#but josuke was missing the two seems like
hauntingblue · 1 month
Why is this flashback happening now... whi is it centered on mista.... do not kill him too please..... I do not care that much about him but Jesus christ....
#is this an alrernate world where fugo takes care of giorno and only mista and giorno die??? like the complete opposite... oh well trish too#WHY#OH MEVERMIND THIS IS MORE FUCKED UP#MISTA TRIES TO STOP BUCCIARATI FROM DYING AND SHOOTS AT THE ROCK TO CHANGE HIA DESTINY#BUT HE ENDS UP SHOOTING BUCCIARATIS BODY ON THE COLISSEUM!!! AND HE DIES THERE!!!#(kinda by his hand)#talked too soon maybe bc it got destroyed by the crashing on the floor but still.... it started to change there#trish and the turtle scared me so much omg... enough...#trish and mista no......#nvm relationship scare they are just fucking around#THATS IT????#the flowers for abacchio and narancia and the zipper for bucciarati... omg#how mad are these grown men swearing loyalty to a 15 yo boy#i need more clousure..... mista reacting to bucciarati dying too... swearing loyalty to giorno too???#also this was the best jojo season simply bc of the writing#like there is a plot and themes relevant to it and even if they are superficial and there are still incongruences in fights (jojo constant)#the characters have some depth and the relationships are meaningful#like jotaro was cool just bc of the characters but this one is good bc of the writing too.... i dont rmember the first 2 lmao#but josuke was missing the two seems like#anywaya that is my opinion#also the classic jojo style consolidated here#also we need to stop the killing of the better secondary characters bc they have the meaningful relationship with the main one#and it has more meaning if they die.... we cannot end another season without the main characters best friend just bc their death hits better#kakyoin caesar bucciarati...... i mean bucciarati makes sense but still narancia could fill the role#and like giorno needs to appear again him becoming a gang star seems like a beggining......#josuke is out there too.... and idk about jolyne yet so sshhh#talking tag#watching jojo
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Could I just like make a request about the jojos having a darling who does literally everything to stay away. Like they come up with the dumbest excuses or do dumb stuff just to stay away
woot woot, this’ll be my first thing with Jodio hopefully I can write him correctly before doing headcanons. Sort of more of a reaction thingy but hope it satisfies, since I’m trying to get back into a groove of things.
His heart flutters hearing you stumble on excuses, he can tell you’re lying but he doesn’t mention this. Though he finds it in your best interest to have someone looking out for you, in the end. Whatever little thing you busy yourself with, he finds a way to come around. Sometimes it just happens to align with his father’s request to fetch something. Just maybe he twists things around to something you like, even if it only keeps you around for a few extra seconds.
The biggest trickster there is, it’s near impossible to try and get out of anything with Joseph. “Mmm, you already used that one” He gives you a quick wink. He knows where you hang out mostly, and can easily tell if you’re not the “ruffian” type. If you’re a bit snarky yourself, he does his best to make you slip up. Or if he’s really determined waste enough time that you don’t have to bother with that other “task” you had to do.
Blunt. To put it lightly, Yare Yare leaves his lips as soon as you stumble through an excuse. He knows how efficiently you may or may not get things done. Anything you’re usually not fond of makes him raise an eyebrow (immediate suspicion if it’s possibly just to impress some other person). It almost feels like an interrogation when he asks the sudden interest in whatever you spilled out. Forget trying to do anything dumb, fib or otherwise he’s not letting you do it. Even if you do manage to slip off and go out on your own, Jotaro is around somewhere.
Similar to Joseph he’s pretty on top of silly excuses, because he’s probably made up a thing or two himself. The best course of action for him is making up an excuse himself to get into whatever you made up on the fly. If you ask, he tells you he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Even if it’s obvious he’s lying to you, he makes it nigh impossible to leave “hey that’s what you said you were doing”.
He definitely knows the ins and outs about you, so lying won’t likely get you very far. Besides every little excuse you do make, he seems to always have a counter for. It’s almost freaky, if you don’t know how much Giorno negotiates. Though there’s times he let’s you go on the basis of a flimsy lie. Rest assured though something goes missing and it always leads back to him. Anything out of the ordinary for you is promptly taken care of, “That’s a rather interesting way to try to keep away from me” He’d tell you in a friendly tone.
Like her father she can be pretty blunt herself, even insists it’s not a great idea to stray too far. The little excuses you make are intriguing to her, but she counters with her own plans. Sometimes she’ll get you lipstick and see if you’ll wear it out later, depending on what you told her you were supposedly doing that day. Little runarounds with you keep her on her toes making sure you don’t run off. Simple things like getting you to spend extra time with her, with her own little excuses. Eventually there might be a time your handcuffed to her bed, for a day or two. “Don’t you ever get tired of making up stuff? It’d just be easier being here with me you know, I’ve got your back”
He’s rather scary when you make up something on the fly to avoid him. His blue eyes bore into your soul, unless he uses spin there’s usually nothing much he can do. As he improves however, the space between the two of you slowly shrinks. Johnny makes it certain one way or another your attention is drawn back to himself. He notes everything you do, so if you don’t “have” something he either has an extra or absolutely knows you have an item. Similar likely happens with your horses habits. If he’s determined he manages to pin you under him. He merely mumbles “Stay” at a little too close for comfort distance.
Josuke (Part 8)
He’s curious at some of the excuses you make here and there. Or hearing about things you’d usually wouldn’t do. He’s not dumb obviously, so he asks if there’s a reason you’re avoiding him. The possible roundabout answers you give, don’t really satisfy. It is cute you’re nervous about it though. He may just simply ignore some of the things you tell him to try and keep your distance. Josuke wants to see you anyway, if he can’t he might try and call just to test if you’re at a certain place. “There’s nothing that can convince me to keep away” He’d tell you at one point or another.
“Li~ar, liar~” At least this is what happens when you come up with something on the fly. Admittedly he’s busy with trying to get rich, but since he likes you on a level enough to significantly care. The things you tell him don’t quite match up. It’s not really hard to tell you’re avoiding him, he might even put that out bluntly. He’ll show up randomly when you least expect it, he might swipe something from a friend or delay a meetup somehow. “I don’t really care about whoever else you hang out with ya’ kno~w, it only should be a me and you thing”.
“Just don’t get used to thinking you can avoid me all the time”
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
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Warnings : just two teens being in love and all over each other, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : puppy love n fluff <3
Word count : 1.1K words
Additional notes : This came to me in a dream. Love the idea of teenagers being sneaky and lazy teehee
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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They tiredly rubbed at their eyes. What was this, the tenth, or the hundredth time at this? In all cases, it felt like it was a never-ending cycle that they were doomed to stay in.
“Josuke, would it really kill you to study for an hour straight?” Nudging the textbook on the coffee table, they tried to bring his attention back to the long-forgotten syllabus. “We’ve got a quiz in 3 days.”
“Still plenty of time, if you ask me,” he shrugged, not looking away from the television screen where he was trying to beat his high score (again) in one of his video games. “That’s a whole, uh, 72 hours.”
“If you hesitated while doing simple math, then I fear how you’ll face a few calculus problems.” Rolling their eyes, they sidled up to his back. “Come on. Didn’t Miss Tomoko threaten to smash the console if you don’t get at least a B+? With the looks of things, we’ll be lucky if you pass at all.”
Still without looking at them, he scowled. “First off, thanks for your obvious belief in me.” He could be petty when he wanted to, and this seemed like one of the times he wanted to pout and get snarky. “Second of all, she wouldn’t.”
At that, they arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Did you forget that time she threw the television out of the window to keep her word when you flunked that history test?”
A few moments of silence, save for the sound effects coming from his game, and the furious tapping of buttons. “Alright, maybe she will. But still, we have a lot of time to go through the material.”
“Three days. Half of one you’ve already wasted, mind you.” They sighed, carefully wrapping their arms around his midsection and snuggling up to his broad back. A cheap trick, yes, but how else would they grab his attention without outright snatching the controller from his hands? “C’mon, Josuke. Miss Tomoko asked me to come over while she was out for this reason. I don’t wanna let her down, y’know?”
Josuke audibly swallowed, and they had to hold back a smug laugh. They had him right where they wanted him. “H-hey, who are you dating, me or my mom?”
They snorted, teasingly squeezing his waist. “My supposed-boyfriend’s got me right with him, and he’s been practically ignoring me for two hours. I’d say the answer’s currently neither of you.”
Instantly, the controller flew all across the room, landing somewhere unknown as his character on the screen crashed into explosives and died. Bingo, they wickedly thought to themself as Josuke finally turned around in their arms, his handsome face blocking out the ‘GAME OVER!’ flashing behind him.
Heavy eyebrows furrowed and lower lip jutted in a subconscious pout, he leaned in, caging them against the back of the sofa with his arms. “Dirty move.”
“You fell for it, though.” Grinning, they hooked their arms around his neck, tugging him a little closer. “Can’t believe I had to fight for your attention this long.”
“It slipped my mind that we’re finally alone,” he moaned pitifully, nudging their nose with his. “Next time I get distracted from you, punch me in the balls.” At the sinister look he saw in their eyes, he pulled back for a second, alarm on his face. “On second thought, I take that back. Don’t.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Cocking their head to the side, they toyed with a few loose strands of hair at the nape of his neck. It was so rare to see his hair anything other than immaculately styled, so the rare chances that they got to touch the soft strands were deeply cherished—by the both of them, it seemed, if the current redness of Josuke’s cheeks was anything to go by. “Or would you rather I keep my hands on you?”
Their boyfriend buried his face in their neck, partially out of embarrassment, and partially out of a desire to press achingly gentle kisses against their exposed skin. “Mm, I don’t know,” he mumbled, “So long as you’re not too rough with me, I’d prefer that, yeah.”
“Oh? So you like to be treated gently, big guy?” Their voice came out a little breathy as he lightly nipped at that one spot on their neck, and they hoped that it wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he had them weak in his arms. Just a little more…
More kisses rained down on them, trailing up to their jaw and sucking at the skin there, just lightly enough to tease them without leaving a mark. A sigh escaped their lips, and their hands trailed down his back, gripping at his yellow tank top in hopes of regaining their sanity. Strong arms embraced them tightly, and arched their back into him.
“Yeah, so what?” he mumbled against the corner of their lips. “Got a problem with that?”
At the very last second before their lips met, they turned their face to the other side and pulled away. “Actually, I do. Because we’re not doing anything at all until you finish studying chapters one through four.”
Groaning, Josuke made to reach out for them as they slipped from his embrace and began to walk off. “Babe, you can’t be serious—“
“I am,” they coolly said, as if they hadn’t been seconds away from pulling him ontop of them. “Would you like me to call your mom and tell her you’re fooling around instead of getting your shit done?”
He shuddered, visibly recoiling at the thought and slumping back in place. “Don’t. She’ll probably put a ban on you ever visiting me when she’s out.”
Still a little shaken up and their nerves slightly tattered by the onslaught of intimacy, they hurried to his room, calling out behind them in a sing-song voice. “Well, these calculus problems aren’t gonna solve themselves!”
Collapsing onto his bed, they muffled a laugh as they heard him swearing and slamming his heavy notebook open, grumbling under his breath the entire time. In the meantime, they curled up into his freshly-made sheets and snuggled their head into his fluffy pillow.
