#..but like. i dont..want to constantly fight for approval
boneless-jellyfish · 10 months
when you say you're healing but all the retrogrades hit you at once and then you realise you're still deeply flawed
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Hey Honey how are you?? Can you write a enemies to lovers with Nat Scatorccio x Fem! Reader? Nat and reader dont really get along and only gets worse when she is with travis bcz reader and travis hate each other and the girls always have to step in so they dont fight (kill each other lol). But yknow they cant stand each other because they are in love, maybe girls help Nat figuring it out that she likes reader in a truth or dare game? Thank you!!
The Night of the Party
͙⁺・༓☾ - Summary: You and Natalie practically hate ‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎each other, especially after she started ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ dating Travis, until the night of the party.
Pairing: Natalie Scatorccio x reader
Warnings: ...
note: thank you for the request! I haven't written an actual fanfic before so I hope this lives up to your expectations 😭
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"Over here!" Jackie called, you shuffled the ball trying your best to avoid the opposing team. You had noticed Natalie, throughout the entirety of practice, eyeing you; stalking your every move in attempts to steal the ball from you. This left you with no room for thought, she was constantly breathing down your neck, so you'd decided to ignore Jackie, running even faster to the goal. Normally you were a team player, making it fair and square for everyone around you, but when it came to Natalie your ego took over, you gave her side glances in attempts to get rid of her - but to no avail. As you neared the goal your palms started sweating like crazy, I mean it was just practice, but you couldn't let Nat win at any cost. She positioned herself parallel to the goal and parallel to you. Van was ready to block your kick and Natalie brushed her bangs out of the way so that she could focus on the ball. You knew how determined Natalie was, so as you gave her a hunting stare, the frustration inside of you grew like a fire.
Your strike was filled with force, it was tactical, but too rage infused. Somehow you had mistaken Natalie for the goal, subconsciously you just really wanted her to get out of your way, your brows furrowed, eyes fixed on the landing - you had hit Nat right onto her goddamn face.
You stood there as Coach Scott rushed to asses the situation, your teammates stared in awe.
"Nat I'm sorry it was just an accident I swear-" You pleaded, "Fuck off" was all she said, giving you the death stare of a lifetime and slamming her locker while holding a paper towel to her bleeding nose, you wondered why you even tried to apologise at this point, it all felt useless and repetitive. You sighed, walking up to Jackie and Shauna who had just finished changing. "You should've passed, (y/n), maybe then she wouldn't be so pissed at you" Shauna knew what was going on between you and Natalie, everyone did, it was too obvious lately, and that's why she didn't blame you - she merely glanced at you, disappointed with the constant feud you and Nat perpetuated. "You saw how she targeted me right? I mean it's not even my fault!" you spat out whatever reasoning you could, a slight guilt trailing your voice, "you two are always fighting, everyone's tired of having to break it up, just kiss already" Tai laughed, walking past the three of you. You scoffed, turning back to your friends. "It doesn't matter, (y/n), she'll get over it. Are you coming to the party today?" Jackie intervened, your team was celebrating nationals and had all decided to go to Jeff's party, you weren't too sure if you'd even wanted to go though. Jackie noticed your tight nit lips in response to her, "please?" she whined, "it'll be fun I promise.". "fine, I'll go." You gave in with a slight smirk, Jackie screeched in approval, Shauna laughed and you left early.
You didn't live too far from the school, so you'd decided to walk despite Shauna offering to drive you back. You turned your head curiously as you saw bleach blonde hair in your peripheral, and as you turned you saw Natalie talking to someone. Travis - you hated his guts, your teeth gnawed as you gazed intently while he was all over Nat, he tried to hit on you once a while back, but you never liked him, not at all. His back was faced to you as Natalie had her arms around him, looking directly at you. Still walking, you looked away, a grimacing expression painting your face. If you never liked him before, you definitely didn't like him now, you weren't sure why though, it's not like he did anything really, he was a huge dick but not enough to induce your deep deep hatred. All you wanted was for him to go away, only because he was a pain in the ass of course, I mean that was it, right? It was such a burden that you had fully convinced yourself that if he hadn't shown up your life would be a hundred times better.
You and Natalie weren't always spiteful towards each other, you used to hang out quite a lot, usually smoking and listening to music, there were moments where you two got so close it felt like something could've happened. At the end of last year, as you began dating guys and hanging out with Jackie and Shauna more, you and Natalie grew apart, to the point where she felt like a stranger to you. At first you stopped talking, then you began making remarks at each other - slowly, the anger between you built up. You didn't like it, but at this point it was second nature.
A loud honk surrounded your house, you peered outside of the window seeing Jackie and Shauna. Grabbing your bag you swiftly ran down the stairs and towards the car. "Hey (y/n)!" One of them exclaimed, "Wow you really went all out, I've never seen you wear such a flattering top", it's true, you usually wore super casual clothes - too casual, though well put together. "You dressing for someone?" Jackie winked with a sly smile, leaning her neck against the seat to look back at you. "No, of course not." You chuckled, unnoticed panic in your answer, and it was partly true, you didn't really think of dressing for someone, in retrospect you may have spiced it up for a reason, though you'd never admit it to yourself.
You stood leaned over a kitchen counter, a red solo cup touching your lips as you gazed at Lottie rambling about something, her hands gesturing and mouth moving so quickly you had just spaced out, absolutely no thoughts in your head, until you heard a familiar voice. It was Natalie Scatorccio, you didn't look, you had just assumed she was flirting with Travis or something, after all the music was loud enough to block out any coherent words from her and the people around you apart from Lottie, who was still talking to you.
"Hey Lot, I'm gonna go refill my cup - you want anything?", she paused for a moment and shook her head. Your head began spinning slightly as you filled your cup with an unknown drink, it was definitely doing a number on you, but after today it didn't really matter much. "(y/n)! Come with us we're gonna play something" You turned to Van as Tai crept behind her, "play what?" You perked up, "just some games, me and Tai got the idea", you followed them to the living room, waving your hand for Lottie to follow suit. There were less people, as everyone was mostly likely outside or making out in one of the guest rooms. It was merely your soccer team (admittedly, only some of them) and a couple of guys, including Travis. You sat the furthest away from him, next to Lottie and Shauna, leaning your head against Lot as Van and Tai tried their best to get more people. "Travis is such a dick." You stared at how he ignored Natalie, "I know right, who even gives him the right..." Lottie agreed, though her head was in the clouds. She knew how you disliked him. "what are we doing?" Inquired Shauna, "hmm," Tai didn't seem so sure, they clearly just decided to go with the flow, and you were too drunk to care "truth or dare?". "really?" you laughed slightly, "we're not in preschool, Tai".
After a while you were persuaded, alongside everyone else who were sober enough to think that idea was boring. You lifted your head off of Lottie and watched as everyone played, also noticing how everyone got more drunk by the second. Your eyes landed on Natalie as she laughed about something with one of your teammates. Eventually, it was your turn. "(y/n), truth or dare" you heard it from Van. The whole time you had observed how Van and Tai were laughing, talking about something while giving you glances, you noticed them speak to Natalie about something too, after which she playfully punched Van's shoulder. Now you were patient, as Van gave you the most malicious look you had seen, she was up to something - so you decided to play it safe. "truth". "boooring!!" Natalie remarked, "Oh shut up Nat" you bickered. She mocked you, causing a small argument, "Ladies, get a room, it's not the time." Tai broke you two up, Natalie crossed her arms and sat back down, a slight blush patterning her complexion, earning a hateful stare from you. "okay, (y/n), who do you have a crush on." "oh come on Van, ask me something interesting" Your eyes rolled around the room, music booming in your ears "nope, you have to answer, rules of the game", her snarky tone made you laugh, "fine, okay, I don't really have a crush on anyone" Van wasn't impressed at all, she gave Tai a look of disappointment, and you grew even more curious than you were before, "what? It's the truth!" You argued, slight defence in your voice, "I'm not buying it", you sighed and watched as Travis left, Natalie didn't even look at him, you became worried - did they have a fight? Did they break up without me even knowing it? It was true, you and Nat weren't the closest of friends, you weren't friends at all, but you always knew what happened in her life. "so? come on (y/n) don't be boring" you heard Nat say, snapping you out of your thoughts and scowling at her as she wouldn't put to it to rest. You gave a look of defeat towards Lottie, "have it your way. they're in this room, right now", you weren't sure what you were even talking about, and honestly you didn't care, you slurred half of your words and moved around carelessly, eventually sitting still and gazing longingly at Nat, as she looked back curiously. "is that it? that's all you're gonna give us?" Van pried, "it's childish, move on" you responded weakly. Van rolled her eyes, Tai giving her one of those looks that said 'really?'.
