#but just... fine over all. liked some parts. didn't like others. mixed bag.
shelbgrey · 9 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 6
Part 5
Come for the sugar daddy fantasy stay for my everybody-loves-steve agenda
Eddie insisted on helping Steve with his suit the night of the soiree. Steve allowed him into his apartment for the first time, after some extensive cleaning. Eddie was already dressed in his suit, red, no shirt underneath. He took the garment bag from Eddie, kissed his lips, and then went to his bedroom. Eddie got a glimpse of his nest before the door was shut.
"Uhh? Baby?"
"No peeking", Steve said from behind the door.
"Babyyyy", Eddie whined, pressing his face to the wood.
Steve grinned to himself as he listened, getting dressed on his own anyway. "I don't want to be late. And if I let you 'help' that's exactly what will happen."
It wasn't just what Eddie would do. It was what Steve would let him get away with. It would be very easy to let Eddie in and then tumble in his nest. The thought of letting Eddie's scent mix in... Steve wondered if he could get away with sneaking a piece of his clothing away. But Eddie had promised him a fun night out and said he'd be meeting his bandmates as well.
He finished getting dressed and came out. Eddie stumbled, being nearly glued to the door. Steve almost made a joke about falling for him.
"You gonna be this attached to me all night?", he asked instead.
Eddie righted himself and stood up straight. "If I let you out of my sight, the wolves will descend on you Lil Red."
Steve put his hands on Eddie's chest and leaned in. "Good thing I've got a big, strong woodsman to keep me safe~"
Since it was a band event, Eddie had a personal driver this time. That meant he could sit in the backseat and play with Steve the whole way. Eddie's hand was firm on Steve's thigh while the other held his hip. He'd wanted to bury them in Steve's tresses but one firm tap and reprimand 'don't touch the hair' and here they were.
Eddie was nibbling on Steve's neck, wishing he could put something more permanent on him. Let others know who he belonged to. When they arrived, Steve took a moment to get himself together. Eddie thought he looked just as radiant now as he did with sex-tousled hair but he liked seeing his baby primp too.
Eddie led him, arm in arm, into a nightclub. The music was energetic but didn't really seem to fit with Eddie's usual metal scene. Steve had done some research on the band, listened to a few songs, learned the other members names too. So even through the blaring music, he was able to understand when Eddie brought them over to a reserved table where the rest of them awaited.
"So this is the guy?", Jeff asked.
"This must be the guy", Gareth nodded.
"Can't be anyone else but the guy", Grant raised his glass to Steve.
Steve smiled at Eddie. "You've been telling them about me?"
"You're a secret I don't wanna keep, babydoll", Eddie smiled back.
"DJ here is mixing a set around one of our albums", Jeff said. "Kind of a little promotion for us. And when we share the video, he'll get a bump too."
"I thought this was a little out of the box for your sound", Steve said.
"You listen to our music?", Eddie asked.
Steve shrugged, playing it off. "I've dabbled." He leaned into Eddie's space to take a sip from the drink in his hand. "What about you? Do you dabble in this?"
"Not quite my scene, no. I'm an appreciator of most genres though."
"Can we finally break the silence on Eddie's jazz phase?", Gareth said.
"What's wrong with jazz?", Steve asked.
"Music was fine", Grant clarified, "He just got super pretentious about the different subgenres."
"He was insufferable", Gareth added.
"What about you guys, then?", Steve pointed the question to them. "Are you into this kind of music?"
"It's something to dance to", Jeff replied.
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Care to dance?", Steve asked.
Jeff gave a look to Eddie, asking permission. Amused, Steve also looked to Eddie for his response. Eddie's arm had been wrapped rather possessively around him for most of the night, so he could feel how antsy Steve was getting. Eddie gave his hip a pat.
"Go have fun."
Steve kissed his cheek and then went down to the dance floor with Jeff. He loved to move and he'd been itching to dance all night, but Eddie didn't seem like a dancer, at least not to this kind of music. And he wasn't about to just go out and dance with someone random in the club. Jeff was the perfect partner, knowing when to be close and when to give him space.
He felt a finger tap his shoulder and when he turned, Grant was there. Following the beat of the music, Steve gave him his attention. He was able to catch Eddie's eyes just once and saw the hunger in his eyes. When Gareth came to dance, he was a little more hesitant to touch Steve until Steve himself pulled Gareth's hands to him.
The way they all touched him was polite but there was an underlying desire. They were showing appreciation, but they weren't going to challenge the pseudo-claim Eddie had on him. He caught Eddie's gaze again and it was darker this time. He began to walk off the dance floor, ignoring a few calls from voices he didn't recognize.
Steve returned to Eddie and straddled his lap. "Sure I can't tempt you to dance?"
"There's not a thing you can't tempt me into, sweetheart. But you'll have to give me something dance-able. Liked seein' you have fun though. My boys take care of you?"
"Mhm, they were very gentlemanly." Steve's hand dipped under Eddie's suit jacket, needing skin to skin contact.
"Music to my ears", Eddie said against Steve's lips before meeting them. He growled against his mouth as he was able to detect the scents of his friends on him. Steve was pack. Steve was his.
Eddie practically dragged him out of the club and back into the car. The door was barely closed before Steve was in his lap again. He was writhing, probably very close to ruining the nice suit pants.
"Come with me", Eddie breathed.
"Yes, Daddy", Steve moaned into his ear.
"No I mean, on tour. Come with me on tour baby."
Steve paused in his humping to look in Eddie's eyes. "You want me along for the ride?"
Eddie nodded, eyes wide and big as if there was ever a chance that Steve would say no. But he also couldn't just say yes.
"For how long?"
Eddie licked his lips. "Two months."
"My job..."
"I'll take care of anything you need", Eddie said quickly.
"My apartment-"
"I'll handle it, baby. Just please say you'll come."
Steve's head tilted to the side. Robin's words echoed in his head. Wasn't this the scenario he'd been running from? An alpha having control over his life? If for even a moment, Eddie changed his mind about him, he'd be out a job and a home. Steve looked back down at him and that was his undoing.
"I'll need a new suitcase, and wardrobe, and-"
"Done, done, and whatever else you can think of, it's done." Eddie kissed him in elation, much sweeter than anything else they'd done all night.
Steve at least tried to sell the whole 'can I bounce for two months and come back later' at his job but obviously that didn't fly. It was fine. It wasn't really the work or even the miniscule paycheck he was attached to. It was simply the comfort of doing the same thing in the same place every day. He could fill out applications on the road and get the same job anywhere.
True to his word, Eddie took him out shopping just a couple of days later.
"I meant to tell you", Eddie said as they walked through the mall. He was dressed very casually in jeans and a t-shirt under a vest with the band's logo on the back. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he kept his shades on inside. "That lunch meeting with sushi? Went pretty good. Your advice worked."
"You sound surprised", Steve teased. He was wearing a green sweater and light jeans.
"Not surprised, beautiful. Just in awe." Eddie put an arm around him as he led him into the first store.
Just like at the tailor's Eddie let Steve loose, letting him pick and choose what he wanted. After the third store, Steve was looking at him hesitantly.
"You're really going to spoil me. Going to turn me into a brat and anything."
"What? You? My sweet angel babydoll? Never", Eddie smirked. "You're acting like no one's ever lavished you like this."
Steve shrugged. "Well, not like this but-", then he thought better of it. "Never mind."
"I don't think so, baby. I think I deserve at least one story of past-Steve. You got to google search my life story."
"How do you know I didn't ask Jeeves?"
Eddie put a hand to his heart, then took his hat off like a sign of respect. "RIP to a real one. But you're not gonna distract me, Stevie. I feel like you've been keeping something from me. Not something big, just something you don't think I should know."
Breaking his gaze from Eddie's, Steve spied a restaurant inside the mall. "Let's eat."
Eddie had them get a booth in the back, figuring Steve would want some modicum of privacy for this. He wasn't expecting a bombshell, but he figured it must mean something to Steve.
"So, when you met me, you probably thought I was this... downtrodden, poor omega with nowhere to go." That rainy night seemed so long ago.
"That's not what I thought at all", Eddie said with a shake of his head. "Honestly thought you were waiting for someone. Made no sense to me that you were all alone."
Steve smiled. "Well, I wasn't always alone. Not physically, at least. My parents are Layton and Margaret Harrington. They've got a hand in a lot of things but most of our money comes from apple orchards of all things."
"So you're the heir to a vast apple fortune", Eddie surmised.
"Was the heir to a vast fortune."
"Is there a story behind that?", Eddie asked, watching Steve pick at his food.
"Not an original one", Steve said with a chuckle. "They paraded the alpha sons of their associates. I was also paraded. I was offered a life where all I had to do was look nice and speak little and eventually bring up the next generation of whatever old money family my parents chose for me... It was suffocating."
Eddie's leg stuck out from under the table and rubbed against his. "You got your own place. And your own job. You got out. Why would you keep this from me though? Doesn't sound particularly scandalous."
"I don't know", Steve shook his head. "Maybe I didn't want you to think I was a gold digger, or maybe I didn't want you to think I had super high expectations, or-it just felt like I shouldn't tell you. I'm tired of carrying my parents around."
"They're really that loaded?"
"Didn't you hear me say 'old money'?"
"Is there some scorned ex-fiance I should be worried about?"
"You sure about that, sweetness?"
"I'm sure. None of them are looking for me. And none of them hold a candle to you."
Eddie could understand wanting to leave the past in the past. After eating, they continued their shopping spree. Eddie paused at a costume shop that showed a few of the outfits on mannequins in the window. Steve followed his line of sight and grinned.
"Gimme your card."
"Sure, what for?", Eddie asked as he handed it over to Steve.
"For a surprise. Go get a pretzel. I'll text you when I'm ready." He kissed Eddie's cheek and then went into the costume shop.
Whipped like cream, Eddie did in fact go get a pretzel, fantasizing about all the little outfits Steve could be buying right now. When they met up, he wasn't allowed to peek. So while he knew there must be a costume of some kind in Steve's wardrobe now, he was oblivious to the lingerie he'd bought as well.
Part 7
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie  @sllooney  @starman-jpg  @oxidantdreamboat  @xxbottlecapx  @chaosgremlinmunson @newtstabber @tiny-enthusiast  @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper @y4r3luv @hello-fellow-nerds  @anonymousbandgirl @alyelf @potato-of-the-lord  @beckkthewreck @greatwerewolfbeliever @croatoan-like-its-hot @pluto-pepsi @abstractnaturaldisaster @ellietheasexylibrarian @eyesofshinigami @dragonmama76 @marklee-blackmore
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The Witchling (Part I)
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Words: 2100+
About: Ruhn and his girlfriend are having a rough night…
Warning(s): (spoilers for this story ahead) violent fighting, character death, near death, vampirism (TVD), werewolf bite (sorry, Ruhn)
A/N: Day Six of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Night". @ruhnweek New stories all week! So, y’all can blame @danikamariewrites for this post, because that’s what gave me this idea. I was at a loss for this day until I saw that (amazing!) post. So, yeah. @danikamariewrites your fault.😏 (I’m already working on a Part II. *cough cough*)
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Ruhn sat on the edge of his desk at the Aux, phone pressed to his ear. "I’m so sorry I can’t be there to see you off."
Your laughter floated through the line, though it did little to ease his guilt. "Stop, it’s fine. The city needs you more than me. I can manage one night without some grand farewell."
He ran a hand through his hair. "You know I’m always here for you, right? Even when you’re out with your coven?”
"You worry too much, prince. We take care of each other.” Your heart tightened at the lie you told, your fingers tracing the edge of the blood bag hidden in your coat. “Plus, I have my own magic to protect me, remember?"
"I know, but…" He hesitated. I want to be with you. "I just hate the thought of you out there without me."
"I know," you whispered, showing your heart. "And I love that about you. But you have to trust me. I can handle myself."
"I do trust you, witchling. It’s just…” It’s dangerous. “I miss you."
Your breath hitched, the weight of your secret pressing down on you. "I miss you too, Ruhn. More than you know."
The silence between the two of you was thick, filled with half-spoken lies. You broke it first, your playful tone meant to mask the ache in your chest. "I’ll make it worth your wait."
Ruhn’s chuckle was warm as he joined in on your joke. "I’m gonna hold you to that.”
But the warmth fell flat even for himself. He knew these hunts were part of your culture, and because they were, he would never be invited to come along, but he didn't like you spending an overnight outside the city. Even if your coven was with you. “Be safe, okay?"
"Always," she replied. "I love you, Ruhn."
"I love you too, Y/N. Call me when you get back, please?"
You didn’t respond, but he heard your breathing change. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
Ruhn heard the phone clatter to the ground, and other voices over the line. He called to you, but no one responded. Only the sound of shuffling and yelps of pain.
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Your heart raced as you crouched low, shadows coiling around you like dark tendrils enveloping an egg. Your phone lay on the ground, Ruhn’s frantic voice faint in the stillness of the standoff. The creature that had knocked your phone out of your hand breathed heavily just out of sight. It stepped into the moonbeam, his eyes gleaming. It was a… human?
"Who are you?" you demanded. "What do you want?"
A hulking wolf-shifter stepped forward with a sneer. No, he was the one whose breathing you’d heard. "You’re trespassing, witch. This is our territory."
Your eyes narrowed. The Auxiliary had strict patrol zones, and you had been careful to avoid them. Sometimes that meant betraying other borders. "I'm not here for trouble. Just passing through."
"Passing through?" said another voice, dripping. An angel stepped into the dim light, his wings casting eerie shadows on the alley walls. "Looks like you’re doing more than just passing through."
Your hand closed on the empty blood bag in your pocket. “I don’t want any trouble,” you said.
But you were already in trouble. The shadows beyond these men rippled and half a dozen more of their pack stepped forward. It was a mixed pack, one developed by those exiled from their own; it was exactly the kind of unholy union your kind was meant to manage.
These packs always had something to prove. And you were their new target.
One of the shifters lunged at you, claws extended. You dodged, your body moving with heightened speed. It was fast enough to get away, but not as fast as you were capable of. Hunger gnawed at your insides, weakening you. You retaliated with a swift kick that sent the shifter sprawling back. His pack growled. They weren’t done.
"Come on, then," you said, summoning your shadow magic to envelop your attackers. Tendrils of darkness wrapped around their limbs. In your weakened state, though, the shadows couldn’t hold tight, and one by one, they broke free.
You didn’t have time to think about it. Another beast charged, jaws snapping. You sidestepped, slashing with a blade concealed in your sleeve, drawing blood. He howled, and you took a step back, your breath coming in ragged gasps. The angel watched, a cruel smile on his lips.
"Is that all you've got?" he asked in a genuine voice, then launched himself at you. You blocked and countered, but each movement was draining. The depleted blood in your veins was already a concern; without it, your strength would continue to wane.
A sharp pain exploded in your side as a shifter’s claws raked across your ribs. You staggered, barely avoiding a second blow. Your mind raced. You needed to escape. You couldn't die here, not like this. Not without seeing Ruhn again.
The angel laughed, his blade glinting as it slashed at you. You managed to land a punch that sent him reeling.
But it wasn’t enough.
Their pack of misfits surrounded you, eyes glowing. You felled one, then another, but they kept coming, relentless.
Each dodge you made, each strike you landed— They all stripped your energy, your weakened state making each step more and more unsteady. Your instincts were dulling, too, confirmed by the barrelling strike one of the shifters surprised you with. His big paws pinned you down as your blade skittered away across the pavement. His teeth bared down on you, inches from your face, when his nose caught a whiff. "You smell… different." He sniffed you again, and his pupils swelled with primal recognition. "Prey."
Your blood ran cold. They could scent your true nature. You were in over your head.
You didn’t have a choice. You let your true eyes show, glowing red in the dark. The wolf in him sneered, thrilled. But then, he faltered. Your eyes seared into his, and his body heated from the inside out. Panic threaded into his eyes. Then, he was crippling off of you, sharp cries falling out of him as his blood boiled.
You took the chance to scramble away. A heel landed on something with a crack. It was your phone, the cracked screen gone black. Ruhn… You’d forgotten about him. He’d heard all this?
"Interesting." The angel gleamed, sadistically delighted, as he stepped closer. "You're not just any witch, are you?"
“What gave me away?” You spat, pushing to your feet. The blood magic had faded from your eyes. But so had the energy you desperately needed.
The angel kicked your blade back across the pavement. It landed by your feet, but you didn’t dare take it. “Go on,” he said. “We’ll wait.
You eyed him, your muscles prepared to leap at any sign of movement, and kneeled to retrieve your blade. As soon as your fingers wrapped around it, the human—a Vanir, you realized—launched at you. He held two blades, and he wielded them well. You struggled to dodge, landing only one blow good enough to stun him. Your speed glitched behind him and you cracked his neck, letting the limp body fall.
You were breathing hard now, unable to catch your breath. This was it. You weren’t going to survive this fight. Now, you just needed to make your body as presentable as possible for when Ruhn inevitably found your corpse.
The angel hmph-ed in amusement. He stepped forward. “Let’s finish this.”
You launched at him, focusing your strength into your feet to stay balanced as you parried with each other. He was good, and tonight, you weren’t much better. Tonight, he was a worthy opponent for your last fight. He shoved you with his arm and you tripped, landing hard on your knees. “Stay down, witch.”
Pain and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm you. How could you fight when your own body was betraying you? You pushed to your feet. If this was your last, you were gonna make sure it was one hell of a fight.
Teeth sank deep into your shoulder and you cried out at the searing pain, the sound echoing in the narrow alley. Agony washed through your veins, frying every nerve ending in your body, and you collapsed under it. Terror struck you. A wolf bite. No…
‘Y/N!’ You heard your name on Ruhn’s voice crash in your mind, the first sign it was over. Your mental block had fractured and crumbled, and Ruhn knew it.
That only made this worse.
The angel laughed, a deep, haunting laugh. "Finish her," he ordered.
You lashed out, catching the angel off-guard. Your blade sliced the base of his wing, shaving feathers off to the quick. He stumbled back, cursing, but his pack was relentless. Claws and blades tore at you, your only defense to pull shadows around you like a shield. You could feel the venom spreading, your body—and your magic—growing weaker with each passing second.
