#but once the brain thoughts set in i couldnt stop thinking about it
whollyjoly · 4 months
alright we doing crazy predictions for 911 tonight??
here we fucking go:
tim nash isnt going to be bobby's brother, he's going to be bobby's dad in a flashback
hear me out-
john brotherton, who's listed as playing "tim nash" on the imdb page for step nine, is 15 years younger than peter krause. now, it could be that bobby just has a much younger brother. BUT, i think with that age (44) being peak Dad Age, it makes a whole lot more sense to me that its flashback!dad than brothers
the synopsis for 7x08 says that "bobby delves deep into memories of his childhood, unearthing moments from his fractured past" and like...if we're going to see memories of his childhood, again a 44 year-old playing "tim nash" makes a lot more sense for a dad!!
we've heard a bit about bobby being a third generation firefighter, and its something that he's very proud of. i think it would be really interesting not only to see his dad as a firefighter, but see that hero worship from bobby towards his dad, and his early love for the work and for saving people...especially in the context of dealing with the trauma of the apartment fire.
if bobby has always wanted to be a firefighter, watched his dad saving lives and heard stories of his grandfather doing the same, what would his young self think of the man who caused so much grief and pain, of the man that amir thinks he is, of the man who cost 148 lives?
maybe, just maybe, "step nine" isn't just making amends with amir, but making amends with his past self, the one who just wanted to help people, who he feels like he betrayed??
because i would LOVE to see that kind of angst - the reconciliation between the man bobby dreamed he would be and the man he is now.
and like....thats not even approaching the question of bobby's "fractured past" that the synopsis talks about, which i have...so many questions about
we know basically nothing about his family - what if bobby's dad also struggled with addiction? or had something happen at work that also cost lives, and young bobby was never able to forgive him for that? maybe bobby sees the anger amir holds towards him, and realizes that he still holds something like that towards his own father?
bobby has talked about a brother before, but i think the only time that he's mentioned it was in a story about playing "lawn darts when they were kids". maybe something happened to his brother, and he's held his father responsible for all these years? in the same way amir holds bobby responsible?
i have!! no idea!!!
i dont exactly know what they're going to throw at us (shakes fist at tim affectionately), but i think that with where this season has been going - focusing on the cornerstones of our main characters, of the things that run the deepest and are haunting the narrative (eddie's catholic guilt, buck's bisexuality, chim's journey and love for his family, doug, kevin, shannon) - it would make sense for us to take a look into bobby's childhood, something we basically no nothing about.
and with that, i truly think that "tim nash" as bobby's dad makes a lot more sense than it being his brother, and that's who we're going to see in flashbacks tonight.
but, whatever happens, i cannot WAIT to see where the angst train takes us! ✨
(bonus, since im thinking about that sweet bobby angst: do you ever think about whether bobby feels a deep sense of failure and guilt that, because of him, there will never be a 4th generation firefighter in his family? do you think the first time bobby told his dad he wanted to be a firefighter when he was a kid, his dad looked both so proud but also so worried? and when asked about it his dad just said "you'll understand when your kid says the same to you"? and that bobby realizes he will never understand because he took that chance away from them?
...cause yeah, i think about that sometimes)
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jackiebrackettt · 9 months
ermmm hello i am here for writing prompt what about this :
late night conversation between gill and chip, maybe about how gill wears his heart on his sleeve and chip both admires that about him and think its stupid, wishes he was more like him but also knows he couldnt get away with it cuz hes not gill, just has a lot of conflicting emotions about gillion and doesnt like how vulnerable that makes him feel. something like that.
(Prefacing this with i haven’t been caught up on riptide for a while now so this is ambiguously set somewhereeee around whatever era you think it works best thumbs up emoji)
Chip can’t sleep. An annoyingly more frequent occurrence he’s been dealing with. And he knows that lying there will probably be better for him in the long run—at the very least, no one will ask him questions about why he’s awake in the middle of the night—but he drags himself out of bed, anyway.
He’s antsy. His legs aching like they need to move. So, he does.
He heads to the kitchen first. Picks up a snack to entertain himself with while he mopes around on deck. Maybe he’ll go to the crow’s nest, and stare out at the sea—try to spot their next destination, even though it’s far from being in eyesight. Or maybe he’ll climb out to sit on the figurehead. Dangle his legs over the water.
Or maybe, he’ll go talk to Gillion. Who’s leaning against the railing, staring down at the waves below them. Huh.
“Hey, Gill.” He keeps his voice quiet, and decides not to comment on the way Gillion makes an aborted movement to reach for his sword. “Couldn’t sleep, either, huh?”
“I suppose so.” Gillion sighs.
“So,” Chip sits up on the railing, and takes a bite of his snack, “what’s got you up?”
“Just… thinking.” Gillion shrugs. “You?”
“Oh, I was just hungry.” Chip lies. And, well, he didn’t actually consider it a lie until he realised he was saying it to Gillion. “I mean… I dunno. Just felt like I had to move. And why not grab a midnight snack, huh?”
“True,” Gillion sighs again, “very true.”
“Do you, uh, want some?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Do you… want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about. I think…” Gillion hesitates. “I think I’d rather talk about nicer things now, you know?”
“Yeah, sure, I can do nice.” Chip wracks his brain for anything light-hearted. “It was, uh, sweet how you bought that kid that book back at port. Or, well, used my money to buy it.”
“Thank you.” Gillion smiles, but it’s a tired thing. “The ability to learn is a great thing. I wouldn’t want to bar anyone from that if I can help it.”
“Yeah, yeah, always the hero.” But even as he rolls his eyes, it comes out much more fond than he’d want. “Someone’s going to exploit you for that, you know? Well, again.”
“Maybe.” Gill’s eyes catch his now, and something nervous scrambles around in his chest. “But it’s worth it.”
“Yeah. I guess.” Chip darts his eyes away, and coughs. “It’s—it’s good. Yeah. And even though I think it’s kind of stupid! I… I do admire you for it… I guess.”
“Thank you, Chip.” The smile on his face is a little more lively now. “And, you know, since you’re well versed in scamming people, maybe you can help me notice the difference.”
“Oh, I’ll try.” Chip promises, with a false bravado. “But once you’re on the path of honour, and doing good it’s, like, impossible to drag you off it, man.”
“Well, I promise I’ll listen to you.” Gillion rests his hand on Chip’s knee, and despite the coolness of his skin making its way through Chip’s pants, he feels warm. “I know you like doing good, too.”
“Well, I don’t know about—I mean, I’d like to, but—” Chip bites his tongue—trying to stop the meaningless rambling so he can gather his thoughts. “Well, I’m not you. I don’t do all that… hero crap.”
“Oh, don’t say that! You’ve helped a lot of people, Chip!”
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
Gillion laughs a little. Squeezes his knee, before withdrawing. Chip kind of misses the touch.
For a moment, they both lapse into silence. Thoughts swirl around Chip’s mind, none of which he’s particularly interested in entertaining.
He finishes his snack, and claps Gill’s shoulder.
“C’mon.” He jumps back onto the deck. “Let’s go try and sleep, yeah?”
Gillion sends him another smile that he has to look away from. Too much for the complicated tornado spinning through his brain right now.
He remembers when he wanted to get Gill to laugh at one of his jokes. Properly laugh. He used to think Gill was so uptight.
But kindness, and all the associated emotions come easy to Gill in a way they don’t come to Chip. And maybe he’s a little jealous of how easily Gillion can express his love for his crew without wrapping it up in anything else.
They say goodnight to each other. Chip checks on Jay, but she seems to be sleeping fine—didn’t even wake up when their conversation drifted closer to her.
And Chip tries to fall asleep.
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | All Chapters
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GENRE | Coraline au, angst, suspense,
SUMMARY | What happens when Seonghwa returns to the home he was once fond of as a child? This time around making his return as a full adult with the company of friends. Nightmares and old friends return and the button eyes that Seonghwa desperately escaped as a child have returned to haunt he and his friends.
WARNING | Graphic descriptions, mentions of death, ghost children, witchcraft, grsphic nightmares, arson, lost memories
MORE | Based on the childrens novel & Henry Selick film Coraline
Before i go any further i want it to be known i am in no way claiming Coraline as my own. I wrote a concept for a part 2 or spinoff long ago and I just felt that it was time to finally put it to use. I do not own Ateez or any Coraline named Characters in this story but the Storyline is indeed a self made one.
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And so the four boys found themselves huddled up by the fireplace sitting in silence. Mingi hasn't spoken a word about what he heard and Seonghwa seemed lost in thought. He couldnt stop thinking about his night terror from the previous moment, he hadnt had any nightmares since he was eleven.
"So what exactly was it that you heard Mingi?" Yunho spoke up finally deciding to break the silence.
"Sounded like..like a kid, i woke up to get some water and when i passed the art room there were i dont know silent cries or something, if ive learned anything from the movies Jongho has forced me to watch its if you hear things like that you run the opposite direction." Mingi babbled without even stopping to take a breath.
"Have you been forcing him to watch horror movies again?" Yunho turns to look at Jongho who simply shrugs his shoulders in response.
Yunhos eyes then shoot to Seonghwa who hadnt spoken a word since the four of them set up their space down there. He could tell that something was wrong but he didn't want to question it. All he knew was that distant look in Seonghwas eyes showed he saw something that shook him up.
"Movie or no movie, i know what I heard."
The next morning while Yeosang took the others into town Seonghwa found himself alone in the house as he awaited Hongjoongs arrival. The fact that he couldn't remember much even having spent soo much time in the house bothered him. As he waited he decided to search around as Yunho had said the previous day. Many doors remained locked and he couldn't hide his curiosity as to what lay beyond the other side.  The man tried every key that he'd found in the kitchen drawer, but to his dismay neither worked. It didn't quite add up to him that there wasn't a key in the house that seemed to work.
When Hongjoong arrived the two sat silently drinking tea in the kitchen. Needless to say it was quite awkward between the two, after all thirteen years had passed without the two having talked with one another.
"I assume you didn't simply call me here for company while you drink your tea Seonghwa..so what is it that you need from me?" Hongjoong asks as he places his up down onto the countertop.
Seonghwa sat silent for a moment as if thinking over what he should say. "What happened here Joong, Ive been racking my brain trying to remember something, anything from my past here yet it seems like any memory of those days are non existent in my mind." At his words Hongjoong seemed to stiffen in his seat and this didn't go unnoticed by Seonghwa
"So you dont remember anything...? Nothing at all from your stays here..?"
"I know you know something about this place, you were eager to leave the moment you let us into the place when we arrived. Yeosang said that Mr. Bobinsky told him stories about this place, what is it that I'm not remembering.. what happened here"
Hongjoong could sense the desperation in Seonghwas voice but he still remained unsure on whether he should bring up any memory of the past. Perhaps Seonghwa was better off left in the dark about everything he had experienced there. Hongjoong had never had it as bad as Seonghwa when it came to the old manor but there were a few moments HongJoong spent in the house that just the thought of sent chills down his spine. As if the lord had answered his prayers to end the conversation there was a soft click as the door opened before loud voices were heard in the foyer.
"They were into me, I could have had two dates for that movie drop tomorrow night." A voice unfamiliar to Seonghwa whined amongst the many other loud voices before a voice he recognized as yeosangs spoke in response.
"Two girls out of the many that already fawn over you already I think youll be fine Wooyoung." He spoke menacingly before pushing the door to the kitchen open. In walked the others, this time accompanied by two men unfamiliar to Seonghwa but familiar to Hongjoong.
Hongjoong locked eyes with Yeosang, a look that spoke a thousand words but most of all a look that said to him "we need to talk"
Pulling Yeosang from the kitchen and away from the others hongjoong brings his arms up to his chest. "What have you been telling Seonghwa?''
"What have you been telling Seonghwa about the house yeosang?" hongjoong questions once more, at his serious tone Yeosang finds himself somewhat cowering before him.
"Not much, after all i don't really know much he gave me a tour earlier and i just told him about the stories that my grandfather would share with me about the place i didnt think it was such a big deal-" he shrugs
"Leave the story telling to your grandfather Yeo, there's a reason Seonghwa left this place, all the ghost stories, the things youve heard about the manor. Keep them to yourself or refrain from telling Hwa. the last thing we need is him running around here looking into things that will only hurt him." at hongjoongs words yeosang fell silent. He had never seen his friend this serious about the topic. To be honest though he knew he should have simply listened to what his best friend had been telling him, yet instead he found himself getting even more intrigued by his sudden change in demeanor.
