#but no I must face the day chilly and sleep deprived
mistmoose · 2 years
it is just after 5 am on a Tuesday and I am awake, making coffee, and whining that I can't go back to bed and get up at a REASONABLE hour for work.
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physics-of-one-piece · 2 months
Sugary Secret
(Doflamingo x Reader)
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Summary: The king of Dressrosa shares a midnight snack with you. Don't tell anyone. It's his little sugary secret.
Words: 1k
Tags: Doflamingo x afab!Reader, Reader & Doflamingo Are Married, Cuddling, Fluff, Size Difference, SFW, One Shot
A/N: I am sleep deprived, much like Doffy here. (Hugs him) It's okay, Doffy, let's cuddle, we can fall asleep easier like that. I wrote this ages ago cus I wanted a cuddle with Doffy in Dressrosa. Short and not detailed enough with descriptions for my liking, but I'm not that good quite yet with describing the SIZE of this man. Ugh, I love him. Would cuddle, cuddles would be 100000/10 with him. Wish I could make this Hammock NSFW Fic but hooo boy that intimidates me so it's SFW. Also, huh, my first actual fic(that I publish on tumblr)! Of course it would be Doffy. 🩷
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You got woken up by some sort of sound of...
A bag?
It sounded like a bag. You realised the usual ten foot giant wasn't all wrapped around you, hugging you possessively. You blinked at the lack of him. The bed felt very big and very empty without him.
Then, you heard it. Crunching.
You perked up, shooting up in the bed. You knew that sound.
You floundered around for the switch of the bedside lamp. Once you found it, the illuminating orange light cast a small light around the large suite of the bedroom.
And there was the king of Dressrosa, satten on a circular coffee table, a lid full of cookies held in his left hand while his right hand grabbed the pile of cookies.
Upon the light hitting his handsome face, bare of his sunglasses, the king of Dressrosa froze like a cat caught catching a rat, pink eyes widening slightly.
You looked at Doflamingo. Doflamingo looked at you. 
Staring at you, he tossed another cookie into his large mouth, the crunch as he chewed on it filling the large bedroom.
You blinked, more bewildered than anything. It was still night out, but it must be very very early morning.
You wondered if he'd had a nightmare. Usually, you were able to keep them at bay with your presence, running your fingers through his hair and soothing him in his sleep until the nightmare ebbed away, chased away by your loving touch, but sometimes that didn't work.
“Before you say anything,” said Doflamingo, his deep voice covering you with a weight similar to his feather coat. “I am the king. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. If I want to eat cookies at 3 am…” The blond pulled the box closer to his stomach protectively. “I will eat cookies at 3 am.”
When you continued staring, Doflamingo added, “Don't tell Monet.”
Poor Monet has given Doflamingo trauma or something of the like because she always kept him on schedule. He could never escape his royal duties with Monet around. He'd tried, much like you did. You both got dragged back to the palace within thirty minutes, feeling properly ashamed from the cold, chilly gaze Monet gave you.
“I am the king, and I am hungry, so what if I'm eating cookies?” continued Doflamingo. “I deserve cookies. I work hard all day.”
“And I deserve to eat cookies.  I’m a Celestial Dragon, nobody can tell me what to do.” said Doflamingo. Was it you, or was he eating the cookies faster, as though afraid you would start scolding him any moment, stop him from indulging in the sweets? “Even if you're my wife, I won't listen to you. I won't abandon the cookies, and if you got a problem, then -”
“Can I have some?” you asked, breaking off Doflamingo's monologue.
He stopped. “Huh?” he asked, tilting his head, confused.
You couldn't help it anymore. You smiled, beaming at your husband while his thin, blond eyebrows furrowed in further confusion.
That was it. He looked so adorable when he was confused. You giggled.
“Cookies,” you said, smiling, cheeks hurting from smiling so much. “Can I have some?”
Doflamingo dropped the cookie in his shock. His pink eyes stared at you for a moment, completely surprised.
Then, a huge, big, excited smile engulfed his face, stretching from ear to ear.
Without replying, Doflamingo hopped down from the table, carrying the box of cookies, and approached your side of the bed. Within a second, he lifted you into his arm, cradling you to his chest. 
He chuckled at your squeal, the sound drumming against his bare chest.
With a twitch of fingers, he opened the doors of the balcony, and walked outside, into the night, carrying you and the cookie box. He sat himself down on the large hammock, placing you on his thigh.
The night in Dressrosa was fresh and warm, the entire country swathed in darkness, streets lit by the moonlight above. The stars glittered in the night sky. You stared up in awe at them until Doflamingo’s long digits cradled your jaw, demanding your attention. When you turned to him, he offered you a cookie. It looked incredibly small between his tanned, large fingers, like a blueberry.
The cookie was circular and thick, dusted with melted sugar. You ate it, chewing on it. It melted in your mouth.
You moaned happily. The cookie was delicious! The body was chewy and soft, like a muffin.
Doflamingo chuckled, the stars twinkling in his pink eyes. “They’re polvorones, a Dressrosan dessert.”
“Delicious,” you murmured, mouth watering, smiling.
Doflamingo hummed in agreement. He slid his large body down to lie down, lounging on the hammock, curling his long arm around you, pulling your head onto his shoulder, sliding your body onto his torso, where you laid atop his chest.
You took another polvorone from the bowl and offered it to him. Doflamingo outright grinned, a lewd smile on his face.
He laughed softly, the deep sound of it resounding across the balcony, across your very body.
He opened his mouth and ate the offered treat, moaning with each chew shamelessly, half-lidded eyes staring straight at you, his hands wrapped around your waist, thumbs caressing your hips.
You lost sensation in your palm.
“Delicious,” said Doflamingo after he swallowed, repeating your words back at you, the fierce gaze of his pink eyes melting your heart. “Melts right in my mouth.”
The long, tanned digits dragged up your spine. The king smirked, white teeth flashing. He tilted your chin up with his thumb, drawing your face up to his, making you look straight into his breathtaking eyes.
“Just like you,” he crooned with a smile of the half-crescent moon in the starry night sky.
Your beetroot face made your husband laugh again, the sound filling the night of Dressrosa.
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In the morning, Monet, after not finding you or Doflamingo in the throne room, and after neither of you appeared at the breakfast table with the rest of the family, went looking for the two of you. Imagine her surprise when she found the royal bedroom to be empty. She was about to pull the alarm - Doflamingo must have swept you away to the sky again and you two were probably somewhere in the streets of Dressrosa or a restaurant, or worse, on another island - but then she went to check the balcony.
You and Doflamingo were sleeping in the hammock, Doflamingo’s long arm wrapped around your waist possessively, curled around you like a rope. His other arm covered your entire spine, his palm larger than your head cradling the back of your skull, his long fingers relaxed in your hair. You laid atop his torso, your head buried in his neck, the tips of your toes resting on his thighs. In your sleep, your hands were wrapped around his neck, your fingers buried in his short, soft blond hair. Both of you looked peaceful.
There were cookie crumbs on you both, an empty tray with remnants of polvorones on the table beside the hammock.
Monet let you and Doflamingo sleep, and called Diamante to let him know everything was all right.
You were safe, snuggled in the warmth of your husband, sleeping in the arms of your king.
Taglist: @fanaticsnail
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valkyriepirate · 2 years
Newt Scamander x Reader One Shot- Lean On Me
Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night and notice Newt's absence. You go searching for him in his suitcase to find him passed out over his papers and try to bring him back to bed.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff :)
Word count: 1.3k words
A/N: I wrote this simply to satisfy my Newt craving. He is an adorable little cinnamon roll that must be protected at all costs.
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#4- Lean On Me
You pried open your eyes and squinted in the darkness. The other side of the bed was vacant; you knew it without rolling over. Newt’s presence had become so familiar to you that when he wasn’t there, it was as if part of your heart had gone missing.  
You sat up, rubbing your face groggily. There was a light on somewhere in the house. You slid your feet into your slippers and padded toward the source, hugging your thin nightgown to your body. It had begun to get chilly, especially at night, and oftentimes Newt found you cuddled up in bed, shrouded by a multitude of blankets.  
The suitcase was propped open on a table in the foyer. A dim light glowed from within.  
Yawning, you stepped over the rim and descended into its depths. The creatures weren’t exactly aware of the passage of day and night in the suitcase, but most had seemed to settle once the sun had set in the outside world. A few of the nocturnal ones hooted and hummed as you entered.
“Newt?” you called sleepily, lighting a candle from the cabinet. “Are you awake?”
You turned a corner to his study, a small nook by the stairs crammed with bookshelves and creature care appliances. There he was, sleeping sprawled over his desk, stray papers from his latest endeavor strewn about, hair ruffled and mouth open slightly. You smiled at the sight of your husband. You’d given up urging him to go to bed months ago, realizing that he all too often tried to heed your words but became so swept up in his work that he lost track of time.  
You came up behind him, sliding your hands over his shoulders. “My love,” you kissed the top of his head. “Won’t you come up to bed?”
He started awake, blinking sleep from his eyes. “(Y-Y/N)?” He had a line imprint on his cheek where he’d fallen asleep on the table. He looked at his papers in confusion and began gathering them together. “What time is it?”
You ran your hand down the length of his arm and slipped your fingers into his ink-stained ones, preventing him from touching his work. “Time to go to bed,” you whispered, lips brushing his ear.  
He stopped and leaned into your touch as you ran your thumb over his knuckles. He trapped your fingers, brought them to his lips, and nodded.  
You helped him to his feet and sneaked a hand around his torso as you led him up the stairs. Newt, of course, was wholly capable of climbing the stairs by himself, but you wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to close the physical distance between you two.  
Newt didn’t seem to mind. You were the bolder one when it came to affection, but he always caught your touches and held you closer as if he could make them last forever. Often he would absentmindedly caress your arm or twirl a curl of your hair between his fingers. It was in the little things that you knew Newt showed the most care; sometimes a single touch from him said more than a thousand words.  
You tugged him into the bedroom you shared and released your hold as you went to fold an extra quilt over the bed. Your tendency to hog the blankets on cooler nights left Newt searching for warmth, you knew, though it didn’t escape your thoughts that his lack of cover usually led him to snuggle closer to you. Perhaps that was part of your subconscious plan.  
He stood on the other side of the bed, framed in candlelight. The fire shone around his hair just so, making it appear that he was crowned in a rubicund halo. He was unraveling his tie, his sluggish movements betraying how sleep-deprived he truly was.  
You flattened the quilt and came to stand by him. “Allow me,” you said, taking the tie from his hands. Deftly, you undid the knot. You had made Newt’s tie for him countless times each day before he headed off to work to the point that you could do it with your eyes closed. You tugged it from his neck and tossed it to the dresser.  
When you looked back up, Newt’s eyes were locked on you. When you first met, you found his inability to look you in the eye odd and yet a little endearing. As you two grew closer, he would hold your gaze for greater lengths of time, as if he had gotten lost in your eyes and was physically incapable of tearing himself away. Even now that you were married there was something vulnerable about it. It was like you were each seeing a hidden part of each other’s soul, like you were baring your hearts before each other and were unafraid of what it could expose.  
Not breaking his gaze, you allowed your hands to trail down his chest, grasping the buttons at his vest. His heart was racing underneath your palms. Yours skipped a beat. You were melting under that look. Gently, you unattached each of the buttons and slid the vest off his shoulders, leaving him in an undershirt that was already popped open at the collar. On the undershirt you let yourself undo only the first three buttons; you knew if you went any farther your hands might never stop exploring every inch of his skin.
You pressed on his shoulders and eased him to sit on the bed. He reached up to hold your hand, but you knelt to untie his shoelaces instead. You set his shoes aside and he drew you back to your feet, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist.  
“I don’t deserve you,” Newt mumbled, eyes flitting away and settling on your mouth.
You cupped his face in one hand and ran your fingers through his fluffy hair with the other. “The world doesn’t deserve you, my love.”
He closed his eyes and leaned into your hand. “But you deserve the world.”
Your heart seemed to liquefy in your chest, sending warmth trickling all over your body. You leaned forward to kiss his brow. When you pulled back, his eyes- half-lidded and aglow with the candlelight- were once again fixed on your lips. He pulled you closer. Softly, as if it demanded the utmost care in the world, he tilted his head up and pressed his lips to yours.  
He kissed you like he couldn’t believe you were his, as if you would disappear from his arms at any moment. It was delicate and utterly sweet and ended far too soon.  
“I love you,” he murmured against your mouth. His voice was shaky, and he was looking at you like you were a dream.
In reply, you kissed him again. You lowered yourself to sit on his lap and he scooted back, tugging you with him, your hips curved into his body. Your hands stroked his neck and once more found their way down his arms. He shivered under your touch. You smiled against his lips and moved the kiss deeper.  
Newt leaned back and pulled you both onto the bed. You fell against his chest and dipped into the crook of his arm. Running the back of your fingers over his cheek, you whispered, “I love you too.”
Sleep was quickly claiming him, and you could feel its steady hold on you too. You kissed him once more, then rolled over and blew out the candle. You snuggled underneath the blankets, feeling Newt’s warm arm slip around your waist, his ankles entwining with yours.  
You were entering a world of blissful dreams when you felt his soft lips on the crook of your shoulder. You cuddled closer to him, your back up against his chest, and smiled into the night.  
“Good night, my love,” you said.  
“Good night, my darling,” he said as he drifted off to sleep once again.
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pubbybutch · 1 year
i don’t know if this is a weird request but it’s also my first one.
but i had the idea of abby coming home from a long shift at work, and she finds reader trying to make themself cum?
it just popped into my head and i need it to come to life 🙏🙏
No anon cause I love this trope so much, thank you for trusting me with your first request (ur doing great sweetie!)
(Hope you don’t mind an AU btw <3)
Word Count: 1600 (technically not a drabble ig)
CW: Doctor AU, Abby is a sexy doctor, Strap usage (R! Receiving), AFAB reader, Feminine nicknames used, cowgirl position, tried to keep it race/ethnicity inclusive, mentions of Abby trying to keep you healthy and sleeping well.
No Minors, Men, or general Cunts.
If you see spelling mistakes, no you didn’t. 💚
Abby is tired. And pissed off. But mainly she’s tired, with sore feet and a pounding headache, not helped by the wind howling outside the car causing the rain to beat down heavily on the wind screen. From having to prevent a kid with a broken arm from crying a flood as he called his mom to stopping the blood pouring out of a woman’s intimate parts in the emergency department. It was a very long day.
After running into the house from her now parked car, she pushes the trainers off her feet and takes in the dark hallway, walking back into the kitchen she notices a plate of chilli chicken and rice with a little sticky note attached to the cling film covering the food, ‘gone to bed, eat before you come up <3’ .
She smiled at the note and placed the food in the microwave, yawning as she watched the orange glow and the spinning of the plate in the little metal box. Bed couldn’t come soon enough, but she definitely wasn’t going to face the wrath of a wife scorned by her not eating her delicious food. Made with love, by her love. The blonde was always a bit love struck when sleep deprived.
Inhaling the food and making the executive decision to leave the dishes until the morning, the blonde trudges up the stairs with her feet heavy and her head even heavier. It’s not until she gets to the top of the stairs does she hear the creaking of a bed and hushed whimpers coming from your shared bedroom. She pulls her phone from her pocket and checks the time, ‘00:37’. You should be fast asleep by now.
Peaking her head around the door, not even having to push it open due to you leaving it ajar, she captures what can only be described as a beautiful sight. Abbys pretty little wife lays there. With one of your hands pumping her fingers in and out of your sopping wet cunt with such force your breasts and tummy jiggle lightly with each movement. Your other hand draped over your eyes, shielding you from Abby’s piercing blue gaze. She stands there and watches, leaning against the door frame, enjoying the view and appreciating every little huff and moan leaving your lips.
Finally deciding you’d had enough fun, Abby clears her throat. You jump. Your hand pulls away from your cunt, a shiver running through you as your body yearns to be full again.
“Mrs Anderson,” Abby starts, “you couldn’t wait for me to come home, could you?” Despite her phrasing, it is not a question. It’s an order.
The blonde continues, “Did I not tell you that you were to catch up on sleep, Mrs Anderson?” She tilts her head this time, prompting you to answer. “Yes, Abby…”
“And did you follow the doctor’s orders, pumpkin?”
“No, Abby.” The heat rising up your neck and slithering across your cheeks is a dead give away to Abby as she takes your face in one of her hands, her long, thick thumb rubbing soothing circles onto your cheekbone.
“Since you’re already up, it must mean you’re not tired? Am I right, sweetheart?” The blonde releases you face and takes a step backwards to take all of you in once more.
“Abby I-”
She interrupts you, “Well. Im tired. I’ve had a very long day, sweetheart so if you want to get off, it’s on my terms, we got a deal?” As she speaks she shrugs off her undershirt and undoes the button on her jeans. She watches as you nod and reach out for her, arms outstretched and hands making little grabby motions to try and get her close again. Be grudgingly she steps forward and out of the jeans pooling around her ankles.
Abby is left in her boxer briefs and a white cotton bra as she wraps an arm around your waist, lifting you away from the center of the bed and dropping you on the edge of the mattress. Gripping your chin and pulling your face so that your gaze meets hers, she smirks down at you. “Stay there. Don’t move okay, baby?”
You nod and watch as she goes to the build in wardrobe, her broad shoulders flexing as a hand moves to take the elastic band from the end of her braid, as her hand reaches into the drawer looking for something.
With her hair loose and a harness in her hands Abby slides the leather straps over her hips and into place. Turning back to you, you’re able to see the cock she’s chosen. As she walks forward you come face to phallus with nine inches of dark purple silicone. “You wanna get it wet for me, baby?”
Instead of answering, you slip a hand around the harness and pull her close enough so you can take her length into your mouth. Abby smiles warmly as she watches you only managing to get about half way down the strap, her blue eyes creasing at the edges as you wrap your hand around what you can’t fit in and start rubbing along the shaft. The sight sends a low moan rumbling from Abby’s chest. With a pop, your mouth lets go of the blonde’s cock as she takes a step back and watches as a line of spit connecting the silicone to your bruised lips breaks.
Abby kisses your forehead and sits down on the bed beside you, a blink and you’ll miss it ‘good girl’ falls from her lips as she situates herself against the pillows at the head of the bed. Her finger makes a curling motion, calling you over. Sliding up to sit next her, a hand grips your hips, “Get on top, sweetheart.”
“Abby, I want you to be on top-”
“And I want to go to bed, but since you’re being a needy little brat and not waiting for me to come home before fucking yourself.” She gives your hips a squeeze and continues, “And not listening to me when I tell you that you need more sleep. So now, you’re going to get to cum, but on my grounds. On doctors orders. Okay, baby?”
You nod and move to get straddle Abby’s hips, only to have her reach up and yank you down by the nape of your neck. “I said ‘okay, baby?’ It wasn’t rhetorical.”
“Okay Abby.” She kisses you square on the the lips and let’s you climb up on to her hips, she leans back and watches as you line yourself up with her cock and lower yourself onto the plastic. A tight smirk graces the blonde’s face as she listens intently on the hasty breaths you give out as you become re-accustomed to the stretch that this particular dildo always gives you. As you move your hips up and down, mewls and pants come flooding from your mouth. That knotting tension that never truly left your abdomen from your solo session had returned with what can only be described as a vengeance.
Bouncing up and down on Abby’s cock, you can feel yourself getting closer and closer. Blue eyes scan your whole body, one large rough hand resting on your hip as it helps guide your movements, the other holding one of your tits squeezing the flesh and every so often tugging the hardened nipple as her thumb ran over the sensitive flesh.
Abby’s hips remain surprisingly still, despite your pleas and begging, her stance stays unwavering. This entire session was most definitely on her grounds. Though her body remains relaxed yet unmoving, Abby’s eyes are burning with intensity you can clearly see it, the bubbling want and desperation underneath the stoney exterior.
“Abby-” you huff, exhaustion hits as your desperate moans are met with nothing but raised eyebrows and the occasional ‘yes, princess’.
“I wanna cum, please can I?”
“You’re asking permission, baby? And without being told, oh sweetheart, you can cum anytime you want.”