One last desperate, crazy idea. Gathering the last drops of your strength and magic, you pulled the shadows tightly to ball at your chest. They resisted the tight compression, needing to be free, but you held tight, sweat and blood streaking down your skin. It took all your strength to hold them tight.
The angel towered over you, bright white under the moonlight. “Goodbye, witch,” he said, and daggered his blade down at you.
You released your hold and the shadows splintered from their confines, exploding in all directions. Their razor edges ripped through the last of your attackers. You saw the blurry image of angel wings fall to the ground as darkness overtook you.
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The bullpen was in chaos, and it was all Ruhn’s fault. He had burst out of his office towards the boys when he heard the fighting on the other side of the line. He put it on speaker-phone and watched the men get white in the face.
Flynn and Ithan had wrestled with him, trying to calm him down, but the second the phone line went dead, Ruhn lost it. His roar of frustration and panic echoed through the building, silencing everyone. Flynn's grip on his arm tightened, and Ithan stepped in front of him, an attempt to calm him that didn’t do much.
"Dec, find her!" Ruhn snapped. Declan was already hunched over his station, fingers flying over the keyboard as he scanned security footage. "Check every damn camera near the gates!"
"She's with her coven, right?" Dec asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
Ruhn's mind raced. He had to focus, had to think. Your mental block was up, and that was a good sign. It meant you were still conscious, still fighting. But it also meant he couldn't reach you, couldn't tell you he was coming. His chest tightened, helplessness crushing him.
Your agony sliced into Ruhn’s mind like a white-hot iron, the force of it physically knocking him to his knees. It was a raw, guttural sound like nothing he’d ever heard.
"Ruhn!" Flynn shouted, dropping to his side. "What's happening?"
"Y/N," Ruhn whispered, breath coming fast from the flash of your pain. You’d never spoken in his mind before. He couldn’t help the sick feeling that came with it this time. Flynn's face was a pale blur before him, eyes wide with alarm. Ithan dropped a hand on his shoulder.
"We’ll find her," Ithan said, his voice strong like he meant it. "She’ll be okay."
Ruhn nodded, swallowing hard. He forced himself to stand, unsteady on his limbs. "We need Hypaxia," he said, his voice raw. "She might know where Y/N is."
Flynn nodded, and Ithan pulled out his phone, dialing the witch-queen's number, and handed it to him. It felt like an eternity before she answered. "Where’s Aurora?" he barked. No time for pleasantries.
"Ruhn, what happened?"
"She's not with her coven, is she?"
"No," Hypaxia admitted, her voice soft. "She's alone."
Ruhn's fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles white. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, but she would've gone to her caches.” Hypaxia said. “I know where one is."
"Give me the address," he growled. He snapped his fingers at Flynn and he bolted over.
Hypaxia rattled off the address, and Ruhn relayed it to Declan, who immediately triangulated it on his screens. "I'll meet you there," Hypaxia added. "I have the key."
"Fine," Ruhn bit out, then gave Ithan his phone back. He turned to Flynn. "You're coming with me. Ithan, keep your phone hot. I'll send you another address if she's not there."
Flynn nodded, already pulling on his coat. Declan called out from his station, "I don't see anyone on the cameras."
"She's alone," Ruhn barked, his voice echoing through the bullpen. He didn't wait for a response, didn't look back as he darted out the door.
Part II Part III coming soon!
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byunpum · 2 years
EXPERIMENT 56 [your time is coming] sequel
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PAIR: Neteyam x Human reader. ( a mix of human and Navi )
Other pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
SUMMARY: Y/N thinks she has a peaceful life with her new family. But a sudden visitor is about to change her life and her family's life.
WARNINGS: 18+, the characters are aged up 20's, a little violence, don't worry no one dies, Y/N and neteyam being parents , Bestie stuff, Family moments, jealousy,
Note: Ok, I thought a lot about posting this sequel, but since I love my own story, I wanted to continue it. I recommend everyone to read the first part of "experiment 56" so you can understand everything. Still, I hope you like this pilot a lot. If this post is well-received, I will continue the story.
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"Are you sure you want to go alone?" asks neteyam holding noah't to his chest. "Yes, don't worry I'll be fine" you say as you continue getting ready to go out to pick some fruits. It wasn't just any fruit, it was a very special fruit that bore its fruits a bit far from the village. This made neteyam a little nervous, but it made you excited. It had been a long time since you had gone adventuring alone and the simple fact of searching for a fruit excited you.
Since you had become a mother, all your time and space was for noah't. It wasn't like neteyam wasn't there. He was always helping you, taking care of you and the baby. But noah't had a very strong attachment to you. Neytiri told you that this was normal, she commented how loak was very attached to her when he was a baby, this was transitory. You knew this was the best time to go out, as noah't was taking his midday nap. "He's already eaten, he's clean…so I'll leave you two alone" you say going over to give neteyam a kiss. You knew he was worried, he still hadn't gotten over the previous events of your loss. And knowing that you were going to be alone in the jungle terrified him.
"What if someone goes with you? Why don't you tell loak" neteyam stops and thinks a little clearly. " No, loak no…but if you tell kiri or spider to accompany you?" neteyam has his hand holding you, gently stroking your fingers, you give him a grumpy look. You hated it when he got like this, nothing was going to happen to you. Everything had gotten better, the altercations with the RDA had lessened, they were in their zone and you were in yours. Also, you weren't going to get too far away. "Neteyam… kiri is busy with mo'at. Spider is eywa know where. I'll be fine" you give her a quick kiss, and run out of your hut.
Neteyam stayed quiet watching you run out of the hut. Yes he was worried, but he knew you were going to be fine. You were a strong woman and you knew how to defend yourself, maybe you were right. He was being a little overprotective. So he decided to lie down for a while with his son, it was one of the few days he didn't have to do anything. He walked over to the bed, this was a large hammock, which you insisted on having and which neteyam was forced to put up. He climbed up carefully, and placed his little baby next to him and close to his chest. He snuggled further into the bed and slowly zeroed his eyes.
Meanwhile, not far away you are walking peacefully through the jungle of Pandora. Enjoying the feel of the grass on your feet, the clean air and the coolness of the forest. Wow, you missed this… to be preoccupied for at least several hours. You knew you had to go back, noah't was going to get up and get hungry. That baby ate too much. And you couldn't stand to be away from him for more than 3 hours. You knew neytiri would calm him down, but you knew you had a curfew anyway. But enjoying your free time, you started running, faster and faster.
You picked up some fruits, and put them in a bag that you had hung on your waist. You also took the opportunity to take some feathers that some animals had left behind, these were perfect for the new outfit you were making for noah't. You were in your little bubble, until your ears heard a strange noise, it was familiar but strange. You crawl along the floor, trying to hide from whatever was making that noise. You took your time to analyze the noise, it was loud breathing and cursing that you could hear softly. Ok, it was something you could recognize, whatever it was was speaking one of your languages.
You got closer, hiding in the branches trying to see what creature was making that noise. As you got closer you could see the figure of a navi, it had military clothes, and it was not similar to the scientist's navis and it was kneeling on the ground… it seemed to be searching for something. You hide more in the bushes. What were the recoms doing near the village. This was worrying you… They weren't supposed to be around, that was the deal. You didn't think long and took your bow and pointed it at the target. You weren't going to risk it, this avatar could be dangerous for you and your family. The only ones who knew where you were was… wait.
You were standing there, with the bow ready to shoot the arrow, when you remembered who you had told about your location. Of course, he had to be the only one. Quaritch?…it couldn't be. The last time you communicated with him was seven months ago. That's when he saw your baby for the first time, after that encounter…you didn't hear from him. Why was he here? Were there more of them in the area? Was he going to betray you?
You lower the bow and start to look at the situation, the man was so into what he was doing that he didn't realize that you were just 6 feet away. "He's a dummy" you think to yourself, as you watch him get up. And you see how one of his hands is stuck to his chest and you can see blood. You could analyze the expression of pain on his face, and you can see how other parts of his body were hurt. They were like burns. You stop in your tracks… you had an inner fight, your instinct was telling you to stay away. But on the other hand you wanted to help him. What's the worst that could happen if you got caught again? He wasn't going to hurt himself just for the fun of it?
So you move a little closer and speak softly, but with worry. "Quaritch? Is that you?" you speak, this makes the man turn around quickly looking for the location of the voice. And there you could confirm that he did not have any kind of weapon, he is very hurt. His eyes were pained, worried, lost. "Y/N?" Quaritch, he spoke with a broken voice… he was about to cry. You slowly came out of your hiding place, and as soon as your figure was in sight. The man took several steps and was on the floor on his knees in front of you. You didn't know what was happening, you had never seen him like this.
"Finally I find you!!!" he let out a gasp. "What is happening to you? Why are you like this?" you ask, lifting his face in your hands. You were analyzing his wounds, how his clothes were full of blood. "They… they got rid of us" he speaks, as you watch his eyes fill with tears. He was scared, harmless and hurt. You could even guess that he was dehydrated. "But who did this? Why are you here?" you want to stay calm, but it was almost impossible. You watch as he collapses completely on the ground, he is sitting with his head down. He groans in pain. "Everyone…Y/N, everyone is dead" Quaritch looks up. You sit down in front of him, you didn't want to touch him too much.
"Hey, why don't we go to a safe area…get you all patched up and drink some water" you invite him, taking his free hand. Making him get up from the ground. Quaritch just looked you in the eyes, and nodded. You couldn't leave him here. He was your friend, he was hurt and you knew that if you left him here in the condition he was in he would die in less than 4 hours. He was in a very bad condition. Of course, you couldn't take him to the village. Neteyam would be furious and so would your father. And your mother…she was going to kill him. So as you slowly walk through the forest holding his hand making sure he was okay. You decide to take him to the beach, it wasn't too far and there you had a little shelter.
It was a refuge that you used from time to time. You used to go there with neteyam and noah't, it was also your space to go and take care of your ilu and spend time with him. No one used to go to your seaside shelter, so it was perfect for Quaritch to take refuge. While you were thinking of a better plan. They were getting closer and you could hear his breathing and how exhausted he was feeling. "We're close…hang in for a little while." As you reached the beach, you pulled him inside the small hut. You could see your ilu, poking his head out to greet you. You signaled with your hands for him to look for a type of sea clam, which was used to heal wounds. This had been taught to you by Tsireya, to train your ilu to follow command and even to know how to search.
Quaritch sat on a kind of bed. You approached him and lifted his face. "Hey…have some water?" you offer him water from a clay jar. He took it in a hurry, you could tell he had been like this for days. "Now…take off that dirty shirt, while I go prepare everything to heal those wounds" you speak, while you see that the man only obeys you. This was a new behavior for you, the Quaritch you knew was a strong, intimidating man, but now he was so vulnerable. You took some herbs that you had nearby. You had them here, in case an accident happened, you would be ready. All that was left was for your ilu, to shred the clams you needed.
"Hi'i will be back soon" you say. "Who is Hi'i?" asks Quaritch, he had finally spoken. "It's my ilu" you say. "And cupcake?" he asks, looking you in the eye. You move closer and wipe some blood from between his eyebrows with a tissue. "He's in the village, with the other ikran. It's okay…but you" there is silence and you can see his eyes fill with tears. Before he speaks, you hear Hi'i's roar. You run out to the coast, and see that Hi'i had several shells in his mouth. "Ahhh thank you precious… thank you very much" you thank him. Running back to prepare the medicinal paste that mo'at had taught you. Quaritch watches you work quietly. And then you stand up and begin to place the paste on her injured skin. "I don't want to clean it too much, because it has already created its own layer…but this will help with the inflammation and remove bacteria," your hands dab at the skin. And you listen as Quaritch moans, but you notice how he is relaxing.
"It hurts…but it feels good" you say, watching as you carefully place more on his arm. You find some cloths and wrap them up. "Now…tell me what happened? Why are you here…you know one of the warriors could have killed you" you speak, as you continue to work on other wounds. "They have decided against us…we are no longer useful to them. They sent us on a routine 'mission'…it was all right, my squad is fine. I got a message from General Ardmore saying that our service was good, but they needed new equipment. Out of nowhere the helicopter exploded" Quaritch speaks, while you are sitting in front of him you couldn't believe what you were hearing. "When I got up… they were all dead. Everything was destroyed" he lowers his head, you can see the tears fall to the floor. "And Lyle?" you ask. You didn't know the others in the group. But you did know Lyle, he was a great friend of yours. "He didn't survive…" Quaritch can see your hand go to your mouth, looking to calm you down. You get up and give him a hug. "I'm so sorry…" you are crying.
"That's why I came looking for you… you are the only person I have left alive, the one I can trust" Quaritch says, you hug him again. You couldn't hold back your tears. Your mother is right, humans can be so cruel, how they can kill living creatures for no reason. "And what are you going to do next?" you look up, you were already picking up some things. "I don't know… if I go near the base they will kill me" he speaks, you can see how confused he is. "Why don't you spend the night here, here…it's some fruit" you take out the fruit you had picked from your bag. "I'll come tomorrow and we'll talk about everything" you explain. "But no one will come here" Quaritch stands up, he is scared and defensive. You take his hand and calm him down a little, making him sit down again. "No, this place is secret…it's mine" you say, looking for some clothes for Quaritch to change and make him more comfortable. "Won't you stay?" he asks. " I can't…neteyam and noah't are waiting for me" you laugh a little, you see how his ears perk up with surprise. "It's true…you have a family. I bet the baby is precious" Quaritch says while playing with his hands. He did that when he was nervous. "Yes…it's gigantic. Literally gigantic" you say.
Before you leave the hut, you give him one last hug. "See you tomorrow…I'll be back" you say, as you leave the hut. You see that the sky is getting dark, how long you have been there. It was very late… it doesn't take you long to get to the village. You run quickly to the hut you shared with neteyam, when you enter you see jake playing with noah't while neteyam is preparing the dinner. "Honey you're finally here" says Jake, he was lying on the floor letting his grandson play on top of him. "H-hello dad…what are you doing here?" you ask nervously. If anyone found out that you were helping one of the clan's greatest enemies, in your hut on the coast, they would kill you. They were going to kill you.
"I came to visit you…I can't?" asks Jake, he noticed how nervous you were. After all…he was your father, he raised you. He knew your every moves. You walk over to neteyam, who is cutting up various foods. He is sitting down, so you hug him from behind. Trying to change the subject. "Of course you can dad, I was just asking," you say, as you continue to hug Neteyam. Neteyam moves his head, to kiss your hand which is hugging his neck. "Love…you smell blood, did you get hurt?" everyone stops what they are doing, even jake holds noah't so he can look at you. "It's nothing…it's a scratch. Look…I didn't get any fruit" you lift your shoulders, while giving neteyam a kiss on the back. "Well… but you're okay, right?" he looks up to study you. You give him a small smile and lean in to kiss him on the lips. "Love, I'm fine…just a little tired. I've been looking for the fruit all day and nothing" you pull away from neteyam, moving closer to take noah't in your arms.
"My baby…you must be very very hungry" you say, settling Noah't on your chest, so that he can feed. Jake watches you, he knows you are hiding something. "Honey, is everything okay?" Jake asks again. "Yes daddy…" you look away quickly. "Well…I'll leave you two alone. Rest kids" jake says as he gets up, gives you a kiss on the forehead and a squeeze on the shoulder to his oldest son. Jake was so proud of you guys, you had grown up so much, you already had a family.
Neteyam gets up and walks a little bit to be in front of you. Your gaze was lost, you had noah't suckling you, while you were rocking from side to side. Neteyam comes closer to kiss you on your forehead. "Y/N do you have something to tell me?" neteyam asks, he knows you were not well. First you didn't come with fruits, second... you smelled like another man.
I hope you guys don't mind me putting you on the taglist, since you were always supporting the first part of 'experiment 56'. I think it's only fair that you know about the sequel, first of all.
Neytiri babies: @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime @d4rno @dumb-fawkin-bitch-bitch @burdeningbitch @allsouls-emma @aceofheartzzz @famousbagelhandspurse @fanficblogs @lilyofthetigers @mjnij @laylasbunbunny
@cherrywinesab @sloppierjewel @bubbleguppy0315 @ellielovesrobinarellano @mrs-sullys-blog @lovekeeho @vectoriscommitingcrimes @kimtaehussy @bimbotinkerbell  @aceofheartzzz @d4rno @3okutos-3ig-toe @bxnnywriting @anarcoirisgatuno @allsouls-emma @luna-ann @vivendominhahistorias @neteyamsgirll @yeosxxx @naynay2808
@neytirisgf @meivap @gamorxa @nuttyrebelflower @lovelyygirl8
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azaliyas · 1 year
could I recommend a venti x reader with anxiety and panic attacks?
summary : rude people are all around, and suffering from anxiety surely doesn't help, but your boyfriend does.
word count : [ to be added ]
genre : hurt with comfort.
cw / tw : rude people, cussing, panic attack, anxiety.
characters : venti.
note : first of all, i'm sorry anon it took me so long to write this, unfortunately when you sent the ask it wasn't the best period for me to write ;-; but i'm back!!! anyway i did some research before writing this since i never experienced a panic attack or an anxiety one, so forgive me if it's not the best, at least i tried ;^;
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you had a gut feeling today was going to be off for you, but you dismissed it as your usual anxiety for social interactions, even the smallest ones like greetings when going shopping.
but now, now you regret not listening to your inside voice begging you to stay at home today. you could have stayed in your boyfriend venti's sleepy hug all morning, he wouldn't have minded one bit. in fact, he even begged you.
you asked yourself if he did perceive something, and again you regret not staying in bed.
you thought it was going to be fine, running small errands around mondstadt like buying groceries for the week and commission to wagner to repair an old heirloom.
after getting all the groceries you needed you were about to pay blanche, a couple of people standing behind you as you were searching in your wallet for the mora. you were feeling a bit dizzy, your vision blurring a little. you were feeling bad for making other people wait, but your trembling hands made it difficult for you to grab the coins.
the woman standing behind you groaned once again at your slowness, her patience running thin as she probably had other errands to do.
