#but like. i don't have any black friends! and i think that's a general failing on my part!
ellistocracy · 10 months
the problem with getting sensitivity readers is that it's a job and you have to pay them. which is fair but i don't have any money and it's highly doubtful that I'm going to make any
0 notes
crazyyluvr · 6 months
Hello! I have a request if that's okay? Could you maybe do a James Potter x male!reader (with the reader being Ravenclaw) where they end up being partnered together in potions and afterwards James is like 'shit. I think I might be gay.'
Basically where the reader is his gay awakening haha
A Revelation in Potions (Not Through Amortentia, That's too Generic)
pairing: james potter x male!ravenclaw!reader
summary: in which James never knew men could be so attractive until he gets paired up with you in a Potions activity.
genre: fluff, gay awakening, crushing
wc: 2.1k
warning/s: cursing, reader is a little taller than james, he/him pronouns, gay panic, james is a lil shy here, potion nonsense that i made up on the spot, reader is good in potions, mention of boobs lmao
note: oooh, interesting request anon. i like it. i hope you enjoy!!
oneshot under the cut :: not edited :: part 1 | part 2
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James Potter was dying.
No, not literally. But he did feel like he was literally dying.
This is what a painful death felt like, didn't it? The inability to properly take in air, the painful pounding of his racing heart, the stumble of his tongue as he tried and failed to properly speak.
On the contrary, James Potter was not just dying. He was dying of embarrassment.
Let's rewind a little bit for some context.
Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were stuck in the dungeons of a double Potions class together. As usual, James sat beside his friend Sirius Black, and as usual, they were noisy with sniggers and poorly muted whispers.
"Black, Potter, do you have something that you'd like to share?" Professor Slughorn called to the two boys sitting in the back after a wheeze from Sirius was too loud for the professor to ignore.
"No sir, we're — we're fine," James said, sounding slightly out if breath from containing his laughter at a joke Sirius had made. "Just a little hot in here, isn't it?"
Slughorn sighed. "It's less hot here in the front, Potter, so why don't you switch with Shelby here?"
The girl sitting beside you perked up at the mention of her name, looking back and blushing when she realized that she was going to be sitting beside Sirius Black.
"On the contrary sir, I think I feel slightly colder already," James grinned. "I'm fine with staying at the back."
"I insist, Potter," Slughorn held a strained smile, displaying the fact that James had no choice but to follow.
The boy sighed, giving Sirius an exaggerated mournful look before picking up his things and walking over to the now vacant seat in the front, messing up his hair along the way out of habit.
He set his things down beside his chair and slumped into it, sparing a glance at his new seatmate. "Hello. I guess you're stuck with me for today," James said quietly, not wanting to disrupt Slughorn's lesson again.
You turned to face him, giving him a small smile. "I guess so. Nice to meet you."
James nodded, and you looked away to jot down some notes as Slughorn wrote on the board.
James did a double take, his brain just processing the face he saw.
Woah, he's handsome.
He couldn't stop himself from looking at you again, taking in your features from the side; your focused eyes, your cheeks, your jawline, your lips.
James had to make himself blink twice to snap himself out of his trance. I'm straight. So what if he's handsome? I'm handsome too.
"Now that we're done with our lesson, you will use the rest of the period to brew a simple Sleeping Draught with your seatmate," Slughorn announced. "Go through your books for the procedure, and don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have."
With a wave of his wand, a cauldron appeared on the side of each pair's table. "The ingredients are in the cupboard behind me," he continued, waving his wand once more to open the cupboard doors. "You may begin."
James went to stand up, but you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He looked at you and saw that you got to your feet. "I'll go get the ingredients. Can you partially fill the cauldron with water and heat it up please?" You asked.
"Uh — sure," James responded, making you smile and pat his shoulder twice before leaving with you Potions book in hand.
James stared after you, shook his head to focus. You gave him a task, and he had the weird goal to not let you down. He muttered “aguamenti” under his breath and water spilled out of the tip of his wand, filling the the cauldron. He flicked his wand upward to stop the flow once the water was halfway.
He ignited a fire under the cauldron and stayed standing over it, watching bubbles appear in the water.
“I’m back,” you greeted, gently putting down the ingredients on the empty part of their table.
James turned his head to look at you, his breath hitching when he noticed that you had a few inches over him, the top of his head reaching a little bit above your eyebrows.
He watched you pull the sleeves of your uniform upwards to your elbows, revealing your forearms. He swallowed with difficulty.
Get your head in the game, Potter, James thought, mentally slapping himself. He’s just a random boy from Ravenclaw whose taller than you and has really nice arms. Big deal.
“I’ll cut the ingredients up, you put them in the cauldron and follow the stirring. Is that okay?” You asked, giving him a glance before you put the ingredients on the cutting board in front of you.
“You’re doing an awful lot of work, huh?” James said, chuckling breathily, making you laugh slightly in response.
“Stirring properly and putting the ingredients in is also important, is it not?” You smiled teasingly, cutting the plant root with as much accuracy as possible.
He watched your fingers glide over the root and how the veins on the back of your palm popped to life when you gripped the knife.
Holy shit, James, control yourself, the messy-haired boy scolded himself. Think boobs. Boobs!
“Are you ready for the Quidditch match tomorrow?” You asked, attempting to break the semi-awkward silence between you two.
“Ah,” James remembered that Gryffindor had a match against Hufflepuff. In truth, he wasn't all that worried about it, since he's seen their Seeker and he isn't much (NO HATE ON HUFFLEPUFF, I LOVE HUFFLEPUFF <33).
"I think I'm ready," James said after a moment of silence. "I don't feel all that worried about it," he grinned, sending the boy a wink. Why he did that when he normally only did it to girls (with the exception of his own friend group) he had no idea why. I guess being with you made him full of even more surprises.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him. "Sure." You handed him the chopping board with your evenly cut plant roots on it. "Time for you to shine, Mister Potter. Pour it and stir it properly."
James took the board with an exaggerated bow. "It's my pleasure, good sir." He tossed the roots in the boiling cauldron almost carelessly, some of the water splashing onto the back of his hand.
You, who was supposed to be grinding some mineral to powder, immediately set down your mortar and pestle to check on the boy who winced in pain as the hot water made contact with his skin.
"Be careful!" You scolded, gently grabbing his hand and examining it. "It's not that bad of a burn, but we're gonna have to rinse it with warm water."
James nodded dumbly, the pain numbing slightly as soon as his hand made contact with yours.
Soft hands, he noted.
You dragged him over to the sink on the other side of the room and let the faucet run for a little while before guiding his hand under the running water, your focus blinding you from James's stare.
I'm straight. I'm straight. Straight as a wand.
"Does it hurt, Potter?"
"James," He answered absentmindedly.
"Call me James. Not Potter."
You looked up, his big brown eyes staring at you behind round, silver-rimmed glasses. "Okay, James," he totally did not shiver at the sound of his first name rolling off your tongue, "does it hurt?"
James shook his head. "It feels way better now."
"Are you sure?" You questioned, brows creasing in concern.
"Yeah — yep, I'm fine," he answered, his eyes unblinking as he maintained eye contact with you despite his small stumble over his own words. "We can just continue brewing the potion, yeah?"
Which brings us to the present moment, where he felt like he was dying.
"Okay, as long as you're sure..." You said, not entirely convinced but letting it slide for now.
You pulled down your sleeve on one arm to use it to wipe the extra water that lingered on his hand before letting it go entirely. James was already missing the warmth.
"Let's head back," you said, checking your watch as you turned around to return to your table and to resume your tasks of preparing the ingredients.
Your work commenced in silence. Your potion was a little messed up from the lack of stirring and addition of the other ingredients, but it wasn't unsalvageable. You just added some bark and leaves to balance it out a little.
You hesitantly handed the ingredients to James, worried that he was going to hurt himself again, but this time he was gentle, smiling at you victoriously as if not getting burned again was an accomplishment — which it was, you guess.
"You're stirring too quickly, James," you said, laughing slightly at his somewhat aggressive stirring.
"It didn't say that speed mattered," he replied cheekily, continuing his ministrations.
You sighed, shaking your head slightly with a smile on your face as you took a step towards him and grabbed his stirring hand, the one that wasn't burned. James eyes widened a fraction at the contact, but said nothing.
"Slow down," you murmured, guiding his hand to a much slower pace compared to the one he had set moments before. "No need to rush."
James didn't reply, too busy trying to tame the redness of his cheeks. In order to guide him, you had to stand close behind him, your chest grazing his back and your breath fanning his ear and part of his neck. Goosebumps trailed over the skin that your hot breath caressed.
"'Stir clockwise until potion turns a light shade of blue,'" you read from the instructions in your book. "What do you think, James? Is our potion ready yet?" You hummed the question almost directly in his ear.
This damn man. No way is he not doing this on purpose.
"It — No, not yet," He said, mentally whacking himself in the back of his head for his stammering.
"Alright, we keep stirring then."
You could have let go of his hand already and let him stir on his own, but you didn't. You kept your hand over his, clutching it in a gentle grip, until your potion turned from purple into a light blue.
You smiled. James, for some reason, could feel that smile despite not seeing it. It tingled in the back of his brain.
"Okay, we're done."
You let go of his hand, moving to the side to grab a dropper and a vial. James pulled the stirrer out of the cauldron and set it aside, watching you collect some of your potion and putting it in the vial.
"The Sleeping Draught can be deadly in large amounts," you said, collecting more of the potion as a bit of your Ravenclaw brain slipped out. "If you take too much of it, your calming sleep will also turn into an endless one."
You put down the dropped and took a stopper to seal the vial. You looked up at James with a smile that James could only interpret as mischievous. "Everything can kill you if you have too much of it, don't you agree?"
You don't wait for him to reply before going to the front and placing your vial in the empty rack on Slughorn's table, holding a small conversation with Slughorn before returning to get your things.
"We can leave early," you informed James, grinning. You shouldered your bag and adjusted your blue tie to not choke you as much, the hot atmosphere of the Potions room getting to you a little. "See you around, James."
You left him staring at your back, mouth slightly open and eyes wide.
Sirius passed him to get some ingredients his partner forgot to retrieve earlier and noticed his dumbfounded expression. "You good, Prongs? What happened to your hand?" He asked, looking at James's hand as he raised it to ruffle his own hair.
"Pads," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "Pads, I think I'm in love."
"Huh?" He followed his best mate's gaze, catching a glimpse of your uniform before you disappeared completely. Sirius looked back at the bespectacled boy with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Nah mate, I think you just got your gay awakening. Welcome to the club, Prongs."
"Yeah..." James's eyes were still fixed on the doorway where you once were, before his eyes snapped to Sirius's when his words fully processed in his brain. "Wait, you're gay??"
Sirius shrugged. "I'd be disappointed in myself if I wasn't," he joked, clapping James on the back. "You got good taste for your first boy crush," Sirius said before leaving James to his unpacked things and his own thoughts.
Can't argue with Padfoot about that: I definitely got good taste in men for my first guy crush...
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rizzanon · 10 months
childhood friend! Shinichiro Sano
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part 1 | part 2 (here)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who matures quite significantly by the end of highschool, no longer asking out girls at school anymore much to your surprise
"Woah, look at you."
"It's been months since you last asked out some random girl. What happened to the women obsessed Shinichiro I know?"
"Shut up, it was just a phase. Besides, you made me open my eyes in a way."
"How so?"
"I guess... I'm just waiting to ask the right person out now."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who invites you to witness the disbandment of the first generation of Black Dragons, despite you not being associated with his gang at all
"Why do you even want me to go? The people I know are only just going to be Takeomi, Waka and Benkei."
"Because I want you to be there. Is there any better reason other than that?"
"I suppose not..."
"And maybe it's also the fact that I need someone to watch over Manjiro haha..."
"I knew it."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets upset frustrated when you chose to ride with Takeomi instead of him on the day of the final gathering (he couldn't complain about it to you though, you made a fair point)
"Hey come on! Why are you going to ride with him? Takeomi's a worse rider than me y'know."
