#but like why are you all so sure that jason would lose against percy?
cocrante · 5 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
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THE LUNCH ENDED IN SILENCE, neither of the three spoke or even hinted at doing so. Percy and Jason both realized they had hit a sore spot. Nico knew they didn't do it intentionally, they were happy to see him happy for once, to know that he had returned to smiling after spending so much time wandering alone.
Occasionally, the son of Hades looked up at the two boys, aware that he had once again gone too far. It was something he couldn't always avoid, losing his temper from time to time seemed to be inherited. "I didn't mean to raise my voice" he apologized before the two got up to go climb the climbing wall. "I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now, I just know I like what I feel. It's nice" he confided, showing a weak smile. The two looked at each other first and then at the boy, appreciating that he had opened up to them. "It's okay, we went overboard too" Jason said, nudging Percy to say something as well. "Yeah, sorry" he said quickly. Nico nodded, relieved that everything was okay between them. "Hey, why don't you come to the wall too? Let's see who wins" Jason suggested to him. "That would be me" added Percy, pointing at himself, convinced that he would be the winner. "Sure" Jason murmured, bursting out laughing the moment later. "But you fell last time we went!" exclaimed Percy, giving rise to the most comical argument between demigods. Nico was embarrassed. "I'll pass" the son of Hades said, interrupting the discussion that had degenerated into who could hold their breath the longest underwater.
The two suddenly stopped, hearing Nico's voice and forgetting why they were arguing. "Why?" asked the son of Poseidon. Nico sighed, already feeling like he would regret it. "I have to go to the infirmary" he tried not to blush, hoping the two wouldn't start building castles in the sand about what he had just said. The two boys gave each other a quick glance, avoiding asking any questions. "Okay" Percy shrugged. "If you change your mind, you know where to find us!" added the son of Jupiter, walking with his friend towards the climbing wall. Nico watched them go, pushing each other and shouting about who was better at reaching the top. They were hopeless, yet Nico was grateful they were friends. 
A little later, he reached the infirmary. Finding Will wasn't a difficult task; he found him trying to transfer an amber liquid from one vial to another. The son of Hades cleared his throat, getting the boy's attention as he looked up surprised. They stared at each other for a few moments; Will didn't think he would really come. "You came!" he exclaimed, unable to avoid being surprised. Nico nodded, approaching the work table and nervously tapping his fingers. "What are you doing?" he asked, trying to take an interest in his fieldwork as a field medic. Will smiled, picking up an already sealed vial. "I'm preparing supplies for the winter" he explained. "With the war we emptied the entire cabinet" he added." Nico looked at the work he had done so far. On the table, there were vials of all sizes containing strange-colored liquids, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know what each flask contained. "Do you need a hand?" Nico asked, remembering only then that Will had asked him more than once to stay and help him roll some bandages. It seemed that the boy had also remembered, from the way he smiled. "Yes, you could help me" he invited Nico to sit down, focusing his attention on Nico's face. "Tell me what to do" the boy said, looking around, feeling completely out of place inside. "First, you could apply the labels" he asked, explaining exactly how to recognize one vial from another. 
Nico followed word for word, fortunately they had all been placed in order, he wouldn't make a mistake. "Okay" he got to work soon, pulling up each vial, gluing its name on it. A veil of silence fell between the two. Every so often, Will would look up to see how the job he had assigned was going, and Nico would occasionally glance shyly at the son of Apollo, intending to ask him something that had been bothering him for days. Both continued in silence what they were doing, only the external noise from the demigods was in the background. Will had just finished another box of magic medicines, ready to be labeled and stored in the medicine cabinet.
"Can I ask you a question?" Nico asked at last, interrupting the silence that had formed between them. Will looked up, looking at the boy in front of him, bent over to apply the label. "Sure!" Nico clenched his lips, really eager to ask him on the one hand, but remained silent, prisoner of his thoughts. "No, never mind" he muttered. "It's foolish, forget it" he added, retracting what he had just thought. Will tilted his head to one side, it was really complicated to read what was going through his mind, and he considered himself good at it. "Well, I'll be the judge of whether it's foolish or not" he said, crossing his arms on the table. "Come on, what did you want to ask me?" but Nico shook his head, scolding himself for opening his mouth. However, Will didn't want to let it go, even though he had to admit to himself that sometimes it annoyed him to have to take his words with pliers. "If you wanted to ask how I manage to have such fluffy hair, the secret is to use little conditioner, it weighs them down" Will joked, eliciting a faint smile on Nico's face. "That's not it" spoke the son of Hades, masking a laugh. "Ah" said Will, as if he were really sorry he wasn't being asked that thing about his hair. "It's probably the smile" he sighed theatrically. "Everyone asks me, but it's genetic, I can't help it" he shrugged. "Not that I mind!" he added quickly. Nico shook his head, smiling too. "Neither do I" he said, faintly laughing. "Oh" said Will. "Then what is it?" he asked, thinking he could get him to talk. Nico remained silent again, sighing a couple of times and repeating to himself that there was nothing wrong with asking him. "Just don't laugh" he lifted his gaze from the vial to look at Will's face. "I promise" Will swore, raising his right hand. Nico rolled his eyes, sighing a third time. "I was wondering if we were friends" he lowered his gaze reflexively, unable to withstand the confused look Will was giving him. The son of Apollo was perplexed by that question, the answer seemed obvious to him, yet he realized that it might not be so for Nico. "Of course we are" he replied, spreading one of his beautiful and bright smiles on his face, also involving Nico who just gave a faint smile in response.
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doevademe · 2 years
I propose this as a prompt, feel free to ignore it if it's too cringy but some tropes are just too damn satisfying to ignore: during a quest, Nico loses all his memories of Percy (including that they're husbands) and can't even remember who is that beautiful stranger with sad green eyes. The only way to cure him? a true love kiss! (cheesy I know). What will Perseus do? seduce his husband back? (personally I think a Nico pov would be interesting but it's your call really, you can make anything interesting).
"Give. Them. Back." The man (Percy, he said his name was Percy) said as he gripped his sword tighter, pressing it against the god's throat.
Nico didn't understand what the big deal was. True, he may have some lagoons in his memory here and there, but he spent most of his teenage years not remembering his own mother's face. He still remembered Hazel, and Jason, and Reyna. The important things were still there.
So why was this Percy person so incensed with restoring his memory?
Zelus laughed at him.
"I didn't take anything, godling," he said haughtily. "The object I asked Nico to fetch for me had a powerful seal on it. Once he retrieved it, the seal moved, blocking the memory of whatever person he was thinking of."
"You did this on purpose," Percy said, standing back. "You just had to have your revenge on Nico!"
Nico blinked. Yes, he had done this quest for Zelus to not have the god of romantic jealousy mad at him but... the last time he remembered feeling that was back when his ex-boyfriend got too close to his patients, ages ago...
Why had it mattered to Nico to fix that now?
"The seal was placed by Anteros," the god spat at the name. "His magic can only be undone by a kiss of love returned."
Percy made a 'Ha!' sound and turned towards Nico, who closed his eyes as the god disappeared in an explosion of light.
"Hear that, Nico?" Percy said with a smile. He stepped closer to him. "I guess the way to bring your memory back was easier than we thought!"
"I mean, yeah, eventually," Nico said, getting a step back. He wasn't used to strangers cramping his personal space. "Thanks for helping me out, Percy, you really didn't have to."
Nico hadn't asked him. He had just asked him who he was when he found him louging on his apartment. A talk later and he had demanded to be taken to Zelus, sword-pen (neat trick, Nico wondered if he could write with it) already in hand.
Percy deflated and offered his hand again.
"Let's go back home, okay?" He asked gently. "We'll fix up everything there."
For some reason, he couldn't look away from Percy's eyes. Sea green, like the still waters in tropical paradises, but also darkened by a sadness that Nico couldn't comprehend.
He knew he lived with Percy, that was pretty obvious now, but why did he look so sad about Nico forgetting him?
He took Percy's hand gingerly and went back to the familiar shadow of his apartment. Before he could even find his center again Percy was hugging him, making Nico tense up.
"Um, Percy?" He asked awkwardly. "Are we... the kind of roommates who hug?"
It was very unbelievable. Nico didn't like people hugging him, much less people he wasn't family with.
"Right... Nico, can I kiss you?" he said suddenly. Nico's mind blanked.
He pushed him away.
"Um... listen, guy, you're cute, okay? Like, really, really cute," he said, looking at Percy lieing down on the floor with his legs spread and... yeah, that gave him some ideas. "And I know we live together but... I don't know you."
"That's the thing, Nico," he said. "If we kiss, you might remember me... we don't just live together. We're more than roommates."
"You mean like, we were dating or something?" He asked. He wondered how long they had been together.
"Try newlyweds," Percy said, a sad smile on his pretty face. "We got married three months ago."
Nico felt like he was kicked in the stomach by a cyclops.
"I married a stranger?!" He asked. "Why? I'm sure I'd remember that!"
"We're not strangers Nico!" Percy said, standing up. Nico backed away towards the kitchen. "We have known each other for years! I rescued you from Dr. Thorn with Thalia, I'm Tyson's older brother! We know each other!"
Nico paused. He looked at Percy again, trying to recall even a glimpse of him but...
Nothing. Just those amazing, beautiful, sad, green eyes.
"Okay, I can't believe I'm trusting you," he said. Those eyes wouldn't let him believe otherwise. "So if we're... married, that means us kissing is going to bring my memories back, right?"
Percy nodded. His sad eyes seemed alight with hope.
"Okay... go ahead," he closed his eyes and lightly puckered his lips. Bracing himself for the worst. He felt Percy's lips on his.
It was nice.
Very nice, actually. It was exactly how he liked to be kissed. Percy and him must have really loved each other.
A few seconds later, PErcy moved away, looking more hopeful than ever.
Nico shook his head.
"I'm sorry," he said. Percy's face fell. "It was a good kiss. Probably the best kiss I've ever had, but... I don't love you, Percy, I barely know you."
He expected many things, for those sad eyes to come back with a vengeance, for him to leave, ot maybe to get angry.
He didn't expect Percy to grin like a maniac and take his hand.
(Seriously, who did non-mindwiped Nico marry?!)
"That's okay, Ni," he said, thousand watt smile in place. "You fell in love with me once, you can fall in love with me again!"
"Nico di Angelo, are you free tonight?"
Nico should say no. Nico should stay away and get used to the fact that he didn't remember his husband and maybe that was for the better.
But... he was trying so hard. And behind that smile, he could see some desperation in those beautiful eyes that had already charmed him...
He'd really like to remember this man, he realized. He'd like to know what he loved about him.
"As a matter of fact... I am."
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
Percy only heard Will's voice read the new chapter title, not the actual words, let alone what Magnus and Jason were asking about so excitedly. Only finally having an upcoming battle with Luke deterred him from sitting around worrying about the how's and why's of someone he'd instinctively known was a friend from the moment he'd seen her. Whatever Thalia's part in this, it had nothing to do with him being replaced...he was mostly sure.
"One on one," I challenged Luke. "What are you afraid of?"
"Losing, probably," Jason said confidently. Percy had already beaten him once on a practice sparing match, and he'd had so much more experience since then. He'd taken down Ares, and Polyphemus. Luke would be an even match at best, and they were still right on the ocean front property.
Luke curled his lip. The soldiers who were about to kill us hesitated, waiting for his order.
Before he could say anything, Agrius, the bear-man, burst onto the deck leading a flying horse. It was the first pure-black pegasus I'd ever seen, with wings like a giant raven. The pegasus mare bucked and whinnied.*
"Wow," Percy said right along with everyone else, even as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration and wondered why on earth a deck of cards came to mind.
I could understand her thoughts. She was calling Agrius and Luke some names so bad Chiron would've washed her muzzle out with saddle soap.
"Chiron can understand horses too?" Nico asked keenly.
"How do you think he always knows the gossip around camp?" Will grinned.
"Sir!" Agrius called, dodging a pegasus hoof. "Your steed is ready!"
"Ready to murder," Alex said, he didn't need to read the flying horses mind to know Luke wouldn't make it to the airport.
  Luke kept his eyes on me.
"I told you last summer, Percy," he said. "You can't bait me into a fight."
"And you keep avoiding one," I noticed. "Scared your warriors will see you get whipped?"
Luke glanced at his men, and he saw I'd trapped him. If he backed down now, he would look weak. If he fought me, he'd lose valuable time chasing after Clarisse.
"Percy for the triple win," Jason applauded that was three plans working back to back.
"Gods I hope I don't do everything in three's," he frowned as he instantly imagined three or more bad things crashing around him soon enough.
For my part, the best I could hope for was to distract him, giving my friends a chance to escape. If anybody could think of a plan to get them out of there, Annabeth could. On the down-side, I knew how good Luke was at sword-fighting.
"What exactly was the upside again?" Thalia frowned at him. "Aside from pissing off Luke."
"That's not worth any downside?" Percy smirked.
"I'll kill you quickly," he decided, and raised his weapon. Backbiter was a foot longer than my own sword. Its blade glinted with an evil gray-and-gold light where the human steel had been melded with celestial bronze. I could almost feel the blade fighting against itself, like two opposing magnets bound together. I didn't know how the blade had been made, but I sensed a tragedy. Someone had died in the process.
"Doesn't someone die in every Greek story?" Magnus had gathered. "I get the feeling newly minted ones get no better a treatment."
Thalia pursed up her lips and decided against informing him this blade wasn't new at all. It's original owner had used it to destroy Ouranos.
Luke whistled to one of his men, who threw him a round leather-and-bronze shield.
He grinned at me wickedly.
"Luke," Annabeth said, "at least give him a shield."
"You must love she hasn't tried to scold either of you for fighting," Will said conversationally. "No, no, keep the fight fair boys."
"A great warrior indeed," Percy grinned, but it wasn't very confident. She was rooting for him to win...right? And yet, would she ever forgive him if he mortally wounded Luke?
"Sorry, Annabeth," he said. "You bring your own equipment to this party."
"Tell Annabeth to toss you her hat," Jason pointed out, "same rules as he just used."
"I can't ask her to do that," Percy whispered. He was already worried about the outcome of this, the less she was involved on every level except escape, the better.
The shield was a problem. Fighting two-handed with just a sword gives you more power, but fighting one-handed with a shield gives you better defense and versatility. There are more moves, more options, more ways to kill. I thought back to Chiron, who'd told me to stay at camp no matter what, and learn to fight. Now I was going to pay for not listening to him.
Magnus and Jason exchanged excited looks about Chiron showing up any second to scold Percy about this in person, it was perfect! He'd already been mentioned in Florida, and what else could that chapter title mean?
Percy frowned at the two geeking out this much over his teacher giving out an 'I told you so', if he ever saw him again.
Luke lunged and almost killed me on the first try. His sword went under my arm, slashing through my shirt and grazing my ribs.
Percy rubbed at the graze now and looked around, waiting for someone to start laughing at him or make reet, reet noises. None did. They seemed surprised, worried even. He'd faced monsters and gods without a scratch, who was Luke to be doing this...
I jumped back, then counterattacked with Riptide, but Luke slammed my blade away with his shield.
"My, Percy," Luke chided. "You're out of practice."
He came at me again with a swipe to the head. I parried, returned with a thrust. He sidestepped easily.
The cut on my ribs stung. My heart was racing. When Luke lunged again, I jumped backward into the swimming pool and felt a surge of strength. I spun underwater, creating a funnel cloud, and blasted out of the deep end, straight at Luke's face.
The force of the water knocked him down, spluttering and blinded. But before I could strike, he rolled aside and was on his feet again.
Will was reading as calm and steady as ever as if he didn't notice Percy was having some invisible fight with a game controller, his hands and feet in constant movement, his whole body twisting and moving from a fight he was trying his hardest not to be a part of. He'd yet dealt a real blow back to Luke and the only thing he could let himself focus on was if the others had made it off that ship.
I attacked and sliced off the edge of his shield, but that didn't even faze him. He dropped to a crouch and jabbed at my legs. 
Percy hissed, his adrenaline momentarily disrupted by clamping his hands down on his leg at the remembered pain instead of throwing the might of the ocean into Luke's face!
Suddenly my thigh was on fire, with a pain so intense I collapsed. My jeans were ripped above the knee. I was hurt. I didn't know how badly. Luke hacked downward and I rolled behind a deck chair. I tried to stand, but my leg wouldn't take the weight.
"Perrrrrcy!" Grover bleated.
Thalia grabbed Percy's wrist and squeezed tight to stop him choking Will out. "It's okay Percy, you know he's okay," she fervently reminded.
His best friend had been through so much, exchanging one hostage situation for another in mere hours and Percy felt like a failure as he went limp in his seat. He'd lost. He'd let them all down...
I rolled again as Luke's sword slashed the deck chair in half, metal pipes and all.
"Someone's not having fun on the pool deck," Percy muttered, the rapid fire part of his brain remembering the pink towel underneath he'd leapt away from, the scent of sunscreen and blood in the air. He wondered if that family was somehow still alive while he fought for his own.
I clawed toward the swimming pool, trying hard not to black out. I'd never make it. Luke knew it, too. He advanced slowly, smiling. The edge of his sword was tinged with red.
"One thing I want you to watch before you die, Percy." He looked at the bear-man Oreius, who was still holding Annabeth and Grover by the necks. "You can eat your dinner now, Oreius. Bon appetit."
Thalia's nails dug in tight, on any other person she would have broken skin as she flashed with a murderous outrage of her own she was forced not to act on. Some piece of her would never believe Luke would idly stand by and watch something terrible happen to Annabeth, let alone give the order. That same part was now dwindling into a twisted black mess as she slowly released Percy's wrist, but her fingers just contracted into a useless fist on nobody in here.
"He-he! He-he!" The bear-man lifted my friends and bared his teeth.
That's when all Hades broke loose.
"Did Hades change his mind about killing you?" Alex asked in surprise.
"Just what I need, more skeletons," Percy was blinking like a bright light was in his eyes though.
A red-feathered arrow sprouted from Oreius's mouth. With a surprised look on his hairy face, he crumpled to the deck.
"The Hunters?" Percy asked in confusion, looking at Thalia.
"Were you not paying attention?" Jason demanded in shock. "How did you miss a word of this?"
"Well I'm so sorry I don't have attention perfection disorder instead," he huffed.
"Rescue," Thalia quickly intervened, "that's the important part here. Go on Will!"
"Brother!" Agrius wailed. He let the pegasus's reins go slack just long enough for the black steed to kick him in the head and fly away free over Miami Bay.
"Now that's a noble steed," Magnus said in delight.
For a split second, Luke's guards were too stunned to do anything except watch the bear twins' bodies dissolve into smoke.
Then there was a wild chorus of war cries and hooves thundering against metal. A dozen centaurs charged out of the main stairwell.
"Ponies!" Tyson cried with delight.
My mind had trouble processing everything I saw.
Percy sympathized with his past self, it wasn't any better remembering, nor having it second hand described with how chaotic these creatures who were so unlike Chiron could be, while his mentor was mixed in made it all the more eccentric.
Chiron was among the crowd, but his relatives were almost nothing like him. There were centaurs with black Arabian stallion bodies, others with gold palomino coats, others with orange-and-white spots like paint horses.
Some wore brightly colored T-shirts with Day-Glo letters that said PARTY PONIES: SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER. Some were armed with bows, some with baseball bats, some with paintball guns. One had his face painted like a Comanche warrior and was waving a large orange Styrofoam hand making a big Number I.
"So, for once, I would have accepted the answer of both to our game," Alex whispered in Magnus's ear.
"Good to know who you break the rules for," Magnus grinned back, "I'll be sure to find that centaur and tell him."
Another was bare-chested and painted entirely green. A third had googly-eye glasses with the eyeballs bouncing around on Slinky coils, and one of those baseball caps with soda-can-and-straw attachments on either side.
They exploded onto the deck with such ferocity and color that for a moment even Luke was stunned. I couldn't tell whether they had come to celebrate or attack.
"Why not both?" Will asked sincerely, it really was what they were best known for.
Apparently both.
"You don't get credit for that, knowing this already," but Nico was smiling at how proud of himself Will seemed for quoting the book.
"I'm sure I can find some way to get extra credit down the road then," Will shrugged.
As Luke was raising his sword to rally his troops, a centaur shot a custom made arrow with a leather boxing glove on the end.
"I wonder who his favorite superhero is," Magnus snorted in delight.
It smacked Luke in the face and sent him crashing into the swimming pool.
'I know he's mine now,' Hearth cheered, 'you think if I made one he'd sign it for me?' Making Magnus laugh all the harder.
His warriors scattered. I couldn't blame them. Facing the hooves of a rearing stallion is scary enough, but when it's a centaur, armed with a bow and whooping it up in a soda-drinking hat, even the bravest warrior would retreat.
"Can confirm," Jason assured.
"And who are you to claim being the bravest warrior?" Percy rolled his eyes.
"A man with confidence," Jason smirked.
Percy wasn't impressed, but he was a little jealous. Wasn't the guy as blank on his past as him?
"Come get some!" yelled one of the party ponies.
They let loose with their paintball guns. A wave of blue and yellow exploded against Luke's warriors, blinding them and splattering them from head to toe. They tried to run, only to slip and fall.
Chiron galloped toward Annabeth and Grover, neatly plucked them off the deck, and deposited them on his back.
Percy breathed a sigh of relief for that at least and even exchanged a smile with Thalia. It was nice they weren't the first to be rescued, even when he was the one bleeding to death.
I tried to get up, but my wounded leg still felt like it was on fire.
Luke was crawling out of the pool.
"Attack, you fools.'" he ordered his troops. Somewhere down below deck, a large alarm bell thrummed.
I knew any second we would be swamped by Luke's reinforcements. Already, his warriors were getting over their surprise, coming at the centaurs with swords and spears drawn.
Tyson slapped half a dozen of them aside, knocking them over the guardrail into Miami Bay.
But more warriors were coming up the stairs.
"Withdraw, brethren!" Chiron said.
Jason bit his lip uneasily at the call. It was the right one, better to take this victory and retreat, regroup, but the nagging worry bothered him. If this surprise attack of highly formidable creatures hadn't even made a dent in this army, what was going to be capable of stopping Luke?
"You won't get away with this, horse man!" Luke shouted. He raised his sword, but got smacked in the face with another boxing glove arrow, and sat down hard in a deck chair.
"Revenge from its brethren," Nico smirked.
"No chair shall ever let him forget it," Jason chuckled.
A palomino centaur hoisted me onto his back. "Dude, get your big friend!"
"Tyson!" I yelled. "Come on!"
Tyson dropped the two warriors he was about to tie into a knot and jogged after us.
"A sad but valid need for interrupting that very important work," Alex nodded.
He jumped on the centaur's back.
"Dude!" the centaur groaned, almost buckling under Tyson's weight. "Do the words 'low-carb diet' mean anything to you?"
"Depends on what you call an all peanut butter diet?" Percy was rubbing absently at his leg without a care as he beamed for his little brother getting to live out his dream right then of finally riding on a 'pony.' The smile on his face was almost worth the multiple stab wounds.
Luke's warriors were organizing themselves into a phalanx. But by the time they were ready to advance, the centaurs had galloped to the edge of the deck and fearlessly jumped the guardrail, as if it were a steeplechase and not ten stories above the ground. I was sure we were going to die.
"I've been confident of that several times," Will chuckled, "you've yet managed it."
"And you're always telling us not to tempt the fates," Nico scoffed in agreement.
We plummeted toward the docks, but the centaurs hit the asphalt with hardly a jolt and galloped off, whooping and yelling taunts at the Princess Andromeda as we raced into the streets of downtown Miami.
I have no idea what the Miamians thought as we galloped by.
"Circus," Alex offered.
"A really strange motorcycle gang," Jason shrugged.
"The clowns taking over a rodeo," Thalia said with confidence and a snap of her fingers, and then a smug look at Percy.
He had no clue why, but he gave her a finger back for good measure.
Streets and buildings began to blur as the centaurs picked up speed. It felt as if space were compacting—as if each centaur step took us miles and miles. In no time, we'd left the city behind. We raced through marshy fields of high grass and ponds and stunted trees.
Finally, we found ourselves in a trailer park at the edge of a lake. The trailers were all horse trailers, tricked out with televisions and mini-refrigerators and mosquito netting. We were in a centaur camp.
Magnus whistled in surprise at the idea, wondering how welcoming they were to homeless people stumbling into them. Did they invite them in for a drink and a rest, in-between the near death stunts?
"Dude!" said a party pony as he unloaded his gear. "Did you see that bear guy? He was all like: 'Whoa, I have an arrow in my mouth!'"
The centaur with the googly-eye glasses laughed. "That was awesome! Head slam!"
The two centaurs charged at each other full-force and knocked heads, then went staggering off in different directions with crazy grins on their faces.
"I've finally found the ancient ancestral act of this," Thalia said, "and I wish it had gone extinct."
"But then what would the jockeys do to wake up their brain cells?" Alex rolled his eyes.
Chiron sighed. He set Annabeth and Grover down on a picnic blanket next to me. "I really wish my cousins wouldn't slam their heads together. They don't have the brain cells to spare."
"Ooh, Chiron burn," Percy smirked, "never thought I'd hear that."
"Chiron," I said, still stunned by the fact that he was here. "You saved us."
He gave me a dry smile. "Well now, I couldn't very well let you die, especially since you've cleared my name."
"Is that all it takes to get a rescue from him?" Will chuckled.
"I don't think that's permission to set him up for something else," Nico mock rolled his eyes.
"Darn, there goes Connor's plans for the summer," Will sighed.
"But how did you know where we were?" Annabeth asked.
"Advanced planning, my dear. I figured you would wash up near Miami if you made it out of the Sea of Monsters alive. Almost everything strange washes up near Miami."
"Wow teach, tell me how you really feel," Magnus was laughing all the same for whatever the reason.
"Gee, thanks," Grover mumbled.
"No, no," Chiron said. "I didn't mean ... Oh, never mind. I am glad to see you, my young satyr. The point is, I was able to eavesdrop on Percy's Iris-message and trace the signal. Iris and I have been friends for centuries. I asked her to alert me to any important communications in this area. It then took no effort to convince my cousins to ride to your aid. As you see, centaurs can travel quite fast when we wish to. Distance for us is not the same as distance for humans."
I looked over at the campfire, where three party ponies were teaching Tyson to operate a paintball gun.
"That's a terrifying idea," Will frowned. "What's next, monsters with assault rifles?"
"Those already exist," Nico muttered.
"I think it's cool," Jason smiled, "I call him on the next capture the flag game." No one really wanted to know what Jason would be loading that paintball gun with considering that diabolical smile.
"Like hell, he'd be on my team!" Percy protested.
Thalia cleared her throat loudly and waved Will to keep going before this escalated.
I hoped they knew what they were getting into.
"So what now?" I asked Chiron. "We just let Luke sail away? He's got Kronos aboard that ship. Or parts of him, anyway."
"So who's going to announce the countdown for the ship getting blown up?" Alex asked enthusiastically, though Percy wasn't the only one who winced, Will did too. Alex pursed up his lips and resisted the urge to keep asking, even as he exchanged a concerned look with Magnus why that could ever be considered a bad thing.
Chiron knelt, carefully folding his front legs underneath him. He opened the medicine pouch on his belt and started to treat my wounds.
"Oh good," Thalia snorted, "I was starting to wonder if he was just going to let you bleed out while expositioning."
"I'd rather bleed out than hear what I already know," Percy said tragically.
"I'm afraid, Percy, that today has been something of a draw. We didn't have the strength of numbers to take that ship. Luke was not organized enough to pursue us. Nobody won."
"But we got the Fleece!" Annabeth said. "Clarisse is on her way back to camp with it right now."
Chiron nodded, though he still looked uneasy. "You are all true heroes. And as soon as we get Percy fixed up, you must return to Half-Blood Hill. The centaurs shall carry you."
"You're coming, too?" I asked.
"Oh yes, Percy. I'll be relieved to get home. My brethren here simply do not appreciate Dean Martin's music.
"Someone you should endeavor to look in on," Will gave Nico a hopeful look, "he's Italian, maybe you and Chiron can have a karaoke night."
Nico gave an unimpressed smile now and thought Will wouldn't think himself so clever if he just asked Chiron for another boombox to take into Tartarus incase he needed to scare away more monsters.
Besides, I must have some words with Mr. D. There's the rest of the summer to plan. So much training to do. And I want to see ... I'm curious about the Fleece."
Percy looked from Thalia to the book and back several times like he'd developed a bad twitch. He'd been wrong about Luke, but his doubt had made him think the worst of Tyson when he should have trusted his instincts about this little brother. He didn't want to do the same again about Thalia...maybe he even did want her to be the child of Prophecy.
I didn't know exactly what he meant, but it made me worried about what Luke had said: I was going to let you take the Fleece ... once I was done with it.
Had he just been lying? I'd learned with Kronos there was usually a plan within a plan. The titan lord wasn't called the Crooked One for nothing. He had ways of getting people to do what he wanted without them ever realizing his true intentions.
Over by the campfire, Tyson let loose with his paintball gun. A blue projectile splattered against one of the centaurs, hurling him backward into the lake. The centaur came up grinning, covered in swamp muck and blue paint, and gave Tyson two thumbs up.
"You're little brother is in heaven right now," Thalia gave him a winning smile to which he had no doubts in.
"Annabeth," Chiron said, "perhaps you and Grover would go supervise Tyson and my cousins before they, ah, teach each other too many bad habits?"
"I've heard nothing but good things from all of this," Alex scoffed, "if he wanted them to leave, at least be subtle!"
Annabeth met his eyes. Some kind of understanding passed between them.
"Sure, Chiron," Annabeth said. "Come on, goat boy."
