#but regardless. im gonna get this damn chapter out before i sleep. i Will.
orcelito · 11 months
"2-3 hours" Well it sure has taken a bit longer than that. Still not done yet either, but almost... Almost...
I think this is one of the most technically difficult scenes I've ever written. Trying to give it the gravity it deserves without it feeling cheap... trying to capture all the Emotions of it....
I'm getting there tho. And it will be so rewarding.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
me, nodding of to sleep: IM HERE IM HERE
did my head just loll to the side? you will never know. first of all this chapter was the most beautiful thing i have ever read. Mavid have my HEART. It's also 4 16 am so im sorry if the reactions are a little bland but this was PERFECT.
me, throughout the whole thing: mavid mavid mavid
They had kissed for the first time almost a week ago. And they had kissed again. A couple of times.
Okay fine, they had kissed a lot since then.
Not a lot a lot. But a lot.
Wait a minute. How much kissing was a lot of kissing?
this is adorable
“I heard he cried when he found out Lexi and Liv were dating,” David chuckled.
yup that's jace
“We have to pay to talk on the phone?” Max asked incredulously. “I thought it was free.”
“Of course it isn’t free, Max!” David chuckled. “We have to pay for WiFi too.”
“This is ridiculous!” Max said. “Next you will say we have to pay for electricity.”
“Um, we do have to pay for electricity,” David chuckled again.
we pay for water too
but max you didnt know-
“Don’t let them guilt trip you!” Max had chastised. “They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”
cant relate nope
“I don’t know,” Max groaned. “My family is so dramatic.”
the lightwood-banes in one sentence
“Well, too late!” Max announced. “This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.”
In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that.
nah its gonna be great
“Perhaps you should just take him to the New York Library. They have, uh, books.”
yes that is what they keep in libraries
His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice.
But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages.
you know i really shouldnt have laughed at the demon attack news but for some reason i did
i blame my sleep deprivation
shit i feel sick
you know maybe i shouldve just waited till the morning...
ok but the demon attack is NOT coincidental
there is something going on
“I thought dragon demons were extinct!” Max yelled over the commotion.
“Man, fuck the orders!” Max said in frustration.
if you get hurt ill kill you
oh it's not her
well fuck
“That was an Armani, you piece of shit!” Rafael yelled at the demon. Max almost laughed.
It really did. Dragon demons smelled like they lived inside a boys locker room.
well that's nice to know
ok what is going on
“Say the thing!!!”
“I’m not saying the damn thing, you maniac!”
“Say the thing!”
Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.
“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.”
Im so sleepy i cant even react to this
Max wanted to laugh. Only David would worry about another person while being injured in the infirmary.
Max nodded; his throat still dry. He couldn’t stop staring at David. At the wound. At the blood.
Also, maybe the naked chest.
we're getting lightwood-bane fluff LET ME CRY
on one hand alec smoking is fucking hot BUT WITH THE MUNDANE DISEASES OH HELL NAH
“But it tastes so good when it’s from your plate!” Max said with a mouth full of food.
“Oh, you want my food? Here!” Rafael grinned and threw a piece of chicken at his face.
Max caught it with his mouth cause wasting food was a crime. “Thanks, bro!”
“You little s-”
“And no fighting over chicken!” Bapak pointed out. “We can always summon some more.”
“Order,” dad corrected. “We don’t summon. We order. And then we pay.”
“How do we destroy capitalism if we have to pay for everything?” Max asked.
Max has a point y'know
“That’s rich coming from someone who is wearing an Armani jacket,” Max stuck out his tongue.
“It was a gift!” Rafael said, furiously chewing on his chicken.
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked.
Max: What even-
Max: Can shadowhunters get high on iratzes lol
David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!”
“David is what you get if Dad and Uncle Jace and Uncle Jem had a baby.”
“Oh,” Max said. “Uh, David and I…We are dating.”
Dad choked on his coffee. “Excuse me?”
Bapak chuckled next to him. “Of course you didn’t know.”
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?”
“There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!”
There's alec. Yup
good thing i had wattpad I MEAN-
“Kissing?” dad gaped. “On the mouth???”
“Um, where else would we kiss?” Max asked incredulously.
“Well, actually,” Bapa cleared his throat. “There are many ways you can enjoy-”
And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life.
Max decided he would rather get attacked by a hoard of dragon demons than sit through it any longer
“You guys know we have something called the internet, right?” Max demanded.
“Well, the internet can have mixed messages,” Bapak sniffed. “We on the other hand have real life experien-”
“Magnus!” dad looked red in the face.
“Fine,” Bapak sighed. “Now moving on to the importance of lubrication and-”
“I’m begging you to stop,” Max groaned.
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.”
“Well,” dad said carefully. “David is…”
“French?” Max asked.
i blame my sleep deprived ass for laughing at this
next thing i know someone's being tortured and im laughing because i dont have sleep in my system
Max honey...
listen to him
i for one, dont want a repeat of pg 511 cols
oh he's finding out about the incident
that's what i call it
Max thought of all the stories he had heard then. The one of the warlock who killed people who he could bring back his dead girlfriend. The one about a nephilim mother who paired up with prince of hell to bring back her dead son.
oh yeah...
They called it The Jem effect.
It was true. In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual.
very very valid. have a good day sir
you know it's a sign ive been watching b99 too much that i was imagining mina talking like gina...
pls send help
“Can we not talk about my boyfriend’s sperm, please?”
im surprised my parents havent woken up by the sound i let out
“I’m hearing an inflated sense of self-importance,” he heard Ragnor call from the bathroom. “Is Magnus here?”
“Just the spawn,” Max called back.
“He is married to the Consul!” Tessa chuckled. “And one of his sons is a shadowhunter.”
“It’s still very bad for our reputation,” Ragnor grumbled. “He is too close with shadowhunters.”
“You are the headmaster of Scholomance!” Catarina said incredulously. “You teach nephilim! Even though you don’t need a job!”
“I was coerced!” Ragnor huffed. “Manipulated by the children of the angel.”
really ragnor?
The grin disappeared and Ragnor buried his face on Catarina’s shoulder. “I can’t go through this again, Cat! Not again!”
“So much for not taking up after his father, huh?” Catarina chuckled and looked at him. “That’s nice, Max. We are happy for you.”
“We are not!” Ragnor said in a muffled voice.
a kind of endless love...
dont make me cry
“I know you are worried, love,” Tessa’s voice was a whisper. “You are worried about surviving after David. You are worried about your own heart. But you should never let that fear stop you from finding love. Because love is what sustains us immortals. It keeps us alive. When you love a mortal, you love them forever. You might not remember all the memories. The colour of their eyes or the sound of their voice. But you will remember the love. You will carry that love inside you forever. It does not make you weak or fragile. It makes you stronger. And you will forever be grateful for it.”
my eyeballs are too tired to cry
stop it
bitch you hate children wtf-
Max laughed. “I’m going to kill dad for making us do this. God, this is so weird!”
better get it done now
dont do this to me at 4 am
“You should two should some spend time together. Get to know each other and all of that,” Max suggested with a smile. “Maybe you can bond over archery or something.”
“I’m pretty sure he would use me for target practice,” David mumbled.
“Don’t be ridiculous, David!” Max said incredulously. “My father doesn’t need target practice!”
At this point, a David and alec scene isn't a want its a NEED
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do.
me throughout life
max Rafael isn't the one smoking-
“Also tell him to stop smoking!” Max pointed out seriously. “It’s not good for his health! Especially with all the mundane illnesses going on.”
“I know, Max,” dad sighed heavily and blinked. “I mean, I’ll talk to him. For sure.”
Alec if anything happens to you...just know ill raise hell
“I don’t want easy,” David smiled. “I want you.”
“Dad? The Consul? That dad?” David looked surprised and relieved all at once. “Oh my god, he doesn’t hate me!”
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.”
of course, he did
oh my god SLEEP. there is so much to do tomorrow dying...my grammar was really bad and I don't have what it takes to use Grammarly's corrections except for the ones it's already doing as type.
this chapter had my heart BURSTING!! AHHHHHHH
the talk was so important I'm so glad they took care of that. ok imma head to bed now BYEE
Eeeeeee this was a lot sfkjdfkd I hope you are okay. Get some sleep next time or I will call the police.
Thank you as always for reading, reacting and supporting 💚
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Opia Night 2
Vampire!Shinsou x reader
Warnings: alcohol mentions, mentions of blood, dumb mc, campy vampire bullshit, swearing
A/N: ahhhhh. okay. so. this was a tough write. I think I got stuck because i started taking myself too seriously and then i just started throwing words out left and right. this is very back and forth, no-goal-reached, bullshit. I mean, getting from point A to point B is r o u g h, bro. Im SO SORRY. I was trying to make this natural and it just AINT. she’s messy today and it’s fine. Gotta just post what we can when we can lmfao. SOO! I’m aware that this chapter isn’t good, but I do hope that you find it entertaining regardless! I promise Night 3 will be better!
Night One
Night Two
You woke up to your phone buzzing next to your head on your pillow. Once, twice, and the third double-vibration made you realize that you were not going to be going back to sleep any time soon. Blinking at your window, you groaned at the flecks of dust that were lit up by the golden remnants of twilight. You’d slept most of your Friday away after slaving away on your school work Monday through Thursday. You tried telling yourself that you deserved the rest, but sleeping through sunlight has become habitual to you when you had nothing else going on. When you woke up from your coma, you would usually sleep some more. Usually.
The phone on your bed was alight with three unread messages, all saying something different, but with the same invitation handed out:
Kirishima(7:02): hey :)
Sero(7:07): you busy?
Kaminari(7:15): babe! partaaay tonite!!!! come over!
Again, you groaned.
The last night you’d spent over at their house was a complete disaster. You totally embarrassed yourself by screaming out of nowhere. Or so it seemed to have come out of nowhere to everyone else who heard you; what you thought you had witnessed went completely unnoticed to everyone at the last party. But to you, it was so vivid.
Purple-haired-couch-kid. Fangs. Blood.
You completely freaked and locked yourself in the bathroom. It took both Kirishima and Sero to coax you out after you battled the idea of calling the cops to their house. When you came out, there was a swarm of kids eyeing you like you were crazy. You asked to see Kodai. She appeared. She was unharmed: no blood, no marks, no recollection of any handsome boy who took a bite out of her wrist. Kamianri’s garage-sale couch had been occupied by no extremely handsome man, and there were no purple-haired people to be seen at the party afterwards.
It wasn’t something you could have imagined unless your drink had been spiked, but you thought you were pretty careful when it came to open containers! And besides, who’d want to spike your drink with hallucinogens. Getting you high could have been a prank or someone thinking they were doing the rest of the party-goers a favor, but to what you could tell, nobody else was seeing shit. So maybe you were crazy. Maybe there was no alluring voice speaking to you in your head, and your psyche had suddenly broken out of the damn blue. In the psychology class you took freshman year, you learned a lot about different mental illnesses that cause hallucinations and paranoia. Maybe you had to get yourself checked out.
Your phone buzzed again.
Kaminari: Kiri is gonna be real bummed if you don’t come :”(
Well, that was on him. You couldn’t really imagine why you would receive such a welcome invitation to another one of their parties after the big fuss you made. After you realized Kodai wasn’t in trouble, you stormed home; you lived close enough, so it was fine to leave your car there. You didn’t speak to anyone about what happened afterwards, so you were sure you’d be snubbed by your friends for at least a little bit. You figured that… if they wanted something else from you, maybe the rule of party fouls would be ignored.
You sighed, knowing that even though Kirishima definitely had a crush on you, he was still your friend and a great guy. You couldn’t think bitterly of him just because he might’ve wanted to kiss you on several occasions when you were just hanging out. You did sleep with him once, back in the day, but you both agreed to just be friends afterward. You were… kinda wild back then and didn’t like the idea of having a boyfriend. Kirishima tried to be understanding, but every now and then, you’d see him look at you with those sad, puppy-dog eyes.
There was a bleep! and you saw that you got a Snapchat notification from Sero. You pursed your lips and opened it to see a video of Kaminari singing your name, pushing Kirishima’s shoulder, and a chorus of several people making gross kissing noises at the two of them. You rolled your eyes and were about to close the video, but something—no, someone—in the background caught your eye.
You replayed the snap. There was singing, gross kissing noises, and him—right at the end of the video. He was only there for the last two seconds of the video, but those mesmerizing indigo eyes leering at the phone camera seemed to grab you by the throat.
You didn’t fucking imagine him. You didn’t fucking imagine him.
Sliding the screen to show the front-facing camera, you grimaced at your face. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and snapped a quick photo with the tag, ‘who is all there rn?’
Kaminari’s reply came instantly. It was another video of people hooting in the kitchen taking shots. Sero was sniffing at a rough-looking pineapple and Kaminari was yelling.
“Who is all here right now?!” Kaminari called and cheers came as a response. Kaminari turned the camera to face his grinning self. Kirishima was in the background checking his hair in the mirror. When he saw that the camera was in him, he flexed his arm, the dork. Then, Kamimari threw his arm around somebody, and pulled him into frame. You actually gasped.
“Why, the whole word is here, babe! Come overrrr!” Kaminari sang at you, but you weren’t paying any attention to him. Purple-haired-couch-kid was side-eyeing your drunken friend, but when he looked into the camera, he appeared to be amused. He wasn’t as dressed up as he was two weeks ago; he just had on a plane black T-shirt with the same ropey necklaces. The camera didn’t do his likeness any justice. The shadows under his eyes seemed to be much darker, and his skin was straight-up pale. Still, his gorgeous lavender eyes had you captivated. He was all you could see.
Purple-haired-guy’s ivory arm wrapped around Kaminari’s shoulder. He grinned, the whites of his teeth gleaming dangerously at the camera, squeezed Kaminari against him, and the video ended. You were too enamored to even thinking of taking a screenshot and you couldn’t replay the snap.
You cursed and covered your eyes with your pillow. You really were planning on sleeping the rest of the night away—maybe put on some cheesy soaps you could snicker at before zonking out. But now, it seemed, you didn’t have any choice but to go to the party. You had to see him.
A shower and a quick trip to the liquor store later and you were showing up to your friends’ rented domain with a six pack in hand. You entered without knocking. They never had the door locked; it was a constant open-invitation to ‘Denki’s Dank Crib’ as Kaminari wished people would call it.
You were immediately slapped in the face with human musk and you were glad to be wearing something more light: a white, chiffon top over your sunflower skirt with yellow, scrappy heels. It wasn’t everyday that you wanted to dress nicely, but as ridiculous as the concept was, if you did see the purple-haired-couch-kid… you wanted to look nice.
“Hey, you! Glad you could make it!” Strong arms pulled you into Kirishima’s hard chest. He smelled like sweat and old spice. He held you for two seconds too long, going so far as to rest his nose on the top of your head, before you pulled away, offering him a friendly smile. “Your conditioner smells nice!”
“Hah… thanks.” You grimaced.
“Oh, I’m sorry! That was really creepy! I’m sorry!” A slow blush bloomed on Kirishima’s cheeks. “I wasn’t trying to be weird. I might’ve had a few drinks already and I just… uh…”
Lending him a saving grace, you lifted the six pack up. “Care for another?”
“D’aww, you didn’t have to grab beer!” Kirishima grabbed the six pack from you. “I do love this stuff though! Thank you!”
“I couldn’t come here empty handed. It’s the least that I can do after what happened last time.” You started walking towards the kitchen, keeping an eye out for the purple guy or Kaminari.
“What happened last time?”
“You know,” you said while Kirishima cracked open a bottle, “when I had a freak out?”
“Freak out?” He offered you the bottle, but you shook your head. “What do you mean?”
You scanned the kitchen and saw only a few kids you didn’t know and Sero messing around with some frothy, yellow liquid in a beat-up blender. Looking to your right, you saw that there was nobody occupying Kaminari’s old loveseat. It wasn’t like you were expecting to see him there with what—Kaminari on his lap?—but it didn’t hurt to check.
“Like when I screamed and locked myself in the bathroom,” you said. “Then I left without saying goodbye.”
Kirishima’s brows crinkled. “I don’t remember you screaming or anything like that. You did leave a little suddenly, and I was bummed for like a minute, but that’s yesterday’s news. You’re here tonight!”
“Kiri, I was standing right next to you when I threw a fit. You don’t remember? You got me out of the bathroom.”
Kirishima shook his head. “Are you sure that was me?”
You were positive. You were definitely leaning on him, talking about how you didn’t need any boys, and Kirishima was warm like he always was when you touched him. You turned to look back at the couch and then you saw that purple guy bite Yui Kodai! Everyone heard you!
“You’re here!”
Sero zoomed towards you with two large cups of something in-hand. He gave you a bright smile and offered you one of the cups. “As soon as I heard you were heading over, I started making these! Piña coladas!”
“Oh…” you took the drink and gazed into the glass. It was yellow and mushy. Thinking back on your original theory—being drugged—you gave him a tight, closed-mouth grin. “What’s in it?”
“Uhh… Pineapple, coconut rum, and ice?” Seeing the unsure look on your face, Sero hastily added, “the pineapple was close to expiring, but I tasted it, and it’s still fine! Promise.”
“Did you even blend it right?” Kirishima asked, peering into your cup. “It looks like it’s breathing.”
“It’s not my fault our blender is janky!” Sero shot back. “I’m not the one who’s always making weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with, like, kale and shit added in every morning like some sort of psychopath.”
“It’s not crazy to be looking after my body. In fact, you could learn something from me!” Kirishima poked Sero in the ribs. “Skinny.”
“I’m not skinny,” Sero argued, flinching away. He lifted up his shirt to reveal his tight, well-kept abdomen. “I’m lean.” Sero smirked when he caught you staring.
“Alright, well, our girl only deserves the best service, and this ain’t it, chief.” Kirishima reaches to take the atrocity out of your hand, but seeing Sero’s dejected face, you pulled away.
“This is fine,” you promised warily. Beside yourself, you took a sip of Sero’s sloshy creation. You got a big chunk of pineapple in your mouth and chewed the rum out. The parts that weren’t chunks were all watery, like you were drinking straight rum. You forced yourself to smile. “It… tastes good at least.”
Sero was ecstatic. “Lovin’ your look, by the way. Yellow heels look good on you.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and placed a hand on your back. “C’mon, you don’t have to be nice to him. Lemme make you something good in the kitchen.”
“Oh, wait, Sero. I wanted to apologize to you too!”
Sero raised a brow. “Apologize?”
“Yeah...” You turned your head from Sero to Kirishima, hoping for any sign of recognition. “For freaking out. Screaming. Locking myself in the bathroom. All those good things.”
“Oh,” Sero said. “Yeah, well, you’re forgiven.”
“So you remember!” You beamed.
Sero’s hand went to the back of his neck. “To be honest, I don’t remember a lot about the last party. I think Denki broke a table—“
“You helped him break the table,” Kirishima interjected.
“—aaand someone stole my good bong? That’s it. I’m sorry you had a bad time, though. Hopefully you’ll have more fun tonight! Kaminari bought a karaoke set. It’s got all the shitty songs they’re playing on the radio right now.”
“Where is Denki,” you asked, looking around. Damn it, if nobody remembered you screaming, at least you could count on Kaminari possibly getting the name of the kid who he had his arms around in that video he sent you.
“Off somewhere being a dumbass.” Sero waved his hand absently at the crowd of kids in the living room. “You wanna smoke? I just got a new bong and it hits pretty smoothly. Or maybe you wanna try karaoke? Though you would probably wanna get a couple drinks in before that, huh?”
“Ah, maybe later. I just gotta find Denki.”
“Why?” Kirishima asked suspiciously.
“I just gotta ask him something…” you pulled out your phone and dialed his number. It rang three times before getting to his raunchy voicemail. You scoffed.
“He could be up in his room,” Kirishima suggested.
“With a chick?” Asked Sero, amused. You made a face and Sero quickly corrected himself, saying, “I mean… with a nice lady?”
“Who’s to say.” You took a sip of Sero’s special beverage. It was gross, but you were here, and probably getting a little annoyed. You came out, so you might as well try to enjoy yourself.
“I’m sure he’ll come down eventually. If he really is with a girl, he’ll be down soon, and he’ll be hungry,” said Kirishima. “Hey, I’m gonna be ordering a pizza. Any topping preference? I was gonna get a few and wanted to make sure—oh, hey!! Bakugou!”
Your eyes followed Kirishima’s to see some grouchy-looking blonde kid coming in from the front door. You took advantage of both Sero and Kirishima greeting the guy with high-fives and fist-bumps, and made your way into the dining room where kids were playing a drinking game on a broken table.
You chatted a bit with a few kids you hadn’t met before, a girl whose name you forgot from the biology class you took last semester, and some guy who was so drunk you couldn’t comprehend a single mumble that rolled off his tongue. Nobody seemed to know where Kaminari was. Nobody seemed to have seen any boy with purple hair and an angelic face...
You scooted past three boys who were playing some stupid slapping game and into the living room. You sat down on the couch and checked in on your phone messages. It’s been two hours since Kaminari last texted you to come over. You thought about shooting him a text now, but—
‘Do you realize that all of the air in the room goes out when you walk in?’
You choked on air, as embarrassing as that was, and looked up, expecting to see someone who spoke to you. Nobody was paying you any mind for Kaminari's shitty couch, but you knew you heard that titillating voice, and it wasn’t because you were crazy.
‘Such a pretty little thing to be left all alone at a party. Did you lose your fan club?’
“Actually, I chose to sit here by myself,” you said aloud, minding the few people who actually turned to see you talking to yourself. You shrunk back into the couch and pretended to be taking a video of yourself.
‘Well, I’m sure. It’s a comfortable couch, afterall—better when shared.’
Oh, so this voice was a dirty, little thot. You clicked your tongue and texted Kaminari. ‘Hey, I’m here. Where are you?’
Kaminari(11:02): side yard.
Hopping up, you headed for the sliding patio door.
‘Eager to see your babe, babe?’
“Oh, shut up!” You hissed while walking outside and a girl watching a beer pong game frowned at you. You weren’t sure, you thought that you could hear a chuckle in the very far back-end of your head.
