#3rd year anniversary coming soon!!!
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~Story Drabble Time Pt. 5~
(Please go to Pt.1 & 2 for an important A/N for some information about my story drabbles!! Anyway have fun reading!)
She doesn’t know what the actual hell is going on right now. Even as she watches as her one of her soul brothers standing before her with a shit-eating grin. She couldn’t even start to describe the pure, and utterly done with the world expression she knows is on her face.
In her brothers hands, was a device. A phone to be exact, playing the Omae Wa Mou Shinderu meme on repeat. And at this point it was on its 127th repeat, and she was so close to beating his ass. He has been trying to convince her to do a song cover for it, to which she said no. As she had other things she needed to do, and honestly wouldn’t be able to fit it inside her already packed schedule.
‘This man, this fucking dude is about to get his ass turned into grass in a few moments.’ She thought darkly.
“Oh come on squirt! Is it really to much to ask to do a small cover for such an iconic meme?”, her brother complained, trying to prove his so called point as his shit eating grin remained on his face.
“Midorihiko, I’ve already told you my schedule is already full as it is. Especially when dad is having me help out on some of his cases. Even the thought of streaming is out of the question for now.”, she grumbled out, frustrated.
“But Paaaaggggeeeee!!! Come on! Do it for the meme! Please!” Her brother persisted.
“No Hiko. No means no. And I’m this close to dragging your colossal ass outside and beating you with my Bo staff.”
“…..but your fingers are touching?’’
“Exactly. Better starting running.”
And thus the grand act of chasing her meme obsessed older brother proceeded for the next 45 minuets. And all through out that time one thing ran through her mind.
‘I regret teaching him the way of memes. Immediate regret. If I knew things where gonna turn out like this I would’ve made a anti-bullshit weapon to hit him with. Preferably a chancla.’
But even when one of her older brothers, specifically this one, got on the girl’s nerves. She couldn’t help but smile and laugh all through the chase. The imagery of a 6’10 adult man running for his life from a 5’0 teenage girl gave quite an amusing sight.
After all, he was one of the people who would stay with her, from death to rebirth, and eternity. Never to be parted, nor separated for as long as they where there to guide and protect her. As they where her soul siblings, and would do everything they could for her within their power to make her burdens more bearable.
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essenteez · 2 months
𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 || 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆
"Such fragile little thing, you are. Yet you managed to enslave me, the death itself."
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“I won’t be gentle. I can't.” He warns, breaking away from the dazing kiss. "I waited a whole year. Twelve, long months. Over three hundred, fucking days controlling myself and keeping my hands to myself. No more."
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: A year passed after you were ostracized by everyone for being a fallen woman. You get the news of a tragic murder of your former fiancé, because of whom you were left with no family and friends. You feel no compassion, but pure joy. Now, you can let go of the past and focus on Jongho, a mysterious lord who saved you from a certain demise and took care of you. You're now ready to embrace your new life fully and the dark secret of your savior.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: vampire jongho x f!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, horror
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, unprotected sex, thigh riding, inexperienced reader, fingering (f!recieving), rough sex, oral (f!recieving), creampie, overstimulation, blood mention, mention of revange murder, a little horror.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬: 6.6k
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London, September 3rd, 1832, Monday.
11.25 PM.
Today is the first death anniversary of the old you. The old you who was disowned by your family, pushed away by your entourage, betrayed by the man you trusted the most. The person that you once wanted to spend your life with - your fiancé, who was found dead yesterday.
Do you feel grief? Of course not. Are you sad? He wishes you were. Although you have to admit that if ever, any wish of death for him had crossed your mind, it was never that brutal.
The headlines of today’s morning newspaper mention a dismembered body, completely drained of all blood. Shreds of your former fiancé were discovered somewhere in one of Oxford's slums. The incident probably makes people sick to their stomach, but your guts are fine. You only felt disgust while reading those lies about what a wonderful son and noble man he was, and what a loss to his parents and the country. It does hurt to see that no one knows what monster he truly was. Well, it is not your problem anymore. Actually, you could thank him for the chance he gave you to have a better life.
Much better life with your new protector. Your new world. Lord Choi Jongho.
However, the news has ruined your day. You have been feeling restless all day, missing him with all your being. You have barely touched any food or left your room. You also told your maids to not disturb you, letting them in only to prepare you a hot bath. He has not left your thoughts even for a second today, leaving you hoping he comes back as soon as possible.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you put on your white night dress. There is a little aching in your muscles from the lack of entertainment since morning. It makes you groan when you decide to massage your neck. The hot bath helped you feel a little better, so you are grateful to your lovely maids.
Phlegmatically, you start brushing your long locks when the rain outside suddenly grows stronger, now pelting at your window. At first you ignore it but the sound of a quiet thunder makes you turn your face towards the window. Lighting flashes on your face as you strongly pull the heavy blinds to one side, another roar of the storm follows after a few seconds.
"Perfect." You mumble, blinking quickly after the sudden flash of light manages to blind you. The weather only worsens your mood. You hate storms with a burning passion. It also reminds you of him as he always accompanies you when the brutal weather does not let you feel relaxed. But he’s not here right now.
You flinch at a sudden knocking on your door. In the manor you grew up in, you could hear someone approaching your room from meters away, because of the floor creaking. The floor here also isn't quiet, but somehow you never hear the maids, or Jongho coming.
You clear your throat before calling. "Come in!"
You let go of the blinds, reaching for the brush to resume combing your hair, as a short, skinny girl slides inside your bedroom, curtseying before you.
"My lady."
"What is it, Annabelle?” You ask dispassionately but still trying to make your tone sound kind. "I told you and Sybil to leave me alone, didn't I?"
"Yes, my lady, you certainly did. But you also ordered earlier that we inform you about the lord's whereabouts. I come to announce my lord's arrival back to the mansion. He is asking if you would like to join him for a glass of wine before going to bed.” She continues, her pretty face smiling from ear to ear, knowing well she brings good news to you. “The heavy storm is getting closer, so my lord also thought you would feel better if you had company until it calms down."
You stand up rapidly, almost dropping the brush on the ground as you turn to the maid. You can't hide your excitement. He finally came back. Thank God. He left a week ago and everyday was like torture for you. After hearing today's news, you have craved his presence more than ever.
"Alas-" You shout excitedly, quickly realizing how loud it sounded. "I mean... Yes, I would like to join Lord Choi for a glass of wine."
“My lord foresaw that answer.” Annabelle smiles at you, being vividly happy to see your mood change. "He will be waiting for you in ten minutes in the main saloon.”
When she sees your nod at her announcement, she curtseys again before leaving you. "My lady"
The moment the maid closes the door behind her, you run to your vanity. Your hair is already brushed but you notice how gray your skin looks. Still, not as gray as Annabelle or Sybil's, but the whole day of boredom and overthinking indeed seemed to exhaust you. Despite the lack of life on your face, your eyes start to shine with a familiar glow. A glow only he can awake in you. You bite your lips and pinch your cheeks to bring some blood to your face.
At the finish, you slide on a red, silk robe on. His favorite color as he once mentioned.
You already got used to the prevailing rules in this house; no lady and lord calling between you two, no severe etiquette. It was like stepping into a different world. It didn’t take you long to adapt since you hate hierarchy like that. You enjoy life now. If your mother only knew you were walking around in a thin night dress under a robe in the house of a man that you are not related to, she would surely faint. You couldn't care less though.
You no longer have a mother or family. All you have is him.
After ten minutes, you walk down the wide, winding stairs. It is pretty dark as the candles are unable to illuminate such a large, dark space. Fortunately, after a year of living here you already know every inch by heart.
The storm is getting closer with every second now. A glare of a lightning, soon followed by thunder, illuminates the whole mansion making you jump in fear.
While reaching the ground floor you notice a warm, weak light at the end of the main hall which makes you smile subconsciously. The light is leading you to the main saloon where he is supposedly waiting for you.
Your eyes go to him the same moment you enter the room. He is standing with his back facing you, looking at the unraveling storm outside the tall window. His palms are clasped behind his back as he faces the thunders, not bothered by the noise. Jongho is an embodiment of the peace you have craved for all week.
He is here. You do not want to think about what would've happened to you if he didn't find you back then, a year ago.
After your disappointed parents threw you out of your family house, you were wandering the misty streets of Oxford, completely soaked from pouring rain. Your fiancé's grand plan to ruin your family's reputation was a success. Deceived by his promises of mad love, you gave yourself to him before the wedding. And he used it to accuse you of betrayal with some non-existent man. With no way to prove your innocence, you were ostracized and your family immediately cut you off to save the last shreds of dignity. All that to take revenge on your father for some old grudge his family had against yours.
You were miserable, you had given up with no place to go. Since news about the lewd Lady (y/l/n) spread quickly, people passing you by looked at you with disgust on their face.
But suddenly someone stopped in front of you, putting their black umbrella above your head. A mysterious lord. His deep, black eyes and gentle smile helped you survive. Since you had nothing to lose and you needed to vent your pain, you didn't care if it was a stranger listening.
There was something about him that made you tell him your story. You were certain that he would act just like everyone else, but he didn’t. He took care of you, he listened. You could see the anger in his eyes when you uncovered the ugly truth about how you were treated.
Then, Jongho took you to London, gave you a new last name, a new life, far away from those rumors and hateful looks. You could finish your education and do more things than any other woman in England could. Just when you thought you would never trust anyone, there he was.
"Are you going to stare at me like that all night?" His gentle, amused voice interrupted you, drowning in your memories. You straighten your back at his words and gulp softly. A heat burns your cheeks at your own carelessness.
"Forgive me. I did not want to disturb you watching the storm. I know you love this type of..." You gasp quietly as he slowly turns and looks at you with that mysterious gaze that you know so well. After a year you still can't read him which was drawing you to him even more. “...weather.”
His raven black, tidy hair contrasts perfectly with his white colored blouse. A ruby brioche at his neck that shines with red glow.
Sudden lighting illuminates him entirely from behind, showing you the outlines of his perfect body underneath the shirt. His broad shoulders make you breathe faster. It is safe to say Jongho is the most beautiful man your eyes have ever seen.
Graceful in every movement. Eloquent with every word he says. So intimidating, which always makes you blush and loudly swallow. But he is also kind, with a one of a kind sense of humor. Each of your new London friends thinks he is none other than your distant cousin. And they all find him pretty scary but witheringly attractive.
"I have heard that you have not eaten anything today and that you did not leave your room until now.” A sudden change of his tone disturbs your inappropriate thoughts.
You drop your gaze to your feet.
"I presume birds brought you the news." You threw a look at Annabelle and Sybil, who are now preparing two glasses and a bottle of wine at the table. They are avoiding your eyes, feeling uncomfortable with your sharp gaze on them. You only reassure yourself in the conviction that the telegram you saw Sybil writing this morning was indeed for him.
"They really worry about you, (y/n). Especially Annabelle. I tried my best to come home as soon as I could after seeing the news." He lowers his head a little, vividly curious about your reaction.
You feel butterflies form in your stomach, hearing he rushed as fast as he could to you. You look at him with a gentle smile, thanking him.
Lighting flashes again, bringing loud thunder with it as he asks.
"Do you, perhaps, feel saddened?"
Your smile disappears. You look each other in the eyes for a longer second until you break eye contact so he doesn't see what your mind is full of right now. You start moving towards the black wooden table after the girls left you both alone. You pour wine into both glasses.
"No." You smile, licking your lips before taking a big sip of a red liquid.
Jongho observes your every move, visibly surprised with your tone.
"Do you think I should?”
"I do not think he deserves any compassion from you.” He moves closer, not taking his eyes off of you.
"Does it make me an evil person?” You ask, taking another sip of the alcohol. Your tolerance isn’t strong, so you already feel the wine messing with your head. Or maybe it is the effect of his simple existence.
"If all evil people were as evil as you, the world would be a paradise.” He halts right behind you, hoping you won't run away as you always have.
"Paradise…” You echo, surprised and amused at the same time. “I don’t think so. I'm stained after all. Sex before marriage is a big sin. My future lies in a convent anyway.”
You put the wineglass to your lips emptying the glass.
"Future and convent in one sentence.” He chuckles, standing dangerously close to you. “That’s new.”
"Well..." You start slowly, trying so hard to control your breathing. "I've been actually thinking about it. One day I will have to leave this place and since I'm a fallen woman, there is no chance for me to become what I was meant to become - a good wife and one day, a mother. England has no use of me. Convent is my only option, don't you think? You don’t want me to ruin your reputation."
"Can't you tell I don't really care about my reputation, darling?" His lips are right beside your ear, sending shivers down your heated body. "But if people finding out your true identity bothers you so much, we will move to another place. We can do it even tonight. France, Italy, Spain, China. We can leave here and now and be whoever we want to be. In France, I can be your cousin. In Italy, I can be my fiancé and in China... your husband?"
Each word recited with his hot breath teases the skin of your neck, his hard member boldly pressed against your back. When Jongho hears your soft gasp, he grabs your hips, spinning you around to face him.
You stare into his deep eyes, full with a growing fire. You can't help but breathe faster, feeling his body glued to yours. He, noticing that, smirks at you.
"You're not a fallen woman, (y/n). You're a free woman. Can I finally prove that to you?"
You don’t even have a chance to say anything before his long fingers entangle around the back of your neck, bringing you closer so your lips can finally meet. You are surprised at the suddenness and force, but you quickly adjust, equally as hungry. That kiss is long overdue.
The storm gains strength above the mansion, but all you can hear is your pounding heart and both your heated breaths.
You can't help but moan into the kiss you have dreamt of for so long. He pushes you back onto the table behind you, kissing you so passionately that you forget whose air you are breathing His knee suddenly thrusts between your thighs, stopping them from rubbing against each other.
Whimpering at the action, you grab his waist to not lose balance. Moans begin leaving your previously abused mouth, as he’s now mercilessly attacking your neck. The cotton fabric of his pants was rubbing against your core. With every move, Jongho deepens the intensity of his leg between your trembling thighs. You mewl in delight as he pulls you closer to his chest.
"Move your hips for me, darling. The same way you move them so seductively with the pillow between your legs at night when you're all alone." He groans into your ear, sucking on your earlobe.
You slightly open your eyes at his words. How does he know? You always try your best to be quiet and leave no traces of your moments of weakness. Did he hear you, see you?
The thought Jongho might've listened to your quiet whimpers or that he peeked inside while your neediness made you lower your guard adds another wave of arousal to your already weeping pussy.
"Ride my thigh. I want your essence all over my thigh.” He purrs.
You follow the command without hesitation, desperate for more friction. You feel the tension building up in your body as you are grinding at his thigh muscles. He bites his lower lip, watching how you repeat the dance of your hips from all the previous nights when you were pleasuring yourself and he fought hell to not storm in your bedchamber and ravage you sweet holes.
