#but mostly when i request/notify they get stuff in pretty quickly!
lurkiestvoid · 2 months
I fucking love Libby so much. ADHD makes it hard to make Going To The Library a regular routine (hard to remember to return books on time, hard to remember to just Go and Browse), and poverty makes it impossible to collect and read everything I want.
anyways thanks to Libby and my local library card plus a Queer Liberation Library card I've been able to read 79 books since August 2023 and still going strong, AND my "to read" tag STILL has nearly 400 titles in it.
So this post will be a running list of the books I read from Aug23-Aug24:
"Mort," Terry Pratchett
"The Fifth Season," N.K. Jemison
"Celtic Gods and Heroes," Marie-Louise Sjoestedt
"A Very Brief Introduction: The Celts," Barry Cunliff
"Princess Princess Ever After," K. O'Niell
"Gentleman Jack," Angela Steidele
"Hatchet," Gary Paulson
"Equal Rites," Terry Pratchett
"The Religion of the Ancient Celts," J. A. MacCulloch
"The Light Fantastic," Terry Pratchett
"The Giver," Lois Lowry
"The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes," Suzanne Collins
"The Sandman (Vol 2)," Neil Gaiman
"Fourth Wing," Rebecca Yaros
"The Color of Magic," Terry Pratchett
"The Sandman (Vol 1)," Neil Gaiman
"American Gods," Neil Gaiman
"The Song of Achilles," Madeline Miller
"The Handmaid's Tale," Margaret Atwood
"Good Omens," Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
"Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Edition," Naoko Takeuchi (1-10)
"The Invasion," K. A. Applegate
"Dragon Ball," Akira Toriyama (1&2)
"Dragon Ball Z," Akira Toriyama (1&2)
"The Eight," Katherine Neville
"Behemoth," Scott Westerfield
"Warriors: Dawn of the Clans," Erin Hunter (1-6)
"Warriors: Omen of the Stars," Erin Hunter (1-6)
"Warriors: Power of Three," Erin Hunter (1-6)
"Warriors," Erin Hunter (1-6)
"Leviathan," Scott Westerfield
"The Turn," Kim Harrison (series reread, 0-17)
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goldendoodledenny · 1 month
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Requested by anon
Adamai x gn Ecaflip! Reader- best battle buddies
*tw, reader can pop their head/limbs off
Reader is gender neutral and referred to as y/n
Adamai and y/n are both fans of each other, and ended up FINALLY meeting and quickly becoming friends
Adamai and the rest of the gang were invited to a Iop dojo, and he was excited. You were there! He was a fan, not that big of one to the point he'd stalk you, but he thought you were really cool. Not only did you have the ability to pop your head and limbs off, you were a cool Ecaflip person! He didn't look it, but when he got there, he was anticipating to finally see you in person. Sure he'd heard the radio, and seen pictures on newspapers, but he had never gotten the time to see you in person! He was always so busy, but today was the day!
You were in the dojo by the time they all get there, getting ready to fight, and you look up to see a specific white and blue dragon. You happened to be a fan of Adamai too, and you smiled a bit, and continued getting ready, hoping you were going to impress him.
You and the Iop you were fighting were ready, and then started. Adamai was watching intently, a small smile on his face as he watched. He was enjoying it. You were taking ur arm off and wielding it like a sword, and u threw ur leg at him, putting him into a headlock. The rest of the gang thought it was cool too, except Amalia, she was horrified at the fact your arms and legs could come off. By the time you finished, Adamai's fists were balled up and his smile was gigantic, seeing you fight in person was better than he had dreamed!
After the fight you went to get some water and to talk to the Brotherhood. "So... You're the famous Brotherhood of the Tofu, eh? Enjoy the show?"
"Yah, you were amazing, y/n!" Adamai exclaimed.
The rest of the gang looked at him, surprised by his volume, and he looked away shyly.
"Thank Adamai," you thanked, smiling (mostly bc you though that he thought you were cool).
He looked back at you, smiling gently. His brother, Yugo, seemed to get the memo and said, "hey Ad, we'll be outside when u wanna come along," everyone else (except Dally) seemed to get it and followed the Eliatrope out of dojo (Ava had to pull Dally out of there bc he didn't understand).
Y'all watched them walk out and then turned to each other. After a bit, he finally said something. "So... Y/n... Uh..." He started, looking away and then looking back at you, "... Do you wanna go somewhere else..?" He finished.
"Oh? Yah, sure," you responded.
At that, you guys walked out, agreeing to go to this cute, little cafe he had seen, and he notified the group that you guys were heading to the aforementioned cafe, and you guys walked there together.
As you guys walked, you both end up admitting that you're both fans of each other. He told you that he admired your fighting abilities, as well as the fact that you could pop your head and limbs off at will. You told him about what you admired about him as well.
Eventually, you end up at the cafe, and talk about, well, just whatever I guess. At first it was about each other, then it turned into talking about hobbies and stories. You guys quickly became best friends, and you stopped traveling so much. When you did travel, you stayed close to Alibert's inn, so you'd be closer to Ad. He, in turn, visited you as much as he could.
One day, he's walking you home. It's pretty normal, y'all are talking, joking, that stuff. Suddenly, some bandits came in, trying to rob you guys. There were about 10 or so, and you both wordlessly agreed on which side y'all got. You two found out that day how much of a great team y'all were.
He would punch with his fists and tail. You would throw your limbs, head locking them to either take care of them yourself, or pass them to Ad.
After the fight, he finished escorting you home, phrasing your fighting skills, and you, him.
You started traveling even less, except for the times where he invited you to his adventures. Yep, after that awesome fight, he wanted you around on his adventures. So you would go with him, enjoying his company and being able to continue improving your skills. He enjoyed your company too, and he would have started inviting you earlier, but thought it would be a bit too awkward. That is, until that fight against the bandits. He found that fighting with you, was incredible, exhilarating! It was almost intoxicating, so he made sure it would happen as much as possible.
On one of his adventures, you two are fighting a bunch of bandits, per usual. Suddenly, your head comes flying out of your hands! Ad didn't notice this, as he was too busy. Your head was thrown in such a way, that you two would collide heads soon. "Adamai!" You yelled at him.
He turns his head as yours continued accelerating at him, and he didn't notice in time. Instead, your head finally bonked his, but not the way you'd thought it would. Your lips pressed roughly against his, hurting a bit from the inertia of your head being thrown. Your head falls downward, breaking the kiss, and he catches it. You're both blushing intensely, and he comes to his senses when one of the bandits try to get him. He punched them with his tail and threw your head back to your body. "We'll talk about it later!" He yells before going back at the bandits.
You barely caught your head, fumbling because you're so flustered. You put it back on your neck, and went to town on those suckers.
After the fight, he approaches you, cheeks dusted pink. "So... Wanna talk... About earlier..?" He asked, nervous.
"Uh... Yah..." You started, mumbling something else after and blushing.
"Huh? What was that?" The confused dragon asked.
"W-well... I just... Didn't expect our first kiss to be like that..." You answered, blushing more and burrying your face in your hands.
He gently moved your hands from your face, also blushing. "I didn't expect it to be like that either... B-but the second one can be better than the first..." He explained, looking at you shyly.
You raised your face from your hands, looking at him. "Ok..." You said.
He was gently holding one of your hands, intertwining your fingers. His other hand was on your waist, pulling you closer, and his tail was gently wrapping with your own. He slowly leaned in, and softly kissed you...
The End💙
(Man, I loved writing this!)
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Bat Pranks and Gun Fights (Request)
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Synopsis: (Reader is like Deadpool) For a month you had been trying to prank Batman with your best friend Jason. The task was easier said than done but one night, you finally get the chance but halfway through the night, you get interrupted by a more serious matter.
Warnings: Language, mentions of getting shot but not anything graphic at all, also at the end there is some mention of some stronger pain killers that eventually cause the reader to fall asleep really quickly so if that bothers anyone just FYI it’s there
Word Count: 2502
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           As an antihero, you did what you saw right. You knew the law, you follow the law... mostly... but besides that, the point of your job is to find loopholes and ways to go about your business technically not breaking the law. Another added to that is that you also go around annoying those who are very precise about following the law as best they can. Take Batman for instance, one of the most terrifying and iconic heroes you knew, lived just outside your base city of New York. That’s where you and Jason worked most of the time if he wasn’t in Gotham anyways. The Batman was someone to be feared, someone to be honored. You on the other hand had heard the stories of what he had done to Jason and thought he was an old grumpy asshole that needed to be taught a lesson.
           So, for the entire month that’s what you tried to do. All you were really doing was prank Batman in a harmless way so that you wouldn’t be thrown off a building but every time you got close, something happened. Now you were suiting up in your apartment ready for another night of crime fighting. Tonight was your night to prank the Batman. You were heading out to Gotham and meeting up with Jason for the bust. After a few minutes, you found yourself hopping onto your motorcycle and heading down the interstate down towards Gotham. __________________________________________
 It seemed like no time had really passed by since you were on the interstate and now riding with Jason to where Bruce would be.
           “So, any other plans tonight other than possibly being thrown off a building by the old man?” Jason asked.
           “No, not really.” You replied on the headset of your helmet, “I’ve been tracking a group of people that are smuggling contraband into the US through the Hudson River. It’s weapons like guns and a shit ton of modified explosives.” “You know, the usual.”
           Jason laughed some before making a sharp turn into an alley. You did the same, stopping behind his bike and putting the kickstand down. The important thing about keeping your bike in some random alley way was making sure no one could steal it. That was what your codes and finger print was for. That thing wasn’t moving but for only yours and one other person’s finger print ID. You hadn’t revealed who that other person was.
           “So, what’s the plan?” He asked.
           “I figure until he catches us, something simple like making his smoke shields go off randomly.” You answered shrugging.          
           “Oh come on, that would be lame.” Jason side eyed you, “The demon could do better.”
           “Not if we did it in front of Gordon.” You smiled, a glint of mischief glazing over your eyes, “I mean just imagine the commissioner giving a rundown of some serious crime happening and suddenly Batman starts smoking from behind.” “The look on his face would be hilarious.”
           “You’re not wrong.” Jason thought about it for a second, “Okay, until we get caught he escalate more and more in what we do. But for now, this sounds like it could be fun.”
           You smiled at the look on Jason’s face. Whenever he took off his helmet, his hair would always swoosh over. You liked how it looked, just not really how it smelled when it got really sweaty. You always made a face when he did and sometimes would spray a flowery perfume that you got as a joke in his hair to improve on the smell. It’s not like he would do anything to you for it but maybe jokingly flip you off.
           The two of you climbed up onto the building where Gordon and Batman typically meet. Lucky for you, tonight was a full moon as you liked to call it since you really couldn’t see the moon that well in Gotham with all of the pollution and possible rain clouds. A full moon here meant that the Bat-signal was up and running. There was something big going on somewhere and Batman had to be notified.
           As you reached the top, you and Jason ducked behind a cover spot on the building closest to where Gordon was waiting.
           “Move over, I’m in the open Hood!” You hissed nudging his side.
           “I can’t move over or I’ll be open too.”
           You huffed and looked at the height of what you were trying to hide behind.
           “Fine then.” In order to solve this dilemma, you laid on top of Jason. You were both facing the same direction, you were just stacked. You laid your chin on his helmet some and smirked down at him. You couldn’t see the look on your face, but judging by his change in position, you could tell he wasn’t expecting that.
           “What the hell are you doing?” He asked.
           “Fixing the issue. Anyways, why are you so tall? My feet hardly touch yours.”
           Jason sighed, “Maybe it’s cause I’m not short like somebody here.”
           “I’m not short!” You demanded, “You’re just a giant Jason.”
           Time passed and you two were getting tired of the pranks that were being played on the Bat. You were pretty positive he was tired of it too. You weren’t doing anything to get anyone killed, just to cause minor annoyances. It was funny to watch, but now your mind was drifting elsewhere. You wondered what Jason thought when you climbed onto him. It wasn’t like you were doing something to get anything started, you were just curious what he thought of you. You thought that maybe there was a chance that he possibly liked you back.
           Your thoughts would have consumed you longer if you weren’t alerted by your tracker on the smugglers. At the sight of what you were seeing, your eyes widened.            “I’ve gotta go.” You said jumping up from next to Jason.
           “What is it?”
           “The targets have almost reached the docks. If I go now, I can make it and stop them.”
           “Do you even know what you’re walking into?” Jason asked.
           “I have somewhat of an idea.” You lied a tiny bit knowing that there could be more than you originally planned, “I’ll be fine.”
           “You’d better be.” He was quick to say, “Don’t go getting yourself killed tonight. Trust me when I say it isn’t fun.”            “Yes, yes, I’ve got that part.” You rolled your eyes, “Anyways, I’ll call you when I’m done with this party.”
           Now you were at the docks. It was colder than you’d expected with the breeze coming in and reinforcements were waiting for the cargo load. You would have to strike fast for this to work. The one problem was you didn’t know how that would play out. Dropping from your hiding place, you crept up behind one of the guards on the outer rim of security. With a sword in hand, you took him out.
           “Oops, didn’t see you there buddy.” You smirked some and moved onto the next one. It was an easy job so far. The security was terrible on the rims as you’d imagine and no one was raising any sort of alarm.
           After finishing this part, you climbed back up to see that there were even more heavily armed men aboard the ship than you had ever anticipated.
           “No big deal.” You mumbled, “Just like all the times before. Crack a few jokes, kill a few idiots, and at the end, blow some stuff up. It’s just what you do now a days.”
           Time was ticking and the slot for best entry was getting smaller and smaller. You looked around once more and then dropped to the ground when the shipments were on the docks so that they couldn’t be moved after the boat caught flames from the devices you’d planted around it.