«if you don't have enough money to pay or you're just that stupid you can't even count the coins then next time ask for the delivery service! people can't wait for you, little princess!» she yelled, pushing you aside in such a rude way you almost fell on the ground with your bags.
the other woman standing in line and blanche looked at you with pitiful gazes. you felt tears pricking at your eyes as you felt your body petrifying on spot. you knew what that feeling was, but you had to push it through. with your hands still trembling you put the right amount of mora on the counter and took your bags, heavy feet dragging you along the streets.
your chest felt tight and heavy, every breath suffocating, gripping on your lungs in an iron grasp. you didn't know where your feet were taking you, but as long as you were away from the people's inquiring gazes that was okay. you knew people were looking at you, you could feel the bitter tears sliding down your cheeks.
you found yourself in a lonely alley. it was good, you thought as you slid down against a wall, the bags in your hands falling on the ground as you started sobbing. your tears mixed with the droplets of sweat running down your temples and neck. you felt the collar of your shirt dumping, but you didn't care.
the more you cried and the more the ache in your chest worsened, your quiet sobs turning into hiccups.
a gentle breeze hit your face, drying the tears on your cheeks. a shadow loomed over you before kneeling down to reach your eye level, and even through the tears the teal and dark blue braids were unmistakable.
«why is my pretty cecilia crying?» he whispered with that gentle tone that was reserved to you only, his beloved.
venti sat beside you, an arm wrapped around your shoulders and the other encircling your front, his hand resting on your tear-stained face. he pushed your head on his shoulder, not minding the tears and sweat staining his clothes, it didn't matter. your well being, now, was his most important thought at the moment.
you didn't talk, still feeling dizzy and nauseous, your throat hoarse from crying and the choking feeling from the worst part of your panic attack. a gentle wind brought fresh air in your lungs and you squeezed venti's hand in a silent "thank you". his lips left a soft kiss on the crown of your head.
you two stayed in the alley for a while, your boyfriend soothing your mind and your soul as you regained consciousness of your surroundings. the after effects of your attack left you with wobbly legs, but it didn't matter, since venti carried both you and the groceries back home.
in the warmth and safety of your home you felt much better, but your boyfriend's arms would always remain the safest of havens, sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace.
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
Sanji x reader
he's so mf fine.
Praise, Vouyerism, Cum soaked panties, Getting caught without noticing, Handjob, Blowjob.
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During the two years you hadn't seen each other Sanji was plagued by crossdressers everywhere, they practically stalked him as a part of the challenge he took on from Invankov to improve himself, truth be told he didn't get much chance to rest or think about everything that has happened until he arrived back the "girls" saying their goodbyes from the handsome man he couldn't help but shiver and bark back at them. "Yeah, thank you goodbye!" his cigarette floating mid art as he yelled he couldn't be more relieved to get away from them. The amount of times he came close to wearing that skimpy old peoples dress grossed him out just thinking about it.
He wasn't even able to even have a peaceful moment for himself everytime he tried closing his eyes there were eyes glaring at him just to attempt to put that hideous dress on him.
He didn't even realise how much time had passed since the last time was able to picture a pretty lady to jerk himself off to. That being said he felt very frustrated just to be walking around in his suit, his body had grown a bit of muscle since so everything felt way tighter, uncomfortably so.
"Ah! Sanji?" You gleamed noticing your favourite blondie stopping by to by some groceries, the grey smoke clouding his face as he argued about the freshness of the produce.
"-?! Oh, Y/n-chan! Long time no see." He gazes toward you cigarette in hand as he waves you over.
"Sanji!!" You excitedly hurried over hugging his arm as you watched over what he was doing.
With a pang he could smell the pleasant aroma of your perfume it hit him like a truck, granted he had smelled every possible perfume on the Momiro island however yours seemed to him home for him.
He clutched his hand, biceps tensing around his suit, he was trying to keep his cool, unusual of him.
"Ooo, you've gotten stronger Sanji, look at those muscles!" Your hands playfully squeezed at his arm causing the blonde to blush, his cigarette lowering on his lips. A slight shiver ran down his spine from your warm affection as he handed over his money to the shop keep.
"Thank you." The two of you said in unison as you walked back to the ship.
"Y/n i usually wouldn't ask this but could you not cling so tightly around me.." He admitted although the slowly trickling blood down his nose said otherwise.
"Hmm, sure, i didn't know you grew a preferance for personal space." You messed with him ,his internal turmoil stirring up just because he wanted you to be closer to him despite his words, he didn't want to be a wierdo passing out on the street, so he hoped you'd understand.
Grocery bags in hand cigarette in the other the two of you walked down Shabody sharing your adventures.
"Sounds tough, I can't imagine being chased everyday by bloodhungry women." You falsely empathised not knowing what he actually refferred to.
"I told you! Those weren't women! Crossdressers!!" He jeered a silent tear falling down his cheek.
You nodded slightly chuckling at this, you reached to grab a bag in order for him not to carry around all the heavy stuff despite having the airbaloons to hold them in the air. Your hand brushed against his causing him to shiver a little more once again.
"Hmm~~?" you mentally took a note, just how sensitive is he to touch nowadays?
"Sanji could you lend me an ear please i have a secret to tell you.." He did as you said leaning down to give you his ear, he made sure the cigarette stayed low in his hand avoiding the pleasant smell of your perfume to mix with his.
He was good looking before but wow, ever since he crew out his goatee he seemed a bit more mature, you could see that his jawline wasn't as soft more of a tapered one, his eyes looked a bit more mature and his hair seemed well groomed aswell ,a tid bit longer too.
With a slight blush you leaned by his ear gently blowing against it, his whole body jittered in place like he personally had recieved an earthquake.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" he barked rubbing his ear the tickling sensation not fading for a long time. You chuckled coyly at how easily he responded.
His heart singed with a bit of fire, this random teasing was already going too far for him. He handn't even gotten a chance to holler at a real woman and somehow he found himself holding back his pent up emotions towards you.
He grumbled to himself getting zero explanation from you. He walked a bit faster than you so you'd need to pace a bit to match him.
"Wait Sanji, you're walking too fast!" you ran behind him reaching for his arm when you caught up, his pace slowing down the second you caught him.
"My bad.." His eyes seemed a bit darker and his body a bit more tense than usual, you worried if he was okay for a bit.
You puffed holding your hand in his, inevitable hearts searing through his eyes as he called for you. "Yes y/n-chwan? Do you need something~♡" hearts were practically fluttering around him.
You squeezed his hand harder leading him astray from reaching the ship back into an alley, the crowds of people walking past you just a few feet away.
"Is everything alright-!!" You shut him up with a big yet gentle kiss, he was startled for a long time before he finally kissed you back.
He lowered himself down a bit his bag dropping to the floor yours followed suite. With his hands free your body was his to explore, al tough he was nervous by being around so many people in broad daylight.
You broke the kiss placing his hands around your waist as you pulled deeper into him, your hands undoing the top button of his shirt, revealing his neck to you.
"Sanji, have you been good latley?" you purred just below his ear watching as he swallowed hesistantly. Slowly rocking his hips against your thigh to ease some stress.
His breath stuttered upon hearing your voice, the seduction oozing from it, the dominance it established over him, how weak it made him feel, he loved it..
"..So good.." he whispered back leaning his cheek to caress your head only to be denied as your hand held him by the neck gently.
"Is that so? Have you been a good boy Sanji?" You breathed a whisper against his neck his hips buckling against your thigh the heat in his pants grew a little unbearable.
He mewled closing his eyes, he couldn't belive the scandalous situation he was in, it was so perververted but he seemed to love every second he almost felt ashamed.
With a long drag your tongue ran up his neck licking the long mucle there, his head fell back slowly against the cobble wall, his hands grinding you back and forth against him. You peppered painstakingly slow kisses down his neck to the point even he anticipated the next touch to send sparks down his stomach.
"You taste so sweet Sanji, i could eat you up right here~" you crooned against his neck leaving a sloppy kiss right down his addams apple, your hand traced down his suit until it reached the peak of his bulge.
His eyes followed your face begging for you to do something, anything, he wanted to feel more of your touch.
You gently rubbed his bulge slow circular strokes gliding against the very top of it.
He desperatley kept buckling himself against you his strokes falling uneven each time as you stiumatled him.
"Please.." he begged breath hitching as you stopped to give him a sly smile. You pressed your thigh against his balls causing his face to turn in pleasure as he bit his lip, a low pitched moan falling within them.
His body felt hot, his face flushed with red as he tried to hold his composure his eyes flashed down the brighter side of the alley way, anyone could take a turn and see what kind of game you two were playing, his cock only twitched at the thought but it was enough for you to notice how much the blonde cook was dying to be caught.
"You want someone to catch us? You want them seeing that perverted blush on your face every time I stroke your cock calling you a good boy?" You teased gripping his shaft in a hold. He bit the inner side of his chin watching you through love drunk eyes.
He nearly gasped when you let him go your hands gliding over his clothed abs as you lowered down to your knees burrowing your face in his bugle.
His face was ablaze having the look of a love struck idiot he watched as your face rolled side to side against him your nose pressing against the base of his cock.
"Fuck.." he moaned as this was the first time someone was going such lengths to rile him up, he felt weak in the knees just looking at you, the way your face was plastered against his crotch welled a fire inside his stomach so bright he felt like hed cum before you even started to get to good part of this.
You hummed against his cock your hands gently wound against his thighs as they traced down the backside of them tugging and holding each part of him closer to you.
His cock twitched three times withing those few seconds he held a hand over his mouth muffling his drooling moans for you.
You kissed his clothed erection looking at him with big doe eyes as you asked him to remove his hand from his face. "Sanji~ Be good for me and take that hand away if you want me to continue,okay?~" You smiled watching his hand fall to his side weakly he had a faltering look of drunk pleasure around him.
"Good boy Sanji-kun~" You unbuckled his belt letting it hang loose on his pants his dark boxers seemed stained with cum already.
Your eyes gleamed in surprise as you looked back at him with a knowing smile, he looked embarrased to have came once already yet remained hard ,as much as an honor ot would be for a man ,it made him feel weak against you.
"I didn't know you're this sensitive.." You dragged your finger against the stained underwear a thin slime of cum stringing from your finger as you pulled it away.
"Are you as sweet as you look?" You lolled the finger around your tongue tasting what little amount you had of him on you.
"Mm" you moaned watching him twitch infront of you.
"You really are sweet." You praised the blonde watching his chest rise unevenly above you.
Your hands laced around the elastic you pulled down his boxers reavealing a beautifully curved cock, he was long and thick the perfect ratio for every scenario you could imagine, it curved up slightly the tip matching the blush on his face as it glistened with cum.
You kissed around his inner thighs making sure to mark every spot before you sucked the base of it with a loud pop, a large sloppy kiss before you pleasured your sweetheart.
A low moan fell from his lips when you pulled away his hands hesitantly reaching your cheek to caress it.
"Let me pleasure you Sanji." you kissed his palm giving him a loving look, you missed him just as much. His eyes were begging for your mouth on him so you complied, swirling the pink tip with your tongue, your hands lazily pumping the rest of him.
A guttural moan slipped past him echoing in the alleyway, your eyes gleaming upon hearring the echo, you looked at him through your lashes as another praise fell from your mouth. "That'a boy.." you let a pool of saliva trickle down his shaft, you caught in in your hands massaging it onto his skin to lubricate it more. You made gentle movements against his cock, slowly twisting your hand around it, the squelching was so erotic it filled your ears with plasure alone, the way he bucked his hips every time he reached the end of your hand was astonishing. Every move he made dazed your mind with love for him.
You cupped your thumb to your pointer finger creating a place for him to stuggle against as he bucked his hips, each time he did splay your fingers apart the huskier his moans grew. "You're doing so well sweetheart, give me more of your voice~" you egged him on knowing fully well how loud he could get.
You let him splay your fingers again only to hold him right under the tip as your tongue poked at the incision on it, causing his legs to shake and his voice get lost in the halls as he cried out for you.
His moans escaped through the alley making some passerbys curious enough to stop for a second only to move on without being able to see a thing.
Sanji's voice only grew as he picked at his expensive suit top rising it up ever so slightly to show you his abs.
"Look at you~" You pressed your hand against his adding pressure onto his belly. Your hand roamed under his control as you lowered your mouth onto him holding one hand behind his thigh.
His head was hazy, the knot in his stomach seemed to tighten everytime your tongue lolled down his shaft playing around it like it was a dance. His legs grew a bit weak from having to endure this teasing aswell as the excitment from being out in the open to do such a thing.
His body was littered with kisses and marks, most of which stained his skin pink and purple the longer he looked at them, he couldnt even be bothered with how loud he was anymore, he wanted to let you know how good you made him feel, his moans started flowing like the floods after you decided to deep throat him once, after that it was uncontrolable, the way he mewled for your mouth on him, the way his body responded to your feverish touch against his skin, fuck he felt powerless but he loved every second of it.
The moment you gagged on him he couldnt control the way his toes churned in his shoes he was nearly standing on his tippy toes at some point, dropping profanities and calling sweet nothings into the air.
"You're amazing.." he breathed watching you bottom out on his cock once more, the way you pulled back smearing your lips on his cock made him uneasy, you nuzzled against it guiding the hand that traveled around his torso against him to point it at your face as you sucked and teased the tip.
The repeated cursing that came from Sanji's mouth was an indicator to how close he was. You stroked him, one hand lowering your panties down to your knees as you stood up. You pressed a deep kiss on his lips the moment he reached his climax, with many deep moans he kept thrusting against your hand only later realising he was shooting his cum inside your panties.
They glistened with withe splotches, getting soaked up in the fabric as you showed them to him, only to pull them fully back onto yourself.
He didn't think he could come another time but here he was in an absolutley love struck mind ,an expression beyond explaining,soiling both of your hands in his cum ,lazily thusting it to make sure he gave everything to you.
He wiped off the cum from your hand his own following soon after, he pulled up his pants and immidiatley sunk his head into the crook of your neck speechless.
His heart was pounding so hard you could feel it clash against your own.
"You were so good for me." you whispered against his ear, gently hugging him as a woman passed by with a furious blush on her face.
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Maze runner chapter fifteen
Previous chapter.
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Thomas wakes with a jump and sees a crow pecking at the food in his bag. He shoes the bird away waking Minho in the process. Newt was already awake, sitting half up, resting on his elbow, you curled into his side. You all slowly get up. Thomas helps Winston to stand, the pain in his stomach making it difficult for him to move too quickly. The sun was high in the sky as you began your trudge through what was once a city.
“Whoa, whoa hang on stop.” Thomas said as he listened to the sky. There was a rumbling above you all and you each scrambled to hide below rubble in the street. Newt knocks into your arm and you try to hide your wince. A burg hovers above the cityscape and you wait for it to pass.
Outside of the main city you climb up a sand Dune looking out over the Sea of sand you would need to cross. A mountain range in the distance was Thomas's goal.
“A little further, guys. Those mountains, that's gotta be it. That's where we're going.” He states
“That's a long way off.” Newt sighs
“Then we better get moving.” Thomas smiles. Beside you Winston removes his bag from his shoulder, he takes a step and falls forward. He tumbles down the Dune.
“Winston! Hey, Winston!”
“Winston!” you all crowd around him as he gasps for air.
“He's hurt pretty bad.” Frypan states worriedly.
“What do we do?” Teresa asks the boys. Mai Mai nudges your hand and Huff's a hot breath out of her nose. You follow her with your eyes as she moves to a pile of sticks.
“Thomas!” You grab him and drag him over to the wood. Between you, him and Aris you build a kind of stretcher that you're able to attach to Mai Mai's harness. The boys lay Winston on it and you start walking. You all take it in turns to grab part of the stretcher and help the tiger pull.
“Extra meat for you tonight.” Frypan laughed, giving the tiger a head scratch.
The eight of you walk all day, stopping only briefly to take sips from your water bottles. A sand storm blew in and whipped at your eyes. Newt grabbed out for your hand to keep you close to him.
“Gotta find shelter!” Thomas shouted.
After a few hours the storm blew out again and you all came out of your hiding spot. Thomas walked up to the small hill and Teresa followed him. Newt says beside you and Minho.
“Hey, what's going on with you?” Thomas asked Teresa. She bit down on her lip before she spoke.
“They did something to me. At first it just felt like I was waking up from a dream or something. Then they all started coming back.” She said, moving her scarf and hair away to show Thomas the tattoo on her neck.
“Your memories? What do you remember?” He asks.
“I remember the first time they brought you in. I was taller than you then. And faster.” They both laugh, “And I remember why we were there. We thought we could fix all this. They were doing more than just testing us. There was a reason y/n was put in the maze so early and why they had mixed groups in other ones.” She said.
“What?” Thomas didn't remember the reason.
“They were hoping some of the kids would…well that they'd have children. So they could see what the next generation’s blood would be like.”
“That's disgusting.” Thomas felt his chest tighten at the thought, “that's why they did a test on y/n?”
“On all the girls.” She paused, “I think we should go back.”
“ What?” Thomas gawked at her.
“Just listen to me.” Teresa tried to explain.
“What are you talking about? Go back?After everything they've done to us.”
“No, it's not that simple.”
“Yeah, I think it is that simple.” Thomas but back at her.
“No. You don't understand? Everything was fine until you…” she cut herself off
“Nothing.” She shook her head.
“Teresa, what aren't you telling me?”
A gunshot stops their conversation.
“Hey! Guys, get down here!” Frypan shouted.
“Winston what are you doing, man?”
“ Give me that!”
“What's going on?” Mai Mai was standing over Winston, her paws either side of his arms.
“What happened?” Thomas asked when he reached them.
“He just woke up and grabbed the gun and then he tried to…” you answer.
“Give it back, please.” Winston said between strained breaths.
“Winston, are you okay?” Thomas moves a little closer to him. Mai Mai stepped back.
