#but jeez. this dog. she's neat
beaversatemygrandma · 6 months
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So, this is my old dog. She passed last month. That's Tabby. Big doof. Precious old OLD baby. Okay. Now this. A dog. From the SAME SHELTER IN TOWN that she was gotten from in like... idk 2011.
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Same ears, same head shape, same colors, same snout shape. Only thing missing is the obvious white muzzle/paws/etc bc Tabby was very old, and the cherry eye which Tabby could never have corrected bc it just came back. I mean, this shelter is known for poor control over their dogs, incorrectly testing them, and taking a lot of, and i quote, 'dogs with powerful sob stories'. So. This is likely a definite no. But holy shit would I pick her up in a heartbeat even though she was likely ditched and has major anxiety or child/dog/cat/food aggressive all unlisted because they literally do not test their dogs. They don't even have age listed, but there is a very blurry (possibly puppy) pic of her there.
I just wonder where these dogs are coming from. There's another very very similar male there whose only difference is that he has a white streak on his chest.
They are also NOT Rottie/Lab/Shepherds. Most of their dogs are pit mixes and this is not an exception. Okay. maybe rottie, they have square heads too. But still. I mean, mine turned out to be Husky/Heeler/Pit/whatever else. Like. Tabby was a supermutt.
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smusherina · 2 months
bridges burnt - chapter 3 [epilogue series] (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: When an invitation to Gretchen Wieners' wedding ended up in your mailbox, you'd been sure it was a mistake. Only, it read your name in neat, swoopy calligraphy. It was addressed to you. And Regina George, whom you hadn't spoken to in years.
additional clarification: This is set in the universe of yard work, a series of mine that can be found on my page! Reading this one might be a bit challenging without the context of the series :)
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 4
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You were leaning against the wall, an unlit cigarette in your mouth. Nicotine was the only substance you hadn't been able to cut off entirely. You smoked less now and were trying to quit, but it wasn't quite so easy. You had made a promise to smoke only once a day. This would be your third if you lit up.
"Need a light?" Janis rounded the corner, already inhaling. The scent of the smoke solved your dilemma. Fuck it. She exhaled as she extended her lighter to you. An old zippo. It was gold-ish in colour, engraved with shapes that were wearing away. You were pretty sure if she were to sell it, she'd get several hundred for it.
"Thanks." Maybe this was the universe telling you that it'd be okay. Just today. Just today, you could smoke all the goddamned cigarettes you wanted.
"When'd you and Regina get back together?" Janis leaned against the porch railing across from you. Behind her was a pretty hillside that led down into a thick forest. The sky was grey and not much light penetrated the dense clouds, making the woods look that much grimmer. You'd rather be there than here.
"A while ago." You might've not seen her in years but you knew when she was plotting something. That kiss out in the open like that was a clue, a wordless message she trusted you to get on your own. You were together. You didn't know what she was playing at or why you were going along with it. Probably old habits.
Janis snorted. "Romantic. Mia would kill me if I said we've been together for a while."
"Get off my dick, Janis," You snapped unnecessarily. You didn't want to be on the spot like this. You couldn't give many details and risk contradicting Regina.
(Why couldn't you? Why didn't you say, "Oh, hey, actually we're not together" instead of, once more, following her example like a good dog.)
"Jeez, I was just asking. Trouble in paradise? Sure didn't seem that way." She wiggled her eyebrows at you. You wished you hadn't lit up the cig so you could just walk away.
"We're fine. Why's your Mia not here?" You assumed that was her partner.
"I didn't get a plus one." She shrugged. "Besides, not sure she could've gotten out of work. They're doing a merger, or something."
"She's the breadwinner then and you're what? A tortured artist?"
"What you don't realize, my friend, is that I'm winning here. I have a beautiful wife who makes money like a printer, has a 401k and air-tight insurance, and works nine to five while I get to paint my little paintings all day." Janis took a drag. "And she fucks me good."
You groaned. "Janis, please."
"Meanwhile you act like you're better than me when, in fact, I'm happy and you're miserable." She finished off with a snarky smile.
Once upon a time, you'd fantasized about staying in the garage all day, fixing old cars as a hobby, and greeting Regina when she got home from her Real Adult Job, wearing a sexy pantsuit and carrying a mysterious briefcase.
Not anymore. You wore the suits, you carried the briefcase, and you did not fix old cars as a hobby.
"You should give motivational speeches. Think Northshore would love to have you back." You took a deep drag. Deflecting with sarcasm was cheap but effective.
"You think?" Her smile softens. "Seriously, though, how've you been?"
"It's been... Good." It had been good recently. You knew, though, that Janis was asking about the last ten years and not just your week. If you were to compile a list of all the good and bad things from that long a time period, one would be perhaps a page and the other a several-foot scroll. Respectively.
"Wow. I forgot how close-lipped you are." Janis said. You could tell she was disappointed. You'd never been friends, not really, not ever like her and Damian, but there was an understanding between you.
You let up.
"We got back together after college." You swallowed, trodding on eggshells, being as vague as possible. "I was cleaning up my act, trying to get away from it all. Moved back into town and met Regina coincidentally. Rest is history, I suppose." You eyed the hills. The view turned into misty nothingness before you could tell if it was the ocean there or more land.
"I heard your dad passed," Janis said, blunt but not mean. "Sorry to hear that."
"Yeah, I guess." You rubbed your forehead. It wasn't tactful to tell a near-stranger that you weren't actually all that upset about it. "To be honest, it was a long time coming. He was in bad shape."
He'd gotten ill when you were in college. At first, all the business stuff was being handled by his team but as more and more time passed and he showed no signs of getting better, he started nagging you to do more for the company.
What the fuck you were gonna do? You didn't know shit about business and, besides, were high out of your mind half the time. You didn't want any of it, didn't want his blood money and shady practices. But you were gonna get it.
Now, you could say you had things under control. Somewhat. You sold some locations, passed them off to people better suited, and sure, lost some money in the process but you weren't ambitious like your dad had been.
If it was up to you, you'd keep the one shop you'd always worked at and make an honest, humble living the remainder of your days. Start a project you could work on for the next several years and be content.
"Sorry to hear that." Janis stumped her cigarette on the ground. You did the same, dropping the stub and snuffing it out with your shoe.
"Well." You sighed. "I'm not."
With that, you turned and walked back towards the doors leading into the hall. Janis followed behind you.
People were still mingling around the place, the bride and groom yet to make an entrance. Your table was somewhere in the middle, not one of the important ones but with a clear view of the stage and where the important people were meant to be sitting.
The mother of the bride was eyeing the room like a hawk scanning for prey. Her eyes didn't catch yours but you could tell she was keen on Janis. The all-black ensemble stood out almost as much as Regina's white stole.
Speaking of her. She was sitting and chatting with Shane, seeming cool and casual. Damian was there too, engaged and laughing at the right parts.
You approached deliberately slowly, trying to hear what they were talking about before you sat down.
"-came back to town after college and we hit it off." She turned her head slightly and made eye contact with you. "Baby," She greeted you.
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling warm. "Reg," You sat down and, as casually as you could, draped an arm over the back of her chair.
"I was just telling Shane how we met." Her sharp eyes met yours. "What'd you tell Janis?"
You needed to get your stories straight. Act natural. It was sheer luck you'd both set the same timeline.
"I was just telling her how we met up after college. If I remember correctly, wasn't it, uh, at uh..." You fumbled. "The grocery store?"
"Yes, mom saw you and I'm sure she didn't let you leave without a date set for when you'd come to dinner." Regina finished for you. Shane was buying it, slowly crawling out of his shell. You were quickly realizing that the gay people had all been shoved to one table. Hopefully, that didn't bode anything.
"That's Mrs George for you." You knew it was Ms now but old habits die hard.
Regina smiled at you, hand coming to rest on your knee. You shivered. It scared you how genuine she seemed. She could be awarded an Oscar for this shit.
You watched her, really looked at her. She was still so beautiful. She'd always been pretty beyond belief, gorgeous like a movie star, but the confidence she carried with herself now made it all a stunning, deadly combination.
Even so, you couldn't help feeling melancholy. You hadn't seen any of it, certainly were not the reason for it, and chances were this little scheme she was cooking up was at your expense. She had every right to seek vengeance against you.
You wondered if it was worth it to try and enjoy it. Would it hurt to dream a little? You could use a break from practicality.
You closed your eyes for a moment.
"Baby?" Your eyes fluttered open as her hand came to caress your cheek. You leaned into the touch.
"Yeah?" You asked and tilted forward, closer to her. Regina mirrored you, putting a hand on your knee and leaning some of her weight on it as her lips neared yours.
