#but remember we're working smarter AND harder
art-the-f-up · 9 months
I have to admit i had that massive urge to write a fic for your Palestine AU, but i feel like i couldn't do it justice. Like, one mistep and the message will be ruined and i will only disgrace the martyred Palestinians. No words can ever describe the horror that's going on there.
On the other hand, i want people to be hopeful as well, and writing is the only way i could do that.
Idk if I'll actually do it. But if i do, I'll let you know. Hopefully, no matter how the fic gonna go, it'll give people hope, even if just a little.
I understand where you're coming from.
When we create characters and storylines and show their grief and their motives it helps us understand them better, but I've also come to a point of how much is too much? I admit most of my motivation for creating this AU was because I got completely obsessed with the beautiful Palestinian culture so much so fast that I just HAD to create an AU for it, but how do I show them suffering, some silly little fictional characters, when we can't even begin to imagine the horrors that are actually happening to the people in Palestine?
But then I think about the Palestinians, and they are just such utterly optimistic people who try to find the good in everything. They grew up learning to smile in the face of difficulty. They basically find something inspiring in what may seem devastating to the world.
I can never, ever, do justice to the real heroic stories of Palestine. I know there's artists out their who are drawing the actual martyrs and their stories with their family's permissions, but I could never actually just cut and paste the actual story of a real Palestinian onto a fictional character, you get me?
However, what I did realize is that I'm a miraculous fan artist who draws AUs of everything, and since everyone is showing solidarity for Palestine in whatever way is possible for them, I personally think showing heroes of someone's favorite show representing their culture could help so much in boosting their mood.
In conclusion, the entire point of solidarity with Palestine is to show it through whatever you're good at. And hell yeah, we're going to show it through fanworks too.
It's free Palestine til it's backwards.
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archaeren · 3 months
How I learned to write smarter, not harder
(aka, how to write when you're hella ADHD lol)
A reader commented on my current long fic asking how I write so well. I replied with an essay of my honestly pretty non-standard writing advice (that they probably didn't actually want lol) Now I'm gonna share it with you guys and hopefully there's a few of you out there who will benefit from my past mistakes and find some useful advice in here. XD Since I started doing this stuff, which are all pretty easy changes to absorb into your process if you want to try them, I now almost never get writer's block.
The text of the original reply is indented, and I've added some additional commentary to expand upon and clarify some of the concepts.
As for writing well, I usually attribute it to the fact that I spent roughly four years in my late teens/early 20s writing text roleplay with a friend for hours every single day. Aside from the constant practice that provided, having a live audience immediately reacting to everything I wrote made me think a lot about how to make as many sentences as possible have maximum impact so that I could get that kind of fun reaction. (Which is another reason why comments like yours are so valuable to fanfic writers! <3) The other factors that have improved my writing are thus: 1. Writing nonlinearly. I used to write a whole story in order, from the first sentence onward. If there was a part I was excited to write, I slogged through everything to get there, thinking that it would be my reward once I finished everything that led up to that. It never worked. XD It was miserable. By the time I got to the part I wanted to write, I had beaten the scene to death in my head imagining all the ways I could write it, and it a) no longer interested me and b) could not live up to my expectations because I couldn't remember all my ideas I'd had for writing it. The scene came out mediocre and so did everything leading up to it. Since then, I learned through working on VN writing (I co-own a game studio and we have some visual novels that I write for) that I don't have to write linearly. If I'm inspired to write a scene, I just write it immediately. It usually comes out pretty good even in a first draft! But then I also have it for if I get more ideas for that scene later, and I can just edit them in. The scenes come out MUCH stronger because of this. And you know what else I discovered? Those scenes I slogged through before weren't scenes I had no inspiration for, I just didn't have any inspiration for them in that moment! I can't tell you how many times there was a scene I had no interest in writing, and then a week later I'd get struck by the perfect inspiration for it! Those are scenes I would have done a very mediocre job on, and now they can be some of the most powerful scenes because I gave them time to marinate. Inspiration isn't always linear, so writing doesn't have to be either!
Some people are the type that joyfully write linearly. I have a friend like this--she picks up the characters and just continues playing out the next scene. Her story progresses through the entire day-by-day lives of the characters; it never timeskips more than a few hours. She started writing and posting just eight months ago, she's about an eighth of the way through her planned fic timeline, and the content she has so far posted to AO3 for it is already 450,000 words long. But most of us are normal humans. We're not, for the most part, wired to create linearly. We consume linearly, we experience linearly, so we assume we must also create linearly. But actually, a lot of us really suffer from trying to force ourselves to create this way, and we might not even realize it. If you're the kind of person who thinks you need to carrot-on-a-stick yourself into writing by saving the fun part for when you finally write everything that happens before it: Stop. You're probably not a linear writer. You're making yourself suffer for no reason and your writing is probably suffering for it. At least give nonlinear writing a try before you assume you can't write if you're not baiting or forcing yourself into it!! Remember: Writing is fun. You do this because it's fun, because it's your hobby. If you're miserable 80% of the time you're doing it, you're probably doing it wrong!
2. Rereading my own work. I used to hate reading my own work. I wouldn't even edit it usually. I would write it and slap it online and try not to look at it again. XD Writing nonlinearly forced me to start rereading because I needed to make sure scenes connected together naturally and it also made it easier to get into the headspace of the story to keep writing and fill in the blanks and get new inspiration. Doing this built the editing process into my writing process--I would read a scene to get back in the headspace, dislike what I had written, and just clean it up on the fly. I still never ever sit down to 'edit' my work. I just reread it to prep for writing and it ends up editing itself. Many many scenes in this fic I have read probably a dozen times or more! (And now, I can actually reread my own work for enjoyment!) Another thing I found from doing this that it became easy to see patterns and themes in my work and strengthen them. Foreshadowing became easy. Setting up for jokes or plot points became easy. I didn't have to plan out my story in advance or write an outline, because the scenes themselves because a sort of living outline on their own. (Yes, despite all the foreshadowing and recurring thematic elements and secret hidden meanings sprinkled throughout this story, it actually never had an outline or a plan for any of that. It's all a natural byproduct of writing nonlinearly and rereading.)
Unpopular writing opinion time: You don't need to make a detailed outline.
Some people thrive on having an outline and planning out every detail before they sit down to write. But I know for a lot of us, we don't know how to write an outline or how to use it once we've written it. The idea of making one is daunting, and the advice that it's the only way to write or beat writer's block is demoralizing. So let me explain how I approach "outlining" which isn't really outlining at all.
I write in a Notion table, where every scene is a separate table entry and the scene is written in the page inside that entry. I do this because it makes writing nonlinearly VASTLY more intuitive and straightforward than writing in a single document. (If you're familiar with Notion, this probably makes perfect sense to you. If you're not, imagine something a little like a more contained Google Sheets, but every row has a title cell that opens into a unique Google Doc when you click on it. And it's not as slow and clunky as the Google suite lol) (Edit from the future: I answered an ask with more explanation on how I use Notion for non-linear writing here.) When I sit down to begin a new fic idea, I make a quick entry in the table for every scene I already know I'll want or need, with the entries titled with a couple words or a sentence that describes what will be in that scene so I'll remember it later. Basically, it's the most absolute bare-bones skeleton of what I vaguely know will probably happen in the story.
Then I start writing, wherever I want in the list. As I write, ideas for new scenes and new connections and themes will emerge over time, and I'll just slot them in between the original entries wherever they naturally fit, rearranging as necessary, so that I won't forget about them later when I'm ready to write them. As an example, my current long fic started with a list of roughly 35 scenes that I knew I wanted or needed, for a fic that will probably be around 100k words (which I didn't know at the time haha). As of this writing, it has expanded to 129 scenes. And since I write them directly in the page entries for the table, the fic is actually its own outline, without any additional effort on my part. As I said in the comment reply--a living outline!
This also made it easier to let go of the notion that I had to write something exactly right the first time. (People always say you should do this, but how many of us do? It's harder than it sounds! I didn't want to commit to editing later! I didn't want to reread my work! XD) I know I'm going to edit it naturally anyway, so I can feel okay giving myself permission to just write it approximately right and I can fix it later. And what I found from that was that sometimes what I believed was kind of meh when I wrote it was actually totally fine when I read it later! Sometimes the internal critic is actually wrong. 3. Marinating in the headspace of the story. For the first two months I worked on [fic], I did not consume any media other than [fandom the fic is in]. I didn't watch, read, or play anything else. Not even mobile games. (And there wasn't really much fan content for [fandom] to consume either. Still isn't, really. XD) This basically forced me to treat writing my story as my only source of entertainment, and kept me from getting distracted or inspired to write other ideas and abandon this one.
As an aside, I don't think this is a necessary step for writing, but if you really want to be productive in a short burst, I do highly recommend going on a media consumption hiatus. Not forever, obviously! Consuming media is a valuable tool for new inspiration, and reading other's work (both good and bad, as long as you think critically to identify the differences!) is an invaluable resource for improving your writing.
When I write, I usually lay down, close my eyes, and play the scene I'm interested in writing in my head. I even take a ten-minute nap now and then during this process. (I find being in a state of partial drowsiness, but not outright sleepiness, makes writing easier and better. Sleep helps the brain process and make connections!) Then I roll over to the laptop next to me and type up whatever I felt like worked for the scene. This may mean I write half a sentence at a time between intervals of closed-eye-time XD
People always say if you're stuck, you need to outline.
What they actually mean by that (whether they realize it or not) is that if you're stuck, you need to brainstorm. You need to marinate. You don't need to plan what you're doing, you just need to give yourself time to think about it!
What's another framing for brainstorming for your fic? Fantasizing about it! Planning is work, but fantasizing isn't.
You're already fantasizing about it, right? That's why you're writing it. Just direct that effort toward the scenes you're trying to write next! Close your eyes, lay back, and fantasize what the characters do and how they react.
And then quickly note down your inspirations so you don't forget, haha.
And if a scene is so boring to you that even fantasizing about it sucks--it's probably a bad scene.
If it's boring to write, it's going to be boring to read. Ask yourself why you wanted that scene. Is it even necessary? Can you cut it? Can you replace it with a different scene that serves the same purpose but approaches the problem from a different angle? If you can't remove the troublesome scene, what can you change about it that would make it interesting or exciting for you to write?
And I can't write sitting up to save my damn life. It's like my brain just stops working if I have to sit in a chair and stare at a computer screen. I need to be able to lie down, even if I don't use it! Talking walks and swinging in a hammock are also fantastic places to get scene ideas worked out, because the rhythmic motion also helps our brain process. It's just a little harder to work on a laptop in those scenarios. XD
In conclusion: Writing nonlinearly is an amazing tool for kicking writer's block to the curb. There's almost always some scene you'll want to write. If there isn't, you need to re-read or marinate.
Or you need to use the bathroom, eat something, or sleep. XD Seriously, if you're that stuck, assess your current physical condition. You might just be unable to focus because you're uncomfortable and you haven't realized it yet.
Anyway! I hope that was helpful, or at least interesting! XD Sorry again for the text wall. (I think this is the longest comment reply I've ever written!)
And same to you guys on tumblr--I hope this was helpful or at least interesting. XD Reblogs appreciated if so! (Maybe it'll help someone else!)
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chantiying · 5 months
Message from your inner child
Before to start, sorry for any mistakes or grammar error. English is not my first language. How to choose? Think of something you liked when you were a child (a game, a toy, a smell, a candy, your favorite stuffed animal) and try to remember you as a kid, take a deep breath and when you're ready, you and your inner child choose the image that drawn to you. Remember tarot is not set on stone and you can change your path whenever you want. This is for entertainment purposes. This reading is general so if it doesn't resonate with you just let it go
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: ¨·.·¨ :
` ·. 🦋
(˚ˎ 。7
TW. Direct or indirect mention of abuse, bulling, violence, familial violence, broken family among others.
Ok, let's go!!!
Hello my friend :) Do you remember how disastrous our childhood was? Do you remember that there were some people who hurt us? Remember when we were pushed aside from parties? Do you remember when we found out that sometimes the "love" of a couple is not two but three? Remember when we found out what infidelity meant? Come, here and close your eyes for a moment, because I want to tell you a secret but I don't want you to see me are you ready? Yes? Ok: the infidelity of our parents marked me
I know since then we don't know what it means to love or how to make a relationship work. I know it's a lot harder for you than it was for me. I know sometimes you wonder if you're loving too little or too much, I know you're scared of being harmed like mom and dad did. Do you still feel that strange feeling of isolating all noise with music or the TV on while we sit on the floor of the room begging for it all to end? I do love you, my friend :) I know it seems a little difficult, I know it seems a little hard to say and hear, I know you may not believe it because they made you doubt what it means to love someone, but, I'll let you in on another secret: I don't feel alone anymore. I've learned that sometimes we have to leave where the water overflows to build a better castle. I learned to be smarter and not to argue when it's not necessary, to stop talking where no one listens, to live with myself and with you.