“Yes, just like that.” His groans have you trembling. With an impatient move he pulls your night dress up. “I fantasized about it way too many times. Ride it, darling.”
Jongho pins you even harder to the table, moving fast in an opposite direction which causes your mouth to let out silent moans and loud gasps. His hand never leaves your neck, only tightening the grasp to keep you where he wants to have you. The other impatient arm wraps around your waist to secure you from falling back onto the table.
"Cum as hard as you need, as loud as you want. No one will judge you here.” His burning eyes are now studying your face contorted with immense pleasure and desperation for release. Your eyes closed as you're indulging in the sensation.
"Look at me." He commands from behind his teeth. "I want you to look at me when you fall apart."
You half-open your eyes, but you can barely see him through your hazy sight. You are so close to the edge that the motion of your hips starts to become sloppy and uneven.
Lightning keeps flashing inside the room, and the walls shudder from the thunder that comes with the light.
And then you see it. A moment when two worlds meet. You swear you saw black voids for eyes staring right at you for a short second. You smile, happy that all your suspicions were true.
It finally showed up. Jongho's truth.
Even though the vision is gone, and you are looking Jongho's chocolate pupils again, you know it all now.
You have a creature of the night in front of you, with his thigh rubbing between your legs, making you see the stars. The view of his face watching you intensively with those lustful eyes and his clenching jaw is enough to bring you to your high fast, right on the edge.
"Jongho.. I…" You whine loudly as he pulls you as close to his body as possible, sliding his thigh back and forth.
“Yes, darling. Say my name.” He breathes out, before sucking on your neck’s pulsepoint.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head, as the bliss explodes within you. The waves of your overpowering heat hit one after another. You feel the strength leaving your body as the spasms slowly begin to fade. You give up completely, falling into his strong embrace.
Jongho slows down, peacefully rub the last ounces of high out of you while pressing you against his strong chest.
"You sing so sweetly from pleasure.” He whispers into your neck. "I want to hear it over and over again."
Pulling his thigh from underneath you, Jongho hisses in satisfaction at all the juices covering his pants. In gratitude, he reaches for your lips. He pampers your mouth with his eager kiss, his own tongue flicking over the soft flesh, gently caressing the sweet taste of you.
You're too enchanted by his perfect kiss to register that he begins to gently strip you of your robe. Your nightgown gets quickly unbuttoned by his skillful fingers and ends up on the floor in no time. Reluctantly, he breaks the kiss to sit you up onto the table. The coldness of the surface causes you to recover a bit from your high.
"Look at your painting, (y/n)." He looks down at his left thigh. You completely soaked it. Your face heats up. Your juices glistening in the pale candle light, and a series of lightning strikes.
He steals another kiss, finding your embarrassment cute.
"I want the same on my tongue."
Your eyes grow bigger. What does he mean? You have to admit you still have zero experience but tongue? Down there?
"What are you doing?” You panic, still panting as he spreads your quivering legs wider, kneeling between them.
"He never did it for you?" He asks, looking up at you in surprise.
"Umm, no." You can't focus due to his hot breath blowing at your puffy folds. His laugh caused by your answer only adds new waves of sensation. You lick your lips feeling their dryness caused by your excitement. Seeing his handsome face framed by your thighs, it stirs something inside you.
"Please." You whimper quietly.
"Since you're asking so nicely. I could never say no to you.” He teases, raising his brow at your shamelessness. He's visibly satisfied with your sudden change.
You don't mean to beg, you really don't. But every bit of your control goes out the window. Your body is speaking up for you, while your common sense and shame are locked up somewhere deep down.
His wet, lazy kisses make invisible marks on your inner thigh, preparing for the act. The sight, the feeling of him licking and sucking on your skin, cleaning you up from the previous release make you want to go insane. The sounds he makes while doing it, like he's tasting heaven, doesn’t help.
Jonghi lifts your legs, laying them over his shoulders for better access, causing you to fall back a little and support yourself with your hands behind.
He graces your clit with small kisses, receiving little whimpers from you. He smiles against your core before attacking your folds aggressively.
There was no time for any proper reaction. Every muscle in your body tense up from the circling motions of his tongue. He runs it through your lower lips, pulling and sucking on them with a popping sound. You feel the heat quickly spreading through your whole body from the spot where he had been pleasing you.
“Fuuuck.” He mumbles with his mouth full of you. With his tongue he delves in your entrance, his brows frowning as he can't contain his arousal from the way you taste so good.
“Jongho…” You’re bewitched by the view of his restless mouth, feeding on your needy cunt. This feeling is new with the level of intimacy you have never reached before. You feel lewd, seen, absolutely scandalous. And you love it. All of it. Your hip begins to move to his rhythm, craving for more.
“Pass me the glass." He says suddenly, parting from your throbbing pussy, causing you to groan in disappointment. "Behind you, darling.”
You looked over your shoulder to see your empty glass and the glass with the wine he hasn't drunk yet.
Seeing your confusion, he chuckles, “The full one.”
You carefully hand him the liquor, sure that he wants to quench his thirst. But that is not his plan. He is going to quench his thirst but not with wine.
Out of nowhere he raises the glass in your direction and starts carefully pouring the wine down your chest.
You gasp, stunned, trying not to move and disturb him. You are just looking down at him, completely focused on the red streams that were slowly flowing between your breast, down your stomach and to your womanhood.
His tongue revisiting your pussy, nimbly licking off the wine.
"Oh my…" You moan loudly, as he starts drinking the liquor off your folds.
Satisfied with how the wine easily flows down its path, Jongho begins to pour more, creating a bigger and faster river that he messily slurps along with your juices until the glass is empty.
You can't keep yourself up any longer. Your hands give up on you causing you to fall back onto the table. The pleasure is overwhelming, making your back arch. Although your sight is hazy, you want to see him again, down there, devouring you like it was his last meal. The room is beginning to dim as the candles are on their last burn. Lighting was the only source of light now.
"J-Jongho!" You call to him among your loud moans.
Then you see it again, two black voids fixated on your face. The sight of Jongho's true side that he apparently can't control whilst being filled with lust, gives you greater satisfaction. He sharply throws the glass aside, shattering it on the wall. Then, he wraps his arms behind your thighs, pinning you down to the table. His tongue quickens, flicking across your clit making you see white.
"Jong- Oh!” You slip as a strong orgasm crashes over you, twisting your body with unimaginable pleasure. Your hands grab both sides of the table, feeling your warmth flooding on Jongho's tongue and lips. He sucks on your clit, bringing every last bit of your orgasm out of you and taking his time to clean your pussy of your essence and the rest of the wine.
"Mmmm. You taste too sweet. Too delicious for the covent." He coos, his voice heavy with arousal. He starts tracing his way back up your body with his tongue, slowly following the trails of sticky wine, ending it with hungry kisses all over your neck and jaw.
"So?" He asks as his face aligned with yours. You dare to look into his eyes as he hovers over you.
"So?" You repeat, out of breath.
"Are you feeling free yet?" He smirks with a sinful spark in his eyes.
You know exactly what he's asking about.
You return the smile, "Not yet."
With these words he straightens up and rips open his wine stained blouse, throwing its shreds on the floor. The ruby brooch clatters somewhere on the wooden panels.
You cannot take your eyes off his perfect body. You fantasized about it so many times but it's still more than you could ever imagine.
"Like what you see?" He asks, amused by your awe. He begins to unbelt, then takes off his black pants that were soaked with your cum. “Cause I like my view very much."
You wish to sit up but Jongho stops you, climbing on the table hovering over your body. His enormous frame towering over you makes you feel so small and vulnerable.
He leans down and kisses you incredibly slowly, you melt over the taste of his, yours and the wine that linger on his lips. You feel it with the deepest, darkest corners of your soul, returning the affection with quiet moans. You are his, from the first sight. Maybe it is an illness of falling in love with your savior or maybe it is real. You don't care. You stopped caring about details a long time ago.
"What happened, (y/n)?” He breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours. “You resisted me for so long and today you serve yourself on a golden platter."
You smile and flick your tongue on his lips.
“You killed him for me” You moan out, feeling his warm cock, throbbing against your abdomen. “Didn’t you?”
He pulls himself up, taken aback at your words. His dark eyes study your face, searching for any sign of fear or doubts. But he finds none of it.
“(Y/n), I…?”
“I know everything, Jongho. I’ve known for some time now.” You explain, almost moaning out every word. You’re squirming with neediness underneath him.
You heard Sybil tell the postman to take the telegram to Jongho. To Oxford. You connected everything in an instant. You couldn't help but imagine him covered in your fiancé's blood which made you go insane with lust.
“I’m all yours to take.” You declare.
With every word leaving your mouth his eyes are getting darker. It is his dream come true. You, accepting what he is and what he is able to do for you.
He claims your quivering lips once more. Wrapping your arms around his neck and shoulders you let his tongue penetrate your mouth, wrestling with yours while his length found its way to your pussy, rubbing on your dripping folds.
“I won’t be gentle. I can't.” He warns, breaking away from the dazing kiss. "I waited a whole year. Twelve, long months. Over three hundred, fucking days of controlling myself and keeping my hands to myself. No more."
"Take as much as you need. As rough as you want." You say, giving him the allowance, using your version of his own words. You want him to fuck you into that wooden table. "Just take me, Jongho."
Leaning down to your neck, he draws a long breath, inhaling your scent that turned his life upside down the moment he sensed it for the first time. He remembers vividly how you passed him by on one of the streets in Oxford. Despite the crowd, your scent was like vines, climbing up his legs and making them follow after you. As any vampire would, he craved to feed on you. The initial plan was to take you away, seduce you so he could sink his fangs anytime he felt thirsty. But then he heard your story. And to his own surprise, he didn't want to take advantage of it. He wanted to protect you, punish people who had hurt you and keep you under his wings. He dared to dream of having you near until the end of time.
“So delicate.” He hums against your neck and ear. “So fragile, so… human. Yet, your sweet blood has never tempted me to taste it. I want to make it burn your veins with lust, need and love. I want to smell it racing as I kiss you, touch you. I want to hear it pulsating in your thighs while I eat your precious pussy out for hours. I want to listen to it beat in your heart that I want to protect. I will never let a drop of it to shed. I swear it to you.”
You suck in a soft breath at his declaration. You are left speechless as he kisses your pulsepoint as a seal to his words.
Both don't speak as your faces align. Jongho holds your gaze as he starts kissing his way down the valley between your breasts. He places a sweet kiss on the left side of your chest to feel your heartbeat under his lips.
You tangle your fingers into his silky hair and gently tug on it. A breathy moan is ripped from your chords as he begins sucking on your nipple, while the other gets captured between his thumb and index finger. He keeps your gaze as he flicks his tongue on your bud.
Grabbing fistfulls of your bosoms, he scoops both and engulfs them with his mouth, sucking and pulling them. His hard cock keeps grinding against your leaking slit.
“Jongho… please.” You whine, feeling like overheating. “Ease this fire.”
At your plea, he lets go of your breasts with a pop sound. The vampire rises up, finally blessing you with all his grace. His impressive size makes you gasp, having your wetness increase instantly. He's so erect you see every little vein decorating his manhood. The tip glistens with precum that you get a sudden urge to taste, your tongue ghosts your dry lips.
Jongho spreads your trembling legs wider, placing them on his hips. The feeling of his hot skin and hardened muscles on your inner thighs causes your core throb with anticipation.
"You want to be fucked by a monster so bad, don’t you?" He taunts with a sinister smirk, guiding his length up and down your folds, spreading your wetness all over his tip. Your whimpers drive him to groan. He takes his time to prepare your pussy for sweet abuse.
"Jongho, please.” You can't take it anymore, but he seems to enjoy the torture. "Fallen or free, just take me."
These words work on him like magic. You hear his dangerous giggle before he grabs the flesh of your hips with his big, hungry hands and slams himself inside you.
You squeal at the sudden stretch of your tight walls and put your hands on his wrists. You haven't had a man inside you for a whole year. Not to mention, you never had someone that big.
Although he warned you about not being gentle with you, you still are not prepared for the power he starts to penetrate you with. He pounds into you hard without any mercy on your poor body and soul. He has all the control over your hips, pulling them and impaling you on his pulsating cock.
"Oo-h l-ord!” You cry out with pleasure.
"So tight, yes. " He growls out, instantly satisfied. “Ah, you're going to make me come quickly, love of mine.”
He slows down after a few more hard thrusts, lowering himself to hover over you again.
You are loudly gasping for air. It's difficult to breathe due to his previous enormous force. His cock, now torturing your insides with a painfully slow pace.
"That's exactly how I imagined you looking underneath me, darling. So tiny and defenseless. Entirely mine." He whispers, licking a long wet strip between your breast, bringing it up to your jaw.
You arch your back, tangling your fingers in his raven hair again.
He laughs quietly at the sudden swirling movement of your hips on his length.
"Mmmm, you're squeezing me so good."
After a few seconds of enjoying the moment, Jongho grabs your legs, placing them onto his shoulders. His cock sinks even deeper into you, making a new series of moans to leave your mouth.
His thrusts become even stronger, taking you beyond your imagination. Your head is spinning, the haze again falls upon your eyes as you hold tight the table's edges above your head. He fills you completely, his throbbing pride rubbing all the right places.
You can't make any kind of sound. The fire between your thighs starts spreading all over your body.
"I'm.. Jongh… please, please!" You scream repeatedly as waves of indescribable ecstasy start to flood you, making your body spasm again. Loud moans mixed with roars of thunder fills the mansion.
"Fuuck, yes, sweetheart." He joins you in the lewd ritual, feeling your walls closing around his length, squeezing him. Jongho straightens his back, throwing his head back, pushing into you slowly, riding both your highs.
You feel his cock twitch as he unloads his warmth inside you. And it’s followed by a sudden, loud, bloodcurdling laugh that makes you look up at him.
This time you see more than just two black voids instead of the chocolate eyes of your lover. Long fangs glisten in the dark. His whole face, covered in black veins as he's savoring in ecstasy.
"J-Jongho…" You call out breathlessly, feeling like your high grew back intensively, just at the view of his true form that you have fantasized about so many times.
Breathing heavily, he lets his gaze fall down at you. The sinister smile is still painted on his lips. He gives you a few last slow thrusts just so he can watch your face and listen to your adorable whimpers again. You then felt his length slowly sliding out of you followed by his thick seed dripping from your hole. He stared at his masterpiece for a short instant and laid himself on your side.
"You're so beautiful." You caress his cheek, not able to take your eyes off his face. A face that other people would call a monster. You stare at him in awe as his true form starts to fade, being replaced with his human side.
