#but still I felt it kinda felt a bit bland
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~Story Drabble Time Pt. 5~
(Please go to Pt.1 & 2 for an important A/N for some information about my story drabbles!! Anyway have fun reading!)
She doesn’t know what the actual hell is going on right now. Even as she watches as her one of her soul brothers standing before her with a shit-eating grin. She couldn’t even start to describe the pure, and utterly done with the world expression she knows is on her face.
In her brothers hands, was a device. A phone to be exact, playing the Omae Wa Mou Shinderu meme on repeat. And at this point it was on its 127th repeat, and she was so close to beating his ass. He has been trying to convince her to do a song cover for it, to which she said no. As she had other things she needed to do, and honestly wouldn’t be able to fit it inside her already packed schedule.
‘This man, this fucking dude is about to get his ass turned into grass in a few moments.’ She thought darkly.
“Oh come on squirt! Is it really to much to ask to do a small cover for such an iconic meme?”, her brother complained, trying to prove his so called point as his shit eating grin remained on his face.
“Midorihiko, I’ve already told you my schedule is already full as it is. Especially when dad is having me help out on some of his cases. Even the thought of streaming is out of the question for now.”, she grumbled out, frustrated.
“But Paaaaggggeeeee!!! Come on! Do it for the meme! Please!” Her brother persisted.
“No Hiko. No means no. And I’m this close to dragging your colossal ass outside and beating you with my Bo staff.”
“…..but your fingers are touching?’’
“Exactly. Better starting running.”
And thus the grand act of chasing her meme obsessed older brother proceeded for the next 45 minuets. And all through out that time one thing ran through her mind.
‘I regret teaching him the way of memes. Immediate regret. If I knew things where gonna turn out like this I would’ve made a anti-bullshit weapon to hit him with. Preferably a chancla.’
But even when one of her older brothers, specifically this one, got on the girl’s nerves. She couldn’t help but smile and laugh all through the chase. The imagery of a 6’10 adult man running for his life from a 5’0 teenage girl gave quite an amusing sight.
After all, he was one of the people who would stay with her, from death to rebirth, and eternity. Never to be parted, nor separated for as long as they where there to guide and protect her. As they where her soul siblings, and would do everything they could for her within their power to make her burdens more bearable.
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duke-daemon · 8 months
hazbin hotel redesigns wooooooooo
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okay so. i'm gonna discuss my thoughts about them n shit, putting under a readmore bc it's gonna get long and rambley. sorry in advance for the shit formatting, i'm on mobile </3
just some general shit about how i would rewrite it. i think the premise of redeeming sinners is entertaining but is executed horribly. i also am a fan of the "heaven isn't great either" idea but again, executed horribly. i'd make the hierarchy of angels more accurate because it's cool as hell and i have autism about it. the characters from hell would swear still (albeit not as much), but the angels would outright refuse to swear or make vulgar jokes ever. this would be partially to further the gap between heaven and hell and make the differences more stark.
hell would also be more like dante's inferno (again because i think its cool). the ars goetia would get a full redesign and would be more prevalent in demonic society.
now for the characters!
starting off with vaggie, or Valtiel as i've renamed her because let's be honest her original name sucks. Valtiel (Val for short) was an aspiring power angel who wanted to be an exorcist. she looked up to lute and thought the idea of killing demons was really cool and badass. however when she actually was on the field for the first time she discovered how awful this actually was. she tried to help a few demons but lute figured it out and felled her right then and there. the rest of her story is relatively the same. personality wise she's more stoic and less prone to all-out aggression. she still get angry, sure, but it's in a quieter and more menacing way. you DO NOT want to fuck with Valtiel.
next up is charlie! i had two ideas for her. the first one (unsettling drawing) has her as a mannequin/doll type demon. lucifer and/or lilith was unable to conceive and as such they built a kid from scratch. she's overall similar to og charlie personality wise, very kind and cheerful despite her unsettling appearance. she struggles with empathy sometimes but really does mean well. her motive for rehabilitating sinners is so they get to see their family again. being able to see heaven from where they are in hell must make them sad, so she wants to help make them happy again!
the second idea for charlie has her as an angel. specifically i casted her as a dominion angel due to their reputation as holy judges. she was once a demon but has been rehabilitated and has risen into angelhood! she now wants to help her former kin do the same and redeem themselves in heaven's gaze. again, similar cheery personality, but a bit more prudish in this rendition
tangent time!
as a side tangent, valtiel and charlie would have a different relationship in this rewrite. their relationship felt shoehorned in in the original show, like it was just there for the hell of it. we didn't see much development between them and it just felt kinda bland. so in my rewrite, charlie and valtiel are amiable exes. they tried dating when valtiel first fell (when charlie was still a demon in the charlie-angel version) but realized their feelings for each other were much more platonic than romantic. they ended things off on good terms, deciding they were much better as friends. they are still besties to this day! later charlie ends up with emily (or 'ellie' as i plan to rename her)
back to the characters
note: i made alastor mixed-race, which could be seen as bad by some due to vivzie saying he's black. however, as many have pointed out, he has no ethnic features whatsoever and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that just to get away with using voodoo symbols (a closed religion) in his imagery/design. like viv, i am incredibly white and have little to no knowledge of voodoo, and even if i did i would not use it for something like this anyways due to the stigma the religion already has and (again) it being a closed practice. as such i removed it from his concept altogether, but made him mixed race (white passing) because.. why not i guess, i forgor my actual reasoning
with that being said...
alastor is by far my favorite of the redesigns and i'm honestly tempted to turn him into a legally distinct oc. i imagine he's somewhat reserved, along the lines of norman bates albeit a bit more extroverted. during his life he was a serial killer with a day job as a radio announcer. he took pleasure in reporting about his own murders on the radio, but that is eventually what got him caught (ie accidentally letting slip info that wasn't released to the public). as a result he was sentenced to death. upon arriving in hell, he quickly rose through the ranks to borderline overlord status and is a feared presence by demons and sinners alike. why is he bothering to assist in the hotel project? who knows... his motives are a mystery, like the rest of what he does
(he isn't actually alastair crowley i just thought the naming convention was ironic. however he may have also dabbled with satanic magic in lifetime..)
Angel Dust:
TW: brief discussion of SA
this is definitely my second favorite redesign. i loooove insect themes and wanted to do more than just Extra Arms, so he now has fucked up legs and a lot of eyes too! story-wise, angel used to be a criminal mastermind, hated by both the mafia and the feds. he was a gentleman thief, arranging massive heists under the cover of night while also partaking in the occasional drag show. he ended up a cocaine addict later in life, which caused his work to become sloppier. eventually he was killed in a heist gone wrong, specifically shot by the police.
i'm not gonna go too in-depth on the SA part of his story, but he is hypersexual due to being assaulted in both his life and afterlife. it would be something he'd be working on in the rewrite. his reason for coming to the hotel in the first place may have even been for help with this trauma. underneath his sultry exterior is a broken guy who really just needs someone to care about him for who he really is and not for what his body can do.
so lute and adam are some of the characters i have the most gripes about. the biggest one being why viv chose adam as the leader of the exorcists in the first place. if she wants a biblical figure tied to demon killing, Archangel Michael is RIGHT THERE, aka the one destined to kill satan during the events of Revelations. if she wants the first human to die, that would be Abel, not Adam. and i kinda doubt abel would want to do the stuff that HH!adam has been doing. if she wants an angel related to torture, Dumah is her guy! an angel that rules over wicked souls and tortures sinners every day except sabbath. so many better options...
with that out of the way, Lute is still the lieutenant of the exorcist, who are a specially chosen group of powers sent to purge hell once a year. think navy seals. she's pretty much the same as in the show, albeit more muscular and visually different from other exorcists (seriously why do they all look exactly the same?????) she's a very repressed lesbian who hasn't had time to work on that due to her duties
i also redesigned the exorcist uniform/armor because those LED purge masks are fugly as hell and their clothes don't even look remotely like armor.
Adam + Final Thoughts
i did start a redesign of adam but got bored of it. regardless, i think he'd be the head of C.H.E.R.U.B. instead of the exorcists. he doesn't want his children to make the same mistakes he and eve did, so together they started C.H.E.R.U.B. to help lost souls stay out of hell
final thoughts uhhhh i'm tired. show sucks, it had so much potential but viv ruined it by being a shitty writer and an even shittier person. the designs are fine i guess but they all look exactly the same and are in desperate need of variety. the humor is dogshit, saying dick and balls and penis over and over and over again doesn't make it any funnier than the first three times you made that joke. anyways that's it, i hope you liked my inane ramblings. gonna go vanish for another forty years or so, adios
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messylustt · 1 year
requesting for part two of the Yandere dead wife Miguel fic please 🙏
COPIED DESIRE / A LITTLE DIZZY ( nsfw ) — miguel o’hara + reader: you wake up somewhere new, with someone who looks exactly like your husband.
marks yandere. full on manipulation here goddamn. possessive!miguel. like I’m not kidding he’s actually terrible for this (but of course still all soft and sweet to you). wc 1.5k.
pt one. pt two.
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it was dark. at first at least, because your mind felt dizzy, as you moved to sit up. at first you thought maybe something was covering your eyes. but no, the room was just…dark.
you could feel the bed underneath you, as your feet hit the cold floor. the room looked rather bland, but as you continued to gaze around, brows furrowed at your swaying mind, you stop on a picture frame.
it had been purposefully placed down, which most likely meant that you probably shouldn’t put it back up. but your curiosity and want to realise your situation better, made your hand lift to view the picture. your breathing hitches when you see you.
or well…maybe not you. but a version. a version of you smiling, oblivious to the photo in general.
“she’s pretty isn’t she?” a voice makes you quickly place the photo back down as you spin to face whoever it was. you sway a fraction, reaching to grab out for the bed’s end post, but a hand is quickly holding you steady.
“you’ll be a bit dizzy still.” he softly comments, and then you recognise the voice. miguel. but not your miguel. you rush back, chest heaving. “you…you…kidnapped me?” your comment is more so a question at this point, as miguel shakes his head, reaching for you again.
but you stumble back, hand out, as you stare with full fledged anger. “don’t you dare come closer…i—“you take a breath, because it’s true you did still feel dizzy. you shake your head continuously. “you’re not…please tell me I’m dreaming.” you meet his gaze, and see utter adoration, but clear worry at your frantic actions.
“i thought so too at first.” miguel smiles. actually smiles. and you can’t fathom how he can at the current situation.
“but it’s not…”
miguel shakes his head, confirming so. “no. you’re here…” then he further mutters to himself. “…you’re really here…”
“no.” you say pointedly. “take me back.”
“look i know that you probably feel…scared right now—“
“scared?” you hiss out. “of course i feel scared. you pretended to be…oh god…i kissed you.” you mutter, replying yesterdays actions. was it yesterday? you weren’t sure. because time seemed to be irrelevant as of now.
“and it was better than I remembered.” miguel is slowly edging closer to you.
you shake your head, jaw clenching. “no. no, i’m not…i’m not your wife. please tell me you know that.”
“i know.” miguel clenched his jaw. “my wife is dead.”
you stop, meeting his gaze. there’s a flash of something cold before he catches your gaze, softening instantly, as his lips twitch up. “but you aren’t…and i’m not gonna let you die…” he edged closer again. “‘m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
you keep your hand out, but your expression has softened a fraction. he still grieved. and now his desperation kinda made sense to you. but that still gives him no right to just…take you. “i’m…sorry. i am, but i have my own life. a different life. with…miguel…my miguel.”
miguel’s jaw tightens at this, as he steps much much closer. you hadn’t realised that you were backing up until you felt the cold wall at your back. now Miguel had you trapped as his gaze wandered your face with an intimacy that had your breath hitching.
“i’m barely any different from your miguel.” he says, brushing your face and neck, making you shiver.
“he wouldn’t just kidnap someone.” you mutter, making miguel’s darting eyes meet your own. his caresses moved to grab your chin, keeping your head how he wanted.
“i hate to break it to you. but if any of my variants are like me, then anything close to determination, or desperation will lead us to do something like this.” his mouth had moved to drag his lips up the skin of your neck, just breathing you in. “if anything is of high importance to us, we make sure we get it.” he places a kiss to your collarbone.
your entire body is tense, as you try to draw away from his eager lips. but he’s persistent, keeping you still, as he begins to suck on your neck, mumbling spanish words into your skin.
“and you…are probably the upmost important thing to us.” his other hand has slipped around your waist, as his hand by your chin slips to the back of your neck.
“you’re wrong.” you manage, as he litters kisses up your neck and jaw.
“am i?” miguel hums, kitten licking your skin.
“i’m…i’m not important to you. only to one of you…or i’d like to think so.” you say quickly, trying not to let his kisses effect you.
miguel shakes his head against your skin, his head now resting in the crook of your neck as he just keeps you close. “but you are, you…mine...” he mutters your name.