“It smells like him,” they whispered to themself, their face flushed as they squeezed the pillow a little. Somehow, having their boyfriend’s familiar scent surrounding them from everywhere warmed them up to their fingertips, and sent their heart racing in their ribcage. “Wish he’d hurry up and join me before Miss Tomoko gets home…”
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Taglist: @blondeboyfriend @mrsgiovanna @boorishbrambling
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬. ― 𝐣𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ all smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, safe sex, oral sex ( f!receiving ), jotaro jumpscare, petnames ( baby, lover boy, brat ), all characters featured are 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ requested by anonymous. do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. thanks for reading < 3
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“D— damn—“ Josuke was pink in the cheeks, his sapphire gaze following the bouncing of your ass on his lap. up, down, grind, up, down, grind. he swore the rippling of your flesh was hypnotic; and he was sucked in. he wanted to reach out and grope the silken skin. he wanted to squeeze it, use two fistfuls of your cheeks as handles so he could buck his hips upwards and take control of the rhythm, but every time his hand fled to touch you, it was only to leave a loud smack against one globe. each spank granted a sultry moan from your lips, and he was addicted to that sound. it made him lightheaded.
“You take… take it so well…”
you want to laugh at that; how in awe he seems, but all that you can manage is a partial giggle-moan cocktail, and you wiggle your ass against him, “I’m well trained,” you purr, before adding, “thank your nephew.” you knew that would get under his skin. Josuke wanted you, and that much was obvious, but he was fiercely loyal to Jotaro, too, which left him in a moral dilemma. fuck his nephew’s girlfriend and satisfy the unbridled lust you brought out of him, or simply try to bottle it up until he just imploded. of course, he chose the former, and you were more than willing to oblige.
he didn’t say it, but you felt like he would rather cut out his tongue than thank Jotaro for your bedroom skills.
Josuke couldn’t help if he was flustered. he could only rest with his back against the headboard, legs outstretched, while you rode him. at first, you’d been sitting straight up, and he could hold on to your hips for dear life, but it seemed like the closer you got towards release, the closer to the mattress you hunkered, until one of your hands gripped his calf muscle, nipping at the sheet that smelled like him and holding it between your teeth, your torso rubbing into the bed between his thighs, and your jiggling ass was the most prominent display for him. “That feels fucking good…“ he rasped, tilting his head to watch the inches of his sensitive cock disappear when you descended. from this position, he could also watch your own fingers work between your bodies— rubbing your clitoris at a furious pace. part of him wished he could pull you back up to him, so he could hook his arm around your waist and fondle that sweet, little nerve bundle himself, but he couldn’t even think straight when you squeezed him just right. he could practically time it, when you sank all the way down and your hips oscillated, your walls frenzied, milking him until his eyes roll, and he tilts his head back against the headboard. “More,” he demanded, thoughtless, “more.”
at first, he’d been all ‘pleases’ and ‘thank yous’, but you could tell now that your pussy spoiled him. you simper, breathlessly, at such a fact. manners be damned, the boy was starving. and you were feeding him.
“You’re so hard, baby. I can, mmnn, feel you in my guts!” you yowl, happily taking him as deep as you could manage, until you sit flush against his swollen balls, and then rock your hips upward, until the tip nearly slips free, only to slam back home again. “Fuck, Josuke!” it’s half a stammer, and your head turns ever so slightly, to catch a glimpse of him from under your midriff when you raise your ass. the angle isn’t the best, and you don’t want to hold it too long, lest you miss the feeling of his manhood filling you to the point of wanting to burst, but you just had to see how drunk he was on the pleasure— and you were not disappointed.
glistening diamonds of perspiration cling to his temple, and his face is tinted crimson, plush lower lip pushed out and trembling, with thick brows furrowed. one of his hands haplessly tries to hold a palm on your jiggling ass, but the other has given up, gripping the sheet under his thigh so tight that his knuckles were turning white.
“Gonna— cum, baby—?” you pant, and his fervent nod spurs an excited snap of your hips into a fierce pace, “Yeah?”
“Y—yeah,” he grunts, his fingertips digging into your ass cheek as he tries to ease the pressure building up, “I’m— fuck, I’m close—“ his breathing was too ragged for you to make out what he said next, something along the lines of wanting to give you his load, but the fractions you caught stirred deep in your belly.
your fingers pressed harder against your button, and you whimper in excitement, nearly drowned out by the echoing sound of skin slapping and bed creaking as you impaled yourself on his twitching cock over and over. “How are you gonna give it to me?” you tease, releasing the sheet from between your teeth with your eyelids fluttering happily. you would’ve been happy to let him fill you up, but the condom he wore sorely reminded you that wasn’t going to happen.
but Josuke was already switching positions with a husky, “All over your ass.”
using his palm against your butt, he urges you forward, much to your displeasure, so he can slip out from under you and balance on his knees. he was shaky, at best. his sex was much too sensitive and the gauntlet of pleasure you’d already put him through turned his legs to jelly, but he grips his tender cock at its base and moans, reluctantly retracting himself from your core.
you protest, pushing back as if to plead with him to put it back in, but he’s already tearing the prophylactic off of himself, chest heaving, smearing his reddened, bulbous cock head over the warm flesh of your ass. just in time for the whine to return to his moans and spurts of his release to paint your skin. “Please,” he muttered, half to himself. “Oh, sh— shit—“ your slick, first two fingers delve into your cunt to try and mimic the stretch he provided while you listened to him get off, but it wasn’t enough, and you wiggle your hips, calling his name quiet and desperate, which only spurred him to cum even harder. his essence is warm and sticky against your ass, and you can feel rebel streams dribbling along your spine and down your thighs.
moments later, he’s panting and still wracked with the aftershocks, but he only watches the needy pumping of your fingers for a single moment before both of his shaking hands grip your hips and drag you closer, so he can bury his face in your core. you hadn’t been expecting it, and you cry out, back arching, and allow him to nudge your hand away so he can stick his tongue inside instead. “J—Josuke!” you croon, gripping the sheets, now, as you rut back against his face, smearing your scent over every inch of his countenance. he must’ve felt guilty, you thought, that he came and you didn’t. or, maybe he just hadn’t gotten his fill of you yet. either way, you decided it didn’t matter. “Make me…” you mewl, arching your back, “make me cum, Josuke… Come on, lover boy…”
Josuke growls against your slick, a low rumbling that sends delicious vibrations through your core, and his velvety tongue worms between your netherlips, seeking upwards until he finds your swollen clit and laps at it, “Call me that again.” he groans, slurred, squeezing your thighs tight in both fists.
“You like that you’re my little lover boy?” you tease, jaw slightly slack, and you moan for him louder. “Please! Eat my pussy, lover boy! That’s it!” he slurps on you, just as needy for your undoing as you were, lips and tongue smacking at your clit as he moans, sitting back on his butt to pull your lower half up, knees balancing on his thighs, to find a more comfortable way to feast on you. “Your mouth feels so good, Josuke!” blindly, one of your hands finds his lap, and you wrap your fingers around his cock— and to your shock, he’s hard again. did he enjoy eating you out so much that he worked himself back up? or, had he never softened once he came?
Josuke lets out a strangled hiss, hips jutting forward to slide his length against your palm, fucking himself with your fist, but he tries to busy himself with the cunt in front of him, tongue working over your nub until you’re trembling, and then sliding back down to thrust the thick muscle into your quivering hole.
but you were in bliss; the familiar bubbling in your belly leaving you panting, rutting, chasing the high. “Cumming,” you whisper at first, toes curling, but he heard you, anyways, and reacted by reaching one arm around your waist, fingers finding your clit to rub back and forth, whilst his head bobbed, pumping his tongue in your canal. “Cumming!” you cry, much louder this time, as the sensation in your core boiled over and you unraveled.
you were too caught up in your own euphoria to even realize that he was thrusting himself into your hand at the same pace he gave your clit, and about the time you hit the peak and squealed his name, he came a second time, glazing your fingers and soaking a patch through the sheets.
“H—hah—“ it’s not a word, it’s an attempt to catch your breath when Josuke finally releases you and falls back against the pillows. for a moment, you’re frozen, too, resting your joints and muscles to see if they’ll allow you to move. once you were mildly confident, you circled around to crawl a few inches, collapsing against his heaving, sweat-sheened chest. you graze his nipple with your lips as you pepper open-mouthed kisses over the expanse of it, only now getting your breathing under control. “Satisfied?”
Josuke blushed, both hands behind his head, but you knew he wanted to cover his face when he shakes his head, sheepish. “I don’t think so,” he admitted, “I don’t think I could even fuck you enough times to fully satisfy what I feel for you.”
nibbling on your lip, you write your name with your fingertip over his chest, down his abdomen, and cheekily graze his lower belly to feel the muscles tighten beneath your digit, before you giggle. “Wanna try?”
but his expression changed from sheepish to wary. “I don’t know if we should do this again… I don’t like lying to Jotaro.”
you blink, puzzled. “Who’s lying to him?”
and then he stares back at you, equally confused.
speak of the devil himself, Jotaro clears his throat, standing in the doorway. both hands shoved into his pockets, he takes in the scene before him with an unreadable, usual scowl.
Josuke, however, nearly comes out of his own skin, eyes wide. “J—Jotaro!” he exclaims, flustered, reaching for his clothes by the bed.
you sit up on your knees as leisurely as could be, watching him, amused as you realize that he had been under the wrong impression all along, and Jotaro comes closer, brow quirked. “Josuke,” it’s a soft murmur at first, but Josuke is too busy fumbling and stuttering about how sorry he was to hear, so Jotaro barks instead, “Josuke!”
Josuke freezes, covering his groin with his pants in a wad, looking up at his nephew.
“Relax.” that’s when Jotaro wraps his hand around your neck from behind, encouraging you to lean back and crane your neck so he can lean down and plant a firm kiss on your swollen lips, murmuring to you, “Happy?” you nod, kissing back, grabbing the lapels of his coat with both hands.
“Wait…” Josuke is completely bemused, but the gears are turning and you can practically see the puzzle pieces fitting together before he exclaims, “you knew?!”
Jotaro pulls away after a moment, but you’re already dragging your hands down to his belt, unbuckling it skillfully. “Of course.” he replies, matter of factly, “The brat tends to get what she wants.” patting your head with one massive hand, the corner of his lip twitches, the ghost of a fond smirk. “And what she wanted was you.”
“So… you’re cool with this?” Josuke arched an eyebrow, suspicious. “You’re just going to let me… fuck your girlfriend?”
“Sometimes.” Jotaro corrects, and reaches down to push you on to your back. you submit to his will as instinctively as breathing, spreading your legs as soon as your back hits the mattress, holding both at the back of your knees. “Other times, like this one, I’m going to fuck her senseless and I’m going to let you shove your dick in her mouth to keep her quiet.”
you angle your head towards Josuke, staring at him upside down with a giddy smile as if to persuade him to partake in the offering.
Josuke is hesitant, but Jotaro scoffs, peeling out of his clothes. “Hurry up.” he barks, “She’ll keep me up all night if we don’t fuck her out together.”
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bygiornogiovanna · 1 year
Paralyzed (Josuke x GN! Reader)
heavily inspired by the Big Time Rush song "Paralyzed".
highschool reunion
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It's been years since you graduated highschool. Five, to be exact. You were currently getting ready to go to the five year reunion.
It's been such a long time since you stepped out of the school's gates and you really missed that place. You missed your old friends.
You went no contact with most of your colleagues. The only one that stuck around was Koichi, but you were barely talking even with him.
The moment you put your shoes on, your phone started ringing. "Are you here?" you asked after you picked it up.
"Yes, me and Yukako are outside! Now, come on, we're gonna be late!" he answered and you hang up, gathering your things.
You were honestly nervous to meet up with your old classmates, but the one you were most excited to see again was Josuke. Even if he and Koichi were best friends, you refused to meet up with him, since you were afraid to see him.