Kaminari was in the side yard, thank god. He was leaning against the house, staring absently at the side gate. He was alone, not on his phone or anything to keep him busy. He was just standing there.
“Hey, Kami!”
Kaminari barely turned his head towards you when he said, “hey...”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing hiding away in the side yard?”
“‘m just chillin’. Waitin’ for my friend…”
“A friend?” You asked. “Kaminari, are you okay?”
“Of course,” Kaminari said, still staring at the side gate. “I’ve never been better… it’s a nice night…”
You stepped out in front of him. Kaminari didn’t meet your gaze; his yellow eyes were hazy and blank. You waved your hand in front of his face and he didn’t even react.
“It’s a real nice night,” he repeated dreamily. “I‘m waiting for a friend...”
“What friend, Kami? Who are you waiting for?”
“Uhh… Dunno. He just left…”
“What does he look like?” You asked, growing impatient. Kaminari wasn’t the brightest, but he was never really this slow. There was something wrong with him.
“Hmmm… like the moon…”
“I saw you near a kid with purple hair and a lot of jewelry in some of the snaps you sent, Kaminari. Do you know where I might be able to find him? He was at the last party too.”
“Yeah... That’s my friend…”
Thank god, thank god someone else knew who the hell you were talking about. “Do you know where he went?”
“To get a snack…” At that, Kaminari cracked a grin.
Fangs and blood flashed in your mind. You clenched your teeth together. If you remembered correctly, perhaps purple-haired-couch-kid’s idea of a snack wasn’t suitable for this party. You grabbed his wrist. “C’mon, let's go back inside. You need some water.”
But when you turned back to your house, you bumped right into what felt like a brick wall. But it wasn’t a brick wall. This barrier was a person whose ivory skin practically glowed an eerie white under the moonlight. This barrier was a person whose indigo eyes scanned you like a marauder finding his treasure. This barrier was a person whose flushed lips tugged up into a smirk when you shrieked.
Your stomach sank when he laughed at you after you leapt back and against Kaminari’s chest. Kaminari placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, as if he was trying to be reassuring, but his touch was too light and vacant to do much to calm you.
Goosebumps crawled up your skin when you took in couch-kid’s sudden appearance. You were mad at yourself for thinking that even though he was frightening in the dark, his sharp jawline was practically begging to be nibbled on.
Jesus, what the fuck was wrong with you?! You couldn’t be thinking about hooking up with strangers that bite while Denki was high and everyone else was forgetting shit! You shook your head and scowled.
“Sorry about that… didn’t mean to scare you.” Your heart did a little jump at hearing his voice for the first time. At least, you were pretty sure this was the first time you’d heard it. It did sound oddly familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.  
Couch-kid held out his hand. For a second, you thought he was going to shake your hand, but then you saw that he was holding a wrapped cereal bar. Froot Loops. “Here you go, Denki.”
Kaminari’s arm snaked through the opening between your arm and waist to grab the treat. Your body nearly vibrated from being only just a couple inches away from Couch-kid’s finger tips. His arms were nice—white and long, but strong, with a few prominent veins running up them. Did he drink weird, keto-friendly protein shakes with kale and shit added in them like Kirishima? Why did you care?
“Oh man, thanks Shinsou. I was starting to get dizzy,” Kaminari said, unwrapping the sweet treat. You heard him crunching from behind you, and you don’t know why, but you were suddenly very irritated with his presence. You shouldn’t have been. There was obviously something going on with him and you should’ve been wanting to help him out, but then, you really wanted to be alone with Couch-kid. The thought just made you more agitated.
“Not a problem,” Couch-kid—Shinsou—purred. He didn’t look at Kaminari when he spoke; he was eyeing you.
“Shinsou,” you said, pulling at the hem of your skirt. Did he remember you? Did he think you were dumb for staring at him without saying anything for so long back at the last party?
“That’s me.” Shinsou grinned. This time, he took your hand, rather than offering his, and kissed the back of your wrist. You honestly would have swooned if you didn’t see him do the exact same thing to Yui Kodai just a short while ago. Still, his cool lips making contact with your skin made tiny electric currents shoot up from your arm, to your neck. You shuddered. “I don’t think we’ve officially met. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The, uh… pleasure’s all mine?” That was what they said in the movies, right? Cheesy soaps, whomst? What a weird thing to say, anyways. Even still, as silly as that old-time greeting was, he could’ve easily said something as ridiculous as, ‘charmed, I’m sure,’ and you still wouldn’t have been able to muster out a bark of laughter like you would with literally anywhere else.
“Denki, didn’t you say you wanted to go sing some karaoke?” Shinsou asked, his eyes still on you.
“I did say that,” Kaminari said, taking another bite out of his cereal bar. “Karaoke sounds nice…” And without any ceremony, he started walking. Sliding past you, he made his way down the side of the house. Just like that?! He was going to leave you with a stranger?
You called, “wait! Kaminari... are you really okay? You were acting a little funky just a minute ago.”
“Mmm, yeah, I’m fine. I just really wanted cereal.” Kaminari wiggled the now empty bar wrapper in the air. “But Shinsou took very good care of me…” That faraway look returned to his eyes when he said, “I’ll catch you later, babe.” With that, he was gone, leaving you alone with a guy who simultaneously made the hair on the back of your neck stand up and your heart melt with a quirk of his brow.
Shinsou’s eyes scanned over you, up from where your hand was bunched up in your skirt, to your torso, your collar bones, your lips, then back down to your neck. Unease settled over you when his eyes finally met yours and you had to quickly look away. You wished that  you were anywhere else in the world. You also wished you could think of something, anything, to say to him, but asking about Kodai seemed to be so wrong to you, at the moment, and the last time either of you had interacted, you were about to hop into his lap!
Finally, you mustered, “do you know if he smoked anything? He really wasn’t acting like his usual self. I’m worried something might be wrong…”
“Not to my knowledge. He might’ve had a couple drinks though,” Shinsou said. There was another long pause, and you fought your brain to come up up a normal conversational topic, but Shinsou beat you to to the punch. “Is he your boyfriend?”  
“What? No!” You still couldn’t look him in the eye as you answered. You hoped that it was dark enough to be able to hide your flushing face. “He’s really just a friend.”
“He calls you ‘babe’, though.”
“Yeah, well, if you put a skirt on, I’m sure he’d call you babe too.” You shrugged. “He’s just a flirt.”
“You weren’t wearing a skirt at that last party,” Shinsou mused, which gave you a little rush. He remembered you. “And he still called you babe.”
You pressed your lips together to keep from smiling, but your humor rang out in your voice when you asked, “are you interested in him or something? Because I can go get him back for you, if you want. I’m pretty sure he dated a guy our sophomore year.”
Shinsou clicked his tongue, amused. “It’s not him I’m interested in. Not really my type.”
“Right, right,” you laughed, gaining more confidence. “Well, I haven’t seen Kodai here tonight, but I think I have her number saved. Would you like me to give her a ring? It’s the least I can do for you taking care of my poor, dumb not-boyfriend while I was away.”
You reached inside your purse to grab your phone. You really would have called her, but before you could even touch your phone, Shinsou’s fingers were wrapped around your wrist. You almost yelped. Shinsou’s fingers were much cooler than his lips were and it surprised you.
“I knew you were jealous,” he remarked darkly. Immediately, you yanked your arm free, but that only prompted him to grab your wrist from a newer angle. You narrowed in on him, ready to bite—he was someone you didn’t know grabbing you, so obviously you had every right to—but as soon as you gazed into his eyes, you were lost.
His pupils were abyssal; so dark that they appeared white. Looking at him, your body felt cool—numb almost. Beyond any control, your body relaxed which made you lose your tight grip of Sero’s shitty piña colada. You didn’t even care about the cold, sloshy mess splattering over your heels.
Shinsou backed you into the wall, his stare intense, his lips parted and amused. He planted his free hand on your arm and took his time running it up to your shoulder, your neck. The tips of his fingers lightly danced across your jugular, the pad of his thumb slowly running up and down the pulsing vein. He scrutinized you dangerously, daring you to move, to run, to scream for help. Not knowing whether you were scared or aroused, you let him touch you, though ‘let’ didn’t seem like the appropriate word. It was like you had no other choice. He wanted to study you, so he would, and you would not object. So naturally, when Shinsou slid his hand to the nape of your neck, you turned to grant him access to what you knew what he really wanted.
He first pressed his nose up against your skin and inhaled deeply. You shivered as he groaned, “I’ve been waiting for you for too damn long. My sanguine.”
When Shinsou’s lips pressed against your flesh, you melted. Every nerve-ending in your body set aflame; you were no closer to fleeing the scene than you were indulging in the sweet sensation that his kiss had to offer. His cool tongue traveled up your neck, sending waves of jubilant shivers down your spine. His fingers hooked around your shoulder as he deepened the kiss. You felt a tingling sensation warming up between your legs that was only a tiny bit eased when he lodged his knee between you. His hand slid down your back where he pulled you on to him more comfortably; held up by his thigh, his arm, and nothing more.
“Nhhh-“ you tried to object, like you should, like you knew you wanted to, but a carnal urge pulled at the strings of your willpower. Whether he kissed you, or killed you, you wouldn’t be able to deny him his satisfaction. You would give him, Shinsou, a stranger, anything he wanted at any given moment.
But when you heard your name called from inside, the spell was broken.  
You tensed. Shinsou’s lips froze against your skin. You felt his hands tighten around you protectively, possessively, and you knew you were in deep shit.
“Kiri,” you whispered despite wanting nothing more than to say another man’s name. Kirishima was looking for you and yet, here you were, in his side yard, with another boy. Perhaps you hadn’t changed as much as you originally thought you had.
“Don’t-!” Shinsou hissed when you tried to pull away. There was urgency in his voice, something unexpected from him. His eyes were desperate and hungry. Terrifying. It felt good knowing that he wanted to keep you, and that thought was more frightening than what you thought was his original intentions. Fingers slid their way to your waist, and Shinsou bowed his head, dipping in to kiss your lips, but before he could, your hand fell on his face.
It wasn’t a slap, no. You literally put your entire ass palm on his face to save yourself from a kiss you actually wanted.
“O-oh god!” You stuttered out. Beyond any responsible control, you shoved his head back. “I’m sorry!”
Finally freed, you bolted a good five feet away from him, back towards the house. Your assaulter gazed at you with surprise, sleepy eyes rounded in a sort of sincere, pitiful way, but you couldn’t let his dejection get to you. You swallowed harshly as you backed away from him and the wall, going against every fiber in your body telling you to stay put, to stay at his side, to let him satiate any and all needs that he had.
The thing is, you would have. Despite not being able to bark out the half-dozen questions you had for him (why do you bite people? Why can’t anybody remember you? Why do I think I can hear your voice in my head? Why the sudden smooches? What the fuck?) you would have stayed with him there, had you not heard your name called a second time.
“Leaving so soon?” Shinsou asked, gaining some composure, though as lax as he tried to make himself seem, there was an imperative note in his tone. “Don’t want to let your fan club down, I guess.” His voice was a shrug. “And here I thought you were going around asking about me.”
That was so excruciatingly embarrassing; being caught showing interest. Did he know how many people you spoke to? You wished you could wither up and blow away right then and there.
You glanced through the glass door to see Kirishima holding his phone up to your ear. A second later, your phone started buzzing. You ignored it.
“I guess I just wanted to know who you were, is all,” you said, a perfectly normal response. That was you: calm, cool, and collected—totally not willing to makeout with extremely hot strangers out of nowhere. “I haven’t seen you around before that last party…” which would be a perfectly fine segue into asking him why he bit Yui Kodai, if only you could will your body to ask!
“So you’re satisfied?”
“Uh-huh!” Not at all. Not at all. But that didn’t stop you from turning back towards the house.
Your body went cold. The voice rang too clearly to have been said aloud, but it was definitely his. In. Your. Head.
“What did you say?” You asked, turning back, trying to keep your tone steady. You didn’t know why, but you thought it would be bad if he heard your voice crack or squeak.
“I asked if you were satisfied. We barely got to converse and yet, you’re skittering away after making such a fuss about finding me. Why is that?”
“I’m not skittering away and—hey!” You put your hands on your hips. “You called me a liar just now, didn’t you?”
Shinsou placed his hands in his hips, mocking you. “I said no such thing!”
“Well, no, maybe you didn’t say it with your mouth…”
“What else would I have said it with? My hips?” He smirked. “Are you sure it wasn’t your own conscience calling you out?”
You scoffed. You couldn’t believe he was teasing you!” And what about your conscience?! Do you just go around attacking people’s necks out of nowhere like that as a hobby?!”
“Interesting choice of words,” he chuckled. “No, I wouldn’t say attacking people is a hobby, but more of a necessity. And I don’t usually go for the neck, either. I save that intimacy for victims who are a little more willing…”
‘Really, I wouldn’t want a single drop of you to run down your arms, anyways.’
“Willing?!” You started, incredulous. You pointed a shaking finger at him and continued with, “you really have a thing or two to learn about cons-!”
“Hey!” Kirishima was sliding the door to patio open. “I was looking for you! The pizza’s almost gone, but I saved you a couple slices.” He looked at you and registered the expression on your face. His eyes narrowed as he approached you. “Who are you talking to?”
But when Kirishima looked down the side yard, there was nobody there—just the slushy remains of your piña colada. He bent down to pick the cup up to see you shaken, wordless. “What happened?”
You could only shake your head. Because you didn’t know what happened—you didn’t know anything! Shinsou was there and now he wasn’t, and the more you tried to say anything on the matter, the more the words got stuck at the back of your throat.
“Hey,” Kirishima said, full of concern. He grabbed both of your trembling hands and wound his fingers through yours. That was intimate. Something sweet. Something that was supposed to be reassuring. What in the hell was supposed to be intimate about a guy you barely met narrowing in on your neck like that.
You sighed and allowed your head to fall against Kirishima’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close while that angry blonde kid, Bakugou, appeared at the doorway, munching on a slice of pizza (probably the last one.) He took one look at you, rolled his eyes, and walked away. Kirishima asked you what happened once more. You said, “I’d just really like to get home.”
“Let me walk with you,” Kirishima whispered. That would be pulling him away from his own party, but he didn’t seem to care about that. The world really needed more Kirishimas.
Making your way through the house, you saw Kaminari in the living room slurring the lyrics to a lame song, Sero cheering him on while simultaneously recording every word, and Bakugou glaring out the front window. Kirishima quickly told Sero where the two of you were headed which made Sero form a tight line with his mouth. After seeing the stricken expression on your face, Sero seemed to ease up a bit.
Kirishima held your hand while he walked with you. He tried to make light conversation, attempting to get your mind off of whatever happened when you were alone in his side yard, but you couldn’t entertain him with idle chit chat. The entire walk home, you thought you felt somebody’s watchful gaze on you.
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING (CLOSED): @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello
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leviskokoro · 4 years
Mari In Twisted Wonderland | Abridged Version | Savanaclaw
Chapter 2
Days after the Overblot Incident and Revenge Unbirthday Party, Mari gets another dream and this time it’s about the furries-- I mean, animals. She didn’t really get what it meant.
Lunch happened and Ruggie stole Grim’s lunch. Mari was confused but then they were called to the Headmaster’s office so she couldn’t question it. 
Crowley explained shit to the shared brain cell trio and Mari. Blah blah blah. Grim got upset that he can’t play magift and show off. Mari rationalized with him that he won’t be able to show off if he’s only a beginner and that she’ll treat him to canned tuna to cheer him up. He seemed to be having a terrible day, getting his lunch stolen and then being told he can’t participate in a sports event. 
She asked Crowley if he was searching for a way home but quickly realizes that he didn’t seem to be doing it. Though, she didn’t really say anything about it since the demon brothers were probably looking for a way to get her back. 
Then they got back to their dorms later but Crowley came to visit and explained that students were getting injured and shit was real sus since there were a lot of them. Grim told him that he didn’t want to help but he pretty much just forced them by saying the Ramshackle Dorm wasn’t free. He also bribed Grim by saying he’d let him participate in the magift tournament. Though, Mari was aware that he was lying through his teeth. However, she said nothing since she didn’t want to break Grim’s spirit again. Plus, she was going to help regardless of the situation. Might as well be helpful while she’s stuck in there. 
So the investigation started. They looked in the infirmary and Mari noticed that there were no Savanaclaw students that were injured but figured that maybe the culprit hasn’t got to them yet. Then they interrogated two injured students from Heartslabyul and they didn’t get any helpful answers so they tried looking for more clues. Only to fail and go back to the Ramshackle Dorm. 
Ace visited and they explained the situation to him. But then Deuce ran in and yelled about how Trey got injured too. So they ran to the Heartslabyul dorm and saw him. 
Mari was genuinely proud of Grim for being nice enough to give Trey the can of tuna she bought for him earlier in order to cheer him up. 
Riddle came by to check on Trey and then explained how he got injured. Then Cater pulled everyone excluding Trey to a different room and let Mari tell them about the other injured students. 
So, the Heartslabyul gang + Grim and Mari went to investigate together and saw the Pomefiore Dorm, which was probably Mari’s favorite dorm so far. It was certainly pretty. 
And now for Mari’s first impression of Rook: “Dang he kinda hot” 
Rook will remember that
Then the rest of the gang decided that he didn’t look strong enough so the culprit probably wouldn’t wanna target him, then went on to Octavinelle to see the tweels. 
First impression of the tweels as she and the rest ran for their dear lives: “Jesus fuck they’re creepy” 
They escaped and Mari finally remembered what she noticed about the injured students again. “Savanaclaw might be the next targets since there weren’t any injured students from there” 
So they got to the Savanaclaw Dorm and met Jack. She was like “oh you’re the hot furry” and he was like “excuse me?” Then he tells them that he won’t be targetted and that they should fuck off. 
Then they got in trouble with Savanaclaw delinquents and Leona and Ruggie came. Leona recognized Mari as the herbivore that stepped on his tail. The delinquents get angry but he still drinks respecc women juice and just challenges the gang to magift. Since Mari had no magic, she had to sit this one out. 
She goes home and sleeps, but then realizes she can’t and decides to have a midnight walk because she hasn’t seen enough horror movies to know that’s not the best idea. Then she meets Malleus. Probably thinks he’s the hottest guy she’s seen in NRC besides Leona and Jamil. 
“Oh, you are a child of man” “And you’re a man with horns”
She isn’t particularly intimidated by him. Like— She’s met Lucifer and has been nearly killed by him twice. Some strange dude with horns got nothin’ on him. Mari asked who he is and he seemed to be surprised by that, then he smirked. 
Dude said it would be better if she didn’t know and let her call him whatever she wanted. She was like “Aight” then he left. 
Mari goes to sleep and has another dream. She wonders why she’s having another dream about animals and why does the lion look familiar. Then she woke up, wondering what it meant. Barbatos was rather vague when he gave her his parting gift. 
On the way to school with Grim, she told him about the Tall handsome dude with horns. He dubbed him “Tsunotarou”. She liked the name a lot and decided to use it. 
They meet up with Cater and Riddle, who tell them that Jamil got injured. So they go meet him. 
‘Ah fuck his voice is hot too’ Mari thought when she met him. It seemed that she was right about Kalim, he was quite friendly. 
So they finally found out about Ruggie but couldn’t catch him. Then Jack appeared again. He’s like “Why are you working so hard for other people’s sake?” 
Ace is like “Lmao we just wanna get picked for the magift tournament and show off. We don’t give a shit about these guys.”
Mari sighed and said, “Why is literally everyone in this school so selfish?” And Jack questions her as to her reason for doing it. Then she replies with “Well-- Crowley kinda said that living in the Ramshackle Dorm wasn’t free. Though, he didn’t really have to force me since I would’ve helped regardless because I just like feeling helpful.”
Then Jack told the shared braincell trio that they’re worse than he thought. Though, he also mentioned that he didn’t trust Mari’s type. As in, “Guys that just do things for others” 
Ace was like “no u” 
Then Jack was like “Fight me bitch. If you want me to spill my guts, you gotta defeat me”
Deuce went bad boy like “fuck yeah lets go dude” and they fight
And they win. The rest of the guys are surprised that Mari knows how to fight. She’s like “The Future King of Hell taught me martial arts for like a year” and they’re not sure whether she’s being serious or if she’s crazy. 
And then Jack went into this whole spiel about how cowardly tricks make him nauseous and how he wanted to use his own power to claim victory at the top. Then he finally spills the beans on what Ruggie’s unique magic is and how Savanaclaw is in on the plan. 
“Why would they?” “How well you do in the magift tournament can have a big impact on your future, right? So I can’t say I don’t understand their feelings” 
Mari is like “Dude, chill. Understanding someone doesn’t mean you agree with them.” 
Jack replied with “The now comes before the future! Show what you can do now!” 
Then goes onto yet another spiel about how he can’t stand Leona and how that guy is amazing but never gives his full effort. 
Ace whispers to Mari like “Damn he tsundere for his own dorm leader” 
And Jack tells them that Savanaclaw is going to target the dorm leader of Diasomnia, Malleus Draconia during the day of the magift tournament. 
Riddle and Cater come by like “Lol thanks for telling us” Then Riddle was going to tell them the plan but Jack was like “bitch im not gonna help. Im gonna do this shit myself. Bye” 
Mari countered with “What have you accomplished on your own?” 
He’s just >:(
“Smart wolves hunt as a pack” “Ugh fine. But if your plan sucks, I’m leaving.” 
So after hearing Riddle out, he’s like “Aight I’ll help.” 
Everyone came to an agreement and went to their respective dorms. Mari has another dream, then thought “Bruh he really wanted to be king then when he became king, he didn’t even do it right.”
“Oi, wake up.” 
Mari felt someone shake her awake. She groaned and swatted away the hands, wanting to sleep more. It didn’t quite register in her mind that someone broke into her room. It was only until her blanket was tugged away from her. The cool air hit her bare body. She shuddered and her eyes finally fluttered open to see Jack with a flustered expression before he threw the blanket over her body. 
