#but the only time this one cried today was when i left 😭
chantalstacys · 5 months
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normansnt · 5 months
Short Kings
(Hazbin Lucifer x trans male reader)
Warnings: noooonnneeee(:
You were looking in the mirror at your fresh scars. You were born in hell...as a biological female sadly. At least coming out to anyone was not a problem due to you not having anyone.
This only changed when you were already a grown up. You kept yourself alive by breaking into rich looking houses and stealing stuff that you could sell for good money.
This is how you met your boyfriend of today as well, the big dick behind it all: Lucifer.
You wanted to rob his house in the middle of the night, but you just had to stop and look at a very cute tubber duck and this was when you got caught.
However he didn't really seem mad that you wanted to rob him. He even asked you to stay and have a cup of tea with him. Which at the end turned into you hugging him while he cried into your shoulder about how he has not seen his daughter in years and his wife left him.
While he was renting to you, you noticed that it stoped suddenly. He fell asleep, 'great' you thought.
Even though you had a shitty life, you were not a shitty person. You didn't hate the rich people you stole from you knew that thats just how it is one are lucky some aren't.
So you brought him to his bed. While you laid him down on his bed you took an actual good look at him. 'He's cute' you thought to yourself.
'And very fucking mentally damaged' you thought right after.
You wanted to leave, but something held you back. For some reason you felt for this little man. Also it has been a long while since you have slept in an actually comfortable bed so you decided to stay the night.
Little did you know you'd never leave after that.
And that you amazing boyfriend would be the reason you can finally be closer to your real self.
"My love" you heard your kings voice from besides you as he put his hands around your waist and put his chin on your shoulder.
"Those scars look rewashing on you" he commented while kissing your shoulder.
"My handsome, boyfriend" he continued to whisper praises while you smiled lightly.
You loved him so much.
"You know I'm really happy you tried to rob me" he mumbled into your shoulder.
You laughed at that.
"Yeah sure its cuz you found a boyfriend who is shorter than you" you got back at him.
"REALLY, ok now see I really don't think you're in the situation to be making short jokes" he said while putting his forearm on the top of your head and leaning on it.
"OK WOOOW big talk small guy" you said while elbowing him in the gut. In reaction to this he bent down in pain clutching his stomach.
You lifted his chin up with your hand and kissed him.
"Well, I don't mind being hit in the gut if this comes after" he told you as you both stood and he put his hands around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"You really look amazing" he said while looking at you. And this time it was truly you. Without the binder and yet still feeling amazing.
"Thank you" you whispered back as you two touched your foreheads together.
"Sooo...what do you say we celebrate my boyfriend finally feeling good in his body" he said after some time smiling cheekily.
"Oh, I'd be more than happy too my love." You smirked back as he took your hand and lead you to you guys's bedroom.
Its also the first trans man fic I have ever written (which is quite sad looking at the fact that I'm a trans man myself😭)
Also I just wanna thank you guys again for all the love yall are amazing fr🥹🧡
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🦖🧡
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
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My Sunflower|| John Dory x Fiancé!Reader
(This is my first real fanfic so Plss don’t be TOO harsh)
“John! I’m home!” Said the exhausted troll walking through the door of their shared apartment. “Huh? Damn it’s 9pm.” Y/n said checking the time. “Hun, You here?” They screamed again wondering why their fiancé wasn’t answering. When they didn’t get a response they started to get anxious, but convinced themselves he went to either the studio or to hang out with his brothers.
The clock finally hits 11:03pm and still there isn’t a sign of JD. “Why isn’t he answering his phone?” You said with worry laced in your voice. His brothers also didn’t answer their phones for god knows what. Now you’re in full panic mode pacing back and forth in the dining room blowing UP his phone with messages and calls. After your many failed attempts of contacting him you finally decided to call the only person you KNEW that was gonna pick up. So you called his grandma.
Once she answered you tried to hide your anxiousness and your panicked voice, but she caught on to it quickly. “Hi Mrs. Rosie, do you know where John is? I haven’t spoke to him since this morning before I went to work.” You asked frantically hoping that she would cure the pulsating adrenaline going through your body. When you finished your nauseating questions the silence you both held was fueling it like you were going to burst. When the never ending silence finally came to an end a sigh was heard. "Hun Bun….JD left hours ago after their embarrassing show fail." she told you with reassurance and empathy. She then continued to tell you how and what happened between the brothers. The last thing you ever heard from her was “Sweetie just give it time.” So you waited…
And waited….
And waited….
Until 20 years have passed and still no sign of John. You were invited to the royal wedding of King Grisel and Bridget and was currently trying to find a dress. While rampaging you closet like a mad woman you come across and unfamiliar bagged dress. When you took it out you stared at it with tears welling up in your eyes. It was your dress he proposed to you in. It was admired in jewels and yellow sunflower like petals and soft like satin and silk. It was one of a kind. Your debating stopped instantly and you proceeded to put on the dress.
“We are gathered here today t-.” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A random voice yelled…
You felt like your heart was going to jump out your chest from all the adrenaline rushing. Trying to force your tears down you finally built enough courage to turn around and look to where everyone else was looking. When you finally saw who it was your tears finally escaped their haunted and sorrowful chamber. He was there……
Standing in front of Branch?
Trying to pick him up?
You didn’t wanna get noticed in this state so you turned to leave but you felt a hand grab your flushed smaller ones. It was Branch..”Are you ok?”he asked knowing you weren’t. “I’m ok.” You said quickly dismissing his attempts of comfort. Before you could leave you heard a nickname you never knew you would hear again. “My sunflower?” He must’ve felt the tension he created so he hurried to you and begged you too listen to his explanations and excuses. You couldn’t do nothing, BUT listen so you gave him 3 minutes. “The reason I left was because Brozone was turning into a disaster and I needed to just space myself away for a while!”
You didn’t know whether to be mad or sad or HELL even glad but you knew he was trying to get you to understand. “But did you have to go?” Tears welling up..
“Did you have to leave me alone without telling me ANYTHING?!!?”
“I-“ you didn’t let him finish before you started walking off letting the emotions and realization sink in. He knew he fucked up… He couldn’t let you leave…. He needed his flower…He ran up to you and hugged you as hard as he could to prevent you from leaving and cried like hell was dragging him away from the heaven he created with you. “Sunflower PLEASE, I promise I’ll never leave you again!!” He repeated like his life depended on it. You slowly started to give in and soothed him. “Please Hun, I promise I’ll pro-“ He couldn’t even get done with his sentence before feeling the feeling he oh so missed….
Your lips…
“Please Don’t leave me again.” You said barely above a whisper and your teary E/C eyes looked at him.
He smiled warmly and responded with nothing but sincerity..”Of course not my sunflower.”
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alonetimelover · 1 year
Iga just lost 🥲 😭can you write something about that with harry? Xx
pairing: Harry Styles x tennis player!reader (she, her)
summary: YN lost at Wimbledon but Harry is still proud of her.
word count: 0,9k
a/n: had a few heart attacks while watching the match, not gonna lie. here is something that i wished i got after losing a match. i hope you like it, and thank you for requesting!
masterlist (with more of the tennis player!reader) ask, request
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“So how does it feel to defeat the No. 1 player at the moment?”
Even though YN was already on her way to the changing room, she could still hear the interviewer. Defeat. Losing. Bad match. Problems. Mental blockade. Those were the sentences she heard during the past two minutes. Her face was stoic, as always. No one could know what was happening under the mask she had put on during the match. No emotions showing (which of course bothered some of the tennis enthusiasts). But just a few more steps and she would be able to let it all out, alone. 
After closing the door and settling down her equipment, YN sat down on one of the benches and cried. It had been a long time since she felt this beaten and powerless. Nothing worked. And the more she tried to repair it, just like she had practiced, the more mistakes appeared. 
“Get it together,” she sobbed under her breath, wiping off the tears. But they didn’t stop coming. Her face was once again covered in salty rivers.
In all her sobbing and sniffing, she didn’t hear the knocks and then opening of the doors. Only when someone sat down next to her and began embracing her, she was like back to reality. It didn’t take much to recognise the person disrupting her. His smell and the way he wanted to hold her was self explanatory. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” he welcomed her, squeezing her tightly to his chest. 
YN didn’t trust her voice, in the answer she hugged Harry’s waist and put her head over his heart. The beating of it, usually able to calm her down. 
“Shhh.” He tried. “It’s all right. You’re not alone.”
“I’m sorry.” Her usually delicate voice, now even more quiet and fragile. 
“What are you sorry for, my love, hmm?”
She took a deep, shaky breath in. “Losing. I know it’s one of the few times you see my play live. And- and we’re also in London, which you love. And-”
“Hey, hey, hey. Stop it. Stop.” Harry interrupted her immediately with a very serious tone. “None of it. Can you please look at me?”
“I don’t think I want to. I’m ashamed.” 
Harry’s heart was breaking. Watching the whole match he saw how she was struggling with even her best moves. He watched her come back from losing in the second set and prolonging her time on the Wembley court. He couldn’t have been more proud. She overcame so much during this match. Yet, the outcome, he knew, wasn’t what she wanted to achieve.
“Please, YN.”
Reluctantly, YN looked up. Her puffy, shiny eyes staring right back at his loving ones. 