You two weren't exactly close in highschool because then you weren't as talktive as you were now. Sighing, you checked yourself again and smiled.
You got out of the house, locking it and a honk could be heared. Yukako and Koichi were in their car. They hadn't aged a bit. And she was still taller than him.
You flashed a smile and picked up your pace to their car. "Thanks for picking me up!" you said entering the car.
"No problem. It's been so long since we've seen each other!" Yukako said from the driver's seat and you agreed with her. "You didn't change at all since I last saw you three years ago. How have you been?"
"Pretty good. College has been hard but I managed to graduate it." you answered simply.
You three talked on the way to the restaurant all of your colleagues agreed to meet at. The ride wasn't long, but you felt suffocated the entire time.
You three stepped out of the car and, within a few minutes, inside of the restaurant and you looked around for your ex-classmates.
The second you got inside, Okuyasu noticed you. He shook Josuke a little, diverting his attention from the small talk he made with Hara to you.
And nothing could describe the way he felt.
It felt like time stopped.
"Look! Koichi, Yukako and Y/N came!" The other boy said, but Josuke couldn't muster a word. His eyes were fixed on you, his mouth almost falling open.
You were even prettier than you were back in 2004, when you graduated. His heart sped up and he couldn't take his eyes off you.
Truth be told, he never got over his little crush he had on you. Sure, he did have significant others in the time that passed, but none compared to you.
You were one of a kind and he couldn't forget you at all.
"Hello." you spoke when you arrived at the table and everyone turned to you. Some of them got up and hugged you, talking to you, telling you how much they missed you, some were surprised you came and some ignored you.
You smiled at all and took one of the only seats avaliable, the one in front of Josuke and Okuyasu. The latter greeted you, making a small talk, asking how you were and how was your life while the first just sat and stared at you. Even if he wanted, he couldn't find the words. It's like his brain emptied.
"Come on, Josuke, say something!" Okuaysu pushed his shoulder and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when your eyes met his. His palms were sweating and his heart rate sped up even more.
"Is everything alright, Josuke? You seem unwell." you said and he swallowed his own saliva. His name rolled off so prettily of your tounge and your voice remained the same as he remembered.
"I....I'm a-alright. I'll go to the bathroom." he said in a hurry and almost instantly got up, dragging Okuyasu after him.
"What was that?! Come on, Josuke, you've been waiting for this moment for years! It's time you make a move or else you will lose them! You heart them, they are single! It's your chance!" Okuyasu said, watching his bestfriend pacing around the bathroom.
"I...I can't speak! I can't do anything around them! It's like i'm paralyzed, bro!" he said and the other man laughed.
"You are redder than a tomato, come on now, Josuke. You've always been someone that can talk with the one he likes."
"It's not the same with them. I can't even breathe properly! I've always been like that around them!" Josuke sighed and his mate laughed.
"Come on, charmer, you can do it!"
part two? :)
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dippindotsdio · 11 months
#1 Crush
Here's the full version of Pink in the Night. I also changed up bits from the little part I posted a while ago so don't be confused because it's not word for word anymore, enjoy!
Warnings: possessive & obsessive behavior, typical yan stuff Word count: 3.6k Gn reader, sfw
[More under the cut]
You met Josuke at a young age, your mother and Tomoko were very close friends so it was only a matter of time before you two were introduced to one another. You and Josuke grew close rather quickly and ever since then you've been best friends (matter of fact he's been your only friend for a majority of your life.) He's the only person who seems to get you in this vast world.
As you two grew older, he began wanting to be at your side more and more. He would spend the night often during the summer, or you'd spend the night at Tomoko's although you were still scared to go to another's house then. He didn't mind though of course.
Whenever you were struggling with homework, he'd be there happy to help and explain as much as he could. When you woke up terrified because of an awful nightmare and woke him up out of fear, he'd be ready to reassure you that everything was going to be okay then help you go back go sleep. And on the days where you felt down and misunderstood by others around you, he'd be there and listen to you. He would always be there for you.
You were very appreciative of how patient he was with you, even as you two grew to be highschoolers. He seemed to be the only person who really wanted to understand you. Others were often too pushy with you, overly critical, or never bothered to understand why you didn't like certain things or acted certain ways. It was nice to know that not everyone wanted to fix you.
Whenever you had asked why he was so attached to you out of all people, he'd always respond with the thought that you were fun and your sense of self was unique, as well as your view of the world. He thought you were absolutely perfect as you were. So much so that he often had a look of pure adoration in his eyes when it came to you and it made your heart swell with unknown feelings whenever you happened to notice.
At this point Josuke hadn't realised he developed a "little" crush on you yet. He just knew that the friendship you shared was something special, something irreplaceable. It was a bond he'd do anything to keep. You two shared so many memories after all. All of your birthday parties were spent with one another, many of the holidays you'd see him, and of course at school you'd be together. You two were inseparable!
During these times you also came to the conclusion that you really didn't need anyone else. Josuke was like your soulmate. He liked you and you liked him. You trusted him more than anyone else in the world. It'd be hard for someone else to gain your trust or develop such a deep bond with you as he did. No one could ever compare.
Some days you'd miss school for reasons that were mostly out of your control. At first Josuke didn't mind because he knew he'd be able to see you the next day, but he was so lonely without your company. He could only ignore the feeling that was building up in his chest and restricting his breathing ever so slightly for so long.
During junior year he grew to hate those days. Why would you leave me? It was like he couldn't breathe properly when you weren't around. But he wasn't alone of course, people liked him and he had more acquaintances than he'd like, but none of them were you. His obsessive nature thrived and all he could do was think about you. He spent his time in class daydreaming about coddling you and how he should've been at your house playing games with you and what not. Of course you missed him plenty too, but it was no where near what he was feeling. Everything you felt for him was no where near what he felt for you.
This is also the year he begins to get more touchy. He starts holding your hands more, having his arm around your shoulder, embracing you, touching your face, brushing your hair... Whenever you two worked on homework together and you got everything right, he'd give you little side hugs. After being so affectionate for some time he began to realize that his feelings for you were more than just friendly. Why it took him so long, no one knows!
As for you, his constant presence never really bothered you, you liked the attention he gave you. You would even say you actively seeked it at times. Sometimes he was overwhelming though, mostly when he praised you over simple things. It felt belittling but you'd never voice how you felt about it. Other than that you thought it was nice...he was nice. Your mother often teased you two about when you were going to get together which made you flustered. Josuke just looked at you with those lovesick eyes of his and a saccharine smile as you stumbled over your words.
Now that you two were old enough to go out on your own, that meant Josuke could take you to the rollerskating rink. It was something he wanted to do for a while and it quickly became one of your favorite ways to spend time together! He loved watching you skate around and occasionally pull him towards you so you two can skate along together. He watched a couple videos in advance and tried out some of the tricks, only successfully pulling off a few and the others leaving both of you a laughing mess.
Another spot you two would spend the day at was the park, it was a good place to find some peace from the world. Sitting on a bench with a tall tree shading you was such a simple activity but being there with him made you feel like nothing could ever go wrong in your life. The sounds nature provided you and Josuke's warmth was all it took to ease your mind.
During your senior year you started receiving letters. First, you found them in your locker, then a handful later they started appearing in your backpack...which was concerning. They were really sweet though!
- "Hi, I just wanted to let you know...I think you're so cute!"
You had not a single clue who they could be from. You rarely interacted with your classmates, with the few exceptions of working with someone other than Josuke on a group project and other moments of small talk with peers. Either way you didn't pay much mind to them, so why would anyone pay attention to you? It's definitely a prank by another student, you had thought.
You asked Josuke about who they could be from but all he answered with was "probably a secret admirer". You laughed at him and he simply looked at you with a familiar fondness in his eyes. You brushed off his strange demeanor and decided to move onto a different topic of discussion.
You wondered if they could've been from Josuke himself for a brief moment, but no way...the handwriting and choice of words was pretty different. And he'd probably be upfront about his feelings, right? Nonetheless you began ignoring the letters and only read them whenever they were decorated prettily.
- "every little thing i do you're on my mind...the way i feel lately is driving me crazy.."
- "i can't get over you i think about you all the time"
Over time you noticed the contents were becoming more and more...odd, to say the least. This person would go on about certain things you did or how much they loved you. They'd write way too much about your habits and how cute they found them. You laughed at some of them, some prank this was! Yes, it was definitely a prank, you kept telling yourself, trying to convince yourself no one was actually being a creep towards you. At least your senior year was coming to an end and those letters would stop.
Well that was what you thought. You'd graduated and been out of highschool for a few months now and still, those letters managed to show up. They were less frequent, but getting more uncomfortable.
"I wish I could be around you all the time. I love you so much. I love everything about you, the way you talk, smell, fix your hair, and your eyes, your eyes are so pretty. I want them to look at me for the rest of time. You're so pretty, I want you so bad, I want you all for myself. It's not fair... I hope you accept my feelings one day, [y/n]. I think I'd die if I couldn't have you." It was written messily with words like "love" and "you" written darker than the rest.
You were beginning to worry, obviously this person was someone who knew your schedule and was probably close to you. Josuke kept reassuring you it was nothing but when you began being refusing to leave the house and holed yourself up in your room out of paranoia, he offered to get rid of whoever was sending those letters. It should've been so obvious...but you trusted him, the sweet and thoughtful Josuke who you spent most of your days with wouldn't be this weird to you. You really hoped it wasn't..
- "i just wanna be yours"
Josuke didn't mean to freak you out as much as he did, he just wanted to know what your reaction could be to his unfiltered feelings for you. It made him a little disheartened to know you felt so uncomfortable but he understood that receiving those kinds of words from a stranger would be concerning. He could only hope that you would accept all of him when the time finally came.
You didn't know how, and he wouldn't elaborate either, but the letters did stop. You hugged him tightly with your head resting on his shoulder as you thanked him and told him you were forever grateful. His body tensed up and his eyes widened but quickly he returned the hug, relaxing in your arms. A delusional smile formed on his lips and a sweet warmth spread across his face. He held onto you with possessive hands, his grip ever so slowly getting tighter and tighter until you spoke once more.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." You mumbled.
Were you trying to kill him? His heart skipped a beat and time seemed to stop as you kept him encased in your arms. You had no idea what those words were doing to him, his mind was racing with utterly delusional thoughts of you. Thoughts of how much he knew you needed him now, how he'd do anything to make you happy, to protect you, keep you safe, and make you stay by his side for the rest of your life. He'd do it all with a lovesick smile on his face and pure obsession swirling in his violet eyes.
With the help of each of your moms and having saved up for months, you two were eventually able to move into a small but cozy apartment together and lived relatively peaceful lives. Well aside from Josuke beginning to show unmistakable signs of his possessive behavior towards you.
Since you two worked separate jobs he couldn't be around you nearly as much as he wanted to (even though you still spent a good chunk of time together.) He was always thinking about you. Wondering if you were okay, if anyone was getting close to you, talking to you, trying to take you away from him, or god forbid if anyone other than him was touching you. It drove him insane being away from you for more than a few hours, it was a miracle he could still work well with how much you were on his mind.
He'd hug you for a few minutes after especially long days and asked you how your day was while resting his head on your shoulder. You of course always indulged him which put the thoughts of you leaving him at ease. Oh how he loved having you in his arms... This was where you belonged, with him, in his arms, and safe from the world. He was so warm and so strong, he always made you feel nice...and it would drive him even more mad if you ever told him that.
He began thinking that you liked him back romantically because of how much you indulged in his behavior. He was never clear about his feelings with you, but he knew that you two were blurring the lines between a platonic and romantic relationship for a while now. It didn't help that you weren't clear about how you felt either, so of course he thought you liked him back! You must've been too shy to say anything, how cute.
