#but thank you <33333
this is an ask 😉 Honestly don't know what to ask. Tell me anything! (You also know where I am for whatever you need - venting, rambling, anything 💜)
YouTube was evil by putting the final scene of IM in my recommendeds today, which got me thinking - if anyone ever decides to read Caretakers and then immediately watch IM after that, you should tell me how that feels.
(Setting up IM was one of the best parts of writing Caretakers because I was like salt? meet wound!)
Also I rewatched Manchester last night and that episode just does not. stop. hurting.
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enluv · 1 year
stop cause you always have the best themes
ahhh thank you 🥺 literally means a lot cause I spend so long on them 😭😭
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magicshop · 5 months
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loml ♡ cr. namuspromised
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seventeen months of kim seokjin messages for @jinstronaut
inspired by jin's monthly messages and em's daily gif series ♡
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melsuki · 2 years
I'll never get over how pretty you are 🥹
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agueforts · 6 months
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spookiepixie · 2 months
This is literally me. If any of you even care right meow.
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normalenjoyer-png · 3 months
why hello you silly drawer you (pos)
I’ve been following for a while (supper good art like it love your style sm!!)
I wanted to know if you’re okay with drawing horrortale papyrus (or as a second option, your sona in horrortale. Unless yk you don’t want to!)
:-) have a lovely spring break!!
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YEAH I LOVE THIS CREATURE!!!!!!! i made the funny panel more serious cause i didn't draw sans or the dialogue but please understand the original
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as for the sona thing i thought it was really fucking funny cause my only sona is. me. and bro i would not survive i would think "im going to go into hibernation" and then enter a coma and fucking die
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jimimn · 1 year
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minimini ♡ for @sugajimin​ ♡ (cr. @0613data, qdeoks, @bts-trans)
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whocantseeme · 2 years
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TEMPO (2003)
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
*holds out my probably canon headcanon like a toddler showing you a cool frog*
hey what do you think abt damian calling his dad baba and his siblings various nicknames in arabic that range from zameel or jalees when he’s particularly annoyed with them to akhi (brother)/ukhti (sister) when hes rlly happy
anything that keeps damian in touch with his heritage is a huge yes for me. big fan of him slipping arabic words into his sentences, or repeating phrases he grew up around when he can't think of an adequate english equivalent. etc etc
similar to how people who are learning english as a second language tend to mix their native tongue into english sentences. although with damian i don't think he would do it because he isn't confident with the language (because he most definitely is), i think it's just something that's familar to him, and comfortable to slip into his english speech. + sometimes he can just articulate himself better in arabic.
as for the familial names, although he doesn't use them in canon, he very much does seek comfort from things culturally familiar to him, in gotham. such as in teen titans (2016) special #1, when he's implied to often visit a middle-eastern restaurant 'tarbooshes' which reminds him of his home in the league and his mother.
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so although the nicknames aren't something shown in the comics, i don't think it'd be unlikely. he's definitely 'in touch' with his culture, and it's far from an out there idea.
as for the specific names, such as calling bruce 'baba', i'm typically all for that. though apparently in arabic that word in particular translates more to 'dad' than it does 'father'. obviously damian's very formal with his speech, so it is a question as to whether or not that would be the nickname he uses for bruce, or whether he'd use more formal titles. (this post gives some alternatives + explains it more).
usually when i see the use of 'baba' in fics, it's very fitting. i'm very partial to the 'sleepy/hurt damian letting his guard down' trope, and i thoroughly enjoy it when the writer lets him slip a "baba" to bruce. one fic that did this really well was 'repeat your favourite mistakes and love them all over again' by watchingthestars13 on ao3, in which damian (although not the focus of the story) is aged down to 2 years old by magic, and coordinates life as a toddler with bruce, rather than with the league. he's very hesitant to affection at first, so when the writer lets an 'about to fall asleep' damian, call bruce his 'baba', it's always just right.
i'm also fond of him having personal nicknames for his siblings beyond 'brother' or 'sister' in arabic. this post talks about how in arab culture it's common for people to refer to loved ones as their organs. i think it's a fun idea for damian, especially because it's something only he would understand. i think he'd be most likely to do this for dick, although maybe he has a generic one that he uses for other siblings when he's suuuuper happy with them.
but he also takes advantage of being the only arab in the house, and one huuuuundred percent switches up the nicknames he uses depending on how he feels about that sibling at a particular time. he is not above throwing flavourful remarks when he's annoyed, in a language no one else understands (whether that be arabic or not), or calling people the nastiest names he can think of.
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shima-draws · 2 months
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Commission for @swamp-tastic of their OCs Princess and Knight!! I had sooo much fun with this one, getting to do such cool lighting and background elements was a treat 💕
(Regular commissions are currently closed but I've got emergency comms open here!)
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infinite-hearts-333 · 2 months
After so many sleepless nights and so much anxiety, Thorn turns to having a midnight drink. A certain dragon finds them.
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“A little late to be out drinking, don’t you think?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah I guess. Couldn’t sleep.”
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“I can tell. May I?”
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“Yeah, sure.”
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“I’m Ouřa Thorn, by the way.”
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“North Heat. Leader of the Rangers. And you?”
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“I’m the janitor. And the electrician right now.”
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“Really? You look like you’d make a good space rider.”
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“Ha-! Yeah- well, with my history, and my powers- I’m more of a ticking time bomb than a ‘good space rider’ but, thanks I guess.”
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“History..? Problems with powers hmm? We have a few programs for that if you’d like me to help you get into one-?”
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“No, no.. to risky. *sighs* What do you do when you know a part of you is a big danger?”
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“I’m not scared of you,”
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“Well you SHOULD be. You wouldn’t know, no one but a few do, and most of them are cultist that scream every time they see me…”
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“Try me.”