“I am so proud of you.” Harry’s hand was stroking her cheek, drying it from tears. “Everything you’ve accomplished this year is extraordinary. The person and player you’ve become is worth hours of anybody's free time to listen to and appreciate. The path you are on, all the obstacles you’ve left behind, conquered. What happened today is a part of that path. Losing is a human thing, It's part of your career. The greatest tennis players lost some tournaments. Yeah?”
YN nodded her head, now seemingly less shaken up. 
“I am proud of you. What you did today was extraordinary. No, don’t look at me like that. I’m telling the truth,” he scolded her, making her look at him by putting two fingers under her chin and directing her face towards his. “You’ve reached the quarterfinals at one of the most respected tournaments in the World. It’s huge. You're a three time Roland Garros champion, an US Open champion as well. You are the No. 1 tennis player in the world. But you know who you also are?”
YN, now looking at Harry with a hopeful and much less disappointed look, shook her head. His pep-talks would always help her. It was different from the one’s she had with her psychologist. But both were effective in their own way. Harry’s let her believe in herself, knowing no matter what there was that one person proud of her, cheering her up. Psychologist’s, on the other hand, helped her work on the emotions she had before, during and after matches, and acknowledged them at the end.
“A human. You’re the most gentle and loving human I’ve ever met. You feel your ups and downs ten times stronger than anyone else. And you care for others, sometimes more than you care for yourself. I am proud of you and nothing will change that. No match, no trophy, no point. No matter what, I am proud and I love you.” 
The way those tears were falling down her cheeks and onto Harry’s lap, was not ideal but preferred to the ones from half an hour ago. 
“I love you, Harry. I don’t know what I would do without your support. I really don’t.”
“Oh, you would’ve a queue of guys waiting for your attention,” he joked, finally earning a laugh from YN. Sound, he could never get tired of. 
“Stop it!”
“Just telling the truth.”
Harry pecked her lips, and once more hugged her body to his. Her heartbeat finally steadied just like the breath. The warmth of her skin, even though not ideal, brought her comfort. Oh, how she wished they were just laying down in their bed. 
“I really am proud of you, YN.”
“I love you.”
She wasn’t cured of the disappointment she had felt since getting off court. But she was assured that there really was someone for her, against the world, against her own judgmental mind. 
Harry was there. 
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reiding-writing · 6 months
Hi. I was just wondering if you would write a One shot about Spencer and a male reader as a married couple (they are gay, pretty obviously) with an adopted 4-year-old daughter (they adopted her as a baby). Just a domestic fluff One Shot, I mean. If you are going to accept this request, thank you.
early mornings [ s.r ]
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Spencer Reid has spent the last twelve years with the love of his life, 7 of those years married, and 4 with his beautiful daughter. Now it’s time for her first day of school; And Spencer is excited if not a little overwhelmed
pairing: dad!husband!spencer x male!reader
genre: pure fluff
wc: 2.1k
a/n: i feel like i’ve been uploading a lot recently
i am not a dude in any way shape or form so i hope this comes off alright 😭
thanks for the request <33
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The jarring blare of Spencer’s alarm clock forced the two of you awake, and Spencer groaned softly into your neck, his arms tightening around your torso as a clear rebuttal to having to wake up.
It was pretty much the same every morning; Spencer having to get up early to go to the office, refusing to get up when his alarm tells him to, and instead leaving you to practically drag him out of bed under the threat of withholding your body heat for him to curl himself into every night. “Spence, baby, you gotta wake up,”
You weren’t complaining, you could spend, hours, days even, holding Spencer in your arms, his head resting soundly against your chest as you ran your fingers through his curls. But he had to get up. And not just because he had work today.
Spencer muffles a refusal against the dip of your neck, his head shaking as much as he is able through his drowsiness, and you swear you melt at the sight. Twelve years, and he still manages to turn you into a puddle of emotions just by existing.
“We’ve gotta get up, it’s Dee’s first day of school today remember?” You don’t have to say anything else before Spencer is ripping himself from your arms, and you can’t help the soft groan of dissatisfaction as the chilled air hits your body.
“Of course it’s her first day of school today-” Spencer mutters to himself as he clambers out of bed, running his hand through his flattened curls as he pulls his work clothes out of his wardrobe to get changed.
He’d been preparing for this day for weeks, but apparently the mixed power of drowsiness and the comfort of lying in your arms had rendered his mind completely blank.
“Hey, calm, what do we do when we’re feeling anxious?” Your arms snake around Spencer’s from behind, and you place a chaste kiss just in front of his ear.
“Breathe slowly…” Spencer closes his eyes, taking a deep breath in as he replies to you and exhaling through his nose as he relaxes slightly into your embrace.
“It’s only 7:00, we’ve got an hour yet before you need to leave for work and an hour before I’ve got to drop off Dee, we’ve got plenty of time.” Your words are soft, whispered against his ear as your hands trace small circles into his torso.
“Your right, i’m just overthinking, sorry,” Spencer rubs the palm of his hand down his face. He just wanted everything to go well. He really did.
Diana was his whole world. it’d taken so long for the two of you to find an adoption agency that accepted same-sex couples, and even longer to find a child ready to be adopted. He was sure that Diana was a miracle, a four-month-old baby anonymously left in a hospital and left under the care of the agency you were working with.
He remembers how he cried when he first saw her, how her weight felt in his arms when he held her for the first time. Diana was everything, and he wanted to make sure that her school experience was the complete opposite of his, the best that it possibly could be.
“You should wake her up,” You ghost a kiss against the nape of his neck. “I’ll get breakfast started,”
“Mmm, okay…” He mourns the loss of your body heat the minute you remove him from your arms, and you place one final kiss against the bridge of his nose before vacating to the kitchen.
Spencer edges Diana’s bedroom door open as carefully as he can, careful to spill as little light into the room as possible as he enters, kneeling down beside her bedside and taking a second to adore her sleeping face.
He brushes the wisps of hair that barely constitute a fringe from her forehead before planting a kiss on her hairline, causing her to stir awake almost immediately. “Daddy..?”
Her voice his barely audible, slurred from sleep and quiet as she fumbles to rub her hand over her eyes.
“Morning angel,” Spencer almost chuckles at the display, helping Diana sit as he tries in vain to do it herself, her arms not yet as awake as her brain. “Do you remember what today is?”
Diana responds to his question with a blank stare and a few blinks. Apparently her brain wasn’t very awake either.
“It’s your first day of school today,” Spencer tucks some of Diana’s hair behind her ear as he answers his own question, and Diana’s expression seems to brighten at the revelation.
For an almost 5 year old, Diana seemed to be way more excited to start school than most, unafraid of leaving her parents’ presence for the few hours to spend her time in a new environment with people her own age.
“Shall we pick something to wear?” Diana nods immediately at the question, scrambling out of her bed and running over to the mini wardrobe on the other side of the room, pulling open both of doors wide open.
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“Well well, don’t you look fancy this morning,” You give Diana a faux bow as she runs into the kitchen with Spencer trailing behind her, fit in a white dress with a fluffy tulle skirt decorated with flowers. “Your majesty,”
Diana giggles at your display, taking advantage of your bent over position to grip her hands at the collar of your t-shirt with the insistence of you picking her up, which you gladly oblige to as you hoist her into your arms, leaning her against your left side. “Daddy helped me pick!”
You can practically feel the enthusiasm radiating off of her, aided by the smile painting her face. “Oh he did huh?”
You glance over at Spencer, who flashes the two of you an adoring smile as he leans against the door frame into the kitchen. “Well, your daddy’s got good taste,”
You give her a kiss on her nose before setting her back down on the floor, and she takes her freedom of movement as an invitation to take a seat on the pulled out chair at the kitchen table, kneeling on the pillow laid on top of the chair.
Spencer follows close behind, walking behind you to give you a kiss on your temple before also sitting down.
The second you place the plate in front of Diana she practically squeals in excitement. “Pancakes and strawberries?”
“It’s a special day, you should have a special breakfast,” You place a kiss to the crown of her head as you place a similar plate in front of Spencer and the seat space for yourself, not forgetting Spencer’s insanely sugary coffee nor your much more acceptable one as you finally take a seat yourself.
“Thanks papa!” She practically dives head first into her pancakes as she begins eating, and Spencer has to remind her to slow down as he puts a hand on her shoulder.
“Ah, careful, remember what happens when we eat too fast?” Diana has to take a few seconds to think before she pipes up, a beaming smile on her face. “Oh! Our heart can get sick!”
The two of you share a chuckle at her answer, something she’d learned after asking Spencer to tell her facts before she goes to sleep instead of a typical bed time story.
“That’s right angel, so you’ve gotta eat slowly okay?” She responds with an enthusiastic nod as she continues to excitedly eat her pancakes, albeit more slowly than before.
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Once breakfast is finished, you send Diana on a mission to retrieve her backpack, and Spencer fills up her water bottle whilst you finish packing up her lunch box. “I can’t believe she’s going to school already,”
Spencer sounds genuinely flabbergasted at the idea, and you can’t help but laugh softly at his bewilderment. “Time flies,”
“You can say that again…” Spencer walks over to you from behind once the bottle is full, snaking his arms around you and placing the bottle on the table besides her now fully packed lunchbox. “It’s crazy,”
Spencer’s voice muffles against the nape of your neck. “It feels like yesterday that we got married, and now our daughter’s off to school,” He sighs against your neck, the warmth sending small tingles down your spine, and you swore you could hear his voice hitch with emotion.