The next morning each of the guys went their separate ways, Mingi found himself exploring the garden out back, Yunho and Jongho had gone out into the town to search for a job that actually interested them in the small old town. This meant that once again seonghwa had been left in his home alone. After unpacking the boy had grown bored and decided that he'd explore the rest of the house. It had been so long since he walked those halls and he couldnt seem to pull a single memory from anywhere in his head. As seonghwa made his way down the hallway his eyes had landed on a space beneath the stairwell, the wallpaper had been peeling and he could have sworn he could make out what looked to be a door. He drew closer and as he reached out his hand to brush across the wall he heard a faint whisper and then there was a knock at the door. He chalked it up to him simply hearing things and made his way up front to open it.  As he swung the door open there stood hongjoong with a smile on his face.
"Hello there mars~'' he greets him in a sing-song voice before pushing past him and into the house.
"Are you seriously back to calling me that again?'' Seonghwa groans at the use of his old nickname, one that Hongjoong had used to greet him ever since they were children.
"For as long as we know each other yes, I plan on using it for the rest of our lives.'' Hongjoong laughs as he made his way into the kitchen.
"Used grandmas recipe made bibimbap, kimbap, kimchi and tteokboki, figured you guys hadn't had time to grocery shop yet and since she didnt add the proportions to her recipe book i accidentally made enough for at least ten.'' he laughs as he places all of the food into the fridge.
"Thanks no matter the amount i'm more than sure Mingi, Yunho and Jongho will be grateful they could eat for days.'' he laughs as he rests his head on his palms.
"Hongjoong, was there any construction or something done to the house while I was away?'' Seonghwas question earns a confused glance from his old friend.
"Construction? No I don't think so why?''
"Well I was taking a look around the house and the staircase, it seems like someone blocked off something.'' hongjoong pressed his lips into a thin line, he was well aware of what hid behind the wall but he refused to tell Seonghwa, so he found himself struggling to come up with a lie, any sort of lie when the front door opened and in walked Jongho and Yunho. Hongjoong immediately sighed and thanked the gods.
"Ah Hongjoong you're here today.'' Yunho sang happily as he took a seat at the counter beside Seonghwa.
"Yes yes, I came to drop off some food how was the job search?'' Hongjoong avoided Seonghwas gaze knowing very well that he had been waiting for him to answer the question.
"Well I start my job at the daycare in a week and Jongho here will be working at the theater with Wooyoung and San." he cheerfully pinches Jonghos cheeks earning a glare from the latter.
"Well this calls for a celebration, yes? How about we go out tonight grab food and some drinks  at the old pub across the street from drearylane park?'' Hongjoongs suggestion got immediate yeses from both jongho and Yunho who nudged seonghwa to get excited for it as well. Seonghwa on the other hand had been too lost in his thoughts wondering why Hongjoong had avoided his question. Ever since seonghwa had arrived back there hongjoong seemed to be acting weird
Later that night when Seonghwa was finally able to gather his three routy roommates, Hongjoong gathered the other three and they all made their way into town. Along the way Hongjoong had been telling the guys the history of the town, the backstories behind the few buildings that were actually left in the town.
"Wait, so some fire took everything out? How come it didn't take out everything?'' Yunho asks, only getting a shoulder shrug from Hongjoong in response.
"That part I'm not sure of. Grandma only ever tells me bits and pieces since you know..she doesn't really remember much, there also isn't much about the fire or what caused it in the town library files." the others nodded in understanding as they followed along
For the rest of the night the eight of them stuffed their faces and drunk until every word they said was barely audible, well everyone except Seonghwa that was. He kept thinking about the door and the house, something about being there bothered him. Why couldn't he remember a single detail? He remembered crying his eyes out as a child when his mother told him he wouldn't be going back to grandmas but he couldnt for the life of him even remember any memories of having been ther with her. Standing up from his seat Seonghwa slipped away from the group of guys that were now drunkenly yelling at one another over a game of mafia. As soon as he stepped outside he took in a deep breath before taking in the old town, his eyes then landed on the old park and to his surprise a little girl stood there staring back at him.
"Are you lost..? Why are you out here all alone?'' he asked? Worry laced in his tone as he looked around in search for the little girl's parents.
No answer.
"Where are your parents?'' he further questioned, once again being met with silence.
"Who are you talking to?" Yeosangs voice startled him, pulling his attention away from the little girl only momentarily.
"Um i was asking her where her parents were.'' Seonghwa responds, earning a confused glance from Yeosang.
"Who?'' As Seonghwa turned and raised his hand to point into the direction of the girl his eyebrows knit together as he too now grew confused. The girl had been standing right there and it was as if she had just vanished.
"You know what nevermind, did you need something?'' he turns back to yeosang who only shrugs his shoulders at the mans odd behavior.
"Well mafia got out of hand and Wooyoung bit Jongho and now he's chasing him around the pub like a maniac and Mingi is chasing jongho trying to get him to sit down.'' At his words Seonghwa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Why is it always those two.'' He follows Yeosang into the pub taking one last look back in the area in which the girl once stood.
Their night out ended with them all walking back to seonghwas place, wooyoung with a pout on his face having been turned into a human punching bag by Jongho and Jongho with a smug grin on his after having gotten Woo back for biting him. They each disappeared into their rooms San and Wooyoung sharing one of the guest rooms and Yeosang and hongjoong having their own rooms, unbeknown to them this would be a rough night for each of them.
This was part of the reason Hongjoong hadn't slept in that house and barely stepped foot into it since Seonghwa had left. The night terrors, the nightmares that all seemed to come flooding back due to just one simple visit to the house.
As Hongjoong walked along the garden he could hear faint whispers from the woods behind him. Unwillingly his body moved towards the whispers and they grew louder and louder as he began to close the distance. A familiar black cat circled his feet as if forbidding him from moving any further but he continued on. He found himself looking back at an old memory one hat he thought the pills had helped bury deep.
He and aYoung seonghwa stood shouting and screaming as the woman in black held Seonghwa by his neck, her slick fingers squeezing tight enough to draw blood. Hongjoong bit her ankle making her hiss and drop Seonghwa to the ground before reaching out for hongjoong. It was then that Seonghwa raised the medallion and a loud screech emitted from the woman before she disappeared. It was then that Hongjoongs eyes locked with his younger self and he woke up in a pool of sweat
He found himself quietly making his way down the hall to grab some water from the kitchen, now finding it hard to get himself to sleep again. To his surprise he found Seonghwa sitting at the window with a cup of tea in his hand.
"I guess you couldn't sleep either?'' Hongjoong chuckles and makes his way over to the fridge pouring himself a glass of water.
"Not really haven't really been able to sleep since we got here.'' Seonghwa sighs and pulls his legs to his chest to make room for his friend to sit.
"There are so many details that just arent adding up in my head, so many things I feel like i'm missing being here.'' he sighs and Hongjoong immediately felt guilty he knew why but he vowed to his grandma coraline that if he ever returned he wouldn't speak a word.
"Hongjoong you know something, I'm sure of it. Ever since I came back you've been acting weird and ever since that day you pulled yeosang from the kitchen you've been even weirder. What is it you aren't telling me?'' hongjoong sighs, he couldnt help but grow slightly annoyed at his friends' persistence.
"Seonghwa there are some things just not meant to be remembered, whatever you think it is that you feel you should be remembering do yourself a favor and let it go. It'd be best that you just carry on as if there's nothing bothering you. You're better off not remembering.'' he stood from the bay window with his water in hand and made his way to the door.
"I'm going back to bed, you should try and get some rest." Honjoongs leaves the room with a sigh, leaving seonghwa alone to wallow in his silence.
After finishing his tea Seonghwa silently shuffles back to his room. He thought for sure that Hongjoong would give him something, even the tiniest of detail of what had happened back then but instead he told him nothing, and basically asked him to completely forget the thought of any past memory here.
Seonghwa closed his eyes and tried his best to fall back asleep, it felt like time had gone by so slowly until he naturally found his eyes fluttering shut and soon his entire body relaxed as he finally fell asleep.
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sheikah-simp · 1 year
Exile//Vilify, One Year Retrospective
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Well folks, as of May 31st, 2023, it has officially been one whole year since the last update for Exile//Vilify was released, and it simultaneously feels like way longer than that and not very long at all. But, in celebration, I wanted to take some time to look back on my thoughts and ideas and processes that led up to the creation of this story, and share some appreciation for all that’s happened since then.
First of all, this book is massive, and it was way more massive than I thought it would be when I set off to write it. It is almost as long as Tolkein’s “Two Towers” and other similar novels—not what I was expecting when I went in to write an origin story about a character completely lacking in personality with no backstory. But if there is one thing I do, and do well, it is commit to the bit. And here, the bit was doing justice to a character I saw having so much potential but was, quite literally, doomed by the narrative, and built to be a throwaway character for a spinoff game consumed by his own hubris and never developed or mentioned again. And I thought to myself, “Man, that sucks! What would it be like to be him?” And the answer is: it would suck a lot, actually. But also in that vein, I still wanted to portray how his life was still a life worth living, and his story, one that was worth telling. Even if it is one that doesn’t “matter” to Nintendo or the LOZ franchise as a whole, even if it’s one I had to entirely make up grasping for straws, it is one that mattered to us. And that’s kind of the thesis of the entire book.
Many of you know I’m a Pokemon writer (hence username) and I never really intended to write in other fandoms, but I dont know what I expected. Something about this character just fucking gripped me, and I couldnt let myself stop until his story was out of me. But the thing is, I wasn’t super interactive within the Pokemon fandom. I had actually just ended a huge general life hiatus for mental health and had made a resolution to get back to what I love. The result of that was the completion of The Devil and the Dead Sea and the start of my hardenshipping series. But I just kind of dropped that book on AO3 when it was complete and then didnt interact with anyone. I wrote it and then uploaded it all at once, which didnt give me a lot of time or opportunity to develop a community and discuss updates. I had a few people who reached out, but nothing close to the type of community I’ve felt now.
I have been so full of love and blown away by the support I’ve received from this small but mighty niche in the community. So first of all, I just want to say thank you. I'm so glad that I could bring this story to life and so blessed to think of how many people it's touched. So now I just want to take a moment and look back on the book and how it started, what things changed, and where it's going and what's happening in the future.
Exile//Vilify's conception
Does it feel like a trial? Does it trouble your mind the way you trouble mine?
The band, The National, has inspired I think all of my fics to this point. After playing Age of Calamity, Astor had been swimming around so much in my head, especially since so much of his mysteries were unanswered. And one day blorbo was on my brain in just the correct way at just the correct time when I happened to be listening to a completely unrelated song from Portal 2, Exile Vilify. The book, of course, has nothing to do with Portal, but on that particular day, the lyrics really spoke to me of Astor and his potential struggles, and I became fascinated with the idea of him and his ideological square-off against the king: a man who was so set on defying prophecy and the man who, well, prophesied it.
So Exile//Vilify was born, to me, actually in the concept of a butting of heads between King Rhoam and Astor. I saw the song lyrics as a dialogue between the two of them, mutual antagonistic (but also troubled) feelings shared between them. So King Rhoam was actually going to have a much bigger role in my original vision for Exile//Vilify. In fact there was a toss up in my mind between whether or not he'd have an odd homoerotic rivalry thing for the king, or his crush on the queen, but--
But the simple fact of the matter is I found Rhoam super unlikeable and sadly couldn't find a good way to get into his head in a way that would be sustainable for a novel. So while the concept is what initially gripped me, Exile//Vilify ended up going in a different direction, although the inception of that concept is definitely still there. The closest I've gotten to writing my desired dynamic between Astor and the King was in "Prophecies to Waterfowl," a one-shot in my short stories compilation Stories from Exile. ("Prophecies to Waterfowl," aside from "Voe and You," is my favorite of my stories in that compilation).
Other things that were cut/changed in the writing process
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When I realized the fic was getting as massive as it was, I wanted to streamline its focus and decided to cut down on some plotlines. I could have just left it was it was, because fic writing is about being self-indulgent, but I want to challenge myself to be a better writer than that. (Not that there is anything wrong with just writing to be self-indulgent, but I use my fics as my place to practice and get better, so I need to.. actually practice).
One of the biggest things that was therefore cut was the relationship between Astor and Ganondorf, and the implications of Astor's past lives. How Astor became the one selected by Ganondorf. Because in the fic, it just ended up seeming random, which was intentional. Fate is merciless and random and does not pick and choose, while also picking and choosing.
There were going to be more Astor and Ganon dream scenes planned, and a plotline of Astor's "awakening" somewhere along the line where he unlocked visions of his past as a different kind of royal seer--the seer to Ganondorf. There are hints of this in the dreams, but nothing concrete.
