#but still.. maybe that was just oda's way to make some sort of connection between the two things
joy-girl · 8 months
Not to sound too insane or delusional right now BUT...
I was looking at pictures of Roger and my attention got caught by the jolly roger on his hat.
Specifically on the mustache of his jolly roger, and suddenly I realised that it reminded me of something...
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Luffy's twirly eyebrows during the gear 5's transformation!
And that's even more weird because if you think about it, jolly rogers are supposed to represent the captain of a crew, right? Like Whitebeard's jolly roger has exactly the same type of mustache he has, Luffy's one has a straw hat, Shank's one has his three scars and so on...
But Roger doesn't have his mustache curved like that or even of that white/light colour. He has normal (and beautiful) black mustache!
So... Why did Roger choose that kind of jolly roger, when it doesn't represent how he normally looks? 👀
You know what I'm hinting at right? Even without taking into account all the similarities between Luffy and Roger's behaviour...
Also I know that the fruit hasn't been awakened in 800 years, but it can't be a coincidence that the moustache on his jolly roger looks exactly like it would've looked like if he ate the fruit (and then awakened it)... even if we know that nobody between the era of Joyboy from 800 years ago and Luffy in the present has ever awakened the fruit, Oda might have still drawn his jolly roger like that for a reason that is linked to that specific devil fruit...
Or I might be wrong and it doesn't have anything to do with it, but in that case the question still remains... why did he choose a jolly roger that is so different from him?
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hydine · 1 year
I'm too busy to take screenshots/gifs right now, so some live thoughts on One Piece episode 1046 while I'm watching
- I still love Sanji. God, he's gorgeous. And so worried about Zoro
- I wonder if Chopper is gonna do something about the aftereffects of his new rumble ball. Maybe alongside Vegapunk? Since the last rumble ball modification was made with Caesar Clown, an ex-member of MADS, it would make sense if Vegapunk helped Chopper with that, as Vegapunk was also a member of MADS
- Have I already mentioned that Sanji is fucking gorgeous and that I love him?
- I STILL HAVE ALL THE HYPES FOR MARCO AAAAAAA (during my first watch of the series I never understood the hype around him when he appeared in Marineford War arc, I honestly wish I could go back in time to slap my younger self, because Marco is such a blessing and how could anyone not hype him?!)
- Lunarians are mentioned and I still wonder if Sanji is at least part Lunarian. I kinda hope not? Sanji being part Lunarian, I mean. I feel like it would take away from his character. But then again, I'm ✨trusting the process✨
- ZORO IS BACK, and omg Zoro no need to be this badass, I will always worship you
- The way Marco cleared the stage for Zoro and how Zoro jumped into action was just *chef's kiss*
- Sanji and Zoro both attacking Queen and King at the same time, my ZoSan heart is feasting, I'm lying dead on the floor and went to fangirl heaven
- The animation looks SO GOOD I'm in love 😭
- Everyone is hyped for Zoro being back (yes, I'm worried too, Doc), and no sooner than Zoro getting a liiittle bit of attention, Sanji pokes snarky remarks at him. I guess he's jealous 🤣
- I absolutely love the dynamic between Sanji and Zoro. Even outside of my ZoSan brainrot, only the bestestest of friends could bitch at each other like that and still lay down their life for each other.
- Zoro starting a sentence and Sanji finishing it? My ZoSan brainrot is kicking by now, pls help
- Didn't Oda confirm that Zoro is not a relative of Ushimaru? Can someone pls clarify? Because again, the connection is VERY MUCH in our faces. Even if he's not a relative, there must be some sort of connection here. (also swirly eyebrows fox, remind u of someone? Hehe)
- The bits of Marco in this episode AAAAA 😭❤️❤️❤️
-Izo saving Marco, Marco trusted Izo that he'd save him, I just can't---
- Marco, while being carried by Izo, just casually asking a seemingly random question to Izo, AND THEN THE LITTLE "HEHE" FROM MARCO, shit I'm dead
- Focus back on Zoro and Sanji, the way Zoro instantly notices something is wrong with Sanji and looks over to him, don't ever tell me they're not close to each other
- King's boots, holy shit
- Zoro and Sanji protecting each other 😭❤️❤️❤️
- Not the Germa 66 insert, pls no, that was so fucking random and unnecessary
- A reference to Sanji's flaming legs and Lunarians, huh. I WONDER. But then again, Sanji says he's human, so that's what he is.
- In case I haven't mentioned it earlier, I love Sanji, AND GOD HE'S SO GORGEOUS. HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THIS EPISODE.
- Man, Zoro is something else. That man is a beast. A fucking hot beast, tho. Consider me horny AND afraid. I will worship this man until I die.
- I won't rule out Hiyori as a possible romance candidate for Zoro, but this episode made me think of Enma not being a poetic symbol of romantic ties between Hiyori and Zoro, but more like a connection between Shogun and Daimyo? Idk how to put this into words. Like Oden was meant to be Shogun of Wano Kuni, wouldn't that have meant that Ushimaru would be Daimyo of Ringo under Oden's rule? And we get it in our faces ALL THE TIME that Zoro is practically like a new Ushimaru? And Hiyori is Oden's daughter. I don't know if you know what I'm trying to get at. I might try and elaborate in another post, if anyone's interested
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monkeydluffy19920 · 2 years
Sannami week 2022 - Day 4 - Fave Arc
Here is the belated prompt for @sannamiweek’s event. There are a couple of other arcs which I like a lot especially from the shipping point of view but if it’s possible to pick only one for the event, then it’s definitely Whole Cake arc (and it’s also a bit about Zou because they are connected)
I’ll dig more detailed into this whole topic  (shipwise) later in SaNami in the New World pt. 5 - Totto Land -series (here is part 1/3)  the second part is still on the draft list because I’m slow  but down below are some thoughts why this arc is interesting from shipper’s perspective: 
1. Their teamwork/leadership skills
This was actually inspired by a fellow shipper’s post and you can read @eromarimo‘s thoughts here  and  very important point of view. When Strawhats were split into smaller teams and Sanji later united with Nami and others after Dressrosa, it’s delightful to see how much they did teamwork and how much they both took role as leaders in this arc and sometimes it felt like they had this kind of non verbal connection/understanding.
For example Oda-sensei placed a hesitating Nami next to the panel where Sanji was ready to self sacrifice himself in order to save his nakamas (perhaps it was a parallel to Skypiea?). Later Sanji first was doubtful about the Minks but Nami was ready to help them and therefore managed to convince Sanji as well just like back in Punk Hazard.
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Another detail that I just recently noticed is that Sanji (or the other guys) never interrupted Nami when Wanda threatened her. Yes the rest of the crew were immediately ready to protect her but what I like about this setting was that Nami isn’t always the one who need to be saved in every minor ambush and instead of that she has grown strong too.
Maybe it’s partly also because of the kishido why Sanji didn’t go between them but as a leader he could have easily go and get rid of that dynamite anytime just like Brook or Momo could have done but since Nami has shown more and more badass-attitude in this series so it seemed they knew Nami could handle the situation although it must’ve been scary for all of them.
Yes she told them about Wanda but the thing is she refused to leave of call for help when that fuse igniter was still sizzling. Nami could have easily delegate the saving task for the others but she didn’t and more importantly, none of them ever questioned her choice to stay in direct danger, not even Sanji who is in general really protective and enjoys being the knight in shiny armor.
I think this tense moment tells a lot about the dynamics and the inner trust. Not only inside the crew but also shipwise between Nami and Sanji as well. They don’t need words to understand because they’ve seen their potentials and know they’ll eventually call for help if need. Perhaps  he knew what Nami was aiming to all the time?
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By the way, I’m not saying that the other guys Chopper and Brook would’ve not make it as vice captains (Brook held an important position in his former crew after all) or did nothing in this arc (because that’s incorrect! they both did a lot!) but I think one of reason Sanji ended up as the “leader” of their subgroup Curlyhat Pirates was that the crew has seen what a great tactician Sanji can be.
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Like eromarimo mentioned, they did great teamwork in Zou, helping the Minks and what I really liked was that they were having also those nice dialogues where the humor didn’t take over (like Sanji turning into his ero-kappa-mode). Of course this heavy manga needs some lighthearted stuff too but it is refreshing to see the variety from humorous to serious dialogues.
Another interesting detail that was linked to this teamwork theme was Nami was incredibly active during the retrieval mission, even sort of took the lead first and tried to keep the packet together in general (just like Sanji did as the vice captain).  She couldn’t even focus on the banquettes with her fullest  because she was so worried about their missing nakama.(and brought up a couple of times that she feels responsible of his disappearance).
Yes, she has made big decisions before too (for example back in Punk Hazard she demanded that the kids should be saved) and has always been active in those operations (because obviously would be quite awkward if if everyone else busted their butt off and there would be one lazy free rider, nope that’s not One Piece style at all!) but somehow now she is not just randomly in the background but brought more and more in the spotlight. 
It is hard to say what’s the reason behind her behavior although I pondered it quickly here. Oda wouldn’t directly say it’s about romance (because well, this is shounen manga as I tend to say) so maybe it has more something to do with Nami’s past or her maternal instincts (like she was really concerned about Robin’s disapperance and one who took Luffy’s and Usopp’s quarrell really hard emotionally) or who knows, maybe just parallels to Thriller Bark where Sanji was the one who eagerly wanted to save Nami from Absalom’s dirty hands?
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2. Their friendship was put into a test
Perhaps most important reason why this arc has been very delightful to read (from shipper’s perspective) is because it contains a lots of emotions and tension between these two characters.
 It is honestly rare to see them “against” each other in serious matter because usually Sanji always takes Nami’s side but yes they have had their disagreements in past too and that’s normal too in any friendship (i.e Nami scolded Sanji for not fighting seriously with Kalifa) but Oda has arranged more and more “conflicting” situations between them after sinc Enies Lobby (where they disagree with each others first). Zou and especially Whole Cake Island arc took these things a bit further and deeper and we see them first time parting with tears.
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So, looking at the chapters in Zou/WCI arc and all the emotions wrapped into those it feels like the happenings in both arcs (especially the latest) impacted on their nakamaship much more different than in previous arcs although in general Nami and Sanji have had quite steady development from shipping perspective the whole time. There is less and less that pattern where Nami just tries to benefit on Sanji’s kindness and more and more trust between these two (why else would she feel so strongly about all this if Sanji “didn’t mean a sh*t, even as a nakama”?)
Another small detail but unlike before, now these big plot twists filled with emotions happened first time without neither of them being unconscious so Odadecided to make them both very aware about everything and perhaps that’s why this whole tea party thing and especially Luffy vs Sanji fight went much more “under the skin” for both of them than any other conflict after Enies Lobby.
Nami’s behavior visibly changed briefly after Sanji “dumped” them and Sanji did not think about ihis words and her teary slap of hers only once but in many flashbacks and was hesitating to face Nami first because he was aware that it hurted her a lot.
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Like mentioned before, shipwise this arc was interesting as well because it seemed that whenever there was something remarkable about Sanji during the retrieval, Nami was often placed nearby that panel  whether it was her  paying closely attention to the tea party discussion or when she remembered Sanji mentioning a long time ago that he is from North Blue or when later after meeting Pudding Nami was all ears up when Pudding told about him. As mentioed before,  Nami was always eager to continue with the mission and was the one who tried to stop the others getting distracted.
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Also like fellow shipper’s have pointed out, for some reason the author chose to make Sanji put the letter to Nami’s chain although the other guys probably had pockets in their jackets and as we know, Odausually pays attention to details so most likely this was also feels like planned, not just like a randomly added thingy.
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Then later  there is this big plot twist there is the lot debated scene where Pudding confesses their devious plan to the prisoners. In this post there are good analyzes about their expressions by my fellow shippers
@pernanegra : This isn’t a normal shocked expression, Nami has the “serious” eyes (female version) that the characters only use when they are tense. Luffy also has a shocked expression but his eyes are normal, not the “serious” version….”.
@namivinsmokexsanjivinsmoke : Luffy and Nami’s reaction are also somehow different. Luffy’s reaction looks more like “what have I done”, but Nami’s reaction is more like “I knew it but I just couldn’t believe it”. Her face also showed more despair because of how she is drawn. Luffy has normal color but Nami is colored darker.
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There must be a good reason why Oda-sensei has put so much effort on placing Nami to many storywise important panels in this whole arc. Maybe all this was foreshadowed in Thriller Bark where Sanji was the driving force to retrieve Nami from Absalom (he was the first one from Monster Trio of noticing that Nami didn’t return with them and wanted eagerly to save her).
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Whatever everyone personally felt about first reunion with him Nami did not hesitate to show her opinion about it. Emotional slaps are not very common in One Piece and therefore another interesting choice made by Oda more about the topic in this post).
What made that whole situation more tense is that after that ice cold glare Sanji gave to Nami when she tried to interrupt the fight, he wasn’t able to look her into eyes anymore. When she bid a farewell he looked elsewhere and tried to keep himself together while they parted but in the end, he probably regretted his actions already ever since Luffy bumped out of nowhere.
Sanji just had to do decisions quickly and although he tried to forget he didn’t. Oda did highlight this later in story in a couple of flashback and Sanji even openly admitted later to Luffy that he is afraid of meeting Nami because of what happened so that slap surely had an impact.
By the way, I have to say one of my favorite panels from Zou/WCI arcs is from chapter 853. I simply love Nami’s expression in that flashback. So much hurt can be seen from her glance and for that blush even highlights how much emotions that Luffy vs Sanji fight has caused to her. That teary expression of Nami’s must’ve haunted Sanji a big time before they managed to reconcile....
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As expected, things were a bit awkward between them two for a moment because of the tense of the Tea Party but then eventually they forgave each other. Also as expected, Oda did this pretty “One Piece way” (with a grain of humor) but it works pretty well especially if we start to think about Nami’s characteristic traits and traumas.
A couple of years ago I pondered in "Sannami week 2019 day 2: passion“- post how their pasts have affected on how they see love in general and I agree with fellow shipper’s @namibean​ / namibean-deactivated20210109 headcanon that Nami might actually be afraid of rejection (and might have a fear of loss) and threrefore it might be hard for her at this point to confess directly if she had (romantic) feelings towards Sanji (especially with others around). So, even if Nami really had some more than a nakama-feelings towards Sanji I still doubt that in canon she would be ready to be that open with her feelings especially with others around (at least so far in the story).
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A bit surprisingly though, Toei decided to put some extra fuel for SaNami ship. Not only with that dramatic farewell scene where they part for the first time and Nami literally tries to run after Sanji but also later Toei arranged them this “second reconciliation” scene where Nami first was ice queen on purpose but in the end, that’s simply her way to tell everything is ok right now. This was also very One Piece style, highlighting Nami’s tsundere-side.
Some thoughts about the scene here but this scene was also added by Toei and spiced it up by making Nami telling Sanji that "she will drive him like a horse” (according to fansubs). If we ask Google, Nami’s line is actually an idiom and could in this context mean that if they ever talk about this whole case face to face (most likely outside the manga) she will “find out the whole truth” meaning there is no point for Sanji to be dishonest about why he acted like that back then because she knows much about this case anyway (but I doubt Sani would lie anyway). Tbh, it bothered me a lot whether the fansubs are directly translated or not so one of the reasons this post is a bit delayed is that I actually asked my sister in law (who is native japanese)  about it and she said following:
Nami said: “When you return, I will give you lots of work” Koki tukau means to give extra work.  English translation was “ride like a horse”. Horses used to work a lot back in the days. An interesting way to say but one can think that it could mean something different. 
As said before, I think Toei did this extra scene mostly to lighten up this arc filled with dark and gloomy stuff but like many fellow shippers, I’m still missing the “real” conversation. That intimate one where is just him and her but most likely they talked things over deeper “behind the scenes” because there is simply no time to conversations like that because the pirates are constantly on the move and thy were in a hurry to go to Wano as well.
However, it is still interesting that Oda who strictly supervises not only Toei’s work but also the movies, fillers and other stuff let this kind of “shippish” stuff to the series instead of “no delete this, please” ;)
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Anyway, Oda was also incredibly nice for us to finally get some sort of reconciliation in canon story. A moment/panel that brightened the day of Sanami fans and despite them not having a open conversation about the situation (understandably because there is barely time for that).
