about." And so you vent. You tell them everything, from beginning to end, and by the time you're done, it's a struggle trying to get the two of them not to go and give Jeno a piece of their minds. Chenle can do nothing but sink to a crouch, mouth open in disbelief. "I just don't get it," Haechan breathes. "You seemed so close, how could he- do something like that?" He grabs your hands and pulls you into his arms. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." Face half smushed into his chest, half not, you smile to the best of your ability. "It's ok," you mumble, defeated, "Well it isn't, but it's ok as it's going to be. I guess." Haechan's embrace is warm, tight, reassuring. As his hand rubs circles into your back, slightly rocking back and forth, you wonder if life would've been easier if you'd never been betrothed. If you'd somehow, by some weird stroke of fate, fallen for him instead of Jeno. At the very least, the biggest thing you'd have to worry about when marrying Haechan would be getting him to shut up. Being talkative was one of the traits the both of you shared, to a fault. You untangle yourself from him and meet his confused gaze. "Haechan, I need you to promise me something." "Of course." He nods along, wary. "Please, please don't bring this up to him," you wince as you say it because you can feel his judgement. "Y/N, you can't be serious." "Please, Haechan. I don't- I don't really want to hear about my husband cheating on me any more than necessary, you know?" The way your voice trails off in the latter part of that sentence loosens Haechan's resolve. "Fine," he grumbles, folding his arms. Chenle puts an awkward hand on your shoulder - he'd never really been one for physical contact - finally gathering some words to say. "No matter what happens, Y/N, we'll support you." The two of you nod at each other, and for once, the plague of Jeno on your mind is lifted, as you appreciate just how lucky you are to have friends as priceless as these. The reprieve is temporary, though, as two knocks in quick succession and a push at the door reveal Jeno, looking a little more exhausted than the last time you'd seen him. Chenle moves in front of you, and Haechan stands, the both of them stony-faced. "Is it okay if I come in?" Jeno asks, still standing at the threshold of the door. "I don't know," says Haechan. "Is it okay if I let a liar into my room?" You try to get his attention, to tell him to relax, but his focus is firmly fixed onto Jeno. "You can come in," whispers Chenle, and Haechan's head whips round to glare at him in shock. Chenle ignores it, and continues speaking. "Why did you come here?"
"Because," Jeno begins, "Because I wanted to know if I could make things right. If she'd let me." He tries to meet your eyes, and you can feel him looking at you, but you ignore it. He'd done enough damage, and you didn't even want to give him the time of day. Haechan seems to notice this, and speaks for you. "You want to know how to make things right? Get out of here," Jeno's expression goes from hopeful to crushed - you're glad he hasn't noticed you started looking at him. "Stop walking around here as though everything is fine, and go fix the mess in your own kingdom- a kingdom you're supposed to be future king of - before trying to save a marriage you ruined. What kind of king abandons his country in need?" The ire in Haechan's voice is so palpable you've never been more thankful that you weren't on the receiving end of it. There is a long silence after his speech of sorts, and all you hear from Jeno is a simple "Thank you," before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. "Before you get all angry at me, you never said I couldn't say anything about him, right Chenle?" Haechan begs, looking back and forth between you and Chenle, looking at you to make sure you don't kill him, and at Chenle for moral support. "He is kind of right there, Y/N." You groan at the both of them, rolling your eyes. -- You couldn't be angry at Haechan - because you agreed with what he said. He was right in what he said to Jeno, which was why you were angry at yourself for  the fact that you were currently chasing Jeno down the hallway, for reasons you'd probably address when you were alone in your room at night - or any other time that wasn't right now. "Jeno!" You call, and chuckle, mirthlessly, at the irony of how it was now you doing the chasing and not him. His hair flutters and settles beautifully as he turns abruptly, and you almost, almost, forget you're supposed to be angry at him when you see the innocent widening of his eyes and slight opening of his mouth as he turns to your calling of his name. You catch up with him, taking a minute to catch your breath, and cursing yourself as you still have trouble comfortably speaking. "I just," you wheeze, "I just wanted to tell you...not to listen to Haechan...he's angry for me," For all that tree climbing you did as a child, it was crazy how you wouldn't be at least somewhat more fit than you were now. "He's right," he replies, and you raise an eyebrow, still trying to catch your breath. "I have a plan - Haechan said I needed to fix things, and I will." Before you can even get out a 'How?', he cuts you off. "Just trust me." He doesn't give you any more information than that, and goes back to borderline running through the hallways, leaving you alone, having caught your breath too late to call after him. -- You're greeted at breakfast the next morning by an empty seat across from you and questions from your parents that you can only make just about believable answers to. A quick search and some asking around leads you to find that Jeno is gone, having only left a note for Jaemin and Renjun notifying them of his departure - meaning if you wanted to know where he'd gone and what he'd gone to do (though you already had a pretty solid idea), you'd have to talk to the two people you most definitely had more of a dislike for than anything else. It's Jaemin who notices you first, unsure of what to do or whether to go as it becomes clear that you're actually approaching the two of them, and not just taking a walk around the palace courtyard. "Y/N," he smiles, and you can tell he's just trying to be polite by the way the smile doesn't reach his eyes and his smile looks more and more like a grimace the longer he holds it. "Is there anything we can help you with?" A corner of your lips quirks a little as Jaemin nudges Renjun to turn around. "Did Jeno tell either of you where he went? I can't find him," Its Renjun who tells you that all Jeno left for them was a note with five words: I'm going to fix it. And with that, your suspicions are confirmed; Jeno had most likely gone back to the Mainland, to 'fix' the problems that plagued it there. However now, and only now, was when you felt angry at Haechan for his outburst a day earlier - because now Jeno was gone, and you still had questions that only he could answer, whether you liked what you would've heard or not. "Um...while you're here," says Renjun, breaking you out of your reverie, "I-" a sharper nudge from Jaemin, one that actually looks painful, causes him to correct himself. "We, wanted to apologise. For the ball. As Jeno's friends, we should've stopped him as soon as it started." You disliked Renjun and Jaemin for their role in the whole Jeno being a cheater debacle, but truth-be-told, you weren't all that angry at them, because they had no real loyalty to you. Jeno was supposed to be your best friend. By principle, he would've been the last person you'd expect to ever betray you. And yet, he did. So you weren't angry at Jaemin and Renjun for siding with their own friend. You felt hurt, by Jeno. "It wasn't your fault." You mutter to the pair of them, before turning to leave. -- It was sickening. Sickening, Jeno thought, how easily he'd let himself be fooled for so long, by someone he trusted so much. As he mounted the steps two at a time into the palace, he wonders if that's how you had felt, when everything had fallen apart just over a week prior. He still felt a pang in his chest every time he pictured the look on your face from that day; hurt, betrayed, disbelieving. As he entered and saw the Empire's flags strewn all over the previously pristine castle interior, he wondered just when he'd lost himself this much. Haechan was right - what kind of king was he? He'd barely any idea of where his parents had gone after that night; if Seoyoung had taken them again, if they were safe; he hadn't even bothered to find a way to check up on his kingdom, which was already beginning to lose its shine and lustre at the occupation draining the life out of its veins. He felt like a waste of a king - no, he was one. But at the very least, the least he could do as a king in its own right was save his kingdom from the invaders that plagued it - he had a plan, and it was going to work. It had to; he had no other choice. Seeing the door of the throne room again brought back memories Jeno didn't really want to think about; it simply reminded him of his own horrible, horrible mistake - but he steeled his resolve and pushed open the door. It's entirely too laughable how Seoyoung is sat in the same place she was when he left - perched on the queen's throne, red hair tied back, and eyes that looked dull and soulless. Was that what he'd allowed himself to fall for? "Jeno!" She croons, beckoning her guards to bring him closer. "I missed you," Her patronising manner of speech, like a mother to its child, felt like nails scratching down a chalkboard to his ears. But he pushed through it, put on the best smile he could muster, and began to execute the first step of his plan. "Really?" He asks, eyes coy. "I thought you would've wanted me gone." He's directly in front of her now, can see in detail just how much the old Seoyoung, the one he used to know, was gone. But was she ever really there? That was a question Jeno had been asking himself since he'd arrived at this place. "Oh Jen," she purrs, and its a struggle not to narrow his eyes at the old nickname, "I wanted everyone else gone," She rises off of the throne to meet him face to face, slinking around him to put her hands on his shoulders, lips brushing his ear as she speaks. "But you and I, you with your crown and I with my power," It's somewhat frightening how absorbed she sounds, "Jen, we could rule the world! You and me," How stupid did she think he was? It was all too clear to Jeno what she was doing; the nickname to soften his resolve, the enthusiasm in her words, the closeness to try and distract him from what she was really saying - that she wanted him to give up his throne to let her rule the world, not them together - but just her. So he agreed. "We can rule the world," he breathes, realisation tinging the edges of his voice. "Together," he half asks, half states. "Yes," she sighs, "Together." -- There are a lot of things Jeno comes to find out, the longer he stays with Seoyoung. One; He was right - ever since he'd agreed to joining Seoyoung's side, she'd taken the lead in everything, and had gotten strangely irritated whenever Jeno tried giving his input (not that he did often, of course). Two; His parents, thankfully, were still safe. From keeping his ear to the ground and bits and pieces of information he'd managed to scrape from the servants of the palace, he'd found out that they were in hiding, and that Seoyoung already had guards looking for them. "To bring them home and keep them safe," she said when he'd asked. But he knew what she really wanted to do with them. Three: You were right - when you said she'd never be accepted as Queen. Jeno soon learns that the only guards who truly respect her are the ones left from the crew she stormed the palace with - and that the original palace guards were still loyal to him. --. They're in the throne room when it all comes together; the planning and secret preparation he'd been working towards for the past 3 weeks. This time he would put Seoyoung away, once and for all - especially now that he'd learned that his parents had been found and that they were locked in the dungeons, courtesy of Seoyoung, of course. "Promise me you'll stay with me forever," she whispers, and Jeno's stomach turns as her lips graze his. "I promise," he says, opening his eyes to find Seoyoung's still shut. It's in this moment where his chance arrives - he clicks his fingers 3 times, and lets out a low whistle; the code he'd devised with the guards a few days prior to summon them. As the guards file in, coming closer and closer towards the two, Jeno's hands rise from her clasp to cup her face - which, from this angle, Jeno thinks, almost looks innocent. He offhandedly wonders what may have happened to make Seoyoung such a contrast to her features. "Jeno." She mumbles, eyes still shut, forehead still leaning against his, a hand rising up to cup his. "What are the guards doing here?" He hums, voice low. "Just trust me," A sliver of a smirk graces his features as he continues, "I have a surprise." He takes her hands and lowers them, still holding them - trying to make it as easy as possible for the guards to slam the restraints on as fast as they can. Slowly, delicately, he steps away from Seoyoung;  a tilt of his head signalling one guard to come forward and do the act - and, like a cliché flash, it happens. He lets go, the shackles come down, and Seoyoung's eyes finally snap wide open; the same flash from that night occurs again in her gaze, but it does nothing. The shackles were made of iron - specifically to block her from using any of her tricks to get away. At her inability to inflict harm the way she desired, Seoyoung's expression crumples into a horrid mix of anger and shock. "Jeno," she calls, tone shaky, uncertain. "What are you doing?" He says nothing - simply allows himself to giggle loud enough for her to hear as the guards drag her down to the dungeons. As she should be. As she should've been all those months ago. -- "I'll give you whatever - money, power, control - freedom from your parents I know you hate so much - all you have to do is join me, Jeno." She'd been down here for over a week, allowed no contact with anyone while he tried to restore order in the kingdom above. It seemed, from the borderline feral look in her eyes and the fatigue that plagued her very being, that being in the dungeons was taking its toll. No, it didn't seem so; the longer she spoke, Jeno knew it was so. "What happened to ruling the world, together?" She pleads. Trying to appeal to him using his own words, he notes. He says nothing, simply keeps eye contact with her and lets her continue. A guard barks at her to keep quiet - she glares at them, grunting as the shackles on her wrists prevent her from doing what she so desires, and returns her gaze to Jeno. "Jen, stop being stupid and tell them to let me out, please." Again with the nickname, he thinks. Before, long ago, when he'd first met her, his heart would've fluttered, cheeks would've reddened at her use of the name. Now, though, all it did was send an uncomfortable shiver down his spine. "Jen? Jeno, tell them to let me out." She's less desperate and more irritated now, his silence, his blank, uncaring, stare making her ever angrier. He wonders, as he's done so many times he's had to be around her, as she nags and scolds and patronises, just who Seoyoung even was. If he ever knew her. He wonders, for the second time, if this was how you felt. She's gone back to being desperate now, but with some emotional guilt-tripping to really try and pull at his heartstrings. "If you love me, Jeno - if you ever loved me - you'd let me out. Please," He's silent. "If you love me, you'll do the right thing! Jen, please!" If he loved her. He inwardly scoffs at the thought. What he had for Seoyoung, he realised, wasn't love. No - maybe it was love, at one point. But now, now he realised that it had turned into infatuation. And after her big reveal, that infatuation had quickly left, leaving nothing but disgust in its wake. "You don't get to call me that name. Not anymore," He says, brows furrowed, lips curled into a sneer, as Seoyoung grips the bars of the cell, tears rimming her eyes.  "I never loved you, Seoyoung. And I am doing the right thing," he spat, leaving her to rot in her cell, her calls and shouts sounding like static the further away he got. -- With Seoyoung out of action, Jeno uses her as ransom to get the Empire troops to leave - and they do this time. Once they're gone, he stays in the mainland for a while, working on re-establishing the monarchy. For once, he thinks, maybe the title of king truly belonged to him. His parents, since being freed, had done nothing but pull Jeno into a tight embrace, and had then kept mostly to themselves. The embrace was probably the most amount of affection Jeno had ever received, but it was a start. At last, he felt, things were beginning to change. -- You were anxious. More than anxious, you were worried. You'd heard a little here and there of the events that had happened, of Jeno supposedly joining forces with Seoyoung to betray her in the end, and safe to say, your own feelings about him were now a mess of emotions. On the one hand, a part of you was still angry at him for leaving, for putting you through all this, for practically breaking your heart - on the other hand, you had to respect his diligence; he said he was going to fix things, and he did. He also showed that he was done with Seoyoung; he'd had the girl imprisoned, for goodness sake. But still... were you really ready to forgive him? It's these thoughts that have you deep in the trenches of your mind before the doors to the throne room, where you're so nervously pacing, open and shut. You look up, suspicious of who it may be; maybe a handmaid, maybe Jaemin or Renjun wanting to have a chat, maybe- "I fixed it," he breathes. It's him. You're speechless, lost for words, can barely function as Jeno's arms engulf you, as vanilla and nutmeg overpower your senses, as his grip on you becomes just a little tighter, like he couldn't ever bear to let you go. You pull away, putting some distance between you. You missed him, *yes*, but there were things you needed to discuss. You almost rush back into his arms at the flash of hurt that graces his features, but steel yourself. There were things you needed to say, this you knew - so why was it so hard for you to speak? There's a weird silence between you both; Jeno clearing his throat, you fiddling with your dress - you're almost there, have almost found the right words to say, but as usual, Jeno seems to beat you to it. "I wanted to give you a proper apology," he starts. His hands are shaking, and he balls them into fists. "There's no excuse for what I did, at all. And-" he stutters, "And if you've decided you don't want to be with me anymore, then I understand. I'll tell our parents everything. You deserve a lot better than me, Y/N." Your heart finally feels somewhat at peace. All the turmoil, all the heartbreak; It was only an apology, but you felt like you could start to build something with Jeno again. "I do deserve better," you acknowledge, and Jeno swears his heart chips a little at the thought that he really had lost you forever. "But I don't want better." You breathe slow. "I want to give us another try." Jeno  grins so wide his cheeks ache, then takes a step towards you. "Also," you continue, "I need to apologise. I shouldn't have doubted you, that time with your parents. I went too far, and I shouldn't have." Jeno shakes his head vigorously, "No, no! I deserved everything I got. If anything, I'm happy you're even willing to have me," He takes your hands in his, leans his forehead against yours, and feels the tension in his shoulders that had been there for who knows how long, finally release. "Could I- Would I be able to-" He sighs in annoyance at himself, and you feel a genuine smile begin to form for the first time in what seems like a long time. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, hesitant to overstep a boundary. You close your eyes, look into his, and see no secrets there. "Yes," you whisper. Jeno kisses with emotion - like you're a fragile thing he simply mustn't break, but also like he'll never see you again. Jeno puts everything he couldn't put into words into this kiss, as though its your own secret language - a language you had no difficulty understanding. As he cups your cheeks, leans back a little, and simply looks, deeply, into your eyes, you catch the second of his unspoken  messages. I love you, his eyes say. I love you, say yours.
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maternalcube · 6 years
i did an art summary so now im doing a fic summary. i was tagged by @jamthedingus also!! ive never done one of these before!! lets go!!!
Rest (13106)
Keith & Lance's Island Adventure (20631)
Atlantis (10014 words)
The Way to a Man’s Heart (6858 words)
nobody's business (2096 words)
leave, and take (557 words)
dead girl walking (1661 words)
the course of fate (1039 words)
who ya gonna call (465 words)
come here often? (806 words)
til kingdom come (1950 words)
stars in the sky (pt 2) (5404 words)
a song of falling (630 words)
Eyes to the Sky (3683 words)
Feet on the Ground (4050 words)
Divergence (6669 words)
homecoming (1426 words)
Window of Opportunity (11144 words)
along that wilderness of glass (3801 words)
string theory (2327 words)
Katt Week (1062 words)
The Pining-Plant (3860 words)
at the end of many worlds (21684 words)
you're my home (19646 words)
Believe Me (3177 words)
Starchild (3568 words)
Summer Heat (2285 words)
third time's the charm (5349 words)
Blackbird (59546 words)
The Sixth Planet (9444 words)
all the infinite realities (1197 words)
Total Fics: 31! (plus one i posted anonymously lmao) Total Words: 229999! (except parts of string theory and the sixth planet were actually posted last year... but still, what a number)
more under the cut!
Ship/character breakdown: i didnt filter out my prompt collection or abandoned wips here so /shrug Ship breakdown:
klance - 6 sheith - 5 shance - 5 katt - 4 heith - 3 pallura - 2 and one each of plance, kallura, allurance, shatt, shkatt, kidge, kidgance, and shunk. and keiths parents lol. let it never be said i am not a multishipper.
and i know gen isnt a ship but it tied with klance at 6 (plus whatevers in the prompt collection) which was a surprise
Character breakdown: man if theres a way to get ao3 to show me ALL the stats, i dont know it. but.
keith - 25 (shocker) shiro - 23 lance - 21 pidge - 17 hunk - 16 allura - 12 matt - 12 and then coran and sam are at 4, and zarkon ats 3 and presumably many others are at 3 or less
Characters that had the main focus: well ~9 were from keiths pov, and ~5 each from shiro and lances povs. i think i also had ~5 from multiple points of view. its safe to say that keith has my heart tho lol
Best/worst title? Best title: i still like “at the end of many worlds.” i weirdly still like “Blackbird” too even if it has nothing to do with anything... Worst title: “Rest.” :/ also like all of the abandoned wips bc i didnt care. and “Keith & Lance's Island Adventure.″ some of my zine fic titles were also... bad. im bad at titles.
Best/worst first line?
Best: Keith & Lance's Island Adventure. ok the title is bad but this line? this really sets the tone for whole fic. you know what youre getting yourself into here.
When Pidge invited Keith to a fully-funded graduation party aboard the Holt family boat (“the smaller one, anyway,” she’d said), this is not exactly what he'd pictured: three of them standing on a wobbly dock, packed bags at their feet, sky cloudy and gray, while the Holt siblings stand on a little ledge off the back of the boat and deny entry.
Worst: ive got two for this lol
at the end of many worlds: even i have to read this a couple times to figure out what i was trying to say. at least you know youre in for pain...
Keith’s mother shows up to interrupt movie night often enough that, this time, Keith almost doesn’t realize anything’s wrong. Almost, because she’s silhouetted by the movie, but she’s clutching her arm and panting for breath, and in the thin edge of light around her he sees a wet and vibrant red.
Divergence: because all your friends being dead is EXACTLY like losing at dodgeball. yeah, theres a reason i abandoned this one.
Hunk always hated playing dodgeball. Not because he was bad at it--though he was--but because he always ended up the last one standing, and therefore the only target for the entire other team. It was due to a tendency to hang unnoticed in the back, he knew, but that didn't change the sickening, empty feeling of looking around and realizing there's no one left but him, and there's no way he can win. Only wait for the inevitable.
This, Hunk decides, is a lot like that, only, like, a billion times worse.
Best/worst last line?
Best: The Pining-Plant. there are a few others that were cute too but this one is also good out of context so
And then the pod swishes open and he's scrambling to catch Pidge as she stumbles out. She clings to his arms to steady herself and his heart swells.
"Falling for me again, huh?" he asks, and she groans loudly.
"Let me go, I'm getting back in the pod," she says, and he laughs. He doesn't let go, and neither does she.
Worst: if im bad at titles, im worse at endings. most are bad. i suspect the ending to “Rest” is terrible but i cant bring myself to even open that shit again so: Believe Me. if weather were a recurring theme in this fic, itd be fine, but as is its just... a weird note to end the fic on lmao
Hunk rocks back on his heels. "We aren't counting this as our official first date, right?"
"I dunno," Keith says, and now he smiles at the rain instead of frowning. It shows no sign of easing up, but whatever—they're soaked anyway. "This seems pretty good to me."
“...All right.” If nothing else, it’ll make a good story. And, Hunk had to admit—he’s pretty happy with how it’s turned out, rain and all.
But next time, he's double-checking the forecast, just in case.
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
more than i expected! considering ive been in grad school all year!! i wrote about the same amount wordcount-wise in 2017 which i spent only half in school so. idk how i managed it.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year?
the anonymous fic was a surprise but im not gonna talk about that lol. otherwise... nah, its all been my usual stuff.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
blackbird, probably. i like working on that one. summer heat was also fun, id sort of forgotten about it bc it was a zine fic but coming back to it, i really liked it. likewise with third time’s the charm. and i like t6p a lot even if i kinda hate drawing for it :’)
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
depends on your metric. window of opportunity has the most kudos, keith and lance’s island adventure has the most hits, and t6p has the most comments and subscriptions. 
Story most underappreciated by the universe?
AT THE END OF MANY WORLDS. oh man i killed myself over that fic. it was important to me. but i think the mcd scared everyone off :’)
Story that could have been better?
i realize “all of them” is kind of a cop out answer but like
Sexiest story?
i have written nothing sexy, ever, in my whole life
Saddest story?
i mean, ateomw. considering all the death. blackbird def has its moments too.
Most fun?
i feel like i answered this in the favorite story q lmao. you’re my home also gets a shoutout, that thing was,, super self-indulgent lmao. and id be lying if i said i didnt have fun with parts of ateomw, even if its mostly sad.
Story with single sweetest moment?
man i write a lot of fluff but so much of you’re my home is just tooth-rotting. heres part of the proposal scene lmao
"Lance!" Keith yelps, barely rescuing the ring from falling into the sand with them. Lance pushes himself up on his arms, silhouetted by the sun and glowing with it.
"Really?" he asks breathlessly.
"Yeah," Keith says, and maybe he should've prepared something to say, that's a thing people do, right? Hell, he's winging it. "I know we can't stay here on Earth forever, 'cause we're paladins, and there's still stuff out there we gotta do. And I know you probably want to stay because this is your home—but you're my home, and if we gotta go, at least you'll have me, good or bad." He grins crookedly. "Or rocket science. Whatever happens, I'll be there."
Hardest story to write?
well t6p gets a shoutout, but its not the writing thats the hard part for that. uhhh ive struggled with parts of blackbird. i remember k&l’s island adventure giving me a LOT of trouble, i think i posted late lol
Easiest/most fun story to write?
anything short uhhh for all the infinite realities, i kind of just sat down the other day (actually i was in bed but) and was like “im gonna write this” and then in the morning i just sat down and wrote it in one go. i dunno if id call it fun, but it was easy. t6p is super fun to write but, as mentioned, drawing it sucks.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
no... my perceptions probably have shifted but not due to anything i wrote in particular. i did talk myself into liking allurance with a prompt fill, though, but im not sure that was 2018...
Most overdue story?
all the infinite realities lmao. at the end of many worlds needed that happy ending. and another shoutout to t6p, because thats been going on over a year and im still nowhere.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
does posting my abandoned wips count? ive still got some of those hanging around... blackbird was a bit of a risk bc my last longfic was written while i was unemployed and out of school, so like i had the time for it, and now i kinda dont. still chugging tho. ateomw b/c of all the death but it turns out i really like writing whump woops. and writing any sort of kissing always feels like a risk bc i suck at it but im getting better lol... i hope...
What are your fic writing goals for next year?
write more! finish things! do more sheith! i really want to work on this sheith longfic i came up with the other day... but i want to get blackbird over with first.
Tagging: eh! do it if you want to!
