#but its very difficult when she does this so often. she very rarely wants to hear about things i love and care about
silverislander · 2 years
i don't know how i'd describe my relationship with mom but today i tried to tell her something interesting about a disorder i learned about in psychology to share my interests and her response was to cut me off and insinuate i'm a hoarder, then laugh at me. so.
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ki-yomii · 2 months
helloo! could you recommend your favorite jungkook and yoongi fics? thank you and have a lovely day ♡
hey there~ 💛
... tbh i haven’t read too many fics for my boys lately 🙈
i've been trying to work through the books sitting on my shelf collecting dust + i got sucked back into fallout now that the show is out lol.
but i do have some all-time favorites!!
please mind the warnings/tags - you're responsible for your own reading consumption. that said, all of these fics are 🔞
i hope you have a great day nonnie and if you have any recs send them my way 🥰!
the crimson shell series by @angelicyoongie
mermaid aus are my lifeblood istg. and this is one of the best one's i've ever read!! it's dark, it's creepy, it's foreboding - and tantalizing. everything i love about mermaid/siren aus crammed into one series.
you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
make you mine two-shot by @colormepurplex2
i'm a sucker for abo, and as such, have read a looot of it over the years. its a genre that's very easy to descend into wtf-how-are-they-still-alive-after-THAT territory but this fic does it very well in a way i haven't seen too often. i loved the world-building and set up.
Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
a sea of indigo series by @foxymoxynoona this was the first BTS fic i ever read... and is a big reason as to why i got into the fandom in the first place. i had no clue who they were before then. i'd heard of them + listened to agust d without knowing it was yoongi 💀 but this fic made me check out BTS RUN and now here we are 🤪
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
witch oneshot by @sailoryooons
this is easily one of my top 3 yoongi fics. the world building, the tension, the relationship between yoongi and reader. it ticks all my boxes and vividly paints a picture of this universe. i adore the concept, and love the way this fic is brought to life through sailoryooons storytelling.
For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
desolate series by @angelicyoongie
one of the first hybrid fics i've read for bts 😭 i love my lil meow meow and the set-up for this fic is amazing. it takes a fresh direction with the hybrid trope and builds a relationship that feels organic and progresses very naturally💛
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
ps. i woof you oneshot by @gimmesumsuga
this one is just so so cute and asjhdjsghfjs!! i adored remi and thought about having yoongi and holly as neighbors for days after reading this lol.
The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
first and last and always oneshot by @floralseokjin
i'm not one for holiday fics/aus usually but there's something about this one that i absolutely adored. it felt very realistic and drew me into the relationship within the first few paragraphs. the angst is so well done and heartfelt, it made me cry lol.
You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
go send these authors some love!!
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live-laugh-lenney · 5 months
S I C K A R T H U R H E A D C A N N O N | A R T H U R T V |
** author note before you read; mentions of sickness, throwing up, and brief talks of drugs in the form of paracetamol **
-> yn knows. -> she just knows. -> arthur is very rarely ill, and yn envies that about him, so it knocks him for six when he comes down with any form of an illness and it's not difficult to see a change in his behaviour. -> and it goes both ways.
-> if a cold hits him hard, or the flu really knocks him down, he can barely stay awake. -> if he had any plans with his friends then she would send them a text to inform them that arthur probably wouldn't be able to attend whatever they had planned - whether it be filming for a new video, a podcast, or just meeting for lunch... -> 'georgey, arthur's pretty ill and i'm not waking him up to tell him he's gonna be late for you. just letting you know he probs won't be able to film with you today. sending apologies on his behalf. xx' -> 'Bless his cotton socks. hopefully this teaches him not to wear shorts and a t-shirt during a ChrisMD shoot in these current baltic conditions. But give him some smooches and cuddles from me. x' -> 'fancy coming over to look after him instead? i'm sure you fancy him more than i do... it's okay though. fess up and we can clear the air, clarkey. xx' -> when he does wake up, he doesn't even question the time. all he can think about is how rough he feels. -> he's alone in the bedroom. his phone is on his bedside table. and his alarm had clearly been turned off - which, really, he was thankful for because he definitely would have felt worse - and there's a glass of water with two tablets beside it. -> he knows that she knows he's ill. -> he wraps himself up warm; makes sure to put some warm socks on his feet, puts on a hoodie and pulls the hood over his head, he grabs the blanket from the bed to wrap around his shoulders and slowly walks into the living room. -> and she's decorated the living room for a cosy day spent inside; candles are lit and emitting smells he wish he could smell through his blocked nose, the tv has netflix launched up and ready for them to choose something to watch, the curtains are drawn closed and the sofa is turned into somewhere for them to lay on with everything (from chocolates and biscuits to bits of fruit to paracetamol and cold and flu tablets) on the coffee table and in arms reach. -> and they spend all day on the sofa. -> film after film after film, a nap in the mid-afternoon, watching tik-tok and showing each other silly videos they stumble upon and she enjoys having him to herself for the day and not sharing him with their friends and missing him due to his youtubing schedule. -> they order in take-away for a late dinner; a chinese because that's always their go-to meal when they can't be bothered to cook.
-> if its sickness that hits him then he really spends all day in their bed, closest to the bathroom, doing nothing but sleeping because his stomach is in knots. -> and she's there for everything that happens, even though he worries about her falling ill, instead of dealing with himself being so ill. -> "i don't want you to catch this-" -> "i'll be fine. if i catch it then you can look after me." -> "but it's horrible, lovie. i don't want you to have it." -> "i'm not going anywhere, arthur." -> "but-" -> "no buts, arthur. i'm choosing to look after you. i want to look after you. i'm staying out." -> she kneels behind him and she gives his hip or his knee a gentle rub every so often to let him know she's still there, sliding her hand round his middle and rubbing his belly in between retching and his skin is sweltering and he's sticky and warm. -> the only thing he can wear is boxer shorts because he feels hot and she's pretty thankful that the only thing she'd need to be washing is the bedsheets and dirty pants and no sick-covered pyjamas. -> she's rubbing his back as he throws up. -> she's wiping the sweat from his forehead with a damp flannel when he's done throwing up. -> she sits on the bathroom floor with him and lets him fall back against her once he tires himself out. ghostly white and covered in sweat. practically falling asleep from the moment his head his her shoulder and his face hid in her neck. -> he gets better through the day. drinking green tea and peppermint tea when he needed a drink, sipping on glasses of water, munching on dry toast and dry crackers and dry biscuits. -> she runs him a warm bath, sits with him to make sure he doesn't fall asleep and drop beneath the bath water, tells him silly stories that she has definitely told him before but he keeps asking for her to talk to him. -> and he sounds and looks drunk; slurring his words when he speaks, barely making sense to her, and his eyes are hooded and low and he has a tired smile on his lips. -> "jus' love listening to you talk, lovie. so soothing." -> "you're such a simp for me, huh?" -> "how can i not be? have you seen you?" -> "have you seen you? i should be the simp in this relationship." -> "m'so naked in front of you right now and you're not simping?" -> "i'm not looking, mister television." -> "i'd be looking at you, all the time, lovie." -> "you're just a little pervert, arthur. my little pervert."
-> she absolutely babies him when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he's sick. -> and he just lets her. -> usually, he doesn't like to be fussed over - he's always telling her that he's old enough to be able to do things himself and doesn't need other people doing things for him - but he doesn't have the energy to argue when he's ill. -> she's happy to look after him and he's happy that she's happy to look after him but, deep down, he just can't be bothered to argue with her. -> but he's appreciative of her. -> so appreciative. -> all the time, everything she does for him, he's so thankful.
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dismas-n-dismay · 2 months
Please I need to see the ship kids? Is Laios a good uncle? Do they have scales/feathers or sharp teeth? Horns? Claws? (This series has me in a chokehold rn)
I had to put everything under the cut because this is a hella long post so everyone else just look at these cute farcille babies and rock on
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HI HOWDY!! Laios is obsessed with these little freaks (he would never call them that though cause he would literally die for them if needed) He’s essentially been right by Falin and Marcille’s side since day one when it came to the babies! He’s a surprisingly good uncle but definitely that one where he gives the kids gifts that the parents are like “YEAH NO- he’s 8 he doesn’t need a crossbow”
He definitely gives the kids little trinkets he gets from foreign dignitaries since I don’t picture Laios really liking all the gifts and gold and money people will give him to butter him up when he catches onto it. The cool monster stuff stays with him though, but he’ll let the kids look at anything cool he gets that he decides to keep for his personal collection. I like to imagine that when he holds them he always keeps them to the side of his hip, real mom type stance when he’s holding them.
Secondly, GREAT QUESTION!! They have a little bit of both! Haru (the cream colored baby) has feathery down covering his ears, chest, and wings as well as basically anywhere else that he isn’t scaly or covered in soon to be thought flesh. He’s more of a dragon from the waist down but bird from the waist up like Falin was.
His sister Haize (the apple red one) has the most scales! (But the least feathers out of the pair) Haize has more of that traditional dragon look and unlike Haru, she’s dragon basically to the neck up. She has scrawny little forearms that aren’t quite attuned to walking yet but once she grows they’ll become a lot more useful for the crawling around stage of her infancy! Haru will often try to climb on her back because he wants to be fast too- he’s only a little guy but he still hates that she got the extra limb genes where he didn’t.