Most of the people had left already, you didn't blame them, the game wasn't much fun after everyone ran out of dares to give and truths to ask. You sat there overthinking what you had said, they're in this room? really? Scoffing to yourself. You never admitted it to yourself but you liked Natalie, you never actually hated her, you just hated when she wouldn't reciprocate your feelings towards her, you hated the fact that you grew apart. "you okay?" Once again Natalie had collapsed your train of thought, "hm?", you looked up at her from across the room, puppy eyes staring back at you, "oh, I'm fine". You weren't fine at all. You were too drunk, too confused and too lost, Lottie left, late for curfew, you took that as her leaving you here alone. Jackie and Shauna trailed off, Jackie most likely with Jeff. Finally, you watched as Van and Tai left together, giving you a smirk. You questioned it, and knitted your eyebrows together in confusion.
This left you alone in the living room with Nat as she sat leaning again the bottom of the couch with a plastic cup in her hand, staring at her shoes after you brushed her off. "hey Nat, what happened with you and Travis? He seemed pissed, but you two seemed fine earlier." She looked at you, parting her lips, then looking back down - she found the floor more interesting than whatever you were saying, so you just went back to what it is you were doing.
"he broke up with me." Her mouth falling into a shaky frown and her eyes glistening, "I knew he would do this, he's just..." failing to finish her thoughts, you took over. "it's not your fault, Nat, he's a dick." Your voice soft, matching her emotion. She didn't seem to acknowledge your words as her glistening eyes now trailed down to her cheek, she sobbed profusely, trying to be as quiet as possible while covering her face and dropping her empty cup down to her feet. You moved closer to her, purely inches between you two. Your warm hands trailed to her back, "it's okay, Nat, you're better than him." Mouth left slightly open, you realised how odd it was, talking to her without calling each other names or arguing, it suddenly felt like you two never even had a feud to begin with, waves crashed in your mind as you tried to make sense of it, you hadn't even noticed her yearning stare. You slowly faltered the hand that found her back, looking at her, needy and vulnerable. "(y/n), I don't hate you, you know that right?" Bloodshot eyes slightly squinted at your expression, as your sclera widened somewhat, your lips disembodied in failure to respond. Her shaky, careful voice echoed in your head. "I never have."
"Really?" Both of you laughed in a diminuendo, eventually falling back to your rather serious countenance. "No of course not, how could I," Her cheeks were red, and so were her eyes as she left them with drying tears. "I don't hate you either, Nat." Her body moved so quietly towards you, your eyes trailing towards her lips as they inched closer. Natalie kissed you gently, salt bruising the moment, but you didn't mind. Both of you pulled back, looking at each other for what seemed like forever, not uttering a word before you wrapped your hands around her neck and pulled her back in.
"I missed you."
After the party you had figured out why Van and Tai kept giving you looks. They set you up. Or at least tried to. You were just glad that Travis was out of sight and out of mind. Jackie and Shauna asked what happened between you and Nat, why you two got along so much better now. You didn't say much, though they caught on as you sheepishly smiled and blushed each time they would bring it up.
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alilaro · 1 year
I have some Thoughts on Evangelion, and I'm hyperfixating right now, so here's a massive info-dump on it. Thank you and I'm sorry.
(trigger warnings for: child abuse, child death, gore mention, pedophilia, mental health, depression, suicide, and potentially more.)
So, my take on the End Of Evangelion is like a 'Worst Timeline AU.' So what would've happened if Shinji had given into the crippling (justified) trauma and deepest depression of an abused, manipulated, and unfathomably damaged child soldier.
The way Misato constantly screams at him throughout the entire series to 'be a man' and pressures him to get into the EVA and fight literal biblical, kaiju-like angels.
The pressure of trying and failing to get a crumb of praise or approval from his neglectful and spiteful father.
The way people (and fans, tbh) get upset with him for constantly changing his mind. How if he doesn't pilot the EVA, either he or his friends could die. The pressure every adult puts on him. Or again, the absolute cosmic terror of just seeing—let alone having to murder these angels.
Of course, he quits all the time, he's 14. He's a child. An average adult with all the combat training in the world would easily do the same.
Yet he comes back again and again, because of the guilt, the self-loathing, the manipulation of the adults around him—
(who can have all the greatest intentions in the world, "the greater good", etc etc, and it doesn't change a goddamn thing that they are putting these children into death machines and treating it like if they dont do it they are selfish and worthless)
—that if he doesn't do it, his friends will do it and either they or others will die if it's not him.
Like, the point isn't that he can't make up his mind: it's the fact that even if he "gives up", he still keeps coming back, and putting himself before others, despite the grief, despite the pain, despite the trauma
A fourteen-year-old child refuses to stop getting up and trying. Which I feel is symbolic of the whole shows entire meaning, no matter how dark things are, how much you hurt, how much others hurt you, how you feel like nothing, and you want it all to just stop—the pain, the memories, the guilt, the crushing weight of complete utter depression—even as the darkest envelops you and holds you tight, you feel like you can never escape: there is ALWAYS a way out of it.
It's fucking hard, you will lose yourself in it, you will hurt so, so much—but eventually you can find your way out. Through time, through loved ones, through therapy, and more. It's never too late or someone is too far gone in their own despair that they can't be saved and brought back.
And that's not even mentioning the other children. Fans enjoy Asuka more than Shinji because she's got that quick, snappy, high-energy personality. She's overly proud and stubborn, and she loves to fight in her EVA. And Rei, she's the shy quiet girl (a Kuudere, even (didnt like writing that)) designed to be mysterious, and to speculate over. Who is she? Why is she so calm? Does she have a personality behind that demeanor?
But, just like Shinji, they are all child soldiers, and like him, they are products of trauma and manipulation by adults.
Rei, was made in a fool-hearted attempt to bring back Shinji's mother, Yui Ikari, by combining her remains with Lilith. What they got was Rei. An assimilation of Yui, Lilith, Eva, all combining into Rei Ayanami.
Her creators obviously had attachments to her, both having loved Yui before her death, and Gendo Ikari almost took her on as a daughter-like figure (Rei being the name he would've given to his child Shinji, if he had been born a girl,) and revoltingly even more than that.
But as the theme of the series goes, good intentions from adults mean very little, and often act as nothing more than an excuse for creating/doing inconceivably monstrous acts.
She is of course used as an EVA pilot, being able to manipulate her form into a 14-year-old. She is used as a tool. She is replaceable. She knows this. She has no desires because no one has ever cared enough about Rei as her own person to let her think for herself, asked her what she wants, her likes, her dreams, her fears.
Rei's entire existence at this point is to serve, and in an eerie way, the only thing she wants is to serve Gendo, because he's shown her the only breadcrumbs of "compassion" she's ever known.
And then Shinji comes along. Shinji has no idea what she is, only that she is another EVA pilot like himself. He speaks to her as he would anyone else. He cares about her, and her well-being as another person. Actual true compassion.
In episode 06, when Rei is hurt and thought to have died by Shinji, he pries open the hatch to her EVA, ignoring the scalding heat that burns his hands to do so. He finds her alive and cries, and she smiles for him.
This scene is an exact parallel that takes place before with Rei and Gendo (Shinji's father.) He pries open the hatch, scalding his hands too, and finds her alive inside. It's identical except for one thing: Compassion.
Shinji fights to free and help Rei, and when he sees her alive, he is overcome with relief that she, Rei, is alive. He is in tears, he tells her she isn't nothing, implying her life is worth something and people care about her.
When Gendo does it, he does it like a man trying to save a valuable asset. He sees she's okay, and mutters 'I see', and that's the end of it.
Again, in episode 23, when Rei actually dies and is replaced; she is confronted by herself (the Meta Rei, the Rei in her purest, most godly self. A combination of all her sense of beings,) and realizes that she is feeling, she is lonely, she is suffering, and for the first time she cries, and asks herself if this just for her love of Gendo, before sacrificing herself in death to save everyone—specifically shinji.
