#usually when i babysit they cry when mom and dad leave
chantalstacys · 8 months
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Eh, fuck it, here's my first actual shit written
Gimme a reader who is normally taciturn snapping and becoming spitfire.
Imagine you and 141 out for drinks at a dive bar, drinking enough liquor to drown your memories of harrowing situations away. Price and Ghost just chilling in the corner of the bar, drinking while keeping their eyes on the surroundings; Price keeping an eye on Johnny and Kyle who are becoming rowdy by the billiards table, and Simon is just quietly nursing a drink while watching everything else. You're a few stools away, wanting to drink alone, until some younger slob sits next to you, ignoring the irritated glance you threw his way and the prickly atmosphere you exude. Tries the usual schtick of getting you to go with him, promising good times and such. The 141 men immediately notice and are casually on standby to help, until you finally snap at the fucker who is trying to give you his number and address.
"If you're gonna give me an address, I'd rather take your dad's so that way I can go fuck him and give him a son who he will actually love, enough to teach little boys like you what the fuck manners are. And if you have a mom, I'll fuck her too", you say bluntly but loudly.
If you were paying attention on anything else but the guy, you'd hear Johnny and Kyle immediately cackling in surprised delight. Price, on the other hand, actually snorts his drink and sputter, spitting some of it out. Simon's face is of course hidden, hiding his grin but his eyes crease to show it, eyebrows raised to high heavens.
"If you're looking to just get your dick wet, I suggest you go cry on it, or fuck off and bother someone else", you continue, not allowing the guy to talk. "I'm not in the mood to babysit you asshole, so get off my face before I make you eat this bar", you growl out.
The poor fool is turning red, mouth opening and closing to get a word in, but before he could, you hear Kyle speak up, now beside you with a shit-eating grin, putting his hand by your shoulder and facing the guy.
"Listen, mate, she's not interested. You better scramble off before she grabs your balls and rips it off", he says, joy evident in his voice.
"Aye, Ah've see 'er do it, honest ta' God", Johnny follows up, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, still somewhat cackling.
The appearance of the two big, burly men to your side seems to finally scare the guy off, profusely apologizing to them before running off. You get irritated, as it seems the boy really didn't respect you and only backed off because of the presence of other men.
"The both of you, fuck off too. I can handle myself", you tell them testily.
Kyle lets go of your shoulder, backing away while shaking his head with his hands up. "You handled it perfectly, but was just a bit worried he'd keep harrassing you regardless".
"Tha' was hot, bonnie. Never thought ya got the fire in ya'", Johnny quips. "Ah know ya ken handle yourself, so we'll leave ya to it", he adds, dragging Kyle with him back to the billiards table, both laughing.
You threw the both of them a withering look, and notice Simon helping John by giving him more napkins, John wiping his beard while coughing slightly. Both of them look at you and nod, traces of laughter and surprise on their face as you glower back at them before going back to your drink.
All four of them are very surprised at your outburst, knowing how you normally ignore passes like that to you. You don't know it yet, but you've now incited Johnny and Kyle into riling you up. John and Simon chuckle to themselves, enjoying your display of temper. All four are wondering how it is like to be with you, anticipating when they will get to see more of you out of your shell. If this is just one shard that came out, they can't wait to see more.
I feel kinda embarrassed because I've actually never written a fic or drabble before
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writeandsurvive · 5 months
I'm sorry for this, it's not good. But somehow, I managed to get something done, so I gotta share. Kinda inspired by NCIS S21E08 'Heartless'.
Warnings: age gap, married couple, established relationship, talks of miscarriage, giving birth, jealousy, womanizer!Alden, daddy!Alden, very slight smut
Mine ~ Alden Parker
When you started to date Alden Parker, as he was still an FBI agent, you never considered becoming friends with his coworkers. Especially, after meeting a few of them he would consider his friends and they turned out to be judgmental towards the age gap in your relationship. Not that you wanted to befriend his coworkers anyways, you just agreed to meet them cause he asked. 
However, it changed when Alden joined NCIS. He immediately started to tell you about his new team, and you could he was fond of them all, including his boss - which was extremely surprising since he never got along with his FBI boss, Sweeney. You quickly knew it would be different this time. It did take him a while before introducing you to them, but once it happened, you all hit it off. The guys were quite impressed with Alden wedlocking a woman fairly younger than him, while the girls, even though they wouldn't go for someone older, they agreed that Alden Parker had a little something. "It's the freaking hair!" Jess joked. 
Before you knew it, this new team felt like family. You'd all hang out together - dinners, games night - and sometimes you'd have girls night with Jess and Kasie. You even babysit McGee's twins and/or Victoria a few times. Which, as much as you loved it, did hurt a little since it would remind you of the struggles you and Alden had been having to have a baby. Between not getting pregnant for months and the miscarriages, you had started to think that it wouldn't happen the natural way for you. Also, Alden really felt like he was getting too old to have a kid, no matter how badly he wanted one with you. 
When you reached your third trimester, Alden felt pretty confident that this time everything was going to be alright while you couldn't shut that little voice in your head saying that something bad would happen like the other times. But finally, the nurse put your crying new born in your arms, and everything felt right. "You did so good, my love." Alden cried, kissing your forehead and looking down at his son. "Our miracle baby. He's perfect." 
You didn't want the nurse to take him away from you but you knew they needed to check him up and clean him. "Do you guys have a name for this little guy?" Another nurse asked. You and Alden looked at each other for a second. "Axel Roman Parker." He said, proudly. 
Obviously, the team was in the waiting room. Alden had been at work when you called him to tell him that your water broke. Nick had been the one driving to the hospital, "Torres, I'd like to meet my son before I die, thank you very much!" Alden shouted, holding onto the handle above the window. 
"Don't worry, dad." Nick grinned. 
Your husband went to see them to let them know that mom and baby boy were alright. "Is it okay if you guys only meet him in a few days?" 
"Of course, no rush!"
"Send us pictures though! Please?" 
Alden didn't want to go back to work after his paternity leave. He didn't want to leave his little family. The night before his first day back, he actually felt depressed. "He's changing so much so fast, I'm gonna miss so much." He sadly said, stroking his son's back, who was peaceful sleeping on daddy's chest. 
"I'll take as many pics and videos I can." You kissed your husband's cheek. "And Vance said you don't have to put many hours like you usually do." 
"I know, but still." 
You noticed the tears forming in his eyes and it broke your heart a little. You didn't want him to go back to work either. You wish he could push his leave a little more, but he had pushed it as much as possible already - director Vance had been amazing and made it easy. You wrapped your arm around Alden's neck, carefully so you wouldn't wake up Axel. He nuzzled your neck as you gently stroked his hair. "He loves you and perfectly knows who daddy is. It won't change in a few hours, I promise." 
"I honestly thought it would never happen for me, you know? Before you and then the issues we had, I thought-- I just wasn't meant to be a dad. But now he's here, and I just don't want to be away from him."
"Aw, baby." You cried with him. "I wish there was a way for you to stay." 
The next day, Alden arrived late at work as he struggled to let go of Axel. Jimmy and Tim, who knew how it felt, were very helpful throughout the following week. 
It took you months to separate from Axel, just for a few hours. And even more time to go out for a girls night while Alden had a boys night with his little man. 
"I almost forgot how champagne tasted." You smiled, having your first drink in over a year. 
"Good thing we took a whole bottle then!" 
The conversation between you, Jess, Kasie and Delilah went on as it usually does when you four get together. Jess talked about her relationship with Jimmy, and her dad. Kasie confessed about her new crush - you and the girls immediately hyped her. Delilah talked about her job, and the twins newest obsessions. And you obviously talked about Axel and your husband. 
"By the way, how's Alden's neck?" Jess asked. 
"Perfect! Did Nick really fix him with a bear hug?" 
"He did! It was pretty funny!" Jess laughed, remembering the scene from a couple of days ago. "Doctor Logan probably thought we were crazy." 
"I can't believe that my husband im-so-scared-of-needles-hold-me-hand worked on a heart surgery." You laughed, trying to imagine the scene. 
"Mr I fainted when my wife got her epidural." Kasie teased. 
"In his defense, it's a pretty big needle for this." Delilah said. "Thank god he didn't faint during the surgery though." She joked. 
"Well, if he did, I'm sure Doctor Logan would've enjoyed giving him mouth to mouth." 
You, Kasie and Delilah turned like one person to look at Jessica. "What?" She asked, confused. Then she looked at you. "He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" 
"Jessica Knight."
"The doc clearly developed a crush on him. She practically flirted with him in front of me." 
You let out a deep breath. "Did he flirt back?"
"Not really, he was genuinely confused."
"Did he not learn his lesson with the senator?" Kasie chimed in. 
You finished your drink in one swallow, remembering when he gave you a piece of paper with a number on it. "Whose number is it?"
"A senator." He had said. 
"Alright and what am I supposed to do with it?" 
"You, nothing. But I guess she wanted me to call when she gave it to me." The jerk was smiling while you used to candle flame to burn the paper. 
"I don't care about the 'it's safer for you if people don't know I'm married' crap, I'm gonna glue the wedding band to his damn finger." 
The girls laughed, always enjoying how easily you get jealous when there's a woman around Alden. When you had learned that some women in the office kinda liked your man, you showed up at the NCIS headquarters for the first time and asked for a tour. When his ex wife got involved in a case, you were feeling anxious, even though she knew about you from the beginning, thanks to Alden's parents. The worst actually was when he saw his first love for the first time in over thirty years. He had admitted that it felt very strange, and maybe if he had been single, he'd have pursued something, but he was married to you, and deeply in love with you and he'd be crazy to let you go. It was one of those rare moments when you and Alden were struggling, and fought a little more often. But he never gave you a reason to be jealous or suspicious, it was just a part of your personality. And to be fair, he was such a womanizer, you couldn't help but to think that any other woman would be better than you. 
You got home slightly drunk, which Alden expected. He was happy that you finally let yourself have some fun away from him and Axel. Barely sleeping on the couch, he immediately got up when he heard you come in. "Hey! What are you doing up? Is Axel awake?" You asked, struggling to take your shoes off. Alden kneeled down to help you. 
"He did wake up an hour ago for his bottle but he's fast asleep now." 
"Good, good." You leaned a little and ran your hand through his hair. "I'm so so so so happy you're my baby daddy." 
Chuckling softly, he got back up and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Thank you for choosing me. You made all my dreams come true." You hugged there for a moment, just enjoying each other. "Let's go to bed, baby mama." He started to carry you, grabbing the baby monitor on the way. 
"No sleeping, gimme another baby." He laughed but quickly got cut off as you smashed your mouth on his. He managed to get to the bedroom while you practically assaulting him, holding his face firmly and french kissing him. Of course his body was responding positively. As he put you down on the bed, you dragged him along. He was on top of you and you started to make out. It was long until you felt his erected cock between your legs. You reached for it, forcing your hands under his shorts. "Fuck, baby." He moaned. 
"Yes, fuck me daddy." 
And he did just that. ~
After freshening up in the bathroom, Alden found you in the nursery, looking over Axel. He hugged you from behind. "Do you really want another?" He asked, cautiously. 
"Not necessarily," you admitted. "I mean, if it happens, I'll be very happy but I can't go through the struggles again."
"Okay. We've got him and he's absolutely perfect." You stroked your son's hair one more time before turning around to face your husband. 
"He really is." You grabbed his left hand and stared at it for a moment. "This wedding band stays on, Alden. 24/7." 
"No but. I'm done with women flirting with you cause they assume you're single. You're taken, you're fucking mine. You keep the damn ring on." 
Alden stayed silent for a moment. "Jess told you about Doctor Logan, didn't she?" You only looked at him, arms crossed. "Fine, I won't take off my ring ever again." He reached for your wrists and made you uncrossed your arms as he hated when you strike that pose on purpose. He brought you as close as possible to him. "Are you ever going to accept the fact that you're the love of my life? That I rather be single for the rest of my life than with someone else than you? That losing you and now Axel, would absolutely destroy me?" 
All you could do was kiss him, but he did saw the tears falling down your cheeks.
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bumbleklee · 2 years
something happens and im head over heels (diluc x reader)
hi hello hi! havent posted in a while so please be gentle with me (i am fragile). feel free to leave a comment, would love to chat with you guys about this little piece
pairing: diluc x gn!reader
characters: diluc, baby!klee, reader, unnamed neighbor
synopsis: diluc is stuck babysitting his neighbor’s baby–the only problem? he isn’t really the babysitting type. good thing you are!
key tags: minor cursing, babyfic, first kiss, clueless diluc, modern!au (technically college era but no mention of college), lowkey punk!diluc
word count: 4109
“I tried calling Jean but she isn’t around and then I phoned Eula but I think I sent her into overdrive at just the thought of babysitting.” You hear Diluc shushing the baby in between words. “What if I just drop her off at the fire station and her mom can pick her up after her shift?” 
“Okay–don’t do that.” You shake your head in bewilderment, imagining the absolute shit-show that would be. “You just need to calm down. She’s probably freaking out because you’re freaking out.” 
There’s shuffling in the background and Diluc curses when he knocks something over. “She gave me a bag, right?” He continues, his voice laced with pure disconcertment, “And I don’t even know what half of this stuff is. There’s like a bunch of plastic thingies and a bag of powder that kind of looks like meth–” 
“Not meth.” You interrupt him. “I mean, probably not meth.” 
“That’s not the point,” Diluc emphasizes, “The point is that I’m a fucking loss and really need your help.” 
(full story underneath cut)
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Diluc Ragnvindr doesn’t know much about his neighbor. He knows that she’s young, probably in her late 20s or early 30s, and that she’s a single mom to a little baby girl (who has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night and cry so loudly that it nearly wakes up everybody in their apartment building). He also knows that she works at the local hospital–specifically in the emergency room–and that her mom usually comes around every evening to watch the baby. But other than a simple wave to each other when they simultaneously take the trash out, Diluc doesn’t really know her. 
So when she shows up on his doorstep at eight thirty at night with a bundle of pink blankets in her arms and a panicked look across her face, Diluc was, to say the least, surprised. 
“Um, you’re Diluc, right?” She stammers nervously, bouncing the baby in her arms. “Crepus’ son?” 
Diluc blinks once. Then twice. “Yeah,” He says, “That’s me.” 
The woman stares at Diluc for a moment, like she was contemplating everything in her life that had led up to this point, before heaving a desolate sigh. “Is your dad home by any chance?” Her tone suggests she already knows the answers and Diluc catches her anxious eyes darting from him to the vague view of his living room.
“He’s away this weekend. Sorry.” 
“Dammit.” His neighbor thinks for a while longer, clicking her tongue against the inside of her mouth a few times before asking, “Have you ever babysat before?” 
Diluc holds back a laugh. Babysit? Him? This must have been a life-or-death situation if his sweet neighbor was asking him to watch her daughter. Because, sure, they didn’t know each other but Diluc doesn’t doubt for a moment that she has some assumptions based on his appearance alone. 
“Err…isn’t there anyone else you can ask?” Diluc asks awkwardly, his eyes drifting down the apartment hallway as if someone much more suitable for the role is going to pop out. 