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“Try me- I can take your power, I’m sure of it.”
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“No, no you couldn’t, don’t be stupid.”
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“I’m sure I can- try me Oura Thorn, I’m not scared of you.”
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*aggressive huffing, tears welling up*
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“Take a breath Thorn, it’s okay. You look like shit, man.”
“Haha… It comes with the territory of lack of sleep..”
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“Well let’s start there, then. Come on, wheres your house.”
*mumbling* “The storage room….”
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“….. Seriously??? Nope, alright, we’re going to my crews place then. Merrit made a some lavender tea last week, so you’re gonna crash on our couch for tonight.”
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“Are you sure..? I don’t want to interfere..”
“You don’t have a choice here, if I’m honest.”
The next morning:
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Wuff that took SO long, but I’m so proud of it damn. Good job me *pats back*
I just hope that it’s up to the beans expectations! Those who saw it seemed very excited and I’m berry grateful <3333333
North heat belongs to the awesome: @north-heats-stronghold
Zane in the last panel belongs to: @moonspiritleaf
And the au (space riders!) belongs to: @onyxonline
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dancingshoess · 4 months
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pay attention to this landmark from the car era
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maiverie · 1 year
TRIAGE! ┊ a lee heeseung series — FINALE ♡
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you try to teach the nerd how to date.
synopsis: heeseung is not, by any measure, date-able. he’s dorky, he’s nerdy, and he does this weird thing where he snorts loudly every time he laughs. in fact, he loves everything that normal people are allergic to — computer science, collecting rare comic books, and birdwatching on the weekend.
given that you two have obviously nothing in common, you find yourself utterly flabbergasted when you receive a letter in your locker, on which heeseung has written, "hi. will you please teach me how to date?"
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kayla’s playlist (@/miiiwaa) ♡ my shitty og playlist . tags : #.*triage .
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@enhyflirt @dreamyenskz @icedcoffeesunwoo @ssolari @skazoo @jjunis @heejake-en @koroktsuya @jeongwins @tinykoi-s @en-boyz @soobin-chois @blessed-sky @jhyunieee @kisswon @vbxrin @cosmicsunghoon @bloomedberry @jungwonielove @miiiwaa @jungwoniee @lhsng @missharubear @deonuism @sarahxy537 @bambisgirl @hrrhmay-primaryblog @yeonzzun @msxflower @sunsunu @jangwonie @sweetjaemss @seungstarss @tokyoflies @solelyenha @softforqiankun @goodforgyu @va1ry @taekbokki @ashxxkook @moon-gyus @jakeified @markleeisdabestdrug @wccycc @viagumi @pisss111 @outrologist @fairfairee @hiqhkey @ctrlemis
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chapter five (finale)
word count: 8k | navigation: previous / MASTERLIST warnings: swearing, (verbal) bullying a/n: final chapter; thank you so much for reading this far. sorry this took so long to get to you :(
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎
‘let’s have a little talk, you dweeb.’
heeseung had been backed into a corner.
while he often liked to reserve that idiom for metaphoric effect, he means it quite literally — ryujin and taehyun had literally backed him into a corner of a bedroom with no way out.
it was obvious he had stumbled across something he shouldn’t have. 
ryujin and taehyun kissing? how disturbing.
if it were up to him, he truly wouldn’t have meddled in their business. however, the way they’re sneering at him leads him to believe that they think his actions were intentional. he wants to insist that no part of this was deliberate—that he was honestly just trying to find you—but tense silence circulates the trio and he has no inclination to speak first.
“who the fuck do you think you are?” ryujin punctuates the silence with her malice, making him inwardly wince. her hands find their way to her hips as she openly scowls with disdain. “god, you’re annoying.” 
“i-i should go,” heeseung lowers his head, scratching the nape of his neck. “i didn’t mean to intrude,” he laughs nervously in an attempt to dispel their hostility, “i was just trying to find—”
“no, you should stay.” taehyun suggests, a smirk slithering to his lips. he rolls his head around his neck before sighing contently. “you should stay and play with us.” 
heeseung physically recoils with horror, stomach twisting with unease. there’s something about taehyun’s predatory stare that flares goosebumps all the way across his arms. he realises that the most wise decision right now is to escape the enclosed space as soon as possible. 
“sorry, i-i don’t want to keep my parents waiting,” he lies, lowering his head. “they’re downstairs.”
the two exchange impish glances.
“well, we won’t be long,” ryujin stifles a laugh before taking a seat on the bed. she folds one leg over the other, leaning back with her arms propped up. “since you were creeping on us, we thought you could exchange the favour and tell us all about your girlfriend.”
“girlfriend?” heeseung blinks. he doesn’t have a girlfr— oh.
miss sunset.
you? his… girlfriend?
as if.
“oh,” heeseung dips his head shyly. “n-no, you’re mistaken. she’s, um… she’s not my girlfriend.”
if he were being honest, he was kind of hoping to change that some day.
“what, so you guys haven’t fucked yet?” ryujin bats her lashes, a playful stare in her eyes.
heeseung’s brows instantly furrow, a frown on his lips. frankly, he was a little bugged by their vulgarity and the tone used to address you. this was the same type of contempt he noticed in other people in his life — like his aunt at her wedding, who pulled him aside and cautioned that ‘girls like that are foxes, heeseung! they’re nothing but trouble.’
it shouldn't matter, because they’re all wrong.
every single one of them. 
they're wrong.
it boggles his mind that people can’t see what he sees.
then again, it can’t be helped that all the best things about you are what can’t be seen. sure, you’re so pretty that sometimes he can’t even meet your eyes properly, but you’re also warmer and kinder than you give yourself credit to be. you must not realise, but he notices the little things you do for him — like the way you clean his glasses when he places them down on the table to sleep; or the way you pretend you’re full so he can finish the rest of your lunch; or the way you scribble encouraging little notes and drawings on his textbooks when you know he has a long night of studying ahead of him. 
it boggles his mind that some people may never have the privilege of peeking behind the curtain to see that you’re warm, and funny, and kind, and caring. you embody everything that his well-fitting nickname suggests. miss sunset — a blaze of colour; an explosion of soft yellows, bright oranges, fierce reds, pearly pinks and vibrant purples. 
you’re a fiery kiss to the sky.
it’s both a shame and an honour that he’s able to keep you to himself. 
