#but just sadly disappointed with the execution
daily-linkclick · 1 year
so many thoughts about the new season..
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Considering we're talking about governmental changes in the final arc, I was slightly disappointed by the LeafSilk kingdom. (The Leafwings already have a kingdom and a queen?) Though this may be personal bias I thought the matriarchal monarchy structure of each tribe was really fascinating and compelling, and the LeafSilk assembly rather odd by extension, and makes me raise a few questions. Why is the assembly made up of only Silkwings? Is the Leafwing section of government just Queen Sequoia and Hazel in a room with 200 other dragons? Why did they have to merge to one kingdom in the first place? I know they're close allies, but I don't find it makes a lot of sense. However, I think the power vacuum Wasp left behind with the Silkwing tribe and Monarch's unknown fate (likely dead, sadly) could make the idea of a Silkwing council very interesting. The citizens, now without a true clear-cut leader, like royalty, appoint multiple leaders, a council. It has potential, but it isn't executed in the way I (one random anon) would enjoy or put into practice in my own writing. But that is just my opinion.
tldr: I think the new LeafSilk government is boring and doesn't make a lot of sense.
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Hobie's 'No More' Moment - Hobie Brown Headcanons
Inspired by this post by @wicked-exe - thanks again!
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I had to think on this a bit and honestly I think Hobie's 'No more' moment has to do with something we've already seen but don't talk about:
Hobie Joining the Spider-Society.
Honestly, I think it would be a really hard struggle for him in the beginning.
Imagine you're a brown kid living under fascism and it's your job to fight a totalitarian government and give people an ounce of hope.
Imagine you craft a whole persona around it, wear a mask, and go out and fight everyday with the slight hope that maybe you'll change something and finally be free
Then you finally learn that not only are their other universes and other yous, but they've created a community and society together!
Only to find out that they're totalitarian too.
That even though theres dozens of universes out there, and dozens of Spider-men, there's no freedom anywhere.
It's not just London, it's not just the 70's or your universe, it every universe. It goes all the way to the top.
And even worse, the people at the top are you. Spider-people. Literally versions of you from different dimensions.
All this time you've been fighting 'the man', when in reality, the one controlling the whole timeline is one of you.
That's what Hobie went through, and that probably fucked him up a lot!!!!!!
I feel like learning about the Spider Society would've made him really hopeful - maybe he thought that they were like him - anarchists, or at least freedom fighters.
And then he learns that no - he's different. They all like cops. They all like 'the man'. They all come from free universes, and they all agree with Miguel and what he's doing.
Spider-man probably meant so much to Hobie, and then to meet people like him - only to find out they're the thing he hates most?
It's like they perverted the image for him. It made him sick.
I feel like after he learned what the Spider-Society was actually about, he just couldn't do it.
I imagine it being really really depressing for him, sadly.
The feeling of never escaping fascism, no matter what dimension you're in. Facing the threat of violence whether its the police or people that literally know your life story like the back of their hand.
How can you sleep at night knowing there's versions of you controlling things, everywhere?
It would destroy him.
Going from a freedom fighter to being ordered around by other Spider-men, going into universes and executing their will. That's not what Spider-man is to him.
The watch is the only perk.
He doesn't tell anyone how he feels. He knows better than that.
He stays low at HQ, trying to keep to himself, and take as few missions as he can. Miguel sees potential in him and finds this disappointing, but whatever.
He hates it there, anyway. The only perk Hobie sees is the watch. The watch changes everything for him.
At the very least, Hobie knows that there's other universes that are better than his. Some, WAY more high-tech than his. (Imagine him learning about ipods!)
He'd see this as a chance.
With access to futuristic technology, he can really get serious.
It's around this time he starts making his watch pro-type. He 'breaks' his first one, asking Jess for a second, and he takes the first one apart.
He starts lifting and stealing parts from every dimension he gets sent to.
It takes at most 4 months for him to crack it, but he does.
Hobie seems like the type to go AWOL.
I feel like he'd just stop.
At once point he wouldn't see the point in fighting any more cause it's just suffocating.
He hates the Spider-society, he hates his universe, and he now hates looking at his own suit.
So after he makes his first watch, I feel like he'd say 'No More', and just take off.
Ghosts London, ghosts HQ, picks a dimension and just leaves, totally untraceable.
He only needs a rucksack and his guitar.
He squats in dimensions, never staying too long, picking up momentos from each one. He has to lay real low, and it's rare but lucky when he finds a dimension with an un-enrolled Spider-person.
The search for him at HQ is quiet, but heated. Miguel doesn't want to raise heat. Having a Spider-person quit is one thing.
They've never handled a Spider-man recreating their tech. That's worrying.
The only person who can make him come back is himself.
Part guilt, part nostalgia, part culture shock - eventually Hobie goes home.
He misses London. He dislikes the future. And he hates the feeling of running away.
Eventually he comes back. London has gotten bad, worse. He has his work cut out for him, but he's fine with that.
He'd forgotten that even if he was one out of hundreds at HQ, his universe only had one Spider-man, and he couldn't quit on them.
He lays low and changes up his strategies a bit so not to make too much ruckus
But his comeback is really the surge the resistance needed to gain some huge traction.
Eventually, he remembers why he started in the first place. Things start getting a little better. He starts feeling like himself again.
After a while Jess and Miguel catch wind of his return back home. It's a good while before they reach out again, but it very much to keep an eye on him.
They tell him they 'understand it was hard to process' for him, sweep it under the rug and call it squashed.
But it's not really.
Hobie wasn't suppose to know about Miles, but then he meets Gwen, and when he learns about Miles and what HQ is up to, he starts planning.
Miles was apart of the plan to take down HQ the whole time.
He's the only real reason Hobie stuck around. He's had a plan since he started.
I love Hobie Angst. I love it so much!!!! His universe and the trauma with that I love it!! I feel like just looking at who he as a character - he's really resilient. He was the first one there, by himself, a 16-17 year old coming from a fascist society, learning about the universe and HQ and how fragile it all is. And still choosing to fight!!!! He's so punk!
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flower-boi16 · 9 months
Why Seeing Stars' Thematic Messaging Doesn't Work
So…Seeing Stars. I used to think it was one of the better episodes of Season 2, but unfortunately, my opinion of it soured over time. It went from a 6.5/10 to a 4.5/10 the more I thought about it. Something that especially disappoints me about the episode is how it handles its thematic messages. Here I’m going to explain why Seeing Stars fails to execute its thematic messages that while are great messages, they sadly fail in execution
1. What is Seeing Stars Trying to Do?
Before I talk about why Seeing Star’s messages don’t work let’s first establish what’s the message the episode is trying to convey. It's basically a message about how while fathers can be heavily flawed and make mistakes sometimes they do still love their kids and are still trying to be the best father they can and that they do genuinely mean well. The episode also tries to draw a parallel between Loona and Octavia with their relationships with their fathers (Blitz and Stolas respectively), with how they both have fathers that are heavily flawed but do still care for them and are just trying. 
I actually do really like the message that the episode is trying to spread. I think it's very sweet and could work well...but unfortunately, while the episode's ideas aren't bad, the execution isn't exactly great.
2. Octavia and Stolas
Now that we've established what message Seeing Stars is trying to convey, let's talk about why the episode fails to execute its themes properly. First, let's talk about the parallel that the episode tries to draw between Loona and Octavia's relationships with their fathers; like I already said, the parallel is supposed to be about how they both have heavily flawed fathers that do genuinely care for them and while they do make mistakes or fuck up they are still trying.
The issue with this parallel is that the episode wants you to think that Stolas is a father who while makes mistakes and is heavily flawed is still a loving and caring dad to Octavia that cares for her, hell Loona even says that Octavia should cut Stolas some slack because he's trying to be the best father he can...
...even though Stolas is a shit parent. This is where we run into the first problem with this message; the episode tells us that Stolas is a heavily flawed but loving father who's trying to be the best father he can for his daughter but it runs hollow once you factor in Stolas' behavior towards Octavia in both Loo Loo Land and this very episode, the two episodes where he interacts the most with Octavia. In the former, he pays more attention to Blitz than he does to his own daughter and constantly neglects her until she runs away and gets upset, meanwhile in this very episode Stolas focuses more on his divorce with Stella and calls Stella a bitch right in front of Octavia, and breaks his promise to go see the stars with her because he's more focused on his divorce with Stella.
This calls into question "good dad who makes mistakes but is still trying" that the episode is trying to paint Stolas as because none of the episodes that focus on his relationship with Octavia ever show him being a good dad who's just trying, rather it shows someone who pays attention to others rather than his own daughter and who his daughter has to cry and run away from to actually get his attention.
It gets worse once you factor in the line where Loona says to cut Stolas some slack, because now rather than the thoughtful message the episode wanted to convey, it instead comes across as the show once again coddling Stolas and ignoring his mistakes in favor of painting him as an UwU soft boy who did nothing wrong. Even worse, Octavia is treated as in the wrong for getting upset at Stolas here just like how Blitz is treated as in the wrong for getting upset at him too, when both are justified for getting mad at Stolas.