Truthfully though, you weren't completely sure as to how you felt about him. Yes, you loved and cared about him more than anyone else in your life and he was basically all you knew at this point...your face would still heat up from all the affection and attention he gave you, even after so many years. Really there was no reason for you not to be romantically interested in him. So you left it at that, unsure but you wouldn't mind if he wanted to begin officially dating.
After a couple months Josuke grew tired and decided if he couldn't see you outside the house, then nobody could. He eventually convinced you to work from home, saying things like, "Y'know if I'm not there I can't protect you." And "Don't you remember how weird people can be?" For a moment you thought that maybe Josuke was being overprotective, you were an adult now, you could take care of youself. But another part of you thought he was right... You trusted him with everything in your heart, he knew you better than anyone else, he was just looking out for you.
He began feeling more at ease knowing that you were 98% safer now since you were home when he wasn't with you. He still felt like he couldn't breathe properly without you in the same room as him, but it was better than anyone else enjoying your presence.
As a way to prevent you from growing bored of staying home for so long, he made sure you two went out to other places (mostly the park) when there was time. It was nice to know that even as an adult the park still gave you a sense of normalcy (something you were quickly losing while living with Josuke.) Even if he was quickly falling into the depths of his obsession, he was still so thoughtful when it came to you.
Something about walking the familiar path to your little spot was so nice. No matter how hectic life got, as long as you were able to walk along it with Josuke by your side, you'd always feel like everything would be okay.
"I've always loved being here, y'know? I feel like this is my other home as stupid as it may sound." You started as you stared out into the lightly clouded sky underneath a shaded bench. Josuke turned to you with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"It's not stupid, but I didn't know you liked it here so much. I kinda thought you'd get tired of it by now." He admitted. Sometimes you'd have a blank look on your face and it made him overthink, but really you were content, maybe even your happiest.
You let out a small laugh, "I don't think I'd ever get tired. It's too pretty here! The clouds always make me so happy...sometimes I wish we could be here all the time." A smile crept up to your lips and you glanced over to him. He met your eyes with everlasting adoration and reached out to place a hand on yours. You interlaced fingers and promptly looked away as your smile grew.
"You make being here so much nicer... You don't talk too much or talk too little and you know how to appreciate silence. I'm so glad I get to spend all this time with you, Josuke. I feel like...like this is how it was always meant to be. Just you and me, against the world!" You laughed and gave his hand a little squeeze, trying to hide the embarrassment you felt from sharing the last thought.
Josuke sat there looking at you, trying so hard to keep everything contained. You basically confessed to him, didn't you??? How could you say that and not expect him to think that you also loved him? This was it. This was the moment that made him realise it's been long enough for him to let you know how he really felt.
He simply agreed with you, that this was all fate and your conversation moved elsewhere. Your park date ended an hour or so later after you two decided to head back home and end the day with a movie night.
For the rest of the day, your words plagued Josuke's mind. If he didn't confess soon, his heart would crack, and like a breaking dam all his love would drown you. He was worried about scaring you away but he knew deep down you'd stay by his side, especially after what you had said earlier.
So that night he planned to give you his confession, and with it his heart, whether you wanted it or not.
You were about to go to bed after having finished the movie when Josuke grabbed your hand to stop you. You turned back and were about to question him but the look in his eyes kept you quiet.
"I'm in love with you, I think I've loved you ever since we were kids but only realized it in highschool...but these feelings- these feelings, they've just kept growing and growing and growing all this time" He reached for your other hand and delicately intertwined your fingers with his. "I can't take it anymore, the longer I keep all this inside me, the more I feel like I'll go crazy. All I can ever think about is you and how much you mean to me and how I need to be with you all the time." His breathing grew unsteady and you could hear the desperation climbing up his throat. "I want you to be mine...and I wanna be yours." He spoke softly but there was an unmistakable seriousness in his tone. He fixed his eyes on yours as he poured his heart out to you. It felt like he was staring into your very soul and you got a taste of the overwhelming, sickly sweet feelings he held for you. His eyes were so intense and darker than normal, you felt like the longer you gazed into them you'd begin to drown in all that love.
His confession made your heart flutter, hell it even made the skin on your face burn up like crazy. You never expected him to say something so....endearing? You were almost in shock, but of course the guy who doesn't want you spending time alone with anyone but him is in love with you.
You'd been friends this long and you two have already been crossing the boundaries of a normal friendship, why not accept his feelings? And you already told yourself if he ever said anything that you'd go with it, so that's what you did.
"I love you too."
His eyes lit up with something unrecognizable and he pulled you into a tight hug, making your body freeze at the sudden intense contact.
"I'm so happy. To finally hear you say it back... I love you so much." he mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you more than you could ever know, [y/n]."
All you could do was hug him back and try to contain a large smile but ultimately fail. You had a feeling this wasn't normal. You've been aware that the things he'd done may not have been completely normal for a while now, but you couldn't help but love his unhealthy feelings for you. It almost made you feel guilty.
You never understood why you were the one he loved so deeply, even after he explained, but you couldn't care when his arms always wrapped around you so lovingly. He made you feel so many things you've never experienced before and you loved it. The way he seemed to remember every single thing about you, got you the most thoughtful gifts, and how every time he touched you it was so sweet and gentle. All the heartwarming little things he'd say to you, and only you, they gave you butterflies and made your heart swell so much. He gave you all the attention no one else could ever give to you, and you were possibly obsessed with it as much as he was obsessed with you...
Josuke finally let you go after what felt like forever but gave you a look like he still had something he wanted. He broke eye contact and his lips turn up into an awkward smile, your expression turning to one of slight confusion.
"You're so cute, y'know? Sometimes when I look at you, and you give me that weird look, I just wanna kiss every inch of your face and see that pretty smile of yours." Your eyes widened and you felt your heart bloom further.
"You're too much, Josuke. I don't know if I can handle you being so...uh" You looked away to hide your growing smile but it didn't do much. He was absolutely ecstatic to see he had such an effect on you, seeing you smile so widely was all he ever needed.
"You are so cute."
--- I've reread this so many times to ensure it was as perfect as I could make it but I always thought there could be something worded better each time and at that rate I never would've posted this. I feel like this is kinda all over the place and I apologize if the writing is awkward at some points, this went on a lot longer than I intended. Yan josuke is so fun to write though. Also sorry for the strange/abrupt end, I had no idea how to end it.
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thornybubbles · 2 years
JJBA Yandere Scenario: Jealousy (The JoJos: Jonathan, Joseph, and Jotaro)
NOTE: Going to make a part 2 to this including Josuke, Giorno, and Johnny. The weird issue I was having with this post seems to have gone away. Though if anything looks weird or incomplete, let me know, please.
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Jonathan's been through a lot. Thanks to Dio, he's spent much of his childhood feeling alone and unwanted. Dio stole his father's love, turned everyone in town against him, brutally killed poor Danny, and even drove his beloved Erina away from him. You’re the only one that stayed. You're the only one that continued to stand up for him when everyone else gave into Dio. 
So that's why when he sees you looking at your friend with eyes filled with such fondness and adoration, it stirs up a dark anger in him that is so intense that it frightens him.
Jonathan does an excellent job of reigning in his emotions. You will only see that same sweet smile he always has, but you won't see the way his smile drops into a scowl as he excuses himself and turns away from you and your friend. You won't see the way he grips the doorknob so hard his fingers leave dents in the brass. 
Jonathan hates the way he feels. He has no right to try to lay claim to you. He will just have to accept that fact that you will only ever see him as a friend. So that was that. He was going to lose you,too, and then he really will be alone. His anger dissipates and he goes into a depressive state that lasts for weeks. During the day he wanders far away from his father's property and into the forest. He can't bring himself to go into town for fear of seeing you and your friend together somewhere. Staying home is out of the question. He can't take Dio's constant questions. Even though they've started acting more civil with each other, Jonathan can't bring himself to ever fully trust his adoptive brother. Dio seems far too interested in his relationship with you for his liking. 
"Why don't I see you with your little friend anymore, JoJo?" Dio asks. "You seemed so close as children. Did something happen?" 
Jonathan isn't sure but he thought he heard a hint of glee in Dio's voice as he asked that. 
Jonathan makes an effort not to snap at him. It's not his fault that this is happening. Not this time anyway.  
"Sometimes people grow apart when they grow up. The responsibilities of adulthood can distract one from childhood friendships. That's just the way life is. And if you'll excuse me, I don't wish to speak on the matter anymore." Is Jonathan's reply before he exits the room.
Dio doesn't miss the misery in Jonathan's voice and he revels in it. 
"If you say so, JoJo." 
Jonathan ends up spending most of his time in the part of the forest where the two of you would play games, tell stories, and just laugh and chase each other for hours. Erina would join you sometimes… before she started avoiding him.
And now he lost you, too. 
Of course. Why should he ever be allowed to be happy? Even without Dio being the cause of his misery, it seemed life itself was against him. He slumped to the ground and propped himself against a tree. He was sure his father would scold him for getting dirt on his clothes but that was nothing new. His father was always scolding and shaming him for something. That is, when he wasn’t singing Dio’s praises.  
Jonathan sighed, closed his eyes, and leaned his head against the tree trunk. He wasn't going to think about that. He wanted to think about you and the short time you spent together. He would think about the time he tried to scare you with a bug only to have you laugh at him and hold the bug in your hand like it was nothing. He wanted to think about the time you fell out of the tree you were climbing, got up, brushed yourself off, and went right back to climbing. You didn't cry at all. He wanted to think about the time you looked Dio right in the eyes and told him to shove it where the sun doesn't shine (mind you in a much more ladylike manner). 
You were both a gentle hand and a fist of strength, perfectly balanced in every way. You gave him a sense of hope and courage in one of the darkest times of his life. He could sit here and bask in the warmth of your memory until he just stopped living. That would have to be enough. He couldn't have you, but nothing could rob him of his memories of you. Not even Dio. 
He must have dozed off at some point because he found himself being shaken awake. He may have been imagining it, but the person shaking him sounded an awful lot like you. 
"JoJo! JoJo! Wake up!" 
Jonathan's eyelids flew open. It was you!
“Oh… what?” he rasped. His voice was hoarse and his throat felt like it was on fire. He didn't care though. You were here with him and that's all that mattered. 
“Why… are you… here?” He asked, genuinely confused by your presence. Shouldn't you be with your friend?
“Why am I here?” you repeat. “Why do you think? I came to find you, you ninny!” 
Jonathan just blinks up at you in confusion. 
“I haven't seen you in weeks and when I asked your father about you he told me that you've been acting strangely. He said that you wandered the house at night instead of sleeping and that you haven't been eating. So I started looking for you and I found you out here sleeping in the woods!" 
“O-oh…” Jonathan couldn't say more than that. He didn't really know how to answer. That, and he felt horrible. He was achy all over and his head was hurting. 
You placed a hand on his forehead and he froze at your touch, mind going numb.
“Jojo, you're burning up! How long have you been sitting in the cold like this?” You asked. 
Was it cold? Honestly Jonathan hadn't even noticed that the temperature had dropped. It was already night time. Had he really been out here for that long? 
“Why have you been doing this to yourself?” You ask, your voice hitched with worry. “Has Dio been bullying you again?” 
Jonathan said nothing. He just shook his head. 
“Then why?! Was it something else?” You ask. “Was… was it something I did?” 
Jonathan caught something in your eyes when you asked him that. It was something that opened up a very dark place inside of him. Guilt. You felt guilty. You were blaming yourself for his pitiable state. 