“Beautiful? You find this beautiful.?” He grins with his sharp teeth. You love when the real mischief takes over his lord persona. “And I am here, wondering why you're not having a heart attack. I tried to control my form to not come out but you feel oh so good.”
His finger runs down your body, that's covered and filled with liquids. You still want more, and Jongho can sense it.
“You are beautiful, no matter the form.” You insist, yet your voice sounds weak and shaky as his hand slides between your legs.
He captures your lips, teasing your tongue with his. He swallows your moans, as his hand massages your needy clit.
“You were truly made for me.” He whispers in your lips. “So unsatisfied, desperate for more… Do you want my fingers inside you, darling?”
“Yes…” You feel drunk. He makes you feel more intoxicated than any alcohol ever has.
“You want me to use my cum inside your precious little pussy as a lube and fuck you with my fingers, hm?”
You nod eagerly with no shame whatsoever.
“Say it, sweetness. Use your pretty voice and tell me what you want.”
“I want you… to fuck me… with your fingers, please.” You begged with a pathetic, high-pitched voice.
The confidence his digits slide into you steals the breath from your lungs. The squelching sounds immediately filled the room, disturbing the silence among your moans and the thunder. His fingers are restless as, thanks to his rich filling they go in and out of you like a knife in the most ripe fruit.
You arch your spine as Jongho curls them and his fingertips rub that sweet point that doubles the volume of your cries.
“Ah, yes, yes, right there!”
He uses the opportunity of your exposed neck, and he gently bites the soft skin, not enough to pierce through it, but enough to leave a trace.
“Fuck, (y/n).” He whispers, with a tone of praise. You reacting to everything he does to you, makes his chest swell with pride.
It encourages him.
As a vampire, his strength and never-ending stamina pushes you over the edge the next second after his hand starts racing up and down at a determined, overwhelming speed, playing your whole body like an instrument.
You come once, screaming against the thunder. Then again, but this time you make no sound. You can't, as the pleasure of a thousand suns cages the breath in your lungs.
With his lips glued to your throat, he groans at the way your body trembles as he forces his cum out of you.
“No, no… Jongo, wait… stop…”
He giggles as you push his hand away after his finger starts flicking your core again.
“I would’ve killed him much sooner if I knew it'd cause you to finally scream in pleasure underneath me.” He whispers, placing calming kisses on your marked neck as your hands are roaming all over his back.
You can only smile at his words, tired after the long awaited fulfillment. Seeing your state, Jongho carefully picks you up from the table. You feel him cover you with your robe he had ripped off you.
You don’t remember the trip to his chambers where he carried you in his arms. You don't know where you are until you feel warm water embracing your exhausted body. You open your eyes to see him gently wiping and massaging your skin.
"How delicate, Lord Choi." You give him a tired but content smile. "I clearly remember you saying you wouldn’t be gentle with me."
Jongho grins before saying, "Don't worry. This is only the beginning."
Every nerve in your body wakes up as he leans to your neck and places a gentle kiss.
“I need some time to shape you for me. I don't want to hurt you. Then, I swear there won't be any surface left in this house where I won't take you on, sweetness.”
Then his focus is back on cleaning your body, however the sinister spark never leaves his eyes. You know this night isn't over, wondering what the state the dawn will find you in.
Your eyes wander to the window in front of you. You see the lighting dancing in the distance but you don't hear any thunder accompanying it anymore.
The storm is over. You indulge in the peaceful darkness of the night.
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I repost this one shot cause I wasn't satisfied with it. I couldn't even look at it anymore and I like the idea 🥲 Hope you like it! I added some new plot, too!
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Bat Timeline vs Bat Publication Timeline
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I kept my receipts and citations here. I felt canon ages are the best tool to track time. Also, I used cover dates.
Neat things I noticed:
Nothing much happened in Gotham until Robin arrived both in continuity and in print history. Sorry but your lone wolf Batman doesn't exist :P
Dick permanently becomes Batman at the same age Bruce was when he became Batman; 25. Kinda poetic if you ask me.
Babs was Oracle longer than she was Batgirl in both continuity and publication history!!
Completely forgot that Dinah was literally her own mother once upon a time. Weird stuff.
There's not enough Jason!Robin stories to fit the 3 years some fans claim he was Robin for. Also the 3 years idea doesn't work if you track Dick's age. My guess is he was originally younger than 15 when he died but DC aged him up so he could be an adult when he returned as Red Hood.
It's pretty clear that Helena's integration into the group began the expansion of this complicated "family unit". She set the precedent for those noirish vigilante work relations.
Tim has to be a vampire if he's meant to be 17 three whole very explicit in-continuity years after he had his 16th birthday.
Stephanie has basically been in this gig as long as Tim! And almost as long as Helena too. Proper seasoned ass-kicker who Damian should look to for pointers.
Also remembered that Cassandra's Batgirl run is the best thing to come out of Gotham in the early 2000s.
I dunno I think the One Year Later timeskip was just unnecessary.
Kate and Renee are almost as new to the vigilante gig as Damian!
Bat-adjacent Rose Wilson was said to be 14 during her first appearance around Year 15 so she's the same age Tim.
Not Bat related but Lian Harper's age works with my timeline so yay! Born early Year 14, she's 5 during Cry for Justice in Year 19.
I have a theory, based off of Batman #416, that Dick graduated high school at 17. He says he was Bruce's partner for 6 years and that after he was fired; he left college after the 1st semester, then moved around the country, had his own adventures, and "eventually" ended up with the Titans. Also, he was 21 during the Titans' 3rd anniversary (New Titans v2 #71) and 19 when he became Nightwing (Tales of the Titans #44) so the Titans (re-)formed when he was 18. This means he probably only turned 18 in the academic year he began college (or has a summer birthday). So he was Bruce's partner from ages 11-17, did his own thing for a while as he did in the 70s, eventually joined the Titans at 18, and became Nightwing at 19. Jason comes into the picture soon after Dick retires the Robin identity.
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mugiwarahostclub · 1 year
Some of the one piece men as boyfriends
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤluffy, zoro, sanji, ace, law,ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ shanks, bartolomeo editionㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤmale/fem/non bi reader ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤone piece world setting
He'll interact with you the same way he does with his closest friends, but he would probably be careful when he carries you around just like he does with Robin. You'll have to initiate every hugs and kisses, cause he'll only jump on you and hug you first if you two haven't seen each other for a month or more. Over all, I think he'd treat you as a bestfriend rather than a lover, trying to make you laugh, making you the first person he shows random things to, etc.
Y/n: Hi Luffy~ Happy 3rd anniversary!
Luffy: ... Eh? Anniversary?
Y/n: Wh- Luffy, we've been dating for 3 years now...
Luffy: Yosh ! Anniversary ! Let's have Sanji cook *stretches himself to kitchen*
This guy values man codes or whatever, so he'd probably be the type to show affection towards you through actions, not words. Sick? Would quickly find the nearest pharmacy and give the medicine to Chopper. Hungry? Would kill the largest fish present and give it to you, it's up to you to cook it though. Sad? Well, he's not very good at comforting and will just end up telling you about the harsh reality of the world, then give you some wise advice afterwards like most grandpas do.
Y/n: Love you, Zoro
Zoro: Hm *cooly smirks with his eyes closed*
Y/n: ... I love you, Zoro
Zoro: *continues to smirk in a cool way, still staying silent cause he knows that you're aware deep down that he loves you back*
Y/n: Man.. just say it back
Boyfriend material. Would gladly simp and swoon over you. Sanji likes to make every woman feel like a princess though, so he'd still fanboy over girls and treat them well too. He would immediately reassure you after complimenting/serving a girl in front of you. Kissing them is where he'd draw a line. I mean, I would hope so.
Sanji to a random woman: Oh, your hair is just lovely~
Sanji: A-ah..! *quickly stands next to Y/n* Of course! Your hair is very lovely as well, Y/n! Oh~♡⁠ how the faint scent of your welcoming shampoo just wraps me around and— (he goes on for a few minutes)
He'd be a supportive and loyal boyfriend, affectionate and would recklessly fight anyone who'll drag your name in the mud. Though he'll tell you a lot of stories about his little brother Luffy even though you didn't ask for them. If Luffy's around, he will probably not spend as much time with you like he'd normally do.
[ Y/n and Ace on a date ]
Ace: and then.. Luffy ran away, so me and Sabo also ran away! Hahahaha!
Y/n: Ahahahaha.. that's sooo funny... (has heard that story a million times already)
It'll be hard to communicate with this guy, he's not the type to say what he's feeling at first. Though, as his feelings build up inside of him, he'd just eventually burst it all out soon in an angry manner. He'd probably give you physical affection with a straight face if you asked for it. I think he'd watch over you closely from time to time, walking up behind you just to tell you if something could damage your health. He won't force you to take care of yourself, but he will say 'i told you so' when you later suffer the consequences.
Y/n: *grabs chocolate from the fridge*
Law: *comes up from behind out of nowhere*
Y/n: Wha-? Law??? Where did you-?
Law: Chocolate at midnight is not very good... *walks away*
I think he'd be a cute and shy boyfriend when he's sober. When he's drunk, maybe he could be a bit more honest with his feelings. Goodluck getting this guy to spend more time with you though, cause he'd probably use him being a captain as an excuse to not give you affection, when really he's just shy. He only tells you that he loves you when he's about to leave.
Y/n: Shanks! Let's go on a date!
Shanks: *blushes* .. oh.. haha, sorry Y/n, captain stuff-
Y/n: What? but you just got here
Shanks: Gotta go! Bye! *is already in a distance* Love you!
Your relationship will consist of you, him.. and his unhealthy obsession with the strawhats.
Bartolomeo: Y/n, have you seen my limited edition Luffy figurine?!?!??
Y/n: Honey, it's 2 in the morning.. go back to bed....
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imaginariumwanderer · 19 days
JUST WANNA SAY ur art got me back into shadowvanilla, I was into it right when sm showed up in crk but no one was talking about the ship so I kinda forgot about it, but now there's so much good food 😩✨ ANYWAY HERE'S A DRAWING I MADE TODAY since you (and some fics) inspired me to get back into the ship :3c
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Please excuse me for a moment while I lose my mind over this fanart
*Cough* now to get us back on track, my wacky origin story with this wacky ship: technically speaking, the 3rd anniversary update is what got me posting for the crk fandom ealier this year. I remember seeing PV and SM first meeting in Beast-Yeast and thinking "oh why do they kindaaa... U know?" then seeing PV interacts w/ SM in the quiz show segment and how he's subtly fighting back in his own way got me like "oh shit?? Can i have some more pls???"
Anyways, I remember browsing through tumblr not long after, seeing some shadowvanilla fanarts, thinking "wait, is this a ship?? Is this allowed??" and coming across the wonderful, amazing, beautiful Echo paradox AU one fateful day. I've been oar-struck with the ship ever since. All this to say, you and I are in the same boat! It's thanks to other shippers that I got sailing, my art dragging another one onboard is definitely this coming full-circle.
I'm so glad to see such a talented artist joining this shipdom, thank you! As a perpetual rarepair shipper, it's my greatest joy is to see fans express their passion for certain unknown/obscure pairings through fanart, fanfic, analysis etc and getting others sucked into the rabbit hole along the way (ah yes, spreading the brainrot muahaha yesss)
There's still so much I want to do with these two idiots. I don't see myself stopping with the shadowvanilla content any time soon, at least not before SM is playable. So until then, please bear with me while continue to be obnoxious about them^^
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robinbuckleysfringe · 6 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairings: tom blyth x reader
warnings: accused cheating
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged rachelzegler & tomblyth
liked by joshandresrivera, tomblyth, hunterschafer, rachelzegler and others
yninstagram as promised, here's some more bts pics for tbosas. massive thanks to suzanne collins for letting me be apart of your universe 💚
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rachelzegler not that photo of me 😭
↪️ yninstagram sorry babes 🫶🏻🫶🏻. forgive me?
↪️ rachelzegler always 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️
tomblyth did me dirty with that photo when I know you took hundreds of nicer ones
↪️ yninstagram sorry not sorry, just giving the fans what they want 😘
hunterschafer it was so lovely to finally be in a project together ❤️
↪️ yninstagram here's to hoping there's more 🥂❤️
user is that y/n with tom in the 2nd pic?? they look awfully close
↪️ user back off and leave the cheating rumours alone. y/n confirmed that they were only friends during filming
↪️ user exactly!! leave them alone!! plus, they were probably just going over the script or something. it's not your business dude.
user these photos are everything
user everyone say thank you to y/n for listening to the fans and giving us more bts pics
user y/n stoppp, I can't fall in love with snow again
user can't decide if tom's hotter with blonde hair or brown
↪️ yninstagram I've been asking myself the same thing
↪️ user 😂 she's one of us!!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged robertdowneyjr, sebastianstan, chrisevans, gwynethpaltrow, anthonymackie & marvelstudios
liked by zendaya, tomholland2013, jacobelordi, tomblyth and others
yninstagram happy 10 year anniversary to my marvel debut (and also CATWS). huge thanks to @/robertdowneyjr for being the best onscreen dad, let's be in another project together soon pls ❤️
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rachelzegler omg forgot that you were in the mcu!! iconic behaviour
↪️ yninstagram little me was really living the dream!!
tomblyth can't wait to see what the future of the mcu holds in store for you ❤️
↪️ yninstagram love you tom ❤️
↪️ user omg confirmed y/n return to the mcu??
↪️ user I hope so!! missed her character so much!!
zendaya happy 10 years to my favourite marvel character
↪️ tomholland2013 hey, what about me? :((
↪️ zendaya I said what I said 🤷🏻‍♀️
↪️ tomholland2013 no, but for real @/yninstagram, congrats on making it a whole decade in the mcu. it's awesome to be able to share a screen with you xx
↪️ yninstagram aww, thanks guys 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. let's meet up next time I'm in town 💕💕
jacobelordi you used to be so cute. what happened? 😂
↪️ yninstagram shut up (said with love 🫶🏻)
user are you coming back to the mcu??
↪️ yninstagram you'll have to ask the marvel execs, sorry lovely. I wish I knew x
*yninstagram has posted to her story*
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*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by zendaya, florencepugh, tomblyth, joshandresrivera and others
yninstagram award show season was a blast 🥂💜
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tomblyth stunning 😍😘
↪️ yninstagram no, you 😘x
rachelzegler obsessed with you 😍😍😍
↪️ yninstagram I expect nothing less 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
joshandresrivera I wanna know what was said to make you pull that face in the 3rd photo
↪️ yninstagram probably someone bringing up that once again I wasn't nominated smh 😤
user mother is mothering 😍😍😍
user you were snubbed. you should've been nominated 😤
↪️ user for real!!!