The show never showed Stolas as a father who while heavily flawed genuinely cared for her daughter and was trying his best, rather it showed a father who pays more attention to other people rather than his own daughter, so this whole message about Stolas and the parallel the episode tries to bring rings hollow, and it instead comes across as the show making Stolas into a creators pet and coddling him despite his mistakes as a father, yet the show tries gaslighting you into thinking otherwise.
3. Loona and Blitz
Now that I've covered why the message doesn't work from Octavia's side, now it's time to talk about why It doesn't work from Loona's side. Once again we come back to the line where Loona says that while sometimes dad's fuck up they do legitimately mean well, and how Octavia should cut his dad some slack. I first need to talk about Loona's behavior in this episode to explain why this doesn't work.
Loona acts very uncharacteristically nasty in this episode to Blitz all because he gave constructive criticism about how she acts towards clients. Like, she straight-up attacks him by throwing knives and beating him. Which is why it comes across as very annoying when Loona says that dad's fuck up all the time but it does still mean they're trying, because...Blitz didn't fuck up. She did. He has done nothing but love and care for her, yes he's overprotective but for good reason, and she repays him by being a massive bitch to him just because he gave her some mild criticism over how she was handling clients.
Blitz wasn't the one fucking up here, Loona did. Yes he did threaten to get rid of her, but she was the one who suggested it in the first place. Blitz is a father that does love his daughter and is trying his best to take care of her, but Loona comes across as a bitch here with how she's acts to him AND how she says that he was the one who fucked up when really she was.
This also especially makes Loona a massive hypocrite here; she's telling Octavia to cut her dad some slack because he's trying his best, but she isn't exactly treating her father very well either. And I'll just bring up Loona's conversation with Octavia again; she says that fathers my fuck up all the time but they are still trying and that's what matters, and how Octavia should cut Stolas some slack. You'd think that this would be the moment where Loona realizes her mistake and that she should also cut Blitz some slack, learns to appreciate her father a lot more, and goes to apologize to Blitz after they reunite with him and Stolas...
...except that's not what happened. Instead of apologizing to Blitz for how she acted she kicks him in the balls when he tries to hug her even AFTER he apologizes for threatening to get rid of her and hits his face with a book when he tries to get up. All of this makes Loona's conversation with Octavia feel completely hollow as Loona comes across as a massive hypocrite here with how she treats Blitz.
4. Conclusion
So ya, I hope you can now understand why Seeing Stars' themes and messages fall flat on their face. I do still have a soft spot for this episode due to it being the only episode in the whole show that got me cry the first time while watching it, but now while this episode is still a guilty pleasure of mine, I can admit that objectively it fails at conveying its core message due to it not working within both the context of the episode itself and the rest of the show.
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newwillinium · 5 months
Benny's Gambit: Why Yes-Man sucks as the face of a Independent Vegas Route
So this has been on my mind for a good good long while now. So around two years ago during yet another playthrough of Fallout New Vegas I decided to, for the first time since that first playthrough on the 360, go down the Independent Route instead of going NCR like I always had. And I found myself greatly disappointed with what I found. So for those somehow unaware, the independent route of New Vegas begins when you off Benny in the Tops or in Caesar's Tent/Arena, and encounter a Securitron by the name of Yes-Man in Benny's closet at the Tops. There you learn that the reason behind your execution, the hunt for the Platinum Chip, was all for a way to take control of House's Securitron army. Something House himself will tell you when you first meet him shortly before or after entering the Tops. But there's another way to learn about it. . .from Benny himself. Where Benny offers to make you his agent, a mercenary, to help take New Vegas to new heights free from the autocracy of House and the predations of the NCR and Legion. A true independent Vegas where the Chairman direct the show and the others follow. Which isn't terrible, as it would solve one of the major issues with New Vegas as a whole and the Independent Route in particular. So before I get into that let me lay down the Yes-Man quote that had me infuriated with the Independent Route and what it ultimately represents. > So I should ask these tribes if they'll support an Independent Vegas? > " Oh no, I didn't mean that! Who needs their support? The Securitrons will be all the support you need! What I meant is, you should get to know these tribes and decide which ones you like and which you don't! You know - shape the future of Vegas! Choose your neighbors! If you like a tribe, leave it alone! Or if a tribe is nasty, or going to be a problem - go ahead and exterminate it! It's whatever you want to do!" The Yes-Man Independent Route isn't a route for a Independent Vegas, where you convince the tribes and settlements to back you and your move against both the colonizing NCR and also the autocratic House and Caesar, but instead if it is a power-fantasy. YOU get to decide who lives or dies in the coming Vegas, YOU get to make all the decisions for Vegas. It's not a independent route, you are a single man making a decision for thousands with no authority invested into you other then what you stole from other figures who WERE respected and accepted by their wider communities. But imagine a New Vegas where, you initially COULD take Benny up on his offer. > You'll get a sweet, juicy cut of that action. But until that day comes, I'll keep you on retainer, and pay bonuses for "special missions You go to the Families and convince them to help Benny overthrow House and keep their independence from any of the "finks" encroaching on their borders. You make a truce with the Khans by giving them free range over Western Vegas so long as they keep the roads safe. Make out a deal with the Brotherhood to repair the Securitrons in exchange for driving out the Van Graffs (with you possibly agreeing with the Brotherhood to discard of the Securitrons later with their help), and convince the Boomers to help through the vanilla quests. Convince Freeside, North Vegas, Westside and the Thorn, Jacobstown, to join with you. Have Benny only turn on you *towards the end* of the Yes-Man/Independent Route, that way when you take the reins from him the plot is already moving, the people of the Mojave ALREADY support what you are doing, and you can go forward from there. Where everyone supports you rather then just thinking that they are helping either the NCR or Legion only to be blindsided by you coming in INCLUDING your allies. There actually w
+as a really fantastic mod on the Nexus that fixed the majority of my issues too, but sadly the mod author deleted their account not too long ago so that mod is forever lost to the wider internet. TLDR: Half my post got deleted so I'm rushing this along now before work, Yes-Man's Route sucks as a power fantasy because it IS just a power fantasy, Benny should have been the leader of the Independent Route, Have him turn on you later, still get Yes-Man as a personality, this way every settlement and tribe in the Mojave actually MATTER in regards to the Yes-Man route too.
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any favourite recovery fics??? Like Buck recovering from any one of his mishaps (or Anthony Bridgerton, or Matt Casey, or Mike Warren, etc) where they cover the process (the part that shows always skip where in one ep things are absolutely fucked and in the next they’re absolutely fine I’m looking at you and your rebar 9-1-1)
I have a TON of good recovery fics. Recovery fics are some of my favorite things to read! Especially really long ones where the character is recovering from a trauma. If you don't mind other fandoms I've got a ton of recovery fics to rec. Not a lot for Anthony Bridgerton or Mike Warren in terms of recovery fics for canon whump sadly. Actually there's not a lot of recovery fics for them period. But I hope some of these other ones will sate you!
The Witcher:
Hold On by CaptainRex_ika
It has been months since that day on the mountain, a day that left Jaskier alone. Now, he finds himself a captive of Nilfgaard, who just want Geralt and that child surprise of his, and they believe Jaskier is the way to get the White Wolf's attention. After all, he is known as the Witcher's Bard. Jaskier believes that this time Geralt won't come for him...not after that day.
warming of a heart by Alexlively88
tws: A/B/O, past rape/non con, abortion/discussion of abortion, rape recovery
Killing a rusalka is just a normal day in Geralt's life. It's just his job. What isn't his job is rescuing abused omegas. He does it anyway. Or, Jaskier is done with life. To his disappointment, life isn't done with him just yet.
If You Ask Me for My Fire (Just Watch Me Burn) by DigitalSaiyan
tws: past rape/non con, rape/noncon, rape recovery,
Jaskier has zero intention of sharing the degrading experience of getting tortured. Ever. He’ll bury the memories and someday they’ll be as scabbed over as Caingorn was. Which had been completely, absolutely, fine. And the only reason that wound is bleeding a little now is because Geralt came out of nowhere—after the most humiliating experience of his entire life—and reopened it. But that’s fine because he’ll leave and return to the terror of his smuggling work and forget about Geralt all over again. There's nothing hard drink and the constant danger of execution won’t get his mind off. There’s something therapeutic about fearing for one’s life that makes anything not of immediate concern go away. So yes, things were just fine before Geralt showed up. Two years post-Caingorn, Geralt rescues Jaskier from jail and sends him with Ciri to Kaer Morhen. However, Geralt starts to suspect Jaskier is hiding serious trauma.
Panic Attacks by AllTheQueensHorses
Jaskier, captured by Nilfgaard and tortured for weeks, has panic attacks because no one knows where he is and no one is coming to rescue him. Basically a giant whump fic with plenty of angst and hurt but no comfort until later. Trigger warnings throughout the whole story for panic attacks.
Broken by GonEwiththeWolveS
In which Geralt finds out Jaskier was tortured. Or, the self-indulgent hurt/comfort fic.