Still, the idea of what "could be" still fascinates me, and I love the idea of exploring the idea of Astor as Ganondorf's reincarnated seer, and I have a one shot that I am currently working on that explores this very concept, and can be considered canon (or semi-canon) to Exile//Vilify. I hope to have that out... soon. Ish. Eventually. I have a lot cooking right now.
Other honorable mentions:
Astor was going to have more blatant romantic feelings for Rose.
Astor was going to have more blatant romantic (or complicated) feelings for Rhoam.
The contention between Ganondorf trying to push Astor into evil and Thelem agreeing to block Ganon from Astor in the meantime was also going to be explored more, but Ganondorf got his last laugh on that eventually.
Even more fucking Order of the Seers stuff (culture, rituals, etc)
Chapters of Astor stalking Link and Zelda leading up to the awakening of the Calamity
More Yiga scenes (my little teen Kohga gives me oxygen) and Astor building a cult following of people who worship Ganon
Astor having basically a weird prophetical drug addiction to the "high" of witnessing the Great Calamity in his visions (this is kind of implied in the book, but not expanded on)
All of these things, ultimately, were great ideas, and things I'd love to explore and maybe will some day if I'm ever inspired enough on any of them to write anything concrete. They were just things that slightly detracted from the story I wanted to tell. But that's why I keep Stories from Exile around.
So What's Next?
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As I mentioned, I have a few things Exile//Vilify related still in the works. The first is that Astor/Ganondorf one shot I was talking about. (Likely going to be called "Prophet to a Gerudo King.") I also have a secret surprise fic commission that is also Astor/Ganondorf related and involves an AU and the Stories from Exile universe ;) (that one will hopefully be out soon).
I have a lot of things on my Stories from Exile list that were not out yet, and I may revisit them if I'm feeling or have the time. I'd love to keep updating that one every now and again, now that Exile//Vilify is complete, just to keep the world alive.
I also am planning on doing a limited, hard-cover release of Exile//Vilify to celebrate its publication. I have a great team of people who have been slowly helping me copyedit this massive beast so I can get it printed from a self-publishing company. It will not be publicly listed for sale, as it is illegal for me to sell or make money off of it. This hardcover will only be available to obtain for those who contact me on tumblr during a specific time frame. That time frame is not now. When I have a more clear set date for that, I will circulate posts. You will have to cover the cost of shipping and maybe some of the printing depending on what the cost is on my end, but the book will be free. It will likely be 500+ pages. It will likely happen by the end of the year.
That said, as the book nears being printed, if you would like to lend a hand proofreading, there is still time!! Please just DM me. You will have the option to be credited in the hardcover if you'd like.
And finally, you'll still be able to find me here, and updating in my other writing. I still really love receiving asks about this book, so please never be a stranger to my inbox. Sometimes I have more energy and power to reply than others, but every ask always makes my day.
I have planned "Trouble Will Find Me," which is a Thelem and Azelphir prequel that will detail some of the stuff that I didn't have time to develop about the Order of the Seers, and Thelem's origin story. This one I might just release all in one chunk - uncertain right now. At that point though... isn't that kind of just original fiction.... set in the BOTW world???? Unsure.
I'll also be returning to my Pokemon series, The Dead Sea Trilogy, if you have any interest in that fandom or my other writing.
That's all I have for you! Thank you all so much for an amazing year (really more than that, since I've been posting about this big honkin' thing since December 2020...) and thank you so much for being such a great community. I can't wait to see where else this journey leads.
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raw-law · 4 months
In response to the other anon asking if you guys look for our identities, frankly i couldnt care less if you know who i am, its fairly easy to figure out. i just like reasons to relate myself to Deer. I did a self portrait once as a deer mount pouring blood. it was quite...something. definitely got a lot of responses to that one.
as for art being subjective vs objective:
i can see where each of you in coming from in that sense. some things ARE blatantly what they are and it would be kind of wild to say otherwise. like who am i to tell Da Vinci that the Mona Lisa is actually an space cat alien, not a woman. but i do still think its possible to get multiple interpretations out of her.
i will also be the first to say im not a fan of the genre of what is technically in the art world called a "ready-made". basically like what you said, taking an object that already exists, fastening it to something, setting up lighting for it, etc. ya know, MINOR changes and calling it art. im not a big fan. its lazy and unoriginal in my blunt opinion. it doesnt create new ideas and thoughts in my brain unless i BS them. like if i see an apple on a pedestal, im taking it at face value, because its simply an apple on a pedestal. it being placed on something doesnt make it any less or more to me. its just an apple. and according to your definition, it would not be art since it does not cause or create new ideas or conversation to flow. it furthers nothing.
unfortunately, in the art community, its hard to have this debate because the widely used definition is the "everything is art" one and some people cannot take criticism to save their life. if you tell suzy sue that her michael jackson x barack obama fanart is not visually compelling and offer her advice, she might cancel you on twitter. we all need to stop being wusses and also stop being rude in the art world. its important to give your fellow artists helpful and meaningful critique and feedback without being harsh or condescending. and it is of equal importance to learn to accept that feedback and use it to better yourself as an artist.
i think another big thing for me and whether something is actually art is the design itself. does it have an interesting composition? does it use an impactful color scheme? does it have a focal point? etc, etc. if these points can be argued for a piece, im more willing to call it art.
realism is also a point of contention because some will ask "whats the point if it just looks like a photo?" the skill, the effort, the time. the unique touch of human hands that gives it a slight charm even in the most hyper realistic pieces. that is the point.
have another piece as a treat. a drawing i did from life for class last semester, its a plant. about as opposite as you can get from the other piece i shared:
Ooh, that's interesting. Why the choice of deer, though, so specifically? Is it for some reason, or just an instinctive decision?
And I agree with your point on what you've referred to as "ready-made". I guess, for art to be meaningful, it has to mean something in the first place, and an apple sure as hell doesn't mean anything to people. Honestly, it seems like lazy artwork to me, even though I'm not an artist. But I'd like to ask you: what exactly would you define as 'ready-made'? Would that mean, then, that photographers' work are technically also 'ready-made', as all they're doing is taking picture of something preexisting and hence not creating, in that sense? What's the boundaries between something that's art, and something that's 'ready-made'? Is it something that you can define at all?
There's this branch of art called 'Dadaism', and there are some works inside that may be considered 'ready-made' in a way. For example, Marcel Duchamp's Fountain and Bicycle Wheel are famous examples of that art movement. And Dadaism was actually made up of artists who wanted to use this nonsensical, crazy form of art to express horror and disgust of the bloodshed that occurred during World War 1. It was commonly known as the 'anti-art' movement, and its main purpose was to create art that would confuse, shock or even aggravate the public.
This ties in to what you'll see Ryuzaki discuss below. Perhaps the occurrences of this 'ready-made' art isn't really the art itself, but it's the thoughts and emotions the artist wanted to express when making the art. And, if this 'ready-made' art exists because of a true effect the artist intended to create on the general public, then it's arguable that it could be considered as art, because isn't art used to express your feelings in the first place? Even though I still don't really consider 'ready-made' pieces as art...it's still interesting food for thought.
And your piece is wonderfully drawn. I love how you rendered the leaves; it looks really beautiful. Kind of reminds me of Chinese bamboo paintings...I'd love to see more of your work, if you'd like to share!
Lastly, thanks for your ask. I love having these kinds of discussions, even though I unfortunately took a long time to get back to you..
wow.. the plant piece is beautiful.. all of the strokes come out so nicely and eloquent. it really makes me want to see this deer self portrait now. that sounds even more intriguing. no pressure though, of course. i just think it's a really fascinating idea.
and as much as i despise "ready-made" pieces too, i honestly have a slight respect for them. i would still consider them art, because i do think it evokes a conversation, but specifically the kind of conversation that makes you question it's existence, if that makes sense.
for example, that duct-taped banana i mentioned in the last ask, that's actually what made me question the whole idea of art in the first place. if something so insignificant can be considered so valuable to people, then who am i to tell them that it's not really art? maybe it is. or maybe the questioning of what it is was the whole point. maybe, the conversation it was actually sparking was more-so like.. a rebellion. a taunt. almost as if it were saying: "you want art? i'll give you art. and you'll be forced to take it." if i remember correctly, there was actually another artist who did that exact thing. his name was richard mutt and he submitted a urinal with a signature of his name as an art piece. it was stupid, and absurd, and that was the point. he submitted it to prove that if he signed his name on it and paid the application fee, the group he submitted it to would've accepted it no matter how thoughtless. he made an art piece that was meant to depict what stupid art looks like, and it worked. so as much as i despise the pieces, i do still think they're art, at least to an extent.
it's things that are made with the intent of gaining either popularity, money, or whatever else there is that i don't consider art. i'd go into more detail about it, but there's already a video out there that depicts it really well, so i'll just link it here. it's by cj the x and he's known for being very chaotic, so it might be a difficult to listen to at first, but i personally really like it. their points always wrap together really nicely as the video continues and the humor is my style, so i swear it's worth a watch, hah.
anyways. i'll stop myself there so i don't annoy you too much, but i do also agree with your points on the design, process, and overall thought that gets put into art pieces. i really like this discussion overall, actually. i apologize if i sounded rude at all, i have no intention to. i enjoy being able to converse about these topics, haha. so thank you for letting me, truly.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
we all know pierre has a fondness of a certain position (wink wink 🐶). but i only see people write about pierre being the one fucking (which don’t get me wrong him fucking bunny brainless with bunny not being able to support his own head and shoulders anymore is so insanely brain numbingly hot). but what about him wanting to try it. or, him being so cocky about his skills in fucking you decide thats a bit much.
like he’s just finished fucking bunny into the mattress. charles is literally just melted on the bed, his own cum smeared on his abs from where he collapsed stomach first into his mess and he has no way of moving because his limbs are jelly. don’t get me wrong pierre is good at fucking bunny in this position, like insanely good. but he was being way too cocky whilst fucking charles, smirking the whole time. just before he came inside charles, still smirking fyi, you tell him straight up not to come. the smirk on his face stops instantly and charles whines and whines wanting pierre’s cum to fill him. you stroke charles’s hair and shoulders and shush him and give him kisses, whilst giving pierre a slight glare. and poor pierre is just like ‘wtf i gave her precious baby boy like two orgasms just from my amazing skills and she won’t let me come r u joking?’
so after charles get’s his aftercare and he’s just still a singular braincell and so happy and warm, he’s in pierre’s joggers that fall off his little waist and one of the purposefully oversized jumpers of yours that fits him just big enough to look baggy, and he’s happily snuggled into the couch with fluffy blankets and water next to him and he’s set up to watch cars 2, yet we all know he’s just trying to stay awake for you but he’ll be asleep within a minute. one little kiss on his forehead before walking back to the bedroom where pierre is still nude and so so hard. like he’s kind of annoyed he wasn’t allowed to cum. and its so quick how it comes on.
strap, on. pierre, hands-and-knees, his tight little ass, opened up and drenched with lube. and he’s so confused but also slightly happy that he’s getting fucked. ‘you were a bit too cocky there, acting like a little slut who could fuck better than anyone.’ ‘never had this before have you? excited to see what bunny loves?’ ‘be good for me and take me and he’ll curl up to you whilst i take care of you’
and he’s a mess when you push in. the dildo stretches him perfectly, and hits his prostate instantly. and its a quick ride from there. hes gripping the sheets desperately and his brain is entirely just focused on being good for once. and one slap to his pretty ass and he’s done. cumming and collapsing the same way charles did. ‘i can do it as well as you, do not get too cocky’
and then u clean him, make sure he’s okay and u guys go into the living room and surprise surprise charles is asleep. u cuddle up with him and a small smile comes on his face when he can smell u too. and u watch pierre start to dose off and just as he reaches the brink of sleep ‘you did so well baby, fucked our bunny well and then took me perfectly’
and then theres two asleep with smiles on there faces. its only 10:30.
my god i ramble a lot. but i couldnt sleep thinking abt this.
- 🍁
I... oh my god?? 🍁 anon you are becoming too powerful because I read this and then just stared at the wall for a while because this is so fucking good. I'm gonna try to add more thoughts but this is fucking perfect as it is already so I doubt I can make it any better.
Firstly, I am fully obsessed with how fucking pierre is almost a punishment for being too cocky when fucking Charles? Cause yes, of course pierre fucks bunny well and you're very happy with that, but pierre is your sub too.