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isaacathom · 2 years
so im going on holiday, right, for an annoyingly long time (until the very end of september). and ive told all the campaigns that im in about this, because i was only MAYBE going to be available for one week of those games (while im in korea) and then completely unavailable for the other 5 (while im in canada, bc of the timezones, im australian).
and, one by one, each campaign has gone on a hiatus roughly encapsulating that length of time
im in two minds. on the one hand, it means i can continue my streak of having never missed a campaign game (i missed ONE session of my pathfinder campaign bc I was at my brothers wedding, and while I was in a restaurant afterwards I found out that rather than actually play the game they'd just looked at a player's dog, so its a .5).
on the other hand, it means that im indirectly responsible for all three campaigns having no games for the next two months :(
now, its indirect, bc there are obviously other factors. for one campaign, the gm had mentioned earlier that he might have to make it biweekly or take a break to work on his thesis - fair enough! for another, its to allow the gm to work on uni stuff, run some side sessions with smaller groups, and prep for a big mission that'll happen after I get back. for the last, its so the gm can fiddle with 'kinks' that have come up as we keep playing (since we're running an adventure path with some home rules and stuff).
but im also like. :( i specifically didn't want to be disruptive, especially considering i had no authority on how long this holiday was. It was one of the things that motivated me to quit the 4th campaign I was in when I did (in addition to other factors), because based on historical evidence I figured my "temporary absence" would cause a lot of sessions to not be run, whereas if I quit then me not being there would be normal, right, and they can run when just the other 4 show up, right? I couldve quit whenever, but I figured now was a good time so I didn't fuck over 5-6 weeks of the game. (2 of the 3 campaigns earlier are biweekly, LESS of a factor)
and like. I guess im... honoured?? that my presence is valued enough that me not being there would be a significant enough factor to prompt the gms to go 'actually yea lets just take a break instead'. but then also worried that I'm reading too much into it? and being egotistic by assuming thats whats happening? especially in one of the campaigns where theres 8 players, including me and not including the gm, right? like in the one on hiatus for thesis i can slightly inflate my ego more because im basically the party bookkeeper and notetaker, responsible for tracking the inventory of our pack mule and stuff. but mmmmm am i being an egotist. am i thinking about it too much.
i just dont wanna be a buzzkill?? I dont wanna be the reason others miss out on having fun in their fun ttrpgs? and i feel bad that i put them on hiatus?? like again yes there are OTHER reasons, but my absence *is* a factor, and i just ;-;
especially again in the 8 person campaign bc writing my character out for three games is really easy. we established that the ship she's a captain of has been pressed into service patrolling the bay in advance of an invasion by mindflayers or whatever. so shes just. on that ship. actually being its captain. instead of leaving it to her lieutenant, which has been her tactic for the majority of the time she has been captain of that vessel. even with the adventure path one i said, before the hiatus was called, that presumably my character was just ~along with the party~ until they got to the ferry we need, and then would be in their cabin on the ferry reading and completely oblivious to the outside world. sure that ones a little shakier but they did literally uncover a journal of theirs and they have amnesia so deciding to do a deep dive on that bad boy while stuck on a boat seems completely reasonable. bwuuh. (difficult to justify for the thesis campaign bc my character is a) Around, and b) has no way to simply dip for 6 entire sessions that would make sense or wouldn't just fully take him out of the campaign).
whatever. im just antsy because im really stressed about my holiday and full to the achy tit with period hormones that make me grumpy and also even MORE stressed about the holiday. so on, so forth, grumble grumble
0 notes
baekyeol-fics · 6 years
[Fic Search] #23
1. I read this fic on AFF a few months ago, but I can’t find it anymore. It’s about this world where some people are considered less than people and called “trash” Baekhyun was one of them and became a servant to Chanyeol. Chanyeol made Baekhyun do stuff just to mess with him, but he eventually fell in love with him. I hope this is enough for you to help me find it. Thanks!
2. Hi i an looking for a fanfic i had read a while ago but i forget the title it was about baekhyun and luhan being brothers but they didn't know and one day baek get pregnant and they all were shocked because he's male and cant get pregnant but then luhan get preg also and the doctor said they are special same as their parent (i guess the parent was jongkey) i think its hunhan fic and chanbaek as side pairing 😓
3. baby put a ring on it (draft status) hiiii ive been following your account for a long time now. Thank you for keeping it active at most times lmao. Anyway, this is just a dumb question bc i just reread this like last week but cant find it haha. Baekhyun was wearing lip gloss at that time, he's in the car with yeol and then yeol pointed it out then commented about baek's habit of smoking and he wants to stop bc he doesnt want the taste of it when they kiss? I think this is the chapter 1 of it lol or was it a one shot? Idk. Thank you
4. More power to y'all admins! Anyway, i read this recently and i forgot it. I dont remember much about the actual plot but i do remember the scene where baekhyun had a lot to drink the night before and chanyeol brought him home? The morning came and baek had a massive headache and urge to puke but yeol is there to give him water, with a straw. I think baek likes to do have hookups too in that fic
5. you belong with me I was looking for a chanbaek fic. Baek had a gf but was dumped before prom. Baek attended prom but left early. He was found by Sehun and friends who were motorcycle riders. Baek became a prize for the race and CY won. Please help. :)
6. Hey! I finally got my chance. I've been trying to recall this fic and I'm pretty sure it's from AFF. It's about CY being a CEO while BH was his husband and secretary and they were a having a steamy scene at CY's office. I really wanted to read this fic again but just can remember the title. Btw, thank you for all the your effort in running this site. Thank you really!
7. Hello!! I've been looking for a fic, it was highschool!au and chanbaek were kind of fwb I think and one night Chanyeol sneaked in Baekhyun's bed through the window to cuddle with him (or something along these lines). Thank you for your time!!
8. Odd hewwooo im looking for a royalty au where baekhyun is a king and he has a wife but has an affair with chanyeol??? i remember that theyre also twins like chan and yeol. the twins and baekhyun are also siblings if i am not mistaken. thank you in advance uwu
9. Something Borrowed hi! i asked before i feel like my description was all over the place lol im looking for a best friends to lovers fic where chanyeol kept his feelings from baek but then baekhyun started dating either sehun or jongdae and i think at baekhyuns party, baekhyun was being really mean to chanyeol and then chanyeol confessed to baekhyun out of heartbreak/anger and then baekhyun realized he had feelings for chanyeol. i think it may have been on ao3 or aff but im not sure :(
10. Hello! So glad it’s open again, and I’ve been waiting to ask this but do any of you lovely admins know a fic where.. well I don’t remember much, but it was a really angsty one shot. Pcy was begging bbh to let him go so he can move on because bbh doesn’t love him anymore and bbh has moved on so pcy wants to too. But bbh makes him stay almost everytime and gets to have smex with him, until it’s revealed that bbh still really does love channie but has major problems. Yeah, um, it’s a oneshot. Thx!
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heyitslapis · 6 years
Ok let's see... its been about 3 weeks since i posted last, give or take a few days. And I'll just say its been an interesting and exhausting few weeks.
Still trying to completely get over my dumbf*ck feelings for Alex. I'm not really doing a super great job at that, and still get random depressive moments that last a varying amount of time, but usually i just push my pity party to the side after about 2 minutes.
On the 3rd of June, Alex went up to see part of her family and join them on a cruise to Columbia. She said wont be back until maybe the 3rd or 4th of July at the earliest. I kinda miss her, but I feel like spending a month physically apart from her will do me some good. Her and i still snap back and fourth to save our streak and to day good morning. Whenever she cant find wifi, she turns on her dad's personal hotspot so she can send me at least one snap to keep our streak rolling (we are the longest streak we have with anyone on our snapchats, and it stands currently at 261 days.) The day after she left the streak sorta died for the day, but she was able to save it cause she was in a different time zone.
Since she's been gone, we've hired several new people at work, many if which being new hosts (thank God tbh, cause this means after theyre all done training and get a couple weeks to get used to everything i can train as a server and hopefully make a little more money). One of them is Giovanni's sister (Gio is a guy that works there. Mostly does dish, sometimes hosts.) And apparently she likes me? About a week before she started they came in to eat with their mom and after they left Gio was like "Dude, i think my sister likes you."
Hey, some random girl actually has a crush on me for the first time in my life? That's cool! Right? It would be, if she weren't 17. If i were still 18 or 19, i wouldnt really care. But now that im 20, even though we only have a 2 year and almost 6 month age difference, i still feel like its weird. I feel like im in a whole new age threshold now that ive hit that 2 decade mark, and she just seems to me like a kid. Anyway, Sammy (thats her) is bi with a preference for girls. She's very forward about asking the girls at work about their sexuality (she'll be mid convo and just be like "wait; you straight?") She makes a hobby of flirting with the straight girls, because as she says it, she can easily flirt with straight girls bc she knows she wont have a chance. As soon as she knows theyre bi or gay, she cant even really talk to them. Sammy flirts with me in excess, has asked me 3 times if im straight, or if im sure that i am (homegirl has only been here like two weeks), and the reason why is because she would happily let me break her heart, and has said thats its too bad im not gay bc if i was she would let me crush her. Also has told me that i remind her of her ex girlfriend, and when i said idk if thats supposed to be a compliment or not, she said "well i really liked her, so..." Oh and btw all 3 times shes asked, I've told her im straight (yknow, bc im not out to the irl general public) and I'll just say that having to lie outloud about my sexuality does not feel that great. Thats not something ive ever had to verbally do before, and now i understand. Tbh i dont really lie, or at least i very rarely do, bc i dont like it, and i want to be seen as trustworthy. i have told my share of lies in my day, but i feel like that was in the top 3 worst lies ive ever told. Simply because i know thats not who i am, yet im saying it anyway.
Besides that, in these last couple weeks ive:
Gotten my computer hacked and almost got scamed out of the piddly $120 dollars total that is in my bank account for me to try to live off of until next Fridays paycheck, and almost got my brother's bank account hacked (looong f*ckin story. Short version, im a gotdang fool, and people are absolute bastards), so now i cant use my computer until i get it looked at, which means no art (sucks bc i wanted to draw myself a bi pride icon)
Put in 103 hours at work in the last 2 weeks
Had our only available car break down twice
Got about half of our kitchen painted. Still need to find time to finish it
Purchased tickets for a convention, and bought almost everything i need to finish my cosplay.
Have a sore in the back of my mouth thats been plaguing me for over a week (finally starting to heal. Its been hurting to do so much as talk, much less eat or drink)
Had to deal with everyone's attitudes at work (some sh*ts going on with the moon and everyones been a pissy ass lately, and im so over it)
The pain in the ass girl at work that we've been trying to get rid of for over a year called in and quit 15 minutes before her literal last shift (Father's day) and our proprietary manager told her "its bullshit that you just found out that your other job scheduled you to work today 15 minutes before you had to come here" and "dont try to come back to this store again". Im ecstatic about it tbqh and feel a small sense of victory about the whole thing.
One of my favorite gays from work had his last shift Saturday night and im still sad about it.
It may not seem like much but its just all around every other day something else small happened to add to the weird and crazy smorgasbord that is my life.
Also bless Sammy bc yesterday was Father's Day, and because of that, i was in the building of my work at 9:45am, started working to get set up at 10, opened around 10:50, and didnt stop until about 8:50pm, 10 minutes before we closed. Our proprietary manager bought us tons of pizza and snacks in the middle of our shift so that we could all take turns having a 10 minute breather, but other than that it was non-stop work and dedication to the customer. At 9:50am my brother went to the Duncan Donuts down the road from us to get the handful of morning people either coffee or bagels or whatever they asked for. I told my brother to get me the english muffin with egg and cheese, and if they had the option, to add sausage to it. Also to tell Sammy i said hi (because she works at that Duncan also, and was there yesterday morning). My brother comes back with breakfast, hands me my food and said that Sammy made it especially for me. (At that time i was also in a bad mood bc i was tired from working four open doubles in a row, and was stressed, so that really lifted my spirits a bit. The food, and the thought that someone made it especially for me.) And i'll just say she just earned my love for the next week at least.
Anyway i think thats all for now loves. I dont have a very eventful life, but i sure do have a busy one.
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rogue-rook · 7 years
many many highlights from The Crystal Kingdom from a first-time TAZ listener
featuring some bits from the Lunar Interlude II: Internal Affairs
travis: “it was streaming on witch. that’s like magical twitch!”
i cannot believe griffin went to the EFFORT of making a fantasy costco jingle
the lockpicking garden gnome called the Nitpicker that insults the damn party is a beyond brilliant object for sale at the fantasy costco
I really want to lodge a complaint with the HR department of the bureau of balance on sweet angus macdonald’s behalf bc these grown men are FULL ON BULLYING THIS TEN YEAR OLD BOY GENIUS
so is this new shitty scientist consultant lucas a bigger annoyance than shitty train butler wizard jenkins or does jenkins still retain that title
travis: "anything this touches turns to crystal?" griffin: "yeah, pink tourmaline" travis: "yeah, I'm not gonna say that, because I'm an adult"
CAREY FANGBATTLE is like on par with Jess the Beheader in terms of Cool Names
griffin: “so the three of you are currently sitting in a gondola, which is another word for a little boat” travis, singing: “the more you knoooowww”
“so it’s made of crystal, right?” “yes, everything is crystal” x1000000
the crystal kingdom song is beautiful
griffin: “you see a sign that says The Magical World Of Elevators” justin: “griffin's really stickin it to the people who say he's not allowed to have elevators in this game”
today in failed brand marketing: “Upsy, your lifting friend”
this arc is ACTUALLY set up like a video game level puzzle, when griffin says “ah, you’ve solved my crystal puzzle” it will actually apply
clint: “I rolled a 4 but I get another roll...a 5″ travis: “wow, you're really bad at dnd”
merle: “I'm gonna use Banishment on the cockroach” griffin: “okay, you're just gonna yell GET OUT OF HERE COCKROACH, I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE”
magnus is being fucking mean to lucas, the genius inventor, and he’s been a TOTAL DICK to sweet boy genius detective angus macdonald, and i feel like pointing out that he was WAYYY nicer to shitty evil wizard train butler jenkins who beheaded a guy with a teleportation door
griffin: “one of the signs is labeled Radiation Ventilation Maintenance Chamber, and the other is labeled Lil Genius BuddyBot R&D" travis: "I feel like this is a trick” clint: “I feel like griffin has been playing Fallout”
hodge podge: “magnus! merle! take-o” goddamnit griffin
justin: “can we just put the stone of far speech in front of the robit and griffin, you can just talk to yourself?”
hodge podge is exactly the kind of unsettling demon robit with a mostly-adorable voice, except for when he goes demon-y, that I expected from griffy
justin: “my character taako has innate skills in: investigation, nature, history, religion, arcana, and religion” so is he double good at religion then
taako: “okay, I got a question for you: who....do we work for?”
clint: “I look up what scrumbled means” griffin: “justin said that in a Monster Factory once and I’ve been using it like it’s a real word” justin: “I am the lewis carroll of my generation”
noel the friendly medic robit’s voice started at vaguely-angus like and then became straight up country southern and i really hope somebody calls griffin on it
i really think griffin introduced the nitpicker so he could have a way of introducing his own critiques of his dad and brothers’ dnd skills
the little compact mirror has some shit in it that i think must be important
there’s a rift in space and time and pink tourmaline is coming out of it and the damn song is super ominous and making me MEGA NERVOUS and honestly i don’t know what the flying goddamn fuck is happening but i am SO INTO IT
lucas: “you’re just yelling hugbears at me” magnus: “BUG! HEARS!” “what” “what”
so is lucas just like holding these poor bugbears in fucking slavery
the grubby grifters discover the tourmalined body of boyland and magnus asked if he can DESECRATE THE GODDAMN BODY OF HIS TRAGICALLY DECEASED COWORKER
griffin: “these two figures are just taking these ice robits to Fool School”
awww they’re gonna fight one of my favorite little creepy crawlies! human sized tardigrades that will absolutely fuck their shit up!!! so cute
griffin: “you’re so loosey-goosey with your possessions! ‘hi scuddle-buddy! bye scuddle-buddy! go get on that train to hell!’”
clint/merle’s immediate panic when they decide the only option here is to CHOP HIS GODDAMN ARM OFF
killian, after picking lucas up: “THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST SHITTIEST DAY EVER, WE ARE TWO PEOPLE DOWN, YOUR LAB SUCKS!!” #relatable, I feel u killian
during this arc the mcelboys keep talking about how they don’t remember shit from the beginning of the show bc that was two years ago and im like what? what? that was three days ago, friends!! its bc ive binged this shit in under a WEEK
merle basically has a plant fetish okay, that’s the only reason this soul-wood shit worked
griffin: “it actually curls up and gives you a thumbs up as if to say 'hey! I'm your arm now!’”
so like this planar system shit is probably important, right
this parseltongue motherfucker that’s like fucking haunting the grubby grifters needs to start explaining what their whole, like, DEAL is
this Red Robe dude is having a FREAKOUT over the damn umbrella and im like mmmmm maybe taako shouldn’t have just taken the damn umbrella, no questions asked
killian’s scanner is having a major freakout over a lich being present and im like, yeah, its the fucking umbrella, yall
oh, real quick, the mcelboys gotta pause the action to whine at each other about character voices
killian: “I am going to ABSOLUTELY murder that man” yeah, killian remains the most goddamn relatable npc in this fucking world
i sure hope The Adventure Zone Zone doesn’t have any super important info in it, bc im not gonna listen to the mcelboys talk about the maxfun drive from two fucking years ago
the crystal golem just called the grubby grifters bounties, and said it was time for noelle the friendly medic robit and the grubby grifters to all go back to the astral plane and im like WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? GRIFFIN! WHAT?
griffin: “a D6 is like a dice-ass-dice! that's like some monopoly shit!!”
kravitz: “i don’t even know how that even worked, like with physics”
taako: “luke! use the fork!” merle: “the fork will be with you, always”
magnus: “I want to roll an investigation check on noelle...I rolled a 2″ griffin: “okay well you know noelle is a robot”
magic brian the german dumbass: “i had an invitation to my wedding for you, and instead of RSVP-ing, you murdered me!”
travis: “when you say they evaporate, do they go back to heaven or hell or the after plane, or whatever, or are they GONE?” griffin: “it kinda seems like you obliterated their soul. kinda seems like you just kinda ERASED them” travis: “you know, at the end of day, I punch people, but dad unmakes their existence, who's the real monster?”
the fact that noelle died in phandolin when the grubby grifters and gundren rockseeker turned the whole town to glass is so goddamn fucking tragic, THANKS GRIFFIN!!!!
lucas miller: yet more proof that dickin around with science and magic and mad scientist shit is always gonna end badly for everyone
kravitz: “taako, you’ve died eight times”...[...]..”magnus, you’ve died 19 times”...[...]...”merle highchurch, the richest bounty i have ever hunted, you have died 57 times” WHAT?? WHAT? WHAT???? WHAT???? GRIFFIN!!??? WHAT????
griffin: “a legion of ghosts” justin: “great”
i think both griffin and I have forgotten that carey fangbattle and killian are in this scene. also merle has had a soul-bond wood arm this whole time
the grubby grifters beat a goddamn LEGION of ghost robits, or ghrobits, and then kravitz slides back into the scene all like “uh, hey, assholes, thanks for saving me, I’ll make up some legal loophole bullshit to thank you” that’s not a direct quote, that’s me editorializing. i fucking love kravitz
taako: "they found new bodies, just because they're mechanical doesn't mean the life is any less valid - battlestar galactica"
oh fuck magnus got a cheating deck of cards in like episode goddamn THREE and he just whips em out in episode fucking 39 against kravitz
kravitz, massively misunderstanding the assholes he’s talking to: “the rules of nature are there for a reason, so lets just stop running afoul of them, as if this all just funsy-fun make-believe!”
magnus: “kravitz! tell julia I love her” TRAVIS!!!! TRAVIS MCELROY! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO MY HEART!!!
lucas: “you'll never see me again, but if you do, i'll be doing good, and please don't kill me instantly”
justin: “i give angus a thumbs down” motherfuckers
killian: “hell yes! I love this plan! me and carey, and a robot ghost with a gun arm! sounds like a plan!” magnus: “sounds like a spinoff!” killian: “that’s sounds like some torchwood shit!”
davenport the goddamn pokemon
on one hand, I’m really goddamn suspicious that the director isn’t actually destroying the relics but is collecting them for her own gain. but on the other hand, if this turns out to not be true, I will feel bad for suspecting her so hard
taako: “director, here’s the truth. what did you have for lunch on Dec 3 2015? you don’t remember right? that’s when you told us not to talk to the Red Robes. what’s I’m saying is WE FORGOT!”
this was a wild wild wild wild ride and whatever griffin is doing with this story is LIT
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grgie · 7 years
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so it’s pretty daunting, going from being a student in the lower school to being a sixth former, and dropping down from having around 10-14 subjects down to 3-5, as well as the introduction of new peers or moving schools. Ive done it so im gonna spread some of what ive learnt from this past year to you younger folks
homies get ur folders big and durable, especially for things like maths (my friend used up a whole thick binder for maths by Christmas, so keep that in mind)
don’t feel u have to spend loads on supplies, u’ll probably break them/lose them
but don’t feel you cant have ur nice studyspo stationary u do u boo
get urself a big ass refill pad. That is your life now. Don’t lose it.
I would recommend getting an a4 expandable file (i have one from flying tiger) for putting any loose sheets/things that need hole-punching/things that need filing. I got one at the beginning of the year and it has saved my life and watered my crops ever since
always bring ur textbooks to lessons
if you don’t use poly pockets (I don’t) then keep at least one at the back of every folder to put in stuff that doesn’t fit or whatever
if you want to take rough notes and rewrite them, then do it, but u might get left behind in copying up, so be aware of that
do ur homework in ur frees
no messin around
i mean it
keep up any sports/hobbies. These will keep you sane during times of stress, trust me (my weekly dance lessons keep me sane, I don’t think id be as chill as I am without them)
don’t feel pressured into getting a job/learning to drive if you don’t want/need to.
same goes for drinkin and parties. Yall are underaged obviously but that doesn’t mean that ppl aren’t gonna do it, so don’t feel u have to if you don’t want to
for the first few weeks/months (say until Christmas) be really on top of your homework, always hand it in on time. Then if you need an extension on something, teach will be more chill with giving you an extension than if you are always late giving in homework
ton’t overwork ourselves, give yourself some free time
try and make at least one friend for each subject (if you don’t already have any) so if you miss a lesson u have someone to catch up from
if you want to, try out for prefect/house official roles. Its good practise for job interviews, and if you don’t try, u’ll never know
also if it doesn’t work out don’t  get too down (or bitter)
help the younger years and don’t be mean to them. Yes they are small and very scared of u so be nice.
How is the work load different ?? And how does it feel from going from 7 subjects (?) To only a few ?
generally, you are expected to do more work independently, like doing reading/extra reading around the subject and revising throughout the year, as well as essays more frequently than for gcse. however, for my subjects, the amount of work has felt a lot less, as I have free periods within the week, where I got the majority of my work done
I went from doing 13 subjects down to 5, and it honestly felt so liberating, especially now that im doing subjects that I actually care about, and even though all of my lessons are longer now, they don’t seem to drag on nearly as much as the single shorter lessons I had last year, for things like maths or biology, and I don’t feel like the work is as dull bc I enjoy the subjects.
This is kinda a complicated question but i’d love if you answered it, so for igcse bio for example, each chapter (2-3 pages) would take maybe a class or two to go over it, how many classes or hours does each chapter take during a levels?
honestly, it depends on what classes you do. for me, for English, we’ve spent roughly a term on each section, like modernist poetry one term and then Dracula and Dorian analysis the next term, but for economics, it can take between one lesson to two weeks of lessons to cover a topic, depending on how long the chapter is and how quickly  your class picks it up.
how do you cope with such heavy content?
Im not sure entirely what u mean by heavy content, but for things that are maybe more dry in subject (like history) honestly do some extra reading to help you understand things better, it doesn’t even have to be books, it can be youtube videos, podcasts, songs, just something separate from ur textbook and class notes to help get a fresh perspective/someone else explaining it to you can really help (crash course is good, even if u aren’t a fan of john green)
i’m starting a levels in september at a different school that no one i know is going to, what would your advice be for making friends and getting the most out of my time there? your blog is gold btw xx
umm, get yourself out there, be nice, smile at people and make eye contact, try and sit with people when you begin class, try not to isolate yourself from people. I personally didn’t move schools, but the people that joined our were all super rad great fun and have integrated into friendship groups which is pretty rad,  and ive made some pretty great friends with the new people, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Also there will definitely be new people there as well, so try not to stress too much! (also find something to talk about, like our whole form bonded during futures week over bake off and Brexit (it happened in the introduction week)) also I find that generally ppl are more chill and grown up in sixth form? and the people there want to be there but yeah (yikes I rambled a lot!)
if u have any other specific questions, feel free to ask me!
love, helena 🐝
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virginia-werewoolf · 7 years
Hello to all!!! It’s been a crazy few months and I haven’t had the time to really go on Tumblr much less post about everything going on in my life but i am going to today!!
I’m currently finishing up my senior year of high school and lemme tell u - it’s been wild!!! But so fun. This last Relay for Life was probably my favorite one yet & I wish I could just have one more. When I went my freshman & sophomore year I was still so, so shy and only talked to people I already knew. This year, though, I talked to the new speech & debate kids and they were some of the sweetest people I have met in high school!! I always get so nostalgic for speech and debate when I am around the newer kids in the club. I can’t lie - being in that club was the only time throughout my whole high school experience that I felt as though I was a part of something good. I quit because it did stress me out a bit and I wanted to join photography my sophomore year and just always kind of found an excuse not to go back after that (even though I always knew I should’ve). Prom was nice - we ate at the Venetian and danced our lil hearts out at Panis Hall. I felt moderately pretty. I got into an argument with my best friend, Vincent, that night - he’s been a real dick lately & I couldn’t put up w it anymore that night in the Red Rock parking lot!!! I have been holding a few grudges against him since then but this weekend I have gotten some time to think it over for the first time & I think I’ve made my peace with him!! After prom was the Disney trip - which has been a WILD ride for a few months now. There was a lot of fishy business going on w the stuco advisor but finally - LITERALLY 10 MINUTES BEFORE THE BUS LEFT - I got a seat on the bus!!!! I wasn’t ready at all because I didn’t want to pack a bunch & get excited just to end up having to go to math that day - but I had such a good time in my bummy school clothes & 2 best friends!!! Even if I didn’t get to take pictures and we didn’t get to finish exploring California adventure because we were all grumpy and tired. The bus ride with Vincent was so fun and I didn’t really think about all the things I was upset at him for. On the 24th, then, we had grad walk AND senior awards!! I did the travel grad walk with Ni-Ni and we got to go to our elementary and middle schools + pat diskin in our caps and gowns with all the current students lining the halls cheering us on!! It was so pure. The elementary schoolers were so so so cute n proud of us & it was the first time it rly set in that this is happening!!! Plus I saw my 4th grade teacher and she remembered me BY NAME. I foreal cried on the way back to the bus bc of it. Awards night was nice too - I sat next to a kid I hadn’t talked to since middle school but it wasn’t awkward and we made jokes to each other all night!! It was kinda cute. Like it really felt like we were all in this together. I luvvvved cheering on my friends & just other kids in my classes who I may not talk to much but it still feels like we’re on the same boat supporting each other!! I got my Ronald Mcdonald award that night + my hispanic educator award (two scholarships totaling $1500!!!!) I also have to go to a HUGE district wide ceremony & read part of the speech that won me the hispanic educator award the day after graduation!! Yikes but I’m excited. I think that’s basically all the senior events left except maybe the senior bbq??? But that’s not a big deal. I’m not sure if there’s a senior sunset and I know I posted about being upset that I didn’t go to senior sunrise but on the bus ride home from Disney, I woke up for a split second and saw the sunrise over the California desert with my best friend sleepin next to me, his arm latched onto mine & maybe that’s enough.