What am I, if not a bard? by Mi_chan
Geralt knows something happened to Jaskier. He doesn't know the details, but he knows he needs to do something to help the bard. Jaskier is stubborn and refuses to talk to him. Geralt doesn't give up that easily, though. ~ Since the series totally downplayed Jaskier's trauma, here's the fix. The bard is hurting, he's scared and doesn't know what to do with himself, but Geralt is there, acknowledging his pain. ~
an incessant burning by 1derspark
“Jaskier,” Geralt prompted after a while. “Can you look at me?” He shook his head and hoped that his mumbled "no" would be heard. Geralt sighed but didn’t try to move him. His hand was running a comforting trail up and down Jaskier’s back. Eventually, he spoke again. “Yen, she told me some things, but I didn’t realize…” He trailed off, and Jaskier could hear him swallow. A click of guilt in the throat. He reached over to Jaskier’s arm. When he didn’t startle or protest Geralt took his arm. He rubbed a gentle finger over the wax burn. It was a barely-there thing, nothing to get all riled up about. But even having his arm exposed made Jaskier want to crawl into a hole. (Or Jaskier’s newfound aversion to fire, and the comfort he deserves.)
Hand in Trembling Hand by PenAndInkPrincess
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier whispers at last. Geralt shifts so he can look at him. “I’m sorry I’m…like this, now.” “You don’t have to be sorry.” (Jaskier has a hard path to walk while he's healing. Geralt and Yennefer help him with this part.)
Ted Lasso:
an excess of warmth or coldness by bartonbones 
When Jamie is seriously injured during a match, Roy and Ted are reminded how much they care about him--as a son, or as a younger brother, or as an exposed nerve. Jamie is reminded what it's like to have people care when his face gets knocked in.
Lemons and Lavender by LivingProof
He peels his eyes open. Shit, they really must be giving him the good stuff, cause he could swear he knows that dark figure lurking in the doorway, where his old man came in a few minutes ago. He blinks a few times, waiting for it to vanish. It doesn’t. “Roy?” he croaks. He blinks again, and Roy…or whoever…is standing beside him, 'cept Jamie still can’t tell, cause he can only see his back, cause whoever it is isn’t looking at Jamie, he’s looking across the room. Towards that window. At Jamie’s dad. “The fuck do you fucking think you’re fucking doing here?” Yeah. That’s Roy.
Barn Raising by altschmerzes 
After the locker room disaster in Manchester, Roy drives Jamie home. The chaos they find when they arrive at the house swiftly proves it is not a safe place to spend the night, forcing a change of plans and a reroute to Roy’s own home. The following day Jamie experiences, in this order: The most bewildering breakfast of his life, a penalty kick clinic with a seven-year-old, and an overwhelming display from his teammates that brings him face to face with the fact that not only has he been accepted back in Richmond it’s also possible he might be, in a way he can’t remotely process or understand, loved here.
The Same Story by altschmerzes
It would've been traumatic enough for Jamie's father to ruin Richmond's most recent victory in front of the whole team, but when the confrontation turns violent in front of a gaggle of reporters, the ensuing social media firestorm is even worse. Over the next two and a half weeks, Jamie will have to navigate the charges against his father, walk a gauntlet of publicity that he never asked for, and prepare to give the interview of a lifetime.
Bones Don't Rust by not_whelmed_yet
The same capture & rescue fic everyone has written, but playing off two ideas: - I wanted to see Dream’s physical recovery take long enough that he could begin his mental/emotional recovery before heading back to the Dreaming - There’s a lot of ways to hurt an anthropomorphic entity without taking them out of their snowglobe
I will find you in your dreams by Salmaka
A story where Dream, confused and weak from his time in isolation doesn't make it back to the Dreaming but ends up in Hob's house instead.
To Learn to Breathe Again by ironlin
Upon returning back to the Dreaming, Dream finds himself struggling. Thankfully, Lucienne is there to help.
To Be Loved by Scribbles97
Buck knew he was spiralling, that the dread that had been shadowing him since leaving the hospital should have left when the doctor had given him the all clear. Yet, he can't help but feel like he's still missing something. Eddie hadn't been able to give him the answers, but maybe Bobby could. Calm, dependable, reassuring, Bobby always had the answers and helped him through stuff.
Goosebumps by Princessfbi 
Everyone kept telling Buck he was supposed to rest, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to do that when the cold was an incessant prickling under his skin. Five Times Buck Struggled to Stay Warm After Being Struck By Lightning and Put Into A Coma and One Time He Didn't.
Don't (Wanna) Know Who I Am by altschmerzes
Buck takes a nasty fall out on a job, and when he wakes up, he can't remember anything. Not what happened, not who the people in his hospital room are, not even his own name. The next two weeks he spends being passed from house to house every few days, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby taking turns keeping an eye on him while he tries to remember his life. The way back is slow and hard, and begs the question - who actually is Evan Buckley, and is he someone worth remembering? (Luckily, the rest of the 118 is there with an answer, if not to the first question, then at least to the second.)
Once Upon A Time
puppet strings by bewilderedmoth
Having technically died on more than one occasion now, having finally put all that trauma behind him and settled down in Storybrooke, August had hoped his troubles were long gone. When Gold returns to town in his quest to find the Author, hopes of a trouble free life in the sleepy town crumble away to dust. (A whumpy re-write of August's torture in S4, Ep 16. Set within the 'mess is mine' universe, but not actually canon to that AU)
they are mine by Lil_Redhead
Killian is still trying to deal with his emotional pain after returning from the underworld and all he needs is a motherly touch. Takes place after 5B season finale.
Unforgotten by NothingImpossibleOnlyImprobable
Killian went through so much in his centuries of life, especially in the Underworld. Nightmares were to be expected. This is canon-compliant with my Undefeated story, and it will eventually be a part of a larger collection of works dealing with the aftermath of everything he's survived, and some he didn't.
You can take the boys out of Neverland by WinkyCutto
The Lost Ones don't like having to live by the rules and Henry and his family are about to find out that bringing them back to Storybrooke may not have been the best idea... Hook whump galore, you have been warned.
Superman & Lois
Path to Recovery by Beth4LC
It’s been a month since Clark lost his powers and there are still no clear answers to when he’ll get them back. In the meantime, he focuses on connecting with the members of his family.
Powerless by Beth4LC
Clark is home and recovering after Ally’s near-fatal attack, and he starts to adjust to his new reality.
Deal by hearmerory
Chloe didn't spend five years being best friends with the Devil just to let him go back to Hell. But recovery? Relationships? These are not things Lucifer has ever found easy. In the weeks after Lucifer's return from Hell, he and the humans, angels and demons who surround him find out how long, hard and traumatic those roads can be.
Crystals by OkamiShadou98
After seeing Lucifer's scars, Chloe searches for the truth about her partner and his shadowed past. In doing so, she comes face to face with the psychological demons he shields himself from. Recovery is a long, twisted road for the Devil and his Detective. Eventual Deckerstar.
The Man From Uncle:
Agents, Missions, and Hospitals by Tallihensia
Getting hurt on a mission is enough to make a partner’s blood run cold. The aftermath and recovery, though, is almost as bad. Caring and trust makes it better.
The Martian:
Waiting in the Sky by midnightradio
Mark is back on the Hermes but getting rescued isn't quite as easy as it seemed. Fighting for your life is easy, but living with what you had to do to survive is harder.
I Win, Mars by chuckisgod
You didn't just have to save him. You have to put him back together, too. Ares 3 was in time to save Mark's life, but not quite his mind. The Hermes has hundreds of days of space travel before they all get back to Earth. It's a ship running without maintenance, and the primary engineer has the world's most severe case of PTSD. What happens? Canon-compliant.
Just Keep Going by chuckisgod
"And this is how this story ends. The story of Mark Watney is the story of a man who was stranded on Mars, and instead of giving up he did everything he could to make it back to Earth, because that's the point." What would being abandoned on an entire planet do to someone? A window into Mark's emotional state on Mars. A sincere attempt to stay true to the real-life health effects of solitary isolation.
Life on Earth by watneykingofmars
A series of drabbles and one-shots about Mark Watney readjusting to life on earth.
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Hearth and Home by lets_support_frogs
After his Agni Kai, Zuko flees the Fire Nation without Iroh or his crew. He finds himself stranded, alone, and injured in the Earth Kingdom when taken in and raised as a healer and farmer by an Earth Kingdom couple. He finds new ways to use his bending and to influence in the changing of the war with new understanding of himself, his bending, and the war. As someone with new perspectives and influence he is able to provide a greater understanding of being a teacher, warrior, and friend when meeting the gaang.   or Where Zuko gets to recover before using anger to protect himself when he is adopted by a nice Earth Kingdom family
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Rating All Radiant's Gear By How Cute The Little Dragons Are:
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Paladin: 9/10 The sword little guy is one of the stylised dragons who has been squished flat, and drags down the set for being a lil boring in execution, but the shield is ADORABLE, look at that baby all curled around it!! The pose, the style, the ELEGANCE. One of the largest dragons of the whole set.
Long post under the cut :)
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Warrior: 10/10 FOUR dragons, all with a cool pose, in one weapon? Lookit them! They're little spiky babies judging you from their perch and I love them.
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Dark Knight: 8/10 Cool pose but their faces are sort of weird. The babies have 2 eyes on each side I think? But the face doesn't have enough definition to make them look like faces, and then you could mistake the 2 eyes for being front-facing and then they're goofy. More effort put into being edgy than maximising Dragon Cuteness, but they are still pretty neat, so I can't be that mean to them.