"Just focus on me," She grinned and you resisted the urge to steal a kiss. "Trust me."
"Always." You whispered, reverent in just the same way you used to be. You'd known it for a long time, the irresistible fate you'd sworn yourself to, that you'd go back to her every time.
"Ehem," Someone cleared their throat behind you. You went to look but Regina kept a hold on you. She placed a languid kiss on your lips, sending your mind into orbit, before turning towards the person so rudely invading your bubble.
"Yes?" She almost hissed, smiling in a way that was more like a threat. All teeth and sharp edges.
"The bride and groom are about to enter, so it would be really, really nice if you two could can it for a few moments, 'kay? Thanks!" The maid of honour chirped, voice so high pitched you had to wonder if she was inhaling helium on her off-time.
Regina watched her scurry away, eyes going up and down her retreating back in a manner that surely should've made you jealous. You knew, though, that for one, Regina didn't like girls that wore dresses and, secondly, that she was up to something. She wasn't checking out the maid of honour—she wished—but evaluating her.
"What a bitch, right?" Regina turned to the rest of the table with a sneer on her face.
You bit your cheek to hide a smile as everybody agreed. This was going to be utter shit. Total, absolute chaos with a side of heartbreak and, potentially, a ruined wedding.
You dreaded it. You anticipated it. Both could be true at once.
Notes: Hello all! Been some time! I've been in my summer groove, having a proper vacation. It's been liberating. Hopefully there's some interested readers for this series :) Taglist posted separately! If you want to be added, comment on that post please.
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dreamskug · 5 months
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NOT "Gramps". Not for you, anyway. Just my name.
Why, checking if we’d match? Hah. Was told I’m a Scorpio. 'That check out?
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With platforms or without?
If we vibe, nothing else matters. An incubus with neat taste in personalities, I guess.
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So, some Scandinavian blood in me - half, actually. Can speak the language, too - 'least something neat daddy gave me, not that the fucker's outdone himself in parenting. Mom’s an American, born in Badlands. Ever heard of her clan? Messed with witchcraft a lot, and summoning even more. Know what I’m getting at? A perfect fuckin' match, weren't they?
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- Yeah no. Don't even start with anything citrus. Especially don't peel this shit in front of me, alright? Nasty shit. [Interviewer]: - Just wondering, how do you feel about cardboard boxes? [Ívarr] : - Ain't purring for you, man. But nice one.
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Fuck summer. You ever felt what's that like - the real winter nights? Pitch fuckin' dark - quiet so thick you hear the snow falling. First time I saw those snowflakes as a kid - can swear I thought they were bees.
Cherry blossoms? The fuck I know, man. Ask my mainline, I grab whatever he likes.
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Expecting me to be like - "Muahaha, the smell of fear"? Seriously, it's apparently a pheromone released in your sweat or some shit. C'mon I'm joking, it isn't my fav - keeps stinking up this damn city. Alright, a freshly baked cake is something I'd kill for.
Yeah coffee I guess? Rich, strong, black, with a splash of something fun, make it whiskey.
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Woke up just yesterday 'cause my mainline was pulling back my eyelid, imagine? Scared the fuck out of him, no seriously, can sleep through a fuckin' bomb and I'm not joking. Average hours - a shitton honestly? That's how I got my very first cat - Dad got enough of me breaking down every single morning, cause fuck mornings. And he'd be like - this is Snowy, she's gonna live with us and she already had her breakfast, so get the fuck up. How'd I argue with Snowy? You don't mess with Snowy.
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See? Check it out - cat fur. Here too. I'm claimed, man - gave up cleaning it up a long time ago. Not to be dramatic, but if there's anything human in me left - it's for them. Fur kids, all mine, what can I say. Two of them adopted - and you bet each of them has a bigger personality than an average gonk.
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Dream trip, jeez... Somewhere not fucking hot?
Balrog has style, y'know? Gotta be honest, I feel for the dude. Imagine yourself sleeping deep within the mountains for thousands of years to get awoken by a bunch of motherfuckers? I'd go nuclear too. And this one too, ehh you know GoT? The Targaryen, her, yeah. Burn them all, girl. Boss move.
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Man, your questions. I dunno, a half? With my ass covered, or not at all. Bed king sized, lights out, make it pitch black with the window open and you got me passed out.
One doesn't have to actually summon a demon to get them to come play, d'you know? There's one watching you through my eyes right fuckin' now. Should I introduce him?
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Late to the party, but I remember many of y'all have more than one OC or just created new pixel babies that haven't participated yet, so I'm tagging (with no pressure):
@therealnightcity @wraithsoutlaws @sammysilverdyne @theviridianbunny @th3irin
@a-pirate @chessalein @halkuonn @luvwich @shimmer-like-agirl
@kdval @cybersteal @cyberholic77 @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79
@anxious--ace @mhbcaps @wormskul @silver-samurai @androgymess
@winkyblinkyandstew @astarionhistears @valsilverhand @drunkchasind @themermaidriot
@pinkyjulien @skelior @medtech-mara @lokiina @timaeusterrored
@tokyofuturnoir @aggravateddurian @sifofasgard @elfjpeg @aurorartz
@lucky38-2077 @dustymagpie @gloryride @stannussy and anyone else who wants to! Also pls DM me if you don't wanna get tagged🖤
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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misplaced jealousy
“You should have asked how I felt about this ‘tiny Childe’ before you let him take my place in your arms.”
word count: 1.2k
original ask
tags: gn reader, fluff
taglist | masterlist
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When you told Childe that you planned to use your annual leave from work to get back to some crafting, he’d thought that it was a great idea. He’d asked around to find the best supplies possible, had them delivered to you in a neat little package, and waited patiently to hear whether you liked it or not. He knew he’d be at the bank when the delivery came, so he half expected you to come by and tell him about all the plans you had for each item.
But you’d been really quiet about it, and he worried that maybe the package had never made it to you, so he drops by to check it got delivered to the house. He opens the front door, expecting you to notice almost immediately, like you always did, but you don’t. In fact, for a few minutes, he’s convinced you’re not even home, until he decides to check your office.
“You know, if your inhumane ability to know when the door is opened is broken, you might have to look at locking the front door more often.” He says, as soon as he spots you hunched over your desk. You jump as soon as you hear him, but turning your attention away from your sketch seems to be a hard task.
“Jeez, Ajax, you scared the life out of me,” you say, as he reaches down to hug you. “What are you doing here?”
“I was concerned the craft supplies I ordered for you never made it,” He says. “So i thought i'd come by and check”
“You just wanted to slack off,” You laugh, putting your pencil down. “Anyway, it’s a good thing you came. I planned to come down to the bank to thank you myself, but I got totally distracted with ideas.”
“And those ideas are?” Childe asks, trying to get a glance at your paper, but you flip the paper over, glaring at him half heartedly.
“For me to know, and you to find out later.” You pull him into a hug, laughing as he tries to pull away from you and the kisses you plant on his face. “Thank you. Really.”
“Anytime,” he responds. He sits with you a little longer, trying his best to observe quietly, but failing miserably as he descends into peals of laughter at your attempt to draw a bunny. Or was it supposed to be a dog? He doesn’t know, and he never gets to find out, because you throw him out of your office and he finds himself forced to return to work.
He very quickly begins to regret his laughter at your sketch, because now he’s not allowed in the same room as you if you're making your plushies, and it just so happens that every minute of your day is consumed by your crafting activities. When he got home, you used to at least acknowledge his presence, but now, it's as if he comes home to an empty house.
To make matters worse, the only way he knows if you’re alive or not is if something goes wrong. And you seem to be so good at what you’re doing that he only ever hears you curse frustratedly once a day if he’s lucky. Sometimes you come out to eat dinner with him, and other times you fuel yourself on snacks and don’t leave your office until night when you tiredly crawl into bed next to him without a single word.
As much as he wants to march into your office and burn every single thing he bought so that you’d look at him again, he knows you deserve your own space, so he tries to find a hobby of his own. (It doesn’t work, and it only makes him miss you more.) 
After a week of feeling like he doesn't exist, he returns home, expecting to once again be met with a silent house.
“Oh, you’re back, great,” You say, getting up to hug him when you feel the sudden gust of air from the front door opening. “I need your opinion on something 'cause I think that Liyue has the spiciest food, but for some reason, my friend thinks Mondstadt does. Like has she even eaten Mondstadt’s food before?”
“So you’ve remembered I’m alive?” Childe mutters into your hair. You look up at him skeptically.
“I wasn’t that bad,” you scoff. “Was I?”