Both have wings though the down that Haru has makes it a bit difficult for him to fly, though he really grows to enjoy flapping and the flutter of his wings! Haize has more sleek featherless dragon wings which make her flight process a bit easier, though her longer body means that her flying is quite silly (it’s like when you pick a cat up by their middle and they just dangle, imagine that but with flight and her trying to tuck her limbs in to have less weight pulling her down). Both have claws on their dragon halves as well as spikes/spines on their backs though only Haize has been born with the making for clawed hands, Haru grows into his later in life!
Really Falin and Marcille are glad that the kids are in relative captivity, Haru’s inherited the “head empty, no thoughts, tee hee” touden genes and they’re like 75 percent certain that he would get eaten if natural selection had its way - assuming Haize didn’t protect him ofc. Haru is very sleepy as a baby while Haize is very cranky. She likes to sleep on her back but her itty bitty dragon wings get cramped when she does and sleeping on her side isn’t as a comfy. Aside from that she just likes attention and being with her parents which is tough due to their jobs.
Haru has colic due to the light magic that manifests in his stomach pouch organ! He was born with an organ similar to the one red dragons have that allows them to breathe fire! It allows him to conjure and manifest light and can be weaponized if a dragon knows what they’re doing. Really it’s much more useful as bioluminescence for dragons who dwell in darker dungeons as it allows them to lure in prey and the pouch’s brightness grows as a dragon approaches somewhere stacked with mana and magic which is an easy way to find enemies or food! Typically light dragons are very powerful but a rare find as they’re often incredibly soft and unable to protect themselves as babies as well as their newly born pouches which let off a lot of glow due to basically incubating for a year or so and refuse to dampen until they learn to properly dispel their magic via spells. Not to mention how easy of a target it is for their obvious weak spot, one bad slash to the tummy and ur done.
Most dragon babies learn early as having that much magic in you hurts a LOT but Haru takes a lot while to learn it, though Falin soon learns that pressing on his stomach and conjuring her own light magic to siphon Haru’s own eases a lot of his tummy aches and pains.
(I got way more facts about these guys so if you wanna know more just send another ask!! :]!! /gen)
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samlee2224 · 2 months
Can we hear about your milgram oc 🥺🥺
( no pressure ofc )
I have 12 Milgram OCs! But now there are only 8 ( or 9 ? ) people who have stories. I'll introduce them to you!!↓
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(I use Translate app and my little abilities, hope you can read and understand it.)
In Samleegram, We have 2 prison guards and 10 prisoners
Prison Guards
Name : Es (エス)
CV : Sakamoto Maaya (坂本 真綾)
Gender : Unknown
Age : 15
Birthday : Unknown
Height : 153 cm.
Bloodtype : Unknown
Image color : #8EC6BB (Monte Carlo)
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Es bright and cheerful, They is close to almost every prisoner. They always make free time to talk with prisoners. But no one knew that they was secretly recording prisoners' information all the time.
They patrolled at night every day. Many people think it's because they works hard. But actually they was just trying to find a way out of here.
Es often gets teased by Ar for being short. So they asks Jackalope for a new pair of shoes. That makes them 160 cm tall. which is higher than Ar. LOL
((Es rarely wears a hat because it makes seeing difficult.😢 Es always cooks for everyone to eat, sometimes some prisoners come to help them. (but Ar doesn't help.)))
Name : Ar (アル)
CV : Uchiyama Yumi (内山 夕実)
Gender : Unknown
Age : 15
Birthday : Unknown
Height : 159 cm.
Bloodtype : Unknown
Image color : #8EB8C6 (Polo Blue)
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In fact, Ar was the assistant prison guard. Its main duty is to interrogate prisoners. They was verbally violent during the interrogation. In this prison, there was hardly anyone to like them. (← It should be like that)
Ar is very foul-mouthed and has a temper. (💀) Do you see that whistle? They usually blow it when prisoners don't behave as they please. ( Why does it sound cute..? )
((Ar doesn't often wear hats either. But it's because he's just lazy. Sometimes Ar wears Es’s hat because Ar can't find their own.))
Name : Kinoshita Haru (木下 晴)
CV : Kitamura Eri (喜多村 英梨)
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Birthday : January 6
Height : 173 cm.
Bloodtype : A
Image color : #F59795 (Wewak)
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Haru hardly speaks to anyone. She usually communicates by writing on the board. She also isn't good at facial expressions, which makes some people think she's strange.
Haru often smokes with Masato (024) regularly. And She seem to be trying to approach Akihiko (26) for unknown reasons.
She used to like to sing and play music, she used to set up a band with a close friend before. But why did she stop doing it? Hmmm? you'll have to wait until this part of the story is revealed.✌️
((I intend to design Haru to look like a man. Due to her past story But she is a woman. However You can use the anypronoun with her that she/her he/him or they/them. She doesn't seriously about this.))
Name : Murata Kei (村田 軽 )
CV : Murata Ayumu (村瀬 歩)
Gender : Male
Age : 14
Birthday : August 19
Height : 154 cm.
Bloodtype : AB
Image color : #BCCCD1 (Link Water)
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Kei is the youngest prisoner. He has dark circles under his eyes that are clearly visible. It's because he almost didn't sleep. Even though he went to sleep, he had a nightmare anyway, so he thought it was better to take that time to study.
He often said that he was not guilty , Never kill people , Milgram caught him wrong. And he wanted to leave here very much. 'My father will definitely find me.' He always said that.
Kei looks particularly close to Hinata(023), maybe because of his similar age, he often follows her like a chick(?) Everyone in prison always sees them next to each other.
((He used to ask for cosmetics from Es, so Es thought that in fact, he might love beauty?))
Name : Tsugiyama Hinata (杉山 日向)
CV : Hanazawa Kana (花澤 香菜)
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Birthday : March 23
Height : 148 cm.
Bloodtype : A
Image color : #F4CFC5 (Coral Candy)
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Hinata is a friendly person and always talks to others. Everyone sees her cheerful and looks polite all the time. But once in a while she accidentally slipped out of a rude word. Make everyone shock…
She bandaged her arms all the time. Ritsu (028) volunteered to change the bandage for her often, but she often refused him and did it on her own. She didn't want anyone to see the that wound.
Hinata didn't have the attitude of wanting to leave milgram at all. Hinata thought that this place was much more comfortable than her house. If not sticking to the vote that she didn't like it.
((Hinata doesn't like the uniform that Milgram provides. Because it makes everyone see the bandage clearly.💢))
Name : Kimura Masato (木村 正人)
CV : Hirata Hiroki (平田 広明)
Gender : Male
Age : 43
Birthday : February 20
Height : 187 cm.
Bloodtype : O
Image color : #78BC8E (Bay Leaf)
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He is the oldest person in milgram. He lived a sluggish life as if he had completely lost faith in this world. Sometimes he acted like a father of children in prison.👴
Masato talks to Ritsu(028) most often. discussing life problems, adult edition (sounds depressing). He often smokes with Haru(021) on a regular basis, even if the other party lets him talk to a single swim.
Masato didn't pay much attention to milgram, But if he could choose, he wanted to get out of here, Because he still didn't complete his duty.
((He thinks it's not bad to have free cigarettes.))
Name : Matsui Akihiko (松井 昭彦)
CV : Taniyama Kishou (谷山 紀章)
Gender : Male
Age : 18
Birthday : April 1
Height : 169 cm.
Bloodtype : A
Image color : #FFBF65 (Rajah)
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I haven't made much of his story yet. But as you can see, He's not very friendly.
Akihiko often quarrels with Ar regularly (He actually quarrels with everyone but.. uh… with Ar the most.)
Name : Itsuki Ritsu (樹 律)
CV : Furukawa Makoto (古川 慎)
Gender : Male
Age : 35
Birthday : June 30
Height : 182 cm.
Bloodtype : B
Image color : #3359BF (Cerulean Blue)
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Please marry m- NO, I mean, Ritsu always takes care of others, maybe because he's a doctor, so he's trusted by everyone.
He is very close to Masato(024), probably because Masato is the male of his age closest to himself.
((Look at his smile ^^ 🥺))
Name : Higuchi Ryota (樋口 僚太)
CV : Uchida Yuma (内田 雄馬)
Gender : Male
Age : 20
Birthday : October 12
Height : 174 cm.
Bloodtype : O
Image color : #C1D48C (Deco)
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Ryota doesn't have any other information yet, I'll update it later!
Thank you for reading to the end!!
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nottapossum · 4 months
Ive been loving your Helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel fics, such creative ideas, and you write the characters so fantastically !
I know occasionally in your fics some characters will wear diapers while regressed, I was curious if there’s any characters who wear pull ups/training pants while regressed ?
Feels like it could add an interesting element for a little like praise, rewards chart, stickers, getting to participate in ‘big kid’ activities ect !
Of course!
I love the sticker idea!!!
I'm gonna have to write something with that ngl.
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- Angel and Moxxie are usually very young, but want to be independent anyway.
They'll both insist they don't need to wear diapers, and their caregivers will wisely suggest pull ups or training pants instead as a compromise.
They don't always make it, but their caregivers are there for them and support and comfort them.
Even praise them for doing their absolute best.
Then they tell them how much they are truly loved no matter what ❤️
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-Velvette needs them sometimes depending on how old she is.
Val and Vox (mostly Vox) will ask how old she is, and if she's 2 or younger, they'll ask what she needs, and she's usually pretty self-aware of what she needs and isn't afraid to ask.
