#but nobody would get it..or be excited about them.......because they only exist in my head!!
boneless-jellyfish · 10 months
when you say you're healing but all the retrogrades hit you at once and then you realise you're still deeply flawed
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iloveavatar · 1 year
neteyam x female!reader
this takes place in the forest before the RDA comes and ruins everything. 😒 however in this story the RDA doesn’t exist just because of how much pain they put me in😋
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neteyam remembers every detail when it comes to y/n.
he remembers meeting her. he remembers the look she had on her face when she caught him saying “i’m a mighty fisherman” to himself after successfully catching a fish.
he remembers it all.
one special memory he will forever remember, would be when the two of them finally were able to get their ikrans.
the two of them were ecstatic. they were about 14 years old (making this up bc idk when neteyam got his ikran).
as soon as they were given the “ok” to finally meet their banshee. the two started to sprint down the path to the hallelujah mountains.
neteyam remembers tugging at y/n’s tail as she walked infront of him. he remembers the eye rolls she would constantly give him, as if she wasn’t bursting with excitement as well.
when the two finally made it to where the ikrans were settled down at. they were nervous. obviously.
the entire sully family tagged along to watch neteyam earn his flying partner. they even came to cheer on y/n.
except lo’ak and kiri had a bet on who would be faster in succeeding.
neteyam decided to go first. not because he didn’t have faith if y/n… but because if anything bad we’re to happen, he would want it to happen to him first and not her.
neteyam slowly walked into the area that was surrounded by the multiple different colored banshees.
as he walked some flew away, at first he started to worry he wasn’t ready. until he saw it. one banshee started to stalk up to him and hiss.
it then clicked for neteyam. this one was his.
neteyam was quick on his feet to the point where nobody saw him create the bond with his ikran with how fast he actually was.
the only thing they saw was the ikran calming down and seeing neteyam perched on top of his new animal.
“fly neteyam! the first flight seals the bond!” y/n shouted, finally snapping out of the shock of seeing neteyam succeed so quickly.
the sully family plus y/n watched as neteyam shot his ikran through the air. he was flying so gracefully it seemed as if he’s been flying for years.
a few moments later neteyam landed his ikran near everyone with a proud smile on his face.
he jumped off of his new flying partner and walked towards y/n.
he saw how her tail was twitching with nerves. he saw the slight fear in her eyes.
he sighed as he walked forward to her. ignoring his family’s eyes.
“everything will be fine. we’re all right here for you if anything happens… i’m right here if anything happens” he started off strong but then ended in a whisper.
he placed his forehead on top of hers as she took a deep breath.
“ok. ok. i got this. oh eywa give me strength” she whispered to herself as she started to walk into the den.
she slowly continued through, seeing all of the banshees that were avoiding her.
she started to get discouraged and even more nervous.
‘what if i don’t find my ikran? what if i’m not ready?’ she thought while scanning the area.
then she finally heard a hiss from behind her.
she whipped her head around as her ears perked up. she saw a beautifully colored dark blue ikran with lighter blue spots spreading along its wings.
it would look even more beautiful if it wasn’t hissing at her.
y/n quickly reacted and started to swing the rope she would eventually use to tie to mouth shut.
the ikran went to pounce on her, but she side stepped around the giant creature. the rope twisting around the mouth to prevent being bitten.
although that would be an interesting first impression!
the banshee tried to scream but quickly realized they were prevented from doing so. the creature spread its wings in hopes of getting the na’vi away from it.
however y/n was determined to make this one hers.
while this is all happening neteyam is being held back by his mother. (i’m a firm believer in neteyam being a mommas boy)
he was frightened something was going to happen and he wouldn’t be able to reach her in time.
his eyes went back and forth from her to the ikran and back again.
he was terrified of losing her.
however the feeling of nervousness went away as soon as he saw y/n jump onto the ikran and grab the queue. she reached around her shoulder to grab her braid in order to make the bond.
she was holding herself steady on the ikran by squeezing her thighs around the creatures neck.
everyone watched in anticipation as the bond wad formed and the ikran started to calm down from underneath her.
y/n was stuck panting on top as she was finally able to breathe without worrying.
neteyam let out a gigantic sigh of relief at the sight of y/n succeeding.
“first flight seals the bond! go!” neytiri shouted with a huge smile on her face.
y/n quickly shot into the sky with her new banshee.
neteyam turned around to hop back onto his ikran to catch up to her.
neytiri looked at her eldest son for a second and glanced back towards jake. she held a slight smirk on her face. lo’ak and kiri we’re arguing about the bet they made and how they should’ve included rules. jake was speechless at how fast the two teens were able to bond with their ikrans.
his ego was a little bruised since he took so much longer.
neteyam was gracefully soaring through the mountains trying to catch a glimpse of y/n’s flying figure, except no matter where he looked she was nowhere to be found.
he started to get anxious.
‘what if she fell? what if she couldn’t control her ikran and something happened?”
“y/n!! where are you!” neteyam shouted, his voice full of worry.
“i’m right here you skxawng.” y/n voiced.
neteyam looked above him to see her flying upside down. her hair completely loose in the air. a bright smile upon her face.
she then flew the banshee beside neteyams so they were side by side together.
“isn’t this great! now we can go flying whenever we want!” she excitedly stated.
neteyam held a soft look on his face as he saw her excitement.
she kept rambling about all of the things they could do and all of the places they could now go to. she kept on saying how they could fly to open waters and go swimming, have races, see the stars while being in the air.
he would do all of those things and more if it meant being with her.
for the rest of the night the two kept flying, enjoying each other’s company and the calmness of the cool air.
the two eventually made their way back to the forest, but not without racing first.
long story short… y/n won.
only because neteyam wanted to see her smile longer.
this would forever be one of neteyams best memories of them together.
he knew they would always do things together.
everyone in the forest knew they always do things together. that’s just how it’s always been.
y/n and neteyam together.
PLEASE READ! info for future fic!!
i think i’m gonna make a fic where the reader is already the mate to one of the characters.
i just have no idea who yet.
it could be literally ANYONE from avatar i do not care who!
comment down who you guys want me to write abt please. i need to know.
i love you guys!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 7 months
Ok, ok... I have one request with ror! I have been waiting for this. Also, really loves your writings, it made my day
This is basically my most recent experience. Child reader have severe allergic to peanuts and her family (the entire ror team) know this and warned her school prior, to avoid her getting allergic reaction during school times. One day, there was an event at school, where all the ror attend it since reader is performing with her class and want them to come and parents/family members were invited.
After child reader performance, she immediately went to enjoy lunch with her family and she suddenly got the urge to eat something sweet. This led her to go by the food stall, which was run by a few parents and teachers, who sells baked goods, drinks, etc to the students and parent. Child reader bought some cookies after the mother that sells it confirmed there was not peanuts, only for the reader to get instant allergic reaction!
Thankfully, her family reacted fast and inject her with her epipen. When the mother was confront, she responded with "Allergic doesn't exist. Children uses it as an excuse to be picky!"
How will the ror react to this, especially when reader is crying because she is terrified since it has been long since she got a horrible allergic reaction?
When I first read this request, I got so pissed off! I hate people who have this mentality, those who are willing to put the lives of others at stake to prove an asinine point that usually ends up with someone getting hurt, sick, even killed, which ends with them getting arrested. As someone who has a food sensitivity myself (not really a food allergy, but I have to watch how much gluten I eat in one sitting or risk messing up my stomach for a few days) I hate it when others think that we’re just being picky, or we use that as an excuse for who knows what!