“You were horrendous.” he laughs. “But at least it’s over now.” He doesn’t dare ask you to see the finished product, in case it suddenly makes you decide to revisit the project. 
You apologise lightly, laughing at the face he makes when he’s forced to relive the past week in his mind. The rest of the night seems normal–you eat dinner together and spend the rest of the evening relaxing in each other’s company. You go to bed nestled up in Childe’s arms, the same way you usually do. 
Everything goes wrong in the morning, when he notices that you rolled away in the middle of the night, and is horrified to discover that you did so to cuddle the stupid plushie that’s been taking you away from him for the past week. He considers excusing it since the plushie is in his likeness, but in the end, he decides that it’s too much of an insult, and the minute your grip on it loosens, he grabs it and hides it in a wardrobe he knows you rarely go into.
Since it's a weekend, he busies himself with making breakfast to try and forget the ridiculous situation he finds himself in because it makes no sense to him. How is he literally getting replaced? And by a stuffed toy?
“Morning, Ajax,” You mutter sleepily, as you come down the stairs. “You’ve not seen tiny Childe, have you? He must have fallen off the bed at some point last night but he’s not underneathh it, so I have no clue where he’s gone.”
“I slept well, thanks, you?” He replies, focusing on the eggs he’s frying.
“Ajax.” You suddenly don’t sound sleepy at all, and Childe keeps himself firmly facing the stove. He quietly turns it off, just in case you decide that taking your plush is a crime punishable by death by flames.
“What did you do?”
“You’re the worst liar ever. What did you do to tiny Childe?”
“You should have asked how I felt about this ‘tiny Childe’ before you let him take my place in your arms.”
“You are not jealous of a plush right now.”
“Maybe I am.” he scoffs. “Maybe it’s silly. But I maintain that until you atone for your misdemeanours, ‘Tiny Childe’ will never see the light of day again.”
“You’re joking,” Your attempts to hide how hard you're trying not to laugh fail miserably, and you can see Childe trying his best not to laugh either. But in the face of a completely ridiculous situation, what are either of you supposed to do?
“Fine,” you sigh, pulling him into a hug. “I apologise for giving my attention to something else, and I will never, ever do it again.”
“Much better.” Childe grins.
“You lasted way longer than I thought you would. I half expected you to break down my office door.”
“What do you mean?”
“You really thought it took me a whole week to make that?”
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author's note: once again, another guy i haven't written for in a while lol
childe nation how does it feel to love a character that's favoured by the literal game devs
taglist: @tartigglez @aixaingela @thelonelyarchon
(crossed out @s couldn't be tagged)
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barrenclan · 1 year
I have been reading for a long while now, since the first issue came out and also got into the Dog Star before this even came out too! And GOD UGH YOU ARE SO GOOD AT WRITING STORIES!!! I have a few different comics I tend to keep up with at any given time and this is like. One of my favorites. I'm so excited to see whats in store for this tbh. Like God I went back to look at issue 17 and I was like "Holy crap it WAS 90% foreshadowing!" And also also also I noticed the little glow effect on her eyes nightberry gets. And I was like. Oh jeez. Idk if it is just to symbolize when she's speaking the truth and prophetic visions and stuff or if maybe their ancestors are actually communicating through her instead but it's just a generally really cool detail that I enjoy a lot! Squishes all these characters in my hands and shakes them around like a magic eight ball.
Also this general like style of comic is very cool to me. Reminds me of like. Geronimo Stilton Books that I read when I was little. Anyways so so so cool.
Hey nice! I like hearing from readers who have been here for awhile, and with TDS too. Thank you so much! ://] I've been having a lot of fun writing this story and all the feedback I get warms my heart.
Issue 17 was a really neat one to make, I remember. The glow effect has been used on Nightberry when she's speaking like since the first issue she appeared in.
Ah I used to read some Geronimo Stilton as a kid! That's an interesting draw to make.
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glasswingowl · 1 year
spoilers under cut!
the VHS effect on the intro already caught me off guard, off to a good start
ok soo if a solver infected drone isn't properly disassembled then they'll zombify? that tracks i guess
whoops someone didn't follow disassembly protocol
good call n, ignore your frozen coworkers and just read about dogs
n would survive a horror movie (well he's already technically in one but you get what i mean)
i love the new drone already what-
everyone is so expressive now i love it! the new drone's a great example but everyone's so much more lively than the first few episodes!
i adore tessa already she's so full of life and excitement!
and j's the favorite, as predicted
"basement time out"???
tessa james elliot? neat
ok so both your parents suck got it
noo tessa :( they're not broken they're her friends leave them alone!!
n buddy no
oh jeez- there's gotta be a more efficient way of getting rid of them this isn't medieval times
... that's some interesting decor you've got there tessa. i mean she could just be goth but i'm not so sure
so her name IS Cyn!
oh she's going
ah so these are memories! that explains a few things
"i am a ghost witch! and i'm tall!' LMAO YOU WISH
that is such a cool shot omg
"we just hang out" yeah and you tried to murder me that one time but that's less important
oh she moved-
i love having my headcanon that not all disassembly drones are Like That and j's just a fucking weirdo proven right
she just spat blood-
a part of me was hoping that there'd be some sort of Cliffside reference with the gun. no such luck
now we know why tessa insists on wielding a SWORD instead of a more practical weapon. sentiment i guess.
"i kill you :3"
"why are you talking like that?" because he's a weirdo that's why
N being forced to say DarkXwolf17 with a straight face lmao
everyone is dead??
button eyepatch, fitting
wait- IS THAT THE "uzi give brayden back his sentience" THING? that's great i love that
tessa is so over dramatic love it
stop interrupting her >:(
"solver of the absolute fabric"???? that's new
noo leave the bug alone
"this is the only clue as to what's wrong with me" :(
"despite me, maybe" cmon khan give yourself a LITTLE credit (not TOO much but, yknow, a little)
now i'm wondering how this whole thing actually played out without uzi's interference/ memory weirdness. because this most likely didn't actually happen.
"i got you" aww he can't help but be nice even when she's possessed
"don't freaking dox me" this one got a laugh out of me. buddy dox you to who??
aaand there's v, hostile as usual. she'll get there eventually. maybe hopefully.
doll's working with tessa and j??
"just checking". bruh
i kinda like this ending, means they can just get right into the action instead of fucking around next episode
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marlasomething · 2 years
(my) Mag a Week: Observed Mission
Hello there!
I am participating in the "a mag a day" idea by @a-mag-a-day which is BRILLIANT and I decided to do "statement a week", rolling dice with the characters and fears that were ftw that week in the episodes I have listened.
For today I rolled Archivist!Jon (so I changed to a thing what was originally going to be canon and ended up being the other way round) and The Slaughter (Eps. 72-80).
As usual, please do forgive my quick tipper and non-native speaker mistakes, Marla
CW: violence, animal violence, sickness, swearing (and hinted slurs), racism (asshole main character, it happens), death, paranoia, unreality
Also on AO3!
Statement of Elliot Mercury, regarding the stalking he believes he is being subjected to by one Adelard Dekker.
Recorded by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London.
Statement begins.
 My mother was…is, I guess, I haven’t seen her since my parents divorced and I took my father’s side because, well, you don’t have to be that intense, mom. Jeez. Anyway, I guess you, with your academic looks and all that, disapprove of my writing register; but this is my story so, you know, I don’t care about your fancy-degree-boy’s opinions.
As I was saying, writing, whatever: my mother was Spanish and there was this idiom she loved to use and, to be honest, it is pretty neat (and accurate to my current situation): “ Porque una vez maté un perro, me llamaron mataperros ” that would roughly translate as “ Because I once killed a dog, I was called dog-slayer ”. It is used to signify when one action, usually a bad one, is used by people around you to define who you truly are.
That is why that…well, seeing your complexion ; I will be sensitive and don’t describe the nut-job that is following me as I truly want to. The thing is: this one-time mistake is why that crazy guy had started following me around. And I swear I saw him reading a book that was totally some spy device with a joystick or something inside, because I started tumbling as if someone was constantly trapping my legs the moment he focused on it and started…muttering.
Again: crazy dude.
 It all began because I kind of literally killed a dog. Well, it was a ferret, but its owner treated him as his beloved little puppy. I would usually never do a thing like that, even if I am being bothered by people like this person (that, by the way, even randomly introduced himself pretending to be someone in need of indications, that is why I could give you his actual name), but…my boyfriend insisted.
Yes, yes, I know I don’t look like a guy who liked guys , but, honestly, if you are hot, not too intense and half-nice…you are absolutely my type.