"But I don't like paintball."
"Yes, you do." She hoisted Grover to his hooves and led him off toward the campfire.
"That satyr has been punished enough for a lifetime," Will huffed, "let him go find some tin cans and get some rest for peats sake."
"The part of the story that always gets glossed over," Nico agreed in amusement, "naptime should definitely be in order." Percy hadn't always been the prefect hero, Annabeth didn't have all the answers, but it was nice to think some things he'd always thought about camp were still true. Will probably had hauled in Grover and locked him into a bed when he got back for just this.
Chiron finished bandaging my leg. "Percy, I had a talk with Annabeth on the way here. A talk about the prophecy."
Uh-oh, I thought.
"It wasn't her fault," I said. "I made her tell me."
"Yes, you held your sword point to her and demanded it," Jason raised a brow, "you absolutely did not logic your way into her spilling the beans."
"Like Chiron would have believed that either," Percy scoffed, "this was faster."
His eyes flickered with irritation. I was sure he was going to chew me out,
"A legit worry with two stomachs to contend with," Alex nodded seriously.
but then his look turned to weariness.
"Thankfully the nonlethal one won," Percy sighed.
"I wonder which that is though?" Magnus grinned. "Horses are plenty deadly, so it probably was the human teeth set in."
"You guys are dragging this out way to much," Thalia told them with an unseemly grimace, she did not need the mental image of Chiron switching out dentures for his meals!
"I suppose I could not expect to keep it secret forever."
"So am I the one in the prophecy?"
Chiron tucked his bandages back into his pouch. "I wish I knew, Percy. You're not yet sixteen. For now we must simply train you as best we can, and leave the future to the Fates."
The Fates. I hadn't thought about those old ladies in a long time, but as soon as Chiron mentioned them, some-thing clicked.
"That's what it meant," I said.
Chiron frowned. "That's what what meant?"
"Last summer. The omen from the Fates, when I saw them snip somebody's life string. I thought it meant I was going to die right away, but it's worse than that. It's got something to do with your prophecy. The death they foretold—it's going to happen when I'm sixteen."
Chiron's tail whisked nervously in the grass. "My boy, you can't be sure of that. We don't even know if the prophecy is about you."
Percy's face settled into a grim expression for several daunting moments. The others all braced themselves for something, the room to bend to his power again, Percy to start screaming in pain as he remembered something, but he exhaled quickly enough and waved Will on. Still, the uncomfortable look lingered, and Percy knew he was still missing something. Maybe even something Chiron and Annabeth themselves didn't know about all of this.
"But there isn't any other half-blood child of the Big Three!"
"That we know of."
It took little effort for Nico to school his features and pretend he'd heard nothing of importance, he was used to being overlooked, and that had been plenty true at the time. He actually found himself smiling for a moment as the four not in the know glanced to Thalia, and back to the book. For the first time down here, he actually wasn't looking forward to these books ending. Anonymity was nice.
"And Kronos is rising. He's going to destroy Mount Olympus!"
"He will try," Chiron agreed. "And Western Civilization along with it, if we don't stop him. But we will stop him. You will not be alone in that fight."
A smile came naturally to Percy's face for that assured knowledge, but he still had an uneasy feeling about this matter. This prophecy mess made him almost wish the Camp would abandon him to this for a moment so nobody else would die like Tyson almost had, even if he knew he'd never make it alone.
I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but I remembered what Annabeth had told me. It would come down to one hero. One decision that would save or destroy the West. And I felt sure the Fates had been giving me some kind of warning about that. Something terrible was going to happen, either to me or to somebody I was close to.
That same shadow passed over Percy's face again, and they recognized it this time as grief. For a knowledge he no longer knew about, but a tormented memory none the less trying to overwhelm him. He worried at it now, not wanting to let go of the answer. Annabeth was tied into this key, something had happened he knew he must remember-
"Percy," Thalia said in a very long suffering kind of voice as she glared at the pile of books still to come before smacking his knee. "Don't force it," she finished sharply.
"Right," he jolted back to the here and now, still rubbing his temple, still wishing he could tear into all of those now and just find the one stupid page that would make all of this make sense, but he knew he couldn't. Even the ocean might not heal that, and if his father had wanted him to, he would have appeared here to do it himself without all the run around. There was something in these books he had to wait for.
Boy was he not the patient one.
"I'm just a kid, Chiron," I said miserably. "What good is one lousy hero against something like Kronos?"
Chiron managed a smile. '"What good is one lousy hero'? Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain said something like that to me once, just before he single-handedly changed the course of your Civil War."
"Let me guess, child of Hermes," Magnus sighed, finally convinced nothing would surprise him anymore.
He pulled an arrow from his quiver and turned the razor-sharp tip so it glinted in the firelight.
"Celestial bronze, Percy. An immortal weapon. What would happen if you shot this at a human?"
"Nothing," I said. "It would pass right through."
"The fletching and all?" Magnus's eyes glazed over in confusion for a moment as he imagined the immortal weapon on one side of him and the shaft stuck right through the middle. The weapon might just be the tip, but the rest of that could still hurt someone!
'Intent matters,' Hearth seemed to be saying that's exactly what would happen though as he shrugged.
"That's right," he said. "Humans don't exist on the same level as the immortals. They can't even be hurt by our weapons. But you, Percy—you are part god, part human. You live in both worlds. You can be harmed by both, and you can affect both. That's what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. Monsters never die. They are reborn from the chaos and barbarism that is always bubbling underneath civilization, the very stuff that makes Kronos stronger. They must be defeated again and again, kept at bay.
Alex and Magnus exchanged amused looks. Hearth would swear Alex mouthed a name, but he couldn't follow exactly how that translated to dumbdoor.
Heroes embody that struggle. You fight the battles humanity must win, every generation, in order to stay human. Do you understand?"
It was a hopeless speech made to someone who would never give up, so Will somehow made it sound empowering. Every hero in that room straightened just a little in their seat in a silent promise those words would be true for them.
"I ... I don't know."
"You must try, Percy. Because whether or not you are the child of the prophecy, Kronos thinks you might be. And after today, he will finally despair of turning you to his side. That is the only reason he hasn't killed you yet, you know. As soon as he's sure he can't use you, he will destroy you."
"You talk like you know him."
Chiron pursed his lips. "I do know him."
I stared at him. I sometimes forgot just how old Chiron was. "Is that why Mr. D blamed you when the tree was poisoned? Why you said some people don't trust you?"
"But, Chiron ... I mean, come on! Why would they think you'd ever betray the camp for Kronos?"
Chiron's eyes were deep brown, full of thousands of years of sadness. "Percy, remember your training. Remember your study of mythology. What is my connection to the titan lord?"
I tried to think, but I'd always gotten my mythology mixed up. Even now, when it was so real, so important to my own life, I had trouble keeping all the names and facts straight. I shook my head. "You, uh, owe Kronos a favor or something? He spared your life?"
"Percy," Chiron said, his voice impossibly soft. "The titan Kronos is my father."
"So?" Percy's scowl was ready to defend his teacher from anybody in here who had a problem with that. "That still never should have put any of this at Chiron's fault."
"Zeus wouldn't even admit Kronos was coming back, so it's still a piss poor excuse to kick him out," Alex agreed testily.
"Nobody at camp really got it either," Will soothingly agreed.
Alex watched Magnus carefully to see what he thought of that kind of news, but he just looked pained as he said, "man, that cannot be fun to live with. Hope Annabeth doesn't have that in common with him." He'd never found out why she left home again this time and was very worried his Uncle Fredrick was still making her life miserable just like that Crooked One was to his kid.
Nico watched Will hand the book to Jason still feeling a little baffled at the underwhelming response. He found it hard to believe not a single person at that Camp had really not blamed the centaur for his fathers actions, but Will was a nice guy. Maybe he just hadn't heard any of the bad rumors, or wasn't sharing them.
*Question that has bothered me for years, is this supposed to be Blackjack? Percy says in the next book this is the same horse from Luke's ship yet Blackjack's male, when this is a mare. Did Rick change his mind and change the horse's gender, or were there more pegasi that escaped and Blackjack stuck around, which seems least likely as none others were mentioned. If the first, why not just keep Blackjack female? I'm so confused by this unimportant change.
My ultimate conclusion is Blackjack was the first genderfluid character and we never got to see any of Blackjack's feminine days. Sorry Alex.
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i think it’s super lame that riordan built up this whole lore, i guess you could say, about how the big three kids are “way too powerful’ and how the big 3 had this whole agreement to stop having kids cause they were too powerful and they were causing too many problems. and then we meet percy and percy’s super powerful and then we meet nico and nico grows into his powers and is really powerful in his own right. hazel and thalia’s powers are insane in their own right but then he drops the ball on jason so badly that people to this day, think he’s knock off percy??? 
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marichat-verse · 3 years
Araw-Araw (Everyday)
Jason Grace x reader based on one of my favorite Ben&Ben songs. Yes, I know the song is in Filipino, but I'll be writing more about how the song makes me feel and translate that into a Jason x reader fic. It's taking me longer than expected to write part 2 of Run Away With Me, so I needed to write smth short but sweet for y'all 💜 Poseidon!reader again (sorry, I really love a brother!Percy thing)
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Jason's POV (cos I like the idea of Jason simping for you)
We sat on the roof of the Zeus cabin, staring over the ledge. At the distance, we can see the campfire going on. The faint singing of the Apollo kids could be heard. Thankfully, they hadn't noticed we were gone yet. They must have assumed we were helping Leo build the Argo II.
I looked at y/n. The moonlight cast a faint glow on her skin. The breeze swept her hair behind her. She laid her chin on top of her crossed arms as she stared over the horizon.
I remember seeing her for the first time a month ago. She had come to rescue me, Leo and Piper.
Piper... The girl I was supposedly in love with.
You love her, Piper had said to me one day. I remember the pained look in her eyes that she tried to hide with a smile. I wanted tell her no. I wanted to say that we were meant to be! I mean, the gods pushed us into that situation, so we had to make our relationship work, right? But we both knew that if I had a choice without the gods interfering, I would choose y/n. And I did have a choice.
Y/n... How did I even fall for her this hard? She hated me when we first met. Can you blame her? She thought she was finally going to find her lost brother, but instead, she found me. I remember the look of grief, betrayal and anger in her eyes. She and Annabeth scared me. I didn't want to be anywhere near her, and thankfully, she avoided me for the rest of the day.
She only approached me after the campfire when she lead me to my cabin. I didn't know why she suddenly wanted to be closer to me. I was annoyed at first, thinking she just wanted to be friends because I was a child of Jupiter/Zeus. Then I saw the despair and regret that filled her eyes—wildly different from the strong face she put on that morning. Then I realized why she wanted to be my friend. I reminded her of her brother, children of the Big 3, insanely strong and respected, but alone in our cabins. She wasn't afraid to show her vulnerability because she knew it didn't make her any less strong. That's when I started falling for her.
"Jase," she said softly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You're staring."
"Sorry," I said sheepishly as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Just thinking about how I got lucky to be here with you now."
She sighed and looked away. "You were already in a relationship with the daughter of the love goddess."
I tried to meet her gaze, but she just stared at the horizon. "So what?"
"Hera took your memories and basically told you who the love of your life is."
"No, she didn't. What—"
"The universe is basically telling me that I'm not supposed to be the one you end up with! Am I just kidding myself? Am I setting myself up for disappointment? I know Hera's an ass but if the goddess of marriage makes it clear that I'm not the one for you, then—"
"Stop that," I said firmly. I put my fingers under her chin and moved her head to look at me. I saw the doubt and disbelief in her eyes. She wanted this, too, but she can't believe that this will work. I wanted to say that we will work! I'll do everything in my power to make it work. But I had to convince her that she was the one for me.
My hands moved to cup her cheeks. I stared deep into her eyes as I laid my forehead on hers. "Whatever this is between us—this is right. I know it. I feel it."
"Well the universe says that all the signs point to Piper," she said.
I sighed. "You know what? Screw the universe. Screw all the gods and goddesses of love and marriage and relationships. They can take my memories and push me to another girl as much as they want, but I'll still choose you."
Her breath hitched as her arms found their way around my neck. Her touch was warm against my skin. "Jason..."
"Y/n, I'll choose you everyday for the rest of eternity. I don't care if the universe says this is wrong. To me, everything is right as long as I'm with you. You're worth losing my memories. This thing between us—it's worth fighting for."
She pulled away slightly, searching my eyes for the smallest scintilla of doubt. "Are you sure you want this, Jase?"
"You're the only thing I've ever been sure about since I got here."
For the first time in weeks, I saw something I hadn't realized I needed to see—her smile. My heart melted. I pulled her face closer to mine, my eyes quickly glancing at her lips.
"Can I kiss you?" I whispered against her lips. She nodded in reply.
My lips brushed against hers before I closed my eyes and went in for a heart stopping kiss. Yes, I thought. This is right. My hand rested at the back of her head while the other rested on her back, pulling her closer. I sighed into the kiss. The scar on my lip tingled at the sensation of her lips pressed against mine.
I pulled away, resting my forehead on hers once again. "I will always choose you. Everyday."
She leaned on my chest, causing me to lie down against the floor of the roof. I wrapped my arms protectively around her. Having her here in my embrace made me feel calm. The world was peaceful, as if there weren't a looming war, or her brother weren't missing.
I looked down at her, then at the stars. I closed my eyes and thought, You can never take her away from me. I choose her.
One of the stars twinkled, a few shot across the sky. I guess that was the universe saying this is what they meant to happen all along. After all, love is stronger when it's formed by choice rather than destiny, right? Or maybe it's both. Maybe I was destined to meet her, and the universe was testing me—giving me the choice to choose that destiny.
Whatever the case, I'm glad to have met her. I kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter. I heard her light snores, signalling that she was asleep. For once, she was at peace with what the universe has given her.
I felt my eyelids droop. Thankfully, no one can find us here. I allowed myself to break the rules to be with her. She was worth more than the trouble we could get into if anyone found out we spent the night here.
I softly whispered against her head before finally drifting off to a peaceful slumber. "I love you."
Mahiwaga [Ethereal]
Pipiliin ka sa araw-araw [I'll choose you everyday]
Tagging: @drvrslcense @bubblybubbubs @dreamerball @quteez
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crow-in-a-teapot · 3 years
tower of nero spoilers
i have just finished the tower of nero. and before i go searching for other people’s thoughts and art and more of the characters i love so much, i want to write down some of my own thoughts because i know as soon as i delve into that ‘ton spoilers’ hashtag there are going to be complaints and criticisms and so much that i don’t want to hear, or essays that’ll make me upset, or things that’ll change my perception on the book (because on this website people really love to hate the trials of apollo).
i want to start with: i loved it. it didn’t feel earth-shattering or huge and momentous like some of my favourite riordanverse books (house of hades, the blood of olympus, the last olympian and maybe some of the magnus chase books take those pedestals for me) but it was satisfying. and i think it was satisfying because it in no way felt like an ending. whether because eventually rick will write that will-and-nico-go-through-tartarus-and-save-bob novella, or because we (or at least i) will continue writing and imagining and creating for this world i don’t know. he didn’t wrap up the story in a perfect little bow like ‘nineteen years later’, he simply put it on pause. gave us a glimpse of where every character was at at the end.
the only thing that makes me so angry and upset is that i did manage to get some spoilers for moments that i know would have been so good to experience for the first time if i hadn’t been spoiled for them. the moment where rachel mentions penguins in a mansion near her house, nico getting mental health advice from mr d, the fact that will and nico were going to be in the book for so much of the story, but the big thing was literally spoiled for me two days ago, it was the reason i sat down to read it as fast as possible because i was terrified of getting more spoiled and not being able to experience the moments for myself, was that piper had a girlfriend. i know that reading that for the first time would have been so cool and surprising, and the fact that when it came up for a moment in the last couple pages all i felt was disappointment because it was spoiled for me and because it was now tinged with whatever that person was saying about her having a girlfriend.
but i still had some warm fuzzy moments, the two parts where apollo thinks he’s going to die but nico comes up behind him - so good. impeccable. 
Leader Guy spat. ‘Now, I kill you.’
He raised his sword... and froze. His face turned pale. His skin began to shrivel. His beard fell out whisker by whisker like dead pine needles. Finally, his skin crumbled away, along with his clothes and flesh, until Leader Guy was nothing but a bleached-white skeleton, holding a sword in his bony hands. 
Standing behind him, his hand on the skeleton’s shoulder, was Nico di Angelo.
Nero raised his hand, ready to give the kill command, when behind me a mighty BOOM! shook the chamber. Half our enemies were thrown off their feet. Cracks sprouted in the windowsand the marble columns. Ceiling tiles broke, raining dust like split bags of flour. 
I turned to see the impenetrable blast doors lying twisted and broken, a strangely emaciated red bull standing in the breach. Behind it stood Nico di Angelo.
gods. poetic brilliance. i can’t believe i’m still a nico di angelo stannie in the year 2021. in five years i have not changed (ever since the tv show announcement last summer i have managed to morph into myself from 2017)
from here i’m not sure where to go next i kind of want to go through everything, except it’ll be more difficult than my tyrant’s tomb reaction because i wasn’t reading on a kindle and thus can’t just do funny little reactions to screenshots of quotes, so i’ll just skim through the book page by page and see what i can comment on (i’m not planning on doing analysis today, no thank you, just enjoying the end of my childhood and trying to squeeze as much out of it as possible)
i have an emotional attachment to mr. snake from the very first chapter, and am very upset that he’ll never get off on his baltimore stop and get to see his wife, lu had no reason to shoot and kill him like that.
that brings me to lu, i liked her, it was interesting to see how rick kind of brought in not only the overarching theme of abuse, but also people who let the abuse happen, i have more i could say on this i’m too lazy to right now, and i promised no analysis - or the fact that Lu had conspired to make the show non-lethal to spare Meg’s feelings rather than - oh, I don’t know - refusing to do Nero’s dirty work in the first place and getting Meg out of that house of horrors. 
And are you any better? taunted a small voice in my brain. How many times have you stood up to Zeus?
Okay, small voice. Fair point. Tyrants are not easy to opppose or walk away from, especially when you depend on them for everything.
the parallels to meg and lester heading to percy’s apartment, and then to camp half blood to the hidden oracle was so cool to read, every callback to the hidden oracle just there to remind us readers exactly how far apollo has come and how he’s changed; the entire chapter with sally, paul and estelle just felt sickly sweet, it just didn’t seem real how wholesome and good that family is, like i get why apollo broke down and just sobbed in that shower.
also rick really saying acab again in toa, i thought he was done after that elf cop chapter in magnus chase (the magnus chase series is a masterpiece) but apparently not, with A ‘good cop’ is still a cop... still a part of the mind game.
the grey sisters, i forgot about them completely but this threw me back into was it the sea of monsters when annabeth summoned them? i’m not sure, it could have been the lightning thief either, they really remind me of the disney hercules movie. the whole ganymede paragraph was gold, i love gods being canonically confirmed lgbt in the riordanverse. i also love the whole eye-tossing part - 
‘He will crush our eye,’ Anger cried, ‘if we don’t recite our verses!’
‘I will not!’
‘We will all die!’ Wasp said. ‘He is crazy!’
‘Fine, you win!’ Tempest howled.
also, the explanation for why dionysus chooses to look the way he does was perfect, because it was something i often wondered about and wasn’t expecting to get an explanation for, and i imagine the whole mythological dionysus to look like.. well like a more feminine apollo i guess, beautiful in a gender non-comforming way.
Other Olympians could never comprehend why Dionysus chose this form when he could look like anything he wanted. In ancient times, he’d been famous for his youthful beauty that defied gender.
In retaliation, Dionysus had decided to look and act as ungodly as possible. He was like a child refusing to tuck in his shirt, comb his hair or brush his teeth, just to show his parents how little he cared.
every scene with nico at camp just BREAKS ME, i would throw in screenshots of every damn quote but unfortunately, as said above, cannot and would rather not type every one; we’ll start with, obviously apollo confirming to him that jason is dead. 
He didn’t look angry exactly. He looked as if he’d been hit in the gut not just once but so many times over the course of so many years that he was beginning to lose perspective on what it meant to be in pain. He swayed on his feet. He blinked. Then he flinched, jerking his hands away from Meg’s as if he’d just remembered his own touch was poison.
ugh then will talking about how nico’s doing, confirming that he’s suffering with ptsd, mr d giving him advice, helping him sort though what voices in his head are real and which ones aren’t, then the paragraph that just recounts every horrific thing poor nico has been through, how will has to reassure him that he’s okay and ‘with friends’ when he wakes up after shadow travel
will’s kindness to apollo, buying him clothes, and apollo finding seymour the leopard’s head in his bed, put there by mr d aaaa AAAA A A A A A THE ORDINARY, EVERYDAY CAMP HALF BLOOD THINGS..
i could go on for years and years about how much i appreciate rachel having a big role in this book, and the visit to her apartment, everything, her art, the fact that she got what she wanted, she’s going to PARIS to study ART, she isn’t forced to be someone she’s not by her dad, and gets to be a big part of a demigod mission and not stand on the sidelines for once.
i love that her landscapes are still visions, that she still paints the quests demigods go on - the burning maze, jason’s funeral pyre, caligula’s ships; and how nico ~appreciates art~
‘And, hey, di Angelo -’ she pushed him playfully away from the canvas he’d been ogling - ‘don’t brush against the art! I don’t care about the paintings, but if you get any colour on you, you’ll ruin that whole black-and-white aesthetic you’ve got going.’
i. love. rachel.
I AM  OBSESSED WITH THE TROGS, I LOVE THEM, THEY ARE GREAT, not gonna lie, i was expecting something more dramatic and spooky with how worried will was and how dionysus was going.. visiting the cavern-runners isn’t ♫ good for your mental health  ♫ but the little hat frog gremlins were a good addition. i like them very much and their funky little soup shenanigans. quoting the ghost king himself: trogs good. nice hats. (IM SORRY I KEEP MENTIONING HIM BUT I JUST) also how apollo starts wishing for breadsticks a s ajoke and theY STRAIGHT UP HAVE BREADSTICKS? HUH? WHERE DID THEY GET THE BREADSTICKS FROM??
yeah, i’m also still very much upset by every mention of jason grace, it’s funny how ever since his death in the burning maze i have grown to love him more and more and that’s not fun for me, for that boy to become one of my main comfort character’s and have his death and sacrifice and nobility mentioned every few chapters. i’m pretty sure i cried when he appeared to talk in apollo’s dreams, and this time the tears weren’t from the effort of keeping my eyes open and working for hours straight reading this book (i remember staying up until 2am to finish the sequel to beautiful, broken things, it was very much worth it)
‘All right, Jason. We miss you, though.’
as @couldnt-think-of-a-funny-name said: ‘thinking about how ghost! Jason didn’t seem to understand why Apollo was so upset about his death because he’s been raised to believe a hero’s sacrifice is noble and his life doesn’t matter in the grand scheme and also if he doesn’t understand why the person who watched him get horrifically killed is so torn up over his death he probably doesn’t even realize his other friends are grieving him..’
the entire python battle was pretty grim, there is a part of me that's like because this is the last book series i would have loved say the magnus chase and kane chronicles gang in a giant battle with everyone like the battle of manhattan but even more dramatic, but even so, i did appreciate that python battle and the whole almost-falling-into-the-depths-of-tartarus thing.
him talking to artemis was cool, but JESUS: 'I turned and strode out of my room, trying to recall how the god Apollo walked.' like that HURTS. it was such a huge culture shock for apollo to go throught this huge character arc and be so human and understand the pain of others, to be around gods again who are so.. apathetic. also, zeus. 'Interesting how he put that: I had done him proud. I had been useful in making him look good. My heart did not melt. I did not feel that this was a warm-and-fuzzy reconciliation with my father. Let's be honest: some fathers don't deserve that. Some aren't capable of it.'
okay quick word on the reunions at the end: funny little elephant visitation program with livia and hannibal. love that for them. calypso and leo's relationship seems rocky and complicated, but that's to be expected, i think even if they do get properly back together again it might not last long, because it does pretty much feel like a teenage relationship where the two aren't very compatible, but we'll see. hazel and frank are so funny with their gold plated necklaces. lavinia - tap-dance icon. almost cried at the mention of jason's temple-extension plan again. percy not being sure about what he wants to do in college is accurate and i like that that's left to be up-for-interpretation (rick does THE MOST for the fanfic writers pfsjsj). i am OBSESSED with aeithales, like i hate deserts so the burning maze setting is not my favourite but GOD that HOUSE, the vibes are off-the-charts. i'd love a house made of living trees that's also a greenhouse filled with dryads. meg gets a unicorn. that is so great.
i kind of wish the book hadn't ended with 'Call on me. I will be there for you.' because every time I imagine the friends theme song and i don't think that's the vibe he was going for, BUT i do love him talking to meg, that was genuinely emotional - 'You'll come back?' she asked. 'Always,' I promised. 'The sun always comes back.' ; i really wish it had ended with that, but i guess apollo does tend to break fourth walls and talk to the readers, like a lot of the protagonists of riordanverse books.
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lemonprick · 3 years
every now and then don't you just start thinking about heroes of olympus and the reason why it's so unsatisfying continuity-wise as a sequel to percy jackson is that the small steps taken to dismantle the system of gods using children to fight in their wars are not acknowledged in the main narrative, and the mention of calypso and the very minor inclusion of kids from cabins other than the olympians don't do much to carry it on for another series
maybe it's just me but, pjo is kinda a tragedy? the fact that twelve year olds are forced onto quests to help a world they didn't choose to be born into, growing up seeing everyone around them fall before they got to reach adulthood, and having absolutely no choice in this narrative because either side they choose they're going to die no matter what
percy trading immortality for a normal life for all the demigods, his asking literal gods for basic human rights of not dying, at the end of the last olympian sets such a great potential for sequel exploring how things start to change in the demigod world; a hopeful tone to establish that although the world is broken we can change it no matter how little the steps we take
then hoo comes along and we're supposed to believe that despite fighting for five years, losing people along the way, turning down frickin' immortality, the highest honour the gods could give, just for a chance that those he loves and others that will take their place can live a better life, percy gets kidnapped and is ripped from everything he held dear and loses his memories and is transported to another camp, is forced onto another quest along with
a) four teenagers who are new to this demigod thing and haven't experienced the manipulation of the gods as much as he has (sure, they recognise the unfairness of the lives the gods have given them, but their points of view don't seem to show as much resentment towards them as much as percy is likely to have harboured)
b) a new roman praetor who, despite losing his memories, is raised in a culture where discipline and duty is prioritised, where the gods are to be treated with utmost respect and hence is numb to obeying their whims
c) his literal soulmate who has fought by his side through thick and thin, who had to endure eight months of his disappearance without a single clue as to where he could've been as well as a goddess for a mother who would disown her if she ever chose him over obeying her mother's commands,
he doesn't refuse to go? nor does he go on the quest out of reluctance and protectiveness over these children who don't know any better, and along the way doesn't begin to question whose side he actually wants to be on, now that the gods have dismissed his plea without so much as an excuse, and showing the others that maybe the gods aren't worth fighting for?
it doesn't show me a war-weary percy, not just feral and terrifying to watch on the battlefield, but absolutely refuses for him or anyone else to return there. the percy in hoo isn't one who curses out the gods, who is only forced aboard the argo ii after he sees jason, piper, leo, frank and hazel and is reminded of bianca, zoe, lee, beckendorf, michael, silena, ethan, luke, and those from kronos' army that he barely recognised from his first years at camp and decides he won't let that happen again, not ever. it doesn't tell me how he feels a pang in his heart whenever they can only do what the gods say because they don't know what else to do, and convinces them (and himself) that there's a way to make them listen, by going against what they stand for and resisting until they look us in the eye
idk man, there's a ton of things i'm not huge on about hoo, but how percy (and annabeth!) out of the seven approached the quest wasn't exactly my favourite. and how it ended without acknowledging things around here need to be changed or else. maybe it has been addressed in a later book like in toa, which i don't plan on reading, and if so i stand corrected
it's weird since i haven't read either series in so long but I was suddenly hit with feels this afternoon and wrote this post in a. frenzy after coming across this post on my dashboard
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melancholic-pigeon · 3 years
WIP Wednesday- HIOB chapter 12
Content warning for brief references to a past suicidal episode. (The actual thing is lighthearted!)
It's suggestive, but not actually NSFW. They're just having a post-scene bath. 😘
...I'm excusing this excerpt being long because I am like five words under 6k rn. I wasn't kidding about Jason not being able to shut the fuck up.
It's strange how little sex involved. 
Mostly, they just talk, Percy curled up against Jason's chest as the jets pound into the knot that stubbornly reasserted itself almost as soon as they parted ways. They're off now, and the relative silence is odd, but calming.
Percy's exhausted too, although he doesn't seem to realize how much effort he's expending in his (largely successful) attempts to deal with Jason's exhaustion. He yawns into Jason's shoulder, vividly calling back a thousand memories.
"It was really, really hard not to tell you I loved you," Jason says quietly, after a few moments of soft splashing and conversational lull. Percy lifts his head, wet hair sticking to his jaw.
"You told me all the time. Your love language, ironically, is 'acts of service'." He smirks, inexplicably soft. "It's just that you only used the actual words once."
Of course he knows what they're talking about— this is probably just as nostalgic for him. Jason's pulse quickens, residually feeling that long-ago crushing terror. 
("You and I both know that right now you'd say almost anything to get me to—"
"Did it occur to you that I might be willing to say almost anything, including the truth? Because the truth, Percy, is that I'm being selfish, because you're my friend and I love you and I really don't want to lose you.")