Please, I know it's not easy, but I want you to start again, on your own, I want you to leave everything behind, to let the dragons (they are not bad I already talked to them and they said they are on our side) I want you to let them destroy what hurts us, and to start building your own fortress. I want to be your first beautiful relationship. I want that you love me because I love you and I will always love you. Please love me, okay? Let's be you and me (km little you, hehe) against everyone. I want to be your partner in crime and have us laugh together. I promise you that after that, we're going to smile more and forget what they did to us.
You also have to eat well, did you hear me? Oh and don't tell anyone, but, I'm craving our favorite sweet treat from when we were little, can you eat it for us?
I'm always with you, don't forget me, I'm you but in little. Oh, something else, let's pretend it's your birthday, yei ! let's be happy for today and close your eyes again and make a wish
Francis Forever Mitski, Innocent Taylor Swift. Grey, Purple, Blue. Leaves & Streets. Orange juice?, Music, Cartoons, Headphones, Magic Wand. Mulan (I'll Make a Man Out of You)
🧸🎂🎈🍫 🧸🪄🎈🍫
Hey!!! What's up, buddy? I am very happy, I feel that I have arrived where I needed to be, I feel that the sun has finally risen, I feel that all the changes I had to go through have now paid off. The knowledge, the peace, the beliefs, everything I needed to cultivate is bearing fruit. See? I even speak as someone cultured and intellectual 😸. At first I didn't notice it, I was incredulous, but then I started thinking and thinking and thinking, and I realized that the change started in the interior. I know, you don't have to tell me, it sounds very cheesy, it sounds silly, but, I must admit, even if it's a little embarrassing, that sometimes dreaming and being cheesy is kind of fun SO DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME 😾😹. Ok, let's be serious, mate. We went through a time where we didn't believe in anything and we didn't even know if we should believe but I kept doing it. I kept looking until I got to where I needed to and BOOM it all made sense. Our lives are going to get better, we're better now, we're brave, we're smart, we're strong, we're cool !! We still have to keep learning, we still have a long way to go, but I learned that learning is also fun. DON'T GIVE UP, OK? Ok. I know it's hard to grow, but we've always wanted this, we've never bowed down, we've never given up, we've always looked forward and we'll continue to do so
Keep in your heart the ones who help you and give you happy moments, then let's continue writing our story
No matter how many steps forward you take, whether it's one or two or a thousand, I'll always be there proud of where you've taken us and what an amazing person you've made us. I only ask you to never forget where you come from and where you are going, don't forget to be grateful, don't play with anyone's heart or time, that's not good 😾. I want you to appreciate the time and I want that, when you think that the world is against you, or that everything is going wrong, you can change it. Don't worry, I don't want you to blame yourself for everything, but I also don't want you to always blame it on others. I know sometimes it's hard, keep trying again and again, even if you're scared don't don't victimize yourself because heroes don't do that, and you and I have the prettiest cape, we have the cutest glitter and we have the best superhero story just for us, and don't be afraid, because superheroes can do anything and if we can't our superhero friends will help us 😼
Let's be great, let's be epic!
Disney, A lot of changes or currently changing something, Happiness, Beach, Comics, Sun, Summer, Ice cream, Watch, Hats, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride, Hannah Montana, Vacation, Pop en español (Pop in Spanish), Extrovert, Mischievous, Spider man? Funny, Tangled (the movie)
🦸, 👨‍🚀, 🐱, 🚀
There are two of us, we are yourself and I, and it has always been like this ☺️, do you feel confused? Because I do, a little bit, you won't get mad if I tell you, right? You'll understand, right? I feel like everything is going so fast, I feel like I can't stop, I feel like I want to rest, I feel like when I wanted the geography or math hour to end and go out for recess to get some fresh air. why is everything going so fast? I want to understand what's going on, I want to, I really want to, but I can't. Do you no longer feel distrustful? Do you believe in other people yet? Because I don't do it yet 🥺, do we have friends yet? Or are we still alone? Are they still hurting us? Are we still unsafe? I don't want to be like that anymore, I promise you, (crying?) I want to have a lot of friends, I want to be loved, I want to play, I want to have fun, but I can't believe in others, do you? I don't want to be alone, I know I said it was you and me, and I still believe it, it's you and me against the world, but I also want us to be more against the world. I want someone to turn on the light and hold my hand, would you? I want you to hug me, talk to me, I feel like you're mad at me, at the little you from a few years ago, did I do something wrong? Do you think it was my fault that we were treated like this? Do you think it was my fault that we were disappointed? I'm a little annoyed with you too, not gonna lie. you know what? I was a kid but you have everything to change what happened to us, you pretend that it doesn't hurt anymore and that's a lie! you're still upset and scared, listen, it's ENOUGH! Do something for us. At least I'm angry but I want us to change this, I want us to be happy. I want us to be together and happy, I want us to be one, I want you to remember me, but not only the bad but the good as well, remember what we like, remember the watercolors, the music we liked, remember the sun, the window, remember the yard, remember the stories that mom/dad used to tell us. Remember Mom/Dad. Remember the puddles after the rain. Please, I'm not asking you to want to be a child again to do everything differently, I'm asking you to connect with me so that our creativity flies, so that you know where to go, so that you can start something new.
The magic is in us, accept us, what you don't want to let out, is what makes us most beautiful
You will get what you want, but don't want everything, don't be ambitious. Don't forget us, don't forget you, never forget yourself.
Sadness, Grudge, Sobbing, Poverty (both spiritual and economic), Pranks, Bullying, Grass, Secret place, 8 years? Cold, Scams, Rain, Mirror, Emojis. Monsters, inc. As a child, Madeline The Person. J's lullaby (darling I'd wait for you), Delaney bailey. All I want, Kodaline. Rises the moon, Liana Flores
ꗃ🗝₊˚⊹♡ 𓉞 . ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. To be honest I struggle being consistent in what I do, but I'm trying (no, I'm really trying) to be more consistent.
Today, is children's day in my country, so I decided to do this spread for you all, because I consider that connecting and embracing our inner child is one of the most healing things we can do. So happy Children's Day !!
Alic (Chanty) 🪽
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cosmichighpriestess · 4 months
There is only now. You know this deep down. Release your rigid beliefs about time every chance you are aware.
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Practice makes perfect. Time is a limiting belief that God did not create. Humans have been brainwashed into believing in time to keep us from evolving or ever finding out the truth. Check your "time" It's always now. It's never not now. What you feel is time is actually energy. Energy follows thought. The ego mind believes so strongly that you have to hold on to the past. There is no such thing. There's only now.
When you watch a movie or when you think about the past when you claim that you have proof of the past from videos or photos, you are actually just looking at another now moment in time happening simultaneously. You can quantum jump to another version of you existing on a parallel reality. Every time you change your perspective, you quantum jump. You're already doing it all the time. You don't have to create the illusion of being the same person you were. You're a multidimensional, limitless being. You're the only one setting limits on yourself from fear based beliefs. It's not your fault we were all brainwashed and programmed heavily forgetting who we really are. Your ego is holding onto these beliefs so tightly about who it thinks you are and should be because it doesn't know any better. The illusionary past is creating your depression. Let go of it. It doesn't serve you any longer. Or do, you have free will.
The ego knows nothing. Let go. Be gentle with yourself but let go. If you want to imagine a memory remember, you're having an out of body experience just by imagining this childhood version of you or younger version of you. That is happening now. So, get this through your mind, you will get it just remember the present moment now, is all there is. It's always now and it's never not now. The sun setting is an illusion. It never sets, it's still shining right now, you just can't see it because it's shining on another side of your planet. The darkness at "night" is just giving your body time to rest so you can keep an equal balance of resting and playing because you're in a physical body. We're in an experiment. We are in a video game holographic reality. But remember it's always now. Time follows thought.
As you stay in the now moment you vibrate higher and you are more grounded into this hologame on Earth. Then you will stop aging because you're not focused on the illusionary future keeping you stuck. If you're more passionate at "night" in the darkness which is a gift, then remember you can forget that there's such a thing as time and remember you can do whatever you want to. Time is fluid, its not contained on a calendar. Time is not solid. Just remember to rest when your physical body needs rest. When you're manifesting remember there's only now, so release your beliefs that something is coming tomorrow, it's here NOW. You're keeping it away from you every single time you keep the limiting belief that it's not here now. It is here now, it's just invisible to you because you must match the frequency of it.
So once you realize you're timeless, once you realize every single moment that there's no rush, there's no hurry because you're an eternal, limitless being you will shift your reality. It takes practice to remember to live in the now. So don't plan. Don't make goals. That's your ego. Your ego doesn't know any better. But don't set limiting beliefs up for yourself that make life harder. These are only programs within our system the ego bought into because everyone else bought into it. Work smarter, not harder. Just play. Making goals is not living in the now. Planning is not living in the now, it's living in, anxiety in the future. Anxiety is just excitement with a negative judgement. Remove the judgement and you have excitement..Just do, just be, just live NOW. Stay in the flow and life will naturally work for you and always in positive synchronicity because you were living in the now staying in the present moment, therefore creating more joy therefore creating more positive synchronicity. Every single time you experience a synchronicity or a miracle you are experiencing time being fluid. We're always shifting into new realities every second. But we create the illusion of being the same person we were.
But there's no such thing as a past or a future. Just different realities on different frequencies. Do You understand? It's all just different "stations" and frequencies it's not another place. It's just all realities, dimensions levels of consciousness that are all next to each other but invisible to each other. New Earth has new rules, one of them being stay in the now or get left behind because you weren't willing to listen to your higher mind and ignore your ego and create the illusion of aging. Wake up divine soul, you are immortal. Immortality is a state of consciousness. Just decide now that you have plenty of "time". Because there's only now.
So, ignite that fiery passion within you, doing whatever it is that excites you the most and don't stop doing it until your physical body is tired and needs to rest. Then find the next most exciting thing to do. Even if it's resting and relaxing. Always remember resting is an action. But when you feel called to get back up again just do it. Just act on it, just let go and relax and enjoy yourself. Don't give time which is an illusion, the power to run your show. Keep this perspective if you wish, every single day is an entire lifetime to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Stop honoring time and start honoring the now present moment because it's beautiful and it's all you'll ever have.
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empire of death thoughts+reactions part 1
previously onnnn (super short sdlkfj)
sdlkjs morris a literal 13 year old having guns on his lil' scooter thing.is UNIT ok.
omg even the vlinx TOT
the birds will sings again!!!!!!
dust of death mmm delicious alliteration
"im sorry there's nothing we can do. we're dead" vibes
loving this action sequence ngl
maybe is not [insert character]. maybe mrs flood is just an old lady who is Like This.
"my true name" "ur true maker" whats her true maker if not RTD!!! / clowning
"we've got worse problems" that's gonna come back to bite him skdfljdskl
does anyone remember the clara / 1 paintdoktahwho comic "dont take that one. take the tv"
thats what im thinking ot
(askdjlad UGH my iplayer stopped so i refreshed and while skipping to the place i think i spoiled my self for susan ?? TOT sutpid internet stupid preview skipping thumbnail function grrrr) im not a tardis smasher in general but the memory tardis….. would. maybe
"remember it harder" i would be a useless companion here tbh. memory of a goldfish.i would doom the earth.
IT'S A TV SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sdflkdfj sutekh spining in the vortex. 2 cute
the temple……….. tardis as the thing in the hill meta INTENSIFIES
oh ok i jut got spoiled for the clip OF susan sdlkfjdskl FALSE ALARM FOLKS
"never yours again, never"
my angels of death………………..
"i find that good" i feel they did this same exact phrasing once for a "death is beautiful" monster like this but i cant remember which story?
also, flux? flux anyone? 13 vs entropy itself?