This was not only shipwise nice material but also indicated that grudges are no more held and like mentioned here, I think her strong reaction might root to the moment where she lost Bellemere so teary hug was simply her way to say everything is forgiven and that she is relieved to see him alive. [kinda boring this moment was partly turned into humor but we got the hug and the bridal carry after all ;)] 
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It is not that they are the only Strawhats who has faced difficulties and overcome them (Water 7/Enies Lobby arc was a good example, first Luffy’s and Usopp’s bromance was crumbled then Robin tried to spare her friends by sacrificing herself)  but as said, from shipping-perspective it is indeed interesting how much Oda has involved two with these plot twists (and of course this arc was great for LuSan fans too).
2. Lots of parallels
There are lots of parallels in general where a sannami fan can pay attention (some further explained in this post i.e) but WCI has offered them surprisingly much especially themes that have been in Thriller Bark too: wedding, bride/groom marrying against their own will.
Then there are lots of parallels between their own arcs: lost mothers, sisters getting shot, both tried to solve the problem with self sacrifice, “farewell smile” and showing their vulnerability in front of their captain and the list goes on.
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By the way, more thematic parallels can be found i.e in following posts: - Whole cake island arc parallels to thriller  bark arc ( by @megashadowdragon ) - Sannami Week day 02 - Mother ( by @pernanegra ) - Nami’s Arlong Arc and Sanji’s WCI Arc Parallels  ( by @eleamaya ) -   (Part 3) Sanji x Nami hints - Thematic parallels  (by @sanjiafsincedayone​)
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3. Both get character development
SaNami in the New World pt. 5 (3/3) - Totto Land will handle this part more but it’s hard not to see how much justice this whole arc brought for both Sanji and Nami. It was honestly great to get more depth to Sanji’s character when we were revealed the rest of his past which was painful to read but made us fans understand a lot more especially about his tendency to be so sacrificial.
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It was incredibly hard for him to face his captain and there was so much regret in his eyes but then eventually Luffy said exactly the right words showing that despite what Judge has done in the past and despite the things Sanji had done and reasons he first refused to return Luffy did genuinely understand Sanji and that conversation was a great parallel to Baratie arc, especially when Luffy refused Sanji’s refusal for the second time in this series).
This is when Sanji finally can let go of the ghosts of his past , learns his value and later grows some steel balls to say straight words to Judge and yes, all of it great development (in my opinion)!
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Last but not least one reason to love this arc not only shipwise but in general is that what comes to Nami, I think Oda served her a great plate of justice in Whole Cake Island and she is even more brave badass than before.
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Yes she has been brave before too and slowly developed from "damsel in distress” to strong independent fighter but thank you Oda for giving her a good amount of time to shine in this arc~! <3
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So all in all, there are so many reasons why the Whole Cake Island arc definitely deserves praise for all the drama written and it definitely did touch Nami’s and Sanji’s nakamaship. However, in general there are also things that kind of were left to shadows and therefore not all potential was used unfortunately.
However, only time will tell whether these potentials are used later in the story but this arc offered also great moments from SaNami perspective too and perhaps if things will develope even more between them later but that’s all up to Oda-sensei~!
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misscorn · 4 years
Day 5
Favorite Couple
Surprise, surprise my favorite couple is Ritsu and Masamune LMAO so let's keep the nostalgia going @sihjrweek (again if you haven't then read my previous entries for context ❤)
"I won't be able to hang out after school tomorrow." Ritsu said, currently dressing and desperately wishing that his Senpai would STOP staring at him. However, Saga was perfectly content to stay naked under his covers and watch Ritsu put on his clothes. Of course, the older teen would've preferred that Ritsu keep them off and spend the night, but it was a school night and Ritsu's mother wouldn't allow it.
"Why not?" Saga asked, sitting up. It had been almost two weeks since White Day, the jar of stars on Saga's nightstand, some of them obviously unfolded and refolded. Although Saga was still understandably irked about his boyfriend having a literal fiancée (even if Ritsu insisted she wasn't one) he spent as much time with Ritsu as he possibly could. That included hanging out in the library after class every day. Maybe Saga was becoming a little clingy or needy, but he didn't care.
"My parents want to spend the day with me tomorrow since it's my birthday." Ritsu shrugged. He had finished dressing and now he had moved on to trying to fix his hair.
"Tomorrow's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me it was coming up?!" Saga asked. He had no time to plan anything! He had no present, no cake, no way to celebrate!
"Honestly, I sort of forgot my birthday was coming up until my mom said something yesterday. It's not really something I ever think about." Ritsu said, not seeing what the big deal was.
Saga huffed. "Well, start thinking about it, moron. I want to do something with you for your birthday." He said. "Let's celebrate over the weekend."
Ritsu blushed, flattered by the unexpected offer. "W-We don't have to do something, Senpai. I'm happy just seeing you." He said.
Crap, why did he have to say such cute shit like that? It made Saga want to yank him right back into bed and kiss him breathless.
"You see me almost everyday. I wanna do something more special than that." Saga said. He didn't like that it wouldn't be on Ritsu's actual birthday, but at least it gave him a little more time to prepare. He watched as Ritsu opened his mouth to protest. "Please?" Saga spoke softly before the brunette even got the chance.
"O-O-Okay." Ritsu agreed, a little caught off guard by the gentle 'please'.
"Come over on Saturday. You can spend the night."
Ritsu nodded. "I'll see you Saturday then." He said, trying not to think too deeply about what 'spending the night' would hold, otherwise he'd become a flustered mess.
"Wait, c'mere." Saga said after Ritsu grabbed his bag, clearly ready to leave.
Ritsu shuffled closer to the bed and Saga grabbed his hand before pulling him down to give him one last kiss. "Love you."
Ritsu predictably turned cherry red. "Y-you can't just sneak attack me like that!"
"What about that was sneaky?"
"Y-You know what I mean!" Ritsu quickly tried to put distance between them, but Saga held his hand tightly.
"Say it back."
"S-S-Stop teasing me!" Ritsu was not at all used to hearing Saga say the L word yet. It also seemed like every day Saga was becoming more affectionate. Not that Ritsu disliked it! Quite the opposite in fact! His poor heart just couldn't take it.
"Not letting you go till you say it." Saga said, leaving a few kisses on Ritsu's hand. Maybe if he embarrassed Ritsu enough he'd get the response he was looking for.
Ritsu's knees almost gave out from such a simple, but intimate action. "I-I can b-barely talk at all when y-you do things like that!"
'Damn it. I really don't want him to leave.' Saga thought. "You're sure you can't spend the night tonight?" He asked.
"My mother would kill me for even thinking about it." Ritsu said.
Saga sighed and flopped on to his back, still holding Ritsu's hand. "Fiiiiine."
"So...you have to let me go..." Ritsu reminded him, half-trying to wiggle his way out of his grip.
"You have to say it back first." Saga said.
"I-I love you too."
Saga, although he didn't want to, released Ritsu's hand. "See you Saturday. Around 12 sound good? We can have lunch together."
Ritsu nodded in confirmation, deciding to be just a little bold and kiss Saga's cheek before running off quickly.
Shit, that brat! Doing something cute like that and running away before Saga could grab him.
'Saturday.' Saga reminded himself before groaning. 'Fuck, what am I even gonna do for Saturday?'
The next day Saga decided to skip the library at the end of classes since Ritsu wouldn't even be there. Plus, he needed to use his free time to try to find a present for him. He felt like a book was a safe bet, but that was also just way too obvious. Still, the bookstore wasn't a bad place to start.
Saga took his time looking through titles, eventually reaching for a book. His hand ended up meeting another and he pulled away, looking over to see who was trying to get the same novel.
Kohinata An.
Saga couldn't help but to frown. Why, why of all people did it have to be her? Ritsu had told Saga that An knew about them, which didn't bother the upperclassman, but he still didn't want to see her.
"Oh, hello, Saga Senpai." An said before giving a knowing smile. "You're here to shop for Richan too, aren't you?" She had been invited to by Youko Onodera to spend the day with them and Ritsu for his birthday, but she had politely declined. She knew it was just a way for Youko to try to set them up.
Saga tried not to look too terribly annoyed at the question. She was Ritsu's friend, of course she knew when his birthday was and of course she'd be getting him a present, but something about it still bothered him.
"Yeah." He answered.
"Richan's sooooo hard to shop for. Every year I try to keep an eye out for something he might like, but I always end up resorting to books." She laughed, but slowly lost her smile when Saga did not react. "Um, Saga Senpai, I..." She trailed off.
"What?" He asked, hoping she'd leave him alone soon.
An hesitated, wanting apologize for what happened on White Day, but instead she smiled and grabbed the book off the shelf. She held it out to him. "You should get Richan this book. He's been reading a lot more fantasy novels lately and I've heard a lot of good things about this one. He'll love it."
Saga slowly took the book out of her hands. "...thanks."
An nodded. "Oh and, one more thing." She said before making herself look as stern as she possibly could. "If you ever hurt Richan, you'll be sorry. So you better treat him right!"
Saga was a little dumbstruck by that, having expected some declaration of rivalry instead, so he only nodded.
Still, that was enough to satisfy An. "Good. Have a nice day, Senpai." She said before taking her leave.
Maybe this An girl wasn't too terrible...
Saga would still keep an eye on her, but he supposed she wasn't the conniving boyfriend stealing witch he suspected her of being.
He looked down at the book he was holding, deciding to get it along with a new horror novel release. Ritsu didn't seem like the type to like that kind of thing, but Saga had been proven wrong by Ritsu's extensive collection of horror books.
'He reads horror but not shoujo...make it make sense.' Saga shook his head at the thought, leaving the store after making his purchases. He stopped in a bakery, getting a small strawberry cake for the two of them to share before heading home to work on his last gift. He needed as much time as he could possibly get for that one.
Once Saturday came, Saga tried to hide how excited he was to celebrate with Ritsu. He felt like such an idiot being so happy over something like this. He hoped Ritsu was just as happy.
"You're sure this is where you wanna go for lunch? We can go anywhere you want, it'll be my treat." Saga said, the two of them entering Pandaway together.
"Y-You don't have to-"
"I want to." Saga interuppted, not letting Ritsu try to talk him out of here.
"I want to eat here." Ritsu assured him. "I like this place, it reminds me of our first d-date." He admitted before he looked at Saga nervously. "That...was a date, right?"
"What else would you call it?" Saga asked as the two of them got in line.
"I just wanted to make sure." Ritsu said, now embarrassed for asking.
Saga just hummed in response. Ritsu was always asking things like that, but Saga hoped he'd be able to quell these insecurities of his.
"Want me to order for you?" Saga asked.
"That's even more embarrassing than stumbling and stuttering over my order." Ritsu said. "Besides, I'm a little more prepared than I was the first time." He added, determined to redeem himself.
Saga held back a laugh and shrugged. "Alright, if you say so."
The two soon got to the front, Saga ordering first. Ritsu ordered afterward, only panicking one or two times when he hadn't heard the employee correctly, but he actually managed to get through the process without wanting to die. Saga paid for them both before Ritsu could even attempt to pay for himself.
The teens sat across from one another with their food, eating and talking casually.
"What did you end up doing with your parents for your birthday?" Saga asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Oh, it was actually really cool! My dad set up for me to meet the author Sumi Ryouichi. When I stopped completely panicking I got to talk to him about his books, including one that's in the works right now." Ritsu said with a bright smile. "After that we went to some fancy dinner, which was nice, but not really my thing." He added with a laugh.
"How the hell did your dad set that up?" Saga asked. He knew Ritsu's parents were wealthy, but what sort of connections did they have?
"My dad's company publishes Sumi Sensei's novels."
"Your dad's what?"
Ritsu frowned and furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. Had they not talked about this before? "My dad's company, Onodera Publishing."
"Yeah...like...my name?" Ritsu didn't understand what was confusing about this.
"Onodera...not Oda?"
Ritsu paled. No. Nonononono, this wasn't really happening! "Did I not ever properly introduce myself to you?" Ritsu squeaked out.
"No. I knew your name from the library cards. Are you telling me your name isn't Oda Ritsu?" Saga asked. Well, this was probably the most random and creative way to make Saga feel like the worst boyfriend ever. He hadn't even known Ritsu's actual name!
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ritsu apologized quickly. "I-I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote down that name, I didn't want to seem like a stalker and write my real name, b-but now I realize that doesn't really make any sense." Ritsu put his face in his hands, wanting to hide forever.
"First a fiancée, now a fake name and you're suddenly an heir to a publishing company. You're not gonna tell me you're on the run from the cops next or anything like that, are you?"
"Of course not!" Ritsu hastily denied, not yet realizing that Saga was only teasing him. "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't hide this intentionally, I-"
"I know." Saga assured. He knew his boyfriend flip flopped between laser focused determination and totally scatterbrained, so he wasn't too mad about this. "But it would've been sort of funny if I still didn't know and found out after ten years or something." Saga said. That would've been quite a story.
"That would not be funny, that would be mortifying." Ritsu pouted.
Saga just chuckled and resisted the urge to reach over and ruffle his hair.
Once they finished eating and threw out their trash, Saga spoke up. "I was thinking we could go see the cherry blossom trees. If that's something you'd like."
Ritsu smiled. "I'd love to!" He said. "I love doing anything as long as it's with Senpai."
Saga held back the desire to frown. Why did Ritsu have to say cute things like that when he couldn't kiss him? He settled for reaching out and holding his hand.
"H-Hey!" Ritsu was quick to protest, but Saga held on.
"You can't just say something like that and not expect consequences." Saga said. "Come on, let's go." He walked, still holding Ritsu's hand.
Ritsu attempted to free himself a few more times, but to no avail, especially since him flailing his arm brought more attention than just the two of them holding hands.
Plus, not wanting to lose Ritsu among the other cherry blossom viewers was a good enough excuse to hold on to him. The crowd wasn't incredibly thick, but it was a pretty popular activity and it was a weekend as well, so there was a steady amount of visitors.
The flowers were in full bloom, painting the view a gentle shade of pink.
"I've never been cherry blossom viewing before." Saga admitted.
"Really?" Ritsu looked away from the flora, looking to his Senpai instead in surprise.
"Yeah. I'm glad I'm seeing them for the first time with you."
Ritsu turned as pinker than the petals around them. "W-Why do you always have to tease me?"
"I'm not teasing." Saga frowned a little. "I'm serious."
Ritsu looked away from him, unable to meet his eyes out of embarrassment. "Well...I-I'm glad you're with me too." He said softly, giving Saga's hand a slight squeeze.
Ba dump
Fuck, Saga didn't know if he'd ever be able to admit it out loud, but Ritsu was able to make his heart pound way too easily.
'I want to do this with him every year.' Saga thought. There was so much Saga wanted to do with Ritsu in general. He could only hope that he'd get the opportunity.
"Let's head back." Saga said after the two had been strolling together for a while. "I wanna kiss you and if I try to do that here you'll freak out."
Too late, Ritsu was already freaking out. "Y-Y-You can't just say something like that!"
Saga just shrugged. He was trying to be more open about his feelings, even if those feelings embarrassed the hell out of Ritsu.
"S-Seriously, it's like you're trying to kill me." Ritsu complained with a pout.
"Would love be such a bad way to die?"
Ack! The L word again!
"Yes!" Ritsu huffed.
Saga laughed.
Ritsu felt his entire body heat up. His Senpai...LAUGHED. He couldn't recall a time that he had heard his Senpai laugh before. He wanted to hear it more often, wanted to see him smile like that every day and be the reason for it.
"C-Come on, let's just go." Ritsu said quickly before he became overwhelmed with such thoughts.
Once they arrived back at the older teen's house, Saga took the opportunity to kiss Ritsu, just as he said he would.
"Sit. I'll get the cake and presents." Saga said after he pulled away.
Ritsu went to tell his Senpai that he shouldn't have gone through all that trouble, but he knew Saga would just insist that he had wanted to do this. So, instead Ritsu sat and said hello to Sorata, scratching under his chin. The cat curled up in his lap as Ritsu continued to give him attention.
Saga didn't take long, bringing the cake and presents into the living room. Sorata and Ritsu were definitely a cute sight together, making Saga smile a bit.