T- "Fuck off Shin. You don't worry about me stealing your girl from ya'."
"But you are a reckless rider-"
"Come on Shin, you can't expect me, you and Manjiro to be able to sit in one bike, can you? One of us is surely gonna fall off. I'll be fine with Take-chan, okay?"
"Fine..." (He was not fine with it)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who you make fun of when he comes over to you after the disbandment of the first generation of Black Dragons bawling his eyes out (you were prepared for this outcome)
"Glad to know you're still the same crybaby Shin I know."
M- "Haha! I'm gonna tell Emma you're such a crybaby."
"Cut it out you two! This—sniffs—is a special moment...!"
"You're lucky I brought tissues to wipe your tears away."
"I can't believe you know me that well."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets used to you coming over to the Sano household unnanounced whenever you pleased, not that anyone minded, since they all loved your presence
"Emma, be a dear and wake up Shin? Smack him if you have to."
E- "Okay!!"
"Woah, woah, there's no need to smack any—yawn—one. And why are you here?"
"Emma wanted me to teach her a new recipe to make for breakfast. So here I am!"
"And you decided to come over this early??"
"It's 7am Shin. Besides, don't act like you don't like seeing my pretty face the first thing in the morning~"
"Shut up." (Spoiler, he does)
childhood friend! Shinichiro whom you never grow apart from even after highschool, and you both started going on different paths, him opening up a motor bike shop while you started going to college and applied for a part time job as a cashier near the vicinity
"Wait, the shop you're working at is the one down the street, right? Just a few blocks away from my shop?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Great, looks like I can go say hi to you whenever I want."
"Don't you dare do something stupid to get me fired, Shin."
"No promises, ma'am."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who after miserably failing 5 times asks you for your help to bake a cake for Emma's birthday
"And what is this supposed to be?"
"Clearly, it's supposed to be Ariel, y'know, the princess mermaid??"
"That's your best attempt at making an ariel themed cake?? Now I know why you were begging for me to come over when you called me."
"I blame it on Manjiro for ruining the frosting."
M- "Hey! It was you who ruined it."
"So not true."
"I think the both of you should just shut up and help clean up this mess first."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who's gotten used to his siblings asking him where you were whenever you weren't seen with him and getting teased about it
E- "Neh, Shin-nii, where's [name]?"
"Probably stuck in another class, why do you ask?"
E- "I miss her."
M- "Idiot, we already saw her this morning."
E- "Hey! Don't act like you don't want her to come and play with us too!"
"Seriously you two, sometimes I wonder if I'm your older sibling at this point, with how much you ask for her."
M- "Shinchiro, we all know you love her as much as we do, maybe even more~"
"Shut your mouth Manjiro 💢"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who always shows up to your workplace when your shift is almost going to be over, always claiming that he was hungry and wanted to buy something, when in reality, he's there to send you home
"And what the hell could you possibly want from this humble store, Shin?"
"Woah, woah! Can't a customer walk around the store to see what they want to get?"
"The last time you were here you knocked down a stack of cans on display, the manager almost reduced my paycheck because of that."
"In my defence, I didn't see the stack of cans."
"Suree you didn't."
"Hey, come on now! You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize your job.. on purpose at least...."
"Seriously. Now, would you be so kind to get me a pack of cigarettes, y'know, for a very dear friend of yours?"
"The only think you'll be getting from me is a pack of gum, rotten breath."
"Rude... now come on, when does this shift of yours end anyways? Let's get dinner on the way back."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who becomes your gossip and vent buddy whenever he sends you home after your shift, with him hanging onto every word you say, and hating on whoever you hate even if he doesn't know who the hell they are
"Argh, goddamnit, won't she just give me a break already?"
"Who? Wait—no, let me guess. Is it that girl from your econs class? What's her name again? Ka—Ka something..."
"Kazumi. Wow, didn't think you'd actually remember, well somewhat remember at least."
"With how much you complain about her, who wouldn't? But let me guess what she did to aggravate you this time."
"Go on. No guarantee that there'll be a prize for that though."
"She ditched a group project discussion again? Or she claims she's too busy to complete her part of the project when in reality she's going on parties and all that?"
"Mix of both actually, so congrats! No prize for you though."
"Aww. And here I thought you'll reward me for being a good friend."
"Argh, I should ask Takeomi or Benkei to intimidate her into actually taking this group project seriously or something..."
"Why ask them when you have your number one ride or die partner next to you to do so?"
"What'll you do? Intimidate her with the 20 rejections you've gotten? Pfft, she might even make that 20 become 21 before you intimidate her."
"I thought we swore to never talk about that ever again 💢"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who's grateful to you for bringing him his lunch to his shop whenever he leaves it at home and enjoys groans whenever you nag to him about the importance of not skipping any meals
"Guess some things will never change, huh?"
"Huh? Oh, is that my lunch?"
"No, no, it's my supper."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny [name]."
"I deserve more credit for making sure you don't skip your meals."
"Is that so? Would you like me to get on my knees and thank you? I can certainly do that."
"You and your cheesy lines... when will you learn to remember to bring your own lunch to work? You're pulling off the same shit you did back when we were in highschool."
"Maybe I just like your meals better than mine..."
"...??!... That... That still isn't an excuse for you to not bring along something to eat, dumbass. What would you do if I decide not to check in on you, hm?"
"Probably starve to dea-"
-smacks his head-
"Oww??? Alright, alright, sorry I guess, 'mom'. I won't purposely skip my meals ever again..."
"Good... next time, just... ask if you want me to cook extra for you."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who notes how you start to stand one arm's length away from him whenever you're with him, and when he asks you about it, becomes visibly distraught to hear you say he reeks of cigarette smoke
"Hey... why're you standing so far away from me? Don't tell me you came over to my shop just to see me work from a distance now.."
"You just stink, that's all."
"What??!? I definitely don't stink. I took a shower this morning, and I'm not covered in grease or anything..!!"
"It's that smokey smell that's always lingering around you. Y'know, because you like to smoke every now and then.."
"Huhh?!? What're you saying!!"
"Don't tell me you don't reek of cigarettes Shin. It's blatantly obvious, I can probably even smell you from a mile away like this."
"Because I didn't want you to make you self-conscious, stupid! Besides, it's not like I can force you to stop smoking or anything.."
childhood friend! Shinichiro who slowly stops smoking as much as he used to, especially around you so that you wouldn't be disturbed by his smell and stay close to him
"What is it?"
"Eh... it's nothing important."
"Oh come on, you clearly have something to say. Cat got your tongue or something? Taken aback by my good looks?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say. You just... smell different, that's all."
"Is smell all you care about? What are you, a dog?"
"Fuck you."
"Yes please."
"I'm joking." (He wasn't really)
"And I probably smell good because I put on this new cologne I got."
"Pfft, to mask off the fact that you're a smoke addict?"
"Hey! Might I inform you that I haven't picked up a cigarette for the past two weeks now."
"Really? Wow, I'm surprised. What made you stop?"
"You. Well, more precisely, you avoiding to get close to me because I stink."
"...?!?" (You were speechless and flustered)
childhood friend! Shinichiro who gets jealous upset when his friends flirt with you right in front of his face, not knowing that they're doing this to get him riled up enough and grow balls to finally confess to you
T: "Say, [name], you got a boyfriend or anything?"
"..?!?! Wha- Why're you asking her that-"
T: "What? Can't a man be curious? Besides, no boyfriend would be pleased if their girlfriend is hanging out with her 'guy' friend and his siblings 24/7."
"Very funny Take-chan. If that's your logic, then I believe you already have your answer."
B: "That's suprising. I was sure a pretty girl like you would have many guys chasing for you."
"...! I'm flattered, Keizo-kun. But I doubt that's the case, haha."
"Oi, you guys, stop bugging her like this..."
T: "Ya'know, I'm pretty sure most girls like strong guys, right? Shin's pretty weak to stay by your side."
T: "But, he makes it up with his charm and caring side, so I guess you have it good [name]."
W: "Well, that's Shin-chan for ya, so you don't have to worry about him not treating you right, [name]. But if he doesn't, you cant count on us to beat him up for you."
"I.... wow, okay...?"
"?!? Oi, you guys!!? Now you're scaring me!!"
childhood friend! Shinichiro who confronts you one day, telling you all about how his friends and family keep on teasing him about how you and him should date and how he also really liked the idea of that
"Hahaha! Really? Manjiro did that?? I can't believe I missed that!"
"It's painful y'know! Can't believe he's only 12 years old and pulling off roundhouse kicks like that. And to my face too!"
"Well, what'd you do this time?"
"Wha-?!? I can't believe you're so quick to take his side. Both you and Emma."
"What can I say? Both him and Emma are my favourite Sanos after all."
"Gasp After all these years, you're choosing them over me?!? I'm disappointed, [name]. I thought you knew better 😔"
"Cry about it then."
"But he must have a reason for doing that to you though, right?"
"I mean... it's kind of stupid, really."
"Oh? Do tell whatever the reason for the 'invincible Mikey' to roundhouse kick you. And for Emma to take his side on the matter."
"Ah... they're just mad that I apparently haven't made you my girlfriend yet."
"I know, stupid, isn't it? They both have been bugging me about this for years now, claiming that they 'want you to be their actual sister'. What's worse is that gramps has the same sentiment as them too."
"Seriously? Sano-sensei as well?"
"Yup. He says he doesn't mind having you as his "granddaughter-in-law" and that you're the only person I ever truly listen to. Bullshit by the way."
"Is it it really though?"
"That's not the point. Hell, even the guys are teasing me for not making it official with you yet. Bugging me about it whenever we hangout, saying that if I don't act soon, they'll steal you away from me."
"I-.... wow... I guess that explains what happened the last time we hung out."
"Yeah, sorry if their words bothered you."
"No, no it's fine. But I'm just wondering... what do you think about all this?"
"Like.... with everyone bugging you, and well me about this, what are your thoughts on us dating?"
"...?!?... I guess.... I don't mind that..."
"Really? I'm glad then."
"Huh? What do you mean."
"I guess I don't mind us dating as well."
".....Wait..., so are you saying I can be your boyfriend?!?! Really?!?"
"Yes! I'm saying you can be my boyfriend, and I can be your girlfriend, idiot."
"I'm actually so happy right now I could literally kiss you."
"Then do it, Shin. Who's gonna stop you?"
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a/n: i love him so much oml, thinking about writing longer fics about some of these scenarios
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' husband Gojo - The Aftermath- 02
Tags- smut, angst, cheating, TW seizures, bad mental health of reader
Synopsis- The events of the fateful night of Christmas...
The Aftermath- 01 // series masterlist
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24th December, 2016
"Hey y/n! Wanna get some drinks on Christmas? If you don't have any plans! Or are you too busy for us 'poor people'! Haha!". Your friends have called and they joked.
You come from a very lower middle class family. Raised by your grandmother and elder sister(by six years) due to your parents being absent.
It was difficult, you grew up watching your grandmother working at an age where she should be enjoying life and your sister when she should be studying. You grew up knowing what's it like to have nothing.
With a decent education, you and your sister started supporting your grandmother with a decent corporate job until your sister got married to her co-worker.
It was just you, helping financially your grandmother with her medical bills while saving up enough for a decent enough wedding dress to follow your sister's path, where you marry an average man like she did, have kids, take care of your children and man and thats it.
An average life.
But you wanted more.
You prayed. Day and night for an extraordinary life, a life memorable and not like your sister's.
You wanted more from life.
And the Gods heard your prayer.
Your whole life changed when you became an essential part of Japan's prolific Aristocratic family.
The news was everywhere. Its a rags to riches, The modern Cinderella story in everyone's eyes.
It was beautiful.
It was memorable, everything you wanted..
Until it wasn't...