↪️ user she defo deserves an award, but I don't think any of her projects last year (other than tbosas) was really award worthy. don't get me wrong, they were brilliant. but they weren't on the same level as the stuff that was nominated
↪️ user 100%
user you just know she's so fun to hang out with
↪️ user for real!! she emits such friendly energy
user what's the new project??
↪️ user wdym??
↪️ user she posted a story the other day with the caption "new project pending"
↪️ user it's probably stranger things season 5 tbh
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged greysabc
liked by tomblyth, rachelzegler, camillaluddington, jessicacapshaw, caterinascorsone, taylorswift and others
yninstagram shoutout to the stars (and my schedule) for aligning and allowing me to make my greys anatomy debut. thank you @/shondarhimes for letting me step through the doors of Grey Sloane Memorial hospital 💙
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tomblyth super proud of you ❤️❤️
↪️ yninstagram ❤️❤️
camillaluddington welcome to the family ❤️
↪️ yninstagram thanks for letting me join ❤️
rachelzegler watching you get your dream roles is the best thing in the world 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻. endlessly proud of you bby 💕💕💕
↪️ yninstagram stoppp, you're making me cry 😭💕💕
hunterschafer we better be having a watch party at your house
↪️ yninstagram of course!! ❤️
joshandresrivera iconic
taylorswift big fan of this news!! congrats lovely ❤️
↪️ yninstagram love you!!! ❤️❤️
jacobelordi how the hell did you manage to keep this a secret??
↪️ yninstagram it was a real struggle
zendaya insanely proud of you!! 💕
↪️ yninstagram 😘
user I hope you're in it for at least more than one episode
↪️ user same, tho I doubt she'll become a series regular
user omg!!!
user congrats!!!
user yes yes yes!!!
user ooh, who are you playing??
user this is so cool!!! love greys anatomy!!!
parts 5 and 6 will probably be the last parts to this social media au, unless there's anything you guys want me to write for this series
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loud-whistling-yes · 8 months
All i know is the Season 9 of Hermitcraft, hc x dsmp crossover and Tilly do us apart. The rest you mention is foreign to me. So yeah and also I agreed that no person should see the entirety of dsmp history. Like damn... many things have occur in a short period of time?!
Glad you've asked! Here is a list of things part of mcyt history that has happened in the last 4 years:
Hermitcraft season 7 will be 4 years old in a month (February 2020)
The dsmp will be 4 too in a few months (April 2020)
Dream SMP War by Sadist, the video that caused one of the largest surges of popularity for the dsmp, turns 4 in August
Doomsday celebrated it's 3rd anniversary about a week ago (6th January 2021)
Yes. Almost ALL of the dsmp story up to that point happened within the span of about 5 months. From the VERY BEGINNING OF THE DISC SAGA TO THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF LMANBURG. It all took place from July to early January. What the fuck.
3rd life will be turning 3 in April (April 2021)
Penismp turns 3 in May. I cannot stress this enough. Remember the fake smp that predated goncharov BY A FUCKING YEAR AND A HALF and trended 3rd on Tumblr for 2 days straight??? That was almost 3 years ago now.
The surge of popularity for Passerine happens around May of 2021, following Sadist's animation Sunsprite's Eulogy
Empires season 1 will be 3 years old in June
Hermitcraft season 8 will also be 3 in June (exactly one week apart! Esmp started on 12th June while hcs8 started on the 19th)
Yes, you heard it right, the life series and empires predate season 8! Pearl and Gem became hermits roughly a week AFTER the cactus ring.
June 2021 is ALSO the month where MCC Pride 2021 took place. Y'know, the one with Wilbur's office on fire and technoblade getting nicknamed Tech by grian. THIS IS ALSO turning 3 this year. June 2021 was a wild month.
Techno's escape from prison will be 3 years old this year too. September fucking 2021. It's been 3 years since this happened.
The canary's curse has been a concept in the fandom for a little over 2 years now, following jimmy's final death in last life (early November 2021)
Moon Big also occurred around this time frame, which means it's turning 3 this year!
Mangoball becomes a dsmp fandom staple around early December 2021
The 2 year anniversary of @/chrisrin's curses last life animation is in 2 days! (16th January 2022)
Following the end of empires season 1, hermitcraft season 8 and the lore drought of the dsmp, this is where the big Content Drought of 2022 happens. This is where dreamempirescraft became a thing. This is also where that drawing came from.
Hermitcraft season 9 will also be 2 soon (March 2022). Longest season, everyone.
Double life is currently a year and a half old! (June 2022) Every mention of tilly, pearl being the devil, the scarlet pearl, something wicked this way comes, ALL of it, came from a year and a half ago
Yes, this means that season 9 saw the beginning and end of not one, not two, but THREE seasons of the life series. Longest season, everyone.
Speaking of longest season, anyone remember the esmp crossover? This will also turn 2 this year (November 2022)
Qsmp is about to turn a year old soon! This is less of a fact to make you feel old but a fact that makes you think "ALL THAT IN LESS THAN A YEAR?????", and you'd be right! What the fuck! How did this all happen in less than a year!
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usedpidemo · 4 months
Update - 3rd year anniversary! (and some future plans, a reflection, etc.)
Hi everyone! π here.
By the time this post is up, it'll be the 13th of May. Three years since I began my writing journey and this Tumblr blog. Three years. Time flies by so fast. I was close to graduating senior high after it was delayed because pandemic, had my graduation in an empty room basically, now I'm hitting my third year of college. Crazy stuff.
With that said, here are the stats + timetable of the blog so far:
First work: Sandwich (Wendy) (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m)
Highest note count: Tell your friends (Yujin x Wonyoung) (published 01/14/23, 1274 notes)
Number of works published: 91 fics (1 fic every 12.03 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days)
1000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days)
2000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days)
3000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days)
4000 followers: May 22, 2023 (740 days)
5000 followers: December 18, 2023 (950 days)
Current follower count: 5615 (1 new follower every 5.12 days)
It's been a hectic final month of college, so I apologize for the lack of activity in recent times :< But summer is coming up very soon, so hopefully I'll have all the time in the world to write more till then! I will say, a new fic is on the near horizon, so please be on the lookout!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single of you, whether reader, lurker, or a fellow writer for your support! Especially during these lull times, your unwavering support has kept me afloat and has been a motivation in continuing to write. Love you guys as always. Here's to another fruitful year <3
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From this point, this part will be an overall reflection and life summary of the previous year, my thoughts on some personal matters, and some ideas I've been contemplating. If you don't wanna read this, you can stop here.
I miss 2023 quite a bit, not gonna lie. I know nostalgia can quickly grow warm and fuzzy, seeing the past through rose tinted lens, but I'll admit that 2024 hasn't been off to the start I envisioned it to be. That year was mostly peak for me, and I could even argue it's my favorite year to live out based on all my experiences. Traveling to new places, finally attending live events, interacting with my K-pop biases, and so on—it really felt like the best was yet to come with how 2023 flowed and transitioned into the new year.
Five months in, and I am struggling. Horribly. Most plans, dreams, and ideas have gone up in smoke, and it's just one devastating gut punch after another. I have a shitty professor in one major that basically made me check out of that class, and I don't know my family will react when I tell them I have to repeat said class because that professor was a dick. My family's been infighting on a daily basis, and I'm mostly collateral damage to them. Not one week can go by without some serious confrontation between them. There was a brief health scare with my mother, but that seems to be a nothing matter; thank God she'll be okay.
All this just makes life so deflating, in all honesty. I get that no life is without struggle, but I genuinely don't know when we'll be in the clear. Not anytime soon, I reckon. In these tough times, there's very little comfort except the past, when everything was pretty all right for the most part. It's been demotivating to write when mom comes forward with another grievance with my sister. It's hard to write when you have a professor who likes to power trip their students into submission. It's hard when you don't know how to admit to your mother that he failed his one class because of said power tripping professor.
But that doesn't mean I will let it eat me alive. I know we've been through some utter lows in the past. And we always get back up. If no one has us, then God does.
Summer break is fast approaching and I want to fix things. Even in my own little way. I know none of what I'm saying has anything to do with writing degenerate stories about hot K-pop idols, but real life circumstances have definitely affected me more than I can brush off. I should be calm, unfazed, undeterred.
After all, some stories are meant to be finished. They just take a more unconventional route. Ask Cody.
With all that being said, I will finish these commissions over the next two months. I'm really sorry to everyone who requested and paid for their stories months and months ago; I genuinely feel bad for not getting these out on time, but I am very mindful of quality control, and I have no one to blame but myself for being a slacker and lazy worker. Despite my feelings, I should remain professional—that's what being a worker means.
A lifestyle overhaul is definitely in my list of things to improve over the summer too. Figuring out how to get writing done, finding ways to alleviate my PokeRogue addiction (GOTY), whilst having a healthy work/life balance and not losing my sanity over it. Or worse, burning out.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends—peach, caps, majorblinks, chunk, frisky, raf, c.o, levi, sins, iz, ken, v1n, ddeun, notions, kevin, eros, brandon, kaede, svn, frisky, cray, rpg, prael—for putting up with my shit for another year. This life is tough, but you guys make it tolerable. Thank you for letting me air out my grievances even when it wasn't the best time to. I pray that when everything passes, I'm able to repay you all in some shape or form generously.
And to you, dear reader, for making it this far, thank you. Whether you've been with me since day one, or day 1094, as a commenter, reposter, liking, or just passing by/lurking, thank you for giving me a chance. Without you, all of this would have been for nothing. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't take that chance, that leap of faith back in 2021, and it's because of you I am able to keep doing this for the love of the game.
With grace,
Peter / π
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toomuchracket · 9 months
little idea for the 3rd part (in the event you decide to make one)
maybe mrs mac and ross are doing one of those cute anniversary vow renewal things. for a 5 year anniversary or something. matty and girlie both go after not seeing each other for a couple of months and they both figure out the other one has broken up with their partners. (or to make it more angsty, matty and taylor broke up but girlie is still with her bf and maybe he came with, but she still misses matty a lot.) either way maybe girlie ends up going home with matty (after breaking up with her bf if she still had one.) and he spends the whole night making it up to her (a little arguing beforehand though.)
i edited this slightly, and the making up is still yet to come... but this part has a happy ending, i promise. hope you enjoy <3
gone four weeks, part 3 (d word matty x reader angst/fluff)
the breeze lifts your hair from the nape of your neck as you check your phone one final time, just to make sure you're at the right address. it's nice, the warm early summer wind, but you quickly make your way inside the restaurant and follow the signs towards the function room and your friends.
music - billy joel, you think - spills out of your destination through the half-open door; you can see ross swaying to it with baby keir in his arms, smiling at his wife cooing at the little boy. you smile, too, speeding up and hurrying over to join them. “hi! happy anniversary, you two! you look amazing!”
mrs mac cheers when you appear, hugging you and kissing your forehead in an extremely big-sisterly way. “thank you, beautiful girl! god, look at you,” she tugs the floaty skirt of your dress gently, face wondrous. “look at this dress! gorgeous.”
“thank you, lovely. hi, ross,” you hug him quickly before diverting your attention to keir. “and hello to you, sweetheart. oh, i've missed you! well,” you grin at his parents. “i've missed all of you while i've been away, but you and your sister most of all, keir, definitely.”
“speaking of,” mrs mac scans the room, while her son giggles at you adorably. “where is eilidh?”
ross tilts his head towards the back of the room. “busy teaming up with her cousin to terrorise hann.”
you turn, giggling when you see adam sandwiched between his son and eilidh at one of the tables, the two toddlers having an animated conversation across him. he smiles and waves when he sees you, though. so does carly, half-standing with an almost empty aperol spritz in one hand; she raises her eyebrows, pointing at you and then the glass, and smiles again when you nod and mouth a “thank you”. after briefly scanning the half-full room, you turn back to the macdonalds. “nobody else here yet?”
“nah,” ross shakes his head. “surprised you're here by yourself, actually.”
“what?” your brow furrows. “but i told you nothing developed between me and mi-”
“no, no, we know that. just figured you and matty might get a lift in together, you know? since he'd have to go past yours to get here and all.”
your stomach tenses involuntarily at the mention of him. “oh. no. i haven't spoken to him in couple of weeks, actually.”
thought about him every day, though. been wracked with guilt at the memory of him crying as you drove off. cried at it yourself, too. 
you dig your nails into your palm to snap yourself out of it - he'll be here soon, after all - and try to focus on what mrs mac is saying. “you fell out, or something?”
“something like that, yeah.”
“about him mugging you off and flaunting his relationship with taylor in front of you? or something else?”
did he tell them? no. he can't have. he wouldn't even tell them - his best friends - that you were together. fuck, you are so confused. you must look it, too, because she keeps speaking. “well, we all thought that after new year, you and matty might… become something.”
“especially after the body shots you did off each other,” ross interjects. you give a small smile at the memory, tinged with sadness like all of your old ones involving matty are.
“the body shots, yeah. christ,” his wife shakes her head. “but seriously - we thought he was really into you. i felt a bit blindsided when he just started seeing taylor, to be honest. didn't want you to feel like he'd led you on, you know?”
bless her. “it's not that, no,” you hug her. well, you suppose, it kind of is. but your friends don’t need to know that. “we just have, um, opposing ideas about stuff, let's say.”
ross smiles. “which is code for he was an arsehole and had a tantrum, isn't it?”
his wife sighs. “ross, the baby.”
“sorry, sorry - he was a not very nice person and had a tantrum.”
“better. thank you.”
“i was trying to be diplomatic,” you giggle, covering keir's little ears. “but yeah, basically. although, in fairness, i was a bit of a bitch to him in return.”
“you? never,” carly slots into the conversation, handing you your drink and kissing your cheek in greeting. “who's the him in question, by the way? that american boy?”
ross shakes his head. “matty. who could do with people being bitch- brutally honest with him, sometimes, actually.”
you suck air in through your teeth. “i made him cry, though.”
carly blinks in surprise, then waves insouciantly. “he's been crying a lot lately, i wouldn't worry about it.”
of course, you do. “he has?”
“yeah. moping about everywhere since he got home two weeks ago,” she sighs. “he says it isn’t the breakup with taylor, he's adamant about it, and i actually believe him. but he's definitely sad about something, something that he can't bring himself to talk about.”
shit. you take a long drink of your cocktail. and then another, for good measure.
“well, i'm sure we'll find out soon. or he'll get over it,” mrs mac shrugs. “you're all back to work next week, anyway. he'll feel better then.”
her husband and carly murmur in agreement, but you keep your mouth shut. months of international flights and hotel stays with you in tow? feeling better isn’t a likely thing for either of you. you wince at the thought.
carly notices; thankfully, she mistakes it for something else. “i know, darling, sorry for reminding you about work at a party! come on, we'll sit down and you can tell us all about what you got up to in new york.”