“It's growing… inside me,” he lifted his shirt to show you all the deep slices across his stomach. The skin had turned a horrible purple, black colour and the smell was like rotten meat, “I'm not gonna make it. Please. Please. Don't let me turn into one of those things.” he begged. Newt moved across the group and took the handgun from Frypan's hand.
“Wait, Newt…” he ignores you and and kneels beside his friend, slipping the gun into Winston's hand.
“Thank you. Now, get outta here.” Winston coughed out.
“Good-bye, Winston.” Newt whispered. You all say goodbye to him one by one and you try to hold back your tears. Mai Mai gives him a nudge with her nose and licks the side of his face making him laugh just a little bit.
“Thomas. Take care of them.” Winston says as the rest of you walk away.
You walk in silence in a straight line each of you waiting for a dreading the moment you would hear the gun go off. It shook you all into standing still as it echoed around the empty space. A tear fell.down your face as you pressed your hand to the bite wound on your arm. It hurt, really hurt but you hadn't thought it was any worse than it should have been.
Your group continues walking till you reach an upturned boat and take shelter around it. Aris built a fire for.you all and huddled around it. Mai Mai laid behind you to keep your back warm.
“I thought we were supposed to be immune.” Minho said, twisting a flick knife around in his hands.
“Not all of us, I guess.” Teresa sighed. She was lying on the other side of Newt.
“If Winston can get infected… we should assume so can the rest of us.” Newt says and you once again look at your arm. You wonder if you should show them all.
“I never thought I'd say it, I miss the Glade.” Frypan mused. You all agreed. Newt turned round and folded his arm over your shoulder so you could cuddle into him and you both settled down with your heads on Mai Mai's belly. With everyone else around you supposedly asleep he turned to you.
“So, about what we're talking about before…can I…I mean would be my girlfriend?” he said in a quiet voice.
“Yes, yeah. I'd like that.” You say back to him.
“At last!” Minho called out, making everyone else laugh uncontrollably. You felt a little embarrassed but it was nice to laugh again. Newt pulled you a bit closer to him and you all went to sleep.
Next chapter
Send your comments in. Would love to hear your thoughts on this fic.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @afalls14universe @akilaporu001
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writingattemptsxx · 24 days
A Diamond and an Eel with a Clover
Trey starts dating Jade, and Cater finds himself picking up similar feelings.
First ever attempt at writing romance. This is just a ship I really like and wanted to share. This got way longer than I expected.
This is mostly Cater/Jade, but Trey and his ships are there.
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Trey suddenly paused his mixing and looked up at Cater, giving him a smile. “Oh, I wanted to tell you, I’ve finally started dating someone else who I've been talking to forever now.”
Cater and Trey had opened up their relationship a while ago. They were both fine with it, thought it would be nice if anything, so after some conversations they both easily agreed. Cater was honestly a bit shocked his boyfriend didn't have someone hounding him sooner, but maybe that's just his bias.
“Aw! That's adorable! Who is it?”
“Jade Leech.”
Cater felt his eyes widen and his mouth part a bit. “Who? You’ve started dating who?” It's not like he didn't trust Trey to pick out someone nice, but it's impossible to not hear the rumors. That trio from Octavinelle didn't have any good words surrounding them.
Trey sighed. “Jade Leech. I know what you've probably heard, but trust me on this.”
“No no! I trust you. It’s just…” What was it? He couldn't say he didn't trust Jade, though that is probably the truest statement. “I was just a bit shocked tbh. Not something you would expect.”
“You’d be surprised what you learn when you actually get to know people.” His boyfriend gave a shrug and poured the batter into a tin as the oven started to beep. “Maybe you should get to know him. You two might enjoy each other’s company, plus it would be nice for you two to get along.” He wasn't even facing Cater anymore, fully turned to putting the cake in the oven.
“I can def try. We’ll just have to see how we get along.” That seemed to satisfy Trey who started to hum as he started to clean everything up. It’s not like Cater ever planned to intervene in any way. He truly does trust Trey. He could only sigh and hope things ended up well.
Trey! There he is. Why was Cater, the one without muscles, sent to get the extra bag of hedgehog food? Totes not fair.
It was only when he got a bit closer he noticed the baker talking to a tall person, dressed in their school uniform, and with light blue short hair. Jade Leech. The one who noticed Cater first.
Jade gave a sudden yet quick shift in his body language, guarding himself. It’s something that probably would have gone unnoticed by most others who didn't have experience doing the same. “Hello, Diamond. How are you?” He gave a fake smile that made Cater’s hair stand on end. He didn't scare Cater instantly as the rumors made him out to be, but he seemed as if he was hiding something. Right as Cater walked up to them too…
“Cater, hello. Do you need help with that?” Trey’s voice dragged him out of his thoughts. He nodded and handed over the bag of food.
“Riddle gave poor old me the job of getting the extra food bag, can you imagine that?” He leaned into Trey, gaining a chuckle in response.
“Oh, I definitely can.” He turned to Jade. “Forgive me, but I should probably help here.
Jade gave a small nod. “Of course. I wish you two a good day.”
With that, Cater and Trey started walking off to their dorm. Cater cuddled up to his boyfriend, thanking him for being his big strong savior, but he couldn't shake what he saw. He doubted there was any danger involved, but what was he hiding? No matter how much he thought he couldn't read any further into the mask. He, Cater Diamond, the one who worked so hard to being able to be friendly with all by being able to read them, couldn't read someone. He couldn't tell what bugged him more, that or his actual suspicions.
He simply took a deep breath. Trey wouldn't pick a bad person. He just needs to trust that.
For someone who's constantly on their phone, Cater actually doesn't bump into people often. It shocks him just as much as anyone else who he tells it to. Sadly, that luck doesn't hit every time. Sometimes he runs into people, like how he ran into Jade Leech this time.
They were both walking, so luckily none of them got hurt, it was just a corner blocking their view.
Cater looked up to Jade. “Hey sorry about that.” He was about to ask if he was ok, but as he took a step away, he noticed something off.
Jade’s smile seemed forced, as always. He had a barely noticeable lean away from Cater. His arms were crossed and held slightly too high up than someone calm, unusually close to the chest. His eyes were scanning Cater, but refusing to look at him for too long, looking anywhere else. His whole perfect posture felt stiff, as if he had to physically force himself there.
Was he anxious?
“Are you ok?”Cater didn't even know he was speaking out loud until he heard his own words hit his ears.
“Yes, I am perfectly fine. A small bump into another wouldn't cause any damage.” Jade finally looks at Cater’s face. His gaze felt soft. He had all these sharp features, yet with his eyes, they felt comforting. “Are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah. I'm good.”
Jade gave a small bow. “Then if you will excuse me.” He continued to walk off.
Cater couldn't help but watch him leave, remaining utterly confused. He wasn't the man who was supposed to be able to ‘read your soul’, was he? He seemed anxious, not aloof. It made Cater think of him… differently… In what way? Cater didn't know himself.
Cater normally loved helping Trey bake for Unbirthday Parties. His boyfriend always seemed to be in his element and it was adorable, but this time, his mind kept wandering. Every time he tried to just think about the now, a thought of Jade popped up. Was he just anxious every time? Was he always just good at hiding his emotions? Cater even started to look around for him and noticed the same traits every time Jade talked to someone or was in a crowded space.
He looked up from the bowl he was helping mix. “So, uh… Is Jade good?”
Trey quickly looked up from taking the previous batch of cupcakes out of the oven. “Last I checked he was fine, yes. Why? Did something happen?”
“Oh! No, nothing happened. I just noticed that he kinda seems constantly anxious.”
Trey’s worried face instantly changed to one of amusement as he tried to hold in a laugh. “Oh, he's fine. He's just… not good with people. You need to learn to start with context, Cater.”
“Hey! I was only worried. We bumped into each other and I noticed stuff there. It was weird seeing the famed Jade Leech as someone who's simply anxious.”
“Seeing him as Jade and not Jade Leech?”
“Yeah, pretty much that tbh. His gaze seemed soft. It felt weird.”
Trey paused what he was doing for a second, looked Cater’s face up and down, then turned back to his cooling cupcakes. “For someone who can read others so well, neither of you can read yourselves.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Don't think about it.”
“Wha-? Trey!” With every pout, Trey only told him it meant nothing.
Wow… Sam’s shop prices were definitely cheaper than expected, at least to Cater. He was so used to going to all those popular pop-up restaurants with sky-high prices that when he counted out the money Trey gave him to see what ingredients were the best to go for, he realized he could get the better-end items for his whole list.
Cater was even more shocked that the school store had the whole list. Strawberries. Blueberries. Heavy cream. Flour. Sugar. How did Trey JUST realize he was he was running low on all of this?
Next and last was cinnamon. He turned the corner only to find Jade looking at some spices and carrying his own basket of baking supplies. Was Monstro Lounge going to offer baked treats? There's no other likely reason. Right?
Seeing Jade made Cater’s heart jump. “Hey, Jade!” He gave his usual high-energy smile as he quickly walked closer. The closer he got, the more noticed Jade leaning away. He didn't know why, but Jade leaning away stung his heart a bit. Cater just stopped walking forward.
“Hello, Diamond.” Jade stood up, placed the baking powder in his own basket, and tried his best to return to his proper posture. But after what happened before, it wasn't hard for Cater to notice the signs of anxiety.
“What are you up to? Monstro Lounge going to make some new sweet treats? You should 100% let me see them. I bet they'll be totes cammable.” Cater tried taking a deep breath. Trey mentioned him being good at reading people, so maybe he was picking up on the fake smile vibes? Just a natural smile, that’ll lighten the mood.
Cater checked Jade’s reaction and he seemed to calm down slightly. He stopped leaning away, his posture looked less stiff, and maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but it seemed like whenever Jade looked at his smile, a slight pink dusted across his cheeks.
“No, Monstro Lounge has no intention of offering sweets yet, though I may suggest that to Azul. Trey told me he just noticed he was running low on some ingredients, so I was getting him some.”
“Wait really?” Cater looked between his basket and Jade’s. They had only sugar in common, the rest of them were completely different supplies, just from the same isles. Did their kitchen really need a full restock? What's with the two separate lists? “Trey told me the same thing.” Cater lifted his basket, showing off his own ingredients.
“How does one notice they are suddenly running low on so many ingredients at once? When was the last time your dorm bought stuff for your Unbirthday Parties?”
“We stock up regularly enough. I didn't notice we were running low on so much stuff. I just thought Trey knew better than I did with how much he’s in the kitchen.” Were they truly running out of this much stuff? Was Trey planning something big? Did Riddle agree to whatever Trey was planning, if he truly did have a plan?
Jade sighed. “What is that man doing?”
“I never know what's in his head.” Cater gave a light chuckle “You want to check out with me? We can both head to Heartslabyul together if you want, or I can just carry it all back.”
The faint pink that Cater thought he saw on Jade earlier, but came back definitely noticeable this time. It came back when he mentioned going to his Heartslabyul together. What? Was he flustered about seeing Trey while he was doing whatever he was trying to do? He seemed a bit lost in thought.
“Whatever he’s doing, it’s probably not something he would be upset we caught him on.”
Jade snapped back to reality. “Oh! Yeah, he probably wouldn't.”
“Come on.” Cater grabbed Jade’s basket and started walking to the check-out. “Let’s check out then grill Trey.”
Jade slowly tagged behind. A very slight smile on his lips and his cheeks ever so slightly pinker.
Cater thoughts continued to roam despite the homework splayed out on his desk. Apparently, Trey had gotten Riddle to agree to some sweet treats for the dorm before upcoming tests.
While it was nice, it was all a bit unusual too. This is the first time Trey had ever mentioned even wanting to do something like this, and going straight to Riddle with no mention of it before to anyone else was a first for him. Not only that, only Cater and Jade were sent for ingredients. One single student from his dorm and one student from a separate dorm.
What? Was Trey using his boyfriend privileges to get free work from Jade? Couldn't he use his Vice Housewarden privileges to send more people from Heartslaybul? What is Trey doing?
Only him and Jade? Now that thought of it, Trey always seemed to look between the two of them whenever they bumped into each other, even if it was only just for a second. On top of that, after he mentioned he felt weird after he mentioned feeling weird after bumping into Jade that once, Trey looked at him funny, then said Cater can't read himself.
What’s up with Trey? If Cater wasn't crazy here, he felt there was some pattern. Only the two of them… Looking between them… Feeling weird around-
Cater has a crush on Jade and Trey instantly caught it and tried to set them up together.
He felt heat rise to his cheeks as he jolted up from his chair. Trey, that traitor! Trey-tor! Cater immediately started speed-walking out of his room and to the kitchen. There is no way he's letting Trey get away with this.
He didn't even know what he was going to do if his boyfriend wasn't in the kitchen. He was just hoping the ever-present want to bake would work in his favor. He was supposed to be making the sweets for their dormmates anyway. After the corner, he found sweets did work in his favor for once.
“You!” Cater pointed at Trey who stopped in his tracks.
“Cater! Do you want to give me a heart attack?!” Trey set the oven timer and oven mitts down roughly, as roughly as he could without breaking the timer, then turned to face him.
He stomped right up to his boyfriend. “I want revenge! You noticed my developing crush, somehow before I myself did, then tried to set me up with him! Absolute Trey-tor!”
Trey just doubled over in laughter, only getting words out in between laughs and gasps for breath. “Again, you need to learn to start with context. You can't just jumpscare me.” He stood up straight again, barely keeping in a few residual laughs. “But I have no clue what you even mean. Why would I set you two up? How would I even notice your crush? It’s not like your cheeks flush whenever he talks to you or like you look around whenever you’re in an area he’s likely to be in too, or even like you've been bringing him up more and more. No, I would never be able to tell.”
Trey's smirk as he leaned onto a countertop top only made Cater’s face feel hotter and hotter. He couldn't even say what emotion he was feeling. He just tried to show some part of that wasn't happy.
“Aw, you can pout somewhere out of my kitchen if you're not going to help. I have a lot of baking to do still.” Trey turned Cater to face the entrance and pushed him towards it. “But if you two were to date, with your crush that no one ever knew of before now, that would be nice.”
Cater opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He could only stomp back to his room.
It’s been a while since Cater’s realization, and maybe Trey was right. His crush was kinda obvi. Even right now, he was looking around since there was even a slight chance he could have bumped into Jade. Could you blame him? He did it with Trey before they started dating too. Is it sad? Probably. But he can't help it. They didn’t interact much during the school day, and Cater just wanted to interact more.
Jade was probably somewhere here in this courtyard around this time of day. All he had to do was look… And there he is! Sitting on a bench and what looks like copying something off his phone onto some notebook. He looked completely peaceful.
Cater makes his way to Jade, keeping his pace nice and peaceful. Hopefully keeping his pace slow might slow his heart too. “Sup Jade?”
Apparently, he was too absorbed in whatever he was doing because when Cater’s voice came out, he practically jumped and his face became absorbed in pink. “Hello, Ca-Diamond. How are you?”
“You can call me Cater, no worries. And, I'm good. What are you up to?” Cater couldn't tell how he scared Jade so badly that he couldn't get Jade couldn't gather himself and was practically dunked in pink paint, but he must have. He couldn't see another reason for any of it. He could at least try and act calmly.
“Oh!” He turned back to his notebook which had a mostly finished drawing of some mushroom, a copy of the mushrooms shown on his phone. “I was drawing a Common Ink Cap Mushroom. It’s also known as an inky cap, tipper’s bane, or even scientifically, Coprinopsis atramentaria. It starts off as bell-shaped, but flattens as it disintegrates. As they disintegrate, they also make a black liquid that can be easily used to make ink. You can also eat the mushrooms as long as you aren't eating any alcohol with them.”
Cater couldn't help but continue to listen and hum some acknowledgments as Jade rambled on and on about these mushrooms. He seemed so interested and happy to talk about them. His focus was solely on the mushrooms.
While Cater made an effort to listen, it was all interesting facts, Cater’s focus remained mostly on Jade’s face. His whole face was lit up by his smile. The corners of his eyes were crinkled up on following his mouth. All of his sharp features seem to only reflect the light of his smile. And while the pink on his face seemed to have died down, some of it still dusted his cheeks. It all made Cater’s heart melt.
Cater immediately started wondering how he could hear him all the time, and as expected, one thought came up. “Do you have a Magicam or something? I bet so many people would love to listen to and learn all of this. I could follow you.” The instant those words left his mouth he regretted them. Did it seem like he was taking attention away from Jade? Why would anyone else have his Magicam addiction? Did that make Jade hate him? Ugh!
Jade’s pink grew back to the same level as when he first shocked him and he gave no response. Yup, he totally hated Cater now. Sure, he had a smile, but how he got just jumped with Cater’s addiction, that was probably nothing more than an awkward smile before letting him down gently.
“Of course, you don't have to make one or let me follow you! It’s good either way.” Cater tried to laugh it all off. Oh, this was so stupid.
Lucky for him, Jade snapped back to reality at his words, at least enough to respond while clumsily tapping on his phone. “I actually do have one, I just don't post to it much. You can follow me though, and I could try posting more. That would be fun.” He brought up a Magicam account with the user ‘MountainEel’. “The account isn't all mushrooms. There are some plants and animals, but it's mostly mushrooms.”
Cater quickly brought up his phone to search for the account. It only took a few seconds to find, but with how his heart was racing it felt like ages. He finally found it and hit the follow button. He swore his heart was seconds from stopping. Cater looked up to see Jade give him another smile. Yup, he's dead. He could barely collect himself to smile back and watch Jade’s pink face deepen in color.
“Unfair! Just totes unfair! Why did you get him first?” Cater had been whining into the corner of Trey’s neck for a good few minutes now. It had all started when they wanted to spend time cozy with each other by cuddling in bed, but cuddle time was disrupted by a notification Jade had posted, a daily thing since Cater followed. Trey teased him for how he instantly went to check the post causing Cater to bury his face in between his boyfriend's shoulder and neck, who only responded with a sigh and started playing with Cater’s hair.
“It’s far from unfair. I simply got to know him first.”
“Unfair! That was because you just had the chance to get to know him first. If I had that chance, I woulda done it too!”