Also she has the coolest printed diapers/pull ups ever! 😎
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Charlie hates to be a nuisance to anyone! So she'll often say she doesn't need pull ups, even when she's only 2.
Vaggy will ask her to be sure constantly, but Charlie will insist that she's big enough and doesn't need them!
She'll only agree to wearing them after an accident.
Luckily, she has Vaggie there to comfort her and tell her that everything is okay.
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Lute needs them sometimes. Usually she takes care of herself. (Well, now she does)
So, she needs to determine whenever she needs them herself. And will usually wear them just to be safe.
She's pretty independent, but she likes it that way.
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-Clara is pretty young in headspace. It's rare when she doesn't need at least a pull-up, but no one ever makes her feel bad for that. Even her sister will hype her up and tell her that the pull-ups she has are so pretty (because obviously they'd pick ones with pretty flowers or something on them to make her feel better.)
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-Vaggie always needs to wear something, that is why she was so reluctant to share this side of her to Charlie in the beginning. But then Charlie shared that she needed them sometimes too and she felt a lot better about it.
Charlie bought her some adorable purple diapers and pull-ups to show her just how much she is loved and supported and made her a special sticker chart in her regression journal. (Needed to add that to one of them! Its too cute and very Charlie) 💜
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Blitzø wears them, but doesn't like when Stolas makes a big deal about not needing diapers.
He's gotten used to Stolas babying him and taking care of him, and even changing him. (They have a system in place and now he's used to being changed by him, even if it was difficult in the beginning.)
He's good with all of that now, but he doesn't like when Stolas praises him for making it to the bathroom because he ends up feeling bad when he doesn't. So, he'd rather they just accept whatever it is that happens and be praised by just being honest about his age.
He talked about this with Stolas, and without question Stolas agreed to remain neutral about it and told him he did so good explaining that to him. ❤️He knew it was hard for Blitzø to talk about, and he's so proud of him! ❤️
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There are definitely more little bitty ones who need pull-ups. ❤️But here's a few little ones for ya 💕 (don't want the post getting too long now.)
I honestly love writing about diapers and pull-ups because there's such a stigma around it, and it needs to be accepted more.
It's totally valid and okay to wear them, whether you have to, because they just feel comfortable or if they help you regress. It's valid! and it's Okay! You're valid as fluff! (To anyone who needed to hear that today or just in general 💕💕)
I could literally go on about this forever but I won't.
Love yall! ❤️
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i hate to be the one to say it, but... DCA sans Au. Red is the daytime protocol, Sans is nighttime, and Skull is what happens when Eclipse comes out. im sorry but i had to think it and now so do you
cringe culture is dead, on god, i will make what i want. 
For those not in the know, the DA (daycare attendant) is a robot in FNAF Security Breach that takes care of kids. The bot has multiple personalities inside it- one for the day, one for the night, and a third Spooky Mode that we all want to kiss
Mc would be an assistant, hired to help the DA manage his responsibilities... especially since he’s recently been exhibiting some slightly worrying quirks.
Red (sun): Red is the daytime personality. You can tell its him when the eyelights are red. He’s the fun one, the one with the smiles and personality to keep the children engaged all day, the one with the energy to play for hours and the attention to make sure everyone’s safe. He’s generally charming enough to make parents feel alright handing over their kids despite the company’s strained history with childcare, but on top of everything he comes with top-of-the-range security features.
He and Mc get along like a house on fire. Usually the daycare assistants are annoying and obviously would rather be anywhere else, but she clearly cares about the kids as much as he does, and he likes how her presence adds to the atmosphere. Something Mc wasn’t expecting is Red is quite... different when the children are gone- as soon as the daycare closes, he has no need to inhibit his language or behaviour anymore. He can have fun catching her off guard with his touchy, almost inappropriate flirting.
(A small quirk- he can’t swear during daycare hours, but he certainly tries. The words come out automatically censored, so if Mc hears him yell “FUDGE!” after dropping a box on his foot she knows what he meant.)
Sans (moon): A slightly more softspoken personality that only comes out when the lights are off, in charge of sleepovers and naptime. He’s around when the robot eyelights are a gentle blue. ‘Mischievous’ is an understatement, he’s an absolute menace to staff, regularly stealing from and mocking anyone who gets in his line of sight or on his nerve. Sometimes he’s difficult to understand, he doesn’t like talking to adults and has a very short temper with them- he can get surprisingly violent with human staff if they aggravate him. But he always, always remains gentle and caring with the children. He’s best with small kids and babies, they seem to adore him, and it’s not unusual to see him moving around the darkened play area in set loops to rock a child tucked in his arms to sleep. The kids affectionately call him ‘blue’.
At first, he was just as much of a nuisance to Mc as he had been to all other previous daycare assistants. He steals anything she has on hand, makes fun of her, knocks things off her desk, etc etc. But over time, it becomes clear he’s not doing it to be malicious- it’s because he wants her attention. He’s jealous of the amount of time she spends with Red and wants her eyes on him.
Skull (eclipse): A hidden, third personality, powerful and always present but deeply unstable and actively restrained by both Red and Sans. He rarely ever gets out, and he doesn’t often try to be in control anymore, accustomed to being held down by the other two. He gets quiet during daycare hours, when the kids are around... he’s content to just watch them play, soothed by the sounds of tiny laughter.
... But when the daycare is closed, he becomes harder to restrain. And he gets even more erratic when emotions run particularly high... for example, perhaps he’s instantly fallen in love with the cute new daycare assistant, and when Red flirts with/gets very close to her, Skull gets excited and wants a turn to touch. Perhaps he gets angry at Sans for upsetting her, and his frustration surges through before Red or Sans can stop him, managing to blurt out a furious “stop talking!” before being wrangled away from the wheel again.
On the rare occasion when he’s in control, he has four arms and one bright purple eyelight, plus a noticeable size boost. He moves and talks slowly, half his focus is always on keeping the other two from regaining control. But the damage he can do while he’s got the reigns can’t be understated.
... It’s been a long time since he was in control. Red and Sans don’t trust him to be free. Not after what happened. 
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Galadriel in the Rings of Power, Part 1: Warrior of the Plot Hole
Galadriel is perhaps one of the most difficult characters in the legendarium, and I mean difficult in a sense that there are variations as to how her story goes. Tolkien kept developing her tale until the end of his life and his last ideas about her very much contradict his initial thoughts. So what really is canon about Galadriel and what's not? Why do I think her portrayal in ROP is so bad? I would argue there are certain fixed points about her story that cannot really be altered, especially not in the way the show has done, because they actively contradict and/or create problems for how things go down in The Lord of the Rings. 
Ever since the first season aired, Galadriel being shown as a warrior has been a controversial topic. I personally think it is a very bad decision, may create plot holes for her later story, and turns her into a completely different character. IMHO it's also misogynistic, as I will argue in this post. However, I shall try to make my arguments deeper than the usual complaint about girlbossification.
I will post my arguments in a few different posts, because that should make the whole much more readable. I will use the tags #anti rop and #anti rings of power for the benefit of those who may want to filter my posts.
I try to confer my thoughts in the most objective and respectful manner possible, and ask the same of those who may wish to challenge my views. If you like Amazon Rings of Power, I have no issue with that; I only take issue with how a character I've loved for over a decade is portrayed in this show.
1. Galadriel as a warrior, as shown in ROP, has little or no basis in canon and it may even create plot holes for The Lord of the Rings.
Galadriel's early history is commonly taken as a defence of the show's portrayal. She is called Nerwen, Man-maiden, and she is tall, strong and athletic. Her intellect is also on par with the loremasters of her people (which interestingly is rarely if ever mentioned by the show or its fans). It is implied - and arguments made in defence of ROP's portrayal stress this too -- that Galadriel in her youth is not like the other women of Noldor and doesn't do feminine things, such as weaving (keep this in mind, it will be important later). The show and the fans stress the line about Galadriel wearing her hair as a crown when she partook in athletic pursuits to such a degree that it's a little bit odd - as if this proved something more than the fact that she is a sportswoman in her youth.
In other words, her being physically strong and athletic does not immediately equal martial inclination, especially when Galadriel's youth, and the time these mentions allude to, is specifically a period of peace in Valinor. So where does this idea come from? Is it because of societal norms that equal physical strength with masculinity, and (toxic) masculinity is connected with aggression and violence? This may be in our society, but why is that norm applicable to an immortal, ethereal race and their society that would have to be in many ways different? I also seem to recall that for the Elves, the difference in strength and physical ability is much lesser between the sexes than for mortals (but please correct me if I'm remembering wrong). Either way, it seems to me like the basis of Galadriel being a warrior hinges on the belief that physical activity and strength equal readiness to aggression and violence. And this is done in a show based on stories by a writer who often lets his male characters be tender with one another and showing their feelings openly: the exact opposite of toxic masculinity. 
There are other examples in the legendarium that being athletic doesn't equal martial skill/inclination. Take the character of Aredhel. She is a huntress in Valinor, which probably means that she has skill with bows and spears. Aredhel is an athlete and she is certainly brave, but she is not depicted as a warrior -- and if she were, you would think it would be alluded to during her wanderings in Beleriand. However, she takes guards with her and Maeglin presents himself as her protector when they make for Gondolin, which implies that Aredhel is not a fighter despite being an athlete in her youth. 