“yes.” he interrupts, pulling your waist closer to him. “all mine.” he mutters, his open mouth now over the side of your neck.
“i’m not…please, i’m…” you try, but his weight is crushing. “i’m really sorry about your wife, but…i’m not her, i can’t be her.”
“yes you can. you’re exactly like her.” miguel says, lifting his head, to kiss your lips. your ‘no’ comes out muffled as you manage to slightly draw him away.
“miguel.” you say pointedly. and he finally stops, breathing hard as he stares, seeming to make sure all your details sink into his brain.
“i can’t let you go again.”
“miguel.” you say again. “you never had me.”
his grip around your waist tightened. “i don’t care that you’re from another universe. you’re my wife. my wife now. you can’t really think i’d just give that up so easily can you?”
you shake your head. “i’m already married.”
“to a version of me.” he says, his clawed finger going back to tracing your skin.
“no. you’re a version of him, to me.” you say, truthfully. “you’re the variant who has no right. He’s my husband.”
his jaw clenched, his soft tracing now a tight grip on your cheeks to stop you talking. “don’t say that.”
you still manage to speak. “it’s the truth. even you can’t deny that.”
he breathes, his tongue running down his fang. “fine. you were his wife.” his hand had begun to stroke any part of you, keeping you close and against him. “but where is he? it’s been two days.”
your eyes widen. two days?!
miguel smirks at your shocked expression. “if he really was your husband, and cares about you. he would have found you already. i would have found you.” miguel’s manipulative words are whispered so enticingly.
you shake your head. “no he’s…where even am I?”
miguel didn’t want to say his universe. because then you’d make up some excuse about how your husband physically couldn’t get here. so Miguel instead says. “somewhere quiet. not far from your house actually. he’s just so oblivious.” miguel hides his smirk in your neck, going back to kissing and licking.
“no…” you weren’t going to believe that. He’s looking for you. your miguel is looking for you.
miguels hand slipped under your shirt, just to stroke your waist, hips and stomach. “maybe he’s just…busy. he has such a hard job doesn’t he?”
he’s looking for you—you keep repeating to yourself. he’s looking, he’s looking. but miguels poisonous words have snuck their way into your mind.
“i actually saw your husband, before I went to your house…” lies lies lies. “he was with…someone.”
your jaw clenched. because your mind instantly went to the woman he works with. no. you weren’t gonna be jealous. she was only his co-worker. a friend.
“they were standing rather…close.” miguel’s lips have left marks all over your neck, as he keeps stroking your skin, doing a lot more damage to your mind. a target of his that he can feel is slowly working. because you aren’t as tense anymore, and maybe you’re just thinking. but that would mean miguel’s plan is on its way.
he lifted his head, his face falling again, as he looks concerned, brushing your cheek with his fingers. “she seemed rather…eagerly engaging with him. of course i’m sure it’s nothing though. i’m sure he’s looking for you.”
miguel watches the switch in your expression. my, my you were so easy to manipulate. he held down his grin still displaying a form of sadness and pity.
“i’m sure he didn’t agree to that dinner.”
“what?” you stare at him, and for the first time today you completely and utterly stare at miguel. and he feels ecstatic.
“you didn’t know?” miguel tilts his head in fake surprise. “i thought he would have told you, since you’re well…his wife.”
he’s lying—you think to yourself. all his words are lies. but you can’t help but feel doubt prickle under your skin. because yes, your miguel has been rather busy lately, making small excuses. it’s fine right. he’s looking for you…right?
“ay, mi cariño…you didn’t know? i’m so sorry.” miguel gently kissed your cheek. carefully reading your now relaxed posture, as he moves his lips to capture yours.
and that’s when he knew he had you. his doubtful thoughts were planted now. and as he moved his hand to support the back of your neck, he knew for sure—kissing you harder—that he had you completely under his control.
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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midnightmah07 · 8 days
Hello Mah! ♡
I'm actually so curious from your post on Trey that I just wanted to ask... if you were going to design Trey as a character, how would you make him look? ♡ (or, how would you want him to look?)
Thank you! ♡
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I will ramble a bit on my desicions, my inspirations and the personality traits that I changed/added since I also wanted to do something else with Trey's personality, sorry Sheepie I just think he's a tiiiiiiny bit boring to my taste💔
However!!! Before I go on and on I just want to say, this is NOT me hating on Trey by any means, while he might not be a character I'm excited about, I do understand that there are people (like our lovely Sheep here💙) who really love him and care for him just the way he is, and I'm happy for that!! I just did this because i thought it would be fun :)
Appearance!! (Ryu from Kimi ni Todoke, Kim Namjoon and Kurosawa from Choking on Love)
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I wanted to change Trey's hair DESPERATELY because I personally don't like Trey's haircut, I don't think it looks very flattering on him💔 So! I gave him a buzz cut!! While I'm always saying I love how men look with longer hair, I absolutely adore buzz cuts, so I thought an easy fix would be giving him a haircut that I think would be flattering to him, taking inspiration from all of these but specifically Kurosawa, I even gave Trey an earring like Kurosawa lol
I like thinking my Trey is more muscular than canon Trey, maybe even a bit taller? He's just a bit more buff generally speaking, I think that adds a fun touch✨
I also wanted to make his face shape similar to Namjoon, I made it a bit rounder and I also gave him dimples, which I think would be such a cute little detail everytime he smiled (which isn't a lot so... Hehe) :]
His clothes didn't change much, but I took inspiration from how Ryu wears his uniform, so I got rid of Trey's tie, but kept the rest the same! Also, I changed the placement of the clover symbol because I didn't like it before, I kinda still don't but? I think it looks better on the corner of the forehead
Trey's personality is lovely yes but a bit bland to me... So I took a lot of inspiration from Kurosawa, Ryu and even Mori from Ouran and decided to make him more reserved, quiet even. My version of Trey is a guy who looks intimidating on the outside, he doesn't smile all that often and he usually doesn't speak much, but he's actually a really caring guy, and helped Yuu and the others bake that tart with no problem really, as he wanted peace in Heartslabyul to be back again
I like thinking that my version of Trey wouldn't be like that when he was a kid, but he became more quiet after what happened with Mrs. Roseheats. So, my Trey would've felt so guilty for the humiliation his parents and Riddle had gone through, that he started believing it wasn't worth speaking out anymore, so he simply stopped speaking much ever since that day, he became super obedient too, and that's also part of the reason why he let Riddle continue with his awful behavior
My version of Trey would still be great a baking, and it would be a surprise factor for a lot of people, since he doesn't look like the type of guy who'd bake, (in my head Deuce even confused him for a delinquent, which couldn't be farther from what my Trey actually is lol) I think it'd be a fun detail to add... Also, I'm so sorry, but I'm taking away the Trey liking tooth brushing as a hobby... LIKE IM SORRY WDYM. THAT IS NOT A HOBBY DUDE. WHAT😭😭😭 My Trey is still interested in this very niche thing, maybe he even wants to be a dentist instead of continuing on with the bakery, but it's nowhere near the same level... His hobby could simply be baking itself
Anyways!! I think that's it?? I'm sorry this is WAYYYY TOO MUCH SJDJSJSKSKSJS BUT I GOT SUPER EXCITED..... Sorry to have changed your man sm Sheepie😞
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thechaoticplayer · 8 months
Eating His Prey
author's note: I really wanted to write a fic about Ike, more specifically sadistic and yandere Ike because holy shit it was kinda hot what he was doing sheeeeeesh Summary: Being such a sly (apparently my keyboard wanted to make you slay so you're also very slay) and mischievous little fox you are, you decide to mess around in a wolf's territory. However, you're in for a wild reality check... Contains: degrading oh wow, dom Ike, hes literally using you, and all that spicy stuff mmm
Hunting in the wolf's territory was an adventure within itself, the new terrain and yummy prey was something that you desired very much. Besides, wouldn't be fun to mess around a bit? You are a great predator yourself, enjoying making your prey squeak and cry underneath your arms. You'd drag out their suffering for a good while. It was all fun and games for you.
You are currently traipsing through the forest full of crowded trees, scattered patches of sunlight kissing the grass floor. You finished having a good meal of a rabbit, a cute little thing you almost felt bad for devouring. Your nose quivered, sniffing the air and catching a scent.
Wolf scent. But your senses told you he was away at the moment. You grin, lips pulled back to reveal canine teeth. His little home! Maybe you could get some sort of rabbit shit and litter it all across his home. Maybe you could build a little fort out of sticks for him.
You dart in and out bushes with ease, your feet silently tapping the ground. Your prey hardly ever heard you coming, which was fortunate and unfortunate at once. Unaware little things. Thank god you were an excellent predator and not some weak ass prey!
You find yourself at the mouth of a cave, looking awfully gloomy inside. You sniff once more. Yup, his scent is much stronger here. Without a care in the world, you skip on inside.
It was very dark for a good few feet, your night vision clicking in after a few seconds. Bones lay scattered across the cave floor: skulls, ribs, femurs, arms. Some even arranged in twisted ways, like horrific art. Wolf must be some sort of sick freak. Not like you were anyone to judge. But still. Freak.
But it gradually began to get brighter, and you walk faster, you didn't want to dilly dally after all. You emerge within a bigger room, with a hole on the ceiling like a window. You notice there was no patch of leaves or soft grass for rest (what the fuck does he actually sleep on this hard ass rock? The wolf is literally a psycho) and surprisingly, no weird bone art. Just tallies on the wall, made with his claw you presumed, lining the walls. Several rows after row. What is this? his body count?
Eh. you don't care. You just wanna create a mess out of his home.
You drag some of the bones from the corridor and toss them around. Snapping some in half and creating your own work of art. You giggle as you line up some bones, a picture of a cock on his floor now. Your tail swishes back and forth with excitement. Perhaps you should go back to the riverbed, gather some mud and plaster it all over the wolf's walls. A nice touch to such a bland room.
You turn your head and freeze. Your heart rate increases.
The wolf himself is here, staring you down with golden eyes. Glowing from the darkness, expression blank as he watched you. Caught-red handed. How long was here there anyway? How did you not hear his entrance? as for the smell, his scent was all over the place, and it is very strong. Luck was simply not on your side.
"Well well well," the grey wolf chuckles darkly, sending electricity down your spine. Instinct told you to run your ass out of there, but you froze, out of fear. "What's a little fox doing here in my domain? Wrecking my home, hm?"
You say nothing, eyes glancing behind him. The only exit. A laugh, as he approaches still.
"Since we are going to get very acquainted, my name is Ike Eveland," the wolf says cheerfully and you furrow your brows because what the hell? "And now, answer me this: what gave you the idea to come here? Death wish?"
"...b-because i wanna," your shaky voice replies and you clear your throat. You straighten your body and stare back at him, never backing down. Not too some puny wolf. "I go wherever I want."
Ike tsks at you, stalking closer. "Now now, I like the confidence yes, but do you realise your situation, dear?" He smiles, sharp teeth bared. "I'm going to eat you alive."
Finally, he launches himself at you, claws glinting in the sunlight. Immediately your legs tense and push you, sprinting below him out of the room and into the corridor. Your heart roars in your ears as you run as far as you possibly can out of the cave, breathing heavily.
What a fucking insane little shit! He was definitely a bit smaller than other wolves you met, but something about the way his sinister gaze sent shivers down your spine. You hated to admit it, but the wolf was actually pretty intimidating. His eyes were such a lovely shade of gold though...
You shake your head and keep running, hopping through a small river to make him lose your scent. You turn towards another direction, toward the familiar big tree you liked to lean against when you wanted to think. It was a good distance from the wolf's territory, so you should be fine. Besides, why would Ike come all the way over here for one silly fox? Heh.
You arrive at the foot of the tree and plop down, regaining your oxygen. Damn, you've never ran so much in your life. You curl your fluffy tail around you, plucking out leaves. Your beating heart slowed a bit as relief flooded your veins. That was simply a vibe check from the gods above. You have learned to stay away from there in the near by future, because if you went there again, you wouldn't have a future.
You lean down with the balls of your hand on the grass, stretching with your ass in the air and felt every bone crack in your back. You sigh contently. It has always felt good to do that after a run.
Your ear twitched and a sound of rustling bushes interrupts your stretch. You sit back, suddenly alert. You sniff the air, but only smell your wet fur. You survey your surroundings, and seeing nothing. A squirrel? However, you stayed cautious and kept your ears open.
While you were cleaning your teeth, another sound, the noise of a twig snapping under a huge weight. It is closer to you than before.
With no warning, you high-tail it out of there, not even turning to see who it is because you could already tell by that menacing aura alone. The grey wolf is hunting you.
"Go away!" you shout, shooting through bushes and swerving around thick trees. "Go find some dumb rabbit to devour!"