“Believe me, you’re the last person I would have thought about asking.” His neighbor says nonchalantly and Diluc tries not to take offense. “But there was a bad accident on Route 46 and I was called in to the hospital. My mom is out of town too, otherwise I would have asked her. And–” She gestures to the closed doors lining the long hallway, “–I don’t even think anyone lives in those apartments. At least I know your place is habitable.” She pauses again and her eyes shift down, gazing sadly at the quiet baby in her arms. "It's so hard being a single parent...I barely have any help and just..."
Her voice wavers more and more with each word and it looks like she’s about to start crying. But before she could crack, Diluc huffs quietly and crosses his arms across his chest. 
“Okay, okay,” He says exasperatedly. “I’ll watch her. Go save lives. Or whatever.” 
His neighbor’s face lights up at his agreement and before Diluc can fully comprehend what's happening, the baby is being shoved in his arms and a black bag full of many things is dropped at his feet. She whirls around, straightening her scrubs, and looks over her shoulder one last time. 
“Call the front desk if you need anything!” She calls, blowing a kiss to her daughter. 
“Wait!” Diluc yells, a sudden wave of dread washing over him. “Does she need to eat? How do you change a diaper? Does she have a name?” 
Ignoring his more-important questions, his neighbor yells back, “Her name is Klee! Thanks again!” 
Diluc watches as his neighbor races towards the elevator at the end of the hall, presses a button, and disappears from view. He stares at the empty hallway for a second before the baby in his arms makes a noise–reminding him that, oh yeah, he’s in charge of a baby now. 
He turns to look at the baby, his arms tightening around his tiny frame, and mumbles to no one in particular. “What did I get myself into?” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
Your phone rings four times before you manage to grab it. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” You say to the ringtone before grabbing your cell phone off your bedside table and swiping across the screen without bothering to look at who was calling you. “Hello?”
“Hey. I need your help.” 
“Diluc?” You zone in on his voice and immediately pick out exhaustion, agitation, and even a little fear. And the more you listen, the more you notice…a crying baby? “I swear to God, Ragnvindr, if you kidnapped a baby and want me to be your getaway–” 
“I didn’t kidnap anything!” Diluc abruptly snaps. “Shit, shit, it’s okay, Klee…” You rub your forehead in confusion as Diluc explains that he’s babysitting for his neighbor. “Fuck–everything was fine for, like, twenty minutes and then she started crying and she hasn’t stopped since! I don’t know what to do!” 
You hold back a giggle. Of course notorious ‘bad boy’ Diluc Ragnvindr doesn't know what to do with a crying baby. You aren’t surprised–in fact, you’d be more surprised if he did know what to do. 
“I tried calling Jean but she isn’t around and then I phoned Eula but I think I sent her into overdrive at just the thought of babysitting.” You hear Diluc shushing the baby in between words. “What if I just drop her off at the fire station and her mom can pick her up after her shift?” 
“Okay–don’t do that.” You shake your head in bewilderment, imagining the absolute shit-show that would be. “You just need to calm down. She’s probably freaking out because you’re freaking out.” 
There’s shuffling in the background and Diluc curses when he knocks something over. “She gave me a bag, right?” He continues, his voice laced with pure disconcertment, “And I don’t even know what half of this stuff is. There’s like a bunch of plastic thingies and a bag of powder that kind of looks like meth–” 
“Not meth.” You interrupt him. “I mean, probably not meth.” 
“That’s not the point,” Diluc emphasizes, “The point is that I’m a fucking loss and really need your help.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
When you finally get to Diluc’s apartment, his front door is unlocked so you let yourself inside. You assume your friend has his hands full with the baby anyways. 
“Luc?” You ask, wandering into the disaster-zone Diluc calls his living room. Dish rags and bathroom towels are thrown everywhere, there were random baby items all over the floor, and the yellow powder that Diluc thought was meth was spilled on a couch cushion (and upon closer investigation, you realize it’s just baby formula). You snake down the apartment halls until you spot Diluc in the kitchen. 
He already looks so spent. His hair is loose from its usual ponytail, locks frizzy and tangled, and his eyes are tired and pleading. He leans against the fridge, bouncing a wailing baby in his arms robotically. 
“Hey.” You greet with a teasing smirk. “Nice baby. Where’d you get it?” 
“Shut up.” Diluc murmurs, a frown etched deep into his face. Your smirk morphs into a sympathetic smile and you hold your arms expectedly. Diluc doesn’t hesitate to transfer Klee into your embrace and while her cries don't cease entirely, they quiet to a whiny whimper as she tries to process who you are. 
“What’s the matter?” You coo sweetly, rubbing Klee’s back with a gentle hand. “Is Diluc being mean and scary?” 
“I'm just kidding.” You laugh briefly and turn your attention back to the baby in your arms, looking for any physical signs of distress–not that you thought Diluc would have ignored them, but he was so frazzled that maybe he missed something. When you adjust Klee against your hip, her face scrunches up in discomfort and she pushes against your chest. You hum in recognition and move her onesie aside to see if there’s a blue stripe on her diaper. And sure enough, there is. “She just needs her diaper changed.” 
Diluc pales visibly. “How do I do that?” He fumbles with the hem of his Pearl Jam t-shirt. “Are there instructions on the diaper or something?” 
You laugh again and roll your eyes playfully, “I’ll show you.” 
Diluc takes Klee from you so you can rummage through the black bag on the floor and pull out a package of wipes and a clean diaper. Diluc watches you in amazement and wonders how someone could be so calm and collected about something that made him want to crawl up the wall. You grab a nearby towel–the cleanest one, to be honest–and lay it on the ground before taking Klee back from Diluc and setting her down on top of it. Your quick fingers unsnap the metal buttons on her onesie and discard the dirty diaper, cleaning Klee up and sliding a fresh diaper underneath her wiggling body. 
“See?” You beam, pressing down the sticky sides of the diaper. “Super easy!” 
“For you,” Diluc mumbles. He sits on the edge of the couch and watches you interact with Klee like you’ve known her forever. You tap her belly occasionally, enticing a giggle, and the baby kicks her legs excitedly. She was attentive, reaching out towards you and babbling incoherent sentences loudly. She was loud, and a little annoying, but if Diluc was being honest, he was just glad that she wasn’t crying anymore. “When’d you become a baby whisperer?” 
You clean up and drag Klee into your lap, letting her play with your sweatshirt strings. “My mom used to watch my cousins,” You explain, “And I guess I picked up on a thing or two.” 
Diluc hums in response. Watching you play with Klee made him feel warm. Not a bad warm, but a good warm that filled his stomach with butterflies and made his chest feel weightless. Part of him was totally impressed by you and your ability to swoon over everyone and anyone–including little babies like Klee–unlike himself, who became a quivering mess during the unknown. You kept your cool no matter what. You owned every situation life threw at you so yeah, Diluc was totally impressed. 
But even more than that, Diluc is glad that you gave him the time of day. You could have brushed him off, could have told him to figure it out, but you went out of your way to drive across town and hold a baby–a stranger’s baby, even–just because he asked. 
“You know…” You voice grabs Diluc’s attention again and he gazes down at the floor where you’re sitting. “I was supposed to go out with Itto Arataki tonight. But I canceled our date to come here.” 
Diluc holds back the urge to roll his eyes. “Yeah?” He says instead. 
He knows Itto Arataki back from high school–though they were never particularly friends. He was captain of the football team and had a 2.3 GPA and drove the most obnoxious and ugly muscle car in town. Diluc didn’t care for him then, doesn’t care for him now, and the more he thinks about your potential date with him, the more a feeling of irritation grows in the pit of his stomach. 
“Yeah,” You say casually. You face Diluc and silently mimic packing and rolling a joint in the air. “He was going to give me a free eighth.” 
Diluc stifles a laugh, “What a steal.” He doesn’t particularly care to hear about how you were going to smoke with Itto (because–you could smoke with him instead). “You could have gone if you wanted to.”
You shrug, “And miss out on hanging with my best friend, Klee?” You tickle her feet and blow on the top of her head before looking at Diluc again. “This is ten times more fun than hanging out with Itto Arataki, anyways.” 
Diluc raises an eyebrow, “You’re kidding.” 
You shake your head adamantly. “Nope. I’d much rather spend time with you than the idiot who only graduated because his daddy threatened to press legal action against every single teacher at that school.” For a moment, Diluc wonders if you even know what you’re saying, wonders if you realize that you just prioritized Diluc Ragnvindr–the same Diluc Ragnvindr who pierced his own ears at fourteen and sells his extra Adderall to college freshman–over Itto Arataki–the hero of your hometown. He’s about to ask if you have your head screwed on right but before he could open his mouth, Klee starts fussing again. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
As the night progresses, you and Diluc come to four conclusions about one another: 
Diluc is absolutely terrible with children. 
You are absolutely amazing with children. 
Diluc can’t stop imagining you with a different baby, maybe one with fiery red hair that kind of resembles you, and keeps shaking his head violently to disperse the invasive thought. 
And you think Diluc is acting really weird because he won’t stop shaking his head. You just hope he doesn’t have lice or something. Ew.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
“She cries a lot.” Diluc comments when Klee curls her head into the crook of your neck, angry whines leaving her mouth. You frown slightly, swaying back and forth. “Do you think she’s hungry?”
“Maybe,” You shrug, moving over to the black bag and sorting through it with one hand. “Does she just take a bottle? Or does she eat solids? Do you even know how old she is?” Diluc blinks at you, not having an answer to any of your questions. “Right. Okay. One night off her routine won’t hurt.” 
You carry the bag of formula–at least whatever was left in the bag–and an empty carafe to the kitchen and somehow manage to put together a bottle for Klee with one hand, all while Diluc stands back and watches. He wants to help, really, but feels like he’ll just be in the way more than anything. Klee cries more until you push the rubber tip into her mouth, but she only bothers to drink half of the bottle before she lets it slip from her mouth and pushes it away with her little hands. 
Sighing, you pass Diluc the half-empty bottle. You bounce Klee in your arms for a few minutes, pat her on the back, and try to make her laugh, but to no avail–she won’t stop crying. “Maybe…she’ll calm down with some music?” 
“How would I know?” 
“I don’t know! Just put something on.” 
Diluc grumbles something and heads into the living room, connecting his phone to the speaker. He scrolls through his Spotify playlists and clicks on a random one and hits shuffle. Heavy rock music fills the apartment and the opening chords to Enter Sandman start. You’re about to yell at Diluc for putting on such rowdy music for a baby but Klee only hiccups and turns towards the living room, her eyes wide and curious. 
“No way.” You laugh breathlessly, carrying Klee to the living room. Diluc’s eyes glimmer with elation and he jumps up, grabbing Klee’s tiny hands in his big ones and singing the words to her, finally eliciting a smile from the baby. 
Enter Sandman fades into Shout It Out Loud. “Well, the night’s begun and you want some fun.” Diluc taps Klee’s nose. “Did you think you’re gonna find it?” He taps her cheeks. “You gotta treat yourself like number one.” He taps her forehead. And next thing you know, Diluc has Klee in his arms and is bouncing around the living room, whirling her around in circles and dipping her up and down. “Shout it, shout it, shout it out loud!” 
It was your turn to sit back and watch–as warmth spread throughout your chest.  
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
After an hour of dancing around the living room, Klee yawns. 
It’s then that Diluc realizes his apartment isn’t really set-up for a baby. Fortunately, Klee isn’t walking yet but she is crawling, which means you and Diluc are constantly pulling chargers or wires out of her mouth. It also means that Diluc doesn’t have a crib, or anything remotely close to a crib.  Maybe you could just hold her all night. Or maybe Diluc could put a blanket down in the kitchen sink and lay Klee in there or maybe…
“How many pillows do you have?” 
Diluc cocks his head to the side. “What?” 
“I said,” You repeat, drawing out the vowels, “How many pillows do you have? On second thought, just grab all of them and meet me in your room.” 
Diluc cocks his head again, to the other side this time, and watches as you saunter down the hallway and kick open the door to his bedroom, carrying Klee inside. If it was any other night, Diluc might even throw a fit about you barging into his sacred space–but he was too exhausted to put up a fight tonight. Instead, he gathers all of the pillows from the living room, hall closet, and bedrooms. 
By the time Diluc gets to you, you’re already busy doing whatever you had planned. You fluff the pillows on Diluc’s bed and lay them on either side of Klee, making sure they’re tight and secure. You take the other pillows from Diluc and finish up your makeshift barricade around the baby. 
“There!” You beam proudly. “She won’t be able to roll over with all the pillows.” 
Shit. You were really good at this. And here Diluc was, ready to put her in the sink. 
Diluc stands stiffly in the middle of his bedroom as you run around like a headless chicken. You shut the blinds so the moonlight won’t seep through the window and turn off the floor lamp in the corner. The bedroom is veiled in darkness until you turn on a nightlight (which, in all fairness, Diluc totally forgot he owned) and a warm glow embraces the space. 
Klee is fighting sleep. She wants to sleep, desperately, but her body doesn’t, and she whines uncomfortably. You sit on the edge of the bed and pat the empty spot next to you, urging Diluc to fill it. “What’s wrong?” Diluc asks–the question directed at Klee and you. 
You smile softly, “She just needs some help falling asleep.” 
“Um…” Diluc says, his awkwardness coming back. “Like a blanket or something?” 
Without much thought, you say, “Why don’t you sing to her again?” 
This catches Diluc off guard. Sure, he took choir in high school and never turned down a drunken karaoke session but singing underneath a loud metal song was very different from singing a lullaby in a silent bedroom. He didn’t want to traumatize the poor child.
“Come on,” You plead sweetly. “She loved your voice so much before…I’m sure it would lull her right to sleep.” Diluc feels his face grow warm and he looks away, not sure how to handle the compliment. He’s extremely thankful for the darkness of the bedroom that conceals his cherry-red cheeks from you. 
Diluc composes himself enough to look back at you. He’s about to protest again but his voice jams in his throat when he realizes how close he is to you. Your faces are only inches apart and all Diluc had to do was lean forward and–
Klee cries out again, this time louder, and Diluc clears his throat. “Yeah, um, fine,” He manages, “But you can’t tell anyone. Especially my brother.” You make a ‘zipped and locked’ motion and Diluc twists his body so he’s facing Klee. She kicks her legs angrily, her tiny fists hands curl into fists and before Diluc really knows what’s doing, his voice leaves his mouth delicately. “I wanted to be with you alone and talk about the weather…but traditions I can trace against the child in your face.”
You can’t hide the smile that grows across your face. Diluc hates Tears for Fears, thought they were sellouts who made music for teenage girls who wanted to be different, yet here he was–singing their most popular song to an innocent little baby. 
“Something happens and I’m head over heels. I never find out ‘till I'm head over heels.” 
You sit back and listen. Klee is quiet now, an occasional coo leaves her lips, and you’re positive that she’s going to fall asleep any minute. So Diluc keeps singing, perfecting the song word-for-word until there’s no more lyrics to say and a sleeping baby. And secretly you’re a little bummed out–you could listen to Diluc sing forever. 
But, alas, the bedroom is filled with a gentle silence and you reach across the bed to make sure the pillows are still secure before standing up and stretching your arms. And when the realization finally hits Diluc that he had just sung a baby to sleep, he wants to jump up and fistbump the air as hard as he could. He wasn’t as bad with babies as he thought and this was living proof. 
