#but that was more than a year ago who knows what garbage flows today
jlf23tumble · 2 years
I wasn’t here for the portraitofalarryonfire drama, what happened?
Yet you know the full name of the blog when I didn't fully spell it out!
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I let an AI write a Genshin fanfiction… man, what a ride (NovelAI)
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I’m too lazy to highlight the prompt so use your imagination.
It all started in monstatdt. The dandelion flowing in wind, sounds of children playing with each other, the knights of favonius busy as usual. This is a normal day in monstatdt.
"I am here."
The sound of a voice from behind came to me. I turned around and there was my sister, Lala. She's only five years old but she has grown up so much compared to when we first met her two years ago. She is now wearing an outfit like a maid that is called maid uniform. It looks cute on her.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, thank you for asking."
She looked at me with a smile. That's right, it seems that she doesn't have any memory of me, though I feel like she does remember something about this place.
"Today, we will go to the forest."
Lala raised her hand and waved towards me.
There’s a young boy in the forest outside of monstatdt, living with wolfs. His name is Razor. That place where I found Lala. He saved us back then from the monster that attacked our home. We were both traumatized by that experience and became orphans. Then, Razor brought us to monstatdt.
Razor was probably going to be the one who would take care of us. But he left us and went away somewhere. We never saw him since then. We don't know if he really died or not.
But now, I'm sure that he is still alive. So, Lala should also meet him and learn more about what happened to us.
We are going to walk together down the street while saying goodbye to everyone.
"Auntie, please take good care of Zephyr."
Zephyr is my little sister's friend.
Zephyr dream of being in the knights of favonius. Dreaming that Zephyr the ‘lilac’ knight will bravely help those poor citizens. Starting with the help from Noelle, Noelle is a knight that is one of the most respected. She started from helping people to clearing tens of monsters camps all by herself. Even though she's young, she can already do that even without the support from others.
Everyone knows that Noelle is going to become a knight someday. With her abilities, she will be one of the strongest in the knights of favonius.
Even though I know that she is going to become a strong knight, I'm worried how she is going to deal with the reality when she becomes a real knight. That's why I want her to understand the world before that happens.
Now back to Zephyr. Even though she looks like a child, she has always been strong in terms of strength. Whenever she sees someone injured, she will immediately rush towards them to heal their wounds. When she sees a monster, she will attack it instantly. Of course, she's not very fast compared to the knights, but she's still better than normal people.
Her skills in battle are not bad either. She used to play with me back in the village. In short, Zephyr is a reckless child with a good heart.
"Of course, I will make sure that Zephyr will be safe."
In the end, they decided to go to the forest. They said that they wanted to see a rabbit. I wonder if they really need something like that from the forest...
"Let's go."
I took my sisters hand and walked together into the forest.
"Lala, let's start walking."
Our destination is the place where we lived together with Razor. There's a small hut near the woods. It was probably built by him.
That's where I used to live with Zephyr. It was the best time of my life.
Then, I opened the door of the hut and entered inside.
Inside the hut was a room full of garbage. Rotten food, rotten clothes, and broken weapons were scattered everywhere.
I guess Razor did abandon us. I was sad that he abandoned us, but there's nothing else that I could do.
Lupical…. That is what he calls us. Lupical means family. It was sad to let go. But I guess this is what freedom is? To let go? I didn't expect this from him.
"Uncle Razor..."
My eyes suddenly filled with tears. I lowered my head. I couldn't say anything. My throat felt dry.
Suddenly, my eyes were filled with light. It's because the sunlight coming through the window hit my face.
"Are you okay, Uncle Razor?"
I raised my head and saw Lala standing in front of me.
Lala is smiling happily. I heard her voice clearly. I think I remember hearing her voice once before. A voice that I haven't heard for a long time.
"I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me."
He gave me his hand and helped me stand up.
"I'm sorry. I thought that I had abandoned you and your sister."
His words sounded as if he was blaming himself.
“U-Uncle Razor it’s not your fault!”
I hugged him tightly and cried.
"I'm sorry, I'm crying."
"Don't worry. I'm happy that I finally get to see you again."
I was sobbing. It’s like a dream come true.
At that moment, I noticed that his body temperature is so warm. This warmth…. The warmth of home…
"Uncle Razor, can I call you Razor?"
"You can. I'll always accept it."
And then, I sat beside Razor and hugged him tight.
"I'm glad that I got to see you again."
Tears fell from my cheeks.
“Uncle Razor, I am so happy that I get to see you again. I really missed you. Do you remember me? I'm Lala. I'm your niece."
"Lala, I remember you."
The way that he smiles made me teary eyed.
"Thank goodness. I thought that I wouldn't be able to see you again."
"No. You were supposed to move forward with your life. I just want to see you grow up."
"I understand. But I'm glad that I have a chance to see you again."
Then, I told him everything. Everything that happened to us after he left us.
I explained everything about the knights of favonius, the training, and the monsters. I was even telling him about how Zephyr became a knight.
"How did you become a knight?"
"I joined the knights of favonius when I was ten. I'm now twelve. My parents and everyone in my village supported me. And then, I passed the exam."
“I’m so proud of you. You’ve grown so much.”
"Yeah, I've learned a lot."
Then, I remembered what Zephyr said.
"Uncle Razor, we're going to visit the forest where you live with the wolves."
"That's right. I think we should go there right away."
Razor started walking towards the forest.
I followed behind him. There's nothing else that I would rather do than to walk together with Razor.
The sounds of bird chirping, the soft grass and the wind of freedom that gently blow against my face. It was perfect.
After reaching the forest, Razor showed us around.
He explained to us about the wolfs that live in the forest. These wolfs are considered to be the weakest among the wolves, but they can hunt and eat pretty much anything. Their claws and teeth are sharp enough to kill even a human. The problem is that they are not fast. Their stamina isn't too great either. Because of that, they weren't popular in the knights of favonius.
And then there’s rift hounds. Rift hounds isn’t even considered wolfs. They are monsters. It claws through the thickest shield, draining all your life forces. It took too many innocent life. At this point, the wolfs that raises us will be extinct if this continue on.
But luckily, Razor has been taking care of the rift hound. He's raising it along with the wolves at this place.
And then there's the dragon.
“Is that a dragon?”
"Oh yeah, that's a dragon."
Lala gasped at the sight of the dragon. Her eyes sparkled.
"What's a dragon?"
"It's a monster that looks like a lizard!”
“Lala, that’s quite disrespectful you know? That dragon name is dvalin. He protects monstatdt for centuries.”
"Dvalin huh?"
"If you're interested in dragons, I can introduce you to some dragons."
"Sure. There's a new kind of dragon that recently appeared in Liyue. His name is Azdaha. Legend says that Morax himself, crafted eyes for Azdaha. To repay kindness, he protects the land of Liyue. But in monstatdt case, dvalin is barbatos friend at the start.”
Lala's eyes widened.
"Azdaha? A dragon that looks like a lizard?! That's so cool!!"
“Didn't you hear what I just said? Azdaha is a dragon that was created by Morax himself. He’s not a lizard”
"Oh, I understand now!"
And then, Lala continued to ask questions about Azdaha.
"Can I meet him?"
"Oh, no. He won't let anybody meet him."
"Why not?"
Razor smiled and scratched the back of his head.
"Well, I suppose that he's shy."
"When I first met him, he was sleeping. I tried waking him up, but he refused."
"Waking up a dragon is impossible?"
Razor looked down and sighed.
“I guess that's what Azdaha thinks. I mean, nobody has ever seen a dragon before. And then, Azdaha might be scared that humans will harm him."
"But Uncle Razor, it's just a dragon right?"
"So why does he hate humans?"
"That's because of the knights of favonius."
"Knights of favonius?"
"Yeah. The knights of favonius killed all the dragons in this country. Thanks to the fatui… if the fatui haven’t convinced them to kill those dragons… maybe…”
"Maybe they won't have to hide themselves in the forest."
"Yeah. Maybe…"
And then, Razor stopped talking. He looked at Lala with pity in his eyes. I guess he doesn't want to talk about this anymore.
"Sorry, but it's better if we don't talk about this."
Lala pouted her lips.
“Sorry, but I promised that I won't tell anyone. Don't worry, I'll keep my promise.”
"Uncle Razor, I want to meet the dragon."
"I understand. But I'm not sure if Azdaha will allow it. He’s very big and he can cause earthquakes too. On the other hand, Dvalin is more friendly.”
"Whoa! Really?!"
"Yeah. He's always trying to play with Lala. He's really a good dragon."
Lala nodded happily. I'm glad that Razor is raising Azdaha well.
"Hey, Uncle Razor! Can I go and meet Azdaha now? Please?"
"Of course you can. Go ahead."
Lala ran towards Azdaha's den.
I guess she's excited. I can't blame her for being excited. It's like meeting a celebrity for her.
“Azdaha, I'm here!”
A loud roar echoed through the forest.
The trees shook and birds flew away from their nests. Everyone in the forest turned their head towards Azdaha's den.
"Crap! I told him that I'm not gonna let anybody near me!"
"Heeeyyy!! My name is Lala! I'm your new friend! Please let me meet you! I love dragons! I also like playing with them! Please, please let me play with you!
Anddd that’s the limit cuz of free trail. I still recommend this tho. It’s pretty cool :D
@why-am-i-here-someone-save-me @dunno-why-im-here-either @alvedrea
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dracowars · 4 years
ten years apart | anakin skywalker
pairing: anakin x reader
word count: 6,0k
summary: where anakin comes back after ten years
a/n: i'm so sorry for the length but i just couldn't stop writing :( please get a drink and snack before reading this hella long os <3
warnings: angst, mentions of blood
universe: star wars
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Exhaling heavily, you throw the garbage bag into the shaft and push it down with all your strength. Beads of sweat have already formed on your forehead which you wipe away with the back of your hand. It is, again, incredibly hot on Tatooine today and the unbearable heat has been beating your mind and body all day. But what temperatures can you expect from a desert planet, right?
The desert planet of hell, as you like to call it. Disgusting creatures, pirates, bounty hunters and actually all kinds of insidious henchmen cavort here in Mos Espa. The city you grew up in. The city you have always been stuck in and probably will be stuck in for the rest of your life. You come from a small and poor family, no money to escape this hell, always having to work hard to survive.
And yet you had a better life than other children here. Because you were lucky enough to not get sold as a slave. Your parents could always raise enough money - often in ways you do not support - to save you. Even though you are more than grateful, you cannot help but to sometimes wonder what would have happened if. If you became a slave, maybe just maybe, you might have met the same lucky fate as him.
It has been ten long lonely years since the two Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were stranded on Tatooine and seeked help. You were still very young, therefore you can barely remember their faces. But you definetely do remember the face of him, Anakin Skywalker. The little boy from Tatooine.
How could you ever forget him? He was the nicest, bravest and most courteous boy you have ever met in your life. You always knew that something about him was different. The way he acted, the way he thought. There was just something about him that fascinated you and before you knew it you had developed a small crush on him. You got along well and you loved to watch him when he was working on his droid yet again. He always told you about his dreams, how he wanted to help, how much he wanted to get away from this dump called Tatooine. With his mother.
And with you.
Anakin and his mother Shmi Skywalker were slaves and belonged to Watto, one of the many junk dealers and human traffickers of Mos Espa. Even though they must have had a terrible life, Anakin always stayed positive. The smile on his dirt-stained face when he was building on his droid was priceless and you can see it in front of you as if it was yesterday. In fact, it has been ten years.
Ten years since the Jedi Masters took Anakin with them to train him as a Padawan in the ways of the Jedi. You were happy for him, you really were. He was finally able to leave this terrible planet and live a better life elsewhere. But to a certain price, since he had to go without his mother and also without you, his best friend.
"Y/N! These tables do not clean themselves!", a voice calls for you from inside and you just roll your eyes before leaving the heat outside, entering the building again. Inside, the musty smell of smoke greets you, low music plays in the background and you go straight towards the round bar in the middle of the room. This is the most popular hotspot of Mos Espa: the infamous Twin Sun, a bar in the center of the city. The place where the creepiest species float around, where the dirty business is done.
You absolutely hate your job in the bar. Every day you have to tidy up and serve under worst conditions. Especially in the later hours of the evening, when it is completely overcrowded, you are running back and forth every second, receiving disgusting comments from the guests. However, hardly anyone is here in the early morning and you have to only take care of the leftovers from the previous day. Unfortunately though, you have to endure this kind of job.
Your parents, who always saved you from the worst, are too old and weak now to raise money themselves and you felt obliged to take on this role. That is also the reason why you have several jobs at the same time. In addition to working in the Twin Sun, you also work at some booths at the weekly market and when you are lucky, you can sometimes even help out on the farms outside of the city. It is the only way to ensure your family's survival.
While you are about to wipe the empty tables, the roaring unpleasant noises of podracers echo through the building, sweeping through the bar like an earthquake, and the following loud cheers of the audience can hardly be overheard. The race is also a reason why it is exceptionally empty here today. Almost every living creature in Mos Espa is in the Grand Arena, cheering on their favorite, probably making some bets beforehand.
Personally, you hate these races more than anything.
Besides being totally unfair and dangerous, it is really just about the money - the money you do not own. The same participant always wins and despite your hatred of these races, you watched one of them for the first and last time when Anakin himself participated, won and was thus able to free himself from slavery. Only his mother remained on Tatooine but he promised he would come back and rescue her once he is a fully trained Jedi.
It has now been ten years and he has still not shown up.
Well, maybe he did show up after all, just did not look for you as he initinally promised. Maybe he only picked up his mother, not you.
A few years ago you had to watch how his mother got sold at the weekly market, but the buyer actually seemed very nice and later you found out that he even gave her freedom and took her as his wife. The man called Cliegg Lars used to come to the bar regularly until a few weeks ago. Does Anakin know, or can he maybe even feel, what happened?
"What do you think you are doing?! Finally work for your money or I will kick you out!", the bartender, who is also your boss, suddenly yells at you and pulls you out of your thoughts. "Sorry", you huff out and continue to clean up the tables at a quicker pace. It is a day like any other day. At least that is what you thought.
After you have cleaned all the tables you stand behind the bar and tidy up the glasses. Meanwhile it is already in the afternoon and the bar is much more crowded than it was this morning, which means more work for you. However, for some inexplicable reason, you are very distracted today, your mind always wandering off, and when you do not pay attention for a tiny second, a glass slips out of your hand and shatters into a million pieces.
"Watch out!", your boss grumbels at you immediately, only waiting for such an opportunity. Quietly cursing under your breath, you pick up some of the broken pieces. With a hiss you reflexively pull back your hand after accidentally cutting yourself on a sharp piece. Quickly, you put the small bleeding area against your lips to stop the blood from flowing.
"A table just got free back there! Clean it", your boss orders, not waiting for you to get up again as he almost throws the wet cloth into your face. Trying to control the rising anger inside of you as best as possible, you stand up, dispose of the broken pieces and make your way to said table. When you reach it, you have an uncomfortable feeling all of a sudden, a feeling of someone watching you. You turn around but do not see anyone looking into your direction. Shaking off the weird feeling, you take care of your task and then go back behind the counter to do your work while you hear your boss talking loudly to one of the guests on the other side.
"Watto, Watto.. Never heard of him before", he says thoughtfully over the music. You frown irritated and bend over to be able to see your boss. He is talking to a young, handsome man who seems quite determined about finding Watto. "Buy something or get out of here, kid!", your boss suddenly threathens, but the young man seems pretty unimpressed. Nevertheless, he turns around and leaves but not without your eyes meeting first. His blue eyes shimmer in the weak light and while turning away, he pulls the brown hood of his cloak over his head.
Even though your boss did not call you for help, something deep inside of you tells you to help this unknown, mysterious man. After all, you actually know Watto. You worked for him in your younger years until he went bankrupt eventually. Therefore, it is very uncommon and suspicious for someone to ask for him.
You put everything aside right away and go to your boss, who seems to be in an extremely bad mood today. "I take my break now", you quickly let him know and without giving him a chance to answer, you already head towards the entrance. When you arrive outside, you take a look around and spot the young man just a few meters away from you. Running after him, you gently tug on his sleeve to draw his attention to you.
"Excuse me", you stop him in his tracks and he turns to you with confusion written all over his face. "I heard you ask my boss about Watto in the bar. I know where to find him."
His face seems even more surprised now and he raises his eyebrows. "Really?", he asks, a hint of hope in his voice. You nod in agreement. "Can you lead me to him?", he resolutely asks and you nod again.
"You do not look like you are from here. What do you want from Watto?", you ask him curiously and go ahead to lead the way while he follows right behind you. "That is not important and also none of your business, I think", he replies emotionless, only looking ahead and not at you. You are a little taken aback by his harsh words but decide that it is best to not ask any more questions. He seems quite serious about it and somehow you still cannot get rid of this strange feeling inside of you.
You lead the way to the market, where some stalls are set up, and finally find Watto at his regular place in the shade of a house. He sits on a small chair and is currently busy examining a screw in his hand as you both approach him. Watto raises his gaze when he realizes that someone is walking towards him and as soon as he recognizes you, he flutters into the air excitedly.
"Oh! I have not seen you in a long time", he laughs and looks at the unknown man next to you. "There is someone who was looking for you, Watto", you explain in Huttese and point to the young man next to you, who bows his head slightly as if he could also understand what you are saying. Which is ridiculous, of course, because only Tatooine people can speak and understand Huttese.
Immediately Watto flies back, unsure whether he has done anything wrong. "Excuse me?", he trys hiding his nervousness, suspiciously looking at you.
Instead of telling Watto what he wants, he picks up a piece of equipment and fiddles with it. "Let me help you with that", he murmurs under his breath while actually speaking in Huttese, fixing the broken piece. "What? I do not know you! What can I do for you?", Watto grumbels but his eyes widen at once as he discovers something. "You look like a Jedi. Whatever it is.. I did not do it!"
A Jedi?
The next words abruptly catch you off guard and your heart completely stops beating.
"I am looking for Shmi Skywalker."
You look at him in shock as he pulls the hood down, Watto looking at him exactly the way you do as he finally lets out the words you were too scared to say.
"Ani? Little Ani?", Watto breathes out in astonishment, now using Basic instead of Huttese. When Watto then realizes that he fixed the broken piece, he happily jumps into the air. "You are Ani! You sure sprouted! A Jedi! Hey, maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money.."
"My mother."
"Oh, yes. Shmi.. she is not mine no more. I sold her", Watto confesses, obviously feeling uncomfortable about the situation while you are still not able to get out a word as they get stuck in your throat.
You were sure that you would never see Anakin again in your life, that he would have long forgotten about you. And now that he is actually back, that he is actually standing right next to you, you cannot believe it. He changed so much that you did not even recognize him.
And it seems he does not recognize you either.
"Sold her?"
"Years ago. Sorry, Ani, but you know, business is business."
"Who did you sell her to?"
"I-I do not remember, actually. I think it was a farmer, yeah, a moisture farmer probably", Watto stutters and his words pull you out of your trance all of a sudden, hitting a trigger in your head.
"His name, Watto."
"I-I think I do not know-"
"Cliegg", you mention softly, turning your gaze to Anakin whose brows are furrowed in confusion. "His name is Cliegg Lars."
"How could you-", Anakin starts, slowly becoming more tense, but as he looks at you more closely, at your face and in your beautiful glistening eyes, his expression suddenly softens. "Y/N?"
"Anakin", you say barely audible, trying to prevent your eyes from watering at hearing your name out of his mouth for the first time in years.
He does remember you. He did not forget about your existence.
You both cannot help but stare at each other for what feels like hours before he gently pulls you into his now very strong arms, hugging you tightly.
After all these years you were separated one would probably think that the hug would be uncomfortable and awkward. But it is far from that. Anakin's embrace is warm and soft, like it used to be when he was still here. He just got stronger and much taller since then.
He grew up.
On a whole different planet, far far away from you.
He has become a Jedi and fights for justice in the galaxy while you are still stuck on the same old planet, struggeling to keep your family alive.
"I can't believe it is actually you, Y/N!", Anakin gives you a warm smile after breaking the hug, his hands still resting on your forearms to keep you close while scanning you from the top to the bottom. "You have grown so much."
"I could say the same to you", you giggle, hiding your bright smile behind your hand while you blush. His blue eyes have become even brighter than you remember them and his face and stature in general look extremely healthy. If someone had told you years ago that Anakin would develop into such a handsome man, you almost would not have believed them. Yet, in your eyes he is still the same Anakin.
"And you are a Jedi", you mumble, pointing to the lightsaber attached to his belt under his brown cloak. Anakin continues to stare at you for a moment before finding his way back to reality.
"O-Oh yes. My lightsaber", he stumbles over his words and looks down at his weapon, but makes sure to completely hide it behind the fabric after that while clearing his throat. Slowly but surely it suddenly gets a bit awkward between you, none of you knowing what to say or where to start.
You have so much to tell him and still want to ask him so many question, but you do not know how.
"So, you know where my mother is?", Anakin finally speaks up again and breaks the silence, but with a question you did not quite hope for.
"It is very far outside of Mos Espa, yes. I can bring you there", you answer with a little sadness in your voice. Of course, he wants to find his mother after all these years.
"Hey! When you come back, make sure to visit me. Ani, I could really need some help, you know", Watto calls after you both as you show Anakin the way.
"He has not changed a bit", Anakin chuckles slightly next to you and follows you over the street, where you pass numerous creatures and vehicles.
"We need a vehicle to get there", you absently speak to yourself while searching for a suitable one. "Or a Dewback works too."
"A landspeeder sounds good", Anakin immediately answers after you end your sentence, almost interrupting you. With raised eyebrows you look at him sceptically.
"What happened to your sense of adventure?"
"I got older, I guess", he sighs and you hear out some sadness in his voice for the split of a second, but you tell yourself that it must have been your imagination.
"We all did", you mumble and finally agree to take a landspeeder instead of a dewback, even though it is much more expensive. However, Anakin insists on paying and after doing so you sit in the passenger seat, patiently waiting for him to join you and start driving.
At high speed you whiz over the dry sand and out of the city towards the seemingly endless outback. From time to time you glance over at Anakin, who does not look at you once, not even when you tell him the directions. When you catch yourself staring at him for longer than a second, you look away quickly but not without noticing the changes in his apperance.
His face has become much more striking and his hair got darker. The dark brown cloak that is covering his body compliments his eyes and makes them shine even more.
On your way you drive past a group of Jawas with their Sandcrawler, who are currently busy taking apart an abandoned spaceship that has apparently been stranded out here.
After a few more minutes you finally reach the Lars homestead and get out of the speeder, Anakin giving you a helping hand that you shyly accept. He keeps his gaze on the dome in front of you though and you can feel the nervousness that suddenly emanates from him.
As soon as you both walk towards it, a girl, younger than Anakin and you, comes up the stairs after she has apparently heard your arrival. Which is honestly not very difficult out here regarding the fact nobody comes here that often.
"Can I help you?", she asks, concern in her voice, and the longer you look at her, the more familiar she gets until it clicks in your head. She is Cliegg's daughter-in-law. You have often worked together on the farm. It seems like she already recognized you as the concern in her face slowly fades.
"Beru, right? I often helped you out on your farm", you take a step towards her and she nods in agreement before glancing at Anakin, who is standing directly behind you.
"We are looking for Shmi", you explain and Beru's brows furrow, obviously confused as to why you search for her.
"She is currently at the market in Mos Eisley with my boyfriend. But they should be back any moment", she mentions and then points down the stairs behind her. "If you want, you can wait for her inside."
Accepting her offer, you follow her inside the dome and you are completely amazed when you arrive at the open pit, a crater housing a courtyard from which all rooms can be accessed. You saw the huge hole in the ground before but never paid attention to it.
You follow Beru into what seems to be a kitchen and she asks you to sit down, but before you are able to, Anakin suddenly turns around due to a noise and a man in a power chair appears behind you.
"Who are you? What do you want?", he asks grumpily and Anakin's grip around his lightsaber on his belt, probably a reflex, reduces as you step in between. "Oh, Y/N! It is you!"
"Good afternoon, Cliegg. I am sorry for our unannounced visit, but we are looking for your.. wife", you say, almost whispering your last words, your heart stopping for a moment when you realize Anakin does not even know his mother married this farmer.
"What?", Anakin asks, shocked, his eyes widened and his lips split while he takes a step forward.
"I am Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife. Then you must be my stepson", Cliegg introduces himself and offers Anakin a handshake, which gets refused as Anakin just stares at him in disbelief.
"How is that possible?", Anakin breathes, directing his gaze to the ground, and you discover how he fiddles with the sleeves of his cloak in despair.
"I bought her from Watto at that time and gave her freedom before I made her my wife", Cliegg explains calmly, also noticing Anakin's displeasure about the situation. "My son and Shmi are just-"
He does not get to finish his sentence when loud screams and shouts interrupt him out of nowhere, silencing all of you. A brief moment later you are already on your way back up, Anakin ahead.
Once at the top you spot another landspeeder that has stopped in the distance, fuming. Due to the bright sunlight it is difficult at first to see that two people approach you, followed by several aggressive, snarling Massiffs. Disgusting beasts from hell that usually only live in the mountains unless they have been tamed by Tusken Raiders for their own purposes.
Quickly, you come to the conclusion that they must have been attacked by Tusken Raiders, who are now chasing their pets after them. It takes another second until you all realize that these two people running towards you are none other than Anakin's mother and stepbrother.
"Owen!", Beru desperately exclaims next to you, hands covering her mouth in shock.
Without hesitation, Anakin and you sprint straight towards them at the same time, hoping to somehow help and save them. But when suddenly a blue light brightly erupts next to you, you almost forget to keep running.
Anakin now runs towards them with his ignited lightsaber, much faster than you, and reaches them in seconds. Positioning himself protectively in front of them, waiting until they have run past him, he kills one of the Massiffs with the single stroke of his deadly weapon.
"Y/N, get them to safety!", Anakin shouts while he is fighting with the Massiffs, and you obey his words, quickly escorting them back to their house.
Glancing back after you have brought them inside safely, Anakin has just fended off an attack and pushes the monster a few meters back through the air, his hand outstretched. Finally, yowling and panting, the few survivors retreat and if you would not have called out Anakin's name, you are sure he would have followed them.
Deactivating his lightsaber, he quickly comes back to you, his face flooded with anger and pain. However, instead of paying attention to you, he walks straight past you.
"Are you injured?", you catch his upper arm worriedly and bring him to a stop. Shaking his head, he immediately removes his arm from your grip and continues his way down the stairs. With a sigh, you follow him.
"Where is she?", Anakin asks emotionlessly when reaching the bottom of the stairs, stopping abruptly and causing you to accidentally run into him.
"Ani?", a quiet voice finally sounds and Shmi steps out.
"Mom", Anakin swallows hard and embraces her tightly in his arms as she comes running towards him. After ten long years, mother and son are finally reunited.
"Oh, you look so handsome", Shmi sobs and takes a closer look at Anakin, taking his face between her hands, whereupon Anakin places a kiss on her palm. "My son. Oh, my grown up son. I am so proud of you, Ani."
"I missed you", he sniffs in response and a few tears find their way down his, her and also your cheeks.
"You came back, I can't believe it", she happily smiles at him, pride showing in her eyes.
"Just like I promised", he gives her the same smile and they hug each other again.
"And you saved us. You truly became a Jedi", Shmi sobs and Anakin gives her a kiss on the forehead before her gaze falls on you for the first time. "Y/N! Thank you so much for bringing him here."
"Of course", you wipe away your happy tears and smile back at her.
"Let us eat something, children", Cliegg then suggests while already being on his way to the kitchen, followed by his son and daugther-in-law.
"You might want to freshen up. I will show you where you can", Shmi offers and leads you both through a hole in the wall into a medium-sized room before she reluctantly separates from Anakin.
"Show me your leg", you order as soon as Shmi is out of reach and he turns around to you in confusion. "Your leg, Anakin. I saw you limp."
"It is not that bad", he shrugs it off and puts his Jedi robe aside, revealing his broad shoulders.
"Please", you repeat again and stare at him worriedly until he is no longer able to hold your gaze and pulls up his pants to reveal his leg. You have to swallow hard when a gaping wound appears on his shin and it takes you a lot of self control to not scream at him right there.