“You still can. There's nothing blocking you from talking to him. Just hang out for a bit and try to be friends, it will evolve from there. No matter where it ends up, two of the people I love just getting along well would be nice.”
Cater removed his face from hiding to glare pouty daggers at Trey. “Easy for you to say! I was about to die when I ended up getting his Magicam. I almost died again every time I wait for his reply to my comments.”
“If he's posting more, he probably enjoys the comments and attention. He has been on his phone more.”
“Still doesn't stop my heart from racing.”
“Just let yourself hang out with him.” Trey thought about something before letting a fond smile grow. “You can also just look at him. If you can see past his initial barrier he can’t really hide anything.”
“I think I keep scaring him. He keeps getting all fidgety and can't compose himself while I'm around. He also blushes when he gets startled, which is cute.”
“He wha- Cater… Dear…” Trey sighed and cupped Cater’s face.
“He doesn't- He’s not startled, well at least not only startled.”
“But I only see it when I say something out of the blue, like if I can walk with him or follow his account.”
Trey gave him a pitying look for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “You’re lucky you’re cute. But, just hang out with him for a bit more. Try to learn his signs a bit more.” A playful smirk grew on his face. “You'll get plenty of chances to do that.”
“What does that mean? What’s with that smirk?”
Trey moved his hands from cupping Cater’s cheeks to covering his eyes “What smirk?”
‘Hang out’. ‘Why don't you just hang out?’ This is why! He was only walking through the halls while talking with Jade and it was taking all of his energy to not keel over.
What did Trey even mean by ‘learn his signs a bit more’? Cater was reading him pretty well, at least he thought he was. At minimum, he could tell Jade was happy when talking about his hikes, talking and listing about Trey, or listening to Cater talk about whatever he was caught up in at the moment.
“I did see a few beautiful birds on my last hike. Sadly, they flew away before I could get a picture, so I can't say their exact species.” Jade was standing tall, wearing a smile on his face, making the distance between himself and Cater ever so slightly smaller, and using his hands to gesture about the birds. See? Cater could read him. That's a happy eel.
“What did they look like?”
“They were small and ground songbirds. They looked to be some kind of finch.” His smile only grew as he continued to ramble on and on about the birds he saw, along with any animal, interesting plant, or cool fungus that crossed his path.
His smile only continued to grow. Every gesture he made fit exactly what he said. He leaned slightly towards Cater when he couldn't walk closer.
Cater just wanted to fawn over him. “You really are adorable.” It wasn't until his words hit his ears, that he even realized he said something.
Jade’s attention snapped right to Cater as he stopped walking and his face flushed. “Excuse me?”
“I- uh- I just-” Cater’s heart and mind were racing. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Who just blindsides someone like that, especially someone who probably gets a heart attack with how much you spook them? But mostly, why would you ever tell that to someone who would never love you back?
Cater wanted to die on the spot, but he couldn't so he did the next best thing. He pushed past Jade and ran away. He heard Jade call his name behind him, but he only darted to his room.
Cater spent the past day or two in his room or hiding from Jade. When class was out he took the most roundabout way to get to the next one, making sure it changed almost every day so no one could wise up and tell Jade. The second school was out for the day he went right to his room and didn't go out. Trey and his clubmates kept bombarding him with texts.
Cater can't do anything right can he? First, he accidentally half-admits his crush. Then he does what anyone else would call an overreaction. Finally, he made everyone worry about him wallowing in self-pity over a crush. He even noticed Jade hadn't posted since he ran, probably a bit awkward to post with him constantly lurking.
So why was he here? He was out in the open sitting on the same bench he found Jade on while sketching those mushrooms. Ink caps, right? Trey had texted him and told him to be here for a surprise. Trey practically demanded he come. Yet he's been here for about ten minutes and hasn't heard from Trey once.
He accepted his fate to just sit there in silence for the foreseeable future until he heard a loud voice.
“Nuh-uh! You’re going!” It was Floyd Leech holding his brother in a headlock and dragging him in the same direction as Cater. That can't be comfortable.
Jade continued to try and futilely push against Floyd while complaining. “I said I’m fine just sitting in my room!”
“Nope! He said he needed you here.”
“Who?!” Someone needed Jade here but didn't tell Jade himself? Who tells someone to forcibly drag their brother somewhere without telling the brother first?
Floyd noticed Cater and finally let Jade go, pushing him in Cater’s direction. “Bench.”
Jade looked up and at the bench, making eye contact with Cater, and Cater instantly knew who forced Jade out. The same man who force him out as well. The Trey-tor.
Jade stood stalk still only for Floyd to push him again. “Bench!”
Cater turned his face away when Jade slowly started walking closer with Floyd grumbling and walking away from both of them. What felt like after waiting ages, Jade sat down next to him. They both just sat there silently for another long while. Cater wanted to die.
“You ran away.” Jade spoke up out of nowhere. When Cater looked over at him he was curled up, his feet on the bench and his face slightly hidden in his knees. His eyes had even started to tear up.
“I- uh-” Cater didn't know what to say. He did run. They were having a nice time. He complimented Jade. Then he ran. That must have turned any compliment straight into an insult.
“I thought we were getting along. Then you said something that made me feel so, so happy, then you ran away.”
“I'm sorry.”
“No, don't be. I got my hopes up for our relationship because I couldn't help my own feelings.” Jade gave a sigh and placed his feet back on the ground.
“You're feelings?” Feelings? Cater thought he might have known what that meant, and it made his heart jump. No, he shouldn't get his hopes u-
“I’ve liked you for a while now.”
“You what?”
“Ever since I saw you genuinely smile and laugh when we bumped into each other while shopping. When you said I was adorable I thought for a second you might have returned my feelings, but then you ran away and I didn't know what to think. Now I guess I just think I got my hopes too high.”
Cater was speechless. Jade liked him? Jade liked him! Wait, wasn't that when the blushing started? Oh! That's probably what Trey meant.
“I know I probably sound stupid here, but I couldn't help letting my em-”
“-I like you too!” Cater let everything just come out. “My crush started probably around the time we bumped into each other in the hall. Random seeming time, I know. I just convinced myself you wouldn't like me back, so I tried to keep it to myself. When I accidentally let my feelings slip I got so flustered and embarrassed I only thought to run.”
“Why would you think I wouldn't like you?”
“When we first met you were always anxious and guarded when I came around, so I just assumed you hated me. Well, that and I suc-”
“-Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Jade glared daggers at Cater. His face then quickly morphed into a pout. “You were the exact same with me. When we first met, you always had a strained smile around me. I didn't know what you were thinking under the fake smile, and I might have gotten scared…”
Cater let a laugh bubble up. “So we scared each other by trying to fake pleasantries and only tried harder after getting scared?”
Jade's face instantly melted into one of joy as he brought one hand to cup Cater’s cheeks. “With how your genuine smile and laugh are what caused me to develop a crush, I probably would have fallen for you instantly if I had seen that first.” Before Cater’s mind gathered what Jade said, he had wrapped Cater into a tight and comforting hug.
Cater moved to rub Jade’s back. “If you had fallen earlier, would it have been any better? With what Trey said of you, I doubt you would have done more than silently pine.”
Jade jumped out of the hug with a playful gasp. “Excuse you? I am amazing at bringing myself to confess. Also, what are you and Trey doing together? Slandering me?”
“Oh really? Who confessed to who with you and Trey? Also, it’s not slander if it's factual, btw.”
“Trey is irrelevant. I confessed to you.”
“What? No! I confessed. That’s what got us here.”
“Yes, because calling someone adorable and then running away is confessing.”
“Shut it!” Cater could feel his cheeks flush. The color only got worse when Jade started to genuinely laugh. It sounded perfect. This whole scene was perfect. Jade was perfect.
Cater moved his hands to Jade’s cheek, mimicking what Jade had done before. He gave Jade a small genuine smile, causing the other’s cheeks to regain some of that pink Cater couldn't help but love.
“What are you up to now?”
“Can I kiss you?”
The small amounts of color on Jade’s face immediately turned to vibrantly cover it. Jade stared at Cater for a quick second, looking between him and his lips. Finally, he gave a nod.
Cater didn't waste another second before pulling him into a kiss. It was clumsy and didn't last for more than a few seconds, but it felt wonderful.
Once Cater pulled away, Jade immediately melted into a puddle. He leaned on Cater as if he had no bones in his body, and hid his face in the crook of Cater’s neck.
Cater couldn't help but laugh. “Are you hiding?” He only got a huff in response. “Mister big strong ‘I-confessed-you-first’ can't handle a kiss? Are you sure you even could withstand confessing? I think my argument is proven.”
That earned Cater a bigger response, a pinch on his cheek and a pout.
“Alright, ow, got the message.”
From behind them, they heard Trey’s voice suddenly appearing, nearly giving Cater a heart attack. “So I assume all went well?”
“Trey! Don't sneak up on people!” Cater turned to see Trey. He had a small basket with what looked like freshly baked bread. It smelled delicious.
“Sorry! Sorry. I didn't know you didn't hear me, though I probably should have guessed based on how you looked.” Of course Trey would instantly go to teasing them. Jade immediately poked his head out of his hiding spot and gave Trey a pouty look.
Wait, Cater had forgotten in all this mess but Trey was the one who set them up. How dare he? “Oh, wait! I'm mad at you. You set us up with all your tricks.”
Jade gave a nod in agreement. “How could you? Such tricks on your own boyfriends.”
“Fine, sure, I did. But I know both of you. Nothing would have come of it otherwise. Though, as recompense, we can all eat this pumpkin bread together.”
“Should we, Cater? If anything, I think we deserve more. Like some cuddles.” Jade gave such a saccharine and fake innocent face before leaning on Cater.
“Fine, fine. You'll get what you want, but we should probably eat where there's more space.”
Jade and Cater both got up to walk with Trey to Heartslabyul. Jade tried to steal a piece of the bread multiple times, and Trey moved it away every time. Jade immediately pouted and leaned on Cater, calling Trey mean. And, as silly or weird as the scene may have looked, Cater found it perfect.
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sp1lled-lemon4de · 1 year
¿۵Crazy in love۵?
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Characters: Mina Ashido x sub!male reader Fandom: MHA (My Hero Academia) Genre: smut
NOTE: This is a continuation to my previous fic, which ig is a part1? This will be 3 mina fics in total, i have 1 fem one and this one will make 2 male ones :> this was also a request by two of my amazing followers, one asked for the og fic and another asked for pt2, so enjoy :D P.S. this is a continuation, so i recommend reading the first fic: ♡ _________________
You went through your day attending classes and so on.
You pretty much stayed in your corner except for hanging out with Deku and talking with Momo, who was planning on having some movie night....
Somewhat along the lines, you would have to talk to Mina about it later...{opening for a part 3?????}
On the topic of Mina, where is she? After your "conversation" with her this morning you haven't seen her....
Its fine, you know your way around the school, she knows her way around the school, she has classes, you have classes, you know that you wouldn't have her around all the time, but most of the time atleast.
Besides you are in the same class, so you get to see her all the time.
There goes the bell, you decided to wait in the class for a bit knowing the hallways would be crowded, you timed it and in 15 minutes you were out the door, well atleast by the door waiting for Mina....
You sighed and thought to yourself why does she have 3 million school supplies????
Truth being she didn't have that many supplies she was just talking to Momo....
She hurried up and got out, she took your hand in hers and walked down the hall way....
silence....it wasn't an awkward silence just a unusual one...
you were a bit surprised Mina hadn't began telling you about her day, especially since you guys didn't see each other, maybe it made your heart drop or not, you just focused on her body language, analyzing her to see if you had upset her.
She took out her phone and began texting....(I am a firm believer that U.A has the best free wifi...FULL BARS AND EVERYTHING, FIGHT ME)
You peaked over but couldn't really see much so ignored it, not like that would matter, because it felt like she was ignoring you.
You let out a dramatic huff which was "ignored" before reaching the dorms, you abruptly let go of her hand and walked inside, poor Mina...
You were to busy stomping off to see Minas shocked face....Later that night, to be exact 11:00 you were still awake, reading a book.
Everyone, well mostly everyone was asleep, Deku, Momo, Todoroki, were all gone and Denki, and Kiri were probably up doing some random weird stuff, probably mixing poison in the dorm kitchen...
You heard a knock on your door, and you went to open it.. Mina, it was Mina...
she gently pushed you aside and locked the door and plopped herself on your bed...
"Are you mad at me?~"
"No, not at all."
"Its 11:00, why are you here, go to bed"
"Im your girlfriend Y/n, are you giving me a curfew?"
She chuckled a bit as you leaned on the wall...You noticed she has something with her, a small bag...You raise an eyebrow and gestured to it..
"Oh this? just something to spice our night up"
"our night up? you didn't tell me you were sleeping over, if so i still have some of your clo-"
"no. Remember this morning?"
You froze.
"i told you that i would "leave more tonight", correct?"
You nodded slowly..."o-ok, so what does that have to do with the bag?"
She clasped her hands and opened her bag, she pulled out a very bright coral vibrator (omfg i struggled not to put pink) , perfect size and everything, and she playfully turned it on and off.
"woah woah, explain, p-please"
"How about i "explain" it to you visually, or what's the right term, hands-on-hands?"
Your legs begin to shake, thank god you were leaning on the wall.
To your surprise and maybe your relief she wasn't going to use it on you...
(if you were waiting for that, ill make a new fic just for that scenario if you want) She gestured for you to get on your knees, and you did so with out hesitation (i would too).
To your surprise she removed her clothes, tossed her panties aside, turned on the vibrator and began to work, on herself. You watched intently, taking notice of how her pretty thighs spread, and her puffy lips ached, and her poor clit being feed with so much stimulation, your cock twiched as you watched her, you were getting impatient, and she could feel it... And she made matters worse, by moaning out our name ever so softly, and adding a few praises in between...
gosh you were mesmerised... "look at you, practically drooling as you watch me pleasure myself" "M-mina...please" "please? what? say it~" "please, please let me touch you..." "no." (LITTERALY FLABBERGASTED, AND IM THE AUTHOR) "please please please, wanna touch you, wanna make you feel good, wanna stuff you full-" She huffs in amusment but gives in immediately and calls you over, she lets you pick her up and place her on your lap, right infront of your mirror... you slowly run you fingers over her clit and bring them down to her entrance, you slowly slide 2 fingers in, setting a steady pace you pump your digits in and out of her pretty hole...
Her sweet moans fill the air as you kiss her neck, dont be fooled, she is still the one in control, view it like this , you are her pawn... "Fuck, Y-y/n mmhm im so so close" You keep your pace steady, hitting her g spot over and over, her walls clench around your fingers as she cums, leaning her head back as she sighs, you kiss her cheek and rub her waist calming her down like the good boyfriend you are.
"Take your pants off for me" you quickly did as told, one swift motion your pants and boxers were off and your dick was out in the open for her. She laughed softly.
"good to know I still turn you on"
you huffed at her, just wanting to touch her and feel her...
She pinned you down and kissed you deeply, using one hand to take your member and stroke it gently...
you softly moan in to the kiss as she positioned her hips. She slowly brought her hips down and began bouncing...
You let out a soft whimper, finally being inside her making your brain turn to mush.
Her juices covering your length as she bounced up and down.
The sight to much for you to handle you let out soft groans but they soon became loud, she felt so good, the way her walls clenched around you, the way her tits bounced, the way the light reflects off her, her on top of you made you feel some way...
like she was using you, for her pleasure which you loved because pleasing her is one of your biggest goals, using you like a fuck toy, over and over.
It made your head get all dizzy and fuzzy and before you knew it you were thrusting Into her, you held her waist, guiding her.
She had already cummed you can't let her do all the work...
her sweet praises filled the air as you took over with doing the action, still being her perfect sub, but helping her.
"Such a good boy, huh? Fucking his girlfriend so good" she ran her hand through your hair gently tugging it.
You let out a long moan, you cock throbbing, it's like it reacted on its own to her praises, in seconds without warning you shot you long sticky white ropes of cum into her.
"Ahh, m-mina I'm so sorry m'sorry, fuck you just felt so good~" tears form in your eyes from the pleasure.. you felt to good to pull out, much less warn her...that didn't matter to her, she just kissed your forehead and cupped your face.
You sighed contently and closed your eyes, happy with the events of your night...
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vampysparkz · 2 years
Accidental Petrification
Part 2.
Ajax Petropolis x Normie F!Reader
Enemies to lovers
None so far!
Y/N: Your Name
L/N: Last name
👇 The song I was listening to while writing
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Part 1! 👇
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The hours passed by as Y/N unpacked her bags and put up some small decorations around the room as she went, doing what she could to make her side of the room look like hers. After a while, Iliana pokes her head out from the dressing screen.
"Hey, I have your uniform, you can get changed, and then we can go explore if you want" Iliana smiles, walking out from behind the screen to hold out a neatly folded striped uniform to Y/N.
Y/N smiles, and takes the uniform, looking over the stripes on the uniform with a small smile. As much as she didn't want to admit it, the place was starting to grow on her... Despite her rocky start.
"Yeah, sure" Y/N smiles and stood from her spot on the bed to walk to the dressing screen, quickly changing behind it. She wasn't sure how she felt about the long skirt, but it didn't bother her too much. Maybe she could get a shorter one later on.
Once she was dressed she walked out from behind the screen with a small smile. "Tadaaa" She chimes and Iliana's face lights up, cheeks rounding as she smiles, a happy hiss coming from her hat.
"You look great Normie! Come on, let's go to the quad" Iliana chirps, before grabbing Y/N's hand and running out of the dorms with a giggle.
Y/N considered herself lucky, knowing that it was sort of a 50/50 chance that she'd get a nice roommate, and so far, Iliana seemed like the nicest she could get.
They ran to the quad, and Y/N was fast to find out that it was a big courtyard mixed with an outdoor cafeteria. She looked around, listening as Iliana explained the different cliques at each table. She took note of the main 4, but also took note of multiple others, gorgons, psychics, etcetera.
At one point, Iliana got separated from her, so Y/N stood against one of the pillars, her arms crossed over her chest, just slightly offended that she got left behind. She stood there for about then minutes before she heard someone clear their throat.