“Hey,” You turn around, your back leaning against the kitchen counter as you take Spencer’s face in your hands, leaning it up to look at you. “Dee’s supposed to be the one crying about her first day of school, not you,” You chuckle softly, rubbing your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks.
“I know, I know, I just-” Spencer sighs softly, leaning the weight of his head into your hands. “I never thought i’d get to live a life like this, and sometimes it just all comes back to me you know?” His eyes glisten as they look into yours, surely glassed over with tears. “I’m so lucky to have the both of you…”
“Spence…” You sigh softly, your face softening at the authenticity of his words, matched in the pure gratitude of his expression.
“Sorry-” He pulls his head out of your hands, taking a deep breath and wiping the back of his hand over his eyes.
“Hey-” you cup his cheek in your hand once more, closing the space between you once more. “I love you, you know that right?”
Spencer breathes out a small laugh, looking into your eyes with a small nod. “Yeah, I love you too.. so much…”
You bridge the remaining distance with a kiss, one which Spencer readily accepts, and you can feel his smile against your mouth as he returns your affection.
“Ewwww,” Diana’s voice calls out from the kitchen door, an animated expression on her face. “Daddy and papa are kissing,”
“You can get in on some kisses too you menace,” You playfully chase Diana around the kitchen table as she laughs, running away from you with her rocket ship backpack planted securely on her shoulders, and once you close the gap you scoop her up into your arms, planting kisses all over her face whilst he tries to wriggle out of your grasp.
“Daddy help me!” Her pleas go unfounded, Spencer joining in on the smothering, leaving Diana out of breath from her giggling.
Diana remains securely in your arms as Spencer, packs her bag with her water and her lunch, zipping the bag closed with another kiss to the side of her face.
“Are you coming too daddy?” Diana’s eyes twinkle as she asks the question, as if silently pleading Spencer to join you in dropping her off for her first day.
“Of course I am angel,” He places another kiss to the tip of her nose that elicits another giggle from her mouth and an excited wave of her arms in celebration.
“Are you sure?” You give Spencer a knowing glance. His job was important, and whilst Diana didn’t quite know just how important, she’d had enough experience with him going on ‘holidays with work’ to not be too disappointed if he couldn’t make it.
“Of course I am,” Spencer tucks some of Diana’s hair behind her ear, her smile only amplifying as he double-confirms that he’s joining them. “It’s my angel’s first day of school, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,”
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babygirl-riley · 7 months
Imagining a reader insecure and overwhelmed with her acne and ghost comforting her. It’s a need 😭😭 (felt really insecure about mine today)
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Simon stood outside of the bathroom door hearing you crying about some sort of breakout
“Tell me, is something wrong? Of something’s wrong, you can count on me.”
A/N: OMG I am so sorry that you felt insecure that day! Hopefully you feeling better! Little short but hey short and sweet! 🖤🤭
Warnings: talks about insecurities, soft!simon, TOOTH ROTTING fluff, swearing
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst
“Love it can’t be that bad.” Simon stood at the door for about 20 minutes. You haven’t had a breakout for a couple of months now. All the routines and meds couldn’t keep it down. And you thought you had it.
You were not only embarrassed by the fact that you have been crying for 20 minutes about your breakout. But Simon being right outside of the door. You text him an hour ago stating that you weren’t going out tonight. It was a small dinner date you both wanted to go to but now with the zits covering certain parts of your face. You refuse. Especially the one spot in the middle on your forehead.
Fuck even fucking the Moon could see it. You have been picking at it for hours trying to make it look less angry. You sighed as you looked at the bottles making sure you got the right brand of skin care. Everything was how it was suppose to be. Tears welled into your eyes as you slammed the bottle back into place.
“It looks so fucking gross and it won’t leave,” You said loudly as you stared at the bump that laid on your forehead. “And it’s right in the damn middle! There is nothing that can make it better! And on top of that everything is suppose to be in the cabinet!”
Simon frowned, he knew this was your biggest insecurity. He felt terrible you thought that a zit made you feel ugly or sad. However, he understood, he used to get them all the time as a teen. Making him feel self conscious about how he looked with them.The thing he more sympathized with was that you had more sensitive skin though. Yes you had it since late junior high all the way to adulthood.
Simon went to sit on the bed as he waited for you to come out. He leaned on his knees as he waited for you to come out “You can’t laugh Si.” You said, he heard your voice crack from another sob to leave your mouth.
Simon half smiled, he would never, you knew that. “Baby I would never. Let’s see the bugger.”
You opened the door slowly until you had it opened enough to see you. You were looking down as he got up and walked to you. You almost forget every time how tall and bigger he is, until he is towering over you. You loved the feel of your neck looking up at him. It brought butterflies in your stomach and chest. He gently grabbed the bottom of your chin, lifting your face so your eyes land in his.
His heart stopped for a moment to see that you have been crying, for a while. It never made Simon happy when you cried for not good reasons. Simon frowned as he looked to your pimple, examining it. It seemed small to him, little bump on the middle of your forehead. Definitely showing that it was irritated, red around the area. “It doesn’t get this bad unless my period is going to start and it’s just so big and ugly. I just don’t want to go out and have people look. And I…”
Simon placed a finger against your lips. “Shh, lovie it isn’t that bad. Have ya been pickin’ at it?” He noticed the small cut that was left on the side of it. You frowned and nodded your head. You had a tendency to do it when you were nervous or irritated that you had one. “‘Ight sit down, on the bed.”
You did what he told you to do, softly planting yourself on the bed. All in the while he leaves the room, you sniffle as he walked back in a bag full of things. “‘M not sure which one you used last time so I bought one of each,” He opens the bag filled with face masks, pimple cream, moisturizers, and scrubs. Your eyes widen as you stare back up at him. “I just noticed what you use once peekin’ now. Luckily that is in there.”
You looked back into the bag, at the face masks and scrubs, first reading each label to see what would help your skin. “You are going to return the rest yes?” You asked softly as you placed the ones that were good for you aside.
“Yeah, if ya can’t use them then I will.” He said softly watching you pull each item you could use.
“And if I ask for you to do a mask with me would you?” You smirked up at him pulling one that had a Lavender scent to it.
Simon looked at it, staring for a moment. Never has he done it before let alone really wanted to. However, with your beautiful self asking for a joint face mask time. He couldn’t resist. “Of cou’se lovie.”
You bite your lower lip. “Can we just stay in and do a small spa?”
Simon chuckled caressing your cheek softly, having his thumb rub your cheekbone. “I would love to. Pizza or Chinese?”
You giggled as you kissed his palm. “Oh pizza baby!”
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obsessedduh · 14 days
previous part —> here | next part —> here
tw: mentions of blood, gore, stalking, obsession, peverse and creepy reader, yandere intendecies! implied fem reader, but I tried to make it as gender neutral as possible. unrealistic as fuck but whatever we make it by. 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️
side note: the way this has been sitting in my drafts for four months now is so embarrassing help...
again no proof read blame grammarly for the mistakes y'all they supposed to be helping me 😔
mini taglist (by mini, i mean four people who've requested 😭): @warlike-morning @smoothruby @thisisthegypsy @hxnneydew
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
careless!willing!simon 'ghost' Riley who's realised you've stopped ignoring him. hey, he could even go the medic and you'll even have a basic sentence with him but the only problem is that ella has gotten close to him again, much to his liking... and soon much to hers as well.
he's notice how you angrily poke at your dinner while watching ella flirt like the mindless bimbo she is with him. god, he loves that jealous look of yours, so fucking cute.
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today you were this close to gutting that ella bitch alive and you most probably will. what does this stupid bitch think she's playing at? did she seriously not get your fucking warning the first time? you wish you could kill her sooner, but you can't yet. you need to find a day where everyone is tired from their missions and wants to rest, so their brains will slow down at least by an inch. no one is gonna have missions for the next two days. you'll have no choice but to kill her on monday.
and honestly, you can't be bothered to kill anyone at the moment no matter how much you want to. the days before the soldiers break it was non stop injuries and you've been burned down quite a bit from it so killing her on monday was a no go. you'll just have no choice but have to threaten her again. dumb bitch, fucki g getting lucky. girls like her don't normally get second chances, she better take this one for fucking granted.
── ✧《✩》✧ ──
today you hear that ella got injured while training. lucky you, you hope it's something like a cut again and to your disappointment it was nothing but a stupid twisted ankle. you told the other medics to let ella come to you because you needed to have a chat with her anyway and of course your colleagues question a thing.
ella had help from other soldiers to come into your room. she walks, well more like limps into your room with supervision of the other shoulders. she was shocked to your face once again and you tell her heart dropped when the slight neutral expression on her face into one of fear. the other soldiers help her onto the bed and she looks at them with a worried expression as they leave and as soon as the door clicks indicating it was closed her eyes shoot back to yours with a panicked expression and your sweet smile you gave the soldiers as they left dropped into a cold glare.
you sigh and get up to lock the door before taking off ella's shoe and sock. you watch as her eyes scan your actions with panic and she's even shaking a bit.
"hm... ella... oh ella... seems our conversation before didn't quite get through your thick skull, now did it?"
you watch as tears fill her eyes but no reply and your hand wraps around her ankle and you slowly start twisting it more, "hello i'm speaking to you, did it or did it fucking not?!"
she yelps out and shakes her head and you tut, "words."
she couldn't help the tears spill and she choked out a quiet, "n-no."
he snicker mockingly before twisting her ankle more, "hm, sorry, what was that?"
you watch as her eyes shoot open and she screams out, "no!! n-no, i-it d-didnt!!"