"You're much more intriguing!" Ike calls, and you're startled by how you can't hear his footsteps and yours is loud as shit. "Let's play a game, huh?"
"I don't play no games!" You snap, diving into a fox hole made from another fox and scurrying through the small tunnel. He couldn't get through because he's too large! ha!
"It'll be fun!" He calls from outside the tunnel. "Let's play hide and seek, little one!" Ike sings, and you find it oddly pretty.
Dude, really?
You shoot out the other end and continue sprinting. Fuck out of here with that hide and seek nonsense!
"I'll be the seeker," Ike says from behind, startling so much you almost stumble. "I'll give you some time to hide!"
His voice fades and you glance over your shoulder. Gone. Kapoof. Finally, holy shit, his presence was getting annoying as shit. Wait. Is he actually going to play hide and seek?
You curse in your mind, running as far as your legs could carry. You pause, chest heaving as you breath rapidly through your mouth. You turn in a circle, attempting to find a good hiding spot. You spy a big tree with a hollow center, obscured by a flower bush. It is right by a river too!
You dive into the hole without delay and try to rein in your breathing. You quickly adjust the bush so it didn't look like it was rammed through. It was not long before you felt that ominous presence again, your tail poofing up instantly.
"Little fox, where are you?" Ike coos from a good distance away. You cover your mouth with both hands. "You're a sly thing, huh? Walking around my own territory like it was your place. Now, it's time to make sure you learn your place."
You press yourself against the wall so hard, the grooves start to imprint on your skin. You're starting to regret your decisions. It seems like the wolf will never let you go until he captures you. You silently pray to whatever gods were listening.
Turns out they were not. They said screw you kiddo you're on your own.
"I will find you," Ike promises, his voice a tad closer. "I can feel your heart. So fast. Am I making you nervous?"
You grind your teeth, stopping yourself from growling. This cocky bastard.
"I tend to get that reaction a lot. I didn't think I was that horrifying, being on the smaller scale," Ike says and you roll your eyes because who the fuck asked? "I give off threatening vibes, supposedly. that's what the last one said anyway."
"The last prey I had," the wolf continues, almost as if he just read your mind. "You must've seen the lines on the walls. All animals I've killed and perhaps devour. Sometimes, I kill for the fun of it and leave the carcass for other animals. Oh, how thrilling it is, watching the blood seep onto the floor and the life draining out of their eyes!" Ike sighs and your blood goes cold because it's outside your hiding place. A big hand reaches out to touch the flower in front of you. "Their blood, such a pretty shade of red just like this poppy."
The hand snakes out like a viper and snatches your ankle and you yell, kicking at him but he drags you out of the tree. Still kicking and screaming bloody murder, you kick his face in sheer desperation. His head turned toward another direction but his hand still latched onto your ankle.
"That wasn't very polite," Ike says, his gaze on you and you still. "What's wrong? Sad because you lost?"
"No way!" You claw at his hand but he doesn't budge. Just watches your pathetic attempts. "Let go!"
He leans in close to your face and you halt your actions. His breaths on your face as the wolf holds eye contact with you. The flecked color of brown in his eyes are mesmerizing to look at, entrancing. You swallow hard. Ike's hand slides from your ankle to your knee, to your thigh, sending goosebumps across your skin. He squeezes, his nails digging in slightly and you wince.
"No. You're mine to play with now, cute little fox."
Something about the way his voice went lower, or was it the hand movement? made your heart beat faster, and not in a frightened way. The wolf's hand travels to your hip and your breath hitches, still staring into the eyes of your enemy. The hand goes all the up from your arm, feather light, skins your collarbone and finds itself a new home on your neck. Wrapping his fingers around your delicate neck, Ike begins to squeeze lightly. Still looking down at you with those pretty eyes, hovering over you with such a smirk on his lips.
Ike stops squeezing, evidently surprised. He sniffs the air, but still a hand around your throat, his nose dipping lower. His nose bumps against your thigh and he growls low in his throat, yanking your legs apart. You squeak.
Arousal. Pure arousal, glittering in the light. Ike stares for a moment, still sniffing. His gaze slides back up to you and you stop breathing.
"Little fox..." he says quietly, and excitement jolts up. "Are you... aroused, right now?"
You don't respond, a bit ashamed. Why the hell were you getting horny for the man about to kill you? Who in their right mind-?
You gasp as you feel a hot mouth against your pussy, lapping up the juices with a shocking pace. You whine, struggling to get away but both his hands are on your thighs now, keeping you spread open and down on the grass as he ravaged your pretty little hole.
You tasted so fucking good, more than he could ever imagine! His nose bumps your clit as his tongue glides in and out of your wet hole, making squelching noises. You moan loudly, digging your nails into his scalp as you push him into you. Ike growls, sending more electricity up your spine. His teeth grazes your clit as he suckles the bundle of nerves and you gasp.
"Oh fuck fuck fuck- mph!" You cover your mouth, attempting to muffle your embarrassing sounds.
The wolf stops, narrowing his eyes at you. "Who said for you to hide those pretty noises?"
You bite your lip, legs squirming as the breeze hits your pussy. "I-I, well..."
"Keep our hands. Off. If you do so again, I'll make sure you never do it again, do you understand?"
You nod quickly, getting even more aroused by his threat and you subconsciously think, 'what the FUCK' and he smirks.
Ike eats you out like a wolf starved, fucking and teasing your hole with such accuracy you start to see stars, and watching him eat you like you were the best meal he ever had turned you on even more and you felt your walls clamp around his tongue.
"Good slut," Ike whispers against your clit, sucking on it for a brief moment before sinking his teeth into your thigh, making you yelp. "Horny little thing, for a predator who was going to devour you whole..." the wolf chuckles.
Your slick slathered across his face, buried in you, legs over his shoulders was a sight to see. You moan, "a-ah! Mmm, right there, t-there!" Your toes curl, eyes rolled back as the orgasm comes over in waves, making your body shake from pleasure as you release soft whines. But Ike isn't done, he's just getting started.
A finger pushes itself into you and you gasp yet again. It explores your walls, tickling that one spot. Then another is added, and Ike slowly pumps his fingers into you, watching with fascination as your pussy eagerly swallows his digits. Pulling him in.
"What a fucking whore," he notes, flicking his eyes up at your flushed cheeks and the drool leaking down your chin. "I haven't even put my cock in you yet."
Your walls squeeze around his fingers at the sentence and he laughs darkly. He bites your other thigh, drawing blood as you wince in pain. The wolf quickly laps up your blood with a groan. His fingers pump faster, curling at the right time and you moan in a mix of pain and pleasure.
"Greedy bitch. Do you want me to let you cum?" He asks, gold glowing between your legs. New hickeys flourish all over your inner thighs along with obvious bite marks.
"Yes please," you moan, angling your hips up and he repeatedly hits that delicious spot. "Hah- f-fuck! N-ngh! Pleasepleasepleaseplease... "
Ike pulls his fingers out and you immediately protest but he shushes you. The loss of his fingers inside you was making you insane, until you get filled up by something entirely different.
"O-oh... " you moan quietly, his cock hard inside of you.
"Dumb fox." Ike takes your wrists and pins them above your head as he looks down at you. Your breath hitches. "Dumb, horny fox."
He snaps his hips and you make a guttural sound. Ike's pupils are big, drinking in every single detail from your sweat collecting on your skin, your body squirming underneath him, to your mouth popped open slightly. Oh, and those luscious lips of yours, appearing soft and unkissed...
Might as well make you his new toy now, eh?
Ike smashes his lips into yours as he fucks you fast and hard, shoving his tongue inside your mouth as you open to moan. Tongues dancing together and his muscle exploring every single space within your mouth. You tasted so delicious and felt so delicious, there was no way in hell he was letting you go now.
Satisfied with your bruised lips, the wolf goes to mark your neck. Biting, kissing, sucking. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he digs his nails into you. Tears running down your face as you hiccup, crying and saying "it's too much, it's too much'.
Ike could not give a damn. You brought this upon yourself, and now he's going to have fun with his new fucktoy.
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k3m1y4 · 9 months
bsd men x reader ! pt. 1
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tw: nothing much, pure fluff. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! sorry i was late posting this! just sm good short fluff :3!. mentions of alcohol, drunk!chuuya. short as hell. inspired; by RISES THE MOON . . . by liana flores.
pt. 1: dazai, chuuya pt: 2: ranpo, poe. (3 and 4 cancelled.)
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“But bella! It’s too cold… I can’t get up!” Dazai whines and complained as he brings the blanket up to his face. Although to your avail the man beside you swung an arm to your waist and pulls you closer.
“Plus, it’s christmas anyways! we get to spend time together.” Dazai had the smug smile plastered on his face.
“Fine, fine.” You say calmly as the snow outside continues to fall and crystalize, the soft relaxing scenery resting upon display.
The snow falls down to the thick white ground, disappearing in a fragrance. The room was warm and especially cozy, dazai softly kisses the back of your neck as you felt a smile cheekily touching your behind.
“Daazai…” you say before you heard a small, quiet chuckle. You could feel his hot breath behind your neck, still having the comfortable vibrant smile on his face.
It was purely an ease of silence, nothing awkward, nothing embarrassing, just a full easing, serene quietness.
A soft hum was heard, luring you back to sleep. His bandaged hands caressing the side of your cheek, softly poking it time by time. Earning dazai a giggle from you.
The lantern light peeked through the window, the trees were covered in cold snow, brushing off with a thin blow of air.
Everything was simplistic, one appreciating the nostalgia who earns a grand of happiness in return, a gift from the desires of “fate.”
Make it a simple moment, something with an essence of at least a sense of security, something safe. nothing more, something to call “home.”
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“Chuuuya?” You ask waving your hand infront of him, his vision has gone in a blur, his mind in a daze, dizzy to step up. He had just now realized, he had way too many glasses of whiskey.
But what can he do? it was too late, his eyes was about to shut off into deep slumber as he held your hands. Trying to regain his balance.
“Name-“ He hiccuped, you only laughed in hysterically at him, in response for his drunk state.
“Chuuya? are you okay..” You say now a bit concerned as his eyes was finally giving up, “Now he’s asleep…” You say subtly as his grip on your hands loosened.
You chuckle at the scene infront of you, chuuya deep asleep as his hat slid off his head. Making you smile joyfully.
“You actually look adorable, chuu.” You softly muttered under your breath as the ginger was deep asleep.
Oh just imagine him waking up next snowy morning, him all sobered. You giggle at the scenario you just clearly made up in your head as Chuuya was sleeping peacefully.
Slightly snoring as he sat on the couch, head laid back. You couldn’t help but stroke his hair while he was unconscious of his surroundings.
Your hand softly lingering at his soft ginger hair, this felt way more better than him being a grump and being a bland casual chuuya he is. Classic he is.
*cough* sorry it was late…- happy late merry christmas. was kinda busy during holidays. (family events ykyk.) changed the title 😀…
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phoniexrose02 · 10 months
Robby Keene x Black! Reader
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You awoke with a Painful ache in your Back, This Week had Really Been Beating your Ass. Both of your Jobs Decided to Work you to the Nail, Unfortunately Missing your Boyfriend's Karate Tournament. Robby Understood of course, But you'd Felt like such an Ass and When you found out about the Outcome you'd Felt even More Responsible. Everything Just Seemed to Be working against you Right now.
"Next Off Day Robby I Swear..."
You Held your phone Close to your Ear an Huffed a Tired Breathe"You know I want too~" stared around the empty Breakroom, Robby Sat awake in New bed. He'd Felt a Bit Odd in his New Room an Decided to Spark the Room up a bit, a lit preroll in between his fingers. Getting high asf after all the recent shit he'd been threw was Great But as great as it way all he could think about right now was You.
"Mm~ you Owe me like 24hr Worth of Cuddles already Sweetheart" He Grumbled out staring up into his Ceiling."I might be able to Get the Weekend~" You smiled to yourself, it finally felt Forever since you'd seen Him and now that he Lived closer you could get to him a lot cheaper." We can Cuddle all we Want, Maybe ruin that New Bed of yours~" you Whispered, Robby Could Feel the Ideas coming to his Mind. His Dick Getting excited to the thought, you Groaned Looking Toward the Clock.
Back to it I guess....
"My 30 mins is almost up, I'll see you This weekend Baby"
As the Called Ended Robby Stared around his Room, Looked a bit Bland...Soo he Decides to make it Fun For both of you. He Spend a Good Chunk of his Weekly allowance to Deck out his Room, Posters, New Pillows, Candles, an a few pedals and Flowers. He let himself Browse around the mall for anything else that Would lighten your Mood, Robby smiled after a bit of Walking around Laying his Eyes on the Perfect Gift.