           “Hey boys. I hope you don’t mind but, I saw you were having a moving in party and wanted to drop by and give a house warming gift. Well, then again, I guess catching the boat on fire wasn’t the best gift, but it certainly did the job well.” You smirked taking the approaching ones out and avoiding the flying bullets.
           You only slowed down just a bit when one slightly grazed your arm, “Okay, who did that?” “This was a brand -new suit and I did not want it damaged tonight.” “God, who taught you manners? A fish?”
           It was all running well again. The advisories were being taken out, weapons were being destroyed and... you looked up to see one of the crates of explosives. If you wanted to, you could light that baby up and let it do your job for you. The issue was making it out on time without any other survivors. You didn’t need any lose ends on this mission. There was a moment of pause before someone called out your name.
           “Y/S/H/N, need any help?” You looked behind you to see Jason shooting at some guys.
           “What are you doing here Hood?” You looked almost a little too shocked to see him, you really were a bit too shocked to see him.
           “Got a bad feeling and figured you might need back up at some point. Not saying you’re not capable, just watching out.” He explained loading in another magazine.
           “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” You looked back up at the crate, “Say there is one thing you could do though.”
           “And that is?”
           “Cover me while I go take out whoever is hording that massive crate of explosives.”
           You didn’t give him any time to protest on your actions. It was always unclear to you why he was so protective of you in those regards but no one else. It wasn’t like you were his significant other or something. That is, no matter how much you wanted to be.
           “You had no business coming here tonight.” Some taller man said shooting at you.
           “Neither did you but I guess we both found some.” You retorted firing back as well.
           “If you’re here for information, you won’t ever get it.”
           “Trust me buddy, I have all of the information I need.” “You’re not really a hard group to track.” Rolling your eyes, you shot the man in the arm, making him cry out in pain, “You’ll be fine, trust me.”
           “Not if I detonate these.” He gave you a look like no other you’d really seen before.
           Sometimes you’d meet people that had fairly evil motives. Other times it was just the run of the mill henchmen. But sometimes, like just on these missions, you’d come across a group or one singular person that was so dedicated to a cause or leader, they’d rather die themselves with what they were hiding than give it up. Those people were some of the scariest.
           “Hood get out of here!” You said into the coms.
           “What’s going on up there?”
           “I’m about to try and stop this guy from taking the docks out.” You answered grimly knowing that this wouldn’t end well for either you nor the man in question.
           “What are you crazy?” Jason yelled.
           You jumped over the crate to where the man was and shot him down before looking over at the count down. There wasn’t much time before it set off. You quickly started typing codes that you had picked up into the device. It wasn’t until after a few seconds that you noticed how close the time was getting. Sighing, you knew the only thing to do was leave. You turned around, not seeing the last remaining henchmen behind you and was shot in the side. The moment Jason registered what was going on, he shot the man who was now aiming at him and jumped onto the boat to grab you. That was when he noticed the spot on your arm as well as your bleeding side.
           There were less than 10 seconds on the clock. Jason ran as fast as he could when the explosion went off. It sent him stumbling to the ground since he was a decent distance, that stumble didn’t help you though. You were sure you hadn’t been hit anywhere super important, it just hurt, a lot.
           “Come on Y/N/N, stay with me.” He went to your bike which was the only one there since he zeta beamed to New York.
           He was in too much of a rush to remember that your bike needed finger print ID to start going. With you straddling him so he could make sure you didn’t fall off, he cursed under his breath.
           “I know you’re not going to like this, but I need you to get the bike going.” He said to you.
           “You can do it.” You groaned.
           “No, I need your ID fo-“ He stopped when you cut him off.
           “I told you, you can do it.”
           That was when he realized what you meant and started up the bike himself with his own ID. He smiled at the gesture. Maybe you really did trust him enough. Maybe you actually felt the same about him as he did you.
           High on pain killers you sat on your bathtub ledge getting stitches from Jason while draped over him for support. He was pretty sure you would either start ranting about something extremely random that he might be able to use for blackmail, or you’d start snoring. Either one was fine to him as long as you didn’t stop breathing. That was when there would be issues.
           “Jaybird, you know I really like you right?” You asked making his cheeks heat up.
           “I didn’t know that.” He had to clear his throat.
           “Yeah, I’ve always thought you looked really nice. Then I got to know you and now you’re even better.”
           “Well what if I told you I liked you a lot too?” Jason asked smiling at what you had said.
           You sat up and looked at him quickly, “Really?”
           “Yes, and don’t rip out your stitches. I don’t want to put them back in.”
           “Well if you really liked me, you’d kiss me like what they do in the movies.” You smirked some at Jason.
           “What kind of movies have you been watching recently.” He scrunched up his nose faking a look of disgust.
           “Jason Peter Todd, I mean it.”
           Jason gave your stiches a once over before pulling you into a kiss. You could feel him smiling into the kiss before pulling away.
           “What else do they do in movies?” He asked.
           There was no response.
           “Y/N? ...Doll?” Jason looked down to see you asleep sitting up, whatever Alfred had recommended, it worked because you were out like a light.
           He laughed and carried you into your room, tucking you in. He went to go sleep in the living room but stopped when your hand didn’t let go of his. Jason sighed holding in a chuckle before changing into his own night clothes and climbing in next to you.
I hope you guys liked this one. I know it’s a bit longer but I really liked the request and things just kept coming to mind of what to add to it. I’ve got something big coming for a fic unless I scrap it. It’ll be long and Idk when I’ll finish it, but you’ll know when it gets here. Anyways, I hope you’re all having a wonderful day and week and continue to have a great one. Stay safe and healthy and make sure to take care of yourself when you need it.
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ruewrites · 4 years
More than Friends?
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 2640
Warnings: None
Request from: larii_cipher (AO3)
The brothers knew when Solomon spent the night, it was hard to not notice honestly. Asmo wasn’t exactly quiet when he brought someone home.On more than one occasion one of the brothers found themselves pounding on his door asking him to keep it down (not that it did much). In more recent centuries Asmo had been going home with other people. Maybe all of his brothers’ interruptions had gotten to him, or maybe it had been the long conversation he’d had with Lucifer.
The one exception to the rule was Solomon. Solomon usually spent the night at Lamentation when RAD was in session. It wasn’t an unusual sight. After all, he’d had a pact with their brother for millenia. Of course they were friends with benefits. No one was surprised about that.
What did surprise them was when Solomon came down that morning. Plopping himself down at the breakfast table, he ran his fingers through his bedhead and offered the brothers a tired good morning. Before anyone could ask him anything, Asmodeus came tumbling down the stairs. He was much more put together than the sorcerer and had a comb in hand.
“You could at least let me fix your hair! It’s almost as messy as Mammon’s.”
“Oi! My hair’s always just the way I want it!” Mammon interjected.
Asmo rolled his eyes and started combing through Solomon’s hair. His morning hair was cute, but it certainly wasn’t presentable to the outside world. Besides, something as adorable as a sleepy Solomon should be reserved for his eyes only!
Solomon groaned and tried to push the comb away. “Asmodeus, please. Let me have my coffee first,” he mumbled.
Before Asmo could whine any further, Lucier cleared his throat. He certainly hadn’t remembered Solomon coming over, nor did he remember him spending the night. Even if it was someone he knew, he had talked to Asmo about sneaking others into Lamentation. Especially when said guest spent the night. Asmo shrunk back, but only slightly as his attention turned to Lucifer. He knew.
“Asmodeus,” his voice was even and stern. Yes he knew Solomon, but that didn’t change the fact that Asmo had broken rules he’d set in place. “I certainly wasn’t aware we had a guest.”
All eyes were on Asmo now as he quickly searched for an answer to give the eldest.  His face had paled, and if he had had any appetite to begin with this morning it was most certainly gone now. Lucifer’s fingers drummed rhythmically against the table as he waited. His energy was nothing short of dangerous. But before he could utter a word, Solomon stepped it.
“I’m afraid it was my fault,” he said, voice unwavering, “I hadn’t meant for Asmodeus to break any rules you set in place. We had a little project to work on, and some studying, it took longer than I anticipated. I apologize.”
Lucifer  and Solomon held eye contact for a moment. The eldest leaned back in his chair and folded his hands, looking at the pair through lowered eyes. “ Studying hm? ” he asked, raising an eyebrow, “Just studying?”
“ And a project,” Solomon reminded, Asmodeus still remaining uncharacteristically quiet by his side.
“Well then,” he directed his attention back to his younger brother, “Studying and working on a project instead of participating in your usual activities? Well done Asmodeus, I’m proud of you.”
Asmodeus let out a visible sigh of relief as his normal glow returned to his being. Lucifer’s praise was rare, and it certainly wasn’t something to take for granite! “Oh! Thank you Lucifer!” he chirped, smile stretching from ear to ear, “Solomon was a big help last night! I don’t think we’ll get anything less than high marks!”
“However,” Lucifer stopped Asmo in his tracks, “I will be notified the next time there is even the slightest potential of anyone, including Solomon, being with you after hours. Especially if they spend the night. Understood?”
“...Yes, Lucifer…”
The rest of breakfast went rather smoothly. Asmo was back to his chattering self and soon Solomon was occasionally joining in with discussion with the brothers. Mostly he stuck to chatting with Satan and Levi. Solomon and Satan often swapped books with each other, and he often participated in Levi’s nerdier activities. Lately though, Asmo had been popping up more and more wherever Solomon was. No matter which brother he was with, Asmo would find him. Sure Asmo was a little clingy, but this was a bit much, even for him. After his third cup of coffee, Solomon even let Asmo fix his hair a little bit, which made the demon more than happy. After everyone had settled down, and Beel shoveled away the rest of the food down his mouth, Asmo stood. His arms were wrapped firmly around Solomon’s who was dragged up with him.
“Well, we’re gonna head out for the day! We have quite a few errands to run!” Asmo sang, snuggling ever closer into Solomon’s side.
All Solomon could do was chuckle, “I thought you said you just wanted to go look at some cute clothes-”
“Anyways we won’t be back till late! Buh bye!”
“You guys don’t honestly believe that bullshit Asmo was spoutin earlier, do ya?” Mammon asked with a huff and leaning back in his chair. It was a rare day when a few of the brothers had gotten together just to hang out. Or rather, it was an odd day where they were consumed so much so by their boredom, that they all decided to go out, and there was nothing that could cure boredom quite like a trip out to town. Mammon was still replaying breakfast in his head. There was absolutely no way they were just studying . “I can’t believe Lucifer believed ‘em. Solomon and Asmo just studying ? Hah! I don’t believe it.”
Satan nodded, albeit a little reluctantly. “He does seem to be acting a bit attached . Even for Asmo. Levi, has he been inserting himself into your times with Solomon as well?”
Levi huffed and slumped back into his chair. “Don’t even get me started ! I was trying to show Solomon this new show that just came out, we’d been keeping up with the mangas, and the next thing I know Asmo is in my room and on his lap. Fml could he be more of a normie? Like I couldn’t even look at the two of them! Ugh,” he groaned shaking his head, face hidden in his hands.
“Asmo has to be breakin a few of dearest older brother’s rules with Solomon. Like, they gotta be friends with benefits right?”
“It does seem like something Asmo would do…”
Beel had finally looked up from his burger. He wasn’t really participating in his brothers’ gossiping, but he did seem to notice something just beyond them. He tilted his head to one side, then the other. “I’m no expert,” he said in between bites, “But that looks like a little more than just friends with benefits to me.”
The older three turned around to follow where Beel was looking only to see the duo. They were coming out of a little candy shop on the corner. Asmo rummaged around in the bag for a moment before pulling out a bon bon and placing it against Solomon’s mouth. They could all hear the squeal of delight that left him as Solomon brought the candy into his mouth. He gave his nod of approval before sliding one arm around Asmo’s waist and pulling him close to his side. Asmo’s excited chatter getting softer the farther they went down the sidewalk.
The duo had been entirely oblivious to the five brothers sitting across the street from them.
“Blehg,” Levi gagged, “And here I thought Solomon wasn’t a normie at all…”
“I mean that could just be Asmo-” Satan chimed in.
“But Solomon also made a move,” Beel added.
Belphie moved slightly and opened his eyes, “Who cares ? If Asmo and Solomon want to be weird that’s their problem.”
All of them were silent for a moment. Normally this wouldn’t matter. Normally they would chalk it up to Asmo being clinging and wanting Solomon’s attention.
“We could follow them.. Ya know, just ta make sure the ever shady Solomon doesn’t have anything up his sleeves,” Mammon said slowly. Each head around the table seemed to perk up with interest. It was a slow day…
“Well we should hurry if we don’t wanna lose ‘em, right?”
This little trip seemed to be more than clothes shopping. Asmo did try on an ungodly amount of outfits to show off to Solomon. Each time he would twist and twirl around waiting for the man’s approval before changing once more. Some outfits seemed to catch Solomon’s eye more than others. Every now and again Asmo would come out with matching outfits or pajamas and hold them out rather excitedly. Sometimes he would giggle, hiding something he’d already bought behind his back in a bag.
“Well this is boring,” Belphie huffed, leaning against Beel’s back, “Isn’t this what Asmo always does when he goes out shopping? He’s just showing off and looking for-”
“Shh,” Levi huffed, “They might say something that gives them away.”
“Gives what away?” the youngest growled, looking down at Levi from his perch on Beel’s back, “Like I said, if they want to be weird together that’s their problem.”
“Is he getting anything special? Anything that looks fancy?” Satan asked, turning towards Mammon.
He shook his head, “Nah, just… Normal stuff, unless there’s something good in the bags he has. Oh wait!”