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"Uh.. yes i am free.", it felt so different, talking to people you worked with after so long. "What's the timing?", you asked.
"25th, 7pm! At the usual place. Also y/n! Could you maybe bring your husband! I mean we would all love to meet Mr Gojo! He's so funny! Only if Mr Gojo is free that is!"
Ah yes. Mr Gojo, the funny, entertaining Mr Gojo. He has met your friends from work enough times to make an image of the grounded but arrogant, funny rich guy.
"Oh! He-he isn't home. He's quite busy. Maybe next time, i will bring him!", you managed as if there will be a next time!
"Oh(disappointed) , nevermind then. Send my regards to Mr Gojo. And you do not forget to come y/n!"
You wanted to go out, outside and away from this house of memories, with Satoru, that trapped you. You wanted to breath fresh air and move on.
Move on?
How could you move on?
The fact that you were 3 months in your pregnancy after 4 years of marriage. But you failed to carry the child. You failed to maintain the marriage with the person you love. And you're talking about moving on when its just 2 months?
How cruel y/n, how cruel...
25th December, 2016 || 6.45pm
You got dressed up in a simple black turtleneck, jeans, an overcoat and knee high boots with a woolen cap on.
A thick layer of concealer was enough to hide the under eye dark circles. You put on a red lipstick and went out.
The staff stared at you, secretly though, but nonetheless they stared and judged you.
'Is Lady y/n really pregnant?' One said. "She doesn't have a bump though", other quoted. "Come to think of it, her monthly(period) hasn't arrived either. She is pregnant!".
"When's she going to announce?" One servant asked. "Maybe after Lord Satoru arrives?". "Oh! Maybe on the New Year's eve! Seems perfect timing as well.", one replied.
The servants maybe nosy but they know their places. They know, something so sensitive as the pregnancy of the great six eyes sorcerer's wife, its not their place to give the news to the family.
Generally, almost every household's staffs know about anything and everything that goes on in Gojo household. But the word, luckily, doesn't reaches to their employers most of the time.
But this time, it wasn't just some other light news from the Gojo House and the servants of other households started talking to their employers in no time...
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It was already past 11.30pm.
Reunion with your office friends and straight up five bottles of your favorite vodka felt so nice that you almost forgot about all and everything that had gone wrong in your life.
You meet up with your co-workers every Christmas for the last 4 years. Sometimes Satoru would company, sometimes he wouldn't.
Talking about politics, sports and who's dating who, both in the office and among celebrities. These were mostly the topics you spent discussing while drinking.
"Hey, its almost going to be 12. I think that's it for the night guys!", one of your girlfriends announced after a slight glance at her silver wrist watch.
"Whaaat?", your speech was slurred and vision blurry after five drinks. "Isss overrr already? Whyyyy? Less get the party started.."
Everyone chuckled. "Ah y/n san had too much to drink! Now we'd have to drop her at her royal palace!", the other girlfriend smiled, a little jealous of your luxurious life.
"Whaaaaat? Less playyy! C'mon ya lot!", you continued babbling frustrated.
"I'll drop y/n. If its okay with everyone."
Out of all the twelve co-workers, one of them stood up and offered to help you reach home.
He knew none are interested in insuring you reach home safely. Everybody was just ignorant and busy to get back home to be on time for work.
He, Kenzo, always have had feelings for you. From the moment you entered the Office to present, when you're married and babbling gibberish while totally drunk.
Everyone agreed to leave you to Kenzo since it was no secret, the feelings he has and someone like him would definitely make sure you reach home safe and secure.
26th December, 2016 || 12.26 am
The group gave their farewells to each other and went on their way.
You, on the other hand, are so drunk that its impossible for you stand up without your legs wobbling and bringing you down.
Kenzo helped you and got you on the passenger seat of his car and started driving towards your 'palace'.
Your head felt heavy with all the drinks you had. You could hear voices in your head, all distorted, words lapsing onto each other.
"You did this y/n!"
"Because of you y/n your baby is dead"
"Satoru will never love you"
"All you've done since marriage is sitting on top of your husband's fortune... living the life you never had"
"Satoru's family....They were right...Everyone was right.."
"You are just a whore"
"Whore for money"
You let out a scream and started twisting and turning your head and hands to stop all this annoying gibberish in your head. Your eyes closed tight shut.
Kenzo, while driving through almost an empty road, saw this and was absolutely horrified. He thought you're having seizures so he stopped his car in an empty underground parking lot that was luckily near when he saw you.
"Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?". He grabbed your cheeks to hold you still while his other hand held forcefully onto your shaking arms. "Talk to me y/n. Talk to me!"
"Talk to me y/n"
You heard.
You opened your eyes, slowly letting in the artificial bright lights hit your eyes. Lips trembling. Cheeks red, tears rolling.
You felt a grasp on your cheeks and lowered your gaze to see Kenzo, worried and sweating.
You let out a sigh and without any thoughts hugged Kenzo.
He didn't know what just happened but if hugging him makes you feel better, he's okay with it. He hugged you back. Caressing your back.
All the thoughts had stopped now in your head.
You calmly pulled away from the hug and locked your eyes with Kenzo's.
He is so handsome, same age as you, has beautiful hooded eyes, his nose, his lips.
You gently brought your lips closer to his and he to yours. You both so close but so far. You wanted to kiss him, he wanted to kiss you.
Your lips brushed upon his and he kissed you. You put your tongue in his mouth and fought for dominance. After a few pants for air, you won, a battle you never won with your husband.
Kenzo pulled back though halfway through. You were puzzled. Didn't he want you? But then you saw him looking at your big blue and white diamond wedding ring.
Oh so thats what it is.
You quickly removed the two rings from your left hand and put the expensive rings onto dashboard. One ring being your wedding band and the other ring was an official platinum-diamond band symbolizing that you are the Gojo Clan head's wife.
In a rush you jumped sat on his lap. Fixating yourself just above his crotch, continuously rubbing your clothed groin over his. You both panted.
You unbuckled your jeans and threw them in the backseat and unzipped Kenzo's pants, about to slide in his member in you. You were so in heat he could see right through you if he'd have to be honest.
He held your wrists and stopped you from doing it...
"Y/n, we shouldn't... its not right... you're married-", he protested with his voice low.
"I decide whats right or not... so shut up and do it already", you growled at him in frustration and just put his cock in your unprepared cunt.
You were finally tainted wholly...
It hurt a lot in the beginning, doing the deed all dry, without any foreplay after so long and after your miscarriage but slowly your body adjusted.
'God! he's so small', you thought to yourself while pushing in Kenzo's 5 inches hard cock in you since for the last over 7 years you've gotten used to Gojo's 8 inches.
This lowly act of yours went on for around 2 hours. Doing it anywhere and everywhere inside the car, in all and every position.
26th December, 2016 || 4.50am
The radio was playing 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers.
Kenzo was driving you to your house.
You were quiet. He was quiet.
The drive to your uphill estate was easy since it was early morning so the streets were traffic free. He drove his car through the beautiful posh Uphills neighborhood of Tokyo. Your house was almost there.
Each house in this posh area are mindfully distanced to provide full privacy and personal space to the owners. That is why Satoru bought his married house here.
You were looking outside the window with a cigarette between your lips and suddenly your heart skipped a beat, eyes widened, forehead sweating when you saw your husband's black Audi sedan parked in the driveway...
You gulped when the car stopped outside the Gojo Estate's premises.
Door opened, left foot out and you got out. Before entering the gates of your premises, you leaned down a little to look at an equally annoyed Kenzo.
You both didn't share any words or any final looks and he just drove his car as soon as you got off.
He knew what he had done was crossing the line and beyond. It was so unethical to sleep with a married woman, doesn't matter if you were his crush once or not.
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"Well technically y/n you are separated and will be divorced soon. So its not cheating. Technically?" Your head convinced you in case when you'd be caught you'll have an argument ready.
You started walking through the cobblestone walkway, a little nervous... Actually, truth be told, you are scared of seeing Satoru. Finding you in your current state at this late hour.
You took one last big puff and then crushed the cigarette with your boots.
You rang the bell once, twice. You started thinking maybe its not Satoru but its Mr Ijichi. Yeah! He's busy anyway.
The door opened just as you were about to ring the third time and all your fears came true...
Satoru Gojo opened the door.
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@sindela @dazai-gojo-kinnie @whats-humanity-lol @thewickedofrizz @phantasmia @ghostllyyz @yihona-san06 @Enaaneaen @sweet-almond @Angel_🫶🏻@autumn-slaves @wondermilka @hh0peful @kugisakinobarades @witchbybirth @nineooooo @ssc7514 @Hana-patata @blue_spices @haikyuubiggestsimp @urstepmom69 @hueneve @chayunwoo@waosobii @nadzhaf @yoriichiswife @tiltraumadouspart @kirschtein123 @whoisobsessed @Asala @ashthemadwriter @remnirris @svm666 @voidsatoru @staygoldsquatchling02 @dunnowhy-m @nnasv @violetmatcha @dummyf @Noblog @Littledemoness15 @shaiah @iluv-ace @mmeerraa @angellyah @0bakuzan @waxhers @chanelmalandro @shoutobrainrot @angrydaughter @Screw-aebi@asdfghjkl7things @kodzukenwhore @gabile18 @bollockswhy @pelicanpizza @electro-supremacy @Zatannaswifeblog@spam-and-eggs @guenievresworld @b0scuit@aliventboo @marit332 @ieathairs @hells-escapees @no-name222
Aplogies, tags are CLOSED
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Let's talk about Jessica Drew - Character Analyzation/Rant (People don't like powerful women)
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This magnificent woman sports a luscious afro while wearing 80s style clothing. Afros and natural hair in general are symbols of African American pride and embracing your African heritage. Her clothing style is very similar to the clothing style and fashion that African American women wore in the 80s.
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I couldn't find a better picture, but do you see my vision? Also they are serving 🤩
She oozes culture and black power. She's a pregnant, yet badass black woman who drives a motorcycle and is proud of her heritage. Yet people dislike her. Why?
Because she's an aggressive, no-nonsense, black female character
One of the reasons people dislike Jessica Drew is because we see her reprimanding Gwen for visiting Miles, and telling her that she can't see him again. However, controversially, I think Jess was right about this. Gwen disobeyed direct orders and let her heart get in front of her head. She ignored her mission and the result of that was Spot's escape and a possibility of interdimensional unraveling. Jess had all the right to reprimand Gwen for this, because in her perspective, Gwen messed up. But even though Gwen messed up, Jess was still willing to give her another chance. She agreed not to tell Miguel, because she knew Gwen would be sent home, proving that she still had Gwen's best interests at heart and didn't want Gwen to have to go back to deal with her dad and the possibility of being arrested.
The second reason people dislike her is because she allowed Gwen to be sent back to her universe. However, people are completely forgetting the fact that she wasn't the person sending Gwen back to Earth-65. Miguel was. Jess did her best to protect Gwen, and gave Gwen numerous chances, but in the end, Gwen failed her mission and disobeyed orders, causing her to be sent home. This is not Jess's fault. People are also ignoring the fact that Peter B. Parker, a man that knew Gwen way before Jess did absolutely nothing to save Gwen from Miguel's rage. What did he do instead? He stood there and made jokes. Instead of actually addressing the situation and a girl who considered him her friend, he decided to crack a joke. Not even a funny joke. But people are blaming Jess for this. Why?
Because people don't like seeing strong, aggressive female characters. Jessica oozes confidence. She's confident in her heritage, she's confident in her capabilities and she's confident in herself. Her tone is sharp, she doesn't mess around and she doesn't put up with people's bullshit. Ex. her telling Peter B to "stop talking" and her telling Hobie he's "not helping". People don't like seeing aggressive black female leads, because it makes them uncomfortable. People are quick to label a woman who's aggressive as "harsh" and "argumentative" but proceed to label Miguel, the person who sent a homeless teenager back to her dimension, as someone who's "doing what he has to". I'm not saying Miguel is a bad person. I'm saying Jessica isn't a bad person.