“you know she likes you, right?” ryujin smirks, erecting from the bed.
heeseung’s eyes instantly round. “wh-what?”
“yeah,” she slowly slinks toward him. “she told me.”
“duh. why wouldn’t she? we’re best friends,” ryujin scoffs, arms folded. “and i know her better than anyone. we’ve known each other since we were little kids, you know.” 
heeseung notices that you don’t often talk about your relationship with ryujin and taehyun. you don’t really tell heeseung much about anything from your past, but he would certainly consider your old friendships to be the biggest elephant in the room. he doesn’t doubt that you were all once close friends, but he knows you haven’t been in contact with them for a while now. it’s obvious why, in his opinion — they’re mean-spirited people who enjoy sinking their claws into people and injecting poison.
they’re callous and vicious and hateful. they’re everything that you’re not. 
‘best friends’? he felt insulted for you.
it was like trying to hold a candle to the sun.
“what… what was she like?” heeseung can’t help but ask, his stomach doing a little flip at the thought of you as a child. he knows he should probably leave the room, but the temptation runs too deep — he wants to consume everything about you.
what did your hair look like? what did your laugh sound like? did you prefer playing outside or staying inside? what made you smile during the day and what kept you up at night?
his heart began to thump at the thought of these answers before reluctance settled in.
was it wrong to wonder these many things about you? 
was he allowed to be curious? 
would that truly be okay — given that you were a goddess and he was next to nothing?
“cute,” ryujin replies, head bobbing. “she was cute.” 
heeseung can’t help but smile profusely. “of course! i knew it,” he mumbles, blushing to himself. of course she was cute; beauty like that must have been obvious even at a young age.
ryujin’s razor-sharp stare remained. she seemed to study heeseung carefully before lowering her gaze. “she was also kind of mean, i guess,” she continued, inspecting her nails nonchalantly. “a bit of a bully.”
taehyun stifled a laugh at this, and they exchanged knowing glances as though they were indulging in an inside joke. “oh, yeah, i remember she once bullied that kid for sitting in her seat.”
heeseung frowned, doubtful about their claims. he reminds himself that they’re both the type of people to embellish any story for their own entertainment. “you’re wrong,” he frowns. “she wouldn’t do something like that. sh-she’s not like you. she’s different.”
ryujin’s lips extend into a smile. “how well do you think you know her?”
his frown deepened. “better than you do.” 
the pair instantly burst into cacophonous laughter that seems to poison the air in the room. 
heeseung bites his bottom lip, feeling unease swirling around at the pit of his stomach. 
“really?” ryujin defies him with a raised brow. “you really think you know her that well?”
he nods slowly.
“okay,” she tilts her head, “then where is she right now?”
heeseung’s eyes flicker to the ground. he didn’t know the answer to that question, but that wasn’t indicative of anything. “well, i-i don’t know, but… she’ll be back—”
“obviously, she ditched you. she left you, heeseung, it’s something we used to do a lot. we’d invite two or three suckers to a party, get them drunk as shit, and then make them entertain us for the next few hours.” 
his eyes widened as he fell into momentary silence, forming as many rational justifications as he could. “but… i was the one who asked her to come with me. and… and you just told me that she… she likes me.”
ryujin rolled her eyes. “the only reason yuna invited you was because we thought it’d be funny. plus, don’t get me wrong — i’m sure she likes you, but don’t put any weight on that. it’s like how a person can like a helpless puppy. it’s pity; that’s all it is.”
“th-that doesn’t mean anything.” heeseung felt discomfort sprout inside his chest, branching insidiously in his lungs and up his throat. “that has nothing to do with her! she’s… she’s an angel.”
“really?” ryujin slithered over toward him and placed a hand on his shoulder, clenching it tightly to bring their faces close. “then why’d she tell us about that letter of yours?”
heeseung felt his heart drop to his feet. “wh-what?”
“the letter you left in her locker,” ryujin continued. “what did it say again? something like…” she pretended to brainstorm, tapping her chin with a finger. “oh! right… wasn’t it something like hi, will you please teach me how to date?” ryujin giggled as taehyun joined in snickering from behind.
his breathing quickened. the letter. 
you told him you never told anyone about that. 
did you lie?
maybe they’re bluffing — you wouldn’t do that. and even if you did lie, you would have definitely told heeseung afterward, right?
“the funniest part was the fact that you signed it off like the fucking virgin-loser you are. kind regards, lee heeseu—” they cackled again, this time even louder. they continued to banter with one another by echoing the contents of the letters. 
heeseung felt himself shrink. hot tears burned his eyes as he felt their humiliation pile on and on as though they were determined in hammering him into the ground. 
“oh my god,” ryujin laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes. “gee, thanks for tonight’s entertainment, heeseung,” she chuckles off the rest of her amusement, “i wish i took a photo of the letter or something. so that i could share it around with—”
“no!” heeseung cried as he swallowed the lump in his throat and began to enter a swivet of panic. “d-don’t! i-i—”
“you’re shaking like a leaf!” ryujin pouts, reaching to grab his shoulder before he flinches. “it’s okay. i won’t tell anyone. unlike your girlfriend, i know how to keep secrets,” she whistled. “say, heeseung… i’m keeping a lot of secrets these days, aren’t i?” she brushed his hair with her fingers.