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Gunbreaker: 0/10 NO DRAGONS??? Just the aesthetic? What are we DOING here? I think this secretly says something about the state of the trade deal between the Bozjans and Rats-at-Hand so I volunteer as a diplomat to improve things so they honour the traditional Gunblade with a more befitting dragon next time. I will rebuild Bozja myself brick by brick if I have to get trade flowing.
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Dragoon: 11/10 The little guys from the axe are back and they have a EXTRA WINGS to make the spear more aerodynamic, which is very important for aerial combat. Bonus points for making a leetle heart :)
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Reaper: 100/10 this is just Vrtra. Look at that snoot. Someone had SEEN him when they made this. Is this a post-EW design that their craftsmen added to the range after seeing that the Warrior of Light was a reaper and wanted to sell them specifically the perfect weapon? Or is this a secret design a past satrap had sketched and had made to secretly carry Vrtra with them which ended up in the stable of weapon types the Radiant Host use, in which case I want to know everything about the Reaper Satrap.
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Monk: 9/10 Look at this guy... Another goofy face, but a great pose. Deducting points more because you don't punch someone directly with a dragon and instead they're hiding behind the blades looking cute. I want to punch someone with a dragon.
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Samurai: 12/10 Two extra points for the weird dragon face with six eyes on the blade itself. I don't think the person designing most of these had ever seen a dragon but I love the imagination going into it. The lil guy on the sheath is fucking majestic. Flying at your side and adorable to boot.
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Ninja: 0/10 again... Yeah yeah dragons have scales and claws. Disappointing.
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Bard: 7/10 disappointingly flat little guy. Considering how MANY bows there are shaped like creechurs, the fact that this isn't another Vrtra-shaped full-body monstrosity of a thing is especially painful. Definitely an old staple of their armoury from times long ago when they weren't even sure the great dragon was real. Scraped a point for the arrow fletching being little wings.
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Machinist: 8/10 another lil guy with a funny face. Loses their body definition to wrap around the butt of the gun, and playing a protective role over your hands once again like with Monk, rather than getting out there and doing the shooting, which would have been funny, but perhaps crass for a beloved protector.
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Dancer: 9/10 SO LONG. Just curled up and having a good time vibing. Sadly hard to see unless it's being actively thrown at someone, since that distortion in its length is so you can hold it there. Deducting a point just because the art of combat dancing does come from Thavnair so they COULD have gone a bit more all out on this particular weapon.
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Black Mage: 7/10 ARE YOU OKAY THERE? The squished ones make me sad. Could have been much more 3D and leaping out at you. The wings are amazing though. The overall vibe looks more like one of those flying voidsent thingies with the big flappy wings (you know the ones) so it is suitable BLM wear but not overall the best dragon nor particularly cute or cuddly.
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Summoner/Scholar (same dragons but one's lighter): 5/10 This is the same dragon as the Black Mage staff but even more compressed and the wings are tiny and weak. There could have been SO MUCH MORE dragon on these books. :(
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Red Mage: 6/10 Great pose but the other wing designs are doing most of the heavy work to make it dragonny. I think it's sweet that it's snuggling down close to your hand but it's definitely a secret little dragon and not a flex that it's your new bestie in channelling terrifying amounts of mana. Bonus point for the slight bat-like aesthetic in its pose and the metal wings, and I always approve of when anything Red Mage also has vampiric hints in the aesthetic, and the lil baby dragon is playing along.
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White Mage: 10/10 "Oh this one just has the wings?" WRONG LOOK AT THIS LITTLE WHITE MAGE BABY WHITE DRAGON SNOOZING IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR STAFF, AWAY FROM THE DYABLE SECTIONS. The white sheep of the family is here to help and they're doing so well. Deducted bonus points because its eyes don't glow, so you can't dye it blue and have a blue eyes white dragon :(
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Astrologian: 8/10 Double dragon! I stared for so long trying to work out if the dongle on top is also a dragon face but I think it just glows. The dragons are pretty subtle here but I think it may be kinder than putting them on any part where they'd be rotated wildly because then they might get dizzy and we can't have that. Anyway the existing dragons are cute but also just far enough down that stylised line that they look really goofy again so I think I am once again appreciating them in a silly way not a "awww baby" way.
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Start your own family, dye them bright pink as the colour of your new brood... You're one of Middy's kids now, you are totally legally allowed to do that by Dragon Rules, trust me.
I am obsessed.
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prototypelq · 10 months
So, I stumbled upon a video about Adi Shankar today (that's the netflix anime exec and showrunner), and I...now feel much, much more positive about the whole thing!
What I've learned, is that Adi is basically El Donte with Vergil-drank-a-whole-Monster levels of hype&energy&perfectionism in tv series industry. The guy is clinically unhinged and deranged, which I think could fit the DMC anime tone nicely.
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He has been making gaming adaptations for a long time now, and his works all come from a genuine love and care for the source material, enhanced with a special Adi TM take on the whole thing. Sadly, I've just learned of his other works, so not exactly best source for this kind of thing, but I got the feeling the guy likes to gore and darken up the source, spice it up with self-irony, and sew everything to skeleton made out of pure-geek love and obsession over the original.
He had a sort of El Donte arc in the industry, as the guy liked to come in shattering doors and expectations of 'normal' executives and investors, but he seems to have matured a little to start combining the best of fan-love and big investor money into amazing and unique works of art. He is most known for working on Castlevania series, but personally the show I learned about (and was sold on to give a watch) is Captain Laserhawk.
Captain Laserhawk is Ubisoft doing a RARE INDEED creative take on their stuff, basically they gave Adi creative freedom over every franchise Ubisoft has ever owed, and a result of that was a.... an adult show which roasts the ever-living hell out of Ubisoft, their practices and everything, with Rayman doing news-anchoring, drugs and then having an existential crisis? Oh, and also for animation he specifically commissioned a studio known for the...furry carnal desire series they uploaded to their own page.
The most bizarre thing is that Adi said he had a Ubi-lawyer follow him to every meeting to confirm that, yes, Ubisoft gave a green light to all of this.
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So, uh, yeah gotta give Captain Laserhawk a watch, I wanna see Ubisoft roasted.
Mind you, Captain Laserhawk was Adi given a free-out-of-jail card on going unhinged, so he did not disappoint. His Castlevania show seems to have been loved by all fans, and seems to be much more tone-according to the series, as far as I can tell. At least, I've heard nothing but praise for that series. Also, knowing japanese studios, I think Capcom was keeping a close watch over everything, still, if Adi's previous work is to go by, then this anime is sure going to be
Adi claimed to have played all the DMC titles, so he knows his source, and I now believe that those manga in the latest anime preview weren't for show either. We also know the father of the series, Hideaki Itsuno, oversaw the anime production to some extent, so I'm sure it's going to tonally fit DMC. I also wouldn't mind a darker take on this series at all. The anime would be the perfect form to do that, too, as DMC is a world where demon incursions are a frequent occurrence, this HAS to affect the people of this setting somehow. The games can't really tap too much into that either, cause the gameplay of this series is 'bully your opponent back into hell' basically, these games are f u n, and you can't really have fun gameplay and a depressing story, the tone clash wouldn't really work.
DMC5 tried, but it is still mostly a very fun experience, the tragedy of the Qlipoth attack is highlighted only in the beginning, and the game even ends with Nero brightly lit and looking around the ruins, which works for him as a character, but the human tragedy that happened has already been forgotten by that point.
This is not a critique, I wouldn't have DMC any other way, but I DO want additional material that brings the setting down when we exit the 'sparda idiots' radius, and I feel like with Adi at the helm that's exactly what we might get with the anime. Oh, he also claimed to have been working on the anime all this time since 2018, and with his drive and obsession over every project I feel like Adi is not exaggerating, the production of that size and obsession could have very well taken over five years in the oven.
So yeah, I am now feeling much more excited for the whole thing. That's a very nice feeling)
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nerd-chocolate · 4 months
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1. 7, I think because the current one we have now, is a hot mess. And while some of it is interesting, I don’t really believe it would been better or worse since the concept and idea that the show has currently is just as creative and interesting what matters is the execution and I have to say that the anime one probably would have just as fail as the one we have since the writers of the show are incompetent.
2. 8, as much as I love Nath, I agree but I’m glad he isn’t a love rival like many others thought he was going to be. It just his writing could be better in the episodes focusing on him and that him being a matchmaker and being hopeless romantic is wasted on the love square!
3. 7, I think fluff is also pretty interesting with her being out of there but I do agree with you. The writers don’t try to give them different personalities that would set them apart from each other. Like you can make Tikki more traditional instead of generic nice or something. They also could use their animal attributes to give them more personalities but that sadly isn’t the case, so they’re bland for that reason.
4. 10, I agree since the class each getting miraculous which fits for them makes sense, it how they did it and how they did it was disappointing. Instead naturally doing it and giving us reasons why they should have it and why they earn one, the writers decided to rush it is this apparent in Penalteam the most.
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b4ts1e · 1 year
▀▄▀▄▀▄A Misread Situation▄▀▄▀▄▀ (𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚌!𝙼𝙲)
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚍: 𝚀𝚒𝚞/𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝙼𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙱𝚊𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚗 𝙼𝙲 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 (𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙾𝙻:𝙽&𝙵)
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Kiddos shall be 10 years old like in the base game! I also changed the outburst into something more canon- since I highly doubt she'd get extremely upset unless it had genuinely hurt MC or some else she cares for.