As Friday Came you routinely Called Him up after your shift as you Waited for your Lyft."Hope you weren't Working to Hard gorgeous" you smiled Bright as you usually did when he Answered your Call."Mm'Trying" you spoke quietly."I Called a Ride I should be Over in a bit"
"Cancel it."
"Wha- Why??"
He hung up Leaving You a Bit confused an Huffed before putting him on you speaker you Cancelled your Ride, Before you could fully register his request you were pulled away with a Loud honk." Need a Lift Gorgeous" your eyes Fell on the EagleFang Van."No Way he let you Drive it!" You yelled happily prancing to the Passengers Seat, as you were about to hop in You Noting the Beautiful flower bouquets."Oh Robby, how Gentleman Like~" you Hop in Setting your Bag onto the Ground an the Flowers in your lap.
"Only the Best for my Girl~" You Both Lean in for a Longing Kiss, He let his ringed Fingers Gently Rest on your Face, the Cool Metal Meeting your Warm Cheeks." I Missed you~" he Quietly Hummed out as he pulled away from you." I missed you Too, I'm so Sorry I couldn't get to you Sooner"
"Don't worry bout it baby, We'll make it all Up tonight~"
You Placed your Hand on his Thigh Most of the Drive, it Seemed like so much to talk about But Silence Quickly Over took."Soo, how are things? Living with your Dad I Mean.." he Huffed as if to think very Carefully about the Subject."Better. I'm actually gonna be a Big Brother" You Eyes instantly Widened in Shock."Holy Fuck I didn't think he had it in him! So how do you Feel? Have you Met her yet?" He Nodded letting out a Relieved Sigh." She's cool, I'm kinda Proud of him, it's still a little weird tho. But we're working through it.." he finally Said with a Confident Smile, You let your hand rest on his shoulder an Gently Grazed at his Neck.
The small gesture Brought him Comfort, as he Pulled into the Driveway and Parked the Car He finally Looked over to you, Your Curvy Body Shoved into the Uncomfortable Work uniform."Is He Home?" You asked Softly Taking in your Surroundings, an Robby Examined your Beautiful Lips as you Speak." nah, He promised to go stay with her tonight." You smiled and He Gave a Bright one back, you Both Grabbed your things before Heading Inside.
"I love you, you know that?" he Blurted out Randomly in the Hallway as he Stopped at his Door, a Smirk stretched against your chubby Cheeks."I know Robby~" you planted a kiss to his Cheek, an you two Proceeded to open his door.
Smoke n' Fuck?~
You giggled at as the Read the petals aligned on his Bed. You examined his Room an Smiled, you loved just Being in his Safe Space it Brought you comfort." It's amazing Baby, and of Course I'll Smoke N' Fuck with you~" You pull off your uncomfony work shoes and place them next to the door with your Bag."You want some of my clothes?" You placed the Flowers at his Desk an began to Strip from your Tight Clothes as Time Robby started to Rummage through his Draws.
"Sure. You got Sum Rolled for me?~" you Wrapped your arms around his Waist letting your tits Press Heavily onto his Back." Of Course, I also got another Present for ya".
He Dug into the Bottom of his Draws handed the you a gifted wrapped bag,You Gush as you pulled out a Box Reading 'Magic Wand' with a Smirk."You didn't~" it'd felt like forever since you two had Been intimate, you Pulled the Toy From the Box Before turning it on. The strong vibrations in your fingers Send a Tinkle Down your Spine. You play with the Settings of the Toy Smirking at the highest. "Wanna Test it Out?~"
You Nodded an he helped you Undress the rest of you clothing, you Plopped down onto the bed some petals Falling to the Floor in Result. You watched from his Bed as a Pulled off his Top an Slipped a Prerolled into his Mouth, you bite your lip as Taking in his Beautiful physique."I know we said 'Fuck Cobra Kai' , But Damn Did they get you Ripped~" he quickly discarding of his pants with a Chuckled. Only left in his Boxers he Crawled in between your legs Spreading them to his Liking, your glistening Cunt in perfect view. You hand him the Wand and he Switches it out for the J.
"Fuck Cobra Kai, this was all Me Baby~" he turned it onto its first setting as you took a long Drag. He let out a quiet groan at the strong vibrations, something about it making him Dick Twitch."You ready Beautiful?~" You Nodded Resting On your Elbows, Robby Made sure to place the ashtray onto his Bed as soon as he Lit it so you two would have no Reason to Split apart again.
He placed the Toy Against your gush Cunt, the Strong Vibration Made Jerk. He Held your Side with one hand keeping you steady."Easy Baby, Relax~" Robby slowly moved the Soft Bud Up to your Clit, an you Took another Huff with a Quiet Hum. You Wiggled your hips against the Vibrating toy." Your Leaking all over this thing baby, I take it you like?~" you Nodded in approval taking another hit before Gently Shoving the Toy away.
"It's a really stimulating, But you Promised me a Good Fuck~" you Two Switched out once again and you turned on the wand settings up. "You sure you can Handle that? Seem a Little jumpy with this thing alone." Robby asked as he Hit the Joint as you played with yourself in Bliss."Jumpy's Good, an you usually have the strength to keep me Down~" your Toes Curled as you Found your Sweet Spots with the Toy."Hey! Your Not Cumming without me~"
Robby Placed the Roach onto the Ashtray before Pulling his Hard Dick From his Boxers. He Ran his Hard Cock threw your Leaking Folds He Let out a Gentle Grunt as he Made Contact with the Toy, you Gently place your hands against his Guiding the Toy to your Sweet Spots."Fuck~ your Gushing~" He Held your hips n Place before Shoving his Tip in your Hole, he Sunk inside Your soaking Cunt.
Robby's hips Shook as his Pelvis met with the Buzzing Plaything, He Hummed as his Hips Quickly Jerked into you. His Rough Thrust Making Dawning you Speechless, you Fell Back into the Pillows as Robby Fucked you into the Mattress.
Fuck New Favorite~
"More! More!~" you Chanted To him as you Reached For his Abs, he Growled an Tensed Ramming down Deep, Your hips Jump as Robby placed the Toy onto its highest Setting He let out a Deep Moan Feeling the Vibration himself,Your Walls Clung on tight forcing him to Speed up his Thrust.
" Oh God! Oh God! I'm Cumming Robby! I'm Cumming!~" You Gripped at the Sheets and your Toes Curl, he pulled the Wand from your Cunt as you Spilled you Juices onto him, Robby Pulled himself out and with a Few Strokes he Cums over your stomach and Clit."Fuck, I think this might be my New Favorite~" He Pulled himself from the Bed and put away the Wand. "We'll play with her More Later" You were left pretty Boneless as he Cleaned you up, your high brain Going Bland for a sec.
"Fuck...I got Munchies now" You shameful Whispered an he Giggled Fixing the Sweat Strands of Hair and pulling on a Pair of Sweatpants." Let me take you out..?"
"No Way, You still owe me my Cuddles" he Slide back into Bed Pulling you Close to his Chest, he was Warm against your back and his hands Gripped your Naked Waist Tight."How about DoorDash an a movie?" He Grunted at the thought of spending anything on him at all." If we Smoke before It'll Taste Better..."
"Fine, But I refuse to let you leave my Bed Pretty Girl~"
More Cobra Kai 🐍
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toastedjeans · 5 months
So anyway i made a pizza tower oc/self insert/fanchild?? Technically?? If you squint.....
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Their name's Ziti and they're Peppino and Gustavo's adopted "kid" (they're around 16). If you saw this post before, i aged them down a bit and changed/got rid of a few other things.
Anyway, some info about them below
I'm still too lazy to put all this into sentences and in an order that makes sense so here's a bigass list
They were adopted by Peppino and Gustavo after the tower fell
Used to work in the tower in the background, probably in a computer room. There was never much work there so they often fell asleep or doodled on the side. When there was work it was very stressful for them and they were easily overwhelmed. They never took days off cause they felt they didn't deserve to. Still, they desperately need a break (more on that in the backstory post)
Very anxious, but unlike Peppino, their anxiety does not turn into rage, just more anxiety and later on extreme tiredness. They're always tired tbh
Likes goofing around with Gustavo. He's the slightly sillier dad, while Peppino is slightly more caring and comforting (he can relate to the trans struggles. We love trans Peppino in this house). Of course, they're both caring and silly and great dads and love their kid very much
Random headcanon that Gustavo likes picking up people as a sign that he likes them a lot, and you know he often does that to Ziti (and Peppino lol)
Absolutely cannot cook, they WILL burn the kitchen down while trying to boil water. Please for the love of pizza do NOT let them near any kitchen. Peppino is honestly amazed by how bad someone's cooking skills can be (he says they're worse than Maurice's, which is saying a lot)
Not used to physical affection, at first only cuddles with Brick. Touch starved as hell.
Fakey is kinda like a mix between a best friend, a big brother, and a weird pet to them. It's weird at first, seeing how he resembles one of their dads so much, but they eventually get used to it
An awkward piece of ham™, but there's a silly goofy goober under all that anxiety
They always put other's needs in front of theirs, resulting in them neglecting their own needs because they're "not important enough" in their mind.
Always tries doing things on their own because they don't like bothering others, even if they know they can't do it alone. Will not actively ask for help but will reluctantly accept it when offered.
Giving gifts is their love language. Gives gifts randomly whenever they find something, but still feels bad when they don't have a gift on a special day (birthdays, Christmas, etc), or if they think their gift is lame
They're very forgetful, but they do remember tiny things nobody cares about. Will forget your birthday, but remembers that they once saw a frog jump directly into water and exactly how the resulting splash looked. This has no significance to anything at all, but they do remember it!
No fashion sense. At all. I mean look at them. Bland white ass. (No wonder tbh if you know where they come from)
Very pale, often got called a vampire or zombie when they were younger. Peppino and Gustavo sometimes lovingly refer to them as their little Mozzarella (despite both of them being smaller than Ziti)
Lastly, they're strangely obsessed with Noisette's cooking. Their favorite is her peanut butter spaghetti. Never gets sick from any of her food. They're not picky is all I'm saying. (Kinda explained in the backstory post)
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kkarmiic · 1 year
To be loved | Asmodeus x GN!Reader
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// synopsis: Asmodeus breaks up with you and you have to learn to live without ‘love.’
‘+ genre: Angst/Comfort
*# warnings: Breakups, Asmo is kinda an ass. Some Satan x reader if you squint.
\\ authors note: This is so self indulgent and is me coping
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You fell in love in the most unexpected place, hell. To a demon he holds you ever so gently, places face masks and traces your skin.
Who looks at you with love you never expected to receive, who kisses you like there’s nobody else in the world. They love you, and you can’t help but love them too.
You love their silky hair and love their eccentric personality. They love how you love them.
You hadn’t figured that out until three months in, or five months into your exchange program.
You kept quiet, this way you could have them, even if your heart sink when they traced your skin and kissed you, you knew they were aware of the other people around you two. You knew that they did it for a reaction out of the other demons. The scandals and rumours when they got even the slightest bit close to someone else. They thrives off of it. You lived with it.
Secretly you wanted to be loved too.
It wasn’t until another two months later, five months in or seven months into your exchange program when they pulled you aside, hand running up your upper arm, just as usual, such a meaningless touch, but something felt wrong.
“Honey…” Asmodeus began, a pout forming on the underside of their lips. Voice drawling, eyes filled with fake sympathy.
At that point you knew.
“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Was all you could ask, taking a shuddering breath as they responded with silence. That’s all you needed to know.
Just as you turned on your heel, head held high, or as high as it could be considering your chin was wobbling, body shaking and eyes beginning to prick the corners of your eyes, they spoke.
“Listen, you’re just… Not giving me what I want.” Asmodeus had clearly skipped past the whole ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ cliche. But why would they follow that? This wasn’t a fairytale, wasn’t a dream, this was hell, and they were a personified sin.
At one point they had to leave; or you would first, you were going to go home in another five months, and that would be it. You had sworn to yourself you’d make it work, you’d still have your phone, and they would have theirs. You could visit all the time and vice versa, but deep down you knew this was coming.
They had been pulling away for some time, stopping your self care nights, stopping eating lunch with you, walking you to and from school. Warning signs perfectly laid out in-front of you, but you pretended not to see them, for if you didn’t see them, you could pretend it was a shock when they left, pretend not to understand why and to not admit to yourself you should’ve left the moment you realised they didn’t love you.
Your response came simple, bland and dry, refusing to cry in the middle of the RAD halls. “Okay.”
Ofcourse they’d be offended by that, your nonchalant attitude paired with the lack of an ‘adequate’ response almost set them off, but instead they turned and walked the other way, leaving you in the hall.
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You weren’t sure how long you stood there, either in shock or because you were focused on willing yourself not to cry, but it was enough time for Mammon to come find you, you could hear him from a mile away with those clicking shoes and the cologne he wore.
