#but sometimes there's just. nothing pinging for any of them and so much going on and they care so genuinely for each other
izzy-b-hands · 8 months
I've managed to write one thing in the last few hours of just. Utter Brain Nonsense (it's fine; it's the Usual Shit and nothing worse than I've dealt with before. Just gotta ride out the emotions my brain is riling up.)
And I might. Actually feel okay about it? I don't know abt audience for it; I've read a decent amount of Venture Bros fanfic in my time, but haven't ever written anything for it that I considered publishing until literally rn lmao. So I'm not sure if anyone would be into this but...maybe?
If nothing else, I should probably try and find out if people are spoiler tagging much for post-Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart fics. I should be able to remember, but I never can when it's time for me to consider relevant tags for my own fics lmao, I'm always double checking so I don't fuck it up.
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ellecdc · 4 months
the poly!marauders and lily x shy!reader!!!!! I genuinely cannot handle how much I love it omg🫠🫠 would u be willing to make it a series??
maybe remus being overprotective/possessive of her before the full moon and she’s just like ???? bc she doesn’t know about his furry problem🫣 but the rest of the group are just really casual about the way he’s acting like “oh yeah he does this sometimes, just ignore it” and r is just like 🤔?? bc he literally won’t let her go and wants her by his side and lap all day!!
aaaaaah my mind got carried away after reading ur amazing fic🩷🩷
so. stinkin. cute (thoughts and prayers for our shy!reader fr)
poly!marauders + lily x shy!reader close to Remus' time of the month
pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3 // pt 4 // pt 5
CW: love bite/hickies, man-handling Remus [ik, ik]
You had been…seeing the boys and Lily for long enough now to have noticed a few peculiarities. 
Black envelopes with green wax melts on the front that were delivered to Sirius were always confiscated immediately by Lily. Following the envelope's arrival, the rest of the group tended to fawn over Sirius for the rest of the day.
James was incredibly bright as a student in all subjects except Ancient Runes; prior to any quizzes or assignments, the group would play a game of “question pong” which was a twist on the muggle game ‘beer pong’ where cups were lined up and James would aim a ping pong ball and have to answer a question that was placed inside the cup that he had scored in. This amount of effort wasn’t placed into any of the others’ studies.
And what was obviously something the boys were ultimately accustomed to doing for Lily now extended to you when you couldn’t help but notice that at least one of them always escorted you to any of your classes in the dungeons. 
Another peculiarity, however, seemed to centre around Remus. 
Once a month, the group got a bit…sketchy before the three boys would disappear for about a day and then return basically back to normal. 
Lily seemed to be accepting of these occurrences, so you opted not to concern yourself with it either; if it was something you needed to know, they’d tell you.
Because, you see, the sketchiness wasn’t just limited to their comings and goings; but rather Remus himself.
He was a tactile person, that much you knew to be true. He almost always had a hand on one of his partners, a boyfriend or a girlfriend in his lap, or an arm around someone’s shoulders.
And yes, you’d been growing increasingly accustomed to the affection.
But it seemed to you that around these bouts of…sketchiness, the affection seemed to grow into something rather possessive. 
For example; it became clear to you that out of the three boys, James and Sirius were the ones who had a particular problem with Severus Snape, but during said period of said sketchiness, Remus nearly growled when he saw Lily and Snape discussing the upcoming Potions exam before he latched himself onto Lily’s side until Severus finally left. 
And then at the quidditch game against Ravenclaw, a group of girls behind you, Lily, and Remus were giggling over how ‘fit the Gryffindor captain was’ which led to Remus standing abruptly, moving to lean against the railing of the Gryffindor stands to wave James over before he pressed a searing kiss to the chasers lips leaving them both rather breathless. 
And then there was the party in the Ravenclaw common room for Benjy Fenwicks birthday where you, Lily, and Remus had been sitting watching James and Sirius dance with Marlene and Mary before Gilderoy Lockhart slid up behind Sirius in an attempt to dance with him. Sirius hardly had a chance to react before Remus was on the dancefloor and pulling his boyfriend into him, slotting their hips together and swaying sinfully to the beat all while maintaining eye contact with Gilderoy.
It seems important to note that Remus doesn’t dance.
All this to say, Remus got…sketchy.
But all of this had nothing on how he seemed to become around you.
You weren’t sure what caused the difference; perhaps it was because you were new to the group, perhaps it was because you were shy, or perhaps it was because he was more confident in his and the others’ roles within the dynamic. Either way, you were certain you were simply going to combust from the sheer amount of attention being devoted to you by your quietest boy.
You could hardly breathe or blink without him noticing, it seemed. And if you were within his vicinity, you were in his arms or on his lap.
Like right now…
You’d no sooner entered the Great Hall when you spotted Lily’s fiery red hair and made for the group before you were being man-handled to sit on the bench between his thighs.
“You almost missed breakfast, dove.” He offered quietly as he started preparing a plate for you right in front of your eyes. 
“Jeez Moony, whatever happened to good morning.” Sirius teased as he shot you a wink.
“Morning angel.” James offered quickly as Lily smiled softly at you.
“Oh, hi! I..uhm, I’m not that hungry, Rem.” You tried, but it was apparently the wrong thing to say.
Remus’ movements hardly faltered as he continued buttering an english muffin for you, but everyone else seemed to freeze in their movements as they watched the two of you with bated breaths. 
“Breakfast is important.” He said simply.
And believing he was quite close to actually hand feeding you the english muffin, you simply took it from his hands and shrunk into his chest at the attention. 
You felt your heart leap both in affection and embarrassment as you felt him press his lips to your neck as you ate, looking to the other three in hopes of help or explanation, of which you received neither.
“I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover with me tonight?” Lily asked you as she sipped from her tea.
“Oh, I uhm…sure, that’d be nice. Is everyone going to be there?”
Remus kept his face pressed to your neck but the others shared a glance. 
“No, we have a Marauders thing to attend to tonight, sweetness. Can we call dibs for the weekend?” Sirius offered, but his attempt was quickly shot down by Remus.
“Tomorrow.” He muttered from your neck as you fought the urge to shiver at the tickle of his breath. 
“What about the night after that?” Lily tried again.
You let out a surprised (and perhaps nervous) squeak when Remus’ embrace tightened around your middle.
“Moons…” James tried, which finally got Remus’ face out from your neck in order to glare at his boyfriend.
“Tomorrow will be fine.” He proclaimed with an air of finality before he shoved his face unceremoniously back into your neck and latched his mouth to your jugular, eliciting another surprised yelp from your lips. 
“How’s that for a good morning, Y/N?” Sirius asked with a wink. 
You spent the rest of your breakfast wondering if this was your own personal heaven or your own personal hell.
Jury was still out by the time you left the Great Hall with a love bite displayed above the collar of your uniform.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Just saw a TikTok where a kid send their favorite stuff animal to his dad who's deployed. Just imagine this happening with 141 🥺 (I'm actually sending this to my favorite writers hoping I can get a cute scenario 😅)
That sounds adorable... I melted at the thought. Sorry it got very angst with Ghost but I'm feral for this man and I'd give him babies any time he wants.
Warning: slight NSFW, f!reader, angst and comfort
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Price would frown but have a little smirk, watching the recruit hand him a cardboard box. His smile spreads when he notices figures of who it is from.
He wouldn't mind opening it in front of the team. They'd be busy bickering anyway.
He swears his heart stops for a second and he sees the soft thing. He could recognize it in the middle of the battlefield, the awful thought putting a ping of anger in his heart.
He'd be silent for a moment, looking at the round pink thing, his mind instantly wandering home, to you and your daughter.
He took the tiny note, scribbled a bit. "Keep you company daddy. Love, mom and me"
He swears he could cry right now.
He keeps it in his barracks, hidden so well no one ever glanced at it until he left. He wouldn't dare taking it with him, not wanting to soil it with he horrors of the battlefield.
He hugs it at night, until the day he returns, his daughter running to him as he holds the stuffed animal who kept his sanity strong.
He makes sure to worship you that night, thanking you silently for making him the happiest man on earth. In the morning you're sore but oh so happy. He whispers sweet nothings as he helps prepare breakfast, thanking you for giving him a daughter and home to come to.
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Soap would be thrilled to see the box for him. He wouldn't even wait to open it, under the amused gazes of the team.
He'd smile brightly at the sight of the little shark, immediately taking the note to read it out loud "to help you fight daddy!"
He run around the room, holding it up in the air, voicing to his team how happy he was, how proud of his son and how he absolutely loved you for giving him such a gift .
He'd keep it at all times at base. The round thing on the table in front of him during meetings.
He calls it Sergeant Sharky, everyone starting referring it by the same name.
At night he hold it tight, it's more intimate. He can let himself feel the way he misses home, almost tearing up. He knows you're waiting for him at home, probably preparing for his arrival.
He swears he's the happiest man alive.
When he gets home he tells stories of Sergeant Sharky on the battlefield (never anything gory) his boy being in absolute amazement over how his favorite stuffed animal was a hero with his dad.
He absolutely ravages you that night, almost begging you for another kid, begging to make him a daddy again. He just praises you for being the best mama, the best wife. He has you limping by morning as he holds his son, running around with him as he winks at you, subtly hinting to his son to ask you for a sibling.
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I feel like gaz would open it with the team too. Though he'd be much more hidden and private about it.
He immediately smiles when he sees the little white bear inside of the box. He can't help the sadness and yearning he feels almost immediately.
The images of you, laughing in the morning as his son jumps on the bed to wake him up makes his throat burn slightly.
He found the indulging gaze of Price who noticed the fluffy thing.
He'd read the note to himself, hiding it from anyone's gaze.
"to take care of you daddy" he has to blink away the blurriness.
He'd be more secret about it, but as soon as his in his tent the toy is with him at all times. He finds himself sometimes talking to it. "Yeah... I miss home too. We'll go back to them."
He finds himself with a new strength, the battle almost feeling less heavy on him. He's doing it for you. For his son. To try and make the world a better place.
He almost runs home from the airport, throwing the front door open, bags dropping to the floor as you see him. Your mouth opens slightly, shocked, but he sees the relief in your eyes. He kisses you deeply, the sound of tiny running footsteps from the hallway making his heart stammer in his chest.
He's home. That night he makes love to you, lovingly, sweetly and with such love that you find yourself crying and clinging to him. He finds himself absolutely loving the way your son runs into the room by morning, waking him up. He doesn't give a shit how tired he is.
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Oh god... Here I go...
When he's handed the box, he frowns. He immediately retreats to his tent to open it. He freezes when he sees the white and brown bunny.
He's scared to touch it. His gloves feel disgusting and tainted with horrors. He rips them off his hands, putting the box down on his bed to rush to wash his hands. They're clean, albeit sweaty but he just can't seem to shake away the feeling of blood on them.
When he finally let's himself touch the soft thing he holds it like it's the most fragile thing he ever touched. It shouldn't be here. So close to him when he's a monster right now.
The note breaks him. "Come back to us" it's your writing, she's too small to write. But there's a tiny sun scribbled in pencil next to it.
He rips off his mask bringing the bunny to his forehead as his head bows down, closing his eyes. He's crying. He feels guilty from being away from you. From his daughter. From home. Home that you allowed him, after he had thought he'd never be worthy of it.
It stays in his things. Hidden. He very rarely takes it out. Tries to not look at it too much. He's almost protecting it from even witnessing the base. Keeping it away from Ghost. That he tried to keep at the front door every time he came home.
When he gets home he needs time. It's always the same. He calls you, announcing that he is back. He takes 24h to remain on base, letting himself split from the battlefield. He needs time. You know it. You understood it.
When he gets home you notice something else this time. His eyes look at you with such adoration that you catch yourself almost hyperventilating. He often looks at you with love and care. But right now he looks at you like you were his goddess, his air and life essence. The same look he gives your daughter, like she's the only thing that ever matters to him.
He sits on the couch later, handing the bunny to his daughter who beams at the sight of her bunny back. He softly thanked her for sending the bunny to him. Softly explains that she should keep it home, it'd get dirty with daddy. You noticed the subtle message underneath his words. You want to hug him. But of course she understands. Such a clever girl.
He fucks you passionately and hard. He marks you with hickeys and bites, he gets lost in you, lost in your scent, the soft sheets are freshly clean. Your moans anchor him to his new found paradise.
He's got a small need to breed you again. But he'd talk to you about it. Beg on his knees if necessary, hoping that you'd be merciful to grant him another miracle. (As if he needed to do anything else but simply ask. Like you weren't the one who'd kneel for him if he asked.)
If you were the one to start the conversation, about, perhaps, maybe, if there was a chance, at some point "just spill it out love" "I want a baby... Again"
Absolutely feral. Literally throws your pill to the trash. It's on.
Doesn't let go of his daughter for days. She's in heaven as daddy holds her whenever she wants, reads her stories and plays with her. He keeps bending you over the nearest surface if she's napping or playing at a family's house (extremely rare, he's a protective wolf over her)
Spoils her rotten, he feels so guilty for leaving for such long periods of time. Spoils you as well.
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samkerrworshipper · 9 months
Would you please be able to write something about you getting the call up for the WC and calling Sam afterwards crying. Just lots of fluff xx
Thank you
the phone call | sam kerr x lionesses reader
sorry my lovelies… i’m still yet to leave bed because of this pain flare up
sorry if i’m not interacting with your messages and kind words.. trying to limit my screen time but i promise im seeing them all and it means the world to me
for now you all get some little drabbles that are sitting in my drafts xo
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It’s 6pm.
The calls were supposed to start going out at 4 and it’s 6.
You’re paralysed, stuck to your spot on the couch, your feet anxiously tied up in the blanket draped over you as you stare down at your phone, patiently awaiting a call.
It hasn’t been an easy ride to get to this point, almost a year ago you were lying in a hospital bed, unmoving and unsure whether you’d ever walk again, let alone be in contention to play football for your country.
You’ve worked your ass off, tens of hundreds of hours in the gym, rehabbing, working on your strength, all for this call.
You know realistically that the longer you’re left waiting, the longer that your chances are depleting.
Coaches make the easiest calls first, the starting eleven, then their moving bench, players who will still get plenty of time on the pitch, then they move onto the maybe players, players whose skill sets might be needed depending on the team, then it’s onto the emergency players, then it’s the fillers, players that are just kind of on the squad because of courtesy, even though the chances that they will play is next to nothing.
In your mind, you fall into some place between the last two, Sarina doesn’t owe you anything though, the last time you played for her was the Euro’s semi final, when everything went to shit for you and sure, you’ve worked hard since then, but sometimes hard work isn’t always enough, especially in the world of soccer politics.
You sent Sam out of the house to run some errands half an hour ago, insisting you would be fine, but right now you wished you hadn’t, because there is nothing you need more than to be cuddled up in your fiancé’s arms.