"I hadn't even thought it to myself yet. It just— popped into my head and came out of my mouth. Not that I didn't know, but I hadn't faced up to how serious it had gotten."
Percy tilts his head. He looks thoughtful and tender. 
"We really are foils, huh? I faced up to it when I cried on your shoulder for the first time, I just had no fuckin' clue what I was facing up to." 
"We're counterweights, too." Jason brushes back that strand of hair, mostly as an excuse to cup Percy's cheek. "Like how I'm emotionally constipated and you wear your heart on your sleeve." 
"My mom told me that exact thing the morning after senior prom." Percy, smiling, leans into the touch. "Just the part about me. It was how she knew I was smitten. Apparently, I'd been making moony eyes at you since I got out of the hospital."
Jason's inner seventeen year old shivers with delight. They haven't even been together for six months yet, but it feels like they've been in love their whole lives. Like maybe they've been in love for several lives already.
"I admire how expressive you are. I—" 
He stops himself, grimacing slightly. Percy picks up the slack. 
"You have a lot of feelings, but every time you showed them, it got you screamed at. You learned to hold it in because you didn't have a choice, but that doesn't make you any less sensitive— it's not so much that you have a thick skin and more that you've learned to push through your pain. Which is also why you reinjure at least two things per season and insist on continuing to play until you're forcibly benched." He narrows his eyes. "Hint hint." 
Jason slides his hand around the back of Percy's neck and pulls him down again, ignoring the jab. 
"If you ever go back to school, you should seriously consider counseling as a career path."  
"I am, actually." Percy sits up and grins, a fierce, thunderous determination in it. "I want to be a licensed clinical social worker. I can add to the pool of 'em who don't totally suck, and at this point I'm something of an expert at needing therapy, so my clients and I will have that experience in common."
"That's perfect for you." Jason kisses the top of Percy's head. "You're incredibly insightful and compassionate. You always know what to say and how to say it, and it's not even on purpose— it's what's sincerely in your heart. The only people who ever doubt how much you care about them are the ones who aren't paying attention." 
Percy buries his face in Jason's neck and raspberries his upper trapezius. 
"Gee, tell me how you really feel."
They're both flushed from the steam, but Jason has a feeling they would be anyway. 
"You knew this about me, babe." 
"Shut up. Just because I like it doesn't mean I have to like it."
"I'll tone it down if you want me to," Jason tells him, smiling. He knows what the answer will be before Percy even shakes his head. 
"Nah, I'm worse. I used to, like, wistfully tell people, 'oh, Jason's the best—'" he puts on that slightly-mocking tone he uses when he's quoting himself like this— "'he's such a great dude, he's so good at calming me down, I can only fall asleep when he's holding me, I don't know what I'd do without him, also his tits are very nice, yes, I'm sure I'm straight, why do you ask?'" 
Jason snorts. "You see my point about how quickly and easily you show people your love." 
"I'm not the only one." Percy sits up a little, his hand on Jason's chest to brace himself. "You try to be stoic, but what you really are is steady. People gravitate to you when they're upset or scared because they know you'll protect them, and they end up trailing behind you like ducklings. You don't show you hurt, but you definitely show you care."
Jason runs his hand over Percy's back where the cool shower soothed away the irritation. 
"See? You always know what to say." 
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Writing Prompt: Nico Visiting Elysium
The walk to Elysium was one that Nico was familiar with. Some days his feet would bring him there subconsciously, hoping to one day find his sister among the souls that resided there. 
That day hadn’t come yet. But the heroes that were there were familiar with his presence, they weren’t bothered by the shadows beneath his feet, the tendrils that clung to his wrists, and winded themselves around his sword handle, ready to shoot out at his command. They didn’t blink an eye at the bags under his eyes, no matter how much sleep he got. When you’re a spirit constantly surrounded by death, you forget what life looks like. The same went for Nico. 
It had been a while since he’d been to the Underworld to see his father and step mother, but the way the rubble crunched beneath his feet was almost comforting. He knew where the dips in the hill were, where to avoid the holes and minor chasms. 
The environment and atmosphere of the Underworld began to shift the closer he got to Elysium. 
Nico’s eyes adjusted to the brightness of Elysium, and the glittering blue lake where The Isles of the Blest resided. He shouldn’t have been able to enter through the gates, but being a child of the Underworld had its perks. The gates opened at Nico’s touch and Nico was greeted with the beautiful view of Elysium. For a home made for the dead, the place exuded a significant amount of life and light, yet it lacked the warmth real life did. It was beautiful in the way jewels were beautiful, sparkly and well-cared for, but not the way flowers were, in their life and their aliveness. 
The trek to the pavilion where he usually met with spirits was hard, it didn’t get easier to see the spirits of heroes Nico had watched or felt die in battles he had also fought in. Every time he saw the familiar gleam of Hunter-silver he had to hold back a flinch. The flowers of Elysium were of gold and silver and Nico had come to the realisation that they were the only plants that didn’t wilt in his presence, it left him feeling an odd sense of pride as he picked one from the ground and placed it in his pocket for later. There was no breeze down here, yet the grass rippled in colours of the rainbow as spirits passed through, wanting to see why the child of Hades was present. Small voices called out to him beyond the gates, wanting to feed on his light, and his life but he pulled up a barrier in his mind, imagining a fortress to protect himself. 
He stood in the middle of the pavilion and held out his hand. He wouldn’t need food to summon who he needed to speak to, he knew that they’d come. 
“Jason Grace.” 
His voice came out stronger than he thought it would. But he still wasn’t mentally prepared enough for the shape of Jason to appear so easily. He knew that Jason had died in his school uniform, but someone had taken the liberty to put him in a purple Camp Jupiter shirt, despite this, the colour was pale, as if all the colour had been bleached out.
Nico caught himself against a pillar as Jason’s form materialised by Nico’s feet. Jason was kneeling as if he was praying, head bowed and arms out trying to hold himself up. 
“Jason?” Nico repeated. 
The silvery outline of Jason seemed to grow brighter, before he rose to his full height. Nico tried not to stare, but it was difficult not to notice the gaping holes in his chest that glowed with silver through the purple shirt. 
When he was little, Nico had been taught by his mother and by Bianca that eye contact was important, it was rude if you didn’t meet people’s eyes when you were speaking to them. But over the years he had also learnt that in order to meet people’s eyes constantly, he needed to be prepared for other people to look into his eyes, allow them to see that vulnerability that he knew he showed. 
Nico forced himself not to avert his eyes as Jason looked at him astounded, his wire framed glasses still sat atop his nose but Nico could no longer see his reflection in them. Everything about him looked the same, his voice too. 
“Hi Jason,” Nico breathed, blinking hard. It was getting significantly harder to remain standing as Jason watched him. It had only been a couple of months since- but Nico hadn’t been able to bring himself to come down and search for him. It was a pain that reminded him all too much of the time when he'd just found out he was a demigod and his world had turned upside down. 
“You’re angry with me,” Jason said, a small smile growing on his mouth. Nico let out a choked laugh and shook his head. 
“I’m learning that grudges do me no good, especially against...especially against the dead,” Nico admitted. He waited for Jason’s form to blur into a corporeal version, but he remained in a hazy silvery state, like Nico was in the middle of an Iris message with him and Nico guessed perhaps they were; except instead of being miles apart and trying to communicate, it was the absence of Jason’s life and the existence of Nico’s that enabled them to talk despite Jason’s body being buried at Camp Jupiter. 
“I always thought I wasn’t scared of death…when you’re a demigod of a prophecy you learn to be, and then Leo died, and I knew. I knew that whatever happened I had nothing to be scared of because he’d be here for me…”
“And then he wasn’t,” Nico filled in. Jason nodded, looking beyond the pavilion at the Isles of the Blest. 
“I knew that he wouldn’t be here...yet, I don’t know, maybe it’s selfish to wish that I wasn’t alone-”
“It’s not,” Nico said firmly, standing up straighter to meet Jason’s gaze. With a sharp intake of breath he realised that he had slightly grown since he’d last seen Jason, and now he’d be immortalised at this height. 
Jason seemed to notice at the same time, losing his train of thought as he looked down at Nico. 
“You’ve grown taller,” he said fondly. Jason reached out almost as if he went to pet Nico’s head, but his hand passed through Nico, leaving him with a brain freeze. Jason noticeably winced and muttered an apology. The pain in Nico’s stomach was second to the odd feeling of familiarity. It had been many years since Nico had had an older sibling, and only recently had he become one again, yet Jason, in their small time period of knowing each other had grown closer than Nico would have thought. It was a nice thought, to think he had someone else watching over him, even if it was beyond the life he was currently living. Nico found himself thinking about Bianca again, the way he always did when he felt lost. 
“I saw your plans for the temples,” Nico managed. He gripped the hilt of his sword, using it to ground him as his emotions began to unfurl, curling around him like a dark cloud. 
“Apollo kept his promise?” 
“He was adamant in doing so.”
Jason smiled, and it made him look younger, bringing a light to his face that should’ve been hard to achieve in the Underworld but he made it look easy. 
“Will you try for the Isles?” Nico asked, and though he tried not to, fear laced his words as he watched Jason look at the island in question, a wistful look upon his features. 
“Maybe…” Fear, as hot as lightning struck Nico in the chest, and he thought he was about to say goodbye to another demigod he had looked up to. 
“But not yet. There are heroes here. Heroes that I fought with during the titan war, one’s I didn’t know the name of, same with the giant war. I think it’s time that I learned them.”
"Are you still scared?" Absentmindedly Nico placed his hand in his pocket where he kept a small token of luck, the familiar groove in the old mythomagic toy bringing him a bittersweet comfort. 
Jason tilted his head to the side for a moment, thinking before he shook his head.
"Not anymore, no."
As he spoke, his light began to flicker, becoming more of a mirage than anything. Nico poured his power into him, praying to his father for more time. He had so much more to say, messages to pass on, and- he just wanted more time. 
“Piper she-”
“Is she happy?” Jason asked, interrupting. Nico thought of Piper with her girlfriend, and the life she was building outside of Camp Half Blood and nodded slowly. 
“And Leo?” He continued. This time Nico thought about Leo’s easy laugh and his constant energy, bouncing off the walls, and his smiles around Calypso. 
“Yeah he’s happy but-”
“And Reyna? Percy and Annabeth? Frank? Hazel? Are they all happy? Right at this moment?” The question almost took Nico by surprise but he wasn’t lying when he said his answer. 
“Yes.” Images of the other demigods, speaking via Iris message, and on visits to each other's camps flashed in Nico’s head. Reyna and her pledge to the Hunters echoed in his head, an almost mirror to Bianca and Thalias. The pictures Annabeth and Percy had sent to Chiron when they had arrived at college, pinned on the board in The Big House. Then of his little sister with her purple cape, matching Franks. 
“They’re happy,” he repeated, more sure of himself when he said it. Jason seemed to relax. 
“And Thalia?” he asked softly. 
“She’ll be okay,” he replied honestly. 
“I never wanted to leave her.”
“She knows.”
“What about you, Nico? Are you happy?” 
The question jarred Nico and he hesitated to answer, thinking hard about it. He thought about the haze he had been in right after Jason’s death. The nightmares that had resurfaced, the voices that called to him from beneath the ground. 
“I want to be.” It was the closest to the truth he could get. Will’s face flashed behind Nico’s closed eyelids, and unconsciously Nico smiled and nodded with more certainty. 
Jason smiled again. 
“Then I’ll be okay.” 
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Friendship isn't magic... The problem in HOO
So I was talking to a dear friend @derpy-grackson on her post regarding that Percy and Annabeth should've gone to therapy.
And well I bought up that I have a problem with how friendship is handled in Heroes of Olympus.
And this... Dear readers is my rant.
Now many of you will have heard the time honoured phrase, show don't tell. The whole show what you mean rather than say it, e.g instead of saying Percy is happy say his eyes sparkled and a grin stretched across his face.
Obviously we can't always show we must tell at times but this is still important to know. If you say a character is pure evil but write about them adopting puppy's and helping the good guys lost cat get home... That creates a disconnect between what your trying to convey and what your readers are well... Reading.
And it really hinders your story.
In the same way... You cannot group people into a story, call them friends but don't have them act that way.
Example, Jason and Reyna's relationship centers around them knowing about the other in a way no one else does. In fact they are so close that others mistake them for being a couple. But if pause for a second... When do Reyna and Jason actually... Act this close? Reyna kept the whole thing with Aphrodite a secret from everyone, including Jason. They both care about each other of course but not in a way that seperates them from the rest.
A better example of this is Grover and Percy, we know there best friends because we see them defend each other constantly in school. We see the empathy bond shared between them, how worried Percy gets when Grover was kidnapped. We see it, it's told to us of course but we're shown how much they care for each other.
Leo and Piper are meant to have a friendship like that. And they don't. Leo is reduced to a side character in his own story, trailing after Piper who's clinging onto her illusion esque romance with Jason. They barely even talk, sure they care for each other but surely it should be on the level of Percy and Grover... But it isn't.
And this is a problem. Because they lose the bond that is supposed to bring them together. What makes this story fun and interesting. It's the 7, the great heroes of the prophecy who will defeat Gaia... Instead it's Percy and Annabeth and their inferior copies, and 2 others who are maybe relevant but only when the plot requires it... And the repair boy.
And that's just not what was happening in the first books.
Percy had a close friendship with Grover, a rivalry with Clarisse, and his relationship with Annabeth grew to mean something. And they while being together were still distinct and interesting characters. They were all equals, with a bond that bought them together.
The 7 aren't friends, we're told they are so close because they bant a lot but just because it looked like it worked in the 1st Avengers movie doesn't mean it does. Not to mention it goes against their characters as a whole?
Jason and Percy would not fight over a role neither of whom have ever wanted, Percy would never have yelled at Leo for being possessed. Annabeth would have jumped at a chance to talk to Leo about whatever smart kids talk about, yeah sure like Annabeth wouldn't have wanted to know everything about the Argo ll and draw parallels to the original and have a bajillion ideas, like Leo wouldn't have wanted to hear them all.
It just doesn't work. And what's worse is that it's over compensated.. With poorly written love triangles which aren't even actual love triangles...
Looking at you Frank, Hazel and Leo...
Can't we have healthy friendships and not bitter and immature teenage feels that don't add anything to the story but draw me out of it...
Like come on Rick you know how this works why are you sabotaging your own books? Especially when there are moments you get it... (Nico and Jason are friends I don't care who objects your wrong.)
We could've had Leo and Annabeth teaching each other about self esteem, what it's like to grow up running from the world and have a vendetta against Hera. We could've had Percy and Jason bonding over what it means to be a leader, to belong to both camps (because both should have found a home there but neither did but we are told they did) We could've seen Frank and Annabeth strategise, Hazel and (Feral) Jason dealing with being in a new world.
The rest trying to hold each other together after Percy and Annabeth fall, Jason being a reluctant leader he promised Percy he'd keep them safe... And knowing he's not alone. And the other 2 worrying about the Argo ll crew, reminiscing about their friends to keep them sane
We could've had bonds and stakes and characters who genuinely care for each other that help develop each other... Instead all we have are what could've been.
Great friends.
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rickriordanfandam · 4 years
opinions on riordanverse ; my edition
a lot of people have been doing this so i decided why not right. probably gna lose some followers or smth but anyways. pls respect my opinions! if u disagree, thats fine, but please be polite. unless any of my opinions strikes u as morally wrong then pls point it out to me respectfully. thanks!
- i actually liked drew. im so sorry to everyone who hates her but full offence, why. think about it this way ok, first of all drew became hc because silena died. silena was the traitor, the one who betrayed chb, yet after she died campers celebrated her as a hero? and then drew suddenly has to replace her and live up to idk that legacy she left behind,, when all of a sudden this girl named piper swoops in and takes her place. idk abt u but i wld be salty abt that too. not only that, but as an asian, the chances of drew having faced racism/bullying as a child is pretty high (she studies at brooklyn academy). which means that when she finds out shes a demigod, and arrives at chb where most of the campers are white (this is an assumption btw), she’d obviously be scared of being bullied for her skin color right?? so the first thing she wld do before the campers get to bully her is to bully them before they can do so. (sentence structure here is wack i apologize) ofc this might not even have happened, drew could have had a perfect childhood && was a b1tch for no reason, BUT EVEN THEN HER ROLE AS A BULLY WAS PRETTY VITAL BECAUSE THAT FURTHER SHOWED THE CONTRAST BETWEEN HER AND PIPER,, HIGHLIGHTING PIPER AS A HERO//GOOD CHARACTER,, AND THEREFORE MAKING READERS LIKE PIPER MORE. anyway stop hating on drew please. ALSO WHY IS THIS SO LONGA SDFJHG
- jason isnt bland, the fandom just kinda erased his backstory (thanks to @pjohoo-memes for the phrasing lol)
- reynabeth wouldnt have lasted/would have broken up several times. idk i just see them as two extremely powerful characters who have firm opinions and will definitely clash at some point. in a platonic relationship,, i can see them as really good friends but as lovers? idk i just think theyll break up
- i dont really like jercy,, i see them as better friends than lovers. also idt jason and percy were that close..?
- the dam and not my type jokes are srsly cringey and were never funny. ik that seems hypocritical since my username literally makes use of the dam joke but honestly i dont actually like the joke. its not funny to me and has never been funny
- the seven were not best friends. they definitely argued,, and honestly probably werent as close as the fandom makes them seem. like ure dumped with 6 other people, out of which u only know a few. my introverted ass would have jumped off the argo 2 quicker than leo valdez could bomb camp jupiter up. also leo was a dick to frank. so what if frank is bigger sized?? thats not a valid reason to tease him
- the fandom needs to stop hating on octavian while worshipping luke. if u hate luke and u say u hate octavian too, then okay. but if u tell me ure a luke stan but u despise octavian?? imma disagree w u. luke was worse than octavian im sorry. first of all, octavian being a dick was kinda justified. hes been after the praetor position for so long, and everyone keeps saying to “wait for jason” when suddenly this dude, whos a son of NEPTUNE (neptune wasnt liked much by romans), and the camp decides to make him praetor?? dude i would be pissed off big time. and then afterwards, he finds out that greek demigods are real and the dude they made praetor is greek. AND THEN GREEK DEMIGODS COME TO CJ AND ONE OF THEM BOMB IT UP?? octavian has been told all his life that greeks are scum and this dude called leo valdez attacks cj. sure it was an accident, but did octavian know that? no. so it was honestly justified that he was such a salty prick im just saying. also some of yall be hating on octavian for cutting a teddy bear open and thats the funniest shit ive ever heard i swear 
- luke didnt go to elysium
- travis and connor stoll r way too underrated. the two have been head counselors of the hermes cabin since luke was revealed as a traitor, can u imagine the stress? luke, the person they probably looked up to as a brother, betrayed them. and they didnt even have time to process this when they were  thrown the roles of being hcs. that would have been so stressful and i would probably have broken down if i were them. the stoll brothers taking turns to wake up at ungodly hours because a new camper is crying and homesick and terrified, the stoll brothers having to comfort and take care of new campers, having to deal with the amount of people in that cramped space because not enough campers are being claimed fast enough. having to resolve issues between campers in the hermes cabin all the time. the stolls arent just comedic relief, and we need to stop treating them as such
- tratie shldve been canon idc idc
- demigods of the demeter cabin arent talked about enough and i love the fact that meg was demeters kid. like she isnt the child of one of the big three yet shes so powerful.
- we need to hype clarisse up more her character arc was phucking amazing 
- rachel is overhated. sis found out greek gods exist and regularly come down to earth to fuck around and went “ok cool”. queen shit behavior methinks
- the floor 19 crew of mcga is srsly underrated. like do u even remember halfborn gunderson, mallory keen, tj, etc??? bc i feel like we only remember samirah, magnus, alex, and sometimes blitz and hearthstone
- sadie (tkc) was kinda annoying at first. i like her more now tho but i rmb not liking her for a phat while
- tkc and mcga need more love
- carter kane and jason grace arent boring. theyre just really sweet boys who are too good for this world and yes yes yes 
- hazel and frank (especially frank) need to be hyped up more. i hardly ever see anything about them. also yall seem to forget that frank was literally made praetor and that even hecate admired hazel and was willing to fight beside her because of how powerful she was
- frazels age gap is kinda sketch but i still think theyre really cute
- nico definitely had trauma from going to tartarus on his own
- annabeth isnt smarter than leo but neither is leo smarter than annabeth. ive seen a lot of discussions about who is smarter and heres my hot take on it: neither. theyre equally smart, just in different ways. leos a genius mathematically speaking. he has no issues solving math problems meant for people much, much older than him. annabeth on the otherhand, is great at strategies etc. she can make an army of 1000 more powerful than the enemy, even if theyre outnumbered. so in my opinion, both are equally as smart//u cant compare their intelligence, because their talents lie in two different areas.
- while i do agree rick riordan isnt a god and that hes bound to make mistakes,, AND that hes given us a lot of representation,, if the representation offends the people its sposed to represent, then theres a problem. im talking about piper as a poc and wearing feathers in her hair. im not a poc, so i cant speak for them on whether or not its wrong, because i dont know either. HOWEVER, i have seen multiple posts BY pocs talking about how they didnt really like rick’s representation of piper, and thats an issue. pocs have been and are still oppressed and discriminated against by many. as a white cis man, we cant really blame him for not knowing (tho he could have done a research,, asked some pocs,, idk), but by representing pocs in that manner, hes influencing impressionable kids/teens into thinking “oh pocs wear feathers in their hair all the time” etc, which isnt true. the pjo/hoo series is extremely successful, and kids who read the books will probably start forming inaccurate opinions on pocs. the amount of fan art that depicts piper with feathers in her hair dont help either. “but rick said so in the books, so its canon” yeah well rick isnt a god and he can get some things wrong at times. im not saying we should cancel him, im saying we should start educating ourselves and not spread false info like pocs wearing feathers in their hair all the time. also that snake song shit where she sang Summertime was just- yeah. bc heres the thing you can be racist, and still include minorities, but portray them in a racist way. And even then, ignorance isn't a thing to admire. Getting those facts wrong still has a major impact. It continues to perpetuate racist stereotypes.
“ With the feather thing, I looked it up myself; it takes less than five minutes to figure out that Cherokees don't braid feathers into their hair. I didn't grow up in the country where my parents are from. I have many other first/second generation American friends who have also been through that, with a bit of a disconnect from their culture. But something that most of us have in common is that when we didn't know something, and when our parents weren't that big of a help, we looked it up. We sought out resources online and through other people from our culture to be able to connect more with where we came from. Some of that took a Google search. So I find it hard to believe that Piper, a girl who Rick's trying to portray as someone who is attempting to connect with her culture and is totally against racist stereotypes, wouldn't know that eagle feathers aren't supposed to be braided into your hair casually. She may be disconnected from her culture, but she's also shown to want to connect back to it. Piper wouldn't be casually braiding feathers into her hair while also telling off people for being racist. It makes no sense.” - reddit thread (down below) 
for those of yall who wanna know more please please read this, it has a lot of things i wanna add in here : https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/gy3gl2/piper_mcleans_portrayal_is_innacurate/ 
as well as https://finding-my-culture.tumblr.com/post/189422373260/maxie-ratties-and-cattie-finding-my-culture 
i will be posting screenshots of these in future posts so if ure viewing this on ig and u dont have tumblr,, dont worry 
- the fact that most of the strong female characters in the series refuse to be “girly”, and ngl i dont really like that. just because ure girly doesnt mean u cant be strong. 
- piper would have been a great way for him to start making the strong characters act girlier, but instead he went with the “I’m not like other girls” trope which is quite obnoxious to hear constantly, and I don’t think it’s necessarily great for younger girls to read that idea growing up.  the closest we've ever had to a strong female character who was also into "girly" things was Silena. when I was younger I admired Piper's "I'm not like other girls" thing, but then I got older and realized that the whole mentality of "not like other girls" is super obnoxious, and a little bit toxic
i have a heck load more that i cant rmb rn but yeah feel free to add more 
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 25
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Halloween aftermath
A/N: Sorry for the wait again! This chapter wanted to become long (for my chapter) so I just couldn't finish it in time. About the future schedule, there won't be another chapter this week but given it's only Tuesday now, I think I may be able to update again Friday next week. Fingers crossed!
Thanks for all the comments again, you guys make me so motivated to continue! ♥ But I won't rant more, now I'll let you know what happens after the cliffhanger of ch 24.
Words: 3,8k+
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
Calypso woke up with her head banging in pain and a sour taste in her mouth. She also felt like throwing up. What was even worse than that, though, was that she had no idea where she was. She was still wearing a flowy, white dress instead of her pajamas and she didn’t recognize the bed she had slept in. Perhaps the strangest part was that she could hear light snoring from the floor behind the foot of the bed. She sat up on the bed so she could see who caused the sound, panic starting to surge in her veins when she recognized the dark mop of hair under a blanket.
It was Leo, sleeping on a mattress that had been taken from the other side of the double bed she had been sleeping in. What on earth had possessed him to sleep there, Calypso wondered worriedly.
Pulling a cover over her (which, she knew, was silly because obviously Leo had already seen her in her dress earlier) she continued scanning her surroundings and slowly started making some conclusions. This had to be Jason and Piper’s house, where they had stayed the night after the Halloween party. A party. Right. Her last clear thoughts were from the moment when she had seen the two Hunter girls arrive at the party. After that, she remembered vaguely fleeing the room and finding something to drink, and that’s when her memory got really blurry. And that was the truly scary part. She hadn’t been truly drunk even once within the past five years but she did know way too well what had happened the previous time she had done that. The biggest mistake of her life.
Before she allowed her mind to draw any more conclusions, she decided to rise from her bed and check up on Leo. He was still sound asleep and since the blanket had partially fallen off of him, she could see that he was wearing a tank top and boxers, which she took as a good sign. Since they both were at least somewhat clothed, she thought it was quite unlikely that they had crossed the line that she was not ready to cross. But that didn’t mean that nothing had happened.
“Ahem,” she cleared her throat while wrapping the bed cover around her a bit better, trying to make Leo wake up. She needed to do that at least twice more before he finally stirred.
“Wha… Woah!” He yelped with surprise when he realized where he was and with whom, quickly pulling his blanket over his mostly bare legs. “Morning, Sunshine. How are you feeling today?”
The panic had momentarily made Calypso forget about her headache and dizziness but now that Leo reminded her of it, she realized they hadn’t disappeared anywhere. Sitting back on her bed, she sighed.
“I’ve been better, that’s for sure.” She rubbed her forehead for a moment. “The worst part is that I have no idea what happened last night.”
“You… don’t remember any of it?” Leo asked while sitting up, and Calypso thought she could hear a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“I do remember what happened before my first drink,” Calypso clarified. “But not much after that.”
“In that case, I think I can help you fill some gaps,” Leo replied. “If you want to.”
“That would be good.” Calypso tried to undo some knots in her hair with her fingers, sighing with frustration. “Maybe you can start with explaining why we are both here. I mean, in this room. I think Piper and Jason have several extra rooms in their house.”
Leo’s face turned bright red at the implications of Calypso’s question. He had to clear his throat before he managed to answer. “Um… You were really not feeling well last night… And to be honest, some moments you seemed pretty desperate to… I don’t know, it seemed like you were trying to escape from Thalia and Reyna every time they tried to talk to you. So, um, we, as in, me, Piper, Jason, Annabeth and Percy thought that someone should probably keep an eye on you. Just in case. So. I volunteered.”
Calypso wanted to keep Leo distracted so he wouldn’t ask more about Thalia and Reyna so she asked: “But why you, and not for example Piper? She lives here so it would have been easier for her. You could have just driven home and come to pick me up today or something.”
“That’s… that’s true but I felt it was my duty… as your flatmate, of course… to make sure you’re OK,” Leo stuttered. Calypso had a feeling it wasn’t the whole truth but she didn’t push it. “Alright,” Calypso said. “But why were you sleeping in this room? Like I said earlier, there are other places…”
“Ahem,” Leo made a coughing sound again. “That’s because you asked me to stay here. And I’m not lying about that. You can think anything you want about me but I would not do anything without your consent… um, not that any of that has even crossed my mind, gods.”
Even though Calypso was relieved to hear that because it proved that nothing had happened between them, she had to admit to herself that perhaps a tiny part of her was a bit disappointed. Leo’s reply made it sound like he did not have any romantic feelings towards her. Or then he was a liar. Either way, Calypso wasn’t sure what she should think.
“I… asked you to stay with me?” she repeated instead.
“Um, yeah,” Leo replied, his fingers tapping on his blanket absentmindedly. “You said something about nightmares… and I dunno, you just didn’t wanna be alone. Piper asked if you’d like her to stay but… you picked me? I don’t know why.”
There was a long pause before Calypso answered. Maybe it was her dizzy head making her make decisions she usually wouldn’t, but she thought there was no reason to deny it anymore. Feeling the warmth on her cheeks, she finally replied: “That’s because – I hate myself for this, but - you… you mean more to me than her.”
“I… what?” Leo frowned, looking like he was wondering if he had heard right.
Calypso sighed deeply and hid her face into her hands. She hated how fast her heart was racing in that moment. “I’ve been trying to deny that for several weeks now, but… I guess the drunk me was more honest than what I usually am.”
Leo crossed his arms, inching closer to Calypso on his mattress so he could look at her directly. “But… but… what does it mean? I mean, I do have an idea because I’m not an idiot even if I seem like one – but I need to hear it from you.”
“Leo Valdez, it means I like you! In a very non flatmate like way! There, are you happy now?” Calypso’s voice started cracking and she felt like she was on the verge of tears.
“Of course I am!” He exclaimed, almost jumping up from his mattress. “I think I’ve had a crush on you ever since you got mad at me for smashing your table!”