Sometimes you want him to be knocked down a few pegs and remember that he is your sub as much as he is Charles's Dom, and that he only gets to fuck bunny like that because you left him.
You decide to do this because you know that pierre absolutely loves when you take control and remind him of his place.
The moment you tell pierre not to cum, he pulls out. Of course he's upset because he wants to cum and poor bunny is not at all happy about not getting Pierre's cum, but neither of them complain or even think about disobeying? Because they're both your good boys. They always listen to you.
You leave pierre there while you clean Charles and get him situated on the couch. You know that Pierre loves when you make him wait, so you can focus on Charles.
I adore the idea of Charles choosing Cars 2? I think he has a wide selection of animated movies to watch and he only watches them for aftercare and loves them so much. Sometimes he'll make you and pierre watch with him? He tends to fall asleep within the first ten minutes, but you and Pierre always watch the whole movie through because that's what Charles wanted and wake him up with kisses when the credits start rolling.
You double check with charles that he's okay with being on his own for a little while, and he really is? He's so comfy and safe and well taken care of and he knows you're going to go into the bedroom to treat Pierre how Pierre loves to be treated. He's more than happy to cuddle on the couch with his soft clothes and blankie and water and Cars 2.
When you get back to the bedroom, the smirk has been wiped off of Pierre's face because he knows he's going to get punished a little for being too cocky.
You make quick work of stretching and positioning pierre, because you know that he's already very desperate and wants it rough. He relaxes so well against your hand, opening up perfectly for you and shaking as you finally get him stretched enough.
You choose his favourite dildo, the one you like to make him bounce on in the corner while you treat Charles softly and attach it to your strap on.
Pierre thinks he's going to ride you or be fucked in missionary, but then you grab him and push his head down onto the bed, making him get into doggy style and pierre is instantly obsessed.
He only realises you're fucking him the same way he fucked bunny earlier when you say, "You're not the only who can fuck like this, remember that". And then... fuck he's absolutely gone.
He always knew it would feel good, but it feels even better than he thought possible. You keep a bruising pace, fucking pierre hard and fast until he can't remember his own name, until he's moaning and whimpering so much that Charles can probably hear him from the living room.
The pain from spanking his ass makes him lose it. He was so close to cumming when you made him stop fucking Charles, and then you stretched him and fucked him so hard so of course the pain from the singular spank was the tipping point.
He completely collapses, in exactly the same way Charles did. In fact, he actually collapses into bunny's puddle of cum? Which Pierre realises and then very nearly gets hard again.
Of course he gets his aftercare with Charles.
Bunny is so happy when pierre comes shuffling into the living room, immediately opening his arms for pierre to come cuddle and to hear about what happened.
Also, it should be noted that bunny insists on seeing you do it next time? The idea of you fucking pierre doggy style makes his single braincell implode because it's simply too good.
He simply must see it for himself.
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creativitystrides · 1 year
The proposal- Nick and Charlie
~ = Time passing
… = perspective change
Charlie couldn’t believe it.
Finally, after graduating, him and Nick were getting their own place!
Excitedly, he started opening the various boxes and putting them in their place.
Unboxing always takes awhile, but is always satisfying. Then, someone knocked on the door. Charlie opened the door and Tao was awkwardly standing there, fist still raised to the door. “Hey Charlie” Tao waved. “I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping? I dont know if you still need furniture or anything but I was gonna pick up something for Elle. For her birthday.” Charlie thought for a moment. He DID still have shopping to do, and he hadn’t had a lot of time for his friends as of late. “Alright.” He replied. “But only if you help me unpack after.” Tao smiled. “Deal.” he said, and waited patiently while Charlie grabbed his wallet.
At the shopping center, they walked for about 20 minutes before Tao found a jewelry store. They ducked inside and observed the sparkly jewelry in the fancy cases. Then, Charlie spotted a ring that it was so perfectly Nick. Just that thought made him blush. They had discussed marriage, but never anything serious. Mostly just in passing and what ifs. The idea was so bold, and so unlike him, it made him smile. He casually pointed out the ring to Tao. Tao laughed and replied with a witty “What, finally gonna make it official?” Charlie laughed. “No” he replied. Just a thought.” A thought that refused to leave his mind. He snuck one last glance at the ring before they ducked out of the store.
 It had been 6 months since that interaction, and the ring still lingered in Charlie’s mind. They were closer than ever, and he felt the time was ready. He drove back to the store and purchased the ring, hiding it in one of his hoodies. Having the ring in the same room made the idea feel more real. He realizes that he will one day marry this perfect guy, and he is obsessed. He overthinks and comes up with the perfect proposal, and sets it all up in his head. Casual dinner. When dessert comes, place the ring on top. ‘Will you marry me’ in icing. he smiles. Then realizes its horrible. What if he choked? What if its too public, and he gets rejected in front of everyone? What if they spell his name wrong? No, he can’t do it. So he decided to just carry the ring around with him, just so he’s ready if the opportunity ever presents itself.
3 months later, Nick and Charlie are staying with Nick’s mom. They decide to do the holdiay shopping for her.  They’re walking through the store, just chatting, and Charlie feels the ring in his pocket. He stops, so Nick stops. All at once, he realizes that he is so in love with this guy, and wants to marry him and be with him forever. So he obviously blurts out ‘We should get married.” 
Nick froze. He had thought about this a lot, but had not thought he would be confronted with it at this moment. Nick figured that he must have meant eventually, so he just says “Yeah?” and turns around and gives him a smile. Then he notices that Charlie is playing with his shirt and scratching the back of his head nervously. Shit he thinks, and realises that that was a proposal.
 Charlie’s brain was on fire. He couldnt believe he said that. Embarassed he blurts “Oh shit, I think I’m proposing right now” He reached into his pocket and pulls out the ring. “Nick Nelson, you, you are the most special person in my life. Im sorry this wasnt planned, but I cant live another day knowing you are out of my reach. That we arent officially married, and you are out of my grasp. If I  woke up and you werent there, I wouldnt know what to do with myself. So Nick, will you marry me, so we can be in eachothers orbits forever, entirely in reach?” 
 Nick is completely stunned. He hadnt expected all that. He had bought a ring earlier in the summer, and had been planning on proposing when they got back home. His brain was a blank, and he couldnt process any thoughts. So he stood in silence, staring blankly at the love of his life.
 Oh shit I’ve fucked it up! What am I doing proposing to him here?! Charlie Spring, you complete idiot! Of course you would pick the least romantic place in the entire world to ask the love of your life to marry you. As if he would say yes to you in a Tesco! You couldn’t have thought this through more?! Charlie tried to pull his thoughts together, and began to tear up. This was so, so wrong. And then Nick started to tear up and fishes around in his own pocket and pulls out a ring. “Charlie.” He says. “You are the love of my life. I am always in your orbit, in your reach. I want to be yours forever. You are my life, my breath, my thought. You captivate me so much I can barely think around you. So Charlie Spring, will you marry me?”
  They were both sobbing now, in the middle of the produce aisle. People were staring, and some were recording it. They both choked out a tear stricken yes.
Charlie found later that Nick had bought a ring back in the summer too and had wanted to propose but didn’t want to add stress to Charlie’s already full plate with graduation and starting a new job and moving into a new place, so he had decided to wait. He’d been trying to work up the nerve to take Charlie to the beach where they had their first date and propose there, but just wasn’t sure when it would be the right time, and he didn’t want to rush Charlie into anything if he wasn’t ready to be married just yet.  Charlie started blubbering, apologizing for doing all this in a Tesco of all places, and Nick reassures him that it was perfect and beautiful. 
The marriage ceremony was beautiful. It was on the beach where they first met, and they invited everyone. Everyone was sobbing by the I do’s, and everyone thought it was perfect. After the ceremony, Nick and Charlie lay under the stars, trying to count them all. And they lived happily ever after. 
The End :')
credit to @heartstopperthoughts for this wonderful idea :)
ty so much :))) love ur work
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mrfoox · 2 years
Ok I've kinda realized my last date experience probably scared me more than I realized lol
#miranda talking shit#It wasnt ... Super bad but like looking back yes ill laugh about the whole thing but also i was so uncomfortable and scared...?#Matched with a cool guy. He was kinda different/odd which i am too ya know?#We messaged a lot and he seemed cool so we set a date and i invited him over bc i trusted him. Things were going well for an hour or two we#Talked a lot and it was nice just getting to know each other ... Idk if i asked if we could cuddle or if he initiated it but i love cuddles#So it was nice and then i think he said something like it was awkward or his arm got tired or something bc we were in the couch and i#Well not thinking about any social norms kinda just said well we can cuddle in bed. I specifically said just cuddle and looking back like#Yeah thats not part of the social norms and probably is interpreted as something more but me being me i am naive and actually dont have#Ulterior motives and just wants cuddles... We get there and cuddles for a while but then he start getting handsy and like yea /:#Im so anxious irl and my brain always work so slow i never... Mentally catch that i feel uncomfortable socially. So i kinda didnt say stop#But i wasnt... Doing much in return yea /: and i genuinely dont know what to do ij such situations... Like i had told him before we met i#Was an virgin and wasnt looking to hook up and he was respectful for that so he didnt push for 'more' but even just above the clothes i was#Uncomfortable and not in on that .... He stopped trying after he realized i was kinda avoiding his touch but that took like 10 mins#After that i kinda ghosted him. I dont think he acted with ill intent etc but i genuinely didnt feel safe and couldnt see myself trust him#Again so... Yeah.... Like i can joke about that whole thing but i realize now it probably bothered me more than i thought#Its not the first time someone has 'pushed my boundaries' in those type of ways and i think once again i downplay it yo hell and back#I did in the past to when my ex was pushy... I guess i dont know how to handle it like i feel so uncomfortable in the moment and then after#I feel awkward and bad about it so my solution is to joke about it bc to the outside my reactions are probably funny in the right light#And its easier to laugh about an situation than to actually reflect on how it made you feel and so on....#This i kinda just realized tonight like wow .... I mean i dont know what to do with that information but seeing it is a start#Ive thought about getting back into datinf but ive found a lot of excuses and now im like... Ok maybe theres a reason outside my usual stuf
0 notes
k1ss-m3-b3tt3r · 2 years
✟ Mary on a Cross ✟
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pairing: Khonshu x gn! reader (platonic), mentions of marc and steven
summary: you cant see khonshu but you can sense him until one day you do see him. marc tells you how much of an over-the-top asshole hes been. as marc speaks about it, you realize this might be deeper than expected.
warnings: swearing
a/n: this is my first post and first fanfic in a long time. please, be patient with me and happy reading. :)
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all day, and i mean all day, you couldnt get this stupid song out of your head. it was almost like it was drilling into your brain to put it simply. even at work, your coworkers kept asking what the song was while you were unknowingly humming it. you cursed at yourself, not being able to help it at this point.
there was only one cure to this and you had to just listen to the song over and over again until you pass out, which was a common assurance due to your constant loving music ass.
“couldnt survive one day without it can i?” you said just trying to stare at the clocking zoning out, hopefully for some reason thinking it would move faster. now, what song you may ask, its mary on a cross by ghost. with that song floating around the internet, who couldnt have it stuck in their head 24/7.
“FINALLY!” you said loudy, disturbing the people around you but honestly you didnt care. you barged out of work, clocking out and just saying a quick bye to a few coworkers that, surprisingly, didnt piss you off.
luckily, you didnt miss the bus on your way home. as the bus pushed you back and forth with every stop, all a sudden your ring tone blurted out causing you to freak out for a second. “well, that was hella embarrassing.”
you read the contact, “steven? what does he want?” you looked outside and it was almost dark with the sun setting already. you knew it was a long shift but damn. you clicked the answer button and immediately heard a grumpy voice.
“ah, marc whats up?” “howd you even know,” he responded with a slow sigh after it. it took you a second but you connected the pieces. “back from work?” you asked, not surprised hearing a long yup. “do you mind coming over to drop off some milk or something. im trying to actually cook for once but its not exactly going as planned,” marc groaned loudly.
‘such a drama queen,’ you thought and honestly you might be right half the time just thinking about past occurrences. “alright, guess ill come over and cook tonight,” before he could even say anything you hung up not ready to put up with him.
‘damn it, i might not even be able to listen to the song,’ you groaned, sounding just like marc at that point. then, the bus almost threw you while saying next stop and i mean.. it is your stop so you guess you should honestly be grateful for the driver notifying you?
you moved through all the bags and people in the bus until taking a step off the bus and onto the dirty ground while carrying your satchel, which old but it worked for its purposes. you turned back and the bus was quickly turning around a corner. ‘those poor people,’ you laughed lightly to yourself.
you walked into your apartment complex and it was a bit dingy you must admit but it was home and at least you had one. you lived two doors down from marc or steven i suppose, depending on the day.