"That has to be treated, Ani!", you rebuke him indignantly, but now he is the one who keeps staring at you until you notice what you have just said. "A-Anakin, I mean."
"N-No, no! It is okay. I like when you call me that, it just... it has been some time since you last did", he clears his throat and your cheeks turn into a slight shade of red.
"Y-Yes, a long time ago. But we have gotten older, like you said", you stutter out, trying to make the situation less awkward. "I will ask if they have Bacta patches here, fix you up and make my way home."
"What are you even talking about?", Anakin raises his voice all of a sudden, rather unintentionally as you notice in his subsequent expression, while he grabs your wrist tightly to keep you from walking away.
"You have just seen your mother for the first time in ten years. I am sure you have a lot to tell her and I do not want to stand in the way", you explain and place your hand on top of his to loosen his grip, but to no avail.
"But.. I want to tell you too, Y/N. You are forgetting that I saw you again for the first time in ten years as well. I do not want you to go now", Anakin admits and takes a step closer to you, his eyes pleading to not leave him. "Apart from that, I will certainly not let you go now when these monsters are out there."
Leaving you no choice and not even a chance to answer, he suddenly pulls you into a tight hug, much like he did with his mother.
"I missed you so damn much", he softly whispers and you can't help but smile while you wrap your arms around him.
"I missed you too, Ani", you mumble against his shoulder and claw your hands into the fabric of his clothes.
Although you already hugged each other when you first met today, this one feels much more intense than before. It makes you feel safe and warm and comfortable, a feeling that you have not felt on this planet for a long time. For ten years, to be exact.
The next morning, you tiredly step outside into the burning hot twin suns and follow the voices coming from the kitchen. You stayed awake late yesterday and Anakin told you everything. From start to finish, he explained everything about his training to you, everything that happened after he left ten years ago. You have eagerly listened to his stories about the numerous adventures and here and there caught yourself staring at him sadly but lovingly.
Even though he pretended to be strong while telling these heartbreaking stories, you could see that he is not. After all these long years you can still read it on his face in an instant. He was not strong after Qui-Gon Jinn was killed shortly after their departure and also not when he became Padawan of a Jedi who was almost still a Padawan himself. He was not strong when he has been seperated from his family and he still is not as strong as he pretends to be. No matter from which point of view you look at it, Anakin is still the little boy from Tatooine.
"Good morning", you yawn when you meet the Lars family in the kitchen.
"Sit down, Y/N. I made breakfast", Shmi happily greets you and puts a plate down for you on the table.
You have not seen Shmi this happy in a long time. You never met her often after Cliegg freed her from slavery, but when you did, she always looked very absent and, above all, sad. She seems like a whole different person now.
"If you are looking for Anakin, he is outside", Shmi mentions when she notices your mental absence. Shyly, you nod and give her a warm smile. After you have eaten up your breakfast, you make your way upstairs. Arriving outside, you briefly get blinded by the bright suns when the dome no longer offers you protection.
However, as soon as your eyes get used to the sunlight, your breath gets caught in your lungs when a huge spaceship appears in your field of vision. The ship landed just a few meters away from the farm, the boarding hatch open. You spot Anakin in front of it, deeply submerged in a conversation with another man.
Said man notices you right away and draws Anakin's attention to you with a subtle head movement. When Anakin then sees you and the worried expression on your face, he waves you over. Nervously, you set yourself in motion and approach them.
"What is going on here, Anakin?", you ask shyly after discovering a lightsaber on the other man's belt, quickly gesturing a bow with your head.
"This is my master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe you still remember him", Anakin introduces him to you and, in fact, you actually do remember his face.
"If this isn't the little girl from back then who watched us leave with such a heartbreaking expression", Obi-Wan loudly thinks and scratches his beard before patting Anakin's shoulder. "I will go ahead and meet Padmé on board."
At his words, an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness rushs through your body until it turns into a feeling of sheer fear. Not only because you remember the name and its associated, incredibly beautiful Queen of Naboo, - which Anakin also told you about in his stories - but also because you suddenly feel like your worst nightmare turns into reality.
"W-What does he mean by that?", you stutter out, not really wanting to hear an answer to your question, but Anakin gently puts his hands on either side of your cheeks to calm you down.
"The Jedi Order has called Obi-Wan and me back to Coruscant, along with the senator", Anakin sighs and sadly looks to the ground, his thumb lightly stroking your skin. "My mother is happy here and that is most important for me. I now know that she is fine and safe."
Transforming his words into sharp weapons, they painfully shoot through your heart and you take a step back immediately, breaking the body contact with him.
"But I am not, Anakin!", you yell at him desperately, much louder than originally intended, and he just looks at you in shock from your sudden outburst. "I am not fine since you left ten years ago! I can't do this anymore."
"No, do not touch me! Please", you sob and wrap your arms around your own body in order to protect you from further damage. "Would you- Would you have even searched for me at all if I had not found you first?!"
Breathing hard while accusing him, he remains quiet and does not answer. His eyes wander around, desperately seeking an appropriate answer that will not hurt you, but he terribly fails.
"That's what I thought", your voice breaks and a single tear runs down your cheek before you turn around and walk away. However, you do not get very far when you feel a firm grip on your arm and are turned around again to face him shortly afterwards, your bodies only inches away from each other.
"Come with me."
"Come back to Coruscant with me, Y/N", he begs you, his voice full of sorrow.
"I had a dream about my mother and about you. You were badly injured and I was too late to save you", Anakin confesses, desperation prominent in his coarse voice, opening up to you all of a sudden, letting his guard down and showing you his vulnerable side for once. "That is why I came back. That is why I am back on Tatooine."
"A-Anakin. I can't.. I have responsibilities here", you choke out and look away, not able to hold his pleading gaze while your hands and knees shake in fear. "I have to go back to my parents.. I can't just leave them like this."
Silence spreads between you until Anakin lifts your face up with his fingers on your chin, deeply looking into your eyes. Suddenly your fear is reflected in his glassy eyes. A fear you last saw all those years ago when he left. When he had to leave his mother and you behind. It is precisely this fear that is now reappearing in his eyes and all of a sudden the little boy from Tatooine is back, not wanting to leave his home.
"I understand", his shaky voice whispers as he is close to tears as well.
How much you would like to just go with him. To just leave everything behind and finally get off this dirty planet. But you know it would not be fair to your parents and that you can't just leave them behind. As much as you would love to go with Anakin, you would never forgive yourself if you did.
"I am really sorry, Ani", you carefully say and place your hands on his upper arms to steady yourself before he pulls you closer and places his chin on top of your head.
"I will come back", he breathes into your hair and his voice sounds so fragile in your ears that you can no longer hold back the pricking tears, letting them stream down your cheeks freely. "I promise."
"I will wait for you", you fake a smile through your tears before he gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead, leaving a warm spot there.
The following repeated exclamation of his name coming from his master makes your heart ache even more and Anakin takes a step away from you, breaking off any contact.
"See you soon", he forces a smile and slowly retreats backwards to the spaceship, not averting his gaze from you and repeatedly raising his hand to wave goodbye.
Your eyes filled with tears and your vision blurred, you watch him leave and say goodbye with a heavy heart.
After ten long years you were finally able to see him again. You were ten years apart and now you pray that it will not be another ten years until you meet again.
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mx-barnes · 3 years
Soulmate Au 2/?
Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: When you turn 18 you get the name of a song on your wrist. That is the song you and your soulmate share. It is also how you can communicate with them.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: None really.
A/N: Sorry I know it’s short. I have been experiencing a lack of ambition to write. I also felt like I had a duty to post something cause I haven’t posted in a while. Ok I also know the song wasn’t out in the forties but idc ok it’s an amazing song and it reminds me of Bucky and if I am having trouble sleeping I listen to it. Feedback appreciated. All my own writing. Gif not my own
Chapter 1 Masterlist
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The alarm clock on your end table reads 6:30 am 30 minutes from before your alarm is supposed to wake you up. It’s not that you didn’t welcome the fact that you were up early than usual but you silently curse yourself hoping to fall back into the pleasant dream you were having. Although you had wanted to meet him in real life, not just the dream world you knew that it wouldn’t happen. If he had stayed hidden from you for this long don’t think you are going to find him in a day. You wish you just had something to go off of. Pulling you out of your thoughts is your cat needling into you. Although he was annoying Alpine loved you. You remember the day you got him. It was soaking rain and you had found a box on the side of the road. You decide to pull over to pick up the garbage lying around on the ground. You pull over the road and go to lift up the box and it was unusually heavy you check inside. To your surprise, there was a small white kitten looking at you with blue eyes. From that day on he was the only man in your life he probably senses that your soulmate is in the picture now so he is being an even bigger attention whore.
You may want to go back to the dream realm but your adult life calls. You roll out of your bed and wrap a small blanket you had at the end of your bed because although you had to get up it didn't mean you didn't have to be warm. You treck your way out of your bedroom and into the kitchen. With your blanket draped over your shoulders you silently make your breakfast. A simple bowl of cheerios. Nothing too extravagant but a simple meal. People may say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but you have always disagreed with that statement. Give you some coffee and you are good to go. Although that was very particularly healthy you started eating actual food at breakfast. Once you finished your bowl you put it in your sink to be later washed. You walk back into your bedroom and enter your bathroom. You strip and step into the shower. Ket the warm water flows down around your back as you listen to music and sing along. Quietly f course even though you wanted to scream the lyrics. Once you had finished your shower you exited wrapped in a towel and changed.
Slipping into a white low v cut shirt and some beige pants. Walking back into the bathroom quickly dry and straighten your hair leaving just a little bit of wave because you can't fully straighten it. You pull your hair back into a high ponytail leaving two pieces out to frame your face. Quickly, you grab your purse, phone, and keys. Turning to wake towards the door you lock the door and leave to work.
It wasn't a long drive to your job. You worked at Stark Industries. It wasn't the same after Tony died but you still appreciated working there. You and Pepper had become quick friends after bumping into each other in the hallways one day. You were ecstatic for her when she got promoted to CEO. Almost as her first act, she had you instated as her assistant. She gave you fair hours and you didn't mind. There wasn't ever any awkwardness in be between the two of you. Pepper never acted like she was better than you and thank god for that. She was one of the best people you knew she was having a hard time dealing with Tony's death but that was understandable. She had lost her husband and became a single mother. She had the avengers and Happy but it wasn't the same. She had offered for you to meet them time and time again but every time you declined. It's not that you didn't want to meet them. It's just sometimes it's better to never meet your heroes.
By the time you got to the office Pepper was already locked away in her office. You knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in," a voice from behind the door says.
You walk in and notice Pepper sitting at her desk as she normally does but her cheeks are tear stained and her eyes are red. "Hey, you are not supposed to be here before me. You should be at home with Morgan."
"Happy has her. I just couldn't be in that house anymore. Hell, I can't even be in New York without thinking about him. He saved this city. He saved the world. I know that it's silly and selfish of me to hide away from my daughter but I just... I look at her Y/n and I see him. I see his smile, his curiosity, I see the playboy he was before he settled down. All I see is him in her and I-"
"Hey, we can get through this together. Me and you." You walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged you back her arms not letting go. You rub her back soothingly. "It's okay it's all gonna be ok."
"You're right. You're right I just got to get this done. Power through this. This feeling I am experiencing will pass."
You hesitate not knowing what to say. Finally, you figure you should tell her. "I saw him."
"Him? Who him?" She straightened up as she questioned.
"My soulmate. I don't know what made me. I was even planning on it but then I got this feeling that I should try it and well I saw him."
"What'd he say?"
"He said he was sorry. He was sorry but he couldn't love me first. I was desperate so I tried again the next night last night. He said..." You were on the verge of tears "He said he was sorry. That he didn't want to hurt me. That he would agree to see me. Only in the dream realm for right now but it's better than nothing. God, he was gorgeous. His eyes sparkled like ice. I just wish I wish I could prove to him how much I love him even if he doesn't want to let me in. I want him to know he deserves all the love in the world.”
“Y/n you got to tell him. You remember how I was when I found out that my boss was my soulmate,” Pepper's eyes dropped sadness filling her eyes. “Listen it doesn’t matter how cold it closed off he seems you need to make the decision if you want to keep him in your life. If all he wants is the dream world then you move on you’ve got to be the one to make the first move.”
“Your right. I should be allowed to be happy.”
You were a dream come true. After he pushed you away from you you accepted gratefully back into your arms.
Bucky would spend the rest of his life making it up to you. He couldn’t believe his luck. Back in the 40s when he first tried he couldn’t find you then he was shipped off to war so he decided not to try again just encase but here he was almost 80 years later with this gorgeous soulmate. God, he was a sap. He was ready to change for you.
He had told you that you couldn’t meet him yet and that he only could see you in the dream realm for right now. He knew it was the right call even if it hurt him. Even if he wanted to hold you in the real world but he couldn’t not yet. He needed to fix himself before he let you in. He couldn’t let his past hurt you. You were far too important to him. That’s what he did.
He started taking his court-mandated therapy seriously. He needed help and he couldn’t do it on his own. So when he went to meet you that night he told you about it. He went over to his record player and search for the record. Finally, he found it. A picture of Harry James on the cover he slid the disk out of its paper case. Carefully get placed on the record player and dropped the needle. He knew there were better ways to play the song but he found comfort playing it on vinyl like he had many many years ago.
He practically ran back to his little spot on the floor where he slept and slowly the feeling of falling began to happen.
Once the feeling stopped he looked around to find his childhood home once again. He called out still a bit queasy “Hello,”
No response. That was weird. So he called out once again “Hello,”
Again no response he started to panic. Maybe you didn’t come tonight. Maybe you decide he wasn’t worth it.
A voice broke the anxiety building. “Hey, sorry it took me a bit longer today.”
“Yeah no that’s fine I understand.” He smiles slightly.
“So how was your day?” You asked. God, there was something so intoxicating about your voice. It was smooth and angelic. He could listen to it for the rest of his life.
“I mean it was good. I decided to start taking my therapy more seriously I want to get better for you. How was yours?”
“That’s great. My day was ok I guess I mean I was real busy at work.” You moved closer to him his heart picked up.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it good,” Bucky stuttered. I mean you were incredibly gorgeous but he felt safe in your presence not wanting to lose a second of time with you. Slowly his head started spinning and being brought back to reality “Listen I don’t have much time left we meet here again same time tomorrow. Deal?” His voice hopefully searching your eyes for any sign of rejection to his great fortune there wasn’t any.
“Deal.” you stepped up closer to him kissing him on the lips before he was rudely pulled back into reality. He sat up with a start (like gif).
Groaning and grumbling about how it was too soon to be pulled out of and if he only had more time with you.
Chapter 3
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shinydelirium · 4 years
Kiro’s R&S: Lonely (Season 2 Chapters, 2-5) Translation [CN]
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This is a translation from Kiro’s R&S for Season 2, Chapters 2-5. Just to let everyone know, I do not know any Chinese but I have taken an interest in learning it because of this game. Therefore, I’m learning the language as I go. Everything has been done using Google Translate so do expect some errors and mistranslations. I’ve tried my best to make it flow well. Also, shout out to @link4eva for walking me through this process. I’m not gonna hide the fact that I hate technology and technology hates me so this is my first time posting something so monstrous, lol. Without further ado, please enjoy! 
***Some context before reading. The events of this R&S takes place towards the end of Season 1 when an impending comet is about to hit Earth. MC spends what little time she has left with the guys until she is summoned to some unknown place and gets set back in time.***
Even if the world fusion collapses, it cannot stop a firm heart.
[Chapter 1]
*Click, click*
The sound of the gear turning stopped again and behind the door that was slowly opened, a calm voice sounded.
“She has gone.”
Drifting light spots lingered in the endless darkness and the stairs slowly retreated to its origin. Everything seems to have not happened and it seems to be silently waiting for some tomorrow to come.  
“The future is far away, but it will come.”
Helios didn’t speak, but stood still, looking towards the end of the stairs.
“Are you scared?”
The person in the dark tempted again, and he smiled after listening.
“No matter how difficult it is, she will definitely find a way so that everyone can meet tomorrow. What is there to be afraid of?”
At the end of the speech, his voice became very soft, containing some fear hidden in his heart.
The girl’s face slowly appeared in front of Helios’ eyes. He suddenly remembered that in the world of Eternal Winter, she kept approaching bravely, gritted her teeth to face all the unknowns, remembering every moment she had illuminated. He always believed that she would be able to make the most correct choice and let the doomsday meet the future. It’s just...
There was a seemingly silent laugh from the darkness. Helios released the palm he had just unintentionally clenched, and turned to look at the scattered light spots, “I just want to know one thing.” His hand gently lifted. The light spot swayed at his fingertips, like stars hanging in the dark, losing their orbit. “That uncontrollable future is the future of this world?”
The distant voice seemed to sigh, “What do you think the world is like?”
Helios did not speak.
“The countless choices of mankind have gathered into all nets of the world. It is infinitely extended and leads to the future.” He paused. “But the future will end. This is countless civilizations relying on the destruction, over and over. The conclusion drawn again. Although it is moving forward slowly, it seems to return to a certain point of origin.”
“Destruction.” Helios raised his head and said this word in disbelief.
“This world should have stopped today, but a possibility has arisen.” While Helios was still speculating on the deep meaning behind this, the voice did not stop. “This possibility gives her the ability to choose the most correct one. The path leads the world to a distant place beyond truth and common sense.”
Helios frowned slightly and caught the core part of the words in an instant. “You mean, there will be even more incredible changes in the future?”
“This is not a question I can answer.”  
The sound of the gear turning sounded again, and the person’s voice seemed a little tired, and finally slowly disappeared in the darkness, like the last hint.
“This world has completed its choice, and it will not stay. It will continue to move forward to witness the arrival of tomorrow, no matter what posture or form this tomorrow is presented to humanity...It belongs to the tomorrow of this world, and you...” The voice faintly revealed the meaning of expectation and scrutiny, “Tomorrow you will naturally be the same as her, you will be the way you crossed from today to tomorrow.”
[Chapter 2]
From the dome of the hall, one can see the lights of comets approaching from the sky. The people around the round table appear to be extremely silent. They all looked at Helios who walked in, seeming to be waiting for his final answer.
“It’s too early to prepare for the end.” Helios walked to the front of the main seat, but did not sit down. He gently propped his hands on the round table, and there seemed to be sparks jumping in his eyes. “Everything went according to the original plan. In time, we have a lot to do.” When everyone dispersed, Helios stood alone in the hall, looking to the sky through the dome, and muttered, “It seems that the secret that I can’t tell you is still valuable.”
No one can be seen on the street where the end is coming, not to mention such remote alleys. At the end, there is only the rustle of stray cats eating garbage.
Kiro pressed the brim of his hat, turning around in the scattered alleys in a familiar way, until a faint yellow light slowly hit his eyes. A little “Mondlicht” was written on the side of the door, like the spell of an ancient magician. He glanced at the end of the sky one last time, took a deep breath, and opened the door with firm eyes.
The man standing behind the bar didn’t seem to be surprised by the visitor who appeared suddenly. He gracefully wiped the wine glasses and greeted Kiro with a smile. Kiro quietly looked around and sat at the bar expertly.
“The end is two hours away. Do you want something to drink?” The man smiled and shook the wine bottle in his hand.
“It’s almost the end and you’re still opening the shop?” Kiro put his hat on the bar, ignoring the man’s invitation.  
“My life creed is, I’d rather stand earning money and die than to lie down bored.” The man seemed to be indifferent to Kiro’s refusal, still mastering the bottle with skillful control.
“I’m not here to drink.”
“You have tried so many times, don’t you ever give up?”
Kiro’s eyes flashed with a hint of anger but only for a moment. He slowly smiled.
“I have no reason to give up.”  
The man neatly put down the cup in his hand and took a breath: “Well, since you’re so insistent, I won’t stop you. The name is Drey.” ***Don’t know if this will be the name used for this character in EN server but it’s what Google Translate gave me, so we’ll go with it***
He put the wine in front of Kiro, the bright red liquid filled the man’s eyes with a smile, but seemed a little ruthless and indifferent.  
“Thank you for the business and support.”
[Chapter 3]
Kiro found Drey a month ago. Seeing Drey again, he still couldn’t control the urge to retch inside. Kiro sat on the sofa, clenched his palms fiercely, and like a constant trance in his heart, forced himself to give priority to the task at hand. In a daze, he saw the girl standing under the soft light and shadow, her face radiating with warm light. She reached out to him and called his name. “You are the best Kiro in the world.”
The slight pain in the palm of his hand slowly pierced all consciousness along his fingertips. He barely raised his eyes and calmly looked at the man Drey, who was standing not far from him, the first assistant of the experiment.  
Many years have passed since that distant and dark memory. He was also much older. Drey threw himself down in front of Kiro in a panic, “Please, don’t kill me...!!!”  
Kiro looked coldly at the man who was kneeling in front of him, his whole body shaking. “If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t have let you escape that time.”
Trembling, he took the box thrown by Kiro and saw the glinting “S” on it. He was so scared that he almost dropped it to the ground.  
“How did you get this? No, you don’t need to answer me...” Drey shook his head and firmly gripped the box in his hand. He realized that Kiro who was cooperating with him now is no longer the advanced experiment: number 3684. Drey looked down at the box in his hand, “What do want me to do? Could it be...!!!”
Kiro knew from a long time ago that Drey was the person who knew his body data the best during that experiment, and naturally had enough ability to be the first assistant. “This is impossible!”
“I’m not here to listen to your nonsense.” Kiro interrupted him coldly, “You just have to work for me, right Dr. Drey “the current boss?”
Drey rubbed the box in his hand, gritted his teeth and finally let out a sigh of relief, “...I see, can the operating table on floor B4 be used?”
Even in the colorful laboratory covered with floral wallpaper, Kiro still had a serious mental rebuke. It took him a lot of effort to force himself to lie down on the experimental table. Since then, he can’t remember how many times he vomited and how many tubes of medicine he took.  
Drey frowned, “I said it’s going to be difficult for you to become stronger.” He lowered his head. “Your experimental success is not universal. Considering the collective interference of many micro-factors, your body may not be able to withstand the second experiment. The experiment made your genes, under the catalysis of a special substance, form their own unique irregular structure, which is absolutely different from ordinary people.” He pursed his mouth and paused, his expression stricken, and looked at Kiro. “And we are not sure whether this reaction will continue, and all the side effects can’t be estimated. Why should you take such a big risk!?! You are fully capable now...”
“It’s okay, let’s just get there first today.” Kiro wiped the blood from his mouth, barely propped himself up and sat on the experimental table. The night fog filled him countless times, tying him into the abyss in the dark night. There are countless ferocious and scrutinizing gazes. He is standing in the bloody prison, but now, he is no longer afraid.  
“I said that you aren’t too tired to go home and eat dessert?” Since Kiro accidentally missed the dessert date, this person always used it to tease him from time to time. Kiro didn’t answer him. He walked around the store several times, slowing down his trembling footsteps, “Is it natural?” ***Don’t really understand what's going here in this scene, lol***
The boss nodded, “It’s okay. You guys finished so early today?”
“It’s because there is a special performance today.” Kiro put on his hat, blocking most of his face, “It’s very important.”
Kiro walked towards floor B4 step by step. When he arrived at the entrance of the laboratory, Drey was already there waiting for him. “We’ve tried numerous times and if you continue like this, your body may...”  
“It’s fine.” He unwaveringly interrupted Drey’s unfinished words. “There has been progress last time, hasn’t there? Let’s keep going.”
Kiro’s footsteps towards the laboratory were extremely firm. The whole world seemed to be only a piece of endless white, with the girl’s back at the end. He kept ordering himself to run towards her. This has always been the case. Although there is not much time to download this voice, he will never give up even if it is the end.  
[Chapter 4]
When Kiro opened his eyes again, he knew that he had won the bet. Even if he didn’t have the strength to lift a finger, he raised a satisfied and happy smile for the first time. He couldn’t remember how long he laid until he could finally and slowly prop up his arm to support himself. He sat on the operating table panting and wanted to pull out the infusion affixed to his arm in disgust.  
“it’s better not to pull that one out.”
Kiro raised his eyes in warning. The boss leaned against the door holding a hot cup of coffee along with a smile that has remained unchanged for years. Kiro blinked and tilted his head, “The time...”
“Don’t worry. It seems that the comet hasn’t hit yet.” The man stretched out his index finger and pulled Drey over who happened to be passing by and came back to check the situation. “Look at him.”
Kiro breathed a sigh of relief and covered his head with a bit of pain. Drey hurried over and said, “You’ve just woke up now, don’t be so anxious. You need to be observed again.”
Kiro snorted coldly. With a sound, the microcomputer he had been carrying around suddenly rang. He grabbed his head and pulled off the infusion from his body. He stood, limping hurriedly and almost fell to the ground due to the excessive movement.
“You can’t move right now!” Drey stopped him in a rush.
“Let go!” Kiro waved Drey’s hand away, reluctantly pressing it against the wall. He turned on the computer, tapping the keyboard intermittently with stiff fingers, looking at the screen with a heavy expression. “You guys leave.”
“You can’t use your abilities now!” Drey still insisted on explaining to Kiro, “We are not yet sure about their stability. Your current body is too weak. If you use your enhanced abilities immediately, you will...”
“Get out.” Kiro’s voice did not have a hint of warmth or room for argument.  
“But your body...!!!”
“Excuse me.” The man drinking coffee beside him smiled and shook the syringe that came out of nowhere. “You will not be charged for the gift.” Kiro stretched out his pinhole arm without hesitation, “Thank you.”
Kiro recovered some strength after the drug injection. He leaned in the corner of the laboratory and gently closed his eyes.  
“.....If I said I might know a way, would you believe me?”
“It’s okay, you’re already amazing and you’re still my superhero!”
“Will you leave again this time too...?”
“I believe that no matter who you are, you will not change...”
“No matter what decision you make, I’ll support it.”
“All this time, you have always been illuminating me.”
He can always hear her voice. Kiro gently opened his eyes and saw himself in the mirror. He raised his mouth unconsciously, without a trace of hesitation. Since this world will not end, no matter what happens, it will become the future of tomorrow. He has to be prepared for this unknown future.  
The golden light in the pupils of his eyes danced in the mirror but at this time, it was like a gentle and powerful blessing, giving strength to those who can cross all obstacles to reach hope. Even if it may be temporarily silent in time because of the drastically changing world, one day it will become a milestone to guide the future, pointing to the end in its heart, and meeting the long-awaited person.
“I command you to always be the one and only brightly shining Kiro--to be brave and to keep getting stronger.”
“I command you to never forget her.”
“She is MC, your Miss Chips.”
“She is your most favorite person.”
The golden light diffused through the pupils into every nerve ending and blood, melting into the grand and brilliant white snow at the end of the world to form the final agreement. The world was slowly shrouded by the seemingly gentle but unbreakable water mist. It was born from the bright white light and permeated the earth, extending in countless directions. On the note-filled recording paper in the notebook, the notes on the staff seemed to be placed upside down, disappearing one by one on the paper. And all this is just a moment.  
44 notes · View notes
snelbz · 4 years
The Ranch {2}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
A/N: This story has been in the works for so long and we have poured hours and hours into it. There have been weekends where we did nothing but write (and drink wine) all day long, because this story just flowed out of us (and, of course, the wine flowed in). We say it all the time, but writing together is our favorite thing to do. This is our first full length fic together and I can’t believe we’re finally sharing it with y’all. As always, let us know what you think and a reminder that Tara and I will be going back and forth posting chapters, so look for chapter 3 on her blog soon!
The Ranch Masterlist
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Cassian had been up for hours, but felt as if he’d blinked and it was nine in the morning. He’d woken up at four and while he was making coffee, he looked out the window and watched a young calf grazing in the field. He took a sip of his coffee, and headed towards the fridge to start cooking breakfast and-.
His coffee was forgotten on the counter and his boots and shirt were on in seconds.
If there were cattle up this far onto the property, it could only mean two things. The fence was down somewhere (or worse - cut again) and it had been all night.
He saddled Lyria and rode for what felt like miles before he found the section of fencing that had been, once again, cut clean through.
He cursed as he dismounted, carefully investigating the area. The box powering the fence had been shut down and all three of the conductive wires shredded through. Cassian sighed as he walked through the opening and looked down into the field where the cattle grazed.