Calypso’s mouth opened in surprise. “You… have? But… how?”
“When you got mad at me that time, I saw some fire in your eyes. Like, OK, I’m gonna admit that you looked hot from moment one but I didn’t care about that. I didn’t,” he repeated when Calypso looked at him skeptically. “I know a lot of girls who kinda remind me of you with their shiny long hair, perfect eyelashes, et cetera, but many of them are the type of people who used to laugh at me at high school. And I mean, not in a good way. But when I saw that fire, somehow I was convinced that you were different. You have just the kind of spunk that I like and you’re not afraid to call me out when I deserve it – but you’re still fair and don’t judge the book by its cover. Fine, of course I was worried I was wrong and you wouldn’t forgive me for that mistake. But, somehow, this one time, I was right. And I only got more convinced as I learned to know you better.”
“Leo…” Calypso was starting to lose the fight against the tears.
Leo looked extremely worried when he realized she was crying. “What? I thought you’d be happy to hear that? I like you – you apparently like me for whatever crazy reason – what’s the problem?”
Calypso tried to brush off the tears from her face before answering, her eyes sparkling with frustration. “The problem is that you just made this – what I should do – a hundred times harder! If… if you hadn’t answered to my feelings, I could have just tried to accept that and eventually moved on. But… how are we going to live with this knowledge, live under the same roof… when nothing can happen?!”
Leo started to freak out. “What do you mean ‘nothing can happen’? Calypso, could you please finally be clear with me? Why did you just confess your feelings and then say… that?”
Calypso didn’t miss that Leo used her full first name, a thing he did quite rarely. Her voice was still a bit hoarse when she answered:
“Alright. I have plenty of reasons but here’s the first one: In the past… I’ve had nothing but unsuccessful relationships. I may have been really young back then, but it made me doubt myself, Leo. Several guys I really liked - and I imagined they liked me back - told me some big words… only to run to their ‘real’ girlfriends at the first possible opportunity. You’d probably say ‘but that was many years ago, screw those guys’!”
“Damn right, I would!” Leo exclaimed, slamming his fist on the floor next to him to emphasize his point.
“… And I wish it was that simple but it isn’t.” Calypso shook her head. “There’s more to that story than I care to explain right now. And then I met Percy a couple of years later and thought that maybe I’d be ready to try again. Well, you know what happened. It did not work out and I decided that when I’d finally have my freedom… I mean, when I’d move out and start my studies, I would make sure that I really am ready for a relationship before starting one. And I’m sorry, but… I don’t think I’m quite there yet. I want to learn to love myself before… you know.”
Leo finally stood up from his mattress and sat down next to her on the bed, not even caring about the fact that he was still wearing only a thin tank top and boxers anymore.
“I guess I can understand that,” he said, spontaneously taking her hand into his as a comforting gesture. “I’m no stranger to self doubt.”
“Then I guess we have that in common…” Calypso sighed, allowing Leo’s hands to remain on hers. “However… that’s not the only reason why I think it would not be a good idea.”
“What else is there?” Leo asked.
Calypso looked down at their intertwined hands sadly. “Well… I think I’ve told you my father is not the nicest of guys… But the truth is, I left home without his consent or knowledge. So, he’s probably looking for me right now. And if he does find me, I don’t know what will happen. I may have to go back. And I definitely don’t want him to find out about you. He has money and a lot of power and he’s capable of ruining anyone’s life if he wants to. He’d probably blame you for hiding me and have you arrested or something… It would break me if something happened to any of you, because of me.”
“Why… Why haven’t you told this to me before?” Leo’s grip on her hand tightened slightly and even though Calypso didn’t dare to look into his eyes, she imagined that they were burning in anger like she had seen a couple of times before.
Calypso rubbed her forehead tiredly with her free hand. “Because… what would you do in that situation?! I’d arrive at your home and introduce myself: ‘hey, I’m Calypso, your new flatmate, and by the way, I’m running away from my father who may or may not have kept me as a hostage for several years, but yeah, nice to meet you!’”
“A hostage?” Leo was practically growling now.
“Well… “ Calypso was suddenly hesitant, realizing she had revealed more than intended. “I was allowed to go to places… sometimes… but never alone… And I was homeschooled so… I did spend a lot of time at home… but we had a huge mansion… So it wasn’t like I was trapped in a basement or something…”
“But that doesn’t make it any more right!” Leo was almost yelling now. “I want to do something, I want to let people know what kind of person he is so he can’t keep doing that to you or anyone else anymore!”
“Leo, you can’t!” Calypso squeezed his hand, finally looking up at him. “Do you know how dangerous that would be?! And I swear, with his money he would only make the police go quiet about the whole situation… The main thing is that I’m here, right now, and relatively safe. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he doesn’t care where I am. I don’t know what he’s thinking, to be honest.”
Leo was quiet for a while, breathing heavily and fiddling with the bed covers. “Well… Fine, I’ll let that be, for now. But I swear to gods, or the River Styx, or whatever the hell those ancient Greeks used to swear on, that if he does something to you, I will not let it be anymore. I… and I think I can speak for all of our friends, that we all… will make sure that he will go down with a bang.”
Leo’s comment about the ancient Greeks managed to cheer Calypso up a bit. “You sound like you would physically fight him. And how exactly would you do that?” she asked. “With your tools?”
“That’s not a bad idea!” Leo exclaimed, getting into his fantasies. “I would definitely bring my trusty hammer. Or, I could build a…”
“Hey, now, I was not being serious! But you sound like you are,” Calypso stopped him by putting a finger on his lips. “I absolutely don’t want you to do anything where you could get hurt.”
“Me? Getting hurt? That’s unheard of,” Leo attempted to joke once Calypso removed her finger from his lips.
“Alright, now you’re not being serious. Didn’t you once tell me that you joke especially when you’re nervous?” Calypso remembered one of their earlier conversations.
Leo’s smirk disappeared. “Want me to be honest? I’m not great at the feelings stuff. But I just heard you tell me that you like me. For a moment I was like: ‘hey, for once the chick you like likes you back, maybe this could work out’. And then you told me that apparently your father is some kind of psycho who is still controlling you, his adult daughter. I am glad that you told me about all this but you can’t expect me to stay calm when someone I care about is in danger. You wouldn’t stay calm either, would you?”
Calypso shook her head. “No. You’re right. I would also want to help you. And I really am sorry, I wish things were different and we could… Maybe one day. That’s all I can say.”
Leo sighed and ran his free hand through his hair. “OK. I get it.”,
A silence fell into the room as they both tried to take in what had just happened. Some automatic reaction made Calypso lean her head against Leo’s shoulder as if she was trying to tell him with the touch that she really was sorry. She was thankful he did not shift away. Eventually, she asked:
“So… tell me more about last night. Did I embarrass myself badly?”
“Naah…” Leo lied at first, a smile returning to his face as he remembered some of the things that had happened.
“You just flinched,” Calypso noted. “I felt it. You’re totally lying.”
“Fine. It was pretty funny when you had a karaoke duet with Piper and were too drunk to be able to read the lyrics from the screen so you came up with the words yourself. And at one point you just suddenly switched to Greek and none of us could understand what you were saying. But it wasn’t that bad. And even drunk your voice was kinda impressive. And your dance moves were definitely better than mine.”
“Wait, what? I danced too? Gods, please tell me no one filmed that,” Calypso asked, horrified.
“I can promise no such thing!” Leo grinned, and Calypso stopped leaning her head against him, instead elbowing him on the ribs. “Ow! I’m just joking! I don’t know if Piper got any photo material of that but I was busy dancing with you so I didn’t have time to film anything. Promise.”
“Alright. Sorry.” She lowered her head on his shoulder again.
“Guess we’ll have to hunt down Piper after this,” Leo said with amusement before recalling something. “Anyway, something kinda weird happened too. Like I said, it really seemed like you were trying to avoid Reyna and Thalia and I have no idea why. Every time they got close, you were like ‘gotta get a drink’ or ‘let’s go dance’ or ‘bathroom break’. I’m not even sure if you greeted them. Can you explain that?”
“I… uh,” Calypso tried to come up with something that she wouldn’t have to tell the whole story. “My half sister Zoë… She used to be a Hunter. But she died some years ago. An accident. I think those two probably knew her and… the wound is still too deep so I didn’t want to have to talk about her. It would have ruined everyone’s night.”
“I’m sorry,” Leo said, causing chills in Calypso’s back by running his thumb on the palm of her hand. “I had no idea... Feels like I’m learning a lot more about you now than I have the past few months…” “I probably should have told you about that earlier… So I’m sorry too.”
Leo bit his lip as if he was struggling to decide something. “If it makes you feel any better… I know how it feels to lose someone important. My mum. She died in a fire. Yeah, the fire that started my fear,” Leo confirmed Calypso’s suspicions. “She was the only family I had and after that I went from home to home and no one wanted to keep me… Sometimes I ran away too… That kept going until Emmie and Jo finally found me. It… doesn’t really get easier, but somehow… you still learn to live with it. Because you have to.”
“Yeah. I know the feeling. But if you have to find something positive out of this situation… at least we’re safe now. And we’re not alone, right? That’s what they’d want for us, right?” Calypso sounded a bit unsure, though.
“Yeah. You’re right.” They stayed quiet for a while, but this time the silence was comforting. Finally, Leo decided to break it, in his typical way.
“No offense, Cal, but you could use a shower. For all of our sake.”
Calypso quickly sat farther from him. “Oh my gods, Leo, that is so not appropriate, especially in a situation like this! What’s wrong with you?”
Leo put his hands up defensively. “Was just trying to be honest! The alcohol and the throwing up did not do good to you.” “Geez, I hate you,” Calypso mumbled.
“That’s fine because I hate you too,” Leo claimed.
“Not what you said a moment ago,” Calypso retorted.
“I could say the same back at you.”
Suddenly both Leo and Calypso burst out laughing, needing to release the tension the whole conversation had created. Calypso didn’t remember when she had last laughed that long or hard but she didn’t care, it simply felt right in that moment. When she and Leo finally calmed down, she said quietly:
“Maybe we are idiots, both of us.”
“Maybe. But normalcy is not for me. I learned that a while ago.”
“Same, to be honest.”
Calypso and Leo’s eyes met. Some barriers had been broken that day and even though there was still a lot of work to do, Calypso realized that it had felt good to talk to Leo. He hadn’t judged or questioned, at least not in the way she had expected. He had seemed to accept that she’d come out of her shell with her own terms. Something about it all just felt so right, and when she remembered that he had also admitted he liked her back… she decided it was time to get a bit crazy. Screw the consequences, if they couldn’t enjoy this moment, then what could they enjoy? That’s why she let her hand brush his cheek before resting it in his hair, gently lifting his chin with her other hand so he’d know her intentions…
“Do you think… we could forget about the stupid rules just for a moment?” She asked, resting her forehead on his.
“I think I’m down with that,” Leo smiled at her softly (Calypso didn’t like admitting it but that soft smile never failed to get to her).
They closed their eyes and started leaning even closer, but just when their lips were about to meet, the door opened. The couple quickly separated when Piper peeked in.
“I heard some laughter from here so I thought I’d come to check…” Then she noticed their expressions. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt!”
“Didn’t interrupt anything,” Leo mumbled, although it was quite clear from his voice he was disappointed.
“Yeah, no worries,” Calypso tried to reassure her as well, although her eyes seemed to be interested in a wrinkle on her dress.
“OK…” Piper wasn’t at all convinced but she didn’t comment on it more. “Well, I just wanted to tell you that we have breakfast downstairs. Whenever you’re up to it.”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in a minute! Just let me… clean up a bit.” Calypso exclaimed, getting up and starting to head to the closest bathroom. Leo also got up from the bed and started pulling on the clothes he had had under his costume the previous day.
“See you soon then,” Piper said, leaving the very flustered couple to get prepared for the day. Calypso could imagine that she and Jason would probably get good laughs from this once she and Leo would leave.
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halothenthehorns · 1 year
"Oh I'm sure that's not true Percy," Alex told him in a completely unhelpful tone of voice as Jason read the new title. "Chiron's likely hacked off at you too for losing the game and fighting with Thalia."
"Thanks Alex," Percy resisted the urge to throw her from her chair on purpose this time. That surely wouldn't help the fact everyone in here probably hated him too for nearly killing them every five minutes.
The least the Oracle could've done was walk back to the attic by herself.
"No!" Will looked at him aghast. "The less she uses this midnight stroll ability, the better!"
"I didn't hear you volunteering to take her back up there!" Percy huffed.
Rachel was biting her lip to stop herself laughing at Will too just a bit. She was used to the Apollo cabin being overtly nice to her and always thought it was some connection to their dad, she'd never realized it was because they were just so relieved to have the last one gone.
Instead, Grover and I were elected to carry her. I didn't figure that was because we were the most popular.
"And here I was always a little upset I'd never gotten a yearbook before," Percy rolled his eyes, "now look at me, winning a whole competition!"
"I'm sure it's a great honor?" But Jason looked a little queasy too at the idea of this.
"Watch her head!" Grover warned as we went up the stairs. But it was too late.
Bonk! I whacked her mummified face against the trapdoor frame and dust flew.
"Cursed," Alex and Magnus said together.
"I was born cursed," Percy sighed. "I'm sure she can't do any worse to me."
"Let's just hope the curse isn't following you around giving you everyone's prophecies," Rachel mock shivered.
"Ah, man." I set her down and checked for damage. "Did I break anything?"
"I can't tell," Grover admitted.
We hauled her up and set her on her tripod stool, both of us huffing and sweating. Who knew a mummy could weigh so much?
"Be grateful she doesn't go around in a sarcophagus," Alex shrugged.
I assumed she wouldn't talk to me, and I was right. I was relieved when we finally got out of there and slammed the attic door shut.
"Well," Grover said, "that was gross."
I knew he was trying to keep things light for my sake, but I still felt really down. The whole camp would be mad at me for losing the game to the Hunters, and then there was the new prophecy from the Oracle. It was like the spirit of Delphi had gone out of her way to exclude me.
"That is exactly what happened," Alex agreed. "I'm sort of impressed."
"At least somebody is," Percy told her indulgently. If everybody in here did hate him too, they weren't acting like it.
She'd ignored my question and walked half a mile to talk to Zoe. And she'd said nothing, not even a hint, about Annabeth.
'She's alive, she's alive, she's a live...' Percy was starting to drive himself nuts he was repeating that over and over, but there was no other answer out there, apparently not even a magical one!
"What will Chiron do?" I asked Grover.
"I wish I knew." He looked wistfully out the second-floor window at the rolling hills covered in snow. "I want to be out there."
"Searching for Annabeth?"
He had a little trouble focusing on me. Then he blushed. "Oh, right. That too. Of course."
"Wow, I thought he and Annabeth were friends," Will seemed mildly offended. He knew life goals and ambitions were important of course, but he'd have still thought Grover would want to be looking for Annabeth more than Pan.
"Why?" I asked. "What were you thinking?"
He clopped his hooves uneasily. "Just something the manticore said, about the Great Stirring. I can't help but wonder... if all those ancient powers are waking up, maybe... maybe not all of them are evil."
"You mean Pan."
I felt kind of selfish, because I'd totally forgotten about Grover's life ambition.
"It's not that selfish," Thalia promised with a look of fond exasperation that was still quite strained on him, and possibly Grover. "Annabeth's been missing for days, Pan's been missing for thousands of years. We prioritize the warm cases before the cold ones."
"He did almost die for that quest last summer though," Jason shrugged, "I can see why he's still so invested."
The nature god had gone missing two thousand years ago. He was rumored to have died, but the satyrs didn't believe that. They were determined to find him. They'd been searching in vain for centuries, and Grover was convinced he'd be the one to succeed. This year, with Chiron putting all the satyrs on emergency duty to find half-bloods, Grover hadn't been able to continue his search. It must've been driving him nuts.
"Nuts and berries," Magnus echoed a little sullenly. Maybe if Grover did find Pan though he'd grant him a wish, like saving Annabeth!
"I've let the trail go cold," he said.
"You were kidnapped and nearly married to a cyclops," Nico corrected. "It was an understandable diversion."
"You are trying to replace me as Grover's best friend," Percy grinned at him. He couldn't think of a thing to say to him, at least that would have been something!
"Hardly," Nico muttered.
"I feel restless, like I'm missing something really important. He's out there somewhere. I can just feel it."
I didn't know what to say. I wanted to encourage him, but I didn't know how. My optimism had pretty much been trampled into the snow out there in the woods, along with our capture-the-flag hopes.
Will gave Percy a smile brimming with confidence though and said, "well the bright side to losing the game means the Hunters might be in a better mood now. Maybe they'll talk to Grover without slapping him?"
"Thanks you two, I'll hide you around the corner next time I need to cheer someone up," Percy gave a reluctant grin.
Before I could respond, Thalia tromped up the stairs. She was officially not talking to me now, but she looked at Grover and said, "Tell Percy to get his butt downstairs."
"A classic," Alex snorted.
"Better than shocking his eyebrows off," Magnus muttered.
"Why?" I asked.
"Did he say something?" Thalia asked Grover.
"Um, he asked why."
"Dionysus is calling a council of cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy," she said. "Unfortunately, that includes Percy."
"I'm so sorry I couldn't send Tyson in my place," Percy told her snidely.
She hesitated like she was still going to give him the same treatment now, but then gave a brave smile and snipped, "see, everyone comes up with the best ideas out of the moment." Mostly she was just stung for a spurn Percy couldn't even know. She didn't have any siblings to send in her place if she didn't want to deal with something.
The council was held around a Ping-Pong table in the rec room.
Jason looked as if he'd been stabbed in the gut and yet couldn't tear his eyes away from the carnage as he got to hear more of this strange setting.
Dionysus waved his hand and supplied snacks: Cheez Whiz, crackers, and several bottles of red wine. Then Chiron reminded him that wine was against his restrictions and most of us were underage. Mr. D sighed. With a snap of his fingers the wine turned to Diet Coke. Nobody drank that either.
"It was diet!" Percy emphasized to some of their confused faces.
Mr. D and Chiron (in wheelchair form) sat at one end of the table. Zoe and Bianca di Angelo (who had kind of become Zoe's personal assistant) took the other end.
Nico pushed his seething resentment aside hard to try and appreciate the moment Zoe was taking his sister under her wing...and turning her into a man hater who probably would have grown to loath him if she did survive. Gods this letting go shit was hard!
Will gave him an uneasy smile, clearly wishing he'd speak his mind, but Nico pressed his lips firmly together instead. Bianca was his businesses, and while he occasionally still got sympathetic looks from everyone, most often Percy, for her being mentioned, nobody had yet asked him how it was having a long distance sister for a huntress and he wasn't going to be talking about it any time soon since he wouldn't be able to avoid it in the near future!
Thalia and Grover and I sat along the right, and the other head councilors—Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, and the Stoll brothers—sat on the left. The Ares kids were supposed to send a representative, too, but all of them had gotten broken limbs (accidentally) during capture the flag, courtesy of the Hunters.
"I'm pretty sure they actually bragged about that to their siblings when they got back," Will told them. "It's some kind of badge of honor in there to get the most injuries you can walk away from in a fight. They still argue about it though since the whole cabin wasn't there, but it's on record one of the highest broken limbs in any game."
"I'll sow them a patch," Thalia smirked.
They were resting up in the infirmary.
Zoe started the meeting off on a positive note.
"Wait, that was everyone?" Nico asked in surprise. "Why weren't you there?"
"I wasn't the head of the Apollo cabin at the time," he reminded with a very, very sad smile. He was busy in the infirmary, and Kayla had later said she didn't have the heart to go and sit around a table wondering who wasn't coming back. "Most of the cabins don't have year around campers for all the kids to get a voice." He couldn't help thinking how ironic it was Nico seemed surprised by this, since he'd never been at camp long enough to represent as head of his cabin. Bianca was unintentionally filing the roll now, marking the first and only time in camp's history they'd had a child from each of the big three there to direct a quest.
Will had a chipped tooth, Nico noticed, and there was something about the way he was being studied that made him want to blush. "Maybe I was watching the orientation film again," Will added cheekily.
"You're obsessed," but Nico found himself smiling back at this guys effortless good mood.
"This is pointless."
"Cheez Whiz!" Grover gasped.
"Not the rebuttal I would have used," Rachel grinned.
"Let's see if it got through to her," Jason chuckled.
He began scooping up crackers and Ping-Pong balls and spraying them with topping.
"There is no time for talk," Zoe continued. "Our goddess needs us. The Hunters must leave immediately."
"And go where?" Chiron asked.
"West!" Bianca said.
"That is a very vague direction," Percy spoke from experience, "usually in no straight line."
"I'm sure you could write a book on your worldly advice," Thalia said grimly, and she was so distracted she seemed to miss the obvious about the literal book she could have been waving under his nose. If Percy was hacked off at her now, he was probably going to be royally pissed at the entire universe when he remembered he wasn't even supposed to go on this quest until he invited himself along.
I was amazed at how different she looked after just a few days with the Hunters. Her dark hair was braided like Zoe's now, so you could actually see her face. She had a splash of freckles across her nose, and her dark eyes vaguely reminded me of someone famous, but I couldn't think who.
"Lame!" Alex shouted, studying Nico's eyes now in hopes for a hint.
"He'll probably remember it after they tell us who their mortal parent is, typical," Magnus shrugged before looking curiously at Nico too. It actually made quite a bit of sense that a lot of demigods would have famous parents, those put on pedestals in society would be most likely to catch an immortals attention.
Nico quickly looked away from the both of them and tightened his jacket around himself, fighting back the urge to scream at all of them to buzz off. Their speculation was natural, but it didn't mean he liked being on trial. Jason mercifully kept reading instead of directly asking to his relief.
She looked like she'd been working out, and her skin glowed faintly, like the other Hunters, as if she'd been taking showers in liquid moonlight. "You heard the prophecy. Five shall go west to the goddess in chains. We can get five hunters and go."
"Yes," Zoe agreed. "Artemis is being held hostage! We must find her and free her."
"You're missing something, as usual," Thalia said. "Campers and Hunters combined prevail. We're supposed to do this together."
"No!" Zoe said. "The Hunters do not need thy help."
"You'd think somebody as old and wise as her would know better than to fight these things," Thalia still scoffed a bit at her stubbornness. They would have gotten on well if Zoe had lived.
"Your," Thalia grumbled. "Nobody has said thy in, like, three hundred years, Zoe. Get with the times."
Zoe hesitated, like she was trying to form the word correctly. "Yerrr. We do not need yerrr help."
"So she went from Ye Old English to Southern Hick English?" Rachel chuckled as Jason, poorly, tried to imitate a drawl. "Poor thing has nothing on some of the dialects I've heard trying to imitate us." Her dads wide array of conference calls were occasionally fun to listen in on to mock at the very least.
Thalia rolled her eyes. "Forget it."
"I fear the prophecy says you do need our help," Chiron said. "Campers and Hunters must cooperate."
"Or do they?" Mr. D mused, swirling his Diet Coke under his nose like it had a fine bouquet.
"What other interpretations are there?" Jason asked eagerly. "For once this one was pretty direct, I can't imagine a lot of surprises to come." He seemed to be missing the glaring detail some of those literal directions were two deaths and a vague point on a compass.
"You keep thinking that man," Percy looked at Jason strangely though, considering the last two had some pretty obvious twists at the end. Nico was glaring at the book too, as if just waiting for it to jump up and bite him, while Thalia was twirling her bracelet around. Percy swallowed and hoped he was wrong this time.
"One shall be lost. One shall perish. That sounds rather nasty, doesn't it? What if you fail because you try to cooperate?"
"Mr. D," Chiron sighed, "with all due respect, whose side are you on?"
"I wasn't aware gods had to pick a side," Alex rolled her eyes. "They're on their own side, and he wants all of you dead."
"Dude," Percy groaned even if he did agree.
"Dudett!" Alex challenged back this time rather than waiting for him to correct himself.
Percy stared at her for a moment, before shrugging and saying, "yeah, sure, whatever."
Dionysus raised his eyebrows. "Sorry, my dear centaur. Just trying to be helpful."
"We're supposed to work together," Thalia said stubbornly. "I don't like it either, Zoe, but you know prophecies. You want to fight against one?"
Zoe grimaced, but I could tell Thalia had scored a point.
"My one and only," Thalia agreed with mock pride.
"We must not delay," Chiron warned. "Today is Sunday. This very Friday, December twenty-first, is the winter solstice."
"Oh, joy," Dionysus muttered. "Another dull annual meeting."
"Don't let him lie, it's his favorite time of year for getting to leave, hence the cheez whiz," Will shrugged.
"Artemis must be present at the solstice," Zoe said. "She has been one of the most vocal on the council arguing for action against Kronos's minions. If she is absent, the gods will decide nothing. We will lose another year of war preparations."
Jason still looked a little tongue tied reading that like he struggled more with the concept of the gods as bickering idiots than he did half of the monsters. He still slipped up and stuttered over the Greek names and more than anything, even appreciating greatly Diana seemed odd but not as backwards as the rest of them, Jupiter himself wasn't leading these war preparations.
He kept plowing on though, stubbornly determined to finish what they'd started and not pass up on his killer headache just to read like everybody else managed.
"Are you suggesting that the gods have trouble acting together, young lady?" Dionysus asked.
"Yes, Lord Dionysus."
Mr. D nodded. "Just checking. You're right, of course. Carry on."
"Jeez, you weren't kidding about his good mood," Percy said to Will, frowning why she didn't get the glowing eyes of doom even if he did agree too.
"I must agree with Zoe," said Chiron. "Artemis's presence at the winter council is critical. We have only a week to find her. And possibly even more important: to locate the monster she was hunting.
"I don't see how that's more important," Magnus grumbled, trying not to look at Jason with betrayal just because he read it. "If the Goddess of the Hunt couldn't find the thing before getting caught, we focus on her first, then the killer beast."
"If the beast kills all the Olympians first than none of the gods will be anybody's problem," Jason said practically, clearly agreeing with what he read anyways.
"They need to get to Annabeth and Luke first," Magnus insisted, "find out what their master plan is, not just stumble around looking for it."
"You think he'll just tell now because he was caught?" Jason said in a very practical way, but it still sounded condescending to Magnus's ears. "They should circumvent around what they're being forced into, not walk into the obvious trap. Going looking for the monster first-"
"Hey!" Percy and Thalia said together to break up the growing tension as Magnus still opened his mouth with a familiar, only to them, stubborn Wise Girl comment.
Thalia continued earnestly, "I wasn't lying to Oceanus, we do enjoy your insights, but this did already happen," she gestured at Percy who now had a seemingly permanent gray tone to his skin as he struggled against the headache of who was right and what they did do. "Arguing about our past won't help us get out of here."
Jason and Magnus sat back to let it go, while Alex looked a little disappointed at them being cut off. She liked seeing Magnus this passionate. 
Now, we must decide who goes on this quest."
"Three and two," I said.
Everybody looked at me. Thalia even forgot to ignore me.
"I swear you could annoy the god of peace into not ignoring you," Thalia brushed off, "it's no major accomplishment."
"Five seconds," Rachel mock stopped a stopwatch. "It took you two five seconds to go from agreeing to snapping at each other again."
"Not even close to our record," Percy shrugged.
"We're supposed to have five," I said, feeling self-conscious.
Oddly enough, not a first for him, Nico was smiling to himself he wasn't surprised anymore Percy wasn't leading the meeting and dishing out orders how to save everybody.
"Three Hunters, two from Camp Half-Blood. That's more than fair."
Thalia and Zoe exchanged looks.
"Well," Thalia said. "It does make sense."
Percy grinned at her she was now actually agreeing with him, but she only smiled faintly back. She already knew which five were supposed to go wasn't going to sit well with him.
Zoe grunted. "I would prefer to take all the Hunters. We will need strength of numbers."
"She's just fighting this every step along the way," Will said in exasperation.
"It's a miracle she's even waiting around anymore rather than sneaking off to do this herself," Thalia agreed. Without Artemis's last request for them to remain at camp, Zoe likely would have been doing exactly that.
"You'll be retracing the goddess's path," Chiron reminded her. "Moving quickly. No doubt Artemis tracked the scent of this rare monster, whatever it is, as she moved west. You will have to do the same. The prophecy was clear: The bane of Olympus shows the trail. What would your mistress say? 'Too many Hunters spoil the scent.' A small group is best."
Zoe picked up a Ping-Pong paddle and studied it like she was deciding who she wanted to whack first.
"I vote herself," Alex offered, "you can't guarantee how good a weapon is without first hand experience."
"Please tell me you've never tried to cut off your own hand?" Magnus asked.
"Nah, but it is a very sharp wire, that I have tested," she grinned. Magnus decided he didn't want to know.
"This monster—the bane of Olympus. I have hunted at Lady Artemis's side for many years, yet I have no idea what this beast might be."
Everybody looked at Dionysus, I guess because he was the only god present and gods are supposed to know things.
"Are they?" Rachel gave a bemused smile. "I can't get a straight answer out of Apollo when Elvis died, I'm not sure I expect them to know everything."
"I swear he was just there to watch us argue, he missed his family," Percy rolled his eyes.
He was flipping through a wine magazine, but when everyone got silent he glanced up, "Well, don't look at me. I'm a young god, remember? I don't keep track of all those ancient monsters and dusty titans. They make for terrible party conversation."
"So when are you supposed to discuss politics and religion exactly?" Nico asked with a faint smile. "Not at party's, not at dinner?"
"It doesn't sound like it would make great pillow talk either," Alex nodded seriously. "I think it should be reserved for rallies when everyone's shouting at each other."
"I can't tell how much you're joking, but I do know now isn't that time," Thalia sighed.