“you go down.. bloody mary mary on a-“ you swung the door open as you kept murmuring the song in and out. ‘can nothing stop the song already?’
your apartment was pretty boring, not going to lie. you had basic minimal things: a couch, crusty wooden chairs, a table that feels like its going to tip over any minute. “yeah.. maybe i should fix that soon..��� you slowly muttered to yourself but reminded yourself that you had a meal to cook two door doors down.
you threw your stuff down from work and grabbed the milk, slamming it closed and sighing because you had to go back and close it gently. then strutted your way down the hall outside the apartment for which you live in and gently knocked on the door.
there was no answer. “MARC IMMA HOLLER IF YOU DONT LET ME IN!” you were so mentally tired and exhausted. eventually, the door swung open when you knocked even harder repeatedly.
“you were already hollering in the first place,” he rolled his eyes, “come in, i guess.” “you better be greatful im even cooking you food. “well, it wasnt a choice was it?” he squinted at you. what he said was true so you went around him and inside his apartment.
still looked the same: books everywhere, everything scattered but organized at the same time? ‘how the hell does that make sense?’
as you started cooking this meal, which you arent even a good cook actually, marc started ranting about his day and how khonshu, yes you know about him, was a dick. i mean, you figured after hearing marc constantly argue with them ever since you found out, which was easy. ‘people are so dumb nowadays or.. maybe im smart! nahhh’
you were constantly in your own thoughts until marc started saying stuff that concerned you a bit. “it was like khonshu was having a grumpy breakdown or just wasnt paying attention to the job! he was weird. like stop zoning out for one minute just staring at people! its creepy and on top of that, he kept mentioning how he looked constantly?-“
“what about his looks?” you inquired. “im not even sure at this point, he just comparing him and other gods and people, and how he was never really worshiped blah blah blah. besides that, it almost seemed like hes been grumpy and attention seeking, trying to “fit in” i guess. and im like STOP IT youre a god am i right?”
“hum.. are you sure it was attention seeking and not yearning for the fact that he is not like you and me?” you could sense the upsetting aura around you and knew khonshu must be there, which was a rare occurrence to you.
“you could be right or you could be wrong, im not sure,” marc actually looked thoughtful for a second before saying, “but hes a god, what more can he want. im going to take a shower, you can tell me when its done.” he walked out of there with a questionable face, but you didnt question anything as you kept stirring the pot just full of noodles and alfredo sauce.
you felt the presence growing stronger and stronger and sadder and sadder. you started humming and humming, not able to take it anymore and started up your phone playing mary on a cross, finally trying to get it out of your head. you couldnt help but sing along with it.
“but through all the sorrow we were riding highhh,” trying to hit that note and actually nailing it, you fist bumped the air and continued, “and the truth of the matter is i had to let you gooo let you gooo!”
you turned around and quiet down for a second singing, “you go down just like bloody mary… mary on a mary on a cross..”
you look up and there you were looking khonshu in his eye sockets and got a really good look at him. surprisingly, you werent startled and just kept going, “you go down just like holy mary mary on a mary on a cross”
you leaned in touching his beak letting him know you were there and could see him, “not just another bloody mary mary on a mary on aaa”
as the chorus picked up, you took your hand off and started fake drumming making the mood lighter and goofier, you werent a sap and you knew it so you did the best you could, “you go down just like holy maryy mary on a mary on a cross!”
you turn towards him and laughed a bit but these words unknowingly stuck with him harder than you anticipated, “your beauty never ever scared me!”
he turned away and laughed silently embarrassed but glad for a quick second, which was strange of him and concerning for other people but he honestly did feel better. he gave you a thought as you kept singing and vanished after saying, “thank you..”
you nod and keep singing until you hit the last verse of the song. the energy around you felt so much lighter than before and you finally got that stupid song out your head. ‘i guess it wasnt so stupid. it cheered him up at least a little bit’
marc walks into the kitchen, all dressed and ready for food clearly. as you poured the bowls you decided not to tell marc about the little interaction with khonshu and im sure khonshu wouldnt want you too either, especially after somehow seeing him, which is odd in its own way.
as you looked up marc was less irritated and just plain tired, so you guys only had a little small talk and a quick thank you before you were kicked out.
“rude!” you went into your apartment and couldnt help but think about khonshu.
“hope he feels better..”
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ravynnwritestrash · 3 years
I've Loved You Since Eighth Grade (rewrite) Chapter Eight/ Ending
Chapter eight
Word Count: 816
Description: Last chapter!!! I finally finished this thing. I don’t know why it kicked my ass so hard but thank you for sticking with me through this crazy journey.
I spent most of the day lounging around my house. Watching whatever is on TV letting the hours tick by. I called Donna and let her know I talked to Jackie and that I wasn’t running away just yet. Now that the sun had just about set I was sitting on my window sill smoking a joint I found tucked away in a stack of old books.
The weed was old and gross. It burned my tongue with each hit but I needed my anxiety to go down. I needed to stop thinking about Hyde and how the longer I stay away the harder it becomes to go back. The phone behind me once again started ringing and I thanked my lucky stars I could Reach it from where I was perched.
“Hello?” I asked watching my joint burn down.
“How long are you planning on staying gone?” it was Hyde any thought I ever had left my brain and I was left there staring at the ground below me as though he was just going to appear there if I didn’t answer right now. “If you don’t start talking I’m coming over.” Fuck. say something. Say anything. “Fine be there in ten.” I heard the click of him hanging p the phone and just let it drop causing it to swing on the cord.
If I was a smarter person I might get out of my dirty PJs and start thinking about what I was going to say. Instead, I slid down from my first-story window, joint still in hand, and walked over to my old swing at the edge of my yard.
As I waited I convinced myself it’s best to have your heart broken in your pjs because you don’t have to worry about heartbreak ruining your favorite shoes or shirt or whatever. Yeah, not getting dressed was a good call. Sleep shorts can’t be ruined and this is Hyde’s sweater anyway so he will probably want it back. I peek inside the sweater to make sure I had some sort of shirt on for my walk of shame back into my house.
“What are you doing?” Hyde’s voice cut through my thoughts causing me to almost fall of the small wooden swing.
“Jesus Hyde! Are you trying to kill me? you have to warn a girl,” he smirked for a second before it was gone again. He started walking behind the swing.
“Says the girl who disappeared for two days after I found out she might actually like me,” he took the joint from my hand and dropped to the ground crushing it under his boot before giving the swing gentle pushes not letting me get too far away.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know what to do or how to handle that, I just froze,” I said looking back at him. He sighed twisting the swing so that I was facing him.
“You’re telling me you want to let Jackie ruin our friendship?” He looked mad. I felt myself starting to panic.
“No. I’m telling you that… I’m scared my feelings for you are going to ruin our friendship.” I couldn’t look at him.
“So, she was telling the truth?” all I could do was nod as I finally looked up at him. He started to laugh and let go of the swing. I stood up ready to walk back to my house.
“You don’t have to laugh at me. Just say you don’t feel the same and leave,” I said backing away. In a second his hands were on my face, gently holding me in place.
“For how long?”
“It’s like she sai-”
“No. I want you to say it” I took a deep breath.
“Hyde, I’ve been in love with you since we were in the eighth grade.” his eyes were searching mine and they must have found whatever they were looking for because in the blink of an eye his lips were on mine and I was melting into his slightly chapped lips.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out since that stupid eighth-grade writing contest”
“So do it,” I said looking up at him.
“Was kissing you not enough?” his thumb ran across my jaw and I shook my head “Fine. (Y/N), will you please go out with me so I can stop trying to find friendly ways to touch you?” I couldnt help the laugh that escaped me as I nodded. He pulled me into him kissing me one more time, his tongue ran across my bottom lip and he pulled away. “I can taste how shit that weed was,” he joked causing me to smack him in the chest.
“Is that really all you are thinking of when you kiss me?” I joke holding on to the shoulders of his jacket
“No, I was also thinking about how sexy you look in that sweater”
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smnthwrd · 3 years
im currently hyperfixating on the movie flipped and since theres not nearly enough of a fandom on here to follow i decided to say fuck it and write mini fan fiction type thing to get out some of my feelings, so yeah heres some backstory:
basically this is set after they graduate highschool. juli gets into a college thats across the country, as well as an opportunity to study abroad, but bryce doesnt get into the same school. they talk about it a lot and eventually make the really hard decision that julis going to go and theyre going to take a break while theyre apart. so here it is:
dont go.
i wanted to tell her, dont go. but i couldnt make myself, i dont know why. maybe i wanted to let her go; to know that i wasnt going to be the one to stop her from experiencing the world she had always dreamed of. id like to believe my reasons were that selfless. But the truth is, i was just afraid. i was afraid that if i aksed her to stay, and she did, she would grow to resent me for it. even more than that, i was afraid that if i asked her to stay, she would say no. that she would say i wasnt worth it, that she wasnt going to let a silly thing like young love stop her from seeing the world.
i dont think i could bear to hear her tell me im not worth it.
i wanted to tell juli baker that i loved her, and i had since the moment we first held hands as kids, when i ignorantly thought id be spending my whole life trying to get rid of her. i wanted to tell her that if she left right now to go see that big beautiful world, she would be breaking my heart into a thousand pieces, and that i would never again find someone who could occupy all the parts of my brain the way she does. i wanted to tell her that wherever she was, was wherever i wanted--no, needed to be, and that if she wouldnt stay with me, well then i would just get on that train and ride with her all the way across the earth, so long as i could stay by her side.
but i didnt.
maybe she was right all those years ago. maybe i am a coward. after all, ive always been afraid of conflict. id rather just stay quiet and smile along as people say whatever rude things come to their minds than stand up to them and tell them theyre wrong, and risk causing any discomfort. ive gotten better, though, thanks to juli. she makes me want to be better, to make a difference. she showed me that i can stand up for myself and others, and that i dont have to sit back and listen to people tell me who i am or what i want. thanks to juli baker, i wasnt so afraid anymore. but that wasnt enough this time.
"dont you go forgetting about me, juli baker," i faked a half-smile.
she rolled her eyes.
"i couldnt even if i tried, bryce losky." with a smile she turned around and began to make her way up the steps to enter the bus.
"juli! wait," i burst out just a moment before she was lost behind the bus doors. her head snapped back, showing a look of slight concern. i paused, trying to muster what courage i could. "do you remember back when we were kids, you told me i had been walking around with your first kiss?"
her face flushed before she answered with a shy smile, "yeah, why?"
"well you see, the thing is..." i kicked at the gravel, silently telling myself not to screw this up. i almost laughed thinking about how flustered she could make me, even after all these years. "Well, its my belief that you, juli baker, are walking around with my last kiss." her eyes lit up with a smile, and she pushed her hair behind her ear with a small chuckle. i was smiling too. "Now feel free to hold onto it while you go change the world, but dont forget to bring it back here when youre done."
her smile widened as the bus driver's voice echoed through the station, shouting a last call. she hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the annoyed driver, before she hopped off the bus and hurriedly pranced towards me to plant one long, sweet kiss on my cheek before turning swiftly back around and bouncing up the steps once again. This time she only stopped for a moment to look back at me with that beautiful smile of hers, and then disappeared behind the bus doors.
a bittersweet feeling washed over me as i watched her pass through the windows of the bus, coming in and out of view as she scanned the aisles for an empty seat.
she was leaving. my juli, was leaving to go see the world.
and i was staying here, watering a sycamore tree and waiting for her to return, hoping and praying that she wouldnt find someone out there who was better than me, or more worldly, or less afraid to speak up. devastated as i was, there was an undeniable feeling in the front of my mind that told me not to worry. juli baker was walking around with my last kiss, and someday she would be walking around with a ring on her finger to prove it.
I smiled at that thought. my ring on juli bakers finger. or, i suppose it would be juli losky? either way, i knew that image would carry me through the next four years apart from her.
ultimately i know that it was a good thing i didnt ask her to stay. studying abroad, seeing the world, it was her dream, and she needed to follow it. but i always wonder what she would have said if i could have just gotten out those two words: dont go.