“I did that!” Diluc exclaims in a hushed-whisper. He grins at you, the kind of smile that reaches his eyes and wrinkles his nose. “I got that baby to fucking sleep all by myself! God, I feel like I can do anything right now–” 
Diluc doesn’t get to finish his sentence. In fact, he doesn’t even get to finish his thought. Because, in a matter of mere seconds, you’re dipping down towards Diluc on the bed and holding his face oh-so gently and crashing your lips together. And as cliche as it sounds, Diluc swears time stops. 
You pull away first, your eyes big and wide. “Oh my god,” You whispered. “Luc, I just–” 
“Oh.” Diluc says in a breath of air. He sits back on his hands and stares at you. He feels like his entire body is on fire. 
“I’m sorry,” You continue. “I don’t know what came over me.” 
“It’s fine,” Diluc nods. “Just…” 
He reaches a slender finger up and runs it across his bottom lip. You keep staring at him with utter shock written across your face and Diluc partially wants to remind you that you’re the one that kissed him. But his mouth refuses to move, refuses to speak, so he sits there in silence.  
“Did you hate it? 
Diluc hesitates before shaking his head, “No.” 
“Good,” You say quietly. “Good.” 
Diluc feels the bed dip again and you sit next to him. Your knees knock against his and when he doesn’t pull away, you take that as an invitation to lean in again. Diluc’s hand cups your jaw and everything feels fuzzy. You kiss like a champion, as expected, and Diluc kisses like each one is his last. Your mouths fit together like puzzle pieces and it’s enough to course electricity through your veins. 
When he needs air, Diluc pulls back enough to press his forehead against yours. “What are you doing?” He asks solemnly. 
“Kissing you,” You say–like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. 
Obviously it goes deeper than that. Because you kissed Ayato and you kissed Thoma and Childe and Itto Arataki and, well, not Diluc. Except you were. You were kissing Diluc in his dark bedroom while his neighbor’s baby slept on his bed surrounded by pillows. And it was fucking mental. 
And confusing. And overwhelming. And Diluc doesn’t really know how to have a single coherent thought about it. 
“Hey,” You urged, “What’s the matter?”
Diluc closes his eyes so he doesn't have to look at yours staring into his soul. “I don’t know,” He admits. “Everything and nothing.” And this was true. His mind feels like a jumbled mess of broken records and no matter how hard he tries to put them together, nothing would play. He eventually equates it to getting hooked on a book he thought he would hate, and how surprised he is that he’s really into the book, but it’s too late to put it down and really needs to see how it ends. “Kiss me again.” 
You do. 
You keep kissing Diluc experimentally, like you’re trying to work your way up towards something. You kiss him until your lips are swollen and your jaws hurt and then some. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” You finally tell him. 
“Really?” Diluc asks and you nod. 
In the darkness of his bedroom, Diluc smiles. Kissing you doesn't necessarily mean anything. But it doesn’t not mean anything, either. Though he hopes it evolves past the darkness. At least one day. 
And, knowing you, Diluc has a good feeling that it would. And hopefully without a baby in the room. 
a/n: no promises i won't delete this but for now--enjoy <3
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shion-yu · 6 months
A Safe Place (part 4/4) [day 24]
Cliff’s past experiences in hospitals have all been bad. For @monthofsick day 24: Panic and @badthingshappenbingo Paralyzed by Fear. 3,698 words, original work, TWs emeto (mild x1), hospital/surgical content, child abuse/trauma. If you'd like to skip the first half which is a childhood flashback, control-find the word “eighteen”.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - This is the final part! Thanks for sticking with me guys.
Cliff’s fear of hospitals first began when he was three years old. He’d been inside the hospital several times because his dad worked there, but he hadn’t really processed it as anything significant until one day when he went there with his mother, who’d been tasked with watching him because the nanny was off. Cliff had been doing everything “wrong” that day, and Hana Barrows had reached her limit after a spilled glass of orange juice. She dragged him by the wrist to the car and drove to the hospital, swearing loudly all the way there. Cliff was silent because even back then he knew that saying anything would just make things worse.
Hana brought Cliff up to Dr. Claude Barrows’ office without warning, ignoring the secretary shouting after her as she passed without signing in. She yanked Claude’s door open without knocking and found him hunched over a pile of paperwork.
“What in the - Hana! What on earth are you doing here?! Why is Cliff here?”
“I’m not a babysitter!” She shouted as she shoved Cliff towards his father, who would have fallen on his face had Claude not caught him. “You promised me I’d never have to babysit!”
“Keep your voice down,” Claude hissed. He sat Cliff on the chair he’d been sitting on and turned to his irate wife. “It’s one day in his entire life Hana, one goddamn day.”
Hana let out an angry groan of frustration and slapped her hands on Claude’s chest, grabbing the lapels of his lab coat and pulling him forward. “I never wanted this! I’m not doing it!”
They squabbled for another few minutes, young Cliff staring at his velcro-up shoes and distracting himself trying to remember how the last nanny had taught him how to tie laces. He’d forgotten how after his mom fired her, because Cliff had been too attached to her.
“You can’t leave him here Hana, I’m working,” Claude said finally, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.
“Well figure it out, because I’m not taking him home with me,” Hana snapped back. With that she stalked out of the office, not stopping despite Claude shouting after her. He followed her out, and Cliff was left alone in his dad’s office, on his big spinny office chair, with no idea what he was supposed to do now. He was old enough to know that his parents didn’t like him, although he didn’t understand why. He didn’t talk much but they still said he was too noisy. His big sister Moira was nice to him, but that was when she was around. Usually she was too busy with her high school friends and sports to be home much.
Cliff tried to climb down from the chair, but it was really tall and he was afraid of falling. Still, he eased his lower half down, stretching his short legs to try and feel for the floor. He felt it all at once when he fell, smacking his forehead on the hard floor. He bit his lip, trying not to cry. His parents hated when he cried. Still, he couldn’t help it as a few little tears rolled down his chubby cheeks.
“Did you fall, honey?”
Cliff looked up to find a young woman kneeling in front of him. He nodded, wiping his face with tiny fists. “Aw, poor thing,” she said.
“He’s my son. Do you like kids?” Dr. Barrows was back, standing in the doorway - without Cliff’s mom.
“Yeah, totally,” the girl said. “Sorry Dr. Barrows, it’s just I heard a kid crying and the door was open so-”
“It’s fine,” Cliff’s father responded. “Actually, I need you to watch him for the rest of the day.”
“M-me? But, um, I’m a medical student, I don’t think...”
“Part of being a doctor is doing what your attending orders, and I’m telling you to babysit my kid until my shift ends at seven,” Dr. Barrows said sharply. “Is that a problem?”
“No - I mean, sort of, my clinical ends at four, and-”
“Great. I don’t care what you do with him, just keep him out of the way. I’ll pay you for your time.” Dr. Barrows ignored any further protest from the student and shoved two hundred-dollar bills in her hand before leaving.
The student shook her head in disbelief. “Alright, Cliff is it?” She asked. Cliff nodded, clutching the hem of his shirt nervously. “Right. Well, Cliff, I guess it’s you and me until seven...”
The student was nice, all things considered, but she clearly had no interest in babysitting. She had long legs and walked so quickly that Cliff had to run to keep up. A lot of times she’d turn a corner before he did and he thought he’d lost her, but she always found him again. They ate lunch in the cafeteria and she let him draw with a pen and a piece of printer paper while she did work. Cliff honestly didn’t understand what was going on, but he went with it because he was taught not to complain and didn't want to be left behind.
It was around 5pm when the student said, “You’d rather be with your dad, right? He has a pretty cool facial reconstruction starting now. Let’s go watch.” She led Cliff to the gallery, a large room with chairs above the surgical theater with a glass window for an audience. Cliff’s dad was scrubbed in, hyper focused and didn’t notice the spectators. “The surgery will last a few hours,” the student told Cliff. “I’m going home, so just stay here and don’t move until your dad comes and gets you.”
Cliff looked at her, confused. She was going to leave him here by himself? “It’s fine,” she said. “Your dad’s right down there. Just stay where you are and whatever you do, don’t move from this room, got it?” Cliff had no other choice but to nod obediently. Then he was alone.
At first, Cliff was excited to see what his dad did for work. A large woman was lying on the table - sleeping, Cliff thought - and everybody was dressed in funny clothes. His dad was wearing a long mint gown, goggles and a puffy scrub cap, which made him laugh. That laughter died in his throat when he saw his father take a long, silver knife and cut into the sleeping woman’s face.
Cliff screamed, but nobody was there to hear him. He started to panic and it felt like there was no air in the room. There was blood and the sound of a drill. Cliff began to cry, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the horrible scene. His father seemed to be tearing this lady’s face apart, and he did so for two hours before pulling the skin back up and sewing it all back together.
“Wonderful,” his father said in a confident tone. “Good work gentlemen.” Someone was helping him take off his bloody robes. At this moment, he finally looked up at what should have been an empty gallery, but instead he saw his traumatized three year old son. “What the hell? Is that my son?” Cliff heard him say loudly. Cliff was terrified. What if his father got mad and did the same thing to him? He hid under a chair in the corner of the gallery until his father flew into the room and dragged him out.
“I’m sorry, I stayed like she told me to, I’m sorry,” Cliff sobbed. He was so scared, pushing his father’s face away. He kept thinking of how bloody his dad’s hands had been. “Don’t hit me!”
“Cliff, shut up, you’re embarrassing me,” Claude said angrily. “It’s not your fault though, that stupid medical student - her career is over,” he growled. “Come on. Let’s go home.” He picked Cliff up and carried his crying child out of the hospital, and together they went home. They never talked about what Cliff had seen, but for years he had nightmares about it. He was scared of what his father was capable of, and every time Claude yelled at him or hit him, Cliff wondered if it would go further - if he’d end up on that table being cut up next if he didn’t behave.
By the time Cliff reached middle school, he understood that his father’s job was to be a surgeon and that he actually helped people, even if it was scary - and horrible - to see in person. But when he had his stomach ulcer and had to be hospitalized for a few days, his fear of hospitals was renewed and solidified. His parents were furious at him. Even with a fever and in so much pain, his father yelled at him every step of the way. Every time Cliff cried, or threw up, or panicked because he was afraid of needles, it was made ten times worse by his parents’ obsession with Cliff not spoiling their image of what a perfect son should be like. The pressure they put on him while he was in the hospital just made him sicker. It was a terrible experience, and Cliff vowed never to let himself get sick enough to end up in a hospital again.
Unfortunately, these sorts of decisions are not truly one’s own. Now Cliff was in the hospital with pneumonia, and although he was eighteen and told himself he was an adult who knew better, he was still scared. It was a different hospital, but everything smelled the same. The nurses acted the same - nice, but brisk. He felt the same helpless feeling of being surrounded by people who didn’t understand him, and most of all he was terrified of his father finding out he was here. He was sure he’d be furious if he discovered Cliff had ended up here after disrespecting his mother by leaving home. He thought about ripping the IV tubing out of his arm and making a run for it, but he didn’t think his legs would hold him.
When Elliot was next to him, Cliff felt like he could keep it together. After all, he’d never had someone like Elliot to hold on to during these scary moments before. But now Elliot had gone home for the night and Cliff was alone in a tiny room without windows in the hospital, and he was losing it.
Cliff didn’t realize he was having a panic attack until the nurse came in because his heart monitor was going off. She tried to settle him down, speaking to him in hushed tones and reassuring him that he was safe, but he didn’t believe her. All he could think about was his prior bad experiences in hospitals. His entire chest felt tight and he was crying, which made it difficult to breathe in conjunction with his already junky lungs.
“Cliff, you need to slow down your breathing for me,” the nurse said, but Cliff couldn’t. He couldn’t control it. He was just as scared as the day he’d hid under the chair above the operating room from his father, abandoned and afraid to trust anybody.
The thing that did stop him panicking was the uncontrollable coughing fit that came on. All the tears and snot that came with crying choked him, and then he couldn’t stop. He coughed until he vomited onto his lap, tears and mucus mixing into a horrible puddle that he could feel seeping through the sheets onto his legs. He was so disgusting, he couldn’t stand himself. Elliot was right to leave him here alone.
The nurse called the other nurse for backup, and soon they were changing Cliff’s sheets together, changing his nasal cannula to a simple face mask while he was so snotty from crying, and one of them administered something through his IV that made him feel sleepy. Cliff’s nurse asked him if it would make him feel better to call his boyfriend.
“What time is it?” Cliff asked, his voice hoarse from crying and throwing up.
“Eleven,” she told him.
Cliff shook his head no. He had already woken Elliot up enough times this week. “It’s okay. He’s probably asleep.” They hadn't agreed on a time that Elliot was going to come back, Cliff realized. Elliot had said he’d be back in the morning. The morning could be eight, or it could be as late as noon. That was, if Elliot came back at all. No, he'd come back. Elliot kept his word - usually. Then again, Cliff had never expected Elliot to trick him into coming to the hospital. He understood he was really sick and needed help, he did, but the betrayal still stung.
After his nurse did another albuterol treatment through the mask, she changed Cliff back to a new (not snot-clogged) nasal cannula and left him to get some sleep. Cliff couldn’t rest though. Even with the lights off, all the machines cast a glow that kept the room too bright. The faint beeping of his heart monitor and the drip of his IV fluids reminded him too much of the last time he was in the hospital, and he felt vaguely nauseous despite being sure there was nothing left in his stomach. He curled in a tight ball and held his knees to his chest, trembling. He missed Elliot and wished he was here to make him feel safer right now. Instead, all he had was himself and a very long night ahead of him.
Cliff woke up drenched in sweat. He didn’t know where he was and immediately began to panic, but then he felt someone pushing him back down and shushing him.
“Elliot?” Cliff blinked in confusion. He’d finally cried himself to sleep in the wee hours of the morning but he hadn’t expected to sleep long enough that it was already within business hours. “What time is it?” His voice crackled, laden with wetness, and he let out a congested, barking cough. It made his sides ache and he gripped them automatically.
Elliot smiled at him and ran a delicate hand through Cliff’s damp hair. “Hi baby,” he said fondly. “It’s about nine AM.”
“Really?” Cliff glanced around, slowly remembering the details of yesterday. “I’m so hot,” he muttered.
“I think your fever broke,” Elliot said gently. “How do you feel?”
Cliff considered things. He felt significantly less achy than last night and it was easier to breathe. He didn’t feel like his brain was entirely full of sand - maybe just halfway. “Better,” he said. “Can I go home?”
“That’s up to the doctor,” Elliot said. “I ordered you some breakfast though. Do you feel up to eating? I got you oatmeal and toast.”
Cliff grimaced, remembering all the vomiting he’d done yesterday. “I’m not sure.”
“You can see how you feel when it gets here,” Elliot said. “The nurse said your breathing got a lot better after your second steroid injection.”
Only now did Cliff notice the lack of oxygen tubing on his face. He’d fallen asleep with it on and Cliff was shocked he’d really been so passed out that the nurse had been able to give him IV meds, do vitals, and remove his oxygen without waking him up. He must have been truly exhausted.
“Thanks for coming back,” Cliff said suddenly, looking at his hands instead of Elliot’s face.
