#but no matter what they say i'll never buy the idea that she could've been a teenager or fresh out of her teens in tcw
stairset · 2 years
I think it's funny how all these recent interviews about Bo-Katan are making her age an even bigger point of contention than it already was and so far Wookieepedia refuses to update her page, even they're like we ain't touching this shit with a 10 foot pole and I respect that.
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hide-in-imagination · 5 months
Hiiii <3 I love your fanfics, okay "love" is a very weak word, I'm literally obsessed with your ff. That's why I want to ask, I've been thinking for a long time about the fact that I'd also like to write a fanfic about Ámbar and Simón, because I'm not okay and in my free time I think about different situations that could have happened between them behind the scenes. I tried to write something, but either it was very short and by that I mean extra short, or I ended up thinking that it was horrible and decided to delete it, so to get to the whole question, how did you start writing fanfics and how do you do it in general that your stories are always soooo perfect? Do you have any advice for people like me who want to start writing? Aaaaanndddd one more time, I really adore your work, please keep doing what you're doing, every time I get a notification that you've released some update both here and on ao3, I'm like a little girl who was allowed by her mom to buy candy, I mean, it always makes my day 1000% better 💞🩷❤️💜
Hi!!! Oh my god, you're so sweet, thank you 🥹🥹 ❤️❤️
I'm so honored that you would ask me for advice. I'll do my best, but, honestly? I'm my number one critic! I don't feel like I have the right to be advising anyone kdsjs. You say my stories are perfect but I don't believe that. I'm constantly frustrated by my lack of ability and depressed when I compare myself to my favorite fanfic authors.
But this leads us to our first lesson: You will always find someone who likes what you do. So don't worry too much about your first fics being too short or not being good enough. They're your first creations! You'll grow from there! And someone will like it. I mean, look at my first drabbles! They were- what? 300 words long? That's very short, but people liked them!
How did I start writing fanfics? I just did. I got an idea and I started writing it just because I thought it was fun. That idea was 'What If'. Hell, the whole concept was in the title, I'm not that creative 😂 And it wasn't supposed to be more than a fun oneshot! But then I thought "What could happen after that?" and I got more fun ideas, and people were asking for more anyway, so I wrote them.
Now. While I don't regret it by any means, because, as I said, you gotta start from somewhere and it was fun at the time... I do wish I had taken more time to think things through. If anyone's ever wondered why I used to write fast and now it takes me months, it's because now I worry about a 100 different things I did not think about when I first started. I usually just wrote the first thing that came to my head. And again, it was fun! People loved it! But, there is sooo much that I learned later. So many things that could've helped me make a better narration. So many things that I wouldn't have to go back to and change years later if I had taken the time to consider them the first time around.
So. For the sake of helping you and any other person who might want some advice, here are some things I would encourage anyone to do or don't do when writing a fanfic.
No matter what anyone tells you, there is nothing wrong with using the verb "Say." "He said, she said, they said"-- It's fine. You don't need to use a different verb every time. Different verbs are a great help when you want to add an specific edge to it. For example, if you say "he spat" the words, that immediately implies he was angry. You could also say "He said angrily" and it would convey the same message, but "growled" or "hissed" or "snapped" add a different image to it. It's all about preference and nothing is right or wrong.
Having said that- Don't ever use the word 'orbs'. Never. Please just say 'eyes' sdkfs.
Don't use the phrase "their tongues battled for dominance" because it's a fanfic meme by this point 😂 (I didn't know this when I started and I wish I had! I'm sure I used it somewhere 😂)
Similar to the whole 'Say' debacle, there's nothing wrong with repeating words if the context calls for it! For example, if it's a hot scene, you can use 'moan' more than once, there's no need to look for 8 different synonyms. (Sorry for the example, it was the first that came to mind skdf)
(Actually, I might have a whole list of Dos and Don'ts specifically for smut scenes, but I won't go into that kjsn)
Try to keep all the five senses in mind: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste. This is something I personally struggle with a lot, I forget most of them knsf. This does not mean that you need to mention all of them in every single scene, jesus no, that would be too much 😂 Personally, it just helps me when I want to add more to an scene. I think of what sense I haven't mentioned yet and go with one that fits.
Sometimes less is more! Don't worry if your writing style isn't as detailed or flowery as others you've seen before. Some people thrive describing settings, for example, and they might write 3 full paragraphs about the exact shade of the leaves on the trees and what kind of trees they are and how the sky looked and what the wind tasted like. If that's not you? It's okay! Sometimes, just saying "they were at a park with lots of greenery" it's enough. Hell, you could just say "they were at a park" and let people imagine it! Don't force yourself and just write what makes sense to you <3
It's okay to repeat characters' names! This is also something I wish I knew right away. Don't say "the Italian and the mexican" just say "Matteo and Simón". Same thing with "the brunette" or "the blonde". Those are fine sometimes, but I try not to use them either. "Girl," "boy", "woman," and the like are fine too sometimes.
Play with subtlety and try to make it feel human. AKA: try to avoid the melodrama. I've unknowingly fallen into it before so I know that it's hard. Hell- some people like it! And if you do, by all means, go ahead, I can assure you you'll find readers who love it. But if you want to avoid it, like me, just... try to avoid anything that sounds like it could be on Wattpad?? LJDKSF I don't even know how to explain this😂 The only example I can come up with is that, if someone is sad, they don't need to fall to the floor sobbing. How many people do you know that do that? Reserve any big displays of emotions only for huge emotional blows (Someone died, someone is dying, huge betrayal, someone is or could be sent to jail and it's innocent, apocalypse AU, stuff like that).
Also, try to avoid anyone being 100% right or 100% wrong. Real life isn't like Disney. People usually have reasons why they think or act a certain way. A girl might start acting cold to her boyfriend because she thinks he doesn't love her anymore. The boy might be confused and hurt by this because he does love her. If they talk about it, it would be wrong of the guy to just say "Well, you're wrong, I do love you" and leave it at that. We should focus on why the girl thought that. The girl might be "wrong", but feelings are never wrong; they just are. (And she should've talked to him instead of acting cold, they were both wrong in this scenario. See? No one's 100% right)
Personally, I see scenes in my head as if it were a movie or an episode and I describe in words what I see the actors do. That might help you or it might not-- Everyone is different! For thoughts, I just go with what I imagine they might be feeling based on what I know of the characters. Sometimes I have to reign myself in and not make them too self-aware though 😂 They haven't watched all the youtube videos on human psychology and couple's therapy that I have! 😂
That's another thing that might help you! Especially if you'll be writing romantic stories. I was first introduced to the concept of Couples Therapy because of this duo of therapists. They have some YouTube videos and a Podcast on Spotify if you wanna give it a listen. Recently, I've been watching a looot of Cinema Therapy. I totally recommend them! They're very fun and I always find something I can relate to Simbar bc I'm insane
Of course, I research so much because I don't have any personal experience, but if you do, draw from that! Whoever said that you shouldn't put your own stuff onto the characters is a liar! Simón talking about what he missed about México? I was thinking about what I missed while I was away from my own country. Ámbar not knowing that bowling balls have different weights? Literally happened to me- I wanted the blue one! The important thing is to keep in mind what the character is like and not just force your own beliefs on them. For example, I hate Luna with a burning passion, but I don't make the characters hate her too because I know that's not them. My friend Chiara has asked me multiple times why I haven't just killed Luna off in a fanfic. My answer is always the same: Simón would be so sad!!
You can also draw from experiences your friends told you about, or something that happened to your family, or you can read people's experiences on Reddit-- Anything works!
And since we're on the topic, I think one of the things that have helped me the most is just: Read. If you want to write, you have to read, that's just how it works. It helps you a lot to discover what kind of narration you like, what kind of narration you don't like, what phrases you like, what words you like. You can start analyzing what this specific author does so well that makes you love their stories. You can start realizing "Oh, I was liking this so much until they wrote that, I better not do the same thing." It's not about copying word for word, it's about trying to capture the essence and then shaping it onto your own style. (But C, what's my style? What is a style? I don't know! I don't even know what my own style is but I'm sure I have one. If you have your own brain, you have your own style, it's that simple. Everyone thinks differently after all!)
Lastly, but very important in my opinion, once you've written something: Check your spellings and grammar. There's this cool Chrome extension called "Grammarly" that I always use. I didn't know it when I first started and now it's a life saver!
This is all I can think at the moment. I'm sure there's more advice that could help, and I'm sure I'm not a paragon of wisdom, so, I invite you to google writing tips if you like, or you can search for that tag here on Tumblr too if you want some more profesional insights.
My main message to you is to just enjoy the love you have for these characters and let it inspire you. Fantasizing about your favorite ship is very fun! Let that fun be your guide ❤️
Lots of love, Anon. I hope you have a great week^^
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Wildest Dreams
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 9
"He only saw her in his dreams."
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 3,695
Warnings: language as always, angst and some tiny fluff (probably not in the way you want), alludes to sex, Odin. one malec reference.
A/N: okay so, this chapter is different since it is mainly introspective about Loki's time in the 6 months he has been back in Asgard- so that's that about the timeline.
A/N2: I really hope you'll like it so let me know by reblogging and commenting! If you want to be on my taglist let me know by sending an ask! Thank you @chrissquares for the dividers! and the amazing @nacho-bucky
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
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Month one in Asgard.
"Brother I assure you all will be well. I'll make sure she will be safe." Thor had told him that before he left for Midgard.
The gesture was nice but while he did want you to be safe he didn't want to know who you are hanging with.
You'll find a way to move on and so will he. Once this all will be over Loki will finally get some peace and his life will return to normal, nothing lasts forever after all.
Life as a prince was supposedly comfortable, and so a prince's chambers should be as well. But as he was lying on the big soft bed in his large room, he couldn't have felt more alone. The bed was too big, the sheets were too cold, and the surfaces of the room were too empty of life- he could find a million faults to his room if he tried.
Loki didn't stay in his room often then, as a prince he could do whatever he wants and he could go anywhere he wants- well, almost.
Sparring was a great hobby he developed when he was angry, having a chance to politely beat down another person often sounds delightful to him then. It was almost empty now at the sunset but he found an opponent.
He could feel and hear his own heartbeat as he took in a breath and looked into the sunset as the warrior took his stance in front of him.
'The Norse Gods are almost immortal.'
The sentence lingered in your head. Maybe buying this book was a bad idea. At the knock on your door you quickly shut the book and shoved it under the sofa cushion.
A moment later Loki walked in with a batch of freshly picked flowers, they didn't look like they were from around here, you only hoped these flowers can survive on their own so you wouldn't kill them.
"Hello my love, are you ready for our date?" you got up to him with a smile, he put the flowers in a vase that appeared on your table, once he was in your reach you gave him a peck on the lips.
"Yes, let's go!" The relationship was still new but you were happy that you still had that same chemistry that the two of you had before.
That sentence kept your mind busy as you drove out of the city, away from the crowd of people and into a high solitary space.
"I could've just teleported us there my love, you know that right?" he looked at you as you drove, the sun was shining over you and he couldn't look away. The view of you in the sunlight with your best dress and red lips is easily more stunning than anything he had seen in all the realms.
"Yes, but it's more fun this way." You insisted on having some of the dates be normal and human.
"How is driving for such a long time fun?" you saw him shake his head from the corner of your eyes.
"Just relax Loki, I'll put on some great driving songs." He groaned but you only laughed.
It was an hour or so later that you reached your destination- it was an amazing view seeing all the trees and rocks as you finally parked on the dry ground of the mountain hill spot you found for Loki and you.
Loki stepped outside and laid out the picnic you packed up as you looked down on the beautiful horizon as the sun began to set.
Loki came up behind you and curled his hands around your waist.
You could've stayed in that content moment forever. The sentence still lingered in your brain.
"Loki?" you called to him and he only hummed in response, his lips kissing your hair.
"Yes, darling?"
"Say you'll remember me." You asked him in a low voice.
"Say you'll remember me, here at this moment, standing in a nice dress and staring at the sunset with you."
"I promise you my dear," he kissed your shoulder and you felt him smiling. "Every time I see you, I'll remember this moment. I'll relish it forever."
Month two in Asgard.
It was different, spending the time with her here was nothing like being with you there- but maybe that's a good thing.
He was trying to get used to all the same emotions he felt all those years go. The regret, the knowing that he has to let go completely, the anger and temporary solutions, and then there's the sadness.
It was a familiar process, but having you again just reminded him of everything he lost and how everything has changed after he first let you go.
The first time he let you go, it almost killed him. And now he didn't know how his own mind would work to survive this.
He spent days in meetings and peace negotiating. His father kept him busy whether it was with Iyllir or work, it didn't matter.
She was excited about the wedding- their wedding. He chimed him whenever she asked for his opinion.
"What do you think about the flowers? Besides the ones I already picked of course." The lady smiled at him and waited for his answer. Anything besides your favourite flower would be fine.
The only real thing in this month for him was the work he was doing- negotiating peace was not an easy task. Granted, he could've solved it long ago but where is the fun in that?
"It was a wise choice to listen to my advice. I'm sure your decision to marry soon to be Princess Iyllir will make everyone happy." Odin told Loki as he followed the Allfather into yet another meeting. Entering the room, Loki looked at the blonde who sat next to his seat- he wasn't supposed to be in this meeting.
Taking the seat next to him, Thor smiled at his brother.
"Brother," Loki greeted him and continued to look forward at the table. "Are you not supposed to still be in Midgard?"
"I am, but I returned for a bit," Thor lowered his eyes then. "I heard about the marriage, I'm happy for you."
His pat on the back felt gentler than the usual forceful ones. To Loki it was quite unsettling.
"To be quite honest, I thought you won't do it because-"
"Thank you brother, I look forward to the marriage, it's the right choice."
"Is it?" Thor asked his brother lowly, the meeting was already starting and Loki didn't respond but it was probably best to leave this topic for now. Thor had never seen his brother the way he was when he was with you, it was clear that you mean a lot to him, so it made it that much more worrisome that Loki was going to go through with the arranged marriage. Thor knew Loki would've easily gotten out of it if he wanted to.
Present day on Midgard.
"Why are you all staring at me?" Thor stood there with all of his friends from work looking at him silently.
Natasha was the one to break the silence, "Y/N has been kidnapped and we think the Asgardian problem that we have on our hands right now was the cause of it."
"Y/N has been kidnapped?" His brows furrowed and he put his hammer on the table. "When did this happen?"
"Last week, you weren't here."
"I had to attend a ball for my brother and…" he trailed off.
"Right, I'm sure the wedding was lovely." The captain retorted.
"We really don't need to talk about," Wanda started and looked between Pietro and Clint.
"The wedding hasn't occurred yet." Thor settled in a seat right in front of Steve. "Did you manage to find out where she might be?"
"If we did then she would've been home by now."
"No, we've got nothing so far." Nat glared at Steve before she returned to look at Thor.
"Well you could've told me sooner, I'm sure my brother will be able to help."
"What? Are you crazy?" Steve let out a bitter laugh and stood up. One of his hands was a fist on the table and the other was pointing at Thor. "He is not coming anywhere near here."
The dark tone in Steve's voice left no room for arguments. Tony only heard it once before and so he took Steve out of the room before anything could happen.
Month three in Asgard.
"I see that you've read the books that I recommended you already." Iyllir sat next to him on the dark blue couch in the large palace library. Gold and blue were all around and the smell of old books filled the air.
"Yes they were very interesting," She put a hand on his arm delicately. "You have incredible taste in books my prince."
He nodded at that and quickly picked up one of the books from the pile that was set aside on the table. The guide to the old weapons of the nine realms- he remembered reading it as a child, he used to sneak into the vaults and look around at all the hidden things he found there that he read about in his books. Whatever he didn't recognize he would pick it up and study it. There may have been a couple of accidents there- but come on, what did you expect?
Now the book let his mind wander to the happenings on earth. He heard Thor talk about how it is going there in hushed whispers, but he never stuck around to actually hear anything in fear it would be about you.
He didn't need to know how you were doing, who you were hanging with or what you were up to.
"Loki?" He got snapped out of his thoughts. He looked back at Iyllir who had an unreadable look on her face, he found it hard to read people when he was so caught up inside his own mind, but her face soon took on a gentle smile. "You drifted off a bit. You're here with me now, there's no need to dwell over anything- so let's leave this book aside, it seems to put you in a bad mood."
Iyllir took the book from his hands and put it behind her. She then linked her hand with his and caressed his arm, her head leaning on his shoulder.
His mind now wandered to her and their wedding that was coming soon. Iyllir did manage to put herself in his mind where you should be, so maybe this was the right call after all.
Loki smiled at her and they continued to engage in conversation.
Month four in Asgard.
It was hard to admit that he enjoyed Iyllir's company.
Her lips were soft, and he appreciated the way they made thoughts disappear from his brain.
"Did you really turn into a snake?" Iyllir's laugh joined his as he recalled the memory.
"He was quite shocked, we were eight at the time."
"That was quite clever of you, my prince." She laughed and let her head fall onto his chest as they lay in his bed, covered in green silky sheets.
"Well, I'm always clever."
"Now you're just giving yourself too much credit, you are not always clever." You laughed at him.
He shook his head and turned back to her.
"What do you think about going out of the castle for a bit, go for a couple of days to a small cabin far away from other asgardians just the two of us?"
She nodded enthusiastically and leaned up to a kiss.
"This place is beautiful, but I wish we would've brought maids with us- you shouldn't do any of these things, you're a prince. I sent a letter so hopefully the servants will get here soon."
"Oh, I was quite content with using my magic, but how thoughtful of you."
"Now you'll get to spend more time with me." She whispered to him and walked over to him, putting her hands around Loki's neck.
He pulled her closer.
"That is true." He said in between kisses, moving the two of them backwards until Iyllir's knees touched the bed.
"You know, it is not really proper for a man and woman to be in bed together like this before their wedding night." She moaned at the kisses he trailed down her neck.
"When did I ever care about such formalities, my dear?" she let out a breathy laugh as he laid her on the mattress and he hovered above her. "And I know for a fact that you don't either."
Loki was in bed, opening his eyes and seeing the redheaded girl still sleeping next to him, her bare back shone in the sun. They were twisted in bed sheets, and Loki looked back up at the ceiling and tried to go back to sleep, closing his eyes.
"Loki, come cuddle me, I'm cold." Your sleepy voice called out to him.
"Okay, love." He moved himself closer to the body next to him. Opening his eyes for a second, he got snapped back to reality when he realized that you weren't the one in his bed, he was cuddling someone who wasn't you.
He shook his head and tried to fall asleep when Iyllir pressed back against him.
Month five in Asgard.
The ballroom was massive and adorned with gold and touches of green. The people there were ecstatic about the upcoming wedding.
The crowded room was full of people drinking mead and eating and dancing. But it all seemed just a bit too much for him.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think this will happen to him that this would be his life. Every girl was here with the most beautiful dresses but all he could remember was you, dancing with him in your best dress, you could easily beat any girl here with that dress and your beauty.
Loki was seated next to the Allfather and Iyllir, watching over the room as more and more new asgardians came to pay their respects and congratulate the happy couple. Thor came up behind them and patted Loki on the back before he took him away to drink.
According to Thor it was a necessity.
After that he had a dance with his soon to be wife, only a few kisses were engaged, Loki didn't like being as affectionate out in the open, in front of so many people.
The dance ended and the mead started to kick in, and if he was honest it was quite amusing to see Thor drunk as he talked, or more so yelled, to his friends.
After the ball he didn't see Thor as much, he must be busy with… whatever that was happening on Midgard. He won't let himself think too much about it, so he kept himself busy with wedding preparations and council meetings.
He spent the month buried in work during the day, and clearing his head during the night.
Present day in Midgard.
"Tony, I already told you that her powers don't have any energy trackers that we can build on."
"Bruce, we already scoured hydra bases. We found no information about her." Tony looked at the screen in front of him before pushing it aside, startling Bruce. "Sorry."
The doors to the lab opened and they turned to see Thor coming in with a short smile.
"Have you got any news about Lady Y/N?" he looked around the room anxiously, his next words would certainly get a reaction from the two scientists. "Do you need my brother's help?"
"Thor, I don't think that's a good idea." Tony exchanged a look with Bruce and he rubbed his eyes. "But no, we still don't know where she is."
"Why refuse his help?" Thor's voice grew louder. He then looked at the door when it opened for Steve and Wanda.
"We already told you Thor, we don't want his help." Steve chuckled darkly, so Wanda put her hand on the captain's shoulder then, trying to ease the tension.
"Thor, this isn't something Loki can help with, this is hydra."
"He will still do whatever he can, he still cares for her-"
"Besides, he is probably busy preparing for his wedding, isn't that right?"
"You are being judgmental Steve," Thor came towards Steve. "You're not thinking rationally."
"Oh I am judging him just right. If you're only here to try and vouch for your brother than you may as well go."
"Steve!" Wanda called him but he didn't budge his stare from the Asgardian prince.
Thor left shortly after.
Steve ignored the stares.
"Father, the elves are calming down, if we send some aid we could make sure peace is settled." Loki talked to his father in the throne room.
"If we send aid, they could use it against us. They could just be faking submission." Loki held back a laugh.
"I'm not the god of lies for nothing father, I'd be able to tell if they were faking it. Trust me about this." The doors opened with a bang, shutting behind the blonde prince as he strode towards Loki.
"My son, what are you doing here?"
"Loki," Thor ignored his father and Loki got up and looked at Thor at the strange occurrence. "Y/N has been kidnapped, you need to come back."
"She what?" His heartbeat sped up and he could feel the warm sensation of anger rise in him from the fear.
"Who is this girl?" Odin looked between his two sons when none answered. "Thor?"
"A girl from Midgard, she's an Avenger." He looked over Loki and nodded his head, he needed to be the one to talk.
"She's just a girl that I knew from Midgard." He said to his father with his jaw clenched, then he turned to Thor. "Thor, what happened?"
"They think she's got taken because of her powers, or because of the Asgardian technology that was stolen."
"My sons, you will answer to the questions I pose. Now tell me, what powers does she posses? If she has a part in the problem we have on Midgard then I deserve to know that."
Thor nodded, encouraging Loki to speak up.
"She has the power to insert herself into people's minds and control what they see and feel." He shook his head at his father. "She has no role in this father, she should not be mixed with Asgardian business."
The Allfather was quiet then before he shifted in his throne.
"Son, you know her for quite some time isn't that right?" Loki nodded and looked down.
"And you seem to care for her, too." He was no longer asking but Loki found himself nodding anyway. "Did she know about you being an Asgardian?"
"Yes, she knew who I was."
"So have you ever used your magic on her?" Loki was halfway into shaking his head before he stopped and remembered that night he spent comforting you, sitting on the tile of your bathroom.
"Only once," he thought back at the ancient spell.
"Tell me now my son, has it ever crossed your mind that such powerful magic as the one you have will affect a mortal immensely?"
"What are you saying father?" Thor looked up at Odin.
"It was a powerful spell…" Loki was still in thought about his actions that night, he must have been emotional.
"Her powers can be of Asgardian source, the mortal's powers sound like old Asgardian magic- the reality stone that was stored here long ago. The spell must have been from those ancient time, and so it stored immense powers- the kind that a mortal could not bear."
"So is that why they took her? Because of my magic, they took her because of me." Loki mumbled to himself.
"Loki, no don't say that-"
"It's true Thor! I'm going to get her back." Loki didn't wait for Odin to object before he all but ran out of the door. Odin didn't object.
"Thor, go after him. If he finds her, he will find the rest of the stolen weapons." Thor nodded to his father before following his brother.
Steve looked at the papers scattered on the lab.
"This is a nightmare."
"I've had better nightmares." Natasha spoke from next to him. "You should go rest a bit, you look like hell."
He smiled at her but it barely reached his eyes. You were a part of his family, losing you is not an option. He didn't know where you were and he didn't want to think about what you may be going through.
He wasn't the only one who cared about you, he knew that, but it still felt like they don't understand.
He turned around to go get water, when he almost ran into someone.
Looking up he saw the blue eyes of the raven haired prince. His tiredness suddenly disappeared when he took in the cold demeanor and rage filled eyed.
"I've been away for six long months and meanwhile you let her get kidnapped just like that?" Loki's voice was low and Steve didn't notice Thor walk in right after Loki, he didn't hear Bucky calling him.
"You are not welcome here Loki, and don't talk about it as if it isn't your entire fault."
The answer he got was in a dark laugh.
"Oh captain, I'm afraid I'm way past asking permission." Loki moved past him. "How long was she gone?"
"Almost a month," Bucky replied, looking between Steve's clenched posture and the same one that Loki held. "Can you find her?"
"I'll do whatever it takes." He nodded to the soldier and Bucky recognized the vulnerability in his eyes.
"Her powers are Asgardian, they came from me." Loki looked at the different screens, the room was quiet. "Doctor Banner, do you think you could track my energy signature? She should have some part of it inside her."
Loki looked back at the doctor, awaiting a response.
"Yes, I will just need to take some of your-"
"Take what you need."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
Bad Vibes (Sad Eyes X Reader)
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Gif by @merakiaes​
OMB Masterlist / Tag List
B/F/N - Best Friend
C/B - Car Brand
"Hi baby." you beamed as your boyfriend, Sad Eyes enter the house.
You were in the kitchen making dinner as he just came back from doing another task with Spooky for the gang, the Santos.
"Hi Y/N." Sad Eyes replies depressingly. He sounds annoyed, making you stop stirring the shrimp scampi in the pan, put a top on it, and walk out of the kitchen.
"What's wrong, baby?" you asked as you went over and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"I don't want to talk about it." Sad Eyes said, with a sigh of irritation.
He grabs your arms and unwraps them from his torso. He walked over to the couch and grunted as he sat down.
He grabs the remote and turns on the TV. His attention was grabbed as he saw his favorite football team playing in the championship.
"Baby, I thought I told you to tell me what's going on immediately. You can't ignore it." you remind him.
Sad Eyes didn't respond, he continued on watching the championship game on the TV as he took off his plaid flannel and threw it on the floor with no care in the world.
Your jaw dropped a bit by his rude action. You just cleaned and swept the floor. You walked over and picked up the shirt irritably.
You walked through the hallway of the house with his flannel aggressively until you accidentally dropped it.
You pick it back up and see a little piece of paper that wasn't on the floor before underneath it.
You pick up the little piece of paper and unveil it. You couldn't believe what you're seeing right now.
The paper has a phone number with hearts surrounding it. You felt rage going through your body, making you clench the over-shirt in your left hand.