-Your family learned young that you were severely allergic to peanuts, hives and throat swelling with a risk of death if you were even come into contact with peanuts.
-You learned a lot about this too, learning what questions to ask so you wouldn’t risk the chance of having a reaction, as you had a few times in your life where you had been rushed to the hospital, and hospitals scared you as it scared your family seeing you in one.
-For the most part, it was pretty easy to avoid peanuts or things with peanuts, as you all got to know what things have and don’t have them, it was just outside of home where you had to be careful, like at sleepovers or at school.
-It was Parent’s Day at school, and you were so excited to be performing with your second-grade class, as you would all be singing, and your class had been practicing so hard!
-There were so many things happening at your school, pony rides, a huge bake sale, a bounce house, and you got the chance to show your massive family around your school.
-Your class preformed, and you couldn’t help but grin, seeing your whole cheering section cheering loudly for your class, but mainly for you, as your family was a staple around school, everyone knew about them because nobody else had such a huge family.
-After a few more performances, there was a break, and a large snack table was set up, filled with baked treats, extra stuff not a part of the bake sale, and all students were allowed to go up and get a treat.
-You saw one of your friend’s mom manning the treats and she beamed at you as you ran up, “You all did so well Y/N! Tammy said you were all working so hard and I can see that it was hard work paid off! What can I get for you?”
-You looked at the treats, eyeing the different things available before you paused, remembering the rule, “What doesn’t have peanuts in it? I have an allergy.”
-She just smiled, directing you to some cookies, giving you a napkin and you headed back towards your family who was watching you come over.
-You bit into the cookie and as soon as you swallowed the first bite you knew it had peanuts in it, your throat swelling as you instantly paled.
-Loki screamed out your name as attention quickly went to you, seeing your having an allergic reaction, a severe one as Brunnhilde grabbed your Epi-Pen from Eve, jamming it into your thigh.
-A teacher was on the phone, calling for an ambulance and instantly several of your family members stomped over to Tammy’s mom, demanding to know what she was thinking giving you peanuts.
-Hades spoke, his rage barely contained, “Why did you give her something with peanuts? She told you she has an allergy!”
-Her mom didn’t look bothered in the slightest, rolling her eyes, “Allergies are just something kids use now to be picky!” Hades leaned in close, seeing the school nursing guiding in the paramedics, who had been nearby, waiting for an injury on the bounce house, “She could die because of you- you deliberately poisoned her!”
-A couple of police officers, seeing the group, were quick to approach, hearing this, “Is this true? Did that child tell you about an allergy and you knowingly gave that to her?”
-She was in hysterics, “She’s lying- you’re all lying! There’s no such thing as allergies!!” she was quickly placed in cuffs and taken away as you were being taken away, Tammy and her father watching nearby, Tammy in tears to see you being taken away while her dad was furious, seeing what his wife had done.
-You had to spend three days in the hospital, in a coma after you nearly died, as you weren’t getting oxygen into your body. Tammy and her parents visited you, with her mom being watched, seeing the state you were in.
-Tammy couldn’t help but tear up, “Mommy- why did you hurt my friend?” Seeing all the judging and angry eyes on her quickly had her mother embarrassed, wanting to run and hide, but her husband made sure she knew the severity of what she had done, keeping her there, making her look at your little body in the hospital bed.
-Her mother had to attend classes, to show her that allergies were a real thing, showing the signs and symptoms, including death, to educate her, and she had to pay your hospital bill, something she wasn’t pleased with, and she was banned from baking at any school function again. Her reputation also took a hard hit, losing most of her friends and Tammy was upset because none of her friends wanted to play at her house anymore.
-You were well cared for, healing and soon you were back on your feet, playing with Tammy who came to visit with you.
-It became a thing at school to regularly educate not only the kids but parents and families as well about allergies, especially food related allergies, because so many had been scared for you, seeing how badly you reacted.
-Good education and knowledge is what kept not only you but others safe and it was up to everyone to make sure everyone was safe.
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whatsurnameblog · 1 month
Satoru’s Mother’s Day Gift.
It's Mother's Day, Satoru just has to make it sentimental, but he'll need a lot of love and help from his only ally.
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Giving a gift in the Gojo clan was intimidating. 
They already had everything they wanted.
But Satoru Gojo was always up for a challenge and even though he may not pull it together on time, he was determined to give his mother the best gift ever.
“C’mon Aguri you’ve gotta help me or I’ll die!” the boy whined as he tugged the older girl’s arm.
She was exhausted and the young sorcerer was more than two hands full. Sometimes, she wished to have had a twin to consume in the womb like the great king of curses. Alas, she was simply just the lonely fifth child of a lowly Gojo clan concubine. Something nobody ever brought up, not to spare the girl but because it was such old gossip it became boring to even acknowledge her existence. Satoru, at his young age, had always felt bad for Aguri.
“Satoru, your father would kill me if he even saw you with an empty measuring cup in your hand,” Aguri rolled her eyes and shrugged the young boy off.
“If you don’t teach me how to cook…” he thinks, sometimes of the dumbest things ever. “ I will tell my father you called me Satoru and not ‘Young Master Gojo’” The boy smiles menacingly before wiggling his brows.
“You traitor, you wouldn’t!”
“Oh, but I would Aguri, I definitely would,” he laughs at Aguri’s appalled expression. 
“You’re such a brat Satoru,” her mood lightens. “What’s this for anyway?”
“It’s for Mama,” the boy says simply as he looks at the trail ahead of him.
The two had gone for a walk to the river just before the boy wanted to play, Satoru always found himself enamored by the motion of the water and the small fish that inhabited it. He loved to watch the rice fish scatter when he threw a stone into the water. In moments like this, the adults realized that Satoru was still a child, something the elders hated to admit.
“Fine, I’ll help you,” the young woman finally gave in. “How about we pick some flowers for her too? Make a bouquet and a drawing for her to hold close. What do you think, Satoru?”
Aguri watched his face as the gears turned in his head. He glanced at her, his body full of uncertainty and nervousness. Would those really be good gifts for mama? He thought, and a puddle of nausea pulled at the bottom of his stomach. The boy was always unsure, never ready, mouth always stumbling when asked a question, fingers fiddling when in training, feet shifting during tests. Satoru wished he could fly under the radar, he desired to be placed in the back, something that would never be fulfilled. 
“Y-yeah? That would be cool,” the boy blushed as he pushed forward on the way back home.
“What sort of answer is that? Are you being honest, Satoru?” she stopped in her tracks, waiting for him to answer.
Satoru noticed the loss of footsteps behind him, his six eyes tingling uncontrollably at the lack of company. The boy always tried his best to use it on their hikes. He turned around, blue eyes downturned in thought.
“Mama makes me nervous sometimes. I was just going to eat with her a-and you, and just go to training or something. I wouldn’t know what to say if I gave her those things,” the boy fidgeted with the strap of his satchel. His eyes searched the ground for nothing in particular, making the woman crouch down to him.
“You know you don’t have to say anything at all if you wanted, she’ll be happy just sitting in silence with you,” Aguri smiles.
“No,” he suddenly protested. “I want her to know I love her so… I trust you, let’s pick some flowers an-and get some tools for drawing and…” the boy goes on and on as he skips toward the Gojo estate. Aguri simply giggles and encourages his excitement. They picked random colorful flowers along the path and placed them in the boy’s satchel. The two took advantage of the freedom and playfulness they had alone before being back home. They were more like siblings than the siblings they had.
The duo glanced at each other as they reached the garden entrance to the estate, they straightened out their appearance, posture stiffening in the name of sophistication. The Gojo clan was big on looks, although they valued power way more.