"Chiron," I said, "you don't have any ideas about the monster?"
Chiron pursed his lips. "I have several ideas, none of them good. And none of them quite make sense. Typhon,
A horrible pain erupted in Percy's mind, causing him to twitch uncomfortably. He had a really bad feeling about that name.
for instance, could fit this description. He was truly a bane of Olympus. Or the sea monster Keto.* But if either of these were stirring, we would know it. They are ocean monsters the size of skyscrapers. Your father, Poseidon, would already have sounded the alarm. I fear this monster may be more elusive. Perhaps even more powerful."
There was a heavy current around the room, and for once it wasn't from Percy. It was now twice mentioned that things should have been stirring down in Poseidon's domain, and the god of the seas truly seemed stretched thin keeping it all in order. Even Thalia, Will, and Nico weren't entirely sure what they were doing down here now that could lean towards any good news.
"That's some serious danger you're facing," Connor Stoll said. (I liked how he said you and not we.)
"Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that," Will grinned.
"It sounds like at least two of the five are going to die."
Nico couldn't decide in that moment if he wanted Percy to glance at Bianca, to notice if she was upset or dismissive of that. She shouldn't have gone, she was to new, she was just trying to impress the Hunters... How she'd even gotten herself onto this quest was a question he'd never thought about long enough to wonder on. It was like ripping claw's out of his chest even trying.
"One shall be lost in the land without rain," Beckendorf said. "If I were you, I'd stay out of the desert."
Jason gave an uneasy laugh as he tried to pull up a map of the US in his mind, but it wasn't very accurate he was sure. Places, locations, he was sure there were giant blurry patch's all over, but he was confident enough to say, "it's not exactly as if you're going to get a choice if you're following a specific trail, but if you stay to the north you might have a better chance."
"Define land without rain though," Alex reminded. "Under the ocean could technically be a land without rain, any location that's gone more than a few days could be a land without rain. It's the dead of winter, half the continent could be a land without rain while it's snowing."
Will watched Nico take a shuddering breath and shift something around in his pocket. Gods he wanted to just ask what he was thinking, but he seemed to be taking their speculation in stride. At least, it wasn't making him feel worse as far as he could tell, or he was so lost in thought he wasn't paying attention.
There was a muttering of agreement.
"And the Titan's curse must one withstand," Silena said. "What could that mean?"
"Even in a group, there's a leader of the quest," Jason said confidently. "It's likely only one of the five will have the answer."
"Maybe not even one of them, it could be Annabeth or Artemis, anybody associated with the quest," Magnus stubbornly reminded.
Jason nodded peacefully to that, he wished there was somebody around that was known to interpret prophecies. He again glanced at Will and away, there really was something about him that should be clicking in his mind.
I saw Chiron and Zoe exchange a nervous look, but whatever they were thinking, they didn't share it.
"Typical," all eight of them muttered.
"If anybody actually spoke what was on their mind without prying it out of them, save for Percy, these books would end in half the time!" Alex groaned.
"And Chiron is the worst," Percy agreed.
"One shall perish by a parent's hand," Grover said in between bites of Cheez Whiz and Ping-Pong balls. "How is that possible? Whose parent would kill them?"
There was heavy silence around the table.
"I think the easier question would be who's parent would save them," Alex whispered morbidly. She watched as Magnus winced, the fact that he had no clue about his godly parentage was probably driving him nuts. Jason was in the same boat and tracing the lines of his tattoo with a familiar look of frustration.
Even Percy wasn't immune to this, because his mortal mother was the only answer to her question.
I glanced at Thalia and wondered if she was thinking the same thing I was. Years ago, Chiron had had a prophecy about the next child of the Big Three—Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades—who turned sixteen. Supposedly, that kid would make a decision that would save or destroy the gods forever. Because of that, the Big Three had taken an oath after World War II not to have any more kids. But Thalia and I had been born anyway, and now we were both getting close to sixteen.
I remembered a conversation I'd had last year with Annabeth. I'd asked her, if I was so potentially dangerous, why the gods didn't just kill me.
Some of the gods would like to kill you, she'd said. But they're afraid of offending Poseidon.
Could an Olympian parent turn against his half-blood child? Would it sometimes be easier just to let them die?
Thalia could have answered that one from experience, and the resigned sigh that passed her lips was the answer.
If there were ever any half-bloods who needed to worry about that, it was Thalia and me. I wondered if maybe I should've sent Poseidon that seashell pattern tie for Father's Day after all.
Rachel at least still got a laugh out of Percy's random sense of humor.
"There will be deaths," Chiron decided. "That much we know."
"Oh, goody!" Dionysus said.
Nico began mentally imagining melting his Wine Dude figurine next. He'd definitely hunt down his card again just to rip it in half at minimum.
Everyone looked at him. He glanced up innocently from the pages of Wine Connoisseur magazine. "Ah, pinot noir is making a comeback. Don't mind me."
"If we could we would," Percy assured.
"Percy is right," Silena Beauregard said. "Two campers should go."
"Yeah, the gods enthusiasm of this aside," Jason muttered.
"Oh, I see," Zoe said sarcastically. "And I suppose you wish to volunteer?"
Silena blushed. "I'm not going anywhere with the Hunters. Don't look at me!"
"A daughter of Aphrodite does not wish to be looked at," Zoe scoffed. "What would thy mother say?"
"Learn to pick your battles?" Will offered without hope.
"Only if you get her good side," Nico corrected with an eye roll.
Silena started to get out of her chair, but the Stoll brothers pulled her back.
"Stop it," Beckendorf said. He was a big guy with a bigger voice. He didn't talk much, but when he did, people tended to listen. 
Percy felt a funny feeling in his mind trying to connect some dots there, but he couldn't imagine what.
"Let's start with the Hunters. Which three of you will go?"
Zoe stood. "I shall go, of course, and I will take Phoebe. She is our best tracker."
"The big girl who likes to hit people on the head?" Travis Stoll asked cautiously.
"Don't we all?" Percy asked innocently as if he had no idea where this was going. For once he had a pretty good guess though that didn't resort in a headache for future knowledge, but prior.
Zoe nodded.
"The one who put the arrows in my helmet?" Connor added.
"Yes," Zoe snapped. "Why?"
"Oh, nothing," Travis said. "Just that we have a T-shirt for her from the camp store." He held up a big silver T-shirt that said ARTEMIS THE MOON GODDESS, FALL HUNTING TOUR 2002, with a huge list of national parks and stuff underneath. "It's a collector's item. She was admiring it. You want to give it to her?"
"Well Phoebe's going to die," Magnus sighed.
"Nah, they've never killed anyone," Will tried to reassure, but hesitated a moment to long and reluctantly added, "um, I think."
I knew the Stolls were up to something. They always were. But I guess Zoe didn't know them as well as I did. She just sighed and took the T-shirt.
"And Chiron didn't stop this!" Magnus yelped.
"Learn to pick your battles," Will repeated in exhaustion. "If the shirt explodes, it'll mostly likely be on the bus."
"Remind me later Will, we might need to work on your encouraging speeches," Thalia sighed.
"There's no help to be given when it comes to them," Will shrugged.
"As I was saying, I will take Phoebe. And I wish Bianca to go."
Nico had gripped the hilt of his sword and was moving before the third syllable had left her name before Will grabbed him and pulled him back down.
"You'll regret it later if you stab Jason while spearing that book," Will promised him, his hand still warmly encircling his wrist.
Nico decided he had to trust him on that right now because it didn't feel like it...but at least Bianca hadn't volunteered.
No, he'd have rather she did! That she'd wanted to do this, to prove herself, not be told to do it by the upstart who'd dragged her into this in the first place!
Will was rubbing soothing circles into the back of his wrist though and it was finally distracting enough he jerked his arm away and muttered, "fine." Unbeknownst to Nico, the shadows on the wall stopped shifting about, but mercifully nobody had realized it was him again. They were all looking at the ceiling and the door for the culprit of Oceanus popping up again. Jason wasn't even looking at him in anger or fear for his life being threatened as he casually went back to reading. Why Nico wouldn't want his sister on this quest wasn't hard to guess. If he'd had a sister, he'd be worried about her going off on this dangerous mission too.
Bianca looked stunned. "Me? But... I'm so new. I wouldn't be any good."
"You will do fine," Zoe insisted. "There is no better way to prove thyself."
Thalia watched miserably as Nico shook his head furiously as if to chase the words away. She couldn't claim she'd have made the same call, she wouldn't speak for Zoe's motives if she could. She knew how badly this was hurting Nico though, and she couldn't say anything to him. She'd lost her little brother to the unknown, but she had asked and begged and demanded from every deity until she couldn't feel anymore what had happened to him. Nico had vanished when they'd returned, gods knew what he felt about his sister never coming back. He wasn't giving much away now except a lot of anger.
Bianca closed her mouth. I felt kind of sorry for her. I remembered my first quest when I was twelve. I had felt totally unprepared. A little honored, maybe, but a lot resentful and plenty scared. I figured the same things were running around in Bianca's head right now.
"And for campers?" Chiron asked. His eyes met mine, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking.
"Me!" Grover stood up so fast he bumped the Ping-Pong table. He brushed cracker crumbs and Ping-Pong ball scraps off his lap. "Anything to help Artemis!"
Zoe wrinkled her nose. "I think not, satyr. You are not even a half-blood."
"Is she going to protest every person there?" Alex asked in exhaustion. "She shouldn't even get a say, who put her in charge here?"
"Herself," Thalia reminded with a very understanding grin. She had a tendency to take lead in all groups too. "Chiron won't let her dictate the meeting," she promised, otherwise Zoe wouldn't have sat down in the first place.
"But he is a camper," Thalia said. "And he's got a satyr's senses and woodland magic. Can you play a tracker's song yet, Grover?"
Zoe wavered. I didn't know what a tracker's song was, but apparently Zoe thought it was a good thing.
"Very well," Zoe said. "And the second camper?"
"I'll go." Thalia stood and looked around, daring anyone to question her.
Now, okay, maybe my math skills weren't the best, but it suddenly occurred to me that we'd reached the number five, and I wasn't in the group.
"Slow clap for you pal," Jason smirked.
"I will break your fingers if you try," Percy scowled not at him though, his sea green eyes locked on her suddenly averted blue ones on the floor.
"Whoa, wait a sec," I said. "I want to go too."
Thalia said nothing. Chiron was still studying me, his eyes sad.
"Oh," Grover said, suddenly aware of the problem. "Whoa, yeah, I forgot! Percy has to go. I didn't mean... I'll stay. Percy should go in my place."
Percy kept forcing himself to breathe through his tight chest as he strained his neck to look at the book and back to her. This wasn't right, and she knew it. He wouldn't be happy going on this quest without Grover, but if that was how it had to be...
"He cannot," Zoe said. "He is a boy. I won't have Hunters traveling with a boy."
"You traveled here with me," I reminded her.
"That was a short-term emergency, and it was ordered by the goddess. I will not go across country and fight many dangers in the company of a boy."
"What about Grover?" I demanded.
Zoe shook her head. "He does not count. He's a satyr. He is not technically a boy."
"Hey!" Grover protested.
"I have to go," I said. "I need to be on this quest."
"Why?" Zoe asked. "Because of thy friend Annabeth?"
Yes. Was that so awful of him!? He'd already been denied his own quest, by that useless God and the Oracle herself, no way was he going to sit aside and pass this up!
I felt myself blushing. I hated that everyone was looking at me. "No! I mean, partly. I just feel like I'm supposed to go!"
Nobody rose to my defense. Mr. D looked bored, still reading his magazine. Silena, the Stoll brothers, and Beckendorf were staring at the table.
A torrent of water surged through the room and created a new crack on the ceiling at the betrayal trying to rise fast in his throat, that his friends whom he'd known before Thalia even fell out of that tree wouldn't even side with him over this, but he forced it away and locked himself on the book not to impact anything again as the water steadied around them.
Chiron then, Chiron must see he was the best bet to go!
Bianca gave me a look of pity.
"No," Zoe said flatly. "I insist upon this. I will take a satyr if I must, but not a male hero."
Chiron sighed. "The quest is for Artemis. The Hunters should be allowed to approve their companions."
Percy couldn't stop himself this time and whipped around to look at Thalia so fast she flew out of her seat by the force of the ocean, sprawling on the floor as Percy slowly, carefully unclenched his hands from fists but didn't apologize. Jason kept reading rapidly, a reminder the words were their only way out of this. Percy could barely hear him through the buzzing of his ears as he waited for Thalia in the book to say she'd back out then, force Zoe into no other choice.
Thalia sat up slowly, brushing her dripping hair out of her face as she watched her friends glower carefully.
My ears were ringing as I sat down. I knew Grover and some of the others were looking at me sympathetically, but I couldn't meet their eyes. I just sat there as Chiron concluded the council.
"So be it," he said. "Thalia and Grover will accompany Zoe, Bianca, and Phoebe. You shall leave at first light. And may the gods"—he glanced at Dionysus—"present company included, we hope—be with you."
Percy closed his eyes gently, trying to reach out for his father again as he prayed for guidance, 'please let her be alright.'
Nothing. No sense of warmth, no presence other than the icy cold depths of the ocean around them. He didn't know what he'd done to gain his dad's attention before but wish for Gabe's death, but he wasn't going to do that now as he slowly looked back at Thalia and tried to say as calmly as possible, "You couldn't just let me have this?"
"What was I supposed to do Percy, hide you under my jacket?" Thalia clearly still thought him nothing but an idiot as she stubbornly refused to see any other answer. She crossed her arms but remained on the floor, eyeing her chair in case it came pelting towards her more than looking at him.
"You could have opted out, like my friend offered to do!" Percy missed Grover like a physical ache, but even his best friend had more value on this quest than just some boy.
"Zoe never would have let you come! I had to be there, you of all people should have understood that!" She was trying so hard to reason with him, but it was doing no good, they could all tell he was only getting angrier as his hands spasmed in frustration, but he was valiantly still keeping a lid on it not to drown her, or them all.
"Right, because you should always get first picking on a quest and I get left behind! Sent back to my mother!" It was petty, and just mean to throw that around, but he was tired of them all looking at him with envy because he had a home to go back to when Annabeth was out there, perhaps not even knowing he knew she was alive, that he wanted more than anything to be looking for her.
"I had no where else to go! Back to a school where I was flunking every class, getting attacked every weekend, had no one else? Stay at camp alone? Chiron's my friend, but he's not- she was my only family!" Thalia lost her own fight and shouted back now, slamming her fist on the floor, a crackle of electricity arched only between her fingers and linked several plankton into a dead sparkling trail as they floated to the floor around her when she slowly drew her fist back.
Deep down, Percy knew she was right, he didn't hate her, but he couldn't look at her right now as he stormed out, every muscle tensed. He felt someone move behind him and snapped, "I need a sec, alone!"
Percy stood on the terrace over looking the dark ocean beyond. It was a circular walkway, crumbling even before the cracks they'd added in the domed ceiling behind him as he paced the length, a pathetic resemblance of intricate iron bars mostly vanished with time. He'd tried willing himself just an inch off the ground from every pebble of this place and it was doing him no good. He could not leave.
He'd known that when he came up here, and still he blamed himself.
He could remember a lot from his past now, little things that had been trickling in over the past few days. His mom's teary eyed smile when he brought home his first assignment with a C+. A few years later, her proud promise he'd keep getting better when he cried all night because he failed a test he'd really tried to study for, before Gabe called her off to do some cooking.
He remembered riding Pegasus at camp and training with all the cabins, Chiron continuing his teachings about Latin when he could hold his attention, and Annabeth.
Her architecture books, a scar she had on her foot from her first archery practice, brushing out her hair in the sunshine. She taught him how to bake a pie, and he went home that semester to do it for his mom, bringing that tearful, joyful smile to her face once more he so rarely saw. Annabeth was so patient with him studying no matter how many times he got the answer wrong. She still sometimes stepped on his face when they climbed the lava wall together, and he was pretty sure it was on purpose at least half the time as she giggled from the top and reached a hand down for her eleventh win in a row.
Moments, memories he was to young to understand why he clung to them so dearly now in fear they'd slip away again.
His harsh pacing increased, he was creating more cracks on the walkway from how hard he stomped every step as he looked on into the darkness. Watching the disformed sea life, the plankton, but nothing. Not another soul for miles. He knew he should go back in there, apologize to Thalia because this wasn't her fault, but the idea of just sitting there knowing he was useless on this quest, of all quests, was going to send him into a frenzy state.
Nobody came up though.
If it was a Titan's plan to make him weak, hateful to the gods for never seeming to get anything right, it was starting to work. If Zeus had just believed him when he was eleven, Luke might have been destroyed by now!
If the plan was to make him hate this strange group of kids, his friends, it wasn't. Percy knew if he sat up here for a week they would respect the space he'd asked for.
It would get him no closer to an answer though.
Thalia was his friend, he respected the hell out of her in just the few, short months he'd come to know her for all she'd been through. Bickering over the campfire together how to make the perfect s'more while Annabeth sat between them laughing. Whispering during practice of all the techniques they couldn't use on anybody but each other, they were the only swordsmen at camp who could match each other. Then getting in the ring and having it out, laughing off every bump, bruise, and scrape. She got a quiet, haunted look in her eyes when she gazed at her tree to long and went still. Sometimes he remembered those dark days of his first time at camp thinking his mother was dead, only to shake it off and see her watching him with a knowing, sad smile.
Gods Annabeth had been right about them.
Magnus was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs with a bag of blue candy.
He was sitting on the bottom step, his blonde hair and hunched over profile as miserable as Percy felt as he offered the bag. Percy's mind glimmered a taunting image of Annabeth, alone and dying under a pile of rubble as he slumped down beside him. 'She's alive, she's alive, she's alive...'
And Thalia would get her back, even if he couldn't.
"Thanks," Percy sighed as he took it, popping three different shades of blue jellybeans into his mouth at once. "Sorry, I really needed that break."
"I know you're angry at her, I kind of am too," Magnus nodded as he dug around for a blue piece of chocolate. The idea Percy was only going to keep up with what they were doing on the quest in fragments of nightmares terrified him, what else was going to be covered in this book in the meantime would be just as trivial and frustrating to them all. "Just, wanted to know if you had anything else you needed to get off your chest before we keep going. She doesn't expect you to come back not angry at her, but still."
"I don't think poor Jason's innocent ears should hear the cursing I want to remind him of on her," Percy glibly answered around another mouthful of sweets. He took his time chewing, then swallowing before saying again, "thanks, but I kind of did say it. I know it's not true now, not the way she's been my friend since I woke up down here, but when I look at her all I think of is how perfect she acted. Annabeth never shut up about her, now she might be going to join the hunt with her savior all those years ago? Chiron expected her to be the child of the prophecy, and I'm kind of relieved about it, but also I sort of suspect she came up with the perfect solution and I just got dropped at the of bottom the ocean to be forgotten about. Maybe Poseidon's using this as some kind of do-over? I sound crazy."
"No, you don't," Magnus promised. "Trust me, I've met people who literally pass the crazy test. You sound like a really confused guy who's trying to get your memory back one word at a time like some cosmic joke."
Percy watched his gray eyes for a moment, as something bubbled on his tongue he only could have said to her, had she been here. It still felt rotten to say to him, of all people. "I'm making myself finish this for my mom, I have to get back to her, but Annabeth too. Just to know she's alive, okay out there somewhere as more than a feeling."
He'd expected the sadness to creep over Magnus again and still felt the guilt full force when it did. He almost hoped Annabeth's cousin would tell him the unspoken hurt he'd been carrying around in here the entire time.
He didn't, just dug out a blue cookie and munched on it until Percy got back up and Magnus rose with him.
Percy flopped down without invitation between Rachel and Thalia once more, with a sheepish look at the dark haired girl. "Sorry, for taking that out on you. Again."
"Wasn't the first, probably won't be the last," Thalia shrugged with an already forgiving grin, and a punch on his shoulder that probably had a little more zap to it than any other friend would get. "Honestly Percy, I'd have probably just killed you if you tried to go on this quest without me, so," she shrugged in a 'what can you do' way.
He wondered if that whole immortal thing is what gave her such patience, but hoped it was that they didn't want to kill each other by the end of this quest. Either way, he waved for Jason to keep reading again to get to something he could look forward to.
I didn't show up for dinner that night, which was a mistake, because Chiron and Grover came looking for me.
"You're lucky Percy," Rachel told him gently as he sat crumpling and tearing at an empty bag in his hand without any hint of going to get seconds. "I know it doesn't feel that way right now, but not everybody does hate you."
"Yeah," he agreed, but it didn't make his frustration any less when Thalia winced. He knew what she wasn't volunteering, her preparation for this quest. Something else he'd barely gotten his first two times. Somehow she'd gotten more notice than he'd ever gotten and had probably packed the perfect solution to everything they stumbled across.
He shook off the begrudging thoughts though and elbowed her. "I bet you never get advice from a pink poodle or get to ride Rainbow."
"If we start comparing quests we're going to be here for a long time," Thalia chuckled, resisting the urge to brag about her kill of the five Daemones of Ceramici by herself.
"Percy, I'm so sorry!" Grover said, sitting next to me on the bunk. "I didn't know they'd—that you'd—Honest!"
He started to sniffle, and I figured if I didn't cheer him up he'd either start bawling or chewing up my mattress. He tends to eat household objects whenever he gets upset.
"Grover's not a horse, so I don't think everyone hates you right now," Alex helpfully reminded too.
"He's the one being the least like a jackass around there," Percy agreed, though he was sitting there waiting for it now. For Chiron to tell him what that look during the meeting meant, and he wasn't going to like it.
"It's okay," I lied. "Really. It's fine."
Grover's lower lip trembled. "I wasn't even thinking... I was so focused on helping Artemis. But I promise, I'll look everywhere for Annabeth. If I can find her, I will."
I nodded and tried to ignore the big crater that was opening in my chest.
"That damn tracking song better be something special," Percy scowled, not understanding Thalia's odd snort.
"Grover," Chiron said, "perhaps you'd let me have a word with Percy?"
"Sure," he sniffled.
Chiron waited.
"Oh," Grover said. "You mean alone.
"People usually reserve single words for group efforts, Grover's mistake is understandable," Alex smirked.
Sure, Chiron." He looked at me miserably. "See? Nobody needs a goat."
He trotted out the door, blowing his nose on his sleeve.
"He needs a hug," Will sighed.
"He needs a box of tissues," Jason said more critically, "is that what they eat for comfort food?"
"Credit for trying," Will chuckled.
Chiron sighed and knelt on his horse legs. "Percy, I don't pretend to understand prophecies."
"Yeah," I said. "Well, maybe that's because they don't make any sense."
Chiron gazed at the saltwater spring gurgling in the corner of the room. "Thalia would not have been my first choice to go on this quest. She's too impetuous. She acts without thinking. She is too sure of herself."
"Wow," Thalia mock pressed her hand to her heart, but the smile tugging at her lips meant she was aware of all those traits.
"Would you have chosen me?"
"Frankly, no," he said. "You and Thalia are much alike."
They exchanged indulgent smiles now and even shrugged at the same time. Another unmistakable trait of theirs, moods shifting fast enough they could ease in and out of the flow as needed from wanting to kill each other to laughing it off. Nico still sort of admired them both for that, even if it made him feel like an alien again for somehow never being anything like them.
"Thanks a lot."
He smiled. "The difference is that you are less sure of yourself than Thalia. That could be good or bad. But one thing I can say: both of you together would be a dangerous thing."
"We could handle it."
"The way you handled it at the creek tonight?"
I didn't answer. He'd nailed me.
Alex mock raised a bow and arrow to emphasis the point while the two exchanged sheepish looks at each other for that.
"Perhaps it is for the best," Chiron mused. "You can go home to your mother for the holidays. If we need you, we can call."
"Yeah," I said. "Maybe."
I pulled Riptide out of my pocket and set it on my nightstand. It didn't seem that I'd be using it for anything but writing Christmas cards.
"I'm just imagining you going around plucking cards off the end of your sword as your signature now," Jason informed him.
"Better than any Christmas gift I could think up," Percy admitted. Annabeth would probably laugh at him if he found an old cigarette lighter to flick on for her underwater. Somehow she'd kept the cool souvenir from their first quest. Maybe he could go steal her a Waterland T-Shirt?...like that would make her want to stop from joining the hunt if she survived.
When he saw the pen, Chiron grimaced. "It's no wonder Zoe doesn't want you along, I suppose. Not while you're carrying that particular weapon."
Percy smiled at the wide arrange of 'huh's,' and 'what's' and Alex verbally complaining already she doubted Chiron would explain himself for what that could mean. At least he wasn't always the one in the dark.
Only Thalia, as usual, bit her lip and looked away indicating she knew what was up with this particular weapon, but he gave her a poke with the pen now and laughed off, "don't tell me I've finally found a Hunter's secret weapon, their penmenship!"
Thalia groaned entirely authentic for the awful pun but mock-swiped it away as Percy easily switched it behind his back. "You're handwriting would send anyone insane!"
I didn't understand what he meant. Then I remembered something he'd told me a long time ago, when he first gave me the magic sword: It has a long and tragic history, which we need not go into.
"Did I not say that would come back and bite you in the ass!" Alex said in exasperation.
"I said that," Magnus corrected.
"Yeah, but I agreed," she shrugged.
"You did not," Magnus was not blushing faintly he remembered in vivid detail every time Alex had spoken to him in here.
"I was thinking it," she assured.
Jason gave a resounding sigh and kept reading loudly over them. It really was a mystery how they were ever going to finish these.
I wanted to ask him about that, but then he pulled a golden drachma from his saddlebag and tossed it to me. "Call your mother, Percy. Let her know you're coming home in the morning. And, ah, for what it's worth... I almost volunteered for this quest myself. I would have gone, if not for the last line."
This answer, at least, they knew. It wasn't an easily forgettable detail Percy's teacher's father was the enemy. Chiron would basically be volunteering himself for slaughter if he went on this quest with that line hanging around, and yet Percy and Thalia exchanged disappointed looks. If he'd insisted on going with Grover, Zoe would have likely, if just as reluctantly, accepted that.
And they both would have snuck out. It wasn't even a question to them as they tore their troubled looks away back to the book. If one was pissed at the other for being left behind, they never would have accepted co-captaincy of sitting around camp just waiting for Chiron to get back!
"One shall perish by a parent's hand. Yeah."
I didn't need to ask. I knew Chiron's dad was Kronos, the evil Titan Lord himself. The line would make perfect sense if Chiron went on the quest. Kronos didn't care for anyone, including his own children.
"Chiron," I said. "You know what this Titan's curse is, don't you?"
His face darkened. He made a claw over his heart and pushed outward—an ancient gesture for warding off evil.
That got a collective smirk out of all of them again though, as they remembered that door slamming on Gabe once more.
"Let us hope the prophecy does not mean what I think. Now, good night, Percy. And your time will come. I'm convinced of that. There's no need to rush."
"The actual worst thing he could have said," Nico grumbled. Was it a staple all adults said that to them at some point?
Percy gave him a similar smile of frustration for this, and Nico smiled tentatively back.
He said your time the way people did when they meant your death. I didn't know if Chiron meant it that way, but the look in his eyes made me scared to ask.
Then Percy's eyes flickered to him again, and stayed there! Nico felt his heart shriveling up in his chest as those sea-green eyes bored into him, that Percy would always associate death with him first like everybody.
"Percy," Rachel rolled her eyes, "would you stop making everything gloom and doom, especially the centaur!"
"Maybe if a unicorn shows up," he snipped back. It wasn't his fault he'd been plagued by nightmares and zombies after Annabeth went missing, he wasn't exactly in a sunshine mood!
Nico gave her a grateful, if surprised look and she gave him a cheerful grin back. And he'd always thought she'd throw him under the bus at the first opportunity, his dad cursing her Oracle and all.
I stood at the saltwater spring, rubbing Chiron's coin in my hand and trying to figure out what to say to my mom. I really wasn't in the mood to have one more adult tell me that doing nothing was the greatest thing I could do, but I figured my mom deserved an update.
Percy patted his pocket now, but as usual the only thing there was his pen. He wished he could update his mom now, even if she had no more advice on the situation than his friends. Just to see her smile out of a memory again.
Finally, I took a deep breath and threw in the coin. "O goddess, accept my offering."
The mist shimmered. The light from the bathroom was just enough to make a faint rainbow.
"Show me Sally Jackson," I said. "Upper East Side, Manhattan."
And there in the mist was a scene I did not expect. My mom was sitting at our kitchen table with some... guy. They were laughing hysterically.
There was a choking, spluttering, very concerning noise from Percy heard under the snickers of the room almost replicating the moment.
It was almost a tinge sad though, that he'd be so surprised to see his mom so happy with someone her age.
There was a big stack of textbooks between them. The man was, I don't know, thirty-something, with longish salt-and-pepper hair and a brown jacket over a black T-shirt. He looked like an actor—like a guy who might play an undercover cop on television.
Thalia however was smiling in relief Paul was finally on the scene. Even Phoebe had grudgingly admired the man's knowledge of literacy when they'd had to use the Jackson house as a waystation one turbulent night in need of a patch up. Percy hadn't even been there, he'd been out with Annabeth that night, but Sally hadn't batted an eye as she ushered the half a dozen girls in and offered them drinks and snacks as they bandaged up their wounded and caught their breath. Paul had been right beside her the whole time engaging them in different authors he was doing a study on and regaled them over a bit for Virginia Woolf he was currently chest deep in.
I was too stunned to say anything, and fortunately, my mom and the guy were too busy laughing to notice my Iris-message.
The shock that slammed into Percy would have been funny if Thalia had actually done it, instead she hid a wince. This was the last thing he needed right now, of all the times for him to see this. Now the kid was even going to start feeling outed in his own home!