Mammon pointed down at one of the bags on the floor. It was a light shade of green and wrapped up in all sorts of fancy ribbons. It was a small bag, but tall. Golden cursive letters curled around the front.
“That’s some real fancy demonus they got right there. Like the good, expensive stuff,” Mammon grinned, eyes locked on the bag, “Worth a pretty grimm.”
“Chocolates and demonus?” Satan mused, mirroring Mammon’s grin, “Perhaps Asmo has another study night planned.”
If that wasn’t damning enough, Asmo held up his finger, whispering something quickly toSolomon before quickly typing something onto his D.D.D. Each of the brothers’ devices buzzes with a single notification from their group chat.
Asmo: Won’t be at dinner tonight, I have some very important plans that require my absolute attention. Try to have fun without me 💖
With that, Asmo started to pick up some of his bags and waited for Solomon before they left once more. The brothers waited for a bit before exiting the store after them. Honestly it was a miracle they hadn’t been caught yet. Maybe it was due to how caught up Asmo seemed to be with Solomon. It was difficult to hear what he was chattering about without getting closer, but they couldn’t risk getting caught. The celestial realm knew the hell Asmo would raise if he discovered that his brothers were snooping in his life. The pair stopped and checked the time before  hailing a driver.
Then they were gone.
The twins departed from the other three almost as soon as they got home. Belphie was quite clear about his disinterest in whatever was going on between his brother and Solomon, and Beel felt a growing discomfort at following Asmo around the way they were.
So, the remaining three brothers waited patiently for Asmo’s return. The front door opening and closing was followed by giggles and hushed whispers, and then feet quickly running up the stairs. They waited for a moment, then two, then three.
Asmodeus wasn’t one to be quiet. Perhaps it was a ruse of sorts? Them pretending to come home only to disappear somewhere else? It was possible, especially if Asmo was trying to pull one over on Lucifer.
Creeping upstairs, the brothers stood outside of Asmo’s door. They all stood completely still, waiting for something, anything… But nothing came.
“Do… Do we go in?” Levi asked, looking from Satan to Mammon, “I mean… It’s possible that they’re not there… Isn’t it?”
Mammon placed his ear against the door as Satan shook his head, “It’s still Asmo’s room. I don’t think-”
“ Shhhhhh ,” Mammon hissed, “I think I hear somethin.”
“Wait really? What is it? I want to hear!”
Soon, all three were pressed up closely to the door. Unfortunately, Asmo’s door wasn’t shut properly, and the three went tumbling into Asmo’s room. They were greeted by a yelp and the scent of vanilla candles all around the room, as well as a glare from Asmo. Both Solomon and Asmo were currently on his bed. Demonus poured into glasses, and both chocolates and bagsfrom Ristorante Six were around them as they were curled close together. Honestly, Asmo didn’t look too threatening with one of Solomon’s shirts and a blanket wrapped around him, but his anger was still present.
A well manicured finger reached out to pause the movie they were watching. “ What are you doing ?” he huffed, eyes narrowing in on his brothers.
“What are you doing? Ow! Levi watch it!” Mammon hastily stood up and put his hands on his hips.
“What am I doing? What am I doing?! ” Asmo shrieked, “You mean my date ? Is that what you’re asking about? My date, with my boyfriend, in my room?”
“Date?” Levi chirped.
“Boyfriend?” Satan asked looking at Solomon.
Mammon took a moment, gears turning in his head as he met Asmo’s glare. Then it seemed to occur to him. “Oh… So you two aren’t just fucking?”
Asmo groaned and hid his face with one of his pillows, “ You moron .”
Solomon coughed and spoke up, “No… No we aren’t. Asmodeus, have you honestly not told your brothers?”
“I thought it was obvious!”
The whine made Solomon chuckle, and he carefully ran his fingers through what was visible of Asmo’s strawberry-blonde locks.
“So, you two weren’t studying last night?” Satan asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Oh no, we were studying. This little date is actually a celebration for a job well done,” Solomon said, motioning to the scenery around them, “We haven’t been able to have a proper date night in a while. So if you wouldn’t mind-”
“Say no more!”
“Ugh, I’m done with this gross normie stuff.”
Satan grabbed one of Mammon’s arms, and Levi the other and dragged his dumbfounded self out of the room.  Solomon used a bit of magic to close the door tightly before pulling the pillow off of Asmo’s face.
“I just want one nice date! Solomon don’t you see how mean they are to me?” Asmo whined, pouting up at Solomon. Solomon chuckled and scooped Asmo up into his lap and kissed his forehead.
“We could have had a date sooner , if a certain someone hadn’t insisted on more kisses and attention when we were supposed to be working.”
He kissed Asmo’s lips before he could pout any further and held him there until he felt him relax. Thin arms  wrapped around his neck, and Solomon reached out to unpause the cheesy move they had only half been paying attention to.
“You did at least tell Lucifer that I’d be staying over yes?” he asked when Asmo pulled away, “I would hate for you to get punished and tied up because of me.”
“You usually don’t complain when I’m tied up darling.”
“You know what I mean.”
Asmo hummed and snuggled closer, eyes falling back onto the movie and popping another chocolate into his mouth. He was allowed to have some sweets when he was on a date. “I did, I sent him a text message when we went out. So he should know.”
“Good, that means we can have a nice little date without worry,” he smiled, wrapping his arms around Asmo tightly and leaning in for another kiss.
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oh-theres-a-woman · 4 years
Flowers in a Peaked Cap; Part One
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A/N: Heres to attempt two at writing this author’s note… Let’s just say, I haven’t perfected the art of saving drafts. Note to self to actually find out how to make the draft before losing three solid paragraphs of rambling about the story… Sophie Points; Nil. Laptop/Internet Points; One. Welp, honestly internet and laptop have won a hell of a lot more than that. Just don’t remember how many times I’ve lost work because of not quite understanding how to post on here…. Safe to say I’m still a noob. 
Any hoot! Enough rambling about that stuff. 
After posting the first piece to this story; in the very very early hours of this morning. I couldn’t help but feel the massive urge to continue and work on the more of Tillie’s little adventure. It made me want to think about her as a person outside the relatives that we already know. What this girl’s goals are and ambitions. Unlike the rest of her family, I think she has a relatable amount of vulnerability and anxieties that are more from society’s working in the 1920s compared to her brothers; Arthur, Thomas and John that all suffer war-related mental illness and scars.   
Actively she’s a romantic escapist that wants to make her brothers and aunt proud. Making a name for herself in the means of writing and exploring the tales that are brewed from the memories of old days. 
In the progression of this story, I want to be able to explore the growth in Tillie as a young woman. The stepping out of her brothers’ shadows and coming into her own. Growing into a more confident young woman that could be from meeting new people like in this chapter and moving away from her fears. 
I do see romance in this story, something like and full of all the trend first experience one faces at one stage or another. In terms of smut, I’d think it’s lighter and would be something that is worked towards. Tillie to me doesn’t seem rather lust-driven. So, it’ll happen if it does, and if not; its simply because Tillie Shelby isn’t interested in that sort of thing. 
Important note; I’ll be working on organising the Taglist a little more throughout my next few posts. Please notify me if you’re interested in anything specifically and want tags there or if you mind just being on the general tag list and included in every story I post. Thank you!!!  
Requested By; @csigeoblue​
Parts; [ Prologue ] 
Taglist; @zodiyack​, @itsfrancisneptun​, @amys-small-world​, @fandom-fucking-shit​, @hesagod-notyet​, @hinagiku0​, @dylanlover24​, @amirahiddleston​, @a-dorky-book-keeper​, @theamuz​, @csigeoblue​, @smallheathgangsters​, @beautycinders 
Word Count; 1400
Watery Lane wasn’t the play that supported the wild fantasy’s of Tillie Shelby, but the little bookshop that was filled with many hopefuls or lads that were born a little more well off collectively grouped together. Reading the stories they wrote. This gathering was apparently one that caught the attention of the paper since the known publishers and well-off lads from another book club around England had found themselves doing a sort of travel for their source material. 
Since the profile of this club of prolific writers had taken interest in the area of Small Heath and its inhabitants. Inviting upstart writers or aspiring tellers to come and meet them. So, onward the youngest Shelby strolled until she pulled open the door of the quaint little bookshop. The signal of her arrival was the sound of her kitten heels and the ringing of the bell on the door. Doe-like blue eyes that were like the crystal-clarity of the purest of water found themselves settling on a group of well-dressed gentlemen.  Her eyes flicker between some faces she knew of Small Heath, most of them being the arseholes she went to school with and thought themselves privy to a better life. 
It wasn’t that Tillie didn’t believe they weren’t welcome to it. Mostly, it was the way they treated people in order to get there the young woman didn’t quite agree with. She was rather foolish coming to her though since her brother’s had a very vision about how the Shelby family should be seen. Their measures to getting things done with it were also less than admirable. Perhaps, it was the fact that Billy Bronson, James Fitz and Joe Gilbert made hers and Finn’s school life a living hell one way or another. But, it also made it seem extremely unfair to talk to their older brothers about what happened. Since most knew better than to fuck with the kin of the Peaky Blinders. 
Plooms of cigarette smoke clouded in the air, filling the bookstore with a spiced herbal infusion and rippled tailored sticks of tobacco. Moving her gaze from the lads she knew; to the new arrivals. The youngest of the Shelby mob offered a little smile. “Is there room for one more?” Tillie finally spoke up, pulling her book that contained the novel she had poured hours and hours over. Smiling hopefully. Arms hugging the expensive leather made book that her brothers banded together in the hopes for a lovely birthday present in the days before the war. 
Hoping that she’d fill in with various things she enjoyed to draw, but instead, Tillie hadn’t touched it until she was old enough to respect things. Asking Aunt Pol to help her keep in a safe place until then. Scraps of paper were best for sketches in any case. 
Eyes ever hopeful looked at the posher sort, some seemed wary until a certain collared lad smiled and offered a little nod then the place he’d been sitting. Away from the boys that seemed to make life a little more bothersome. “Thank you,” she whispered, settling down in the seat. Resting the book down on her lap before looking to the other lads who straightened their composure.
“We were all about to introduce ourselves since we’ve never travelled outside of London for such a meeting before. Yet, it seemed like a brilliant idea when bought up. Birmingham seemed like the best place, so raw and thrilling. Small Heath alone.” Spoke finally a lad in a handsome waist-coat, the colouring of coal, stiff collar and matching suit made her think of it being something her brother; Tom would wear. Only on the best occasions, or when he was dressing-to-impress. Unlike Thomas, this lad had handsome hazel eyes, the slightest tan to his skin like he enjoyed the frolicking on the beach. His name was Walter, but everyone called him, Walt. 
“Even the presence of criminal activity and organisations like the Peaky Blinders, it does make the area a prize for writing. Wouldn’t you agree, lads,” spoke up for eccentric Norman, who took delight in the thing that only made Tillie smile in a measure of great awkwardness. The name seemed to follow her everywhere she went, and there was a measure of awkwardness for that.  “Sorry, miss, I didn’t quite mean to be so rude, it’s just you don’t seem the sort to know much on that end, too kind and pretty, huh?” Norm covered himself for any form of rudeness that could have been interpreted. 
Only causing a polite little lowering of her head, as her hands wrapped anxiously around her book’s spine. Before relaxing at the conversation drifting off elsewhere. Sobering to the notion that the following cough from Joe Gilbert had goosebumps appearing on her arms. Causing a vast amount of discomfort in the young woman. Tillie traded glances with the nicer of the Londoner’s; Robert. Whom quickly coughed to get things back on track. 
“In any case, back to the introductions. We shouldn’t dwell too long on the story topics if we’ve lacked the proper course of introduction. Shall I start?” Robert spoke up, settled against set up for the purpose of meetings. “My name is Robert Augustine, myself and these other gentlemen,” he said, gesturing to the others in the group of London lads. 
“Are from a collective of young men that wish to write and publish arts. Never before have we had a lady join us, but surely in this modern world we’d be able to welcome the bright minds of femininity amongst us. After all, lady authors are blooming into the publishing world more and more with each generation.” His words seemed to still the anxiousness within her soul at the agreement of his other companions. Looking forward to seeing a hand extended to her, Robert allowed her to stand. The mix of coarseness and softness met between the two palms meet. 
Holding her book, Tillie looked down smiling a little at her feet. Hugging her book to her chest, like it was the most precious thing to her. That was… Because it truly was the thing that held so much value to her heart. Her right hand still gently in the hold of the Londoner, cheeks lightly warming. “I’m Tillie Shelby, and I like to write about my brothers, their stories before the war. When we were kids,” she lit up sweetly talking of her brothers. Her hand and Robert’s naturally finding it parting, before he settled in his spot by the desk. Arms folding at his chest with a little smile. 
“Would you be willing to share any of those stories?” Robert asked in a light voice. Tillie could only think of one response. 
“Would I ever,” she beamed with a presence that seemed to warm the room and the quiet little shop around them. Settling down into her seat once more, she didn’t think about when the others were introducing themselves. Instead, she found herself lost within stories. The more whimsical tales of lads that laughed and partied. Or the ones that filled with a warmth that made her think of the family that suppressed or lost who they were before the war. Among them, none had known those woes and horrors. 
They’d seen things happen on the outside. Felt the absence of a brother, father, uncle or grandfather that either died or lost what kept to their memory that their younger-selves recalled. Tillie was young then. Merely a baby in some regard. But she couldn’t ever forget the days of laughter, wherein night terrors; her heroes would just come up and curl into the undersized cot she called a bed. Soothing their fingers along with the softness of infant or child hairs–that had yet to understand dryness or damage. 