"Thank you so much for all this, Senpai." Ritsu said after they had cut the cake and he had opened his gifts. He was admittedly very exciting about his two new reads, even if that made him feel like a nerd. Plus, they were books that Senpai got for him, so that made them even more special.
"There's one more thing." Saga said. "It's in my room." He stood and left, heading up the stairs as Ritsu waited and distracted himself with keeping Sorata from eating the leftover cake.
Saga soon came back down, holding something behind his back. "So, I sort of stole your idea and I didn't have much time to get as good as you with the paper folding, but..." Saga brought a jar full of paper stars forward. They were pink like cherry blossom petals. He sat back down next to Ritsu as he spoke. "I noticed you still look so...shocked whenever I tell you I love you. Even now you're always saying stuff like 'we're dating right?' when I keep telling you how I feel. So, I thought that this might be a nice reminder. If you ever start doubting my feelings for you, you can read as many as it takes for you to stop doubting. This is real, Ritsu. What we have and what I feel for you is real and I don't want you to forget that." Saga said, handing the jar over. "These are only some of the reasons, though." He added, thinking there weren't nearly enough stars.
"Some?" Ritsu stared at the stars. This jar full was only some of the reasons Saga loved him? This couldn't be real.
"Well I couldn't fit all of them. I didn't have enough time." Saga said. "Because someone didn't tell me their birthday was coming up."
Ritsu just smiled. "Thank you." He said, excited to read all the little messages inside the stars, but he'd wait till he was alone so he didn't melt into a puddle right in front of Saga.
"Mm. Happy birthday. I love you."
"I love you too."
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imagineimaginethat · 3 years
It’s Hard to Believe
Reader Insert Fic
Prompt: Shingen thinks you’ve died, but finds out you’re still alive
Main pairing: Shingen/Reader, but other characters are there too
Inspiration: Coming up for Air by Signals in Smoke
Trigger warnings: MC death (temporarily), Sad vibes (happy ending though), memory loss 
Shingen was desperate when he realized you had been kidnapped. The day had been so normal, no whispers, not even so much as a cloud in the sky. You had gone into town, more than likely to get fabric or just stretch your legs. Shingen had declined to go, he had so much work to do. Had he known.... had he only known how much danger you were in he would have never let you out of his sight for even a fraction of a moment. Your captors had been slick, but you had experience with these sort of situations, unfortunately. You left one sandal in the marketplace which tipped off Sauske when he and Yukimura went searching for you. Shingen didn’t hesitate to have as many men as possible look for you. He even sent a letter to Nobunaga who immediately wrote back that one, he would spare nothing in the search to find you, and two, he had no connection to your kidnapping.
Finally, after over two weeks had gone by with everyone worried sick, Mitsuhide picked up on something. Sauske followed up on the lead and sure enough found you. Unreachable and locked away in a dank moldy prison cell by a captor with a mean vendetta against the Takeda and Oda alliance in Kai. You hadn’t been given any food in your time there and very little water, Sauske knew time was of the essence and communicated that to the warlords. They mobilize quickly. Their frantic efforts made them more reckless than ever. The enemy knew they were coming. Shingen and Nobunaga reached you a split second too late. As they slid the door open your captor held you at arms length away on the edge of an open window which faced the edge of a towering cliff. You could struggle, one step would have sent you over the edge.
“Let’s see how well the Takeda and Oda clans cooperate now.”
And just like that you were dropped into the night. Shingen and Nobunaga raced over to find nothing but pitch black darkness. Yukimura was at his Lord’s side in seconds, stopping him from diving after you. It was dark, surely a search by the shore would be more fruitful. Kenshin arrived shortly after along with the other warlords and vassals. Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were quick to have the captor escorted to a prison in Azuchi. They were anxious to get on with the search for you more than anything though.
All of the men, vassals, soldiers, and warlords alike spent all night searching for the lovely Princess from the Oda clan that had been so kind and helpful everywhere she went. It didn’t matter which side they were on usually all that mattered was finding you.
The water was frigid, if you were there you didn’t have much time. They all knew how perilous cold waters could be in the winter.
So, when the first rays of dawn reached into the sky and a somber Masamune came from the bank of the rushing river where jagged rocks lined the shoreline with a beautiful, but blood stained and soaking wet kimono, all hope drained from the search party.
He handed it off to Shingen to inspect to make sure it was yours. He already knew it was though, no one else made such lovely things. He closed his one eye walking into Ieyasu on his way back to the horses, he managed to put his hand on his shoulder and shake his head once.
“The little lass is gone.”
They knew times were rough. The world was dangerous, but they never truly prepared themselves to lose you. Even if you had one day disappeared back to wherever you came from they could dream, imagine, you were off on some adventure in your strange clothes using the strange terms that you and Sauske often used and you were alright.
Shingen looked away from everyone, but he was not quick enough to hide his tears from Yukimura who didn’t have any words for his grief stricken Lord. He looked to Sauske who seemed to have a shadow on his face. Yukimura could barely breathe when it came crashing down on him.
He could only manage to say two words:
“She’s gone.”
Coming in like a wild boar from the middle of nowhere, it was like a gaping hole had been left in his heart. He didn’t even know what to think. What had been the last thing he said to you? Was it something rude? What if you two had last argued? He tried to think but his brain refused to work.
Shingen remembered his last words to you with perfect clarity, it replayed in his mind over and over again.
“Shingen I’m going to the market, would you like to come with me?”
“Oh, wonderful goddess it pains me not to spend another moment more with you, but I must finish this work. Oh, to decline the offer to accompany an angel, I promise to make up for my absence at your side after dinner.”
“That’s alright Shingen, you don’t have to lay it on so thick, I’ll see you when I get back. Love you!”
“You are my heart.”
He should have went. He didn’t go and now he’d never be able to make it up to you, he’d never see her again, he would never love again. His heart stopped the when your  kimono was handed to him, it began to slow the minute you were thrown from the window. Maybe if he had dived after you? Had he arrived earlier? Had he taken less men? Perhaps if he had acted sooner? Maybe he should have waited?
Shingen played a million scenarios in his mind, but not a single one ended with you in his arms, he simply couldn’t imagine it. Even when he was at his very sickest, never then had he known such an ill than the one he felt holding the bloody kimono in his hands. It was cold and wet and he had a feeling the icy waters had taken your body far from him.
Shingen mourned for weeks. Everything reminded him of you. The snow, the moon, flowers, beautiful kimonos, none as beautiful as the ones you made, be wore nothing but the gifts you had made for him, and there was no consoling him. Yukimura spent his time divided between sitting with Shingen in silence, sitting with Sauske in silence, and finally sitting alone.
Kenshin drank alone bitterly, his sword aching to be used, but he had lost the motivation to wield it. The light of his castle was gone. He didn’t even realize how bright you had been while you were here, and now that you were gone it was as though someone put out every flame in sight. Not even the sun was warm or bright enough to break up the darkness.
In Azuchi the captor was executed. It didn’t make anyone feel any better though. They pushed themselves into their work even more than before. The Oda and Takeda alliance in the name of peace didn’t fall apart, but it wasn’t nearly as warm. Your old room was like a haunting memory of the time you spent there on visits and the short time you spent living with the Oda forces.
Nobunaga ran things as normal, but it was obvious losing you had hurt him in a way that seemed to be unfamiliar to the warlord. He knew loss, he had seen it, had felt it, but this... he didn’t know what to call what he was feeling.
You were gone.
Or so it seemed.
You were not actually dead, incredibly lost, suffering from a terrible head injury in a remote village? Yes, but fortunately very much so still alive. You remembered little tidbits of your early life and fragments from your time in this era. You would remember something every now and then at random, such as Sauske’s ground spikes and Shingen’s beautiful face. However, you didn’t actually remember their names and so the kind villagers who had found your body in the water thought you were delirious and did their best to nurse you back to health. This had been well over a month ago, but you weren’t sure when or how you had gotten so lost, sick, and beat up.
You were extremely grateful for everyone’s hospitality, but you wanted answers and to also get back to your old life as soon as possible even if you didn’t remember much of it.
One day one of the familiar faces you remembered came to town. The one with white hair and golden eyes like a fox.
His eyes widened upon seeing you.
“Hello,” you greeted him respectfully, not familiarly at all, “I’m afraid I know your face, but not who you are. I think I was in some sort of accident.”
Seeing you is literally like seeing a ghost. Not even Mitsuhide can hide his shock.
He could see that you were still very much so in recovery and the journey back to either lands that you once called home would not be best for you. Instead he did what he seemed to be the right course of action and promised you he’d send word to others that knew you well so that they could possibly help you. He sent two messengers, one to the Takeda forces, and one to the Oda forces to meet him in the village immediately due to a dire emergency. He didn’t include your name in it as he was afraid it would be picked up by someone that might have meant you well. He was not going to risk losing you again. Sauske was first to arrive on the scene as Kenshin’s right hand ninja.
When he saw you by the water washing clothes he thought for sure he was hallucinating. When he saw Mitsuhide, who had awaited their arrival rather impatiently, was looking at you as well, he raced over to you. When all you could give him were fragments of your time together his heart ached deeply, but the hole that was there from thinking you were dead had begun to be mended upon sight of you.
The rest of the Oda forces and Kenshin arrived next. They were quick with their greetings. You were happy to see them all, you remembered few scarce moments with them and admitted this, claimed you knew they had to be important to you because of how well you could remember their faces and random things about them. Kenshin demanded you never die again, which you didn’t fully understand, promised him to live for as long as you could.
Shingen hadn’t been out of Kai for a very long time. Not since you had left his world.
He and Yukimura took it slow, trusting whatever emergency lied ahead wasn’t totally out of control.
When Shingen first saw the quaint little village he smiled to himself, “she would have loved it in a place like this.”
“She loved it everywhere,” Yukimura tried to joke, “as long as you were there, she’d have gone anywhere and said it was nice.”
Shingen smiled at Yuki’s attempt to cheer him up. He rode slowly into the village and came upon the huddle of Oda forces, who upon seeing him began to disperse like a parted river. Shingen was not expecting what he saw before him. Never in a million years did he dare to think he’d see you again.
And yet, here you are. Smiling as though the world wasn’t dark, as if it hadn’t be cruel, and a place embedded with great pain and suffering.
When you saw Shingen, something in your mind tried to click, but refused. At once you felt overcome with emotions as tears sprang to your eyes.
He embraced you so carefully, as if you were an escaped dream brought to life for only but a moment. He could t bring himself to move or let go.
“My angel has flown back to me.”
“I don’t know your name, or as much as I think I should know about you, I’m so sorry. I know you mean a lot to me, I just can’t-”
“That’s alright.” Shingen placed a hand on your head, stroking your hair, “you being here right now is more than enough. You can come to remember me again slowly or we can make all new memories, as long as you’re alive that’s alright.”
You agreed to go back to living in Kasugayama after Ieyasu gave you his doctors okay with more than a few seemingly unnecessary herbs, ointments, and other medicines. You were sure this was how he showed you he cared.
Back in the castle you began to remember things a bit more, specific moments In time. Major parts of your time there were still fleeting which was frustrating. You and Shingen grew close again and he never left your side, when he absolutely had to Sauske or Yuki were assigned to watch you, and they tools this job seriously. You thought they were overreacting until Sauske broke down and told you all that had happened to you. With his refresher you remembered a few other times you had been kidnapped, but not the time he was specifically talking about, you weee kind of grateful for that.
Shingen spent time with you, he didn’t dwell on what you didn’t remember, just as he promised you began to make new memories. It was well into spring at this point and you were even more certain you were in love with him and glad to be so. Shingen didn’t push or prod about old memories he just patiently waits for days when you come bursting in and asking if he remembered something like attending a festival or a very specific conversation you’d both had. He’d happily confirm that he did in fact remember it and fill in any small gaps. He never tried to sugar cost things either, he told things as they happened. As nice as it would be to paint everything in beautiful strokes of never ending happiness that wouldn’t be real, and what the two of you have deserves nothing less than pure honesty and authenticity.
One day, Shingen was accompanying you to the market when you saw a beautiful fabric. It was the very same one you had seen the first time went somewhere with you. That same wonder filled your eyes and he smiled prepared to offer to buy it all over again. He wondered to himself if you’d make the same thing once again. However it was as though the fabric was woven together by memories, when you touched it, suddenly everything came flowing back. With each memory more and more tears began to fall. You held onto Shingen tightly and he was silent.
You bared your entire soul to him, from your first memories to your last, from Azuchi to Kasugayama, you remembered it all. Shingen was thrilled to be able to reminisce and build from even more memories.
“The power of my wonder pjs goddess never ceases to amaze me. Please, never levave me again, lest you take me with you lovely angel.”
You shouldn’t make promises you have no control over, it instead of coming up with something that was doable but also reassuring you simply nodded, “I promise I’ll never leave again, Shingen.”
It was hard for him to believe even for one moment that he had lost you. .
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alkhale · 5 years
Omg omg can one of the causes of fights between mini shanks n mini mihawks be bcs Hoku doesn't call him "Brat" ????
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(First scene Mihawk is fifteen, next scene is 16 along with Shanks, best reference is the young Mihawk Oda drew but I found a slightly older version someone made, it’s colored by a deviantart user but I don’t know who the original artist is so credits to them!)
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When fifteen-year-old Mihawk finally woke up, wild, ink black hair pushed back over his headit was to something soft and warm beneath his head and the flash, secondary instinct to grab his sword at his side, as though the hilt and his palm were connected entirely.
And then a soft laugh hit his ears.
A simple click and the memories returned, easy and a bit bitter to swallow, but he was not a fool and he was not an idiot. 
Dracule Mihawk, on a quest to become the strongest swordsman alive, had challenged the current reigning king of said title, and lost. Quickly, decisively and fairly. There was nothing more to dwell on the matter aside from his own lack of discipline, of training, and of certain skill.
Though such an action very much might have warranted losing his life, he was not dead.
Mihawk half turned to the woman who was waiting behind him, kneeling with a warm grin playing on her lips that allowed a thin glint of white from a canine of hers to peek out.
“You’re a funny one, aren’t you?” Hoku said, “I’m never sure how to handle types like yours.”
Mihawk remained silent for a moment, dropping his eyes down to his hands. He considered their scabbed, rough feel hidden behind now clean white bandages. He touched his chest where he was no longer bleeding, tight white bandages wrapping neatly around him along with nothing but a bruise along the side of his face where the legendary Wado Ichimonji had decked him sideways and knocked him into the ocean without mercy.
“I did not ask to be treated,” Mihawk said calmly.
Hoku looked even more amused now, eyes a little half-lidded when she looked at him. Her heavy, sturdy coat hung over her shoulders but was pushed back to reveal the warm tan of steady arms–hands that knew work. He could clearly see the outline of her own blade–a notable, ungraded and legendary short sword by the name of Mau who earned its reputation far and wide.
This woman, Mihawk knew. He did not concern himself with the particulars of the legendary Straw Hat crew aside from their captain, Zoro, whom he longed to beat, and this woman, Hoku, since she was the only other crew member to carry a sword.
“I know,” Hoku said. Mihawk realized she had moved his head to her lap while he was unconscious. “I only did your hands, by the way. Chopper did the rest.”
Mihawk continued to stare at her.
“He thinks you have potential,” Hoku said simply. “You trim buds, but you don’t kill them off before they can bloom, do you?”
He understood now why he made it out with his life.
“You fight with that blade,” Mihawk said, though he posed it as a question. Hoku seemed to be considering whether or not he was worthy of an answer and he took no offense to this. He did not know of this woman’s skill, but he knew it existed. She had earned her rank and place. Her sword spoke to that.
“Not as much anymore,” Hoku said instead. “The two of us are a bit retired now and I definitely don’t take challenges like that monster. I’m more of an artist at heart.”
Mihawk had heard about that too. “But you craft.”
There was something pleased in her expression by his knowledge of this, though a touch wary. It made Mihawk a bit more interested himself. He turned, on his knees as he faced her with his hands on his lap.
“Yes,” Hoku said, a little warm. “I do.”
She tilted her head to the side for a moment, as though listening. “That’s a good sword. It kept you safe for now. It’ll do what it can to bring you as far as it can go.”