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
minecraft endermen are really weird. theyre unnatural and make me feel off.
when i was a small child like seven years ago i would always play minecraft on creative mode and i made an ugly ass enderman "farm" made out of bricks. i had an enderman spawn egg and id just spam it and the enderman couldnt get out (so i thought). anyways having them in this enclosure was probably so i could feel "powerful" over them because to date theyre still the only mob in minecraft that makes me anxious. even above skeletons(which i used to have a horrible fear of (the real life ones not mc ones)) and spiders (which i still have a horrible fear of (again the real life ones not mc)). anyways the endermen just ended up completely teleporting out of the farm and i checked on my world the next day and they were all gone and i didnt appreciate it (this was the same world where my brother blew up my pets but thats a different story).
anyways back to endermen. besides the fact that i just didnt like dying and i did like building ugly structures, one of the main reasons i didnt play survival much for a while, or if i did id put it on peaceful, was because of the enderman. every time i passed one my heart would drop and if i happened to look it in the eye on accident my throat would feel like its closing up and idk why. if it sounds like im bullshitting you or not remembering correctly i swear im not because it still happens actually.
i play survival a ton more now simply because i enjoy it more, it feels like theres actually a goal to achieve, but i never really make efforts toward said goal(ya know, beating the dragon). none of my worlds are really created with the intention of beating the dragon, and therefore i dont have to worry about endermen. if i happen to be outside my house and theres one there, no worries i just wait for it to go away. it may spook me for a sec but im fine.
but recently me and my sister started a world with the sole purpose of beating the dragon. we may have cheated a little (like putting on keep inventory cause honestly we both suck at pvp and have died so many times) but its okay cause thats it. we still have to fight endermen to get pearls for the end portal. and so we were hanging out in the nether and made a little two block tall hidey hole and id stand by the front and taunt endermen to get them to come close so i could kill them without them being able to get to me and it worked really well actually. except for the fact that to get them to come near i had to get them to aggro onto me and to do that i have to look them in the eye and you know where this is going. and so i was like "it has been so long since i looked an enderman in the eye surely i cant still be scared of them" and i turn to my sister like "<sister> you stay in the hole ill get us some pearls"
so i go out and taunt the dudes and guess what bitch got the pit in their stomach from these fuckers!! thats right bestie and my throat started to close up and i started talking to my sister again but i could tell me voice was off from it and i dont know why it happens but it pisses me off. like theyre not even scary looking theyre just a bit odd. and i continue to do this and kill the endermen and it just. doesnt. stop. my throat keeps closing up and im not "in pain" or anything just inconvenienced like what the fuck dude its a bunch of fucking pixels. i dont know its weird.
and now this part is gonna sound super fuckin stupid but ever since i started watching dsmp i immediately got attached to ranboo (cc! and c!) and knowing that c!ranboo was half enderman made me really think "hm endermen arent that bad. granted i havent interacted with one in a while but still not that bad. perhaps my favorite hostile mob" because you know people get attached to characters and think dumb things. and then again ranboo's character straight up existing and also this one specific headcanon i saw that was like "endermen use telepathy to talk so when a player looks at them all their thoughts get projected into them and it hurts their brain :((" makes me feel kinda bad for aggro-ing them and killing them again even though its literally just some pixels dude. my brain is not kind to me about this stuff and its really dumb.
i dont know what about the endermen staring back at me sets off the sort of fight-or-flight that makes me unable to breathe for a second but its something. its not the fact that their jaws basically unhinge when theyre mad because the throat closing up sensation happens before that. it happens when i look at an enderman and it looks back up at me and holds my gaze. i dont know. i dont know why im worked up(even slightly) over a video game. theyre still my favorite hostile mob i think (not just because of ranboo honestly the other hostile mobs just kinda suck).
and also i like the idea of how humanoid they are. not human. humanoid. they have the basic aspects of a minecraft human- square, head, torso, legs, arms, eyes. most mc skins dont even have mouths anyways just eyes. but the endermen have these features differently than us. their eyes are unnatural, legs and arms too long, body all one color, one that can blend in, and you can only see its purple eyes staring you down from a distance. theyre basically just cryptids.
despite skeletons and even zombies looking closer to the player than the endermen, they still seem the most human-like of all of the mobs. they arent aggressive unless provoked. they dont like eye contact(socially awkward). they like picking up stuff and moving it around. theyre curious (i cant explain this one they just are, okay?). even the sounds they make are just phrases like "hey" "hello" "whats up" distorted and in reverse.
i want to know more about them.
i want to know where they came from.
why theyre found in every dimension.
why they sound like us.
i want explanations, i want to know why they scare us.
i want to know if they know.
if they know that we're like them in some way.
that some of us dont mean harm, but for others thats all they want to do to the endermen.
i saw a post once that said "what taught humans to be wary of things that look human, but arent?" i believe the phenomenon is called uncanny valley. what if in the minecraft universe, the thing that taught us that was endermen. or rather, the thing that taught the endermen that was us? because again, the endermen pose no threat to us unless theyre provoked. by one of us. the endermen try to communicate with us- "⊑⟒⊬" "⍙⊑⏃⏁⌇ ⎍⌿?"- but we kill them without reason. thats why they dont like eye contact, its been ingrained in them through evolution that eye contact with a human/player will end in death, and they dont want it to be theirs, so they attack first.
we- or rather, the first minecrafters, maybe (in the lore(?)) people before the game, taught the endermen to fear us. i mean we literally kill them, use their remains to enter their home dimension, and then kill their leader/mother. they do their best to stop us, but we can respawn and they cant. and then, some people even go as far as to make farms, having them all spawn in one place, crowded, cant teleport out- their only defense mechanism gone- and then are slaughtered for their pearls. and due to the mass of these farms there will be chests upon chests full of pearls that no one's using, i saw someone the other day ask what people do with them and someone straight up said they just burn them like god what a waste.
"but izzy, players make mob farms all the time and not just for endermen!!!1!!11! why are the endermen ones so bad why are you only talking about those1!1!1!!!1" 1) because i can, 2) this is an endermen-themed post, and 3) i dont like the other mobs. and of course im not actually mad at the players who like beating the game and making endermen farms and such, i mean thats what it is its all just a game just a bunch of code, 0's and 1's, so why does it matter why bother writing a whole post on it?
because when you look paste the game, when you read in between those ones and zeroes and discover this non-intentional lore, it can make things so much more,, interesting. this is fanfic material. hell, its probably fanart material too. its all for the content to see what the community can create i guess. or maybe i just really like talking about endermen and this has been on my mind for two days now and once i started typing i couldnt stop.
but yeah, thats my final thoughts.
we, humans, experience uncanny valley about the endermen.
but the endermen experience uncanny valley about the players.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Wait? Demons go into heat?
Unestablished musical Beetlejuice x reader
Beej goes into heat for the first time while knowing you
Dubious consent and masturbation warning
"Y/n, we need to talk"
You look up from your phone and quirk a brow at the statement, it was weirdly serious for your friend, at first you assumed he was getting ready to mess with you or something, until you noticed the purple hue that has taken over his form.
"Are you okay?" You utter softly
The demon sits down next to you on the couch and sighs
"Okay, y/n, I am going to go away for a bit" he refused to look at you, his voice was small and very unlike him, but this made sense, you knew beetlejuice didnt like going to the netherworld on his little business trips, so this behavior started to make more sense.
"Oh okay-"
"I just dont want to hurt you"
What? You freeze.
The ghoul sighs again, before finally meeting your eyes and gently grabbing your hands
"Y/n I'm going into heat next week and I need to be away from you-"
You snort out a laugh, pulling your hands from the ghoul's grasp, so this WAS a joke, going into heat?
Your laughter was short lived when beetlejuice grabbed your shoulders to get you to focus on him.
"Y/n I'm not kidding"
focusing back to the ghoul, it was obvious he was serious, spots of red peaking through the purple was a grim reminder he wasnt joking.
"I'm a demon y/n, I'm gonna go into heat, and all I'm gonna do is want to fuck, and I dont trust myself to be around you, I'm gonna go away till it's over, and I NEED you NOT to say my name, just promise me that"
You nod
Never in your time of knowing the ghoul was he ever so serious, honestly it was scary, was his heat so bad he'd just jump you without consent? IT'S best not to dwell on it.
It's been a few days since beetlejuice disappeared for your own safety, it wasnt so bad, before he left he was very fidgety and practically glowing pink, the hug goodbye was awkward, the ghoul held you longer then normal and let out a soft whine, guess his cycle was starting.
You couldnt help but daydream about how hot it would be to have the demon rail you senseless in his heat, yes you had a crush on him, but you sure as hell weren't ready to express those feelings, especially during his heat cycle.
The week goes by, you enjoy your silence, and are very productive, it's not like you dodnt enjoy Beetlejuice's presence, it's just not easy to get chores done with him being under foot. You always took the opportunity to get stuff done when beetlejuice wasnt around, you loved him yes, but alone time was important, between getting stuff done, and just relaxing his absence was nice, though you did miss him, but as the week went on, you could help but forget as to why the demon had to vanish, work was rough, and as exhaustion took over your body, peices of your discussion fell to the side of your tried brain, something about heading to the netherworld for a bit, a business trip probably, not that you believed the demon HAD a real job anyways.
As the week comes to an end you go into auto pilot mode, friday was the end of a work week and you and Beetlejuice's movie night.
Coming home from work you had only one thing on your mind, lazing about with your friend and watching shitty horror movies. Everything you did was on auto pilot, tossing your bag aside as you head to your bedroom to swap out your work clothes with something much more cozy, fuzzy pajama pants and a baggy shirt.
You wander from your room tapping away on your phone, ordering the pizza you and beej normally share, you always payed ahead and let the demon believe him scaring off the delivery guy ment free food, you enjoyed Beetlejuice's awful jokes, and that wide toothy grin he gave you when he assumed him scored the two of you a free meal, but in all good consciousness you couldnt let that happen, you'll just the demon believe he's doing you a favor WHILE he's showing off.
You plop down on the couch, everything was set for a fun night of hanging with your pal, you havent seen him all week, for the life of you, you couldnt remember as to why beetlejuice wasnt around, something about going to the netherworld? Probably another business trip, whatever he was always so mopey when he had to leave, he'd probably be thrilled to have a easy hang out right? Well it's been a week and if beej wasnt done with whatever nonsense he had to take care of he could leave, simple as that.
You get up from the couch and holler "beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice"
The lights flicker, then go out completely, you huff through your nose, this wasnt new, been was all about making an entrance.
you flinch at the tone, harsh and angry, not exactly how he tended to great you when summoned, he was messing with you right?
Unfortunately in the pitch dark you couldnt see him to confirm this thought.
Before you could do or say anything, you're pushed back into the couch
"Beetlejuice-" you cry,
"I missed you honey, couldnt stop thinking about that soft warm body of yours" he purred, you face burned with embarrassed, yes beetlejuice tended to flirt with you, but this felt different, more
"What?" You utter
Before you could elaborate you felt the weight of him crawling up onto your lap, the ghoul grabs your chin, the demon leans into your face, your eyes now accustomed to the dark you were able to make out a bit of the ghoul before you, just not enough to make heads or tails of what's going on, as the ghoul leans closer to you, pressing his weight against your trapped form, he takes a long inhale through his nose.
"Oooh~ I missed you so much baby~" he moans out in a whisper.
"Okay knock it off beej" you groan, clearly embarrassed and done with this embarrassing joke, as you try to shove the demon off, this whole charade of his, everytime you summoned him he would tease you and mess with you for a laugh, but being this weird? More legit? That was new, maybe he was just upping his game to.mess with you?
Your shoves were only greeted with a growl, you huff and finally shove beetlejuice off you completely, with ungrateful thud the ghoul hits the ground.
"Seriously Beej what's gotten into you?" You sigh walking away from him to turn on the lights.
The ghoul grows at you sudden absence, not that you noticed, with a click the room fills with light. You frown, beetlejuice was gone, great he was in a pranking mood, you sigh, it's been a long week and you just wanted to relax and watch an awful movie. With that thought you are knocked to the ground with a rough shove from the back, and with a shriek and a thud you land on your stomach, you freeze as you feel the weight being pressed against your back, the culprit had crawled onto your back, practically laying on top of you.
"Baby wants to play rough tonight huh? Daddy will allow it~"
"Beetlejuice seriously, I don't want to play these games i- oh fuck" it hit you, it finally clicked why you havent seen the demon in over a week, he told you, and you fucking forgot, you got to caught up in your own routine and exhausting life, you forgot.
"Uh, beej? Can you please get off-"
"Soon baby, I'll get off soon" the ghoul purrs in your ear, his body firmly pressed against yours, you freeze as you feel a sudden hardness poking between your butt cheeks, you could hear your heart pounding away in your ears, you like beetlejuice yes, but you weren't ready to tell him, let alone let him fuck you on the floor. You were frozen unsure what to do, been warned you, and you forgot. You could banish him, 3 times in a row is all you need, and when this cycle is over this will be something the two of you can laugh about right?