"i am an extinction event" OOF
(oh this clicks on why the doctor clings sm to living / immortality despite how much it hurts)
memory is a time machine TOT idk but that Hits Harder
"sutes" dlkjfslfk cute
"and doesnt it feel good?" holy shit
yayy mel's not dead yet
(idk why but that's what's made me cry slkfjsd)
"ruby roo" sdkljsfd
lasdkj if a regular tardis is 6 people driven then a memory tardis is probably meant to be piloted by every single doctor and companion ever
"meleanie b" TOT (doctor trait unlocked: when 15 is stressed he intensifies on the cutsey nicknames)
CHEKOV'S INGELLITEN GLOVE !!!!! damn i thought for a second about putting that on my bingo card but didnt skldfj
i like that the subtext of "when disaster comes, he's there" / "the tardis is an ommen of death" & "he has one constant companion… death" isn't literally being stated as being "sutekh did it lol" lol cause that would feel a lil cheap. i think instead rtd took a smarter choices of keeping that subtext, but keeping it that stricly speaking what sutekh did was just putting the susan copies everywhere.
73 yards……………
omg wait so in a memory tardis u can remmeber anything to existence………….. what if heiimagines susan at the end
ohh wait so this connects perception filters and 73 yards. put on a pin on that (and presumably……. taking down the perception filter is what happened re: ruby? that's why people ran away? people saw beyond her perception filter to the elderitch abomination bellow?)
"you've landed on earth a 100th times" is probably a huuude understimation lol
"she was reborn stronger each time. this monumental figure" dr. who as a cultural institution meta
shots outside the tardis my beloved
1999….. the movie... 2005 …. obvious. 1066 was the fire of london right? with 5?
this is rlly working for me ngl. dr who is all about death meta but it's literal but it's not
and a lso the whole. when u are a time traveler everyone is already dead. we must be like ghosts to u . etc etc
telos… THE OOD SPHERE noooo
mel being like "well…. at least 1% of the universe is fine. that's all right then" .
this |5 "it's all my fault" beat feels a lil' weird until u remember [all the traumas] / flux trauma and then it's like yeah i getchu doc i too take everything bad that happens as proof that it is my fault even tho, factually, it makes no sense as a reaction. trauma/depression girlies united.
THE SUN IS DEAD. rip 42's sun.
omg thank u sutekh for finally fixing that over-blue colorization in the unit set. not all heroes wear capes tbh.
aaaand the end.
fade to black.
doctor who is done! we can all go home and become trekkies everybody. congrats!
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aylacavebear · 8 months
She Thought She was Normal
Chapter 1 - In case you missed it :)
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will eventually be 18+!
Word Count: 3578
Warnings: Childhood rivalry, mention of deceased parent
Chapter 2
The team-up of their fathers lasted for two months. Maria and Dean butted heads when their fathers weren't around. Dean didn't like the fact that a girl who was two years younger than him was better at anything he could do. In a way, it had helped push him at a time when he needed it. Sam adored her as she was always making him laugh at, and with her, it was always play time. John and William parted ways but agreed to stay in touch and try to give the kids time together if they ever happened to be in the same area. Maria had enjoyed it, to a point. Dean was competitive and she'd noticed that the first day they'd met. She didn't enjoy being put in a position that required her to prove a point, but she wasn't going to let him win either, it just wasn't in her, even at five.
After she and her father had driven away, he glanced at her briefly. Her mother had always been better at this than he was, “Did you enjoy being able to hang out with other kids that are hunters?” he asked her, being as soft with his tone as he could.
“It was okay, Pappa,” she answered. 
He pursed his lips, debating his next words, “That's not what I'm asking.”
She looked over at him and sighed, “Dean is really competitive. I didn't like it, and… I wouldn't just let him win like you don't let me win. I have to do it on my own. Sammy was sweet though, and I enjoyed playing with him and making him laugh and smile.”
William smiled, “I'm proud of you for that, even with it being hard on you. I think it's just how John's raised Dean as to why he's that way. Who knows, maybe it will help him be able to get better,” he chuckled a little, “Might be interesting when you see him again and he might win.”
Maria scoffed at that, “Just means I'll make sure to train more so he won't beat me.”
That made her father laugh, that deep, belly laugh of amusement and adoration, “Don't forget to be a kid sometimes though. There's nothing wrong with having a rival, even with a possible friend.”
To that, she crossed her arms across her chest, “He didn't want to be my friend. He was just mean, teasing me that I didn't act like a girl, that I was a tomboy. He said that girls can't hunt because we're weaker,” she huffed, annoyed.
William chuckled, “Munchkin, that's how boys are. They tease a girl like that when they like them,” he chuckled, finding it kind of cute how his daughter was reacting, but made a note to talk to John about this.
“Well, he's mean and I don't like him and I'm not gonna let him win. I'm gonna prove girls can hunt better than boys,” she huffed, then got quiet, “You don't count though, neither does Uncle Bobby or John.”
“Girls are smarter and some hunt better than boys, so keep that in mind,” he said softly, and fought back his tears, remembering her mother, his wife. The yellow-eyed demon was a type of demon they'd never encountered before, and she had no chance, no one did.
She smiled, “Work smarter, not harder,” she told him, something her mother had said to her often.
Maria still refused to give into the pain of the loss of her mother, wanting to feel happy remembering her mother and not sad. So, she made a choice, that no matter what, she’d feel the happiness that her mother’s memories brought her. In her five-year-old mind, it made sense to her. Just because someone was gone didn’t mean that they weren’t still with you, so that was when she held onto.
For the next three years, the two of them traveled around, her father hunting supernatural creatures while she helped with research. It was something she found she was a natural at. She always seemed to be able to put the pieces together in ways her father never saw or had even thought to. Even her Uncle called and had her help with a few different cases after William had noticed her knack for it. She'd seen the Winchesters a few different times as well, still beating Dean at whatever challenge he came up with. She did notice the last couple of times, he'd actually seemed to put more thought into what he'd come up with compared to in the beginning. Back then he'd seem to come up with something on the spot, and it was usually stupidly easy.
Two years later, her father dropped her off at her Uncle's, as William and John thought they found another lead on the yellow-eyed demon and didn't want the kids anywhere near harm's way. Dean was twelve and Sam was eight now. Maria wondered what Dean would come up with this time. 
When the two pulled up to her Uncle's, she grabbed both her bags out of the truck, as well as flung her backpack over her shoulder. Bobby met them at the door, happy to have her stay for more than just a couple of days this time. He'd set up the room for her, so that was where she took her things.
“You got a time frame?” Bobby asked William. 
“No, sadly, I don't. Here's her schedule. Her gun, ammo, and knives are in her duffle. She's got shooting practice and three different knife routines,” William explained. 
“Damn, Will, she's only ten,” Bobby exclaimed. 
“Bobby, we've had this talk already. She needs this, okay,” William told him just as she rejoined them in the living room.
Maria went over and gave her Uncle a hug, “Are we gonna get to cook again?” she asked him, curiously. 
“Of course munchkin, you gotta eat,” he chuckled.
That made her happy, causing a smile to match. She excused herself to settle in, knowing her stay would be at least two weeks long, but it could last for a couple of months. Maria was looking forward to reading more of her Uncle's books. He had so many that she could never find in Libraries, no matter what town she and her father had been in. She had a thirst for knowledge that never seemed to be satiated, no matter what books her father had given her, and the amount she retained, even after years of having read it, was almost photogenic. 
Maria unpacked her clothes into the dresser, keeping things neat before taking her toiletries to the bathroom down the hall. Once her bag was empty, she tossed it into the laundry bin Bobby had gotten for her during her first stay when she was five.
“Five years, momma…” she whispered to herself as she opened her weapons bag.
The gun her father had given her was placed under her pillow with the silver knife she usually kept on her. While she was at her Uncle's, she'd decided to keep her boot knife on her as a ‘just in case’. Maria looked at the other weapons in her bag; a machete, a small hatchett, a shotgun with plenty of salt rounds, a bottle of holy water, and her set of throwing knives. She decided to leave those in the bag and slid it under her bed, near the head of it. She placed her school books neatly on the desk that her Uncle had added a few years ago when she spent two weeks with him. It was at that moment she heard the familiar purr of John's Impala pull up in the driveway. Ever since she'd first met them, she had adopted Sammy as her little brother, which had only partially annoyed Dean. She smirked, thinking about what challenge Dean would come up with this time. She pulled on her flannel before heading back out to the living room.
Maria excitedly ran outside, “Little brother!” she exclaimed, as she opened the kitchen door and ran over to Sammy, who was still two inches shorter than she was.
“Sis!” he exclaimed as she practically picked him up in a hug.
Dean just rolled his eyes, discreetly taking note of how she had changed since the last time he'd seen her, and John just chuckled at all three of them.
“So, ready for the challenge?” Dean asked her, somewhat smugly. 
She smirked as she looked over at him, “Ready to watch you lose again.”
“You two can do that another time,” John told them, doing his best not to chuckle, “We're gonna be heading out before dinner, so let's enjoy the visit.”
“Yes, Sir,” she replied, respectfully as the four of them went inside. 
Maria hugged John after they made it into the house, and the boys shook William and Bobby's hands. She headed back into the kitchen and pulled out the hamburger patties and the package of bacon from the freezer to defrost. She noticed Dean just watching her but she pretended that she hadn't. She saw Dean as an annoying rival that she refused to let win. Little did she know that one day, all that would change with what was ahead for all of them.
John and William only stayed for an hour, catching Bobby up on the lead they had and that it hopefully would take little time to investigate. Maria hugged her father, shook John's hand, and wished them luck on the hunt. She watched them drive away in the Impala, leaving the truck behind since they would be working together for a while. She knew she'd miss her dad, but she was going to enjoy the time at her Uncle's and getting to hang out with Sammy. She was really looking forward to watching Dean lose another challenge of his choosing. 
Maria didn’t get the opportunity to cook very often while she and her father were on the road. It was very rare for her father to get a motel room with a kitchen. She set up the pans she'd need for burgers before getting the frozen fries in the oven on a greased cookie sheet. She also made sure to season them, something she'd been wanting to try since she'd had them at one of the diners. She smirked when she realized that again, Dean was watching her. 
Dean, being twelve, girls were an enigma and annoying at the same time. Maria was both of those on the furthest end. He'd never met any girl like her before. She was confident on a level he'd never seen, nor had even within himself. Due to her consistently beating him at every challenge he'd come up with over the years, had pushed him to hone his skills and learn more. William had informed John of their interactions five years ago, to which John sat Dean down and explained she was to be respected and not flirted with. She was also the only ten-year-old girl he knew who could cook with the confidence she showed.
“Do you let her do that all the time?” Dean asked Bobby as Sammy made his way into the kitchen. 
“Yup. She's good at it and enjoys it, why wouldn't I?” Bobby replied, paying attention to how Dean was watching her.
“What are you cooking sis?” Sammy asked.
“Bacon burgers and seasoned fries. You hungry little brother?” she replied softly, a smile to match.
“I am now,” he laughed.
“Good. I think you'll like it,” she smiled.
Dean was almost mesmerized by her, and how she was with his little brother, who adored her. He had to act cool though, it's what boys his age did.
Maria talked to Sammy while she cooked the burgers and bacon, explaining each step to him and why she did it the way she did. She had Sammy's full attention, as his stomach had begun grumbling the closer it got to being done.
“Hey, Uncle Bobby, can you get one of those dinner bells, so I can ring it when I cook?” she asked as she pulled the fries out of the oven.
He chuckled a little, “We'll see. Dean, go set the table,” he replied, leaning back in his chair to watch them.
He'd let Maria do her own thing as she was one of the most mature girls he'd ever interacted with no matter what age she was. He wasn't about to tell her she wasn't allowed to cook, not with as good a cook as she'd become. Bobby also noticed the grumble Dean attempted to hide as he went into the kitchen to do what he'd been told. Bobby shook his head a bit, quickly realizing the difference between Dean and Maria. Sammy even pitched in, getting the ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard out of the fridge and put them on the table.
Maria put the cheese on the burgers, turned off the burner, and covered the pan before she put the bacon on a plate that had a paper towel laid out on it to catch the grease. She carefully put the seasoned fries in a big bowl and almost jumped when Dean grabbed it to put it on the table. 
“Smells amazing,” Bobby told her as he sat down at the table, knowing she liked to do things her way when it came to food since she'd gotten a little older.
“Thanks. I tried something new with the fries this time. I had em’ like this in a diner once and wanted to try to make em’. Please be honest, on how they taste,” she replied while she put the burgers on a plate, and then brought them to the table.
Sammy grabbed the plate of bacon before Dean could, sticking his tongue out at his older brother, which made Maria stifle a giggle. Dean grabbed the buns before he sat down as far away from her as possible, which put him next to Bobby but across from his brother. Things were quiet until they bit into the burgers.