Jess is also most definitely going to get a character development arc considering how she was obviously doubting her loyalty to Miguel in the last 30ish minutes of the movie right after Gwen was sent-home and during Gwen's speech with Miles' parents when Jess was listening.
Jess Drew was slightly harsh on Gwen, and didn't object to her being sent back to her dimension. Was this wrong of her? Yes. But does that make her a bad person? No. People are misinterpreting her character. She is not a bad person and she does not deserve the hate people are spewing against her. She is a strong black female character and we need more people like her in the media to look up to.
BTW, I'm not black but I tried to be as accurate in my description of how Jess embraces her heritage as I could, so if you see any inaccuracies or have any comments, please correct me <3
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thinking about the fe games w/ routes (fates and three houses specifically but probably others idfk)
i think there needs to be more tragedy there. or opportunities for it i guess? or that fire emblem has to make unique death quotes for characters in general man
death in fire emblem feels so blah for me. more of an inconvenience than in other media. like when im playing DnD and an npc i love dies it isnt "man that sucks. anyway" but even w characters i love in fire emblem its just "man do i wanna reset the chapter for this that was so lame"
make death and especially betrayal related deaths Hurt More.
lets say youre byleth. youre teaching the black eagles, yay! but you have a b support with claude. you and claude are good buddies, maybe you just like claude as a character or its accidental because of x y z does Not matter. either way you are one of claudes closest friends. then the war starts, and you choose to side with a woman claude sees as a future tyrant (or at the very least a driven warmonger who might crush the alliance underneath her boot). imagine the hurt. the absolute fucking agony for claude.
and for byleth! byleth wakes up and their friend is gone. on another side, unreachable, 5 years of emotional distance *yawning* in front of them.
and then they reunite in the midst of battle, weapons drawn. theyve both come so far and have goals they *have* to achieve.
"I don't want this."
too bad. if you roll over, you get a game over because you fuckin failed the route. or you have to make someone else kill claude because sumn sumn mechanically you have a 0% hit rate bc of that b support. you cant do it.
too bad. claude cant run away, hes the last line of defense for a place hes responsible for. if he leaves what is he? a coward? a turncoat? would he have to believe in edelgard's future? would he have to slay his own allies, friends, the people who relied on him?
he cant. you cant.
he begs you to reconsider. you cant.
as he falls he reaches out a hand. you kneel beside him as he says a few things. calls this whole battle a clever gambit, praises your cunning in using effective weaponry, etc etc. but his voice is weaker. theres no option to spare him, you couldnt spare any *other* unit, could you? couldn't spare hilda. cant spare claude.
he mentions sometimes dreaming of the monastery. the food was good, right? hope the foods good in the future you build with edelgard. hope you name a town after him, thatd be fun. dont get stupid, teach, dont join him too soon. maybe he'll even wait for ya. keep a seat warm.
(fire emblem unit death sound)
then also: units in your own army.
lets say youre playing black eagles. its nearish endgame but not too close so i dont say any spoilers, but regardless bernadetta and yuri have an A support. they might get hitched postgame man, you havent done the A support of anyone else w those two. its a rough battle, your healer is severely low on psychic uses, you sold all your fucking vulneraries because you thought dorothea was more of a beast than she is. its dire.
unexpected sniper crit. yuri is on 0 hp.
bernadetta is within 5 tiles and instead of yuri's canned death quote, bernie interjects with one of the most well voiced anguished screams youve ever fucking heard. on the next turn, bernie gets +50 hit *and* crit on that enemy, and if she kills it the rest of the scene plays.
bernie is holding yuri, one of her few friends in her hellish fucking life. hes not gonna make it, she knows that, but shes still gonna try. shes wailing and begging him to stay like she wished she had all those fucking years ago, shes babbling about all the things he'll miss if he goes, all the things shes planned for them to do now that shes brave enough to leave her bedroom. he cuts her off to laugh. now is when she gets brave and honest with her feelings? when hes dying? oh bernie come on. he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in for a hug, kissing her temple like an old boyfriend and not a quiet yearning crush. he murmurs that hes glad she left her bedroom. that hes glad she can see the world beyond what abuse happened to her behind closed doors. that she'll find some other person to hold in his stead, one who wont so rudely get his blood on her battle leathers. one who wont leave her time and time again like he has. she wails into his shoulder as she drops the scraps of cloth she had been trying to use to stop his bleeding and just holds her dying friend.
(fire emblem unit death sound)
if death felt like An Event and not An Inconvenience i'd play with permadeath more man. make me sad fire emblem youre so shit at it
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shamefulsho · 2 months
01 || 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 || 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 ♫
✩ - 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 Sero Hanata and L/n Y/n are each others hallway crush. ✩
genre: fluff/slice of life/ pining
requested: no
pronouns: she/her
wc: 1,328
warnings: curse words, suggestive jokes
masterlist || 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 || 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 ♫
          The cafeteria was bustling with students from every class in UA, each with their own unique appearance. The hundreds of unique voices of all ranges and volumes combined to make the room deafeningly loud, louder than any she's used to anyway. Y/n was forced to almost yell to talk to the purple-haired boy sitting across from her.
"I know we literally just started school, but what's up with our class immediately making cliques?"
"I have no clue. I did notice that though. I also noticed how you did everything to not interact with any of them," Shinso glanced lazily at her before taking another bite of his lunch.
"Ok, in my defense, it was between the assholes, the rich, the stoners, and you. Either way, I know you, and I'd take you any day over having to take my chances with Sue who looked like she had cocaine in her bag."
Shinso quirked his eyebrow at her.
          Y/n and Hitoshi had met in middle school and quickly became close friends. When the time to sign up for high schools rolled around, they both applied for UA, hand in hand. And together, they both failed their physical entrance exam. However, the silver lining was that despite not making it into UA's hero course, they both still made it into UA and into the same general studies class.
"What's the face for? Who do you think I should be friends with? Cocaine Sue, Self-deprecating Mai, or Shinso, my friend I've known since the first year of middle school?"
"There's only one right option. And it's Cocaine Sue. Maybe she can give us a boost to get us through the year,"
"You want her to get us through the year? I hate to be that person, but I'll be surprised if she doesn't get expelled by next month," y/n's eyes sweep across the tables surrounding them, "Just based on the people sitting around us, I could tell you what clique they fall into."
"I don't know what else you expect. Everyone's looking for someone else to pass the time with, and they pick people that they share qualities with,"
"I guess so," she murmurs in defeat before pausing, "Hey, isn't that the guy from the sludge villain incident?" Y/n nods her head to a group sitting three tables away.
"Huh, it is. Small world."
Her e/c eyes take in his spiky hair and how he snaps at a boy sitting across from him. She watches the boy laugh at the rude comment thrown his way, his shiny, black hair swaying with each chuckle. His face beaming with a wide, gorgeous smile.
Heat floods her, her cheeks morphing from their natural color to a red.
"Holy crap, he's cute," she murmurs.
"Someone caught your eye?" Shinso hums curiously.
"Yeah," she dreamily replies, "On the same table as the sludge victim, the one with the black hair,"
Shinso leans on the table thoughtfully as he examines the black-haired boy.
"I will never understand your taste,"
She ignored Shinso's jab as she watched the beautiful stranger talk to his friend about who knows what. She knew it wasn't smart to fall for someone she knew nothing about, yet the more she observed him, the more details she would notice about him that made her abandon any common sense: how expressive he was, how excitedly he would comment on something, how he shared parts of his meal with the people around him.
Even more so, everything about his eyes. His wide eyes were the color of the night sky and reflected his every emotion, a peak into his soul. Eyes that were now looking back at her.
Y/n's breath hitched in her throat and her heart began to quicken. He gazed at her with his mouth slightly agape and his expression unreadable. She knew she had gotten caught staring at him, yet somehow she couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes away from his when they were sparkling so prettily. It felt as if she was drowning in pools of ink, and she couldn't be bothered to save herself.
"Oh, do you remember when Present Mic said the homework was due?" Shinso's monotone voice forces y/n out of her daze.
Reluctantly, she glanced one last time at the stranger's endearing dazed face before turning to Shinso "Man, you suck,"
"Hey, I was listening to Cocaine Sue talk about some sketchy warehouse party she's going to,"
"Oh, I can't blame you. You've definitely got your priorities in check. It was Wednesday, I think,"
In spite of the fact that she hadn't completely finished her tray of food, Y/n pulled out a handful of hard, fruity candies from her backpack. She placed them between her and Shinso as they both tossed it into their mouths. Yet, she couldn't enjoy the flavor to the fullest, or even completely focus on Shinso who was attempting to remember the details of Cocaine Sue's party. She could still sense a certain pair of black eyes lingering on her.
The bell rang out, signaling the end of lunch. The entire cafeteria almost seemed to vibrate as every student returned to their respective class.
Shinso stands, watching as Y/n stares at the food that remained in her tray. "What a waste of good food," she murmurs.
"Yeah, no one can compare with LunchRush's food. Anyways, go to class without me, I'm going to the bathroom,"
"Need me to hold your hand?"
"No, I'll survive,"
As Shinso walked away, y/n began to collect candy wrappers that were piled on the table. Despite pushing the trash into the tray, it stubbornly resisted against her.
She huffed and ignored it, making her way to the nearest trash can. As if to taunt her, while she moved to dump the contents of the tray, the entire pile of colorful paper plummeted to the floor.
A groan forces its way out of her throat as she sets her tray with the other dirty ones and crouches to pick up her litter.
She cursed Shinso's and her sweet tooth as she picked up the waste scattered around her. She had only plucked a few when another pair of hands joined her.
When they had finally picked everything up, she looked up to thank the kind person only to find familiar black eyes looking back at her, a soft, charming smile on his soft lips.
Her heart began to loudly pound in her ears despite trying to calm herself. She could only pray that he couldn't hear it too or that he didn't notice her hand subtly shaking as she took the wrappers from his warm, soft outstretched hand.
She couldn't help herself as her eyes trailed from his now empty hand to his strangely shaped elbow to his muscular build to his lopsided smile. No matter how much she looked, she couldn't find an imperfect quality of his to hold against him. Even his presence was warm and magnetic, tempting her to stay in it for an eternity.
His own gaze flitted from her hand to her face, pausing a moment longer on her lips. He averts his eyes back to her hand, still hovering over his, as he gingerly wets his lips.
Her cheeks flushed red as she snapped out of her trance and rose from her crouching position. The stranger in front of her quickly followed, his cheeks also painted a soft red.
Y/n hurriedly tossed the candy wrappers before bowing to him. "Thanks for that," she softly murmured before turning and walking in the direction of her class.
The moment she stepped into the hallway, her heart returned to its natural rhythm and her mind cleared, replaced by a giddy feeling in her chest. She giggled and replayed the interaction in her mind as she continued the short walk to her classroom.
"Shinso, I am so down bad for that random person."
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etheries1015 · 6 months
Dom!Sariel x needy!reader
18+ Minors DNI
for my IRL best friend who is #1 Sariel fan, hope you liked this bestie I love you
General warnings: Fem pronouns, AFAB reader, reader is more forward than MC in-game.
TW: Aphrodisiac, Face fucking, whipping, spanking, Dacryphilia, hair pulling, almost being caught
After not meeting expectations for a recent exam given by the Minister himself and your lover, you were surprised to see instead of his typical chastising, Sariel sits you down with a cup of tea. Unbeknownst to you, the true punishment lie at the bottom of the teacup... where he snuck a particularly strong aphrodisiac.
"What is the name of the 4th king of Rhodolite, and what is he known for?" A seductive voice inquired, looking down at your naked body stomach down and back arched upon the very desk you had failed your exam on. Your wrists were bound together and your legs spread by the force of Sariels strong arms, teasing your dripping entrance with the tip of his cock. With your cheeks flushed red and beads of sweat covering your trembling body, it was obvious to any on-looker that you were not focused on the words coming out of his mouth.