“even yours.”
he stopped dead, chest rising up and down as he attempted to breathe. he tried to clear his tears with rapid blinking, but it only resulted in more tears replacing the previous ones.
“don’t worry. we’ve been nice. we haven’t told her your secret yet,” she winked. 
“listen,” ryujin’s voice lowers, her finger lifting his chin so that he faces her. “i really don’t want to keep your parents waiting for too long, so i’ll say this: your girlfriend’s not a saint. she’s vicious in her own way. and if you hate us for the things we make you do, then you should hate her, too. why? because she and i are exactly the same — everything we’ve done to you, she’s done to someone else.”
“y-you’re… you’re wrong.” he turned away from her finger.
ryujin hummed once. “well, let’s face the facts.” her lips slowly lifted into a grin. “you’re alone right now, heeseung. she’s not even here. she left you. i saw her get in the car and leave just earlier. go ahead and look outside if you don’t believe me.” 
heeseung’s gaze flickered to the ground.
“but anyway,” ryujin whirls around and exchanges a smile with taehyun. “we gotta go… we wouldn’t want to stay out too late since we have an early morning, right?” she smirks. “we’ll see you tomorrow, heeseung. at the police station.”
“wh-what? why?”
“because someone ratted us out,” taehyun chimes in, eyes rolling. “so we’ll keep your secret so long as you do one more favour for us.”
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you can have your puzzle back. i don't want it anymore.
“you can have your puzzle back.” your little sun says, his voice lowering into a register so low that you almost miss it. “i don’t want it anymore.”
the room remained dark as heeseung’s words hung like ghosts in dead silence.
it was deafening, the way his whisper was the softest sound you’d ever heard. you were holding your breath, fearing a reality in which i don’t want it anymore meant something beyond what you could hear at face value.
“i don’t want your stupid gift,” he croaks, burying his face in his hands, stifling a sob. “j-just… please, just leave me alone.”
finding him sitting in the dark room alone and crying made your heart shatter. it was easy to confront the idea that ryujin or taehyun had hurt him, but you weren’t equipped to face the possibility that it might have been you. the distance he was creating between the two of you allowed your inner antagonisms to fester — your chest tightened with unease, exacerbated by the pressure of fear expanding within you.
“h-heeseung,” you blurted in surprise, your throat so parched that it forced you to swallow and brace yourself for what felt like impending heartbreak. “why…”
you were so stunned that it honestly felt as though time had stopped moving for a moment. you allowed space to pour between the two of you — you let a beat pass, then two, then three, then four, and with each one that scurried by, you grew more and more apprehensive that he wasn’t going to retrace his steps. you thought there was a chance he’d backpedal his words and tell you they’d sprung from his chest in the heat of the moment, but instead, he let you soak in abject misery.
your heart sank. above everything, you were terrified — he was slipping away from you like dust between your fingertips. it wasn’t long before tears followed — they blurred your vision, no matter how many times you’d tried to dismiss them with your hands.
“h-heeseung?” you called his name softly and hoped to peel his fingers away from his face, but he flinched at your touch. in every attempt you make in closing the distance, you find that heeseung draws a line between you; each harsher than the last. he recoils at your touch, shrivels at the sound of your voice, and offers you nothing but a view of his back that shields you away. 
he was cowering from you.
it made you feel ill. sick. like the taste of bile was rising to your mouth and leaving an acidic, ghostly burn in your throat. bit by bit, your resolve was crumbling like a house of cards. 
“tell me what’s wrong,” you begged him, crouching before him on the carpet though he curled away from you. “i promise i’ll fix it, okay? i’ll fix everything.” 
“y-you can’t,” he sniffled.
you felt your throat constrict. “why not?”
“because…” heeseung finally lifted his head, and the moment your eyes locked with his bloodshot ones, it felt as though his fear, hurt, and pain ricocheted back to you tenfold and struck you like a stab to the heart. he sniffled again. “because you lied,” you saw his eyes well with tears again, “and i lied, and—” his voice became smaller. “all we do is lie to each other.”
perhaps this was what you’d always feared — that you were going to be the one to break him.
after all, you had a tendency to do precisely that. you can’t even count the number of times you’d accidentally shattered the dishes in the kitchen that your mother adored so dearly. or the number of bones you’d broken during wild dares from late nights. or the countless number of fractured friendships in your life because you never really struggled with breaking — whether they were dishes, or bones, or promises, or hearts.
was he another?
was heeseung just another one of those things you were always bound to break?
“please leave,” his voice was becoming softer, and softer, and softer, further eclipsed by his cries. you could tell he was struggling to make out his words. you could also tell that he was being honest. 
you’ve never had anyone beg you like this before.
“okay,” you whisper, tears littering the carpet. “i’ll leave.” 
unable to look at him any further, you twist on your heels. you do what you do best — you run. you run down the stairs and out the house and run and run and run, ashamed that this story has unfolded the exact way anyone could have predicted.
he hates you, you may love him, and neither of you are puzzle pieces that fit together. 
perhaps heeseung was right; perhaps you truly are sunrises and sunsets, because alike parallel lines, the two never meet. 
perhaps heeseung never taught you to heal after all. perhaps broken bones and hearts can never properly heal, the same way cuts and grazes may leave permanent scars on our bodies. perhaps your body did what it could to fix what broke, but it only took one gust of wind to retrace old scars and re-break what will always remain broken.