They walked toward the mansion smoothly, the cool air from the river slipping from their skin and clothes and into the wind. It isn’t long before they meet the entrance to the home.
“Okay, young master Gojo, many of the elders and fighters have a meeting with the Kamo and Zenin clans today, so they are away from the mansion. That means we have until sundown to prepare your gifts,” They both walk to Satoru’s quarters swiftly.
“Will that be enough time?”
“We’ll make it enough,” Aguri winks before returning to her calm demeanor. “You need to worry about washing up, something I am sure you can do yourself, and then meet me in the kitchen. You remember where it is, right?”
“Yup-“ Satoru stutters as he fixes himself when a man walks by. “Yes, Miss Aguri,” he bows before the woman and takes off into his bedroom.
As the woman skids off to prepare the kitchen, Satoru gets ready for a bath. He takes off his satchel and gathers the flowers from their trip to place them on his desk. The sun shined bright through the window and fortunately for the young boy, he had a vase hidden behind a stack of blankets near the wall. He was quick to fill the vase with water from the tub in his en suite bathroom and careful to place it on his desk so he wouldn’t slip later that night for a bathroom break from his sleep, not that that’s happened before.
He placed the flowers in the vase beautifully, Satoru had an eye for decoration, if he wasn’t a Gojo maybe he’d be something creative like a painter. Remembering that he left the faucet running, he quickly prepared himself to jump in and as he thought of what to draw for his mom, he nibbled at his bottom lip, stomach full of nervousness.
In the kitchen, Aguri was fast with her movements and grateful for the absence of staff. She quietly gathered the ingredients for Satoru and his mom’s favorite meal, something she had learned years ago from the previous caretaker.
Working for the Gojo clan wasn’t easy. When she first came to the main house as a teen she was bitter toward the conditions her cousin —six times removed—was living in. She always resented the family, but his wife, her aunt, was a sweet lady from the Kamo clan, a daughter they could do without, and, Satoru was just a child. She couldn’t even force herself to hate him. So, instead, she just did what she was told, with no feelings attached. Until she witnessed the nasty abuse the boy and his mother received, and that’s when the girl decided she’d always be on their side. And she promised Satoru’s mom that she’d always be there for him.
“Aguri? Are you here?” The boy whispers as he enters the kitchen in his usual white attire.
“Yes, Satoru, everyone is gone!” The young woman whispers back and smiles at the way his head pops out from the wall. “I’ve already gathered everything, okay? Just pass me the ingredients as we go, and you’ll learn just how she likes it! This is exciting.”
Satoru nods as he comes closer. The young sorcerer was tall the only thing out of his reach was anything farther than the third shelf, so he watched Aguri carefully and without struggle. 
The woman was practiced in her movements, unsurprisingly, and she knew the recipe by heart by now. She instructed Satoru professionally as if she were the head chef of an upscale restaurant, something that would seemingly always stay a dream. 
“You’re so cool, Aguri. I wish I could cook,” Satoru hmph’d as he passed her some pre-diced vegetables.
“Thanks ‘Toru,” there was that nickname that made the boy blush. Aguri was important to him, she was more family than his father and siblings and he enjoyed when they could be this comfortable. “Your mama’s going to love this gift, but I think she loves anything you do.”
“I don’t know ‘Guri, she’s usually so picky,” he pouts and backs away from the sizzling pot. 
“No, trust me, she’s going to love it,” Aguri smiled at him and quickly moved on to the next big pot. It would take her some time to make three portions of the meal, but it was worth it.
The two Gojo’s fall into a comfortable silence with the occasional childish back and forth. Neither can help themselves in the stillness of the house. There’s no one here, most of the staff are in their quarters by now. It was the best time for this they both concluded. Just being together without the watchful and strict eyes of the elders was freeing. Although it wasn’t unusual for Aguri to be here around this time as a caretaker, she was always on the clock.
Aguri’s living quarters were also relatively close to Satoru’s which is how they got so close. Late-night snacks and a few sneaky card games were enough to get a seven-year-old Satoru to warm up to the girl who was simply six years his senior. Like every child he was impressionable, and Aguri was honored to be the “good influence.” 
But Satoru was also a good child, a little bit of a rascal, but he was obedient, not that he had much of a choice. Going against the rules meant punishment for the whole clan. A fact only spoken of in letters between Aguri and one of her siblings, something kept sandwiched between time away from the boy's eyes. Now that Satoru was entering his preteen years, as his thirteenth birthday would be in early December, the topic hadn’t graced the pages of a paper since just as the letters slowly stopped coming.
“That smells so good,” Satoru squeals. “You’re right, mama’s gonna be so happy! Can I tell her I made it?”
“Of course you can,” she gestures for him to come closer. “How about you mix the sauce a little, and we can finish up.”
Satoru smiles and nods eagerly before stepping in front of the stove. Aguri observes him cautiously, not wanting him to hurt himself. She helps him mix it evenly and hums when it's consistent with the meal's expectations.
“Alright, let’s plate the food.”
“Will you eat with us?”
“Do you want me to? I made enough for three,” Aguri smiles.
“Then you’ll eat with us,” Satoru decides.
She instructs him to grab the three plates she had already placed on a counter across the room. She turns everything on the stovetop down and grabs another pair of gloves just in case. Satoru quietly helps her plate the food into three dishes while she turns everything off and cleans up, and when they’re finished, she grabs a tray and a familiar-looking container she had set out earlier to cool. 
“Drinks in the fridge ‘Toru!” he nods and runs to retrieve them.
Aguri sets everything on the tray and waits for Satoru to come bobbling back. He tugged his lip frustratedly, the only options always being water or alcohol and he could only have one. It’s unfortunate that Aguri didn’t make tea but Satoru wasn’t bothered and simply grabbed three water bottles. He slowly closes the refrigerator when he hears Aguri call for him and quickens his movements to rush back to her.
They silently walk towards Satoru’s mother’s quarters, the boy bumbling with anxiety and eagerness. He stops just at the large brown doors before looking back at the girl. 
“It’s okay, you can do it c’mon, open the door, and I’ll go first,” Aguri speaks softly, her voice full of care and warmth and Satoru nods and follows her directions.
Aguri enters the room first, the change in air chafing her skin as she sets the tray on a table near the wall. 
“Come on ‘Toru, don’t leave us waiting,” she calls out as she smiles at his mother. She places the plates around the square table right next to the bed, one chair adjacent to the head and the other adjacent to the foot while a third faces it. Aguri opens the small container quietly, listening for Satoru’s entrance.
His feet were soft and nervous on the ground as he walked in. He gulped as his eyes set on his mother in all her beauty, her face was full of color today, and she looked like she was sleeping more than dying. The beeping machine tracking her heartbeat, among other things, was taunting. Satoru hated the sound, but he loved his mom, so he could bear it. And he would, as long as she was still here, and even though Satoru had lost hope over the last couple of months, she was still here, and he’d be right next to her for as long as she stayed.
To Aguri, Satoru was still a young child, and to his mother, he would always be her baby. Satoru couldn’t disprove either of those things. At this moment, he felt like both. He felt so small.
He walked towards her bed, the vase of flowers he acquired on the way to her room now placed on a table near the door and a quick drawing of a water iris with a short poem etched into the left side of the paper under his arm.
A spoonful of your love is enough for me to live through infinite lifetimes.
A hug,
A kiss,
A laugh,
A tear,
A smile,
A sigh…
As simple as it seems, it’s enough.
“Happy Mother’s Day, mama,” the boy smiles, tears gathering in his eyes as Aguri holds out her arms to embrace him, a gesture he easily recognizes.
