#i mean i am gonna starve
my brain be like “hey u know what would be funny? lets hit him where it hurts right when he is vulnerable (asleep)” fr like what is with my dreams coming for my throat lately lmao goddamn please chill. i do not need a refresher course on the fact that my biofuck does not love me thanks can we please just dream about obama or smth like a normal person
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“if you are trying to be a phd candidate in a social science field why the fuck are you studying math for fun” because i’m quirky and hot. next question.
#uriel posting#currently doing a crash course review of calc 1 and 2….. inverse trig function integrals are like a divorced lover who i still yearn for#to me.#mathblr#i guess#i think i’m mainly just pissed that i went from having the most legendary math instructors ever#to getting the 1-2 bad instructor combo and being turned off from the field for a bit#‘oh i used to be good and math and love it’ (<- he still does)#recently realized i can just. do it on my own#i was homeschooled i pretty much taught myself math from a textbook grades 6-10#(parents consist of a former math major and mechanical engineer. i wasn’t starved for resources they were there if i needed help)#(also did dual credit grades 11 and 12. goated math instructors of all time i miss them every day)#i have so much power now. i can learn anything i want to forever#<- guy about to become the most insufferable man in the universe#you mean i can just get the textbook from the library. about anything ?#not just math. i have realized i can do this for whatever. guy who is gonna learn about art history and is so excited#if i could i’d just stay in school forever and get 83 degrees#alas#this also loops around to my philosophy that anyone anywhere should be able to learn whatever they want#i will keep you updated on how this process goes 🫡 i am keeping notes incase anyone after me is interested#god. i’m gonna be That Guy (derogatory)#‘i always wished i had majored in classics. i always enjoyed it’ can i interested you in a google document with links and a drive folder
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bo0zey · 1 year
anyone else ever get in those silly goofy moods where u just hate urself sooo much that u instantly feel physically almost violently ill just thinking abt urself and also even tho u worked a 12hr shift w no breaks or water running off of the 2 cups of coffee u had for breakfast 20 hours ago, the thought of eating instantly sends bouts of nausea coursing thru ur soul while churning in ur stomach bc ur brain hates u so much that its convinced ur body that u don’t deserve sustenance or anything else that’s life sustaining or promotes ur physical well being because u subconsciously convinced urself that ur such a shit excuse for a human being that u neither deserve nor have any right to anything regarding maslow’s hierarchy of needs bc u r such an awful thing u deserve to be neglected n treated like the nonliving object ur own brain sees ur living body as or am i just mentally ill lol
#laying in bed everytime i think abt myself i feel literally nauseated n like it’s so weird#this feeling comes in waves intermittently just even .01 sec of ‘hm i’m hungry’ FFFFFNOPE HRRGRHFFF VOMITTY#i want to curl up in a ball and die forever i don’t care about me i don’t want to take care of me anymore i’m not even good at it#whyyyyyyyy did i stop taking my meddsssssss i guarantee y’all this is why i’m being such a crybaby on the dash lmaoooo#i have a headache i’m def dehydrated from crying n sniveling n barely drinking any water today while sweating like a mf at work#imma go to bed 🛌 if i don’t wake up i will be soooo pleasantly surprised y’all have no idea FINGERS CROSSED🤞#real talk tho can someone tell me why my body is literally reacting this way for like no real reason#like am i truly that disgusted with myself i make myself nauseous just thinking abt me#ok yeah the answer is yes lol BUT LIKE WHY THATS SUCH A DRAMATIC BODILY RESPONSE TO MY BRAINS DUMBASS THOUGHTS???#ik the body and mind have a super powerful link n the brain influences the body like crazy but like#why this why does my brain literally want me to berate and degrade myself and isolate me and make me cry alone n starve me that’s so mean#i’m not starving btw i’m literally always eating just these past 2 days i’ve been such a fuckup my body won’t let me do anything#i had a chocolate poptart for dinner last night (thurs) n threw myself to bed#i hope i don’t end up hurting myself that would be so lame#i literally don’t have time for that like i am Not doing wound care duty off the clock for my damn self lol#also don’t want to take care of myself so i wouldn’t bandage myself up properly sooo yeah i’m not gonna do anything actually#cleaning ur wounds r super important ok yall ur literally playing god if u don’t do good aftercare snfjfbdj#i can’t believe i’m in this nasty ugly depressive episode i hate this so much i don’t have time for this i hate this cycle#i hate being bipolar 2 n my moods n meds have been so fkcdd up lately that i don’t even have the rlly fun hypomanic episodes anymore#i’ve just been constantly having mixed episodes im unbearable to be around im so sorry for everyone that’s ever spoken to me im insufferable#ok that’s enough im done being dramatic lmao#im gonna give myself a bolus PRN dose of clonnie then i’m going tf to bed#ramblings#shut up cianna
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
(Not an rp ask)
What is your opinion on chau x kim? I'm not a shipper of it myself but I heard it was a proship since knives is 17 but also I saw she was 18 in the comic so I'm not sure where to stand on it honestly. But I'd like to hear your opinion about it !! Sorry if this is a bit of a random ask (ーー;
You're completely fine!! Do not even worry about it.