There were six cows of varying sizes below.
“Damn it,” he breathed and headed back toward his cabin.
First things first, he had to fix the fence. It would do him no good to catch the missing herd, just for them to get loose again. Then he’d bring Beau down with him to herd them back into their pasture.
After repairing the fence and locating the herd, he found himself by the main house. And once again, that little red sports car was parked in front of her.
With a sigh, Cassian opened the back door and went inside. She was, once again, in the kitchen, but this time she was cleaning. The lemony scent of all-purpose cleaner hit Cassian as he shut the door behind him, more loudly than he should have. 
She peeked over her shoulder, observing him. “Nice to see you fully dressed yourself before gracing me today.”
Cassian chuckled. “Disappointed?”
She just shook her head, going back to cleaning the countertops. “Not at all.”
“Pity,” Cassian mumbled, pulling out a chair from the kitchen table and taking a seat, watching her every move. “Shirt can come off, again, just say the word.” 
“When you speak,” Nesta began, opening one of the top drawers and emptying its unnecessary contents into the garbage, “do you find yourself as annoying as I do?”
Cassian just grinned. “Look, I’ll leave you alone in a minute. Just thought you’d like to be updated on what’s been happening this morning. Also, do you drive from here to the house you’re staying in every time? Because...it’s really not that far. It’s perfectly walkable. Or, are you just afraid of getting your shoes dirty?”
Nesta stopped what she was doing and turned to face him, leaning back against the counter. “First of all, you’re an asshole, but I’m sure that’s not news to you. Secondly, did something happen this morning?”
Cassian watched her for a moment as he tied his hair back. “Some fencing had been cut along the far east pasture line.”
Nesta blinked. “Okay…”
“You don’t know what that means, do you?” he asked, humored. “You lived here for eighteen years before you left, did you not?”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed. “I assume you’re going to tell me, considering you like to hear yourself talk so much.”
“It means, sweetheart, that someone purposefully came onto our land and cut our electric fence, in hopes something would happen to those animals.”
Nesta asked, “You fixed it though?”
“Yes, but I-.”
“Great. Here’s the thing, Cassian,” she turned and continued cleaning. “As you’ve so kindly pointed out, I don’t know the first thing about ranch work. I also don’t care to. So as long as you keep the ranch running smoothly, I don’t need to know everything that goes on.”
Cassian was staring, but unlike yesterday, it wasn’t at the way her ass filled out the jean shorts she wore. It was in shock. “You don’t want to know what’s going on with the ranch?”
“Secondly,” she continued, not acknowledging he’d even spoken, “in regards to our land, I decided to take a look at the property boundaries. I’d like to add another building.”
“Another building? Nesta, there’s barely enough land for the cattle as it is.”
Ignoring him again, she pressed on. “While I was looking for them, the deeds for all three houses fell into my lap. You said you knew my father for a long time, right, Cassian? So surely you’d know how bad his procrastination was.”
His heart dropped into his stomach.
No, there was no way she was about to say what he thought she was.
“Why don’t you check that envelope on the table?”
Cassian reached for it with trembling fingers. When he opened it, he saw that it was the deed to his house, yes, but the bottom line, the line where the original owner’s name belonged…
It was blank.
“Looks like he never got around to going and getting it notarized,” Nesta said, pulling another drawer open. She found silverware inside, her mother’s priceless silver set from their wedding. It was tarnished and bent. She pulled it out and set it to the side, to clean it later on.
Cassian slowly folded up the letter and tossed it onto the table. “So, what? You’re going to kick me out of my house?”
“It’s my house,” Nesta clarified.
Cassian pushed back his chair with such force that Nesta almost flinched. “Let me see his will.”
Nesta turned to face him, meeting his eyes for the first time since he’d opened the envelope. “What?”
“I want to know exactly what he left to you. Shit, I’ll call his fucking lawyer. I’ve lived in that house for eight years, Nesta, taking care of this land like it's my land. You get rid of me, this whole operation goes to shit.” He was fuming, barely able to think clearly. His hands were shaking as he shoved them into his pockets. 
She, however, was the epitome of calm. “I didn’t say I was getting rid of you.”
Cassian’s jaw clenched. 
“I expect you, if you want, of course, to continue working here. Elain says you’re great at what you do and I trust her judgement. But, I do expect you to respect me as your boss, just like you did my father. You will do as I say, and no more meaningless flirtations.”
Cassian scoffed, loudly and humorlessly. “You think a little too highly of yourself, Sweetheart.”
“I will sign the log cabin to you and allow you to continue your and my father’s agreement if you agree to my terms,” she continued, as if manipulating him pleased her. “I want another building on the property, and I want you to build it.”
Cassian blinked, his anger turning back into shock. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
She fished around in a box before pulling out a small polishing rag. She went to work on the silverware. “You said you would do anything that needs to be done.”
“I’m a rancher, Nesta. And a handyman, at best,” he gestured around the kitchen. “I fixed your air conditioning, and I can do other things like that, but I can’t build an entire damn house.”
“Stable,” was all Nesta said.
“Excuse you?”
“A stable. I want a stable closer to the house.”
Cassian was stunned. “You...want a new stable?”
“Yes, the barn and stables down by the round pen are falling apart. I don’t think the horses are safe in there.”
“And you care because..?” He didn’t mean to sound like an ass, but everything he’d learn in the past eight years completely contradicted what she was telling him.
“Just because I didn’t care to learn how to ranch doesn’t mean I don’t love my horses.”
He blinked at her and he hesitated, but spoke. “I can...try. But like I said, I’ve never built anything like that before.”
She set the polishing cloth down and the one fork she’d been meticulously polishing during their entire conversation. “That’s fine. I’ve- I’ve never run a B&B before but here we are.”
“Have you been down to the old stables?” He asked, not accusingly, but curious. “Do you even know how many horses we have?”
“We had nine when I left,” she said, looking out the window. “And they were all fairly young. Theoretically, they could all still be alive. How many?”
“Eight. Sold one, lost one, and had one just appear out of nowhere.” He couldn’t read her tone. Couldn’t tell why she was asking.
“Who was sold?”
Cassian tread carefully, watching her. He stood and got a coffee mug from the cabinet, pouring a cup from the steaming pot on the counter. He took a drink and leaned back against the cabinet. “About three years ago, a girl and her parents stayed the night on the way to a rodeo in Cheyenne. She was a barrel racer and her horse was getting too old. She saw Hue out in the pasture and asked if she could ride her. They paid us cash before they left and Hue is a world champion barrel horse now.”
Nesta nodded, remembering exactly what she’d looked like, why Feyre had given her the name. Nesta had never been a fan of Paint horses, but it was no question that Feyre fell in love. “And the one who died?”
Cassian hesitated again and this time Nesta looked up. His hazel eyes were sad. “He was a great horse, Nes.”
Nesta looked away and tried to blink the tears away.
“What happened?” she asked, nudging the fork with her finger.
“He just started to colic one day, we’re not exactly sure.” He crossed one booted foot in front of the other. “A day or two after the colic started, we had the doc come out and he said he was completely blocked. If we didn’t get him moving and get that block to pass, we were gonna lose him.” Cassian bumped his heel against the toe of his boot. His spurs jangled as he did. “He never got back to his feet. I’m sorry, Nesta.”
She sniffled and nodded, but refused to look up at him. “You should, uh, go do whatever it is you do now. I’ll talk to you in a bit. I’ll have lunch ready at 1:00, if you’re hungry.” She began to head towards the doorway leading to the living room.
He reached for her wrist. “Nesta, it’s-.”
“Leave,” she said, snatching her arm back. It was firm, but it wasn’t unkind, showing Cassian just how broken up over the news she was. Even more so when she added, “Please.”
She kept walking and was out of his sight as soon as she turned the corner into the living room.
He sighed, rubbing his hands down his face.
Today was nothing like he planned.
Nesta spent her day working. After Cassian brought his unpleasant news, and she’d asked him to leave her alone, she didn’t see him. He made himself scarce for the remainder of the afternoon, and she no longer cared what he spent it doing, knowing full well he would make himself useful around the ranch.
Elain was right, he was a great rancher. 
It was why she was allowing him to keep his house on the land. He was right. If he were to leave, the entire ranch would go to complete shit. 
Phoenix lingered in the back of her mind all day, no matter how much she tried not to think about him. 
She finished polishing her mother’s fine silverware, pissed the entire time that her father had treated them like meaningless pieces of plastic. After that, she finished cleaning out the kitchen and was busy in the living room when Elain texted her.
Still on for tonight? We were thinking we could go to the old corner bar.
Nesta sighed. She wanted so desperately to say no, but Elain had missed her, and she had missed Elain. Besides, she’d given Nesta an entire house full of free furniture.
I’ll be there. What time?
Nesta looked at the time. It was just after six. She could certainly use a shower. She hadn’t taken one since she’d arrived the morning before. Her water wasn’t turned on in her little house, but she was too stubborn to ask Cassian where the main was.
Especially after what had happened that morning.
She was tempted to text Elain and ask if she had invited him to dinner, but didn’t want it to seem like she cared.
Because she didn’t. 
Not one bit.
So instead, she bundled everything she would need to get ready into her suitcase and tossed it in her backseat, slamming the door a little harder than she probably needed to.
She mumbled something about ‘not wanting to get her shoes dirty’ as she climbed into the driver seat and started the car, heading up to the main house. She headed into the house and started up the stairs, heading for her old bathroom on the second floor. But she paused and smirked, turning and heading back down the hall, towards the master suite, which took up the bulk of the second floor.
As she walked through the house, she swore she heard the floor creaking upstairs, but knew how much noise this house made while she was growing up. She could only imagine how much it would creak in the middle of the night now.
As she took a quick shower, she pondered the idea of turning the B&B into a haunted mansion type of deal, because there was no way anyone was going to be able to sleep here if the house made as much noise at night as it did during the day. Ultimately, she knew she’d have to get someone out to check the foundation of the house and probably redo the floors at some point.
As she turned the water off and pondered all that she would have to do to fix this place up, she was thankful for her notoriety and success in the world of all things culinary. When she’d gotten the call about her father’s death, she’d been in Paris, talking to young culinary students how to properly chop for the different methods of cutting. His funeral had been planned so quickly that there was no time for her to even request to go. A few weeks later, when she’d received a call from his lawyer, telling her that he’d left her his dream, his baby, there was no question of what she needed to do.
Her three restaurants in Rome, New York, and Paris were all on the market in less than three days. Forty-five minutes later, she sold them to a single buyer for eighteen million dollars.
She’d sold her brand, her craft, everything.
She was thankful, because now she had the funds to do what she needed to save this place.
Stepping out of the shower, Nesta wrapped a towel around her wet body. She ran one through her dripping hair and combed through it. She yawned and checked her phone, finding it wasn’t even seven yet. If Nesta had any hope of staying awake after her long day of cleaning, she’d need to start drinking copious amounts of caffeine now.
She decided coffee didn’t sound half bad and decided to make a pot while she got ready.
Passing by the front door, she locked it, just in case somebody decided he wanted to visit again. She continued into the kitchen and put a pot on to brew.
There was something peaceful about a pot of coffee brewing. Nesta loved the little noises the machine made as it made her a pot of delicious energy filled goodness. 
As it did its job, Nesta turned to head back down the hall and up the stairs to the master bathroom. She was excited to meet Elain’s man. She had heard a lot about Azriel throughout the last few years, and Nesta wanted to meet this guy for herself.
The man that stole her sister's sweet, beautiful heart.
She wondered if Elain had asked Feyre and if so, if Feyre would show up.
Nesta wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t.
Nesta didn’t care if she didn’t.
Either way, Nesta had to admit that a night out would do her good. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had gone out or done anything for herself, other than work.
As the air conditioner kicked on, she was hit with a sudden chill and regretted only wearing a towel. She’d brought her outfit for the evening and didn’t want to put it on until she was ready to leave, but the clothes she’d worn earlier today were sweaty and gross.
She’d found her mother’s old clothes in one of the closets upstairs earlier and wondered if the floral robe she used to wear was there as well. Tightening her towel, she headed upstairs and was passing by the bathroom when the door opened up.
Nesta screamed and jumped backwards, Cassian stepping back similarly. He almost slipped on the damp tile but kept his footing.
As her breathing returned to normal, Nesta asked, “What in the hell are you doing here? You said you lived in the log cabin!”
“I do, but I got bucked off one of the mares and was covered in mud and shit.” He crossed his arms over his tattooed chest. “Why aren’t you down in your fancy, new house?”
She put her hands on her hips, standing her ground. “My water is off and someone hasn’t told me where the main shutoff is so I can turn it back on.”
Cassian lifted a brow. “Someone hasn’t asked.”
Nesta shook her head. “Get out. I have to get ready.”
Cassian made a show of his eyes grazing over her body, covered in only a towel. She had to force herself to not do the same to him. She was perfectly aware of the small, blue cotton towel that covered only a small portion of his massive frame. She was perfectly aware of how low that towel hung on his hips.
“Can I get dressed first?” He asked, voice quiet as his eyes met hers, once more.
The minute they did, she couldn’t look away. “If you must.”
He looked like he wanted to say something else, especially when his tongue peeked out to wet his bottom lip. But instead, he silently closed the door between them, and Nesta released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
She continued down to the study in the hall and to the closet where she’d found her mother’s clothes. It only took her a few seconds of searching before she found the thin, soft, blue and white fabric.
It felt just like she’d remembered.
Nesta dropped her towel and, after shaking it out, put the robe on, thankful that her father had been such an emotional sap and couldn’t get rid of anything of her mother’s.
Nesta’s mother was a beautiful woman, but Elain was shaped most like her. Her chest and hips were not nearly as full as Nesta’s, which made the short, modest robe her mother had worn around the house nearly obscene on Nesta. Nevertheless, she wore it, loving the feel of it on her skin.
She walked back down the stairs with her towel draped over her arm, finding the bathroom door open and the room empty, steam still fogging the mirror, and turned toward the kitchen to get her coffee. She found him already in there and she hesitated, but continued in.
“Nice robe,” he said, peering over his mug.
“Gotta date?” She shot back, eyeing his clean jeans and button down shirt. His feet were bare.
Cassian chuckled. “Not quite. Your sister asked me to dinner with her and Az.”
Nesta froze, just as she was about to start pouring her coffee.
“Judging from your reaction, I assume you’ll be there, too.”
Nesta sighed, continuing to pour her coffee before taking a sip. “You’d assume correctly.”
Cassian smiled - true and genuine. “Let me drive you. Save gas.”
Nesta didn’t reply. “Tell me about Azriel.”
Cassian's brows shot up. “What?”
“Tell me about him. Elain is sure he’s the one, so I want to know everything.”
Cassian slowly sat his mug down and ran a hand through his damp hair. “He’s a great guy. Caring. Loves Elain more than I ever thought he’d love anyone. We’ve known each other since we were kids. I’m surprised you don’t remember him from high school.”
Nesta’s gaze shot to his. “What?”
Cassian's brows rose. “He went to high school with us.”
With us. Nesta hesitated, and Cassian definitely noticed.
“Ah, I knew you didn’t remember. Doesn’t surprise me. Your nose was always stuck in a book. Everyone thought you were a complete bitch, by the way.”
Nesta sat down her mug with far too much force on the countertop. “You don’t know what the hell you're talking about.”
“Am I wrong?” Cassian asked, chuckling.
Nesta practically growled, “About which part?”
“Any of it.” He took a drink of his coffee.
Nesta was quiet for a few seconds, knowing she couldn’t contradict any of what he’d said.
No, she didn’t remember him.
Yes, her nose was always in a book.
Yes, she was a complete bitch.
Dropping the subject for another time, she instead asked, “What does he do?”
Cassian rolled his eyes. “Why can’t you ask Elain or Az these things at dinner?”
“Because I want prior knowledge going in. She mentioned something about a dealership last night? But also tractors?”
“New tractor dealership opened in town. He’s a mechanic there. He used to work for a local business, but they had to shut it down last year. You’ll come to find that most local businesses around here aren’t making it anymore,” he said.
Nesta looked around. She knew the B&B had been struggling for years, but her father had never given up on it.
“Well, I guess I’ll get ready, if you’ll excuse me,” Nesta said, taking her mug and walking toward the hallway.
“No more questions?” Cassian asked, and when Nesta looked over her shoulder she found him watching her walk away.
“Is he good to my sister?” Nesta asked.
She was surprised to see his eyes soften when he said, “Very.”
Nesta turned without another word and headed back to the master bedroom to finish getting ready.
A half hour later, her hair and makeup were done and she was shimmying herself into a tight pair of jeans, a black tank top, and a pair of tennis shoes. Cassian was still sitting at the kitchen table, scrolling through his phone.
“I can drive myself, you know,” she muttered, putting her empty mug in the sink.
When she turned back around, his phone was ignored, all his attention was on her. A moment passed and he cleared his throat. “I realize that, but it’s never a bad idea to have a designated driver when you’re going to a bar.”
Nesta raised a brow. “You don’t drink?”
Cassian's grin widened. “I can just hold my alcohol.”
“And I can’t?” Nesta scoffed.
Cassian shrugged. “I don’t know, can you?”
Nesta took a minute to think about it. “Fine. There’s no point in both of us driving. Since I mean, we live together. Not together! But- Shit.” She sighed. “But we’re taking my car.”
He chuckled, but she could see the grin he was hiding, and got to his feet. “Like hell we are.”
They bickered the whole way to the door, which took longer than one would have expected. Nesta telling him she wasn’t riding in a dirty, beat up, old pickup and Cassian telling her to get the stick out of her ass and not worry about a little dirt.
As they stepped out onto the front porch, Nesta locking the door and hiding the key, she said, “These shoes were two hundred dollars, I’m not putting them anywhere near cow shit.”
Cassian just stared at her. “You own a cattle ranch.” Nesta hated it when he used logic and was going to tell him as much when he continued on and headed down the porch stairs. “And they’re just as likely to get dirty at the bar as they are out here. Now come on, this isn’t up for discussion. I can’t even fit in your tiny car.” He opened the passenger door and waited for him.
But Nesta was staring. Mouth open, not blinking, full on staring. “What is that?”
Cassian sighed. “It’s my truck, now get in, let’s go. It’s been a long ass day and I want a beer.”
This was not the truck Nesta was expecting to find out front. This definitely wasn’t the truck she’d seen him driving around the property. No, that truck had been on this property for as long as she could remember.
Nesta, stunned into silence, did as she was told. He had to help her up into the cab, and the second his hands were on her, she felt like the air had been pulled from her lungs.
“You okay?” Cassian asked, waiting as she turned her legs out of the way of the door.
Nesta nodded and he closed the door, heading to the driver’s side. She shook her head a couple times, trying to clear the fog in her head that always seemed to cloud her thoughts to when she was around him.
He started the truck, which was much quieter than Nesta was expecting and they were on their way.
It was quiet the first few minutes, only quiet music playing through the radio. Cassian kept time with the songs in multiple ways. Sometimes, he would brush his fingers along his jeans, almost like he was playing guitar. Sometimes, he’d tap the beat out with his non-driving foot. But mostly, he drummed on the steering wheel, often with his thumbs but occasionally, his whole hands.
Nesta just stared out the window. Finally, she turned to him and asked, “I’m sorry, if this comes off as rude, but how exactly were you able to buy this truck?” Cassian opened his mouth to reply but Nesta charged on. “Cause this is a very, very nice, very, very new truck.”
Cassian looked offended. “Definitely came off as rude.” Nesta rolled her eyes. “I-”
“I’m just kidding, relax,” Cassian said, laughing. “We just met, you can’t know all my secrets.” 
“Oh my god,” Nesta began, staring at him from the passenger seat. “It’s illegal, isn’t it? You’re a hit man, aren’t you? Or a thief, oh my-”
“I can promise you I don’t break the law,” Cassian promised, then winked. “Often.” 
Nesta shook her head. “You’re an interesting man.”
Cassian laughed. “Yeah, so are you. But, you know, a woman. By the way, we need to get you a pair of boots.”
Nesta looked down at her sneakers. “What’s wrong with these?”
“First of all, who the hell spends two hundred dollars on a pair of tennis shoes?” Cassian asked, then went on without giving her a chance to answer. “Secondly, must I continuously remind you that you now own a ranch?”
“I can be a ranch owner in my nice shoes.”
Cassian smiled as he turned into the parking lot of the bar. “But why the hell would you want to?”
She looked across the truck to his giant feet. He still wore his dusty boots. “Maybe you’re the one that needs new shoes. How long have you had those? They’re practically falling apart.” 
“We’re not talking about me here, okay? We’re talking about you.” He hopped out of the truck before Nesta could respond and as quick as a flash, he was opening her door for her and helping her down from the cab. “And I’m pretty sure as soon as we go inside, you’ll see that I’m not exactly in the minority here, sweetheart.”
When he put her feet down on the ground, he kept his arms around her for a second and Nesta groaned in disgust and pushed back against his chest.
His rock hard, muscled chest.
He stepped back and as Nesta looked up into his hazel eyes, she tried not to think about the two times she’s seen him without his shirt, and the one with almost nothing. She cleared her throat and looked away. She started heading for the door and said, “So, heads up this could be...rough.”
Cassian caught up, sliding his hands in his pockets, after locking the truck behind them. “Okay?”
“I’m sure Elain invited Feyre, though I don’t know if she’ll come.” Nesta paused, realizing just how much anxiety she was feeling on walking through those peeling double doors. “She hates confrontation just as much as I do.”
Cassian was confused. “What do you mean? Why wouldn’t she come?”
Nesta sighed, stopping before they got too close to the doors. “Feyre and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, okay? She’s never forgiven me for leaving when mom died and I’ve never exactly given her a reason to, but… Gods, I just couldn’t stay here anymore.”
“It’s going to be fine,” Cassian said, leaning against the brick wall. “Rhys will be here, and I’m sure he can calm her down.”
“Who’s Rhys?” Nesta asked, glancing over at him.
His eyebrows nearly shot into his hairline. “Her fiancé…”
“Her fiancé?” Nesta rubbed her temples. “I need a drink.”
She felt calloused hands wrap around her wrists and they were pulled from her head. Cass dropped her hands at her sides and said “It’s a good thing we’re at a bar then because I think I can help with that.” Despite herself, Nesta laughed. “Come on, boss. Let’s go.”
Her nose wrinkled as they started walking into the bar together. “Oh, don’t call me that. I don’t like it.”
Cassian snorted. “You sure? I would’ve thought the subservient inferior thing would do it for you.”
Nesta threw her head back and laughed, the sound so rich and beautiful, it stunned Cassian into silence for a moment.
His head whipped to the side, toward the bartender who’d called his name. “What’s up, Luce?”
He pointed toward the far corner of the bar. “In the back, corner booth. You want the usual?”
Cassian glanced down at Nesta. She asked, “What’s the usual?”
He smirked. “Guess you’ll have to find out.”
She didn’t miss a beat before she tilted her head and said, “Make mine a double.”
Cassian’s eyebrows raised again and he said, “Okay. I’ll see you at the table.”
“Okay.” Nesta walked towards the back corner that the bartender, Lucien, she recalled his name being, letting her hips sway a little more than she typically would. But this banter, this back and forth with Cassian... It made her feel...different.
It had been far too long since she’d been with a man. Far too long since she’d found release in anything but her hand or some form of plastic. And even though he annoyed her to no end, even though he pushed her buttons and made her insane, Nesta found herself wondering just how far she could push him.
She was thinking about how good he’d looked wearing nothing but jeans and those dirty boots when someone stepped in her path. “Excuse me, if I could just-.” Nesta paused, realizing that she was looking into her own eyes. “Feyre?
A decade had done her baby sister well. She had grown up, that was for sure, a woman now, not the awkward teenager Nesta had left behind.
Feyre didn’t say anything, didn’t smile or even react to her eldest sister saying her name. Instead, she pulled back her hand.
Next thing Nesta knew, her face was screaming in sharp, searing pain. Strong arms wrapped around her and turned her away from her sister’s rage but her voice seemed to be farther away, too. Granted, the entire bar went silent at the sound of skin on skin, and when Nesta looked up, tears welling in her left eye, she found Cassian looking down at her. “You okay?”
She nodded, pressing her hand to her already swelling cheek. She could hear another hushed male voice calming Feyre down but couldn’t find the courage to look away from Cassian’s hazel eyes.
Cassian let her go and turned his back to her. His voice was light as he said, “A simple hello would have been good, Feyre.”
Nesta watched over his shoulder.
Feyre was storming away, and all that stood in her place was a man who Nesta assumed was Rhys. 
He looked uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck. “She, uh, needs a minute.”
Meanwhile, at the table in the corner, Elain looked horrified. She was sitting, hands over her mouth, as a man wearing a black hoodie and a baggy beanie whispered into her ear. 
Nesta was mortified.
Even as the people around her moved on, resuming their conversations and whatever else, Nesta knew her face had turned a deep shade of red - and not just where Feyre had slapped her. 
“This was a mistake,” she whispered, backing away. “Take me back to the ranch.”
Cassian turned to meet her gaze and Rhys followed Feyre into the hallway where the restrooms were, both of them disappearing. 
“Stay a while,” Cassian said, voice low. 
“After that?” Nesta laughed, palm still pressed against her cheek. “Fuck, no. Take me back.”
“Not before you have a drink.”
Nesta’s embarrassment was quickly turning into anger. “Take. Me. Back.”
Cassian paid her no mind. Instead, he went around her and spoke in hushed tones to Lucien. The bartender nodded, poured two shots and placed them beside what Cassian had previously ordered - the usual. 
Before Cassian could even say a word, Nesta had two shots down and was sipping on a tall glass of whiskey. 
Cassian watched with what looked like amazement. “Slow d-”
“Tell me to slow down and you’re the next person in this bar getting slapped,” Nesta snapped, sitting on a barstool. 
Cassian took a seat next to her. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“I can’t believe she fucking slapped me,” Nesta said, quietly, head already beginning to feel light. She didn’t drink much, just a glass of wine from time to time. She spent too much time working to drink. “I knew she wouldn’t be exactly pleased to see me, but…”
“When she comes back, I’m sure she’ll apologize,” Cassian promised, putting his own glass to his lips. 
“I don’t want an apology,” Nesta said.
Cassian shook his head. “I know we’ve just met, but you are one stubborn woman.”
Nesta was so focused on her drink that she didn’t notice Elain coming toward her. It wasn’t until her arms were thrown around Nesta’s neck that she put her glass down on the bar.
“I’m so glad you came,” she said, obviously trying to pretend like their family drama hadn’t just been the bar’s entertainment. “This is Azriel.”
Nesta smiled, taking in his dark apparel. “You don’t look like someone that would work on tractors.” A laugh sputtered from her lips.
Cassian looked from her, to her glass, then to Elain. “She wasn’t kidding. She really can’t hold her liquor.” 
Azriel just smiled, gently. “Not the first time I’ve heard. Elain’s told me a lot about you.”
Nesta leaned closer to him when she whispered, “And Cassian has told me a lot about you.”
“Oh no,” Azriel chuckled, looking to Cassian. “All good things I hope?”
Cassian shrugged. “Keep hoping.”
About that time, a door slammed on the other half of the bar. The four of them turned to see Feyre storm from the bathroom, grab her purse from the booth and walk out the front door. She didn’t so much as spare a glance at their direction.
“Oof,” Azriel breathed, watching the door slowly close behind Feyre’s retreating figure. He then glanced over to see Rhysand leaving the bathroom, rubbing his hands over his face in exasperation. “Bigger oof.”
Rhy looked at the table and found it empty, but glanced over and found their group looking towards him. He made his way through the crowd until he joined them.
As he approached, a shot glass appeared next to Azriel’s arm and he handed it to Rhys after throwing a grateful look to Lucien. Rhys tossed it back and let out a sharp breath. He pointed at Cass, Az and Elain with each word he said. “Not one of you assholes could at least warn me that she was coming?”
Nesta understood his frustrations, but the alcohol in her had her too far gone to care. “What? How am I the bad guy here?”
Elain looked sympathetically at Nesta as she said, “If we did, Feyre wouldn’t have come and you know it.”
“Wow,” Nesta said, cutting off whatever Rhysand was about to say in response. “You sure know how to make a girl feel welcome.”