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(𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗)
It was after class time, Tamarack and MC were talking casually as they packed their things away so they could head home once their rightful gaurdians arrived. At first the conversation was neutral before it took a slightly more- upsetting turn. The two talking softly about their parents, MC taking a seat ontop of his desk as Tamarack sat in her seat like usual.
"So- I know I've asked before but doesn't it make you sad that your parents sent you here to live with your Oma and Opa?" he asked, messing with his fingers in his lap. "Not really- but I do miss them a lot sometimes. Oma and Opa are very caring though, and they have time to play with me too! Mom and Dad were always suuuper busy with their jobs... But that's okay! I get to explore the forest behind our houses now!" she explained, voice fluctuating with her emotions.
"I understand that- momma is busy as well, and well- my dad...I've never met him so-" MC explained a bit, lacing his fingers together to prevent his fiddling. "I noticed that, how come you don't know him?" she asked curiously, not a single ill intention behind her question. "Momma told me it's something called- artifical insemination? Basically, my dad is an annoymous person who helped my momma have me."
"Oh okay." Tamarack answered, not understanding entirely but grasping the basic explaination he gave to her. "Well look at it this way! We're just more similar now!!!" she said cheerfully with a clap of her hands- her radient joy making the boy smile softly. "Yeah!!!" he agreed with a laugh before 'the boys club' entered the room rather loudly. Darren complaining about something or another, most likely about Qiu insisting on making sure MC and Tamarack got home safely.
"Oh hi you three." the girl greeted softly, catching their attention. Darren rolling his eyes softly, Qiu offering her a smile, and Baxter nodding his head in acknowledgement. "Oh! Darren told me this joke earlier, wanna hear it?" Qiu asked, approaching the two calmly despite his grin. "Sure." MC replied quickly, offering his neighbor a small smile. "Wait Qiu-" Baxter started but got cut off by the said boy telling the joke. "Are your guys' parents ninjas? They must be really good at their jobs huh? Cause I've never seen 'em!" he said, expecting laughter but getting a dead silence instead. Darren flinched slightly at the poor execution of the joke, as well as how directed he had said it.
MC was stunned to silence, looking to Tamarack for her reaction- seeing slight anger welling up in her eyes, but Qiu was oblivious to it as he told another joke. "So- there's this webpage for orphans right? Sadly it doesn't have a home page." he tries again, but fails and before he can try again Tamarack stands up- face downcast.
"That's not funny." she said, voice shockingly stoic before Mrs. Murray walked in telling her that her grandparents were here for her. Tamarack leaves, waving to MC without a word. Qiu was silent, not understanding what was wrong with what he had said. "Qiu. Those aren't things you can joke about with Tamarack." MC explained, disappointed but as upset as his feminine friend had been. "Why not? It's just a joke?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
"She misses her parents Qiu, plus we were just talking about that kind of stuff. I'm not as upset since I don't have much of an attachment to a man I've never met, but she loves her parents- despite them being too busy for her." he explained, hopping off the desk and adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "Oh. OH. Oh no, I didn't mean it like that-" Qiu said, slight sorrow in his eyes as he realizes how those jokes sounded. "I am so sorry MC! I didn't realize, I just wanted to share the jokes with you both..." Qiu said genuinely, hugging himself slightly.
"I'm not the one you should apologize to Autumn, like I said- not attached to a man I don't know. Tomorrow though, apologize to Tamarack." he explained before looking to the other two boys. "Thank you Baxter for trying to stop him before, but Darren please don't make jokes like that around Tamarack alright?" he addressed individully. "Yeah I know how parental absense can be a sensitive topic for some, I apologize I didn't stop him sooner." the professional thirteen year old said, crossing his arms- hiding his hands. "All that matters is you tried, thank you." he said before Mrs. Murray entered the room again and informed him of his mother's arrival outside.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow, but please- give Tama some space okay?" Mc said before exiting the room without hearing the answer from the boys.
Qiu felt terrible, he hadn't meant to hurt Tamarack- truly. He just wanted to share the jokes he had been told before the three boys arrived to the classroom. He had not expected nor thought that the joke could've hurt his friends, but for now- he covered his concerned expression with his usual grin and focused on hanging out with Baxter and Darren. Despite the two knowing he wasn't as alright as he presented, the both of them allowed it for the moment- after all Qiu always tried to take care of his friends. It was tough for him to know that he hurt one of them on accident.
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𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 917
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Drama Review: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (不良執念清除師)
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Source: Google Images
Pu Yi Yong is a typical high school student. When he unexpectedly gains superpowers after waking up from a car accident, his previously uneventful life is suddenly not so ordinary anymore.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
I've Missed Loving Taiwan Dramas
Not gonna lie, I watched Oh No! Here Comes Trouble for the two main male leads, that 'it's not BL but the bromance is strong' bit. I began the drama right as the final episode dropped and I really did not have high hopes for it (I haven't had high hopes in Taiwan dramas in recent years). As I literally picked this drama up only for the reason I mentioned earlier, I had no idea what I was getting into. Yes, I knew it had supernatural elements but that was all.
So imagine my delighted surprise when I was placed on one of the most emotional roller coaster ride throughout all 12 episodes of Oh No! Here Comes Trouble. I can be creeped out one second and laughing at the next second. Or, I could be laughing and tearing up sadly at the same time. Dramas that can bring me on such a wild emotional journey have a very special place in my heart, they automatically become better in my eyes because the mood/energy/vibe is not stagnant.
It isn't just the writing that wowed me. I have watched plenty of dramas or TV shows with similar concept like portraying sub-stories as the plot-catalyst for the show as a whole. The stories in Oh No! Here Comes Trouble are not earth-shattering nor gut wrenching or the best lessons one will learn. They touch on obsession and very often, the media does not focus on this side of obsession so despite the simplicity, the stories were beautifully crafted and executed.
Of course, I cannot write this review and not talk about the acting. We all know Tseng Jing Hua and Vivian Sung's (though she has only taken very average roles for now) acting is top tier so I am not going to go on about them. As a matter of fact, the entire cast consisted of familiar veteran faces, obviously the acting would be good. It was Peng Cian You that really pulled me into the drama. All three main leads perfectly portrayed their characters but because I did not know Peng initially, his performance stunned me so much especially during the CPR scene – that was not an actor playing the role of Cao Guang Yan, it was Guang Yan embodying Peng completely.
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I grew up watching Taiwan dramas and for years now, I haven't had hope for them at all. Sure, I still give some a chance but I was always disappointed. Watching Oh No! Here Comes Trouble gives me hope for future Taiwan dramas but I'm a realist so I know one show will not save the whole country's industry. It's just, if you know how Taiwan drama humour was like 15 to 20 years ago, you will be able to see it in this drama. Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is not exactly nostalgic but it can bring on a new wave and I am here for it.
P.S.: Season 2 when?
Rating: ★★★★★
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arcanavoid · 1 year
About Dorian
I've been seeing a lot of people talking about Dorian recently, from drama to just being disappointed in them, so I wanted to give my two cents on them
But I also don't want to be a ranty blog so I'm gonna keep this below a cut. I'm also tired and about to go to bed so probably shouldn't be making this lol.
Dorian is Wonderful, its a great concept but sadly not too well executed.
The last I checked (since I had to delete Dorian for space) they haven't made new content for the Arcana, the most they did were side stories that were poorly received but then they started uploading the routes kind of directly from the Arcana app.
A lot of criticism I've seen and also a lot of Arcana content coming from Dorian I've seen has all been about stories made by the fans and not the actual Dorian team. So a lot of what people are saying about the characters being off is true just not what they're saying about the Dorian team themselves.
Yes, surprisingly, fans constantly misrepresent characters. I was just talking about this with my friend but people always seem to dumb Julian down to a "horny hack doctor who doesn't know what a medical school is" and Asra always seems to be reduced to a "lazy calm guy bro dude" or "horny enby who cant show a spec of gender" whereas other characters are also miss-characterized Asra and Julian being the most popular means its more noticeable with them.
I haven't consumed any Dorian fan stories but I have consumed content in other ways and this is my general consensus of the Arcana fandom.
So seeing people harshly criticizing Dorian and people making fan content on the app for being out of character seems very hypocritical.
I'm not saying don't point it out and be like “Man! That seems a bit out of character maybe try this response instead!”. I am saying not to harass people over a mistake that accidentally slipped through a totally fanmade project.
When in doubt just... Click off the story, maybe send a quick dm being like "Yo! Fyi I think there's a mistake here!" but just stop hating on Dorian and the fans making stories for what I assume is free. Treat this like ao3
Now if it does come out that the Dorian team is making more stories off-character or they are blatantly erasing character aspects then yeah we have reason to complain. But for now, they're a relatively new app and are simply trying to get their bearings, the Arcana App didn't use to be as pretty and polished as it is now so we just need to give the team time.
It does suck that they are shoving Dorian down the Arcana Apps throat...