The guy said, "Sally, you're a riot. You want some more wine?"
"Ah, I shouldn't. You go ahead if you want."
"Actually, I'd better use your bathroom. May I?"
"Down the hall," she said, trying not to laugh.
The actor dude smiled and got up and left.
"Mom!" I said.
She jumped so hard she almost knocked her textbooks off the table. Finally she focused on me. "Percy! Oh, honey! Is everything okay?"
"What are you doing?" I demanded.
She blinked. "Homework." Then she seemed to understand the look on my face. "Oh, honey, that's just Paul—um, Mr. Blofis. He's in my writing seminar."
"Teaching it?" Alex asked with a siliceous smile. "It's never a shame to ask for homework help."
"Fellow student," Thalia corrected cautiously as she glanced at Percy so as not to remind him of his profession.
He wasn't paying them much mind anyways, attention solely on the book, and a strange smile on his face.
"Mr. Blowfish?"
"I think your mom has a type," Rachel grinned, "first your dad, now him?"
Percy's smile melted away as he realized Rachel didn't know about Gabe, but he didn't want to mention him with that bright smile on his mom's face. "Whatever makes her happy," he instead shrugged.
"Blofis. He'll be back in a minute, Percy. Tell me what's wrong."
Percy smiled again, a somber thing with his head tipped curiously to the side. How she could always do that. Everybody in the world deserved a mother like his. Sally was his.
She always knew when something was wrong. I told her about Annabeth. The other stuff too, but mostly it boiled down to Annabeth.
"Those who are surprised, please raise your hand," Jason's teasing was light, he didn't pause to see the nonexistent hands, just for Percy's indulgent laugh.
My mother's eyes teared up. I could tell she was trying hard to keep it together for my sake. "Oh, Percy..."
"Yeah. So they tell me there's nothing I can do. I guess I'll be coming home."
She turned her pencil around in her fingers. "Percy, as much as I want you to come home"—she sighed like she was mad at herself—"as much as I want you to be safe, I want you to understand something. You need to do whatever you think you have to."
The God of Test Taking couldn't have appeared in this room to make them any more gobsmacked. Not a joke could pass Thalia's lips about wanting some alone time with her new boyfriend, or a sarcastic comment from Alex about Sally finally joining the Hate Percy club. Jason just shook his head that every single aspect of Percy's life somehow always surprised him as he kept going.
I stared at her. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, do you really, deep down, believe that you have to help save her? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Because I know one thing about you, Percy. Your heart is always in the right place. Listen to it."
"You're... you're telling me to go?"
My mother pursed her lips. "I'm telling you that... you're getting too old for me to tell you what to do. I'm telling you that I'll support you, even if what you decide to do is dangerous. I can't believe I'm saying this."
"I can't either," Percy promised, prodding around his ears to make sure water hadn't leaked in there.
"Maybe your mom's just pulling your leg to see that look on your face," Magnus tried to reason out, but his voice was faint. All he could think was his mom checking his gear when they went hiking no matter how many times he assured her he remembered everything. Somehow the extra sunscreen always still made it into her bag.
The toilet flushed down the hall in our apartment.
"I don't have much time," my mom said. "Percy, whatever you decide, I love you. And I know you'll do what's best for Annabeth."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because she'd do the same for you."
Percy traced his fingers end over end on his pen, studying it with the same intense look his mother had given him as a rock caught in his throat. He hoped so.
And when had she ever been wrong before?
Was rescuing her into the arms of the Huntresses the best for Annabeth? He'd better start getting used to it.
And with that, my mother waved her hand over the mist, and the connection dissolved, leaving me with one final image of her new friend, Mr. Blowfish, smiling down at her.
It wasn't a smile Percy was used to people bestowing on his mother either. That polite, indifferent look of customers and cashiers alike as they walked New York. The disgusting, grimy smiles Gabe's chapped mouth had managed when he spoke.
Paul's smile had been the same kind as the last he'd seen on Annabeth's at the dance. Cheerful, excited, Paul couldn't wait to keep talking to his mother about whatever their homework was about. There hadn't even been tears of joy in her eyes, no hint of sadness in her good mood. His mother was just happy.
I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember the dream.
I was back in that barren cave, the ceiling heavy and low above me. Annabeth was kneeling under the weight of a dark mass that looked like a pile of boulders. She was too tired even to cry out. Her legs trembled. Any second, I knew she would run out of strength and the cavern ceiling would collapse on top of her.
Percy longed to see that smile now rather than this! Her strained, sweating face, paler than the Oracle. Her hair had been the color of those boulders, gray and dark and hung around her face in an unrecognizable mass, her eyes rolled back into her head with pain. She was going to die.
"How is our mortal guest?" a male voice boomed.
It wasn't Kronos. Kronos's voice was raspy and metallic, like a knife scraped across stone. I'd heard it taunting me many times before in my dreams. But this voice was deeper and lower, like a bass guitar. Its force made the ground vibrate.
Jason hadn't needed that description. It came back with a deceptive ease like nothing yet had. He didn't have to struggle a single second to hear in his traitorous mind.
It didn't stop him continuing. It only caused a slight hitch in his breath before he kept going with an almost freighting intensity once more, the same they'd seen of him on Circe's island. Jason knew of this place, even if none of them understood why.
Luke emerged from the shadows. He ran to Annabeth, knelt beside her, then looked back at the unseen man. "She's fading. We must hurry."
Yet another crack appeared on the floor in here, with the ominous, heart stopping sound of a block of an iceberg falling into the water. They could start playing hopscotch soon if Percy didn't recreate the building crumbling on them first.
The hypocrite. Like he really cared what happened to her.
Thalia was replaying the feeling of kicking him off that ledge a couple more times with a few extra jabs of her spear so as not to add any further structural damage. It was a ripping sensation to hear heart every single time, but it soothed her need for these few moments.
The deep voice chuckled. It belonged to someone in the shadows, at the edge of my dream. Then a meaty hand thrust someone forward into the light—Artemis—her hands and feet bound in celestial bronze chains.
I gasped. Her silvery dress was torn and tattered. Her face and arms were cut in several places, and she was bleeding ichor, the golden blood of the gods.
The clasp on Thalia's bracelet was in danger of snapping she was twisting it so hard as she willed herself into this dream of Percy's too. Let herself rush forward days earlier than they'd managed, to get Annabeth free, to save Artemis this terrible fate only this lifeform deserved!
"You heard the boy," said the man in the shadows. "Decide!"
Artemis's eyes flashed with anger. I didn't know why she just didn't will the chains to burst, or make herself disappear, but she didn't seem able to. Maybe the chains prevented her, or some magic about this dark, horrible place.
"Both," Thalia and Jason whispered together.
They looked at each other, and a horrible idea began forming in Thalia's mind. He very well could be her little brother Jason, risen back from the dead by some twisted magic of Krono's. Some old, unplayed ploy to gain her to their side, her little brother all aged up, and hidden away on Mount Tam, the one place she'd never dared searched for him. Why would Hera have taken Jason to Krios? Some extra punishment to Zeus?
The moment was broken by Percy making a desperate, painful noise as he strained against causing any more damage during this nightmare, and Jason only batted those blue eyes at her an extra moment before he continued with the same single-minded focus to get back every detail of this.
Thalia shook her head slowly at herself, she was being nuts. Even knowing Artemis was safely out of this entrapment, some base instinct of hers was going literally crazy at her goddess in chains and causing her to lose it.
The goddess looked at Annabeth and her expression changed to concern and outrage.
"How dare you torture a maiden like this!"
"Our sentiments," Alex muttered, though she liked to think anybody with a heart would be outraged at any woman or man in this situation.
"She will die soon," Luke said. "You can save her."
Annabeth made a weak sound of protest. My heart felt like it was being twisted into a knot. I wanted to run to her, but I couldn't move.
"Free my hands," Artemis said.
Luke brought out his sword, Backbiter. With one expert strike, he broke the goddess's handcuffs.
Artemis ran to Annabeth and took the burden from her shoulders. Annabeth collapsed on the ground and lay there shivering. Artemis staggered, trying to support the weight of the black rocks.
The man in the shadows chuckled. "You are as predictable as you were easy to beat, Artemis."
"You surprised me," the goddess said, straining under her burden. "It will not happen again."
The frustration, the yearning for more knowledge bubbled around the room as they all longed to know for their own reasons how this had come about. Who this otherworldly figure was to take a Goddess, hear Zoe's dream for themselves.
And yet it was possibly a nightmare no half-blood could live through knowing.
"Indeed it will not," the man said. "Now you are out of the way for good! I knew you could not resist helping a young maiden. That is, after all, your specialty, my dear."
Artemis groaned. "You know nothing of mercy, you swine."
"On that," the man said, "we can agree. Luke, you may kill the girl now."
Every one of them went stiff as a corpse at that, even the four who knew she was alive and okay. The question remained how she'd gotten out of this, it didn't seem like Luke to disobey after he'd been the one to put her in such a vulnerable position.
"No!'" Artemis shouted.
Luke hesitated.
Jason couldn't believe the words out of his own mouth, nobody could quite trust their ears for several moments before Will sighed in relief and grinned.
Thalia fought the urge to punch him for it as her hand tensed. Luke's hesitation after he'd pulled this stunt meant he'd only regretted the final straw. Not the betrayal. Not the heartless way he'd tricked her and left her there. Will had a curious look in his eyes as he watched this book, like he was considering showing this to Annabeth as if it would give her some peace. Thalia would burn this book before she let that happen.
"She—she may yet be useful, sir. Further bait."
A very obvious lie any of them could spot. Percy narrowed his eyes distastefully, but he couldn't bring himself to want Luke dead that exact moment any longer. They had reason enough to go save Artemis and hope Annabeth was still there. Luke was being selfish keeping her alive for his own twisted reason, like they were still on the Andromeda and Luke was carelessly waiting for her to get with the program and join him no matter who got hurt in the meantime.
In that moment though, he was the only one keeping Annabeth alive.
"Bah! You truly believe that?"
"Yes, General. They will come for her. I'm sure."
The man considered. "Then the dracaenae can guard her here. Assuming she does not die from her injuries, you may keep her alive until winter solstice. After that, if our sacrifice goes as planned, her life will be meaningless. The lives of all mortals will be meaningless."
How it was possible anybody could still be on Krono's side after a statement like that left them all flabbergasted, let alone Luke not immediately defecting. Stabbing this voice and taking Annabeth far away.
His whole motivation for listening to the whispers in his dreams had been he wanted more credit, to be seen by the gods, his hatred of them had stemmed from how little they cared about their own kids. Percy sat there in boiling frustration how Luke could continue on like this.
Luke gathered up Annabeth's listless body and carried her away from the goddess.
"Percy," Rachel gave him a vigorous shake to his shoulder and he blinked to see the red in his eyes was real, the floor was glowing, the heat radiating from beneath their feet through the fissures. He quickly clamped back down on his anger and the boiling water receded, but even so, Jason rushed to finish this already.
"You will never find the monster you seek," Artemis said. "Your plan will fail."
"How little you know, my young goddess," the man in the shadows said. "Even now, your darling attendants begin their quest to find you. They shall play directly into my hands. Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a long journey to make. We must greet your Hunters and make sure their quest is... challenging."
"No, no you mustn't," Alex was twining her hair between her fingers with her own pit of unease growing as she didn't take her eyes off the floor. If anything else happened to Annabeth over the course of this, Percy was going to literally kill them. She was going to be pissed if she died.
The man's laughter echoed in the darkness, shaking the ground until it seemed the whole cavern ceiling would collapse.
I woke with a start. I was sure I'd heard a loud banging. I looked around the cabin. It was dark outside. The salt spring still gurgled. No other sounds but the hoot of an owl in the woods and the distant surf on the beach. In the moonlight, on my nightstand was Annabeth's New York Yankees cap. I stared at it for a second and then: BANG BANG.
Someone, or something, was pounding on my door. I grabbed Riptide and got out of bed.
"Hello?" I called. THUMP. THUMP. I crept to the door.
"Hooves," Percy murmured, his hand relaxing away from his pocket on instinct for the vaguely familiar sound in his mind from all the times Grover had come knocking on his door.
Somehow he knew it wasn't his friend back in the middle of the night. A horse, something he should have been remembering about a horse, and it wasn't Chiron...
I uncapped the blade, flung open the door, and found myself face-to-face with a black pegasus.
Magnus grinned in delight while Alex snorted with shock. "I think you should just strictly stick to making friends with livestock, it seems to work out best for you."
"The Minotaur would disagree," but Percy was smiling along too for the friendly house call rather than another disaster.
It was still lackluster, the turn around from his newest grave nightmare was a permanent scar on the floor, but Nico watched with the same anger he'd felt for Bianca at that ping-pong table as he studied Percy trying to smile and keep going. It wasn't quite as admirable as it had always been to him at the beginning, just another facet of Percy to him he understood and could never be himself.
Whoa, boss! Its voice spoke in my mind as it clopped away from the sword blade. I don't wanna be a horse-ke-bob!
Its black wings spread in alarm, and the wind buffeted me back a step.
"Blackjack," I said,
"Who?" Jason asked, thumbing through the pages in his mind to see if he'd missed something.
"That pegasus that escaped Luke's ship," Percy reminded him, for once, in exasperation. "He kind of took to me, 
"He?" Alex interrupted, more in surprise than outright offense. Percy had yet misgendered her, on purpose, and it seemed strange he was doing that to a horse.
"Oh, yeah, Blackjack's not a mare, I guess, he definitely sounded like a male now when he called me boss," Percy agreed with a shrug.
Alex considered this for a moment before saying, "Some fish can change gender. Poseidon created horses, therefore horses are fishes."**
Percy looked at her for a long moment before turning away so his brain didn't explode.
"Anyways," he continued to address everybody and rather pointedly, "I guess it hadn't been mentioned yet," he messed up his hair as his scalp tingled with the settling of memories. "He'd showed up a couple of weeks after we'd returned to camp during lunch in the middle of the pavilion, much to everyone's surprise. Nobody would quit fawning over his coloring. Silena volunteered to put him in the stables, but he just followed me around for days until finally I convinced him to start trusting others. The apples, sugar cubes, and donuts all the campers slipped him helped a lot with that. Now he just shows up at all hours, calling me boss and telling him to help with sea life."
"How'd he get the name Blackjack?" Magnus asked eagerly.
"He said he spent the first few days free flying to Vegas," Percy chuckled. "I don't know, Blackjack was what came to mind and stuck, he never protested." He cheerfully recalled as he relaxed in his seat.
This wasn't the first time this had happened, and Percy was almost smiling again for at least some familiarity around camp again, even if it wasn't with Annabeth rolling her eyes and shooing him away to go help some otter pups while she went back to her voluntary studying.
relieved but a little irritated. "It's the middle of the night!"
Blackjack huffed. Ain't either, boss. It's five in the morning. What you still sleeping for?
"Are horses nocturnal?" Was Jason's brilliant interruption of that stunning silence.
"Pegasi aren't," Percy rolled his eyes in exasperation. "This one just seems to be literal!"
"How many times have I told you? Don't call me boss."
Whatever you say, boss.
"I like him!" Alex laughed at once.
"He's very likable," Percy agreed indulgently, "when it's not 5AM!"
You're the man. You're my number one.
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and tried not to let the pegasus read my thoughts. That's the problem with being Poseidon's son: since he created horses out of sea foam, I can understand most equestrian animals, but they can understand me, too. Sometimes, like in Blackjacks case, they kind of adopt me.
See, Blackjack had been a captive on board Luke's ship last summer, until we'd caused a little distraction that allowed him to escape. I'd really had very little to do with it, seriously, but Blackjack credited me with saving him.
"Would you rather he follow Chiron around calling him boss?" Thalia grinned.
"Yes," Percy reluctantly smiled along. He was sort of kidding anyways. As annoying as it could be, Blackjack was too good a friend to even think of passing along anyways, even with the misguided credit.
"You called that pegasus a mare though," Alex reminded. "Am I missing something?"
"Their voices aren't an exact science, it doesn't sound like ours," Percy gestured between them.
"That horse reared though, couldn't you see-"
"Dude," Percy cut in with exhaustion, "I didn't sit and study-"
"Dudett," Alex snipped back, "you have a bad habit of-"
"Dear gods make them stop!" Rachel cut in loudest of all with a winning laugh.
Jason was on Rachel's side and kept reading as they made silent faces at each other.
"Blackjack," I said, "you're supposed to stay in the stables."
Meh, the stables. You see Chiron staying in the stables?
"Well... no."
Exactly. Listen, we got another little sea friend needs your help.
Yeah. I told the hippocampi I'd come get you.
I groaned. Anytime I was anywhere near the beach, the hippocampi would ask me to help them with their problems. And they had a lot of problems. Beached whales, porpoises caught in fishing nets, mermaids with hangnails—they'd call me to come underwater and help.
"Are you applying for saint hood?" Nico asked with a weirdly teasing smile Percy wasn't used to seeing on his usually stoic face. Not that Nico would admit this was how he'd spent those days imagining Percy at all hours, doing exactly these good deeds at the drop of a hat, any time or day as he swooped his hair aside. Bianca loomed in his mind, but he wanted to be what she'd asked of him, and he'd never before taken the time to talk to Percy without the impending guilt of just watching him a moment to long before. Not that this could possibly be what she'd want for him either, though he'd never the opportunity to ask...
"Only if it's the saint of naptime," Percy sighed, making Nico chuckle. Will was grinning at the sight and Percy decided not to question it, at least he wasn't glowering at him and creeping him out.
"All right," I said. "I'm coming."
You're the best, boss.
"And don't call me boss!"
Blackjack whinnied softly. It might've been a laugh.
Percy gave an exasperated sigh at all of their little grins, but he'd had worse experiences lately than getting mocked by a horse and his friends.
I looked back at my comfortable bed. My bronze shield still hung on the wall, dented and unusable. And on my nightstand was Annabeth's magic Yankees cap. On an impulse, I stuck the cap in my pocket. I guess I had a feeling, even then, that I wasn't coming back to my cabin for a long, long time.
"I swear your impulses are going to make or break the world," Jason told him with excitement as he passed the book along.
"Fingers crossed it's make," Percy shivered as his hand was still reaching uselessly for a cap that was not here, a hand that his fingers could not find. Constantly sitting on the edge of his seat waiting for the next thing to drop in his head was leaving him with a persistent, sick, dreaded feeling in his gut he was starting to wonder if he'd ever shake.
*Keto is later depicted as the Goddess of All Sea Monsters in Mark of Athena, making me wonder if RR meant for this to be Cetus, which is a sky-scraper-sized sea monster. In general the likely answer as with all the plot holes in this series is he probably just changed his mind later and depicted her differently.
**Suggestion offered by LaytonJr, the answer made me laugh to much not to put it in.
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 years
Imagine (Son of Hades! Percy; Godswapped! Big Three's kids) Mark of Athena AU Pt. 1 (3/7) or (8/12)
Hello!! MoA is freaking extensive, so you're getting it in two parts. What are y'all thinking about this AU? Do you like it? Do you have suggestions? Anyway before reading this, check on the masterpost - all parts are essencial for the understanding of this - PJO or HoO - and check on the warnings before proceeding :))
Before everything, everyone's ages. Malcolm is 20, Reyna and Octavian are 19; Percy and Annabeth are 18; Frank and Jason are 17; Piper, Leo and Nico are newly 16; Will and Hazel are 15 - everyone is older, because I can.
Perseus is on a very uncomfortable toga praetexta, and he is late to the committee he has been organizing for at least two weeks now.
Planning for the greek commission - that he really hopes has planned a decent diplomatic mission, come on, Annie - is a very difficult job.
Mainly because Octavian is being a pain - and his direct superior, the Pontifex Maximus, is his grand-uncle, so nepotism is, of course, making Perseus life very hard.
They don't have any real say about the subject - the Vestal Virgins outrank them, and they're all for it because their Lady said so - but they still can protest every single one of the Alliance Committee decisions. Every single one.
They don't know how the greeks are getting here - it seems to be by ship, so they are keeping people at the closest bay, but no one is sure, so they are preparing for everything.
Hera gave him a date - July 8th, a Sunday - and they're working with that. Saturday is a day of rest, to the Roman people, so they organize everything on Friday - food, beverage, accommodations. Will they need garments? Perseus is not letting them walk around in those orange monstrosities.
Well. Hazel and Frank organize those - mainly helped by Questors and Magistrates - while Reyna and Perseus lock themselves up and review all the paperwork.
Because if they're not coming with their own mountain of paperwork, Perseus is kicking their asses, from Jason Grace - the previous Praetor - to Annabeth - she is supposed to be smart.
He also works on the mess that is the patrol rotation, the defense plans for the city, in the reconstruction efforts and in rising the wall at least 10 feet - getting it thirty feet tall, an impenetrable fortress for the upcoming war against the Giants.
Perseus has also made time for Iris Messaging his mother, - who is always overjoyed to hear from him - Persephone, - who he was only able to talk to once - Rachel, - who was not surprised to hear from him, and keep suggesting that he goes to the college closest to Parsons instead of staying in Nova Roma - and Calypso - who no Iris Messaging has been able to connect, nor can he find her location, so he guesses she is also in Olympus.
So back to the present - Perseus is late. It's 9h22 - he doesn't think that the greeks are getting here in the afternoon. He passes by Reyna's villa - with a cup of coffee and half their paperwork - and she is also late - a first when it comes to Praetor Arellano. Because they aren't Perseus and Reyna from now - they're Praetor Jackson of Styx and Praetor Arellano.
So they go to the courtyard - where the whole army is waiting, swords and shields gleaming with Frank in the head, plus the Consul, his two assistants, the Pontifex Maximus, Augur Primus Octavian, the six Questors and Perseus, and Reyna's assistants.
Perseus was never so grateful for someone as he was for Commander Sabina Artorius - the legacy of Pomona had been injured in the battle against Polybotes and lost her right leg and an eye - didn't make her any less valuable for him - but in the eyes of the prejudiced Roman people, she was a burden - so Reyna appointed her for the job.
She did everything Perseus wasn't able to - including proof-reading everything he wrote, teaching him the intricacies of Roman Politics, and giving him paperwork to sign.
Everyone who called her a useless servant was lying - Sabina was an amazingly competent P.A. and diplomat, and Perseus was very grateful for her, and her salary reflected that. Even if the Romans found weird a Praetor was paying for work - weird slaver fascist culture.
Reyna also has an assistant - a boy called Aeneas Nerius - a son of Virtus - who was born blind, so was relegated to poor-paying (or not paid at all, because housing and food aren't payment) jobs. Because Nova Roma is not only queerphobic and racist, no. It's also ableist.
The Pontifex - his name is Septimus Gavius, and he's a direct son of Phebus Apollo - looks at them angrily when they arrive late - but the Consul doesn't even notice the time - the man is too afraid of their conjoined power over the masses.
The Consul plays for the people as if Perseus would be a good successor - calls him Augustus and Imperator - even when everyone knows Reyna is the obvious choice - the man is as misogynist as all the older Senators are.
While Reyna tries her best to make her purple stola less constricting and Aeneas corrects Perseus toga with the practiced movements of someone who has been trained to do it - and that's when Perseus remembers that Aeneas was a servant to Octavian's family.
He pointedly avoids looking at the boy's hands - the demigod is no older than Percy, and his hands are burned and scarred. Perseus doesn't pity him - he rages internally against Octavian and his bigoted, slaver, prejudiced family.
They are talking - he is still seething from his realization - when the Greeks appear. And Perseus wants so much to kick their butts.
He has no words. He wants to scream. Reyna massages her temples with the face of a resigned person, and Sabina - the bloodthirsty woman that she is - snorts in amusement.
"Praetor Jackson. I fought beside you! I didn't expect your people to be... well... barbarians!" Whispers Reyna in his ear, in utter exasperation.
"I wasn't expecting this either! They have Grace, who is a roman! Why are they doing this?" He whispers back, as lost as she appears.
It doesn't matter - he tells Frank - Legatus Legionis Zhang - to make the troops stand down. This is not a fight - not yet, Lady Lupa whispers in his mind.
Hazel - Centurion Levesque - looks at him worried. She has been frenzied since her brother's disappearance the day after her birthday, but this is just the cherry on top. Are they fools?
The ship crosses their wall - and hovers in the air as, one by one, six people climb down. Perseus recognize almost all of them - there's Annabeth, Malcolm, Will, Jason Grace, and two other demigods, who he doesn't know.
At least Grace is wearing a toga. A makeshift, purple toga picta - as if he was a Triumvir or an Imperator - but a toga nonetheless, even if pretentious.
The Consul is the first to talk - the Greeks approach slowly, wary of the army behind them. The man welcomes them to Nova Roma - looking at Grace's toga with something akin to disdain - and then promptly passes the torch to the Praetors - the organization of this whole thing has been in their hands from the start.
"I am Praetor Urbanus Arellano" Reyna starts, in an official tone that no one questions "And this is Praetor Peregrinus Jackson of Styx. These are Pontifex Maximus Septimus and Augur Primus Octavian, Legatus Legionis Zhang, and the Twelfth Legion of Nova Roma. Please, follow me - let's continue our talking in a more private setting, I'm sure you're must be exhausted."
It's just an excuse to avoid the mocking looks the bigots are throwing them - Perseus can hear their voices in his head, calling him an ape, a savage bringing barbarians into their home.
The greeks - with their orange T-shirts and faded jeans and mocking purple toga - look as out of place in Nova Roma as Perseus feared they would. Reyna and he take them to the Praetor Villa - is as much as they can restrain themselves.
Annabeth - who knows him longer than anyone here - doesn't jump him - she just looks a little overwhelmed - Nova Roma is probably a bit much for her Athenian brain, which is now possibly being overridden with possibilities. It's Jason who makes the first move - and what a weird move at that.
"Reyna" He greets, and they hug briefly - and as manly as possible, for some weird roman reason about feminization - before the blonde turns to him "Perseus Jackson"
"Jason Grace" He answers back, and they exchange a handshake, but there's something weird in the inflection of his voice that Perseus doesn't necessarily care for "Annabeth"
Her greeting - when she gets off the subspace she dropped to - is much nicer - and warmer - he even gets a hug out of it.
They introduce him to Leo Valdez - who Perseus looks at once, remembers Charles Beckendorf, and swears to never let any harm come upon his baby brother - and Piper McLean.
"I know you!" They say at the same time - because that's where English gets you.
They explain that they went to Yancy together - two years, doing the same English tutoring. They give each other a high five for surviving the highs and lows of high school as monster bait. Malcolm and Will both hug Percy and greet Reyna with the same respect they give Annabeth - Praetor Arellano is terrifying.
The conversation eventually goes to how - how did they find Nova Roma, why they aren't surprised to see him here - and the answers are kind of obvious.
"I dreamed of you," Says Grace, still with a strange tilt to his voice. Perseus guesses he probably isn't okay with losing his place as Praetor - but he was kind of lost for eight/seven months. It's the gods' fault, really.
"Me too. Kind of - Lady Juno... I mean, Hera, she sent me dreams for about a month or so? It was all very weird - like basically the training I was doing at the day, you were doing at night. I think she was trying to tell me to follow in your footsteps. Helped me a lot - thank you, man."
Jason - and all of the greek entourage - seems a bit downtrodden - like he just gave a big miss. But Perseus has more important things to care about.
"Who had the brilliant idea to come for an alliance in a military flying ship?!"
Jason Grace wants to punch Hera, or Juno, or whatever is her name in the face. He wants to punch himself either - the gods never did anything good for him, why would they now?
He talked - like a creep - about the dreams. And turns out? He is the only one having deep, emotional dreams about Perseus' past for months. He got a crush on someone he knows, like the palm of his hand - but that doesn't know him back, because really, why make this easy? Why give him those dreams at all - if they were doing this one-sided?
So he stays quiet, as Leo apologizes for the worst idea ever - coming with a warship to a military city - and, while Perseus and Piper trade stories, Reyna beacons him for a quick walk - to show him the development of plans they did together - their own way of catching up.
"You're infatuated with him," Jason says but is not an accusation, is just the truth, in the worst time possible.
"Can you blame me? You were gone." She retorts "Wait... It's not me you're jealous of. But how do you? You never met before."
He explains the dreams - the seven months of dreams, the only link to his past, the way Camp Half-Blood worships Percy - the way that they don't have rules about who you lay with. Jason feels Nova Roma around him - the decadence of water everywhere that CHB simply lacked.
"Well, we should open a club. Me, you, that blonde girl, Di Angelo, half of Nova Roma..." And they laugh, for it seems impossible to not fall for Percy's charm, just as impossible as making him notice any of them. "Now can you explain to me why are you wearing purple of all things?"
He is apologetic - it was the only toga they could find in short notice without leaving Camp. Then, she shows him the plans - Reyna can do multiple things at once, and her best friend's love life is merely a blip in her radar.
Reyna loves differently - she has known that, all her life. It doesn't make a difference where it comes to Perseus - she loves him, even if she can't imagine ever laying with him. Maybe that's why she hasn't made any moves under the course of three months. She should let him go - he has so many options, anyway.
When they go back, is to see Perseus and Annabeth in a heated debate about she wearing a chiton or a stola - anyway, no greek can go to Senatus in jeans and a T-shirt.
Eventually, they manage to get them all in togas - the girls refuse the stolas, but they are convinced to put on the chitons for diplomacy.
They didn't come with mountains of paperwork. But between Malcolm, Will, and Annabeth, by lunch they have outlined most of their possible contributions and what do they need - and what they're unable to give up.
Perseus and Jason - and possibly Nico di Angelo, who's missing - are the only ones who know the full information - how many battle-ready people both sides have, how many disabled people, how many children, healers, resources.