But this is all beside the point. The thing is, my boyfriend Tyler is allergic to ferrets, like, very allergic to them . I recall once, a few months back, that we went over to my step-mother’s house, and she had a ferret-fur coat that she insisted on not taking to her bedroom and…Tyler got very sick. He actually almost died and I held his hand the whole time, as his fingers and head become so swollen that the rest of his thinning body felt almost as a caricature.
I stayed with him in the hospital the whole time, getting increasingly angry, as I could not do a thing except for punching walls and yelling at nurses who believed themselves better than me just because they had a degree on almost-medicine . I am a bloody engineer; it is not as if I were illiterate, for fuck’s shake!
Before he recovered, he got worse, he even got into cardiac arrest and, mad with frustration, lacking a mission or objective (I had been recently fired, and Tyler is a photographer freelancer, so another reason why money was not in the cards, hence more time in the hospital since the quicker treatment was no option for us) and I started punching him in the chest.
I was angry. I was angry at him for getting sick, at my step-mom for having a coat she couldn’t truly afford (and, therefore, barely wear), at ferrets for their existence…Tyler is everything that is ok with my life right now, I couldn’t lose him and, as it seems, loving him was not enough, and I had to be enough.
So I turned him, his protection into my personal cause to fight for and brought him back from the other side with my bare hands.
I hugged him, I cried over him and, finally, I let him go as he gave me a sly smile. He was alright and, now, I was his paladin.
 We returned home that very evening. The doctors said it was okay to get him home with the one condition that he didn’t leave the house or have any visitors for a few days.
His lungs still had water or something.
Convinced as I still am of how I shall keep him safe and sound, away from all evil in this world, there was nothing that upset me more than seeing that our already a bit nosy neighbour got a ferret.
He promised me it was temporary thing, just until his uncle recovered of whatever sickness he had going on. I didn’t truly pay attention.
I couldn’t: the memory of Tyler’s coughs as he lingered on a hospital bed had been turned into an incipient melody inside my head and supressed everything but the breath of the rat-like animal (don’t you dare even pretending you don’t see the similarities between those two fuckers).
The only reason I didn’t got to his throat that very instant, imagining myself cutting open his throat so I could set free in pieces all the tendons, muscles and vocal chords that were working hard so his nonsense could reach my very ears was that Tyler held my hand with a hand in which he was already holding a knife so sharp I felt as it cut me and a drop of blood felt to the floor, almost as if I were on a trance.
I breathed deeply, picture that blood belonging to the ferret (or its owner) and followed Tyler inside.
There was only one lesson to be learned here: next time, I will be carrying a gun already.
 At the end, the next time the ferret came into my property, this time without its annoying owner, just the bloody bastard wanting to take a piss on our front yard, it wasn’t a bullet what was headed towards him, but an ancient arrow I thought completely gone, since my father gave all his violent objects to a foundation since he said they were awakening something wrong in him.
Yeah, my father also became a weakling a few years back.
I shot the ferret dead and, then went to his side, took off the arrow, and stabbed it with the poignant object over and over again. Just until I realised now I couldn’t go inside, without risking Tyler’s life.
So I decided to shower on my neighbours pool (yes, please, don’t make any comments) and, as I left from one house to the other, I realised a dark figure was staring at me from the other side of the street. I shrugged and went inside where, curiously enough, was Tyler.
Apparently, our neighbour had taken extra-precautious measures so he wouldn’t go into anaphylactic shock and he was taking care of the house in the meantime. He obviously asked me why I was so dirty, I told him that it was a honour-gentleman thing playfully, letting it clear I wanted some after I had cleaned myself up a bit and went inside as he said: “ your love for violence is moving, thank you so much ”. Yes, if Dekker hadn’t come on knocking, that would have been the best sex of my entire adult life.
 As I just advanced, Dekker knocked as I was finishing taking away some guts from the inside of my fingernails. Tyler opened and answered a lot of extremely random questions because he was…I don’t even know, pal, I didn’t pay much attention except for the fact that he kept staring at me and, when he left, almost with pity, he muttered “you can defend yourself without a knife always at arms’ reach” and, then, he was simply gone.
I shuddered, he had sounded so much closer than it should have been possible and yet…it had happened. Probably some voodoo, or any other similar shit on that line.
 After that, I found him everywhere and, when I got really upset (especially with ferrets and similar creatures and its irresponsible owners) he always appeared, with decision and…was that fear? Maybe, yes. Fear in his eyes.
 I can keep this no more; it is driving me insane and Tyler (who is currently on special shooting in Glasgow) texted me the other day saying “ you know what you want to do; you know how much I approve of you protecting our intimacy ”. So, yeah, I must just admit that I am about to commit a crime, but, with how driven I am, good luck trying to stop me (or getting any cop believing you).
Dekker is getting what he deserves.
He shouldn’t have believed my personal life was anything of his incumbency.
Actually? Now that I come to think of it more calmly, I almost pity him. If his life is so interesting he spends most of his time observing me …well, it must be sad not to have a Mission.
  Statement ends.
  The case of Elliot Mercury is…rather interesting. He came in last week, wrote his statement, stormed off the building and…he was found dead within hours (we had to suffer the police efforts , but there was absolutely no trace of violence or anything else whatsoever. Those who saw him, described him as the emptiest eyes they had ever seen.
I wished I knew how Elliot lived those last moments…
…the story about the ferret is true, only that, in all documents I could found, the man went missing too, being finally certificated dead two days ago. There had been other disappearances around Mister Mercury, and in most of them signs of violence could be observed.
The most remarkable thing, though, is the fact that his boyfriend, Tyler Forbes did die after he was hospitalised for an extreme allergic reaction.
Elliot’s step-mother was one of the very first people to disappear.
At least, I guess, Adelard Dekker had stopped this phenomenon, even if it is in a rather extreme way…
End recording.
  SUPPLEMENTAL : Sasha came to me yesterday with a mountain of folders containing information regarding Tim. She said that she knew this was a bit Pepe Silvia (whoever that person is) of her, but that I had to listen to her.
She claimed that Tim wasn’t Tim, that she knew this was him but she felt he wasn’t and that she had the definite clue: he barely got any reaction of him when talking to him about Danny, his brother.
By what she had told me, that fact seems rather…Impossible and, since our face-off in the tunnels was so bizarre, not to mention his alleged new girlfriend… I still not completely certain but, I am afraid, she might be right.
End recording.
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Hello!! It's been a bit since I last checked on this blog I hope you've been doing alright :))
Could I request Shuichi Maki and Kaede with an s/o who's the ultimate children's book author and makes a book based off them?
But the book is about addressing their problems- if that makes sense??- like shuichis imposter syndrome and never feeling like he's enough, kaedes tendency to overwork herself for the sake of making others happy, and maki distancing herself from others over something she had zero control over.
I'm sorry if this is really specific- this has been in my head for weeks now 😪
- 🍋anon
I really love this prompt, 🍋 anon! It's so adorable. This has to be one of my favorite requests I've done so far, actually! Hopefully it matches the idea you had in your head :)
-Mod Celeste
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Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara and Maki Harukawa with an Ultimate Children's Book Author! s/o who writes books based on them:
-She is incredibly fond of your work! She loves your style, the cute illustrations and how you're positively impacting children.
-You're definitely her favorite author, even if she isn't your target demographic.
-Kaede is curious about where you get inspiration, and you tell her you draw it from real-life experiences.
-So when you wrote "The Selfless Fairy Godmother", a story about a titular fairy who grants everyone's wishes but never her own, she just couldn't wait to figure out what it was about.
-You explain the fairy godmother works so hard to make all of the princesses happy, but nobody does that for her, which is saddening. That's why the resolution has all of the princesses she helped return the favor, and in the end she takes a nice vacation.
- "Oh, I get it! So it's about treating yourself as nicely as you do others. That's actually really neat! Almost... familiar? Haha."
-Then she sees who it's dedicated to, and her cheeks turn pink. She laughs, and realizes the whole point of the story.
- "You wrote this all for me? Jeez, I guess I'm the fairy godmother after all!"
-Even though your books are for kids, Kaede sure does appreciate the universal message. It was a huge deal to her!
-He thought you were much more talented than him. I mean, you had so much experience in writing! And your books were changing the world!
-Shuichi's very experienced at analysis, so he enjoys finding the deeper meanings of your stories.
-Then you published "A Knight's Dilemma", about a shy knight who acts humble even though he was chosen by the prophecy. Even after staying the dragon, he denies his worth! But the kingdom was so proud of his heroism, and he ended up accepting it.