And as they all enjoyed this moment together, they never thought of a future where a love like this didn’t exist. But if they had, maybe they would have been better prepared.
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If you're reading this, I hope you've enjoyed it, and thank you for reading.
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© whatsurnameblog 2024, do not copy or repost anywhere
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Live-read: The Wheel of Destiny #1, Atcham.
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You can find this article on the Dofus MMO’s site, by simply googling it.
Before I begin this post I want to acknowledge multiple things:
On the hierarchy of canonical media, web articles are like... the bottom of the barrel. I already suspected this, but season 4 fully retconning Eva's parents from the lore articles sealed the deal. For this reason, take these as nothing but the sort of canon that will get retconned at the first available opportunity.
I recently found out that the Wheel of Destiny 8, the one about Kerubim, seems to use stolen fanart by Flowerimh, which is sad. I don't know where else to put this, because I don't want to make a separate post about this. Flowerimh isn't even active anymore...
Despite these two things, let us proceed to read this article together:
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So, this article happens anywhere from one year to a decade before Joris was born, and at this time, Atcham and Julith were already acquainted and spending free time together.
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Spoiler alert: They are searching for Kerubim.
Keke getting called a "precious runt" is on par with the shit Joris gets called. Wonderful. I do wonder why they would search for him in Brakmar. Someone confused him for Atcham? Maybe they asked Kerubim himself, and he didn't want to deal with them, and so, sent them to Brakmar on a wild goose chase?
I will not be asking "what did he do" because, like, Fifi Pretty Calves exists. He has enough enemies to have a price on his head.
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I am literally in love with him, and every single way he is described in this part of the text.
"He had a preference for sibilant sounds", "Aw, poor little puppy", "the only reason he hadn't robbed them blind is because he wanted to know more".
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He was so excited.... he thought they wanted him (not carnally).... 😢
He takes a lot of pride in his work and insane behaviours.
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Atcham considers himself an extraordinary adventurer and a valiant fighter. AND HE ISSSSSS. But it is interesting that besides being a killer for hire, he probably also adventures.
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[Taps this meme I made about Kerubim and Atcham once again]
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He was so ready to be the one people wanted to kill just once, and they ruined his whole fucking evening.
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Imagine this being your day-to-day life, for decades. Just people laughing at you, laughing because you still hadn't caught on that you're the joke, and laughing when you finally understand that, and get upset.
Laughing about you behind your back, to some random stranger, too. Because they still hadn't realized they're literally talking about him.
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I think this is a good time to say that I headcanon Atcham as autistic. It is simply a headcanon, but one rooted in the themes of his character. I think it is a fitting conclusion, (albeit, just like my hcs of Joris having ADHD and OCD and Kerubim having comorbid BPD and HPD, very accidental one, on part of the writers).
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I could talk for hours on the way neurodivergence, disability, body issues, and violence-as-response-to-abuse intersect in Atcham's character, — or the way he hates everyone preemptively, because he knows that they will probably hurt him, yet still tries to be at least a bit kind and fair to others (....who aren't Kerubim).
I am probably not autistic, — however, I am neurodivergent, and I love & relate to him, so yeah. Always rotating this bingus in my brain.
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Imagine this being your whole life.
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I read descriptions of Atcham being cool and fast, and all the analysis leaves my brain as I say "awooga hummina hummina".
The fact that nobody ever wed him is literally so unrealistic, like WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't want the weird, mentally ill, neurodivergent twink.
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We never see Atcham's home in Brakmar, but from the description of "tattered", and the way his bed looks in the comic panel I inserted earlier in the post, it is safe to say his home is the definition of "girlrotting". It probably smells. Bad.
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Says the woman whose kindness will also be the death of her, — and her ruthlessness too.
Because of her visiting his home so nonchalantly, and their interactions as a whole, I like to view Atcham and Julith as somewhat close friends, — as close as two very emotionally repressed people, who have a huge age difference, and don't like to admit that they feel anything positive, can be.
He probably didn't mourn her, — not after she was presumed dead for ten years, and not after she died for real.
But he probably still thinks about her, once in a while.
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arsonsara · 9 months
Paper Mario: The Twenty-Year Heartache
I'm going to be meeting an old friend soon.
It's been a long time since we last saw each other. I don't know why we haven't talked since then. There's a tightness in my chest every time I think about writing him a letter, my head spins and my thoughts go cloudy every time I think about leaving everything behind so I can visit him, and ache in my throat every time I think about how long it's been.
Sometimes I try and make myself feel better by thinking he feels the same way. Guilty, wishing everything else in the world could go out of focus just so that I...
We...could meet again.
It's a stupid thought. He doesn't have a reason to think about me anymore. He has more important things to do, people rely on him, people look up to him. He can't let those people down. Not for the sake of someone he only met once… I never did get the chance to tell him. I almost did. Everyone else stood beside me, at the end of the pier, as stars glimmered in the night sky and their light reflected back on the ocean's azure waves. It felt right, it felt like everything I could've ever dreamed of...
But...she was there. The only reason he was here was to save her. Ugh, I feel disgusting for even thinking that. He's such a selfless person, so kind, so generous, such a gentle and understanding person. Saying that he was only here just for her feels so...debasing.
But I can't stop thinking about it. How people talk about them, all the history they have, they've known each-other for so long that people can't think of them apart, and when they are, he's always the one to bridge the gap, overcome any obstacle, travel across the entire world...just for her. So all I could muster was a weak whimper, my voice barely above a whisper, before I tore the words from my mouth and just said… "I sure do think you and Peach make a nice couple..."
Because all I could think was that she was realer than I ever could be… ...I never did get the chance to tell him. Whenever I spoke of how I looked, people would always assure me I was "A knockout", "Positively radiant"..."a really pretty girl."… Whenever they heard my sisters mock and ridicule me, they must've thought it was just the talk of an old crone and her droll yes-woman, average, wicked villains who only really exists to act cruelly and not...what it actually was behind closed doors. I will admit, it made things easier. I didn't have to explain my existence to them, I didn't give them any reason for them to question what I was, and keeping it a secret meant I didn't have to burden them with...everything it took for me to get to this point. And why should I not want that? For nobody to question why I have such long hair, why I get so giddy when I think about dressing up or putting on lipstick, or...why I would have a girls name. Don't I deserve to be accepted like that so simply? For me to be what makes me happy and have everyone understand without asking? To not have to justify my existence? I absolutely do!...So...
Why does it feel like I'm still trying to justify it to myself? I want to tell him. I so desperately want to tell him. Everything. Every last little thing I've held inside my heart for the past twenty years. I never thought I would ever get this chance again, and it excites me as much as it terrifies me. My soul is giving off sparks that jolt my body to its very core, and it feels like it could paralyze me as much as it could drive me to scream my truth from the top of my lungs so it could echo past the horizon. There's a part of me that's begging me to quell that scream, for me to bury those feelings deeper than I ever have, bury them deeper than what we found come the end, and just pretend like nothings changed. Stay in line, say your lines, and keep everything shut. Nobody can hurt me like that again if they don't know… ...And maybe it's selfish, or some crazy fantasy that rattles around in my head once I'm done tiring myself out with all these worries and fears. But I like to think that...maybe, even if he didn't know back then that… That he knows now. Even without me having to say it. And that once we meet again, under that twilight sky where he first dried my tears, as the moon hangs above and shines its light down on the both of us...
He'll love me just the same as he always did.
Even if I don't have the strength to tell him how much I love him.