She is replaced by her many clones, but this time she regains some of her memories, her feelings, her anger, and she is more human now, less vessel, more soul. She is Rei.
In the End of Evangelion, we see the depths of Gendo's depravity. He wants his wife, Yui, back as she was, of course. But in the meanwhile, there's Rei. Rei who is part Yui—a substitute. He touches her breast, an attempt to merge with her, and moves his hand down further to rest between her hips, inside her.
Rei is as much his daughter figure and a child, as she is a part of his own wife, and arises from this: an Oedipus Complex. Gendo treats her as a disposable tool, yet holds Yui at his highest priority. She is his to do with as she likes. How many times has he used her like this? How many times has he committed these atrocities with this child behind closed doors?
Amongst everything else Rei is, she is also a victim of pedophilia.
And in her final moments, while he attempts to merge with Rei in a delusional attempt to bring back Yui, Rei becomes her own being. Rei puts her foot down and says no. She's had enough.
"I will not be a puppet for you to control."
She takes the hand of Adam, fully merges with Lilith, and becomes a God.
And what does she do with all that power? She takes it all, and gives it to Shinji. The one person that ever consistently showed her care and compassion, showed her love. Made her realize she is her own person, gives her the strength to realize her worth and refuse Gendo Ikari, and choose her own path.
Her choice can be argued as good or bad, both. But in the end it was REI's choice, and no one elses.
Asuka uses her anger and her fighting as a means to cope with a barbaric childhood. Her mother, Kyoko, underwent a Contact Experiment when Asuka would have been ~5 years old.
Kyoko survived, but lost her mind completely, thinking her real daughter was actually a doll, and leaving Asuka completely neglected by her mother, all whilst begging and trying to convince her that SHE was her real daughter, not some doll she clung to.
Meanwhile, her father was completely unaffected by this, and even had moved on with another woman (An affair that had been going on before Kyoko fell apart completely, the woman being Kyoto's doctor, that she knew about, and took place in their own home while both mother and daughter were present.) Throwing himself back into his own life with this new woman, and job, Asuka was left with nothing.
Asuka's mother finally snaps and plans her own suicide. She invites Asuka, and with nothing else and wanting nothing more than to be acknowledged by anyone, agrees to take their lives together.
As if all of this isn't bad enough, as a final blow, Asuka's mother takes her own life without Asuka, leaving a five-year-old CHILD to find her mother hanging lifelessly, betrayed and alone again.
Her entire personality isn't because she's 'cool' or 'bossy', its an unfathomably traumatized child, constantly in pain and unable to trust anyone, because she has been taught as an infant that she can not rely on the people meant to care for her, because her parents taught her that in the most brutal and disturbing way possible.
There's even reference to her trying to repeat her mother's suicide after disappearing from the fight, only to be found gravely injured and withering away in a bathtub.
She fights so hard to be independent because she refuses to let herself be hurt and abandoned again.
At the End of Evangelion, even when she is screaming and crying, bleeding to death after being speared through the eye, losing power, and being cannibalized alive in her EVA, she is still so desperate, so angry, that she refuses to die, swearing vengeance on her enemies through dying rattled breaths, and it isn't until she is bombarded with blades that she finally succumbs. And at the hands of NERV.
Again, she, and every single EVA pilot, is only 14 years old.
tldr: The series is about child trauma, children being turned into soldiers, the failings of adults around them, and the tragically brutal and real aftermath of the wreaks of havoc that would have on a child.
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haunted-pool-noodle · 28 days
DISCLAIMER i have not worked my way through all the eris dialogue yet so if she says something that contradicts all of this uhh. ill explode or something idk
anyway i feel like eris and hypnos actually have the potential to become besties when you think about it! like at a glance it does not seem like they'd vibe (and maybe wouldn't for a while) but i absolutely think they could
they both stand out to me bc (and honestly are both my faves bc) they don't really follow the same adherence to rules and responsibility that p much every other god does, particularly in the nyx family. hypnos constantly slacks off at work in hades 1, and the only reason he starts putting in effort is basically bc he wants approval from than and nyx. eris criticizes mel all the time for being so uptight, as well as nyx and than for being such strict rule-followers. they could both really connect over having someone else who is similarly opposed to that workaholic mindset (worth noting for eris, she refers to than as "brother number i dont even know anymore" and specifically doesnt care about him bc he's uptight like everyone else iirc, so i think she'd really appreciate having someone in the fam who isn't that way)
also, like. yes eris can be pretty cruel to mortals but hypnos is also pretty callous towards them most of the time? like he's pretty comfortable with the topic of death (which does make sense, given his job) but he just doesn't take it very seriously at all, like with natural causes he's just like "wow! sucks to be a mortal lol." plus that whole bit when he just suggests that thanatos just kill everyone all at once so they can hang out more like his ass does not care 😭 so i dont think he'd really care about eris tormenting humans, and in turn i think she might really like someone finally just being chill about it rather than looking down on her basically for being strife. also she'd probably find it funny how nonchalant he can be abt this, and in turn hypnos would enjoy her particular brand of chaos lol
thematically though, part of eris' whole thing is about how she feels ostracized from the rest of the fam bc strife is literally in her nature, while hypnos is shunned bc of his constant sleeping. both are pushed out bc of their very natures. but where they differ is hypnos prioritizes his relationships to the rest of the family and is willing to fight against his nature in order to do his job at the House and thereby impress/appease nyx and than, restoring his relationships to them at the cost of his personal happiness. meanwhile eris believes in being true to herself above all else, and if that means severing ties, then so be it. she mentions at a few different points that she's not going to change her nature for what anyone else wants, and that they shouldn't be surprised at how she acts, given that she's literally strife incarnate (an argument I've seen plenty of people give wrt hypnos sleeping at the job while being sleep incarnate). i think if they interacted more they could actually learn a lot from each other and maybe both move closer to the middle of that spectrum
also hypnos is usually seen as the childish one throughout hades 1 but eris is specifically stated to be one of the youngest in the nyx family so i would love to see some older brother hypnos content 🙏
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findingnymos · 2 years
I get that not everyone likes Rise Splinter but the people who shit on his character without even paying attention to why he is the way that he is are so annoying. Like I didn't like him fully at first but then I kept watching the show and started thinking about his perspective on things.
The show literally makes his reasons so understandable and I hate that people won't give him a chance
The man lost his mom as a kid, became a massive movie star, kidnapped for a fighting ring by a WOMAN HE LOVED (he literally was proposing to her), KIDNAPPED AGAIN and turned into a rat man, and homeless with four children that he didn't even know he would get?? He basically lost everything.
I think I'd be pretty depressed too. I still don't think he should have neglected his kids (he definitely still provided for them, but he wasn't always emotionally there for them), the show put so much work into showing why he is the way he is. So many people see an emotionally/mentally neglectful dad who is played on more of the comedy, but dont continue the show to see the moments where he worries for his sons, gives up the world for his sons, eventually comforts his boys when they need it, and you can just tell how much he loves them.
Thanks for listening to my essay, I love the Hamato family so much. I never knew how much I would love the boys calling Splinter "dad" instead of "sensei/master". The slight differences from the old TMNT iterations to Rise are just the slightest changes that I love even more.
P.S.: I just want to add that I don't think Splinter is the best dad. He can be very emotionally neglectful which causes the boys to constantly seek approval. Hes definitely not awful,, he raised his sons to be emotionally mature enough to be able to hug and cry even if its not often they get to do that with their dad. I do enjoy that throughout the first season you can see how much he grows.