“Tch.” He looked away and rubbed his neck. “I came from my morning run to wake you up early. I couldn’t let you oversleep on the day of the tournament. S-Sorry for breaking into your room…”
Grim perked up and was motivated to go immediately so that he could collect his reward to play in the tournament. “Come on! Let’s go already!” 
“Just let me get dressed and I’ll be right with you. Be patient.” 
For the rest of that morning, Jack couldn’t look at her directly. When he did, images of that embarrassing situation all came back to his mind 
So they got to the stadium. Shit hit the fan but everything was fine because Heartslabyul revealed their plan. Diasomnia is perfectly alright. 
Leona got pissed and he revealed his unique magic. Sand is everywhere. He’s trying to kill Ruggie. 
Mari is like “Ugh I hate sand” 
Jack also revealed his unique magic and turned into a full furry-- I mean, wolf. This surprised Leona, which gave Riddle the opportunity to collar him. 
Lilia be spittin facts. 
Hearing Leona yell about agony and despair and that things will never change kinda made Mari’s heart hurt because it felt… familiar. How hopeless he seemed to feel. It reminded her of how she was before coming to the Devildom. 
Then he overblotted.
Then they beat the sit out of him. Mari is like “Does this usually happen?” 
So the magift tournament went on and Savanaclaw still got to play because the injured students wanted revenge. Grim also reminded Crowley about his reward so he was allowed to play against Savanaclaw. 
Grim did an oopsie and tried to do a special move but it backfired and hit Mari in the head instead. She had to be rushed to the infirmary. 
She woke up to see the shared braincell trio and the furry boys. Ace told her that she’s been asleep for so long that the closing ceremony was over and they’re dismantling the venue. 
Leona told her that Diasomnia was the champion. 
Ace and Deuce talked about how good Malleus was for a moment. Jack was like “No one can win if they give up before they try.” Mari agreed with him. He then said that he was going to beat Diasomnia fair and square next year. 
Leona was like ““Underhanded tactics” require one’s strength too” and she asked if he even felt bad. He was just like lmao no 
A wild Babie has appeared. Leona went >:0 but introduced Cheka to them. 
Mari squealed at the sight of such an adorable child. Internally she was saying “I’ve seen Cheka for 4 seconds but if anything were ever to happen to him, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
Jack: So the root of all Leona’s pain is… 
Mari: The cutest lil angel ever! 
Cheka: Are you guys my uncle’s friends? 
Everyone else laughed at Leona except Mari who was busy introducing herself to the lil babie. 
Leona will remember that. 
Timeskip to when Mari went to sleep and saw the creepy shadow in the mirror. She’s lowkey shook but then she woke up. Seeing the time was pretty early in the morning, she decided to have a lil stroll to see the sun rise. 
She found a good spot and sat down, singing lightly to herself. 
The sound of leaves being crushed under one’s feet reached her ears from behind her. Mari didn’t bother looking up at the source, being too enamored with seeing the sky as its hues morph from navy to a golden yellow. The dark clouds turned into tangerine and peach ones. She gave a dreamy sigh. 
“Oi, Mari.” She heard the gruff voice of Jack. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh you know, just… Watching that gorgeous sunrise. I’ve lived in a land with no sun for a year so seeing it like this is quite the blessing,” She responded, still not looking up. 
“Seriously? I’ve never heard of a place like that.” Jack sat beside her. 
“Yeah. Living in Hell was quite the experience but it was fun.” Mari chuckled lightly. 
Her words caused him to furrow his eyebrows, wondering if she was kidding or not. He shook his head, deciding that it wasn’t important. He turned to her. 
“So… about that time…” 
“Hm? What time?” Mari finally looked at him, confusion swirling in her pools of chocolate. She tilted her head. 
His face felt warm as the blood rose to his tanned cheeks. “Y-You know what I’m talking about!”
Upon seeing his flustered expression, she finally remembered what he meant. Her mouth formed an ‘o’. What could he possibly gain from bringing that up now? 
“I wanted to apologize properly…” He spoke up again, rubbing the back of his neck. “I shouldn’t have violated your privacy like that and broke into your room.” He finally had the courage to look back into her eyes. Golden hues meeting chocolate. 
“How can I make it up to you?” 
Mari saw this opportunity and a smirk crept up onto her lips. “You could make it up to me by letting me pet you.” 
He yelped and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. His ears stood erect. “Wh-What?!” 
She pouted. “I thought you wanted to make it up to me? This is the least I could ask for after you broke into my room and saw me naked!” 
“Okay! Okay! Just don’t yell or someone’s gonna hear you.” 
Mari stopped and looked at him with expectations glinting in her eyes. 
He leaned downward. His head was lowered and ears curled back, anticipating her touch. 
She grinned and laid her hand over his head, caressing it tenderly. “Oh my~ Your hair is quite soft. I see that you groom yourself well, Jack. How nice~” She cooed, continuing to pet him with such pure glee swimming in her chocolate eyes. “How are you liking this? Does it feel nice~?” 
“Tch… Just because I’m letting you do this, doesn’t mean I like it,” He told her. 
“But your tail is wagging.” She pointed out. Blood spurted to his face and he pulled away. 
“Alright, that’s enough!” He exclaimed to her, trying not to show her that he was flustered. “We’re going to be late for school if we don’t hurry.” 
Mari glanced at the sun and nodded. “Oh! You’re right. I’ll go wake up Grim and head to class. Thanks again, Jack.” 
“Don’t expect me to let you do that again. We’re not friends or anything.” He walked away from her. 
A smile graced her lips as she watched him leave with a mirthful gaze. “Alright,” she whispered and made her way to the Ramshackle Dorm.
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Twelve
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later), slow-ish? burn.
Word Count: 7.1k 
A/N: Friends...this was ALOT. I didn’t edit it too much cause I was so excited to get it out to you so, please forgive any typos. I hope you like it!
Warnings for this Chapter: language, smut, mentions of anxiety/ insecurity, DID I MENTION THERE WAS SMUT OH MY GOD IM ON FIRE
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 12: Pain and Pillow Talk
“Did you talk to him?”
Yoongi shifts on the lawn chair, gnawing on his bottom lip. He looks nervous.
“Uh…yeah I did. I hope that’s ok, I know it wasn’t really my place, I just…”
Your brows furrow as you place a hand on his thigh, the arm rests from your chairs touching one another.
“Whatever you guys talked about, must have worked. I walked by the bedroom after I went pee and, I heard noises that I could have lived the rest of my life without hearing.” You laugh and, Yoongi’s posture softens, chuckling along with you. His hand moves to rest on top of yours, nimble fingers curling under your own.
Yoongi cat eyes flit to yours, a nervous smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, “Jungkook and I, share the same…uh situation.”
“Do you have a crush on Jimin too? Cause seriously, if you do, I won’t be mad, just know that half of this city has a crush on him so, the competition might be a little rough.”
You smirk, eyes holding his, biting your lip in an attempt to reign in your laughter. Yoongi snorts, relaxing further as he shakes his head.
“No, I’m a little preoccupied with another crush I’ve been dealing with, thank you very much,” He answers quickly, eyes narrowed and accusing as they point directly at you. His answer makes you want to kiss him. Although, most things he does make you want to kiss him. “But uh…Jungkook and I both like…everyone, regardless of, gender or…anything like that…”
You throw your teasing smile out of the window, eyes softening as you squeeze his hand gently. It touched you that Yoongi felt comfortable enough with you to discuss his sexuality and, you wanted to ensure that you handled the information with respect.
“I’m really happy you decided to share this with me, it means a lot. Thank you.” You lean over to kiss his cheek and, the soft skin quickly heats up at the brush of your lips.
Yoongi looks slightly confused, his eyes narrowing again as he regards you carefully.
“What?” You giggle under his gaze, your fingers interlacing with his, shaking his hand lightly.
“You don’t think it’s like…weird or anything?”
“Weird? Of course not. First of all, your sexuality is 100% valid, 100% of the time and, there is nothing to be weirded out by. Second of all, my two childhood best friends are currently having sex upstairs so; my ability to be shocked is kind of lost to me right now.”
Yoongi smiles then, a chuckle breaking past his lips as he nods, “That’s fair. Well…thank you, for being cool about it. I’ve usually had to do more explaining in the past or, sometimes, people aren’t as uh…cool about it.”
There is some pain in his eyes as he finishes his sentence but, you refrain from pointing it out, choosing instead to squeeze his hand again.
“You can talk to me about it as much as you want but, only if you want to. I’m always here either way…” You assure him and, Yoongi leans in suddenly, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You smile into it, leaning against him before he pulls away, his eyes containing a renewed softness.  
“Thank you…seriously.”
You’re still sort of smiling as he pulls away, nodding your head in acknowledgement, “You’re welcome.”
He smirks, looking at you for a moment before his hand comes up to scratch behind his neck. He directs his gaze towards the rest of the party that had yet to settle down.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket and, you move quickly to retrieve it from your pocket, hoping to receive some sort of update from your friends.
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Kookie and I are gonna stay at my place tonight, is that ok with you guys?
A smirk is on your lips as you see the text come through.
Guess the time they had in the bedroom wasn’t enough.
BROS FOR LYFE: It’s ok as long as you guys aren’t driving.
BROS FOR LYFE (Jungkook): We’ll get an Uber, Mom, don’t worry.
BROS FOR LYFE: then, you’re good. Have fun ;)
BROS FOR LYFE: wait, where’s Tae? Aren’t you guys supposed to be driving back in the morning?
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): We saw him on the way out of the room; he was heading into another room with some girl.
BROS FOR LYFE (Jungkook): They were making out, it was really gross.
Shaking your head, you respond, your brows rising
BROS FOR LYFE: I’ll call an Uber too
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Noooo Y/N just come with us, it’s ok, we can have them stop at your place first, or you can stay at mine
BROS FOR LYFE (Jungkook): Or you can stay at yours…
You giggle at that, knowing damn well that staying under Jimin’s roof would be a bad idea.
BROS FOR LYFE: It’s ok guys, I’m still hanging out with Yoongi and, I don’t know when he’s planning on leaving. Also, I can take a hint Kook, I’ll find my own way tonight but, like, you two have fun. Just try and remember that Jimin’s neighbor is a sweet old woman named Helen who would probably have a heart attack if she heard what I heard earlier.
BROS FOR LYFE (Jungkook): lmao get rekt Helen
BROS FOR LYFE (JIMIN): Helen is a freak Y/N, she’s hit on me ever since I moved in.
“Everything ok?” Yoongi’s looking at you curiously, smirking as he notices you giggling to yourself.
You bring your attention to his; still laughing lightly as you nod to your phone, “My friends are abandoning me…”
“Wait why?” Yoongi chuckles, eyes darting to the upstairs bedroom momentarily. “Did they not…finish up yet?”
“Apparently not. Tae was our DD but, he’s upstairs too…doing god knows what.”
Yoongi shakes his head, smirking in disbelief before he brings his gaze back to yours, a slight hint of nervousness appearing in his chocolate eyes. “I can take you home, or you can…stay at mine, we live really close. It’s up to you…”
A smile finds your lips, giddiness swirling in your chest as you cock your head, trying to play it cool.
“Do you want me to stay the night Yoongi?” Your tone shifts lower to tease him, your knee nudging against his causing him to roll his eyes. Pink cheeks always give him away though and, you bite your lip, enjoying the affect you have on one another.
Pursing his lips, he smirks, trying to contain a much bigger smile. He’s still trying to play it cool too, even after everything that’s happened between the two of you.
“You can, if you want to.” He insists, almost defiantly, nudging your knee back.
“Do you have to wait till your friends leave?”
He shakes his head, eyes wandering over the rest of the backyard, which was still displaying dozens of party goers, “No, Namjoon and Hoseok drove separate, we followed each other here, cause I couldn’t remember where this place was…”
“Alright, you ready to go then? Or did you want to stay and hang out for a bit?”
Yoongi stomach does somersaults as he looks toward the door eagerly, his head shaking, “No, I’m ready….are you, staying with me? Or am I taking you home?”
You smile, starting to stand up, brushing your hands on your jeans before turning towards him, offering a hand to him, “I’ll stay with you,”
Yoongi’s stomach could have joined the Olympics at this point but, ever the cool guy, he tried his best to refrain from literally jumping for joy.
He smiles  ( :] ) taking your hand, interlacing your fingers with his as he lets you lead him out of the party.
“You came on a good night,” Yoongi explains, as he’s unlocking his front door, smirking slightly as he turns back to you, the door cracking open. “Normally, this place is a disaster but, Hoseok had a girl over the other night and, actually decided to clean up for once.”
You giggle, nodding in understanding as Yoongi leads the two of you inside, “Is he the messy one?”
Yoongi snorts, nodding, “Yes, in more ways than one…”
You snicker, stepping through the threshold, your eyes scanning your surroundings. The house was pretty nice. The walls were painted white and littered with various photos full of the three men who lived in the house and, what you assumed was their families. As the two of you walk passed the front hall, you enter the living room which displayed a giant flat screen and, a black U-shaped couch that essentially took up most of the room. To your left, Yoongi pointed out the kitchen, complete with modern appliances and barstools at the front of the island. You wondered how they ended up in such a nice house but, you decided it wasn’t really your place to ask but, it was certainly an upgrade from your tiny apartment.
“My room is over here but, you’re uh…welcome to sleep out here too if you feel more comfortable, it’s up to you.”
Yoongi sounded nervous, far more nervous than you’ve heard from him in a while. You turn towards him, smiling softly, taking his hand in yours, “As comfortable as the couch looks, I think I’d rather sleep in your room, with you, if that’s ok…”
He relaxes slightly but, only slightly, his furrowed brow smoothing out as he returns your smile, his fingers lacing with yours once again.
“It’s right down the hall here,” Yoongi gestures to a hallway that extends from the living room, still holding your hand as he leads the way. He’s eager as all hell but, to you, he seems relatively relaxed.
The thing is, Yoongi had never had anyone he liked in his room before. This was mainly due to the fact that the last real crush he had was in high school and, Yoongi was far too terrified to talk to him. So, as far as romance goes, Yoongi is like brand new in this department, he doesn’t know what he’s doing and, he’s really afraid he’s going to mess things up. The last person who slept in his bed was Hoseok and, even then, Yoongi never really developed feelings. For the longest time, Yoongi assumed he would end up alone. He was fine with that. Then, you came along and, quite frankly fucked him all the way up, both figuratively and literally (lmao). He’s really trying to take things slow but, it’s difficult when you keep doing and saying all the right things. Yoongi feels comfortable messing around and, pretending like everything is SUPER CHILL but, deep down, he’s desperately trying to suppress the fact that he’s falling for you. Hard.
He opens the door to his bedroom, ushering you inside, hoping to god that you can’t hear how fast his heart his beating. You smile as soon as he turns the light on, revealing the room to you. The first thing you notice is the smell, clean laundry, you weren’t sure if his detergent was just potent or if he had an air freshener somewhere but, either way, his room smelled amazing. He steps in behind you closing his door softly, biting his lip as he watches you scan the room. Yoongi’s room is tidy, everything in it’s place. Black shelving adorns his walls, holding various photos and, sports memorabilia, his bed is covered in a fluffy black duvet that looked ridiculously inviting at the moment. A desk sits in the corner of the room, holding a big monitor and several synth pads and speakers. In front of the desk sits a computer chair that has a jersey hanging on the back, Agust D stitched into the material.
You turn back to Yoongi smiling, feeling his nervous energy, “Do you make music in here too?”
He nods, shifting in his stance slightly as he moves toward you, his eyes flitting to his desk, “Sometimes yeah, I can’t always afford studio time but, I have everything I need right here. It’s just better to work at the studio; they have all the equipment I prefer working with…”
You shuffle over to his desk, careful not to touch anything cause like, this is his passion and, if you broke something you would be mortified.  Fondness is practically screaming in your chest as you notice a few characters on Yoongi’s desk: some from cartoon shows, some from basketball teams.
“Did you make the beat that you rapped to?”
He nods again, moving to sit sort of awkwardly on the corner of his bed.
“Yeah it was a beat I had for a long time but, I kept toying with it until I finally got something I liked…”
Turning away from Yoongi’s desk, you move to set your purse on one of his nightstands.
“I really hope you keep at it, you’re so talented it’s insane. I’m surprised you haven’t put your stuff out there…”
He blushes, shying away from your compliment as he picks at the skin around his fingertips.
“Stop,” He chuckles, looking over at you, “…it’s just a stupid beat I made.”
Your eyes widen incredulously, “Yoongi…nothing about your music is stupid like, honestly you were so good. You’re definitely in the right field…you had me swooning over you and shit, it was embarrassing.” You giggle and, Yoongi’s brows raise, a smirk on his lips as he cocks his head.
“You were just checking me out the whole time? How do you know the music was even good then?” He teases, his heart swelling 2000 times bigger at your praise.
You chuck a pillow at him, giggling, “First of all, I check you out all the time so, that wouldn’t have affected my judgement, second of all, if you released a mixtape, I would be the first person to buy it and, that’s not just because I like you, it’s because, your song was that good.”
Yoongi chuckles, looking away from you for a moment, his eyes shifting around, trying to figure out his response, he sighs and then looks back you, a renewed sense of softness in his gaze,
“Thank you, that’s uh…that’s really kind of you to say.”
“You’re welcome…Agust D…” You break the slightest bit of tension, a smile on your face as you move to the button of your jeans, undoing them before starting to shimmy out of them. Yoongi snorts at your comment but, honestly, your praise renewed something in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Maybe he would release his mixtape….
“I hate wearing jeans…” You mutter, brow furrowed as you struggle to tug them down your legs.
Yoongi feels another sensation stirring in his pants as he sees the lace of your underwear. Images of the last time the two of you were together playing on a loop in his head as he he looks away from you again, frustrated at how easily you could fluster him.
You managed to get your jeans off before slipping your bra out of your Team Jungkook t-shirt. The clothes were folded and set on the floor before you turn your attention back to Yoongi.
“Are you ok?” You prod gently, confused at why he was avoiding your gaze.
He sighs, nodding as he turns back to you, averting his gaze from your underwear, “I’m good I…I uh normally sleep in just my boxers, if that’s cool with you...”
“Yeah, of course…” You trail off, not convinced by his answer.
He’s nervous. You could feel it in the air of his bedroom, his tension radiating off of his body.
“Let me…uh,” He starts, trying to speak over the lump in his throat as he stands, pulling his jacket off before his finger pinch the neck of his t-shirt and pull it over his head. You’ve obviously seen Yoongi without his shirt on before but, there was something about it that really got you. He had a bit of a tummy and, you honestly had to resist the urge to pinch it. You busy yourself with pulling his duvet back, stealing a glance or too towards him in the process. He pulls down his jeans, bending down momentarily to collect his clothes off of the floor to throw them into his laundry basket.
“The remote is on the nightstand if you want to turn the TV on, I have Netflix…” He murmurs, padding over to his dresser to take his jewelry off.
Why is that attractive? Why are you still staring at him?
Turn the damn TV on…
“Should we finish the dragon documentary? That should put us right to sleep…” You joke, your thumb pressing on the power button of the remote.
Yoongi chuckles, turning towards you momentarily, “No.”
You laugh in return, his smile lingering on his mouth as he turns back around to finish what he’s doing.
“Your loss, dragons are the #1 sleeptime aid in the world…”
“Shut up.” He chuckles again, finally feeling himself relax as he turns back towards you.
Yoongi is going to die.
That’s it, that’s the final straw.
When he spots you, cozied up, underneath HIS duvet, on HIS bed, in HIS room, he literally feels his heart being assaulted in his chest. Your eyes are narrowed in concentration as you browse Netflix, not noticing Yoongi’s minor breakdown in the corner of the room. Subconsciously, you use your free hand to push back the duvet, inviting Yoongi to the spot next to you. He sighs, heart choking in his chest as he makes his way over to the bed, he pauses near the light switch, hesitating slightly, looking over at you.
“Is it ok if I turn the lights off? Or do you need them on?”
Yoongi sleeps in absolute darkness and, knows very well that, if he has to leave the lights on, he will probably have some serious trouble falling and staying asleep. However, he knew of one of your greatest fears and, he would rather deal with a sleepless night, than deal with you feeling afraid.
“Oh yeah, go ahead, I don’t sleep with the lights on, I just have some source of light, like my laptop or my TV or something….” You smile mid-sentence, your gaze moving to his, “Thank you though…”
Yoongi nods, returning your smile before flicking off the lights and, approaching the bed. There’s a stirring in your chest as he slides in beside you, heat radiating off of his body as he does. Yoongi feels his anxiety rising once again, unsure of how to deal with all of the feelings inside of him. He wants to hold you, of course he does but, he’s not sure how you feel about him. The two of you were having sex quite a bit, sex that was so good that it left an impression on him.
He knows you like him but, how much? What if you were just having fun?
What if you didn’t feel the same? What if he was just a good time to you? Were you like that? What if-oh…
You move towards him during his internal crisis, your body, soft and sweet smelling, tucks into his. He feels goosebumps form on his arms as your hair touches his bare chest, the annoying organ under his sternum asserting itself once again.
The increase in Yoongi’s heartrate didn’t go unnoticed. You felt it against your cheek as you snuggled into him, a soft smile on your lips. It was hard for you to understand why you affected Yoongi this way; he always seemed so calm and collected. You knew differently however, you knew he was always feeling more than he let on.
“Comfy?” You murmur to him, as your hand rubs gently against his ribs, attempting to reign in his nerves.
Yoongi is annoyed with himself, he doesn’t understand why he reacts so wildly to your touch.
“I…no…I’m sorry, I’m not…” He stutters, cursing himself for making this otherwise sweet moment, incredibly awkward.
Your heart sinks slightly and, you pull away from him, sitting cross legged in the center of the bed, eyes widened in surprise.
“Shit…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed you wanted…I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable…” You amend, feeling your cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
Yoongi joins you in sitting up, his face twisted in discomfort, he reaches for you then, placing his hand on yours as he shakes his head.
“No…no, it’s not you, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m just…fuck, I’m sorry…” He wipes a hand over his face and, his cheeks are on fire at this point. “You did nothing wrong, it’s my fault…I’m the one being awkward.”