“Well, Feyre’s pissed now, so...” Rhysand sighed, then truly looked at Nesta. 
Nesta couldn’t tell what he was thinking and, thanks to the alcohol, she really didn’t care. “Look, you hurry after her and tell her that I love her. Okay? Then...you can come back and get me another drink. Bartender!”
“Okay,” Cassian said, looking over his shoulder to shake his head at Lucien. “I think you-.” When Cassian looked back to Nesta, she had finished off his drink. “Seriously?”
“Also, who the fuck does Feyre think she is? I mean...she isn’t perfect, either. She hates me, so what? She’s not the only one that ha-ha-hates me. I hate me. I had to get out. I had to leave, okay? I had to go. It’s-it’s-it’s not my fault she doesn’t understand that.” Nesta was pointing to where Feyre had disappeared through the double doors, into the night. “I had to leave. I had to.”
Elain looked up to Azriel with sorrow-filled brown eyes. 
Nesta snorted. “Cassian.” She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to her. “Get the red-haired man to give me another glass of the usual.” 
All of Rhysand’s frustration seemed to have faded as he watched Nesta allow the alcohol to consume her. “Look, I’ll talk to Feyre, okay? Maybe we can get together...soon…”
Nesta shrugged. “She won’t listen. She’s almost as stubborn as me. You know, people have always said we both take after our mo-.” Nesta froze, unable to get the word out. She cleared her throat, picking up the glass behind her that had just been refilled. “Our mom.”
With that, she downed its contents. 
Cassian handed her a glass of water and stepped in front of her and she sipped it. He leaned down so he was eye level with her. “You okay?” She nodded. “You gonna get sick?” She shook her head no. “Good.”
He took the now half empty glass of water and set it back on the bar, before unceremoniously tossing Nesta over his shoulder. He grabbed her clutch where it was sitting on the bar and waved it at his family. “Glad we could do this, can’t wait to get everyone back together again.”
“Put. Me. Down!” Each word Nesta hollered was punctuated by a swift hit to his lower back. Or was it his ass? She couldn’t tell, nor did she care.
“Lucien, I’ll get you next time, okay?”
Cassian didn’t even need to look back over his shoulder to see his friend close out his tab at a zero balance and wrote his name on the long IOU list.
He pushed through the open doors and Nesta was still fighting him as he carried her towards the truck. “Put me down, you brute!”
“Nope, I’m doing you like you asked first. Taking you back to the ranch.” He readjusted his grip on her and his left hand planted firmly on her ass.
She gasped. “You did that on purpose.”
Cassian chuckled. “Made you stop fighting me.”
He unlocked the passenger door and dropped her on the truck bench. He tossed her clutch inside before shutting the door and walking to the driver’s side. As he was getting inside, Nesta locked eyes with Feyre, who was sitting on the bed of a black truck, parked a few spaces away. 
Waiting for Rhysand, no doubt.
But Rhysand was not the reason that Feyre’s cheeks were red and blotchy, her eyes swollen. 
Nesta quickly looked away as Cassian backed out of their parking spot and found the main road. 
“That was fun,” Cassian observed. 
Nesta looked over at him, watched as he kept one hand on the wheel and rested the other on the gear shift. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, revealing tattoos along his forearms. 
“Do they have meaning?” Nesta asked, surprised at how quiet her voice had become.
Cassian glanced at her, brow raised, before realizing she was looking at his tattoos. “Some of them, yeah.”
“Let me guess, you’re not going to tell me because I can’t know all your secrets?” She asked, repeating the excuse he had told her so many times throughout the last forty-eight hours.
Cassian huffed a laugh, biting on his bottom lip. “Look at you, already knowing what I’m going to say.”
Nesta laughed, under her breath, as she looked at the road in front of them. There had been a time when Nesta had loved Velaris, had loved all it had to offer. She rested her head against the window and admired the starlight. 
“What about you?” Nesta asked, refusing to look his way. “Do you think I’m a bitch?”
“I think you’re….” He weighed a few words in his head, deciding which one fit best. “Difficult.”
“Difficult?” Nesta laughed. “You make me sound like a misbehaving child!”
“Well…” Cassian said, taking a sharp breath between his teeth.
“Shut up!” Nesta cried, laughing again, covering her face with her hands.
The truck stopped and settled as Cassian put it into park. A calloused finger gently pried one of her hands from her face. “Are you okay?”
Nesta knew he wasn’t asking her about her alcohol tolerance level this time. She pulled her hand away, which had still been resting on her throbbing cheek, and pressed her fingers into the tender skin. She nodded.
“I’m sorry that happened. I really am.”
She looked over at him, his voice much closer than she expected. She didn’t recognize the surroundings around her. “Where are we?”
“Outside my place. I knew the freezer was out at the main house and didn’t know what you had in yours. I know I’ve got a bag of peas inside I was gonna grab and-.”
Nesta was unbuckling her seatbelt and sliding out of the cab.
“I was just gonna grab them and take you back up to the main house,” Cassian said, killing the engine and hopping out behind her.
“I want to see it,” Nesta said, walking toward the porch. “I’ve always thought it was cute.” She stepped in something slimy and looked down. “Are you kidding me?!”
Cassian walked over to where she was standing and laughed. He laughed harder than he had in months and said, “Now do you believe we should get you some boots?” Nesta didn’t say a word, she just scraped what she could off into the grass around her. Cassian made his way up the steps of the cabin and said, “Besides, that wasn’t from a horse. That was from Beau.”
Nesta asked, “Who’s Beau?” right as Cassian opened the door.
A Blue Heeler pup, no older than six months came tearing out the door.
Nesta instantly forgot about her shoes as the pup jumped up on her legs. 
Cassian whistled. “Down, Beau.”
“It’s okay,” Nesta laughed, scratching behind his ears. “He’s sweet.”
Beau wagged his tail, knowing full well he was showing off and his cuteness was being accepted. The pup trotted around Nesta as she crossed the threshold into the small cabin.
Cassian tossed his keys on a side table, next to a recliner in the main room. “I’m training him to help me around the ranch.” 
Nesta raised a brow as Beau hurried out the front door. “Yeah? How’s that going?”
Cassian closed the screen door as he watched Beau chasing his tail at the bottom of the steps. “Not great so far.” 
Nesta laughed, stepping up beside him. “Thanks for driving me tonight. Even if you hauling me out of the bar was completely unnecessary….I would have done something I’d regret if I stayed.”
Cassian glanced sideways at her before turning to face her, head on. “Starting to sober up, are you?”
Nesta snorted. “I’m fine. My head is just a little...light.”
“Ah,” Cassian grinned. “The light phase.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, realizing how close they were standing to one another before taking a step back.
“So,” Cassian said, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re inside. What do you think?”
It was simple. Clean.
There was a woven blanket tossed over the recliner in the living room, but that, a soft leather couch, the side table, and the television sitting on top of a little table, were all that were in there. There was no table in the kitchen, but a refrigerator, a microwave, and an oven. 
“It’s nice,” she said, quietly.
Cassian laughed. “I’m not sure I believe you. Take a seat.”
He nodded toward the recliner and Nesta obeyed as Cassian went into the kitchen and opened the freezer, pulling out a sealed bag of frozen peas.
Nesta had made herself comfortable by the time he reached her and placed the bag gently over her cheek. “I know it was shitty what she did, but Feyre has one hell of a slap.” 
Nesta nudged him in the shin with her foot.
He chuckled and made his way back towards the kitchen. Nesta took a minute to lean back and close her eyes. She heard the opening and closing of a few cupboards and some ice cubes tinkling in glasses. She heard tiny hard pieces of food getting poured into a bowl. She heard his boots, heavy on the wood floor, as he made his way to the door and whistled once. The dog was inside in a matter of seconds and chowing down on his dinner. And then she heard a thud near her head.
Her eyes flew open as she looked over where the noise came from.
“I don’t think I can handle another usual,” she admitted, sheepishly.
He chuckled, leaning against the counter top bar. “I can promise you’ll like that better than the one at the bar. Try it.”
Nesta hesitantly picked it up and sniffed. It smelled sweet. “What is it?”
“Try it, sweetheart, and then I’ll tell you.” He took a large drink from his own glass, which seemed to be the same thing she was drinking. She watched him for a minute, eyes narrowed. “What?” He laughed, chewing on an ice cube.
She looked from him to the drink and back. “Waiting to make sure you aren’t about drop dead from whatever poison you were trying to sneak to me.”
Cassian began to laugh. No, not only laugh. He began to howl. He was laughing so hard, Beau began to howl along with him. Nesta’s eyes were huge by the time he calmed down and could speak to her.
“Just try it, damn it,” he said, before helping himself to more of his own. 
Nesta took a small, hesitant sip. The cool liquid was definitely sweeter than the usual at the bar.
“Maple bourbon,” Cassian muttered, finishing his glass and setting it on the table before sitting on the floor across from the recliner. 
Nesta took another sip. “It’s good.”
“I know,” Cassian said, smiling up at her.
They watched each other for a moment, and Nesta soon became uncomfortable at his gaze. Not because she feared him, but because she didn’t fear him at all. 
“I’m sorry about this morning. I was unfair to you.”
Cassian’s brows rose. “You’re just saying that because you’re drunk.”
“I’m not that drunk.”
“Neither am I,” he said, but his voice had grown significantly softer. 
Their eyes still remained connected to one another’s. 
Nesta swore she could hear his deep, unsteady breaths, as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “I should probably go.”
She looked over and couldn’t read the expression on his face. She set the bag down, giving him her attention. “Or...you could stay and have another drink with me.” Nesta opened her mouth to explain why that was a bad idea but he held up a finger and began again. “Not because I’m trying to get in your pants, but because I think it’ll be easier for us to open up this way. No holds barred, yeah? No secrets, for the most part, just two coworkers getting to know each other.”
Nesta watched him, waited, and asked, “For the most part?”
Cassian smiled, a wicked grin, and said, “See, that’s where the drinking comes in. You don’t have to answer, but then you have to drink.”
She blinked at him. “So we’re playing ‘Twenty Questions’?”
Cassian stood, taking her glass with a huff, and saying, “Well, now it doesn’t sound as cool, does it?”
Nesta giggled, actually giggled, as he filled their glasses back to the top and gave Nesta a straw. He reached out to hand it back to her, but took it back at the last minute. She flinched and looked up at him. “No half ass girly sips,” he said, hazel eyes sparkling. “It better count.”
She snatched the glass from him and he laughed, sitting back down against the wall. He whistled once and instantly Beau was there against his side.
Nesta’s eyebrows were raised. “I’m impressed,” she said, not hiding her amusement.
He rubbed the pup’s side lovingly. “He’s a good one, that’s for sure.” He pulled his boots off one at a time and tossed them by the door, each with a loud thud. Once he’d finally settled in, he waved to her. “Ladies first.”
Nesta took a minute to think about it. “How old are you?”
Cassian blinked. “That’s the worst question, ever.”
Nesta threw her hands in the air. “Well, I thought I’d start with something simple.”
Cassian laughed, leaning his head back. “Alright. Twenty-seven.”
“Me too,” Nesta said.
“I know. We were in the same graduating class.”
Nesta cursed. She kept forgetting they went to the same high school. 
“Your turn,” she urged.
“Hmmmm,” he said, pretending to think a lot harder than he actually was. “Are you happy to be back on the ranch?”
For a split second, Nesta thought about taking a drink, but she came to the conclusion that the question really wasn’t all that bad. “Kinda.”
“That’s it?” he laughed. “Kinda?”
“You didn’t say I had to give extensive answers,” she laughed.
Cassian shook his head. “Well, now I am. New rule.”
“You can’t just add rules.”
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” he said, leaning back on his hands as Beau nestled himself in Cassian’s lap.
Nesta pursed her lips, rethinking that drink, but decided to attempt to explain herself. “The only reason I haven’t wanted to be here is because of the memories. And I’m really hoping that I can…make new memories to replace the bad ones.”
In the end, she did take a drink, but out of fortification, not punishment. Cassian saw that and accepted her answer, not wanting to push her. She blew a quick breath out before asking, “You said you’d been working for my dad for eight years, yeah?” Cassian nodded, even though that clearly couldn’t have just been the question. “What did you do the year between graduation and starting here?”
“Tried my hand at the professional rodeo circuit.” Cassian didn’t miss a beat.
It took Nesta back. “Really? What’d you do? Bull riding?”
“Hell no,” Cassian laughed. “I wasn’t that stupid. Well, no, I was that stupid. I was just too big. You gotta be little to ride bulls. No, I was a team roper.”
“Wow.” Nesta was watching Cassian with her head tilted, almost looking at him in a new light. “Header or heeler?”
“Header,” he replied, pretending to throw the rope at the horns. “Rhys was my heeler. We were good. Won every PRCA Jr. rodeo event in our areas. So we figured it’d be nothing to make that jump up with the big dogs.” He chuckled. “We were so wrong.” He took a quick sip before saying, “The day we got back into town I ran into your dad down at Tractor Supply. Told me he needed a ranch hand to help out since Elain had college every day and Feyre was still in high school.” Cassian chuckled. “He actually hired both of us on at first, me and Rhys. He only lasted about three months though.” He began to laugh again.
“What? Why?” Nesta couldn’t imagine her father firing anyone, much less someone she had gone to school with.
“That was when he caught him sneaking out of Feyre’s window at two in the morning.”
Nesta’s eyes grew wide before she began to howl. “Oh my god. Elain forgot to mention that in our texts throughout the years.”
Cassian laughed, gripping his glass tighter. “It was hilarious. I let your dad know I was on his side, and I proved that by picking on Rhysand every chance I got.”
“Wow,” Nesta breathed, laughter fading. “And you’ve been here ever since?”
“That’s an extra question,” he said. “Unfair.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Fine. Go.”
Cassian’s eyes softened as he met her gaze. “Elain said you were a chef. Did you like it? Was it hard to leave?”
Nesta tilted her head. “That’s two questions.”
“Pretend it’s one,” Cassian said.
Nesta looked at him for a minute before taking a long, slow drink. What could she have said? Yes, I loved it. It was my dream. I was young, incredibly successful, and rich as hell. I left because I felt guilty for the death of my parents.
Cassian nodded, watching her. “Fair enough.”
Nesta cleared her throat before abruptly asking, “Do you have a girlfriend?”
Cassian’s amused smile returned.
Nesta shrugged. “I’ve seen you near-nude twice now, it’s a question, as your boss, I thought I should ask.”
Cassian’s smile grew as he shook his head. “No, I don’t. Not a lot of time for one. Haven’t really been looking. What about you? Someone overseas you were seeing?”
Nesta looked down at Beau, who was snoring quietly. “Is that your next question?”
Cassian sighed. “I suppose so.”
Nesta shook her head. “No. I worked too much. I haven’t been on a date in...shit. A few years?”
“Years?” Cassian said, eyes wide. “Hell, woman. You couldn’t take one night off from your busy schedule in years?”
She simply shrugged. “No.”
Cassian took a drink, watching her. “When’s the last time someone took care of you, sweetheart?”
As the words left his lips, Nesta was feeling hot and cold all over, all at the same time. And she didn’t think it was just from her drink. “It’s not your turn,” she breathed.
He swallowed hard and nodded, chuckling. “Go on, then.”
She took another drink of her own, before she asked, “How did you afford that truck out there.”
Cassian didn’t even try to look like he contemplated answering as he put the glass to his lips and drank deeply. “But I promise it’s not illegal,” he added with a chuckle. Nesta could hear the slight slur to his words, making the bit of drawl heavier than normal. “Do you really not remember me from high school?”
Nesta felt her shoulders sag. “No, I- I don’t. I’m sorry. But don’t feel bad,” she quickly added. “I sort of blocked everyone out and don’t remember anyone. So at least I don’t remember you, instead of remembering you for a bad reason.”
Cassian nodded, amused. “Well, I remember you.”
Her cheeks burned. “It’s my turn to ask a question.”
“I can’t talk in between questions?” He laughed.
Nesta shook her head. “Nope, that’s my rule.”
Cassian took a sip from his glass. “Rules were made to be broken, you know.”
Nesta couldn’t stop her smile. “What do your tattoos mean?”
Cassian rolled up his sleeves even further and examined the ink. “A lot of things.”
“Bad answer,” Nesta said, slipping off her shoes and bringing her feet up beneath her in the chair.
Cassian nodded. “Then I guess I’ll drink.” He raised his glass before bringing it to his mouth. 
“And here I thought we were playing this game to get to know each other,” Nesta laughed.
“Can’t give you-“
“All your secrets,” Nesta finished. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Do you have any tattoos?” He asked.
“What?” She laughed. “So you can know mine but I can’t know yours?”
His eyes lit up. They were glazed, but so excited. “So you do. What are they?”
Nesta took a sip, but because she was copping out, but because as the night went on, as the ice melted into the sweet bourbon, she loved the taste of it. “It’s just one,” she said, standing. She began to unbutton her pants and she heard Cassian swallow harshly. She looked up at him. “Down boy,” she chuckled. “It’s on my hip. I can’t exactly show with my pants all the way on.”
He cleared his throat and stood, refilling his glass. When he came back to the threadbare living room, Nesta had the left side of her jeans pulled down, exposing her hip bone. As he looked at it, Nesta explained, “It’s a dandelion. To remind myself that everyone, even I deserve a second chance, even though you might have to endure some harsh winds.”
When she looked away from her tattoo, she caught sight of the way his jeans seemed to be a bit more tight than they were before. Letting her eyes travel up his body, she saw the  way his body was rigid, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His eyes, that woody hazel that she kept losing herself in, it was almost completely gone, his pupils blown out. “Your turn,” he breathed, and as his breath fanned across her face, she realized how closely they stood together.
Nesta’s breathing hitched as her entire body felt weightless.
His words from before replayed in her mind. When’s the last time someone took care of you, sweetheart?
“If given the chance,” she began, voice hushed, “would you fuck me?”
The question, asked in no more than a whisper, lingered in the quiet cabin.
Cassian said nothing as those deep, hazel eyes bore into her own. And then, he took a long, slow drink, before setting down his glass on the table beside her chair.
Breaking his gaze from hers, he went down the short hallway and disappeared into the back bedroom.
Nesta stared after him. She probably should have been embarrassed, but the alcohol coursing through her system told her not to be.
Instead, jeans still unbuttoned, she took an unbalanced step toward the front door, then another.
It wasn’t until she heard quick, heavy footsteps coming back her way that she turned around and was met with Cassian’s lips crashing into her own.
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konglindorm · 3 years
White Bears
So the other day I was flipping through my Kay Nielsen-illustrated “East of the Sun and West of the Moon” collection with my mom, because she’d never seen the illustrations before, and they’re some of my favorites. And we weren’t actually reading the stories this time; we were just there to look at pretty pictures.
The book starts with the titular “East of the Sun, West of the Moon,” and therefore some illustrations of white bears. And then we keep going through a few more pages, and suddenly there’s another illustration of a white bear, and at this point I’m thinking “oh, right, ‘White Bear King Valemon.’ Huh. It’s kinda strange that there would be two Norwegian enchanted bridegroom stories where the bridegroom is specifically a white bear.”
And then I flip to the next page, and, granted, at this time I haven’t read “White Bear King Valemon” in a few years, but the next illustration was not at all consistent with what I remembered. So I went back a few pages to discover that this set of white bear illustrations was actually for “The Blue Belt,” and this collection didn’t even include “White Bear King Valemon.”
So let’s talk today about the enchanted bridegroom subset “white bears in Norway.”
Now, the reason I'd forgotten about the white bear bit of "The Blue Belt" is that it's largely inconsequential, just another crazy element in a story packed with crazy. The main character is never actually turned into a bear, but does convincingly disguise himself as one to meet the princess he loves in secret, allowing him to collect insider information to win her hand. The main thing about this story is that, as irrelevant as his white bear disguise is to the plot as a whole, it has resulted in a couple of fantastic illustrations that can easily be used for bear-based enchanted bridegroom stories. But primarily we're here to talk about "East of the Sun, West of the Moon" and "White Bear King Valemon," which are very similar but also completely distinct stories. You can read all about "East-West" here, and this post will be mainly running through how "King Valemon" is different and why we care.
So first off, this is another of those stories where youngest kid is best kid and therefore wins, and specifically the kind of story where it's not something you really want to win - in this case, the right to be kidnapped by a polar bear. All three sisters are princesses, and the bear deemed the older two unworthy to be kidnapped, possibly because they had brains in their heads, which our girl does not seem to.
Bear whisks girl away to palace, joins her in bed at night in human form. And, okay. Remember how in "East of the Sun, West of the Moon," the girl and the enchanted bear have to share a bed for a year, and we really don't know exactly what all they're doing in that bed?
In "White Bear King Valemon," we know exactly what they're doing, and it's exactly what you think. She lives with the bear for three years, and in that time she has three babies. All of whom the bear whisks away immediately. Which, dude, yikes.
I mean, ambiguous bed-sharing with a stranger for one year is already a little, um...well. But getting knocked up by a stranger? Three times? And having all the babies kidnapped by the same white bear who kidnapped you? Who you may or may not have gathered by now is also the stranger who knocked you up? (My money's on not gathering that, because our girl doesn't strike me as the brightest, so far.) Again, yikes. I'm just, like, I'm at a loss for words. "Yikes" is all I've got, guys.
Why does she keep having sex with this man? Does she have a choice? Is this consensual? Why isn't she questioning this man about what on earth is going on here? Why is she not having an enormous fight with the bear and demanding her children back? Why is she allowing herself to become pregnant again when she knows that the baby is going to be taken away by the bear? What does she even think the bear is doing with the babies?
There comes a time when you just have to say, okay, either the sex stops or we explore period-appropriate alternatives to birth control, because I refuse to bring another child into this world to be eaten by a bear.
After three years and three stolen babies, the girl convinces the bear to let her visit home. Where her mom does the whole "You're doing what? With who? You haven't even seen his face?" bit, only she's even more justified in her concern than the East-West mom, because her daughter is reproducing​ with this man and then allowing her grandbabies to be taken away and possibly eaten by a talking bear​. Like, yes, mom, you tell her; she should absolutely be gathering more information about this situation. There is a time and a place to go with the flow, and that is not​ here and now, sweetheart.
So she goes back with the white bear and lights her little candle, and he wakes up when the tallow drips on him and acts like this is some great betrayal, and not the sensible thing she should have done two and a half years ago when she realized she was pregnant the first time.
He is, like in East-West, just one month from the curse being broken, and I would like to just take a moment to say that is not fair, the troll who cursed him is not playing by the rules, everyone knows the time frame in situations like this is a year and a day, what is this slightly over three years crap?
Bear switches from hot guy back to bear and runs off to where he's supposed to meet the troll or whatever, idk - the girl grabs his fur and tries to go with him, but falls off in the forest somewhere.
She does her best to catch up with him on foot, and on the way she meets three little girls, living with three old women, and each of these girls gives her a gift; these gifts are what she will trade to the troll for three nights with the white bear - well, with King Valemon, now that his bear-curse is over. He's drugged on the first two nights, and they can finally talk on the third, just like in East-West. But instead of Fun With Laundry, in this story they make a trap door for the troll to fall through when she's walking down the aisle. Which. Lame.
With the troll handled, King Valemon takes our girl home, but on the way we stop to collect the three little girls who helped her. Because those are their kids, who he, get this, "had taken so they could aid in her quest." The quest that didn't exist yet at the time, because he hadn't been taken by the troll yet, and had no reason yet to suspect that she would look at his face - I mean, the girl was having babies with him and not bothering about the face, so I would have considered it a safe bet that she would continue not bothering, and taking the babies was definitely overkill.
Also, like. She lived with him for three years and had three babies. After three years, she visits her parents, and then she looks at him with the candle; this all seems to happen pretty quickly. Which means the oldest girl might, maybe, possibly be as old as three, but probably she's younger. We should have an age range of infant to toddler here. And yet all three are described as little girls, not babies, and all three seem able to effectively communicate. So that's a bit of a plot hole. Gotta love timeline inconsistency.
In conclusion: "East of the Sun, West of the Moon"? Beautiful, meaningful story, perfect, magnificent, 25 out of ten. "White Bear King Valemon?" Garbage story full of garbage characters who make garbage decisions, not worth the paper it's printed on, only redeeming feature is mom not putting up with her daughter's absolute idiocy.
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Tech trustbusting's moment has arrived
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When it's railroading time, you get railroads.
When the railroads turn into the personal satrapies of rail-barons, you get trustbusters.
A couple decades ago, it was online service time. We had the users, the telcoms systems, the computers, the modems, so we got platforms.
We had that, but we lacked something important: effective antimonopoly enforcement. Lax merger laws allowed companies with access to capital markets to buy out or neutralize all their competitors, so we got monopolies.
Right on schedule, we're getting digital trustbusters.
Now, some people aren't technically sophisticated, but they do understand a lot about competition law. That's how you get meat-and-taters antitrust proposals like Amy Klobuchar's CALERA, which address the structural problems with antitrust law.
Klobuchar's bill is hugely important. The reason we have monopolies is that we stopped enforcing anti-monopoly law 40 years ago. Monopoly isn't a tech problem, it's everywhere from sneakers to glass bottles to pro wrestling to candy to aerospace.
Klobuchar's CALERA doesn't just seek to apply antitrust law to tech – it also explicitly restores the pre-Reagan basis for fighting monopolies: we fight monopolies because they concentrate power and corrupt our politics. All monopolies are guilty unless proven otherwise.
But though industries all attained their monopolies through similar tactics – predatory acquisitions and mergers, vertical integration – they also each have their own technical characteristics that must inform our demonopolization tactics.
Take emergency care: monopolists love ERs because we don't choose which ER to use, nor when. You can't shop for an ER from the back of an ambulance. You don't know going in whether you're going to spend $1m or $1k. And you'll buy whatever services the ER tells you to buy.
Or power-grids: demand for electricity is both inelastic (you need power when you need power) and price-insensitive, and that inelasticity increases with demand: that is, when it's freezing or boiling out, everyone wants electricity.
Tech, of course, has its own technical characteristics. Chief among these is its flexibility. At a deep, theoretical level our digital tools and networks are capable of interoperating with one another in ways that no physical technologies can match.
Think of the Australian rail-system. In the mid-19th century, would-be rail-barons laid differing gauges in hopes of conquering the nation's logistics and transport. For 150+ years, engineers have tried to solve the "multi-gauge muddle" by designing multi-system railcars.
Hundreds of designs for cars that retract and extrude different wheelbases have been tried, and none ever caught on. Instead, Australia is tearing up and re-laying thousands of kilometers' worth of track. With physical tech, "compatibility" often means starting from scratch.
Not so with digital tech. If you are an OS company whose rival has locked up all office docs in a proprietary format, you don't have to convince all its customers to abandon their documents and start over. You just make a compatible program:
With digital and physical tech, network effects drive high switching costs, but when it comes to digital, network effects are a double-edged sword.
With interoperability, a walled garden can easily become a feed-lot, where customers for a new service are neatly arrayed for competitors to come and harvest.
Good tech policy emphasizes interoperability when it comes to demonopolizing the digital world. Long before the US ACCESS Act and the EU Digital Markets Act, Mike Masnick published his seminal "Protocols, Not Platforms" paper.
And Daphne Keller's work on "Magic APIs" presaged the ACCESS Act's idea of forcing tech companies to expose the APIs they use internally so that competitors can plug into their services:
(that paper is outstanding, BTW, with clear-eyed assessments of alternatives, like a digital fairness doctrine, "common carriage" rules, an "indecency" standard for content moderation – basically a checklist for "So you've got a plan to fix tech – did you think of ____?")
Masnick's "protocols" are a vision for a decentralized, better internet. Keller's Magic APIs describe a legal path to getting there. My own work on Competitive Compatibility (nee Adversarial Interoperability) describes how we'll STAY there.
Because monopolies are good at subverting regulation, so any Magic API rule would be brittle – dependent on the tech companies not sabotaging those APIs by moving the important data-flows away from the mandatory APIs.
That's why we have to strip monopolists of the power to ask a court to block interoperators: take away the wildly distorted copyright, patent, terms of service and other legal doctrines that Big Tech ignored during its ascent, but now enforces against would-be competitors.
With both interop mandates and a legal right for new entrants to force interoperability through technical means, tech giants will face consequences if they subvert antimonopoly rules.