She looks towards where she heard the noise, and there he stood, the boy who petrified her, standing anxiously with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Hi" He murmurs, looking down at his feet.
Seeing the boy delved some anger from within her, but she knew what had occurred wasn't his fault. "What do you want?" She sighs, leaning further against the pillar. Ajax took a breath and shifted on his feet. "I just.. Wanted to say sorry. I know you're new and I /totally/ didn't mean to stone you. I'm usually better about it, the guys were trying to make me stone myself but I accidentally looked at you and-"
He rambles, sucking in a large breath when he paused, a pitiful expression gracing his face. Y/N could tell that he was nervous, and felt genuinely bad, so she sighed.
"It's fine, jeez dude take a breather. It's all over and done with" She huffs, she figured she was allowed to hold this grudge... At least within reason. The guy was cute at least.
"Here. How about this, tonight after classes I take you down to the Weathervane n' buy you a coffee, huh? Try and make up for stonin' you?" He sighs, giving a sheepish smile, shifting on his feet as he awaited her answer.
Y/N thought for a moment, mulling the offer over in her head. It was a sweet offer, and it'd be nice to get back in Jericho, even if it was just for a little bit. She took a breath, shaking her head to clear it before humming.
"Alright, you've swayed me... Make the coffee a hot chocolate though... And add a croissant" She nods with a little huff, and Ajax smiled. "Cool! Hot chocolate and a croissant it is"
That sort of genuine smile that lights up the room and makes the gloomy clouds go away. It was a sort of goofy smile, wide and slightly lopsided, showing slightly smoke-stained teeth that were generally well cared for, even if they weren't perfectly straight, the smile wrinkling his nose a little.
The smile warmed Y/N's mood a little, melting her hostile stature slightly, her hands folded neatly in front of her now rather than crossed. "I'll let you do your thing then. By the way... What's your name?" He paused, raising an eyebrow as he looked her over as if trying to guess what her name would be.
"Y/N L/N, you're... Ajax right? At least that's what the nurse said" She hums, looking up at him as a singular snake poked it's head out from under his hat, giving a curious hiss as it rolled against his forehead.
"Uh, yeah.. Sorry" He mumbles, pushing the snake back up into his hat, which gave a disgruntled snap at his finger. "Ow- Yeah. Ajax Petropolus" He nods, offering his hand out to her to shake, which she declined.
"We're not there yet buddy, maybe after the hot chocolate" She chuckles, pushing his hand away, and looked up when she heard Iliana's bouncy humming.
"Hey, Ajax! Y'all make up yet?" Iliana chimes, holding a bottle of water in one hand, a cupcake in her other, and a bottle of Mountain Dew in the crook of her elbow.
Ajax gave a shy smile, close-mouthed but genuine, and took the bottle of mountain dew from her. "We're... Working on it. I think" he mumbles, taking off the cap which caused the carbonation to hiss loudly, the nearby group of werewolves perking up at the noise.
"God, they're like big dogs aren't they?" Y/N chuckles, looking over the small pack as they went back to fighting over a Frisbee. Soon Iliana held the cupcake out to her, vanilla with bright blue frosting and sprinkles, a sparkler stuck in the icing. "Yeah. Here! A sorry that you got stoned on your first-day present" Iliana giggles, and Y/N took the cupcake, glancing over at Ajax.
"You had something to do with this huh?" She mumbles, and Ajax almost choked on the mouthful of mountain dew he was in the process of swallowing.
"Uh... Yeah. Sorry, I didn't know if you liked vanilla or chocolate... So I played it safe and went with vanilla. You don't have to eat it though... It was Illie's idea" he mumbles, looking back down at his bottle of soda.
Y/N hums, glancing over at Iliana with a wry smirk. "Illie's idea huh? Y'all must be close" She mutters, blowing out the sparkler before licking a bit of icing off of her thumb. "Not bad, but for the record, I prefer strawberry" She grins, handing Ajax the cupcake, who took it with wide eyes.
Y/N then looked over at Iliana with a hum. "C'mon, you gotta help me get ready for tonight then" The statement made Iliana grin and clap her hands, and with that, the girls were laughing and off to the dorms, leaving Ajax in the damp quad, watching the two girls run off.
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With that I give you part two!
I hope y'all enjoy it so far, next part will be up either tonight or tomorrow! If you have any fun ideas for what should happen next (I have some fun stuffs planned) just lmk!
Part 3 👇
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wackytheorist · 6 months
sorry if this is all over the place I’m nd and dyslexic so typing hard but the “ableist crow” is just a user who made some slightly heated vent posts about some of tubbos behaviours (such as talking over people despite other ccs asking him to stop) etc. while I don’t agree with the posts 100% myself I definitely dont read them as ableist? like this is a stretch example (and no I’m not calling tubbo a toddler) but like if I saw a little kid in a store having a meltdown I wouldn’t blame the kid cause it’s not their fault if their overwhelmed but like I can still be annoyed by the screaming? Idk if that makes sense but that’s kinda my take on what they probably meant by that post? (they’re nd themselves btw) their post got screenied and posted to Twitter by a tubbling (I know who posted it but I won’t say so they don’t get hate sent) where tubbo then saw it so it got blown up even more than it needed to
but yeah idk by reading through their blog they seem to take a mixed bag approach of finding things annoying or questionable and venting these frustrations but waiting to see how things develop. another post of theirs that springs to mind is the "abuse defender" one in which it was like a day or two after the new eggs and roier abusing pepito and they were asking people to wait to see if the abuse thing developed in case it was just a bit he was doing rather than immediately calling a latino cc an abuser? Especially when Roier has beefed with other eggs before and similar bits by other ccs were seen as funny (slime purposefully abusing flippa with “parenting styles” comes to mind but granted that was very early server where everyone was being more goofy anyway)
again like I said I don’t agree with all their posts but I think a lot of what they’ve said is being taken out of context or pushed to extremes to make them look worse than they are?? 🤷
Your fine, I understand the wording(I too am terrible at typing for different reasons.) I'm part of relaxed qsmpblr as I've mentioned in a different post and don't have much of a problem
Everyone should be allowed to express their opinion, yours is valid
But imo, I didn't have much of a problem with their posts(as I said before in the statement above) or the april fools account was problematic(I mean if someone thought I was worth an april fool account, I'd be losing my shit reading it but everyones different.)
But their response was a bit... off to me, especially since the person was a minor.
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withoutalice · 6 months
writing prompt- you cool with Tex x aid? Theme: playful cantor over a shared meal? If not, it’s cool. Alt pairing if preferred- same theme, ratchet and first aid?
Ough i'm sorry idk Tex's characterization very well so I did Ratchet x First Aid ;-;
Words: ~600
Warnings: Not much! Some descriptions of eating and full bellies at most. Just some medics having a good large comforting meal. Overall funny and introspective...
[ It’d been a long shift in the medical ward, leaving the CMO and CMO-in-training ravenous. Even though they both enjoyed cooking over eating out personally, the medics were too exhausted to make dinner themselves... ]
“What are you thinking to eat tonight?” Rat/chet asked. Fir/st Ai/d shrugged and flopped onto the couch.
“Feeling like…comfort food…maybe savory?”
“Hmm, how about pasta?” Rat/chet pointed out. Fir/st Ai/d mumbled an affirmative into cushions. After placing the order, Rat/chet got to cleaning off their dining table; he didn't bother to clean off all the dishes though.
"Well, Ai/d, don't fall asleep before you eat! I can't have you getting run down now..."
Fir/st Ai/d pushed himself into a sitting position and accepted the bubbly energon Rat/chet offered. Being a medic wasn't for anyone, and Fir/st Ai/d realized how resilient one must be to be the C/MO. Rat/chet didn't show much of an air of exhaustion, even though Ai/d knew he'd been working more this week than him by a bit.
They rested in silence, until their takeaways arrived! Fir/st Ai/d quickly unpacked the bags, Rat/chet watching him amusedly...
"The food is delicious, isn't it?"
Fir/st Ai/d looked up in surprise. He had been so focused! "Yeah, it feels like we haven't had a proper meal in ages..."
The C/MO shrugged. "It's nice to not be cooking for once, though."
"Mhm...though, it is always good when you do cook!"
"That's very kind of you to say..." Rat/chet hummed as he pulled his order in front of him. It smelled divine.
The pasta is deliciously al dente when they eat it, topped with a variety of sauces and toppings. Rat/chet got a heaping helping of pesto pasta. He sprinkles parmesan cheese eagerly on it, while Fir/st Ai/d breaks open his takeaway container of creamy alfredo with veggies mixed in.
As they eat, the two medics are relaxed and enjoying their meal, keeping up conversation as they do so.
Rat/chet takes a large bite, holding his servo in front of his mouth while he asks: "And how are your patients doing tonight?"
Fir/st Ai/d shrugs again. "Stubborn about taking their meds, but otherwise, they seem to be doing well."
"That's good to hear..."
They scarf down more pasta in content silence for a moment; before Ai/d speaks up again.
"I heard from some of the other medics that you've been more patients than usual lately. How are you holding up?"
Rat/chet twirls his fork around. "Not too bad, honestly. It's been a bit hectic, as our team has grown, but I'm holding up fine...."
Ai/d finishes his dish, wiping his face into the crook of his arm. "But don't you think you should take it a bit easier?"
Rat/chet tilts his helm back and scoops the rest of his meal into his mouth, setting the container aside. "Ah, probably. But someone has to do it, right?"
"Yeah, I get that. But I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself too, you know?" Fir/st Ai/d blurts out the last part awkwardly, hoping the C/MO doesn't laugh at him.
Rat/chet just smiles warmly and gets up to clean up, bloated tummy brushing Ai/d's side when he leans over to collect the dishes. Ai/d hums approvingly.
"I can't believe i finally feel full...when's the last time we ate something other than rations in between shifts?"
He hears Rat/chet laugh from the connected kitchen.
"Oh, who knows, but it sure was delicious. Might have been a bit too much for me even-"
Fir/st Ai/d ends up moving back to the couch, holding his own full belly. He sighs happily.
"No wonder they call it comfort food..."
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your-divine-ribs · 3 months
Ice Cold Part 25
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Words: 3.2k
Ice Cold Masterlist Main Masterlist
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"What the hell were you thinking Lyla?" Paul's exasperated tone was drenched with anger, his face contorted with fury. "How could you? How could you think for one second that you could do this on your own?"
I was perched on the back steps of an ambulance whilst a paramedic tended to my injuries. I could barely bring myself to look at Paul, frightened to meet his eyes in case he saw me for what I really was. I could feel it. Something was changing inside me. All of the lies and deceit had built up, a grimy layer which couldn't be cleansed, and now here I was, a murderer. It couldn't get much worse... could it?
"It was Jason's idea." I fixed my eyes on the pavement as I spoke, looking up when a stretcher was wheeled past bearing his body. A blanket had been draped over him and I was grateful that I couldn't see him. I knew that if I was forced to look upon him again I'd still somehow see the accusation in his dead eyes.
"I don't care who came up with the idea!" Paul snapped. "This isn't the time to be keeping secrets, sneaking around and playing at being the hero. There's a bloody war on!"
I looked up at him then, the reflection of the blue and red lights from the emergency vehicles dancing across his face, highlighting the grief that was etched there.
"I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't want to risk any more lives..."
"Jason is dead!" He cried, gesturing towards the coroner's van. "This isn't a petty criminal we're dealing with here, or did you forget? McCann has a kill list as long as your arm. He's a professional and he's dangerous! You can't take him on your own!"
"Here's the murder weapon," a female voice sounded out, distracting Paul, and we both looked up to see an agent holding an evidence bag containing my bloodied knife. The knife covered in my prints...
My heart stuttered as I remembered the feel of the blade sinking into Jason's neck with no more resistance than a knife through butter and the horror mixed with fierce satisfaction that I'd felt. But rather than dwelling on the grisly justice that I'd served, my mind started to piece together a story, a version of events that was plausible enough to be believed. My prints might have been on the knife, but Jason's also were... and Van's too.
"I think you need to come to the hospital for us to look at this arm wound," the paramedic said, trying to peel my coat down my arm, but I resisted, pulling away.
"It's nothing, it's only a graze!"
"You might have fragments of bullet in there," the paramedic insisted sternly. "At the very least you'll need stitches."
I went to open my mouth to protest, but Paul cut me off, glowering down at me. "For fuck's sake Lyla! Can you just do as you're told for once in your goddamn life!"
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The days that followed Jason's death passed like a whirlwind, meetings and interviews and investigations raged all around me but I felt like I was in the eye of the storm. It was eerily calm here, almost like I was watching everything unfolding impassively. I kept telling myself that it was just a defence mechanism, my mind putting up barriers to protect itself, but I couldn't shake the disquieting feeling that something was happening to me. A metamorphosis of some kind. A transformation into something dark and terrible. Something that I didn't recognise when I looked at my reflection in the mirror that morning.
It was three days after the fateful night, and my disciplinary was scheduled for that afternoon. I'd spent every waking moment going over my statement, fine tuning every little detail, every word that was supposedly said, every tiny action and interaction. I was an actress rehearsing for a pivotal scene in a movie, and with no other witnesses to corroborate or discount my story it was all down to me and my 'performance'.
The idea of appearing in front of the Director of the agency and learning of my punishment filled me with dread, but I was grateful for the distraction. It gave me something to focus on so I wasn't completely consumed by thoughts of Van and the things that he'd said.
It was obvious now that his interest in me went far deeper than simply satisfying some lustful desire. He talked about me like I'd been a part of his life for so long, but how could that be? Our lives had been so different and I couldn't draw clear parallels at any point. There had to be something though... something lying dormant and buried in my past... and maybe it was buried for a reason.
Whatever was playing out now was unequivocally linked to my dad's death, that much was certain. The knowledge of that fact had lit a fuse of ferocious determination in me to uncover the truth no matter what the cost. If Van wasn't going to divulge his secrets then I'd have to take matters into my own hands.
I logged on to my desktop computer, tapping my fingernails on the desk impatiently as I waited for the case file search screen to load. I knew it was hopeless but I did it anyway. I brought up all the investigations that were taking place in the weeks leading up to my dad's death and started going through them, hoping I'd see something that I'd missed before. There must be something that I'd overlooked.
The words flashed up on the screen, taunting me. Frustration churned like an angry knot in my stomach. The truth had been evading me for as long as I could remember.
Growing up I’d soon found out that my naturally inquisitive nature was a curse rather than a blessing. Asking questions about my dad's death had only made my mother withdraw even further into herself and eventually I’d reluctantly had to stop plaguing her. I tried the agency, but of course they weren't at liberty to discuss details with family members, especially not an impressionable young child. They cooed and fussed around me, laughing and ruffling my hair at this determined 'little detective' who was dead-set on bringing her father's killers to justice. They made sure that me and my mum were well looked after and their answer to curing my dogged curiosity was to pay for me to attend even more therapy sessions.
When I’d finally graduated my training as a fully-fledged agent my eagerness had seen me trying to delve into my dad's death once again, only to be met by a wall of red tape and stories of corrupt files and lost transcripts. Agency members who'd served at the same time as my dad, including Paul himself, regurgitated a story to me of the head of a drug trafficking network which my dad was investigating at the time finally catching up to him for his part in gunning down his brother on an operation.
I didn't doubt that Paul fully believed the story, as with everyone else I’d asked. On the surface it was convincing and credible enough, but I’d never been able to shake the feeling that there was more to it. I’d been there the night of his death after all. I’d been witness to my dad's agitated and fearful state. His usual unflappable bravery crumbling to be replaced by devastation as he re-counted to whoever he was on the phone to that vital information had been leaked, a betrayal of some kind. This was more than a revenge attack. This was an execution of a person who knew too much.
Just like Van had said... this knowledge was death. And it was still killing now 15 years down the line. Far from deterring me though, it spurred me on. Since when had the ultimate risk ever stopped me before?
Two hours later my eyes were beginning to sting from staring at the screen unblinkingly, and my colleagues were starting to rise up from their desks and wander off in the direction of the cafeteria.
"Come on Lyla, you need a break." I heard Jen's voice calling from behind me, and I swivelled my body around to face her. "Why don't you come and grab a sandwich with me?"
"It's okay, I'm not hungry," I lied, and my stomach immediately started growling like it was attempting to show me up.
"Doesn't sound like it!" Jen gave a grin, like she was considering making a joke, but it soon faded when she met my stoney gaze. She sighed then, stepping closer, and I found myself automatically tensing up. "You shouldn't be too hard on yourself you know... about Jason. Don't blame yourself. He knew the risks just as well as you did."
She tailed off, sympathy brimming in her eyes, and what could I say to that? That I wasn’t blaming myself, and that I wasn’t sorry? Because I wasn’t. Not any more.
I’d been so sure that I’d fall apart, but each day that passed the remaining guilt slipped away, like rainfall washing away the dirt of an old day. Van had been right. Jason had deserved everything that he got.
I looked back down at the desk as I spoke, trying for a contrite tone. "Thanks Jen... for believing in me. It means a lot, it really does. But I know this was all my fault. I'll just have to accept whatever punishment I get given."
Jen moved forward to place a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I don't think you'll be prosecuted, not after everything you've done for the agency. Paul's probably down there in Whitman's office right now, pleading your case!" She laughed softly, trying to coax a smile from me. "You'll probably get a suspension, nothing more."
"We'll see," I replied, turning back to my screen, indicating that the conversation was over.
Jen lingered for a few more moments, then she slowly backed away, leaving me alone.
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Charles Whitman had enjoyed a lifelong career at the agency and had been promoted to Director of the agency just before I’d joined and started my training three years ago. All those who worked under him respected him and feared him in equal measures. He was an intimidating figure, and this wasn't all down to his stature. He had the sort of presence which exuded authority.
I arrived for my disciplinary meeting ten minutes early, knowing tardiness would not be tolerated, and I stood outside his office, smoothing my dress down and taking a few deep breaths before I meekly knocked on the door.
"Come in!" The deep voice boomed out, and I took one last lungful of air before I swung the door open and strode inside.
