#i babysat him and his baby sister and he was SO helpful turning lights on for me and getting diaper cream
chantalstacys · 8 months
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bellysoupset · 21 days
Sick at Home - Part 1
Part 1 of Vince's very long, no good weekend with his sister. Probably Part 1 out of 3.
"Liv can't have sweets after five," his mother repeated, probably for the fourth time already, "and don't let Sophia puppy eye you into having her friends over, she's grounded until college."
Vince snorted at that, helping his dad bring their bags downstairs. He had known he'd be playing babysitter before his mother even requested him to, since he had taken a look at the calendar and there'd be a holiday on Monday, lining up with his parents wedding anniversary. Vin didn't mind it, he was looking forward to spending some time with his sisters.
"Alright, ma-"
His mother pushed her car keys in his had, "Babbo's prius is staying here, I don't want any of the girls on that deathtrap of yours."
"It's a bike, mamma-"
"None of you!" Magda interrupted him with a glare, "there's food in the fridge and emergency numbers-"
"Mamma," Vince grabbed his mom by her shoulders, "I've babysat a thousand times before. When Liv was a newborn, remember? I can handle them now."
His mother pouted, then sighed as Giuseppe walked back inside the house, "cab's here, amore."
"Have fun," Vin pushed his mom towards the door, straight into his father's arms, "but not too much fun, I cannot handle a third baby sister."
"Vicenzo!" Magda cried out, her whole face turning red as she entered the backseat. His dad let out a snort, pulling Vince into a hug.
"I make no promises."
"Giuseppe! Don't encourage him, get inside!" The woman called, scandalized.
Vince was still chuckling as he walked back in the house. It was Friday evening and Ma and Giuseppe had chosen leaving now, instead of in the morning, to avoid Liv's possible meltdown.
He grabbed the car keys and went to pick up his sisters. Livia was only a block away, at a friend's house and she lit up like a light bulb when she saw Vin getting out of the car, instead of her father.
"Viiin! What are you doing here?"
"We're gonna have a sleepover, bambi," Vince picked her up by the armpits, throwing the girl up and causing another set of giggles. At the doorway, her little friend Ollie was waving shyly.
"Hi, Mr. Mo!"
"Hi, Ollie!" Vince waved at her, "are your mom or dad home?"
A minute later the woman appeared behind her daughter, face all red and holding a dishcloth, stammering, "Hi Giu- Oh, hi, Vince!" she opened a huge smile, blushing even more, "sorry about the mess, home's chaos- Liv can stay for dinner if you want. You too-"
"No, Mrs. Watson, it's alright, thank you," Vince smiled, kissing his sister's cheek, "she behaved?"
"Like an angel," Mrs. Watson nodded, petting her daughter's hair, "I think she'll crash in a minute, they were running around all evening."
"Liv? Crashing? Doubt it," Vince rolled his eyes, "thank you for watching them, Mrs. Watson. I'm gonna be with the girls all weekend, if you wanna send Ollie over..."
"Mommy-" the girl immediately turned around, clutching at her mom's leg in a pleading way, so Mrs. Watson snorted.
"I'll talk with David," she nodded, "you just holler if you need anything, sweetheart."
"Yes, ma'am," Vince grabbed Livia's abandoned glittery backpack and waved one last time, walking to the car. He strapped Livia in the backseat, then got in the front, "we're gonna pick up Sophia now, Liv."
"Okay," Livia yawned, causing Vince to raise his eyebrows in surprise. It was rare that his sister got tired before her bedtime, she often ran him to the ground with ease.
"Sleepy, bambi?"
She nodded, sliding slightly down on her seat, "can we have cake for dinner?"
Oh there it was, the typical Monacelli girls manipulation. Vince snorted, rolling his eyes , "No, we can't, baby, I'm sorry," he turned up the music slightly and Livia was clearly too tired to argue. She started mouthing along the lyrics of Lost In The Woods, from Frozen 2, and Vince relaxed.
Sophia was still in the school. She was head of the cheerleading team and was just finishing practice, so Vince waited in the parking lot with Liv as he watched Soph jump around with her friends, joking and laughing. It made him super nostalgic of his team days.
She jogged to them once practice was over, wiping the sweat off her forehead and momentarily forgetting her cool girl persona, as she tackled Vince into a hug.
He was stunned in silence, then squinted as Sophia pulled back, "mamma told me you're still grounded until college, so don't even try it."
Her soft smile faded and Sophia pouted, stomping her feet in a way that made her seem so much like Liv, "you're never any fun."
Vince rolled his eyes, then shoved the car keys in her hand, "I'm plenty fun. C'mon, you'll drive us home."
"Really!?" Sophia's blue eyes lit up.
"Nooo, Vinny," Livia groaned as Sophia got in the driver's side, "Soph is bad-"
"Shut up, Liv."
"You shut up!"
"Language both of you," Vince scoffed, putting on the seatbelt, "Soph, don't make me regret it."
"You're not," she was overeager to do it and Vince immediately clutched the hand rest over his head as she sped forward and nearly hit the safety guard, "SORRY!"
Behind him, Livia let out a groan.
A drive that was supposed to be 10 minutes long ended up being a good half hour and Vince was feeling more than a little carsick by the time they got home. He braced against his knees, while Sophia circled the car and Livia jumped out as well.
"Sorry..." Sophia's shoes appeared in front of him and he could hear how genuine the apology was, "I was trying to go slow..."
"Any slower and we'd still be in the parking lot," Vince rolled his eyes, straightening up and muffling a burp against his hand, "it's okay, you're learning..." he looked to the side and cringed. Livia was sporting the typical green shade his family had when nauseous, "how about you, Liv? Your tummy hurts?"
She nodded, wrapping her arms around her belly and making a small frown. Sophia let out a whine, "I didn't mean to make you sick, baby..." she crouched down in front of her sister, clearly feeling guilty.
"We'll practice your driving more during the weekend, relax," Vince messed Sophia's hair, before crouching down as well, "hey, baby-" he pushed Livia's curls away from her clammy face, "take a deep breath for me?"
It took two minutes of breathing exercises before Livia stopped hugging her stomach like something was moving inside. She was still pouting as they walked inside and refused dinner when Vince offered, opting for curling up in the living room with a sour mood that was unlike her.
"I think she's pissed," Sophia cringed, walking back downstairs thirty minutes later, wet hair creating a dark spot in her sweater, "so, Vin..."
"No friends over," Vince shook his head, "mamma's orders, sorry kiddo."
His sister let out a long suffering sigh, "I know. I'll have you know it's so unfair, I didn't even do anything wrong. I smoked one single joint, sue me."
Vince snorted at that, "they already let you drink, why were you trying your luck, Soph?" he rolled hie eyes, "what do you want?"
"There's a party at Josh's tonight," Sophia jumped so she was sitting on the kitchen island, "it's not gonna be big, just us from the team-"
Vince snorted, "oh yeah, the team. I teach those boys, Sophia, you're not helping your case here."
Sophia cackled at that, "they're idiots," she agreed, "but c'mon, I promise I'll behave... And mamma didn't say anything about me going anywhere. Just that I couldn't have friends over..."
"Did you ask mamma?" Vince smiled at her, knowing already his sister hadn't. She wouldn't risk getting a negative, plausible deniability and all that.
Sophia rolled her eyes, shrugging.
"You're gonna get me in bad waters," Vince sighed and caused his sister to perk up, clearly realizing her win, "I don't want any of you idiots driving. You call me and I'll go pick you up, okay? I don't care how late."
"And no getting wasted. Promise me."
"I'm not even gonna drink, I promise," Sophia nodded, smile so wide he could see her molars, "maybe just one beer."
"One," Vince measured her up, "please don't make me regret this, Soph."
"You're not, you're the best!" She squealed, jumping from the counter and planting a kiss on Vince's cheek, before she was running up the stairs to change clothes, "open the door for Rita, she's coming to pick me up!"
Vince groaned, feeling very much like he had just been played.
Thirty minutes later Sophia was rushing down the stairs just as her best friend, Rita, got inside. Vince could recognize her from class and from seeing the girl around the house before, so he couldn't understand why the teenager got all red whenever he was around. Sophia clearly could, as she shoved her friend forward, "don't look at him, let's go."
"Hi Vin-"
"Let's goooo," Sophia grabbed her best friend by the shoulders, almost jumping on her back, "c'mon, c'mon-"
"Sophia call me!" Vince shouted after her, "so I can pick you up!"
"I can bring her home, Vinc-" Rita started to say, but Sophia quickly shoved her friend inside the car, clearly not wanting to stay behind a minute more, lest Vin change his mind.
He let out a long suffering sigh and closed the door, rubbing his face and trying to ignore the stress headache already forming.
Livia looked up from her cocoon in the couch when he walked in and Vince crawled on the couch so he could cuddle her, "promise me you're not gonna become a troublemaker like Soph?"
Instead of answering him, Liv let out a groan, "Vinny," she curled up more, "I'm cold."
Vince frowned, it was a fairly warm night... He scooted closer, then pressed his lips to her forehead. He could feel the steady heat rolling off Liv, making her dark eyes all sparkly.
"I think you caught a bug, Liv," Vince scooped her up as if she was a toddler and his sister promptly threw her arms around his neck, seeking warmth, "let's get you some meds."
His mother kept a whole stash of medicine in the cabinet of the master suite, so he climbed up the stairs with Liv. It was a hassle to go through the pill bottles and boxes since his sister wouldn't let go of his neck and Vince pressed a kiss to her temple, planting her sat on the sink, "sorry, baby, you gotta let go so you can take meds..."
"No," Livia whined, curling up and hugging her stomach. He was almost grateful for how transparent his family was when it came down to sickness, because he could see the immediate shift in her face and jumped out of the way right as she projectile vomited, missing his chest by a second.
Chaos broke out, as she folded in half and almost fell off the sink, starting to sob. Vince's heart squeezed as he planted a hand on her forehead, keeping her from falling, "oh bambi," he cooed, rubbing her back, "why didn't you tell me your tummy hurt?"
She coughed, crying harder, "Vin... Vin, I don't like this..."
"I know," Vince kept a hand on her shoulder, stretching in order to grab the roll of toilet paper. He grabbed a bunch of squares, using it to dab the puke away, "how's your tummy? You still feel sick?"
Livia nodded, tears streaming down her face and he sighed, grabbing her by the armpits and pulling her off the sink, so she could lean over the toilet, "can you stay here just for a second? I'm going to get the cleaning supplies for the floor, okay?"
"O-okay..." Livia hiccupped, looking terrified and Vince's resolve to clean up the mess almost vanished. He really wished he didn't need to leave her.
He ran to the laundry room as fast as possible and when he returned, she had managed to puke inside the toilet, but also down her pink shirt and was sobbing copiously, as if a family member had died.
"Shhh-shhh," Vince jumped over the puddle, crouching down in front of her and used his hands to wipe away the tears, "hey, bambi, I'm here. I got you-" his hands were bigger than his baby sister's whole face and Livia shook with a new set of sobs.
Vince let out a whine, pressing a kiss to her brow, mess be damned, "take a deep breath, baby, you're alright. It's just vomit, it's not a big deal..."
She sucked in a sob, pointing at her shirt and Vin snorted. Girls. "It washes off, Liv," he promised, "arms up, let's get you out of this sticky shirt."
With a lot of effort, and another ten minutes with her leaning over the toilet spitting meager mouthfuls of puke, he managed to manhandle Livia inside his parent's bathtub, taking a bath while he cleaned up the mess.
She was leaning over it, cheek pressed to the rim, face all flushed when Vin finished up the cleaning, feeling disgusting himself. He felt his own stomach churn at the mess, all rags now discard in the bucket, the bathroom smelling like disinfectant, "I'm sorry..."
"Oh, it's fine, baby," Vince moved so he was sitting down next to the tub, pushing her wet hair back until it was all sleeked back, "at leas this time you didn't throw up on me, uh?"
She opened a little smile at his teasing tone, closing her eyes, "my tummy hurts, Vinny..."
"Like you're going to be sick again?" His hand went for the bin, but she shook her head, "no? Hurts where?"
Vince was a little at loss, but he had dealt with them sick before, this wasn't new. He could do this. Livia pointed at her belly button, making a cry face all over again, "hurts..."
"Okay, let's move to bed and I'm going to give you a belly rub, how about?"
She perked up at the idea and Vince rolled his eyes fondly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, "let me get your robe and your pjs."
In the end, she didn't want a belly rub, just to curl up in bed, using him as a teddy bear. She was happy to let him run his fingers through her hair, curls all frizzy since he had dried the humidity off with a hairdryer.
Vince was dozing off in his baby sister's bedroom, continuing to rub her back, when his own stomach squeezed with a cramp. He squirmed in the bed and Livia let out a sleepy whine, pressing her overheated forehead to his shoulder.
"Sorry," he pushed her off and tucked her under the blankets, "I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back, Liv."
She pouted, "promise?"
"Can you leave the door open?"
Oh, hell no. Vince squirmed as his intestines complained once again and he wondered if he had eaten something with milk, "I-"
"I'm scared," she hugged her pillow, "and the lights on?"
"Yeah, okay," he tucked her in once more, "stay in bed."
Vince rushed down the hall, to his own bathroom instead of the one Sophia and Livia shared, and nearly didn't make it, hands hastily shoving down his pants.
His intestines were cramping like hell, sending hot flashes that had him sweating enough he removed his shirt, and he rocked as his lower belly squeezed and expelled everything inside. Vince gulped down as a woozy feeling washed over him, causing his mouth to feel sticky and braced against his sink, unable to stay still.
Down the hall he heard Livia say something and Vince made a silent prayer that she stayed in bed and didn't come trailing after him, as she often did.
He forced himself to finish up as quickly as possible and decided to simply enter the shower to clean up, since his whole body felt heavy as hell. Once he was changed into a new set of sweatpants and sweater, he walked back to Livia's room and then froze at the door.
Somehow, in the thirty minutes he had been gone, she had managed to puke all over her blankets.
"VIN!" She cried out, desperate, as she saw him and Vince was on his feet immediately, queasiness and stress forgotten. He hated that sound in her voice, like her whole world was collapsing and he hadn't been there to help.
"Oh baby," he knelt next to the bed, using a clear patch of the blanket to clean her mouth and chin, "you couldn't get up?"
She shook her head, hiccupping again and he sighed, pulling her hair back as Livia vomited another mouthful of bile. Her hand shot up to her throat and she clutched at it, "hurts..."
"I know, I know," his heart squeezed, "are you done?"
"Ye-yes," her bottom lip trembled and more tears ran down, as she looked up in a pitiful manner, "I'm sorry... I made a mess..."
"No, bambi," Vince switched to italian, noticing the way she visibly relaxed as it probably reminded her of her parents, "it can be washed, don't worry about it. Let's get you out of this mess."
It was another trip to the laundry, now with the puke covered blankets, but at least she hadn't gotten sick on her new pajamas and only needed a fresher bed. More than anything, she wanted cuddles and wouldn't let go of Vince's neck as he redid her bed, with a fresh load of sheets and blankets.
He settled her down again, wondering if he should even try medicine once more. She had already puked it up twice, at this rate they'd either run out of children's syrup or she'd get intoxicated by it.
"C'mere," Vince pressed a cold washcloth over her forehead, hoping to bring the fever down in the less efficient way, "feels good?"
"Uh-hum," Livia's eyes drifted closed, "you're not leaving, right?"
"I'm not leaving," he promised, climbing on the bed that was far too small for him and Liv let out a happy noise, curling up like a cat.
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Music’s playing, candles are burning, there's no light beside the sun peeking through the curtains, shining down on her prettiest subject.
Her glass of white wine is being babysat, cause knowing her and how much of a lightweight she was, a few sips were enough.
Leon definitely took a shot before they got started, since he'd never been a model for anything. His last minute nerves made him even more adorable to Zora.
Blk Odyssy had become one of her favorite musicians, thanks to Leon and his impeccable taste. Their new album, diamonds & freaks served as the soundtrack.
Sexy lady
Got me faded
I'm intoxicated
I been watching, baby
Sexy lady
Sweet Jesus, save me
Go on, and rock me, baby
Don't stop it, baby
“Love this song,” she comments, dipping her brush into the deep red paint, using it as one of her base colors.
“I thought you would.” He replies.
“Yeah, you knew.” She hums a laugh, tilting her head to the left, following the curve she's creating for her study of her boyfriend.
“Are you painting me just like I am?” He asks.
“Well, everything above the knees. That's all I can fit in the canvas.” She answers.
“Where'd you get this idea from?” He asks, curious all of a sudden.
“My sisters actually suggested it. They were really excited that I had started painting again, and since you're my muse, it seemed like something really fun to do.” She explains, poking her head out to look at him, snickering at the focus in his face.
“Quit laughin’ at me,” he mumbles.
“Sorry, you're just so still, like you might break if you move. Relax a little.”
“I thought I needed to stay still.”
“Yeah, but not that still.”
“Hm,” he hums, staring at the back of the easel and the sliver of her face that he could see. A smile graces his face as he watches her in her comfort zone.
Still singing along to the music, she takes another sip of her wine and paints another fine line onto the canvas, super pleased with how everything is turning out.
His green button-up covers her thick frame like a dress.
Her feet were tapping against the bars of the stool, her sloppy bun, flopping around with every concentrated turn of her head.
She was just as focused, but he wasn't gonna tease her. He loved seeing this new side of her. She let him into her art world, finally.
Taking her advice and relaxing, he falls into his natural trance of her, when she readjusts the easel, giving him more than just a peek at her beautiful face.
All the while, she was looking at him and back at the canvas, perfecting every curve, dimple, divot with striking blues and oranges, deep reds and browns.
Stealing glances at him, she tugs on her lip.
She knew it was gonna be kinda distracting, but he definitely wasn't playing fair.
Flexing those big arms of his, “stretching”, was already enough and too much for her. And every time he licked his lips, her left leg would tangle with her right. He caught it each time and smirked.
Once he got to readjusting the only article of clothing he had left, her eyes diverted to his lower region and hers began to throb.
Almost finished.
“Jesus,” she mumbles to herself, shaking her head like it would clear the explicit images swimming around her mind.
“You alright over there?” He asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Yeah, I'm good,” she shakily answers, taking another sip, which looked more like a gulp from where he was sitting.
“You sure?” He teases.
She laughs, now looking over at him. His devious smirk does nothing to help the wet spot forming between her thighs.
“You done?” He asks.
“I'm distracting you?”
“And, you know it.” She nods, making him laugh.
“You told me to relax. I'm just tryna follow the rules, dear.”
“Yeah, and now your friend is winkin’ at me.”
He simply shrugs. “That's your fault.”
“Mine? How?”
“Cause you're so fine. This happens every day, babe.”
“Every day?” She repeats.
“Yeah. A couple times a day.”
“You've seen you, right?” He asks.
She scoffs, lifting the brush back to the canvas. “Boy, please. I can't even look you in the eye, right now.”
He snickers, moving out of his pose to further mess with her. Pulling his chair just a bit closer, he leans forward to stare at her and she keeps her eyes trained on her work.
“Zoraaa,” he drags out.
“I'm so glad I got all the details I needed, you play so much,” she laughs, trying her best to ignore his taunting.
“Come play with me,” he continues, almost making her drop her brush.
“Can you get back in your position, please?” She asks.
“Can I put you in a couple positions?” He quips, earning that eye roll that he knew was coming.
“If you let me finish… maybe.”
He holds his hands up in surrender, moving right back into his pose. Zora fans her face, no longer caring if he can see how flustered he's made her.
The next thirty minutes dragged on by and she was finally done, not even getting to sit her brush down good before being whisked over to the couch, him hovering over her.
Bruising her lips with his rough kisses, he quickly discards the scrap of lace that barely covered her ass, as well as his own briefs, before sliding into her with one fluid motion.
Gasping into the kiss, her hands cling to his broad back and shoulders, sinking her nails in as the feeling of him bottoming out with every thrust sends fire through her.
His mouth latches onto her neck, while she lets out every expletive she can think of, into the damp air of her apartment.
“Oh m— my god,” she pants, holding him so close to her body, shivering as his groans vibrate on her skin.
“You feel so damn good,” he rasps.
His tongue trails down her chest, nibbling on her breasts as he rips the shirt open, squeezing her flesh into his big hands, driving her crazy as she cradles his head.
Her feet are pressed against his chest and he leans up to do more damage, his hips rutting against her ass that's hanging off the couch. She looks up at him in disbelief.
His hands have her ankles bound, as she cries and writhes underneath him. Her hands move up and down his arms, back down to scratch his hips as it gets too good.
“Fuc– king me so— good,” she squeals, catching both of them off guard as she releases all over him. His thumb finds her clit, making matters slipperier.
“Yeah, gimme all that shit, baby.” He moans, encouraging another orgasm to happen right on the spot. Her edges were back curly by this point.
“C’mere,” she whispers, pulling him back down to her level to swallow his every breath in a kiss. Her cramped legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer if that were even possible.