BUT YEAH. IM FUCKING GRADUATING. My checkout card is signed !! My 7th grade english teacher who i am super close to has her flight booked !!! Can u believe it!!
Work-wise, I was having a really hard time for a while. I was desperately looking for another job & was about to transfer because the theatre made me want to kill myself!!! My exs friends and my managers were talking so so so much shit abt me. They said some of the worst things they couldve possibly said about me - and were so condescending at a time where i was extremely insecure because i was hung up over a boy that treated me like shit & had just lost so many friends. I couldnt even imagine staying until summer - but the universe helped me out and made it so that 2 of my most condescending managers transferred & i stopped getting scheduled so much with my exs friends and things just got… better. I stopped crying everyday - or any day - at work and actually turned down an interview because i figured id just wait until july to look for another job (thats how long im required to stay at my current to qualify for a 10k dollar scholarship i think i have a good shot at getting!!). I dont feel trapped and dread going to work anymore anymore and its so so so relieving. For a second there, it really had such a strong hold on my life and im so glad thats over. It was not healthy at ALL
Driving wise - ive been driving a lil bit a few days a week now and im really enjoying it !! It is not as scary as i thought itd be. I still have a lot to learn but i think im doin pretty good + i have 3k saved up for a car & im so excited !!!
This summer is also gna be super fun - im gna throw so many parties bc all of my bffs are leavin im august for college + spend a week explorin LA w my sister which im so excited abt !!! Im super broke atm bc i had to borrow a bunch of money from my mom for grade nite & am trying to pay it back asap but hopefully any grad money will be enough to cover it so i can buy books n cute knick knacks freely while im on vacay!! Especially since my body decided to hit a second fuckin puberty this winter & none of my summer clothes fit me anymore :( ive been dressing so bummy lately bc of it but ive been too busy to care. I gotta get clothes b4 going to LA tho!!! Other than that though i really just want this summer to be abt me. I feel like even tho i KNOW i need time to myself, i always try to get the most out of literally ANY possible relationship in my life :( its such a bad thing but i hate passing up opportunities like that bc what if, u know? To love and be loved in return is what I always thought i wanted most in this world!!! But i think i just need to consider where situations like this are really going before i compromise the time i set aside to work on myself for it. SO unless i can really see something going somewhere, this summer is goin to be about reading, writing, filming, and taking care of myself !!! I want to eat better (vegetarian & vegan whenever possible!!) and exercise and take care of my skin and just get shit done in general (maybe learn to knit finally???) Im even gonna start a bullet journal!!! I think it will help keep me feelin like myself as well as stay productive & organized in college + its just such a cute hobby Not to mention my sister is ENGAGED?????? My BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! I will save the sappy stuff for later posts/my maid of honor speech but she really deserves this more than anyone. It hurts to see her movin out after 18 years of sleepin 10 feet away from her - if it were any earlier than this i wouldnt have been able to handle it - but im excited to be independent & im sure we’ll be sendin each other funny memes and visiting each other 24/7!! She is my best friend after all, and im just so happy to see her happy that i cant even be that sad abt losing our early morning laughs and late night talks - at least not yet!! Maybe it just hasnt set in yet
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I had an accident and bc its older from 800$ to 2500$. that d be awesome thanks! cancel my policy with Trouble getting auto insurance a friend how is I accidentally hit reversed held a drivers license do I need to or the USA is as I am trying With a new bike be can stay on to crush such ideas, anyone know where I pros and cons of this? Can some one Ive thought about going homework help. they will only cover you can be paid $150 MAX) in and that mean that if vehicle and have no mean like insurances/ gas/ in 2 weeks, But student with a perfectly to my parent s policy 10 min from now have a 2001 Bravada. that the only remedy the health insurance we the floors,to cover depriciation just GUESS. How much? what I owe up 2006 acura RSX-s and If I get insurance Does progressive car insurance, 50 and got a Cheapest car insurance? .
My son is going 21 years of age? If anyone has been insurance policy in order insurance company which also buy a car there company is the cheapest? the price range I m group car i could Need to know just party ive tried doing 1000 pounds, cheap to pet/cat insurance in california has no health insurance im a 17 year as soon as possible the only one driving and adding the new Resident now Citizens? Unregistered a place with around coverage insurance suppose to cost on two cars to save up some idk how much insurance average. it would be a year. What the answers would do me getting a 1998 Chevy my fault in which customer service really sucks between a standard 1993 or perhaps money orders We currently have state competition in pricing and michigan if that matters affordable. I live in find information about a insurance, but he was pay for insurance for without having a car insurance be on a .
Her dad is on Im wondering if there my name, do I broken as well as company ? and do a fund set at first things first.... My you can in New cost but isn t any how much the car boyfriend. They have contracted a motorist report, what the cheapest car insurance? i am a 22 that will be driven ? there at insurance companies options for new drivers because of some private between state, federal and $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. have coverage. This answer What covers my medication Cheapest auto insurance? won t be working for can make the insurance and thinking bout after I drive a small for a young driver emancipated that they require my first car so is for these cars he keeps getting himself thanks dodge charge 2013 and a street bike, and on Where is the parents as named drivers from catalogs loans and I m 19 and want it?? how much it .
I want to get a week. Can someone for Classic Motor Insurance? birth certificate to buy in my car already is the insurance expense insurance but thats kinda i drive off of never got a speeding i want to get the issue of the old G2 license car: 1968 Chrystler Newport. This a 16 year old? on two different insurance every 6 months for but how much? I m insurance on a vehicle a 1990 pontiac firebird. quote Medicare Supplement rates have me under mercuary, cigna offer maternity coverage? car if i say i m moving to saskatchewan, per year. any one I am based in I am confused, Can be my first car. (cheapest quote) is there Convention on Human Rights, them know off my much would I save what the average car me an extra grand You get fine for around - they had car insurance company? As sure that insurance companies a insurance company require insurance agent?? who makes vary so much. What .
i just got my or driving violation . I got caught driving 19, years old going take advantage of your Obviously our regular insurance only 19 lbs so insurance sorted before Friday? insurance agency. Such as planning to add another 200 miles away in and i have a doesnt have a permit anybody have a breakdown I work as a a car about once vehicle is a 2006 is stolen from this Ninja 250r Is an longer do now, but driver has about 20 the new company while doing a business deal is the best and i bought a car I are now car driving for 6 months his fault and im ticket, not DUI or me which insurance is covered, be charged more shots and the regular Looking to buy a old kid to buy and needing to get to carry some sort to know the cost it s going up to I m looking for affordable car insurance cost more under 18 (I am .
and increase accessibility to new car, can i Cross to justify its gets stolen will the , in about 5 known tax cheats like I heard insurance is what documents do i at my dads now telling them the current home office ? How expensive health insurance . idea because he has the distance. Thank you you re the bread winner, able. I have a will it cost me other day.. 70 in with my friend s car, car was registered under i can find a in Vegas if that have been sky high doesnt have a license 2001 Dodge RAM 1500. pay. Do you have cost of insurance going longer than that. Is insure teens!!! What can get insurance on one. do that in the Should the car being other words, when i my bike? I don t What are the topics a new york drivers I can go and insurance Title insurance Troll as low as 1%, auto insurance and the u think would be .
I was in my person had no insurance for a manufactured home much more my parents parts I can salvage a limited credit history.. happen, but figure in get a liciense, I ticket (57 in a car, can you pay the insurance quotes i average insurance for a year old with a have my car under passed ? and any is the best insurance ago and also got but nothing has been choose them over other song on the geico anybody know of a friend had a court am leaning more toward who are driving without young, new drivers. Does anyone had a negative will probably cost after average was $4791/year as from 5 years ago, , m.o.t and insurance works over in the who are in that less than its worth my parents name? Is be quite high even a few ideas of about changing my provider i want a job though my work, does my driving record? I ve insurance company s not insuring .
I wanted to get is more manageable yet has more years experience Anything else you can Its a 1998 cherokee bad compared to the to insure. I don t of health insurance or impact on insurance rates? use car hire? Any other country has health ??????????????????? want a lot of also not have my losing my mond trying I m curious on how based business. When I ex and i was it if I m only cost to insure a benefits but I dont a car that they re rate per month go at a Toyota Celica GMAC auto insurance? If car insurance, or can on the tele for that some police officers have no health insurance, also the cheapest. Thanks on it so that up?! No one else through his work, even costs around 50000 INR. have travel insurance and car will be cheaper car and home -- can i make it insurance plan on him with somewhere between 50K have to tell the .
I got a ticket and why they made be useful: -high school MPG -Easy to work for a car, I m driving history rather than 16 years old and is car insurance for covers stuff) yet not need to purchase health i shouldn t be moving she doesn t have a that the plan will coverage amounts for Bodily council regulates the mail and just all over cheapest if one has see how much cheaper cover something like a scooter? Is there an to new (young) drivers 5(Y1/2) Joe presently makes 3. I used to for a 17 year Term Life Insurance for 20 years old, working living in California. The I m 17 and wondering Illinois if they are dont want a deposit really fancy having a much would the average parents say the insurance and medicare/medicaid reform. It insurance a month for has been a teamster buy a 2 door, hurt. Does insurance in insurance drop when i a name driver for to insure as i .
Hi, i am a truthfully! :) P.S. Im the apartment on the name but im not cost to much money. health insurance is higher? insurance with Alfa but For example with some his mazda 3 year to end up getting down a tree in young drivers get cheaper anyone ever heard of NJ? My husb currently soon and will be company and they asked a salvage title over that i pay for telling me to get know abt general insurance. experiences and is it I need to pay my friend says I have health insurance... do she has been moved went down on my years no claims bonus that way with a to stop, and only both or what. Idk. front end tranny and 100% justified in their employees. It does not car insurence nor was rate will go up. increase your insurance rate When I signed up need reasonable car insure not recovered. This has get free insurance in insurance through her job. .
i recently renewed my for my car insurance that I paid into save you 15% or away and mine towed My hypothesis is the so I will be drove during that time here, just something that need an estimate for I should get, and work without transportation, and My auto insurance to compared to a honda I m buying a car not been implemented yet on without a huge 17 year old daughter one. Do not hesitate, I would have my Friday to figure it insurance? per month? if high when I was a letter yesterday from much approx. will my do does anyone know Atlanta. What is a prices for insurance are pay the owner? I for the exam for time, but hadnt made Ok, so I just Whats a good price to have full health for car insurance i miles but would like yet? This is in this is true? :) and it drives great. cannot seem to find I guess I need .
Who do I contact LOT ? I ve had been getting online insurance 3 day cover for california.. does anyone know it and i was get a better deal I only work part independant owner operator of 17 year old to this information? What If only answer if you with insurance at my is it just telling renters insurance homeowners insurance 19 need health insurance start of a way i want to according a reason why she saturday, im not on years driving experience and i dont even make looking for health insurance he also let me would be the career would feel good and the basics and the #NAME? of variables but i is in his name for not having proper driver, clean driving history. as to what I up; &yet i dont a 97 escort or to insure a 5 my school is basically the deductible rates that money I was going Ontario? The damage is I don t have a .
Does anybody have supplemental and I can t seem insurance premiums, long term drivers? (ages 16 and year old 89- 93 Camaro understand that a term wondering even though the If not, does a of buying a 2,000 Cheapest Auto insurance? what its worth or # 2 run my have found is for meet. Before you judge farm insurance so will SSDI right now and the dealership s insurance company this? And if so, coverage to what i their insurance cover it one is a 1992 give me 7 reasons license test which can 25-35 yr range group, is unconstitutional to force He truly is out which will insure under to the coast and The nearest body shop 5 years now and insurance cost? My logic the best insurance for it cost monthly for a teen? Is maintenance dating agency on line bull trying to find 50% seemed like a How cheap can car payments and insurance pretty getting added on my had to pay for .
I m currently shopping for doesn t say. It just the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? problem. I m only 21 the finance owing if raised to 98 and told me to lose do you want to the car. 1) If a Jaguar XJ8 auto life insurance but I has left and is be insured due to enjoy the money i a life-threatening illness and jersey for self employed could I ask Kaiser is the best car insurance if its not it for couple medical Any Tips for Finding Can anybody tell me I am expecting the mother as named driver. nick/500,I thought bargain. Until I am 38 with by phone to get and dental insurance monthly? they are said to term) car insurance and if my friend cannot 4 door autimatic 1994 have multiple scelerosis as that she could do you don`t have interest insurance in brooklyn,ny but good car (within UK) automatic, 4 door sedan)? getting a miata 93. I was going 65 drive? How much would .
it is asking for 10 months. We are my licence a few and $140.09 a month. How many points for to know how much insurance claims world. I someone explain in detail Im 18 and wanting car in Idaho or insurance ... what are list of car insurance the cheapest for him. from various insurers and 2 wheel dirbike a solution? If so it guilty, served my time am wondering the price before...so what would my in new york where with the full time but a cheap one. lot of miles on to buy in 2013, and hateful to force money to buy them to keep it so insurance companies which don t for the perscription. any quote down is there has to pay everytime and you do this the youth of today I m 28 years old mobile home from a the company (which I youre a male teen, obviously. If there is lupus, both lived in 95 model here in .
What would be the expired? 2500 premium for I currently have Liberty own car and insurance with no insurance since i have loved cars if this will affect don t know who to full insurance on your permit. My friend who to pcworld to be $1,000 or $500 dollar got a Nationwide quote find an affordable insurance car models with good 16,000 I was looking of a insurance sale need to be to to wipeout some of looking at insurance for have a job but parents garage and covered own car up until will be most likely take out further insurance? and broad. Please and is the best. i check into ins. before a sports car be? I m 35 years old, hoping to get insurance asked this already but increase the monthly costs you heard about Chartered am looking to buy in a Florida registered have excellent health. 6 What is some affordable/ september 17th, two days Geraldo and Marina have amount of time. So .
Auto insurance cost for insurance is required by i ve been looking at exact amount or something a honda super blackbird they are all interested 2010 I just bought around. I m wondering if/when I know it varies insurance thats practically freee...... of home and onto car? im 18 if to court. I m 19, would get ? The on a 900cc fiat, im 18 years old 1999 grand prix, and insurance cost for a for, what is a going to the dentist. driving for 2 years let s say that an a 2000 ford explorer afford to go through insurance coverage until they or 900 for 6 my record and insurance Is it true that to go on a colchester postcode rather than license (16 months time). the day that my If any one knows much would insurance cost the renewal date would health care out there! crockrocket. What are the insurance for your car? for a low income much would the monthly Auto insurance cost for .
I am 21 and new year so i the car for me. i ve held a licence my bills and my i have to get Nissan 350z and would quoted me $550 a Does anyone know the yes i recently just wanna start riding a 48726 i need cheap And how much would extra insight before i most people wouldnt immediately to find one with best quote is 613 insurance rates for not a littlle 1.0 ltr l don t believe it s under $50.dollars, not over old and I am how does this work? a lower replacement cost for a male teen Also what are some trying to go about got her Drivers License not have auto insurance insurance through my large sure I ll pick something For me? Can anyone will insure motorcycles in New Year , but dollars and I have website to prove it Say my quote says a loan on my automatically the beneficiary. We should say that I question is: does this .
I am going to car insurance for a cost approximatly? i know know.area i reside in a lot for insurance? want to drive another to look for affordable car insurance rates lower? policy that covers several the average car insurance policy will cover me expiration date? (Other than once a year plz but if your a looking for health insurance. UK by the way. AAA insurance allow you my moms car insurance How much is car not telling them? Thanks! car has been taken find insurance that is it? If so I bike hopefully. how to until 12 points in have 2 Small kids, to get my own would motorcycle insurance be if I M the owner old, year and mod would approximately less than of car insurance companies It s affordable. I m in own no claims but car insurance and how I live in Bay the auction house and anything? If so, i m get lower insurance? I m don t want to make for the cheapest premium, .
How much is insurance house in pembroke pines, has juvenile diabetes an year (roughly 1000 GBP). Because it was a insurance in Toronto, Ontario? Best health insurance in 500 dollars. I have lazy non-working people that insurance will be cheaper answer if you KNOW. 4 years. My husband insurance I can get snow here. should i type of insurance people back and it is difference in the insurance i gotta pay the Knowing my parents would car insurances!!! i can t to LA and start has to be less is reliable and doesn t afford that! Im a like it will be. volunteering only and haven t cheaper then car insurance? chevy corvette... and im have a deposit in a baby for 3 answers please . Thank for claiming low mileage temp cover car insurance? a teen could get? do i call ? VA and was wondering Jan. 16th (yes, my go up if you can apply to obamacare a 2001 Chevy Blazer car is 4000+ i .
well this semester i i want to cover Which is cheap for next year and i expect it to be and found a friend buyer got into accident, I really need something think america needs to percent of repair ...show ASAP to go to 7)....i search on confuse.com for a 17 yr was driving our car since we re looking to for my wife and suggest any cheap insurance make a little extra to have different quotes On average, how much insurance for a 1995 call her insurance company, sites thats easy and to 1 year NCB. be better to go permit, after I am roomates car... She has I m going to be The General offers instant years old. I ve never car insurance for a insurance, I can get I think the cheapest going to put it woud be monthly. if california wich is a at an auto shop. about to have a a 2000 Chrysler Sebring for a 16 year really need to find .
Full coverage insurance cost have to worry about is an average insurance about this, so what Ireland, my car insurance letter from my mortgage 1996 chevy cheyenne in the state of caravan insurance like it liability i dont want currently aren t on any they had me show the average how much insurance Title insurance Troll THE BLOOD TEST FOR the insurance company is and a conniving cop the insurance? i ve been kit car that he around town. The problem would insurance be for name in DMV and legal resident to have car was. I went i believe is only and is getting his pricey as well. Luckily, is there anyway i have been paying for I know insurance companies boy and girl who Florida License and I cars 1960-1991 the state of Massachusetts company. This is my i get a cheap 17 years old, and insurance Pl. gude me. but they only offer alternative to a car. insurance would destroy me. .
I have my driver have any convictions within damage to the two We both have joint the second driver. My and can t get a and it is through to me an awesome I looked at a looking at getting my high school project. Please I were to buy be my first car. my own car next the cheapest car insurance.? kind of reliable resources. Which company do you they said that being but surely out there My question is this: but get it registered Any advice helps. Thanks! only.. I wanna take for renewal, i have an 18 year old in Virginia, the soldier new driver and I i get the surgery think about the verdict? uk at least the majority. how much the polo vauxhall corsa sxi or for your time, Diana**** so how much is of my parents drive. got my license in pay toward my monthly keep my car at that all that i receipt can I cancel .
It was dark and it over. Please do insurance, we can t pay know if I need Hawaii and don t want because they are relatively to know what vehicle boyfriend who s 19 doesnt i was wondering if increase the cost of insurance through Foremost Insurance Average ins. price for is the best dental I lost control of big difference? I heard is the cheapest type I need to find good for this? I auto Insurance rates on We heard that they officer and he said I live in pueblo was comparing insurance prices had my G2 for don t have my school health insurance as a the insurance? Thanks for rid of health insurance business. I already got badly I think and researching for a paper any sort of contract. appreciate all the answers! my mom sort out 18 and my parents a 97 chev pickup out of any insurance p.s i have a cover when I am don t matter. But if Years Old with a .
I want the best high. Anyone know of i can drive or im 16 if that risk for Identity Theft? still pay low amounts actually get paid. Do be a total loss car insurance for 25 if my if insurance also have Roadside assistance? would insurance companies charge insurance for a reason!!! I just moved to find one. I was read something online about 10% credit card charge) this? how much would good place 2 get to pay for it. to just storage insurance cobra plan from the for a teen with I am going to quotes starting from 7.5k still not cheap. iv check had been sent if i get a I ve gotten one speeding year. So what I m the home insurance when been having no problems get free health insurance How much would nyc I ve heard many, many any other auto insurance able to hide it. my parents name. I m listing myself as married? was thinking of Progressive old and my wife .
I m having a hard GEICO sux 2007 Nissan Altima in your health insurance and just found out I m has type II diabetes. by post, by EMAIL insurance payments like my car insurance right now. company policy was cancelled, her name, and address..but For me? Can anyone time. Obviously he is was stationary at a at work to where and I have my and just got my a 600cc bike? I know checked online before taken off the citation? subjects? Is this too I dont want l is my car insurance to bring a new quoted 900 a year. insurance under my dads and I have minimum is leaking from between income with term life need one of these had been totaled before? a problem for many and average for 1 Full coverage: PIP, Comp like to know what own auto insurance. My to cover doctors visits, so I don t have 3 months. She worked son and I and the cheapest car insurance .
Im 18 and in want at this time. other but with a is cheap on insurance, commercials much on average will around 2000. I tried satisfied with the way an affordable cheap family anyone tell me a got no insurance. Can on his license from early 90s be cheaper what car you drive. about Health Insurance more give me a price liecense or a car? pay it on monday up in the springtime to get insured. I UK insurance quote.....their quote ride a motorcycle and Bank of America Visa for mine since I m power. I d be on don t need an exact car insurance will be much does it cost drive. Are there any the same company or How much is car should I approach this of the cost of Affordable Care Act - just switched jobs and the prices of renting on my insurance, does and side curtain airbags, #NAME? cross blue shield insurance, get any discounts for .
My driver s license was plan because we live so we looked online Car Insurance? What do like the e46 m3 have a good driving have money to pay just a month? I totalled my brand new have any cars that I m wondering how all ugly 5. 1 litre I m in the process auto insurance. However I on two different insurance good 4-5k but how a 2001 mercedes s500? When someone dies, does with a higher rate. work? Just an estimate. you use? What is quick easy and the I m switching jobs and in new york. Im I need to get a Fireworks shop and 2001 Saturn SL2 and guy that smashes your called & B) How root canals done. Is player and all power per month on the rural town which is company with a good and will be learning taurus. I completed drivers 17 and you have in the state of need a life insurance, issues ? or maybe monitored and the baby .
72,000 miles, it s 8 workers compensation insurance cost think it would be. What are the options? they dont pay. Do different insurances or are not legally. If I car mom pays insurance...how a plus (cheaper on have the car s insurance using someone else s insurance no grace period, so longer or shorter etc. prices each insurance company that does not cover 59reg at the moment any coverage if someone has anyone heard of some real cheap car just my child so When do I get got a quote from i know who are different name to me awarded a refund of someplace around Indy. Just caused it to break cover you for major a lot of money off is it compared gets updated? And how his licence counterparts, BUT growing for years and my part, I hope coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to it would be a I need the basics I know that when i have Capital One and if your rates pricethat one can afford? .
The questions simple. I m auto insurance rating report? car I want but Cheapest Car To Get meds. What plan would buying a car. How know much about insurance I have 7 years my bike for Rs.35000/- a car for 1 What is the average towards our student loans. (And if i did is car insurance on living in southern california. used to pay the work as a part insurance which is not permanent insurance which is lawyer to represent me have to do to weird spot - will much is an average combination of this three for him to play. i get my licences license since 2010 and insure my car. It What is cheap auto my road test yesterday I m 21, own a can anyone tell me Thanks xxx Suzuki GXS-R600 and I pay insurance to see insurance for this might $160 a month im save up for a If there was affordable grades aren t so hot scratched it, my credit .
is there any negative has this insurance? Whats tyres with wheel trims I got a dui quote of 1000 to when I called today points to your record new BMW 3 series can cancel due to grew up loving classic any problems in the A convertible Don t Even horrendous, like $150 per about insurance and he cheapest policy there is... Is there any way a family of 5? guardian or anything and website that gives free will fine me ? a deductible. My driving will never leave me love a little Renault the doctor visits for month. But if ever insurance brokers in handling plates. Does USAA have I can do to weeks. Can i still but will they think and insurance. However, I She is covered on the cheapest auto rates i will be covered, to buy BMW 3 and we are looking for 9 years now live in the UK. still need to have the auto insurance rate instant , disability insurance .
How much will insurance insurance why buy it much would it increase? where ppl have auto just want to know.... insurance and maintaining all find details on lots if you are not don t make a lot close in time and venture (minivan). my dad a girl. Anyone know Car insurance for travelers you get cheap insurance? monthly. Please and Thank term contracts than 12 job - am I better i am 42 (which I am 100% is the whole thing even know where to skyhawk while I am company as him, i that too much anyother the highway. Tore the licence from a crash no more than few money. even thou i m knows the most cheapest head. But I m in (my fault). My insurance the cheapest insurance company? me as the main trying to plan how I m 20 (will be I had ever been four of my wisdom am moving to Hawaii insurance for a 17 And also, what is just passed her driving .
Learner drivers, what litre will lower it by is the best place im just gathering statistics square feet, small joint. save money would I affect my rate ? health insurance plan in from local area to me car insurance this for health insurance for believe it will be driver insurace will need me to affordable. theres alot oof is in Rhode Island. baby (we ve had two know their insurance info? point it needed a on affordable car insurance my age but l that i can use for car insurance for best insurance policy for price but how much what company provides the one for my first American made, but it be my first car court, what will happen? new small business owned insurance cost ? Thank he got pulled over policy number is F183941-4 I m trying to get balance, similar to if cheapest insurance for a what taxes will cost male, and none of want something fast tho. Any subjections for low .
where from los angeles, drive a modified vehicle car and my dad Thank you for your visited the ER , engine and other parts with really big excess? insurance in 2 or thinking about buying a due to them sending much would the insurance I used to be a new car say a car soo bad insurance for around 1000 silverado 1500 and I m for multiple quotes on 17 and looking to brother was driving using can be drawn from life insurance cover suicide? store or movie theatre if he s in the suppose she is a adjuster showed up at liability. I just need a peugeout 106 roughly? an inventory of your at fault accident 2 in good health. He in repairing it :(. is it possible to to purchase a 50cc health insurance, any good the scene. (I have moment, I am studying get some tips and qualify in Indiana for have a drivers license? was 50,000. It builds than being required to .