The choice becomes: either respect the intent of a mandate and preserve interop; or be plunged into a chaotic arms-race with competitors who switch to scraping, bots, and reverse-engineering.
All of this is incredibly wonkish, a highly specialized debate that involves highly technical propositions about how digital technology works today, how it used to work and how it might work – layered atop a similar, highly technical understanding of antitrust law.
The Venn overlap of "deep understanding of digital tech" and "deep understanding of antitrust debates" isn't so much a slice as it is a sphincter, and the debate has been equally narrow, but when it's railbaron time, you get trustbusters.
The tech monopoly/interop debate is going mainstream. Francis Fukuyama and his colleagues at the Stanford Working Group on Platform Scale have proposed an intervention similar to the ACCESS Act, where trusted third parties mediate between monopolists, new entrants and users.
The Stanford proposal calls them "middleware companies," but they're conceptually interchangeable with the idea of a "data fiduciary": companies that act as referees when a new co-op, startup or nonprofit wants to plug into a monopolist's service.
This is clearly an idea whose time has come – it's present in the EU's DMA and the US Access Act, and latent in the UK CMA report:
Importantly, it's an approach that recognizes the distinctive character of tech – taking account of the power of interop to break open walled gardens and unravel network effects.
What's especially interesting about this work is that it appears to have been developed in parallel to pre-existing work from Masnick and Keller (and me) – it's a case of convergence between the tech-policy world and the broader world of policy.
After all, while Masnick and Keller's work is well known inside of tech policy, that's just our obscure, nerdy corner of the policy world – now they're escaping that corner, becoming self-evident to people from traditional policy backgrounds.
My hope is that the trend continues – that we see ideas about Competitive Compatibility/Adversarial Interop join the idea of API mandates, so that we produce durable anti-monopoly systems, not just anti-monopoly rules.
Most important, though, is restoring an appreciation for the importance of interoperability in preventing monopolies and promoting technological self-determination for communities and individuals.
Because such a sensibility can escape the legislative world and be enacted via fast-moving, easier-to-use policy  tools. For example, we could (should!) make interop a feature of all government procurement rules.
No school district should buy devices for students without securing the right to sideload the apps they need on them – imagine buying 50,000 Ipads at public expense and then having Apple boot the app you rely on out of the App Store!
Likewise, no district should buy Google Classroom without securing a legally binding guarantee not to block interoperators who want to integrate other ed-tech services into the curriculum, with or without Google's cooperation.
Procurement and interop are as old as the Civil War, when the Union Army demanded firearms and ammo that had multiple manufacturers. As the state-level Net Neutrality rules (which bar governments from using non-neutral ISPs) showed us, procurement can shape markets.
Procurement is just for starters. Right now, tech companies caught breaking the law are handed down fines that are less than the profits their lawbreaking generated – instead, we could demand interop as part of any settlement.
One major barrier to interop is contract law: terms of service, EULAs, noncompetes, arbitration, etc. States wield enormous power over contracting terms: states can declare certain contractual language against public policy and thus unenforceable.
If, say, California were to pass a rule nullifying the mountain of abusive garbage that has become standard in digital "contracts," it would be in a position to export fair usage terms to the country in just the same way it exports robust emissions standards.
Antittrust is primarily a federal manner (that's why 40 years of federal antitrust malpractice has been such a disaster). But every level of government, down to your local school board, can make a meaningful difference in tech antitrust.
Digital technology's inescapable, marvellous, terrifying flexibility can be translated into so many unique, powerful weapons for transforming the industry and empowering communities to control their digital lives and seize the means of computation.
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rogerslovesstark · 5 years
Don’t Love You Anymore
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Warning: Angst, Fluff
Words: 3k
“What are you trying to say, Steve?”
“I’m sorry, I just don’t love you anymore,”
Your mind was reeling, was this really happening? Was he really leaving you when you needed him most? You had found out you were pregnant only a couple of hours ago. You wanted to surprise Steve with a little joke you had found online. It wouldn’t even matter now, he doesn’t love you anymore.
Your hands were shaking while tears built up in your eyes, the sobs in your throat ready to flow out. You wanted to know what had happened? What changed from last week as he had told you that he would never leave you, and it would always be you two.
“What changed?” You whispered, if you tried to speak any louder, you would be crying loudly.
Steve sucked in a harsh breath, “I don’t know Y/n, I just don’t anymore,”
You nodded your head, and went into your bedroom and packed your bag. While throwing in clothes into your bag, you started to cry quietly. It hurt to leave, you had just passed your third anniversary. You had moved in with Steve a year ago, on your second anniversary. Guess it didn’t matter anymore, he didn’t love you anymore.
You swiftly got your bag ready, you walked out of your bedroom, over to the door, leaving your keys on the catch-all tray. You couldn’t bear to stay in the apartment any longer. Steve’s head shot up when he heard your keys hit the tray.
“Where are you going?” He asked without thinking, it was a habit for him to ask where you were going, constantly worrying for you and where you were going. You didn’t look over at him, he didn’t need to know anymore. You shrugged and left without a single word.
Steve sat back on the couch, head in his hands, feeling hollow and a shell of a person. The apartment had already felt colder without you in it, you were normally humming a tune softly, but it was silent, only the hum of electricity to be heard.
8 months later
Steve had landed from a mission, it was only supposed to a few week recon mission, turned into a full-blown undercover stakeout. He went back to his apartment, opening the door to a cold apartment. A shiver ran up his spine, subconsciously looking at the gleam of your keys on the tray. Steve felt his chest caved in at the reminder of what had happened before he left.
Where were you know? What were you doing? Were you doing alright? Steve went over to his desktop, searching your name up in the search engine.
There were no results about you, not even a social media link. You had loved social media, were always on it. The cute pictures of you were constantly posted between the two of you. He pulled out his phone to open his Instagram, looking up your name, to not find anything.
Did you delete your Instagram? He had looked through his own feed, the last picture of you sitting at a fancy restaurant table, smiling brightly at his phone. You looked so lovely that night, a pretty white dress and you looked like an angel. Steve was sure that he swooned every time you had smiled at him.
Steve put everything down and walked towards the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. It hit Steve like a truck when he walked in and didn’t see your socks on the floor. You always left your socks on the floor because your feet were always cold and you wouldn’t take your socks off until you were about to go to sleep.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked around the bedroom and he couldn’t even smell your scent on the sheets anymore. A choked sob left his throat, you were really gone. You had left and didn’t come back. What else was he to expect, he told you to leave, he told you that he didn’t love you anymore.
Steve did love you, he truly did, breaking your heart like that was one of his biggest regrets, the basis of the mission was for a man who had threatened you and Steve, and he wanted to investigate. It would do more harm if you were together than if you were separated, so Steve broke up with you, what a mistake that was.
Steve walked to the bathroom, tears streaming down his face, and noticed the garbage was overflowing. He forgot to take out the trash before he left. Trying to get all the trash out, he noticed a pregnancy test, his heart dropped to his ass. No, you couldn’t have been pregnant. You would have told him.
It was positive. You were pregnant when he told you he didn’t love you. Steve needed to find you, where were you? Steve forgot about the shower, he grabbed his keys and got onto his bike, rushing to the tower to get FRIDAY to locate you and make sure you were okay.
Steve stared at the computer screen in the lab. There was no trace of you at all, it was like you never existed. FRIDAY had said that there was no record of a Y/n L/n in their database, which was ridiculous because Steve had granted you security access to the building. Steve felt a cold sweat break out across the back of his neck. Tears pooled into his eyes, you couldn’t have disappeared like this without help.
Steve ran to Tony’s lab, hoping he would have an idea of where you were. Without even knocking, he barged into Tony’s lab, seeing his friend on the phone with someone.
“Tony, the baby and I are fine, thank you for calling again for the third time today, but I promise if I need anything, I’ll call you,” You told Tony through the phone.
“Actually got to go, we’ll talk later,” Tony snappishly said before he disconnected the call, you rolled your eyes at his tone, smiling knowing he was annoyed that you denied his help yet again.
After you left Steve, you called Tony sobbing and he took you in. Tony was your closest friend besides Steve. He had picked you up and brought you to a small home close to Lake Erie. It wasn’t much, just a two-bedroom home 15 minutes from the lake.
You had given birth to Tobias Joseph Rogers last month, and it was like he was a photocopy of Steve. He had come out screaming and wailing at 7 lbs, 13oz and 21 inches, on July 4, 20XX. Just like his father. You cried for the majority of your pregnancy and the only reason you took care of yourself was for the safety of the baby.
Postpartum depression was also a concern for you because you were depressed during your pregnancy and you feared that you would still be depressed while raising your sweet little boy. He never cried, only fussed when he was hungry or soiled his diaper. Toby was sleeping right now, and he wouldn’t wake up for another 40 minutes so you began to clean up around the small house.
“Who you on the phone with?” Steve asked, hoping he would say you. Tony looked at him shocked.
“When did you get back Cap?” Tony asked monotonously, secretly fuming inside, Steve had broken your heart and left you for dead, and here he was without a scratch on him.
“Couple of hours ago, was that Y/n? Do you know where she is?” Steve asked, a hopeful look in his eyes, Tony wanted to crush that hope out, Steve didn’t deserve you, you were too perfect for him.
“No, a business partner,” Tony knew you didn’t want to see the Captain, you specifically asked for all information about you to be erased from the system and the internet. You knew that Steve didn’t want to be in your lives anymore so it would be better to just disappear.
All hope Steve had was completely put out, you had disappeared. His heart was breaking so quickly, he was surprised that he didn’t collapse to the floor due to all the heartbreak. Tears began streaming down his face, his breath shaking at the thought of losing you, and your child.
Tony watched Steve shake and cry in the middle of his lab, awkwardly he went over and put his hand on the super-soldiers shoulder. He sympathizes with Steve, he really did, he knew what it was like to lose the woman you love.
“Please Tony, do you know where she is, I miss her so much, I had to go on a mission, they threatened her. They wanted to kill her because of me, please you gotta believe me!” Steve sobbed, wanting nothing more than to just hold you and beg for your forgiveness.
“Who threatened her?”Tony asked, his hands clenching at the thought of someone hurting you and that cute baby of yours. That little boy had stolen Tony's heart the moment he was born.
“Hydra, where the hell do you think I’ve been these past 8 months?” Steve shouted.
“Why the fucked didn’t you anything before you dumb fuck, that poor woman spent so long crying over you, thinking that you didn’t love her anymore.” Tony shoved Steve, and Steve took a step back, knowing Tony was protective of you.
“They would have killed her if anyone knew, it was for the best if we weren’t together while I looked for the person who threatened her,” Steve said exasperated, tired from fighting and not having you home to comfort him.
“Follow me, you stupid shit”
You heard the jet before you saw anything, the noise had startled and he woke up whining, annoyed to be woken up from his afternoon nap. You quickly scooped the baby into your arms hoping to settle him and get him back to sleep, because if he didn’t finish his nap, he would be cranky until bedtime.
After numerous attempts of trying to put him down, he wouldn’t stop whining, only when you took him into your arms and held him.
“You such a mamas boy Toby,” You said softly to the infant, his eyes open and staring at you in wonder. You heard knocking on your door, you just knew it was Tony, he had called earlier and he always came by when he called.
“Let’s go see Uncle Tony baby,”
As you walked down the stairs, you heard two voices arguing softly behind the door, this worried you because you knew Tony always came alone, it might be the neighbors, they would stop by once in a while to check on you and see if you needed any help.
When you open the door, you felt your heart stop momentarily. There he was, in all his American glory, Captain America, Steve Rogers at your door, Tony standing next to him, a sheepish smile on his face. You glared at Tony, how could he do this to you.
Steve stared at the small bundle in your arms, that was your baby, the baby that you had grown without Steve there to help you. Steve looked up at you, you looked as beautiful as ever, skin glowing and your hair looked better than ever. It was like Steve was in a trance while staring at you.
Tony was the first one to break the awkward silence, “Sweetheart, you got to let him explain,”
“Like hell, I will, what the hell do you two want?” You said hostilely, holding Toby tighter to your body.
“Doll, let me explain, please,” Steve begged, wanting nothing more than to wrap his arms around you and hug and kiss you till dawn. To hold his baby and kiss, hold, cuddle him.
You looked reluctantly at Tony and then at Steve, you handed the baby over to Tony where he quickly gathered him and bolted to the nursery room.
“Come in,” You quietly said, leading Steve to your cozy living room. It was minimally decorated, not much inside besides a sectional and a coffee table, a small flat screen tv mounted on the wall. It wasn’t much but it was enough for you and the baby, to keep you from your thoughts when the baby was down and you didn’t want to go to sleep yet.
Steve walked in the house, it had the same aura as the apartment when you both lived there. It was small and it felt like home. Steve started tearing up, he felt out of place, exiled from your heart. But he was the one who told you that he wasn’t in yours anymore. Watching you walk through the corridor, made him feel so left out.
You both sat on the couch, you never made eye contact with Steve, you feared if you did you would end up forgiving him.
“Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, water?” You ask softly, nervous to even be talking, what if he came to take away Toby? Your hands cliché at that idea, nobody was taking your baby away from you.
Steve noticed your hands and just stared at you, “Doll, let's just talk, please,” He said desperately, he picked up on the fact that you flinched when he had called you doll, his heart cracking. All Steve wanted to do was to reach out and hold you, just have you in his lap and breathe in your scent.
“Okay, what happened? I thought you didn’t love me anymore?” You whispered, bring up those words practically tore your heart.
“Y/n, I lied okay? I loved you and I still do. So much. Hydra threatened to kill you, the both of us, that's why I told you that, I thought it would be safer for the both of us if we weren’t together, they most likely had our apartment bugged, so I had to make it believable, please you have to believe me.” Steve pleaded.
You looked at the blond in shock, they had bugged the apartment, how, when? Did they know where she was right now? You stiffened up, worried that they knew where you were and they would come hurt Toby.
“Do they know where we are?” You whispered
“No, I took them all out.”
“By yourself?”
“I did what I had to do to protect the ones I love,” Steve said while taking your hand in his.
“Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Doll they bugged the apartment if I told you they would have for sure killed us, I needed to make sure that we would both be safe and then take them down,” Steve explained, you seemed to be understanding the idea now. “When did you have him?” Steve asked you, dying to meet the baby.
“Last month, he was born on July 4th, like his father,” You told him, watching as his eyes filled with tears and his heart broke even more.
“are you alright?” Steve asked you, concerned that the pregnancy had caused any damage to your body. You had to go through that all alone, the hormones, the cravings, he missed watching you grow with his child.
“I’m fine, it was quick labor and delivery, only took 2 hours, eager like his father,” You said while smiling, thinking about your cute baby boy. “so what happens now?” You asked.
“Can I meet our baby?” Steve asked quietly, desperate to hold his son. You nod your head and lead him up the stairs, to the nursery where Tony and the baby were. Opening the door to see Tony laying on the floor with the baby on his chest. Toby was gurgling and making a face that you recognized, you quickly grabbed the baby and a towel, throwing it over your shoulder and burping him.
“Did he throw up on me?” Tony asked Steve, Steve couldn’t even pay attention to anything that Tony had said, too entranced by his son trying to burp. Hearing the small noise of him passing gas, Steve smiled and walked over to you two. Tony quickly stood up and left the room silently, not wanting to have to face the upcoming drama.
You feel Steve standing behind you, you turn towards him, his eyes silently asking you to hold the baby. You help Steve maneuver the baby into his arms. Steve starts to break down at the feeling of his son in his arms.
“What's his name?” Steve asked you.
“Tobias Joseph Rogers, Toby for short”
“You named him after my dad?” Steve asked, teary-eyed. You nodded, Steve was touched you named the baby with intention, even if you didn’t know if Steve was coming back.
“Doll, I know that I hurt you, but please, let me back in, I swear on my life that I’ll protect you two,” Steve begged you, wanting nothing more than to hold you and the baby and to call you a family.
“I don’t know Steve, you broke my heart, I can’t do it again,” You whispered, wrapping your arms around yourself as if to protect yourself from him. You wanted to try again, but you were scared, what if he left again?
“You won't have to, I will never leave you, please just let me try,” He begged you, hoping that you missed him as he misses you.
“Okay, one more chance, but your doing diapers for the next 6 months,” You said sternly.
Steve felt his heart swell, he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you towards him with a searing kiss, he had missed your kisses and your touch.
“I promise, I will never leave you again, baby, never again,” Steve whispered against your lips.
You pecked his lips and took the baby from his arms, putting him down in his crib, seeing he was already falling asleep in his father's arms. Once the baby was down, Steve grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, pacing to the bedroom.
“Steve!” You squealed, he slapped your ass and growled out, “Let’s work on getting another baby inside you,”
Tony heard the bed frame smacking the wall and rolled his eyes and let out a quiet “Nasty fucking idiots”
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stennnn06 · 4 years
Rojascorp - 3. “What happened to your hand(s)?”
Writing Prompts: “What happened to your hand”... this is also sort of combined with “I like to think we’re more than ‘just friends’.” -- Set after Andrea comes to Nat’l City to take over CatCo with the premise that Rojascorp was absolutely A Big Thing in the past - before Andrea fucked it all up. Feeling angsty Rojascorp tonight, you’re welcome. 
The garlic sizzles pleasantly as Andrea moves it around the pan. She flips the burner to low and turns back to her cutting board. The evening news drones in the background as she tops off her glass of wine, swirling it around once before taking a long sip. Once that's complete, she reaches for her favorite knife, watching the satisfying way the steel blade flashes under the lights of her kitchen.
"And why have one hero when you can have two?" The news anchor asks rhetorically, talking out to the masses. Andrea frowns, glancing up from her precise dissection of the large onion in front of her. "That's what citizens of National City must be thinking after Supergirl gets a little help from a well known friend."
The picture flashes to Supergirl, muscles flexing and hair flowing, all around godlike and immaculate, as she turns to her side with a dazzling smile that transcends simple camaraderie. Show off, Andrea snorts to herself. She doesn't particularly care if Supergirl wants to flaunt all over television. It's just like, we get it, okay? You're fucking flawless. Enough already. Ever since she's come to National City, it's Supergirl this, Girl of Steel that, all tight spandex and abdominal muscles and killer quads, and it’s just insufferable. How does anyone get any work done around this place?
She glances up again, noticing the way Supergirl's smile seems different tonight. It radiates a kind of reverence, as she gazes in silent awe at the woman standing next to her. Lena's face is flushed, her eyes curious at the attention thrown in her direction that seems, for once, to be overly positive. She mirrors Supergirl's expression -- positively beaming in her presence, and Andrea feels everything start to burn.
She knows that look. She covets that look. And, once upon a time, she had exactly that -- Lena Luthor, looking at her like a fucking hero. But it somehow wasn't enough. No, she couldn't just leave well enough alone. She had to be convinced -- to be tempted to trade it in. For what, in the end, she isn't entirely sure. But now she's here, back in the same city with the girl whose heart she broke, watching her stare at another woman. 
And not just any woman. Fucking Supergirl.
Well if that isn't the universe's way of getting her back, she isn't sure what is.
She watches the way Lena is positively gushing, talking almost unprofessionally about how strong and powerful Supergirl is, her accent slow and heavy the way it always is when she's really laying it on thick. Andrea stands to watch as the anger comes to a boil right in her chest.
"Goddammit!" She calls out, frustrated, her eyes only seeing red. She throws down the knife in disgust. She doesn't even realize she's cut her hand, not right away. Not until she squeezes her eyes shut and feels a warm, sticky liquid oozing between her fingers. But not even that stings as bad as seeing Lena, all over the TV, fawning over someone impossibly out of Andrea's reach.
"Fuck," she mutters, opening her eyes and realizing the damage. She's usually more sure-handed in the kitchen, operating on autopilot and able to slice, dice, chop and sauté without even having to think about it. But tonight, she let herself get sloppy. Punishment, really, for all her transgressions. And she knows she deserves it, which makes it hurt all the more. Just as she reaches for a paper towel, a knock at the door disrupts her chaotic thoughts.
"Hold on!" Andrea calls out, shuffling around the apartment and cursing in loud, angry Spanish. She doesn't care if the person on the other side hears her, because she's already been inconvenienced enough today, thank you very fucking much. She turns the TV off, throwing the remote across the counter, not caring much where it lands. She positions the paper towel over her finger -- where it is immediately rendered useless, falling victim to the hefty slice on her knuckle, but it'll have to do. With her hand somewhat in tact, and her dignity less so, she pulls open the door.
A sullen Lena Luthor looks back at her from over the threshold, looking stunning and regal and altogether too much and Andrea feels her entire body root to the floor.
"Is this a bad time?" she asks softly. Her head tilts curiously to the side as she casts an appraising look at Andrea.
"No!" Andrea snaps, more forcefully than she intends. She clears her throat. "No, I was just ah--" she waves her hand awkwardly, letting the thought drift. "Nothing, come on in."
"What happened to your hand?" Lena asks, following Andrea into the condo. She knows Andrea to get a little overzealous in the kitchen, but she seems distracted, almost flustered. And every time that happens, it's usually one of Andrea's fingers that pay the price. She reaches for her hand, pushing aside the paper towel and turning her fingers over gently the way she always used to when Andrea would hurt herself, all those years ago.
She doesn't even realize what she's doing until she feels Andrea stiffen, her hand laying limply in her grip. Her palm is warm, her fingers perfectly clean and manicured, exactly the way Lena remembers. The cut looks deep, but not surgical, so she feels a little silly for being so concerned. Andrea doesn't say anything, allowing Lena to inspect the situation to her heart's content, which somehow makes it worse. She clears her throat, embarrassed at the careless way she forgets herself. Forgets her place.
"I think you'll live," Lena chuckles, wrapping it back up and letting her hand go.
"I got distracted," Andrea mumbles, shrugging, taking her hand back slowly. "I was caught up in the news."
"Still multi-tasking I see," Lena says, disappointed at how easy it is to slip back into fondness. The way she knows Andrea's habits, and can still picture them so clearly in her mind. She shakes her head to try to jolt it out of her.
"You were on there," Andrea admits, her eyes narrowing somewhat. She pauses. "I didn't realize you were so close with Supergirl."
She doesn't mean to say it, and isn't sure why she does, but just seeing Lena, standing proud and elegant in her kitchen forces her to feel unmoored. She wants to lay claim over her, in some weird, abstract way, even though she knows she no longer counts. But she tries anyway, as her heart pounds brokenly in her chest.  
"And why should that bother you? I have a working relationship with Supergirl, just like I have with you," Lena twists her lips, avoiding Andrea's eyes. "It's hardly newsworthy."
"A working relationship," Andrea scoffs, feeling the anger churn deep in her gut. Lena is full of it if she can really come in here and spew that kind of garbage. "Is that what you'd call us?"
"That's being generous," Lena snarls, her eyes flashing dangerously. Andrea remembers it fondly: remembers the way Lena's moods were always volatile, the way one wrong comment could send her into a dark, lethal frenzy. She smiles at the familiar challenge.
"I see the way you look at her," Andrea says, the anger clawing at the back of her throat. "Supergirl." The name tastes bitter on her tongue. "I know that look."
"You don't know anything," Lena replies, shaking her head. She doesn't deny it outwardly, and Andrea feels the ache in her chest. "And you lost the ability to comment on it when you made your decision."
"It's not that simple, Lena."
"Oh, but it is," Lena argues, crossing her arms.
"We will never be that simple," Andrea says pointedly, as if this isn't going to send Lena over the edge. "You think you can call me to your office out of the blue after two years, and pretend we never cared about each other?"
"It seems to be working just fine," Lena shrugs, running her finger along the edge of Andrea's counter top.
"Working relationship," Andrea repeats, scoffing over the term and rolling her eyes. Just the mere thought of it is so comical she almost laughs. "Our relationship is a bit beyond that kind of definition, don't you think?"
"We do not have a relationship," Lena insists, her jaw setting defiantly. Andrea traces her jawline with her eyes, remembering every inch that she's journeyed with her lips, ever breath against her skin. "We aren't friends. We aren't anything."
"We used to be," Andrea sighs. It all feels exceptionally heavy all of a sudden. "And, you know just as well as I, that we've always been more than just friends, even when we weren't. You can't just pretend it didn't exist."
"Actually, I can," Lena challenges. "But somehow, the only thing I can't seem to forget is the way you broke my heart. So I guess neither of us can win, can we?"
Classic Lena. She will always have a response, stored up in that beautiful mind of hers. Andrea hates that it sets her nerves on fire, the way Lena is just always composed and ready, even when she's the one hurting. She also knows her pain is somewhat warranted, if not completely justified, but she wishes Lena would give her the benefit of the doubt. She never could stomach hearing Andrea’s side of things. But if she actually listened, instead of bulldozing in here with an agenda and several well-timed retorts, well, who knows where they'd be?
It wouldn't be like this, that's for sure. And it's torture. But it isn't in the cards. Lena is nothing if not stubborn in her beliefs. So, Andrea has no choice. She stiffens and squares her shoulders, as if bracing for a fight.
"Why are you here, then?" she asks carefully, realizing she has absolutely no idea. They certainly aren't on "drop in" terms, and, apparently, not even on friendly ones, so it's baffling that Lena would be here at all.  She can tell she's struck a nerve, because Lena pauses, wringing her hands together in that nervous way she has when she's dancing around something, fully expecting a blow up.
Finally, she sets her jaw and forces her face to look boardroom ready -- practiced, unreadable, guarded. Andrea swallows heavily as she reaches into her pocket.
"To give you this." She pulls out a small jewelry box and places it on the counter. Andrea's face turns hot as she stares at it, her entire body fighting the contradicting chill that doesn't go with how she's feeling. "I don't want to have to owe you anything."
She remembers picking it out, remembers agonizing over every detail, even fighting with the jeweler to the point that she had to pay him extra just to keep him happy. She remembers nervously picking her way through dinner, feeling for the box in her pocket the entire time, convinced it was going to disappear before she ever found the right moment. She remembers proposing and the way Lena's eyes softened, her face melting into a relieved smile as Andrea stumbled through her speech, the tears running down her cheeks and later, down Andrea's own, as they kissed for what seemed like hours.
She reaches out, pulling the box forward. She turns it over in her hands, her throat thick, eyes burning with regret.
"Is this what you want?" she whispers, feeling the way her voice cracks.
"What I want?" Lena rolls her eyes, an angry, lethal smile on her face. "No, Andrea, none of this has ever been about what I want. But you left me, and I am not going to beg for you to come back."
Andrea swallows heavily, the tears welling behind her eyes. She doesn't want to cry. She doesn't want to do this now. It isn't right. But there it is, the evidence all neatly contained in a three dimensional package.
"I never meant to hurt you," Andrea starts, taking a shaky breath and avoiding Lena's eyes. "I never stopped loving you--"
Lena holds up her hand firmly. "I don't want to do this," she says, shutting it down as her eyes flutter. "If we are to work together, I need a clean slate."
Andrea clears her throat, turning over the options in her mind. If she doesn't accept, then she might be at odds with Lena forever. If she does, then at least she can hold on to a fragment of what they used to be. Maybe she can work with that.
"Consider it clean," Andrea says, each word killing her a little more than the last.
Lena nods once and turns for the door. She doesn't turn around, but she pauses at the threshold.
"Make sure you wrap your hand with something stronger," she reminds her softly, talking down to the ground. Then, just like that, she's gone, and Andrea is perfectly and wholly alone.
Through the tears that have finally started to fall, she notices the way her finger bleeds through the bandage, leaving a perfect, symmetrical ring that mocks her all the way around.
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Twenty-Nine
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut, and a whole mess of fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
“C’mere.” You say to him. You sit up slightly. “I want you to like hover over me while I suck on you.”
“Are you sure you want my balls in your face like that?” He chuckles.
“Won’t bother me.”
Harry comes closer to you, and grips the top of your headboard. You grip him in your hand at first, and then put your mouth right on him. He sucks in a breath when he feels your hot, wet mouth around him. Sometimes you think back to when you were younger. You absolutely hated sucking dick. Some guys just had bad hygiene. But you loved doing it for Harry. He really made you see how hot it was to pleasure someone else orally. He also kept things trim and clean, which you very much appreciated.