She’s been there for you every single step of the way, quite literally being the person who helped you walk your first steps after surgery.
The road has been tough for the both of you, and you know there is nothing Sam wants more than for you to be with her in Australia over the Summer.
If it isn’t meant to be, then it isn’t, you’ll be there anyways on the sidelines supporting her but there is something so much more satisfying about knowing that you might get to be on the pitch beside her.
You don’t know what you’ll do if you are back in the squad, sure you’ve been to the last two camps, but being named in the actual squad is something else, especially for the world cup, it would mean the whole world to you.
Your thoughts are enough to drain out the ping from messages, but the desperate vibration in your hands isn’t.
Your eyes dart down to the screen, bursting open like you’d just consumed a energy drink when Sarina’s name pops up on your screen.
‘If you have a spare minute would love to chat whenever your free.’
You’ve been free since 12pm last night, sleep didn’t come for you, instead you’d sat by the phone, waiting for any kind of notification.
Sam had tried her hardest to pry you away, forcing you to come on a morning run with her, which was extremely abnormal, neither you or Sam where runners, but you assumed it was just your girlfriend trying to make you feel a little bit better.
You typed at your phone like a mad man, unwilling to miss this precious window that seemed to have opened for you, you didn’t even had the chance to actually think about Sarina actually calling you, too busy furiously tapping at the keyboard on your phone.
‘Free to chat whenever suits you’
You didn’t have much time to look at your text, mere seconds after the bubble went blue Sarina’s contact was popping up on your screen.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do much more than aggressively tap the green button and watch as the call connected and Sarina’s face popped up on your screen.
“Y/n, good to see you, how’s your day been? I’ve been told there is quite a storm in London today?”
You don’t want to talk about weather, or this as trivial as how your day is going, but you put a smile on for Sarina anyways, a cute little smile that you normally save for press conferences after a particularly bad match or rough game.
“Sarina, it’s an honour as always, I’m doing well thanks, the weather is definitely shocking but we’re used to it, how’s it doing in the Netherlands?”
Sarina smiles at you, and it makes you feel a little bit uneasy, why can’t she just rip the bandaid off.
“It’s nice today, blue skies. How’s Sam? I don’t know if I had the chance to congratulate you on your engagement yet.”
You put on another little smile, trying to act like the nerves growing in your stomach aren’t bubbling up so badly that you feel as if you’re about to vomit.
“Sam’s good, we’re very happy, I’ve sent her out to get groceries which I’m regretting because she hasn’t got a clue what we need.”
Sarina laughs heartily, and it’s almost enough to make you feel a little bit better about the whole situation.
“Well I hope she’ll be happy to know that you’ll be in Australia over the Summer playing for England, if you’d like?”
All thoughts in your brain are cut off when you catch onto what Sarina is saying and then all of a sudden you can feel the tears building up in the back of your eyes.
“You’re serious? You want me in Australia?”
Sarina just laughs once again.
“You were part of our winning Euro’s team y/n, there is nothing I would love more than to welcome you back. You are a crucial part of our defence, especially with Leah missing and there is nothing we need more than your leadership. You’ve been fantastic on the pitch recently, both club and at camp, if you keep performing as you are, I think you’ll be very deserving of taking your place back in the starting eleven, how does that sound?”
You have to put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from sobbing.
“Thank you so much Sarina, you genuinely don’t know how much this means to me, I’ll prove to you everyday that I deserve to be there and I’ll do whatever I can on and off the pitch to help the team.”
Sarina just smiles to herself.
“I don’t doubt that at all, all I ask is that you try your hardest, I’ll let you go now y/n, have a good couple of weeks, I’ll see you at the airport.”
Before you can embarrass yourself any further, you're wishing Sarina farewell and pressing the red button at the bottom of your screen.
It takes a few seconds for it all to set in for you, the happenings of your phone call slowly sinming into your brain.
It’s when it all sinks in that you realise tears are still dripping down your face, and before you can think about it too hard your searching for Sam’s contact and clicking the call button.
To Sam’s credit, it takes about three seconds before your girlfriends face pops up on your screen.
“I think I might need a shopping list- baby why are you crying?”
Just looking at Sam makes you perk up a little bit, she’s all flustered which you don’t see very often.
“Sarina called, I’m in the squad, she wants me in the squad.”
Just saying it creates a whole other wave of emotions of flowing, and this time you don’t even try to stop the sobs leaving your mouth.
Sam lights up immediately.
“Baby, that is awesome, I’m not surprised at all, I’m leaving the shops now, I’ll be home in five minutes we can talk about it then, hmm?”
You nod eagerly, a big smile breaking out across its face.
“I’m so proud of you babe, you’ve worked so hard for this, I’ll be home in a couple of minutes, okay?”
You just nod at Sam, far to giddy to do much besides jerk your head up and down like a energised puppy.
You weren’t quite sure what the future held for your Summer in Australia, but you that no matter what, no matter the injuries, setbacks, bad games, Sam would be there for you through it all, she’d be there for you, no matter what side of the dug out you were sitting on.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Chronos // Robert Bob Floyd
Summary: Bob told you that Chronos carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while someone by the name of Pete Mitchell told you over the phone that your husband had been involved in a training accident….Well—you felt as if you'd fallen straight into it.
Warnings: Bob Floyd x Pregnant F!reader. F-18 accident. Medical inaccuracies. Birth. Bob Whump, ANGST. Major character death.
Word Count: 6.1k
Author Note: Today is Monday, for most of you it’s Sunday: Please enjoy this oneshot that’s been a work in progress since the 28th of March. ~ Last minute title name change. I’m posting this at 4am my time so blow this up.
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First there was a storm of carbon and molten rock which begat granite and soil. Then, the land shook and it cracked and it rose till it spiked the sky. Forest grew and died and grew a hundred times again. And then people grew and died and grew and died a hundred times again. There were storms and seasons and fences and blood. Wonder and vengeance and a whole lot of regret….
And through every grievance, every war, the land and the sky didn't give two shits about any of it. Bob Floyd knew that as he and his front seater, Natasha Phoenix Trance, fell through the sky in a tin bird designed by man, for man to destroy other men….
That it wouldn't give two shits about them either. 
“Extinguishing right engine!” There were far too many sounds coming from every system possible as Phoenix tried to regain control of the F-18 that seemed impossible to wrangle. All Bob could think about in those utterly terrifying moments was you. 
He’d always made it a promise to come home to you. He knew how much you worried about him, how much the thought of being left behind ping ponged around in your brain. How sometimes you'd stay up all hours of the night hoping that wherever he was and whatever ocean he flew across that he was okay. That he was safe and that he;d come home to you. 
Robert Floyd had made you a promise he had every intention of keeping, but he wasn't so sure he could. 
“Phoenix, Bob! Punch out! Punch out!” Maverick shouted through the comms as he chased the rogue fighter jet down. Bob looked around at all the warnings flashing in his face, there was nothing left to save except themselves. 
“Phoenix there’s warning lights everywhere, we’re in hydraulic failure!” All Bob prayed for in those terrifying moments as his colleagues watched on in pure shock horror from the ground below was that he’d get a chance to tell you he loved you again. 
He always told you that he’d come home, that there wasn’t a chance in hell that he wouldn’t. You knew better than to believe Government Property though, Bob knew you knew that there was always a chance. So he promised in the event of his untimely demise that he’d come back to you and wiggle your earlobe. To let you know he made it safe and sound. That you need not worry about him anymore. 
You promised him the same thing, because working from home was just as terrifying as flying a multimillion dollar fighter jet. 
“I can’t control it!” But as the ground grew closer and closer, Bob knew he wasn’t ready to die, he wasn’t ready to leave you behind and he certainly wasn’t ready to not meet his unborn child. 
“We’re going down, Phoenix! We’re going in! We’re going in!” He wasn’t ready to wiggle your ear. 
“You can’t save it! eject, eject!” Maverick shouted again, he was watching on like he’d been sucked into some kind of timeloop. He’d seen this happen before. Only he lost his best friend when to this day he thought it should have been him. 
“Eject! Eject! Eject!” Were the last three words Bob heard escape from Phoenix’s mouth before he was reaching between his legs to pull at the emergency yellow and black striped handle that sent him flying out of the cockpit. He’d been taught how to handle a situation like this, they all had. Every single naval aviator currently on active duty had been taught what to do when they needed to eject. 
But when Bob's head hit the top of the cockpit? He didn’t care for procedures and protocol and what he should or shouldn’t have done in the moment, all he cared about was you and holding on to whatever consciousness he had left as he tumbled through the sky at a rapid pace. Reaching for his parachute in just the nic of time. 
Knowing if he hit the ground where the land had shook and cracked and rose till it spiked the sky that it wouldn’t have given a shit. It wouldn’t have been all that forgiving and it certainly wouldn’t have mourned his untimely demise. 
So Bob faught until he hit the ground with a not so graceful thud, he hit the ground hard—with an almighty groan as his ribs popped and his head throbbed inside his helmet. 
“Ahhh!” He gasped as he clutched at his stomach, forgetting how to breathe as the darkness of tunnel vision claimed its next victim. Unconsciousness overcoming its latest casualty: 
Bob Floyd. 
Bob had asked you once when you were wrapped up in his arms in the dead of the night, listening to the storm raging on outside if you knew anything at all about a Greek God called Chronos. When you had chuckled out a soft no as his lips trailed up your neck and his slightly calloused hands roamed your body like they knew every inch, Bob told you that he carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while someone by the name of Pete Mitchell told you over the phone that your husband had been involved in a training accident….
Well—you felt as if you'd fallen straight into it.
You felt like you'd fallen into the cosmic existence between now and soon to come, plummeting into a realm where time didn’t exist and light didn’t reach. You tumbled into a parallel dimension where nothing made sense, nothing seemed tangible or real. You descended into a world where Bob Floyd wasn’t around. 
“Your husband was involved in an accident during a training exercise this afternoon—“. 
At the sound of Pete Maverick Mitchell’s voice explaining that there had been an accident on base during an exercise—you begun to crack, you started slipping further and further into the unknown because Bob had always said he’d never leave and if he did you’d feel him tugging on your earlobe to let you know he got there safe and sound. 
There was no one tugging on your earlobe though, no soul that had passed on or ghostly figure watching over you. What there was though, was a radiating warmth between your legs. A wetness that shouldn't have been there. 
Had your water just broken? 
“Oh—oh god.” You gasped as you looked down, gripping the side of the kitchen island as you groaned out a prolonged, primal moan. You were in labour there was no doubt about it. “Ahh.” 
“Mrs Floyd? Are you alright?” The voice on the other end of the line asked with a confused undertone as you watched the seconds tick past on the ongoing call. 
“I uh—“ You tried to speak, tried to make sense of what you were hearing, what you were experiencing. Pain in every aspect both physically, emotionally and mentally. “I think my water just broke.” 
“Oh—“ Maverick couldn’t suppress his shock nor could he disguise his sudden state of disbelief. “Oh okay, I’ll uh—I'll have an ambulance come by right away.” You replied with a sharp groan. Doubling over as you felt how hard your stomach had truly become. This was happening, everything was happening all at once and you had lost focus in the pain of both worrying about the state your husband was currently in and the fact your baby was on their way. “Mrs Floyd, someone will be there very soon, I’m gonna stay on the line with you until they arrive.” 
“I need Bob—“ You’d begun to cry as you kneeled on the kitchen floor before you decided that sitting up against the cabinet with your legs outstretched felt a hell of a lot more comfortable. “I need my husband, I can't do this without him.” You felt warm tears streaming down your cheeks as your bottom lip quivered and another painful contraction rippled through your body. Every fibre of your being ignited in a fireball. “Ahhh—I won’t do this without my husband!” 
On the other side of the phone call that had taken a rather drastic turn, Mav looked to Phoenix who was being wheeled into the awaiting ambulance on the tarmac. Bob was next, Pete didn’t have the heart to tell the Weapons Systems Officer that had just escaped death that his wife, who he hadn’t mentioned to a soul beside Phoenix, that his wife’s water had just broken. 
“Phoenix, hey—“ Pete stopped the medics briefly, they looked at Pete like he was risking her life by wasting valuable time. But this was just as important. “What’s Bob's wife’s name?” Pete wanted to know so he could be a little more personal. 
The truth was Natasha didn’t even know, she’d seen the picture of you in Bob's wallet that he’d shown her, but Bob had only ever called you by your nickname. Bob's beloved term of endearment. 
“He’s only ever called her Peach, I don’t even know her name.” Phoenix cried. She was still trying to process what had happened—she felt like the blame was all her own to bear. She’d damn near killed her back seater and she didn’t even know his wife’s real name or that you were pregnant. “I nearly killed him and I don’t even know his wife’s name—“ 
“Hey hey hey.” Mav tried to soothe the clearly shocked pilot. “It wasn’t your fault, it could’ve happened to anyone, Phoenix.” Mav smiled softly as he held the phone back to his ear, he was still yet to call Phoenix's emergency contact, her sister Lily. It wasn’t inherently Mavericks' job to call the emergency contacts listed in Bob and Phoenix’s files, but it was his duty, his responsibility. 
He was going to as soon as he’d informed you, however, Pete wasn’t expecting this call to take the turn it had. “Peach, you there?” 
There was no answer, Simply whimpers. When you’d doubled over in pain in the kitchen you’d left your phone on the island bench top. It was far too out of reach now as you sat trying to breathe through the latest contraction that bodied you. 
“Peach—“ Mav started, but as he did so saw the medics wheeling Bob closer and closer to the ambulance waiting on the tarmac. He couldn’t say anything, not when Bob was still fighting to stay conscious. “Mrs Floyd, someone will be there as soon as they can, I promise.” 
“Bbboooooobb—!” You cried out. “I can’t do this!” It was all too much for you to handle, the immense pressure, the anxiety, the fear of losing your husband. “I can’t fucking do this!” You never thought in your wildest dreams you’d have to do this alone. Bob always said he’d be right with you every single step of the way. And up until right now he had been. 
“Someone’s coming Peach.” Maverick knew you couldn’t hear him, but he couldn’t bring himself to put the phone down. He looked at Bob being wheeled into the back of the ambulance on a stretcher, wondering if his decision to not say anything as of right now was a bad decision. He seemed to always be full of those. 
“Someone’s coming—“
By the time Bob was brought back to the North Island Base Hospital, he was very aware that someone would need to call his emergency contact about what had happened. Someone was going to need to call you, he thought it would be best if he was the one who called. 
With a throbbing headache and a few cuts and gashes, Bob let the nurses and doctors tend to his aid without much of a fight. He knew he needed the care, knew it was for the best if he just let everyone do their jobs. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and if he put up a fight they would only keep him admitted for longer. 