“Oi! Human!” He yelled on sight, slipping his hands into his pockets and making his way to the still unmoving you.
His voice was raised as he took the place in-front of you, attempting to stare you in the eyes, you still didn’t move. “How long were ya’ gonna keep me waiting for?!”
Your voice came out in a mere whisper, tucking your chin to your chest as you did so. “Sorry Mammon.” You had never apologised to him for your own actions, not so sincerely.
If clearly took him off guard, raising an eyebrow at your statue like figure.
“Eh? Y/N? You alright?” That was all it took, all it took for you to start crying, those tears you had been both proudly and carefully holding in behind that stone cold expression.
Your bottom lip wobbled for the last time before you wailed, finally meeting his eyes, clasping your hand against your mouth, legs feeling weak and body trembling.
“Y/N!?” Concern etched his voice, grabbing onto your upper arm just as Asmodeus had moments prior. “Lemme find Asmo!” Ofcourse. Ofcourse they had to be brought up,
Them and their stupid silky hair, their stupidly good fashion sense, them and their stupid eccentric personality and their fucking stupid gorgeous smile that you couldn’t help but to fall in love with.
“They.. They.. Broke up with me!” You choked out between sobs, you didn’t expect to become such a mess all of a sudden, to start wailing in public about someone who most likely doesn’t even care, who most likely checked out of the relationship before it even happened.
For a mere moment Mammon seemed shocked, before his gaze relaxed. He knew this was going to happen too, knew that they were going to end it, everyone had clearly saw the warning sides, the same ones you pretended to be blind to, pretended not to see because you were terrified if you saw them that would be an opening. And maybe you were a little selfish, thinking that if you pretended not to see, they wouldn’t see either, that everything would go back to the way it was, or worse, you’d get to hold them for a minute longer.
That’s not the way it worked out. Why would it? Just because you’re blind to something, doesn’t mean everyone else is, doesn’t mean everyone else wasn’t talking about it, placing bets on how long it would take for them to discard you, just like the one before, and the one before that. You just hoped you were different, that they would stay and love you.
They didn’t love you. You realise that now, watching as Mammon sighs, not sure what to say, clearly having had this conversation many times before, clearly seen the line of people crying over the same person you were crying over now.
I’m sorry wouldn’t cut it, nor would any touch or gift, because the only gift you wanted was love. Love that you don’t have, that had been given to someone who doesn’t care.
Numbness swallowed you whole.
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This was your third day of not going to school, not leaving your room spare for going to the bathroom and not talking to anyone.
Lucifers patience was growing thin, if he knew you were going to be this heartbroken, he would’ve never let you date them in the first place, he thought you knew what you were getting into. He was wrong.
A soft knock on your door. You’d had a revolving door of visitors over the past couple days, all trying to coax you to come down to eat, or go to school, you doubted tonight would be any different.
“Hey.. Y/N?” Satan this time. A soft sigh and you could hear shuffling as you assumed he sat against the door.
“Listen, I’m not going to beg you to come downstairs.” You chuckled at the admission, poking your head out of the blankets wrapped firmly around you.
“But uh. I know how much it hurts, to be heartbroken like that.” Another pause. “Shocking, I know. But nonetheless, it’s okay… to take your time. Healing takes longer than anyone expects.”
Satan had once been in love? Satan was sympathising with you? Odd.
“I’m not going to say I’m here if you need to cry, because I hope that’s a given. But also, if you need anything, I’m only one text away.” Sitting up, you ran your fingers through your hair, biting your nails as you opened your door, watching as he fell through onto your wooden floor.
The first time you’d laughed in three days. Satan shuffled up, rising to his feet and dusting off his sweater before glancing around your room, the empty breakfast bar wrappers and random trash was definitely an eyesore.
He chose not to comment, you appreciated that.
“I can accompany you if you’re coming down.” While your attire wasn’t at all appropriate, still in pyjamas, you were seriously considering it, after all you know Lucifer wouldn’t scold you for it, or at least you hoped so.
Asmodeus got practically banished from the tables with stares the moment you appeared at the top of the stairs, they rolled their eyes and pushed past you, the awkward situation making you want to run and retreat back to your room, not to the human world like you’d been thinking the previous night, after all, you still have friends here.
Taking your seat, everyone’s eyes bored into you before Satan spoke up.
“Y/N isn’t a novelty to gawk over, have some respect, they just needed time.” He tutted, beginning to eat. That seemed to snap everyone out of their trances, averting their gazes and digging into their food.
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That night you didn’t end up holed in your room, you ended up in Satans. It wasn’t anything sexual, not by any means, instead you were reading, a fantasy book that Asmodeus would’ve made fun of. No longer secretly, you were enjoying it and Satan was listening you nitpick the characters and get annoyed at their choices.
He was listening to you with a smile and you couldn’t help but smile back, for once you felt loved, perhaps not in the romantic sense, but having even one person who cared, who understood and who loved you for you, for your niche interests and hobbies other people find weird. That’s true love.
You were happy to love Satan.
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redflagshipwriter · 7 months
Reassembly 2
link to first post
(the one where Peter Parker wakes up post-snap in a LoA lazarus experiment)
It was New York City. Peter thanked his blessings and the transportation gods. He didn't wait for the train to stop because he was kind of afraid that it wouldn't and he'd get carried somewhere else.
If he'd been a regular teen, it would have been like, super dangerous to jump off of the top of a moving train and land on cement. Peter rolled like he'd been taught and came up safe. He shook his wrists a little as he straightened and tried to figure out where he was exactly.
Okay. Operation solo hero was a go. Here he was, in NYC. He didn't have any help. But he was Spiderman. Peter tried not to feel discouraged about losing all his tech, his friends, and his mentors. He could remake his web shooters and a suit. He needed access to materials, but he could do it. His first formula had been made in a school lab. 
'But I wasn't homeless and undocumented then.' 
Oof, that felt bad. 
'Can I even keep my name? I can't exactly go to Midtown and tell them to make Peter Parker plural.' 
Yikes. That was a whole lot of yikes.
Well. One problem at a time, right? He needed to get himself into a more stable position for survival first. Now that he knew where he was, he could change his strategy from calling for help to becoming self-sufficient. 
He wasn't exactly sure what to do. The first thing that came to mind was that he needed more clothes. Even if he had liked this outfit, he definitely needed more than one set. This was gross. And honestly? He was kinda cold. And he was increasingly uncomfortable about not wearing underwear.
'I don't have any money and I can't borrow some. I can't steal from anyone. What can I do?' 
Peter racked his brains. Go through the donation bins for a thrift store? That seemed wrong. But … stores throw things away. 
'Department stores get new things all the time. They must be throwing away old clothes. If I check their dumpsters, I bet I'll find something.' 
With a plan in mind, Peter made his way to the closest big store he knew about. Even though he was stranded, at least he was in his city. New York City was way more comforting than Metropolis had been. He navigated by memory to a store he knew called- 
Huh. The store was where he thought it would be, but it had a different name. Peter quietly read it aloud, wondering if this place would have the same bland, safe fashion as where he'd meant to go.
Well. There was only one way to find out, and it wasn't by going inside. They were locked up for the night anyway.
He found the dumpsters. Peter braced himself for a moment, taking a deep breath. 
He didn't feel good about this. He didn't. Not morally- if it had been thrown away, it didn't belong to anyone– but looking at the outside of a dumpster really hammered in the desperation he was in. He was poor. He had nothing and he had no one.
Peter shook that off. "That's not true," he told himself. Hearing a human voice, even his own, helped a bit. "I have a great sense of humor and a positive outlook." 
Still, uh, he was ready for a lifestyle that included underwear. He carefully lifted the lid and rested it against the wall so that it didn't make any noise. Then he hopped up onto the rim and squinted into the bin.
There were big plastic bags full of fabric. His first impulse was to tear them open and look, but he refrained. It would make a mess for the garbage workers. Instead he painstakingly untied the string at the top and opened a bag. Then he pulled clothes out one piece at a time and examined them. 
His heart fell. He'd been right. These were all perfectly good, unused clothes with the tags still on them, so he could even sort by size. But someone had taken scissors to them all before throwing them out. Peter held up a t shirt and squinted at it. It wasn't that bad, really. They hadn't been super thorough. This one had kind of a snip through the middle. 
…it wasn't like he didn't know how to sew.  He'd done lots of repairs that way, and even made a Halloween costume one year. 
If he just stitched that up it would be kinda obviously repaired. That was okay, but Peter dug around until he found another T shirt in a different color. It was hard to tell in the darkness but he was pretty sure it was blue. It had a similar cut. 
"Okay," he planned aloud. "I cut them fully apart, even out the edge, and then sew them together so it looks like being bi colored is a fashion decision." 
He dug around for a couple more shirts, trying to get four different colors that in the daylight he could hopefully mix and match. Then he shoved everything back in that bag and tied it up. He hung his haul over the edge of the dumpster and started opening bags on a hunt for jeans. A pair of jeans and a pair of sweatpants was basically all the wardrobe a teenaged boy needed, anyway.
It took four bags until he found some, and they were too big. But the next bag under that had his size range. These had been snipped too, but Peter huffed a laugh. So what? Lots of jeans had tears in them as a style choice. He dug out two pairs and wiggled into them one after the other to check the fit. It was a relief to have his legs covered. They were kinda long but he was expecting a growth spurt any day now, so that was great. He was pretty sure one was black and one was blue, so that was a good variety.
He wanted underwear and socks. Maybe a heavier coat, if they had one. He searched and searched and came up with nothing. He did find a shoulder-strapped canvas bag that had probably been returned- there was a subtle stain on the inside. Peter would have preferred a backpack, but he shoved the clothes inside the bag anyway. This was a lot better than just walking around holding a handful of fabric. He put the little bag from the guy’s locker inside of it. He still hadn't even looked at what was in it.
Still. He stared mournfully at the clothes. No underwear, really? He was willing to compromise on socks, but underwear and shoes that fit were a big deal. 
"I guess they don't need to seasonally change those so much." Peter sighed to himself. "Wait- no. That can't be right. For socks maybe but shoes? They must throw out a ton of shoes." 
Just not today, apparently. 
Disappointed, he closed the dumpster back up and adjusted his haul over his shoulder. He left without looking back. He was already churning through possible solutions for his outstanding problems. Socks, shoes, underwear, and a sewing kit so that he could use his changes of shirts. 
'Fancy hotels have those little repair kits as part of the free goodies.'
Oh, man. Peter steeled himself for social embarrassment. He was going to have to wander in and out of hotel lobbies by himself, take a repair kit, and leave. 
'Maybe they'll think I'm a guest,' he thought hopefully. 'I don't look that bad. I look kinda like I'm going to school or traveling light.' 
Oh. That was an idea. 
'Lots of hotels have free breakfasts. I could just walk in, eat, and leave. Even if the desk staff thinks I'm probably not a guest, they probably won't say anything.'
It seemed kinda wrong. But it was a buffet. Leftovers were going to get thrown away. And he only had to wait until the morning.
Peter tabled the idea for later. It was going to depend on just how hungry he got. He was already really hungry, if he was honest about it. Whatever bodily numbness he'd gotten from the green jello stank tank had worn off.
'I'm going to get too hungry to manage before too long even if I have a huge breakfast every day. I’m used to running on a lot of calories. What would happen to my ability to be Spiderman if I can’t eat enough?'
He shoved the realistic part of him down and tried not to feel discouraged by his demanding metabolism. 
Focus. The first thing was fixing the clothes. 
'No,' grumbled a mental voice he knew he should recognize. It was coming through a fog of distortion. Shelter is first, Spiderman. Shelter, water, food, and then supplies like clothes.' 
He frowned and rubbed at his temples. He didn't know how to solve that problem. It seemed more practical to address the problems that he knew how to fix first. 
Well. A hotel buffet would probably have drinks as well, but they wouldn't be open for a while. He didn't know what time it was but it was actually night. 
At least he had a tentative plan for it. 
Peter steeled himself for embarrassment and started looking for hotels. The first one he found was too fancy- the amenities weren't placed in the lobby. He walked in and his attention was immediately caught by the soft golden gleam of a bell on the reception desk. It was under a strategic light.
'This one won't be good for breakfast either, there's nowhere for a buffet,' Peter noted. Thankfully, no one was waiting at the desk. He walked back out and realized that would probably be the case for most places at this time of night. 
He felt better going into the next hotel. This one had amenities out, but not a sewing kit. Peter took a toothbrush, two of the packets of wash products, and a cheap razor. Maybe this would be the time his facial hair started to come in and he'd need to shave. 
'I really need a wash,' he noted, not for the first time. 'So bad.' 
The green stuff didn't smell …too bad when dry. It definitely didn't smell as sour as it had tasted. But his skin itched and his hair was crunchy. 