Pulling away, he smirks down at her, taking her in, breathless, sweaty, hungry for more as she stares back at him, ready for his next move.
“So beautiful,” he says, dragging his thumb across her parted bottom lip, “why don't you pose for me, now.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Once she got around to actually taking in her painting, she was super pleased with how it came out. So was Leon.
“Can I just say, I'm flattered.” He smirks, cracking up at the look she gives him.
“Stop it,”
“Seriously. That's literally me.” He exclaims, pulling her into his side.
“All of me.” He mumbles, hearing her disapproving groan sound through the space.
“Leon, please!” She laughs. “But, you really like it?”
“Love it, sweet stuff. I told you. Art gallery.” He says, smiling down at her.
She smiles back up at him, shaking her head. “Nah, not yet.”
He raises a brow at her, earning a brighter smile.
“Not yet, huh? So you're getting closer to putting yourself out there?” He excitedly asks.
“Yeah, I thought about what you said and it doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'm just nervous, ya know?”
“I feel stunted. Like, I gave everything up to be someone's doormat and.. I don't know. I just feel like the level of artistic ability has kinda dissipated? And yeah, I know. I look at my paintings and I see what I'm capable of so get that sad look off your face,” she pinches his cheek as he laughs, “I just have my doubts.”
He wipes the frown away, but there's still sadness there. He wants nothing more than for her to believe in herself. Fully.
“It's harder than it seems to cross some hurdles, I understand that. But if you really want this, that's what you gotta do.”
“No, I know. And, I appreciate you for putting me back in front of this here easel. It's been a while, but it's always so much fun.”
“Of course, baby. It's a pleasure watching you in your zone.” He says, leaning down to kiss her temple.
“I cannot show this one to the girls.” She snickers, before looking up at him.
“Yeah, nah. Maybe the top half.”
“Please. I can hear Nique fighting for the extra details, as we speak.”
“That girl is hilarious.” He comments, moving to stand behind her and wrap his arms around hers.
“Funniest person I know, besides myself, of course.”
“And me. Hol’ up.”
“Right, right. Can't forget about you,” she snickers, yelping at the pinch to her butt.
“It's what you get.. talkin’ shit.” He mumbles into her neck.
“Oh yeah, don't try and bill me for that shirt, since you were the one that ripped the buttons off.” She says, making him chuckle.
“One, I would never do that for real, it's an empty threat every time.” He admits, making her laugh. “And two, I can always get the buttons put back on. Or you can just add it to your collection.”
“Oh, I was gonna do that anyway, cause that's how I am.” She smiles like he can see her.
“Something else.” He shakes his head.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“Why I can't see that one??” Nique asks, pointing to the covered canvas and stomping her heeled foot like a bratty child.
“Cause you play too much, man.” Zora waves her off, pointing to the painting on the easel. “But you can look at this one!”
Nique immediately gasps at how breathtaking the painting was. It's as if Zora had committed Leon's face to memory and captured him in five different lights so realistically.
“Girl, when I say talented doesn't even cover it.” She shakes her head, looking over at her best friend.
“Oh, girl. Stop.”
“Nah, man. This is on another level!” She swats her arm in excitement. “Like, that's his literal face, dude! How do you even do something like this?!”
She shrugs. “I honestly just sat her and did it. He came to my mind and I just let my paintbrush guide me.”
“Wow.” She says in response, making Zora laugh.
“Yeah, I said the same when I was done.”
Staring back at the canvas, she smirks. “So, are you gonna do anything with it?”
“Ah— I might. I don't know yet, really.”
“Cause you know, it would be really nice if someone invested in you snagging a spot at the mint museum to display such a piece.”
Zora squints her. “That's still something you'd do for me?”
“Zora, it's like you forget who I am or something. I'm highly offended right now.” She places her hands on her hips, reminding her of both of their mothers.
“Get your hands off your hips, Roberta! I know who you are! It's just.. I don't know. That was a long time ago and that was the biggest dream I've ever had to give up.”
“It's okay, I understand. But my offers are never conditional to you, dude. You could not even be my friend anymore and I'd still send you the money to do it cause I believe in you. That bozo of a boyfriend was a hater and he fucked everything up, yeah he did. But look at you, rebuilding it right now. Every time you get in front of the canvas do this,” she's eyes wide as she points back to the canvas, “you're getting so much closer to that dream of yours.”
By now, Zora is wiping tears away. Nique frowns and pulls her into a much needed hug. She wasn't expecting to get emotional today, but leave it to her best friend to pull a few tears out of her.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I know you hate that,” she softly laughs, wiping her cheeks.
“It's okay, I think I've needed to let it out for a while.” She smiles, covering her face for a moment to get herself together.
Nique heads into her kitchen to wet a paper towel, bringing it back to cool down her flushed face.
“Ugh, anyway,” she outright laughs. “I really appreciate you. That really does mean so much that you could hate my guts and still help me out. That's the kind of support everybody needs.” She covers her heart, Nique doing the same.
“One of a kind, I know.” She nods. “And it's nothing, seriously. You're my mother’s kid as much as I'm yours. I got you, you got me.”
“I love you, dude.”
“I love you too, man.”
“I've honestly been thinking about getting back out there for a while, but you and Neoma already knew that cause that's what y'all do,” she snorts, beating her to it, “Lovita is close to getting there, she all into Clyde right now—”
“You mean, he's all into her?”
“Right. Anyway, she'll catch on, but Leon asked me a while ago and I've just been sitting on the idea for a while. Maybe.. I wanna paint a couple more pieces and then maybe I can look into it.”
“Yeah, hey! Nobody is pressuring you. I promise. You know we just wanna see you do your best and you are  the best. Fuck him and fuck those negative voices he left behind. You're the shit, Jean. Let's ask his ass to come pick up a fucking pencil and see if he won't jam it into his eye, before tryna attempt what you did on this canvas. I'd bet you the air in this room and win. He's a bitch.”
“Okay, okay,” she cackles, “relax, relax. You hate him more than I do, at this point!”
“I could kill him,” she smiles, “because you deserve better and girl, look at god! Better meets you at your favorite place!”
“I know, I can't wait to tell everyone at the wedding, someday.” She giggles.
“Oh lord, that's gonna be the countriest wedding ever!”
“Stop! It's gonna be the most beautiful wedding you've ever been to, shut up!”
“Y'all gon be letting doves go, it's gon be a duck pond somewhere cause y'all love the ducks, flowers of every damn kind!”
“Nah, I'm pretty sure he's already got flower combos to present to me.” She laughs, remembering one of their trips to the shoppe this past summer.
“He was asking me which flowers were which one time, and they'd just happened to be my second favorite flower, my mama's favorite and he asked me if I thought they would pair well with aster, which is his mama's favorite flower, and I just kinda looked at him like… I know what you're up to.” She laughs at the giant smile on Nique's face.
“Aw, that is so cute! He thinks he's slick, let him be slick!”
“Nah, I'm not gonna burst his bubble! I thought it was adorable. He's so cute, I can't take him sometimes.”
“Lord have mercy. So, I got a question.”
“No, I'm not having a maid of honor. Y'all ain't killing me, cause I'd make it all of you.”
“You can have three! It's your wedding!”
“Three maids of honor? That don't sound crazy?”
“Nah, not to me. I was gonna do that for mine.”
“Really?” Zora smiles, making Nique laugh.
“See, look at your face! Do it for yours, too! Wouldn't that work out better anyway? Three people to divy up your something old, new and blue. Might be something you've have your eye on.”
“Okay, okay! We're getting so ahead of ourselves, and what if I don't get married? Then I can't get that something new… or blue??”
“Girl,” Nique laughs. “You worried about the gift?”
“Yes, duh. Leon ain't going nowhere. We don't have to get married, honestly. It's just another dream of mine, but I'm not as traditional as I used to be. But, I'd love to get married, too. Don't listen to me.” She cuts herself off.
“No, no. I totally get it. What girl doesn't wanna confess her love to the man of her dreams in front of everyone they both love?! In a frilly dress! With a veil! Or no veil! Big poofy hair! A reception! We'd throw the biggest party, you already know it!”
“Yeah, we would!” She agrees.
“Right! Don't let go of your dreams, keep 'em close. Just in case. Hell, Leon seems like a wonderful suitor so far!”
“Yeah, he’ll do long,” she jokes.
“Now back to this canvas, over here.” Nique says, making Zora sigh super loudly.
“Let. Me. See. It.”
“Whyy??” She whines again, adding extra syllables to the word.
“Because, you play too much!”
“I'll be good, I promise! I just wanna see it!”
Zora rolls her eyes, before moving to uncover it, watching the joy wash over her best friend.
“Behave. I'm serious.”
“I said I'll be good, girl! Uncover the thing already!”
She does so, waiting for her snarky remarks, but they never come.
Again, “wow” was the way she described this one, too.
“See? I'm lost for words, actually.” She shakes her head. “You've done it again, man. The detailing is beautiful.”
And with that, she covers it back up. “I knew it wouldn't last long.”
“Long, like—”
“Okay, okay!” She holds her hands up. “But uh.. congratulations!” She puts emphasis on the end of her sentence, stomping her foot again.
“Thank you. I love it over here.”
“Trust me, I love it over there.” She winks, both of them falling into a fit of giggles as she covers the canvas back up.
“Do tell, since I basically just did.” Zora presses as they sit on the stools in her kitchen.
“He's big all over. He makes me dizzy, sometimes,” she laughs. “Baby is hung to the left, and you know how I feel about a curve!”
“Yeah, you love it over there!” She cackles, slapping hands with her.
“Wait, y'all ain't in love too are y'all??”
“Chile, no. As much as we be up on each other, he's my man and I'm his woman and that's good enough for us, right now. I really like him, but we can kick it just as long as I don't gotta kick his ass.”
“My girl.” She laughs. “I told you I'd find you a boo!”
“Thank you, Zora-Jean. My god!” She exasperates.
“You're welcome! That was so hard for the three of you to say! Why?!”
“Y'all are so ungrateful,” she playfully digs.
“Stop it! Personally, I was holding my breath for a while. I didn't wanna thank you too early and then all this bad shit would start happening, and knowing you, you'd think I'd resent you for it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't waiting for the other foot to drop. I'm sorry.”
“I accept your apology, and don't feel bad seriously, I get it. Knowing me, I probably would think that, but I know better! It's one of those negative voices,” she shrugs, “but I'm glad this is a good relationship. You deserve it, honestly. Plus, I'd kill him if he ever hurt you.” She smiles.
“And you talk about Lovita!” Nique cackles.
@ghostfacekill-monger @sheabuttahwrites @thegifstories @blackerthings @cecereads209 @soufcakmistress @abeautifulmindexposed @harmshake @mauvecherie-writes @honestpreference
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ginnyweatherby · 2 years
quick prompt idea: cool color siblings bonding time!! (platonic ofc) idea like them doing girl things together (sleepover in isa’s room?), having a tickle fight, friendly competitions w the grandkids, how the Julieta and Agustín spend time with their kids individually and all together. just some ideas, hope this helps! <3
Anon, I'm so sorry this took so long. You sent this back in February only for all my writing inspo to immediately die. I have no idea if you'll see this, but I hope it was worth the wait.
Word Count: About 1700
It was the night before Mirabel's Gift ceremony, and tensions in the house were high.  No matter where you looked, someone was frantically trying to prepare for the big day.
Agustín and Félix were trying to keep their wives sane as they scurried about the kitchen (Félix more so, as frequent strings of curses passed Pepa's lips as she burned herself again), Alma was sweeping the floors and dusting the shelves, barking orders to Bruno who had run to the market at least sixteen times in the last 48 hours to collect something or another, while Dolores babysat Camilo, who was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement over his cousin's upcoming ceremony, frequently shifting from himself to Mirabel.
But while everyone else was busy doing chores and running errands, there were three people who seemed to be missing from all the excitement.
Isabela, Luisa, and Mirabel herself.
Mirabel had been a nervous wreck all week.  She was excited to get her Gift, of course, but she knew with a Gift came big responsibility.  She had stayed up many nights trying to guess what her new ability would be, but she always came up blank.
Her sisters immediately picked up on her anxiety, and suggested they have a sleepover - just the three of them - in the comfort of Isabela's fluffy pink bedroom.
"So Mirabel, are you excited for your big day tomorrow?"  Isabela asked, using her fingers to delicately separate Mirabel's hair, and working it into braids.
"Of course I am!"  Mirabel said, bouncing a bit until her sister scolded her to quit squirming.
"It's gonna be so weird,"  Luisa said from her perch on Isabela's bed, swinging her legs over the edge.  "Our baby sister getting her Gift?"
"I bet it'll be something to do with your sewing,"  Isabela said, tying off one of the braids.  "You and Abuela always do such great embroidery together.  You're like, a prodigy or something."
Mirabel giggled a bit at the praise, her ears turning light pink.  "I like sewing with Abuela,"  She said simply.
"Goodness knows I've never had the patience for it,"  Isabela said, and it was true.  While Alma had taught each of the girls to sew, Isabela always ended up with crooked seams and pricked fingers.  She'd been reprimanded on more than one occasion for saying words her Abuela didn't approve of when she made a mistake.
"I liked sewing, but my fingers are always too big to thread the needle,"  Luisa said, hopping off the bed and joining her sisters in front of the mirror.  "But Mirabel, everything you make turns out perfect."
"I just want to make my family proud,"  Mirabel said simply, as Isabela finished the other braid.  She hopped off the vanity seat and gestured for Luisa to sit so that she could have her hair done as well.
"That's all any of us want,"  Luisa said, as Isabela started running a comb through her hair.
Mirabel opened her mouth to reply but there was suddenly a knock on the door.  All three girls turned toward it, Isabela shouting for whoever was on the other side to come in.
"Hello ladies,"  The door was pushed open by their papa, holding a tray of cookies in his arms.  "Mami thought you might be getting hungry, since you all ran off without much dinner."
"We were just excited, Papi!"  Mirabel bounded over to him, squeezing his leg.  "We haven't had a sleepover in forever!"
Agustín laughed, as he moved farther into the room, placing the tray on Isabela's bedside table, before lifting Mirabel into his arms.  "Well, I certainly don't want to interrupt your sister time,"  He said.  "I like your hair like this, amor!  Did you do this, Isa?"
Isabela nodded, putting a flower in Luisa's hair as a final touch.  "I like doing their hair.  I'll do yours next time."
Agustín chuckled, placing Mirabel back on the floor, before running a hand through his hair.  "I'll hold you to it.  But for now, I think your mamá needs me.  She's going to work herself silly if I don't tell her to call it a night."
With a kiss for each of them, he left the room - but not before snagging a cookie for himself with a wink.
"Can we do nails next!?"  Mirabel bounced over to the shelf Isabela kept her - rather expansive - nail polish collection on.  "I want to look pretty for my ceremony tomorrow!"
The three girls each picked out a color and took turns painting each other's nails as they talked.  Mirabel chose turquoise (her favorite color), Luisa red (to go with her hair bow) and Isabela lavender (to match her favorite dress).
They chatted about their days, Luisa's chores, how annoying Camilo had been ever since his own Gift ceremony, constantly imitating them just to get on their nerves.
It was getting late by the time their nails were dried, but the girls weren't ready to sleep just yet.  They were having too much fun.
"Let's play a game,"  Luisa suggested.  "Truth or Dare?"
"Ooh, okay!"  Mirabel said, rubbing her tiny hands together.  "Luisa - Truth or Dare?"
"Dare,"  Luisa said, as she always did.
Mirabel tapped her chin in thought, looking around the room.  Her eyes fell on the small pond in the corner, where Isabela practiced making water lilies.
"I dare you to jump in the pond."
"But it's cold!"  Luisa protested.
"Are you too chicken to play Truth or Dare?"  Isabela leaned in, elbowing her sister.
"No,"  Luisa said, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms.  "No, I'll do it."
Without another word, Luisa stood and marched over to the pond, before bracing herself and plunging in.
After a moment, she emerged with a gasp, soaked from head to toe, with a lily pad stuck to her hair.  "Isaaaa, why isn't this thing heated?"
"It's not meant for swimming, silly!"  Isabela said.  "Besides, I can't control the water, just the plants."
Luisa made her way back to where her sisters sat, as they giggled at her disheveled appearance.  Casita threw a towel from the hook on the wall in her direction, which Luisa gratefully accepted.
"Okay my turn,"  She said, as she squeezed water from her hair.  "Isabela - Truth or Dare?"
Isabela thought for a moment.  "Mmm, Truth."
A small smirk crossed Luisa's lips.  "Isa… have you ever kissed anyone?"
She and Mirabel both leaned in, as Isabela's cheeks burned scarlet.  "Luisa!"
"You're not chicken, are you?"  Luisa asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course not,"  Isabela spluttered, crossing her arms.  "But if you must know, then yes.  I have."
Both her sisters' jaws dropped, and a gasp and groan was heard outside the door.  Of course their father had to choose that moment to walk past her room on his way to the bathroom.
"Who!?"  Luisa and Mirabel shouted in unison.
"I shouldn't kiss and tell…"  Isabela said mysteriously, a smirk on her lips.
"Aww, come on, Isa!"  Luisa whined.
"Nope!"  Isabela said, turning to the youngest of the three.  "Besides, it's Mirabel's turn!  Truth or Dare."
"Truth,"  Mirabel said.
"Hmm, alright…"  Isabela mused.  "What is your biggest fear?"
Mirabel thought for a moment.  "Probably not getting a Gift."
"What?"  Luisa gasped.
"That's ridiculous!"  Isabela said at the same time.
"Hey, you're not supposed to tease me,"  Mirabel pouted, her lower lip jutting out.
"Sorry Mira, it's just… not what we expected,"  Luisa said, patting her younger sister's shoulder.  "We thought you'd say spiders or something."
"Yeah, of course you'll get a Gift,"  Isabela said, rolling her eyes.
"I know but… it's still scary,"  Mirabel said, before letting out a large yawn.
"Uh oh, are you getting sleepy?"  Isabela asked.
"No… I'm…"  Mirabel yawned again.  "Well, maybe a little."
Isabela took Mirabel's hand and the three of them climbed into her bed.  It was big enough for all of them to fit, albeit a tight squeeze.
"We don't have to sleep yet, but let's just get comfy,"  Isabela said, pulling the blankets over them.
"Yeah, we have to stay up all night!"  Mirabel said.
"Of course!"  Luisa agreed, snuggling deeper under the covers.
The three girls continued to talk for awhile, until Mirabel fell asleep, nestled in the middle. Isabela and Luisa chatted a bit more, but before either of them knew it, all three girls were snoring peacefully.
"You don't suppose they're still awake, do you?"  Julieta asked, as she and Agustín ascended the stairs together.  It was rather late, their preparations for the following day bringing them into the wee hours of the morning.
"I hope not,"  Agustín said, taking her hand and clasping their fingers together.  "Or else we'll have three cranky little girls to deal with in the morning."
Julieta chuckled, before softly opening the door to Isabela's room.  Stubs of candles left the room dimly lit, just enough for them to see all three of their girls tucked in bed together.  Isabela's limbs were splayed across the mattress like a starfish ("she sleeps just like you, Agustín!"), Luisa covered up to her nose in the quilt, and Mirabel had somehow found her way upside down, with her head at the foot of the bed.
"They're getting so grown up,"  Julieta said, pulling a spare blanket from the closet and laying it across Mirabel, before removing her glasses and laying them gently on the nightstand.  "Our baby is getting her Gift in just a few hours, can you believe it?"
"I can't,"  Agustín said, going around the room, blowing out the candles one by one.  "But they'll always be our babies, yeah?"
"Yeah,"  Julieta agreed fondly, brushing a strand of hair from Isabela's face, who only twitched in her sleep at the touch.  "They're so peaceful when they sleep."
"Shame they can't be this quiet all the time," Agustín teased, joining her beside the bed.
They watched their girls sleep for awhile, before Agustín squeezed Julieta's shoulder.  "We really should get some sleep ourselves, you know.  Busy day tomorrow."
Julieta sighed, nodding her head.
They both placed a kiss on each of the girls' foreheads, before taking one another's hands and walking out the door.
"Goodnight, you three,"  Julieta whispered, shutting the door softly behind them.
"Amor,"  Agustín said, as they made their way back to their own bedroom.
"Did you know Isabela was kissing boys already?"
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Summary: Harry and Y/n meet again. This time spending more time together and getting to know each other. 
warnings/ disclaimers: Swearing, mentions of death, mentions of childbirth. 
Harry was out searching for a book. He had left Loralie with his mother for the day since he had some errands to run and it would be a busy day. He had finished all of his books and he was on the search for another, maybe even some extra ones for his classroom. He had stopped by his favorite coffee shop and ordered his favorite black coffee to start his day of errands, then he went to the market to get everything for dinner tonight- he thought he might as well get it out of the way since he hates grocery shopping.