“You got a partner Robert? A wife or husband that we need to call?” Doctor Austin asked as he shined a light into Bob's eyes, watching carefully as he followed the light side to side. 
“I have a wife–” Bob mumbled, his head hurt from when he’d hit the ground not so gracefully but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle as he sat up on the hospital bed with his legs hanging off the side. Phoenix was laying with an ice pack over her eyes on the other bed. “She’s um, she's pregnant, could go any day now.” Doctor Austin chuckled as he clicked his pen light off and placed it into his top pocket. Sending Bob an all knowing look. 
“And you thought it was a good idea to fall outta the sky?” Bob's ribs hurt when he laughed softly, cupping at his side as he did so, laughing with the doctor who had cleared him and Natasha of any serious injury. “My good man, I can't say that's a good mix.” But there were still observations that needed to be made and a few more tests just to be sure. He wasn't out of the woods. 
“Yeah I think you might be right doc—“ Bob smiled softly. “But can I be the one to call her? She’ll probably take the news a little better if she heard it from me.” 
“I’ll see what I can do Lieutenant.” Doctor Austin nodded as he picked up his charts and headed out of the room, leaving Phoenix and Bob in the heavy silence of the aftermath of their near death experience. 
“What’s her name?” Phoenix mumbled from behind the ice pack she kept over her eyes. 
“Y/n—“ Bob replied softly as he played with the wedding band that was strung through his dog tags. “We’ve been together since high school.” 
“Why do you call her Peach?” 
“Because she’s as sweet as the peaches from the orchard my grandma used to own.” Bob couldn’t stop himself from bashfully blushing, a hume all consuming crept across the apples of his cheeks whenever he spoke about you. “We’re about to have a baby, the detachment was meant to be my last before I could access my paternity leave entitlements.” 
“Rough last assignment—“ Phoenix chuckled as she shook her head in disbelief. Bob agreed silently, it was a rough last assignment. “You don’t talk about her an awful lot do you?” 
“I would—“ Bob pressed his lips together. “Just no one really asked.” It was then that Phoenix realised that she didn’t know an awful lot about the man who had gone down with her. The man who sat behind her and had her back in the sky. Her WSO. “And I guess we’re not here for all that long anyway so I just kept her to myself, she’s a nice reminder that even after the rough days we’ve been having I get to go home, safe and in one piece to the woman I love.” 
“Do you guys know what your having?” Phoenix didn't mean to pry, but she felt an overwhelming pressure to get to know the person she had been flying with since being requested for this detachment. Bob shook his head in response. 
“Nah, we wanted to keep it a surprise.” Just as Bob was finishing his sentences Doctor Austin returned, his face looked all kinds of pale and worry was written in the deep lines across his forehead. 
“Lieutenant Floyd it looks as if your wife was just admitted into the maternity ward—“ Bob's heart stopped beating inside his chest as he listened to Doctor Austin. “It appears that she was contacted earlier about your accident and the shock sent her into labour—“ 
“I uh—I need to see her.” Bob mumbled as he slid off the exam bed and nearly fell to the floor. His knees were so weak from the shock and adrenaline from the accident and now the realisation that he was about to be a first time dad. “I need to see my wife, where is she?” 
“Lieutenant, I know this must be a stressful situation for you but I really advise against leaving until we’ve finished with your own test. We still need to get you in for—“ 
“I won’t miss the birth of my baby.” Bob shook his head in defiance. “No, I won’t leave her to do that alone, she needs me—I know she does because I know how scared she is about doing this alone.” 
“No no you have to listen to me. I can't let her do this alone because I’ve heard her cry about it in the middle of the night.” Phoenix's heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched Bob plead with the doctor and the nurses that had come in to try and subdue him. “She’s scared I won’t come back one day and today was almost that day and now she’s giving birth to our baby alone after I promised I’d be here for her—“ 
“We can’t let you go, it would be against all my medical advice.” Doctor Austin tried to explain. “I understand the difficulty of the situation Mr Floyd but your health and wellbeing is our number one priority.”
“But you have to let me!! That’s my wife! She needs me! Please—“ You needed your husband, things weren’t travelling all that well in the delivery room. You weren’t ready to have this baby—not if Bob wasn’t there with you. Not if Bob had left you behind, he was too young to die. He couldn’t leave you here by yourself to raise a baby, his baby, on your own. He promised he wouldn’t. 
“Mrs Floyd, you are going to have this baby.” 
“Aahhhhhh! I’m not doing this without my husband!” You groaned out. You were covered in sweat and crying your heart out as one of the labour and delivery nurses held your hand and placed a cool washcloth to your forehead. “I won’t have this baby without him, do you understand me!” 
“Someone needs to contact her husband—“ Everyone from the King of England to the Hounds of Hell could hear you screaming. It had been a rather quiet day for the L&D department. Until the ambulance had brought you in. 
“We can’t reach him, but I’ll try again.” One of the intern labour and delivery nurses replied as she rushed out of the room, she sprinted towards the nurses station in a hurry. So fast she almost went straight past it, she came to a halt with a flustered sigh.“I need you to try contacting Mr Floyd again, his wife won’t cooperate—she’s refusing to give birth to this baby without him.” 
“She knows how having a baby works doesn’t she?” One of the older nurses sitting at the desk rolled her eyes. “That baby, no matter the circumstances, isn’t going to wait for anyone.”
“I’ll let the L&D ward know you’re here as a patient but that’s the best I can do at this stage Lieutenant, I can’t in good conscience let you leave this ward without having run through all the proper medical procedures to make sure you’re fit to return to work.” Doctor Austin wasn’t trying to be the bay guy, if anything he wanted nothing more than to send Bob on his way—but he couldn’t, he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing he didn’t do his job to the best of his ability. “My primary priority is you and Miss Trance here.” 
“You don’t understand!” Bob ran his hands through his hair as his bottom lip quivered. He was holding back tears as he looked up to the ceiling—begging whatever God up there that saved him this morning to work just a little more magic. “She won’t have this baby without me, that was the deal—I needed to be there and now that I’m not—“
“She can’t not have the baby Robert.” Doctor Austin sighed, that was the moment Bob knew he needed out. He needed to get to you, he needed to be there by your side and whisper how beautiful and strong and amazing you are for being a whole person into this world. Because if there was one thing you were, it was strong willed, and you weren't going to have this baby without him. That was a promise. “I’ll go talk with L&D and I’ll be right back.” 
“Tell my wife I’m here!” Bob shouted as Doctor Austin left the room, Bob felt like he couldn’t breathe. There was a pressure mounting inside his chest, like an elephant was perched upon his chest. “I’m—I’m here.” He broke. Tears streamed down his grazed cheeks as Phoenix hobbled over. She’d done a little damage to herself but nothing a little rest and recovery couldn’t fix. 
They were lucky—oh so lucky. 
“She's gonna be okay.” Natasha tried her best to comfort the Weapons System Officer she hardly knew, but Bob was long gone. He’d fallen deep into that hole, the one that the Greek God Chronos had created to separate this life from the next one. He was falling through a helpless paradox of anxiety and fear. You were about to give birth and he was going to miss it. As he crouched down as a whale of pain escaped his parted lips, Bob wished for nothing more than to reverse time.
Because if he could just simply reserve time then he wouldn’t have gone into work this morning. And none of this would be happening. 
“Desmond, she’s not doing well, at all.” Lily, one of your delivery nurses, pleaded with Bob's doctor to just let him come to your aid. “She thinks he’s dead, something about an accident he was in this morning.” 
“F-18 ejection, he hit the ground pretty hard.” Doctors Austin looked in at you on the bed, in the middle of active labour, fighting every urge you had to push. You weren’t having this baby, not without Bob, the love of your life, your best friend, your husband. “He’s fine, but he’s in for observation overnight and I’m still waiting for his result to come back from his MRI.” 
“If she doesn’t see her husband soon she’s going to need an emergency c-section and I for one am not about to place a panicked mother to be under the knife unless it’s critical.” Lily was your voice of reason. You couldn’t plead with Doctor Austin to let your husband go yourself so she did it for you. “If your patient can walk, hold his wife’s hand while she delivers their child and can sign a waiver saying he waved all medical advice then send him down here before she loses this baby.” 
“You L&D ladies think you know everything—“ 
“Just bring me her damn husband before it’s too late.” 
Bob felt like he’d been condemned to some eternal hell, time froze as the walls of the hospital room he sat in with Phoenix grew closer and closer. He felt claustrophobic for the first time in a long time. 
“How did the two of you meet?” Phoenix tried to keep Bob's mind from going to places too dark to fathom. He needed a distraction from the fact he was here with her and you were delivering his child. All alone. 
“I was never good at history, she was my partner for this assessment we had in ancient history class once, everyone was doing their research on Pompeii but not Peach.” Bob chuckled to himself at the memory. “No she wanted to do Herculaneum and it turned out to be the only project I ever got an A on for that class.” You were just it for Bob. There was something special about your aura. Your ability to draw him close like a moth entranced by a flame. You took his breath away every time you told him you loved him. 
Your love sent Bob's heart clear out of this world. 
“We kinda just never left each other's side since then.” Bob explained as he sat against the wall on the floor with his elbows on his knees. “She’s always been so supportive of what I do even though I know it scares her more than anything to see me walk out that door every morning and she worries endlessly whenever I’m deployed.” 
“Becoming she loves you.” Phoenix wished she knew a love like Bobs, but her time hadn’t come yet. Bob nodded along as he twirled his wedding band around his finger as it hung from his dog tags. 
“Because she loves me.” 
“Floyd—“ Doctor Austin made his presence known as he chucked Bob a blue hospital gown and cap. “Put those on, sign this form that says you're going against my professional medical advice and follow me, you’re needed in labour and delivery.”
“Push! Y/n dear you need to push—!” Lily tried to persuade you to push when your next contraction hit but you were too far gone. You weren’t ready to be a mother, not without Bob there to be a father. 
“No! No, I'm not having this baby!” It was the hardest thing to hear as Bob came racing down the hall, his entire body ached from bruises, his head felt heavy on his shoulders from his concussion. But he was okay, he was alive. “I’m not! I won’t! I can’t do this without him!” You cried out in pain as you fought the urge to push, you swore your teeth were about to crush under the force of you clenching. A scream so heartbreaking and primal ripped through you as your body began to betray you. You were fighting nature's course and it wasn’t going well.
“She needs to push—she’s losing too much blood.” One of the nurses stated as a matter of factly just as Bob made it to the door. He froze at the sight of you, how could you look so beautiful in so much pain? He thought he was going to pass out as he took steady, slow steps into the room. 
“I’m here—“ Bob cooed as he came up to your beside. “I’m here Peach I’m here.”
“Bob?” You turned in a delirious state to where your husband's voice had come from. “No no I thought you—“
“I’m okay.” He smiled as he bent over to kiss your forehead and splay his hand on top of your head to push your hair away from your face. “I’m here, I told you I’d be here didn’t I?” 
“I thought you died, I thought you were in an accident?” You could barely focus, you felt so light headed that the world felt like it was spinning. “I thought—“
“Hey, hey you need to push alright? You can push now baby because I’m here and I’m with you and I’m fine.” Bob reassured you as you sobbed and nodded as he kissed your lips softly and held your hand. “You’re so strong, you’re so brave, and I love you so much, please push mama.” 
“This baby is coming whether you're ready or not Mrs Floyd so I’m gonna need you to focus so we can get this baby out.” Lily rounded the bed as she positioned herself between your legs. Bob felt you tighten your grip around his head and everything stopped. Time stood still, your screams were all but drowned out by the excitement and fear in Bob's heart. 
“Yes, Y/n good job. I can see bubs head you’re doing so well! Oh your next contraction I need you to push until I tell you to stop.” Lily smiled as you let your head fall back against the bed. 
“You’ve been telling me to push and now you don’t want me to push!?” You hissed. Bob couldn’t help but to chuckle. He was so amazed by your strength. 
“Yep, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.” Lily chuckled. She knew you were close, barreling towards another contraction. She could see it. “Alright this is the one mama, big push for me and bubs will be here in no time.” 
“Bob! It hurts! Make it stop!” You cried out, Bob wished he could take all your pain and experience it himself. He never wanted to see you in such a state, but your baby was coming, the baby you’d made together. You’d created together late one night or in the early hours of the morning he wasn’t too sure. But what he was sure of was that you could do this. “It hurts!!” 
“Push Mrs Floyd!” Lily shouted. 
“Come on peach push! push!” Bob willed you on as you did. You shouted  and cried and squeezed your husband’s hand so hard he thought you were about to break his damn hand. But this was it. Your baby was coming. 
“Okay okay the heads out stop!” Lily guided you as you let your head fall back against the bed in pure exhaustion. You were dehydrated, covered in sweat and ready to give up. “So I lied before, you’re gonna give me one smaller push to help bubs out Y/n and that it’s—you're done.” 
“I can’t.” 
“No peach you can.” Bob cooed. “You can because you’ve come this far.” 
“I’m not even sure if you're here or not.” You sobbed as you reached out to caress Bob's cheek. “I’m not even sure if you're here with me or if I’m seeing things.”
“I’m here, I’m real.” Bob whispered in your ear. “And we’re having our baby Peach, just one more little push and it’s gonna be you and me and our little one against the world.” You nodded softly and you shut your eyes and groaned. “You can do it.” 
“Alright let’s have this baby! One more small push!” Lily announced as another contraction tour through your exhausted body. 
“Ahhhhhh!!” You shouted and Bob swore you bust his eardrum, but it was a small sacrifice as the cries of the world’s newest human echoed off the walls. 
“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Floyd you have a little baby girl.” Lily handed you your daughter the second she was born. Placing her on your chest within seconds of her arrival. 
“Oh Peach, she's so beautiful.” Bob cried as tears streamed down his cheeks. He swore he’d never be able to love someone more than he loved you. But as you held your newborn daughter on your chest he kinda thought he’d been wrong. He could love someone just as much as he loved you. Your daughter. 
“She's perfect, hi b-baby.” Your voice was all but a whisper as your head lulled to the side. You felt dizzy, lightheaded as your daughters cried softened. “I love you.” 
“Y/n? Sweetheart are you alright?” You didn’t reply but you looked up at your husband with a dazed expression, a tunnel had begun to form, edges of a dark black hole crept its way into your mind.
Chronos hole—the one between this world and the next. 
“Peach?” Alarms rang out as Lily removed your crying newborn just minutes earth side from your chest as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “No no no no what’s wrong what’s happening to her?” Bob asked as he tapped your cheek softly. “Hey, Peach, no stay with me, stay with me.” 