The third hotel was the winner. He had the idea to look for a cheaper hotel aimed at business class travelers. It had free wifi, what was definitely going to be a breakfast buffet from 5:00 am, and it had the sewing kit that he needed. Peter took one gratefully, wondered if it would have enough string, and then took a second kit just in case. 
Okay. Next priority was getting clean. That would double up with getting water- now that he'd thought about it, Peter was thirsty enough to drink shower water from the faucet. 
He looked for a gym. He found a fashionable 24 hour one and dismissed it. Entrance was clearly only by key cards there. He needed someplace older. At least this was his city. He could guess the general area that would have what he wanted. Peter walked around until he found one and wiggled his way up to the third floor, heaved open a window, and went in search of a shower. 
"Good thing I grabbed this," Peter said, stripping all of his clothes and palming one of the tear-open packets of individual soap and shampoo. There was absolutely nothing in the shower in terms of amenities. Gym patrons probably brought their own stuff. 
He took the longest shower of his life, wished he had a washcloth or two, and ended up using both packets of soap to get his body clean enough. Then he hauled his clothes in, all of them, and washed them as best as he could using what was left of the shampoo. He wrung them all out and then put on his new jeans, totally damp. It didn't feel great on his skin. But at least it was clean. For now, he put on one of the black t-shirts. He'd apparently managed to grab two in black, one in red, and one in blue. This t-shirt had a v- shaped cut on the stomach, but he pulled the brown jacket over and zipped it up enough that it didn't show. It was all damp and very weird, but they'd dry quickly on him since he was moving around, right?
When he looked at himself in the mirror, Peter looked like himself. Sure, he was damp and messy haired. But he was clean! He shot himself a thumbs up. 
He left the rest of the clothes hanging to dry and wandered the gym. It was eerie but also really interesting. He'd never spent much time in an actual gym. 
That might be a cool hobby to take up. If nothing else, he could maybe find some classes. 
Oh! A clock. Peter squinted at it in the dark. It was 3:42 AM. It wasn't actually that long until the hotel breakfast bar opened, then. He'd been walking around all night.
'I need a way to tell time on my own. There's not that many clocks in public.'
The first thing that he came back to when he thought of his problems was money. Money, money, money. He needed it. And he needed ID- did the ID come before the money, or the other way around? He needed tech to be Spiderman and to live in general– man, it was weird to be without a phone– so, how? 
His first thought was to go to school and use the laptops there. But he wasn't a student. That would probably freak people out- or worse, draw attention to him. Was it more illegal to exist without documentation, or to be a minor who wasn't in school? 
Peter shuddered. Yeah, no high schools. 
But a public library? That had potential. The computers were always pretty old but they were free to use. 
That was most of an itinerary for the day, then, he realized. It made him feel better to have a plan. He was going to wait a while for his clothes to dry (should he point the blow dryer at them?), and shove them in his bag. He'd go back to the business hotel for breakfast and probably more soap, then go to the library. 
'I need to eat a lot at that buffet.' 
His stomach rumbled in agreement. Oh man, this was kinda bad. He had no idea how to get another meal today. 
Well. He could look into it when he was at the library. 
He ended up turning the blow dryer on his clothes to get them dry. They didn't seem any dryer than they'd been when he wrung them out. That made for a tense hour of pointing the little machine while his arm got tired and he kept jumping at sounds that might be someone coming to open up the gym. 
Stupid, Peter chastised himself. Of course a couple hours in a humid room wasn't enough to dry anything. They'd get moldy first. 
He got them dry enough to fold up and put in his canvas bag, and then he went out by the same window that he'd come in. 
'I hope they don't start locking that. If I don't have a place to stay soon, I'm gonna really need these showers.'
It didn't take him long to get back to the business hotel. It was somewhere between 5 and 6, which meant that the buffet was fully out but not busy. Peter walked in and beelined to the food, trying desperately to look like he belonged.  
Nutritionally, it was pretty good considering the circumstances. Peter grabbed an apple and a banana from the fruit bowl and got a glass of milk as well as orange juice. He wasn't going to get scurvy, at least! 
Glass containers had a selection of baked goods that honestly all just looked okay. He picked out a couple of plain rolls and then something that had walnuts in it. For protein, his options were some queasy looking sausages and a tray of scarily yellow scrambled eggs. He took a generous portion of both and finally started eating.
Whoa. As soon as he'd had a few bites, it was like the dial turned up on his hunger. Peter ate at record speed and caught himself looking back at the buffet.
No one was looking. There was only one other person in the buffet area, a young woman staring grimly into a cup of coffee and using her phone. The receptionist wasn't paying attention at all.
Peter felt worse, somehow, about going back for seconds than he had about coming here in the first place. But he was too hungry for shame. He grabbed two bagels and toasted them at the same time and stuffed his pockets with cream cheese packets. 
'I could take a bit of this with me. A roll or two and maybe a banana? Ugh, it's weird, but the cream cheese has protein in it…' 
He put another couple of packets in his pocket. No one was going to count and realize he was taking two of them out the door. 
While he waited for the bagels to toast he refilled his drinks and added a coffee and an apple juice. He felt ridiculous with four drinks, so he drained the milk and put the empty cup in the clean up bin. 
He filled a second plate of sausages and scrambled eggs (they weren't that bad) and piled the bagels on it as soon as they popped up. 
Once he'd eaten his second serving, Peter felt a lot more human. 
He also felt exhausted. Like, he was beyond tired. 
'I didn't sleep at all so that figures. And I don't have any idea where I can sleep today. So… maybe one more coffee while I wait for the food to give me energy I can use?'
He couldn't quite stand the idea of gulping down all that liquid right then. It seemed like a good time to see what was in the little bag he'd gotten from the probably evil scientist's locker.
'The guy worked somewhere that stores human bodies in rancid green jello. If he's not an evil scientist, it's only because he's an evil janitor or receptionist or something.'
That… It wasn't ideal but it made him feel a little better and a little braver. 
The instant he unzipped the little bag, Peter realized that the guy basically had his whole life in the bag. That included a phone, which was either turned off or dead.
"Whoops," he muttered. He considered turning it on but paused. Would that be safe? He might need it. But what if someone realized it had been stolen and tracked it?
He left it alone for now and looked at the wallet.
The first thing was a Metro City transit card. Peter looked at it and put it back in place. There were a couple more cards- credit or debit, an expired gift card, membership cards to three different pizza places and a gym, and an ID. Peter glanced around guiltily to be sure no one was looking before he checked the name and photo.
Richard DeWitt was blonde, apparently 5ft 10 inches, and 170 lbs. He had a lopsided smile and dead eyes in his photo. Brown eyes. 
DeWitt was 37- no, Peter corrected internally. He grimaced. He was 5 years in the past, so DeWitt was only 32. One of the ID cards was for work, which was a goldmine. Or it could have been, if the company name had been written instead of the initialism LOA.
Better than nothing, at least. He memorized the letters and logo.
The debit and credit cards were no good to him. Peter made a mental note to destroy them later, so that no one else could pull them out of the garbage and use them later. 
He paused for a long moment over the cash. He felt like a spotlight was about to shine down on him and an announcer would call him a thief. But he counted it: 87 dollars. That wasn’t Tony Stark money, but there were a lot of problems it could solve for him.
'The money isn't the same as back home.'
His eye caught on the one dollar bills. He picked them out of the pile to look at them more closely, like an inspection was going to make them change.
Assuming DeWitt didn't have fake currency on him, the US dollar was different.
Peter stopped. He belatedly processed that.
There was no way in a million years that the picture on the dollar had changed in the last five years. It had always been the same guy. 
But here it was, unmistakably a US dollar with a man Peter didn't know printed in the center.
That changed things. 
'I"m not on my earth, unless this is a hallucination. Where else could I be!?' 
He would like to stop having paradigm changing realizations, any day now. 
The only thing that kept him from having a total nervous breakdown was that he was in public. Sort of. There was no one directly looking at him, but that would probably change if he went into the fetal position and started wheezing.
This was bad. This was really, really, bad, actually. 
He needed to go back to the drawing board. For all he knew, there was no Peter Parker here, no Tony Stark, no one he could go to for help.
And the people who had kidnapped him-
Oh, hell. They could be anybody for all he knew. Heck, what if that was a government thing? If they didn’t even have the same presidents, he couldn’t assume this was the same country, in a sense.
‘I need to look into that, as soon as possible. What if I’ve got the universe equivalent of like, HYDRA or something looking for me? That would be a bad surprise.’
He had the address of that building, at least, and the name of an employee. That was something to go off of. 
Peter forced himself to exhale long and slow. He picked up his mess. He didn’t finish going through the guy’s wallet but he didn’t have the nerves for it right now. He stuffed it back into his satchel and left with a nod at the desk clerk. 
He needed information, and that meant the library was even more urgent. It was the only way he knew to access the internet.
The walk wasn’t too bad. His nerves were a knot in his throat as Peter crossed morning traffic on what had to be a weekday, but his memory of NYC didn’t lead him wrong. He bounded up the stone steps to a big library two at a time, shot a queasy smile at the man behind the desk, and ducked his head as he walked in and did a little tour of the place.
There were three floors. The first floor had a dedicated computer lab for students, and long desk with four computers for public use. Near it there was a little table with pitchers of coffee, water, and paper cups with a sign encouraging free usage. There was also a reading corner, a collection of tables for quiet group projects, and rows of media like DVDs. Wow, so old. Peter marveled at that on his way up the stairs. There was a huge papier-maché wolf on the stairwell for unknown reasons. He patted it on the head as he passed. 
The second floor had that intense library smell to it and a lot of signs strictly enforcing absolute quiet. He craned to see tall rows upon rows with labels like science and law, as well as a sign for reserved meeting rooms and bathrooms. The third floor was apparently mostly for group collaboration. Each table had a sign begging people not to bring in outside food and to leave their drinks on the table. Peter glanced over to the only table that had someone at it already, spied her huge coffee cup, and suppressed a snort. He didn’t see anything, but he could smell bacon and eggs. His stomach twisted into a knot.
Still, she didn’t seem to be causing any terrible destruction with her breakfast sandwich. He noted that she had four different colored highlighters next to her notebook, but tore his attention away before he felt like a creeper.
Okay. He had the lay of the land. It made him feel weirdly better. This library was now his base of operations, the center for his information gathering campaign and the subsequent plan… construction …campaign?
He’d workshop a name later. For now, he jogged back down a floor and went to the modern history section. He just read titles for a while, trying to paint a picture of what shared history he could confirm.
He saw lots of familiar country names referenced, and a few of the names that cropped up were familiar as well. The eerie feeling that he wasn’t home just got stronger, though, because there was no reference to half the modern wars and much less on WW1 and 2 than he'd expected. They were shelved in with books about the Justice League. 
Justice League?
There was a whole lot of scholarship on that, whatever it was. Maybe it was like the U.N., Peter guessed. He flipped open a book and flipped pages randomly, scanning for words that stuck out. Ah, nope, there’s a reference to the U.N. So, this was a different thing entirely.
Okay, well. That gave him a starting point of something to look up. 
He went back to the first floor and started a session on one of the public use computers. He had to write the time and his name on a check in sheet. He started to write ‘Peter’ out of force of habit and scrawled to a stop after writing the Pe.
For all he knew, that could be a bad idea. He shouldn’t leave any record that actually led back to him. 
‘...So what else starts with Pe?’
It took him an embarrassingly long time to come up with Peyton. He wrote that down, exhausted and relieved, and then realized he needed a last name too. Oh, heck. He wrote a random letter -K- and then searched his brain for a plausible sounding last name. He came up with Kensington and then sat down, idly wondering if that was actually a name or just like, a place in the U.K. or what.
‘...I only thought of that because it ended in ‘ton’ like Peyton,’ he had the delayed realization. ‘It sounds kinda cheesy together. Fakey.’
Okay. Realistically, no one was ever going to look at that register. So it was fine that he wasn’t good at lying on his feet. He probably needed to sit down and come up with a couple of fake names to use in future.
Well. Maybe he didn’t have to be that creative. He opened a window and searched ‘Tony Stark.’ His heart fell as he scrolled through the results.
Tony Stark didn't exist here.
There had been people with that name, don’t get him wrong. But they weren’t Mr. Stark. There was no Mr. Stark in this universe. He tried looking up current billionaires instead, just in case Mr. Stark had a different name. He flipped through their photos with a sinking heart. That guy was too bald, Mr. Stark would never have a mustache that silly, Mr. Stark wasn't that jacked, no, no, no. 
He tried other names- Happy Hogan, Jamese Rhodey, Virginia Potts (he initially forgot that her name wasn’t really Pepper and ended up on a site for kitchen goods).
The result? No result, more like. Not great.
He tried celebrities. Musicians, actors, philosophers, everyone he could think of. Weirdly, lots of them popped up.