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wibta if i held an intervention for my cousin?
strap in bc this is gonna be long, but first i need to introduce this little cast of characters: I (26f), my sister (23f) and my cousin (22f) are literally the only young ones in my family. my fathers siblings never married, and i have only my mother's sister (50sthF) who has married and also has a kid. so this made us kind of close since we were kids, especially my sister and my cousin (due to their close ages) were always together. we did live far from each other, and could only meet one or two times in a year.
my cousin and my sister have ocd. i have depression. we all have anxieties. my aunt and my mother both have anger issues, so we kind of can guess what kind of house my cousin is living in. and also from what we could see during our short visits. so yeah, we're all fucked up, but ever since i started therapy and forced my sister to go as well, things started to change. my cousin kept making excuses about money issues, and not really needing any therapy, but her ocd started spiraling down very quickly after her cat got sick last year (we'll get to that soon).
so here's where the problem lies: my cousin has ocd, and needs to constantly ask for approval. she also has severe separation anxiety, to the point that she cant even think about a family member or her cat dying. and see, i get that! we also had beloved pets who died and honestly it still fucks us up, but she is getting delusional about it. god forbid we mention that the cat is now an old lady, or say that shes not as sharp/agile as she was before—this makes her cry immediately. also her ocd is very focused on her cat: she thinks she can carry diseases to her cat, she gets hysterical if we change our clothes near the cats bowl, asks everyone repeatedly if sth unrelated might make the cat sick. shes also of the belief that if someone uses an insect spray, then the poison will stay there till she goes to that place and carries the poison to her cat and making her sick. we kept explaining to her that if the sprays would work like that then we wouldnt suffer from a serious ant infestation for the third year in a row, but as it goes with ocd, she just cant accept it. she only believes what her mother says, and well. her mother gets agitated Very Quickly and they start fighting which makes everything worse.
usually id interfere and tell my aunt to just get along with my cousin as shes going through therapy and medication, and i saw it first hand on my sister that it takes time for ocd to get calmer. its not like oh u started therapy? why arent u already performing like a mentally healthy person?? this is what i suffered from when i first started my therapy. but my aunts main issue isnt her ocd. the ocd is par for the course—the main problem is that my cousin never helps around the house.
we knew this, since we have been together forever, that my cousin never works. she complains a lot, even snaps if u ask her to do two things at once (even if its like hey check the kettle and btw put this glass in the sink as well). and my aunt has zero tolerance for her attitude, which leads to her doing the chore herself and well this kind of encourages my cousin to get away from the chores by complaining. she was like this ever since we were KIDS. she'd play with us and make a mess, but when we were supposed to clean everything shed either not do a thing (saying "i dont know how to" even to simple things like put the thing in the basket) or shed just. vanish. whenever we ate lunch or dinner, shed immediately go to the bathroom, and come out after everything was cleaned and washed. and before u say there might be sth else, it really wasnt. she even admitted to it later. she just didnt want to do a single shit. and well, now that shes older, its getting kind of upsetting. whenever she's alone at home she does NOTHING. and when my aunt comes back from her trip SHES the one who has to clean after my cousin, even tho she has just arrived home. this is why no matter how much she asks us to go stay with her when shes alone, we never go. bc we dont want to clean after her. or when she comes over to our house she just. barely does a thing.
this is taking a huge mental and physical toll on my aunt, bc shes physically disabled (severe migraines caused by a bubble in her head, and recently due to her bad workplace her right hand and arm are also not doing well), and even tho she kind of brought this on herself (but indirectly encouraging my cousins behavior), its still really upsetting. whenever we go to their house, my sister and i try to shoulder a part of chores, bc 1) our aunt shouldn't have to do everything by herself and 2) we were taught to help. my parents never had any tolerance for us slacking off.
cut to last week when we went to their house, and it was a huge war zone. my aunt kept shouting at my cousin for things that werent her fault (like her asking for approval or complaining about sth someone did), and on the other hand my cousin kept dodging the chores, and when my aunt asked her to do ONE thing she kept snapping at her and complaining like it was a huge deal (it really wasnt. example: my aunt asked her to put her clothes which she had already folded and put on her bed away. my cousin snapped at her that she would do it and she should get off her back and then kept complaining that her folded clothes arent bothering anyone and she shouldnt be forced to put them away. this is not an exaggeration.) i also realized that part of the problem with their relationship was how my cousin kept complaining about everything to my aunt, which makes my aunt go insane bc she needs a break from the negativity, but my cousin is very clingy and would call her multiple times a day just to bitch about sth. and hey, i also bitch about things to my mother, but i dont call her that much when shes/im away, and also i try to balance it with good fun stories. i know my cousin isnt like having a very bad life, she just likes to complain about everything. but this, coupled with her insistent need for approval, and her clinginess, makes for a bad recipe.
so, when i finally had a private moment with my cousin, i told her that she needs to do chores, and this would do wonders to the current tension! i said this very gently and very quickly bc i didnt want my aunt to overhear us, and my cousin started crying and nodding and said she would try. this made me feel a bit calmer about the whole situation, until the next fucking day when my grandparents came to my aunts house and my cousin, u guessed, did nothing to help my aunt. at one point my sister found her kissing her cat instead of setting the table, and it made us both extremely mad.
i think that gently talking with her wont do good, bc she'd probably do the same thing again. i feel like i need to be more stern and a little bit harsher to hammer the point home, bc apparently she doesnt understand anything unless its shouted at her. im not gonna shame her or anything, im just gonna say that she needs to a) continue her therapy (which she has dropped for 5 months) b) take her pills regularly (which she doesnt) c) enforce a clear boundary between herself and her mother no matter how close they and d) do the chores. if she doesnt do these stuff, then she wont be able to get any sympathy from me, and my sister. also cant complain about it anymore if she's not going to do any fucking thing to improve her situation.
so, wibta?
What are these acronyms?
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rhyme-draws-stuff · 2 months
Fantrolls introduction + Artdump
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I made these guys all the way back in October 2023, when I was a bit less than halfway through the comic. They were originally made for a roleplay server but I got too burnt out from school to actually join, and my anxiety was acting up. They're moirails, and wear each other's colors to show that :D
✨a bunch more art and rambling below cut!✨
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Name: Iridia Rimian Pronouns: she/they Gender: demigirl Age: 8 sweeps Height: 5'4 Blood: Teal Classpect: Maid of Heart Derse Dreamer
Iridia's the first fantroll I've ever made, she's not exactly supposed to be a trollsona but she kind of started out that way and I did pour all of the anxieties I had at the time into her when I created her, and also gave her my love of cardigans and drawing, her outfit is modeled after one of mine, and we have the same pronouns. So they're a bit of a self insert in those regards.
Iridia is incredibly scared of the future, she's constantly burnt out and all she wants to do is stay home and draw forever. She struggles to make meaningful connections with people, and is pretty sure she won't live longer than 10 sweeps. Luckily she's not completely alone in the world, she has her moiral and her lussus!
Typing quirk example:
Your Trolltag is iridescentMelody, and you … pause a lot because . you can.t always . think of the right words … … and sometimes you trail off and forget …
… what you were going to say . … you don.t have any variety to your . punctuation . so you have a collection of emoticons to . convey expressions with .^. ^.^   .-.   .^.   .0.   .u.   .o.   .v.   ._.   .~.  .'.  .×. … … … and … … … … … … when you.re … overwhelmed … talking gets … even harder … … … … and you may use just ._. emoticons to express .~. your feelings .×. … but at other times you can be . a bit long winded . you want to make sure that you.re understood correctly . and all of your points . get conveyed .
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Name: Galani Darmor Pronouns: alright with any, but especially likes he/her (specifically in those tenses), ae/aer, and shine/shines Gender: Hero Age: 8.3 sweeps Height: 4'5 Blood: Violet Classpect: Knight of Hope Prospit Dreamer
I made Galani because I realized that Iridia would simply not survive alone in the world, and then as I fleshed aer out to contrast to her I got really attached. A lot of parts of her are also inspired by parts of myself! But maybe a bit less
her deal is basically that he has a huge hero complex. He carries herself with a lot of confidence, which he mostly feels, but he gets very upset if he doesn't feel he's living up to the standard of being "heroic" that he's set up for herself. Galani can get pretty in shines head about issues of morality.
Typing quirk example:
Your Trolltag is mechaHero, and ✨you talk with a lot of ENTHUSIASM and EMPHASIS!✨ ✨and you like to let people know when you APPROVE 👍 or DISAPPROVE 👎✨
✨if you-were-to-get DISTRESSED you would-start-to-talk MUCH FASTER which-thankfully-never happens because HEROES DONT GET DISTRESSED 👎👎👎✨
Here's some more art of both of them!
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This is one of the first Iridia concept arts I made, ft. her lussus!
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Here's some early Galani concepts, and me realizing he should be short actually.
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sketches of them together!
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Pixels arts of them being adorable and in love :D
Also, here's a little chatlog I wrote for them, in their typing quirks:
MH: ✨ hey IRIDIA! 👍✨
MH: ✨ how was WORK today? ✨
IM: … hello . galani ^.^...