Now he’s on the way to a bookstore, he didn’t want to order it on Amazon or just go to a big chain store so he did a quick google search and found a small book store a block down the road from the coffee shop he had gone to. He wanted to find the book burning in water, drowning in flame- his sister had recommended it to him and now he was itching to read it.
He made his way to the bookstore, it looked like a homey place just from the outside of the store. It was a rust colored brick with two sconces on either side of the top of the book shop, a rather tall building- possibly a flat at the top. Harry looks at the cacti peeking through the windows, little flower stickers to decorate.
Harry walks into the book shop, opening the door making the golden bell at the top of the door frame sound off. As soon as Harry steps in he notes the warm scent, it smells like the owner had been baking cookies. “Hello!” He hears a cheerful voice sing while he steps toward the poetry aisle in search of the book. “Is there anything I could help you with today?” He hears the voice again making him turn his head. To his surprise it’s Y/n, he’s been thinking about her. “Oh, hi.” He says bashfully, smiling and stepping over to the cashier counter she was behind.
Y/n smiles, continuing to add price tags on the back of her new shipment of books. She had started her little business officially a bit after she had gotten pregnant with Milo. Milo’s dad had left her after she broke the news to him, they were in their early twenty’s (Y/n being twenty one and him being twenty two) so it was understandable that he didn’t want children yet but the way he dealt with the situation was just dramatic and too much on Y/n. So she put everything into her little book shop, she took out a loan and bought this place, starting planning and putting her all into it, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
“Hi Harry.” She says, adding a book to the stack. Harry blushes at her tone again, she’s hard to read. “Um… do you happen to have burning in water, drowning in flame?” He asks, whirling around her display of different styles and colors of bookmarks. He is a twenty six year old man, why is acting like one of his students who thinks he’s handsome? Y/n laughs, nodding while she pulls her mug up to her lips- Harry thinks it’s hot chocolate (and he’s right). “It’s in poetry, first aisle, third shelf, second row.” She says, impressing Harry in how she has memorized every single spot of her book store.
Harry gives her a tight nod, walking over to the poetry section and looking for the book. “Is this your place?” Harry asks, making conversation while the rest of the store is dead silent.
“Yeah, me and Milo live in the flat upstairs.” Y/n admits. Harry’s ears perk up, she didn’t say anything about a partner. He walks back to the counter placing his book down, not handing it over to her yet. “When did you open this place?” He questions, looking around the shop. He sees some crystals, some candles- that both look up for sale and also her personal ones. It’s cute.
“After I got pregnant with Milo. Right after Xavier left me.” She says, leaving Harry wondering. “Xavier is…?” Y/n sighs, rolling her eyes a bit. It’s only their second time meeting and she’s already giving him her sob story. “He’s what would be Milo's father.” She says, picking at her bare nails. She doesn’t consider Xavier Milo's father, he’s never been there for him so he’s not a father. Harry’s lips form a tight line, “um, Loralies mum died… so… we’ve all got baggage.” He laughs, trying to cut the tension.
Loralies mum had died, she died during childbirth. She already had a particularly painful and rough pregnancy with Lora and that was just extremely unexpected, Harry just thanks his stars everyday that his little one is safe with him. “That’s awful, Harry. I‘m sorry.” Harry smiles at her, “it’s okay. I’ve got my Lora so I’m okay.” Y/n nods, smiling and grabbing the book from between his fingers. “She’s a sweet girl.” She compliments.
Harry nods, feeling a little cocky over how well he has raised his daughter. “Is this all for you?” She asks, pulling out a small brown bag with the logo and name on it- they are cute. “Yes please.” Harry politely says, making her laugh under her breath. “If this is your first time here? You get a free bookmark with every book you purchase if it is.” She says, nodding over to the bookmarks. Harry nods, looking through the bookmarks and picking a random Fleetwood Mac one- cute, he thinks. Y/n adds the bookmark to the bag, setting it infront of him. “13.22” she says, Harry fishing his wallet out.
“Are you doing a lot today?” He asks, motioning down to all the books stacked around her while he hands her a ten and four singles. She shrugs, “the usual.” Y/n says, handing him back his change. Harry thinks for a second, pausing his response making Y/n a little nervous. “I could help?” Harry offers, setting his coffee on the table. Y/n gives him a questionable look, sharpening one of her eyes at him. “You want to put tags on books and reorganize with me?” She asks, making Harry laugh. He nods, putting a bookmark back in its place “see, I’m already helping.” He says cheekily.
Y/n smiles, shaking her head. “I guess you can help.” She says.
Soon enough they are sat on the brown carpet, mountains of books around them. Y/n has a blanket wrapped around her and Harry has his legs stretched out. Y/n is tagging books while Harry is setting by the book shelf closest to them organizing. “I swear they put something in the water fountain at that school, the kids are always running and screaming around my classroom while I’m trying to talk about how Van Gogh cut off his own ear.” Harry says, making Y/n loudly giggle, thinking about how Milo probably gives him a horrible time on Wednesdays.
“You like working where Loralie is?” She asks, Harry of course nodding. Loralie is his baby, he loves knowing she’s just up the stairs- especially if she were to get sick or hurt he would be right there to take care of her. “Yeah, I wish I could always be with Milo but one of us has to make the money.” She jokes which makes Harry laugh.
“She always comes waddling into my classroom screaming for me- which disrupts the class but I don’t care.” He shrugs, his mind going back to Loralie. “Oh shit, I’ve got to pick her u-“
“Hi! How are you, baby!” Y/n cheers, Milo running toward her then crashing into her in a hug. Y/n’s friend Mikaela had babysat Milo for the day while Y/n tried to get as much work done as she could. Usually on the weekends (like today) Milo will be in the store with her… which tends to distract her. “Um, I’ve got to go but we should do this again? Maybe… over dinner?” Harry asks, Y/n’s face lighting up.
“Are you asking me on a date?” She teases, Harry blushing and nodding. Y/n laughs, slipping her phone from her pocket, “take my number and we can schedule that date you’re begging me for.” She teases.
Harry gets her number, thanking her for the book and letting him stay before he slips out. Now he’s got to get back to Loralie. But he’s got a date!
Later that night when Harry and Loralie are practicing her memorizing her ABCs his phone beeps. He ignores his at first, just expecting it to be a stupid text from his friend Mitch, but once he looks down he sees Y/n’s contact name. “Keep going, bug.” Harry says, grabbing his phone from the carpet while they set on the floor of the living room, unlocking his phone.
Hii, im free next Friday :) let me know if that works with your schedule!
Harry laughs at her cute little smiley faces, trying to think up a response that doesn’t make him sound a thousand years older than her. The tip of his tongue sticks out while he types back his response, his eyebrows knitted in concentration.
Hello! Friday works, how about 5:30? I can pick you up.
He lays his phone back down and helps Loralie with her letters, pulling her onto his lap. “D is for Daddy!” She cheers, making Harry smile, chuckling and kissing her round cheeks while she squeals. Harry hears his phone ding, grabbing it and reading the response, thanking god she answered. He thought his heart would explode out of his chest. It was beating so hard.
That sounds good ☺️ see you then!
Harry got her to say yes, but now he has to deal with the anxiety of actually going on the date. What should he wear, where should they go? Should he be opening the door and pulling out her chair or is that not in-in dating anymore? He hasn’t dated since Loralies mum and his baby is two years old now, it’s been quite a long time since he dipped his toe into trying to charm a woman. He just hopes he’s still got it.
The day is here. Loralie is with her grandma so Harry can get ready for the date. He’s been panicking and running all around his little house. He showered and smothered himself in lotion and his best cologne- he wanted to smell nice for her. He was adding leave in conditioner to his hair (which he hardly remembers to do) to make it more silky and the curls look a bit prettier than they usually do- he doesn’t know much about hair, he just does what his sister tells him what his hairdresser tells him he should do.
He planned out an outfit, a pair of tan dress pants with a white tank top and a cardigan over it. He had thought over the outfit a bit too much, was it too casual for the date? Was the cardigan too much? He decided against his thoughts and layers some pearls on, sliding his rings on that were in a jewelry dish, placed in there before his shower. He takes a look in the mirror, readjust his cardigan before he gives himself a little nod. He feels good about this.
He makes his way over to Y/n flat, walking up the metal steps to her flat and knocking on the door. When she opens the door he notices just how amazing her home smells, just like her book shop. He needs to remember to ask her where she gets her candles. “Hi,” Harry smiles, looking his date up and down. She was dressed nicely. It was a sage green dress with spaghetti straps, it stopped a couple inches above her knee. Harry thought it was cute.
She paired it with gold jewelry and a black cross body bag. Dirty white vans to go along with it that added a child-like feel to the outfit. Harry thought that was cute too.
“Hi,” she smiles, glancing behind her. “You look nice.” Harry says, suddenly feeling hot. Y/n laughs under her breath, thanking him. “You look nice as well.” Harry smiles bashfully, looking down at his feet. “Thank you”
Y/n says her goodbyes to Milo, hugging and kissing him before thanking her friend again for watching him. It’s the same one from last week, Mikaela. They get into Harry’s car, a bit of awkward silent before Y/n breaks it, Harry stopping the tapping of his fingers along to the low radio once her voice interrupts it. “So, where are we going?” She asks, smoothing her dress out against her thighs.
Harry laughs, he’s not prepared for dates and for some reason he hadn’t thought about the most important part. “I’ll eat anywhere to be honest.” Y/n admits, looking through her window at all the different places.
Harry was looking around in a panic and he finally pulled something out of his ass that sounded good, especially on his teacher salary. “Olive Garden?” Harry says, trying to say it confidently but it definitely comes out as more of a question. Y/n’s eyes light up, she’s in the mood for bottomless salad and breadsticks. “That sounds heavenly.” And Harry is happy to hear that.
They walk into the busy restaurant, instantly getting escorted to a table. Harry is happy they didn’t have to wait- that would have just been embarrassing since he threw this together last minute. They sat in the booth, sliding in and getting comfortable. “So, how’s the bookstore?” Harry asks, pulling apart his breadstick. Y/n knocks her shoe with his under the table, she thinks it’s cute how bashfully he can get when just asking a simple question. “It’s good. How are your little art students?” Harry playfully rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“It’s good. They are doing self portraits.” Y/n laughs, her eyes widening.
“How’s that going?” Harry laughs, shaking his head. “They look like shittier versions of Picasso’s paintings.” Y/n dramatically gasps through her laughs, “aren’t you supposed to worship the ground that man walks on? Why would you say that?” Harry rolls his eyes once again, chuckling at her. “I’m just behind honest!”
Their date goes on the same, they order their food, giggling while they eat and even getting into a little food fight with the leftover breadsticks. (They weren't being humble, they asked for another basket) They finished their food, “That was fun.” Y/n admits smiling. Harry nods, taking the check and opening his wallet. “Here,” y/n holds out her card, Harry shaking his head. “I’ll pay.” Harry shrugs her off, handing his card tucked in the black check book the waiter had brought over back to him before she can further protest.
Y/n scoffs, throwing another breadstick at him that he tried to catch but it’s too greasy. “Hey! I thought we had a truce?!” Harry questions her. She shakes her head, apparently swearing off the truce. Harry shrugs, thanking the waiter when he brings his card back along with their mints. “You better sleep with one eye open then.” Harry says, standing up and waiting for her. She laughs, standing up and pulling her bag over her shoulder. “I have a three year old, I basically sleep with them both open. You’re nothin’.” She says, Harry nodding his head in agreement. He knows just how she feels.
They drive back to her flat, Harry of course walking her to her door. “I had so much fun tonight.” Harry says, looking down before he looks up at Y/n. She smiles, blushing. She hasn’t dated since Xavier and she admired that to Harry tonight, they both admitted that they haven’t dated since their children’s parents so they felt a lot comfortable knowing they were both rusty.
“Me too, you’re a really sweet guy, Harry.” She says. She needs to remember to thank her forgetful little Milo for leaving his folder in Harry’s classroom. “Thanks for agreeing to go out with me. I was pretty nervous.” Harry admits a bit sheepishly. Harry is a bit giddy on the inside about them hitting it off so well, they were having the best conversation and at times they were getting extremely loud, probably annoying the people around them, but they didn’t care, they had fun. “Yeah, I was nervous as hell but I haven’t had this much fun in a while. Thanks for tonight.” Y/n smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
Harry’s eyes widen, but he still kisses her back. He hasn’t kissed anyone in so long he thought he had forgot how to for a second. His hands come up to cup her jaw, moving his lips with hers. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good night.” Y/n smiles, opening her door with red cheeks. Harry nods, a little flabbergasted. “Have a good night.” He says, trudging down her steps.
And now he’s hooked on her.
Tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
If you liked this please reblog and please tell me what you thought of it ☺️ thank you for reading!! I hope you all like the series so far I’m writing part three right now so it should come out soon ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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justkending · 3 years
The Number One Rule. Chapter 25.
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Summary: Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left, but don’t worry the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/N Rogers (Steve’s little sister)
Word Count: 2300+
A/N: Ok this one is really cute and comedic. I thought seeing these two would be adorable as well as a great step into my next chapter! In saying that, the next one is either going to be the last or second to last! Thank you all once again for the undying support and love with this series:)
Chapter Twenty-Five:
“Thank you guys so much for babysitting tonight,” Wanda gushed as she ran around grabbing things last minute. “Vis and I have had very few moments to actually go out. Pietro was a huge help while he was staying here, but had to go back to training. Then mom and dad had some business back in Sokovia, so getting a second to breathe after 2 weeks of never leaving the house with these чудовище, monsters, has been near to impossible.”
“Wanda, really no worries at all. I promised I’d help you guys out, and,” Y/N paused as little Tommy squealed in joy in her arms. “That’s a promise I am glad to keep.”
“You say that now, but wait until their moods change. We had them crying for a total of 5 hours straight yesterday. Changing the diapers, bottles, pacifiers, non-stop rocking, nothing worked,” she huffed, grabbing a light jacket for the spring air outside. 
“Darling, I believe we are supposed to be convincing them to stay, not scaring them away,” Vis said, coming out of the room with a soft smile. 
“Right, right,” Wanda chuckled bashfully. “They’re a breeze,” she tried to quickly offset. 
“A little late on that cover Wands,” Bucky chuckled, standing with Billy in his arms as he rocked him back and forth. 
“It’s fine, you guys,” Y/N laughed looking up at Bucky as he started making faces at the little guy in his hands. “I babysat all through highschool, and nannied overseas to make some money on the side. This isn’t anything out of the ordinary for me,” Y/N reassured. “Plus, Bucky seems to be doing great by the looks of it.”
“I’ve been holding him for 5 minutes,” Bucky said, never breaking his eyes from the baby. As if if he were, it would combust if he didn’t pay attention and it would be on him. 
“I’ll make sure we’re fine,” Y/N laughed. “Now you two get out of here before I kick you out and lock the doors so you’re forced to enjoy your evening.”
“Ok, ok!” Wanda put her hands up in defense. She moved, grabbing her purse and Vision grabbed the keys. “Bedtime is at 6:30, if you can get them down. If not, the sound machine really helps. A bottle before bed luckily is the one saving grace for us, as it has yet to fail but once in getting them to knock out. Oh, and-”
“Wanda, dear. I think they have it under control,” Vis chuckled, putting his arm on her shoulder. “We really shall go before they give our reservation to someone else.”
“Ok,” she sighed, going back to the boys. “Mommy loves you two. Be good and don’t scare these two off. They may be our only hope in having nights out again.” She gave each of the boys a kiss on the forehead getting a coo from each of them in Y/N and Bucky’s arms. 
“Don’t hesitate to call if anything happens. Emergency numbers are on the fridge, including doctors and neighbors. But knowing this one,” Vis pointed to the redhead who was double checking everything around her to make sure they were set. “Our phones will be on loud and we will be picking up within 2 seconds of you calling.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Y/N laughed before shooing them out of their own house. Eventually succeeding and joining Bucky back in the living room where he hadn’t halted his rocking with Billy still happy in his arms. 
“Why do babies go to bed so early? I never understood that,” he noted, slowly moving to sit on the couch as delicately as possible. 
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked with a laugh, repositioning Tommy to one arm and moving toys on the counter around while also moving the bouncy seat over to her spot on the couch with the other arm. 
“How do you do that?” Bucky asked, impressed with how easy she made holding and working around a baby look.
“Do what?” she hummed, finally sitting by him and placing Tommy in the rocking seat. 
“You just grabbed a heavy form of equipment and a 2 month old baby while also reorganizing a table full of toys,” Bucky nodded his head. His arms around his twin tight to make sure no harm could come to him. 
“It’s called having done this more times than I could count,” Y/N laughed. “And as for going to bed early, babies literally only sleep, poop, eat, and cry. They tend to go to sleep early on their own so it’s just working around their sleep schedule on finding a bedtime.” 
“Ok, but if all these parents complain about waking up early with their kids, why don’t they put them to bed later?” Bucky asked. 
“I don’t really know. I’m sure there’s some science and routine behind it, but I’ve never really had a kid of mine own, so I couldn’t tell you,” she joked as she watched Tommy gurgle with his spit in the chair. She grabbed a blanket and wiped his lips, getting a giggle out of the little boy. 
“Do you want kids of your own?” Bucky asked a little more timidly. 
She turned over to him and smiled. “I do. I would love some little monsters of my own.”
He couldn’t help the lovestruck look on his face as he watched her go back to Tommy as he babbled to her. 
Don’t get him wrong. He had thought about it before in the past, but hearing her confirmation meant something else. Seeing little mini-Y/N’s running around made his heart warm. I mean, he had witnessed a little Y/N himself growing up and though she was a handful, she was a cute little stinker. Then you add in the fact he could be part of that equation… Well, it made his heart practically melt inside. 
“What about you?” Y/N asked, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
“With my special someone? Yeah, no second thoughts about it,” he grinned at her as she started making faces at the baby. He laughed with Tommy at her before she looked back and relaxed into his side. She looked over and down at Billy who was falling in and out of sleep himself. 
“You’re pretty good at this you know,” she remarked. 
“I haven’t moved besides sitting down. I don’t think you can mess anything up doing that,” he laughed. 
“Oh, trust me. You can. You’d be surprised just how picky babies are about every little detail and movement,” she laughed, placing a kiss to his cheek.
“We only have really an hour of them being awake before we put them to sleep and relax until Wanda and Vis come home,” Bucky took a breath, leaning his head on top of hers that was on his shoulder. 
“Please tell me you’re not that naive with babies. You do realize just because we put them to sleep doesn't mean they’ll stay like that,” she giggled. 
“I know, I know,” he laughed with her. “But I’m hoping for the best.”
Well, the best did not happen. It took less than 45 minutes after that comment before the boys decided to do an Act 2 of their crying scene that Wanda described earlier.
“I don’t know what to do,” Bucky groaned, bouncing in a harsh manner with his knees as Tommy cried in his arms. Y/N was across the room in the kitchen making bottles with Billy crying as well, but not near as loud, in her arms. 
“No one ever does. We just have to pull out all the tricks and one of them works!” she yelled from the other room. Quickly she ran in with the bottles, one already propped under her chin feeding Billy who was now content, and the other she was handing off to Bucky who was scared to adjust to one hand with a baby in his arms. 
When he did give Tommy the bottle though, the baby kept moving his face away from the nipple. 
“I don't think that’s the trick for this one,” Bucky said in defeat. 
“Here let me see,” Y/N said, trying to feed it to himself. 
“Wait,” Bucky said, pausing his bouncing. “Do you smell that?” 
“What-Oh…” Y/N noticed. The two scrunch their nose in sync. “It’s diaper duty time.”
“I’ve never been on diaper duty…” Bucky replied softly, fear clear in his eyes. 
“You’re about to learn today then,” she said with a wicked smirk. “Here, you take Billy and I’ll take Tommy. I’ll show you how to do it, and then next one is on you.”
“There’s not way I can opt out of it?” Bucky tried to joke as he followed behind her with a face of disgust from the smell. 
“It’s funny you think that’s an option,” Y/N remarked before turning a corner. 
Once in the boys room and at the changing table, she set a crying Tommy down and started unbuttoning his onesie and noticed they had a bigger issue than they had hoped.
“Oh God,” she gagged some. Bucky hadn’t looked at the damage since he was just coming in the room with a newly adjusted baby in his arms. 
“What? Wha- Oh God,” he repeated. “Ho-What-How do you fix that?” he pointed at the now laughing baby on the changing table. 
“Well, what we have here Bucky is a classic case of a blow out.”
“A blowout?”
“A blowout.”
“What’s the solution?” Bucky questioned, pinching his nose with the same hand that was propping the bottle into the other twin’s mouth. 
“Well, I would tell you but instead, we’re going to have to use a hands on form of assessment,” Y/N laughed, motioning him over, which he hesitantly did. “Little stinker here thinks this is funny, don’t you?” Tommy laughed in response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Ok, you stand here to make sure he doesn’t move around in it much more, and give me Billy.”
“I think I prefer the clean baby,” Bucky hesitated. 