The difference seemed to be around 1940. Historical names came up the way that he would expect them to. But anyone who was modern just didn’t.
Out of extremely morbid curiousity, he googled Anne Frank. He found a semi successful novelist in her 90s who lived in Prague.
Peter put his face in his hands. Okay. Okay, he knew approximately when the universes or whatever had diverged. That was wild.
His hands were shaking. He got up, realized he didn’t have a reason to stand, and then went to pour himself a paper cup of the complimentary water so he didn’t feel like a crazy person. 
This was a whole different world. He couldn't assume that his background knowledge was helpful. 
That made him feel so safe and secure. Thanks, universe. 
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bestie what’s your beef with what the river knows 👀 please do full spoilers it’s on my tbr!
YOU CANNOT ATTEMPT TO WRITE A BOOK CRITIQUING COLONIAL ARCHAEOLOGY IN EGYPT AND MAKE YOUR PROTAGONIST A RICH SPANISH ARGENTINIAN AKA A MEMBER OF THE FORMER COLONIAL RULING CLASS!!!! AND SAY ACTUALLY IT'S OK WHEN SHE DOES IT!!! listen to me Lindsay listen to me apparently some authors think colonialism isn't real when it's not done by English speakers what if. I lost my shit.
ALSO listen ok listen. No one is as cartoonishly evil as the one evil guy in this was in his very first conversation with our protagonist. He was like hmm did you know I think women are weak and also Egyptians are inferior to the English? And then stole shit from her and it's like where is the subtle insidious nature of widely accepted racism???? Where is the realism?? Why does it feel like this book is written as Baby's First Introduction To The Evils Of Colonialism And Misogyny?????? GIRL WE'VE BEEN KNEW
also frankly. Listen I hate female protagonists who make genuinely stupid decisions and it's held up as girlboss. She's like oh damn my parents are missing I'm going to travel to Egypt with NO PLANS with NO FRIENDS with NO EXPECTATIONS and like if she really felt driven to it FINE but no one's going to be doing that like yasss slay queen! That's going to be terrifying! Make it feel conflicted! Please!!!! Not a girlboss moment!
She meets a British man in his twenties btw and immediately insults him and blames him fully for British colonialism and like listen I'm completely on board with the politics but that is just a guy why are we being like this. he's just a guy. He's not The British Government.
But also what really annoyed me, frankly, is that our protagonist (fully cannot remember her name) has extremely modern liberal politics regarding women, race, Colonialism, class, etc. but the thing is that she IS from the ruling elite in the late 1800s. She's extremely wealthy, she's given an unexpected amount of control over her own life, she has servants. And ok to me, if people are served by the status quo they need a reason to want to break it. And we're never told why she does. The current system works specifically for her and her parents, there's no reason for her to hear alternate opinions and we're never told that she does or how she does, so her entire politics feel very empty because it's like the author wanted to have her cake and eat it too - she wanted an unproblematic modern character but to not have to deal with actual realities of how one becomes progressive. I know a lot of people who have this approach about modern day btw, they're like oh OBVIOUSLY we all agree on this one thing because that's The Good Opinion but it's still like no, you got that opinion from somewhere, probably the people around you. But in the book it never addresses at all where she and her parents got those opinions and it just feels a bit hollow.
Basically it's just not fun! And it's not original! And it's about a girl with no unique features as a YA protagonist who thinks like someone from 2024 but exists in 1884 and is somehow excused from the fact she is also complicit in a colonial system so she can show her anti-colonial girlbossery! Also the male protagonist is obsessed with her immediately but in the most boring predictable way possible he's so bland I'm sorry.
This isn't even getting into the fact it's weirdly paced and the mystery is kinda stupid, I frankly don't know if it redeems itself in that regard because I didn't finish but yeah it kinda sucked.
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hiii idk if u have your requests open but could you write julien x reader based on lacy by olivia rodrigo?
like maybe julien is so jealous of reader but actually wants her (like enemies to lovers kinda thing)
jj chats: i am so sorry it took me a couple days to get to this!!! ive been very busy with school! i loved this request and i hope i did it justice!!! love you anon!! <33
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, reader is a musician/famous, reader cries
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
Julien wouldn’t say she hated you, no she wouldn’t go that far. But when anyone would ask about you she’d scoff and change the subject right away. Anything to cover up the butterflies that flourished in her belly at the sound of your name.
“Aren't you the sweetest thing on this side of Hell?”
She would say your music was bland, in reality, she thought the lyrics were thought-provoking and better than anything she’d ever written. The public commented on how she didn’t follow you back on social media. She didn’t follow you because she didn't like that burning sensation she got in her heart when she saw your posts with your friends. She especially hated the photos of you and that girl, arms wrapped around each other, smiling at the camera like the happiest people alive.
“I linger all the time, watchin', hidden in plain sight”
You were close with Lucy, you two being long-time friends, which meant that Julien had to endure your presence. At get-togethers she sits away from you, observing your interactions with her friends. She’d feel a burn when you laughed at their jokes.
“I see you everywhere, the sweetest torture one could bear”
Eventually, the two of you would have to talk to one another. When left alone in a room one time, you walked up to her, smiling wide. It was a smile Julien had seen plastered on magazine covers, a smile people fawned over. Julien completely understood why, even when she didn't want to.
“I hear you and Lucy are close, I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself before, I’m (Y/N).”
Julien looked at you in awe. How was it, not a hair was out of place? That your outfit wasn’t covered in wrinkles or dog hair? How was it fair someone could look so gorgeous, be so perfect? Julien plastered a fake smile on her face, not reaching a hand out to shake as she knew hers were very clammy due to her nerves, “I’m Julien.” Her tone was bored like she couldn't wait to get away from you.
“I feel your compliments like bullets on skin”
Julien was excited to hear that Lucy planned a dinner to celebrate their Grammy wins, she thought that maybe it would be nice to be the one being celebrated. Until she heard your name mentioned. She knew the night would be difficult, she still couldn’t figure you out, couldn’t understand you. 
At dinner that night, everyone gave a toast to the boys. Compliments were spewed every which way. When you stood to speak, you locked eyes with Julien, giving her your award-winning smile. 
You began to congratulate the boys, your speech was lengthy as you talked a bit about Lucy and Phoebe. All Julien could focus on was your lips and then the words directed towards her, “I haven’t known Julien long but I can tell she is a dedicated musician, an amazing friend, and is very very pretty.” Your words dug daggers into her skin, but it was a pain she loved.
“I care, I care, I care, like ribbons in your hair, my stomach's all in knots”
After the main course at dinner, you had excused yourself, a phone call was what you said. You ran out of the restaurant, dealing with whatever call you got alone. Julien hesitated a few minutes but ultimately excused herself as well after you did not return right away. She felt an overwhelming desire to make sure you were okay. It scared the hell out of her. Your friends gave each other knowing looks.
You made it outside, and looked around, spotting you on a bench, head in your hands. She cautiously approached you, her stomach tied. Once she was close she asked, “Are you okay?” 
You looked up, startled, and as if by instinct you smiled at Julien, using the backs of your hands to wipe off your tears. “Yeah-” your voice broke, “yeah Julien I’m alright! Thanks for-” another break, “for checking on me.” 
You weren’t fine, and Julien knew. She walked towards you, then sat next to you. You faced her, trying to keep your composure before the dam blew and you started to sob. To Julien’s surprise, you immediately reached out, grabbing her jacket and crying into her shoulder. 
“People are people, but it's like you're made of angel dust”
She tried to get away but instead found herself wrapping her arms around you carefully. Scared of your fragile state, scared in a moment you'd be gone and out of her reach, scared she’d hold you too tight and crush you into dust.
“Lacy, oh, Lacy, I just loathe you lately”
The moment passed, and Julien bore witness to you regaining your composure at a rapid speed. In the seconds you went from sobbing to smiling, ready to rejoin your friends she wanted you to cry again, if anything just to hold you for a little bit longer. In that moment she abhorred you. How could you go from a mess to perfect? Why couldn’t you stay sad like the rest of us for a minute more? Why couldn’t she be like you? 
“And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you”
Julien stayed behind and watched as you walked back towards the restaurant, but before you reached the doors, an elderly couple was also approaching. Julien gazed as you jogged to get to the door before they reached it, and then you opened the door for them, smiling as they walked in. Julien felt her heart swell, and that's when she knew she was in for it.
“I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you”
 You turned to Julien, waving her to follow you. In an instant Julien was up. Her legs worked double time to catch up to you as you held the door open for the both of you, you reached your hand out, waiting for her. 
As Julien made it to the door you grabbed her wrist, she twisted her head in order to face you properly. “Thank you for sitting with me Julien, I really appreciated it,” you smiled, squeezing her arm. You pulled her inside the heated restaurant, “let’s get back to our friends, they must have thought we’d run off together.”
You laughed. Julien laughed. 
Julien followed you back to the table, sitting back down in her seat. She soon realized what she just did and scolded herself for listening to you so obediently. She was so confused at all the feeling coursing through her, so angry at herself for letting her fall so hard and so fast. Her nails dug into the palms of her hands until she looked up and locked eyes with you. You smiled at her as you always did, and when her fingers loosened and her heartbeat boomed she realized that maybe jealousy wasn’t quite what she was feeling anymore. This feeling happened to start with the infamous letter L.
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keysorsomething · 11 months
Easing Into it
Chapter two of The Shape :) Thanks so much for all of the support
1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Cross-posted on Ao3
Nikto had…. changed after your interaction in the armory.
Usually distant, both physically and emotionally, Nikto had started doing… odd things. Like, when you stand next to each other, he slowly shuffles into you until your shoulders meet. Sometimes he’d lower his head down close to your neck until you could feel his hot breath through his mask on your skin as he stood ever-threateningly behind you. You weren’t sure what that one was about, but you’d feel him burning holes in the back of your skull as he studied the back of your head.
You two hadn’t talked about what happened that night, but it was clear to see. He wanted more. You had given him a taste of water after days of walking through the desert. Something sweet after years of having nothing but bland, lifeless mush. He was trying to hold himself together, but each stroke of your fingers against his chest - well, not even really his chest, his chest plate, had driven him insane. He still felt it. At night, in his bed, instead of the memories of the pain he experienced in that room, the feelings ghosting over him were your fingers. Gentle, cautious.
You were yet to tell him you were trying to scare him off. You’re sure you won’t ever. You almost feel bad. Looking at him these past few days, he looked much… better. His eyes were usually red and shiny as if he spent the whole night crying and he was about to start up again at the smallest inconvenience. It was absurd to think of, the strong semi-standoffish stoic man crying so much. At all. He always looked a bit like someone with the firm belief that boys don’t cry.
But that had to be the answer - he was crying. Or maybe not sleeping. Or maybe he sleeps with his eyes open. Anyway, what he was doing before had stopped. Or at least been doing it less (more?). His eyes looked like he was blinking on occasion, which was actually mildly upsetting because there goes your Christmas present for him.
You shake your head to get rid of the train of thought when you feel him press his side further into yours. He’d even started eating in his room and then rushing out just to sit with you while you ate. It was kinda cute. He seemed a little like a puppy. A big, scary puppy that your neighbor insists on putting down because he scares her kids.
You take a sip of your drink, eyes flicking to him and then back to your food. He didn’t talk like this, like how he used to not talk to you when he’d stand there, watching your every move. You guess this was the next phase of his study of you. He was a very curious being, you guessed.
“Nikto,” You address him, placing your drink down.
“Да?” He asks as he says your name. His blue eyes turn down to you. His eyes are downturned, and almost… beautiful when they aren’t all red and puffy. The white is shiny, like fancy pearls on a necklace. And the blue of his irises is only ever more blue. A striking icy lake that you’re daring to step on, hearing as each step causes it to crack.
He was suffocating you. The pressure of his fingers against your jugular notch had never quite left since it first met the squishy flesh. Your lungs stopped fully expanding.
“We have to talk,” He stiffens up at the words, his back straightening so much that his shoulder stops touching yours. “Nothing bad, I just,” You lower your voice. It was loud in the Mess Hall, but you didn’t want anyone to overhear. Did this count at fraternization? Not that you think it really mattered, this being a PMC and all. And you weren’t sure if anyone who was there would actually scold you for it. You decided not to risk it. And even if nobody was gonna clock you and write you up, you’re sure Nikto would not like anyone to overhear. “I wanna know what’s up-” you pause “-man,” you tack it on, but quickly feel like you shouldn’t have. Who the fuck calls a guy like this man?
“What do you mean by that?” He says your name as his eyes narrow down at you. He scoots away from you ever so slightly.
“You… you,” You aren’t sure how to phrase it, so you instead stand, wrap your hand around his bicep, and pull him out of the room. This was not going to look like what it was, but you didn’t care. Well, you did, as you walked past the former Shadow Company table, feeling Roze’s confused eyes on your back and hearing Graves chuckle. But that didn’t matter.