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you’ve never been very good with your emotions.
you constantly misrepresent them. 
you smile when you’re sad, frown when you’re happy, say things you don’t mean and omit the words that you resonate deepest with. 
after the party, you cried like you have never cried before. it was a foreign, almost out-of-body experience. every emotion exploded and pierced through the thin surface they were bubbling beneath. your scathing tears had soaked everything — your eyes, your cheeks, and your pillow late through the night. the worst of it was the heaviness inside your chest that ceased to subside, one so hefty that it was the reason you felt like you were sinking to the bottom of an ocean.
it was only until the next morning that anger, the emotion you consider to be the easiest to wear, brought you the energy to pay a visit to ryujin. you were going to get the answers to all your questions. 
after all, that was what you’d learned over the years — anger is the only emotion that gets you answers.
which is why you began with ruthlessly banging your fist on her front door.
“open the door, ryujin!” you bellow.
bang! bang! bang! 
what could she have possibly said to heeseung?
bang! bang! bang! 
why? why was it that ryujin was so insistent on butting in your life?
bang! bang! bang! 
was this some form of karmic reparation? was the universe simply rescinding what should have never been yours in the first place?
you didn’t know what you were going to do. or say, for that matter. yet here you were, desperately trying to claw your way up to the surface where the sun kisses the water. to hell you were going to let this heaviness make you sink and give ryujin the satisfaction.
with no response on the other end, you began to kick the door now.
bang! bang! bang! 
“i said, open this fucking d—”
it finally swings open. 
“are you fucking nuts?” ryujin shrieks from the other side, face contorted with outrage and disbelief. she glances at the door before openly gaping at you. “what the hell? you’re going to break the fucking do—”
you waste no time in lunging toward her. you shove her with both hands, thrusting her so far behind that she lurches back and stumbles onto the floor. while sprawled on the ground, ryujin instantly snaps her head up at you and scowls. “what the fuck is wro—”
yet again, you don’t give her much time to react. you step toward her, making her scramble back before her back hits the wall. as the distance between the two of you closes, you crouch in front of her and roughly push the side of her head with a finger.
“what, ryujin?” you smirk vindictively. “did that hurt?”
her chest sharply rises heavily when she meets your icy glower. “get out.”
though she attempts to pick herself up from the floor, you harshly grip her shoulder and force her back down. you reach over and tap her cheek condescendingly, your voice now a lowly whisper. 
“how funny,” you scoff, head tilted. “i thought i told you to stay out of my life.”
she grits her teeth. “i said, get out.”
“why should i? you’re the one who keeps insisting on getting involved in my shit.” 
“you’re batshit.” she gapes at you. “is this about that dweeb?”
“his name is heeseung.” you snap at her, bunching the collar of her shirt in your fist. you yank her toward you, your other fist lifted and curled.
ryujin barks out a dry laugh when her eyes flit to the sight of your fist. “you’re going to punch me?” she snickers again in disbelief. the sight of her grin makes your fist tighten under her shirt. anger. you felt your anger simmer at cautionary temperatures and slowly branch up in your neck to your face. 
“what did you do to him?” you grit your teeth, breathing slowly to control your emotions. 
it was difficult, because you felt as though she relished at the sight of your anger. she must have recognised your most familiar emotion and felt as though you had shifted back into becoming your old self. you saw it in the way her lips curled, and the way her brows had lifted, and most notably, in the way her eyes paraded a small, tiny, starry glint that conveyed her amusement.
it made you wonder if she was doing this all intentionally. 
just to get a reaction out of you.
just to get something.
“it wasn’t exactly what we did to him,” she smirked. “it was what he did to himself, really.”
“where’s taehyun?” you reach over and slowly comb your fingers through her hair, before closing your fist and grasping a bundle of her strands, jerking her head backwards. “i want him to see your face all battered up. you know, before i beat the living shit out of him, too.” 
she sneers at you. “why don’t you ask heeseung? i’m sure he’ll know exactly where taehyun is.”
you narrow your eyes at her. “what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“they’re probably together right now.”
heeseung and taehyun? together?
you scoff. “what?”
she stifles a laugh, and there it is again — that glint. like a tiny star amidst a midnight canvas. you could feel the anger grow like an inferno within you. that glint was pestering you; it was almost begging for you to reach over and extinguish it. you grip her hair harsher, this time yanking her head backward. 
she yelps as you pin her down with a glower. “tell me where.” 
she hisses at the pain of your grip on her hair and narrows her eyes. “police station, obviously,” she spat with a glare.
her eyes met yours, where your confusion must have been evident. those midnight eyes turned with patronising pity. “wow,” she remarked sarcastically. “the idiot still hasn’t told you.”
“ryujin,” you lean toward her and hiss slowly, with the intended effect that each syllable augments your hostility, “say one more thing about him and i’ll bash your skull against the cement.”
“now tell me,” you hiss, “what are they doing at the police station?” though your words appeared to be laced with composed venom, the truth remained that your heart had begun to drum. everything was coming at a surprise — you couldn’t imagine what would ever bring heeseung to a police station, though you could enumerate a thousand reasons for taehyun.
“like i said, heeseung did it to himself.” 
not satisfied with her answer, you yank her hair again and this time she attempts to strike you with her free arm, but you grab her wrist and desist her from doing so. she winces when you pull her hair tighter, prompting her to quickly open her mouth and elaborate. “okay, okay!” she cries. “he was the one who agreed to take the drug test for taehyun!”
your lips drop into a frown. “what?”
“then the police found out, okay?” she seethed. “we needed him to come in and deny everything. happy?”
you stopped in confusion. what the hell was she talking about? as you sifted through the many thoughts that raced in your mind, you finally froze when you began to comprehend the situation.
you remember now. it was that day — the day you’d first met heeseung in the school hallway, when taehyun had set his eyes upon and sunken his claws into his latest victim. 
taehyun was a drug user, and when he was finally caught by the school, he was mandated to perform probationary urine tests. he constantly evaded these tests by intimidating somebody into giving him fake samples. this was common practice, and it just so happened that heeseung was his chosen victim the day you two had first met.
heeseung never told you that.
he never told you that he went through with it.