You look back down the hall to see your boyfriend's eyes still focused on the game on the couch. Your mind starts to question his intentions of getting somebody's else's number.
"Ooo, this looks good, babygirl. Thank you." Sad Eyes grinned as you sat dinner in front of him at the dining table.
"You're welcome, babe. I was wondering if you're able to make it to my singing gig this Friday." you said in a casual voice.
"You got a gig? Where?" He said, cheerfully.
You place the little poster next to him on the table. He grabbed it and read the information of your upcoming performance.
He shrugged and looked back at you. His face became full of grief as he saw you full of excitement in your eyes.
He knows this was your passion and it's your first gig since last year. He didn't want to disappoint you but sadly, he has to tell the truth.
"Y/N, I'm sorry but...I can't make it." He drawled out while looking at you with upsetting eyes.
You scoffed and looked away from him. This isn't the first time he disappointed you.
He never came and supported you with your dreams. He is always doing something else, which upsets you even more.
"Reina, come sit down with me." your boyfriend advised and pat the seat next to him.
You turn back around and look at him with a provoked face. You have enough of this.
"Since you don't want to talk about what's wrong, I won't be sitting with you. I'm taking a bath." you remarked with crossed arms and a gruff tone.
"Y/N, babe." He said sympathetically as he looked at you leaving the dining room to the bathroom.
You lit some candles, connected your speaker to your phone for music, and took off your clothes.
You put your hair up in a bun, and drop a bath bomb in the warm bathtub you set up before giving dinner to Sad Eyes.
You locked the door and got into the bathtub. You let your mixed feelings for Sad Eyes melt away with chill music playing in the background on the speaker.
Meanwhile, Sad Eyes took out his phone, and started to talk to somebody on the phone with your singing gig poster in his hands.
"Have a good day, hermosa" Sad Eyes beamed and kissed you on the lips.
"Bye baby." you said with a small smile and shut the door behind him.
You look out the window and see Sad Eyes pulling away from the house. You make sure you can't see him in the distance.
You slowly back up from the window and pull out your phone to call somebody.
"He's gone." you said with an approving smile on the phone.
A moment later, the front door busted open, making your heart beating fast and your eyes widened in fear.
"B/F/N's in the house!" B/F/N chiming in with pride as they entered the house.
"B/F/N!" you cautioned her as you closed the front door again. B/F/N drops onto the couch and lay on their back.
"So, what's going on with you and Sad Eyes that gave you trouble last night?" your best friend, appealed as you sat down on the recliner.
You pull out the little piece of paper from your pocket and hand it to B/F/N.
B/F/N look at the phone number on the paper and they sit up slowly. Their lips tighten in suspicion.
"Y/N, what's this?" They wondered while holding the paper in their right hand and leaning it to their right while looking at you with narrow eyes.
"I don't know. You tell me. He hasn't been communicating. He's always out with the gang." you explained, while having a shifty eye contact with B/F/N.
"Y/N, you're just going to let him get away like that? The Santos doesn't matter if he doesn't communicate with you!" B/F/N barked, while clutching both of their hands together, making the paper crumble.
"B/F/N, you know I'm the quiet one. I don't like conflict." you shuddered as you scratch the back of your right ear.
"Conflict my a*s! We're leaving! Let's go!" B/F/N remarked, in an angrily tone and they got up from the couch and walked over to the front door aggressively.
"B/F/N! Stop!" you shouted as you got up and looked at her with wide eyes. B/F/N stopped walking and looked back at you.
"Come on. I'm sure he will tell me what's going on tonight. I don't want to be the pushing girlfriend." you said with a sad grimace.
"Why do you want to wait when you can find out now? Let's go and confront him! You need to know what's going on!" B/F/N said with simple directness.
"Get in the car." B/F/N ordered you and grabbed your car keys. They walked out before you could even respond.
You did an exasperated sigh and you grab your phone and purse before walking out the house to see what's going on with Sad Eyes.
"Could've found out tonight but nooo, we have to find it now. B/F/N, if he sees us and he don't trust me no more, I'm blaming it on you cause this is some ridiculous-"
B/F/N slapped her right hand on your mouth, making you stop talking. You made a whining sound through her hand because it hurt you.
B/F/N turn their head to you and raise their eyebrow to see if you're done. You nodded your head and B/F/N slowly pulled their hand away from your mouth.
B/F/N look back out their window while you leaned forward and look over to see Spooky's house with some gang members all over the front lawn.
Luckily, nobody hasn't noticed your car on the other side of the street yet so you're able to see what's going on.
Your gaze becomes fixed as you see Sad Eyes coming out of the house and sitting on the staircase.
"What's he hiding?" you thought as you look at your boyfriend talking to Oso.
You started with wide eyes as you saw a woman walking down the sidewalk and walking up to Sad Eyes. She sat down next to him and they started talking.
You lean more forward to the window with narrow eyes as you see both of them talking like they know each other from a long time ago.
You saw the girl giggling as Sad Eyes was looking like he was telling one of his stories.
You started to contemplate their interaction with each other. You couldn't take it no more.
"I've had enough. Let's go." you scoffed and you lean back on your seat and cross arms.
"I've said let's go. I'll deal with him." you ordered again and looked out your side of the window with a tight-lipped mouth.
B/F/N looked at you doubted for a few moments before starting the car again and pulling out from the parking spot.
"Hey sweetheart." said Spooky as he came over from his car and walked over to his girl.
The girl walked over to him and they did a sweet kiss.
"Dude, you weren't trying to steal my girl, wouldn't you?" Spooky questioned as he walked over to his best friend, Sad Eyes with the girl's waist around his right arm.
"Nah, just keeping her company." Sad Eyes grinned and Spooky reached into his left pocket and pulled out two dollar stacks.
"Here, mano. You're been working hard for the past few weeks and I've wanted to give you a gift." said Spooky, causing Sad Eyes to quickly get up and walking over to collect it.
"Thanks, Spooky. I think I have enough to buy Y/N's gift. I've been so distant from her. I've been so distant that I'm not able to make it to her gig." sad Eyes grieving of what your relationship with him has been for the past few weeks.
"Whoa, she's having a new gig? Why didn't you say so? I've let you off the hook for a few days. Get some of these other Santos to actually do something." Spooky glared at his gang members playing card games or lifting weights all over his front lawn.
"You should bring her gift to her show. That would make her night." The girl said with a beam on her face.
"That ain't a bad idea. Thanks, Dinah." Sad Eyes remarked happily.
"No problem. She's going to love it." Dinah said with excitement.
"I hope so. I really do. I'm worried she may break up with me soon." Sad Eyes said, doubting himself.
"Don't worry, I know she wouldn't break up with you. Both of you are in deep with each other. Nothing is going to break that." Spooky acknowledged and he walked into his house with Dinah.
Sad Eyes starts to think about you and all the good memories you have with him. It made him smile and agree with what Spooky said.
"Baby, I'm home!" shouted Sad Eyes as he came into the house and closed the front door behind him.
He walked into the living room and he saw you drinking a drink in your hand with your legs crossed and your foot shaking repeatedly impatiently.
Sad Eyes cautiously tries to get close to you. He knew something was wrong once you were doing that.
"Babe? You're home early!" you said with excitement.
You quickly went over to him and hugged him tight. Sad Eyes calms down and his tension of something being wrong goes away quickly as he hugs you back.
Both of you sat down on the couch next to each other.
"Does that mean, you're going to my show?" you asked as you looked at him with hopeful eyes.
"I told you I got to go out with the gang tonight. We have to make a plan to make sure these Prophet$ ain't trying to take the gang down." he explained in a perpetually tired voice.
"Why tonight? Why not tomorrow? You haven't taken a break from the gang in a while. Do you even want to see me perform?" you asked with pleasing eyes.
"Babe, I do want to see you perform, " he confronted while looking deep into your eyes.
He grabs both of your hands with his, brings them to his lips, and kisses both back sides of your hand. "But we need to protect this neighborhood. You know how dangerous it is at night. I don't want nothing to happen to you so we have to do this tonight."
"You know how passionate I am about singing and this is my first performance in a while so can you skip it? Please? You haven't seen any of my performances yet." you said with determination as Sad Eyes walked to the island of the kitchen.
"I know and I'm so happy that you found your purpose in life but that doesn't get us out of this bad neighborhood. We don't have enough money." he said with firm persistence as you walked over to him.
"If you're so happy that I found it, then why can't you just come and see me? I want your support there." you conceded and Sad Eyes looked away without a response.
"Why are you always with the gang? You are not communicating with me and I can't get you a moment alone without you running off again." you confessed as you looked at him tumbling a bit.
"Y/N, I-"
"No. Go ahead. I don't care if you go to my show or not. Be with the gang." you snapped as you walked over to the bin of dirty laundry on the dining table and grabbed it.
You start walking through the house with the laundry to the laundry room until you stop and look straight with a tight lips. You don't even turn around to look at your distant boyfriend right now.
"Look, if you don't want to be with me or talk about what's going on, just pack your clothes and be on your way." you said with a straight face, making Sad Eyes finally giving his undivided attention on you.
Sad Eyes quickly ran to the laundry room and tried to open the door but it was locked. He grips the handle and shakes it with all of his strength to open it but it didn't budge.
"Y/N! Hermosa, you didn't mean that! Let's talk! Please!" Sad Eyes shouted while leaning against the door and gripping the handle.
He was pleased to talk to you right now. He definitely knows he really messed this up this time.
It's so bad that you wanted him out. He has to fix this. Now.
"Hello, future artist!" shouted B/F/N as they entered your dressing room already dressed up for the performance.
You were wearing a Marilyn Monroe inspired white sleeveless dress with sleeves and matching heels. Your hair was in a high ponytail with curls at the end and was wearing silver jewelry.
"So, what's the reason with these throwback outfits?" B/F/N wondered.
"It's a 60′s-inspired night at the theater so all music is modified or made inspired by that time." you answered as you were putting on bold red lipstick on your lips.
"Y/N! B/F/N! Jasmine! You're up in one minute." Ruby reported outside the dressing room after knocking three times.
He was the planner for the show tonight and wanted everything to be perfect...before everything becomes a mess as usual.
"Cesar, no! Those are for the stars!" shouted Ruby as he walked over to Cesar at the snack table.
"Y/N? I don't think you confirm that Jasmine was to be performing with us!" shouted B/F/N upset. She didn't like Jasmine because it's already sad that she's her sister.
"Chill out. You just sing backup. So, you better not fight and mess this up for me, okay? I heard there's some producer coming tonight." you growled as your eyes glared at your best friend.
B/F/N's eyes widened knowing that you're serious about this. They don't want to ruin the night where you could potentially be signed to a record label.!
"Okay, okay. I'll deal with her." B/F/N said with annoyance as they rolled their eyes.
You hugged them quickly and tight before getting on stage.
"Performing next, the beautiful essential Y/N!" shouted Ruby through the microphone on stage.
Everybody in the audience clapped and cheered as Ruby moved off stage and the curtains opened revealing you in front and B/F/N and Jasmine behind you.
The music started playing and you grip the microphone in front of you softly waiting to start singing at the right time.
As you were halfway through the song, somebody entered the theater which caught your attention but didn't stop you from singing.
Your heart skips a beat as you see your boyfriend, Sad Eyes entering with a suit on and sitting in the back.
You couldn't believe he came. For the first time. To support you. You smile with excitement as a feeling of happiness going through your body.
You started to snap as you sang with the instrumental playing. You fixed your gaze at Sad Eyes which he immediately sends back.
He did a huge goofy grin, making you blush and look down for a few moments. Luckily, it happened when you weren't singing in the song.
The instrumental ended and everybody got up from their seats and cheered and applauded. You did a huge smile to the crowd because they like it which made you feel so happy inside.
You, B/F/N, and Jasmine bowed down at the same time, making the cheers and applause become louder.
As you lifted back up, your attention went to Sad Eyes. You felt a glow coming from your soul as you saw him clapping with a huge smile on his face looking straight at you.
"Thank you so much." you said with a smile on your face to an old couple.
As they walked away, somebody hugged you out of nowhere. They caused you to stumble a bit.
"I'm so proud of you! You did amazing!" B/F/N said with excitement causing you to chuckle.
"Awe thanks," you flowed as you stepped back from B/F/N's hug. "I'm so glad both of you were able to put aside your differences for my performance."
"Yeah...about that..." B/F/N drawled out slowly as they rub the nape of their neck with their right hand.
You groaned in annoyance as you pulled out your wallet, put out twenty dollars and handed it to her.
"Thanks. Love you, bye!" B/F/N shouted as they walked away with your money.
You shake your head in B/F/N's silliness with a smile on your face. All of the sudden, you felt two strong arms wrap around your torso and pull up back to a person's body.
You glance over your shoulder and you make eye contact to very similar dark brown eyes. Your heart skips a beat as you see the eyes pupils dilated.
Your eyes widened and your attention quickly went to a guy standing tall while holding his hands together in front of him. You quickly unwrap Sad Eyes's arms from your torso.
He was wearing a suit that looks more expensive than others, gold chains hanging down from their neck, and a wavy haircut.
"Hello. My name is Damian Ross, a producer who works at Hollywood Records." he said with pride and he did a firm handshake with you that you returned back.
"I love your voice and I think you could be the next big thing." Damian said a wink, making Sad Eyes mumbled underneath his breath angrily.
He grabs your hip with his right hand to pull you back to him, making you gasp by his sudden action.
"Really? Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." you said happily as you have your hands clasped together and looking at Damian.
"Well, if you're interested, give me a call and we can talk." said Damian in a flirtatious way and hands you his card.
You feel Sad Eyes's grip on your hip become tighter, making you glance over your right shoulder again and your eyes widened to Sad Eyes tight lips and clench jaw.
You saw his veins throbbing out in his neck and his left hand in a hard clench fist and bear his rapid breathing. You have to end this now before this becomes a scene.
"I will. Thank you so much. Have a good night." you quickly bursted as you basically snatched the card out of Damian's hand.
"You too." Damian said in a casual tone and he licked his lips as he walked away.
Sad Eyes lets go of your waist and starts to walk away aggressively with clench fists towards him until you stopped him.
"Baby, baby, babe. Please, don't make a scene tonight." you warned as you try to look into his eyes.
"Hermosa, did you not see his interest in you?! It's disgusting! He saw me behind you with my arm around your hip! I-"
Sad Eyes started to look into your eyes and his anger went away. He saw the fear in your eyes, knowing you don't want him to make a scene.
"I'm sorry, babygirl." Sad Eyes agonized as he bow his head down.
You hugged him, making his body freeze and stare down at you with wide eyes.
"Thanks for coming tonight. I really appreciate it. None of this matters if you ain't here with me." you confessed as you smiled into his chest.
His smile immediately smiles and he hugs you back tight. You miss moments like this with him.
"I want to show you something." he said with a grin on your face, causing you to smile again.
"What is it? You being here is the greatest thing right now. What else could I get today?" you asked with excitement.
"Let's find out, shall we?" He insisted as he pulled his right hand out in front of you.
You giggled as you grabbed it and both of you walked out of the theater and into the parking lot.
Sad Eyes pulled out the keys and clicked a button, making a car's lights lit up. You gasped and felt happy tears coming out of your eyes.
You couldn't believe this. In front of you was your dream car, C/B. in your favorite color! Were you dreaming?
"Happy early anniversary, babygirl." said Sad Eyes happily and he hands you the car keys.
You croaked as you saw the car you wanted forever in your life in your hands. You started to cry hard, making your boyfriend concerned real quick.
"Y/N? What's wrong? You don't like it? I can get you a another and-"
His eyes widened by your sudden burst. You wipe your eyes and you look at your best boyfriend ever.
"Happy tears. Thank you." you cried as you went over to him and jumped into his arms.
Sad Eyes quickly grabs your waist and holds you up as you hug him tight around your night.
"Why? How? When?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise. I know you wanted this for so long so that's why I was always out. I'm sorry for being distant from you when I should've been the boyfriend you deserve." he confesses as he maintains eye contact with you.
"Awe, babe. I didn't know. I didn't mean to snap on you earlier. I thought you didn't want to be with me any more so you were with another girl than being with the gang like you said you were." you confronted as you clasped his hands with yours.
"Dinah? Baby, that's Spooky's girl. I'm sorry if it did look like that. I was only with her because she helped me get the car for you. I would never be with anybody else but you. You're my world and my everything. And hopefully one day, you'll have my last name." he said with determination and love in his eyes.
"I will have your last name. I ain't planning to be with anybody else but you." you said with a warm smile, making him smile back.
"Ready to ride?" asked Sad Eyes with a grin on his face.
"Yesss!" you drawled out loudly as you quickly jog up to your dream car in heels, making Sad Eyes laughing at your silliness.
You got in the driver's seat as he got in the passenger's seat. You started it and your eyes widened in excitement at the sound of the engine.
Sad Eyes starts to stare at your adorable self as you are looking at all of the different features of your dream car and trying some of them.
You feel his stare and you turn to him with waggling eyebrows and a goofy grin on your face.
"What are you staring at?" you asked with a fixed gaze at your staring boyfriend.
"The most beautiful girl in the world." he said with his flirtatious behavior.
"Oh my gosh, you can be so clingy sometimes." you said while giggling, causing him to chuckle with you.
"It's only with you. I can't help it." he blushed while covering his face with his hands and wiping it off.
"I don't mind. I love it and you." you said as you made eye contact with him.
"I love you too, hermosa."
Both of you leaned in and did a passionate kiss. You felt butterflies going through your body all over again like the first time you ever kissed him.
The feeling never fails and you want to experience it only with him forever.
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
“but the Ryan's ego gossip was just more juicy overall.” SPILL THE TEA!
It's pretty much out that Tim Miller left due to creative difference with Ryan, to be fair to Ryan though he is the whole reason Deadpool was greenlit anyway. But it did come to a point where it almost felt like starring Ryan Reynolds, Directed by Ryan Reynolds, Produced by Ryan Reynolds, Edited by Ryan Reynolds, Screenplay by Ryan Reynolds, featuring Ryan Reynolds. Harley Quinn and Birds of Prey but more intense. Basically Fox gave him all the power and with them siding entirely with him over Tim gave him the idea how much of this is in his power. It came to a point other writers stopped suggesting too much in case it clashes with Ryan's vision. They wanted more about the X-Force but it ended more as a comic relief but this was where major creative difference between Ryan and the writers had. David Leitch wasn't running the show in as much as he directed the action. Ryan definitely was no director/showrunner but he tried to control the writing and directing that the main players basically had to step back a bit and just adjust. This was in contrast to the first Deadpool where every single one of them were in it together. In the end my friend didn't even know who's right and wrong in all this. Obviously Ryan was the most important person in all this as he's a major reason for the success of the film. But then he was a major factor in why the film was not as polished as the first and why nobody knew the future of the franchise after the film, even if we don't factor Disney buying Fox. Of course right now Deadpool 3 is in development though, but now they wonder if Ryan knows Kevin is the one running the show.
WS anon any tea on Taylor and Karlie? I just want to know what happened there for the sake of JLaw
If you must know how difficult it is to get anything about Taylor. But I guess the prevailing gossip is Karlie sharing info to Scooter and another is the so-called party in Taylor's NY home that Karlie threw and Taylor didn't know about. And no romantic kaylor isn't real.
On the flip side those who hear more about Karlie's side will say Taylor's controlling nature even with her friends was a factor. Considering Karlie does network with the Kardashians, Katy Perry, managed by Scooter, and overall independence from Taylor's controlling nature was the factor.
WS anon any tea on Taylor in general? LMAO everything we know of TS and I know that's a lot is very controlled either by her or the narrative that's been push by the media since forever now. Is there anything we never could've guessed?
Pre-1989 Taylor there were still gossip you can hear from people around her. Such as Taylor Lautner was supposed to be more PR but he seemed to take it too seriously. Also doesn't matter if you're her stylist or have to do a shoot with her, she will never go around nude. You need to make sure there's a proper changing room and her team will make sure there's no hidden camera.
1989 Taylor and onwards her team is incredibly silent. I did hear from my dad's colleague (also works in finance and manages celeb business portfolios) that a lot of investors doesn't like working with Taylor is because she's incredibly controlling and doesn't give them reign on a matter that she's not an expert on. He also said Taylor tried to do other business ventures but they never see the light of day because of how she wants to micromanage every detail. Either way seems like she mastered the music business now so I'll say she's fine.
"3. Apparently he hooks up with a lot of co-stars." is it rumors that people hear on set? And yeah the Skarsgård family in general seem very secretive
Like Jessie said it's a pretty well-known rumor. But I was told the Taylor/Alexander thing didn't really amount to anything but maybe a dinner date.
- Worcestershire Sauce Anon
We THANK YOU for your service!
I believe all the Taylor and Karlie tea you spilled here, and I think majority of Switifes could have guessed most of it already
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Spidey Senses (pt. 2)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You have a talk with Happy and Tony, and Tony tries to fill in the blanks of your life.
Warning: Angsty memories
Word Count: 2879
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3
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"Holy shit!" You said, surprising Tony over the language. "You're the Spiderman?"
"You're the Spidergirl?!"
You turned to Tony, who was watching this from outside the car. "You! Why didn't you give me a heads up?"
He only shrugged. "You didn't ask."
"You could've put two and two together!" He only smirked and closed the door. You turned to Peter. "Stark museum?"
"Yeah. You too?"
"Yeah." You buried your head in your hands. This was a lot to processs...holy crap, this just made him more amazing. Peter really does deserve the world.
"You okay?"
You brought up your head and nodded, gently smiling. "We have a lot to talk about."
Tony got in the front seat next to Happy, who was waiting in the car as well. Tony put up the divider so you two wouldn't hear the conversation. "I like her. She's got spunk, but is also a lot more mature than she acts."
Happy glanced at the drawing. "What's that?"
"A drawing from my number one fan." He put it on the dashboard and leaned back in his seat. "She's got a crush on him."
"The kid? Why?" Happy furrowed his eyebrows.
"Beats me, but he doesn't feel the same way. How does that makes sense? It's like when Cap turns down a woman for the hundredth time. Not this is the same situation, but still. Why is the history of blind men repeating itself?" He rested his fist over his mouth. "I'm trying to wrap my head around it."
Happy thought about it. "Let me see a picture of them." He showed him the picture of you two together. "Oh wow. She's adorable. What's wrong with him?"
"Who knows." He paused. "Pull over. I'm gonna find out." Happy pulled over and Tony opened your door. "Your sitting in the front for now. I wanna have a heart to heart with the kid."
You got up and looked at Tony in the eye. "Please don't embarrass me." He saluted as you sat in the front seat. "Hi. You must be Happy."
You smiled and stuck out your hand. He hesitated for a second before shaking it. It wasn't really a professional firm shake, but he appritiated your attempts to be polite. "You're y/n."
He started driving again, and you nodded. "Yup. Did Mr. Stark tell you anything about me?"
"W–uh, not really, no." You gave him a look and huffed, giving him an expectant look and unconsciously pouty face. "Okay, he told me you have a crush on the Peter kid."
"Ugh, of course he did. Is he always really nosy? I've literally never met someone as curious as him."
Happy chuckled. "Oh yeah. Why, how bad was it?"
"He intarrogates me about the pictures I have on my walls, goes through my kitchen drawers, looks at my bills, then walks into my room to make fun of me for my drawings."
You both laughed. "So you drew that picture?"
You looked at the drawing on the dash board. "Yeah. I guess you can say I'm kind of Mr. Stark's number one fan."
Happy let out a chuckle. "You don't act like it."
"That's because I can realize that he's a regular person with his own emotional issues going on, and that he's a good guy because he chose to be for the sake of others. Not for the fame, like the guy from Hammer tech. Ugh, their products suck. But yeah, he seems like a pretty good dude, even if he suffers from RPR."
"What's RPR?"
"Rich People Rudeness." You both laughed, and Happy thought for a moment.
"Wait, what do you mean when he looked through your bills?"
"Oh, I assumed that Mr. Stark told you." He shook his head. "I've been emancipated for about 8 months now."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to–"
"It's fine." You said lightheartedly. "It's not like it's common where you work or probably live." There was an awkward silence where you knew Happy regretted prying, so you picked up the conversation. "So, I saw that you're trained in boxing."
He smiled while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah. Do you know how to fight?"
"Um, I guess I did learn to fight as a kid, but it's considered dirty fighting."
"Hey, don't worry about it. Tony's always using dirty boxing when we go for a round."
You smiled and looked out the window. "Course he does. I wish I knew boxing."
"Well, maybe if there's time with all of this over, I could teach you."
"Aww, you'd do that for me?" You gave him a wide grin, and poked him. "Am I growing on you already?"
"You're not too bad, calm down."
Meanwhile, in the back of the car, Peter was nervous about the idea of Tony wanting a 'heart to heart'. "So," Tony said. "I want to get to know you. Tell me about this girl you like."
Tony took out the container that he put under the seat when he went to get you clothes. He opened it and took out a cookie, taking a bite. "Yeah, talk to me."
"Uh, are those y/n's cookies?"
"Yeah, how can you tell?"
"Those look like the double chocolate cookies that she makes." He unconsciously licked his lips; those were his favorite of yours.
"Do me a favor and don't tell her. I'll buy her some new cookies and give back the container. These are just really addicting."
"Yeah, they really are." Peter laughed out. "Well, the girl like's name is Liz."
"Is that short for anything?"
"No, it's just Liz. Anyways, she's really smart. Like, learning is actually important to her and she tries really hard in everything. My friends and I joined Mathletes for her."
"Your friends being..."
"Y/n and our friend Ned. She's really nice to everyone too. Like, no matter what. Not a lot of people in Queens are like that." Peter smiled and blushed.
"Yeah? You guys talk a lot?"
"Well, no. I get really nervous and choked up. I do get some words out, but I need to work on my confidence around her."
Tony shifted in his place to face more to Peter. "Let me ask you something, and think about it. What does she do when you choke up?"
Peter didn't see how this was an important question. "She usually just stares at me, confused. Her friends would drag her away or this guy named Flash will make fun of me and my friends and I walk away. That's usually how the conversation ends."
Tony had all the information he needed. If Peter was always stumbling over his words and this Liz girl didn't do anything about it, then she wasn't really confused. She was playing dumb, either to not embarrass him or because she wasn't interested. What he did know was that he could use this to his advantage. "Now I want you to compare that to the other women in your life."
"Oh, I don't really have other women in my life. I'm not that kind of person." Peter chuckled at Tony.
"I can see. Who are the women in your life then?"