So, yeah- When Scott first meets Knives, and I'm not entirely sure how much time passes between then and when they start dating, it was *literally* her seventeenth birthday, as I am reminding myself reading back over these panels presently. And then at the start of book six, the first time we see (real, non-dream,) Knives, she has apparently been eighteen for a week!
Now, I'm going to preface with a little something before I go further into this: I am totally fine answering this ask and others like it I think! but, I will note, I do get like a (not fun) physical sensation in my chest- partly anxiety (lol) but also something else I think- thinking about them like 95% of the time- it's gotta be like. Handled The Right Way, if that makes sense. Let's get into it.
So, first off, I'm just gonna re: some of the stuff relative to this I've posted here before- both nonrp and rp, since I use RP to develop my read on Kim and shed some light on how I see things I guess!
These clips come from this ask (and reblog) here!
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This rp ask here, which is simply too difficult for me to get in a good screenshot I feel, so I recommend just checking it and the tags for it out- I will share my Bonus Commentary reply though:
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This ask as well! Tags less pressing, but still provide a little insight.
And this is probably a dumb inclusion if I really want to make a pseudonym to post fics under, but. I have posted my (very early) thoughts on the SPTO sparks scene to AO3 before, so- (and before going into this- I did remember that Julie and Gideon have that sparks scene after the fact!)
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And here's the Barely Anything Lines hinting at the ship that I had in that fic that I used to justify that blurb, while we're here:
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I think I've gone over my feelings a little bit in the discord as well, and there might even be more rp stuff relative to it, but I'm not going to go back and get any of that honestly- at least, not right now, or unless requested, since I don't really feel like it's necessary, if it does exist. This gives a pretty good glimpse in I'd say- especially that second to last one there.
So. Yeah.
Used to ship it; have expanded my horizons since then. I don't really want to knock it because like... for some people this is a legitimate life experience for them- one that might have even turned out well, miraculously. And there also a lot of minors in this fandom evidently, so like, any other baby gays out there just wanting to Project for a minute? I feel that. Sincerely I do. It's not the wisest choice but better to read fanfiction about it than go out and actually make out with a 23 year old, Gods forbid. (Genuinely felt sick thinking about that; fucking gross. Any minors out there: Please Make Good Choices. Look out for yourselves. Begging you. There are too many freaks in this world- I promise you whoever you're thinking of probably isn't the magical exception.)
But there are definitely things to consider about them that are very interesting to me, still, so like. I'm in this weird state of conflict; I don't know if it's just me being like "it happened, you can't escape it" or having been desensitized/some sort of Brainwashed by how many times I had to use Knives in the game to quick heal- maybe something else but I just don't feel like flaying myself open like that unprompted for just anyone- but like. Oh man.
Sorry, gathering/writing this that feeling like went away but came circling back for this last bit, it seems. Which makes sense I guess. I feel like I'm setting myself up for a Pyre right now eugh shfsgkjfhjg
I dunno. I'm not gonna lie and pretend like I know it to be some big formative ship for me in my early teen years, but it was kind of important in finally coming around to realizing how queer I was, I think. My memories of the time are fuzzy, but it would have been one of the things- there were likely larger ones, my current obsession could be recoloring my past here so I'm trying to acknowledge that.
But there is like. A dynamic that is posited by them that is also one I'm a really big sucker for. More so now than I was then, so I find myself grinding my teeth about that a fair bit at times.