Nova Roma is winning - in everything. Except for power - because Camp Half-Blood only has, maybe, five legacies out of more than 150 campers, while Nova Roma is mainly composed of legacies, second-generation demigods, or minor gods' demigods.
The Greeks are composed of 63% Olympian's children, 36% minor gods' children, and 2% legacies - all children of two demigods, so second-generation demigods. They don't have Nova Roma's training - but they have powers the Romans could only dream of.
The Romans are composed of 12% Olympian's children, 39,5% minor gods' children, and 48,5% legacies - most who are at least a few generations diluted. They don't have Camp's power - but they have techniques and numbers the Greeks couldn't even hope to have - if you counted the able non-fighters - the ones who would fight either way for the sake of Rome - it was a number bordering on 700 hundred strong.
It is a gamble that could only bring destruction - for both sides. So Perseus and Jason exchange looks - and decide not to divulge all information. Egos are so fragile - especially between the older generations - so it's best they don't have material to plan in accord.
The Greeks and Roman heed together to the Forum Romanum. Is still weird to see the Romans - especially for Leo.
You see, Leo has been surrounded by a cult of Perseus Jackson over the last few months. Half the people he knows are infatuated with the guy - including the meticulous Annabeth Chase, his best friend, and even scary as hell, Nico "I'm bringing the thunder" di Angelo.
He is expecting a Batman-esque character. He is expecting the heroes from legends - the ones destined to fall. Leo is half-waiting from an automaton - or perhaps Lucifer himself. He isn't sure.
But the guy is... easy-going. He bears a striking similarity to Charles Beckendorf - with surprisingly green eyes. Perseus is wearing sheets - why, Leo can't phantom - and making jokes with Malcolm Cage like the guy wasn't perpetually boomed by something.
It isn't the only thing that surprises him: All his ships (the romantic ones, not the literal one) crashed and burned worse than Helen of Troy and Paris. Perseus is seemingly oblivious to romance - he is all about the job, making friends, rebelling against the traditions and their superpowerful angsty parents.
Well, Leo can get behind this. He can't stop looking at Nova Roma - a whole city, directly taken off a good Gladiator reboot. Leo is not an architecture crazy like Annabeth - but oh, the aqueducts!
Leo wants to take a peak at the place the chimneys are poking of - maybe a two or three hour walk from where he is - but Piper keeps a hand in his wrist, leashing him like a unruly puppy.
Annabeth is in a similar state of amazement - she came here for her best friend and crush - and is surprised.
Not by Perseus becoming some kind of military political person - he always had the potential - and the way he grew, somewhat, harder and prettier at the same time. Annabeth is only eighteen and still on sophomore year - blame the hormones.
But she is amazed by Nova Roma. They have such an intricate society, with traditions the greeks have long forgotten - who still uses clothes like that - and a military formation worthy of Julius Caesar.
Her best friend turned out to kind of be the Julius Caesar to Reyna's - Praetor Arellano - Augustus. Perseus - Praetor Jackson of Styx - is militar and rigid, a political conqueror - while Reyna is infinitely more dangerous - she is a king, a leader to be worshipped as a goddess for centuries to come.
Annabeth came in this mission for three reasons: Her best friend, the war, and the mission her mother gave her. But now, she looks at the politics, at the city - and wants to stay.
They enter the Senatus - Perseus and Reyna upfront, followed by Jason and the greeks - and take their places. Jason - for the anger of most romans - stay with the greeks.
The session starts as normal - titles, names, rankings, people bringing their issues, strifes, budgets, ideas of infrastructure that were authorized by the Censors, marriage licenses and research projects.
Jason thinks they are scarily good together. Reyna works most of the civil front - she is a master at law - but it's Perseus who separates most strifes and solves the money problems - he is the son of a fair judge himself.
He can see the looks - he is Propraetor now. Why doesn't he sit in his side of the Senatus, between his pairs? Does he think himself above them now - even between barbarians?
But Jason can't let his friends to the mercy of the romans - not alone. After all people come - some redirected to the Consul, some with their issues solved for better or for worse - it's their time, to state the case.
The Alliance of Ephesus - for a city that was both greek and roman in nature - is still in it's initial states. But they make their cases - the way Camp Half-Blood could help in the upcoming war against the giants, their own roles in the previous war against the titans.
It is a convincing argument - both Perseus and him are unmovable objects, and Reyna is an unstoppable force - but they do hit a rock in the way.
"If the best your camp has to offer is a healer of Phebus Apollo, a bulla-wearer of Flamen Vulcan, a daughter of Venus Verticordia and two children of Minerva - a virgin goddess - this Alliance is highly unfair for the people of Rome!"
It had to be Octavian, Jason thinks. It is good, then, that Perseus has the tongue made of steel and looks like a Basileus - sat on a throne, overlooking them, with a bored look upon his face, he could demand a crown and they would give him.
"You overestimate yourself, Augur Primus Octavian. You see yourself so mighty that you have no need for allies?"
It is mocking and there's a message behind it - "This is where I come from and I am your Praetor - do you challenge my power?" - it makes Jason shiver.
Perseus - Praetor Jackson of Styx - is his father through and through. Jason only met the god once - in the post-war council in Olympus - but he had the same imposing voice, the same luxury that seduced Proserpina to the Underworld.
Just like he looked leading the greek forces against Kronos, wielding his weapons of choice with a roar that made Manhattan tremble.
It seemed to work - for Octavian shut up pretty quickly. Jason is no longer in a position to do it - he is respected, technically, as a Propraetor, but he barely reached half of his term - after spending a year as Legatus Legionis - a position which Frank Zhang more than deserved.
Everything is going well - too well, for Piper's liking. Perseus is cool, Reyna is cooler, they have a whole government (!), Jason is making heart-eyes at dream dude and even prejudiced guy recognized her as a girl.
They have a feast - where they are introduced to Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque - and Piper sure isn't keeping all those titles straight in her head, this is Annabeth's job.
Centurion Levesque - Hazel, a girl a little younger than them, but apparently already a general - keeps looking at Leo as if he is about to implode - a normal reaction to him. She stops once they are introduced - there's a forlorn air about her.
She catches up a little with Perseus - who is the most oblivious person to ever grace this earth, for so many look at him and he barely looks at anything but his paperwork - who finds it mightly funny to slowly eat a pomegranate while everyone freaks out at the implications.
Well - he thinks they are scared. But Piper knows they're just horny and waiting to pass winter cozying up in hell.
Perseus explains to her (finally) why they give the gods different names - Venus Verticordia, Genetrix, and Victrix; Juno Moneta, Regina, Lucina, and Populona; Mars Ultor, Pater, Quirinus, and Gradivus, etc. He explains they are epithets - different forms of each god.
Different from the greek to roman transition, these are the same gods - in very different facades. Like, for example, her mother could either be Venus Genetrix - the maternal one - Victrix - the war one - or Verticordia - the romantic love one.
Greeks used to have this - but some of their aspects got too jumbled, so they started rebirthing - evolution. Zagreus became Dionysus. Hermes split from Pan. Helius merged with Apollo, Selene merged with Artemis. As their cult changed - so did they.
Children of Venus Genetrix and Verticordia are different from Children of Venus Victrix - still brothers and sisters, but their powers are different - where the first lean towards priesthood and the second towards charm speak and magic - almost all the third's are warriors of the same caliber of Mars Ultor's children.
Everyone here is so different though- Perseus' P.A., Sabina, is a total badass and Piper would be all for her... but wouldn't that invalidate her? She spent her whole life trying to prove she is a girl - to now go pursue sex with other girls? Piper is confused - she should IM Ariel before sleeping
It is all going very well - minor accident when someone mentioned Perseus' decision to send the harpy Ella away days ago - probably to Rachel - until Octavian decides to see the ship. And, of course, Leo just has to go.
Jason is proving to be very smart - for while Leo is occupied above with Octavian, he insists to also be on the ship, with Will and Malcolm as his backup - no one here trusts the drowned rat.
They take with them Frank and Hazel Levesque - two possible candidates for the mission on the Roman side - evening the sides - three Romans, three greeks, and Jason - a medium.
Perseus stays on ground - he is the host and can't leave the party - with Reyna - who is talking to Annabeth in hushed whispers - and her - who is starting to get a little tipsy.
Well. She should've known better.
Leo attacks the camp - it's not him, but it's enough. Perseus - at the first cannon bomb - whispers something in Reyna's ear, and escort her and Annabeth to the ship before Roma can react.
He jumps on board, pops an unconscious Octavian out of the ship, and tells Annabeth to get out of there in the next ten minutes or he won't have an alibi. They do - but look at him like he is either crazy or drunk, still in laurels and a toga, a goblet of wine precariously between his fingers.
"I'm Praetor Peregrinus Jackson of Styx - and this is an espionage mission with the objective of rescuing Legatus Legionis Zhang and Centurion Levesque while finding who is the greek traitor. At least, officially - I'm here because I am not a big fan of the woman encroaching in my territory, trying to kill my friends."
Leo - who is still disoriented of what Frank explain is an eidolon, they had a run with those when the attacks on Nova Roma started - starts laughing and takes Annabeth's place steering the Argo II. After a minute of silence, everyone starts laughing - the man is a genius.
So they go after decent clothing - because just Hazel and Frank are in battle appropriate clothing, and Perseus just noticed that they're floating and he can almost see the equations around his head - he wants so bad to talk to him because he has the same numbers around him all the time.
After everyone is in pants and shirts - Perseus, Frank, and Hazel take the loose shirts - Annabeth brought a stash of clothes in more or less their size, in Jason's word - but, while Frank tugs on a pair of sweatpants, the other two look at each other.
Leo is not really surprised when Hazel is in a skirt - but he gasps when Perseus walks in Frank's roman military skirt. He looks uncomfortable at the mere idea of pants.
No one says anything - not only they lived in CHB, but he has the Minotaur dagger that pair perfectly with Rachel's strapped to his tight, while his ax and Warhammer are crossed in his back.
Leo can see Jason drooling - he isn't the only one. Leo is newly sixteen - the youngest bar Will, and, perhaps, Hazel - and generally more interested in machines but he is not blind - the guy is hot.
Perseus gets hotter when he comes to Leo - still with a resting bitch face that would give Chiron a run for his money - and starts asking questions with the excitement of a puppy - about the ship, about the plans, how the aerodynamics work.
Hazel is roped into the conversation when they try and test if she has any control over the wind - almost nothing, but Perseus thinks he can hone her eventually - while Will and Malcolm start grilling Frank and Jason over Nova Roma.
Perseus mentions Nico - which Hazel supports. He hasn't be seen in either Camp since Perseus recovered his memories - said he was going to make up for it, but Percy knows the guy is a little self-destructive - he is too prideful to know when to just stop.
Piper and Annabeth are on patrol - no one is really sure the Romans aren't going after them. It doesn't serve for much: they are attacked.
Not by Romans, but by griffins. Between Jason, Piper, and Annabeth, Perseus and Leo don't even move. The ship does suffer some damage - which prompts Leo to give the Romans a tour of the Argo II.
Perseus is fascinated by Festus - while Hazel is fascinated by Leo - And Frank is seriously just marveling at the greeks by now - Nova Roma is pleasing to the eye, but they don't have automaton dragon ships.
They go to Salt Lake. Jason, Frank, and Piper go get tar, while Leo, Hazel, and Perseus go to the Celestial Bronze. Annabeth, Malcolm, and Will stay, to protect the ship.
It's the first time Perseus has touched land outside of Roma with his memories back - and he can feel a pressure in his chest: His link of empathy to Grover, never completely off.
They encounter Nemesis - who talks to Perseus about Ethan and Domitia, for which he retorts she has no rights. She took Ethan's eye, and his choice was not worth it - she asked for too high a payment.
Nemesis, or Invidia, laughs. Says the world isn't fair - look at Perseus and Jason, Leo and Sammy, Hazel and Nico, the marks in Roman's backs. She doesn't explain anything - but they understand.
Perseus understands Hazel and Nico - it's not fair, that her brother is missing, probably captured if his dreams have an ounce of truth. Leo understands Perseus and Jason - for Jason confided in him for months. It's unfair that Perseus doesn't know as much about Jason - and that Jason knows way too much about him.
Both Hazel and Perseus muse about Sammy - the one from Hazel's flashbacks. They hold hands and keep silent - this is not the moment. Leo doesn't ask about the marks - he saw Jason bare-chested once. He doesn't need to know more.
Invidia gives the fortune cookie to Leo, and promptly disappears - Percy wants to punch her. For Alabaster, for Ethan, for Domitia and the punishments that she has to dole out.
They meet Echo - who Perseus pity and rages, for it's the gods's fault. She couldn't refuse to help Zeus - neither could she flee from Hera's punishment, or Eros' arrows. It's their fault, that she stands now, alive again, but incapable of happiness.
Narcissus is a dick. And Hazel thinks that both Sammy - Leo - and Percy - who looks just like Pluto, and not in a bad way - could surpass him in both looks and personality.
Percy and Leo distract the nymphs - in different ways. Perseus plays his father well, and the dryads flee to Leo, in search of protection from a hero. A black makeshift toga Echo gives them, and that's it: The god of the Underworld coming to kidnap someone else.
Hazel retrieves the Celestial Bronze - the energy in it is strong enough, with Perseus opening the earth sideways for it to pass. They don't need to run back to the ship: Percy keeps evoking skeletons, which scares the nymphs, and in a fit of fury for Echo, Leo breaks Narcissus' nose - which sends him into a panic.
While getting tar, Piper feels her dagger heating up - Katoptris shows her a man Jason recognizes as Dionysus, in Topeka.
When everyone is back to the ship, they relay their stories. Perseus briefly asks Annabeth about Grover - who she tells him is occupied in Maine this year, but never gave up on looking for Perseus. Then, they leave for Topeka - they have a god to meet.
"I know a friend who could help us get down" Starts Perseus, looking at the emptiness under them with worry. The daughter of Aphrodite sympathizes.
"I thought you couldn't shadow travel more than one person at a time" States Jason, with all the creepiness of the dream stalker that he is. Piper is laughing - while Jason flushes and tries to explain.
Perseus ignores it, for the sake of his sanity, and asks if Jason has a Pegasus: Thalia has Porkpie, and he is right, Perseus couldn't possibly get three of them down and up without draining himself.
Jason doesn't have a pegasus - he does have Arion, the son of his matron, Ceres, and Neptune, his father. It doesn't fly - but Hazel has a venti that does.
So it goes Hazel and Jason on Tempest, Piper, and Perseus on Blackjack. Bacchus is waiting for them, a two-liter bottle of Pepsi in one hand.
While many of the roman aspects of greek gods are mainly more rigid, Bacchus is the complete opposite. Dionysus is a god of madness and, in his older iterations, Zagreus, a god of the Underworld.
Bacchus is a god of drunkness, sex, excess, and parties. He has none of the darker sides of his counterpart - nor the austerity of his aspect as Bacchus Liber, a god of freedom, fertility, and protector of people.
No, this was Bacchus in his most simple form: a deadbeat drunk. Piper is so tired - why couldn't she be born in a serious pantheon? Egyptians seem pretty focused.
Bacchus wishes for Ceres' presence - says it's not his responsibility to deal with plants - this is the dominion of Liber, and he can't be Liber without Ceres here. He asks Jason or Perseus to call for the matron - she should listen to them - but Ceres doesn't answer their prayers.
Perseus is as done as Piper and just rolls his eyes. At the presence of a fertility god, even if he only has a bare connection to it, vines start growing around the son of Hades' ankles, like if they're coming to play. Perseus is not only a son of Hades', Piper remembers, but he is also a champion of Persephone.
And while Jason's only blessing is his magical horse, Perseus was trained and has some mild control over plants - Piper thinks he got the better goddess in the deal.
Bacchus - drunk in Pepsi, if that's even possible - don't answer much. He tells them about Phorcys, and paying tribute - Liber would probably answer to it. He then flees.
Jason and Perseus hold a brief conversation about holding evening prayers - Piper doesn't understand much, but Hazel is nodding along, so it can't be bad: The girl is pretty level-headed.
Perseus is a son of the Underworld, he cannot be possessed by spirits, and fight them off easily, and Jason does too - mainly because he knows Perseus way too much to attack him.
But then the spirits turn to the girls. Jason has to throw a wave over Perseus to wake him from Piper's charmspeak so that he can exorcise them. It works, but Perseus has a small panic attack over drowning, is immediately drained and faints on his arms.
So Jason hauls Piper and Hazel over Tempest, so the venti takes them up first, before he bride-carries Perseus into a hurricane and over to Argo II, and promptly passing out from exhaustion and scaring the hell out of everyone on board.
Jason thinks it's worth it - Perseus asks him to start calling him Percy, and, in the Mess Hall, each takes one head of the table. He feels like he should be bothered - he isn't one to share leadership, but they all know the true head of operations here is Annabeth, so.
Percy tells them what he told Reyna - to stop any from following them, for this was a special ops mission. It's his role, and, later, Jason and he can strategize what Perseus will say in the Iris Messages to the Senatus.
And how they're going to spin crossing the Mediterranean Sea without using Julius Caesar's journey as a comparative too much, least they think Jason and Perseus are planning a coup.
They totally are. The two of them and Reyna would be the first triumvirate to work.
That evening, they sit together on the deck and talk. Not about Jason's dreams, not about Perseus's fear of drowning. But the joke about the Forum, and trade anecdotes of campers both know - and it feels like something.
Perseus dreams of drowning on earth and trashes around in his sleep - just until he starts dreaming of Nico again.
Nico is locked up in a cage - like a bird trying to reach flight. Ephialtes and Otis taunt him - two eagles come and try to attack him. He fends them off - feeding off electricity in the sky - but Perseus knows he won't be able to keep this for a long time.
Perseus goes to the deeps of the ship, just close to the motors, and cuddles up to Blackjack - the Nico situation will have to wait until morning.
In the same night, Leo catches Frank sleeping as a dog - and his crush on the guy threatens to swallow him whole.
It's Will who finds him, twelve hours later. Everyone is pissed that Perseus disappeared - so they don't let him go search for Phorcys with Jason, sending the blonde boy with Frank and Will, claiming the son of Hades is still exhausted from the past day.
Perseus stays on board. He tries to decypher his vision with Piper and Hazel, while Malcolm and Annabeth trace the route to their own mission. Leo is steering the ship and finishing the repairs.
Hazel is worried about what Percy saw. The two eagles match a dream she had, a little over a week ago: Prometheus. If those eagles reach Nico, when Nico gets too weak, he will have his liver ripped off, and no magical powers to regrow it.
Jason's mission is also giving bad results. They meet Keto - who Jason is pretty sure he already killed once - and is uncooperative as she takes Will in a tour. Phorcys is much more open - after a little flattery, he tells them all about the twin Giants, the prisoner in a cage - bait for Perseus Jackson and Hazel Levesque - and a map that would possibly lead to the Athenas Parthenos.
They escape when Will kills Keto with a well-positioned arrow, before breaking the tank together and fleeing to Argus II.
In the way to Charleston, they discuss where could the map be. Perseus trade his first Iris Message with the Senatus - in his room, faking that both Frank and Hazel are helping him, and that the greeks have no idea what happened - that there is a traitor in their midst, but the Alliance continues.
Perseus hopes they can win this war with minimum bloodshed, and then he can claim the traitor was controlled by Gaia or something because that's not his main preoccupation. He trades information with Reyna - she tells him to go to Battery.
Annabeth remembers her meeting with her mother - for this time, she was accompanied by Malcolm. Athena told them they were failures - wasting their time searching for a son of Hades. But that they should have a chance at proving themselves - and gave them the small silver coin. To "avenge" her.
Athena raged and bristled about Annabeth and Malcolm helping the Romans, but that's where Annabeth would not relent. Would her mother prefer destruction over her pride? Oh, how wise.
Annabeth feels ashamed she still craves her mother's approval, while the goddess simply saw them as pawns, even after the war raged by the rejected children - she was one of the Olympians with most children on the opposite side.
This time, they play with the finger trap all together - in the mess hall - and Annabeth looks at them and decides this is her family, not a bitter goddess that never bothered with her. She wasn't doing this for Athena - she was doing this for Camp, and her friends.
Annabeth, Hazel, and Perseus go to the Battery, while Leo, Frank, and Malcolm go to the museum after the map. Jason goes to the bay with Will, to try and free the animals at Phorcys aquarium, and Piper stays on board to patrol the ship.
Aphrodite is flickering between her greek form and her Venus Genetrix aspect, but ends up settling as Venus Verticordia - the closest she can get to greek between a roman, a greek, and Perseus, who, according to her, is both.
"You shall tread carefully with love, Annabeth Chase, for your heart lays elsewhere; You are locked up between two ways of the heart, Hazel Levesque, and shall thread both; And you, Perseus Jackson of Styx, when it comes to the heart, you are my crown jewel."
Perseus would punch her, but he knows better: Verticordia means "the changer of hearts", she is a manipulator, a player. It's this aspect who caused the Trojan War, who tossed Aeneas right and left for Lavinia.
He much prefers Venus Victrix, who appears when they're about to leave, to warn then about the importance of the statue and the location of the map, in Fort Sumter.
Octavian - who was conspicuously missing from the Senatus meeting - is here - against the orders of both Praetors. He tries to attack them - but Perseus makes the earth tremble and they run away. Jason and Will join the fray, and they send a message to Leo's group for them to regroup.
Annabeth gets the map - again fighting against spiders and the voice of Lady Earth - but this time there's no Reyna to confront her - this time, Roma is on their side.
Perseus asks if killing Octavian would be so bad, after all, but Hazel stops him from making the earth swallow the Augur - he is still a person, after all.
They change their minds pretty quickly once Reyna IM's Perseus, saying that Octavian poisoned the minds of the Senatus against the greeks and that she was unable to do much. She says the Augur is claiming that Perseus, Jason, Frank, and Hazel are mind-controlled by Piper - and that he tried valiantly to rescue them, but failed.
Perseus is pretty sure that he should've made the earth swallow him, send him directly to the Punishment Fields so he wouldn't be able to leave the Underworld never again, the lying rat.
It takes three days for them to reach the Mediterranean Sea. These three days are spent most with training and planning - while the children of Athena plan for their mission, Hazel and Frank train their powers, Perseus and Piper spar, Annabeth and Leo steer the ship, Perseus and Jason spar and patrol, Jason and Annabeth trade ideas about the two sides, Will mends a lot of people up.
Leo, especially, admires both Hazel and Frank from afar - since the Narcissus situation, he can't keep his eyes off the girl, and Frank is just adorable - he feels like he just watched Pirates of the Caribbean all over again.
The group becomes pretty tight - especially after Will walks in Percy without a shirt on, and immediately manhandles him into the infirmary. He does the same with all Romans - trying to figure an answer to those scars.
Will has a boyfriend - Jake Mason, seventeen - who has the same bad habit of hiding scars from him. But since he lost his foot - Will has discovered a thousand ways to find someone's health problems.
Piper and Leo are not surprised - they are the closest to Jason after all. Malcolm and Annabeth are up in arms - and they call the greeks barbarians?
Jason blames himself - for he has a guilty streak a mile wide, and apologizes to them - as if is his fault Juno had this godawful idea. Perseus punches him in the shoulder and tells him to stop with the bullshit - they have bigger problems than that.
They meet Heracles - and their best speakers are Piper, Perseus, and Will - the charmspeaker, the Praetor who actually finished high school, and the son of the god of poetry - maybe some flattery would help.
Heracles is a complete ass - no, he is a creep. He leers on Will - who is fifteen and he calls eromenos, yes, like a pedophile - then on Piper - who is utterly unimpressed - but don't try on Perseus - his eyes are as dark as the Pit, and he looks ready to punch Heracles.
They don't mention Hera - because the three are smarter than to mention the woman who turned the god's life miserable - but, after Piper refuses to kiss him, he gives him the mission to get the horn of Achelous anyway.
The Achelous is suitably afraid of Perseus - and it's easier to break his horn. They fight against the god - Will punches the guy in the face, while Perseus has no qualms about swarming him with skeletons and melting his armor.
Jason - who is keeping a keen eye on them from the deck - raises a wave for them to go onboard. Will - dripping and utterly mad - starts throwing curses at Heracles - he shines with the power of his father.
Percy is trembling - he hates water, he hates the feeling of drowning, he hates water in his face. He feels weak.
Hercules throws stones at the ship - but fail to hit anything, even if he almost gets Jason - who is pushed to the ground by Perseus, who grounded himself on the blonde.
For now, they have a cornucopia and managed to pass Heracles - so they just hug and laugh breathlessly at Will's increasingly ridiculous curses.
In the midnight patrol, while keeping watch for Stymphalian birds (Perseus hates those), they talk. Perseus tells him about drowning in his own element, about his distaste for both air and water - explains why he never gets close to the margins of the ship.
"Y'know, I dreamed of you" Percy nods, but Jason shakes his head "Not for a week or two, but for seven months. I thought it was Juno..."
Percy seems tense as if he is about to flee at any moment. High-strung. He looks anywhere but at Jason, and finally, he murmurs, almost too low for the silence that expands between them.
"How much?" "Everything."
He tells Percy about his dreams: Luke, Ethan, Alabaster, Persephone, Hades, Sally, Annabeth, Clarisse&Connor, the Labyrinth, the Sea of Monsters, Bianca, Nico, Zoe, Thalia, the weight of the sky, the Styx, the last defense of Olympus.
There are a lot of pieces missing - Percy Jackson is not a puzzle, but a giant Rubik Cube with ten sides - but Jason saw the worst parts of Perseus, his friends, the betrayals, the deaths, the bitterness that threatened to swallow him whole.
Percy doesn't answer - he flees. Back to his room, to conciliate that someone has dreamed about him, for months. That someone he is barely friends with knows so many deep details about him, things he never told anyone, and didn't plan to, ever.
It's not the only difficult conversation that night by far - Hazel and Leo are having a similar one.
You see, Leo is, by all means, closer to Jason out of all romans, and the least close to Frank - who is Hazel's best friend. Leo is pretty friendly flirty with Hazel since the Narcissus situation - because she is cute and just a year below him - but he also has been nursing this massive crush on Frank - who is a hunk of a man with the attitude of a puppy.
But seeing that Frank is straight as a board and Hazel only sees him as his grandfather, apparently, he is out of luck in this department - nothing new. At least he has a bunch of friends.
"Are you my friend only because of my grandfather?" "Of course not." Leo doesn't believe her, but he lets it go - it's the fatal flaw of Hephaestus' children: Lack of self-worth.
Perseus sleeps fitfully - and wakes Hazel to tell her about his vision of Otis and Ephialtes, for she is Nico's sister. They go to the deck, and he plays with her hair as they watch the sunrise.
Jason - looking at them from the other side of the ship - suddenly has a bad feeling - there's something coming in their direction. He makes Leo - who is steering this night - stop, but they are rammed and overrun by dolphin warriors.
Chrysaor disarms Jason - and his crew manages to tie everybody up - except for Perseus, who managed to flee into the shadows, and Frank, who hid away.
It's pretty simple from there - Hazel and Piper trash around when Chrysaor says he is taking them to Circe, Jason says their Captain is Dionysus, and Chrysaor says he is a roman, and Bacchus is weak in comparison to his greek form.
To prove Jason's point, Frank turns into a dolphin while Perseus makes vines appear and hold Chrysaor into place. Their enemies throw themselves overboard, including Chrysaor himself - and Jason sinks their ship by filling it with Diet Coke and Pepsi and burning it to Dionysus and Bacchus Liber - both of the serious sides of the god.
Perseus sleeps on the deck under the fickle rays of the midday sun and dreams of Gaea. Jason wakes him. They spend an awkward moment looking at each other before Jason hugs him.
"I'm sorry" "It's not your fault, stop blaming yourself for everything, Water Boy" "Sure, Death Boy"
They laugh - and for a second, they feel their own ages - eighteen and seventeen - without a care in the world. They mock-wrestle before giving up and just laying in the sun.
Perseus looks at Jason and thinks his beauty under the light of the day might be a good reason to tolerate the brightness.
It's Leo - with a knowing smirk - that tells them to come to mess hall - they need to plan.
Annabeth and Malcolm are going together to the Tiber River - but the children of Athena aren't leaving without a proper send-off - so they're having lunch together first, all together.
They pile around two tables in a little restaurant. This time is not Percy that asks for pizza - it's Leo and Will.
They eat and joke - and forget they are demigods in a mission that might bring the end of the world. No, for a second they're just teenagers - Malcolm is the oldest at twenty, and Hazel and Will are the youngest, both fifteen.
The group jokes and fools around, spending more or less an hour at the little restaurant. The old man who manages the place has a warm smile upon his face.
They go to the park close to the river to walk around - they are stalling the time they'll have to go back to their hardships. Annabeth and Perseus walk together, apart from the others - she says she wants to catch up.
Annabeth has a crush on Perseus since they were both fourteen. She studied with him for a year - he as a senior, she as a freshman - and this crush only grew. She looked for him for months, he is her best friend and she loves him.
Annabeth still remembers after the war - when she thought they would get together. They were both too caught up in mourning - Perseus even more than her - even if she always knew he corresponded. But this... this might be her last chance to tell him.
So, she kisses him.
Perseus is shocked. He is shocked, and speechless.
"Annabeth..." He says, but she takes this as iniciative and goes back to kissing him "Annabeth!"
Kisses have to mean something to him. And Percy only feels friendship with Annabeth.
She stops, and there are tears in the corners of her eyes. But Perseus just hugs her and says, slowly and as kindly as possible.