IM: … it was . fine …
IM: … mostly -.-
MH: ✨ something happen? 👎✨
IM: … i mean . not really …
IM: … i don.t know ….
IM: … i don't know how . to explain . it was . pretty normal …
IM: … which . might be part of the problem -.-
IM: … but . i think i.d rather talk about something . else …
MH: ✨OK! 👍✨
MH: ✨ want to hear about MECH FIGHTS? ✨
IM: … okay . sure .^.
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dizgreen · 4 months
I think I’ve been on here long enough, so it’s about time I talk to y’all about my Grand Theory of Masculinity.
Yes that is what I call it.
Foreword: I’m a millennial, I’m about thirty years old and if there’s one thing that genuinely makes me think “god I hate the new generation” it’s all this bullshit Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson shit about how to be a “real man.” I absolutely despise this narrative that being a man is all about only caring about yourself and forcing others down to build yourself up. I see it corrupting more and more young men every day and I truly dread the point in time that it takes hold enough to bring back toxic masculine fathers and grandfathers and RUINS an entirely new generation of kids.
So I decided to sit down and think about why it bothers me so much. I’m of the belief you can’t reasonably say you disagree with something unless you have some kind of reason or alternative solution. Thus, I’ve boiled down what *I* consider to be the true essence of “what makes you a man”
To start off with, I don’t believe that you need a certain set of genitals to be considered a “real man”, which is why I put such an emphasis on the word “masculinity.” I believe that sorting people according to exclusively their genitals or their preferred identity is a bit archaic, but I DO believe you can sort anyone, regardless or pronouns or genitalia, into specific definitions of masculine or feminine traits and behaviors. I believe in defining those things as two sides of a whole, like a yin-yang, and that it shouldn’t compromise someone’s identity in any way just for displaying or taking pride in those traits.
So, here’s my big definition. Are ya ready?
Masculinity, TRUE masculinity, I believe, is defined as when someone has a certain aura that makes you feel safe or protected when you’re around that person.
Now a lot of you that are attracted to masculinity might be disagreeing saying stuff like “oh but I like dangerous men” or “no I like it when someone feels a bit scary” but attraction, which is a totally different aspect that’s specific to you. Even then, the VAST majority of people that say they like “dangerous men” typically mean “I like it when men are dangerous and threatening but treat me with love and care” and THATS SAFETY, BRO.
I believe that the true concept of masculinity has been corrupted overtime by the machinations of insecure and weak men trying to convince others that they’re actually what people want in a man. All the signs are there.
A man should be strong to help you feel protected.
but you also have to show you CAN protect them.
A man should be able to provide for his family so they feel safe and comfortable in their lifestyle.
you know you actually have to give them attention as well though, right? You can’t JUST provide a paycheck.
A man should be able to be confident in his decisions so that the people around him feel secure and more confident in their own choices.
When I try think of the most MASCULINE MAN MAN I can possibly think of, you know what the image that comes to mind is? A dad. A slightly overweight dad with a blue collar job and a beard who works his ass off to provide for his family and then comes home exhausted and still finds the time to play a game of catch or wrestle with his kids. I believe that image to be the absolute peak of masculinity.
I truly believe that when people have an attraction to men or women or nonbinaries, they seek certain aspects of masculine or feminine behavior. I believe that when people are attracted to masculine qualities, if you boil down the very core essence of what makes them happy with a masculine partner, you’re going to get “they make me feel safe.”
Again, I’m not saying this is something you need to care about at all or should use to define your gender. This is just my analysis boiling down what I think went wrong which led to this bullshit idea that a real man needs to walk around and demean others and ignore his family and only care about himself while disregarding everyone around him.
I think if we use this one little core tenant as the base idea of what to consider “masculinity”, it could really help the men, women, and nb’s that are seeking a goal or ideal to strive for in what kind of person they want to be.
Sorry for the long post but, TL;DR:
Masculinity is when you make someone feel safe in your presence. NOT when you ignore or demean others around you in an attempt to look bigger.
So Fuck off, sigma bitches
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nahalism · 7 months
You re getting very long questions &i apologize but i don’t think i can make this one short. Different anon i hope it’s okay to tag along. If i am not wrong here a lot of evolutionary psychologist among others go to the nature argument and state that homosexual orientation as we observe in some humans [so a persistent attraction to the same sex, as opposed to a situational one (for example when a partner from the opposite sex-to whom we are fundamentally attracted to-is not available to them so they ”compensate”)] is unnatural and should be corrected or at the very least accepted like any other mental issue but not normalized, treated as a sexuality disorder (because our purpose is to survive and procreate so everything that leads us away from it is a deviation from whats natural, normal and beneficial in this take, that it’s a dis-order and an undesirable state. That plus the argument that ”problems” with sexuality usually go hand in hand with other disorders and mental problems) the argument i saw is that there are cases of homosexual acts in animal kingdom but apparently it’s mostly either accidental, caused by inability to find a partner of opposite sex or if it does happen to be a persistent purely homosexual attraction then the animal gets somehow rejected (like in monkeys) just like they would for any other deviation from the norm. We can observe that they exclude or even ridicule in their own ways individuals that are ”different”, sometimes in rather cruel ways. So i guess that would make some straight people’s disgust and rejection of homosexual people valid and natural in that scenario?
Just to clarify i am not speaking of or from my own views&mind here & onley chiming in to mention something i have personally heard from professionals, something that has been a big block on the road of my own acceptance of my orientation and sth that irks me if i try to look to animal kingdom for answers/guidance and rely on nature arguments too much because they caused me to feel like a malfunction of it rather than part of it. I’d be most interested to hear what you think. I send well wishes
heyyy, disclaimer, im no authority on what is right and wrong. i dont know what the creators intentions are, i can only speak on my own feelings and convictions (all of which are constantly evolving and changing based on what i learn and come to know)
i have heard similar theories, and other theories that differ in their line of argument but lead to the same conclusion. id be lying if i said some of them didnt have a convincing edge/haven't caused me to question the validity of my own sexual orientation. but ultimately, i live life based on my own convictions and beliefs. you can only fight theories with theories, and im not about to formulate a theory to justify myself because i dont want to have to convince anyone of my right to exist as i am. however, what i do have are my feelings and my experiences. ive loved women, ive loved men, ive loved agender/nonbinary folks, and ultimately it all comes down to the same thing. loving another human being — i can tell you now, the love i felt in those moments, was and is incredibly pure. i have no doubt that god, or whatever you wish to refer to it as (if you refer to it at all), approved. and for me personally speaking that enough.
now.. this is controversial but id be lying if i didnt speak on it.. i do think there is a balancing of poles that occurs when a man and woman are together. something, energetically shifts with the joining of two opposing halves and i believe procreation is merely a metaphor/physical symbol for the creative possibilities that come as a consequence of that merging. i think when two opposite individuals learn to harness their receptive and assertive energies and balance those energies both within themselves and as a pair, a specific energetic portal is opened. other souls (aka babies) can come through that portal, however, so can so much more. (a topic for another time). that being said!!! i also dont believe the main purpose of life for both humans and animals is procreation.
the idea we all just come here to make babies and go is very anachronistic, and even more so with the current overpopulation of humans in the world (7.888 billion -__-). if we were all here simply to procreate, i think we'd have completed that mission and returned to source by now, no? perhaps, we are all here as different expressions of the same energy, gathering intel and experience that with the expression of each life, collectively encourages the evolution of our collective consciousness, thus progressing humanity, the beings we share the earth with, and the cosmos at large, forward — perhaps we are helping the universe learn and understand itself, or perhaps the universe is using us to teach one another its own nature, and the true face of love. thus, the love i have for you, for a dog, for my partner, for my mother, for a random pig etc, all compiles into a 'data bank/record' that creates a feedback loop, and each time i love well, or each time i lack love completely, the universal energy learns, we learn, we self correct, and we come closer to unity, closer to oneness, closer to love. unfortunately, contrast and conflict creates greater evolution and need for evolution that homogeny does. without superficial differences would we recognise the depth of our fundamental similarity? without pain/discomfort, would we wholly grasp the joy of experiencing pleasure/comfort?