When business didn’t entirely rule the Shelby family but happened in the background. Those were her tales. The tales of rawness and loss from a different scene. Where her brothers; the men who took over the role of an absent father, became; fathers, uncles, older brothers and best friends. And… Pol became the only mother she ever knew and remembered. Her voice spoke of the volumes to family values and how terrible things broke people. Yet, she never uttered their names aloud. 
Only recording them within her mind when she read the tales that meant something to one of her brothers. Art. Tom. John.
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This is my first time sending a request so sorry is this doesn't fit/abide by the rules. So Zombiestuck au. Who do you think would live or die? How do you think it would play out?
Ok I have no idea how zombie stuff works (since like the only things with zombies I came across was a webcomic) so sorry but I really have no idea what people do and how it works?
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Beta kids
The beta kids stick together no matter what. They have a base where they spend most of their time.
It is protected by Jade who has her sniping spot where she gets all the zombies who try to get in even though their base is allways well locked its no better to be safe than sorry.
The rest is just improving the base from the inside. However when it's clear from zombies John and Dave are setting outside traps.
Jade is also trying to plant food and is taking really good care of it.
But of course they sometimes need to go out for supplies and they allways go as a group.
They actually avoid fighting if possible while they are out since they can't be sure how many zombies are out there.
When they see other people they try to help them in any way they can. Since it's only human to help others in such tough times.
But those terrible conditions don't stop them from goofing around in their base. After all it's easier to keep your sanity if you have fun from time to time.
In the end they all survive and save few people from other groups too.
Alpha kids
Dirk managed to make few robots that were protecting their base but the base itself wasn't in perfect conditions (and Dirk tried to fix that) still the robots never let any zombie inside.
Jane also tried to set many traps around just in case and so far it was enough to keep everything away.
Jake and Roxy are taking care of gardening and wich was the most reliable food source. But they still needed to go out for other supplies from time to time.
Dirk mostly volunteered to go alone but Jake allways went with him or whoever decided to go.
They took this a bit too seriously and so the atmosphere in their base was a bit awkward expecially when Jake or Roxy tried to light up the mood.
In the end they all survived but they didn't let their guard down.
Beta trolls
They weren't doing very good job. While their base was well equipped and had very good defense they couldn't cooperate well. Karkat tried to be a good leader and keep everything together but things started collapsing quickly.
Vriska often left the base without notifying anyone. She allways came back with more supplies.
But her reckless behavior often brought zombies to the base and so Eridan had to take care of it since she allways brought the zombies to area of the base Eridan was defending.
Nepeta and Equius were Frontline fighters and so when a bigger group of zombies approach they actually risk a lot.
Feferi tried to cheer others up while taking care of any injuries. But of course the zombie bites.
Nobody knew what Gamzee Terezi and Aradia were doing to be honest and even if someone asked them none of them gave proper answer.
Sollux was doing a lot of things at once. He was defending helping Karkat with making decisions and tried to contact other people. But even though he was doing all that if anyone complained about a thing he whould just be stop out of spite.
Kanaya was also doing most of the work but she actually did everything without thinking too much about it.
And Tavros just felt useless... He tried to help around but he actually didn't do much but set up few traps around.
One day he did that he got caught off guard but Aradia reacted in time and managed to save him. However few minutes later Aradia noticed a bite mark and knew that she was fucked.
So she asked to be killed. She observed people around and knew what happened after such bite so it whould be for the better if she died now.
Nobody wanted to kill her but in the end Karkat was the one to be forced to do it.
After this incident Tavros couldn't belive that it was his fault and Vriska being a total bitch wasn't helping either.
Feferi Nepeta and Gamzee tried to help Tavros but he just couldn't listen to it. He knew that it was his fault Aradia died.
But after Sollux yelled at him Tavros managed to get himself together.
Next loss was Feferi who tried to help Eridan with bigger group of zombies Vriska yet again unintentionally brought.
After that Eridan was so mad he tried to kill Vriska at least 3 times. But he was stopped each time by Kanaya.
So he just decided to leave on his own and nobody knew what happened to him.
Next thing that happened was Vriska was getting ready to leave just like Eridan did but she was followed by Terezi their fates were also unknown. 
For some time they were doing pretty well but it couldn't last for long since yet again another person was killed... This time it was Nepeta.
Her and Equius were guarding the base outside and they were doing great job holding all the zombies off but she got bitten by one zombie she thought she took down.
At first she didn't notice that but when no zombie was around Nepeta just then looked at her leg that had a bite mark on it.
She panicked when she saw it and she knew what it meant. So she didn't keep it a secret and just told Equius about it.
He blamed himself for this and as she begged him to kill her he couldn't do it. So Gamzee did it instead.
After that Equius was even more brutal towards the undead and he destroyed any threat not carrying if he lives or dies.
He actually survived and never got bitten becouse he hit so strong and so fast that even if more than 10 zombies attacked him at once he still whould get out of the situation unscathed.
So in the end Sollux, Tavros, Karkat, Kanaya, Equius and Gamzee survived. Aradia, Feferi and Nepeta died. Eridan, Vriska and Terezi were separated from the group and were nowhere to be found.
They couldn't do anything right everything was in chaos and the only ones that seemed to care were Rufioh Aranea Porrim and Kankri.
Meenah was bearly ever seen in the group and she was just constantly exploring. So nobody whould even notice if she died. But she did say that she was going to join someone else instead and since then nobody heard from her.
Aranea sometimes hoped that she whould see Meenah again but she knew it was impossible so she just tried to make everything work.
Latula just tried to protect Mituna and try to lift the spirits up for everyone.
Kurloz was also in Mituna protection squad but nobody knew what in the flying fuck him and Meulin were doing. They just stood in one place and talked about God knows what.
Cronus tried to help but he wasn't sure what he was doing.
Horrus was just working on traps and ended up setting so many it was almost impossible to go outside without risking getting killed by one. But he knew the way around them and had all memorized.
And Damara was basically just doing the same thing that was happening before the apocalypse.
First death was Horrus who was attacked by bigger group of zombies while he tried to measure few things to add few more adjustments to the base itself so it whould be indestructible. He of course held them off but since he was caught off guard he couldn't get out without getting bitten.
Shortly after Cronus died while he, Porrim and Rufioh went for more supplies. He was a sacrifice that needed to be made in order for other two to live.
Next death was shortly after and it was Damara.
She wasn't taking it seriously from start to finish (but still did better job than others). She was outside doing nothing worth noting and killing each zombie she saw one time there was just too many of them.
After that things only got worse. But fortunately nobody died... Yet.
The thing is Rufioh got bitten but he didn't tell anyone. He was scared but in the end he knew that it wasn't going to end well either way.
He managed to keep it a secret but soon enough Porrim found out and she couldn't handle it calmly. So in the end he got both yelled at and killed.
In the end Aranea, Kankri, Porrim, Meuiln, Kurloz, Mituna and Latula survived. Meenah ran away. Rufioh, Horrus, Damara and Cronus died.
~Mod Kanaya
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horansqueen · 4 years
AM Conversations : chapter 48
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- note for this chapter: i know my last chapter didnt get many notes but the chapter is ready so why not post it you know? sex is vanilla again. thought it was cute. sue me lol. theyll have kinker sex dont worry hahaha! i would LOVE to know what you think of the characters and their reactions and stuff. so please, message me!
here are the requests for this chapter! for the instagram one, i changed it a bit because i dont think her character would want to be in the spotlight like that i hope its ok! also i had already talked about their first time and such so I added the others :)
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Chapter 48 : His chapter
"Oh my god! Look at you flirting with that woman like she's not 30 years older than you!"
I started laughing and let my head fall back slightly. My arm was on the couch's back right behind her head and I brought it closer, pulling her to me by her neck.
"Is that the tone you use when you're jealous?"
I noticed her nose raise up in a grimace but she kept staring at the tv, making me laugh even more. For some reason, Olivia wanted us to watch old One Direction interviews, pretending it would help me for the ones I had planned in the next few weeks. It didn't really help, all it did was make us laugh and I had to admit it was quite entertaining and I was pretty sure I had never watched most of them.
"It was tough watching interviews back then." she admitted, raising a shoulder. "Especially the older ones. You were such a horny kid."
I frowned slightly at her comment. I could hear a lot of pain but also a bit of blame and it bothered me. I was young, I was newly famous and not shy at all. Of course, I was a bit stupid and I tried to be funny but out of all the people in the world, I thought she'd be the last one to comment on it.
"I just enjoyed flirting." I let out, shrugging too. "I don't do that anymore."
It took her a few seconds but she turned my way, staring at my profile.
"How many times did it work?"
I frowned, still looking the old 60 minutes interview we did a few years ago playing on screen. Did I really want to have this discussion?
"What are you asking?"
I held my breath and turned to her, noticing how painful it was for her to ask me something like that. I felt my annoyance falter a bit but not leave completely.
"How many girls did you have sex with?"
We had never talked about that before. I thought about asking, especially when we started dating, but I was scared it would start shit between us. When I was younger, I didn't mention my stories mostly because I didn't want to hear hers. Now that I think about it, it was probably out of jealousy, too.
"Liv, please-"
"More than 10?"
I stared at her a few seconds and nodded a bit. I watched her lick her lips and breathe in and nervously, I felt my fingers play with the fabric of the couch. I hated this, it could only turn wrong.
"More than 20?"
I could feel myself getting angry and I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I didn't know why I was so touchy, it was not in my nature, but perhaps the way she asked me didn't help. It was not just a casual conversation, there was clearly a reason why she asked and I suddenly regretted that we never talked about these things before.
"20 sounds about right." I just said, impatient to talk about something else.
"That's more than twice my number."
We remained silent for a few seconds and I raised my eyebrows at her.
"Am I supposed to answer something to that?" I just wondered a bit rudly. "I don't know what you expected Olivia, but clearly you're delusional. I've had a lot of opportunities it's true, and no of course I didn't jump on all of them, but you don't ask an 18 year old boy to be reasonable after being thrown into fame. I don't think you can really understand what it's like."
I shook my head and sighed louder than needed before getting up a bit roughly. I felt her fingers wrap about my wrist and stopped immediately.
"I'm sorry."
I stayed motionless, standing up with my eyes closed as her fingers pressed around my wrist more.
"I'm just scared. And insecure." she added low as i felt her fingers slip and free my hand. "I don't understand why you're dating me, Niall. You could date so many girls or just fool around with anyone you want. But you're here with me and it just makes no fucking sense to me. So when I see how things used to be for you, it scares me for the future and at the same time, it reminds me how much I cried during those years."
I sighed and slowly sat back down next to her, still not being able to look at her.
"Why did you propose we watch that then?"
From the corner of my eyes, I noticed her looking down and swallowing. I couldn't pretend I knew how she felt, not now and not back then, but I was dating her now, I had been dating her for over 9 months. The fact that she was still doubting me... doubting us, was tough to accept.
"I thought i'd be okay, I thought since you were next to me, holding my hand, that it wouldn't bother me." she explained in a low and ashamed tone. "I was wrong."
I sighed again and rubbed my eyes before getting up again. Her head shot up quickly but I just held my hand out to her. It took her a few seconds but slowly, she slid her palm against mine and I pulled on her hand, helping her get up.
"Let's go outside, okay?"
She didn't say anything, she just let me bring her outside, in the backyard. I took my socks off after letting go of her hands and sat on the side of the pool, putting my feet in the water and waited for her. It took her a few minutes but I still didn't turn to her. The night was calm and warm enough, especially for late september, and I looked down at her feet moving slowly in the water.
"At the lodge, I saw you and Harry making out naked on the side of the pool. It made me very jealous, even if I didn't really realize it back then. Not really because you two were having sex, but mostly because he had your full attention, and I was so used to have it all for myself that losing it was like a slap in the face." I admitted, licking my lips. "I'm not saying I know how you feel, Liv, or how you used to feel. I just think that holding on to that is changing you and stressing you for no reason."
She didn't comment on the part about Harry and I closed my eyes.
"The first date I ever went on was with a girl from school." I added low.
"Grace, I remember."
"The whole time, all I could think about was kissing her. I didn't care about anything else. I was young, I can't even remember if I liked her, but I wanted my real first kiss and it's all that mattered." I made a pause and sighed. "Then I had girlfriends when I was a bit older, and then I joined One Direction and met other girls. And whenever I hung out with them, I was never jealous, I thought 'hey if it doesn't work then it wasn't meant to be' and that's it. I didn't expect it to last because I didn't want it to last. I had nothing to lose. I thought about sex and having fun."
I turned to her and sighed louder when I noticed tears falling down her cheeks. I moved my body her way slightly and shook my head.
"Olivia, why are you crying? I'm trying to tell you that it's different with you. I care about you. And the first thing I thought of when it came to you was not sex, it was not kissing you. It was making you happy, it was how good I felt around you. Why would you cry for that?"
"Because you seem to forget that I was there, Niall. I saw you with these girls. I cried myself to sleep because I desperately wanted to be in their shoes. My first kiss was with a guy at school who was harassing me to go out with him and when he kissed me, all I thought about was you. The first time I had sex with Rian I wished it was you. Every single decision in my love life seems to have been related to you. I'm not blaming you, it's all on me, but its still not easy for me."
My eyes roamed on her face and I watched her wipe her tears and sniff a few times before clearing her throat.
"We both need to make efforts. You can't spend all your time asking questions about my past that's gonna hurt you, you know."
"I'll work on that." she whispered. "But you're gonna have to be patient with me."
We remained quiet again for a while, just looking at the lights of the pool shining on the water. I knew I should reach for her hand but I wasn't sure I wanted to.
"Remember the first time we got drunk together?" she asked with a chuckle, moving her feet a bit more vigorously and making the water move around her. "You were so cute, and so damn tactile. At some point I was so close to tell you that I loved you that I got scared and hid in the bathroom for half an hour."