Without another word your hips slam down against Abby’s, the strap hitting impossibly deep inside as you cum, you rest on top of her. Folding over, you find your head resting underneath your wife’s chin as thick fingers come to the back of your head and her short nails give gentle scratches to your scalp, relaxing you further into the blonde’s firm, broad chest.
Pulling yourself away from Abby and off of her hips you see a creamy ring coating the hilt of the strap as you pull away from your wife. A heat rises to your cheeks once more as Abby sits up properly in the bed and yanks you down into her arms. “Thank you, baby. You did so good.”
Snuggling into her side, you kiss her cheek and strong square jawline as she loosens and slides the harness from her hips.
“Long day, doctor?” Your teasing brings a soft tired smile to Abby’s face as she lets herself yawn. “Like you wouldn’t believe, sweetheart.”
She turns to you, blue eyes staring into yours, deep icy pools that hold such love in them you can’t imagine them ever being cold, “I’m sorry if I was too pushy.”
You laugh and pull the covers up to surround the two of you, “Abigail. We have a safe word for a reason.”
“I know it’s just that-”
You shut her up with a kiss, and once you break it she seems to be content that you had enjoyed the evening, even before she got home. Content and with reassurance, Abby falls asleep and her little wife too.
Remember Reblogs make the World Go Round
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bennettzone · 2 years
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word count: 1.9k
genre(s): fluff, established relationship, first kiss (yipeeee), gn!reader
✎ synopsis: after a long night watching over windrise, bennett comes to brighten your day.
✎ a/n: first fic in a while kinda nervous but hope u enjoy. <3 (I tried my best to proofread this btw but it's likeee 1 in the morning and im tired LOL)
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Today, you were exhausted. You spent all night at Windrise, looking out for anything out of the ordinary. Someone had been tipped off that there was a suspicious group of people lurking around. Your best guess was treasure hoarders. They usually were up to no good.
While Rosaria usually handles things like this, the group had been spotted in multiple areas, therefore alerting people of the situation and more places needing to be watched over. Furthermore, the partner you had been assigned to take nightwatch shifts with ‘got sick’ and bailed at the last minute. You were stubborn and felt like it was too much of a hassle to go all the way back to the city when it was already so late.
So here you were, extremely sleep deprived, hoping that this group was caught soon.
With a massive yawn, you looked over to see the brightest light of your morning, as if right on cue.
“Hey, Y/n! Good morning!” Bennett, your boyfriend, was walking toward you, with something in his hands, “I had to be so careful not to drop this…But you must be starving!”
Bennett sat next to you on a massive tree root, handing you something wrapped in a piece of cloth. Upon opening it, you found a sandwich. Not just any sandwich, but a breakfast sandwich. Nice.
“You’re my savior, really. I felt like I was about to wither away.” You joked, already rushing to dig in.
“Say…Where is the person who was supposed to keep watch with you last night? I saw them walking this way when I left yesterday.” He asked, scanning the area to find no sight of them.
“They got sick, at least that’s what they told me. So they went back, and I stayed here by myself all night.” Bennett choked on air hearing those words come out of your mouth.
“What!? No way…You should’ve come and gotten me, I wasn’t too far…That sucks.” He brushed his shoulder against yours, and you turned to see the biggest frown on his face.
“It’s fine, really. I’m going to sleep really good once I go home.” You laughed, finishing off the sandwich after.
“Let me walk you back…Better yet, I’ll carry you! How about that?” He said with a grin.
“No, no…It’s okay, walking will suffice. You’ve already fed me, so that’s enough.” You got up, dusting yourself off.
“You sure? I wouldn’t mind at all!” Bennett got up as well, before looking over at the sky, his expression dropping, “Aw man…No way, It looks like it’s about to rain…”
You chuckled, grabbing your bag. You prepared exactly for this moment. You pulled out two things.
“Here you go: coat for me, and another one of mine for you.” You said, handing the thicker one to Bennett.
Bennett’s face lit up again, taking the coat and putting it on as you did the same with yours.
“You know my luck…Thanks for thinking of me too.” He said, before quickly swooping you into a hug.
Bennett was really warm, which was a drastic difference to the chilly weather brought on by the wind mixed with the rain which began to sprinke across the land around the two of you. You melted into his embrace for a moment, feeling the drowsiness really starting to kick in.
“Isn’t it so pretty here when it rains, though? I love the way things look when it rains.” You said, making Bennett feel a little better about something he was sure was his fault.
You never felt frustration to that side of his luck, he was glad you could make something good out of it. Even if it did happen a lot.
You pulled away slightly, looking at him.
In that moment, Bennett felt a sudden urge to kiss you. Which was extremely overwhelming, considering that the two of you haven’t before. He thought really hard about it…He even leaned in a bit, but ultimately chickened out.
“It is…Windrise is a pretty nice place already, but I can see what you mean…” He pulled you back in, a bit tighter this time, taking in the scenery before pulling away completely, “Let’s get you home now, your bed is calling for you!”
Hand in hand, you and Bennett walked through the rain, and back to Mondstadt. As you were approaching the bridge leading up to the gate, you had a pretty good idea.
“Do you want to come to my place? If you’ve got nothing else to do, I could really use some help preparing for tonight…And also someone to make sure I’m up on time.” Bennett immediately agreed to this offer, as he liked helping you out for stuff like this. He was glad you felt like you could depend on him.
“Of course, as soon as we get to your place I’ll go and pick up some stuff for you. I’ll be back quick!” You nodded, and thus the walk to your door was swiftly over.
After you went inside, Bennett walked through town. He was headed to get some items from Blanche, the owner of Mondstadt General Goods. It went pretty smoothly compared to past times, which he was thankful for since he didn’t want to keep you waiting long.
As he turned around to head back, a familiar face stopped him.
“Good morning, Bennett! It’s rare to see you out in town this early.” Barbara walked up to him with a gentle wave, giving him a warm smile.
“Good morning Barbara! It’s rare for me to see you in town at all…What are you up to?” Bennett asked, shuffling through the bag of things he had in his hand.
“I’m going to pick up some herbs for some medicines I need to make,” Barbara then noticed that Bennett was wearing your coat, which piqued her interest, “Did you walk Y/n back to the city this morning?”
“Yeah, we just got back actually! I’m getting some things for them so they can go ahead and rest up.” Bennett said happily.
“You’ve been together for a little while now…It makes me happy that you’re doing well.” Barbara had a question pop up in her head, one that she was excited to ask, “I don’t want to sound like I’m prying too much…But has Y/n tried to kiss you yet?”
She said that with a giggle, but when Bennett finally processed the question, he let out a near scream and dropped the bag that was in his hands.
Barbara seemed shocked, but she didn’t question it before she began helping him pick up the things he had dropped.
“Sorry, that was overdramatic…It’s just…No, we haven’t done that yet.” Bennett laughed awkwardly, thanking her for helping him, “I wouldn’t be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking about it though…I just don’t want to mess anything up with them.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure things will go well. They seem to really like you…I know you want to be careful, but I don’t think you should worry yourself so much over it.” He really appreciated her advice, as he felt a little better about it…Not so much him embarrassing himself though.
“Thanks for saying that…I hope it does go well,” Bennett clutched the bag close to him this time, “I should get going now, have a good day!” She wished him the same as he walked off, near sprinting back to where you were staying.
Walking into the door, he saw you waiting for him.
“Hey, you should be in bed!” He said, taking his shoes off after putting the bag down, walking over to you.
“I know, I know…I just wanted you to come back first.” You said, grabbing his hands, “Are you tired at all?”
“I mean, it’s nothing compared to you probably…I am a little, though.” He said, swaying on his feet a little.
“Come nap with me for a bit, then. What do you say?”
Bennett felt a lot of happiness swell up in him. He loved taking naps with you.
“Sure. I should wake up a while before you, so I can prepare all of your things then.” He said, and you nodded, pulling him to your room.
He put down the coat you lent him next to your bag, assuming you’d probably put it back in there with the one you had on earlier. (As you always did, specifically for him. He felt special.)
As you got into your comfy bed, you held up the blanket for Bennett to join you. You still felt a little chill in your bones from the rain, so you were really looking forward to all of the warmth you were about to get. And that you would get, because when Bennett snuggled up to you, it was like paradise.
You stayed awake for a moment, thinking.
“I can’t get that image of how beautiful Windrise looked earlier out of my head…I really enjoyed that. It was so much better because you were there too.” You said in a hushed tone, giggling a bit to yourself.
“I feel the same way…I can appreciate the rain a lot more when you’re around.”
You backed up a little, staring at Bennett who was staring right back at you.
“Is something the matter?” He questioned. You let out a little sigh before sitting up.
“A little…Can I ask you something? A request, rather.” You said, and he nodded, sitting up with you.
“Go ahead, I’m all ears.” He said, already worrying that he had done something wrong.
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything…I’ve just been thinking…” You dragged out your sentence a little, contemplating if you even wanted to finish it, “It’s just…I don’t know if you feel the same way about this in particular, but I was wondering if maybe…I could kiss you?”
Bennett’s eyes went super wide at your request, stunning him into silence. It’s crazy…He’d already had that same thought twice since he came to get you this morning.
You felt a little panic at the lack of a response, so you started frantically speaking.
“I-I mean, you’re allowed to say no! I know this isn’t the ideal time or place for our first one, maybe…It’s just that-”
“No! I do…I want to. I really do.” He said, stopping you as quick as he could react to.
You took a moment, before beaming at him. You couldn’t help but to take him down with a hug, nuzzling into the crook of his neck for a moment before coming back up.
“Okay…Let me know when you’re ready. Don’t think too hard about it. I’m already happy that you want to.” You said.
“For sure…I’m happy you brought it up. I’m ready whenever.” He said.
With that, you took a good look at him before leaning down.
The two of you closed your eyes, before you gently pressed your lips to his.
You felt a lot of happiness bubble up within you in that moment, running your fingers through his hair. You felt him bring his hand up to your face, which stayed after you pulled away.
You felt so happy that you could even shed tears.
However, you didn’t want him to worry, so you quickly got back into place to fall asleep.
“I’m really happy. I’m going to sleep so much better now.” You said, closing your eyes.
“Me too…I hope you sleep well. I love you.” He said gently, rubbing your shoulder.
“I love you too, Bennett. I hope you sleep well too.”
He was glad you were going to be able to sleep better as a result of that…Because he didn’t think he was going to be able to sleep at all.
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verndusk · 1 year
feeling the menthol ilness in the chilly's tonight, so i wanted to share the playlist i've made for the bad batch crew, some of them aren't finished yet but each one has their own playlist.
here's the hunter one. when i make my character playlists, i specfically choose ones that relate lyrically. why? ,,, so i can make amvs in my head, next question. also made this one a relatively easy listener so i don't get overstimmied. song choice explanations below (WARNING THOUGH THEY MIGHT BE A LITTLE INCOMPREHENSIBLE):
Amateur Blood - Ed Tullett and Novo Amor
Oh, our rivalry, young Oh, a tide on your tongue Hide in it all Hide in it all
A blurry bruise I was brotherly, motherly through A callous youth What a way to lose All of you
No I can't get rid of your blood No I can't let go of your love
this to me was a hunter and crosshair song, they're still brothers, they still care for each other and they cannot get rid of that. i often think of how hunter must be feeling after losing crosshair. im gonna throw up.
Sleep Deprivation - Chance Peña
Sleep deprivation's got me at my heels This year taught me how it feels to be
Lost and ambitious I've been on a mission I won't stop till I'm done I toss and turn almost every night I pray to God I'm doing right By all my family's wishes
One day at a time I see the world outside my door Constant reminder there's so much more Than what I'm seeing That thought is freeing
you KNOW this man is tired and needs some sleepy time, especially when on the run, having to do mission after mission just to survive. i wonder often if he doubts his choices and if they were correct, or if the rest of the batch is happy with how things went. one day at a time he has to live with those choices, and although they are "free", this man needs some fucking rest and sleep. god please give this man a chance for a proper nap.
Places - Portair
The bridges you're walking, the bridges you've burned Loss is your neighbor who feels your concern
You leave a part of you wherever you may go You leave a part of you with those that need it most 'Cause the world is full of faces that you may never know And some will leave you words when you need them the most You'll leave a part of you, a part of you when you go
i think that epecially in the earlier episodes, during the missions that they did for Cid, they left an impact wherever they went. in the mission where they freed Muchi, they had an impact on the captives they freed, they left an impact on Caleb/Kanan, helping Hera, helping Gregor - they leave a little bit of hope wherever they go.
Brother - Vraell
Oh, brother, brother Come down Sit a while here with me Oh, you know I won't leave you be
Oh, brother, brother You found burdens you could not keep I know But I'll take them off your heavy knees
So stay a while Won't you stay a while? Well, these broken bloody wings are made to shelter you and I So stay a while
Open your eyes I'm calling you Please, just open your eyes I'm calling you
more hunter and crosshair mental illness, i find these lyrics pretty self explanatory but i can't help but highlight them. you know he'd want crosshair back and although he was hesitant during the finale, you know he absolutely hoped he'd get him back.
Hello My Old Heart - The Oh Hellos
I wanna find a home And I wanna share it with you
closed off hunter finally opening up. i also wanted to highlight this lyric especially because i feel sick when i think about how Hunter finally decided to settle down in Pabu but got that all stripped away from him oooughgh.
Alpine Green - Jolé
I can see a sea of alpine green Something that will stay with me Sky is wrapped in blue
I wish that I could share with you Like a photograph when times are good When a flower begins to bloom Life never felt so good
Pabu feels, i need them to be happy more often.
With Me - Northwest Stories
It's a long way home And this road It's full of obstacles It's taken me a little while To see That you've been by my side this whole time with me You've been with me
Southern Star - Gregory Alan Isakov
We'll dig in our heels, salute the battlefields Where our broken hearts were born, oh-oh
My broken open child Were we thirsty, thorned with wild eyes? Still, we are slaves to the sirens of the salty sea
thinking how they kept strong to the idea that they're still soldiers and that's the only thing they'd ever be, and how that affected hunter's early perception of what to do with omega. i am fine.
Settle Down - Woodlock
My mind's been sleeping in Waiting for the weekend I can't change it, I can't shake this off We can settle down
See I've been chasing dollars nine to five See I've been working damn hard all my life I'm tired, I wanna go outside
We can settle down We can settle down We can settle down We can settle down Let's just settle down
feeling normal about hunter's decision to finally settle down on Pabu again.
Featherstone - The Paper Kites
And we'll hate what we've lost but we'll love what we find And I'm feeling fine, we've made it to the coastline
Past all the signs of the slow decline Live like your love wasn't meant for mine Now you've gone, now you've gone to a different life To a lonely side
both a pabu and crosshair song baby!!!
Surveilling Sky - Freyr
Under surveilling sky, here we are
Under surveilling sky, hear me now
despite being constantly watched, constantly being found by trouble, they're still standing. please excuse me as i sob.
War - Chance Peña
I don't wanna go to war But I can't take this anymore Baby what we fighting for There's no use in running
Take a second think about Everything that we have been through Tell me what you're feeling now Just confront it
You're enough, you're enough You're enough, you're enough You're enough, you're enough So here's my love
Cold sweats and heartbreak dear All this and I'm still here To the ends of the earth and the atmosphere Rest easy and know my love's always near
an omega song, he just wants to give her some damn peace for one goddamn second !!!
I will probably update the playlist from time to time if i find something that fits - and along with that i'll edit the post to reflect that. if you've made it this far i appreciate it, thank you for listening to my unmedicated ass whilst i ignore all my other responsibilities.
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lavynrose · 3 years
Omygosh!! Can I just say that the Marius college au fic that u wrote was so good?! I love ur writing so much!! There's been so much storm where m from recently and have been thinking about this lately but how would Vyn and Marius react to an s/o who is scared of thunder? Headcannons and gender neutral if you wouldn't mind? Keep up the good work!!
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
yes yes i whipped that fic with my sleep deprived self in mind😔 for anyone curious, anon is talking about this fic. stay safe wherever you are anon ilyyyy
When their S/O is afraid of thunder
headcanons + scenarios
characters: Marius Von Hagen, Vyn Richter
warning/s: panic attacks, not proofread
notes: this took a while as i was periodically in scara brainrot since the 2.1 trailer came out. anyways, reblog this post and artem's loving memories SSR will come home to you in 69 minutes [LEGIT] [REAL]
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Vyn Richter
*fixes mic* alright
Vyn i think is the best person to be by your side when a storm is raging on
He understands human psyche really well, which means he knows exactly what to do and what to say to calm your nerves down
He's aware that fear of thunder or astraphobia is something that can drastically affect your mood, and cause mental stress
Naturally as your resident psychiatrist, and as your lover *wink* he would do his best to help you through the storm
He would brew you tea, or even sing you to sleep just so you can feel at peace <3
He's just so gentle and loving in contrast to the deafening crackling of thunder outside
11/10 would stay by his side forever
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The cold night air hit your exposed arms and legs as the ghostly streetlight flicker above you. Tonight was colder than usual, but you didn't pay it any mind.
The quietness of the park without the usual chatter and laughter of the people during the day adding to the chilly ambience of the night.
"You think we can keep him?" you grinned at the greyish ball of fluff shifted on your lap, fingers rubbing the back of the rascal's ear, making him purr.
"Of course," Vyn smiled beside you on the bench, "we could arrange for another troublemaker to be of residence." His golden eyes looked at you with a hint of teasing.
You kept petting the stray cat that you had found meekly hiding behind the bushes while you and Vyn were strolling on your night walk, it's fur warm against your cool hands.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Vyn, "Yeah? Who could that troublemaker be? I'm not one," you put your hands on his shoulder, "that must be you." you bite back at him.
He chuckled, a pleasant sound permeating through the deafening silence of the night, "Oh?" He faced you, leaning down to your eye level, "Remind me, who was that someone who spilled their ice cream on their shirt because they were too distracted by a cat?"
You playfully shoved him, "I hate you." You said, supressing a giggle.
"In all seriousness," He reached out to the kitty, rubbing his knuckles on it's cheeks, "Cats are natural harbingers of calmness, their quiet and soft disposition benefits their owners, especially the ones that have anxiety," He turned to you, "Plus they're adorable. I don't see any reason why not." He finished with a soft smile.
Your eyes lit up, "What should we name hi-" You suddenly yelped when a bright light flashed across the sky, accompanied by a loud roar that shook you to the very core.
Your heart felt like jumping to your throat.
"Vyn!" You voice went an octave higher as you called his name. Huddling the cat closer to you, you cling onto Vyn to ground yourself from the fear emerging in your chest. You hoped holding onto him would keep you sane.
It didn't help that you were in a wide, open space.
Another clap of thunder was heard, "Ah!"
Your hands and eyes trembled as you felt more and more vulnerable with every second you spend outside. Your head pounded.
"Y/N!" Vyn's eyes fill with worry as he take in your shaking form. He held you closer by the waist as he assisted you to stand up.
"Shh," He rubbed soothing circles on your back, "I'm here, I'm here. I won't leave you alone." He said as he hurriedly guided you to walk, slight panic in his eyes, silently hoping for the thunder to not make itself heard again.
"Let's go home, sweetheart." He continued to lead the two of you home.
Luck wasn't on your side however, as the skies boomed, creating an even more frightening sound than the ones before.
It felt like every clap of thunder is going to eat up your entire being.
Tears start to well up on your eyes as you clung to Vyn's arm in a vice-grip, bruising him.
He gently placed his hands on your ear to at least lessen the noise, as he whispered little nothings in your ear to distract you from the bane of your existence that still continues to haunt the skies, and your heart.
After for what seemed like an eternity, the two of you are finally in your safe haven called home.
Vyn quickly sat you on the couch as soon as you entered the house, the concern in his eyes visible as ever, as he handed you a mug of warm water. He even turned on the television to full volume to drown out the sound thunder.
"Love," he called out to your panting form, your body still trembling slightly, either from the coolness of the night or fear or both.
"Look at me," Your mind was hazy as the extreme fear you felt earlier was still present, but you had half the mind to at least look at him.
He sat beside you, "Focus on me," He placed his warm hand on your cheek and rubbed little circles, wiping your dried tears in the process.