What about mentions of Galadriel fighting, then? Again, I acknowledge there are different versions of her story. I myself only remember a mention of her fighting at Alqualonde (please let me know if there are other mentions). Some take this as a proof that Galadriel is a warrior, but I would argue that it is not, when you look at the context. At Alqualonde, Fëanor and his supporters attack the Teleri - Galadriel's kin by her mother Eärwen. What does a brave and physically strong person do in a situation where their family and relatives are being attacked? She probably takes up arms to defend them, whether she is martially active or not. Saving a family member's life does not hinge on being a professional fighter. Tolkien also says elsewhere that Elven women did not usually take part in fighting, but they could at need wield arms. Galadriel's kin being slaughtered would be such a need. In other words, this one mention of Galadriel fighting is not evidence of her being an active warrior. Moreover, the show's portrayal seems to hinge - to my knowledge - on these few lines, when the textual evidence of Galadriel being a courtier, politician and a leader is overwhelming. The evidence of her being martially occupied except at utmost need is extremely thin, and so making her a warrior is poor writing and makes you wonder why this change was deemed so necessary by the show's creators.  
How does the show portray Galadriel's background before the show? Firstly she is apparently a lonely child who doesn't get along with other children, but gets bullied (for whatever reason) and she lashes out at them violently. The show doesn't establish any particular hobbies or interests, except for a vague pastime of playing with small toy boats (which implies some kind of creativity, but the object itself is nothing that a human child could not make) and fighting with her peers. Apparently, she also adores her brother, who is soon after revealed to die at the hands of Sauron. 
Now we come to the First Age. ROP's take on Galadriel appears to be that she is a warrior in the trenches of Beleriand, and her motive is some kind of vengeance against Morgoth for the darkening of Valinor - a generic aim that other Noldor shared, but whether Galadriel has some personal stake is not clear. She doesn't stand out with dreams or hopes or ambitions specific to her. War is apparently the only thing that ever mattered to Galadriel and she is not shown as having any other preoccupations or interests than fighting and hunting for Sauron. Whatever motives she had in canon about ruling a kingdom of her own are absent. And by the show's logic, she would have to be a warrior through this age, because in the start of the first season of ROP she is the commander of the northern armies, and I cannot imagine that role being given to her if she wasn't an experienced fighter by the end of the First Age. And if her initial motive was to fight against Morgoth, then one would expect that she was a member of one of her brothers' companies. Namely Finrod, because he (and avenging him) is her obsession in the show. However, ROP's take on Finrod's role has to be quite different from canon, because Nargothrond was not in the frontlines of Beleriand during his lifetime. If Galadriel in the First Age is specifically concerned with fighting Morgoth, then surely she would not have spent it in a hidden kingdom?
Galadriel is not mentioned as a commander of war like her brothers in the Silmarillion, and neither is she anywhere else to my knowledge. She is not mentioned as taking part in any of the numerous battles of the First Age, in fact she leaves Beleriand before the final showdown. Rather, she is in Doriath with Melian, and at some point betrothed to Celeborn. I would argue that this period is crucial for Galadriel as a character and for who she later becomes.
Doriath ruled by Melian is the blueprint for Lothlórien under Galadriel's leadership. Doriath is the hidden kingdom, the fairest dwelling of the Elves east of the sea, fencing out outsiders and standing up against the Dark Lord. It is ruled by a powerful sorceress whose influence reaches far. The queen of that realm, along with her maidens, is a skilled weaver who fills the halls of Menegroth with wondrous cloths. She is also the giver of lembas to weary travellers, and has the gift of foresight. It is notable that according to The Nature of Middle-earth, Galadriel is one of the key persons in bringing the art of making lembas and the corn required to make back to Middle-earth, and it seems likely that her long stay in the safety of Doriath allowed the new corn and the art of making it into waybread to take root. This would take time and effort that Galadriel the warrior would not have.
In other words, Doriath is where Galadriel learns and combines the skills that she later uses to help the Fellowship, and I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that if Frodo and Sam did not have Galadriel's cloaks and lembas, they would not have endured all the way to Orodruin. 
If Galadriel spent the First Age fighting Morgoth's hordes, or even as a march warden of Doriath (unlikely, if she was fuelled by vengeance), she did not have time to learn the skills she needs in The Lord of the Rings to help with the quest to destroy the Ring, nor could she have had a role in establishing lembas in Middle-earth. In Doriath she would have learned the Sindarin and Silvan technologies of stealth and survival on a dangerous continent and absorbed enough influence that she too would one day rule a very similar realm. Her model of rulership is so like Melian's that it's hard to believe she would or could have exercised it without spending a long time in Doriath. She also could not have established the new corn or the making of it into lembas if she was constantly away on the battlefield.
One could also argue that the time Galadriel spent in Doriath and her link to Melian make her a viable option as a ruler for the Elves of Lothlórien. She is not just a Noldo who was born and bred in Valinor, she is also blood-related to Kinslayers. Despite this, she is still accepted as a leader by the Silvan elves and what survivors of Doriath lived in the wood. This could only be if she had taken time to learn the ways and culture of the Elves of Middle-earth in Doriath, and did not spend the whole First Age engaged in specifically Noldorin wars. 
Obviously, ROP can't use The Silmarillion, but there are still many ways that the script could work around this if the show's creators had bothered to try. Turning Galadriel into a warrior and making it clear she spent the First Age in the trenches actively denies the chance and time she needs to learn the skills that she will eventually use to help the Fellowship and to establish herself as an individual that the Elves of Middle-earth would respect and take as their ruler. You can't have it both ways. Could she have learned these things elsewhere? Perhaps the craft, but not the art and the magic, which Elven artifacts very much are about. Again we come to the fact that Doriath is the blueprint for Lothlórien and her connection to Doriath is what makes her a viable ruler; its exclusion from Galadriel's story creates too big of a problem. Also, what this change of her story actually does is downplay the importance of feminine skills and the time it takes to learn and perfect them. This is one of the many ways the show, and Galadriel's story in it, is misogynistic.
ROP!Galadriel is also portrayed as too consumed by her quest of vengeance, making it unbelievable that she would actually be interested in learning skills that don't have to do with finding Sauron. Moreover, the mentions of Galadriel being athletic and showing masculine traits are also taken from texts that Amazon does not have rights for, so it is contradictory that this bit is used to legitimise her being a warrior, and other parts where her femininity is shown, are refused because they don't fall in the sphere of what Amazon is allowed to use. Again, you can't have it both ways. 
Lastly, the change of Galadriel's backstory during the First Age raises questions about Celeborn. If she was busy being a warrior and did not spend any meaningful periods in Doriath, then when and where did she meet her husband? How did she have time to get to know him, and grow to care about him enough to want to marry him? How long were they married before he went missing? If Galadriel is this angry outcast who has a hard time getting along with others, what endeared her to Celeborn and vice versa? Here the show has the problem that will become familiar later on: compressing too many events in too little time. Between the arrival of Noldor in Middle-earth and the end of the First Age, there are less than 600 years. Moreover, according to Elven custom they did not usually marry or have children in times of war and in canon this is the reason Galadriel and Celeborn don't marry during the First Age, even though they live in Doriath away from the frontlines; so how ROP!Galadriel, preoccupied as a warrior and apparently far away from the relative peace of Doriath, could possibly get married at this time? Seemingly, Celeborn is already out of the picture at the start of the Second Age, leaving little to no time for the couple to meet one another, fall in love, get married, live any amount of time in the married state, and Celeborn to go missing.
That's it for this time. In the next post, I will share my thoughts about ROP!Galadriel's so called war trauma, whether it works in the frame that Tolkien's legendarium provides, and what are its implications considering the timeline and her position as a military officer.
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clanborn · 9 months
Well don’t mind if I do! Driftpaw got me curious about cats switching clans, especially since OceanClan has a high turnover right it surprises me someone as stressed about these reckless morons would choose to go INTO the clan.
Is there a specific process cats have to go through to join another clan? Can they just show up one day and declare they live here now? Is there anything they must promise or accomplish first? Could a leader reject someone joining their clan? Like, personal ones, such as one cat stalking another by trying to join, or escaping punishment in their home clan, or broader ones, such as the clan being way too big or not enough food to go around? Or could a leader just be like, nah I don’t like that guys vibes
In Driftpaw’s case, he did not join Oceanclan entirely by his own volition. His mother, Herringflash, moved to the clan when her sons (Driftpaw and Marshpaw) were almost apprentice age and naturally took her kits with her. She needed a change and some sort of reset in her life after her pregnancy, and somewhat impulsively looked to join Oceanclan in order to fulfill that need. Marshpaw enjoys his place in the clan, and though Driftpaw has the option to leave if he wanted to, he’s hesitant to leave his family members in a place he considers dangerous. He also feels somewhat obligated to the cats of Oceanclan, considering they only have a single fully trained doctor, and he genuinely wants to help despite his complete bafflement at their lifestyle.
As for the process for joining clans, this is one with no set rules that differs by clans and by leaders. Putting the rest of this answer under the cut since it gets sort of long:
Oceanclan is usually the most picky, and is unlikely to accept cats on a whim without sufficient proof they can “pull their weight”. Regarding Herringflash—a strong denizen who’s still relatively young, and who would be bringing new blood with her—her acceptance was an easy decision for Sandstar.