"Annabeth... We can't do this. It's been... it's been months. I-... I love you. But we-... I-... Not that way, Annie, not anymore. We spent months apart, and before that, I was too busy with school, and before that..." He takes a deep breath, and clear her tears with his thumbs "I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this."
Annabeth doesn't cry. She doesn't scream and rage with jealously and ask "Who else? Who else if not me?". She wants to because she knows, she knows he loves her, and Annabeth has never been wrong before.
Because she remembers Aphrodite. Her heart doesn't lay with Percy - her heart lays elsewhere. It still hurts - but she just nods and asks him if they can still be friends, for which he answers an enthusiastic yes.
There's a little voice in her head, that keeps comparing her to Reyna Arellano, Jason Grace, and Nico di Angelo, their powerful heritages and legacies. A sliver of poison in her heart, that shows her Rachel, Calypso, and Piper - their beauties far beyond hers.
Then she takes a deep breath, finds her brother, says goodbye to everyone, and leaves with Rhea Silvia and Tiberinus. Annabeth has a mission.
Annabeth and Malcolm pass by the same challenges - she with a broken ankle and him with a twisted wrist - and both fall again in the hands of Arachne.
While the children of Athena fight their way through the underground, Perseus, Hazel, Frank, and Leo embark on a mission after Nico di Angelo, and the rest of the demigods go back to the ship.
Hazel - who is almost sentient to Perseus moods at this point - takes one look at Annabeth's rushed departure and Percy's wistful face, and, when their group takes off, takes the demigod aside, leaving Leo and Frank to walk side by side.
"I'm telling you, Hazel, because you won't tell anyone else - and I don't have anyone else as close as you on board. I would've said yes, perhaps, had she asked this question before... before everything. Had she told me this when I was fourteen or fifteen, I would be overjoyed. But it has been two and a half harrowing years since... since Luke. And I cannot love her - there's too much history."
He tells Hazel what she cannot remember from what Perseus told her in the Fields of Asphodel, and she nods and calms him - she became a kind of his little sister in the short four months that they have known each other alive - and the year and a half they knew each other dead. Closer than most, aside, perhaps, from Rachel (who he still managed to talk to once after this mission started), his mom, Calypso (who he still hasn't be able to contact) and Persephone.
Leo and Frank are behind them - far behind them, so to not accidentally eavesdrop in their conversation. They talk - a little stilted - but it quickly picks rhythm, as Leo is such a charming person - and Frank is a weak, weak man.
You see, while Leo pines from afar for both Hazel and Frank, Frank himself is dealing with the fact that, since leaving Nova Roma, those improper feelings towards inappropriate people resurfaced - now, together with something even worse.
Frank doesn't want just men anymore, like the clear aberration that he is. He wants a boy and a girl - and at the same time, at that! Not only improper - for he is two years older than Hazel and Leo is a boy - but they are clearly infatuated with each other.
And Frank doesn't really think he could be happy with one of them - he wants both, together. Selfish, something in the back of his mind says, so selfish. Let them be happy, they don't need you.
So he hoards this little conversation with Leo in his chest, like a precious treasure he won't ever get the chance to hold again.
Perseus and Hazel eventually go to the underground - while Frank and Leo still talk - about life, about their mothers, even about Frank's stick. Leo wants to hold the boy and never let go.
The Eidolons appear, forcing Leo and Frank down the hole, where they meet back up with Hazel and Perseus. They find a workshop - full of stuff that makes Leo salivate.
While exploring the workshop, the Eidolons take control of the automatons, quickly knocking out Hazel and Frank. Perseus is able to banish them - but by now, the automatons are out of control - it's the Bianca situation all over again.
He and Leo escape into a control room and lock it. Leo finds a control sphere for everything in the shop but they're unable to find the right password. Leo uses the fortune cookie Nemesis gave him to ask for the password, allowing him to take control of the machines and deactivate them forever. Perseus seethes inside - the little manipulative bitch.
When Perseus questions why his efforts with Hazel lead them to this workshop, they find Nico's Celestial Bronze and realize it was a trap. 
Gaea appears in a mirror and taunts them, but Leo burns the mirror - "I thought Mother Nature was supposed to be cool but this is what we got? Sheesh, this is almost Aztec-levels of crazy man" - and they leave to go search for Nico.
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zazzander · 2 years
The Scene Where Gwen Dies
Looking for more? Here's my master list of Octavian analysis.
I think we can all agree that Riordan intended for this scene to convince the reader Octavian killed Gwen. And thus, he is a bad guy.
However, the scene is riddled with issues.
The entire sequence is a plot device. But one that impacts character and worldbuiling in a negative way.
What was the purpose for the plot?
Rick uses Gwen as a plot device with two purposes:
showing the Romans demigods are coming back
making Octavian suspicious
I have seen an argument that it establishes more than just that for Octavian's character, namely:
that he can even get away with murder
that he's the type to overreact to a slight (in this case losing a mock battle)
I want to refute these. As much as Riordan might have intended to write this scene like this - it's undermined by too much ambigity and later statements.
Let's discuss how much Octavian can get away with:
“We should just keep going. Once we’re over the Atlantic, we’ll be safe – at least from the legion.” [...][Jason] shook his head. “You heard Reyna talking about the ancient lands. They’re much too dangerous. Roman demigods have been forbidden to go there for generations. Even Octavian couldn’t get around that rule.”
This statement is in past tense (if it was present Jason would say "Even Octavian can't get around that rule) which implies:
1. Octavian has previously wanted to go the ancient lands,
2. but couldn't "get around that rule",
3. will not try to do so again (that's why they'll be safe from the legion)
We also learn what the consequences of ruling this rule is:
Frank slid over a jar of salsa. "I can’t believe Reyna would try to find us. It’s taboo, coming to the ancient lands. She’ll be stripped of her praetorship."
But Reyna isn't stripped of her rank, in fact, she returns and everything is business as usual.
To me, that shows that overall, that while going to the ancient lands is taboo and against the rules. It's not so much that one will be killed or exiled from the legion. They will be stripped of rank, sure. But it seems even that is not 100% true if you have the influence necessary. (You'd think Octavian would have that kind of influence, since Reyna does).
Interestingly, we have another character who is also accused of murdering a centurion during training: Bryce Lawrence. And he got exile, rather than death, because of his family's influence. Which, while less than Octavian's, is still substantial.
So while Octavian could certainly avoid being executed, it's hardly reasonable to state that there would not no consequences at all.
Especially because Octavian does not go to the ancient lands. He fears his own rank being stripped from him. More than Jason or Reyna, even. He doesn't have the influence and standing to get away with this lesser crime.
Thus, how can it be said that Octavian doesn't fear the consequences of his actions?
If he doesn't have some righteous excusethen he can still be presecuted. Moreover, he often tries to bring people to trial even when he has honour and the support of the legion behind him. He needs their authority to supplement his own.
Octavian is not untouchable. And this scene certainly doesn't prove that he is. Perhaps if Frank has verbally accused Octavian - and been rebuffed, that would be different story.
Next, I'm going to talk about Octavian's reaction. And why it's out of character.
Firstly, Octavian is days away from being elected praetor. He has a tenuous lead, it seems, because he has turned to blackmailing Hazel. Who, as we know,
1. doesn't like him,
2. isn't very popular or influential,
3. a member of the Fifth who generally despise what Octavian stands for.
She represents exactly one vote. If Octavian is clammering for a single vote (out of approx. 200 hundred), then he's not confident he'll win this election.
Why he isn't confident, we don't know.
Up until Percy's arrival, Octavian has not rivals. So it seems odd that he is going around blackmailing people if he's about to waltz into the praetorship. Why lift a finger? Why anger people unneccesarily?
Which is why, if Gwen had been his politial rival the blackmailing scene would also have been given the context required. Octavian isn't about the win, that is, until he takes down Gwen.
But the narrative seems to want to dissaude us from this intrepretation.
We learn this about Gwen at the senate meeting:
After ten years in the legion, she will retire to the city and attend college. Gwen of the Fifth Cohort, we thank you for your service.
Legionaries typically serve for ten years. They can serve longer, it seems, since Jason has done so. But I would argue Jason is the exception, rather the rule. Since we have no reason to believe adults commonly remain within the legion.
So we can assume Gwen was on her way out regardless. She was not, it seems, trying to become praetor herself. She was content to be centurion. To retire soon.
So the argument goes that Octavian was simply throwing a tantrum, violently lashing out, because he was unhappy that he lost. Now, I could understand him being upset if he thought this loss would affect his votes. However is Octavian really so stupid as to risk not only the election but his rank as centurion and possibly his entire life in New Rome just because of this set back?
Octavian experiences set backs in the story. He doesn't become praetor, instead Percy does. And we see Octavian's reaction:
The look on Octavian’s face was priceless. The centurion stared at Percy with shock, then outrage. Then, when his own troops started to cheer, he had no choice except to join their shouting: “Rome! Rome!”
[and] Octavian shot him a dirty look, then turned to the crowd and smile like this was all his idea.
[and] Octavian embraced him and whispered, “I hope it hurt.”
If Octavian was so rash that he risked everything just to strike out at Gwen over a simple training excerise, then how it is that he was so quick to accept Percy was now the praetor? That instead of lashing out with violence, Octavian attempts to make as much of the situation as he can. Immediately after losing the election, he is scrambling to save face - not to kill someone.
Whatsmore, Octavian is a very expressive person.
He shouts. He screams. He schemes.
But he doesn't kill willy-nilly. When he decides to bomb the Greek camp, to wipe them out, that is a decision motivated by anger (yes) but it's also something that's planned and purposeful. Such an action is advantageous to him and his plans. And, as I've discussed, killing Gwen is the complete opposite of that.
Moreover, let's take about his expression. Because Octavian is usually an open book when it comes to his expressions, especially went outraged. However, in this scene, we get this:
Frank scanned the crowd for Octavian. The centurion was watching with more interest than concern, as if he was examining one of his stupid gutted teddy bears.
[and then, after Gwen wakes up] Frank glowered at Octavian, but the centurion's face was a mask of polite concern.
Basically, Octavian isn't that outraged. He can control his expressions, which is something he fails to do over and over when he's upset. Even after Gwen dares come back from the dead, he's not that angry. Implying that he probably wasn't angry enough to kill her in the first place.
Overall, this scene fails at establishing Octavian's character, because the character we see later would not do this.
Regarding the "Evidence" Riordan gives us
There simply isn't enough evidence to condemn Octavian for the murder. Sure, you step out of the story long enough to go "oh, so the author wants me to suspect Octavian because Frank suspects Octavian". But that's weak writing. But it leaves the story open, it leaves the occasional reader to think, "hold on a minute". And, as I've said, the reader must be like, "Frank has the benefit on the author's omniscience, so of course Octavian did it." Not great.
Let's discuss the various reasons, established in Riordan's own narrative, that Frank's choice to condemn Octavian is... more of a reflection of Frank's character and experience with Octavian than whether or not Octavian actually murdered this girl.
And, to be honest, if Riordan had used this moment to develop their relationship. To show why Frank himself hates Octavian beyond a general bias, that would have been a good call. But that doesn't happen either.
Frank provides one piece of evidence when he accuses Octavian (in his head), that Octavian is the only person without a pilum.
Right, so, can we all argee that Octavian is probably too smart to kill someone with his own hands? And even if he did do so, why use his own pilum? Pilum are ranged weapons, by the end of the fight there would be dozen scattered around the scene. He could have easily picked up one from another Cohort.
Moreover, because pilum are ranged weapons, it could just have easily been an accident. Yes, it was in the back. But that implies that Gwen somehow turned away from the enemy at some point. Or that she was attacked by ally. By using this as a way for Gwen not to know who killed her, Riordan opens up the possibly this was, in fact, just an accident.
Yet the characters ignore that idea:
"There will be an investigation. Whoever did this, you cost the legion a good officer. Honourable death is one thing, but this..."
Frank wasn't sure what she meant. Then he noticed the marks engraved in the wooden shaft of the pilum: CHT I LEGIO XII F. The weapon belongs to the First Cohort, and the point was sticking from behind - possible after the game had ended.
I'm going to get into the idea that it happened after the game ended a little later. For now, I want compare these two lines:
Reyna surveyed the campers from her pegasus. Her expression was hard and dark as iron.
[...] Frank scanned the crowd for Octavian. The centurion was watching with more interest than concern, as if he were examining one of his stupid gutted teddy bears. He didn't have a pilum. Blood roared in Frank's ears. He wanted to strangle Octavian with his bare hands, but at that moment, Gwen gasped.
I want to note that Frank looks for evidence against Octavian. He's already decided that Octavian is guilty before he gets this evidence. For me, at least, that's not the action of an honourable hero. Now I don't need my heroes to be honourable. But this narrative seems to think Frank's fury here, based on limited evidence, is justified. And if Frank did have the omniscience of the writer, Riordan, it would be justifed. But he doesn't. Because he's a character in the book.
Not only that, but Reyna is surveying the same scene. And she knows Octavian better than anyone. Yet her gaze doesn't settle on him, she doesn't seem to notice Octavian's lack of pilum. Or if she does, she doesn't care. Could Reyna not have glanced Octavian's way, could Frank not have followed it and made the same connection as her? Would that not have shown that both characters suspected Octavian? And thus made it more likely he was guilty.
After all, Frank barely knows Octavian. He's been in the legion for six weeks. And he's a member of the Fifth, not the First. There is very little reason for them to interact, beyond Frank's initial arrival.
Now I want to address the "after the fight" theory.
During the battle, Octavian is knocked out by Percy.
Octavian screamed in a shrill voice - maybe ordering the First Cohort to stand their ground, maybe trying to sing soprano - but Percy put a stop to it. He somersaulted over a line of shields and slammed the butt of his sword into Octavian's helmet. The centurion collapse like a sock puppet.
So that's a heavy blow. Octavian is out, fully, completely. He probably has a concussion. He needs medical attention.
Slowly campers regrouped on the Field of Mars. Frank saw plenty of minor injuries - some burns, broken bones, black eyes, cut and gashes, plus a lot of interesting hairdos from fires and exploding water cannons - but nothing that couldn't be fixed. [...]
[from earlier] Half a dozen giant eagles flew in formation behind her - prepared for ambulance airlift duty if necessary.
So we know that either the medics collect the injured and bring them to this one place, where everyone is now gathering, while the fight is one. Or after the fight is over. Regardless, because Octavian was in need of medical attention, he would have been brought to this place.
Which is outside of the fort, where Gwen died.
Not only that, but he fell relatively late in the fight. After he is knocked out, the defenders lose pretty quickly. And Gwen was - we can assume - still alive when Octavian went down. As she is leading the Fifth through the gates.
Gwen was the first to unfreeze. She grinned and repeated the order. A cheer went up from the battlefield. Hannibal the elephant trumpeted with happiness. [...] The Fifth Cohort charged in behind the elephant, and the battle went hand-to-hand.
Octavian and Gwen are facing off (so he'd not behind her) in this set up. And then he's knocked out.
So let's talk timeline.
He's knocked out. Probably found by some medical staff, because he "collapsed like a sock puppet". So either he was moved, Perhaps, he insisted on staying behind.
And perhaps he used that short time between being healed, sending people away, to hunt down Gwen and kill her. But this is time for a victory! The Fifth are all coming together to celebrate. How it is that both Octavian and Gwen have no one around them, no one watching?
Were there seriously no witnesses?
The Fallout:
And if Octavian was involved in Gwen’s death, why was he never put on trial?
If Reyna had even a suspicion that Octavian was involved, she would have wanted to get to the bottom of it before the Feast of Fortuna.
At minimun, she'd want to use it as an excuse to keep Octavian from being in the running. That way Octavian wouldn’t be elected praetor.
But even an accusation of murder would have put him in a precarious position. Like sure, that trial might come to nothing. There isn't enough evidence to convict him. And what evidence there might be can be waved aside.
But as we've established Octavian is not assured of his victory. He has to blackmail a no-name legionary (Hazel) to try and get a vote. Plus, Percy - despite being a member of the legion for a less than a week - is elected above him at the end of Son of Neptune. These things show us that Octavian, while influential, is not untouchable.
Not only that, but Octavian might have influence over the Senate, he doesn't control it completely.
Reyna announces she's going to conduct a trial. Which means she has the power to call for it. As I've said, even a suspicion could dash Octavian's chances at getting praetor.
He doesn't have the votes. He isn't popular enough to weather going to the ancient lands (even after the Greeks bomb New Rome!). He is certainly not popular enough to weather killing a fellow centurion.
So ultimately, this scene is an example of poor writing. Possibly, one could stretch themselves as say it was "decent" writing. That it "got the point across". But I don't judge scenes by that standard. I judge them on how they work for the characters and the worldbuilding, just as much as it does for the plot.
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toffrox · 4 years
Voices (Part Three)
Summary: In the months preceding Lester & Meg's return to camp, Nico's nightmares begin to worsen. After a bad fight, Nico apologises to Will.  *Spoilers for Tower of Nero* 
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Read on Ao3
Will didn't think he'd ever felt this angry.
After his fight with Nico about going to Tartarus, Will had stormed across the pavilion, crashed into Cabin Seven and thrown himself on his bunk.
The cabin was silent. His siblings must still be out doing afternoon activities. Will wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or upset that they weren't there.
He rolled over onto his back and stared at the neat wooden beams above him. He took deep breaths, trying and failing to calm his racing heartbeat. He clenched and unclenched his fists.
What was going to happen now?
Nico would probably be angry at him, he thought bitterly. He had been angry for weeks now, Will knew, ever since the horrible moment he'd felt Jason's death.
Will supposed he would be continuing on with his solo journey down to Tartarus. He might even head down to the Underworld right now, if he was really upset with Will. Will knew how reckless he got when he was mad.
Will's stomach boiled with anger at the thought. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his fists again.
Why did Will do this to himself?
Why did he think that he could help? That he could somehow control every situation?
He turned on his side and curled up, feeling suddenly sick.
Every nightmare Nico had told Will about, every waking flashback. Every time Will had touched Nico's wrist to check how he was healing and instead been taken aback by the shock of dark anguish… Each time resurfaced in Will's memory, paralysing him with fear.
That's what Tartarus had done to Nico. And that's what it was going to do again.
There was nothing Will could do to stop it. He had tried to stop him. He had tried to help. And he had failed.
There had been plenty of times in the past couple of years that Will had felt useless; he was unable to fight; the lousiest singer, the worst shot of all his siblings… but this was the most helpless he had ever felt.
He tried desperately not to cry but his eyes burned all the same.
Nico made him so happy; was the best thing in Will's life.
The thought of losing him (to Tartarus, to this fight) was unbearable.
The afternoon seemed to slip away in a haze of repeated thoughts and reluctant tears.
At some point before sunset, Kayla appeared at his side.
"Will?" Her voice came urgent and surprised. "Will, are you alright? What happened?"
Will pulled himself upright, filled with relief at the sight of her worried face. Her gaze flickered over Will's disheveled appearance and tear stained cheeks.
"Gods, Will. Come here." She climbed onto the bed beside him and pulled him into a hug. Will rested his head on her shoulder.
They hadn't been sitting there long when another voice came from the doorway.
"Hey," Austin came into the room, frowning. "What happened? What's wrong?" He hurried to join them, his hand on Will's shoulder.
Will felt his spirits lift in their presence, his fear for Nico momentarily abated by his affection for his siblings.
He felt silly for a moment, getting so upset over a fight with his boyfriend.
But it wasn't just a fight, Will reminded himself. This was more than that.
"I'm just worried about Nico." Will mumbled against Kayla's shoulder. Kayla and Austin exchanged a worried glance.
"What are you worried about?" Kayla asked softly, at the same time as Austin said "What happened to Nico?"
Will took a deep, trembling breath.
"He… I think he's going to go back to Tartarus." said Will. "He says it's for a mission. He's been 'called'."
"What?" Kayla breathed. Austin's eyes widened in horror.
"And I tried to tell him that I'd go with him-"
"What?" Austin said.
"-so that he didn't have to do it alone this time." Will pressed on. "But he told me he didn't want  me." His voice cracked on his last words.
"What do you mean?" Kayla asked, perplexed.
"He said he wouldn't let me!" Will shrugged Kayla off and hugged his knees to his chest. He scowled. "He said that fighting in battles wasn't the same as being in Tartarus and that I didn't know what it was like and that I should stay here in the infirmary while he went down there with someone else like Reyna or Hazel or Percy."
Will shoved himself to his feet at that, his eyebrows knitted together. He was suddenly every bit as angry as he'd been when he'd stormed out of Cabin Thirteen.
"Nico said that?" came Austin's stunned voice from Will's bunk.
"Yes." Will spat.
Will had never thought of himself as a jealous person before. He'd never once felt insecure about Nico's relationship with any of his friends; even Percy. But now he was livid.
How could Nico reject him like that? How could he not stand up for Will when Will asked him if he doubted Will's ability to look after himself?
Will worked so hard to look after Nico. To look after everyone at camp. And it was still not enough.
He paced backwards and forwards in the cabin, seething, his jaw set.
"How can-?" Will's voice broke off, whether from his hurt or his anger, Will wasn't sure. "How can he not want me?"
He sat down heavily on Kayla's bunk. And Kayla and Austin exchanged another worried glance before hurrying to his side once again.
Kayla and Austin stayed with him for the evening, Austin running to the dining pavilion to grab them all some food.
They sat on the floor of Cabin Seven together, eating burgers and teasing each other.
It had been a tough year already for all three of them. They were all worried about Apollo and struggling with the lack of communication with their summer friends. Will knew that Kayla and Austin had been worried about Nico lately too. They could all tell something big was coming.
The next morning Will joined them both at breakfast. Nico wasn't there.
Will tried to work in the infirmary but he was jumpy and distracted. Treating the minor wounds of the Ares and Athena campers from morning sparring practice only made him feel useless again.
Eventually Kayla snapped and told him he had to leave before he gave himself a panic attack.
Will returned to Cabin Seven and sat on his bunk, trying desperately not to think about whatever Nico might be doing right now.
Nico returned to camp with his stomach (and backpack) full of Sally Jackson's blue cookies. He shadow travelled directly to infirmary.
Will wasn't there.
"Hey" Nico said to Kayla as he came through the door, somewhat out of breath from rushing. He made his way to the supply cabinet just inside the door, grabbing himself a KitKat alongside a dose of unicorn draught (one of their last doses left over from before they lost contact with New Rome).
Kayla looked up warily from where she was administering burn cream to Harley on one of the beds. "Hi."
"Where's Will?" Nico asked, coming around to lean against the bed next to them.
"Hi, Nico!" Harley piped up with a wide grin.
"Hey, kiddo," Nico reached out to bump his fist, though his eyes were still on Kayla.
Kayla straightened up. She had a shrewd look on her face, as though unsure whether she was mad at him. Nico guessed he deserved that. He grimaced.
"Ok, Harley, you're all patched up." She said, standing back to let him go. He jumped up with a cheerful "seeya!", either unaware or unbothered by the tension between the two older demigods.
Kayla crossed her arms. "Will's not here." she said bluntly. "He wasn't feeling well."
Nico swallowed his mouthful of KitKat.
"Is he ok? I was going to come talk to him." he said.
"That depends. Are you planning on apologising?" Kayla raised an eyebrow, which made Nico wince.
Kayla gave him a twisted smile.
"Good. Then I think he'll be fine." She paused. "Are you ok?" Her gaze seemed to soften now that Will's interests were taken care of. Nico smiled at that.
"Yeah. I'm better." He said.
"Good." She nodded. "Will's in our cabin."
Nico finished his KitKat and retreated shyly, slipping the unicorn draught in his pocket for later.
He knocked softly on the door of Cabin Seven and waited for Will's muffled "come in" before letting himself in.
Will was curled up on his bunk with his arms wrapped around his knees. When he saw it was Nico his brow creased into a frown. Nico couldn't tell whether it was from anger or from hurt. Probably both.
"Hi, Sunshine." Nico said quietly. Will's eyes flickered away at the use of the nickname.
Nico approached the bunk hesitantly but Will let him crawl up onto the bed beside him and lean against the wall, sitting side by side, their knees touching.
Will's head was bowed. He blinked rapidly, not daring to look up.
"Are you ok?" Nico asked out of habit, unsure whether or not to reach out and take Will's hand. Will swallowed.
"Not really." He whispered.
Nico inwardly flinched but forced himself to move in closer, pressing his shoulder against Will's. Thankfully, Will didn't pull back.
"I talked to Percy."
Nico watched Will's response carefully. But the anger he expected never came. Will bit his lip.
"What did he say?"
Nico's heart ached at the concern in Will's voice. Because that was Will all over, wasn't it. So kind, even when he was upset. Nico felt the ghost of a smile tug at his lips.
"He said he wouldn't come." said Nico. "But I shouldn't have asked, really."
Nico watched Will's jaw muscles clench and unclench. He cleared his throat and pushed on.
"It wasn't fair of me to ask that of him… and it wasn't fair of me to dismiss you, either."
Will closed his eyes. His lip trembled as his frown deepened. Nico shifted to wrap an arm around him and was relieved when Will leaned into his touch.
"You really hurt me, Nico." he whispered.
"I know." Nico replied softly. "I'm so sorry, Will."
Will turned his face and buried his nose against Nico's chest. Nico let his fingers trace gently up and down Will's arms.
They sat like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other. And Nico felt relieved to sit with him for a while. He felt guilt bubble uncomfortably in his stomach. He'd seen Will upset before, but never like this, and never because of something Nico had done. He closed his eyes and tried to remind himself what he'd realised when he was at Percy's. He pushed away the fear of losing Will and instead focused on how warm Will felt against his chest, how safe and comfortable he felt sitting here, with Will's arms around his waist. He focused on that and nothing else while Will steadied his breath.
"It was so stupid of me to doubt you." Nico said eventually. The memory of Nico's silence from yesterday rested uncomfortably between them. Will didn't look up from Nico's chest, though he seemed calmer than before.
Nico thought of the way Will had saved lives under fire at the Battle of Manhattan and the way he'd stopped crowds and weaved through crowds of enemies in the Battle at Half Blood Hill. He remembered thinking that he'd never seen anyone put such unswerving trust in his fellow demigods before. The most loyal and the most reliable camper in the field.
"The truth is" Nico murmured, "I always thought you were amazing in battle."
Will straightened up and rolled his eyes. "No you didn't."
"I did." Nico insisted. "I've always thought… You're so amazing, Will."
Will shrugged. "I'm just a healer."
"The best healer." said Nico. "The best combat healer. The best in a generation."
"You don't know that." Will mumbled.
"I do. Everyone knows it." Nico said. He reached up to cup Will's cheek in his palm. "I'm just so scared of losing you, Will."
"I'm scared of losing you too." Will's voice trembled. "Every time I think about how bad things have got for you lately, and how much worse they might get if you have to be alone down there again I-" Will cut off, unable to say it out loud.
Nico was quiet for a long time, thinking of what Percy had said to him earlier that day. He didn't move his hand from Will's face.
"When I spoke to Percy," Nico began, "He told me about when he and Annabeth were in Tartarus."
Will glanced up, apprehensive.
"He told me that when he was down there, he was afraid of himself sometimes. That Annabeth was afraid of him too. The way he used his powers…" Will's eyes widened at this, and Nico reached out with his spare hand to squeeze Will's as he went on. "It made me think about you."
"Me?" Will frowned at him.
"Yeah. It made me think about how you've never been afraid of me." Nico said. Will's eyes softened into a smile. "You've never been afraid. Even when I shared with you the worst things that I've done and… and even when I've tried to scare you-" Nico broke off with a half-hearted laugh. His hand was still on Will's cheek, his thumb brushing his jaw. Will bit his lip to hold back a grin.
"It also made me think about how… good you are." Nico breathed.
"Good?" Will raised an eyebrow.
"You're the best person I've ever met, Will. You're so kind. And selfless. And… I've never met anyone who cares about things like you do. You're so, so good, Will. And when I'm with you, I feel like maybe I could be good too." As he spoke. Nico felt his heart flutter with nerves and embarrassment and overwhelming joy that he got to call Will his boyfriend. Will gazed back at him with round eyes. His cheeks burned red.
Nico had thought that Will being the most thoughtful, generous person he'd ever met was a reason not to let him come to Tartarus. He couldn't imagine someone so good in such a horrible place. But really, he should have been thinking of those things as exactly the reasons why he was the best person for Nico to have fighting at his side.
"I guess I realised that… I could never be afraid of you. Everything about you - about us - makes me feel so safe and… I would be lucky - I am lucky - to have you with me."
"Nico…" Will blinked rapidly and pulled Nico towards him, wrapping his arms around his back and holding him tighter than he'd ever held Nico before.
"I'm sorry that I hurt you." Nico mumbled against his chest. Will just gripped him even tighter.
"You're not going to lose me." He said firmly, threading his fingers through Nico's hair and cradling the back of his head. "I'm not leaving you."
"I'm not leaving you, either." Nico said. Will let out a breath.
"Good." He said. His voice was suddenly a million times lighter.
Nico finally let himself smile for real and closed his eyes, running his fingers lightly against Will's back. They spent another few minutes holding each other in silence.
"You know I still think you shouldn't rush into anything." Will murmured, pulling back to meet Nico's eyes and gently brushing his hair away from his face. "I still think you need to be more sure about these voices before we decide to do anything."
Nico nodded, his attention still half lingering on the way Will's fingertips felt against his scalp.
"But when I figure that out, you'll help me?" Nico breathed.
"Of course I will." said Will.
Nico smiled, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Good." he said heavily, thinking of the book he'd been poring over last night, now tucked into his backpack alongside the plastic container filled with freshly baked blue chocolate chip cookies. And he opened one eye to peek up at Will in apprehension. "Because I think I found a way into Tartarus without my father knowing."
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