“i mean, maybe if he’d kept his mouth shut or done a better job at peeing in a fucking cup, things wouldn’t be like this. in saying that, whose fault is it really?” ryujin rambled on, rubbing salt to the wound as your anger multiplied. “it was still fun at least. especially when we got to talk about you.” 
your hand balled into a tighter fist.
“me?” you pin her down with a dark gaze. “what the fuck did you say about me?”
she shrugs smugly. you watched as a sly smile slithered to her lips and her eyes pooled with shiny darkness. “nothing that wasn’t true.”
your heart drops to your feet.
“you know, it’s funny,” ryujin stifles a laugh, “because he denied it at first. said that you were…” she lifts her hands and uses her fingers to show quotation marks, “different.” you felt your anxiety pierce and gush into your stomach. “we laughed in his face. different, my ass. you didn’t tell him, did you? that you’re actually as much of a piece of shit as we are. he even called you an angel, you know that?”
“so we decided to set the record straight and we told him what he had the right to know.” she giggled. “you didn’t forget, did you?”
you stared.
“the letter,” she reminds you. “he was so embarrassed i think that was when he started to cry.”  
you froze.
the letter.
you wanted nothing more than to run to heeseung and clarify the misunderstanding as best that you could. you wanted to talk to him. hold him. apologise and tell him you’d never intentionally hurt him. that it was an accident — that you lied, yes, but you just didn’t want him to feel embarrassed at that time. that it was a lapse in judgement.
but for some reason, something holds you back.
anger holds you back. 
the thing about anger is that while it may be your most familiar emotion, it is also the most paralysing of them all. and when it’s combined with resentment, it becomes insidious. the reality about anger is that it exists only in the absence of control, a dangerous condition to find yourself in.
nevertheless, you feel that way.
you feel out of control. 
helpless. angry. frustrated.
why? because that glint is still there. the gleaming, ostentatious star in her eyes that flounces around in her own delight. mocking you. 
ryujin is staring at you expectantly, anticipating your reaction.
you know that she’s waiting for you to punch her. to show her you prefer fists over words. to show her you have not changed in the slightest. everything she has done is aimed to get a rise out of you; she doesn’t care about anything else but avenging the fact you had tossed your friendship to the side — that you had tossed her aside. 
in this moment, you realise that no matter how hard you try, you know that ryujin has won. she doesn’t even need to try very hard to show you that you will never be able to change into a better person. your efforts have come to naught. even now, you are held by anger; you want it to control you — even if it means reversing everything heeseung had taught you about not acting upon your impulses; about not fighting fire with fire. 
you wonder how heeseung would react if he found out what you’d done today. that you’d allowed anger to override you and that you had already used your hands on ryujin. 
you pushed her, shoved her to the ground and pulled her hair without a second thought.
after all, you’d proven her right — you are still the same person. 
how would he react? 
these very thoughts loosen your grip on ryujin’s collar.
you slowly retract your hands from her, feeling the heaviness inside your chest gnaw at you. why are you stooping to her level? as you swallow and salvage whatever amount of sense you have left, you shake your head and slowly rise to your feet.
if heeseung saw you now, he’d probably be scared.
he’d probably see them in you.
your sudden withdrawal makes ryujin freeze. she seems taken off guard. she watches you suspiciously as you attempt to compose yourself, noticeably irked by your lack of response. “you’re… not going to hit me?” she hesitates, sitting up slowly. 
“ryujin, you and i are done.” you attempt to stabilise your shaky breaths. for some reason, focusing on heeseung helps your mind from spinning. he’s your anchor and when you use him as your moral compass, he brings the clarity you need. “for real this time.”
“what?” ryujin splutters with disbelief. she pauses, openly gawking. “what the fuck?” she scrambles to her feet and storms over toward you before abruptly shoving you into the door — the impact thunders down your spine and instantly releases a grunt from you, head spinning. 
“hit me!” she taunts you by sneering in your face. “i made your little boy cry. hit me.”
“if he wanted me to, i honestly would,” you spit at her. “you should thank him you’re not bleeding out right now.” 
she yells as you storm away from her house and it occurs to you that there’s really only one person you want to see right now.
you want to tell him that he was right.
you are different from ryujin after all.
and you will do whatever it takes to stray further and further away from being anything remotely similar.
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‘you never know.’ ‘you might wake up one day and find that the sun is gone.’ ‘and then it’s like, poof — no more sunsets.’
heeseung was right.
the day you two had first met, you laughed and called him a loser for taking photos of the sunset. after all, he was attempting to immortalise something that was already a cosmic promise. 
honestly, you didn’t get it.
what was the point of taking a photo of something he could see every day?
you realise now that he was right all along – it really was possible to wake up one day and find the sun gone.
everybody just has a different idea of what the sun is to them. for you, yours disappeared when you realised heeseung was doing whatever it took to avoid you over the weekend.
your texts were left unanswered. 
calls were sent to voicemail.
he was shutting you out.
you tried to visit his house on sunday morning, but his mother faced you with a regretful smile and asked you not to come in. you didn’t know what else you could do because he seemed to close down every avenue you pursued.
you were so eager on monday morning to see him at school. you were an hour and a half early as you roamed everywhere, attempting to control your nerves. you didn’t know whether or not you should have waited at the school entrance, or by his locker, or just outside the classroom door. 
it didn't matter, because he was late. 
you were already halfway through the day when you had almost given up, though you got your first glimpse of him in days when he had finally showed up.
he looked almost as horrible as you did.
the darkness under his eyes had grown. his brown hair was fluffy and in plain disarray compared to how he usually styled it. his eyes were so puffy that it looked like he’d been crying all weekend, the same way you had. you tried to catch his eyes, but he didn’t return your gaze and instead slid into his desk quietly with his shoulders slumped.
there was a pang in your chest. his appearance made guilt expand within you. 
did you do the impossible? did you break the sun and make it rain? 
when class finished, you waited outside the door and stopped him when he tried to leave. it was only then that he finally looked back at you and you felt your heart stop. it took you all the strength to not cry, so you snaked a hand around his wrist and led the way to the school’s court garden. 