-Shuichi really enjoyed this book. It warmed his heart and felt like something he would've loved as a kid.
-Of course, he had a feeling it was about him.
- "Hey, y/n... I'm not positive, but is this story based on me? It kinda seems like it, based on context anyway."
-When you tell him, he turns bright red. Shuichi never expected to be featured in such a phenomenal book!
- "Oh, really?! It was just a guess-- I'm flattered, of course! It's very sweet... haha."
-You have no idea how much he treasures that book.
-Since she spent her childhood raising her fellow orphans, Maki read many bedtime stories. It's lead her to appreciate them and she respects your work very much.
-Maki likes to watch you in your creative process, to try understanding how you write. It's fascinating to her.
-Your recent book, " Willow The Lonely Cat", really struck a chord with her. The poor kitty was left behind by its family and raised by a group of dogs. She never fit in, which made her feel like an outsider. One day she runs away, only to see her dog family missed her very dearly and was looking for her.
-It didn't even occur to Maki that this might have a special connection written in. She just... really, really liked it.
- "I think your cat story is the best, y/n. I bet lots of kids relate to this..."
-When you clue her in that it's more for her than the kids, she's absolutely shocked. In fact, she begins to tear up!
- "It was... for me? Thank you so much. That means a lot to me, y/n."
-You two have a cat named Willow, named for the character in your book.
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
Crash and burn L.H
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The past few years had been  a blur, Life didn’t have a pause button. Life didn’t care if you were prepared or not. Blink and you’d miss it.  Being surrounded by memories printed on glossy paper only made the passage of time more obvious. From the questionable fashion choices to nights out with friends Y/N would bashfully admit she barely remembered, her and Lewis’ whole lives were on these small rectangles. Fleeting moments captured and frozen in time. 
“What are you doing Princess?” The Mercedes Driver asked tiredly, the tan man quiet as he sluggishly made his way to their shared bed. The young woman in question had sloped off during his workout, the overwhelming feeling of being a distraction panicking her.  Lewis had his routines when it came to Race Season prep but recently his preseason procedure had intensified. Lewis was going to come back fighting in 2022 and Y/N didn’t want to get in his way. Humming in greeting the y/h/c woman smiled softly placing the picture in her hands aside. “I thought I’d go through our photo’s… I saw this lady on tiktok make a really beautiful photo album and I thought why not, we have more than enough pictures.” Y/N explained gesturing to the now empty shoe box and the snapshots surrounding her. “Jeez what was I thinking?” the Brit groaned before chuckling to himself, spotting and picking up a photograph from 2013. Lewis was far more confident when it came to expressing himself compared to previous years. But the Late noughties and mid 2010’s haunted him at times. “What do you mean? You looked handsome?” Y/N asked, her head tilted slightly in confusion. “You can’t even see what I’m looking at Baby.” Lewis scoffed playfully, holding the photograph a little more out of the girl's eye line. Shuffling forward to see the picture Y/N laughed. “Oh… yeah maybe not your best look.” The y/e/c eyed young woman admitted carefully. 
Putting the image aside Lewis tried to look at the open book, it was still a work in progress Y/N had carefully planned the pages out. Her neat scrawl roughly dating each picture, some had a small quote or explanation attached. “I got very lucky with you didn’t I?” The tan driver mumbled resting his head on the y/s/c woman’s shoulder. Lewis had always been appreciative of Y/N L/N’s presence in his life. Over the years people had come and gone but she was always there, through the ups and downs. “What do you mean?” Y/N whispered, reaching a hand up to stroke the man’s styled hair, her movements were small and slow but soothing nonetheless. In fact her actions made the F1 Driver relax, his eyebrows unfurrowing. “Just that. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Lewis replied quietly, sighing in satisfaction.  “Probably crash and burn.” Y/N teased waiting for Lewis to playfully disagree but instead a warm silence fell over the pair. “Don’t think I could even get in the car without you let alone crash and burn.” the man admitted, placing a soft kiss on the crook of Y/N’s neck. 
“Trying to butter me up Hamilton?” the y/h/c woman whispered, moving carefully to continue her project. “Nah just stating the obvious.” The 7 time World Champion said firmly already missing the female's familiar body. “Huh well thanks for that now are you going to help or?” Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow at the man sitting on the other side of the bed. “Sure but if I look awful in a picture we’re burning it.” Lewis joked, laughing at the young woman’s widening eyes. “Don’t ruin my photo album Hamilton.” Y/N exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger towards the older man. Rolling his warm chocolate eyes, Lewis began sorting through the photo’s closest to him. Picking one up the Driver turned to ask the girl what order they were putting the memories in, only for his small pile to be interrupted by a bull dog called Roscoe. The usually docile dog clearly not happy at the lack of attention he was receiving from his preoccupied parents.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
Falling for You
Hey folks! I misread an ask and wrote a oneshot for mixed prompts 11 + 15 instead of physical affection 11 + 15, but I kind of love it, so here’s a fluffy little hiking fic! I hope you can all get out and enjoy some fresh air (while being safe) today. Credit for Coops goes to @lumosinlove!
Prompt 11: “So I found this waterfall…”
Prompt 15: “You wanna kiss me so bad, don’t you?”
A fond sigh. The doorframe creaking as someone leaned on it. Shuffling footsteps, as if the person was trying to be quiet but didn’t want to take off their thick fuzzy socks. The bed dipping slightly on the left side.
Sirius smiled and didn’t open his eyes. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Why were you up so early?” There was a moment of hesitation and Sirius grinned. “Where are we going today?”
“So I found this waterfall…”
“Quelle surprise.”
“Shush.” Remus smacked him lightly on the shoulder with the hiking book in his hand and laughed. “It’s really cool and you’ll like it.”
“What time is it?”
Sirius squinted up at him and raised an eyebrow. “Why are you awake? You hate mornings. Come here.” He stretched one arm out and dragged Remus down toward his chest with a happy hum, placing a light kiss to the back of his neck.
“I woke up at six-thirty and couldn’t fall back asleep,” Remus grumbled, cuddling back into his arms. “Mmmm, how are you always so warm?”
“Magic.” Another kiss to his shoulder. “What was this about the waterfall?”
“Well, now I don’t want to leave.”
“Oh, no you don’t,” Sirius said, propping himself on one elbow. “You can’t wake me up with promises of a really cool waterfall and then back out for cuddles like some crazy night owl.”
Remus rolled back a bit and looked up at him with sleepy eyes. “No?”
“D’accord, twenty minutes,” Sirius conceded, pulling the covers back over them.
“Thirty, and we can take a shower together to save time.”
“We have a free day, we don’t have to save time,” Remus protested halfheartedly as he wound his arms around Sirius’ waist. “Hattie is still asleep.”
“Hattie is a dog,” Sirius reminded him. “She can do whatever she wants and will also be very excited to see a waterfall.”
“Why do you make so much sense?” he muttered as his eyes slipped closed.
“I have to keep up with you somehow.”
“Only sometimes.”
Remus snorted, which set them both off until they were too awake to nap. “Shower now, cuddles later?”
It was a beautiful day for a hike. Hattie seemed to agree—she had practically wiggled herself into a puddle of happiness when they pulled her harness out of the bin by the door. She sniffed loudly through the sliver of window they kept open on the interstate and slobbered all over Remus’ elbow when he made the mistake of resting it on the console.
The park wasn’t far—they drove for just over an hour before the roads turned to dirt and trailhead signs sprang up along the edge of the woods. “Should be the next one,” Remus said as they walked along the curb and tried to keep Hattie from racing after every single squirrel she saw.
“Otter Falls?”
They took one step onto the trail and were swallowed by greenery. Massive trees stretched high above until the blue of the sky was a mosaic between the wide leaves. Ferns grew from every junction and lined the path in a sea of spiky fronds that Hattie eyed suspiciously. Nobody else was on the trail as far as they could see, so they unclipped her leash and let her trot a few feet ahead to her heart’s content.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” Remus said as he swung their joined hands casually.
“We don’t get outside enough,” Sirius mused. A bright blue bird chirped and zoomed past them.
“We don’t have time,” Remus laughed. “Who knew being a professional athlete would be so time-consuming?”
“Not me, that’s for sure. It’s almost like we have real jobs.”
“Aw, jeez, I was trying to avoid that.”
Remus shook his head. “You’re never going to stop giving me shit for that, are you?”
“Probably not.” A rushing river appeared as they rounded the corner and Sirius closed his eyes, letting the sound and fresh air wash over him. Hattie barked and scratched at a tree with her front paws as a chipmunk chittered down at her angrily.