---- I wrote this poem in a flash. It struck my brain like a lightning bolt and all I could think about was putting my pen to paper and writing it. It's messy, off the cuff, uncut and genuine. I don't think I could've wrote it any other way, and I kind of love that. Hope you enjoyed it.~
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mcflymemes · 2 years
they’re only after one thing.
i don’t know. nobody will tell me.
have you any last words before i dispatch you?
you have got to be kidding me!
why are you staring at me?
is that a bad thing?
over my dead body.
oh my goodness. how do i look?
i knew it was you.
now you’re beside me, and look how far we’ve come.
i beg you. tell me where they are.
would you like me to call someone for you?
i don’t think they would hear you from here.
let me guess, you’re looking for a beautiful girl, too.
is that the only word you know? “no?”
when you keep saying no, it just makes me so... angry!
you feel you’d die without me here.
wow! you’ve got great reception here!
nobody has been very nice to me.
yeah, well, welcome to new york.
now if only i could find a place to rest my head for the night.
everybody has problems. everybody has bad times. do we sacrifice all the good times because of them?
you lying, murderous wretch!
don’t you think that’s a bit melodramatic?
i don’t know if i’ll make it through today, let alone a lifetime.
that’s what i’m trying to tell you. it’s complicated.
let’s just walk. can we walk?
please, don’t leave me.
you’re not singing.
before we leave, there’s one thing i would love to do.
i want to go on a date.
wasn’t that lovely?
you have no idea who you’re dealing with.
everybody stay on the bus.
i’ll tear you apart! do you hear me?
we sure had a lot of excitement tonight.
were you scared?
is this a habit of yours? falling off of stuff?
we shall be married in the morning!
how long have you been together?
you have such strange ideas about love.
forget about happily ever after, it doesn’t exist.
this is a very nice place.
i think you’re a hopeless romantic who’s discovered that romance is hopeless.
i hope you had wonderful dreams.
do you like yourself?
no wonder they’re angry.
i’m gonna ask them to marry me.
but dreams do come true.
i forgot who i was talking to.
i like talking to you.
how come people keep giving you free stuff?
he was on the bus this morning. he tried to kill me!
okay, you know what? you gotta go.
i’m surprised. you said you couldn’t dance.
i’m very sorry. i didn’t mean to pry.
get them outside! get rid of them!
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peachiime · 7 months
Op may I ask for details about Tgirl Shinya? (<- Excited)
there is no actual reason for the headcanon's existence, it was just a thought i had once, brushed off, and then it slowly expanded over time and literally just last night (i think) i decided. fuck it. girl shinya
but as we all know, the random ass thoughts are the best ones!
being the absolute name nerd i am, i've decided that maya could be a potential chosen name because it uses the exact same kanji as shinya. just. said different (真也) though usually i'm not one for calling a character by an entirely different name so she's staying shinya in my head and in future posts
her and futaboy are obviously jokers little siblings and therefore each other's siblings. shinya tries to give futaba tips on looking more masculine while futaba does the same for shinya on looking feminine. but a lot of their advice is fashion-oriented and. well. they dress like they had nothing but fabric scraps and plastic to piece together
and i think about torasojiwai family all the time!! we all know this. and i can't keep calling them torasojiwai family because i don't think that's a fitting name
but shinya and KAORU siblings. lets think about that.
"hey kaoru if you give me one of your dads model guns i'll give you money" "uhh no?? im not even allowed in his shop, i cant do that" "MISOGYNIST!!!!!!!!!"
kaoru isnt even the oldest of this sibling squad (futaba and ren are his brothers as well. remember that) but hes the most responsible out of all of them and god now that shinya has a minority card it is impossible to shut her up
tbh all of them would be teasing kaoru as the token cisgender. but this is not about kaoru this is about GIRL SHINYA
obv tora and sojiro are her dads as well. but iwai especially. gun dad gun daughter
i think he's ready to beat the shit out of anyone who messes with her in the slightest. tora is such a huge trans ally in my opinion. and sojiro uhhhhh......... he tries? ("NOBODY talks to MY SON that way HE is a GIRL" energy)
also im working on a design for her and its basically the same as before but with slightly different hair and also......
ok. maybe i can show you drawings right now.
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get hrt
i made this as a joke but also like. lowkey might draw my own designs for some of the non-party confidants soon and this helps me imagine things
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yeah basically the only major change to the design is the bottom half of her. because as much as i want this girl to look nice for once we also have to keep in mind that said girl is SHINYA ODA so. we cant have everything :/
blurry ass photos
you probably didn't want this post to be so long! but i am very passionate about girl shinya! my apologies
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onyxheartbeat · 7 days
I wish I could go back to being excited in the morning, heading to work in a pretty dress, wearing my perfume and lipstick, hoping so badly you would be there as early and open the shop with me. I miss the rush I’d get from hearing your key clanking in the lock. For 20 minutes, it would be just you and I. Nobody else existed in my mind. I’d watch you make an americano, unable to keep my eyes off you when you were turned toward the espresso machine. Some of those mornings with you were the most pure moments of joy and love. You’d be so talkative some mornings, and we could always talk about anything; serious, personal, or silly. We’d make our flirtations, and innuendos, our sarcastic comments. Some of those days were the happiest I ever saw you. You’d have genuine smiles.
I miss the nights Chris would call me to tell me all the things you said about me after I left. I’d laugh like a schoolgirl hearing about her crush. Everyone at work knew how you and I felt about each other. Our chemistry was felt.
I wish I could go back to those days, falling in love with you in that shop. I was the only person you’d talk to for an hour without stopping, about music, bands, and movies. We really looked at each other’s eyes. I miss how clear and blue your eyes were then. I wish I could go back to the Saturdays when you’d tell me you’d be at your neighborhood bar. I knew I’d be getting texts from you all night until morning.
I miss waiting with excitement for the double buzz from my phone, hoping so badly it would be a funny line or a flirtatious joke. Sometimes it was a link to a song. I loved reading your texts about concert experiences you had, or about your family, or what you had to do that weekend. You’d be drinking Coors and Jameson. You were always nice in those days, and calm. You always felt composed and fun. It would be almost sunrise by the time you’d text me you were walking home.
I miss how it felt to walk around my neighborhood at night and look at the stars while texting you. I’d have my earphones and iPod, listening to Psychedelic Furs or Echo and the Bunnymen or The Church. I’d think about our conversations about those songs, and I’d think of how cute you must’ve been in the 80s listening to them.
There was a magic to falling in love and imagining you at the other side of this city, in another era, by the beach. It felt so romantic, knowing you were by the ocean. And I’d fantasize about being there with you. I remember wanting to go to that bar with you, and setting up the plan to go with Chris to meet you that night. I’d give almost any of my possessions to go back to that night at the bar. The way your hand touched my knee, and the rush that gave me. I watched you play pool with hearts in my eyes, sitting on the stool with my high heels, hoping you loved the lace bustier I wore. I miss being that excited, hopeful girl. I didn’t see anything scary about you. I didn’t see any anger in you. I was just purely and innocently in love with you. And it happened slowly, like it should.
I’d go to the beach so much in those days. I was so happy just knowing your house was nearby, and I’d feel close to you in some way that wasn’t physical that I still cannot explain. Somehow, I felt I was home on that beach, because it was your home. I just knew, soulfully, how attached you were to that place, even years before you showed me just how much. I knew. I’d listen to my music as the freezing water washed over my bare feet, and I would daydream about kissing you, and you touching me, but mostly wondering how you felt about me. I knew you didn’t love me, but I knew you were almost there, and if I could just have some time, I could make you love me. What you told me years later let me know I was right. Though I don’t know what it is you feel anymore.