Even with the faint sounds of thunder outside his manor, you find yourself calming down when you gaze at his eyes, his touch making you comfortable.
"Take deep breaths," you complied as you inhaled deep, then exhaled.
You did this for a whole minute, his presence beside you making you feel safer than ever. The cat on your lap kept rubbing himself on your arms, adding to your comfort.
"You okay now?" He inquired, worry still evident in his features. You nodded with a small smile.
He showered your face with kisses as he embraced you in his arms, "You're safe now, alright? I'll be here for you always." He then petted the cat that never once left your side throughout the whole ordeal, "The little guy too."
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Marius Von Hagen
He would be so comfortable and calming to be with <3
I feel like he's the type to make you feel better by telling you lame jokes, like yk, making lighthearted comments to calm you down
Or even better, cuddling ;)
Voila your nerves are soothed before you know it
He'll do anything to help you get through this. Fear, no matter how small it may seem, is not and will never be a laughing matter
He would stay by your side until the anxiety that plagues your mind disappears
He would stay by your side to kiss your tears away until the storm stops
11/10 pls marry me already
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The sweet aroma of coffee tickled your nostrils as you brought it up to your lips, the delicious liquid making you sigh.
You stretched your arms over your head as you gazed at the stack of papers in front of you.
It's a nice sunday evening, there's supposed to be no work, but the piling cases made it impossible for you to rest even one day.
So here you are, drowning yourself in caffeine to prevent yourself from plopping on the desk to take a nap.
Marius was busy too, he's hosting an art exhibit today if you recall correctly. You were supposed to have a date when something from both of your ends came up.
That doesn't mean he won't spoil you today, though.
You eyed the bouquet of intricately arranged daises on your bed, a note on the side.
Marius immediately delivered this to your doorstep the moment he heard your morning voice when he called you first thing in the morning.
There's a note that read, "I doubt we're going to see each other today. I wanted to come visit you first, but the businessmen were too demanding. Don't worry, I'll keep annoying you throughout the whole day with my texts. I miss you already :(" a sad face was drawn goofily with it.
You shook your head as you imagined him pouting while he wrote this, and you giggled to yourself.
Your face dropped when you heard a loud bang coming from outside, you flinched.
You looked outside just to see that the sky is now really dark, white flashes dancing all throughout. Your room felt colder, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You hugged yourself in search for warmth.
A storm is coming. This wasn't on the weather forecast at all.
Another loud boom was sent by the raging skies.
Paperwork completely forgotten, you crouched on the ground in an attempt to hide yourself from the overwhelming noise.
Thunder roared again, and again. You closed your eyes shut.
You regulated your breathing to feel less panicked, it was going so well, until...
The lights went out.
With a gasp, you looked around the room, only to be met by pitch black darkness as there's no source of light even from the outside.
You were alone.
In the dark.
With thunder startling everything in it's wake.
With teembling eyes, you let out a broken sob as you crouched futher on the ground.
You felt your eyes dampen with tears as a particular deafening bang shook your whole being, making your heart jump and pound loudly against your ribcage.
With trembling hands, you dialed your boyfriend's number on your phone.
The other line beeped, "Good evening, babe. Miss me?"
"Marius," you hiccuped as you sob, "I'm scared." your chest tightened.
Your greatest fears have been realized, when another loud bang of thunder cracked through the supposedly thick walls of your apartment.
"Ahh!" You jumped, putting your hands on your head to calm your heart.
But to no avail. The heavy rain keeps creating loud splashing noises, the wind outside keeps blowing strong, thunder keeps roaring. The darkness in the room overwhelming you further.
This is too much.
You feel yourself almost suffocate, it's getting harder to control yourself and it feels like someone is strangling you because of how short your breaths are becoming.
"Y/N!? What's wrong!?"
"Ma... rius..." You felt your head spin, the sound of thunder and marius' shouts in the background being the last thing your mind had registered.
You felt something warm on your hand.
There was light, maybe the electricity already came back?
You stirred, as you let your eyes flutter open, your vision unfocused from your slumber.
Only when you heard a loud boom, you suddenly jerked and came back to reality.
"Ah!" you yelped, covering your ears.
"Y/N!" Marius called out to you, panic in his voice. He hurriedly grabbed his phone, and played your favorite music loud enough to lessen your focus from the terrifying sounds outside.
You were laying on your bed, with Marius sitting on the edge by your side, holding your hand. He was no longer in his suit, but something more casual.
"I thought," Your hands squeezed his tighter "you had an important exhibit?" Your heart was still pounding in your ears, as you can still clearly hear the thunderclaps from outside.
He noticed that you kept on flinching everytime the sky roared, concern etching on his face.
So he layed beside you, and with his strong arms, gently pulled you closer to his warm body.
"I was scared." He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. All while he rubbed comforting touches on your waist.
"You screamed and all I saw was red," you looked into his eyes and saw how vulnerable they are, "I knew you were in danger. So I rushed here as fast as I could."
He pecked your lips, "I thought I'd lose you." He finished, voice broken.
You were at loss for words, you noticed how his hair was wet, and how he smelled of fresh rain. The casual clothing he wore probably from your cabinet that he had left before.
He really was in a rush.
You'll definitely marry this man.
"Marius..." You gazed at his amethyst eyes lovingly, completely forgetting the loud sounds that haunted you earlier, "I love you..."
He flashed you a grin, "I love you too, my muse." He held your face as he kissed your lips.
The two of you lay in bed that night, talking about anything and nothing at all, the horrifying sounds of thunder in your ears were replaced by Marius' charming laughs and comforting words.
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do not repost © lavynrose 08/22/21
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atlafan · 4 years
Night Shift - One Shot
a/n: back at it again with another Halloween themed fic! This was inspired by an ask requesting Harry and Y/N both work/meet in the ER. Slight twist on it, but I hope you like it! Reblogs and feedback are super helpful! (not proofread)
Warnings: friends to lovers, smut at the end
Words: 6.8K
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Becoming a doctor took a lot of hard work dedication. Countless sleepless nights, a large debt to pay back, finding a hospital to become a resident in, and countless seminars to go to, to make sure all practices were up to date. At first, Y/N hated working the graveyard shift. She rarely got to see friends or family, she was getting minimal amounts of sleep because, let’s face it, sleeping during the day never worked out the way you wanted it to. However, she stopped minding it so much when one of the nicest nurses took his turn on the overnight shifts.
Nurse Styles was usually the voice of reason. He could calm any patient down, and the kids in pediatrics loved him. He always had a lollypop ready to go. All of the nurses took turns with the different shifts so it was fair for everyone. He had heard of Dr. Y/L/N, but had never met her. She was newer to the hospital, a white coat, but still baby-faced. Harry really enjoyed being a nurse, he didn’t want to be the person in there doing surgery, but he liked being able to get things started, and ease someone into the more difficult things. He had a way of administering bad news, and easing the pain from it. His broad shoulders were perfect for crying on, and if it was a kid he needed to prep for getting their appendix out, he held their hand the entire way to the operating room.
Y/N was just getting in, putting her things in her breakroom cubby when Harry walked in. He smiles at her, and she smiles back as he also puts his things away.
“Chilly out there tonight.” He says as he puts his scrubs on over his long sleeve under armor. She only looked for a second, his arm muscles were certainly defined. “I don’t think we’ve properly met yet, I’m Harry.” He extends her hand and she takes it.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“Well, Y/N, lucky for you I’ll be your nurse for the next couple of months.”
“You seem a little too chipper about working overnight.” She chuckles as she gets her white coat on and stethoscope around her neck.
“I don’t mind it.” He shrugs. “A lot of the other nurses have spouses and kids they rarely get to see, so it’s only fair I take my turn on the overnight stuff. I usually take it this time of year anyways.”
“Why’s that?”
“The Halloween crazies start trickling towards the end of September. Think the staff likes having me as extra muscle or whatever.”
Her face pales as she looks at him. She had completely forgotten about Halloween. Last year she worked during the day, but she had heard about all of the nonsense from the entire weekend. Drunk people needing their stomach pumped, car wrecks, people on drugs, etc.
“So, what’s your specialty? You’re not a surgeon are you?” He breaks her from her trance.
“No, I’m not a surgeon, just a regular old doctor. I almost ended up in maternity like a lot of female doctors, but it wasn’t for me.” They both walk into the main area so they can get briefed for the night.
Harry says hello to the other nurses at the desk, and he takes his seat to login into the computer. There was another doctor on the overnight shifts, Dr. Gilles, and Y/N really couldn’t stand him. He was one of those doctors who was sort of rude to the nurses because he had been at the hospital for a while, but he was handsome so a lot of them didn’t even care. He would flirt with Y/N when he’d get the chance, but she didn’t really like it. She’d seen Scrubs, she didn’t need the drama that comes with hooking up with a coworker. Not to mention the guy was, like, forty, and she was only pushing thirty. To some that may not be a big age difference, but it weirded her out nonetheless. It weirded her out more when he’d catch her flirting with some of the younger nurses.
“Evening everyone.” Dr. Gilles. “He says as he walks up to the desk. “Quiet so far?”
“Pretty much.” Nurse Halleran says. “Hope it stays that way. You’ve got a couple of people you just need to check in on.” She hands him a few charts and he nods as he takes them. “How are you, Dr. Y/L/N?”
“Good.” She says as she looks over her cuticles. She feels his eyes burn into her, and she fiddles with some of the pens on the desk. “Nurse Styles, back on the graveyard, huh?”
“Yup.” Harry says with a fake smile. He also did not like Dr. Gilles. He felt protective over the other nurses, and none of them felt uncomfortable by Dr. Gilles, but he was a married man who openly flirted with people, and that kind of behavior just didn’t fly with Harry. “Dr. Y/L/N, one of your patients needs their vitals checked. Young thing, coming down from a bladder and kidney infection.”
“Alright, let’s go.” Harry hands her the chart and she looks it over as they walk to where the patient was sleeping.
Bethany Martin, ten years old, bladder and kidney infection. Another doctor wanted to size her up for an appendix removal, but it was Y/N that discovered that it wasn’t the child’s appendix. The girl had told her the pain had moves from the front of her stomach, to her side, and then to her back. She got major brownie points from the administration for making that catch.
Her and Harry slowly go into the room. Her father was sleeping in one of the fold out chairs provided. He wakes up when he hears the door open.
“Hello, Mr. Martin.” Y/N whispers with a smile. “We’re just going to check on Beth’s vitals, see how her fever’s doing, alright?”
“Sure thing, thank you.” He stands up and goes over to his daughter to help her wake up a little.
“Hmm.” The girl slowly opens her eyes, and then she smiles when she sees Y/N. See, Beth was scared that she was going to get cut open, so she was beyond grateful that she didn’t have to have surgery. “Hello.” She says sleepily.
“Hi, sweetheart, I need to check a few things, would that be alright?” Y/N asks.
“Hi, Beth, how’s your IV feeling in that hand?” Harry asks her.
“It’s itchy, Nurse Harry.”
He smiles at her. A lot of the kids would call him that instead of Nurse Styles, he thought it was sweet.
“Think we should switch it to your other hand then.”
“Why’s it in her hand and not in her arm?” Y/N questions.
“We had a tough time…this one likes to pull away.” Harry explains and winks at Beth which makes her giggle.
Y/N let’s Harry switch out the IV. She lets Beth hold her hand as she winces from the needle. Once he’s done, Y/N checks everything else. She has Beth roll onto her stomach so she can feel around her back.
“I haven’t been as achy.” Beth says as she gets settled on her back once more. “It still hurts a little though.”
“Mm, I bet. Took us a bit to figure things out with you, but you seem to be doing a lot better. Should only need to be here for another few days. We’ll come back to check on you later this morning.”
“Thank you.” She snuggles back into her blankets and slowly falls back asleep.
Mr. Martin thanks Y/N and Harry before they leave, and she they both go to wash their hands at one of the sink stations.
“Nurse Harry, huh? Do all the little girls call you that?” Y/N smirks.
“Why, jealous?” He bumps his hip to hers before grabbing a paper towel to dry his hands. She rolls her eyes at him, and he chuckles. “The kids just tend to call me that, I don’t mind it.”
“It must ease them a bit more to be on a first name basis, I should remember that. I hate seeing kids in pain, I’m glad she’s doing better.”
“I know it sucks, but I actually like working with the kids more. They at least listen to us. Some of these adult patients…they fight us on every little thing sometimes.” They make their way back to the desk.
“Dr. Y/L/N?” Nurse Stevens says to her. “I’m going on a coffee run, would you like anything?”
“You’re an angel, yes”, she reaches into her pocket for some loose singles, “just a regular with a little cream, no sugar, thank you.”
“Harry?” She says to him.
“Brought my thermos, but thanks Ellie.” He smiles at her and she nods before going on her way.
“She’s the best, I’ve worked with her during the day before.” Y/N says to Harry.
“Yeah, Ellie and I came on together.”
“Oh, really?”
Harry hums his response as he types some notes into the computer. Harry and Ellie had a bit of a past, nothing serious, but they had hooked up on occasion. Being a nurse meant working a lot of long days, and that left little room for a social life or companionship. They may or may not have taken advantage of the beds in the room adjacent to the breakroom a few times, but that was a year or so ago. She had started seeing someone, so they ended things amicably.
“Why just the cream and no sugar?” He asks to change the subject.
“Well, for a while I was doing the keto thing, which is absolute rubbish and I never should have done it, but I got into the habit of not adding sugar to things. I don’t like the taste of black coffee, it’s too bitter, so the cream helps. I don’t miss the sugar, in fact, I can’t stand really sugary drinks in general.”
“Why’d you do the keto in the first place?”
“Oh, I was looking to lose some weight before a wedding I had to go to. I was a bridesmaid so I just wanted to look nice in the pictures, you know? It works when you stick to it, but as soon as I stopped I gained most of it back. Deprivation diets are never a good idea, and I knew it, but did it anyways because it was a quick way to do things.” He goes to say something, but decides against it. Her head tilts as she can tell he’s withholding something. “Go ahead, tell me as a doctor it was stupid of me to jump on a fad diet.” She sighs and leans on the tall desk.
“No, I was just going to say…” He blushes slightly. “Well, I just feel bad that you thought you needed to lose any weight because you…well…you must know how beautiful you are as is.”
She stands up straight. She literally just met this man tonight, what was going on? Just as she was about to say something, Ellie comes back with the coffee.
“Here you go.” She smiles.
“Oh, thank you.” Y/N takes the coffee. “I’m gonna go take a walk to the other nurse’s station, see how they’re doing. Page me if you need anything.”
Harry watches her walk away and he groans with his head in his hands.
“Don’t tell me.” Ellie smirks. “You have a crush on Dr. Y/L/N…shocking.” Ellie giggles and rolls her eyes.
“I just met her, I don’t have a crush on her. But I may have just said something inappropriate.”
“You?!” Ellie was shocked. “Harry, you’re, like, the nicest person I know. What did you say?”
“I just told her she was beautiful.”
“It’s not like it’s a lie, she’s rather pretty. Seems to take care of herself. It’s not an easy thing to do, especially on these shifts.”
“I know! It just felt weird after I said it. I don’t wanna be like Dr. Gilles, you know?”
“Please.” She scoffs. “You’re nothing like him.”
Y/N does her nightly rounds, checking on her various patients. A few people come in that need to be checked right away, but other than that things were quiet. Around six in the morning she and Harry go to check on little Beth again.
“Definitely only need you here another couple of nights. Keep getting those fluids in, and this fever will go away in no time.” Y/N says.
The girl nods at her tiredly before falling back asleep. Y/N helps out with some last minute patients before going to the breakroom to change. Harry was in there taking his shirt off. She tries not to stare as he pulls a sweatshirt on over himself. She wouldn’t have minded a few more moments to examine his tattoos. She knew he had a few just from his left hand alone, but shit, he had them all over his chest and stomach!
“Well, see you tonight. Hope you can get some sleep.” Harry says to her.
“Same to you.” She smiles and goes into her locker.
“I hope, uh, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable earlier in the night…” He rubs the back of his neck.
“You didn’t, it’s fine…I’m just one of those people that has a tough time taking a compliment. Um, it happened to me in school a lot too, like, if someone told me I was smart or something, you know?”
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure.”
“I appreciate that, Harry, thank you.”
He nods and heads out. On his way home he realizes he’s far too awake to be able to fall asleep, so when he gets into his flat he takes a sleeping pill, and nestles down with a cup of tea while he watches a little TV. Once his eyes feel tired he heads to bed, getting cozy under his blankets, and eventually passing out.
Y/N does something similar. She definitely takes a sleeping pill before jumping into a warm shower. She pulls her blackout curtains, and gets into bed. Her eyelids feel heavier and heavier as she listens to a podcast, and she slowly falls asleep.
Things went on like that for the next couple of weeks. Harry would often assist Y/N on her rounds. He liked that she wasn’t one of those snooty doctors that discounted the nurses, she really seemed to value their opinions, even consulting with them when she needed to. They became fast friends too, often eating together or taking coffee breaks at the same time. She learned that Harry was a couple of years younger than her, and he had been at this hospital for around five years. He explained he liked working at a hospital rather than a smaller practice so he could help more people, and she said she felt the same way.
“Maybe when I’m, like fifty, I’ll settle and open up my own practice. But only because I might not have the same spring in my step.” She chuckles as they both sit and enjoy some coffee.
“You can really sprint when you need to! You were incredible when that guy came in with that allergic reaction the other night.”
“I was internally freaking out the whole time to be honest with you. I was glad to have you there to help me intubate him.”
“Feel like I can do that with my eyes closed now.” He laughs and finishes his warm drink. “I hate to be one of those people, but you’re looking a little tired tonight.”
“Oh, that’s because I never left this morning. I worked all day, took a nap, and then got right back on it.”
“Y/N, that’s not okay. You can’t do your job properly if you’re tired.”
“I know, but we were short staffed, and I was only going to stay a couple of hours, but I got wrapped up with a couple of people. I’m fine, honest, I’ll have a good sleep when I get home later.”
“Shit like that used to happen to me all the time. I’d work sixteen hour days, and then they’d yell at me because I was getting so much overtime, and I’d tell them to hire more bloody people then. It was infuriating. Then you think the place is gonna fall apart without you when you finally do get some time off.”
“Literally! I think that’s why I got stuck here for so long. I have the next couple of days off, though, so I’m looking forward to that.”
“Yeah? Any big plans?”
“No.” She scoffs. “Not unless you consider binging a fuck ton of television while eating a gallon of ice cream big plans.”
“Depends on the show, what’s on the docket to be binged?”
“I’ve been meaning to sit down and watch Ratched. I’ve heard some mixed reviews, but I’m just so intrigued.”
“Mm, nothing better than a show about a crazy nurse.” He rolls his eyes.
“Aw, feeling a little misrepresented?” She smirks.
“Maybe a wee bit. Let me know if it’s worth the watch, though, yeah?”
“Definitely.” She finishes up her coffee and sighs. “Back to it I suppose.”
“Go lay down if you want, we’re not busy.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m catching a second wind.” She stands up and shakes her body out. “See, awake and ready to-“, her beeper goes off, “Shit, some teenagers were just brought in.”
They both hurry out of the breakroom, and go to where they’re needed. Three teenage boys were laying in hospital beds, clearly in pain.
“Alright, what seems to be the problem here?” Y/N says as Harry works on taking their vitals.
“We…fell off the water tower.” One of them says.
She sighs and starts checking for bumps and bruises. She doesn’t ask why they were there, she was sure their parents would rip them a new one for that. A few sprained ankles, and one broken wrist, but nothing too serious otherwise. Y/N gives her instructions to Harry, and tells the boys they’ll need to switch off between aspirin and ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation. Harry gets the broken wrist into a splint and sling, and gets the others settled as well.  
“Isn’t this a little backwards?” One of them says to him after Y/N’s left. “Isn’t she supposed to be the nurse?”
“Well, considering that she went to school for a lot longer than I did, and probably has a lot more knowledge about the body than I do, I’d say she’s supposed to be the doctor.” Harry says.
“Isn’t it weird being a male nurse though?”
“M’not a male nurse.” He makes some notes on the laptop he was using. “I’m just a nurse.” He closes the laptop and looks at the three of them. “Your parents should be here soon, hope you lot feel better, and be safer out there.”