You accept his hand, your head tilting curiously but, you stay silent, knowing he had more to say.
“I’m not normally like this…I,” He sighs, his free handing wiping over his face, “Everytime I’m around you, I feel like…this feeling about you and, I don’t know how to convey it or…ask for…I don’t know what do…shit, I’m sorry I can just take you home if you want, I understand if you don’t want to stay…”
Your brow furrows then, confusion evident on your features, “Yoongi, I don’t want to leave…just talk to me yeah? What’s going on?”
A breath comes out of his nose then, his chest flushing to match his cheeks, he’s fully embarrassed, he doesn’t even know what the fuck he is trying to say, let alone, how to say it.
“I’m not used to wanting to…do stuff… I guess, I’m sorry…I know its… “He cringes at his confession, regretting every single moment that has recently passed, wishing desperately that he was more casual, like Hoseok, or articulate, like Namjoon. But he wasn’t. He was Yoongi and, Yoongi had spent many years denying his own feelings thus, denying his own desires.
You smile then, everything becoming apparent, a relieved giggle passing your lips. The sound brings Yoongi’s gaze back to yours, his heart stalling momentarily.
“I would hope you still wanted to have sex with me, we’ve only been at it for the past week…” You attempt to joke with him, trying to lighten his mood and lessen his embarrassment.
“You don’t understand though, it’s every time we’re alone, my mind, sometimes, just goes straight to sex and, it feels wrong sometimes...like it’s inappropriate and, when you leave or, when I leave, all I can think about is you and…what we do together and, I’m turned on all the time, I feel like I’m in highs school again...it’s really distracting and, I feel like I’m being…gross” He agonizes, trying to understand why you’re so relaxed. 
“Yoongi,” You’re giggling again, scooting closer to him, “there’s nothing gross about wanting someone…I feel the same way about you.” 
His expression relaxes slightly, his eyes shifting around, “You do?” 
“Yes,” You scoot closer then, your knees touching his as your thumb soothes over his knuckles. 
“…I mean, every time we’ve done anything, it’s been because I came onto you so…” 
Yoongi’s face turns up then, his body relaxing further as he nods, “I guess you’re right about that but, it’s only because, I don’t know how to…ask for it? Or come onto you? Fuck…I sound ridiculous…” 
“Ok that’s it…” You mutter, pushing his hands to the side before nudging him back against his headboard and settling into his lap, your panties against his boxers. He gulps, biting his lip as you do, a smirk sort of playing on his mouth. “You are not ridiculous, or gross, or weird, or anything like that…I like you…” 
You kiss his lips then, so soft and sweet, “I want you…I think about you…” You place a kiss on his mouth between each dose of reassurance, your fingers lacing with his. “You don’t have to feel ashamed…” 
Yoongi’s breath is picking up slightly, his lips responding against yours, “I don’t want to feel ashamed…I just have so much going on inside my head sometimes…I don’t know what to do with it.” 
You nod, understanding very well what that’s like. Moving from his lips, you sit back on his lap, admiring the way he looks illuminated by the light of the TV. 
“With me…” You smile at him, your expression softening as the two of you regard one another, he can’t help but return your smile as he feels his anxiety slowly leaving him. “I want you to feel like you can talk to me ok? I know it isn’t easy and, shit gets complicated but, I really want to make you comfortable, this is all new to me too, I’m not expecting anything from you, I just like being with you...” 
Your words melt the remainder of Yoongi’s frigid fear, his heart singing in his chest as he pulls you closer against him, “I like being with you too...” 
Settling against the warmth of Yoongi’s bare skin, you wrap your hands behind his neck, leaning in to nudge your nose against his, “Cool, so we’re on the same page...” 
“I guess...” He mutters stubbornly but, his nervous energy is clearly diminishing as he leans into your lips, a renewed sense of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Kiss me you fool...” The dramatic flair in your voice would normally warrant an eye roll from Yoongi but, this time, he just shakes his head, a low chuckle rumbling between the two of you as he presses his lips against yours.  
He takes his time, kissing you slowly, his hands still on your hips, squeezing gently as he does. This time, kissing him felt different, you could feel how relaxed he was under your touch, his breath leaving his nose gently as you slide your hands up in his hair. Your nails scratch gently at his scalp whilst Yoongi slowly introduces his tongue to the kiss. You accept him graciously, letting yours play against his. The kiss is dirty, filthy even but, neither of you are rushed to further things along.  
Yoongi’s hands explore the skin over your hips, his fingertips admiring the softness, rubbing against your hips. You nudge his nose, nibbling on his bottom lip for a moment before, reconnecting once again. Yoongi’s hardening against you, his boxers stretching over him as he presses himself against your panties. You smirk into his lips knowingly but, say nothing, choosing instead to begin kissing into Yoongi’s neck.  
Nuzzling against his neck, you place a few whispery kisses against his skin, taking time to find the spot that makes him shiver the most. His breath hitches slightly as your lips reach the apex of his neck, near the beginning of his collar bone.  
“I...” He stutters out the syllable, an inquiry heavy on his tongue, his dick plumping further in his boxers. “Can you...bite me?”  
His voice is low, shaky but, certain, the rasp in his tone going straight to your clit. You nod, dragging your teeth gently against his neck, causing another shiver to run through him, his heart picking up in his chest.  
Testing the waters, you bite down on him gently, your lips suctioning against his skin. You feel his hips rise up slightly at your motions, his head lulling back against his headboard, providing you better access.  
“Harder...” He doesn’t ask this time, his dick fully erect against your panties, mouth agape.  
You smirk to yourself before giving him what he wants and, sinking your teeth into his skin. Not hard enough to draw blood but, pretty damn close. You suckle his sensitive skin into your mouth, laving against it with your tongue, knowing full well that your motions will leave a mark.  
“shit...wait...I…oh fuck...” Yoongi’s breathy voice, desperate and wanton, claws its way out of his chest, his hips stuttering beneath you, his hands clutching yours. His boxers were sticky against the inner parts of your thighs, the sensation causing you to pull back, alarmed. Yoongi lets out another breath, his head thrown back in pleasure, his cheeks dusty pink with embarrassment.
You bite your lip, watching him in disbelief, wrapping your brain around the fact that he had just cum from you biting his neck.
“Shit,  shit…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t…” His breathless, his chocolate eyes widened in shock as he comes down from a pretty powerful orgasm. Yoongi is mortified and, quite sure that if you didn’t want to leave before, you would definitely want to leave now.
“Shhh…” You whisper, moving in towards his mouth, capturing his lips. Shaky breath escapes his nose as he cautiously kisses you back, his whole body feeling rather sensitive.
“I’m…I’m sorry, I’m really sorry…I don’t know what happened, I just felt your teeth and…” He’s stuttering at this point, his words swallowed against your kisses until you finally break away from him, giggling as you do. Your eyes hold all the fondness in the world as you bring your hands up to hold his cheeks.
“Why are you apologizing for cumming?”
“I…I don’t know, you didn’t finish or, we didn’t fu…” He trails off, narrowing his eyes at you, “See? You’re laughing at me, oh my god, I’m so fucking lame, please just leave me here to wither away and die…”
Your giggles grow in volume then as you try to resist the urge to pinch his cheeks that are now squish between your palms, “I’m not laughing at you... listen to me…”
Yoongi is full on pouting between your hands, his own hands bracing themselves against your hips, feeling slightly uncomfortable in his now, sticky boxers.
“You aren’t lame…” You assure him, a smile lingering on your lips, “you’re fucking hot and all we need to do is get you hard again but, we can’t do that if you wither away and die can we?”
Yoongi snorts his eyes shifting from side to side before finding yours again. He can feel himself plumping up at the mention of you getting him hard and, although he’s thoroughly embarrassed, he doesn’t doubt your ability to do so.
“No, we can’t…” He agrees, cat eyes peering deep into yours as he lets out another breath.
“I don’t want to hear you criticizing yourself anymore, understand?” The tone you use is firmer than normal and, Yoongi perks up at the sound of it, nodding eagerly in response. You smirk, your suspicions slowly being confirmed one by one. “Say it aloud…”
“I..I understand…” He breaths, eyes completely locked onto yours
“Good boy…” You whisper against his lips before pressing a gentle kiss to them
Yoongi feels his heart skip a beat at the nickname, his dick continuing to swell in his boxers.
He’s never recovered from an orgasm so fast but, the way you’re talking to him, the way you’re ordering him around, it’s doing something to him.
A smirk finds its way onto your lips, “You like that don’t you?”
He nods again, rendered speechless, he’s captivated, his embarrassment diminishing once again.
“Do you want to be my good boy Yoongi?” Still smirking, you take his lip between your teeth, the movement causing him to let out another, sharper breath, his body turning to puddy beneath you.
“Yes…” His voice is muffled by your teeth, his nipples hardening at the sound of your voice. It was still you but, something had shifted, you sounded so powerful, so sure, and so fucking sexy.
“I’ve had my suspicions about you…” You release his lip, hands releasing his face and moving to his hands that we’re now clutching on your hips. Lacing your hands with his, you bring them above his head, pinning them against his head board, pressing his skin into the wooden bars. Yoongi feels a whimper at the back of his throat, his neck stretching to watch the movement of your hands, gritting his teeth lightly.
“The night I dyed your hair, you whimpered when I tugged on it, when we fucked in your car, you gave yourself to me so willingly, the other night, you came so hard when I scratched you…” You’re listing out the bits of evidence and, Yoongi’s eyes close, overwhelmed by you, shaky breath escaping his nose. When he opens them, they’re black with desire, wide with submission, his gaze goes straight to your pussy. “…and now, you came just from me biting your neck…”
“I like pain…” He blurts out, his voice trembling but assured, dark eyes still staring into yours. There’s no shame in his explanation, his inhibition slowly shredding with each passing moment. “I know you do…” A giggle passes your lips as you press his wrists harder into the wooden bars.
“It makes me really hard…when I jack off, I dig my nails into my thigh, sometimes I choke myself too…bet you didn’t fucking know that did you?”
His challenging you, he knows it. He wants to rile you up, he wants to let go for once…
He wants to get fucked up.
For the moment, you’re speechless, not expecting Yoongi to be so forward. He was usually quiet, subdued, even shy when the two of you went at it. You had never seen the wild look currently in his eyes, you want more of it.
“ Doesn’t surprise me…” You counter glancing behind you, toward his closet, trying to figure out your next move. “ Do you have a tie or something?”
Yoongi smirks, knowing full well what you were thinking, “Are you planning on tying me up Y/N?”
The sound of your name sounds sinful on his plushy mouth and before you can answer, Yoongi speaks up again,
“The only way I’m letting you tie me up is if you use those panties you’re wearing, which I’m pretty sure are soaking wet by now…”
His request throws you for a moment and, your mouth falls agape momentarily, a detail that doesn’t go unnoticed by him and, this time his smirk grows, his head cocking to the side, eyes still taunting yours.
“Ask me nicely then and, you might get what you want…” Your breathing is growing slightly uneven. Yes, you were very comfortable fucking Yoongi into next week but, this, the way he was talking, was new territory for you.
He wasn’t wrong though, your panties were soaked…
“Y/N?” His eyes go wide with innocence now but, his tone is still taunting, “Will you please tie me up with your panties?”
Biting your lip, you snap, releasing his wrists before moving off of his lap, slipping off of your panties and, straddling his waist yet again.
“Wrists up…” You order and, he obliges, still smirking and, as you hold your panties on your fingers you return his smirk, leaning down momentarily, brushing your lips against his, “By the time I’m finished with you, you’re gonna be so fucked out that you won’t remember anything but, the way my pussy feels around you…”
Yoongi gulps, his smirk faltering as he opens his mouth, leaning up against your lips but, you don’t respond, choosing instead to pull away. He sighs at the loss of contact, obsidian eyes shooting up to where his wrists are, watching intently as you use your panties to tie him to his headboard.
You sit back on him, admiring the way his body looks, stretched out and vulnerable to you, his cheeks and chest flushed, his nipples hardened, his stomach trembling as you run your nails over his hips.
“You said you liked pain right?” You whisper, eyes sultry as they hold his, your fingers moving delicately over his skin.
He nods, hips rising slightly against your touch, his dick painfully hard in his boxers, “Yes…”
“How does this feel then?” You dig your nails into his pale skin, scratching hard over his hips, leaving aggravated ruby marks with your movements.
Yoongi throws his head back, a gasp leaving his lips, his eyes shutting tightly as he nods again, “Good…do it again please…”
You want to admonish him for demanding you but, you don’t want to discourage his newly found confidence so, instead, you oblige. Dragging your nails over his ribs this time, you press harder, scratching him all the way down to the band of his boxers. Yoongi shivers, his face turning up in a mix of agony and pure pleasure, a smile appearing on his lips.
“Holy…fucking shit…” He chuckles, his vision going hazy as he tries to focus on you, the sensations in his body overwhelming him. His lips are wet, his dark gaze flitting between your hands and your face, “I’m so hard right now…”
“I can feel that, you’re twitching around underneath me…” You quip, fingertips brushing over his clothed length, the motion causing him to jump slightly.
“I don’t think I can wait anymore…I feel like I’m gonna cum again and, I want to last for you…” He sounds slightly panicky, his breath picking up as you start to grind against his dick, your bare pussy pressing into his boxers. “Please…please fuck me…”
You bite your lip, smiling down at him, rolling your hips against him once again, a low whimper breaking past his swollen lips as you do.
“Do you think you’ve earned that Yoongi? Do you think you’ve earned my pussy?” You whisper, grinding against him again and, you can only imagine how raw his wrists must be from how hard he’s been fighting against his ties.
He shakes his head vigorously, his expression growing smaller, staring up at you, adoration creeping into his gaze, “I could never do enough to earn your pussy jagi…”
The words hit you like a ton of bricks, your stomach dropping as you lean down to his lips, kissing him suddenly. He responds, his lips eager as he moans into your mouth, his arms burning from how much his straining but, he couldn’t give less of a fuck.
“That was a good answer…” You giggle and he returns the sentiment, chuckling into your mouth.
“I meant it…”
You tug his boxers down his legs, resisting the urge to take his swollen length into your mouth. His dick is pulsing with arousal, some of it still covered in his previous orgasm. Yoongi couldn’t recall a time where he had been so hard in his life, his brain filled with nothing but, you
“Don’t cum until I say…” You assert, stroking him in your palm before lining him up at your entrance, your pussy aching to be filled by him.
Through his whimpering, he nods, his hips raising against yours, completely desperate for you, “I’ll be good for you jagi, I swear…just please, I can’t wait any longer.”
So, you oblige, slowly sinking down onto him, taking every bit of him that you can, the feeling sending a sinking feeling into your stomach.
“Shit…” He gasps, sweat forming on his forehead, his gaze zeroing in on where the two of you are joined, the sight alone making him drool.
Your nipples harden under your t-shirt and, you take the opportunity to pull it off, exposing the rest of you to Yoongi’s hungry gaze. The sight of you fucks him up everytime, his gaze being pulled from your cunt to the rest of you, his eyes looking up at you in awe.
The pace on his dick quickens, causing both of you to be short of breath, his length curving up in just the right place, white hot pleasure wickedly coursing throughout your body.
“You’re so fucking pretty...” Yoongi’s shaky voice makes your clit throb, your hands coming down to brace against his injured hips as you start riding him faster.
He’s staring at your face now, not even glancing toward the rest of your body, his tone certain and unyielding, “You know that right? You know how pretty I think you are right?”
Yoongi will admit, he’s not thinking clearly, his logic is out to lunch, everything about you turning his brain to mush.
“You should look in a mirror sometime…” You quip, meeting his intense gaze. The resolve within you as breaking as it usually does and, you already feel yourself nearing the edge.
“I can’t believe it…I can’t believe I have someone so pretty…riding my dick so fucking good, I must have been a good boy huh? To get so lucky?” Yoongi is blabbering at this point, his eyes going in out of focus, the corners of them collecting moisture and, he feels like he’s gonna cry if he doesn’t cum soon. Then again, he feels like he’d cry regardless…
“You’re the best boy Yoongi…you deserve to feel this good all the time, I want to make you feel good all the time…will you let me? Can I keep fucking you this good?”
Hips are frantic now, your clit begging for attention, throbbing and buzzing between your legs and, you finally give in, the pads of your fingers rubbing against it, the motion causing you to tighten around Yoongi’s length.
His eyes bug out then, your words and the tightness of your cunt becoming too much, “Y/n please, please can I cum, please, I can’t…I…”
“Cum for me baby…” You whimper, your resolve breaking completely as you feel yourself tip over the edge, your head falling back on your shoulders as your pace picks up fully, the sound of skin smacking on skin echoing throughout the room.
“Thank you jagi...fuck thank you so much…”
Roughly fifteen minutes later, the two of you are curled up under the duvet, your fingers gently applying cream to Yoongi’s shaky hands. His expression is one of pure bliss as he lets you tend to him, his heart melting as you press a kiss to each of his wrists.
“Thank you. “ You murmur, as you finish rubbing the cream into Yoongi’s raw skin, biting your lip as carefully tend to the more sensitive spots.
Yoongi watches you fondly, admiring the way you look, face flushed, glowing under the light of his TV. His brow furrows, voice still not 100%, “For what?”
“For tonight, for sharing more of yourself, I  really appreciate everything you told me…everything…” You smirk, catches his glance for a moment before giggling, returning to what you’re doing.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this comfortable before so, you should be thanking yourself…” He insists, returning your smirk before leaning in and, kissing you, his lips taking you off guard.
“I’m happy you feel so comfortable then…” You amend, giggling against his lips as he pecks you over and over, your hands coming up to hold his cheeks.
“Stay in the morning yeah? I want to make breakfast…” He insists, smiling softly as he pulls you closer to him.
“Can I have it in bed?”
He smirks, leaning towards your lips, mischief in his eyes, “I’ve made it pretty clear that you can have whatever you want in bed…”
You giggle again, kissing him, pushing his disheveled blonde hair to the side, “ I’m holding you to that…”
Good: the biggest understatement of all time.
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I said I’d do it and I’m posting it as I complete it so I’m actually motivated to finish
May I present to you:
Not The Same, But Close
Summary: Ex&co never really got over the disappearance of one of their oldest friends, and they always sort of blamed the Hermits for it. I mean, the only member of their group without a hermit counterpart mysteriously vanishes, and in the very next season the same guy with a different name shows up in the Hermitcraft server? Suspicious.
And one day they found what they thought was their long lost friend, trapped in a strange world, with no memories.
Only he wasn’t the same. Not at all.
Was this their friend? If he was, could they get his memories back?
And if he wasn’t their friend at all, then who is he?
Note tag things: Future Ex/NPG if Ex can get his act together, some swearing???, I think that’s it? Ex is just gay and sad and doesn’t know how feelings work.
Uh the chapters are just gonna get posted as I finish thrm and tagged “ntsbc by Della” and there shouldn’t be too too many, im estimating 5-8
When it’s done I’ll make a post with links to all the chapters and link that in my pinned post
(Reblogs>likes but if you bother to do one you might as well do the other)
Exander Void, often known as Ex if you like him, and Evil X if you don’t, was not prepared to be the leader of the Anti-Hermits.
Sure, he’s their admin. He handles code tweaks and commands and helps keep things running smooth on that front. But he was never their leader. Not like he had been.
A smack of royal blue amongst the blacks and reds of their home, soft smiles and kind eyes and a sticky sweetness to him that unnerved more people than it usually comforted.
Ex couldn’t even bring himself to speak his name (what a lovely name it was too, from the same root language as his own but so much more elegant and unique, it was safe, familiar, he felt like home-) but he could never force himself to stop thinking of the man who brought them together.
He had no hermit counterpart, which was their first clue that he was different. And then, unlike the sporadic, often melancholic or even malicious members of the Anti-hermits, he had always been so calm, so soft, until he needed to be firm. He believed firmly in practicality, in moderation, in planning. He worked hard to make sure that the group always had exactly what they needed, but not a bit more.
That’s the thing he’d always hated about the Hermits. Their excess, their pomp and showmanship. Big builds and diamond economies and ridiculous contraptions.
Ex always thought that their leader’s counterpart would have likely been the most fun person to ever live. Not someone you’d put in charge of a whole town, but a very fun person to hang out with.
And he’s never been more upset to be right.
What the hermits don’t know is that the increased presence of the Anti-hermits is due in part to their leader having gone missing. Said he had something to check on and vanished, never to return. And all the admin controls in the world couldn’t figure out what happened.
Ex had originally reached out to his own counterpart, hoping for some kind of assistance. He didn’t get it.
And then who showed up but a chaotic, ridiculous, charming, fun lad with his leader’s ageless face and a bright red sweater.
Ex tried to force the issue, he tried ignoring it, he tried making up a conspiracy that this Grian guy was his Leader, having been brainwashed into being a Hermit. To be everything their Leader hated. To build impossible, ostentatious buildings and flaunt his wealth and cause fights.
But Xisuma didn’t know about the rest of the counterparts.
And that’s just not something the hermits would do.
And well it never really made sense that their Leader had no counterpart, ya know?
But that didn’t stop Ex from wanting to hack into Grian’s private server, just in case.
So that’s how Ex found himself with Heksknight and Badtimes, standing in a superflat world that looked like the set of some kind of game show, standing at the door of a storage shed, face to face with what looked like a damn corpse.
A Grian corpse to be specific.
“Bad, please tell me that’s not a dead body.”
“...it’s not a dead body?” Bad squeaked.
“Thanks, very encouraging.” Ex rolled his eyes.
Hels knelt down next to it, “wait no I actually think he’s not dead! He’s… he’s breathing!”
The rest crouched as well, surrounding the slumped body.
Bad swipes a finger across his wrist and rubbed his thumb against the finger, “magic residue, of what kind, not exactly sure but I’d bet on it being some kind of sleeping drug or something. Old though, or else we’d all be out by now just from being in here.”
Ex looked up at him, “Old? How old?”