He shrugged. "Just Aunt May and y/n really."
Tony repressed his smile. This was right where he wanted Peter. For being such a genius with science and technology, Peter was an idiot with people's feelings. "Okay then, let's think of a scenario with y/n."
"Why are–"
"Don't question me when I'm asking you something." He said sternly.
"Sorry." Peter mumbled.
"I want you to think of a scenario where you're trying to talk to y/n, but you can't. You're choked up and it's bothering you that you can't speak clearly to tell her something really important to you. What would she do?"
"Well, she'd probably tell me to stop talking, and have me take a deep breath. I could see her grabbing my hand and telling me that whatever it is I want to say is just as important to her if it is to me, and that I should know that I could always tell her anything. She'd probably make me go for a walk and swing our hands to sooth me while we wouldn't say anything. Then when I'm calm enough I'd tell her."
Tony learned two things from this. One, Peter was an oblivious dumbass who still had this likability to him somehow. And two, you had some game. Your flirting was strong even in a damn fake scenario, and you sounded smooth as hell. Tony needed to think about this. He needed to figure out what to say in order to nudge Peter onto you without saying Just kiss her, trust me.
"Y'know, one thing that I like about me and Pepper's relationship is that we can talk about anything for hours. She makes me comfortable and talking to her feels natural and at home. Make sure you feel your best around the girl you like."
Peter thought about this, and Tony dusted the cookie crumbs off his hands. "Okay that's enough advice I'm able to give." He said.
He knocked on the divider, which Happy put down. You did a double take, quickly turning around to look at the container in Tony's lap. "Are those my cookies?!"
He looked like he was trying to think of an excuse, but couldn't find one. "Yes."
You huffed and shook your head, looking back at Happy. "See what I mean?"
He sighed. "Oh Tony."
"Anyways, switch with the kid. I want to talk to you."
You got out of the car and made your way to Peter's door, where he just got out. "How'd it go?" You asked.
"Uh, he told me some stuff that was pretty interesting. But it was good advice. He obviously likes you more than me."
"I don't think it's possible for anyone to like someone else over you." You both smiled as you entwined your fingers together. "I bet he already loves you as much as I do."
He twirled you around, making you giggle. "Thanks y/n. I love it that I have a friend as amazing as you."
"Course." Happy and Tony both looked at each other to acknowledge the depressing friendzone blow you just took. As you slid inside the car you took the container from Tony, handing it to Happy. "Here you go. You two can have the rest."
Happy joyfully took the tupperware. "Happy, put the divider back up." Tony said. Once it was up, he turned to you and overly smiled. "He's cute, isn't he?"
"You don't have to make fun of me." You pouted.
He laughed. "I can see that he's a good kid, and socially awkward. You two were really friendly with each other."
"Not really. We grew up with each other, so it's just natural."
"I want to know what made you like him the way you do." He leaned his head on the seat as he gently smiled.
You looked down and shrugged, smiling. "He just has this light about him. No matter how sad life can get for me, he always makes me smile. He was there for me at my lowest. He knew about my mom, everyone in school did, but he was the only one who wanted to talk to me. Everybody else saw me as dangerous. Ned was reluctant, since he's always been overly cautious, but he warmed up to me. He was even there when I went to court to get myself emancipated."
"Tell me a story of him and you. When was a time where the two of you used your brains together?"
Your smile grew. "There was this time when Peter and I built a TV for me. I found as much as I could from scavenging around the home we lived in, and he had his parents buy the rest. It was our project together. It was an excuse to get away from my mom, and I was so proud of myself when we finished and it actually turned on. It made me love projects from then on. Projects are a reason to be around Peter, and a distraction from everything else."
Tony loved this. This was better than any Hallmark movie. Better than any romance story he's seen. "When did you first get a crush on the kid?"
Your smile left you. "That's kind of a long story." You looked down again, this time in shame. "My uh, my mom had a lot of friends over all the time. They did a lot of stuff, and put a lot of stuff in themselves. I didn't know what it was back then, but I knew it wasn't good. I stepped on a needle that was left on the floor, and whatever they had just took was in me too. I had a seizure, and whoever was still in their right mind called an ambulance. I was in there for three days, still trying to gain back all the feelings in my body. Peter visited me everyday, and fed me when my hand was too shaky for me to eat by myself."
He saw your watery eyes, and felt guilty for bringing it up. "Kid, I'm sorry for asking."
You shook your head and wiped your eyes. "It's fine. Peter told his parents that my mom was really sick, so let me stay there for a few days. We were only six, so we slept in the same bed. I think that's when I first got my crush on him. When he hugged me after getting woken up by my nightmares."
He smiled at you, but was filled to the brim with sadness. He didn't know what to do, what to say. He just wanted you to feel better. Damn, why did that amazing idiot like someone else? Without thinking, Tony pulled you in for a hug. You hesitated, but hugged him back. You didn't remember the last time you were hugged like this, but it felt really good.
At the same time, Peter was failing miserably at talking to Happy. He tried to ask him about his name, but got nowhere. They both opted for silently eating your cookies together. He did see one of your drawings on the dashboard, and picked it up to examine it. He put it back down, smiling and looking out the window. He was proud of you for giving it to Tony.
The car then stopped. You and Tony didn't say anything when pulling back, but you gave him a smile that he easily returned. As everybody got out of the car, Tony had Happy take out your luggages with new clothes and toiletries. He was going to have Happy bring them up, but you both protested and got it yourselves.
He explained the mission situation, and weak points in some of the people's fighting abilities. He then told you two to find your hotel rooms while he talked to Happy. He had a lot to gossip with Happy about you. He usually wouldn't be doing this with anybody, but he trusted to task Happy with looking after you in the future.
You both went in the hotel and gave your names to the front desk lady. Miraculously, she gave you two room keys without question. You excitedly went up to the 5th floor, and went to your connected rooms. You both went to Peter's side first, then yours.
"Yup, your side is a lot better." Peter said as he put his small luggage bag down at a corner of your room.
"What're you doing?" You asked.
"Don't you get nightmares when your in a new area alone? I'm gonna sleep with you."
You lightly smiled at the innocent but so meaningful statement. He really did care. "You remembered. Okay, let's get ready for bed then."
You both brushed your teeth together, and you changed in the bathroom while he took the bedroom. You were pretty nervous to leave the bathroom, with these small pj shorts on. The only times you've shown your legs are in PE, and even those shorts were pretty long. When you did step out of the bathroom, you saw that Peter was shirtless and had a frown. "Mr. Stark didn't pack any pajama shirts for me."
You shrugged, trying to not melt on the spot at the fact that his powers gave him super hot abs. "Maybe he figured you sleep shirtless."
"I guess." You both went under the sheets, and he cutely turned to face you with an adorable smile. "What did you and Mr. Stark talk about?"
"He wanted to know about my past."
"Oh." His smile was wiped clean off, and a worried expression replaced it. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I really am." You then wrapped your arms around his waist and snuggled into his chest. "It just made me remember how lucky I am to have such an amazing person like you in my life."
He smiled and hugged you back. "I'm lucky too."
You then quickly dozed off in his arms, and he'd be damned if he accidentally woke your nice slumber, so he didn't move you. He thought about Tony's word of advice. He needed to learn how to talk to Liz like a regular person, and become closer. He can always speak to you normally. Maybe you could help him with that. That must've been what Tony meant. Yeah.
Author Note: Someone asked to be tagged but then deleted the comment, so to whoever that was, sorry I didn't tag you.
Tag List:
@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps
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growingupautie · 5 years
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StoryTime: All That and a Bag of...
At my previous job, I and a coworker or two would often grab lunch at a local restaurant. Usually, it was just me and one other guy thought. Sometimes we'd go to the pizza place. Sometimes the Chinese place down the street. There were a few good spots but we went to them all the time so they got pretty boring. Isn't it funny how when you finally have access to almost any food, you end up feeling like nothing sounds good and taking it for granted?
One day, most of my coworkers were busy, and my go-to guy told me he had errands to run. I drove by the Chinese place we usually go to and parked my car. But as I got out, I saw the Subway next to it and decided that since nobody ever wanted to go there, I would do that instead. I closed my car door and felt someone watching behind me. It felt like they were ready to make their move and ambush me with something but there was a distinct lack of a feeling of ill-intent.
I started to rush off toward the entrance as I hear from the watcher behind me "HEY! Hey man! Can you uh...I don't get paid for two weeks and I just started a new job...Can you buy me lunch and I'll pay you back?" I look back and see an older man in his late 30's sitting in his beat-up work truck wearing a neon work vest frantically awaiting my answer. "Uh..." I said, not really wanting to interact with anyone that day but feeling like I was long overdue for a good deed. "Sure, man...Come on."
He said "Are you serious?! Thank you. Oh, God. Thank you. God Bless you." and he leaped out of his truck, and threw the door shut running toward me. He held the door open for me and said "I'll pay you back. I promise." When I do things like this for people, I don't really want to be paid back and as I told him, it "wouldn't be much of a good deed if I did." He thanked me with an oddly frantic nature and seemed to almost get teary-eyed.
I thought to myself about how rare kindness must be to him if that small amount elicited that response. Then I realized that it most certainly was to me, and that's about the same amount of kindness it would take to move me as well. "I haven't eaten in a few days..." he told me. "I just started this new job, and I'm in a bad way until I get paid." He added. As his words hit me I said with a somewhat heavier heart. "Well, you're eating today, man. Get whatever you want.
The person in line ahead of us turned around and mean mugged him, and looked at me as if to say I was being scammed. That the guy was just in it for a free meal. Honestly, He could've been right in that moment for all I knew. But the truth is, I didn't care. I'd rather it be a free food scam than any other type because it's still a good deed done in the name of goodness.
But at the same time, I felt like this guy was either legitimate or extremely exaggerating his actions to seem that way. Either way, I didn't care. And because of that, the joke would be on him if he was lying. He ordered a 6-inch sandwich, and I told him to make it a foot long if he hadn't eaten in so long. He almost broke down again but snapped out of it, and changed his order.
He added chips and a drink to it, but only after I insisted. Further taking away the idea that this was all a scam to get free food. He picked his sandwich and drink up and looked like he was ready to walk out. "Do you mind if I eat with you?" he asked me. I was taken aback. Most of the time when I had bought someone lunch over the years they either doubled their order, left as soon as it was ready, or both. "Uh...Yeah, man. Sure." I told him.
We went and sat down and he thanked me again frantically for the food. Then he pulled the sandwich out and started literally scarfing it down in front of me. And I mean scarfing. And for a brief moment, I thought to myself "Who eats like that?" until it clicked in my head that only someone who hadn't eaten a meal in a long time would... I immediately felt horrible. "How long has it been?" I asked. "Um...Been a few days. Maybe Saturday?" It was Tuesday.
"I'm sorry, my brother. I didn't realize how bad it was." I told him as tears burned in my eyes burning my nostrils as I was overcome with emotion. He told me he understood, and I did more than anyone else did for him. I explained my stance on doing the good for the good and he told me again he would pay me back. "No, my brother. I never expected you to. That's the whole point. His eyes welled up more than they had before as he kept eating.
"My wife left us..." he said. "us?" I asked seeing what I was assuming was his wedding ring on his necklace and worrying about his answer. "Yeah, me and my little boy. She left us, and went to Louisiana." (I believe) he told me. "She took almost everything with her leaving me broke, and without any way to provide for my son." He took another bite and continued. "I just started this job, and it pays good. But I ain't gonna see a dime until next Thursday."
I asked him when the last time his son ate was, and he told me he had been going without so he could feed his son. I believe he said he could only afford ramen and hot dog weiners and was making his son that. I had always wanted to be a dad and I didn't really have the best examples growing up. At that time I was questioning ability to be a father.
Kandace and I were either planning to or trying to conceive, at the time and all I could think was being in a situation where I couldn't afford to take care of my son and what that must be doing to him. Much less foregoing food for himself to do what little he could. Thinking about it now as a father makes the emotion so much worse but at that moment it nearly broke my heart.
He didn't ask me for money. He told me he was going to find a way to get some groceries. That he didn't have anything to sell, but he would find a way. He nearly finished his entire sandwich by that time, and I asked why he was eating so quickly. He told me he had spent 30 minutes of his 60-minute lunch break asking people outside to buy him lunch so he didn't black out at work with no food.
In that moment...I had had enough. I wasn't going to put up with a situation like that that I had the power to change. I packed the rest of my sandwich up to take to work and said. "My brother. I know you don't have much time left but can you follow me to the Grocery store real quick?" He said "uh..sure" unsure of why I would ask him that. He followed me over to the ATM directly inside and upon realizing where we were said "I...No, my brother. You've already helped me enough."
"My brother..." I told him. "I don't trust these humans out here to help you, and I'm not going to let a hard-working single father and his son starve. It's just not going to happen." He started actually crying at that point and I did all I could not to do the same. I pulled out what I could afford to give him.
The number is not important, and I can't remember anyway, but it's not as much as I wanted to give him. I told him that I hoped what I gave him would get him through to payday and he hugged me (After asking.) I told him they would be ok and that we was an amazing father to sacrifice for his son like he had. The kind of father many kids unfortunately never had. I knew he needed to hear that and I'm glad I said it.
He kept trying to tell me he wanted to pay me back. And in the end, I finally told him how he could. "When you are on your feet and can afford to. Find someone who needs help like you did, and help them." I said. "That's what I'm doing now, and that's why I'm doing it. I continued.
As an Autistic adult, I came from a place where nobody would hire me, and no matter what I tried to make money, I fell flat on my face. I have been plagued with bad luck most of my life and have often felt cursed, so when I finally get on my feet and out of the bad times and see someone struggling to do the same just like I did, my first thought isn't to judge them or tell them to pull themselves up. It's to help them up.
He was a single dad with a new job trying to do right by his son. He was pulling himself up. But he needed help. Sometimes when people help themselves up, they still need a hand. And in a world of apathetic "not my problem" attitudes. Be that hand. Be that hand in spite of the judgmental onlookers, and naysayers. Yes. Guard yourself against being used, and abused but do what you can afford to do to help make their world, and by extension the rest of the world a better place.
And wherever you are, my brother, if you are by some random happenstance reading this. I hope you and yours are as well as me and mine. Thank you for being a shining example of fatherhood in a time where I was questioning my ability to be one.
-Nathan Alan McConnell
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Where's Nance? Rio: She was with your parents last I saw Rio: but that was a while ago so Buster: Typical Buster: Oldest trick in the book for when she doesn't wanna talk to me Rio: Can't imagine why Buster: 'Course you can't Rio: 🙄 Buster: Yeah, like I was saying, always a pleasure Rio: Where? Buster: Exactly Rio: Hm Rio: I'll tell her you're looking for her, I guess Buster: Don't Buster: She'll find a new hiding place Rio: What have you done then? Buster: Cheers Buster: Really nice of you to assume it's all my fault Rio: you aren't the one hiding Buster: I'm not a pussy Buster: If something needs to get said, I'll say it Rio: That's why she's hiding then, I imagine Buster: I didn't ask you why, just where Rio: is it that pressing? Buster: What 'cause I'm gonna ruin all the fun she's having? Buster: You've got the wrong sister there, babe Rio: well it sounds like it Buster: I don't need your permission Rio: Why do you need to be a dick? Buster: To her or to you? Rio: Her, obviously Rio: It's not that deep Buster: I'm not being a dick to her Buster: I was last night, which is why I wanna talk to her Rio: Oh, so you wanna apologize Rio: you can't force her to accept it, probably wait for her to come out from wherever she is Buster: Did I say that? Buster: I've got nothing to be sorry for Rio: For God's sake Rio: I forgot how tiring you were Buster: It ain't my fault its been years since you've been able to keep up with me Rio: Please Rio: your memory is as selective as your participation Buster: Your memory is as unreliable as your mum's baby daddys Rio: I don't need this from you today Buster: Name a day you do need it, I'll check my calendar, like Rio: You're so unfunny Buster: I ain't the entertainment Buster: You wish Rio: Neither is my family Rio: sorry to disappoint Buster: It's alright, like I said, I'm used to you disappointing me Buster: Ancient history Rio: Heartbreaking Buster: It makes no odds to me if you can't hold your nerve, drink or your head high Buster: That's your problem Rio: None of which you'd know anything about Rio: you're the only one here with a problem, obviously Buster: Which one of us are you trying to convince? Buster: Either way, I'd work harder at it if I were you Rio: like permission, I definitely don't need your advice Rio: there's no need for conviction, you don't like me, I don't like you, it's simple Buster: There's every need for conviction when it's the pretence you're actually tired of Buster: I understand putting the one, big, happy family spin on things for the kids but we ain't that and you ain't supposed to buy into your own bullshit Buster: You don't wanna be here, don't put that on me Rio: Don't project your bullshit onto me Rio: You wouldn't know, because you don't, but I turn up to events Buster: Just own yours Buster: I know 'cause I can still read you, neither of us have to like it, but it's true Rio: Just leave me alone Rio: don't think about me Buster: Don't cry, you'll fuck up the photos Rio: You wish Buster: You wish I cared Rio: yeah Rio: pleasure, right Buster: [brings her a drink like drown your sorrows but doesn't stick around cos rude hoe] Rio: [gives it to her mans like no thank you] Buster: [LOL love that power move] Rio: [has to be done] Buster: [also how awkward that her man is at this fam function, please don't be cringe Caleb] Rio: [at least you're the least bothered in that sense, you know you bomb enough] Buster: [and you're your dad's fave too so best behaviour with you] Rio: [hopefully you're not looking as messy by this age sir] Buster: [good lord I hope not you'll be the one ruining those photos if you are] Rio: [just put him on the side so you can crop him out] Buster: [#mood and defs crop out shit nan] Rio: [she'll be on fine form, everyone hide she lives to shade] Buster: [Grace just crying cos she only a bab and she already getting shaded] Rio: [no prisoners baby] Buster: [no offense Meena but none of us are living rn] Rio: [soz your wedding is tense] Buster: [thank god there's not loads of them] Rio: [we been derailed though you two think of a flimsy excuse to talk again] Buster: [is Gus still alive or nah that's my last question I promise] Rio: [nah, if we said OG he died when Pablo, that's 22, so a year before the twins are born] Buster: [sad times] Rio: [okay so later, like a time that you've both had to be on it with the drinks etc] Rio: you find her? Buster: No Rio: you still want to? Buster: Forget it Buster: She wants to stay mad Rio: don't you approve of that though Buster: Of martyrdom? Fuck that Rio: nah Rio: being angry, doing your own thing Buster: If that was what she was doing Rio: well, she's with June, obviously Rio: but they seemed content enough Buster: Whatever Rio: Whatever then Rio: enjoy the remaining festivities Buster: Obviously Rio: not been that bad Rio: my nan thinks you're SO impressive, know you love that Buster: Compared to what? St Paddy's? Christmas? My 10th birthday? Buster: I know I'm impressive, I could give a fuck what she thinks Rio: What was wrong with your 10th birthday? Buster: What's wrong with any of them? It was just an example Rio: it sounded like some deep trauma you should repress is all Rio: maybe I already had, idk Buster: I can afford a good therapist, it'll be fine Rio: Yippee Buster: You don't have to lose any sleep over me, babe Buster: Dreams aside Rio: You've been working on your jokes Rio: glad you've spent your time wisely Buster: 'Course you are Buster: So invested in my success, yeah? Rio: Sure Rio: not that I spend enough time laughing at jokes that aren't funny without needlessly indulging you too or anything Buster: Dump your boyfriend then Buster: He's got fuck all going for him if he ain't funny Rio: How do you know I'm talking about him? Buster: Educated guess Buster: 'Cause I am Rio: Well you're wrong Rio: and my dad really isn't that funny Rio: or he thinks I'm still five Buster: I ain't wrong that he looks like he has to sign his name with a cross Buster: And I could've told you that, about your dad Rio: You're just being rude with no basis for it, but I'm not after help with my homework even if he was that thick so what would it matter Rio: I'm sure Rio: why didn't you offer you unnecessary, 'expert' opinion this time then? Buster: I have a solid basis for your lack of standards, but fair point, it doesn't really matter to me Buster: And 'cause you can't even accept my offer of a drink Rio: if high standards means being here alone, you can have it Rio: it wasn't an offer, it was parallel to assault with a 🍹 Buster: If you're that scared to be alone, I'll see you in the shrink's chair once we've given it at least a couple more years to let the trauma accumulate Buster: You never used to be so afraid of everything Rio: I'm no more scared of being alone than you're scared to be with someone Rio: what else am I meant to be afraid of? Buster: Other than acting like I threw a glass of straight brandy in your face? Rio: You weren't trying to give me a drink, you were trying to prove a point you didn't have Buster: Let's not pretend you have any idea what my motivations are/were/could be at any particular point in time Rio: I'd have to join in the delusion you aren't transparent first and honestly Rio: not got the time Buster: 'Cause you don't Buster: 'Course* Rio: Be well busy teaching my boyfriend to read and write, apparently Buster: There's so many delusions it must be necessary to maintain in order to just be with him that neither of us have the time to list them all Rio: It doesn't really matter to you, remember? Buster: Cheers for the reminder Rio: You're so welcome Buster: I feel it Buster: Your nan has such a welcoming vibe Rio: No doubt ⭐ boy Rio: try being your sister, or my brother Buster: She loves it Rio: Judging like God gave her the go ahead? Rio: I know Buster: I meant Nance loves a chance to play the victim, but yeah that too Rio: She'll be over it 'fore the night is out Buster: Don't underestimate her Rio: Yeah, that's me Buster: Well, everyone knows the opposite is reserved for your boyfriends Rio: I highly doubt anyone but you is thinking about it at all Buster: If that idea brings you comfort, you can have it Rio: How generous Buster: Why are you wearing that? Rio: What do you mean? Buster: It's a simple enough question Rio: Too simple for words Rio: because it's a wedding Rio: what else would I wear? Buster: I'm not your stylist Rio: then don't act like it Buster: I ain't Rio: Maybe I don't like what you're wearing Rio: you don't have to announce every thought in your head Buster: I didn't express an opinion, I asked a question Rio: I know what you're saying Buster: No you don't Rio: Then tell me Buster: You've already made it clear that you don't want me to Rio: That's why I asked you to Buster: I don't have to announce every thought in my head, remember? Rio: Fine Rio: well I'm not going home to change, can you handle that? Buster: What if I can't? Rio: I know you can Buster: Fine Rio: Do you want a drink? Buster: Are you gonna throw it at me? Rio: I've got manners Buster: Shame Rio: 😏 Rio: if you're missing playing, there's room at the kid's table Buster: I'm gutted that you don't wanna play a game with me, that doesn't mean you get to push your luck that far Rio: You don't seem like you're in a playful mood Buster: What mood do I seem like I'm in? Rio: So I can't read your motivations anymore but I can still read your moods? Buster: Come on Rio: You seem Rio: annoyed Rio: uncomfortable, like the rest of us Buster: Is that you finally admitting that you're uncomfortable? Rio: I never said I was having the BEST time Buster: Alright, let's have that drink then Rio: as far as non-solutions go Rio: one of the better Buster: You know me well enough to know if it ain't the best, I ain't interested Rio: That's why you ain't brought a plus one, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: You seem bored too Buster: You don't have to read my mind for that one, it's just common sense Rio: So I'll get you that drink Buster: Cheers Rio: Slainte Rio: [gonna have you get waylaid by your dad and Drew at the bar] Buster: [when you come and literally drag her away from them when you realise cos you don't have to read her mind there either] Rio: [we all know Drew's already getting lowkey creepy at this age, never mind any dad angst or embarrassment 'thanks' as you awkwardly give him his drink] Buster: [when it's been so long since they've touched each other that he can't even speak so just gotta shake his head for that don't cos he didn't do it for the thanks] Rio: ['you already said it for the drink' and a shrug that you can barely keep steady and even because being this close to him but we're pretending this is very casual 'we're even'] Buster: [a shrug that exactly mirrors hers for that beautiful cinematography and matching mood but forcing that eye contact cos gotta pretend you're unfazed] Rio: [maintaining it long enough to take the first sip of your drink, then going to walk away again] Buster: [putting his hand on her wrist just like he did a second ago when he dragged her away from that delightful pair because we've started something now] Rio: [looking down at his hand on your wrist because you cannot] Buster: [unhanding her because you know you have to not because you want to] Rio: ['enjoy, yeah?' and looking back up as you go] Buster: [just staring at her nbd and nothing to see here people] Rio: [a shameless moment whilst you walk back to this boy] Buster: [excuse you sir] Rio: [like so soz her level of investment in you has plummeted rn] Buster: [I'm dying because this lad is probably saying something to her and does she care? NOPE] Rio: [tryna have your own moment like hold up] Buster: [Ava as the only other person he gives a fuck about at this whole function/in the world you've gotta distract him so he doesn't go over there/do something stupid] Rio: [at least you're 8 and will have no qualms in doing so] Buster: [have a cute moment between yourselves so he calms down] Rio: [ask him to dance or something] Buster: [you gotta] Rio: [not that this will help her, just sneakily looking how cute they are] Buster: [just casually reminding her of what a sweet boy he used to be when they were younger] Rio: [and he's good with kids which is so important to you for obvious reasons] Buster: [omg it makes so much sense why they have so many kids now even more than before] Rio: [mhmm Buster: [we is so clever] Rio: [the cleverest] Buster: What mood am I in now? Rio: A much better one Rio: even if you'd like to deny it Buster: I'm not about to deny it, she's the best thing