“yeah, ok.”
and that's exactly what you do - omitting the sections about matty and the breakup and the tears and the arguing, and doing your best to field eilidh's many questions about the horses in central park, you tell them everything. about orla's show, your apartment, taylor’s party (which stings a little, you have to admit), the shows you saw on and off-broadway, the food you ate, the people you met. 
unfortunately, it's during the latter section that matty appears at the table, preceded by george and charli, who slots herself in beside you and hugs you as tight as she can without injuring eilidh on your lap. george reaches behind her to ruffle your hair and tell you how happy he is to see you. matty stays silent, diagonally opposite you, his only indication of you a curt nod which you respond to with a weak smile. you do your best to ignore him while you talk, which proves nigh on impossible; you've never been able to resist sneaking glances at him as it is, and he looks good in the slightly flowier than usual white shirt he's wearing. depressed, admittedly, but - as he does with anything and everything - somehow managing to make that look ridiculously sexy.
you can feel his eyes on you, too, but his gaze is always elsewhere whenever you look his way. and you know you shouldn't care, you know, but something inside you wonders if and hopes that he thinks you look good. it's nice to think that at least one of his opinions or thoughts about you might be a positive one.
still, matty doesn't give any indication of how he feels about you; that is, until you mention that you stopped things with michael before they could even develop, and his head shoots up to look at you so quickly you fear for his neck. “wait, really?”
you meet his eyes for the first time. something funny happens to your heart when you do. “yeah.”
“so, when you left the studio to go to that bar…” matty’s voice trails off, almost like he can't bring himself to finish the sentence.
you understand. it's a painful memory for you, too. shaking your head, you reply. “i didn't go. went back to the apartment, told him i wasn't in the headspace for the date,” you smile faintly. “or any date, actually.”
something seems to flicker in matty's eyes, an emotion you can't quite name. “and that was it? done?”
you nod.
matty nods too; he looks… satisfied. “well. i'm glad you made the right decision. for you and your wellbeing, i mean.”
“thank you,” your smile falters. “he was a bit miffed, to be honest. got quite angry over the phone, called me a selfish, cold, ungrateful… well, i won't say, because of eilidh. but i was glad i was going home the following night.”
“did he threaten you?” adam leans across to look at you, his pleasant face set into a stern expression. “he better not have.”
“no, it was just,” you look down at the table, busying yourself with fixing eilidh's pigtails and trying not to focus on the sight of matty's knuckles, white from how tightly he's holding his pint. “i didn't want to think about the fact that he was right.”
your friends clamour into conversation all at once, overlapping voices disputing your statement and reassuring you and berating michael. nothing really takes hold in your bowed head, until a specific voice cuts through. “darling, look at me, please.”
there he goes with that fucking pet name again. and there you go, reacting to it out of nothing more than muscle memory and something emotional you'd rather not address (again); your breath catches in your throat when you look up to see matty looking softly at you for the first time in months.
he smiles - really smiles - and your brain turns to mush. “those things he said… none of them are right about you, yeah? he got you all wrong. remember that, alright?”
thank fuck. thank fuck he's on the same page as you again. 
you nod, smiling shyly (but genuinely) at matty. “okay,” you exhale. “now, can we please talk about something else?”
thankfully, george takes over the conversation with a mention of the next gig in dundee, and soon enough the chat devolves into ranking scottish bands from best to worst, which in turn devolves into ross having to mediate an argument between his wife and his best friend about the merits of cocteau twins and the blue nile. since you kinda-sorta made up with matty, the tension is dissipating from both your body and the atmosphere, but some of your anxiety remains; you think he might be feeling the same, because neither of you make any attempts to instigate conversation with the other. but it's better than it was - you can at least make eye contact with and smile at each other, and you're content enough with that, for the time being, at least.
eilidh, though, has other ideas. she sits bolt upright on your lap when the intro to atomic kitten's cover of the tide is high plays, wriggling - uncomfortably, but you'd never admit that to her - to sit on her knees on yours. “oh! matty?”
he leans across to his goddaughter. “yeah, bean?”
“dance with me?”
he grimaces. “to this?”
“uh huh,” her little pigtails bounce as she nods. “i like it.”
“well, alright then,” he stands, holding out a hand. “come on!”
you unclasp your hands so eilidh can climb off your knee. she grabs one of them once she's safely on the floor. “you dance too!”
your jaw drops. “me? really?”
eilidh nods very seriously. matty catches your eye and shrugs behind her.
“well, i did really like this song,” you sigh, standing up and letting the toddler pull you onto the dancefloor. “think i was about your age when it came out, actually, eilidh.”
“it's that old?” matty shakes his head. “christ. i feel ancient.”
eilidh smiles at him. “you are.”
despite the weirdness of the situation, you giggle. matty smiles knowingly at you, before turning his attention back to eilidh. “alright, miss. show us what to do, then.”
“okay!” eilidh starts doing a little toddler two-step thing that makes you and matty giggle; she grabs each of you again and frowns. “you too!”
“alright, we're doing it,” you grin, copying her and giggling again when matty does the same. “like this?”
she tilts her head exactly like her mum. “you hold hands too.”
you blanch, and open your mouth to protest - matty grabs your hand before you can, sending shockwaves up your arm to your brain. he brushes his thumb feather-lightly over your skin, and you relax immediately. “like this, bean?”
“alright,” he turns to you, face placid. “you alright?”
“i'm alright,” you smile at him, then at eilidh. “means i don't have my hands free to teach you the dance from the music video, but whatever.”
matty throws his head back and laughs loudly at that; you quickly glance over at the table of your friends, all visibly dumbfounded by his change in mood. “you learnt the official choreography? at what age?”
“four, i think,” you shrug. “mum might still have the video.”
“i hope she does,” he squeezes your hand. “i bet it's adorable. you were so cute in those photos you showed me at your gran's.”
you look for the sadness in his eyes when he says that. but there's none, just… fondness. it makes you smile, lower your guard a smidge more, and reply with a joke. “cute past tense? god, i picked out the swishy dress so i'd match the most adorable person in the room and everything,” you shake eilidh’s hand, making her giggle. “but there's no catching up to you in those stakes, bean, is there?”
“nah,” eilidh shakes her head, grinning when you and matty all but collapse into giggles.
“i like the dress. it's very, well, you,” matty looks at you almost shyly; your stomach erupts into butterflies at the sight. “don’t think i'd describe you as cute, though.”
you deflate slightly. “no?
he shakes his head. “no. but i do think you're gorgeous.”
there he is.
“thank you,” your cheeks burn as you smile at him. “i think you look really handsome today, by the way. like the shirt a lot.”
“oh, thanks. got it in a vintage shop last week,” matty’s cheeks go pink, too. “you'd have liked it in there, i think.”
you nod. “maybe you can show me when we stop there for tour?” your voice is small, tentative.
he smiles, squeezing your hand again. “of course, darling. whatever you want.”
a wave of emotion washes over you at the familiar phrase - not a negative, painful one, though, rather something… reassuring. the weirdness still lingers between the two of you, but you know that your matty, the man who loved and cared for and about you so deeply, is still in there somewhere.
and, as proved seconds later, when the song changes to something slow and eilidh drops your hands with an “ugh, this is boring. daaaaaaad!” and runs off… your matty is closer to the surface than you originally thought.
he huffs out a laugh as he watches his goddaughter speed off, then turns to you. his eyes, those beautiful eyes, look at your still-conjoined hands and then trail up to meet your own. with another squeeze, he speaks. “considering she's left us out here on the dancefloor like this - shall we dance? i know you like this song, too.”
nostalgia floods your senses as you recognise the paolo nutini song playing. memories of sharing it with matty for the first time flash into your brain: the way the evening sun hit off the glass door in his living room, the welcome coolness of the concrete floor under your too-warm body, the unmistakable smell and hazy happiness from the joint the two of you passed back and forth, the adoration on matty's face as you sang and mime-played along and told him it was one of your favourites. 
you zone out, lost in all of that, only coming to when matty nervously speaks again. “you can say no, of course, i just thought it might be nice. but no hard feelings if you don't want to.”
“i do,” you take his other hand comfortingly. “i just got distracted thinking about the first time i put this song on at yours.”
relief crosses matty's face, followed by wistful happiness. “that was a good day. wanted to dance with you then, too,” he blushes again. “but i was too high to move.”
you laugh. “you've got full range of movement today?”
“yeah. look,” he twirls you, grinning. “i won't let you fall.”
too late.
“right, then,” you clasp your hands behind his neck, and his slowly, tentatively make their way onto your waist; the contact sends sparks through your entire nervous system, making you stand up straighter and forcing you to look up into matty's eyes with a nervous smile. “lead the way.”
matty smiles back. “alright.”
with that, he starts to move, swaying softly from side to side, eyes still locked on yours. the old adoration is faint within them, growing as you blush and giggle nervously. “why are you looking at me like that?”
he shrugs. “can't help it. maybe you're just too gorgeous.”
“oh, stop it, please,” you hide your face in the crook of his neck on sheer instinct, and feel the terror building when you realise what you've done.
it dissipates before it even starts, though, because matty only laughs and pulls you closer to him - pulls you home. a content silence falls over both of you, both of you happy to listen to paolo and continue swaying; matty breaks it with a happy hum. “this is nice.”
“yeah.” you aren't lying.
“i miss this, you know,” matty moves his arms, so they're hugging you rather than holding you. a beat passes. “i miss you.”
your heart aches. you open your mouth to reply; matty, feeling your jaw move against his body, keeps talking before you can. “i know you'll have things to say, too, and i want to hear them, i really do, but please let me just say what i need to say first. please?”
you nod against him.
matty exhales. “thank you, darling. alright. well, first, i want to apologise,” his fingers trace little patterns into your dress, the way you know he does when he's scared. “i’ve been nothing but a cunt to you lately, and i'm truly, truly sorry for both just being that and for not realising it sooner…”
you quirk your eyebrows in agreement.
“...and i know you probably hate me, now - to be honest, i wouldn't blame you - but,” he sighs, and sniffles. “i love you. i really, really love you, darling, and i know this is going to sound silly and out of touch or whatever, because i know i made you feel like it was the opposite, but i do want you. just you, as you are, nothing else. that's my actual dream, you being with me and in love with me. always has been. i just didn't properly realise it, and i am so incredibly sorry that i thought and made you think it was anything else, and for the damage i caused in that.”
fuck. your jaw shakes as you speak, still trying to comprehend matty's words. “but you were just so adamant about the kids thing. and so quick to-”
“i know, darling, i know,” one of matty's hands comes up to stroke your hair. “i think i only reacted that way because, well, that was only my dream because i was dreaming about having them with you. so when it seemed like you were doubting it…”
“...you were scared i was going to end it, so you just, sort-of, sped up the process?”
he sighs. “yeah. it's a fucking stupid defence mechanism. but i'm working on it, in two hour-and-a-half-long sessions a week,” he laughs uncomfortably. “m'not trying to make you feel guilty, or anything, by the way. just wanna be honest with you.”
“i know, matty,” you gently pat his back. “thank you for telling me. and i'm sorry i ever made you doubt me, and worry, you know?” you sigh. “i wish i hadn't freaked out so much initially. then we wouldn't be in this mess.”
“no, darling, you were right in what you said to me in new york,” matty all but coos. “it’s a big conversation, the starting a family chat, and i did spring it on you - you weren't wrong reacting in the way you did. honest. and like i said,” he clears his throat. “that wasn't the real dream. you were - are, still. everything else is just, like, add-ons.”
you kiss his cheek, turning your head so it rests more on his chest and bringing your hand up to rest beside it. his heart is beating quite quickly, matching yours beat for beat. “it's a nice dream, though, with the add-ons. i had it recently, actually. when i got home from new york. dreamt we had a baby girl,” you say. you're so close to matty that you can see his chest tattoo through the fabric of his shirt, and you begin tracing it out of habit. “i'm not upsetting you by telling you this, am i? i can stop if you like.”
matty kisses your hair. “no. tell me about it, please.”
“well, she was perfect. your hair, my face, little chunky baby legs,” you smile, but your eyes are filling with tears. “it was so tangible i could actually feel her when i lifted her from her crib, and feel your head on my shoulder when you were talking to her and making her laugh,” your voice breaks. “and then i woke up, and neither of you were there. and it hurt. i forgot i couldn't just roll over and tell you about it excitedly; when i remembered, i couldn't stop crying. and thinking about the fact she wasn't real just made it worse,” your tears are turning matty's shirt transparent, and you do your best to compose yourself. “i love you, too, and i want you, us, again - that's basically what i'm trying to say. but i'm also trying to say that i’d happily start a family with you, if you still wanted that. i'm sorry it took me so long to realise.”
matty exhales shakily. you look up and meet his gaze, just as teary as yours. he smiles at you, though. “i want whatever you want, darling. but,” he carefully wipes the pooling tears from your lashline. “i really would like it if that baby girl from your dreams was real. at some point, that is. whenever we feel like we're ready. we can figure that out later, yeah?”
“absolutely. we'll take our time. that said, though,” you whisper, suddenly shy. “will you please, um, come home with me tonight? not like that, necessarily - i just, you know, sleep a lot better when you're beside me. haven't slept very well for the past few months, to be honest.”
he hugs you as tight as he can. “of course i will.”
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thevikingwoman · 9 days
written for @idrellegames Wayfarer's 3rd anniversary!
Fandom: Wayfarer IF | Words: 608 | Read on Ao3
Vy Shard & Aeran Kellis | before episode 1 | gen Rating: Teen. Swearing, Vy is not having a good time, strained friendship, Rona being Rona, bronde Aeran
Rock Bottom
It’s raining. Again.
 Since they’ve arrived in Rona, Vy has counted more days of rain than without. Their hair is perpetually frizzy, its pearlescent waves impossible to tame. They prefer it short anyways, but since there’s no way they can disappear into a crowd, at least it would be nice to look good.
Rona is not a good look on anyone.
Case in point, Aeran strides through the door, water running down his face from his wet hair. It looks almost dark brown when wet, his curls pulled out except one stubbornly stuck to his forehead.
Aeran grunts and doesn’t answer, shrugging off his wet coat. He hangs it on the rusty hook by the door. Then he shakes his head like a dog and runs his hands through his hair. It now sticks up in a mess.
“I ran into Oleander,” he says instead of answering Vy’s question. Typical.
“He wanted the rent.” Aeran sits on the chair – the only piece of furniture in the room besides their mattresses and a rickety table, and pulls off his boots. “Had to pay him.”
“That was the last of our crowns, wasn’t it? A day early.”
“It was.”
“So – did you find anything.”
“The leads both vanished. Got someone else already.”
“Both of them? Fuck!”
They finally have been getting some jobs, and some good reputation, so of course two good leads evaporate. Just like theirs did.