"you smell so good honey~" your pulled from your thoughts with the ghoul's gravely purr
"Beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" your voice was small and shaky
You gasp and curse at the sensation of something cold and wet trailing up your neck
"And you taste even better~"
You try again "beetlejuice beetlejuice bee-" again you were cut short with a familiar hand cupping against your mouth
"I dont wanna leave baby" he groans, lightly grinding his ever herding cock against your ass "I missed you, I missed your warmth, I missed your scent, i missed your sweet voice, I'm sick of being alone, i need you y/n" his grinding picks up in pace, the ghoul practicallydry humping you into the carpet, you yelp and squirm, in which beetlejuice responds with a soft moan.
"Beej please" you cry, a weird mix of arousal and fear fill your chest, in all honesty, you could find this whole situation pretty hot, but not now.
With the cry of your voice the ghoul flips you over, having you lay on your back. You finally get a good look at beetlejuice, as he hovered inches above you, pinning you below him.
The ghoul's once Forrest green hair was now a wild electric pink, almost magenta, his pupils once round, now resembled the eyes of a snake. Beetlejuice was practically drooling, and though the demon didnt need to breath, you sure could hear him breathing hard almost panting. You've never seen your ghost like this before,so  this was heat? Again, other circumstances thos could be very hot.
"Bee?" Was all you could muster
The demon started back at you, wordless, it felt like forever until he closed the gap between you, burying his face in your chest, hands finding themselves placed along the hem of your pajama pants.
Beetlejuice was a mess, blabbering on and on "you smell so good, you feel so good, I need ya babes, I need ya bad, please let daddy fuck you" he whined, all the while he kept nuzzling your breasts. As if that was a distraction, the ghoul's hands began to tug on the hem of you pants, slowly he began to tug on them, slowly shimmying them down.
You were alerted to this action with the familiar squeeze of the demon's hand on your bum.
"Beej WAIT" you cry
Unfortunately on deaf ears, the ghoul continues his actions as your pants are finally removed and quickly tossed aside.
Your legs now fully bare were now free realestate to cold undead hands desperate for soft warm skin.
His his hands traveled up and down your legs, always stopping at the rear for a good long squeeze, you squirm and pant at the stimulation.
"You like that doll? You getting all hot under the collar with just a little touching~" he purred looking up for your chest.
You couldnt bare to look him in the eye, it was all too much, truth be told, you werent NOT enjoying his attention.
"Lawrence please-" you whine, not really sure as to what you were pleading, was it for him to stop? Was it for him to go further? So much was happening you felt like this really wasnt real.
But it sure as hell felt real when you felt the ghoul snap the waist band of your panties, you gasp and try to sit up, only to be pushed back down against the carpet.
The ghoul sighs and goes back to his babbling.
"I need this babes, I need you so much, I need you so bad it hurts, nothing else was good enough, I NEED you"
You could feel your ears burning at this, he really wanted you over anything else, it was probably just his heat talking, but in an odd way it was sweet.
You couldn't help but give the ghoul a soft smile at his desperate words, unfortunately the smile was quickly dropped and replaced with gritted teeth as you felt the demon's cold hands quickly yanking down your, now damp with arousal, panties.
"Beetlejuice STOP" you cry
Simple hum was your response
As the garment slowly made it's way down your legs you tried in vain to reason with the lust driven demon, all of your crys were responded the same, ignored.
As the garment made it to your ankles you made one last attempt to reason with beetlejuice
"Beetlejuice please, this isnt like you, just stop and we can just forget this-"
Before you could finish that sentence, as soon as the damp garment was free from your form, the ghoul vanished.
You prop yourself up on your forearms, glancing around the empty room, you slowly sit up on your bare bum, waiting, waiting for another knock down, ments pass and nothing.
You slowly and carefully get up off the floor, glancing around as you walk over to your pajama pants that were tossed aside, you gently slide them on, still staying vigilant.
As the night goes on you're on high alert, waiting to be tackled down or something, but as time dragged into the early early morning, it clicked, beetlejuice wasnt going to do anything else, you finally sigh in relief, and try not to think about how he vanished AFTER  your underwear were removed, and missing completely, you assumed they would have wound up as the same place as where your pants were thrown, unless, he took them with him, you cover your mouth and stare at the floor, you paise for a moment, mind swimming with all the lewd things he could be doing with them, this didnt help how you were all hot and bothered from the ghoul's early actions.
Slipping into bed that night, knowing beetlejuice was gone, you felt okay to tend to those desperate feelings between your legs, you carefully pull out your hidden vibrator and gingerly slip it beneath the covers and eagerly bring it to your desperate sex.
Of course
You werent the only one tending to a desperate need.
Beetlejuice now on the roof of your apartment building, a mix of purple and pink have taken over his form, your panties held tightly in his hand.
Did he feel like shit for losing control and jumping you? Yes
Was he glad your dumbass forgot and called him anyway so he could smell you and feel your soft warm skin? Also yes
Sitting on the edge of roof, not that anyone could see him, he takes the freshly woren garment to his nose and inhales the scent of your excited sex, the purple from the demon's hair is quickly replace with a mix of pink and magenta.
"You smell so good baby" he growls
His free hand fumbles with his pants trying to free his full erection, hell the moment he saw your face he was ready to go.
This wasnt the first time beetlejuice went into heat, not by a long shot, but it WAS his first time going into heat knowing you, and fuck, you were all he wanted.
Having you call him, smelling you, seeing you, feeling you, hearing your sweet voice, hes honestly surprised he didn't blow his load while he was humping that cute rump of yours, he drools remembering how he could feel your warm bum against his cold cock, the demon could only imagine how glorious your pussys warmth was gonna feel.
The night was long and lonely for the demon but the memory of you beneath him and the scent of your desire was enough to keep him content, bit next heat cycle? The demon will have you in his pocket and ready to help him out.
You wake up late and head to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and start your day, at the little table you had in your little kitchen sat beetlejuice, across from him was a hot and ready cup of coffee
"Morning" the ghoul said plainly, giving you an awkward smile, hints of purple popping up in his hair
"Morning" you respond softly sitting down across from the demon and accepting his 'peace offering'
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity before beetlejuice breaks it
"So about the other night-" he starts, averting your gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its fine, you werent yourself, you warned me, and I forgot"
The ghoul stares back at you, bug eyed and dumbfounded, was it really gonna be this easy?
"I guess you're back to yourself huh?" You try to make a positive note to this awkward situation
"Uh yeah, just kinda horny, not full on horny" he chuckles rubbing the back of his neck.
This was gonna be an awkward bump to get over.
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jayvoir · 4 years
rehearsal — lee minho
word count: 1.9k
warnings: smut, dom!minho, sub!reader, slight exhibitionism, teasing, minho’s a soft dom, but also a hard dom if that makes any sense, minho might have a sir kink, unprotected sex, praising, fingering, orgasm denial, spanking, reader has a hair pulling kink, good girl used a lot, creampie, aftercare
summary: you always loved going to the boys dance practices. especially when your boyfriend looked like... that.
author’s note: don’t forget that i take requests!! <33 also, when i mention the grinding choreo, please try to imagine that one part in valkyrie by oneus, i didn’t know how else to describe it 😭😭
tagging: @soobiclub
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“hey baby let’s go, we’re gonna be late,” he called from downstairs. you rushed to grab your things, hurrying down the stairs to meet minho. he was taking you to his dance rehearsal with the boys and you were super excited. you loved watching them be in their element. they all looked so happy, which in turn, made you very happy as well.
“i’m here, sorry,” you apologized, making your way over to him. he smiled at the sight of you, putting his phone in his pocket.
“it’s alright, love, let’s just go. i want to beat the rest of them there.” you nodded and followed him out to the car, hopping in and buckling your seatbelt. he did the same, beginning to drive to the company, his hand on your thigh the whole time. you arrived fairly quickly, considering the apartment you shared with minho was not that far away.
the both of you hurried inside, saying a quick greeting to the people you passed by. you walked into their practice room, chan already there as expected. he greeted the both of you, a sweet smile on his face. him and minho began talking about idol things, stuff you had no clue about, so you made your way to the couch that was off to the side. you sat your stuff down, and got comfy on the couch, knowing that you were going to be there for a while.
slowly but surely, the rest of the boys began to show up, the room gradually becoming more crowded. they said their hellos to each other, including you, before beginning to warm up. their choreographer was unable to attend the practice, so he sent them a video of the choreography. minho was off to the side doing his best to learn it so he could help the boys learn.
a little bit later, they had all gathered up, minho beginning to teach the choreography. as you watched him help out the boys, you couldnt help the thoughts that slowly began to flood your brain. you knew it was not the best time to have these thoughts, but you simply couldn’t help it. how could you when he looked like that? he was wearing black sweatpants and a white sleeveless tank, his hair beginning to stick to his forehead from the sweat.
and then they got to the chorus of the choreography. this songs vibe was a lot more sensual than songs they’ve released before. this meant that the choreography was no exception. there were multiple body rolls, hips thrusts. there was even one part where hyunjin was standing in the center and the other boys did that grinding move in a circle around him. minho’s spot happened to be in front of you. you had to stop yourself from rubbing your thighs together, knowing minho would see, or worse one of the other boys.
they continued on like this for a little while, before breaking up for a little break. minho made his way over to you, taking a swig of water as he walked. you almost gasped when he tilted his head back, his adam’s apple moving up and down as he swallowed. he plopped himself down next to you, leaning a head on your shoulder, and placing a hand on your thigh. you sat straighter at the contact, making him look up at you. “you okay, love?”
“uh y-yeah, i-i’m okay.” your voice was quiet, doing your best to act like everything was alright. now, minho could read you like a magazine. he knew when you were sad, scared, happy. he also knew when you were needy. he knew he must have been getting to you, so he took this opportunity to mess with you a little. he took the hand that was resting on your thigh and began moving it up a little higher. he was going agonizingly slow, making you whimper slightly. the boys whipped their head over, minho pinching your thigh to get you to be quiet. he perked his head up and told the boys you just weren’t feeling well. they seemed to believe him, cause they went back to what they were doing prior.
“be a good girl for me, and you’ll get what you want when we get home, okay,” he said quietly, smiling when you nodded. he got up again and gathered the boys up once more, to continue teaching them the choreo. the more you watched, the more wound up you became. it didn’t help that minho kept looking back at you, throwing smirks your way. it got to the point where you had to walk out of the room. you left, and started making your way to the bathroom.
but, minho caught up pretty quickly, basically dragging you to an empty practice room. he shut the door and locked it, turning to you and crossing his arms over his chest. you just stood there, not knowing what he was going to do. he did the same, keeping his eyes on you. it was like an animal stalking its prey. he slowly walked up to you, a cocky smirk on his face. “i knew you were needy, but not this needy. i told you to be good and you would get what you wanted but of course you didn’t. so i’ll tell you this. i’m gonna take you back in there, and you’re gonna sit there and be quiet. if you’re good, i’ll take you home and take care of you, okay? and if you don’t, you won’t get to cum for a week. do you understand, princess?”
you simply nodded, a slight pout present on your face. “yes sir.” he visibly tensed at the name, his eyes darkening as he stared you down. he just shook it off, and led you back to his practice room, helping you to the couch, making the boys think you still weren’t feeling well. they shot you sympathetic smiles, going back to what they were doing. you did as he said, and sat there quietly, not so patiently waiting for him to finish. you were literally counting down the minutes until you could go home, desperately wanting to be relieved of the ache between your thighs.
about an hour and a half later, they finally wrapped up the rehearsal, gathering all their stuff and leaving. minho grabbed his bag, and his water bottle, walking over to you. “you ready, love?” you nodded and shot out of the seat, rushing to his side, and began to walk to the car with him. you both climbed in and headed back to your shared apartment, the tension increasing the closer you got. as soon as he parked you were out of the car, rushing to the door. you couldn’t walk in yet because minho had the house key. he walked up to you and before he unlocked the door, he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “i’m gonna go set all my stuff down, okay? by the time i’m done, i want you on the bed, naked for me, understood?”
“yes sir,” you said, quickly rushing up the stairs as soon as he opened the door. you stripped all your clothes off, and hopped on the bed waiting for minho to arrive. within seconds, he was walking into the room, a shit eating grin on his face.