Iceclan is another clan which does not see many denizens switching into its ranks. This is less due to selectivity, and more because most cats don’t find Iceclan a particularly appealing place to live. Iceclan is in a geographically isolated place, and in a generally inhospitable environment compared to the other clans. Along with this, it would be difficult for a new denizen to settle comfortably into the clan socially, due to the fact that the clan considers itself a close family, and takes some time to warm up to outsiders. However, Iceclan does see many elders from other clans move into its ranks, particularly ones who feel their lives are reaching a near end. Since the clans’ main burial ground is located within the Iceclan tunnels, it is common for elders to live the end of their lives among Iceclan, so they would not have to be moved up the mountain when their time comes.
As for Brookclan and Stoneclan, they are by far the clans with the most switching between them. While in the other clans, new transfers are generally rare, it is practically a monthly occurrence for these two clans. Brookclan and Stoneclan are very close clans both geographically and relationally, and tend to work together often. If Stoneclan happens to deal with a sudden outbreak of illness, Brookclan cats may be sent to live with them and aid their denizens while they recover. If Brookclan finds that a family of difficult porcupines has moved in near camp, Stoneclan cats may be sent over to help strategize a plan. Cats may change between these clans yearly just for a change of scenery, or to spend time with family members or friends that may be spread between the clans. There is very little formal process for switching here, and though a cat may usually throw a heads-up to their clanmates and leader about switching, a sudden switch without warning would not necessarily be turned away, though not without confusion.
As for the scenarios you brought up, that would be entirely situational, and usually may involve discussion among the clans’ leaders and deputies if there happened to be a personal conflict. However, since the whole switching process lacks any sort of official guidelines, really anything goes, which does allow for cases such as petty leaders, though there may be social consequences for that leader.
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cowboyjen68 · 8 months
hi jen, i just followed you and this is really random but ive seen some of your posts helping younger people and it really struck a cord and i need to just let the words fall out of me.
ive been having issues with my girlfriend she cheated on me but this situation is very complicated and we're both fucked up people but i know she still loves me and i really love her. but my anxiety and our lack of communication is really bad right now and im so worried she might not love me the same anymore
ontop of this im 18 and for the past id say 5ish years my mental health and family life has been getting worse, getting diagnosis is hard especially with mentally ill and just overall bad parents that somehow dont understand or believe. i know im deppresed and have been i have anxiety, sever paranoia maybe bpd and bipolar and autism and everything is just so much. now the one person i had is something thats making everything hurt more and i just don't know where to go, im trying to get help but its so slow in this country and i feel so lost and tired i barely eat now and when i do its ether rare or unhealthy and everything is so much i want to collapse.
i hope this isn't to much to randomly send anonymously but you just seem really kind and helpful. thank u for your reply if you do
HI and please accept my apologies for the delay on answering this. I am sorry you are going through so much. My kids are adopted from foster care and I had many kids in my home for up to 5 years who eventually went back home. That is to say I have a lot of experience with mental illness, the systems that treat them, trauma and kids who came from unstable home lives.
At the ripe old age of 18 you have plenty of time to find love and contentment but right now might not be the time. I understand there might be odd circumstances that caused your girlfriend to cheat on you. If you feel betrayed and lost trust that is a feeling that is next to impossible to overcome for people with no comorbidities let alone a teen trying to figure herself out and deal with navigating the broken mental health/care system.
It is actually quite normal for young love to change and get redefined into friendship even when the circumstance are the best. Her cheating on you might very well be a sign that your relationship is in flux and not what you thought it was. A romance that has run its course is not a failure, relationships do not have to last forever to be important and real and worth having had.
It might be scary to think of not being with her, of not having your "one" person that you can count on but I do believe you can get farther working on yourself if you put time and energy into you and not dividing it up between you and her.
There is a lot of precedent set for women to set aside their romance and intimacy in order to be just friends while one or both does some work on herself. Sometimes it is necessary to stay involved for emotional support or financial support, that is just the reality of our world. Living single can be very difficult.
Please consider letting go of the relationship in its current form and putting your energy of yourself. Letting go of the stress of trying to repair what you had with her will remove so much pressure from you and from her that you will feel much more ready to tackle your mental state.
I promise. You are not a failure, she is not "the bad guy" in this story. Take all the wonderful things you shared with her keep those with you when you want a reminder that it loving her was worth your time even if it didn't end like you planned.
Seek mental health help but starting small. A therapist can help you begin to talk through things and often she can help you find additional resources like a medical Dr, public subsidies for insurance or free clinics to assist you in getting medication and mental health support. Most counties have a social services office and those employees are a wealth of information.
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misspickman · 10 months
Timkon 26???
26. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."
On one quiet night riddled with leftover adrenaline of a job well done, Kara had told him about her encounter with red kryptonite. She told him all about the surge of power and how it tasted like a very sharp gulp of schnapps. Kon had laughed at her, until she shook her head and said it'd felt like being swallowed by the Sun, or becoming one with it. She said that and it sounded like words horror and thrill packed in one.
Indescribable, she said, you'd have to experience it yourself to get it. Though she didn't sound like she wanted that for him at all.
Kon will have to talk to her about it later. Once he's not burning up and shaking like a leaf.
“Can you step in?” Tim asks, and the memory of Kara's eyes that glow near red in the dark slips away to the rough pair of hands holding his forearms to help him keep balance.
Kon nods. He lifts his leg—too difficult of a task for something so simple—and steps into the cold bath. It makes him shiver even more and he tenses his muscles against it, feeling for once stupidly self-conscious in front of a person who has seen him go through worse. Tim had seen his dead body, so how does this feel more humiliating? Do the dead hold more respect, torn but with a fulfilled purpose, than the living, scared and stripped of all their strengths? 
Kon would say he rarely gets to feel this vulnerable, like a child that could be knocked over by a stronger gust of wind, except that'd be a lie. He often feels so, he just isn't right about it most of the time. Usually it's all in his head. He'd like to keep it that way; not that anyone asked.
But for once he truly does need the gentle handling. He needs Tim's help sitting down in the bathtub so he doesn't slip, or his knees give out and he falls and smashes a dent in the poor tub. He barely has enough energy to feel humiliated for it. He stopped feeling much of anything but ow, ow, ow, ouch ever since Kara dragged him out of the sea, swearing something he couldn't comprehend. He could tell it was nothing nice, and probably not directed at him, not entirely.
He doesn't remember much of their trip to the medbay aside from the panic there, the enclosed space and sterilized equipment that never meant anything good, and Tim and Kara managing to wrangle some excuse to get him out of there and back to the farm. They're good at that. They're also good at wrangling him, clearly. He wishes he could properly thank them for it, and instead he's relying on them to get through such basic things as take a goddamn shower. And Tim has drawn an actual bath, too. Probably because he can see Kon can barely stand. Also because Tim is too good to him.
They don't reprimand him for his recklessness. They all know there are sacrifices to be made, sometimes, that aren't worth questioning later. Kon would still like to be yelled at, a little, so he could justify how furious he is at himself.
Kon is not afraid of sacrifices—what is a smidge of red kryptonite against the weight of hundreds of dead bodies he'd have to carry otherwise? But he can admit he is afraid of himself. You never know what it might mutate you into, and he certainly had no clue or even an assumption, but he took a gamble and this time, it worked.
It felt nothing like the Sun to him, more like a meteor, something to that effect. A passing scream of power through his body that was dizzying, fried his nerves, did its job, then left him as quickly as it overtook him, and let him crash into the sea. Fitting.
He stretches his legs all the way they can go while still in the tub. It's a bit small for him, but he appreciates it; makes him feel contained. The cold water helps, too. It also makes him shiver more. When's the last time he felt cold?
Tim washes the salt and soot out of his hair. His long fingers dig in his scalp firmly, tugging at the curls there. It's nice, almost enough to make Kon forget about the aching all over. He tells Kon about how they wrapped it all up in the end, or how Cassie told him they did. Neither Tim nor Kara stayed long enough to see it through. Because of him. He should be thankful, though he wonders if he should be angry, too, because aren't people's lives more important than one? They all know the answer to that question. If they didn't, they would be doing any of this.
Tim must sense his turmoil. Or he just knows, because he would worry about this the same way, and heckle Kon about it. He makes sure to mention that by the time Kon crashed and burned they had everything more-or-less under control, and enough heroes on spot to take over. It's all told in a very Tim way; subtle as to not be too coddling, yet soothing in its firmness all the same.
They saved lives. Kon's quick—idiotic—thinking saved people and secured a sure tomorrow. Is that not what heroes do? Why doesn't he feel right at all? Instead his body feels like a miserable pile of hollow bones. He must look like it, too.
He can barely muster a word. His tongue, as all other muscles, feels beat to shit. “Sorry.”
“What?” Tim asks. His hands don't still. He takes all of Kon in stride; Kon ought to thank him for it, but he finds himself bitter of it for both of them. Tim didn't doubt him for a moment. He saw him taking the red pill and didn't even take a step back. Kon could have crushed him, for all either of them knew, beneath the pressure of his telekinesis. He could have crushed everyone, every thing in the vicinity. That's what the look of the last person he saw said, before he stopped noticing such little things for the surge of invisible power that possessed his body. We're all going to die, it said, and Kon couldn't even blame the woman. That had been on his mind too.
Later, in a fit of fear and despair, he'd punched Kara away as she dragged him to the warm sand. She only staggered for a second, mostly out of brief surprise, and went on like nothing happened, didn't mention it. Kon knows she won't. But he remembers. He stares down at his traitorous hands under water. Still, they think they're made for holding. Even after today.