"I- urgh-" You whined, "Don't know- fuck..." You let out a high-pitched moan as you tried to move your ass in an attempt to deepen his length inside of you, a desperate attempt to fill the emptiness that was itching for the comfort of your lover. Sariel 'tsked' and hummed in disappointment, completely removing himself from the warmth between your legs leaving you complaining about his absence. You attempted to move your head to flash him a needy stare, however, he pushed your head back down to the wood with a look of condensation.
"Uh-uh-uh..." Sariel sang, "I did not give you permission to move." You heard the familiar crack of a whip with a stinging left upon your ass that you had become tolerant to. That didn't make it sting any less, though. You yelped in surprise, going to scoot away from the black-haired devil before his hands wrapped around the outside of your thighs and roughly pulled you back with his hands. Without saying a word, he whipped you once more with a choked-out sob and moan leaving your body confused between the line of pleasure and pain. He frequented the use of his whip, but with the added sensitivity of the drink he had given you left your body in such a state of desire and sensitivity that it was particularly a strange sensation. The way the stinging left you wetter with every snap of his whip despite the pain it was supposed to bring, the hairs on your body standing on edge with great anticipation of every new mark he left upon your skin.
"This aphrodisiac is far more effective than I gave Prince Keith credit for..." Sariel smiled with satisfaction, using a gloved hand to spread the lips of your entrance and watch as your glistening slick substance dripped from your twitching hole. "If I hadn't known better, I would have mistaken you for a bitch in heat," instead of entering his fingers into you as you had hoped he would, instead you heard footsteps back and you turned your head in an attempt to peek at what he was doing. It was obvious he was teasing you, not giving you the fullness you desired, and completely disregarding your begs and whines. He could tell you were becoming more and more agitated every time he would touch you without gratifying you fully, the annoyance showing in your defiant glare.
Sariel folded his arms and looked down at you with a smirk and eyes of mischief, taking his whip out once more and caressing the handle of it.
"Since that question was so hard, I'll give you another chance. But I caution you to think through it wisely," he hummed, using the popper of the whip to glide gently as a warning against your sore bottom.
"This is- ugh," You huffed, "This is dumb! I'm sorry I got the exam wrong, but this is just cruel," You whined, your arms and knees throbbing from holding your body up, "Please Sariel, please fuck me, It burns, I need something in me..." You whined. Raising an eyebrow, Sariel bit his bottom lip at such a needy and desperate display. It wasn't often you were as vocal with your needs, the filth that was drawing out of your typically collected lips caused him to harden almost in an instant.
"If I simply gave into what you want," He held back his urge to ravish you right then and there, adjusting himself where he stood in front of your face, "Then that would defeat the entire purpose of your punishment. You failed your exam, and now you must pay the price for it...I'm disappointed in you, you know?" He pointed out, grabbing your hair and pulling your head towards his throbbing cock.
"Let us make a compromise, then. If you do well in this task, then I will give you what you want. Does that sound fair?" Without so much as a complaint coming out and only eager to receive what you were craving, you were almost too eager to open your mouth and take in his length. He chuckled at such a pathetically needy display, groaning as the warmth of your mouth engulfed him as far as you could go.
"I know you can do better than that," Sariel let out a groan from the back of his throat, gently wiping the tears that pricked the side of your eyes as you attempted to take him further. He used his thumb to rub your cheek with the affection of a man you wouldn't have guessed had tricked you into drinking an aphrodisiac, such small gestures leaving your legs like jelly and your stomach riddled with butterflies.
That kindness was short-lived, and you now realize was sweetness disguised as an early apology for what was yet to come. Pursing his lips and sweat beading his forehead, Sariel seemed to have reached his breaking point as he used both of his hands to grab the back of your head, forcing it down on his cock. He began to fuck your throat with reckless abandon, the sounds of wetness and gagging filling the air and tears streaming down your eyes. Watching you become an entire mess with your makeup smearing and your mixed liquids wetting your lips and cheeks, Sariel came almost embarrassingly fast. He let out a deep and uncharacteristically loud moan as he pulled out of your mouth, releasing himself over your face. You coughed aggressively and didn't have a moment to chastise your lover before he was already pulling out a handkerchief and rubbing your face apologetically.
"You did well," He said with honey coating his voice, "would you like your reward now? Or shall we stop here? I understand I was a bit-"
"Please!" You were quick to answer, "I've been asking you this whole time, please, fill me up! I need you," You whined. Sariel raised an almost surprised eyebrow before chuckling at your neediness and planting a chaste kiss on your lips, throwing the dirtied handkerchief to the side and moving to the other side of the table where your ass remained arched for him, showing off your dripping cunt enticing him to plunge inside. He pulled the top half of your body off of the desk, where your feet were now touching the ground. This made it much easier to have access to you as he pleased, lining up the tip of his cock to your entrance. Rubbing circles around your hole and spreading around your slick, he thrust forward gliding his cock on the outside of your lips to lubricate himself with your sticky substance, another needy complaint coming from you.
"Stop teasing me already and-" Your squabbling was interrupted as fast as it started, Sariel pushing himself all at once deep inside of your drenched pussy. You let out a moan and a shiver of relief, feeling full just as your body had craved. The pleasure was short-lived, for soon after beginning your moans were muffled by a hand shooting over your mouth and his hips stopped his movements against yours. You were about to protest before he whispered in your ear to be silent as footsteps sounded outside the door.
"Nobody was scheduled to be around my office this time...how annoying," Sariel grumbled. You would have put more thought into that statement if you weren't so distracted by his hips slowly and intimately grinding into you, hand still over your mouth.
"I suppose that means you'll just have to be cautious in your volume. If you make a single sound louder than permitted, we will get caught. Do you understand?" Giving him a weak nod simply to appease him, he kissed your head with a "Good girl" prior to his hips picking up in speed. His threats had little meaning as the low voices and tapping feet outside of the room faded down the hallway without even a glance to the door where such sinful acts were taking place, and you were almost certain you were now in the clear. Especially with the way the dark-haired man snapped his hips against yours, it was obvious it was empty words with little regard. He was acting as if he had been the one to drink the aphrodisiac, ironically the man who had done the planning to make you needy was acting as a wild animal drunk on the way your walls clenched down on his cock.
"It seems," He grunted, "perhaps the properties of the aphrodisiac make you much warmer inside...hah..." The slapping of skin filled the room, yet the fear of someone walking in was the least of your worries. He skillfully removed the ties around your wrists before pulling your arms back, lifting the top of your body roughly ravishing you as if he were a man starved of touch for days on end. You were in no better of shape, despite the throbbing of your knees and the film of sweat covering your exhausted body, your mind was blank with nothing but pleasure electrifying from where your lover took his place between your thighs.
tilting his head back and pulling you by your hips against his as he moaned with pursed lips, closing his eyes while his cock twitched inside your walls while your legs trembled with release. High-pitched moans elicited your lips as ropes of cum painted your swollen insides white, Sariel pulling out to watch your body practically collapsed to the ground. He swiftly caught you in his arms, smiling gently and planting a kiss of affection upon your forehead. You panted and looked up at your lover with lidded eyes fluttering shut, Sariel stroking your hair apologetically.
"You did well," He hummed with love honeying his voice, "Shall we clean you up now, my dear? And I believe a true reward is in store for your wonderful performance..."
You really did get the princess treatment afterward. After getting your clothes on he cleans up the mess left behind by your...endeavors, Sariel helped you back to your room where he bathed you and pampered your body with medicine and love. About two hours later with the effects fully worn off, you were lying in bed resting in his arms, talking about the effects of the aphrodisiac and how exactly it made you feel. You complained about the way he teased you when you felt so needy and at the mercy of his touch, the way that your body ached to have him inside of you yet his endless teasing leaving you feeling...well, words that you were not even able to properly convey.
You huffed, noticing the way he seemed to not fully grasp the extreme in which you had just gone through. Frustrated at his lack of understanding, you twisted a proposal to him.
"Next time, You're drinking that fucking potion."
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Why not leave?
I find it interesting how almost all the higher ups in the mafia don't really wish to be there, but despite having more than enough power and resources to leave, they don't.
Kouyou has been an executive since 15 (at least), and throughout those seven years I find it impossible to believe that she never thought about leaving. In fact, this is even addressed in this manga by Mori himself, to which she just responds with something lighthearted. Her earlier escape attempt was a fail, yes, but surely she understands that things are much different this time?
It is not her capability which is preventing her, but rather her mindset. And while this also ties into her responsibility, it is also important to note that she may very well believe that she can never truly be rid of the mafia and its teachings. It took an immense amount of reassurance for her to trust Kyouka in the hands of the agency, and even then, very reluctantly.
To Kouyou, I don't think that's a demonstration to her that she can leave, but rather a reminder of what she couldn't achieve in the past. And now, she most likely thinks that the mafia's influence on her is too deep to be shed off. She says as much herself to Kyouka, who has barely been in the mafia for 2 years at that point. Imagine what she thinks of herself. I do think that her duty to the mafia also makes her stay, she acknowledges that she's an important piece in their operations and jokes that it would fall apart without her. She has accepted her role in the mafia, and knows thinks it's too late to get out.
Mori, the leader himself, despite being...well, the leader, simply views his role in the mafia as necessary. He doesn't want to be the PM boss, his life in BEAST is clearly indicative of what he actually wants (you can't tell me an 'inherently evil person' ends up taking care of an orphanage in some universe), but he knows that he is the person best equipped to handle this role. His strategy of the "optimal solution", speaks to his neutrality and general capability of remaining apathetic towards necessary events which would most likely break someone else emotionally and mentally.
This isn't to say that he doesn't have any emotions, the man has a lot of them, it's just that he's incredibly adept at putting them aside and dealing with a situation completely unbiased. Fukuzawa acknowledges in canon that despite their great differences, a common motive that they share is the well-being of their city. In fact, Mori's making a HUGE sacrifice in his life just to maintain the workings of Yokohama. That's something you have to respect.
Chuuya is more of a complicated case. A lot of people in the fandom seem to disagree over whether he wants to stay or leave, but the answer is a bit more complex than the black and white ones we've been looking at. I'll be addressing this separately later, but for now, about Chuuya : I personally think that it is both, and he has conflicting feelings on this situation.
To start with, unlike Kouyou, we actually know when Chuuya came to be affiliated with the mafia. And that in itself isn't the most ideal set of circumstances, he had just been betrayed by his friends (who essentially raised him) because of a situation clearly orchestrated by the mafia (specifically Dazai, the one person he was coming to trust and resonate with), and more or less forced to be a new recruit. From stormbringer, we know that Chuuya's incentive for not leaving came from his need to protect his friends (who had already betrayed and backstabbed him at this point) from the mafia.
Any sane person would assume that Chuuya absolutely abhors the mafia at this point, but this isn't the case. Despite having his friends' lives hung over his head, he was still able to respect Mori and what he was working for (especially since he considered his own period of 'leadership' to be a failure). He was still able to care about the lives of his comrades and underlings who were also a part of the mafia (depicted in the dragon head incident). And he was still able to remain loyal to the mafia despite the several hardships and burns he faced for it.
Aside from his respect (and possible admiration) for Mori and the mafia itself, Chuuya's a person who's really attached to his relationships with people. He doesn't just respect the mafia, he also views it as his family. He has formed bonds with Kouyou, Mori, Dazai (shhh I don't want to hear anything), Akutagawa, Hirotsu...and even Gin, Tachihara and Higuchi. I mean, is there any known character in the mafia who this man doesn't know? He probably even knew Kyouka before she left. The only exception to this is Kyuusaku, and even that is because of his attachment to people (he's mad because Q, directly or indirectly, caused the death of his subordinates). He talks about burying his subordinates personally and contacting their families, if that isn't care, I don't know what is.