“Of course I came back,” Elliot responded. “I promised you, didn’t I?”
Promises didn’t always work out, Cliff thought to himself, but he just nodded yes. “Well, I missed you,” was all he responded. “So thanks.”
He was surprised by the quick kiss that Elliot stole from him, even though he hadn’t brushed his teeth since yesterday morning. “E-Elliot,” he stuttered, red faced as he sat back and covered his mouth with his hands in embarrassment.
“I missed you too,” Elliot said. His smile was so kind and genuine. It made Cliff feel so much better. “You did incredible staying here overnight by yourself.”
Cliff understood that Elliot was babying him a little, but he also realized that he was unable to stop himself from smiling into his hands. Something inside him felt so content when Elliot was proud of him. He wanted to feel like that over and over.
Breakfast arrived and Cliff picked at the food, trying to get down a few bites mostly because Elliot was staring at him so hopefully. He really wasn’t hungry, but he managed half of a piece of toast and two bites of oatmeal before he couldn’t manage any more. It was difficult to eat when his cough was still so harsh, overtaking him at random moments and leaving him doubled over in bed, his arms clutching his sides in pain. At least he managed to keep the food down, though.
The doctor came by shortly after Cliff finished eating and examined him. He listened to Cliff’s lungs and cough, nodding along with his own conclusions. “I believe it’s safe to send you home, but you have to promise to rest and do nothing else for several more days,” he said finally. “How does that sound to you?”
Cliff nodded in agreement. He’d gladly stay in Elliot’s bed for another week if it meant getting rid of this awful cough - preferably, far away from any hospitals. Elliot awkwardly raised his hand a little before speaking. “Excuse me Doctor, but we start classes back at school in the city on Monday. Will he be okay by then?”
“Hmm. You’ll have to play that by ear, but as long as he gets proper rest and takes his meds, no fevers, then probably. Do you have to walk far to get to class?”
Cliff shrugged. Sometimes, not always. Elliot answered for him though. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t walk too much,” his boyfriend said confidently.
“In that case, I’m not concerned about discharging him,” the doctor said. “I’ll put in the orders and we’ll have you out of here in a few hours. I do recommend you keep using a nebulizer at home for a few days and as needed, do you have one?”
Cliff shook his head no at the same time Elliot said, “We’ll get one for him, we just need the medicine.”
“You’ve got someone taking good care of you, I see,” the doctor chuckled. “I’ll write scripts for that too then. Make sure you follow up with an asthma doctor as soon as you can.”
Elliot thanked the doctor several times, Cliff echoing the sentiment with a simple thank you, and then all they had to do was wait for paperwork. In the meantime the nurse helped Cliff get back into normal clothes, took out his IV and detached him from all the equipment. He had sticky residue on his finger and chest from the oxygen and heart monitoring leeds that didn’t seem to want to come off, but it didn’t matter. He’d have plenty of time to scrub it off later. Cliff was just relieved to be escaping this place without a longer stay or his father finding out and showing up.
At discharge, Elliot bundled Cliff up in a warm jacket and hat even though it was late August. He pushed Cliff in a wheelchair down to the lobby, then ran to get the car. Cliff insisted he could walk, but he wasn’t entirely convinced of his own strength right now so didn’t push the matter much. He waited patiently for Elliot and waited to feel relieved for when they had officially left the premises of the hospital. It had only been one night, but it felt like a long time. The fresh air felt good on his skin and he took a deep breath, appreciating it even as it made him cough.
Elliot pulled up at patient pickup and helped Cliff into the car, settling him in the passenger’s seat. “My mom’s gonna pick up all your meds and find a nebulizer for you at home,” he explained as he drove. “We’re going to follow all the directions to a tee, get you straightened up before we head back to school this weekend.” He sounded confident about this plan, as if it were foolproof. “Do you want to shower when we get home, or go straight to bed?”
“Shower,” Cliff said. He didn’t want to smell like a hospital anymore. “Sorry about all this.”
Elliot shook his head. “It’s okay. I mean... I was really scared. But you’re going to be fine, so...”
“That’s what I mean,” Cliff said, looking at Elliot seriously. “I’m sorry for scaring you. And being a burden and crying and... I guess what I’m really trying to say is thank you for being there.”
Suddenly there were tears running down Elliot’s cheeks and Cliff panicked. “Wait, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
Elliot pulled over on the curb and wiped his eyes. He sniffled and gave a tiny laugh at the same time, which sounded funny to Cliff. “I’m just really glad you’re okay,” Elliot said, taking Cliff’s hand in his own and squeezing it. “And you’re welcome. But you’re not a burden and it’s okay. I love all of you, Cliff. When you’re sick or scared and lonely... I want to be there for you. Do you understand that?”
Cliff didn’t answer right away, not trusting his own voice not to waver right now. But finally he said, “I’m trying to.” It was more honest than the automatic ‘Yes’ he had very nearly said.
Elliot smiled a little sadly and leaned over to give Cliff a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, as long as you’re trying to,” he said. He looked both fond and sad. “Now let’s get you home and in bed. We’ve got a big school year waiting for us next week and you’re not getting out of that bed until Friday.”
“The nurse said a little exercise is good,” Cliff pointed out.
“Some very light exercise,” Elliot said. “Bed to couch and back is plenty. Got it?”
Cliff smiled. He found it amusing when Elliot got bossy. “Sure,” he said. “You’re in charge, El.”
Elliot grinned and started driving again. “You’re damn right I am.”
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
For the ask game, headcanons about your uncle ben & little luke / Soka and Leia au?
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
I don't think it's really a headcanon if it's about one of my AUs lol...
The fic being referenced, for the unawares: Journey to the Center of the Galaxy.
Sokari's facial markings will develop differently due to how the stress in her life has changed compared to when she was actually this age. By the time baby Ahsoka is around and growing up, they'll look just different enough for people to think they're cousins or something, not Too Similar For Reason.
Ben gets rid of the mole. Partly it's for health reasons (like McGregor himself), but partly because it's a very unique feature and much less likely to be shared by uncle and nephew than, say, hair color or nose shape. Both having a mole in the same general area? Sure, my mom and brother both had dark spots on the back of one hand, it happens. But the same mole in the same spot on two people who look almost identical? Too much.
The twins 'babysit' their toddler dad. It's adorable (even if Leia sometimes has to leave to steam because she started Thinking about Alderaan and then couldn't make herself stop, and doing that around Toddler Ani is just not a great time).
Leia runs into Junior Senator Organa when she's physically seven or eight. She starts crying. She is very upset about this, but tells herself that between her body and her memories, it's understandable. Kids cry, after all, just... not usually this easily after the age of five.
Rex kicks Pong Krell in the shins on first sight. The man hasn't even done anything yet. He's decades away from going evil. Rex doesn't care; Krell's a large man and Rex is a cadet right now, so the big guy can take it.
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Dance with my mother (ft Trunks)
Inspired by the song
Dance with my father
Luther Vandross
"What do you mean you can't?!",father shouted, his fist clenched with her necklace in it.
"I'm so sorry but I can't. It's against the Grand Priest's orders.",Shenron said, he looked truly sorry that he couldn't do anything. Grand Priest forbid the Dragonballs from bringing someone back to life until all the Super Dragonballs were found. Sounded pretty suspicious to me. But what did I know. I was a kid.
"Damnit Shenron!!" My father slammed his fist onto the ground, breaking half of the lookout in the process. He held back otherwise it would've been obliterated.
He couldn't hold it back anymore. He broke into tears. I ran over to him, tears also running down my cheek, and for the first time in forever, I embraced him. At first he pushed me away but I guess he needed a reminder of her so he pulled me back. We were on our knees crying. Fxck Saiyan pride. It didn't matter.
He didn't care about his pride at that moment, he didn't care that everyone saw him at his most vulnerable. What he cared for most was gone. My mother was gone. And she wasn't coming back.
It's been 4 years since the incident and to be honest we still weren't coping but we survived.
To be honest I think the only real reason we tried to keep it together was because of Bulla. My spoilt, little sis. Daddy's princess. I remember how I was disappointed when I found out I was getting a sister but now seeing her blue hair, pretty eyes and fascination with my mothers old tools, it just reminded me of mom. She was a little version of my mom. Stubborn, beautiful and smart...even for a baby.
I was babysitting my little sis and she ran off somewhere when I wasn't looking.
"Not again." I sighed.
I went around our large house to look for her and finally reached my parents old room. Father doesn't sleep there anymore. Too many memories that it hurt him to wake up with my mother not next to him.
I quietly entered and found the little troublemaker playing with my mothers old CDs. I quickly grabbed them before she could damage them. Big mistake.
She burst out crying and I didn't know how to calm her this time. So in panic of getting a huge scolding and maybe a "discipline" from my father, I quickly put it in her CD player and played it. On it came one of her favourite old songs by this one artist. Luther I think. Luther Vandross, Nothing better than love.
Even though she's ahead of the times, my mom found nothing more enjoyable and nostalgic than playing an old song her parents listened to when they were teens.
Immediately Bulla calmed down as she listened to the music. I lifted her up and started swaying to the beat. Usually I would hate listening to this but I felt connected to my mom when I did. It reminded me of the times we'd dance together.
When I'd dance with her. How I'd love to dance with my mother.
All the memories came flooding back. When my mom's favourite song would play and she get us to dance, and force my dad to as well, though I could tell he enjoyed it.
Family bonding, she'd call it.
I danced with little Bulla in my arms. She smiled and giggled which warmed my heart a bit. Dang, I become such a softie when I'm around her.
Unfortunately our moment was ruined when an angered force entered. Father.
The music stopped and my heart sank.
"What are you doing?",he asked angrily.
"I-I was just, Bulla got-"
He held the disc in his hand and I could see and those emotions he bottled up were ready to be set free.
"Get out!",he yelled, startling Bulla. The poor thing started sobbing which broke my father's heart. His eyes told me.
He sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just-"
"It's okay, dad. We'll leave.",I said as I headed to the door trying to calm Bulla. "Come on sis, let's go watch SpongeBob."
The mere mention of his name perked her up.
I heard my dad sigh and the door shut. I turned around but he was nowhere to be seen.
"He finally went into the room."
As Bulla and I were watching her favourite ridiculous show, I heard something. Something breaking.
I put her down on the carpet and ran towards my mother's room. I listened outside the door.
It reminded of the days I would do so when he locked himself in there. When he was tired of being vulnerable in front of people and just needed to be alone to let out his sadness.
I heard something else break.
I kicked the door down and lunged myself at him to stop him from destroying a framed picture of our family on vacation. My mother looked especially beautiful, like always. I grabbed the picture from him.
"Stop!",I yelled.
My father's eyes were red and a bit puffy but I tried to ignore that. He bared his teeth in anger.
"Boy!!" He raised his hand and I shut my eyes preparing for impact. He's never been violent with me before, it's the first he's even raised a finger at me. I guess he finally broke. And you know what? I was gonna take it.
He brought down his hand and muttered an apology before leaving.
I looked at the picture frame in my hand and realised I crushed it by accident. Tiny shards of glass fell onto the floor in slow motion. The picture was still okay. That what mattered.
If I could get another chance, another step, another dance with her. I'd play a song that would never end.
"How I'd love to dance with you again, mom."
I just put my lil'sis to bed and my father was nowhere to be seen. I understood his pain. There's a reason Saiyans were raised with little love and emotion.
I went to my room early. Today was too much. My emotions were killing me. And I was only 12. Where have the years gone?
I played the CD I saved, in my room and shut the door.
I let myself fall onto the bed and listened to another song by Luther Vandross. Dance with my father.
The title and song needed tweaking for me.
I decided to rest my eyes a bit and enjoy the music.
I opened my eyes to another familiar setting. The lookout. Shenron was in front of me with the grand priest.
I was on my knees, tears in my eyes. Next to the Grand Priest was my mother. My dear mother. I tried to stand and grab her but it was as if I was stuck to the ground.
"Why are you here child?",the Grand Priest asked.
"I want-I need my mother back. Please!",I begged. "Me, my father, Bulla. We need her. Our family isn't the same without my mother."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. For you see-"
"I know, damnit!!!",I shouted.
"My, my, what a feisty child.",Grand Priest said. "Just like your mother."
"I'm not asking for much." Tears started flowing to my eyes. "Could you just bring back the only woman he ever loved? Please. Dear Lord he's dying...to dance with my mother again."
The grand Priest tilted his head and tapped his chin.
"Hmm.",he hummed. "No."
My sadness turned to anger. I turned Super Saiyan as I tried to attack him but I was stuck. "Damn you!!"
"If I could get one final step, one final walk, one final dance with her...",I whispered. But a miracle happened. He heard me.
"Very well then."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What? Really?! But-"
Before I could continue, I heard my mother's voice as she ran over to me. And as if the weight of what was holding me down was lifted, I got up and ran towards her. She hugged me and I felt compelled to keep her in my arms.
"I'd play a song that would never ever end." I looked my mom I'm the eyes. "Because I'd love to dance with my mother again."
She wiped a tear from my cheeks, her eyes starting to water. "Don't cry mom.",I whispered. I was so happy. She was here again.
As if on cue the music started playing. Yep you guessed it. Luther Vandross. I felt a bit obsessed with him.
I started dancing with my mom enjoying every moment until I felt an arm on my shoulder. I looked back to see my father with Bulla in his arms. I took Bulla in my arms and watched as my parents danced together. Like the good old days.
I hoped this song would never end.
Thing is...
It did.
Once it did, everything went dark. My mother vanished and my father turned to dust. I reached for my sister but the closer I got, the further she did.
I let out a scream and before I knew it...
I woke up. It was a dream. The same yet different. The songs never did play forever. Which was weird because this time I put it on repeat. I sat up and went to check on the CD. It was gone.
"He needs it more than me."
I went back to bed and thought about my dream. We were happy, after so long. But it never lasts. It never did.
Everytime I fall asleep, this is all I ever dream.