“Bucky, I’m putting Tommy down so we can clean Billy up together. It’s easier with the method I’m using,” she chuckled, switching positions with Bucky. 
“Oh God, it’s everywhere. How is it everywhere?” Bucky covered his nose as he held Billy from rolling in his own mess. 
“Like I said, a classic blowout.” Y/N put Tommy in his crib who was luckily already getting sleepy for the night and went down easily while they took care of the other twin. “Ok, pick him up and let’s go to the bathroom.”
“Bathroom?” Bucky asked. 
“Yes, bathroom. This is going to be a heavy duty diaper duty,” she laughed. “Now grab him big macho man. Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little bit of poop.”
“Don’t patronize me,” Bucky stuck his tongue out at her. 
She laughed before heading off to the bathroom herself. 
“Ok, but really. Not that I can’t handle it, but I’d rather not get crap on me little guy. Try not to wiggle,” Bucky took a deep breath before going in. 
So heavy duty clean up involves taking the shower head off of the wall and just completely hosing down the baby like a dirty dish plate apparently. And in the process, with him being a little boy, there was also a round of pee coming out like a jet stream. 
Lucky for the two, they didn’t get in the line of fire, but that doesn’t mean the surprise didn’t end up with them getting almost as wet as little Billy.  After that, he was a happy baby and took a bottle with ease. 
The two boys ended up settling completely asleep right at 6:45. Just over 15 minutes of their normal bedtime. 
So, a little wet, very exhausted with just an hour of fun twin festivities, and with the baby monitors on and showing a live feed, Bucky and Y/N collapsed on the couch.
“I bet you the spy’s who do fight scenes for hours on end in movies, can’t do that,” Bucky groaned. Y/N laughed as she fell into his lap. 
“I don’t think they could,” Y/N agreed. 
“How the hell do Vis and Wanda do that all hours of the day?” he sighed deeply, moving his hands to her hair to wipe it off of her face in reflex. 
“It’s not always like that, but I do agree. That is some exhausting stuff.”
“Still want monsters of your own?” Bucky teased. 
She paused before answering and looking up at Bucky. He noticed the silence and looked down at her. 
“When it’s your own kiddos, it’s a whole different kind of mess. One that you’re a lot more willing to endure.”
He smiled at her sweet notion and ran a thumb down her cheek. 
“I guess you’re right about that,” he grinned. 
“Although,” she huffed, getting comfortable as she laid her head in his lap. “I can gladly wait a few more years before I add that kind of chaos to my life.”
“I think I can concur with that,” Bucky chuckled, slumping back in his stance. “Hey when you’re ready to move again, want to put on a movie?”
They sat like that taking a second to breathe in the calm. Before Bucky broke it. 
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Yeah, B?”
“I love you, you know that right?”
She sat up some and actually sat in his lap now. She leaned her forehead on his and smiled as they both closed their eyes at the intimate gesture. Their intimate gesture. 
“I know Bumble Bee. I love you too.”
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The Number One Rule (TNOR) Taglist:
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Bucky Barnes Tags:
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Marvel Tags:
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seas-storyarchive · 3 years
Another SDMI au: Anunnaki's Light, Freak's Fight
Fred Sr isn't a mayor, he didn't chase off the gang because Pericles almost blew his cover at the last second. Two years later when they arrive in Crystal Cove, Brad gave Freddy to him as a baby because "he ruined her" in exchange for the disk piece he knew he had thanks to Pericles (he isn't imprisoned but he lives in the forest surrounding the church). He wouldn't have given in, but seeing the baby being in discomfort in the arms of his own mother, he obliged. That was the last he saw of Brad and Judy for many years. [[MORE]]
He's able to fight and eventually end the corruption of the Curse with every day that a growing Freddy smiles at him and calls him "Dad" with help from a certain little Cocker Spaniel that is an Anunnaki's physical anchor as well as a Monstrous Freak smacking him into a high fever to test him - gold, power, money.. everything he could want. But he wanted none of it, because that meant hurting his son. His true treasure.
Their relationship isn't as tense, Freddy growing up knowing that he's adopted (kinda illegal, but the paperwork is official), Sr being a principal instead actually left him feeling more fulfilled than being a mayor ever could, and gave him more time to spend with his son. He is more okay with the gang, as in this AU he sees nothing wrong with what they're doing and gets into non-physical fights with Sheriff Stone and the other parents about it. The kids keep Fred mostly grounded to reality side from soccer or studying to become a detective after he graduates high school and college (traps are still a problem, but Sr has noticed that Fred has taken to using dummies instead of people to demonstrate them so that's good).
The real issue is the Mayor, George Avocados. He finds an issue with the kids' activities, frequently telling them off during a mystery which could "endanger the town". He's trying to keep the town thriving as they are facing an economic crisis (the frairs made it so the land would start to die and thus drive people away) wanting these "monsters" to be the reason Crystal Cove is on the map and turning the town into a tourist trap to keep people from leaving the town and furthering the crisis.
The Mystery Machine was a gift from Sr to Freddy, it was bought pre-owned from the Blake's gardener after a new one was given to him by the Blake's after Daphne's birthday (reference to live action movies on Cartoon Network) so it was cheaper and it was in really good condition - even if it still smelled like a spilled bag of stinky manure for two months afterwards regardless of how many air fresheners were hung in the van or how often it was washed until it faded on it's own. He even helped the kids buy paint for the van.
Avocados' assistant, Jane Nettles, is dating Sheriff Stone and often gets him to let the kids off easy. She babysat Daphne and her sisters so she has a soft spot for her. Nettles and Stone marry halfway through Season 1, and they have kids (triplet boys) towards the end of the season.
That's about all I got.
Perhaps Avocados could be touched by the curse, taking on the Freak persona. Maybe Sr could either have access to the Monstrous Freak's powers to see the intent of a person and/or Anunnaki aura-like influence to calm down students or parents (save for the gang's for reasons unknown to the three of them) as he is the only one to pass their tests. The three agree Sr will need to prepare the children for the time to come, as Nibiru is coming closer. He will need to be their protector, the town's protector, when Nibiru rises.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
A Change of Scenery: A Surprise
Pairing: Dad!Angel Reyes x Mom Black!Reader (but anyone can read)
Summary: Y/n spends time with a friend as she deals with Angel being on a long run handling club business. When Angel returns, Y/n has a surprise for him, but he has one for Y/n as well.
Warnings: 18+, fluff, smut, cockwarming, 
Word Count: < 3,300
A/N: Here’s part 4! I’m blown away with the response to this fic! Thank you all for showing me so much love, you don’t know how much I appreciate it! Big thanks to @my-rosegold-soul​ for being such a big help and for being an all around amazing person 💖☀️💖
✨I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ✨ 
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While Angel and Coco were preparing for their run in a few days, you, Coco’s girlfriend, Alexandra, and the kids went out to lunch. You always had a great time when you hung out with Alex. She was exactly like Coco in every way and being around her always made you feel better. She had a light about her that filled a room when she walked in, and everyone loved her. 
The two of you spent a lot of time together when Angel and Coco were away on longer runs, and this one was no exception. As you waited for your food to come, you planned out what you were going to do while the boys were gone. 
Alex ordered mimosas for both of you, and she eyed you curiously when you chose to drink water instead.
“So, is there something you want to tell me?” Alex asked as she sipped her drink.
You raised your eyebrow in question and smiled when she pointed to your untouched drink. You glanced at your two kids before you reached into your purse and pulled out the envelope.
“I found out yesterday,” you said as you pulled out the ultrasound photos. “I haven’t told Angel yet because I want to do something cute to tell him. It sucks that he has to leave in a few days.”
Alex bounced in her seat as she looked at the photos.
“Wait a minute,” she gasped. “Y/n, why are there two arrows?”
Your face lit up at the question. “Because,” you glanced towards Imani and AJ to make sure they weren’t listening, “I’m pregnant with twins!”
Alex squealed at the news, “I’m so excited for you! Angel is going to flip the fuck out!”
“Shhh, Alex!” you chastised, but you laughed along with her.
“We have to find the perfect way to tell Angel!” Alex said. You could already see the wheels turning in her mind.
You smiled at her excitement, and you couldn’t wait to see what the two of you came up with.
After the four of you ate, AJ and Imani begged to go see Letty. It had been a few weeks since she last babysat and they missed her. Alex gave in and the two young children kissed you goodbye before climbing into Alex’s car.
Angel was home when you got back and when he realized the kids weren’t with you, he was all over you. Since he was going to be gone for around three weeks, he wanted to make sure you didn’t miss him too much. This wasn’t the first run he’d gone on during your relationship, but it was going to be the longest one so far, and you felt as if he were apologizing for leaving for so long. 
Moments after you walked through the door, Angel had you pinned beneath him as he thrust slowly into you. Your eyes were screwed shut as he whispered sweet words into your ear. Angel had teased that you couldn’t stay quiet while he was inside of you, and you were trying your hardest to keep quiet, but he was making it so damn hard. 
You felt him everywhere as he talked you through your orgasm. He swallowed your cries as you came around him and his thrusts never slowed. You wrapped your legs tighter around him as you came in an attempt to pull him in deeper.
Angel pulled out of you and flipped you onto your stomach before sliding back in. His fingers dug into your waist as he continued to fuck you. Your pants were getting louder by the second as Angel split you open. A sharp slap landed on your ass before Angel laid his full weight on top of you.
“Shhhh, mi dulce, you gotta be quiet,” he said into your ear. His body covered yours as he fucked you and he made you feel small. His fingers laced with yours as he continued to rock into you. 
“Angel, please,” you whispered.
“Please what, Y/n?” he teased.
“Please, please, please,” you didn’t know what you were begging for, but you knew that Angel would give it to you.
“You feel amazing, Y/n,” Angel praised. “You’re gonna feel me for days after this.”
You nodded and clenched around him.
“This is the one, Y/n, I know it is,” he said. His hips moved faster and your whines filled the air. 
Angel thrust into you harder and faster as he chased his high. You came around him once again, the tightness of your walls sending him hurtling into his release. His hips stuttered as he released his load into you. You both groaned at the feeling of him finishing inside of you. You felt him slip out of you, and you groaned at the loss. 
You closed your eyes in content and sighed. Just as you were slipping into a peaceful slumber, Angel shook you awake.
You grumbled as he continued to gently shake you.
“Lemme sleep, Angel,” you grumbled again.
“I will, just…” he paused.
You peeked your eyes open and looked at him. “Hmm?”
“Just come keep me warm,” he mumbled.
That got your attention. You moved as fast as you could and climbed on top of him. Angel chuckled and his arms moved to pull you close. Angel slowly pushed himself into you, aware of your sore body. Once he was fully inside of you, you rested your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Between Angel’s roaming hands and the sound of his heartbeat, you were lulled to sleep in no time.
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During the weeks that Angel was gone, you spent time with Alex. She’d come up with a great idea of sending Angel on a scavenger hunt and announcing your pregnancy at the clubhouse. And a few days before the boys were due to come back, Alex spent the day at your house helping you get ready.
“I found these shirts for Imani and AJ that say ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Big Sister’ on them,” Alex said as she pulled out her phone to show you the pictures. 
“I like those,” you chewed on your lip.
Alex sensed your mood change and looked up. “What’s wrong, mama?” she moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug.
“What if this is too much for Angel?” you began to cry. “What if we moved too fast and this pushes him away from me?”
Alex held you in her arms as you cried. She rocked you side to side and let you get all of your worries out. When you stopped crying, she pulled back and looked into your eyes.
“Angel is not going to leave you, Y/n,” she said. “From all the time I’ve known him, he has been his happiest with you. I don’t even remember him being this happy with AJ’s mother all those years ago.”
You sniffed and wiped your eyes and gave Alex a watery smile. “Thank you, Alex.” you sniffed again.
“How long have you been feeling like this?” she asked as she pulled you into her side.
You shrugged, “A few days, it’s been really hard without Angel this time.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Alex rubbed your back, “I’m going to come and stay with you until Angel gets back. I’m sure Letty will enjoy some time to herself.”
You both laughed at the thought because you knew for a fact that Letty would jump at the chance of being in the house alone.
You looked at the clock and perked up a bit.
“I’m going to tell Imani and AJ today,” you started looking for your keys so that you could pick them up from daycare.
“Want me to come with you?” Alex asked.
You shook your head, “No, you don’t have to. I’ll take them out for ice cream and maybe to a movie. Ya know, butter them up a bit, soften the blow.”
Alex chuckled, “You know how sweet my niece and nephew are; they’re gonna be the best big brother and sister in the world.” 
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah, those two are pretty sweet.”
After you promised to call Alex when you were on your way home with the kids, you made your way to the daycare.
Your heart melted when Imani and AJ ran up to you when they saw you.
“Mommy!” they cried in unison. They both told you about their day at the same time, often finishing each other’s sentences.
You drove straight to their favorite ice cream shop and they cheered when you parked. You helped them both out of the car and ordered their favorite ice cream while they found a place to sit.
You sat in silence for a few moments while they ate.
“So, I have something to tell you two,” you were a little nervous but you needed to get this out. “AJ, you’re going to be a big brother, and Imani, you’re going to be a big sister.”
“But I’m already a big brother,” AJ responded with a confused look on his face.
“You’re going to be a big brother again, and Imani is going to be a big sister for the first time,” you clarified. Even though they were the same age, Imani and AJ thought it was important to remind everyone that AJ was older than Imani… even though it was by a couple of months.
Imani’s face lit up when what you said registered.
“I’m going to be a big SISTER!” she yelled and bounced in her seat, a bright smile gracing her face.
“Wait! Are you buying a baby!” AJ exclaimed, his excitement matching Imani’s.
You couldn’t help but laugh at what AJ said, you were ecstatic that they were happy about the new additions.
“Well, no, I’m not buying a baby,” you clarified. “There’s a baby in my belly… well actually two babies in my belly.”
Imani shrieked, “Two babies! Mommy has two babies in her belly!”
You were thankful that the shop was empty as you tried to quiet Imani down but AJ joined in with her.
“Imani, do you know what this means?” he questioned and gently shook his sister, and she shook her head. “This means that I get a baby, and you get a baby! We both get our own baby!”
The excitement that the two of them had filled your heart with love. You knew that if they reacted this way, then Angel’s happiness would be even greater.
On your way home, you called Alex to let her know that she could head over to your house. When she arrived, Imani and AJ practically tackled her to the ground.
“Did you know that mommy is having a baby?” AJ screamed when Alex walked through the door.
“And she’s having a baby for me too!” Imani interjected as she climbed onto Alex’s lap.
Hearing their excited words reminded you that this needed to stay a secret for a few days. You and Alex exchanged a look before you sat across from them.
“Imani, AJ, we need to talk.”
When they saw the serious look on your face, they quieted and gave you their full attention.
“I know you are excited about the news,” you began, and you reached out to take their hands in yours. “But we need to keep it a secret because Daddy doesn’t know yet.”
“Why not?” AJ asked.
Your shoulders dropped. “I haven’t had a chance to tell him, but we’re going to tell him when he comes home in a few days.”
“Your secret is safe with me, mommy,” AJ zipped his lips and locked them and Imani nodded and mimicked him and they both stuck the ‘key’ in their pockets.
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The next few days flew past thanks to having Alex in the house with you. When Angel texted you that he would be home in an hour, you two set your plan in motion. Alex left to go do her part and you got yourself and the kids dressed and ready to leave. Before you left, you placed the first clue on the bed for Angel to find.
You made your way to your hiding spot outside of the clubhouse when Angel called you.
“Mi dulce, where are you?” Angel’s voice rumbled through the phone.
“Did you see my letter?” you asked, completely ignoring his question.
“I did, but I thought I’d be able to come home and spend the next few hours between your-”
“You’re on speakerphone, Angel!” you yelled as you drowned out the end of his sentence.
Angel chuckled, “I keep forgetting. Hi AJ and Imani, I hope you were good for mommy while I was gone.”
“Always, Daddy!” Imani yelled.
“Did you find the card, Daddy? You gotta come find us!” AJ yelled.
“Yes you do, Angel,” you added. “The clock is ticking, Mr. Reyes.”
“I’m reading it now,” he paused as he read the words on the paper. “Okay, I’m heading to the kitchen to look in the fridge.”
“I’m not going to stay on the phone with you though, your last clue will lead you to me,” you said.
Angel grumbled, “How many clues are there?” he was on clue #2 and searching for the third.
“There’s only ten.”
“Only ten?” he repeated sarcastically.
“Yup, now, I’m going to let you finish-”
“I’m trying to finish inside of you, but-”
“Angel,” you snapped, “speakerphone. As I was saying, I’m going to let you finish, and when you’re done, you can come find us.”
“Hmmm, Coco just texted me saying that you’re sitting across the street from the clubhouse.”
“Angel, please do the scavenger hunt,” you pouted.
“Anything for you, mi amor,” Angel replied before the two of you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone. 
Since everyone knew that you were at the clubhouse, you pulled in and parked near the door. Before you got out, you made sure that your jacket was zipped as well as the kids’ jackets.
“Now remember, keep your jackets zipped until I tell you to take them off,” you reminded the kids.
Part of Alex’s job was to get Felipe and EZ to the clubhouse before Angel got there, and by the looks of the parking lot, she had succeeded. You also knew that since Angel knew where you were, he would not finish the scavenger hunt, so you had about 5 minutes to get ready. 
The moment you went inside, Imani and AJ took off looking for their tios, leaving you by yourself, so you headed over to the bar.
“So are you gonna tell me why Alex practically dragged me out of bed saying that I needed to be here?” came EZ’s voice from behind you.
“You’re gonna have to wait to find out,” you shrugged before giving him a hug and spotting Felipe making his way over with a smile.
“Mija, how are you?” Felipe asked when EZ released you from his hold. “What’s this all about? Where’s Angel?”
As if he had heard his name, the sound of his bike filled your ears and you smiled. You called out to Imani and AJ and had them stand next to you in the middle of the clubhouse.
Angel’s eyes landed on you the moment he walked in and he took calculated steps to get to you.
“What’s all this for, mama?” he asked after giving you a kiss.
“AJ and Imani have something to show you,” you smiled, giving the kids the ‘okay’ to unzip their jackets.
Angel kneeled down to get a better look at their shirts, his eyes flipped between the two for a few moments before his eyes filled with tears.
“Do you like our shirts, daddy?” Imani asked as they stood in front of him.
“I love them, princess,” he said, his voice cracking a bit. “You’re finally going to be a big sister, huh? And AJ’s gonna be a big brother again?” he hugged the two bouncing kids and his shoulders shook as he cried.
When he pulled back, he wiped his eyes before you took a step closer to him. You threaded your fingers in his hair as he placed a kiss on your belly. You two cried together for a few seconds before he spoke again.
“So you’re pregnant?” he asked, his fingers gently grazed your belly as you nodded. “I bet it happened right before I left, I knew that was the one,” he replied with a cocky grin.
You shook your head. “Actually, it happened before that. Way before that,” you replied. “I umm, I might have known before you left.” You chewed your lip as you waited for his response.
“Before I left? And you didn’t tell me?” he pouted.
“I wanted to do something cute,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re lucky that I love you, Y/n,” Angel said with a chuckle.
“Oh! Do you want to see my shirt?” you beamed at him, and when he nodded, you took a step back. You slowly removed your jacket and revealed your shirt to him allowing him to read it. You held your breath as you waited for his reaction.
“Twincess? I don’t-” he gave you a confused look before it clicked. “Wait, so, you’re telling me that I knocked you up twice? I got you pregnant twice!” he shouted before pulling you back to him.
You laughed as everyone cheered around you and Angel. You looked back down at him and smiled, “Why are you still down on your knees, Angel?”
“You make me so very happy, Y/n,” Angel said as he grasped your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles. “I never thought, I’d find a love like this. Not only do you love me, but you love my son as if he were your own.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but Angel shook his head and continued talking.
“You and Imani are a blessing, and I can’t remember what my life was without you,” Angel smiled as he watched you wipe your eyes. “I was planning on doing this at home and then spending the next few hours between these thighs after you said 'yes’.” He chucked when you playfully rolled your eyes. “But it looks like we’re going to do it here.”
“I’m not having sex with you here again, Angel,” you grumbled when everyone laughed.
“What do you mean ‘again’?” Coco yelled from across the room.
You felt your face get hot as you were filled with embarrassment, but Angel only laughed. “Hey, mind your business,” he chastised Coco before turning back to you and shuffling so that he was on one knee.
“Y/n,” he held your gaze and pulled out a little black box from his pocket. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re who I’ve been waiting for, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth by becoming my wife?”
Tears are falling freely from your eyes now as you stared into his eyes. You couldn’t see yourself with anyone other than Angel. Your hand shook as you nodded your head.
“Yes, I will marry you, Angel.”
As soon as he had the ring on your finger, he cupped your face and kissed you like never before.