"I just... I didn't want to interfere." He says.
“Interfere?” You ask. “Interfere with what? What are you talking about?” 
“You… and your friend.” He says. “I see the way you look at him…”
Your face flushed. 
"I-I don't l-look at him that way!" You stuttered out in embarrassment. 
“You don’t have to hide it.” He says, trying to speak up. The action was putting a strain on his voice, making it sound worse… just as he intended. 
“JoJo…” you start to say, but he doesn't let you finish. 
"Listen... I never told you how I felt, because I thought it would put a strain on our friendship... We've been friends for a long time, haven't we? You were there for me for some of the most difficult times of my life and I adore you for it... It's because I love you so much that I'm willing to let you be happy with someone else... even if it means I'll never see you again . I just want you to be happy …” He ended with a very real, but perfectly timed cough. 
You grabbed him by his flushed face and made him look at you. 
“Don't say things like that, JoJo!” you cry. “You make it sound like I plan to abandon you!” 
He grasped one of your hands weakly. “I don't matter, dearest. I told you, if he makes you happy…” 
"That's enough!" you said sternly, placing a finger over his lips and silencing him. "I don't want you to say such things anymore!" 
Your face was etched in anger, but your eyes glistened with unshed tears. It was working. As much as he hated stooping to such deplorable tactics like guilt-tripping, but by God, it was working! He could hate himself for it later. Right now, he was basking in your attention.
You removed your finger from his lips and he smiled up at you in a state of mindless bliss. 
"Yes, ma'am." he rasped, before going into a coughing fit. 
You let him go and stood up. He whined pathetically at the loss of your touch. You assumed it was due to his sickness. You got to your feet with a determined look on your face. 
“I'm going back to get your father and some of the servants. They're going take you back home so you can get some rest. Then I'm going into town to fetch a doctor.” You stated. 
Then you leaned down and planted a kiss on Jonathan's warm forehead. Jonathan could've died right then and there and died happy. 
"Don't move from that spot, JoJo!" You said as you hiked up your skirt and began running towards the Joestar Mansion. 
“I'm not going anywhere.” JoJo tried to call after you but his voice was too hoarse and you were already out of earshot. 
"And neither are you..." He added under his breath. 
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While Jonathan tries to hide his jealousy, Joseph puts his on full display, but he plays it off as a joke. 
"So you're going out with him, again!?" he says with a pout. 
"Yes, JoJo. I have other friends besides you, you know." You say, tired of having the same old argument every time you go out with someone that isn't him. 
Joseph whines like a child and plops down on your couch. He crosses his arms and stares at the wall with a sullen expression. 
"I don't have a problem with you having friends, it's just that ever since you've been hanging out with that weirdo you act like I don't even exist! I hardly ever see you anymore!" 
You almost felt sorry for him until he called your friend a weirdo. 
"JoJo! That's enough! I know you don't like him but I won't have you calling my friend names!" you scolded. 
JoJo huffed but continued pouting on the couch in silence. 
"Why do you act like such a child? We have this argument every time I go out with someone else. It's exhausting! It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything!" 
Ouch. Okay, while what you said was true, you didn't have to just blurt it out like it was nothing. Joseph gives you a hurt look before suddenly doubling over in pain. He clutched his chest, fell off the couch and lay on the floor writhing in agony. 
"JoJo! What happened? Are you okay?! JoJo!!" you say in a panic. You drop to your knees next to him. 
"JoJo, tell me what's wrong!" you cry. 
"I don't know!" He groans. "I just suddenly felt a terrible, sharp pain in my heart! I... I think it's the knife you stabbed into it when you said that just now!" 
At the realization that he was faking so he could pick on you, you became furious. 
"JOJO! YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH!!" you shout, slapping him in the shoulder. 
Joseph curls up trying to protect himself from your slaps, but he's giggling the whole time. 
“I thought something was wrong with you, you silly ass!” you shout, a slight sob coming through in your voice. 
Joseph sits up, his grinning face only inches from your own. 
“Ah, so you do care about me!” he teased. 
Your face immediately turned red and you scooted away from him, unable to look at him with him grinning at you like that. 
“Shut up, you pain in the neck.” You mumble feeling shy all of a sudden. 
Joseph was infuriating, but when he teased you like this, you couldn't help but fall for his charms... just a little. Up to this point, you had only ever viewed Joseph as a friend, but lately you've begun to see him in a slightly different light. 
The problem is that Joseph knew that. 
“I'll make a deal with you, JoJo.” You said after regaining your composure. 
“If you quit complaining every time I go out with my other friends, then I'll make it so Saturdays will be the day that I hang out exclusively with you. Does that sound fair?” 
You have Joseph's full attention now. 
“Really?! Just you and me?!!” He asks, getting more and more excited by the minute. 
“So….does this mean… um….” he stutters, looking around nervously as if he isn't sure that he should say what he wants to. 
“Does it mean what?” you ask. 
“If we’re going out every Saturday… and it’s just the two of us… can we say that… we’re dating?” he asks with a hopeful smile. 
Your face flushes again and you look away from him, irritated at how cute he's being right now. 
"Fine." you sigh. "I guess you can say we're dating." 
Joseph lets out a whoop of joy before sweeping you into his heavily muscled arms. 
"Thank you! You won't regret it I swear!" he promises. 
As he pulls you to his chest, you don't see the smug, self-satisfied smirk he has on his face. He's finally got you right where he wants you. It took a while, but he finally got you to like him enough to go out with him. And every Saturday?! This was better than he hoped for! You'll have so much fun hanging around with him that you'll forget all about that weirdo friend of yours.
Check and Mate, darling.
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Jealous Jotaro is all cold glares and quiet fury. Every time you and your friend are seen together, Jotaro always seems to be hanging out in the background, staring daggers into the back of your friend's head. You don't know what your friend could've done to earn Jotaro's disdain, but it's very clear that he doesn't want you to be alone with him. The problem is that Jotaro won't tell you anything. Any time you confront him about it you're met with the same response. 
“I just don’t like the guy.” 
You don't understand why and Jotaro never explains. Your friend isn't even a Stand user, so it can't be that he suspects him of being an enemy. 
Your friend may not be a Stand user, but you, unfortunately are. So it takes all of Jotaro's willpower to keep Star Platinum in check when he's around the two of you. Jotaro can feel his Stand's rage stir up any time your friend gets a little too close or handsy with you. There's really nothing suspicious about the way your friend interacts with you. His touches are only of the platonic variety, but each hug, head pat, or playful shove send Jotaro into a silent rage. 
He'll chomp down on his cigarette, nearly biting it in half and almost has an aneurysm from trying to keep Star Platinum from popping out and punching the guy's head off of his shoulders. 
But none of that matters, because Jotaro already has a plan in play. He just needs to be patient and careful. 
For the next few weeks, you start getting an uncomfortable feeling that someone is watching and following you. You often try to find the source of this feeling, frantically looking over your shoulder and seeing no one. You even send your Stand to search around, but it comes back to you shrugging its shoulders after failing to find anyone. You tell Jotaro about it and he gives you a serious, concerned look and tells you to be careful. 
"Just because DIO's out of the picture doesn't mean some of his lackeys aren't still around looking for revenge. Just stay alert and let me know if anything suspicious happens." He says. 
You nod your head and go about your day, casting worried glances into every shadowy corner. 
Jotaro understands your concerns, but he's fully aware of what's really happening, so he's not too worried about it. He watches you until you are out of sight, then he lights a cigarette. He's been thinking about quitting, but he needs the nicotine to clear his head right now. The first part of the plan was taken care of, but he still had work to do. 
A few days later, you come to him with a worried expression. 
“Someone's been in my house.” You tell him before you even say your morning greeting. 
“How do you know?” He asks, instantly alert. 
“My diary's missing.” You tell him.
"Your diary?" he says, curling his lip with a disdainful sneer. 
"Yes!" You say, annoyed with his attitude. "It wasn't in my desk and I can't find it anywhere in my room or anywhere else in the house." 
Jotaro thought for a moment. 
“What did you write in it? You didn't write anything about Egypt did you?” he asked with a serious tone. 
“Of course not! I wouldn't dare! I didn't put anything important in it just in case someone did find it and read it.” you say. 
“Then why would someone want your diary?” He asks. 
"I don't know, JoJo! I ​​just know that I can't find it." You shout, frustrated that he doesn't seem to be taking it seriously. 
“Did you check your locker?” He offers. 
"I don't bring my diary to school, JoJo." You sigh in exasperation. 
Jotaro huffs at your tone. 
"Don't get snappy, I was just asking. Good grief. If you're that worried about it, I'll come by after school and help you look for it." he says. 
You agree to that and go to class feeling a lot better. 
You don't find your diary, but for the next week or two, you do start finding pictures of yourself on your windowsill. Fortunately, none of the pictures are compromising but they are worrying. Whoever took them seems to have been following you all over town and at school. So your feeling about being watched had been right. How your Stand hadn't been able to find your personal paparazzi you didn't know, but Jotaro was going to hear about this. You took the pictures to school to show him. He wasn't happy. 
“Where did you find these?” He demands. 
"On my window sill." You state. "Whoever's stalking me wanted to make sure that I knew it. I'm not gonna wait for their next move. I'm going to take those pictures to the police." 
“Don’t bother.” Jotaro says a little too quickly. 
"Why not? I need to..." 
He cut you off. 
“The police won't be able to do much. Stalking cases are tricky and require a lot more evidence than just a few pictures. We don't even have a suspect, so they won't have anything to go on except for what you tell them.” he says. 
“So what am I gonna do then?” you ask. 
“I'll take care of it.” he says plainly. 
Another few days pass and Jotaro hasn't told you much. You've been worrying and fretting but you know Jotaro wouldn't tell you that he'd take care of it unless he had some kind of plan. Sure enough, you found yourself playing the part of bait while Jotaro followed along behind you in secret. You could spot him every now and then behind parked cars and buildings; black coat fluttering in the wind. It gave you a sense of calm even though you could feel that extra presence behind you. You didn't bother to look behind you. You knew you wouldn't see anything. Finally, just when the tension was getting unbearable, you heard someone yelp and you whirled around to see Jotaro holding your friend up by his collar. 
"Jotaro? What on earth...?" you said, wondering why Jotaro was attacking your friend. Unless... no. It couldn't be!
“Empty your bag.” Jotaro said. It was a command not a request. Your very frightened and confused friend let his book bag drop from his shoulder. Its contents spilled out onto the sidewalk. Among the items were more pictures of you and your diary. 
"It was you!" you shouted, unable to believe your friend could be guilty of something like stalking. 
Your friend tried to defend himself. He tried to convince you that he had no idea how that stuff got in his bag. When Jotaro asked him why he was following you, he just said that he was going to the convenience store to buy some sodas . He didn't even know that it was you in front of him. You weren't buying it and neither was Jotaro. The taller male grabbed your former friend by the hair and forced him to look him in the eyes. 
"I don't know what your game is, but if I catch you anywhere near her again, they'll have to use your dental record to identify you when I'm through with you." 
The statement wasn't a threat or even a promise. It was a guarantee. 
Jotaro dropped the boy to the sidewalk where he scrambled to gather up his things before running for the hills. Jotaro glared after the boy long after he was out of sight. After a moment he turned to you and asked, 
"You alright?" 
"I-ah... no. Not really." you said. 
You couldn't help but think back to all the times Jotaro gave the boy dirty looks whenever the two of you hung out. 
"You knew, didn't you?" You ask. 
“Knew what?” Jotaro says, placing a cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. He took a drag off it and blew the smoke into the sky. 