I definitely still really like it as something unrequited no matter what I think; I like the idea of Knives having a really big crush on Kim, genuinely. I think it's cute and funny as hell for how uncomfortable it would make Kim, who's just trying so hard not to be a fucking creep while this ray of sunshine hangs off her- something she absolutely does not deserve (in her eyes.)
I'm obviously more partial to Kim resisting any advances made at her, but I can understand so, so badly why someone might be attracted to the idea of Knives managing to thaw some of Kim's frigidity with that. Ugh.
If they work for me, I think they'd have to work for me after Knives is gone at college for a bit. Kim would need to know Knives for longer than she knew her as a minor- and they'd have to be FRIENDS in that time, quite strictly. Kim would need to not feel (intensely, because frankly, she would unavoidably feel this way at least a little no matter what,) like she was a fucking groomer going into it, basically. I don't know what I think past that.
You know, I'll put my feelings like this: with the exception of a fic I saw recommended to someone that intrigued me, I have managed to resist reading any/many fics featuring them, despite it being a large majority of the wlw Kim fics that exist, and also kinda just Kim fics generally. It's kind of Insane, especially considering how much Kimona SCREAM at you from the pages of the comic itself- but I digress....
I've been working on this for like over an hour now I think so I really should cut myself off. I am like,, too hungry and mildly stoned to be rambling off about this maybe. If you want more concise/specific thoughts, I recommend prompting! I can try and channel the responses easier with a bit more direction, maybe?
actually another thing real quick- I like. Do not know that I could ever feel comfortable, truly, consuming content for them, not knowing if the OP has good intentions. I just Do Not trust people, largely, so that's just like. A little thing. Idk. "Death to the author" or whatever but I am still allowed to feel personally uncomfortable ya know! I don't want them taking my silent observation as like,, passive acceptance in the event that they were. Idk if that makes sense, I need to go eat already, I'm hitting post before i drag this out to TWO hours
#w oof. that was a doozy. mostly just on account of how long ive been working at it#but yeah. they fuck me up in some sort of way idk man. i cannot stress enough how much i want to bite people that are freaks about knives +#+ btw. like Going For The Throat I Need You To Bleed Out And Die want to bite people. so even considering it casually i find myself feeling#+like i am a massive hypocrite with the word scrawled in blood across my back or something. but im just a starving gay sdfjkhjsd#and i love Kim So Much. Denying myself Kim content is Actual Hell. and I have persisted.#(i mean. i also probably read some of this stuff back when i was a teenager. so. idk how much im really denying myself. but it's the +#+ thought that counts right? right?? hh... i likely dont remember any of them anyway so. it should totally count.)#ooc#txt#glitterminionking12#am i really gonna put these in the tags.... hhhh yeah i guess i am#if any of the people that know me read this and can see i am shooting myself in the foot here please slap me in the discord i'll understand#i might just be having a Moment#sp comic#spvtw#spto#kim pine#knives chau#possibly the only post- unless i get asked about it more- that is gonna get the ship tag for them i guess? what even is their ship name...#ship stuff#no seriously what is their ship name im sitting here blanking i dont know how to tag this for people that dont wanna see it. or do i guess#knikim#sounds kinda like knick-em in my mind so im doing that for now#since starting to type any of the ones i thought of doesnt make a suggested tag pop up or anything#if there is one someone please tell me maybe and ill tag it#long post#headcanons#i guess?#spvtwtg#forgot that one
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charlottedabookworm · 2 years
Ngl, but I really, really, really want Art!Egg to get hugged by like Ser Harwin or Leanor. Just a mentor, maybe pseudo not quite parental figure because let's face it. Aegon is kinda a cesspool of trauma. and I both want him to suffer a bit and get the comfort he deserves
so i tried to write a hug because you're right, egg is a cesspool of trauma and he deserves comfort to go with his suffering. he deserves a hug. he really do
i tried?
"Well done, Prince Aegon!" His goodbrother cheers, clapping him on the back with enough strength to tip him forwards.
Aegon turns a scowl at the knight. "I lasted five minutes," he mutters, and he knows that it's a feat. He knows that a boy of four and ten lasting five minutes against a blooded knight is a feat to be praised but he isn't just a boy of four and ten. Egg knows he can be better, knows he should be better than he is, but he keeps stumbling over growing limbs and arms that begin to shake too quickly and-
Ser Laenor laughs, bright and loud, and swings an arm over his shoulders as he leans in close. "You almost had me at points," the knight admits easily.