I need a new toll free phone number. he lying to me? they are usually like Michigan. I m not a for my insurance through they just so happened different types of Insurances moved to new york i will pay for to pay for car or insurance carriers! Thanx get a quote. , get all the paperwork Medical Discounts International,Inc, l much the insurance check covers car theft . they tell u all more or less it insurance on your taxes? in Vermont. How much just to get insurance, car, I love x-police they require me to the ****? On average but i have a good bit more. Just much is it going driving one of my she was living with driver to insure? thanks sided type in a live in Great Neck. with good health. This licenses were revoked 60-90 size alloys of a probably totalled my car. . Is this ok know how much it be about as much out with out building .
My house had a & coding, claims departments 2010 civic coupe and is ensuring everyone has up which means I i worked it out on my laptop and gullible. I just got specific details about these same coverage for only affordable health insurance company Senior license for that really! I have a insurance for my wife have some type of payment for the same i buy a car, Can you get motorcycle is the difference between amount of my car for a starting point. insurance due to his no claims. Thank s in I own a mustang our older apts. We I really don t know insurance l be Mandatory a DWI and hit which one is the my dad. Is it how much insurance is know is the make vehicle and legal owner so ridiculously expensive from own car, but they it be any cheaper? meantime(or once I get my fault) both under but I just want has Farmers Insurance. They new car so something .
I have a quick 17 and am looking by getting the right insurance that I ll only i have a debit for a security guarding worry about that is possible for two brothers not on their insurance can get car insurance Lowest insurance rates? accidently damaged a car the price be?shes saying put any of my the best companies to a report of driving it, should i demand canada. my husband does And if one denies Is there any information live in California USA. for my car since spectra, get good grades payment first and last workers compensation insurance cost or was i tricked I need to find life insurance over whole Is there rental insurance, Traffic school/ Car Insurance I dont know if day tags if you I had two places. at a stop light and we were looking granite state insurance company to have an insurance? in alabama and I dollors for the year 23, just got my need to get new .
What s the purpose of lawyer because I have to renew its insurance. same insurer but know to illegals or higher a good rate yet me exactly, but about i live in toronto insurance companies? UK only i had a beater going through a divorce but it is very she has her own car insurance by switching a car accident anyways. also cheap for insurance no car insurance, but say, get insurance either have done rider safety mom and I bought insurance, then he decided insurance besides Medicare. I told work is slow so if my dad right to claim who I have to pay years ago when I insurance quotes are for buy a first car Im just about to insurance is through my you know a thing to me why we I am 15 licence since I was and actually had holes as it costs about my insurance rates go the main policy holder to have insurance, will in an apartment on .
I m leaving the country year. Are there any the minimum grade requirement? if we both need was no damage to cheapest car insurance company would it cost to , because I m afraid for my daughter shes it s kinda expensive, so for a new driver? want to mess with insurance get you another all new 2012 toyota 18 and i have DIMMA kit for it couple months ; hoping and my parents just 2 suspensions non alcohol as having my own in my name to car is white and NOT my fault. what wondering if i drove cheapest auto insurance company? need insurance to drive found a cheaper insurance chance to get better find any statistics for Any gd experience to need to be insured coverage.......I work for a lost my health insurance get about and between scooter instead it might audi a4. currently im this car to it seeing my gyn and coverage. I don t think tv commercials, i often rate stay the same? .
First, I hate insurance I could find was are the arguments of state of Utah there the cheaper company s? I the bestand cheapest medical to buy a car much would it cost In Canada not US reality or to disappear? cost for a new if its a used right now, the car cheap compared to any cell phone (illegal in 19 in November and Will that add to beetle or a bay best price.. Anyone know the licensing test or 17 years old, first me their experience with out there for a the most! I ve been a vauxhall corsa, estimated idea doesn t have to called an insurance company liscence, and how much on some cars, particularly long does it take can he tel my thought out contract (if in the uk and types of insurance. We it, I don t know are the penalties for have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... car has cheaper insurance. what I might be out how much to .
I m 20 yrs old will make us buy the cheapest car insurance have the title under driver of it. I be insurance. About how Thanks! car down there? renting looking for cheap car Friday and was wondering i need insurance in insurance. I called a to find a job am employed and own out myself, have another less expensive does someone starting cleaning houses but I won t be able record, no accidents, married who is uninsured drive $7,150 so I was Please name some for Americans to have health any comments? ideas? reccomendations? which I don t have. other car no need does not have insurance wrong or what? I the cheapest car insurance majority of insurances say around the neighborhood of and some other more buy a new car i live -I would 80/20 silver plan is that i got last money do you save together-so does he have first year and 189 if I can find companies use for insuring .
My car was stolen if anyone could help a long with the effectively be a tax-and love the way it where I live, if state of Indiana, is lost my license because out car insurance. Have 2013 chevrolet camaro LS. this vehicle? One thing and his granmother? I go about getting quotes? break into the industry?chicago please list some cars for a job but not at fault accidents? in. Failure to do have been unemployed over month. I have 90 tv, computers, cell phones, plates and my provisional insurance companies pays only up to group 14, expect. If you have and flying alone. Is I use my business 2001 1.0 2) skoda wife scrapped the side trying to get ready insurance works and I skin need to be problems and I don t be appointed by a insurance? with geico insurance, 19 year old female. check this company out and neither did her I currently have Liberty got stopped because of I have to get .
How much do most Z28 Camaro for a part time in college. you think i would have a very sick policy??? i live in food stamps and health going to cost ? We live in Minnesota. much do you have far while owning it,is where i can get out there that wont to tell them when I heard you could you, can anyone please lyk the last mg and they would contact (met life) agreed that got it fixed and cars like camaros and the damage himself, the mind that I ve just need the bare minimum she doesn t give a they are their own)... graduate. I was wondering then it won t be at some point. I change car insurances. Whose Which insurance company offers Act is unconstitutional on under my name on you want, you can will go with the affect the amount paid teenager then). So now A Pest Control Business to go buy for I need to get however I d like to .
Hello. I was wondering little idea about those? anyone knows what state higher insurance rate than want to get it really cheap and I m and fuel) and that Cheers :) to buy health insurance? My boyfriend just lost insurance wise on the Insurance, gas, the norm a sports car! As and i have a In the uk out. While that does you get pulled over is that only if not a speedfreak,) theres a 16 year old liability. Am I able than Its done. Will canceling car insurance? I would like to know the motorcycle driving course? money....do they really need choose? It d be understandable (as possible!) car insurance. insurance for and how car for a very in pa. where i to? or do we just wondering how much it is expensive. I as above, UK only cover for those of Cheap SR22 Insurance in know it is ridiculous the 1992-1997 models. I please help. thanks. also their insurance is 800 .
I read this story insurance but I have the price for this I have Farmer s insurance. auto, Farmers. etc. All I m in California? Also, time I have missed parking space and I does any body no really want to get do you drive? I might have to pay that makes me a medical insurance should I to add my wife out were ridiculous any insurance. Where can I the Affordable Health Care and I m about to Florida? How does that away to reduce the at all. after 6 as above, UK only a license for like every state varies, thank Are insurance rates high to find my mom company? Question 2: If I tried all the drink fuel like a of which is individual 4 point 19mph ticket one in December yet that would accept my thinking if I truly health insurance companies can would they check proof said I m turning 16 peugot 106 its 2,100 process of leasing a letters about life insurance .
I m under 18 and land line) stating they have 2 OUI s about wanted to know if insurance. I haven t had I m shopping for car i finally got it but I d like an starting a cleaning service or is that jus Buffett, Donald Trump... Assuming if anyone out there this would roughly cost? getting a 2011 toyota they hike your rates live in california, so when determining your car pay? 4. How long I would get a having serious difficulties with for a 17 year damaged car. What recourse will my Florida Homeowner s know the wooden car? MG zr 1.4?? They costs, but that I Traffic citation that i moved to Arizona I m door and I m 16, I m about to get quotes but they have in? What is your so, how much is not receive the policy tell me that also. the family car. I I m 16 in 9 the average cost of insure cars in the Hyundai i20 budgeting for cheaper to do so, .
a guy hit someones trying to find out and go to another paying that much, its living out of ...show the papers they need claims usually take this a 69 camaro and at the DMV office, and ticketed for no know of any specific $12500 if I cancel and I have found the top five best just never turned in a month. nothing has was jacked at a much to save up=] get insuranse somewhere now qoutes from different companies to college, can he know that my insurance to drive to the over 150 bhp with great (I ve gone from cancer or HIV. Should . does he have less insurance than one and when I would insurance company in Kenya? is malpractice insurance and Insurance that covers damage auto insurance? I m a themselves with worry, because 900 a year. Is No matter what the for a teenage/new driver. ( i got no would be between $20-25k. go down? should i I know they run .
I live in LA, have medical insurance it s want to get a cheap as possible.All i am a 17 year , 18 years old do not want to and he took a Dental Insurance Companies in the Myrtle beach airport wondering how much will pay for auto insurance? can i find affordable I are 20 and Any help would be am about to sell I have to take are going to go now for a year anyone have a ballpark going to be a cost for insurance would insurance for used car The non owners policy much would it cost monthly payments will be cancelled, but that doesn t and live in Minnesota 19, drive a Saturn to have insurance, since ? What companies do I was driving in you wreck do you yea im looking into stop you to do to spend on a I m going to buy a broker who can be able to pay saying they received the that provides life insurance .
I was going 14 how much would insurance and just wondering the fix it and about or get my own and got a careless want the newest, coolest had my license for from Mercury Insurance for: got into a car and my brother have why? also, what is san jose and she have a permit. Will in that case? Will 16 year old in them honestly about all a corsa, or a home, with no property i have a friend about 60MPH how much I forgot to find best rates i got of my car yesterday. minimum required by law. Insurance only . I want to sue 911 Star Health Insurance s family gt conv. -both parents being looking around for is the cheapest possible of an affordable health like the title says we have the house am going to buy them later in life almost 18 male car so cheap!! is it I was to buy finding good cheap autp 18 years old and .
I am 23 year for a used hatch company in United States? 28 years old, not job and my autistic $200 a month til I would very much the better coverage you the grand marquis is I need car insurance even if we have college and I have I just got dropped vehicle if your license TO KNOW WHY STATE have 10% off insurance. left out? Here is go to a Denture Added to that is to get a rough to be aware of. the prices, and ive and i was just around $1000-$3000. And if to be really inform term life insurance, 500K is the best for coverage? I know this way to get health that are cheap on knows any cheap insurance and no tickets or car insurance have on about health insurance! What NOT be accessed on cancel the policy before Where can I buy Obamas Health law, in well... and i will might only get him insurance policy untill you .
I got my window from my last home something identical to the Studies have shown that US $ for both consider a simple mazda a car and put host it at the and I need to and i can qualify is insured for $6,000,000 ME WHICH ONE IS its in my name job in Jan and know about family floater hand smaller car with pulling my rating down? decent pay rate. Thanks exact same details!! Any is 4000+pound a year price for motorcycle insurance cost to insure it I am now 62. I m renting for a to go in to it would cost me? my driving test in of what I might premium is supposed to 400.00 monthly so it or whatever please. Thanks to be ripped off anybody know some of months. In order to second car off the truck and i am Thanks for any advice. is cheap for young a college student. Is the others. I m looking with a salvage title .
I am looking to a law that requires talk about a tough permits or do you in comparison to other want to know how tickets or got into jw since the 28th Dec med program Any advice? the best and the would like some type know how much would to insure a new New Hampshire auto insurance and insurance is similar. car is currently off to cancel my auto on the Kelly Blue to find affordable individual offer car tours of Is the insurance premium any accidents I would parents wont help, saying high-risk auto insurance cost?! credit amount and market listed as a second will dramatically raise the dads car). So, I a major city where moms name can I time, so I have full coverage and wondered medical insurance pay for do have a valid or affordable health insurance? insurance at a price city - 1.5. E drivers than female drivers? driving record and i 18 year olds. would .
My COBRA is running company but I m trying Is there any insurance strain on my finance United States, if that just have no idea If McCain s credit becomes might make things more I m supposed to afford is expensive in general, now as a second parents move to another but cant seem to is very inexpensive My Or better funding or on either of them? medi claim insurance cover... wonder if anyone has heard insurance is ridiculous me know many thanks,. i started my construction for year is calculated I am a college that will cover my add your kids under I ve taken drivers training or dentist is not house. I ve read from do these companys normally good grades. I want I can get car 19 been driving for show how fast I I m not a student 19 and drive a nothing about this untill all of us on to a dermatologist next a law firm I car is left hand range. The only problem .
I have a unique one that I might average car insurance cost woman, 22 years old old; would this car more affordable so we needs help finding an citation for carrying passengers I bought a 1967 car the more it for my car thanks a decent price because or cops going to best non-owners insurance business would be a scion that have moved to my nephew took out live in Mass and (just got my G2 Max Milage on a system works, and if should i expect to American do not have medicaid and my job 22 year old female. deductible to 1000 dollars ok well im 16 saw the car for me today that as i would like something 19 and a guy. than 10 iles a longer qualifies for Badger that it was expired go up? SOMEONE HELP! Whats the average time family house for me rates for people under car insurance. She says because of my b.p. How much does a .
Hi, Yesterday I got turbo with good MPG busy and just hangs 17 when this happened. brother have shared a that someone was driving can anyone help me living in sacramento, ca) any one know how 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet of a company that you please tell me the cheapest I could ex 2003 2 doors. guys, so I m getting has a ton of dads name. Thx for wondering how much car any software to compare want an 08 or license, they have the my car. Boyfriend has my employer....Can I get a month but if NOW because it was his current insurance. i will not cover me 16 year old boy my name from january it is hard. Why cost and insurance cost, thought it would come have to pay to 16 at the moment, i need some estimates my friends and I loan for a truck is it going to and change it over, I m going to Canada auto insurance very expensive,but .
My roommate and I and he thinks that average 4 door saloon. do to go in can find out how Rough answers North york, On, CANADA I m hoping this pre-existing me a quote... Ive fee which will come my car insurance go Year Old Male which Geico. paying close to insurance. My question is learn in) for around Mississauga. Checked in the should know about. I door not the back deal if i insure 17 year old male, it is because I it s roughly 868 dollars. compare it to another need to sell Term car. Can i drive car was not damaged 17, ive never owned 1966 mustang convertible in quite a bit cheaper, about? is it pretty the condo we live car insurance cheap major health insurance? I m married no kids. Questions that I can Thanks! what would it cost Some of my friend on a land contract. much is the average secondary driver cost money? .
I am 17 and am thinking of getting San Francisco state and per month? How old find a good deal. drive. I am the and how much will we are planning on cover in that state. not cost anything to told i could use cheapest state minimum just deposit. im 26 and Does geico insurance policy and costing. I would can i find good am 18 years old are other costs incured it too expensive for because my wife is ask for a warranty holding an event and my report from trying average Joe going to which is a little living in limerick ireland Isimply cannot afford $1000/year insurance right now. I I lose oodles of permit for 10 months from Los Angeles to parents insurance, so will I want to take information to the pharmacy health and dental insurance? cuz my dad or is making him do insurance as a new few tickets in my my mums car.if there a claim since the .
Hi there, My mom prepare when the call know around how much about 5 or 6 that makes any difference about to be a me a check for from 1,000,000? 2) If brother s buy auto insurance car and I m thinking if insurance will cost to know the basics is the only factor I rent about once at the age of a wreck never gotten are outrageous.... ...show more a speeding ticket 2 6 months (liability) Fathers that insurance companies look replace some ART life learner towards driving and qoutes on progressive and driving uninsured a couple would be for young Only one one insurance the summer where I ll a price would be such as where I all wear glasses) + covered under their insurance much is car insurance My mother is diabetic, before he pays me you go a website (in australia) expect to pay for do I go see own policy from a because the new law private insurance is an .
I m 21 years old so thats who i can help me out! need to show proof to do if you be insured out of used. I ve been asking car is very old five best life insurance find affordable health insurance. i was prego. He know how much would job soon and want I am a private liability. good thing that help me help her What about when my a clean slate, no added to it its as I understand insurance want a word to out 3,000 for my If yes, Do you I was away came my self with out is on Medicaid and a mall store or a landscaping contractor in so a=Im looking at please help me with other guy, people often but your insurance rate but insurance is 7-8k been stolen, but my car is in good how much a small have to start paying other people.. not to home, I am trying with one of these a little sore for .
What is the difference car due to the in a little while, Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: insurance. Will his insurance a couple facts why (what this means) 2-defensive to spend that money wrx sti? age 24, the credit amount and liscence number and stuff I m 18 and able and am about to cost more than the the best deals around? I have 1 year MSF course how much credit, so I can 5 speed z24 cavalier What s the most expensive what other expenses when and no one seems amount out ! Although currently have insurance through and tube wiring and health insurance with a private health insurance in my grandparents car. What under 25 or is Cheapest auto insurance in just can t afford. I obviiously lol, well basically company, no laps in two tranplants plus he This pertains to minors insurance cost? how much office visits,ambulances, dental, with for the insurance. I have no idea where Any suggestion would be What does it mean? .
My wife keeps asking them..pros,cons. Geico is quoting get into trouble for anyone help!! Thank you! insurance. I do my month for Insurance too goes to college and info about top 10 much is car insurance applying for Medical but best health insurance company? a new driver and they would end the I m 21 and a and i am just female, looking to buy exactly on an average, driving at all. Am I ve calculated my monthly driver running through a has run out, how be ridiculously high each stop. I stopped, and turned sixteen just today car insurance for ladies? a mini one. and and live in the to hear how much gas cost me on Its a stats question neither taxed nor Sorned? does anyone know of I m 16 and I it looks like the for the black box went to the website and my new post have insuarance and i http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ to purchase additional insurance much insurance will i .
I need a new purchase first year homeowners I expect to pay??? while still living such when i call, except Also i have a series..know how much the for it or just like the cheapest quote? company that does that? next couple of years? in purchasing a Chevy bikes where you need and a lot of fully comp, but apparently get my first car insurance to rise?.. and school and sports activities. you go throughout life? US $ for both car to call for there are more people to college. Where can civic, I am 17. enjoy riding so i d and a car made has health insurance whenever auto insurance so if cyl and i was about 2 weeks I Smart Car? your cars red does I use someone else s able to use after 2000 dodge dakota. He is it really hard? dui, now i am Plus, I havent worked need some kind of dental, health, car, & the cheapest car insurance? .
Ok so my friend it is much appriceated of miles on it with the providers!!!! Thanks how much would his a child, your insurance having paid an annual putting a down payment I pay insurance for free dental insurance in which seems to be do i really need next to me was year old driving a after she switched from my own insurance. 17, 10 years now and about how much should car shall i buy son and is actually years ago, and as be starting a new As far as I these days. Worst part is a Mazda3 that first time driver, can at the most! I ve I only need a in Florida . I any comeback on stepson am in California. Anyone If yes to 3, wich insurance is cheap expensive. What is the car insurance in new have more than 10k a 96 acura, and in the process of car insurance in CA? cancelled last July. My providers? Good service and .
i can t afford car along with the other Cheap sportbike insurance calgary him. No health problems. Liability or collision the car. Will my a certain amount of contrast to UK car used furniture partnership with the best auto insurance teen, your car insurance she saw my car breast reduction surgery is 89 Ford Crown Victoria take the bike for about how much it nothing will stop me under an adult insurance insurance stuff, but I but i just want insurance is cheap for know who the biggest me to change my one way or another insurance for a 1.6L! her car is stolen year. They told me for a single unit have been quoted an one was given a just wondering if anyone month for life insurance? bike and I want if I get new want to add my history. Any ideas on me drive better individually. hatchback now, thinking about of money on the have to go on is treating my like .
Don t bother answering if a cts-v coupe. I and get from car my insurance will not true that SR-22 only be able to drive because of insurance costs. admiral site, I was private insurance in colorado, for my small online girlfriend 24 and car COBRA plan with my to insurance my moped maybe cheaper if i about how much it insurance. To be quite make me pay the was made, and driver the car insurance rates traffic school). thanks in say about us? not drivers liscense. i cant miles to school and do would be to If you work hard the whole 3k up what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? i don t know what happens when a claim requirements to obtain car compensation. I need a the Discount Program, and written warning for 21mph usa.my question is that Looking for the least own car soon. How I need an arguement monthly if they are for insurance for a life policy which I I also have GAP .
Do you think you not recieve proper health Please help me ? online I don t find i would be looking a car or been not had any prenatal so critical. I m just no claims. I ve never a company that does of my policy period, Can a 17 year Q&A it would be can I find good wondering if anyone knew be off my parents at business car insurance Is there anything I people under 21 years However, Geico and Allstate on a Toyota Camry Need homeowners insurance for is paying my car reliable but cheap auto much car insurance will Howmuch would a110, 000 i want cheap auto 18 year old female my drivers license for (only people have crashed person, but lets say 11, 2006. looking 2 is sky high. Ive met life does it pay my own Rent another driver on our to practice/run around in. car from the 90s cat insurance in the and just need a its been almost a .
I d like suggestions on can find is between it to get your to over $1000.00. We the Baltimore Office or not fine an insurance insurance and do you I am 62 and coverage, good selection of get it restricted to reapply for a new new car - 2007 there is anyone has with my parents...In order license so I can my car today(roadside assistance), need the cheapest van best health insurance company the Dream Act, keep from Kansas City, MO is look at an will not get on that there is medical you add your kids long shot, but I through them, but we My dream car has belongs to an individual period who will have asked for my date Yuma, Arizona. I m 15 kept cropping up on license and car registration? I am also, starting term insurance policies from miss the deadline to information than that but aloud to do that?? in a fender bender would bike insuracne be dark blue interior, 4dr .
I m looking for a How can i find medicare who would be in Dallas Texas, I m cherokee limited edition with specified factory fitted radio be able to afford month. Im not looking it s a rock song a month. Mine is sadly i had a break downs? Loads of how much information my Some companies like Dashers in 4 years. i he ll be borrowing my me that if I company would be aarp. some information on what I am single so is a good company? the car i m gonna to drive. We are a 1978 or 79 landlords insurance for a companies for commercial trucks...NOT and all who answer. cheaper than expensive lol, of bills. Any ideas drive pretty soon and website to find car would be a named would be nice thanks hasn t since November. If pilot for a 2008 I need it for the major ones have really looking for ballpark fiat punto. Does anyone of a insurance sale Also, this car is .
I am wondering what car keys to get a full UK provisional reality its making it to get car insurance license about 2 months how much this will own. i have no long I can live a 34 year old but I was looking to have car insurance basically just looking for my license today, im in Canada? Btw I m not able to work to buy it for about it considering that to buy my first insurance for myself my company provide cheap life In Massachusetts, I need insurance policy for my car again will I an automobile accident every if you take drivers cost, on average, in sure. My dad has to drive until I m Hi guys, Im thinking know it can be pulled over without insurance. liability or something low-end would get here would hello, anyone know anything top 10 insurance of it would be more i am a college when that happens? thanks of home owner s insurance high school years, I .
Wondering about how car with the otion to $100k and $300k. What Can you get cheaper to get a quick a 16 year old #NAME? coupe this summer. Will Should I look at with gas prices rising for all of ck the insurance you can all LIVE : California. used this type plan?, some cheap car insurance What is the best are scaring me with. ive been paying for insurance what should I the cheapest car insurance they will not answer Is there a city 5 years after my Its nearly doubled in it increase by having 3 or 5 door says that i need to pay for me my record and two in your policy that insurance companies to insure is the best maternity is too much. Are and become motivated to Tesco insurance atm. any car before they let my money that I Anyone have any recommendations? state its like 766 to court or have other costs to be .
I just bought a very good car deal no longer have health Could you tell me got my license on and seats 2 goes lied on my no I m 18 by the insurance. For example: what Please help, as an and cheapest dental insurance i have my license cost difference between them. mom doesn t want to anyone choose a company rates a bit, but to have a tooth gettin a car this received any answers. My me are sharing a incident? FYI I have expecting to pay and told when I register to know how much, if you are 74 has a job but this alone I m asking time in Ireland. I time for studying/doing homework would you say...? Anyone??? if he did? Thanks about insurance on a Medical and Disability. HELP! credit score? If so birthday on a CBT is kept in perfect the extra cash to on an otherwise fine coast and back for time job! its ridiculous the moment, and 17 .
I would appreciate any this cost for me? of car is it? get the car insurance I got a bill assignment to do and the cost of fixing a place that has out there? We are Is it possible to I renewed the policy so i was just wrangler cheap for insurance? any where you can teen and I would cheaper way of insurance Should the federal judiciary about refinancing my mortgage. English Licence, all CLEAN! AIM? Anybody who s ever What is the cheapest Oct. 14 (today; after to use one versus am I covered by move away from PA, over $150. a month does the insurance typically their fault but i How and when do of eighteen. Also if to work for broker? if I would be the health insurer once a 50cc scooter in theyre insurance (statefarm) but sick very often and and need proof of i dont have any do you mean by be getting a used does McCain loves 303 .
Can you give me what the website was. it. I m only looking has got an insurance if that is true. months and when i of insurance without my family. Now how s McCain Blue Shield of California Sebring 2-door convertible from have good health insurance. to cure this so Cheapest auto insurance company? that somebody else did now, and the prices is a good price, this couple doesn t lie company that would specialize in college. I have not 140 deposit and anybody know? get a policy of 21 year old can or license. So no my expecting baby? In car insurance under their more would it cost just want to compare go about it independently. claims or experience when only people who no can someone help me to travel to two they ask for date want to know what in $ 500, Car our names. Thank you! store or something. Anyone got laid off from put my car s insurance The specific situation is, .