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kittyfairyblog · 5 months
April 18 2024
Well I am back here once again after not being present for a couple of days. My day yesterday was an absolute terrible day. Nothing seemed to go right. My two close friends suddenly weren't talking to me and this really upset me. I usually don't let things like that bother me but it did. Plus it was a dark cloudy rainy day. It rained yesterday also it stormed too. It was pretty much a day that I wanted to cry. Thankfully I posted something on one of my Autism groups about how I felt. I was down and out that day yesterday. Today is Thursday and I am trying not to be another depressing day. I am on my blog instead of writing because I just don't feel like writing. I am sitting in the living room listening to the music group called Scandal which is a Japanese rock band. I am pretty much wearing all black even though I think my shirt is navy blue hehe. I just can't seem to return to the novel I had been writing. I took a couple of days off from writing and it seems that I can't get back in the swing of things. I had ballet class on Tuesday evening from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. There was a different teacher teaching the class. She was good looking to say the slightest. I don't understand, I am jumping ahead to today, how my friends who i talk to all the time on Facebook Messenger and Instagram go from chatting with me to suddenly poof they disappear then they come back. This is upsetting because i am in the middle of talking with them but then they disappear. I hope none of them find this blog because of what i write in it. Not that I would blame them because they are really close to me even though we are not local. Right now it is or usually is writing time but since I don't feel like it I am writing this entry instead. Even though the mail today came around 12:15 pm I still find it frustrating because I want the mail to come later. I don't know what it is but I like sitting here in the living room waiting for the mail. It might be strange but I like doing it. This might seem like I am depressed all the time and lonely but my dad he works nights third shift so he sleeps during the day. My mom works babysitting my niece and nephews while my sister works. So that leaves me basically alone in the house just with the dog Kylie. I don't drive so that's another thing and the bus route is a couple of streets in away. I don't like this neighborhood. I used to walk around this neighborhood but I don't anymore. I stick to the yard when I am with Kylie our dog. The only times I am outside is when I am with Kylie. I don't know why this bothers me so much but I just don't like the neighborhood even though we've been leaving here about 2 years now I guess. When I used to live alone really alone I used to be able to walk to town which was a short distance away from where I lived. I used to always go to town and there wasn't anything really stopping me. Then bang I got depressed seriously depressed and everything changed. I moved back in with my folks and that's been that. Since moving back in with my parents we lived in a couple different places until we moved here two years ago. The last place we lived before this I got to go to the woods or a wooded area with lots of trees next to a railroad that went through it. It was nice. I hung out on the front porch a lot. I actually got to go outside but here I am afraid to go outside. There's not any covered porch and well when I do go outside it is with Kylie like I said before. Well I think I am just rambling here. We are supposed to get our lawn cut today or tomorrow but it's looking like it'll be tomorrow. My sister's house her AC unit is out and we my folks and I don't have a clue when they are going to find a way to fix it. However our AC unit is working properly. Sigh right now my dad is sleeping from being at work last night so I am in the house by myself. My dog Kylie is somewhere in the house probably resting too. I took Kylie outside twice today. I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures lately. Anyway time to go.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #084
What type of survey do you refuse to take? Bold ones, they bore me. Is your dog mixed or full? Cookie is a fullbreed chihuahua. Who was the last person you kissed? My boyfriend Girt. Do you own a pair of brass knuckles? Nope. Would you take back your last boyfriend/girlfriend? Over my dead fucking body. Things she has said are absolutely unforgivable to me. I refuse to associate with her ever again.
Did you babysit for money when you were in middle school? No, but I did once for my neighbor in high school. How did you get your last bruise? I got my updated tetanus shot around a couple weeks ago, and while I didn't visually have a bruise on my arm, I could absolutely feel it if I applied pressure there. If you could go to Africa, would you? Without a shadow of a fucking doubt. I'm seeing South Africa one day. How often do you see your most recent ex? We live many states away, soooo never. Do you think you have made a difference in anyone’s life? I believe this is pretty much inevitable for any human with even a scrap of a social existence. How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? His birthday was just two months ago, so it's a while off, but 30. What letter does your boyfriend/girlfriend’s last name start with? "M." Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? I am absolutely not blaming him for this, this is my own mentality that I allowed to take hold, but I've felt that way ever since Jason left. I'm still convinced I'm not good enough for anyone or anything. I just always feel like I take up space in a negative way and that's it. Do chickens have feelings? Oh, I absolutely believe they do. Chickens are more intelligent than people give them credit for. When was the last time you saw your father? At Thanksgiving. Is it hard leaving people behind? It is fucking excruciatingly hard for me. Like I know it's hard for everyone, but to my degree is just abnormal. What was the last zoo you visited? Asheboro, NC. Do you like crime films and tv shows? Not especially. I mean I don't want to say "no," because I believe I'm perfectly capable of getting into a story like this, but I don't like focusing on tragic and traumatic focuses like this when watching stuff. What colour is the bra you’re wearing? I don't have one right now. I'm home with just my mom in my pjs so I don't care. Is there anything in your possession that probably shouldn’t be? No. Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer? Hell no bro I'd cry at every case while arguing lmfao What was the last type of soda you drank? Uhhhh I think it was Coke? Is there a person you talk to every day? At the bare minimum it's always Mom and Girt. Does one of your parents ever complain to you about the other parent? My mom does that about Dad to a fucking ridiculous degree. By this point in time she's MOSTLY learned if you've got decades-old shit to bring up about him, then don't talk to me about it at all, but she still likes to and I know damn well she wants my sisters and me to hate him. It's blaringly obvious. She's bitter as hell and I get it, but... come on. It's been so, so long since they split. My dad, on the other hand, usually only says GOOD shit about Mom, like how loyal, good, and dedicated of a mother she is. Does your best friend have a job? Yeah, he's been at the same tire factory for like... nine years, I think. What is one thing you hope never changes about you? My love of animals and dedication to spreading the good word about them and stuff. Why did you break your last promise? Because keeping your "friend's" Nazism a secret from people who absolutely deserve(d) to know is not morally okay in my book. When was the last time you had cookies and milk? This was actually kinda recently, when Mom had Oreos left over from a recipe she'd made. Is there anyone you know with an amazing personal success story? Sara's dad's story is honestly quite impressive. He's a very good guy. Everyone has a certain part of their body they don’t like. What’s yours? Literally my entire fucking body. Worst are my stomach and legs, though. Have you ever made out on a couch? Yeah, I think a couch is a pretty normal place for that to end up happening. Has your name been in someone’s Facebook status lately? Only to tag me to see something. Do you prefer to eat carrots raw or cooked? I hate carrots, period. Do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? Oh, hell no. There is not a single interesting thing about this area. What artistic medium or style seems to have the greatest impact on you emotionally? Photography that focuses on suffering, probably. Like my favorite photo in the world is that one where a young, emaciated boy in a third-world country is seen curled up on the ground and a nearby vulture is observing him, seemingly literally waiting for him to die. They're upsetting photos to look at, of course, but they drive me the hardest to help make the world better. If you make art, do you have a favorite medium or style that you prefer to use or that best helps you express yourself emotionally? Even if I don't do it nearly enough, that would be drawing ventful artwork traditionally, pretty much always where my feelings are personified as a fucked-up meerkat of some sort. What was the last new video game you were excited about? I last watched some new release stuff for the remake of Resident Evil 4 and I am so, SO beyond hyped for that fucking game. The original was my first RE experience and I cherish it very much. [PROBS VERY TMI] Have you ever broken a bed or other furniture during sex? not exactly sex itself but yes lmao BUT not like, severely. Would you play naked Twister? No, not even if I was confident in my body. That's too far for me to be even remotely comfortable. When you die, would you rather be buried or cremated? Cremated and ashes spread in the same area of Yellowstone that I'm hoping to place Teddy's. Both of these will of course need permission though. What’re three physical features you get complimented on a lot? THREE? Oh, jeez. Uh. My hair is probably number one, then #2 is my Markiplier tribute tattoo. Then I guess uh... my eyes? Maybe? Who’s a current friend that you’ve known the longest? Mazzy. What video games did you play when you were growing up? The Spyro trilogy was my favorite, but I also played lots of Crash Bandicoot and then games that were based off kiddy movies and shows. Oddly enough, I also loved hunting games, even though even then I would NEVER have harmed an animal irl. To this day I don't quite know why I enjoyed them, though there's one I've played as an adult that I liked because it relaxed me?? Idk bro. What's the most stressful job you've ever had? Probably sales clerk at the dollar store. I was INCREDIBLY stressed when I had to be the cashier. Do you have a first aid kit at home? Well yeah, I hope everybody does. That's important. How many places have you lived in your life? Legally/officially, five houses, but I've also stayed in two apartments for brief periods. Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? I'm pretty sure both are dog people (I KNOW Mom is), however since living with his wife, Dad has only had cats, but I feel like he clicks with dogs more, but I could be wrong. Are there sounds that bother you on a visceral level? Absolutely vomiting. I know nobody likes it, but I literally cannot stand it. I WILL puke myself. If somebody is doing it, I am immediately and quickly leaving or violently plugging my ears. Are you inside right now? If you're home, what room of the house are you in? Yeah, I'm in the spare room. Did you/will you have coffee or some other form of caffeine today? Most likely not. Do you bathe your pets regularly? No; a ball python really doesn't need it unless they're dealing with stuck shed, Roman is a cat so does fine cleaning himself (plus he's an indoor animal, so), and Cookie is a tiny little chihuahua that stays inside too so is really never dirty. Coincidentally just the other day though, my mom did dry shampoo her. When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? I gotta be honest, I blast it. It annoys my mom a lot because I very frequently won't hear her calling me. Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? Yeah, a few. Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? No, but that's my sister's husband's name, and I can't stand him. I don't know or care what his favorite food is, honestly. What is the best product made from milk? Ice cream. How would you feel if your husband didn’t want to wear a wedding ring? That would make me suspicious, honestly. Unless the ring was seriously uncomfortable. What do you want your wedding song to be? I'm not entirely certain yet. I've got ideas, but nothing official. True/false: if it’s meant to be, it will be. False. I don't believe in "meant to be"s. Do you feel like your life would be better without a certain person in it? Not with the people currently in my life. I don't think. You go to the restroom and you see a huge spider, what do you do? I'd be nervous, but try to find a way to safely get it outside without touching it directly. Is there a game you’re addicted to? No. I'm playing WoW more than usual because the new expansion literally just dropped, but I haven't been addicted to the game in years. As a child what celebrity did you look up to? Steve Irwin. I still plan on getting a comic book popup-like tattoo of "crikey!" one day, probably on my left forearm. He was my fucking hero and idol. What books are you reading? I just finished Wings of Fire: Escaping Peril yesterday, and I plan on starting The Testaments by Margaret Atwood next because I HAVE that one and Ma doesn't want to order a new book 'til Christmas. Do you remember the person you first kissed? I genuinely doubt even dementia or other conditions of the sort could ever let me forget him, too. Jason is fucking hard-wired into my brain and probably always will be. What does your best friend call you? "Britt," alongside various pet names. How many people would you say you’ve been “serious” with? Three. Do you ever get goodnight or good morning texts from people? Sometimes from Girt, but over Discord instead of texting. If you could choose to be any mythical character, which would you choose? Probably a dryad or faerie of some sort. Do you find yourself on YouTube a lot? I basically live on YouTube. Something is always on. Are you satisfied with your gender? Yeah, my gender has never really mattered to me. The term carries no weight for me personally so I just identify with my biological sex. Has anyone suspected you of being a different sexuality? Even before I came out, yes. I had an awful therapist in middle school who assumed I was lesbian, and I shit you the fuck not it was only because I hadn't liked anyone romantically yet. I WAS A KID. Does it bother you to have blood drawn or not so much? I mean I don't like it, but it's whatever. What would you say is your favorite type of flower? I think light pink tulips beat even orchids for me.
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robitherat · 2 years
favorite marble hornets headcanon or theories Go!!
- Brian is good at cooking on accident. That post abt the persons mom who spun their spice rack around, chose spices at random, and never kept track of anything but shit came out tasting bomb anyways? That's Brian. Man doesn't know what he's doing but fuck if he's doing it well
-jay, Brian, and Alex all have asthma. Jay's is pretty mild, but Alex has it BAD in college
-sarah is super outdoorsy. Loves camping, fishing, hiking- if it means a day out at the lake shes in 10000%
-gang has movie nights. That's it.
-i always jumped between Brian being raised catholic and Brian being Jewish so here's my compromise hc: Brian's dad was Roman catholic but his mom was Jewish. She kinda half-converted to make it easier for the kids, but they still tried to stay connected to Jewish heritage nd stuff. In college Brian gets way more into learning about it, even knows some hebrew/ Yiddish !! He struggles with some identity stuff from it and is afraid he can't properly connect with either side of his family, but in the end both his parents are very happy and proud of him for being so interested in every aspect of his cultural heritage <3
-i actually have a lot of mh families hcs so here's some more: Tim's mom got pregnant at 17 and was essentially kicked out by her parents. Tim's dad stuck around for a little bit but once Tim started having issues he dipped and Tim doesn't remember anything about him. His mom tried really hard and did love Tim but obviously shit was really difficult and so she took him to the hospital. They don't talk a whole lot, and their relationship is pretty rocky, but Tim doesn't blame her for anything. Eventually she gets remarried and Tim has some younger half-siblings he doesn't know a lot about but loves.
-jays mom also got pregnant pretty young and she and Jay's dad had a shotgun wedding because of it. Jay's dad was quite a bit older and ended up leaving her for someone else. Jay has an older sister who is his forever best friend. Their mom gets remarried when Jay's in middle school and now he has 2 older step brothers too!! Baby Jay merrick ftw that man is a youngest sibling if I've ever seen one (and I am one so.)
- Brian LOVES kids a lot and always enjoyed babysitting like, cousins and nieces and nephews and stuff. He had a big family so it worked out well for him. It's bc he's a kid at heart <3<3
- tim likes kids and is also very scared of them. Kids love tim also and love scaring him. Tim's blood pressure does not like kids
-jay is kid-neutral but they usually end up liking him for his autistic swag.
-alex is awful with kids and they all hate him. Babies stare at him in elevators and if he looks at them they cry. He doesn't know what it is but they Don't Like Him
- jay is a bug lover. His special interest when he was younger was insects and he could probably correctly identify any beetle you show him and also name at least five of its most common relatives. He thought about entomology as a major but settled on film with a minor in biology :^)
-amy and Jessica are childhood bestfriends!!!best friends!!!! They were like. Playground dating in elementary school nd helped her find a good surgeon when she decided she wanted top surgery. Gfs
-Sarah, Seth, and Tim all talked MAD FUCKING SHIT on Alex during filming. They were the Alex kralie hate club.
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autocon23 · 3 years
hello, lovely!
do you take requests for general headcannons of Carl x reader with she/her pronouns??
thank youuu <33
I do. I don’t usually write Carl, but I think I did a pretty decent job in getting this all together.
Carl x Reader (she/her) Headcannons
• You live in Alexandria when Rick’s group showed up.
• You family’s house is right across the street from the two houses that Deanna gave the group.
• When they were first showed the houses, you watched the group from your bedroom window.
o Watching as they explore their new houses and the community they now lived in.
• You thought Carl was cute with how attentive he was with his baby sister
o You also thought he wasn’t that bad to look at.
• You decided to let Carl and his group settle in and get used to Alexandria before approaching them.
• However, your mother beat you to it.
o Your family, before the Turn, used to move frequently bc of your father’s job
o So you all were used to be the new neighbors and you picked up a few ways to help others not feel so unsure
o So your mother whipped up a meal for the group so that they wouldn’t have to worry about cooking their first night here
o When she was finished, she loaded it all up in Tupperware and sent you across the street with it all.
o Your parents would’ve gone with, but they had already volunteered to be on the guard shift for the evening and you told them that you could handle taking the meal over by yourself
• Meeting the group was actually kinda intimidating.
o Rick was the one who answered the door
 Even though he showered and got a shave/haircut, he’s still pretty intimidating to new people
 Rick: can I help you?
 You: my parents and I made you all dinner. We know what it’s like to be the new neighbors when we used to move a lot for my dad’s job before. So we thought we’d cook you dinner so you wouldn’t have to worry about figuring out what to make for your first night here. My parents would’ve come over as well to introduce themselves, but it’s their turn for guard duty.
 Carol: *switching on the Martha Stewart* oh that’s so sweet
o They let you in and you placed it on the counter. You told them what was in each Tupperware as you took off the lids. The smell of the food filling the house and you could hear the hungry rumbling from them.