my parents have ever done and you heard what I said that means for my interest Rio: It's nice Buster: I'm capable of nice Buster: It just suits everyone to forget it, including you Rio: I've never said you weren't Rio: it suits you for people to forget, anyway, if you wanted it otherwise, you'd remind them more often Buster: Not tonight, there'll have been others though Buster: Yeah, like I said, it suits everyone Rio: My memory isn't selective Rio: this night or any other Buster: Call it whatever you like Buster: The end result is the same Rio: No it isn't Buster: Tell me how it's any different Rio: I still have memories Rio: that you can't do fuck all about Buster: Memories that make no fucking difference to now Rio: That's your opinion Buster: It's a fact Buster: There isn't a single one you could share with me now or vice versa that would lead to our reconciliation Rio: because we don't want it Buster: 'Cause it's bullshit Buster: It might as well have happened to someone else for all the relevance it has to who I am Rio: Yeah, because you don't want it to make a difference Rio: that's what I said Buster: Yeah, you're the expert on what I want Rio: Don't need to be, that's what you're saying as well Buster: What I'm saying is that it doesn't matter, it's not about whether I want it to or not Rio: Fine Buster: There are loads of things that have a bearing on my day to day live and how it looks going forward, and like it or not, all the summers I wasted here with you as a kid ain't one of 'em, oddly enough Buster: *life Rio: as I said, WE don't want it to matter Rio: so, unsurprisingly, I don't care Buster: Say it like you mean it Buster: You're supposed to kill your darlings, babe, not give 'em the one punch and call it quits Rio: Whatever, have you sufficiently proved to yourself how un-nice you can be too now or? Buster: It's about what you don't wanna prove to yourself though, more than anything else Buster: You're scared if you really hurt me, you'll like it Buster: And you don't want that 'cause you do care, even if it's only for the me in your memories Rio: I'm not scared of that, or to admit I care, because I'm not a sociopath Rio: we're related, like it or not Buster: I'm not a sociopath just 'cause I don't like the fact we're related Rio: You'll get over it Buster: You're supposed to say, 'nah you're a sociopath 'cause....' I've probably got loads of the traits you could pick from Buster: But since you didn't, what if I can't? Rio: I don't think you are one, your narcissistic trait will take that blow hard, I know Rio: There's no choice Rio: I've got plenty of relatives I like less than you, as you're aware Rio: they don't just go away, even if you try to Buster: There are always choices and there are always gonna be relatives I like less than you Buster: But Rio, what if I can't get over this? Rio: Don't take the piss Buster: I mean it, you know I do Rio: Then you know I don't have an answer Buster: You have to if I don't Rio: The only way blood doesn't matter is if the person fucks up so spectacularly you can disown them Rio: even then, not really Rio: so yeah, have some kids you don't want, acquire a drug habit that you do Buster: I've got the latter, I can't say it's especially helping Rio: not really though Rio: just at parties, yeah Buster: You don't have to worry about me Rio: I'm not, just asked a question Buster: I go to parties all the time so it's hardly an occasional thing, but alright, to answer your question, yeah Rio: everyone does though, like Rio: that's alright, that's normal Buster: Only you would find a way to be insulting and reassuring at the same time Rio: Yeah, I'm well sorry if you thought you and your friends were unique Buster: Not those cunts, just me Rio: That's very nice Buster: So are they Rio: Why are you friends with them? Buster: If not those cunts then a bunch of others Rio: But I'm afraid to be alone? Buster: [a big Fearghal style loud lol] Buster: Touché Rio: [shaking her head like 😏] Buster: You reckon I should be more like Nance then, yeah? Isolate myself and pretend human connection is unneccessary Rio: Obviously not Rio: No one wants to be alone Buster: No one's good enough for me, babe Buster: You were the first to prove it Rio: Fuck off Rio: you so obviously fit right in with your friends, that's the truth Buster: I give it 110% same as everything else Rio: I never had any doubt Buster: Good Rio: Even if I had, your socials leave little to be desired in the twat factor Buster: And yet, you can't look away Rio: if you think a car crash is aspirational Buster: You may be one of my poor relations, that doesn't make me a poster boy Buster: Find your own access to high society, Eliza Rio: I'm not your anything Rio: and I've got no interest in that either Buster: Well done then, on both counts Rio: Bye now Buster: For now Rio: Unfortunately Buster: Fuck off Rio: excuse you? Buster: Lie better or don't bother Rio: You can pretend I'm just devastated to see you go, if it makes you happy Buster: That isn't something I need to pretend Rio: There you go, head in the ☁s again Rio: you're welcome Buster: You wish Buster: Stop daydreaming about me, the nights are already so fucking long Rio: You're lucky I don't tell people how weird you are Buster: Go ahead Rio: You think I won't Buster: I dare you Rio: Don't Buster: I double dare you Rio: You know I can't Rio: no one would believe just how weird you are Buster: You can do anything you want, you just have to want it more than you care about what the consequences are/could be Rio: I'm sure they'd just put you in very expensive therapy Buster: And I wouldn't have to see you any more Rio: That's what you want then Buster: Don't you? Rio: I already said, there are people I dislike more around Buster: You know there's only so many boyfriends you can parade in front of me before I kill one Rio: You're not going to kill anyone, you're not a sociopath, remember Rio: and I'm not parading anyone, they're just there Buster: Just saying, like Buster: You might wanna reconsider your rankings Buster: And I didn't say I wouldn't feel guilt or whatever else Rio: Of course you wanna be on top Buster: You don't want me to be? Rio: Why would I want that, Buster? Buster: You know why Rio: Not when me and all the wasted Summers as kids are nothing but a footnote Buster: Don't Rio: You said it Buster: What would you rather I said? Buster: Tell me Rio: Not every thought in my head Buster: Come on Rio: What do you want me to say? Buster: A thought in your head, not every Rio: Alright Rio: you're pretty drunk, that's what I'm thinking Buster: I'm not that drunk, if that's what's stopping you Rio: I could say more if you were Buster: I'll find some brandy, you can say it at my funeral Rio: Things aren't that dire, come on Rio: they're quite a sweet couple Buster: If you say so Rio: you don't think so? Buster: I don't know what kind of couple they are Buster: I barely know them Rio: Yeah but it's a nice story Rio: very boy/girl next door romcom Buster: Knowing what you want in the first place is a better story Buster: They wasted years they could've been together Rio: They might not have been right for each other before Buster: If you're right for each other then you are Buster: You do whatever it takes Rio: Maybe Rio: sometimes you can't Buster: They were the only things stopping themselves Rio: So you can't be happy for them? Buster: I didn't say I wasn't Rio: You still want a supermodel wife then Buster: I don't care what she does, it's not about that Rio: What is it about Buster: What she's like, obviously Rio: You have grown up Buster: It's what happens, yeah Buster: Unless you die Rio: Cheery Buster: I told you, I ain't the entertainment Rio: Alright Buster: Don't marry him Rio: I'm not marrying anyone Buster: Ever? Rio: I mean right now, we're 14, for God's sake Buster: You can't marry him now, I'm saying don't marry him when you're old enough to Rio: we've not been going out long Rio: who knows where I'll be or with who when I even think about that Buster: You fancied him back then though, when I was gonna marry a supermodel Buster: I know you did Rio: that's not what I was trying to say with Rio: I don't think I'll marry him Rio: it's just nice for the people it happens to Rio: like your mum and dad too Buster: Probably use an alternative word to nice if you say anything about it to them Rio: I wasn't planning to Rio: not got a deathwish Buster: [😏] Buster: It wouldn't be very cheery, having one Rio: Doesn't mean I'm the entertainment Rio: just polite Buster: Just as well, polite isn't entertaining Rio: If I wanted to entertain you, I could Buster: But you don't Rio: don't I Buster: Do you? Rio: be well weird if I wanted to, wouldn't it Buster: Depends who you ask Rio: You're the only one in this chat Rio: but not in the room Buster: Rio Rio: yes Buster: Do you wanna dance with me or not? Rio: We could do that Rio: that wouldn't be weird Buster: [comes over and we back on that wrist holding bullshit because of course we are, like you could just let her walk over to wherever you're gonna dance but no] Buster: [stop pulling her around boy you'll give yourself away] Rio: [we all know she's so shamelessly #intoit so good luck keeping this casual] Buster: [remember where you are and that your whole family is here please] Rio: [we know we're starting with a pretense of dancing 'near' each other but just keep 'accidentally' touching and getting closer] Buster: [shamelessly love that] Rio: [like you can't outright slow dance can you even if you really wanna] Buster: [we'll let you at the party but there's no chance of getting away with it in front of the fam unless you somehow did a Twilight prom moment outside lol] Rio: [wish some of these kids would take the initiative to 'force' you to like you're getting fake married lmao] Buster: [@Grace it's your time to shine babe] Rio: [god bless] Buster: [realistically her boyfriend is probably gonna appear to dance with her properly and Buster is gonna be livid] Rio: [sadly, yes, neither of us are thrilled but can't be like no I would rather keep dancing with my cousin so, just sadly watching him go over your mans shoulder] Buster: [he has to go punch something that's not this dude's face] Rio: [don't blame you] Buster: [please don't hurt yourself boy, I know you don't care but it is a wedding thank you] Rio: [at the very least, you don't want the drama of the whole fam being like what happened why etc etc] Buster: [genau dr phil] Rio: [even later, like, Tommy and Meena have pissed off time, which is so weird about traditional weddings] Rio: where are you Buster: Why? Rio: just asking Rio: i wanna know Buster: Well don't Rio: sorry Buster: Where's he? I wanna know Rio: he went home a while ago Rio: paper round in the morning Buster: He's tall for a 10 year old Rio: alright Rio: you can have that one on the house Buster: Why can't he get a real job? He's old enough Buster: Older than you Rio: I don't know Rio: doesn't want one, doesn't need one Rio: his family are minted Buster: Who the fuck doesn't want one? Rio: Are you gonna get one? Rio: he's focusing on school, like Buster: What's he focusing on a paper round for too then, cardio? Rio: Probably Rio: why are we even talking about this, it's so boring Buster: Why are you even going out with him, if he's so boring? Rio: do you actually want to know, really Buster: Yeah I do Rio: 'cos it's easy, simple, straightforward Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: what Buster: What do you mean, what? Buster: Can you hear yourself Rio: There's literally nothing wrong with that Buster: If you're a divorced mother of two looking to get back out there Buster: Instead of like, the hottest girl I've ever seen Rio: you can't say that Buster: I can say whatever the fuck I want Buster: I can't do anything Rio: you're Rio: this is a headfuck Buster: It always has been Rio: I know Buster: Yeah Rio: that's why we need easy Buster: Fuck that Rio: fine, be better than me Buster: There is no better than you Rio: Buster Rio: just Buster: I don't care Buster: It's true Rio: we can't do anything with this Rio: what do we do Buster: You should know anyway Buster: How I feel and how I don't Rio: you aren't as good a liar as you'd like Rio: you can't just talk away this, or one of us would've Buster: I mean you should hear it from me Buster: Instead of all the bullshit you have to Rio: okay Rio: I'm listening Buster: When I see you I can barely stay standing but when I don't, I can't fucking breathe Buster: If I was anyone else I wouldn't win the fight, it'd get called off Rio: I miss you, like, I always miss you, since we were little Buster: It's just constant Buster: Everyone acts like it's meant to get better, or worse Rio: we should've grown out of it by now Rio: probably Buster: Don't Rio: I can't Rio: and I don't think I want to, even if I could Buster: I know what I want, I'm not a kid Rio: you want a lot of things Rio: if we Rio: that could fuck up all the rest Buster: Yeah Rio: but Rio: do you ever feel like Rio: if we did, it'd be less obvious somehow Rio: I feel as blatant as you say I am Buster: I don't reckon it could be any more obvious, whatever we do Buster: Is that why your boyfriend left? Rio: Sort of Rio: he wanted me to go with him but I didn't feel like it Rio: for obvious reasons Buster: I'm not sorry Rio: I know you aren't Rio: I don't need you to be either Buster: What do you need from me then? Rio: I want you Rio: to admit you want me too Buster: You said I want loads of things, but none of them matter as much as you Rio: what if no one would talk to us again Buster: I'll talk to you and you'll talk to me Rio: promise Rio: you can't ignore me Buster: You're right, I can't Rio: you do though Rio: so don't Buster: I swear Rio: okay Buster: It will be okay Rio: when have you ever been okay with okay Buster: Touché Buster: Fine, it'll be the best Rio: it would be though Buster: I know Rio: think about it Buster: I've been thinking about it for days Buster: I went to a party last night to try and stop Rio: did it work Buster: 'Course not Buster: I don't want it enough Rio: I don't want him enough Rio: I said it's easy Rio: but it's the opposite, actually Rio: on paper, it should be but when I actually have to do it Buster: You don't live on paper Buster: And you don't have to be with him Rio: we have to try, don't we Buster: We have Rio: how is just seeing you better than anything anyone else has ever done Buster: I'm better than anyone else Rio: you just want me to say it back Buster: That's not why I said it, but obviously you will, when I prove it to you Rio: I wish Buster: [a location that a wedding guest should not remotely be like an office or storage closet or whatever where he's been] Rio: have you been there this whole time Buster: Why is that all you've got to say to me? Rio: You know I'm coming Rio: I started this conversation asking where you were Buster: How long ago did he leave? Rio: not long after Tommy and Meena did Rio: whenever that was Buster: You just wanted to keep me waiting then Rio: that's not what I want at all Buster: Good Rio: you know what I want, yeah? Buster: I know exactly what you want Rio: and you're gonna give it to me, right? Buster: I'm gonna give you everything Buster: Including things you didn't know you wanted Rio: Jesus Buster: Rio Rio: you can say that out loud for me Rio: we've not been that alone in Rio: forever, maybe Buster: We've never been this alone Rio: it's weird Rio: how many memories I have that feel like just me and you Rio: but they couldn't have been, really Buster: 'Cause that's how we wanted it Rio: bit mean, really Rio: but I'm always with my brother and sisters Buster: I don't care Rio: it's hard to, right now Rio: and then Rio: you were more fun Buster: I still am Rio: you can prove that Rio: if I ever escape everyone trying to stop and talk to me Buster: Don't make me have to come and get you Buster: We may have been blatant but we can't be stupid Rio: I know Rio: even if you did make that sound really tempting Rio: unfair Buster: I'll do it, I just want you to know that I know it's not a good idea Rio: I'll be good Rio: but only in a fun way, obviously Buster: You don't have fuck all to prove to me, you know that, yeah? Rio: yeah Rio: a bit though Buster: I'm serious Buster: You've never been boring, not even close Rio: I'm still gonna make this the best you've ever Buster: It will be 'cause it's you Rio: I need you to feel how badly I want you Buster: I've wanted you for so long Rio: how long Rio: tell me Buster: Come on Buster: You know it's always been you Rio: remind me Buster: Any girl I've ever touched, I've never even wanted to unless I'm thinking about you Rio: I can't stop my brain from thinking about you Rio: how much better it would be if it was you Rio: how much I'd rather Buster: Don't stop thinking about me Buster: If this is the only chance we get or if it's not Buster: Whatever happens, whatever I say or do when I sober up Rio: I can't anyway Rio: even if you were the worst person in the world Buster: I have been a cunt Buster: I'm sorry Rio: forget about it Rio: me too Rio: we know why Buster: No, listen Rio: but it's okay Buster: It's not okay Buster: I love you Rio: you can't just take all this back Rio: just 'cos we're drunk Buster: It'll still be how I feel whether I'm drunk or not Rio: I mean you know I'm not going to forget Buster: Good, don't Buster: I'm in love with you Rio: I've imagined you saying that Rio: so many times Buster: It's real now Buster: I mean, it always has been real for me, but I'm actually saying it, no takebacks Rio: [gonna have you turn up now] Buster: [how obviously he would've trashed whatever this room is when he was mad and sad lol] Rio: [just looking at the room then at him 'cos we doing this] Buster: [using whatever to block the door because you haven't waited this long to risk getting interrupted however unlikely that is given how long he's been in there and how far away they are from the wedding shit] Rio: [gonna say it's an office type moment so it can be a desk and you can hop up on that] Buster: [because your height difference is ridiculous and also that's a mood] Rio: ['is this really happening?'] Buster: [kissing her really intensely so she knows it is and let's take a moment to appreciate and contrast that to their awkward childish first one and die] Rio: [when you'd be dying because how good it is confirms everything like oh shit] Buster: [we know it'd be the same for him so thank god you don't have to worry about being quiet because he is the loudest character we have lol] Rio: [if there was ever a time and a place for a first time moment tbh] Buster: [love it for you guys even though he's gonna have to tell her to take off her own dress so he doesn't rip it cos we that extra and peeps would notice that however drunk and oblivious they have been thusfar] Rio: [when you're so 😍 about that though] Buster: [no chill ever gotta start as you mean to go on] Rio: [likewise, just taking the opportunity to tell him everything you ain't been allowed in between kisses] Buster: [same cos he's already dropped the L word before she even got there so we know he can't shut his damn mouth] Rio: [there's no way she ain't saying it back in person] Buster: [I'm the opposite of mad about it] Rio: [when you can't pretend you don't, like it's just all out there now you've started, tomorrow will be interesting] Buster: [good lord I hope at least you can manage to keep the bruises to a minimum/out of sight of the boyfriend she still has because yeah there's gonna be enough to deal with] Rio: [good luck with that lmao] Buster: [gurl you gonna have to work some makeup magic we all know it] Rio: [or just avoid him like we know you wanna] Buster: [please dump him asap though] Rio: [we clearly are and it'll probably be messy 'cos thinks you've liked him for ages and like yeah you been cute but also not really] Buster: [soz boy but also not soz boy] Rio: [you'll survive honey] Buster: [but for them what is the craic like are y'all gonna stay barricaded in here forever or go back to the reception like nothing happened or go home like you have not thought this through] Rio: [you can probably stay in here 'til one of your parents texts like excuse me where are you, and that'll probably be to go home] Buster: [realistically Baze will wanna go home before Ali cos her and Tommy are besties and baze are antisocial bastards lol] Rio: [exactly dr phil, when you just both gotta think about that like okay] Buster: [giving her his jacket cos 1. he wants her to have it because this may never happen again/all the reminders as if you haven't literally left bruises boy please 2. nobody would question why he doesn't have it/she does because the state of them all and the fact it's not an inherently coupley thing to do necessarily 3. if she had to she could say it was her boyfriends because he is also a rich boy and boys suits lowkey always look the same unless you go wild with it 4. that'll give her a reason to have to see him again/strike up a convo which he obvs wants and so do we] Rio: [1. yes 2. yes 3. yes 4. yes that is all, do we wanna have any more drunk chatting 'cos easily could or do we wanna skip to the AM] Buster: [I think we should to show they're not like instantly regretting/ignoring each other cos that's not the mood like all the goodbye kisses as soon as he realises he can't just ignore the fam/actually has to go would be EVERYTHING] Rio: [truly, hence he's barely out the door and] Rio: I miss you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you a lot Buster: I love you more than anything else Rio: You're making me so happy Buster: Good Rio: I wish I coulda gone with you Buster: You are coming with me, just not in person Rio: Yeah, I know Rio: I just like you best in person Buster: I'll see you tomorrow Rio: What are we doing? Buster: Whatever you want Rio: you then, cool 😋 Rio: might be willing to make a more detailed plan in the AM, see how I feel Buster: I'm fine with plan A Rio: It'd be really beyond awkward if you were regretting it already Rio: so I'm glad to hear it Buster: Being forced to leave, not doing it sooner, how I've treated you for the past however fucking long, that shit is what I regret Rio: We'll find time to make up for the lost now Rio: you're here for a bit, yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: Good Rio: it won't be that hard to find time and opportunity to be alone somewhere Rio: can't force family fun on us constantly Rio: they'll be recovering from this majority of the time Buster: They can't force fuck all on me, I came 'cause I wanted to see you Rio: Well, I'm very glad you did Buster: Me too Rio: I swear I'm dreaming Buster: You're not, babe Buster: I can still taste you Rio: Fuck Rio: that makes me weak Buster: Everything you do makes me weak Buster: Just as well you can't tell anyone, like Rio: Who, me? 😏 Rio: I'd rather it was just for me anyway Buster: Yeah, you Buster: You know exactly what you're doing Buster: That dress, for example Rio: If you're going to ignore me, I have to make sure it's as hard as it is for me to ignore you Rio: the smallest but only victory I reckoned available to me Buster: I understand not reckoning I was gonna rip it off you but don't sell yourself too short Rio: so, you're only human, and everyone's looking Rio: but you know I wore it for you Buster: I do, so just this once I'll forgive you for saying I'm only human Rio: 😂 Rio: we can brainstorm what I can call you instead then Buster: Like, if you were disappointed in any of what I just did, you could've just said so Buster: Don't have to humble me that hard Rio: Oh, please Rio: you know what you just did Rio: and that I've not recovered, can't see it happening any time soon Buster: It's taken me years to try and recover from the first time we kissed, I'm not sure you'll find me that sympathetic, given that I never did succeed Rio: I get it, I'm not sorry for that either Rio: even if I should be Rio: only sorry we didn't do it more than once Buster: I should've kissed you every day after that Rio: You should've Buster: You know failure isn't an option for me though Rio: It wasn't a failure Buster: It wasn't good enough, that's the same thing Rio: it still made me feel Rio: everything Buster: But you're flawless, it needed to be perfect Rio: I wasn't any better, it was both our first time Rio: how could you have done any better, at, how old were we even Buster: If I hadn't been a pussy about it then it would've been better Rio: well, I still thought about it every time I touched myself after so Rio: I'm not mad about it Buster: Jesus, don't say shit like that when I can't touch myself at the thought of you doing it, you're supposed to be the one with good manners Rio: but you like it when I forget them Buster: Yeah but there's a time and a place and it's not right now in this car with my entire family Rio: 🤐 Rio: sorry Buster: No you're not Rio: I could be persuaded to be Rio: but I like thinking about it a lot, so it'll take a lot Buster: Tell me Rio: Tell you how much it'll take or how much I like thinking about it and exactly what Buster: Tell me what you like to think about and I'll decide if I want you to be sorry or not Rio: What haven't I thought about you, that's an easier question Rio: all the things I want you to do to me, everything I'm going to do for you Buster: Your boyfriend gives you easy, I know what you actually need Rio: you do Rio: you're better than a boyfriend Buster: I told you, I'm better than anyone Buster: Except you Rio: I'll show you that I know Buster: So how many of 'em did I do, these things you want? Rio: I'm pretty perverted Rio: we won't run out of scenarios or settings any time soon Buster: Is that a promise? Rio: Yes Rio: if you want it to be Buster: I want you here but I'll take that Rio: tomorrow Rio: I'm going to be so desperate for you Buster: Fuck that, I'll call you when I get back Rio: You know I'll still be at this party Buster: So go back to where we were Rio: Tell me when you're back, if I go now I won't be able to wait for you Buster: You don't have to wait for me Rio: I do Rio: I want you to fuck me and yourself at the same time Buster: Have I fallen asleep? Buster: I've definitely had this dream Rio: if you were asleep, I could make you cum Rio: can't be blamed for a wet dream Buster: If I'm not, I'll pretend to be Buster: Only my mum and dad aren't Rio: do you know how to be quiet though, babe Buster: I can do anything Rio: then can you think about me being there with you in the car Rio: tell me how you want me Buster: If you're on my lap I can be quiet Rio: I'll have a lot more bruises to show for it Rio: but I want that Buster: Any sounds I did end up making would only be for you to hear, I know you want that too Rio: They are just for me Buster: They haven't always been, our neighbours have definitely heard me before, but now they are Buster: And they're always 'cause of you Rio: I love how loud you are Rio: I wanna hear it more Buster: Tomorrow Rio: but for now, I can make noise for the both of us Buster: Yeah, be really loud for me Rio: I will Rio: though if I'm on your lap you'll have to try and make me quiet Buster: It's okay, I'll give you my fingers to suck, it'll keep you so quiet Rio: 🥺😳🤤 Rio: please Buster: Say it again Rio: Buster, please Rio: I want you inside me in every way possible at once Rio: you can't be close enough Buster: Fuck Rio: I can almost feel it Buster: Tell me what it feels like Rio: like I can't breathe, can't think, like all I can feel is what you're doing to my pussy, how fucking good it feels Buster: But you can feel what you're doing to me too, can't you? Rio: Of course, how could I not Rio: you're really big Buster: And everyone moves loads in their sleep Buster: I can't be blamed for that either Rio: Not at all Rio: and I can't be blamed that there's no room in the car but on you Buster: 'Course not Rio: though obviously, I wouldn't want a seat if there was one Buster: Obviously, you want what I want Rio: you know I don't have any underwear on, don't you Buster: I can tell Buster: It's allowed to be the one thing you're allowed to make easy, I reckon Rio: I can't help but be easy for you Rio: if you don't like it, you'll have to teach me a lesson Buster: You're so wet that you can easily take all of me but that's my fault, not yours, I can't help doing things that I know you'll really like Buster: Or that I want to give you everything Rio: I'm ready for you, daddy Buster: You love me, yeah? Rio: I love you so much Rio: you're just Rio: you're mine, aren't you? Buster: I'm yours and you're mine Rio: I'm all yours Rio: for always Buster: Forever Buster: It's always been me and you and that's never gonna change Rio: Promise Rio: I need you to stay with me Buster: I'll swear on whatever you want me to Buster: You know I need you more Rio: I'll believe you, because the alternative is not and I can't handle that Rio: I want this so badly, however we make it happen and work Buster: You can trust me Buster: Whatever it takes, I'll literally do anything for you Buster: There's never been a time when I wouldn't have Rio: Don't leave me again, okay Rio: I'm too happy right now Buster: There are no words good enough, I'll prove that I'm not going to with my actions though, okay? Rio: Okay Rio: I do trust you, really, and I do know, knew, how you felt this whole time, really Rio: it's just a headfuck how fast we've gone from the pretense to none at all Buster: I can't remember wanting to go anywhere without you, not for a single day from when my memory starts Buster: It was a headfuck how much of my life revolved around being with you or wishing I could be Buster: But I'm not a kid any more, I'm not scared Buster: And nobody can tell me what to do Rio: I thought I could make your life better, and mine too, I won't pretend it was entirely selfless, if we kept as much distance as possible Rio: that those thoughts and feelings would go away, that it'd be better for you to hate me, even if that fucking killed me Rio: but it just, didn't work, nothing was better Rio: lots of shit was much worse, and I missed you like hell Buster: I know Buster: I've been able to do everything I've ever decided I wanted to and loads of things I just had to, really fucking well, except not love you Rio: you can love me now Rio: shouldn't I be the only person who's say so matters Rio: I want you to Rio: and to love you back Buster: You're the only person who matters to me like that, end of story Rio: we'd be good together Rio: everyone would think so if things were different Buster: You were my best friend too, you know that, even my fucking twin couldn't understand me the way you did Buster: Whenever something happened whether it was shit or good I just wanted to tell you Buster: We were good together, they made things different, took all of that away from me Rio: I know Rio: we can have that again, if nothing else Rio: why shouldn't we Rio: you can tell me anything Buster: Fuck everyone else Buster: I hate them Rio: No you don't, not everyone Buster: Alright, the majority then Rio: 😏 okay, probably Rio: but shh Buster: Don't shh me, you just said I could tell you anything Rio: I suppose I did Rio: you didn't realize I'm a really crap girlfriend Buster: I've already realised that's bullshit Rio: Dan would probably disagree Rio: if he knew, like Buster: Yeah well, he'd love to disagree with me purely for the sake of doing so Buster: And I'd rather we had fuck all in common Rio: I mean, more like the bruises he didn't give me but you know Rio: I'll dump him Rio: when you've gone Buster: That's his own fault, if you were my girlfriend I wouldn't leave without you Rio: I didn't want to go Buster: He should've stayed with you then Rio: I didn't want that either Buster: Behave, you know what I'm saying Rio: I'm just saying Rio: not as stupid as you reckon Buster: Him or you? Rio: him Rio: I don't think you called me stupid, not tonight anyway Buster: Is that why you like him? Buster: It shouldn't be, 'cause if anything he's stupider than I reckoned for not being willing to put up a fight for you Rio: No Rio: it's just, I already knew him, when we came back properly Rio: didn't really know anyone else Buster: And you already fancied him Rio: not really Rio: he was cute but Rio: you didn't put me on your list either Buster: I could've told you puberty wasn't gonna do him as many favours as me Buster: I'm not that stupid, babe, then or now Buster: I know I can't marry you Rio: it was just a game Rio: you could've pretended Buster: I don't wanna pretend with you Rio: Do you even want all this Rio: you know, the wedding, the church Buster: I want you Buster: Nobody's gonna let us celebrate it by buying us toasters and champagne flutes, but if we could, I would Rio: yeah Rio: it don't matter Buster: We still belong to each other Buster: And I still choose you Rio: I'd rather have you than any of that Buster: It doesn't have to be either/or Buster: It can't look like theirs but we can do whatever we want in secret Rio: you're so cute Buster: I'm just saying, if you want something I'll get it for you Buster: Whatever it is Buster: I'm not your shit boyfriend, I don't give up Rio: you don't need to get me anything Rio: just stay in my life, that's all Rio: even if you have to marry a supermodel Buster: If I can't marry you, I won't get married Rio: it's a deal Buster: Okay Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: I've missed you so much Rio: I know Rio: I haven't even asked how you've been Rio: what you've been doing, 'cos it's been forever Buster: Don't Rio: I don't wanna know or you don't wanna say Rio: or both Buster: You already know Rio: but you're alright, yeah? Buster: I never settle for just alright, do I? Rio: you know what I mean Buster: What do you want me to say? Rio: you don't have to lie Rio: tell me how I can make it better though Buster: It is better now Buster: Like I said earlier, you don't have to worry about me Buster: Even if it wasn't better, I can handle that Rio: 😔 Buster: Come on Rio: 🥺 Rio: okay Buster: Please don't be sad Rio: I just can't think of you being sad Buster: I'm not any more Buster: I've got you Rio: it'll be better Rio: I'll look after you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: I swear I don't even know half the people who are still here Buster: You should be here with me Buster: This house is so fucking quiet Rio: I could easily change that Rio: maybe we can have a sleepover one night Buster: We can Rio: like old times Rio: but better Buster: I won't headbutt you this time, like Rio: 😂 Rio: I appreciate it Buster: Did I ever do anything right as a kid or what? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Plenty of things Rio: we know there was more stopping us than any awkwardness that happened Buster: Yeah Rio: but fuck that now Rio: they've got no right or need to know Buster: Don't worry, I've learned from my parents what not to do Buster: We won't get caught Rio: neither of us is stupid Rio: I want you too bad to fuck with it Buster: All we have to do is keep things the way they used to be in front of everyone Rio: we've kept it up for ages Rio: at least now, we know it's 100% fake Rio: no doubt Buster: Exactly Rio: You do have to come back more though Rio: or I'll die Buster: I'll think of a reason Rio: Use your big, educated brain, boy 😜 Buster: An idea'll come easily once you're not distracting me Rio: not even sent you any pictures Buster: Me either Buster: But I should shower so Buster: Maybe I will Rio: How many pleases do I have to say to make that maybe a definitely? Buster: Let's see Rio: 🙏 Buster: You have to say it though Rio: Hmm, emojis aren't gonna cut it, noted Rio: Pleeeeaaaaaase Buster: Like you mean it Rio: Insincerity either, okay Rio: Please though Buster: Please, what? Rio: Please send me pictures of you Buster: [does obviously] Rio: More Buster: [he's extra so you know he will] Rio: you're perfect Buster: For you Rio: only for me Buster: Yeah Rio: all for me Buster: I'm all yours now Rio: not gonna take any pictures of my face 'cos I'm just 🥴 now Buster: You're beautiful Rio: That's you Buster: It's not a competition, thank Christ Rio: Awh, baby Rio: I'd let you win Buster: You winning means I win Rio: then you're so welcome Buster: Good Rio: [sends pics from the desk] Buster: We're gonna have to break back in before I leave Rio: or find another desk Buster: I'm looking at one right now, trying to decide whether or not it would break Buster: You'll have to tell me what you think, when you come over Rio: oh Rio: or we could just try and hope for the best Buster: Okay, I'll protect you if it does collapse Rio: I know you will Rio: you love me Buster: And you trust me Rio: with my life Buster: I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you Rio: Only you Rio: and only how I like it Rio: 'cos you know me better than anyone Buster: Some of those bruises are gonna be there after I've left Rio: mhmm Rio: they need to be Rio: I need all the reminders we can get away with Buster: You can have as many as I've got time to give you Rio: you're so lovely 🥰 Rio: I'll take pictures every day, show you how they're healing Buster: Don't forget Rio: Never Rio: when they've nearly disappeared, you come back, yeah Buster: 'Course Rio: 🧡 Buster: Rio Rio: yeah? Buster: Tomorrow, things won't just go back to the way they were before, will they? Rio: I can't do it Rio: I seriously can't Buster: You know I mean everything I've said, yeah? Rio: Yes, and I'm not going to forget any of it Buster: Please don't Rio: I promise Buster: I'll say it all again if I have to but Rio: How could I forget Rio: when I've wanted to hear all of this for so long Buster: You know why Rio: but we can do it Rio: we can keep this secret Rio: I can't go back, can't do what we were Rio: I was bad at it Buster: We both were Buster: And you know how much I fucking hate being bad at things Rio: So, jump with me Rio: you can't keep one foot on the ledge, like Buster: That a dare? Rio: I'd rather you want it, if it's all the same to you Rio: but I can't say I'm above it Buster: You're all I want Buster: The rest, it's not just for me Rio: then I'm yours and that's all there is to it Rio: we'll work out logistics in the morning Buster: If you aren't still there, like Rio: 🙄 Rio: the twins are 💤 in the coats Buster: My dad had to carry Ava in, she wasn't waking up for anything or anyone Rio: Don't blame her Rio: I'm about my ma's size but don't reckon I'm getting away with it Buster: Are you tired, baby? Rio: You know I am, its your fault Buster: I can carry you tomorrow Rio: I'm gonna dream about it Buster: If I can fall asleep, I will too Rio: I'll make sure you do first Rio: manners, babe Buster: I don't think that's the reputation I want though Rio: who am I telling suddenly 🤨 Buster: Not the point is it Rio: You don't need to prove anything to me Rio: there's nothing you haven't already, like Buster: There's always more to prove Rio: I won't complain Rio: show me how good you are so I can't ever forget Rio: 🤤🤤🤤 Buster: [a video because we starting as we mean to go on as being extra bitches] Rio: BABY Buster: I told you Rio: but Rio: that's not allowed Buster: Are you complaining after you said you wouldn't? Rio: No Rio: What's the opposite of complaining? Buster: So you approve? Buster: I'll take the praise then Rio: My nan will love you even more Rio: got me on my knees Buster: Another reason to keep the secret as I obviously can't risk losing her admiration Rio: Obviously Rio: though I'd love the chance to get her to hate me more Buster: We can do that Rio: can we? Buster: You know me, trouble follows me anywhere, it's not limited to Chelsea's confines Rio: Stop tempting me, but don't ever Buster: It's a deal, babe Rio: You have no idea how bored I was without you around Buster: Yeah I do, I've had to entertain myself Buster: Nobody else can come close to keeping up Rio: well you are very entertaining Rio: so I'm jealous of you, if anything Buster: You and everyone else who has had the privilege of meeting me, like Rio: 😏 Rio: you're adorable Buster: Seriously though, all the girls I was talking to earlier were so fucking boring Rio: earlier today or in general Buster: I meant earlier, as in when you were busy with your boyfriend, but it's not any different in general Rio: Hmm Buster: What? Rio: Nothing Buster: Come on Rio: Really, nothing Buster: Bullshit Buster: Say what you wanna say Rio: I just don't like thinking about it Buster: It's not something you have to think about any more Rio: I know, just being stupid Buster: Don't Buster: You're not stupid Buster: I shouldn't have said it, I just meant that I'm lucky to have you Rio: I really know, ignore me, well, ignore that Buster: No Buster: 'Cause if I ignore it you'll still be thinking about it, but without telling me that you are Buster: Then I can't make you feel better Rio: I don't want you to think I'm like that though Buster: Would you rather I think you don't care? Rio: No Rio: you know I do though Rio: but I'm not a crazy bitch, or only a bit Buster: I wanted to kill your boyfriend as soon as I saw you with him, I don't reckon there's any room for me to judge Rio: that's what I wanted though, at least partly Buster: I'll happily kill him for you, it'd be easy Rio: 🙄 that is NOT what I meant, let the record show Rio: asking you to commit murder seems like a further down the line deal tbh but appreciate the level of commitment, baby Buster: Let the record show that I'm planning to say he started it by smacking me with a newspaper Buster: And also that I know exactly what you actually meant Rio: 😂 Rio: point is, it's only my business if you make it so, and you didn't bring no plus one so Buster: You wouldn't have been jealous if I had Buster: It's too obvious that I don't give a shit Rio: I definitely would have Rio: it doesn't take much, not with you Buster: Maybe but so would whoever this hypothetical girl is 'cause wherever you are is the only place I'm looking Rio: Risky Rio: lucky boys aren't that bright usually Rio: or maybe no one's mind goes there, you know Buster: If hers had it'd be easy to turn around, but gaslighting isn't really my idea of a fun night Rio: can think of better Buster: You and me both Rio: though now isn't the perfect time for vivid fuck flashbacks as it looks like my mum might actually be ready to go Buster: I reckon you meant to say that actually there couldn't be a more perfect time Rio: damn, payback is swift Rio: I just forgot you were in the car with your fam, I swear 🤞 Buster: [hitting her with all those reminders of everything that happened in such glorious detail because he is that bitch 100% like okay if your memory is that 'unreliable' don't forget that this or this happened] Rio: like Rio: I deserved that but I don't deserve you Rio: oh my God Buster: You deserve more Buster: [Hitting her with everything he's gonna do to her tomorrow because 100% that bitch too] Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: I want you now Rio: be here Buster: I'm here Rio: Make me feel better Buster: [we're obvs going in even harder with what it would be like if they were actually together rn, he may not have jimothy's way with words but the enthusiasm and urgency are unparalleled] Rio: I'm gonna need your fingers again Rio: or my lips are gonna be unholy big from the bruising Buster: Then you better take 'em Buster: Or I'll have to just kiss you everywhere else tomorrow Rio: can't I have both? Buster: 'Course you can Rio: You spoil me Buster: You deserve that too Rio: I am being really good Buster: How good? Rio: My legs are crossed and my mouth is 🤐 Rio: you'd be proud Buster: Oh I am Buster: I'm very proud of you, baby Rio: Daddy 😖 Rio: you're making me squirmy Buster: No, keep still Rio: I'm trying so hard Rio: but every time I think of you kissing me all over Buster: You're gonna need to try harder until I can actually be there to keep you still myself Buster: Do it for me now and no matter what, I won't stop kissing you when we're back together Rio: I'll do it Rio: not do it, actually Rio: hands to myself, I promise Buster: You know I trust you Rio: I wanna cover your whole face in kisses Buster: I love kissing you Rio: we can do it all day, can't we Buster: Yeah Rio: I'll never get tired of your face Rio: you're so pretty Buster: It's been so hard not to look at you Rio: you're going to struggle even more now you've seen everything Buster: I know Rio: I can send you pictures of how I'm really looking underneath Rio: make it even harder 😋 Buster: Can you? Rio: Right now? Buster: Right now Rio: [the sneakiest of partial nudes you can manage rn] Buster: Jesus Rio: if Edie was 💤 I could do better but Buster: It's even hotter that you did that even though she's not Rio: You told me to Rio: I'll do anything for you Buster: How early can you meet me? Rio: Depends what we're doing Rio: separately or otherwise, 'cos that changes the answer Buster: My mum and dad won't be keeping tabs on where I'm going or who with Rio: Mine either Rio: but I don't usually go out with my friends at the crack of dawn, sadly Buster: Haven't you ever accompanied him on his paper round? Rio: No, I'm not losing beauty-sleep for that Rio: but I will pretend to, that's a good idea Buster: You should get some actual sleep then Rio: no Buster: Behave, by the time you get home it'll almost be time to leave again Rio: but if I'm bad, you'll have to come get me sooner, right? Buster: Keep doing what you're told, you know that's what'll get you what you want the soonest Rio: Alright, I'll try Rio: even though I feel drunker than I am 'cos of all this Rio: high, like Buster: Me too Buster: The way I feel now, I reckon I could stay awake the full week I'm here and not have any regrets about it Rio: like I literally wanna be with you all the time Rio: I missed so much time with you already Buster: Fuck it, we'll stay up Buster: You're better than a load of lines, I won't even need 'em Rio: we can get 'em, if you want Buster: Do you want to? Rio: I'm not just saying no, like Rio: might need 'em, could be fun Buster: Okay Rio: Ryan'll get it, give him a shout when we wanna Buster: 'Course he will Rio: ? Buster: The cunt thinks he's in love with you, you do know that, yeah? Rio: he's just full-on Rio: probably all the coke Buster: No, he's full on and in love with you Rio: he can't be, we've barely had a 1x1 chat in our lives Buster: Like I said, he thinks he is Buster: He don't have to know you well for that Rio: well anyway, he gets decent gear, that's all that matters, yeah Buster: So I won't beat the shit out of him until after he's handed it over, fine Rio: your schedule is too full to be beating up anyone, 'scuse you Buster: It'll barely take a second Rio: second too long, sorry Rio: I'm that needy Buster: Is Edie asleep yet? Rio: Lemme see Rio: you know when you 👀 someone too hard and it's like they feel it then they're 👀 right back Rio: she always does that, so gotta be sneaky about it Buster: I always thought Nance or Junior were doing that but every time they were actually just sleeping Rio: Seriously Rio: slightly worrying how much they could sleep through Rio: but also good to know 😏 Buster: It only seems like they slept shit loads 'cause we never did Buster: I was fighting it until the last second so I could spend more of them with you Rio: Me too Rio: I don't even feel like that kid anymore, most of the time, thinking about what you said Rio: maybe it doesn't mater but I know I miss it, shit was simpler, if not perfect Buster: It's alright, I remember her, in spite of what I said, and I know she's not gone Rio: Maybe Rio: I think Eds is asleep Buster: Definitely, when you smile at me it's the same one Rio: You'll make me emotional Buster: I don't mean to Rio: I know Rio: just not used to this Buster: What? Rio: It just isn't like this, wasn't Rio: it's just been different, with any boyfriend I've had Buster: Different how? Rio: It's hard to explain Rio: like, they're nice but it's like, shallow, surface level Buster: You don't have to explain, I know what lads are like Rio: more than that though Rio: like it just didn't mean very much to me Buster: You wanted to hear it from me Buster: I'm sorry that I made you wait until tonight Rio: It was worth the wait Buster: You are Rio: You're special Buster: You'll make me emotional Rio: It's okay, baby Buster: I'm not used to feeling any of this Rio: me either Rio: we can slow down if we need Buster: No, I'm not gonna fuck this up Rio: You won't Buster: I can't Rio: No, you can't Buster: I won't lose you again Buster: I wouldn't be able to handle it Rio: Buster, it won't happen, I can promise that Rio: that is the last thing I want, I couldn't want anything less Buster: I'll make sure you don't ever want that to happen Rio: likewise Rio: you won't need anyone else for anything Buster: Unless I wanna have a fight, like Rio: you don't think I can hold my own? how rude Buster: I taught you everything you know, 'course you could Rio: maybe I learnt some new moves since Rio: try me 👊💋 Buster: Well there's no danger of you throwing a newspaper at me, you already told me you haven't been out delivering Rio: Oh my God, it's not MY paper round, let me live 🙄😂 Buster: Get a better boyfriend and I will Rio: I've told you I'm dumping him Buster: Yeah Rio: You really want me to get another one, yeah? Buster: Don't Rio: I don't want another boyfriend, you know that Buster: Nobody but me Rio: No one else, ever Buster: I've deleted them all Buster: Every girl I was talking to before Rio: I love you Buster: I need you Buster: It has to be you Rio: It's me Rio: I'm for you and that won't change Rio: 'cos I always have been Buster: It's not just that I've not felt like this before, it's that I know I won't ever again Buster: For anyone but you Rio: That's how I feel too Buster: If I have to lie every weekend to come back and make this work, I will Rio: There must be a decent excuse Rio: some school-related bullshit that they'll approve of Rio: I'll put my less sleepy more sober brain to it Buster: Me too Rio: what are you doing, are you in bed? Buster: [a bed selfie that he doesn't mean to look adorable in but does cos snuggly] Rio: oh Rio: why are you so sweet Buster: Am I? Rio: 👼 Rio: that's what you look like rn Buster: Well then, I could say I'm going to your nan's church every Sunday Rio: 😂 it's well believable you've found God Rio: if you were actually a good boy she'd probably 💀💀 so double win Buster: Yeah cheers, I've had a religious experience Buster: Now I know what heaven feels like and how hot angels are, I'm converted Rio: Shut up 😏 Rio: God really does do it for 'em, though Rio: they all compete over who can make the best cakes for pastor Rio: dread to think how many of 'em he's having affairs with Buster: Or seeing someone who is everything they'd disapprove of, that's what I'd do if I was him Rio: I don't think you should change your career plans, babe Buster: Religion is less of a career, more of a hobby Rio: is if you're faking it Rio: wonder if they'd go in for that on your uni apps though Buster: Definitely would Rio: you're welcome Rio: +points for multiculturalism if you go to my nan's church Buster: I'll see you there Rio: what's in it for me? Buster: Getting to share a hymn book with me Rio: 🤔 Rio: tempting, I'll definitely think about it Buster: Tempting is me in my church clothes, obviously Rio: Okay, I can't deny that Rio: you looked so good today Buster: You look so fucking good every time I see you Buster: But you should post more, it's really frustrating when you don't Rio: Yeah? Rio: How frustrating? Buster: As frustrating as when you walked away from me earlier and I wasn't allowed to stop you Rio: That bad Rio: that was like Rio: painful how much I didn't want to Buster: Almost as bad as dancing Buster: It's painful any time I can't look at you or touch you Rio: I just wanted to dance with you like anyone else could dance with their partner Rio: but more, obviously Buster: We'll go out before I leave Buster: Do it properly Rio: then we can dance EXACTLY how I wanna Rio: which will be way more frustrating but then we can find some dark corner and you can do something about it Buster: Like I said, I'm having a religious experience Buster: 'Cause that sounds like heaven to me Rio: I can be your angel Rio: if you keep blessing me Buster: You are Rio: You're fucking godlike, baby Buster: If I had the power, you'd be here with me right now Rio: I can be Rio: I can't speak to you Rio: still in the car Rio: but you can give me your sermon, like Buster: Everyone's definitely asleep, yeah? Rio: except the driver Buster: Well yeah, but if his eyes ain't on the road, you're at risk of more than getting caught Rio: He's not looking at me Buster: Good Rio: Please, daddy Rio: let me hear your voice Buster: [we calling and we all know what's up and that it'll be fire so that driver better be chill] Rio: [Ali will be keeping a motherly snoozy eye really she's not that shwasted and irresponsible] Buster: [we love you gal] Rio: [no shame from you two though, from the off] Buster: [literally start as you mean to go on, running so JJ can walk tbh] Rio: [tbh x2] Buster: [you've felt bad about it for long enough lads, I don't blame you for having no shame now] Rio: [you can feel bad when everyone finds out, for now the secret is yours lads] Buster: [they gotta eventually fall asleep together on this phone because literally their thing, we'll wake you when you get home gal] Rio: [absolutely Buster: [do we wanna do our skip in this convo or a new one?] Rio: [hmm, let's do it in this one] Buster: [how are we even gonna lol] Rio: [maybe she hangs up when she gets home 'cos he's snoozing and she doesn't wanna wake him but that wakes him up?] Buster: [good idea] Buster: You're home Rio: Yes Rio: you're meant to be sleeping Buster: No, I'm meant to be staying awake with you Rio: it is unacceptable how perfect you look when you're asleep Rio: how dare you Buster: You look perfect whatever you're doing Buster: I'm not mad Rio: Good Rio: because I'd just hate to have to make it up to you 😋 Buster: I'm spoiling you, remember Buster: Not the other way round Rio: How could I forget when you're so good at it Buster: I won't let you Rio: how did you get me to sleep so fast Buster: Just that good, babe Buster: Like you said Rio: too good for anyone else Buster: Yeah Buster: They don't deserve me Rio: I'll do everything to keep being deserving Buster: You don't have to do anything Buster: You're just that good too Rio: 🥰 Buster: I'm so glad that I'm gonna be able to get to know you again Buster: Properly, like before Rio: It'll be good Rio: to have someone to really talk to and trust Buster: You don't feel like you have that? Rio: it's different Rio: like I have my friends and we can go out and have fun and talk about the day to day Rio: and I've got Mum and June and the girls Rio: but I look after them, I'm not bringing my shit to them, you know Buster: Yeah, I know what you mean Rio: just being the oldest, isn't it Rio: and moving somewhere late, when everyone's been friends for years, it's just not going to be that deep Buster: Exactly Rio: You get it Rio: you're the only childhood friend I have, really Buster: You've got Nance too though Buster: She's not constantly with your brother, to her dismay, like Rio: Yeah, that's true Rio: you know you're different Rio: in lots of ways, not just the obvious Buster: She's probably not secretly in love with you as well, granted Rio: 😂 Don't Rio: I know it doesn't make logical sense Rio: that it'd be the same Rio: but it wouldn't, it's weird to even think that about her Buster: It wouldn't be the same, like you said, in so many ways it can't be Buster: I've always felt like this about you and it's always made sense to me Buster: Why wouldn't I? Rio: I don't see why it's so bad Rio: if someone gets with their childhood sweetheart, people don't say it's fucked up 'cos they 'grew up together' Rio: that's why it's so lovely, you know Rio: we weren't in the same house, we weren't literally raised together day to day in the same way by the same people Rio: maybe I've just talked myself into thinking it's okay because I want it to be but I don't care Rio: if no one knows, no one is getting hurt Buster: It is okay, it's not like you're my sister Buster: That'd be fucked Buster: I saw you less than most people see their childhood friends, which you're right, nobody would have a problem with Buster: If you got with that kid who dared us to kiss, for example, everyone would think it was well sweet and he was a little cunt so Rio: Little cunt is a bit harsh but I see your point 😏 Buster: We've established your memory is unreliable Rio: You wish Buster: He wishes 'cause then you could've ended up with him Rio: I'll have to hunt him down and break the bad news Rio: god knows where he is Buster: Don't Buster: You'll only refuse to let me beat him up either Rio: You can't beat up everyone who's ever known me, babe Rio: I'll never see you Buster: Just the ones that fancy you Rio: Past tense Rio: unless he's really kept it going all these years, which would be slightly worrying Rio: in that case, you might have to Buster: Unless he's had a serious brain injury or a gay awakening it'd be present tense again as soon as you tracked him down Rio: you make me feel so Rio: good Rio: in all the ways Buster: You're flawless, I keep telling you Buster: Fucking beautiful, smart, hilarious, really caring, even to me when I was being a bigger cunt than that kid Rio: that doesn't mean I can handle that without melting into a mess of Rio: I don't even know Buster: I can easily handle carrying you, we also established that, so don't worry Rio: I want it Rio: carry me to the bathroom and take off my makeup because I can't be bothered Buster: Leave it, I'll do it for you for real Rio: You don't care the state I'll be if we do that? Buster: No, 'cause you won't be in one Buster: Flawless is flawless Rio: well, don't say you weren't warned then Buster: I don't need to be warned that your skin isn't naturally shimmery, I'm not an idiot Rio: You're perfect, that's what you are Buster: You do remember where I live, right? You wear less makeup than any other girl I've ever met Rio: 😂 Rio: so many girls at school I wanna politely come at with a makeup wipe Rio: less is  more Buster: I've literally had to throw shirts out and all we did was dance Rio: Don't get me started on the shades of tan Rio: I don't know who they think they're fooling with that orange orange Buster: Ava's gonna start on all this shit soon Buster: Fucking hell Buster: I actually won't have time to beat up any lads for you, sorry Rio: I understand Rio: you have a few years though Rio: get some practice in Buster: It's Chelsea, I'm lucky she ain't already started Rio: it's depressing really Buster: She shouldn't be growing up here Rio: it's not consolation to say I think it's much of a muchness everywhere but Rio: you just worry about them, regardless Rio: Billie don't wear makeup ever but it's not like she don't give me grief still Rio: just different ways Buster: Yeah Rio: not lecturing you though Rio: you know Rio: didn't have to beat up boys for Nance and it's still stressful, yeah Buster: I still do, just for different reasons Rio: That hasn't got any better then? Buster: No Rio: I thought she seemed pretty off Rio: she's gonna have to do something about it, or your parents are for her, a big something Rio: current approach clearly isn't cutting it and you can't be expected to shoulder that Buster: She won't do fuck all about it Buster: That's what our fight was about Rio: Ahh Rio: it can't be easy, like it won't be, whatever she has to do Rio: but neither can her day to day, surely Buster: 'Course it is, stop rolling over and taking it, easy as that Rio: for you Rio: if she knew how to do that, wouldn't even be an issue, like Buster: I've told her what to do Buster: If she stands up to them instead of being such an easy target, it'll stop Rio: some people just ain't made like that Rio: if she fucked it up, it'd make it worse, right? Buster: She's a McKenna we're all made like that Rio: My brother ain't like that either Buster: It's different for him Buster: Only having sisters and no proper dad Buster: He still wouldn't let anyone say or do the shit Nance is letting them get away with without at least getting your mum involved Rio: He isn't how he is because of any of that Rio: that's just who he is Rio: and he just chooses to not fully be that with outsiders so they have nothing to say Buster: Alright, I'm not having a go at him Buster: I can't when I'm as bad Rio: I know Rio: and I get the frustration at her, I really do Rio: just don't reckon going on the offensive with her is gonna help at this point is all Buster: She ain't talking to me so there's fuck all I can do anyway Rio: She will Rio: give her some space whilst she's