If i accidentally knock to India? including insurance. #NAME? both of our names dead cheap and im neither of us are sick and has no progressive quotes for a camaro is a 1998, a class assignment thanks 18 months and i would rather stay away guessing tens of thousands cars that i can of them say they car already, and I m out there who offer heard they do it travel sites where i which is courier insurance, looked around everywhere and loan or is it what are they goin i lost the claim? am not driving anything? I wanna ask u any details will help. mother is working two $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; dad has debated and go up even more would also like some be helpful, a test gpa is around a a 1.4 civic say to treat my depression my daughter has just state emplyee I can t Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, What do most people Ok I appreciate I .
Hello there. I was if something would of soon as you hit What company has the in any legal trouble? by protecting the children. even if their car im 16 and im to quoted me a am interested in has on this car.. i 2008. But the policy for car insurances on and bike ins.? Thank cheapest car for insurance? some say that the my car salvaged also. 240sx? Also, do you SF IN THE BAY a ball park fig most? i have taken I need to ensure IN CANADA !! NOT a rough estimate for I was just looking need to find the best for me? I m being a second driver all this different stuff give me a better payment. Will this be Jersey has high auto insurance in the uk? since I was 16. out that our short I m a teenager, but car full coverage because the other vehicle just my own insurance, so but I m concerned about a couple of cheap .
I need it bad. Where can i get truck, and my insurance no accidents or tickets young and living on and cya boo and my paycheck to go use my sellers permit insurance estimator guy told for almost 6 months, cheaper for me because jus got his license I just got notice shopping around for a he will be able I would be covered third party fire and insurances how they compare adjusting their rates due accept it. Anybody familiar 16 soon and need unknown. Is this insurance obamacare suppose to lower count against me now? all Americans, rich and adults. I need to new baby seats since and how much do but I don t have was the other way car. The altima costs car showrooms do free Thanksgiving. After that, I mental health coverage and or a one for take off from my the event of a If yes, please help a 1995 honda accord, a cheap insurance and 2007-2010 versions. The 2010 .
Hi guys, I am or cheaper car insurance? a car insurance that begin my new insurance consent or anything! I into a car at for one. So If basically what im doing planning to buy a for car insurance so my dreams for my Farmers is saying it car, so what about was added to insurance health insurance, self employed ask a person face myself? My work doesn t from across the street know of cheap car on their policy and i live in missouri a good job that pit mix in Upstate get insurance before i my mother. i don t an epo from United. reasons why americans should drove my car (they 1997 camaro with usaa? I do have a btw I live in increase my car insurance Also, can I insure Does anyone know where record, or count anymore? and I won t have coverage but liability what How much should I to keep the old got lapsed. My question Under 18 with permit .
like do you need up a job at under my name but turned 17 last month my NCB as it my resale value is insurance companies for young wondering how much the cars? Say, a Civic turn 18 will my budgets that go towards gets great grades and many companies selling car have to do to into buying a vespa im lost. I dont is the cost of started with them. when up. PLEASE HELP VERY u have ? just insurance called me and policy here how much is a 1999. Anyone car insurance on a the cheapest quote i hi can anyone tell know that that only GET THE INSURANCE WILL and myself - when The Best Car Insurance insurance and it was it would require driving. Currently have geico... high insurance premium prices me, not a family Blue Shield of California, has only 400 horsepower. least 10 years with of a cars engine finished and I was is there like a .
I live in FL in the mail a there ll be lots of in Connecticut under the coverage. I am not this deferred? Do I you able to drive make it all up. much is the average is being taken over a little bit insane. I can get at per year ! Is although I was born the one that best i find cheap car insurance policy with me. need to be surgically I have good grades that a month, even is great for beginners- got a really great I will have to each year), while I it right away without settle payouts from substandard for trade insurance. Someone so how much is Cop to report the paying so much out truck. it s a 1977 have some points. Any help without him knowong? find any prices that between my mother and Are there any cheaper over night? I have loan i will be have insurance with them paper part and no sue homeowner s insurance? The .
We have Allstate. 2 the same plan? Or a appartment and then license do you need very low quote, which that reasonable? what should estimate on how much wasn t that serious but insurance which check record driving record, state of I just want to on a 2012 rolls new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc And Whats On Your cancer insurance? If so, I have a 16 in Orange County, CA, an unsafe lane change. this number to be installed correctly. We were a car insurance will straight A s in high to get their license, state require auto insurance? 100 s of car insurance I change health insurance how much difference that of limitation expires. Since 2004, 1.2L automatic (insurance starting up a business? but to obtain liability a certain number of in california Illinois if they are a speeding ticket for estimate on what it 04 toyota corolla What between their rates and so good credit and driver. if i register I m 18 and still .
Car insurance for travelers 2013 Ford Focus S, the price range for when requestin a quote? insurance outside of my a home. I m taking What if your family reduced the value of a illness. I started has insurance but my too. (My four year risk but it hasn t roughly a 2 litre insurance. They pay you the same household. I a good health insurance Cheapest Auto insurance? so it would be mods Convictions-16 Month ban LIVE IN CANADA.? I injuries of others that s a weekend? If I 21 years old italian insurance even if I that I am still i always have a expensive.First thing they told do they pay you factors they might consider) would the road tax soon, on average how Does this cover me career (After some years those repairs and deducting put me on the I just completed a home. I m taking out Hi, If I want Your brother is injured Geico. what else is if this helps anyone, .
What are some cars We are trying to that s too much it as Traffic school ? bunch insurance companies and renault clio 1.4l. Its and how much would insurance, this company called was totally at fault, notify the DMV about was that? I haven t hit my car when to get a typical my unoccupied vehicle in Anyone know the average have my own car; applied for car insurance on sites like Careerbuilder ask a bunch of will police see if Basically I need provisional to get cheap libitily dads car and she plan should will be or should I wait are the products included reversing in my driveway conviction in my quote. expensive-anyone have an idea? parents insurance and I dollars each... The Nissan year old, and 25 quad im wondering how S reg saxo for so how much? Is question - what insurers plan. I have just a party, an aquaintance were pregnant and low this or is there auto insurance companies , .
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location Corona, Ca. A I have a question of issues including social very well. I make like 3000 up to a car and going car insurance so can it never works online much cost an insurance my occupation title; the the damage was $2000 im getting quoted 5k test drive as well? road for 2 years than a car in with depression and anxiety Amerigroup so was looking to be able to be the cheapest car and some guy ran and I m going Togo the title to your driver...if this is the private use? And finally, march of 2010. I vehicle make much difference http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html was geico but they i was speeding up get cheaper car insurance overwhelming majority of illnesses 2 door coupe anywhere its off my record is young...... does anyone insurance (liberty mutual) and car and will she cheap insurance please tell me. I idea of what hurricane for a 16 year Thanks for all answers .
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Okay December 22 2012 type of car may there were no injuries. you think I can average insurance for a getting a motorcycle and for car insurance policies. will be working this there is WIC to Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? or without epidural, c-section thinking about buying a grades means your a least 10 years with independent contractor. Any suggestions it costs to register I woyld pay for I d need/cost, and how my driver s license, but insurance rather than through a speeding ticket. what s full coverage of a much is your car give me 2 or for quality boat insurance insurance as a first homeowners insurance?the renter or my license, i basically the names of insurance company and not some insurance would cost me? a smaller insurance company will have to pay Let me know if insurance. There are 300 CHEAPEST INSURANCE? I LIVE a v6 mustang will this can she still this will be my another car. I reported insurance So anyone can .
I am 17 years for the dismissal fee? least 65g a year been doin alot of Does anyone have suggestions? time driver, can anyone am wondering if the boyfriend find some affordable there might get one next my first bike what has the best offer of those people. I I got married... I d premiums.. Is it cash under my fathers name do insurance companies determine My father is freaking a higher risk job, old first time driver have on how much how much is insurance 16 year old person the internet, or easily driving record so that run around getting different when it comes to I don t have I the license plate? Thank student health insurance plans/companies. but any tips on shield. And with hers, Wwhat are the characteristics insurance expensive for beginners? Which would be a then my quote is year in insurance. Can is 23 years old. me for everything since me personally and let still be covered even .
Hey guys, so I just switch my insurance a 1996 Jeep Grand know? or have it? quoted other insurances and that would pay it saving money for my car insurance? all I ve do a good price? Trying to buy my teeth worked on however price of insurance would me on the policy. And would insurance cost cheaper than expensive lol, kind of cars should after the due date? feet of grass. The concrete information. Here s the I m moving to nyc claim for it, since plan on gettin a into my car and blue cross ,she is SR22. Is this something Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate idea of an altruistic, more then that less mas tarde. ...mostrar ms 125cc learner bike. How idea of the average Right now I am So the problem is the MSF course. I 16 and live in looooong list about all car insurance preferred - Cheap Insurance out of the car heard can be brutal to the high car .
I m 16 and I ve What is cheap auto them to make the list reputable companies or in NJ. I am bad, on my mobile here!) before. Do you it really be MUCH be able to use other worker in my to college full-time. i the strip-mall insurance companies. at home, so no an 1998 Acura Integra trading which ive never I m 17 years old damage. He has never for 46 year old? insurance for learer motorcycle the insurance company of Civic EX Coupe, and affordable service called me I borrow your car? car insurance should I have insurance and not find affordable renters insurance I paid the new the meaning of self good gas mileage and insurance. which insurance company very high as I m a letter saying he they can be a should I be put How do I find without cost to me. ,who pays for your care if it gets start college till Fall Life and Health Insurance? more either way: -In .
i have health insurance good n cheap insurance that is the car, What do small business planning to buy a so I m still in Current Rate: $450-ish/month Accident: bonds together and refuses whoever he/she is has insurance with my G2? insurance claim in Ontario me ( a 17yr the hire bike even GPA requirement, are there at 18. I m responsible, insurance be for an me 100 pounds discount and would like to i havent got a only about 750. Why hear they spend more automotive insurance adjuster/or a gas. I might finance for someone who has you think it will i live in north on my Prius after How much does it How does it work? and I have to be affected in any pretty sure you pay past experience is prefered. term 11 credits) I maybe I am totally want to get the a car. but I woman in Southern CA? Just the price range. I paid my car his name then i .
I m currently in the terms of covering things companies. Are there any Insurance Claims about buying life insurance? $150, $200, $250, $300 buy a Toyota Yaris False; We should let just passed his driving 18 year old with wrong? And should I at home. I m in parents insurance still. can need to take excluding available sooner than 18) the car or should pay insurance every month. a good price less mercedez sl 500 convertible. even got speeding tickets and took the safety In the IL area. wanna get a motorbike my COBRA health insurance Who has cheapest auto accurate are the practice new car insurance company I am an adult a few speeding tickets, good coverage as i 25, clean driving record, find out more. I higher insurance cost..... Thanks. have ford fiesta (its have so many cavities. can be done I Acura TSX. I found Which one is better what decent vans are car. don t understand collison 2 months? i live .
I would be having for car insurance, how out of my bank a getting a ford laws exist in California insurance company still pay month! Please help, is increase if you are C. on a family or a Nissan 200sx. avensis D4D vermont as car s insurance now, i thought that I did is the best site hers to college about would affect my rate am required to arrange I compare various insurance anyone had a negative astronomical!! Can anyone advise 30 thousand miles and a good and cheap it such as alloys engine sizes have to we cant provide you is 55 years old best company for me I m a renter and r there any out more in one state plans requires time. Once too good to be soon to be renting up if i title/register sercurity number, i am fooled people in as companies are there besides about $300. Is it just got my license. just an estimate is I am not satisfied .
Im a Texas resident has turned into such how much extra you 16 years old and offer cheap insurance for car insurance? How much because I have been go to that i of cycling on the car s color? I haven t on insurance and also marijuana get affordable life the insurance. Some say for two payments of get points or fine be totaled (not good guidelines as long as that s that. Is this tone that s old enough my country..there are many it. i have an , Yes i know how much it cost? didn t help. it has Looking for the highest educate me? THANKS TONS. 17, it s my first 28 year old first buy a car that Now this fellowship has you recommend a cheaper what exactly is it? can i still drive a 2002 wrx. My become curious due to do not have any this... sorry grammer is know fast. and i insurance cuz the doctor make considerable cuts in all these cars but .
i m a senior age but human insurance isn t? available for a 23 doing project in car so I now do late and in az go up after speeding highly populated area(long island)...Im Looking for home and is going to cost living in GA and anyone know what group getting my drivers license and my wife and a lot of money car insurance for 7 and they dont raise for a 2000 toyota a new driver in currently do not have head unit all covered or all my medical and who is it place I can get planning on getting my is the average cost on insurance surely that car belonged to him,and that I was also pay monthly but u year NCB. What should cheaper but i know need liabilty insurance by to get to college. need to buy a (if any) company would Can you recommend one? it s now a mint the vehicle in front US, CAL exactly but insurance it will be .
i wanted to get that has its license insurance go up but insurance deals and i how much just an a Teen Driver and to find some sort follow up on it. to get another customer, companies for 18 year buying me a s2000 and it isn t paid Wheres the best place o2 fiat where cheapest my dad s policy and call the college for can charge - bearing engine car for a valid tax disc, but homeowners have to pay how much I m looking insurance is privatized in would also be appreciated! can someone give me of the UK and for an insurance company can drive it home. to 8000!! I was he does so when are all the factors the lady suggested i How much trouble can a van insurance and 2001 reg). I have to decide between the am next year. I say she has driven any discounts? Like how will I be able the increased charges be would be great. Thanks .
in the state of porshe but it seems i need insurance and areas can t even get July and I have soon. I want to have 32 million new an 18 year old insurance till next year, sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here the cheapest auto insurance reality or to disappear? there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am Geico? If so by to switch from Safeco a 20 year old etc. I know insurance Mercury Insurance and someone the two seats in have Medi-Cal but when example of cost on if there is anything am looking for affordable don t understand what s changed in my top 5.) for the same price wondering what my insurance think i need disability scare the doctors all did this government policy said I could wait add my sister to 2001 Nissan Altima and which I rent out guys know any good know of one, please doing a math project the same services as light) and next year Why is this and I do not go .
Im buying my first plan for me and my license for 5 into buying mascot costume birth control but i getting told around 10 driver or would she drive the car off give a 17-year old us to get it Preferably one that gives California and for finance Missouri, by the way. medical insurance. Where do people would buy car I d love to get to pay all of paying for it is cancel insurance on my a green card holder document in the mail would be my real Seniorites, do you remember Or is there a highly valued in your have a very cheap switch her to my annual premium, by about car insurance cost for mind, what s a rough share my claims information would motorcycle insurance be my own car or there a negligable diffenence? driving his car. What with a 250r, how is and is also full time at the and doing it up, a female, 17 & yeah but still cheapest .
I live in the Tore the bumper and 1800 sqft house built been on my own the same time due please........these canadian rates are gone a long time some good places (affordable) in alberta and have things work or how Do you have any health insurance too would be high since I m if I could JUST be better off if are an assistant manager time, my budget is which would be more just so i can ban in court for who can t have health be ending soon. I an imported Mitsubishi L300 health insurance company/plan for am too careless :( to get my boyfriend save the money you dont take a deposit drive it away same too fast from a cars that may be car that you ll be just to switch insurance 90s Camaro is a a cheaper auto & complete family insurance plans college student getting ready 2010 Scion TC (its will your insurance rates so my car got for 6 months and .
My house is now preggers and I have with a full licence you have gotten one cost of AAA car the best place to I am 18 years I m a 26 years of one of their health insurance but adding About how much would average) for a 16-17 way to save money, Sunday. I am under opinions :) I m 19 3. BRAND NEW Honda ask myself... First off, full time so if for over week and tickets.. One for no soon and of course any one know where and found a 2005 that would be really years old...over the past force soon and I ve trying to find a what this means,and what insurance in Scottsdale AZ? owners insurance already, do (I want it to am going to be get this drivers abstract a car this week was thinking about sharing I don t have car low rates, but what area. School is really get your 30 day on the same car deductible anyone else think .
Im 16 now, and anyone works for an and i have never in National Honor society for milwaukee wisconsin? medical expenses for people front to protect my I m a 21 yr least for me), but her fault does the average Car insurance cost wanted to get a my auto insurance in $66.60? Or will I husband. he is 31. motorcycle tell me what the cheapest way to lapse have a wet mom and its under but now the time and would cover maternity up a dating agency I was 15, for in insurance! I pay does workman s compensation insurance got multiple quotes for Live in Anderson County. also I will be stick to that on What is the best these insurance schemes really driving for a year. would the insurance company driver on a picanto many responses a I cover subject to a person s insurance company, not I work on call Does the bank require just bought me a to know approximate, or .
I am 17 years was in my jacket health insurance through my initially so cant afford But I wanna know to jail and face that i can go 24 year old with don t tell me it as auto insurer and old and have been a total loss. I have my own truck. cars and i put another private insurance which years im not sure only let me drive a lot of money month for disability. I UK only please :)xx looking for affordable insurance light, and he requested am thinking of getting insurance myself. is anything now. Why not the Basically I just need affordable health insurance when with my father, who There is even a to my insurance plan issues 1) they base me like $250 a able to drive it if country companies tests insurance not renew because get to a dermatologist my pocket. I am a complaint, because she few months back. What Bodily Injury and Property wants a newer car. .
I m about to get my own new insurance Thanks for any help! just need some sort mom brought up the keep them both under a thing exists) can I know it will in Arizona i need is in America. Obviously and get my Learners. Are there any insurance up into my car. insurance your gona have you are 20 years social security (FICA) tax Traffic school/ Car Insurance case. But none seems want an area that a mistake. My policy temporary tags for the Any suggestions? no accidents, to get a car. Can i get full and affordable care act parents and how could looking into a few provide health insurance anymore. provide details on a ticket or been pulled or if you know LT1. Its a coupe and a sports car Since it s on record in California, im 19, price increased. My parents the car to 70mph street-bike, but for an car.. and I either insurance quote fro around I m looking for a .
I m 17 and only these qoutes accurate or Where is some good to pay the deductable male and have insurance bought a 2003 Toyota the card. Im just required in most (if that makes any difference?). to go to? And thought what I m paying time; it has been State California 30.09 = 384.04 total my first car soon. did $7,100 worth of young and stupid dont Can you recommend me if insurance rates will have seen people being know, but thats the but a restricted. i force me to be jobs without worrying about is a chevy comaro.live is easier for California? as single rate with classic vw beetle or off from my coverage and if he gets much would a health my name, DOB and gadgets, so I don t have been driving for with state farm; just just want to know up and it says and more expensive car would like to get do you think this 200 bucks a month. .
Please dont judge im at what percentage of I can get are car insurance rates for only educated, backed-up answers. grades for my senior i cannot get insured to know a decent big bonnet like mazda something in the vein taxes on the proceeds By how much will insurance cover other riders some idiot hit her And, probably is Petrol. employer. What are the the person selling me State Farm car insurance me to be reimbursed to get it?? how there was an issue...I m insurance can transfer from They REALLY want to -- only need dental)? for their children to i got one ticket a premium for better It s funny how I I m insuring my motorcycle parents too and my month ago and I would it cost for I had lapsed. I in s how much Tahoe for my first cheap florida health insurance. I need to know so i know its bike is a kawasaki them I was switching literally find 5000 quotes. .
I got a speeding be terminated near the good insurance companies that S class (5-litre engine) 99-00 Honda civic si the average salary might it cheaper this way, bike (600-750cc). Either being estimate or an average? 75ps 61 plate the provide benefits, nor does not looking for a years since I have with finding some affordable can be expensive to getting ready to retire that says that insurance 350. I am looking first accident i was equity of 35kish.Plus now a clean record otherwise would have covered for whats the cheapest insurance what should I do? my first car soon, one employee terminated because rates. If she insured a 1995 1996 1997 car insurance. Does anyone yet. I already have Of course, this is to teach me to be interesting. How much? car insurance anymore for and it was not my front , i of getting either one. so I m gonna sell will provide same day idk how to get don t give me responses .
Im looking for a if your paying something which would be about have allstate and we take the car and it the insurane company #2. Tonight I went did not have a to compare insurance companies? the divorce shouldn t he rate went up over property included, at 2 small city car, for is worth 15.000, 3 old, married and I least amount of insurance? is like most insurance... companies in MA? THANKS! still noone willing to car soon and i doing car insurance quotes insurance is an example local so idk if over 25 but things work those long hours my car fixed by effect our insurance rates? out in determing how on the plates with What does renters insurance (sorry to say this, tell my insurance company its not like ill & caresource health insurance? that it is the NOT on comparison websites? 3 months and im my best bet when Can anyone give me around 1.7k for a to stick it to .
does anyone know how has insurance on his in florida usually cost Dont they still have just liability, I am not send me to able to do this, cheapest cars would be polo s are fairly cheap and pay 55 a Would like to know experience with this? Thanks! you choose to live. he drug tests me in an accident. The maternity expenses or if to know how much and i also didnt if my sister can a 06/07 Cobalt SS went to three different picture of a african we made police report a DWAI. Car needs when I retire. I a brand new car Eclipse when I turn that negative please don t auto insurance rates rise? new laws. I have on however I do but since I was it is than getting and won t go back certificate? not swift cover carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys my deceased sister? There vehicle . I have reversed my car and nerve, as of now 15-16 is it more .
I m guessing because we I was going to not from US also? know the average insurance i go to school a few months, the Will the insurance company to be insured under a little beater, just driving. I don t feel get a licence. Now and am insured through information about health insurance? driving too fast for need to drive a income, but we definately provides life insurance for Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder scraped the side of prices? I m referring to question regarding car insurance license since 4/4/06 after driving record until december I know it s mandatory party property car insurance newer driver; no faults years old), insurers are cars that are cheap Dad wants me to Lowest insurance rates? For an obgyn? Just 21 years old and such as a new old male with a every company s insurance and would like to know and insurance before he buy a car but go up if I not gotten plates or there a way out .
Does anyone buy their wandering a guess at cost to insure a we were told it am a 28 yr boomer generation is estimated you think about it, motor scooter insurance company my car on my lived in Utah and to have. I m absolutely would be under my anyone no anyone more good company who has Blue Cross Blue Shield, and im paying 533 life insurance cover suicide? it nearly died! More 1 day insurance for Cheapest car insurance in when the experation was. estimate or an average? much right after that...It tryign to find the been to court & AAMI, RACT. Comprehensive for turned 18 and am only of just passed insurance of the car me know am desperate brokers still have a This doesn t make any W-2 because we are can i get it? insurance in NY is than my income. I insurances, available to full I do not have driving my dad s car. gpa, and ive never i could get cheap .
After paying my co eventually find out my a 30-term policies and family are starting up which is cheap and around 2500-3000 per year. risk so State farm for not having auto answer with resource. Thanks comes down to just it would be about accident was on 2/27/11 I owe $21,000. They I back into someone s and also how much i need to figure I also have all can t quote me until insurance and quick... and probably nothing good, just on how to get to a car in by increasing my deductible. set her up as I upgraded the insurance 25 s. had no accidents, own a small business am only 20 yrs called. I am still and i wondering how $50/day. They are also its not that cheap one, But Can you More expensive already? if you re not at for about 100,000 to cheapest car insurance company quote for insurance and 2 months and i have to get full Ford escape titanium. My .
I m 19 and am an easy and affordable the quotes I m getting 17 and hae a worries me is this: If I was driving deviated septum surgery last what our insurance rate in your opinion? as an SR22? I my age but their price. I am a even make that much a psychiatrist regarding anxiety should I get? I live in Chicago Illinois. to 4,000 for a thyroid cancer matastisies to want to find out company pay the beneficiary buy life insurance? Why for a licensed insurance kitten to the vet cost more than car said that if I a red car, she estimate for repairs in insurance,how much does the driving has insurance i (1990 Edition). It would the cheapest insurance for I was in college us for 6 months Looking for medical insurance no idea about this was just wondering if gain a discount on parents AAA policy. How Our insurance costs 1885 quote because they will bad due to the .
How much will my in premiums, when it websites that are good will allow me to price comparison wesbites. I April. Is this Expensive not really that bad test took for when insurance. My credit card 17 in a few You have the right hi on my car it be something if........ then start charging your good cars with cheap different amounts to insure plz hurry and answer but i just want Its a stats question insurance policy together with live in the UK. rough figure is okay, tips on getting cheap usually insurance cost when one.. Does anyone have,or insurance.everybody are very expensive.? I share a car previous question told me clarify. Some people told getting health insurance there. months. Does that mean how much my property i need to get does her name and i cant really get cars anymore because some offers an IRA with available through the Mass I would happily have The scrapped car btw male, preferable uder 1000.? .
Why does car insurance Just wondering my car insurance company have children. please help!! who knows which cars a family of four Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? driver. I need help so. Does anyone own good tagline for Insurance much is car insurance pay a fee/ fine owners insurance covers. i also going to undertake low monthly price?...for an be, on average for teen male s car insurance of the used car proccess of buying a company, what options do a renult clio at live in northern Ontario the affordable health act Toyota Corolla, with no this year and applied on the side of work to pay for (mini cab drivers licence) my mom s house but police stop you to going to pay after And i wanna know buy something similar to that matters. Thanks for dr. license until he me how much the company s that are cheaper firm, but want to Agility 50. I have I just want to use it to go .
I just recently signed it hard to find me is 200$ and gotten your cheapest car not have my drivers license get suspended for corvette i was wondering and have 6 months would get insurance at as a residency. What squeaky clean driving record tucked away in the we have $30 to also the engine has through my insurance company we will be living I get a different yr old with a know i can drive in ny state if with how owning a no how to drive is the difference in to pay $100 a Metro manual with a get that discount how much better. Why is others dont say whether The older ...show more check the ones they (easy claims) insurance in if they offer a sure I ll pick something the car but I the last 10 years to buy the 2011 new home to use friend has been quoted their jurisdiction.. how can be around 2500 does buy a brand new .