“Mine was a dead end too. No longer a problem, apparently.”
It feels like half the time the jobs they hear about end up vanishing into thin air. Some days they wish they could too. Rona is a fucking nightmare. They should never have let Aeran convince them to come here.
They sigh, and gets up, crossing the small room to search the table. They rummage through the boxes and bags.
“There should be some bread,” Aeran says.
“It’s stale.” They purchased it cheaply as day old bread, but that was three days ago. And there’s only two slices left anyway. They toss one at Aeran. It’s hard. He doesn’t even attempt to eat it.
“A bit of sausage.” 
They find a knife and start slicing. It’s not much but it’s what they have.
“We could go to the soup kitchen,” Aeran suggests.
“No fucking way.” They hate it. The reminder of those years, before Cenric found them. Hungry, scraping by, useless and magicless, begging and stealing for scraps. They chop angrily at the remainder of the sausage. “I’m not going.“
“Well, maybe I am.”
Irritation has seeped into Aeran’s voice.
“You’re the one who spend our last crowns.”
“What did you want me to do, Vy? Tell Oleander to fuck off? The last thing we need is to be on the streets.”
“Fuck!” The knife clatters, and they instinctively stick their finger in their mouth, the sting of the cut pulsing. Sleeping on the streets of Rona – they don’t want to even think about it.
“Here.” Aeran hands them the medical kit. “It’s not going to come to that, Vy.”
They find a strip of cloth to tie around their finger. Half of the already meager pieces of sausage are covered in blood drops. Disgusted, they discard the whole thing.
“Let’s go,” they say. “Fucking soup line it is.”
“Maybe things will change soon,” Aeran says, pulling on his soggy boots again. “We’ll find a good job. Something that pays well.”
Vy snorts. “Sure. Maybe one of the Seven will hire us to guard and old lady for an astronomical sum.”
“Maybe,” Aeran grins.
Things better improve soon. It’s not like there’s any place worse to go from here.
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rowaelinsdaughter · 8 months
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a/n;; everybody, this is HAPPENING OMG!!!! this is going to be my first story and this is my first fic with my OC (read the information here). this fic is written in 3rd person so there is no use of "you".
i was thinking and maybe im going to write fics using my oc, as i said in my post of the OC, i want to improve, i want to change, i want new things, new experiences... and this is my first step. so i hope u guys enjoy this. (reblogs are appreciated and this doesnt mean im not going to write character x reader, my requests are still open)
WARNINGS;; spoilers for heir of fire, mentions of death
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manon blackbeak was eager to come back. she has been hunting crochans for weeks and finally, she reached a cottage in the north of fenharrow and now, she was prepared for blood. hiding in the closet, she listened to the three men that had broken in. 
she heard them open the door to the room. 
“come out, little crochan,” one of them said. 
with their backs to the closet, manon slipped out  and quietly closed the bedroom door. 
“wrong kind of witch.”
the moon was up in the sky when ayla moonsinger approached the cliff where a certain moon-white haired witch was waiting. she looked how her hair danced with the wind and by the pose, she knew manon was enjoying the wind. knew there were few sounds she enjoyed more than the groans of dying men, but the wind was one of them.
step by step, she got closer to her figure until her arms were hugging manons waist, feeling them a smile appeared on her face, one that never allowed to show in front of the matron… or anyone except for the thirteen. her coven. she twisted around to face ayla and took her face between her hands. 
hazel eyes and golden eyes looked at each other. looked into their souls. 
“hello witchling” manon purred. 
ayla leaned her forehead until they were touching. manon was the first one who initiated the kiss. their hands explored each other's bodies while their mouths were a mix of teeth, lips and tongues. ayla was the first one who broke the kiss first, caressing her cheek, manon left kisses on her neck making ayla laugh with delightment.
“manon, your grandmother is coming here soon…”
“let me feel you, i haven't seen you in months”
“i know… i missed you too”
a low whistle sounded from behind and manon snarled, ayla turned around and found asterin leaned on a tree, a smirk displayed on her beautiful face and her braid falled down her shoulder. 
“calm down you wolf, it's only asterin.”
manon rolled her eyes and left a kiss on her cheek. if asterin was here that meant the rest of the coven was also here… and the blackbeak matron would be here anytime soon.
they were all positioned when the matron arrived. voluminous midnight robes flowed around her with the wind. the memories flooded her mind like it was yesterday. 
her parents dead. her screaming. the matron slapping her face. “you’re coming with me”. her first day, week, month, year. the anniversary of their parents. the old houses of terrasen honoring her house, honoring the last member of the family… her. her first crochan. her first kill.
she hated her. hated the way she was and the way she treated everyone, specially manon and the thirteen. and she hated how she needed to act to survive. because that was not what she learned, she wasnt that way. she wasn't cold hearted, she wasn't cruel. there wasn't a day in which she didn't regret the person she was sometimes. what would my parents think about me?  she usually asked herself, and in the long nights where she was hunting, in the nights she couldn't sleep next to her mate, she looked to the stars and searched for the lord of the north and mourned a family, a city, long forgotten.
two hours passed until the matron got out of the caravan where she had talked with a duke.  “we are leaving now,” the matron said. manon jerked her chin to the thirteen and they fell in line, ayla between asterin and sorrel. “you two will protect her with your life, is that clear?” and that was 100 years ago. a lifetime now that the magic was gone.
ayla watched manon and her grandmother talk. about what? she didn't want to hear it.
when the matron was gone, ayla and the thirteen approached manon, the first one caressing her lovers back.
“apparently, the king needs riders. wyvern riders for his cavalry” her smile was wicked “we are traveling north”
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all rights reserved to ©rowaelinsdaughter. no tranlations allowed. no copy theme. don not copy my work.
tagging;; @danikamariewrites @thehighladywrites @throneofsapphics @shadowdaddies @ladybambifae
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publishinggoblin · 4 days
Today is the 3rd anniversary of my sister's death, and her 37th birthday. Diana Marcela Pedersen was truly an amazing, kind, and sweet person. I wish the poems I wrote after her death had been about her and a celebration of her life. I hope someday soon when things feel less the way they do now, I can include a good, kind ode to her life in a collection.
But I have never been a particularly bubbly writer. My collection of poems, Like Warm Plastic, is about surviving the grief process. It's live on Backerkit still until September 27th, so I thought, since the project and her birthday coincided, I would read some of the poems from the collection today. And I cried a bunch, and I'm going to go have that final drink with her again, every time this date comes around.
So please, if you have the time today, do something nice for yourself, or someone else, or tell someone you love that you really do love them dearly. Then if you have more time, take 30 minutes to listen to some poetry about the last three years of my life.
Then if you have, somehow, even more time, and $20, consider pledging for a copy of my new book of poems about the grieving process, and back Like Warm Plastic. https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/publishing-goblin-llc/like-warm-plastic
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raebae0001 · 1 year
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Itoshi Sae x fem!reader
sypnosis: Your and Sae's 3rd year wedding anniversary with your daughter :D
word count: 1.1k
note: you both have a daughter :D she's 3 btw
This isn't beta read o_O
Alsoo requests are open!! send me ideas. Please. I need them. :D
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Its a beautiful day. The sun is out, the birds are chirping. To everybody else its a normal day. But to a certain redhead its something special.
Stepping out of his car, Itoshi Sae enters the flower shop. Walking up to the counter, the owner greets him with a wave.
“A bouquet of carnations please.”
Nodding, the vendor gets to work putting in the order and sorting out the flowers.
Carnations have always been a big thing in your and Sae’s relationship. It was the first ever flower he gave you when the both of you were measly little 5 year olds running around the back garden. Tucking it behind your ear. It was also the flower you had given him when you first confessed. So naturally, they were also the ones you held in your hands as you walked down the aisle a couple years later. Now, Sae gets them for you every year for your anniversary.
You’ve been together since you were sixteen. Making it a whopping eight year relationship. Three years married today.
The vendor comes back with the bouquet in hand. Ringing up the total on the cashier, Sae swipes his card. No regard to the price. Prices don’t matter whenever it comes to you.
The drive to your parents house is serene. The radio, playing one of your favorite songs he notices, serves as background music as he’s cruising down a familiar street. Pulling up to a familiar driveway, like he’s done multiple times in the past.
Unbuckling his seatbelt, he takes a single pink carnation from the bouquet.
Walking up to the front door, he rings the doorbell and waits patiently for it to be opened.
Your father is the one to greet him. They both exchange tranquil smiles and exchange a familial embrace. Your mother trails in right as Sae enters through the front door.
“Hey sweetie, how was the meeting?” Giving him a peck on the cheek. Sae hands over the single carnation, and your mother takes it graciously. Plopping the new addition to the already full vase by the door. Your mother beckons him to follow her into the kitchen.
“It was good ma. They’re letting me stay.” At the good news, your mother claps and pulls him into another brief hug. Making sure to squeeze tightly in joy.
“I’m so glad to hear that. She needs you here now more than ever.”
Entering the kitchen, Sae is greeted with the sight of your daughter on the countertop devouring a cookie while swinging her legs. She perks up as she catches sight of her dad.
“Daddy!” She extends her arms out asking to be picked up.
“Hi baby! I missed you. Were you behaved while I was gone?” Picking her up with ease, she nods to his question.
“Well, we better get going, we don’t wanna be late.” Sae looks to your parents guiltily. He knows he's only just gotten here. But he's on the clock. If he wants to make it to you on time where the sun is still out, they've gotta head out now.
“Oh! of course. It is getting dark soon. Here I packed you some cookies to take with you.” Your daughter takes the bag gingerly and they both head back to the front door. Gathering your daughters backpack, Sae throws it over his shoulder.
“Say bye bye to ma and pa baby.”
Sae lets your daughter down from his arms. She hugs both your parents and gives them kisses on the cheek for good measure.
With your daughter secured in her car seat, Sae drives off to head to the next destination.
“Are we finally going to see mommy?”
Looking at your daughter through the rearview mirror, Sae smiles at her and hums in confirmation. She lets out an excited squeal.
The drive takes about another 15 minutes before arriving. Sae and your daughter get out the car, taking the bouquet of carnations from the front seat. Sae takes another single carnation out of the bunch and hands it to your daughter.
“Give this to mommy okay?” She smiles and takes it from him. Sniffing it and letting out a cute little giggle.
Taking a hold of your daughters hand, the two of them walk down a familiar path that they’ve come to know these past few months. As they get closer your daughter sees you in the usual spot. Letting go of Sae’s hand she runs ahead towards you. Once she reaches you she gives you a hug. Offering you the carnation Sae gave her.
“Hi mommy. I missed you.”
Sae smiles at the sight and he approaches behind your daughter. He sits down on the patch of grass in front of you, and he pats the spot next to him for your daughter to sit.
“Hi baby.” Greeting you, Sae smiles sadly at your name. Setting the carnations against your tomb, he notices the other bouquets that have been left there. All from him and your family. He can’t help the sting behind his eyes.
(L/N) (Y/N). Loving daughter, wife, mother.
Your daughter bounds up to Sae and wipes the tears that fall.
“Don’t be sad daddy. Aren’t you happy we finally see mommy now?”
Chuckling softly, Sae hugs your daughter tightly.
“I am happy sweetie.”
“Oh. So they’re happy tears then?”
Nodding, Sae smiles at your daughter gently.
The two spend the rest of the afternoon just talking to you about anything and everything. Your daughter eventually falls asleep in Sae’s lap. Stroking her hair lovingly, Sae looks at your name.
Sadness washes over him again.
“(Y/n)… how can I do this… I can’t do this all by myself…” A single lone tear escapes his water line but he makes no move to wipe it away.
“I still think of you. Everyday.” Looking up to the setting sun, Sae imagines you. Smiling. That beautiful smile. He hopes he never forgets it.
“I need you. I love you... Happy 3rd anniversary baby.” Smiling sadly, Sae rethinks of all your moments together.
Movement on his lap grabs his attention. Your daughter stirs and sits up. Yawning softly and rubbing her tired eyes.
“I’m sleepy… can we go yet?”
Sighing, Sae smiles down at her. Melancholy.
“Sure thing sweetie.” Standing up, Sae picks your daughter up. She rests her head on his shoulder and looks back at your name.
Under the golden rays of the setting sun, she sees a glowing figure stand behind your tombstone waving at her.
“Bye… I love you” She hears the whisper in the wind. Smiling your daughter waves back tiredly, closing her eyes once more. Sleep overpowering her consciousness.
As the duo head back to the parked car. Your figure dissipates along with the last rays of the sun.
You and Sae have been together for eight years. Married for three. And now you’ve been gone for six months.
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laxmiree · 10 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Reunion Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien’s 2023 CN Birthday Event (The New World)✧ Birthday Story | Birthday Prologue | Birthday Date (You're here!) | ASMR | Birthday Party
It turns out that on a day like this, I'm allowed to have both loneliness and warmth at the same time.
Translation under the cut~
Special thanks to @/ivioivioivi for helping me translate some sentences. I am really thankful that you replied to my messages even in odd hours :"D.
[T/N: I don't want to break the flow, so I'll say it now. You need to at least read Lucien's 3rd birthday date and phone call (Looking Back Date+ Saplings of Love Phone Call) first to understand half of the date. It's even better if you've read all of his birthday dates and birthday R&S/stories. YEARS worth of build-up pays off wonderfully and painfully on this date :". Some non-birthday dates that get referenced/I think are important to understand his growth are:
Standstill date (I forgot the official EN localization of this date, so here is the fan translation ver of it. The 'old game' in this Reunion Date is a reference to this date).
Wild Luxury Date (not a direct reference, but MC's idea to book a B&B for his birthday can be traced back to them going to a wild luxury hotel LOL. Because of the 'memorable things' that happened here, they've been exploring many kinds of hotels ever since then.
Tidying-up date (The date dives deep into how Lucien dealt with his pain and grief- that is, by trying to abandon them because he didn't know any better, there's no time to slow down and properly deal with it :". But because of the 'complex feeling' (that he FINALLY got to understand in Reunion Date) he's unable to do so.
Also, a casual reminder that his birthday is also his parents' death anniversary since they got into a car accident during his 7th birthday- it'll come into play on this date ;).
ANYWAY, this date is such a TREAT for ppl who have been liking him for years and watching him grow slowly.
[Subtitled Video Ver - TURN ON CC]
VERY recommended to follow along with the voice acting for a more complete experience! It's just that he never sounded this vulnerable before :"". And BGM choice is really superb hhhh. I don't expect them to use that angsty BGM from last anniv.
[Transcript Ver]
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I'm looking at the phone screen with one minute left on the countdown and placing the candle into the cupcake I secretly baked in the evening.
MC: 51, 52, 53......
I silently count the time, and at the last second, I push Lucien's study door open and turn off the lights.