Remus whistled for her and she whined, but came back to his side. “Good girl. We’re almost there and then we can go swimming! Yes we can, babycakes! Yes, we can!”
Hattie wagged her tail and pawed at his legs until they started walking again. “Swimming?”
“There’s a small lake at the base that turns into a stream,” Remus explained. “We can wade in a ways, I think.”
A small cairn and a salmon-colored ribbon marked a fork in the path and Remus took his guidebook out once more before pointing to the left, where a steep slope grew. “I’m glad we do cardio every day,” Sirius panted as they hiked up. “Otherwise this would be hell.”
The hill opened into a densely-wooded area with a thick copse of bushes at the base that blocked the next part from view. Hattie sniffed the air and ran down ahead of them until she was out of sight; moments later, they heard a loud splash. “Hattie?” Sirius called. “Hat Trick, viens ici.”
Remus whistled again and began walking a little faster. “Come here, Hattie-girl.”
Her answering bark echoed and Sirius frowned—from where they were standing, there didn’t seem to be any walls for the sound to bounce off. A narrow path through the bushes appeared and he squeezed through it, stumbling out onto…a beach? “Oh, wow.”
“Isn’t it neat?” Remus said as he came up behind him. Hattie was jogging toward them, her fur soaked with lake water and tongue lolling happily. “There you are, sweet girl.”
The waterfall truly was magnificent. Water streamed down a huge cliff of quartz and granite that rose high above the little lake Hattie had been swimming in and sparkled in the late summer sunlight. It sloped gently, with a variety of different ledges and outcroppings that almost made a natural staircase in some parts. Remus was already rolling his pantlegs up and walking into the water; he turned to look at Sirius over his shoulder with a wide smile and Sirius had to take a moment to remember how to breathe.
“Come on in, it feels nice!”
He wasted no time in pulling his socks and shoes off to follow with Hattie on his heels. She brought him a stick floating on the top of the water and he tossed it for her, wrapping one arm around Remus’ shoulders as she swam out after it. “This was worth sacrificing cuddles for.”
“For sure.”
“I really want to climb that cliff.”
“I bet I can get higher than you.”
“I’m taller.”
“I’m faster.”
“You wanna kiss me so bad right now, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Remus sighed, tilting his chin up and closing his eyes.
“Onyourmarksgetsetgo!” Sirius took off running down the beach as Remus spluttered and chased him down, sprinting for the shining rock. Cuddles were good and all, but adventure? Adventure was irreplaceable. 
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jacscorner · 3 years
Gen2verse: A Different Kind of Rival
Hey, remember this dumb fanfic idea I had back in, like, June?!
...It's okay, I understand. But here's the bulk of what I said back then.
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The reforestation project of Viridian Forest made a smile grow onto Erika's face. The grass was fresh and growing, the trees were mighty and tall once more. It hurt her when she saw the devastating effects of humans taking more than what nature could replace. All the while, she felt trapped within her gym; her duties as a Gym Leader kept her from doing much of anything. But, through the cooperation of Pokemon and People, Viridian Forest was back to what it was before. In a way, it looked better than it did before; stronger than ever, with more Pokemon than ever roaming the grass and ducking under logs. It was magnificent. It was, genuinely, a marvel of na- "Hey, Erika, look!" Misty's voice suddenly broke Erika out of her self-induced trance. She gasped, nearly tripping over her sandals. "Uh, you okay?" "Y-yes, yes, I'm fine." Erika assured. "My mind was just somewhere else for a moment." Misty giggled, "jeez, Erika, you can't just zone out like that. I could've lead you somewhere dangerous or something." "We're in the middle of the woods, Misty. I doubt you'd lead me somewhere nefarious..." "You don't know that." The Tomboy gave Erika a wink. Her face turned a soft shade of pink; before she could say anything else, however, Misty looked ahead. "Oh, look, there's a clearing! Let's set up camp and have a battle!" "Battle?" Erika giggled a bit, "Misty, I know that we didn't bring our strongest Pokemon, but I hope you remember that Grass beats Water." Misty smirked back at Erika, "hey, you don't get to be a Water-Type Pokemon specialist when you don't know how to handle Grass-Types! Now come on! If you lose, you go on a date with me!" "Very we-wait, excuse me?! I-I don't agree to these conditions! Misty!"
I'm a lot prouder of this pic than the one I did before. Not that I hate it, but I really like how I did this one. It looks more fantastical and dreamlike. I think it helps to build up the fantasy that Pokemon is. I even did some neat stuff with the background Pokemon! Anywho, as I mentioned before; one idea I had to keep the Gyms from getting stale in this hypothetical reality where you just kept going through Kanto-Johto over and over again would be for some Gym Leaders to step down and let some new blood take over or set up gyms elsewhere. Misty and Erika, thus, have left their gyms. I'd imagine this is a process done by the Pokemon League through some selection process and it's possible the two simply volunteered for this.  Misty can take the time to reevaluate her 'all-out Water-Type Pokemon offense' strategy. Time to retrain a new team of Water-Types and to teach this old dog some new tricks. And, naturally, this is after Gen 2, so I had her keep that hairstyle and more-or-less put her in her Let's Go Clothes. She probably wears a swimsuit under those clothes. 📷 Erika, meanwhile, stepped down cause, well, this gives her the chance to do a lot of things. Tend to her flowers, practice her flower arranging skills, train casually, catch up on her sleep since she apparently naps in her gym. Also, her design is mostly her Gen 1 design, you probably saw it if you played Pokemon Colosseum and played through the Gym Castles. The two gals have put away their Gym Leader teams and decided to go on an adventure of their own! Mist left Cerulean with just Horsie and Erika, an Oddish. It was really Misty's idea to decide to go on a Pokemon Adventure!  Erika: Misty, aren't we a little old to be going around as new trainers? Misty: Eh?! What do you mean?! By the time the two of them reached Viridian Forest, they've probably gotten some serious training done and are a bit tougher than your average Bug Catcher. And, hey, wouldn't it be cool to have some former Gym Leaders as a pair of Rivals? Or, better yet; imagine running through a revamped Viridian Forest. It's a new, more complex maze. More Pokemon roam about now. And boom! You turn a corner and still Misty and Erika! You can battle them and they can join you as Traveling Companions! For Double Battles, you can pick one as a partner! Misty can help you fish in ponds and a big lake and Erika can help you pluck berries and heal your Pokemon. Maybe a 'cutscene' can happen where you camp during the night and swap dialogue with Misty or Erika, and maybe depending on how well you do, they'll be a long time companion for your adventures!
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 7X15 Repo Man
boy we gotta FUCKING SPEEDRUN these episodes
Who's Mrs. Havelock?
ah a Wiccan
brave, but not used to it?
interesting character
Lilith?? L I L I T H ?
ah he signed off
good for Jeffrey
"you were mugged"
"thanks I think"
Ah and this is back
boy that's weird as hell
it feels like "oho remember KRIPKE?"
I feel like ratings were dipping and they tried this
but no you need Cas
oh no
oh no right you "don't hit the same town twice"
heh she runs a wiccan shop
that's neat
ah she has a friend, took precautions already
"technical difficulties" heh
ooo but it hit the rest of the season, get em Robbie
damn he's in a support group?
aww doggy
man poor Jeffrey
ah shit and he still walks with a limp
ah the flicker out
come on man he's a normal guy
the victims chosen, in an order?
"it was his job??"
damn, he needs help they really fucked him up
"we just don't read like we used to"
no job, no health insurance
mental break jeez I'd bet
"never tell, never" "I know that now"
"It's happened to friends of mind" jesus
ah jeez is Jeffrey gonna die
I just want him to not die
ah he makes Sam hallucinate like he did before, with all the horror
god I hope the dog makes it
ah ok then, just have sex in the library
"in my discontinued periodicals"
well it certainly looks satanic
Jeffrey lookalike??
ah shit he got Dean
"leave your name number and nightmare at the tone" LMAO
ah he got a reaction out of Sam
"the rapier wit, the wittier r*pe" jesus christ
...it's jeffrey
did...he...summon the demon
"I know this handwriting" "you know this handwriting" oh that was neat
just...threaten her
ah he listens to his worst instincts
ah it's literally just Jeffrey
Jesus fucking christ Jeffrey
serial killer jesus christ
what the fuck JEffrey
"ah I had a kill list but never did it until a demon possessed me"
blood of the exorcist jesus christ
"new plan"
ah Sam's just Losing it
"you were desperate to save the world back then" yikes
"fell in love with a demon that possessed you" what
"oh you sick son of a bitch" that was fun delivery
heh the other guy
this is a very...strange reunion hug
this..feels weirdly read into
ah there's the "homosexuality is bad actually"
ah talent scout,
pushes them over the edge
demon trap again
and we exorcise him again!