I smiled at the memory and chuckled.
"You were so dramatic and I didn't even know!" I let out, making her laugh too. "I don't know how you kept it inside for so long."
"Fear of losing you." she shrugged. "I just looked at you, both of us totally pissed, and I thought 'everyone wants a piece of him but he's with you right now, don't ruin this Olivia'."
"You were cute, you had that really high ponytail. I remember because whenever you'd turn around, your hair would brush against my arm and I was so drunk it made me shiver every time."
My eyes found hers and she was not smiling anymore. Her lips were parted and her eyes were glued to me. I raised my eyebrows and moved my face closer to hers.
"Yes, I remember things. Not the same things you remember, and maybe not for the same reasons, but I do remember things."
Slowly, she pressed her lips together and they curled as she kept looking at me.
"I love you, Niall."
I moved my upper body over hers, forcing her to move down on the hard cement but she didn't complain. I placed both my hands on each side of her chest to hold myself over her and bent down to kiss her.
"I love you too." i answered, moving up to a bit to look at her.
Her eyes traveled on my face until my lips and she licked hers.
"You said you'd make love to me whenever I'd want." she whispered so low i barely heard. "I really want it now."
"It's not really comfortable." I pointed out, the right corner of my lips moving up.
"Then you're gonna have to be extra gentle with me."
I nodded and sat up, immediately reaching for the hem of her sweatpants and she moved her butt up to help me. She brought her feet off the water and placed them on the ground, her knees up, and my eyes roamed between her legs as I let out a low groan. I took my shirt off and didn't even react when it fell in the pool. It made Olivia chuckle and I just moved gently over her, placing myself between her legs.
One of her hands ran on my chest as I pressed myself against her. I felt her grind up slowly against me and bent down to kiss her. I could feel myself get harder with every move of her hips, even if she was barely moving and I let my lips brush on her jaw and down her neck.
"You should keep your shirt on, I don't want your back all scratched."
I brought my mouth back on hers and I noticed her lips curling in a fond but amused smile.
"You don't want to see me completely naked?"
"Don't be silly." I chuckled again, glancing down and noticing her hard nipples through the fabric of her shirt. "I really fucking do. But you don't need to be naked to turn me on."
She smiled more and I moved down on my elbows, moving her head up gently and placing my hands under it to make sure her head wouldn't rub against the cement.
"Are you sure you want to try it here?"
She didn't say anything, she just kept looking at me as her hands moved between us. One of her palms pressed on my cock and I groaned low. She started nibbling on her bottom lip, slowly pulling my pants down and I pushed myself into her. I was surprised at how wet she already was and how easy it was for us to do this, like our bodies just seemed to fit perfectly together.
"I love you."
I bent down again, kissing her as I started thrusting in and out of her so slowly that I could feel everything incredibly well. So well that it brought sensations in me that I hadn't felt before. I felt impatient and my whole body throbbed even more than usual. It was definitely different than what I was used to but I loved it. I could really see all of her facial expressions and ended up letting out a very low curse word when her lips parted and her eyes fluttered close. I watched her as she moved her chin up and I could feel the back of her head rubbing slowly against the palm of my hands, making a mess of her hair. She looked amazing, all fucked beneath me, and it made me realize how much I loved her.
"I love you too." I whispered back. "So much."
"Just me?"
My movements faltered and her eyes opened slowly. I stared at my best friend, laying under me, and I thought of all the things we went through together and all the things we'll go through together too. I thought about our friendship that turned into love, I thought about us when we were young, I thought about everything I missed with her and everything I lived with her, and I could swear I felt my heart skip a beat.
"Yes, only you."
Her hands traveled on my back until my ass and she let out a short whimper as her thighs pressed on my side to keep me close. I could feel my elbows and the back of my hands hurt from rubbing slightly on the cement but it was really the sharp pain in one of my knees that made it worse. I tried to push it out of my thoughts to focus on her and when she arched her back and started shaking, I knew she was cumming.
"Oh god Niall... I.. I'm..."
I tried to keep my movements slow and steady but it was pure torture until I felt an orgasm reach me. I felt it coming and held my breath as my eyes closed and I groaned again as it spread inside me slower than normally. I could feel it until the tip of my fingers and in my toes and when I came down from my high, I blinked a few times.
"I'm literally seeing spots." I let out with a short laugh.
"Me too." she chuckled just as my sight was getting clear again.
I looked at her laying under me and sighed. Now that it was over, I was more aware of the pain and I grimaced. I let myself roll on my back next to her and she moved her upper body over me with a frown.
"You okay? You're not bleeding are you?"
I brought my hands up to look at them and shook my head.
"I'm sorry." she added, raising her nose up. "We should have tried on the grass. Do you need ice or something?"
"And pizza." I pointed out with an exaggerated pain expression, making her laugh.
"Alright i'll bring all that in the living room."
She was about to get up but I put my hand on her thigh to stop her, my fingers brushing gently on her skin.
"Wait." She stopped and turned to me. "These girls, they mean nothing. You need to trust me."
She sent me a sad smile and shrugged a shoulder very slowly. I was tired to fight and I was scared it would ruin things between us.
"I'll try."
I was driving the first time I heard 'This Town' on the radio and she was sitting next to me. I didn't know why but I felt incredibly lucky that I was not alone, and even luckier that she was the one with me. Her face illuminated and she let out a short scream, making me smile even more. I parked on the side of the road and she threw herself in my arms awkwardly since we both still had our seat belts on and we looked at each other the whole time it played until the very end.
"This is so fucking good Niall i'm so proud of you!"
I cupped her face and brought her closer a bit roughly, crashing my mouth against her and making her laugh. She grabbed the front of my shirt and deepened the kiss slightly, making me smile through it.
"Fucking hell."
She laughed as we pulled away slightly and smiled more.
"It's a big deal. Your first solo song." she whispered. "And you worked hard for that."
We remained in the car for a while, just flabbergasted by what had happened and a bit ecstatic. I looked at her reacting almost as intensely as me and it made me realize so many things that I just leaned against my seat and sighed. Despite all the fights we had, despite my almost total absence in the past few weeks, despite the fact that we had it hard recently, she was there, she supported me, and she was happy for me.
"A few drinks tonight to celebrate, how's that?" she proposed as I started the car again. "We could invite a few friends?"
"Yea, yea good call!" I let out, glancing at her. "Hey take my phone and go on instagram!"
She frowned a bit but she was still smiling and she did what I was told before looking at me again.
"You want to add something to your story?"she asked as I nodded. "Okay, go ahead!"
"Hello lovers, so we just heard 'This Town' for the first time on the radio a few minutes ago and we went completely crazy!" I just said with a laugh, trying to focus on the road as I passed one of my hands in my hair and shook my head. "Let me just get back home and I'll do a live and answer a few questions!"
She stopped filming and played with my phone for a few seconds before looking at me again.
"That's a very good idea."
With a smile plastered on my face, I parked the car and unlocked the front door before quickly getting my laptop. She put her purse on the couch and I sat next to it right before she disappeared in the kitchen. It took me a few minutes to go live but when I finally was, my smile hadn't faltered not even for a second. I started answering questions, glancing from time to time at Olivia that remained away from the camera. I knew she didn't like to be in the spotlight and that a lot of times, I brought attention to her without meaning to, but the fact that she was still there, in the shadows, to support me, meant the world.
"I was with Liv, it's her you heard on the video." I explained, answering an other question.
I saw my girlfriend grimace when she realized everyone had heard her voice and her probably her laughter when we recorded the small video in the car and my eyes found her again, her expression making me chuckle.
"From the face she's making now, it was clearly not intentional." I pointed out, laughing again.
My eyes caught a comment that made me frown but I tried to ignore it until I saw an other one and I finally closed my eyes, breathing in.
"Okay, i'm normally not the type to give attention to bad mouthing but we're trying to have a nice time and reading shit about my girlfriend is no fun."
I could feel Olivia tense near me as my eyes roamed on the comments.
'No Niall pls stay!!!'
'Ignore them we love her! OTP!'
'Fuck whoever talks shit about her'
'They don't deserve your attention!'
I didn't add anything else but kept on answering questions about an upcoming album, more songs, the process of writing and tour. After over half an hour, I said goodbye and turned my computer off. Olivia had left and I joined her in the kitchen, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. My lips reached her neck and I squeezed her tighter against me.
"Hey, darling." I whispered. I heard her sniff and my heart twitched. "It wasn't that mean. I promise."
I watched her fingers grip the side of the sink more and suddenly felt extremely bad. I shouldn't have commented, that way, she wouldn't know about the mean comments, but when I saw them, I didn't think, I just reacted. It was not like me but reading shit about her made me a bit impulsive and now I regretted it.
"That's what I mean when I say I don't understand why you're dating me." she murmured after swallowing hard. "No one understands why you're dating me."
"People who know nothing about you or our story don't get it, so what?" I just replied, nuzzling her nape. "Fuck them. I know why i'm dating you and i've got a shitton of good reasons."
"Don't tell me you don't doubt us, sometimes, Niall." she shook her head. "Don't tell me it never crosses you mind that you should be dating someone who's in your league. A tall, skinny, gorgeous actress, model, singer... I don't know."
She moved away from me and turned around, her back still facing me. I let my arms fall on each side of my body and sighed a bit loud before rubbing my eyes. I was trying to comfort her but it seemed like nothing i'd do would change anything.
"I'm telling you it's you, okay? I love you!" I argued, getting annoyed again. "I don't get how it's so hard to understand!"
She finally turned to me slowly and I felt a pain at heart when I saw the tears on her red cheeks. I didn't know why it was affecting her that much and I felt like i'd never understand.
"Love is not everything. Contrary to popular belief, love is not all you need." she pointed out, her arms crossed on her chest. She shook her head again and licked her lips as I stayed still, holding my breath. "I don't get why you don't understand how I feel, and I can't seem to explain it. It's useless, Niall. I'm useless."
Without waiting for an answer, she turned around and walked in the hall. I closed my eyes, trying to calm the beating of my heart. I should have ran to her and took her in my arms. I should have tried again to tell her how much she meant to me. I should have begged her to believe me and trust me. Instead, I sat on a chair and sighed loud. I felt defeated and exhausted at the same time. I just wanted us to be happy like we used to be but I didn't know how.
After a good twenty minutes of thinking, I got up and walked to our room, opening the door slowly. She was laying in bed, on her side with her knees up. I took a few steps closer only to realize she was asleep. I put my hands deep in my pockets and stared at her for a few seconds. Her lips were slightly parted and I could hear her breathe a bit louder than usual. I sighed again and found a blanket before putting it over her and bending down.
"You're so much more than you seem to believe." I murmured close to her ear. "I wish I knew how to show you. Maybe i'm the useless one."
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threehouses-heroes · 5 years
Hi there! I've noticed that most of the headcanons/imagines that people have requested are heavily shipping-related, so here's something completely different, and kind of silly. What do you think would happen if the Gatekeeper got sick and one of the other characters had to take over his job for a few days? Who would do a good job standing guard and telling everyone that there's nothing to report... and who would totally screw it up?
Ooooh this one was so much fun to imagine! I decided to just stick with the Golden Deer for this one cause they were the first to come to mind! but for what it’s worth they don’t exactly mess it up - they just achieve it with varying degrees of success lmao
♡ Claude’s actually the one who suggested the Golden deer take up the Gatekeeper’s duty once they learn that he’s going to be off sick for an unknown amount of time, though he didn’t really expect the professor to actually bring the idea up to Rhea who gave the go ahead; nor did he expect to be the first one lumped into guard duty at said Gatekeepers position but hey he takes it all in stride. He’s kinda glad to know that he doesn’t have to wear the guard uniform and though he’ll wander from the market itself back to his position occasionally he’ll stay put unless something really does catch his attention. When the professor does come around to ask for the report he’ll definitely act as though there’s something major to report just to liven up the usual reports, though the grin and laughter which follows will quickly clue them in that he’s just pulling their leg. All in all though he’s not the worst at the job! He knows when to be patient and serious where it really counts and sometimes it pays to keep an eye on people which is what he does best so if by chance anything does happen to go down at the market he’ll be the first one charging down into the action.
♡ When Hilda takes up the post for the day she assures that everything will be fine and in a way it is – though she doesn’t stay in the position for very long before she’s roped someone else into taking up the position for her and has wandered off elsewhere to continue about her day as normal. She’ll come back to check on them of course! Just to check up on the report for the day and say hi to the professor as they come over to check on the post (she’s really just trying not to get caught tho let’s be honest). She’ll also bring whoever took up the post in her stead some snacks as a reward for helping her with the job since it’s only fair, but she’s more than happy to get out of there once her shift is over.
♡ Leonie’s going to take her shift very seriously once she’s given it and will stay in her spot for the most part unless she does spot something suspicious. She’ll try and get a couple of other tasks done at the same time if she can, wanting to get them all done in one go so that she spends the time at the gate as productive as possible. She probably handles the job the best – though sometimes she wishes that something will actually happen just so she can get some proper work in instead of just standing around. Although she prefers being out in the field and helping on missions than being stuck guarding a gate all day she can appreciate the importance of the little jobs and takes the time to tell the gatekeeper such once he’s well enough to return to his post.
♡ Raphael is built like a brick house so he’s perfect for this kind of job, and he is more than happy to help taking over the post for the day. So long as he’s brought plenty of stuff with him to keep his energy up during his shift he does a pretty good job – he tries to pass the time talking to the other guards on duty and the people who wander in and out of the market, though this can also lead to him getting distracted from actually watching the gate in favour of doing this, not to mention helping out the people who come past, directing them where they need to go and such things. By the end of it things go pretty well and Raph really wouldn’t mind doing it again if the gatekeeper ever needs to go on another break.