His ears are ringing, the sound of waves and steel nigh drowning all else out. The arm around his shoulders is warm, almost scalding, brands of flame flickering along his skin and he-
"I see why my boys speak so highly of your training," Ser Laenor is saying.
He wants to flinch away.
He can't move.
"...Prince Aegon?"
The arm shifts away, taking the burning-scalding-warmth with it, and a part of him keens for the loss. He wants to run. He wants that arm around his shoulders again and he-
Aegon swallows, marshalling every part of himself that is Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, and pretends this is normal. Pretends that his chest isn't aching for Wet Stick and Blue and his girls and the easy touches each of them gives.
He smiles and pretends he isn't going to burst out of his skin.
That he isn't hungry.
(Helaena doesn't like touch and that's fine, he understands. Egg has seen it before and he's proud that when his sister does want touch she'll curl into his side because she trusts him. Aemond doesn't care either way, not now he's growing.
he's not sure Viserys remembers they exist. any of them. Egg is fine with that, given that Rhaenyra has their father's favour and the King treats her like that. but the man has never hugged him in his memory
his mother had stopped once he could walk)
(Aegon hasn't had a touch that wasn't designed to hurt in so long-)
"I'll beat you next time, Ser Laenor," he says, his smile wide. He needs to leave-
His goodbrother stares at him and something dark flickers across his face. He opens his mouth, lifts his arm as if to reach out and-
Aegon doesn't run away.
He just has lessons that he needs to be in, right this moment.
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So like technically I’m not dating her but yeah I think I do in fact have a girlfriend
#very fun airport date today#we flew out on the same flight and she didn’t have anyone sitting next to her so I moved to sit with her#and then we got to hang out for a couple hours bc we both had a layover and we got dinner#it’ll be weird not having dinner with her. like. we spent practically every day of the last month together#many of nights we made dinner together#or went out to eat#oh and the fact that I stay at her apartment on weekends#and help her study. which actually has almost made me make time for studying#she definitely had me making time for food tho bc tell u what I straight up barely ate before she and I got close#also. she’s like I mean we’re practically dating#i wouldn’t mind at all. in fact it would be nice to not keep calling her my mug friend. mug friend is now code for whatever she and I are#i would date her so fast but my girl is a little afraid I think of the pressure of that. which I don’t mind. I’m perfectly content#man it’s gonna suck not seeing her all break. Jan 5th! cannot come soon enough#she managed to deal with all of my weird quirks and isms never once made me feel bad about them and just overall has been so very patient#bc our first encounter was us making out and I was like god why does anyone do that ever it feels so weird and bad#well it turns out I am incredibly lacking in the physical affection department and I can’t stand anything I’m remotely unfamiliar with#slow and steady wins the race with me I guess and now I understand why people make out and I have a hickey collection on my neck very often#I’m boutta be so very touch starved this break. i wanna go back to college :/#i literally just got to my house. get me out. i will say it’s nice to be back in the part of the Midwest where people will gladly#hit you with their car if you get a little too in their way. I’m back in the city <3 I prefer when people drive like it’s a blood sport#soup talks
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@ all y'all who yelled at me yesterday:
don't worry, I'll make a proper AU post for the Don't Starve AU eventually!
after I, uh, get a few more things done from my drafts, then I can goof off a little and do some funny little AUs-
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
The audacity of my mum to ask if I've tried a new meal yet as if I would ever try a new meal for anything less than the pain of death
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smulnsander · 1 year
my #1 thing that makes me intrested in a man is: is he short(er than me). The second one is: is he shy(er than me)
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hearties-circus · 1 year
I!! Hate!! Random!! Hunger spikes!!!
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medicinemane · 3 months
You know, capitalism is another one of those words that sadly is like problematic in that it's functionally useless because people just toss it out and then everyone gets so hung up debating the meaning of the word capitalism that the whole point is lost
That's why I don't ever really use it. It doesn't really matter if it's capitalism or if it's cronyism or... whatever, I think it's bad when companies make record profits while prices go up up up
I think there's probably an issue and it probably needs to be solved (and I'm afraid you can't convince me less regulation is a magic bullet)
I like currency and exchanging currency because it seems like a good way of moving goods and labor around, but I also strongly support welfare and think that any group of more than 50 people is probably starting to get corrupt
Don't trust the government, but sure as hell don't trust corps...