"Lyla," he addressed me, standing up from his desk and extending a hand to me. It was a friendly gesture, but the stern look on his face was anything but.
"Hello Sir," I answered, shaking his hand with as firm a grip as I could manage without it coming across as aggressive.
He gestured towards the seat across the desk from him and I sat, perched on the edge, before I realised that my posture looked nervy so I purposefully tried to relax my body.
Charles looked at me from across the top of his gold framed glasses, pale green eyes sharp and penetrating. Then his gaze dropped down to his desk where a stack of files lay, and I watched anxiously as he started leafing through them. The room was uncomfortably quiet which just added to the tension.
"You have quite the impressive record," he finally said. "In fact I'd go so far as to say impeccable."
"Thank you," I said quietly, not being able to take any satisfaction from his praise because I was sure of what was coming next.
So sure that Charles' next words astounded me.
"Which is the reason why I won't be suspending you, or pressing charges... not at this crucial time in the agency's investigations."
"I... I don't know what to say," I mumbled, stunned. I was so sure that at the very least I’d be suspended without pay or stripped of my badge and shown the door, and at the very worst subjected to some sort of criminal charge for my blatant lies and recklessness.
Charles placed his elbows on the desk and his fingers together almost like he was in prayer. "How about thank you?"
"Yes... yes of course... thank you Sir... I just thought..."
"That's your problem Lyla," he said curtly, cutting me off mid-sentence. "If you spent less time thinking and more time following bloody orders we wouldn't be in this situation right now, would we?"
I opened my mouth to defend myself, then thought better of it, glancing down at my hands which were folded in my lap. I picked at the bandage that I still wore across my wounded palm even though the cut was healing well.
"I hear you picked up a few injuries fighting off McCann," he said as he noticed my fiddling. "How's the arm?"
I instinctively reached up, fingers running over the bandage that I could feel under my sleeve. I’d not lifted the bandage yet to assess the damage, but I knew there'd be scarring once it had healed.
Those small scars will run deeper than the ones on your conscience Lyla.
My mind taunted me, and I realised that I’d not even mentioned Jason, my fallen colleague.
"It's fine, it was nothing really, I was lucky. Not like Jason... poor bastard..." I hoped my expression was sincere, that the twist on my lips could be read as grief and not disgust for the man that I’d killed.
Charles' expression was unreadable as he looked at me for a long moment and my heart started to race. Then he glanced away, looking out the window, not a shred of compassion in his voice as he spoke.
"Yes, that was... unfortunate..."
I watched, taken aback as he rose to his feet and crossed over to the window. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't this. I’d thought that I’d be hauled over the coals for my foolish actions which to anyone else would be seen as leading indirectly to Jason's death. Now here Charles was, brushing off the death of one of his agents like it was of no consequence. And they called Van cold-hearted...
"I've had my eye on you for a while now..."
Charles stood with his back to me, looking out at the city. He spoke slowly, and his words set my already frayed nerves even further on edge.
"Am I in trouble Sir?" I asked uncertainly.
He turned then, swiftly, his back to the window so shadows were cast over his face. "It's come to my attention that you've had quite a few run-ins with McCann... and very close ones at that."
I nodded quickly, not daring to speak, feeling my heart quickening again.
"Most people only cross his path once you know... you're most fortunate."
Charles stepped away from the window and walked behind me, and I was relieved to not have to look at him. I was starting to feel hot and flustered, and I surreptitiously pulled my dress away from my body to cool myself down.
"Some might say I'm actually not very fortunate at all coming up against him so much!" I cracked a weak joke which fell flat, laughing nervously as Charles paced around the office, coming to a stop behind his desk but not sitting down.
His expression looked troubled, his brow suddenly darkened with anger. "It's no laughing matter. He has to be STOPPED!"
His voice boomed out the last word as he slammed his fist down on the desk simultaneously, causing me to jump in my seat. He leaned over the desk towards me, his voice laced with anger.
"I'm raising the threat level. Immediate shoot to kill on any sighting of him. I want him wiped off the face of this planet. The order's going out to all agents today."
I felt my blood run cold at his words, dread rising in my chest, my throat constricting. "But... but I thought you wanted him alive? He must have so much knowledge about the organisation... information about who's running everything. It could be valuable."
Charles shook his head emphatically. "Things have changed. He's gone rogue, cut himself loose from the organisation. And you don't just leave an outfit like that, not by your own choice. We can't predict his next move, he's more dangerous than ever!"
Now I couldn't hide my shock and I tried to rein in my fear to no avail. "What? I don't understand... why would he do that? How do you know all of this?" My voice came out high-pitched and anxious and I couldn't hide it.
Charles pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and he locked eyes with me, then he leaned across the desk as if studying me intently. I was aware that I looked panicked, my cheeks glowing and my heart hammering. I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable.
"I have my sources," he said, tight-lipped. "And McCann's going down one way or another. Even his own will be hunting him down now. He's a dead man walking!"
I shot my hand up to my mouth to stifle a whimper that threatened to break free, masking it as a cough. Then I realised that my hand was shaking, so I dropped it quickly back down into my lap. I needed to get out, compose myself, my resolve threatening to come unravelled at the seams, but I couldn't. Charles stood, looking down on me, his expression unfathomable. I had to hold it together.
"Okay..." I began slowly, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice. "Just tell me what you want me to do... I can help..."
I had to do something... track Van down somehow... warn him...
Charles' unwavering gaze never left mine as he spoke and I tried my best to look like I wasn’t just about to spin out of control.
"You didn't think you were still on this case did you? For heavens sake... no. You're not to go anywhere near it... or McCann. Do you understand?"
"But Sir..."
"I SAID NO LYLA!" The sharpness in his words brought me to a stop mid-sentence and he leant forward over the desk again. "It's quite obvious to me that you're too... involved with this case. It's time for you to step back. I'm assigning you to another investigation. You'll travel down to London the day after tomorrow. I need you on a stake out. Now the London team have lost Scott they need a good agent. In fact I was thinking about having you transferred."
I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I wanted to grab Charles and shake him. But I couldn't. I just had to sit there whilst he told me how lucky I was to still have a job after my conduct. After a while his voice faded out and I started to drift.
It wasn't ending like this. It couldn't end like this. I wasn’t going to just sit back whilst Van was hunted down like a dog.
I needed him, and he needed me.
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whispers-of-masser · 1 year
Poor Form
✧ Nebarra x human!LDB, ft. Xelzaz & Khash ✧ Fluff, maybe angst (if you squint), slow-burn with tension; 2k+ word count ✧ Mentions of blood, (poorly written) fantasy violence ♫ "Ritual" - AWAY, Echos ✒ @dalishthunder come take responsibility for this
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It was the grey hour when you woke, the quiet lull between full night and the oncoming dawn. From where you lay in the tent, the only sounds you could hear were the steady breaths of your companions, the breeze rustling by outside, and the lone call of a bird, faint and dim in the distance.
Slowly, you sat up, grimacing at your sore neck and shoulders – though you had long since grown accustomed to sleeping on the ground, that didn't mean you, or your body, appreciated it. You'd have to look into getting some bed cots instead. Until then, though...
At least we stay warm through the night. The oiled leather tent kept out most of the wind, and the beasts you'd felled along the journey had long since become the bedding everyone slept on.
A sudden snore drew your attention to where Khash lay, bundled in her sleeping bag beside you, red eyes shut tight and jaw slightly parted, her sharp little teeth on display. Across from her was Xelzaz, sleeping quietly on his side with his back turned towards you; you could just make out the lump of his tail beneath the blankets. And next to him...
...was an empty bed roll, the fur still fluffed, apparently untouched through the night.
Frowning, you pushed back the blankets, habitually reaching for your sword as you rose – just in case, always just in case – and, taking care not to wake Khash, crawled quietly out of the tent.
The morning had teeth. You felt it the moment you stepped outside, the cold biting into your bare arms, gnawing through the fabric of your tunic and raising goosebumps across your skin. Your breath plumed white amidst the grey, and the dirt underfoot was cold and hard; not even the morning dew had loosened it. You found yourself wanting retreat back into the tent and burrow under your furs once more, pulling them all the way over your head and falling asleep beneath their warmth. Any other morning, you might have done just that. But...
The empty, untouched bedroll.
You squinted into the mist, eyes searching, searching... there. A figure, seated on a rock several metres away, smudged and blurred in the gloom, but glinting a familiar gold.
As you lowered your sword, a sigh slipped from your lips, drawn from some strange mix of frustration, concern, and relief.
"...How long have you been out here, Nebarra?"
"Morning to you too, guar-face," the elf drawled, and though he didn't rise, his helmeted head turned towards you. A thin layer of condensation covered the metal, droplets falling at his movement; his bangs, escaping through the visor, were damp and plastered to his helm. "And all night, to answer your question. Somebody has to keep watch."
"Obviously. But you volunteered for the first shift last night." Frowning, you looked him up and down, not bothering to mask your concerned displeasure. "Why didn't you wake me or Xelzaz? We could have relieved you. We were supposed to relieve you."
"Oh yes, a human and a lizard! I'm certain I'd feel very safe with you two on watch. Your species' eyesight is so much better than an Altmer's, after all."
Your frown deepened, brow furrowing as you stared him down. It was too early in the morning for his snark.
Wordlessly, you brought up your sword and levelled it at his throat. "I can see that gap in your armor just fine. I could kill you right now – and the same goes for whatever may have come up on us in the night."
Nebarra gave a disdainful snort, gloved hand clamping down on your blade and giving a sharp tug. Unprepared, reflexes still sluggish from sleep, you stumbled a whole two steps forward before managing to check yourself.
"Poor form," the elf sneered. "You won't be killing anything like that."
Your nostrils flared, a dozen retorts surging to your lips, but you held them all in.
He's right, and you both know it.
"I wasn't ready", "I'm still waking up", "I wasn't serious" – excuses that could get you, and maybe the others, killed. How long had Nebarra seen this in you? Why was he only mentioning it now? Why hadn't you realised it on your own, that despite your confidence, your skills, your strength – you were still very much mortal? And when had that confidence become something more dangerous – arrogance?
"...What?" Nebarra asked suddenly, drawing you from your reverie. "You have that expression again. The one where you're about to do something stupid."
"Spar with me."
"Terrible idea, absolu... wait. What?"
"Spar with me," you repeated, staring into the black of his visor. "I'm getting rusty, fighting nothing but bandits and mindless undead. This just proved it."
Nebarra was silent for a beat, his head tilting to the side. Something about the motion reminded you of a bird; the eagle-shaped helm only added to the effect. You waited patiently for his answer, wondering what exactly he had to consider –
Metal, arcing toward your sword arm.
You barely managed a dodge and a weak parry with the flat of your blade – you'd been holding it low, unready. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Clearly, Nebarra was done thinking – the two of you were sparring now.
Fair enough. Enemies wouldn't be so polite as to give you time to gear up, either. And now, for once, the odds weren't in your favour: a fully-armoured Altmer veteran with decades of experience, versus you, young, disoriented, and unarmored, only a single blade in hand.
It was thrilling.
You sidestepped another swing of Nebarra's blade – only to connect with it a moment later, coming out of the feint you had failed to read.
Sharp, stinging pain. Scarlet, dripping from your arm.
He was trying to hurt you. And you were giving him ample opportunity.
You needed to ground yourself, regain your rhythm – something you couldn't do without an opening, and Nebarra wasn't giving you any.
A glint of metal on the left – block, step back. Movement overhead, an oncoming blow – raise your sword, throw your weight behind it, disrupt his momentum.
At least, you tried. Fully armoured as he was, Nebarra had an extra thousand angaids of weight behind his swing, if not more. The sheer force of his blow knock your sword out of your hands, sending you staggering back. But the grass underfoot was slick with the morning's dew, and you were moving too fast, too unsteadily. Before you knew it, your back was colliding with the ground, and all you could see was grey sky overhead – and a golden sword coming down.
But there was still a chance.
Contorting violently, you grabbed Nebarra's arm as the blade sailed by, nicking your face as it passed. You didn't let go of his arm just yet, though. Instead, you pulled, leveraging your weight against his, abdomen taut as you used him to haul yourself upright. Nebarra, clearly not expecting such a move, found himself betrayed by his own momentum, drawing him forward and down, aided by your weight. Gravity took care of the rest, and he crashed towards the earth, twisting even as he fell to avoid face-planting into the ground.
As he struggled to right himself, you rushed to retrieve your sword; Nebarra was already rising by the time you turned back to him.
"No you don't," you growled, charging the mer, sword raised.
His hand shot out, a ward rippling to life, though it buckled slightly under your sword's impact. Nebarra staggered, his half-risen stance precarious, unbalanced.
Now. Now. Now.
Once, twice, thrice more your sword glanced off the ward – and on the fourth blow, it shattered, leaving the Altmer open to your assault.
Metal clanged as you brought your sword down, colliding with his gauntlet as he struggled to block with it, not given enough time to raise his own sword in defense. You let the blade slide off, intending to follow up with its momentum, but Nebarra didn't give you a chance. The moment the sword glanced off his gauntlet, he lunged, catching you in the abdomen and bringing the both of you to the ground.
The tussle that followed was a blur.
His sword arcing down, yours blocking. Hilts catching, blades flying, yanked out of your grasp and his.
Panted breaths, heaving chests, grappling and rolling across the grass.
A glint caught your eye – your sword and Nebarra's, just within reach.
He saw it too, the both of you reaching out in unison for your weapons, desperate to be faster than the other.
Leather-bound metal brushed against your palm – the hilt. Your hand closed around it, drawing it in close. Brought it swiftly upwards, blade against Nebarra's neck.
At its touch, he froze – and so did you. Because resting against your own neck, biting into the tender flesh, was the edge of Nebarra's blade.
Ears ringing, heart racing, you shift your gaze from the sword to the one holding it.
Hunched over and straddling you, a leg to either side of your waist, there was hardly any distance between your bodies. The beak of his helm was close enough to brush your nose; your breath fogged on the metal. His gasping breaths may has well have been your own – you could feel them, swift and hot, slipping through the gold feathers that covered his face, carrying the faint scent of wine.
Of course, he'd been drinking. It had probably kept him warm through the night – and he'd still managed to keep you off-balanced for most of the fight.
You were in worse shape than you'd thought.
That, or... maybe Nebarra was better than he'd ever let on.
"...Tonight," you breathed, staring up at him. "Let's... spar again tonight."
Nebarra grunted; you could hear the sound echo faintly in his helmet. "Fine. Don't expect me to go easy on you."
A smile tugged at your mouth – you could feel your lips crack and stretch at the motion, dried out in the cold; you gave them a brief lick before answering. "What, and this was?"
Another affirmative grunt. "I'll be sober by tonight. Unfortunately."
You snorted, then fell silent once more. With your eyes, you found yourself tracing the curves of his helm, pausing at the sight of his bangs peeking through, dark and tangled threads of gold. Something about them was like an itch you couldn't scratch, and you had the sudden urge to brush them aside, or at least tuck them back into his helm.
As your gaze drifted upward, toward the visor, a glint in its shadows caught your eye. Again, you paused, staring intently into the dark.
A reflective sheen, a gleam of crimson –
"Are you done breathing on one another, yet?"
Xelzaz's voice shattered your focus, and both you and Nebarra snapped your heads toward the sound.
The Argonian stood just outside the tent, arms crossed, head bare of its usual hood, scales shimmering in the pale light. Beside him was Khash, a shadowy smudge in the mist; her wide red eyes seemed to float amidst the grey.
"Good morning," you said stupidly, even as Nebarra scrambled to get off you.
"Why were you fighting?" Khash asked. "Did something happen?"
"For your – obviously necessary – information," Nebarra sniffed, dusting off his armour, "we were sparring. And you had better get used to it. Our dear Dragonborn and I will continue to do so, apparently, starting today."
As you sat up, you distinctly heard Xelzaz mutter, "By the Hist." When he turned his head to you once more, there was something incredibly deadpan about his gaze, an unspoken, "Really?" in his eyes.
"What?" you mouthed back, blinking at him in confusion. He only shook his head, and have no answer.
"Right... Well, let's get the fire going again, and I'll see about getting us all breakfast."
At that, Khash's gaze snapped towards him. "Ohh, Xelzaz, can I have some Hackle-lo with it?"
"Khash, you've eaten almost my whole stock."
"...I'll see if I can't spare a few more."
"Yay! Heh."
"Horker stew for you, Nebarra?"
"I'm too tired to say no... but I'll watch you every moment of its making."
"Yes, yes, as usual. And what of you, friend?" Xelzaz turned towards you, and for a moment, you couldn't answer him – you'd been too distracted watching the scene unfold, a smile on your face.
"Ah... it doesn't matter to me, I suppose. Surprise me."
And so, thirty minutes later, as the sun climbed through the sky and burned away the mist, breakfast was served.
But for some strange reason, all throughout the meal, you found your gaze drawn... repeatedly...
...to Nebarra.
#nebarra#nebarra skyrim#skyrim nebarra#skyrim#i havent written action in YEARS i hope its passable#i tried to remember what my two whole gumdo lessons were like back in high school :DDD#also fyi i know ZILCH abt tes lore n stuff so uhhh pls be gentle w me on that front#i literally spent ten minutes looking up tamrielic weight measurements and then trying to convert that it to pounds and back#and apparently its only referenced in a book that appears in like four of the games so its clearly an OLD book#likely that tamriel doesnt even use that unit of measurement anymore but damnit i wanted to get SOMETHING accurate#anyway that was quite enough research for me tyvm#like mate i just wanna romance this sardonic sunflower#speaking of which i wanna give him flowers?? dont ask me why i just do#give him a boquet of yellow mountain flowers like#'i saw them and thought they looked like u'#to which he scoffs and VERY GRUDGINGLY accepts ONE#prolly tells us to give the rest to khash or xelzaz#fast forward several to months later and somehow we find that one flower v carefully pressed n preserved amongst his belongings#dont touch me i just made myself sOFT thinking about this#im literally gonna have to write it now dammit#dali this is all ur fault u have unleashed the floodgates of my garbage bin brain#........thank u :D#anyway yeah this was originally written for my ldb oc which is why the personality of the ldb here may be a bit.... specific? idk#just swapped pronouns to make it more self-insert/other people's oc friendly#anyway thank god its finally done; only took me three days#not super happy with the ending but oh well#'swhat happens when u dont write for over a year#rUST#rusty as lbd's fighting in this fic#whisper writes
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pebblestar · 2 years
Mikey x reader
【 It'll be fine 】
(( kinda alludes to past abuse? But other then that it's completely fluffy. ))
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"Brown sugar!"