 As you were leaving, you make sure to tell them that if they needed anything, your house was right across the street from them.
 You make eye contact with Carl and smile kindly at him, then leave.
o The group notices and they see Carl blush bc he obv thinks you’re cute and he’s at that age
 Lots of teasing
 “Wow, Carl. Your new girlfriend can cook.”  “Shut up, Glenn.”
• When Deanna throws your party, your parents go up to each member of the group and introduce themselves.
o Asking them how they’ve been settling o Letting them know that they’re there to help if any of them ever need it o Your mom even offers up you for babysitting services when they meet Rick and see Judith o You had managed to slip away to stand outside for a bit and Carl kinda follows you  You two end up talking for a while • After that, you two end up becoming fast friends. Almost in separable. • Then, it all starts to go wrong. At least, it felt that way to you.
• Pete, the wife-beating doctor, ends up in a fight with Rick o Then, he kills Reggie before being killed himself • The wolves attack o You lose your parents during the attack. • The walkers and the loss of Deanna • You suddenly felt very alone and it scared you. • You could hardly stay in your house bc of the blood from when your parents were killed. o Every time you tried to clean it up, you just started crying. • Carl comes over one day to check on you and just sees how much of a wreck you are. o Then, he notices the half cleaned up blood. o He takes you out of your house and has you sit on the couch in his o He brings you a cup of tea, sets Judith on the floor in front of you and asks you to watch her for a moment and then he leaves o When he comes back, he’s carrying a bag  “So, I got the blood cleaned up. Carol helped too. And then I had her pack you a bag with a few days worth of clothes. You’re going to stay here for a few days. Okay?” o You couldn’t even argue, you were so emotionally spent  All you could do was cry more • Carl sticks with you the entire time to help you work through your grief o He tells you about how he lost his mom when Judith was born o Maggie tells you about how she lost her father and sister o Daryl even opens up a bit to mention Merle o Basically, he ends up getting the group to form a weird grief-counseling group • When you were better, you eventually move back into your house, but now you’re seen walking around with Carl everywhere o You help with Judith or with working around the community o Wherever he went, you were not far behind o Whether this was puppy love or it just felt better to be around someone who wouldn’t let you wallow in your self-pity, you weren’t sure  But them butterflies in your stomach weren’t helping either • The first time he kisses you was after he found out that you were pretty big in to comics o When you told him this, you offered to share your collection. o When you brought him into the game room you and your dad had set up, he’s taken in awe of it all.  Boxes and boxes of comics and manga  All sorts of movies and tv shows that you and your father collected  The different video game consoles that you had  The action figures that had been collected before the turn  Posters for the movies and shows that you and your dad had loved the most covering the walls  It was the ultimate geek room that you and your dad had made together o Carl thinks it’s the coolest room he’d ever seen. o When you start showing him the comics, he was so excited  So much so that he grabs your face and kisses you • When you both realize what had happened, you two separate and are both blushing madly while looking away at each other o When you look back at each other, you both can’t help but laugh • After that, it’s off to the races • You two would be seen doing cutesy couple stuff o It’s adorable • Carl learns that you’re just as much a sass master as he is o The group finds it amusing to watch the two of you sass each other o Until you tag-team, then it’s a fucking nightmare • Judith would be along for the ride too bc you adored the toddler o Your mother still kept a lot of the children’s toys and books that you had growing up that she was saving for when you had children o So you would let her play with them o Or you and Carl would read a book to Judith together, but you both made it more like a play  Being all dramatic and silly just to hear the little girl giggling at your antics • Whenever Rick would be looking for Carl and Judith, all he would have to do is go over to your house o He learned pretty quick about the geek room since that’s where he found you three the first time o Judith had fallen asleep for her afternoon nap on a blanket that was laid out on the floor  Pillows and more blankets and some furniture moved and positioned to look like a blanket fort
o You and Carl were quietly reading comics in there as well
 Taking advantage of the fact that Judith was napping to read all the comics you had • A couple times the others would come over to fetch Carl and Judith for Rick if he was too busy o Eugene, Glenn, Michonne, and Tara were no longer allowed to get Carl and Judith from your house bc they end up joining the three of you in the blanket fort and read comics. o Carol thought it was hilarious o The others not so much  The six you you now have formed a club that comes with a secret handshake • The sole point of it is to drive Rick crazy (at least that’s what he thinks, but he doesn’t do anything to stop them bc he sees how happy Carl is) • In the end, it was nice. You have a new, unconventional family and you were happy they were there for you after you lost yours. So you were pretty sure that you could handle whatever else comes your way.
Sorry that the formatting is weird. I wrote this on another doc and when I put it here, it just went all wrong and I didn’t feel like trying to figure out how to fix all this without losing my mind.
I’ve never really written Carl before like this, so it was pretty fun practice. Hope you like what I’ve put out. Hmu if you want to do another ask.
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labeeboheme · 3 years
my spencer reid headcanons
(when a happy one matches a sad one, they’ll be matching colours)
also tw - vague mention of suicide, drug addiction, disordered eating mention (never anything graphic)
- Garcia and the rest of the team would leave little sticky notes around his desk and normally they’d just make him smile but when he was having a rough day they’d literally make him tear up with happiness
- he’s obscenely good at present giving, because he simultaneously remembers everything that people say they like and also has his ridiculous knowledge of what exists out there
- one week (it coincided with him being clean for 5 years, he never made the connection) he walked into the briefing room and every member of the team was dressed exactly as him. he kept trying to bring it up and everybody pretended they had no idea what he was on about. it became their BAU group chat icon for years.
- one of the best days of his life was when garcia took him dog walking with her, he got to just wander around with 6 dogs all day
- jack grows to adore him just as much as henry does. spencer hangs around a lot because him and hotch are usually the ones without anyone to hang out with at the weekend, and he takes jack to the museum with henry and michael all the time. jack ends up being a lot more like spencer than he imagined (which both terrifies and delights hotch)
- Spencer has never actually attended a graduation, despite having graduated from various degrees like 10+ times. when the BAU (Alex probably) finds out, they all force him into a gown and rock up to cheer him
- they liked to play trivia games where it was spencer vs the rest of the team, but someone (i’m thinking emily) picks up that it makes him feel left out. they then take turns being on spencer’s team. one month, the non-spencer team beats them and the joy it gives them makes him smile for a week
- garcia learns how to make mocktails and without fail, will make a huge jug for him anytime the rest are drinking alcohol but make sure they’re fun flavours so he gets just as much excitement as everyone else
- after Diana is moved to Virginia, the team become really close to her. JJ takes the boys to hang out with her because she’s always loved children (and Diana sometimes thinks Henry is a young Spencer, which makes JJ worry about how Spencer will react but he’s just sitting here grinning with tears in his eyes because he’s finally getting to see his mom be the mom he knew she could be)
- the BAU love his glasses, and there’s a competition to get a photo of him with them on, but he’s very good at avoiding cameras. After one case in a hotel they even try to hide his contact solution to force him to wear them (amateurs - he definitely keeps a spare box in his coat). There eventually is a single photo of them wearing them, but all members of the BAU fail. Spencer is babysitting Henry, who is distraught about having to wear glasses to school. Spencer gives up trying to comfort him and just takes his contact lenses out and switches them for glasses. Henry is super shocked but so happy that he matches his favourite person, so Spencer takes a photo of the two of them so that Henry can put it next to his bed
- he gets a cat after prison, it’s a tabby cat that is the light of his life, and the cat is just heavy enough that when Spencer gets it to sit on his lap that cat can be used a grounding pressure
- developed disordered eating habits that started from him always being super underweight as a child bc he couldn’t afford food and then when he got to college he started to eat properly and put on actually healthy weight but he was so adverse to change that it freaked him out
- one of the roughest days at the BAU, after all the obvious terrible times, was when Morgan and Hotch was just having a casual conversation about how they’d helped Strauss with her addiction and it just broke him. he ended up hiding under Garcia’s desk and he’d only speak to her and Emily (as the only people I think ever actually helped him) and was non verbal, once they finally got him out into the office he refused to speak to either of them and was just stimming with garcia comforting him (once he started talking again he whispered why he was so upset to emily, and she joined him in his glaring at them every time he looked at them. morgan and hotch never really worked it out and eventually reid just gave up on being upset because he knew it couldn’t change what happened)
- spencer has never walked across the stage at graduation, but that doesn’t mean he never went to a graduation. his first degree his mom promised she’d come, but ended up not leaving the house. he stood to the side of the stage in his gown trying not to cry before just going back home and having the diploma mailed to him
- he relapsed in prison. he considered his sobriety over after the events in Mexico, and so just briefly gave up when one of the inmates offered him some. as soon as Garcia came to visit him, he broke down and never did it again. he never told Morgan and so he still got a text every year on the day he first got clean, which he thought he’d absolutely hate but ended up finding comfort in because even if the “happy 12 years sobriety, kid” should have been “happy 2 years sobriety, kid”, it reminded him that he’d done it before and could do it again
- after maeve died and they came round to help him clean his apartment, he was really proud of himself for being able to put her book on the shelf and feel like he’s moving on. and then the next day he was getting ready to go to work properly for the first time and he was just getting more and more terrified and anxious and then started to spiral because the longer he panicked the later he was. and it reminded him of how scared maeve had been to come outside to meet him at the restaurant but she’d done it anyway, and he put the book in his bag and found it a lot easier to leave the house after that
- Spencer is so goddamn bitter about them not helping him get clean, and he mentions it whenever he can. In a angry-but-never-let-himself-be-angry way, he takes some justification in seeing the team squirm with guilt. one day he’s listing symptoms of withdrawal for a case, and just starts to go like “another symptom is intense muscle pain, which for me was definitely the worst” or “yeah nausea is real bad, not that you’d know I guess” like he’s exhausted and pissed off and just gives up any pretence of subtlety
- when Diana dies, the whole team rally around Reid more than he could imagine. They all organise the funeral basically for him, and Garcia constantly cooks for him, and at least one person sleeps on his sofa each night in case he needs them. By week two he’s doing okay, and he quickly realises they’re doing it for themselves more than him, because they’re so desperate to let him know how loved he is. It’s still one of the worst weeks of his life, but it’s bearable and that’s purely down to him never having to feel lonely
- there’s a reason he knew exactly what to do when he walked in on Nathan Harris, and that’s because he’s done it with his mom, except that time he was 12 and his dad had just left and he just sat there covered in blood waiting for the ambulance, and whilst promising the paramedics that his dad was on his way home so that social services wouldn’t turn up, he read countless books on medical treatment so that next time he wouldn’t be so hopeless
- I respectfully disagree with the line where he’s like “this is my first meeting” at the Beltway clean cops, I’m convinced he would drive two hours to a meeting miles away so he could truly be anonymous and sit curled up in a chair and cry in meetings without even the slightest chance of seeing someone he knew
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Where do you go?
(A/N): This is requested by an anon and based on this post.
Summary: How does Hotch’s daughter, who everyone goes to with their own problems, cope with her mother’s death two years later?
Warnings: Angst. Grief. Dealing with a loved one’s death
Wordcount: 2.2k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
“Hey (Y/N), I really need your help with Tim. Do you have a minute for me?” (Y/N) turns around to see a boy from her science class. It’s not like she knows him that much, they occasionally team up for small projects, there is nothing more behind that.
“Uh of course. I just had my last class, so I got time for you.” She smiles and lets him, Vincent is his name she thinks, rant to her about how his boyfriend doesn’t understand his needs.
This is nothing out of the ordinary for her, to be asked for advice. She simply is a good listener and gives good tips, the best even according to people close to the teenager. The problem is her limited knowledge on relationships. “Coaches don’t play”, Hotch tells her. And he intends on keeping it that way.
“That does really suck. Did you try to talk to him about it?” (Y/N) asks the boy in front of her. Suddenly he bursts into tears, describing how he only sees breaking up as a solution. She awkwardly pats his back and says encouraging words to him. That he will make the right decision, that he shouldn’t rush it and that he has to take his time.
After Vincent, or is it Gordon, calms down he looks up at the girl. “Thank you for listening. You were a great help, (Y/N).” He hugs her and leaves.
As she looks over the parking lot she spots her father’s car. Excitedly (Y/N) walks over and gets onto the passenger seat. “Hey, I didn’t know you pick me up today”, she greets him.
“We finished the case early and I was on the way home and thought giving you a lift wouldn’t hurt. Who was that boy? Is there something I should know?” Hotch looks at her from the side. But his daughter shakes her head. “Don’t worry, he is gay. He just needed a shoulder to cry on about his ruined relationship.”
“You do know you are not the school’s therapist, don’t you? At this point your classmates should pay you.” He tries to joke about it, but as a father he is worried. Since Haley died, (Y/N) took it upon her to make sure everybody is happy, no matter at what costs.
“I know, Dad. I’m fine and Alex feels better.”
A few days later (Y/N) sits in JJ’s living room, watching the mother go from one place to the next. “Food is in the fridge, so help yourself. Henry’s bedtime is in half an hour, please make sure he goes to sleep by then. He should be easy to put down, Will made sure to tire him out earlier. All important numbers are on the fridge. Feel free to watch anything on the TV.”
The teenager volunteered to babysit Henry, giving his parents a child free evening. “Thank you, JJ. We will rock this, don’t we?” She looks down to the boy on her lap, who nods his head.
“Good. Behave for (Y/N), ok?” The mother gives her son a kiss on the head. After Will’s goodbye the couple is gone.
“Ok, how about we get real comfy on your bed and I read you a story?” Henry nods again. He takes (Y/N) by her hand to his room. As suggested they lay down on his bed.
“Which one do you want me to read to you?” But the boy looks unsure all of a sudden. “Can we just talk?” Surprised the teenager nods. “Whatever you like, champ.”
“Uh okay, do you know Mommy is a bit… much? She is like there and the next second she is here and then she isn’t here for days. I- this is sooo annoying”, Henry rants to her. He is only three, so it is kept rather simple.
“Oh man, she must be a handful, champ. But you have to keep in mind that she really loves you and in the end this is the only thing that matters. Do you love her, too?” It hurts her to talk about a mother’s love, since her own passed away over two years ago. (Y/N) still misses her. She is sure it will never go away.
“Of course I love her.” Sleepily Henry cuddles closer to (Y/N), holding his plush toy near him. After that, he falls asleep safe and sound. The teenager waits for a bit, watching him scrunching up his nose every few minutes.
The next day at the BAU a knock is heard on the Unit Chief’s door. “Come in!”
“Hey Dad, I thought a little visit wont hurt”, the daughter enters the room. Automatically a smile appears on Hotch’s face. “Also, I thought a little help from Spencer wont hurt, too”, she adds with a laugh. “Last time I checked he was in Garcia’s lair. You might have a shot finding him there”, he tips her off.
“Thank you Dad, you are the best!” Not long after this she steps into the Technical Analyst’s office and is immediately greeted by the preppy woman being anything but preppy.
“What in heaven’s name do they think I am, do you know it (Y/N)? They want me to work faster and more efficiently and expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows while looking at the most gruesome pictures ever taken on a daily basis! Un-be-lie-va-ble!” The blonde walks back and forth, gesticulating wildly.