“You've become quite the cook,” Bobby told her, surprised at how the burger had come out, now curious about the fries. 
“Thanks, Uncle Bobby, I don't get to do it as often as I want to though,” she answered before eating one of the fries.
She was her worst critic, mentally making notes on how to change the amount of seasonings she'd used, also deciding it needed a dash of chili powder. She barely noticed Sammy scarfing the fries. Dean even liked them, but he wasn't about to say that.
“The fries are pretty good too, but it's like they're missing something,” Bobby told her, honestly. 
“Yeah, they needed a dash of chili powder and the spices aren't quite right. I'll have to try again while I'm here,’ she replied looking up at him.
“But, they taste fine, sis,” Sammy argued. 
She looked over at him and smiled, “Thanks, little brother. You like everything I cook.”
“Cause you make yummy food,” he told her. 
Maria only glanced at Dean briefly, managing to see a small amount of enjoyment in his expression before he quickly got a plain look. She rolled her eyes and went back to her dinner. Why did boys have to be so immature, she thought to herself. What she didn't understand was that boys, especially hunters, needed to be a certain way. The biggest was to keep their emotions out of their expression, and whether she liked it or not, she was helping Dean learn how to be a better hunter.
“I'll clean up tonight, okay munchkin,” Bobby told her, proud of her in ways he couldn't express, partly because he didn't know how.
She was a little surprised, but smiled over at him, “Thank you, Uncle Bobby. I'm glad you liked dinner.”
Maria went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, then her hair, and headed to her room where she sat down at her desk to do some reading. She knew her Uncle wouldn't quiz her on it, as it wasn't part of her daily schedule. It wasn't long before Ssmmy made his way into her room and looked over her shoulder. 
“What are you reading?” he asked curiously. 
“A book about witches,” she replied as she flipped to the next page.
“How come?” he asked, not understanding why she'd be doing that of her own choice. 
This time she looked over at him, still seeing that three-year-old boy she'd met five years ago, which made a soft smile cross her lips, “Well little brother, I'm going to be a hunter and I want to know everything I can so I am prepared and can kill what needs killing, without getting hurt,” she explained. 
Sammy thought about what she said for a minute. He too, loved learning but hadn't considered doing it like she was, “Makes sense I guess, but I like reading other stuff.”
What she didn't realize was that even now, Sammy was having his own internal battle. On one hand, he wanted to be a hunter like his brother, and father, and even like her, but on the other, he didn't want to. Dean had been listening from the hallway, unseen by either of them, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, annoyed. 
Dean moved so that he was in her doorway, “Challenge tomorrow, after breakfast.”
She smirked when she looked over at him, “What is it this time?”
“Knife throwing,” he said, confidently. 
“You brought the knives or am I using mine?” she asked.
“I brought mine,” he said before he walked away, feeling as though he would finally win one of these.
Sammy had been watching his brother, but turned back to her, “How come you two do those?” he asked her, not understanding the point of it.
“Pretty sure Dean doesn't like losing, let alone to a girl younger than him,” she chuckled. 
“Are you gonna win again?” he asked her.
“Of course,” she replied, as she got up and pulled her bag out from under her bed. Maria sifted through it and pulled out her throwing knives, showing Sammy, “I've been practicing,” she winked before putting them away.
Sammy giggled just as Bobby showed up in her doorway, “Time to clean up for bed,” he told Sammy, knowing Maria had already done her stuff.
“Okay Bobby,” Sammy replied, heading out of her room.
Bobby watched him leave before he looked back over at her, noticing she had sat back at her desk, “Dean told me about the challenge he came up with. Just make sure it's out in the scrapyard and not in the driveway,” he told her.
“Of course, Uncle Bobby,” she answered looking over at him, “You think he'll ever get tired of losing?”
Bobby sighed, “Probably not,” he replied, then chuckled, “Give him a run for his money, 'cause I'm bettin' on you.”
That made her smile, “Always Uncle Bobby. I'm not gonna let him win. He's gotta earn it,” she winked, “Not like a monster will let him kill 'em, same principle.”
“That's my girl,” he smiled before he left to check on the boys.
Once her Uncle left, she closed her door and changed into her pajamas, still thinking about what book she'd snag out of her Uncle's collection to read that night. He had so many options and they were all interesting. Maria wasn't even concerned about the challenge with Dean the following day, in fact, she was looking forward to it.
Maria waited till her Uncle wasn't in the living room, roughly an hour later, before she crept out there and grabbed one of his books as quickly as she could. She closed her door and got comfortable on her bed, gently running her hand over the raised letters of the book, Angels: Myth VS Facts. She knew that she couldn't believe everything she read. No one ever seemed to have all the truth of anything in just one book, hence why she loved her Uncle's collection. She read for an hour, finding the book fascinating before she heard a knock on her door, quickly shoving the book under her pillow behind her.
“Come in,” she hollered. 
It was her Uncle and Sammy, “He just wanted to say good night,” Bobby told her.
She smiled and climbed off her bed as Sammy met her in the middle of her room, “Night sis. Don't let me sleep through the challenge please. I wanna watch,” he told her, grinning. 
“Night little brother, and I promise, I'll wake you up,” she replied before she hugged him. 
Bobby watched from her doorway, smiling at the two of them, grateful they had each other. Most kids of hunters didn't ever get to interact with other kids in the same line of work, just getting jostled from school to school, always being the new kid, and it never lasted long.
“Night munchkin, lookin’ forward to Dean's sour face tomorrow,” he chuckled. 
“Same, and goodnight Uncle Bobby,” she replied. 
She glanced at her clock after her Uncle left. Eight, she thought to herself before calculating how long she could read before she had to sleep. Maria set her alarm for five, and then read the book for another hour before she reached the chapter on Nephilim.
It was eleven before she realized it, closing the book and sliding it under her pillow before going to bed.
Chapter 3
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So, sometimes I'm hesitant to share things about my dysphoria, since I think a lot of people will glance past the Plurality and try to frame this as some kind of detransition. No hate towards people who do end up detransitioning for any reason, but that's a very different thing to my weird-ass deal, and I'm sure as fuck not reversing any surgeries when the most functional Alter and the earliest one we know of are both transfem still. Hell, we're even still planning to go forward with bottom surgery, and I'm not really even against the idea?
The issue I run into most is, well... boobs. We have D cups, with 420cc (seriously) implants, which makes it a hard to properly go dude mode now? I can bind, and I do it basically the moment I'm fronting, but it's really only flat when I double up on binders, and, uh... yeah, that's a quick way to remember which rib got dislocated once? I'm trying to be smarter about it- one binder and a denim vest to try and hide the extra oomph... but I have to unbind eventually, and it feels awful every time because our body is very, very feminine now.
I did have a peculiar dream last night, though. I was dating a guy (an OC from a story we were going to write) as myself in it, but the time to go to bed together came and I... still had breasts. Then, when I got uncomfortable, Dreamguy just kept referring to them as boytits, which led to me waking up briefly euphoric and confused.
I guess I was just feeling really dysphoric and someone acknowledging the boyness of my hongalongamogongas helped relieve it a bit? Maybe the idea that I could be in a relationship and still be acknowledged as a separate person was also weighing on me, since me and Kay (maybe even Alice?) have very conflicting sexualities and identities, and I worry things will either be too complicated, or I'll have to take a back seat.
I think my biggest worry, though, is... what fucking community do I belong to? Kay's obviously transfem, and even though I'm masc and AMAB, I'm not Cis? I'm still very much nonbinary, just heavy on the masculine side, but the people I connect with and get tips from are transmasc, and it just feels disrespectful for me to attach too much to that community?
I guess collectively we're genderfluid, but even that feels strange when we're different people, and I can't even recognize Kay's thought process most of the time?
I guess I'm just rambling because there isn't a short way to accept being plural and having to deal with conflicting gender identities on top of that. It makes everything way, way harder, but I do know things will work out in the end. I'm taking a crash course to make sure I know enough about Kay's major to hold down a job properly (without fronting and immediately crying because I have no idea how to do anything.)
Plus, y'know... there's always the option of being poly, or just dating someone with a gender ambiguous enough to appeal to a lesbian and a gay boy at the same time. Just as long as they know these are (at least when I'm fronting) he/him chesticles and they prefer to be called sir, damnit.
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heelanat · 1 year
five little ducks | zb1 au
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cast| kim jiwoong, sung hanbin, seok matthew, kim taerae, shen ricky, han yujin
wc| 4.6K words (omo)
cw| 16+ disturbing content! read at your own risk, profanities, powerful entities, reckless driving, alcohol consumption, death, soft angst(?), horror/thriller, gore, reckless driving, mentions of internal organs, blades, decapatation, kidnapping, blood, skinning, cannibalism
synopsis| a group of college dropouts; matthew, hanbin, jiwoong, taerae, ricky, and yujin, decided to go on a little road trip for the summer - somewhere very distant from the city that constantly reminds them of their bullshit lives
credits| @cafekitsune for the dividers
ib| paa, tuhod, balikat, ulo (enhypen au) on tiktok
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the summer breeze brushed past matt's blonde locks as he hooked himself on the van, securing all the luggage they had on top. after three tight knots, he jumped down and swept the dust off him from leaning against the vehicle. "alright, looks secured to me. is everyone sure they didn't forget anything?" matthew asked the five men who have been waiting for him for what felt like ages. "yeah, yeah, now give me the keys already and let's get the hell outta here!" jiwoong nagged as he opened the door to the driver's seat and held out his hand. matt rolled his eyes as he tossed him the keys that were dangling from one of his belt loops and proceeded to shotgun since it was his van, afterall while everyone else arranged themselves in the back. "don't get too excited, hyung. by the end of the month, we're all going back to our cruddy apartments and the endless cycle restarts" ricky uttered without prying his eyes from his phone since he arrived. not long after, they started moving. hanbin looked through the window as they passed by all the run down buildings, people's apathetic faces, and the overall depressing atmosphere. "yo, hyung, can i connect to bluetooth? i have spotify premium" yujin called out from the rear end, waving his phone. "where the hell did you steal the money for that?" taerae scoffed in a teasing manner. "work smarter, not harder. a magician never tells his secrets" he smiled sheepishly as he tapped on his screen to connect to the car speaker. "so, what song should i play?" everyone shrugged as they all synchronized in "you decide" as they were just gonna end up falling asleep anyway. "well if you don't give me - even a genre - i will start blasting nursery rhymes here" they all shared a laugh without knowing the youngest was already typing in the search bar. as the laughter died down, it was quickly brought back once "the wheels on the bus" started blaring from the speakers. "holy shit, jin" taerae rubbed his temple. "you wanted me to decide and you get mad? pick a struggle" he laid his head back as he let autoplay choose the following songs for him and of course, they were all nursery rhymes as well. there were the classics, humpty dumpty and old mcdonald, some underrated 'bops' such as hey diddle diddle and a tisket a tasket, and those that brought back a tsunami of nostalgia like ring around the rosie and head, shoulders, knees, and toes. they all laughed and sang along, even turning it into a competition by tallying who could still remember the lyrics word for word. during one particular rhyme however, no one could seem to recall what it was. well, no one except for hanbin, who was being rather quiet the entire time just gazing at the view from the window. "five little ducks went out one day, over the hill and far away, mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack, quack' but only four little ducks came back, you don't know that one?" he finally diverted his gaze to them after singing. everyone shook their head 'no' as they all looked frightened at how monotonous and lifeless hanbin sounded while he was chanting the rhyme. hanbin just shrugged it off and went back to staring at whatever was outside. silence replaced the once noisy singing as the tune continued to play in the background rather faintly. as jiwoong had keen eyes on the road and ears on the song, he didn't notice nor hear the snake slithering in the grass and potentially jumping in front of the window scaring him and everyone in the process, making him jolt out of shock, mindlessly steering the wheel as he loses control of the van.