“Her blood pressure is dropping, she’s haemorrhaging.” Lily explained as she and a bunch of other nurses worked around you. “We need to get her into surgery, Mr Floyd.” 
“Sir, step back—“ An older nurse asked as she placed a hand on Bob's shoulder. He did as he watched Lily take a sample of your blood. 
“I’ll head directly to the lab to drop off the sample.” 
“Just make sure her surgeon has o-negative on the ready.” The only nurse replied as Bob stood there, watching as they wheeled you out on the same bed you'd just given birth in. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye, he didn't get a chance to tell you how much he loved you. 
“Uh, do I go with her or?” Bob didn’t know what to do, his whole world had been turned upside down and on its head already today, and again it had just flipped once more. There was one nurse left, he didn’t know her name, but she smiled politely at him. 
“No, you should stay here with your daughter, she needs her daddy now.” 
First there was a storm of carbon and molten rock which begat granite and soil. Then, the land shook and it cracked and it rose till it spiked the sky. Forest grew and died and grew a hundred times again. And then people grew and died and grew and died a hundred times again. There were storms and seasons and fences and blood. Wonder and vengeance and a whole lot of regret….
And through every grievance, every war, the land and the sky didn't give two shits about any of it. Bob Floyd knew that as he sat with his newborn daughter in the maternity room of the Miramar Base Hospital designed by man, for man to help other men with westernised medical procedures and treatments…
That it wouldn't give two shits about you either. 
“Hey..” A gruff voice came from the doorway, it took Bob all his light and all his remaining energy to look up from his daughter. The light and life of you. “I uh, I just thought I’d come check in on you and Phoenix.” Mav crossed his arms over his chest as he moved into the room. “How’s your wife doing?” 
“I don’t know.” Bob explained as he rocked his little girl, skin to skin was important so he’d stripped off what he could. “She’s still in surgery.” Pete could see the worry written in the lines of Bob's face. But the little girl who cried against his shoulder had him mesmerised. “Sorry darlin, I got you, daddy’s here.” 
“She’s a little beauty isn’t she?” Mav sat down beside the WSO who’d had a longer day then most. “You get a chance to name her yet? Before—?” Mav didn’t have to say before you went into shock. Your body had been through a lot and the nurses believed if you hadn’t held on so long, held back against what your body was telling you it needed to do then there was a possibility that it could have been a rather smooth delivery. Bob took that personally, the only reason you were holding back was because he wasn't here for you when you needed him the most. 
“No, but we’ll name her after, for now she’s baby Peach.” 
“Your wife’s nickname.” Mav replied softly as he looked up. He knew then and there what was about to happen. 
Bob knew there was a Doctor standing in the doorway. He didn’t dare look up. He knew if he looked up he’d be told the worst news of his life. 
Bob remembered that had asked you once when you were wrapped up in his arms in the dead of the night, listening to the storm raging on outside if you knew anything at all about a Greek God called Chronos. He remembered that you had chuckled out a soft no as he trailed his lips up your neck. Bob told you that he carried a sickle, that he used it to cut a hole, a tear in the cosmos between heaven and earth. Chronos did that to separate this world from the next, to separate the known from the unknown.
And while a Doctor by the name of Henry Nardella told him that you didn’t make it through the surgery, that you'd left him and your daughter behind, in a world where nothing made sense without you in it. 
Well—Robert Floyd felt as if he’d fallen straight into it. 
“No, please don't leave me here.” Bob felt like he’d fallen into the cosmic existence between now and soon to come, plummeting into a realm where time didn’t exist and light didn’t reach. He felt like he had tumbled into a parallel dimension where nothing made sense, nothing seemed tangible or real. He’d descended into a world where you weren't around. “No Peach, no.” 
But at the touch of his earlobe, a slight pressure formed at the lobe. So warm and comforting. Bob knew as your baby girl settled in against his chest at the lub dub of his heart beating for you–he knew you were safe on the other side. 
Because you had tugged on his earlobe, just like you promised you would. 
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hanhonymous · 3 months
The Trainee’s workplace authenticity
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One of my favorite things about workplace TV shows is when the characters actually do work. AND when the details of such work are not only relatively accurate, but also essential to how the characters relate to themselves, the world and each other. So far, "The Trainee" is giving that to me in the first two episodes.
Having interned/been an assistant at a TV production company and later moving to entertainment journalism and managing interns/junior writers there, I can appreciate both Ryan's and Jane's POVs. Here's what I liked so far:
Good Pick's pink tube slide and movie theater seats in the lobby - A lot of these entertainment-adjacent companies take a cue from Silicon Valley and have this frivolous, frat-boy design aesthetic -- bean bag chairs, foosball tables, etc. I worked in an office that had a ping-pong table. The idea is to make it fun enough that people want to stay in the office and work longer, which isn't really all that great. You stop seeing that fun stuff after a while and just want to get home. That said, I'd love to work in a company with a fire pole in it, but that would be too much of a liability.
Ryan's fluke hiring - Baimon totally hearing what he wants to hear from Ryan in that sham interview is hilarious but sadly not all that unusual. What sucks is that this is unfair to the manager who then must work with the unqualified person, and unfair to that person hired also, who isn't the best fit for the position. I've been the person saddled by the unfortunate hire and have had to make do … and sometimes you can figure it out, but often you're left doing extra work to make up for their deficits. If it's just an intern, no problem -- they'll be gone in a few months. I felt Jane's pain!
Ryan's uncertainty & silence - That said, Ryan clearly wants to do well but is out of his depth since this was not even what he was learning in school. I remember the first day as a journalist for a small company where I kind of was on my own, and nobody told me what to do. I was like, "WTF??" Part of you doesn't want to ask questions lest you expose your imposter identity, but you're also wondering just how long you can do nothing before someone notices.
The printer always breaks down -- always. You get pretty good at troubleshooting everything until resorting to calling a technician
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Jane's prickly demeanor - The fact is that in any company, people who are competent can move up, but that doesn't automatically infuse them with good managerial skills. I think workshops, etc. are a must for anyone who gets promoted and suddenly have people reporting to them. Everyone can get frustrated when they're overwhelmed, so I do have some sympathy for Jane. He does have one skill that I think is essential to be a good manager: identifying and acknowledging the strengths of an employee. It really makes all the difference that he finally sees Ryan as an asset, not a hindrance.
Ryan's skills aren't that bad at all - As soon as Ryan tells his family that he's no help to anyone at work, he immediately shows five different ways how much he's relied on by his family. Yes, people who are competent, reliable and can anticipate needs (like how his sister needs to be reminded to charge the battery after using the camera) will be able to apply those skills to other situations and can go far. Ryan just needs to familiarize himself with the industry first in order to know how he can fill in the gaps. (I believe in being able to change careers and taking big pivots in life.)
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The interns banding together - OMG I remember sometimes just being unsupervised while trying to get a project together, and there is a strange bond you have being the youngest and least experienced. And you do have the most stupid conversations.
Being one cog in a bigger machine - I really appreciate how they show all the different departments that have to come together to make one project work -- especially when last-minute changes need to be implemented or a persnickety client has opinions. You complain, you worry, you put in extra late hours and have to make 11th-hour fixes -- but it's so satisfying to see it all come together. Shit goes down, and you fix it.
Hiring extras - The hiring of extras at Good Pick was different from what I've experienced. I actually have been an extra, and what I'm used to is being part of a company or agency that has you in their database, and then you get picked or cast by that company and sent to your gig. But that's in Hollywood and for TV shows & movies. It's probably different for ad houses or in Thailand, but I did like how they showed that it is still a casting process. There are deliberate decisions made, and certain looks sought out. I thought it was hilarious that Ryan's first thought for hiring the salaryman was to get an uncle from the same restaurant as the auntie. If he had his way, everyone in that restaurant would be hired for some gig or another.
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Ryan getting scammed by the extra - I was screaming at Ryan as soon as he offered to pay that scammer extra. Just … no, boy. You had to have known that was shady. BUT despite being duped, he was willing to think on his feet and try to solve a problem by being proactive, and that does happen. And so do mistakes. He just needs to calibrate his radar for what is OK. (I'm glad Jane saw that.) Ryan is lucky that it only cost him 1,000 baht for that lesson.
Extras must be on hand and wait - OK this is a scene in the preview for Episode 3, but I was so happy to see it: Extras in Hollywood actually cannot just spend 5 minutes or whatever to do their job, even if that's how much you see them onscreen. There's a ton of hurry up and wait on film sets, and so extras have to stay in Holding -- usually just a designated area with some chairs (sometimes you get tables) -- until you're needed. And production schedules never run on time, so it can be hours or even days. You're lucky if you're there long enough to get a meal, if the temperature is nice, if you're able to make friends with the others and if there's wifi. Sometimes you bring your own clothes for wardrobe based on what you're told, and sometimes the wardrobe department supplements your wardrobe with extra pieces to help complete a specific look. And yeah, you're not able to leave except for the bathroom, so Ryan definitely shouldn't have let that one extra wander off.
"Ryan After Work" - I like these post-credit sequences that give extra insights into the job. And while the first one was more instructional, explaining how the production house differed from an agency, the second was more about the cohort camaraderie (and hinting at Ryan's positive feelings toward Jane). I hope the romance aspect of the show doesn't overshadow the work specificity going forward!
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mychlapci · 1 month
I know we’re like. Kinda over it by now? But I can’t stop thinking about ageswap Prowl at an Autobot high command “meeting.” As in, a much more casual affair than a true meeting, where there’s some trivia shit to go over but it’s mostly just an excuse for them all to see each other. Sometimes casually. Sometimes for kinky sex. Prowl’s standing against the wall behind his mentors taking notes like a good little trainee as Optimus settles some minor issues and command talks shop. Except Prowl’s still expected to keep his spike hard all the time for Sunstreaker and Sideswipe—to help him learn some self control, allegedly. And there’s really nothing sexy about bureaucracy for Prowl… so he needs to sneak a little rub to his panel. He can’t just leave, after all, and he really doesn’t want to have to ask for his spankings if he fails. It feels so naughty and so very good, surreptitiously groping his crotch plating and cycling his calipers down on the vibrating plug in his pussy.
He probably even thinks he’s getting away with it, which is cute. Prowl’s trying so hard to stifle his cute little noises, cooling fans trying to kick in. There’s so many mechs in the room, not one paying Prowl any attention as he pets and grabs his panel. His spike twitches uselessly, but it pings against the inside of his panel as it returns to full pressurization. Of course, at that point literally everyone has noticed and was just waiting for Prowl to slip up. Now everyone stares openly, and Prowl can’t help but whimper. Spike throbbing in time with the purr of his engine.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, faceplates hot. Someone laughs outright. It only makes Prowl shuffle on the spot, charge climbing. Sideswipe sighs deeply, Sunstreaker scowls. But the Prime only beckons.
Standing so close to the mech, his direct attention makes Prowl swallow hard.
“And just what were you doing over there, young mech?” Optimus asks, a knowing smile curling at the edges of his mouth.
“‘M supposed to keep my spike hard, Prime,” Prowl mumbles to his feet, “I’m a good mech, promise.” The whole room is staring, optics burning into the trainee. Jazz leans back in his chair, feet kicked up onto the conference table. Groping his own modesty plate.
“Well then,” Optimus says mildly, hauling Prowl up to sit him on his lap, “why don’t you open this up so that we can all see how very good you are?” Always on his best behavior for his mentors, Prowl’s panel opens with a click and a hiss. His wet, plugged pussy and achy spike are on display tow the room, legs spread by Optimus’ hand. His red biolights flare with his arousal.
And Prowl spends the whole meeting there, panel open and either playing with his spike or trying desperately not to overload when Optimus begins teasing it. Fiddling with the sound or sliding his huge fingers up the length. Right where everyone can see, where everyone is watching Prowl try not to fall to pieces. His little, ringed spike is so hot in his hand.
“Prime,” Prowl gasps when he feels the mech pull his plug free, the head of his spike already lining up to push inside. Pussy stretching deliciously around the huge shaft with a pleasant burn. Prowl’s still clutching at his notes pad with one hand and his own cock with the other.
“Hush, Prowl,” Optimus soothes as he settles in to his needy little spikewarmer, “the big mechs are talking.”
i'm never over ageswap Prowl. i still have an ask or two, i just haven't gotten to them yet. crying emoji...
I have been wanting to incorporate Optimus into it for a while. Of course he'd know... all his officers would have told him about the hot shot cadet with a tactician's processor and a big mouth. And over time, he'd learn just how they came to like him so much.
mhmm Prowl spike-warming Optimus... it's such a huge stretch, so intense even for his well-trained valve, and he can only squirm and shake in his lap, trying so hard not to move... Maybe Optimus starts to rock his hips into him once the meeting ends, or maybe he just dismisses the young cadet, telling him he's done a wonderful job and can leave now,.. He watches as Prowl stuffs his hot little spike back into his panels and limps out of the room, only to be snatched up by Sunny and Sides once out the door.
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So, uh, Fable ended.
And now I’m gonna be sappy on main.
I started watching Fable about half a year before I started being active in the fandom, around the time I started falling in love with my partner @hoardingpuffin . Watching Rae and Caspian’s relationship develop was actually part of what helped me realize that the things I was feeling for them were romantic and not just platonic. Surprisingly enough, that’s just the beginning of the profound effect Fable had on me.
I had never really interacted with fandom spaces before Fable. But when I caught up with lore sometime in November 2022, I decided to join the discord. It was a crazy place. Being someone who’d never really been in a server before I was completely overwhelmed and nervous, so I didn’t interact much for the first month or so.
Then I discovered that, despite the incredible love for the project, no one had made a “which character are you?” Quiz yet, so, I decided to fuck it and make one myself. The response I got to that was unlike any I had seen before. I was getting pinged weeks afterwards with people’s results and it made me really happy to see how much my work was appreciated by everyone in the community. It got me thinking about other ways I might be able to give back.
Then, as you all know, the stream “Call” and it’s partner “Response” came out on Ghosty and HeyHay’s channels. I’d been feeling so similarly to the two characters, dealing with my long distance relationship with Puffin. So, I took those feelings and the words Heyhay and Ghosty had used to convey them for their characters and put them into a song.
And then something insane happened.
Everyone liked it. Like, everyone liked it. This crappy recording I made at 2 AM suddenly got hundreds and then thousands of views when I put it on SoundCloud and YouTube. It was insane. I had written some songs before, but they’d always been ridiculed, so having a large group of people like the fable community enjoy something that I wrote was absolutely insane to me, and it encouraged me to make more.
I found myself being inspired by the characters in fable, connecting with different storylines or sentences said on streams. I found myself writing songs, one after another after another.  At one point I was writing a song a week for a period of about three months. I had never experienced this amount of raw creativity before, but every time I put a new song out, I only got encouraged to make more.