"shut the fuck up, you make a sound either than your tears and your voice when answering my questions you'll regret it understood?"
she sobs and doesn't reply to which you squeeze her ankle, "under-fucking-stood?"
she cries out, "y-yes!!"
"hm, good.."
you trace your hand over her twisted ankle and you groan when you hear her stupid, squeaky voice, "p-please d-don't hurt me!!"
"puh-puh-pwease duh-duh-don't hurt me!!" you mock back at her with a roll of your eyes. "shame, you don't listen. didn't want it to come to this, actually that's a lie. you really need to stick your words. hope this teaches you a fucking lesson."
and with that, your hands wrap around her ankle and you twist it until it breaks and watch with a sadistic smirk and she screams out in pain. she chokes over her tears and pained groans as she watched her ankle break in her gaze.
you pout mockingingly, "should've listen to me.." she sobs in response, "oh, stop crying, big baby. ima treat you."
you help with her broken ankle, and the process takes about an hour and thirty and when you finish up and give her some crutches. you unlock the door and when she was about to leave you look at her, "if people ask about why you're crying, you give them a sweet smile say, 'turns out i broke a bone and it was super painful to get it treated, thank god the medic helped me with it' and i want you to say that word by word. understand?"
she quickly nods with fear in her eyes and you unlock the door with a fake sweet smile, "great!! toodles!."
── ✧《✩》✧ ──
simon is currently heading to your office because he accidentally cut himself during training. he had a paper towel pressed against his wound and then he was about to walk in but quickly saw your door open and heard you voice 'great!! toodles!'
hm, strange he thought until he say ella struggle out your door with crutches and a cast on her leg. her eyes puffy and red and her soft sniffles could be heard. she didn't even look at him just struggled her way past him. he smirked and looked ella and muttered to himself, "looks like she won't be bothering me for a while."
he watched as he tried to close the door but he held it open, much to your surprise. you look up at him with shock, "care to help? cut myself durin' trainin'."
"u-um... sure?"
he chuckled, "cheers."
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
wanna know more about me? —> here
masterlist —> here
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finelinevogue · 2 years
the weather starting to get cold so they sleep in or making fortress in the living room watching movies drinking hot chocolate while cuddling under the covers 🥹 playing with their toes giggling forgetting about the movie playing BYE 😭
i am so fucking cold today that i thought it would be perfect to write this one :)
summary - winter is supposedly the saddest time of the year, but maybe not this year
warnings: swearing maybe? kardashians, it's just fluff like.. what else did you expect?, a little bit of heated kissing too
word count: 1.4k
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"Fuck, fuck, fuck.."
A train of curses fell from your mouth as you ran from the bus stop down the road to your front door. As your ran, your coat hood fell down and you cursed even more.
"Not today please." You sighed, running up the steps to your front door and under the porch. Rummaging through your bag only took a minute to find your key and then you were finally inside your house.
Looking at the clock hanging in the hallway and seeing that it read 5:58 made you sigh and curse some more. You dropped your bag to the floor with a huff and tried to scramble out of your coat, but between an arm getting stuck and the zip getting caught it was not looking to be the quickest escape.
And then the doorbell went.
"Fuck." You said to yourself.
Quickly walking towards the mirror in the hallway you realised that there was no fixing the wet hair or the dripping mascara. You sighed once more and made it to the front door, unlatching it and opening it to see Harry as expected.
"Hey bab.. What happened to you?" He frowned, no doubt noticing how much of a mess you looked right now.
"I know. God, I'm sorry H. Like my boss kept me late and then I missed the stupid bus and caught in the silly rain and now I'm not prepared for you and—"
"Hey, hey." Harry shushed you, pushing you back into your house out of the cold and allowing himself to step inside too. His arms rested on yours and he made sure that you were looking at him when he was talking. "No need to stress, alright? Now, before I allow you to continue your daily rant I want you to go have a hot shower and—"
"No. No buts. Listen to me, please. Go have a hot shower and change into something more comfortable." He said as he unzipped your coat for you and helped your trapped arm out. "I will put on the kettle and have a cuppa tea and an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashian waiting for you, okay?"
This time you sighed with relief.
"Yeah, okay. Thank you."
You leaned up on your toes and puckered your lips for a kiss. Harry most gladly accepted and kissed you back, reaching up a warm hand to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. The warmth from his body was so comforting and familiar that you could have cried after the day you've had. His lips continued to softly press against yours, until he pulled away to give your cold nose a quick kiss instead.
"Now go, okay?" He tapped your bum lightly, encouraging you be quick so you could come back and kiss him some more. "And after you're done, we can talk about how you didn't call me to come pick you up and instead got the bus."
Instead of responding you smiled as you jogged up the stairs and towards your warm shower.
After a long, hot, shower, where the water scolded your skin and your body smelt like honey and roses, you bundled up in one of Harry’s jumpers he’d left here the other night and some joggers that were a tiny bit too big for you.
Harry was too busy trying to create a bundle of blankets on the sofa that he didn’t even notice that you’d finished upstairs and had entered the room.
You walked up behind him and linked your arms around his waist to give him the tightest hug you could.
It had only been 7 months since you and Harry started dating and, for you at least, it was still too early to say you loved him yet. You definitely knew someday soon you would be ready to say it, but there were a few more firsts that you wanted to experience with him first before letting your heart become half his. The hugs you gave him symbolised how much you adored him and were getting ready to love him, just without the words. He knew that too.
“Y’smell good.” He hummed in delight over your freshly showered hair.
“Thanks. I used that body wash I stole from you.”
Harry’s hands slid over yours on his stomach and turned his head around the best he could to see you behind him.
“You thief.”
“You told me I could.” You pouted.
“Steal anything from me when y’smell this good in my products and y’look this good in my hoodie.” He twisted himself around completely, breaking your hold on him.
“Hi.” You smiled up at him.
“Hi. You feeling better now?” He asked seriously.
“A little. Just wanted this evening to be perfect but—”
“It is. Any evening with you, lovie, is perfect.”
Harry then led you to the bundle of blankets, walking you backwards until your legs hit the back of the sofa and you fell backwards. You laughed as you fell backwards, trusting Harry that he wouldn’t let you hurt yourself on the way down. He fell down too, toppling over you with his arms still wrapped snug around you. 
His face fell into your neck and he breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of you covered in his scent. He smiled to himself, happy in this moment with you. If he could, he would be want to be frozen in this moment in time. Holding you for a lifetime was what his dreams were curated of. 
“Are we watching a movie tonight or do you just want to cuddle?” You asked him, stroking your hands softly through his hair.
“Both?” He popped his head up to smile at you, hoping you were thinking the same thing.
“That was silly of me to ask, wasn’t it?” You chuckled to yourself. 
Harry rearranged his body on you, tilting himself just slightly off you so he didn’t crush you under his weight. His head rested high on your chest and took padding from your boobs - his favourite part about you too. One of his hands snuck up your hoodie and onto the skin of your stomach, already stroking small circles there. His other hand kept a hold around your waist. 
Reaching for the remote, you flicked through some channels on the TV first. You quickly skipped over the news, since there was no good news as of recently. On ITV there was Naked Attraction, which you paused on briefly. It just so happened the point you paused at was a woman showing off her very perky breasts and you had to quickly put your hand in front of Harry’s eyes.
He laughed, knowing you were making a joke but he wanted to reassure you anyways.
“Weren’t as pretty as yours, baby.” He titled his head to kiss the valley between your boobs over your clothes.
“Or yours.” You said, referring to the ongoing joke that Harry was building bigger and better than yours - and only 50% of the worlds women population. 
“Well mine are the prettiest, so...” He added to your joke, making you giggle before changing the channel.
“Shall I just put on the Kardashians, then?” You asked, always wanting to check in case he wasn’t in the mood to see an ex on screen that day.
“Sure. Whatever you wanna watch.”
“That’s not what I asked, H.” You stroked his hair again, coaxing a better answer out of him.
“Y/N, honey. Promise, y’can watch anything. I kind of enjoy watching the Kardashians and knowing that I’m not affiliated with that family anymore.” 
You leaned down on kissed the top of his head and Harry snuggled deeper into your chest. Smiling as you put the newest season you, you got ready for an episode of overdramatic drama about salads and Hollywood. 
“Wait...” Harry sat up quickly.
“What?” You paused the show.
He turned around and grabbed some more blankets, throwing one over you and tucking you in carefully like a little burrito. You laughed as he accidentally tickled you whilst he was making sure you were all bundled in. Then he laid back on top of you, throwing another blanket on top of him and regaining his original position on top of you. 
“Couldn’t let m’girl go cold.” He answered.
“No. Now I’ll overcook like a burnt potato instead.” You pressed play on the TV, but you kind of wish you didn’t because you missed what Harry said afterwards due to the Kardashian show credits. It sounded like he was replying to you, but you never did catch what he said. 
If you had heard him, it would’ve gone something like; “Well I’d still very much like you as a burnt potato.” 