I think his arc with the mafia supporting him unanimously in stormbringer helped strengthen his attachment to it, which is why we've got the epilogue of him seeing his biological parents and declaring that the mafia is his true family in that LN. It's safe to say that he appreciates what he has right now a lot. But does that really mean he doesn't want to leave? In the very same light novel, it is ALSO implied that Chuuya longs for a life outside of the mafia. Hell, we literally have a character who was dedicated to bringing him to the light. And now, there is no risk associated with it either. But he chooses to stay. Or maybe the choice was never his.
With all of that said, I think it's incredible how BSD manages to portray what it's like for someone to lead a life of crime in the dark somewhat realistically in terms of feelings. It isn't some "badass mafia person" aesthetic (even though some people interpret it that way), it actually depicts the complexities that come with being associated with a criminal organisation in a fictional setting (to the best of its ability). Literally nobody in the mafia wants to be there, they just have to be. Sure, it offers them resources and opportunities which is why they choose to stay, but as an ability user, if they don't have the choice of living a normal life with the opportunities offered to an average person, do they really have a choice about being in the mafia at all?
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 6 months
Me and Mr. Jones
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Featuring actor, Eddie Jones
Back in 2003, I was working as a grip on a low budget film called Fighting Tommy Riley. It was 5 day shoot, but I was lucky enough to meet one of my favorite character actors, Eddie Jones. Best known to audiences as Superman’s adoptive father Pa Kent on Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, when Eddie was on set, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. When he was off-stage, his broad, bright smile would light up the room. He was a sexy man for his age of 69 with his broad face, imposing presence and solid build. When he was off-set, his broad, bright smile would light up the room.
Everyone who knew Eddie as a friend, or had the good fortune to share the stage with him, was touched by his gentle and generous nature. He was very nice and enjoyed the attention I paid to him. Actually talked to me. What had seemed like just a cute, older guy on set turned out to be a seriously hot daddy for which I was developing a major hard-on. I enjoyed passing the time by watching him work, fantasizing about him being naked.
How much of that fur, if any, spread across the rest of him? Did being big of stature mean he had a small dick or was he one of "nature's surprises" like I'd met once or twice? I really wanted a chance to find answers to these questions, but knew it wasn't likely to happen. He's married, but we all know that does not mean a thing.
That evening, after a very good meal in the dining car, I began the walk back to my trailer. I saw him at the other end of a narrow corridor. Slowing as we approached each other, we exchanged pleasantries.
"Hey Eddie." I said as we came up to each other.
"Hi there! Did you enjoy dinner?" He asked.
"Oh, yes. It was great."
It was clear he was on his way somewhere, so I stepped back against one wall to let him by. It turned into to a moment I'd never forget. Not only did he fail to avoid brushing against me as he squeezed past, but he made a point of slowing down and actually pushing his ass into me as he slid by. There was a relaxed feeling to his butt muscles against my crotch. I immediately went hard. I don't think I'd ever gone fully erect that fast. Ever. I didn't even know a guy could.
After he slid past me he looked over his shoulder and smiled. This wasn't one of his professional "have a nice day" smiles. No. There was a distinct twinkle in his eye. He continued down the corridor leaving me standing there staring after him.
"I'll be checking on you around 8:30." Eddie said without looking back.
"Fine." I replied with a dazed grin. I continued down the corridor, trying to smooth out the bulge he'd left in my pants.
At 8:30 sharp, I lightly tap on his trailer door. The door opened to those sexy blue eyes looking at me as he flashed that warm smile again. Eddie made a quick check to see if there was anyone to see me enter before letting me in. While stepping in he closed, locked the door in a single motion and we fell into an embrace, sharing a long passionate kiss. We began frantically pulling off our clothes. I didn't know if he was eager or just didn't have much time to "fuck around" before going home to the wife, but he wasn't waiting for any conversation. And I certainly didn't mind.
As his shirt came off I saw that, though not quite as hairy as some of the "chubs" I liked to see, but there was plenty of body hair to enjoy. His forearms were thick leading to those masculine hands I'd admired earlier. I continued down his stomach until it ended in a mostly black bush above his rising cock. I quickly dropped to my knees and took his dick in my hands.
His cut rod had a thickness that filled my mouth nicely as I slid my lips over it and took it down to its base. He exhaled slowly as he stood there, his hands on my shoulders. I could smell old fashioned cologne along with his natural musk. My tongue worked his fully erect shaft as I moved slowly up and down. I pulled up again to enjoy a good look at his knob before licking around the tip.
I pushed Eddie toward a nearby couch and he sat down. He leaned back and spread his legs wide allowing me better access. I worked my tongue around his dickhead as my other hand was feeling the hair on his balls. They were much larger and heavier than I'd expected. I thought about what his load might taste like. I took his dick in my hands, stroking up and down as I worked my tongue down under his nuts. I gnawed gently here and there, slowing the pace of my stroking on his dick. He moaned a bit, then a bit more. After a delicious minute or two he suddenly exhaled, "No!"  
I was nearly knocked over as he jumped up. He was getting too close, too soon so I paused and waited for his cue. Whatever he wanted next, I was going to do my best to please him; not that I didn't have ideas of my own.
Earlier in the day I'd fantasized about what it'd be like to fuck him. Those fantasies were about to be realized as Eddie turned around knelt on the couch with his butt now at my eye level. I set in quickly on eating his ass. I covered his hole with my tongue and licked long, broad strokes up and down his crack. Starting low against the back of his balls and on up to where his crack ended at his tailbone. I continued slowly moving up then down again. He moaned deep and low. I could tell he was enjoying it as he squirmed a bit, pushing his ass back into my face.
I slid my tongue into his warm canal and continued to work my way in until I couldn't get my tongue in any further. Eddie continued moaning as I worked my tongue in and around. I felt him start to relax even more as he leaned forward laying his forehead on his folded arms, tipping his ass up a bit.
Eddie was breathing heavily when I finally stood up. He looked back without saying anything, but his sexy blue-eyed gaze told me he was ready for me to stick my cock in. I worked up some spit in my mouth, transferred it to my fingers and spread it around my fully erect cock. I set the tip against his hole and paused: this was the moment I wanted to last forever.
As the head of my dick slipped in he gasped. He was pretty tight and I didn't want to hurt him. So I kept the pressure constant while letting him take me in at his own pace, leaning back into me. Putting his hands against the back of the couch, Eddie rose up and pushed ass back and down on my dick. It was time to go in all the way.
"Yes…" Eddie moaned as he reached back to pull me against him, making sure I was all of the way in.
It looked so hot to see my cock was now firmly buried in. I pulled out and pushed back in. He turned back to face me again and I leaned forward to kiss him. We held a kiss as I worked his ass. He turned back to the wall and moaned as I continued, now moving a bit quicker. Every so often he would squeeze my dick with his ass muscles. I continued to pick up the pace. My fucking worked up to a solid rhythm, my balls occasionally slapping against him. He began moaning low. It was very quiet, but with an encouraging note. As I continued to fuck him his moaning grew louder. His ass felt so good that I knew I couldn't hold back much longer.  
I was about to pop as Eddie pushed back hard into me. That was my cue to go for it. It was only another three or four strokes before I slammed up against him and held myself there, my dick in him as deep as it could get.  
"Oh fuck!" I gasped as my cock began to throb, pumping my load into his ass. He was moaning and rocking, his warm hole enveloping my throbbing cock.  
"Yes! Yessss…" Eddie said, ending in a whisper.
As my cock's throbbing lessened and I started to go soft I reached around and under to jack him off, but to my surprise, he had already cum. So I slowly pulled out and stepped back. Eddie stayed kneeling laying his head back down on his arms. I stared at his hole, now visibly open wider than when I'd first gone down on it. I could see traces of my cum as I watched the hole pulsing along with his breathing.
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adyophene · 6 months
what if husker is only still a drunk bc alastor keeps him around booze? like he tried to be sober before the hotel but failed bc where alastor put him. and so now he thinks he can never get sober and it's what keeps him from heaven
also ur really cool
also it's like very late and I'm sleep deprived so sorry if this doesn't make the most sense
We actually think sorta alike! (and thank you!)
I'm gunna pop my reply behind a readmore, cause it ended up longer than I anticipated! Sorry if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I too, am chronically sleep deprived! ♥
I have two theories on exactly this premise. One that is more what I imagine, mainly cause its simple, and even a bit silly, which is that, judging by what Mimzy says, it could just be that Alastor has had Husk bartend for him for a long time, and as a bit of a creature of habit, dragged him along to the hotel just because he wanted him there! That he knows the guy, knows he's good at his job, knows he's loyal despite everything, thinks he's entertaining to annoy(or that they're somewhat friends, depending on what 'word of god' you go with from the creators) and maybe even knows about that soft heart that Husk hides behind all the hissing.
The second theory is a bit darker/less charitable to Alastor, based on a few thoughts I had during my recent rewatch of the series. I started with the pilot, and noticed how dramatically Husk reacts to being offered just a generic cheap booze, and then how intensely drunk he starts off during the series proper. Like how we see in Al's initial commercial, where he actually blacks out completely. Or during some early dialogue where he's slurring he words a lot more than in later episodes? It did kind of strike me as either a 'binge drinking after not drinking for a long time' or maybe a 'get blackout drunk to not have to deal with being there' thing. Either way, being caused/facilitated by Al. While I've seen a lot of people discredit Alastor's motivations in 'wanting to see demons reach for redemption, and then fail miserably' as just being a front to a greater purpose, I think that both can be true. I think he's got a reason he's there, but also that he just really enjoys fucking with people.
I think he added the bar as an extra temptation to any hotel residents, but then also potentially to mess specifically with Husk and put him in an environment that would be both a good influence on him, and a terrible one. Literally put him in a place where he could have a support system if he wanted it, but be surrounded by one of his worst vices the entire time. Also, since Al and Husk are supposed to know each other quite well, I could see Al dragging Husk to the hotel because he'd know how stupid Husk would find the whole thing. Although, my theory would be less that Alastor providing booze is the reason Husk can't be redeemed, and more that Husk's self loathing is the reason he feels like he can't be redeemed. I think we'll learn about some shitty things he's done in S2, while at the height of his gambling addiction, and that he just doesn't/can't/won't come to terms with. Or something like that anyways!
Did that make any sense? I hope so. I don't usually write stuff like this.
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AITA for reprimanding someone else's kid?
I brought my friend's 2 foster kids to the park so she could have some time to work on adoption paperwork. The kid this pertains to is the two year old, he's super social and charismatic, both adults and kids are drawn to him, I'll refer to him as K. A little white boy was playing with a soccer ball, he must have been around 7 or 8 years old. K fucking loves soccer and eagerly ran over to the other kid, and they started playing together.
The older kid's guardian was there and asked about K, we exchanged small talk and I praised how gentle and patient her kid was with K. I learned her kid's name, we'll call him T. At some point K got distracted and stopped playing, following his foster sister around. T began playing on the playground with 2 other boys in the generally same age group as T, both were white.
K once again was drawn to T, and now his friends, as they were playing something like cops and robbers. T's guardian and I observed from a distance. T seemed perturbed by K's presence, though K was just watching them and not doing anything in particular. T informed his peers of K's name, then proceeded with, "but he's a poop. A stinky brown poop!" his peers weren't paying much attention and were arguing over where the jail should be. T continued insisting that K was a stinky brown poop. K was becoming upset, he could definitely tell this was an insult and not in jest. K isn't particularly good at communicating yet, he's only 2 after all, but he did manage a proper, "it makes me feel bad when you say that!" as his foster momma has been very good at encouraging her kids to express emotions through sentences with one another like this. What I'm supposed to do with the 2 foster kids, if one uses their words appropriately like this, and the other one fails to stop, I'm supposed to intervene to get the other one to respect their request.
T's guardian was simply observing. I think the social situation was a bit loaded (I was presently the white guardian of a black kid, she was the black guardian of a white kid, I don't know if she was his mom or babysitting like I was, addressing the situation was tricky either way). I don't know if T's comments were necessarily a learned racism thing, or if it was related to K being younger. At any rate, he didn't seem to want to be seen with K by his peers.