He rocks against your face, going deeper down your throat. You groan against him, and he grips your headboard tighter. His eyes are screwed shut, trying to picture his dick inside of you where he really wants it. It’s not that he didn’t love it when you blew him, he just wanted to feel how tight you were.
It doesn’t take him long to come down your throat. You swallow up every bit of it, and he climbs off of you. You get up to rinse your mouth out.
“Holy shit!” You scream, and he rushes into in the bathroom to make sure you’re alright. He finds you inspecting the back of your body in the mirror. Your front wasn’t nearly as fucked up. “Jesus, Harry.” You say rubbing a spot on your shoulder. “I look like a leopard.” You start laughing.
“You said I could…”
“I’m not complaining.” You assure him.
“Looks good on you anyways.” He gives you kiss on the cheek and pats your bum. He leaves you to do your thing in the bathroom.
You wash your face and brush your teeth. When you come out of the bathroom you pick up his t-shirt and throw it on over you. He’s sitting up in bed reading.
“Harry, you look so cute in your glasses, have I ever told you that?” He looks at you and smiles.
“Maybe once or twice.” He teases. He finishes the last page of his book and sighs.
“What?” You ask getting into the bed.
“Nothin’, just sad. This was the last book in this series.”
“Did it have a happy ending?”
“As happy as it could be, yeah. It’s my second time readin’ it, still gets to me.” He takes his glasses of and wipes a tear away.
“I wish I liked reading as much as you do. I much prefer television.”
“I just like getting’ lost in the pages. I mean, I read garbage novels, but they’re just so addicting. Has a television show ever moved you to tears?”
“Oh, tons of times. I think TV has made me cry more than film.”
“Really? What shows have made you cry?” He pulls you into his chest and turns the light off. God, you loved pillow talk before bed.
“Okay, don’t laugh, but when I was in high school, and college too, I was really into Glee.”
“That show about the nerds in the acapella club?”
“That show made you cry?”
“I think just about every episode in the third season made me cry, and I sobbed during the season finale. To be fair, I was like sixteen.” You giggle. “There were a couple of scripted series on MTV too that made me super emotional.”
“Like what?”
“There was a show called Awkward that just really fired me up. And there was Teen Wolf.”
“Teen Wolf? Isn’t that a movie with Michael J. Fox?”
“Yeah! But then MTV made a show based off the movie, much darker though. It was really good. Well, it got worse as the seasons went on, but I watched through to the end. Same with Awkward.”
“Do you watch anythin’ now that tugs at your heart strings?”
“Um…I really like that show Roswell: New Mexico. I didn’t think I would like it so much, but it got to me. The first season is on Netflix, maybe we could watch it sometime.”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
“I used to like live blog and write reviews for the shows I’d watch. I still do sometimes.”
“Where do you blog?”
“On Tumblr mostly.”
“That’s cool that you do that.”
“It’s funny because I hate reading reviews of things. I like to try things out for myself. Oh! Do you watch Stranger Things? That’s a good one. Niall and I always binge watch it together when a new season comes out.”
“That’s right!” He starts laughing. “I remember he like blew me off during the day on the 4th this summer to go meet up with you.”
“That was an incredible binge, if I do say so. Speaking of him, he wants to have a movie night Friday so we can all celebrate our good news. I was thinking of having everyone over here. What do you think?”
“Works for me.” He smiles at you.
Your period was a killer this week. There were several times during the week you found yourself on the floor in your office. You had run out of your stash of ibuprofen, and hadn’t had time to get more. You were forced to just suffer in silence. The pain would pass eventually, and then you could get on with it.
Harry was good about not getting on your nerves too much. He was slowly learning what you needed while your hormones were at their peak. Every morning you’d examine your body, almost becoming sad at seeing the marks slowly fade away as they healed. You were incredibly horny, but there wasn’t anything you could do. You’d had sex on your period before, but you certainly weren’t going to let him use his fingers or mouth on you right now. You had contemplated maybe in the shower, but you were afraid of residue. You didn’t tell him this, but you got yourself off a couple times in the shower on your own. You had to, the ache between your legs was just too unbearable.
Your body was trying to tell you something for sure, but your mind tried its best to keep you at bay.
You were delighted when your period ended Friday morning, but your stomach felt like shit. The first week of a birth control pack was your least favorite thing, even more so than your period. Your dosage wasn’t even that high, but it still would make you feel like you were going to vomit.
“Anythin’ ya need me t’pick up for tonight? I can do a run to the market before ya get home from work.” Harry says to you sitting up in bed, watching you pick your outfit for the day.
“Think I have everything we need. I have chips and dip, we’ll probably order pizza or something.” You decide on a pair of dark jeans and blouse/blazer combination. You throw your hair up in a high pony, and take a few strands out to frame your face.
“Know what we’re watchin’ yet?”
“Who’s comin?” You sigh and look at him.
“Harry, I love you, but you’ve reached my capacity for questions this morning, okay?” He blinks at you.
“It’s not your fault, I just feel gross and I’m hormonal. Not a great excuse.”
“One more question.” You nod. “Is Aunt Flow still in town?”
“No she left early this morning, thank god. This was a rougher month.” You sit on the edge of the bed. He places a hand on your thigh.
“Sometimes I wish I could just take all your aches away.” You smile at him.
“You do, in more ways than you know.” You stand up and give him a light kiss. “See you tonight.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too, babe.”
You felt better as the work day went on. You were excited to have a little double date with Niall and Sarah. Harry got out of work around 4PM, so he went straight to your apartment. He knew you’d want to have the place ready to go so you could relax when you got home. He fluffed up the pillows on your couch, and folded up the couple of blankets you kept on the back of it. He made sure all of the beer for him and Niall was in the fridge, and he picked up your favorite wine.
You keyed into your apartment around 5:30, and kicked off your shoes. Your nose was pink from the cold air outside. Harry had his legs slung over one of the large chairs you had near the couch. He had his laptop, and was working away. He looked up at you and gave you a smile.
“Hi, love.” He says.
“Hi honey.” You yawn.
“I tidied a bit for ya.” You kiss the top of his head.
“Thank you. M’just gonna go change quick.”
You change into a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, and come back out to Harry. He puts his laptop on the coffee table, and gestures for you to come sit with him. You sit in his lap, and rest your head on his shoulder. He rocks you back and forth slowly, and you let out a calming sigh.
“How’s my baby girl today, hm?”
“Tired.” He rubs your back. “But I’m happy to have friends over tonight.” You nuzzle into his neck.
“I bought that wine you really like.”
“Mm.” Is all you muster out as you start to doze off in his arms. He chuckles, but lets you drift.
Your eyes snap open when you hear Niall and Sarah walk into your place. You practically jump off of Harry.
“Sorry, did we disturb you two?” Sarah giggles. “We brought a veggie platter.” She hands it to Harry.
“No, I fell asleep. I was exhausted.” You stretch, and hug your friend.
“Alright, what are we watchin? TV, movie?” Niall says.
“Oh! You know what was on the other night that I’d love to watch all the way through?” You say.
“The Forty-Year-Old Virgin. I refrained from watching it because it was halfway through. It’s on Netflix, do we feel like a comedy?”
“Works for me.” Niall says.
“I love that movie!” Sarah says.
Harry and Niall grab their beer, and you and Sarah fill your glasses with wine. You and Sarah sit in the middle of the couch, and your boyfriends sit on either side of you. Your apartment was filled with giggles right off the bat.
“God, we love a young Paul Rudd.” Sarah says.
“We love a Paul Rudd at any age.” You clink your glass with hers. Harry pinches your arm, and you giggle. “What?”
“I’m sittin’ right here. You’re attracted to him?”
“You’re not?! He’s beautiful!” You and Sarah start laughing.
“Isn’t he like fifty?” Niall chimes in.
“So?” You and Sarah say at the same time.
“He’s a hall pass for sure.” Sarah says, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek.
“Agreed. What I would give for a night with Paul Rudd.” You look up at Harry and burst out laughing.
“Jesus, mate, here I was thinkin’ she liked the tall, tan guys, but clearly I was wrong.”
“Now you’ve learned your place.” Niall says laughing. You kiss Harry on the cheek.
You and Sarah laugh so hard you both cry when Jonah Hill makes his small cameo. The guys end up laughing pretty hard at several moments too. You get up to grab the veggie platter out of the fridge and set it up on the coffee table for everyone.
“Thanks for bringing this by the way.”
“Oh no problem, figured it would be better than pizza. Are you excited for Hanukkah to start tomorrow?”
“Yes! I look forward to the gift card my uncle gives me every year.” You giggle.
“Is Harry going with you?” Sarah asks.
“Yup.” You two share a look and start laughing.
“Alright, why does this keep happening? Has everyone been to this party but me?”
“Pretty much, lad.”
“What’s the big deal? Is there somethin’ I should know?”
“Y/N’s great uncle is just a really funny guy. I would just watch out when he greets you.”
“You’re not even going to warn him?”
“Warn me of what?”
“If she didn’t warn me, she doesn’t get to warn him.” Niall says.
“Harry…just…” Sarah giggles. “He’s just an older Jewish guy with different ways of saying hello. That’s all.”
“What’s he gonna do? Hug me? M’fine with that.”
“Sure, he’s going to hug you.” Sarah shrugs. “It’s a really great way to know you’re part of the family.”
Sarah and Niall leave around 11PM. You and Harry clean up the living room, and head to the bedroom.
“What time should we leave tomorrow?”
“Party starts at six, so we should probably leave here at like quarter of five, might be traffic.”
“Oh great, so we can sleep in a little?”
“Yup.” You kiss him and turn over. He wraps himself around you, being the bigger spoon.
“That was fun tonight.”
“Yeah, I’m glad we were able to do it. Gotta make more time for them.”
“Definitely….so, Paul Rudd could have you huh?” You turn over to face your stupid boyfriend.
“You’re not serious?”
“Nice to know how you really feel.” He fake pouts.
“I’m sure you have your own celebrity crushes.”
“I suppose. None I would leave you for to go fuck though. Wouldn’t be worth it.” You bite your bottom lip to keep from smiling. “You would really ask me for a hall pass for Paul Rudd? Of all people?”
“Hypothetically speaking, if he wasn’t married with kids, I would consider it. More than anything I think I’d like to just have dinner with him, pick his brain.”
“So you want to go out on a date with him?”
“Sure!” You giggle.
“Who else do you swoon over?” He gives you a crooked smile.
“That’s a very personal question.” You tease.
“Because you’re essentially asking me about who I’ve fantasized about.”
“Jesus, if you tell me you’ve touched yourself thinking about Paul R-“
“I haven’t! Not with him.”
“Who then?” Your cheeks flush. “C’mon, I wanna know who my competition is.”
“Harry, it’s embarrassing.” You shove your face into his chest.
“Please, I’m so curious.” He begs.
“You’re going to laugh at me.”
“Promise I won’t.” You lift your head and look at him.
“I would bone Andy Samberg if I had the chance, again, if he wasn’t married with a child. I will not be a homewrecker.”
“What is with you and older Jewish dudes?”
“Don’t know. It’s not because they’re Jewish. I just find him really attractive, plus he’s funny. You’re funny.”
“Right, the key to a girl’s heart is humor.” He rolls his eyes.
“Harry, if you didn’t make me laugh on our first date, I wouldn’t have seen you again, attraction or not.”
“Seriously. Sense of humor is very important to me. You’re so quick when you joke around, you could be a comedian yourself.” He lifts your chin up to kiss you.
“So, you were pretty hot f’me when we first met, huh?”
“So hot.” You roll your eyes. “I had never seen a man quite so handsome. What about me? What did you think of me when we first met?”
“I wanted to hit Niall for not doing you justice. I mean the lad told me you were beautiful, but shit, when I saw you, I nearly got the wind knocked out of me.”
“Oh stop.” You swat your arm at his chest.
“M’serious. And you were so cute at the end of the night, when you simply kissed me on the cheek. It was so innocent and sweet. Not somethin’ I had really experienced before.”
“How do your first dates typically go?” You giggle. Harry scrunches his face.
“Do ya really wanna know the answer t’that?”
“Are you seriously going to tell me that you usually bone on the first date?”
“That’s usually the only date I want, so yeah.” He says a little too honestly.
“What about the girl you dated for like seven months, or whatever?”
“Uhh, we got frisky…didn’t do it til the second date I think. I don’t know, I was such an asshole, I basically just thought of her as the girl I was consistently hookin’ up with.”
“Were you sleeping with other people?”
“Nah, just her.”
“And she thought you were dating, but you didn’t think you were?”
“I just thought of her as the girl I was seein’.” You often wondered what made you so goddamn special. You and Harry had talked about it before, but it still baffled you. “I know what you’re thinkin’. You know what I really liked about you, like, right off the bat?”
“You were just so open and lovely. You were genuinely interested in what I had to say. I thought it was sweet that you complimented m’nails, like not in a judgey way. I couldn’t wait to see you again, honestly. I’d never felt that way before.”
“So you didn’t want to just fuck me then?”
“I wouldn’t have turned the opportunity down. I mean, you looked so fuckin’ sexy in that little black dress you wore.”
“I’ve never seen a man wear a pair of pants the way that you do.”
“What?” He laughs.
“You have a bubble butt babe, and it’s incredible. Love sinking my nails into those cheeks.”
“Are you still drunk?”
“Maybe just a bit buzzed, but I mean what I say.” You prop yourself up to really look at him. “You have a chonk, my dude.” Harry burst out laughing.
“Who talks like that?” He says with a big smile.
“Me and my friends. You’re not the only with a dirty mouth.” You wink. “You know what, I think that’s why I like Paul Rudd and Andy Samberg so much. They both have pretty big butts.”
You both giggle about a bunch of different things until you fall asleep.
The next morning you both happily slept in. You got up before Harry. You decided to do a light workout in your living room since you didn’t go to the gym much last week. You put on a pair of spandex shorts and sports bra, and tip toed out. You were just finishing your cool down when Harry walked into the living room, blanket wrapped around him. You guzzled down some water. Your body was drenched in sweat.
“Morning baby. Thought I’d get a quick workout in, we’re going to be eating a lot of food tonight.” He squints at you.
“You…you weren’t in the bed when I woke up.” He rubs his eyes, his voice was still thick with sleep.
“I was just out here, did you think I went somewhere?” You turn the TV off, and walk towards him.
“I don’t know what I thought. I just reached for you and you weren’t there.” He pouts. “I like when we snuggle in the mornin’. You’ve deprived me.” You giggle at him.
“Is baby a little cranky this morning?” You pinch of his cheeks and walk by him.
“Where you goin’ now?” He whines.
“Harry, I’m caked with sweat, I need to shower. You can join me if you want.”
“Not awake enough to shower.”
“That makes no sense. Showers wake people up all the time.”
“Too much work.” He curls up on the couch, and closes his eyes.
You take your shower, alone. You take full advantage of having the privacy to shave every last inch of yourself. You blow dry your hair, and throw your robe on, not really feeling like putting clothes on yet. Harry was still wrapped in your blanket, but he was sitting up and had a mug in his hands. He was watching something mindless on television. You sit down next to him and smile. You throw your legs over his lap.
“Feel how smooth my legs are, I just shaved them.” He gives you a funny look and giggles, rubbing his hand up and down one of your legs.
“Mm, so soft.”
“You’re a sleep boy today.”
“Yeah, I am. Not really sure why, I’ll perk up once the coffee’s in me.”
“Want me make something for breakfast? I have oatmeal and grapes.”
“If you don’t mind, that’d be great.”
You turn on the electric kettle Harry had sneakily bought you. He said it was for him so he could have tea quick, but you know he wanted you to have one of your own. Once the water was boiling, you poured it into the two bowls of quick oats you made up. You but a dash of cinnamon in each, and topped it with some grapes. You come back over and hand him his bowl.
“Thank you baby.”
“My pleasure.”
You both scarf down your breakfast, and sit on the couch a while longer. Harry gets up to clean the bowls, and puts them in the dishwasher. He stretches out, and lets out a moan.
“Alright, guess I’ll shower now.”
You bring the blanket back to the bed and make it up. Harry’s in and out of the shower quick. He has his towel wrapped around his waist. You’re sitting on the edge of your bed, filing your nails, he sits down next you.
“How long we been together now? Little over four months?”
“Yeah, it’ll be five in January.” You smile. “Why?” He twiddles his thumbs.
“Well, it might be too soon to be bringin’ this up, but s’not like that’s ever stopped us before. I’m here a lot, and I love your place. I still like my place, but I love your place because this is where you and all your things are. I didn’t know if maybe when we got back from holiday, maybe we could entertain the idea of finding a place of our own?” He looks up at you. You’re speechless. “I mean, I’d say let’s just live here, but I need a space for my desk and monitor. I think a two bedroom where we could split the other room as a conjoined office or somethin’, would make the most sense.” He chews on his bottom lip. “I’ve totally freaked you out haven’t I?”
“How long have you, um, felt this way? When did you realize you wanted to live with me?”
“Can’t pin point it. Just somethin’ I’ve been thinkin’ about. I know it seems fast, but we’re practically livin’ together as it is. We can talk about it later if you’re not ready now. Just wanted to put the bug in your ear.”
You were amazed. You hadn’t even fully slept with the man yet, and he already wanted to live with you. You put your hands on his shoulders and push him back on the bed. You crawl on top of him, and kiss his face all over.
“Harry, I would love to live with you.”
“Yeah! Maybe like towards the end of January we could start looking for a bigger place. You know, once all of the holidays are over. Can you break your lease at any time?”
“Pretty much, yeah. Why?”
“Well…you could move in here before we find another place. Doesn’t make sense for you to keep paying rent. It could take us months to find a place, I’d rather have you here during the in between. We can rearrange the furniture to fit all of your things. And I have that storage unit, we could keep your bed and bulkier furniture there for a little while.”
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You kiss him. “Um…not that I don’t wanna tell the world, but I’d like to keep this quiet from my family for a bit. I still have to tell my dad about England. I’d rather ease them into something like this.”
“Of course. Better keep it quiet from my mum too. Keep everything nice and light.”
“I’m so excited!”
“Me too!”
Harry always seemed to be able to read your mind. It was a conversation you were hoping to have with him after you got back from England. You just couldn’t believe that he beat you to it. You were practically living together, and it didn’t make sense for you both to be paying rent separately. You’d miss his little place, but you’d eventually find a bigger place you both liked. You still loved the idea of potentially living in Niall’s building. Once you start making more money, you’d be able to afford it no problem.
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coastaldragon · 4 years
Dragon Diary 1/7/21
So...this is my resolution for the year.
I wanted to start a kin-related diary. I found myself missing how often I used to muse about myself and my experiences here, and have long since felt...detached from myself. Stuck in the loop of going through the motions of “human.”
A week late on my first entry, but so it goes.
These entries will just be flow-of-consciousness blabbles for the most part. I’ll talk about any kin-related thoughts I’ve had that day, how I’ve been feeling, how my otherkinity has affected my day, etc.
I have a lot of catching-up to do with you all, so the first few entries may seem disjointed and a little long. Lets get started. This is long. And a bit negative. But hopefully they won’t all be.
cw for death and drug mention and health talk like needles and stuff
I don’t quite remember why I dropped Tumblr like I did. I think I was getting annoyed at all the UI changes, and just overall very busy with “real life.” These things happen. I slowly drift away from a platform. Sometimes for weeks, months, or years in this case. Then I’ll drift back. Kind of like a scrap of wood on the waves.
In the time I’ve been gone life has been...interesting. The source of the stress that caused me to awaken in the first place is gone. He OD’d in...2014? 2015? Some time around there. My grasp of time is worse than ever.
We hadn’t even known he’d be using anything. Turned out he was stealing my late father’s remaining fentanyl supply. One of those guys who preys on widows like my mother. He lied about everything. His entire past as we knew it was a lie. And he was just leeching off of us.
It was...hard. I was the one who found his body upon getting home from work. My mother is still traumatized, even now. Even after all he did. She did love him.
I think all that hardened me quite a bit. And I’m sad for it. I’m still trying to soften myself again, but my trust has never been shattered like that before or since.
My now health is...poor. I had a great job working at an independent pack-and-mail sort of place for a few years. Very laid back, when the customers were nice. Helped me build a lot of strength and muscle. Quite enjoyed showing off by hefting 50lb boxes onto my shoulders. Helped me feel less weak in this squishy human body of mine.
But about...2 or 3 years ago [again, time is a myth to my brain] I woke up and my shoulders were just.
It felt like someone had stuck paint spanners under my shoulder blades or something. Not only that, but I was weak. I barely had the strength in my arms to lift a half gallon of milk in the morning.
We thought I’d just hurt myself showing off, somehow. So we gave it some time. Took ibuprofen, used pain creams. Took a few days off work.
But it didn’t get better. It got painful. And the moreso. And moreso. And then my back began to have trouble as well. It was spreading. I felt...ill.
So. Doctors. Tests. More bloodwork than I’ve ever had in my entire life. [10 vials at once for one appt!]
My primary, who is a garbage person I never wish to see again, insisted it was just a sprain. Or something. Whatever. But I knew it wasn’t. My mother knew it wasn’t. Everyone I knew knew it wasn’t.
Specialist time! At the behest of my cousin, who has a litany of autoimmune disorders, we hooked up with a rheumatologist. Who I will call Dr.M. 
Dr.M is an angel on Earth. I am convinced of it. A full year he spent with me, ordering tests, trying treatments, working with me to figure out what the hell was going on. And we did. And what a mouthful it is.
Ankylosing spondylitis. No, it’s not a dinosaur. [Though I do think I’m ‘hearted for ankylosaurines...I don’t think it’s related lol!]
You can look it up if you like. But basically: My immune system is fucking crazy and attacks all the things. Most places describe it as being a lower spine disorder, and while that is certainly where its centralized in most folks, that’s not all it is.
For example mine is, obviously, centralized in my shoulders and upper back. But it does aaaaaaaaaaall sorts of crazy shit. Every day is different. Joint pain, exhaustion, GI trouble, stomach upset, lack of appetite, murderous migraines. The usual for an autoimmune illness. But also wacky shit like costochondritis [painful inflammation of the cartilage of the ribs], random organ inflammation like in my kidneys [not fun], lungs [I had a 3-month stint of chronic bronchitis last winter], and even my heart [very not fun.] Sometimes it likes to attack my “integumentary system” aka shit like my skin and hair meaning I’ll have weeks where my hair just. Sheds. Like a damn cat. It gets everywhere and w/ my long-ass quarantine hair it’s so annoying.
This attack dog immune system does mean it’s unlikely for me to catch little bugs like your common colds and stuff, which is appreciated. But it also likes to maul anything else it deems foreign. Like medication! I took Humira shots for a few months and had a “paradoxical reaction” aka it did the literal opposite of what it was meant to, because the injections pissed off my immune system so much it went scorched-earth on whatever it could. Mostly my thighs, since that’s where the injections were. I still get stabbing pain in them and it’s been over a year. [No, I don’t think I can sue Humira over this. Though I have discussed it w/ my Dr.]
This also means that if I do get sick, it’s bad news. Something strong and unique like COVID? Death. Deaaaaaaaaath. Would likely trigger something called a “cytokine storm” aka my immune system nukes everything and my organs die and so do I.
So guess whoooooooo’s been locked up at home for almost a full year now? :’)
I luckily am able to work from home, though it barely pays the bills, and my health has suffered from a lack of being able to Do Stuff I normally would.
As a result I decided to get back in touch with myself.
It started with Second Life, because of course it did. A new dragon avatar came out. Shiny and mesh and easy [by SL standards] to modify. So me and a few friends [some kin, some not] made a group for sharing stuff for the av and just hanging out. It’s fallen by the wayside unfortunately but those nights spent chilling in SL with a bunch of other dragons roaring and goofing off felt really really good.
And then I made a kin Twitter. [And found some exceptionally cool kinfolk in the process.] 
Then came Othercon the virtual otherkin convention and OtherConnect, the Discord spawned from the community that rapidly formed within the con. Othercon felt incredible. Panels and lectures about the history of otherkinity and alterhumanity and how we are today and rep in the media and just so! Much! Cool! Stuff! And tons of great kinfolk too! 
To not only be within a community but seeing others like me and speaking with them, not just typing back at words on a screen. It was...so very, very reaffirming. It felt like a second awakening almost. I wanted to cry for finally, truly not feeling alone.
And now I’m here. Because I need to be. Because something, deep down, is telling me I’m going to be needing myself sometime soon. So I’d better get started.
I hope I don’t drift away on the tide again. I’ve missed this site, worse for wear as it is.
But I’m a bit tired today. A nasty headache lingering from yesterday’s nastier flare up. Accursed cold fronts. I used to enjoy them but not so much these days. Ah well.
I know there wasn’t much kin talk in this first entry, but as I said, we had a lot of catching-up to do!
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alri-xo · 4 years
Ship of Dreams (Titanic 1997 AU) | Chapter 1
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Gif not mine
A/N: Hello everrrrybodyyyy so after about twelve hours, chapter 1 is here 🎉 and like... Yeah... I hope you enjoy reading this part bc it's gonna be pretty long. (Italics are short flash backs). Made a few tweaks in how the scenes flow but still, it gets there. Don't worry bout it. And I added links below for you to easily navigate between the current parts of the story, and I'll be doing that for all the other chapters for easier access. Channelling this Bucky (thanks babe @witchymegg ) and post serum Steve in this fic, but in whatever Jack and Fabrizio wore.
Pairing: Alexander Pierce x Reader
Warnings: Age gap?, rich people being rich people, social discrimination, gambling. Swearing... I am on the app so this has no page break
The whirring of the large helicopter was heard through out a far radius, Y/N and Meg seated inside and Diamond on the old woman's lap.
As one of the submarines were being swung over to begin another mission, Jared and Baron walked over, talking. Baron was rather aggressive in his perspective on meeting lil old lady Y/N, calling her an old liar. Saying that her claims that she is Y/F/N is false as she 'died' in the Titanic.
However, Jared was too set in finding the precious jewel to listen to Baron's claims. He'd care less of his friend now that he finally has a walking diary willing to tell the tale.
Jared's Point of View
"She's dead, McKinley... Look it up. She might be another person for vanity... She's an old goddamn liar..." Baron says harshly as the loud propellers of the heli fill the ears of everyone on deck.
"Y'know what, do something you fancy right now, Martins... This is what I fancy, and if you don't want in, go some place else..." I say sternly as I walked over to help the old nutshell out the Sea Stallion.
Claiming that she's dead is rather harsh, now that she's here. In a wheelchair, frail, basically looking like time wasn't too good to her, no... She's no fine wine.
But she is definitely a fine piece of the puzzle, for my reputation and for this shipwreck. Thousands of dollars will go to nothing and will prove Baron right.
I'm his boss. I should be right...
"Good day, Mrs. Treville... Welcome to the Dal'nomer... I'm Jared McKinley..." I greeted as she was carried down the heli in her wheel chair, a young woman following her as she descended from the small door.
"Hello, Mr. McKinley... This is my granddaughter, Meg..." She greets me as Meg reaches out to shake my hand for a brief moment, following her grandmother soon after, a fish bowl with a few small fishes inside being handed to me.
Who the hell brings their entire house in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
"How's the stateroom, Mrs. Treville?"
"Lovely, Mr. McKinley... Very lovely..." she says happily as she looked around the room, "Have you met my granddaughter, Meg? She takes care of me..."
"Yes, we met a moment ago, grandma..." She smiles as I caught Baron roll his eyes and chuckle... I looked at him, making him stop.
"Oh yes..." she says remembering me meeting her granddaughter. A short pause filled the air for a moment, as I looked at the mass of picture frames on top of the bedside table.
I mean, it's pretty inconvenient and her actions are pretty different than any old lady I ever met.
"That's nice... I like to bring my pictures with me... And Diamond of course..." she says pertaining to her white Pomeranian, seated on the foot of ther bed.
Old ladies... Quite peculiar specimens.
But that's not the thing I'm after. I'm after that big juicy jewel, and the story behind it. The safe combination, how did Pierce grab hold of it, of such a controversial piece of pressurized carbon.
"Anything else you need?"
"I would like to see my drawing."
Reader's Point of View
We entered the lab. The white paint prominent all around. Technicians in their white garments as they fiddled with the tech around them, like children playing with their dolls.
They lead me to a place in the lab, a rectangular dish on top of the cold, busy table. A drawing of a woman submerged in the clear water.