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hiperchile · 1 year
Dykes to Watch Out For Listen To
Hello! Here's 30 lesbian* (*or bisexual etc women. While this post is about music, identities [(L)esbian/(B)isexual/(U)nknown/undeclared/uother] have been noted for the curious amoung you) artists to listen to in this month of pride! Feel more than free to suggest others - this list is just what came to mind and is obviously barely scratching the surface. I have highlighted a few notable works for each, but that absolutely isn't to say you shouldn't try out their other works! Some of these women have giant discographies spanning decades, so there's more than enough to dig through :D That said:
1. Janis Ian - Folk. Active 1965-present. I say this list is in no particular order but that’s except for this spot - if you take one thing away from this post, please let it be go listen to Janis Ian. Go listen to anything and everything she’s done, but I’d especially like to highlight Between the Lines (1975), Breaking Silence (1993), and Strictly Solo (2004, live album).  (L) 
2. Sleater-Kinney - Indie Rock. Active 1994-2006, 2014-present. Highlighting Dig Me Out (1997) and Call the Doctor (1996). (B)
3. Teresa Trull - Folk. Active 1977-present. A Step Away (1986) is marvelous and, considering the sadly low amount of spotify plays, you probably haven’t heard it. (L)
4. Jen Foster - Pop. Active 2001-present. Everybody’s Girl (2006), The White Room Sessions (2016) (U)
5. Ani DiFranco - Indie Folk. Active 1989-present.  Imperfectly (1992) and Not a Pretty Girl (1995) are probably the classics, and personally I’m quite fond of Little Plastic Castle (1998) (B)
6. k.d. lang - Country/folk. Active 1981-present. Obviously Ingénue (1992), but do also consider Shadowland (1988) (revealing my eternal fondness for debut albums <3) and Invincible Summer (2000), if not everything else. (L)
7. Team Dresch - Punk/qcore. Active 1993-1998, 2004-present. Personal Best (1995) and Captain My Captain (1996) are both instant classics of the genre imo. (U) 8. Jill Sobule - Folk-pop. Active 1986-present. Jill Sobule (1995) (of I Kissed a Girl fame) obviously can’t go unmentioned, and on a personal level I can’t not mention Pink Pearl (2000) (B)
9. Atomic Swindlers - Glam. Active 2004-?. I cannot recommend Coming Out Electric (2004) enough. So so so so fun - who doesn’t want intergalactic lesbian love songs? Or, as described by the Village Voice, a “rock opera about spacebiker lesbian stargirls in love”. C’mon. (U) 
10. Melissa Ferrick - Folk-rock. Active 1991-present. Freedom (2000) probably goes without saying, but checking out Everything I Need (1998) or Goodbye Youth (2008) probably wouldn’t disappoint either. (U)
11. Bitch and Animal - qcore. Active 1995-2004. All three albums are great, but Sour Juice and Rhyme (2003) does have Feminist Housewives, so. 
12. Maddie Ross - Pop. Active 2016-present. Look, Maddie is exactly the lesbian pop artist you’ve been looking for. Never Have I Ever (2019) is incredible and no I still haven’t shut up about it. Do you like pop? Do you like lesbians? Do you like incredibly well-executed concept albums? Of course you do, so go listen to this! (As a bonus, go listen to her cover of Scotty Doesn’t Know and thank me later :))(L) 
13. Ember Swift - Folk. Active 1996-present.  Stiltwalking (2002) is so good and more than that it’s just so fun, but don’t sleep on Mid-March Meltdown (2021), either. (U)
14. Jen Cloher - Folk-rock. Active 2001-present. Jen Cloher (2017) is definitely worth a listen, as is Dead Wood Falls (2006) (at the very least). (U)
15. Alix Olson - Spoken word. Active 2001-present. Don’t be scared of by the ‘spoken word’ part! You really don’t have to be poetry person - nor even a lyrics person, gd knows I’m not! - to enjoy. Built Like That (2001) I really can’t rave about enough. This goes from fun and silly to serious and profound, and the whole journey in it is incredible. It’s incredibly captivating, is the truth of it. Not saying Alix is a genius, but... Yeah, a little bit. (U)
16. Jamie Anderson - Folk. Active 1987-present. Three Bridges (2007) is lovely, as is Dare (2013), but her earlier works aren’t to be slept on, either :) (L)
17. Tribe 8 - Punk/qcore. Active 1991-2005. The name tells it all, really. Rude, loud and brash, and really fucking fun. By the Time We Get to Colorado (1995) is basically required listening, and I can’t not say how often I get Lezbophobia stuck in my head, and First City (1995) is fantastic, too. (U)
18. Joan Jett - Rock. Active 1975-present. This is yet another one of those ‘where to even start’, y’know? That being said, I would probably point to Glorious Results of a Misspent Youth (1984) and Sinner (2004) as well as her 1981 debut. As a double suggestion, go listen to The Runaways if you haven’t already, in all their messy glory! :) (U)
19. Grace Petrie - Folk. Active 2006-present. Obviously highlighting Heart First Aid Kit (2017) and There’s No Such Thing as a Protest Singer (2016) (L)
20. Tracy Chapman - Folk. Active 1986-present. Need I really say more? Her self-titled 1988 debut is a great place to start, and Crossroads (1989) (and every album after that) is a great place to continue ;) (U)
21. Kate Reid - Folk. Active 2006-?. You can’t go wrong with I’m Just Warming Up (2009) and Doing it for the Chicks (2011). I mean, charming and funny, what more could you want? (L)
22. Partner - Rock. Active 2014-present. In Search of Lost Time (2017). Boom, simple as that. (U)
23. Hayley Kiyoko - Pop. Active 2013-present. I mean, I couldn’t really not, could I? In all honesty, my favorite of hers remains A Belle to Remember (2013) / This Side of Paradise (2015), but if you’re looking for something more openly “out” you’d probably like Citrine (2016) or Expectations (2018) (L)
24. Ferron - folk. Active 1975-present. Yet another Canadian icon! Do absolutely listen to everything, but my personal reccommendations are Testimony (1980) and Shadows on a Dime (1984). (L)
25. Gina Young - Alt/qcore. Active 2002-present. Intractable (2002) is my darling, but She’s so Androgynous deserves a mention, too. (U)
26. Doria Roberts - Folk. Active 1995-present. Woman Dangerous (2006), and I absolutely cannot stress this enough. Incredible record. (L)
27. Alix Dobkin - Folk. Active 1973-2021 (<3). Lavender Jane Loves Women (1973) and Living with Lesbians (1975) (which have been helpfully merged on Spotify /s) are absolute indusputiable classics. (L)
28. Sara Renberg - Indie. Active 2018-present. (U) Night Sands (2018) !
29. Melissa Etheridge - Rock. Active 1985-present. Yes I Am (1993) times 7000. For real. Absolute indusputiable need-to-listen. Brave and Crazy (1989). Your Little Secret (1995). Everything. (L)
30. Phranc - punk/folk. Active 1970s-present. I’m going to point out Goofyfoot (1995), both because it’s incredible but also it’s the only one easy to find on streaming lmao. (L)
Have fun!
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intersexbookclub · 9 months
Summary: Queen by JS Fields
So there comes a point in every book club where a book is picked that people are pretty meh on. This is the first book we read as a club where the general consensus was disappointment in the book. 🤷
Upfront we’ll say our collective disappointment was not in the intersex representation, which is the usual issue intersex people about intersex books, but rather in issues of storytelling and editing.
Liking book picks is not a requirement to participate in this book club! Art is subjective, and finishing the book is not an expectation in this book club.
Overall impressions:
Michelle (@scifimagpie): It read like a very meh episode of Star Trek. I didn't feel like it didn't accomplish what it set out to do in terms of intersex/trans experience in a woman-only planet. It tried to be quirky, but it was a slog. 
Bnuuy: definitely not a perfect book but I enjoyed the experience. It's weird around the edges. If you do read it don't expect it to be perfect. It has some interesting ideas even if it doesn't explore or execute them well.
Elizabeth (@ipso-faculty): This just wasn’t my cup of tea. I found the protagonist, Ember, just too unlikable, and the narrative kept going in ways I found confusing in an unpleasant way. I got a third of the way through before deciding to stop - might as well role model that you don't have to finish the book for book club 😅
vic: I didn’t really have many thoughts on it, was neutral about it. It wasn’t really my thing, and I agree with the points about it needing some editing.
The intersex content
The main character, Ember, has a chromosomal mosaicism. Does not have genital differences, does have hormonal differences, and has one ovary. 
Elizabeth shared that “it is nice to see a book where there’s an intersex character with a well-defined intersex variation that *isn’t* a genital one given that so overwhelmingly intersex representation in fiction is people with ambiguous genitalia, it’s completely incommensurate with how many intersex people do/don’t have ambiguous genitals. It gives perisex - and sadly a lot of intersex - people a skewed idea of what intersex is to a point that many people think intersex means ambiguous genitals.”
The main character’s intersex variation becomes a plot point when the main character pretends to be a dude, and passes a cheek swab because of her mosaicism.
Michelle opined that “on one hand the intersex representation was very casual and I liked that, it was just an intersex woman living life. On the other hand I didn't like how it felt like there was one plot point where her intersex matters and that was the only reason for it and so that didn't feel good.”
We all agreed it was disappointing the book didn’t get into gender more. 
There is a bit where Ember, the main character, does not really identify as female. But as Bnuuy put it, “it feels weird that would get brought up but Ember never talks about it… maybe Ember should have gotten the opportunity to say what her gender identity is.”