It wasn’t the first time Harry got a comment like that, and it wouldn’t be the last. He didn’t go to school as premed and then go off to a fancy medical school. He majored in Allied Health in uni, and passed all his tests. That was it, and that was all he wanted to do. There was nothing wrong with that. He was proud of himself. He hoped Y/N was proud of herself too.
Flu shot season was in full swing, and there were usually a couple of days a year the hospital did walk-in appointments so people could come in easily to get them. Harry had picked up a shift to administer them. Y/N had come in to be on call so one of the other doctors could have the day off. She smiles when she sees Harry in the cafeteria at lunch.
“Hey, you.” She says as she sits down. “Weird seeing you in the daylight.”
“Could say the same to you. What’s all this about? Don’t tell me you’re working another triple…” He raises an eyebrow at her.
“No, I swapped shifts with Dr. Jollas so she could have the day with her kids. What are you doing here today?”
“I’m on for the flu shots. It’s an easy enough shift to pick up.”
“Get a lot of people in for that?”
“Sure, tons.”
“That makes me happy to hear.” She sighs.
“How were your couple of days off? Did you watch your show?”
“I only watched about two episodes…there was a lot more gore than I was expecting.”
“Y/N…you’re a doctor…”
“Yes, and I can handle small amounts of blood, especially when I’m in the moment helping someone, but there was literally a scene where they were showing how lobotomies were done and a scene where this kid cut off his own arms, so it was a bit much for me. Not something I should be watching alone, anyways.”
“That’s gross.” Harry grimaces. “Don’t blame you for not getting through it.”
“So I ended up just re-watching The Office for the millionth time. It was perfect.” She chuckles. “Are you working all of Halloween weekend?”
“I am.” He nods. “I hope you’ll add some flare to your outfit. The kids like it when we do.”
“Some flare, huh?”
“I have these scrubs that have pumpkins, ghosts, and black cats on them.”
“Hm, I’ll have to think about what I can add. I have some earrings with witches on them, that could be fun.”
“As long as you get into the spirt somehow. We all decorate the nurse’s station and everything. Ellie usually brings in cupcakes too.”
“Speaking of her…” Y/N leans in a bit. “Did you catch the rock on her finger? I’m happy for her and all, but she said she’s only been with her fiancé for eight months. It’s a bit fast.”
“Well, they were casual before they made things official. She was, uh, seeing a couple of people, and then he asked her to get serious and she did.” He shrugs.
“Oh, I see.” She nods and sits back. “I’m not judging or anything, I mean, I guess when you, you know.” She takes a bite of her food, and then leans back in. “Can I ask you something?” She whispers.
“Always.” He leans in as well. Harry be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy a spot of gossip, and Y/N had become his new favorite person to gossip with. It didn’t take them long to become the two bitches that are always talking shit about everyone else.
“Do people use the bunk room to bone?”
His face flushes, and then he clears his throat.
“Why would you ask me that?”
“Because you know everything about this place! I wish it was a singles only room because I swear I saw Nurse Halleran and Dr. Gilles coming out of there, and only one of the beds looked used.”
Harry makes a disgusted face and rolls his eyes.
“I feel bad for whoever he’s married to.” He shakes his head. “Scumbag.”
“Nurse Halleran’s married too! I could never do that. I mean, I’ve been in relationships before, and maybe I’ve thought someone else is attractive, I can appreciate a pretty face, but I would never cheat on my significant other. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
“Same here. That’s, like, the ultimate betrayal. How do you even come back from that? I get that our jobs can make for lonely lives, but make the time count at home when you can.”
“Does he have kids?”
“No, I think that’s why he doesn’t feel bad about it. She has two kids, though, I don’t know, I only talk to her about work things if I can help it. I miss some of my girls from the day shifts, like, Shauna is super nice and has this really warm smile.”
��Feel like she’s the hospital granny.” Y/N smiles. “I like her a lot too, the few interactions I’ve had with her.”
“How long do you think they’ll keep you on the night shift for?”
“I have no idea, think I’m just paying my dues as the new doctor. I’m getting more used to it, it’s not too bad. If it goes through summer I can drag my bum to the beach and sleep there.” She laughs and so does he.
“Might have to join you for that, I love getting a good tan.”
“It’s a date.” She says, more so as a joke, but from the way he looks at her he may have taken it a different way, so she clears her throat and laughs it off. “Anyways, I better get back to it. Nothing worse than being in the middle of eating and the beeper going off.” She stands up. “Have a good one, Harry.”
“You too.” He watches her walk away, and he sighs.
On Halloween, Y/N goes in a few hours early because she was told they let the kids go around the halls to the different nurse’s stations to trick or treat, and she really didn’t want to miss out on it. She puts on her witches earrings, and some spooky pins for her coat, and out she goes. She stops off at the store to buy some extra candy, and puts it in a pumpkin shaped bucket. She smiles when she sees Harry behind the desk already in his Halloween scrubs.
“Excellent effort.” He says, and then taps his finger over his mouth in thought. “Could use a little something extra, though.”
“Yeah? Like what?” She sets the candy down on the desk and he walks around it.
“Follow me.” Y/N follows Harry into the breakroom, and he pulls a bag out of his locker. He has her go into the unisex bathroom wither, and she sits up on the counter for him. “I’m working a double today, I did some face painting earlier for some of the younger kids. Sort of a way to give them a costume for when they walk around.”
“Harry, why don’t you just solely work in pediatrics?”
“Because I did some face painting for the elderly too, now hush. I need to concentrate.”
He takes what looks like a black sharpie out of the bag, but Y/N recognizes it as liquid eye-liner.
“What exactly are you going to do with that? Give me cat eyes?” She chuckles.
“No, you dolt, we’d need hours for that. I’m just gonna draw a little spider web on your cheek, alright?”
Harry had never been this close to her face before. She got a nice whiff of his cologne, and she liked being able to see the few freckles he had. She notices now he’s painted his nails black and orange, he must really like Halloween. She closes her eyes as he starts drawing on her right cheek. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. A slight gasp leaves her lips when his other hand grips her chin to tilt her head.
“Still just me, don’t worry.” He chuckles. “Don’t get jumpy on me.”
“M’not, sorry.” She sucks her lips into her mouth as his hand moves to the side of her neck. Y/N may or may not be a little touch starved.
“Almost done.” He says just as she was opening her eyes back up.
“Harry, has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?”
“Shut up.” He scoffs, and finishes up. “All done, tell me what you think.”
“I mean it!” She says as he backs away enough for her to hop off the counter and turn around in the mirror. “Oh, excellent job. I especially like that you drew a little spider dangling from the web.”
“It’s my signature detail. Now you look perfect.” They look at each other through the mirror. “We should probably get out of here before someone thinks we’re boning.”
She bursts out laughing at that.
“Good one.” She says and shakes her head.
“It wasn’t that funny.” He mutters as he puts the bag back in his locker.
“N-no, it wasn’t.” She clears her throat. “Sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” He nudges her shoulder and they walk back out to the main area.
The trick or treating was a lot of fun, and the kids seemed to have their spirits lifted. Then shit got real when the drunk people started coming in, the people the police had to bring in for psych evaluations, and the people that had too many edibles. It was crazy busy, Y/N had been running around all night. She was given the okay to go lay down for about thirty minutes since she had come in early. She stops short when she sees Harry laying in one of the bunks. He was laying on his side with his arms crossed over his chest. She quietly slips into one of the other bunks, and takes a deep breath.
“You’re awfully loud.” He says.
“Christ! I was quieter than a mouse!” She says, and turns to face him. He opens his eyes and grins at her. “Ah, you were just fucking with me.”
“Busy out there tonight. I mean, I expected it, but still.”
“I know.” He yawns and stretches out. “I’ve been in here too long, I need to go back out before I get groggy.” He swings his legs over the side of the bed and slowly gets up. “Have a nice snooze.”
“Thanks.” She chews her bottom lip for a moment. “Do you have any makeup wipes? I’d hate to wake up with a smudged web.”
“Oh, sure, one second.” He leaves momentarily and comes back in with a wipe for her cheek. Instead of handing it to her, he sits on the edge of her bunk, cups one of her cheeks in his hand, and uses the other to carefully wipe off the drawing. Her eyes flutter closed and she sighs. “There.” Her eyes open back up and she smiles softly at him.
“Thank you.”
There was something brewing between them, they could both feel it. He’s about to lean in to kiss her, but he hears the click of the door open, and stands up immediately. It was another doctor who was I desperate need of a snooze. Harry leaves, and Y/N tries to relax enough to fall asleep.
They don’t see each other again until the morning when they’re both getting ready to leave. He chews on his inner cheek, trying to work up a little bit of courage.
“I’m sure you’re probably tired, but…I have these, uh, pancake stencils where you can make pancakes look like pumpkins or ghosts…I thought maybe we could celebrate surviving Halloween together, but I’ll understand if you’re ready to just crash or-“
“I’d love to have breakfast with you.” She smiles as she closes her locker. “I’m gonna go home and shower. Text me your address, yeah?”
“Alright.” He smiles and watches her walk out.
Y/N takes a very quick shower so she can freshen up. She wasn’t sure what might go down between them. She felt like she was getting to be a little too old to just be hooking up with someone, but Harry was really great, so she decides to just go with the flow. She heads to his flat after he sent her his address, making sure to buy some orange juice as something to bring over.
He lets her in and she can’t get over how cozy he looks in his sweatpants, graphic tee, and cardigan. She was in a pair of leggings and a sweater.
“It smells so good in here.” She says.
“Thanks, I made some tea too if you want something warm.”
She nods and he pours her a cup. They giggle over the pancakes, and Harry confirms that Halloween is definitely one of his favorite holidays. The two decide it might be fun to watch a Halloween movie, but naturally after a long sift, they fall asleep together on his sofa. She was nestled into his chest with his arms wrapped around her. She would have slept longer, but she woke up to the sound of him snoring. She shuffles a little, but accidentally knees him in the groin, waking up immediately.
“Shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I was laying on you like this.”
“It’s fine.” He says as he reaches for himself. “I’m good.” He knuckles at one of his eyes, keeping his other arm around her. He looks at the TV screen and sees that something else had come on. “Slept through the movie…”
“Guess we got a little too comfy.” She looks up at him. “Forgot how nice it was to cuddle with someone.” She mumbles tiredly.
“We could…go to my bed if you want, have a proper cuddle.”
“Would you spoon me if we do that?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want.”
She nods yes, so he manages to pick her up, and carry her to his bedroom. She almost didn’t want to let go him when he sets her down, but all is good once he slides in next to her, pulls the blankets over them, and he wraps himself around her. She sighs as his pelvis aligns with her bum, and his arm wraps around her waist.
“Good?” He asks.
“Mhm.” She wiggles against him to get even more comfortable.
“Don’t do that.”
“Why not.”
“Because I’ll get excited, and that’ll make things awkward.”
“Define excited.”
“You know exactly what I mean, Y/N.” He sighs.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
“I’ll get hard, and it’s already difficult enough to control that around you, so-“
“You can press it against me if you want, I don’t mind.” She looks over her shoulder at him.
“You’re serious?”
“If I wasn’t I certainly wouldn’t have let you carry me to your bed.” She rolls onto her other side to face him. “I like being your friend and all, but I’ve done this with someone who’s just a friend before. I…I feel like we almost kissed earlier…”
“We did. Can we try again now?”
His hand slides to the back of her neck and he pulls her closer to him. His lips still tasted like the syrup they put on their pancakes, and she likes it more than she really should. Her tongue swipes along his bottom lip, and he opens up for her. Their tongues swirl around each other, and she tugs him on top of her as she turns onto her back. One of his legs goes between hers, and she grunts when she feels his thigh right on her. She wraps her arms around his neck as their tongues still mold together.
She slips her other leg around his waist so he could lay full between her. He groans into her mouth as he grinds himself against her. A soft moan leaves her lips when she feels how hard he is. She could feel herself throbbing for him. He sits up a little, just to get his cardigan off, and her hands slide up his stomach under his shirt. He shudders from her touch, and he just takes his shirt off too. Her eyes widen as she can finally look over his tattoos.
“This is beautiful.” She says as her fingers trace over the butterfly on his torso.
“Thanks.” He smiles and gets back down to lay on her chest to chest as he kisses her.
He kisses from her lips, along her jaw, and to her neck, all while she’s grinding herself against him. One of his hands finds her hair and he yanks her head to the side so he can get better access to her neck. He licks over the spot just below her ear, and he sinks his teeth in. He sucks on her soft skin, and her mouth falls open. She normally wasn’t super into biting, but whatever he was doing felt really good. When he pops off her she puts her hand over the new bruise.
“That’s definitely gonna leave a mark.” She says to him.
“Kind of the whole point.” He smirks. “Maybe Dr. Gilles will leave you alone if he thinks you’re already getting it from someone else.”
“Not very professional though, is it?”
“That nice white coat of yours will cover it. Wear your hair down for a few days, no one will notice. Or maybe they will, oh well. I’ve never much cared what other people think.”
“That’s because you’re not the one walking around with a mark on your neck.” She pouts at him.
“I could be if you wanted to give me one.”
She bites her bottom lip to contemplate just about every little thing that’s going on between them. She had her legs around him, she was in his bed, and he was shirtless sucking marks into her neck.
“Are…are you going to fuck me?” She asks.
“Do you want me to?”
“Kinda.” She giggles. “You’re, um, really sexy, Harry.”
“Well, that’s very nice of you to say, but ‘kinda’ isn’t exactly a yes, Y/N.”
“Could we maybe just…touch each other? Below the belt?”
“Yeah, we can do that.”
He rolls them both over so they’re on their sides facing each other again, and he pulls her leg up over his hip. She reaches for him first, skimming her fingers along the band of his sweatpants before dipping her fingers him. His breath hitches as she palms him over his boxers.
“You’re okay with this?” She asks him.
“Very.” He grunts. “Go for it.”
She nods and slips her hand inside his boxers, wrapping her hand around his warm cock. She bites her bottom lip as she runs her thumb over his tip, which was already leaking precome, and she slides it down his length.
His hand grips her ass before sliding it around to her front, and pulling her leggings back so he can get his hand in. A moan leaves his lips when he feels her wetness through her thong. He pets over at first, teasing her a little, but she squeezes him a little too tight, and that was signal enough to get the show on the road. He tugs her thong to the side, and runs his fingers along her slit before dipping his middle finger inside her. She squeezes around the intrusion, and then she relaxes a bit for him.
Harry slides another finger inside her, and works them in and out as his thumb takes care of her clit. He leans in to kiss her as they work each other over. She sucks on his bottom lip as she pumps his slick cock in her hand. He finds himself bucking into her grasp, but neither seem to care since she was grinding against his fingers. He curls them up inside her, and that’s when she starts breathing heavily.
“Oh, shit.” Her mouth falls open and she starts pumping him faster. “Fuck, oh my god, H-Harry, it feels so good, don’t stop.” She was nearly gagging for it, and it shocked him to see her falling apart like this just from him fingering her.
“Y/N.” He moans and presses his forehead to hers. “I’m gonna come.”
“M-me too, shit.”
She feels her hand become warm and sticky as she comes around his fingers. She tightens around him to make it last as long as possible, and then she catches breath. She doesn’t want to make a mess of his sweat pants, so she takes her hand out slowly, keeping as much of his come in her palm as she can. They make eye contact, and she licks her palm clean. He does the same by sucking his fingers into his mouth.
“You’re, like, a little kinky.” She chuckles and so does he.
“You literally just did the same as me!”
“I was trying not to make a mess of your sheets!”
“I can wash ‘em.” He laughs more, and then tucks some hair behind her ear. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I’m thinking you like me a little more than I thought.”
“A lot more, actually. You like me too?”
“Yeah.” She smiles. “I like you, Harry.”
“Thank god, I didn’t want this to be awkward at work.”
“Just don’t try to get busy with me in the bunk room. I will not contribute to that.”
“Listen, when you’re tired and desperate, it’s not such a bad place to get frisky.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” She rolls her eyes. “Could I use your bathroom quick? And then if you don’t mind, I would actually love to sleep a bit more.”
“Of course! And yeah, that sounds good.”
She uses his bathroom, and he cleans himself up. He offers some pajama pants a tee shirt, and she happily accepts. She changes and crawls back into bed with him. He spoons her, and rubs at her side, giving her a kiss once in a while on the back of her neck. As she falls asleep in his arms she thinks she had never been so thankful to work on a holiday in her life.
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lillian-nator · 4 years
ok but dad schlatt, day one, tubbo carefully cradled in one arm, knocking on the wilbur’s door bc he’s suddenly got a kid! and they need like food and cribs and a lot of stuff that schlatt doesn’t have bc he didn’t expect to have a kid. but wilbur just opens the door, sees tubbo and ushers them both in, and just helps schlatt. no, he’s not going to be a terrible parent, he’s helped wilbur with tommy and he was great! (also i like to think they had their first sleepover in yrs bc of it)
Anyways, fucking big brain man.
This totally happened, and this was also the first night that Schlatt learnt that Tubbo slept best atop schlatt’s chest.
Tubbo had been bottle fed with one of Tommy’s old bottles, changed, burped, and of course, cooed at. It had been an exhausting day for Schlatt, Wilbur, and Tubbo alike. Tubbo being in a new place with new people, and Schlatt having a new fucking kid. 
“Tubs, you gotta listen to your Dad on this one, okay kid?” Schlatt smiled as he referred to himself as “Dad” and moved his hand, so that Tubbo could wrap his own tiny hand around Schlatt’s finger. “You need to sleep, little guy. It’s only making you more frustrated and upset the longer you stay up.” Schlatt softly wiped the tears off of Tubbo’s face, as the infant was frustrated and sleep deprived. 
Schlatt looked up, as he heard Wilbur jump down the stairs, holding his communicator in one hand, and a baby monitor, for Tommy who was sleeping in his room upstairs. Wilbur ran a hand through his chestnut hair, “Maybe try rocking him, or bringing him close to you, if he won’t sleep. He’s probably scared in a new place, with new people, he seems to trust you though, Dad,” Wilbur smirked, looking directly at Schlatt. “so, sleeping with you would probably sooth his nerves. It’s a bit chilly down here as well, which is why I have Tommy sleep upstairs, so I would put him close to you so that he feels warm.”
“M’kay.” Schlatt mumbled looking down at his son, “I’ll try it.”
Schlatt carefully moved Tubbo to be sitting on his lap, and he looked down at his son, “Alright little man, let’s do a rundown, yeah?” Repeating something that he used to do with Tommy when he babysat the boy as an infant. “We had some nice warm milk earlier, so our Tummy’s full, yeah?” He lifted one of his fingers to tickle Tubbo’s stomach, earning a giggle from the infant. “We were changed, and burped, so we’re nice and comfy, okay?” Schlatt gingerly poked both of Tubbo’s cheeks. “So you must be feeling sleepy, yeah? I know, this must be scary, so many new places, huh? But trust me, I’m not going anywhere Tubs. Dad is sticking around.” 
Schlatt gingerly shifted Tubbo so that he was laying atop Schlatt’s chest, where Schlatt pushed himself against the corner of the couch. Reaching to grab a warm blanket, he softly covered both of them, kissing Tubbo’s head softly. 
“Tubs, you should sleep now. It’s nice and warm, right? So it’s a good time to take a nap with good ole’ Dad.” Schlatt smiled tiredly, and watched Tubbo slowly close his eyes, nuzzling into Schlatt’s chest, as Schlatt rubbed circles into the infant’s back slowly, helping the boy fall asleep. 
“You’re a natural, you know?” Wilbur spoke up, from his place on his bed, propped up onto his elbows, looking at his friend, a cross the room from the couch Schlatt was sitting on. He turned the baby monitor’s volume up, from where it rested on his nightside table, so that he could hear if Tommy were to cry when Wilbur was asleep. Wilbur looked as tired as Schlatt felt. 
“I learned from you and Tommy, I could never do this without you.” Schlatt looked up at his best friend. 
“Yeah, yeah. Tommy loves you, you’re gonna be a great dad dude.” Wilbur flops back down onto his back, resting his head into his pillow. 