anyway, to wrap it up, i believe that we all come here with different missions, and maybe for some, their mission is to practice that balancing of halves, and as such experience a hetrosexual relationship. however, for others, their mission may be something else entirely. it may be learning to love and meld with a reflection of their own energy, it may be teaching people that love can take multiple forms, and that the true definition of love is to take another person as a part of yourself and love them, unconditionally, without prejudice, regardless of who they love, or how different they are to the 'norm'. if my theory that the joining of any two individuals creates a form of energy exponentially larger than their physical form in realms invisible to the eye, that still stands for queer couples. fine, the energy may not take the same form in the sense that a child cant be born from it, but that doesnt mean its any less valid, any less important, or any less magnificent in its capacity for what it is able to create.
humans are full of theories and ultimately we as people have to live in our truths and trust in our own intuition before giving credence to the opinions and theories of other people, because after all, they are just people. they are no different to us, and nor are they exempt from being infalliable. be your self and love who you love proudly because loving in a world like this is never something to be ashamed of.
sending u love and well wishes <3
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year
hi yeah big fan of all of your hc for bob's burger :] so i was wondering if you have any gc for Grover Fischoeder or how Calvin and Felix reacted to their parents death
(Sorry for the Fischoeder focus. I am working on a fic for their relationship as a family and I want to include some hc from some blogs)
honestly not a lot of grover headcanons bcuz i dont remember too much about him BUT apparently he comes from "the poor side" of their family which leads me to believe that he's related to them on their mother's side :) makes me think maybe their mom had brown hair and their dad was blonde
i think calvin and felix's mom died when they were maybe in their late teens/early 20s of an illness (probably not cancer but like Scarlet fever or one of those old timey illnesses that we have vaccines for now) and they did NOT cope with it well but bcuz of the traditional culture at the time and toxic masculinity their dad basically told them to push down their feelings and stop being sad about her and literally didnt let them grieve AT ALL and they took that to heart and never discussed her death or talked abt their emotions but occasionally (very occasionally) calvin and felix visit their mom's grave and just talk to her bcuz they really did love and miss her even if she wasnt the best mom and they both clearly wanted her affection
felix has seen calvin cry like one single time in his entire life and it was when their mom died but generally calvin is a lot better at controlling his emotions and not letting anyone see him upset (if calvin has ever cried in canon then ignore this i dont remember LMAO) so felix was really concerned when he saw calvin crying, they never talked about it but it affected them both a lot They need relationship counselling for real
their dad died when they were maybe in their 40s so a lot more recently i think, assuming calvin is in his early 60s which im not sure is actually canon and not just fandom speculation?? their dad left everything to calvin obviously and his already strained relationship with felix got even worse bcuz felix knew that calvin was always his parents favorite, their grief towards their dad manifested mostly in anger and arguments they would just constantly fight, felix felt that calvin mismanaged everything and that he was destroying their dads legacy and calvin held the fact that their dad left everything to him over felix's head, felix is both desperate for calvin's approval and attention and also literally hates him and wants to kill him (and has tried many times!!!!!) their relationship is so unhealthy its ridiculous
calvin and felix have DEFINITELY had a few years where they just didnt talk to each other at all and those were probably the healthiest years for their relationship tbh
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gloomforrestrunes · 10 months
I see character analysis is happening at the moment 👀
AU/Hypothetical time. What would things be like if, changing a few things of course, Eiya was able to claim a position of power in Askon? Would Eiya be spared of the turmoil she faces in canon? Would Kane still somehow be subject to their resentment in some way? Or would things be even more messy than canon if Nex still finds a way to influence her and make life even more hellish for the cast?
id like to present the idea that eiya's resentment of kane isnt purely based off of the fact that he's able to have a position of power while they're unable to. while that certainly doesnt help and does contribute to it, the main cause of eiya's resentment is the fact that both of her parents neglected her in favor of him. unfortunately i dont think her being given any sort of noble-esque position would change her sour relationship with her parents that much. :,) the truth behind eiya's anger is that its actually mostly directed at her parents, but they just cannot stand the idea that she cant do anything about how much her parents resent her. kane is just someone who's... very easy to blame for all of that. in eiya's mind it adds up- kane is viewed as "more important," thus making them less important in her parent's eyes. in reality, feli and vis had already been neglecting her, even before kane was born.
kane was just... a convenient scapegoat for their confusing, angry, and distraught emotions.
its hard to say if it would be better or worse if eiya was given a position of power- just the very nature of her parent's relationship causes her to be resented by them. even though eiya will fight constantly with feli, she still wants her approval. desperately.
none of my character's emotional timelines- whether it be their feelings for another character skewing positively, negatively, or a bit of both- are on a linear scale. emotions are just not that simple. especially when it comes to such a messy, unfortunate situation. sometimes eiya may have days where she cannot fathom thinking of kane as anything other than her endearing impulsive younger brother, while they may have other days where her anger is so overwhelming she begins to cry, because she hates how much she hates him.
their emotions are extremely complicated and oftentimes contradictory, but thats just what happens when you find yourself beginning to despise someone who's also so important to you.
dying stars, and all that.
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oh-theatre · 2 years
Objection!: Chapter 31
Chapter title: Soon
A/n: Stands awkwardly. Hi! Okay so, i know its been two years since the previous chapter and I honestly did not think I would be writing a new one. But this story deserves an ending so I do intend to finish it to all those still out there who read it. So whoever is still here, thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter <3
First | Previous | Next
words: 1511
summary: Pattons finally recovering, where does everyone go from here?
pairings: Logicality, Prinxiety, platonic Demus, romantic Remile
warnings: Hospital mention, Courthouse/Law mentions
Ao3 Link  
“I'm cleared!” Patton announces, a tired whoop from the crowded room makes him giggle. Logan grunts in approval, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. “I get to go home” He explains quietly to the sleeping twins resting on his bed, his fingers carding through their hair.
“And while we’re all ela-” Roman pauses, yawning “-ted, it's far too early” Virgil nods, looking sadly at his now empty cup of coffee. 
“He should be able to be checked out around noon today, we want to go over some home care, medicines he’ll need to be taking…” Patton nods along, not sure where the doctor's instructions fell out of tune but Roman was right it really was too early. Once she had finished, given an extra copy of instructions to Logan and taken her leave, the two made their way out.
“Work and stuff” Virgil had, oh so kindly explained, taking his leave with Roman sleepily guiding him the right way. The lawyer couldn't help but smile, glad his friends finally put the puzzle pieces back together. 
“Hmm” Logan hummed next to him, “I'll be back around noon to pick you up, Emile and Remy have agreed to take the kids for a bit so you'll only have to worry about rest” He explained through his own suppressed yawn. Patton flashes a grateful smile to the detective and his partner, receiving two thumbs up from Remy. He watches as the couple gently lift the sleeping children, waving t​​hem off. “And while I love you” Logan continued “I have work to get to” 
“Aw shucks, you sure you dont wanna hang out with me and my Friends reruns?” Patton teases, Logan lips turn up slightly, signs of an amused smile. “Go, be a lawyer, I'll see you at noon” He assures, tugging the taller down only a bit to plant a kiss.
“Noon then” He confirms before joining the others and leaving Patton alone once more. 
“Finally” he stretches. Don't get him wrong, he loved his friends, he loved Logan, his kids. But finally, eyes weren't constantly watching him, he could breathe. He only hoped this refreshing feeling continued at home. He was finally feeling like himself again, his fingers itching to be back in the courthouse, standing in front of a judge fighting for something, for someone. “George!” He exclaims to himself, rushing for his phone on his nightstand. He practically punches in the number. “George” He smiles, the other line connects instantly. He hears apologetic rambles at first listening as they turn into worries for the lawyer then a burning anger of vengeance. Christ, Patton could barely get a word in. “Ge-” He tries, cant blame him for not being heard over what he thinks is the man shouting at the tv for…existing? He can't help but laugh, shaking his head. “George,” He states firmly, finally receiving silence. He knows, knows you should never judge solely by a cover. Any man can fake who they are, any person can smile while hiding a sinister secret. But Patton couldn't help it, this man wasn't capable of what he'd been accused of.  “I'd love to meet up” 
~~~ “Too early” Virgil complains again, “Early early early” He shakes in defiance. Roman finishes checking himself and his guest into the courthouse, wrapping up a polite conversation with Jenny. 
“Honey” He begins, Virgil's soft “Early”s continuing “Ho-ney” he enunciates, taking his partner's hand. “Coffee?” He offers, allowing himself to ignore just how many the detective had already consumed. Suddenly, like magic, Virgil brightens. Or, as much as he could. After all, he needed some coffee in him. “Come along then, my treat”
“Well I'd sure hope so” the shorter quips, nudging Roman.