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Part Five
A/N 2: If you ‘liked’ it, please reblog or leave a comment/reply even if it’s only an emoji.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Dunebaby Character Descriptions
So I made another work for My Beautiful Light Twisted Taang Fantasy called Dunebaby Adventures. But I figured I’d also post the character descriptions on Tumblr for reference. All headcanons can be found in chapter 1 Here.
Lin Beifong is the oldest of four, born in the spring ~120 AG. Her appearance resembles Toph more than Aang. As a baby, she gravitated toward Toph, but as she got older, Lin turned to Aang for more questions or concerns she had.
Lin is a stubborn and independent child, meaning that if she is rubbed the wrong way by someone, she’s going to hold a grudge. From a young age she did a lot of things on her own, so it sometimes appeared to her that she was ignored, but as she got older, she realized that both her parents were there whenever she needed them, they just gave her the space she wanted. Lin also values her parents' praise, so she always tried to do things that would please them.
She often found herself babysitting her younger siblings, especially Kenji. At first it was a nuisance, but all of her siblings looked up to her and asked her for help, and she always helped them.
She’s the smartest Beifong of the bunch and also the calmest. She wasn’t a super rambunctious child, but she knew how to fight others and was a decent play mate for her siblings and cousins. But Lin likes to keep to herself, so if she had the choice of  being alone in her room and reading or playing outside with friends or siblings, she’d choose reading.
Lin butts heads with her mother and Suyin the most, but she always looks up to Toph. She’ll try to deny her admiration for both her parents to maintain her ‘indifferent’ attitude, but everyone knows she looks up to them. Lin and Su argue a ton, but Suyin gets over the fights quickly and will ask Lin if she wants to do something, and Lin will agree to tag along. The reason they butt heads so much is because they have very different personalities and beliefs. Lin often thinks Su is being dramatic, and Su thinks Lin doesn’t understand her perspective, and both are right.
In a nutshell, Lin Beifong is a quiet badass and scholar, and she is not someone who you want on your bad side.
Gyatso Beifong is the second oldest of four, born in the fall ~124 AG. His appearance resembles Aang more than Toph. As a baby, he had no parental preference, but growing up, he spent more time with Aang because his airbending abilities made Toph a little nervous (She’d rather have Aang there to monitor him than have her stand there wondering where he was). He loves both of his parents dearly, but tends to go to his father for all of his questions and concerns.
He’s the most outgoing of the group and tries to meet new people and befriend them whenever he has the chance. He always sees the best in people, which sometimes is an issue when he trusts people a little too much. Toph calls him an airhead for that. But he’s a very lovable kid that is always down to play with others and is super inclusive during play time.
Gyatso is the most spiritual of the children. He loves and values his parents’ opinions and beliefs, but he tends to follow his own spiritual beliefs when it comes to how he lives his life.
In the most lovable way, Gyatso is probably the dumbest and clumsiest Beifong kid. He just prefers being outside with friends and playing. He often trips over his own feet, too. That gets a laugh out of his siblings, and he can’t help but join in.
Gyatso doesn’t butt heads with any of his siblings. He often is the mediator of the group, and if anyone asks to play with him or needs help with something, he’ll say yes. He is probably closest with his sisters though. He and Lin share the ‘eldest siblings’ bond so they can relate to each other’s problems. He also feels like he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders (Lin’s responsibility being the oldest and the role model for her siblings, Gyatso’s being a similar role, but also being an airbender has its unintentional consequences). Gyatso and Suyin are the most outgoing and rambunctious of the Dunebabies, so they share that bond (although Gyatso tends to draw the line for certain pranks). They are also the closest in age, so they help each other with school stuff and general life problems together if it only requires sibling conversations.
In a nutshell, Gyatso Beifong is an outgoing, kind kid that will be your biggest fan and advocate.
Suyin Beifong is the 3rd child of the Beifong children, born in the summer ~126 AG. Her appearance is a mix between Toph and Aang. She was a complicated newborn and that set the precedent for the type of kid she would be. Suyin is a spitfire kid with a lot of sass and attitude. She’s a Daddy’s girl and knows how to persuade Aang into getting her way. Because of that, she tends to go to Aang for most of her concerns or problems. But, Su gets her loud, opinionated personality from her mother, so there are a handful of things she’ll go to Toph for because she knows she will be more receptive.
She loves knowing everyone’s business (she likes to gossip like her Baba) and is very opinionated. But because of her strong opinions, she’s passionate about what she likes/loves and always stands her ground on her beliefs.
She butts heads with her sister the most, mainly because they have very different living styles. But she easily forgives Lin and her family for grievances, and will go to siblings after a huge fight as if nothing happened. Suyin is closest with her brothers because of their personalities.
Suyin is not the smartest Beifong, but she is the most persuasive. She can convince friends and family (within reason) to have her way.
Her bending style is very fluid. She loves the air, and a lot of her moves incorporate airbending techniques. Because of her flexibility in styles, she is one of the strongest benders in the family.
In a nutshell, Suyin Beifong is an opinionated and passionate kid who knows what she wants but is also a very fluid and improv-oriented bender.
Kenji Beifong is the youngest of the Beifong children, born in the spring ~130 AG. His appearance is a mix between Toph and Aang. He was a (relatively) easy baby, depending on who tended to him. If his mother took care of him, he was fine. Anyone else had a harder time getting him to cooperate. It’s rather ironic because Toph was the least enthusiastic about having Kenji, while everyone else was excited. And as a baby, Kenji practically refused to go to anyone that wasn’t Toph.
Kenji is a relatively easy going child. He tends to hang around Suyin’s friends, and if she needs his help with pranks, he has little to no objections. He’s a Mama’s boy, so if Toph says or does something, he typically follows her lead. This led to him being a pretty compliant child; all it took for him to agree was if Mama told him (that lasted until about age 7, then he was a naturally mellow and relatively obedient kid).
Kenji is close with his sisters. He has a similar attitude as Lin, so they can talk and understand each other’s grievances. He also looks up to Lin a lot (she’s 10 years older than him). And whenever she babysat him, they would get along really well.  He’s closest to Suyin in age, so he tends to follow her and her friends lead. Him and Gyatso hang out and play, but there is a bigger difference of opinion, which simply makes them not go to each other first for their issues, but they have no trouble going to each other for help.
Kenji grew up wanting to be an earthbender, which made training him at a young age difficult. But he adapted and became a skilled airbender. He is arguably the strongest of the Beifong children simply because he adapted two different martial art forms to meet his needs.
He goes about his day pretty emotionless, but if you rub him the wrong way, he will fight anyone and everyone and he’s not afraid to speak his mind. Kenji keeps to himself like Lin, but if people come up to him to befriend him, he’ll oblige.
In a nutshell, Kenji Beifong is an obedient, mellow kid who will most certainly beat your ass if your toe is out of line.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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23 Parents Describe Their Kids’ Creepy Imaginary Friends
1. He doesn’t have a face
“My son from the age of three always tells me about the ‘creeper man’ who lives in my mom and dad’s bedroom. He brings it up after he visits them. I made the mistake once of asking what he looks like. My son said ‘Oh, he doesn’t have a face.’”
2. “You’ll get used to killing”
“A parent of one of my students told us in a meeting that she was concerned because her son (7 years old) talked about an invisible ghost who would talk to him and play with him in his room. He said the ghost was called The Captain and was an old white guy with a beard. The kid would tell his mom that The Captain told him when he grows up his job will be to kill people, and The Captain would tell him who needed to be killed. The kid would cry and say he doesn’t want to kill when he grows up, but The Captain tells him he doesn’t have a choice and he’ll get used to killing after a while.”
3. Little girl ghost
“When my daughter was three she had an imaginary friend named Kelly who lived in her closet. Kelly sat in a little rocking chair while she slept, played with her, etc. Typical imaginary friend shit. Anyway, fast forward two years later, the wife and I are watching the new Amityville Horror (the one with Ryan Renolds) and our daughter walks out right when the dead girl goes all black eyed. Far from being disturbed she said ‘That looks like Kelly.’ ‘Kelly who?’ we say. ‘You know the dead girl that lived in my closet.’”
4. Bad rabbit
“My cousin, when she was 5, and I was 17, had a stuffed rabbit that she talked to and carried everywhere. One day she was asleep on the couch while I was watching her, and she woke up and started yelling at her rabbit for no reason. One minute she was knocked out, the next, she’s awake, glaring at her rabbit, yelling, ‘No! You can’t do that! That’s bad! Don’t do it!’ I asked her what was wrong, tried to get her to stop, but she wouldn’t listen. I finally just took the rabbit up to her room, and when I came back down she was asleep on the couch again. Fuck whatever that rabbit was planning on doing.”
5. Roger won’t be around anymore…
“My little brother’s imaginary friend, Roger, lived under our coffee table. Roger had a wife and nine kids. Roger and his family lived peacefully alongside us for three years. One day, my little brother announced that Roger wouldn’t be around anymore, since he shot and killed him and his whole family. I don’t know if he remembers any of this, but his genuine lack of remorse was very disturbing.”
6. A boy in the tree
“My folks’ farm surrounds a cemetery, and my dad and my niece were walking down there. My niece (4) looks up and says, ‘What’s that boy doing up in that tree?’ There was no boy, but she insisted there was and could describe him.”
7. The bunny man
“When I was 16, I babysat twins who were in the third grade at the time. They always spoke of a man in an Easter Bunny costume, and they were terrified of him. One day I was babysitting, and one twin was in the shower. His brother and I were sitting downstairs watching television when all of the sudden, he said, ‘You need to go check on Matt.’ Seconds later, Matt yelled, ‘He’s in here!!! He’s in here!!!’ I ran upstairs, and I had to check every room before he would calm down. I’m not sure which part of the experience freaked me out the most.”
8. Poor Shaggy
When my mom was younger she had an imaginary friend named Shaggy. When she was finished with Shaggy, she ‘chopped him up and put him in the fridge.’”
9. “Smash Daddy’s head”
“When my brother was just learning how to talk he grabbed one of those small toy hammers and crawled onto the sofa where my dad was sleeping. He then leant in close and whispered one of his first sentences… ‘Smash daddy’s head’ right into his ear.”
10. Dark angels
When my brother was little he acted like he had angels talking to him every second. One day my mom overheard him say, ‘I can’t kill him! He’s my only dad!’”
11. “That’s the man”
“My daughter used to tell me about a man who came into her room every night and put the sign of the cross on her forehead. I thought it was just a dream. Then my mother-in-law sent over some family photos. My daughter looked right at the picture of my husband’s father (who has been dead for 16 years) and said ‘That’s the man who comes into my room at night!’ My husband later told me his father would always do the sign of the cross on his forehead when he was young.”
12. Message from beyond
“My wife and I overheard my two-year-old daughter on the baby monitor wake up on Saturday morning and say, ‘What? OK I’ll tell her.’ She then got up, came into our bedroom, and told my wife, ‘Mary says you’re doing a good job.’ Mary was her grandmother that she was extremely close to that passed away.”
13. I called him Spooky Guy
“As a kid, I said that my imaginary friend was a ghost. I called him Spooky Guy and said he died in the garage of the house on the hill behind ours. I even came up with his death. He was a 16 year old who got in a car crash and walked to that house to ask to use their phone (died in the 70’s). The person lived there grabbed him and sexually abused him there and killed him. He was my imaginary friend as far back as I can remember. This scared my mom so much that she tried to look up records to see if that happened and got me a therapist.”
14. Icy wants me to tell you it will be tonight
“In high school one of my best friends had a little sister who was five or six years old. One day we stopped by his place, completely high, because he needed to get his Magic cards. While waiting for him to come downstairs his sister came up to me and said, ‘Icy told me to ask you if you know when you’re going to die.’”
I laughed nervously: morbid question, right? But I knew all about Icy, her imaginary friend. I even helped her draw a picture of him once. So I played along and said, ‘No, of course not! No one knows that. Hopefully when I’m very old.’
The girl shook her head sadly and said, ‘No, Icy wants me to tell you it’ll be tonight.’ And with that, she just walked away.”
15. It is the punishment
“I was seventeen and babysitting a friend of the family’s six-year-old boy. He’d been in bed a couple of hours and I just peeked in to check on him. He wasn’t in the bed and when I opened the door, I saw he was standing in the corner, facing the wall. creepiest fucking thing ever. I asked him what he was doing and all he did was turn around, smile, and put his finger to his lips as if to say ‘shhh.’ I asked him again what he was doing and all he says is, ‘Leave us. It is the punishment.’”
16. Keep kicking
“My grandfather had a camp on Lake Dering in New Hampshire when I was a kid. One day when I was 6 or so, I fell off of the dock and into the water. I couldn’t swim. While under, I distinctly remember seeing a little girl down there who told me to look up towards the sun and just keep kicking and I’d be fine. I swam to the surface just in time for my grandfather to swoop me up and pull me back on the dock.”
17. Nope
“When my boy was 4, his imaginary friend would sit in the corner of the room when you switched off the lights and light the room with red glowing eyes.”
18. They were both dead
“Kid I used to babysit had imaginary friends. They were dead. One had no head. One was an old lady. They were both bloody. The one with no head had insides sticking out of his neck.
I didn’t ask him questions about them because fuck that.”
19. Tracy
“When my niece was about 4 she had an imaginary friend, which I don’t remember the name of. She would blame things she did on this imaginary friend but also talked about how this friend would watch Scooby Doo with her. One day I thought, ‘Why don’t I find out more about this friend?’ So I asked her to tell me about her friend. And she said, ‘She’s a she and she’s dead.’ And I said, ‘Does she have a job?’ And she said, ‘She does what my daddy does!’ Which is that her imaginary friend was a cop. So then I said, ‘Where is your imaginary friend a police woman at?’ And she said, ‘Right next I to where my daddy is a policeman.’ But then she said, ‘I met her when I was in my mummy’s belly. She touched it when I was inside.’
A few months before my niece was born my cousin Tracy had died. She was hit by a train. She loved watching Scooby Doo and had a ton of memorabilia. She was also a cop. She was a cop in the town that is right next to the one my brother-in-law is a cop in, my niece’s ‘daddy.’ My niece’s imaginary friend was my dead cousin. There is no other way she could have known all that at the age of 4.”
20. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
“When my kid was 4, we were watching a documentary on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the TV and said, ‘That’s wrong. The boilers were on the other side. And I was right here.’ And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. ‘That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.’”
21. Emily
“When my sister was probably about 6 or 7, she had an imaginary friend named Emily. She told us Emily lived in her closet, wore an old black dress, and had long dark hair and she was the same age as my sister. My sister played with Emily constantly. My parents started noticing my sister acting weird. Just sitting in the middle of her room whispering to Emily quite a bit and acting a lot more distant towards them. I remember a very specific day, my brother was walking by her room and my sister was sitting in the middle of her room….but she turned around and hissed at him. He was scared shitless. He told me it didn’t even look like my sister. My parents ran up to her room and I could hear my sister just screaming and screaming.”
“I have no idea what happened in that room but I ran to the bottom of my stairs and the screaming stopped, I saw my parents holding my sister crying their eyes out, she was sobbing as well. I’ve asked her about it today. She’s 24 now. She told me that Emily used to tell her to do horrible things to herself. She actually used to wake up on the roof and not remember how she got there. I’m not kidding. Apparently Emily absolutely hated my parents so she turned my sister against them. She hates talking about it so I never brought up that specific night. This all happened at my old house. When we moved into a different house, Emily was gone. I’m not making any of this up. My sisters little friend was a really big deal to my family and messed things up for a long time. I’m just relieved we left that house.”
22. She floated above his bed at night
“When my younger brother was around 4, he had an imaginary friend named Victoria Meadowbrooke. He told us that she was the prettiest girl ever and she floated above his bed a night.”
23. “The Evil is coming”
“When my older daughter was two or three, she used to have a couple of imaginary friends, Dodo and DeeDee. They were typical imaginary friends. She would talk to them and play with them, and tell me about their lives.
Then one day, when she was about three, she was talking on her play phone when I walked into the room. She hung up her phone and said to me (with a completely flat voice and deadpan expression): ‘The Evil is coming.’”
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hi! Do you think you could write something about being Scott Lang’s other daughter and dating peter?? Thank youu
Like Father
Pairing: Peter Parker x Lang!reader
Synopsis: “You see your dad shrink down to the size of a thumb tack and ride on the back of an ant and you think, “hm, that’s the grossest thing I’ll ever see.” And that this happens.” You gestured to the mess in dismay, noticing something shiny on Peters wrist. “Are you guys handcuffed together!?”
Requests are CLOSED
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“Baby sitters here!” You called upon hearing the doorbell ring, despite being the one closest to the door. You refused to answer to door when people rang it out of silent protest for your dad making the doorbell chime “La Cucaracha”. It embarrassed you every time. Every damn time.
“Let it ring again!” Your dad called from his makeshift lab in the basement. “I want to hear those sweet tunes.”
“I’m going to answer it, just so you cant hear those sweet tunes.” You yelled back as you opened the door.
“Hey Mr. Pym.” You said, expecting to see Hank Pym, Cassie’s usual baby sitter. Instead, a complete stranger in a hood stood in your doorway. He gave you an awkward smile as he stood there, shivering in the rain. “Oh. You’re not Hank.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” The stranger said in a voice much higher than you’d think he’d be carrying considering his broad shoulders and strong demeanor. “I’m here to babysit Cassie. C-could I please come in?” He asked, still shaking from the cold.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” You said sheepishly as you opened the door for him to walk in your house. He took a step inside and gently shook off the rain drops from his coat. “Here, let me take your coat.”
You slid the damp raincoat off the strangers and hung it up on the rack next to the door. Once his hood was off, you could see the stranger more clearly. He was young, probably around your age or older. There were incandescent rain drops clinging to his tousled brown hair that reflected off the lights on the ceiling. He wore a wool sweater that looked like someone’s grandmother knit over a button down top. He was undeniably cute, in a nerdy kind of way. You became unexpectedly aware of your appearance, pulling down your skirt and pulling up your top. You were planning on going to a party and never normally dressed up. You didn’t want to leave this stranger with the wrong impression of you in case this was the last time you saw him.
“I see you fell for my reverse psychology to open the door.” Your dad said triumphantly as he came up the basement stairs. “Peter, you remember my daughter.”
“Uh, no actually.” You said, never taking your eyes off of Peter, who was giving you the same wistful look. You racked your brain for where you’d met this handsome stranger, but you came up empty. “We’ve never met.”
“Oh, you’ve never met Peter?” Your dad asked you, leaning against the doorway. You shook your head no. “Even better. You opened it for a complete stranger.”
A completely adorable stranger, you thought.
“I’m Peter by the way.” Peter awkwardly stuck his hand out for you to shake. “Peter Parker.”
“Y/n.” You said as you took his hand. “Y/n Lang.”
A bashful smile dressed his lips. If you thought he was cute before, he was even cuter with a grin.
“Mr. Lang, you never told me you me you had a second daughter.” Peter shifted his backpack on his shoulder and looked almost offended at your dad.
“I don’t like to give to much information anyway.” Scott shrugged and folded his arms. “I’m a very private man.”
“Since when?” You snorted. “You shouted your phone number out the window of your car the other day because some guy let you come into his lane.”
“Well, some guy was very nice and I wanted to thank him. And if it weren’t for some guy, you wouldn’t have gotten to school on time.” Your dad was heavy with the sarcasm, as usual.
“Well maybe you should take some guy out on a date tonight instead of Hope. I’m sure she’d love that.” You dished his sarcasm right back as Peter let out a laugh.
“You’re funny.” Peter said as he scratched behind his ear. Your dad looked surprised, then smug, at Peters sudden declaration. You, on the other hand, were throughly blushing and remained silent, not even giving him a thank you.
“Like father, like daughter.” Scott remarked, unblind to the connection forming between you and Peter. He knew his daughter well enough to know when she was crushing. You were witty and quick, and never one to be rendered speechless. After all, you were your father’s daughter. But here you were, standing in front of Peter, and not saying a word.
“Well, I’d hate to keep Hope waiting. She’s a truly hideous woman and doesn’t go out on dates often.” Scott rubbed his hands together and looked around for laughs at his joke. You did nothing but roll your eyes and toss him his keys. Peter, not knowing your father well enough to know he was never serious, looked horrified.
“He’s kidding.” You quickly assured Peter. “He worships Hope like the sun.”
“Yes I do.” Scott clapped his hands, proud as ever. Cassie suddenly came into the room and ran into Scott’s arms.
“Bye Daddy.” She said, giving him a hug.
“Bye pumpkin.” Scott kissed her cheeks and set her down. “Ready to go, Y/n?”
You looked between your dad and Peter. You had two options. Go to a fun party with your friends after a stressful week at school, or stay home with your little sister and a total stranger. The choice was obvious.
“I actually think I’m skip the party.” You said, much to Peters surprise, but not surprising your dad at all. He saw it coming the moment Peter walked through the door. “I think I’ll just hang out with Cassie tonight.”
“And Peter?” Your dad asked with a wicked grin. You gave him an angry look.
“Yeah.” You said, staring your dad down. “And Peter.”