“Thanks. You’re a great dad too.” Schlatt watched Wilbur squirm. 
“He’s my brother. You know I don’t like being called Dad.” 
Schlatt sighed, nestling his nose into Tubbo’s dark chestnut hair. “Yeah, I know dude.” 
“So,” Wilbur laughed, “Who’s the chick you banged?”
Schlatt threw his head back with a loud laugh, “Shut Up!”
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Taste Of Your Lips - 4.
Prince!Ransom x Reader AU
Part 4 of the Taste Of Your Lips series
Run-through: Your parents force you to attend a masquerade ball which is being held at the palace. Reluctantly, you do as they say. There, a masked stranger approaches you and asks if he could have a dance. You agree; unknown to the fact that that one dance would soon change your life.
Themes throughout the series: fluff, smut, angst
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All the preparations for the royal wedding ceased immediately as soon as the terrible, terrible tragedy fell upon the kingdom.
One morning, a messenger from the castle showed up at your doorstep and asked to speak with your father. The messenger came bearing bad news; Ransom’s father, the King of the castle had been killed in a bear attack while he was on a hunting trip.
You felt a weight on your chest as soon as you heard the news. Your eyes watered and you begged your father for permission to go to the castle and make sure Ransom is alright. But he denied you. He said it’d be best to give Ransom some space and time on his own to properly mourn the loss of his father and prepare for the funeral.
You were angry at your father at first for not letting you go see him, but some time later you realized that he was probably right. Besides, now with the King gone all the responsibilities of the castle and the kingdom immediately fell upon Ransom’s shoulders.
And now not only was your wedding going to be postponed, but Ransom would have to have a funeral for his father who died so gruesomely, he’d have to be crowned ‘King’ soon after, and he’s have to learn all the ways of ruling and maintaining peace and order within the kingdom and outside. All of that would have to be done as soon as possible.
You could only imagine what he was going through. It hurt, not being there with him. But you figured he’d have a lot of people around to guide him.
Another day went by and you wondered if you should send a note to him, or express your condolences. But then you refrained from doing so, thinking that maybe he wouldn’t have the time to look at any notes or anything.
You and your family did attend the funeral. And you thought that you would be able to meet Ransom then, but there was too many people and too many things for him to handle. You only caught a glimpse of him before your father said it was time to go home.
Ransom seemed tired, and sleep deprived and broken after losing the only parent he’s ever known. And you wanted nothing more than to just wrap your arms around him and tell him that he’s not alone and that he’s going to be fine.
A few more days went by, and the kingdom was finally starting to get back to normal. However, there was no news about Ransom going around. You didn’t hear from him at all, no one was talking about him because no one even saw him after the funeral.
The only thing you heard was from your mother, who was told by one of the ladies who worked in the castle’s kitchen, that no one had seen him since he retreated into his room after saying his last goodbyes to his father. Your heart hurt when you heard so.
You just prayed he was alright. And you hoped to hear from him soon.
You soon did. Just not in the same way you expected.
A few days later, another messenger from the palace knocked on your door. Your father was home so he answered. You were upstairs but you could hear the frantic voice of the messenger. Not even a minute later, you were called downstairs. You hurried on your way down and the messenger who stood at your front door looked past your father and was visibly relieved the moment he saw you.
You were puzzled.
“My lady, your presence is needed at the castle. The Prince, I mean, the King he- he’s unmanageable. We thought you could help.” He explained, and just from his face you could imagine what ruckus Ransom must be creating out of sadness.
You were worried sick. You turned to look at your father, non-verbally asking for permission to leave and he nodded immediately; ushering you towards the carriage. The horses didn’t stop until you reached the castle gates. And the moment you stepped out of it, you ran inside. All the guards and the knights knew who you were and they knew what you were here for so they cleared your way till Ransom’s bedroom.
You were surprised, because after hearing to what the messenger had to say you thought you’d find Ransom yelling and throwing stuff around and making a mess. But as you approached his bedroom doors, you couldn’t hear a thing. Once you stood outside the doors, you noticed all the guards left quietly, giving you privacy.
For some reasons, you were nervous as you pushed opened the heavy doors and stepped into his room. Mainly because you had never been here before, but also because you didn’t know what Ransom would be like.
You immediately noticed that the spacious room was very warm and stuffy, so maybe he hadn’t opened the windows at all in the past days. You looked around and didn’t find him. It was only when you closed the door behind you that you heard his voice.
“I said I don’t want anyone in here! Get out!” he spat bitterly from the other side of the room. He had his back to you as he stood by the closed window, looking outside. You could see that his hair was a mess.
“Ransom?” you called out, a little scared of his temper now because what if he yells at you as well. Maybe your father had been right, maybe it was best to leave him alone for the time being. But it was too late to turn around now.
Upon hearing your voice, Ransom turned around so quickly that he almost lost his balance. He hadn’t eaten nor slept in days so he wondered if it was really you or just his tired mind messing with him.
“I- I didn’t know it was you, my love.” his voice was much, much softer once he realized it was you. He felt a weight on his chest at the sight of you. He hadn’t realized that he had been yearning to see you these past days. “Come here.” He opened his arms and you ran into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him. “Oh I’ve missed you.” he mumbled into your hair. “Where have you been?” he asked, as though breathless.
You tightened your arms around him and told him the truth. About how your father said it’d be better to let him mourn on his own. And how you thought that you would be a bother if you were to disturb him. But Ransom just pulled away and cupped your face in his hands. “Nonsense. You don’t need anyone’s permission to come see me.” He sounded so broken.
It’s only after having you in his arms did he realize how much he had missed you.
You reached out to cup his face as well, and you had never seen him so weak; physically and emotionally. He looked like a frightened child. “It’s alright. I’m here now.” you reassured him and leaned in to briefly kiss his lips. He didn’t even have the energy to kiss you back properly and that only made your heart ache more.
“You need to shower, and eat while I clean this room.” you said, and he opened his mouth to argue but you shut him up with another kiss. And when you pulled away, he had a faint smile on his face.
 For once, he did listen. You ran him a warm bath, then tidied the room as much as you could in the meantime. Ransom didn’t want to see anyone else so you had to go ask one of the ladies in the kitchen to make him some dinner. Which he only ate half of when it came.
He still seemed visibly sad and stressed out. And you had heard around that Ransom would be crowned King in two days’ time so along with dealing with the death of his father, he was most probably also worried about how he’s going to handle all of this all of a sudden.
He wasn’t as chatty as usual, but he was now much better than the state you found him in. Right now he stood by the window again, it was opened this time. You watched him from not too far as you placed his pillows back on the bed.
Ransom stared outside, holding a glass of wine with a frown on his face. It took you a while to realize that from where he stood, he had a good view of the entire kingdom almost. And he looked like he was lost in thoughts. Not wanting to let him get too carried away by his overthinking, you walked over and wrapped your arms around him from behind then leaned in to kiss his neck.
“Hi.” You mumbled against his skin. And the minute he felt your lips on his skin, he cracked a little smile.
“Hi.” He replied, not as cheery as he’s used to being but better than earlier.  
“What are you thinking about?” you asked, pulling away a little as he turned around and placed the glass down to wrap both his hands around you.
He shrugged. “Just... everything.” He answered. The sun was setting, and the darkening sky made his eyes look as beautiful as ever. Only, they weren’t as lively as they’re used to being.
Ransom realized that the more he stared into your loving eyes, the more his own eyes watered. He felt vulnerable. Normally he hated feeling so, but somehow being vulnerable in your arms was okay. He had never cried in front of anyone, let alone a woman. But this was different, here with you; letting you see his vulnerability was weirdly comforting. And before he knew it, he was tearing up. Just like that, you unmanned him. And he let you.
You surprised when you saw him tearing up. Ransom wrapped his arms around you and pushed his face into the crook of your neck. And he cried. He sobbed like a child while you ran your hands down his back soothingly. Neither of you said a word, you didn’t have to. He was hurting, and seeing him hurt was hurting you.
You just held him there, by the window. Behind him, the sky turned darker and darker with each passing second. The air was starting to get chilly, and that’s when you felt his hot tears against your skin. He wept, like he had never before.
“I can’t do this.” He sniffled, and said in a shaky voice. He didn’t pulled away from your neck, he just stood there, and voicing out the thought that had been haunting him since his father left him so abruptly. He sounded scared more than anything.
You realized he was talking about all that’s coming his way in the near future, “Yes you can. You’ve been trained your whole life for this.” You knew he could, he was just doubting himself out of sadness.
He sniffled again, and more warm tears fell down on your shoulder. “Everyone says I’m too young, and arrogant, and conceited. That I’ll be pathetic and useless as a King. I… I can’t do this.” His words hurt you as much as they hurt him.
“Ransom, no.” you gently pulled his face away from your neck. You cupped his face in your hands and noticed how it fit perfectly in the palm of your hands. You pressed your forehead to his, still holding his face, but you kept your eyes shut. You didn’t have the heart to look at his teary face, but you could tell tears still streamed down his face.
“They don’t know you. Ransom, I know the real you. You’re strong, and intelligent and you will make a just King.” You spoke again, softly.
He sighed, and sniffled. You wiped his tears with your thumbs. “I’m weak, my love.” his voice cracked as he spoke. He was in pain. You were too. You didn’t know you could hurt so much just from watching someone you love go through pain.
“Oh Ransom…” you pulled away to finally look at him. His eyes were red and watery, his tears had dried up but he still looked so broken. His own people didn’t believe in him, you couldn’t imagine how much that must be hurting. “Two days from now you’ll be crowned King. It might not be what you’re used to but you will have to show everyone that you are good. And you will have to earn their trust and respect. This kingdom needs you.”
He nodded at your words. “I can’t do this alone.” He confessed, and added, “I need you. I can’t do this without you.” he sounded like he was pleading you to stay with him.
You reach up to give him a kiss on the forehead. “You’re not alone, Ransom. I’m right here. I’ll always be here.” You whispered and leaned in to give him a kiss. He kissed you back this time, with ardor and all the love he had for you.
He deepened the kiss, tightening his arms around you and pressed you against his body as he walked the two of you backwards. You followed his lead, and it reminded you of the night you met. You didn’t know then, that one day he would mean so much to you.
He didn’t know either, that night you met for the first time, that one day when it would feel like it was him against the world, you would choose to stand beside him, and look him in the eye and tell him he’s not alone anymore. He didn’t know that your one touch would be the balm to all the wounds he had.
Ransom held your face in place and tilted his head just a little; deepening the kiss. He nibbled on your lower lip and shoved his tongue past your lips. Your body tingled in his arms. And soon you felt him lowering you down on his bed, with him hovering just an inch or two above you. His tongue stroked the inside of your warm mouth and Ransom shamelessly moaned into the kiss, at your taste.
Your taste, your scent, the shape of your body and your warmth; it reminded him of comfort. It reminded him of home. Ransom realized in that moment that no matter where he goes, his favorite place would always be right here in your arms.
Ransom pulled you closer, his hand slipping under your dress and resting on your thigh while his other hand cupped your cheek. Your hands slid into his hair naturally and he moaned into the kiss again when you tugged at his roots a little. You had gotten used to his clean shaved face, but he currently had a light stubble and you surprisingly didn’t hate it. His mouth moved perfectly against yours.
His lips momentarily left yours and kissed down your neck, his arm wrapped around your waist and pressing your body against his. He nibbled on the skin at the side of your throat and you were sure he left his marks on your skin, but you didn’t mind.
He pulled away after a while, letting you breathe for a minute. He looked down at you with pink, swollen, parted lips. Slightly breathless, and his eyes showed nothing but love and passion, and a hunger like you had never seen before.
“I love you, more than anything.” He said, sincerely; meaning each word which came out of his mouth.
You smiled up at him, your heart swelling up with the amount of love you had for this beautiful man. “I love you too Ransom, more than anything.”
He didn’t know how else to say it, so Ransom decided that he would just show you how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you. He would make you his.
He smiled down at you and admired you for a moment before he placed his lips back on yours. His hands slowly slipped between you and he undid the buttons at the front of your dress. Once done, he dragged the sleeves down your shoulders, letting your dress bunch around your waist.
He gently touched you wherever he could; letting his hands linger at your breast and taking his sweet time; caressing and kissing your skin. His mouth didn’t leave yours as his hands slipped in between your legs with ease; caressing your inner thighs.
His hand slipped into your underwear with no shame, his knuckles gently stroked your wet folds; making you shiver at his touch. He smiled through the kiss upon feeling just how aroused you were, before he pulled away and kissed down your body.
Slowly, he took of your sensitive nipples in his mouth. He sucked on the soft skin as his teeth applied just the slightest bit of pressure upon the bud. His warm tongue swirling around your nipple had you throwing your head back in pleasure. Your eyes closed as you relished his touch.
He ran his fingers up and down your folds, gathering and smearing your arousal around as he went. Ransom had thought that your first time would be on your wedding night. But now, he knew neither of you could wait any longer. He wanted nothing more than to just have you under him. To please you and make you his. And now here you were, and he wasn’t planning on letting you go until he had fulfilled all his fantasies.
His knuckles rubbed against your wet folds as he smeared the wetness around, making you moan under your breath. Ransom slowly pulled his fingers away from you and placed them against his lips, sinfully licking them clean. He closed his eyes and enjoyed your taste, and when he opened his eyes again; they looked down at you with nothing but pure hunger.
He got you out of your dress and underwear in no time, leaving you naked under him in his bed; against his satin sheets like he had always envisioned ravishing your body. He admired you for a moment, with adoration and lust in his eyes. He believed you were a true work of art. He had been with many women before meeting you, but none of them made his heart race like you did by just looking up into his eyes.
He kissed his way down your body; from your lips all the way down to your hip bones; his lips soft and gentle on your skin. He placed his hands on either one of your thighs and slowly spread your legs further apart and attached his lips to your core without any hesitation.
You moaned out loud as you felt his warm mouth on top of your dripping core. His tongue slipped past your folds and teased your entrance; occasionally flicking your throbbing clit mercilessly. Your hands slid into his hair, and you tugged gently at his roots. Obscene, wet sounds erupted from where his mouth latched on to your core, and the sight was just as sinful; someone so powerful touching you so intimately.
Ransom’s eyes were closed as he focused only on making you whine and whimper under him.
The room was getting darker and darker, but you could see your arousal drenching the lower half of his face as he ate you out relentlessly until you were nothing but a moaning, hot mess, squirming on his majestic bed. The cool satin sheets under you were a complete contrast to how he made you feel; burning hot with desire and hunger. Your heart fluttered each time you looked down at him.
Your body arched off the bed for just a moment, your eyes closing and your head leaning back as you felt a wave of intense pleasure wash over you when his tongue slowly circled around your sensitive clit. The pressure between your legs was building up nicely. So with a few more strokes of his tongue, you let go and gushed out all over his face without any warning.
He chuckled as he watched you arch your back off his bed and squirm under him, your hands tugging at his hair while his tongue lapped up all that you gave him. His tongue catching each and every drop of desire which flowed out of you. He couldn’t get enough of your taste. He licked you clean and kissed your thighs a few more times before finally pulling away, admiring how much of a mess you were; panting, and trembling just with his tongue.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, looking down at you; hopelessly in love.
You blushed as he maintained eye contact; removing the robe he put on after his bath. You bit your lip as you took in his glorious body. He smirked when he saw you checking him out. He climbed on top of you again; placing his mouth on yours. Your lips moved perfectly against each other’s. You sighed in delight as he deepened the kiss by stroking the top of your mouth with his tongue, and you were on the edge just by his kiss.
His hands roamed your body shamelessly, touching you wherever he could. “You’re mine.” he whispered softly against your lips as he settled in between your legs. He touched you like he was memorizing the shape of your figure. He finally cupped your core again and rubbed the sensitive skin around your swollen clit; making you shudder under him and whine into the kiss.
Ransom placed his mouth on top of yours again, to swallow the winces which came out of you as he pushed his length into your tight entrance. “Tell me if it hurts, my love.” His breathing got shallow again as he pushed himself fully into you. He lifted his head and watched you frowning as his cock filled you up and stretched you out.
You moaned out loud as he did. He grunted once he filled you up entirely, and he gave you a couple of seconds to adjust. The way you wrapped around him so perfectly made him want to stop time and spend forever here with you; connected to you.
You were so full of his thick cock that even forming a proper thought seemed impossible at the moment. You shuddered as you felt all of him. His lips found yours again, attempting to get you to stay quiet while he rolled his hips against yours.  
You whimpered as he slowly slipped out of you completely, before slamming back into you slightly harder. He groaned at the feel of your walls wrapped around him, squeezing and clenching around him.
You heard him panting and swearing under his breath as he rocked into you. Your nails sank into his skin, around his shoulders; which you held onto for dear life as he pounded into you. He kissed your face; all over. He seemed to be compensating for the sweet pain he was causing you. You hooked your legs around his waist as his thrusts got rougher than the last. You were a moaning mess under him as your hands gripped his arms and shoulder.
You tried matching his thrusts but were unable to; so you simply let go. Your body moved against his like a rag doll. Like a toy for him to use. All his.
“I love you.” he whispered.
He kissed you, bit your skin, kissed your open mouth while he rammed into you; and you never complained once. Given his size, he stretched you out completely. And it did hurt, but the pleasure compensated for the pain.
Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around his waist. This allowed him to thrust deeper into you, and in the daze he was in, he managed to mumble right in your ear about how good you felt. Ransom growled and bit down on your shoulder to keep himself from making any loud noises while he fucked you. He was relentless, as though each moan, each mewl which left your lips only encouraged him to get more and more rough.
“I love you so much,” he whispered in your ear, groaning as you tried to meet each one of his thrusts as well. He slammed into you, his hands travelling all over your body, until one of them wrapped around your throat. He fucked you relentlessly, watching how your face morphed into frowns of pleasure.
Your body shook against him, your legs felt numb as he relentlessly slammed into you. Ransom slid his hand in between your connected bodies and furiously rubbed your clit, earning a loud moan out of you.  The pressure at your core became too much to handle, and you craved for release. He took your bottom lip between his teeth again.
“Not yet, sweetheart. Hold it, wait…” He mumbled against your mouth before he pulled out of you, leaving you on the edge and whining at the denial. His hands found your waist again as he flipped you over; with you now lying on your stomach with your ass up in the air. You were still breathless but he wasn’t quite done with you yet.
He rubbed the tip of his member along your folds again; coating his length with your cum as he rubbed your clit and wet folds with his tip, he glided his cock in between your wet folds at a pace so painfully slow that you felt like you were slowly collapsing into insanity.  
He pushed into you again, from behind. And he began moving in and out of you again; finding a pace which was both comfortable and pleasurable.
Ransom’s hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm of his hand against your lower abdomen. He liked the wave of excitement which coursed through him each time he felt himself thrusting deep within you. He kept slamming in and out of you continuously, moaning and grunting in the process. Your eyes watered as the pleasure became too much to handle; and you felt the pressure forming again.
You felt your vision becoming blurrier with each passing second. Your squirmed in pleasure as both his hands gripped your hips, pushing you into him harshly each time he filled you up. The sweet, familiar pain formed again, and you came without any warning; gushing out all over him as he kept slamming into you, chasing his own orgasm as your walls clenched around him, squeezing him.
Ransom came with a loud moan, finally releasing his tight grip on your hips as he filled you up with his warm cum. You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, so you collapsed onto his bed. He followed, and laid beside you, pulling your worn out body close to his. He rolled over and pulled you into his side, tucking your head under his chin.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, reaching out and caressing your cheek with the back of his knuckles.
You smiled at him, already feeling your body would be sore the next day. “No.” you whispered and reached out to touch his face softly as well.
He turned and laid on his side, pulling the covers over both of your naked bodies. You turned to your side as well, facing him. Ransom looked much more relaxed now, than when you first came into his room earlier this evening.
“Stay with me.” He murmured, scooting closer and wrapping an arm around you.
“Always.” You replied and snuggled up to him; already feeling a bit sleepy and worn-out.
He smiled and held you close under the covers. You basked in his body heat, and he in yours. And for a while, all his worries were gone. Ransom felt happy and content with you beside him. And he hadn’t felt that way in a long time.