I don't know, my original point is that sadly capitalism gets tossed around too much to mean anything anymore... but I just see too many argumentative people online so I'm tossing out my stances to avoid getting side tracked debating what I mean
What I really really mean is just fucking say what you're saying and don't bother saying capitalism cause you'll just make people argue and miss your point
#this is about me reblogging a post the mentions the word capitalism#and I sometimes do that and have people get in and argue about if something is or isn't capitalism#and it's like yeah mate and honestly I hear you; I'm not sure that it fully 100% fits here and if it does it's so broad it's meaningless#but like... read the bit before they said capitalism and have a think on that instead#like let's focus on the description of the situation and how we feel about that description more than a single definition#I honestly don't really care what things are called half as much as the actions being taken and how effective they're likely to be#don't really care if something's called hatemurderdeathism if it's making things better with no policies I hate#obviously there's some things where I'd be like 'hmm... let's not call it that; cause that implies some specific bad stuff'#but like broad strokes shit... capitalism socialism libertarian... what the fuck ever...#is there a strong social net while people are free to trade goods and services?#then I probably am mostly for this plan#fight about the name but leave me out of it#...that's another big part of why I don't call myself anything#takes too long trying to explain your definitions and get people to agree that it doesn't actually mean fascist murder#(cause whatever label you run under I bet I've seen someone call it a fascist murder)#nah; I'm not any this or that group... given up on that a long time ago#I'm just a stupid idiot with various ideas I'd like to talk with people to see how we can move the needle more in that direction#like the less people starving and being homeless direction#and the more worthwhile and productive work and less busy pointless work for megacorps direction#which I think means a shift to more small businesses... which is actually part of why I'm for a UBI#pretty sure I know at least one person on here with a business idea (and knowing them it's a good one)#but they just lack the financial stability to start the business#so I actually want a UBI cause I think it would be good for the economy#never gonna say I can't be stupid or wrong; but that is one of my motives#...whatever... none of this matters; really ought to hurry up and die but I procrastinate that as hard as everything else
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queercatboyrights · 5 months
totally not me having one of the shittiest mental health crisis known to man for like, the last week
#nebbles talks#vent#feel free to ignore i am just so chronically tired and depressed rn and don't have another outlet atm#literally just feel so. helpless? not necessarily useless#but fuck literally any action i take or do or even THINK about doing feels so fucking pointless#its like no matter how hard i work for self improvement or just simply trying to get a better quality of life in general#NOTHING fucking changes#ive spent the last like. year busting my ass working and doing college classes 6 days a fucking week#and not only is my financial status even fucking WORSE than when I started#my physical health has tanked horrendously and i barely even have the energy to do basic tasks like take care of my self or even shower#SO LIKE WHATS THE FUCKING POINT??????#WHY SHOULD I FORCE MYSELF TO SUFFER IF ITS NOT EVEN GONNA CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE FUCKING BETTER??????????#uuuuhhhgggggggg#basically no matter what i do im never gonna be able to afford to live on my own and not starve.#despite busting my ass and working 40hrs a week while also having a full time academic load#fucking. SO cool hard work literally means nothing anymore. thats definitely so so motivating and totally doesnt make me want to kill mysel#so so so glad i got to be alive in the time period where you can never gain any improvement in your life#despite doing everything i was told would make my life better#like thats so fucking cool and totally not disheartening or tragic at all#asdgjsldkdnb#again. feel free to ignore all this#the tags are like my personal little journal of fucked up thought processing since i dont have my actual paper journal on me atm
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novethegreat · 6 months
I may not be the best at it but writing kisses is just so much fun. It's like ah yeah I remember what that was like. Hope I can do it again someday
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venting in tags again dont rb
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pancake-syrup · 10 months
this isnt going very good i want to eat candy
and ive yet to start packing... hm.
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Earlier I wanted to eat something that was may contain soy and I didn't want to wait. But I was highly suspicious of it not containing soy in the first place (had chocolate on it. Chocolate always has soy) and I had no epi pen with me. So I ate it in the supermarket rationalising that there was a pharmacy next door and they'd have one should I begin to die in the supermarket. Anyway it was fine. No soy in the ice cream. However when I walked past the pharmacy it was closed and like. Had a big metal shutter on it and I felt a bit like when you don't see a car coming till its too late but they do see you and stop just in time
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