“Y'know,” Kon gestures at himself, at his useless, heaving body that he's overworked to the bone. For a good cause, he knows, though it rather feels like he's shown a monstrous side of himself to the world that he's known exists, but didn't need to be telegraphed to the masses. “That you had to see me like that. And like this."
Tim takes his right hand and scrubs the remains of sand from underneath his nails. He speaks in a low, measured cadence that tells Kon he knows exactly how upset he is, and is trying to smooth it out. “Nothing to be sorry about. You saved the day.”
He can say whatever he wants; Kon knows Tim isn't happy he took that risk. Their first priority is to keep people safe though, and there's no time for their selfish wants.
“You were in control,” Tim goes on, because of course he'd sniff out exactly what is bothering him in no time. “Nobody got hurt. Well, not because of you anyway. Ever since you took it—”
Kon can't listen to his empty platitudes. “What if I hadn't been in control though? What if—” I get possessed again and hurt people, again, “What if I lose it? What if I go all Terminator on you?”
Tim actually scoffs at that. If he had the energy, Kon would turn to him and glare. This is serious. Take it seriously.
“You won't,” he says, with an amused certainty Kon doesn't deserve.
He glares at the tiles on the wall. “You can't know that.”
He lets Tim take his other hand. His thumbs massage the space between his fingers, and Kon lets the back of his head hit the edge of the tub with a dull thud. He feels it cave in underneath him a little bit. Goddamn. He wants to point at it and make Tim look. See? Destructive.
But Tim, as always, is unrelenting. “I can. Because I know you.”
Maybe if this was a conversation over some milkshakes with a stupid sitcom running in the background, Kon would take this. He trusts Tim's judgment, right? He'd trust him if he told him to walk into a black hole with a promise of how that would save the day. But Tim thinks too highly of him. Tim can't be prepared for what might be sitting in the crevices of him. “That doesn't mean—”
“Look,” Tim cuts him off, “if it makes you feel better, you know Cassie could kick your ass. And the Terminator's.”
Kon bits his cheek around a smile. Is it fucked up that he finds the knowledge that his best friend could knock him out if he went rogue soothing? Maybe. She wouldn't even need kryptonite to do it. And if she did, she'd know where to find it. “That's true.”
“So could Kara,” Tim adds. He uses a washcloth to rub at Kon's face, which Kon tries to do on his own but his hand is batted away. “And Clark.”
“So you're safe.”
Kon hums. “Thank you for telling me about all the people who can kick my ass.”
“Oh, I didn't even mention Wonder Woman, and—”
“Thank you, Rob.”
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thegirlwhoimagined · 1 year
Ah yes, Mr. Artem "I don't look like it but I'm a whore for my significant other" Wing.
This man is the most malewife I've ever seen. He's the simp you'll see in twitter where he's like "my wife is angry, pls kill me now"
I fucking love this cause it's so true.
I just imagine him waking up in the morning for work and he's about go about his routine but then he suddenly turns to the side to see you sleeping and just stops.
He lies back down and goes closer to her and just sits and admires you. Because he can't believe you're with him. He caresses your face gently and it makes you wake up. And then you both greet each other like the lovesick fools you are, and maybe, for the first time in his like, Artem is late to work😉
Like, for so many years his morning routine was
Get up
Swim for an hour
Have a bath
Have Breakfast
Clean up
Go to work
But once he gets together with you and you start living together, it becomes:
Get up and admire Rosa
Exercise with Rosa
Have a bath WITH ROSA
Have breakfast with Rosa
Clean up with Rosa
Talk to Rosa
Go to work with Rosa
And he loves it. He loves every second of it. He loves that his day starts and ends with you. And he's miserable when he has to leave to do consultations in other countries without you. I'm like 90% sure he often brings you with him because 'she's my partner wink wink'
And don't even get me started on his malewife ways. Food is literally this man's love language. He loves cooking for you and with you(idk if you saw his recent event where he basically shifted everything in his kitchen so it would be at reachable height for her, bought lighter pans so they'd be easier to lift for her, put protective cases on knives for her I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN). He often makes you breakfast in bed because its very rare that you wake up before him. Cleaning destresses him and when he gets to do it with you, it feels all the more domestic and cute.
Whenever you both close a case, difficult or easy, y'all have a ritual of filling up a tub with bath bombs and salts and sitting cuddled up in it while drinking champagne and eating chocolate. And of course bathtub sex🤭🤭
He loves planning and going on dates with you. Picnic dates, lunch dates , shooting range dates, study dates, museum dates, maybe arcade dates too. You name it, he does it.
Just Artem being deeply in love with you and never wanting to hide it🥺😭
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
OC Interaction Tag
I was tagged by @willtheweaver (here) and @illarian-rambling (here)! Thank you so much for the tag!
Rules: describe an OC and pair how they would interact with the given OCs from the people who tagged you!
Imma do this in two parts, so I'll go with Nimwen from Of Starlight and Beasts for Part 1 because I feel like I don't talk about that girl enough! Then I'll go with my boy Renn from the unnamed standalone fairytale WIP that plopped its way into my brain this weekend and hasn't let go since, for Part 2!
Part 1
Will's OC: Fen is a crow. But he does not act like one, having grown up among the foxes of the forest. All his life, he has had to keep his identity a secret. For obvious reasons, Fen does not let too much of himself be known. What he does show is an understanding nature ,and a knack for bringing out the best in others. Storyteller, a good fighter, tracker, and cook, he is skilled in many arts, though you’d never know that from the way he stays humble and modest. He values friendship, and will support those he trust.
My OC: Nimwen is an 18 year old girl who has spent most of her life (since she was 8) travelling through the uncharted forests of a region popularly called "the wilds", with her adoptive brother Scarlet and their little band of misfits. They live on the outskirts of society, since their kingdom has been so dilligently outcasting them, but they don't seem to mind it. All in all, Nimwen is an awkward, overly anxious, often paranoid but incredibly sweet girl, though she rarely lets strangers get too close to her. She embodies the energy of a skittish deer that will bolt at the nearest sign of danger, even if its a false alarm, though she has very good reasons to be that way - her father was wrongfully executed for treason, and the people of the kingdom didn't exactly give her much reason to trust them after what they did, so yeah. She's very in touch with nature and other people's feelings though she somehow seems very much oblivious to her own. She prefers to avoid confrontation, and will only fight if that's the absolute last resort in a life or death situation. She loves very deeply and makes strong bonds once you get to know her properly.
How they'd interact: I think Nimwen wouldn't be that surprised to meet a sentient, possibly talking, crow - she lives in a world where that kind of magic is actually rather common. So, once they'd met, I think those two would get along pretty well and would likely become good friends. She'd probably be very excited to learn about the new places this bird has seen and flown to, and they'd have a lot in common to talk about when it comes to forests and such. She'd likely listen to his stories for hours on end, never losing interest. The only tricky part would be convincing her brother that Fen is not a spy sent by the King to get them both killed, but once that's out of the way, I'd say conversations would be pretty interesting. Nim's an expert secret keeper, so I firmly believe keeping Fen's identity hidden will not be difficult for her.
Part 2
Illarian's OC: Twenari is an adolescent girl (12 in the first book, 16 in the second two) with short locs and a preference for skirts over pants. She is a prodigy sorcerer and general gifted kid. Throughout her childhood, her smuggler mother used her as a source of magical security and intimidation, which eventually caused her to run away after being forced to commit one too many unsavory acts. Because of this, Twenari acts much older than she is. She's pragmatic, blunt, and strategic. However, in other ways, she's very behind the learning curve. She's painfully introverted and never learned to socialize beyond formal events. Magic is her darling and purpose. She's insatiably curious about everything, but mostly, she wants to understand all the world has to offer in the field of the arcane. She's also at a kill count of about six. That's what happens when you're constantly chased by mercenaries and have the ability to explode people with your brain
My OC: Renn is a young man in his late teens (his exact age hasn't been specified yet, but he's suspected to be around 16-19) with a penchant for dark humor and a love for all that's mysterious and slightly macabre. He has a very strong vibe that is reminiscent of those early 2000s goth/emo kids, minus the angst - just the aesthetics and the sometimes deeply philosophical existential crisis - despite his fantasy medieval setting. He is a rule breaker and likes to question authorities at every chance he gets, and is also very savvy about the true inner workings of their seemingly perfect kingdom. It is implied that he has some kind of secret he is keeping hidden at all costs, and that implication would be true, but its not what most people would assume. While the townsfolk mostly label him as this unhinged/"crazy" reject who is always causing trouble and is up to no good, he is actually a really sweet kid that just had some truly fucked up stuff happen in his past. He is a loyal friend and values honesty and integrity above all else, even if it means he'll have to go down fighting for what he believes in. Despite all of this intensity, he just wants someone to truly understand him and have a pure friendship towards him. He is also implied to be gifted in some kind of magic, though it isn't specified which, and that he has knowlege of "forbidden arts".