“heeseung,” you faced him when you both stopped at a quiet place inside the open garden. his gaze was affixed to the grass beneath his shoes, so you took a deep breath and let the words flow from your chest.
“heeseung, i’m so sorry for lying to you about the letter.” 
he didn’t reply.
it stung to hear silence on the other end because you weren’t used to it. you were used to heeseung’s warmth; his smiles, his laughs, and the bright stars in his eyes. instead, he seemed to have retreated back into a shell of dejection.
you gulped and fiddled with your hands. “i-i should have told you the truth. ryujin saw it, yes, but it wasn’t because i showed her. i-i just… she was there when i found it in my locker. that’s it. it’s not an excuse for lying, but i promise i would never intentionally embarrass you.”
you waited for his response and still found silence. this was when panic slowly crept up inside you. 
“i-i really fucked up when i lied to you. i just didn’t want to embarrass you, and the more time that went on, the weirder it felt to bring it up. but i should have told you the truth. i’m sorry, heeseung.”
there was a pause before he finally lifted his head.
“stop apologising,” he whispered so gently you almost missed it. 
“it was here,” he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and roamed the area with his eyes. “i-i think it was here when you told me to stop apologising to people. you said i said sorry too much.” 
god, you felt relief in your chest, it felt nice to hear his voice again. you were worried he might never talk to you again.
as you briefly considered his answer, you glanced around and recognised the bench you two had sat on when he’d tried to confess to lia. he was right — it was exactly here that you two had your first real conversation. your stomach twisted. he always remembers everything.
“i’m really sorry for ignoring you over the weekend.” heeseung finally returned your stare, and once your eyes had met, you felt your heart squeeze at the sight of misery in his pretty eyes. you hate the sight of him like this. this must be one of the worst things you’ve ever done. you wanted nothing more than for the rain to stop and the clouds to pave way for your sunshine.
“i-i just needed some space,” he continued gently. “and actually… mom thought it was a better idea for her to take my phone, so i didn’t see your texts.”
“oh,” you replied, noticing the distant tone in his voice. “it’s okay, heeseung. i understand.”
“but, um… i did a lot of thinking,” he says, smiling weakly.
you smiled back, though trepidation edged along your nerves. “o-okay.”
his eyes diverted to the side. “i… i wasn’t sad over the weekend because of the letter. i—” you saw his eyes flicker upwards toward the sky, as though he was attempting to contain his tears. “i-i think… i was just upset because…” he bit on his lips as you watched him deliberate over his next words. your heart was beating faster and faster at the possibility this may be the last conversation you ever have with him. it was selfish, but you didn’t know if that would be manageable for you. 
because even if he didn’t need you, you needed him.
“because i didn’t tell you about taehyun,” his lips fell into a sad frown. “thing is, i… i was really embarrassed about it. and… well, i-i…” he took a deep, shaky breath.
you knew he was gathering as much courage as he could to speak with you.
“i just really, really, really hate embarrassing myself in front of the person that i like.”
he finally looked up at you and everything in you stopped. blood felt like the crackling of lightning in your veins. every other sound seemed to dull into a deafening silence.
“to clarify, th-that’s you. y-you’re the person that i like. a lot. i like you really a lot— that... doesn’t make sense,” he winced at himself, eyes shut tightly. “i’m sorry, i… i sound so stupid right now.” he slumped his shoulders. 
“heeseung, i—”
“wait. p-please let me continue,” he looked up at you through his glasses and you fell straight into his deer-like eyes.
“okay,” you whispered. “go on.” 
“i… i just want to be good enough for you,” he finally admitted and you felt everything around you crash. him? good enough for you? he already was; he was more than enough. you were the one struggling to catch up with him. “be someone you can depend on. someone you can trust and be proud of.”
“heeseung,” you step toward him and clasp his hands with yours, forcing him to look back at you. “you’re right. you really do sound stupid.”
“h-huh?” he peered up at you as you saw panic flicker like disco lights in his eyes. “i-i’m sorry, i… i just wanted to come clean and not lie to you anymore. i’m really sorry for pressuring you, i—”
“no,” you shook your head, silencing him immediately. “it’s not because of that.” 
you dropped his hands and slid yours in the spaces under his arms where you could wrap around his waist and embrace him into a tight hug. he instantly froze while you allowed yourself to melt into him, your face in his chest.
“fuck,” you mumbled against his uniform, inhaling the scent of his laundry powder. “i missed you like crazy.” 
his heart was hammering inside his chest and you squeezed yourself tighter, finding solace in the synchronicity of your beat with his. 
“two days and i felt like i was going insane,” you gripped his blazer tightly, “i… i thought you hated me.” 
“hate you? n-no way…” 
a stupidly wide smile stretched across your lips. slowly, you noticed heeseung was beginning to return your embrace. his arms slowly found their way to your back, and once they rested on your body, you allowed yourself to take a proper breath, engraving memories associated with his scent.
“i like you too, dummy,” you mumbled against the fabric. “ceaselessly. probably way more than you like me.”
“yes, me.”
“y-you… you really like me? for real?”
when you release him, his bewildered expression makes you instantly erupt into a fit of laughter. he seems to take this as an indication that you’re messing him because of the way lips return into a point.