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subskz · 6 months
hi ms. rin!! long time no see ☺️
i was always reading your works & all your amazing posts but i realize today it was a long time since i sent an ask >< i hope you’re doing great!
i wanted to ask if you’re still writing the childhood friends to lovers with lee know? ever since butterfly bandage i was craving to read another longfic from you cause you write so beautifully :< & with minho being my bias i think i’ll die if you make a story for him..! not to pressure you of course 💕
hello hello omg it really has been a while!! it’s so nice to see you again my dear i hope you’ve been doing well and taking care since we last spoke ♡
you’re too kind thank u so much for your lovely words!! it’s so sweet that u even remember i was writing that lino fic i’m really glad you’re looking forward to it 😭 it’s still very much a wip so i’m not exactly sure when it’ll be out, but i work on it all the time! here’s a few lil sneak peeks just for u hehe
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also please note that a lot of this is subject to change since i’m still working on it 😽 these snippets are still a bit barebones
ᓚᘏᗢ — snippet 1
You stared at the crumpled nest; abandoned, with what was left of it quickly being carried away by the wind. Straw by straw. You felt like crying.
Don’t be so sensitive. You told yourself. It's just a stupid bird.
“Wow,” a familiar voice, soft and brusque and not sounding very wowed at all, came from behind you. “That’s amazing, isn’t it?”
You lifted your head, whipping around to find its source. Not that you really needed to, anyway. You knew that voice better than your own, by now.
“They were just babies, but they already flew away.” Minho crouched down next to you to examine the remains of the fallen nest. His small fingers brushed over it, so delicately that the grass barely shifted under his touch. “Like they know exactly where they’re supposed to go.”
You rested your hands on your knees, unconvinced, refusing to look at him. Your eyes were stinging. You didn’t want him to think you were dramatic. You didn’t want him to make fun of you. He’d put just as much care into looking after them, if not more. He’d stayed with them even longer than you had. How could he be so accepting of it?
“Birds are so cool,” he continued. A gentle breeze ruffled your hair, like it was summoned by his airy lilt. “They can go wherever they want.”
“Why do they have to go?” you muttered.
“Cause the world’s so big, dummy,” he said it like common knowledge, like he’d consulted the birds himself. “And they’re so small. So they gotta start seeing it early before they die.”
You puffed out a half-hearted laugh.
“You’re like a bird,” you decided.
“You do what you wanna and go where you wanna.”
“I can’t be a bird,” Minho sniffed. “They fly too high. I'm more like a cat, ‘cause no matter where they go, they always know how to find their way home.”
“Like Soonie,” you said.
“Like Soonie,” he agreed. “Remember when he was gone for three days? But then he showed up again like nothing happened?”
“You cried a lot,” you giggled.
Minho huffed, looking away. “I knew he’d come back.” 
It had been one of the only times you’d ever seen him cry in your four years of friendship. He might’ve completely denied crying altogether if the subject were anything other than his beloved cat. His little brother.
“So you’ll always come back, too? Like Soonie?”
“Yeah,” he replied. “I'm gonna be here ‘til I'm at least 100, or else someone will take our spot under the maple tree.”
ᓚᘏ��� — snippet 2
Minho’s hand reached for yours. It was shaking.
“If you're scared, I can stay with you,” he offered. You could tell he was trying to sound casual, but there was an undeniable tremor there. Not breezy, not carefree; thick and heavy with apprehension. It weighed down your conscience. “It’ll be embarrassing if you’re the only one in class left behind, right?”
You remembered how he’d reacted when you traveled up to the mountains last summer, how he’d turned away from the window when the car drove along the edge of the road, with nothing but a flimsy, rusting metal barrier standing between you and several thousand foot fall. You remembered how much trouble he’d had walking straight when you first arrived at the campsite, strangely quiet, muttering to himself about how high up it was. It was too high, the air was too thin, the world was too far away. 
Those were the issues, of course. The issue certainly wasn’t that he was terrified out of his mind. A cat stuck in a tree, longing to accept help without sacrificing his pride. Unsure whether to hiss at whoever came near, or leap into their arms. He’d grabbed your hand the exact same way, back then. 
“Okay,” you replied.
He perked up, features flashing with a hopefulness that was almost enough to break your facade. 
It would’ve been so easy in that moment, to tease him. To call him out, gain the upper hand on him for once in six years. But looking at those eyes—round and bright and gleaming under his glasses with an innocence that effectively wiped away every annoying thing he’d ever done from your memory, you just couldn’t bring yourself to. 
“Let’s skip the rollercoaster,” you said plainly. “I’m scared.”
You weren’t, strangely enough. You wondered if Minho knew that. Of the two of you, he was undoubtedly the risk taker. His mind was too capricious to not explore every possibility there was, to not absorb everything the world had to offer until he found himself in it. It was almost exhilarating for you, to be the adventurous one, for a change. To be the one who didn’t hold yourself back.
You wanted to be bold. You wanted to be fearless. You wanted to impress him. 
But more than any of that, you wanted to stay with him. You didn’t want him to sit alone on the amusement park bench, watching his classmates have fun without him as he fumbled with the wrapping of a snack he couldn’t eat, because the anxiety had made his stomach hurt. 
“Seriously,” his grin was weak, but as he laced your fingers together properly, you could feel the quiver in his hand begin to calm. “What would you do without me?”
You simply grunted, allowing him to tug you along to the bench. You didn’t want to think about it. It was playful, not really seeking a response, but that didn’t stop his question from lingering in the back of your mind. Like a part of you knew that, sooner or later, you’d have no choice but to find the answer.
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ethereal-navi · 1 year
Wounded Feelings
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Pairing: Neteyam x Navi! Omatikaya! Reader
Summary: You tend to Neteyam’s wounds after the war party returns.
Content Warning: Nothing besides some minor swearing.
A/N: Hii So this is my first Avatar piece and I’ve been eager to write ever since I saw the new movie. Shit really brought back my avatar phase 😭
“Y/N, don’t forget to have everything prepared for when they return.”
“Yes ma’am.” You moved from your spot and carefully set up all the supplies necessary for healing around the Tsahik’s tent.
Training under Mo’at was no easy task and on days like this you were always on edge. Whenever the war party was out you had to pray to the Great Mother that everyone would come back in one piece and your healing wasn’t needed.
This time around two of your favorite people happened to be close to the battlefield. Neteyam and Lo’ak were tasked with air support today and hopefully if they followed their father’s instructions they shouldn’t be in any danger.
Mo’at could sense your distraction as she watched you mess up the placement of supplies.
“They’ll be fine, Y/N. You need to focus.”
Shaken out of your thoughts and brought back to reality. You quickly fixed your mistake before mentally kicking yourself.
“Yes of course. I’m sorry.”
Suddenly the sound of war cries rang through the cave and Tuk ran into the tent.
“They’re back! Y/N come on, come on!!” She ran out as quickly as she entered. Leaving you to look at Mo’at for approval.
“Go. But be back soon.”
You nodded with a thankful smile on your face. After leaving the tent you quickly met up with Tuk, Kiri and Spider. The four of you eagerly waited as the Ikrans landed near the cliffs.
As the warriors dismounted their Ikrans the four of you ran up to greet them. Tuk immediately running up to her mother while you and Kiri checked on the boys.
A gash on Neteyam’s chest distracted you from the scolding they were currently receiving.
“Oh Great Mother, what have you gotten into this time?” Your fingers lightly danced around the wound causing him to wince.
“Y/N, go help Mo’at with the wounded.” You turned to look at the Oletykan.
“Neteyam is wounded.” Your statement made Tuk look over her other brother in worry.
“It’s fine.” Neteyam bowed his head in submission towards his father. Clearly he thought this scolding was more important.
Jake exhaled roughly.
“Y/N, Kiri, Tuk, go now.”
The three of you sighed and made your way to the tent.
“It’s my fault sir-“
“You’re right, cause you’re the big brother and you gotta act like it.” Jake shook his head in disappointment and Neytiri stood behind her child.
“Ma Jake, your son is actually bleeding.”
“I’m fine, mom.”
Jake sighed and looked at the boy.
“Go get patched up. Dismissed.”
Lo’ak was then left to deal with Jake’s wrath alone. Not before getting a warning look from his mother.
Once the two of them entered the tent you immediately sat him down as Mo’at worked on paste for his wound.
“Skxawng. The hell were you thinking?? You and your brother, always getting into trouble.” You lightly hit the back of his head causing him to hiss.
“I know I know. We just bit off more than we could chew, that’s all.”
You sighed looking at him. If only he knew how much you worry about him while he’s out there.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t worse.” You accepted the bowl Mo’at handed you and began placing the paste on his wound, which caused him to yelp out in pain.
“Aww does the baby need a kiss on the boo boo?” Spider said as stood behind him, taunting him as Lo’ak finally came to join the group.
“I would use yamna bark.” Kiri interjected.
“Oh you would? And who is Tsahik?” Mo’at said while smiling at her granddaughter.
“You are grandmother-move.” She nudged her younger brother out of the way. “You are grandmother. But it stings less.”
You scoffed at her comment.
“I think he should remember this sting for when he wants to do something reckless.” The tent laughed as you continued to apply the medicine.
After things had settled down you sat yourself on the edge of the cave, looking out into the night. It didn’t take long for Neteyam to join on the edge. His thighs touching yours while his eyes scanned your face.
“What’s on your mind, yawntu?”
Your cheeks flush at the nickname. After all this time you still couldn’t get used to it.