“You are spoiled” he decides, lifting up Virgil's hand to kiss it sweetly, regardless of his words.
“Blasphemy, I am so unspoiled, in fact i a-” And before Virgil can continue whatever tangent he planned, Roman saves himself and his ears, he kisses his partner swallowing up whatever words he had. “Cheater” “Work smarter, not harder” Roman grins. And even with Virgil's mumbles of rejection, he was smiling. 
“Is that what you teach my kid when you babysit?” Virgil sighs, though his disappointment is only an act. 
“Absolutely!” Roman nods, his smile wider than ever. “I tell him, I say ‘Damian. Listen, when you're in math class, simply use a calculator’ and oh does he smile” 
“Oh my god, you're a terrible influence” Virgil laughs, feeling his chest bubble with warmth. “He needs to learn how to do math without the calculator” “Virgil” Roman turns, taking the detective's face in his hands. “Mi amor” He starts, Virgil rolls his eyes covering his obvious blush. “When, literally when, will he ever have to do math where a calculator is not available” Romans eyes are stern.
“That's so not the point, it's good for him to have the skill” Virgil rebuts
“The answer is never! Never is he going to be an adult, doing math that requires a calculator, where a calculator is not available” He turns back to the path, stopping by the coffee stand, ordering two cups. 
“You're impossible” Virgil whispers, with absolutely zero malicious intent, watching his breath in the cold air. He joins the judges side, thanking him for the coffee. 
Strolling the courthouse, both fully aware there was no destination, made him happy. Being by Romans side, even in silence, made him happy.
Virgil was happy. 
The guilt washed away with ease. Every ounce that had been shoving him to his knees, grinding them to pieces, let him go. Patton was okay, he was going home, safe. Liam hadn't bothered the group since Logan put him in his place. Remy and him had been forgiven, by both Patton and Logan. James, may he rot, was in jail. And Roman was his. All his to love for however long he was permitted to, a small- no, a big part hoped it was forever. At this bright hour of 8:05 AM, Virgil allowed himself this moment of self indulgence. This moment to be selfish, coffee in one hand, Roman in the other.
He was happy. 
“I am not happy, Tolentino” Heard, processed, and instantly forgotten. Logan's head was killing him, the last thing he needed was a scolding and running on no coffee as well. “I think we need to have a discussion about your recent work ethic”
“Mhm” Logan was barely listening, honestly, his mind was nowhere at the moment. His boss could be firing him from the firm, but he was far too tired to care. After another lecture, Logan was dismissed, giving him ample opportunity to find the nearest coffee booth and consume all of it. 
He had been skeptical of the firm working out of the courthouse at first. Lawyers coming in and out, cases he wasn't on though dying to participate happening just next door, the judges bothering him, it had a recipe for disaster written all over it. But it ended up being perfect. It was exactly the place he wanted to work at. If his stuffy office ever got too much, just a quick stroll and he could find himself in the courtyard, listening to the steady fountain flow. 
It was perfect.
Plus, this is where he met Patton. Fell in love with him, proposed to him, and watched him everyday.
That wasn't so bad. 
He smiled, lifting the coffee to his lips, sipping carefully at the hot beverage. One could argue the worst things also happened here, and they wouldn't be wrong. But the good for Logan, far outweighed the bad. The love of his life walked these halls everyday, lighting up his path as he smiled. Hm, he thought to himself, he should call Patton. He missed his fiancee, and noon was so far away.
“Patton Hart!” A familiar yet welcome warmth creeped on Logan.
“Whos taking whos last name” Well. That was definitely not how he wanted to start the conversation. 
“Well,” Patton thought for a moment, considering Logan's question with sincerity. “Patton Tolentino”
Logan would blame the red tint of his cheeks on the cold air. 
“Its not bad…but I like my last name!” Patton chirps, Logan nods, covering his mouth “And it's the kids last name” It is, Logan's mind was gone once more. Patton Tolentino, Patton Tolentino, the name ran through his mind. “Lo?”
“Present” A soft giggle resonated through the phone “Logan Hart” He repeats, it felt odd falling off his tongue at first. “Loooogan Hart” He tried once more, it wasn't bad. However, could such a sweet name, filled with adoration, suit him. With his mind busy, he hadn't noticed the other line had gone quiet. “Honeybee?” He inquires softly
“Can't we just get married already” Had he not been listening so intently, Logan would have missed the whisper of desperation. 
“What about combining them?” He proposes. A laugh rings through, approving the idea. They continue an idle conversation, but Patton's question continues to play over and over in his mind.
Soon, I promise. 
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
How did Clarke and Lexa's family and friends react when they finally got together?
Family wise:
Jake is super excited Clarke is dating Lexa. He knows Lexa's dad and always gound Lexa to be perfectly darling girl. Abby is a little more apprehensive, she knows Clarke is a bit of an outcast, always been really, but since she came out as trans Abby gets really protective of her, something that can annoy Clarke because its like she's always trying to make choices for Clarke. Lexa does win them over tho, something about the way she talks about Clarke and looks at her tells them she is head over hells for Clarke.
Lexa's adoptive parents are a little more strict. Clarke has met them before but goddamn if she isn't a little scared of them. Gustus gives her a full 'if you so much as make her cry once i will not answer for myself!' while Indra treats her in a very official manner, Clarke almost feels like she's being approved for marriage. In the end tho is pretty clear they like her.
Friends wise:
Lexa's friends kind of.... dont care? Most of Lexa's "friends" are very residual, they are friends by association pretty much and they do not give a shit who is dating who. That being said Clarke isnt the biggest of fans of hanging out with them and pretty quickly its apparent neither is Lexa but for the sake of her team and the student council, she hangs out with them here and there. Anya and Luna are the friends to conquer really and while Luna is pretty easy, Anya seems to always be ready to challenge Clarke to something. She later finds out that it means she is approved as if Anya didn't like her she would not be speaking to her whats so ever.... besides Anya and Luna might be teting to get on Clarke's best friend Raven's good side so they might also just be nice to Clarke because of that.
And speaking of Raven.... she doesn't like Lexa. The rest of the group is fine with her, if she makes Clarke happy they dont care, but Raven is constantly suspicious of Lexa. Despite any past fooling around, Raven doesnt have any romantic feelings for Clarke but much like Abby she is very protective of her. She fears Lexa might be playing some long con on Clarke to humiliate her or trying to steak her away from them. Theres a lot of jealousy there between the two, with Raven constantly hanging off Clarke's arm and continuing to be as affectionate and flirty with her as she was before Lexa came into the picture. Clarke has told her to please tone it down but Raven thinks that if Lexa cant deal with them being friends as they always were then she's just a jealous craze girlfriend who needs to chill. Its not until Lexa and Raven are forced to be alone with one another that they have a real conversation (that might start as a fight) where they talk it out and realize they both just want whats best for Clarke and that Lexa has no intention of playing with Clarke's heart.
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colifower · 1 year
Thor (2011) edit that we deserve:
Midgardian scenes in the style of a whacky romcom
Asgard scenes in the style of a political drama (that actually has lighting so that we can see shit)
I feel as if it would enhance the experience.
Thor wears a pink tshirt at least once and Jane gives him a hairclip that survives his magical girl transformation. btw that is an actual magical girl transformations scene w like the colours and glitters and stuff and his armour changes to reflect his new ethics and values, but still keeps the asgardian style and colourscheme through, except for thors hairclip.
Thors new lightning is 50% brighter 50% more sparkly
Asgard has several instances of workers gossip stopping when Loki is percived.
Lokis costume gets progresively more opressive on the neck area to show how he is axfixiating more and more as the movie goes on. From the valut scene onwards he wears mid-forearm lenght gloves that catch the viewers eye bc THEY DONT MATCH THE OUTFIT. They have stark color that brings attention to them, i havent decided if they are bright emerald green w golden odin-based motif (crows, his spear, something like that) or a pair of golden ones w a green snowflake detail that we see odin wear and take off at some point.
We see frigga actively choosing to do nothing about the situation. She kind of does nothing in the og movie, but i want that to be clear.