♡ Lysithea isn’t very pleased to learn that she’s been put on gatekeeping duty – after all the sheer amount of stuff she puts on her plate already means she’s going to have to shift things around a bit which is troublesome, but the professor was the one who asked her to take it up so of course she ended up agreeing. Like Leonie, Lysithea brings other things along with her so she doesn’t spend the time merely rooted to one place – mostly strategy books and other such things in order to keep herself occupied alongside these duties. To anyone else they might think that she isn’t paying attention but you can bet that she keeps a keen eye on anything going on because she’s not going to slack off just because she’d rather be elsewhere even if nothing particularly interesting happens.
♡ Marianne tries really hard to take up the temporary position as best as she can, though she frets over just how well she’ll do taking over the gatekeeper’s duty even if it’s only for a few days. She’s rather quiet and keeps to herself for most of the time, though she’ll answer any questions that market-goers come up to her with if asked, but she’s relived to find out that for the most part people leave her to the job unless they genuinely need assistance. She’ll be more at ease having one of the other classmates working alongside her though she doesn’t want to bother them if they aren’t actually there to do it in the first place. Whenever the professor comes over to check in on the daily report is when she’s most comfortable with the position, honestly the most grateful out of all of them when things go off without a hitch and she’s happy to report such when the professor arrives.
♡ Lorenz of course expects it when the professor approaches him with the job of temporarily taking over the Gatekeeper’s position, having been notified by the other students beforehand and of course he’s not going to turn down such a request. He’s certainly got the patience to remain in one spot for prolonged periods of time thanks to it being grilled in him as a young noble and he does take the job quite seriously for what it’s worth so it doesn’t go as bad as it potentially could though even Lorenz has to admit his attention may waver during particularly slow moments throughout his shift. He’s proud to report back to the professor when they make their rounds and will try to keep up a pleasant conversation just a little longer before having to return to his work.  He will talk aaallll about it afterwards though as though it was some oh so noble feat that he dutifully attended to, so really the professor’s gonna have to decide whether it’s worth hearing that for days afterwards to get him to actually take up those shifts.
♡ Ignatz is actually rather enthusiastic when the professor asks him to take over the Gatekeeper’s post while he recovers. The position gives him plenty of time to enjoy the atmosphere of the marketplace as well as the people milling about, whether they’re coming up from the market, passing through to get to the greenhouse or making their way to the stables – the experience gives him plenty of inspiration to work on with his art after his shift has finished. He’s well-mannered and pleasant so people aren’t afraid to come up to him for directions or just a quick chat while he’s working, so if anything does happen he’s one of the first guards people come up to notify him of what’s going on.
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soft-baby-dobrik · 6 years
hi // david dobrik
a/n: YALL IM GUNNA PUNCH MYSELF HE’S SO FUCKING CUTE IM eMOTIONAL. but yaaahhh thank you all for the love and feedback of what i’ve been writing so far :’) it means so much.
summary: you and david live on opposite coasts and have been flirting and texting and facetiming for about two months and the vlog squad flies you out.
requests are open
follow my instagram (david page) <3
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Nothing that has happened in the last few months was planned. Not one single bit of it. It was definitely a hope, but never seemed realistic. Commenting on David’s photos was routine for you, and mostly, it was dumb things like “punch me in the face” or “why haven’t you married me yet.” When David liked your comment and then followed you, speechless was an understatement. And to make things even crazier, he dmed you, saying, “when are you free for that wedding.” That had you speechless and then unable to find a breath. You typed a reply and that was just the beginning of this online relationship. As time went on, David added you on snapchat and then gave his number. At the beginning, you would refresh your instagram over and over again in hopes of him replying quickly. Then, it turned into David facetiming you at random times, sometimes even 3 am for you, 12 am for him. It wasn’t exactly a secret, but it wasn’t broadcast either. So, when other members of the vlog squad began to follow you, you were honored and a little puzzled. 
Before you knew it, you were placed in a group dm with some of them. They messaged you and asked if you were David’s mystery girl. Unsure of what to say, you texted David and asked what was going on.
you: umm, you friends have me in a groupchat on instagram and asked if am the mystery girl? what do i say
Not even thirty seconds later, your phone dinged with a response.
david: how did they find out? i mean, you’re not a secret, so you can say yes before they start dming random other girls haha
With David’s permission, you typed back in the group message and said yes. Next thing you knew, your phone began to blow up. Kristin complimented you, saying you were beautiful and a couple other compliments were sent your way from Corinna and Zane. As you were texting back, another message popped up from Scotty, saying, “What would you say to us flying you out to meet David?” Shock was too less of a degree to be used to describe your reaction. Without any hesitation, you typed a response, asking if he was serious. Next thing you knew, you were giving your phone number and received a facetime call. It was Scotty and Kristin behind the phone number calling you.
“Hey!” Scotty smiled.
“Hi,” you greeted, waving.
“So you’re David’s mystery girl that has him giggling when on his phone and smiling like crazy?” Scotty questioned as Kristin awed.
“I hope so!” you smiled, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks at the affect you left on David.
“I mean he didn’t give us much information, but you’re one of the few people he follows that none of us knew, so we took a guess. Anyway,” Scotty paused to look over at Kristin. “We were thinking of surprising David by flying you out here to meet him.” Scotty’s attention turned back to you as began to panic slightly.
“I don’t know, honestly, texting and facetiming is a lot different than meeting in real life,” you nervously admitted.
“I know, but trust me, David is all googly eyed for you and is all happy and giggly now, so you have to come!” Kristin chimed in. This was crazy, but so was everything else that’s occurred these past couple months.
“I mean, this doesn’t happen everyday, so I guess,” you said, then continued, “I’d love to,” with more confidence. Scotty and Kristen both cheered and smiled.
“When could you?” Scotty asked as he paused you. “I’m looking up plane tickets now.”
“Where do you live?” Kristen asked as you could hear Scotty typing. You told them where you lived and were thinking on the best day to leave. Not only would you have to notify work, but would have to miss some classes, and tell your parents your crazy predicament. 
“Next week?” you said before changing your mind. “No, the further away it is, the harder it’ll be to keep from him, like maybe in two or three days?” you said more questioningly. 
“That sounds good. I’ll book your flight for Tuesday at eleven A.M.,” Scotty said before returning to the facetime screen.
“This is so crazy,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I can’t believe this is happening. Thank you.” 
“It’ll be good for David,” Scotty grinned. 
“He’s so busy, him flying there would be hard, so why not bring you to him?” Kristin said and then cheered because you were coming. 
“Thank you so much,” you thanked again.
“We’ll see you Tuesday at the airport!” Scotty said, before him and Kristin both waved you goodbye. After they hung up, your screen returned to your notifications to see David had texted you four times.
david: what are they saying?
david: please tell me they aren’t being idiots
david: babbbbbeeeeee
david: i wanna facetime
You couldn’t help but laugh at his texts. He was truly adorable. Then, it finally hit you. In less that 72 hours, you would be there, with David in person. Feeling giddy inside, you happily clicked the facetime button. David’s smiling face was put on your screen and you squealed in happiness.
“Hey!” you grinned.
“Hey, cutie, why are you so happy?” he laughed as his fingers ran through your hair. Less than 72 hours and you could do that.
“Just life,” you responded, trying to tone down your excitement.
“What about it?” he asked.
“Things are just so good and I mean somehow, you noticed me and now you’re talking to me and you’re being all nice and flirty and life is just crazy and good,” you rambled out, leaving David with a big smile. 
“You’re so cute,” he laughed. “I don’t think you realize that I’m lucky too. You’re so cute and precious, like my life is pretty good with you in it now.” David sighed, “I just really want to meet you. I want to soon, I just have so much going on.” His lips became pouty after finishing his words. Biting down on your lip, you tried to contain your smile, so David wouldn’t suspect anything odd.
“We will soon,” you replied, looking as David seemed a little bummed.
“Not soon enough,” he mumbled.
Shortly after, you told David you had to go get ready for work, but in reality, you went to talk to your parents about everything. It took some convincing, but finally your parents agreed. For the next three days, you distanced yourself from David slightly since you were scared your excitement would cause you to say something or let something slip out to then ruin the surprise. David noticed and had asked, but you promised that it was just because you were busy with work and family stuff. He said he believed you, but seemed a little off still.
Finally, the day had arrived. Your parents were dropping you off, still a little weary of letting you go off to California with people they had never truly met, even though Scotty and Kristin talked to your parents through facetime. They hugged you goodbye, and you started your adventure. Waiting for you flight to board, David texted you, yet again asking to facetime. Your heart hurt a little since you had to decline the offer. If you called and he heard anything, it would ruin the whole surprise. You typed a quick reply before your flight was called for boarding.
you: babe, i’m sorry, i promise i’ll call you later, but i gotta go.
david: okay :(
A feeling of guilt hit your heart as you took your seat. Sending one final text, to David and then turning on your airplane mode:
you: david, it’ll be worth the wait i promise <3
With your last text, you plugged in your headphones and closed your eyes, preparing for the flight to California, to then meet David.
Your flight landed easily and you called Scotty as you exited the plane. 
“Hey!” Scotty chirped over the phone.
“I’m here!” you exclaimed through the phone. Scotty laughing could be heard through the phone.
“Okay, Kristin and I are here right now too. We’ll be in the pickup area,” Scotty replied and Kristin being her cute self, cheered in the background. “Just call me if you need anything or need help,” he added, before you both said goodbye. Hurriedly, you claimed your baggage and rushed towards the pickup area, Scotty and Kristin stood with a sign that said “y/n aka David’s girl,” causing you to giggle. You rushed over to them and Kristin leaned in to give you a hug, and you happily hugged her. 
“Thank you so much!” you smiled again as you and Kristin pulled away. Scotty gave you a side hug.
“Thank you for actually coming,” Kristin smiled, kindly. You all headed towards Scott’s car and he propped his camera up on the dashboard.
“Hi guys!” Scotty greeted into the camera. “I’m here today with girlfwiend Kwisten and David’s soon to be girlfwiend, y/n,” Scotty joked into the camera as he began to drive. You waved to the camera and felt a warmth rise to your cheeks. “So we’ve made jokes before and everything about a mystery girl, but there is one, and here she is!” he exclaimed happily. Kristen pointed the camera to you and asked:
“Are you nervous?”
You laughed slightly before replying, “I’m pretty sure anyone meeting David Dobrik would be pretty nervous.” Kristin gave you a big smile before putting the camera back on the dashboard.
“So, we’ll tell the story while driving to surprise David. So, y/n used to comment on David’s photos and David noticed her and then followed her. She commented asking why they weren’t married yet,” Scotty paused to laugh at you groaning and covering your face in embarrassment, “and David messaged her asking when she was free for the wedding.” A small smile took over your face while reminiscing on that moment. “Now, this has been going on for around two months, so everyone decided to find this mystery girl and try and get her to come here to surprise David.” Scotty finally finished the story and excitement filled you. The ride felt like centuries, and your nerves caused you to play with your fingers as Kristen, Scotty and you had small conversations, until you arrived at David’s house. Scotty unbuckled and turned the camera on you.
“Are you ready?” he exclaimed and Kristin made some more happy sound effects.
“I’m so nervous,” you admitted.
“Well, you have about thirty seconds before he’s down in the driveway!” Scotty replied, making your nerves increase. You got out of the car and hid behind on the side David couldn’t see, nor could you see him. 
“David!” Kristen called and you could hear David laugh.
“What are you doing here?’ David asked. 
“Well, we wanted to surprise you,” Scotty said. “With something or should I say, someone.”
“What?” David laughed out, clearly a little confused. At this time, you came out from behind the car and into the sight of David. His facial features changed from confusion, to pure shock. “What are you doing here?” he asked, with the biggest smile.
“Surprise!” Scotty and Kristin said together.
“Surprise,” you smiled.
“Oh my god,” David grinned, before you rushed over to hug him. His arms wrapped around your back and tugged you towards him. “You’re here,” he mumbled as he nuzzled his head into your neck. David brought your feet off the ground and spun you around, like they did in the movies and you squealed.
“Well isn’t this cute,” Scotty said.
“Thank you!” David smiled, still keeping his arms wrapped around you, keeping you close to him. “This is the best surprise ever!” You laughed at how David sounded like a little boy on Christmas.
“Alright, well, our job here is done,” Kristin said, heading towards the car. You went to follow, but David wouldn’t let you go.
“David, let me say goodbye and thank them!” you said as he kept his head nuzzled into your neck once again. He shook his head into your your neck. “Babe,” you giggled and he slowly let go of you. You took your hand into his and headed towards the car, smiling back at him warmly. He grinned back at you and moved quickly to hug you from behind as you stopped at the car. David hugged you from behind as you tried to walk towards Scotty and Kristen. Your suitcase was on the driveway and David remained attached to you as you hugged Kristin and Scotty goodbye. “Thank you so much,” you said with a smile.
“Just don’t get too crazy kids,” Scotty teased before climbing into his car, Kristin following suit.
“No promises,” David called with a grin as he looked at Scotty and you shook your head at David’s response. You walked backwards so Scotty and Kristin could peel out of the driveway. Once they were out of the driveway, you turned you body to face David.
“I told you it would be worth the wait,” you grinned as you looked up at David, taking in all his features. He was even cuter in person.
“Definitely worth two days with no facetime calls,” he agreed. With so much happiness flooding through you body, you pushed your body upwards so you could press a soft kiss to his lips. It was short and sweet and you both smiled in the kiss. Once you pulled away, David added, “Completely worth the wait.”
“So, you gunna invite me inside or are we going to stand in your driveway all day?” you teased, looking up at David.