Bad shrugged, “Depends on the strength of the spell, the skill of the caster, among other things. Magically included coma’s can often far outlast the initial spell and judging by the state of the room-“ he motions to the accumulating dust, “I’d say it’s been well over a year since it’s been touched, maybe two?”
...that matched up pretty well with their Leader’s disappearance.
“Let’s not get hasty.” Ex said slowly, “I know what you’re all thinking, and I’m thinking it too. But the Hermits have dabbled in cloning before. This could be a failed clone, or an Android.”
“Regardless we can’t just leave him here.” Hels decided, standing up, “like he’s literally in a magic coma, locked in a tool shed, in an abandoned world. That’s fucked up!”
Ex looked back to Bad, “Can… can you reverse this spell? Or wake him up?”
Bad examined the unconscious man for a minute before nodding, “if I can get him to my lab. Is his communicator around here? We’ll need to whitelist him.”
So they set about it.
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Wouldn’t It Be Fun To Run Away, Just You and Me? Chapter 6
Description: Daryl has a nightmare this time and, just like with Carol, it prompts an emotional discussion. 
Wouldn’t It Be Fun To Run Away, Just You and Me?
Carol was jostled awake by movement.
She blinked sleepily and saw the dark outline of the tent above her. She turned over and saw Daryl thrashing about, still deep asleep.
Carol reached her hands out and gently grabbed him by the shoulders. She didn’t want to risk waking him too abruptly, knowing how frightening it was. His strength pushed against her.
“Daryl,” she called to him softly.
He whimpered and tried to push at her hands.
She moved them and brought them to his face, stroking it.
“Stop! No more, please!” Daryl begged desperately, and Carol’s eyes filled with tears.
“Daryl, wake up,” she leaned down to press her lips to his forehead. She moved her head lower near his ear and murmured comforting words.
He began to settle, and his breathing slowed.
Carol breathed out in relief, thinking the worst had passed.
Soon, her eyes flew open in shock as she was roughly shoved away, and she fell on her back on the tent floor.
She was winded briefly and she gasped, trying to catch her breath. She vaguely heard Daryl sit up and swear.
“Dammit!” he cursed, and she heard the sleeping bag ruffle as he moved.
“Carol? Carol!” she heard him cry and felt his hands brush against her as he moved into her line of sight.
He looked frantic as his eyes flew over her.
“Carol? You okay?” he asked desperately as his hands came to cradle her face.
Her chest burned but her breaths came easier now. She took a moment to ensure she wouldn’t choke on her words before speaking.
“I’m alright. Just got winded when I fell,” she answered with laboured breath.
He moved back a little as she pushed back up onto her knees. He continued to look at her with worry.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realise it was you. Don’t you dare lie to me, you tell me if you’re hurt,” he ordered hoarsely as he scrutinised her carefully.
She shook her head at him and gave a placating smile.
“I’m okay, I promise. I’m more worried about you. That was some nightmare you were having,” she probed carefully.
He bit his lip and nodded.
“You want to talk about it?” she offered, and he opened his mouth to respond before he seemed to think for a moment.
“Was gonna say no but we made a deal, right?” he said with a quirk of his lips.
“You don’t have to,” Carol offered, regardless of the deal they had made to tell each other everything.
He shook his head.
“Nah, I think I do,” Daryl said resolutely.
Carol nodded and settled close to him.
“It was about when Negan took me and kept me at The Sanctuary,” he started with a haunted look in his eyes.
“I was back in that damn cell, with that music playin’ over and over. Dwight was there, forcing me to eat dog food. Then they’d strip my clothes off and the beatings would start.” Daryl didn’t look at Carol when he spoke.
She watched him with a pained expression.
“That’s what they did to you?” Carol asked gently.
He looked her way and didn’t respond at first. He bit his lip.
“Mostly. They had me doing other shit for ‘em like cleaning the floors and waved me in front of Rick to try and keep ‘im weak.” Carol nodded her understanding and sighed.
Daryl breathed out heavily.
“None of that was the worst of it for me though. It was Glenn. Dwight put a picture of what Negan did to him up in my cell. I tried not the look at it,” Daryl trailed off with tears in his eyes now.
“Oh, Daryl!” Carol said and she moved to him and pulled him into her arms.
He returned the embrace instantly and buried his face in her neck.
“When I have nightmares, that’s what I see. Glenn. But not Glenn. Just what was left of him,” Daryl sobbed into her shirt, staining it with his tears.
She stroked his hair softly and held him tighter.
She didn’t offer apologies or comforts because she knew he didn’t want them. He just wanted her to know.
“I wish I never left,” Carol blurted out.
Daryl abruptly pulled away to look at her.
“Don’t say that. I’m glad you left. If you had stayed, you might have been there that night. It could have been you I got killed.” His expression was frantic as if it was a possibility of happening again.
Carol hushed him by patting his shoulders.
He settled a little.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s not your fault. Negan would’ve killed someone regardless of what you did. Glenn wasn’t your fault. You know he would say the same,” Carol reasoned, staring deep into his eyes.
His gaze broke but had softened some.
“I know he would. He was a dumbass sometimes.”
Carol’s lips quirked at that and Daryl reluctantly returned her small smile.
“Aren’t we all?” Carol asked sardonically and Daryl snorted quietly.
“Thank you for telling me. I know it’s never easy for you to talk about your feelings,” Carol thanked gently.
Daryl nodded stiffly and sighed. He looked worn out.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her towards the sleeping bag.
“Come on. It’s not morning yet. We’ve got a big day tomorrow,” she said, and Daryl followed her without argue.
She made him get in first and then she slid in after him, ensuring there was no space to part them.
As an extra effort of comfort, she grasped his hand in hers where it rested on her stomach.
He squeezed her hand gently.
It didn’t take long for them to slip back into slumber.
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husbandoneeded · 6 years
The Friendly Foe (part 3) Peter Parker x reader
Please do not repost my work without my permission.
Summary: As a child, (y/n) never grew up wealthy. Her dad had left her and her mom at a young age, leaving them behind with almost nothing. She was used to not being able to go out much or enjoying life with friends. She never minded though- life was hard, but it was okay in the end. At least that's how she felt until things quickly started to change as her mom got sick. Paying the bills was harder than before- so much more money was needed and she didn't have it.So she did the only thing she could do that would earn her enough money for everything. Become a villain...
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Masterlist
There will be quite a lot of cursing in this chapter so if you're not okay with that then well yeh... Im a naturel curser I cant help myself sorry It was already getting quite late, and no Spider-man to be seen yet. I guess I'm lucky today then... My thoughts were interrupted by a loud blast noise though, it seems like I judged too soon. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" One of the guys yelled. "Well she was supposed to test the new suit right?! Well she can't just get money from doing nothing, lets get that spider kid here and than she can at least be useful!" You have go to be kidding me... "You are absolutely insane, be glad the bug aint here you idiot! What if someone else shows up huh? Do you know how loud that blast was you fucker?!" The second guy yelled. "I'm just showing off the weapons to the client- and if spider kid or someone else shows up or little firefly can deal with it here. Now stop complaining and wrap this up." Guy B ripped the weapon from the other idiots arms and scoffed. It seems like he was just as amused with the gunshot as I was... I heard some rustling and looked around, as if on cue our favorite hero in red and blue appeared from behind some rocks. "You know, you guys are right, let's wrap this up indeed!" Spider-man held his hand up and was about to shoot his web shooter. But I quickly moved in front of the guys and activated my shield. His webbing stuck to the shield but once it de-materialized it fell to the ground. I could see his mechanical eyes move as if he was confused, or was he impressed? It was hard to tell. "Do I know you, I feel like I ran into you before... Cute light by the way- firefly" He said, the smirk obvious in his voice. "Maybe but who knows, bugface." Its not like I didn't like the guy, but he's still the reason so many of my missions failed recently. And his casual banter wasn't helping. "Ooooh clever comeback." He held his hands in front of where his mouth would be. He was taunting me. I'm pretty sure he'd beat me in hand to hand combat, even with my upgrade. Like Adrian said- he has more experience. It's better to keep my distance and give the guys some time. So banter it is then... "As if your insults were any better to begin with." "You know you have a really smart mouth why don't I just, shut it?" He moved his arm again to shoot his web at me, I was about to block it again when he suddenly aimed at the ground and catapulted himself towards me. SHIT. I lowered my shield and quickly dodged him, jumping to the right. "Fast reactions Firefly." "I can hear your grin from under that mask and I swear to god I'll wipe it of your damned face!" Okay now he was starting to get on my nerves. He let out a small "hm" to prove his point and ran towards me again, aiming for a tree branch above me that he could swing from. Instead of putting up my shield again i took a fighting stance- enough with the bullshit. He dove towards me, swinging on his stupid spiderweb, aiming to kick me in the side. I swiftly moved to the side and grabbed his foot, and threw him to the side. I could feel the energy collecting in my arms from the suit, damn it really did give me a power boost. "Wait I know yout voice!" He said and I tensed up. Did he mean from previous encounters? Or from school? From the store? What if he knows me in real life? "Oh yeh, tell me spider-boy, where you know me from." I tried to act confident, but my voice still slightly wavered regardless. "You were trying to rob the clean up site last week! But you had a different suit then, you got an upgrade?" The smirk was once again very prominent in his voice. I tsked and slowly started backing of, while I had been keeping bug boy busy the crew had finished the deal and cleaned up. I could hear the cars motor pulling up from behind me, ready to drive away. As fast as I could I turned around and gather my strength in my legs to run away as fast as possible. I reached for some sticky thingies, something the guys made to make my stick on the van -or other cars- when making an escape of some sort. Jumping on the car, I looked behind me, to see where spider-man had gone of too. To my dismay he was right behind us his web attached to the van. "Fuck..." I muttered under my breath, if this idiot follows us to the open we will have to fight in housed areas, which I wanted to avoid. Again, I'd rather avoid people getting hurt. And I also wasn't ready to be known to the public, Adrian preferred laying low as well. "Give up spider boy, lets not take this to the general public before someone gets hurt!" I yelled, in the hopes he'd actually give up. "Yeh as if you care, is that why you're selling guns and weapons?" Auch, that kinda stung. "I...I have my reasons you have yours. I don't want innocent people to get hurt, do you?!." "No! That's why I'm actually protecting them and not selling arms!" "You don't know anything!" I yelled back, frustration was building up, and it caused me to fail at noticing how close he had come to me by now. Shit. Shit shit shit. SHIT! I leaped of the van towards him, catching him by surprise. I held him in an arm lock as we dropped on the highway. The pressure made me lose my breath for a while and seemingly spider-boy was no different. I coughed and tried to sit up. "Are you crazy?!" He yelled at me. "I didn't want to take this into the town! People will get hurt!" He was honestly so stubborn, I could feel my energy draining. Not eating enough and having to fight and run while also being sleep deprived... Not the best combo. "Again, if you care so much, why are you letting these guys escape with selling their weapons." The hero's voice was a lot more soft now. And he seemed to show at least a bit of compassion. A silence filled the air, as I looked down. "You should get out of here, before back up arrives." I said. "or a car hits you in the face spider-boy." I said calmly, while slowly backing away. Spider-man just looked at be- he seemed baffled. "I'm gonna go now... I'm sorry." I said, and sprinted towards the side of the highway. I used my last energy to run away so he had no way of catching up anymore, even if he was still fast enough to web me. I quickly leaped over the edge, as i took my leap down the meters high bridge. Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14713436/chapters/34015325
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phan-of-the-pen · 6 years
I Dare You To Stay: Chapter 3
Hey guys! New chapter! I also used the song Resistance by Muse. ALSO I’m on spring break today so I’m going to have more free time!! That means more chapters!! :D
Tags for chapter: fluff, lowkey flirting
Words for chapter: ~3.8k
Fic Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco’s to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
(ao3 link)
<-- Previous chapter Next chapter -->
After about a week had gone by, Dan was feeling much more like himself. His mental health had balanced out a little, the chemicals in his brain righting themselves to as good as they ever got, and the few symptoms that he had experienced due to his concussion had faded away. Which was good, because Dan was sure that if he forgot what kind of coffee he had been in the middle of making one more time Jaime was going to kick him out of the store until he was fully healed.
Besides the normal mishaps that happened on a day-to-day basis regardless of concussions involved, the week was relatively decent enough and lacking in any special "charm", as Jaime put it. But it wasn't like Dan was complaining. Yeah, it was good to be doing something, but having a slower-than-normal week was perfect for giving Dan's health a little bit of time to catch up. Dan also didn't have to work with Steve at all this past week, which was an absolute blessing, thank god.
Dan did end up taking the whole "limiting screen time" thing a bit hard. There were multiple times where he would subconsciously pull his phone out of his back pocket to check the time or scroll through social media when there weren't any customers around, just for Jaime to pluck it right out of his hands with a tsk. And he would groan and mumble about how "unfair" she was being, but really he was kind of glad that he had someone to make sure he didn't screw his brain up any more than he already had.
And, because staying up until 4AM on Tumblr wasn't an option anymore, he was significantly much more well-rested, resulting in a much smaller consumption of caffeine, which his body seemed to be thanking him for. Funny how things can work out like that.
It was a Monday, and he was for once alone in the shop. Steve was in some other country for holiday and Jaime had come down with a nasty cold over the weekend. And, surprisingly enough, that exhausted all of their options. The store itself was small, so it easily got by with few employees, but as it was minus Dan, Jaime, and Steve, the rest of the help were teenagers still in school that took shifts on the weekends and some nights. What was Dan going to do?—call one of the kids and ask them "uh yeah hey I know you're in the middle of class right now, but could you maybe cover for someone who called out sick?". No, Dan would pass on that.
His phone dinged in his pocket, and his chuckled. That would be Jaime, for the millionth time today already, complaining that she was "literally dying". There was no one in the shop, so Dan palmed his phone, unlocking it with a swipe of his finger. He laughed at Jaime's message and replied, biting his lip to unconsciously try to hide his smile.
>> From: my maraschino cherry
dan i cant even get out of bed to write my will
how will ppl know all of my millions go to my cat
>> To: my maraschino cherry
two problems:
1 you dont have a cat
2 i know full well you have abt 37€ to your name
>> From: my maraschino cherry
i cant believe you would be this rude to me when im dying
>> To: my maraschino cherry
if ur gonna die im getting ur paycheck
>> From: my maraschino cherry
if im gonna die im gonna haunt your ass for the rest of ur miserable life howell
Dan laughed, but a teenager that was obviously skipping school walked in the store, so he pocketed his phone for the moment. She ended up ordering a coffee but didn't stray from the counter, instead she very obviously flicked her eyes over Dan and tried to flirt with him. Fortunately for Dan, however, she could tell after a few moments of his awkward stuttering and the uncomfortable hunch of his shoulders that he wasn't interested, and she backed down, wishing him a good day and walking back out of the store, throwing a "Thanks for the coffee!" over her shoulder.
When she was gone Dan let out a sigh of relief and relaxed against the counter. He hated being flirted with. It made him way too anxious and stressed out.
This Monday was the slowest day he had seen in a very long time, possibly the most empty he had ever seen the store in the entire time he had worked here, which had been quite a while. Three hours had passed since that girl had come in, and no one else had entered the store, leaving Dan alone. He'd made himself two coffee's, had his lunch break, played several games on his phone, and even face-timed Jaime. Now though, Jaime was sleeping, his phone was nearly dead, and he still had another four hours before his shift was ending. Would he last until six? Time would only tell, that was for sure.
Dan slumped through another forty-five minutes of him lazing around the coffee shop, counting the cars as they passed by. He nearly fell asleep once, and because he so happened to be working in a coffee shop, Dan made him a double caramel macchiato with an absurd amount of sugar in it. He quite nearly chugged it, just for something to do, but settled for a slightly more reserved series of large gulps.
Afterwards, he used the key in his pocket to unlock the manager's office. Well, "office" was a bit of a stretch. It was mainly just a tiny room where the security monitor was housed as well as the filing cabinet that was sure to hold things like employee records and information on ingredients purchased and such. Dan's key didn't open that, and since his key was actually Jaime's she didn't have access to that either. The only one who did was the owner.
Dan sat at the desk, looking around for some sorts of PA system. He had never really been back here, only seen Jaime come in to turn the store's music on and turn it off every day they worked together. And frankly, even if Jaime was technically the manager, she had given Dan the temporary title when he stopped by her apartment to grab the keys to the store when she called him to tell him that she was sick, and that meant that he could choose the music, today. He'd been playing songs on his phone for the day, as some source of background noise, but with the nearing death of his phone, he had stopped the app awhile ago.
Maybe music is the key to ending this suffering, Dan thought, shuffling papers out of the way, still looking. Maybe, if I can ever find the damn thing.
Dan huffed, defeated, slumping against the chair. He absentmindedly spun in it a little, rocking from left to right, thinking. So, there was obviously no little radio or something back here, connected to the speakers, so that was out of the question. There was also no microphone or anything of the sorts that could be used to broadcast music via an outside source like a phone, which wouldn't have helped him anyways with said almost-dead battery. He sat, turning the problem in question around in his head. Dan left his head fall back on the headrest, puffing out his cheeks and staring at the ceiling. He spun himself in the chair with his foot, watching as the peeling paint above him swirled with him. When he came to a stop he picked his head up, thinking about how that was probably not the greatest for his head after a recent concussion, and his gaze landed right on the computer.
He wasn't sure about his possible success rate, but he sat up, switching the monitor on. A screen for a password came up, and Dan looked at it for a moment before putting in his employee pin. The computer beeped but the screen didn't change. A pop-up surfaced: Your password was incorrect.
Dan frowned, but then lit up almost immediately as the pieces clicked into place. Of course his pin wouldn't work; he wasn't the manager of the store and didn't have a key to this back room, so it wouldn't make any sense for his employee number to work. However, Jaime was the manager, and they had clocked in for each other more than enough times at this point for each other to know their pins.
He typed out her six-number pin and hit 'enter' but this time when the computer beeped, there was no pop-up. The home screen opened and Dan smiled. There wasn't much on the screen, but he flicked his eyes over the small selection of apps lined up on the left side of the screen and clicked on one who's icon was a blue eighth note. What was basically a souped-up Spotify opened, and Dan scrolled through the music selection available. There was a history bar, but the only thing on there was the local pop station, which was obviously what Jaime played day to day.
Dan knew that this was a work computer and everything on it was probably recorded and such, and—not to mention the fact that at some point today there were going to be customers so he couldn't choose something nuts—as a result he passed by everything in the search that was heavier, more on the rock and roll side. He finally picked with a huge grin on his face, settling on one of the band's albums and hitting play, cackling when he heard the sound burst through the speakers in the front of the store. Dan raised the volume a little—just a tad, really—and stood, making his way out of the manager's office in higher spirits than he entered it with. Dan re-locked the door behind him and made his way back behind the counter with a bounce in his step.
The next half an hour was better with music to keep him company, especially with his favorite artist easing the boredom that Dan felt. He was enjoying himself, if only slightly. Darkshines faded out and Dan had just finished texting Jaime (who was probably still asleep) that he was having a ton of fun here by himself (which was only half true; the music was good, yes, but he would have preferred some company too). Dan wasn't really paying too much attention to what was playing through the speakers, but when the almost haunting sound was taken over by a wonderful piano solo and the backbeat of a drum that Dan knew so well, he dropped his phone onto the counter and forgot about it completely. Dan grinned so wide he might have been afraid of his face splitting right in two.
He sang along, gaining confidence in the vacant coffee shop with every verse. Dan drummed on the counter to the guitar, the drums, even the rise and fall of the vocals of the song itself. Dan laughed, dancing on his feet as the chorus crashed.
Love is our resistance,
They'll keep us apart and won't stop breaking us down,
Hold me,
Our lips must always be sealed
Dan was honestly having fun at that point. One of his favorite songs of all time was on, and frankly, it had picked up his whole mood.
So, really, Dan couldn't be blamed when he didn't notice the little chime of the bell on top of the front door over the music, but he did notice that he had an audience when he spun around—still, admittedly, dancing—to find a tall, skinny man with dark, dark hair and very pale skin standing, a few steps inside the store, stopped dead in his tracks, mouth open a little and eyes wide, eyebrows high on his forehead.
Dan yelped, startled and very nearly slipping on his own two feet. He felt his face flush immediately and the guy himself had a dusting of pink on his cheeks, but it was undoubtedly much much more controlled than Dan's. His mouth went dry and he suddenly wished very much that Jaime was here, because if she was, Dan wouldn't have had his choice in music, and him getting caught dancing by a stranger wouldn't have happened, damnit.
"Uh...sorry. C-can I help you?" Dan stuttered, his face still hot. One of his hands was shaking but he just slipped it into his pocket. The guy blinked and Resistance was over, the music fading into something else, and the spell between them seemed to break, returning reality to its original state. The stranger nodded, stepping forward, a small smile on his face.
"It's okay, I like Muse too, I just wasn't expecting it," he said, chuckling, "and I'll have one caramel macchiato, please," he finished, biting his lip a little at the end of his sentence. Dan nodded, turning around and started to make the coffee, grateful to not have to hold the guy's gaze, but Dan could feel his eyes burning holes into Dan's back the entire time that he mixed the drink. He tried not to feel more uncomfortable and embarrassed than he already was. It wasn't working.
"Here you go," Dan said, handing the drink over, "one caramel macchiato." Their hands brushed and Dan flicked his eyes up from where his gaze was resting on the counter. He was looking at Dan weird. Did Dan say something? Offend the guy?
But as Dan finally met the stranger's eyes with his own, he became abruptly aware of how blue they were. A memory surfaced, one of colliding head-first with a stranger on the street with similarly gorgeous eyes, causing Dan to look the guy over. He had the eyes, the same combination of pretty and handsome that Dan remembered through the haze of his headache, the same everything that Dan had remembered. Except for the pair of black glasses perched on his nose.
In all fairness, the guy had flicked his eyes over Dan too, and was looking at him expectantly, a question that Dan couldn't read in his eyes.
"Did you...this is going to sound weird, but did you happen to, ah, run into anyone? Like last week-ish? And them possibly fall over?" Dan squeaked, his small amount of confidence burning out mid-way through his question but Dan's social anxiety keeping him from dropping it.