“are you kidding?” you scoffed playfully, grabbing his face and cradling it with both hands, his soft skin against yours. “you make it ridiculously easy to.”
“a-are you serious?” he pointed to himself, lashes batting innocently. “you really like me? me? heeseung? you like lee heeseung? you know i’m heeseung, right?”
you stare, astounded by his reaction. “you’re crazy.”
“no, i just told you i’m heeseung,” he deadpanned.
idiot. “yes, heeseung. you. i like you like crazy. it’s sickening how much i do.”
heeseung watched you expressionless for a moment before you watched his face explode with sunshine. speckles of gold dust returned to his eyes and twinkled like constellations. his smile swept his face and instantly made your heart thump out your ears. 
“you’re not lying, right? you really like me? and it’s definitely because of my bowties, right?”
you almost wanted to groan aloud and slap yourself in the face, but you stifled down this desire and shook your head instead. sickening, you thought to yourself. his sunshine is so sickeningly sweet.
and if there’s one thing about you — it’s that you have a sweet tooth; and heeseung is a taste you have been dying to have.
“yes. it’s definitely the bowties. they’re basically chick magnets,” you remarked, a smirk forming. “do you know what happens to chick magnets?”
heeseung quickly shook his head. 
you smiled. “they get devoured.”
heeseung’s brows slightly furrowed, his head tilted to the side in what appeared to be confusion. he blinked, not quite understanding your implication.
“in other words, i’m going to kiss you.” 
that, he understood. 
heeseung’s eyes instantly rounded like saucers. “h-huh?”
“i know you heard me,” you took a step toward him, circling your arms around the back of his neck to ring him in close. he blushed at the proximity, and if you were being honest, so did you.
frankly, you were more nervous than you’d thought you would be. this was the fastest and hardest you’d ever felt your heart beat; it almost threatened to leap up through your throat. 
perhaps it was because heeseung was an expert at annihilating everything you thought you knew about yourself. he was great at that: showing you that you were much further from who you thought you were, and close to who you thought you could never be. there were no more first, second, third, and fourth experiences anymore. just a life before him and after him.
when you felt his breath nearing and the heat from his chest, you thought your head spun for a moment.  it felt as though the distance between your lips were simultaneously the closest and farthest distances apart. it wasn’t until he sighed – a release of just the faintest, softest breath — that the sound swept through your chest like a hurricane, and you felt everything within you topple over.
your whole body sank forward into his and you kissed him. you shut your eyes and did what you feared most — you opened up your heart to him and let everything you had within you flow out so that he could feel every inch of your warmth and sincerity. you led the movement first, noticing the way he tried to mimic your movements. he was slow and uncertain at first, until he followed through with what felt right. 
when he began to kiss you back, it felt like fireworks shattered within you. you instantly softened when he looped his arms around your waist and hugged you tightly, because there was no safer feeling than being in his arms.
you knew it.
heeseung is good at everything he tries. 
when the kiss deepened, you thought he tasted like he fell from the clouds and the stars. like stardust and eternity and endlessness. you liked the taste of that. all you’ve ever known are temporary people, the leaving and the waiting and the hoping, so it makes all the more sense when you crumble and melt at the taste of forever and focus on carving this memory onto your soul. 
you couldn’t deny it any further — you were falling in love with him. in fact, you’d fallen down a slippery slope that led you into a pit with no way of crawling yourself out. 
when your lips pull away, you’re both panting for a proper breath. it isn’t until your eyes meet that the world stops moving and something warm ignites like a candle. 
you allowed time to pass you by as your eyes raked every feature of his face; drinking in his beauty, indulging in the rare moment you were able to admire him so closely. you felt bewitched by the way the sunlight gently radiated his features; they shone through the sky and struck him like a spotlight, even in broad daylight. being this close to him brought forward all of his prettiest, most finely drawn features – the mole on the left side of his lips, his long, wispy lashes, and the slight scrunch of his brows. 
you should’ve stopped, but you couldn’t, because he was prettier the longer you stared.
time slowed while you were slipping further and further into an enchanting spell.
you always hated that — the sensation of falling. being out of control; being helpless. but somehow, with heeseung it felt different — you were falling through time and space and the stars and the sky and everything in between. it was really beautiful. 
you’ve been falling for days and weeks and what felt like lifetime across lifetimes. you fell until it no longer felt like falling, but flying.
“heeseung, you’re really bad at kissing, you know that?” 
you felt so bad when his entire face fell and he looked at you with complete horror. “wh-what?” 
you placed a finger on his lips to keep him from talking. “since you’re so bad, i think you need a few more lessons,” you smiled. “let’s ditch school and go to back to mine. you know, for education’s sake.” you winked.
heeseung tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, smiling shyly. “o-okay.”
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a/n: and then they went home and watched Star Wars :) ANYWAYS. guys u do not understand I actually went thru 32842378 cycles of frustration, anger, and giddiness while trying to wrap this series up. I'm not lying when I say I have about 6 different versions of this chapter, but I decided to keep it simple and straight to the point because ultimately that's what I felt triage was all about :) if you came here looking for genuine dating tips& got lost im sorry i can’t help u cos I'm in my healing era (subtext: literally no man wants me). but anyways I hope this series brought you a little bit of joy some way or another. I honestly had the best time writing it ^^ all the best! hope i to see u in my future works too! thanks for reading! love u so much! <3 (also feedback would be vv nice if u have the time!) MWAH
also, i’ll probably write bonus chapters every time i miss this story so lmk if u wanna be tagged in those ^^
back to masterlist.
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gojosattoru · 8 months
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★ HATAKE KAKASHI HEADER & ICONS ★ -> commissioned by @kakashihotakes Hope you like it! For better resolution for the header, you can download on this link! Thank you for your request!
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