"You knew about him. That's why you said you didn't like him. You knew he was a bad egg from the start." you say. 
Jotaro just shrugs.
"I had a feeling, yeah." 
You rub your hand down your face. 
“Dammit! I should have listened to you. Your gut feelings have never been wrong before. Not back in Egypt and not now. I should've stopped hanging around him the moment you said you didn't like him!” You say with a huff of frustration. 
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You couldn't have known." Jotaro says, taking another drag from his cigarette. 
You stand there, fidgeting. Your emotions are going haywire. You feel betrayed by your friend, angry at yourself for not seeing the signs sooner, and oh so grateful to Jotaro for always being so reliable. 
Jotaro's hand on your shoulder pulls you out of your thoughts. 
“Why don't you come over to my place for dinner. I can get Mom to make that stuff you like.” Jotaro offered. 
"Yeah. That sounds good." you say. 
Jotaro smiles to himself as the two of you begin the walk towards his house. 
That went smoother than he thought it would. It took a little bit of time to set it up but it worked out beautifully. Of course it was him that had been stalking you and taking the pictures. He knew your Stand's abilities and weaknesses like he knew Star Platinum's. It was as easy to avoid its notice as it was for him to avoid yours. Having his Stand get his hands on your diary was even easier. All he had to do was hang around outside your window until you went to sleep and have Star Platinum grab the diary from your desk drawer. Of course he read it. He couldn't help himself. He was delighted to know about your little crush on him. After that, all he had to do was place the pictures on the window sill for you to find. As for framing your deadbeat friend? It was a simple matter of having Star Platinum slip the “evidence” into his bag when no one was looking at the end of the school day. Of course, there was the danger of him finding the diary and the pictures, but what would he say about it? If he brought it to your attention he would essentially be doing Jotaro's work for him. Setting up the “stalker trap” was a little bit tricky, but it was a simple matter of having you walk down a path he knew your friend took on a regular basis. He always went to that particular store to get sodas at that particular time. The rest was child's play.
Jotaro had decided at some point during that 50 day trip that you were his. You had no incentive to join the hunt for DIO at all. You weren’t a Joestar descendant. You weren’t a friend of the family, and Jotaro hadn’t saved your life, so you didn’t owe him anything. You were simply ready and willing to put your life on the line to help a classmate save his mother’s life. That’s all, and that meant something.
Jotaro wasn’t about to hand you over to some wormy little nobody that just showed up out of nowhere. You belonged to him. He already decided. 
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twary · 2 years
2 with Josuke? I don't have a preference on who the speaker is, as long as it's sweet. Thank you!
Hey, thanks for requesting darling! Josuke just fits so well with sweet moments, doesn't he?🥺✨
I've made a school scenario for this one, hope you don't mind and like it! ><
Just love ahead, please enjoy💜
✨ Prompt list ✨
"I can’t deny you any longer." x Josuke
Cut for length~
Today, you are finally returning to Morioh. It's been a year since you said goodbye to your friends, hometown and the adventures… Now it's time to finally say "I'm back"
You wanted to surprise your friends so you didn't tell anyone you would be back today. Your goal is just to show up back at school and see their reactions. Oh, that uniform! You really missed how well it looks on you! Class time never seems to come, you want to see them soon! is Yukako finally with Koichi? Has Rohan published more successful mangas? Does Okuyasu still live in that hideous house? Does Josuke still wear that hairstyle? Your mind is full of questions you want to ask them that you barely notices the time.
When the teacher calls your name and you enter the room your eyes instantly meetJosuke's, luckily you are still in the same class as before! The surprise on his face is notable, as much that the happiness in yours.
The lunch time finally arives and you just see multiple figure running towards you:
"HEEEEY (Y/N)! Hehe, you're really back! Hehe, so it means that the gang is finally complete again, huh?" Okuyasu throw an arm around you.
"I couldn't believe it when josuke said you were back, it's really good to see you" Koichi shakes your hand with a smile on his face before Yukako pushes him away from you.
"Oh my, you're finally back!" Yukako hold both your hands "You don't know how hard is to be the only girl in this group, they're all dumbasses! Except for Koichi, obviously"
"Oh guys, i missed you all so much! I- Oh, wait, Yukako, so you and Koichi are really together?!"
You guys talked for a long time, but someone was missing...Seems like Josuke doesn't really missed you...Or maybe he is busy right now...Well, it doesn't matter, in the end of the class you will go talk with him! But...When the class ends he just run away...Well, like I said before, maybe he's busy with something, you decide that you won't bother him for now, after all, you still have to visit Rohan-sensei and Jotaro! They were the only ones who knew about you, so they decided to meet at a coffee shop near the school.
When you arrive they have great reactions, it seems they are happy to see you. You tell them how it was when you were away and they what happened in the city and in their lives in that time. It was gettin late when Josuke's name comes up, you decide to ask if he is up to something recently and explain that he didn't talk to you all day and that you expected him to be the one who would be most happy with your return, you two were very close!
"Oh right, as expected from him, what a coward." Rohan take the last sip of his coffee and gets up.
You don't really understand what that means.
"He's always been like that on this subject…(Y/N) have a little patience for now" Jotaro gets up too and both greet you goodbye.
When you head home you can only think about Josuke, is he mad at you somehow? Your night is full of intrusive thoughts. You really wanted to talk to him, but the Jotaro's words might be right, you just need to be a little patient...
A week and a half had passed, Josuke was still avoiding you.
That's enough, he was your best friend and now turned into a stranger? Oh that will not remain like this!
The lunch time comes and Josuke was not arround, but you knew his "secret spot" you two always were on the rooftop when it was lunch time. So like that, you went there and found him, just as you had predicted.
When he sees you he gets up ready to leave.
"Higashikata Josuke you're not going anywere before an explanation!" You were blocking the door "Are you mad at me? A week has passed and you didn't even say a word to me! We were so close, what changed? You didn't miss me? Do you hate me by any chance? Like, i'm sorry, but i really don't know what have i done for you to treat me like that! Oh my god, i've missed you so much my heart hurts, you're the one i've missed more! And then when i'm finally seeing you again you are like this?!" You were holding your tears back. You're really mad right now.
"You know what? If you really don't want to talk to me, keep it up" You were opening the door to leave when he grabs your wrist.
"(Y/N), wait! Look, i...Uh...--Oh my god, screw it, I can’t deny you any longer okay?! You may have left this town, but you never left my thoughts, it felt like a part of me had gone with you! I tried to ignore this feeling but suddenly you came back and these feelings only got stronger! I-I didn't want to fall in love, but here i am!"
Josuke's words catch you off guard…"love"? Did he really mean it?
He is looking down with one hand on the back of your neck "You don't need to stay here and hear all that, i just-"
He is interrupted by a hug.
"Did you really think I wouldn't love you back? Why'd you think i missed you the most? I fell in love with you a long time ago, Josuke."
Josuke is still static in the same place, when he finally realizes what you just said he hugs you tightly.
"My heart is about to explode, i hope you're not joking about it" His voice is shaky and you can feel little tears falling on your shoulder.
You cup his face and lean your forehead on his "I would never" You have the most happy face on right now.
"Josuke, i love you" You lean in for a kiss, which he happily reciprocate.
You notice that the tears are already falling.
"So...How about i give you a real reason to cry, huh? Remember that game i've lost for you many times before? In that little time that I was away I trained, and now i am more than ready to kick you butt, Higashikata!" You say while running towards the stairs behind you.
"Huh?" He is a little surpised by the sudden change "O-Oi (Y/N)! Come back here! You can't be serious, i'm the one who kick butts here!" He runs after you with a big smile.
You two obviously skipped class that day.
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skysquid22 · 1 year
JJBA Fic Rec: Almost (Sweet Music) by metalavacados
I've always wanted to share fic recs so now I will slowly start doing them and sometimes I wanna talk a lot about a favorite of mine so fics are gonna be in separate posts.
Gonna start with a fucking banger.
Read it here. Rating: T / Word Count: 26.7k / Pairing: Platonic Jotaro & Josuke
Now we all have our unfinished white whale but before you stick to a BS rule of never reading unfinished fics give me a moment to convince you to read this anyway.
There is something so infinitely charming, delicate, and raw with the atmosphere of this fic, I haven't read anything like it. It's a slower mood, like a tea bag steeped in a favorite mug, about Jotaro and Josuke family bonding. There's a bit of a 5+1 structure to this of various times Josuke asks for Jotaro's help, as such the center focus is that and that alone. Josuke/Okuyasu is there running the engine in the last two chapters however staying in Jotaro's distanced view and the Jotakak is more hinted at, but the bulk is digesting trauma and shit dads and relationships and being a teenager.
It's such a full fic, like a hearty meal. The characterization is incredible, particularly Jotaro's since that's the voice of the fic itself. There's a tune of reality in the action and reaction of the characters. If you're interested in down-to-earth and more centered fics with Jotaro as the POV, start reading this. Jotaro's annoyance, kindness, and awkwardness blend together and bounce perfectly against Josuke's anxious teenage self. It's just plain fun to watch these two interact, especially on a deeper emotional level with the discussions about Joseph and Jotaro discussing Egypt. Lightning in a bottle, this fic.
Regarding that missing last chapter though. The writing is so damn good I do wish that the author returned to cap the fic out. I'm not so much sad that the fic is 'unfinished' but more that I really want to know how this author writes Kakyoin. And I would love to read that someday. With Jotaro this well-written, Kakyoin's gotta be an electric character. I might forever look forward to that last chapter, but I can't bring myself to be disappointed with the story, characters, and quality that came before it.
He does get a good look at his face when he turns his gaze towards the sink. Granted, the top of his head is cut off, and he has to bend down just slightly to see his full face in the mirror, but it doesn’t matter to him. He examines the bags under his eyes; lighter than they were a few weeks ago, but still ever present. He runs a hand through his hair, then another down his face. He turns on the tap, splashes his face with water, dries it off, thinks about how Kakyoin would scold him for his lack of skincare. A smile tugs at his lips.
“Josuke,” he demands, rising out of his chair and striding over. “Look at me.” The boy before him doesn’t seem to hear him. Maybe he chooses not to. He’s curled in a ball, feet pulled up onto the chair and knees tucked up to his chest, hands covering his face. He knows, for sure, that Josuke is ignoring him, when he catches a glimpse of ultramarine between his fingers, glaring harshly up at him before disappearing. Fucking teenagers.  Jotaro rolls his eyes, purses his lips. Josuke’s really making this a lot harder than it needs to be. He squats slowly, so that he’s more level with the kid, and reaches out a cautious hand. He tries his best to ensure that his uncertainty doesn’t show on his face. He doesn’t know if he can really help or not, but he’ll be damned if he’s not going to try.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
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JoJo Love Notes Winter Fluff Calendar: Day 13
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Making a Gingerbread House with the JoJo’s (Part 1): 
☃️ Jonathan: - He’s extra careful when taking everything out of the box. Admittedly he’s worried that he might accidentally break the cookie house without meaning to.  - He waits for your instructions, he’s so terribly worried about possibly ruining the gingerbread house. You think it’s cute to watch how focused he is when placing the decorations.  -He’s low key worried Dio might come in and try to ruin the house once it’s done so he’s just gonna casually stand guard for awhile. 
☃️ Joseph: - You have to keep replacing the decorations because Joseph starts snacking on pieces of it even though he claims ‘he doesn’t know how that ended up going missing’  - He doesn’t really follow the instructions, he thinks it’s better to go ahead and try to do your own take on a gingerbread house. It doesn’t quite look like a house... but he’s trying his best.  -He’s in charge of “gluing” the house together with frosting, and although he thinks he did a great job unfortunately it falls apart rather quickly. 