And then people started to ask me when I was going to put them on Spotify. And that was another moment that everything changed. I realized if I was gonna put these out there in such an official way I didn’t want it to just be a bunch of crappy recorded singles. So I needed to make an album.
That was something I had never considered doing before. I knew nothing about music editing or sound mixing. Up until that point all of my songs had been made on GarageBand at 2 AM with very little editing or mixing going into them. So, I started saving for a real music editing program and within a few months I got there.
Then came the actual making of the album. I took a few months off in the summer and just dove headfirst into it. Every spare moment I wasn’t modding for the Sherbathon, or the discord, or streaming my own lore, was spent working on those songs. And while looking back now I wish I knew what I know now about music editing, I’m so glad I did what I did. Putting that album out, seeing how you all responded to it… it made me realize that this is something I love, something that I don’t have to wait for someone else’s permission or teaching to do.
This fandom is the reason I’m a musical artist and that is something I don’t think I will ever be able to express the importance of enough.
As much as I could talk about the unending support and encouragement I received from the wonderful cast members throughout my experience making the album, or how being given the role of mod on the fandom discord taught me so much about how to be a creator in my own right, or even the amazing experience I had being able to make songs for the lore. When it comes right down to it, it was the community, cast and all, that impacted my life in the profound way it has been. So thank you, each and every one of you, whether you are a cast member, a fan, a fellow mod, or even just someone who streamed a song you didn’t have any context for. Thank you for changing my life, for giving me the encouragement to pursue my dreams.
Thank you Fable SMP cast, crew, and community 💕
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boydepartment · 2 months
i have something to say and idk if it’s controversial or not. noncon/dubcon mentioned
i’ve had to block a few ppl in the enhypen tag like just #enhypen or #riki or #riki x reader . because of how much
noncon/dubcon riki stuff is in the predominately sfw tags.
i do not personally agree with that little community who writes sm-t for him bc all of them have this ego complex of “i’m just better bc i don’t care >:(“ no, you have a really irresponsible and immature mindset when it comes to conflict. just because you “don’t care” doesn’t make you a good person or better than people who tell you to c-t yourself or d-e. it’s even worse if you’re like “i know i’m not a good person >:)” like okaaaay joker go rob a bank or something then.
back to the point- it’s to the grey area of time now where you can’t really stop them now anyways because it’s down to personal preference and their comfort of writing for him that way whether it’s “morally correct” to me or anyone reading this or not.
the one hill i will die on though, is i do not fw dubcon or noncon. even if its written as a trauma response sharing it and pushing your idols or celebrities(riki or other idols) into that is extremely horrible. if you write it because of trauma- keep it to yourself, and that’s none of my business. people cope in different ways whether i agree with it or not. writing your favorite idols as r-pists or manipulators to get what they want s-ually is extremely messed up especially when posted onto a public platform in regular #(insert idol group) and predominantly not nsfw tags. it’s irresponsible and subjects a younger audience(especially on tumblr. ao3 is another mess but at least ao3 is primarily used by an older crowd) to being exposed to thinking intimate acts like that is normal, when its absolutely not. and you might think “who would think that? it’s writing!” the amount of times people have openly stated in the fanfiction community admitting that they have never had s-x but will just write what they’ve picked up on is insane. same argument that p—n ruins mental health and mental image of healthy relationships if exposed to watching and consuming that content for too long.
this is coming from someone who was r—ed. i think it’s extremely insensitive to push idols onto that whether it’s written as a trauma response to the action or not. you’re putting innocent people and writing them as r-pists. fiction or not that’s weird.
and if it’s not written as a trauma response, i don’t understand the smut dubcon/noncon community’s fascination of getting r-ped. it’s a terrible thing to happen and i don’t wish it on anyone. the ptsd from it and how unclean you feel is so gut wrenching and there’s nothing you can do about it. part of your life gets taken from you and you can never get it back. there is lifelong trauma after that. almost everyday i wish after it happened to me he just killed me so i wouldn’t have to live with it. i still get nightmares and it’s led to sh and other mental issues that i just have to deal with now. why is that a fantasy to people?
back to the topic of people writing noncon/dubcon for riki (or any other idol but i’ve been seeing WAY too much for riki)
i might get comments saying “it’s not that serious it’s fanfiction it’s not real”
you’re writing about an 18 year old boy r-ping someone (the READER)
it’s the same argument of nsfw drawings of characters who are children. just bc it’s not real doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up and weird.
it is that serious and it’s weird and gross and mentally deranged. i will die on that hill.
i wont attack these people or start fights like i used to, i have a life outside of tumblr. but on my downtime i do check the #enhypen tag. and to see this shit sometimes floating around or even on the #riki tag. is just fucked.
idk it just upsets me, i obviously block these people and move on from my life bc i have goldfish memory but there’s like five accounts that just kept popping up in the past week that i’ve had to block. i know some people might be like “oh you really showed them!!1!!1!” in an annoying way, but either way i stand by my point that it’s fucked up and i’m human so i’m allowed to get upset by it.
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persnicketypomelo · 26 days
I haven't gotten through all the Metal Gear games, but I thought I would drop this just for funsies
obsession, stalking, spoilers for Metal Gear
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Yandere Solid Snake Headcanons
(This scene amuses me too much not to use)
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I feel like Solid Snake would be a very interesting concept, and I haven't really seen much of Metal Gear writing online
A real relationship where you grow old together and share your life isn't really possible due to his aging condition
As he grows older, I think he would realize that nothing would end happily for him or any other party involved
Snake's a charming, playboy type that flirts with every woman he meets
There's many ways you could meet him: both as a civilian he rescues, or involved in governmental work
I think his dynamic may shift though depending on who you are, but I will focus more on his relationship with a civilian
If he rescues you as a civilian, he would flirt with you constantly, whenever the opportunity arises
You can't blame him: your wide eyes, your blushing scowl when he drops suggestive complements, the way you so dutifully follow his directions--it would be hard not too fall for you honestly
It tickles his ego when you cower behind him or unintentionally grip onto his uniform
He likes feeling strong and capable, and the way you trail behind him makes him feel like your protector
It's a feeling Snake wouldn't mind getting used to with you...
And the more time he spends with you as he transports you to safety, the more his heart yearns for this to be something long-term
His mind and heart war with each other
He knows it isn't good for you to be involved with him; he's made enemies of dangerous people
People an innocent like you shouldn't ever be noticed by
Yet, some twisted, lonely part of him tells him to lock you up, and keep you all to himself, safe from the outside world
Once your safely out of harm's way, he reels his mind back in with a cigarette
He knows he should leave you to live a normal life without him
But maybe he wants to be able to indulge his heart, just this once
He's done so much for the stability of the world, after all
Luckily, Snake is nothing if not well-tempered, and that would show despite his obsession with you
It's unlikely he would do anything too drastic or extreme, as he is able to reign in his more volatile and darker impulses
That doesn't mean that he won't indulge them
At least a little bit
Maybe he attaches a tracker, or monitors your GPS location, or finds what cell towers your mobile phone pings to see where you go...
After a hard mission, he needs to see where you are and imagine what you're doing while he draws from a cigarette
It calms his nerves and stress to see your location or a picture of you, to know you're safe and living your life
Building off of this, I feel like he definitely has a collection of pictures of you, either digital or physical
Maybe not on his person during missions, as he wouldn't want to give any of the dangerous people he's tasked with neutralizing leverage on either you or him
For you, it's unlikely you would even know the level of surveillance he has on you
He's discreet like that
But once in a while, the pain of everything he's been through gets too much too bear, and even the photos of you aren't cutting it
On occasions like this, he tails you as you go about your life, oblivious to your shadow
Alternatively he may stand outside your house or apartment at night when you're asleep
Snake takes comfort in knowing you're right within his grasp, that there's so little separating you...
However his darker, more possessive impulses sometimes flare up in more nefarious ways, especially if you start to become interested in other people
There's no way he'd ever physically harm his rivals, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't...gently discourage them from dating you
You may wonder why your dating life is so terribly unlucky, why anyone you form any sort of relationship with ends up ghosting or blocking you
Sooner or later you may notice the shadow that trails your life, for better or worse
Maybe your attention can calm his growing desire and possessiveness for you
Because as stable as he is, sooner or later Snake may snap
For both his and your sake, I hope you can bring him peace of mind
Otherwise the consequences could be far worse than a few failed relationships
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Dividers by saradika-graphics
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dreadfutures · 5 months
impressions from the hades ii technical playtest
absolutely chock full of spoilers but also theories
Amazing gameplay, feels just as good as Hades 1 with improvements and creative changes. So many different builds/play styles will be possible. in the dev stream they talked about melee close quarters vs sorcery ranged, but I find myself doing HEAVY spellcasting while also stacking in heavy melee boons on the knives, and mixing and matching.
The boons have a few familiar perks but so many of them are new and creative, even for gods we know from the first game. All of them feel really good.
The SOUND EFFECTS are amazing. The sounds of your weapons change based on the boon equipped to each attack. the sounds of the arena change depending on the god at the end (if any). Nothing and I mean nothing makes the dopamine go off more than the sound of Hephaestus' boon blasts when I do my fan of knives and they all explode. PING PING PING.
I find myself doing "resource runs" and "story runs." they do overlap. It's tough to only have one harvesting item equipped at a time and I spent so much time looking for silver and looking that my eye has started slipping over the lone spirits who gives you psyche, even when Selene leads me to them lol. I do like that they have her guiding light, but it is subtle. I also like the way you can pin certain items when you're in a run so you can remember what you needed for a recipe.
Unfortunately I did so many harvest runs that I actually got all the recipes before I had a chance to USE forget me not on a run so.... woops on that fated list lol.
We are maybe going to romance Moros or Nemesis (probably both are options?) but maybe not both at the same time? since they're siblings technically (technically) (I wouldn't mind though). I love all these children of nyx and want to protect them and smooch them all.
EXCEPT. Mel is a Silver Sister, with Artemis and Selene. Does that mean she's gotta be a virginal girl squad? lol
I love sister Artemis. I love that she throws snacks!!!!! which is even more endearing bc it's fried and a chocolate bar and soda. I wonder if sometimes I hear a note of disapproval from her and I wonder where her plot will go later. Selene it's said may not be able to reach us in Tartarus, but Artemis might.
Speaking of found family.
I fucking adore Odysseus. I love Od. So. Much. Like I loved Achilles but Od is such a good girl dad for Mel, and his pep talks are the best and so sensitive ;_; what a guy I love him.
I think? that Hecate's familiars must be placeholders, since they're just little statues that vibrate when you give them treats. I can't wait to see where they go in the full game.
It's an interesting take on Hestia, that she hates everybody. It makes me wonder if we'll see Hera or not, since I kind of expect that behavior from Hera.
Hephaestus and Demeter and Aphrodite remain my favorite boon givers.
As far as I can tell there is no fishing rod in the playtest but there will be in the full game and I'm excited.
Arachne's self esteem hurts me 😫 I love you little bug!!!! I wonder if we'll find her shop in Olympus or in Tartarus -- and I worry about her. At least Athena is too busy to bother her! I hope! I love Mel's different outfits.
The amount of pets that Mel gets to have is delightful. I love her frog so much.
Hecate is fascinating. She is SUCH a mother, she is SO compassionate to Mel and trying to build her up! She is wry and dry but never cruel or negative. I love her sm. Poor Mel has some low self esteem and understandable doubts and is putting so much pressure on herself. And I really wonder about Hecate's relationship with Persephone and the house of Hades and with nyx. Nemesis says something that makes me wonder if Hecate is innocent. Either way I don't think she'll really be a villain. My heart would break if so. Mel would break.
Mel is so sweet and pure. ;_; and she says "death to chronos" so coldly. When she says "Hence I go" I just hear her as a little baby playing hide and seek with Hecate and it gives me so many feelings.
I want to know about Mel's arm!
I can't wait to see the other regions just from the Crossroads, since there's currently two doors we can't enter.
Also what are we going to DO with the fish?
Very exciting stuff.
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gabby297 · 3 months
You Look So Pretty, Pretty Like The Sun - Chapter 6
Rating: M
Link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55256683/chapters/143817463#main
By the time Buck entered the station late in the day, the sun was still shining brightly. He almost wished he didn't have to work today; everyone seemed to be out and about, if the busy highways were any indication. The thought of relaxing in Tommy's backyard with a bottle of beer and the mental image of Tommy shirtless, lounging in the sun did little to help his lack of motivation to go in.
The station was filled with the usual hustle and chatter of firefighters on duty. Buck quickly mumbled his hellos in passing and went to change into his uniform. As he fastened the last strap, Ravi entered the changing room.
"Cap's missing today," Ravi mentioned as he crossed the room to his locker.
"Hen's in charge?" Buck asked, shutting the door of his locker.
"Yep, I'm the stand-in for the day."
"Better than Anderson," Buck pointed out. He didn't have much against that guy, he just seemed a bit slower, sometimes tried to cut corners and whined too much when he had to do something tedious. At least he trained Ravi himself, he knew what he was capable of. "Anyone else around?"
"Yeah, upstairs. Only Eddie is missing," Ravi replied, adjusting his own uniform.
Buck nodded and headed towards the stairs.
"Where's Cap?" Buck asked as he draped himself on the sofa, his body sinking into the worn, comfortable cushions. Chimney, already there, grunted and shoved his shoulder to make space, his face barely lifting from the magazine he was flipping through
"Jacumba," Hen informed him while scrolling through her phone, her thumb moving swiftly over the screen.
"Jacumba? What's in Jacumba?" Buck pulled a face, puzzled. His eyebrows knitted together as he tried to recall if he knew anything about the place. His mind drew blank.
"Wish I knew. I came in and saw that I was rostered in," Hen replied with a shrug, her attention divided between the conversation and whatever was on her phone.
"Hey," Eddie greeted as he ascended the last step of the staircase. His eyes swept the room quickly, noting the absence of their captain. "Cap's not here?"
"Jacumba," the three of them chorused, almost in unison.
"Okay?" Eddie's eyebrow arched slightly, but didn't ask more. Instead, he headed to the kitchen area and rummaged through the cupboards, the sound of doors opening and closing filling the room.
"Hey, Eddie," Buck called out, craning his neck to look in his direction. "How was that date?"
"What date?" Eddie responded, his head emerging from behind a cupboard door, a box of cereal in his hand.
"Your date," Buck raised his eyebrow, as he sat up a bit straighter. "You know the one I babysat for?"
"Oh, yeah. Good."Eddie's gaze dropped to the cereal box as he scanned the label,
"That's exactly what you say after a good date." Chimney quipped finally looking up from the magazine.
"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise?" Hen asked jokingly.