here, she should chill Rio: and we can too Buster: I wasn't gonna invite her along with us, like Rio: Would be a bit rude Rio: and counterproductive to all our plans but Buster: Where are we going? Rio: everywhere worth going, obviously Rio: but tomorrow specifically Rio: 🤔 Buster: Today specifically by now Rio: Oh yeah Rio: God, I'm gonna be knackered Buster: I'll take care of you Buster: Starting with taking your makeup off Rio: maybe we could just pay for a cheap room somewhere Rio: spend the whole day just taking care of each other Rio: can always go somewhere in the PM Buster: It's not gonna be cheap, who am I? Buster: Do you want a pool, babe? Rio: It can't be that expensive or they won't let me in 😂 Rio: but we could splash out on a pool for a day, like Rio: my funds stretch that far Buster: You don't need any funds Buster: And shut up, you've never looked any less than 5 star worthy Rio: you can't pay for everything Buster: Yeah I can Rio: You know what I mean, boy Buster: I know you can't stop me Rio: Buster 😒 Buster: Baby Buster: We're not fighting about it Rio: I'll get us food and 🍾🥂 Rio: then I'll say okay Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Buster: Do you wanna sleep? We can set the same alarm and then I'll come pick you up Rio: We should, that's a good idea Buster: Or I could just leave now Rio: I could sneak you in Rio: but could you sneak out Buster: Again, who am I? Buster: There's nothing I can't do Buster: Especially when it's that easy Rio: You'll have to prove that you can keep quiet again 'cos there's no way we're leaving until you've fucked me Buster: With that kind of incentive I really can do anything Rio: 🥰 Rio: I'll be waiting then Rio: everyone here is dead to the world, will be for hours Buster: Have a nap, I'll wake you when I'm almost there Buster: Put your phone under your pillow, like Rio: Okay Rio: I'll try Buster: Good girl Rio: that doesn't make me wanna leave you Buster: Shhh Buster: Close your eyes Rio: I mean, you can't make me Rio: 😋🤭 Buster: Not yet Buster: But if you know what will happen Rio: We are supposed to be quiet, you're right Rio: if you're not up to punishing me and keeping me quiet, then I'll just have to be good Buster: Don't underestimate me Rio: Never Rio: I'm just telling you what I want Buster: I ain't forgotten Rio: 😶 me Rio: I'll be good now Buster: Yeah? Buster: 'Cause if I have to call you right now and tell you to be, you're in actual trouble so Buster: Really think about that Rio: 😖 Rio: best behaviour Rio: gonna really think about what I've done Rio: how to make it up to you Buster: You've got loads of time Rio: tell me about it Buster: [does tell her about how she can make it up to him in glorious detail obviously] Rio: FUCK Rio: be here so I can be really, really nice to you Buster: On my way Rio: but Buster: I know, this is why you need to sleep, then it'll feel like I'm there sooner Rio: but won't you be lonely without me, daddy? Buster: Yeah but before tonight I always was Buster: I can handle it Rio: I hate that Buster: It's okay Rio: no Rio: but it will be, from tonight Buster: Rio, listen, you can't promise me that and you don't have to Buster: I can handle it, I don't want easy, remember, and neither do you Rio: Maybe I can't Rio: but you won't be lonely, I can promise that Buster: You can't stay up forever, you know Rio: neither can you Buster: I'll sleep when I'm back Rio: I can keep up with you Rio: you said as much Buster: Yeah, I did Rio: There we go then Rio: don't fight me, babe Buster: How else am I gonna see those new moves you mentioned? Rio: we can fight like that Rio: just don't be mean to me Buster: I'll be nice Buster: You'll see Rio: but me first Rio: you've earnt it Buster: So have you Buster: And I'm stronger than you Rio: 🤤 Rio: can't be mad about that Buster: You won't be Rio: you make me feel small Rio: in a good way Rio: safe Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you are safe Rio: Of course Rio: no reason I wouldn't be Rio: but it's still a nice feeling Buster: Like how you make me feel less alone Buster: I wasn't technically Rio: Yeah Rio: it's just Rio: right Rio: I've had boyfriends, so I can say Rio: it doesn't feel like this, just because of that title, supposed closeness Buster: I don't need a girlfriend to know it's right Rio: I wouldn't like that Rio: if you did Buster: Me either Buster: But I know that's what some people would say, if they found out Rio: it's not like you haven't slept with other girls though Buster: That's different to giving a shit about other girls though Rio: I guess Rio: but how much did I, how much do most people our age Buster: You care about everyone Buster: It's not just part of your night same as having another drink or line Rio: but I care about you more than I have any of them, that's my point Buster: And mine is, from on outside perspective it looks like you've tried harder than me Rio: I get it Rio: you can try Rio: like that Rio: if you want Buster: No Rio: I'm just saying Rio: if you need to Buster: Don't say things like that Rio: I have to Rio: I'm not going to let you not be sure Buster: You think I'm not? Rio: No, I think you are Rio: but I need you to know you've got the opportunity to test it, if you do need it, at any point Buster: I need you, that's all Rio: Okay Buster: Yeah, it is Buster: I'm not gonna change my mind and nobody's gonna change it for me Rio: I won't either Rio: I love you Buster: Your name was there among the first load of words I ever learned, don't forget that Buster: I've loved you my whole life Rio: you'll make me cry Buster: Don't cry, I'll shut up Rio: Don't Rio: you say all the things I wanna hear Buster: I wanna make you happy Rio: you do Rio: this is Rio: beyond happy Buster: No crying then Rio: I can't help it, baby Buster: I know but I can't hold you yet Rio: I won't cry when I see you Buster: You're only allowed to do that kind of shit when you're walking down the aisle Rio: Understood Buster: If we can't get married, you can't cry when you see me Rio: unfair Rio: but not your fault Buster: Yeah it is, I really want all the presents Rio: 😂 Rio: Exactly Buster: Not to mention, if you look that fucking good as a guest Rio: That's just dangerous Rio: less trying not to cry, more dying to get back down the aisle as quick as humanly possible 😍 Buster: I'm fine with dangerous, you know that Rio: I will not be fine with keeping my hands off you Buster: So touch me Rio: in front of the lord and the pastor? Rio: not to mention the guests Buster: I don't care Buster: Do it Buster: Whatever you want Rio: oh Rio: that's fucking hot Buster: It feels like ages since we last touched each other, which is bullshit 'cause before tonight it'd been years, and every part of me knows that, but Buster: I hate that I'm not already there Rio: It's true, it's hard to stop once you start something Rio: especially when that something feels as perfect as this does Buster: I'm gonna have to just live here Rio: If only Buster: You'll hide me, yeah? Rio: of course Rio: you know Chelsea will miss you too hard Buster: Clear out under your bed, like Buster: 'Course, I'm all that place has going for it Buster: Other than the coke being decent and abundant, I'll give 'em that Rio: and your school Rio: even if our system is better Rio: does any school here have the same 'connections' 🤔 Buster: They can get a new Head Boy and I can succeed anywhere Buster: Even catholic Rio: 'course Rio: you're a very good boy, after all Buster: I look like one anyway Rio: 👼 Rio: Okay Rio: come live in my bed Rio: under it Buster: Okay Buster: Sneak me in Rio: You're here? Rio: 🤩🤩🤩 Buster: I mean, I could have the wrong farmhouse, it's been a while Rio: I know you wanna see Dan that bad but that's really mean, babe Buster: Fuck's sake, he's literally the boy next door Buster: Hilarious Rio: I'm so glad you think so Rio: dunno if it counts as the trope if there's a shit ton of farmland between Buster: You really did want that love story, yeah? Rio: Shh Rio: I want you Buster: Make me Buster: 'Cause I want you so bad right now Rio: [Let him in gal] Buster: [don't give them away 🐈s we sneaking] Rio: [at least like Crim, they probably shout all the time for no real reason lol] Buster: [yeah always playing and chasing each other and being cray] Rio: [live for that danger] Buster: [we all know it because there's no way he's not making out with her the second she appears like just wait boy] Rio: [at least your mother is drunk and your sibs will be asleep/could think it was her boyf like mind ya business for a sec everyone] Buster: [Ali is probably asleep too at this point like it's gotta be early AM af] Rio: [we ain't having y'all get caught this quick lol] Buster: [imagine lol #gameover] Rio: [by the grace of god, you're so extra always] Buster: [literally carrying her upstairs as we speak so we rest our case] Rio: [live your best life lads] Buster: [is gonna actually take her makeup off for her and it'll be such a MOMENT bye] Rio: [the intimacy, bye] Buster: [when you do still look beautiful af though he's not even just hyping you] Rio: [like you never wear foundation or any shenanigans 'cos don't need] Buster: [we all know that moment will turn into him kissing her everywhere ever which will turn into every Simon x Alisha gifset ever] Rio: [god bless, get you a man] Buster: [it makes me lol like I don't remember it being such a thing when I watched the show but he's just always doing it appaz] Rio: [when you about that life] Buster: [Buster is so thanks for that blessed content] Rio: [I want 'em to fall asleep for a hot sec for that risk of peeps waking up for the day, like they should be fine but just 'cos 1. it's cute 2. we playing with fire always] Buster: [1000% approve for all those reasons and also it's believable like they literally have not slept and are drunk so] Rio: [exactly] Buster: [we know y'all are exhausting yourself with your antics] Rio: [only so hard you can front] Buster: [The effort of trying to be quiet in itself would kill you both so] Rio: [chatty caths] Buster: [mhmm] Rio: [when you can feasibly make more noise than him 'cos it could be Daniel so you're shamelessly using that to your advantage like you know he ain't gonna get you back later] Buster: [the perils of that posh boy accent] Rio: [loling imagining one of 'em like ew but typical and then being like wait...is that] Buster: [you're not getting rumbled today boy shut your mouth] Rio: [you can and will go ham in the hotel] Buster: [and it'll be fancy and you'll live your best lives just try not to break the bed as you have a habit of doing] Rio: [start as you mean to go on I reckon] Buster: [what do you think should wake them up like a toilet flush or something so you think its later in the morning than it is?] Rio: [that sounds legit and the kinda thing that would make you panic] Buster: [I know it's a big secret and everything but fairplay for waking up cos I would not] Rio: [lol hard same] Buster: [at least they can look at their phones and realise it's not 10am or whatever time they think it is and calm down] Rio: [back to not giving a fuck real quick] Buster: [should we let them go back to sleep or make them leave?] Rio: [I vote it's late enough that you could go get coffee n breakfast somewhere before you can check in] Buster: [and it feels like a mood to be like let's leave rn if they were shooketh and don't wanna risk it happening again if they fall back asleep] Rio: [exactly, you may as well tbh] Buster: [have a sleepy snuggle whilst you're doing the longest car ride back to civilisation lol] Rio: [that'll be a nice moment] Buster: [all the softness forever thank you] Rio: [nice throwback to the very first time we did 'em and they had that soft af coffee morning] Buster: [yaaaas but you don't have to wear Nance's clothes this time babe, you're welcome] Rio: [would be a very weird flex] Buster: [Christ knows what Buster is wearing though cos he would've got changed after the wedding when he went home but I doubt it was into a lewk because you were meant to be sleeping and I doubt even more than you got changed again before you then left your gaff] Rio: [we keeping it casual today] Buster: [we know they both look great anyway] Rio: [when do they not] Buster: [it's rude] Rio: [no wonder you lowkey wanna repopulate the earth] Buster: [love it for you] Rio: [think they have the most kids now p sure] Buster: [they do though gutted its not the 11 you OG wanted lads but it is still more than Ali which was the goal so] Rio: [we not falling into that trap again lol] Buster: [unless a face is literally perfect we mustn't] Rio: [cheeky gal] Buster: [do we want anything to specifically happen that we need to write down or do you just wanna leave this here like] Rio: [we can probably skip I reckon]
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Adrien remembered what it felt like the first time he laid eyes on Kagami.
Or rather, the first time he saw her without her helmet. Adrien admitted he'd been cocky going into the fight. In his defense, he was like that with everyone.
Not like Kagami was any better. She'd been downright arrogant, marching in unannounced and demanding a match! It was incredibly attractive.
Their swords met and Adrien realized pretty quickly that Kagami's confidence was well earned. Their skills with a blade were born of years of practice. But he was no prodigy; she was.
None of his fencing teammates came close to Kagami's level and D'Argencourt was so far above him. Fighting someone on equal footing was... exhilarating. Being beautiful too was almost unfair.
Kagami was so stunning. Adrien still remembered his cheeks flushing and jaw dropping when she took off her helmet. He was so flustered his words came out in a stutter.
That was the first of many times Adrien would be left a flustered mess by Kagami.
It was part of the reason Adrien loved making Kagami blush. It was only fair he took every opportunity, as she didn't always react the same way twice. He was sure she'd be indifferent to it if he wasn't so persistent.
Kagami didn't mind blushing around him if it came naturally. Even if she was a bit shy about it... Apparently, trying to make her blush on purpose didn't count.
But really, gushing about Chat Noir like that was cheating! Particular emphasis was placed on his alter ego's determination. The way he never gave up, how he held the civilians' safety as top priority, his dedication to Ladybug...
And there he went again. Red as Nathaniel's hair. Well, if Adrien was gonna be a tomato, he wouldn't be the only one.
Mentioning Ryuko was fair game. Her skill with a sword, the way she protected the main duo, her ferocity against the villains. She was definitely competing for the title of Favorite Superhero. Plus, she had a cool outfit.
Kagami's reddening cheeks were definitely worth the effort.
Of course, she knew exactly what he was doing. It brought out her competitive nature. Even if Kagami didn't have as much practice in making people flustered on purpose, she made up for it by making every compliment count. Each one heartfelt enough to make Adrien flush.
He loved the feeling.
Kagami wasn't exactly sure why Adrien felt the need to make her face burn. But she wasn't about to let that stop her. His challenge would not go unanswered!
One would think Adrien would choose something he had an advantage in. Instead of... well, he was easily flustered. Face flushing at the smallest indication that Kagami returned his feelings. Even if he did recover quickly after the first few times.
Really, he turned red at the slightest provocation! The only reason Kagami didn't hopelessly outmatch him was because of her lack of experience in such matters... Though, he did have other advantages.
Differentiating between when her boyfriend was purposefully teasing her and when he was being his usual, compliment prone self was a bit of a chore for Kagami. Although, the latter was usually accompanied by a softer smile. The other one was far too mischievous.
Take their fencing matches for example. When they weren't sassing each other Adrien could praise her earnestly, with eyes full of admiration. Or he could praise Kagami specifically to make her face flush, with a smug smirk on his lips.
It really depended on his mood.
Still, she wouldn't change it at all. If a little teasing was the price for a boyfriend that placed her in such high regard, and constantly reminded her why he chose her, Kagami would gladly pay it. And respond in kind.
Getting Nino's help was tricky. She couldn't just say it was to mess with his best friend; he might take it the wrong way. No, Kagami had to be 'subtle'. Or, at least as close as she could get.
Under the, admittedly true, guise of learning more about Adrien she found great ammunition.
He was a romantic. She'd seen it, of course, but Kagami didn't realize just how much he was holding back. Nino had to talk him out of buying her dozens of bouquets, live bands for all their dates, visiting every remotely romantic locale in Paris...
Okay, that last one still sounded nice. And it gave her an idea.
"So!" Adrien inquired. "We going anywhere in particular?"
They walked beside each other through the park. Kagami had checked what spaces were relatively empty during this time so they wouldn't be disturbed. Plus, fewer eyes made her more comfortable.
"Here," Kagami replied, as they turned a corner. She gestured to a table covered with patterned cloth and a fancy centerpiece.
Adrien's eyes took in the arrangement appreciatively. "Candles?"
Kagami realized it was far too early for candles but she was committed now. "It's for aesthetic," she explained, which was technically true, and pulled out Adrien's chair for him.
He accepted graciously. "I like it," he smiled.
Sitting in her own chair Kagami averted her eyes as she attempted to fight down the blush that threatened to bloom on her face.
At that point the waiter appeared from nowhere and placed their appetizer down before disappearing back where he came from.
Blinking in surprise Adrien's head turned from the waiter to their bread-filled bowl. "If you wanted to go on a 'picnic' you could've just asked."
"But then it wouldn't be a surprise," Kagami reasoned. "And you've already planned a disproportionate number of our dates."
"I'll make sure to let you plan the next few then," he teased.
The waiter returned with two plates of spaghetti and meatballs, the steam indicating it was freshly prepared, and two tall glasses of water. He set them down before vanishing again.
"Spaghetti! It's been forever since I've... eaten..." His eyes went over the checkered tablecloth and stylized centerpiece. Adrien stared as understanding dawned in his eyes. "I know this one."
Kagami pretended not to know what he meant while blowing on a forkful of food. "Do you?"
Leaning casually on the table Adrien played with some of his food. "You know," he stated not-so-innocently. "Romantic dinners usually take place at night."
"... I thought the musicians could use more light."
"Accordion and violin?" Adrien asked, even as said musicians came into view and began to play a familiar song. "Thought so," he grinned.
"Have I really become so predictable?" Kagami watched as her boyfriend closed his eyes to savor the music, his head swaying slightly.
"Remember our last training session? When you told me I was announcing my moves I realized the same was true of you." He opened his eyes slightly to peak at his girlfriend. "We know how to read each other too well."
"I see." Kagami felt heat spread across her face. "I shall endeavor to not project my intentions so openly."
"... Why?"
That was an excellent point and it deepened her rose hue. "This was supposed to be part of your game."
"Then..." Adrien reached for his glass and drank, seemingly unconcerned. "You weren't just trying to be romantic?"
The music continued, rising and falling as Kagami collected her thoughts. "I enjoy seeing you blush. Perhaps not as much as you but I do. The game was always fun even when you teased me because it was a way to express your, our, emotions without feeling like we were moving too fast."
Kagami disliked this awkwardness that made her avert her eyes. It made voicing her thoughts difficult. "I followed the game because I couldn't let you win unopposed, yes. But also because knowing I have such an effect on you means you feel the same way I do. It makes it easier to say 'I love you' and-"
A soft gasp brought Kagami's sight back to Adrien. He was beet red and staring at her with big, vulnerable eyes. All trace of his nonchalant act gone.
"Do you... mean that?"
"... You have to ask?"
Adrien smiled shyly and reached for her hand. Kagami returned the gesture. His reaction calmed the fluttering in her stomach and her face didn't burn as strongly.
"I love you, too." It wasn't the first time Adrien said it but that did not diminish it's effect on her.
Kagami smiled as she looked away. The musicians kept playing throughout their little display as though nothing had happened. This hadn't gone according to plan but...
They finally got around to tasting their meal. Adrien mmmh-ing appreciatively and giving compliments to the chef. Their conversation flowed naturally after their awkward start. Kagami asked how he could praise people for their virtues so easily.
He turned his head slightly, confused and said: "It's true though, isn't it?"
And it was. Adrien didn't give compliments he didn't mean. When the musicians finished a song he clapped earnestly, when Kagami told him of her recent victory against an archery rival he praised her unreservedly, when the waiter returned to take their empty plates Adrien thanked him for a job well done.
As the sun began to set they finally had reason to light the candles. Despite there still being plenty of light.
Kagami smiled at Adrien and he gave her one of his own. No, the day didn't go as she expected. But she wouldn't change a thing.
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lunaofthevalley · 6 years
Steadfast Tin Soldier ||
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Note: The long awaited and requested part two is here. Decided to make this a mini series of sorts so expect a part three as well.if you wanna be tagged comment or send me a message pand I'll ad you. Warnings: stupid Bucky
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Y/N never imagined how much her life would change upon moving to the compound to start to work for Bruce. When her old boss told her he'd gotten her an interview for a proper job, a great one at that, she never thought it would land her working for the Avengers, or well a Avenger seeing as she exclusively worked under Bruce, but as time passed and relationships grew, Y/N found herself being a helping hand to everyone. If you took a look at her you'd never think of her as someone who had a career in science. That's why Y/N loved her chosen lifestyle, she was always surprising people, and she, herself loved surprises, and ever since she started working at the compound her life seemed to be even more full of them. But the greatest surprise came in the form of one James Buchanan Barnes.
She of course knew who he was, or more specifically who he had been. Upon being employed, Y/N was given a briefing on everyone who held a high position at the compound, which mostly consisted of the Avengers and a few select others, like Fury and Agent Hill. So of course she knew all about him, or more specifically, what she was allowed at that moment to know. She had been told of his past. His service to the army during the Second World War, his supposed death due to falling of a train, the years he spent being tortured by HYDRA, the atrocities he was made to commit while he was under control as the Winter Soldier. But if you asked her honestly she could care less about it. She was told he was a changed man, and she fully believed it, even if others that had known him longer still didn't.
When she finally saw him face to face she was a bit taken aback. You could tell he had been through a lot. His eyes gave it away. She could also tell he was an attractive man, under the unkempt long hair and slight beard he seemed to have. He was big, way more than her, the years of work and service evident in his body. She of course was also quite taken by the metal arm he sported. It was not the same one he had killed with before, no this was the brand new one, provided by the Wakandans. He'd caught her gaze that day, as she gave him the once over, and when she looked up at his face again, their eyes met. What had been surprising not only to her, but also to Bucky, was that she had not looked away in embarrassment, as many would do. Y/N seemed to have gained this new found confidence right there and then because her eyes didn't stray from the soldiers blue ones at that moment.
Y/N didn't see him again until a week after. He'd changed a bit. He no longer had much of a beard as he did before, it was more of a scruff now, as if he'd let it grow lightly, but not to much that it looked bad. His hair had been trimmed too. It was still long, more neater. It reached a little above his shoulders, but below the jawline. It didn't look unkept now, it looked, softer, lighter and not as greasy as the day she had first seen him. She started seeing a lot more of him after that day, and they had begun to communicate. Sure it took a while for them to actually start having proper conversations, but no matter how small the amount of time Y/N and Bucky spent together was, she always cherished it.
She had slowly but surely begun to be enchanted by James Buchanan Barnes.
She was actually thinking about him the moment Natasha and Wanda burst into her room, going off about some party Stark was planning, involving costumes, which she reckoned had to do with Halloween which was a couple of weeks away now. She wasn't much surprised at the news of the party. It would be her first one at the compound, but she knew of Stark's love for extravagant celebrations, so she expected it.
"How exciting, you'll be experiencing your first Stark party, and lucky for you it's themed." Wanda told her with much enthusiasm, which Y/N couldn't help but smile at.
Natasha made a face, "I wouldn't go so far as to call it lucky. But don't get me wrong you'll have fun."
Y/N gave the, each a once over. The three of them had quickly become friends after she had started working and living at the compound. Being the only three women in a group made up mostly of men was sometimes overbearing, but they had each other, so they tended to stick together to make things more bearable.
"So, do you know what you'll be dressing up as?" Y/N asked.
"Don't know yet actually," Nat was the first to respond. "Might go for something simple, but sexy, y'know, show off the bod."
"You're always showing off the bod in that catsuit of yours." Y/N argued.
Nat nodded, "Yes, but this time I might get to do it as a sexy fireman or even better a sexy Avenger!"
"But you are an Avenger." Wanda butted in.
"I mean yeah, but imagine me showing up as a sexy Iron Man or a sexy Captain America. Imagine how Steve would react." All three took a moment to imagine how said scenario would go down before bursting into a fit of laughter. It would be quite comical if it were to happen, and Y/N would put it past Nat to actually dress up like that just to get a kick out of one of the guys.
"What about you Wanda, any ideas?" Y/N asked.
"Well like Nat said, I also want to do something simple. Was thinking of a witch, simple enough I only have to buy a few accessories, seeing as I have enough black clothing already." Y/N and Nat giggled lightly at that. Wanda then turned to Y/N and asked the same question.
"Oh, I don't know yet. I mean I did only just find out about it. Maybe I could do the same as Nat, dress up as one of the guys, though I'd much rather go for the normal version than the sexy one."
Nat scoffed. "You'd look great in a sexy costume, you have a great figure. Your dainty, but muscular, you got curves and a good northern and southern region."
Y/N blushed at the comment Nat made, "Look who's talking."
"Hmm I might have an idea," Nat and Y/N turned to look at her, "Y/N, didn't you use to be a dancer?"
Y/N raised her eyebrows, "Uh yeah I was, nothing professional but yeah. How did you know?"
"You must've mentioned it before or something."
"Oh." Y/N didn't recall ever telling Wanda, but she supposed it could've come up in a conversation at some point.
"You could dress up as a Ballerina. It would be perfect." Nat offered.
"You think so?"
"Yeah, no one will show up as a ballerina, because let's face it, it's not really a very Halloween-y costume, which makes it perfect seeing you will be the only one."
"Well... I still have some of my ballet costumes from my last recital which wasn't that long ago."
"See," Wanda said quickly, "you wouldn't spend any money.
"Well when you say it like that it doesn't sound so bad."
"No more arguing Y/N, you're going as a Ballerina." Nat said proudly.
"So you want me to dress up as a soldier for Stark's stupid party?" Bucky asked, "Why?"
Steve looked at Bucky as they were currently sat in front of each other in the common room. "Uh no reason, just thought it suited you."
"Why because I was a soldier?"
"Well yes, but also because I remembered that story you used to go on about back in the forties."
"The Steadfast Tin Soldier. You want me to dress up as the Steadfast Tin Soldier?" Bucky wanted to laugh. He found it quite odd that out of everything Steve could've brought up, he brought up this. The one thing Bucky had always used as a metaphor to his life.
"Well not exactly, but yes. You're not someone who tends to go all out with this sort of thing so I thought I could help, and I remembered how much you used to like the tale, so I thought I'd suggest the idea. Thought it would remind you of the good old days."
"But wouldn't I look out of place," Bucky asked, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier is a toy soldier, isn't that a little more adept to Christmas time?
"Well yea but Christmas is just around the corner from Halloween, and besides I don't think anyone will care." Steve tried to reassure him, but Bucky still looked uneasy. "Look if it really doesn't appeal to you, you can dress up with Sam and I. He's going as a bald eagle and I'm going as Uncle Sam, you could dress up as the American flag to complete our group costume."
Bucky instantly made a face. "You know I think I'd rather try my luck with the toy Soldier. Patriotism is more your and Sam's thing."