The man smiled, and it was blinding.
"Yeah! I was wondering if it was you because you looked so familiar, but I didn't want to say anything and seem like a creep. I'm glad you said something!" He laughed, and it was the happiest sound Dan had ever heard. He could feel his blush. The stranger who Dan did-and-didn't know stuck his hand out, that smile still there.
Dan shook it, his head still whirling. His hands were just as warm as Dan remembered them, as utterly creepy that sounded in his head.
"I'm Phil, by the way, it's nice to meet you again."
"Uh, Dan. And...yeah," he replied lamely.
Internally, he groaned. Can he really be any stupider in a social conversation? Is that possible?
Phil was still smiling, but it dampened a little and he looked concerned. "How is your head, by the way? Better, hopefully?"
"Oh, yeah, it still throbs every once in awhile just to be a pain in the ass, but I think I'm good at this point. You were right though—I had a concussion. My friend ended up taking me to the doctor's."
Phil grimaced in sympathy.
"I can't say that I'm jealous of that. I'm quite a clumsy person, so I've had my fair share of concussions. I'm glad you're feeling better though! I was wondering if you were okay like, the entire rest of the day we ran into each other. I felt so guilty."
Damn, he'd probably double over if I told him that I stayed in bed for like 48 hours straight after that fall, Dan thought, eh, it was for a different reason though, maybe not.
Instead of voicing his thoughts, Dan chuckled a little.
"The whole day, huh? That's pretty empathetic, especially for a stranger."
"Oi! You looked like you were about to fall over! It was like walking one of my drunk friends home!" Phil said, almost a whine. Dan laughed, he couldn't help it really, there was just something inexplicably funny about Phil grumbling as he was.
"Besides, we aren't strangers anymore, so you're point is totally invalid."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. I'm Phil, you're Dan. Dan and Phil. Phil and Dan. We know each other's names so we're totally not strangers."
Dan snorted and shook his head. His phone beeped on the counter, definitely just Jaime replying to him, probably telling him not to have so much fun when she was dying.
"Aw, you're ringer isn't a Muse song. I'm disappointed now." Phil said and Dan rolled his eyes.
"I don't like Muse that much, mate."
Phil scoffed playfully, and gave Dan a look.
"Really? I walked in here with you giving your own little performance of Resistance by Muse. Quite entertainingly, really, and I can bet that no one who 'doesn't like Muse that much' would do that, mate."
Dan felt a little off at that. Partially because Phil saw right through Dan's bullshit and his easy-going jibe at Dan's use of 'mate'.
"Fine, you caught me, guilty as charged and all that—I love Muse. They're my absolute favorite music group and the owners of my literal soul." At the end, Dan had gotten a bit sarcastic, but overall the statement was true. Phil smiled, but this one was different, it was slyer, like he knew a secret that Dan didn't.
"I thought so, Dan."
Dan almost choked on his own spit when Phil said his name like that. And Dan wasn't even sure what 'like that' even meant, he just knew that there was something different at how his name rolled off of Phil's lips.
Phil's eyes went a little wide, his mouth forming an 'o' like he was remembering something.
"Oh yeah! I totally forgot to pay!" Phil reached into his back pocket, and Dan's eyes totally didn't follow the movement, thank you very much. He pulled out a leather wallet and opened it up, placing his coffee on the counter so he could use two hands and was already pulling out money, but Dan snapped back to attention and waved it away.
"No no, you keep that Phil."
"Dan, I've got to pay for my coffee."
"Nope, I won't let you. It's on me, okay? I ran into you that night, you walked me home and made sure I got in safely, trust me, you keep your money, Phil."
"Dan, we ran into each other, you can't really count that," Phil said, trying to hand Dan what was enough to buy two coffees. Dan pushed Phil's hands away, giving the guy an exasperated look.
"I can and I will. Look, even if you don't count that, you still walked me home, I still owe you."
"That's not how it works."
"You did a favor for me, I'm doing a favor for you; that's so how it works."
"Take the damn coffee, Phil," Dan said, and following an impulse, plucked the wallet out of Phil's hands, slipped the money back inside and shut it. Dan leaned over the counter a little for a better reach, one of his hands braced on the counter, and put the wallet into the pocket on Phil's shirt. Dan pulled back, rocking on his heels a little, and flashed Phil a little smile. Phil shook his head, but there was a smile on his face.
"You are very stubborn, Dan"
Phil laughed and picked up his coffee, taking a sip. His face lit up and he looked down at the steaming drink in his hands.
"Wow this is actually really good," he said, surprise in his voice.
"You are one of those really supportive friends, aren't you, Phil." Dan snorted.
"Hey!" Phil cried, indignantly. "How do I know that fall didn't, like, scramble your brains or something? Forever impair your coffee-making abilities?"
Dan laughed again, and honestly, he couldn't help it if he tried. Phil was just too...too Phil. Dan didn't know what was about him, but now that he wasn't severely concussed, he was aware of how fun Phil seemed to be around.
It turned out that Phil had been looking around for a place to stay and burn some time before he had to get into work, so he stayed up at the counter, and he and Phil fooled around for a little, joking and teasing each other. Dan had made himself a drink (a smoothie this time because he didn't think his system could handle any more caffeine without imploding) and Phil had another coffee and a danish from their display case (which he actually paid for because he quite literally just wouldn't accept Dan waving the money away). When it came time for Phil to leave, however, the process nearly took almost fifteen minutes because neither of them would shut up. When Phil was at the glass door and they were still trading jokes, he looked at his watch and said something about running late from staying too long, and even though he didn't seem too concerned about it, Dan certainly was, shooing him out with a "Phil! Go! I swear to god if you're late to work!". Phil had laughed his way out and so had Dan, really.
When he was gone though, Dan couldn't help but feel a little lonely. He hadn't really had anyone around all day besides the very few customers that had popped in for a few minutes, and Phil's presence was a welcome change in all of it. Now that he was gone the store felt much more empty than before.
Thankfully for Dan though, soon after, things started to pick up. More and more people came in for their evening coffee, and with the customers, Dan was busy, which was good enough. When his shift was over, and two teens had come in to take over the store, Dan had forgone getting a taxi home to walk under the gloom of the Manchester skies. He stopped by a fast-food place to grab some dinner on his way back to his flat.
And if he paused and looked around at a particular corner close to home, his spirits dropping a little at the sight of nothing and nobody around him, no one had to know.
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softforimjaebum · 7 years
죄라 (2)
Im Jaebum x Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Genre: Angst, Smut
Summary: Reader wakes up to a day full of surprise; but no one ever said all surprises have to be good, right?
Author’s Note: I could only listen to defsoul’s mixtape while writing this, and it’s probably a mess of my own emotions, I’m sorry in advance and thank you for reading!
Chapter 1
You woke up the next morning, pleasantly sore from the night before and alone, just as you had expected. It wasn’t anything new, so it didn’t faze you to fall asleep in a warm bed and wake up in a cold one. The sheets on his side still smelled of him, they always did when he left. And it was a routine you followed to wash your sheets after the fact. It wasn’t helpful to the kind of relationship the two of you had to have your sheets smelling like him.
It wasn’t like you were madly in love with him, but you knew deep down that you felt more for him than just this lust you showed him. And maybe he felt the same. But the two of you were very similar in how easily you could repress feelings. It would be impossible to know if he had those feelings for you too, and neither of you would ever risk it unless there was some solid proof to do otherwise. And even then, with his lifestyle, you didn’t really think it was possible to be anything more than what he was currently giving you. And so he hadn’t ever over stayed his welcome, and neither had you ever tried to make him stay.
But today was a Sunday, and it was probably early in the morning judging from how dark it was outside, it wouldn’t harm you to just indulge yourself in not washing your sheets yet. You could just always do it later in the day.
You could feel yourself drifting back to sleep when you heard a loud noise. It sounded like something smashing on the floor, and you shot out of your bed and threw on the nearest t-shirt you found thrown carelessly into the laundry basket. Then you reached for the baseball bat kept in the little hidden corner between your closet and the wall. There was supposed to be no one in the house, your roommate had gone to spend the night at her boyfriend’s house and you knew they had a better, a more romantic if you will, Sunday planned than yours.
If Jaebum left the door open, I swear to god I will cut him.
With that thought, you tightened your grip on the bat you opened the door as slowly as possible, trying to peak into the lounge to see if you could see any traces of where exactly the intruder was. When you fully pulled the door open, you found your lounge empty. However, you could hear noises in your kitchen.
Why was the intruder in your kitchen? Who the fuck was robbing your fucking kitchen of all places to rob?
Moving to grip the bat with both hands, you slightly lifted it in anticipation of having to knock out whoever was trying to rob…your kitchen.
Just as you turned the corner of your kitchen doorway, heart beating so fast it could leap out of your chest any second, you were met with a very hassled Jaebum, scrambling to pick up the pieces of the two plates he had broken. When you came into his view, he froze, staring up at you with wide eyes.
You asked him the first question that popped up in your mind, and it wasn’t about the plates he had broken.
“What….are you doing here?”
He wasn’t supposed to be here, he was not supposed to outstay his welcome; and his welcome only extended to you fall asleep in his arms, never waking up to him in your kitchen…-burning an omelette as you now noticed.
He smelled the burning too and tired to get up to turn the stove off, but you told him to take care of the plates and took care of the stove yourself.
“I was making breakfast” he said, still trying to throw the pieces into the bin nearby. “The more important question is why do you have a baseball bat in your hand? Are you going to hit me with that just for breaking two plates?”
You sighed, dropped the bat to the ground as you tried to salvage the unsalvageable omelette, and answered, “I thought it was a burglar”
You hoped he wouldn’t ask why you thought he was a thief because answering him would make things way more awkward than you were currently feeling. And thankfully, he got the hint. He didn’t press any further, and both of you continued doing your respective tasks at hand.
Jaebum successfully cleaned the kitchen, making sure there were no broken crumbs left on the floor, everyone knew about your habit of walking barefoot in the house. However, the egg was well and truly doomed, so you gave up on trying to save it half way through and just scrapped it into the bin to start making another one.
When Jaebum saw you finishing up, he handed you another egg.
“You eat two eggs in the morning?”
“It is for you” he said, just slightly confused at your question.
“Oh no, I am not a breakfast person. I just have coffee”
He looked shocked for what you could swear was an entire minute before he spoke up to scold you in his dad voice.
“But breakfast is the most important meal, you have to eat in the morning before you go out for the day”
Little did he know, his dad voice didn’t work on you. There was only one authoritative voice he could pull off with you and it was not nearly as innocent as this one.
“Ehh” you replied as you moved to a nearby cabinet to grab two mugs to pour the coffee that Jaebum had thankfully already started.
“That is not an answer” he said, blocking you from reaching for your coffee. It was too early in the morning, and you hadn’t had your first cup of coffee which meant you did not have the patience for him right now, but moreover you did not have the energy to fight him.
“I never had time to eat breakfast when I was in school, so its a habit now. I can’t eat in the morning without wanting to throw up. Now can you move so I can get my sustenance?”
He didn’t budge instantly, he just slowly moved to the side, only giving you enough space to squeeze in between him and the counter to reach for the coffee. He just kept lingering as you poured the coffee out for both of you, and something about it felt extremely foreign to you.
It’s the daylight your mind reminded you. You aren’t used to seeing him being like this without in daylight.
Pushing your thoughts away, you moved away from him and took a seat on the small dining table you had fit into the kitchen. He followed suit with his breakfast in hand and sat right next to you.
God damn him and this strange behaviour
You were cursing yourself for not bringing your phone with you, regardless of the kind of situation you came downstairs in, because this was very unusual for you. The contact that the two of you had inside company walls were entirely professional, and people would more likely believe you were fucking Jackson than believe you were fucking him. You were currently awkward around him to the point where you didn’t know what the hell to do with your limbs.
Jaebum, on the other hand, wasn’t awkward at all, munching away happily at his eggs on toast and occasionally pausing to take a sip of his coffee. And if he was awkward, he surely didn’t let it on. All you could do was sip your coffee, look down into your mug when you weren’t sipping from it, and pray to god he would finish his breakfast and leave as soon as possible.
But of course, the earth would crack open and satan himself would come to your house for tea sooner than your prayers getting answered. Once Jaebum was finished eating, he showed no signs of hurry. Instead, he took his utensils to the sink and started washing up after himself at a leisurely pace.
Unable to bear the discomfort any longer, you decided to head back to your room and make yourself useful by putting your sheets in the washing machine.
“I’m gonna go back to my bedroom” you quietly spoke as you hurried away from the kitchen.
Once in the comfort of your room, you breathed a sigh of relief. Even though he was still in your kitchen, you were away from that situation for a while; hopefully just long enough to gather your thoughts.
The first thing you did was to wash your face and brush your teeth, just to feel like an actual living person which was far from what you were feeling when you can walked back to your room.
Going out of your bathroom, you stopped at the mini closet, pausing to select new sheets and then made your way to the bed. Quickly stripping off the older sheets from your bed you threw it onto the floor, to be picked up when you were done making your bed. It didn’t take you long to put the new sheets on and carry the old ones into the small balcony attached to your bathroom where you kept your washing machine.
Once you put the sheets in, you stood there, staring outside, lost in your thoughts; that is until you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your stomach and pulling you back.
You instantly knew it was Jaebum, who else would it be? But it wasn’t just because of that fact that you knew it was him, you could smell exactly what you were trying to wash away from your sheets behind you. What was worse is him being like this. Cuddling was kept to a minimum, and it was always kept as an after care for when things inevitably got rough with him.
He pulled you towards him and rested his head on your shoulders before he spoke up.
“So eager to wash me off your sheets?”
His words were nothing but a whisper, and it sent chills down your back and your arms because while it was just a whisper, his tone was something else entirely. You knew what that tone suggested, but what he was saying in that tone was unfamiliar to you.
He seemed to want an actual response to his question, which also was not usually the case when he used that tone with you. Your mind was scrambling to look for a response which did not let on just how eager you were to not just wash him off your sheets but get him out of door right now. You couldn’t let him in on your weaknesses and your coping mechanisms.
“I just wanted new sheets on the bed, it’s got nothing to do with you”
Yes, great job, amazing, the award for the lamest fucking excuse in the world goes to yours truly
You knew that both of you knew your answer was a whole pile of bullshit, but Jaebum didn’t question you any further and you didn’t dare bring anything up. You stood in the same position, him refusing to move and you being too confused to think straight. Instead of asking you questions he knew you would give equally bad responses to, he busied himself with placing feathery kisses down your neck and the exposed skin of your shoulders.
And then his lips were travelling back up the road they went down, just a tiny bit harsher. He let his teeth scrape over that one spot on your neck that he knew was your weakness and you knew you had to stop him now, or you would be far too lost in him to realise what on earth was happening.
“Jaebum, please stop” you tried to warn.
“Stop what?” he said, as he continued to place kisses on your neck, sloppier and needier kisses.
“You know exactly what”
“Maybe I don’t want to stop”
His hands took this opportunity to busy themselves by sneaking under the shirt you were wearing, going straight to your breasts. He would usually grabbed a handful in each hand and massage them or pinch your nipples until you were a moaning mess begging him to stop. But this time he just felt them up, his fingers lingering on your skin and on the curve of your breasts and down your sides, as if trying to remember every dip and curve of your body.
It was strange for him to be this delicate with you, and in the back of your mind you knew that all too well, but his hands and his lips were getting you closer and closer to the point of no return.
Your mind was practically screaming at you to push him away, to do anything to make him stop; but when he turned you around to face him, you simply let him. He kissed from your jaw, up to your lips; soft, lingering kisses that left you breathless.
He led you out of your bathroom, towards your freshly made bed and carefully pushed you back on it until you laid down on your bed. He didn’t join you; instead he took his shirt off, and went straight to kissing your legs, all the way up to your inner thighs.
He nipped occasionally on the soft skin, but other than that, he only prepped your skin with lingering kisses, never letting his lips get anywhere near where he knew you needed him. It got to a point where you couldn’t deal with his teasing and bucked your hips up to let him know you were getting impatient.
“Look at you, always so ready” he said.
Before you could reply, he placed a single kiss right on your clit and all you could manage to respond with a strangled moan.
You could feel him smile against you as he continued his ministrations; slowly dragging his tongue on your clit, never increasing the pressure or the speed. It was slow enough to buck against his mouth again, only to be held down by his arms. You knew this game too well, you just had to take what he was giving you, however he was giving it to you.
To your surprise, he actually stopped teasing you. He got off the bed, quickly getting rid of his pants and grabbing a condom from the stash kept inside the drawer of your bedside table.
You were still confused about what was happening and how you got here, but it would be a lie if you said you weren’t enjoy this needier side of Jaebum. He was usually the one with all the patience in the world to tease you all night, but he seemed like the eager one today; and your body welcomed that change.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Jaebum’s hand on your thighs again, focusing on him again to see that he had rolled the condom on, and was making his way back between your thighs.
There was no teasing, no making you beg for him until he was satisfied. He just slowly slid into you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He moved just as slowly as he his tongue had been moving, making you frustrated at his pace.
You were chasing your orgasm, but he had very different plans. He moved so he could kiss you as he moved slow and deep inside you, wanting to make you feel every small movement he made.
But just because Jaebum was suddenly taking things slow didn’t mean you weren’t the usual mess you were for him. You could feel each and every one of his thrusts in every part of your body. And it was overwhelming, the feeling in the pit of your stomach was threatening to spill over and yet it was seemingly so far away.
You hands were tangled in his hair, not pulling on them like usual, just holding him. When he stopped kissing you to catch his breath, you ran your fingers through his hair, caressing him however you could. He leaned into your touch, the slightly sharpness in his thrust indicated he liked this just as much as he liked it when you pulled on his hair.
“Please Jaebum, faster, you’re killing me here” you whispered, barely audible to your own ears and for a moment you wondered if you were loud enough for him to even hear you.
“No…I just don’t want this to fucking end” he whispered back, causing you to feel a new rush, one that neither of you had experienced with each other.
At his words one of your hands came down from his hair onto his shoulders and down his arms, nails scratching his skin lightly as you took him.
“Please” you breathed, and he just shook his head, stubborn as always.
For a while after that, you were both a mess in each other’s arms. Jaebum wanting to make it last as long as he possible could, you were tangled, holding onto each other for dear life. He didn’t stop kissing you until both of your jaws hurt, and even then he lazily continued to kiss you wherever he could. He kissed every bruise and bite he had left behind the night before, over and over again.
You could feel your impending orgasm close in on you, and when you tried to warn Jaebum about it, for the sake of the habit of always warning him when you got too close and needed him to slow down or to tell you you could cum, he beat you to it.
“You know I can feel that you’re close right? So tight, always so good for me”
You arched into Jaebum even more, if that was even possible anymore. He didn’t say anything, just brought his hand down to your clit, rubbing slow and precise circles, still not rushed to help you finish but not entirely opposed to it either.
You hoped he wasn’t going to just stop and bring you down from your high, and so you found yourself getting even more lost in what he was making you feel. One particularly deep thrust, and you came, with nothing but a loud intake of breath, holding onto Jaebum’s neck and probably even digging your nails into his skin. It wasn’t an explosion like you were used to, it was like a knot unwinding itself. It was less falling and more being suspended in air, just flying.
Jaebum followed suit, losing himself in his own orgasm a few more thrusts later, kissing you lazily again and again until you both came down from your highs.
He pulled out, disposing of the condom, and got in bed again. He pulled your body towards himself, which now felt limp after what you just experienced, kept his head on your stomach and wrapped his arms around you. You were far too dazed and tired to question any of his moves, and simply let him cuddle into you before you drifted off to sleep.
You were woken up by what you presumed to be Jaebum’s phone ringing considering your phone was presumably already out of battery, after all you hadn’t seen it since last night or remembered to put it on charge. You winced slightly at how loud his ringtone was, but you suppose when living with people as loud as the rest of GOT7 he maybe needed a loud ringtone.
You were surprised, yet again, when you realised Jaebum was still in bed with you; and not just in bed with you. He was still wrapped around your stomach, now detaching himself from you to look for his phone.
He found it in the pocket of his discarded jeans, clearing his throat before picking up his phone. You decided this would be a good time to get out of bed, and to look for your own phone. The slight anxiety of not having checked your phone for so many hours was slightly settling in; what if someone had been in an emergency and called you?
You crawled forward on your bed to find your t-shirt, discarded around the same place as Jaebum’s jeans, which were now in his hands. He was putting his jeans on, while talking in a hush voice to whoever was on the phone, his back towards you. Quickly picking up your t-shirt, you pulled it over your head and started looking for your phone. You found it quickly enough, on the little desk you had by the window of your bedroom. You were right in assuming it would be out of battery, and moved to your bedside table to put your phone on charge.
“I’ll be back in a minute” Jaebum said, now turned around towards you.
You nodded at him and he rushed out, you figured it was a work call and sat on your bed, on his side, and turned your phone back on. You were immersed in checking the notifications on your phone, you hadn’t missed anything too important; the messages were mostly from your friends and they weren’t many, a social media notification here and there. You felt yourself relax a little at the thought of not having missed anything too important.
Jaebum returned to your room, finding you sitting on what had been his side of the bed for the past couple of hours.
His side of the bed. He liked that thought, he didn't know why but he did. He was surprising himself doing whatever he was doing today, but for once, it felt so right to do those things that he didn’t question his impulses. Just like he didn’t question his impulse now to go over and kiss you. He knew that kissing you was reserved to moments the two of you were in bed, or heading that way. He also knew kissing you like this was against the unspoken rules the two of you had. But he did it anyway.
When you felt Jaebum’s presence near you again, you looked up at him. He was shirtless, his jeans hanging low on his waist, his hair was messy and he had a shit eating grin on his face when you looked at him. When he reached your bed, he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on your lips before plopping down on the bed. You looked over at him, extremely confused.
“What’s gotten into you today?” you asked, unable to stop yourself.
“Nothing” he beamed up at you. “So…I was wondering if you were up to go party with all of us tonight?”