I used to smile so much, just walking on that beach. I desperately miss being so happily in love with you, it’s painful. I can’t walk on that beach anymore.
I just want to go back.
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rorywritesalot · 13 days
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Chapter 2: gold rush
Prenote: Happy Wednesday! Welcome back! I’m so excited for you to read chapter 2! It’s very short and sweet. Drink your water, get some sleep, enjoy!
Warnings: Cursing
Miles POV
Over the course of the last two weeks, I’ve had numerous run-ins with a certain ginger haired girl. From seeing each other across the cafeteria to brushing past each other in the corridors with warm smiles placed on our faces. I went from not knowing this girl existed to hoping I can catch a small glimpse of her throughout my day. It’s almost infuriating if you ask me. 
I’m sitting in the cafeteria with Wainfleet, Z-Dog, Chacón and a few other fellow soldiers. My eyes scan the room when I see the familiar red hair out of the corner of my eye. I shift in my seat a bit so I can get a clear view of Ensley. She’s sitting a few tables down from me with some of her nerd friends and Dr. Augustine. She looks to be very interested in what the person diagonal of her is saying. Her hand holds her chin and her brown eyes say nothing except “continue, I’m listening.” She looks so damn sweet.
I must have been staring for a bit too long because I miss Wainfleet, who is across from me, look over his shoulder, try and see what I’m looking at and then turn back to me.
“You got a thing for Red, colonel?” He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. He’s still looking down at his food, smirking. Z-dog perks up from next to me
“The fuck are you talking about? And who’s Red?” I ask.
“Ensley Sully, I call her Red, she calls me Ly.” He says very nonchalantly. I look at him confused and in disbelief.
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard of her. She’s nice. Not to mention, she’s like a genius.” Z-Dog pipes in and Chacón catches on as to who we’re talking about.
“We’re talking about E?” She leans in next to Lyle using her own nickname for the girl. I roll my eyes at all of them, annoyed that they all seem to know about this girl. 
“How the hell do you all know her? Y’all like friends or something?” I ask, hiding my annoyance and disappointment.
“I’m not sure if friends is the right word but yes I would consider her a friend. We became friends because of those meets that you forced me to go to.” Lyle says, taking a bite of his yogurt. 
“I’ve never met her but I’ve never heard bad things about her. She’s got quite the reputation in the science department. She went toe to toe with Dr. Augustine within her first month of being here. Real badass bitch.” Z-dog says with a chuckle. Trudy nods at her last comment. I look at Lyle and Z-dog in disbelief. They know so much about the redhead that’s been haunting my thoughts for 2 weeks. 
“You didn’t answer my question from earlier colonel. You got a thing for Ensley?” Lyle asks again and I grumble in my seat.
“No, I ain’t got a thing for her Wainfleet, and even if I did, it’s none of your business.” I snap at him. Everyone looks back down at their food when they notice my tense demeanor. When nobody is looking, I steal one more glance at her and see that her eyes have found me. She perks up when her eyes catch mine and she waves slightly and gives me a soft smile. I smile back and give her a small tilt of my head.
I look down for a second and when I lift my head back up to see her, she was gone. I slightly glance around the cafeteria to try and find her but she’s nowhere to be found. I finish eating quickly and head to my office. I plop down in my chair and place my forehead in between my pointer finger and thumb. 
I don’t like that everyone knows so much about this girl and I know nothing about her. I only met her 3 weeks ago and apparently she’s been here for just about two years and I never knew anything about it. I guess that’s what happens when you try and stay away from the science pukes. 
I decide I need to get some of my paperwork done, in order to get Ensley off my mind. I go through the stack of papers until I find something that catches my eye. It looks like an invitation. I open the envelope and instantly frown. The higher ups are doing that damn soldier/scientist mixer thing. That’s not the actual name but that’s what I call it. It’s their attempt to get us to get together and try to get along. It usually just ended up with both groups on either side of the room, almost like a middle school dance. I’m surprised they're doing it again after what happened last year. A fight broke out between a soldier and scientist over something I can’t be bothered to remember.
I hate going to functions like these. They bore me and I could be doing other things but I go to them anyway. Mostly because damn Selfridge practically forces me to go. I could tell him to stick it but I don’t for some unknown reason. 
I grumble about having to spend my Saturday night with a bunch of nerds but then it hits me. It’ll be another excuse to see Dr. Sully. I sigh out and get back to my papers that need to be done as I make the mental decision to go to this damn mixer on Saturday.
What’s the worst that could happen?
A/N: Teehee, I wonder how this is gonna go! Come back here next Wednesday to find out!
With love from Rory!
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werezmastarbucks · 1 year
dreams: youtube
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how many followers do you think he got?
word count: 999
warnings: none
music: can't pin me down by marina
kai parker x reader
dreams masterlist
You hit play, and the face of the weird... influencer? appears on screen. You have this vague idea that you were going to watch something else. But your 'watch later' playlist now consists of three hundred videos, and the electronic noise of non-stop brainless entertainment makes you dizzy and zombie-like. You have a strong urge to log off, close the laptop and look out the window, but this guy's face glues you to the screen. For some reason seeing him in this format in 4K feels insidious, like he's a danger not only to you but also to others. Whoever watches. Like he's somehow connected to snuff... your brain, decomposing from all of the internet commotion, tired with endless sounds and buzzwords, feels physically tired. You rub your face. He is just like the others, has a Youtube channel where he babbles away about his business which nobody asked for. Another attention seeker, full of himself in the idea that people will stick and reflect on his miserable life.
He looks like a pop corn American movie embodied. White shiny teeth, glistening eyes, tiny dimples on his cheeks. A shirt you're sure you saw in Crop recently. Everything a teenage girl needs. Apalled, you contemplate how many of his followers actually have a crush on him just because he represents their Youtube dream. Neat, smily, white guy who gives you an idea that the world exists in a shiny rectangle.
You're immersed in your thoughts until your ear catches something off - that meaning, something actually interesting. His voice buzzes with excitement.
"The last time I told you about hell. But you asked me about, like, whether I have normal - real - stories. Well, I do, and I can even tell you about some of my art. Actually, I do it all the time. You know, I write songs in my dreams all the time", he fidgets in his place like a kid. He can't sit straight and is constantly moving his torso, his hands, as of hypnotizing you. He looks like he watches himself on the screen with one eye, and acts very well, actually. Not the most typical narcissistic type, but the well hidden one. He sure admires himself, but looks cool doing it. You start questioning yourself whether fifteen minutes of this bullshit will make you crush on him just a little.
"Yeah, and it's always something, you know... like I would call it cosmic confusion. So you know how there's cosmic horror? That, but confusion. I get these very soft, ambient melodies, which I don't like very much by the way, but my girlfriend does".
Gasp. Followers lost. You never say you have a partner if you have that kind of smile that holds your whole channel together.
"And the lyrics are like puzzles that I can't seem to gather together. It's been going on for years. What if I'm dreaming a whole discography that's a mysterious code at the same time? And of course when I wake up I completely forget, like, ninety percet of that. Only remnants, but they qickly escape my head. But!" he yells out, making you jump a little, "recently I got this huge idea... I started recording myself on my phone so that if I ever meet a very cool musician, I can play it to them, and they will write the music for me, and I'll... anyway, listen to this".
He takes out his phone and reaches the microphone. The space of the audibe field is filled with his sleepy voice, singing some gibberish, missing every possible note as if on purpose. You instinctively switch off, drowning in memories. Actually, that happened to you too. You dreamt of a black room with a yellow chair in the middle that played music. It was... surprisingly like... what's his name... you look at the name of the channel again - CovenMaster - Jesus - said. Cosmic confusion, like you're lost, but you're not scared because the dimension you got stuck in is too eerie for human brain.