“You’re all I have now.” he said, realizing just how much you mean to him. His words hit you like a harsh wave. He sounded so vulnerable for a moment, then he added, “So don’t you dare leave me.” He said in a lighter tone.
You giggled and looked up at him. He looked down at you with those ocean blue eyes you were so in love with. “Oh I wouldn’t dare,” you said; paused then added, “My King.”
Surprisingly, he smirked when he heard it. He used to think that the title would be a bit much. But hearing it from your lips didn’t sound so bad. It was definitely something he could get used to. He was lost in his thoughts for a while, thinking about all that’s coming his way so fast. And how a few hours ago, it all seemed too much to bear. But now, here with you, he felt like he was strong enough to handle any type of burden, and live up to any expectation.
He felt strong, and loved. Most importantly, he believed in himself. He believed that he could indeed be a good and just King, and earn the trust and respect of his people. He believed in himself because you believe in him.
“Thank you, my love. For believing in me and-,” he cut himself off as he looked down to see that you were already asleep; your head on his chest, arm thrown over his chest and your warm puffs of air hitting his chest.
Ransom smiled and kissed the top of your head. “I love you so much. And I promise you, I will be good. I will be the man you need me to be. And I will do it all for you.” he whispered against your hair and gave you one last kiss before he drifted off to sleep as well.
Ransom hoped for a better, kinder future as he fell asleep with you in his arms.
Taste Of Your Lips tag list:
@fleeingdawn-blog1 @suzieqsez @grounderxbellamy​ @kakakatey @randomsevans @jennmurawski13 @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @tanyam93 @lemonadygirl 
Everything Tag List:
@thinkaboutmara @agusdoti 
Chris Tag List:
@i-stan-my-captains @imboredat2am
Permanent Tag List:
@lilliannaansalla @obiwanownsmyass @un-viaje-en-las-estrellas @aikeia
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halpertstuna · 4 years
must have been the wind - jj maybank
A/N: this imagine is inspired by the song “must have been the wind” by alec benjamin. i wrote this imagine listening to the slowed version of the song. i highly recommend you listen to it whilst/before/after reading this(:
pairing: jj x reader
word count: 2,874
warnings: mentions of domestic violence, some angst, some fluff, ya know, all that jazz. and probably typos (this isn’t really edited, pls forgive me)
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @jjbanks )
It was 1:28AM, you gazed out the window of the moving car, your elbow was placed on the door panel whilst your head rested in the palm of your hand, the dark navy blue moonlit water in the ocean outside was being reflected in your eyes.
You were currently sat in the backseat of a white Honda lost in your thoughts. Your dad got transferred to North Carolina due to him getting a promotion at work, which was a big deal, especially since your mum wasn’t working and so he jumped on the opportunity right away, moving the two of you with him.
Obviously you were happy for him, but you were also kind of glum since it meant packing up your entire life back in Miami and leaving all of your friends behind with everything else that was familiar, warm and felt like home.
You were being pulled out of your thoughts by the car coming to a stop.
You exited the car taking your bag and suitcase with you to the front porch, then retuned to help your exhausted parents with theirs, once you acknowledged they were struggling to keep their eyes open.
The movers were supposed to come in the morning at about 8AM to unload the rest of your belongings.
You had entered the house and your dad lead you to your room, your mum following not far behind, not wanting to be alone in the foreign, empty house.
You set your bags down next to the bedroom door and kissed both your parents goodnight. They went to their room shortly after and fell into a deep asleep right away.
You changed into pyjamas and laid down in bed staring at the ceiling, you were tired but you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep.
After about an hour of just gazing at the fan spinning above your head, your eyes started to flutter shut, and just as you were about to drift off to sleep the sound of glass shattering startled you, making your heart race as the sound echoed through your ears.
You jumped out of bed and ran to your parents room worried, only to find out they were fast asleep.
Where did the sound come from then? And how come your parents didn’t hear anything? Is the tiredness starting to affect your hearing? Did you just imagine it?
You walked back to your room confused and curious as to where the sound came from.
you laid back in bed and quickly fell asleep assuming what you heard was caused by your sleep deprived state, your ears playing tricks on you.
You managed to fall asleep pretty quickly but you were pulled out of your dreams by the sound of two male voices, screaming at the top of their lungs, shooting at each other vitriolic comments.
Now you were sure, you weren’t just imagining it earlier.
You walked towards your bedroom window, peeking out in hopes of seeing something, anything that could give you a clue to whatever the hell is going on at almost four in the morning.
After about five minutes of hearing despicable words roll off someone’s tongue, muffled by the walls yet clear as day the second you let them sink in, you decided to go back to sleep since it’s really not your place, and just as you were about to walk back to your bed, you noticed a tall figure exit the house in a hurry while someone from behind it kept roaring in a resentful tone vile words.
You quickly turned your attention back to the view your window had to offer, watching as what looked like a teenage boy, put a helmet on his disheveled hair, get on a bike and ride off.
And with that, the noise stopped.
You were stood by your window as the quiet night swallowed you whole, the only sound audible now was your breathing.
You laid back in your bed taking in what you had just witnessed.
Who was that boy? Who was the mysterious, scary voice behind the door? why was he yelling such dreadful things at him? And what more was he capable of?
The questions were endless, they haunted your thoughts, knowing you had to find out what was going on, if that boy was okay.
You dozed off not long after, given the fact that you were after a flight and it was really late.
The next morning you were woken up by the rays of sunlight breaking through the glass of your window, resting on your closed eyelids. The realisation that you forgot to shut the curtains last night before you went to bed suddenly hitting you.
It was almost eight. You let out a loud groan and flipped so you were facing the wall, desperate for more sleep.
You barely had time to even try before your mum knocked on your door, your eyes fluttered open, she smiled at you greeting you good morning.
You let out a sigh and sat up, mumbling under your breath “it could be better”.
You got up and brushed your teeth, then went back to your room to get changed. You wore blue jean shorts, a black oversized band tee and white slip-on vans.
you entered the kitchen and noticed your dad making coffee, he handed you a mug filled with the warm liquid, you quickly drank it and set the mug down in the sink, realising he had started unpacking the “fragile - kitchen” box, meaning the mover’s loading truck was already outside.
You got out of the hous and your dad followed, your mum was already helping with the boxes and the two of you joined her and the movers helping them unload the truck.
It was almost nine and you were down to your last boxes, when you heard what sounded like the engine of a motorcycle.
Your head shot in the direction of the house next to yours as you noticed the same bike from yesterday come to a stop at the front porch, a blonde mop of hair was the first thing you noticed once the boy took off the helmet he had on, running his fingers through his hair.
He started making his way into the house, not giving you a single look.
When you finished unloading and unpacking your parents asked you to take out the trash.
You held two big, black garbage bags in your petite hands and started making your way to the bin.
You threw the content in, and just as you turned around the boy exited his house.
The two of you made eye contact and you offered him a kind smile which he mirrored without hesitation.
You started walking towards your house but stopped in your tracks at the memories of last night.
He was sat on his doorstep, a juul in his hand, as he hit it repeatedly.
You started walking towards him.
“Hey” he greeted sending you a smirk.
“Hi” you replied grinning.
As you got closer to him, you were met with the prettiest pair of blue eyes you’d ever seen.
“I’m JJ” he introduced himself taking another hit
“I’m Y/N, I’m new here” you stated suddenly shy under his gaze, taking in how attractive he is from up close.
“Yeah, i kinda figured, I saw the truck here earlier, plus I’ve never seen you around before” he affirmed
You nodded, a comfortable silence fell upon you two.
You were looking him up and down, he was wearing a grey tank top that revived his biceps and kaki shorts with a pair of black boots.
You then looked at the juul he was holding and noticed his knuckles looked slightly bruised, painted in this violet colour. You studied his features slowly before breaking the silence.
“Hey, um I actually wanted to ask you a question” He looked up at you signalling you to continue. “Last night, when I was trying to sleep, I heard glass shattering and other noises, d- did you hear anything?” He averted his gaze from you to the dock in front of him shaking his head no.
You knew he was lying. But you didn’t push him any further, knowing that if he wanted to talk about it he would.
You quickly changed the subject which he was highly grateful for.
The two of you sat there talking for a few hours, you told him about your life back home and he told you about the pogues, the two of you found out you actually have a lot in common, you share the same love for the ocean and surfing, you both would do anything for your loved ones and you both want to travel the world and explore it.
You didn’t know how long you’ve been sat with JJ, talking, until the two of you noticed the sun starting to set in the horizon, painting the sky in the most beautiful shades of yellowish-red slowly followed by shades of violet and blue.
You darted your gaze over to JJ, only to discover his was already on you. You smiled up at him, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, you whispered a “hi” to which he chuckled and shook his head, smiling at how cute he found your softness.
And for the first time since you moved, you felt welcome. And even though it started getting chilly, you felt warm inside, thanks to the humorous boy beside you.
You could hear your name being called from inside the house, telling you dinner’s ready.
You bid your goodbyes and walked back to your house.
You ate dinner with your family then went to bed, this time falling asleep easily since you were exhausted from that day.
At about two in the morning, you had to pee, so you walked to the bathroom half asleep but were quickly snapped back to reality when you heard “I’ll fucking kill you!” bawled with rage.
Your eyes were shot open at the sound of that and you started freaking out a bit. You were really worried but you didn’t want to stick your nose where it didn’t belong, so you decided to let it go.
When you laid back in bed you heard someone ignite a motorcycle and take off, you assumed it was JJ, and again, with that, just like the night before, the noise stopped.
The next day you didn’t see him. You were worried something might have happened but you reassured yourself, assuming he was probably with the pogues. That day was dedicated to helping your parents unpack furniture, cutlery etc.
You went to sleep pretty early given you were in desperate need of it.
You were abruptly woken up by the sound of loud thuds and the words “worthless piece of shit” ringing in your ears as they were being yelled at someone.
You quickly got up and looked out your window, you were concerned about JJ’s well being, assuming he got back home while you were sleeping.
This time you just couldn’t shake the feeling something’s seriously wrong, with that you slipped on your shoes and quickly ran to his house in a panic.
You knocked on the door firmly.
Once it was swung open and you were met with the same pair of blue eyes you saw yesterday, but this time with a bruise under one and a cut under the other.
His eyes softened at the sight of your worried state and you drank him in, searching his face for more bruises.
“What the hell is going on?” you asked now angry “what’s all that noise?!”
JJ looked at you then down at his feet and said “I wish I could tell you but I didn’t hear anything” you were taken aback by his words.
You knew he was playing dumb, and usually you won’t want to intrude but you were far too worried about him.
“Are you serious?” You asked him with wide eyes. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. It must’ve been the wind.” you were dumbfounded by his statement, speechless.
“Thanks for caring, but I have to go back inside, good night.” Your eyes swam with concern as he closed the door. You walked back to your house not wanting to pressure him any further into talking about it since he looked like he was on the verge of breaking.
The next day you went to the beach with your surfboard. You ran into the water, eager to catch some waves when you were met with none other than the “surfing legend” himself, as he liked to say, JJ Maybank.
He was on his surfboard riding a wave as you watched in awe.
Once he saw you he started paddling on his board in your direction.
“Well hello there, how are you enjoying the waters of the Outer Banks so far?” he greeted authoritatively and you giggled at that. “I actually just got here, didn’t really get the chance to ride any waves. But I can’t say the same about you. You’re really good” you commented and a grin spread across his face. “Thanks” he replied.
He sat straddling his surfboard and as he got closer you noticed a giant bruise on his stomach, you gasped at the sight, he didn’t understand at first, then followed your gaze. “What happened?” You asked faintly, reaching out and tenderly tracing the bruise with your fingertips. “It’s nothing,” he scoffed “you should see the other guy” he chuckled awkwardly, but you weren’t buying it.
“I get it if you don’t want to talk about it,” you started “but just know my door is always open, you can come whenever you’d like for as long as you desire if you ever need a friend” he shot you a watery smile at that invitation and a comforting silence fell upon the two of you.
You broke it by saying “I bet I can catch that wave before you Maybank!” Then started steering away towards the giant wave that was heading your way, “Oh! Bring it on Y/L/N!” He retorted following not far behind.
That day was fun for the both of you, sun, surf and no worries.
When you got home you took a shower and put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a white oversized shirt.
It was getting late and you were beat from surfing and being in the sun all day, you had no trouble drowsing off.
You were sound asleep until you were alarmed by the sound of knocking on your window. You shifted the blanket off your body and got up, your warm feet made contact with the cold wooden floor, waking you up a bit as you approached your window.
You rubbed your eyes trying to make out the face of the blurry figure on the other side of the glass. You quickly picked up that it was JJ and opened the window, letting him climb in.
He didn’t need to say anything, knowing you already knew why he was there. You turned on the the table lamp, then noticed he had a busted lip, and a fresh cut on his cheek.
You were quick to wrap him in your embrace, hugging him dangerously close. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and started crying, tears slid down his cheeks, making the collar of your shirt wet and see through, but you didn’t care. He buried his face in your chest and you held him as tight as possible until he managed to steady his breathing.
You held his hand and intertwined your fingers, leading him to the bathroom without a single word being passed between the two of you. You signaled him to sit in the counter and he obeyed. You started cleaning up his bruises and cuts, bandaging what you could.
After you finished you told him to go back to your room. You went to the kitchen and quickly returned, plopping down on the bed beside him, handing him ice cream, knowing it’s the most comforting thing you could give, other than a hug which followed the deed.
You put on “Iron Man”, trying to lighten the mood with Tony Stark’s humour.
As the credits rolled he opened his mouth “I’m sorry,” he mumbled “for bothering you like this it’s just- I mean- I-“ you cut him off by caressing his cheek with your hand, he leaned into your touch. “It’s okay.” you cooed, a single tear slid down his cheek and you wiped it away with your thumb, smiling weakly at him “We don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready, and until you are, we can say ‘it must have been the wind’” you quoted what he’d told you the other day, gaining a smile from him, a real smile, eyes full of adoration.
You pulled the blanket on the two of you up to your chin.
You shut off the light and muttered a “Good night” before drifting off.
He kissed your forehead, lingering for a bit longer than he should’ve.
He murmured a good night before falling asleep as well beside you.
319 notes · View notes
cyhyr · 3 years
Summer of Whump Day 22: Sensory Deprivation
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: E
Pairing: Mizuki/Umino Iruka
WC: ~1440
Warnings: Rape/Non-con; Dubious consent; gaslighting (?)
Notes: Gagging, blindfolds, handcuffs. Domestic Violence. Gender-neutral terminology for Iruka's genitalia within the narrative. Hurt/No Comfort (kinda). Name-calling/slurs.
A/N: Can Mizuki have his own Warning? He should come with a warning. This is not a nice fic. It starts off bad and gets worse.
A/N 2: Combo with my Bad Things Happen Bingo Board square: Grabbed by the Hair
Mizuki has his hands on Iruka’s shoulders the minute he’s home, pulling him in for a welcome home kiss. Iruka kisses back with as much energy as he can muster, but the run home from that mission had drained him and he’s just so tired.
“I’ve been waiting,” Mizuki murmurs against his mouth. “Very patiently.”
“Not now,” Iruka pleads. “I need a solid eight hours of sleep first, but then I’m all yours, okay?”
“What? But I waited for you.”
“I know, and I appreciate your patience but I just—”
“I don’t want your appreciation,” Mizuki sneers, shutting his hand around Iruka’s neck and pressing him back against the wall at his back. “I want your hole. You said when you left, as soon as you’re back I could fuck you.”
Iruka swallows against the hand on his neck, forcing himself to keep his arms at his side. “Don’t you want me to be able to help you feel good? I need to sleep first, I wanna be at my best for you.”
“Fuck that, I don’t need your best.” Mizuki takes hold of his hair and drags him down, forcing Iruka to bend over or risk pulling his hair out by the fistful. He cries out softly; Mizuki scoffs back at him and starts leading him to the bedroom by his hair.
“Please, please, I can’t—stop it, Mizuki—not tonight please—it hurts, gods stop you’re hurting me—”
Mizuki throws him through the doorway and Iruka stumbles in and falls to his hands and knees in front of the bed. He drops his head between his shoulders and holds back tears. Mizuki doesn’t like it when he cries.
Mizuki moves around the room behind him. Iruka doesn’t dare move. He breathes deeply, trying to find a calm. If this is going to happen, he may as well enjoy it.
“Ah—!” Iruka is pulled up off his hands by a hand in his hair and while his mouth is open in his cry, Mizuki slips a ball gag between his teeth and buckles it behind his head. The correct response would be to moan appreciatively, Iruka knows, but his moan when he releases it sounds more strained and worried and he knows Mizuki can tell the difference.
Then his hitai-ate is removed and a heavier cloth is tied around his head. Mizuki is methodical in removing his clothes, and Iruka is grateful that he didn’t just cut them off this time. He takes a set of cuffs out of their box and pulls Iruka’s wrists behind his back, and then his wrists being chained together at the small of his back begins to stretch and strain his shoulders. Mizuki didn’t take care to let Iruka find a position he can hold before binding him; he usually does. Iruka holds back a tear threatening to escape, sniffs hard instead.
Iruka really angered him this time.
“I’ll have you when I want to, understand?” Mizuki asks once he’s done. He tips Iruka’s chin up so he can look at him. He doesn’t want an answer, and Iruka knows better now and so doesn’t try to give him one.
If he’d wanted a response, he’d have left Iruka ungagged.
“You are going to be alone for awhile, just like you wanted,” Mizuki's lip curls. “And when I think you’ve learned not to go back on your promises, I’ll come back for you and fuck you like you deserve.”
Iruka loses control of the tear. It slips down his cheek. He’s done this to himself—
“Fucking pussy,” Mizuki pushes the heavy cloth over his eyes and taps him on the forehead, a signal to sit back on his heels.
It’s dark, his shoulders ache from being pulled back, and his lips are stretched out around the ball gag, spit already dripping out of the sides of his mouth. Iruka can do nothing but wait until Mizuki comes back.
And then a paper tag is pressed against his chest and Iruka chokes—he wouldn’t, they’re in a civilian quarter, an exploding tag could—
“You have your uses,” Mizuki admits dryly. “Like these tags you made for us, so I can get you screaming and the neighbors won’t notice. I wonder what happens if it’s activated on a person, instead of a bedroom.”
Iruka trembles. It’s chilly in the room, naked and exposed.
The tag activates.
And Iruka is left blinded, silenced, still… and deafened.
He sobs through the gag; he can’t hear his own cries and it makes him cry harder. He can’t hear Mizuki’s footsteps around the room anymore. And he’s not secure in using the echolocation-chakra technique he’s been developing. If Mizuki notices him using chakra right now, he’ll find a way to make this punishment worse.
He should have just let Mizuki fuck him. He would have slept great after a good, hard fuck.
Iruka waits for Mizuki to come back. He always comes back.
Iruka drifts into something close to sleep, his chin disgusting with spit and the blindfold heavier with his tears.
He’s woken up by a hand pulling his hair back, exposing the line of his throat. He whines, feeling the vibrations in his teeth. The paper tag is peeled away from his chest and he can hear again. The crying starts anew, this time from relief.
The gag is unbuckled and yanked from his mouth. He gasps, licks his lips, and begins to babble.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I should have let you—I didn’t keep my promise and I’m sorry please don’t—”
“Fuck, shut up or I’ll gag you again.”
Iruka shuts his mouth. It hurts his jaw to do so, but he has to make Mizuki happy. He’d do anything to make Mizuki happy.
“Now, I think you’ve learned your lesson?”
Iruka nods.
“And you won’t deny me your body ever again, will you?”
Iruka vehemently shakes his head.
“Aww, baby, I know. It sucks when you have to be punished. And you know I hate to do it.” He can hear Mizuki’s zipper being pulled down, and then the smell of Mizuki's musk is right in front of his nose.
“I’ll let you decide how I finish your punishment. You want my cock on your tongue, or in your hole?”
There’s a right and wrong answer here, Iruka knows. And even though he loves blowing Mizuki… he’d wanted something specific.