“All of us?” you questioned
“Yeah, the boys and I are headed to this party tonight, if you want to, you could come along with us? I mean, you don’t have to of course but I thought it would be nice”
You could tell he was nervous, having worked around GOT7 when you first joined the company you knew he rambled when he was nervous. You thought about it for a second, it wouldn’t be so bad. You were friends with all of them, and you hadn’t had the chance to really meet them in a while. A party with those extremely noisy, loveable boys could only do you good right?
“Yeah sure, it’ll be fun. Where are you guys headed to?”
“Its this private party at nb2 , I’ll pick you up around 9?”
“You…want to pick me up? And go to a party with me?” you wondered out loud.
“..Yes” he said, and made a puzzled expression at your question.
You could think of a lot to say, but none of it felt appropriate for the mood. Before you could vocalise any of your thoughts, he intervened.
“But, for now, I need to leave. I’m gonna head back to the dorm, freshen up and then there is a group meeting at the new company building…work stuff. But I’ll call you when I’m done okay?”
“I guess?”
He picked his shirt from the ground and quickly pulled it over his head as he headed out of your room with you following suit.
He wore his shoes hurriedly, and pulled your main door open. Before he left, however, he turned back around and kissed you again, his lips gentle on yours and with that, he rushed out.
You realised soon after that you were hungry, and that you had half dried sheets in your washing machine.
You decided to eat first, as your stomach at this point was grumbling loudly, cursing at you for forgetting to eat for so long. You went about your day, pushing the thoughts of what had happened with Jaebum to the back of your mind. You knew thinking about it too much would only result in confusion and feelings you simply did not want to deal with.
So you got on with your day, cooked for yourself, ate while watching episode after episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine. When the sun was beginning to set, you got up to wash whatever utensils had been used and went on to put your sheets in the dryer.
Then you got back to your Netflix, the weird anxiety in your stomach was making you feel queasy and you thought distracting yourself would be the only way to make it through the evening. And that is when your phone rang.
JB calling…
You sighed, and almost debated whether you wanted to pick his phone or not. You could always just say you were taking a bath and left your phone in the living room.
“Hey, I hope I’m not disturbing you or anything”
“No, not at all”
“So uhm, you still up for coming out with us tonight, right?”
You were so not used to this that your answers just automatically coming out short and to the point.
“If you still want me to, yes”
“Of course I do. I was just calling to check in. And to remind you to eat before we leave, I know you don’t handle alcohol very well on an empty stomach” he chuckled as he remembered a particular memory.
“It was one time, Im Jaebum. When will you ever let me forget it?” you whined, you hated being reminded of that night.
It really was just one fucking time and Jaebum took every chance he got to tease you about it. So what if you had thrown up on his favourite jacket, you were slightly sick and you hadn’t had a single mean since your late morning bowl of ramen. And yes, you had a little too much to drink. And it wasn’t even that much. And you had taken it upon yourself to make sure you returned a clean jacket back to him.
You heard him laugh, hearty and warm.
“Just eat okay?”
“Just stop okay?”
Jaebum chuckled again and went on “I’ll be there at 9 babe”
With that, he hung up.
Did he just…..no, you were surely mistake. He must have said 바보 (babo; stupid) and you misheard him.
You decided on eating the leftovers from the lunch you made while you took a bath, after which you started getting ready, which in your opinion was always a pain in the ass. You had no trouble getting ready for a normal day, but for night outs it was always a bargain between comfort and looking fine as fuck. You ended up just putting on a dress which leaned a little more towards looking fine as fuck than it did towards comfort; however for your footwear, your mind was set on your favourite pair of black boots, comfort trumped sexy any day when it came to being on the dance floor in a club and feeling like your feet wanted to die in the heels.
As promised, Jaebum was on your doorstep at 9pm. He rang the bell, and you were just about done with your makeup, finishing up your red lip just in the nick of time as you heard the bell go off. You rushed out, grabbing your purse and your phone on your way out. You had already informed your roommate that you were going out for the night, and everything else in the house was taken care of.
You were yet to put on your boots, but since they were kept near the entrance to your apartment anyway you decided on just putting them on after you let Jaebum in.
You pulled the door open to see Jaebum leaning slightly against the wall beside him, straightening up once he saw you. He wore blue jeans with a silky black shirt, and if your opinion was asked for, you’d say he left his shirt unbuttoned a little too far down. His skin was so soft, and you could slightly make out a light red mark running down his chest, possible from earlier today or from last night.
He smiled at you, opening his arms to pull you in for a hug. He smelled so good, and your mind was quickly rushing to a different place. You mentally cursed yourself, just returned his hug and let him go when he pulled back.
“You look really good” he said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
You smiled at him, amused at how awkward he was acting. He had seen you in much more compromising positions and he was awkward about this.
“You don’t look too bad yourself” you said, still smiling before continuing, “Just give me a minute, I need to put my boots on and then we can get going”
He nodded, and you got busy putting your boots on, and then the two of you were on your way. He had driven himself, which was another surprise since he didn’t always drive. He had a license, but you had very rarely seen him drive.
When you reached the club, you spotted a wild Bambam on the dance floor. Seeing as this was a private party, there just were the right amount of people, it wasn’t too crowded and it wasn’t empty enough to be awkward. You went to greet Bambam, who when noticed you, just pulled you in for a hug while still swinging along to the beat of the music.
While the two of you dance-hugged, Jaebum just stood nearby smiling at the both of you.
Bambam let you go, and shouted over the music “It’s good to see you noona!”
“You too Bam” you shouted back, quickly kissing his cheek, like you were used to doing to him. Whenever you saw Bambam, you always saw the little baby with a pink patch of hair and it always made you want to pinch his cheeks, which was apparently embarrassing to Bambam (“I’m not a child anymore noona!!” he’d whine to you), so you settled for pecking his cheeks instead.
“I’m going to go meet the others yeah?” you continued.
He gave you a thumbs up, while still grooving to the music and you laughed at him once before turning around to find Jaebum. He led you to one of the booths where you saw the rest of your friends along with a couple of other guys you knew were friends of the rest of the boys. Jackson was the first to get up and pull you in for a hug, always the excited little puppy. He kissed your cheek and let you get on with greeting the rest of them.
Yugyeom, the ever whiney baby, complained about you not seeing them for way too long. And you teased him back about only missing you for the free chocolate shakes you always bought for him, to which he whined back again.
Mark gave you another hug, engulfing you in the huge t-shirt he was wearing, and looked over at Jaebum to shout “mine!” and then proceeded to giggle. You laughed with him, not really wanting to look back at Jaebum to see his reaction.
Jinyoung gave you a quick hug, followed by a simple “I missed you” shouted over the music to which you pinched his fluffy little cheeks before he could complain about it. You waved at the rest of their friends, you were not really close with any of them. Some of them smiled back at you, and some waved back.
The greetings finally being done, you settled down between Mark and Jackson, and they got busy trying to order drinks for you and Jaebum. Jackson instantly ordered another round of shots for everyone, and you ordered a cosmo for yourself while Jaebum just wanted beer.
All of you talked and enjoyed the alcohol, ordered a couple more shots and before you knew it Jackson was pulling you out to the dance floor. The two of you danced, soon joined by Bambam, Mark, Yugyeom and Jinyoung. Jaebum stayed in the booth, talking to a couple of his friends. Being with them was like a second nature to you so it was a fun time, Bambam and Yugyeom pulling out their silly moves, and soon enough Jinyoung was twerking to a song.
It was a good time, until Jaebum decided to join you all and the DJ chose that very moment to switch up to sexier songs. Jaebum easily snaked an arm around your waist in the dark club and pulled you towards him, your back touching his chest. He started slow, grinding into you in a way no one would notice, his hands tight on your waist guiding you to grind back on him. As the music changed, so did his movements.
He was grinding harder, holding onto you tighter. And then his hand was pulling the hair away from your neck, his lips placing a single kiss on the exactly spot he knew made you go weak and your head fell back on his shoulders; the two of you moving to the music was addictive, whether it was the alcohol or just Jaebum’s hands on you, your mind was clouded with desire. You didn’t see if any of the other boys saw the two of you, because you knew it was very evident what was happening between the two of you now, and frankly, you didn’t care. All you could feel was Jaebum.
His lingering, wet kisses continued while his hands felt up your sides. His hands stopped at your waist, digging his fingers into the skin there, pulling you back harder on him so you could feel just what this was doing to him. Just feeling him through his jeans made your mouth salivate and you moved your head away from him to look at him through hooded eyes, silently begging him to just take you somewhere empty and have his way with you. He looked at you, looking up at him with so much need he could have kissed you right there if there wasn’t still a part of him acutely aware of your surroundings. He knew the two of you had already gone too far, and this would be taking it even farther.
You were in a trance, the music flowing through your veins like the alcohol influenced blood. And then it was gone; the trace completely broken.
One of Jaebum’s friends, who you didn’t know too well other than the very basics, was besides the two of you and shouted over the music, loud enough for both yourself and Jaebum to hear.
“Your plan is working perfectly, isn’t it? She is so jealous I can see her seething from here”
Your eyes followed his tilted head, right across to where you and Jaebum were dancing, on the other side of the club. You didn’t know who to look for, but your eyes quickly settled in on an all familiar face.
Jaebum’s ex.
The ex he had ended up making an entire mixtape about. The ex that he always regretted letting go of. The ex everyone in GOT7 referred to as Jaebum’s toxic love. The ex he wrote songs for and wrote songs about. Her eyes were glued to the two of you, and you could feel the high from the alcohol evaporate under her gaze. Your body froze up and Jaebum felt it instantly. He wanted to say something to you, but he was just as shocked as you. And you felt as if you were going to be sick.
Then another wave of nausea hit you as a new thought made its way into your mind. It all made sense now. The staying over, making breakfast, the cuddling, the kisses; it was all for this moment. You kept thinking it had something to do with you, and yet now you were quickly realising it was all really for her. So he could make her jealous, make her want him back.
There was a sudden pit in your stomach, fast spreading through your entire body. You felt used, and utterly humiliated. You were almost sure the humiliation you felt would translate into you falling right to the ground and breaking down. But your pride wouldn’t let you fall to the ground like that.
And then you felt another pair of eyes on you; Jackson’s. He was looking straight at you, your mouth agape in shock and your locked up body. You knew he had witnessed the whole thing, and the humiliation you felt just increased with that realisation. Your body hadn’t even felt the pain yet, the humiliation being too much to handle for it to let your mind go to any other emotion.
With whatever little dignity you still had left, you finally lifted your head from Jaebum’s shoulder and pushed his hands away from you, not really caring to gauge his reaction to your movements. Taking a breath to steady yourself, you kept your head held high and your emotions at bay and walked towards the exit. In this club, mostly full of absolute strangers, you felt as thought everyone’s eyes were on you, witnessing your humiliation. It felt like everyone was aware of what a sad little fool you were, believing even for a moment that any of what Jaebum had done today was for you.
You managed to make it out of the club without keeling over, the fresh air outside helping you feel a little less suffocated. You stepped a little farther towards the road, trying to hail a taxi home when you felt a hand on your arm, and you were almost ready to turn around and slap that person if it turned out to be Jaebum.
But when you turned around, you suddenly felt like even more of a fool. It was Jackson, not Jaebum. Of course it wasn’t Jaebum, he was probably in a dark corner with her by now, his hands that were on you moments ago were now probably entangled in her hair and touching her body as his lips kissed her instead of you. The thought made you sick to your stomach, even when you knew there was no reason for you to feel this way. Those were the rules right? He could get laid with whoever he wanted, as could you.
“I’m so sorry” was all Jackson said before he pulled you in for a hug, and your dam just broke. You sobbed into his chest, Jackson’s hands caressing your back. Both of you stood there for god knows how long before you could stop your sobs, and he didn’t complain once.
When you finally pulled back from him, he wiped the tears staining your cheeks and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“Did you know?” you managed to breath out, not really trusting your voice to not break if you spoke any louder.
“I didn’t. I swear to you I didn’t know any of this. I didn’t even know she was going to be here. To be honest, I’m not even sure what all just happened”
You nodded, not looking him in the eye, looking out into the ongoing traffic instead, trying to distract yourself by looking for a cab.
“I should look for a cab” you spoke out loud.
“No, please, let me at least drop you home”
"No Jackson you don’t have to leave your party for-”
“Its for my own sanity, just so I will know you are safe and sound at home” he interrupted.
You simply nodded at him, and he proceeded to take your hand in his and walk you towards his car.
As he drove, you looked out into the night. 24 hours ago, Jaebum was with you, and now he was with her. Maybe he was only with you 24 hours ago so he could be with her now. Maybe you were a convenient replacement until he could get her back. And you didn’t know why that hurt you so much.
All you knew was that you wanted to go home and erase this entire day from your memory.
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lovelydeceitff · 7 years
Chapter 5
“Damn babe you too wet, I’m bout to cum” Keith whispered in my ear as he visibly tried his hardest not to let the feeling get the best of him. Again.
Sex with Keith has been different lately and I HATE IT. I don’t know what’s been going on with him but he cums fast. It’s been happening since summer break, but that wasn’t often and it was because we weren’t having sex a lot. Now it’s almost every time. It’s so frustrating.
After Keith cleaned himself up, he came and cuddled me. “Did you cum?” He asked immediately.
“No, but it’s fine. ” I answered, trying not to show any irritation.
“No it’s not fine. I’m sorry babe, let me give you some head”
“No it’s okay. I feel good regardless of me not cumming.” I said giggling.
“Damn man… you just be too wet and I can’t take it. I’m sorry. You have to cum tho. I got–”
“I’m okay I promise. It’s time for you to go to sleep anyways. Okay? Don’t worry about it.” I said as I kissed him to shut him up.
Keith has so many excuses as to why he came fast after we have sex. It’s ‘you were too wet’ ‘it’s been a while’ 'I needed a break, it felt too good’. And I’m just like we’ve been having sex for almost 2 years now. Same pussy. Stop with the excuses.
Keith soon fell asleep and I just stared at him. He’s literally flawless. He’s so handsome. It still blows my mind sometimes, after I get over the bad sex. He moved out of my room like 2 weeks ago so he’s just spending the night with me. I was so happy when he moved out, sad to say. I needed a break from him. We were doing good but still - I needed my own space.
My dress for homecoming came JUST in time and far from my surprise I didn’t like it. I needed to be able to wear a bra but the dress is strapless. It’s a white bandeau choker dress, meAning that it’s a choker connected to the bandeau bra part of the dress with is connected to the skirt part. I immediately called one of my best friends Kammy to show her the dress.
“Hi there” she answered the FaceTime.
“Okay so check this out, my dress sucks. I need your help. Can you bring safety pins and invisible straps so I can try to fix this” I said to her as I showed her the dress and everything I didn’t like about it.
We continued to talk about hoco and what she was wearing as well. She told me that her and our other best friend Ashley would for sure be coming on Wednesday. They’ll be staying in my room so I have to make sure I clean up. I can be a bit messy. I also have to tell Keith before he tries to come stay the night.
Other than my dress, everything for hoco is working out perfectly. My best friends are coming. I have all my outfits planned, I just hope we have a good time. We’re doing everything. My bffs are coming Wednesday so Kammy can do my hair and then we can go out to the thirsty Thursday parties.
Luckily for me, the safety pins and invisible straps worked for the dress. I mean it could’ve been better but it’s okay. It’s the night of the Rec party, where we all put on our best outfits so we can show off. Black student union and the Greeks put this party on so it’s gonna be lit.
My hair is curled and I decided on a mostly natural face. I just put on eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. I decided on olive green heels to go with my dress. Im basically dressed, I’m just waiting on Ashley. She’s the slowest out of all of us because she always waits until the last minute to eat.
“What’s going on after the Rec party, y'all heard of anything?” Kammy asked.
“Nope but it better be something, cause a bitch ready to shake her ass all night you feel me?!” Ashley said holding her bottle of Hennessy in the air.
“Man honestly I haven’t heard of nothing. Not even kickbacks.” I said. It’s true, this homecoming doesn’t seem to be as hype as previous years. I started looking on Instagram for any fliers and I still didn’t see anything pertaining to tonight. So I decided to FaceTime Chris. I haven’t talked to him in a while, but he always has the moves so he is my best bet.
“What’s up Shaaayyy” he answered in a sing song manner.
“Haha, hi Chris. What are you doing”
“Shay you look beautiful..”
“Thank you, Chris. You looking pretty good yourself.” I replied as we began to stare at each other like high school kids. Just smirking and shit.
“Anyways what’s on your agenda tonight you going to the rec party or what? You know of anything going on after?” I broke the silence.
“Nope, you know that’s not my scene. But I’m not too sure what’s going on tonight. I just been chilling with my niggas. I’ll let you know if I find something though”
We conversed a bit more than we got off the phone.
“So who was that?” Ash asked. I told her and she said she remembered him from freshman year. Ashley stopped going to school after our freshman year.
“You still ain’t talked to Keith huh?” Kammy asked.
“Girl no. Idk what’s up with him. I talked to him earlier but he been acting weird since I told him y'all was gone be staying in my room. We only been texting and it’s been short.” I said
I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know if he’s giving me space since my friends are here or what. He’s not going out so I know that could be a reason but that doesn’t mean be cold to me. I hate that. Other guys calling me beautiful while you out here acting like I don’t exist. Smh.
I sent Keith a picture of me so he can know what I look like before heading out. I like to send him pictures so that he doesn’t see it first on Instagram. He told me “cute, be safe and have fun 😘” Better than nothing. I continued to text him of course. He’s playing the game with his friends over some drinks. I’m glad he not sitting around, I would’ve started to feel bad.
After Ashley, Kammy, and I finished up we headed to the Rec for the party. It wasn’t as packed as previous years but it was still fun. Me and my girls was fine as wine and that’s what mattered most.
“Chris can me and my best friend come to your crib so we can smoke?” I asked as Kammy and I walked out of the football stadium. It was about to rain and we definitely didn’t want to get caught up in that. Ashley stayed with her other friends.
Chris said we could come through so we did just that. When we got there he greeted me with the best hug as usual. Kammy rolled up immediately, she’s the smoker of our group. We then went upstairs to his room. Chris stays with 4 other guys in this massive house. It has three floors and Chris lives at the very top.
I got comfortable on his bed and Kookie sat next to me. It was just us, Chris, and his homie Jay who was asleep on his floor. Supposed jay had a rough morning.
Chris started to direct his conversation more towards me. He came and squeezed his way in between Kam and I just to be next to me. It was cool and innocent but it was short lived. Like 5 people were heard coming up the stairs and Chris jumped up when he seen it was one of his good friends. They were all in the hall laughing and talking. Then they proceeded downstairs while Kammy and I remained upstairs. As 10 minutes passed Kammy asked “Did that nigga forget we was up here or something?”
“Nah. He couldn’t. Chris ain’t like that” I replied. He couldn’t possibly forget that I was up here.
Five minutes later, I asked kam if she was ready to go and she said yes. Right on cue, Chris walks in and says “Ohhhhh shit Shay. I forgot y'all was up here my bad, y'all gone?”
I know for a fact that Kammy is thinking I’m a dumb ass. I just spoke highly of this man just for him to actually forget my existence for 15 minutes.
I told him it was cool and we were indeed leaving. He apologized once more and walked us out, making sure to tell me to text him later.
I know I’m feeling Chris a little…. cause ain’t no way I would’ve let another guy get close to me like he did today and I definitely wouldn’t have waited for him to remember I was in his room. I gave him a huge benefit of the doubt. Chris is cool though, it’s hard to deem his as anything other than a good guy. So maybe I’m not feeling him, maybe I’m just trying not to jump to conclusions and say he wants me. He probably doesn’t. He knows I’m in a relationship. He knows. He’s respectful.
Kammy and I went back to my building and took a much needed nap. I got up early to work desk and kam just gets up early period. It was almost 6 o'clock so we decided we'd get up at 8:30pm.
We got ready and ended up going to this block party that was extremely dead. No one was really there. I mean there was no block party at all, it was basically just people standing around looking stupid. We left and went to this football kickback that my friends on the team were throwing.
Kammy ended up getting one of the finest players on the teams number. I was excited for her cause that man is really drop dead gorgeous and she needs some dick. I told her it was time to have a one night stand, I mean she needed it. It's been nearly a year for her. So I let her have my room and I went to Keith's place for the night.
I'm a good friend, right? 😋
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jewelphan · 7 years
Caught Up in a Dream - Ch. 1
Summary: Dan is Phil’s best friend, and he has been for the better half of the year. The only problem is that Dan doesn’t exist, not really. Dan is just a person who appears in Phil’s dreams; someone who’s made up. At least, that’s what Phil believes.
Word Count (for this chapter): 1.7k
Warnings (for this chapter): none 
Phil’s mind had been very jumbled lately. In the past week he had been surged with thousands of thoughts. Granted, these thoughts only orbited around one thing, or rather, one person: Dan Howell. More specifically, the day he met Dan. The day was still clear in his mind as if it had happened yesterday, the day he met the boy with those chocolate brown eyes with hair to match. Met. A strange word to use considering the fact that Phil didn’t meet Dan, not really. He more-or-less created him- made him up, per se.
Dan was just a figment of Phil’s imagination, but Phil couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if Dan was real. Dan Howell, his best friend, would exist, that’s what would happen. And damn, the things he would give just to make that statement true.
Dan seemed real enough: he acted real, sounded real, looked real, even felt real at times. The only thing that was convincing Phil that he wasn’t real was the fact that Phil only ever saw Dan in his dreams. If Dan existed outside of Phil’s dreams, there would be nothing else to keep him from believing Dan wasn’t real. But unfortunately for Phil, he only ever saw the sweet boy when he closed his eyes.
Sweet was an odd way to define Dan. He wasn’t always the kind and loving (and a bit sarcastic… okay, a lot sarcastic) boy Phil had grown to know today. In fact, Dan used to hate him, always mumbling about some revenge plan he needed to execute. Phil never used to understand the boy, he thought he was crazy. But as the nights passed, Dan started becoming less hostile towards Phil and slowly warmed up to him. However, this did not happen fast... and now that Phil thinks about it, it took the better half of six months for Dan to finally warm up to him. Though even now, after nearly a year, Dan still didn’t seem fully comfortable with Phil, though he had gotten a thousand times more tolerable.