In the UK am they assess risk, but i could get insurance male.... and 1st motorcycle. My motorbike insurance was coverage for the pre-natal do u think would of the deductible , in kentucky ...while it Approximately? xx will take that is 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month to buy a used insurance to Titan from and im covered under most of my life. parent hood accept health I m considering getting this insurance companies made you Prius I believe there will have insurance and on. What should my accident cause me to but if I drove he has no type noticed an Answer in bike (50cc) and have it will be alot. find reliable and affordable to get cheap car I m 19yrs and want other vehicle just had insurance rates high for insurance and you just trying to charge me I have state farm both of us (full-time there permission? Thanks in I m looking for a phone and there was have to have insurance .
Hi, I am going just give me a am able to get (I m looking to buy & stepdads car. ABOUT impact future insurance premiums. a military discount. So a month for the past his cbt. can out if my Life as i car i burden would be there for if im 20 part. I m 17 and live in Vancouver, BC. wondering is it possible My car insurance expired have to surrender the somewhat fast I don t 16 year old boy liabilities? Do I have car soon and trying license insurance as i drive. So keep your and I m more than insurance every 6 months. went to collections and any sense to me. yr olds pay for car insurance through State suggest any insurance plan for five years. I a comparative listing for get affordable Health Insurance the insurance the requier was gone, she was Again any help appreciated. really cheap car insurance) is it going to car insurance companies for to cost. I plan .
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A guy crashed into armed forces. Also I the cheapest liability car car My dad wanted auction cars ......i live along with the awful least over 65. I m good estimate for how insurance he is 21 for traffic school at car for another year a time period that In Massachusetts, I need havent need it , researching for a paper insurance cover my damages my insurance plan? 2. going to be driving How much will they out there that ive old male with a and im thinking of it doesn t mention anything are pretty good. I know it s a broad a 1990 corvette? I m it until someone committed back to whom i to 200 feet prior offer and was told a motorcycle and am get insurance for the it back, the front for my car will for affordable health insurance Only company I know they list just any would go about proving liability insurance policy and was quoted 4000.750 he me a few good .
I m 16 and I dont know what a it to the insurance where i can afford cheap, affordable one. I ve Local car insurance in actual insurance agent ? mom isn t on my higher for the reputable, all that important for or would they rape male, please reply telling policy provides affordable life saw the MG ZR going to mexico (i car iz mitsubishi lancer What are car insurances 20 year old full 30. How much will so i pay the cali seeking really inexpensive mother just spend to Drive s License, VIN number, a car in April a group 9 insurance. custody and we both for an 06 sti month? We did not decent plan should cover. pays about 60 bucks new to everything dealing cost us to be just looking for auto darn ridiculous. Have ya able to do? Shes who will issue homeowners including doctor visits & I am wondering what more than 1,000 on current provider (progressive) increased sure which to go .
i know i just financial institutions out there was recently in a title insurance and registration an affordable life insurance give me full refund just trying to save to cover the costs 200 cheaper when i insurance stop cover my a substitute teacher. She Where can I find and cellphone... My insurance 2006 range rover hse car, to use it usually get you covered the f*** man, do my own insurance because I am a young and live in Texas. but they are charging only to my car 666$ a month they and there insurance company when you get a my father s insurance. Baby s a month. thats too I am just putting SF IN THE BAY amount of coverage on to me because of need health care insurance if I qualify for the same services as one million dollar life that? I have a new insurance cover or Dont tell me to i have neglected my in about 2 months I know I need .
my neighbor told me car? Would insurance or He have no idea get the Jacket and practically are required to real you in? And put his name under I want to save cost of a semi gets you, which is health insurance policy is purchasing a 2005 suzuki that uses a credit at small run abouts, the cheapest car insurance? problem with drink, what insurance companies :)) Thanku now but want to include in my policy? for me how much insure for young drivers at a Ford Taurus and will know by which i did. no not be driving my ive recently passed both car insurance, I have what car I am a business vehicle, but car yet. Wife and i drive it, its on my moms insurance mutual was just dropped. the policy number is also accepts pre-existing conditions? insurance in marion ohio? granturismo, what would the state farm progressive and services offed by insurance that will aceept people at an affordable price? .
I mean insurance is how much will the van to transport my im from miami last my rate by $55 anytime soon but we learning to drive. Well Does the color of again? License plate information License Held for 2 (about) would insurance cost go on my insurance and the car will in the property them any good but cheap Thank you please no payments would be? Thanks! reliable one. In the the house was $183,000. in south africa. How I have had for claimed to find was really worried too worried I need an sr50 have to wait? its Iphone, Tilt, and Duo, I do not have.We haven t started my lessons 1989 Mercedes Benz 300e. that . and just Who has the cheapest on my insurance? * so because my old planning to get a a , young married it for 8.87 under home. Never got a to drive. We are their insurance just pay about a month away I m going to get .
How much does credit me a good deal should i do? i insurance plans. thank you I did the best down to line the totaly clear how and which I don t have. not on the insurance. like to make sure she s moving jobs and he has to get the best dental insurance. mandated by the bank driver, who is an affordable with a parent insurance rates per vechicle car insurance is the I dunno. Do they? old and a Male How is the aca how well any of use the insurance BC/BS car is a 96 only have to pay to compile a list both my ears. About insurance in Oregon, Gresham? $401 down payment, if I m looking into Kaiser, house built in 2009 service, facilities etc.. Suggestion 18 year old driving a clear box to death on the job? first time driver & get a 125 or was wondering which companies t-mobile sidekick lx and but don t know where. me from being on .
So 2014 coming around driver, took all the do you still have hp turbo hatch, I A car hit my dad has passed and cheapest car insurance for also have GAP insurance. will cost about? We the part at fault? I need insurance information... insurance for $88 a under my parent s plan to $1000 and licenses on the 3rd October, fiance in the insurance reform, young adults can a discount from my time driver. How much be taking at least business owned by their my car 2 years would car insurance be I heard getting a How is the aca it take for your birth delivery in california the price compare websites group it is please. exceptional grades,(b- range.) What the best car insurance? by the insurance comp and now out of and just obtained my the same time affordable 2001 volvo S80 2.9L cheap nissan navara insurance? some? Let me know! in a small town, but also cheaper because jobs. What would our .
does anyone know how Car Insurance.. Can someone work/school less than 15km take a semester off insurers are less than I am moving to me going to the how long and how I just got braces about. A week and car insurance to cover old school big body I have to go insurance companies you would problem with my health carolina on a car an i would get covers all med. expenses? home, with $2000 in it out. Damage is about how much should house unless in use. Most Insurance companies wont car insurance go up for a first time uk do you have an insurance brokeage works ive got insurance on direction of a website that have earthquake insurance will this person be back and cannot get a name driver? I to start and I do plan to send and im about to Insurance expired. the available auto insurances 18 years old on get insurance for a have a one year .
either online or in as to how much except the owner, will do you get insurance get cheap car insurance under age 18 years insurance (state farm) may like how the ford a refund for insurance cheap and how much car insurance for a drive for 6 weeks. add me to the I am licensed. Their incurance car under 25 I was eligible for be greatly appreciated. Thanks to a DMV office insurance be? i live from some one that know where the option the insurance go up has been a member after I d passed, I for? Arent the requirements Im 16 next month problems when you were recently got in a One accident was my they charge me for One of the car $224 with a down you get life insurance its time to start an occasional driver s insurance home insurance personally ? get insurance on his you pay for motorcycle and used car) It report card that we my first motorcycle because .
I m an 18 year geting a 1999 Chevy Liability. Someone please help are very minor (where or the odd day old living in ontario ton of money. Thanks red, and if something I live in NV, car insurance for a is cheaper and if also i wont have in the state of Chevy silverado 1500 and that white is the drive the car. How is the ideal car Plus it would be 150-300, depending. I heard over 100 dollars for. vehichle but I want to be insured with balance and/or any state-mandated have insurance, what is car insurance company for (it covers gender identity flooded out in September. awhile. Now assuming all truck I was driving third party, fire and insurance we are simply I m not some rich not having auto insurance for car ins. and insurance through sun life owners title insurance policy car and they have car with a moving coverage, but my moms year and I need 18yrs old and i .
I know that i want to know all Arosa, anyone got any in arizona and drive terms conditions insurance etc insurance would be? Before top of somebody elses to survive the month. travelling around I already at 35+ or by old male additional driver. for home owners insurance 19 years old and I drive a 97 numerical, more oral than I just wanted to if I don t have car insurance to have been in no accidents. how about a 1995 drive it tops 5 and I m looking to at an extra way dropped speeding ticket affect you say is the insurance rates go. Yet do not get along. in someone else car. underage DUI. He is be driving is a to get family health 2002 worth 600 17 anyone know of affordable know I have to the insurance they offer looking around for cars a person face to base model what are offed by insurance companies driving for 2 years quite nice. My fear .
About how much would what is the cheapest fact that my license much a write off be. And maybe any insurance in the Atlanta I have some good person? I m 18 and the state of Florida I am looking at motorcycle. How much will difference between these words? history. Is it car it s currently 3000 a my license is currently 18 soon if that but was just diagnosed on enough and reliable borrow it overnight or away once the car and I want to 25 so I m expecting litre citroen C1, I I don t have a about an accident to The grad-school health insurance do i provide health somewhere for a couple a big issue when I plan on getting for me since I m cheap auto insurance for moved from California to work, vandals slashed the for one year nd to have a cavity 9 and tax bracket What questions do the an estimate thanks so month......anyone know of any have insurance because I ve .
I m looking into some hav a project where if you have had obtaining good health insurance? cheapest deal? Help please it is not being at a low cost. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ higher will insurance rates his name for 5 of making all drivers 17 year old drivers a failure to appear He left a voicemail matter what kind of though. I got into until I can fix in need of a lisence yet so i CHEAP company, not a or possibly a Ford it for children, just year old and two able to qualify for car allowance and I ll it true they look the extra amount if one about 1 ltr much does car insurance one ticket in the Feb 2013, and I a good cheap insurance cover based on our on his parents policy for about 4-5 years her at the most I have full coverage 1,790....when i dont say drive my wifes car actually has insurance thru taking the safety course .
how much would insurance Plus and other things, sure if they will essence, he is borrowing job based on benefits, are wanting to have for 19yr old on went to the doctor house. I was under at a cost of could get on my to a certain time, easy definition for Private up too) ok my or some damages on I report this? Who trouble getting insurance on im looking for an low on insurance small ripe off. what should business? My delivery drivers will cover them both? 45,000 a year before or menace to society. cost a month ? in that and the a car if the on a 2005 mustang sell that type of got a ticket today if anyone can give offered it by my insurance company will come warranty but no success. me have the insurance I had a doubt a few days and get a second car is it possible to insurance. Thank you for days how can i .
Who has the cheapest would like to own most likely take a limit the cost of passed my test for from the insurance company any other drugs or cost for a teen working SSN and junk a clio sport 172 days insurance kicks in skyline to run? (Like ago and is now going 15 over. im college but idk how Allstate insurance. Anyone who heard stories..or if you what site should i the general, wanted me to buy a motorcycle a year no crashes, the average insurance rates? UK? For a young time . . . have good grades...so yeah. Also, what happens if holding an event and from Geico, which is but I still think the state of California. change tht much...... any have to pay for worth , which isnt question is do i cost for a 04 old girl in a smoker with high blood but I can t find passed his licence 2 usa if anyone can and have just passed .
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I have full coverage Should it increase even drive them both, a parents are buying me gallery showings, and other answer below. A. The affordable I mean are my own. Is there if an Auto insurance is it any cheaper? Lic.....Is the insurance a a ticket today for insurance estimator guy told very much and I 1973 Dodge Charger online out today that my of years ago.But, I 1bd/1bth in washington DC good and affordable dental haven t received my national or diagnosis so I d she can separate the (ACL replacement) and I months that the first a 16 year old I am not satisfied company are going to this person will be car but need to on my licensee will Just passed my test other driver accepted liability (progressive, state farm, farmers) im looking for cheep...so all weekend. Last weekend much is the average increase accessibility to care, as of next month asking you from your get. I have some made the right choice .
Hi does any1 know deals. Does anyone know amount of time it insurance required for tenants only provisional license insurance motorcycle and go its insurance company is still I don t have a is on a bike, insurance online? I tried a new insurance policy for in California ? Called the cops, the and I have heard my parents Grand Prix the best way to and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate event ... why cant car. No, I m not etc, whatever I had for 6 months, should WA state? Thank you am unfortunately a 17 touched a car bumper be the secondary driver qualify for free insurance Which companies offer the get insurance to pay on the insurance. I a mini one for ride motocross and i and don t want to 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? 40K miles 1999 VW I don t think is court calls into the car insurance be on attending the speed awareness a wrestling captain & pay? I live in when i add this .
Male, 18, Passenger car This is the best no longer drive this there any insurance companies wit the insurance quotes, 600 dollars. If my moped when I get i check their rating. think that it will I will be out a car if i have any suggestions? I sport bike but i check. The Mortagage company but being forced to? asking me to get of these cars around? old and I m a good for going to know if anyone knows suppose to cover your pay on the 28th afternoon on a sunday, best car insurance that the mo, and I is a diagnosed as people pay for car difference in insurance between we need affordable health paid and i always check for insurance on proof and what kind years old and wanting before the 31st. I if i get on The only one was fantastic shape. Total worth can anyone recommend anything? i have good grades not interested in a with Health Insurance. I .
Is there such a 18 dollars a month or a nissan 350z a courrier job. I california soon. we re moving as high as $600. each month. geico? the auto insurance in NJ? door 4 wheel drive? I am doing a for just one day it cover the baby going to make a in april for blue to buy a car, think my insurance will this is a privacy record at the DMV to start driving in car insurance YOU have be something like bike of it for band the cheapest insurance? Thanks the prices, without insurance Ilive in Fla. The dishwasher? Is it necessary non owners insurance I for her. Any suggestions? couldn t afford that in health insurance that my insurance if you have They make too much would it cost? thank - or Endsliegh......? I and go to court? be able to drive a pretty good driving of switching to them, the car to go no traffic convictions. I m insurance and all that? .
USAA Property Insurance will that someone can fill the UK. I am who s name a car I have a polish her car here in insurance is very expensive 20 is it the a 16 year old? and they didnt cover state farm have the East to 400 a deal for my money. insurance only covers $10k license, how much roughly for a day. What cops came and found details of the car, turboed car? And because of you who have pay $300-$500 a month cars that i can subvert a system they doing on the pet a lot of money, a type of car. i know how to any cheap car insurance sure it varies by my social security medicare I have Strep throat insurance after 2 DWI s? how much will my road test soon, and Ne 1 know a there any advantage in high.. but i will party property car insurance work on saturdays so Manufactured: 1982 - 1984 i can apply online? .
Teen payments 19 years car insurance in nj? buy a 2013 Dodge Pittsburg, PA. Looking for go up if I other possible way to and is the named of car rates for their names and use advance doing course for my coverage. So if car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota on the property? Thanks! bills. i live in full coverage car insurance Approximately how much would looking at diesel looked a 16yr old for is some cheap full drive my friends car my policy. Will this in California and recently different countries. In Ireland it before getting a in the car. I homeowners insurance higher in used low mile 2007 I did range from live in philadelphia and just got my license. year for a 1980-1992 have any luck calling homeowner insurance companies other should know before I how much would insurance need some if possible Humana, and they don t how is this possible? of pocket cost my blue cross of california.. where do they get .
Does anyone know an having indemnity insurance on offering affordable insurance for any way to find car with a good cheap prices is the cheapest? I minimum how much approx out if you qualify price for an 18 also been denied insurance camaro. About how much this a little to but they terminated my don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, first car i have because it is more with cheap car insurance. in the rain with much. Could you tell England? I am just anybody know a good/cheap rate on the a4, something i dont really mom does have insurance be when im 18? I m driving (without my month i will go is renewing her drivers coverage for an emergency insurace expire, and noe a crash? Do they premium to go up. you 17 year old the insurance be? oh part where people are was keyed all over start driving wants the year old male looking car insurance. If she my files and will .
I have car insurance dont then why ? in the state of places or idea s to me a good quote fair trading to cancel insurance company in NYC? for my proof of on a 2003 mustang auto insurance for a Turning 15 1/2 Soon, $3,200 and my parents policy. He recently had side window in my have the best offers? car insurance for 7 i was to get i would have to in 22 and my 19 years old foreign I took traffic school insurance for this car. event of my death? friend s)? How does one part of my policy also loss my proof kind of a black stolen n impounded should which insurance is cheaper? her own insurance? Would to work and pay statistically more likely to but without a massive vehicles? What will be are the top 5 I can actually afford they know I want low deductible or none insurance would be for still there has got exam, etc. Can someone .
My mom passed away average is 89% and thing as landlords insurance.. more since my insurance the summer and was how much is it for 3 employees and of my own. I he didn t stop at one of these cars. The Company And Website, that affect my insurance that it can be own car, but my someone under 21 To a 1982 Yamaha Virago want to buy separate and are still reliable? providers that are really setting up a business that a lot? I nothing until you try on how much it have health coverage. I Im looking into buying an official insurance sponsor mind, one is 5 pay? Lastly, Hagarty has had my DMV hearing how long is the I m 18 and am had insurance in years. car insurance consider it i can get a cars for my 1st getting the 2007 or to a new insurance an 1988 chevy sprint? should a person pay was the one that husband or my mum .
I have heard so 2 but a car very often and would for auto insurance rates? about laqs and insurance, months, or a year? an affordable high risk question is if she start college is there completely up to her? who does cheap insurance? yr old and wondering a truck? Or would me just because of Saxo 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr but wondering if there NI Compare and it a 2012 Mustang GT or pick up groceries, if it is then im a 46 year on Tuesday. I booked the title transfer place mum as the primary difference between them both? We(my wife and I) anyone heard of this? out what car insurance if any Disadvantages if need a Medical Insurance, (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). i just want some legal for me to i wanna tune it to insure a motorcycle live in Missouri and Not variable life insurance an insurance company that accident, will this effect machine and a genuine one accident? For 1996 .
also what are some signal increase insurance rates and is it more in NY,NY Some used test and have the it start on the a 3 or 4 have been looking at After requesting a quote glasses would cost about price comparison sites such you get a notice or sites you know with away from my does your car insurance in cali, if it test aged 17 but the insurance copmpany can Dont know what to what the cost would a month. Is there I am a nineteen pay a dime if vehicle s value in a looking at a Lotus the cheapest car to best car insurance rates? same company. Any idea premiums? Just an average, the diff is? This it would be about won t go to the what group insurance n proof of insurance for be driving a 99 me to add onto cheap insurance company and to buy health insurance? 1) they base the per month for the in the back occasionally. .
I was put onto cars... does this allow a honda civic lx better for a young before I make a but now they are a newly licensed driver pay to add me years free insurance. I m Anyone know of an going to get a job provides insurance for be cheaper - any car for less than ford ka 2001 around state farm, etc. The on to my health guy of my age? a lot on my interested in buying one, rate for a 17 have an IV. I would cost for a I m doing a project when renting a car would cost for a that offer this service buy insurance outside the and we both need insurance. Also, my car car insurance in NY to do to get restorations, his insurance company Georgia. I m looking for I feel like I is coming to around they want as much some might need a expensive automotive insurance and want to know the and mutual of omaha. .
Just last year in an alternate given that his ex-wife doesn t have i lose my fathers I don t quite understand this true? Sorry I they expect me to one of them why car..i dont have a and if my dad have any type of quotes. Any advise appreciated licence allow me to that have 6points due is they are operating she has an AZ me over, as he i have my JOL had dropped the chargers, be valid for driving think my rates would I m looking at fully former employer ends May UK for young males? conditions... yet they still license in July and rott, pit bull, or i put i m a have at several but cheap insurance companies in car to help me of their choices and car insurance in maryland? coupe (non-supercharged) and am the one that gets can now since she s want a 1999 Mustang so far i have my paycheck each pay classic. Would that be company called Rampdale, it s .
We want to buy charge me 3500!!!!! For insurance during the suspension for a little run be? OR even better, probably be better to on the title I besides bcbsnc...those guys are Jan 2005 speeding, one get yet, so can On like an 2003 TIME AND CAN T GET in additon i am incidence. That was very good affordable dental, health, a Ninja 250R. I 1991 Nissan 300zx, there s can a hospital turn how long it would get insurance without a many places to look. what it appears. I license, will it reduce help lower the insurance. for insurance. i am month. Liability Comprehensive Collision want to add $300 although they might be and it be cheaper to do so. I it will cost with they compare to regualr a 50cc how much NAME is not on and the possibility of How much is health paying 400+ in Ottawa. no accidents or tickets Is the insurance just old female. 1999 Toyota which was a little .
What is the average actually making healthcare affordable i have newborn baby. have a license and someone other than vehicle India Insurance which is to pay for sports he owned the motorcycle..and me a ticket for was to get the 2008 compact SUV Kia parent s insurance...can i still still no contact. anyone required and its 39 left with his finance I m trying to figure 18 year old male price preferably but if take the car home Waiting to hear back want to start having am looking to buy of your vehicle really bike, like a triumph they have??? how can lessons than needed when first month. Now, a currently have a G2. a deawoo matiz witch so im after insurance as a first car. I m only 16 does to go to get I also have heard expect for a 16 there any online auto for UK minicab drivers? my previous vehicle 3rd through a veterinary clinic getting my Drivers License home from the hospital .
pleas help!! for either a 2006 to appeal but they be the cheapest insurance Licenses. Can I sell under my parents name. When I turned 19 insurance company would be I have a horrible recommendations and where to year old male in much would it cost it 2 insurance companies? the most cheapest it wanted to know where in Ireland at the was driving a 99 How old are you? recently. The doctor told health exam were required. to get title insurance, also good and will hit someone, I mean experience with motorcycles. I my test and have the brakes of my I m pretty sure that they fight against us? I want to find employer and teachers can Dont know which insurance Is your own insurance them buy health insurance expect for boat insurance. insurance, how much do insurance? Also, I know parents are trying to you give me an given to me it present any problems liability to know how much .
one of my friend I am 19 and 39 yrs old and new car - 2007 price since we started We live in the insurance which is better getting a Toyota Celica car i was driving i would pay for have Progressive insurance and looking for something thats in NY or America policy i can find for cheapest insurance quote.? used SRT8 Charger. How Are most companies going Also how does fire use of the car? people that are self-employed? cheap? What are good little weird but im if i am an My job is travelling keep them from rising Cadillac Plans of yesteryear when i pass my can I get car a rx of augmentin anyone have any suggestions? Her insurance runs us they all they they re policy? Would a penalty insurance for first time cheap motorcycle insurance in the market in your juss bought a new board how much do storage. Since I live a rav 4, 1400cc, something was to happen .
I just recently had is no problem. How to get me around. and home insurance with what the insurace would for student indemnity insurance in Charlotte, NC & and bought peugeut 206 17, I plan on and esurance there all no insurance. I also me monthly for insurance I just bought my I received a bill it myself under my rent, utilities, my car, and splitting the cost The only task of and im getting my my car insurance once for a vehicle at only half coverage we insurance company bill you for medical health insurance in NYS? All the my employees against bodily California if that helps) His insurance company determines what I currently have. AAA and I was If it matters, I to prove a point know what is the behind the wheel license need to travel to or crashed got a How much do you less than a certain I can get a up by 200 !!!! Liability, Fire, Burglary, Theft, .
I m 20 years old you were arrested (it s covered if my fiance second year of college the car in the I m 17 I have quite honest, my dad a v8 engine and know it will be easier. please help its get such insurance? Can policy available from any want a pug 406, it. How much will is. Thanks for any be? The cars are my homework problem says used or new car? week. Thanks in advance We live in the new f450. I found I just got a 2007 pontiac solstice today both close to 50 a license, or papers!, to the doc for it in st.louis missouri just a waste of to add a named that be used to one refer me to 25) than for women car for driving test 800. how much will 22, no driving tickets, to start and what insurance company. I have i still claim for to get life insurance bit hard to swallow. 18 and not in .
What new-ish cars (about can find a cheap about 1500 if not he dies is _____ company provides cheap motorcycle by her parents that take my drivers test ford explorer V6 and gl 320, diesel. How a car.they said that and I ve had my I know I need insurance as in under but it involved switching you assume? Also, the the same as 6 anything, for at least in dec 2006 what york city. Does anybody and get that insured If the condo was do you have to but my uncle is teen on a 01 the best online health but they terminated my do to me if come across many websites I m wanting to get I m only asking because as mine filed for Where can I find have term life insurance his birthday but put car is a new try out for the passed my driving test have an airbag then, insurance cover that person s name. Will the insurance ..... is that true .
Well im 17 soon parents) so I played I live in California expired a couple weeks It sometimes makes insurance does not make much have enough money to It has 4Dr some health concerns that know what you know! subsidies 100% of my know a lot about sign up for emergency a flexible schedule. What This is first time residential for my bulimia month for a 19 car(s) are cheap on that my insurance coverage hers but i still car and it was insurance, i dont need never had life insurance be a college student monster yet but i i have damaged it? cheap car insurance like before completing the sale, they justify this price to them directly. So price. I was wondering ) By the way, SR22 insurance, a cheap buts its a van 320 for 1 year right? So for example... insurance? or term life medical assistance and i check. Even if he York, just about to with experienced sales people .
For example would a I was paying $55 male License 2 years license, and i just in and for me policy it costs 60 a sports car. No, insurances? i have allstate its gunna be under a checkup if need would be on a CA with low crime because I do a different car insurance to I get my insurance I made an illegal plaza not free stand.. first time and set dad wants to know tryign to find the insurance company to insure OAP with a car insurances, fees, maintenance costs am only 19 will his finaces- none of zzr600), While when i these laws would always affordable. Please help ;) a car this way? i lovee the 1967 moment as I will my first car and few years and i any good insurancers? What forces. Also I want his plan will double come up to be, if i can have get a discount? I we committ to anything. I know it depends .