"Lay there... Just like that for me..." his steel blue eyes focused as he directed my form, bare flesh but a large gem on my chest, dark as the rim around his irises.
His large hands held his pad of paper as he sketched in dark grey strokes.
His dark brown locks loose on his face as he glanced at me.
His muse.
It puts a smile on my face, as I remember how I was too innocent and certain to love someone for the grade of good, not knowing any better.
Jared nears to me, holding a black and white picture in his hands, the 'Heart of the Ocean.'
"Louis the Sixteenth, wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, it disappeared in 1792. About the same time Louis lost everything from the neck up..." Jared said as he sat beside me, showing me the picture... I just listened to him and the gem's origins.
I always knew it cost a fortune, but now I just realized a thing that I felt back then... A diamond fit for royalty on a girl like me, marrying for what good reason?
It's a gorgeous piece, truly. However, by what Jared is saying, it is one for that of the Olympic Dieties.
"... Today, it would be more expensive than a Hope Diamond," his friend Baron nodded, agreeing that such is worth a fortune.
All I could think was I was both lucky but undeserving of having to wear it. A thing worth more than my whole existence is wanted by these people for whatever reason. I wouldn't want to jump into conclusions.
"Oh, I remember how heavy this was..." I said touching the picture of the necklace and looking ay the drawing, "I only wore it this once..."
Meg looks at me reluctantly, raising an eyebrow, "Do you really believe that's you, Grandma?"
I smiled at her and chuckled, "Why yes, dear... I was quite the looker..."
Jared smiles as my granddaughter giggles behind me. All is well on my part.
However, I can sense that one of the men, Baron, is skeptical of me. I wouldn't want to think so paranoid but, a man like him looks at someone like me differently.
Jared goes on with his story, and I listen, any rational human should do the same, "We tracked in down through insurance records but it was deemed confidential... Do you know who the claimant was, Y/N?"
"I believe it may be someone with Pierce..." I say in a lively tone. But that surname irks me.
"Ding ding ding! The father, New York personality, worked for the Navy as one of it's top asset and next part of his story, became one of the most known socialites of his time in the US. For his son, Alexander Pierce, heir of all that cash, splurged on the necklace during his trip to France..."
He paused a little, "For his fiancee, you... One week before the Titanic set sailed from England. Claim was made after the ship sank... Meaning, it went down with the ship."
Meg looked at the date, dictating it to Jared as he snapped his fingers.
"So if your grandma is who she says she is, it means that she wore the necklace when the Titanic sank..." Baron butted in like an omniscient being, but I don't really mind. What is there to mind anyway?
I can't force someone into believing who I say I am. I have gone through enough in my 100 years of existence and that's a thing I learned along the way, before I rode that ship. I couldn't force even my mother who I think I am... When she was alive of course.
Jared smiles at me like the Cheshire cat, eyes gleaming with anticipation, "And that makes you my new bestfriend."
We went forth to another part of the lab. In front of me stood a table, antiques submerged in the Atlantic laid out in front of me.
It felt as if I was travelling through time, in my younger years. My glory days. The mirror looked in shape, though faded a little and cracked, it's still the mirror I once held.
"My reflection is a little different..." I smiled as I set it down. I took another antique from the table, a hair piece this time and inspected it. It still dawns its jewel toned colors, except it has faded through the test of time.
All these items still vivid in my memory. How new they were and the materials that made up every piece on this table, were so rare and priceless. It's extraordinary how they are still in mint condition, after such a long time.
The people connected to these items however, didn't stand the test of time very well. They come and go.
"Are you ready to go back to Titanic?"
Third Person Point of View
"Live from 12,000 feet," Baron begins with his lecture, a simulation of what happened to the Titanic, the video running the events that lead to the sunken disaster, now at rest in the Atlantic.
Jared thought she doesn't need to know this, but Y/N insisted. She said she was curious, despite her thoughts on this skeptic, Mr. Martins, it would be rude to decline. Men can share.
Y/N, seemed facinated with the tech around her, showing the bottom of the ocean but seemed interested at a certain part of the sunken ship, which made Jared pay attention to her expressions, to unlock memories that may lead him to a successful mission.
He simply can't let every bit of this pass. Not a damn chance.
Baron went on and on... making sounds along the visuals on screen...
"Morse code, DIT DIT DIT..."
"Sank on the bottom like junk, BOOOM..."
"Pretty cool, huh?" Baron says happily, smiling at her, ancient eyes stoic as it ended.
"Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Martins. Of course the experience of it was far less... Scientific..." she says, her voice frail, but willing to tell what it's like. Willing to be a primary source of information, a walking book... Diary rather.
"Will you share it with us?" Jared asks, preparing the tape recorder.
Y/N stands from her chair, looking around the monitors, the sad ruins of the ship below. Algae and sea garbage on its once metal hand rails and deck.
Reader's Point of View
I looked at the ruins of the ship from the monitors. Every part of it, every set of stairs, every surface of the ship, I see people, from all walks of life. The door, now rusted and covered in debris and underwater plants.
"Good day, Ms. Y/L/N..." a man says, who works in the Titanic opens the door for me, metal tinted in gold as its windows, the varnished wood engraved with expertly made carvings.
Futher past the door, the ivory staircase on full display. Passengers of first-class in their fine garments and black suits, up and down its grand halls.
It all flashes in my head, before my eyes. All the opulence, the lush life... And how lives clinged to the metal rails for dear life.
I felt my face get hot and my eyes burn as tears ran down my face, my mouth slightly agape as I covered it and gasp in air, as it drowning in my memories and in my emotions.
Meg's face paints to worry, as she takes my wheelchair, "I'm taking her to rest."
My voice strong and in authority. I called Mr. McKinley, and I am here to give it to him. Not for him to aid in my old age.
I sat down with the monitors behind me as the people in the room settled down, Jared holding a tape recorder in his hands.
"It's been 84 years-"
"Just tell us what you can... Anything at all..." Jared interrupts as I began to tell of my experience. Took aback, I thought to myself...
Does he really want me to say what I have to say or he just wants something else out of me?
"Do you want to hear it or not, Mr. McKinley?" I ask sternly, he falls quiet signalling me to continue.
"It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china has never been used. The sheets have never been slept in... Titanic was called, the 'Ship of Dreams,' and it was... It really was..."
Third Person Point of View
Everyone was smiling ear to ear, hugging each other as they boarded the large ship. People segregated, the first-class passengers need no such inspection, just by the looks of them.
Third-class however, needs to go through inspection. Health, appearance... Certain things were contagious back in the day.
In the sea of people, old fashioned automobiles honked loudly, the aristocrats. Easily distinguished as gold curls surrounded the edges of the vehicle's doors and windows, one after the other. It's contents may be people or their stack of belongings.
To these aristocrats and socialites, there is no in between when it comes to needs and wants. Every want is a need.
Reader's Point of View
So this is a ship, they say? It's but a big boat to me... Looks like any other ship. So much for taking me here when I could've lived my life on land like a normal girl.
I reached out my gloved hand to the chauffer, helping me off the vehicle. I looked through my wide brimmed hat, the Titanic in front of all the people bidding goodbye.
To these people, this is the grandest ship in their eyes and hearts. For me, who had a fair share of being on different ships, this just looks like a joke to me.
So much for bringing me here, Pierce.
"I don't see what all the fuss is about... It doesn't look bigger than the Mauretania..." I say to Alexander as he stepped down the vehicle.
"You can belittle all other things, Y/N but not the Titanic..." he pressed as if he himself already entered the ship, "It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania and far more luxurious... You're gonna love it..."
I walked forth a little to give space to my mother, Katherine, Karen for short. I call her that, but without her knowledge as she likes to make herself be heard and she wants it exactly how she wants it.
"Your daughter's far too hard to please, Katherine..." Alexander says as she helps her off the vehicle.
May I add, she's a feisty one.
"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable, huh?" She says looking at the ship, raising her thin eyebrow. Her hands tucked inside her hand warmers.
"Yes, it is unsinkable. God himself can't sink this ship." He beams as my mother looks at him impressed.
A small man approached Alexander, telling him that the luggage should go to the main entrance around the ship somewhere. He hands him a good tip, a more than good tip. His eyes grow large as Alexander tells him to look for Brock Rumlow, his right hand.
It's funny because his right hand man is nearer to my age than he is.
We head off to the ship, my mother's arm linked to Alexander's, looking more like a couple than how we are meant to look the part as I walked passed the third-class passengers being inspected.
We walked on the ramp, the water under it and the people below us.
Upon entrance, Alexander made me link my arm with his. Thanks, mother for finally thinking that you set me up with this person and not you setting yourself up with him.
Although that last part sounds better to me. He's as old as someone like him should be.
It was the ship of dreams... to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship. Taking me to the the United States in chains.
Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
Third Person Point of View
Forget the ship for now, the focus should be inside the pub. A pub full of people from the working class, drinking liquor, good enough that their money can afford, as cheap prostitutes flirted with the men for a quick buck for a bite to eat.
Four men, playing a serious game of poker. Every last bit of coin they had, were on the table. One takes a drink of his brown liquor as he speaks in Swedish.
"Du dumma, satsar du på våra biljetter! (You dumbass, you bet our tickets!)" He says to his companion who snaps his attention to him.
"Du förlorade alla våra pengar och jag försöker få tillbaka dem. Välj nu ett jävla kort! (You lost all our money and I'm trying to get them back. Now pick a damn card!)," One of them says gritting his teeth at his friend, who was playing all he got.
One of them puffs a cigarette, his grey blue eyes focused on his cards and the man across the table. Caring less of his brunette locks getting in the way of his vision.
"Hit me again, Ivan..." he asks as one of the Swedish men slip him a card and he takes it.
His blonde companion, begins to worry a little. Thinking they bet everything and are about to lose everything and stay in Southampton for another long time before they get lucky.
He notices, his voice in a low, raspy whisper, "Don't worry buddy, we've got nothing to lose..."
"We have nothing to lose because we literally have nothing, Bucky..." he says worried, as his friend bet everything they had, except for their clothes...
The ship horn toots its mighty note, alerting the gamblers, Bucky looks around, his competition sweating seeds off his forehead.
"Moment of truth..." he begins looking up at the four other men, anticipation and worry painted their faces, "Steve..."
The blonde lays out his deck, "Nothing..."
He continues, "Ludvig..."
The man lays out his deck, "Oh, squat..." he continues to the other one, "Ivan, two pair... Hmm... Sorry, Steve..."
Steve's face pales, he begins to sweat buckets... Fear rushing over him as he feels cold, palms sweaty.
"W-we lost? I won't be able to see ma another while... Darn it, Bucky..." he begins to stammer and curse... Thinking luck was not on his side...
"Sorry, Steve... You lost and I WON! FULL HOUSE, BUDDY!" Bucky cheers as Steve stands up happily hugging him, kissing the two tickets, "We're going home!"
Profanities streamed from the lips of the two other men who bet their tickets. The poker gods not on their side.
The taller man stood up, over 6 feet tall, maybe 6 foot 7, and grabbed Bucky by the collar. Bucky closed his eyes to take the impact of the large hand balled up in a fist. Instead, he punches his companion, knocked out like a light.
"We're going home, Steve!!"
"America, here we come!!"
Their celebration came to a halt, the pub owner cutting in looking at the two men.
"You're not going to America... Titanic is, in five minutes..." he says pointing to the clock, every second wasting away.
The two men exchanged looks and rushed out the pub, all their belongings they stuffed in their bags like sacks.
They ran in the crowd chasing time, as Steve cheered excitedly as they were coming home.
They ran and ran, cutting between the crowd of people and the honking automobiles. They skipped the line for inspection and went straight to the third-class passenger entrance, Bucky waving the tickets at the guard.
"Passed through inspection?" The guard asks, like he does for every passenger.
"Don't have lice, don't worry... We're both Americans..." He says flushed and panting, waiting to get on the ship to their quarters.
The guard was testy, but there was a sliver of trust shining through, "Alright, come aboard..."
They entered the ship, but it came to a halt. The guard passed the ticket on to another guard to inspect them, to see if they are not posers.
He begins saying the names, "Eklund and... Norberg..."
He says, raising a brow... he thought, 'these don't look like Eklunds and Norbergs...'
He hands them the tickets, granting them entrance to the RMS Titanic.
"Come on, Ivan!!" They ran in the corridor, whooping in victory...
"We are the luckiest sons of bitches alive!"
They quickly run up the metal stair case, excitedly throught the crowd of people finding their way in the ship. They busted out the door as they stood along the people on the poop deck.
"BYEEEE" Bucky yells out to the crowd, as if someone important to him is in the crowd.
Steve looks at him puzzled, "You hung out with some skank?" He asks, knowing that Bucky's a smooth wolf where ever he went.
Bucky shakes his head, chuckling then looking at him in disbelief, "NO, Steve... It's a thing!!!"
Steve shrugged and started waving at the crowd as the ship moved away from the dock.
"Bye, everybodyyy!!! I may or may not forget youuuu!!" Steve yells to the crowd as the ship set sail to New York, back to their country and to their homes.
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A/N: CUUUUT so this is chapter 1 of Ship of dreams... You finally reached the bottom of this chapter... Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it 💕 keep saaafe
@witchymegg @underworldqueen13 @amisutcliff @luna4501 @likeit-or-leaveit @vhsbarnes @uglipotata72829
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sqoiler · 5 years
spoiler: into the stephanie-verse
Lex Luthor made a multiverse machine, in order to mine Kryptonite from other dimensions. It was kinda a good idea, except the machine was faulty, and kept dragging other stuff from the multiverse into Lex’s earth as well. 
The League was dispatched to deal with the alternate versions of themselves that were brought into their Earth. Before he left, Batman assigned everyone in Gotham to guard the city from the various monsters and Rogues who roamed the city. 
Spoiler had just finished a fight with a female version of Oswald Cobblepot and was headed to Nightwing to help him deal with a pair of mischievous twins, when the air in front of her opened up and a dark shaped tumbled through. Spoiler grabbed her bo-staff and dropped into a crouch, wary. 
The shape sat up, and Spoiler absorbed the dark cape and pointy ears, the purple flashes on the suit, and the golden curls tumbling down her back. 
Spoiler met her own eyes. 
“Shit,” the other girl said, and she stood, brushing off her knees. Spoiler lowered her bo-staff and straightened, looking at herself curiously. “Did you pull me here?”
“No,” Spoiler said. “Lex Luthor made a machine….”
“Say no more,” the other girl said, and Spoiler noticed a yellow bat emblazoned on her chest. Her mouth fell open. 
“Batgirl?” she gasped. She vaguely recognized the suit from the images of the other timeline that she’d seen, months ago. 
“Yeah,” Batgirl said. “And you’re Spoiler. I haven’t been Spoiler in years, but you make it work. I like the half-mask, it’s nice.”
“Thanks,” Spoiler said, feeling a little ridiculous. “Sorry, I’ve never met an alternate version of myself before.”
“Me neither,” Batgirl admitted. “Although you always hear about it, don’t you.”
“Yeah,” Spoiler agreed. This was seriously surreal. Seeing herself--same height, a little longer hair, but standing so confidently? Spoiler blinked and told herself not to compare. They were different, after all. “So, Batgirl, huh? How’d...how’d you land that?”
“Cass gave it to me,” Batgirl said, shrugging. “When B died. But he’s back now, don’t worry.”
“Huh,” Spoiler said, and she remembered the mentions of Cass as Batgirl, too. “So where’s Babs, then?”
“You mean Babs is still Batgirl in your universe?” Batgirl asked, eyes wide. “This universe?” She gestured around them. Spoiler nodded. 
“Yeah, nobody else has ever been Batgirl,” Spoiler said. 
“That’s so fucking weird,” Batgirl said. “Babs hasn’t been Batgirl since before I started out, and that was like five years ago. You mean she didn’t get shot?”
“She did, but there was an implant,” Spoiler said. “So she’s better.”
“Wow. That’s great but--how do you survive without Oracle?” Batgirl asked. “I want my universe back.”
Spoiler agreed with her, and wondered how to put her back. Should she take her to Batman? Hm. For all the multiverse shenanigans she’d heard about, she really didn’t know how to deal with them, what the protocol was.
“Let’s go find Drake,” Spoiler said. “He just got back from a multiverse adventure.”
“Drake? Like the rapper?” 
“No, like Tim. My boyfriend? It’s his new code name.”
“Tim picked his own fucking last name? That’s so stupid,” Batgirl said, and although Spoiler agreed, she didn’t say that. Spoiler checked her trackers, and found that Drake was across the city. She got out her grapple, and Batgirl did the same. 
“Wait,” Batgirl called a minute later, when they were already in the air. They landed on the roof of the next building and Spoiler turned to her expectantly. “Did you say that he’s your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah,” Spoiler said. “Is he not?”
“Not since like, middle school!” Batgirl cried, and Spoiler rolled her eyes. 
“We don’t live in the same universe,” she reminded her. “Our Tims are probably totally different.”
“Yeah, right,” Batgirl said, and then there was a flash of purple light and Spoiler turned to face it. Two people appeared. One of them was in a purple bodysuit with a lightning bolt emblazoned on the chest, blonde hair pulled into a messy ponytail. The other was wearing fishnet tights and a leather jacket, an armored purple unitard under the jacket and a skirt over that. Her blonde hair was long, nearly to her elbows, and free-flowing. The new pair blinked at Spoiler and Batgirl. 
“Holyfuckthat’susbutBats,” the girl with the lightning bolts said, her words tipping over each other, and Spoiler said, “Before today, I’d never been involved in multiverse shenanigans, and now this!” 
She gestured at the duo. 
“I’m Dart,” the speedster-Steph said, holding out a hand. Spoiler shook it, dumbfounded. 
“I’m Canary,” the other Steph said. “Violet Canary, but generally they just call me Canary.”
“Like Red and Gold Canaries,” Dart said gleefully. 
“....No,” Canary said. “I don’t know who that is.”
“Black Canary’s partners,” Dart said, rolling her eyes. “Cass and Jason.”
“Cass and Jason are Bats,” Batgirl said. “Not Canaries.”
“Not in my world,” Dart said. “What, in your universe is everyone a Bat?”
“Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Damian, Babs, Duke,” Spoiler rattled off.
“Duke?” Batgirl asked. 
“Yeah, none of those people are Bats in my world,” Dart said. “Dick’s a Super, Cass and Jason are Canaries, Damian’s a Lantern, Tim’s a Martian, Duke’s a Wonder, and Babs is Aquagirl. Or, well, she used to be, before the accident.”
“See?” Batgirl demanded, gesturing at Spoiler.
“I didn’t give her the implant!” Spoiler said. “It happened before I even started crime-fighting!”
“She’s not Oracle in your universe?” Canary asked, looking wildly startled. Spoiler threw her hands up. 
“Sorry that you guys landed in a garbage universe, I guess,” she said, and Dart patted her shoulder. 
“So this is your place, huh? Kinda nice,” she said. “You know, I’ve never really been in Gotham before? Not since I moved away, anyway.”
“Yeah, how the fuck are you a speedster?” Canary asked. “I’m not even a meta, and my job depends on me having superpowers.”
“I was going to ask the same question,” Batgirl said. 
“I mean, basically the same way everyone else did,” Dart said. “I made Wally tell me how he did it, who made Barry tell him how he did it, who made Jay tell him how he did it. And, uh, the rest is history.”
“But why were you with Wally--? Never mind,” Spoiler said. “We really need to find Drake.”
At Dart and Canary’s confused looks, Batgirl said in a loud whisper, “As in Tim. That’s his new codename. And yeah, we know it’s stupid.”
“Thank you, Batgirl,” Spoiler said loudly. “Let’s just go, yeah?”
“Won’t Batman snipe me?” Dart asked, and Canary asked Batgirl for a spare grapple. 
“He’s out of town,” Spoiler said. “Just follow us.”
“Sure thing,” Dart said. “Wait, what’s your codename?”
“Spoiler,” Spoiler said. “You mean you were never…?”
“I used to be Kid Flash, but never ‘Spoiler’, whoever that is,” Dart said. “Sorry.”
“Even I was Spoiler, and I’m not even a Bat,” Canary said, and Dart said, “Okay, we get it, I’m a weirdo among Stephanies. Let’s go.”
They went, and Spoiler wondered if the other Bats were also dealing with themselves. She was leading the way, which was weird, because she never led any ways. Maybe if it was just her and Tim, or something. 
Below her, Spoiler caught sight of a swarm of Clayfaces, and she had to stop. She yelled to the others to help her, and they dropped into the alley below. 
Fighting with only herself as backup was weird, Spoiler thought. Batgirl threw batarangs that had stuff inside them. Dart sped around confusing the Clayfaces and Spoiler brought her bo-staff down hard on one, but it just sloshed through his arm. Oops. 
“Cover your ears!” Canary yelled, and she threw a little device at a Clayface. It screamed, a loud noise that was what Spoiler assumed the Canary Cry sounded like. The Clayfaces barely reacted. 
From above, a dark shape descended. Spoiler could’ve cried in relief, even though she was sure it wasn’t her own Batman. 
Batman threw a device at a Clayface, which sent out some sort of signal that froze all the Clayfaces that weren’t already frozen by Batgirl’s batarangs. Icearangs? Whatever. 
Quick work was made of the Clayfaces, and then Batman led the Stephs back into the air. 
“You saved us!” Dart said. 
“Yes,” Batman said. Spoiler inspected their new friend. This Batman was shorter than Bruce, and the bat across her chest was purple. The eyes on the cowl glowed with purple light, but it was still unmistakably Batman. She had on purple lipstick, and Spoiler spotted a scar near her mouth. She knew who this was. 
“Holy shit,” Spoiler breathed, and beside her, the others seemed to come to the same conclusion. “You’re me.”
“I would argue that I’m me,” Batman said, her mouth twisting into a smirk. “But yes, I am another Stephanie Wayne.”
“Wayne?” Spoiler and Batgirl cried at the same time. 
“Fuck,” Dart said. “If that isn’t a weird last name to think of me having.” 
“It makes sense that circumstances would differ,” Canary said. “Although in my universe, I was never truly a Bat.”
“But Wayne?” Spoiler said, waving her hands. 
“Bruce actually adopted you?” Batgirl asked.
“No,” Batman said. “He left a portion of the estate to me in his will, and after I took up the mantle I changed my last name.”
“What the fuck,” Spoiler said, and Batgirl seemed of the same mind. 
“Why are you panicking? It’s not that weird,” Dart said. “And I mean, clearly you all aren’t Stephanie Allen.”
“Allen?” Batgirl repeated, her voice an octave higher.
“Sweet Jesus,” Batman said, and Spoiler pushed that image aside for examining at a later time. “The pair of you never shed ‘Brown’, didn’t you.”
“No!” Spoiler cried. 
“I’ve never even thought that was an option!” Batgirl said, sounding distraught.  
“I’ve just been daydreaming about the day Tim proposes so I can be anything besides a Brown,” Spoiler admitted.
“That’s disgusting,” Batman said. “You and Tim, really?”
“Why not?” Spoiler demanded. “Everyone seems to be of the same mind--what’s wrong with him?”
“I mean, besides that he’s an asshole?” Batgirl asked. “Uh, two words: Super. Girl.”
“I’ve never even met Supergirl,” Spoiler said, struggling to imagine herself dating Supergirl. 
“Tim’s dead,” Batman said flatly. “But I agree with Batgirl’s assessment.”
“I think Supergirl and Babs have a thing going on?” Dart said. “Maybe? But anyway I’m more of a Wonder Girl kinda gal myself.”
“Ditto,” Canary said. 
“Okay, I get it, you guys are hetero-shaming me,” Spoiler said, lifting her hands up. “For the record, I am bisexual.”
“Good,” Batman said. 
“Although, speaking of my lovely boyfriend, I should probably tell him about this….Stephplosion,” Spoiler said, waving her arms at them. She put her finger to her ear to comm Drake, but then the air folded in on itself on a roof within Spoiler’s line of sight and she saw a flash of a familiar color that made her blood boil.
“Shit,” she said. 
“What?” Dart asked. Spoiler pointed. 
“There was some….orange over there,” she said significantly. 
“Jesus fucking christ,” Batgirl said. “If I have to deal with alternate Cluemasters I’m going to slaughter someone.”
“We need to check it out,” Batman said. 
“I’m only agreeing since there’s five of us,” Canary said. 
“I haven’t seen Arthur since I was eleven and I’m not about to start now,” Dart said, and Spoiler pushed down a surge of jealousy. Batman led the way, grabbing Dart to carry her across the gap. 
They stopped at the edge of the roof and looked down at the kid--the kid!--who was sitting on the rooftop below them. 
She had on an orange skirt and shirt with blue suspenders. Her tights--also orange--were ripped and she had on orange combat boots. Her bandana was pulled down from her face to rest around her neck, and her blonde hair was in tangles. 
Spoiler stared her thirteen year old self in the face and thought about fainting. 
“What the fuck,” Batgirl said flatly. 
“Don’t hit me!” the kid cried, scrambling to her feet. She had braces, Spoiler noted dimly. “Who are you? What happened?”
“We’re in an alternate universe,” Batman said. “Something’s wrong with the multiverse.”
“Lex Luthor,” Spoiler provided, dazed. “Mining for Kryptonite. Batman--my Batman--is taking care of it.”
“Oh,” tiny, orange Steph said. “So...who are you, then?”
Batman pulled off her cowl. Her blonde hair was short and messy and her face was--old. Spoiler pegged her to be late twenties, probably. Huh. The other Stephs were all teenagers like Spoiler. 
“Stephanie,” Batman said, her real voice jarring after the modulated one was gone. “I’m you, okay?”
“In an alternate universe, I’m Batman?” the younger Steph whispered. 
“Yes,” Batman said, her voice soft and kind of tender. Spoiler wondered what experience she had with kids. She realized that she could have a Robin. “And that’s Batgirl, and Dart, and Canary, and Spoiler. We’re all you.”
“Spoiler?” the younger Steph said, her eyes wide. “Holy fuck.”
“Language,” Batman said. 
“I’m thirteen, not a child.” The younger Steph turned and pulled off her backpack. “Look!” She opened it and pulled out a homemade black bodysuit and hooded cape. “Here’s my Spoiler outfit.”
“I’m going to cry,” Batgirl said. Spoiler’s heart was doing something weird, looking at this tiny version of herself wearing Cluemaster orange. 
“Oh, yeah, well. Being Spoiler is my biggest secret,” younger Steph said, putting her costume back away. 
“Why are you dressed like that, then?” Dart asked. 
“Well,” Steph said, drawing out the word. “I thought Dad might, like, kill me if I didn’t say yes when he asked, so I’m Cluekid by day and Spoiler at night. But, uh, I’m working on bringing down the empire from the inside.”
“Empire?” Spoiler repeated. 
“Yeah, Dad’s criminal empire,” Cluekid said. “I’m taking it down.”
“Criminal empire?” Batgirl said, sounding shocked. 
“By yourself?” Batman asked, putting her cowl back on. Cluekid pulled up her bandana. 
“Yeah, it’s like...someone’s gotta do it, right?”
“Was anyone else’s Cluemaster, like, vaguely incompentent at best?” Batgirl asked, and Spoiler and Canary rose their hands. “Criminal empire, really?”
“It’s super fun that you guys weren’t Cluekid, but leave me alone about it,” Cluekid said. “My dad’s the real deal.”
“Then what’s your plan for when he finds out you betrayed him?” Batman asked. Cluekid blinked slowly. 
“Well,” she said, then she stopped. 
“You don’t have a plan,” Dart said knowingly. “I can relate.”
“No, she does,” Batman said, horrified.
“You’re just gonna let yourself die?” Spoiler asked. Cluekid shrugged, her arms going up past her head. 
“If I have to!” she cried. “Someone’s gotta take him down and I’m the only one who can!”
“Dying’s no big D,” Batgirl said. “I do it all the time.”
Everyone turned to face her. 
“I mean, once, but that’s like, more than most people do it,” she amended, and Spoiler shook her head. 
“Jesus christ,” she said. “I have to get you guys out of here. I’m going to call Drake, and we’re going to find out how to return you guys. Except maybe Cluekid, cause your universe sucks.”