Mihawk touched his hilt and then looked at Hoku.He stared at her for a moment longer than he would have liked and then stood. Hoku blinked, curious as he remained standing before he promptly bowed to her.
“Thank you.”
And then Mihawk turned, a young man and his sword, and left.
Hoku watched him until he disappeared, a small, fond little huff escaping her lips.
“Told you there’s no point in talking to him,” a lazy voice called above her. Hoku didn’t even look, shrugging helplessly as heavy feet came to rest behind her. “Not much of a chatterbox.”
“Neither are you,” Hoku said. She rubbed the back of her neck, “Dunno. I just feel like you won’t see people like him often. He’s a bit cute. Like a stray, maybe?”
“You called that golden axe the other day cute too,” Zoro snorted. Hoku leaned back against his legs, rolling her shoulders and stretching her arms high as she relaxed. “Might have to give him a scar to remember next time.”
“Ah, you’re soft on him,” Hoku said. “You like him.”
“Brat’s gonna come for my head next time.”
“I dunno, can’t you guys trade titles in the future without chopping each other’s heads off?”
Zoro set a hand down on her head. His fingers splayed out and Hoku turned to look up at him.
“That eager for me to kick the bucket?”
“Oh, please,” Hoku mused, tipping her head into Zoro’s hand. Her humored her, leaving it there for now and curving his fingers below her chin. “I don’t plan on letting anyone take your head anytime soon.”
Hoku made a face. “I’m speaking for Luffy, not for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, get off your lazy ass. I need a coating.”
“I’ll charge you one day for all you owe me. Nami’s keeping track.”
- - - -
Shanks really was lucky.
He had felt good about this beach the moment his crew set anchor on the other side of the harbor. He and Buggy were racing to see who could find the biggest and best catch and bring it back to the ship by dawn–
And truly, this was without a doubt, the best catch.
He knew it was her in an instant. It’d been a little while and he’d only caught glimpses of her in the newspapers, her captain making headline after headline as the marines raced after him. But that moon-white hair, the slope of her shoulders hidden by a cloak and–
She was just sitting there, where the grass of the forest met the sand, her back to everything else as she seemed to watch the ocean a safe distance away. Shanks thought he must be dreaming at first or perhaps this island had a secret mirage.
But he caught sight of their ship, her ship. A legendary ship anchored several leagues away and knew–
It was fate.
Something curled in the pit of his stomach. His heart pumped blood fast and hot through his body, fueling liquid courage all the way down to his fingertips. He was a year older now. He was less lank more muscle. He was taller too, maybe even taller than her now, he’d like to think, though he never minded a tall woman, he fancied the idea of cupping his hand under that curved chin and raising it to his–
Shanks’ eyes landed on a heavy bough of flowers beside him. Pretty, bright red things. A smaller branch of silver flowers grew below it. He considered them both, teetered dangerously and cursed under his breath, snapping the branch of soft silver flowers clean. 
He had to ease into this sort of thing after all. Coax her sweet so she wouldn’t slip off, make her a bit interested enough to stay.
Shanks ran a hand through his bright red hair and walked forward, lightly swinging the branch.
When he was only a little ways away, she seemed to finally register his approaching presence, as though he were a deer who’d broken away from a herd of things. She still faced away from him, tilting her head to the side as though listening curiously before she started to turn.
Shanks stopped as close as he dared for now, a few steps from her–and he kept in mind to treat kindly the fact that she let him get this close and that gave him hope–he dipped the branch low.
Those ocean eyes blinked, slow and curious, round at the bundle of flowers presented before her before looking up.
“I didn’t think there was treasure on this island,” Shanks said with a bright, sunny grin. “But it looks like I found some.”
“Brat,” Hoku said, pleasantly surprised. He withheld a wince at the name. “Huh, I guess Robin was right. This island is getting a little more popular now…”
“I think it was fate,” Shanks said. He shook the branch. Petals fell, dappling her hair and she looked up, amused at his antics. “Did you miss me?”
“I hardly thought about you at all,” Hoku said, a small smile on her lips. Shanks inched a step closer. “I thought we wouldn’t meet for ten more years.”
“I don’t think my heart could take such a thing,” Shanks crouched on the sand beside her. Hoku looked amused, watching him with vague curiosity. Her hair was a little longer and he’d fight to run his hands through it once.
“Too long for–” Shanks’ eyes dropped down and he stopped. He blinked, once, twice, and then a third time for good measure.
There, stretched out in the sand before her, was a youthful face. A face not much older than his own. A hardened face who Shanks recognized from the waves he was making. A face that was currently attached to a head that was very much resting on the soft and supple skin of Hoku’s thighs, fast asleep and–
Dracule Mihawk was sleeping on Hoku’s lap.
Shanks stared.
“Oh,” Hoku said, following his eyes. “He’s another rookie like you. Maybe you two have heard of each other–”
Shanks stared at Hoku as though she’d driven a knife right through his heart. His eyes went soft, staring at her in his best, most charming sense of a puppy-dog face. Hoku stared at him with round eyes, blinking. “What’s that look for? All I said was–”
As though summoned, Mihawks’ eyes finally slid open. Shanks gaped at him. Hoku looked down. The young swordsman seemed to consider several things for a moment before promptly he sat up–to Shanks’ relief–and turned to Hoku.
“He developed an even stronger technique,” Mihawk said.
“Oh, you noticed,” Hoku grinned. “He never stops advancing, you know. You’ll have to run to even get close to catching up.”
Mihawk’s golden eyes flickered before he nodded. He moved, standing up and Hoku let her hands fall into her lap. Shanks continued to gape.
“What’s the matter with you?” Soft fingers tapped the side of his face and Shanks’ head jerked to the side. His cheek connected with Hoku’s warm palm, ocean eyes curious as she watched him. “You seemed confident as a lion just a moment ago–”
“I wasn’t aware you two were acquainted,” Shanks said, a wide, quick grin curling on his lips. He flashed Mihawk a sharp look who simply stared blankly back at him in return. Hoku moved to pull her hand away and Shanks quickly reached up, cupping his hand over hers.
Hoku arched a brow.
“Lovely dove,” Shanks said, voice a little low, eyes a little pleading, expression soft. His fingers moved lightly over the back of her hand in a way he hoped was distracting. “What do I have to do to be spoiled like that?”
Hoku blinked. She seemed confused by his question for a moment before something must have clicked and then she laughed. Shanks’ eyes went half lidded at the sound and Mihawk raised a brow at the redhead’s expression.
“Challenge the greatest swordsman alive,” Hoku said, eyes a little wild. “And we’ll see what happens.”
Maybe I should play a little sick next time. Shanks wondered. I wouldn’t mind being spoiled like that–
“And you should really just let me coat your sword for you,” Hoku said, ignoring Shanks and pulling her hand away. He pouted at the loss and Hoku faced a calm Mihawk. “I promise it’ll help–”
“I’m not good enough to have you coat for me,” Mihawk said simply. “Not yet.”
Shanks huffed, “Dove, I’d gladly let you do anything to or for me–”
Shanks stopped.
He was fairly certain his heart might’ve too.
Red, soft, flush red colored her cheeks. Hoku’s eyes were a little wide, almost soft at Mihawk’s words. She looked hopelessly embarrassed, flushing in pride at the praise as she reached up and placed a hand over her face as though to hide the entire view, crumpling a bit.
“You can’t just going saying things like that,” Hoku said, sheepish and soft. “Really now–”
Shanks wanted that face engraved to memory. He wanted that face to be made because of him. He wanted it under his fingertips. He wanted it, begged for it beside him. He wanted to see it color darker, a little more flushed, eyes soft on him and his hands running low and pushing, playing, trying to see how much more he could–
Shanks paused. Maybe this time Buggy was right and a little bit of that passion was bleeding a bit toward somewhere else.
“HOOOKKKKKUUUUUU!” Shanks and Mihawk froze, the loud, resounding voice boomed across mountains, echoing blaringly clear. “WHEEEEEERREEE ARRREEEE YOOOUUUU?”
They both looked to each other, realization coloring their faces as to who the voice belonged to and–
Without another word, Hoku stood. Her head turned toward the sound of her name, at her call, eyes warm, the expression on her face–
Something Shanks wasn’t sure he knew how he ought to feel about. It reminded him of her moment with Zoro. A simple call of her name and yet–
Something too far for him to ever grasp. Something that shouldn’t be touched. Something he couldn’t touch.
“Well, it was nice seeing you again, brat,” Hoku grinned at Shanks, holding a silver flower up. Shanks blinked in realization. “Thanks for the flowers.”
Turning to Mihawk she added over her shoulder, “Rest up. See you again, Mihawk.”
She beamed at the two of them and promptly set off, never once looking back as she followed the continued calls of her name, hurrying maybe just a bit.
“Alright, spill it you sly dog. What did you do and what did you say to get her to treat you like that?” Shanks nearly pulled tufts of red out. “You were in her lap! Her lap, you dog! And that face–do you understand how cute she is?”
Mihawk stared at him as one would a bug.
“Who are you?”
- they’ll all meet again
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writing-radionoises · 4 years
ship: odazai, kunikidazai
genre: angst with a bittersweet ending
prompt: dazai slowly learns to deal with feelings
notes:  i actually got really pissed that people kept saying fake deep shit about soukoku and throwing just about everything odasaku did for dazai away so then i decided to. write this odasaku did not die just for yall to say chuuya is the reason dazai decided not to kill himself. also thank you to mushroom mother by pinocchiop for the inspiration
It was easy to categorize at first, Oda and Dazai's relationship.
Dazai had never had any attachments, and Odasaku wasn't going to change that.
He had never had any friends, lovers, parental figures, ect.
There was no point in having them, anyway, because in the end, they would die.
They always did.
Dazai would live and die as a Port Mafia executive, and the only ones to remember his name would be government officials.
And he was fine with that. He couldn't change it anyway.
At least, he was pretty sure he couldn't…
"Don't tell me you actually like that guy," Ango said while they sat at the bar, sipping at a rum and coke.
"Well, I don't know," Dazai answered, scratching at the bandage over his eye, "He makes me happy, though I suppose a friend could do that too… I don't think it matters anyway, it's not like we can really have any sort of relationship."
"You're a strange one, Dazai."
"I'm fully aware," answered Dazai as he passed his drink but the bartender, "Did you put cyanide in this like I asked?"
The bartender nods his head, "You ask every single time, no, I will not put cyanide in your drink."
Dazai sighed, taking the glass into his hand, "I guess that's fine… Ango, tell me something."
Ango looks back at Dazai, fixing his glasses, "Yes?"
"Would you care if I died?"
The bar falls silent as the brunette awaits Ango's response, watching him swirl the drink around in his hands.
"To be honest, I don't think so. You are a good friend, less of a friend and even more of a good silence filler. But, I don't think I value our relationship enough to really miss you."
Dazai's lips curve up into a slight smile.
"I thought you'd say that."
"Hey, Odasaku!"
The reddish-brown haired man turned around from his place in the parking lot, looking back at Dazai as he waved him down with his free hand. Dazai rushed up to him, struggling to keep his jacket on with one broken arm, but he managed.
His apprentice was rather rough with him during this last training session, not that Dazai minded.
He just wished Akutagawa would kill him already.
"Hey, I haven't seen you in awhile," Odasaku commented, "You need something?"
"No, I was just in the area and wanted to see you," Dazai responded, "I'm not interrupting you, am I?"
Odasaku nodded a no, "Not at all. I just got done visiting the orphans. Maybe we can go out? Talk a little bit?"
"... Like a date?" Replies the brunette hesitantly.
"In a way, yes."
Dazai smiled a bit, "I'd like that."
They ended up at a park, sitting by the water underneath a cherry tree, talking this and that.
Dazai just watched Oda intently, listening to him talk as the sun started to go down.
"... I think, if I were to get out of the mafia, I'd like to settle down. You know, like how couples do when they hit thirty or so. Get married, adopt some kids… Domestic things like that," Oda replied, "I'm not boring you, am I?"
Dazai nodded a no, "Not at all. I like hearing your thoughts, it's interesting."
Oda chuckles, "I am afraid you're the only one who thinks that."
"Well, other people aren't very smart, hm?"
"Maybe so."
The two fell silent, listening to the river rush by as Dazai turned his head away from Oda, and instead up towards the falling flowers of the cherry tree.
"Would you care if I died?" Dazai asked.
"Of course," Odasaku answered without a second thought, "I'd care very much, you're very dear to me, Dazai."
"Are you… certain?" Dazai asked, a puzzled look on his face, "You aren't supposed to form attachments in the mafia…"
The last part was more of a reminder to himself than Odasaku.
"You can't let the mafia dictate your entire life, Dazai," the brunette replied, looking back at Dazai, "I know you were raised here with those beliefs, but there is much more out there, much more to experience. Don't be the mafia's pawn, be a person."
Be a person…
"Hm…" Dazai replied, looking down at his knees.
He'd think about it.
Oda is smiling as his head lays in Dazai's lap.
If it weren't for their current environment, Dazai could've forgotten he was even dead.
He runs his fingers through the other's red-brown hair.
It's so soft. So pretty.
He shouldn't have died so soon…
Dazai doesn't even realize the cold tears running down his cheek, the shivering of his body or the shaking of his hands.
"Odasaku…" Dazai manages to choke out, shortly after muttering thousands upon thousands of apologies.
This is why you don't get attached to people, is what Dazai's brain says, but it doesn't even matter.
Dazai is too busy mourning his fallen friend, his unrequited would-be lover.
There was so much more he wanted to do with him, so much he wanted to tell him.
Dazai wanted to leave the mafia with him, get married and adopt orphans and live happily ever after, like Odasaku had talked about so much.
Even if it would've made this moment more painful, he would've like to tell Odasaku he loved him…
… Become a good man.
That's what he said, isn't it? Dazai thought.
He began to dry his tears on his jacket.
Oda wasn't here to protect or take in orphans anymore… People like his pupil, Akutagawa, could easily just die on the street without people like Oda…
Oda isn't alive to leave the mafia, either, or settle down like he wanted…
I'll… do it for him. Dazai thought.
I'll do what he never got to do. Just for him.
"You look to be mourning," said an older man, his name is Fukuzawa, Dazai reminded himself.
"I am," Dazai answered from his place in front of a grave. Fukuzawa takes a seat beside him.
"Oda Sakunosuke?" He asked, and Dazai nodded, "A friend or a lover?"
"... It's complicated," Dazai replied.
"Would you feel better to explain?"
Dazai fell silent for a moment, then continuing, "I had never met someone I genuinely felt connected to until the moment I met Odasaku. It felt like having mushrooms grow all over me, being infected with feelings I couldn't process… I tried getting rid of them, time and time again, but they always came back… I didn't hate my feelings for Odasaku, I just knew it was a danger for both of us… When he died, I went back to having one singular emotion of sadness, like all the mushrooms just fell off. And then seeing other everyday people experience feelings and not having to worry about them made me… feel silly looking and pathetic. I never got to sort out my feelings for him or even tell him but everyone else… Nevermind, that's not a very kind thing to say… sorry…"
"That's okay," Fukuzawa says, "You haven't been showing up to the agency recently. Is this why?"
"Kind of. I just miss him dearly, even though it's been two years…"
"It's okay to miss someone, no matter how long ago they just your life, whether or be through death, a fight, or anything in between. You can still miss Sakunosuke twenty years from now, and it'll be perfectly valid, Dazai," Fukuzawa explained calmly, placing a hand on Dazai's back.
Dazai snickered, "You sound like the dad I never had."
"Perhaps I should be."
"... Kunikida is an amazing fiance, and I'm sure he'll be a great husband, too," Dazai said from his spot beside the grave, under a cherry tree.
"And Atsushi… he's like a son to me, you would have loved him. And Kyouka, too, she's so cute. You would've loved the whole agency…"
Dazai sighs, looking over to Odasaku's grave, with fresh roses placed by it.
"... I'm trying really hard to be a good person, Odasaku. It's hard… I'm trying to make things up with Akutagawa, but I just keep… fucking up…" Continued the brunette, "I've hurt him so much, and I just keep falling back into hurting him… but I'm trying. It's the thought that counts, right?"
Odasaku doesn't respond, not that Dazai expects him to. He knows his friend is long dead, but talking to him like this eases the pain.