The teenager takes her hands in an attempt to calm her down. “Sit down and tell me from the beginning what you are talking about.” This ends in Penelope raging about some superiors for an hour. When she finally calms down, it is like she wakes up. “Oh my, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to load all that up on you. You don’t need that in addition to-” She suddenly cuts herself off.
“I’m fine, really. It’ll be like any other day.” The smile the girl struggles to put on looks pained. “My sweet sweet summer child, the second anniversary of your mother’s death is not like any other day. You are still allowed to grief, you know that, right?” Penelope hugs (Y/N), cradling her close to her chest.
“I know, Penny. Thank you for reminding me. But I have to go, I need Spencer’s help with my chemistry assignment. You know, gotta keep those grades up.” With that she makes a beeline for the bullpen, leaving a stunned Technical Analyst by herself.
Since Foyet Hotch worries about his daughter. He learned many things about her coping mechanisms in the last two years: She tries to do it on her own.
In times like this the similarity between him and (Y/N) frustrates him. Aaron also tends to deal with his emotions alone, in the safe space of his own four walls. With all of his qualifications he knows it’s not healthy and he slowly learns to let his feelings loose around people he trusts, typically his team.
The difference between (Y/N) and Hotch is that he knows when he reaches his breaking point and she doesn’t about hers. So in a situation like right now being a profiler comes in handy with the job as a father.
It’s the day. The second anniversary of a mother’s death.
Hotch already planned the whole day for his two kids. At first he wakes both of them up, a luxus he seldom is able to indulge. But for today he has called into work saying he won't be coming any time before ten.
The mood around the house is suffocating. Even the little boy notices the heaviness of the day and its meaning.
“Are you ready, (Y/N)? I’m gonna drop you and Jack off at school!” Aaron shouts standing at the foot of the stairs. “I’m coming!” The answer is heard faintly.
Not long after this the Hotchner Household is on their way to the youngest’s elementary school. “Behave and remember: If you don’t feel fine it’s okay. Just tell your teachers and they will call me and I will get you, do you understand?” The father looks at his son with a certain seriousness. “Understood”, the blonde boy confirms and gives him a hug.
When he is back onto the driver’s seat, (Y/N) speaks up. “I don’t feel good about letting him to school today. What if he suddenly gets overwhelmed? I don’t think his teachers are able to calm him down.” Hotch gives his daughter a glance from the side. Jack never showed any signs of what she just described.
“They know to call me. I also told him it's all right to let them call me. He is in good hands.” It’s quiet for the next few minutes. “Dad, this is not the way to school”, the teenager tries to alert her father.
“I know. You won’t go today. I called you in sick when you were in the bathroom. I got the day planned, be ready to be surprised.”
The first thing they do is having breakfast in a little niché café. They once visited it regularly with Haley, way long before Jack was born. The two of them sit down at a booth in the corner.
“What can I get you two sweeties?” A waitress asks, her notebook ready in her hands. While the father orders their usuals, (Y/N) lets her eyes wander. So many memories at once crash onto her.
“Do you remember this one waiter, who always got you a hot cup of chocolate for free?” Aaron says after noticing her sad look. The girl begins to smile through the tears forming in her eyes. “Of course. Mom always got nearly a heart attack seeing me down it like it’s juice. I-” Her voice breaks. The tears fall down and make their way over her cheeks.
“It’s ok, you don’t have to say anything. I’m here. For anything you want or need me. Because nobody expects you to be alright, especially on this day.” He takes her hand and looks her in the eyes. (Y/N) nods, leaning against her father’s shoulder. He puts an arm on her, keeping her closer.
“I know. It’s just- It still hurts. So so badly. I feel like she still is here, but that’s just not true and that hurts me more.” Silently Hotch motions the waitress to make the order to go, while rubbing his child’s arm. Because that’s what she still is, a child.
A child that went through much, especially for her age. When (Y/N) calms down a little, they make their way back to the car.
“I thought we are going to the BAU to distract you for a while. But I can call the team and tell them we are going to do a SPA day at home or something. What do you want?”
“Can we go to them? And maybe leave earlier to do face masks at home before picking Jack up?” There is no way the father can say no to her puppy dog eyes. “Of course, Honey. Anything you want.”
As soon as the doors of the elevator open to floor six of the FBI building in Quantico, Penelope Garcia embraces (Y/N) in a big bear hug. “My sweet sweet summer child. You are so strong, I admire you. We are so happy to have you here” she whispers into the teenager's ear. “Thank you, Penny. Thank you so much.”
Over the course of the next few hours (Y/N) visits everyone’s desk. At first she goes into the lair, where mountains of cookies wait for her. Then she sits at Spencer’s desk, listening to cute facts about sloths. But Emily is quick to steal her from the genius, bribing the girl with new pictures of Sergio. Derek takes the teen from there, pushing her through the office on a desk chair with wheels. Her father is able to hear her laughs in his office, which puts a small smile on his face.
After that (Y/N) goes to JJ, who has a drawn picture from Henry for her. “Will had to write ‘best babysitter ever’ for him”, the blonde explains, pointing at the picture. The girl smiles. “Woah, I think you got a little Picasso at home. Tell him I love it.”
Her last stop is Rossi’s office. The older man looks at her with a fond smile. “Do you know that I see so much of your father and mother in you?” Confused, she glances at him.
“You are as stoic as Aaron. You are determined. But you are also caring and loving, like Haley. You are a perfect combination of both of them. Just keep that in your mind.”
As mysterious as this seems, it somehow makes (Y/N) happy. Happy to know a part of her mother is always with her.
Soon the little family departes for their home. Not long after they bid their goodbyes, Penelope receives a picture of the Unit Chief and the teenager with pink glitter masks. The father is willing to do anything to make her smile, even when this means he gets a basket of various masks the next day for teasingly reasons.
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saturnsummer · 3 years
flutter and kicks
notes: from lay's @/__ryubeom tweet + a pregnant solhwi anon ask. in headcanon form since it's more spontaneous! 
hello tumblr fam! i know, it’s been long... but ficfest and all has kept me kinda busy. a little different this time! a headcanon after a long time, since it’s more fun and easy on the eyes!
extra notes: drumstick reference to hospital playlist episode 4! a little reference to @scripturiends twitter au “dynasty” at the end. have fun! as usual, grammar mistakes by me!
attorney sol and prosecutor joon hwi have been married for a couple years, now well into their early thirties.
sol and joon hwi always take walks in the parks and wondered what it would be like if they had their own.
sol was initially hesitant, with her experience of broken families and having no dad figure. what makes her think her child could grow up in a loving family, if she didn't have one she could be a role model or look up to?
but joon hwi had it worse, having been an orphan from young, and raised by his uncle, his cousins, aunts and relatives ostracising him. yet, he still believed in the happy family he always wanted with sol.
he dreamt of kissing his kids good morning, sending them to school before going to work and sending his wife to work. on nights, they would work on their kid's homework together in fun ways and tuck them in bed after bedtime stories. they would spend the weekends at parks, meeting with seungjae's kid, and the children of their friends.
sol came round eventually, seeing how joon hwi never stopped believing. this time, it was different. joon hwi is not her father, nor is he her step father. he is han joon hwi, the man that saved her lives multiple times. han joon hwi, the man that stood by her when lee man ho was her biggest threat to her family. han joon hwi, the man who loves her, despite being a klutz in school.
he is han joon hwi, the man that loves her for every imperfection and perfection she has.
sol and joon hwi start trying for a baby, which is especially timely when kang sol's mom asks when is she gonna have a grandchild to hold and byeol pipes up saying she would love to have a brother as opposed to sister. (15 years with sisters have made her wonder what it would be to have a little baby boy in the house instead.)
a few weeks after their first time trying passes and sol has been feeling more tired. she's been busy with case after case at kang and park, so she doesn't think much.
only when she misses her period, she freezes. as stressed as she was, even in law school, she has never missed her period or was late. with shaky breaths, she wonders at the slightest chance of having a little life grow in her, as her hand unconsciously travels to her stomach.
sol is excited, but nervous at the thought that maybe nine to ten months later, she would have a child she can call her own in her arms.
over the weekend, sol raised this to joon hwi. joon hwi stops everything and even though he is beyond excited, he stays calm looking at how nervous sol is. together, they go out to get two pregnancy tests, where sol takes it.
the ten minutes of waiting were a complete torture for sol, as she paces back and forth.
"sol, stop pacing. you're going to burn a hole in our floor."
"joon! what- what if it really happens? i'm not ready! how are we ready? you just started your career in the prosecutor office, and i'm buried under cases! i can barely take care of my mom and byeol and myself, what about the child? oh no, what if i'm a bad mom?"
"honey, sit down. look, we'll get through this together okay? no one is ever ready for their first kid. remember seungjae-hyung? he freaked out the day juyeon-noona went into labour and he's a doctor! it's okay, just calm down, alright? do you want warm water?"
when the timer rings, they look at both the tests, showing the double lines indicating a positive test.
sol was pregnant. sol was going to be a mother. joon hwi was going to be a father. their family was starting.
shaking, sol finally let her emotions hit as her tears fall. she was so caught up worrying about herself, life, her work, family; she hadn't had time to process her own feelings on her own. she wanted the feeling of joy of holding her child. she wanted to know what it was like to share a mother's bond with a child.
joon hwi, looking at his wife, only hugged her as she teared up in happiness. his dream of having a family is finally coming. even better, his best friend, his biggest cheerleader, was next to him.
"what are you crying about? you should be happy!"
"j-joon h-hwi ah... we're going to be parents.."
but their journey was far from over. they booked an appointment with juyeon and made juyeon stay quiet about this. seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeats of their unborn child was enough to move sol to another round of sobs and joon hwi held his wife's hand while the tears ran down his face. together, they smiled, knowing that a life was born and growing.
all could have been hidden, but seungjae walked in that moment, asking if his wife wanted to join for lunch. sol and joon hwi were prepared to lie, but having a printed ultrasound scan in their hands, and the fact that they were in juyeon's clinic, a OB-GYN clinic, confirmed suspicions.
"juyeonnie, do you want to go for— joon...hwi?"
"ah, congratulations sol. congratulations joon hwi." seungjae only smiled looking at the best people he knew become parents. he recognised the pride in joonhwi's eyes, the same eyes he had when juyeon told him they were expecting.
the new parents smiled at their brotherly figure as they wished them a good lunch.
but out from the corner, yeseul spotted joonhwi and sol as she walked into the clinic and she locked eyes with sol. sol slams the door shut and drags joon hwi back and groans, letting a defeated whine.
"sol-ah, what's wrong?"
"yeseul is here! she's probably here for a regular check up, the one she told me about last month!"
and with that, their phones started beeping with countless notifications.
yeseul could put two and two together, especially when it wasn't just sol, but joon hwi in the clinic as well. she texted her boyfriend, bokgi, who spat out his soup when he was eating with yebeom, who sent a string of messages to the group chat.
when sol opens the door again, yeseul only gives a sheepish smile.
"yeseul ah..." sol sighs and joon hwi only smiles, too happy to hide this secret.
"sorry unnie, i can't miss the moment. congrats unnie, oppa! hello, seungjae-oppa, juyeon-unnie!"
"thank you, yeseul. we'll see you next week, as usual?"
behind them, seungjae grumpily argues with his wife.
"why are my ex-classmates seeing you more than i do? i literally work, like, five blocks down at the police station! they live all over seoul!"
"honey, let me see yeseul first, okay? then let's go get lunch. i heard they are serving drumsticks in the canteen today.”
pregnancy wasn't easy for sol. she insisted on working, despite attorney park's orders to take on lesser cases in court. sol couldn't find it in her heart to reject her clients.
yeseul, working closer to sol, would lunch with her to make sure she eats for the sake of her baby. joon hwi did his best to join, despite sol's arguments to not bother and that she can care for herself.
her morning sickness was bad, and she would wake up giddy and nauseous. many times, joon hwi wanted to call jiho to ask him to cover him, but sol would not let him do it. she'll pull herself together and go to work, and promise to take work lightly.
on days she couldn't get out of bed and she was too tired, her mother would come over and cook her nutritious soups, stock their fridge with vitamins and supplements and tonics for sol.
sol's cravings were also odd. she was never one to like sweets, but she found herself craving sugary cakes, cookies and pastries. joon hwi made it a point to stock their cabinets with cookies and buy a cake whenever he could for his wife.
joon hwi was honestly the best husband anyone could ask for. he helped to tidy the house, clean the house while sol was resting. he made soups and tucked sol in bed on her down days.
sol felt bad that she was being cared for and doing nothing in return, but joon hwi would always remind her that she was already doing the most important job, which is to literally grow their kid inside her.
many nights before bed, they would sit together and their hands would rest on her stomach, as they whisper sweet things to their to-be child.
when sol first felt the kick of her child with joon, they smiled so wide, all exhaustion from reports and arguments in their offices were gone. all that mattered was their child responding.
yeseul was beyond excited, as she helped sol with getting furniture and clothes. the study group came together to help them set up a new cot in their small apartment, as the ladies sat while looking at the men, fixing a cot with much difficulty.
aunty yeseul was the first to buy a stuffed bunny for her unborn child, and sol b, even though she was usually cold, offered to babysit in the future.
eventually, attorney park made sol work at home instead of going to the office. she argued that professor kim eunsook was able to teach while pregnant, but attorney park only said "yang jonghoon's orders" and it was enough to shut her up from any complaints.
of course, professor yang. the only person attorney park really is afraid of and listens to.
when they found out that sol was having a boy, joon hwi was lost in thoughts, wondering if he will grow to be like himself. but sol only placed a hand over his and gave a comforting smile.
"remember what you said at the beginning? whatever it is, he will be of the next generation. from him, it will be different."
they then would discuss how they wanted joon hwi's dimples, sol's twinkling eyes and cheekbones and joon hwi's charming smile.
closer to the due date, jiho stepped in to cover for joon hwi as he started to work half days, afraid of leaving his wife at home. sol, now heavily pregnant, really only commuted to the bed from the bathroom and then to the table, where she would spend most of her time reading or doing something relaxing.
yeseul made sol put her on speed dial with sol b, just in case, and so they would be the first to know too.
the morning came when sol woke up to a wet bed and shook joon hwi awake when the contractions kicked in. joon hwi snapped out, grabbed their hospital bag and guided sol to the car where both of them spent the next day in the hospital as sol went through nine hours of labour pains, and another two hours pushing her baby boy.
joon hwi never left once, standing by her side and holding her hand as she pushed her baby out, wiping away the sweat from her face.
when the time came for him to be held in his mother's arms, sol only smiled, knowing that as tough as the past ten months of working, no caffeine and staying up late nights was, it was all worth it for the little life in her arms.
as his son's hand grabbed onto joon hwi's finger, joon hwi made a promise to love this child unconditionally, to guide him in the right direction and bring him up well. sol was right. from him onwards, it will be different.
welcome to the world, seungjun.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
Tumblr media
Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings/tags: heart warming fluff, language, and suggestive themes
Word count: 2.5k
In which your boyfriend takes it upon himself to pamper you on his day off.