“I guess, I mean we have to I told Scott no promise on having too much fun,” he smiled as you rolled your eyes.
“Not tonight, Dobrik,” you laughed, cuddling into his embrace. 
“I mean how long are you here for?” he asked, laughing as you slapped his arm. “Kidding!”
“Let’s just go inside,” you said, giggling.
“Gladly,” David smiled before grabbing your bag and running into his house. Chuckling, you walked towards the door and after you closed it, you were brought into a bear hug. Your heart pounded as you smiled and cuddled into David’s warm embrace. “I can’t believe you’re actually here,” he whispered as he hugged you.
“Well, I’m here,” you smiled before glancing up at him.
“Thank, God,” he grinned before pecking your lips. “Only problem is I might not let you go home. You might be stuck here,” he added.
“I think I could deal with that.” You both beamed at one another before leaning in for another kiss.
a/n: i just want this to happen to me :(((((( but i made an instagram page for david bc i love that cute fuck so follow please bc it’s gunna be a good time. xoxo bri
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anorderanditsstone · 5 years
how New Order, Ex-admins and Warden would react if they discover that their friend or s/o have a drinking problem. Would they try to help the reader or nah. (gender neutral)
(So uh I swear I posted this but it was in drafts? I thought I posted it so sorry for the delay)
(Song I listened to while writing. It’s pretty good.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sLU5pwfp2c )
(I would put under the cut but idk how to do that so uhh)
(Also if you’re going under an alcohol or drug addiction or whatever addiction that’s unhealthy, please, please seek help. People care about you and it does get better, regardless of whether you believe that or not. Please take care of yourself and your well being. Seek help because in the end there’s someone who wants to help you)
New Order
-When he finds out he’s just worried completely
-He’ll ask how it started and if you ever tried to stop
-He doesn’t really know too much about this stuff so he’ll talk to a friend (like Petra or Jesse)
-He does his best to help you cure the addiction
-If you refuse though he’ll get even more worried but is determined to help his lover
-He’ll probably just takes all the alcohol and throw it away somewhere if you refuse (and if you accept but he’ll let you know first)
-He’s not giving up on you ever. He’s going to help and nothing can stop him
-Very similar to Lukas
-If she catches you drinking then she’ll just swipe the bottle out of your hands and throws it at a corner (it breaks)
-Mostly out of instinct because if she was doing it completely consciously she probably wouldn’t have thrown the bottle
-But regardless of how she finds out she looks at you with a concerned expression
-”Talk to me… What’s going on”
-Regardless of if you don’t want to talk then or not you’re going to tell her. She’s going to keep asking.
-Panics a little (maybe a lot) because she doesn’t know how to help
-Like Lukas, she’ll try talking to a friend (mostly Jesse)
-She’s going to do her best and not even a witherstorm could stop her if it tried
-She’s going to help you out of it and she’s going to make sure of that
-He gets sick to his stomach when he finds out
-Literally, he thinks he’s going to vomit
-He starts to ask questions about it and it might seem like a privacy invasion he doesn’t know what to do
-And he really doesn’t. Does he talk to his friends about it? Does he stop you?
-He still let’s you drink but monitors when you do when he can
-If he notices that you’re over doing it he’ll just put the bottle up and take you to your/his room
-Asks, no, pleads for you not to drink to much while he’s not around
-He’ll tell his friends to monitor you a bit more while he’s gone
-Doesn’t give any reason or details unless he’s sure you’re okay with it
-He wants to help you but doesn’t want to be over-controlling
-He makes a note to be more affectionate towards you though
-Everything just stops when she finds out
-Her breathing, her heartbeat, the birds outside. Just stops.
-After a minute she rushes to hold you
-If you’re not a fan of physical affection she’ll quickly pull away and apologize
-She’ll ask a bunch of questions but keeps in mind of you’re privacy
-She’ll need a minute to think about all of this, but decides what to do
-She comes back out and asks you to try and stop for your safety and her own (emotionally)
-She won’t be very forceful but she’s stubborn
-Let’s you drink a little bit but is quick to notice when to much is being taken in
-She’ll politely ask you to take a break for a bit
-If you refuse she’ll eventually take the bottle away after a bit
-A TON more affectionate in every way she knows how
-She only wants to see you be able to grow up with her healthily
-Again, everything freezes but not as long
-Gently asks questions and partially blames himself
-He’ll have a long talk about the dangers of alcoholism and that it’s best to cut it for the safety of the future
-Afraid to be too demanding but knows that he has to get you to stop one way or another
-Let’s you drink more than the others do but notifies you when it’s time to take a break
-If you refuse though, he’ll just watch over you from a distance
-Let’s you take in more than Olivia but also gently force you to stop after a while
-Checks in with you a lot and does his best to show more affection despite not being the best at it
-Is afraid of your health in the future but he’s not willing to give up so easily
-She stares a bit before asking questions
-Doesn’t ask a lot because she doesn’t want to breach your privacy
-Kind of assumes you’ll tell her more when you’re ready
-Let’s it go for a bit but she’s observing
-She hasn’t tried alcohol yet but she’s not stupid. She knows what it can do to you
-When she determines that yes, it is a major problem that’s when she steps in
-Will only let you drink a little. She knows that there’s not a whole lot of harm in drinking a bit more but she doesn’t need you risking worsening your addiction
-If she sees you drinking more than she thinks is healthy or enough to help worsen your addiction, she’s taking the bottle away in a silent manor
-Seems extremely cold and distant but after years of sleep deprivation and isolation it’s not a huge surprise her ability to help with this in a less harsh manor has been ruined
-She often tells you encouraging things and gives you pep talks when she’s going away or you’re going to sleep
-She’s going to get you cured and that’s a promise that she’ll take to the grave if she has to
-By your side instantly
-Asks basic questions before going a bit deeper
-Still doesn’t breach your privacy too much though
-Holds you hand while talking with you if you’re okay with it
-He gently requests that he helps you cure the addiction
-If you refuse though, he’ll just nod but that won’t stop him from stepping in when he deems you had too much
-Often talks about your issues when you’re okay with it
-Gets worried when he notices you drinking so he just watches and subtly hints that maybe you shouldn’t right now
-If you continue though he’ll gently take the bottle away though
-He takes you outside a lot as it can improve health
-Very gentle but strict. He just wants his sunshine to be okay
-He just sits there awkwardly and asks basic questions like why you do it and if you ever tried to stop
-Afterwards he just sits there before awkwardly moving towards you
-He’ll pull you into a stiff, but whole-hearted hug if you’re okay with the physical affection
-If not he’ll just ask if you want to talk about it and asks if he can help (also does this after the hug if you are okay with physical affection
-When he notices you drink he just let’s you do what you want to at first
-Not because he doesn’t care but he’s just so used to not being to do things on his own accord
-After a couple weeks or so he finally steps in
-He’ll gently take the bottle if he sees you’re drinking too much before quietly asking if you’re doing okay
-Tries to be more affectionate but after the Sunshine Institute he became so much more emotionally distant
-He made a promise to himself, and eventually you, that he’s going to do his best to make sure you’re life is the best as it can be
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silverliningslurk · 5 years
In Kyoto Snow
Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou Characters: Kuroo, Bokuto, Terushima, Oikawa, others as cameo roles Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: no warnings apply Summary: Kuroo’s a little too tired from moping about Bokuto to really enjoy his uni team’s outing for ramen. But things can change quickly. 
For @hopipp for the @dailyhaikyuu secret santa event! I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it! 
Read on AO3 here! 
Kuroo mostly likes Christmas. He likes the decorations, and it hails a new year to be coming soon, which means he’s made it through another year of education, and will get money soon – not that he tends to get much nowadays. His parents tell him they’re helping him enough. His grandma will still slip him a little, though. He likes the fresh chill in the air, likes the snow, like the silence it produces, likes snowballs fights and memories of dragging Kenma out to play in it (and usually getting owned when it came to fort building, only to win himself back with aim).
He doesn’t really like all the couple-type stuff.
That’s only been quite recent, really. Only since he started rooming with Bokuto, and playing volleyball on the same team as him, and just- spending a lot more time with him.
Kyoto’s been laying it on pretty thick about what he should be buying his perfect partner. Which he doesn’t have. Where he should be going with his perfect partner. Which he doesn’t have.
The thing is, he’s pretty sure he’ll spend most of his Christmas with his perfect partner – but not in any kind of romance.
Right now, he’s sat right next to him. But they’re not alone, and it’s no kind of date. Because on Kuroo’s other side is Oikawa. On Bokuto’s other side is Futakichi, then Nakamura, and Kita. Across the table are Saito, Tanaka, Terushima and Honda. It’s boisterous, loud, and Kuroo, while normally enjoying this kind of thing, just wants to go home and mope with ice cream. No matter that it’s snowing outside, he’s got a big tub of chocolate brownie ice cream with fudge bits in that he’s been saving for a special occasion. Moping about Bokuto sounds like a perfect one.
However, good backstreet ramen will have to do. It’s easing his sorrows well enough, and nobody’s noticed he’s quieter than usual, because as long as he keeps stuffing his face with ramen, no one notices that he’s not opening his mouth to do anything other than that.
The lot of them are having an extended discussion about girlfriends, more specifically who wants to be whose boyfriend. As deep in this as Tetsurou is, he’s got nothing to add – he hasn’t really noticed any girls at all, and he never really does notice people in the way everyone else seems to unless he’s friends with them first. It’s a right pain at times, because since he’s already established a friendship, he doesn’t want it to get in the way. It hasn’t happened too much, but he’s lost middle school friends over his having to emotionally retreat because of new feelings, and a few from high school. The only person who’s found out so far has been Yaku, which lasted about three seconds after he found out and then realised it would not work at all, not as a romantic relationship. It had been more of an ideal than anything else, he thinks.
Although more than being annoyed he has nothing to contribute to this conversation – he wouldn’t really want to anyway, even if he felt like talking – he’s dreading anything Bokuto adds. Luckily, it hasn’t been anything. Yet. Bokuto can never stop himself from wading into any conversation, and glancing sideways, it doesn’t look like his rapidly emptying plate is going to hold his attention for too much longer.
Bokuto catches him looking, and grins with a menacing hint. Quick as a flash, he whips his chopsticks over to steal the egg from Tetsurou’s ramen, although equally as quick, Tetsurou defends it, anticipating the move.
“Awwww, man, but the egg is the best bit!” Bokuto whines. Tetsurou feels himself start to lose this fight, not having the energy to really win, but since what Bokuto said is true, he also can’t take that kind of thievery lying down.
“Yeah, that’s why I was saving it for last, idiot.” Tetsurou grouses, and turns away so he’s not affected by the pouting face Bokuto then makes. “Why didn’t you get one with an egg if you wanted one, airhead.”
Bokuto makes an exaggerated humph, and Tetsurou can, unfortunately, picture his face exactly even without looking. “But I already ate mine…” Yup, eyebrows raised in the middle, lips pouting, eyes wide in innocence as if it’s a reasonable request. In fairness, they do this all the time, sharing bits of food that they want from the other.
“Half,” Tetsurou concedes, suddenly aware that the table has gone quiet, “But I want a piece of meat in exchange.” He finally looks back at Bokuto, who nods profusely, grinning wildly. Tetsurou dutifully picks a piece of meat and starts to split his egg.
“You two are so married.” Terushima says, a proud tone to his voice. Tetsurou has never quite been able to get on with him off the court – probably his faintly predatory ways of trying to get women. Sadly with his looks, he’s more successful then he has any right to be. Tetsurou does his best to challenge the worst shit that comes out of his mouth. Sometimes, he even thinks it’s going in.  
“No we’re not.” He defends tiredly, and deftly drops Bokuto’s half of the egg on his plate. It stays there for a mere fraction of a second before being hovered up.
“You really are, though. I could only dream of this level of marriage if I lived with Iwa-chan~” Oikawa states, overly pleased with himself. “Maybe if you didn’t go through girlfriends like water, he wouldn’t mind living with you?” Tetsurou says, and chews on the beef he traded Bokuto for. The rest of them laugh in Oikawa’s face. Oikawa just looks mock-offended. “I do not ‘go through them like water’, Tetsu-chan!” He replies indignantly, nose in the air. “Besides, that means nothing from someone who moves like ice.”
“Glaciers move actually, Oikawa. And what is outside falling? Frozen water. So ice.” Tetsurou takes a large mouthful of noodles to stop himself digging a further pit. Oikawa wears a smug smirk, as does most of the table. “So you’re saying you go through girls, Tetsu-chan? Then how come we don’t know about this?” Futakuchi chimes in.
“You can’t get a girlfriend Kuroo! What would happen to movie night?!” Bokuto shouts, and Tetsurou winces slightly at the volume. And that he’s really not helping at all. Dear lord, even if he was with someone, he wouldn’t tell this group, far too involved in other people’s business for their own good. They could gossip for the whole university, most of them.
He recognises he’s just in a bad mood at the moment, head full of thoughts of what he doesn’t have and yet wants. He gets on pretty well with most of them usually, but really, he shouldn’t have come out today.
“I think you mean, he can’t get a girlfriend because they all know he’s already married to you, Kou-chan.” Oikawa says, as though he’s speaking to a child.
Maybe Tetsurou is getting a cold. This banter is getting to him more than it normally would, a headache building behind his eyes, a sadness growing in his chest.
“What’s wrong with that?” Bokuto demands, disarming them all, like usual. Count on Bokuto to be unpredictable. Tetsurou can’t help but smile, especially when they all start spluttering. Honda rapidly changes the subject to their upcoming game, and Tetsurou chews slowly on his half of the egg, savouring it slowly. Bokuto leans in closer.