MC: Happy birthday to you~
MC: Happy birthday to Professor Lucien, the smartest professor in the world~
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The dim candlelight gently illuminates Lucien, who is sitting at the desk. He seems stunned for a moment, but soon, a joyful smile fills his eyes.
Lucien: So, the idea of celebrating my birthday at a B&B was just part of your surprise.
MC: I can't have you guessing everything. I still need to prepare some unexpected surprises for the birthday boy.
It's rare that Lucien doesn't have to go on a business trip this year, and there are no additional work assignments at the institute.
So, I booked a B&B in advance, taking two days off together. We'll celebrate his birthday while enjoying a brief vacation.
I smile and place the cupcake on the table, brushing away the strands of hair that hang in front of his eyes.
MC: And since we're both on vacation, every second from now on is worth celebrating.
MC: So, it's now a special midnight blessing time~
Lucien: [chuckles] And what blessing are you going to give me?
He wraps his arm around my waist, allowing me to sit on his lap.
His deep pupils dive into the depths of my eyes along our pressed foreheads, and even our breaths become intimate.
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MC: Hmm... Midnight blessings mark the beginning of your birthday, so I'll start by wishing you... to be yourself on this day.
His pupils briefly contract, and it seems like even his breath has slowed down a bit.
MC: Usually, we often do things we don't particularly like for various reasons.
MC: Whether it's playing a role or fulfilling responsibilities, life is often filled with many “have to's”.
MC: But the privilege of a birthday means that today, you are the most important person in the world.
MC: So, on this day, do everything you want to do and be as comfortable as you can be.
MC: That's my midnight blessing.
The candlelight light is long, silently enveloping both of us and turning this small space into the whole world.
Lucien: (whispers hoarsely) Then I'll accept it.
His warm breath touches my lips, lingering into the first long trailing note of a wish.
After he blows out the candle and finishes the cake, I follow his wish and nestle into Lucien's embrace.
I occasionally use my gaze to trace his face. Although I don't know what he's busy with, I'm happy to spend every moment with him.
Spending it in silence is fine too.
Lucien: Several student papers that I was helping to mentor were sent over just in time. I'll finish them quickly.
MC: Take your time reading them~ This way, I'm also absorbing the essence of wisdom.
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He arches his eyebrows, leans against my head, and then shifts his gaze back to the screen.
The mouse wheel sound bears witness to the continuously flipped text, and suddenly, I detect a brief moment of silence.
Lucien appears to have no reaction. His gaze is lingering and seems to have also frozen in this moment.
Did he encounter any problems?
I tilt my head and find the cursor paused beside a cited reference, flickering silently.
An obscure and minuscule string of English appears in the lower corner, with only "1996.98~99" discernible.
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Lucien: MC.
MC: Lucien?
Our simultaneous saying left me momentarily stunned, and he seemed to be surprised as well. The hold around my waist tightened imperceptibly.
MC: What's wrong?
Lucien: (tenderly) Nothing, I just wanted to call your name.
Lucien: In order to give you my undivided time for the next two days, I just need a little more time.
Lucien: (softly) You go ahead and sleep.
MC: (smiles) Don't stay up too late then.
With a familiar warmth beside me, I don't say much. I simply raise my head and lightly peck his lips, only to realize that he hasn't let go of my hand.
Lucien: Just stay by my side, I'll take care of getting you back into bed with me.
When the alarm clock goes off, I sleepily roll over and discover that the other side of the bed is empty.
The hour hand has just pointed to six o'clock, and I shake off my drowsiness, getting up to search for Lucien's figure.
MC: Did he leave this early? There isn't anything urgent at the research institute, is there…
I'm contemplating whether to send him a message when the door is pushed open.
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Lucien is uncharacteristically dressed formally, and I wonder how long he's been outside as he's covered in the chilly air of early autumn.
He probably doesn't expect me to wake up so early, but he just stands there indifferently.
It's as if he's stripped away all emotions and turned into a blank slate in human form.
Somehow, I don't ask him where he went. Instead, I walk over and instinctively take hold of his somewhat stiff and cold hand, placing it against my own face.
MC: Why didn't you wear a scarf? Come here quickly-
Before I can finish speaking, he envelops me in his embrace.
It's an incredibly tight embrace.
Lucien doesn't say anything, yet it's as if he's telling me something.
I simply tighten my hug, letting this silence continue.
The chill fades away as if bidding farewell, and the person in my embrace slowly opens his mouth.
Lucien: (quietly) MC, I went to do something very important.
Lucien: It feels like I'm years late, but fortunately, nothing has changed.
I can't see Lucien's face at this moment, but I can only feel his voice, soft as if not wanting to disturb a certain tranquility.
Lucien: But because of this, I seem to have some new questions.
Lucien: Can you help me with these things I haven't quite figured out yet?
He speaks vaguely, yet there's a genuine sincerity in his words.
A vague idea forms in my mind, something that I can't pin down, but I don't want to put off either.
I gently brushed his bangs with my fingers and looked at him calmly.
MC: Of course, I'm willing to help. How do you want me to help you?
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This question seems to have stumped Lucien. He ponders for a while and then smiles helplessly.
Lucien: I don't know either.
MC: Well, it's wonderful. The world has left you with a special puzzle on your birthday~
Lucien that's somewhat at a loss makes me unable to suppress my laugh.
MC: It's okay. After all, growing up doesn't necessarily mean always moving forward. I'll help you find the answers.
I lead him into the living room, where the golden sunlight streams over the horizon, casting its glow upon us.
MC: But since student Lucien doesn't have a direction, I'll have to guide you in my own way, so you better cooperate with me.
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Lucien: I'm more than willing, Teacher MC.
MC: Very well. First... let's start by filling our bellies!
After eating, as Lucien places the suitcase in the trunk, I suddenly recall something and retrieve the car cooler from the storage room.
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Lucien: It seems that Teacher MC is indeed well-prepared.
MC: Hehe, I must protect my main course well~
And this way, you can go wherever you want.
I don't want to impose any pressure on him, so I simply think to myself and smoothly take the driver's seat.
MC: Today, let me be the escort for the birthday star.
Lucien: What if I also wish for MC to enjoy herself?
MC: You can't use the blessings I gave you against me!
I laugh and pinch his nose. Before starting the car, I come up with a great idea.
MC: Let's play an old game.
Lucien: Aren't we supposed to go to the B&B you booked?
MC: We have plenty of time, so we can have some fun before heading to our destination.
MC: No need to rush, taking it slow is also good. It's also the birthday star's privilege.
Lucien: [chuckle] I can't help but want to be this willful birthday star every day now.
MC: In that case, I'm fully on board!
I grip the steering wheel with both hands, waiting for his response.
MC: So, what's the number in your mind?
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Lucien: How about... 389?
MC: Got it!
I enter the number into the map app and, without any reservations, start the car towards the unfamiliar location 18 kilometers away.
I don't drive too fast along the way. Rather than rushing to the destination, it's more about enjoying the scenery along the route. I ask him for the next random number when we encounter red lights.
MC: When did they start repairing the bridge here?
Lucien: It seems they started construction last year, and judging by the progress, it should be completed within the next six months.
Lucien: I hadn't noticed that park over there before.
MC: I remember that this place used to be a lake?
Lucien: Mm, they probably redesigned the walkway, and it seems like cars aren't allowed in anymore.
With Lucien's various choices, we leisurely travel the road, watching this extremely familiar city give birth to new branches in unfamiliar corners.
Time has always been silent, seeping into every crevice, every building, every plant, and every person's face.
The city also seems to be growing up with us, shedding a certain part of itself and transforming into something more fresh and new.
And as Lucien and I walk through these changes together, it's hard to say whether I feel more nostalgia or anticipation.
Until the red light appears, I have no idea where I've driven us to.
In the unfamiliar scenery, warm light falls upon Lucien's face.
MC: Now, do you have any places you'd like to go or things you'd like to do?
This time, I didn't ask him for a random number but instead posed a question during this brief moment of silence.
Perhaps it's only after walking many paths that you'll discover the one you want to take.
The red light flickers and the countdown numbers slowly extend into his field of vision.
Lucien: I want to... look at the flowers.
Under Lucien's guidance, we continued to drive for a while.
The unknown world gradually added familiar sights, and the road ahead also widened.
The road of the old street is wider than it was three years ago, as if it had been freshly paved with asphalt, shining brightly in the sunlight.
Heading uphill all the way, not far ahead, I can vaguely see a massive white building.
Unlike the last time, Lucien confidently directs the way this time—until we park in the parking lot next to the white building.
In the distance, the hills and fields are vibrant, and osmanthus flowers dance silently in the wind like tiny specks of light.
They complement this massive white building, radiating splendid beauty, which makes my eyes well up with emotion.
It turns out that something new has already bloomed on that empty lot.
MC: So, this hospital has already been built…
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Lucien: Um, it will officially open to the public in a few months.
Lucien shows no intention of getting out of the car and calmly gazes ahead.
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I also follow his gaze. The hospital is surrounded by hills and forests, and we listen to the distant chirping of insects, telling the secrets of the wilderness.
The wind rustles through the leaves, and the lush greenery and deep red hues cast beautiful light and shadow under the sunlight.
MC: Were these trees here before?
Lucien: I believe they were also transplanted here in the past two years.
I lean against the steering wheel, looking at the scenery in front of me that is entirely different from what I remember, and I can't help but not know how to describe my feelings.
MC: Can a hospital be built so quickly?
Lucien: Of course, it's even faster since this hospital is a crucial project for expanding clinical teaching bases in Loveland City.
He said it naturally, causing my gaze to unconsciously shift back at him.
Perhaps my gaze is too probing, so Lucien casually slumps down on the right side of the dashboard.
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Lucien: Actually, I've been here a few times before due to work reasons.
Lucien: While their primary research focus is orthopedics, they also want to incorporate related studies in neuroscience to treat more complex and critical diseases.
Lucien: That's why the hospital director approached me for a collaboration.
MC: You surely agreed, right?
Lucien: Do I appear so easy to persuade?
MC: You're far from being easy to persuade.
I reach out and gently caress his cheek that's nestled between his arms.
MC: (smiles softly) It's clear to me that you've always known what you want to do.
In the sunlight, Lucien seems to smile more comfortably. He nuzzles my palm, bringing himself closer to me.
Lucien: Although they are still lacking in clinical expertise in neuroscience, Lucien's Bioscience Research Center has already signed an agreement with this hospital.
Lucien: I will provide them with the necessary research theoretical support.
Lucien: However, to bridge some gaps, I recommended one of my former classmates from my doctoral program to them. Whether they can persuade him to join depends on the efforts of the hospital director.
Lucien appears nonchalant, but I can hear so much sentiment in his words.
It's Lucien's own research institute that concluded the collaboration, and even though he's aware of the shortcomings on the other side, he still chose to cooperate.
He probably unconsciously hopes that the things that are growing anew on that land will turn into something even more beautiful.
Perhaps because I've been staring at him, Lucien seems to have also understood the unspoken words I haven't uttered.
Lucien: The reason I agreed may be because, at some moment, I felt like I had touched upon a coincidence called fate.
MC: Should scientists believe in these things?
Lucien: [chuckle] It's needed once in a while.
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We can't help but laugh together.
MC: How about we get down and go for a walk?
MC: Perhaps fate has other words to speak within this coincidence.
While that's what I'm saying, I actually don't know what else fate might have to say.
We don't enter the hospital; instead, we aimlessly stroll around.
That empty lot is no longer just a distant memory, nor does it remain stagnant in its place.
We walk up the hill and see a slightly small but uniquely looking shop by the side of the side road.
It quietly nestled amidst the woods directly facing the hospital, the rich aroma of coffee blending gently with the scent of fresh grass.
MC: This shop is also new, right?
Lucien: Indeed, I didn't expect a new coffee shop to open here.
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Our gazes collide, and in each other's eyes, we see the same expectation.
MC: Let's go check it out then!
The simple and elegant decor made the whole café look clean and bright.
There's only one owner in the store, even though it's not yet opening time, she warmly welcomed us.
Owner: I didn't expect to have customers at this time.
Owner: The sunshine is lovely today. Why don't you two sit over here and enjoy the beautiful scenery?
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She says as she leads us to a floor-to-ceiling window on the south side. Looking at the scene in front of me, I unconsciously hold my breath.
Emerald green, golden yellow, and crimson red – time unfolds the colors it has painted to depict life in front of this window.
It's as if the four seasons silently cycle, but at this moment, it kindly extends all of its vistas, leaving the shadow of time here.
Owner: Not far away, they've built a new hospital, and it seems the director is very environmentally conscious as they've planted many trees in the vicinity.
Owner: Looking out of this window, there are two very special trees, and I observe that only during this season of the year is there such a unique view.
MC: ...It's really beautiful, thank you for your recommendation!
After thanking the boss, we're sitting in front of that window.
Lucien gazes out of the window, slightly lost in thought. The colorful light and shadows fall delicately on him, as if embracing him, sinking him into the shade of the trees.
MC: I wonder if this place is directly facing the window where the little boy used to be.
He pauses for a moment and looks at me amidst the gorgeous display.
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MC: At this moment, can we also see the four seasons in his eyes when he looks outside the window?
Lucien: (smiles while looking away) Probably so.
Lucien: After all, it's what has grown anew on this land.
His voice is heavy and resolute.
MC: That's wonderful.
Lucien: Hmm?
MC: They are so beautiful, it's truly wonderful.
Memories are now distant and unattainable, but they still remain here. And in such a birthplace, all the beauty that has grown is so delightful.
MC: Perhaps this painting-like scenery is also a gift from fate to you.
Beneath the play of light and shadow, the girl's face is filled with the colors of sunshine, and she smiles warmly.
Lucien always feels that the emotions that he couldn't figure out the answer to seem to open a small crack, allowing even more indescribable feelings to pour out.
When discussing the collaboration compensation, he proposed donating two trees in the name of the research institute as a partial substitute for the hiring fee.
At every moment when he came here alone, he could clearly feel the spreading branches and twigs.
Perhaps, the meaning of time lies in the fact that nothing stays in one place, and this is also a form of trace and continuity.
It's just that, some changes would be better if they happened slower.
He always selfishly thinks this way.
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Lucien: Probably... it really is a gift, isn't it?
Lucien: However, there may be more to it than just fate.
The colorful world is distant yet clear, all frozen in the eyes.
Because of you, I can see the traces of time so clearly.
It turns out that everything has passed for so long, long enough that I'm almost forgetting the name of this feeling.
It turns out that on a day like this, I'm allowed to have both loneliness and warmth at the same time.
It turns out that what I felt was sadness.
=Flashback Start=
The cemetery in the early morning is dark and solemn, with only a few stars twinkling in the sky.