Author’s note: some self indulgent fluff. this is a continuation of dad!bakugou and torch daughter. there will be more. enjoy :)
D/N= daughters name
Katsuki heavily relied on you to babysit your rambunctious four year old daughter during the days when he'd be on patrol from dusk till dawn. Very rarely would he be home before the two of you tucked yourselves in for the night, leaving him to eat the leftovers from dinner alone at the table. As sad as it is, it didn't bother you in the slightest. In fact, knowing Katsuki was keeping the crime rate of Japan low, you were more than happy to become a stay at home mom. Most of your friends tried to talk you out of it, but you were already settled after giving your two weeks notice at your low paying job. Waking up and seeing your daughter first thing in the morning is better than staring blankly at a bright screen all day behind a musty wall, running on nothing but decaf coffee, and sluggishly going to and fro like a zombie.
Ever since your daughter manifested her quirk, you’ve been trying your best to maintain her sudden outbursts while at home. The doctor prescribed it as Torch: the ability to become a human torch and ignite flames throughout your body and fingertips. For now d/n is only capable of setting herself on fire, using the flames as a barrier to protect her from any harm instead of combating. However, sometimes she'll forget to extinguish herself, having you to manually use an actual fire extinguisher on her. Burn marks would litter the outskirts of your shirts, the aftermath ash smudged on your face, and the tiny hairs on your forearms long gone after handling d/n.
Your boyfriend appreciates the way how you compose yourself around d/n, not allowing the temptation to fling the little gremlin out the window prevail, because if the roles were reversed it'd be a whole different story. Sometimes he sits back in his desk chair, after a long night of meandering around the city, and tries to remember the last time you were properly treated. Of course, Katsuki never fails to remind you day and night he loves you through his actions, some including selfish indulgence late at nights, but all in all he didn't lack being the hopeless romantic counterpart for you. He wanted you to take a break from it all, have him handle the at home duties and the slimy daughter. Leaning back against the chair with his brows furrowed slightly, he began to mentally plan out your day already.
It was a Friday when Katsuki forced himself out of the comfortable security that is your arms and walked with light feet to his daughters bedroom. Today is his day off, so he has to make sure everything goes smoothly or else he's going to have more burn marks on his office desk.
He didn't bother knocking first and saunters in the familiar space, the faint snores from d/n somehow relaxing him. Her walls were freshly painted a light shade of blue, the contrast not too saturated to peel the attention away from her posters that covered every inch of her room, all of which were pictures of his prohero colleagues. D/N had to beg for her father to purchase a Deku poster, one of which she saw don display when the both of you brought her to the mall for a quick trip. He internally cringes every time he makes eye contact with the lifeless eyes of Deku when he enters her room.
Katsuki neared his daughter and kneeled down to where his head was leveled with hers, chuckling lightly when finding a small pool of drool collecting on her cheek.
"Wake up little shit," he whispers, nudging her uncovered shoulder with his knuckles, startling her eyes to flutter open. D/n nearly gasped at the sight of her father. The covers that were wrapped snuggly around her fell at the foot of her bed when she jolted up in surprise, eyes brimming with excitement.
"It's today right? Mommy's day!" Katsuki covered her mouth with his abnormally large hand, not wanting her obnoxious voice to blow their cover.
"Yes, but you're gonna have to be quiet for daddy. Don't want to spoil the surprise for mommy, you understand ya little brat?"
Hand still attached to her mouth, d/n nodded her head feverishly, hands clenched into tiny fits. Once he thinks she's shimmered down a little, he finally removes his hand and motions her to follow him.
Meanwhile in the other room, you were still fast asleep, limbs not once switching from their position over the cozy blanket. The chill breeze from the propped window regulated your body temperature nicely, along with the beautiful songs sung by the birds that reside in the trees close by. You stirred awake momentarily, feeling the loss of a presence that's usually laying beside you during these times of slumber. Katsuki's side was empty, the indent from his body molded onto the foam mattress, leaving you to believe he woke up not that long ago.
After convincing yourself to leave the comfort of your bed, you decided to search for the missing blonde. You crack open the door to a weird combination of radio music blaring throughout the house, and the delicious smell of something cooking in grease. It's no doubt your boyfriends doing. He always likes to impress you with how skillful he is in the kitchen. He hasn't made a dish you disliked yet nor will he allow himself to do so.
Standing side by side, minus the height difference, d/n and Katsuki both were too immersed in their cooking to notice you leaning against the island counter, trying very hard to not cry instantly at the sight in front of you. Watching them interact together was definitely something you'd be treasuring for the years to come.
A rush of savory and sweetness infiltrated your senses, the scent strong enough to knock you back to sleep. As if he read your mind overnight, Katsuki took it upon himself to prepare your favorite breakfast dishes. The dinner table made for three already set by none other than d/n, who currently looked proud at her work and craftsmanship. A large vase was propped in the center, a collection of vibrant flowers stuffed to the brim, the water inside almost overflowing. Attached to one of the stems of the flowers was a tag, the handwriting sloppy and hard to decipher.
To my dumbass, love ya - K.B
You felt the delicate touch of your daughter wrapping her hand around yours, giving it a slight tug before pulling you into the kitchen again. Katsuki flicked his gaze to you now, flashing the same mischievous grin you grew to love. his hands simultaneously worked on the food while taming the animal, that is indeed your daughter, from bumping into the pan handles.
"What's all this for?" You asked, the question directly appointed to both your boyfriend and daughter.
"Oh, so I can't treat my sexy girlfriend to a good meal?" he teased while setting the burners to low, letting the food cool off before plating it. Your daughter audibly gagged at the comment and swatted Katsuki's arm.
D/N's tiny legs were faster than yours and reached the cabinet where the plates and cutlery were stored at. To her dismay, the cabinet was higher than she anticipated. trying her best to waiver down the disappointment as she climbed on the sleek marble counter top, losing her footing here and there. Katsuki caught her in time before she misplaced her footing and almost toppled onto the floor.
"May I need to remind you not to climb on the damn counter tops anymore d/n?" he scolded as he put her down before grabbing enough plates for everyone.
Pursing her lips tightly, she crossed her arms and said, "But if I'm going to be a future hero then I have to battle my way through tough obstacles!"
U.A's immense training and work studies came in handy when dealing with d/n's hard headed ideologies. It's been a stressful reoccurrence, having to constantly teach her the importance of being a hero at such a young age. Her impulsive tendencies mirrored the blondes old habit of taking action before thinking. But there was always a saying when storing away your fear and facing danger head on.
"That's true, but sometimes a little teamwork wouldn't hurt. Your father should know a thing or two about that when he was a young U.A student," you said as you patted her head.
"What'd you say shitty woman? Talking crap so early in the morning already?" a strange popping sound alerted you to turn around, only to find Katsuki flaring his flashy quirk with a glare that could splice you open.
But his alarming gaze wasn't the thing that was scaring you at the moment.
You thought the smorgasbord of a breakfast was the last of your boyfriends romantic gestures, but you should've known better once he demanded you to change out of your sleep attire and into something to  wear outside. Not thinking twice about where he was dragging you to, including daughter, you decided to play it safe. He approved on your choice of ripped jeans, synthetic tank top, and thrown on cardigan once heading off to the car.
The car ride to the mysterious destination was short lived as your boyfriend pulled up into the driveway of his old house. Mitsuki stood waiting by the threshold of the doorway, waving her fingers sweetly to whom you can only assume was you and not her only son. She stepped off the porch once Katsuki shifted the car in park, unlocking the doors as well. His mother reached the side where d/n stayed strapped in her seat and yanked the door open.
"Ah my little princess! How have you been? I missed you so much!" She unbuckled d/n's seat belt and flattened her in a tight hug, squeezing till her eyes popped out. "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you baby girl! Are you excited to have a little fun with grandma?!"
"Calm the fuck down, you're gonna kill her if you keep squeezing!" Katsuki's voice boomed out of the window.
"Oh pipe down you little shit I'm not harming her! Also don't talk to me like that! You're old enough to treat me with some respect by now!"
After the heated exchange, Katsuki eventually calmed down and drove the two of you back to the house in complete silence. It was quite a shift in a sense of environment wise. By now d/n would be begging you to make her some pudding or pour her a cup of lemonade, then place yourselves in front of the tv watching a random kids program till evening. Tonight you lend the torch to your boyfriend, allowing whatever devious plan he conjured up to unfold.
Before you could shuffle into your shared bedroom, Katsuki placed his calloused hands onto your cramped shoulders. Merely centimeters from your ear, he laid a chaste kiss on the area beneath it, smiling at your innocent reaction to his sudden actions and nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You smelt the familiar scent of caramel and men’s soap, both of which you undoubtably loved when combined.
“Suki?” Upon hearing his nickname, Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at you. “What’s with all the romantic gestures lately? Cooking my favorite breakfast, the flowers, and our daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love her! It’s just nice not to worry about if she’ll set the curtains on fire again.”
You felt the vibrations of him chuckling behind you.
“Isn’t it obvious? I just want to fuck the shit out of you,” you sat paralyzed by his bluntness. his tuft hair tickled the underside of your chin, earning him an acute giggle from you. “I’m just kidding, pretty face. I figured you needed a weekend where you just relax and did nothing. Let me do all the work. That’s including getting rid of the brat.”
Shifting in his arms to where you can face him, you can now see the adoration oozing from usual heated glare of his vermillion eyes, the scowl long gone and replaced with a soften feature not so many from the outside can witness. To think this was the man you devoted yourself and love for, to allow him to bare witness anything and everything you endure. He’s a man of showing his compassion through his actions, not lousy words of affirmations that anyone could sputter out and proclaim its love. No, he reflects back everything right with the world, even when you felt the weight of it searing through your system, dragging it down with you. The same explosive blonde awaits patiently by the opening for you to enter, no matter how long it’ll take for you to accept his love. Because he’ll be there. Waiting.
And here he is waiting. In your arms to repeat those three words you made out from watching the movement of his lips.
The words leave your mouth effortlessly, the proclamation hanging in the air between you two.
“I love you too, Katsuki. Thank you so much, for everything.” Like so, you kiss the plump flesh of his lips, the same inflammation of your heart burning as before. The strong muscle of his tongue prods your entrance, practically begging by licking your bottom lip. Katsuki grabbed your chin as gentle as he could muster, titling it for a better leverage to explore your mouth in return. Your hands trailed across the defining shape of his collarbones, rubbing any part of his body so that your fingers remained busy. Both of you hum in satisfaction, relishing in the feeling of the intimate moment. To your disliking, he removes his lips from yours and hovers instead, panting from the mini-make out session seconds ago.
“I’m going to marry you some day, mark my words. So don’t act fucking stupid when I pop the question,” he hotly proclaims, not once removing those piercing red eyes from yours. That’s when you knew he wasn’t bullshitting. If there’s one thing you learned about Katsuki over the years of dating, is that he doesn’t throw out promises in the air nonchalantly without keeping them. You can vaguely hear the ominous sound of wedding bells in your ears.
“Sounds intriguing. I always wanted to see you in a suit and tie.”
“Ya know, maybe someday might be tomorrow-.”
You cut him off with a scorching peck, making his eyes widen and dilate with every given second you laid your lips onto his. “Shut up babe and ravish me already.”
A mischievous grin forms on his mouth as he links his arms around the back of your knees and hoists you over his shoulder. He erupted into fits of laughter after hearing you squeak from the abruptness. The door to your shared bedroom came into view, your boyfriend kicking it with his free foot before entering through the threshold.
“You’re in for a long night sweetheart. Now that our daughter isn’t here, I’m not holding back on anything,” he threatens as he lays you down on the comforter.
Another thing you learned from your relationship. Katsuki is always true to his word.
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anxious-ace · 3 years
Some Thomas-Wright family shit:
Brian cooks a lot but will order food if tired, Tim just orders food because he is usually too tired/depressed to function
Toby, Kate and Kenny are usually the ones babysitting Kai and Abby
I have said that Christian gets his blonde hair from his granddad, but he gets his skin tone from Brian (Christian's is lighter) and his eye color from Tim
Kai got her hair color from Tim and her eye color from Brian
Christian and Kai could be considered mixed-race because Brian is half Native American
So they're mostly white with some Native genes
Brian is a human heat lamp while Tim gets cold easily so they're usually found cuddling
The room arrangement is this:
Tim and Brian share a room and a king/queen sized bed, Kai sleeps in their room in either a toddler bed or a twin bed (or in their bed after she has a nightmare)
Toby and Christian share a room with separate beds
Kate and Abby share a room with separate beds
Kenny and Karen share a room with separate beds
Kai is autistic and has separation anxiety so she is usually held by either Tim or Brian
They live in a manor type deal (near what I like to call the pasta manor) but smaller than the pasta manor
There are two bathrooms on each floor so like 4 bathrooms
The house has an attic and a basement but they don't have bathrooms
They will just find raccoons in there and Tim will just freak the fuck out because rakounphobia
Kate is usually lending them money because she comes from a rich family
Kenny and Toby will just end up wrestling, it's not that they hate each other or have a bad relationship it's just that they like to fight
Roco will be chilling and Kai would be like, "KITTY!"
Roco and Cecile have pet beds in Tim and Brian's room
Toby and Kenny will just bring home random animals (Mr. Possy being a prime example)
The woods they live in has surprisingly good service/wifi/internet
The county had to direct plumbing, heat, electricity etc. to the house by putting it through the woods
Kenny will just give Toby piggyback rides
He also makes fun Kate and Toby for being younger and shorter
Here are everyone's birthdays:
Tim- November 14th
Brian- June 17th
Kenny- March 22nd
Toby- April 28th
Kate- July 4th
Christian- August 15th
Karen- September 2nd
Abby- June 26th
Roco- January 20th
Cecile- April 5th
Kai- December 13th
Cyrille was a gift from Tim's mom when she found out he was pregnant with Kai
(Yes Tim can get pregnant don't judge)
Ok but Christian and Kai finding out that biological baby #3 and #4 are on the way while the chaotic smart-assestm are filming for ghost handbook though
Tim called Brian while he was at work, just crying his eyes out, while Brian was doing an ultrasound
Brian was freaking out because he thought something happened like he was injured or something
(He's his nurse husband of course he's worried)
Tim's probably anemic from periods and pregnancy, and injuries
It's probably why he gets cold and sick easily
Kate and Kenny are anorexic (Kate from abuse, Kenny from childhood poverty)
I feel like there should be a theory/headcannon that Slenderman is a manifestation of fears or some shit
Like for all we know, the reason Slenderman showed up in marble hornets was because of Tim's involvement, but what about the other series (mostly the ones Tim's not in)? I guess it's like "if you know about them, they'll go after you" but I don't know
Slenderman did leave Tim alone for a while but since Phantom Productions got him involved in ghost handbook, he's back to square one
The chaotic smart-asses will just send Tim and Brian some of the entries
Tim and Brian will just sit on the couch and watch their entries, and the behind the scenes, to see if they're ok
Abby and Karen like to hang out together
Abby is Kate's 6 year old cousin from the Hartley side of the family
Kate's mom has two brothers who are twins, Gavin (who is Abby, Sam and Ian's dad) and Johnathan (who is Juliette, Margot and Max's dad)
Tim is really self-conscious about being a werewolf
The week of a full moon is basically like a period but without the blood, if he’s already on it, it's even worse.
Mans ate people at some point
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