"I haven't been thinking about killing myself as much, or at least, not in a serious way. I wouldn't say I'm happy to be alive but… At least I'm not upset that I'm alive…"
Dazai falls silent, standing up and moving in front of the grave, "I like to think you're proud of me, Odasaku. I hope that's true… Odasaku, I'll talk to you tomorrow..."
Dazai turns his back, beginning to walk away from the grave as he hums one last thing under his breath to Odasaku.
"I'm still in love with you, you know?"
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625: "Tension! Aokiji vs Doflamingo!"
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One a scale of one to Kuzan, how bad is Doflamingo’s day going?
Only have time for one episode today but luckily it was a good one. 625 was crammed with intrigue and plot acceleration - not to mention adorable slice of life moments.
I know the next three episodes are filler (the thumbnail at the top corner of each video gave it away). Are they worth watching? I think I spied the Kung Fu Dugongs in the preview to 626. Those little guys were brilliant. xD
Mmmm... Dat Delicious Peril
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Must confess I was hyped for this episode. The action continued were 624 left off: Doflamingo astride Smoker with Kuzan at his back.
“I need you to get off my friend.”
The way Doflamingo reacted to the imminent danger was interesting. The slow creep of ice towards him was a warning. He didn’t move. Slasher smile fixed to his face, he glanced about, considered: am I calm enough to retreat and let this slide?
Doflamingo served a large helping of Hell No.
He decided, “Screw it,” and went for the kill. Smoker almost went to the Big Cigar Shop in the sky. Luckily, his awesome friend had his back and froze Doflamingo’s feathery ass.
I knew Doflamingo wasn’t beaten because the cheeky little glint of his frozen shades told me so. He broke out of Kuzan’s ice casing and just stood there, staring at Kuzan, chuckling like a madman. (Also I love how Kuzan’s Devil Fruit lets opponents escape with all their clothing and accessories intact. He’s a good guy, really.)
For a second, I thought there might be a fight. Dramatic music kicked in. Kuzan and Doflamingo stared each other down. Then Doflamingo sauntered straight past Kuzan like it was nothing.
“I don’t want to fight you,” he said. “But if I can’t keep Smoker’s mouth shut, I will have to change my approach.”
Straight up threat there. Smoker now knows he can’t go blabbing about what Vergo has done. It’s probably in Smoker’s best interest, to be honest. If Vergo infiltrated the Marines, there might be more of Doflamingo’s agents crawling about the woodwork. Then again, Akainu is now in charge, and I’ll bet he’d love nothing more than to detect and crush any hidden pirates in the Marine ranks.
Doflamingo’s next dig was more interesting.
“But could you tell me one thing? Just what are you now, Kuzan? The things I’ve heard about you aren’t cool. The face of a vagabond is different from one who has a purpose.”
Now I’ve watched Film Z, Doflamingo’s comment “What are you now?” echoes what Kuzan said about himself. At that point, Kuzan wasn’t sure and even asked himself, “Just what am I now?” He sort of answered his own question, referring to himself as “an ally of justice.” Maybe. 
I still don’t know the full significance of Doflamingo’s pointed dig at Kuzan, but from the way Kuzan reacted once Doflamingo, Baby 5 and Buffalo flew off and Smoker said, “You’re not connected with the underworld, are you?”.... well, it got me wondering.
Kuzan sent the nosey G5 guys away while he had a quiet word with Smoker.
“I’m still the same person, Smoker.”
“That’s good then.”
I wonder if this means Kuzan *is* operating in the underworld, but that he told Smoker he was “the same person” means Smoker is no longer above dodgy dealings as long as Kuzan is still on the right side.
“At any rate, don’t take your eyes off Doflamingo. He is both a Shichibukai and a king of Dressrosa. He is an extremely dangerous pirate.”
Well, the king status explains why he has a massive house and a ton of servants. But this further complicates matters. Is Doflamingo an actual king, like one of the World Nobles? Or is this something lost in translation, like a kingpin, drug lord type of a banana republic?
“Tell Sakazuki to get the admirals moving. In the worst case scenario, the cogs will be destroyed and this will become the biggest threat that Sakazuki’s new Marines will have to face. I’ve warned you.”
Laying aside the whole aura of menace and the existence of important (metaphorical?) cogs, the fact that Kuzan is still willing to work with Akainu (Sakazuki is his real name, right?) speaks volumes about his character. I’m still not certain if Akainu knows Kuzan is still supporting them or whether this is a voluntary thing on Kuzan’s part and he continues to help from the shadows because he feels he must.
Either way, I like it.
Also laughed a lot when he forgot he was going to ask G5 to keep what had happened a secret. Lol, he’s still absent-minded. 
Still, the escalating sense of imminent conflict is great. Glad the plot is building towards something again. I wonder if the Marines know about Doflamingo, Kaidou and SMILE? Maybe Kuzan knows and that’s why he’s secretly warning Akainu to mobilise?
Maybe it’s something completely different.
Either way, I place some of the blame on this guy.
Hi, Caesar!
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Aww, look. He’s thrilled to be the cause of it all. xD
On board Sunny, Law explained the trade relationship between Doflamingo and Kaidou. For some reason, he was cool explaining the plan to Foxfire and Momonosuke, who were hanging around listening in for no real reason. Still not sure why Law was cool with the alliance’s secret plan being heard by a pair of randoms from Wano, but I’m sure there is a reason.
I loved that even Foxfire and Momonosuke were shocked at the Alliance going after Kaidou.
Law also explained the plan in greater detail, which is great for us fans.
“To defeat Kaidou,” he said, “we must whittle down his fighting force. Kaidou has been buying many Zoan SMILEs from Doflamingo. There are many risk to SMILEs, but despite that, Kaidou now has over five hundred Devil Fruit users in his crew.”
First off, holy crap. Five hundred Devil Fruit users in his crew? That is a number, it really is.
Secondly, I was wrong about Kaidou wanting to use the SMILEs to boost his own beastly strength. He’s creating stronger crew. That’s definitely better. Much more of a threat if you have strong crew as well as being an absolute unit yourself.
Thirdly, there are risks to SMILEs. I wonder if these risks will give the StrawHearts (my new name for the Alliance) an in with Kaidou’s crew? As in, the ones SMILE didn’t work on will be injured or bitter and willing to betray Kaidou? Hmm...
“But Kaidou won’t be making any more,” Law added, and looked straight at Caesar.
Caesar was like, “Who me? Ehehehehe.”  I loved that moment when Chopper was like, “Omg, you create the ingredients for SMILE? That’s really impressive!” and when Law said, “Nah, he just improved Vegapunk’s work,” Chopper was like, “Oh.”
Totally don’t get why no one is impressed by that, to be honest. Science is all about improving and refining others’ work, even things that seem to be completely new. If Caesar adapted and improved SMILE, that’s still a legit achievement, I think. (I can’t believe I’m sticking up for Caesar. xD)
At any rate, Law also revealed there is another SMILE factory on Dressrosa. Their mission: find and destroy. Once that’s done, Kaidou won’t he able to increase his forces. The only caution (and a significant one at that) is that Doflamingo is a total pro and will not sit idly by while the StrawHearts mess up his business.
Luckily, Dressrosa is also where Foxfire and Momonosuke need to go. Apparently, they’re off to rescue a comrade who is imprisoned there. (Maybe that’s why Law was okay for Foxfire and Momo sticking around. It seems like Oda is going to include them in next arc’s plotline too. I think this is the first time this has happened in One Piece. And not only to them, but a villain too!)
This Was Just Great
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Once Law was done explaining the plan, clouds gathered overhead. It was slice of life time. I know I love plot and intrigue but I also cherish those little peaceful moments between arcs, when the Strawhats are just hanging out on Sunny, enjoying the freedom of the sea.
There was a hair-raising moment when Sunny was almost crushed by a single giant hailstone (thanks Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Franky for timely avoidance tactics.) Momonosuke was super impressed by the Coup de Burst and Nami offered him a tour of Sunny.
I was like, “Yes! Give him a tour so I can see it too!” xD
Nami spent hours taking little Momonosuke round Sunny. He saw the fish tank, the library, got some lunch from Sanji, was examined by Dr Chopper - complete with hilarous tache - and sort of spoiled it with that moment in the bath with Robin but... meh, it’s Oda’s humour so whatever. :)
The nighttime scene was nice too. Usopp and Chopper dressing up in samurai armour and messing about on deck. Luffy fishing in armour (lol). Foxfire and Zoro sparring because Foxfire thought Zoro was the zombie swordsman from Thriller Bark because he had Shunsui (lol). Foxfire’s fiery sword slashes waking up and almost frying Caesar (double lol).
Brook said some pretty smart things about Doflamingo right at the end, which I am eighty-five percent certain no one will have heard because he was half talking to himself.
“Between losing his place as a Shichibukai and fighting a Yonko. I rather expect him to do neither and come after us.”
Me too, Brook. Me too.
And there was a rabbit turtle thing plus a guy with flowing cape, top hat and scary, shiny monocle. I’m guessing he is the filler bad guy?
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Listen to Broooook. He knoooooows.
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keshandliveblog · 5 years
362 - 370
I have returned from work. I’ll finish this chapter and be done for the day. Here is that chapter.
Back where we left off, Zoro and Cabaji are now exchanging sword-related compliments. Luffy notices that Zoro is still injured, and offers to take his place. Cabaji also notices, and is dismissive of Zoro for standing up and fighting again. This is becoming a pattern. 
This crew needs to learn how to channel their crippling personality flaws somewhere else besides the battlefield. Or learn how to manage it in a healthier way, or something. These guys aren’t nearly strong enough win despite their terrible personality flaws.
This is unrelated to anything, but now I’m sure the town uses logs for the rooves of their houses.
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(Please ignore Nami’s head.)
Earlier, I tried to research how that could be, but I couldn't find anything substantial on how that worked with just a small Google search.
Not sure if I brought this up before, if I did I’ll delete this part: their windows are made of glass, it appears. Or they could be made of animal horn, I suppose. Or maybe oiled paper. That’s how people made windows before glass. But it doesn’t look like animal horn. Greased paper (the evolution of oiled paper) is a lot more transparent, so it’s a possibility, but it isn’t entirely transparent. Here is a picture (and also 40% of the reason I will never post anything money-related on this side-blog):
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(This is from the Barley Hall.)
And I couldn’t find a reliable picture of greased-paper windows, sorry. If it is a glass window, I think they have a lot of tin and a lot of heat to use on that tin somewhere on this island. Maybe they trade for it. Either way would make sense. I’m rather impressed they have glass windows.
Anyway, Cabaji notices Zoro is injured. So he decides to blow fire in his face??
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Wow?? Did he have alcohol in his scarf or something? I can only assume, yes. Yes he does keep a tiny emergency flask for breathing fire in his scarf. Alternatively, he's always intoxicated, as much as these guys can be intoxicated, and he always has alcohol on his breath so he can always breath fire.
Then he charges Zoro while he's distracted, and kicks him in his injuredd side. Gosh, I’m wincing just looking at it. Actually I am breaking out into a nervous sweat. ...this is why I never watch action movies. I am an overly-sensitive person, I’m afraid to say. Alas.
Oda really sells it, though, both with the reaction of Luffy and Nami - the former with panic, and the latter with a fairly serious wince - and on the next page with about half the page dedicated to Zoro’s reaction of intense pain. I’m going to spare all of you and not post an image, but I do think it’s impressive. In an author-y way, not in a “yay pain!” sort of way.  Uh...
Right, so moving along!
Nami considers kicking an opponent in an injury to be unfair. All these characters have interesting moralities, certainly. This does seem like a ‘line’ Nami doesn't cross, but I don't want to make too many assumptions this early on in Nami’s character. We will see what this ends up leading to.
Then Cabaji does a... Murder Mist Trick? He spins his sword around a lot. Wow, so impressive, dude.
Apparently, Zoro agrees with me, because he thinks it’s not a particularly impressive trick. He just kicked up dust clouds. Well, maybe I’d be tricked. At least I’d be tricked into crying, from the dust and all.
Anyway, Cabaji goes to stab Zoro, and while Zoro is blocking it, he goes for another injury shot. I can appreciate the practicality, at least. He connects, and here is a small detail I noticed. You see, here Zoro is keeping ahold of his sword, even though he almost lets go:
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That’s a cool part of the drawing, I like that Oda thought to do that.
Zoro is in such terrible pain he's stuck on the ground. Nami is extremely upset about this, again, which I can strongly relate to, as I also am upset about this. I like the implied time passing in these panels:
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But anyway, Cabaji never heard the phrase, “Never kick a man when he’s down,” and proceeds to mock Zoro for having working nerve endings. Dude, you also would be in pain if you were terribly injured. What a weird thing to mock someone for. Plus... weren't you trying to kill him? where was all that stuff about taking revenge for the damage to the fleet, or whatever? This guy really has some major flaws.
I will now attempt to interpret Luffy’s thought processes. Luffy is clearly considering something. I think he’s decided to let Zoro be his deciding factor. After all, being the best sword fighter in the world is Zoro’s dream, so if he dies here it’ll be doing something he wanted to. Putting his life on the line and all that.
Cabaji tells him what a big mistake he made - hey dude, I thought you were all after killing Zoro? I mean you even hit his injury a lot - and The Buggy pirate fleet was your worst mistake, etc, etc, etc. Cabaji has a rather firm arrogance problem, huh? You’d think he wouldn’t brag about kicking a dude in an injury caused by his captain, if I recall correctly, but there you go.
Nami in the scene, and she is angry at Luffy for not doing anything. This is a normal and reasonable response to what's going on. But also, Luffy and Zoro have made a vow. Indeed, a most serious vow that cannot be broken, forged in the Raging Inferno of Combat. Plus Zoro will probably get back up in a few seconds. But mostly the vow.
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...dude, he’s not gonna run away. If you keep talking, he’ll just die of blood loss right there.
Pride, honestly.
On the next page, Zoro leaps up and knocks him away. Probably because he was talking too much. Zoro then calls him annoying. We are on the same page today, for sure. 
Also... Cabaji has a bald spot on his head? I totally failed to notice this. 
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I thought this whole time it was white hair? but it looks like he shaved it, too. In hindsight it’s in all the pictures. I guess I just needed... a change in perspective. Ayyyy!
And then... Sorry for the picture spam, fine folks at home, but... I’m. Words.
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gshkgfksjsghks??? sujghpug? I just - Pride, for pete’s sake.
Everyone, even Luffy is visibly horrified at this. Cabaji asks Zoro, “What the hell?!” and Zoro is like... “Now you can stop kicking me, because I’m bleeding as much as possible already! This is the level of difference between us!”
...Zoro, you are certainly an individual.
Luffy thinks it’s the coolest speech ever, because of course he would, and Cabaji seems thrown off his unicycle, metaphorically. So it wasn’t completely pointless... yay?
Chapter done. I am recalling why I stopped, not because I don’t enjoy One Piece, but because I can't stand violence. Maybe I’ll do the next chapter tomorrow? We’ll see.