There is a scene where a character essentially asks the main character “since you’re intersex do you still identify as female?” and this felt pretty rude! 
The colony of plenty of trans and non-binary characters, which made it made it feel even more odd that Ember did not have discussions about her preferred pronouns, or talk about her feelings about gender.
Michelle voiced disappointment about this as a piece of ownvoice fiction: “the representation was there but ... you don't have to be comfortable with your identity when doing your #ownvoice or even authoritative-y, but there was a level of comfort that I expected to see that I didn't get out of the book. Also, why mention it if you're not gonna grapple with it?”
In terms of other intersex themes, Michelle saw a theme of the planet itself being kind of intersex. It was capable of more than people expected of it, it has unexpected fertility, and just felt intersex to xer. In xis words, “I had to squint, but it [the theme] was there.”
Michelle felt the book didn’t really deliver in terms of intersex representation because it was so incidental and under-explored
The main issue we identified with the book was editing
There were a lot of things we didn’t like about this book, sadly. 
We spent a bit of time speculating about the editing process, since so many complaints seemed to come down to an editing issue. The pacing was not very good, and there were too many plot sequences that came up in the discussion because people felt they were unrealistic or jarring.
Michelle felt it didn’t really come together.
The book had issues with genre
Michelle: this book has the bones of a horror novel, but then it didn't happen.... like hey was Ember’s relationship with her dead wife actually that good?
Bnuuy: the Taraniel imprint AI sliding more and more into making decisions against Ember's will could have been explored more
Michelle: there was so much potential in story, colonialism and having your land sold from out from you. A story of ‘this planet sucks but it's what we got so we're making a home of it’ rather than going back to Earth would have made for a more intersex story
Elizabeth: I read Manhunt recently and had expected from description that it'd be an intersex take on that kind of story but then it was instead a workplace drama, then it was a pirate kidnapping story, then it was a land rights drama... Overall it wound up feeling like a bad space colonization story with highly implausible science
Michelle: would have been better to just have it magical realism!
Elizabeth: from what I read and hear in this discussion the book needed to narrow down its purpose, like to be a horror story vs space romp vs pirate story
Michelle: I thought it was supposed to be a rip-roaring space adventure that had gender themes, but I don't think author understood difference between nodding at something and exploring them
Worldbuilding was another thing that we didn’t like about the book
We all agreed the collapse of Earth felt implausible. For example, the bit in the book that humans could live without vegetation got a strong “NO WE CAN'T” from Elizabeth. The order of things felt very sus to Elizabeth (“why would it start with trees and shrubs dying?”)
Michelle: why are rabbits and beetles the main fauna on Queen? Doesn't make sense to me, why are there no rodents, how are they making it work in -40 conditions
Bnuuy & Michelle felt the rabbit cult was weird (Elizabeth did not read that far)
We all agreed the book fumbled at exploring the authoritarian government of the planet.
Bnuuy: I wanted more of an explanation of what is up with those rules on the planet. I did not understand the structure, the presidium, etc. Not sure I processed the backstory but the timeline of Queen was also confusing to me.
Bnuuy: the second equator thing was not explained well, nor the mella, wanted a map
Michelle: I don't like books that assume the Earth is fucked
Michelle: not sure I feel about the concept that the Earth is falling apart so we're sending people to different planets to colonize, here's your women only planet.
Character issues
Elizabeth: the characters felt unreal, what kind of sister leaves her husband for the sister? And Ember just is completely incapable of working with the pirates or adapting to the situation, yet she is supposed to be an adult scientist
Bunny felt there should be more stuff of Ember grieving over Taraniel: “she doesn't seem like the person who would move on quickly. Would have been better to write [the romance with Asher] as a potential romance that needs a significant amount more time.”
Michelle didn't like it played for laughs to have partner sleep on the couch
Michelle: the pirates didn't feel piratey, they kind of resource hoard, expected underdogs
What we liked
The character Varun. He was Bnuuy’s favourite part of the book. Michelle liked that Varun's masculinity is not questioned, though society around him is invalidating him.
Michelle liked the shenanigans in the workplace, the friendship between Nadia and Varun.
Bunny liked the composition of the characters: there's a lot of female characters and some trans guys, and while not liking how it was set up, liked the resulting mix
Elizabeth liked finding a book where there’s an intersex character with a well-defined intersex variation that *isn’t* ambiguous genitals, and spoke about how sad it is this is where the bar is.
Bnuuy liked the dynamic between the colonists and the mella [pirates], and the colonists being forcefully marked as mella; as well as how the mella are pretty queer.
Michelle liked the concept of terraforming not working.
Bnuuy: one thing I did really like was the start of each chapter having a little short text of background
Michelle: I did like that storytelling element, but the actual content made me go "aaaahh?” 
Final thoughts
Michelle: I went into the discussion thinking this was a three-star book, and discussing it has me bringing it down to two. Still glad I read it, if nothing else glad I read a book I wouldn't have otherwise!
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second chapter of unnamed oot child timeline arranged marriage story.
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Zelda awoke to the sensation of someone holding her hand. She glanced up to see Link squeezing her hand while asking “Navi?”
The fairy, she realized. She knew that, he’d spoken of her before. How could she have forgotten...
Link roused slowly. Noticing her, finally, he asked in a sleep-thick voice, “Princess?”
“You’re awake!” she marveled. The fact that he recognized her felt like a positive sign. 
“What are you…” he looked around slowly, a controlled grimace the only indication of the pain he was probably suffering. “What am I doing here? And why can’t I open my eye?”
At that, Zelda smiled sadly. 
“Oh Link, you’ve met with a terrible fate…” she started, unsure how to describe all that had happened. How she had found him, how they had gotten there.
Her words were perhaps too vague, as he went white as a sheet. He opened his mouth to speak, but already his eye started rolling back in his head. She dove to slow his collapse as he passed out. With her hands around his shoulders and now partially resting on his chest, she studied his face closer, searching for any clues as to why he had loss consciousness. 
He came to before she could compose herself, and the groggy, “Princess?” jolted her to sit back up.
“I’m sorry,” she stammered, “I– I shouldn’t have–” She took a breath. She was the princess of Hyrule, she couldn’t show her fear, even at a time like this. “We’re in the Kokiri village where you are receiving medical treatment after being ambushed by a team of Gerudo.”
He nodded, trying to furrow his brows, but wincing when his injured eye moved. 
“Can you remember anything?” she asked.
“I remember riding back from slaying a… whatever your father had asked me to slay. I can’t recall… a Gohma of some sort? Maybe? It had a lot of legs…” He laughed and it held a nervous quality. “My arm had been broken, so I was a bit slower coming back and then…” he trailed off in thought before asking, “So the Gerudo attacked me?”
“I think it was just a rogue faction, but…” Zelda started, not wanting to admit the one thing that was still eating at her. Most of the Gerudo had been thankful when Ganondorf had been tried and executed. He had been a cruel leader, fierce with dark magic and with no love for his people. Some, however, saw his cruelty as strength, and his plan to conquer Hyrule as good, even if he used monsters to accomplish it. Nabooroo had informed them of such a group, but only in that she was dealing with it.
A dark thought came to Zelda. What if that had been a lie? What if the Gerudo all loved their king, and hated the Princess and Hero that had foiled his plans for desolation?
She pushed those ideas away. There was nothing to suggest the group that had attacked Link were anything other than the radicals Nabooroo had warned them of. 
Link made a noise of acknowledgement. “How did you…?”
“How did I know?” she asked, “I had a dream…” she started, the dream and her memories painting a clear picture. Unbidden, tears welled in her eyes and she willed them away. Why was it only her nightmares became true? “I’m sorry Link, I should’ve done more.”
A rough hand came up to wipe away a tear and her eyes snapped open to the expression of longing that Link had. Just as quickly as the sentimental emotion started to come through, did something shift in him, and he dropped his hand. 
Zelda couldn’t help but feel disappointed. This is why she could never tell if she was misreading him or not. It had started after his return from Termina the hot-cold she would feel. But there were more important matters than her maiden’s heart. 
He cleared his throat. “I would’ve been dead if not for you.”
One of the Kokiri came in with breakfast. “Oh, he’s awake!” he said, his fairy flying in happy circles. 
Link studied the Kokiri and said, “Mido?”
“How do you know my name?”
“Do you not…?” Link shook his head. “Of course you wouldn’t.”
Zelda looked between the two of them. 
“Saria!” Mido yelled, leaving the house. 
Saria rushed in, and Zelda stood up to give her room. Though the room was so small she had to stoop.
“Saria?” Link asked, “how…?”
“Oh Link, I’m so glad to see you, though I wish the circumstances were better.”
“As do I…”
Zelda, feeling the reunion ought to have some privacy, left the room. She waited out of immediate ear range, and waited to be done. The other Kokiri kept their distance from her, and she was not tempted to push their boundaries. She wanted to stay close to Link, just in case–
Just in case what? The Gerudo attacked again?
She knew she would not fare so well this time around. Her magic needed time to recuperate, as she had used quite a few powerful spells on not so much sleep. She yawned, the little sleep she had not enough.
Up in the trees a blue light flittered around, and Zelda glanced up. 
“Are you Navi?” she asked the blue orb. The orb hurried its circles, but came down to be closer to Zelda’s eye level. 