The w4 do some snooping before going full on treason. Ask around, get the general workers vibe, u know the drill. They maybe even go to the archives 👀. The thing that gets them to tip over is that Heimdal is there researching seidr in the vault. He tells them he didnt see Loki entering the vault, but when Odin collapsed he was there.
They first brush it off but then go to see Loki to free Thor bc it has Been Known™ that Odin is in odinsleep and he is to take charge. Loki, of course refuses and the scene takes the same route as the og, Loki pulling rank on them.
W4 dont believe it. They get to the door of Odins chambers in the healing wing but they get told off bc they dont have the rank to do that. They get pissed.
They plan the treason.
Loki goes to his advisors and they dont believe/want to cooperate w him. He gets most of his war-preventing stratergies shut down on the basis that they are "childish" and he "doesnt know what he is doing". Loki ends up having to go and tell Heimdal to block off the bifrost himself. He is also shown to lose sleep trying to start off the war preparatives. He gets stopped again and again on the basis of... Well... Being Loki. His advisors/generals dont act unless given a direct order. Morale is low bc nobody wants a king constantly pulling rank on them.
He even overhears the rummor that he killed Odin to steal the throne and that is the last straw.
Thor has essentially the same beats and stuff except for the turning point is not him failing at taking his hammer back, but actually giving the chance to try it up for rescuing Janes notebook. He also learns a skill while on earth. To show his progress beyond war. Probably some diy sort of situation. The Loki scene takes place while he is hammering some nails and he gets spooked and hits himself, Loki comments on his weakness.
The destroyer is sent to kill the w4 (it is implied that loki tried to send soldiers but they refused). Thor regains his powers bc he protects some randos that would b caught in the crossfire, bc the destroyer is not even accounting for humans nd neither are w4.
Darcy expresses her approval for the destroyers phisical form (something to the likes of "he can destroy me iykwim")
Frigga is shown to have the ability to kill Laufey but choses not to. Some random healers in the room manage to fucking get the jotuns ass handled to them. Loki maims Laufey, but keeps him alive to show his army how good of a soldier is. Bifrost is set to destroy Jotunheim and Laufey is forced to watch.
Bifrost fight goes as always, the preppy upbeat motifs of the romcom get mixed in w the dramatic of the asgardian plotline. The only difference is that the destroyer is still being kept on bay by the w4 at the same time.
When the bridge colapses we see one of Lokis gloves get lost in the depths of space dramatically.
The destroyer gets destroyed... By Jane taking Darcys taser and electrocuting that bad boi. It explodes.
Back on asgard they sre celebrating after the funeral. Thor gets pissed off bc why are they celebrating his brothers death?
Thor goes to the dungeons and we see that Laufey has mostly recovered from his injuries. He tells Thor the story of how Odin kidnapped his son for diplomacy reasons. Thor does not believe him much, but still comes down to visit bc it seems as if he is the only other person apart from him that is actually mourning Loki. This is, of course, setup for The Dark World when Loki and Laufey are in neighbouring cells.
Odin is not celebrating either. He is caressing the other glove that Loki left behind. He tells Thor his version of the Loki """""""""adoption""""""""". Thor does not believe his version either, and he finds himself bothered by this fact.
W4 are to be retrieved whenever the bifrost is fixed (thor is helping w his newfound diy skills).
Back on earth, we see that w4 and the midgard team are working/living together in some sort of hybrid of frienship and determination, the motifs of the midgard plotline and the asgard one are in harmony.
The post credit scene is Darcy having a shrine made for the Destroyer. A bunch of bolts, some pics etc. In the center there it is.
The destroyers butt survived the explosion.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
relatiobnships ask game tell me about umm ummm [trying to think of who you havent been asked for yet] SAM AND MAX.right now
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
wait the entire series is built on their dynamic bc 95% of the point of sam and max is just them talking to each other but how do u even. describe it. uhh. Absolutely Terminal Amounts Of Banter. also beating each other up. theyre so?? they just walk around Constantly making jokes just for the others entertainment and also often lightly insulting each other. & also theyve known each other their whole lives and theyre soul bonded. they literally cant be apart from each other for more than a few seconds. seperate them and they both immediately become deeply depressed. theyre codependent. and they show affection by being a little mean to each other and throwing each other through walls. (well sam throws max through walls. i dont think max could lift sam. he bites him tho)
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
aside from the fact that my brain probably remembers them slightly differently bc i havent seen them outside of short clips in a while. mostly im just. the same as 90% of sam and max fans where its. What if they were the same but they got married 90 times for fun. but arguably they have gotten married in canon so
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
THEYRE LITERALLY JUST FUNNY. they are just very funny as individual concepts and significantly more funny put together. their interactions are great for their interactions are the backbone of their franchise. also i love codependency
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
They literally dont know how to exist without each other <3 if sam does not have his little freak there to bounce witty lines off of everything else completely loses meaning. if max does not have his bestie there to hear his deranged comments then hes just being deranged on his own and thats no fun. they met when they were like 8 or something and now its been decades since they were in different rooms for more than a few minutes. they need each other there is something wrong with them and it works for them so its OK
favorite interaction they have in canon
UMM we dont. see it. but i think maybe the thing said in some article or interview or something abt them meeting bc max stole sams lunch back from kids who had stolen it from him. I Think It Was Something Like That. i love that. also i like the opening scene of the thhhird episode of the first telltale game i think? where sam is tossing max up in the air like a baby so he can reach the darts board & then the phone rings and sam stops for a second. thinks abt it. then throws max against the wall so he can go get the phone. (this isnt like a one time thing its a running gag thru thr whole series that whenever the phone rings they physically fight to get it (and sam always wins). but thats my favorite instance bc of the little *pause* *thinking* *tosses max over his shoulder slamming him into the wall like a sack of rice*)
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
oh man i dont know. 305 angst. sam n max fans will look at the 1 serious part of this immensely silly consequences might as well not exist franchise and go Is anyone going to get hung up on this forever and make emotional content about it? and not wait for an answer. and theyre right. hey telltale wh. how did you come up with the devils playhouse. why did. what the fuck is the city that dares not sleep who thought of that. steve purcell approved this. hello? hello?
okthats all thank you <3
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heylinfanclub · 5 months
Where that post where someone excitedly talks and constantly gets put down and then gets asked ‘why do you never talk anymore’ cause I feel. I feel some of that. Feelin like I’m. Finally he grasping the concerns of my friends in college. That whole. ‘I don’t create as much, I don’t share as much, I don’t have goals as much’. As I relearn to accept imperfection I realize a lot of that disappeared cause NOBODY BELIEVED IN MY DREAMS OR GOALS. nothing I aimed for seemed good or realistic enough for others. So I just decided nothing is good or realistic enough at all. And became. Completely incapable of looking at my creations or goals without becoming the ultimate critic of ‘HOW USEFUL IS IT IN THE LONG RUN? DOES IT PUT FOOD ON YOUR TABLE? DOES IT IMPRESS THE CROWD? NO? THEN DONT DO IT. WHY BOTHER. NOBODY WILL APPROVE, YOU WILL FACE PAINFUL REJECTION AGAIN’
Sigh. Sigh. I wanna fight that.
Equestrian telling me to be more reflective on my negative feelings (nicknamed The Bothers: Critic, Guilt, Fear, Overwhelm). There’s also Irreverence who is rare and scary (I don’t LIKE thinking Nothing Matters…).
Equestrian tells me all these pieces can be useful. Have their places have their tasks that don’t get in the way of me or hassle me or scare me. Critics great for maintaining my ethics, guilt punishes me in situations where I may not be punished for straying from my conscience (but should only be for the things I truly believed in!!), overwhelm reminds me I need a fucking break—- fear tries so hard to keep me safe. And irreverence oh irreverence it makes some hard things less impactful sometimes doesn’t it?!
Sometimes I just hate being so. In my head. Being in therapy so long. Basically only having therapy as my main life thing for years now. It helps a lot but I just. Feel like I’m losing my ability to connect with other people about feelings in a NORMATIVE FASHION. I’m too analytical. I talk about my feelings too abstractly (like they’re people or wild animals attacking me). But that’s THE CRITIC making BASELESS ASSUMPTIONS. I’ve never been normative and I’ve never wanted to be, I just want to be accepted and for people to have some pATIENCE. Talking about my feelings like they’re not me HELPS, and they’re not me, I’m my actions dammit. Hrmhrmhrm. Thoughts.
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