I made eye contact with T, and said loudly and sternly, "T, be kind to K or hush up." T looked shocked that an adult stranger addressed him by name. The 2 other kids heard and, as children do, started making fun of T with, "oooo you're in trouble!" and, "yeah, hush up T!" K joined in as well, though he was definitely just parroting the others. T became flustered, his face got bright red and he began shouting that he wasn't in trouble, telling them to stop. I noticed It's guardian watching me, but she didn't say anything, and I didn't either.
T backed away, his two friends then started paying attention to K and were amused by K parroting them, they then resumed playing cops and robbers with K this time. K went back to smiles and being his typical charismatic self, while T kind of stayed away, repeatedly glancing at me. After a bit K veered away from the other 2 and made finger guns at T and pretended to shoot him, leading T's 2 friends back over to include T once again. All 4 boys were then playing together, as though nothing had happened.
I feel like I may have been TA because really, what happened was T was requesting space from K, just going about it wrong. Kids who don't learn to say things like, "I need space," usually use insults or hitting instead. But I do feel that T began insulting the little guy because he's got weird feelings about race, that are triggered when he's with his friends. I have no way of knowing. When we left, T's guardian waved at me and smiled, I returned the gesture and told her to have a good night. I told K's foster mom about it afterwards, and she said it's tricky and thinks what I did was fine, but I dunno. Additionally I may be TA for not stepping in when the other 2 and K berraded T.
What are these acronyms?
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Do you think the Peacock Miraculous would be better if it had a better power. Before Season 2, I thought it would have some kind of "sight" like can see things from far away or never missing their target.
I think that the peacock would be so much better if it had a truly unique power. I'm incredibly biased about what it should be because of my own rewrite passion project, but I'll try to set that bias aside and just give you some general thoughts on the topic.
Here are some ways that a different power would drastically improve both the peacock and the overall narrative that the writers are going for, but failing to land.
Improvement One: Audience Sympathy
As-is, the peacock makes the Agrestes look unhinged and selfish. Even fans who love the later seasons think that Emilie was probably a terrible person in spite of the fact that canon clearly wants them to think otherwise. Changing the power to something else allows Emilie to be this better person by letting her use the peacock for less blatantly selfish reasons, making her fate less an instance of karma and more a true tragedy. This new power could still be something that ties back to Adrien, but it could also not. She could have just been a generally good person who liked helping people.
Improvement Two: Audience Investment
In terms of how the miraculous are used in a fight, the peacock and the butterfly are extremely similar and that's not very interesting story wise. I've found that stories with heavy magic use tend to be more interesting when you create limited powers and then force your characters to work within the confines of those powers. The less restrictive the rules, the less invested the audience is as they don't have any way to anticipate what's coming and anticipation is something you generally want your audience to feel.
Season five was a great example of this. I think that a lot of people were excited to see Miraculous pull a Cardcaptor Sakura by having our heroes hunt down each of the missing miraculous. That anticipation vanished with the arrival of the alliance rings. Suddenly our heroes had no idea what to do and the season quickly devolved into ignoring the missing miraculous in favor of shipping nonsense. Imagine how much more fun and engaging the season would have been if every episode had the potential to end with a miraculous being recovered!
Improvement Three: Audience Understanding
Most of the miraculous are pretty straightforward. The tiger is a magic punch. The black cat is destruction. The rabbit is time-travel. But the peacock? I cannot explain it to you. In fact, when I first started watching the show, I asked the friend who got me into it what sentimonsters were. She had no idea how to explain them and she was not a casual fan!
We're told that they're an emotion brought to life, but what does that even mean? Who picks their form and special powers: the person whose emotion is being brought to life or the peacock holder? Why are they somewhat immune to the power of pure destruction? What kinds of emotions overwhelm the creation process and create things like Feast? I can't tell you. It's not in the show.
We're three seasons into dealing with sentimonsters and people are still using the head writer's Twitter feed to justify their stance on this major part of canon. There is no reason to introduce such a complex element to your show if you don't care to engage with it.
This is extra true because it's not a fundamental part of making canon's story work. Canon's official line is that Emilie had no idea that the broken miraculous would kill her or anyone else, so they didn't need to make her use case be some major thing like making a baby. She could have just wanted to play with magic and we'd get the same story.
And if they did want her to make her death an active choice? Then we're back to improvement one where her use case needs to be something that's a relatable sacrifice. As is, she doesn't feel even remotely sympathetic. She's just a privileged, wealthy white woman who used that wealth to get magic in order to create her perfect child because she's too good for the kind of suffering and hard choices us normal people deal with. (Like come on writers, at least make the Agrestes middle class. You went the least sympathetic route possible here.)
In another post, someone mentioned using a sentimonster as an artificial heart for Adrien and that's a perfect example of a relatively small change that makes a world of difference for how people view Emilie. Using forbidden magic to save a real child is so much more powerful than the route that canon took.
Improvement Four: Thematic Consistency
I was a huge fan of the initial idea that every miraculous required a specific type of person to weld it. It's something that I lean on heavily in my own writing when I do stuff that focuses on the magic. I want the fox to feel like it belongs to Alya and Alya alone. Similarly, I want the peacock to feel like it belongs to Nathalie or like Nathalie is totally botching its use. Because the peacock is so nebulous and ridiculously overpowered, it doesn't feel like it belongs to any of its holders. Nathalie, Emilie, Gabriel, and Felix have nothing that ties them together and yet I can't say which of them were a true fit and which of them were failing to use the peacock to its full potential. It seems to fit all of them because there's nothing special about. It just makes you a minor god. Huh, maybe that's the theme? Ego of a god? It certainly fits.
So, what should this new power be?
I won't bias you by telling you what I did, I'll just give you my starting point and let you make you own suggestions. The original seven miraculous are largely designed around myths (tricky fox, bad luck cat, etc) so go look up mythology around peacocks and come up with a power that fits! Or don't. That lovely theme was dashed to pieces with the zodiac miraculous as far as I can tell. After all, Fluff is pretty clearly designed around the ancient myth of Alice in Wonderland. 🙄
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wouriqueen · 3 months
Claudia, vampire rules and double standards
S2E06 is a nail in the coffin in many aspects, among which are the double standards Claudia is constantly subjected to in the family and/or society she exists in, from the moment she is made.
The episode makes it explicit through her asking why she can't cry and be forgiven like Lestat does, even though he's fine now like Louis is fine now. This excellent post covers that.
But the trend of "rules for thee, not for me" is a motif throughout her entire life, not limited to the parallels between Lestat and her, and I just wanted to list them off somewhere.
New Orleans
"We do not get close to humans". Lestat's words as he makes her watch Charlie burn - but he met Louis as a human, and dated Antoinette on and off.
Making a vampire. A boy being turned against his will would have been as horrifying as it was for Claudia, but Lestat's reaction to her trying over and over was so angry... even though he made four fledglings himself.
Love. Lestat gets to wax poetic about both Nicky and Louis, but Claudia's grieving for Charlie and yearning for new love is ridiculed. In fact, her finding love is punished (what other point would there be in forcing her to watch Charlie burn)
Freedom. Lestat left his home for the monastery, left again for Paris, left Paris for America. But God forbid Claudia goes to any place from where she can't keep Louis alive for Lestat's sake.
Living, in general. After Charlie, Lestat says they don't get close to humans because they end up dead" Okay, and? Claudia can decide for herself if she'd rather keep on getting close and endure that grief, or stay away. Preventing someone from living a life because "you know how it turns out" is controlling and hypocritical.
... which brings me to Armand doing the same. "She'll throw herself in the fire" okay, AND? Just because you thinks someone is going to die doesn't mean they can't get to live the days they do have! And who are they to decide that anyway.
Coven chores. Sam fails to do his chores 4/5 times in a row and it's all good with Armand (cf the coven dinner scene), Louis runs around cafes and galleries, and Santiago get close to women in town, but God forbid Claudia misses one (1) chore because she made one (1) friend.
Love and companionship. Armand and Lestat are doing the most horrible things to be with Louis but are themselves complicit in punishing Claudia for finding Madeleine and having her turned.
+ the coven is not enough for Armand but God forbid Claudia isn't satisfied.
+ Claudia is not enough for Louis but him not being enough for her is very terrible...
Vampire rules. The vampires from the theatre reveal themselves to humans (Santiago, some guy screaming it on the streets) aka they break the vampire rules, but Claudia's on "trial" for breaking the same rules.
+ Lestat revealed himself to Antoinette years before turning her - not a problem. Lestat turned Claudia - not a problem.
And that's of course not even including the double standards she faces due to racism and misogyny and the general acceptance of children abuse. The myriad of slights she endures as a black person in Jim Crow America. The double standards when Louis lets Lestat come home after E05 and Claudia is the one expected to control her anger. In Paris, Armand strangling her doesn't get a reaction, but him hitting Santiago gathers a crowd.
Of course, the vampire rules were always arbitrary/tools of control, but on of Claudia's challenges throughout her vampire was life was really that no one would allow her full personhood. (and of course she was a person anyway but God forbid she'd show it).
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semi in-depth Floyd Leech relationship headcanons
I'm a Floyd fangirl, so the first character I'm making headcanons for is him! However, this will definitely be a wild ride due to just how fucked up Floyd is in general, so bear with me here as we go through all the green, red, and even black flags that our beloved unhinged eel has <3
Before we start, I'd like to say that this is a set of relationship headcanons for a VERY unhinged and deranged character, one who does what he wants whenever he wants, and has shown ZERO real connections that aren't made out of anything aside from a superficial interest. So be weary that these headcanons are very "dead dove: do not eat". These are made from a very basic character analysis of Floyd.
This is NOT yandere content. Floyd is NOT a yandere don't come at me with that shit lmao. Floyd is just not all there mentally. Rated Mature due to toxic relationship mentions.
Table of contents: Floyd Analysis, Courting portion, relationship portion, miscellaneous portion, fluff portion (because we need a break from the toxicity), other people portion, overall.
CONTENT WARNING(S): VERY toxic relationship. Floyd being Floyd. unaware manipulation, abuse, oh so very many red flags. Cycle of love and neglect, objectification of the reader. Pushing boundaries. threats. violence. Lack of any empathy from Ocavinelle, Floyd losing interest. Floyd is VERY silly /neg
Character analysis portion
When thinking about how someone would be in a relationship, we first have to analyze their characteristics, and BOY. We have a lot to discuss regarding Floyd Leech.
Floyd is a character who does things on whims, barely commits to anything unless he thinks it'll be interesting, and doesn't think about the consequences to his actions, even if his actions hurt others.
As Azul never fails to mention, Jade and Floyd do not see him as a friend, but as someone interesting who they keep around, and who they can drop like a bad habit any time they ever feel bored of him.
Floyd's lack of regard for the people around him is something that affects them very much, as Floyd is sometimes even eager to see others suffer, saying it's quicker to break bones than threatening someone.
Floyd is a very smart character as well (when he wants to be, of course), however Floyd prefers to stick to violence and forcing his way through things if possible, rather than scheming and manipulating like his calmer (albeit just as unhinged) twin brother.
Basically, Floyd is a character who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, whenever he feels like it.
Onto the "courting" portion; Floyd noticing someone and falling in love is, in all likelihood, probably very unlikely. However, Floyd's version of love is most likely different from our own, due to the way he thinks.
For Floyd, what he might mistake for "love" could be something else entirely, and this is a very bad thing for the object of his "affections." For him, he could see it as finding you interesting, looking for ways to annoy you or make you squirm.
Floyd will start his "romantic journey" by going straight for what he wants: You. Floyd immediately bothers you, asking you things about yourself, and giving you a nickname (assuming you're not Yuu).