When Peter was distracted with adjusting Cassie’s fairy wings, you and your dad got in a silent fight. He made kissy faces and dreamy eyes at Peter while you mouthed “shut up!” and hit him on the arm. When Peter looked up, you and Scott cleared your throats and leaned against opposite sides of the doorway, pretending nothing happened.
“Well, I best be going.” Scott said, shooting you a wink. “Wouldn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“Okay, bye dad!” You yelled as you pushed him out the door. Scott left and got in his car, yelling something about how Teen Mom 2 was already cast.
You locked the front door and turned to Peter. To your surprise, he had Cassie in his arms, who had her arms comfortably around his neck. They were giggling quietly among themselves.
“Oh.” You blinked at the sight. “I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”
“I’ve babysat her a few times.” Peter told you as he fixed Cassie’s tilted crown. “Whenever Hank can’t make it.”
“I never knew that.” You said, feeling dumb for being the only Lang who wasn’t buddies with Peter Parker.
“Because you’re never home.” Cassie said, kind of sadly. You didn’t expect her answer to be what it was. Sure, she wasn’t wrong. But you didn’t think your after school activities and hang outs with friends had an effect on your little sister.
“I’m home now.” You told her, feeling guilty for not realizing until this moment that your little sister missed you. “And I want I hang out with you guys.”
“Really?” Peter asked, a gleam of hope in his pretty brown eyes.
“If that’s okay.” You offered.
“Yay, Y/n!” Cassie held up her little arms in triumph.
“I guess it’s okay.” Peter laughed at her reaction.
“Great.” You smiled, feeling surprisingly exciting for the night ahead. “Let me go change.”
You went up to your room and stripped out of your party clothes. You opted for a big Captain America shirt that your dad brought you after the battle at the airport and some soft sleep shorts. You wiped off your makeup and put on some light mascara and tinted lip balm. You judged your appearance in the mirror, decided you liked it, and went downstairs.
When you came down the stairs, Peter was running around the room with Cassie in his arms. Her fairy wings were on and her arms were out, Buzz Lightyear style. Peter was making plane sounds as he jumped over furniture. You didn’t make your presence known just yet. You wanted to watch how sweet Peter was with your little sister for a minute more.
“Peter.” Cassie giggled. “I’m not an airplane. I’m a fairy.”
“Well what sounds do fairies make?” Peter played along.
“I heard that they sound like wind chimes.” You said with a smile. Peter stopped spinning around and smiled sheepishly at you.
“Oh, sorry.” He apologized. “She likes it when we do this.”
“Don’t apologize.” You told him, walking further into the living room. “You’re good with kids.”
“I’m good with my favorite kid.” Peter set Cassie down, gave her a fist bump and wandered into the kitchen. It made you wonder how many times he’d been in your house without your knowledge. “How about we make your favorite brownies, princess?”
“Brownies!” Cassie cheered, getting the mix out of the pantry. Hearing him call her “princess” tugged at your heart strings. He was being a better sibling to Cassie than you had been lately. That stopped tonight. You helped Cassie and Peter mix the batter and spoon it into a pan. He helped Cassie crack some eggs and add in the vanilla.
“Alright miss.” You said once the oven was preheated and ready to go. “You’ve been a great help but you can’t use the oven. Peter and I got this part.”
“I’m gonna wait in my room.” Cassie told you before scurrying away, leaving you alone in the kitchen with Peter. He popped the brownies in the oven and immediately got to work cleaning the mess you’d made along the way.
“You don’t have to do that.” You told Peter as he put the ingredients you used back in the fridge. “We can leave it for my dad to clean when he gets back. Cassie and I are very good daughters in that way.”
“Its no trouble.” Peter told you as he wiped the counter top of any stray crumbs. “I like your dad. I’m happy to help him out.”
“You do?” You asked in shock. How could a smart guy like Peter like your butthead father?
“Yeah.” Peter laughed at the disgusted face you hadn’t realized you were making. “He’s funny.”
“Funny looking.” You replied.
“I see where you get it from.” Peter said playfully, untying his apron and putting it back in the drawer.
“People say we’re alike, but I don’t see it. My dads a little nuts.” You admitted with a proud smile. “He’s kinda like a sentient roomba.”
“I would love for you to explain further.” Peter chuckled as you picked up a rag to help him clean.
“Like, he means well, but all he does is clean and bump into things.” You said as you hit your hip on the corner of the table.
“Like father, like daughter.” Peter commented as you doubled over in pain.
“Speaking of my father, how do you guys know each other?” You asked, rubbing your sore hip.
“We met in Berlin a few years ago.” Peter said casually.
“Oh.” You nodded. “Wait, you were in Berlin? At the battle at the airport?”
“Yeah, uh, I’m…Spider-Man.” Peter stammered. He wondered why he even bothered wearing a mask these days if he did nothing to keep his identity a secret.
“So you’re the one who made my dad fall over like he was in Guilliver’s Travels?” You recalled the story your dad told you, which involved him growing really big and Spider-Man wrapping “something sticky” around his huge legs.
“It’s um, The Empire Strikes back, actually.” Peter reluctantly corrected you, not wanting to seem like a smart ass. “And he’s totally cool with that now. He knows I had to do to to impress Mr. Stark.”
“So you’re like a full blown Avenger?” You asked coyly, knowing Peter wasn’t the type to brag.
“Yeah, basically.” Peter nodded in a higher voice than usual. “Mr. Stark recruited me for that fight and I’ve been working with him ever since. He basically became like a father to me since…” Peter trailed off and looked embarrassed for a second.
“Since?” You asked, trying to meet his gaze, which was glued to the floor.
“Nothing. He’s just like a father to me. That’s all.” Peter finished. You knew not to press the topic any further. Peter looked up at you graciously for understanding.
The ding from the oven pulled Peters attention from you. You watched him curiously now that he had a new air of mystery around him. He knew exactly where your oven mitts were and slipped them on. He took them out as Cassie came bounding into the room.
“Are they ready?” She bounced up and down, trying just to see into the pan.
“They’re a little burnt, but they’re ready.” Peter told her. He bent down so she could see how they came out. You admired how gentle he was with her, keeping the pan away from her so she couldn’t burn her fingers.
“They’re so ugly.” Cassie said with wide eyes. “I love them!”
After eating too many brownies and wiping Cassie’s face with a warm towel, Peter suggested another activity.
“How about some makeup?” Peter asked as he put the dishes in the sink.
He’s washing the dishes, you thought, he’s perfect.
You watched Peter with a sly smile. He was being so domestic and wholesome that your heart melted.
“Cassie’s too young for makeup.” You suddenly realized what Peter had said.
“Not for her.” Peter laughed as he dried a plate and put it in the correct spot in your cabinet. “For me.”
“Follow us.” Cassie commanded as she lead you and Peter by the hand into her room. She got out her Claire’s makeup set and sat Peter down in her rolling pink chair. He sat down like he’d done it a million times before. You just stood by and watched as Cassie smeared shimmering purple eyeshadow to Peters eyelids. He was so compliant, staying perfectly still as she poked and prodded at his face.
“Shoot.” Cassie said as she finger painted orange blush to Peters cheeks. “I left your tiara in the basement.”
“Well I simply can’t go out like this.” Peter pretended to be insulted as he gestured to his outfit. Cassie giggled with delight.
“I’ll be right back. Y/n, can you put his lip gloss on?” Cassie asked as she crossed the room and went out the door.
“Sure.” You called as Cassie ran out of the room. She had been standing on a stool to apply Peters makeup, but you didn’t need the stool. You couldn’t get to his lips from where you were standing. You tried to go in from several different angles, but you could never reach. Finally, you straddled Peters lap and looked up at him shyly, lip gloss tube in hand. Peter hesitantly rested his hand on your legs with a feather light touch.
“So, uh,” you smiled nervously at him, which he returned. “Or you a Cherry Red kinda girl or a Princess Pink?”
Peter laughed, fanning your face with his minty breath. “Princess Pink. Cherry Red would clash with my blush.”
You tapped the tube against the heel of your hand and twisted the cap off.
“Pucker up.” You instructed. You absentmindedly puckered your own lips as you applied the sparkly gloss to Peters lips. He kept his eyes trained on you as you lathered it on. You were so close. Close enough for him to smell your perfume.
“What’s that perfume you’re wearing?” Peter asked without moving his lips. You were concentrating pretty hard for someone using Claire’s lip gloss.
“Why?” You laughed softly. “You want some?”
“I just want to know the name.” Peter smiled, careful not to mess up your work. Though you didn’t have to be, you were both speaking quietly, not wanting to disturb the silence.
“I’m not sure. I’m think it’s one of those dumb ones like “Midnight at the Beach.” As if anyone knows what a midnight at the beach smells like.” You answered him. Peter took a whiff of the air. Your air.
“Midsummer Bay Breeze.” Peter suddenly identified after racking his brain. “My mother used to wear it.”
“Used too?” You asked, wiping off some excess gloss with your thumbnail.
“She and my father died when I was young. I live with my Aunt now.” Peter confessed. You set the tube down and looked at him seriously.
“I’m so sorry.” You told him, squeezing his hand. “You didn’t tell me that before.” He’d begun to tell you before when you had been talking about Mr. Stark, but he stopped himself.
“I didn’t want to scare you away.” Peter said honestly.
“What changed your mind?” You asked curiously, still in a hushed tone.
“You weren’t sitting on my lap before.” Peter said with a sly smirk. You pursed your lips and rolled your eyes.
“Is it okay?” You asked his cautiously, treading the water. “That I’m sitting there now?”
“It’s more than okay.” Peter tilted his chin upwards, his lips grazing yours as his breath fanned your face once more. You stayed like that for a minute, just breathing each other in. The scent from his sticky gloss wafted into your nose, causing you to smile.
“Are you going to kiss me, or am I going to have to lie to my diary tonight?” You whispered when he was taking to long, making you more and more anxious with every passing second.
“You keep a diary?” Peter teased, reaching his chin even higher.
“You keep talking.” You didn’t let him get another word in as you pressed your lips to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He moved his hands to your waist and kept them there, in true gentleman fashion.
“Ugh.” Peter giggled, when you pulled away breathlessly. “You totally messed up my lip gloss.”
“I found it!” Cassie burst into the room with a purple, feathery tiara in her hands. You wiped Peters lip gloss off your mouth quickly and got off his lap.
“Thank goodness.” Peter said, snapping out of his love struck daze. “My outfit was incomplete without it.” He took the tiara from her hands and put it on his head. He turned to you after taking a look in the mirror.
“How do I look?” He asked you with a cheeky grin. Cassie looked between him and you thoughtfully.
“Like a million dollars.” You told him, clasping your hands together and resting your chin on them.
“I feel like it too.” Peter smiled, his smeared lip gloss glistening in the light.
“You’re terrible at putting on lip gloss.” Cassie suddenly spoke up. “You got it all over Peters mouth.”
Needless to say, your diary heard all about it.
But that was eight months ago.
“What the hell is this?” You stopped in your tracks when you walked in on Peter doing the unthinkable.
“We’re doing magic together!” Your dad cheered. There were about four decks of cards scattered around the room like confetti. They were sticking out of your dads pockets, Peters sleeves, and you were pretty sure there was one stuck to the ceiling.
“I can see that.” You grumbled angrily. “Why?”
“We’re magic buddies.” Scott replied with a shrug as he pulled a long, colored handkerchief out of Peters shirt pocket.
“You see your dad shrink down to the size of a thumb tack and ride on the back of an ant and you think “hm, that’s the grossest thing I’ll ever see.” And that this happens.” You gestured to the mess in dismay, noticing something shiny on Peters wrist. “Are you guys handcuffed together?”
“One of the magic tricks didn’t go as planned.” Peter told you timidly. You groaned loudly and stamped your foot.
“This is like the worlds worst reboot of A Bugs Life.” You complained. “I’ve seen a five foot tall ant in our shower, and somehow, you handcuffed to my boyfriend is worse.”
“Technically, your boyfriend is handcuffed to me.” Scott sassed you.
“That’s just not true at all.” You deadpanned.
“Yes it is.” Scott taunted. “Because I have the key.”
“Then use it!” You exclaimed, growing frustrated.
“That’s a great idea.” Scott realized. “I didn’t even think of that.”
Scott took a small metal key out of his pocket and unbuckled the hand cuffs. Peter slid out and went over to you, giving you a kiss hello.
“I won’t do magic with your dad anymore if it bothers you that much.” Peter said with a grin, knowing damn well he’d still be doing magic with your dad. “But I do have something to show you.”
Peter pulled out a magic wand and held it up for you to see. He shook the wand, making it turn into a single rose.
“Aw.” You said as you took the rose. “I didn’t hate that as much as I thought I would.”
“Thanks.” Peter smiled. “Your dad taught me.”
“And now I hate it.” You said sarcastically.
“Fine.” Peter agreed. “What about this?” He pulled a card out from behind your ear and handed it to you with a cheeky grin. You took the card skeptically and looked at it.
“The Queen of Hearts.” Peter said softly, in a more serious tone. “Because you’re the Queen of my heart.”
You took the card with a small smirk, hating how much you adored the trick.
“You’re lucky I love you, Parker.”
“I already know that, Lang.”
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sparkie96 · 4 years
AU Chris (Re1)meets spy!Leon in the Raccoon City Outbreak ( Leon is like Ada )strangers to lover and the fiesta meet is León saying "hold your fire"
(So, Leon actually doesn’t become a spy in the “Umbrella Leon AU” until AFTER Raccoon City because he and Sherry get picked up by Wesker and his associates, but I’ll try to wing it to be earlier than that)
Chris had been in the middle of packing his shit and skipping town when he heard a knock on his door. The former STARS Officer glanced at his clock, the glowing green numbers reading “11:45pm”. Who the hell was here at this time at night? Before he could ask the “Who” and “Why”, he heard Claire’s voice calling for him on the other side, the college student’s banging becoming more rapid and scared. He could hear screaming next door, followed by the growls of zombies.
“Holy shit.” Chris hissed as he dropped his things and bolted to the door, ripping it open and yanking his baby sister inside just as a zombie nearly tore into her. 
Chris pulled his gun from the back of his pants, pointing it and aiming at the undead creature’s head before pulling the trigger. With a loud bang, the gun fired, the bullet lodging itself into the zombie’s head and knocking it off of its feet. Chris hurried up and shut the door behind them, locking it and then turning to Claire, who was breathing heavily and holding her chest. Her eyes were wide in fear and confusion. 
“Claire, what the hell are you doing here?!” Chris asked, his voice cracking as he gently grasped her shoulders, checking her over, “Were you bitten? Attacked?” 
She shook her head, making her ponytail wag behind her, “N-No...no...I’m fine.” She said as she sat down on the foot of his bed, “...you didn’t answer your phone or return my letters and I...what the hell is going on?!” 
“It’s a long story and I’ll tell you later.” Chris replied, grabbing his pack, “Right now, we need to get the hell out of here. There are some very bad people doing very bad things to the people of Raccoon City and they’re coming after me and the remaining STARS Unit because we know too much. And now you if they find out.” 
“Does this have anything to do with the cannibal murders?” Claire asked as she took the pack full of guns that Chris handed her, “Because those things don’t look like cannibals...they look like…” 
Chris loaded up his Samurai Edge before canting his head toward the door, asking Claire if she still had that gun he gave her for her birthday last year. She pulled it out of her belt with a nod, showing it to him. With another nod, he led her to the door, telling her that if she saw any more of those things, to shoot them in the head. That seemed to kill them. Anything else, and do the same. 
“Unless it’s a tyrant,” Chris explained, “Then aim for the pulsing glowing heart looking thing on their chest.” 
“...a what?!” 
“I will explain later!” Chris repeated, opening the door, relieved to see that the zombie was still lying dead on the floor when he kicked it with his booted foot, “C’mon! We have to go meet up with Barry and Jill!”
He shouldn’t have been here, it just felt...wrong considering he had technically been complicit with Irons and Wesker when it came to this whole catastrophe. But Leon wasn’t cruel like them, he couldn’t just let innocent people die. He did manage to get a couple of people to the RPD and helped the kids at the orphanage get to safety, having found an empty but still working school bus as well as finding some survivors to help out with the kids and their teacher. 
But thanks to his need to do good and protect the innocent, Leon had stumbled across some information about the Arklay Murders and the underground construction going on underneath the city. He had figured out that Umbrella had been involved and was experimenting on the citizens of the mountain town. Though, he had eventually been caught eavesdropping on Wesker’s phone call and then brought to Irons. They had threatened to kill him originally, but Sherry Birkin had been there and stood between Leon and Wesker. And then, Wesker found a use for him.  
Irons blackmailed him, threatening Leon’s grandparents who lived in the city and with Chris Redfield’s safety, knowing that Leon and him had grown close during Leon’s time there. Wesker threatened everyone he knew and loved, Sherry included, who was just another innocent who had been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was the little girl whom Leon always “babysat” when he stayed after his shift to catch up on work. 
Hence why now, Leon didn’t have a choice when it came to his next “Plan of Action”. Leon gulped as he looked up at the snarling creatures at the back gate, the one area that wasn’t guarded by police or guards. 
He REALLY didn’t want to do this, but he also didn’t want Sherry to receive a broken wrist or any kind of damage. 
With a deep breath, Leon undid the bolt on the gate and then bolted up the stairs. Once he was a safe distance away, he shot the chains off of the gate that prevented the zombies from pushing through. His stomach churned as nausea took over, watching in horror as the monsters shambled in. He wanted to shoot at them, but he didn’t know who was watching. He looked up at the security camera above the door, seething at the red blinking light. 
Of course Irons was watching to make sure he got the job done. 
“Marvin, I’m sorry.” Leon whispered as he headed back inside, leaving the door wide open behind him. 
“Hurry!” Chris exclaimed to Claire as they ran inside the front gates of the RPD, Chris shooting down a couple zombies as they shuffled after them. 
Claire practically dove inside like a baseball player reaching Home Base before Chris shoved the gates closed, locking the bolt in place just as the undead reached them. Rotting palms and fists beat and slammed against the metal doors, the beasts on the other side growling and snarling in what seemed like anger, having been denied their next meals. 
Claire sat on her butt as she looked at them and then up at her brother, “Can...you tell me...now?” She asked in between breaths, “And why are we here? I...I thought you said that we had to meet with Barry...downtown?” 
Chris breathed his own deep breaths, resting his hands on his knees as he bent forward slightly, “We will meet with him...just gotta...rest for a minute.” 
“Chris there’s fucking monsters on the other side of this gate!” Claire protested, “We should have just cut through the alleyways!” 
“I know!” Chris hollered, “But if we cut through the RPD, that will not only be safer but quicker. The back leads to downtown, I promise.” 
“And what if this place is infested?” Claire asked, getting to her feet while gulping down another breath, “Like that damn bar when we got separated from Brad and Jill?” 
“It’s safe here.” Chris reassured, “They’re gathering survivors here and there’s plenty of guys and gals who are fully capable of wielding a gun.” 
Claire gave an almost quiet “alright” before standing up fully, her and Chris taking a moment to reload their guns. Once their guns were fully cocked and loaded, Chris carefully opened the door, stepping through and making sure it was secure before having Claire bring up the rear. 
This was not what Chris had expected. 
The RPD was deathly silent and there was not a soul in sight. There was blood splattered across the tiled floor, hospital equipment and supplies left seemingly abandoned. The building creaked and settled around them. Where the hell was everyone? 
“Where is everybody?” Claire asked, her voice just above a whisper, “I thought you said they were gathering survivors here.” 
Chris nodded, “I did...and they were...but…” 
They heard a gunshot come from upstairs, both of them jumping at the abrupt noise. Chris raised his gun, telling Claire that it sounded like the shot came from the waiting area upstairs. He suggested that she stayed down here where it was open and safe, but she shook her head, saying that she was going with him whether he liked it or not. 
“I lost Mom and Dad,” She said, “I’m not losing you too.” 
Chris’s heart twisted in his chest at that, gulping down the lump in his throat before giving another nod, “...Alright, but stay close and stay alert. Remember what I said. Got it, Little Red?” 
She smiled, giving a nod of her own, “Got it, Big Red.” 
A couple minutes earlier…
Shit! Things were going South so fucking fast! Though, that was to be expected when one let zombies run loose in a building full of people, but Leon wasn’t supposed to get caught up in it. Leon ran through the corridors and hallways, having abandoned the idea of going back to Irons’s office on the bottom floor, considering the bastard had already left through the Parking Garage with Sherry. His door had been fucking locked when Leon twisted the knob, which meant he was long gone. 
And Leon was royally screwed and utterly alone. 
Luckily, he had avoided everyone and the infected, not having so much as a scratch on him. Which was good, because according to his research, and the notes he had snatched off of Wesker’s desk, these things could infect someone via a bite or a scratch. Or via ingestion, but there was no rhyme or reason for Leon to want to stick his mouth anywhere near one of these bastards. And no way in hell was he hungry after all the shit he had seen tonight. 