And the only line that was in this song that you remembered to this day was,
When's the boy coming back?
You look back at him, and now he doesn't seem Disney foolish. He looks straight at you from your screen, listening to the end of his ugly song.
"There", he says quietly, "now you know I'm a genius. You can't match me". There's a flicker of well-masked humor in this, like you're supposed to be in on the joke.
"And most importantly, you can't pin me down. I go up every time, don't I?"
Against all reason, you nod, like somebody is standing behind you and has a hand on your head.
"The dark abyss of oblivion, the hell, nothing can hold me for long".
There's silence.
"And?" you ask out loud.
"Oh, it's another one, the other song I didn't record. Jeez, I should really head to SoundCloud", he mumbles. In a second his face lights up, and everything is the same again.
"Anyway, today I wanted to tell you about how I invented a new type of slime! I heard kids were crazy about it!"
You sigh and reach out to close your laptop. Not just click away from the page, but close it completely, to not see any flat screen.
"Wait! Okay, okay", he snaps suddenly. You freeze in front of him.
"Don't go just now, I gotta tell you something", CovenMaster has his palm outstretched and looks straight at you.
You keep silent, he does, too, for a couple of seconds. The shivers run down your shoulders and arms.
"This video is sponsored by Cheetos", he smiles widely, like a prankster. You groan and slap your laptop closed, with such force that you feel sorry immediately, fearing for the screen.
You get up and go to your window to look out the street. A typical nice neighborhood in Ohio, who wouldn't want to live here? The houses around are so familiar, the cars of neighbors roll patiently down the road. Muffled music playing somewhere a house away.
Everything is perfect, and you're glad. But the question still remains,
When's the boy coming back?
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tododeku-or-bust · 2 months
i wonder if you have any headcanons abt phi (regular canon? idk how ocs work) and her thoughts on the other characters. tbh i just think she is cool and want to hear more
Yay!! Phi time!!
Well, Philia is in three different universes because her fathers (Patroclus and Achilles) are in different universes. I ship them, and so she follows them around. But the og Philia is from the Hadesverse, from Supergiant's Hades.
Oooh let me tag you to the first art of the series, just so you can get some details on her. I wrote a whole series about her growing up, her views of the world and the people around her changing, and how parenting her changed them. I love her so much!!! They love her so much!!! There's art of her in almost all of the main stories, so that's there too if you want to see her! Here's a link to how she got her scar in that universe.
As for the Flashpoint universe (which would be the one where she was in that shiny silver dress with the pink car), her little years actually going to be in the extra chapters of the fics. I'm excited to get that going. Here's a link to how she got her scar in THAT universe.
(to date I love that I gave her a scar. 10/10 best decision)
Still need to work on her existence in the Bump and Run universe. She does have some stories there, though. I plan on writing a short story about how she was conceived (smut. Smut and hurt/comfort, my go tos).
As a whole, Philia is a sweetheart! She is the best and the worst parts of her fathers- joyous, sweet, loving, affectionate; tempestuous, stubborn, and spoiled. My goal in writing her was to let her be a child the way I wish people would let Black girls be children. To be free, to be innocent, to make bad mistakes and learn from them. No matter the universe, she's got a heavy legacy on her head- she's standing on the shoulders of two infamous men. It has an effect on how the world treats her, and it's something that's hard for her to deal with as she grows up and wants to strike a path for herself.
She adores and trusts her fathers to death, that's why it hurts her when she feels they haven't been honest with her. But nobody talks about them but her 😤 She struggles between balancing loving them and wanting to be with them, and also wanting to go her own way and do things herself.
Her best friend Kairos is practically like her brother; they're attached at the hip. He's the only one that can tell her straight facts to her pouting face and she lets that happen without qualm (usually!) Her other best friend and love interest, Calix, she has more conflicting feelings about. She loves him, and she can see being with him, but... Their families have a rough history. It's hard for her to know if she wants to risk their friendship for more- what if it doesn't work out?
I feel like I'm talking too much lol I'm just so happy you asked!
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lairn · 8 months
I was tagged by @gwenllian-in-the-abbey. Thanks, time to review some stats!
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
13,400 (is there a non-manual way to do this?)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Realm of the Elderlings and only RotE, haha
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
When you only have 6 works this doesn't say much! Patience in Winter I'd Rather Die Alone Weak Willed Loomings or, A Short Tale of Woe Never Know Peace (surprised anyone even saw this one)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, virtually always. If anybody takes the time to share their thoughts with me, I at least want to thank them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I was just noticing all my stuff ends with a little bummer even if the tone beforehand was more pleasant. But probably Weak Willed.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Unfortunately, probably I'd Rather Die Alone. Or Patience in Winter.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, very few people read them to begin with! I'd be confused to receive hate, although it's not impossible it would happen.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
A lot of what I've written is based on prompts. My default would probably be no smut and so far I've only written erotic (sub)text once. But maybe I'd write it if I got a request. It's just not my natural impulse.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Before I had an AO3 I started a NBC Hannibal/Minority Report crossover, haha! I only wrote a few paragraphs, and as soon as Hannibal showed up I quit. Much easier to write Will Graham's voice.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I really doubt it.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I've done a little beta reading.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I'm not really a shipper. If I see enough fan-content of a ship, it wins me over but not passionately. Serizawa/Reigen is an example. But I do feel pretty strongly that Fitz and The Fool have a queer relationship. I'm more in the QPR camp, but really enjoy the romantic fitzloved shippers' works. And sometimes the thought crosses my mind, "Oh Fitz, you fucked that gold man."
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any unless that Hannibal story counts. The recent Malta one took so long I thought I might not finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, I think I can get a pretty good sense of characters and their voices. I'm not sure how clearly that translates to the page, but the clarity exists in my head.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I like including sense details (sight, sound, smell, etc.) but I'm not sure if they enhance things or are more intrusive. Dialogue feels bad, man.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't and probably won't. If the characters understand it, I'd probably write in English and indicate it was said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote an additional chapter to add to the end of One Hundred Years of Solitude for a high school assignment. I think it counts because we had the option to do an analytical essay, but I was so excited about the book that I had to take the creative writing option. Nobody else did I think.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Maybe Weak Willed. I feel like it's fun to read and someone did fanart of it!
tagging: @smalltownfae
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wordsandrobots · 6 months
For the writer asks: 7, 27, 40! Thank you!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
The same joy I get from any creative act: that of seeing something come into existence.
There's something incredible about taking an idea, fleshing it out and giving it a presence in the world. Be it writing, drawing, baking, building, whatever -- it's just wonderfully satisfying. I tend to do a lot of stuff in my head before I go to the keyboard (planning, scripting, feeling out the words) so it's always exciting to get to the point of actually doing. Because then it's there, on the page, more than just an image in my head.
And that's magic.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
When I was starting on my Iron-Blooded Orphans fan-fic spree (is it still a spree at this point?), I decided I needed a new villain, on account of the previous lower-level villains in the show meeting various ignoble fates and also because no one really filled the niche I was creating. I wanted someone who appeared nice, reasonable and even sympathetic on the surface (that is, showed sympathy to others) but who, not very deeply underneath, only ultimately cared about seeing their work completed.
(I explain this straight-up two chapters into them appearing in the story; it's not remotely a spoiler as I never intended to portray them *as* what they appeared to be on the surface.)