“You could have gotten really hurt today Nete, Lo’ak too. Or worse-“
His hand moved to the back of your neck, making you turn to him.
“Hey, I’m okay. With the help of you and my grandmother’s painful remedy.” The two of you chuckled.
“You don’t need to worry. I’ll stay out of trouble, I wouldn’t want this pretty face to be stained with tears.” His thumb moved to gently stroke your cheek, making you smile.
Times like these you really thought he reciprocated your feelings. But he was just being nice, right?
Yawntu- loved one
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Help Secure Stable Housing for Schluter Family. Click link below.
❤️Please read! Please share! This is my BFF Bestie! who is asking for help!❤️
I know I don't use tumblr very much these days, and when I do, it's when I need something. This time, it's my best friend, and I REALLY need this to spread! My best friend is nearing an eviction notice (due to circumstances beyond their control) unless they can come up with $4,800USD to catch up and cover rent.❤️ I'm doing what I can, therefore...𝙈𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙥 𝙞𝙨 25% 𝙤𝙛𝙛! 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙂𝙁𝙈! Go get yourself some stitching!
(or donate at my Ko-Fi account at ko-fi.com/sturdynerdystitchery because there, you can get free patterns!)❤️
I have 3,200 followers. That's a wide audience. Those followers have dozens, if not thousands of followers. That's an even wider audience. People who have been in those shoes, can empathize, and can donate. Even if you can't donate, sharing is free and even THAT helps reach more people.
I've seen the community come together. I've seen other communities come together. Can we surpass that $4,800 goal? I sure hope so! 💰I've already done the first $100 donation...anyone want to match that?💰 We've all been, or know someone who has been, in those struggle shoes.
⭐TLDR: Husband's job started slashing everyone's pay by HALF, when they were already barely getting by. Sara found work, but it only pays minimum wage ($14.42) while she is doing her 6 weeks of training. Of which, she has one more month left. They are struggling so much, and now. Eviction notice. They have 2 kids, 2 dogs, and a kitty who just birthed kittens 2 weeks ago!
Please keep reading to hear the full story. Please!!! I don't want to lose my best friend! 😭😭😭 (plus, you'll get treated to kitten pictures)
This isn't a case of "Well, maybe they should have...." because those sentiments are NOT what is needed right now! Those sentiments DO NOT help! It's not a matter of giving up Starbucks. It's about a shitty employer who cares nothing for it's employees.
Donating, no matter how big or how small, makes a difference. Even if you can't donate, sharing is free, it helps reach a wider audience, and that in and of itself makes a difference.
I know that often, when a GoFundMe comes into a feed, it's less likely to get shared if you don't know the person. Well, I know this person. Sara, her husband David, and their 2 kids moved to Colorado a year ago. Along with their Golden Retriever, Mia, their Brindle pupper, Kelce, their kitty who just had 3 kittens. Aren't they cute!
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We became friends over the summer. Since then, she has wormed her way into my heart and for the first time since WE moved to Colorado in 2019, I can gratefully say that I found a best friend BFF bestie who would be my ride or die, and vice versa.
She was living with her father in order to save up for their own place. She had to move out because it was a horribly abusive situation and she had to get her family away for their safety.
They found a house to rent, and have been there several months.
A few weeks after they moved in, they get notice that her husband's job is slashing everyone's pay in half. DoorDashing to make up the difference wasn't doing it. Countless job applications, and her husband is still struggling to find work.
She found work, however. They only pay minimum wage while she is doing her 6 weeks of training (Bullshit, I know). She still has 1 month to go.
They have a 2 year old and a 12 year old. The pets. Their everything.
That everything could be gone because we live in a society that treats people so unfairly. They might have to move back to Missouri.
She is waiting on the mail today. Waiting for that eviction notice, and it breaks my heart into a million pieces. I cried this morning. She is a good friend, a good mom, a good provider. Her husband is hard working, a stand up man. Work gave him the shit end of the stick.
She is panicking. She says she has never been more afraid in her life. She doesn't have to say it, but I know she feels broken, and defeated.
I refuse to lose my best friend to circumstances that she had no control over. Her husband is still looking for a new job. Even if she looked for a new job while currently working, and happened to find one...it still won't help cover what they need.
My heart is breaking.💔 So much. I know that some might think it selfish of me to use my social media for personal reasons, but this reason is important to me. This reason is my best friend.
So, pleeeeaaaaseee! even if it's only a dollar. Or even better, if someone is rolling in dough and can drop the entire $4,800!
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ladylooch · 11 months
Omg dad Nico going with lucie to get a shot
“I’m sorry.” Lexi whispers to Nico with a grimace.
She feels awful. She should be strong enough to go into that room with her daughter, but she dies every time Lucie cries from her shots. Her 2 month shots were awful. Her 4 month shots had Lexi crying the whole drive home. When she got there, Nico told her he would do the next round. At 6 months old, her next round is here and Lexi isn't sure Nico is prepared for the hell.
“I’ve got this, babe.” He assures his wife. “Give kisses.” He encourages his daughter to smooch her mom. Lucie is babbling happily in Nico’s arms as they bring her back. They grab her weight then measure her, noting her new growth in her charts.
“You’re growing so much now, huh Lucie!” The nurse practitioner exclaims.
“Yeah, we gotta stop feeding her.” Nico chuckles, pressing his nose into her dark hair. The baby smell of her assaults his senses. 
“No! You're perfect!” She checks Lucie’s temperature, noting that as well. “Okay, the two shots today are going into her thighs. And she’s in the cutest dress so I think we can keep her clothes on. I’m going to go grab her vaccines and I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you.” Nico smiles, then stands to put Lucie up on the table. “Okay, baby. We are about to do something really awful. I’m gonna say it flat out. It’s going to suck. But that’s life, LuLu. And I’m going to be right here to make it all better when it’s over, okay?” Lucie looks curiously at her dad. He pushes her hair back from her forehead and she closes her eyes joyfully at his warm touch. Nico smiles down at his mini, wondering how he ever lived before her.
A knock sounds and Nico calls the nurse practitioner back in. 
“Dad, how are we with shots and needles?” She asks, setting her station up.
“Good.” He nods confidently.
“Okay, good. I am going to have you stand beside her and hold her. Just keep her leg still and I’ll be quick.” Nico nods.
Lucie looks up expectantly at Nico as the nurse practitioner gets settled. Lucie has her nook crammed into her mouth and kicks out her little legs excitedly. Nico grabs her left one, holding it down as the first shot is administered. Lucie immediately starts to scream. Nico’s heart rips inside his chest and he coughs on a strangled groan. 
“It’s okay, pumpkin.” He leans down, kissing Lucie’s cheeks and forehead. “I know, baby. You’re so brave. One more. Only one more. Then it will be over.” 
“Okay dad, other leg.”
Nico’s hands suddenly shake as he reaches out for her other leg. Lucie wails in his ear, already turning red in frustration and pain. Nico pulls in a trembling breath, then the other shot is in and over. A total of 15 seconds that literally felt like someone shot him in the chest. His legs are wobbly. He swore he was stronger than this, but the distress in Lucie’s tone and her eyes and the betrayal he feels that he had to hold her down. What kind of psychological torture is this!?
“Are you okay?” The nurse asks Nico as she puts two purple bandaids on Lucie’s chunky thighs. He nods but can’t respond. “Good job Lucie… and dad.” She gives him a sympathetic smile. “Be sure to watch for any reactions- hives, fever, vomiting. She was okay with her previous shots, but always good to watch.”
“Thank you.” Nico’s voice is tight as he scoops Lucie back up into his chest. 
“Have a great day!” She cheers as she leaves. Nico can’t help but scowl at the closing door. He rubs Lucie’s back over her tiny dress, tucking her into the crook of his neck. 
“Mommy was right. That is awful.” He murmurs to his daughter, closing his eyes to calm himself down. As he does this, Lucie picks up on the change in him. She begins to settle and quiet, little wet cheeks softening from her previous ordeal. “My brave girl.” He murmurs through a kiss as he walks back into the waiting room. Lexi is anxiously biting at her nail, popping up when they meet her. “That was worse than you described it.” He huffs.
“I know!” Lexi cringes.
“We need to tag team that next time. I can’t do it alone again.”
“Okay. Honestly, it makes me feel better that you need support to.”
“I’ve never heard her make that kind of noise before. I thought my chest was going to cave in.” Lexi frowns, reach for Lucie’s back as she runs a hand along Nico’s hips to get a hug from him. The three of them share a connected moment before they head out to the car. 
Nico puts Lucie in her car seat, adjusting her mirror before he gets in. His head immediately goes to the steering wheel. 
“She’s going to hate me for the rest of her life. Why do they make the parents hold their kids down like that.”
“Well they only have so many hands, honey.” She defends. Lexi rakes her fingers through the side of his long hair. Her hand rests on his neck comfortingly. “She won’t remember.” 
“But I will.” He responds. Lexi closes her eyes, sighing heavily in agreement. 
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peachdues · 1 month
Hi Peach!
the latest episode of KNY and your recent posts have just made me go and reread TGW - don’t ask me how many times I’ve read it now cause I lost count 🤷🏼‍♀️
I love your take on my emo King so much. Giyuu is quite a deadpan character but you are able to write him having silly/funny moments so well. They don’t feel forced at all. Adding comedy to the endless of list of your amazing writing skills 🩵
And I’m so looking forward to the part II Tanjiro visit scene (poor poor boy) and the Miko chastising Giyuu for having an empty house (she will be chewing him out I can’t wait)
I went back and reread the first TGW teaser you ever posted and I hope you don’t mind me asking but was reader always going to be a Shrine Maiden or did that idea come later as the fic came together?