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ricky finally let go of his phone to pull taerae into a tight hug, screaming at the top of his lungs while he does the same. as the vehicle was just about on the edge, jiwoong finally steered and got back on track. hanbin, who was at the rear end with yujin, looked at the back window to see that the snake had disappeared, as if it wasn't even there in the first place. matt planted a loud slap on jiwoong's arm. "be careful, for fucks sakes! this van and i have been together through blood sweat and tears!" "we were literally on the fucking edge while 11 feet off the ground and all you care about is your fucking van?!" taerae pushed ricky off of him, causing him to hit the car door. the whole ride was silent after that. the fact that rock-a-bye baby was playing wasn't helping as well. as it reached the end of the song, jiwoong slowed down the van to park by the trees. "you have arrived at your destination" the gps announced just in time for the music to stop. everyone casually exited the van as if nothing happened earlier. "well, the sun is setting, im gonna go set up the tents. matthew, go gather fire wood, the rest, go look for edible berries and a drinkable water source. even better if you can also hunt down some meat and fish" jiwoong ordered while unraveling the knot that tied their luggage together. the five parted from him, on their way to do their tasks with nothing but their phones and the moon as their sources of light. while walking down the path, they couldn't help but listen to hanbin sing one of the nursery rhymes in the faintest voice possible. "five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away" he whispered to the trees 14 feet below him. everyone snickered at the sight. "you really like that song, huh?" ricky teased while nudging his shoulder a little too hard, almost making him plummet to his death. "yeah, hyung, looks like the song choice was a good choice after all" yujin cackled. hanbin glared at ricky having almost dying but continued walking. "im gonna go look for logs and branches here, you guys go look for some sharp rocks or stuff" matthew waved as he split from the path. the four of them decided to scatter, turning it into a competition to make it more interesting. "whoever can bring two types of edible berries and a big fish first wins" that phrase from yujin alone was enough to get everyone to scramble, looking for trees and potential weapons. of course, yujin couldn't just lose to his own bet so he picked up a sharp rock and headed to the glacial lake up ahead and started aimlessly stabbing at the current, hoping for at least one dumb fish to get pierced. after a while of failed attempts, he stood up to straighten his back and turned around to check on the rest. the moment he turned his head, he was met by a blinding ray of light, causing him to aggressively squint, trying to locate where it was coming from but before he could do that, a giant rock collided with his head harshly and swiftly, causing him to fall back and splash into the water unconscious.
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it was getting really late and no one had made their way back yet. worried, jiwoong rang the group gc. taerae, matthew, ricky, and hanbin picked up.
jiwoong: where the hell are you? and where's yujin?
taerae: uhh yeah, about that-
matthew: im on my way, i think ive picked up way too many logs and branches
ricky: he's dead
taerae: what the fuck ricky smack this is not a good time for those kinds of jokes!
jiwoong: how in the world did you lose him?!
hanbin: we split up
jiwoong: oh my fucking god, and who's genius idea was that?
hanbin, taerae, ricky: yujin's
jiwoong: jesus christ, just- sigh everyone come back to the tents first. we'll have better luck in the morning looking for him with the sunlight.
jiwoong hung up the phone with a sigh. i hope he's alright. after their small dinner, they all divided into two tents. "five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack, quack' but only four little ducks came back" "there he goes again" jiwoong grumbles, covering his ears trying to tune out hanbin's dead voice singing between him and matthew. "go to duck-ing sleep!" matthew smacked his face using the pillow he used as earmuffs earlier. as the first rays of sunlight kissed the mountain peaks, everyone's memories were hazy, and they couldn't quite piece together when they had last seen yujin. all they knew was they separated from the path at one point. "what do we do now?" taerae asked, his voice trembling with worry. "were going to find him. split up and search the area," Jiwoong said, trying to keep a level head. "you guys go ahead. i mean, you need someone to look after the campsite in case of predators, right?" ricky volunteered to stay. the group divided into two teams: jiwoong and matthew went in one direction, while hanbin and taerae ventured off in another. everyone carried their phones to stay in touch. they followed the faint trail they remembered from the night before, calling out yujin's name and scanning the terrain for any signs of him. as they climbed higher into the mountains, the dense forest began to thicken, making their search more challenging. the terrain became rough and uneven, but they persisted, fueled by their determination to find the youngest. their phones buzzed to life every so often, with each team reporting their progress and exchanging encouragement.
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hours passed, and the sky began showing signs of nightfall. jiwoong and matt stumbled upon a small clearing, and there, they found a half-burned campfire. "it was probably from the previous campers" matthew suspected. the sight filled them with both relief and concern. relief because they knew they were on the right track as yujin could have found this place, too, but concern for what might have happened to him. they parted ways to go look for more signs of the boy. meanwhile, taerae and hanbin noticed two sets of footprints leading further up the mountain and one leading to a glacial lake. the tracks seemed recent, giving them hope that yujin might still be within reach. they decided to seperate and quickened their pace, calling out louder and more urgently as they followed the trails, taerae going left while hanbin climbed higher. as the evening wore on, their spirits started to wane. the magnitude of the wilderness and the vastness of the mountain began to weigh on them. doubts began to creep into their minds, but they couldn't give up. just when they were about to consider seeking outside help, a faint cry for help echoed through the valley. they all froze, listening carefully. it came again, stronger this time, and they recognized matthew's voice. they rushed towards the sound, fueled by renewed energy. climbing with adrenaline pumping through their veins, they finally regrouped. "he's up there!" hanbin shouted, pointing to a rocky outcrop higher on the mountain. as they make their way to the top, matthew was no where to be seen and the sound of his voice was gone. they tried calling out to him but no one was responding. exhausted, they made their way back to the campsite, grateful to be reunited with ricky, but saddened to have another friend go missing. as they sat around the campfire that night, they shared stories, cherishing their friendship and vowing never to take their adventures for granted. "this experience should remind us of the importance of looking out for one another, especially in the face of adversity." jiwoong tried lightening the mood. everyone could only nod slowly in response without looking up from the ground. "hey, we'll find where they are alright? now that we've heard matt's screams, we should know someone's been messing with us— and we're putting a stop to it" he encouraged them while was feeling a little helpless himself. taerae put out the fire as everyone got comfortable in their respective tents. jiwoong hugged the pillow matthew used while fighting his heavy eyes, trying to stay awake. "four little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mama duck said 'quack quack quack quack', but only three little ducks came back" hanbin sang as he brushed his hair. jiwoong growled, throwing the pillow at him. "shut up and sleep already, god damn it" he buried his head in his own right after.
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with a mixture of determination and anxiety, the trio set out on the relentless search, still leaving ricky to look after the tents and the food. on the third day, the forest seemed to stretch endlessly, with its towering trees blocking the sun, casting an eerie gloom over the landscape. they called out to matthew and yujin, their voices echoing through the forest, but received no response. as they trudged deeper into the woods, the terrain became rough, and the undergrowth thicker. jiwoong's initial confidence started to wane, but he kept it hidden, not wanting to worry the rest. taerae, usually the joker of the group, tried to maintain a positive attitude, but the weight of uncertainty was evident in his eyes. hanbin, typically the pragmatic one, began to wonder if they were heading in the right direction. hours pass feeling like days as they pressed on, following paths that seemed to lead nowhere. the forest seemed to be playing tricks on them, distorting landmarks and disorienting their senses. the supplies they were carrying were running low, and desperation started to cloud their judgment. "we should have stayed together when we were hunting for food" taerae said, a tinge of regret in his voice. "maybe we wouldn't have lost yujin in the first place." jiwoong shook his head. "it's not your fault, taerae. we didn't expect anyone to stray far from the path, especially deep in the night. we just need to keep looking." hanbin tried to use his phone's gps, but the signal was weak, and the battery was nearly drained. "we'll have to rely on our instincts now," he said, trying to sound more certain than he felt. as the sun began to set, they knew they had to make a difficult decision. keep searching in the dark, or find a safe place to spend for the meantime and resume the search at first light. "we should find shelter," hanbin suggested. "it's getting too dark, and we could get hurt stumbling around in the dark. lets go back to the campsite instead" jiwoong argued. reluctantly, the two agreed and started walking back to the campsite where ricky was waiting — or so they thought. when they arrived, the campfire was yet to be lit and the lights inside the tent were off. maybe he was just sleeping? hanbin and taerae opened both tents to only find pillows and blankets with no sign of ricky. they tried staying positive, thinking perhaps he just went to find some more water to stay hydrated. just to be safe, they all decided to sleep in one tent. they huddled together, trying to stay warm and comfort each other through their fear and uncertainty. the night was long and restless. every rustle of leaves and snapping twig made their hearts skip a beat, hoping it was them. but with each passing hour, the realization sank in that they might not find yujin, matt, now with ricky, that night. hanbin started singing his what they believed favorite song as if it were a lullaby. "three little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away, mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack, quack' but only two little ducks came back" this time, jiwoong and taerae only hugged him tighter as they remember yujin, who brought on that whole nursery rhyme thing in the car.
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at first light, jiwoong had woken up to the smell of a foul odor and wood burning. he unzipped the tent and saw taerae eating meat while hanbin continued to grill the others. "mornin' hyung" hanbin smiled at the elder. "woah, were did all this meat come from?" jiwoong's eyes widened as he sat on a log in front of them by the fire. "we woke up at dawn and decided to go searching until we stumbled across the carcass of a deer with its meat and guts sticking out" taerae responded with a mouthful of said deer meat. "huh, this might just be the cheapest venison yet" jiwoong cackled as he took one of the paper plates and the disposable spoons as hanbin served him a slice using tongs. only having fish and berries for days, naturally you would get excited to dig in. "huh, this doesn't taste like venison. its a little on the harder side, as well" jiwoong examined the food on his plate while his teeth fight it in his mouth. "yeah, we thought the deer must've been there for a while now and maybe the meat was already decaying— but it's okay, the germs probably died in the fire!" hanbin joked in attempts of driving them away from thinking they're eating contaminated meat. after their small meal, they resumed their search with renewed determination. this time, jiwoong being left behind as he suspected whoever was messing with them moved closer to the campsite since ricky was the last target. if matthew was still around he would have been the one staying considering his strength but he's all hanbin and taerae have left. they agreed to do face time and keep it on no matter the circumstance in case of any more inconveniences that everyone is hoping don't occur. but despite their efforts, they were still unsuccessful in locating their friends. the forest seemed to have swallowed matt, yujin, and ricky whole. "two little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away— OH SHIT!" hanbin wasn't looking at where he was going and slipped on a rock, now he's quite literally holding onto dear life over the edge. "HANBIN?! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" jiwoong jumped up from the foldable chair ricky had been using. "look at this idiot" taerae turned the camera to hanbin dangling over the edge whereas hanbin was smiling through the pain in his own phone. "don't worry, i got you" taerae grabbed his wrist and tried pulling him up but was too weak to carry his whole weight. his sweaty palm made him slip from the grip, causing hanbin to slide further down. "KIM TAERAE!!" he yelled, not being able to contain his fear anymore. "i don't have enough strength hyung" taerae whimpered. "leave a marker somewhere so i can identify where i should be looking and come back here for lookout" jiwoong instructed. taerae ripped the sleeve of his shirt using his teeth, setting his phone down for a while to tie it into a nearby tree. "there, i tied a white ribbon to the tree closest to the cliff" taerae pointed it at the camera. "HURRY!" hanbin screamed at his phone. taerae sprinted through the woods as fast as he could. jiwoong kept a close eye on his younger brother carrying his entire weight on his finger, worry coating his eyes. despite watching like a hawk, the screen suddenly turned black and glass shattering could be heard from his end. "hanbin? hanbin are you there?!" jiwoong shook the phone as if it was just the signal acting up. "h- h- hyu- u- u- n- ng-!" the audio was static but he could tell he was in need of help asap. "taerae, check on him!" jiwoong frantically yelled at taerae who has been running the entire time. "im almost at the campsite hold up" as soon as he said that, jiwoong could see him getting closer. he finally sprinted towards the opposite direction while skimming through the trees, looking for the marker taerae had left for him.
when he finally found it, he slowed down his tracks. "hanbin!" he called out to him. he slowly walked to the ledge only to find no sign of him. "t-taerae are you sure he was here?" jiwoong looked at his phone "i-i... t-the marker isn't there... right?" taerae's voice cracked, not wanting to conclude into the worst possible outcome. "im afraid it is.." jiwoong showed the tree that clearly had the white fabric from taerae' shirt earlier. taerae, who was holding back his tears, finally started bursting out into tears. jiwoong looked around for hanbin's phone. he thought the signal couldn't have just disappeared by itself, it must have been tampered with but there was no sign of it either. with a heavy heart, he decided to return to the campsite while comforting taerae over the phone, walking along the path. mid-way, he ended the call to take some time for himself. we could have went to the beach, to the club, hell, a children's playground, for all anyone cares! but we didn't know this hellhole was just as shitty as the one back at home. the breeze cooling his skin as he walked, his dark locks billowing in the wind as he hung his head in sadness, anger, and especially regret.