So what if Graves thought you were freaking it in the storage closet you so ungracefully push Nikto into. Nobody listened to him anyway. It was hard to when he was the dude that had the American flag bedsheets.
Nikto was very stiff. He had no clue what to do, and he did not like being forced into the small, dark room. You turn the lights on, step into the closet, and shut the door behind you. You sigh heavily, trying to formulate your words.
“Nikto,” You start, trying to figure it out. “So, you’ve been,” The wording is lost on you more as each one comes out. “You don’t have to sneak contact from me, you know?” You figure it out. “I’m willing to help.”
Nikto still looks scared, eyes flickering around. You bet his first thought was some Russian form of “buy me dinner first”. This looked much, much worse than you meant it to.
“Not like that,” You correct, and he just eyes you more confusedly. “I mean, not yet..? Look,” You sigh, covering your face in your hands. “I mean,” Your hands extend, pulling his face into them. He doesn’t yank back right away, but he sure looks like he’s going to. “Relax,” You whisper to him, gently dragging your thumb across where the fabric of his mask meets the blast plate. The metal is cold on your skin, and the fabric is rough. Very rough. He shivers hearing your whisper.
Huh, you didn’t take him for a guy who would have an autonomous sensory meridian response. His eyes quickly relax, fluttering shut. You just keep stroking with your hand, thumb pad petting the high part of his cheek as your other fingers meet his neck and under his jaw. Your other hand reached up and stroked two fingers over his forehead. Like how you had touched his chest that night. You weren’t sure if he felt anything you did up there, but it felt right.
His head turns to the side, letting you pet him as you please. This is so fucking weird, you think to yourself, but he doesn’t push away. You whisper to him, random reassuring nonsense. Mostly just to watch and feel as he shivers hearing it. He leans forward slowly, inching closer and closer until his head rests on your shoulder. Your hands have to move at that point, down to his shoulders and upper back.
“Okay, Big Guy, stay awake,” You tell him, no longer whispering.
“Feels good,” He grunts out. He takes a moment to figure out the word for it in English, before giving up. “дрожать,” he mumbles, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
“I know, but you gotta stay awake,” You tell him, and he moves back, his spine popping as he does. He rubs his masked face, sighing lowly. You brace your hands on his shoulders, he looks wobbly. He eases back, standing to his full height.
“We… would like to do this again,” He announces, voice a low whisper.
“Well, I can do that for you, Nikto,” You tell him, watching as his eyes dip down to the floor. “I, uhm, I’ll come by your room tonight?” You offer and quickly feel his gaze wash over you.
“Да, tonight,” He nods. You sit in silence for a moment for a while, before he pushes past you. He opens the door, disappearing around the corner as he once more melts off into the walls. You take a few steps to follow him, stopping in the doorway.
You hear a soft sound from behind the door and turn to look behind it. Your eyes quickly settle on a group of your other coworkers, hiding behind the door. They were eavesdropping on you.
Horangi waves at you, trying to hold in a giggle. Roze’s hands are on his shoulders, she was probably leaning over him to hear better. Klaus stands behind the two of them.
“See you tonight,” Klaus mocks. Fucking Santa. You huff, rubbing your forehead as you beg them to not say anything to anyone, especially not König or Nikto. Any form of confrontation was going to get your ass killed.
You ask them to at least let them have tonight. They all agree, willing to let you have one last night of fun before you die. Though you feel it’s going to be more petting and a lot of whispering, and no real fun.
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chaifootsteps · 14 days
I was trying to think how to recommend watching the show to someone who might have only seen s1 and figured recommending skipping some episodes of s2 might be the best way, but then I noticed something
when I was trying to pin down which episodes of s2 I think are genuinely good to still watch I kinda realized there isn't any?
like even the episodes I think are the 'best' written (as in they're the least frustrating, no Stolas in them obvs) are still rife with plot holes or jokes that don't land
like exes and ohs felt like the last gasp of the old show and even that episodes has Crimson's nonsense marriage plan that doesn't make a lick of sense. it underutilizes Millie to the point it feels like the writers are just being blatant about how little she matters now. it has the unfunny dildos in the wall joke.
and that's the best episode of s2 as far as I'm concerned. the only other one that's relatively not completely sucky is the midseason musical whatever and that's still pretty bland and has a Fizz who feels nothing like his s1 self in it.
even the shorts have plot holes and issues, despite being the closest to the show's original premise (and not featuring Stolas)
like taken as a whole the entire season is just garbage. Ghostfuckers I think is going to be more mid with a potentially very awful suicidality plot point. I think there's a chance the Millie bit is going to be secondary in awfulness to what they do with Blitzo if my hunch is right that they're going to make Tilla appear just as a means to give him catharsis so he can do the thing the show thinks will 'fix' him - get together with Stolas
I'm not sure how the last two are going to play out but there's near 100% going to be Via leaving Stolas for the stupidest reasons the show can conjure up so he can look like he's in the right, again.
the only thing that might be worthwhile from the remaining three episodes is if Stolas realizes he's done wrong and actually apologizes, and faces consequences for being the suckiest Goetia royal ever. but even then I expect the show to tie itself into a pretzel to find a way to minimize what he did or blame Blitzo for some of his misfortune, as if it was his fault Stolas never once said 'I can't talk about this right now, I'm spending time with my daughter/working/actually being a capable adult for once'
the only other thing I'd want from the season 2 finale is for IMP to feel like a family again and that vision of the show is so far in the rearview mirror I wouldn't even bother making it a prediction for the Sinsmas episode. that one should be about family and coming together, but apparently there are leaks suggesting it's the episode where Blitzo finally gives in and goes to play his role as Stolas' white knight, just like Stolas and Viv have been demanding from him all season long
Agreed, unfortunately. The best part of S2 so far has probably been the shorts...otherwise, it feels like a level of aimlessness, retcons, and plot holes that most series don't achieve until after they've run for years and exhausted all their good ideas.
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thespiritssaidso · 2 months
Go Home, Shawn
Summary: Shawn’s sick. Like, really sick. But he’s gotta help solve this murder first.
Notes: second sick fic in a row. Yaaaay
Also, I think I kind of strayed from the whump aspect and went into comedy. Sorry lmao. There’s still a bit of whump in there. If you look for it.
Whumperless Whump event day 10: Your work is never finished
Shawn wiped the snot running from his nose with his sleeve, sniffling the remaining. He swallowed down the phlegm in his throat and groaned. He kept walking. Yellow crime scene tape soon entered his vision as he went on. It surrounded the entrance to a fairly large mansion.
Somehow, some way, Shawn had broken his health streak and gotten sick. Not terribly so, he could still walk. Even though doing that still kinda hurt.
He shook his head clear of the imaginary cotton balls stuffed inside and ducked under the tape, heading inside the minimalistic-styled house and towards where he saw Juliet and Lassiter standing over a dead body.
Lassiter was writing something down on his notepad, and Juliet was on her phone, presumably trying to call Shawn or Gus. The floor they were both standing on was carpeted in the same bland color as the rest of the house. Except for, of course, the circle of blood next to the victim’s head.
“Shawn! Where have you been? We’ve been calling you-”
Juliet was interrupted when Shawn let out a fit of involuntary coughs. He finished after what felt like hours, but was only a few seconds. “Sorry Jules. Phone died.” His voice came out nasally and congested. He sounded like someone had stuck their fingers up his nostrils.
She looked at him in concern. “Are you feeling alright? If you’re sick, you probably shouldn’t be here.”
“I could argue that he should never be here.”
Lassiter rolled his eyes. “Spencer, go home. We don’t need you, and I’m pretty sure what you need is bed rest.”
“No no no, Lassie! I’ve never been more chipper and spry, and all those fun words you like to say.” Really, Shawn was just doing what he did best: lying. The gears in his head felt like they were in dire need of a heavy dose of WD-40, and his sinuses to have the pressure-relief valve turned down to zero. Was he saying that right? Is that how pressure was relieved? He couldn’t really be sure of anything he thought of right now.
Juliet looked conflicted. “Fine, just- just try not to touch anything.” She relented. It must have been a pretty tough case if she was letting him take a crack at solving it in his state.
Shawn looked down at the dead guy, who was laying down Peter Griffin Death-Pose-style. He cracked a grin at the joke he thought up. Bringing up a hand to his head, he tried looking for any clues that stood out.
Nothing did. Not a single thing. He was seeing the stuff in the room and surrounding him, no doubt about it, but his brain couldn’t piece anything together like it usually did.
Trying to make a single coherent thought was like trying to push through mud. And he knew all about that, having had to muck through the stuff on a farm in Wisconsin. He only stayed there as a farmhand for about a week before quitting. Baby pigs and goats were cute, but not cute enough to get him to keep that job.
Besides, the longer he held his hand to his head, the more he felt his now-delicate temples throb under the pressure of his finger.
He tried squatting down next to it, hoping a closer look would make things a little clearer for his mind.
As he did, his phone slipped from his pockets and landed on the floor with a thud. For some reason, a small, almost completely translucent cloud of tiny black particles rose up from the carpet surrounding the body. Without meaning to, he breathed it in.
It smelled like… pepper? It tickled his already sensitive nose. He tried his best to hold it back, but-
Lassiter let out a groan of disgust. “Oh, gross Spencer. You got your disease-ridden bogeys everywhere!”
Shawn opened his eyes and, true enough, there was some snot sprayed on the ground around the corpse — thankfully, none actually landed on it.
Picking up his phone again, he tried standing up, but found himself wanting to stay down a lot more. He groaned and stood up anyway, very very slowly. He could practically hear his muscles stretch uncomfortably.
As Shawn finished getting up, he heard a familiar voice.
“Shawn! Shawn!”
Shawn slouched in disappointment. Great. Gus had found him.
Juliet looked over. “Why does Gus look angry at you?”
“I uh- may or may not have left him locked in the Psych closet so I could come here and investigate. Even though-”
“Even though I told him he needs to rest. Because he is sick.” Gus enunciated the last sentence. He’d finally reached the three, and noticed the small dusting of something wet surrounding the body on Shawn’s side. “Oh, my god. You’re unbelievable, Shawn.”
“No Gus-” he’d been forced to sneeze by… pepper…
That’s right. Now, why had there been pepper of all things in the carpet surrounding the body…
Pepper… pepper… seasoning… flavoring… food… poison… poison!
The gears in Shawn’s head finally finished turning. “Woah woah woah! I’m getting something!”
Everyone stopped and stared at him.
He raised his hand to his head once more, ignoring the throbbing feeling. “He was poisoned! Check him for poison!”
“Alright, thank you for that Shawn.”
“Are you done?”
Shawn let his hand fall down. “…Yeah.”
“Great. Now, let’s go.” Gus began guiding him none to gently to the blueberry, ignoring his friend’s sounds of protest.
Notes: not exactly whump, I know. But he’s like, sick and stuff, and Gus has to drag him away. So like. I dunno man. I’m tired.
ao3 link
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paper-starz · 1 year
Soooooo guess who redid their entire profile in celebration of the new updated website????? AND FOR 500 FOLLOWERS??????
Introducing the new and improveddddd
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Here’s the day version!
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And heres the nightime version!
Now I know this change is sudden... Why the new sona? Why the new name??? WHY THE NEW BANNER??? THE ICON???
Don't worry! I'm still the same old paperbag!
Speaking of the name, I never really liked the name "Anonymous-Paperbag".... It felt too long and didn't really feel like me. Not to mention that my sona (at the time) was a bit bland (I didn't even color it!) Tbh the only reason that I named myself "Anonymous Paperbag" was so that I can remain "anonymous", plus I put myself in a paperbag too so double the anonymity (what a silly word! "Anonymity". Try to say that five times fast.)
At the time, I was TERRIFIED of being online. I've had some not-so-great experiences online before, with some people stealing my ocs and people just overall being creepy :(
Thankfully, I had a very great person IRL who kinda gently nudged me into sharing my art online again! Thank you @adeadcreator for believing in me!! You're the absolute greatest!!!
I also wanna thank @pixiepixells and @catlover4536, two of my first followers! (i honestly got so surprised having followers for the first time! Wowie! People who like my art???) You two have been just terrific first fans who gave me the motivation to push my art!
And ofc, I wanna thank @dottyorange, who has been a terrific friend since the very beginning! And to @hazile who has been so kind and so enthusiastic! Seriously, I am proud of you both!
And how can I forget the 500 of you folks???? SERIOUSLY??? 500???? thats a lot of people. I would LOVE to thank you all individually but I'll be writing all day lmao. BUT I WILL SAY THIS. Thank you for pushing my art to the fullest! While I am still learning, I don't think I ever would've done digital art if it weren't for you online folks.
Now, here's to another Welcome Home update and to many more fanworks! 🥂
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