Iruka shuffles back a little, and then leans forward in a crunch to put his forehead on the floor, raising his hips at the same time. He relaxes his shoulders as best he can; his wrists still bound at the small of his back make it difficult. He flexes, pushes his knees apart, and tries his best to hide the tears in his voice as he says, “Fuck me, please, Mizuki.”
The first touch of a finger to his hole, the first soft touch he’s had in hours, makes him sigh and moan.
“Very good,” Mizuki purrs.
He chose right.
Iruka listens while Mizuki jerks himself off behind him, feeling embarrassed and also strangely flattered that he’s being used like this. Mizuki touches him with his other hand, one probing finger in his hole. The heat from his blush warms his whole face. Mizuki’s dick finally slides into him and it feels so good to feel after hours of sensory deprivation that he moans, loud and depraved.
“Fucking whore. Always such a slut for my cock.”
Mizuki comes inside him. It hurts—it’s wonderful—it’s terrible—he feels so loved—
He pulls out and goes away. Cum drips out of him and down his legs. Mizuki hasn’t told him he’s done; Iruka shouldn’t move. He doesn’t.
Mizuki pulls Iruka upright and takes the blindfold off. The light in the room stings, but he blinks away the pain and revels in Mizuki’s gentle hands stroking his cheeks. “Now, next time I wanna have sex, you just get naked and have fun with me, hmm? And then we don’t have to put you in time-out like a child. I hate when you make me do things like this, Iruka; I know you can be good. Will you be good next time?”
Iruka nods, over and over until Mizuki grabs his hair again and stops him. He pulls Iruka over to the bedside and has him kneel before him. Iruka’s confused—why hasn’t Mizuki released his hands yet?
And then Mizuki puts the gag back in his mouth and Iruka resists the urge to cry again. He’s allowed to lay his head in Mizuki’s lap, and Mizuki runs his fingers through Iruka’s hair, plays with his stretched out lips.
His punishment must not be over. He deserves this.
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The Story of Their Lives (Lt. Aldo Raine)
Requested by: @tealaquinn
Summary: The story of Lt. Aldo Raine and Sgt. Y/N Y/L/N.
Prompts: 9 - Don't you touch her. & 12 - No one would hurt you again, or I'd kill them. & 21 - I wanna see how you lose control. & 24 - He's a badass with a good heart. & 39 - Kiss me. & 93 - You make me feel... you make me feel.
Author's Note: This is damn long so I really hope you like it! Also there are some parts in Italian so I'd like you to know, I've never learnt this language so there might be some mistakes. Feel free to send request or let me know if you wanna be tagged in these ♡
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @radiantcade @meteora-fc @kyra3155 @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @im-in-love-with-queen
Y/N and Aldo never showed some kind of an affection towards each other. They respected, trusted, appreciated the other one but these traits were common among the Basterds.
It seemed so innocent at first, almost like a teasing and none of the Jewish American soldiers expected to become it something more.
They met at the very beginning of the Basterd's missions. Y/N was a french spy, a very famous one so she obviously got their attention since they'd gotten to France.
The Basterds recruited her in a bar and she immediately became one of them. Y/N fit within the group perfectly, like she was always destined to be a Basterd.
After the third successful mission, they decided to stay the night in a local resistance hotel to relax and prepare for another action. Everyone went to their beds as soon as they could but Donny persuaded Y/N and Aldo to gamble a little before the sleep. 
"C'mon, just one game!" Donny pleaded. It didn't take much and the trio was sitting around a table playing their fifth game.
"I thought you're better at poker, Lieutenant." Y/N laughed as she grabbed another money she won.
"Shut up, Sergeant. I just am a bit lenient with ya, that's all." Aldo fought back, trying to cover the fact he's worse with cards than Hugo trying to actually smile for once. 
"Show me what you got, Lieutenant. I wanna see how you lose control." she winked at him and dealt the cards.
Something changed in Aldo this evening. At first, Y/N was just another soldier sticking up for her country trying to end the war. But now he saw her in a totally different light.
He noticed what colour her eyes have, how she always ties her hair in a braid. 
He noticed how her cheeks blushed when he praises her after a good work.
He noticed how she scrunches her nose when she disagrees with someone. 
All those little things were filling his head. Aldo was so full of it. It was during the other mission when he completely understood his feelings.
One moment and his whole world flipped. 
Aldo was so angry with himself that he missed such an important thing.
Like a gun. 
The German soldier was just kneeling in front of Aldo when he reached in his pocket. It all happened so quickly then.
The German pulled out a gun and with one last defiance he pulled the trigger. But it wasn't Aldo who got hit. 
It was the woman behind him.
Aldo was like deprived of his senses. He threw away the piece of bread he was eating and jumped at the German. If Wicki didn't pulled him back, Aldo would probably beat the guy to death.
And that was Donny's speciality.
"Don't you fuckin' touch her! Or look at her!" Aldo shouted hitting his face with his fist one more time.
Y/N was so taken away by his behaviour, not really sure where the anger got from.
"What the hell, Lieutenant?" she frowned, "it's just a goddamn scratch on my arm. The bullet didn't even hit me properly." 
Aldo froze whereas Donny and Hugo looked at each other with knowing smiles. They finally realised what was going on.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he tried to brush it off, gesturing to the Basterds to continue with the scalping. "It's fuckin' bleedin' a lot!"
"It's fine. Nothing too serious, Lieutenant." Y/N replied.
Aldo just shook his head as he took off his scarf and tied it around the wound. "No one would hurt ya again, or I'd kill 'em."
The Basterds got ordered to rest a bit because there was a big mission on its way. They didn't know what it was but they all welcomed a full night sleep.
But Y/N didn't feel like going to bed. Instead, she took her cigarettes and sat at the balcony of the apartment they got settled in.
It was a chilly night but she didn't mind. She actually liked cold more than heat.
"Aldo seems a bit off lately." Donny's voice broke the silence as he positioned himself next to her.
"What you mean?" she asked offering him a cigarette which he gladly accepted. 
"Remember how he beated up the German officer two weeks ago? I've never seen him like that."
"Oh Donny. He's just a badass with a good heart. I assure you, Aldo's just fine."
Donny shrugged but didn't say anything. This wasn't his secret to tell even though the change in Aldo's behaviour towards her was so damn obvious. 
Donowitz glanced at Y/N smiling a bit. He understood why Aldo fell for the female Basterd. 
Bridget von Hammersmark was laying in front of them with a bullet in her leg while Hugo, Archie and Wicki were dead.
Y/N was standing in the corner of the room, lost in her thoughts, mourning for her lost friends. She knew something like that had to happen but she also believed in Basterds and part of her thought that they'll all come back home one day.
Y/N wasn't able to look at the actress anymore. She quickly left the room not looking at anyone while she lighted her cigarette. It'd been becoming too much to handle for her.
"Are you alright?" Aldo frowned as he walked towards her. "You still in?"
She laughed sarcastically at his question sheaking her head. "Yeah, of course, business. I'm in, Lieutenant."
"I didn't mean in like that and ya know it."
"Yeah, sorry. It's just-"
"I know, Sergeant. This whole event got me thinkin'. I gotta tell you something."
Y/N threw away her cigarette as she looked directly at him. She wasn't sure if it was the light or the sentiment, but Aldo's eyes never seemed so beautiful to her like they did in that moment. 
"The truth is," Raine began as he stepped closer, "you make me feel... you make me feel, Sergeant."
When Y/N stepped into the room in a black plain tight dress, the conversation between the Basterds immediately stopped. They'd never seen her in anything but in uniform or the civilian clothes. Donny dropped the glass of whiskey he was drinking, Hugo's knife fell on the ground with a loud crash, Omar and Wicki stayed there with their mouths wide opened, Archie Hicox smirked and Aldo, Aldo was taken away and wasn't able to get out a word.
"Please, gentlemen! This is how you welcome a beautiful woman? She looks magnificent!" Bridget von Hammersmark exclaimed gesturing towards Y/N.
"It's so uncomfortable," Y/N frowned and tried to adjust the dress a little, "and so impractical." 
"I think it's perfect." Aldo breathed out and Bridget smiled in satisfaction.
Y/N truly looked like a completely new person. And Aldo's feelings mixed once again. She was so special to him, like water is special to desert. His life was dry without an excitment. She was the water that refreshed him after a long time of loneliness.
Bridget, Aldo, Y/N, Donny and Omar stepped into the small local cinema, already so full of Nazi officers.
"It makes me sick." Y/N snorted as she looked around on the German uniforms. "I have two knives and a gun and I'm not afraid to use them right now."
Aldo laughed next to her and gallantly put his hand on her hip pulling her closely to him.
"Just relax, darlin'. We'll do that later." Aldo winked at her, not letting her go for a moment.
Bridget suddenly seemed like she'd seen a ghost. An older man approached their little group and Y/N immediately understood with whom they have the honor.
Bridget and Hans Landa shared a short conversation before they turned to them. Hammersmark formally introduced the Basterds and Y/N flinched a little under the German's look. Aldo noticed right away her change of attitude and stroked her hip gently.
"Sei assolutamente incredibile, signorina! Ho notato che molti ufficiali hanno voltato la testa dopo di te." (You look absolutely stunning, miss! I noticed that many officers turned their head after you.) Hans Landa grinned and Y/N thought it was the most disgusting thing ever.
"Grazie mille signore. Sono sicuro che stai esagerando." (Thank you very much, sir. I'm sure you're exaggerating.) Y/N faked a smile and clenched her hand in fist to remain calm.
All of the Basterds with Bridget jerked their heads towards her. Her fluent Italian took them away as well as Landa.
"Quanto amo la lingua italiana! E dalla bocca di una donna così bella, è una musica per le mie orecchie." (How I love the Italian language! And from the mouth of such a beautiful lady, it's a music for my ears.)
"Mi stai adulando, signor Landa. Non hai un brutto aspetto." (You're flattering me, Mr Landa. You don't look so bad yourself.) Y/N felt like vomitting any next second. 
Aldo had enough of Landa's fake attitude, especially how Y/N looked so stressed and angry. He decided he has to step in or she won't hold herself back. Aldo recalled the one sentence he learnt yesterday, just in case he'd need to interrupt a moment in a formal way. This was the time.
"Baciami, adesso." (Kiss me, right now.) he stated and pulled Y/N even closer than before. She didn't manage to prostest or ask a quick question and their lips touched. She returned the kiss immediately and ran her fingers through his hair.
Until someone coughed.
They pulled apart from each other, Aldo smiling widely like a winner and Y/N blushing harder than ever.
"Ci scusi signore. Il mio ragazzo qui è un tipo appassionato. Devi perdonarlo." (Excuse us, sir. My boyfriend here is the passionate kind. You must forgive him.) Y/N stuttered and but looked directly at Landa.
Operation Kino was over and it was now only her, Aldo and Utivich. They lost everybody along the way. They stood together side by side through everything. They'd become something stronger than family, friends, lovers. They faced death together and nothing could break the bond they'd created over the years. It was time to go home.
Y/N stood on the ship that was taking the Basterds, or what was left of them, home. The wind was dancing on her hair whispering secrets in her ears.
"I never thought I'd make it back home." Aldo Raine appeared next to her with a cigarette between his lips.
"None of us thought so, Lieutenant." she nodded, "but the difference is, we were wrong. Not them."
"Smart as always." Aldo grinned as he turned to her. "You should stop calling me Lieutenant. The war's over."
Y/N giggled at his statement and he could swear he'd never heard something so melodic, something so right. 
"It kinda sticked with you, Lieutenant."
Aldo didn't answer, instead he threw away the cigarette and took some deep breaths. He needed whiskey, or anything else that would give him at least a bit of courage.
Aldo Raine fought in war, he saw his friends die, he was broken by everything he saw and still, asking Y/N a simple question seemed harder than surviving the bloodshed.
"Spill it out, Lieutenant." she laughed as she glanced at him. 
"I hate how ya always do that. But here it goes," Aldo replied, "I've never been good at this so I'll just keep it short."
He stopped for a moment and stared at the woman in front of him. As he stepped closer, his heart was already racing like it'd never before.
"Why don't ya come to the States with me? We can buy some little house in the Smoky Mountains and live there for the rest of our fuckin' lives." Aldo confessed in his Raine kind of way, looking at her with so much hope in his eyes. 
"Is this some kind of your proposal?" Y/N chuckled as she intertwined her fingers with his.
"I thought you'd never ask! Of course I'll come with you! You're everything I have, Aldo." 
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aster-aspera · 4 years
One love, one house
CW: food mention, loads of fluff
Relationships: romantic DLAMP
Chapter title is from sweater weather by the neighbourhood
read on ao3
Masterlist for my superhero AU
Patton loved his roommate, he really did, but he was just a little eccentric. Patton could deal with the sneaking in at hellish hours in the early morning, and the mud he tracked into the appartement and the faint smell of antiseptic and blood that was always present in their bathroom.
He could even deal with his roommate occasionally forgetting his tasks or even disappearing for days on end.
But this was just unacceptable. Patton stood in front of a near empty fridge, only a refrigerated tupperware full of noodles and a jar of pickles left.
“Virgil?” He called.
His roommate looked up at him from under his messy bangs, dark circles that seemed to take up half of his face under his eyes. He really should stop sneaking out at night. Patton had hoped he would have gotten more sleep during the holidays, but it seemed his roommate was determined to work himself into an early grave.
“What have you been eating?” He asked, pointing to the fridge.
Virgil gaped at him for a moment as the question made its way into his sleep deprived brain.
“Uhm, noodles?” He said, sounding unsure of himself.
“Just noodles?”
“And pickles, I guess.”
“During the holiday season?”
Patton sighed. Virgil just continued staring at him, seemingly unaware of why Patton was so upset.
“You did eat something other than noodles on Christmas, right?” He asked, his voice edging on desperation.
“I dunno, when was Christmas?”
Patton snapped.
“Nope, this is unacceptable. I don’t care if you celebrate or not, but you should at least eat something.”
“I ate.” Virgil grumbled.
“Noodles!” Patton interjected.
“And it’s not like I had a lot of time on my hands to cook an elaborate meal.”
“One, it’s not that hard to throw some vegetables into a wok and two, what are you even doing during the holidays, it’s not like we have classes.”
Virgil looked down.
“Studying.” He mumbled.
“More like studying , with the way you look.”
“I don’t look that bad.”
“You look like a corpse, a cute corpse, but still a corpse.”
Virgil flushed and Patton had to fight not to coo. He was just so cute.
“Whatever, are you free tonight?” He continued.
“Uhh, sure? I have something at 11 though.”
“That’s fine, I’m cooking you dinner tonight and we’re going to have a little holiday celebration.”
“Patton, I don’t really celebrate Christmas.”
“It’s not about Christmas. I just want to have a nice night with my friend and while I’m at it, I want to make sure you’re eating something for once.”
“Ok, fine. We’ll have a holiday celebration.” Virgil groaned, but he didn’t seem totally against the idea.
Patton cheered.
“Okay, I’m going to pop over to the store first. We’ll need ingredients.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to bother yourself too much.”
“Nonsense, I love cooking for others. Also, we’re all out of food except noodles, so I’d have to go shopping anyways.”
Virgil had the decency to look mildly guilty at that.
Virgil accompanied him to the store. Which, unlike Patton had expected, did not speed up the shopping process, but only slowed them down as they fooled around.
“Okay, okay. Let's get this done quickly, thyme is money.” Patton said, waggling his eyebrows at Virgil.
“What the hell am I doughing here.” Virgil groaned.
Patton gasped. “You made a pun!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah well, don’t expect too many of those. I wouldn’t want to oatverdo it.”
Patton gasped in delight.
“The s’more puns you make, the s’more i love you.” He proclaimed and Virgil blushed beet red.
Patton giggled as he looked at Virgil having fun. His roommate was usually a lot more reserved and morose. He had no idea what had happened that had put Virgil in such high spirits, but whatever it was, Patton was grateful. The smile that graced Virgil’s face was the most breathtaking thing he had seen all week.
Patton looked away, aware he had been staring just a little too long.
The meal was delicious, if he said so himself, and Virgil seemed to agree. He lounged back in his chair languidly, sleepy from the good food. He looked better than Patton had seen him all month. The colour had returned to his cheeks again and his eyes sparkled.
Patton silently congratulated himself on a job well done.
“That was great, Pat. Seriously.”
“I’m humbled by your compliments.”
Virgil smiled.
“Where did you even learn how to cook like this?”
“My moms taught me. They made sure to teach me all the basic survival skills like cooking, laundry and how to snare and skin rabbits.”
“Snare rabbits?” Virgil laughed.
“I lived in a forest, I had to be able to take care of myself. They taught me all kinds of other cool survival stuff too.”
“Nice, my mom barely taught me how to turn on a stove.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Virgil waved him away. “My parents just had other priorities in my upbringing. Maybe you could teach me to cook something other than pasta?”
“I’d love to.” Getting to cook and spend more time with Virgil? It sounded like heaven to Patton.
Virgil looked at the clock and suddenly shot up.
“Shit, I have to go. I’m sorry. Thanks for the food, Patton.”
“It’s fine. Anytime.” Patton watched him leave with an empty feeling in his stomach.
He didn’t mind his roommate’s odd habits, but sometimes he wished he didn’t always run off.
Patton had to be honest, when Virgil had first told him about his boyfriends, he had been quite shocked.
Not because of the boyfriends, plural. Patton was pretty sure he was polyamorous himself.
No, it was the fact that quiet, shy, reserved Virgil, the guy who Patton had never seen interact with anyone except Patton, had somehow gotten himself not one, but two boyfriends.
And yeah, maybe he did feel a sharp stab of jealousy when Virgil first told him. He wondered how his boyfriends had gotten him to realize they wanted to date him. Patton had been trying to make his feelings clear for months now and was almost convinced Virgil was aromantic.
They must have yelled something along the lines of “We have romantic feelings for you” to get through that thick skull of his.
Patton didn’t resent Virgil for dating them, he was happy for him. Virgil really needed something good in his life.
And now, here he was, cooking up an elaborate meal for Virgil’s boyfriends.
When Virgil had told him about his boyfriends and the fact that they had been going steady for a while, Patton had insisted they come over for dinner sometime.
“I have to make sure they’re not going to break my best friend’s heart.” He had argued.
Virgil had complained at that, but his boyfriends had agreed and a date had been fixed.
Patton had maybe gone a little overboard with the meal. Two curries stewed on the stove and he was just about to throw the homemade falafel into the pan. In the oven, naans he had made from scratch were baking.
He hoped they liked Indian.
Virgil let his boyfriends into the appartement and wow, they were hot.
One of them, the shorter of the two, beamed at him, his smile perfectly blinding, and walked over to him.
“Hello, you must be the charming Patton I’ve heard so much about.” He said with a theatrical bow.
The taller one walked over to them with a more reserved smile.
“I’m Logan and this character here is Roman. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Virgil has told us a lot about you.” He stuck out his hand.
“Really, he has?” Patton felt a warm glow at that knowledge.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you too.” He continued.
“So you’re the one who’s been keeping our Virgil alive?” Roman asked him.
“What?” Patton asked.
“V has a lot of skills, basic self care isn’t one of them.” Roman clarified.
“We’re happy he has such a good friend.” Logan added.
“Well, I’m happy to take care of him. But, yeah, self care isn’t one of his skills.”
“As much as I appreciate you guys bonding, I can take care of myself.” Virgil interjected.
“Debatable.” Logan said.
Roman seemed to have noticed the food bubbling on the stove by now.
“Ooh, indian.” He exclaimed.
“It smells good.” Logan complimented.
“Well, it’s nearly done, so get seated and I’ll bring the food over.”
“You guys are in for a treat. Pat’s the best cook I know.” Virgil informed them.
Patton blushed at the high praise.
“I must say I’m intrigued.” Logan said, while taking a seat at the table.
Patton turned off the stove and added a few leaves of coriander before carrying the dishes over to the table.
“Do you need a hand? It looks like a lot.” Roman offered.
Finally, with Roman’s help, the table was set and they all dug in, dipping their naans into the curries Patton had made.
Roman moaned theatrically.
“God, this is just heavenly.” He praised.
“It’s great Patton.” Virgil offered.
“Yes, it is quite splendid. What spices did you use?” Logan asked him.
“Well, this one has chilli powder...”