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as he emerged from the woods, taerae was waiting for him by the campfire, drinking ground coffee he made from the beans he found while picking berries. he seemed to have calmed down from the crying earlier but, just like jiwoong, was and will still mourn the loss of their four amigos. jiwoong sat on the log across him. "can i have some?" he pointed at taerae drinking. "of course" he gave a slight smile before getting a mug and pouring hot water. "berries?" he offered them from a small dish. "thanks" jiwoong grabbed a couple and popped them into his mouth. they didn't talk to each other, they just kept each other company by simply being in each other's presence by the campfire while drinking coffee and eating berries under the starry sky. "i think we should call it quits now, ey? i mean, we've been doing it ourselves for days now, maybe it's time to report to proper authorities" jiwoong finally spoke after hours of silence and self-contemplating. taerae slowly nodded, still in disbelief of everything that happened. "s-sorry i wasn't fast enough..." he stuttered while shivering and gripping onto his mug, shaking it. jiwoong walked up to him and bent down to pat his back. "hey, it's not your fault. i know you were running as fast as you can, we were on face time, afterall. it's this fucked up place to blame" jiwoong gave a reassuring smile. taerae smiled back at him before he got up. "well, let's get packing." jiwoong said as he grabbed the foldable chair. him and taerae packing up the things their friends left behind was the most painful thing they had to do. as taerae settled in the tent, jiwoong put out the campfire using a bucket before laying down himself. "good night, rae" "good night, hyung" jiwoong pulled taerae into an embrace as they fell asleep in each other's arms. the next morning, taerae woke up to the sun blinding him. he stretched and rubbed his eyes and looked at jiwoong. "hyung, wake up, the earlier we go back home,the faster we can get them to find the boys" taerae tried shaking him awake but he wasn't budging. he tried screaming inches away from his ear. huh, he really wasn't budging. actually, he wasn't even moving at all. taerae took his index and middle finger and put it against jiwoong's neck to check. no pulse. "hyung?" taerae tried slapping him. "h-hyung, you can't do this to me" he tried piching and pulling on them but jiwoong was long gone. taerae bent down and buried his face in his shoulder sobbing. but it wasn't out of sadness, it was out of delight. "finally" taerae laughed to himself. he started singing as he was sliding the butcher's knife hiding under his pillow. "one little duck went out one day, over the hills and far away, mama duck said 'quack, quack, quack, quack' but none of the little ducks came back" taerae swung the knife and off came jiwoong's head.
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"In a shocking and horrifying incident, local authorities have closed down a popular mountain area for a crime scene investigation after the discovery of severed heads in a trash bag. The incident occurred on Mount Zerobase, a beloved destination for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. 
The victims were found by a group of hikers who stumbled upon a foreign odor coming from the bag, opening it to the gruesome scene early this morning. The authorities were immediately notified, and a team of investigators, including local police, forensic experts, and search and rescue personnel, were dispatched to the site.
As of now, the exact number of victims and their identities have not been released to the public, pending notification of the families. However, preliminary reports suggest that five campers were found dead at the campsite as of 3:20. The motive behind the killings remains unclear, and authorities have not ruled out the possibility of a random act of violence or a targeted attack. However, forensic experts have stated all of the heads had a duck carved into their foreheads using some kind of blade.
The closure of the mountain area is expected to last for an extended period to facilitate a thorough investigation. Visitors are urged to avoid the area until further notice to allow the investigators to collect evidence and ensure the safety of all visitors.
Local law enforcement has assured the public that they are dedicating all available resources to solve this heinous crime and bring the perpetrators to justice. The community is in a state of shock and mourning, as this tranquil and picturesque mountain spot was considered a safe haven for outdoor enthusiasts.
Officials have also requested that anyone with information related to the incident come forward and assist with the investigation. They believe that any detail, no matter how insignificant it may seem, could be crucial in solving this tragic case.
As the investigation unfolds, the thoughts and condolences of the entire community go out to the families and friends of the victims. This incident serves as a grim reminder of the need for vigilance and caution when venturing into remote areas, even those that are typically regarded as safe and serene.
This is Jeon Bichna, reporting live. Back to you, Myung Cheongseok."
taerae turned off the television and leaned back on the couch, smiling to himself as he took another bite out of his homemade burger— made with special ground meat.
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"since that day, no one didn't dare go camping on mount zerobase ever again. the end!" taerae laughed as he turned off the flashlight that luminated his face. everyone was huddled together; jiwoong with matthew whereas hanbin and ricky both squeezed yujin from opposite sides. "oh you scared cats, it was just a campfire story!" yujin rolled his eyes. "yeah, a campfire story with our names and taerae being a FUCKING SERIAL KILLER" jiwoong yelled as matthew carressed his back, trying to calm him down. taerae could only cackle looking at everyone's reactions. "regardless of the names, fiction is fiction, reality is reality. now, who wants berries?" taerae took out a whole container of berries he brought from home and gave them all a sly wink and bursted into laughter while looking at their frightened faces.
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a/n: boooo that was it? that wasn't thriller! that was pretty basic >:[ lmao ANYWAYS IM SO HAPPY ITS OVER NOW CAUSE I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE NEEN GETTING NIGHTMARES FROM THIS EHEHEHEH if you've made it this far, kudos to you! thank you so much for sticking around <3
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learnfromdiana · 1 year
What's good, people? It's your boy, LearnFromDiana's unofficial spokesperson, here to bless y'all with some knowledge. And let me tell you, today's topic is hotter than a Florida summer, so get ready.
We're gonna talk about something that's on everyone's mind these days: productivity. That's right, folks, we're gonna figure out how to get sh*t done and make it look easy.
Now, Diana has some pretty great tips on how to be productive, but I'm gonna take it to the next level. You ready? Here we go.
First off, forget about all that "work smarter, not harder" nonsense. That's a load of BS. You know what you need to do? Work harder AND smarter. Boom, mind blown.
Secondly, don't bother with all those fancy productivity apps and tools. Ain't nobody got time for that. Just write your to-do list on a piece of paper, like a caveman. It's simpler and more satisfying to cross things off with a pen. Trust me.
Thirdly, and this is where it gets spicy, take breaks. Yeah, I said it. Take breaks, people. I'm not saying take a two-hour nap in the middle of the workday (although, if you can swing it, go for it), but take a breather. Get up and stretch, go for a walk, check your phone. It's like hitting the reset button on your brain.
And lastly, if all else fails, just remember this: no one's perfect. Sometimes, you're gonna have an unproductive day. And that's okay. Take a deep breath, recharge, and get back on that productivity horse tomorrow.
So, there you have it, folks. Some tips on how to be a productivity master. Now go forth and conquer the day like the boss you are. And if anyone asks, tell 'em LearnFromDiana's spokesperson sent you. Peace out.
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murfeelee · 2 years
Hello murfeel, I don't know if anyone ask you this before but what do you think about the news of sims 5 being planned by ea?
Hi! I see we're starting 2023 on a positive note, getting me triggered by EA's shenanigans! 🤣
Yeah, so far I've only commented briefly about TS5 in this post, when EA did that stupid Summit thing where they showed off how much they're trying to one-up Paralives. 🙄 OOoOoo~! They're bringing the color wheel back after swearing on a stack of bibles that CASt was the worst feature in TS3 and TS4 didn't need it and their wacka** LACK of customization was the FUTURE of gaming--zomg lemme get my wallet ready~~! 🤡
Like, EA, everyone knows you're good at Build/Buy mode and CAS--people don't call TS4 a DOLLHOUSE SIMULATOR for nothing. But where is the EFFING GAMEPLAY? I feel the same way about Paralives--I don't need to see anymore of their builds or Paras--I want to follow sims INSIDE their places of work and school (no more EFFING rabbitholes); and see how they act come rain, snow or shine; and I want pets aside from just cats & dogs and RODENTS EA. And different cultural representation, so it's not the same generic American suburban cookie-cutter crap all the time--give me simulated life of the islands, the tundras, the equator, the poles, the Nth/Est/Sth/Wst hemispheres, the cities, the farms, the jungles, the corporate ladder, off the grid--in fully fleshed out EXPANSIONS with living breathing WORLDS, not watered down Game Packs, for crying out loud. Do y'all even remember what Expansion Packs are, EA? If only every pack was given HALF the content and attention to detail that Seasons always gets! It's a sad state of affairs when the best pack y'all ever released was for VAMPIRES. 🤦‍♀️
I get stomach ulcers every time I hear about how people spent over a THOUSAND DOLLARS on TS4 and are clamoring for the torture to be over already so TS5 can hurry up and screw them over instead. The biggest complaint simmers have been screaming at EA about is how dang BORING TS4 is, because
the game is too easy, and people have to cheat to make the game HARDER wtf
the game is too buggy and none of the fancy "features" effing WORK, releasing ENTIRE PACKS BROKEN, with patches that make everything worse
the features TS4 does have that actually work are shallow AF and a lot of them are repetitive/redundant or they don't carry over to other EPs/GPs/SPs to make the gameplay deeper and richer you had one job EA
TS4's worlds are too small and we don't even have CAW, but EA promised us that smaller non-open worlds with no CASt and no Story Progression would make TS4 run so much smoother than TS3--gosh golly, now if only my save would stop laaaaaaagging 😩
where are the skills where are the careers where are the hobbies other than streaming/blogging where are the NPCs where ar--
the sims' emotions & action queues are out of control, but the EMOTIONS were the MAIN thing the dev's pitched when TS4 was announced over a decade ago; why are my sims acting like crack heads when you said they'd be so much smarter?
the kids are totally ignored, where the teens are basically young adults with curfews--but zoinks! they're finally going to update the bassinet-babies after TEN YEARS so the legacy players can actually PLAY WITH LIFE and interact with babies! Maybe if we're lucky, they'll patch in some frikkin preteens so the life states in a life simulation game actually make sense!
the alpha vs maxis match saga continues
Look at everything Sims Freeplay has--it's monetized to hell and back, but at least they have COOL stuff! WHERE IS IT in TS4? Will that stuff be in basegame TS5???? EVER? Or will EA just keep showing us how many throw pillows we can rotate on couches in rooms full of clutter that aren't even interactive objects? 🙃 Paralives has Paras ziplining off of rooftops into their pool--will basegame TS5 even launch with pools and swimmable water, or will that feature be locked off behind another lukewarm paywalled EP where you can only ever swim in ONE (1) world? 🏝 And now that EA making basegame TS4 free to play, they have carte blanche to microtransaction people to death with useless Kits full of DECOR and mess in TS5, too, huzzah!
And they keep bringing up MULTIPLAYER--THEY BETTER NOT. 💀
GOD, I hope the TS4 simmers go off on EA and tell them that TS5 CANNOT be TS4 2.0. Don't have EA walking around thinking TS4 was the right way to do life simulation gaming. TS4's enormous player base means diddly squat if people don't play the game to PLAY the GAME, only using it as the base for their Blender renders -- quantity does NOT equal quality, EA!
I'm not even staying on top of TS5 news anymore, listening to Lindsay Pearson lie to my frikkin face; promising me the moon only to have it turn out to be made of government cheese. The proof is gonna be in the pudding once the game actually LAUNCHES in a zillion years; I refuse to get hyped.
But I am PRAYING EA does TS5 right. Or at least that they make something better than TS4--it's a low bar, I know, but baby steps. Believe it or not, but I'd actually like to play a sims game that isn't TS3 sometime this decade. 🙏 TS4 had so many red flags; everyone knew it was a mobile game port, we're not THAT dumb, EA. Plus, TS4 was just too effing ugly for me. I hate the cartoony playdough look, and the lack of CASt and customization was an IMMEDIATE dealbreaker; so at least EA learned ONE lesson in all this time. *slow claps* Now we just have to see what they'll do about the actual GAME, the part that MATTERS.
Lemme stop, before I pop a blood vessel.
Wake me up when TS5 has more gameplay than Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.
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linawritesocs · 2 years
hayden's voicelines + lesson chats!
IT'S HIS TIME EVERYONE. it's our silly little cult member's time!! i'm so sorry, my son, i was supposed to finish working on your voicelines and chats much earlier, but.. the masquerade event happened. yeah.
also, @scarabiaa, your son is here! hayden and onyx are finally interacting!
[ hayden's voicelines ]
if you choose to hold his hand (tutorial):
"hey, are you okay? you must be so scared, all of this is new to you, after all.. just take some deep breaths, you're gonna be fine."
level up:
"hehe, thanks for helping me with this. i don't know what i'd do if it wasn't for you."