She didn’t say anything, but Zelda took that as an affirmative. “Why did you help us?” the princess asked, “You disappeared, but I wasn’t sure where… Link left to go looking for you. It took a long time for him to come back.”
Navi didn’t say anything for a long while. Just as Zelda thought she wouldn’t get an answer, the fairy said, “I… I can’t be his fairy anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
“Only Kokiri can have fairies. He was raised by the Kokiri, but… when we returned from that future he… he was grown. Kokiri never grow up, so an adult could never have a fairy.”
“Who made that rule?” Zelda asked, scrunching her nose. It seemed unfair. Navi was obviously as torn up about it as Link was. 
“It’s just the way it is.”
Navi was clearly more upset by this rule of nature than Zelda was, so she dropped it. “Thank you for helping us,” she said instead, “if you hadn’t guided us who knows what would’ve become of Link.”
Navi didn’t say more, and flew away.
Zelda sat there for a few minutes more, her sluggish brain trying to make sense of all of it. If Navi could talk to her, why couldn’t she talk to Link?
Longingly, she glanced over to the small hut where he covelessed. This was his home, and from the sounds of it, he hadn’t been back since he’d left the first time. That would be dreadful, to have to leave home and never being able to return. An odd pang lit in her chest. Just dreadful.
The shade of the tree was pleasant and Zelda leaned against it, thinking to rest her eyes for a second. There was still a crick in her back from sleeping next to Link’s bed, but the excitement of the days had caught up with her. 
Before she could nod off completely, another fairy buzzed around her head. Great, more eternal children to entertain.
“Hello,” she greeted, wondering why now they would approach her, when before they had all been rather shy. 
“Are you a princess?” the girl asked.
Zelda nodded. “I am.”
“Where’s your tiara?” she asked.
“It’s in my castle.”
“You have a castle!” the girl exclaimed, “I want a castle!”
Zelda couldn’t help but smile. “I think this forest is very nice. We don’t have fairies at the castle.”
“You don’t?” she asked, “There was this boy who used to live here, who for the longest time didn’t have a fairy. He finally got one and went to the castle. He never returned though. Did you ever meet him?”
“I did.”
“Why hasn’t he returned?”
Zelda pursed her lips. Would the girl even understand who Link was? That he was a Hylian, not a Kokiri? That he had returned and she couldn’t recognize him? “Well, outside of the forest, children grow up.”
“Grow up?” she asked, “like get bigger?” reassessing Zelda, her eyes grew large. “Did you grow up?”
At that Zelda smiled. “Yes, I did.”
“Is that guy you brought a grown-up too?” 
Zelda nodded.
“Saria said he’s your husband.”
At that Zelda flushed scarlet. Was that what Saria had meant? Suddenly the odd things she’d said made sense. She was aware of the propriety of a princess spending unchaperoned time with a young man. Zelda had been so caught up in everything else, she hadn’t even thought about all the unchaperoned time spent with the Hero. 
Not that anyone had anything to worry about. Link would never treat her in an untoward way. And she could never beguile him, even if she wanted to. And maybe she did want to. Either way, nothing would happen with him just having returned from the gates of death. 
The Kokiri continued as if Zelda didn’t understand the concept. “Saria says the only time boys and girls can have sleepovers is if they’re married. But I don’t get why anyone would want a sleepover with boys. They’re so icky.”
Before Zelda could formulate a response, another Kokiri ran up to them. “Hey Princess,” he said, “Saria needs you.”
Zelda stood up, almost pleased to get out of that awkward situation. Granted it was to go to the object of her affection with someone who came to the false conclusion they were married.
When she saw Link sitting up in the bed, all thoughts of embarrassment were pushed aside in favor of concern. Even with healing potions, medical care, and now some rest and food, he still looked entirely too weak. Too fragile. Too mortal. 
Still, he tried to smile through the pain he was probably still experiencing as she entered the room. She couldn’t help but smile back.
“You called?” Zelda asked.
“Saria says I should be good to move,” Link said, “we probably need to get you back to the castle.”
She hadn’t even thought about what would happen when she returned! In her haste and worry she hadn’t even left a note. Impa could probably piece together what had happened, but her father would definitely assume she was kidnapped. 
“That’s odd for you to be the brash one,” he quipped, noting the surprise and worry on her face. 
If he was well enough to tease her, he was probably well enough to travel. 
“It would be best if he could see a healer,” Saria explained, “I think I did all that can be done, but I would be more than pleased to be wrong in this case.”
Saria gave Link a hug, one he reciprocated with a soft smile.
“I’m glad to have seen you once more,” the Kokiri said. Something was left unsaid. Zelda couldn’t know for sure, but she suspected Saria did not expect to see Link again. 
Zelda helped Link to stand, he limped slightly, and whistled for Epona. Sheepishly, he glanced at Zelda, and she knew he’d be shying away from her touch if he could. It was odd to be aided by a princess. Once on the horse, he led the way, Zelda walking by his side, and they said their last goodbyes. The Kokiri were still rather shy, but a few brave ones shouted after, and soon the whole lot of them were. 
Zelda couldn’t help but smile. 
Once into the forest, Link said, “It feels wrong to make you walk.”
At that she giggled. “You would feel that way with a sprained ankle. No, I can walk just fine, Hero.”
A melancholy passed over him at her address. “Who is Saria to you?” she asked, not liking the silence that was trying to settle.
The melancholy didn’t release its hold, but he smiled through it. “She took care of me the most of any Kokiri. She’s their leader and I think either a bit older, or just naturally a bit wiser than the rest of them. I don’t really know.”
“Thank the Goddesses for her,” Zelda said, “I did my best, but it was all so…” she trailed off, not wanting to relieve the terror that had gripped her.
“Clearly it was enough,” Link said, “I’m still here. Most of me at least.” The joke fell flat to her. He carried on, “How did you know I would be in danger?”
“I had a dream,” she answered, “though I wasn’t able to avoid that fate completely as I have in the past.”
“You did enough,” he said intensely, his sole eye almost burning through the mists of the forest, “You always do.”
The praise warmed her.
Zelda desperately wished to interpret it favorably, but she knew it would be foolish. Clearly Link considered such a thing forbidden. For what reason? She wasn’t sure.
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chororine · 2 months
actual serious thoughts on The One Amigo under the cut
back when I read the summary for this ep I thought "b*nder AND n*f*t*s? hard pass" but it turns out sometimes two wrongs DO make a right. even if the topic is very two or even three years ago and one I actively dislike, I wasn't inherently opposed to it as long as the show clearly wasn't on the side of the n*f*t bros - and indeed it wasn't, in fact it implied they have as much value as children's scribbles!!! on the other hand I was mildly disappointed they didn't touch on the environmental impact of those digital shitstains - I predicted the energy expenditure of The B*nder Collection would indirectly cause some natural disaster in Mexico that threatened his village, but maybe that would've been TOO realistic and bleak (also "Attack of the Clothes" is apparently gonna touch on environmental issues so I guess they didn't want that ep to be redundant)
and oh! my son and his boyfriend, interacting in a canon setting again for the first time since the movies!!! when the teaser clips and screenshots started appearing I got a bit concerned they were gonna revert back to the "B*nder Should Not Be Allowed On TV" characterisations with Cubert and Dwight having no distinct personalities outside of being "The Kids" and do a storyline about b*nder trying to be hip with the youth of today, which in the year 3024 means doing n*f*ts - but I'm glad I worried for nothing because imo the execution (with them being aware it's a scam they can use to their advantage) was pretty in-character for our boys from Awesome Express, incorporating both their keen business sense for their age and their love of pranks, both of which were established all the way back in "The Route of All Evil". and even if their initial bonding seems to have happened off-screen, them taking Axl and Mandy under their wings was a delight - I've wanted these two to have more friends around their own age since... well, always (we did kinda get that with them befriending Tinny Tim and the orphans but as previously mentioned that episode sucked, and sadly the two friends they introduced solely for B*nder's Game don't seem to have stuck)
because I'm me, I kinda fell asleep during the supposed A-plot, and I'm too gringa to say how well they represented Mexico writing-wise - but I do think it was well-done visually, at least. in a weird bit of timing, this April I also went to Mexico to see a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic sight... my boyfriend @zappsbrannigan (and also the total eclipse but that was more, y'know, a bonus) and the robot village and surrounding jungle, with their nice orange-yellow-green-turquoise sky colour palette, match up pretty well with what I saw there. with enough childlike wonder I could imagine that village existing on the outskirts of the town where I saw the eclipse
the actual *plot* was... ok but not amazing I guess? I saw b*nder stealing the quipu coming but still a clever way to tie the A and B plots back together. speaking of which: the heist subplot wasn't super memorable but it was a fun little diversion that let the Professor use his brains and Zoidberg his weird alien quirks, and kept b*nder from completely overwhelming the episode (he's been so overused in the later seasons that I was pretty endeared to Doblando when it was revealed he was trying to get that spotlight-stealing trashcan killed lol). and another bit of weird timing that Leela was barely in an episode that aired on her bday but at least she got to pull a heist in a custom-made mask as a little treat. go Fujiko Mine it up girl
all in all, a great episode for my personal tastes specifically, which is the polar opposite of what I expected based on the summary. it'll be hard to top, but I hope it's just the first of many pleasant surprises this season
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