“Yeah, well, your universe has people leaking into it, so it can’t be all that great,” Cluekid shot back, and Spoiler had to admit she had a point. 
While they grappled towards the other end of town, Batman carrying Cluekid and Dart running below them, Spoiler put in a call. 
“Batman,” she said. “I have five alternate versions of myself with me.”
“Five Spoilers?” her own Batman asked, his voice gruff. 
“Five Stephanies,” she corrected. “A Batgirl, a speedster, a Canary, a kid, and, well. A Batman.”
“Interesting,” Batman said. “Luthor has been apprehended and once I turn off the machine, everyone should return to normal.”
“Okay,” Spoiler said, and Batman disconnected. Spoiler stopped grappling and the group gathered around her. “According to my Batman, you guys should just...go back soon.”
“It’s been nice getting to know you,” Canary said. “Although really weird.”
“Agreed,” Dart said. “I can’t imagine being a Bat.”
“I wish that would happen to me,” Cluekid said. “But…”
“It’ll be okay, kiddo,” Batman said. 
“Hey,” Spoiler said. “Batman, do you have a Robin? You’re pretty good with kids.”
“Yeah,” Batman said, smiling. “Her name is Carrie.”
“Hell yeah,” Batgirl said, raising her hand for a fistbump. Batman obliged, and from the corner of her eye Spoiler saw the universe begin folding in on itself. 
“Damn, this is me,” Dart said, looking at the wrinkle in the air. It was tied to her leg, so not a difficult conclusion to make. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you ladies. I wish all of you every success--especially you, Lil Steph.”
“Thanks,” Cluekid said, and Spoiler nodded at Dart before she vanished in a puff of purple lightning. 
“I’m going to turn on my earplugs,” Canary said. “Who knows what’ll happen when I get back--but anyway, I’m going to be in the dark, hearing-wise.”
“Okay,” Spoiler said, a little confused, and Canary gave everyone a smile. 
“It’s been real,” she said, and then she turned on her earplugs. She signed something at them--Spoiler knew only a few signs and couldn’t keep up. Batgirl nodded thoughtfully. 
“What’d she say?” Spoiler asked. 
“Oh, I have no clue,” Batgirl said. “Come to think of it, the signs me and Cass use aren’t strictly ‘real’ sign language.”
“She said that she turns off her hearing so it’s not damaged by the canary cry,” Batman said. Everyone looked at her. “What? My brother was mute and he had to talk somehow.” 
“Brother?” Spoiler repeated, and Batman said, “Damian.”
Damian, mute? 
Damian, Steph’s brother?
“I’m leaving,” Canary said loudly, and they turned to face her. She was vanishing just like Dart, and she gave a little wave, then pointed at Batman, who was also disappearing. 
“Goodbye,” Batman said, and then she and Canary were gone, leaving Spoiler with Batgirl and Cluekid. 
“I’m gonna be real with you guys,” Cluekid said. “I know it’s only been like two minutes but seeing myself, older and with a place in the world….it’s pretty inspiring to think that in another universe I grow up to be Batman.”
“Maybe you still can,” Spoiler suggested, thinking that she didn’t like the idea of this tiny version of herself planning her own death. 
“I don’t think so,” Cluekid said, smiling sadly. 
“I’ve been through a lot of shit,” Batgirl said. “I’ve even died before. You can’t let any of that stop you, okay? You just gotta push through it.”
“Keep on coming back,” Spoiler said. 
“However long it takes,” Batgirl said. Cluekid blinked, tears welling in her eyes, and then she reached for Spoiler and Batgirl, tugging them both into a hug. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Spoiler said, ruffling her hair, and then Cluekid was gone.
“Damn,” Batgirl said. “She says she’s inspired by us, but I’m inspired by her. She’s so brave.”
“Yeah, I know,” Spoiler said, her throat sort of rough. “Geez.”
“Well, it’s my turn next,” Batgirl said. “So, uh. Bye? I guess.”
“Have fun in your universe,” Spoiler said. “With Oracle and Supergirl.”
“Oh, I absolutely will,” Batgirl said. “Have fun with….Drake. Seriously, we give you shit, but if he’s good for you--”
“He is,” Spoiler said, trying not to think of their breakups. 
“Then that’s all there is to it, isn’t it,” Batgirl said. She grinned, and the air behind her began to fold. “Oh, what timing!”
“Goodbye, Batgirl,” Spoiler said. 
“Bye, Spoiler,” Batgirl said. “You know, it’s nice to see that somewhere out there, we’re still in the mantle we created.”
“And it’s nice to see that we’re in a mantle given to us,” Spoiler said, and Batgirl grinned. 
“Hell yeah it is,” she said, and then she was gone, and Spoiler was left alone. 
She sighed, and kept moving. 
dart from here & here
canary from here
batman from here 
cluekid from here--(don’t worry--she doesn’t actually die!)
(all are my own work!) 
& then spoiler’s from rebirth and batgirl’s from preboot canon AMEN
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frstbiitten · 4 years
Tumblr media
cw: blood, death, gore
Not a week has passed and she already felt that the world was stagnating her, observed the cracked streets with tired eyes, the others forgot that part of her world existed, and also the universe forgot about her sorrows. She stared at the cigarette smoke with some appreciation, what would it be like to fill her lungs with that toxic cloud? Frost saw it rise to the lights of the brothel, it had become just another resident, one of the rats that walk between the feet of the customers, ignores the dangerous steps of heels like knives, and takes the food to its nest.
Jasper was the one who gave the idea in the beginning. Sometimes she felt compelled to visit this temple not so far away and pray to the Elder Gods, never expected answers from them, she didn't expect anything, but it soothed her soul for a few days or weeks until she found it necessary to return. Frost knew well which place they would visit; she had already been there many times. Faith seems to turn blind the ignorants, or so she thought long ago, didn't think this way about Jasper, she didn't want to think this way about her.
Her intentions were always good, even though she sensed she was surrounded by snakes and whatever sinful creature was at her side, under or over her, this was her way of "purifying herself". They arrived at a temple of a structure somewhat standard for the rest of the buildings, the neighborhood had changed to one that was more or less stable, there were gardens with flowers of hundreds of colors, families enjoying the outdoors, teenagers playing or listening to music. That scenario filled Frost with envy, not a light one, but a very toxic one, even though they were constantly ignored, nobody in the neighborhood noticed them, for them they are ghosts. The sacred building was located behind a gate with vines, there was an unbearable smell of summer flora as if it was the last day they would see the sun. A path of stones guided them to that structure that seemed to be alive, with a glass that looked like an enormous flower on top; it was not a colored glass but one that dispersed the light, broke it, and turned it into a soft rainbow.
The smell of incense and sandalwood was the welcome card, silent and almost dark even though the light came to gently touch the marble floor. And speaking of marble, a slightly greenish stone rose from the floor on the wall like a tree with dry branches, it reached the curved ceiling, one could hear a fountain at the other end, sharp stones and flowers coexisted, light and darkness coexisted. Wooden seats and glass and glossy stone statuettes. There was no one else there except for the gentle sound of a broom, a lady bent over to remove the dust that formed with the hours that passed inside of the temple. "From dust, you come, and into dust, you shall return." She couldn't ignore this saying, much less if one day she lost a fight, would she be dismembered before placing her shattered body in a garbage bag for the rats, or would her body be set on fire so that the heat of hell would consume her first?
Jasper pointed with one of his index fingers, never noticing how bony they were, her gaze fixed on a small wooden cubicle from which incense smoke was emanating and forming a cloud above. "There you can tell a priest your sorrows, that you feel you have done wrong, she will say nothing to anyone, for no one knows who they are."
"I know, I have come here before... many years ago." Frost decided to focus on something less threatening than a cubicle against the wall from which there seemed to be no one inside, but there was something inside, more like someone.
"Oh, I thought you didn't believe in heavenly beings." They both approached it, there was someone else inside, they couldn't hear what he was saying, just a muffled murmur through the thick wooden walls.
"I used to do it."
The cubicle opened, an old man came out, walked with a cane, and greeted them the best he could. He was a grandfather who was slowly dying with the days, coughing on his way out, so here they come the desperate ones too, those who see the road end.
The idea of going in doesn't seem like a tempting idea for Frost, to go in and tell your secrets to a stranger, and even though Frost was surrounded by people she barely knew well. She simply shook her head, and at that signal, Jasper entered the wooden cubicle, leaving Frost alone with the echo of the temple.
She remembered it, the offerings of flowers and bread with sparrow feathers and little stones, she remembered the soft fall of the silver coins towards the bottom of the fountain, she approached the fountain that ended up resembling an empty pond, only heard the murmur of the water flowing between the stones and the roots. The statues of the Elder Gods were not as imposing as the place where they stayed, they seemed calm, sitting as if they were meditating with their eyes closed. Was it a metaphor about them? That no matter how much you make offerings to them they will never see you? She had a grudge against these false idols, their innocence, and wasted time while leaving thoughtless offerings on an empty stomach. Frost was young and ignorant, perhaps she still was, but she knew what to believe and what not to believe.
Heard Jasper leave the cubicle, looking calmer than before as if she had been lightly sedated and her eyelids were heavy. But she was awake, only her eyes looked swollen, reddish, her veins were visible, had she been crying? It was probable.
She was silent for a long time until they arrived at her apartment, Jasper desired to lie down a bit, recharge her energy before the night. Frost didn't know if it was a good idea to stay with her, but she hadn't said anything about her leaving. She seemed to be in a strange trance as if her eyesight had become blurred and could only look straight ahead the whole time. Sat down in a somewhat old armchair near one of the windows, Frost didn't know what to do, whether to touch her shoulder or leave her, the first option was the most feasible for her. Approached her without any intention of scaring her, cooled his fingers a bit and reached for her shoulder, reacted with a deep breath, her eyes distressed and red. Jasper took her hand and got up from the chair.
"Jasper? What is happening? Are you okay?" Frost was almost as disoriented as she was, having no idea what had just happened.
"Can you... Can you stay with me for today? I can lend you some clothes for later, you can use the bathroom if you want, sleep for a while, whatever you want? But please stay with me, just for today."
"Yes, of course, I have nothing to do today."
Night had fallen, this time Frost had the opportunity to wear some of Jasper's clothes, a sleeveless blouse that looked like red velvet (although it wasn't, as much as she wanted to) and some dark jeans with boots and her hair braided for the very first time in years. Maybe Jasper had gotten excited with the makeup and hairstyle, the blue eyes of the cryomancer were adorned by red and black shadow, the lips were dark red, maybe Jasper had gotten excited a lot. Although the two seemed to be in stark contrast to each other, Frost felt a little uncomfortable at first, hiding in their break rooms. 
That night she was a little more daring, passing through the corridors, observing the details of the environment around her, the faint red and pink lights inviting sin, the cigarette smoke coming off the lips of strangers, the expensive perfume, the sound of the heels. She didn't belong to this world, although she felt some connection with these women. Why do they do this? Some like it, others don't. Frost certainly liked winning a fight, venting her anger, being the center of the world's attention while opening wounds. Others, no, others didn't like the world that they are forced to live in.
Her feet were leading her to the entrance, actually, to the main hall, it was a rather interesting place, the lights were moving and changing colors erratically, the music was filling her ears and seemed to be stirring her body, there was a catwalk included, but there was no one on it at that moment, later there would be some of the girls dancing on the pole. Frost went down some stairs straight into the midst of strangers, didn't know which song was playing at that moment, but the blue and green of the spotlights predominated. What could she do here? Wasn't in the mood to dance, even though all this crowd was dancing, rubbing their bodies against others, she felt the weight of a look from the shadows. 
She was a lightweight if she didn't concentrate enough, observed between people, would anyone see her? The short hairs behind her neck stood up, it wasn't the cold of her body, it was that gaze fixed on her. But the one she did find in the crowd was Jasper, who seemed to be quiet among so many people, Frost made her way to her, touching her shoulder to attract her attention.
"Do you feel better now?" Because of the noise of the music, she had to exaggerate the movement of her lips so she could read them.
"Yes, I'm better now." She spoke with a smile, her eyelids shone with a pale rose and gold, glossy lips and wavy hair, it seemed that time and sweat did not affect her, but it gave this divine soft aura around her, for some reason, made Frost feel safe around her.
"Well, but, I have something to tell you, I think someone is watching me."
Mentioning that, Jasper looked to the sides, a determined glance at different directions and she couldn't see anyone staring at them, not in her world, she was always the one who was watching.
"Do you want me to call you a cab?"
It was an exhausting and long moment, seconds that were striving to turn into hours, she couldn't answer her in time, simply nodded her head but she had already forgotten about the question when those seconds returned to their normal course. Her eyelids were stained with violent red, part of her neck, and even her chest was painted with such horrific color. Frost heard screams too, they weren't hers but came from different directions around her being, as Frost hadn't said anything. Had Jasper collapsed on the dancefloor, a hole in the side of her neck from which hot blood was gushing out like a volcano that had just erupted. Her only reaction at that moment was to see the exit of the building, heard the door slam and without thinking it twice, she ran in that direction. There was no moon that night, the boots were not the best to run after an elusive stranger who took advantage of the darkness and architecture of the neighborhood.
Jumping over garbage bags, stairs, and walls of asphalt and bricks, he was very agile but not stealthy. It didn't take long for Frost's eyes to give off that glow of fury on her way to meet the stranger. The smell of sweat and gunpowder was wafting off, her instinct prompting her to throw an ice ball the size of her hand in the direction of his feet before he could get out of a passage between two buildings. That was enough to make him stumble, listening as his body collapsed on garbage bags, glass bottles broke under his back, plastic folded, and even rats came out of their hiding empty-handed. She could see the fear creeping down his cheeks in the form of tears and sweat, trying to become one with the wall waiting for it to hide him from that girl approaching from the darkness with her eyes turned in a strange and deadly glow.
"Why did you ki-"
"She didn't have to die, she had nothing to do with it!" The man let go as he hugged his icy leg, he could see the ice piercing his skin and growing to his knee with a devouring intention. "It was you... you had to die tonight!"
"... Who sent you, was it Lewis? Are you a Black Dragon? ANSWER ME!!" Her voice seemed to have as much effect on him as the ice. Did he know he was going to die tonight? Frost soon used one of her cold hands to press on his neck, heard the exact moment the man started to pee himself and tremble -either by the fear or the cold-, the smell didn't bother her completely, it was the fact that he was still alive. 
He didn't say anything, obviously out of fear, but he nodded his head a couple of times, that was enough for her. He was going to die sooner or later, Frost's hands had already done enough and the man had lost the energy in his body, and suddenly, it was it, his soul was gone forever from his body. Could it be a heart attack? The girl's eyes returned to normal, she should have been the victim but Jasper ended up paying the price for a stupid mistake. One less innocent person and Lewis was still playing around with her patience. It was better to go back to the others, could hear the police sirens approaching.
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thedevillord-writes · 5 years
Pandora - Understand
"Any fool can know. The point is to understand"
-Albert Einstein
Waiting for Yosuke to speak, Haruka was almost falling asleep. The combination of late night and alcohol was slowly draining her energy, and she was getting tired of waiting for him. On the other hand, Yosuke seemed to be nervous; a feat that would never be associated with him. In the time she had known him for, he had always been the most confident person. He never hesitated, at least not when it came to annoying her. Though now, he was downing his fifth drink in a row and still had not uttered a single word.
As he poured himself yet another drink, Haruka stopped him. He knew he would not be able to escape forever, though he had been hoping that she would have knocked out before he had to talk. His plan fell through, obviously.
Yosuke let out a sigh, knowing he was unable to escape any longer. Knocking back one last shot, he was finally prepared to speak. "When I was in high school, I met someone. They were a freshman, and I was a junior. They were having a hard time making friends, so I became their friend. She's from a prestigious family, she'd be a great connection to have. And at that time, I was already developing the idea for my matchmaking business and she was the perfect test candidate. Everything was going well, and the data I collected was really useful.
"Life improved for her too. She comes from a difficult family but during the time we spent together, she became happier. Honestly, my life changed too. It really felt like we were a couple...actually, I think at some point, it became real for me too. But you know how the dramas flow, tragedy strikes when you're at your happiest. She found out my intentions and got mad, rightfully so. She transferred overseas and I've never seen her again."
"Until recently," Haruka stated. "So that's the story between you and the pianist?"
"What pianist? I didn't say a name."
"But you said 'she'," she pointed out. "The only woman you act weird around is that pianist so it has to be her."
Even when intoxicated, Haruka was sharp. Seeing her again stirred up a lot of feelings inside Yosuke. He thought he would be okay, treating her like anyone else he would in his life. If he was being honest, he would not be upset at all if Haruka was to cut all ties with him. He would be bored, sure, but only for a little while before he found another toy. To have all these emotions in him was a new experience for Yosuke. All his life, he tried so hard compartmentalising everything that sometimes, those around him wondered if he truly had emotions.
Although their stories were completely different, Haruka understood how Yosuke felt.
She only wanted the best life for her sisters, and she did everything she could to make sure she did. When their mother passed away, Haruka was only sixteen. She knew her mother's wish was for the three sisters to stay together so to avoid being separated, Haruka took up the maternal role. She started a part time job at a maid café; flexible hours around her classes with a high pay, it was more than she could ask for. But Haruko was displeased. She became vile in the eyes of her sister's, a teenage girl who was willing to sell her body to please weird men for money.
When the opportunity for a better job arose, Haruka grabbed it and landed a job as Eisuke's secretary. She thought it would improve her relationship with Haruko but it only worsened. She was called a gold digger who abandoned her family. No matter what Haruka did, her sister would find fault in it. Still, she felt as if she owed it to Haruko. The life they lived had not been easy, and Haruka understood that there was always something better that her sisters longer for out there.
"Do you still love her?" Haruka asked. "You said it became real for you too. Did you ever tell her?"
"No, I did not," Yosuke said, taking yet another drink. "And I wouldn't call what I feel for her love. Just...that I care for her more than others."
"Do you think about her all the time?" Haruka asked. "Like...you had a sandwich and you wish she was there to share with you? Or you heard a piano playing and you thought it might be her?" Yosuke nodded. "Okay, does it hurt when you see her hurting? Do you smile when she's happy? Do you look her in the eyes and know immediately that she's lying about how she's feeling at the moment?" Again, Yosuke nodded. "That's love, you fool."
Moving closer to Yosuke, Haruka placed her head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. Her answers to her own questions would be all yes, if asked about Eisuke. She had been trying to deny her feelings but now that she was confronting Yosuke, it was as if she was confronting herself too. She wanted to see Eisuke again. She wanted to be so close that she could smell his cologne that had become comforting over the years. She wanted to be held in his arms and told that he loved her like she did him. However, reality was often disappointing as she was nowhere near Eisuke. She was simply drinking with Yosuke, depressed about a different issue from when she began.
Taking in a deep breath, Haruka frowned a little. She turned her head and buried her nose in Yosuke's suit, taking in another deep breath. Since when did he start using the same cologne as Eisuke? She looked up to meet his eyes and for a good minute, they were just staring at each other when they both started to move in instinctively.
Their lips were inches away from touching when Haruka blurted out her boss' name. It hit Yosuke and woke him up instantly. He pulled away and covered Haruka's lips with his hand. They both had way too much to drink, and if they were to continue, Haruka would be doing something she would seriously regret. The Yosuke before meeting Haruka would not have cared whether she would regret, as long as they were both consenting. After all, he never said no to a night of good fun. Knowing how deep her feelings for Eisuke were now, however, Yosuke could never bring himself to do anything to her. Not when he had feelings he never knew about for someone else too.
"It was a mistake bringing you into my life," Yosuke sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. "I was supposed to be doing the meddling, not the other way round."
"What the hell is this garbage?!"
Yumi flinched as Eisuke threw the file she handed him across the room. All eyes in the lounge were on them, though this was not the first occurrence. Just this morning alone, Eisuke had lost his temper with her more times than she could count. He disliked her coffee, complained that her shoes were too loud, and her clothes were too colourful. The document he threw across the room apparently was riddled with mistakes; mistakes that she was ordered to correct to by Eisuke himself.
"That was what you told me to type up."
"A dog could do your job better than you. At least the dog can be trained."
"I understand why Haruka-san quit."
"What did you just say?"
She stepped over the line with her last comment, Yumi knew. She had enough, however, of taking his temper. She would never understand how Haruka managed to stand this for eight long years. No matter how much you loved someone, if they were to yell at you over the smallest things every day, that love would be shaved down to nothing eventually. Perhaps that was exactly why Haruka left, because her love for him no longer existed. If she wanted to lose her job and hurt Eisuke, Yumi would have said that thought out loud.
Right now, however, she was fearing for her own life.
The look in Eisuke's eyes was one that she had never seen before. She had seen him angry, frustrated, irritated, though his only reaction during those times would be to scowl at her and move on. He was furious this time. Despite fearing for her career and life, Yumi somehow found the courage to open her mouth again.
"I said-"
"Okay! Let's stop right there," Baba said, stepping into the conversation. "Whatever you were going to say, please don't," he whispered, pulling Yumi away from Eisuke and kept her behind his back. "I think Yumi-chan needs a day off. Right, Boss?" Without giving an answer, Eisuke headed up the stairs to his suite. Baba let out a soft sigh before looking to Yumi. "Are you out of your mind?"
"He was being unreasonable."
"Go home," Baba smiled, giving her a gentle pat on her shoulder. "I'll fix this for you."
Looking up the stairs, Baba could not help but let out another heavier sigh, closing his eyes. There were days when he wished Soryu was not around; today was not one of those days. With heavy steps, Baba headed up the stairs to Eisuke's suite. As he stood outside his office, Baba was really praying for Soryu's return although he knew it was impossible, not unless the mobster learnt how to teleport from Hong Kong. He raised his hand to knock on the door but stopped himself the last second, hesitating. This was not what he wanted to be doing on a weekend.
"Either you come in or leave. Don't loiter around outside my office."
"I wasn't loitering," Baba smiled, opening the door. "I was just...surveying."
"If you are here on behalf of Yumi, save your breath. She is clearly not competent enough for the job, lacking in both IQ and EQ."
"To be honest, no one will ever have enough EQ to work for you," Baba pointed out.
Eisuke shot him a glare from across the desk, though Baba still took a seat. Although he only met Eisuke a few years ago, he had heard rumours about how many secretaries he went through in his short term as an executive before the existence of Tres Spades. Everyone in the company was surprised when Haruka survived past her first month. Baba was surprised too, when he met them for the first time. Sometimes, Eisuke could be a little too much to handle for the gang but Haruka never complained.
"What are you trying to say?" Eisuke asked, with a deep frown.
"I'm just saying what you're thinking out loud. Besides Haruka, no one will ever be good enough to work for you." Eisuke's frown deepened, if possible, at Baba's statement. Even if that was the truth, he would never admit it out loud. "I know you're frustrated that Haruka left. We all miss her too. And if I'm being honest, I'm not used to not having her around either. I miss the coffee she makes."
"Get to the point."
"The point is, don't take your frustration out on Yumi. Nobody can be Haruka, and you can't force someone to be her either. If you miss her, go and see her. I don't know much about Haruka but she's a very simple person. She wants a simple life, someone she can rely on. Someone who will love her unconditionally forever."
Eisuke's expression relaxed a little, though he kept quiet while thinking about what Baba said. Yumi was not a bad secretary. She was young and inexperienced, but she was willing to learn. When Haruka was still around, Yumi always took the initiative to draft documents, ask her questions, and all other operations of the hotel. She knew Haruka's way worked with him and did her best to imitate. Yet, Eisuke kept finding flaws in her and magnified them.
With Haruka, Eisuke had been equally unfair to her. He never thought of the reasons why she wanted time away from work, nor did he try to understand the reason behind her resignation. He was angry at her, for abandoning her job and him after years of cooperation. How could she be so selfish when he still needed her? Baba made him understand, however, that Haruka needed him by her side too.
If there was anything Eisuke would praise Baba on, that would be his efficiency. It was not a word most people would associate with Baba but there was no denying how fast he could produce information Eisuke needed, and the quality. With just a morning's notice, Baba was able to produce a full report on Haruka's family by the afternoon. Holding the file in his hand, Eisuke was contemplating whether or not he should read it. He never asked Haruka about her family, nor did she tell him much. With this file in hand, it felt like he was violating her privacy.
In the end, he gave in.
Her mother was Matsuoka Hanae, a woman born into poverty. She never went to high school but instead, started working at a young age. Every single job she had worked was listed but there was a period of four years completely blanked out with no information: no job, no address, no medical records. Then Haruka was born, but no father was named. Instead, they moved to an apartment just outside of Tokyo and her mother resumed working several jobs to support her. Eight years later, her sister Haruko was born, and two years after that, Haruna.
There was nothing of interest from her file; while they lived a difficult life, it was simple. Her mother worked hard to support the family but passed away at a young age. Haruka took over and became the pillar of her family. There were two things that stood out, however: her anonymous father, and the fact that her sisters live at a different address to her.
After reading, Eisuke felt closer to Haruka. He was starting to understand her better, and missing her even more.
Eisuke was very much a man of action. Whenever he had a plan in mind, he was quick to put it into action. Much like his hotel. As soon as the thought of seeing Haruka entered his mind, he was already on his way. By the time he realised what he was doing, he was parked on the road opposite her apartment. It was already late afternoon, and peering into her window from his car was a bit of hard work though he could not see any movement inside indicating her presence. Was she napping? Was she out? If so, how long before she came home?
The answer did not matter to Eisuke; he was not leaving until he saw her.
He got out of his car, locking the doors and leaned on the hood. He wanted to be able to see Haruka as she was coming home, and for her to see him as soon as she came into sight. What would her reaction be when she saw him? Surprised? Disappointed? Irritated? Eisuke was trying hard not to let negative thoughts affect him but just today he realised that he did not know Haruka very well; he could be wrong about her feelings this whole time.
It did not take long before the person he had been longing to see finally appeared. She rounded the corner on the right, dressed in just a jumper with sweatpants, holding a bag of groceries in one hand. Eisuke straightened himself as soon as he saw her, holding his breath as he waited to notice her. A couple of metres away, she finally did.
"Mr. Ichinomiya..."
Her voice was soft but it was still the same warm, kind, and sweet voice he was so used to. All his frustrations, all his troubles, they melted away at just her uttering his name. This was a dangerous power she had over him.
"Don't," she interrupted. "Don't come near me. And whatever you were going to say, don't say it."
Since that night with Yosuke, Haruka could not stop thinking about Eisuke. There was no denying what she felt for him was love, but her struggles were whether or not she should go through with it like everyone around her was telling her to. Every woman dreamt of a man like Eisuke: handsome, wealthy, and in power. What she wanted was much simpler, a man who loved her. She had no confidence in herself to know that Eisuke would keep loving her as he did today. She did not want to find out five, ten years down the road that he no longer needed her in his life.
"I...Being away from you made me realise how much I love you," Haruka said. "I wake up thinking about you, go to sleep thinking you. Everything is about you. And it hurts. It hurts so much knowing that I love you but we can never be. I'd rather hurt now than hurt for ten years later on, wondering if you still love me. I don't ask you for much, Mr. Ichinomiya, but I'll ask this of you. Please, just let me go. Turn around, go home, and forget me. Let me go."
Despite her initial plea for him to keep away, Eisuke moved closer as she spoke. He could not help himself, especially when tears were starting to roll down her cheeks. He would never understand why she was so afraid of a relationship, especially one with him. She did not understand, either, that never had Eisuke ever wanted anything so badly. Or the fact that he would never love anyone as much as he did her.
He reached out with one hand to wipe her tears, expecting her to move away but to his surprise, she leaned her cheek into his hand. Eisuke held her face in both hands, leaning in closer to her. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips on hers. Just a moment ago, she was telling Eisuke to let her go yet, Haruka did not resist and kissed back just as passionately as he did. No words were needed as they both knew what the other was thinking. It was a cliché to say but it felt like they were the only ones in the world. The only ones who mattered to each other.
Pulling away from the kiss, they were both breathing heavily as they stared into each other's eyes. Eisuke caressed her cheek gently and wrapped his arms around her tightly, putting one hand on her head. He was not a person to make promises lightly, nor did he take them lightly, but he was going to make a promise to Haruka. He promised to love her now and forever.
"I'm sorry, I cannot do as you asked," he whispered. "Because I can never let you go."
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