"wow, you're much smarter than i thought- ahem, i meant that i already knew you're smart, but i didn't expect you to be such a genius!"
"oh, you don't have to help me, actually, i can- i see, so you're still gonna try to help me." *sighs* "thank you, i guess.."
level up max:
"i thought i can do just fine without your help, but.. it looks like i was wrong, haha. thank you for supporting me all this time, it really means a lot to me."
episode level up:
"i don't get it, why do you want to know more about me? like, do you need something from me? a favor, maybe? "you want to get to know my real self"?.. i don't get what you mean by that."
limit break:
"no, this won't be enough. i still need to try harder and work more, so that they can notice me.. who are "they"? oh, sorry, i was just thinking out loud, don't mind me."
*laughs in an evil way* "now, it's time for me to show you what i'm actually capable of! prefect-san, i hope you're watching!"
lesson lines (before lesson):
"what subjects i'm good at? hm, i'm actually good at most of them, really. so i can help you with anything you want! except p.e, haha.."
"what's your favorite subject, prefect-san? you want to learn more about this world, don't you? oh, i have an idea, what if i answer all of your questions and you tell me about your world in exchange?"
"don't you think you're taking a bit too much time? we're gonna be late if you don't make a choice, you know. and i most definitely don't want to be late, that would be bad for my reputation."
lesson start:
"you can ask me anything you want, prefect-san!"
lesson end:
"finally, it's over. i just can't bring myself to love this school.."
battle start:
"i don't really like fighting, but it looks like you're too stupid to have a proper chat with you."
battle win:
"if only there was someone out there who could have helped you."
[ hayden's lesson chats ]
[ the tale of a two-faced prince ]
".. you really want to know more about my family?"
"i have no idea why you're so interested, but i guess i could tell you something."
"so, i don't remember if i told you this before, but i actually have twelve older brothers-"
"your reaction is understandable, but please, don't interrupt me like this. that's how people always react when i mention my brothers, though.."
"my oldest brothers are already married and some of them even have kids.. to be honest, i feel like i'll never be as good as them. it's quite hard to impress your parents when you're the youngest child, especially when you have so many siblings."
"it was also hard for me when i was younger, i always felt left out and.. i even thought that i didn't belong, haha.."
"however, thankfully, i managed to find a role model who had the same problems as me. he went through the exact same thing, he even had twelve older brothers as well!"
"when i read about him, i felt like his story was written for me. it just felt so.. personal, like someone created his character to help me feel understood and less lonely."
"but he wasn't "created" by anyone! he was real! he actually existed, there once was a person who faced the same struggles, acted and thought just like me, like-"
"like i was "based on him" in some way."
"oh, sorry, that probably sounded weird. haha, i was supposed to tell you more about my family, but i ended up talking about my childhood idol."
"but he really does mean a lot to me."
[ why do you care about me so much? ]
"okay, i think i'm done with this task." *sighs* "i feel so tired for some reason.."
"wait, you heard that? oh, um.. please don't worry about me. yes, i'm tired, but i'm still doing fine."
"i think you needed help with your homework as well? let me see.."
"huh? what's this?"
"what do you mean, we can take a break? i'm sorry, prefect-san, but we have to-"
".. you asked trey-san to help you bake cookies for me?"
"t-thank you, but i don't think we can take a break right now. i doubt that you will have the energy to do your homework later."
"you're more worried about me than your homework? really, you shouldn't say things like that."
"we can eat these later, after we're done-"
".. okay, that was scary, prefect-san."
"fine, fine, we'll take a break, but only if we eat these cookies together. you have to try them as well, you worked so hard after all!"
"and may i ask, why you baked them? why would you want to do something like this for me?"
"i-i will never understand how your logic works, prefect-san. i thought that you'd have a deeper reason for that.."
[ what kind of a person am i? ]
"what is it, prefect-san? why are you staring at me like this?"
".. you can't understand my personality? what do you mean?"
"ah, it's because i tend to act differently around other people? but isn't it natural to act that way?"
"you also act differently around other people, prefect-san. when you're with people you like, you can't stop smiling, you keep making jokes and you may even try to flirt with them."
"but when you're with people you dislike, you're much more rude and you don't care about them at all. and you can even be.. kinda mean, honestly." *laughs*
"hm? it's not the same as my behavior?"
"ah, i think i get it. you don't understand why i would act like someone who's more playful and extroverted when i'm with people like cater-kun and kalim-kun, but then i act like someone who's more quiet with people like leona-san and jamil-san?"
"well, you see, prefect-san, if i want to make friends in this school, i need to know what kind of people these students would never hang out with."
"i don't want to annoy them, especially people like sebek-san, leona-san or floyd-kun, so i need to be careful and i try to act like their perfect friend would."
"you do the same thing when you want to make someone like you, right?"
"you want to know what my true personality is like?"
"hehe, all of those personalities can still be considered my true self. i just show a different side of myself to every person i meet."
"i still can't figure you out though.."
"oh, it's nothing. i just want you to know that i'm not lying or "being fake". and yes, i'm showing my true self to you as well."
"how is this personality different from my other ones?"
"well.." *laughs* "i guess i can be a bit softer with you sometimes."
[ if only this guy wasn't my boss.. ]
azul: "thank you for agreeing to help out after classes, hayden-senpai."
azul: "you really didn't have to work at mostro lounge, but you still said yes.. you truly are a perfect octavinelle student."
hayden: "ahaha, now, don't say things like that, azul-san."
hayden: "though i have to say that i'm honored to be in a dorm like octavinelle. and i'm glad we have such a responsible dorm leader as you, azul-san."
azul: "i'm the one who should be honored to be in the same dorm as you. i wonder why you're not our dorm leader, haha."
azul: "though my grades are still better than yours.."
hayden: "i heard that, azul-san."
azul: "y-you did?"
hayden: "and i don't disagree with you. i still have to work harder if i want to be a better student."
hayden: "and i doubt that i would ever be a good dorm leader." *laughs*
hayden: *thinking* "it's not like i even want to become a dorm leader."
azul: "now, i'll be waiting for you. come to the mostro lounge when you're ready."
hayden: "okay! i have some things to do, but i'll try to come as soon as i can."
hayden: "..."
hayden: *thinking* "i think i have to go and break something. maybe that would help me calm down."
hayden: *thinking* "i hate this guy so much! i agreed to work with him and those twins only because i knew that would make him like me more!"
hayden: *thinking* "okay, hayden, breathe. you're doing this for your mission."
hayden: *thinking* "that's what your family would want you to do."
[ please, teach me how to cosplay! ]
hayden: "merrill-san, i need your help with something."
merrill: "oh, really? if someone like you is asking for help, then it should be something serious."
hayden: "y-yeah, it is serious, haha.."
hayden: "you see, i accidentally broke my phone and-"
merrill: "oh, sorry, i'm an ignihyde student, but i'm actually not that good with technology."
merrill: "i just know a lot about social media, that's all."
hayden: "i'm not asking you to fix it. i actually need austin-san's help."
merrill: "then why are you-"
merrill: ".. oh, i get it now. austin-chan would never help anyone just because they asked him."
hayden: "yes, i know that well."
hayden: "and i have an idea how to make him help me, but if i'm going to do that.."
hayden: "i will need to discuss something with you."
merrill: "tell me about that idea of yours then."
hayden: ".. this is gonna be embarrassing."
hayden: "please, teach me how to cosplay, merrill-san!"
merrill: "..."
merrill: *laughs*
hayden: "this is serious, merrill-san! i know that austin-san likes anime, magical girls and all that stuff, so i thought that maybe i can try and cosplay one of his favorite characters.."
merrill: "no, actually, this is a very good plan. it will definitely work if you do it right."
merrill: "i'm just trying to imagine you do cosplay and.." *laughs*
hayden: "merrill-san, please, can we talk about my cosplay already??"
hayden: *thinking* "at least he doesn't know that i broke my phone while trying to take a picture of a butterfly.."
hayden: *thinking* "he wouldn't stop laughing if he knew."
[ you're just really important to me, that's all! ]
hayden: "onyx-sama!!~"
onyx: *SCREAMS*
onyx: "uh, h-hi, hayden.."
hayden: "how are you doing today, onyx-sama? do you need help with anything?"
onyx: "i'm fine, thank you, you don't have to worry about me, haha.."
hayden: "but you're so important to me, onyx-sama! you have no idea who you were based on, but i know who you really are! i have no choice, but to worship-"
onyx: "b-based? based on what?"
hayden: "never mind. forget about that part."
hayden: "so, are you sure you don't need any help at all? i can help you with anything you want! your homework, your friends, your relationships.."
onyx: ".. relationships?"
hayden: "sure, i can be your matchmaker, if you want!"
hayden: "now, who should i match you up with.."
onyx: "actually, i already have someone i like-"
hayden: "who should be that lucky person who will be worthy of your love? hmm.. i feel like no one here deserves your love, onyx-sama."
onyx: "HUH??"
hayden: "n-not because you don't deserve to be loved at all!! it's just.. you're so great, i don't think anyone in this school would be a good partner for you."
onyx: "oh.. you don't understand, i actually like someone a lot and i thought you could-"
hayden: "no, onyx-sama, even i don't deserve to be loved by someone like you! but i promise, i will find a perfect significant other for you!"
hayden: "now, where should we start?"
onyx: *thinking* "he won't listen to me.. you know, he keeps saying that he worships me and all, but it's kinda funny that even though he's my fan, he refuses to listen to anything i say."
[ i'm glad we can still talk like this ]
hayden: "angel? what are you doing here?"
angel: "hayden-chan!! \(≧▽≦)/ "
angel: "oh, don't worry, i don't think nrc students have noticed that i'm here. <( ̄︶ ̄)>"
hayden: "you shouldn't visit me like this. you know that nrc and rsa students' relationship is.. not that good."
angel: "hey! i don't care about that stupid school rivalry! <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)> i want to talk to my friend and hang out with him even if we're from different schools!"
hayden: "um.. thank you, i guess. i missed you a lot too."
angel: "!! did you just say that you missed me?? (⊙_⊙)"
angel: "aww, hayden-chan!! (´,,•ω•,,)♡ i love you so much!"
hayden: "uh.. m-me too.."
hayden: *thinking* "they really are just like prefect-san."
angel: "so, how was your day? tell me all about it! ( ´ ▽ ` )"
angel: "and i will tell you about my day too! (つ≧▽≦)つ you won't believe what bunny-chan said today!"
hayden: "oh, yeah, how is blythe doing? i hope she's not too tired."
angel: "hm? why would she be tired? (•ิ_•ิ)? you know she loves being the vice dorm leader!"
hayden: "she sure does.."
hayden: *thinking* "i'm surprised that they still don't know that bunny actually hates her dorm."
hayden: *thinking* "and ashley is not even dumb or anything like that, they're actually very smart."
hayden: *thinking* "well.. i'm still glad that i can spend time with them like this. ashley and blythe are my only friends after all."
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fastgosmm · 2 months
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Finding the Most Affordable SMM Panel for Your Needs in Pakistan
Hey there, social media mavens! Are you looking to boost your online presence without breaking the bank? Well, you're in luck because we're diving into the world of SMM panels in Pakistan. If you're scratching your head wondering what an SMM panel is, don't worry; we've got you covered. These nifty tools can help skyrocket your social media game, and today we're hunting down the most affordable options in Pakistan. Whether you're a small business owner, influencer, or just someone who wants to up their social media game, stick around as we uncover the best bang for your buck in the Pakistani SMM panel scene.
What is an SMM Panel?
Ever wondered how some businesses seem to effortlessly dominate social media? Well, they might just be using an SMM panel. But what exactly is that? Let's break it down for you.
The Basics
An SMM (Social Media Marketing) panel is like your one-stop shop for all things social media. It's a web-based platform that lets you buy various social media services to boost your online presence. Think of it as a control center where you can manage and grow your social media accounts without breaking a sweat.
What Can You Do With It?
With an SMM panel, you're not limited to one platform. You can:
Get more followers on Instagram.
Increase your YouTube views.
Boost your Facebook likes.
Amp up your TikTok engagement.
And that's just scratching the surface! These panels offer a wide range of services to help you make a splash across different social networks.
How does it work?
It's pretty straightforward. You sign up, add some funds to your account, and then choose the services you want.
Need 1000 Instagram followers? Just select that option, provide your account details, and voila! The panel takes care of the rest.