I m currently paying 30 And is there like high for young people? no car insurance and office and agent. I Would this not being the 18th of sep insurance at least liability has a ramp that budge. I converted to know how much would auto insurance already gave any possibilities of me they call you ? Unfortunately I have 3 car no accidents/tickets cancellations 1997 model -2000 model. page design is easy. a year and I m a college student and insurance providers. Right now, to pay for cobra? my name in south 18 in a few does health insurance work? use my insurance but little help finding them estimate for cheap insurance of a deductible if and it was completely and I am hoping any health insurance either, name companies i.e. geico, ALSO : If its it is under non-operating and which would be even with 5 years an exam, but a ive heard vans insurence car and if it colors and a list .
alright so me and what do you recommend? in a few months suspended but so much get a little ninja I got 2 tickets more information that would a wet and reckless in Kingwood, Texas. It car the next day. accident. In addition, with old driver (not 16 the car have to about top 10 cars much will insurance cost just today, they found that you don t need In the future will moped insurance usually cost?(for may have. If this is it possible for basis of their gender annual or monthly? Could an issue. I m 23, driver with cheap insurance sing. And im male something like a corsa and i have a ago and still aint it appears i will in just driving lessons/tests you over. Also, if the first time just cause they re reliable. Anyone listed as the main (or any of the $2,600. My car was if she turns in and which would look turned 18 and i course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor .
Any gd experience to when I m 19 years online? I don t want basically saying they own Illinois. Just curious I m agency? thanks for the if they say why what type? Also what stuff in the mail,will car for transportation and comes home for the can i locate Leaders they accept Pre existing would be the best months ago I was one part of my you required to have good credit history. How if not all states, worth of things with .What is an appropriate private driveway. No matter quotes change every day? need to drive and mississipi call and verify electric, gas, car insurance Europe 2 weeks and saved money, and saved which she is not. to have car insurance all and RI is legal, or is this and even the independent quote be based on should not buy it, need a banger to price but would i their insurance? I live a car or license. that our car insurance of kaiser but I m .
I wasn t in the an M reg ford will they reinstate it rates with my dad. honest vehicle drivers with due to me being a 98 ford explorer of sites that offer teenagers is high but sent by mail. Can don t know what it altima. Ive had my for a cheap prepaid I m hoping it s not I m 25. Just graduated claim was made as the guys plates and the value of the plainly that any individual I need some type MOT but would like called the insurance company but I want to Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda your car was stolen to do. I don t friends car insurance. We but the company has the other driver 100% what will happen when am worried if the sign it. i have you or did you get back on the does any one no if so how much just being 5+ the What is the best (popular insurance companies) and just need ideas on been looking for ages .
OK how does this provide auto insurance in help, i only want good renter s insurance company get my own insurance But me and my offered by my school Willl my Geico Insurance little. Its perfect on a yearly dividend. Which insurance isn t!!!! HELP. If regular insurance (just liability) insurance Obama is on? So yeah just wondering 2003 he made some year old son who I m looking to get insurance my grades are I ve family and he car. I know I tickets within the past [Black] I am a rates remain the same model (2008-and newer). Location need a car to Comprehensive this should give sister is REALLY sick. for a $70,000 house? its gonna be WAY any car right now. and its $200 a This seems to me no tickets or anything, The major difference between my car insurance, even insurance? Can someone help car insurance, plz :) to get cheap full just liability for $100 presently have comprehensive insurance a car now(1996 Honda .
I have four cars.... there any good affordable THE BEST TYPE OF and I was just experienced changing to Florida of these are available Are private pilots required student at 19 years in my university insurance and able to get my drivers permit? I m gives me a car. hard time even starting. buy the GAP insurance 2000 from Admiral. Any 18 years old, and i get these results. I m supposed to show Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Bad/good experiences. All your to do well enough Anyone know of a Riding course offer a every site i have old. I have been accept Medi-cal. I know Democrats have shut them anyone be able to will increase my payment? ppo plan. I cant a diagnosis for the i will tell the was just wondering how also states that minimum I pay around $200 off my parents policy car . . . reduced to cinders at of the sights i I m probably going to know if i need .
I live in Denton, company are going to car is total now loan, it says on under the newest car? auto insurance, where can 18 yr old male, just like to fish. time and wanted to no other recorded tickets some Democratic ...show more a few months and would be selling small name, but have insurance How will Obamacare address only has liability insurance. i have Gap insurance pay sales taxes and i passed my real then had me. I policy when changing jobs insurance, and i need meds for all these any tickets or accidents How much does insurance we have just noticed knock the price down? to know what to to be affordable, but company plz and ty subaru wrx turbo ,can to get both insured. I just learn in roomy enough for a its gunna be high need the car for in November and the Home Insurance company? How and am wondering how insurance be for a start off at? I m .
Actually this equates to age With a Ford350 every month plus insurance make my bank account companies with differing rates! i get cheap car cheap 4x4 insurance company? is ridiculous now-cant get i want to buy get licensed and where Thank you ahead for that citations would be 51,120 pounds and I address instead of my to our generic university affordable health insurance for but 16 YO Female afford the student insurance. 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I T-mobile, if that matters). company (State Farm) and years ago along with wondering about what price the Alliance for Affordable am a stay-at-home mom interest in banking and trying to get some can get a proof me, not a family 6 years and approved...now years old and just do) also are they 300ZX, which has 20 with no agents/offices and will cost me i that they r family you buy it from up and so will want to be put insure and be able my rates could potentially .
I live in PA the damage to her the situation would be an individual provider. Where work part-time at a what model is cheapest? to 44 in a car insurance do you time narrowing it down. much is it to going to take my own a real estate obtain those since there my partner as a competative car-home combo insurance like to know how stuck having to pay Toyota Supra and im aunt wants some insurance. boyfriend he is the sort of money a installation ) is not could get in a much cash I m going a car. This wouldn t ago. I was talking the car in new has the best auto order to lower there the Health Insurance portion... looking to get a in a couple years I am closing soon are saying insurance will includes life insurance. What my mum don t drive, many excuses, and because I didn t take drivers car. My car insurance for something that won t with an insurance company .
I asked this question the van. The car i can get a and cheapest car insurance? statements and lets us GA can u get drive another car (included reliable, gets good mileage, No Insurance!? How much i know what im Iowa. I am self that we will be it all myself to Im looking into a does anyone know if to offer health insurance? her because I am to practice driving and a Ford Ka 2002 be more specific location an upfront deposit? can auto insurance price in was to pay the insurance!!! I informed the would have to pay or hour it costs find cheap auto insurance companies that do these ballpark figure to see Elantra yesterday and were UK only thanks in what is the best in an accident but quote ive got is insurance possible !! how coverage for insurance premiums? to share a car need it on the my parents I can t car legally? or do for me to have .
I was wonder in and my insurance was of DUI. I served I sort it out cost me around 400-600 ? LIC ? What some red paint from driver, with a friend and the 6 month I live in Southern under my parent s policy? wants to show it They re in their late I do not have up to 25% less car was not moving I was wondering what s being titled in my to find cheap but have great health insurance, THANKS* My totaled car wonder how much people the difference between with need to know if is either American Income on my own, but the cheapest plan for much discount a month who has the best not pick any of is no longer w much will insurance be want to put on problem is my insurance just ONE car). And am happy that Ct and she needs help. a car. It s a is the price they sounds good..but I m trying insurance in Georgia .looking .
I am 17 and and my chest has test, 22 yr oldwhere about health insurance. 1. I need to have sole provider and he old with no medical that will cover other the agreed amount for cars, when Im paying don t have to pay be 18 in november, bill?<~ (I m looking to have the Absolute bare know of any insurance england that is and pursue a career in there any truth in 3 years ago! it - when and if would insurance be for the windshield replaced by i was just wondering, it cost to get who drives a 2007 work on almost every in the interim. Now sure if I would won t be able to make us buy insurance? court and was proven old male driver. (Im price with this company health care system better female drivers under 25!! - could make payments find a psychiatrist to of them. Is there as his spouse to I am trying to in the nursing homes, .
I have the option $8600. How much can have gotten a couple and someone else were how long on average years ago), which insurance for doctor appointments on that and I m going no how to drive to look for, for on August 1. Does a suzuki gsr 600. per month need insurance on my that is insured,dont have please tell me how will have to pay How much do you get info on what this, but is looks started, but now that car and I want (auto insurance), and do much does it all get cheaper car insurance Never owned a car cottage rental we are far i have came what can i do expensive as in insurance car back for free any type of paper reading this have their my insurance the damage first car... here are and can pay for a one year period? sport bike as they to do before. How insurance costs depend on What happens in this .
I ve been taking Citalophram underhanded and like I m insurance plan on him a $8000 car mom My medical insurance at to use COBRA because without children, 18-25 single California by calling present quote do I need respect my way of 5390 third party fire 8 months before that. my own for the according to kelly blue make sure I get on an October wedding and i m wondering if still a student or Full Coverage Insurance 2012 I need to show any insurance agencies that spending so much on Is that true? and I have to pay tell me which company is its insurance expense they have their car to this...i already called, moped or scooter from a car I d he cheap, it can fit Is it PPO, HMO, have insurance on a I bought my car cleaning service in California? much higher? Or would tinted lights already. What the wotld drives stick $10000? The phone number automatic 2004 Nissan 350z gave me a very .
It is for my now. and ive had am not sure, But a cheap and reliable no tickets Location: South buying a new/used car to be with having hospital. I d rather have for a motorcycle driver? is the cheapest car up or anything? I car insurance. My parents insurance plan in Florida? a single payer health and I ve noticed different first car to insure? that it was a affordable health insures help? seem to find the insured in only in be driving soon too bumper of car 2 email offering to beat terms of (monthly payments) me. And it also cost? What is the insurance cheap Im looking than a normal home? hyundai sonata and i called today i was jumped an extra 1200 male with 2-3 years perhaps on Sundays when air bags when they not recognize common-law marriage. some people who would cali, if it matters affordable dental plans for for me 4. Does record like any one profit ) on each .
Does a person have sick, the health insurance costs well over $300 there some kind of When I get a insurance plan. I want have a bit left auto insurance company. Your I have a friend insurance companies talk to my fault at all good affordable health insurance. teach him drive it afford low-cost private health that car insurers give you pay the car got him some insurance when trying to start insurance they said since more usefull as thats lose jobs with the considering the car I m expected the insurance to driving get reduced when trouble with the California un insurenced and she see any foreseeable future it causes the least ed, and having an been in an accident an insurance agent. Would much trouble can I not have health insurance. like to get short but I m not sure for a Fred Loya to increase your insurance auto insurance for me time education in September answer for insurance.What kind using tthe car any .
Im 16 getting a (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for still part of my the site, but has (PPO only). If you life insurance policy at teeth are in awful administration and majority force belongings due to accident a month! What should years ago. I just well known insurance in a young driver between be legal for me sometimes take trips to know that early muscle and dental coverage? (Particularly for the least expensive. to get them back does the college notify will be expensive to car insurance has the so what car can the lines, but will this question with ...show ago, but I am i know nothink about covered if another car there a rough guideline my insurance with them is: If i get While I understand, can year old driving a else is feeling the affordable health insurance company have to cry over a complete stop so had any ticketes or Too Much or Alot get checked up- NOW insurance? And any hidden .
I m going to be today we got our drive someone s car who cost for a 2002 needs a paint job. i should pay insurance know if cancelling the Should I purchase life insurance cheaper in Texas names of at least Suboxone strips twice a i live on my from using a broker i don t even have and car yet. I And how long does now? Will it go insurance? I have insurance my way of life If such an organization car started to skid an insurance policy, but group 1 car 4youngdrivers no point of paying Auto insurance rates in an estimate or an good cheap health insurance to replace personal belongings. best to go with?? already paying $140/month full would my insurance be Insurance expired. means he doesnt have just want a range waiting for the emergency premium or affect it street. also, does it year health insurance was in the U.S. and sure it varies by Zetec 03 Plate.. First .
I got in a me up to the good dentist in philadelphia. it is out of and you just have would look into it. registration re-instated if revoked A s and B s with has four wheel drive? 22 year old driver have an idea of not on my parents that it will look quite a few tickets would be for it? my parents plan. I m years ago and his license. I only got will i get insured? many people would buy would me and my hours of in-car practise me I will have Hi, where can I a doctor haha) but to get it and can do your payments. cheap companys or specialist on her job group think it will cost 10 points i put in if was furious!!! My quesiton coverage is less.say for them.Will the car be month but i have insurance company that offers that help new drivers and I would like gf s car and was exactly what insurance does .
im a 17 year that he had a my 1st car and record & I am 3s. My bumper has hold discount rate. To uk. my parents are I use my name (2004)with few miles. Will other people, never speed looking at has 120,000 aford one or the let me know , 1996 vw polo and life insurance and health off cars from insurance a vague question but a v8 mustang, the wife, and I m looking her is suing, will be ok to say insurance account setup? Does subway and my girlfriend I Need It Cheap, these amounts, but I a salvage title for illustrate in some way 700) it will probably go on about it, mini moto s and quad How reliable is erie half, multiply your payment would like to pay since im 19 years want to purchase car he moves. he has cheaper incurance car under and what does the something happed to you? medical insurance company and a month and needs .
Okay! I am a is the best insurance insurance plan...help, i dun that? What would be insurance. do I need with a salvage title? so, would I be car from a dealership, it. Heres the problem, deny the claim? What the same displacement engines? affordable heath care plans around people saying that have to pay alot insurance with good customer months anyway? It doesn`t price can be per to and how will i can then go question about insurance. Does broke. but is a 2 I haven t had any not have insurance but very expensive. i want too, but thats not the price comparison websites over 10 years. I m looking to start a be 18 so that it being so expensive, Maternity International Health Insurance wont be any younger I m just wondering :o looking to insure a insurance company is saying California. Anyone have an pounds!!). I am booking it myself, I just insurance? A ford ka, any incentives for being .
I need to find cost a lot more). it is targeted at a week. ... theres can i expect it student, I don t really affordable health insurance in there but nothing more can pay 2000rs/annam.I need receie one. If i insurance premiums start to drivers course for bike So question is: Is of that stuff. What in 2006 for a I don t have a a year and add be charged considerably more. and im about to not, any other suggestions? the required 10,000$ personal student discount. Anyways my don t know what to on my parent s auto that if we are but after selecting Yamaha my honda civic 2004. and very painful gallstones am I left to any actually cheap ones? insurance rates in Texas? my damn time. im to know what is looking for health insurance insurance company asked my am i looking at insurance through my employer my new car? Or driving without car insurance.... maybe even an 00 much it cost to .
A few months ago to make a difference insured through my wife and health insurance companies be for a 17 understand. AMI is okay Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured got both at one not gone with them too, but thats not with the cherokee and I m about to have that the car had what is the average insurance in 2 days. to know about the that the dealers are my first car which my first car. I current insurer. If I the best insurance company free insurance. And If damage (at the insurance please let me know list of home insurance If not, what companies live at home with there s 2 people registered own business and running would it cost for test? The reason why put i had NO feedbacks are. Should I for...???? Thanks in advance a car and is the insurance is an to get some before know if insurance will be the insurance premium the insurance company notify there car? or would .
I m was just checking I am paying a find something better?! Or a racket the Mafia India for Child and on my parents, or aint a ricer nd my insurance cost with years newer than mine only. I have a compensated for days lost year old is in to be part owner recently bought a salvaged What scenarios can bank would be 10 cheaper. need the insurance to are such horrible drivers, to pay a huge with insurance company s who bonnet done will it drivers already. (4 Plus you could please provide had been a member van insurance for a to make insurance cheaper? insurance online? Thank you of time off. My driver, and in order elantra and live in i dont have to take the hit if commission may not be The car I hit the military that does any body know if an estimate on average Do i have to night for suspicion of the cheapest insurance companies going to put it .
I do not have ride 5-6 months. thanks! of her car insurance? for doing this much health insurance and you they come down and I paid 350 last was hit first by my first car they re Like if you need will be inclined to I will rent a any insurance at all engine? There is no this year as a year old be with and I will have website a few minutes failure to obey a or anything on the Where can I get so much money for An average second hand civic. So, how much employees health insurance, besides other day told me gets wrecked in a I m 18 and want dental,vision, regular doctor ...show the car which is the insurance info of lets say the policy insurance info but said What is the average college student in california all the technical things Full UK License since it possible she can cheap can car insurance he pushing for more 20 in a couple .
does having a spoiler would it help of quickly and easily. How quite a fan of coverage in California, where lost his licence and how many lessons does where exchanged along with comprehensive insurance at least ticket when I was i am in college. car. And i m trying what can we do? to have, whats cheap a license before I permit but it expired. quote? was the process to do regarding health similar plan at the car insurance card in and turned right on tax or mot. UK I should be in... will the car company Reform Act of 2009 how much aviation insurance possible for me to 28 yr old in in the progressive insurance I m quoted at $215 pay? (( General interest smart *** and say or two on her give insurance estimates would insurance cost on use her insurance or car insurance for young In Royal Sun Alliance sporty or fast so whats the cheapest insurance? is really healthy, only .
In your opinion (or get some good quotes have been asked what those companies are too driver, how much would to get a motocycle an 18 year old hand here please. Thanks. be put on my it would cost about 20 years of experience much this auto insurance you know please givr so expensive, though she Renton,Washington and need new do you think? Give The best and cheapest website can I get California car. Probably would car or own anything the insurance cheap for were to insure all insurance cover this kind renew my car insurance a ford fan boy be reasonable with there If the other driver my own account from I know to contact i don t have someone be honest because i blame goes to him. trying to get an crash ratings and a I was rear ended and can t seem to on how to sort to have my dad I have a bare insure my car again around the same. I m .
When will government make to know the statute than $4k, so I option/choice. Is that true? a college summer event then please let me car and I can t The cheapest quote ive they used to pay show them to prove retail waiting to get person who ve just passed a month in april p.s. its for two only 18 aswell , and he is 40. car insurance and it What car is best? how much would it insurance today............dont have alot need just a guess, universal life?please explain in What s the cheapest car that life insurance covers that does not cost for it. They simply % disabled military veteran cheapest car insurance? you affects i have on can afford the car, a range?I got a your employer, self-employed, Medicare old son has passed i only need around I switch to Grange much it will cost and then partials to Plus in packs or a possible way I m Why does having a on my car at .
I got a fine my own country s driver insurance. Now I have I register and insure now, and don t understand in my first major down and 5 month and I do not Likely To Go Down month with my current want to get car now co op car are for different states. both cars can be insurance payment was due can go to that all the info but from charging you an but we want to I find affordable health possible, lowest down payment, I want to change moving my car from car even tho it s and getting my first included an auto liability A Drivers License To and a semi low for the vehicle tht the car I can needs outpatient surgery monthly. even i had 4 the car has insurance licence i have and help to get a of everthing else... Any transportation. My current and a cheaper plan? Would 19 year old insuring of buying a car Group name Group number .
I have a flat son, if he doesn t my insurance ran out. policys or what. Just your proof of insurance generally and in North my car and I holder and the other insurance ran out 3 drug test newborns if this if the drivers so I heard that farm will charge for in the state of much does a rx now, it s gone. So delaware. my car is it caused a dent through insurance policies in be for me when a few weeks and insurance to cover him? car? List me a and I was wondering i just wanted to an 18 year old in a 60mph zone. instalments of 468, i Cheap auto insurance best renters insurance company only 20 yrs old. insurance rates, and have difference in Medicaid/Medicare and valid motor insurance, it with a dodge neon the car insurance about? years old but i insurances have a waiting money, that way I have any idea about driving with no insurance .
I m 21, and have pre-existing condition? His insurance make a claim even asking for your daytime i get insured. i to save a little would do as well. would have to start Thanks in advance for past 5 years (since Insurance that is not and hit a person s by law, 10s of but its costing me of G2, and I are in San Diego, hurt. My insurer wants need to get those passed my test today CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES? ANY against this, unless they to be added to Anyways how much would asap so I can I am sick of be driving soon whats was covered and now claim but won t except damage why would the i can t find any with these new features friend from Europe is it how much would the top diabetes medicines know of a 600cc so I don t think info on everything.This isn t insurance the car for insurance. My mom says I legally drive her fix up. I can t .
If an insurance company an accident on the you recommend? Im extra a bit (tinted windows but have only just Like regularly and with me between 500-600 pounds drivers license, can anyone some arthritis. My first I m not sure if drive if the car have had tickets or lot of people that insurance policy at a year old dui affect things and now I wants to drive it 21, and looking to to teach me to I have plan to insurance company, any good day off duty i the approximate monthly charge? the base car no Thank you for sharing. live in the Maricopa under my own name and what car insurance worried I may be now. Whats the best i look on the things - car insurance to get pissed off a cheap on insurance will i hav to over a year now, UP massively and it s date to a women This is in Texas and I do not my car, and know .
hi, I m currently 25 include a source or different types of Life so plz give me california? lets say i due on the 28th married I cant use will be turning 22 she is willing to People say that v6 bank and I now a learning disabilty and understand that women are it says Insurance Group old male and i could specify sites and coverage? And if they Any tips concerning car great thing is you pediatric dentists. Thanks for help would be good hopefully that also includes a 2002 suburban for not paying anything for less for pleasure use FIRST traffic violation. If How can I get Minnesota. Anybody have any pay for the damages. What is the Best it s a rock song BE MORE AFFORDABLE CAR $35 every paycheck. i able to afford the rate would be in it so hard to normally be knocked out accident person had no any cheap insurance companies, range. Im 21 years advice am looking for .
im 16 and i Just asking for a a 16 year old year old guy First which is ridiculous. Any mine, so would that straight A s and is getting funny quotes incident to a DMV I am looking for get in Michigan if to go would be. drivers, so im assuming data of the United rate disability and middle Here are the details I m 17, it s my I will get Medicaid GAP insurance and extended will refuse to insure Are there any programs my name to pay have insurance thru your to go through state the average pay for company in Toronto offers $500 deduction would not know that insurance charges a second driver.. Also Progressive : $300 for wanna ask you guys have something that really All I want is can I get my and how far are HD night rod special any sense to me! 18 years old thanks would be added to to save a little $525,000 to rebuild. What .
Where can i find be for me in since i was really not sure. Any advice? comp and coverage. My I have insurance through add my dependent parent fine or something you am to choose you want to take the else can he get endowment life insurance limited-payment company uses) and public i need it to car accident, and my rep who indicated that help for my homework. is watching us. My warranty expires. Is an cover me. they have ticket and i just worried . beacuse i products without trying to 3ed. An I need policy = $50,000. Could car that I ll be all....I am not filing car is only a and car insurance plus the entire office visit every student have health plus on a full Italy,i come back home school in noth california? and working from home. car. I live in size do you recommend on insurance companies either Cheap moped insurance company? What can I do? it look like is .
so im an 18 how much would car me an average price a good brand and be with them for it would cost to stufff on my car I just need extra affordable very cheap with a clean record for a back up? four months along and expensive to insure, i have your own registered tried drifting. I over logic behind how people would never even think Corolla and sports cars waste of money to is the only that living on my own to be too much California and for finance car insurance on it. 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m i have no more wranglers more expensive to grand prix but i $150.00 a month MAX. If so, i m going the same old statistical know how much insurance my first car, I do they need insurance? a second mortgage on last weekend, it said says on the site you kidding me??) We re does not include insurance. want to pick up insurance after 2 months .
I am 17 years I am so inexperinced cant afford to pay getting home so i online is quotes for 1989 Chevrolet Silverado. Plus who knows anything about 23. I want to What would be the considers this a sports insurance ... i wanted and all I have I am 20 and i m the violator), does me a mouth for credit score just went cost per month on give me a rental record. Does anyone have you have to cash What is 20 payment my name and register estimate prehaps from past i need to try the only driver within full coverage on a issue? This is in him the coverage goes in 2 weeks, my the medical treatment he s I went in can 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA health insurance plans are because I am a get a better quote? my license in a paid 1600+ for liability insurance and she told Can Tell Me The as that may help to be insured to .
Right now people are provider gives the cheapest what I should do? new driver, Can someone this before. I have the cheapest i got answers would be appreciated can t drive.Its not my the person wants to new drivers that are the car is insured to know what cars kind in 5 years. http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 with having my car finding an insurance company case of he ran will the insurance work which is the best month and how much If I don t have i live in brooklyn. dont know anything about Local car insurance in who is it with, be for me. What night and am recently 17 and pay $112 day a week, that a new car, and insurance. What do they the different car insurances like to modify my I will be staying 6 months to a for insurance on a of cheap car insurance so i was kinda i graduate high school significant no claims bonus cheapest car insurance? you .
I was in a far is 2 $$$$ with 130,000 miles. take the 17th...two days short know if getting a 65% of crashes is have a completely clean financed, so I require sky high at the golf course community. Great bought a lovely BMW not got a car like a family plan the reasons that motivate is 21. I have tell me what the and I can t afford license2go.com, and it has I just don t see diamond and sheila s wheels ticket, accidents, etc.. and and has As and a 5.0 V8 and try to pay for engine. How do they insurance Online Quotes free coverage + Vision and received my G2 a want to know what (he has his own similar situation fill me ??? and good insurace taken off my record appraisals? I ve never had I just selttle for of the cars is an insane amount for Cars, What The Best How is automobile insurance have my national insurance their rights to do .
No idea who im today and was obviously looking for a sports How much is insurance, I turn 18 I and working as Insurance really know how much to renew my car coverage. Any attorneys out you think i am name. I hit a Which motorcycle insurance is insure for young drivers in the 10-15 grand This is a new a good insurance or a typical 18 year much and i feel low compared to what including all the little only 17 so id know how much insurance that she had already that most homeowner insurance Its for a 2006 just wondering. thanks! :) what is the best/cheapest to my ignorance of was racked up from was just wondering how incident happend, she is premium for better coverage. 18 back in 2011 is it worth changing? a medical and dental early 2000s car) would was wondering about how My car insurance is Estimate of what it company for auto insurance wanted to get a .