☃️ Jotaro: - At first he doesn’t seem like he wants to participate in making a gingerbread house but when he realizes that you’re going to make it more of a ‘gingerbread aquarium’ then his mind has definitely been changed.  - He doesn’t want to seem like he’s too excited over it ( but he kinda is) he takes charge on making the gingerbread fishes to decorate the “aquarium” of course he makes sure to pay extra attention to detail since he wants it to be as accurate as possible.  - You can’t help but look over to watch him work every once in awhile, it’s cute to see how focused he is on his aquatic gingerbread friends. 
☃️ Josuke: - The good thing is, if he messes up the gingerbread house at all he can always use his stand to fix it up right once again.  - Still he’s going to try his best to try to do things right without needing to use his stand for help. He does get pretty frustrated though at the frosting for not really keeping everything together as well as he thought. It’s a frustrating process but he’s glad you two are doing this together.  - Every time Josuke gets this pouty look on his face, you go ahead and give him a sweet kiss to help encourage him. 
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strawberry-metal · 2 years
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Pic by my friend, Nao, aka thebigblackdevil5 on DA. If you guys missed the post, she asked me if I could upload some of her works to my tumblr and I agreed to doing! So you guys may see her works on here now and then! Her characters in the au are Naomi and Miki!
She made this pic last year of Halloween Naomi and Josuke~ I like it, it’s cute! It has a fantasy feel to it! She has a little story that goes along with it that she wrote:
“Josuke and his girlfriend Naomi decided to babysit little Jolyne and her her cousin, her name is Reiko(she is my friend's oc who is the daughter of Kakyoin and her oc, Rose. Jotaro on a trip with his wife and with his sister-in-law and her husband.(I know in canon the wife doesn't have a name and stuff, but I'm putting my friend's ocs into this story because I love the ships she created, so please chill people, and I know Kakyoin dies in the canon but this all an AU so anything could happen so please don't ask me to explain when I just did.) . Things go pretty well and they have a nice time before it's almost late so Naomi take the girls upstairs to give her a bath while Josuke waits in the living room and he accidently fall asleep on the couch, so while he asleep he has this dream where he in a forest since he doesn't why but he can't seem to move into he looks up to see this small light coming towards, so it gets closer he notice a very beautiful brunette which he thinks he is going crazy after the event with that alien guy before he notice the half butterfly is his girlfriend reaching out too him. I guess Butterfly!Naomi was about to kiss her boyfriend or maybe she was just telling him something, you could all think whatever you want. Yeah that's pretty much it, since like I said before I wanted to do something for fall because I really don't do anything like fall theme so I decided to make this picture, and I know the story was little...I guess off but I couldn't take of anything since they were to many change....However I really like this little story more better than the first one.   So yeah that's pretty much for it, I had a lot of fun making this picture I really love how I made these two together since I wanted do something with them. ^_^ They are so precious together~!”
Original pic on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/thebigblackdevil5/art/JJBA-Forest-Fall-Light-899750923
Made it in MMD SSAO by sovoro Diffusion 7 by sovoro AdultShader  by Elle Edit In Picmonkey, Sai, and some site called LunaPic Pose: Yin-Yang-Pose by HeyFelks Oc, Naomi © TheBigBlackDevil5 Naomi MMD Model © ShannaHeart Fairy Naomi MMD Model © RainwaterPearls Josuke © れたす Background: Autumn Stage by ketokeas JoJo's Bizarre Adventure © Araki Hirohiko
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tomboyjessie13 · 1 year
~Tachibana Household - Old Villa district, Morioh~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Medea was in the front yard playing with her daughter, Noriko, with the new rainbow ball she bought for her.
Medea: *Tosses the ball to her, albeit gently*
Noriko: *Catches it* Ah!
Medea: Good catch!
Noriko: Teehee! *Throws it back to Medea, but it went off course*
Medea: *Catches it with her Stand* Ha!
Noriko: Hey! Don't be using [Molly]! That's cheating!
Medea: Sorry, can't be helped. *Tosses it back*
Noriko: *Catches it* Ah! *Throws it* HA!
Medea: *Tries to catch it but misses and the ball rolls onto the street* Oh!
Noriko: *Runs to the street* I'll get it!
Medea: O_O!!!! *Goes after her* NORIKO, NO!
Noriko: *Grabs the ball just as the driver turns the corner*
Medea: *Holds onto Noriko just mere seconds before the driver screeches the car to a hault* !!!!!!.......... *Sees that they're all ok* Phew, *to Noriko in a panic* Are you ok!?
Noriko: *Nodding* Mmhmm!
Medea: *Hugs her relieved* Oh thank, Christ! *Scolding* Don't you EVER run into the street like that again, young lady! *Relived again* Oh, I'm just so glad you're safe TTvTT
???: *Gets out of the car* Hey, are you two ok?
Medea: Yeah, we're fine. *Turns to the driver and bows to him* I am so sorry for the scare, sir. *Lifts up* It was an accide- *Sees that the driver is actually Yoshikage Kira* !?!?
Kira: Well, that's a relief... *recognizes her* Hm? Oh, you're the teacher from the bakery. Tachibana, right?
Medea: Th-that's correct?
Noriko: *Hides behind her Mom's leg, shy*
Kira: *Sees this* And this must be your daughter.
Medea: Yeah, and what brings you here, Kira is it? Visiting relatives?
Kira: No, I'm just dropping off groceries at my home before heading back to work, *points forward* I live just a few houses down from here.
Medea: I see, that kinda makes us neighbors.
Kira: Seems like it. *Gets back in the car* Anyways, it was nice seeing you again, and I'm glad you two aren't hurt.
Medea: Yeah, what a lucky break, huh?
Kira: *Drives off*
Medea: *Stares at him, feeling uneasy* ...........
Noriko: *Looks up* Mommy?
Medea: ...........
~Later on at Rohan's house~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Medea: ...It was the same weirdo from the other day, he looks like David Bowie if he were born Japanese, he also wore a purple Valentino suit like the one I have except its more lavender colored, a light green dress shirt underneath, a necktie with skulls, and short blond hair that's slicked back.
Josuke, Okuyasu, Rohan, and Koichi: *Drawing what she's describing before showing off their work to her*
Koichi: *Koichi's illustration is anime-esque, of a bust of Yoshikage* I think I made one eye bigger than the other.
Josuke: *Josuke's illustration is free form, appearing to be a 1930's American gangster* I was going for a feeling.
Rohan: *Rohan's illustration is extremely detailed, looking almost like David Bowie during his "Ziggy" phase* Honestly, I can't even draw a circle. *Chuckles*
Okuyasu: *Okuyasu's illustration is simple, looking like [The Hand]*
Medea: Okay Nijimura, you just drew your Stand.
Okuyasu: Uh, [The Hand] likes himself.
- Medea meets up with Yoshikage Kira again before describing him to the Morioh boys. Loosely inspired by Monster's Inc. and Steven Universe
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salicepalico · 2 years
More Than Just a Game
This story is very different. It's written like a screenplay or a roleplay since I found it easier to do than actually write a story.
Warning: Some drinking and language.
- Ezio Auditore
- Josuke Higashitaka
- Leon Kennedy
- Maki Hara (OC)
- Pinot (OC)
- Quinn (OC)
- Rin Ito (OC)
- Salice (OC)
- Stu Macher
- Trunks Briefs
To learn more about my OCs, please click the link on my Masterlist (pinned post). The rest of the characters are from various shows, movies and games.
10 figures sit around a table. Drinks in front of them
RIN: So, it's safe to agree that we're all from different times, places, and universes, right?
Most nod in agreement.
PINOT: That doesn't really explain how we got here, though.
JOSUKE: I bet it's like an anime! Like an isekai.
STU: Or an RPG!
JOSUKE: The only way for us to get back is to complete the quest.
STU: And save the town from a magical demon lord!
Despite barely knowing each other, the two high-five.
MAKI: I doubt that's the case.
RIN: Yeah, we weren't told by some stange higher being what our quest is... yet... normally that would happen.
MAKI: What I meant was that things like that don't happen.
STU: What are you talking about? How is this NOT an isekai or RPG. There are two cat creatures and a succubus!
PINOT: Well, in human terms, I think I'm what you'd call an "alien".
SALICE wanders towards the window and looks out. The street is dark and empty. Shutters clacked in the wind. It was a ghost town. SALICE opened the door, jumping slightly as the wind nearly caused the door to send her flying back.
SALICE: How about we just explore? Maybe we'll find answers.
MAKI: You know what, cat, that's a great idea! Better than sitting around here with out thumbs up our assholes...
The group left the bar and stepped into the barren street. They surveyed the town, looking into buildings and shops trying to find clues.
STU: I bet there's traps hidden around. If we trip them, enemies will spawn.
JOSUKE: What kind of enemies do you think it'll be?
STU: Probably the cliche thing of goblins and large rats.
RIN: I doubt goblins would be here... I mean there's no food... edible food that is.
RIN scrunched her face as she gazed at a moldy mush on a table. Flies buzzing around it.
MAKI: Will you guys shut the fuck up about the video game thing?
QUINN: One problem at a time, Stu, honey.
QUINN wrapped an arm around STU
PINOT: I wonder what made us the chosen ones to be brought here and if the rest of our friends were send here as well.
TRUNKS: I doubt it. We'd have sensed their energy by now.
PINOT: Yeah, that is true... Having someone like your father or Goku would have probably made things easier, though.
TRUNKS: Or more complicated. My dad wouldn't have done anything to help, and Goku, well... he's good at fighting, but not much else.
EZIO: I don't see anyone besides us. Not even bones or signs of fire that would suggest that there was a fight.
The two laughed as the headed back outside.
RIN yelped in surprise as SALICE and EZIO jumped down from the roofs.
LEON: Where are the rats, mice, and birds? You'd think they'd be crawling all over this place. It's like everyone in this city just... vanished.
MAKI: Nothing across the street either. Just moldy food and bugs.
She approached with LEON
STU: The demon lord killed... owch!
QUINN smacked STU across the head.
The group went back to the bar which seemed like the only place that had life.
MAKI: The question is how we get back to our homes...
JOSUKE: The library! We should check the library!
LEON: We already checked the library.
JOSUKE: For PEOPLE, not answers!
SALICE: What makes you think the library has answers?
JOSUKE: Because of... of... Videogames...
RIN: As dumb as it sounds, it's the only lead we got. I'll be willing to go!
EZIO: Salice, you should go too. You can see in the dark and may find something that others might miss.
RIN: That's smart!
LEON: I'll go too. Better than sitting around doing nothing.
TRUNKS: So will I. The place is pretty big, and I'll be able to fly around and scout the place faster.
STU: What about the rest of us?
JOSUKE: We got to stay here in case goblins show up!
The trio left heading towards the library.
The library was dark. Books were piled on the floor and tables. Dust coated their dulled covers.*
LEON: Where do we even start?
RIN lit a lantern with the lighter that QUINN gave her
RIN: The supernatural section? Or maybe the medical health section? Ezio mentioned that there didn't seem to be any bones, so I don't think everyone just up and died, but I think it's worth checking. Trunks, how about you and Salice go towards the supernatural section, Leon and I will look at the medical books.
SALICE and TRUNKS nodded before he let the little cat climb onto his back as he flew deeper into the library, stopping to let SALICE read the shelf labels till they found the section they were looking for. The shelves were a mess.
TRUNKS: Man, whoever was in charge of the library didn't take care of it at all.
SALICE: What kind of book are we looking for?
TRUNKS created a small energy ball to produce some light as he carefully scanned the spines
TRUNKS: Maybe something on disappearances or other worldly summoning?