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majoraop · 5 years
Dressrosa dream
(plus some Doflamingo character analysis because why not?) A few days ago, I dreamed that I was in Dressrosa (as myself, not as another character) with someone else: I don’t remember who he/she was, anyway I wasn’t alone. I and this other person came from the real world and we already knew what would happen in the island in the near future. We were quite worried and talked about what we could do to avoid getting to the point we see in the manga: Doflamingo destroying most of the cities, basically (I don’t think anyone but that person shot by Baby 5 actually died in the end). Even if we knew about the future “plot” though, we absolutely had no idea how to stop him. We didn’t want to kill him (or anyone for that matter), and we also knew his good side of course. Please keep in mind that I like the character of Doflamingo a lot (if you hadn’t noticed already  ^^’  ). Basically, I like all of him except the fact that he is so emotionally damaged that he doesn’t care about anything and anyone anymore–his family excluded. I don’t like that he traded slaves and weapons either, and I don’t like when he uses his (physical) strength on much weaker people (Bellamy deserved it a bit though  :P  ). That said, I know why he’s written that way and I have absolutely no problem about how Oda depicted him, from his childhood to his early years as a pirate and up to the current timeline. To me, his development and characterization is perfect so far. I like Doflamingo since I totally understand (rationally, more than emotionally) where he comes from: he personally witnessed by being also a victim himself that people are all the same, and that they can even harm/kill children in some circumstances. It’s a generalization, I know, but in Doflamingo and Roci’s flashback we see desperate people, people who lost they loved ones, people who had nothing left and were so desperate that they became cruel themselves. When really pushed or desensitized most people can do evil acts, and that “normality” is the scariest thing about it. Doflamingo saw that (the cruelness lingering in every human being), and was old enough to understand (unlike Roci). And, well, you know the rest. What do I wish for him as a character, though? Basically, I would like to see him become stronger (mentally and emotionally, which to me is real strength) and overcome his fear. It pains me to see such a great character being so damaged that he can’t be a better person, and instead keeps hurting others in a spiral of hatred that’s difficult to stop. But back to my dream. I remember that at one point we saw Doflamingo organizing a sort of hospital/ambulatory to heal injured people (thanks to Mansherry’s dandelions of course). He did that to look like a good king to the eyes of the people of Dressrosa, of course, but it was clear that such decision had obvious positive effects too–and he was aware of that and wanted that positive outcome too, and not simply manipulate people. So, even if in the dream we saw Doflamingo’s manipulating side, it was more complicated than that: he used people but still wanted them to be in good health and even happy if achieving that didn’t collide with his own plans. Of course, that only applied to the “winners” of Dressrosa, and not to the “losers” (the one turned into toys and the Colosseum fighters). He knew that saving everyone is impossible, so why bother to threat people equally? But is it really impossible? Well, in the current political/social system we see in the OP world it is. At that point, once can either live with it (and even take advantage of it), or try to change it. So far, Doflamingo did the former--even if there are a few exceptions here and there (but the post would become too long to discuss those too). In the dream, we also heard Doflamingo’s speaking: his voice was similar to the one in the anime (the Japanese version), but... more normal? Like an actual person’s voice, and I remember it sounding calm, a bit deep but not too much. It definitively was a beautiful voice, which boosted his overall charisma. At the same time though, listening to him was scary since we knew what he could do if put with his back against the wall or simply enraged. I don’t remember what he was speaking about, but I do remember that what he was saying made sense and that’s not surprising since it’s the same in the manga too (Doflamingo’s has some of the best speeches).
It definitely was a strange dream, and a dream that made me think a lot. I found myself in a really difficult position: I knew who Doflamingo was and what he would do in the near future, but I had no means to stop him. First of all, because he wasn’t alone. I think someone like him may be persuaded to take a different path if someone gave him a viable alternative, but someone like Trebol probably wants just power (from what we saw so far at least, but with Oda you never know). Furthermore, Doflamingo is always on the defensive (and for good reasons, considering the assassins sent after him). Taking into account where he came from, how he was treated as a child, and how he grew up, it’s easy to imagine that it would be really difficult to persuade him to choose a different path--even if probably not impossible. Actually, I think it’s more than that: I believe Doflamingo is right, that the world in which he lives should be destroyed–only, I would try to do that as the revolutionary are planning to do: I would try to change the whole system, not simply destroy everything… Or at least, I would side with the people who are trying to change things for the better. But I was also put before a moral dilemma: I’m against death penalty, and would only do something as drastic as killing in self-defence or to save someone I love (and I’m not even sure: I never found myself in such a dangerous situation to have to take such decision, so I don’t really know if I would do it in the end). Still, my alter ego in the dream absolutely wanted to do something to stop Doflamingo before things turned for the worst... I probably felt a bit like Rocinante, minus his personal connection with his brother of course (which surely made things even harder for him). I hadn’t enough time in the dream to think about a strategy anyway since I woke up too soon for that, but the interesting part is that I realized that even if we know what happens next, sometimes it’s simply hard (if not impossible) to interfere with large-scale events. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, it may be impossible to really make a difference. Maybe what holds us back in such circumstances is simply fear, which is natural and understandable. Luffy is a great protagonist because nobody or nothing can hold him back: sometimes he takes a pause (the time-skip is an example of that), but he will always fight back against people trying to take freedom away from him or his friends. Luffy’s line in his final confrontation with Doflamingo in Dressrosa his great for that reason: Doflamingo is so self-centred, so closed in himself in order to protect his own life and the lives of the few people he chose as his new family, that he told Luffy he was interfering with his plans. Luffy, though, turned that argument against him: it was Doflamingo that was interfering with Luffy’s plans (or better, with his very right to be free). If Doflamingo will change, I bet Luffy’s words were what started the process. Maybe, for the first time in Doflamingo’s life, someone told him something that was, to use Doffy’s words, a “fact”. And the best part is that Luffy did that not to make him change his mind or anything but just to point out the obvious: Luffy wanted to be free, he wanted his friends to be free, but Doflamingo wasn’t allowing them to be just that. The king is naked. And yet, Doflamingo still put his glasses back after his defeat. He put his mask on again. But later, while talking with Tsuru, he started to consider “if”s too--something that he usually didn’t do. He started to consider different possibilities, different outcomes. Maybe, he started to think that he could have done something differently, too? Could he start feeling remorse, if he hadn’t already (or maybe had just buried that feeling away until now)? If Doflamingo will take his glasses off by himself before the end of the manga I’ll forever love Oda and I don’t care if I’m sounding cheesy here, because that gesture alone would be a huge character development for Doffy and I can only imagine few way to represent it as effectively as with a symbolic scene like that. Back to my dream, another problem I had to face in it was that, as I explained, I hope Doflamingo will have a change of heart later in the story. More like a change of mind in his case, actually, since I’m not sure his heart is in the wrong place to begin with: he has “simply” been afraid his whole life, without a place to call home anymore. People around him either couldn’t handle and guide him properly (his father) or used him to reach fame, power, and wealth since they weren’t strong enough to do that by themselves (Trebol and the older members of Doffy’s family). And his brother never talked to him (which is understandable and believable, but still sad if you think about it). In my dream I should have gone totally Otohime on Doflamingo, but I’m sure he would have killed me on the spot!  XD  Or maybe he would have listened, who knows? Did anyone even properly talked to him? Only Tsuru, probably. Interesting relationship between them, from the little we saw. (Otohime is one of the best character in the manga and I’ll never repeat that enough: in ONE SINGLE WEEK she opened Mjosgard’s eyes and made him a new man–actually, made him human.) But even if I had realized that talking to him was the best option, would I have had the courage to do that to begin with? To be honest, I think I would probably be too scared to talk to someone like Doflamingo, to try to make him change for the better (and not just for others’ sake--but for his own too). Since I don’t like to fight or to use weapons (and wouldn’t have a chance anyway) though, if a found myself in a situation in which I was forced to face him I would definitely try to talk to him. But I wouldn’t do as king Riku: he basically didn’t negotiate, and simply saying “yes” when someone asks you to do something unacceptable isn’t a way to solve problems. I think that, as much as Rocinante is a positive character generally and another top favourite of mine (and a character I hope is still alive every single day--yes, I’m obsessed like that), one of the mistakes he made was not trying to talk to his brother. However, at the same time I can understand Roci being afraid of him, even if I didn’t go through his same trauma of Doflamingo killing their father before his eyes of course. They are such complex characters that they almost seem alive, and I need Oda to go back to them in a way or another before the end of the manga. Please do it, Odacchi!
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orbitalflyby · 5 years
What do you think Dazai did during the 2 years he laid low? I think about it a lot. I wonder if he took the time to do all the stuff he couldn't do in the Port Mafia. Maybe he tried to learn to cook (disastrously) or traveled around the world on a fake passport. Maybe he used his Port Mafia money to set up an orphanage in Odadaku's name. Maybe he went to France and found a nice bottle of wine to send to a certain hatrack...
I n t e r e s t i n g question!
I mean, I definitely think he had some awful days. Maybe weeks or months. Grieving for Odasaku, figuring out that what he's feeling is grief, connecting the dots between these negative emotions and the way he'd felt so often in the mafia... Grieving for himself and the things he never had. I think he would have spent at least half the days in that first year just... not getting up. Maybe not sleeping, but that depression thing where you just. Stare at the wall. Drinking too much, trying to make his brain shut up. Not eating enough.
But. Also. I think he would likely have tried to live up to his promise. He'd probably have put thought into trying to be a good person. Maybe trying to imitate Oda, offering to help out at orphanages (I wonder if he met Atsushi?), doing Random Good Deeds and then tying himself into philosophical knots over whether it counts as Good if you are Trying to Be Good. Definitely flirting with all kinds of people, just for fun, making up almost-believable stories about himself when they ask. Dating a little bit, never particularly seriously, but finding he enjoys making a partner happy. (Side note: this is baffling to him. Why does manipulating people into a good mood just for the hell of it, with no expected payoff for him, make him feel warm? Dazai Does Not Get It)
And somehow, over time, the horrible days become outnumbered first by the boring bland days (which is back to the 'normal' he experienced in the mafia) and then by the good days, the days where he has some fun (even if it's at the expense of someone else). He starts getting out more, spends a few months away from Yokohama, travelling around Japan mostly. Soaking himself to a prune in hot springs and doing a bizarre mixture of old people tourist stuff and all the stupid teenage shit he'd never got to. There's a host club manager in Kyoto who still sends him messages begging him to come back and work there, that week he filled in for a sick employee was the best business they ever did.
He comes back to Yokohama in the summer and has at least 3 close calls in as many days where he almost runs into Chuuya. He almost decides to leave again, but he's actually sort of nostalgic for the hat rack, how disgusting. Dazai takes a little bit of revenge by manipulating events and pulling strings to cause Chuuya trouble, but as much fun as it is to watch his ex partner swear and stew from afar, its nothing to the explosions he'd get to enjoy if Chuuya knew it was him doing it.
But then it occurs to him that his two years are drawing to a close, and he still has no idea how to be a good person. He spends some time stalking the Agency members to learn about them, sends a client or two their way. Tries to do good deeds, develops some casual relationships with people he sees a lot, spends a couple of weeks repeatedly puncturing Ango's tyres to blow off steam. Replaces the wine in Chuuya's latest shipment with vinegar, because why change the habits of a lifetime.
Uh. This got away from me a bit. Basically I think he spent that time dealing with his shit (in a very Dazai way) while trying new things (also in a very Dazai way) and struggling with the whole "good person" thing until he finally worked out that good isn't something you are but something you do.
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hotarutranslations · 6 years
Juice=Juice’s Kanazawa Tomoko “20 questions 20 answers” haro puro love talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20thanniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its Juice=Juice’s Kanazawa Tomoko!!
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Kanazawa Tomoko = Born July 2nd 1995, 23 years old. Hometown Saitama. Blood type B.
Q1: Tell us the origin of your name!
My father liked Nakajima Tomoko-san who played Hotaru in the drama “From the Northern Country” (Fuji TV 81~82), so it comes from Nakajima-san’s name. He picked Tomoko, but worried over whether he should pick Hotaru, but after all he chose Tomoko.
Q2: Who is a senior you admire?
Former C-ute-san’s Suzuki Airi. Before I joined Hello! Project I supported her as a fan, and now I’m thankful to be able to call her my “senior” as I love her. After all when you speak of Suzuki Airi it’s her really pretty singing voice. I think that Suzuki Airi-san’s best weapon is that anyone would think her singing voice is nice, I want to be able to also sing in such a wonderful way.
Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
What should I do~! Um, Morning Musume ‘18’s Makino Maria-chan. Isn’t her style really good? I went and saw Morning Musume-san at their Nippon Budokan live,  even though I was far away I could see her style was striking, I have the impression that any costume suits her. If I were to become Maria-chan, I think I’d wear a lot of different clothes in private (laughs). For example, I could wear tight pants that I cannot wear myself, I’d also want to wear cool costumes at lives.
Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
An unbalanced diet. I’m the type that can get into anything and I’m able to eat the same thing for a whole week. It has drawbacks though (laughs), after the thing I’m into’s boom has passed, I will still only ask for that thing from the shop. I don’t think I can lose to anyone else with that, I think I’m always eating the same things. Recently, at home its butter rice (laughs). I like eating with butter and soy sauce so I’ll eat it every day.
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
Everyone does their own makeup, they have image of really being skillful with their hands. I don’t really know what other idols do so I don’t have anything to compare it to but, there are members who change their hairstyle throughout one performance. I can only make it straight on my own, since I’d have to curl it or put it in twin tails on my own. That’s one thing I think is amazing about Hello! Project.
Q6: Who would you want to be in a special Hello! Project unit with?
Oh man, thinking about it is fun so its super troublesome (laughs). Recently, I’ve been into Taiyou and Ciscomoon, I like Inaba Atsuko-san’s voice. Since I also like Morning Musume ’18 Oda Sakura-san’s voice, I think it’d be fun to sing together with the two of them. I have the impression that they have sexy voices, they’d have like fakes in succession, I’d want to sing something adult-like and sexy.
Q7: Tell us a Juice=Juice song you like!
“Synchro”, it’s on the new album. The lyrics are like we’re singing about ourselves, before we show it off to everyone we feel like there is a lot of emotional attachment to the song. From the era of 5 people to 7, and now that we’ve become 8 people it has become a very meaningful song to sing. I want you to carefully listen to the lyrics.
Q8: What is Hello! Project song you like?
On C-ute-san’s album, Suzuki Airi-san’s solo “Yes! all my family”. I really like that song’s lyrics. Things that are common in everyday life, I think that its happy, I’ve thought ‘isn’t that natural?’. Since it’s a song of becoming aware of happiness, I really like it.
Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
Its somehow like this, recently there is the image that we’ve become aware of the 16 beats in a song. It felt like before the choreography would be in 8 beats. Of course before the foundation was that of 16 beats, I wonder if it’s that we now pick up the sound in more detail. I think that the ‘getting into it’ is completely different from the past. The dances are completely different.
Q10: Other than yourself who is your oshi?
Tsubaki Factory’s Asakura Kiki-chan. Recently, she got a shortcut, and her freshness has increased. In any case she is always smiling, not just on stage, even backstage if you make eye contact she’ll smile and its really cute. Since you can feel energetic just by looking at her, I definitely want everyone to look at her a lot (laughs).
Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
There isn’t anything like that, ah that’s right~ my shoulders (laughs). The joints in my shoulders are soft. Therefore, when I’m dancing I think there’s a part where you’ll understand it, so I’d like you to look at my shoulders. There is a normal flapping like hey hey that a bit different from everyone else. My inner muscles are a bit weak, although it feels like I’m making my shoulders a weak point. I also think they’re cute (laughs).
Q12: What is work you would like to challenge?
Since I like talking, I want to do work as a moderator or MC. This year I’ve gotten to widen my talking work.
Q13: What do you want us to see most from Juice=Juice?
Juice=Juice is a group that really loves lives. I think that the number of lives in Hello! Project is a lot but, in any case I want you to see a live. Within that everyone is conscious of their singing, ‘this song is like this’ is something we’ve recently decided to talk about, so I have the desire to make those things alive (laughs). Also the members that have said this are Takagi Sayuki-chan and Danbara Ruru-chan, listening to them sing every day is moving and wonderful anyhow. Therefore, I’d like everyone to hear those two.
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
Realistically thinking, I think it’d be difficult to be active in Hello! Project (laughs). But, it’d be nice to have some kind of connection to Hello! Project after 20 years. Just being a fan supporting them would be fine, watching that era of Hello! Project would be the most ideal. If I could contribute in some way to the shape of that Hello! Project, that’s something I can vaguely imagine. Although I can’t make any particular promises (laughs).
Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
I think that my fans know I’m not good with fish; I really can’t eat fish at all. I say that now but, actually recently, I was able to eat salmon. I like to have it gone through the fire a bit, but I can eat it raw also. Since it’s kind of like paccio. Ah, carpaccio (laughs). If carpaccio is available, if you haven’t tried it you should as it is very delicious. From there salmon became no problem. I just say that I’m bad with fish, I can’t really say “I’m into it”…As I didn’t think I’d say it (laughs).
Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to be able to do?
I’m always thinking that I want to improve my performing but, I’ve suddenly though that it really isn’t a personal thing. I went and saw Cirque du Soleil’s “Kurios”; there was someone using a yo-yo, I thought it was something really wonderful. I wrote it on my blog, and the yo-yo performer sent me the yo-yo. Therefore, now my personal goal is to make improvement with the yo-yo. It would make me happy if I was able to show it in some sort of performance. I have about 10, but I’m in the situation where I don’t really know how to use them, but with a little progress, maybe I could show some skill. Since I got a DVD for practicing, while watching I can do a ‘walking the dog’ (laughs).