He had shot a zombie that had gotten too close to him before he stumbled through the nearest door without thinking. 
Leon was face-to-face with a barrel of a gun, “H-Hold your fire!” 
The next thing he heard was the sound of a gunshot...but there was no pain.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
Virgin Percy and chad Annabeth omg
Here you go, love! :D Also kids feel free to stay away. It’s sfw/nothing explicit is going on, everyone is an adult but obviously there are small references about sex.
Let me swing that cliched trope, anon! :D also thank you again Torie @percyheartsannabeth ^^
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Red Solo Cup (WC: 2.4k)
It didn’t come as a surprise to Percy that Annabeth rushed past him into his apartment and threw herself onto the sofa. She basically was at home at the Jackson’s and a more than welcome guest. “What happened?” Percy asked.
“Broke off with Ethan,” the blonde shrugged and grabbed his cherry coke. Another boyfriend that the college freshman dumped, another nonchalant reaction from his 19-year-old friend. Percy had learned early on not to ask Annabeth why her relationships didn’t work out. His best friend would rage into a monologue for hours and talk about every little detail. Every single one.
From the small size of a penis, to the number of warts her ex’s grandma had. Every detail. Percy had been burned more than once before.
“Well another one bites the dust,” the young woman said and turned her favorite show on. Percy had to admit. He was jealous. Whereas Annabeth was living her fullest and free as a bird with relationships and flings, he didn’t. Instead of hanging out with new friends, he stayed in and babysat his sister. His interactions were mostly limited to group chats. The Dominican rarely got out. Percy didn’t know whether it was social anxiety speaking or just an extreme case of introversion.
He looked okay, passable. According to some of Annabeth’s girlfriends he was cute and looked exotic, although he didn’t like that word. Having light eyes and a deep complexion shouldn’t count as looking exotic. Percy wasn’t built like his cousin Charles Beckendorf and he also didn’t have the charm of Annabeth’s ex Luke Castellan. Or the coolness of Annabeth’s latest fallen boyfriend Ethan Nakamura. But he was passable. More than fine. Not a huge slob, a great listener, an amazing cook and a great friend. So how come he never had a real relationship. How come that he never had been kissed, that he still remained a virgin to that day? Was his quietness that off putting? Percy just hoped that he wouldn’t join the crazy ranks of 40-year-old incels spewing their bullshit online and potentially harming people. He just wanted to find his soulmate he could cover in his baking goods.
“What’s going on?” asked Annabeth who was confused at his silence. Percy was usually way more talkative and would fight for the remote control because he hated watching her dramas.
“I don’t know. I’d really like to meet someone to talk to,” he confessed and didn’t dare to look her in the eyes.
“Huh? What do you mean? We’re talking right now.” She took another sip from his drink.
Percy rolled his eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I’d like to have a relationship. Explore crushes and love and all of that.”
Annabeth was surprised. She didn’t know that being single annoyed him that much. “Oh please. Relationships are overrated. Trust me.”
“It’s not just that. I haven’t got any experience.” Percy was a terrible flirter. Sweaty palms, accelerated heartbeat, and stuttering. Middle school and high school had been hell. “I haven’t even kissed someone and I’m nearly twenty!”
“So what? You’re making a deal out of this. It’s so weird and just not like you. That literally doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life. Don’t force it. When you’re ready, you’re ready.” His friend shrugged. “Also, if I remember correctly, we have kissed before.”
A sloppy wet kiss that Percy buried deep into the darkest pits of his mind.
“Come on, Annabeth.” Percy rolled his eyes. He almost would have been offended if he hadn’t been so tired. “That was in ninth grade and part of truth or dare.”
Annabeth crossed her arms. “I still think that counts!” she disagreed.
Percy just sunk into the sofa and sighed. “Alright. How many people have I kissed that haven’t been you?”
Annabeth remained quiet. Percy had a point. He really didn’t go out to meet new people. Meet new friends or acquaintances. Meet someone who he could see as a date. The blonde felt uneasy and licked her lips. Her gaze rested on the young man next to her who had a sour expression on her face and continued watching Grey’s Anatomy against his wishes.
“Okay, Mr. I’d like a relationship. There’s a party next week at Reyna’s,” Annabeth started and caught his attention.
“You want to have some experiences? That’ll be the place to be and see what you’ve got. You’re in?”
Percy had to admit. He felt uneasy and nervous. But then he sealed his fate and nodded.
“Okay, let’s go to bed, I’m tired.” Annabeth and he sleeping in the same bed was a habit they had ever since they were nine and it never stopped.
The week passed. Seminars and classes had been attended and assignments were half way done. Friday evening was the time where everyone was finally letting loose. Percy was getting ready in his room.
Annabeth’s advice was a text she had sent an hour earlier which only said don’t show up naked, wear something comfortable. Not particularly helpful. He settled for a white dress shirt and dark jeans. Perhaps too much, perhaps too little. He wasn’t a party person so he wouldn’t know. It wasn’t much until he saw Annabeth in front of Reyna’s house where people were already drinking and laughing in front of it. She was speaking to a little group of people and seemingly cracked a joke as they began to laugh.
“Percy!” She waved him over. She looked good in her jeans and the dark crop top. Lose golden curls that rested on her shoulders. The group dissolved and entered the house.
Annabeth examined him. “You look good,” she smiled.
Annabeth’s mouth was agape. Then she laughed. “You really need a lesson in flirting. Let me be your teacher.” He’d rather not. Annabeth in hunting mode was something you only wanted to witness once.
As soon as they stepped into the house, they were greeted by clouds of weed, sweat and cheap alcohol. A brunette shadow walked up to them.
“Perseus! You made it!” Reyna hugged him and he stiffly hugged her back. Yes, he was that bad with people. Even people he had known for years.
“Hi Reyna,” he laughed. Reyna raised an eyebrow and looked at Annabeth. The native Puerto Rican thought that Percy would bounce like he always did.
“Reyna!” Thalia, Reyna’s girlfriend called for her.
“Okay, see you guys around.” Reyna excused herself.
Annabeth turned to Percy. “Alright. Let’s scout and watch out for some prey for you.”
“You’re making it sound like you’re Bear Grylls ready to fight for some survival shit.” Percy was weirded out. Party Annabeth was scary.
Annabeth laughed and slapped his shoulder. “That’s basically the spirit.”
He followed her into the living room which was full of drunkards shouting and grinding over the worst DJ Khaled remix that he has ever heard. Before Annabeth could talk about the plans she had in her mind for Percy, the fates had other intentions for them.
“Oh hey! Annabeth, right?” Some blond schmuck approached them. He looked like a trust fund baby that has never heard the word no in his life before.
“Octavian! Oh my god, it’s been a while!” They hugged and Percy felt incredibly awkward. Being the third wheel was not fun.
“Who’s that?” Octavian eyes the tall young man behind her.
“Oh, that’s just Percy, don’t mind him.” Ouch. That hurt.
“I’m going to get myself something to drink. You two have fun,” Percy decided. Annabeth waved and promptly forgot about him.
Percy fought his way to the kitchen. He had forgotten how rude drunk and high people could be, especially when they loved to block paths. As he entered the kitchen, he ran into someone. A young woman with auburn hair and a frown on her face.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He asked and helped her stand up right.
“Oh yeah. I’m just tired of this place. Why did I agree to come to this party?” she sighed and was glad that the cute stranger wasn’t part of the annoying drunk crowd.
“I feel you. I hate this,” he sighed. They both shared a smile and a laugh.
“Why did we agree to this?” she giggled.
“I guess we like to torture ourselves,” Percy chuckled. She was nice. Found an instant liking to her. “Percy,” he introduced himself.
“Call me Calypso,” she smiled. An instant connection had been made.
“Want to drink something? Non-alcoholic that is?” Percy proposed and hoped that his voice didn’t crack.
“Gladly,” she left and took his hand.
It dawned Annabeth slowly. She had forgotten something. Didn’t she come to this party with an intention? Not just drinking and dancing. But something else. The college student had been talking to Octavian, danced with him, talked a bit with his friends and now they were alone again. It was abundantly clear that he was interested in a short fling.
“Oh fuck,” she remembered what she had forgotten. Or more who she had forgotten. Percy. Where was he?
“Huh?” Octavian asked.
“I’ve got to check in on a friend, don’t move, I’ll be right back,” the blonde smiled and winked.
“Oh, alright.” Octavian said. He was trapped in Annabeth’s web. Just the way she liked it.
Annabeth looked out for Percy. She had seen her friends Piper, Clarisse, Hazel and Reyna again but none of them had seen him. Annabeth checked her phone. Apart from Instagram stories that had been shared frantically, no new messages. Percy was the type to text her immediately should he leave. Hell, he would have told her in person.
She reentered the living room with a frown on her face. Her gray eyes scanned the area and actually found his messy black haircut on the dancefloor fairly easy. Percy and dancing. A smile slipped onto Annabeth’s face. Then it dropped. Percy wasn’t working it in the middle of the room alone. He had his hands around the waist of a curvy small brunette. Percy had gotten his wish. The entire purpose of this operation was to meet someone new. And the way he threw his head back to laugh proved that he fairly enjoyed himself.
Annabeth felt a thing and that one thing only: boiling rage. Her feet acted immediately. She marched to the dancefloor and pushed everyone aside that had been in her way until she got to Percy and the mysterious girl at his side.
“Percy! There you are!” Annabeth said and threw herself onto him in a hug and broke his embrace with the stranger. Then she grabbed him and pulled him out of the crowd. Confused, the mystery girl followed them.
Percy was perplexed and looked down at Annabeth, who was behaving very oddly. That was not the usual chill Annabeth he knew. Percy looked to Calypso and saw the hurt in her eyes. Oh no, she must think we’re together, he thought.
“Uh, Calypso this is Annabeth, a friend of mine,” Percy explained and saw how the brunette visibly relaxed.
“Best friend you meant to say,” Annabeth corrected and stole his red solo cup. She had to admit that being reduced to a friend hurt her way too much. Her smile cracked at the taste of soda instead of a delicious liquor. She had forgotten that Percy was a non-drinker in the heat of the moment. She needed something that would wash her annoyance away. Annabeth shook hands with that Calypso girl.
“Calypso, like the dance?” she asked with a slightly condescending tone.
“Uh yeah, exactly. Like the dance.” Calypso said and raised an eyebrow as Annabeth got a hold of Percy’s arm.
Percy looked back to Annabeth and gently tried to pry her off. Her grip only tightened, and her fingernails dug into his skin.
“And what is this supposed to be?” Calypso asked and pointed at Annabeth who claimed Percy’s complete right side. She sounded annoyed.
“Nothing,” Annabeth innocently smiled. The cold harsh look in her eyes said something else.
“Um, Annabeth, weren’t you talking with that Octavian guy? Or what was his name?” Percy’s discomfort was clear, and Annabeth ignored the hint.
“Oh yes, but I’d rather spend my time with you!” she grinned and didn’t let go of him.
“Sorry girlie but it’s clear that you’re ruining our moment.” Calypso’s hand waved between her and Percy.
“What moment? Am I not allowed to hang out with my best friend?” The irritation in Annabeth’s voice rose. Percy and Calypso looked at her in shock.
“If he’s your best friend, then I’m pretty sure that you’ll see enough of him? Just leave.” Calypso rolled her eyes.
“What if I don’t want to?” Annabeth innocently pouted and tilted her head. “Percy’s always there for me which is what I want right now. Sorry Calypso. We’re having a moment right now.”
Calypso’s mouth pressed into a thin line. Annabeth enjoyed seeing her frustration rise up.
“Alright, listen Annabeth normally I wouldn’t say this but you-” Calypso’s eyes widened. Annabeth had turned Percy’s head to herself and pressed a kiss onto his lips.
Percy’s eyes widened before they automatically shut down. Annabeth was an excellent kisser and her soft lips felt like a dream. Percy had to admit that he enjoyed the kiss. He enjoyed it way too much. Then he broke it off. Shock was written on his face and his eyes wandered from the all too pleased Annabeth to a speechless and hurt Calypso.
“I can’t believe it.” Calypso shook her head, turned around and left.
Annabeth smiled a victorious grin. Then she looked up to Percy and saw him for the first time. Not as a friend, but as a handsome guy that she happened to know all too well. His sea green eyes scanned her face and his lips were slightly parted.
“Annabeth, what in the fuck was that-” Annabeth cut him off with yet another kiss that she deepened. This time Percy didn’t break the kiss off. He held her tight and touched her warm back. He felt her grinning between the kisses.
“Come with me.” Annabeth said. She didn’t give him a choice. She took his hand and dragged him out of the building. Party be damned, they could celebrate at home amongst other activities. Alone.
“What are you doing? Where are we going?” Percy asked.
“Oh,” she said and turned around to look him in the eyes. “I’m just making sure that no one else is bothering you.”
The End
Tbh, I don’t mind me some hot girl Annabeth... Thanks again for the suggestion, anon!
All Cookout Fics
Cute/Cursed Cookout Writing Prompts
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Connections Review Part 1
Happy 2021 everyone! Well…the year’s off to a terrible start due to how bad last year was but I hope that most of 2021 will be good and not be 2020 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. But enough of that, another arc ended, another review due. Now I am quite conscious of length here and I’ll try to make these reviews a bit easier to read, it will still be split into 3 parts as there I can cover the main themes which are; Time Travel, Harems and Maverick ‘Motherfucker Hellspawn’ Storm. My initial plan was to have a quick lightening recap of everything that doesn’t fit into these categories and then review the Time Travelling and Harems but Storm became so big he needed his own part. Oh, and it should go without saying, but I will not cover the Mistletoe Asks. They are not relevant to the arc and are basically shipping fluff. No in-depth analysis required there. And with that said and done, let’s get right into it.
Its Recap time
So, as I mentioned before we get into the 3 big themes of this arc, I’ll cover really quick, and I promise it will be really quick here, anything that doesn’t fit into those categories. So firstly, we see that Kazuichi went around the Void Warehouse and helped fix their lights. Now that all of Class 77-B are aware of Void’s existence, they can help out with any problems they might have in their living quarters, which leads to a funny scene of Kazuichi getting attacked by a crow. This could be random but given what has happened with another seemly random event (more on that later) and the fact that Monocrow exists, this could be sinister foreshadowing for things yet to come. We also see Kazuichi getting ideas to build a robot with Chihiro as that’s his way of romance. Given Chihiro’s crossdressing tendencies, I wonder when the truth comes out and how confused our shark boy would be. But yeah, Kazuichi out all of the new Class 77-B members seems to have the most focus in this arc, not that I’m complaining as he was the most ‘pointless’ survivor from DR2 so him getting actual character development and focus I’m more then welcome for! There’s also Yoruko rekindling her relationship with her mentor Minako. This went better than expected then again it happened years ago, both Yoruko and Minako had time to reflect on it and both wanted to make up, but thought the other wouldn’t accept it. We also see some parallels here with Hiroko from UDG as Kizuna is revealed to be the result of a teenage pregnancy. As I mentioned in an ask, not to bog you down with personal details but teenage pregnancy is a serious problem where I live and too many people I know fucked as teens, didn’t use protection, and boom! Babies! Good thing I have a passion for Danganronpa so I DON’T get wrapped up in that kind of stuff eh? So, I completely understand Minako’s rational here, and Kizuna’s more troublesome behaviour as one of my RL friends was also the result of a teen pregnancy, and this led to her having…issues. And yeah, Kizuna shamelessly flirts with the Anons and talks about Josuke, no not THAT Josuke, simping hard for her. Naturally we have bigger problems to content with but once the weather calms down, we need to sort out Kizuna, especially now that Yoruko and Minako have made up. And that’s the two things that happened which weren’t relevant to the main themes. Now they are out of the way, time to move onto Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff. Hey, Emma made a Doctor Who joke already, so it’s okay!
Back to the Visions
Despite Time Travel being one of the main themes of this blog, not a lot of research has gone into it at the moment, so in this wind down time, it’s the perfect time for Umeko to do some experiments into time travel. Last Arc dropped the reveal that Mikako has being getting dreams of the future, and as Koroko and Umeko pull up at the Kisurugi household, we see that Mikako just had a dream of the Tragedy, which understandably horrified her. Because of this Umeko and Koroko were forced to tell Mikako, Yamato and his father the truth about the future. They omitted Kasugano and him changing the timelines as its not needed but well…when one dreams of an apocalyptic future you know is coming, there’s no sense in lying about it. Umeko then explains about the time travel and basically that since the brain surgery, Mikako’s brain has become a tachyon receiver that can pick up tachyon from different timelines, not just the one you are on. But it goes beyond being able to see the future via her dreams as if Mikako focuses, and someone touches Mikako during this time, they are hit with a vision of the future that involves them. The first vision was with Koroko and she caught a glimpse into a future much more distant then the 2017 that Hajime, Yoruko, Sora and the other 2 time travellers came from, as it seems to be from the Year 2020-2022 so pretty close to our time then. Here Koroko and Kanata, who not only went through a growth spurt like Hiyoko (Poor Hibiki, she is forever going to be the short one) and has married Nagito, are giving vaccinations to a young girl named Sayuri Hinata. Sayuri herself is very familiar to some people as during the last Arc when Akane was trying to comfort Nikei, one Anon asked about a timeline where she and Ayame had a child. This was a reference to Nextgenronpa which is a Nextgen AU on Instagram created by Mikwithnoando, if you happen to have an Instagram account, I highly recommend reading it, it’s really good! The character in question is called Sayuri Otonokoji the Ultimate Sculptor and in Nextgenronpa she’s the child of Hibiki and Iroha. Koroko looking through her medical records noticed her mother’s name is Hibiki Hinata so Hibiki obviously changed her last name, makes sense as she wants to probably be as far away from Otonokoji as possible now but no mention of the father and yes Sayuri looks a lot like Iroha. This has a few possibilities.
The first theory is that Sayuri is Hibiki and Hajime’s child, but both are very busy. Hibiki would have very likely restarted her musical career around this time and we don’t know what Hajime would be doing but he would be very busy as well, and thus not a lot of time to raise Sayuri. Now Iroha would have a very sedimentary lifestyle and given she is looking after Jataro at the moment, this would probably make Iroha one of the more experienced caretakers/mothers of the cast, so maybe Sayuri was often babysat by Iroha, and if Sayuri was spending a lot of time with Iroha at a young age, she would start to view Iroha as a second mother and start copying her behaviour and mannerisms. But that doesn’t evade the fact that Sayuri PHYSICALLY looks like Iroha as well. The second theory is something happens to Hibiki or Hajime and they are unable to reproduce but want kids. With Kyoji, making kids would not be an issue, but a surrogate mother would be required and maybe Iroha volunteered to be a surrogate. However, the big issue there is that Iroha is much younger than the Goodbye Despair cast, and as Mikan later points out legally, you need to be 21 to be eligible. Sayuri looking to be 8-10 years old means Hibiki and Hajime must have banged around now-2014 and Iroha won’t turn 21 until 2017 and Sayuri looks way older than 3-5 years old. But there is one more theory and the one I believe in. Just because Mikako can see the future, doesn’t mean it’s the timeline we are currently on, and you guys remember that awful, awful period during Oncoming Storm when Iroha was crushing on Hajime and wanted to join the Cuddle Puddle despite there being a significant age gap between him and Iroha? In our timeline, Yoruko was able to slap some sense into Hajime, he was able to see he was developing a Saviour’s complex and was able to grow and develop, and it also system shocked Iroha as well as she learnt that she needed to grow up as well. But what if that didn’t happen? I think that timeline is from one when the sense slapping didn’t happen and Iroha did wind up being part of the Cuddle Puddle, and Sayuri was the result of science from Kyoji and Iroha and Hibiki wanting kids. In addition to this we also see Kotoko in her teen years and she looks brilliant all grown up and the way she talked about ‘our mothers’ and Sayuri referring to Kotoko as a big sister, makes one believe that Mikan is successful in adopting Kotoko. Overall, while Sayuri is going to be a headache to decode, that future was nice and sweet, even if it gave Mikako mild seizures.
After Mikako recovered, Yamato wanted to see the future as well, and thus we get the second vision which is from the OG Timeline in 2014, as it shows some Class 79 tomfoolery with Haruhiko ‘testing’ Yamato’s jetpack and crashing into a tree, and Teruya being concerned for his bro. I know its 2014 because Class 79 was formed then and they didn’t bond for long before Utsuro showed up with an army of Monokumas and was like ‘Knock knock, it’s the upupupu train’ and we get the Proto Killing Game. At least Yamato gets to see his future friends for the first time. And Mikako doesn’t get that much of a headache this time so it seems that the further in time she looks, the bigger the side effects. The first vision was a decade into the future so the side effects were quite big but the second one was only a couple of years so the effects were reduced.  It remains uncertain if Mikako has to trust the person in question for the vision link to be done because as much of a force of good this seer ability is, it can also be used for evil. Overall, lots of discoveries on Mikako’s abilities and some hope that not every future out there is filled with despair and there exists a timeline where the Quantum Crew do win. Now it’s a case of seeing if that’s the timeline they are on or not.