"What? No! Everything's fine. Marisol is fine. We are fine," Eddie protested, his eyes landing on Buck, almost accusingly. "We should ask Buck that. How's Tommy? You buck up any more dates recently?"
"I'm only terrible on the first date. And Tommy's fine. Why are you changing the subject?" Buck shot back.
"I'm not changing the subject. There's nothing more to say. We had dinner, it was fine," Eddie insisted, his tone tinged with defensiveness.
Before Buck could probe deeper, the shrill of the bell rang out, cutting through the air with an urgent alarm.
"Saved by the bell. Literally." Hen chuckled as they all stood and rushed downstairs.
The trip downtown to a four-car collision blurred past as they wove through traffic, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The inside of the truck was quieter than usual, a common occurrence when one of their own was missing. The hum of the engine and the wail of the sirens were the only sounds breaking the silence.
Buck's phone pinged, and he was quick to reach for the phone out of his pocket. Tommy's name flashed across the screen.
Tommy: Have a good shift. Stay safe.
Buck reread the message a few times as a grin split across his face, warmth filling his chest. He quickly typed out a reply and looked up to everyone staring at him.
"What?" He asked.
"You are so down bad for the man Buckley," Hen tsk'ed as she nudged Buck's shoulder playfully.
"Seriously. Stop stealing my post-marriage glow with all the sick, puppy love thing you got going on." Chimney feigned exasperation, gave him a mock glare.
Buck's face flushed a deeper shade of red, and he shook his head. "Come on, guys," he protested lightly, still chuckling. "Let's focus on the job."
"Oh, we are focused." Eddie smirked, joining into the teasing. Traitor.
As they parked near the crash scene, they shifted into their roles and went to help the injured. Luckily no one was DUA and with Hen barking out the orders, they had everyone ready for transport to the nearest hospital.
"So what?" Buck inquired again as he hoisted the gear from the pavement. "Did you guys fight or something?"
"Buck," Eddie's voice groaned out, tinged with irritation. "We didn't fight. The date was fine, why are you so interested?"
"I don't know, man, you're acting weird about it," Buck pointed out, his gaze fixed on Eddie, searching for some clue in his friend's demeanor.
"How am I acting weird?" Eddie countered, his voice rising slightly, his brow furrowing in either confusion or irritation—it was hard to tell which.
"You're deflecting. And being all, I don't know, secretive."
"Drop it," Eddie muttered and walked up faster to the truck. Buck looked at his retreating back and sighed as he sped up as well to catch up. Something was definitely up.
Unfortunately, Buck had no time to hassle Eddie further for answers. The calls kept coming, one after another, with no break. Before long, the black of night began to give way to the early hints of dawn. Their last call ended up being a cat stuck in a tree—of all the things. Buck drew the short straw and was unlucky enough to be the one to climb up and get the gnarly thing out of the high branches.
His annoyance grew as, for the fourth time, the moment he got closer, the cat kept climbing higher. Each tentative step he took up the ladder seemed to send the cat further out of reach, its yellow eyes watching him with suspicion. The branches swayed slightly, making the task even more tedious.
He finally managed to grab it near the top, where the branches were thinner. While he wore thick gloves to protect his hands, the cat found his exposed face to be fair game. Its claws swiped at his cheek and forehead as it hissed and tried to squirm out of his grip. By the time he got down, he returned with souvenirs—namely, the scratches on his face that stung with each movement.
"Shut it," Buck grumbled to the team, who were cackling in the background. He passed the cat to its relieved owner, trying to ignore the snickers and side comments from his fellow firefighters.
"Always the hero, Buckaroo," Chimney grinned, shaking his head. Eddie, struggling to suppress his own laughter, gave Buck a hearty clap on the back,
By the time they returned to the station, drilling Eddie was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was getting into his bed and not moving for the next twelve hours. He breezed through the shift change, the shift change, quickly changed and grabbed his bag from the lockers.
"See you all tomorrow," he mumbled, waving off any further comments or jokes from the team.
The morning traffic was as congested as ever, making the journey feel even longer. When Buck finally shut the door of his loft behind him, the sun was already peeking through the windows. He tossed his bag by the door and wasted no time in shutting the blinds.
He went to brush his teeth and splashed some water on his face, making the scratches sting. The ping of his phone made his heart skipped a beat. No one from the station would contact him this soon, unless something catastrophic happened in the time it took him to get home, leading him to suspect the message was from Tommy. Finishing up in the bathroom, Buck didn't hesitate; he flopped onto his bed and reached for the phone.
Tommy: Morning, finished with your shift yet?
Buck smiled and, instead of bothering to reply, switched to his contacts and pressed the button for FaceTime. He knew Tommy was probably getting ready for his shift and hoped he could catch him mid-changing. It wasn't a full shift; Tommy said something about training a probie that Buck couldn't recall the details about, the important part was that he knew Tommy was coming over after it.
The screen soon lit up, revealing Tommy's face. To Buck's playful disappointment, he had missed the chance to catch Tommy shirtless; he was already seated in his car, sunglasses on, a coffee thermos in hand, the phone securely mounted. Buck took a moment to just admire the sight, practically salivating at the sight of Tommy's arms bulging in a tight Henley, steering the wheel easily with one hand.
"Hey, Evan," Tommy greeted, his voice cheerful and smooth. Buck watched as he took a double look at the screen. "What happened to your face?"
Buck automatically raised to touch the scratches and smiled sheepishly. "A very grumpy cat stuck in a tree. Eddie is allergic and we already made Ravi go into the sewer recently so it was my turn."
"The curse of being a firefighter," Tommy laughed, the sound rich and warm, echoing through the speakers. "But seriously, are you okay?"
Buck nodded, his grin widening. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few scratches. The sight of you makes it all better, though."
"Charmer," Tommy shook his head fondly. "You should get some sleep though."
"I'm fine," Buck tried to reassure him, though a yawn betrayed him. "Until you get to Harbor. I'll sleep then."
"If you are sure." Tommy's tone was skeptical but he didn't push it further. "How was the rest of the shift?"
Buck delved into recounting the calls they had responded to, particularly the more memorable one. Halfway through their shift, they were called to an apartment complex. A man, after indulging in a few drinks, decided to play hide and seek with his girlfriend and had comically managed to get himself stuck inside a washing machine. As Buck shared the story, he adjusted the pillows around him, propping up his phone so he could lie down on his side and still see Tommy's face on the screen. The makeshift setup did little to fend off his sleepiness, but he tried to push past it the best he could.
"Has Eddie seemed odd to you recently?" Buck finally asked, his voice heavy, trying to stifle another yawn.
"Not in particular. Why?"
"I don't know, something seems off. Like, I was babysitting Chris, and don't get me wrong—I love the kid and spending time with him—but it was specifically so Eddie could go on a date. And he was wearing his good cologne, you know?" But then I asked how it went and he got all weird and defensive about it."
"Trouble in paradise?"
"That's what Hen said!" Buck chuckled. "But has he said anything to you?"
"Not particularly, we don't really talk about relationships." Tommy's response was nonchalant.
"What do you talk about then?" Buck couldn't resist asking. He loved that Tommy and Eddie were friends.
"Uh, normal stuff, I guess. Work, cars, sports," Tommy shrugged. "He keeps things pretty surface level with me."
"Hmm, maybe you should ask him about it," Buck suggested teasingly, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "You know, to strengthen your bond."
"I'm not going to harass the poor man for you Evan," Tommy backed out a laugh. "You do that enough."
"Hey, who's side are you on?" Buck rolled his eyes and briefly closed them, exhaling contently. "I get no support here."
He heard Tommy's chuckle again. He was saying something more, but Buck could only catch a few words here and there. His eyelids felt heavier with each passing second He tried to focus on Tommy's voice, but it only lulled him further toward sleep. He managed a sleepy grunt in response, his words trailing off as sleep finally claimed him, his phone slipping slightly as he drifted off.
Buck was snuggled up to Tommy, comfortably resting his head on the man's chest as they indulged in a trashy reality show streaming on the laptop propped up on Tommy's knees. Tommy's hands were under Buck's hoodie, his fingertips drawing lazy circles on his back. Buck sighed contently, his own fingers wrapped loosely on Tommy's bicep.
"Oh my god, that's so stupid. Joe is so much better than Kenny and they had a connection!" Buck groaned out, watching as a contestant changed their partner at the last second.
"A whole two-day connection," Tommy pointed out with a low chuckle, the sound rumbling pleasantly beneath Buck's ear.
"That's like months in reality TV time." Buck lifted his head slightly to catch Tommy's amused gaze. "Are you saying you would do the same if we were on?" "
"Evan, if it was us we would have been eliminated in the first episode."
"You know, I almost appeared in the Bachelor. We got a call cause a woman decided to kidnap a contestant, steal a limo and then glued herself to the driveway of the Bachelor Mansion. The cameras were rolling and everything. But Bobby forbade us from signing the waver."
"I'm not surprised. The 118 gets enough publicity without appearing on a scripted show," Tommy pointed out, his fingers continuing to trace gentle patterns on Buck's back "Although, I kind of wish I could see the footage."
"Oh yeah?" Buck grinned and shifted in Tommy's hold to look up at him suggestively. His hand trailed down to Tommy's chest. "Maybe I could give you a preview."
Tommy hummed, his lips curling into a playful smile. Buck shifted again, this time moving to straddle Tommy's hips, his thighs firmly planted on either side, trapping Tommy beneath him. He leaned in closer, his hands resting on Tommy's chest, scrunching up the material under his palms. He took a moment to gaze down at Tommy beneath him before leaning down to press his lips against Tommy's. The sweetness of the kiss quickly disappeared as Buck licked against Tommy's bottom lip hungrily. He felt Tommy's hands tighter around his waist and a second later they moved down to his ass, groping him shamelessly over the sweatpants. The heat of Tommy's touch sent a shiver down Buck's spine. He had a plan to drive Tommy wild, but all thoughts flew out the window the moment Tommy used his strength to sit up from the bed with Buck in his lap and thrust his hips up against Buck's.
Buck groaned into Tommy's mouth, his fingers eagerly sliding up into Tommy's hair, tugging at the strands as if trying to pull him even closer. Buck rocked his hips slightly, trying to find friction, his breath coming in ragged gasps between their heated kisses.
Tommy pulled away and dragged his hands up until they found the hem of Buck's shirt. He tugged at the fabric, urging Buck to remove it. Buck quickly obliged, pulling the hoodie and his and shirt over his head and tossing them somewhere on the floor.
Tommy wasted no time, his lips finding Buck's exposed neck.He kissed, nibbled, and sucked his way along the sensitive skin, uncaring if he left marks.
Buck moaned, tilting his head to the side to give more access. As Tommy's attentions intensified ,Buck rocked his hips more insistently, the pressure building inside him. He could feel Tommy's cock pressing against him even through the jeans and sweatpants that were in the way, matching his own need.
Tommy dipped his head lower, his mouth finding Buck's collarbone and then his chest. HHe sucked at each patch of skin he encountered, his stubble grazing Buck and sending electric jolts straight to his cock. The sensation was overwhelming, each kiss and nip fueling the building need for the man.
The shrill ring of his phone on the nightstand barely registered in Buck's fogged mind. It wasn't until Tommy gently nudged his shoulder, pulling back slightly, that Buck even realized his eyes had fluttered shut.
"Your phone," Tommy pointed out, his voice strained and breathless, his eyes just as clouded with desire.
For a moment, Buck was tempted to ignore the phone, erhaps even fling the device across the room to shut it up and go back to kissing his incredibly hot pilot. But before he could decide, Tommy reached over, grabbed the phone, and handed it to Buck, making the decision for him.
He looked at the caller ID and frowned—it was Athena.
Sorry babe," Buck muttered, offering Tommy the best apologetic eyes he could muster. Tommy groaned softly and let himself fall back onto the bed, his back hitting the mattress with a soft thud. Buck didn't move away, more than content to sit in Tommy's lap. He took a few deep breaths, willing the blood to rush back into his brain.
"Athena," he greeted her, attempting to sound as normal as he possibly could. "What, uh, what can I do for you?"
"Are you home?" she asked, her voice cutting straight to the point. In the background, the faint sound of traffic hummed through the phone.
"Yeah," Buck replied, his gaze shifting to Tommy. Their eyes met briefly, and Tommy raised an eyebrow in question. "What's wrong?"
"I'm on my way to the hospital. They called saying they are checking on Bobby. It doesn't appear too serious, but I am passing your place. Figured you might want a ride."
The words were more effective than if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water over him. Before she even finished speaking, Buck was scrambling to get off Tommy and find the shirt he threw someone.
"Uh, sure, yeah. I'll be ready."
"I'll call when I'm there." Athena wasted no time and ended the call. Buck swore under his breath as he patted his pockets but couldn't feel his wallet. Where did he leave it?
"Is everything okay?" Tommy asked, tone serious and miles away from how it was moments ago. He propped himself up on his elbows, concern etching his features.
"I don't know. Athena said Bobby is in the hospital, it doesn't sound too serious, but she offered to pick me up. I'm sorry, I—"
"Of course," Tommy interjected, as he started to rise from the bed. He reached out to grab his own phone, but Buck placed his hand on Tommy's chest, stopping him. His heart skipped a beat at the mere thought of Tommy leaving.
"No, you don't have to leave," Buck quickly protested. If he wasn't in such a rush to get ready he would groan at how needy he sounded. "Please stay. You can chill here, raid my fridge; I won't be long."
"Are you sure?" Tommy asked, hesitating but making no move to get ready. "It's no trouble."
"I'm sure. Besides," Buck flashed him a smile. "I like having you here. In my bed."
"Okay," Tommy finally nodded. He settled back into the bed, though he reached over to the bedside table and retrieved Buck's wallet, holding it out to him. "Let me know how it goes."
"I will," Buck nodded, taking the wallet and quickly getting dressed. His mind buzzed all the possible scenarios as to why Bobby might be in the hospital, a familiar anxiety gnawing at the back of his mind. He was almost at the stairs, ready to dash, when he paused. Turning back, he crossed the room and pulled Tommy into a quick kiss.
"I'll be back as soon as I can." Buck promised as he pulled away.
"Don't rush. I'll be here," Tommy replied, settling back into the pillows with a reassuring smile.
Nodding, Buck took a deep breath to steady himself, then turned and hurried out of the bedroom.
The ride to the hospital was tense. As they drove, Athena quickly filled Buck in on the details, explaining briefly why Bobby ended up in Jacumba. Buck listened intently, his jaw clenched as a surge of anger welled up inside him. They had just rescued them from a sunken cruise ship, and now Bobby's past was being dredged up again. Buck knew all too well how much guilt gnawed at Bobby, and the idea of someone was using it to harm him made his blood boil.
As they entered the hospital, Athena immediately spotted Bobby.