How I think they'd interact: I believe Renn would see Twenari as a little sister figure of sorts, mostly because she is a few years younger than him (especially in her first book) but also because he probably sees a lot of his younger self in her - the painful introversion, the passion and drive for knowledge, the wish to cut free from the past. I think that given their personalities and pasts they'd probably get along quite well, especially when it comes to their insatiable curiosity for the arcane, as well as their wish to understand a world that is just so confusing to them as it is. They'd probably disagree a bit when it comes to rules though - as you mentioned she's pragmatic, and I know Renn's a certified rule breaker - but they would probably find a way to work around that. They're also kids who are very smart and who are way too mature for their own age due to having to grow up too fast, so I can see them relating to eachother in that way too.
Tagging: @memento-morri-writes, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mk-writes-stuff, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories, @oh-no-another-idea, @autumnalwalker, @eccaiia, @winterandwords, @rickie-the-storyteller, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @the-ellia-west, @cowboybrunch, @ybotter and OPEN TAG
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adainesfroggieboggy · 5 months
i want to share my future bad kids bc that i came up with for a fic. i love them dearly. Below the cut bc its so long.
Adaine goes to Fallinel for a while and goes into politics after college, but after quite a few years of working her ass off to fix the country, she leaves because Jawbone’s lycanthropy becomes very difficult for him to live alone. He has Sandra Lynn but they’re both getting old and he’s sick. She comes home for him, takes a job as the divination teacher at Augefort, and settles back into Elmville peacefully. I also think she dates a hell of a lot and I hc pan Adaine. I feel like with immortality, sexuality becomes pretty fluid, and Adaine very much leans into that. When she moves back to Elmville, she puts dating on pause and just teaches and cares for Jawbone (the principal of Augefort).
Fig and Ayda tour together for years. Fig loves playing and she never wants to stop. Not even when in their 30’s, Ayda decides she wants to settle down. They break up pretty amicably and Fig tours for a long time afterwards. She slows down when she hits her 40s and ends up living in Bastion City, still a rock star, but she doesn't tour quite so often or go quite so far, but she never quite stops. She's happy, and pulls tons of chicks when she wants to, but doesn't really date seriously? Even in her 40s, she's so young for an archdevil. Her friends have decades, she has centuries. She lives her young soul life for a long ass time.
Kristen spreads the gospel of Cassandra for a long time. She leaves the party to run the church and just gets too busy to continue the frequent traveling. She gets married and divorced, has a couple kids, and lives in Bastion City. She has a very amicable tradeoff with the kids and shares custody but spends the majority of her time running the church. Her kids are sweet and loved, and so is she. Her life is mundane and easy now, which she learns to really love. She just settles down and learns to channel her chaos. She becomes a very great mom, pastor, and person, doing a lot of volunteer and outreach work, loving the world, her life, and her family. I think she ends up having a very serious long-term relationship but keeps her very separate from her kids. it's a quiet life.
Riz is absolutely an investigative reporter! Murph says this in one of his fireside chats, and I wholeheartedly agree! He leaves the party first because he didn't ever want the adventuring life, he wants the detective, crime-solving part of it. He goes to school and ends up with a law degree (bc he's just cool and would absolutely take lawyer classes to make sure he was able to cite laws) and a really badass job as a reporter, kicking ass and taking names, but with words as his weapon! He stays in Bastion City, makes friends, and just is happy. He doesn't get married or have kids, but he has so much platonic love and familial love! He's so happy and cool and very effective. He likes to enlist Adaine for arcane cases, and she definitely heads over every time and stays over in his apartment and they're super close. He's also super close with fabian, but their lives are so different that it's a different kind of closeness.
Gorgug's life is super chill and simple He doesn't marry Zelda bc they're children, but he does fall head-over-heels for a woman and gets married. He leaves because he suffers a pretty severe head injury, but also because his wife is pregnant! He has a son his parents are so sweet and excited. He's a tinkerer, but also a professor at Augefort! Zac said that Gorgug may help people who are multiclassing, and I like the idea that Jawbone opens a completely new section of the school that focuses specifically on multiclassing, and Gorgug teaches both barbarian and artificer classes! He really chills out and his rage is very rare and almost always in defense of his family. Chill, happy, relaxed Gorgug just vibes with me.
FABIAN! My favorite most hc. He's a dad. He has two daughters and they're his whole entire world. Leaving the party was absolutely not his choice, but he lost his leg in a brutal battle and his body no longer cooperates with the way he needs to move. He's got chronic pain and just can't adventure any longer, so he ends up moving to a seaside town and becoming a stay-at-home dad. At some point during his recovery, his first wife leaves him and the girls and Cathilda moves in. The girls call her their Dida and she's like their other grandma. He's a stay-at-home dad and loves it! He and Aelwyn reconnect as adults and end up getting married now that they're no longer so toxic in each other's lives, and Aelwyn is an absolutely amazing stepmom. She'd never imagined having her own kids, but she loves the girls so much and they're all so happy together. Aelwyn is still a researcher and an abjurative wizard, so he happily stays at home. They might have a mansion in the sky because it's a bit in one of the fireside chats and I love to commit to a bit. They're so cute! Domestic, toxic masculinity is dead, stay-at-home dad and his smart, hot, kind, caring wife.
Also, bonus one, I am so tempted to kill Gilear. A lot of my hcs are based on actual things the cast has said, and Brennan says, "As the person who plays Gilear, I'd like to see him dead in the fucking ground." I am not a Gilear lover, I find him funny and entertaining, but there is something about that sad elf man that makes me wanna kill him. Like if we were in Spyre and I knew Gilear, I might just kill him. Straight up. (Kidding, kidding. I wouldn't kill him, but in a campaign? I'd probably attack him for fun so often bc i wouldn't have Emily at my table.) If he doesn't end up just straight-up dead, he's vice principal. It's much better to have his ex-wife's new boyfriend as his boss for the rest of his sad little life. No happiness for him. I love Emily, I love Fig. Gilear? Dead to me.
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madam-whim · 10 months
A Visit Long Overdue
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Martin breathed a sigh of relief as the Chapel of Arkay came into view, glad to have found his destination after such a short time. Of course, a building of that size was hard to overlook, towering over the houses surrounding it, but finding it it almost total darkness had been a challenge nonetheless. He didn’t dare use a lantern to light his path, had even foregone the use of a magelight, because as easily extinguished as it was, it shone brightly and attracted attention when there was no other source of light around. And while Martin certainly wasn’t planning anything nefarious, he also could not risk running into the city guard – not with where he was going.
It was probably not the brightest idea he’d ever had, leaving the safety of Castle Cheydinhal behind and sneaking past the guards at the gate, but then again, he had his reasons. Touring the entirety of Cyrodiil was difficult enough as it was, with the way he no longer felt safe in an unfamiliar environment. Cheydinhal was no exception, and he had nearly lost his mind with worry when he’d woken in the middle of the night in what he had believed to be a secure set of rooms, only to find his wife gone, her side of the bed cold and empty. At first he’d believed that someone, somehow, had managed to take her away, because Arri rarely left his side these days, not willingly at least, and Martin preferred it that way. They had been separated for long enough, thinking they would never see each other again, and now, not knowing where the other was was often enough to send either of them into a panic. No, Arri would never have left without a good reason.
Martin had come quite close to waking the entire castle to help look for his wife – something he could easily have done, after all, he was an Emperor whose Empress had gone missing – but Baurus had been there, and the young Blade had managed to find what Martin had overlooked in his frightened state. It turned out that Arri really had left of her own volition. She’d wedged one of the knives she always carried between their bedroom window and its frame, thus preventing it from closing fully and indicating that she had not only left that way, but also planned on returning.
“Does she have anyone in Cheydinhal?” Baurus had asked then. “Anyone that she knows, but wouldn’t want us to meet?”
That was how it had all become clear to Martin, and how he found himself near the Chapel of Arkay, looking for the abandoned house he knew to be nearby. Because while Arri had nobody left in Cheydinhal now, there had once been a family, and when Baurus had asked his question, Martin had instantly known where his wife must have gone, and he’d known he had to find her at once.
Talking his friend out of accompanying him into the city had been difficult, but he had convinced him in the end, stating that someone needed to be around and provide a cover, should it take him until morning to bring Arri back. He couldn’t possibly know how long it would take him to find his wife, and while he assumed her to be safe and unharmed physically, he didn’t know what state he’d find her in.
Locating the abandoned house itself wasn’t as difficult as Martin had initially feared. He had never been to Cheydinhal before now, but Arri had described the place to him, and even in the dark it was easy enough to locate, a perpetual thorn in the side of Arkay’s faithful, what with all the rumors floating around. Some even claimed that ‘Legend of Krately House’ had been written with this very house in mind, one of the few things associated with her past that could really make Arri laugh, likely because she knew how that particular rumor had come about. And so, Martin soon found the one building that had its door and windows nailed shut, climbing over the low wall separating the property from the street. For such a big city, it was almost eerily quiet even with it being the middle of the night, and he did not want to risk the hinges of a gate that hadn’t been in use for decades attracting anyone’s attention. He hadn’t met more than a handful of guards and two or three stumbling drunks on his way through the city, none of them having noticed him, and he intended to keep it that way.
He hesitated for a moment before summoning the weakest magelight he’d ever cast, barely enough to help him see. A guard walking by at an inopportune moment and noticing it would certainly lead to questions, and Martin didn’t care to answer them. Still, he did need to find out how Arri had entered the house. Following in her footsteps would be the easiest way in for him, too, he knew. It would cause the least amount of noise, and that was what he was aiming for, because while Arri was used to being stealthy and had arguably been trained by the best, Martin was certainly not.