Q17: What would you be if you weren’t an idol?
Up until high school I just had an ordinary life of going to school, originally in middle school I wanted to be a civil servant. Therefore, perhaps if I had gone as normal I would have been a civil servant. My relatives aunt did clerical work at a school, and it happened to be my school. I always saw her, and I came to want to do work like that. Therefore, if I perhaps did not become an idol, I think I’d also be a school clerical worker around now.
Q18: What are you most into right now?
Its yo-yo’s but, other than that…my little sister gave me an aroma set as a birthday present. I’ve used aroma’s up until now but, now I’ve come to use them more than before. When I’m reading a book I’ll have an aroma scent; since its more healing, it’s like I’ll read and aroma therapy. It’s something trendy so I can’t talk much about it though (laughs).
Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us an episode!
The most troubling question (laughs)! Honestly I don’t do much with anyone other than the Juice=Juice members. Therefore when talking about who I get along with, I think “Is there no one?” but I feel a bit embarrassed and don’t say that (laughs). However, in terms of hanging out with a member in private Miyamoto Karin-chan is easy to invite. We’re in the same group so I know her schedule, so I don’t really have to worry about her refusing right? Therefore, if I want to see a movie I’ll often contact Karin-chan or (Takagi) Sayuki-chan, so it’s like that (laughs).
Q20: What is an idol to you?
I originally really liked idols so, my image is, a bit different than ‘you can become whoever you want as an idol’ or ‘the sense that you can go and meet them’. For example for an artist, you certainly have a strong memory of going to their lives and having an exciting time together but, with an idol it’s like idolization; to me it’s like they’re close but very far away. In this world they really have the presence of being transient. Cheering for them, there is always the worry that one day my oshimen will graduate, they really have a strong image of transience. In reality, they’ve all certainly thought of wanting to continue for a long time, this is something I think very strongly, as a fan looking at them they have a pale transient feeling, huh.
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Manuscript Tag Game
Thank you for the Tag @naiyawrites the tags you gifted me with were you gave were gasp, chill, glare, run. I might not have been writing recently but i do still have a lot of rewrites to be done on a little piece that is my Moblords and will play with that. 
(I know its a manuscript tag game but honestly if you write anything at all short, long, epic fanfic, little drabbles it works for that too.)
The lights on his car blinked as he drew closer, it was then that he noticed a lone figure of a woman dressed in running gear headed in the direction of the gunfire. Seriously?
"Hey!" He shouted out to try to warn her but she didn't even cast a glance his way. Huh?
Passing through a pool of light from the streetlights overhead he caught a glimpse as to why. A set of headphones were tucked neatly into her ears preventing her from hearing anything of the world around her. Any further warning from him was not going to make it through. Why did people do that these days? Constantly attached to some sort of gadget distracting them from the world, leaving them open and vulnerable. He watched as she continued on the path before her, running headfirst into danger. Reckless girl…
He could have left her. She would discover the situation for herself soon enough, maybe. After a brief internal discussion, he shoved his keys back into his jacket pocket causing the car to blink once more with an automatic click as it relocked.
Taking off after the runner he began patting at the fabric of his jacket as he checked his holster for his gun. It was a hazard of the job that unrelated casualties sometimes got mixed up in their line of work. Personally he didn’t care for excess innocent blood spillage. Besides, it was also a lot of extra paperwork and the clean-up was always a mess.
Of all the men here, he was perhaps the most out of place. He was excellent when it came to strategy and planning. He could read data as easily as if it was a simple matter of a yes or no exam paper. The struggle lay in people skills. Typically, Mitsunari was innocent to the point of being oblivious. He failed to register tone and sarcasm. His positive personality clashed wildly with situations at times and made him the source of most of Ieyasu’s frustrations.  
“Well, no shit, Sherlock!” The blonde snapped back his speech clipped as if he were cutting every word short in time with a nerve snapping.
“Ieyasu!” Hideyoshi glared at the man, deep frown present on his face. “Do not start a fight at the table. We are here to discuss what happened earlier and the girl not to call out Mitsunari and his reading habits.”
His voice was more weighted than usual as it dished out his reprimand. Clearly, mother is feeling irritated that she cannot tell off the child she wants to because Daddy told her not to. He chose to remain silent, observing the interactions and taking in all the unspoken phycological conflicts with that trademark smile etched on his calm face.
Ieyasu averted his gaze mumbling something incoherent that caused Masa to laugh before slapping him on the shoulder. If Mitsuhide was accused of having a devilish grin the one Mitsunari had was perfectly angelic. Whilst the mood of the room was in flux the oblivious little angel in the group remained untouched by it all.
“Everything has a value my girl you might just have to use your imagination sometimes to find it. After all there is a great number of people waiting for things… kidneys… lungs… even pretty little eyes like yours.” And there it was. Total unmarked honest to god terror. Her eyes wide, suddenly glossy with unbidden tears. Her mouth opened in a gasp soft pink lips quivering. Good girl… I wonder what else I can make you do.
“Is th-that… is that what you intend to do with me?” It was question she had to ask but clearly didn’t wish to really know the answer just in case worst fears were really correct. A longer than comfortable pause flowed between them in silence and he was lost in her eyes for a time.
“That is certainly an option however I have no such plans for you [Name].“ A strong imperious voice emerged from the doorway. The owner of which swept into the room without invite and took up a seat at the table opposite her.
Running his hand through his glossy black hair, a velvet smoking jacket dragged over his shoulders, Nobunaga glanced at Mitsuhide in acknowledgement before turning to [Name].
"After all I plan to take very good care you.” A wolfish grin spread under blood red eyes as he looked at the girl before him. She sat stock still almost forgetting to breath until Nobunaga reached out his hand to take her chin.
In the blink of an eye she had managed to move her body away from his grasp and slapped his hand away the audible slap of the connection of her hand on his resonating in the small space. Was that reflex? Mitsuhide eyed [Name] more closely and saw the realisation cross her face at what she had just done. He was right… she was truly entertaining…
“Takahasi you are no longer my subordinate I have long since lost my position in that regard. I am thankful however for your continued support and unwavering loyalty.” The man moved towards one of the container walls, the click of his cane on the ground as he moved echoed in the warehouse, and stared at a collection of photographs, newspaper cuttings, print outs and lots of coloured scribbles plastered on its side.
“I understand Sir but we haven’t forgotten you in the office. You were the best Boss we had and your men will still follow you and your orders. What happened wasn’t your fault… Kennyo. We will stand by you and see Nobunaga Oda fall.” Takahasi’s words were full of a resounding strength that Kennyo had admired for years. Ever since he had first joined his vice squad back when other men questioned if he had what it would take to actually survive the spartan style life of cracking down on hard crime. Kennyo had seen the determination in the young mans face and taken him personally under his wing.
“We need to adjust the plan. I may have to push a few buttons in a different direction to get my playing pieces to move how I want them. But I will have Nobunaga’s head for what he did.” Rumbling anger in his voice permeated out of his body and seemed to colour all around him in darkness as Kennyo looked at a section of clippings on the wall.
“Of course, Sir. Just say the word and we will follow.” Takahasi stood patiently watching Kennyo as he awaited orders.
“You willingly follow me into the fires of Hell?” Kennyo didn’t break his focus on the wall as he muttered his question.
“We will follow you to Hell and back Sir. For what has happened and what will… we will follow.” Takahasi affirmed resolutely nodding.
A grim smile spread across his face as Kennyo tapped a clipping on the wall. ‘Takeda Inc. crumbles’
“So be it…” Kennyo’s voice was low and colder than the bone chilling wind outside as he set his jaw and began to formulate his next move.
Play along if you'd like! I choose to tag @otome-smut-queen @perhaps-in-anotherdream @voltage-vixen
I shall give you Gaze, Touch, Remorse and Guilt. 
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rubiaryutheroyal · 6 years
Discord Event 1
Since AO3 is being a real pain in the rear end with account invites, I’m gonna have to post this here. Sorry for the cramped tumblr page, but it’ll have to do.
Title: Paulownia Tomentosa Timeline: Yakuza 0 Spoilers: for endgame of above Shipping: N/A Legal stuff: Submission fanfic for the Springtime Festivities event on the Yakuza/RGG Fanworks Discord. All characters are ©Sega. Description: A tribute to Tetsu Tachibana and his now headcanon’d indoor zen garden. Warning: Name puns ahead. Proceed with caution.
Here is the empty lot.
It’s but a small patch of land caught between towering buildings. There is nothing here but abandoned scraps of wood chips, trash, and broken dreams.
A beautiful bouquet of lilies and balloon flowers lies still on the ground at the center of the lot. Though there is a gentle and swift breeze, the buildings that surround this lot make it difficult for the breeze to glide smoothly by. Thus, the flowers remain unmoving.
The sound of footsteps cracks through the silence. A towering man in a gray suit steps over to where the flowers have been laid. He’s carrying a small bag of mandarin oranges in one hand. With his other, he gently slips one out, a bright and crisp color with a single-leafed stem still attached, kneels down and sets it before the bouquet. He then steps back to view the scene.
It’s a moment of pause before he finally reveals a soft smile. He speaks in a low and deep tone: “Good news, Tachibana… They’ve been growing splendidly.”
He looks up to the sky, giving a deep sigh. Even if he’s only been employed as a real estate agent for a few months, they were some good few months.
“…I still don’t know a thing about gardening or plants altogether, but at least I’ll keep it going for as long as I can. It’s… what you would have wanted, right…?”
Several months prior…
Kazuma Kiryu is the newest recruit to Tachibana Real Estate Enterprises, and yet people can’t help but know his name. He’s the yakuza-like one. He’s the CEO’s pet. He’s the brash upstart who doesn’t know his place and would damn well have been fired already if it wasn’t for the boss.
Such words mean little to him, though. He’s well aware of how he ended up working for this company – but he doesn’t yet understand why he was accepted. The boss just came up to him one rainy night when he was just expelled from his family, and soon, he was in. And just a few days later, his supervisor Oda calls him up out of the blue.
“Yo, Kiryu-kun. The boss is looking for you.”
“Me? What for?”
“I dunno, but he said it was important, looked pretty solemn too… You didn’t do anything to piss him off, did you?”
“Of course not. I’ve only been working for three days!”
“Yeah, and in that span of time, you’ve managed to piss me off too many times to count.”
“…I’m still learning.”
“Save me your excuses. Anyway, you’d better get back to HQ and pronto. There’s only so far you can take a man’s patience before he snaps…”
“I got it already. I’ll be there.”
Oda promptly hangs up on him without so much a goodbye or thank you. Kiryu sighs, wondering to himself. Oda, I can understand… but why would the boss be upset with me? It’s been pretty quiet from him lately… I hope it’s nothing too serious.
He sets back the pay phone into its receiver and hurries off.
Knock knock.
“Come in,” comes the gentle reply.
Kiryu steps inside with a wary look on his face. Tachibana is standing by the window, hands behind his back, looking over the cityscape. He turns back around to greet him with a gentle smile.
“Ah, you’re here, Kiryu-san. Sorry to interrupt you from your work.”
He steps forward at attention. “It’s alright, sir. Oda said… er, Oda-san said you needed to see me for something?”
“Yes. It’s a little sudden, but I recalled something we had forgotten to do shortly after your initiation.”
“Huh? Oh, what is it? Is there something I have to fill out, or…?”
“Oh, no, nothing so formal.”
Tachibana begins walking toward him, or rather, the door behind him. “Come with me. I need to first show you something.”
“…Alright, sir.”
He follows Tachibana out of the office, down the hall to the elevators, and steps in after him. He watches his boss press the number to the 49th floor, and the doors slide closed. In the next several minutes as the elevator cruises smoothly down to their destination, there’s an uncomfortable silence between the two of them. They both remain completely still, though Kiryu’s tensed face gives himself away.
…Sheesh, I haven’t felt this kind of nervousness since the first time Nishiki and I were sent to the disciplinary counselor back in grade school…
Finally, the elevator slows to a stop and the doors slide open again. Tachibana, without missing a beat, steps out. Kiryu follows along with a much stiffer stride, to which he tries to shake away the nerves.
He follows Tachibana to a large room in the back, noticing the placard set beside the door: Zen Garden.
“…A garden? In here?”
Tachibana nods silently and pushes open the door.
Inside is a beautiful arrangement of various tropical flowering plants native to East Asia, circular stone paths around a small pond, with window panes that line the entire back wall of the room. There is even the rhythmic clack of the shishiodoshi to the makeshift stream that runs along a little “hill” to the pond.
“…Nice place you got.”
“Thank you. I’ve probably spent a bit more than I needed to decorate it, but in the end… I rather like the outcome.”
“Hm…” Kiryu nods, but his attention strays to a spot near the back, where there sits an empty plot of earth. “Hm?”
“What is it, Kiryu-san?”
“I see there’s an empty space there. Are you going to fill it?”
“Ah, yes. That is what I wish to talk to you about.”
“I had been contemplating what sort of plant to set there when I received that letter from Kazama-san about you. Since then, I’ve reserved this space just for you when you finally come to meet it.”
“…Is this the initiation thing you were talking about?”
“Well, it’s not exactly custom for us to treat every new recruit we get with a new plot in the garden, but I’m willing to make an exception this time.”
“But why me? I haven’t done anything outstanding yet… aside from making trouble for Oda-san.”
“It almost seems like a flight of fancy… but when we first met, I think I may have seen something else in you.”
“Potential… to achieve greatness.”
“Um, I don’t know… I’m still getting used to proper etiquette and all that…”
Tachibana then chuckles, to his confusion. “It doesn’t have to be soon or even within the extent of this company, but it is there, lying in wait for the right time.”
“…” Kiryu doesn’t respond because he isn’t sure how. On one hand, it seems Tachibana is praising him, but on the other hand, there also seems to be some hidden motive behind it. Thinking about it, his boss does look awfully content with himself… maybe it’s the garden atmosphere?
“…In the meantime,” he casually continues, “How would you like to help me choose?”
“Um… choose what?”
“What sort of plant would you like to put there?”
“O-oh. A plant, huh…” Kiryu takes a moment – which only lasts a few seconds before he replies, “No idea. I don’t really know many plants.”
The blunt answer amuses Tachibana, who smirks back. “Well… what about something that could represent you or your connections to this company? Sort of like leaving your mark on it.”
“Hmm… I only really know about the common ones, like roses and tulips, sunflowers…” He pauses to think a little further. “…Oh, wait.”
“Ah… I remembered a conversation I had with a childhood friend of mine about our names. When we asked the caretaker at the orphanage we lived in, she mentioned that the ‘kiri’ in my name was a kind of tree or something…”
“Ah, the Empress Tree.”
“Yes. It’s also called the foxglove tree because its flowers somewhat resemble foxglove flowers.”
“Don’t think too much into it, Kiryu-san. It is a beautiful and often prized tree.”
He clears his throat. “Anyway, would that be a good choice to put here? It’d sure stand out, but…”
“Hmm… I don’t think so.”
“To grow a tree like that, we would need a much larger expanse of land, as its roots can grow rather deep. It’s not so fitting for a simple garden like this one.”
“If you’re having trouble coming up with suggestions, may I offer a hint?”
“A hint?”
“You could try something that would better represent your connections to this company, for instance.”
“Connections… Well, I came to this company because of you, sir, so I guess… Tachibana, tachibana… Oh!” He looks rather excited when he comes out with it: “How about a mandarin orange tree?”
Tachibana seems to be taken aback in surprise.
Unsure of whether his attempt at a joke got across, he adds, “…’Cause you know, ‘tachibana’ written another way is…”
“…” And now he looks unamused.
“Uh… I-I’m sorry, sir. That was improper.”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s not you, Kiryu-san. I simply recalled something from my childhood. My apologies for spacing out like that.”
“I-it’s no problem, sir.” Whew.
He smiles again, peering over to the plot of soil, “Well, a little mandarin orange tree…” and back to him, “…for a young real estate agent. It’s quite poetic, really.”