SALICE didn't really know what any of that meant, but she scanned the books for something similar. According to the others, she and EZIO were from the past by nearly 700 years. Of course many things didn't make sense to them.
SALICE: What about this book?
SALICE pulled a book out causing the pile to tumble down, but she ignored it as she brought the book to TRUNKS. TRUNKS scanned the book, opening it up and flipping through the pages.
TRUNKS: Something like this, but it looks like it's just a story and not information. Keep looking.
The two continued looking. Worthless books piled high, threatening to tumble at the slightest push. There were a few books that looked interesting, but there wasn't a lot.
TRUNKS: Let's bring what we have to the other two and hope they had better luck.
TRUNKS picked up the large stack of books, not effected by the weight as SALICE climbed onto his back. The two returned to the front where they saw RIN sitting at a table flipping through books. LEON bringing more books over.*
TRUNKS: We brought more books. We tried to find ones that weren't stories.
RIN: Thank you. Set them down on the left side of the table. I'll skim through them.
LEON: We searched the medical section like crazy. Nothing really stuck out.
TRUNKS: Same with the supernatural section. Just crazy talk. Maybe Josuke was right, and this is all just some anime plot.
RIN: Normally in an isekai or RPG, there'd be a way to check your stats by...
RIN swiped her finger in the air before freezing staring at the blank air in front of her.
LEON: Rin?
RIN: Holy shit! We're not in some Videogame or anime... we're in Dungeons and Dragons!!
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joejoeba · 2 years
Looking at some of your Josuyasu comics, I notice a theme of Okuyasu realizing his feelings first. Do you have a HC for that? How do you suppose their feelings would "really" unfold? (I just like talkin' about these good boys <3 Thanks for sharing your lovely art!)
OH ok sO
YEA i think so and I think it goes just about like:
"Hmm I guess I have a crush on Josuke. But like, who wouldn't? He's just that perfect, I'm like the billionth in queue. Oh well, as if my dumb ass could even land someone like that anyway, I'm just so glad we're friends <3 (<\3) what's for lunch"
And thus goes a very chill bi awakening. I mean who's he gonna talk to about a crush, Tonio? He just kinda accepts his feelings for what they are, avoids thinking about it, briefly laments what could never be, and moves on.
Meanwhile, I headcanon that Josuke hasn't really had a good, CLOSE friend before Koichi and Okuyasu, jist some acquaintances and pals and some good girl friends. So he's like, wow I love having a best bro to bro around with, I have never had a connection like this with anyone before, guys being dudes being homies.
And by the time Josuke starts to question the totally platonic brohood, they already have such a good thing going, and Josuke doesn't wanna lose his best friend, and Okuyasu never seems nervous or flustered like Josuke suddenly feels all the time (-because Okuyasu is more used to it and because being a little bit stupid with love is now his default, Josuke just doesn't know it).
I think it would probably be kind of awful for a little while, super classic misunderstanding stuff- Josuke is a little extra touchy and Okuyasu seems to move away?? (Because Okuyasu is like 'oh he doesn't know how that makes me feel so i better not risk doing anything stupid'), Okuyasu says stuff like "Bro i am always here for you if you need me", because he thinks Josuke is upset about something else. Back n forth, back n forth, maybe they date around a little but it would always come back to the two of them. I think they'd either crack a year or so in and have a super messy talk about Feelings, or they'd just get so used to being each other's Special Guy that they're halfway to living together before it occurs to them they feel the same way and have been dancing around each other the whole time. With how Jojo life goes, I'd imagine it might only take a couple of near-death incidents before they start to realize they might actually miss their chance if they wait too long.
But i also think either one of them might be the one to initiate The Talk! Could go a lot of way. Okuyasu just wants to be open and honest, Josuke wants to do romance The Right Way, Josuke starts by asking Okuyasu how he feels and Okuyasu is like aw man you got me, Okuyasu actually notices Josuke being a mess and decides to shoot his shot, Josuke knows how much it would mean to Okuyasu to know someone loves him even though Okuyasu could never feel the same-- they're embarrassing and i love them.
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
Gargoyle AU Jotaro who turns to stone during the day and awakens at night. Alex works as a clock tower maintenance girl who's the only human to see the "stone statue" come alive at night
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The church in which all the five Joestar gargoyles were proudly bore the name of Gothic church, with its big and slender structure along with the lots of decorations both on the outside and inside. It contrasted a lot with the small and simple houses of the village, becoming the symbol of it. 
The architect that designed that church was unknown, since all the documents were lost in an earthquake around 1870, that destroyed the upper part of the church and its decorations. Some architects from around the world decided to get together to rebuild the missing part about 5 years later, succeeding wonderfully and also adding a clock tower. 
In the original design on the upper part of the church there were five large niches for the five main big statues of gargoyles, and the architects obviously included them. But after finishing the upper part of the church they needed the statues to fill the niches, so they asked the pope of the time to announce a contest to initially recreate only one of the statues of the destroyed gargoyles.
There were a lot of contenders, but the most important two were Dario Brando and Geroge Joestar. They both were skilled sculptors that were chosen, and it was very hard to choose between their two statues. 
Dario called his statue "Dio", which meant God. The appearance of the statue showed every gargoyles' characteristics: half beast and half man, evil grin and two big demonic wings. The meaning of the statue was that "God was the real beast among all of the humans; giving them life and then ruining it at will". 
Instead, George called his statue "Jonathan", which meant "God has given". His statue didn't fully follow the characteristics of a gargoyle, in fact the statue only had the horns and wings of them. The rest of the statue represented a strong, stunning man with a carved star at the left base of the statue's neck as George's signature. The meaning of the statue was that "God gave each man two sides: one good and one bad. No matter which side will prevail, he will always kneel to God sooner or later".
Both of the sculptors changed the meaning of the gargoyle in their statues, earning the interest from the judges. 
In the end, they chose George's because the meaning that Dario gave to his statue and that refused to change, seemed to go against the church. 
Dario was furious about that, and since from here a few people saw strange things happen in the church at night, the story took a more 'fantasy' shape: Dario, somehow, placed a curse on all the statues that George created for the church: Jonathan and then Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno, making them come alive only at night. The legend says that Dario failed to curse the statues that were supposed to destroy each other, instead they were now living all together in the church as if they were a family. But when people went to investigate at night, the statues didn't even blink once. 
In fact, that was just a legend. Dario didn't accept his defeat and he destroyed his own statue out of anger, leaving only the head intact now buried somewhere in the vicinity of the church, and he simply returned from where he came from. 
But if that was just a legend, how did Alexandra befriend the Joestar's third gargoyle specifically?
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Not me initially writing a whole one shot for this but then stopped because I had no idea how to finish it be like:
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But that's okay because it was taking too long HAHAHAHAH
I also did a sketch of the church 👀👀
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Ye iss big, but that's a gothic church so it's normal XD
Also have this close up of Jotaro gargoyle too
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H e s i t
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soupbabe · 3 years
Part 4 Characters Reacting to You Saying That You Can Hold The World in Your Hands and Then Holding Their Face
One lengthy ass title, but I've seen this concept from multiple blogs and that shit is so cute?? I live for cheesy fluff so much
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~ Josuke Higashikata~
You were hanging out in Josuke's living room, watching him play videogames
It was fun for a while, but 10 min in you got bored and decided to mess with your boyfriend, who blushes easily
"Hey Josuke, I wanna show you something! " You quickly scooted yourself in front of him, not really caring about the game over screen going off in the background
"Hey! C'mon, what's so important that you couldn't wait?" You looked at him with a mischievous smile, "I can hold the world in my hands! " You proceeded to squish his face between your palms and you could see his face turn a light shade of pink and a dorky smile spread across
I don't care if this sounds out of character, dude is the type of guy to say "Aw shucks" unironically. That's exactly how he responds
Did you tease him about his response? Absolutely. Did he get you to stop laughing at him by kissing the tip of your nose? Of course
~Okuyasu Nijimura~
You both were walking around after a date at Tonio's and were goofing off
"Hey Oku, did you know I can fit the entire world in my hands?" "Sorry to break it to you Y/N, but I don't think that's possible. " Queue the plopping your hands gently on Okuyasu's face. "No, look, you're wrong!"
It took him like 5 whole minutes of him trying to understand until he actually got it.
"Huh? Oh,,,OH AWEE BABY THATS SO SWEET" Okuyasu brought you in a bone crushing hug, crying about how that's the cutest thing someone ever told him
He brought his hands up to your face and scattered kisses all over to show extra appreciation
~ Rohan Kishibe ~
Rohan isn't a man to get easily flustered so lately you've been trying to get him off guard and hope for a blush, maybe stutter if you're lucky
It was one of those rare occasions where you were able to get Rohan to take a break from his work and just have him relax with you while you're watching TV
Maybe while in this peaceful atmosphere you could catch him off guard and get him to blush
Quickly you turned towards the artist and held his face in your hands and with a giddy smile you say "I can't believe it, I can fit the entire world in my hands!"
He just kinda deadpanned and with a smushed face "Darling what are you doing? That sounds so cheesy too"
Mission failed. We'll get em next time
In the middle of pouting over your failed attempt, you missed the silent laugh that Rohan made at your statement
~Jotaro Kujo~
Please don't do this I feel like you'd end up causing an accidental ptsd flashback once you say "the world."
~Yoshikage Kira~
Everyday he managed to fit in you and him time before he gets dressed for work and that's usually just you two cuddling and good morning kisses
You were someone who filled up the housewife/househusband role in the relationship, so you savored these moments knowing you wouldn't be able to see him that much throughout the day
"Sweetheart, want to know something fascinating? I can fit the entire world in my hands." It was then you gently cupped his face and gazed into his eyes lovingly. "See?"
Yoshikage gave a small chuckle and held onto your soft hands, soaking up the attention your hands gave him
It wasn't until you tried to move your hands, Yoshikage gripped onto them. Not too harsh, but just enough to keep them there
"No no, keep them there. Let's just stay like this."
~ Yukako Yamagishi ~
You both are a pda couple, typically the cheesy romantic lines and gestures came from Yukako though
But pulling stuff like this wasn't uncommon and you usually said things like that when she gets upset by something
She could be fuming and all you have to do is not even say anything, just gently hold her like you're in a romantic novel and she's already better
"Awe sweetheart, you're my entire world too! I love you so much!"
Neat. Now you're the one being doted on and being squeezed by your surprisingly strong girlfriend
If anyone laughed at or looked at your failed attempt at being the romantic one in the relationship weirdly, she will threaten them and force them to encourage you to do more like that for her :)
~ Toshikazu Hazamada ~
Shh lowkey based off of a headcanon that Hazamada does enjoy drawing a lot and one of his inspirations was Rohan (before Rohan's episode tho)
You were at Hazamada's house, hanging out in his room while he sits at his desk drawing something in his sketchbook
While he was busy, you were giving some affection to his stand, using Surface as a temporary cuddle buddy and using it to give it's user some attention while he's stressing over each hand he draws
Don't get me wrong, you love Toshikazu, but it was getting annoying how often he seemed to neglect giving you proper attention and leaving his stand to do the work for him
"Hey Kazu, look I can hold the world in my hands!" You held the wooden stand close to you and giving it a lil cheek kiss, knowing it was a pet peeve of his when you give too much of your time to his stand rather than himself
Hazamada really went 👁️👄👁️ when the dummy even made a laughing motion at him "B-but why not me!? Am I not your world!?"
"Huh? Oh yea, don't worry honey. I still love you, but right now Surface gets the special boyfriend privileges since it pays attention to me."
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