“You alright?” he asks, weirdly quiet. Tetsurou nods, which seems to sate Bokuto, but he doesn’t fully lean back out of his space, leaves their arms pressed up against each other. Tetsurou puts it down to the lack of space – he’s not sure if Bokuto had been impinging on Futakichi’s space before, but Oikawa keeps brushing him, certainly, so it seems likely. Now though, he just wants to fold into that touch, feeling tired and worn out, lectures and exams and emotions a heady mix equalling exhaustion.
He resists, but only just. He lasts another fifteen minutes, and decides since he’s not contributing nor wanting to, that he’s going to head home for sleep. The chair makes an irritatingly loud screech as he pushes it back, catching everyone’s attention, which was definitely not his intention. Sometimes, he thinks it’d be cool to be able to just leave without notifying everyone, and pop up again seemingly out of nowhere. Sadly, he’s yet to discover these powers, and so he murmurs an excuse he barely thinks about and heads out into the snowstorm.
Snow normally looks pretty, but not when it’s blowing in his face, and is being polluted by the slow stream of traffic trying to get home. Still, he throws his hat on and pulls his gloves on tightly, and braves the wind. It’s not as bad as it has been, but it’s still unpleasant to walk in, being careful of each step so not to slip, and remembering the direction he needs to go, too.
Bereft of other thoughts to wonder to, his mind returns as it usually does nowadays to Bokuto. He’d never denied or shown any protest about the comments of being married – was that weird for Bokuto? He doesn’t really know, considering he’s never seen anyone accuse Bokuto of being in a relationship he wasn’t in. Maybe he just didn’t get it, but then, how blunt to you have to get? He’s dumb, but not that dumb. He’s way better with people than he is with studies, anyway, not that that’s saying too much, in any case.
The only thing he had protested was the idea of Tetsurou having a girlfriend he didn’t know about. Or just, a girlfriend at all.
Tetsurou sighs heavily. Bokuto, king of mixed signals. What did he even mean by that? Just worried about movie night? Or worried about losing him in total? Who even knows. Bokuto is a mystery, even to himself it sometimes seems.
Tetsurou really, really needs to get control of this thing, right now. He’s got to package it up and put it away and just move on. Ship it off to Okinawa or something. It’s pissing him off how it just won’t die, no matter how many times he walks in on Bokuto taking a shit, or making the kitchen messy, or finds him creeping over to sleep in his bed at 3am ‘cause he had a nightmare. Living with someone should be the final straw, not making him fonder. It’s ridiculous. Tetsurou is actually torn between being desperate to live with Bokuto as long as possible and wanting to move out right now to save himself mid-fall.
Not, with Bokuto on the team, that it would stop his fall at all. At this point, he thinks he’s irredeemable. This thing is irretrievable, he’s just gotta wait until he hits the bottom so he can start swimming upwards again. This, he thinks morosely, could take a long time.
“Kuroo!” Tetsurou stomps across a crossing and starts distracting himself thinking about the ice cream he’s got at home. Now he’s cold, it feels less appealing, but equally, he has secret hot chocolate sachets too, and he’s been meaning to try the caramel one. He’s heard it’s not too sweet, just a little bitter, and if that isn’t a mood right now.
“Kuroo!” He blinks, feeling like he heard a shout, and then thinking that it couldn’t have been to do with him. With the wind in his ears, he’s probably just hearing things. He makes his plans, to get a hot chocolate, pile as many blankets as he can physically get on his body and stare into the snow. Maybe listen to music. He’d listen to lecture notes but he knows none of it would go in right now-
A hand on his arm jolts him right out of fantasy land and back to reality. He twists, all ready to fight back and give whoever caught him some stern words, but then his eyes land on an achingly familiar face smiling at him, coat only half done up and owl hat hastily shrugged on. His anger melts into a pleasant confusion.
“Oh, hey Bokuto-” he halts as Bokuto gets closer, and tries to decipher what this is – probably a hug, but then it’s the wrong angle, and their faces are going to collide, he probably overbalanced, he’s done that before-
But then their lips touch and any accidental reasoning goes out of Tetsurou’s mind. It’s too soft, too gentle to be a fall, and it doesn’t end when it should, if it was an accident. Tetsurou, in his tired tired mind, presses back, because he’ll think about this later, the fact that-
That Bokuto is- kissing him. In the middle of the pavement in Kyoto. He’s cradling Tetsurou’s face now and he’s going for the kiss with the exact vigour Tetsurou would expect from Bokuto.
Bokuto is kissing him.
Bokuto. Is kissing him. In real life.
No, that thought is so far from what he expected, it stuns him out of it, hovering backwards. Bokuto follows him briefly, then seems to realise he means to stop it. His thoughts are racing too much with why to fully enjoy it right now, which he may well hate himself for later.
“Uh,” Bokuto starts. “I. didn’t mean to. Um. Ha?” he tries. Tetsurou just gives him a blank stare, borne of having not a single fucking clue what just happened. Bokuto, only stubborn when it comes to volleyball, caves easily. “You just looked so cute, I had to…” he’s pouting again. Tetsurou takes a moment to attempt to think about it and comes up with the mental equivalent of a blue screen of doom. Error 404, Kuroo Tetsurou’s brain is not found.
“What?” is all he can think of to say. Bokuto backs off a bit, which does help with the thought processes, not having him approximately two inches away.
“I was only followin’ ya ‘cause you didn’t look alright, but then you turned around and I just been wantin’ to do that for ages, I couldn’t stop myself…”
It takes an embarrassingly long time for the meaning of that to sink in. He’s still restarting.
“Whaddya mean, ages?!” Tetsurou yelps. Bokuto puffs his cheeks out, crosses his arms and looks off to one side. “I was sending so many signs, I can’t believe you didn’t catch on. I don’t even get that many nightmares!” Bokuto protests, indignant. The implication of which just making Tetsurou splutter, face going ever redder.
All this time? How could he not have seen it? But then, was he expecting Bokuto to just outright tell him?
Although… “Geez, act more disgusted, will you. I’ll go sleep at Teru’s, I get it.” Bokuto huffs, and Tetsurou can’t tell if he’s joking or not. Still, he’s present enough of mind not to let this one go. Bokuto will be a pain if he’s moping, and especially if it’s Tetsurou’s fault and for absolutely no reason because Tetsurou literally dreams of this about every other night.
Tetsurou practically slaps his hands around Bokuto’s face, and wants to laugh at the pufferfish-like expression it induces. “Don’t you dare go sleep at that womaniser’s house.” Bokuto nods. “I’m shocked. But behind that I’m exultant. Believe me.” “Exulta-?!” Bokuto starts. Tetsurou will not pretend he’s any type of skilled at kissing. It’s probably awful, technically, considering there have been about five people in his life where he’s considered kissing them would not be repulsive, but if there are marks for effort, he’s sure to be picking them up. Bokuto seems to respond, anyway, which is usually a pretty good indicator. He’s awful at lying.
When they separate, Tetsurou grins at him. “Exultant: joyous, triumphant, ecstatic, the happiest this guy has ever felt.” “Psssh. Show off.” Bokuto says, only sounding incredibly fond. Tetsurou’s heart feels like it swells, like he can barely speak. “A show off with hot chocolate and an open bed back at home, though.”
Bokuto grins so wide, Tetsurou thinks it must hurt. “Let’s go, then! What you waitin’ for!”
Levity of heart, he thinks, is a wonderful thing. He feels like laughing forever. “You, dumbass. Let’s go.”
And when they leave, it’s with hands entwined. Tetsurou would have it no other way.
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 7 years
The Cold Shoulder
Oooooh drabbles! In most fics people generally understand and accept the fell bros pretty quickly since they know how there world is, but it’s kinda odd that the fell bros are up to sharing so quickly. So how about a story were everyone is just really suspicious of them cause there lv expect undertale pap (and or blue I don’t care). Spicy cinaroll please, I need more of this paring. I don’t care if fell Paps is a hard core douche or just tunsundere, you do you man XD. Love your stuff by the by, bottom uf sans forevermore! (Derp this ended up long, my internet has been spastic so sorry if I sent it twice)
Me: This is the only time I am doing this because I fear that you will not see this post if I do a regular post instead. ;v;)  I don’t know if I’ll be able to even tag you ^^”)
Hopefully you are notified! :O
So to reiterate (just in case): I don’t do submission requests as I mostly take requests from ‘asks’ when I ask for it. So when I ask for prompts in the future, just through my ask box is fine. The Submit box is for works you guys want to show me other than tagging. :)
That’s all, and sorry for the long wait too!! ;v;)
Pairing: Spicycinaroll
Words: 1, 061
Ever since they decided to leave their universe and live with their counterparts, of a world much nicer and peaceful than theirs, eyes were on them constantly whenever the two brothers were out on some errands around town.
They paid it no mind. Or more like, Fell naturally glared in their way for them to stop and Red just settled with having his hood up.
They were currently making their way back after some grocery shopping, and Red wanted to snap at the townspeople once and for all. If anything actually, it made him want to go back to their own universe. Well … it was a trial anyway. If it didn’t work out, they’d just visit from time to time then.
No doubt their LV, especially Fell’s, makes everyone around them so wary. Even if there were … tolerating their existence.
“I don’t understand why they are still staring at us like we’re dangerous when it’s been practically 3 months and we haven’t done shit! I mean, while it’s understandable that I, the great and terrible Papyrus, is to be feared by all regardless of the universe,”
“Naturally.” Red added with a smirk that caused his brother to brighten despite the angry scowl that seemed to be permanently plastered on his face—only the ones who knew Fell well would understand the slightest of changes.  
“This was just ridiculous.” The tall skeleton marched faster. “These monsters won’t last long in our world that’s for sure.”
“Heh, well, it’s our fucking LV after all. And this place is just all about rainbows and cupcakes.”
Fell guffawed at the statement and the two continued to take shots at the world in comparison to theirs as they made their way back.
It was at least something to ignore the others around them.  
Once home and opening the door, the tension left Red. And a brief glance at his brother, shoulders sagging much like what he just did, the latter had been on guard as well. It will be quite a habit to break if they really did plan to stay.
But the time will come if it did. For the time being, the two brothers proceeded to take off their shoes after one of them closed the door.
The sound alerted one of the occupants in the house of their arrival, and Papyrus was the one to greet them as he came out of the kitchen. Sans was still at work, so he had informed them that he’d be coming home late.
“How was your trip?” Papyrus walked towards them in order to get the paper bags Red carried. While the short skeleton said that he could handle it, Papyrus took it regardless.
Fell answered the question. “They don’t like us.” A simple and matter-of-fact sentence that had Papyrus frowning as the latter carried the rest of the bags and headed to the kitchen.
Red sighed, rubbing his nape nervously.  “They were staring, but it wasn’t as bad as before when they were talking behind our backs.”
Papyrus’ frown deepened, looking to be on the borderline of actually getting mad; a rarity for the usually cheerful skeleton. Red decided to change the subject. “But never mind that sweetheart, I’m more than looking forward to that new recipe you’re thinking of making for tonight’s dinner.”
“I made absolute sure we got all the ingredients you requested.” Fell piped up from the kitchen which made Red chuckle. His brother had been actually quite excited to learn what Papyrus was planning to cook up.
The short skeleton looked up as Papyrus stayed quiet, and his eye sockets widened when he saw the latter tearing up. “H-Hey, it’s okay Paps. No need for the waterworks.”
“I-It’s just … not fair.”
“Yeah?” Red looked back and met eye contact with Fell. The latter simply nodded, and began heading upstairs to give them some privacy. “Let me hear it, love.”
Papyrus wiped his tears, his grip on the paper bag loosening; having unconsciously tightened it earlier and the crinkling of paper could be heard. “It’s been 3 months, Red. 3 whole months.”
Fell made the same comment earlier, and Red sighed again. “I know, Paps. I get it, really. But what you gonna do right? Our LV is just too high to be normal in your world.” The short skeleton smiled as he gently took the other’s free hand to his own. “‘Sides, not like they’re doing anything bad than give us a cold shoulder.”
“Well, I suppose that—” Papyrus paused, squinting down at the skeleton whose grin widened even more. “Was that a pun, Red?”
Red shrugged his shoulders as he looked away, trying and failing to look innocent. “ … Maybe.”
The moment those words left his mouth, the short skeleton let go of Papyrus’ hand as the latter moved to put the bag down. Before Red could think about teleporting, a blue bone swiped across him that made his body heavy and immobile.
Oh shit. Red found himself sweating as Papyrus trapped him, his back against the door.
The tall skeleton leaned down; gloved hands placed on either side of the short skeleton’s head, and regarded him with the most serious look he could muster.
“So … You think you’re so cool, huh? Just because you made that joke?”
Red was beside himself with delight. If he could move, he’d be actually giggling.
“It’s snow joking matter, Red. So you need to chill with the puns.”
Once Papyrus’ magic wore off, the two skeletons silently stared at each other, before bursting in uncontrollable laughter.
“Oh my-Oh my fucking stars Paps! That was,” Red held his stomach. “Awesome!”
“Nyehehehe~! I was worried that I was going to end up laughing too soon.”
“Aced it, sweetheart.” The short skeleton wiped the tears that formed in his eye sockets. “Stars, I’m so proud.”
“Ugh, don’t tell Sans, Red. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Red grinned, “Well, I can for a pri—”
The short skeleton stilled as Papyrus kissed him. Their tongues intertwined, but the kiss didn’t last long.  
Papyrus smiled widely as Red’s face flushed and was rendered speechless. “Don’t worry, Red. We’ll continue after dinner.”
Not ‘can’, but ‘will’. And Red was the one left babbling incoherently as the tall skeleton laughed and decided to get started on making dinner.
Get dunked on.
XD Finally finished this. Hoped you like it. 
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