“good girl.” he stalked over to you and sat on the bed, patting his thighs, signaling for you to straddle him. you did as he said and threw one leg over his, mere inches separating you. his hands found home on your hips, looking at you, a smirk still present on his face. “look at you. always so pretty for me.” he began running his hands up and down your sides, pressing a light kiss to your lips. you quickly deepened it, kissing him with much more fervor. not even a second later, he flipped you over onto your back so he was hovering over you.
he peppered your skin in kisses, leaving a trail of love bites all the way down to your waist. he continued the teasing, brushing his hands over where you needed him most. “m-minho please.” he smirked at the tone of your voice and looked up at you, mischief in his eyes.
“please what? i cant give you what you want unless you tell me,” he teased, rubbing a hand up and down your thigh. you whined, but took a deep breath, knowing he wasn’t bluffing.
“t-touch me...” your voice was quiet, minho barely being able to hear it. he didn’t move an inch, he simply kept smirking up at you.
“touch you where?” he placed a hand on your side, clearly not giving up on his relentless teasing. “here?” you whimpered once more, gathering up all the courage you had and grabbed his hand and placed in on top of your heat.
“here.” he smirked once again, and ran a finger up and down your folds. you wrapped your hand in the sheets, leaning your head back, a light moan coming off of your lips. he slowly slid two digits into your sex, gripping onto the sheets tighter. “that’s my girl,” he spoke lowly, slowly inserting another digit, prepping you for later.
before you knew it, you felt your climax get close, and grabbed minho’s free wrist. “i-i’m so close-” and just as the words rolled off your tongue, his had pulled his fingers out, leaving you whimpering and feeling empty. he shushed you, lifting you up so you were on his lap. he gripped onto your ass and slowly lowered you down onto his cock, letting out a hiss.
you moaned at the feeling, beginning to bounce up and down, gradually picking up the pace, but stopped when minho slapped your ass. “you may be on top, but i’m still in charge.” you immediately nodded, mumbling a soft ‘yes sir,’ making him clench his jaw. he started to slowly thrust up into you, ignoring your pleas for him to speed up. he continued the slow pace, knowing it would only rile you up more.
but soon enough, he needed more too, so he began picking up the pace, rutting his hips into yours faster. he reached up and wrapped his hand around the base of your hair and roughly pulled it back, eliciting another loud moan to come out of your mouth. he took the opportunity to attack your neck in more opened mouth kisses, speeding up his thrusts further. he could tell by the way you were clenching around him that you were close. he took his free hand and began rubbing your clit, making you squeal. you began shaking from the pleasure, asking minho if you can cum.
“yes baby, be a good girl and cum for me.” you were cumming as soon as he finished speaking, gripping tightly onto his shoulder, digging your nails into his skin. a few thrusts later, minho was cumming as well, coating your walls with his release. he slowly pulled out, as you collapsed against his chest.
“you okay, princess,” he asked, any remnants of his hard exterior way out the door. you nodded, earning a smile and a light kiss on the forehead as he carried you to the bathroom. he set you on the counter as he cleaned you up, mumbling praises into your ear.
“you did so good for me, baby, so proud of you.” once he was finished, he carried you back to the bedroom, laying you down on your side of the bed.
“get some sleep, babygirl.”
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ayakamiyuiii · 3 years
Hello everyone!! <33 -i know it's been awhile since i last wrote, i've been really brain dead Recently, and i'm not Sure on what too write about-  i've really been thinking about Scaramouche Angst for awhile, So heads up, The Following may get pretty Upsetting huhuh- // TW! ~Mentions of Su!c!d3, Hurtful strong words Ehm it's gunna be pretty upsetting huhuh so im sorry for the followingg TT // i hope your all ok! :)) i hope your all doing ok <3 i hope you guys are taking care!, remember i love you all so muchhhh :DD mhmhm, let's get onto it then huhuh <3.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Your Boyfriend, Scaramouche. One of the Many Strongest Harbingers. He's Usually Busy out, Never getting time with you, Of course.. as he was your boyfriend, you really wished you two could have alone time, //Even tho most times you try talk about it to him it goes downhill, leading to a huge Argument.. You two were on and off to be Absolutely Honest. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT Y/N! YOUR DRIVING ME INSANE, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME??” ..Another argument, “i-..” “WHAT? SPIT IT THE FUCK OUT” “Scara- c-calm down..” “CALM DOWN? CALM FUCKING DOWN? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID??? GOD I FUCKING HATE YOU Y/N L/N! I FUCKING HATE YOU. I WISH YOU WERE DEAD.”
That hurt, you thought to yourself, “maybe.. i shoulda killed myself huh..im no use to anyone anymore am i?..” .. You were Kicked out of the once shared place you lived in, with only limited a day to come back and get your stuff, Honestly, You werent that surprised anymore, you knew it’d come to this sooner or later, You had to think pretty quick.. there was no where for you to stay anyways. Worse to worse.. you would just make some shelter in the wilderness and see how everything goes from there. 
it’s been about a month or two since what’d happened back at Scara’s house. You soon found yourself walking to places you’d been out with him, Hoping to not see him anywhere at all, To your Misfortune, as you were walking to the garden you first took him out to, You saw him there, ..with Another girl, Your heart had shattered even more, your eyes becoming even Deader, You just Walk by hoping he doesn’t notice you. you heard your name in the Distance, it was Childe, “whatever the fuck does this ginger want?..” you mutter to yourself.. of course from how loud he was you were really really hoping Scaramouche heard nothing.
“What’d you want you ginger?” you said once he caught up to you “I know your not ok Y/n, Do you wanna come over to my place and talk about it?” He says. scaramouche had heard everything, “no thanks im good i have to go now anyways.” you say, “why’re you going? i could walk ya there” “umm i’m going home, but i guess you could walk me there.” In the Distance, Scara’s eyes widened, He followed far behind. “-Ok we’re here you can go now, thanks Tartaglia,” You say. “wait, what- i dont see a house y/n whats the meaning of this?” “oh um *you pointed to a small tent you had made overtime* Home” both his and Scaramouche’s Eyes Widened, “What the fuck do you mean ‘home’ That- looks so Uncomfortable!” “well i’ve grown quiet used to it now, Most nights im lucky actually! the Abyss Mages leave me alone at times, i still have my bow if i need to go hunting everythings perfect, i- i even have a cat”.
“Y/n, This isint a Home, Listen do you need help? can i help you at all?” He says sounding really upset, “No Tartaglia, i Appreciate you trying to help but everythings perfect now, you can go now.” -As you were trying to get this huge ginger leave, Scaramouche who heard everything felt guilt, though he had left quick, apposing to not get caught. You had finally pleaded this Man to go, it was getting late you Decided to go hunting, You were pretty powerless, meaning you could die at any moment really. tho you went hunting anyways, ..you’d gotten some Boar, tho you were oh so tired, of course there was nothing you could do really.
its been five months, You still haven’t moved on from him, but you were happy he got someone much better than you in his life. By chance you had passed him while heading to the lake for bathing.. he held your arm and pulled you “Y/n.. your coming with me.” You were Shaken of course, what the hell is going on?? you stay Silent and obey, knowing he could damn well kill you at that moment, though your nerves started tensing up. You were Scared of what this mans planning to do to you, You were Basically Trembling in fear. “You brat, You fucking brat.” you were looking at the ground, Hesitating to look him in the face. “LOOK AT ME WHEN IM SPEAKING TO YOU GOD FUCKING DAMNIT” tears started pouring, you didnt want to look at him, tho you tilted your head up. “S-Sir, yessir.” You then started looking at him trying to force yourself to stop crying, aswell as throwing hurtful words to yourself. “So sorry sir, What can i do for you sir?” His eye’s Had Widened at this.
“You never told me you had no where to fucking go, maybe if you fucking told me i could have arranged something bloody brat.” “So sorry sir, My Mistake, it’s Ok Sir, You have a new life now, without a Peasant like me, you don’t need to worry or even have a thought of me sir, you should carry on with your day as i’ll carry on with mine.”
you couldnt stop sobbing, but you gave him a light smile and a bow before heading to the lake, He just stood there in shock. “so did they see me with? ...” he thought to himself, he heard your sobs, of course. But said nothing, At this point he was out of your Sight. you wipe your eyes, no matter how much you wipe the more tears pour, you try forget about the encounter anyways, it really hurt you of how easily he was able to replace you. But you couldn’t Do nothing, you just let it happen. it was pretty late and you were drying off, setting for home, You had some mora.. You Decided to buy a small meal,-
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HDSHJD  ANYWaYS! Thats end of part one E- i need more idea’s haksjhdjs i know this wasnt good at all, but i absolutely triedd!! <33 -nyways, i’ll make part two as soon as i get more ideas! hehehsdjh ilyasm takecaree cya laterrrrr <33333
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kazuhasbunny · 3 years
hi its abyss herald anon and god. cant stop thinking abt albedo ever since that dream my brain has already decided to pull for him and pick out the artifacts i have ready in my pile and built a team around him and crown him in 5 seconds-- help
i saw ur corruption headcanon the other day and im just, head full,,
tw manipulation but god??? to be manipulated by this man who looks like a good model student and reliable intellectual..... to think that once he closes the door from smiling and mentoring sucrose/timaeus he immediately switches to a mix of degrading and sweet cooing to u chained on the experiment table...... n he would say something like "dirtytalk is an important factor in measurig your arousal in the experiment" w a straight face to hide the fact that he wanted to say this 2 u all along...... god . i couldnt stop thinking abt him
also. stimulation... but only on the clit or only inside... like he wants to test the sensitivity of those places so he chains u up against a vibrator (that he invented. archons bless) that only teases ur clit all day?? and he comes back to a mess on cum, squirt and even piss!! on the floor!! and u desperately struggling against the chains the moment u hear the door!! begging him to fill you up inside too.. n he just excuses himself to "record the results" while savoring ur expression... ofc he fills you to the brim after, while teasing ur overstimulated clit!! it hurts there but it feels good inside and that messes u up so bad....
im projecting a little since i can only cum from the front but internal stim feels better.. but w a dildo fucking u all day but ur unable to cum so when albedo gets back ur sobbing to beg him to let u cum, all thoughts gone from your head.. he likes u when u dont think.. god thats such an effective way of orgasm control the potential... also.. whatif he only stimulates One side at a time and u have to beg him to stimulate both.... he is so mean!! im here for it !!! god i cant go back i used to have -1 feelings abt albedo this is all bc of u i had that dream after i read ur headcanons
tw manipulation
i believe albedo would be so good in manipulating you , ensuring you that it's for his studies but to no doubt you'd still disagree to him . which leads to him explaining how you're the only one compatible with this , no one else could ever help him out . he can't find any new recruits , you wouldn't want to see him fail now , do you ? as much as you don't want too you succumbed to his words . albedo , pleased with this smiled at you . but that smile , it had other intentions in it only he'd know
whenever his lessons with timaeus and sucrose are done , you'd instantly be guided into another room of his . chains you onto a table , words mixed with softness and a hint of degradation riling you up . his voice is drifiting you into trance , it was calming yet the dirty words that left him , explaining to you that it's essential to measure your arousal for this experiment which you just nod to
"you'll have this on you the whole day , it'll accumulate stimulations onto you . dissapointing as it is i have some matters to attend to so you'll be here alone . you can do that for me , don't you ?" he looks down to you with that straight face of his , making you shiver on how cold he is even in this situation . you mustered out a small yes as he uses the toy on you and instantly raises the vibrations to the highest setting , loud gasp leaves you as the toy starts working itself on your clit already reaching your high as the said alchemist leaves the room with that smug look plastered on his face
you were left in there for hours , clit overstimulated as you came for around 16 times already by this time , wetness covering below you as you struggle in those chains , wanting it to stop - you can't take it anymore it was too much ! your mind was numb at this point , pleas leaving your mouth as you beg for it to stop . luckily , albedo came just in time . though sadly , by his statement it's only for him to "record the results" . even by you begging for him to fuck you-- to fill you up to the brim he apologizes as he left you alone by yourself again , the same feeling rising up underneath you
but also same i relate , albedo just using a dildo instead fucking it into you . it doesn't really feel that good nor does it make you cum . you begged for albedo to let you cum , you need his help for it ! mind only thinking about him lettting you cum , nothing else . come to think of it albedo would be so into dumbification , something about seeing you all stupid just over his touches and words lights up something in him . he's so mean about it too , mean albedo just makes me *bangs head in pillow* grghrrr help !! i was also umm... not an albedo enjoyer once until i heard his voice , read his lores and .... the .... dom albedo fics LOL
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