Phil wasn’t sure why it mattered so much to him. Dan wasn’t real, not fully. Though, that depends on how you define real. He was real to Phil, so it made since it would matter to him. But no one else knew Dan was real, therefore that should make him nonexistent. Phil supposed it was how you looked at it. To Phil, Dan was the realest thing on this planet- his best friend, but to everyone else, there was no such person named Dan Howell.
Phil sighed, wondering how the hell his mind ever came up with Dan. It shouldn’t have been possible considering his mind was confusing itself enough as it was. Not to mention how damn gorgeous Dan was, Phil’s mind should’ve been incapable of creating such beauty. Regardless, Dan made Phil happy and that was good enough for him. Real or not, Dan was his best and first friend he had ever made.
Phil groaned, flopping himself down onto his bed. The sun had set only about an hour ago and he was already wishing and waiting for sleep to claim him. Ever since he met Dan, he was so much more eager to go to sleep at an earlier time. In the past, he’d go to sleep in the early hours of the morning, but as of late, he had found himself falling asleep just a bit too early. He sometimes even found himself asleep before his own mother, which did raise a few questions from her at the time. Phil remembers her demanding to know what had gotten into him and if he was feeling alright. He did find it funny, she was concerned because he was getting sleep, not because he wasn't. Eventually she stopped questioning him and said that she was just happy he had good sleeping habits again… as if he ever did in the first place.
Phil let out a silent chuckle at the memory before reaching over to turn his bedside lamp off. He laid down in his bed, fluffing out his duvet and draping it over himself. Then he tucked himself deep beneath the covers to achieve maximum comfort. Phil smiled to himself, excited to see Dan again. He saw him every night, with his soft smile and bright eyes. Everything about Dan brought a certain warmth to Phil’s chest that he loved more than he would like to admit. Phil didn’t understand where the warm and soft feeling came from, but it made him happy- Dan made him happy.
With that thought in mind, Phil breathed out a content sigh before closing his eyes and falling into a comfortable sleep.
“Wakey-wakey,” Phil vaguely heard Dan say, “actually, I suppose sleepy-sleepy would be more accurate.”
“What are you on about?” Phil grumbled, he was always a bit disoriented when he gained consciousness within his dreams.
“What I'm saying is, why should I say ‘wakey-wakey’? The last thing I want you to do is wake up… because y’know you're technically dreaming, therefore asleep, and I need you to stay asleep if I want to talk to you. But that’s besides the point, the point is- wouldn't it make more sense if I said ‘sleepy-sleepy’?” Dan tried to explain, rather badly according to Phil.
“I guess,” Phil mumbled, not sure what else to say.
“What's got you so talkative anyway?” Phil questioned. Dan normally talked a lot, but he was never one to start conversations so quickly.
Dan shrugged, “I suppose it's because today marks the day we first met.”
“What, like our one year anniversary?” Phil asked.
Dan scoffed, “you make it sound like we're in a relationship or something.”
“Oh? I was under the impression we were,” Phil smirked, trying his best not laugh.
Dan rolled his eyes, “of course we are, Philly, I didn't mean for you to doubt yourself,” Dan played along.
Dan’s face was so serious that Phil couldn't help but burst out into laughter, Dan quickly following suit. The idea was too ridiculous not to laugh. Him and Dan? In a relationship? The thought was almost too stupid to be considered funny.
“Why don't you--come and give me--a kiss?” Phil tried to ask, his heavy laughter breaking up his sentence.
Dan composed himself a bit and answered, “you only get a kiss if you come and catch me first,” his statement only pushed Phil into another fit of laughter, tears falling from his eyes from the lack of breaths he was taking.
Dan chuckled, “God, you're so childish.”
Phil managed to control himself enough to answer, “you're the one who played along.”
“Only because you started it.”
Phil waved his hand dismissively, “excuses, excuses.”
“Whatever,” Dan muttered.
There was a pause in the conversation- and Phil's laughing- before Phil spoke up,“but seriously, a whole year?” Phil asked. He wondered if that was the reason he had been thinking about Dan so much lately.
“Yeah, it's crazy, right?” Dan asked, though the question was rhetorical.
“Time flies.” Phil mumbled, he couldn't believe an entire year had passed since he had met Dan, the thought seemed too crazy to be true, but it was true.
Dan nodded in agreement, heaving a sigh as he sat down on the floor.
It wasn't so much a floor as it was a platform. The place they were in never changed. They were on a large yet simple glass platform that floated in the sky; surrounded by the dark of the night. But it never really seemed dark because the moon shone brightly above and the sky was filled with stars. It was like someone spilt a bottle of glitter, but the spill was too beautiful to clean up. Phil loved everything about the place; he often wondered how the place came to be.
He remembered back when Dan didn't talk too much to him, Phil would just sit at the edge of the glass- feet dangling over the side- and admire the view. He did this for quite a few months, really. He only stopped when Dan started making proper conversation with him.
He remembered once when Dan was being particularly annoying, Phil thought it would be a good idea to push him off the edge of the platform. Partly because he was curious as to what would happen, but mostly because Dan was being an annoying twat. Much to Phil's dismay, Dan ended up right back on the platform, almost as if he teleported back there. Dan hadn't talked to him for nearly a week after that, which Phil was very grateful for at the time. Now he wasn't sure what he would do if Dan ignored him for so long.
“What's got you so deep in thought?” Dan asked, breaking Phil from his thoughts.
“Mm, nothing. Just thinking of that time I pushed you off the platform.” Phil said simply, almost as if he was trying to provoke Dan.
“You sound so proud of yourself.” Dan scoffed.
“I was at the time.”
“Yeah, well, it was rude.” Dan grumbled.
Phil rolled his eyes, “it’s not like it hurt you,” he paused, “and I ended up getting what I wanted, anyway.”
“And what would that be?”
“For you to ignore me.”
“I bet if I ignored you now you wouldn't like it so much, would you?” Dan said smartly.
Phil didn't even try to deny it.
After that, there was a comfortable silence that fell over them, only to be broken about a half hour later by Dan.
“The sun’s about to rise,” Dan mumbled softly.
“Yeah,” Phil agreed.
“You have school,” Dan said.
Phil nodded.
“You need to wake up.”
“Yeah,” he said again, but made no move to get up.
“Phil,” Dan stated firmly.
“Yeah, okay, I'm getting up.”
“It's not like you won't see me tomorrow,” Dan grumbled.
Phil looked up at him, “sounds like you can't wait to see me again,” Phil said sarcastically.
“I can't,” Dan said honestly, “now get up before I kick you off this platform.”
Phil sighed, but got to his feet, “Happy Anniversary, Dan,” Phil mocked sarcastically, yet he laughed anyway.
And he heard Dan laugh as well before the dream around him faded and he found himself once again awake in his own bed.
Next Chapter
a/n: look at me... writing a chaptered fic... welp im not sure how this is gonna go but im giving it a shot. I don’t have an updating schedule atm but I’ll see how things go and hopefully I’ll make one, but as of rn im very attached to this story so hopefully updates will be sooner rather than later but ye, I hope u enjoyed the first chapter and looking forward to the next one :)
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stardust2003 · 7 years
Madferit: The Novel - Chapter 22
           "Oi! Wake up, Our Kid. Phone's for you."
"Who is it?" Liam asked groggily blinking up at Paul.
Paul shrugged and passed him the phone.
"Hello?" He said into the receiver. "How the fuck'd ya get this number?!"
I sat up a little and watched Liam as he argued with whoever was on the other end.
"C'mon, Addie!" Paul said as he tapped my shoulder. "Tea's on downstairs. Let me fix ya a brew."
I got out of bed and followed him out the door, leaving Liam behind to cuss the poor soul on the phone.
Paul fixed me a cup of tea and sat down at the table across from me to finish his. He smiled as he put his cup to his lips and for a split second I swore he and Noel swapped places.
But I knew that wasn't possible. Noel was in London and had been ever since the band returned from touring. He was too cool for Burnage.
And clearly too cool for me.
They had a few more days before they left for Japan.
"You're seriously not gonna go?" Paul said.
"No I'm seriously not." I replied. "I've no reason to-"
"I think ya've got a very big reason if I'm honest. Two reasons if you really-"
"Stop." I said firmly.
He was about to speak again when Liam came trudging into the dining room.
"I'm goin' down London." He informed us as he headed straight for the door adjusting his duffle bag strap on his shoulder.
"Aren't ya gonna take your bird with you?" Paul asked.
"No. She likes it here."
"But if you're stayin' with Noel-"
"I'm not fuckin' stayin' with him!" Liam snapped.
Paul furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at him. "Then who the fuck ya stayin' with?" He asked.
Liam shrugged in reply.
"What the-"
"Let it go, Paul." I said calmly. I looked at Liam. "Tell Patsy I said hello."
"Fuck off!" He barked. "I'm not fuckin' goin' to see 'er!"
"Who ya gonna go see then? Your drug dealer? 'Cuz everybody knows you don't gotta leave Burnage for that."
He rolled his eyes.
"But then again you did say Patsy's got all the good gear."
"Fuck off, Tix! Seriously!" He exclaimed before heading out the door.
"Are you really just gonna sit there and let him treat you like that?" Paul asked pointing at where Liam had just disappeared.
"What difference does it make?" I said. "If he's gonna cheat, he's gonna cheat. Who am I to stop him?"
"His girlfriend. And you don't deserve to be-"
"Just drop it, Paul! Please! Just stop!" I got up from the table and left the house.
The sky was gray and looked like rain was coming. It was summer but the weather was total shit. Back home, I guess the weather was stellar. The thought made me pine a little for going back.
But I didn't.
I went far enough away from the house just in time before the tears started to flow.
'Stop crying!' I ordered myself. 'He's not yours! Stop fucking crying!'
The band left for Japan and I stayed in England. Peggy insisted I stay with her. I already had been when Liam was still home. He refused to stay at his flat.
"You're probably sick of it." He reasoned.
'Probably not as much as you.' I thought.
Peggy became a surrogate mother to me while Paul was like another older brother. It was nice to have them both in my life. They gave me a sense of normalcy even with all the hype swirling around Oasis. You would've never guessed they were related to the band.
I also got integrated into their family which consisted of a couple of Peggy's sisters, their husbands, and their children. One big, happy, Irish family. And I loved every minute I got to spend with them.
Noel was right in a way about Manchester being pretty boring. Don't get me wrong, I loved being there but Burnage was relatively quiet. Paul told me Noel had no desire to come back even for visits. It made me feel bad for their mother.
I had a hard time believing that was true though. He loved their soccer team – the other one I guess. Not the one everybody knows about. Why would he do that if he wasn't proud of where he was from?
I don't know why I bothered asking those questions. Actually, I didn't even ask them. I just thought about them in my head to pass the time until the boys got back. It allowed my mind to escape my constant thoughts of Liam and wondering what the fuck he was up to.
But it wasn't easy. The checkout lines at the grocery store were always stocked with tabloids featuring him and Noel on the cover. From backstage arguments to shit being thrown from hotel room windows, the news agencies updated us commoners about all their latest antics. It was very rare to see Bonehead and Guigsy's name get mentioned though.
'And to think, they started the band.' I mused.
Alan rarely got mentioned either but I wasn't arsed to care. He was a good drummer and Liam's new best friend but I don't know...I fell in love with the original band not the added professionals.
Peggy had scrapbooks going of every article the boys got a mention in. It was fun to flip through them and see it all. I don't think she missed a single article.
One evening, Peggy, Paul, and I went to some relatives' house for dinner. I kept thinking how Noel always said they weren't the type of family to do this sort of thing yet there we were. People laughed and joked around. They were all really loud and really funny. Paul and Peggy had such big smiles on their faces and so did I.
The night ended and it was time for bed. I was given free range of Liam and Noel's old room. I'd grown accustomed to sleeping in Liam's bed just because that's how things had been when he got back from the European leg of the tour.
The room was really quiet. I turned the lamp on and gazed around. Liam left some clothes laying on the floor near his dresser before he took off for London. I couldn't tell if they were dirty or clean. He had another pile of boxers and t-shirts wadded up on the floor by the foot of the bed. Empty cigarette packs and what looked like pieces of rolling paper were scattered on the top of the dresser. There were a couple City posters on the wall but surprisingly nothing to do with John Lennon or the Beatles anywhere in sight.
Noel's side of the room was a completely different story. His bed was still made and it had been since Christmas. But I suppose there hadn't been a reason for it to get unmade.
"We should shag in it." Liam suggested as we lay in his one night. "Get my spunk all over his fuckin' sheets. Show 'im who the real Chief is."
My response to that was a big hell no. I wasn't into his sick little games, charming as some of them might've been.
It was easy to tell Noel had been moved out for quite some time. Apparently since before Oasis even began. Still, he must've had some reason to leave his bed, dresser, and posters behind.
Fuck knows Supernova Heights was big enough to store them.
I crawled into Liam's bed and stared across the room at Noel's. I tried to picture him lying there sighing and rolling over in his sleep.
I fell asleep sometime later but woke up to the sound of the phone ringing down the hall.
"Fuck's sake!" Paul groaned across the hallway.
I heard him get up and saunter out of his room towards the phone.
"Hello?" He said. "Whoa! Calm down, mate!" He paused for a second then continued. "She's asleep. No. I'm not gonna fuckin' mither her for-. Alright alright! Just fuckin' calm down! She ain't gonna be able to understand ya when you're talkin' so fuckin' fast."
I gasped when I heard his footsteps coming towards the bedroom. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep as the door creaked open.
"Addie?" He whispered.
"Hmm?" I replied stretching a little as I opened my eyes.
"The phone's for you." He held it out to me. "It's Noel. He's freakin' out."
I took the phone from him and wondered what the heck was going on as I brought it up to my ear. "Hello?" I said into it.
"Ya need to come over here! Now!" Noel replied quickly. "I fuckin' miss ya too much and I can't fuckin'-"
"You guys'll be home in like two days. Surely you can make it without me 'til then."
"No I can't. No I fuckin' can't! It's fuckin' mental over here. I can't fuckin' sleep! I need ya here to make it better. Please! I'm beggin' ya and y'know I don't beg for nothin'!"
"He's fuckin' cheatin' on ya!" He interrupted me. "He's got all these little Japanese birds in and outta his room. He thinks he's John Lennon or summat."
"Well hasn't he always thought that?!" I asked trying to fight back the tears.
"Yeah but-"
I pushed the button on the phone to hang up on him. I couldn't listen to the bull shit regardless of whose mouth it came out of. I handed the phone back to Paul and the tears began.
"Addie?" He said curiously. "What's the-"
"Just leave me alone." I sobbed. "Please!"
He sighed and then turned around and left the room.
I felt like I was in a haze during those final hours before the boys returned. I spent the majority of them with Kelly trying to distract myself from it all.
"So you and Tony are like the real deal, I take it?" I said as we rummaged through a clothing rack at some store in city centre.
"Yeah I guess." She replied. "But we're not rushing anything. Just taking it slow and enjoying the ride."
Tony said he felt really good now that he was done with the band. I don't think he was fronting. He quit drugs and felt a lot healthier.
But he still had something up his sleeve.
"They're tryin' to say I'm not allowed the credit for 'Some Might Say' 'cuz I was sacked." He told me when I stopped by theirs for tea one afternoon. "Well, Noel's really the one that's sayin' it. I played the drums when they recorded it and I'll be damned if I don't get the royalities."
"So what's your plan?" I asked.
"I've been in touch with a solicitor. The one who represented Pete Best! BigUn said he'd do his bit to help out as well. He reckons we should go down London and bust down Noel's front gate."
I chuckled louder than I originally planned at the thought of it. BigUn was fucking crazy and it definitely wasn't wise to rub him the wrong way.
'God help him!' I thought as I imagined Noel at the sight of that lot trying to break into his house.
It rained the night before the band came back. I stayed at Peggy's again so I'd be ready to greet Liam when he walked through the front door. I was still mad and shocked at Noel's statements about him but I knew I could put up a good front if I tried hard enough.
I lay in Liam's bed counting down the final few hours. The rain had stopped and things were quiet again. I stared at Noel's empty bed and just thought about everything.
Why would he be so cruel to tell me Liam cheated over the phone? It's not that I was that shocked by it. I knew there were groupies everywhere they went and the boys loved the attention, Liam especially. He was the frontman and he was absolutely stunning. Even before the band I heard girls always threw themselves at him.
But why would Noel try to hurt me? Maybe he wasn't trying though. Maybe it was a mix of the drugs and his shyness that he just fucked up. I only believed about half of what he said most of the time. Like Liam, he didn't always come off as super trustworthy especially when he was angry.
My mind switched to the thought of the groupies from all over the world. I remember sitting on the bus watching the boys make their way back to it as the girls flooded their path. Liam had a big grin on his face as he gave hugs and kisses on cheeks while he signed autographs and such. Noel looked slightly less happy, never smiling when people shoved cameras in his face. He signed his name on whatever they offered and hurried on down the line to the bus as fast as he could.
Then I thought about the time I caught Liam with Patsy in the hotel room. They were just sitting there on the floor. If it was anybody else you'd have thought they were just playing a game but maybe they were. Liam liked games and he played Patsy like a cat does with a string. It was getting harder and harder to tell who was the cat and who was the string though.
When I was finally pissed off enough, I got out of Liam's bed and crawled into Noel's. His pillows still had a faint smell of his shampoo. Paul said he never quit using the stuff he had when he was a roadie. I guess it was an unwritten rule that everyone involved with the Inspiral Carpets had to grow their hair out like the band. At least, that's what Paul figured anyway.
I adjusted my head on the pillows and pulled the blankets up over my shoulders. His bed warmed up quickly and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
"What the fuck ya doin' in my bed?" That familiar voice said.
I looked up and blinked at his silhouette, the street light outside allowing a bit of his face to be visible. "This ain't your bed." I replied. "You moved out, remember? Can't be arsed to come back."
"That's not true! I had to come back so I could rescue you."
I rolled my eyes. "Where's Liam?"
"Fuck knows." He shrugged. "Down London, I guess. Said he'd meet us there."
"I'm not going to London." I said firmly.
"Yes y'are! Even if I have to fuckin' drag ya there."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are!" He argued. "You can even come now if you fuckin' scoot over." He chuckled.
"Piss off you dick!" I exclaimed. "This is my room-"
"I think you'll find this is my room."
"Not anymore! You left it along with all your shit behind. Your mother says this is my room now and everyone knows what she says goes."
"Is that so?" He asked.
"Yes." I replied. I pointed. "You can go sleep in Liam's bed or you can fuck off as far as I'm concerned."
He shook his head. "I'm not sleepin' in his fuckin' bed. I'm sleepin' with you. Scoot over!"
"Make me!" I ordered.
"Alright." He nodded. He took his jacket off and then his t-shirt. Then came his jeans and socks and then finally all he had left were his boxers. He walked over to the bed and leaned down. "Move over." He said as he pushed on my shoulder.
I stared at him focusing on the glassiness of his surprisingly clear eyes.
He jumped on top of me and planted his lips right on mine. He put his weight down on me as he braced himself on his arms around either side of my head.
I cupped my hands around the back of his head as I pulled him close. I wrapped my legs around his hips and attempted to push his boxers off with my feet.
He giggled against my lips. "Your 'ands'd probably work better." He said.
I reached down and grabbed the waistband of his boxers. I slid them off his hips and down his legs and let him kick them the rest of the way off.
"Now for yours." He said.
He moved his hands and put them on my underwear. He tugged on them to signal me to lift my hips.
I did so and he gingerly pulled them down and off.
He repositioned himself and then slid inside me. "Jesus!" He giggled as I tightened around him. "Ease up a little. I like ya bein' tight but fuck me!"
I relaxed myself as I held onto the back of his head.
"Good girl."
Our hips swung together and all the bad thoughts just disappeared.
"I've missed you." He said into my ear. "I've missed you so fuckin' much! Don't ever fuckin' do that to me again. Don't ever fuckin' run-" He stopped himself with a moan. "Don't ever fuckin' run away from me again!"
"Okay." I replied breathlessly.
There was a knock on the door a few hours later when the morning sun was finally out. Noel and I both woke up to the sound of it although I think I was more awake.
The door opened to reveal Paul standing there...with eyes as big as dinner plates.
"Oh shit-"
"Don't! Say! A word!" Noel warned him.
"Alright." He replied holding his hands up. "The kettle's on if you lot are interested."
"Course we fuckin' are! We'll be down in a minute, right?"
Paul nodded and then headed back down the hall.
"Where's me boxers?" Noel asked as he looked around the bed. "What'd you fuckin' do with 'em?"
"What makes you think I did something with them?" I asked.
"'Cuz ya nicked 'em from me last night! I know ya did."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Where'd ya put 'em?" He continued.
I just shrugged in reply.
"Ya better not be wearin' 'em!"
"And what are you gonna do if I am?" I asked.
He smirked at me then moved and got on top of me. "First, I'll take 'em back." He said as he grabbed a hold of the waistband of his boxers and slid them off. "Then, I'll tuck into me breakfast." He leaned over to the side of my head. "And fuck knows you taste a hell of a lot better than any tea." He whispered into my ear.
I giggled as he moved down. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed as he tongued my hip bones. I spread my legs as he began sucking on my inner thigh.
He moved down and down and down until he was close to my intimate area.
"Stop." I said breathlessly.
"Not 'til I finish ya." He replied between kisses.
"The tea's gonna get cold."
"Fuck the tea! I'm more concerned about you gettin' cold. I can warm ya up better than any fuckin' brew can."
"Well that may be so." I said as I sat up and moved out of his tongue's reach. "But I want tea."
He looked at me curiously. "More than ya want me?" He asked innocently.
I pursed my lips trying to think of what to say. "Come on. Let's get dressed."
"We'll finish what we started later, yeah?" Noel said as we headed for the stairs.
"Yeah." I agreed.
Goodness knows part of me was game for it.
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