Steve smirked knowing his tactic had worked, "I'm glad to hear you say that. We'll be going to the city next week to buy the costumes."
"Alright punk."
The days came and went and before anyone knew it te day of the party was among them. Tony had scheduled it to be the weekend before Halloween. He had made it a rather private affair, inviting mostly only staff members of the compound and a select few other outsiders, but all in all it was still a grand party, but then again it was a Stark party, so it could be nothing short of grand. The party was occurring in the hall, the biggest room in the compound. It was normally used for when they had big conferences or meetings with most of the resident staff, and it was also built to be used for parties. Almost everyone was there already. Sam and Steve were currently the center of attention, with their very patriotic costume. Sam honestly looked ridiculous in the bald eagle get up, and well Steve who always seems to ooze patriotism and freedom seemed to be doing so more tonight. Natasha had indeed showed up dressed as a sexy Captain America, which had also indeed made Steve as red as a tomato for a couple of minutes. All three of them probably had the best group costume. That is until Clint and his family showed up. Clint strolled in looking as mighty as ever dressed up as Legolas. He thought he would give honor to the nickname Tony gave him, and he got a silver lining out of it as well, the greatest group costume of the night. Laura, his wife was dressed as Galadriel, while his kids were dressed up as hobbits.
Bruce showed up dresses as Albert Einstein, and he looked adorable with the big wig and bushy mustache. Wanda in the end opted to go as a fortune teller after having seen the most amazing baggy pants she had ever seen for sale at forever 21, which she matched with a black crop top she had lying around, a scarf that belonged to Y/N on her head and an about a hundred pieces of jewelry. Vision had probably gone for the simplest of costumes, deciding to just cut some holes into a sheet and go as a ghost. Rhodes was dressed in a bright purple suit with a frilly shirt, and he was sporting a wig. He was dressed as Prince, which if it wasn't already obvious, you'd get the idea after hearing him sing a horrible rendition of purple rain. And as seemed to be a recurring theme at the party, Tony and Peter also showed up in a group costume, or well a couples costume as it's technically called, but since they weren't actually a couple they decided to go with the term bro-stume, as in a costume of bros. it was obvious it had been Peter who had come up with the title. They were dressed up as Marty McFly and Doc from back to the future. Although the best costume of the night award probably had to go to Thor, who showed up dressed as a giant pop tart. Everyone knew of the love he possessed for the sweet treats, but they never thought he loved them so much he'd actually dress up as one.
Bucky was by the bar observing everything going on at the party. He had dressed up as the Toy soldier, like Steve suggested, and he honestly felt a bit ridiculous, with the big hat on his head and the obnoxious blue and red tones of the jacket. Don't even get him started on his tight white pants. The only thing about the costume Bucky was quite alright with were the black boots. It was then that the patriotic trio approached him at the bar.
"Why so glum chum?" Nat asked.
Bucky shrugged in response, "Don't know, I'm not really used to this sort of thing remember. This is my first party in over 75 years, and it's a costume one at that. Don't remember the last time I dressed up like this."
"C'mon, cheer up Buck, don't think about all that tonight, try to have fun." Steve reassured his best friend.
"Is Barnes in a funk because his sweetheart isn't here?" The four of them turned to see Tony and Peter approaching.
"What sweetheart?" Bucky asked confused.
"Oh you know, little miss lab assistant."
Peter cut in, "He means Y/N."
Bucky gave Tony a sharp look, "What makes you think she's my sweetheart, we're just friends."
"Right, just like me and Pepper are friends. Come on Barnes we all see how you look at her as if she were the last plum in the world. And I only say plum because I know you have an ungodly love for those things."
At that moment a six foot pop tart appeared, "Whats this I hear about ungodly love?"
"Oh nothing, just bothering Barnes about his school crush on Y/N." Sam explained.
"Oh I see." Thor nodded, "By the way, where is Lady Y/N, I am most excited to see her costume."
"Hmm yes, I wonder what she'll be dressed at." Tony said in a humorous tone, which earned him several pointed looks from the patriotic trio.
"Well wonder no more mister Stark, because she just arrived." Peter nodded towards the entrance closest to the bar, which also was the one that led to the private quarters of the compound.
Everyone in the small group turned to look at Y/N. Bucky's mouth hung open in shock the moment he laid eyes on her, and even the rest of them, who already knew what she would be dressed up as, did a double take at seeing her. She was wearing a white leotard, accompanied by an also white, slightly sparkly tutu that had pink details on it. Right below her shoulders she was wearing those frilly things ballerinas sometimes wear. Her legs were covered in white tights, but not the solid kind, she was wearing the see through type, the ones were you get a peek at her natural tone of skin, but it's still evident that the tights are white. She was wearing her old pair of pointe shoes, the light pink ones that matched the outfit. On the crown of her head rested a small tiara/diadem type of thing, which was rose gold in color and was adorned with fake pink and white jewels. Her Y/H/C hair fell in loose waves down her back instead of being held up in a tight bun as it is usually on a ballerina. She was wearing more make up than usual, but not a whole lot that her face looked cakey. She looked natural. She looked ethereal.
Bucky swore in that moment that she was not only the ballerina to his soldier, but that she was also an angel that may or may not have been sent to him.
As Y/N approached the group she started to blush deeply at feeling all eyes on her. She immediately started to have second thoughts on her costume. Once she was close enough to the group she dared ask the question, "Why are you all looking at me like that, is my costume bad?" In that moment everyone started talking.
"No, no you-you look beautiful doll."
"Lady Y/N, you are most divine this evening."
"The lab assistant turned into a graceful swan. Get it, swan lake reference."
"You look g-great miss Y/N, like a princess."
"Told you you had a great body."
"Hot damn girl, we need to get you out more."
"You look great Y/N"
Y/N blushed even more at all the comments, "Well thank you for the reassurance."
Everyone got quiet after that, no one daring to disrupt the awkward silence that had consumed the small group. That is until Tony opened his big smart mouth.
"Would you look at that."
Everyone turned to him, but it was Y/N that had voiced what everyone was thinking, "Look at what."
"You and Barnes."
She looked at Bucky before looking back at Tony. "What about me and Bucky?"
"I just found it funny that you're dressed as a ballerina and he's dressed up as a toy soldier." When no one said anything he continued, "You know, like that fairytale."
That's when it clicked in Y/N's mind, "Oh, you mean the Steadfast Tin Soldier?"
"Yep, that's the one" Tony quickly replied.
That's when Y/N looked over at Bucky and took in his costume. He was indeed dressed up as a toy soldier. He looked quite dashing actually. She then remembered the tale. She'd only heard it a few times before but she remembered the basic plot of it. Of how a Tin soldier had fallen in love with a ballerina. As she though more about it, she remembered more of the story, how it happened that the Tin Soldier was also missing a body part, much like Bucky. Only difference being Bucky had a metal one attached in its place. Everything had become quiet again, and it was obvious that the suddenly topic of conversation made Bucky a little tense. He didn't dare look at Y/N in fear of being judged, but contrary to his belief Y/N was quite pleased with the outcome of their accidental compatible costumes.
Y/N cleared her throat and turned to Bucky, "Say would this Tin Soldier fancy a dance, I know this ballerina does, and I don't think there is a better partner than you."
Bucky struggled to say something, he looked like a deer caught in headlights. He stood gaping at her for a few seconds before Steve lightly nudged him, "I- uh, sure doll, I'd love to." He slowly held out his flesh hand and she lightly placed hers on his. There was a drastic difference. His big, calloused, war torn hands and her small, frail soft ones. A soldier's hands and a ballerina's hands. Bucky led Y/N out to the dance floor and once they found themselves in the middle of it Bucky turned to Y/N, hesitance evident on his face. He still had her hand in his flesh one, which meant he'd have to place the metal one on Y/N's waist. He'd never touched her before with his metal limb, so Y/N guessed he was afraid to do so at the moment. She reached out and grabbed his metal wrist, and placed it tightly on her waist before inching closer and placing her hand on his shoulder.
"You won't hurt me Bucky."
"I'd never dare to doll."
A few seconds of silence loomed over them before Y/N spoke up. "It's quite funny isn't it, that our costumes relate in a way."
Bucky nodded, "Yea, you look beautiful by the way. Quite the original choice of costume."
Y/N blushed a light shade of pink, "Thank you, it wasn't my first choice but Nat and Wanda insisted on it, and now that I see the finished product I'm kind of glad they did."
That's the moment it click in Bucky's mind. Why Steve insisted on him dressing up as a soldier, Tony bringing it up right now, Nat and Wanda telling Y/N to dress up as a ballerina. They had both been played at the same time and they never noticed, and for what reason exactly Bucky didn't know. Steve knew Bucky liked Y/N, he'd accidentally let it slip one time during a run, and ifs he's being honest he's not exactly the most subtle when it comes to her, so he didn't put it past the team for noticing. He didn't know why the team went through all the trouble to try and set them up like this. Y/N had never given him a reason to believe she felt the same as he did. And even if she did , he didn't deserve her. Bucky then began to internally panic. She deserved someone better in her life, someone who was completely stable, who didn't have as rough a past as him, someone who was better than him. He stopped dancing and stepped back from her looking down at her confused features. She was about to say something but before she could he cut her off, "I'm so sorry doll, but I have to go." And with out a glance back he bolted out of the room, leaving her in the center of the room all alone. The rest of the team watched in horror as Bucky quickly left the party. None of them had expected Bucky to do that. Out of all the possible outcomes tonight could have, that one was never even considered.
"God damn it Barnes, one tries to help and you do this." Tony sighed.
"Lady Y/N looks sad."
Wanda turned to Thor, "Of course she's sad, she just got left in the middle of the dance floor by the guy she likes!"
"Frosty screwed up big time." Clint added.
While they all argued over their failed attempt at getting Y/N and Bucky together, said girl still stood in the same spot in which Bucky had left her. She still stared at the door, in hopes that this was all a joke and he'd come back. But things aren't a fairytale. And in that moment the Ballerina lost her Soldier.
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TSTS TAGS: @hadesgirl1015 @holycoldcoffee
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vipstarlight1990 · 6 years
Super Junior Reacts
To you getting hurt while they are away
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Kim Heechul - Heechul
It felt like time had slowed down as you lost your balance. You hadn't expected the floor to be so wet. You didn't see a sign that warned you. But in an instant your body fell over and you hit your head on a nearby bench.
You didn't cry, you couldn't cry. Because after that moment everything started to go dark. All you could recognize was warped noise that sounded like your name but you weren't sure. The moment everything went dark the pain went away.
The filming had just finished as heechul thanked everyone for a good job. He had turned his ringer off while he was working as to not be rude to his co-host. As he unlocked his phone he noticed multiple text messages and missed calls. Confused he read through one message. Feeling his his heart collapse as he quickly gathered his things.
A few people tried to calm him down see what was wrong but he tried to be polite as he could.
You sat there while the doctor checked your eyes to make sure everything was okay. A bandage covered right above your eyebrow. "Did you feel light headed, or dizzy before you fell?", he asked. "No I slipped.", you said softly as you heard your name being screamed through the halls. "(Y/N)!", you heard a familiar voice echo as his reached your door. "Oh god.", you muttered as the door to your room slammed open. " Jagiya!", he said checking you over. " What happened?", he asked obviously worried. "I fell.", you reluctantly muttered. "You fell?", he asked as you looked away from his judging eyes. "Have you not eaten?", he inquired. "I slipped.", you say under your breath. "But you are okay?" He asked softly. "We are keeping her for observation but yes she should be okay.", the doctors said taking his leave. You looked down as the door closed and heechul turned his focus on you. "Why must you always be so clumsy.", he said kissing over you as you pushed his hand away. "I'm not clumsy the floor was wet.", you say as he helps you sit back. "So blind then...has your eye sight gotten so bad that you couldn't see a bright orange sign?", he teased.
"I'm not listening to this anymore.", you said as he tucked you in. Almost like a captive audience. "Well you either blind or clumsy either way I have to take care of you I just need to know if I have to get a service dog or not.", he teased again. "You can go home now.", you groaned. "Home...not while you are here.", he said fixing a chair next to the bed. You looked over to him and smiled while he started telling you about his day.
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I put a lot of shit talking but to me I feel like heechul would check on you first. Once he was certain you were okay he would tease you so you weren't worried to much. This also may be for his benefit since he will worry until your healthy.
Lee Donghae - Donghae
You looked outside you window and saw a light flurry of snow. You had to run to the store for food but it was far to cold to simply walk. Your boyfriend had left you the keys to his car for emergencies. But the more you thought about it, the more driving right down the street seemed insane to you.
Regretting not going shopping after work yesterday you grabbed your jacket and walked downstairs to where your bike was chained up. You could ride it and balance a few light items. No problem you've done this before. You unlocked your bike and carefully rode it to the small family owned convenient store. Making it their without a problem you parked your bike in front of the store and walked in. "Small items.", you muttered to yourself since you only had to last a few days. Grabbing some soup and a half a gallon of milk, you paid for your purchases and walked out the store. Balancing your bike you wished now you had never decided to make a craft project with the basket that use to rest on the front of your handlebars. Lacing one bag on the other you slowly pushed off and gently peddle your way down the street.
Donghae checked his phone to see if you at least saw his message. "Still no answer?", hyukjae asked. "No...I'm worried.", he said about to call but he was signaled by a producer. "Dammit.", he muttered putting his phone down and going towards the stage to perform. He tried to focus only on his performance but a nagging bug sat in the back of his mind. No matter what he did he couldn't relax until you sent him a simple hey or good luck. Anything at this point since he hadn't talked to you all day. After performing their first song the group went backstage to change. Donghae rushed to his phone and was relieved to see you had sent him a message. 'Hey, didn't see your message...good luck talk to you tonight.', he read it once, twice, then a third. He was happy you messaged back but it seemed....off. He shook the thought from his head as he changed and went to perform his second song.
The rest of the tapping lasted a few more hours. It was well past dinner time when he got back to his hotel room. Plugging his phone up he sat back and called you as quickly as he could.
You jumped at the sound of your ringer going off. "Hey.", you said as you answered the phone. "Hi...did you watch me tonight?", he asked you knew he liked sending you little flirts when he performed. Especially if he wad promoting and you weren't going to see him for a few weeks. "Um....No I didn't get a chance to watch.", you said looking down at your bandaged hand and wrist. "Oh...were you busy with work?", he asked as you sighed. You knew how he would react and you really didn't want to tell him. "No I was just preoccupied and that's it.", you hated being vague. Because you knew he wasn't buying. You could hear the wheels turning in his head. "Did something happen?", he asked. "Well....", you stalled. "(Y/N)!", he yelled over the phone. "Okay, okay.....I rode my bike in the snow to get some groceries and hit a slick patch on the way back and got into a little accident.", you spoke quickly. The line went quiet, you knew what he was doing and you were trying to figure out how to phrase the next sentence in a positive light. "Okay....how bad of and accident?", he asked you could hear his tone starting to change. "A car hit my bike.", you mumbled under your breath. "What?", donghae asked. "I said a car hit my bike.", you still muttered just as low as before. "(Y/N) I know you have a louder voice then that.", he said obviously worried, though slightly annoyed. "My bike got hit by a car.", you said still trying to make it sound like nothing bad happened. Then there was that silence again. "I'm coming home.", he said quickly as you tried to calm him down. "Whoa...No you will be home in two days I'm fine.", you said as you heard him fumbling around. "Are you hurt?" He asked in a panicked voice. "A few scratches but I'm fine.", you reassured him. "I still want to come home.", he saidf as you satg back with your eyes closed. "You can't leave...", you said simply as he sighed heavily. "What if you come here.", he asked softly. You looked at your hand shook your head. "I don't think that is a good idea I'll see you on tuesday.", you tried to reassure him but you knew he wasn't having it. "Tuesday...No riding the bike...use the car if you must go out.", he said sternly. "I honestly c ouldnt use the bike if I wanted to.", you muttered under your breath as he popped the phone on his end causing you to laugh a little. "Its not funny (Y/N), you could've been hurt.", he scolded. "I know, I know I'm sorry...I'll be more careful.", you said as he sighed. "Let me go get a shower and then I'll call you back.", his voice was filled with stress. "Okay...", you said softly as the two of you hung up.
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Do I have to even explain why an army couldn't keep donghae away from anyone he loves getting hurt. He is an emotionally attached person so he does not play about the people in his life. If you are lucky enough to be in his life then you better prepare for donghae randomly checking up on you. He is not going to hide it, or play down his feelings. If you got seriously injured donghae would already be gone before that conversation ended.
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So I've decided that since the request asked for two types of post imma do both. Hopefully this short reaction will be okay for now while I go and watch bout you a few more times.....for research. Since it may take a little bit imma post a few thing in between but know it's coming thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed the reaction 💖
/The masterlist/
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exosmelody-blog · 6 years
Who is The Monster? Chp I Part 2
Chapter I: Diamond
Part 2
“Wow, well fuck it. Scissors paper stone? Losers have to race!” Baekhyun proposed immediately. Kyungsoo and Jongin unfortunately had no room to argue since this was the customary way to decide things within EXO… Reluctantly, they both held their fist out and started to play. Minseok closed the hood of his blue Subaru as Jongin and D.O came out as the losers. I could've called that… Baek was not happy about this but only patted their necks supportive like. “Good luck Jongin! D.O is a very good driver!” The obnoxious idol smirked.
           Both boys picked a vehicle. Smiling deviously, D.O picked the Subaru leaving Kai with the Toyota. I leaned back against Sehun as his arms rested around my hips, his chin still on my head. Luhan took this opportunity to explain the way street racing worked. Just one lap around the loop. When he was done he took a seat back on the hood of his car.
          “Who do you think will win?” I held Sehun's arms around my hips, watching the two drive to the start line.
         “I am betting on D.O.” Channie nodded sadly. “Kai is not aggressive enough..” The tall rapper took a seat on my F-type beside Sehun and I.
        “Well then I'm betting on Kai! D.O… can't win everything!” Baekhyun huffed, settling on Luhans Maserati, doing a cute side hug with the Chinese idol. Minseok sat with Suho on his charcoal Vanquish across Luhan.
          The crowd was excited for this race. They always were curious about new racers. The vehicles were familiar, especially the Subaru, but they were pretty even in mods and specs… D.O was a little nervous as a girl in a very short pair of shorts and a tube top stood before them, as custom, she threw her panties up into the air. Kyungsoo felt himself turn red at the sight, once they hit the ground, Kai floored the gas and was in the lead from the start. Kyungsoo was only a second behind but that made all the difference. They both took the turn very smoothly, almost drifting. However to everyone's surprise, Jongin was victorious. They didn't bother to stop at the finish line, instead they drove straight back to us. We all were left in shock.
        “Kyungsoo! What happened?!!!?” Chanyeol asked once both vehicles were parked and they stepped out.
       “I...I don't know….” Minseok, shook his head at Jongin and Chanyeol he wasn't buying it, he had an idea of what happened.
        “It was the panties wasn't it?” Jongin asked with a huge gorgeous smile. He gave Kyungsoo a tight hug, laughing all the while. D.O only stayed quiet, his cheeks a little red. How cute…
        Kai was congratulated around the circle for his first win, while Kyungsoo was reassured about next time… I drowned out their voices as I watched the crowd, my eyes wandering back to EXO whenever they laughed or smiled.        
       Eventually Sehun was bored of the conversation between his friends. Giving my head a kiss, and my hips a tight squeeze, he released me and disappeared into the crowd without a word. This was not unusual, he was probably going to say his hellos to anyone he knew in the crowd. Sehun although quiet was very popular among…. Everyone. Every party we went to, every event…he made friends like nothing. He had a lot of connections, the only way to keep those alive was to go talk to them. The rest of the boys were too busy laughing and talking to notice. Sehun was slick like that.
         “Baekhyun, are you gonna race Jongin or D.O?” Chanyeol asked, now sliding over and pulling me onto his leg, like a lazy half snuggle into his lap. I did not protest of course and clutched onto his arm that draped over my shoulder.
        “Hmmm….D.O. If I beat him then maybe I'll race Kai.” He said thoughtfully…
        “You won't win this so easily…. I am prepared this time…” Kyungsoo blinked up at Baek as they headed for the sports vehicles. Baekhyun had always wanted to race in his besties Rocket Bunny so he was very excited. He bounced into it and Chan gave him a supportive smile. Minseok and Suho exchanged uncertain glances while Luhans instructed Baek about the track like he had for D.O and Kai last race.
        When they finally pulled up to the start line, Chan was watching like a hawk… This race was much closer, Baekhyun had no fear and was relentless behind the wheel. I was very surprised to see that from a first timer… the crowd was too. “Ahh~....Woah!~” they went in unison. Baekhyun was equally relentless as he was reckless. At the turn, they both tried to drift… but neither was too successful this time. Both vehicles seemed to shudder and swerve as they rounded the turn. Suddenly Chanyeol's grip on me was tight in anticipation and fear. The sudden lack of control off put D.O. But Baekhyun loved it… This uncertainty in Kyungsoo was the only reason Baekhyun won this race.
When they pulled up to the finish line, the crowd was cheering. Baekhyun jumped out of the car and threw his arms up for the crowd. This felt just like a concert. Both ridols hearts pumping with adrenaline and huge smiles on their faces. Baekhyun pulled D.O into a tight hug. Because they were unfamiliar to the crowd and they had stopped at the finish line, they were suddenly surrounded by females, congratulating Baekhyun or comforting D.O. I could feel Chanyeol smile from behind me and I could see it in Suho, Minseok and Luhan.
“Typical Baek, he loves the crowd. Well maybe he will make some friends with that win….” Chan nodded and pulled me closer.
“I didn't get rushed by the crowd!” Kai protested. Chan and I laughed.
“That's because you didn't pull up to the finish line. If you had you definitely would've been surrronndddeeeddd with girls...” Minseok smirked, knowing full well what Kai wanted. Kai just laughed his cute laugh, which was so much cuter in person than on camera, and looked away.
Baekhyun indulged in the crowd for as long as he could before they were waved away for the next racers. I could've sworn they were going to bring at least one or two girls back but to my surprise they did not….
“Well done Baek!” Kai was the first to say something when they stepped out. “Your driving looked like a madman from here! Not sure I want to race you...” Jongin laughed.
Baekhyun’s eyes were bright and lit up with excitement. “Don’t be scared, Jongin! I was having a fucking blast! That was way more fun than sitting in the passenger's seat! Man...I have been missing out…! No wonder Minseok races so much, that was a fucking rush! Come on, Kai. Lets go!” Immediately Baekhyun was ready to go, but a line was forming and they would have to wait.
“I am a little concerned… Baek you drive sooooo recklessly. You should really be careful…” I smiled weakly, I only didn’t want him to get hurt. He turned to me and raised a brow…
“How can you be careful if you are racing?? It's dangerous in the first place!” He laughed. Kai nodded slowly, halfway convinced. But this was clearly alarming for everyone else. Junmyeon looked like he was about to freak out.
“Baekhyun! You need to make smart decisions on the race track. Don’t do something reckless and stupid, it could cost you a life! This is why we never brought you… are you sure you can handle this?” Suho was chewing him out now and I felt bad. So I had to fix it.
“Well I mean, he can definitely handle himself behind the wheel! He could’ve spun out of control during that turn.. Someone who wasn’t skilled or prepared or smart, would probably have fucked that up.. I was just saying he should avoid developing bad habits and if he wants to race seriously, he will have to practice that drift…” I chuckled in attempt to stop any further ass chewing. Suho parted his lips to say something but mah boi Chanyeol started first.
“Baekhyunnnie, he has got this. He really enjoyed himself and he takes fun very seriously, don’t worry about his driving skills..” Chan smiled.
“You should worry about his safety, Kyungsoo looks like he is about to smack a bitch..” Luhan laughed as he watched D.O rest against Suhos Vanquish once more.
“I’ll win next time…” was all the vocalist said, eyeing Baekhyun closely. Chanyeol just laughed, I could feel his body tensing beneath and behind me with each laugh. He was so extra, I expected him to start clapping but thankfully it wasn’t one of his dramatic laughs.
“I’ll be fine, thank you for the concern..but I think..” Baekhyun started as he got back in the Rocket Bunny, “Its our turn, Kai ya~” He smiled cutely and started the engine once again.
This race was very close! Unfortunately for Kai, Baekhyun was too excited and willing to be reckless. Jongin lost only by half a second, making them almost neck to neck. Losing only by a hair… They both pulled up to the crowd and stepped out their vehicles laughing. I am not going to lie, it was the cutest thing id ever seen. The dancer and vocalist threw their arms around one and other with amazing smiles and crazy laughter. Even all the way where we were, I could feel their happiness and excitement…. No wonder they were so famous.. Chanyeol chuckled behind me and shook his head.
“He complained about not getting rushed by the crowd and when they do, he only focuses on Baekhyun…hehe..” Chan clicked his tongue. Almost as though Jongin heard him, his attention shifted to the now large crowd of females asking them questions and commenting on the race. Baekhyun and Jongin’s smiles only shifted to smirks as they indulged some of the females.
“I'm glad they're having fun…” Junmyeon nodded with a soft smile. Minseok and Luhan nodded in agreement.
“Who won?” Sehun came back with his hands in his pockets. His eyes now fixed on the crowd.
“Baekhyun…. Both times..” Kyungsoo ran a hand through his dark hair… His own eyes watching Kai rather closely. Chanyeol gently passed me over to Sehun once more...like I was a pillow or something. I glared at Chan as I cuddled back into Sehun, who was seemingly grateful to have me back for snuggles.
It was a matter of minutes before Baek and Kai we're back among us. Smiles still dancing on their lips.
“Baekhyunnie, I'm proud of you! I can't believe you won both times… I'm watching you..” Chanyeol glared playfully at his best friend. He could already see the developing mischief in Baekhyun's eyes. Sehun chuckled against me.
“Good job, Baekhyun..” Sehun nodded, standing up and dragging me with him to give Baekhyun a hug. Once again I was caught in a small group hug. Sehun behind me, his long arms wrapped around myself and Baekhyun. Baek was caught off guard for a moment before he returned the embrace with a perfect smile. I met Baekhyuns jawline, making this hug a tad awkward once he looked down to acknowledge me. “You did really well… you're learning fast… maybe I can make money off of you and your wins…” Sehun said very casually and refusing to release me or Baek. Baekhyun looked back up from me immediately to glare and laugh in response.