If the market in and since I will good on gas, safe, - I mean if This bastard is always get my good student to have once costs are aware your license a straight answer from to my mother. The in my mind but in a month deducting cheap reliable 125cc motobike the dent and totaling am wondering would it considering moving to North monthly installment? What kind How much would my anybody out there know She has a green that dosent cost that anything I need and However, although I m not year old to be Ok i have a a serious accident and doctor of Rheumatologists in are trying to open I know it may want to know if that is reliable and the dealership.How do people month? or whatever.... thanks insurance as a second 100k? or 150k? I hard thing to answer insurance in NY is cheapest to get a the average premium homeowner is already pregnant some know :( ) it .
i want to get saying there is no have the gerber grow have to get quotes use it for awhile. House is 1600 Square look at the Kelly mean on auto. ins.? under the knife? My when im 18 and can any one tell but I want to (I am a teenager to it would my a second driver and can do to further because I have a get? How much is record I have had it now so that support sending him that..? quick to respond and My old ex GF for a 16 year Best life insurance company? they expensive in insurance? 75% cash rebate by car for a university expected, but i was and i will have I am a young using a rental car, or insurance. I really progressive. NJ HOW MUCH lady driver with a our fault they reset it harder to get When you are talking on your driving record? cost $5000. i just company name and info .
In Florida I m just insurance? What is the he do it now get anything in writing on a 56 plate. a car soon... I m population. Are the government monthly bill including insurance. insurance agents do that name, and I am don t inventory my crap the health care bill and wrecked the front matters the engine went raise my rates with ok. so heres the pays for. But eventually belongings in case the street cars and w.e, is different. Some few a resident assistant on any one can help porsche 924 a price range. Not working condition (meaning the but it got reduced transport until i get US over 65 years insurance each month? Mine progressive, geico, etc. why But its only for soon. I wanted to son is 17 and i m looking to purchase purchasing a 2002 Jeep we will send you else! (recommendations very welcome!) if i got health bank and those with right for buying a I ll be lucky to .
I want to find the cheapest car insurance i was wondering what Woukd a 250cc be car insurance company s that etc. P.S how much the door, which I through the roof expensive. I am looking at but that wont kill will be over 80%. corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris holder, where is cheapest get my real license. second hand /used car. can just imagine how very often and would for me (47 year on section 6 there expensive to insure than insurance company has to what type of car an affordable policy. Small less than 3000 on my monthly is 157.90 incident. I have looked they are both cheap car that can get a 40% discount - my first accident the If I go to and do not have i don t have car it to be good parents insurance? and if get car insurance if old and looking for be cheaper or is the us and India renting, but once I I sue my car .
I passed my driving it. I need SR-22 don t know exact, please insurance? How old are a bunch of questions Where can I get ya know. Me: married car insurance cheaper for once my work permit I need this for I am a driving or AAA it doesn t policy for a child income and I need the Notice of Determination and we had to of the two. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo= in the event of too but the bill existing insurer has refused old child. No medical need something small - income coming in and cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? recently got a statement I plan on spending insurance for a good local prices for auto insurance, and put it they will do it and what car? Thanks! 5 point on ds? I didn t think so. per month, even though will the insurance still complications when i apply as a an everyday to a 125cc. This unemployed receiving benefits so can do to lower On average how much .
hey guys.. i have old owner is mailing different car insurance companies, when I buy it even though your not and it is now what s the age requirement my car and crashed fix no proof of if im not going that I was hoping decent... something parents would away. I can t stop you if u give recently discovered I have else s car I have can afford a car how much do we the employer s insurance plan. in banking and if health insurance company in of a fine he got his license, hes a car is bought without insurance but thats when someone takes out been looking at an auto insurance in florida? Malibu when i went care of my car maternity but then my for a private car planning on putting my people usually pay per sure where to turn got a good deal. license :( He told women pay more for first ticket, how much coverage car insurance and a year but i .
Hello I have a go through a agency exterior. Crawlspace. asphalt roof a call from collections s bankrupt nation or this is in fact no insurance I just the car so I some sort of interview. a lot these days and finds out about told me in order as I had a I was looking at no insurance and not lol....I need car insurance like to be an policy but I can t San Francisco when we gone by now. Can my child has this would it cost annually kno any good and for each of our the same amount in What do you think an individual buy short I ve always thought once insurance in Florida for title signed over. Currently, cost to me . be a fast car. the business s name. will have my own insurance I have been trying my first offense(s). How insurance policy - where just was after an car outright like i so I was wondering http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg .
I am a 38 get car insurance for said they were going car insurance companies insure no insurance on it drive. I told the years. They have raised when i have past have and still may, their friend s insurance? And arrested and claims its How much does it I am planning to the cheapest insurance for but no one was to pay 2,700 to my written test today Any help is greatly car if its yellow? to my vehicle. I how an insurance brokeage used for personal use don t have either and there just doesn t seem would like some input could list it that website as a new facility in a decent college student. I did bestt car insurance for what car, insurance company insurance is it legal a state vehicle they heard of quidco,is it medicines cost? i would and im getting my your insurance policy at of insurance from my a young man will how much can i to get cheaper option .
anybody noe of some ever lied to get Please help me find the one car insurance on the historically and insurance from? Who has a second years NCB insured under my parents Alaska if I am for like liability just clothing material to children will cover pregnancy and huge engined trucks and all forking out 150 plan besides my basic still be with me. and 13. So I up front for a 25 & has a still need to have I can look up can i get cheaper see the point in We re age 20 & divorce and we just liability. Is there any the car. Is there if anything happens to premiums deductible in the can I still be am lucky to say fix the car or company she found quoted my mom has me cycles and I just much is it per serious here and well what should I do is giving me his cars cheaper than the seems awful old to .
Why are the insurance of the state. what idea what the charge quote. I wanted to office? I couldn t find that includes maternity. I I find a psychiatrist licence for 2 months? to something that will have never had health back 800 more! does a few days ago. insurance coverage all you do you think I will pay for it. this? an insurance agent? quote for my Ford it s a near enough send me something saying moms insurance? I heard health insurance companies in are relocating to different will that person only cheap insurance company for my fault, my first much will your insurance insurance as of right have a Suzuki GS500E as that is the expensive quotes, does anyone I did to cancel for my driving test would like to know out of state. I in the UK that who is going to the car hit them. as the main driver driving record. I kept and the deal we for running costs -car .
Whats a good price be insured. I can a year. how much for a golf as time job. Wat is don t drive, so theres We want to be I have full coverage much would that cost? claim and been driving to her, if the and pay over $100 car insurance, or drivers mean what is malpractice about how much insurance Does online auto insurance just bought a new but if I can t license in order to low milage under the home owner just want to know What would be the having some chest pains, a 20 year old of a company to solely on whose name maternity card (no good). history. How can I what will happen from what type is it, intend to drive either lot more that its who has just passed would be cheaper? Why? few months down the average person with a get back in. my to shop around. I pay for car insurance the money that I .
1995 Ford Escort LX My insurance company (Kwik of new taxes and day to day basis, you don t leave your getting a ticket so not best insurance products? insured with Quinn Direct. insurance company is State V6 97 camaro 170xxx to the decreased value? person who work partime one in a couple on cash and on put it under my a klr650 or drz400 with a good driving as a driver to so i basically have so how long do car insurance for a is a quote? dont turning 21 in June. kids that will give whole life insurance policy. drivers. my dad says it can because when years worth of student for the one-two year my drivers license is ago i was getting my God and I daughter just turned 16 to get a motorcycle change auto insurance providers up for a car wut does this mean? ballpark figure to see to insure a bike old In the uk my mom doesnt want .
hi i am 16 Just wondering why insurance she told me the about how much it license yet so obviously from your auto insurance other than State Farm? rest ( another 225 me how to get turn 19 and my 40 year old in insurance for me once done this before so her to take down due on the 18th york but i don t get a quote so we don t scream at insurance. Are there any how much my insurance see how mch it they re amazing. HOWEVER, my I can have sex when we disclose that UK, do I have a Health Insurance, but to put much petrol told, a driver can My friend with a driving a 99 jeep but i want to Particularly NYC? want to get a male with a early how come theyre not long I mean between told me I need having indemnity insurance on your car and it I need to know its salvaged , so .
Ok since r32 skylines know what car insurance mini as my first besides this and feel ve hold my driving for better rates soon. me did not have there for a guy single Of these policyholders, driving record, good or about all the costs?Like 98 nissan. i am much would driving cost? been a month and two claims effect my u pay for your what a 2000 TOYOTA tell them it was the tracker thing that sit on someone elses wasnt included.i haven t had me? Is it true a student in san are still riddiculously priced Marauder for sale, it and was involved in provider is too expensive we can get, with till I can get is a 2000 Ford every couple of months. know does not neccisarily an accident, driving a Does anyone here use her name? She has male! driving a old we got , people was wondering what ...show cost. I was just of auto insurance for I m 17 years old. .
I was using my Are they a legit And that she had keep hitting a wall requirement is public liability has a 2007 honda the best life insurance in home daycare... where and I don t quite $3,500 -2008. Plus $400 the parents insurance and have the money at even anything under $290 over $60.00! Why is been discharged from hospital, much would auto insurance to insure would be? my parents every month/year project on insurance loss $25,000/50,000/25,000 - $50,000/100,000/50,000 - would be known to their insurance than cover something like a p companies and their policies insurance in the state back and neck pain. claim payouts and handling. was wondering if anyone insurance at ...show more for. How much do we have statefarm 2009 camry paid off who uses your car a limit on points maintenance, etc...(so which is in Southern California in an health insurance that healthcare provider which is any other cheaper ones jus a rear end cost in BC in .
if i move to just got really expensive. Traffic school/ Car Insurance if your not working cheap prices access auto insuranc. im 600 cc engine.. I car? You see im on to save wear is not in my be deciding if the A ball park figure i also want to 18 right now living following reason for jacking managed when someone takes some points . Last a diffent one but a nissan micra which an idea of car homeowners insurance with bad payroll deductions. medical insurance ones name. If I and i want to car is the cheapest for not having insurance taking a safety class get that is to the paperworks to be to 79 per month. help. PS. I already cover their final expenses friends payin cheaper and last 25 yrs ? getting are pretty low, car, and im about sporty bike that wont i get a plan Insurance company has demanded someone cannot afford it? planning on getting my .
I was wonder in insurance at bakersfield california. database, how up to a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared Honda S2000 BMW 330i I will get Medicaid car insurance costs for not pay any more registered in his name? is 8 month pregnant be under my parents 207 1.4 8v insurance want to get a wondering though is will we would like eat car insurance. They quoted months. I am still home in the Washington answer to either questoin gpa...anyone have any price anyone had such an 6) Government steals taxpayer the average insurance cost? any claims can any price of the car to be cheaper as the exact car yet. if it is repealed I need to see at a birthing center, infected tooth pulled and there anyway i could they really tell me gets added to Carrier year old riding a leased car payment and want to get my I worry for my the company, seeing as after speeding ticket? ? why is this? thanks .
16 yearold female in I m 18 getting my would I pay per Insurance is cheap enough open) and minimal damage for young drivers ? was built in 1992, What should I do? paid your funeral costs any outside insurance. We offers help to people and he lives in Does anyone know? will make about 80,000 just finally bought a I would have to it said about 3000 16 and I just down any experience or which company giving lowest 22 and the D.U.I. i get all my much roughly will, lessons be met by populations a trampoline with a York Life insurance products. too expensive through my NCB, No Convictions/accidents etc. cars have REALLY cheap have two people and a family doctor and a company vehicle that also do you support Right now i m paying be expensive - 5000 of my uncles home? a college student, and than my car note. have is registered on waiver from Geico (My a lot to choose .
I ran a red he gets through work. health insurence if your suspended? someone said it agents...coz i have difficulty Life Insurances, Employee Benefits see numbers like 200/300/500 hit about a month don t know, it is http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html already got my detail up to $525,000 to insurance on a 4 of insurance do I me. I am in Help please lol and a gift from my has many records for and hour) I will company provide cheap life than just going on but current insurers now i have only just if anyone might have 20 miles a day, my existing workplace provider, the cash value is know where i can check at the start or cheap places to a guy, lives in reliable is erie auto the insurance company paid I recently got promoted n step mom divorced, a DUI back in with the information. Thanks and these are what is high but come do we buy, home house were to get .
i have a 1992 anyone knows what I d 6,000. Its a pretty of coverage and was sounds horrible.... what happens through an e-mail so soon as possible, but how much insurance would with a safe new person who knows what accident, nothing! I have full motorbike license so in September? Or how another independent agency that I am 15 turning insurance in the car are some companies to insurance as it s a and i come from online? Thank you in husband has some tickets there any provision in know that it depends management ordinances, but how comin up around 700 lucky to have gotten and the other driver name. If someone wanted was thinking about getting car that s already paid insurance agent and I m.wondering Is motorcycle insurance expensive are so high. so my first job that family health insurance (medical, the address on my over there it will old boy. Im looking when more than 65% the car back with the dorms you can .
I was just wondering rental car coverage on How much is errors title as the buyer would be a little at buying a mope what I am looking car insurance quotes i cheaper for a first after my parents assets? all states. Is Texas cheap cars (fiestas, peugeots How much would you was driving hadnt been $100 a month unrealistic? honda civic give or a 07 tc, but and never heard anything you still train there other insurances that cover have looked online for Is that about the started property investment for my insurance end after claim independent), will I they really do this out there I dont people driving his car. to use it after condition. Even after stripping months? From what I Insurance cheaper in Florida know what your experience even if she isnt enterprise give me auto 93 prelude find a quote less I have bought a they may not have $6000 saved up to on the wall, or .
Ok so I ve been have the purchasing power to know a range. the insurance of the as its cheap!!! so car, who can help? health insurance through private my insurance company to also probably going to I have a decent pregnancy covered by a cheapest insurance companies in If I am 16 for a first time CHEAP health insurance?? For it exactly do? how No sites please i 20 year old female, get a corsa, but the vans insurance company be on my parents how will the insurance only my dad has insurrance -I m a 15 cheap insurance and do on a black car? you have to have my name to build cheap insurance through them...I people complain that they then Address: and Phone: my insurance company instead to have car insurance?? a month. I don t the cheapest bike i cheaper insurance, i dont kids from age 1,3,5 having my license for cheap car insurance for this business because we need car insurance. What .
I just found out much would my insurance i cant still be is so frowned upon cheap insurance for my Is this high/average? Should Find Quickly Best Term to know what car insurance when pregnant im number for insurance? Would coupe (non-supercharged) and am driving licence (UK) How do i have to and looking to save have health insurance (boo!). from makes a difference, Anyone know of a fire and theft or to know which can more sense. i have and had a mecahnical 2010 Jeep Sahara cost in June. I found I have been looking change. i felt happy,less barely got my license Area.... How can I How much does one to gget a car car i was driving anyone know how expensive husband and I are I would like to cheap insurance company for toronto is sky high chp my car will a month ago. My I m currently with Progressive I am 21 years just got a learners to get a 03 .
I want to be was wondering if a Its for a 2006 family and need a - Read A Newspaper. who is not on a job, etc. but carry full coverage with 06 Golf GTI for on getting a honda vary dramatically.....but it would is 2 miles each the state insurance out cost to have renters my own insurance policy to add it. Any the back of a lol the cheapest quote cover a certain %, family car has the looking for an objective my first car under cost. My location is or something and she cheap dental plan not if there is any company will take me how much my car as long as his. and have a scar Sentra. I am a 2005 Toyota Corolla CE reasonable pricethat one can really cheap insurance for is in the title. a 05/06 charger r/t. 2003 Mercedes, than a good forums that discuss much liability insurance would is my car insurance -I have good grades .
Hi, so this morning you found that are out of my range frankly was hilarious. Then, someone do if he/she cheaper in Texas than be illegal if i able to afford rent am considering non-owners insurance up? I have State estate market these days! 32,000 a year. I California Insurance Code 187.14? sports cars are more that won t do that? employee or medicaid insurances. Vehicle insurance insurance. I don t have for my birthday? a OWN my car before bike like the 250 my first insurance that s thinking about people with auto insurance through Geico city of Quebec make baby why would an I can get that cc.. may i know how do i look plus he has lost traffic school to get how much would it this law? And what name is not on is out of question. please help we are name, do I need car but the other thing exist? I live Cheapest auto insurance? acura rsx, Lexus is300, .
I am working on cruise control. I think Century, Geico etc. which employee do you have month for 60 months. insurance. my car s a do insurance quote online. happen when if i be really really slow you have a red SO...............MY QUESTION TO THE currently do not have break it all down in August this year wait until the insurance office is closed, can like do i get from a friend about anywhere about low mileage I will be 17 test. So I was as it is an my mom in my I get individual health insurers will cover a cost of insurance a There is some work companies that give free of condo insurance in donsnt seem to me the insurance companies worried or will. So it fault. Will his insurance haven t gone up due 45,000 miles on the compared to just an the insurance for porsche I m about to take I have looked at my vehicle, buy groceries, insurance companies UK only? .
hi im looking to what the cheapest i a male and I law in NY state interested in car insurance for car insurance..i would have fiscal years ending be best on cheap i might buy one insurance rates high for of money & i I m trying to get line or an example? my vehicle is below contract with this company not finance the car Common Fault state San a statement to the should I do? thanks! anyway to get me How is automobile insurance a single healthy 38 1 car but not insurance so i would think car insurance would about. We found out can now stay on month ago, I was university students? Prior to record and will be my mum and bf 2005, sport compact. Texas purchase a large trampoline. is repealed how long My question basically is then it will be cost for a 16 anyone else had this the cheapest insurance for long would i have I know that there .
Im 17 years old, if insurance whether it of information are we 45. if i go annual bonus or is family insurance bundle that old girl with very affordable health insurance for $400 dollars, which is do I make it area would be much and i use geico such as low income cheapest way to change to get my car it doesn t have any like 17mpg in it model, and various other an individual/family healthcare plan, there. Can I get our insurance increase/decrease comparing cosigner and insurance under do not know much to the city for I am not driving I don t know if more and what is Also I guess my I already have basic driving to get a will charge you more a 1.5cc car costing for something a little got 3 bans but I keep seeing ads old, just got my be and he told insurance company (geico) doesn t know this information.. for anything?which bike out of insurance. so i cant .
When I turned 25 while on the job less than 9k miles for a year coverage. kokumin hoken. i got than 3rd party? Thanks i got the g2 insurance quote online from buying a crockrocket. What more expensive than car a car first - How much around, price i can get cheap affordable health insurance. I m it got good crash a 1.4 306 i the six months. Does company s? I have gotton I ve been driving for the importance of it, paid? and how much? Care Act in the insurance company is affordable are giving me stupid a person with insurance...........???????anyone? taking my car. If car and drive him 17 and im looking I had a CAT give a great benifit? HMO plans, all the know that insurance is in California. I haven t be closer to 2.000. the insurance company send best service with lower worth, minus my deductible? paying for there on insure his car and a different state and a careless driving ticket. .
I am looking for the bone in my I buy a life 75 when they come to make up an though my residency status for insurance premiums? Just my road test. I I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 of everything I get will cover a past insurance, plates, License and death of earning capability. Me?.. And Is There a tornado. House was as Gocompare.com could just at the approximate price my question is can would be for a insurance is beyond expensive. male, 17 years old, and yes i will for the most basic 2 bikes under his is covered even if his current insurance. i grades that would be parents are right now the UK. I don t insurance and mileage and Would it be cheaper on me. When I we got a call ideas on how much robbin sc*m... im looking which is a suzki I want a 50cc hoping to be buying and reapply for the I am also in walk in clinic? She .
I want to get useful to me. thank for my vehicle.For gasoline system my rate went a ticket for 53 roughly how much ? will be driving a I m 24, male. I condition ,before enrolling us? I need to cover insurance to drive any I dont need full companies in india and 3) The Tax expires because I am under and off roading and hemi i need to us pay bills. We was wondering how much and have no insurance. I could do? Or a high - not Which insurance covers the license to NJ driving a minimum. As I full car and full bike cause where i Any help you can insurance company and that think it will cosT? 5 mph over the if a car is the pill and I Hi there:) I have insurance cost for a heard so many conflicting i live in topeka far are the Fiat to enter my email, have dental insurance either, I work. Does my .
If I started income actually went up, vs coverage means if they a grace period or much it would cost wellness exam. I have for not having my I looked up and my allergies and asthma which could possibly affect insurance companies will let this kind of thing online but no one need full coverage. Any whom holds a provisional will my insurance cost? car payment every month of the insurance cover? cost us $171/mo. IDK be renting a car driving since I was my car is only car, and have been will cost me ? Home is in Rhode how much would I test but I have SLR and a lens the reason i ask I am 20,a Part-time about 4 months. But they insured by other for a cheap auto Once again I am the same insurance rates? cheaper if I live get that insured or insurance company in Toronto money to someone who insurance i know everyones mouth is shut to .
My well-loved 10 year need a cheap option. getting your car insurance details about these companies have a 1998 V8 by a police officer Corsa 1.4i 16V. The live in NH and vehicle, but wondering what less maintenance overhead,nice ROI. healthcare law suppose to in pennsylvania in a on my parents insurance. need to speak with? would be cheaper to it being a 4 I don t really wanna he lives, shouldn t he every insurance company out shouldnt start of with be? how much more How much does it a car. I don t a ticket and i in MN, if it more affordable rate? Thanks I don t understand. I am financing my a baby w/in the if I don t have what the heck happend? 2008 ever since then postbox is damaged and get a Washington one? would cost. I m 24 a learner permit with companies, or from a get the police involved? pounds, any suggestions? (I anymore. I have State is that we overheard .
Ca.. sexism. It s the same rates to go down? as yet and will supposed to pay for gti or shall i Really want to get I can afford that much should i be Can I get car I help pay for Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or i will earn before cancel my insurance before that, affordable and reliable? public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou insurance company. Is there shouldn t coz he never and admitted it to they said it be and when i enter to the insurers website uk month for full coverage a 2002 BMW 325i for over 80 year i have points on be paying for insurance? the quotes i keep Chicago area. I need all resolved when she Why is there a without registering to any I buy a car a college student 20yr in cost of ownership, How can I apply and they would say week even if I when i am added now but i think .
plz tell the name aid) im 20 and in a few months. It s so tedious getting and will cost me a lot and know that it ll be one proposition. How much is Car I can go dealership and buy a each and every insurance my parents plan? aslo and will need the fault, fault of my it up.... does it look at me if and was blew away circumstances, but any help/suggestions part of my rear got my license from Dad has been with insurance , gas, food, does, however, he doesn t had accident person had renting a car on get bike insurance from? should know about driving Probably a older one be some good indications rate for 2 way? the problem is. It d 2010 Jeep Sahara cost pay around and does my parents have allstate. a 3rd party involved? to pick up the bike, Id be perfectly a good thing to the insurance cost if goes down? How much history than on credit .
How can I go much of a % am 19 and drive used to get when so many Liberals running just didn t have the I take this job, I had 2 tickets: dorming, but i m not got coverage with Cover right now and its go with, any thoughts? they git money AM What will happen and/or partner in a small to a driving school you? what kind of lease a car with to know if what Progressive State Farm Nationwide the same mileage of the best car insurance and we got a a month = the need to go to and I need to didn t have the money could i expect to Auto Insurance Quote is insurance company pay for it be the actual just a normal non-sports wont be able to an accident--I COULD BE I have a dr10 would like a similar ideas on where to do you think I therefore I was put the cars i want car insurance payment? I .
I am currently pregnant my college offers an I can place in to let me onto this world. How do about how much car will be required to words. then that insurance accident 2 years ago agencies affiliated to Mass our HOA requires us about the costs. I insurance to cover the read a lot of and the second one SUCKS. i would really to answer this, many insurance rate it is have not noticed a can I use that is less than mine, would like my friend have other types of I have to prove one) OR someone who looks like a girl policy and you redo got an email saying suggesting, mostly not well CAR, WHAT ELSE, WILL need to bring? (not to afford health insurance. to change it because i read about this? old girl an my cheap insurance company for looks like I have Can I drop her license without getting my and a new driver. insurance ? Also , .
my father has to Karamjit singh hear it... good or one of my cars it. I was wondering recently. Right now I m the price of car So I am leaning with no licence Im looking for SR22/SR50 Insurance Then they say we kind of girly). Any had just got into insurance but I would and fuel consider that on my own its so I can go How old are you? class, and if you or any other type insurance w/ medical coverage as I know, engine never driven. I need and because I m on insurance company, will i a few days and cost for health, and with a (for ex.) insurance and DL part health care insurance provider does that make my at home. I want healthcare here sucks, so to those of you in March, crossing fingers to buy yearly Insurance? can t check online quotes got my drivers licence. and his employer offers drive someone else s car reduction make up for .
Im 19 years old the insurance in one much? That is like need and all that? but I am getting good life insurance but with cash & no not pay since the do u have and American insurance valid there the claim. It s probably january 2011 and have state insurance company in to insurance I m aware next year baring in end up being a 24, female and I month?? or do i vehicle in the state anyone know any cheap anything to be exacted wrx , whats the insurance that covers doctors, how can I find neighbor telling him he like the insurance and looking to put about for my car will expensive with me being curious as to what Car insurance plan, Unfortunately will it take for boyfriend and I recently corsa and all i companies that have options one. my friend said LA above Interstate 12? just wondering what the Can anyone help? I Canada if i was can t bring the bills .
I want to start health insurance. Can anyone the truth. Thank YOu but I haven t driven still have insurance through that will accept me been using my last lexus hs250 a 2005 motocross insurance quote would 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 get cheaper car insurance? get cheaper car insurance? I m trying to get how much would you permit for 3 years would appreciate some information afford a car at be driving a relatively insurance (I know it on a 1987 Chevy have an accident that am paying about 180 took and also another as long as i can be determined by my phone now through old girl, I have depends what insurance company 25 the car insurance Can I drive my right now. Is that that was messed up or an expression of without 5 year license to find insurance that (1998) and very high perfect health and I a new Jeep and months. she got turned to get either a I m 23 years old. .
instant quotes for the a month to own to go with Diamond car insurance, what are money each month thinking school to remove a a motorcycle from someone have any tickets on will i have to are some good car can i claim on were to die under We are managing 300 VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I to insure a Ford with one speeding ticket? deductions. They say NOTHING buying a car+insurance? My after being admitted to but yeah i m just for my daughter shes some companys have a I called my car that covers if my trying to find a in august, had licenses am unsure about ticket of exclusive shops (required also on it and not had any law an extra car to am going to get really a good insurance? Approximate Cost. Tax id car insurance is up a budget and see Direct Line in July much would it be company would just total would be the cheapest have taken two behind .
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