"Bobby!" She called out, her voice echoing slightly in the hallway. She rushed over to him and enveloped him in a hug. Buck hung back for a moment, letting them have a moment. He took the opportunity to observe Bobby, scanning him for any signs of injury. Thankfully, Bobby seemed relatively unharmed; he moved without any sign of pain, and aside from some obvious sunburns, Buck couldn't see any other significant issues.
Buck exhaled deeply, his shoulders sagging with relief. Bobby was okay.
"Thank God, you are okay," he heard Athena say as she and Bobby began to pull apart. Buck caught Bobby's eye and offered a small wave.
"You called Buck?" Bobby asked, surprised. Like I said on the phone, I'm fine."
"Well, we needed to see it for ourselves. Besides, you know Buck, he would have rushed in guns blazing the moment he found out," Athena responded with a half-smile.
Buck ducked his head, a shy grin flickering across his face, and moved to stand on the other side of Bobby, staying close. Bobby clapped him on the shoulder, then turned to the nurse.
"Fernanda, this is my wife, Athena. She's a cop. And that's Buck, he works with me at the station," Bobby introduced them warmly.
"Oh. You're the one that found him. I'm not sure I have the right words at this moment to say thank you," Athena said, her voice filled with gratitude as she pulled the nurse into a hug.
"You sure you are okay, Cap?" Buck took the moment to ask quietly. "They're just letting you go after days in the desert?"
"I'm still kicking, kid." Bobby reassured, his warmth was noticeable as he pulled Buck into a quick side hug before stepping back.
Buck tried to keep up with the ongoing conversation, but he wasn't exactly following who all these people were, so he remained quietly by Bobby's side. That was until everyone's attention was pulled to the side when a gurney rolled by, carrying a man with a cannula and his face marred by significant scarring.
Buck took a step in front of Bobby on instinct. It didn't take much brain to put together who that was. The eyes of the man on the gurney met Buck's, and he held the intense gaze steadily until the man was wheeled out of sight.
"I'm gonna need a minute." Bobby said and excused himself to follow the gurney into a nearby room.
Buck watched him go, his brow furrowing with concern. He turned to Athena questioningly.
"Is that a good idea?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry, ready to follow after him.
She sighed and placed a comforting arm on his shoulder. "I don't know, Buck. But we have to trust Bobby to know what's best for him."
"Yeah I guess," Buck sighed, not entirely convinced. He wanted to something, anything, to help. He was never good just sitting around and doing nothing.
The silence that had settled over them was broken by Athena's gentle offer. "You want to join us for dinner? I'm sure Bobby will be happy to have you around."
"Uh, no, I cant. Tommy is over," Buck couldn't help but smile at the thought.
Athena raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on her lips. "You left the poor man all alone? You better be making him a nice meal to make it up to him."
Buck's smile widened. He was already planning how he would make it up to Tommy tonight. Whether it included dinner or not, that was yet to be seen
As much as he loved Bobby and Athena, Buck was glad to finally be crossing through the door of his loft.
"Welcome home." Tommy greeted as he looked over his shoulder by the stove. The words hit deep and settled in Buck's heart. God, he loved having Tommy here. If he could, he would keep him here forever, just for the sheer joy of hearing those words leave Tommy's mouth. Shaking off the thought before it took root, Buck crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Tommy from behind, his body molding against him.
"Hi," Buck mumbled into the back of Tommy's shirt, planting a soft kiss on his neck. The warmth of Tommy's body and the familiar scent, washed away all the tension from Buck's shoulders.
"Everything alright?" Tommy inquired, his hands expertly moving a pan across the stove before he turned to face Buck, pulling him closer with a hands settled low on his waist.
"Yeah," Buck smiled and leaned in to capture Tommy's lips in a quick kiss. He felt Tommy smile into the kiss, his hands tightening lightly around Buck. When they parted, Buck glanced over at the stove. "Smells delicious."
"I'm no chef but figured you might be hungry. Can you pass the plates?" Tommy's voice was warm.
Buck nodded and moved to the cupboard, retrieving a couple of plates to hand over to Tommy.
"Have I mentioned that you're the best?" he asked, watching as Tommy piled a generous amount of chicken and rice into the plate and passed it to him.
"Hmm, only like four times today," Tommy responded dryly, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he served himself. He then fetched a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine, that he started keeping in Buck's kitchen. It was a new thing that had started happening recently. Tommy began to bring small things for them to use in the future. The first time Buck found Tommy's hoodie lying in the loft while he was away, it filled him with such happiness that he couldn't help but grin like an idiot. If Maddie had been around, he would never have lived down the comments about him acting like a 14-year-old girl with a crush.
Since then, more of Tommy's belongings had gradually found their way into Buck's space: the toothbrush Tommy used after a wedding stayed in the bathroom, a book he was currently engrossed in had a permanent spot on the nightstand, and a favorite bottle of wine now seemed to permanently reside in Buck's kitchen. Each item felt like a tiny promise that Tommy was going to come back. That they would keep having these moments.
"Well, consider this the fifth. Seriously though, you're a lifesaver."
Tommy's smile grew softer as he poured the wine, handing Buck a glass before filling his own. "I'm glad. Now eat, before it gets cold."
Buck took a bite of the chicken and rice, the flavors bursting pleasantly in his mouth. "This is really good, Tommy. If I knew you could cook, I would have put you to work in the kitchen long ago."
Tommy shrugged modestly, a hint of pride in his smile. "It's just a simple meal, but I'm glad you like it."
Buck was not proud at the speed he gobbled down his dinner. As he scraped the last bits of rice onto his fork, he looked up to see Tommy watching him with an amused expression. "There's more if you want," Tommy gestured towards the pan.
Feeling a blush spread across his cheeks, Buck ducked his head slightly. "I'm full, but, uh, it was really good."
"I can see that," Tommy chuckled, taking another bite of his own meal. After a moment, he added, "Oh by the way, there's a trivia night next Wednesday with the Harbor crew, and we have a spot open. You want to join?"
"As your date?" Buck asked, a tad too eager.
"No, we could use a good ally to boost the team morale," Tommy blurted out, staring at him with deadpan expression. "Yes, Evan. As my date."
"Oh my god, you will never let that live it down," Buck groaned out dramatically. "But yeah! I would love to."
"Great," Tommy said, his expression softening as he reached across the table to take Buck's hand. Buck responded by squeezing it gently, his attention lingering on Tommy as they they chatted about what the trivia night generally entailed. Tommy spoke about his friends and their particular strengths in trivia, but Buck was mostly absorbed by the significance of the event—it would be his first time meeting Tommy's friends outside of the 118 crew Being invited to trivia night felt special. Important. He was getting access to another part of Tommy's life.
As Tommy finished his meal and their glasses emptied, Buck stood up to clear the table.
"I can take care of the dishes," Tommy offered, starting to rise.
Buck shook his head as he began stacking the plates. "No way, you cooked. The least I can do is help clean up."
It was a quick job anyway. Tommy had the tendency to leave the space around him spotless and that extended to the kitchen. Once the dishes were rinsed and left to dry, they retreated back to the bedroom, shedding their clothes and settling under the covers.
Buck sighed contentedly as he leaned into Tommy's side, the familiar glow of the tablet screen illuminating their faces as they resumed their show.
"Thanks, again, for tonight," Buck spoke up after a while, as a comfortable silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the background noise of their show,
"My pleasure, Evan," Tommy replied warmly, pressing a kiss to the top of Buck's head.
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saysike-skedoodles · 5 months
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OH WOW DID I JUST POST FANART????? YES I DID. I'm after finding myself becoming VERY interested in Hermitcraft, mainly watching Joel/Smallishbeans' POV of the newest season :] Where do I even start with Joel??? He's funny, I mean REALLY funny (imo), I dunno what it is but everytime he uploads a new vid I'm always so excited to see it. Seriously he may be one of my favourite youtubers at the moment.
Soooooo I drew his MC skin! I also saw many people drawing their own designs/takes on the hermits and figured I do the same myself! It's not much, but I did things like adding antennas (kinda referencing the fact his mc skin was Shrek) and just in general adding green accented accessories. I'm not that confident when it comes to drawing humans, mainky cuz my style isn't built for it, but I REALLY enjoyed this whole process and I think this piece has made me feel a little bit more happy with how I draw people :]. I definitely wanna get to drawing Grian and Scar, I've been watching their POVs too and I just love their skins so I gotta draw them. ESPECIALLY SCAR'S, I love his hat for some reason, I dunno why but the hat is so cool. I've just been ping-ponging between Hermitcraft and Alton Towers for the past few weeks which is FUN. I do wanna add more variety to this account as it is soooooo drawing some hermits seems like a good start :] Also this is completely random but still on topic sort of- buuut do keep in mind if I go on about funny scenarios with the hermits, I'm mainly going on about the characters they portray in the series and not the real people behind them! I feel I should clarify this cuz sometimes there's a bit of an awkward thing to distinguish when it comes to stuff like this.
I have nothing else to say but listen to I Monster and Andrew WK. Please I can't find any other fans of their work and I wanna gush on about their stuff to people lkajshsdfjhuijfehusij-
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[all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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blainesebastian · 2 years
damage control (mas universe)
words: 2,284 ship: austin butler x reader summary: ( @stylespresleyhearted requested) “Reader’s iCloud gets hacked and she had some pictures in lingerie she had sent to Austin that get leaked”  notes: this is part of the ‘mutually assured satisfaction’ universe, my PR!relationship series. You could probably read this alone if you wanted. warnings: none tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted, @rairaielv
In theory, you know there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re a strong, successful woman in your industry and you’ve worked hard for that. There have been moments of sacrifice that you’ve never admitted or spoken outloud to anyone, but that’s what one does for their craft sometimes? Their passion. Not even to mention that you’re unconsciously comparing yourself to men in your shoes, how much more recognition they might get, how much more money. It’s not something you harp on because sometimes society just is what it is…you know how lucky you are and how far you’ve come, you’re not about to complain. But deep down you wonder, if this would have happened to a man somehow, what would the reactions be? There’s a societal stereotype that digs right under your skin.
And yet that doesn’t make it hurt any less when it happens.
In the back of your mind, there are a million thoughts swirling through in harsh circles, like a washing machine cycle that just won’t end. It’s one thing to take pictures of yourself for your boyfriend but why did you keep them? It would have been easy just to delete them afterwards, to make sure. And then another thought rebounds back with a why? What’s the big deal? So what if you’ve taken these pictures? You shouldn’t be embarrassed that you posed yourself in a bit of lingerie and sent them to your long-term boyfriend when he was away filming. You both missed one another, the phone sex and Facetime calls and long nights of shared intimacy of just hearing eachother’s voices was just barely enough to cover the ache. Why not add a few pictures to make things interesting? You loved taking them and Austin certainly loved receiving them. You haven’t done anything wrong, you haven’t hurt anyone.
There’s a rational part of your brain, however, that knew this was going to be a bad idea, or maybe hindsight is always that clear.
It’s just a ping-pong set of emotions, really, because when it happens you’re constantly floating between two families of thought. When someone hacks into your iCloud account and finds those pictures, they’re instantly circulated in a few ways. Sold to paps, posted online. Your agent and publicist do their best to cover damage control and while you’re numb at first to this even happening? your first thought ends up being, well at least I’m not completely naked.
And then that’s how it starts, the ping-pong table of feelings.
One the one side, there’s an aloof sense of justification in which you argue with yourself and anyone else that you’ve got no reason to feel shame about your body. It’s not your fault that the female form is automatically sexualized in society and that yeah, you’re wearing lingerie? But so what? It’s no more revealing than a bathing suit and you’re not about to feel guilty for sending them to your boyfriend. It’s not like you’re the only couple on earth to exchange pictures (yeah, Austin has sent his fair share back to you…luckily you had enough common sense not to keep those). On the other one side, you’re pissed off that this has happened and ashamed and embarrassed that a bunch of strangers are seeing you like this, judging you, seeing intimacies that were only made for Austin.
It comes in waves as you handle damage control and unfortunately today, you’re in the latter. The humiliation is just weighing heavily onto you today, like a weighted blanket, pulling your shoulders down. You feel like you might sink right through the floor of your loft…and that’s how Austin finds you when he comes home, crying in the kitchen and worse, trying to hide it from him.
You feel foolish attempting to pretend you’re fine anyways because at this point Austin knows you like the back of his hand, even if he wasn’t caught up on everything that’s been happening. You attempt to walk out of the room but he gently catches your elbow and at one simple touch you just crumble, tears rolling down your cheeks even though you try to wipe them away.
“Shh,” He whispers, drawing you into his chest. He wraps his arms around you tightly, tucking you underneath his chin as emotions slam into you like constant waves. Despite how terrible all of this is and your struggle to come to grips with a lot of it, the only good thing is definitely your boyfriend.
He reminds you how supportive and wonderful he is, not once allowing you to feed into the worst thoughts you’ve had about yourself saying that you somehow deserve the chaos that’s been happening. While friends and family have been encouraging and great, Austin speaks to a part of you that seemingly only he can reach. He’s the only reason you’re getting through this, rocky days or not.
You both eventually end up on the couch, Austin tugging you down until you’re lying on his chest, the lower half of your body between his legs. It’s one of the easiest comforts, closing your eyes as you rest your head on his shoulder, nose and lips pressed to soft skin of his neck. The faint scent of his cologne brings a sense of calm and you feel like you’re finally able to breathe, to settle down once you’re against him.
He brings one of his hands up and slides it along your back, pausing to rub circles into your spine. Neither of you need to say anything for a long while, just enjoying one another’s company and decompressing.
“I hate that every time I feel like I’m over this,” You sniffle, breaking the silence, “Another emotion pops up that’s capable of taking my legs out.”
Austin shakes his head gently, letting out a soft sigh that’s mostly through his nose, “You don’t have to justify any emotions that you’re feelin’ about this.”
“I think that’s part of the problem,” You let out a soft laugh, running your fingers underneath your one eye, removing a tear track that’s no longer there. “I have no idea how to feel.” There are so many ranges of reactions that it’s constantly knocking you back and forth—angry and guilty and humiliated and upset and so many synonyms for all of those, all a cycle, over and over again.
And then even worse, it’s not just you involved in this whole thing but other people are waiting for your reaction to this. Paps, social media, people you’ve worked with, fans…and not that you owe anyone an explanation, either, but you also feel like it’s not going to go away until you say something.
“You don’t owe anyone anythin’.” Austin reads your mind and you smile just a little because even though that might be obvious, it’s nice to hear it.