“I can taste that.” Virgil grumbled.
“Turmeric, cumin and coriander and the other one has bay leaves, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and more chilli powder.”
“That’s a lot of spices.” Roman said.
“That’s the secret to Indian cooking, the things they can do with spices is just magical.” Patton replied.
They talked more.
Logan told him he was studying theoretical physics at the university where Virgil also studied.
“Wow, theoretical physics. Isn’t that like black holes and stuff?” Patton asked, intrigued.
“Oh boy, don’t get him started.” Virgil muttered.
Logan paid him no mind.
“That’s one aspect but it’s also so much more. It touches on all aspects of our lives.” With that Logan launched into an impassioned speech about all the things theoretical physics touched on and the different aspects of it.
Patton didn’t understand everything he was going on about, physics hadn’t been his best subject in school, but he enjoyed listening to Logan all the same. He had a way of speaking that drew you in. It was clear he really enjoyed the subject he was studying. Patton felt like he could listen to Logan for hours on end. A glance at the others told him they felt the same way, both of them staring at him with fond expressions.
“I apologise. I was rambling again, I have been told I have a tendency to do that.” Logan cut himself off.
“What? There’s nothing to apologize for, it was really fascinating.”
Logan smiled softly but didn’t go on. An awkward silence fell over the table.
“So!” Patton piped up brightly. “What do you do, Roman?”
“I’m studying to become a nurse actually.”
“Really? cool!”
They chatted about all kinds of things. Roman complained about the amount of things he had to learn. Logan told him it was nothing compared to what he had to study. Virgil lamented about annoying professors. And Patton listened, feeling a little like an intruder but a part of it all the same.
They complemented each other perfectly. Patton had no idea how they had met or what made them such a good team, but it must be something wonderful indeed.
In that moment, Patton wished so fervently he could be a part of it. He barely knew Logan and Roman and yet he could feel himself falling for them even now.
They didn’t seem to mind him being there, roping him into the conversation easily.
Logan smiled at him from across the table and Roman slung an arm over his shoulder, laughing at one of his puns.
Virgil was just getting up to refill the water jug, when an alert on his phone went off. All three of them jumped up.
“We have to leave.” Logan said, looking at his phone.
“Shit, I’m so sorry Patton.” Virgil repeated for what seemed like the thousandth time. It felt like whenever Patton was finally making progress in his relationship, something interrupted.
He didn’t mind the weird habits, he just wished he would let him in on his secrets. Hadn’t he proved his trustworthiness to Virgil?
They left him with the dishes and an empty feeling in his chest.
Roman, Virgil and Logan sat at the dinner table while Patton busied himself in the kitchen, finding comfort in the familiar routine of cooking. A tense silence filled the usually cozy apartment.
“How long have you known?” Logan asked finally.
Patton looked at Virgil when he answered.
“Probably since the first month.”
Virgil stammered. “I thought…”
“You thought what Virgil? That I didn’t notice you sneaking in at five in the morning? That I didn’t notice that whenever you ran off during dinner, Storm was suddenly on the news? That I didn't notice all the cuts and bruises you collected? You thought, what? That I was stupid? Blind? Deaf?” He knew he was being unfair, the others looked tired and miserable and guilty. But all his frustration at being left in the dark for years was bubbling over.
He was so tired of being treated as stupid, of being left behind when the others had to attend to hero bussiness. He was tired of lying awake worrying about them.
Patton returned to chopping the leeks with more force than absolutely necessary.
“We wanted to protect you.” Logan said, guilt colouring his voice.
“I don’t need your protection. I think you saw that tonight.”
“Yes, we were wrong. I realize that now. We apologize”
“I don’t.” Virgil said.
Patton stared at him. “What?”
Virgil stood up and faced him. “I’m sorry about lying to you, but I won’t apologize for trying to protect you. It’s bad enough these two are out on the streets, I don’t need another untrained civilian risking their life.” Virgil gestured at Roman and Logan, who didn’t look happy about being called untrained.
Patton laughed bitterly. “I’m not untrained, that much should be clear. And what makes you so trained then?”
Virgil sighed.
“When I said my parents had other priorities in my upbringing, I meant it. Instead of learning maths and chemistry, I learnt how to fight, how to take down a grown man, how to disappear into the shadows.”
“Why?” Patton asked, he was aware Virgil hadn’t had the most traditional upbringing, but this wasn’t what he had expected.
“I was to be an assassin, but the company we worked for disbanded and my mom decided to give me a normal life.” He explained coldy, it was clear there was more there, but Patton decided now was not the best time to ask.
They were all tired from the events of the evening and Patton really just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep for another week. All his anger at his friends keeping him in the dark had faded, leaving him with just his exhaustion.
He turned back to the quiche he was making, with store bought dough, his mom would be shocked, and slid it into the oven.
“I’m just happy you guys are alright.” He said, extending an olive branch.
“Well, we were lucky our valiant knight in shining armour came to our rescue.” Roman said, his voice lacking his usual flamboyance.
Patton sat down next to Virgil and laid his head on his shoulder. Virgil wrapped his arm around him.
“You guys are lucky I knew where you were.”
“Yeah, how did you do that? Do you have us micro-chipped or something?” Roman questioned.
Patton just smiled mysteriously.
Patton popped his head into their bedroom, where Janus was talking into a phone. Patton listened for a moment as Janus talked to someone in rapid fire French, sounding mildly irritated.
He noticed Patton standing in the doorway and held up a hand signaling he would be done soon. He rolled his eyes and mouthed “Grandmother” at him.
Patton stifled a giggle. Janus’s grandmother was notoriously difficult.
“Oui, oui mémé, je promets.”
He put down the phone with a sigh.
“Why is she like this?” He sighed in exasperation.
Patton wrapped his arms around Janus’s waist and nuzzled into his neck.
“It’s ‘cause she loves you, honeybee.”
“Loves to annoy me, more like. Anyways, did you need something, mon cœur ?”
“Yeah, you said you’d help with dinner?”
“Course, give me a minute, I’m coming.”
“I’ll go peel the potatoes.” Patton bounced down the stairs.
On the couch, Logan and Roman were attempting to watch a period drama, keyword, attempting.
They were currently critiquing the costumes in the show, Roman in particular was raving about corsets on bare skin.
Patton smiled, he loved them both very much, but watching a movie or show with them was nearly impossible. They both had trouble keeping their thoughts to themselves.
“Having fun?” He asked as he pressed a kiss to Roman’s forehead.
“Corsets on bare skin, Patton! What is wrong with them?” Roman flung his hands up, nearly knocking Patton’s glasses off.
“Whoops, sorry.” He apologized.
Patton kissed him again and gave Logan a quick side hug.
“You guys enjoy, I’m going to get started on dinner.”
“I highly doubt I will be able to enjoy it, considering all the mistakes in the writing and costuming.” Logan muttered.
Janus joined him in making dinner and together they worked efficiently. Janus was a great cook and a good help in the kitchen. Together, they managed to make something good without getting in each others’ way too much.
Janus put on an old timey jazz song and as the food sizzled on the stove, they slowed gently in the kitchen.
The door opened and Virgil blew in with a gust of cold air. He groaned as he dropped his bag on the floor.
“Everything all right, mon amour?” Janus questioned.
“Just tired, training was hard today.” Virgil sighed.
“Yeah, I see. Go take a shower.” Janus wrinkled his nose.
Virgil made to kiss Janus but he warded him off.
“Go shower first.” He instructed.
“I want a kiss.” Virgil whined.
“I’ll give you a kiss.” Patton said.
“Don’t enable him.” Janus groaned but he pressed a quick kiss to Virgil’s nose.
Patton drew Virgil in for a soft, gentle one and then pushed him in the direction of the shower.
“Go. Food’s nearly done.”
Right on cue, Roman bounced into the kitchen, Logan trailing behind him.
“Food’s ready?” He asked.
“Not yet. Will you guys set the table?” Patton asked.
As busy clattering filled the kitchen, Patton felt a smile slip onto his lips. Janus noticed and wrapped his arms around him.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispered into his ear.
“Just thinking about how lucky I am.”
“Yeah, we really are.” He sighed.
They smiled as Virgil entered the kitchen and promptly got wrapped up in a hug from Roman.
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bubblesgoboink · 4 years
homecoming (b.b)
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
word count: 1.1k+
summary: the one in which bucky reflects on his past life and his new home 
WARNINGS: mild angst, fluff, brief mentions of Hydra and PTSD
a/n: i haven’t written in soo long. i did sneak a couple taylor swift references in bc evermore is a masterpiece. enjoy :)
Bucky was tired. Not the kind of tired one could sleep off, but instead, the kind of tired that weighs in every step that he takes and settles past the flesh and deep into his bones. Dull, aching pain in his ribs came with every ragged breath of the chilly afternoon air. The tinkling sounds of birds chirping as they flocked home for the day mingled with the crunching gravel under his bloodstained combat boots and heavy exhales as he trudged in a vague direction towards the safehouse. Overhead, the brilliant colors of the sunset had splashed across the azure canvas. As he glanced upwards, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen a sunset so vibrant. Deep orange hues of light stroked his sleep-deprived eyes as his memory transported him to the sandy beach of Coney Island. 
Pretty girls in floral sundresses with lightly blushed cheeks and tinkling laughs dancing to music from the boardwalk band. The sweet smell of cotton candy wafting through the air as Steve contently plucked pieces of his cotton candy while he wasn't looking. Steve only thought he wasn't looking, but when wasn't he looking after the frail man. 
The day he was drafted was etched in his memory deeper than any Hydra wiping device could reach. He remembers the feeling of his heart dropping to his stomach and the eerie chill that seeped into his body. He remembers the tear-filled, anxious ocean eyes that mirrored his own as he got shipped off into the salty daybreak wind. 
“I'm going to be okay, Steve.” That was an affirmation to soothe himself more than it was for Steve. 
Maybe it was the first time he was held captive in the Hydra base that something had changed from within him. As he lay strapped to the cot while scientists surrounded him, fading in and out of consciousness, Bucky dreamt of his walks on the pier with Steve. He dreamt of early mornings in their apartment making breakfast and eating over the sound of clinking utensils and that day's newspapers rustling. He dreamt of a world where boys didn't turn into men by leaving their beloveds and donning firearms. A world in which boys wouldn't have to see the final breath of their brothers in arms and silently mourn while marching into battle, knowing that their life may be next on the line. 
"Buck. Wake up." That was probably the last time he had been genuinely hopeful his life could turn around. He believed that whatever God was out there had listened enough to bring Steve to save him, and so anything could have happened. James Barnes, never a religious man but maybe he would have started going to church after the war. With his newfound hope, he followed the little guy from Brooklyn into the fight. 
Destiny was not built for Bucky Barnes's comfort and he realizes that as his fingers slip off the railing on the side of the moving train. 
Steve. Becca. His ma. The 107th infantry. Dancing with a pretty girl at a jazz pub on a weekend night. His life flashed before his eyes as his body made contact with the unforgiving frozen ground, a resounding crack of bone echoed through the icy hills, and his dreams of post-war pursuits shattered along with his bone. 
Memories of his time as the Winter Soldier lapse at the edge of his recollection bank like waves on a deserted beach. Sometimes they were just little pinpricks flashes of an unknown setting, but other times, particularly at late hours of the night, he felt their hands shoving his chest down against the uncomfortable chair. The sound of hard metal clasping against his arm and holding him in place and his body would tense, prepared for the wipe. His body wasn't his. It was the graveyard of his handler's frustrations, hatred, and diabolic agenda. 
Even after having the trigger words removed by Princess Shuri, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive about opening up to others, holding everyone at arm's length so he couldn't accidentally hurt them in his altered state of mind. Love wasn't a word that existed in his vocabulary, much less an emotion that he felt. He enjoyed Steve's presence and Sam's (occasionally), but he never felt secure enough to start the process of modern courtship. 
Fury had hand-selected a specialized agent from the LA branch of SHIELD to train with the Avengers for one of the larger recon missions. 
"Hello, I'm Agent 24, and it's very nice to meet you all."
It was as if she brought the West coast sunshine along with her. Everything from her pretty, warm eyes to her attitude captivated him. She was normal and dear God, all he had been yearning for was normalcy. He didn't speak many words to her but it was as if she could sense the energy around him. When she was around, his brows didn't furrow as much and his gaze was a bit softer. She never questioned the silence between them. Instead, she sought his company and frequently sat with him in silence while a movie quietly played in the background. 
The first time she touched him was in the compound kitchen in which she placed a gentle hand on his bicep as she passed by to put dishes in the sink. His breath must have noticeably hitched because she immediately pulled away and looked at him apologetically. The first time he touched her was during one of their first missions together, a quick squeeze of her hand to soothe her nerves before he jumped out of the Quinjet. When she came back on solo missions, his door would be her first stop every time and for him, hers. He never spoke of labeling it because he was afraid that he would be closing his metal fist over something angelically delicate and shatter it. She seemed to understand his hesitance and never brought up the subject. 
He wants to tell her that she's invoked a feeling in him that in a century of being alive, he's never felt. He wants to tell her that she has made him want to be a better man.  
The safehouse comes into sight as the final rays of daylight disappeared. The wooden boards of the patio creak under his weight as he approaches the door. Sticking his metal hand in one of the many compartments of his tactical vest, he fishes out a small metal key, which he promptly sticks into the keyhole. He pushes the door open and breaths a sigh of relief.
"Hi, Buck."
He sees her face and he knows he's finally come home. 
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
I saw this hc on insta from kerbabbles, and it's abt Zeppeli being Jonababy's father figure (bc George might've messed him up bad bc he was rly strict with jona) so I was wondering if you have any hcs for this hc. Do ya?
Hello!! I’d never seen this artist before when this popped up in my ask box so I checked them out and HHHHGGGNNNN OH MY GOD I’ve gotten a taste of glory that I’m probably never going to get again because part one is horrendously underwritten but Jesus it was an idea that I’d never even thought of but now I can never live without itjjfhgjkghf
I am now a firm believer now that the reason Jonathan punched toxic masculinity down like a sack of potatoes is because of William Anthonio Zeppeli. This man builty his confidence up so much compared to living with Dio for years AND SHOWED HIM THE LOVE HE DESERVES
So you know what I WILL do? Make some wholesome headcanons because I need to dump my thoughts on this matter somewhere. And because Jonathan Joestar needs a gentle parental figure, too :)
(Go check out Kerbabbles on Instagram! They’ve got that good wholesome shit and inspired this ask and this post!)
Alright without further ado:
Zeppeli learns by the second training day that raising his voice is a big no-no
-He hasn’t known Jojo for long, but training for the first time is rough
-There’s a lot of methods to Hamon training, especially when you’re first training someone, and he learns pretty quickly that the calm and collected route is the way to go with our boy Jojo
-The moment he starts to raise his voice, even if its out of praise, he can see Jonathan completely stiffen and lose all focus that he initially had
-Jojo just keeps vigorously apologizing each time he’s done it and almost braces himself to get yelled at again
-He refuses to talk about why he reacts this way and Will ain’t gonna lie,,,that shit’s kinda concerning ;-;
-But he makes due with it and makes sure to be chill with praise and criticism alike :)
Jonathan’s perfectionism is surprisingly extremely high
-A bit of a flaw with Jonathan is that he’s not only very wary of things he isn’t perfect at, but he also gets impossibly frustrated when he can’t do them perfectly from the beginning >:(
-He’s like one of those sweet, soft people that could never raise their voice to people they love but get so angry with themselves that they just end up glaring really hard at the ground until they start crying out of pure frustration
-George Joestar fucked him up in that sense
-He was always raised to be perfect at everything he did, and when he wasn’t he would be forced to keep on going until he could or deprive him of things when he couldn’t
-Because of Dio humiliating him at every mistake he made as they were growing up, he’s just fucking terrified of failing in front of other people
-He’ll screw something up and get ready for a barrage of insults only for Will to be like “its okay, just try again”
-It gets to the point where he starts thinking that if he hasn’t disappointed Zeppeli yet, he’s bound to at some point and starts being the one who’s actually the hardest on himself
-When he messes something up, he’ll go without dinner because his logic is ‘if I don’t punish myself then he will and that’s even more shameful’
-It starts to get noticeable and in the end Will is practically shoving a soup bowl into his hand like “son you need to eat” and Jojo is so fucking confused because he didn’t do anything right so how could he possibly earn it?
-It ends up with the two of them arguing over it while Speedwagon and Poco are just sitting there like ;_;
“I don’t need this. I haven’t earned it.”
“You’ve been training all day! Of course, you’ve earned it!”
“I haven’t done a single thing right today! I shouldn’t—”
“You need to eat to keep your strength up.”
“But I don’t—”
“You don’t what?”
“I don’t—deserve it!”
“Who said you didn’t deserve it?”
-And the moment he says that, Jojo gets this look on his face and Zeppeli’s internally like shit fuck and Jonathan absolutely crumbles
-His mind goes back to all those nights growing up that he didn’t earn or deserve dinner that night because he couldn’t master whatever skill George wanted and Dio could do
-Because of course he needs to be punished for being bad and messing up, its the only way he can learn
-Because what other way was there?
“...you always deserve it.”
-There. Are. Tears.
-Jonathan slurps up his soup like a good boy and THERE ARE TEARS
-And he eats his dinner that night knowing he does deserve it (because Will and Speedwagon won’t stop reminding him <3 )
Speedwagon is asthmatic (and Zeppeli figures this out the hard way)
-He’s always wondered why Speedwagon is basically incapable of learning Hamon because the man seems to have a lot of skill in combat and even more in resilience
-Speedy doesn’t really seem to know either but he said he’s just awful at controlling stuff like his breathing so that must be why
-Will just thinks he’s over-exaggerating for the most part
-Until one really chilly night he wakes up to someone gasping for air
-He creeps over and realizes its Speedwagon and tries to get him to regulate but he just keeps gasping that he can’t
-He thinks its a panic attack of some sort and tries to reassure him that he can and it's alright but it doesn’t help and he comes to the realization that Speedwagon literally cannot breathe
-He props our boy Speedy up and and rubs his back to help him actually fuckin’ breathe and does some cool Hamon ripple shit and JONATHAN AND POCO SOMEHOW ARE JUST ABLE TO SLEEP THROUGH THIS
-After coughing a significant amount, he’s finally stabilized and Will’s like “bro what the fuck was that” because Speedy just seems absolutely cool with it
-”Oh, I told you I couldn’t breathe sometimes, didn’t I?”
-Hggnnn he didn’t think the man meant it literally
-He can’t really teach him Hamon, but he does the next best thing: use his Hamon to protect his homie :)
The king of keeping calm >:)
-Yes he is the calm dad friend. Yes he will use this to his advantage
-Sometimes Jojo gets too worked up about everything and focuses so hard on breathing that he forgets how to breathe entirely and our man is there to help
-Breathing exercises? Yeah. Meditating? Hell yeah. Sometimes just being the one to hug you and say that everything is going to be okay? MEGA HELL YEAH.
Speedwagon: a known freak-outer
Jonathan: who’s been living in the Joestar mansion his entire life and doesn’t have a shred of street smarts
And a literal CHILD 
 he needs to be doing damage control all the damn time
The dad energy is impeccable
-He was a father, after all. He’s good at what he does
-BEST HUGS HANDS DOWN. Just looking at this man gives off good hug vibes :)
-Is the oldest and most experienced in the group and is always down to drop some sick wisdom
-The dad ‘stache
-Jonathan laments about the looming Dio confrontation a lot and doesn’t sleep as much as he should, but Will is always there to stay up with him
-George never had time to talk about things like feelings, but Jonathan notices that Zeppeli actually...wants to?
-Will claims it’s good for your lungs to get stuff off your chest, but Jonathan is really taken aback when the man starts asking him about how he’s feeling and why
-Before he knows it he’s spilling over and telling him EVERYTHING
-Good cry. Good hugs. Good, cathartic time
As if I thought I couldn’t get anymore feral with my headcanons. This takes the fucking cake, I think. I’m so feral for phantom blood found family now you don’t even KNOW
Thanks for bearing with me. My ask box is open if you have some good ol’ headcanon questions (or if you just wanna come say hi hehe <3)
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