“The fuck?? You better give me a cut of those wins! That's my hard work!!” He laughed and I could feel all his muscles against me as he laughed. I swear I could feel his abs contract… my cheeks began to burn red, which was unusual for me.. I was used to guys whom were gorgeous or in good shape. These boys should be no different…. Right? I took a deep breath.
“Congratulations, Baekhyun. It's not everyday a new racer wins two races in a row… I wonder how you would fare against Minseok or Chan…” I sneered looking up at the excited idol. He looked back down at me and froze upon realizing how close we were. That moment of surprise did not last. He smirked in return.
“Aren't you the best racer on the track? I wonder how I would do against you…” His breath rolled off my lips, his words very teasing. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
“I'm not the best but don't get on your high horse just yet. Beat Minseok and then we can talk… Sehunnnnie?” I turned back just enough to look back at the one responsible for the cage Baekhyun and I were stuck in.
“Mm?” He didn't seem to be paying attention to us, only enjoying our warmth… typical Sehun.
“Are we just pillows for you?” I asked holding back giggles. He nonchalantly nodded before his grip tightened on the both of us. Baekhyun smiled and cuddled in closer, now leaning on Chanyeol's Toyota for support.
“Well….I don't share pillows so…” I gently pushed on Baekhyuns arms in attempt to kick him from the hug…. Playfully of course.
“I think we are the ones sharing you right now….” Byun smirked. Nope. I wasn't about to give that any thought. With that said, I ducked under Sehuns arms and squirmed out of their grip. Baekhyun laughed out loud, but Sehun pouted, settling for just Baekhyun and pulling him closer. The shorter responded with a tighter hug.
“I think we are the ones sharing you right now….” Byun smirked. Nope. I wasn't about to give that any thought. With that said, I ducked under Sehuns arms and squirmed out of their grip. Baekhyun laughed out loud, but Sehun pouted, settling for just Baekhyun and pulling him closer. The shorter responded with a tighter hug.
The rest of the night was surprisingly chill. I still had a lot of fun with Chanyeol..He told me a little bit more about the boys and how he figured he would bring them to the more ‘excitable’ fun they have. Especially D.O and Baekhyun.
“They literally spend their free time watching movies or playing video games… It's time they explored a bit..” Chanyeol nodded in thought, agreeing with himself silently. I nodded as well, but in understanding rather than agreement.
“Well Baek did very well… maybe he can win himself a car one of these days.. Is Junmyeon okay?” I finally asked. Suho had pretty much checked out of our conversations and had his eyes locked on the crowd the last couple of hours..
“Probably looking for people in the crowd…” The Songwriter paused and rolled his eyes… “by people I mean Kris..”
“Ah, I know Kris avoids him… Kris is a coward a lot of the time… he doesn't like confrontation… ironic for someone in the mafia…” I rolled my eyes. Chanyeol shrugged rather disinterested.
“I don't really know why he chases after Kris still but whatever…” but Chanyeol knew damn well why..
“Whatever indeed.. I know you are busy with the comeback but we should hang out again…. Your my best friend… at least invite me to practice or something!” I huffed. Now that I had met all the members, no excuse for lack of hanging out…
“You know that's actually a good idea.... I'll invite you to practice sometime! We could use a chill girl around…” His eyes glanced around at his members.
“Good, I'm gonna head off though.. I miss you! Text me, Yoda!”  I teased and pulled him into a hug, to which he held me tight and pinched my side.
“I will! Later Ay-ya!…” That was a nickname I hadn't heard in awhile, but it only made me smile after I returned the pinch  I left him wincing and rubbing his side while laughing softly. I was left with some minor disappointment… I wanted to race Chan, but that would have to be another day. It was getting late…
I went around the circle, hugging Minseok and Luhan very tightly, giving them both a knowing look now that they were talking. Xiumin only smirked said he would race me next time. Luhan disregarded my look but hugged me back and said he would definitely see me again before he went back to China.
“Junmyeon…? I'm leaving… I'll see you later…” I called to him, finally pulling him from his thoughts.
“Oh Ayumi! Of course, I will see you Friday probably..” he smiled and gave me a warm hug. He was a weenie, but a weenie who gave great hugs.
Sehun was still cuddling Baekhyun after all this time, but they had settled on top of Minseok's blue Subaru. Kyungsoo and Kai were also lingering around the cuddling couple.
“Bye Sehun! Bye guys! It was nice to meet you all… you better come back!” I bowed before smirking at my pun. Kyungsoo chuckled and bowed back but the rest were unamused. Sehun sighed with mild embarrassment.
“It was nice to meet you, Ayumi-ssi...be safe!” Jongin nodded and to that I started my way back to my F-type. Stealing a final glance back at Baekhyun. Big mistake. We locked eyes for a second before I turned back to my car. He was so….uhhfjjf! Keeping my composure, I started the Jaguar and gave a final wave before driving home… hopefully the rest did too. This was around the time cops came by….
//Hope you enjoyed! Chpt 2 on its way!!
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bearpillowmonster · 2 years
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door Review
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I've never played a Paper Mario game until now. When I was a kid, they had it on display at KMart and you could play it, I thought it was really cool but I never played the whole thing none the less, I had a lot more on my plate. By the time I was interested in buying it, it was already hiked up in price and Nintendo being Nintendo, never ported it or put it on the eshop. I was hoping that for the 20th anniversary, they would come out with a collection of the first 3 games kind of like they did with Mario 3D All Stars but that day never came and it probably won't ever come. I wanted to start with this one specifically because I heard it was the best one and if not then second best plus when I see the other games, I see a similar sort of style or pattern that I think would be a genuine experience no matter which game you started with but may potentially get derivative afterwards so if I was to pick only one out of the series, it'd be this one. I will go and try to visit the other games, it just may be hard for reasons I've already stated.
So here we are. FINALLY.
First thing I have to say is that it has personality, I feel like that was a given though. There's an audience while you're fighting which I could gush about just that for minutes on end but just the overall characters, lore, and world is very fun, it's like if you gave Mario more layering when I already have that initial interest just from playing the platformers. There's a dedicated button to have someone in your party just tell you what things are "Oh that's Goomfrey, he thinks he's gonna hit it big but we all know he's not." and stuff like that. Goombella can get a bit annoying that way at times but it's well within tolerance.
At the beginning there's a path blocked off to you by a toad and the way she stops you is she says "Freeze! I'm looking for my contact lenses." so if you move then you automatically break them. There's an in game reason not to let you pass, I can respect that and even if you do break the lenses then she stays there in spite "well I'll block you until you buy me another pair." and it's committed. You go to the shop next door and the clerk says "We're fresh out of contact lenses, we'll have to special order those if you can just wait a few days."
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It feels like a good old classic Mario fanfiction but even if you're not into it at the beginning, I'd give it until after Hooktail because I found that the plot itself of "getting the crystal stars and save the princess" storyline is kind of a cliché but once you start getting accustomed to everything else around it, it sells itself a bit better.
Playing it on Dolphin allows me to add on the HD texture pack which looks gorgeous, it also enables widescreen which can be both a blessing and a curse because it really shows you how windowed the game was on the GC and makes me wonder what other games have been limited to. Some scenes are only partially mapped out to fit the widescreen, so you can turn it off if it becomes too much of a burden seeing things load in and green screens pop in. That might actually be part of the reason they didn't remaster it, despite the need because of aspect ratio and the amount of work it'd take to uprez.
I won't say a lot about the gameplay but I feel like it tries to engage you with its combat which is good for someone that doesn't really care for turn based gameplay. The Punis (that could've turned out badly) are a good idea at first glance but man are they annoying to make follow you around. I actually had one softlock me because it got stuck on the other end of the bubble bath and it wasn't affected by the stone so it couldn't be blown, luckily I had an older save. So really I feel like each of this game's chapters can be different in quality, some I liked, some I didn't, so the adventure aspect seemed a bit choppy to me but other than that, good game.
By the way, this is Duna the Yosh. He likes oranges.
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Our First Christmas
Clare: wasn't easily deterred. Once she had an idea in her head, it was hard for her to let go of it. "Of course she can pick the movie. I do want to find out what she likes. But just wait until Erika sees my chipmunks animated Christmas decoration." She nodded about the park. Clare returned the gentle kiss and started running her fingers through his hair in a soothing motion. She welcomed the change in subject not wanting to think about any family tonight except the one she was starting with Drew. She laughed joyously as Drew picked her up and spun her around. "Yes! We can have as many little Torres as we want!" Clare said with a lot more enthusiasm now that she knew it was welcome news. Maybe that wasn't entirely true. A tiny voice in the back of her head tried to remind her. Drew's kisses and her reaction to them drowned it out. "Well the doctor suggested I go off birth control a few months before we start trying, and I want to make sure I can fit into my wedding dress. So lots more practice until our honeymoon." Clare kissed him again before leaning back against the couch. "I'm glad I saved it. I wanted to tell you right away but it was too good of a Christmas present not to wait a day." She figured she'd savor this moment for awhile then tell him the doctor's words of caution. She was surprised by the knock on the door too. If it were Audra, the door would be open before they even had a chance to say come in or please don't. "I don't think it's my family either." Clare whispered, tensing up. She'd asked them to come over tomorrow. Who else would show up on Christmas Eve uninvited? She sunk lower into the couch while Drew investigated. Clare instantly felt transported to last year when every knock on the door sent a tingle of fear down her spine. What if the robbers finally found out where she'd moved to and came back? It was a silly irrational fear. Most likely it had been a crime of opportunity. Clare needed to remember she wasn't a target. She took the phone from him. "If who gets in? Who is he Drew?" When the man started yelling, it was a stranger's voice. To her. He seemed to know Drew and there was a look of recognition in her fiance's eyes. The banging on the windows scared her more and she punched a 9 and 1 on the phone's keys while Drew spoke to him. Clare saw the man through the window but she still didn't have a clue who he was. Her finger hovered over the 1 key, uncertain if she should punch it again. How dangerous was this guy?! What if he had a gun? Her palms started sweating, her breath became ragged and shallow. She wanted to call the police and run upstairs to check on Erika. She gasped and almost dropped the phone at the first revelation. Wait a minute? This man was Drew's dad?? Clare supposed it made some sense to want to reconnect with your son on Christmas Eve but there was obviously a reason he'd lost the right to be called 'Dad'. Threatening to break into their house obviously wasn't a good start to fixing their relationship! Clare was still in the dark about what had happened between Audra, her ex-husband, and Drew. Until Drew revealed something she'd never guessed, wasn't prepared for, and made her blood run cold. She didn't finish dialing 911 even though her desire to continued to grow as Drew reminded his abuser exactly what he'd done. Tears gathered in her eyes. Clare had seen Drew struggle with PTSD and concussions, she'd feared for his life before. However, this was the worst. His own (supposed) father put him in the hospital, almost killed him, and was trying to blame Drew and Audra for leaving? Was that really what she was hearing? He was crying and she wanted to go to him. Clare scoffed as the man claimed he wouldn't leave without meeting her and Erika. This was as close as she was getting to him and no way would she let him around a child. She was glad Drew called her his girlfriend. She didn't want this monster to know there would be a wedding to crash. He'd put Drew and Audra through enough already. Her heart ached at the realization that Audra's first marriage was abusive. Thank god she was strong enough to leave her ex-husband to save her son's life. This must be why Audra still checked up on Drew. She shuddered as Drew's 'dad' begged not be kicked out of his life, again. He wouldn't get another opportunity to hurt her Drew. Not ever. She was beyond scared but she'd be brave for him. When Drew walked over to her and sat down, Clare immediately wrapped her arms around him holding him tight. She shook her head as he spoke. She was glad she hadn't pressured him. Understanding Drew's past wasn't worth him rehashing it. She wished she could've prevented this ugly scene. "No baby. He only ruined his own Christmas, all of them." Clare said firmly. "One way or another he'll be leaving and then we'll do whatever you feel like doing." She promised kissing his cheek. It didn't matter if they skipped some of the traditional Christmas stuff. Spending the holiday together was what she really wanted. “I love you.”
Drew: smiled at Clare after she told him she loves her and that his dad didn't ruin their Christmas. He kissed her sweetly and smiled at her. "Ok, Erika picks the movies. If she wants to see the Chipmunks Christmas, we will. However when Deadpool comes out on video we're buying it and watching it in the bedroom. I seen previews and there is a lot of violence and probably sex. I saw a girl's breasts in it. Don't worry I saw the promos before Erika came into our lives and when I was alone." he assured. "Oh, and I'll cover your eyes when Deadpool goes on his killing spree. He turns someone into..." he thought for a moment. "What he said a human shish kabob, there's no blood, but I know it still may freak you out." he added and soon heard a knock at the door. "You're not getting in dad." he yelled out. "No it's the police the neighbors called due to a disturbance." he heard back and stood up to open the door. He explained the ordeal and how his dad already left and how he was going to see them after Christmas for a restraining order. The cop took the description of Drew's dad as well as the cop took notes. "We'll keep someone here and at your mom's just in case he comes back and tries to break in. We've been searching for this guy for years." the cop said. "What did he do?" Drew asked. "What didn't he do? Robbery in Vancouver, grand theft auto in Ragina, he's even wanted in other countries. You don't get on the World's Most Wanted list for nothing." the cop explained. "World's most wanted? Is that probably how he found me?" Drew asked. "We don't know he hadn't been active for about two years anywhere so we assumed he died, hid really well, or something." the officer explained. "But don't worry we'll stake out here and we'd like to keep police on both of you if that's ok?" he asked and Drew looked at him. "We won't go inside, we'll just stay out front of your places of work in our cars and keep a look out." he assured and Drew looked at Clare. "I don't have a problem with it." he assured and gave the cop what he needed to keep them safe. After the cop left Drew looked at Clare. "I hope they give him a taste of his own medicine when he goes to jail." he stated and looked out his window to see a van now parked across the street from his house with a cop drinking coffee. "At least we know we're extremely protected?" he shrugged trying to make light of the situation.
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Nance text me so I'm here Rio: but, you don't have to talk if you don't want Rio: but you can too Buster: Get out Buster: You can't be here Rio: I am now so Rio: Avoid the living room, like Buster: Just go Rio: Buster, what's happened? Buster: Rio, just leave Buster: It's what you're gonna wanna do anyway Rio: I can't 'til your family is back Rio: Why? Buster: Please Buster: I can't do this Rio: But you have to? Buster: I don't know Buster: I don't fucking know anymore what I have to do Rio: Alright Rio: You've got to decide right now? Buster: The decision's already been made Rio: Okay Rio: Who by? Buster: Chlo as per Rio: What's she done now? Buster: Don't Rio: What can I do? Rio: Or do you want your Dad or? Buster: I don't want any of you Rio: What do you want? Buster: Like that matters Buster: It's all fucked Rio: It does Buster: To you maybe Buster: For as long as that's about to last Rio: Definitely Rio: I'm not going anywhere Buster: You can't say that Buster: You don't know Rio: I can Rio: Talk to me Buster: Fine, but you asked for this Buster: You should've just left Buster: Chlo's pregnant. She says it's mine Rio: Ah Rio: That explains it Buster: Is that all you've got to say? Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: Just, I get it Buster: No you don't Buster: You can't Rio: I'm not saying that Rio: I get why your room is trashed Buster: Well, cheers Buster: Come up if you wanna smash something yourself Rio: Jesus Buster: And if not, you know now so you can go Rio: No Buster: Yes Rio: I'm not going Buster: I'm not gonna cry on your shoulder about this so where does that leave us? Rio: I don't know Buster: Let me know when you figure it out, like Rio: What, you get to not know but I've got to work it all out Buster: Not really my decision what you wanna do, is it Rio: Well Rio: I don't fucking know Buster: You and me both, babe Rio: What is she doing? Buster: Keeping it Buster: And hopefully a DNA like I asked Rio: Right Rio: and if it's yours, what are you doing? Buster: Raising a kid with her Buster: Nothing else I can do Rio: There is but Rio: that's the right thing Buster: No there isn't Rio: Not the first or last Buster: Yeah 'cause that worked out so well for Drew and your sister Rio: Well, how the hell do you reckon this is this going to work out well Rio: you hate her Rio: she's Rio: a mess Buster: It won't Buster: But at least I'll have tried instead of just giving up Buster: Same as how I tried to tell her its a bad idea to have this kid Rio: This is fucked Rio: she can't be a mum Buster: I know Buster: But maybe it won't be my kid and she won't be my problem either Rio: Yeah but maybe it will Buster: Well it's not like I can sub you in to be the kid's mum instead Rio: Shut up Rio: How is she so stupid Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: How am I? Buster: It is what it is Rio: Why isn't she on the pill Rio: who isn't in this day and age it ain't hard Buster: Feel free to hit her up and ask Buster: She's very keen to be your friend anyway, like Rio: What? Buster: [Sends the Rio related relevant screenshots] Buster: We had a great chat Rio: She's Buster: I know Rio: Are you sure she's even pregnant Rio: she isn't taking this seriously Buster: I'm not sure of anything Buster: I don't even know if I actually fucked her so Rio: This is Rio: This is the worst thing that could've happened to you Buster: Tell me something I don't know, babe Rio: I can't Buster: Do you get now why I need you to fuck off Rio: No Rio: not really Buster: It's too much Buster: I can't do this Rio: That's not fair Buster: None of this is fair Buster: Or part of the plan Rio: so everything has to go to shit Rio: fine Buster: It already has Buster: Don't act like you're fine with having her around forever Buster: I have to be stuck with her, you don't Rio: Sounds like you've decided for me Buster: I can't do that Rio: You have though Rio: I've got the message Buster: Babe Rio: What Rio: I'm fucking off Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I just need you to know that before you go, okay Rio: No you don't and no you aren't Rio: because I didn't want to go and you aren't stopping me so Buster: You think I want you to go? Rio: You don't know what you want Rio: I didn't think that extended to me but it is what it is, yeah? Buster: Don't Buster: Of course I want you Buster: I'm just trying not to be a selfish cunt for once Buster: Isn't it hard enough doing this without all this bullshit added? Rio: It doesn't suit you Buster: Yeah, well, it's gonna have to start Buster: I can't be a selfish cunt with a kid, can I Buster: Time to change my suit, babe Rio: Good luck, Buster Buster: Rio, come on Buster: I don't want to leave it like this Rio: You're right though Rio: You have to Buster: But Rio: You know what you've got to do Rio: What is there to say? Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Buster: Don't go Rio: Nancy will be back with your parents in a minute Buster: I don't care Rio: I can't stand in the way of you doing the right thing can I Buster: Us being together is the right thing Buster: We both know that Rio: I don't think she'll agree Buster: She doesn't get a say in it Rio: What about your kid Buster: If it's mine, it's mine Buster: She can't change that if she decides she wishes it wasn't Rio: But it's not fair to put this shit on it Rio: there will already be enough from the situation with her Rio: never mind adding this Buster: I know but she's already ruined so much Buster: I can't just let her take everything Buster: I don't get to go to America and I don't get to be with you either Buster: Fuck that Rio: I know Rio: It's fucked and I really am sorry Rio: it's just fucked Buster: It's only fucked 'cause I fucked it all up Buster: You don't need to be sorry Rio: It wasn't even you that's the worst part Rio: I can't be angry because it was so wrong and weird and horrible Buster: You can be angry at me for going out and getting in that state though. I am Rio: It won't change that it happened, and it definitely won't change that there's going to be a kid Buster: Nothing will Buster: Not how much I don't want it or how much I want you Rio: No Rio: I know Buster: You still get to react to it how you want Rio: I don't want to be angry Rio: I'm tired of it Rio: I wanted to be with you Buster: So come upstairs Buster: Be with me Rio: No Rio: I can't Buster: Why not? Rio: Because you're only doing it because you don't want to think about this anymore Rio: and I can't deal with knowing that Buster: I want you to stay 'cause I love you Rio: Your parents are going to be here soon and you're going to have to tell them Rio: One thing at a time, yeah Buster: I can't tell them while Nance is here Buster: Let's just both go and I'll do it later Rio: Better she hears it from you than her Rio: though yeah, it's going to be fucking awful Buster: She won't say anything, her parents don't even know yet Rio: You suddenly trust her? Buster: She seemed actually bothered about that Rio: Well who wants to tell their parents they're knocked up Rio: not even a boyfriend in sight Buster: She wants me to tell them with her Buster: I said I would Rio: Jesus Christ, Buster Rio: Why don't you just marry her Buster: Don't Buster: I couldn't say no, she asked me and it's not like I wanna tell mine Buster: I'd love to have someone in my corner for it, like Rio: Yes you could Rio: You aren't together, that's such a ridiculous thing to ask Rio: what kind of message do you think it sends to her and her 'rents when you wanna show up all honourable fuck's sake Buster: I was just trying to help Buster: I thought she was scared about it Rio: More fool you Rio: Honestly Buster: I'm an idiot, alright Buster: Whatever Buster: I'm not saying I handled any of the convo well Rio: Because it was a fucking farce Rio: she's probably faking it Rio: who just drops it into a text conversation Rio: I don't buy it Buster: Me either honestly Buster: But we'll see what she comes back with evidence wise Buster: Shopping bags of Baby Gucci don't count, unfortunately Rio: Of course she has Rio: Stupid fucking girl Buster joined the chat 3 hours ago Buster: Like, the levels at which she is not taking this seriously or understanding how fucked any of this is Rio: It's concerning Rio: Maybe her parents will make her Rio: at least you can make sure she tells them if you're there I guess Buster: I mean, I know you don't think it's a good idea but I can also be there to correct any bullshit she tries to say to them Buster: I wouldn't be surprised if she says we're together, you know Rio: Well yeah, that's why she wants you there Rio: so it doesn't look like just a party hookup Buster: What the fuck am I actually gonna do, babe Rio: I don't know Rio: All I know is, you've got what, 8 months, 'til it's actually here so Buster: I'll say that for her, she's given me plenty of warning Rio: You know, hit you up for those push presents Rio: Fucking hell Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not laughing at you but Jesus if I don't Buster: I need a fucking drink Buster: Come with me Rio: Alright, I'll drive you Rio: I'll have to text your sister you know Rio: they'll be worried, more than they are already Buster: I'll do it Buster: I've gotta say sorry for how many times I told her to fuck off etc Buster: Should probably invite them all for drinks 'cause they're gonna need it but Rio: Okay Rio: Proud of you Buster: Don't Buster: I can't start laughing right now I don't trust it Rio: Let's just get you that drink then Buster: I'm not trying to drink alone and be that level of sad cunt, cheers Buster: I'll get us a cab Buster: Leave your car there Rio: Alright Rio: but I don't trust getting wasted Buster: Alright Buster: It's not like I can anyway, I'm gonna have to face the fam at some point Buster: Not as if I can just fly back without talking to them now Rio: Not really Buster: I need to stay here for a while Buster: I literally can't see Chlo until I calm down Buster: She's gone to a party tonight so Rio: Will they let you? Buster: They can't stop me Buster: But once I explain, they'll probably agree it's a good idea Rio: Once they see your room, like Buster: Don't take the piss out of me Rio: I'm not Rio: It's real Buster: Yeah Rio: Have you hurt yourself? Buster: I'm sure I would have noticed by now Rio: Let me come up and check Buster: I'll come down to you. You don't need to be dealing with this mess along with all the others Buster: If I leave a blood trail we'll know what's up, like Rio: Not funny Buster: You don't need to worry about me, babe Rio: That's a lie Buster: I'm alright, I promise Rio: Don't Buster: See for yourself Rio: That's not what I mean Buster: I know, but what can I say? Rio: Nothing if you're not going to be real Buster: Rio, come on Buster: Give me a break, will you? Rio: Seriously? Buster: Yeah, seriously Rio: Fuck off Rio: seriously Buster: Don't start Buster: Let's just go Rio: You go Buster: Babe Buster: Stop Buster: I don't need this from you right now, yeah? Rio: Oh, I'm sorry Buster: Why are you being like this? Rio: Don't be stupid Rio: just come on Buster: How am I being stupid, asking a fucking question? Buster: Just talk to me Rio: I'm fucking heartbroken, Buster Rio: and I don't know how to deal with any of this so give me a break too, alright Buster: I'm sorry Buster: I know, okay, this is so fucked Rio: I know you are Buster: Please don't go Rio: I won't Rio: I'm not Buster: I love you so much Rio: I know Rio: and I love you Rio: but you know that this is going to end it right Buster: Don't say that Rio: Even if we don't talk about it Buster: If you wanna end it then you end it Buster: Otherwise no Buster: It won't Rio: You can say that now Rio: but when the kid's here Buster: What? You think I'm gonna leave you Buster: How does that work? Rio: Because we don't get to work in the real world Buster: Shut up Buster: You don't know that Rio: I just know Rio: You're not going to want to explain it or deal with the backlash, when you've already got all that to contend with Buster: Fuck that, you're guessing Buster: And fuck you if you think I can't handle that Buster: I've gotta tell them about this kid, I want to tell them about you. It's different Rio: I don't want to make your life any harder Buster: You're the only one who doesn't do that Buster: I need you. Don't you know that? Buster: Everything will only be harder without you Rio: You're going to be a Dad Buster: If you wanna use this as your out, I can't blame you Rio: Don't say it like that Rio: I don't want an out, it's not like this is the perfect opportunity for me, fuck off Buster: It is though Buster: Then we don't have to tell your fam, I know you don't wanna do it anyway Rio: Just because I don't want to rush it Rio: Why is it so bad to keep things private Buster: It's not private, it's secret Rio: It had to be Buster: Says you but that doesn't mean I have to want to keep it like that Rio: Well, it's beside the point now isn't it Buster: No Rio: You've got so much more you have to focus on now Buster: I've always had a lot going on Buster: Find a better excuse, babe Rio: Exactly, it isn't just this kid Rio: it's school, all that Buster: It's hard, yeah, it'll get harder Buster: But I'm not just giving up Rio: Babe Buster: Do what you've gotta do Buster: I can't be mad about it Rio: Don't expect me to decide right now Buster: I'm not Buster: I don't have a fucking clue what I'm doing right now apart from losing my shit Rio: Sounds about right Rio: not like you were gonna cry with joy Buster: not like anyone is Buster: Chlo can bullshit all she likes but none of this was planned or how she really wants it Rio: Well, it's happening regardless so Rio: we'll all have to get used to it Buster: Yeah Rio: Cab's here Buster: Alright Buster: Are you still coming? Rio: Yeah Rio: Said I'd keep an eye on you Buster: Where are we going? Buster: The fewer people I have to see the better for them Buster: And us Rio: Don't worry, I know a place Buster: Good
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