Floyd's "interest" in you is a lot more invasive than a regular person's interest in someone they "like". Floyd takes his spot in your personal space, inquiring about you, trying to figure out what makes you so interesting in his strange eel mind.
Depending on the object of his affections, this "interest" in you could be many different things. It could simply be that he thinks you're incredibly attractive, or something you did that amused him, anyways, he wants you to keep entertaining him for a long time.
I personally think that Floyd is rather clueless when it comes to romance as it was never really something that interested him. However, now whenever he sees a couple in the street holding hands, or a couple making out in an alleyway, you're always the first person to come to mind.
I am of the opinion that Floyd isn't the type to be interested in romantic relationships, so this is honestly just a passing thing for him as most things are.
Onto the relationship portion: Floyd makes sure to do everything that interests him together with you. As Floyd is someone who doesn't care about how others feel (unless the way they feel interests him in some way), Floyd mostly ignores how you react.
He doesn't care if you don't want to be with him or not. You're his interest now, and he's never treated anyone like a person before, why would he start now? To him, you're nothing more than something that amuses him.
He's happy to see your reactions to how he treats you. The idea that he gets to act like a sweet lover interests him. So sometimes he'll cradle you in his arms and gently push your hair out of your face. As you start to feel comfortable in his arms. He immediately lets go, starting to get bored of you.
The cycle of love and neglect from Floyd definitely hurts you mentally. Depending on you, you might start to crave the affection he gives you when he expresses interest in you, you could be terrified for when his mood swings hit and he gets bored of you.
Threatening you and seeing you scared isn't something that Floyd is above doing. In fact, seeing the fear on your face is something he can't get enough of, and it sparks his interest in you even more.
Floyd either doesn't know you have boundaries, or just doesn't care. No matter what your boundaries are, he'll find a way to push them if he wants to.
He's very focused on his own interests, and not yours. If you advocate for your boundaries, Floyd will most likely get annoyed and threaten you. If you try to avoid him, then he'd try to bother you even more, after all, he does love the chase.
There's many ways you can react to Floyd's... actions, however, many of them lead to you getting hurt more than just mentally, so you have to be incredibly careful when dealing with a "lovestruck" Floyd.
As Floyd's "love" is just an intense interest in you, he sort of expects you to behave like another interest would. That is, like an object that sometimes behaves in funny ways. So whenever you do something that upsets him, he is quick to threaten you in order to make you shut up about whatever it is you're whining about now. Of course, if you're whining about something silly, he'll poke you and laugh.
He loves making you embarrassed in public, he thinks your red face is cute. He is very into PDA, and always pays attention to you when the rest of his surroundings are boring.
If you really do love him, then I'm sorry to say, but this relationship won't last. Sure, he could find you interesting for a few years, but eventually he'll get bored, and drop you like a bad habit.
Onto the miscellaneous portion:
Floyd often takes you to clothing stores, having you watch as he puts on a mini fashion show. He also enjoys putting you in cute clothes like a dress-up-doll.
Of course he squeezes you until you feel your ribs break. Of course he drags you down into the murky depths until you start to thrash around for air. Of course he force feeds you expired food to see how you react. Of course he bites you until you bleed. Of course he thinks it's hilarious when you try to run away from him.
A relationship with Floyd might be scary, or even uncomfortable at times, but one thing it will never be is boring.
Since Floyd takes you everywhere he goes, there are some fun moments, too. He teaches you how basic parkour moves, he takes you swimming, he goes out to dance with you. Any one of his interests, he's all too happy to share with you.
He doesn't think too much about the future, so if you bring it up, he says "Whatever happens, happens!" and brushes you off.
Onto the fluff portion; there aren't many "truly wholesome" moments when in a relationship with Floyd.
However, maybe one day Floyd will realize that... hey, he loves you, and yet, whenever he sees the romantic scenes on the screens, the lovers hate seeing each other cry. He'll think. And he'll think. Does he hate to see you upset? He thinks it's funny, but that's not what it's usually like. He'll reflect.
One day, he might see you get hurt, and get pissed at the one who did it. Afterwards, he might comfort you in his arms. But is it just him acting again? You don't know, but you can't bring yourself to care.
Mornings waking up next to Floyd can be cute. His sleeping face, his arms around you.
When he's in the mood to love you, you can bet that you've got yourself a very sweet and very tender boyfriend, even if it's all an act, a part of you thinks he might actually love you as he gently rubs your shoulders and kisses your forehead.
He likes to give you random gifts! A cool looking rock he found, a large stick that can be used for hiking or pretending you're on a journey, or a neato piece of trash.
His love of clothes extends to loving to see you in them, especially cool shoes. You and Floyd will try on high heels and stumble around. Depending on your skill in heels, he might laugh as you fall, or he'll be very impressed with your ability.
Onto the other people portion; The people around you often feel bad for you, asking how on earth you could get Floyd to treat you like that, etc
Azul is quite annoyed by Floyd's newfound toy, as Floyd spends less time taking "orders" from Azul and more time messing with the object of his "affections".
Azul feels bad for you, honestly. He knows how Floyd is, and by seeing how he treats you, Azul knows how awful it must be. However, he doesn't interfere, as he has no place for empathy, really.
Jade is quite amused that Floyd is so interested in you. Jade doesn't quite see it, but whatever makes Floyd happy.
Jade doesn't feel bad for you in the slightest, finding a sadistic delight in seeing Floyd terrorizing you. However, he tells you that he's there if you need him, letting you cry your feelings away, while he's right there, patting your shoulder. This, however, is just his sadistic way of seeing you cry. Jade has always been just as bad as his brother after all, if not worse.
Overall, Floyd isn't someone who takes interest in having close, sappy relationships with others, and treats his partner like he does everything else. He hangs around with them, spends time with them, and when in the mood to act like a good partner, he does. But if he loses all interest in you, expect to be dropped like a bad habit. Don't expect a future, and don't expect to be treated like anything other than a passing fad.
Anyways!! This post was on the very serious side, seeing as I brought up just some of the mental trauma one would go through in this kinda situation. I'm aware that many people think Floyd is a very very silly guy, and I am of the opinion that he is silly, but a lot of people neglect just how toxic his kind of behavior is, and I really wanted to bring out that side of the conversation without implying that he's a Yandere. Floyd strikes me as the type to just take someone along with him if he thinks they're funny, and this shows with how he and his brother interact with Azul, actually.
Despite the lack of anything really cute and fluffy here, I hope you enjoyed my take on one of the most interesting characters in Twisted Wonderland, and how they'd be in a relationship! I plan on making another one of these character analysis relationship headcanon posts soon (that's hopefully more healthy than this one.) so keep updated!
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nomeaynfoeye · 7 months
HLVRAI TMA AU (BP edition)
Hoo boy! Here we are! This post is going to get LONG because I am SO fucking autism about this shit. Like infodumps, TMA and/or Hlvrai? Stick around! Don't? Last chance to scroll by.
Inspired by @corvidaeconundrum! Their HLVRAI/TMA stuff inspired me to post my version.
General info:
This is a game au! The game the player ends up getting was an experimental rip of Half Life to bring the Fears closer to a nonexistent world, and see if they could affect lives that technically do not exist. (Aka some nerdy avatars decided it'd be a fun little side project to generate more fear) Unfortunately the project was eventually deemed a failure and given away to some poor soul for shits and giggles. That poor soul ends up being the player, getting more than he could've bargained for.
(I don't have a drawn ref for Gordon because I forgot to save Krita right as I was coloring him in :') I'll upload him when i have the motivation to try again.)
As the player proceeds through the game, they find themselves accepting the role of Gordon more than their own identity at times. While parts of themself are integrated into Gordon (their son, dreams to be a streamer, etc.) they eventually fully accept Gordon Freeman as who they are. Gordon does eventually become an avatar. Throughout Black Mesa, Gordon is often confused, and denied any sense of logic in his mounting terror regarding the situation. As he's ambushed by the military, and his hand is sawed off, he's faced with a choice. He can stay here, and die confused, alone, and afraid, or he can go home to his son, a mess of inconsistencies and terror. He takes a knee and submits to the Spiral, taking on the burden of insanity as an identifying trait. When the game is turned off and put away, he finds himself still embodying Gordon Freeman and the Spiral in the real world.
Dr. Coomer:
WARNING! Clowns, existentialism, and body horror regarding eyes
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Harold P. Coomer has been a loyal employee of Black Mesa long before Becoming an avatar of the Stranger. Faced with confusion in his identity, and a few failed experiments, he found himself in avatarhood. More than anything, he doubted himself as a real person. Of course, this thinking was absurd, and he often relied on his friends to anchor himself as somewhat human. A person who mattered. But with the first glimpse outside of Black Mesa, an unloaded map with half-finished textures, enemies as still as statue, unaware of their own existence... He Knew. He Knew none of it was real. That he wasn't real. He Knew that every time he had grounded himself, told himself he was real... that it didn't matter. He's been proud of himself then, for calming down. Now he's distraught more than anything as he takes on a new burden: The Eye. After being separated, he collects the old parts of himself. Damaged, rejected pieces left behind after experiments, he stitches them together, fuels them with the same rage he feels. After Gordon and Tommy fight their way through, he feels conflicted. He takes a while to think. To reflect. To realize that it doesn't matter how he exists or why. He was made with purpose. With love. To be someone. With a new perspective gained, He rejoins the Science Team.
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The perfect scientist was hell to create. It needed time, wastes of Government money, and sacrifices. Through this, Bubby was eventually created, a born avatar of the Desolation. Keeping him sustained wasn't easy, either. A couple phones with heartfelt memories a week usually satisfied him enough to be cooperative. But despite his nature, Bubby found someone he cared about. That he'd never take anything from: Dr. Coomer. The two bonded instantly, becoming best friends in a matter of days. One night, they managed to sneak out. Arson was committed, ice cream was bought, everything was going perfectly. But as night fell, Bubby discovered a new desire. The stars in the sky. He almost wished he could reach out and touch one. During the escape from Black Mesa, he almost achieved this dream. Climbing on top of the rocket, he reached for the atmosphere, before he stumbled and fell. The fire felt cold as he dropped. It was an experience completely alien to him. He'd been confined his entire life, yet the open sky greeting him as he plummeted terrified him more than anything, and the Vast made a connection. When he hit the ground, he saw stars... and nothing else. The voices of the people he cared about echoed in his ears as his own felt incredibly distant. Realizing he'd never actually see Dr. Coomer again, he wondered if this was what it was like to have everything taken from you.
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Nobody really knows where Tommy came from. Not even Tommy himself. All he knows is that he has a dad, a dog, remembers the entire OSHA handbook cover to cover, loves bayblades, and his favorite thing in the world is soda. He knows that all of this isn't real. He knows he's an avatar of the Spiral and the Stranger. He doesn't really care. He wants to go home, eat dinner, and walk his dog.
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Barney Calhoun was something of a klutz. So it came to the surprise of no one when he stumbled through a door and never came back. All anyone knows is that Barney disappeared one day, and Benrey showed up. He wants out. He doesn't know how he got here. He knows it isn't real. He wants out. And he's going to do anything he needs to get to the real world.
WARNING! Body horror and eye contact ahead. She's a good girl I promise :)
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Tommy's beloved dog, and avatar of the Flesh. Did the team a favor and "disposed of" (integrated) the bodies they left behind. Looks like she got an earring out of it, too. Oh by the way she's fucking MASSIVE. Clifford-looking ass dog.
(Haven't drawn him yet. He looks basically the same.)
Just wants to graduate. He doesn't know why these guys look so weird or why their fucked up dog considers him a chew toy. Maybe if he survives Sunkist he can go home. Maybe.
(Also haven't drawn him. Is also basically the same.)
Just works in the mixology department, and is the only normal human at Black Mesa. Friends with Tommy, refuses to let his coworkers eat radioactive materials for funsies.
And yeah, that's basically my interpretation of the AU! I'm still working on concepts regarding it, but I just wanted to get this out there.
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