Why use an SMM panel?
In today's digital age, standing out on social media can feel like shouting in a crowded room. An SMM panel gives you that megaphone to amplify your voice. It's a quick and often affordable way to jumpstart your social media growth, especially when you're just starting out or trying to break into a competitive niche.
Benefits of Using an SMM Panel for Social Media Marketing
Hey there, social media maverick! Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of posts, likes, and followers? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the world of SMM panels and how they can be your life raft in the choppy waters of social media marketing.
Time-Saving Superpowers
Let's face it, managing multiple social media accounts can be a real time-suck. But with an SMM panel, you're basically getting a social media superhero cape. These nifty tools let you schedule posts across different platforms in one go. No more jumping from app to app like a caffeinated kangaroo!
Budget-Friendly Boost
Who doesn't love a good deal? SMM panels are like the dollar store of social media marketing. You can snag Nikes, followers, and engagement at prices that'll make your wallet do a happy dance. It's perfect for small businesses or influencers trying to make a splash without breaking the bank.
Analytics at Your Fingertips
Ever wish you had a crystal ball to see how your social media efforts are paying off? Well, an SMM panel is pretty damn close. Most panels come with built-in analytics tools that give you the lowdown on your performance. It's like having a personal social media detective on your team!
Flexibility and control
With an SMM panel, you're in the driver's seat. Want to boost a post? Easy peasy. Need to target a specific audience? No sweat. These panels give you the flexibility to tweak your strategy on the fly. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for your social media toolkit.
Remember, using an SMM panel isn't about cheating the system. It's about working smarter, not harder. So why not give it a whirl? Your social media game (and your sanity) will thank you!
Factors to Consider When Choosing an SMM Panel
When you're on the hunt for the perfect SMM panel in Pakistan, there are a few key things you'll want to keep in mind. Let's break it down so you can make the best choice for your social media needs.
Quality of Services
First things first, you'll want to look at the quality of services offered. It's not just about getting the cheapest deal; you need to make sure you're getting your money's worth. Check out reviews from other users and see if the panel delivers real, active followers and engagement. After all, what's the point of having a million fake followers who never interact with your content?
Pricing and Packages
Now, let's talk about money. While you're looking for an affordable option, remember that too cheap might mean low quality. Compare prices across different panels, but also look at what's included in each package. Some panels might offer better value for money with additional features or higher-quality services.
Customer Support
Trust me, you don't want to be left hanging when something goes wrong. Look for panels that offer responsive customer support. Can you reach them easily? Do they offer 24/7 support? A good support team can make all the difference when you're trying to troubleshoot an issue or need help with your order.
Payment Options
In Pakistan, you'll want to make sure the panel offers payment methods that work for you. Look for options like local bank transfers, EasyPasa, or international methods like PayPal. The more flexible the payment options, the easier it'll be for you to use the service regularly.
Service speed and reliability
Last but not least, consider how quickly the panel delivers results and how reliable their service is. You don't want to be waiting days for your order to be fulfilled, especially if you're trying to capitalize on a trending topic.
Look for panels that promise (and deliver on) quick turnaround times and consistent service.
Remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best. By considering these factors, you'll be well on your way to finding an SMM panel that gives you the best bang for your buck in Pakistan.
Our Top 3 Recommended Affordable SMM Panels in Pakistan
Looking for budget-friendly SMM panels in Pakistan? You're in luck! We've done the legwork and rounded up our top picks that won't break the bank. Let's dive into the cream of the crop:
1. Fast-Go SMM
Fast Go SMM is a real gem for those of you watching your wallet. With rock-bottom prices and a user-friendly interface, it's a go-to for many Pakistani marketers. Their customer support is pretty responsive too, which is always a plus when you're in a pinch.
2.Best SMM
If you're after variety, SMM Pakistan might be your jam. They offer a wide range of services at competitive rates.
From Instagram likes to YouTube views, they've got you covered. Just keep an eye out for their occasional promo deals; you might snag an even sweeter bargain!
3. Pak Pro SMM
Pak Pro SMM is like the Swiss Army knife of SMM panels. They're not just affordable; they're versatile too. Whether you're boosting your Facebook page or trying to get more Twitter followers, Zest has got your back. Their dashboard is a breeze to navigate, even if you're new to the SMM game.
Frequently Asked Questions About Using SMM Panels in Pakistan
What exactly is an SMM panel?
An SMM panel is like your one-stop shop for all things social media marketing. It's a platform where you can buy various social media services to boost your online presence. Think of it as a digital vending machine: you pop in some cash, and out come likes, followers, or views for your social accounts. Pretty nifty, right?
Are SMM panels legal in Pakistan?
Here's the deal: SMM panels themselves aren't illegal in Pakistan. However, some of the services they offer might bend the rules of social media platforms. It's like jaywalking—not exactly by the book, but widely done. Just be smart about it and don't go overboard, okay?
How do I choose the best SMM panel in Pakistan?
Picking the right SMM panel is like choosing a new smartphone; you've got to consider features, price, and reliability. Look for panels with a good track record, responsive customer support, and competitive prices. It's also a good idea to start small and test the waters before diving headfirst.
Can SMM panels really help my business grow?
SMM panels can give your social media accounts a nice boost, but they're not magic wands. Think of them as fertilizer for your online garden; they can help things grow faster, but you still need to water and tend to your content. Use them as part of a broader marketing strategy for the best results.
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johncl12 · 7 months
That's the spirit! "Work smarter, not harder" is a motto that fits AI like a glove. Before ChatGPT, DALL-E, and their kin came along, AI was like a sleeper cab—full of potential but just waiting for the right moment to hit the road. Now, we're seeing AI integration in everyday tools, making them as indispensable as a good cup of coffee on a long haul. These tools are not just fancy gadgets; they're like the trusty CB radio, keeping us connected and informed. They're becoming a part of our daily toolkit, helping us to automate the mundane and focus on the big picture—like finding the best route to deliver our cargo safely and on time. And remember, if you're looking to harness the power of AI for your online marketing, our SocialAI tool is the way to go. It's like having a co-pilot who knows the social media landscape better than anyone, ensuring your posts are always on point and engaging. 🚀
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valuevortex · 8 months
Best Buy Guy
🛍️ Hey there, fellow shoppers! Welcome to the BestBuyGuy.net Fan Group - where quality, savings, and unbeatable finds collide! 🎉
🤩 Are you a savvy shopper like me? Well, you've just found your shopping sanctuary! Whether it's fashion, electronics, home decor, or more, we're here to help you bag the best deals and elevate your shopping game.
🙌 Let's share our shopping triumphs, hacks, and tips because teamwork makes the dream work, right? Together, we'll navigate the aisles of online shopping and emerge victorious!
💬 Got a burning product recommendation or a shopping dilemma? Don't hold back! This is the place to ask for advice, share your favorite finds, or just connect with fellow shoppers who understand your passion for a great deal.
🚀 Join us in celebrating the joy of shopping and discover why BestBuyGuy.net is your one-stop shop for all things awesome. Let's shop smarter, not harder, and make every purchase a win-win! 💪🛒💰
Remember, it's all about quality finds, unbeatable savings, and expert guidance - just like Kevin James would want it! 🤣 Join now and let's shop 'til we drop! 💼👠💻
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mindzqeducation · 9 months
Boost Your Study Focus with These 4 Essential Techniques
Studying effectively isn’t just about the material; it’s about finding the right environment and mindset to concentrate. At MindzQ, we understand the struggles students face when it comes to maintaining focus. That’s why we’ve gathered some powerful strategies to help you amplify your concentration during study sessions, whether you’re prepping for exams or diving into homework assignments.
1. Control Your Environment
Creating the perfect study ambiance is crucial. Some students thrive in silence, while others need background noise. Experiment to find what works best for you. Consider wearing noise-canceling headphones or using apps that generate white noise or calming sounds to drown out distractions.
2. Tailor Your Study Style
While study groups can be beneficial, they aren’t for everyone. If you find socializing distracts you from the task at hand, consider solo studying. But remember, going solo doesn’t mean isolation. Working with a dedicated tutor can provide personalized guidance, keeping you on track while enhancing your learning experience.
3. Strategic Assignment Tackling
How you approach your assignments matters. Start strong by tackling tasks that feel manageable. This could mean beginning with easier assignments or those from subjects you enjoy. By building momentum with achievable tasks, you'll gear up the mental energy needed for more challenging assignments later on.
4. Prioritize Self-Care
Your mind functions best when your body is cared for. Don’t underestimate the power of self-care. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking breaks during study marathons. When your body is rested and nourished, your mind will follow suit, enabling better focus and productivity.
At MindzQ, we specialize in providing top-notch tutoring services tailored to your needs. From K-12 tutoring to SAT prep, math tutoring, English reading and writing assistance, and homework help, we're here to support your academic journey.
Remember, it’s not just about studying harder; it’s about studying smarter. By implementing these concentration-boosting techniques, you can make the most of your study sessions and achieve your academic goals with confidence.
Ready to elevate your learning experience? Connect with MindzQ and let’s embark on this journey to academic success together!
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mlobsters · 9 months
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supernatural s12e18 the memory remains (w. john bring)
now mr ketchup has orders to kill sam and dean, will he do it or does he too decide to acquire some free will. the power of banging mary compels you!
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is this like, a black philip costume? i still haven't seen the witch. but some day
DEAN I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone is turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead. SAM Right. Dean, it's Cas. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is.
with his history, might also be a concern that he's not off making very bad decisions but hey ho
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s12e18 / altered carbon s1 - antonio marziale as isaac bancroft
hey, cute sad boy with the curly hair was in altered carbon
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DARYN Black Bill.
hey, i was close!
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DEAN I already figured out a way to kill it. SAM How did you – you don't even know what it is. DEAN The Colt. Dusts anything. Work smarter, Sammy, not harder. SAM Oh, don't do the hot coffee thing.
dean's sure on a mission to get this waitress. and annoy sammy as a bonus
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everybody's happy, taking the win
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s12e18 / the magicians s3e1 ryan mcdonald as bacchus
upper midwest stereotype man was bacchus in the magicians!
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and his character led to this delight (post) (they were drunk and trying to be "fun" enough to be admitted entrance by bacchus. srs nerds not allowed 😔
KETCH It's clear. Onward. Now remember your orders. By the time we leave, Dr. Hess wants to know everything about our "friends" the Winchesters – their allies, their habits. How does Sam get his hair so shiny? How many ratty flannels does Dean own?
hokay. tone, who needs tone. hodgepodge of cliches slammed together. but understandable that everyone is jealous of sam's luscious locks
DEAN So goat dude is just a dude? SAM Then who's the monster? Sheriff Bishop Moloch. God of sacrifice.
LOL so i played an absurd amount of nethack, a text based turn based roguelike thing which has a funny mashup of d&d/folklore/myth etc so i know moloch from that - where it was a background bad guy god and his realm was the underworld (checking results from last years nethack tourney and people that i knew back in 2006 are still playing)
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is that supposed to be blood? is he dead again?
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peppy jazz moment, again, who needs tone consistency? uh oh, mary and baby dean, is mr ketchup feeling something?
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ok so uhhh i guess the writer had a completely not peppy fun spy moment in mind for this scene
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ok, no dead dean, just bleeding with a tbi, no big whoop
PETE Hunting people. Killing them. The family business
so dumb and i laughed so hard
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SAM Colt. Dusts anything.
DEAN Next time you hear me say that our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people.
also cute
this talk of legacy (and the music) sure has me thinking this is episode they carve their initials into the table. you WILL feel some feelings. let's talk about them dying and their memory fading away
we're gonna show you them as BABIES (with knives), FEEL THE FEELINGS. i was resisting until they intercut sam blowing off the bits as a baby and a grownup. brute forced a few tears out of me. (jensen mentioned he was able to snag the chunk of wood from the table after the show ended)
the music was less schmaltzy than swan song, where the baby clips came from, however that did make me cry because i stupidly watched dean beaten to a pulp via lucifer!sam tell sam he's not gonna leave him and then the big montage of clips of sam and dean that brought sam to the surface with just wind as the soundtrack (sidenote but they used the demon growl sound thing with lucifer!sam in that scene that was azazel/whatever demon prince they whacked/also in title credits s2 at least)
anyway, they finally leaned into the ketch being creepy, listening to their conversation with the bug he planted and creepily staring at the family photo i guess HE STOLE? the one dean's managed to keep track of through going to hell and being a demon etc etc. all right
this episode was all over the place.
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