For the past five minutes, Mikey had been giving you orders.
Mostly of what ingredients you needed to grab while he mixed them together in a large bowl. This sort of thing was nothing new.
You both had very shit sleeping schedules and one night you two decided to try out baking for fun.
From then on (Despite the first baking attempt you two did being a absolute disaster) These late night baking sessions had become a weekly or sometimes every night occurrence.
After fumbling around in the drawer and finding the measuring cup, you finally scoop the measuring cup into the bag of brown sugar before passing it over to Mikey who dumps the sugar inside the large bowl.
"Now we melt the butter- Can ye handle that matey?"
You roll your eyes at Mikey's very terrible pirate accent. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't of really got most of Mikey's silly little humor but luckily for you, You'd been his best friend for nearly a year now and understood a good chunk of his little references.
"Aye Aye Cap'n!"
You give Mikey a quick salute before making your way over to the cabinets to find a smaller bowl in order to melt the butter.
"Oh c'mon where's the damn thing..."
You grumble out.
It takes a few for moments of struggling due to your height but eventually your fingers finally grasp the edge of the small bowl you'd been looking for.
Just as you start to slide the bowl out from it's self, You find yourself nearly tripping over your own two feet when you attempt to step backwards.
Unexpectedly the bowl slips from your grasp and comes flying down from the shelf, Nearly hitting but you by some miracle missing your own face.
The sound of shattering glass now echoes around the once quiet kitchen.
Something like this shouldn't of been that big a deal but you stand there almost petrified at the scene before you.
"Y/n?!? Are you okay?"
A nagging thought is what sends you spiraling into a state of panic;
'Mikey is going to be so mad at me.'
Without another moment to think of all the possible outcomes and how Mikey may or may not scream at you, Your knealing down to collect the shards in your hands somehow hoping- praying that Mikey somehow wouldn't see them and become incredibly upset with you.
However your lack of response doesn't go unnoticed by Mikey. There's the sound of something clattering ontop the counter then he's turning himself around in time to find you picking up the shards of glass, closing your fists around the sharp objects with a expression on your face that Mikey can only describe as full blown panic.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please I really didn't mean to-"
Mikey almost isn't sure what to do.
Never had he seen you act like some sort of cornered animal before and over a broken bowl nonetheless. To him, You'd always been the definition of strong and a lot of the time you acted like certain things didn't bother you. But this entire situation was completely different.
The blood dripping from your hands and onto the kitchens floor is what finally snaps him out of his own state of shock and he's Immediately grabbing the nearest dish cloth, knealing down next to you.
"Whoa hey hey... It's fine dude,"
Mikey's voice softens but doesn't make a move to try reaching out to you just yet.
"But I broke it. I'm so fucking stupid-"
"Hey now. Don't say that. It's only a accident. I've been reallyy wanting that new justice force one anyway."
When you don't laugh, Only sniffling in response It only makes Mikey's worry for you increase.
A part of him desperately wanted to wrap you up into his arms and never let you go, But he forced himself to be patient.
Your injuries were what needed to be tended to first and foremost.
"Let me see."
Slowly he reaches out for your hand and when you don't flinch away from his touch, he carefully opens up your fist. There in the palm of your hand were a few large shards sticking out of the skin and causing quite the bloodied mess.
Of course, being Mikey he just had to try cheering you back up while he made careful work of removing the shards from the palm of your hand.
"Dude. I can't believe the bowl attacked you like that. So rude. If you ask me that thing deserves to stay broken."
Mikey catches your laugh through your tears and he can't help the smile that finds it's way onto his face.
"Did I ever tell you about that one mission? The one where I was chased by giant pizzas from..."
The turtle allows himself to ramble on until finally the shards are fully removed from your hand.
Thankfully enough there weren't any smaller pieces and Mikey is able to gently press the dish rag onto the injury and flashes you that smile that you love so much.
A silence soon settles itself over the kitchen aside from the occasional sniffling coming from you.
It takes maybe three more minutes for your heart to stop racing and for the panic to slowly subside but once it does, your needily reaching out for Mikey for comfort as you tug on his arm in hopes of bringing him closer to you.
Wordlessly, His arm moves to wrap around your waist immediately bringing you closer to him.
With his chin now resting ontop your head he asks you gently.
"Wanna talk about it...?"
You don't answer right away. If anything you don't really know what to say. Your a bit embarrassed at your own self for breaking down in front of him, but then there's also the other part of you that feels incredibly warmed by how much effort Mikey put in to care for you like this.
"...No. But... I do at some point. Is that okay?"
"Of course dude. Whenever your ready, I'll be right here waiting for you. Unless I have to fight the foot. Or unless aillens invade earth again. Or unless the triceratons-"
You laugh now smacking at Mikey's chest to put a end to his insane ramblings.
"Okay okay. But Mikey?"
"...Thank you. Sorry about-"
"Nuh-Uh. Nope. No more saying sorry."
At that you go silent. A warm smile finding it's way onto your face and you find yourself burying your face into the crook of his neck.
"...C'mon. I'll finish the rest of the cookies and you can find a movie for us both to watch, 'kay?"
"What's that movie that's coming out this year you wanted to see again?"
At the question, your eyes light up and you began to ramble on excitedly about the movie you were interested in.
Mikey gives you his full attention the whole way to the living room before setting you down on the couch.
The conversation eventually ceases and Mikey promises to be back as quickly as possible.
You watch him go, Almost inching to call him back so the two of you could cuddle but instead you turn your attention toward the TV in order to find a movie.
As you scroll through the options for movies, You can't help the feeling of warmth that blooms inside of your chest.
Mikey wasn't just your best friend. He was the definition of sunshine on a frigid day. He was what home had always meant to feel like.
【 Bonus 】
The sound of Mikey's snores echo throughout the living room and somehow your laying ontop the turtle and sleeping through the noise like it's nothing.
Leonardo finds it oddly amusing as he steps over to the front of couch and quietly grabs the blanket from off the side of the couch.
The turtle in blue drapes the blanket over the two of you before approaching footsteps soon join Leo.
"There ain't no way those two aren't a couple."
"Raph! Shhh! You'll wake them up."
Though by now, the three brothers knew you two would sleep well into the afternoon. And of course contuine to destroy both of your sleep schedule unbeknownst to Leonardo.
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
The Drive-In Part 14
Part 1 | Part 13 | Part 15 | Links to all Parts | AO3 Link
Taglist: @2btheanswertothequestion @cr0w-culture @panicatthediaz @rhyswritesreadsandcries @weirdspaceowl @duraffinity
Not even two hours have passed since leaving Eddie at the drive-in before Steve is tearing up the road toward Family Video. He knew he was going way too fast, but he needed to speak to Robin immediately.
He'd got home, chucked down some aspirin, and went for a swim to clear his head. Every other lap, he'd turn his head to breathe and catch a glimpse of the pool loungers. Then his brain, like a TV with a bad signal, gave him flashes of the program. Eddies face lit up in a cool blue light. Eddie's hand outstretched to him. Eddie's lithe torso stretched back on the lounger in front of him.
He felt that feeling again, nervous. No, not just nervous. It was something else. He'd gotten so annoyed with himself, being unable to pinpoint this feeling and given up on the swim, headed for the shower again and returned downstairs to tidy up.
He'd caught a glimpse of the refrigerator and noticed a small plastic bag with a few pre-rolled joints stuck to it and a note.
'For emergency recovery only!! E'
Steve smiled and shook his head, and started to load the dishwasher. He checked in the oven. There was indeed another stack and a half of pancakes. Eddie was bad at measuring for someone who played a game that seemed to Steve like a glorified math problem. Too good to waste, Steve had thought and wrapped them up. 
Then trash bag in hand, he'd begun the mission of locating all the randomly placed beer cans, including the tower of them in the den.
Jesus, they'd drank so much last night. Steve could hold his drink, but there was much more to him than Eddie. How neither of them had been violently sick somewhere in the house was a miracle.
Steve cringed a little as a sudden memory of him throwing his arm around Eddie a few times permeated his brain. He shrugs it off. Eddie hadn't mentioned it. Lots of people do that when they're drunk. It was fine.
He had left the doors open to air out the rooms. He knew the maid could have done all this tomorrow, but he didn't want her to wade through all this trash and the thick smell of weed, tobacco and beer that had consumed the house.
He'd disposed of the cans and returned to the furniture that Eddie had tried to move back the best he could, but nothing was exactly where it should be. Once it had been rearranged to perfection, Steve went to assess the damage and honestly, there wasn't much. A bit of a shoe mark on the table that Steve easily wipes away and a little pile of ash by the stereo next to the box of mix tapes.
Steve clears away the ash, looks back at the tapes, and wonders...Did they invite girls round? Steve vaguely recalled dancing, so they must have. When his curiosity had gotten the better of him, he'd opened the tape deck to read the name. Jackie? No, surely not. The Disco girl? That had not ended well, and Steve doesn't remember seeing her at all.
Steve rewound the tape a little hoping that music might jog his memory, and it did. He remembered someone dancing up on the table, and he got that nervous feeling again. No, it wasn't just nervousness. It was something else as well. Steve had shut his eyes and let the music take him back to seeing an outline of a tall, slender girl dancing on the table. That's when that nervous feeling translated for him finally. He'd fallen for them. His stomach flipped at the recognition like a reward.
He got flashes of zoomed-in pictures in his mind. Her smile, one of her eyes with beautiful long eyelashes, a wave of her dark hair, he's holding her hands, and he could almost feel her wrapped up in his arms.
Maybe Jackie paired off with Eddie, and this was one of her friends? That had made much more sense. Steve had figured the girls had probably decided not to stay over. Eddie had probably freaked Jackie out and messed up Steve's chances with this mystery girl.
Is it possible to fall for someone so quickly? One night. Maybe this was it? Some kind of kismet love at first sight?
Steve grabbed a cushion from the sofa and gripped it to his chest. A lovesick sigh escaped his mouth as he had lain on the floor looking at the ceiling. His heart beat so hard against his sternum when the little snippets ran through his mind again. Who was she? Steve had to know.
Steve had contemplated calling Jackie or even finding out Eddie's number to see if anything had come back to him yet like it had for Steve.
Steve cursed at his memory. He rewound the tape, played the song again, shut his eyes, and willed his brain to remember.
In hindsight, Steve can't decide if it was fortunate or unfortunate that his memory had finally decided to give him a snippet.
The room was dark. His hand grabbed her jeans, he called her beautiful, and she spun around.
No! No! That's not right. He thought, no, he prayed, his brain had got this mixed up. It didn't make any sense.
Then this small memory retrieval broke the dam, and Steve remembered everything. Ev-ery-thing!
And that is how he'd ended up breaking the speed limit on the way to Robin.
He screeches into the parking lot, stalks out of his car and bursts through the door.
Robin nearly jumps out of her skin as the door slams open, and she looks him up and down in alarm. She jumps out of her seat, shouting, "Everybody out! I've just had a call. There is a rabid wave of rats headed this way." Most people drop what they're doing and head out, pushing a sweating, heavy-breathing Steve out of the way. Robin walks up to the last remaining customer, sporting a walkman. She lifts up their headphones and says urgently, "Out! Now!"
As soon as the last person is ushered out. Robin flips the sign to closed and locks the door before running back behind the counter, ducking down and coming back up repeatedly, putting box after box of fireworks on top of it.
"So-so wh-what are are we dealing with here. Russians? Giant slimy meat beasts? Government agents?" she asks in a panicked voice.
"No! It's way worse than all of that," Steve says, waving his hands in front of him.
Robin ducks down again and puts a machete on the counter.
"Robin! What the hell?" Steve looks at her in horror.
"Well, you just never know?!" She shrugs.
"Unfortunately, none of this is going to help," Steve says, wiping the sweat from his forehead as his tone relaxes.
Robin's hands go to her waist, and she tilts her head, "Please don't tell me I've exposed my secret weapon collection, lost five customers and shut the store for another episode of Steve's girl problems?"
They stare at one another in silence for a while.
"Just listen..." Steve starts as Robin throws her hands in the air and groans in frustration, stomping to the door to flip the sign to open.
Steve immediately flips it back and follows her around the store, begging, "Robin, please, this is serious this time. I really need your help."
Robin looks at him, shuts her eyes and shakes her head before grabbing some tapes and starting to set them out, ignoring him and flipping the sign back to open.
Steve continues to follow her, flipping the sign back to closed, "Please, Robin. You're my only hope."
"Did you just use half a Star Wars quote on me?" She turns and examines his face, "You are desperate", she says in realisation.
"Yes! Yes, I am!" Steve shouts in exasperation, slamming the side of one of his hand into the palm of the other, causing pain to shoot through his knuckle, and his brain flashes back to punching Eddie's van.
Steve rubs his face with his hands before dragging them down it in frustration.
Robin's expression softens, "Alright then." Steve sighs with relief as Robin points a finger at him, "But just the highlights, alright? No gory details. I would like to be able to stomach some food at some point today."
Steve takes the tapes from her hands and dumps them on the nearest shelf before holding her hands and sitting her down in the chair behind the counter. Steve reaches into his pocket, pulls out a foil parcel and hands it to Robin, "Banana Pancakes", he says as he begins pacing left and right in front of her as she tucks into the food, watching him.
"Wow, these are good!" She says quietly to herself, and Steve just goes for it.
"Ok, so last night I went to the drive-in with Felicity..."
Robin rolls her eyes. She had a deep dislike for this girl in particular.
"Don't worry, she ended up leaving with her friends, ok? But I met someone else whilst I was there."
"Whilst you were still there? Is that a new record?" She laughs.
Steve huffs and thinks for a moment. He wanted to know. He wanted to see if it was the same or if he had misread this friendly interaction as something more, so he bends the truth. Talk about it like this was a girl.
"So me and this...girl are sitting in my car, then she leaves, has car trouble, and I go to help. Some guys are harassing her, and they run away when they see me. We talk, and she laughs. A lot. With me, not at me. So then I offer her a ride, home or mine. She says mine. We go to mine, we have the best time, like a two-person party, talking for hours, drinking, getting high, dancing, she danced on a table...for me...and that was...well..." Steve lets out a long exhale and gets lost in his own thoughts.
"Steve! Highlights!" Robin reminds him.
"Then there was flirting. I called her beautiful and pretty. She put me to bed and slept in a separate room, and this morning she made me banana pancakes...from scratch." Steve gestures at the pancakes Robin is eating: "I take her back to her car. On the way, we sing together, and you should hear her voice. It's all raspy and stuff." Lost in his memories again, Steve's eyes roll to the back of his head, and he grips his jacket collar with both hands. He takes a deep breath and looks back to his potential saviour.
Robin is blinking at Steve. She's probably processing, "So what's the problem?"
"The problem! The problem, Robin, is I don't know. I'm not sure if I like her that way or if it was a friendship thing like I had with you, and I'm reading it all wrong. I feel like it's real. Like, really, real. But then I'm wondering if it can be. How can it be? And...I can not emphasise this enough. I can not get this wrong, ok? It would be social standing ending to get this wrong."
"You're asking me to tell you if a girl I've never met is into you or not?" Robin asks incredulously.
"Yes! Yes, that is what I'm asking!" Steve says, slightly agitated, "Sorry, Rob, I'm not annoyed at you. I'm just...my brain is all messed up. I just met her, you know, and it feels like a big deal, but it can't be, right? It was one night."
"Well, did you kiss or anything like that?" Robin asks
"No, but there was flirty touching. She said some flirty things, I think, and some hand-holding, but from what I can remember, most of that was me."
Someone starts knocking on the door.
Still staring intently at Steve, Robin shouts, "We're closed!"
"I'd give it a maybe. I'm your friend, and I would dance on a table. I'd even dance on a table with you, but for you? No way. We hold hands. And sometimes people say flirty things to be funny. "
Steve sits on the floor, runs his hands through his hair, and looks back at her. He felt hopeless. Nothing was any clearer. He wanted to just spill his guts, but he was worried. Not worried that Robin would turn on him, that would never happen, but that once the truth left his mouth, it would become real.
"Oh, no...no...uh-uh...i know that face. There's something else. Is she married? Is she someone we know? Is it my Mom, Steve?!" Robin leaps out of her seat dramatically. 
"No, it's not that," Steve says miserably.
The knocking at the door was getting louder. Robin tries to block it out and focuses on Steve, "Then what is it? Are they on the run from the law? Are they in league with a supervillain? Are they a monster from the hell dimension?"
Steve reaches for Robin's hand that doesn't contain pancake, "Don't freak out, ok. "
"Ohhh, why did you say that? I know I'm definitely gonna freak out now, Steve!" Robin whines, taking another bite of pancake.
Steve bites the bullet. He has to know, and Robin is the only person he knows that could know. So he blurts it out, "What if I told you it wasn't....it wasn't a she?"
Robin's eyes frantically search Steve's as she nervously takes another bite of a pancake. Takes her time chewing it, not losing eye contact with him and then says, "Can you please be explicit in your words right now, Steve, because I think I know what you're saying, but I want to be absolutely one hundred per cent sure, that what I think you're saying, is what you're saying"
"What if I said it was a guy?" Steve says quietly and then tucks his lips back into his mouth nervously, waiting for Robin's assessment.
Robin's eyes go wide. She open's her mouth to speak but is interrupted by a pounding at the door.
"Hey! Don't think I can't see you in there!! I swear to Christ, if I get a late fee!!" An annoyed voice shouts through the door.
Both their heads turn quickly towards the voice.
Steve weakly smiles up at Robin from under the counter, points at the door and whispers, "That guy."
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