Shifting a little on his chest, you tilt your head up to look at him, pressing a kiss to his jawline. “I just don’t get what the big damn deal is, people do shit like this all the time. Don’t even get me started on how there’s underwear and bathing suit models? A ton of celebrities go down that track.” You get the sense that this is because it was something more intimate, more forbidden, the fact that these were for Austin’s eyes only. But still.
Austin brushes your hair aside. “That’s what you should do,” He comments, more offhanded than anything else, “Give them somethin’ to look at if they’re insisting.”
And you just kinda blink because…wait, “I…I could do that.”
A soft laugh rumbles in your boyfriend’s chest until he looks down at you and realizes you’re serious. He adjusts the pillow behind him, propping himself up a little more so he can see you properly. He raises his eyebrows, his mouth opening for a moment but he doesn’t speak quite yet. He waits, considering words before he says them.
Not because he’s not supportive but, reiterating, “You don’t have anythin’ to prove.”
“I know, it wouldn’t be for anyone other than me.” And you mean that—it’s not like some big idea to somehow prove that you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of or that you’re giving in to sharing more of yourself because you feel like you have to.
It’s not about that. It’s about owning up to these pictures and…not feeling guilty. You’re a beautiful, strong woman who’s in love with her boyfriend and who isn’t going to be mortified into feeling remorseful for sending or accidently saving half naked pictures.
“Yeah, those pics were only meant for you…but I’m not going to let anyone make me feel bad for sending them.” And this is decided. You’re…not quite sure what this is going to translate into, exactly, but the point is? You’re going to figure it out. Your agent, Christina, has been texting you nonstop since it’s happened anyways—trying to figure out a plan of attack.
Well, you’ve got one.
Austin smiles down at you, curling your hair around your ear. He leans down and presses a small kiss to bridge of your nose, can see how proud he is about you coming to this decision in the blues of his eyes.
And really, that’s all you need to keep moving forward.
As suspected, Christina doesn't second-guess any of your ideas—she just gets to work. She wants to be able to help in any way that she can, and honestly that means a lot to you. Especially with Austin's support, you feel like you can do this. There's that little voice in the back of your head, of course, feeding insecurities, lying about how this will only make it worse and more humiliating for you. But you eventually swallow that down, because confidence is key, it's the whole point and narrative that Christina tells the fashion photographer that has them agreeing to do the spread and small info session afterwards. It's a very small message of empowerment, of owning those frustrating feelings and using them for something good. It's selfish, for sure, but you're hoping other women get something out of this—there's nothing about the female body to be embarrassed about.
You watch your eyes in the mirror as a makeup artist puts just a bit of blush high on your cheekbones—there's an iridescence to it that matches the lingerie you're wearing. Kinda reminds you of a mermaid, really, the scales part. It's a lavender lace teddy, sheer in some places, just enough to hint over to imagination—much like the in the photos you sent Austin.
Your stomach is swirling in anticipation. The photos come second, just a few different shots, again very closely related to the poses you sent Austin (all of this is on purpose) but first a meet n’ greet with the photographer to answer some questions. They go fast and then flashes of bright light settling in the back of your eyes and…once it’s all over, you kinda feel enthralled and completely anxious all at the same time. Nervous energy bubbling along your nerve endings as you see Austin lingering in the background.
You’re not sure what time he’s arrived but he’s smiling at you, moving into frame once the camera stops going off. He lovingly cups both sides of your face, leaning down to gently press a kiss against your lips. There’s the sound of a camera shutter, you’re almost sure, but you don’t care as your hands rest on his waist.
He doesn’t say anything but you realize he doesn’t have to? He’s looking down at you with a mixture of emotions that tell you everything. How beautiful he thinks you are, how proud he is, and everything in-between.
There’s a full body shot from the photoshoot that blows up—and it just so happens to be the candid photo that the photographer took of you and Austin at the end. It’s endearing and soft and while all the other photos are knockouts, it’s definitely your favorite because it conveys the title that goes along with the thread: ‘no place for shame’. Not that this was one hundred percent your end goal either, but admittedly it does feel good that fans have been reposting and tagging you in positive posts.
Austin has been with you every step of the way, has supported you with the intimacies of your relationship accidently ending up out in the open since it happened. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend to go through this with.
You’re just glad that it finally feels like it’s on the upend of blowing over. So what better time than to feel good and celebrate?
You linger against the doorframe of the living room, watching as Austin reads over a script for tomorrow. A soft smile tugs the corners of your mouth, “Guess what?”
“Hmm?” He asks but doesn’t look up.
“I got to keep the lace teddy from the photoshoot.”
That gets Austin’s attention, he lifts his head in soft amusement, his eyes trailing over your form as you stand there wearing it. You smirk a little, playing with the thin lavender strings that tie together the bust. The soft mesh rests right along the tops of your thighs…and you’ve forgone underwear.
“You wouldn’t want to…take it off me, would you?” You ask, raising your eyebrows.
Austin slowly puts the script down, standing from the couch. He hums lightly, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he walks towards you. Before you can say anything else, he leans down to kiss you, playfully lifting you up into his arms to walk you towards the bedroom.
“I think you know the answer to that.”
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amongthe141 · 10 months
The Gifts that keep on giving...Part 1
Summary: Head cannons for if reader was stuck with some Task Force 141 and KorTac men (With some surprises) for Christmas, what would be the best surprise gift to give them?...UGLY SWEATER EDITION
Challenge of: @glitterypirateduck CODHOLIDAY2023 (Yes I'm early but I have a lot of stuff I'm trying to do for this Challenge and really, who doesn't start celebrating the day after Thanksgiving...am I right?!?!).
See below for the movie inspiration for these head cannons for challenge :P
Captain John Price
Would blush when handed the present. Him being Captain and in charge knew you were up to something when you pleaded for him to allow an extra crate onboard. So when handed the soft pressed present the blush is part surprise and embarrassment that he didn't have a gift for you. He would take his time unwrapping it to only get that shit eating smile when he looked at it, immediately putting it on and pulling out a cigar to match the reindeer. You completely forgot that it wasn't the completed look and ran to grab the Santa Hat replacement for your dear Captain.
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Simon Ghost Riley
You would be too nervous to watch him open up the present, because let's face it his big wondering brown eyes would just stare at you and would make your anxiety literally kill you before he would even open it should you have waited. But it was your eyes that couldn't leave him as he walked out of his corner room where you placed the simple present with a simple "Ghost" written on it sporting the sweater like it was nothing. As he walked by headed to where Johnny was shouting at him that his sweater was better than Ghosts and the lot of them, you believe you heard a little ghost whisper "Cheeky" along with a thanks.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish
As soon as he saw you round the corner the inner child in him escalated his voice and excitement to mock level 10, thank goodness you weren't in a spot where it was imperative to remain silent. Sometimes his accent made words hard to understand but he was a rambling mess currently. He had the wrappings off and the sweater on in a heartbeat and he would go running around showing off his sweater to everyone and scolding their "ok" sweater choices before returning to you as he lifted you up off your feet for a hug. He would of course then bring out the secret booze he had for everyone for Christmas.
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Kylie Gaz Garrick
Would be completely shell shocked silent as you slid the wrapped gift you made sure was perfectly wrapped for him. He would look at you then the gift a couple times before you told him to hurry up before you opened it for him. He wouldn't ruin the wrapping paper and you would sigh in utter suspense until he had the wrapping paper off the sweater perfectly. He would grin up at you uttering how perfect this was and later as the ugly sweater party died down would sit next to you as you shared a tablet watching Home Alone together.
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Alex Keller
His extremely loud boisterous laugh would strip away the sudden fear that overcame you as you watched him open the present you thought was the perfect sweater for him. It was a sudden ping inside yourself that perhaps the ugly sweater you picked out was the wrong choice...too insensitive...perhaps too soon...which wasn't the case to your instant relief. You had been there to help Alex through his rehab and not once did Alex ever show of slowing down. It would become Alex's go to sweater for Christmas for years to come and also became a staple request that any actual Gingerbread cookies with missing legs were reserved for him and him alone.
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Alejandro Vargas
It was well known that you and Alejandro had a thing for tacos. During your stay with his task force you were introduced to authentic and unbelievably flavorable tacos, much so that months later you had to beg him to coach you over Zoom on how to cook it since Taco Bell fell flat. "You ruined fastfood tacos for life now Ale, you owe me". At first he was confused why ugly sweaters were a thing but soon just shook his head laughing at you as he stripped off his shirt and put it on.
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Jesus Chuy Ordaz
Chuy would be sitting silently laughing at Ale and what you just did to him until you plopped his present on his lap. He about rolled his eyes at you but stopped. Not like he would actually talk out loud because the guy is a silent guy but you knew he couldn't deny that ugly sweater was perfect for him. (You know a silent guy like that has a loud ass small dog waiting for him at home that also has a big attitude and is completely spoiled by him...fight me on this cannon I dare you).
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You couldn't explain it but Konig's eyes got even wider underneath the hood when he took his sweater out of his Christmas bag. You and the big guy had been bonding over monster movies over Halloween holiday and you just had to continue the trend. You had your own sweater for the occasion, but you also showed Konig that you had one too of the same exact sweater because it literally was your favorite ugly sweater too. The next day you ordered him the T-Shirt version as you couldn't help but notice, and how police and quiet he was not to upset you, that he was burning up too much in the sweater version.
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Honestly, why wouldn't Horangi have a Tiger ugly Christmas Sweater (You know who you are you little 141 Monster AU writers). You didn't approve of his horrible gambling problems, but you couldn't help yourself from giving him a card game of blackjack to see which sweater he would end up with. Oh, believe me they both would have tigers in them, but they weren't as atrocious as the ugly one he lost to having. Not to mention you sewed in actual bells to jingle as he walked around on the wreath part. He actually deep down loved it because honestly tigers are the cats meow.
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Philip Graves
You thought to yourself, could there not be a more perfect sweater out there. And you were right, the man ate it up and wore it several times this Christmas and multitudes of Parties. You both loved and hated it but Christmas was about joy and giving. You did kindly have to decline his attempts at inviting you to go with him until you had to tell him off that you would have no choice but to return him if he asked again.
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Frank Woods
@efingart I hope you enjoy this sweater as much as I do for Frank. Though of course nothing compares to his skin for Black Ops Cold War. If you know, you know...mistletoe!
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You knew he probably wouldn't get the reference but Nikto gladly wore your sweater along with the shiny black new knife that you had packaged with a red bow along with the sweater. You thought it was really cute how he walked around showing everyone the knife and how well it fit in your leg pocket for easy access and how the handle gripped nicely. It was more then the seldom one words he used or the growls and gruffs you usually got more of than most.
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What I'd wear if I was the reader.
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@glitterypirateduck I can't really place where my love for Ugly Sweaters came from BUT it's in one of my favorite KINDA Christmas holiday movies on the modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice.
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andrastesgrace · 1 year
Mara Jade + tooka cats
There are two Luke Skywalkers.
The farmboy-turned-flyboy in him is a crack shot, can diagnose a problem with her ship faster than any mechanic in the core, and is wickedly funny, when he wants to be. When he remembers he can be.
The Jedi, though - the one who is allergic to colors and smiling, the one who has apparently forgotten that he isn't even thirty years old yet - is a gifted mediator, a skilled warrior, and much to Mara's eternal annoyance, usually right.
He's also a little shit. She'd almost jumped out of her skin last week in her Coruscant docking bay when he just. Appeared. Behind her. Wearing that stupid passive expression and looking at her expectantly, as though she shouldn't have sworn in three languages and nearly sliced him in half with his own father's lightsaber.
"If only someone were willing to train you," he said with a completely straight face. "You might've seen that coming."
Mara called him a bastard, then, and he grinned. She threw a spanner at his head for good measure, but he just stepped aside and asked her if she was hungry.
They ate ribenes from a cart in the lower city, and didn't talk about his thinly veiled request.
He asks less, now, and she's not sure if she's relieved or disappointed. Since the beginning, he's always asked, even back when she wasn't sure if she still wanted to kill him or not. But now, as then, she's wary. Not of him, not really. She's run through every scenario in her head, and she doesn't really think he'd ever truly become a danger. But he also doesn't want to listen to her, either, when she suggests that perhaps, some Jedi teachings of the past should stay in the past.
Deep down, there's something that makes her uncomfortable about the way he can just. Switch off his entire personality like the press of a button. He would never hurt her, but sometimes he isn't him.
So instead of becoming his student, she devotes her time to becoming a pain in his ass. Annoying him is the quickest way to shake him out of it. At first it's just little things - mispronouncing the names of famous podracers, putting pepper in his tea, and once, conspiring with R2-D2 to play nothing but Nemoidian showtunes everywhere he went.
"You're doing this on purpose," he says blithely one afternoon, and she looks at him with an innocent. "Who me?" in her expression. After a while, she needs more ammunition. She means to ask Solo, but when she hunts down the office he never uses in the New Republic's shiny new military complex, Leia is there instead. "Tooka cats," says Leia after she explains her mission.
"Tooka cats?" "He can't even look at them without laughing," The corners of her lips turn up in a half-smile. "Something about the eyes." *** "Are you proud of yourself?" he says when she sees him later, the grin still lingering in his eyes as he lets himself onto the Jade's Fire.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She does. She watched it on the holos, the emergency channel on his datapad pinging as he stood in the background of some very important New Republic something-or-other. The first time, he managed to keep a straight face, but only just. But she didn't just have one. She wasn't an amateur. All in all, she sent him about thirty of the most ridiculous pictures of tooka cats that she could possibly find. They were naturally funny looking creatures - a little too creepy for her taste, with their beady eyes and claws, but something about them made Skywalker take one look at them and forget he was a Jedi at all. The sight of him bursting into giggles on live broadcast while Mon Mothma was trying to give a Very Important Speech is going to keep her going for *years.*
"You're a menace," he says, dropping down next to her where she's examining her ship's tractor beam manifold. Thing's been malfunctioning for months.
"I'm a delight."
Skywalker is quiet for a moment. His bright blue eyes catch on the faulty wiring she's been attempting to finagle into working order since she landed here, and he absently grabs a spanner and begins tinkering.
This close, she doesn't have to reach to feel the shifting current of his emotions. "You are," he says softly. A few twists of his hand and a couple of button presses, and the tractor beam's diagnostics panel is all green. Showoff. "I wish you'd let me train you," he says finally, setting the spanner down beside him. There are no accusation in the words, but she feels the lingering merriment in the Force give way to a dull loneliness. Mara knows why he keeps asking, and it's not because she's any great Jedi talent. She's...fine at it, she supposes, but Skywalker is asking for one thing when he needs another. "I'd be an awful student," she says finally, bumping her shoulder with his, and he gives her his own version of Leia's half-smile . "But I guess I should probably make sure you aren't dead from time to time." He chuckles, and shakes his head. "Yeah, you're my best friend, too."
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