"Act like they're normal" huh
ah shit he let lucifer in
...I think..Sam's more codependent than he thinks or wants to be
1. Ok so the "mental health is really just people being evil" no didn't like that
2. Also the like...homosexuality is for demons and psychopaths undertones, didn't like that either
3. I did like the "scouting out demons to get them to hell" think. I don't remember if it makes sense in story but it's interesting to think about, to see the "power reveals" thing in action
I would like to see a what happens when they leave a scene for real, not psychopathy, just for real
4. I think Sam's more codependent than he realizes, and he hates being alone more than he thinks. He let Lucifer in at the first sign of panic. I mean yeah it's also he wanted reassurance but still, I think it's interesting to look at.
5. in true Kripke fashion, the girl character was REALLY cool, and she will never be seen again. Wiccan shop owner who is booksmart but not used to the Evil, raising a kid, helps out. I think it's cool
6. Dean's relationship with mental health also briefly shows up here. or his...bad one. Don't talk or else you get chucked to the loony bin
yeah I kin him ok leave me alone
0 notes
vancilocs · 4 years
All sfw plus the ones you’re willing to answer, damir and karol and kanzo and ipe, sorry im still in the outer rim headspace aaaaaaaa
it is the way
Who cooks?
If anyone then Damir, Karol just orders out. Might make breakfast sometimes though
Ipes has her food that Kenjiro helps himself to, mostly looking for the booze tho
Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
They’re both pretty neat, some clothes and dishes and wrappers might be left laying around but they both contribute to keeping their home clean
Ipes probably has cleaners who know to keep their mouth shut, Kenzo’s home is... a mess
Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
If Damir doesn’t know what to do about it it goes to the mechanic
Ipes wouldn’t dirty her hands, Kenzo doesn’t have a vehicle. If his leg or arm gets damaged he takes himself to the mechanic
Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
A specialist
Not that Ipes would have leaks but a specialist, if there’s a leak at Kenzo’s place he goes ah shit and blocks it with chewing gum
Who buys the groceries?
Karol orders them directly because they rarely go out, Damir might go get some if he’s free
Ipes gets shit delivered, Kenzo survives on gas station hot dogs and canned food he may or may not have
Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
Joint account, both can pay, Karol pays as a show of dominance. Damir could eat an entire horse and a duck on top, has dessert, Karol doesn’t eat too much but will take dessert too. Also will pick off Damir’s plate all they want
They don’t go out to eat, if Ipes wants she will have a charcuterie out or something for Kenzo to snack on. Costs more than his last month’s groceries
Would they go to the beach?
No opportunities at the Outer Rim but elsewhere sure, when Karol gets over their anxiety and agoraphobia
Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
Both can, just a basic skill to have
I guess both can, at least Kenzo’s leg doesn’t sink him to the bottom
Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
Damir speaks Russian, Karol speaks Polish, they understand each other a little. Teach each other swear words and pet names and speak their own language just to turn the other one on
Kenzo speaks only Trade, no Japanese unfortunately.
Any pets? Or plants?
Karol had a cat when Damir moved in, later they got another cat together. Some plants too, not much but some
Nothing mutual at least
Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
A shower or bath together will only end up one way so that’s something to keep in mind. Karol has a luxury tub though so sometimes Damir just enjoys being able to actually stretch out and relax in it by himself
Baths together sometimes, not necessarily even sexual, just chilling is fun. Have Chanel wash your hair and serve you champagne and maybe play the piano in the other room. Bubbles maybe, bubble fights no.
Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
Karol is pretty chatty, Damir as bartender is used to having chit-chat by the bar but he’s more quiet. Both are comfortable being quiet but unless very tired/Damir obviously not being talkative Karol will fill the silence
Silence is very fine, prefer that to chatter that might get awkward. And no talk about feelings, jeez. The way Kenzo shows affection is silent anyway, pet hair, pull blanket on her, kiss on shoulder blade when leaving, pet arm
Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
Both enjoy their sleep but both also work night shift, no hurry to wake up early. Neither has huge trouble waking up, Damir is up earlier, will make breakfast ready and feed the cats
I guess both enjoy their sleep but if Ipes wants to throw Kenzo out he’ll leave without complaint, give him a second to dress up though
Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Karol is incredibly high maintenance and the only time Damir minds is when they take an hour in the bathroom doing their makeup or can’t make up their mind on what shoes/dress/shirt/pants/wig/earrings they wanna put on when the restaurant reservation is in half a hour
Ipes is pretty high maintenance I wager, Kenzo doesn’t care one bit, just enjoys the show
Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
Karol would love to be anywhere else than the Outer Rim but is too scared to leave, otherwise they’d love to travel around Europe and go back to Poland or go to Russia
They don’t do vacations
How often do they have sex, if at all?
Oh they fuck a lot
Whenever they meet at least at first, later it’s cool to just hang out. Listen Kenjiro is old he can’t keep up and if he’s been thrown out the window 8 hours ago he’s not up for anything rigorous
Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
Both can put their hands on the other at any time but it’s usually Karol with the new stuff
Kenzo lets Ipes initiate at least in the beginning but later he might sometimes. She can bring in whatever, be it ropes, a strap or an entire escort
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Damir might have thunk he’s a top but now he’s a verse and he is getting tied up. They switch flawlessly though.
Ipes (sometimes also Chanel) holds the reins, but later she can let him on top if he’s not being too rowdy. More of a make love kind of situation instead of getting fucked
Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
Work and internet entertainment aside, their relationship is closed. Open to threesomes though, sounds fun
They hardly have a relationship. Chanel is a regular guest. Only reason why Kenzo doesn’t hire Chanel by themselves anymore is because they’re expensive and if he can get them for free alongside Ipes well that’s a win-win
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luminoushane · 4 years
Me and my sisters came up with the STUPIDEST au idea. Another owl house au eXCEPT IT'S A NORMAL HUMAN WORLD.
The only reason we came up with this is because I kept saying hotel? Trivago and it became a hooty hotel now it's a hootel.
Eda owns a hotel and god fORBID THAT I USE THAT PUN TO NAME IT. King is a dog that entertain guests and Owlbert is a waiting staff and Hooty is that overly talkative room service and Eda owns the hotel but doesn't seem like it since she dresses VERY badly.
Lilith also used to run it, she just ran away one day.
Boom. She works for the Blights.
Ofc the Blights also own a hotel, they're in this competition with Eda. Lilith works for them as the IT Manager.
The kids go to this prestigious school btw.
Shenanigans ensue when Luz— who just got there from Spain cause of her mother's job— got lost and was 100% ready to start a new life with a new name if she never got found (instead of asking for help) and Eda found her talking to herself.
Eda went from "I'll help you find your mom jeez" to "wow ur mom is actually kinda hot, say kid, you want 2 moms?" Real quick.
"what" "nothing."
Within the span of 5 days Eda got attached to her and she realized "wow I really want to have a kid huh? This one's a full package she's mine now."
Luz is happy that she gets to hang out with Eda because she sometimes lets her have ice cream for breakfast.
"You're pretty cool. You have my blessing to date my mom" "awesome."
Eda: "I want the kid to study in that school. I used to go there when I was little so the principal might consider me haha."
Camilia: "R u kidding that'll take forever to pay off"
Eda: "No watch me do it"
*5 mins later*
Eda: "I did it. Never doubt me"
So even more shenanigans ensue when Luz gets in (without a fight) and is branded as "the new kid".
Her first day included an issue with THE Amity Blight and Willow and Gus.
Willow had to up and save the new kid from her ex-bestfriend's wrath and Gus just wants to befriend said new kid.
Anyways they end up friends. Not the type of friendship they expected to make, but it's a start.
Eda could never have been more proud, and Camilia is kinda pissed for encouraging this behavior.
The twins come by and go "oh this rival of our sister's kinda neat, let's hang out with her."
Amity IS PISSED to find out the two have been being around her "greatest rival"
So much that when she saw them by the locker room she SLAMMED the locker door shut (Boscha's hand was still in there, mind you)
Boscha was both angry and in great pain.
Her clique figured she still has issues with the new kid so they help her stalk her (Amity, Amelia, Bo, Kat, Celine and Boscha who still is injured.)
It took the squad a whole week to realize "Hey we aren't stalking her because Amity hates her, she- OH MY GOD NO WAY-"
That's it for now so if you see this and read this, no you didn't.