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The streets at four o'clock were too deserted, so Lucien bought a particularly simple bouquet of flowers from a newly opened stall at the door.
He passed through the freshly painted iron gate and walked slowly along the gravel path.
The paper's reference seemed to pull him into the light and shadow of time that he couldn't speak or think of yet also couldn't forget.
There were always two busy figures, always smiling with their eyes forever gazing into the distance.
These long-ago scenes that feel more like yesterday are strangling his breath and cutting open his wound today.
The time devoured by enduring anxieties of emptiness returns in its entirety today, as it does on all other 'todays'.
Some kind of longing dug into the wound, causing him to suddenly pause before tucking the girl in his arms into the quilt.
He pondered for a long time, and in the end, he decided to put on a suit.
That period of time was like this road, neither long nor short, but he spent many years on it.
Lucien stopped before the graves, gazing at the familiar names on it, and heaved a long sigh.
What should he say? He didn't know.
He simply gently placed the flowers down and reached out to touch the name on the tombstone.
The dust had settled in the gaps, and he cleaned it meticulously, even those stubborn stains were carefully wiped away.
He silently gazed at those two clean names, looking at them again and again.
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Lucien: I seem to... miss both of you.
Today belongs to both of you, yet it also feels like it belongs to me.
When I abandon my name, I can treat it as a day that only belongs to me.
Now that I stand before you, does it mean that the distant past has slowly arrived at my side?
When I leave, the time left for you both will come to an end, and the time ahead should be reserved for her, or maybe for the me who's blessed by you.
Is that okay?
Lucien knew that no one would provide him with an answer. He simply sat there, no longer dwelling on anything.
He didn't know how long he had been sitting there, until the slowly approaching light from the distance began to illuminate him.
=Flashback End=
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MC: You can open your eyes now!
Lucien opens his eyes under my guidance, and I happen to collect the last decoration.
Lucien: The issues troubling me seem to have somewhat disrupted your preparations.
MC: That's not entirely true.
Noticing that Lucien has picked up on some clues, I place the cake on the small couch and pull him down to sit.
MC: No matter how grand the birthday celebration is or how it is celebrated, the focus should be on the person who is celebrating it.
MC: You are the most important.
MC: Everything I've done is simply in the hope that they can appear more fittingly before you.
The warm light falls on the small arched couch, enclosing our figures leaning against the glass within it.
Outside, it started raining at some point, the raindrops hitting gently against the window. Much like the indescribable feelings, the world was shrouded in a misty haze.
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Lucien: It feels like we're inside an egg here.
MC: Right? I think so too.
MC: So, let's just imagine we've briefly returned to the state before venturing into the human world and taking a rest here.
Lucien: Hmm, what's outside the window then?
MC: Outside the window is the place we'll go to.
MC: It might rain today, it might be clear tomorrow, or there might be a sandstorm.
MC: Every day, the weather will be different, there will be many sad things, and there will also be many happy moments.
Lucien: Can sadness and happiness... exist at the same time?
MC: Of course they can.
MC: Because they are both important to you.
I gently stroke his brow and gaze deeper into him through those eyes filled with emotions.
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Lucien: (in the most fragile tone you ever hear-) ….Then, can you hug me?
I don't speak; instead, I answer him with my actions.
Perhaps I had also waited for a long time, waiting for him to come to me, letting me accompany him and giving me the right to comfort him.
Lucien: I went to meet some very important people today.
MC: Um.
Lucien: I miss them very much.
MC: Mm.
Lucien: But I feel happy again because of you.
I bite my lower lip hard and feel my eyes slightly welling up.
Lucien: I don't know how to handle these emotions, but I also feel a bit childish like this.
MC: I don't think so. I really like you just the way you are now.
MC: Being candid and clumsy, like a child without any worries. It's a kind of growth for you too.
Lucien: But today is obviously my birthday, isn't?
MC: It's precisely because today is your birthday that you can be like this.
I can't help but hug him even tighter.
MC: Sometimes, I feel as if we're growing up like layers of an onion, with each year wrapped around the last.
MC: Even though you're growing older, you still have all the previous ages you've been.
MC: You are also the 26-year-old Lucien, the 20-year-old Lucien, the 18-year-old Lucien, the 14-year-old Lucien – you are every version of yourself from different time periods.
MC: So, you can think rationally, but you can also be indifferent; you can be passionate, yet feel discouraged at times.
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MC: When we grow up, we don't abandon ourselves. Every version of you from the past is still within your heart.
MC: You will see them, comfort them, and accept them.
Behind me, Lucien is silent, but the slightly tightened arms seem to quietly reveal something.
MC: What did the ten-year-old Lucien do today?
Lucien: Mm... I read a very special book.
MC: And what about the fourteen-year-old Lucien?
Lucien: I went to Venice, took photos at the Bridge of Sighs, and accidentally dropped my camera.
MC: Hmm, and what about when you were seventeen?
Lucien: Spent an entire night in my own independent laboratory.
MC: Wow, you! You didn't pull an all-nighter at twenty as well, did you?
Lucien: When I was twenty… I was given a graduation ceremony that I think is a bit special now.
MC: And what about you today?
He slowly lifts his head, his soft fingertips caressing my cheek.
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Lucien: I went to meet important people
Lucien: And returned to your side.
MC: So you see, today may be your birthday, but it's also a special book day and a day for a bit of luck to escape.
MC: It can be an all-nighter day or a day for sleep. It's your graduation ceremony, and it's also the day of your important people.
MC: It doesn't just belong to happiness, it simply belongs to you.
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MC: Happy birthday, Lucien. You don't have to be just happy.
The droplet on the glass window reflects the candlelight, resembling burning osmanthus petals as if time itself has paused by our side.
Lucien finally smiles, his eyes sparkling.
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Lucien: I think, I know what wish to make now.
He wraps my hands together in his and looks at the candlelight.
It seems like he's saying a lot of wishes, and only after a while does he rest his forehead against mine.
MC: I hope all your wishes come true.
Lucien: Well, this Miss will have to work hard because it's not just from the present me.
Lucien: I just took the opportunity to make up for all those days I forgot to make wishes.
MC: Right now, I feel like I'm accompanying the past you.
MC: Would you call me silly for feeling this way?
Lucien: (whispers softly) Of course not.
His warm lips gently cover mine, devout and solemn.
Lucien: Furthermore, for the future me, the present is my past.
At the moment the candles were blown out, the sound of fireworks bursting in the distance could be heard. Colorful fireworks exploded outside the window, decorating the night sky.
It turns out that the rain had silently stopped at some point.
Lucien: It looks like there will be fireworks outside the window.
MC: It's welcoming you.
At this moment, there are less than 10 minutes left until the end of Lucien's birthday.
I grab his hand and run out of the B&B, running onto the street.
The street scene is incredibly lively, and for some reason, the celebratory fireworks keep lighting up the night sky, leaving colorful streaks in their wake.
Pedestrians pause for a moment, and I hold Lucien's hand. We walk through the crowd and I excitedly turn back to him.
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MC: Lucien, it's wonderful that you came into this world.
MC: Thank you for coming into this world, thank you for coming to my side.
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Another burst of fireworks soars into the sky, and the world is so beautiful, as if gathering all the colors of this moment into his eyes.
All the accumulated emotions are like the fireworks at this moment, making him vibrant and alive.
I see him take my hand and wrap his other arm around my waist.
Perhaps this isn't even a dance, we're just embracing each other and spinning around while laughing.
It seems like only the two of us exist in the world.
Lucien: MC.
I hear him calling my name.
Lucien: Thank you, for giving me this beautiful world as a present.
MC: Then I hope even more that whether I participate in your world or not, you will have the beauty of the whole world.
Lucien: Don't worry.
Lucien's eyes are filled with a smile, and the lamp's warm glow makes him look incredibly bright.
Lucien: All my time is as dazzling as you.
[Phone Call- coming soon]
[Lux's small rambling corner]
Dying rn after two sleepless nights, so I'll say a little for now and will add more after resting for some days orz. But really, I think what makes this date good can be felt with heart. Every single sentence is golden and worth to be screaming about hnghhh.
Where should I start??? Everything about this date feels perfect. I don't even know where to begin🥹 I genuinely think this one is his best birthday date. The pay of years' worth of build-up and the metaphors are perfect, and GOD, how this date consists of everything that makes them unique and lovable to me.
I didn't anticipate that the writers would skillfully weave together past birthday dates on this occasion. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if this marks the final instance centered around the theme of the past self. Embracing every version of your past self that makes up 'you' is truly a fitting conclusion.
It's INSANE how his writers are able to build up the whole thing over the span of 6 YEARS like??? The way his change and growth happen little by little as we accompany him in those years, watching him now just being himself, frankly expressing his emotions and longing, and taking the initiative to be vulnerable for the first time, I can't help but feel emotional sob sob. Trust me, I CRIED the first time I read that part when he asked for a hug. We've seen him being vulnerable before, but him being the one who takes the initiative is an entirely different matter. I mean, Lucien????? the same guy that says he's okay when he got heatstroke???/hj.
Anyway, with each birthday, Lucien seems to discover something new. Like last year when he finally found a place that can be called home, this year, what he found was the loneliness and sadness from the past that he hid so deeply because he just didn't understand and had no time to deal with it. After his parents' death he give himself a new name and abandoned his old one. Like cutting off his past memories, put them in small box, locking them and hid them. Back then, he probably thought that he would never open that 'box' again and he would eventually forget its existence. But every time he get reminded of them, like in this date when he saw their names in reference he'd see the key of that 'box', reminding him of its existence.
Now, because of his encounter with her, he is gradually able to slow down, slowly understand his feelings and emotions. And so, he finally opened that 'box', went to the cemetery to see his parents and clumsily told them what he unconsciously always wanted to say, letting years of sadness and missing from losing them filled him. With this, he also slowly accept his every past self.
Like the fireworks after the long rain, his present self is alive and vibrant. Be it sadness or happiness, Lucien, I'm glad that now you can experience and accept both.
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truelovedetective · 9 months
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today (January 3rd) is Sophia Cohle's canonical birthday but that jogged my memory and it appears we have a 10 year anniversary coming up soon on January 12th! for those of you who have been here for the long haul, please feel free to reminisce or talk about your favorite True Detective S1 memories in the tags. I really miss the old group of good people that were in the fandom back in 2014 🥹 - 💖 blackeyedblonde
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c0smiccom3t · 4 months
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Hello friends, hello mutuals, hello dimension dyfenders fans and hello people who like indie cartoon/comic stuff in general! Comet here. Once Again. and this time i've got something ig this year. This was supposed to release on May 29th, but due to Ren not coming back for a long time because they needed to prioritize irl stuff, of course, we had to delay it.
But, but, BUT! thankfully I had a few things ready after all, however as for some other things else, we'll get to it much later, when the moment calls. Now, let's get off with the first one.
(warning, in case this update gets too long, i'll make a part two where i'll be able to link it through here.)
You Kinda... Look Different.
You may have noticed that Dislexo looks a bit different than usual (darker skin, a bit of shorter hair, etc.), in case you're wondering why... Yeah, you're about to find out.
So, while I was thinking and drawing up some D.D related stuff, I was brainstorming a little by my lonesome. All of the sudden, as I was making a new render for a character, I was like... "Wait a minute... What if I give Dislexo a new look which is a mix between a secretary and a butler but keep it's elements from what made their design unique?" and So, the new and improved Dislexo was born!
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Honestly i'm proud of what they look like now. I just hope i won't (or will) get to redesign ALL of the cast again so suddenly lol! Anyways, thats just a small change I made, nothing too big. Now, let's get on something else... which is...
Pocket Adventures' current status + how's minisode 1 coming along
You might be asking inside your minds, "i wonder when more of minisode 1 will drop", "where are the new parts?"- Well, i got the answer. It'll only come only when im completely finished. However i havent been working much on it aside from making a few pages a few months ago, but hopefully this summer i may get back to it and finish it all up if i can. The final script is 73% percent complete, as for the comic itself, let's just say its 58%. I promise you i'm taking my time with delivering everything i can for this minisode. However i might republish the minisode with the series' current artstyle if it ever comes out physically (or either when I'll have the time or energy to do it.) So, now, you may be wondering: "But Comet, what do we do while we wait." Well you're not gonna believe this.
No, it's not an extremely late april fools post! We got new stuff coming soon, recently i've been brainstorming some ideas for brand new content, and you know what? It came to me, HERE'S WHAT'S COMING!
THAT'S RIGHT, after months of hiatus, Toonies is coming back with more strips! This time, since summer's coming around, i'll try to post and make more of them and even schedule the finished ones! We got even more covers for it coming, but for now, here's one of them!
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More comics are not only gonna explore more of the Dyfenders' and the Dajo Crew's everyday lives in-and-out of their superhero/Villain occupations, we are also going to focus on much more on other characters (at least some of them), and some will last for a few more pages longer! No arcs though, sorry. But hey, you're getting more wackiness as a treat! Now, i know i said this year is not gonna be big like the other two years we had, but...
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THAT'S RIGHT! We're working on a new special to commemorate our three years! Thought it'd be a nice adiction to this year, we may not reveal the logo and it's title yet, but we can tell you what the sypnosis is about!
You're all invited to the biggest night in the Omniverse, right across it's stars, cosmos, galaxies and portals! Both the Dimension Dyfenders and the Dajo-Crew are crossing the red (or should we say, blue) carpet in this brand new 3-part special! Prince Dajo-Voo has a new plan on how to take over the gala, all while he tries to self-control himself from doing the same explosive incident he did back then. The Dyfenders may be having a great time at the gala, but rest assured, they'll be sure to keep a close eye on him. Here's to a Rift-errific and (hopefully) trouble-free gala!
As a bonus, when the production on all three parts are done, we'll be posting Toonies comics related to the special, which may feature a new character who will debut later on in Pocket Adventures! We don't know when it'll exactly be out, my guesses would be either summer, september or next May 2025. But rest assured, we'll be working on it, but we won't rush it out.
So... What's next?
Honestly, i can't really tell. But I can assure you i still have so may plans for this series, plans that will be put in action in the far-off future. What i really hope to do is to make animated shorts as well, not just Toonies strips, pocket adventures minisodes and comic dubs of it. Maybe if we'll ever make a backerkit or a kickstarter for it and get a budget, it might happen (along with more VAs joining in.) Speaking of VAs, in case you're a VA and you haven't auditioned yet, anytime is the right time! (this is still a test leap, but if it succeeds it may go further.)
but for now, we're sticking to comics, and then, if possible we'll get to comic dubs and so on.
That's all for now! I hope you're all looking forward to what's coming for this series. I'm sorry that it wasnt as big as the last years, but we promise that things will arrive when they can.
Happy (LATE) third anniversary, everybody!! Thanks for reading!
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