His first instinct was to check the well. Arri had told him about that entrance once, back at Cloud Ruler Temple, when they’d been little more than two lost people confiding in each other. However, he found the well sealed tight, with nothing indicating that Arri had undertaken the effort of opening it back up. It would have made too much noise for her taste, Martin assumed, and so he went around the house looking for any signs she might have left behind. He found the window she’d gone through just a short time later, near the back of the house, where one would have to be actively looking to notice something was amiss. She had apparently done nothing more than to remove some of the boards that had been used to seal the window and left them hidden in the high grass. That had been enough for her to get in, and even though Martin wasn’t nearly as agile as she was, he managed to climb into the building the same way after removing one more piece of wood. He did have to hide around the corner of the house for a brief moment when he spotted the glow of a guard’s torch coming closer than he liked, but once he made it through the window, he knew he was safe from prying eyes.
Still, the hardest part was yet to come, and all he had to go on was what Arri had told him. If anything had changed in the past twenty or so years since she’d last been here, he would have to handle it on his own until he found his wife. But he was not deterred by that thought – not when there was a chance his wife needed him close.
Now that it was safe to do so, he increased the strength of his magelight, letting it guide him down into the basement, where Arri had said the door to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary was hidden. Sure enough, he found it right away – a sense of wrongness that he couldn’t even begin to describe settled over him once he got closer to it. Not that he needed it to find the entrance, really; with the Sanctuary abandoned and its last inhabitant, a woman named Arquen, dead by Arri’s own hand, there had been no one to ensure it remained hidden. It was quite likely that the only reason it hadn’t been discovered by the guard and subsequently walled off was that the house had been given a wide berth even when the Sanctuary had still been in use. Nobody had entered this place in two decades, at least not until Arri had come through.
She had even made sure to close the door behind her, Martin saw now, the rather grotesque skull on the accursed thing almost seeming to stare at him as he came closer. It had been smart of her to close it just in case she had been followed, and yet Martin was not looking forward to having the door speak to him. He was prepared for it, of course, but he still nearly jumped when the whispered question came, just as menacing as Arri had described it.
“What is the color of night?” it asked.
Martin nearly sighed in relief, ignoring the sense of dread that would certainly have kept him away if it weren’t for Arri. The passphrase was still the same, which meant he would be able to reach his wife without having to solve whatever riddle the entity within the door have him. He took a deep breath.
“Sanguine, my brother.”
The door opened, and Martin stepped inside a place that even during his darkest times, he never thought he’d ever set foot in.
He found Arri kneeling on the ground in what he assumed had once been the main hall of the sanctuary, kneeling between two Argonian skeletons. The Shadowscales, then, Martin thought. As he stepped closer, he realized Arri was talking to them, murmuring too low for him to understand. The words weren’t for him to hear, anyway, and so he stayed some distance away, giving her the time she needed.
She only noticed his presence when she stood back up, shaking the stiffness out of her legs. Martin didn’t know how long she had been sitting here, but it had to have been quite some time. When she turned to face him, her eyes were red-rimmed and there were remnants of tears still visible on her face, but she seemed clear-headed, and almost relieved, if that was possible in such a situation.
“I hoped you’d just sleep through the night and you wouldn’t even notice I was gone at all,” she greeted him, a lopsided smile on her face. Her voice was somewhat shaky, still, but nowhere near as bad as Martin had feared.
“I’m afraid I don’t sleep well without you,” he sighed, walking towards her and extending his arms so she could lean into his embrace. “But nobody except Baurus knows we’re gone at all, and we have some hours until sunrise. You could stay a while longer, if you need to.”
“That’s good,” Arri muttered, “but I do think I’m done. I had a lot to say to these two, so I talked to them last.” She paused, taking a deep breath, and Martin could almost feel the way she stepped from the past back into the now. She gave him a strange look, then. “How did you even get in here?”
“The same way you did, through back right window and then the door.”
“You remembered the passphrase?”
“That one’s hard to forget, for me,” Martin replied with a laugh, and Arri blinked at him for a moment before her lips twitched into the smallest of smiles.
“Didn’t even think about it like that,” she admitted. “I am sorry you had to come after me, though. I just … I never got to say goodbye, not really, so I had to come. Didn’t mean to drag you into it.”
“I understand, my love,” Martin said. “No need for apologies. I’d have done the same thing, most likely.”
Arri wrapped her arms around him the way she always did when she needed him to ground her. “It still doesn’t feel like enough. I couldn’t bring myself to come back here for so long, and now … There’s barely anything left of them. They were my siblings, Martin, the Shadowscales most of all,” she nodded at the two skeletons, “trained by the same man I was, and I failed both them and him.”
Martin shook his head. “From what I understand of how the Dark Brotherhood works, you didn’t fail anyone, not your mentor and not your siblings. Not until you left it all behind.”
“And murdered Arquen.”
“Which I cannot imagine anyone holding against you, given the circumstances. You didn’t fail anyone so much as they failed you. Nobody in this sanctuary died because of mistakes you made. They made them all on their own, and you bore the consequences. I know it doesn’t feel like that, and it likely never will, but I need you to understand that none of this was ever your fault. You were barely more than a child, and you couldn’t have done any more than you did.”
They were both silent after that, at least for a little while. Martin watched Arri turn in his arms to stare down at the bones for a bit longer, offering whatever silent support he could while she stood there, sniffling quietly, remembering long-dead people who’d loved and protected her when nobody else had.
“Would you like to bury them?” he asked after a while, gently squeezing Arri’s hand.
She only shook her head at the suggestion. “I don’t think I do. I believe they are exactly where they would want to be, at home with their family. Gods, I don’t even think they minded the way they died. But ...”
“I’d like to go back to Applewatch one day,” she said softly. “To get Lucien and bring him back here. I know he wasn’t a good man, not at all, but I’m alive today because of him, and I owe it to him to get him back home. He should be with Ocheeva and Teinaava, he was their father in all but blood. And Vicente, well, I never really did find out if they were together or not, but … they should rest in the same place at least.”
“I think we can arrange that,” Martin smiled. “After all, digging up some old bones is hardly the most diffcult thing we’ve accomplished. It might take some planning, but we will figure something out.”
“We always do,” Arri said resolutely, dragging a hand across her face to rid herself of the last of her tears. Martin always wondered how she did it – to let her emotions out, only to rein them back in at a moment’s notice. It all came down to practice, she said, though she suspected that some small part of it was, perhaps, left over from her time as Sheogorath.
“We should get back to the castle before anyone notices we’re gone,” she decided. “How did you even get out? Because I know it wasn’t the same way I did.”
Martin suppressed a laugh, because he couldn’t see himself climbing out of a window either. “Servant’s entrance. Do not ask me how, but Baurus always knows where those are. We can go back in that way, no need for you to scale the castle wall.”
Arri nodded. “Let’s get going, then. Because … please don’t take this the wrong way, Martin, but seeing you here just feels … off, like you don’t belong. And neither do I, not anymore. I think I’ve gone soft.”
“I rather think you always were,” Martin answered, “you just couldn’t allow yourself to be, but that’s over now. We will get your mentor to put your mind at ease, and then neither of us will ever need to come back here. How does that sound?”
“Like a really good idea,” Arri answered, and then she took his hand and led him out of the sanctuary, out of her own past and back to the life they’d built together.
@tes-summer-fest Day 4: Sanctuary
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Younger Somas w Reader Who Uses Petnames
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Takes him a hot second to figure out what’s going on
“Did you,, mean me?”
yes i meant u bb 💕
Takes a while to adjust to it, but loves it sm
Makes him feel so loved and wanted
Gets to the point where if you use his given name, he thinks you’re mad
Doesn’t matter if ur relationship is platonic or romantic
Mans just craves that little bit of constant validation that he is as dear to you as you are to him
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“who the Fuck do you think you’re talking to???”
Uhh, you?
H A T E S. IT.
“Stop treating me like a damn kid!”
i mean,, he secretly loves it
But that’s a secret he’ll take to his grave
Probably tries to do it too, but panics and it comes out a lil mean
Ends up sticking to dumbass (affectionate)
He’s gotta be Real sappy to use an actual pet name, so it’s not very often it happens
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Thinks you are the best thing on this goddamned Earth
“hey honey?”
She is giggling and blushing and kicking her feet
Gets upset if you call others “her” petnames
^^ this usually incites violence
Watch ur words if you wanna keep your head
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Finds it adorable
The type to come up with the stupidest, most embarrassing pet names for you
Also the type to tease you whenever you use any petnames
Fake pouts whenever you use them for anyone else
“Does this mean i’m not your favourite anymore 🥺🥺”
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Doesn’t even register to him
Just,,, responds without hesitation nor thought
“What, am I not baby?”
Does it in return without thinking as well
It’s just kinda,,, A Thing
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“who the Fuck do you think you’re talking to” part 2
“do you want me to stop?”
“,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no”
Peak validation for my girl here
Sometimes uses pet names back
But its so rare that when she does it’ll K.O you
The most often you’ll hear them is when she’s talking to you while you’re (supposed to be) asleep
Don’t ever tell her though, because she’ll stop in an instant
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Embarrassment 100
Thinks she’s not worthy of such high praise
Tries to compliment you, or use pet names back but is so overwhelmed that it’s difficult
“No!! You are a peasweet!! WAIT NO IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME”
Please give her gender affirming pet names
She’ll cry
She’s so grateful for you 💕
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