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penpwned · 4 years
30 Questions
tagged by: @sparkga​ (thank you!!!) tagging: @any of my mutuals that would like to be tagged!
*feel free to change any of the questions you don't have an answer to
Favorite Baby Names – clementine has been my favourite name for a child since i became a father in the walking dead
How People Perceive You – idk... i've been told by people i've met, customers, and even my tattoo artist that i seem happy and confident, like i've got everything figured out ... but man, i'm not feelin' what they're seein'
Switch Friend Code – i don't have a switch "OTL
Describe Your Style – yeah, i'm wearing this hoodie and these joggers for a marathon — a netflix marathon
Best Fruit Flavor For Candy – whatever flavour is blue and pink sour gummy worms. i don't actually like fruit-y candies but i don't mind these
What’s Under Your Bed – i sleep on a couch that goes down to the floor but i'm sure there's a dog toy or two stuck under there
Best Disney Princess – anna when she decked hans
Baudelaire Sibling You’re Most Like – i haven't finished the netflix series and it's been so long since i've seen/read anything about it but i'd say i'm probably most like violet
Magical Element You’d Want To Wield – wind? like, using it as a force to push, pull, or lift things would be neat
Weirdest Celebrity Crush – i wouldn't say weird or crush but apparently it took sunglasses, leather pants, and a bad attitude for me to purchase a ticket for the keanu reeves simp express
What Reminds You Of Home – van gogh's starry night
Share A Bit of Wisdom – you do you
Cover Songs Better Than the Original – wafia's cover of mario's let me love you
the pacing and tones, and i love, love, love alternate gender covers that don't change the pronouns
Guilty Pleasure Song – most of taylor swift's songs. my crime is singing them to my sister when she ignores me
Best Book(s) You Read Last Year – jeez, i don't think i actually read a book last year...
Best Game(s) You Played Last Year – and hoo, i didn't realize how many games i played last year...
shadow of the colossus, life is strange, life is strange: before the storm, life is strange 2 (& the awesome adventures of captain spirit), heavy rain, stardew valley, little nightmares, dragon's crown, slime rancher, fallout 3...
shadow of the colossus, life is strange, heavy rain, and fallout 3 were replays, and i finally played through (and platinum'd) dragon's crown
i also started hollow knight and cyberpunk 2077 last year
Coffee Order – mocha frappucino? idk, my sister knows the lingo and that's usually what she says after i say ‘‘chocolate’’
Favorite Fictional Couple – and just like that i've forgotten every media i've ever consumed
i wave a handkerchief at every cyberpunk 2077 ship that sails my dash because i'm in love with everyone's v's and their collective love/lust for senior citizens
Favorite Superhero Movie – spider-man: into the spider-verse, thor: ragnorak, and the unbreakable trilogy
Unpopular Opinion – ...i like mushrooms. w/ pizza, sandwiches, pasta, salads, stuffed — i will eat them raw
I Hate – microtransactions and the fact that the sims and all its expansions cost $300+
Scars – i have a few but my notable scars are one across my left eyebrow and the other across the underside of my chin
Last YouTube Video - burn it down - daughter [life is strange: before the storm] w/ visualizer
Last Netflix Show – switched, a netflix series with only six episodes that took me 2 years to finish
More People Should – have a piece of bread and maybe they'll calm down
sing and dance like no one's watching
Common Skill That You Don't Possess – i can't ride a bike, drive a car, etc.
Can You Pick the Mean Dialog Options In Games – i will reload if even my tone sounds mean. unless the other guy deserves it then excuse me, google, which of these dialogue choices is the worst
Favorite Video Game Cast - i'm not too familiar with most videogame casts so was nobody going to tell me that the most adorkable android sent by cyberlife, voiced by bryan dechart, plays a vending machine in cyberpunk 2077???
Pokemon That Deserve More Love – i'm sure these pokémon actually get lots of love so this is probably more a list of pokémon i instantly love a trainer for having:
psyduck, magikarp, ditto, jolteon, totodile, zigzagoon, surskit, sableye, kecleon, starly, pidove, venipede/whirlipede/scolipede, dwebble, solosis/duosion/reuniclus, noibat, and minior
Next Thing You Plan To Buy – no money, no plans
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I just got it in my head to cut my hair. Not the length but all my layers had grown out and my ends felt fried. So that was fun. Today was incredibly busy but honestly just a really good day 
I slept okay enough. And I woke up a little before my alarm. I bothered James for a bit but I got up and made the bed and went to get ready. I felt pretty cute. And I was looking forward to my day. 
And I was totally right that Chris was going to throw me in a group so I had to stick up for myself. And I got exactly what I wanted. I was with a group all morning and working on prep and having that one class in the afternoon. Charlotte is wonderful and was okay with it and that made my life so much easier. 
The kids I had today were excellent. Could not have asked for a better group. I brought string and clay and looms over and they were so excited to learn. Most of the girls (and one of the boys) spent the whole morning making bracelets. 
They were such good listeners though and so easy to work with. We went to "the museum" which is a little library room in the lodge, to return books and help clean up, and to get a few other books. And then back to the art shed to hang in the hammocks and play with clay and work on bracelets. It was just so chill. 
We went up to horsemanship and we were a little early but that was alright. We hung out at one of the picnic tables and then one of the dachshund dogs, Baily, came over and after all the kids pet them one of the boys were like "Hands off!!! It's Ms Jesse's turn!" which I didnt even ask for but was so sweet.  So I sung the panda bear song to Baily and the kids thought it was so cute and then Baily wouldnt stop following me. Adorable. 
We headed out and said goodbye to the horses and took the secret trail back to the fort. We had lunch. I had them all eat at their own bunk and then we cleaned everything after. And since we had some time before the pool I was like. We will go hang in the hammocks some more. 
But then I got a call that some of the kids were getting picked up right then. Get them ready, get them outside. Weird. It was going to storm later but like. The sky was clear now, so this wasnt an early pick up. 
But they left and I took the remaining 5 to the art shed to chill until Charlotte came for them. Which is when Charlotte told me that all the kids that were in one counselor's group last week were going home because she was sick. My heart was racing. I had to go sit down. Apparently the health department says were good as long ad those kids left until results came back. But jeez. Alexi had a conversation with me later and it seems like its going to be okay. That its just a cold. But man. Its scary to think about. I am so worried about everything all the time and that was not good for my heart. 
The rest of the day was supposed to be prep. And it was but it was also just so busy!! I had the kids from yesterday come back and they continued to be very small and silly and sweet. They painted and enjoyed the hammocks and I worked on some prep. It was good. 
Once they left I got to work on my worry jar example. The material Heather got for me to do it seems to be perfect. I am excited to experiment with it more. But I wasnt sure how long it would take to dry so I decided to take it on a walk around camp. Show Heather. She was very excited and thought it looked super cute. 
I made a stop at the trading post and asked if some teens had free time they come help me sort out strings. And Olive was like. My teens!! They will help!! We have nothing to do!!
So I was like. Uncomfortable because I hate asking for help. But I sucked it up and they honestly were just wonderful. They were so super helpful. They were silly. They were there with me for a few hours and they made things look so neat and clean. Olive mostly dealt with embroidery floss, some of the girls did the yarn, one girl did the sewing box. The boys were given the task of smashing tiles for mosaics and they were having way to good of a time. It was so silly. But because they were all doing those things I could just work on setting up things for the next few days and next week. Amazing. 
I started getting a head ache though. The sky was getting dark and there was thunder. I think the pressure in the atmosphere was giving me a head ache. But I was in such a good mood with this group of kids. We somehow ended up talking about periods and abusive relationships and body piercings? They had good questions and I dont mind explaining things. They were sweet. 
Once they finished cleaning things up, they headed out. I was pretty tired. I hadnt taken a real break today. Busy busy busy. So I spent the next half hour just laying in the hammock. But then I felt guilty so I finished cleaning and went to the office. 
But soon it was time to leave. I had a head ache and I was worried about the rain. And the rain did hold off. Until about half way through my drive home. It came down hard. And people still dont seem to understand that I CANNOT SEE YOU if your lights are off!!! So it was slow going but I got through the rain and it was dry the rest of the way home. 
When I got back here James was out. He was getting us veggies for dinner and was home before I jumped in the shower. 
I felt a lot better once I was clean and in pjs. James made us a lovely pasta dinner. And I played animal crossing. Said goodbye to Keaton, our first campsite villager, who is finally moving away. I hope we get a good friend next. 
We have just been hanging out since then. I cut my hair. And now I am going to go get ready for bed. I hope we all sleep well tonight. I hope tomorrow is a wonderful day for you all. Goodnight my friends!!
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