Now I need to be so honest with you - Peach ‘IT TAKES TWO’ killed me in the best horny way possible, I am quite partial to a wee bit of SaneGiyu so seeing them in a threesome fic the scream I scrumpt 😭 mean corruption kink Giyuu forever
I hope you’re getting lots of smooches and fresh air
much love
(PS no stop no don't write for Shinjiro, he’s totally not everyone’s anime dad crush at all 😉😚)
So tickled that you reread TGW again. Honestly, I’ve fallen right back into the brain rot it, and spent a good portion of today writing for it 😭 seeing Giyuu smile in last night’s episode made me MELT.
and ALSMSKAKOAKS as always your compliments reduce me to an absolute puddle and I will never be solid again.
I’ll answer your asks about TGW below!
I won’t give away Reader’s backstory quite yet (that comes in Part 3!) but I will say — she was raised in a shrine and doesn’t have a lot of personal items either. She’s actually so overwhelmed by the fact she finally has a home — something that she can call hers, that she almost cries 😭 but you’ll see Giyuu feel sort of insecure about it for the first time (he just wants to impress his girl lmao).
As for your question about when I decided to make Reader a shrine maiden in TGW..
TGW came about because of the “I’m not your enemy” scene that was teased in the OG teaser — hence, why it was the first look. The entirety of TGW bloomed around this one mental image I had of Giyuu strangling his lover. I decided pretty quickly it would be his BOJ.
I knew she was going to be a civilian when I published the OG teaser, but I hadn’t settled on anything more concrete than that. HOWEVER, the second scene I wrote was the first time scene that ends Part I — I wrote that entire thing in like an hour while procrastinating. I first teased the virginity loss scene like, maybe two days after the OG teaser? So in the span of those two days I decided she would be a Shrine Maiden. It was a pretty easy decision — I needed her to have some flexibility RE her background but also give her a stable place Giyuu could come back to and see her. So that’s how I decided! But to answer your question, she was pretty much a Miko from the start, minus like two days lmao.
As for the Tanjiro scene — honestly, I’m enjoying the thought of it sm. Especially because he, like everyone else left alive after Muzan, had NO IDEA Reader even existed.
Giyuu actually takes off from the Butterfly Mansion to get her as soon as he regains consciousness and doesn’t tell anyone where he’s going — so when they show up concerned to his estate, you can imagine how SHOOK they are to se that not only is there a woman there (the implication of what they did the previous night being very clear lmao), but also that she’s introduced as his fiance. Like, “here she is, this is mine. I love her.”
I’m so glad you loved It Takes Two 🫡🫡 I am happy to provide spit roasting always!!
Sending you much love!! Please stop encouraging me to write Shinjuro I have too much to do!! I’ve already started HELP
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queer-overwatch · 2 months
hihi! loveee this blog god bless both of you i'm tweaking waiting for venture to come out 😭😭 might be a bit odd but if it's something either of you feel comfortable writing about, could i request them with an audhd masc reader who's really struggling with executive dysfunction? like they're struggling to do anything and feeling really down and ashamed about it (⁠me rn T~T) thanks!!
Venture w/ Audhd!Reader!
It's not odd at all! We both get the same way fjsofndk, have some hurt/comfort for ya <3 -Frisk & Xorn
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(Good lord we need more Venture gifs-)
This was stupid, you were stupid, having a job was stupid- everything was stupid!
It's so easy, all you have to do is just get up, grab a pencil, and write a few words! It's quite literally the easiest assignment you've ever gotten from the Wayfinders! Ever!
Yet for some stupid, unknown reason you just- couldn't. No matter how much you yelled at yourself or cried, feeling useless, you couldn't get up. It was pathetic, sad, pitiful, everything you didn't want to be and yet, were.
You were sure your partner would be able to do this, anyone would be able to do this, so why couldn't you!? Groaning, you desperately wish to push yourself up and out of bed, yet make no movement to do so.
Stuck in your own head, you don't notice Venture knocking on your door, or stepping into your room after a few minutes of waiting. You only acknowledge them after they scare the shit out of you by grabbing your shoulder.
"What the fuck-!" You're finally able to move, even if it wasn't thanks to the best circumstances-
"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" They laugh slightly, cheeks a bit darker than usual as they bend their knees slightly so they're eye level with you as you sit up in bed.
They slowly look you over, drawing their own conclusions as to how you're feeling and gently pushing you so you're on one side of the bed before grabbing something from the desk on the other side of your room and snuggling up next to you.
"So I'm gonna take just a wild, crazy guess here and say you haven't done any work today?" They hold out what they'd grabbed, apparently it was your assignment from the Wayfinders. Just seeing the paper sucks any energy you had left out of you as you groan.
They laugh pitifully at your misery, patting you on the back and setting the paper down on your lap. "I'll be honest, I haven't gotten a whole lot done today either. I'm a bit of a slacker myself from time to time!"
Venture throws an arm around your shoulders pulling you into their side softly as they nuzzle your cheek teasingly. "Buuut I've still gotten more done than you, so I'm on a winning streak technically! Though I guess I could be the best partner ever, which I already am, and help you out a bit."
Of course they'd turn it into a challenge, if there was one thing Venture adored, it was winning something. You could imagine their smug look already, as adorable as it was, you simply couldn't hand it to them that easily. Plus..the paper was already there, maybe you could just do a little, just so you would have it out of the way faster.
As you take the assignment from Ventures lap, you slowly start to write a few words, finally getting something done as Venture talks your ear off about how awesome they were.
About halfway through, it hits you that this was their attempt at helping, at getting you motivated. It was always easier to do things when they were around, and they knew it.
They still ended up with a stupid, adorable, smug smile on their face at the end of the day.
Hiii here are some headcannons to add on <3 -Xor
First of all it just sucks , wanting to do things but not being able to will yourself to do them is actually just awful.
Venture makes it a point just to generally check in on you and make sure you're feeling okay overall.
They then immediately delve into "how can I help you?" Asking you what you want or need to do but just can't seem to.
If it's something personal then they'll leave it to you unless you want their help. However if it's not then they ask you how you would perform the task and try to help you out with it.
The whole time they're really understanding and encourage you, not to do things but so you don't feel horrible about not doing them.
They try to find ways to interweave things you really enjoy doing along with said tasks , trying to help the tasks seem bearable in a way.
And if you simply can't, then it's a good time to relax and work out a half plan, for anything that needs to be done and try to do it layer.
They aren't going to push you to do anything just gentle yet loud encouragement and a couple nudges in the right direction.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
pls do a part two of the fic u wrote called headshot where the reader takes a blow for their s/o. With luffy and zoro pls
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a/n - sorry this part two took so long 😭 I’m going to finish Zoro’s another time :) too much sadness in one go lmao
Warnings ⚠️ - angst, g/n reader, part 1
Headshot 2
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This battle was never ending. God you were tired, when would this all just stop? The amount of times your fists have hit people’s faces, your knuckles bruised from impact. Everyone around you was screaming, whether it be curses at each other, or just blatant cries of pain and exhaustion. Luffy had been pinned down, two of the admirals already taking advantage of it. Finally, they’d be able to kill Monkey D. Luffy, and this long chase would stop. You couldn’t ever let that happen, not on your watch. You kicked people out of the way, not caring who the hell’s noses you broke, who’s legs you tripped, or who’s arms you swatted away with ease. All your mind was focused on was saving Luffy, that’s all you needed to do, simple right? Everything was right on track, you’d slip through, grab Luffy, and then run back to the ship. Easy! Until you felt fire running up your back, shit. When you turned around and tried to strike the person in the face, you were horrified to see that he easily moved out of the way. It was Akainu. Luffy’s eyes widened, not this guy again.. Not this man who killed ace.. He was strong- and you knew you weren’t going to be able to beat him on your own. You stood in front of Luffy who was still stuck under a huge piece of sea stone bars that had broken off the marine headquarters building. “Protecting? You think you’re going to make it out alive?” Akainu asked with his molten fist starting to flame. You glared at him, who does he think he is? God he made you so angry. He suddenly rushed forward, disappearing past you so quickly you couldn’t even react. He went straight for Luffy, ready to give him the same fate as his brother. No.. No no no no! Why was he going for him and not you?! That wasn’t the plan!