That summarizes part 1 with the recapping of minor details and the time travelling science! It’s a longer part then I wanted but with the recap at the beginning it cannot be helped. When we come back, I’ll talk about the Harems and the events surrounding them and hopefully that would be the new length I wish to aim for because this is more of my old length. Stay tuned people! - Review Anon
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cuthian · 4 years
Becoming a Memory, Becoming a Treasure Chapter One
Hi everyone
New to the fandom, so please, be kind :D
I aged up everyone by two years for plot related purposes. I wanted the boys just a little older, so they were nineteen when they died, Julie is now seventeen.
I have no idea when I'll have more chapters for you, but I'll try to get it out as soon as I can! :D
Lots of Love, Annaelle
Becoming a Memory, Becoming a Treasure
“When Someone You Love Becomes a Memory, the Memory Becomes a Treasure.” —unknown author
“Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Will Be Comforted.”
—Matthew 5:4
“You sure you want me to do this?”
Julie glanced at Reggie, who was bouncing up and down on his toes beside her, looking at the apartment door in front of them with a mix of breathless excitement and trepidation.
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, I wanna see her, I wanna know.”
Julie smiled lightly and barely resisted the urge to pat him on the arm. The last thing they needed was Reggie becoming temporarily corporeal when she was about to knock on his little sister’s door. “Okay,” she nodded, turning back towards the door. “Okay.”
She’s rehearsed what to say a million times since they’d found out Reggie’s little sister still lived in L.A. from Luke’s mom, since Reggie had begged her to give her the same kind of closure she’d helped Luke and his parents find.
She’d always been a little weak for Luke’s puppy eyes, but she hadn’t been prepared for Reggie’s.
Especially when the other boys had backed him up—they’d all known and babysat Reggie’s little sister. They all wanted to know what she was like as an adult; she’d been only nine when the boys had died.
Reggie had no idea what’d happened to their parents, no idea how they’d have reacted to their estranged kid dying at seventeen, no idea if they’d transferred their aggression from him to Maggie, and he needed to know. He needed to know she was okay.
He’d insisted on coming alone with Julie—hadn’t even let Luke come along.
Julie was pretty sure Luke had been as surprised as she was, but neither of them had fought him on it. Probably because Alex had sworn he’d sit on Luke to keep him where he was.
“I’m gonna knock,” Reggie said breathlessly, holding his hand up to the door, freezing less than an inch before his knuckles made contact with the wood. “I am.”
“Go on,” Julie told him kindly. “You can do it.”
“Right,” Reggie breathed. “Right.”
The sound of his knuckles rapping on the wooden door echoed through the hallway, and she could hear footsteps on the other side of the door, and Julie felt almost as nervous as Reggie undoubtedly did.
She could hear Reggie suck in a breath he didn’t need and hold it when the door swung open.
The woman on the other side of the door didn’t look anything like Reggie, and it kind of threw her. “Uh,” she said, blinking at the tall, dark-skinned woman in surprise. “Hi. My name’s Julie; I’m looking for Maggie? Peters?”
“Oh, sure,” the woman said, stepping to the side and holding the door open. “Come on in, I’ll get her.” She walked inside without waiting for an answer and Julie and Reggie exchanged a wary look before following her inside. “You one of her new artists?” The woman called out over her shoulder as she walked further into the apartment.
“Uh, no, I—” Julie began, but before she could continue, a second woman walked into the room and Reggie gasped sharply beside her.
And this… this had to be Maggie.
She and Reggie didn’t look a lot alike, but there were definitely similarities. They had the same kind of glossy dark hair—although hers was much longer than Reggie’s—with light, green eyes, and when Maggie smiled at the other woman, Julie recognized the tilt of her lips, because she’d seen it on Reggie’s so many times before.
“I didn’t know we had company,” Maggie told the other woman, slipping her arm around her waist and leaning in to peck her cheek. Reggie gasped again, but Julie couldn’t risk looking at him now.
“This is Julie,” the other woman said. “She said she’s here to see you.”
Maggie turned to her, smiling the smile that made her look so much like Reggie it almost hurt, and said, “Well, what can I do for you, Julie?”
“Uh,” Julie said again. “I, uh… Did you used to have a brother named Reggie?”
That, evidently, took Maggie by surprise. “Yeah,” she nodded eventually. “I do—I did. How did you—”
“I live in the house where he and the band used to practice,” Julie said, repeating the same half-truth she had told Luke’s parents. “Some of their things were still there, so… I went through it, and I found…” she pulled the little bracelet with cheap plastic beads and several instrument charms from her pocket. “I found Luke’s parents pretty easily, and they told me about other family members, and I thought you might like to have it back.”
Maggie’s eyes were wide and filled with tears as she stared at the tiny bracelet—Reggie had told her he’d made it for Maggie’s ninth birthday, that they’d all made it, because she loved listening to them play, loved telling people that her big brother was in a band, and that Maggie had given it to him for their big performance at the Orpheum, as a good luck charm.
He’d forgotten it in the garage when they’d left for the Orpheum.
Reggie, now standing a few steps closer to his sister, was watching her eagerly, almost hungrily, his eyes red with unshed tears even as she stepped towards Julie, hand outstretched for the bracelet.
“I’d forgotten,” she whispered. “I forgot he had this.”
The bracelet looked tiny in her hand, clearly meant to fit a child’s wrist.
“Tell her I love her,” Reggie rasped, and when he turned to look at Julie, she saw that tears were running down his cheeks. “I don’t care how, just make it up, just please. Tell her I love her.”
Julie nodded jerkily, hoping the other two women in the room hadn’t noticed, and said quietly, “He must’ve loved you a lot. I mean,” she hesitated when Maggie looked up with eyes as teary as her brother’s, “I found a couple of songs too, and I could tell they were written for a kid, so I assumed…”
Before Maggie could respond, a high-pitched cry rang out from one of the rooms in the back of the apartment and both women turned to look at the door in sync.
“Babe,” Maggie said in a shaking voice. “Please go check on Reg, I need—”
“Yeah,” the other woman said immediately, running her hand down Maggie’s side in a tender, comforting gesture. “Yeah, of course.”  She glanced towards Julie with an unreadable look before turning and disappearing through one of the doors at the other end of the room. The cries—a baby’s cries, Julie realized belatedly—ceased a moment later, and she could vaguely hear humming.
“You named your baby Reggie?” she blurted without thinking, without really stopping to think that this was a woman she didn’t know at all.
She ignored Reggie’s stunned, “I’m an uncle?” and focused on Maggie, who still wasn’t looking at her.
“Regina,” Maggie replied without really taking her eyes off the bracelet in her hand. “Although we end up calling her Reggie more often than not, so I guess, yeah.” She snorted a rather wet laugh and added, “I don’t think he’d ever have forgiven me if I named my kid Reginald. He would have hated it.”
“I would’ve,” Reggie said wetly, wiping his hand across his face. “I really would’ve.”
“I think it’s beautiful,” Julie whispered. “That you’re remembering him like this.”
Maggie looked up at her again, a little oddly, and now that Reggie was standing right next to her, Julie was struck for the first time just how much they did actually look alike. “I’m sorry,” Julie said, “I know that was—out of line, I just…” she shrugged. “I’ve spent so much time in that garage, in the same room that they did, sorting through their things… I feel like I know them.”
It wasn’t a lie, per se.
She did feel like she knew the boys—although the fact that she could talk to their ghosts did help.
Maggie’s expression softened a little. “I get that. Is there—is there a lot? I mean, is there more?”
“Uh,” Julie stuttered, “I mean, yeah. It’s mostly junk though. A bunch of clothes that I was gonna give to Goodwill, notebooks with songs… I gave those to Luke’s parents. Not much else.”
Maggie nodded shakily. “Okay. Well, if you… if you find anything else, can you—”
“Of course,” Julie nodded, pulling out her phone. “Do you want me to add your contact info?”
Maggie nodded and took Julie’s phone, tapping in her contact info while Reggie looked at her with wide eyes. “I don’t wanna go yet,” he pleaded, looking up at Julie desperately. “Keep talking to her. Please.”
Julie took her phone back from Maggie, desperately searching for something to say when her eye fell on a picture hanging in the middle of the wall. It was very clearly the boys, but they were younger than she knew them—younger than they’d been when they died.
It was just the three of them, with a little girl—who Julie assumed was a young Maggie—sitting in the middle, holding a guitar that was very nearly bigger than her. The three boys were clearly all helping her hold it up, and all four of them were grinning at the camera with wide, happy grins. She’d never seen them smile quite like that.
“Is that them?” She asked, gesturing towards the picture.
Maggie looked over her shoulder at the picture before she turned back to smile at Julie. “Yeah. Yeah, when they were... Fifteen, I think. I was five, so yeah. Fifteen.”
Four years before they’d died.
No wonder they looked so young.
They’d barely been more than kids themselves.
“Can you—would it—would it be okay if you told me a little more about them?” She asked quietly, still staring at the photo of her bandmates when they’d been younger.
She was, actually, so busy staring at the picture that she didn’t notice the puzzled look Maggie shot her before she stepped up beside her to look at the picture. Reggie was too busy glancing at every other picture in the room, trying to catch a glimpse of what his little sister’s life had become, to notice the look too.  “What do you want to know?” Maggie finally asked.
“Just…” Julie hesitated. “Anything. What were they like?”
Maggie smiled wistfully. “They were thick as thieves. I can’t remember a time that Luke and Alex weren’t there, so… I know they’d been friends since kindergarten. Well, Luke and Reggie at least. I think they met Alex later on, but that was before I was born.”
“We met Alex in third grade,” Reggie piped in. “He beat up a bully for me.”
Julie smiled despite herself.  
“They were always singing and making music,” Maggie continued. “Ever since I could remember. And when they formed the band, and Reggie had to babysit me, I’d usually just get to sit and watch them. I never minded.” When Julie looked at her, she saw that tears were running down Maggie’s cheeks again, but she was still smiling a small wistful smile. “I loved watching them practice.”
She suddenly laughed and said, “I had a crush on Alex when I was little. I even asked him to marry me when we were both grown-ups.”
“Awe,” Julie chuckled. “Did he say yes?”
“No,” Maggie smiled, shaking her head lightly. “No, he was really sweet about it though. Told me that he didn’t like girls all that much, but that if he was ever going to like one, it would definitely have been me.” She laughed wetly again and added, offhand, “I caught him and Reggie kissing a little after that, and then my father—” she cut off and shook her head with a sad smile before she whispered, “I definitely had to believe him after all that.”
“What?” Julie blurted, glancing towards Reggie, who looked both flushed and horrified.
“You saw that?” He squeaked, even though he knew his sister couldn’t hear him.
Maggie chuckled. “Yeah, I… it was surprising to me too. I always thought Reggie was a little sweet on Luke, the way they were together, but then…” she shrugged helplessly. “I guess Alex and Reggie spent so much time together that the idea of them makes sense too. It’s one of the things I guess I’ll never really know. I also distinctly remember being devastated to find out that not only did Alex not like girls, he liked my brother instead though.”
“It’s a cute story,” Julie choked, trying her hardest not to turn to Reggie and shout, because how did she not know about this yet?!
“I guess, yeah,” Maggie nodded. “He wrote country songs for me. Luke hated them, but he’d play the ones Reggie wrote for me anyway.”
“He didn’t hate them,” Reggie pouted.
They fell silent, staring at the photo for a minute before the other woman—Maggie’s wife, she assumed—walked into the room, cradling a swaddled baby in her arms. “She won’t settle,” she said, walking up to Maggie with an apologetic smile. “I’m thinking she wants her momma.”
“I’ll leave you to it,” Julie said immediately, although Reggie pouted. “Thank you, for… answering my questions. I know you didn’t have to do that.”
“Thank you,” Maggie said. “For bringing me—just thank you.” She reached out to shake Julie’s hand, pausing in the middle of the handshake with a puzzled expression. “I’m sorry, what did you say your name was again?”
“Julie,” Julie replied. “Julie Molina.”
“Julie,” Maggie repeated. “Thank you, Julie.”
Julie nodded jerkily and smiled before turning and walking out the front door. Reggie followed her, although he could probably have stayed a little longer if he wanted to.
She waited until they were outside before she grabbed Reggie’s jacket and dragged him off into an alley. “What the hell, Reggie? You and Alex? What about Willie? What about Luke?”
Reggie gave her a wide eyed look and sputtered, “Wha—there’s nothing—what about Luke?”
Julie raised an eyebrow at him. “Reggie. You are about as subtle as a brick. I know you’re in love with him.”
“Wha—no–I’m not—” Reggie spluttered, before he heaved a sigh. “Does Luke know?”
“No,” Julie scoffed. “Only ‘cause he’s the only person who’s actually more oblivious than you are.” Reggie blinked at her and she heaved a sigh, letting him go and taking a step back.
“So you and Alex?” She prompted.
Reggie sighed. “It wasn’t… okay, so we didn’t start out as a real serious thing, you know? It was right after Luke and Alex broke up and we kind of just fooled around when we felt like it.” He wrapped his arms around himself and admitted, “We tried dating a few years after we first started fooling around but it didn’t—it didn’t work out.”
He shrugged a little helplessly. “It wasn’t a big deal. I was really happy for him when he met Willie.”
“Wait,” Julie shook her head, “Luke and Alex dated?”
“Oh,” Reggie frowned. “Yeah, for like a year when we were sixteen. It’s how his parents found out he was gay. Or,” he amended, “it’s why he decided to tell them in any case. They decided they were better off friends, but it still took Alex a while to get over it.”
Julie nodded slowly. “There’s so much I don’t know about you guys yet,” she finally said in a small voice.
Reggie presser forward and slung an arm around het shoulders. “That’s ‘cause we’ve known each other for fifteen years, Jules. It’s like we don’t know everything about you and Flynn and Carlos yet.”
He shook her playfully. “Give it some time.”
Julie laughed. “I guess.” They started walking again and she looked up at him, feeling a little apprehensive. “You happy we went to see her?”
“Yeah,” Reggie said slowly. “Definitely. Thanks, Molina.”
Julie grinned and pressed into his side. “No problem.”
This… this she was the least she could do.
Or read it HERE on AO3 :D Find the next chapter HERE on Tumblr :)
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arrogvnces · 4 years
     he can never sleep on airplanes. not without the help of his mother’s sleeping pills, at least. for a two-hour flight, he thought it might be too much to bring them, but now he regrets it. on his left, his younger brother snores up a storm, his first-class seat transformed into a comfortable bed, which he covers with all his long, growing limbs. on his right, his sister mutters curse words to herself while angrily pressing the buttons on her nintendo switch. it’s only him, stuck in the middle, plagued by his own thoughts as the plane takes off into the sky, the sun having yet to rise. 
     they were forced into the earliest flight out of zurich, at his father’s orders. there’d been barely any time for greetings, after months of not seeing one another, before their chaperone promptly escorted them into the park family’s private jet, his sour face and trembling hands waiting for the worst. of course, there is nothing more humiliating than his parents still believing sinclair needs to be babysat, but a more rational part of him knows they are right. god knows how many times he ended up buying a completely different ticket, flying off to asia when he was supposed to head to south america. he just wishes he didn’t have to see them. 
     “fuckdammnitsonofabitch,” ren jumps up, discarding her console on the ground, bridging the space between their seats to join him on the larger couch, his flat-screen tv showing trailers of movies he won’t watch.
     “what were you playing?” he asks, because he feels like she wants him to. her lips curl. 
     “animal crossing.” 
     he scoffs in amusement, earning himself a kick far stronger than he remembers her being able to give. which is another thing bothering him, beyond being called upon by his father like a dog, dropping every thing in his life to play at being the perfect nuclear family. when he first saw them at the airport, he barely recognized his siblings. they’ve grown taller, older. tristan’s five o’clock shadow might actually be a reality, rather than his desperate attempts to seem older than seventeen. as for his little sister, she looks more and more like the girls he goes to st. agathe’s with, her baby cheeks disappearing under the thick make-up. he’s missing it all, because they’d rather grow apart, than grow with leonard. 
     “i hate dining with royals,” she blurts out, head falling against the couch. “they’re so boring, god. if you pick up the wrong fork, you’re fucked up. if you speak out of turn, you’re fucked. i even had to dye my hair back because apparently being asian and blonde is an offense to the fucking prince of monaco.”
     “you’re swearing a lot,” sinclair notes, frowning at the words that fly so easily out of her mouth. hypocrite, he thinks. 
     “i’m trying to get it out before we land. you know mom’s going to parade us around the whole day, like we’re the royal family blessing them with our presence.” unfortunately, he knows that all too well. leonard park and his family are royalty in their own way. he’s the richest man in the world. his wife is a genius, and his three children are examples for all well-behaved, elite children around the world. or at least, that’s what the press is paid to report on. god forbids anyone hears words of his father’s cruelty, or his wife’s depression, or the fact that his children see rules and regulations as mere suggestions to ignore, or worst, mock. sometimes, sinclair is certain leonard would rather have one of them die, instead of bringing him shame. 
     “she also told me to tell you not to sleep with princess alexandra, this time,” ren calmly says, as sinclair’s eyes widen at the horribly disgusting thought of his mother discussing his sex life with his younger sister. 
      “she said you’d only listen if it came from this face.” at that, her hands form a ‘v’ around her cheeks, innocently looking up at him, as she often did when they were children and he’d be in charge of making sure she didn’t commit any damage to their guests’ house. he closes his eyes, turning away from her. 
     “i’m done talking to you.” 
     “wait,” she chuckles, tapping at his shoulder. he turns half-way, one eyebrow raised. “did she like it? did henrietta like the scarf?” he’d almost forgotten about it. not the scarf, that would be impossible. he’s spent far too many nights with that exact scarf haunting his fantasies, and all the things he’d promised to henri next time. rather, he’d forgotten his little sister was a tool in something he hopes she never gets involved in. she deserves a lot better than the theodores and sinclairs of the world. 
     “she did,” he replies, simply. he can tell she’s waiting for more, her eyes focused on him like a hawk, trying to pry him open. that’s always been her talent. to unnerve until explosion. “she wore it recently. it looked really pretty. thank you.” 
     she smiles, and he recognizes her a little bit more. it’s the chipped front tooth, that her parents have tried to get her to fix since she was ten. but like her older brothers, ren has never shied away from scars. “you’re welcome.” 
     at that, she turns away from him, focusing her eyes on the tv as an episode of riverdale begins to play. he groans, reaching for earpods, tuning out the world for the rest of the flight.
     by the time the day ends at the prince’s palace of monaco, sinclair is all but emotionally spent. endless hours of parading around monte carlo, pretending his mother hadn’t hired a paparazzi to catch them on their ‘totally normal and entirely functional family outing’ which consisted of whispered scoldings and diamond-white grins, and of course, the unpleasant climax as his father’s sudden presence ruined his first experience inside a formula one car. as far as family reunions go, this has been the quietest. and yet, he was unable to relax for even a single second. 
     “sinclair, fix your tie,” his mother orders, as the five of them walk in unison towards the royal ballroom, hosting their annual charity gala. he can already predict how the night will go. the prince will shake leonard for money, and his father will take as many pictures of the two as possible. look at him, donating millions to save endangered animals. who cares that his company is under investigation for human rights’ violations? sinclair holds back a sigh, fixing the black tie around his neck. restrictive. much like a leash. 
     they stop before the closed doors, the sound of violins and animated chatter behind it waiting patiently for their fashionably late arrival. late enough to catch everyone’s eyes, but not too late to offend a monarch. his father turns his imposing figure towards his children, a smile on his lips, but death in his eyes. 
     “what are the rules?” he asks, a military instructor’s voice replacing his media-built carefree persona. sinclair nearly spouts off a series of insults that always reside on the tip of his tongue in his father’s presence, but one look from emily seo is enough to keep him in place. pick your battles. 
     the three children recite his list of rules, voices becoming one, lips moving in perfect synch. perfect little soldiers, keeping the facade alive, hiding all their ugly behind leonard park’s promise of pain and suffering. always smile. don’t fight. don’t try to be smart. try to speak only when spoken to. sit straight. no playing games. no running around. but mostly, don’t embarrass your family. 
     he eyes them from head-to-toe, their outfits chosen by a hollywood star’s stylist, fit for a red carpet. not a single hair out of place, only real diamonds on their wrists, none of sinclair’s tattoos and earrings, or tristan’s highlighter pink hair to disturb the elite’s sight. perfect. so perfect, sinclair might just throw up before the night’s over. seemingly satisfied, leonard takes his wife’s hand, pushing open the ballroom doors, a world of light and glamour opening up to them. 
    “if we’re still here in three hours, i want you to push me off the balcony,” tristan whispers, as a smile begins to grow on his mouth, the crowd moving as one to greet the new arrival. sinclair imitates him, his facial muscles already protesting.
     “not if i jump first,” he says, before diving head first. 
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