“Yeah… um… I’ve been meaning to ask, sir.”
“Do you like mandarins?”
Once again, Tachibana seems to freeze and doesn’t reply right away. Just as Kiryu is getting worried again, he does speak up: “They’re fine with me. I don’t particularly like them, but I certainly don’t dislike them.”
“Hm, I see… Are you alright? Should I not have brought up that question?”
“I’m fine,” he replies flatly. Thankfully, he has an incredibly strong poker face, so Kiryu doesn’t suspect a thing.
“Alright. Is this all you wanted to talk with me about, sir?”
“For now, yes. In the meantime, keep up the good work. I’m sure you’ll get used to how we do business very quickly.”
“Right. Of course, sir.”
Tachibana moves to head for the door while Kiryu takes another peek back at the plot. “Oh, sir?”
He wheels back around. “Yes, Kiryu-san?”
“Should I go fetch those seeds for you?”
He smiles with that familiar yet mysterious look in his eyes. “Don’t worry about it. I can search for them on my own time. Now, come along.”
Once they’re out the door, Kiryu bids his boss a polite bow and excuses himself. Today was an odd day for sure, getting called up by his boss out of the blue to talk about plants and oranges, but all in all, it was pretty fair and relaxing.
Kiryu snaps back to attention. He’s still here, standing in the empty lot, carrying a bag of mandarin oranges, staring off at the back wall. Of course, Tachibana is no longer here.
Nonetheless, it’s been a long time since Kiryu has felt this relaxed. He’s stopped by for a quick visit in his former boss’ honor and left an offering to his departed soul. That’s all he needs to do here. No point in moping about or feeling sorry for either of them. What’s happened has happened.
He peers back down at the bouquet and single mandarin orange he set beside it.
“… I might not have learned much about gardening, but at least I did learn some things from you. Thank you.”
And so he struts off with that bag in tow, wondering to himself what he’s going to do with the rest.
“…This is a lot of oranges for me. Maybe I’ll give them away?”
While he muses to himself, a shady fellow with an eyepatch hiding behind a nearby vehicle parked along the curb is now sitting on the ground, having a smoke to himself. At first he was going to ambush Kiryu, but on second thought, he realizes he just wanted to find out where the guy was headed with that bag of oranges. Now that he does know, all of a sudden, he’s not interested in picking a fight. Perhaps it’s for the best.
There’s always next time, after all.
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geometragic · 7 years
👏 BA 👏 SA 👏 RA or if not that then the fate series ( or both if you want idk go nuts )
Give me a Series & I’ll tell you… || @jigendaishi || No longer accepting
Sengoku Basara
❤ Favorite Male: Katsuie, of course ! Otherwise, wouldn’t I roleplay another character instead? XD No, but, I really do like Katsuie’s character a lot. ^^ He has a lot of depth to him, and he’s very human. Sure, he has his cute, sad, “woe-is-me” moments, but then he also does things that are very selfish. And as far as rp goes, there’s a lot of room for development with him ! Even the creators have mentioned that he has a lot of possibilities for his future. XD Sakon is a close second, though.❤ Favorite Female: Kyogoku Maria. I just love how she doesn’t care at all about what other people think of her, and how she just does whatever she wants. I still laugh about Cat Wagon and her almost-marriage with Naotora whenever either gets mentioned. XD I might’ve mentioned this once or twice before, but I used to roleplay her in addition to Katsuie a couple years ago ! She kind of lacks the same depth and possibilities for development that Katsuie has, though, so even with headcanons and stuff to help make her deeper, it eventually became too difficult for me to roleplay her. ^^;❤ Favorite Pairing: Oh gosh —– where do I even begin with this question ? XD Well, you probably already know that I love Katsuie x Sakon, so I’ll try to talk about some pairings that maybe you don’t know that I like ! I don’t really talk about this first one much because most people in the Basara fandom don’t like it, but…I like Katsuie x Masamune, probably a lot in part due to both Katsuie’s drama route and Masamune’s drama route. I think that Katsuie has the potential to learn a lot from Masamune whether it’s through a romantic or platonic relationship, and I think that Masamune could benefit from interacting with someone who’s more outwardly calm than most of the other Date soldiers. Ieyasu x Motochika is also one of my favorites, thanks to a certain route in SB3. It was just so nice to see the Shikoku misunderstanding get cleared up early, and then to watch the two of them sail around and have fun adventures with each other for the rest of the route. ^^ And, although it might seem surprising given the muse whom I play, Oichi x Nagamasa is another favorite of mine ! I really enjoy how the two of them share a mutual love for each other, even if Nagamasa has trouble expressing it sometimes. XD There’s also a fair bit of depth to their relationship, too, if you look closely —– not only does Nagamasa have trouble expressing his feelings for Oichi, he also has to juggle his relationship with Oichi with his work as a lord / hero of justice, and it strains his relationship with her, somewhat. On Oichi’s side, you can see a darker aspect of her personality when she’s around him —– she ties him up in one route in SB4 so that he doesn’t have to risk dying in battle, she murders people / shows a willingness to murder people for his sake in both SB2 and SB4, and she goes mad with grief whenever he dies.❤ Least Favorite Character: Shimazu Yoshihiro. I understand that he’s somewhat important in that he’s Honda Tadakatsu’s rival and the only Shimazu clan person included in the games, but his personality just seems kind of bland to me. ^^; But I think that it’s not so much because of his character, though, as it is about the fact that he keeps getting included in new games when other, more interesting characters such as Nohime, Ranmaru, and Itsuki have gotten dropped. ;u; I’d rather seem any of them get included in Yoshihiro’s place.❤ Who’s most like me: You know, I thought about this a lot…but in the end, I’d say that I’m most like Katsuie. I’m quiet and tend to watch things from the sidelines, and I’ll admit that I can be selfish and envious of other people at times. XD Also, I’ve gone through some rough stuff in the past that’s somewhat similar to what Katsuie went through, so I guess that I connect to him on that level as well. ^^; But I’m also a bit like Oichi, in that I tend to be kind of shy.❤ Most attractive: For the women, I find Maria and Oichi to be the most attractive. For the men, I find Sakon and Yukimura the most attractive (with an honorable mention for Hanbei).❤ Three more characters that I like: When I first decided that I wanted to roleplay a Sengoku Basara character, I considered roleplaying Kanbe because I could (and still can) really connect to that underdog part of him that always struggles against a world that seems to have it in for him. XD Hideaki was also another character I considered roleplaying. I’ve always liked him, even if he is annoying at times, because he kind of resembles how a non-samurai would react to war around them, I think ? I know that if I was suddenly dropped into the Sengoku period, I’d probably freak out as much as he does. XD I also like Wabisuke and Sabisuke / Sen no Rikyuu, even if their routes are really vague and convoluted in some areas, because it’s kind of interesting to see a Jekyll-and-Hyde-type character in the Sengoku Basara series. It’s interesting how the two of them clash as far as personality goes —– Wabisuke just wants to live a peaceful life and brew his tea, yet Sabisuke wants to cause trouble. XD And the relationship between the two of them is interesting, too —– it’s cool to see how, despite how troublesome Sabisuke can be at times, the reason why he came into existence was to protect Wabisuke and keep him from having to commit any atrocities himself.
Fate series
❤ Favorite Male: Mephistopheles. Maybe that’s just because I had him in my support setup for a long time before I finally switched him out with Halloween!Elisabeth, but I really like him ! It’s always fun to listen to his over-the-top reactions to everything, especially when you select his Noble Phantasm. XD❤ Favorite Female: Nero / Red Saber without a doubt. ^^ I really like that outward confidence and selfishness of hers ! But it’s also cool to see how she has a weaker and more insecure side, as well, and it’s cool to see how those two sides of her interact. She has strengths but also a ton of flaws, which makes her a pretty deep and interesting character, in my opinion. Also, it’s fun to see her in all of the pretty outfits that she gets in Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC, and Fate/Extella ! ^^❤ Favorite Pairing: Shirou x Rin ? Or maybe Shirou x Sakura ? I’m not really sure what sorts of pairings actually exist in this series, since it seems like (at least in F/GO and Fate/Extra) a good number of the Servants have been developed so that they gain feelings towards the protagonist once you reach the highest bond levels / get towards the end of the story. ^^;❤ Least Favorite Character: Edward Teach. In the story for the Third Singularity in F/GO, at least, he’s just…disgusting. In many ways that I don’t really wish to repeat here. ^^; Artemis is a close second. She’s kind of annoying and abusive, and sometimes I find myself sympathizing with Orion because of how she acts ? Which is pretty bad because he’s mean and abusive, too. ^^; Also, from what little I remember of the Greek legends, Artemis was a pretty serious goddess who was devoted to hunting and her followers and didn’t really care about men too much, so to see her portrayed how she is in F/GO is a bit jarring. ^^;❤ Who’s most like me: Mash, I guess ? Both of us are hard workers and kind of quiet, but we can both make snappy comebacks at times. XD❤ Most attractive: For the women, I find Nero and Kiyohime to be the most attractive. For the men, I find Edmond Dantès and Gilgamesh to be the most attractive. And for nonbinary characters, I find Enkidu and Chevalier d’Eon to be the most attractive.❤ Three more characters that I like: Oda Nobunaga is another character that I like ! And the Gudaguda Honnoji event has made me like her even more. XD It’s just fun to see a character who’s so free-spirited and self-confident, even if it causes trouble for others around them. I also like Jeanne Alter. Even though she technically isn’t another side of Ruler Jeanne (she’s the Jeanne that Bluebeard wanted to see, or something like that?), it’s cool to see her just not care about being a saint or self-sacrificing or anything, and actually want to get revenge for what people did to her. ^^ Arcueid is technically from Tsukihime, but she shows up in a route of Fate/Extra, so I’m going to include her here anyways. XD It’s just so cool that she’s really OP since she’s the strongest True Ancestor, and yet she also has a carefree personality and has sort of mundane hobbies like going to the movies and stuff. Granted, the fact that she has a personality at all is due to what Shiki did, but…still. Arcueid is a pretty cool character ! And it’s also interesting to see how different Arcueid’s perspective on things can be (compared to normal humans or Shiki), since she’s an immortal and isn’t human. ^^
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nearlyso · 7 years
One Piece 852 It’s All Dad’s Fault
I can’t believe the amount of information Oda packed into this chapter! For a chapter between breaks, it gave us plenty to chew on during the wait. For this chapter, I’m going to skip around by topic instead of going through the chapter page by page.
Sanji, Luffy, and The Basket
When we see Sanji in the infirmary, unsurprisingly the basket’s still with him. He’s NOT throwing that food away. It’s sticking around until he reunites with Luffy, and it’s a good thing, too, because Luffy is running on empty.
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I found it REALLY interesting when Nami tells Jinbei that Luffy burns 3x more energy than the average person. While I’ve seen this theory used plenty of times in fanworks, and it’s pretty much been a long accepted assumption, I think this is the first time I’ve seen it stated in canon. 
Which means that Oda is going to use this metabolism issue of Luffy’s to create more drama between Sanji and Luffy. If Nami knows that Luffy needs 3x more food than anyone else, then Sanji sure as hell knows that. He also knows that Luffy would starve 3x faster than anyone else. ONE DAY without food for Luffy would then be equivalent to THREE DAYS without food for anyone else.
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And surprise, surprise. As soon as Luffy’s free and he knows Jinbei will protect Nami, he’s GONE. BTW JINBEI HAS ALL HIS PARTS SO DID HE LOSE  YEARS? IS HE AN ACTING SH NOW OR WHAT!? I NEED TO KNOW!
But look at him struggling just to get some answers out of ONE guy. His arm is still gushing blood, and he’s in pain, AND wheezing.
He can’t take on a single strong enemy like this, never mind whoever Smoothie may be sending his way. Luffy might FIND Sanji, but I have a feeling it’s Sanji that’s going to be saving Luffy’s ass when he does. 
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The Vinsmokes and Sanji
Someone please take a minute to gush over little Sanji in this panel with me because this is the cutest fucking thing I honestly want a figure in THIS EXACT POSE he is completely adorable.
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And, it turns out, his adorableness is completely by luck. He could have just as easily turned out to be sadistic and apathetic like his brothers, and it wouldn’t have been his fault.
As much as I hate everything the Vinsmoke brothers did to Sanji, it’s completely NOT THEIR FAULT. It really, honestly isn’t.
And that DOESN’T mean you have to like them, and it DOESN’T mean that you have to forgive them for being the way they are. But it does mean that you can’t blame them for CHOOSING to think they way they do. It’s not a choice.
Judge edited out the emotions needed to choose to be a good person. If you can’t FEEL sympathy, you’re not going to sympathize with others, and you’re not going to understand people who do. You don’t blame someone born blind for not being able to see, even though they’re SUPPOSED to be able to see. You can’t blame the Vinsmokes for not being able to be decent human beings, because the capacity to BE that was robbed from them before birth.
On top of that, with the drug Sola took to counter the operation, AND the fact that she was carrying quadruplets, it’s a miracle all of them survived to term. I’m sure Oda isn’t super savvy when it comes to all the ins and outs of pregnancy, but the more babies, the more risk involved. I wouldn’t be surprised if Judge planned it out this way, just so he wouldn’t have to wait through multiple pregnancies to see how his child soldiers were turning out.
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Which makes Reiju and Sola’s (Sora?)roles in Sanji’s childhood clearer. Out of the entire family, only Sanji was like them. He’s Sola’s secret miracle baby. Probably the ONLY one of the sons she sees as an actual, real child. And probably the only one of the brothers that Reiju actually thinks of as a REAL sibling.
 And yet, any help that Reiju might offer Sanji against their brothers as children would have made him a bigger target for them and for Judge, because it would just further emphasize the fact that Sanji came out “wrong”. 
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Sola and Judge seem so different personality-wise, I’m thinking that this marriage was not consensual. 
This would explain why Sola was forced to have an operation while pregnant that would change her children for the worse. I’m thinking there’s a lot more to this relationship, but I’ll save that for a separate post.
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It’s probable that the drug Sola took gave Sanji a little bit extra in the empathy department, which would be a factor contributing to his selfless nature and willingness to self-sacrifice. 
BTW am I the only one who was kind of happy that Sanji said “Luffy and the others” instead of “Nami and the others”? I like to see moments where Sanji lets it slip that he cares about the guys just as much as the women, so even though it’s a small detail, it kinda made me smile. Especially since I’m anticipating some great Sanji and Luffy moments in the future.
Sanji’s realizing that being willing to sacrifice isn’t always going to be enough.It must be a scary realization because giving his life isn’t ever going to guarantee the lives of his friends. There’s a feeling of power in deciding to sacrifice yourself to save others, so he must be feeling pretty powerless after realizing he can’t protect them,
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We knew Reiju was going to end up an ally this arc, Oda’s been building up to it, but now he’s in full-on redemption mode. 
 We see from the flashbacks that Reiju clearly loved her mother, and she rightly holds no grudge against Sanji for their mother’s death. When Sanji left, Reiju was alone with four males, three of whom are genetically incapable of love, and one who might as well be. The loss of her mother, with whom Reiju was allowed to express her emotions, and then the separation from normal, emotion-feeling people must have been very difficult for her. She would have had to show no weakness, or else be seen as a target.      
Now, we have Reiju willing to sacrifice herself (wonder where she learned that?) to see that the other Vinsmokes are killed. She’s been trapped by Judge all these years, and obviously unhappy if the thought of death doesn’t faze her.
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And now she’s trying to talk Sanji into saving himself by bringing up his crew. I love when characters outside of the crew acknowledge how special being a part of the SHP really is. This is the friendship version of“don’t let them get away”.
While Sanji just isn’t going to allow Reiju to die ON PURPOSE (what kind of a fool would plan to die? I knew that line would connect to something eventually) if anyone were to die this arc, my money would be on her (and hopefully Judge). Oda wants us to care about her, and she’s remorseful about what she’s done (willingly or not), so I’m sure she’ll have some sort of ultimate redemption by the end of the arc. 
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Next chapter we’ll probably see who Smoothie is sending to deal with Luffy  unless Oda decides to shift to Brook/Big mom, Pudding, Chopper/Carrot, and/or Jinbei/Nami.
Maybe we’ll meet Commander Startch? I need Sanji to go save Luffy and
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