You jumped with all the strength you had in you, hoping you’d fly fast enough to make sure Luffy didn’t die today. Your face was the only thing to make it in time, and Akainu’s fist crashed straight into your eyes, burning them, lava pouring into your eyes, searing like you were in hell. Luffy looked horrified, this couldn’t be happening. Not again. Not you too.. When your body tumbled to the ground, the sizzling sound of your eyes being burnt still ringing in Luffy’s ears, he lost it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. He started to try and free himself, his arms and legs stuck underneath the huge pile of sea stone. Dammit, he was going to rip his limbs off for you if that was what it meant for him to save you! He’d do anything, absolutely anything for you. He was screaming, blind rage filling his hoarse cries. Akainu could only watch, with a gaze that had absolutely no pity, empathy, or compassion. He wanted the strawhat to suffer, so he left him, leaving him to attempt and rip his limbs off to get to you. As he walked away, he heard Luffy’s screams start to dim, as his voice was being torn to shreds from his piercing yells. How dare he.. How dare he hurt you like this? No, this isn’t fair. He was supposed to kill him not you! Zoro managed to come in time before Luffy completely ripped his limbs in half, the skin on his elbows already showing signs of tearing and stretching to the point of ripping apart. Zoro honestly wasn’t sure if you’d survive this, he didn’t look that optimistic about it. Right when Zoro freed him, Luffy ran out from underneath the rubble, straight to you, grabbing you and starting to weakly run to the ship. “Hang on y/n, chopper will heal you! Don’t go, don’t go yet! I- I’ll get you to the ship no matter what!” He said, his legs starting to fail him. Now wasn’t the time for exhaustion. Zoro immediately lifted Luffy over his shoulder, running towards the ship as fast as he could. (Don’t ask how he’s going in the right direction, it’s a miracle lmao) “Don’t worry, we’ll get chopper as soon as we get there!” Zoro said reassuringly. He knew that Luffy wanted to save your life, he’d do anything for his captain and his precious y/n. Hell, he’ll even find his way back to the ship as fast as he could. Luffy’s eyes were starting to close, a feeling of relief washing over him when he heard Zoro’s words. Everything was starting to dim, yelling and battle cries were subsiding, his pain fading away, exhaustion… had finally taken over.
Who was he forgetting? He was forgetting something precious, something dear to him.. why couldn’t he remember? He jolted upright, finally regaining full consciousness, instantly remembering why he needed to find you. Sanji was just bringing a plate of food in for when Luffy would wake up, and he didn’t expect to see a gravely wounded Luffy speed past him, a blanket still stuck to his leg, trailing behind him. “Oi Luffy! Chopper said to not move!” Sanji shouted from the room. Luffy broke down the door, busting through it with all his might, and then he laid eyes on someone who was still asleep in bed. All bandaged up, their eyes wrapped in numerous cloths, a bucket of ice water beside them to change the wet towels resting on top of their eyes. That couldn’t be you, why are you still asleep?.. Luffy bent down and tried to wake you up, gently shaking the only part of your arm that wasn’t wounded. He was careful to not injure you more, taking extra caution. “Hey y/n- the fight’s over, you can wake up now!” He said, trying to sound as excited as he could. Usually you’d wake up and unwillingly follow him to the kitchen where Sanji was cooking their next meal. You wouldn’t even budge, your shallow breaths never changing. He tried other ways, he saw a tray of food on the table next to you, and he realized that it was your favorite meal! Maybe that would wake you up! “Y/n! Sanji made you your favorite food! Don’t you want to eat it before I do??” He asked, holding it in front of you, expecting some reaction. Why was there no one even there..? It was like he was talking to himself. “Y/n…?” He tried one last time, having a concerned and worried look in his wide eyes. His brows furrowed, his fists clenched the bed sheets, and his knee started bouncing up and down from anxiety. What could he do?? Why weren’t you waking up?! This was his fault wasn’t it.. You jumped in front of him to take that blow, his stupid impulsiveness got him trapped there in the first place. As usual, you always had to save him, every single time. This time, it ended up with you hurt, not even being able to wake up. Why was he like this? He was supposed to be the one to protect you, not you having to save his dumbass all the time! He wanted to beat himself up right now, his anger and guilt was just too much for him, it overwhelmed his poor heart. He wished you two could switch places, he’d gladly take any pain for you, no matter how severe it was. Damn it, why couldn’t he save you from this?
You were still asleep, but despite that, Luffy and the others visited you and tried to tell you all about their days and how their adventures were going. But, Luffy was the one to stay with you and sleep by your side, snoring away as he rested his head in your dormant arms. He always told you how Zoro kept getting lost, how Sanji almost died from nosebleeds, and how Usopp continued to get his supposed, “I can’t go on this island disease”. Everyday, he hoped that you’d wake up and give him some laughs to his stories like you usually did. Oh and hugs, he missed those a lot too. Wrapping his arms around you, knowing that maybe you’d never be able to wrap yours around him again was one of the most painful things for him. He continued to blame himself for not being more careful, everyday he wished he hadn’t gone off to confront those admirals alone, then you wouldn’t have had to save him. He tried his best not to cry whenever things got tough, but sometimes he just cried, resting his head on your stomach, holding your cold hands. Maybe he still had hints of a crybaby in him, for you at least. He’s always extra careful with damage taken to the ship, he makes certain that nothing is harmed near your quarters. Nothing can hurt you more now, not on his watch. He swore that he’d never let that happen again, this was his second chance. He knew he’d better not ruin it. Luffy knew that he wasn’t alone, you were still here, just not awake yet. His patience hasn’t run out yet, all he can do is hope you’d return to him soon.
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a/n - i’m beat 👍 enjoy the angst 💜💜
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weirdraccoon · 5 months
Fig’s reaction to Em-Sea’s PTSD? Maybe she got issues from the repository battle (fig did not die she saved him with her ancient magic and daddy fig lives it’s a cannon event he is alive😭).
Em-Se wakes up in a cold sweat every night and has a hard time falling back asleep. She tries to keep it from Fig as much as she can bcuz she doesn’t want him to know just how bad she’s struggling. She uses the glamour charm to hide the bags under her dark and bloodshot eyes, she’s pale and thin not eating, tired all the time.
Every time she hears a loud bang she thinks it’s a goblin camp trying to attack her or poachers trying to kill her. Shes constantly looking over her shoulder afraid that one of the knights she faced (idk wtf else they were) is sneaking up on her.
Em-Sea is really fucked up and one night she wakes up shaking and sweating, gets out of bed and falls to the floor from a really really bad nightmare so the girls in her dorm put her arms around their necks and take her to the infirmary. Kinda like the same scene where harry had the nightmare in OOTP and went to dumbledores office.
I'm feeling out of sorts today so Imma take those feelings and put them in here, so: ANGST, my favorite (plus little comfort since you asked but just a tiny bit cause yeah)
"Are you sure you're all right?"
MC jumped at the voice behind her. Poppy was peering at her with a worried frown on her face. If MC didn't know better, she'd say the dark bags under her eyes were visible to the world. However, she knew better and had become a professional in glamouring spells and makeup. So, whatever had Poppy worried wasn't the sleepless night or nightmares MC was careful to hide.
"I'm good," she answered with a cheeky smirk. "Why are you asking?"
Poppy only side-eyed her and sat next to her. It was common for students to sit at different tables, mainly because everyone had friends or family in different houses. MC, especially, seemed to find a friend in all four houses even if she belonged to the one.
"Nothing," Poppy sighed when MC didn't crack.
Her happy mask was on full display and not even Fig knew MC had been having mental issues, and he knew everything about the girl. Truth was, MC's nightmares were often about the repository. Sometimes Fig died in there, other times she died, and other times Ranrok escaped and tore Hogwarts down with all her friends inside.
Less frequent nightmares starred Mr. Salomon Sallow dying under her wand. Or Sebastian dying under his uncle's wand. Or, the worst yet, Sebastian dying under her wand.
All in all, she didn't want to go to sleep anymore. She stopped sleeping in the dormitory, choosing to spend her nights in the Room of Requirement where no one would be aware of her cries or fears.
Not even Deek. The elf had left when it was clear she was ready to care for her animals, plants and potions by herself.
What. She was good at faking it.
So far, at least.
That day was particularly exhausting, and MC fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She didn't even take her tie off. Or her shoes.
And, when the nightmares came, they were more real than ever. First Sebastian killing his uncle only to be killed by Anne who then turned into Ranrok and killed Fig. Then Ranrok turned into a dragon and chased her all over the highlands.
She ran.
She ran as fast as she could. Her legs burned and her feet hurt. Her head was killing her.
"Finally, you silly girl," Ranrok purred, closer and closer. "Your power is mine, MC."
She could only cry out, however, no sound came out of her mouth. Ranrok's claws grabbed her arms and she trashed, trying to escape.
"MC," Ranrok chuckled. "MC, MC."
She started crying. She tried to yell. Scream for help. The castle was close maybe someone would hear.
"MC! Merlin. Aguanenti!"
MC spluttered and blinked. Blinked again. She was in the Defense Tower. How did she-?
Fig was staring at her with wide terrified eyes.
"I was late grading some essays," he explained uselessly. One of his hands was still grabbing MC's arms, where her nightmare had put Ranrok's claw. The other hand had his wand, aiming away from her but ready to stop her if she tried anything that could hurt her.
"I was-," MC trailed off.
I was so tired I forgot to take a dreamless potion. I was so tired I forgot to lock the Room.
"I'm so tired," she ended up confessing.
Her voice broke and tears began running down her face. Once she started, she couldn't seem to stop. She sobbed. She cried and cried and Fig pulled her into his arms, not caring that her runny nose and tears could ruin his robes.
"Oh, MC," he shushed, rocking her back and fort a little. "I'm so sorry."
For not noticing. For not offering help. For not helping when he knew how difficult it was for her to ask for help in the first place.
"I just wan'it to end," MC wailed between sobs. "All'of'it!"
Fig closed his eyes, pained to his soul at hearing such words with such heavy meaning coming out from a barely sixteen year old.
He could onlu hugged her tighter.
He'd make sure she knew she was not alone.
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