Additionally, I drew on ideas around assimilation and integration as a key part of their deal. They deliberately cultivated an 'acceptable' persona in the face of institutional elitism to get the power required to achieve their goals. There's a whole mass of reasons that plays on my mind generally (short version: I'm English) but I thought that, in context of this show, it would be an interesting thing to explore.
And you'd think they'd stress me out because I decided to make them non-binary and emphasise how deliberately appearing exactly androgynous was part a deeply performative and manipulative personality, as a means of stressing the way hierarchical organisations both allow space for people to game the system by playing into the signifiers of 'properness' and enforce those signifiers as the barrier to entry, and oh gods and muses I hope I haven't accidentally dropped into bad tropes about queer people, they can be bastards too, argh, argh, doubt, doubt, look they're not the only NB in my story, their gender isn't why they're like this I swear!
Except then I decided to write an entire fic from their point of view.
Writing close third person for a character whose view of the world is extremely cynical and selfish while also trying to convey to the reader that it is wrong is, when you do it for 10,000 words straight, rather exhausting! It's not just that they're a nasty piece of work. I *like* writing villains, especially the horrible ones; it's fun to show why the villainy makes sense from the other side. But *this* villain and this specific brand of 'I am always right, my goal is all that matters, anyone who disagrees is an idiot' was actively taxing to write.
Maybe it was the length, maybe it was the ways it struck closer to home in the middle of the giant robot fiction, maybe it was simply that their brand of betrayal and self-aggrandisement is ultimately kind of miserable. All I can say is, by the time I finished Of Obsessions and Erotemes, I was kind of burnt out. Constructing their headspace took a toll like nobody else I've ever written.
I'd do it all over again, obviously.
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
Argh, no, poetry, my one weakness!!!
OK, one of my weaknesses!!!
But in seriousness, me and poetry are ships in the night. I have known some lovely poets and been awed by their ability with words, but I've never really sought it out, so what I do know is mostly thunderingly obvious snatches of my ambient culture.
However, and though I suspect it's not entirely in the spirit of the question, for a poem about which I can say, this matters to me, Sassoon's The General sits somewhere near the heart of the great swell of anger I feel whenever we get to Poppy Fanaticism Season over here in Blighty. The fecklessness and callousness of our leaders during World War One has a through-line to the present that my own writing is likely always going to be in conversation with.
"Good-morning, good-morning!" the General said When we met him last week on our way to the line Now the soldiers he smiled at are most of 'em dead, And we're cursing his staff for incompetent swine. “He's a cheery old card,” grunted Harry to Jack As they slogged up to Arras with rifle and pack. But he did for them both by his plan of attack.
The General [Siegfried Sassoon]
For an ask game
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sweetpiccolo-blog · 11 months
Hiya! Hope you're having a nice day/night!
I'm here for the matchups so let me begin quickly!
◆ I am 162 cm tall, I have really dark brown hair and I also have hazel eyes.
◆ I know fluent Turkish (native), C1 English, B2 Azerbaijan Turkish and a little bit of A2/B1 German.
◆ I'm ISFJ 6w5 and I'm apparently an Aquarius. (I don't care for zodiac signs lmao-)
◆ My hobbies include sewing, cooking/baking, cycling, drawing, reading, drumming, photography, gaming, learning new languages and etc.
◆ Likes: Geography, citrus fruits, nature, cartoons, swing sets, cold weather...
◆ Dislikes: Insects, bad grammar, crowds, public speaking...
◆ I have no preferences but my favourite is Seb, that should tell a lot about me. (:
Thanks for taking your time to read this, have a great day! 🧿
- Ani
HI ANI!!! I am so excited to finally do your ask. I really hope you like it <3 I did not give you Seb because you are literally him so I decided to match you up with someone I feel like you would love spending time with.
This is only my opinion, so be sure to let me know what you think about it later : )
Header by @dvluc
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Your match is...
☆Alex Albon☆
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You and Alex are serious when you need to be but that’s like 5% percent of the time, maybe less. You bet you both would be goofing around all day every day. But you are responsible and reliable. That being said, if there is a problem I think you both would come to a solution pretty quickly and even if there is a problem, there’s not much of them between you two.
Languages! You know many, he does few so that means… learning from each other! He would be amazed by your linguistic skills. I feel like he could teach you some Thai phrases maybe something about Thai cuisine too since he loves food. You would actually crush him with your rich vocabulary. Always blurring out something which sounds like gibberish to him but then you would laugh it off, slow down and translate what you just said. It is a very symbiotic way of learning for both of you.
You have incredible trust in each other. And also loyalty. You two would die for one another without a question. You are practically connected, inseparable. If there is you, Alex must be somewhere around and that works the other way around too.
I can see you dropping some geography facts here and there and Alex just looking at you as if you grew another head. He remembers them though and then flexes in front of George or Lando.
MEMES. Memes everywhere. No matter which app you communicate through there are loads and loads of memes. Nonstop.
When you agree on something together you do it. Even if it`s a spontaneous trip. One of you says the idea out loud, other one agrees and boom a plan is born. Backing a huge cake in the middle of the week? Why not. Getting out on the bikes for a whole day till the sun goes down? Yes please. Taking random pictures of everyone during the rawe ceek and then laughing at them? Uh-huh. Designing t-shirts with some cool design? Ya bet.
Gaming nights are a thing at your house. When there is no race, you buy the newest game and play together. No matter the genre. You even call the guys from Twitch to join you.
You both love nature! Although Alex is more of summer and sea guy and you a wintery gial. You will find something that both of you can enjoy. Just being outside makes you recharge your batteries.
BONUS: You avoid crowds as much as possible but that is not easy while dating an F1 driver, so you and Alex come up with ridiculous outfits to blend in and somehow they always work, nobody suspects a thing. You try to make existing in a crowd less of a burden and just have fun.
ENJOY! 💙💙💙
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tainoidiot · 2 years
So i have a black panther request, now king. M'baku has to spend more time in the golden city and decided to bring his wife along and everyone is surprised at how...petite, shy yet beautiful she is.
OH FUCK YEA. Spoiler warning! This is set after Wakanda Forever!
M'Baku x Petite!Reader
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God he is so fine-
Being that the Wakandan Royal family spent next to no time getting to know the Jabari clan, when they learned of your existence it surprised the shit out of them.
"Wait wait wait... you are MARRIED?" Shuri yelled in confusion. M'baku looked at her, puzzled "Of course I am? What, you didn't know?" He asked her. Shuri shook her head, looking at a now giggling Okoye. "What? I knew. It is my job!" She shrugged. Shuri pouted "Nobody tells me anything.."
With that out of the way, everyone wants to meet you. They're all excited to host you and your husband at the palace. Shuri is pretty much only hosting because "Who would marry an oaf like him?" She's just curious.
When you and your husband arrive at the Wakandan palace, Shuri's eyes turn massive as she looks at you.
M'baku has dressed you in the finest pelts he could get from his hunts, making sure you were both warm and comfortable. Despite being a hard-ass, he was a sweet heart to you. You can't ask for a more loving husband.
But that's not what surprises everyone. Despite hearing about you, nobody had actually SEEN you. And you're so... small?
Not like it's a bad thing. They just expected someone similar in stature to M'Baku. Everyone begins to introduce themselves to you, but you keep it short and simple. Odd, knowing M'Baku's personality.
you're smaller, shy, and on the quiet side. I suppose opposites truly do attract.
"Okay, I have to ask. What sparked you to court.. this man?" Shuri asked curiously, emphasis on this. All you could do was shrug. After explaining how the two of you met, it made sense. A match made by the ancestors, truly!
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